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Wings Over Scotland

The Next Government Of Scotland

Posted on June 09, 2023 by

Is pictured below.

We’re putting it here for the record.

And if you think that’s absurd, that we’re just exaggerating for clicks, no problem – just tell us which of the bits below you disagree with us about.

(1) There is zero credible chance of a pro-indy majority at the next Holyrood election. All the polls now show the SNP and Greens falling well short of the 65 seats needed, and SNP support in particular is only heading in one direction.

(2) Scottish Labour, however, still remain too feeble and brainless to have any genuine expectation of forming a government either on their own or with the Lib Dems. (We certainly wouldn’t ideologically rule out the idea of them making a coalition with the Greens, but again the arithmetic is unlikely to work.)

If they had even a sliver of wit or ability they’d have been at least 10 points ahead of the self-destructing SNP by now, but they don’t and they’re not and they’re probably now pretty close to the ceiling of their support, just like the Tories were under Ruth Davidson, for as long as they remain completely implacable on the constitution.

(3) So the next Holyrood election will produce a hung Parliament – which is what ALL Holyrood elections were designed to do, and all but one of them have – but this will be a properly hung one, in which no combination of a large party and a small party will be enough to get over the line.

(4) From 2007 to 2011 Alex Salmond’s administration made minority government work, against all expectations, because in those years SNP members and voters were just so thrilled to be in government, and the numbers were so unfavourable – just 50 indy MSPs in total, against 79 Unionists – that they willingly accepted the realpolitik and the necessary compromises that had to occasionally be made to get budgets passed.

But the “progressive” extremists now in control at all levels of the party would be unable to countenance such ad-hoc deals with the Tories now, and that only leaves one relatively palatable option – Scottish Labour.

(5) Unless they did some kind of deal with Labour, the new government wouldn’t be able to pass a single piece of legislation or survive a vote of no confidence. Salmond’s administration, by governing well and steadily growing in popularity, simply didn’t give the Unionists an opportunity to force a VoNC that would have turned out well for them at an election (as 2011 eventually proved).

But that is no longer true. The Unionist parties would have nothing to fear from another election. The SNP’s support is now extremely grudging even from many of its own voters.

(6) Labour’s bargaining position will therefore be strong. (It’s far from inconceivable that by 2026 they could even be the largest party.) And we know how weak the SNP’s is because the Greens have managed to push it around for the last two years with just eight MSPs, so imagine what Labour could do to it with 40.

So the most likely outcome – indeed, perhaps the only genuinely plausible one – is a formal coalition with one of the leaders as FM and the other as Deputy FM. (At this stage we wouldn’t like to say which way round.) And of course, the price of the deal would be that there would be no talk of independence until at least 2031.

(Both leaders could sell it to their members as an undesirable but unavoidable situation, as an “anti-Tory” pact between two centre-left parties and an example of the grown-up co-operation and consensus Holyrood was always theoretically supposed to be about. With neither able to form a viable administration any other way, they can throw up their hands and say “What else can we do?”, and not even be lying.)

For months now the SNP’s actions have been aimed at softening up its members and voters for that day, and at frantically trying to kick any action on independence into the long grass until that election comes around. And they’re declaring those intentions more and more openly all the time, to anyone willing to actually listen to the words.

To coin a phrase, far more unites Humza Yousaf and his fellow Hutchesons’ Grammar School old boy Anas Sarwar than divides them. Both are third-rate politicians whose principles shift from day to day according to what’s most likely to secure them power and whose middle-class privilege and slick presentational skills (as well as playing the minority card from time to time) have helped them acquire it.

Frankly we don’t think either man would even be all that bothered who was FM and who was DFM. Both would be firmly ensconced on the gravy train and Yousaf – who’s already having a very uncomfortable time in Bute House that’s only likely to get worse in the next three years – would probably be happy by then to slip into the background of the media spotlight. Either way round it’d be a symbiotic relationship for both.

Maybe we’re wrong, of course. Maybe two weeks from now Humza Yousaf is going to stand up in front of the SNP special conference and endorse a barnstorming pro-active plan for Scotland to be independent before that election comes around.

But as ever, we’re willing to take anyone’s bets that he won’t. So start getting used to that image at the top of this article, because we’re pretty sure that it’s a picture of the future, and we don’t just mean the future of women’s rights.

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Anton Decadent

They’ll certainly decolonise the country, public sector and job market.

Cameron Lochiel

The triumph of mediocrity

Monica Worley

The only thing that can stop this is for Alba and ISP to get one candidate up in each constituencies/lists. The latest poll showed people aren’t leaving SNP and voting Labour – they’re leaving SNP and going to ‘don’t know’. Give them a place to go and they will. I hope to goodness they will.

Fraser Reid

What about a deal with ALBA actually happenng? SNP1/ALBA2 ? This would be the only Rational way to solving this shitshow.


This may be deranged paranoia on my part but… Do you think either (maybe both) would have a go as a minority government/administration and “prove” Scotland hasn’t the talent to self-govern thereby emboldening Westminster to euthanise Holyrood?


Actually, forget that, in UK terms a neutered Holyrood is preferable to a Westminster where a majority of Scottish MPs would be the get-out card Scotland needs.


Oh for an honest politician with the political wisdom and astuteness of Alex Salmond (of whom I’m not a particular personal fan) of this current generation to genuinely address the issues of restoring a viable Scotland within the powers available to the present devolved administration.
And no, A Scot Abroad, this pensioner doesn’t accept your premise that it will take 15 years to get rid of the present SNP political careerists. It seems to me that public disgust with and alienation from the SNP will ensure their dramatic exit from power in a far shorter time.
There has never been a better opportunity since 2014, I believe, for a leader who is focussed on restoring the type of balanced governance we experienced 2007-2014 to gain fairly widespread electoral support of the type required to persuade Scots to accept that this nation have no shortage of opportunity to thrive with the resources we presently have.
What I doubt is particularly productive is just to dismiss any unionist as ‘servile’, ‘sold out’ or similar terms of abuse. If they are totally committed to the union then such invective just confirms their belief in the unrationality of independence supporters. If they are just unsure that an independent Scotland would be a viable option then calling them “sh..e” or “c…s” just doesn’t seem to me to be liable to change their point of view.

Vivian O’Blivion

Peas in a pod right enough. Another thing Yousaf and Sarwar have in common; they’ve both been touched by the magic hand of the US State Department.
In Yousaf’s case, he was identified as a “future opinion leader” in his second year as a humble parliamentary aide and inducted into the State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Programme.
In Sarwar’s case, he was flown to Seattle in 2018 and inducted into the British American Project. Sarwar’s stock in 2018 was not on the rise. In 2014 he resigned as Deputy Leader of Scottish Labour. In 2017 he made an unsuccessful bid to become Leader.

Sue Denim

On par with Idi Amin as the Last King of Scotland.


“What about a deal with ALBA actually happenng? SNP1/ALBA2 ?

I think that horse bolted in 2021. That was the time for that option to be put to good use. The political fraud Sturgeon ensured that proposal did not bear fruit and by now it is no longer credible because trust in the SNP is long gone.

Personally, I will never vote again for the SNP, so Alba and ISP better put candidates for everything, otherwise I will spoil my ballot.

The only way that government for hell the Rev is predicting can be stopped is by removing from Holyrood one of the parties in the partnership. We all know Tories and Labour are permanent fixtures in the political landscape designed by the UK establishment, never mind if they are politically dead in Scotland. So, by logic, the only party that has the potential to disappear on the will of the voters is the SNP.

Therefore the only way to stop that partnership is by transferring the SNP votes to real pro-indy parties.

“This would be the only Rational way to solving this shitshow”
This shitshow has been created by Sturgeon’s SNP, either by supreme incomptence or deliberately by design. So the only way to resolve the problem is by removing the culprit party from the show.

The SNP has to go.


Its gotta be ALBA 1 and ISP (snp maybe) 2. Or Scotland can get back in its shortbread tin for good, because demographics will certainly see to that.


That’s a very sobering picture
If Alec builds it they will come.
Surely no sane SNP voter/member can stomach that picture?
If you want a return to the bad old days then don’t complain when you’re paying for parking at hospitals and paying £10 an item for your prescriptions then just you carry on and vote for useless. You’ve been warned what will happen if you don’t vote for a REAL party that wants what’s best for Scotland. Vote ALBA.


A brilliant written piece. And a picture which paints 1,000 words.


First, the SNP is colonized by Labour, and then the nuSNP is joined by Labour in Government. Leaves only one more step to bring the whole sorry process to its logical conclusion…

Jason Smoothpiece

I think you may be right Stuart.

I suspect that the big story at the next election will be the very low turn out.

Scottish Labour back in power there’s a thought.

Folk clearly forget the damage that Labour did the last time they were in power


Spot on article.

Alba, ISP, I hope you’re reading this. Stand candidates in all future elections. I don’t want to spoil my ballot, but I’m sure as hell prepared to do so.


I feel sick. Literally.
Well done nicoliar. Job done hen fae Dreghorn.
Pushed back a few years but the movement won’t go away no matter how many english spin docs you employ.
Beyond disgusted actually. You’ve no soul.

Dorothy Devine

Stravaiger, me too – I just hope that folk make the effort to do so should there be no alternative.
I wonder what would happen if there was a huge turnout but a massive swing to ‘none of the above’ spoilt ballot papers.


Never mind the damage Labour did, what about the damage snp/green are currently doing. I think anything done previously pails into insignificance.


I hate to say it, but unfortunately the SNP imo have done a number on AS with the false sexual allegations. I personally have no issue with AS but I know a few who won’t vote for his party or him under any circumstance given the bad publicity, they just can’t see past the charges and the whole sleepy cuddles thing. (All a bit sleazy at best) I think this would be the case with a lot of non political savvy voters out there who read the headlines and turn up there noses As my granny would say , throw enough shite at a brick wall and som of it is bound to stick


Stravaiger and Dorothy Devine:

“Alba, ISP, I hope you’re reading this. Stand candidates in all future elections. I don’t want to spoil my ballot, but I’m sure as hell prepared to do so”.



SteepBrae Stravaiger and Dorothy Devine


stuart mctavish

Looks like the nuScotland version of an elvis wedding – they’re not at Gretna green by any chance?

Interesting to see how SNP blame it on the tories, for all that (guess someone must have been getting the drinks in).


If this was to happen and I wouldn’t be surprised, 33yrs as member and supporter this was unthinkable to any true SNP supporter.

The problem for the SNP is constitutional question still has to be resolved, more so when the population @ 53% want it and the majority want it within a year we are now in 2023 Holyrood is 2026.

As a simple member of the general public the more the SNP seems to deny the people that right to have a say the more their lose support and you have to be deaf dumb and blind not to have watched QT and DN not to realize that is already happening. So my point is to Stu will the general public see the SNP/Labour coalition as the worst thing for Scotland and our people.


I can’t disagree with the above the current SNP are like the London Labour branch office in Scotland anti-Scottish independence.

All we can hope for is that enough Alba MSPs get elected to shame the SNP at FMQs, its little comfort, and many folk will not live long enough to see indy, so many have already died, believing that the treacherous b*stard Sturgeon would deliver it.

Vote Alba, Join Alba, get Alba MSPs into Holyrood and the SNP and Green MSPs out.


A westmonster election will come first.

And we must stand ‘YES’ candidates. If they win – Job done.

If the nuSNP don’t support ‘YES’ candidates. Then I think their vote will decline faster than ever. It will show the growing Transcult/Yoon/Grifter wing of the nuSNP have kiboshed the idea.

And the great betrayer will have succeeded in destroying any chance of independence for even longer.

And I can’t see there is much more we can do.

Hopes of independence are very much alive.

We just need to keep plodding on, and hope people wake up to how much we were betrayed by Sturgeon and her cabal. They will, eventually, see her for the massive ‘Massey Ferguson’ she is.


Makes sense. The SNP have been Scottish Labour since Salmond left. Just took us all a minute to notice.


Just for clarity, in the event that neither Alba or ISP stand a candidate in my constituency, I WILL spoil my ballot. I will not simply abstain from voting. I want my voice to be heard, one way or another.

Bob Mack

Put your x in any box. They seem to be all Unionists in any event.

No Alba. No vote from me.


Just 2 flaws I can see: This would suggest there was a plan. And HY doesn’t do fancy footwork.

@ Dorothy Devine – nothing would happen, such is “Great Bwitish” democracy.


Donations to the SNP for the last 3month just £4,000.


The National had an article in the late morning on how to sign the anti Margaret Ferrier petition. It provoked such a hostile reaction that it was immediately pulled. I see it has resurfaced in the Herald.


O/T but at least it is something we can all do – sign the petition to Nationalise Clydeport on


I won’t vote SNP IN the GE. If no Alba or ISP candidate I will spoil my vote. End of.


Astonised @ 4.25. Massey Ferguson’s were, and still are, great little tractors. As long as you know how to start them. I have ploughed many an acre with a ‘Fergie and a two furrow plough.

Republic @ 4.21. Alba need just one (but hopefully more) MSP to cause huge embarrassment for the SNP at Holyrood. I have a mental image of Angus’s face in the chamber when it comes to pass. Especially if it is Alex. That would be popcorn time.

David Ritchie

So how do you propose to get an Indy ref then win it


TBQH how many times has the Scum Nonce Party have to ignore, belittle and deride Alex Salmond and the ALBA party before they realise that the last thing the pervert troughers will agree too is sharing a platform with Salmond and Co

Do people not get it yet sturgeon the deviant pervert is STILL running the snp, she/it is still working the dummies strings, hazmat(who is NOT and never will be MY FM) has to look over his shoulder at every opportunity to see what the deviants instruction’s are,if you cast your minds back sturgeon was ploughing this furrow for years as a backup plan to remain in power, at the trough and to ensure her pervert policies continued unabated with the support of the additional liebour deviants who if you remember supported and support cocks in frocks

So don’t be fooled this has all been planned previously by sturgeon , she is STILL running the show with the able assistance of the establishment and anyone who thinks hazmat and Anus are in charge of anything needs to give themselves a shake

As someone who begged AS to return to the front line it is with sadness that I have to agree with Den @ 3.21pm in his opinion that Alex is stained , I am not a member of any political party and I am not in agreement with some of her comments and policies but I believe Eva Comrie would be a good leader for ALBA, she appears to be one fiery woman who will not be browbeaten by the tartan taliban, her heart and soul appear to BREATHE for Scotland, she is outspoken about the poverty being forced on Scots especially kids and OAP’S, but her aggression and anger would have to have a less diplomatic tone

Stephen O'Brien


Get used to it, our politicians have.

Up the Swannee or doon the Swannee, take yer pick?


The only logical thing is for the SNP to be disbanded, as they have abandoned their one and only remit. Out of the ashes one party committed to indy can be established, with another promoting devolution and the status quo. Just be honest with the voters, or is that too much to ask?
Oh, and is it at all possible to get some politicians with intellectual integrity and governing skills? Just a thought.


For those who are saying they will definitely not vote SNP in the next Westminster election, would you vote for a “SNP – Scotland United” candidate? Yes, I know it’s far-fetched, but humour me. (Oh, and bugger off, American spellcheck.)


The problem with an SNP Alba deal is that we may be forced into supporting Sturgeon’s social agenda against our will.
What point “Independence” in a country consumed by socially unpalatable ideologies?


@Skip_NC 6:02pm



What in earth can stop the corrupt Boris Johnson jugernaut?

He gets his biggest fan Nadine Dorries to resign her MPs seat with immediate effect
to force a bi-election Sunak doesn’t want and it may put him out of power if the 24,000 majority goes Lib Dem.

Boris promised Dorries a seat in the House of Lords even though that is no lady, but that seems to have a lie. What Boris lie?

Awards to friends who are equally as nasty and self important like Boris such as Reece Mogg and Patel and even those under investigation for being a Covid Parties.
The biggest insult is a honour for Boris’s adviser who sent out the Covid Party invitations.

Are the citizens of the U.K. start staring bonkers accepting this.

Al Harron

Ten years of “Red Tories.”

Ten years of “bought and sold for Tory gold.”

Ten years of “There is no Scottish Labour, only British Labour in Scotland.”

Ten years of “I never left Labour, Labour left me.”

Ten years of “You can’t trust Labour.”

Ten years of “The people of Scotland will have their choice.”

Only to then turn around & welcome the same party they’ve been lambasting, who claim responsibility for “saving” Scotland from itself in 2014, & whose price for working together would be to make the SNP sacrifice their great purpose.

After selling out our renewable potential, making a mockery of its own prized legislation, failing to stop Scotland being taken from the EU, & demonising their own greatest First Minister, you’d have to hope that it would be the final straw. But then, it’d be too late, & just make another 5 years of wasted time.

I can only hope that the SNP will cease to exist before that happens. Better to see it die now than to see it finally, openly, sell its soul for Labour votes.


Well, that’s a pretty clear response, Stravaiger. May I ask why not? Not looking for an argument; just genuinely interested to see why people will or will not support Alex Salmond’s proposal.


Sally Magnusson of the colonial news channel BBC “Scotland” seemed very pleased that English King Charles III and his consort are heading to Scotland to lay his (King Charles) grubby hands on the Honours of Scotland, Magnusson seemed extra pleased that King Charles will have our crown placed upon his head.

A plethora of House Jock have organised a shambolic coronation service and several useful idiot House Jocks will take part in what can only be described as a circus procession.

I really do despair for Scotland and Scots who think that this farcical coronation using our honours some of the oldest in Europe, certainly older than England’s is the right thing to do

It would appear that England can do whatever it wants to Scotland and Scots will put up with it, a sad state of affairs.

Alf Baird

Merganser @ 5:34 pm

“Especially if it is Alex. That would be popcorn time.”

I’m kinda hoping Alex Salmond might stand in Rutherglen, if a by-election happens. That could be Alba’s big arrival, a ‘Margo’ moment even. The unionist plan for a Labour win would be shattered.


Enough, SNP are like the ancient mariner, dead in the water, so wtaf are Joanna Cherry and Ash Regan even doing there? ALBA needs a face that everyone can get behind, and let’s face it, sorry Alex, it ain’t you – marmite as you are. Your legacy will live on, but you still want to protect the SNP when you need to go all out attack, defrock the alphabettys, play hardball, but you won’t. We need a new start, and we need it now. So, c’mon JC & AR, get off the moribund deck and seize the day. We need a true indy rep in every constituency, and if ALBA won’t do it ISP should. Hell, let’s crowd fund it, let’s not wait, or we are destined for devomax-eocrity…and we will deserve it.


@ Alf Baird: “kinda hoping Alex Salmond might stand in Rutherglen..”

Indeed. If he became an MP again he could tell the truth about the conspiracy as he would have parliamentary privilege.

What bliss for we lovers of truth and justice!


Makes you proud to be, eh, Scottish.


@Sarah 1940
Just to mention a staggering lack in the 1998 Scotland Act, the Holyrood Assembly, whilst it does have certain, limited, protections, does not have full Parliamentary Privilege in the way the HoC does.
This has been pointed out in the House on many occasions, most recently I believe by David Davis MP and Liz Truss MP.
So whilst I fully accept that the ever wily Mr Salmond would be very able indeed to play Ducks & Drakes with the place fillers at Holyrood, what he would be denied would be the full protection of Parliamentary Privilege.



Both are:

* Pro-Devolution
* Pro-Union
* Led by arseholes
* Stacked with mediocre elected representatives
* Effectively a troughers charter


* Anti-Indy


@ Sven: happily, the possible Rutherglen by-election is for Westminster it being Margaret Ferrier MP’s seat. But I take your point about another weakness of Holyrood’s set-up being the lack of parliamentary privilege.


“For those who are saying they will definitely not vote SNP in the next Westminster election, would you vote for a “SNP – Scotland United” candidate?”

No. I will be damned if I give these troughers and carrot danglers another lease of life so they can continue shafting Scotland while enjoying the gravy train.

It is ALBA, ISP or spoiled ballot for me. As far as I am concerned, the SNP ceased to exist on the 14 Nov 2014 when the political fraud took over.

The entity currently known as “SNP” is Labour under a false flag. False flag or not, hell will freeze before I vote for labour.

“…seemed very pleased that English King Charles III and his consort are heading to Scotland to lay his (King Charles) grubby hands on the Honours of Scotland”

If Mr Windsor is coming to Scotland to officially be presented with the Honours of Scotland then it leaves Yousaf with absolutely no justification whatsoever for having sent Scotland’s stone away.

None whatsoever, other than he is nothing but a pathetic crown minion doing as he was told to help the crown state a coronation of an English king with the English crown while symbolising simultaneously the subjugation of Scotland. In other words, Yousaf is nothing more than another colonial administrator.

Shame on you, Yousaf. When exactly did Scotland give its consent for this piece of its history to be taken down to England?

You have proven right there and then you are no leader, no FM, you haven’t got a spine, you cannot read the room and you have absolutely no respect whatsoever for Scotland’s heritage.

But considering the way you talk about white people in parliament, that should not come as a surprise, should it?

Tinto Chiel

@Al Harron 7.02:indeed, sums up the whole shit-show, Taranaich. Good to see you commenting here again.

Sarah @ 7.40: “If he (Alex Salmond) became an MP again he could tell the truth about the conspiracy as he would have parliamentary privilege.”

Ooft! Never thought of that angle, despite my misgivings re his “nativist” comments, if they have been accurately reported.

Imagine the klaxons going off in The Establishment if he stood in Ru’glen.


*Apologies to those maiden aunts of a nervous disposition.


Sarah @ 20.28.
My apologies, Sarah, my error entirely, this auld mind mislaid the obvious fact that it’s a Westminster election. Mea Culpa.
Although, to be frank, I’d much rather see Mr Salmond ripping some of our MSPs a new one, for I never expect too much from Westminster. I foolishly had hoped for better from our own folk. And, from 2007-2014, I pretty much saw it.
Sorry again.


Boris Johnson resigns as an MP!


Looks like Boris has been tipped of the privileges committee are going to declare he is a Liar and he did deliberately lie to parliament.

Now he does a Trump and suggests they are out to get the greatest ever PM and he would never get justice, so he resigns and suggests the committee can stop now and not stamp LIAR on his report card.

The committee must continue and must brand him as he deserves.
Lied to the country repeatedly and Partied at Home and in the office right through
Lockdown will people had to let 100’s of thousands of loved ones die alone and be buried
Without their families and friends paying tribute.

And Spouse

Just wished I hadn’t read that post!


Sarah @ 20.28
My apologies, Sarah, my elderly mind is easily confuddlied these days. Mr Salmond would indeed, as you correctly posted originally be creating his own particular brand of havoc as an MP.


Wow, it’s a good day for armchair watchers of Westminster – 2 English by-elections in Conservative seats. And Johnson being one of them – though I wonder what his “cunning plan” can be.

Now will Alba take up my mischievous suggestion of standing in English seats? It would raise the profile of the party and the various issues relating to Scotland – just think of the PPBs, hustings, TV appearances.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Alf Baird says at 7:28 pm.

“I’m kinda hoping Alex Salmond might stand in Rutherglen, if a by-election happens. That could be Alba’s big arrival, a ‘Margo’ moment even. The unionist plan for a Labour win would be shattered.”

As an Alba member, I’ve been hoping for that myself but was reticent to type it, beccause it’s away from his natural region. If nothing else, the MSM couldn’t ignore a former FM standing for election.

Plus, it would spread the Alba name.

Could be ‘game on’…


“Boris Johnson resigns as an MP!”

In the same way they are doing up here, I guess the establishment is also preparing the ground in England for tory voters to be disinfranchised and forced towards labour. Boris is liked among tory voters. So how many of those will now vote labour in protest?

It really says very little of Starmer’s abilities when the establishment has to put so much effort and ground work into getting his party to a position where it stands a chance to win.

John Main


Hundreds of thousands?

Get your facts straight. Excess deaths, England & Wales, march 2020 – December 2022, 167,400.

That’s all causes, not just Covid.

Note that I’m excluding Scotland and Northern Ireland figures, as I don’t think that even you will believe that “BoJo partying” will have killed people there.

But then again …

Incidentally, this is almost certainly hopeless, but is there any chance you will ever find it in yourself to blame Covid on the people who created it in a lab, and then released it on the world, and then subsequently lied about it over and over while it spread out of control?

Any chance at all?

Tinto Chiel

@Mia 9.14: “It really says very little of Starmer’s abilities when the establishment has to put so much effort and ground work into getting his party to a position where it stands a chance to win.”

But, Mia, in a recent interview, Trilateral Commission millionaire and Zionist-supporting (via his wife, IIRC) Starmer was asked the simple question, “Westminster or Davos?” and unhesitatingly (nano-second delay) chose the latter, so it’s little wonder any English true-Labour voter would have problems voting for him.

Now that I think of it, he’s probs one of Nikla’s newbie poster-boys (apart from his sex, obvs).


God, this is so depressing.
I’ve got to be honest, I had no feelings one way or the other about Alex Salmond when he was FM. He was obviously better than his predecessors, and he was clearly smart and witty, but that was it. It’s been watching these political pygmies trying to fill his shoes that has given me retrospective respect for him. That and a yearning for competent government, of course.
I’ll vote for Joanna Cherry if she is still my SNP candidate and the arseholes in the SNP NEC haven’t managed to defenestrate her. No other way I’m voting SNP in GE2024.
I will also spoil my ballot paper if Alba or ISP, or Scotland United are not an option.
Ditto the next Holyrood election: Alba or ISP or indy alliance. Otherwise it’s a spoiled ballot paper.


TBQH how many times has the Scum Nonce Party have to ignore, belittle and deride Alex Salmond and the ALBA party before they realise that the last thing the pervert troughers will agree too is sharing a platform with Salmond and Co

Do people not get it yet sturgeon the deviant pervert is STILL running the snp, she/it is still working the dummies strings, hazmat(who is NOT and never will be MY FM) has to look over his shoulder at every opportunity to see what the deviants instruction’s are,if you cast your minds back sturgeon was ploughing this furrow for years as a backup plan to remain in power, at the trough and to ensure her pervert policies continued unabated with the support of the additional liebour deviants who if you remember supported and support cocks in frocks

So don’t be fooled this has all been planned previously by sturgeon , she is STILL running the show with the able assistance of the establishment and anyone who thinks hazmat and Sarwar are in charge of anything needs to give themselves a shake

As someone who begged AS to return to the front line it is with sadness that I have to agree with others that Alex is stained , I am not a member of any political party and I am not in agreement with some of her comments and policies but I believe Eva Comrie would be a good leader for ALBA, she appears to be one fiery woman who will not be browbeaten by the tartan taliban, her heart and soul appear to BREATHE for Scotland, she is outspoken about the poverty being forced on Scots especially kids and OAP’S, but her aggression and anger would have to have a less diplomatic tone

Between block and follow

I think the Scottish Conservatives are going to do much better than people expect.

They have a sufficiently different brand than the English Conservatives, especially the MSPs.

They have less lost sight of what is a woman… and there’s going to be a backlash swing to more social conservatism. Kate Forbes may be SNP, but she’s reminded the country that it is possible to make a decent and sensible case for small business and fiscal conservatism.

The Greens have shot themselves in the head (several times over) and tainted the SNP by association. And it’s dawned on all the ordinary people like me that the government we trusted for ten years was not much more than a hologram. People are looking for grown ups now…


So will the election that produces the Lab/SNP coalition be one of those defacto “independence” elections?

Andrew scott

So Glasgow city council own 600 vehicles that dont comply with the recently
introduced LEZ
They are having to hire replacement vehicles
You cant make this stuff up

A Scot Abroad

If Alba do very well in the next 18 months, and pull over half of the SNP voter base, then that’s busted Indy in Westminster terms, as the next Westminster parliament won’t have many (a dozen?) Indy-minded MPs.

If Alba do extremely well over the next 3 years, and pull over 3/4 of the SNP voter base in Holyrood terms, then that’s busted Indy in Scotland, because they’re going to be in a minority in Holyrood as well.

It’s all good for Scotland.


@Skip_NC 7:09pm

Sure, and Mia basically said it all at 8:29pm. I’m done with the SNP. They’ve been betraying me for the past eight years and I’ve had enough. I’m scunnered and I’m thrawn. They’ve taken the piss and I’m not about to forget or even be willing to put it aside. They need to be shown in no uncertain terms that we can’t and won’t be treated like this

Nemo me inpune lacessit.

craig murray

Much as I like the idea of Alex standing for Alba in Rutherglen, I hope that the good citizenry won’t be daft enough to sing the petition.
And if they do, the Alba candidate should be Margaret Ferrier.


The first and, probably, last time i’ll write this parasites name:

“King Charles’s Scottish ‘coronation’ date leaked”

And the BritNat bigots have arranged for his week in Scotland to begin in the first week of July. Anyone know of another date the BritNats like to parade on? The BBC in Scotland text service says something about the 5th.

If that’s when his “tour” starts then it ends on the 12th. Surely the Unionists aren’t that desperate they’ve manipulated all this to coincide with the bigotfest on the 12th? Or have they arranged for ‘Lugs’ to be well clear of Scotland by the 11th? LOL!

In England they went well out of their way to make it look as though the royals were all-inclusive. Inviting folk from all minority groups to play a part in his crowning etc. But when it comes to Scotland the filthy BritNat bigots let their mask slip and revert to type.


New entry in this week’s top ten, incidentally; Nadine Dorries with her cover of “It Should’ve Been Me”.

link to


Stravaiger 10.42pm

Or, as our lovely old Latin teacher put it:
“Wha daur meddle wi’ ME!”


Another chapter closes in Scotland’s ‘what might have been’ chapters. A nation of self-servers, carving out their miserable existence (sorry flashbacks of a matrix agent smith soliloquy).

The reason accepted by the hard of thinking for the failure to further the independence cause will be down to Alba.


John Main

You have this wonderful skill of being an arrogant pedantic pain in the arse.

There are just under 230,000 U.K. Covid deaths and another couple of hundred Excess deaths.

Would like to say it was only 190,000 deaths during these dates so that’s alright then things are not so bad.

Yes, I’ll take your advice and go tackle those who started Covid just send the names and address on.

I need to get back into the habit of not reading your posts.

Galloway Lass

Craig Murray @ 10.49 pm.

I totally agree with you that Margaret Ferrier should stand as an ALBA candidate at the Rutherglen By-Election. Apparently her constituents found her an excellent MP, who did her best to try and resolve their problems.#

We all know she made a mistake, during Covid, but she paid for it! Now we hear that Boris ohnson has resigned, rather than face suspension!

Matt Quinn

Andrew scott says: 9 June, 2023 at 10:31 pm

Glasgow city council own 600 vehicles that dont comply with the recently introduced LEZ

I read the other day that they had 860-odd diesel vehicles (I think it was); _the majority of which_ were thought to be non compliant! – Including the Provost’s Limo!

Tourists are delighted with it all too…

link to

‘the car was registered just 11 months before the cut-off date of September 2015, meaning it is Euro 5 rather than Euro 6. However, she said it was close to ‘zero’ emissions and added: “The exhaust can be ran round inside with a cloth and it’s always completely clean.”‘ – The vehicle in question attracts road tax of £0, precisely because it’s a low-emissions model.

The whole scheme is a croc of revenue-raising shit. – Why set the bar at Euro 6? Banning the ‘most polluting’ vehicles my arse!


@ craig murray: “..the Alba candidate should be Margaret Ferrier.”

Morally, yes.

From a practical point of view, what do the voters in Rutherglen think:
1. are they Ferrier supporters come what may [not bothered about the Covid journey] or
2. did they vote for her originally because she was SNP candidate and they still want an SNP candidate, or
3. have they seen the light and want A.N.Other independence party, or
4. are they now against independence because of the SNP policies/incompetence?

It’s tricky. I don’t know the answer.


Surely Charles King of England should only be offered the Scottish Crown if the majority of sovereign Scots agree? Who gave permission, on our behalf, for him to place the sacred Crown on his head! How dare he. His mother Elizabeth had the good grace to look on the crown but no monarch has the right to wear OUR Crown. The Crown is the people. Not content with sitting on our Stone of Destiny he is now planning to put our Crown on his head. ?????
I agree with Craig Murray. I would like to see Margaret Ferrier stand for re-election under the ALBA banner.

Stephen O'Brien

I love the suggestion of Alex Salmond running for election in Rutherglen. That would be a tonic.

Get the Union flag, down from that tower, ASAP!

Jim Dryburgh

If the SNP is to be saved then Ash Regan has to replace Yousaf. Also Sturgeon should “resign” or be sacked. Then get back to SNP1 Alba2 once Sturgeon’s well and truly out of the way. Either that or get Tommy Sheridan to start a new Indy Party which will openly state it will work with Alba.


The questionmarks were supposed to be angry faces. I am angry….that Charles is planning a ‘coronation-lite’ in Edinburgh on July 5th…that Stuarts prediction for the next Scottish gov is probably right….that HY was anointed FM ….that some folk consider Alex Salmond “tainted” because he was falsely accused by Sturgeon and her alphabeties (who are still protected)…that anyone “who knows what a woman is” would ever have anything to do with never mind vote for SNP. Labour. Lib Dem or Greens…. that we still have nuclear weapons in Scotland….that Julian Assange is still in jail and much more.
Off to bed now. Thank goodness for Wings. #AlbaRising Vote Alba for Scottish Independence, Womens Rights, a Scottish Republic & Bairns Not Bombs. join Salvo and sign the declaration at link to

stuart mctavish

Now that Boris has resigned, the Rutherglen electorate should bin the recall petition and allow Scottish political energy to focus on getting AS, NS, or even Neil Oliver, elected in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip by election.


Am I still cancelled?


I have met Margaret Ferrier a number of times.
Was at the meetings were she put herself forward to be the local candidate.

The best person won.

She cares about people and cares about an independent Scotland.
A hard worker who spoke more often in Westminster in her first year than
the previous Labour stooge did in 5 years.

I went door knocking and leaflet dropping for her when I had never done so before or since.

I never seen or heard of the Labour guy until the next election was due.
Never realised he was an Englishman sent North by Labour to a safe seat.

Margaret made a foolish mistake when diagnosed with Covid no doubt about but there is something genuine in her apologies and regrets unlike the Tories at Friday night Covid Parties

Journalists on TV obviously speak to the public to find the ignorant or unionists they seek and a token Independence supporter.

There is a well attended Orange Order Club and Bars who’s them is Rangers and the Union
but I’d be astonished if 5% of them read the National or the Herald attempts to dislodge Margaret.

She will be approaching retirement age and I hope she lasts until the next election.

I remember a Royal Charlie travel up to Scotland with Covid but here we are in the 21st century with people in work going hungry and cold and we are having a second crowning day
covering this man of German ancestry with his first allegiance to England in ermine robes and
a hat covered in gold and diamonds.

Maybe they could have Boris place the crown on his head to rub it in further.

Remember we are all in it together?

Jan Cowan

Unionist Sturgeon is responsible.


msdidi says:
10 June, 2023 at 1:48 am
The questionmarks were supposed to be angry faces. I am angry….that Charles is planning a ‘coronation-lite’ in Edinburgh on July 5th

Why are you angry at King Sausagefingers’ costume party?

He’s more to be pitied, I reckon. Nobody likes Charlie.

stuart mctavish

I’d say that that her biggest mistake was to plead or feel guilty over charges of potentially causing infection, illness and death from common cold (FFS x !!!)

With that in mind, one upside of the recall petition might be if those responsible for the comuno-fascist roots of the procedure (whose 10 % rule to REJECT the petition is incriminatory by its apparent absence) are investigated and fully exposed in consequence.

John Main

@Effijy 11:35

And I think you’re lovely too.

@Effijy 7:12

Connection between Ferrier & Boris not at all clear, in fact probably non-existent, other than in yer heid.

Ian McCubbin

Well only hope is Alba and ISP as these two grifters only in it for themselves.
I don’t think those leaving SNP have gone to labour. Many have joined Alba and many have just parked a party yet stayed in independence cause. I see all polls as corrupt given connections of those running them.
So I would reckon Alba picks up Perth and Kinross and one or two others at expense of SNP.

John Main


So it’s our sacred crown now?

Cool, what’s my portion worth, this could be interesting in these cash-strapped times!

What exactly do you mean by “sacred” anyways? I thought the ardent Scottish republicans had long since given up on all that kind of God-bothering stuff?

Anyways, a wee reminder of the facts. Upwards of a third of us Sovereign Scots support the traditional Scottish cultural and national institution of a constitutional monarchy. By the rules of that institution, Charles is our king, and whether we like it or not, we have had about 70 years to get used to the idea.

IMHO, the Indy movement’s constant pissing off of one third of us Sovereign Scots is classic shooting in the foot behaviour.


“I thought the ardent Scottish republicans had long since given up on all that kind of God-bothering stuff?”

God-bothering? That only applies to the crown of England, John Main. Scotland’s crown belongs to the Scottish people who are the sovereing in Scotland.

It was the Scottish people who removed the crown from James VII and put it on Orange’s head and his wife. They would not have been able to do that if it was “God” dictating who the crown should be going to.

This is from the declaration of Arbroath, writen in 1320, where the sovereignty of the people of Scotland and their legitimate right to decide who their King is, is also asserted:

“Yet if he (King Robert) should give up what he has begun, seeking to make us or our kingdom subject
to the King of England or the English, we should exert ourselves at once to drive him
out as our enemy and a subverter of his own right and ours, and make some other man
who was well able to defend us our King”

There is nothing “God-bothering” about how the Scottish crown would pass from king to king. It was subjected to the approval of the people. It has been like that since at the very least that Declaration of Arbroath was written.

This is also from the Declaration of Arbroath:

“the succession to his right according to our laws
and customs which we shall maintain to the death, and THE DUE CONSENT AND ASSENT OF US ALL HAVE MADE OUR PRINCE AND KING” (my capitals)

The Declaration of Arbroath very clearly and categorically state the crown does not belong to any king and it is not God who decides the king. It belongs to the people of Scotland and it is they who decide who their king is. The Declaration indicates very clearly that loyalty to the king is linked to loyalty of the king to Scotland. If the king of the day disrespects the laws of the country and betrays the people, the people of Scotland reserve themselves the right to remove the crown from the rogue monarch.

In 1689 the people of Scotland exercised precisely that right with the Claim of Right, by which they removed the crown from James VII, setting a precedent and reaffirming Scotland’s popular sovereignty. Mr Windsor had to swear allegiance to the Claim of Right before he could be declared Scotland’s monarch. It was not God who wrote that Claim of Right. It was the people of Scotland.

I think you are mistakenly conflating the English crown with the Scottish crown. They are not the same and they are not passed on in the same way despite relentless efforts by the British establishment and its minions in Scotland to blur the differences between them.

The fact Mr Windsor has to come up to Scotland to be presented with the honours of Scotland is proof if it was ever needed, that the crowns of Scotland and England remain separated and the nonsense of “one country – one kingdom – Scotland was extinguised with the treaty, blah, blah, blah” they have been trying to foist on Scotland since 1706 for the sake of preserving the treaty of union and interests of the crown, are just that, nonsense.

“Connection between Ferrier & Boris not at all clear, in fact probably non-existent, other than in yer heid”

And in mine. In my mind everything is connected, everything links to the British establishment and everything has the exact same purpose: to stop Scotland’s independence by whatever means, no matter how dirty, unethical, unscrupulous and unlawful.


Continuity candidate indeed…

From 2021

Nicola Sturgeon promises to work with Labour to rebuild Scotland after Covid pandemic

link to


@ John Main

I may have found some of that money you so wanted to see.

link to

A Scot Abroad


nobody at all is moved by all of that ancient guff. Declaration of Arbroath? Claim of Right? Absolutely meaningless in the modern world. Totally irrelevant.

John Main

Mia 10:37


So we can become independent while Charles or his successors remain constitutional monarch.

Once independent, we can have a referendum on whether we wish to retain the monarchy, with the alternatives legally and bindingly made clear.

If we choose to retain the monarchy, we can have another referendum, as Sovereign Scots, on who we want to sit on the bloody bit of rock.

Always assuming we can find anybody daft enough to want to take on the job.

Ultimately I don’t fucking care. I just want the constitutional arrangements for my country to be done in a democratic and above board manner. I don’t want every existing convention and political structure ripped up when no alternatives have been discussed and accepted. We have all just been through that with Brexit, and we now know how that works out.

I am sick to the back teeth of the “buy 1 get 4 free” approach to Indy. Vote yes and as well as Indy you get a republic, EU satrapy, neo-Albanian economics, unilateral disarmament, etc etc. thrown in.

John Main


Thanks for the link.

Innarestin to muse that if Scotland had retained the in-house technologies and businesses to turn all these conifers into paper products, and all that oil into plastic products, then much of the Covid PPE money would have remained within our economy.

There’s a lesson there for iScotland. Don’t export the surplus renewable energy. Use it for manufacturing goods and value-added materials.

Like synthetic ICE fuels. Quite a stushie on the Guardian last week over the article from Rowan Atkinson who was saying much the same about the synthetic petrol, diesel and hydrogen routes to future private transport.

Ian Brotherhood

It would be nice if JM and ASA fucked off to the blue/yellow place, sounds like they need all the help they can get.


“So we can become independent while Charles or his successors remain constitutional monarch”

Can we? Are you sure?

I do not see how that is possible for as long as the crown insists in holding tight its sticky and greedy tentacles around our Executive and legislative powers.

Having those powers controlled by the crown is not a sign of a healthy democracy. It is a symptom of abusive colonialism and proof the crown is actively stealing from the people of Scotland power to control Scotland’s legislative body and giving that power to itself.

For instance, where is the crown agent for England and why doesn’t it have one? What on earth is an office of the crown doing stuck in the middle of our prosecution service? Where is England’s crown office? Why doesn’t England have an unelected representative of the crown sitting in the middle of the gov cabinet acting as gatekeeper of which legislation can enter the HoC chamber or not?

Forcefully denying the entry of legislation for which the people of Scotland has given a democratic mandate equals to the crown imposing absolute rule on Scotland. That is a violation of the Claim of Right to which the present monarch swore allegiance.

“Once independent, we can have a referendum on whether we wish to retain the monarchy, with the alternatives legally and bindingly made clear”

Again, that very much depends on the crown itself. If the crown insists in denying Scotland its legitimate right to terminate the treaty of union, then it may be that terminating the monarchy through a convention of states is the way Scotland has to remove the abuse of power from the crown so it can terminate the treaty of union.

“I just want the constitutional arrangements for my country to be done in a democratic and above board manner”

Then you must be absolutely disgusted at the way the crown has forced itself over the executive in Scotland to gain control of both the executive and legislative powers. You must be totally disgusted at the way the representative of the crown abused its position to deliberately stiffle democracy by blocking the entry of the referendum bill into Holyrood.

“I don’t want every existing convention and political structure ripped up when no alternatives have been discussed and accepted”

I don’t want the corrupt political structures currently operating in Scotland to continue under the pathetic excuse there are no alternative ones because it is not in the interests of the powers that be and their minions to facilitate the creation of those.

“We have all just been through that with Brexit, and we now know how that works out”

No, we don’t. The independence of Scotland has nothing to do with England’s rather poor handling of brexit. It is incredibly patronising of you to simply assume Scotland will display the same level of embarrassing incompetence demonstrated by England’s political representatives in the woeful and dishonest way brexit was achieved and negotiated

“I am sick to the back teeth of the “buy 1 get 4 free” approach to Indy”

I am sick to the back teeth of procrastination, power abuse, systematic deception and watching self-serving parcel of rogues after self-serving parcel of rogues systematically stabbing the people of Scotland in the back for the sake of preserving a union that is systematically stripping Scotland off its natural assets and retaining their seats in the gravy train.

I am sick to the back teeth of faux professors, faux experts and political rejects self-appointed as credible sources coming out of the woodwork to take the people of Scotland for fools and to systematically deny us our legitimate right to choose the form of government that WE and not the crown, England’s representatives or USA/Israel’s interests consider acceptable for our own country.

A Scot Abroad

Mia, at 2:58 pm,

“… It is incredibly patronising of you to simply assume Scotland will display the same level of embarrassing incompetence demonstrated by England’s political representatives…”

It’s not looking good so far, Mia. Trams, hospitals, ferries, declining educational standards…

Scotland political class hasn’t demonstrated the ability to organise a piss up in a brewery over the last twenty years. What’s going to be different in the future?

John Main

@Ian Brotherhood!

Welcome back, and with another knock-out contribution too.

Did the earth move for you? That will be another 10,000 Scots stampeding to the Indy side, as a result of your persuasive and facts filled post.

Seeing as how you brought it up. What signs of the radioactive cloud you told us 2 weeks ago was heading our way?

I really don’t think you should stop scanning the sky. After this week’s crime, the smart money is on Vlad to blow the nuclear power station too. So get set for a real radioactive cloud. A game changer, perhaps.

Don’t thank me for the advance warning. Use the time to get your “Biden’s fault” posts ready for deployment.

Looking forwards to hearing from you!


“Scotland political class hasn’t demonstrated the ability to organise a piss up in a brewery over the last twenty years”

This is not true and you know it. That, by design or incompetence, Sturgeon’s stewardship since 14 Nov 2014 has been an embarrassing catalogue of disasters doesn’t mean the years before with Mr Salmond as FM were the same. They weren’t.

In fact, Mr Salmond with just 6 MPs, let me repeat that, SIX MPs, managed to hold an independence referendum and not just that, he almost won it. Well, if you believe the official figures that is. I do not, therefore in my mind he actually won that referendum. If he had not won it, the political fraud Sturgeon would not have fallen over herself to betray the people of Scotland by announcing BEFORE the 2015 GE that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence. She did that despite knowing the predictions for a SNP landslide win on the assumption a vote for the SNP was a vote for independence.

Mr Salmond did not have to beg for an S30 like the ridiculous Sturgeon pretended to do for 8 fucking years. The British establishment almost fell over themselves to hand it to him. But then, Mr Salmond was determined to deliver independence. The political fraud Sturgeon was only pretending to do so and abusing our votes to preserve the union rather than terminating it.

“What’s going to be different in the future?”
We have learnt our lesson. Politicians can no longer be trusted to do anything because they will always put their own selfish interests ahead of anything else. If the people of Scotland want something done, we will have to do it ourselves. The only thing the parcel of self-serving rogues occupying Scotland’s MSP and MP seats for the last 9 years have achieved is to accelerate their obsolence and insignificance in the eyes of the Scottish voters.

A Scot Abroad

Wrong, Mia. Scotland has gone backwards since devolution. Holyrood cannot be trusted to organise anything, no matter who is in power.

And with the current crop of MSPs, and the very poor quality of public servants in the Scottish administration, it ain’t going to get any better any time soon.

How’s your ferries going, by the way?

Paul Molloy

The only way to achieve independence now is through Salvo, politics and politicians no longer serve the people, only themselves, their careers, and attempts to jump on the global manifesto at present and what they, the politicians see as politically correct in most cases. If the 53% we presently have in favour of independence sign up to we are practically there. You have to remember, people from all parties, Labour included, support independence. Its no longer a political party that will get us there, SALVO and Liberation.Scot is an open door for everyone.

Dean Clark

You are missing the option of a Tory/Labour combo running purely on the ‘get SNP out’ platform. Down south could sell it as the Scottish parties are ‘Independent’ (lol), and it could be sold in Scotland as a solution to ‘end SNPs destructive/illegal policies’. If we are being completely honest, the labour party despite being ideologically the same as the more milder of the Tories (all six of them) and pretty much identical to the SNP would rather do a deal with the tories as they have less bad blood towards them having not been humiliated at the ballot box for so long. We are moving further away from actual politics and more towards grievance politics every day and I think that is what will decide the coalition.


“Scotland has gone backwards since devolution”

No, it hasn’t. Scotland has gone backwards since the political fraud Nicola Sturgeon took over because her masters down south tasked her with reversing Scotland’s autonomy rather than effecting the democratic will of the people of Scotland. And she fell over herself to oblige.

“Holyrood cannot be trusted to organise anything, no matter who is in power”

Holyrood cannot be trusted to organise anything worthwhile for as long as a political fraud, working undercover to preserve the union against the interests and democratic will of the people of Scotland, remains in control of the SGov and “parliament”.

Holyrood cannot be trusted to organise anything for as long as unelected representatives of the crown are either stuck in the middle of the cabinet to stop democracy and hand control over Scotland’s legislative power to the crown, or hoovering around as “crown agents” interfering to disarm Holyrood committees by forceful suppression of information and instigation of politically motivated prosecutions to shut down dissent.

In such conditions, Holyrood is not a real parliament and Scotland is not a democracy. Holyrood has been transformed into a colonial arm of the crown and is being abused to thwart democracy in Scotland for the sake of imposing absolute rule to stop Scotland ending the union. In other words, under Sturgeon, Holyrood has been transformed into a tool of repression rather than an expression of Scotland’s democracy.

In my personal view this is a direct violation of Scotland’s Claim of Right, the Treaty of Union and Scotland’s legitimate right to self-determination under international law. Should we had real representatives in Holyrood and WEstminster, they would be stopping this right away under the threat of immediately revoking the treaty of union. But because what we have is crown minions, gravy train riders and self-serving supine amoebas instead, they are letting this to continue.

Let me be clear. It is not just the duty of pro-independence parties to voice and denounce the abuse of power by the crown, violation of the Claim of Right, treaty of union and democratic rights of the Scottish people.

It is the duty of each and every single MSP and MP sent by Scotland elected to represent its interests. ALL but the 2 ALBA MPs have systematically failed to voice this abuse.

This situation is not what we had under Mr Salmond. This is what we have had since the political fraud Sturgeon took over and it very much looks it is what we will continue to have under her crown’s minion replacement, mess-continuity candidate Yousaf.

Igor Stravinsky

With all the ranting about the English colonising Scotland, those who are loudest seem to have forgotten that England never conquered Scotland. She bought it to rescue from financial Armageddon after the Darrian Scheme. And England never colonised Scotland – quite the reverse in fact with the immigration running very much one way

Brian Doonthetoon

$h!†€ !

Ian McCubbin

Like Monica Worley, I say Alba should along with ISP stand jn every seat that way pick up the independence votes.
It’s not a done seal for mediocrity as those leaving SNP are going back to labour. Many are staying unaligned to any party.
So if ALBA keeps up a strong message they will vote Alba.

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