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Wings Over Scotland

Spot the difference

Posted on August 10, 2012 by

What Ian Davidson MP, chair of the Scottish Affairs Select Committee assessing the independence referendum, thinks about people with financial vested interests being consulted on political matters if one of those people is Prince Charles:

“This is a scandal and an anachronism. The idea that the Prince has a right to be consulted on legislation which might impact on his interests belongs to a bygone era.” (Daily Mail, March 2012)

What Ian Davidson MP, chair of the Scottish Affairs Select Committee assessing the independence referendum, thinks about people with financial vested interests being consulted on political matters if one of those people is Ian Davidson MP:

“We have the opportunity if we wish simply to hand over our powers to the Scottish Parliament, but we choose not to do so, and what we are saying in the committee is that the Scottish MPs, and the Scottish Affairs Committee, should have the responsibility for reviewing and supervising and assessing any Section 30 notice that is proposed.” (Newsnight Scotland, August 2012)

Something’s not quite the same, but we can’t put our finger on it. Can anyone help?

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jon abroad

Parcel of Rogues, Mark II?


You’re right. After “Vested Interests”, simmet’s up.


Historically, the laws of Scotland are based on the precept that “The King (or Sovereign) is answerable to the law, the people and to God”.

Historically, European Law is based on the precept that “What Pleases the Prince Pleases the People”. The prince being supreme ruler.

So, if one was a prince, hypocrite or Ian Davidson one would chose whichever line best suited ones vanity at any given time   

His comment ” but we choose not too” speaks volumes



@theSNP This is the sort of report title that Davidson & Comm Cronies produce. The non political Commons staff laugh:-)

You have to laugh at the stupidity of this man He obviously doesn’t appear to realise that he is a buffoon first class  

Kenny Campbell

His comment ” but we choose not too” speaks volumes

One sentence that sums up the whole persona of Davidson and the PLP view of Scotland and Holyrood.


From this:

link to

To this:

link to

I won’t be buying The Herald again anytime soon.

Arbroath 1320

Sorry folks but I’ve just found this over on NNS.
link to
I haven’t read the full article yet, I’m still recovering from the FIRST sentence:
“A Scottish Labour MP at the centre of a row over claims of BBC bias, has today made fresh allegations that he may have been the victim of a conspiracy.”

Was this Muppet checked out BEFORE going on air to ensure he was neither drunk or high on drugs?
If not why not?


John Lyons

Yes, he is now demanding an apology from them!!! The sheer gall of the man is beyond belief.


Can he really be that potty and stupid? Surely…surely it has to be an act, some sort of play for something or a media distraction? Something. Anything.


OT – But I think you will like this one Stu.
link to


Here’s another interesting “spot the difference”. Labour, along with other unionist parties, insist on a one-question in-or-out referendum for Scotland, but in 2008 Ian Davidson MP wrote a letter to Nick Clegg MP about a LibDem proposal for a single question in-or-out referendum on the EU. In his letter Mr. Davidson states that it is unfair to force voters to choose between in or out and that a second question should be added on the Lisbon Treaty. The second question allowed for continuing membership of the EU, but with a different constitutional relationship.
This letter can be found on, of all places, the Conservative Home website!
link to

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