What a fine collection of kings. Every one a trailblazer… And a hero.
A new and amazing biography of MLK just came out. Just called ‘King’. A corker.
1 year ago
Great Cartoon.
1 year ago
The bloke with the placard has been on the deep fried Mars Bars.
1 year ago
As Thomas More so eloquently put it 500 years ago:
“One man to live in pleasure and wealth, whiles all others weep and smart for it, that is the part not of a king, but of a jailor.”
1 year ago
What a missed opportunity!
Frank Gillougley
1 year ago
Like it. Absolutely cheery. Oh! What a divide!
1 year ago
Taking the mic in the best possible way.
A one two three four…
# You can shove your coronation up your arse #
Captain Yossarian
1 year ago
I speak as someone who has no axe to grind about Nationalism or Unionism and I will go along with the majority as I did with Brexit.
My point though is that the Alba party’s policy of abolishing Trident, the Monarchy and all the rest of it will inevitably cost them a lot of votes.
Does that make them unelectable? Most would say it doesn’t, but on a purely practical level where vote numbers count for everything, it probably does.
1 year ago
Lets make the protest embarrassingly ethnic, for the republican Guardian.
He’s not anyone’s king in Scotland since he didn’t wish to be crowned King of Scots. We are de facto a republic.
1 year ago
One House Jock politician sticking another House Jock politician in, as Scots pay through the nose for the foreign monarchs pretendy coronation in Scotland, the costs for the mock/fiasco coronnation in Scotland was willingly paid for by the NuSNP government at our expense.
Get the SNP/Greens out and Alba in, the current SNP are not a party for indy anymore, they now compliment the fifth column branch office parties of London that squat in Holyrood which have a foreign governments interests closest to their hearts.
Scotland can NEVER progress as long as we’re held against our will in this undemocratic prison of a union.
Down with the union.
Ian McCubbin
1 year ago
Lovely take on not my king by Cairns.
Republic is coming and Alba will be electable no other choice for independence.
1 year ago
As SNP MPs, and our FM, urge the millionaire knight of the realm and leader of the Labour party (Anas Sarwar’s boss there is no Scottish Labour) not to let further privatisation of the NHS occur, Starmer was proposing at PMQs, it turns out that privatisation is well under way in Scotland via the NuSNP as £130 million was spent sending patients to private hospitals in Scotland.
No no no...YES
1 year ago
Ian McCubbin
1 year ago
Lovely take on not my king. Do think Alba is electable so many want independence, no trident and a Republic.
Just look at non media pics of the crowd on Wednesday on Royal Mile.
There was none.
1 year ago
Those clowns that runs Glasgow city council (my home town) are to waste over £30 million quid on upgrading council vehicles to meet the LEZ, these idiots in their haste to fleece drivers entering he city who don’t meet the LEZ requirements, forgot to factor in the huge cost of upgrading council vehicles.
That is £30 million quid that could’ve been spent on much more worthier causes in the city and there are many such causes in a now rundown Glasgow.
Captain Yossarian is right. Alba is building up so many objections to Independence.
IMO, Chris is becoming far too clever in his cartoons – only understood by the cognoscenti!
1 year ago
Comments here seem to have gone slightly off topic but another great toon from Chris and nice to see Kenny in the hoops once more
1 year ago
William Walker @10:42 am
William, you are echoing the followers of John Redmond in early 20th century Ireland. They supported the crown as Irish nationalists and volunteered for the British Army in 1914 in the naive belief that this would endear their cause to Westminster after the war was over. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
If you don’t first free yourself mentally then you don’t free yourself.
Captain Yossarian
1 year ago
Scotsrenewables – Dan goes on at great length on these pages about Scotland’s wealth of hydrocarbons and renewables. Why the SNP have never done any real work on this subject is anyone’s guess but when Alba finally produce a paper on it, they may be on to a winner. I understand that is now underway. Only then should they start on nuclear weapons, the monarchy and all the rest of it. There are respected figures within Alba, but they need to start explaining the benefits of independence to the public.
Antoine Roquentin
1 year ago
The predictable Edinburgh Royalist/Tory element, curious tourists, resident colonisers and serial apolitical rubber-neckers, as framed by the cosmopolitan media who own the outside-broadcast facilities and the journalists, told us nothing very meaningful imo regarding the strength and popularity of the monarchy in Scotland.
As always, clever material! Just one wee nerdy point, if I may, Chris: BB King’s “Lucille” wasn’t a block-marker, red Gibson, according to my pardner, BB’s axes were always ebony 355s.
1 year ago
*Should Scotland be an independent Country?* Yes/No
That’s the only question ppl are asked.
The monarchy
That’d be for the majority to decide & an newly elected government to implement.
We’d be like Switzerland -we could hold public opinion referendums every now & again.. democracy in action.
Personally, why would Scotland want to hold onto an unelected king from another country? The Scots would be returning to an independent sovereign nation – why on earth would we want to maintain someone else’s?!!
He is no more important to us or useful, or to an indy Scot, than a King found out in Elleore. Aye, exactly! I’d to Google too lol!
1 year ago
Why on earth wouldn’t make their non compliant LEZ vehicles exempt until their age demands replacement?
They give exemption to those who live inside LEZ with older vehicles so why not their own.
There was a story a couple of years back where the council over spent on more electric vehicles than they could use or charge. It was a cost to store them apparently.
Where are they now?
1 year ago
Captain Yossarian says:
Based ust from what I hear by various experts -they are hogtied by bureaucracy, an unwilling/instructed civil service & planted meddlers.
Nothing happens in Holyrood without the great overlord, the Secretary of Scotland, knowing about it.
Holyrood is a mini Westminster. They’re only allowed to do what Westminster says they can through jackass.
They can’t have success cause that’ll get the natives thinking. Even Alex said the only way around that in Holyrood was soft leaning indy put into positions & as we all know, Sturgeon filled her roles with staunch unionists cause she’d never any plans for us to be going anywhere soon.
1 year ago
Jo King might be the name for Chuck the Smuck.
Describes him to a tee. Everyone knows he is a a joke of a man. Puffed up serial sleaze ball like his brother Andy, or his old sloozy aunt Margaret, or his many other odious family.
Anyway, the six foot steel fences along the Royal Mile brought into sharp focus how unpopular Charles and his prentendy Kingship is in Scotland.
1 year ago
Captain Yossarian says:
8 July, 2023 at 8:45 am
Does that make them unelectable? Most would say it doesn’t, but on a purely practical level where vote numbers count for everything, it probably does…
There was a time I might have agreed with you. Back in 2014, there was very much a sense of priority; Independence first, everything else later.
It made sense.
But now, I don’t think there is any prospect whatsoever for another 2014 style referendum, and furthermore, I have doubts about ALBA’s future in any UK electoral protocol.
Regards a referendum, “They” don’t want it, because all their cheats and lies are busted, and if we’ve any sense, we don’t want it either, because we’d be compromised by the protocols and franchise of a 2014 style ballot.
To get a binary vote thatconstitutes a binding resolution on Independence will, I think, need to be Constitutionally derived, and in my opinion, might be a ratification plebiscite held in the wake of “something” more radical, such as declaring the Treaty of Union breached and at an end, pending dissolution negotiations.
To be frank, having seen all the spivs, weirdos, Trans Loonies and gravy slurpers who’ve attached themselves to the SNP, an “all inclusive” Indy campaign is already giving me the dry boak.
“IF” they’re Independence supporters, they’ll vote in that plebiscite, but we cannot allow these bellends to steer or manage the primary campaign.
The thing about the Royalists specifically, is that Claim of Right issue, which simply doesn’t sit well with the UK interpretation of monarchy.
Furthermore, I strongly suspect loyalty to the royalty was a Queen Elizabeth thing… Charlie boy and his adulterous queen just ain’t “got it”, and neither has whatshisface the heir.
Right now, I’m watching two things… SALVO, and that man Salmond. Whatever happens, they’ll be near the epicentre of unfolding events.
Not only is the 2014 style rhetoric sounding dated, but even the “Settling Up not settling down” rhetoric feels like a busted flush which the SNP busted themselves.
1 year ago
Such a good cartoon but my Dad would have said there’s one missing:
1 year ago
Edinburgh seems to have an unhealthy obsession with fences.
Is it the capital city of Scotland or a no go area unless you’ve an admission fee? They’re such an eyesore.
1 year ago
@ Captain Yossarian.
Re. Power generated by renewables in Scotland’s geographic are.
Indeed, Scotland is exporting considerably more (3 GW) more than we are using (2.3 GW) at this time.
If you scroll through the pages of feed on Kenny MacAskill’s site, he does with some regularity post releases that highlight various aspects of Scotland’s energy situation.
It is Crony Nationalism, the same as Crony Capitalism and Crony Communism. The same as anywhere else in which cronyism is practiced anyone not in the club is going to be out in the cold and marginalised and if they are not on message and have the gall to vocalise their concerns they will be smeared. In the sphere of politics activists posing as journalists are more than happy to do that.
What do you think of the idea that the SNP was deliberately scuttled to get Labour back into power in Scotland? Labour has the same cronyism, ingroups, factionalism and reality defying concepts such as Women Have Penises as the SNP but this will be ignored and it will be back to business as usual.
1 year ago
*Why is the ginger King of Cats, Hamish not in that picture! He would have been a purrfect addition…
*Probably on holiday like its creator…
1 year ago
Must copy and send to my unionist, royalist acquaintances (both of ’em)
1 year ago
Breeks @11:59 am
Excellent post. We can’t aim simply for a rerun of 2014. A more creative approach is required involving Salvo.
BTW Breeks I think I was alongside you for a wee bit of the march in Stirling going by your saying on here that you had the dug and were wearing a Salvo top. I didn’t know who you were at the time otherwise I’d have said hello.
1 year ago
If Labour rise in Scotland will it be the deviant Greens abandoning the SNP & latching onto their next host?
I Canty see indy supporters voting labour. It dumfounds me 40% claim to be indy but vote for a unionist party that’s stiffed Scotland more times than the Tories!
1 year ago
I’m going to have to throw my hands up & admit..
I don’t get it!
I know, I’m an idiot! I’m sure the penny will drop the moment I press submit!
1 year ago
I second that first comment by Dan @ 12:21 pm. LOL! 😉
OK, Chris, you’ve got me flummoxed. I got all the rest but who’s the big guy with the placard? Or has the point just flew completely right over my head?
(a). Your comment: “To be frank, having seen all the spivs, weirdos, Trans Loonies and gravy slurpers who’ve attached themselves to the SNP, an “all inclusive” Indy campaign is already giving me the dry boak. – Breeks, that had be roaring with laughter.
But it also sums up a huge risk. In fact it already happened. In America.
The Yanks got sick of Washington DC and the cesspit of corrupt lobbyists, plus a septic dose of the trans pushers and minor-attracted-persons are normal brigade.
So those American voters gave a collective F.U., and elected the most bizarre clown they could find. Donald Trump. A vaginaa (sic) grabbing proven liar whose dodgy property dealings are obviously funded by many Russian Oligarchs. Trump is passing many boxes of “secure documents” to Vladimir Putin.
The American electorate got even more divided by the Trump Circus, so they voted in the next senile, touchy-freely octogenarian Amadan. Creepy old Joe Biden – the child hugger. Even when parents pull their kids away from President Biden, he lunges towards kids to sniff their hair and stroke them. Deviant-in-Chief.
This is my point!
When the electorate gets pi55ed off with the political liars, cheats and thieves on the gravy bus, they elect a nut-job.
We see it in America and expect it here. We already had the Trump Mini-me: Boris Johnson. Then Liz Lettuce Heid, the 44 day Prime Minister.
In Scotland we got the latter-day John Monteith – in a skirt. The Dreghorn Bus Hurler..
Breeks, the danger now is that Scots voters will be that scunnered they will end up inflicting the political class with a Scottish version of Nigel Farage.
The sensible thing would be to elect some Alba MPs and Alba MSPs.
Instead, such is the Woke-Captured nature of the SNP that, as Stuart Campbell mentioned, we seem to be zombie walking to a Vichy government headed by Pinkey & Perkey. Otherwise known after the next Holyrood election as…
First Minister Humza Yousaf.
Deputy First Minister: Anas Sarwar
Heaven help us all after that.
The second part (b) is marginal but crucial. Alex Salmond got the balance right in 2007 and subsequent elections. A significant minority “lent” their votes to the SNP in 2007. Of those, many were RAF or Army, plus the police etc.
Whatever you may think of our Head of State, all these voters swore an oath to the monarch. Alex Salmond (back when he was FM) put IndyRef first and the Head of State question (in Scotland) until after Scotland wins an IndyRef.
Alba have been kept out of the news and the leader, one of the greatest Statesmen Scotland has ever produced has been neutered worse that Russell Crowe in Gladiator.
I worry that Scotland and England are to be governed in the words of Ewan MacGregor, by “efette wan7ers.”
Move over Rishi, it is finally Michael Gove’s turn to be Prime Minister. Then Dianne Abbot as PM.
Whilst Scotland’s gravy bus for the elite is kept going by giving Patrick Harriet his turn as FM and of course, the highly competent Lorna Slater the job as deputy FM.
Maybe just as well Vladimir Putin and Smirnoff Medvedev will be pressing the big red button to the tunes of Vera Lynn singing “We’ll Meet Again” as the penultimate cacophony of nu6lear kerbooms finally see us all put out of our misery.
Jeezo, this all makes the Reverend I.M Jolly seem the personification of happiness.
Re Beauvais, I am indeed a Scottish Nationalist and republican.
I share Geri’s view that a future referendum/election should be YES/NO to Independence, without the “complications” of monarchy, nuclear weapons, trans etc. That is just giving opponents of Independence a further weapon to shoot at YES campaigners.
I rest my case.
1 year ago
I get Elvis, Kenny & Billie but no idea who the other three are.
Is it the slogan? Should read Not *our* King.
Everyday is a school day. I didn’t know Elvis had Scottish roots.
Before my time lol..
Stuart MacKay
1 year ago
There’s strong move to pretend everything in the UK is like it was in the 1990s – the reliable swing back and fore between Labour and the Conservatives; no tension, or at least not much, with the EU; everybody going about their business; a somewhat-loved Royal family and generally everything jolly. The UK version of a place for everyone and everyone in their place. Too bad the world has moved on and a lot has changed.
It’s the proverbial ostrich syndrome. Both Labour and Conservatives are jamming on the rose-tinted glasses and hoping that if everyone ignores the problems maybe they’ll simply go away.
Captain Yossarian
1 year ago
Dan – Remember all of the white papers that used to be produced by Glasgow University Academics, agreed and signed by everyone and their granny? That wasn’t that long ago, was it? MacAskill goes on about this as often as you do, Salmond too, and I personally accept it. It’s data and it’s indisputable. We use 2.3GW but we export 3.0GW, FOC. That means something to me, but it should be explained to the public so that they see what the future may hold in an independent country. I’m fundamentally not a Nationalist but I am not dyed in the wool or antagonistic or anything like that and I have no problem in accepting that there could be real advantages. But, they need to be explained better.
1 year ago
The other 2 are B.B.King and Martin Luther King Jr.
Also before our time. LOL!
Tom Kane
1 year ago
Geri –
BB King
Dr Martin Luther King Jnr
James Che
1 year ago
Do Scots want a vote on joining a political and trade treaty of union with Englands parliament?
That should be the only question.
It has never been asked yet.
1 year ago
An absolute cracker Chris.
Geri @ 1.19…..B.B.King, Martin Luther King and (possibly) Nosmo king ?
James Che
1 year ago
Scots are not in the treaty, perhaps that is Why Charlie faked a coronation, The Scots, were not asked if they wanted to join the treaty of union,
If you want to discover why ?
You will find the explanation on UK parliament Site, 2023.
James Che
1 year ago
Englands parliament admitting it has not asked the Scots if they want to join in the treaty of union 300 years ago,
Proclaiming to the world on a public site that they could halve put the vote to the Scots 300 years ago, they thought about it, they talked, they were aware that Scots should have got a vote on it all those years ago when it was discussed between them,
So up until the present date (Scots have not been deliberately asked )if they want to join the treaty of union as England thought the question should be avoided as they knew the Scots would say “No”.
Hoodwinked Scots whom did not realise they have never been asked the very most important question.
This treaty of union has more holes in its construction from its concept than any other contractual agreement I have ever witnessed.
1 year ago
James Che.
“The charade with King Charles visit to Edinburgh is another example, where every effort will be made to present Charles as already King of Scotland. This has been bizarrely welcomed by the First Minister, despite him knowing that Charles has not sworn the Scottish oath and is therefore not the King in Scotland. A title that does not legally exist. Our monarch is titled King of Scots and it requires a pledge to acknowledge and respect the sovereignty of the Scottish people and a solemn promise to protect the rents and privileges on behalf of the people. Without it he is no Monarch of Scots or Scotland.Charles cannot swear this oath as it would expose the crime of our oil and gas, our renewables all being stolen from the sovereign people of Scotland to fill Westminster’s coffers, all following on from the “Union of the Crowns in 1603”, an event that never happened. A myth that enables the Crown to seize all Scotland’s assets. All that happened was that Scotland’s King also became King of England. A single monarch but with two crowns, not one. ”
We can be certain of this for two reasons, firstly neither the Monarch or Parliament ever held the power to make deals involving the Scottish crown. They never owned it in the first place. Secondly think about it, this was happening 104 years BEFORE the Treaty of Union. There was no United Kingdom. Scotland and England were separate independent countries. Why would an Independent Scotland surrender the Crown of Scotland?
“Ask yourself if the Crowns were United and the Scottish Crown extinguished why are there two Crown Offices? The Crown Office in England and Wales stops at the border and a separate Crown Office in Scotland is required to administer Scotland’s wealth. They can’t even call it the Scottish Crown Office because it’s necessary to maintain the ruse that Scotland’s Crown does not exist. But exist it does because legally in terms of International law the UK is not a “ voluntary union” but in practice an illegal annexation by England of Scotland’s resources.”
“They have no choice but to have two Crown offices because they need different rules to enable the theft to operate. In England the Monarch has the rights over every asset. This cannot be challenged but in Scotland these assets belong to the Sovereign people of Scotland. So they created a separate “Crown Office in Scotland” supposedly acting like a trustee on behalf of the people and it is this which they use to illegally plunder our resources.”
Thanks everyone who replied on who the others were. Cheers!
James Che – different unions I believe. Isn’t the monarchy another separate Act of bullshit. Union of Crowns..?
There should be a referendum in Scotland because it’s an absolute farce that an administrative office with a set budget is paying for these multi million shyters! 50k charge to move OUR stone for a multi billionaire to grace his lard arse on while sticking Scots two wingers & a mason handshake to. That money could be spent far better.
Truman Cup O'Tea
1 year ago
Chris left out the Burger King unless that’s the guy holding the sign.
Anton Decadent
1 year ago
Yesterday I walked by the SHELTER shop across from Argos in the town. In its windows were rainbow stickers with Every Love Deserves A Home. It is saturation propaganda/ideological capture of the type 1984 warned of and it creates an intersectional structure of victimhood worthiness which puts men into female shelters etc.
It is the result of enforced pathological tolerance. I’d posted upthread about crony nationalism and did an image search for it. The results were things like the NYT and Newsweek etc portraying any kind of nationalism within a white majority Christian nation as one step away from Hitler. Black and brown nationalism, on the other hand, are portrayed as a natural response to white imperialism and bonus points if they are in white majority Christian nations.
1 year ago
Another CRACKER Chris, on the subject topic CHUCKY big ears is NOT MY KING, and useless YOUSELESS is NOT MY FM
George Ferguson
1 year ago
I have tried over the years to secure Scottish Independence. But unthinking left wing Scottish Republicanism has taken over the farm. And Alba to boot. The one Alba policy I agreed with was taking ownership of public utilities. Part way through the positioning paper on how to do that I have stopped!. If you are not interested in creating the conditions for Scottish Independence why should I be?.
1 year ago
What the fk were they thinking? I truly despair about the running of “Scottish” Rugby. How much lower can they sink?
Beauvais says:
8 July, 2023 at 12:42 pm
BTW Breeks I think I was alongside you for a wee bit of the march in Stirling…
Double or quits for Ayr? 😉
I don’t know Ayr at all, but I think I can get there…
James Che
1 year ago
The myth of Charlie being the king of the UK never mind Scotland goes much deeper even than you suggest or have grasped.
1: the Scots have not been asked to join the treaty of union,
It was discussed at the time to give the Scots a vote on it, however it was decided not to give us
Us the vote in 1707 due to the fact that Scots would probably vote NO.
This is the Statement on UK parliament site, 2023.
2: both Countries parliaments ceased to exist on LIEU of a future agreed promise.
Neither Countries parliaments is in the GB parliament.
3: the GB parliament has not ever signed up to a treaty with the old English parliament prior to its ceasing
The GB parliament has not signed up to a treaty with the old Scottish parliament prior to it ceasing.
4: the English parliament Ratified the treaty under domestic law of England, (not international law) then ceased as a parliament.
The Scottish parliament also Ratified the Treaty under domestic law of Scotland ( not international Law) then ceased as a parliament.
5: both Countries parliaments legal obligations to the treaty of union agreement ceased, even although ratified in their own domestic law, when the respective parliaments ceased and closed their doors.
6: neither of the parties parliaments agreement ratification could be converted into international Law once both parliaments ceased as parliaments, as neither of those parliaments had or held or signed a treaty with the parliament of Great Britain,
Everything ceased to be legally binding. Even the domestic ratification legislation of each parliament
7: ceased,extinct, extinguished parliaments do not belong to any Country nor can or do they operate within a kingdom or State once its ( parliament) position has ceased.
The ” entity” “Great Britain parliament” is a myth based upon a promised parliament in lieu, ratified in domestic law of each now non existent parliament.
The Great British parliament is just a name, it cannot exist with representatives from either parliament that has ceased.
The promises made for the treaty of union wether they refer to religion, monarchy, Trade or kingdoms cannot be considered to have become or be converted into a international treaty of parliamentary union without a number of dues,
One of those being a major issue,
Both parliaments must be seen to still exist within the the parliament of Great Britain parliament,
Both ceased to exist or at least the Scottish one did according to statements of the present UK parliament,
This is in evidence today by the “entity” “Westminster parliament” legislating a ” Sub” devolved government to Scotland.
Scotland Not having its own parliament sitting in the treaty of union since it was extinguished from the treaty of union in 1707.
James Che
1 year ago
The Scots were not asked to join the treaty of union, you will find this info on UK parliament site 2033.
The territory of Scotland is not in the treaty of union,
If the Scots and Scotland are not in the treaty of union….what do we need a referendum for.
Both parliaments ceased to be, and therefore were unable to join a parliamentary union.
The old parliament of England did not sign a treaty of union with the GB parliament before it ceased.
The old parliament of Scotland did not sign a treaty of union with the GB parliament prior to it ceasing.
The ratifications were made under domestic law of each parliament respectively before both ceased and closed, neither therefore was capable of being converted into the law of a international treaty.
Neither parliament respectively can be challenged with breach of treaty of the union in law now. But both Countries have retained their kingdoms as the parliament of GB is based upon a mythical entity and false entrant as a governing parliament.
The monarch is not our king,
The Westminster government is claiming to be under a international treaty but actually does not exist other than by a promise in lieu from two parliament that ceased to exist over three hundred years ago,
Both these ceased parliaments did not sign a treaty with the GB parliament, it exist under “self proclamation”
1 year ago
@ George Ferguson
That is disappointing to read that you have stopped work on your proposals. It certainly would have been something interesting to read and consider the options you put forward.
@ Breeks
Yer dugs (and many others including yon big Great Dane) have probably attended more indy marches than aw they “pro-indy” SNP and Green politicians!
George Ferguson
1 year ago
@Dan 6:09 pm
I still know what to write. Scotland is more than the machinations of a single political party. Perhaps I should give it to the Labour Party. They have declared they are in favour of a return of utilities to public ownership. I am thinking brown paper bags and not being able to break out of them. Here is what I think Labour will win the next General Election and the next Scottish Election. And then a follow-up campaign victory in each Parliament. 10 years away for us. Why help them?
Alf Baird
1 year ago
The disgraceful ceremony handing over Scots sovereignty on a wee cushion to another in a long line of English monarchs this week takes us back more or less to pre-Bruce times, as the Scottish elite assembled in St. Giles paid homage to the oppressor. The Scottish crown went nowhere near his head and no oath to uphold the sovereignty of the Scottish people was ever uttered. No crowning and no oath means he cannot be King of Scots. He aye wears only England’s Imperial State Crown and if that isnae a wee clue I don’t know what is.
It is almost as if the Scots native elite have no awareness of their own condemnation, or the continued enslavement they enable of the people they supposedly represent or the exploitation of the territory they seek to lead.
Their actions are explained by Albert Memmi, writing about the authorities and cadres recruited from among the colonized, and who: “by choosing to place themselves in the colonizer’s service to protect his interests exclusively, they end up by adopting his ideology, even with regard to their own values and their own lives”.
1 year ago
@ George Ferguson
Labour talk of returning the utilities into public ownership, oh aye jist like they were going to abolish the House of Lords… You actually trust them to deliver in any meaningful form and don’t just think it’s carrot waving.
But why give or tie your proposal to any political Party as they are all either corrupted or unable to get any decent exposure. Any threat to established power and the status quo can be nullified and removed. Have we forgotten Corbyn, Salmond, and Whiteman so soon…
When you floated the idea you were going to put something together re. the utilities I suggested you contact Common Weal or Robin McAlpine to put your heads together as there would undoubtedly be some alignment on certain elements of any proposals, but also because it would distance the proposal from Party political involvement for exactly the reasons re. the monarchy which are now tainting your motivation to continue with it.
I’ve said for a good while now that party politics is the problem what with the electorally successful Parties being captured, or just stacked full of careerist zoomers who apparently don’t seem to have a clue about the real trials and tribulations so many folks in our society have to endure in their lives.
You could put your proposal out there and then it could be supported by a load of decent non-Party affiliated independent local candidates to run with. Seriously, who with any integrity or political nous would stand for a Party these days when the Parties are either totes shit, or have been tainted so badly by the very obvious machinations of the mainstream media influencing the masses.
Talk of ten years is too far away imo. There will be even less viable contingencies to re-build what is left of Scotland by then as the selling off or depletion of our assets and resources continues apace. Add in the ageing demographics / low birth rate, and the not insignificant rest of UK immigration also in the mix, it will mean Scotland will just be a hollowed out shell of what it once was. End game colonisation effectively complete.
Ian Brotherhood
1 year ago
@Alf Baird (6.39) –
Small consolation perhaps but it was priceless to see his face when he eventually emerged from that car. He really looked as if he might burst into tears.
OTS had a good piece on it.
‘All the months of preparation, the commissioning of original music, art and ceremonial weapons, the pageantry, the diplomatic tip-toeing around constitutional detail, the hours spent on considering the PR value, the optics of the whole thing – all culminating in the sight of a stony-faced velvet-clad old man unable to face his ‘subjects’ (or even give them a wee wave) while the ‘Not My King’ mantra echoed around the Royal Mile.’
We have to remember that anyone behaving in this manner, is under the English legislating colonial sub parliament to Scotland,
It is a case of self anointing.
As is the self proclamation of a Great British parliament.
It is the Scots that are to dumb at this moment in time. To recognise that the Westminster parliament is openly telling them
1: that Scots were not to get a vote on joining the treaty of union because they would vote NO.
2: that the Scottish parliament was extinguished in 1707 from the treaty of union.
3: with one parliament extinguished there can be no “international treaty” of union.
4: give Scotland a Sub parliament the same as devolved regions of England.
Talk about being openly mocked by the Westminster colonial governing body holding NO international treaty with Scots or Scotland while we beg for a referendum of them like idiots.
Not whispered behind the palm of a hand, but in plain site for the whole world to read,
We have to be the slowest nation in the world on independence while the magnitude of what we are being told is right before our eyes. And the eyes of the world, easily accessible on UK parliament site in 2023.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Alf Baird,
there is no sovereignty of the Scottish people. That’s an ancient concept removed by the Act of Union in 1707. There is now only the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, whose peoples, wherever in the U.K. they live, get votes at a general election.
Scotland was never colonised, either. Scots (and the Welsh, English and Irish) have done a great deal of colonising of others, though, from 1707 through to around 1925, when some colonies were granted Dominion status, and there were border adjustments and freedoms granted in southern and western Africa.
James Che
1 year ago
King of Scots? Who Charlie?
Excepts Scots were denied a vote in joining the treaty of union, after it was discussed by the commissioners and politicians in 1707, because it was thought the Scots would say No,
So Charlie is not king of Scots,
He just king of England, annexed Wales and part of Ireland,
The old Scottish parliament ceased to be and was extinguished in England,
So again not king of Scots or Scotlands territorial realm.
James Che
1 year ago
The act of union is piffle.
There is no international treaty of union,
Both parliaments made a promise they could not and did not keep as soon as they ceased to be legal entities.
And prior to the self proclaimed GB parliament annointing itself.
The GB parliament was a parliament in lieu.
It Is not signed up to a treaty with either the Scottish or English parliament.
The GB parliament cannot become or be converted a international treaty while on its own,
1 year ago
Andy W questions Royal ownership of Holyrood property, two parts –
Almost 100% of Scots would say we are not too stupid,
But with Scotland around the middle in size and population out of the World’s approx 200 countries and in the very top echelon for GDP per capita (even with fiddled UK accountancy) with indy support still at only around 50% you begin to wonder if maybe the ‘Too stupid’ accusation might not have some justification.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
James Che,
no King of Scots was ever confirmed by a popular vote.
Stop making things up.
Ian Brotherhood
1 year ago
Wur auld pal John Nicholson gets an absolute pasting here.
‘Not only did Nicolson argue lesbians can have a penis. That’s become a classic comedy line that no one other than our elected representatives and deeply creepy blokes with badly fitting wigs take seriously. Nicolson also argued that “it’s one of the most offensive things in the LGB Alliance’s submission that they say they do not believe that you can be born in the wrong body”.’
@Dan 7:15pm
I remember your call for the Common Weal or Robert McAlpine sharing, unfortunately if I go on their website I have to donate to access Common Weal. How many years has Robert McAlpine got in public utilities?. Their think tank I wouldn’t pay tuppence for. There is a growing industry that have made money from Scottish Independence the wee ginger dug, Ruth wishart, people selling books. It’s cost me, being an Independence supporter. Financially, time, emotion, and effort. After my holidays I will start it up again and give the paper to Stu. A trustworthy source.
James Che
1 year ago
Great Britain parliament is self proclaimed
The Great British parliament cannot be in a international treaty as sole entity.
It has to have a treaty with the Scottish parliament still extant and English parliament still extant,
These domestically ratified pieces of legislation ceased to be valid when both or either one of those parliaments respectively ceased to exist and are no longer extant.
1 year ago
That’s a fanciful tale.
So Who is Chucky & why the two coronations?
1 year ago
Labour are just as bad as the Tories the prominent ones are members of (BAP) its mission in the UK to put down socialism and republicanism to help groom future leaders and their funders are unknown.
BLiS manager in Scotland (Anas Sarwar) is also a full blown member of BAP and says they’re his second family.
Excellent idea regards approaching Common Weal & McAlpine.
That’s what I would do.
1 year ago
Breeks @5:19 pm
I’m afraid Ayr might be out for me, but I’m determined to be there for at east one more of this year’s schedule.
Captain Yossarian
1 year ago
My house used to be the gardeners house for a big joint two doors away. It’s the size of a castle, designed by Greek Thompson and built in 1855.
It’s just changed hands for the first time in about 50-years and the new owner has invited me to take a look around the place a few times now.
The roof is fascinating. Ballaculish slates which are very thick and hard. It’s not perfect but most of it is pretty much perfect.
There are leaks all over the place but that is due to the leadwork wearing thin over time and cracking.
It’s got a lift which is powered by water, so that water fills a tank and the weight of the tank of water drops down and the lift rises up.
Fireplaces everywhere, even in hallways. 18No in total.
Interestingly, even although my house is a honky-tonk compared to this place, some things are the same – the stair balustrade, vestibule tiling and things like that.
Anyway, the roofer was telling me that in 1855, when this place was built, that was when Ballachulish was cutting the best slate and transporting it all over the world. I think it finally closed about a century later because sea water was flooding the pits and the slate was becoming poorer in quality due to pyrite.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
it’s well known who Charles is.
Two coronations because James VI and I never managed to get through the English Parliament a law combining the crowns. And nobody after him was that bothered.
Hence the 1745 and all.
But it’s all ancient guff. Charles is the head of state of the entire U.K. Nobody doubts it, except weirdoes.
1 year ago
One of the army NCOs doing the ushering at Wimbledon centre court this evening had OTT military mustachios like Kitchener. The imperial cult takes a long time to fade. A bit like radiation I suppose.
Maybe this guy served with ASA and was a first class chap.
1 year ago
@ George Ferguson
FYI Here is a link to Robin’s site welcome introduction in case you didn’t find this particular page.
Take time out to recharge and enjoy your holiday though, and hopefully a wee break will allow time to have a think and mull things over.
Contacting Stu would certainly be an option. But he needs to get the contact page function sorted again as it has been out of commission since the site’s “upgrade”.
Couple of times there have been dodgy posts on old threads on this site needing reported, and had to chase folk up to contact him via twitter.
But now twitter is out of sight to folk without time to manage and view extra online accounts, that is closing down the ability to see and share articles. Really don’t know why folk seem so drawn to twits and Farcebook as they are shit for having any decent in-depth conversations, and the way Musk and Zuckerberg control them there are less people able to view content on those platforms.
1 year ago
#NotOurKing is really taking the mick now. Not content with giving his missus the Garter of the Thistle he is found to have purloined Holyrood Palace for his own personal property! Holyrood belongs to us….the sovereign people….he has stolen it. link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
1 year ago
I’m sure that Army chap was on my gangway at Wimbledon earlier this week.
I thought he was a regimental sergeant major from the paras.
He was like a doppelgänger for Windsor Davies in it ain’t half hot mum the comedy TV show.
If he wasn’t so big I’d have shouted “Sing Lofty”.
1 year ago
“The act of union is piffle”
Indeed it is.
“legally in terms of International law the UK is not a “ voluntary union” but in practice an illegal annexation by England of Scotland’s resources.”
I doubt the ICJ would recognise the Treaty of Union if pushed, Scots had no vote on it, Scotland was coerced and under duress with a English army in Edinburgh at the time and another English army waiting at the border. The union was opposed by all the churches and burghs in Scotland.
At the time the illegal/undemocratic union was being forced upon Scots, At the time the Treaty of Union was signed in 1707 Scotland had no debt whilst England’s national debt was £18 million.
1 year ago
“But it’s all ancient guff. Charles is the head of state of the entire U.K. Nobody doubts it, except weirdoes.”
Brilliant absolutely brilliant, I had a good wee chuckle to the above, if you ever get tired of hitting the keys at Denison, I’m sure you’d make a mediocre comedian.
John Main eat your heart out.
George Ferguson
1 year ago
@Dan 8:33pm
Thanks for your reply. Robert is not one of my peer group. His website might be free but Common Weal isn’t. I still await on his record of competence in public utilities. My record is mounted on the Battery Point Power Station. Winning team leader out 0f 3000 teams. The Sir Michael Joughin Trophy. I received the award from the penultimate Governor of Hong Kong.Still I am a principled Independence supporter despite the money makers and grifters.
1 year ago
@ Captain Yossarian
I’ve been on my roof slating recently and mentioned on here that we have lost that industry which could have provided locally sourced quality roofing material, and instead just import in crap roof tiles from abroad. So we lost the slate producing jobs and also create the large carbon footprint of transporting tones of heavy freight across continents.
Of course when plots of land now costs so much there is less capital left for folk to actually buy the materials to build the house, so cheap crap is sourced instead of paying more for locally sourced higher quality materials.
Couple of articles on slate you may want to read.
Looks like Not My King has been My King money at the expense of the Scottish public purse.
1 year ago
Just been catching up with Robins latest articles..
Lol at MiNGAs!
**There is now a quite distinct Make Nicola Great Again movement (or MiNGA), and the MiNGAs seem to represent the mainstream of the SNP. **
Hey SNP member – where are your red lines at?
1 year ago
I’m at the stage now that I believe that Scots would allow England to steal just about anything they wanted from Scotland and Scots and Scots would just shrug their shoulders and grumble a wee bit to themselves then move on. What a cowed and sorry bunch the Scots have become.
“Following all of the publicity and questions about there ownership of the Palace of Holyroodhouse, it came as something of a surprise to discover that in April 2019, a title to Holyroodhouse had been recorded in the Land Register on behalf of “Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Successors”. On 21 December 2022, the owners was amended to His Majesty King Charles III and His Royal Successors.” [tilte here and plan here].
“This was the first ever recorded title to Holyroodhouse. There is no suggestion that ownership was being registered “in right of the Crown” as public property. The form of words used implies the personal ownership of the Sovereign despite the fact that Section 4 of the Crown Private Estates Act 1862 prohibits such personal ownership unless vested in Trustees (which is how Balmoral Estate for example is owned).”
Not that long ago the people of Sri Lanka stormed their governments building fed up with lies deceit and corruption they got active. The French, well we can only dream about being as active as they are, they have what we lack courage and determination they act when its needed.
Even the much oppressed Palestinian people who are in a worse predicament than we are, have the courage to act and have been doing so for over 70 years.
I used to wonder at what point Scots would rise up and say enough is enough, that there was red line that would see Scots take action and say, that it no more, but I’ve come to realise that there isn’t a red line, and Scots will swallow all manner of shite piled on them by the English government.
1 year ago
OK, Chris, I give up – who is the bloke holding the placard?
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
the ICJ haven’t the jurisdiction to rule on the Act of Union. It’s an internal matter within one state.
John Main
1 year ago
Wow, Wings BTL taking exception to gentlemen’s facial hair now!
Well, why not?
It’s a subject permitting endless greetin, faux outrage and puling, seeing as how there is just so much gentlemen’s facial hair, and of such diverse shapes, luxuriance and hue, around.
And like all the other greetin, faux outrage and puling on Wings BTL, that devoted to gentlemen’s facial hair will have the same end result.
Got to say, though, I am disappointed in RoS. I was confident he would have already posted a rote diatribe about cluster bombs and Great Satans. But the night is yet young.
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad said; “there is no sovereignty of the Scottish people. That’s an ancient concept removed by the Act of Union in 1707.”
That’s a supremely asinine statement even for a smugly abusive git like you, ASA!
No-one and no body involved in negotiating, signing or ratifying the Treaty had any authority remotely high enough to remove the sovereignty of the Scots from them without their consent, and transfer it to a foreign body. Not the Scottish nor English commissioners, not Queen Anne in either of her monarchies, and not either of the old Parliaments.
It just never happened; you made it up because that’s all you know how to do. If the facts don’t fit (if you even know them), just make suitable ones up and rely on bluster and insults to try and cow us into accepting your endless tripe. But a lot of us know better.
“There is now only the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, whose peoples, wherever in the U.K. they live, get votes at a general election.”
More lies! The sovereignty of the UK is a myth. The only verified sovereignty is that of the Scots, and the sovereignty of England used to reside in its old parliament, if only for about 18 years before it ended when it was replaced by the parliament of Great Britain in the same building; there was no transfer of its sovereignty to the new GB Parliament, because it never occurred to anybody to conduct a formal transfer of its sovereignty to the new one before the old one died. Oh, dear, how sad, never mind. No use crying over spilt milk, eh?
So, guess what? Westminster did exactly what you do, just made up a story that the new parliament is just a continuation of the old parliament so of course it’s sovereign. But that’s a flat out lie, because that isn’t what happened, as Carwyn Jones pointed out to the Welsh parliament a few years ago. But even if that sovereignty was somehow transferred, it could only ever cover the kingdom of England, and not the UK. So you’re still stuffed.
John Main
1 year ago
@Geri 9:27
There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about in being dyslexic.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to point out to you, and for you to understand and recognise, that “Make Nicola Great Again” cannot be abbreviated as “MiNGA”.
Do you want to claim that being forced to use English is colonialist oppression of you as a Sovereign Scot? Or that being reminded of your grammatical and spelling shortcomings is “ableist prejudice”? That might work.
1 year ago
@Captain Yossarian
Polling has shown that supporting the monarchy is now a distinctly minority pursuit in Scotland. So your ideas are bogus.
1 year ago
Looks like another big name nonce at the BBC to add to their extensive historic collection of nonces. And they sent me a licence fee demand the other day. They ain’t getting it.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
there’s stuff all in the ancient guff about the Scots people being their own sovereign. Never written down, never voted upon. No basis in reality, apart from fables.
It’s meaningless. And for over 300 years, not ever questioned that the UK is the sovereign power.
1 year ago
Maybe one day cybernats will post comments that in content and phrasing at last meet the approval of that tireless umpire of public discourse, His Correctness John Main.
1 year ago
Fear not. Come divvy up time Scotland will be compensated for everything that’s been stolen & land & property will be returned to its rightful owners, Scotland.
Reparations will be demanded.
& Dumbza, the serf boy, his *political career* is below gutter, right down there with Pisharts. He’ll struggle even to win a gig writing the TV guide in the fanzine.
I missed where he gave SNP colleagues an ultimatum to love Nicola or for them to stand down – wtf?!
What a great idea & with it lose a majority if enough of them accept his challenge. A vote of no confidence later & *poof* he’ll be gone – he can keep the kilt!
Also missed yet more powers stripped from their membership – they can no longer vote a deputy leader.
This farce will soon be over when the handcuffs start being issued. All the planets are aligning & it looks like they’ll start to come thick & fast.
In the meantime if he does just one more thing royal related he’ll be run out of Scotland. Can he not read the room ffs!?
1 year ago
You have no sovereignty. You have no democracy. You may vote but that’s pretendy too because King Chucky can refuse to form *his* government from the rabble you have voted for & knobble up one of his own instead.
He can also terminate what *his* parliament votes for in parliament & refuse it royal assent & have it binned.
You clowns just spout utter shite. You’ve been listening to Jacob Reese-mogg & the Brexshiteer gang too long. England’s sovereignty lies with the English king in *his* parliament. YOU, serf boy, are a SUBJECT of his with hee-haw sovereignty of any kind.
John Main.
Take it up with Robin – it’s from his article.
Ronnie leitch
1 year ago
A great cartoon.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
the ones spouting utter shite on here are you, Baird, RoS, Xaracen, Che, and a couple of less frequent posters.
There’s not a single thing that you lot say that is truthful, or that forms a logical argument. Far less anything that is justiciable. It’s all just pish and wind, and totally meaningless.
1 year ago
Actually, thinking about it..
If he didn’t take the full oath to Scotland then he can’t open parliament & no one can swear an oath to him before sitting because he is only an English king & Westminster is a GB parliament ..
That’ll be awkward? If he didn’t take the oath to Scotland then there’s no United Kingdom’s & that parliament is now only an English one.
1 year ago
Then why are you here?
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
I’m here because the utter shite that your echo chamber creates needs to be called out.
1 year ago
When do you think you’ll start because you haven’t called out a single thing so far.
Do one.
1 year ago
Regarding slate, it’s because the the cost is seen purely as financial and the energy required to move things around is kind of discounted, I think. Because you can buy cast terracotta roof tiles from a builders’ merchant for less than more locally-sourced slates, no matter where they’ve been manufactured.
1 year ago
Most folk on here have probably heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
If you haven’t it can be summarised thus:
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.
But do you know what prompted the social psychologists Justin Kruger and David Dunning to embark on their study of incompetence?
This from an article on the subject:
Dunning and Kruger started their journey after hearing the story of Pittsburgh resident McArthur Wheeler.
In 1995, Wheeler robbed two banks. To hide his identity from surveillance cameras he spread lemon juice on his face. He was convinced the chemical properties of lemon juice would make his facial features invisible to surveillance cameras.
Wheeler’s arrogant self-assurance stemmed from his belief that as lemon juice can be used as a type of invisible ink, it would do the same for his face.
His story prompted Kruger and Dunning into researching the “miscalibration of the incompetent”.
They concluded Wheeler was no isolated example. They found that the arrogance of ignorance is commonplace.
Unfortunate souls thus afflicted don’t know what they don’t know – and reject any evidence that suggests their beliefs are wrong or that there might be knowledge about a particular subject of which they are unaware.
Professor Dunning came to believe that “If Wheeler was too stupid to be a bank robber, perhaps he was also too stupid to know that he was too stupid to be a bank robber — that is, his stupidity protected him from an awareness of his own stupidity.”
Explains a lot, doesn’t it? If you thought education was expensive, try ignorance.
According to Dunning and Kruger, arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity all go hand-in-hand. So, if you come across a ‘Wheeler’ don’t try reasoning with them, you’ll just be wasting your time.
Wheeler was easily identified, convicted and imprisoned.
John Main
1 year ago
@Northcode 11:59
Intrinsic to the Dunning-Kruger effect is the realisation that anybody choosing to deploy it must also accept that they may unwittingly be subject to it.
It’s a real paradox, and thus smart people won’t deploy it. Very likely that if they do, it will rebound on them, or in other words, blow up in their face.
John Main
1 year ago
@Geri 10:55
Your post, so I’m taking it up with you.
Try to grow a pair and have the guts to own what you post.
If it’s shite, acknowledge it, resolve to do better in future, and move on.
Nobody wants to see the Indy movement made into a laughing stock.
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad says: at 11:40 pm
“I’m here because the utter shite that your echo chamber creates needs to be called out.”
Au contraire! You’re actually only on here bumping your gums because Scotland provides England with enough energy to keep your computer running. 😉
It’s leeches like you that are draining Scotland. You regularly say nae cunt would need Scottish leccy coz of ohm’s law pish, and that they can make it themselves anyway; So chop chop old chap, get yer arse off t’internet, grab some of those squaddie mates, and go build some generation infrastructure in lovely old England instead of being a parasitic drain on Scotland.
1 year ago
@ Derek
Nae danger terracotta roof tiles are acceptable on a traditional Scottish hoose roof around my way.
Interestingly I did notice around Scottish borders / Berwick upon Tweed that some individual roofs actually have a mix of both slate and pantiles for some reason.
Alf Baird
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad @ 11:40 pm
“utter shite”
As is your ‘contribution’, every time. Everybody kens it tae.
Anton Decadent
1 year ago
Re guy in cartoon with placard, Matt McGinn?
1 year ago
It’s marching season. He’s probably busy collecting pallets at the mo. They’re the only eejits who love a foreign king they’ll never meet.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Alf Baird,
I’ve already pointed out the utter shite that is the idea that you push of a trans-shipment port in Orkney.
1 year ago
Way down in the deepest heart of Norfolk, lived a man, a Scottish man, who gave the best years of his life to the British Army, serving with distinction in multiple theatres of war, leading by example, a true believer in the army leadership code, all the while knowing that army life and army discipline together have the effect of setting a man above his peers. With higher rank, such a man might think he has earned the respect of his fellow soldiers, who might see in him the calm steady rational demeanour of a type of Scot that only art can truly capture, like Gordon Jackson for example, not as leader (that would not do at all) but as the dependable second-in-command in the Great Escape…what our man in Norfolk won’t know is that when he’s absent, his buddies, his comrades, his soldiers will impersonate him, not as Jackson, but as Ives, wee 5 foot 4 Ives…(coyly) oh Cooler King…what did ye study in college, physical education?…(simpers)…oh Hilts, thae were the days, some of those Saturday nights in towns such as Musselburgh and Hamilton, huh huh, you had to fight off the birds, you know…girls man, girls, (plants seed in Hilts’ mind, I’ll play catamite if you want Hilts)…d’ye know have them in the States…gush, blush, simper, flatter, deprecate, repress, cry tiny years inside as ‘och aye the noo’ rings incessantly around the officers’ mess…puir wee Ives…shot to death for his troubles trying to escape…martyred, crucified like a wee St.Jock o’the Cross…ah well…there’s plenty more wee Jocks where he came from and all they require is the odd word of praise and a pat on the head…good boy! Jocko, good boy!!!
Captain Yossarian
1 year ago
Muscleguy – I don’t feel strongly about it. Sometimes, when you ban something that you think is unpopular, you make it more popular. Like coal-fires or diesel cars for example.
Remember there used to be “think-tanks” in Scotland? Maybe they’re still around, but no-one pays attention any more. So, we are drifting and rudderless.
The demographic in Scotland is starting to move away from Nationalism and so you have to re-group and choose the ground you want to fight on.
Some of the people writing-in here have good ideas that would make Nationalism more appealing again.
I tend to vote Labour but I don’t respect them or even like them that much. 20-years ago they started a decline and I cannot see that changing much. People say it will, but I’m not so sure.
I respect Nationalists and the comments on here are written by them and some of them are convincing.
Most Scots are against nuclear weapons and the monarchy and I accept that, but these arguments tend to divide people and so don’t make you popular.
Kenny MacAskill is an example of someone who I find convincing, but his party are fragmented, aren’t they. He’s trying to lead them in one direction and because it’s a democratic party, people argue the opposite and so the message he is trying to deliver gets lost.
That’s the conundrum for you. The way I see it anyway.
1 year ago
Captain Yossarian 4.16am
Good comment – “drifting and rudderless” although “moving away from Nationalism” isn’t supported by the polls.
Surely a political party that accomodates folk with a range opinions is a healthy thing. In the real world, we all have our own experiences and opinions and so there should be no need for a party to try to constrain us. Listening and debating help shape policy. Differing opinions in an atmosphere of cordiality are to be welcomed especially in the wake of the nine-year democratic demolition we’ve lived through.
As for the decline in Labour – lots of info out there. Not pleasant. It’s not going to get better. However, after independence we’d have a choice of parties and could vote them in and vote them out. Our votes would finally count. Then you could vote for a Labour party that was actually socialist.
1 year ago
Alf Baird says:
9 July, 2023 at 12:50 am
A Scot Abroad @ 11:40 pm
“utter shite”
As is your ‘contribution’, every time. Everybody kens it tae.
Don’t trouble yourself responding Alf.
There are none so blind as those who are truly thick as mince.
It’s also interesting to quote Captain Yossarian, “…Most Scots are against nuclear weapons and the monarchy and I accept that, but these arguments tend to divide people and so don’t make you popular.”
I hear what you’re saying Captain, but we have Alf Baird, University Professor with life long professional interest in shipping, currently liaising with Stuart Ballantyne, designer and manufacturer catamaran ferries, to hopefully alleviate the lamentable Scottish Government’s incompetence.
Over many years, he’s made informed, and profoundly interesting observations and proposals to rectify what’s gone wrong with Scotland’s maritime heritage under UK Tory misrule, and articulated meaningful ways to correct it.
It isn’t fanciful stuff. If I remember correctly, there was even an Operator physically prepared to step in an run the proposal at Scapa Flow.
Then in the red, (white and blue) corner, you have a Proud-Scot-But, Desert Hat, imbecile with a Commission, but minus his tank these days, firing peurile insults on rapid fire in every direction, while gaslighting the unwary, declaring black is white, white is black, without the merest hint of reference, corroboration, or source.
Alf presents cogent and germane propsals which would turn a disadvantaged and criminally mismanaged Scottish Port infrastructure left to rot under London rule, into a powerhouse which would deliver potent and lucrative investment, prosperity and opportunity for an Independant Scotland working closely with our friends and allies in Europe, Scandinavia, and the Baltic, and also, right on point “IF” there’s to be an Arctic Sea lane become viable.
The point is, there isn’t an exchange of arguments here. There is no point and counterpoint. There are diligent proposls for an Independent Scotland having mud thrown at them from a blinkered deluded walloper who thinks everybody who isn’t prepared to swallow gallons of the UK Koolaid like he has, can be derided as Scottish “Untermenschen”.
I’m quite sure the likes of Alf Baird would thrive in an objective debate about Scotland’s Maritime potential, but instead, we’re all treated to bile, rudeness and ignorant disinformation from blinkered dunces like the Ascot Hat.
But please don’t call for him to be banned. He’s a constant reminder of what it’s like to be a BritNat shill and product of UK indoctrination. Not a particularly attractive end product, is it?
1 year ago
Backshift hours appear to exacerbate Ascot A broad’s grumpiness. The technique is wearing a wee bit thin though. Combative, mainly baseless, often with a parting left hook. These careers in conditioning clearly take their toll. Sad.
Time to try out alternative pursuits for the unfulfilled retiree maybe? Something a bit gentler on the old constitution might help: meditation, yoga, landscape painting, flower arranging…
1 year ago
All this talk of parliaments, has anyone looked into what it would take to re-constitute our Scottish Parliament and declare it open for business. Is is even possible, just a thought…
1 year ago
“Fear not. Come divvy up time Scotland will be compensated for everything that’s been stolen & land & property will be returned to its rightful owners, Scotland.”
Nice thoughts Geri, but we are neighbours (England) with a country with long history of nefarious activities. the English government only recognises international law when it suits it.
The Chaggossian people can testify to that.
1 year ago
“I was confident he would have already posted a rote diatribe about cluster bombs”
Now that you mention Main.
The US which has ran out of weapons that IT wants to send to 404 has approved the sending of cluster bombs (which are banned) to 404’s military, or should I call it international brigade. (Nato)
Of course the English government approved the sending of those banned weapons to Saudi Arabia, which were used on the civilians of Yemen years ago.
We’d need the right people in place and right now we have House Jocks in those positions.
When the right folk are in the positions, this can happen, unless of course the Scots rise up before they are in the positions.
From Craig Murray’s blog.
“A Scottish government, whether arising from the Scottish Parliament or from another body, needs in declaring Independence to ensure it has practical control of Scotland.
That means that the organs of the state have to acknowledge the Scottish state. All taxes collected must go to Edinburgh, not to Westminster. The judiciary must apply Scottish laws and not Westminster ones, where they conflict, and specifically apply all new laws post the Declaration of Independence. The police must answer only to Scottish authorities. Ultimately so must the military stationed in Scotland.
At the time Independence is declared, immediate action must be taken to ensure all civil servants, judges, police and military take an oath of loyalty to the people of Scotland and its new government, and renounce any previous loyalty to Crown and to UK political institutions. Anybody refusing must be summarily dismissed from their positions.
We have the example of Catalonia before us. We also have the example of Egypt’s only ever democratically elected leader, President Morsi, who died horribly in jail after being overthrown by a CIA coup because he failed to take the elementary precaution of dismissing and imprisoning all the military regime’s corrupt judges. He should have learnt from Fritz Bauer.
Let us not make those mistakes.
Ultimately, it boils down to this.
1) Westminster will never agree to Scottish Independence.
2) Scotland therefore has no option but to declare Independence unilaterally.
3) Any independent state must be prepared to defend itself by physical force from foreign attack. So must a newly declared Independent Scotland.
4) All who refuse to serve an Independent Scotland must then be removed from all organs of the state.
5) Once an Independent Scotland has physical control of its territory and resources, international recognition will soon follow. Brexit has completely changed the political atmosphere with regard to the crucial attitude of the European Union to London’s government.”
Stephen O'Brien
1 year ago
“Westminster is toxic”.. The sum total of SNP strategy!
1 year ago
Republicofscotland says:
9 July, 2023 at 9:26 am
… has approved the sending of cluster bombs (which are banned) to 404’s military, or should I call it international brigade.
Aye, and thus the Country with severely limited capacity to actually drop any clusterbombs, sets a very grim and ominous precedent for the Country with overwhelming capacity to drop loads of them.
I wonder what humanitarian genius thought that one up.
1 year ago
Mark these words by Craig Murray, for we’ll need to take our independence, it won’t be given.
“To put this another way, no matter how many irregularities there might be in the 1689 Act of Settlement, no domestic or international court is going to annul it now. It is realpolitik again – no state exists whose form and institutions would survive re-examination of all their historic foundations under modern criteria.”
1 year ago
This company and its parent company are, and have been, giving large amounts of cash to the Britnat parties at Holyrood to keep them afloat to help stop Scots from dumping the union.
“I’ve already pointed out the utter shite that is the idea that you push of a trans-shipment port in Orkney.”
Scapa Flow has been a successful transhipment port for the last 50 years. Where did you think Orkney Council’s (and Shetland’s) oil wealth fund comes from?
that’s all a bit moonshine from Craig Murray’s blog. The vast majority of the forces stationed in Scotland would simply refuse. The planes would fly south, the submarines sail south, and the Army drive south. I have no doubt that a good proportion of the public servants and Police would also not comply with illegal instructions.
Most of the taxation collected from the financial sector would disappear along with the sector itself. 7.5% of Scotland’s GDP, and 200,000 jobs. Add in another 55,000 jobs in U.K.-wide public employment. Most oil and gas revenues would disappear, as would all foreign direct investment.
The EU isn’t going to recognise any form of UDI, as that would merely encourage separatist movements around Europe.
John Main
1 year ago
“bile, rudeness and ignorant dis-information”
Once again, the selective outrage that appears only when the bile, rudeness and ignorant dis-information comes from one deemed to be anti-Indy is noted by alert readers.
John Main
1 year ago
@RoS 9:45
Intrigued by your point 4.
As what organ do you intend to serve the newly born iScotland?
John Main
1 year ago
Apropos of nothing.
This Sovereign Scot won’t be taking an oath of loyalty to HY. Not ever.
RoS & Breeks, fill yer boots if you like.
It’s a symptom of your infinite capacities for self delusion about just how far out the tide of Indy has ebbed that you are now “planning” for the aftermath of a putsch on an open forum.
Whilst simultaneously bleating about things that are “banned”.
Jeezo, is it really so godamned difficult to just show us Scots the fucking money and win popular support that way?
1 year ago
Cluster bombs
There go those great bastions of world peace breaking international law, AGAIN in its obsessive need to dominate. Another despot imperial regime.
& Weirdos think pu-tin is unhinged.
Reeves *we should pay tribute to the USA for all they have done to help Ukrainy -they’ve helped more than any other nation*
So they should! That started it ffs!
So a new government, same shit. America’s bitch. 51st state. Meanwhile, here in skintland, we’ve a nice big target strapped to our back..
You can almost hear how that conversation went – house it in Scotland lads. So what if it’s obliterated. The Scots cost nothing & they’ll be doing us a favour.
No. Scotland is against nuclear weapons. Only despot britnats think the topic is decisive & dividing because everyone won’t bend to their control.
1 year ago
States recognise other states.
Not a permission slip from London.
Scotland is a country. Not some region of England that’s locked in under a written constitution. We had our own which still survives & is valid.
Dorothy Devine
1 year ago
Breeks , not banned but perhaps stop the personal references , leave it in neutral don’t quote them.
It is QI when someone uses that method how quickly it is claimed by those attempting disruption.
Rev Stu, I love this blog and I also love most of those below the line as they provide interesting snippets of information or other paths to follow.
John Main
1 year ago
As all of the fighting is taking place on the territory of 404, it is the right of the people of 404 to decide, as a Sovereign Nation, what weapons they are prepared to use in their existentialist struggle to expel the imperialist aggressor from their homeland.
So-called Scots Indy supporters who won’t acknowledge the fundamental right of a Sovereign Nation to defend itself from extermination need to be kept as far away from any possible real world influence and responsibility as possible.
If nothing else, the looney tunes nature of the posts from some of the regulars on here clarifies just why the SNP, once in power, had to distance itself from them as soon as it could.
The exact same process will have to happen should Alba or any other new Indy party gain power.
1 year ago
Clusterbombs. link to stopclustermunitions.org
I do not know if was a bomb of the type that killed a member of my extended family, it was not a WMD, that is for sure.
Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it, Mr Sunak.
1 year ago
You’d think, as the great con is peddled on the state funded propaganda channel, that if the yanks are winning they wouldn’t need anymore weapons.
Yet Uk-rainy comes with a shopping list like someone’s nipping down to Tesco & dared to ask if they need anything…
Not a member of NATO or the EU but look at the free bounty, the instant free passes to the clubs, the superstar treatment around the western world in their fight for (pretendy) *self determination*
*The EU isn’t going to recognise any form of UDI, as that would merely encourage separatist movements around Europe.*
DON’T TALK PISH! They’re already doing it ya roaster!
1 year ago
Aah, another weeks begins and John Main once again slips effortly into his now customary Jerry Maguire role play mode with his “Show me the money!” demand.
The trouble is though that every time he’s shown an example of where the money could come from, he shits himself and self IDs as a Plato’s cave dweller who lacks the fortitude to break out of his delusions that anything other than his current perceived reality is possible.
That sovereign nation broke the terms of their internationally recognised treaty. There were only two rules to follow. Signed by the Yanks too..
No NATO expansion.
Must remain neutral.
Agreed – here’s yer independence. Go in peace..
The yanks swooped in before the ink was even dry, to their own agreement to lock & load and install a puppet to break it. Surprise surprise.
Mayhem everywhere. One unhinged despotic nation. Here we go again to another war – wouldn’t be so bad if they ever won! For having such a big gob they always end up gubbed!
1 year ago
ASA and his English establishment overlords don’t have the gumption or the integrity to understand that an English MP majority is not the same as a Union majority. These are two different things, because Scotland is not a junior partner in the Union, it is one full half of the Union, the other half being England, and that makes any Scottish majority vote fully equal to any English majority vote.
England’s MPs are not sitting in the English parliament, they are sitting in the Union parliament. The Union parliament cannot pass legislation on the majority approval of only one partner, it needs the approval of both partners. England’s MPs cannot pass any legislation on their own because their majority or even unanimity does not represent the Union on their own, and Westminster has no bloody business pretending otherwise. They don’t speak for anybody except for England, they can’t speak for Scotland and therefore can’t speak for the Union. And yet they presume to do exactly that without any proper justification other than that they outnumber the Scots MPs.
But outnumbering isn’t the same as outvoting because that depends on how the votes are counted, and Westminster’s voting system is still the old English parliament’s voting system which assumed that all MPs represented English constituencies, and thus only one sovereignty. But the Union parliament represents two sovereignties, making that voting system completely inappropriate, but despite that, it has never been updated to reflect the new circumstances that came into effect in 1707!
It is that continued inadequacy that gives unwarranted power to the far larger numbers of England’s MPs than they can ever properly justify, though you can bet that if the numbers had been the other way around, England’s establishment would have seen that voting system amended so fast it would make ASA’s head swim.
Even if England’s MPs vote 100% for a matter, it’s not enough to pass it, because they only represent one sovereign partner in a Union of two. The other sovereign partner in the Union also gets a vote, and if their MPs vote against it even if only by a majority of 1 then the matter must fail because the Union’s two partners did not agree to pass it.
It’s well past time our Scots MPs robustly informed their English colleagues to stuff their abusive voting system.
A Scot Abroad said;
“It’s meaningless. And for over 300 years, not ever questioned that the UK is the sovereign power.”
Then you’ve not been paying any attention. No surprise there.
Geri said;
“Actually, thinking about it..
If he didn’t take the full oath to Scotland then he can’t open parliament & no one can swear an oath to him before sitting because he is only an English king & Westminster is a GB parliament ..
That’ll be awkward? If he didn’t take the oath to Scotland then there’s no United Kingdom’s & that parliament is now only an English one.”
I like the way you think!
A Scot Abroad said;
“Geri, the ones spouting utter shite on here are you, Baird, RoS, Xaracen, Che, and a couple of less frequent posters.
There’s not a single thing that you lot say that is truthful, or that forms a logical argument. Far less anything that is justiciable. It’s all just pish and wind, and totally meaningless.”
ASA, you’ve been talking to the mirror again!
1 year ago
the great thing about cluster bombs is when they don’t go off they have a secondary value as childrens toys (thank fuck we are the good guys and there is no moral equivalence going on); all such problems can be solved via language – landmines, bad? – no, we use landmines, landmines good, landmines legitimate military usage … other guy using landmines? – that bad … but landmines and landmines good and bad, head hurt?? – no, bad guy use IED = BAD, good guys uses landmine = GOOD
cluster bomb? – BAD? – try – antipersonnel area denial ordnance = GOOD
John Main
1 year ago
Thanks Dan.
Still peddling your coal I see.
But that’s nit picking on my part. You are smart enough to understand that I am not fundamentally questioning the existence of the bountiful resources you list.
I am pointing out that these resources are owned, and thus I am asking how that ownership gets transferred to new owners who will more equitably share them with me. And the 5.5 mill other Scots.
You are smart enough to know that history provides several examples of how this wealth transfer can be attempted, that some attempts have been more successful than others, that unexpected results have sometimes occurred, and that not everybody has always benefitted.
So, show how Scotland will do it in a way that stands a high chance of success.
Show all of us Scot’s, Sovereign and New, then stand aside as the rush to achieve Indy sweeps all in its path.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Alf Baird,
Orkney is a convenient transshipment place for goods produced in Orkney or Shetland. Of course.
What it isn’t is a convenient transshipment place for the 70% of European imports that come via the Mediterranean, and it’s less efficient than west Atlantic ports such as Brest or Bilbao, or even Rotterdam (with road and rail infrastructure already there) that come across the Atlantic. The polar routes are still theoretical, and even then, there’s Norway and Denmark barely further away.
You will know how to look at trade routes. You’ll notice that barely any shipping passes close by to Orkney that isn’t doing a local hop.
The entire concept is utterly bonkers. And it’s no wonder that nobody in the commercial world is taking it seriously. It isn’t going to happen.
1 year ago
John Main
That is so easy that every country does it (shock! Horror!)
You write a (new &0updated)constitution for parliament.
You have ministers take that oath to uphold it before sitting.
You dispense with eejits who go rogue.
The Westminster parliament is ABNORMAL in this regard. The public cannot sack MPs or MSPs because Thier oath is to a Draconian monarchy. NOT to their public who voted for them.
Easy, peasy.
In an iScot we will.
1 year ago
It’s Sunday – Hallelujah!
Good day to you all my brothers and sisters.
Today is a day for rest.
Today is a day for giving thanks for the bountiful gift of life on Earth.
And today is a day for reflection.
My sermon today, coming to you direct from the Northcode pulpit, reflects on the true nature of reality.
Let us begin…
It is finished, the British monarchy (and if you saw Charlie’s face as he arrived at Holyrood the other day you’ll know he knows that ,too). It will remain a diminished English monarchy only. And all of its stolen Scottish property will be returned to the Scots.
It is finished, the ‘Scottish’ devolved government. It will be swept aside to make way for a real Scottish Government. A real Scottish Government of the Scots, by the Scots, for the Scots (I’m sure Abraham Lincoln would approve of me paraphrasing his line).
And it is finished, the ‘United Kingdom’. Because without Scotland there is no United Kingdom. And everything it stole from Scotland will be returned. And what can’t be returned will be compensated for.
Nonsense, you say. And yes, it might seem like nonsense – just like the notions of our world being spherical and not flat, or that the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way about, were once considered nonsense.
But despite how defeated us Scots might seem right now, it only seems that way, because all of what I have written above has already happened; we just have to wait a wee bit for it to catch up with our current reality.
We humans don’t know anywhere near as much as we arrogantly think we do. We, all of us, are susceptible to setting our thoughts and beliefs in stone; excluding ideas and concepts that don’t immediately fit with those beliefs.
The future, all our futures, is foretold by the millions upon millions upon millions of, often apparently insignificant, actions and events that happen in what we call now. And by now I mean the now that is already the past – now is pretty much the past as soon as now arrives.
These millions of apparently insignificant actions are not the cause of the changes in reality themselves – it gets a bit weirder than that.
In science there is a phenomenon called the ‘observer effect’ when carrying out experiments:
Two-state-vector formalism (TSVF) of quantum mechanics postulates quantum events are in some sense determined by quantum states not just in the past but also in the future.
It is known that a sub-atomic particle can change to a waveform and then back again.
But something else that was discovered shocked the world of science, particles can be in two different places at the same time. A phenomenon called superposition.
Even more shocking to scientists was the discovery that during experiments, depending on the observer’s intentions, particles could change to waveform or from waveform to particles.
In other words, the thoughts of scientists observing experiments in sub-atomic particle superposition influenced whether it would remain a particle or a waveform.
These results have been interpreted by some to suggest that a conscious mind can directly affect reality – reality at a sub-atomic particle level, at least.
Scientific American
Often – most times – things that have already happened take a while to manifest in the everyday reality we see around us at any given moment.
So what does this mean for an independent Scotland?
Well, thanks to all the folk thinking an independent Scotland into existence, it has already happened and its manifestation is now unstoppable, it just hasn’t arrived in what we call reality yet.
So, even though we have already achieved Scottish Independence – albeit it at the quantum level for now;
keep thinking of Scotland as an independent nation.
Keep thinking Scottish not British.
Keep thinking sovereign not servant.
And keep thinking that anything is possible.
But above all, keep thinking; because according to some quantum physicists our thoughts create our reality – although my lottery jackpot win I’ve been thinking into existence is taking a long, long time to manifest; maybe next weekend.
Here endeth today’s sermon. May all your days be blessed with happiness and joy.
And don’t forget that love is the most powerful force in the universe – perhaps the only ‘real’ force that actually exists.
Anyway, until next Sunday’s sermon – play nice, fellow humans.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Xaracen, at 1140.
The entirety of that post about the union of two equal parts ignores reality, and it isn’t going to change. For a while, there’s even been issues on which Scots MPs voted down or passed legislation that only applied to England: see the West Lothian question.
What sort of a world do you live in that allows you to ignore reality?
1 year ago
For something that *isn’t going to happen* you ain’t half shitting yerself & spouting absolute nonsense.
We could take pointers from our friends around the world, see how they do it. Nothing is beyond possibility if you leave yer bile, spite & sense of exceptionalism at the door…
The too wee, too poor, too stupid mantra is old now. It’s just a pathetic attempt at coercive control.
You’ll be notttttthing without meeeee! Pish found in all abusers playbooks…pathetic.
There are smaller independent countries who mange just fine. Scotland will too.
& We’ll have full control of our sea boundaries to do wtf we like with them in negotiations that won’t include the UK if they like. Let them feck off & worry about their tiny channel crossing & gies peace.
1 year ago
I see our very good friend has been putting in double shifts …
ASA, the adults are talking – go back to the kiddies table
– tell them about your degree in operating a walkie talkie from the army “college”.
it’s a shame the taliban (or the serbs, whatever) didn’t get you and cut your nadgers off – you would have been a general by now in the new rainbow nato
Post indy we need a clear out – all scottish regiments should be disbanded and new ones formed, then a monument of shame built to the
and once a year on “victims of empire” (Nov 11 or thereabouts) day the public will be encouraged to spit on their battle honours, which are displayed upside down.
while NATO will likely be a default for Scotland, neutrality would be the best; swiss style neutrality, armed to the teeth, it all set to blow and everyone packing heat
– there’s only one group of people who I might like to enjoy shooting, so why make enemies of foreigners who have done no harm to you
It is utterly bizarre that the separatista fantasists simultaneously convince themselves (and eachother) that the United Kingdom doesn’t exists AND that the United Kingdom was imposed on Scotland by the English.
They are mind-blind to the truth that the United Kingdom was imposed on England by Scotsmen, in two stages spread a little over a hundred years apart, for the benefit of Scotsmen.
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Confused, at 1235.
that sort of lunatic ranting only results in good people getting horrified by the Indy types. You don’t appreciate the great affection within Scotland for Scots regiments.
Ebenezer Scroggie
1 year ago
The idea that ships from Asia, which is where we get most of our cheaply manufactured goods from, will steam North to Scapa Flow to tranship for onward transmission to Europe is deeply bonkers.
It’s the sort of geographically ignorant fantasy which got so many Scotsmen embroiled in the Darien scam.
Somehow, the separatistas have become entranced by their own fantasies of an imaginary world.
1 year ago
I’ve just spat ma tea! Lol!
Rainbow NATO..LMAO!
Our enemies are shitting themselves..
I think the yanks pumping everyone full of the wrong hormones to create an aggressive super violent breed of army has malfunctioned. They escaped to the wild of Tik Tok & can’t stop crying long enough to adjust their walkie talkies that their mission has failed & please send Tampax & some makeup. STAT!
Ruskies must be shitting themselves with this brave new world..
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad said; “The entirety of that post about the union of two equal parts ignores reality, and it isn’t going to change. For a while, there’s even been issues on which Scots MPs voted down or passed legislation that only applied to England: see the West Lothian question.
What sort of a world do you live in that allows you to ignore reality?”
Your interpretation of what I said is dishonest, again. I stated the reality of the legal and constitutional make-up of the Union, AND I stated the reality that the English establishment that runs Westminster ignores that constitutional reality in order to impose a false, unwarranted authority over Scotland. Westminster’s and England’s MPs authority over Scotland and her MPs is illegitimate, and you carefully avoided answering that reality.
One day, the reality of that illegitimacy is going to bite Westminster’s precious Union in two.
1 year ago
@ John Main at 11:49 am
Aye, you just focus in on the coal again like you did last time coz it’s now considered bad. For consistency you really need to point out other bad stuff like clusterbombs usage, and tbh all munition use and warring in general, as it is hardly environmentally sound practice to blow the shit out of any area’s land and infrastructure.
And I recall you were unable to show me any of your concerned online contributions relating to 404’s fate during the Euromaiden stramash. But I digress…
But back to resources, and you again try to focus and divert onto the question of asset and resource ownership, ignoring that my proffered example makes no suggestion of altering the ownership status of these assets and resources, instead the change of Scotland returning to self-governance would mean that the revenue streams generated by licensing and taxation of these assets and resources in Scottish jurisdictional areas would be diverted to a Scottish Treasury, to be used and distributed across Scottish society made up of 5.4 million folk, rather than them flowing into the UK Treasury which serves 67 million folk.
Scotland has about 65% of the UK gas fields, and supplies approximately 50% of UK domestic gas use. You and ASA will come back with “but gas is bad and nobody will want it”. Aye, fossil fuel use will taper off but it is being used now in considerable quantities. Even today at this moment 25% of GB Grid power is being produced by burning gas in CCGT power stations situated in England. So someone wants it…
But moving on to cleaner energy sources. The ScotWind auction giveaway will potentially create up to 10 times the current generation capacity in Scotland and we are already a net exporter of renewable produced power. Obviously Scottish leccy use will increase as we taper off fossil fuel derived energy.
We all well know how much energy companies profited recently while we consumers were paying the highest ever prices for our energy. Having a government that was empowered to better regulate and or slap windfall taxes on these big corporate entities would be handy.
1 year ago
Not since they became the problem by being invaders & occupiers & all the poppy porn shit & domestic abuse.
WW2 ended.
Everything since has been colonising & racist bullshit in an attempt to keep the rich, rich & in control of coveting other countries assets.
This loyalty is all in yer head, but that’s no surprise, you’ve not to think or look around you to see public opinion. You’ve tunnel vision.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
in reference to the union being two equal partners, with both holding a permanent veto over the other, you won’t mind linking to the text of the “reality of the legal and constitutional make up of the Union”, then? Because it’s not something that I, or indeed, anyone else, have read in the last 316 years.
And if you cannot, then the rest of us will just have to conclude that you are making it up as you go along.
Robert Hughes
1 year ago
” So-called Scots Indy supporters who won’t acknowledge the fundamental right of a Sovereign Nation to defend itself from extermination need to be kept as far away from any possible real world influence and responsibility as possible. ”
John Wean .
What about the sovereign nation of Rusha , IT doesn’t have the right to defend it’s borders ? It’s not allowed the sovereignty you insist on for 404 .
Here’s a wee thought experiment for you : imagine – if yr capable of it , if yr blind hatred of R is not total ( which I doubt ) – Mexico or Canada were aligned with R and decided to allow the presence of weapons on their soil with the capability to strike anywhere within the U.S . What do you think the latter’s response would be ?
Zelensky was voted into power on a platform of constructive engagement with R . He immediately reversed that position when he * won * the election – we can only speculate why , but let’s assume ” Fuck Europe ” Nulands had something to do with that . Or maybe he just woke-up in a bad mood one morning and thought ” what the World needs is more bloodshed , nuclear armageddon would be , well , kinda cool , let’s go for it ” .
Were R threatening U before Feb 22 – no , but U had been waging savage aggression on the R-speaking areas of U , proscribing the speaking of R , burning civilians alive and generally being the exemplars of West-approved * good guys * . What any decent person would call genocidal psychopaths .
Were the people of U clamouring to join NATO ? No , the vast majority simply wanted to get on with their lives and live in peace with their neighbours – similarly to the vast majority of people any/everywhere . They were not allowed to , Yank geopolitical/financial interests Rools OK ? eh…naw , not ok .
Was U not considered one if not THE most corrupt countries in Europe ? Yes , even by it’s new-found allies in Western MSM – including the nauseating Guardian .
Your pathetic attempts to frame this conflict in language that would embarrass ” Rambo ” only succeeds in showing you up for the armchair warrior happy to feast and pontificate on the blood of human beings far way from YOUR home that you undoubtedly are
Anyone not calling for an immediate end to this wholesale slaughter is a cunt who should be sent into the heart of the bloodbath and see what the REALITY of war looks like up close and personal .
You volunteering , Main ? Na , didn’t think so
1 year ago
***The entirety of that post about the union of two equal parts ignores reality, and it isn’t going to change. For a while, there’s even been issues on which Scots MPs voted down or passed legislation that only applied to England: see the West Lothian question.***
That problem arose because the English forgot that Westminster is not an English parliament. It’s the parliament of Great Britain. Are you suggesting it’s not? If so, then that parliament is rendered illegitimate.
They need to feck off & open a devolved parliament eh if they want EVEL & to cure the west Lothian *problem*. Why don’t they? What they tried to do was to use a GB parliament that doesn’t belong to England. It exists to pass legislation for ALL of the union. Scotland & England.
They better hup-to a devolved parliament. I can’t wait to see the first ever GERE report they need to provide with a full breakdown of revenues..
1 year ago
Then you haven’t been paying attention.
The parliament was set up for Scotland & England. As equal partners & with equal members.
That has been eroded to now resemble an English parliament with their self appointed air of supreme authority.
In direct violation of the treaties that they signed up to.
Each time it comes up in parliament the English dare not vote against it because they know & recognise the ramifications even if your ignorance won’t allow you to.
Chucky takes his oath to uphold it. He doesn’t do that to a bunch of peasants from a backwater..he does it because it is a requirement of the union. But keep it up with you pretending to yourself that it’s made up shit & Scots have no authority. It only insults Scots more to get rid of it once & for all.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Robert Hughes,
has it escaped your notice that:
U is a sovereign nation, with internationally recognised borders?
That R signed a treaty with U that was meant to guarantee the sovereignty of U’s borders?
That R invaded and seized two parts of U in 2014?
That the OSCE on the ground monitors ascribed 75% of the shelling and killing being done in Donbas between 2014 and 2022 to R?
That R invaded U in February 2022, and has engaged in numerous well-documented war crimes since then?
And you claim that R wasn’t threatening U…
You are a pathetic excuse for a human. No morals whatsoever. A total disgrace.
1 year ago
ASA proves Scotland should withdraw our MPs from Westminster & no longer take our seats in an illegitimate parliament.
Scotland should vote for indy candidates who will stand on that ticket then withdraw completely.
As others have said – that parliament can’t function on its own authority as a union without a union. It’d end immediately & bring parliament & the monarchy to an abrupt end in one stroke.
1 year ago
Propaganda bullshit.
US troops played war games on that sovereign nations borders, willy waving for a reaction.
They received one.
Alf Baird
1 year ago
Northcode @ 12:12 pm
Good”keep thinking of Scotland as an independent nation.
Keep thinking Scottish not British.
Keep thinking sovereign not servant.
And keep thinking that anything is possible.
But above all, keep thinking”
Excellent advice.
We are reminded here of Fanon’s ‘3 phases’ on the eventual downfall of colonialism where each native who realises the hoax and ‘goes back over the line is a radical condemnation of the methods and of the regime’:
Phase 1: the native becomes aware that he has assimilated the culture of the occupying power;
Phase 2: the native is disturbed; he decides to remember who and what he is and creates ‘a literature’ of liberation;
Phase 3: comes ‘a fighting literature, and a national literature’ – as they feel the need to speak to their nation in a way ‘which expresses the heart of the people and to become the mouthpiece of a new reality in action’.
This is arguably the role of the pro-independence bloggers (for we see nothing from institutions taking their orders from the colonial power). Which also explains why the colonizer’s paid forces seek to disrupt the process.
James Che
1 year ago
The reason that the Parliament in England acts as if it the sole entrant to the treaty? of the union,
Is because it is,
I know Scotland has not grasped this yet, even although that same parliament in England are openly mocking Scots world wide on their parliament site down south in 2023, on their slow up take of this information.
1: It was decided in 1707 by politicians and commissioners after debating not to give the….. “Scots”… a vote on joining the treaty of union.
This is there for all to read.
The slow uptake by Scots into acknowledging what that statement actually means to their own position out-with the treaty of union as a nation is wanting.
Regardless of wether the treaty is international or simply domestic legislation.
2: That the Scottish elites whom had ” personally” entered into that treaty on union were the only entrants by signature.
But even those signatured individuals were soon dismissed from the 1707 treaty? Of union, when the Parliament in England and Queen Anne announced that they were extinguished in 1707 by agreeing to the treaty of union once ratified.
With the signature individuals from the Scottish parliament extinguished prior and in lieu to the GB parliament, and the Scottish nation never been asked and not in any Treaty of union at all,
We can observe that only Members of down south are in any sort of treaty, hence their actions and Statements.
However it highlights why? with curiosity’ Scots are so slow in believing they are somewhere or other in a treaty with England.
The question has to be asked of Scots, where and when and what evidence do have you believe this actually happened to your people and nation.
Other than from a self proclaimed parliament of propaganda.
David Hannah
1 year ago
The US sending the cluster Bombs. Biden says there out of ammunition. And the EU is now turning full military block. It’s frightening what’s going on. I don’t want any part of it.
He’s already spend £113 billion dollars according to Kennedy JR. I hope he unseats him.
Independent Scotland outside the EU. Outside NATO.
Anton Decadent
1 year ago
Re an overabundance of stuff from your garden, if you don’t already have one invest in a blender. I am sitting just now drinking an apple, banana and beetroot smoothie, fifty percent water, fifty percent unsweetened soya milk. The beetroot makes it look like a strawberry milkshake and you have a glut of strawberries. Anything goes with them, spinach etc, adjust to personal taste.
Re allotments, I’d love one but my back is wrecked, chronic sciatica. A couple of women I know maintained allotments for years but both had to give them up because of things like osteoporosis. It really does taste different directly from the garden.
David Hannah
1 year ago
113 billion dollars. 350,000 dead. Days democratic candidate Kennedy Jr. He wants to stop the war. Trump wants to stop the war.
Joe Biden, send in the cluster Bombs. Unbelievable. When will they negotiate peace?
Anon Decadent
1 year ago
@Rev, I get the Nirvana reference in title.
Robert Hughes
1 year ago
A Flaccid Prick Abroad
Fuck off : I don’t have the slightest interest in anything you have to say . Away and neck a couple of viagra and have a ham-shank to that photo of Prince Andrex in uniform you keep under yr mattress .
What the hell , it’s Sunday , treat yrsel , take 3 . Yr worth it .
That’s all yr worth .
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
sovereign nations joined NATO because they don’t trust Moscow.
Finland most recently, Sweden next. Georgia has an application in. U has stated that it wants to in the future, and you can be certain that once Lukashenko gets his chips handed in, Belarus will want to join as well.
Nobody trusts R. And with their track record, it’s easy to see why.
The more interesting question is who is R’s next leader? The current one is toast.
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad said; “in reference to the union being two equal partners, with both holding a permanent veto over the other, you won’t mind linking to the text of the “reality of the legal and constitutional make up of the Union”, then?”
It’s called sovereignty as you well know, because you agreed to its usual definitions already. Both partners are sovereign Kingdoms, so neither is subject to the other, unless there is a clear formal agreement that states otherwise. There is nothing in the Treaty of Union to that effect. If you think there is, you won’t mind linking to the relevant text in the Treaty, then.
1 year ago
Just a simple query from an old guy who skims the non repetitive posts with great interest.
If folk are here because they are genuinely interested in the independence movement and constructive steps towards strengthening it, what is the point in bothering to respond to/ swear at or about/ or abuse posters you believe to be MI6/77th Brigade/ paid provocateurs or similar.
Every time you reply, their presence here is justified (in their minds at least). And does anyone truly believe that someone popping in here out of curiosity will be impressed by such a level of reasoned debate as “have a ham-shank to that photo of Prince Andrex”? Honestly ? That’s how the independence debate is really presenting itself these days ?
James Che
1 year ago
There is of corse the matter of wether the treaty of union is a international treaty between Scotland and England.
This is very questionable.
The agreement may have continued into one if the correct proceedings had been followed,
The 1707 Scottish parliament ratified the treaty that promised Scottish parliamentarians to sit in Westminster,
However the Scottish parliament ceased and was extinguished prior to any Scottish parliament members having been chosen for the lieu GB parliament,
It was the later GB parliament that called members of the extinguished and now closed Scottish parliament to Westminster,
Etymology is important in this matter.
The Scottish parliament had only passed and ratified the treaty of union in and under their own domestic law of Scotland. Before closing its doors.
With these details in mind, the Scottish side of the treaty of union agreement and promise in lieu of a GB parliament , when the Scottish parliament ceased , their domestic law cannot now be converted into a recognisable international side of the treaty.
It is a almost identical situation for the old English parliament,
Two extinct and ceased parliaments cannot not bind each other under the domestic law of either Of the others Country,
Neither these extinguished and ceased parliaments can at this point be recognised as active parliaments of their respective Countries, nor can their agreement of promises
Some say the acts of the parliament is what the treaty is judged on.
But the detail and legitamacy of those Acts also ceased and were extinguished the same manner as both when both parliaments ceased.
It is questionable wether two ceased parliaments, two ceased sets of promises, two ceased sets of Acts and two ceased sets of articles of a ” Union ” waiting in lieu could be construed as valid or binding after all effects ceasing along with the parliaments
Forthwith a spurious question arise.
Can two ceased and voided parliaments continue on to create a third parliament of union between the elites if’ and once the original parliaments have closed all active rolls as parliaments.
It would appear that two obsolete parliaments whose Acts have been extinguished with their respective parliaments cannot create a international treaty for the parliament GB parliament waiting in lieu.
The self proclaimed GB parliament ( as it would become) in of itself cannot create a international treaty on its own merit. With itself.
On a promise domestic Acts from respective parliaments and ratifications that had both ceased to be binding and existing.
The Acts in of themselves cannot stretch beyond the jurisdiction of the ceased parliaments.
Ebenezer Scroggie
1 year ago
Veering wildly off-topic, for which I may be rightly excoriated or even banned, I would point out that civilised countries, including the UK of which Scotland is a rather minor cluster of counties, have banned cluster munitions.
For the US to supply cluster munitions to their neoNazi allies in their puppet regime of Ukraine is totally barbaric.
It is an indication that the UKUSA/NATO war against Russia has failed.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
ludicrous. You are just making stuff up now.
There isn’t a Scottish constitution. There never was. There’s only a U.K. constitution, and it’s not written down. It’s just the body of past decisions and precedent, interpreted ultimately by the UKSC.
All of this nonsense about Scotland and England having their own sovereignty and being equal partners with a veto over each other is just drivel.
James Che
1 year ago
How Sovereign are Scots?
Well, been as it was debated down south under considerable discussion in 1707 on wether to asks Scots in a vote if they want to join the treaty of Union,
The outcome of that debate down south by the commissioners and politicians in 1707 was they would not allow Scots to vote on joining the treaty of union,
The question has never been put forward to any Scots. And deliberately avoided in 1707.
Thus we find No native Scot in the treaty of the union,
And they remain to this day, ultimately Sovereign Scots from the treaty in all respects.
1 year ago
David Hannah
There’s no money & control in peace. Uk-rainy needs to tell all outside meddlers to get tae feck & leave. The Israeli minister let the cat out the bag a few months ago, both sides wanted peace. It was the colonisers (Biden & Bojo) who insisted they didn’t accept it.
O/T Lolz at Prisms title this week..
*Fannies of the week* 😀
Rugby wins that cup hands down for appointing part time baroness tank commander who thinks all Scots are drunken thieves.
1 year ago
“that’s all a bit moonshine from Craig Murray’s blog”
Hm… Lets see now who to believe a paid Britnat mouthpiece doing England’s bidding, or an ex-British ambassador who has been around the block and knows far more than you know, a no brainer if you ask me.
As for the EU not recognising Scotland as an independent nation, its not Catalonia, it has possession of its lands (a major factor in dissolving the union and obtaining international recognition) and has done so for hundreds of years, infact the Treaty of York is one of the oldest border treaties in the world.
James Che
1 year ago
There is no UK constitution for the Scots,
The parliamentarians and commissioners discussed in 1707 wether the Scots should have a vote on joining the treaty of union,
It was decided not to ask the Scots to vote join the treaty of union as they would probably vote NO,
So no Scot in the treaty of union or in the UK constitution.
The Scots have ultimate Sovereignty today from the rest of the UK.
You can find this information on the UK Westminster parliament Site,
Glad to be of help.
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad says:
9 July, 2023 at 1:56 pm
Robert Hughes,
Why do you and John Rambo and yer wee band of ultra x Pongo’s go and sort it all out.
We’re quite literally fed up listening tae it.
1 year ago
You know fine well what point 4 means.
The English government played it part in the overthrowing of the Egyptian democratically elected Mohamed Morsi, among other things it set up in Egypt a a proxy news agency to counter anything Egypt’s first democratically elected president had to say.
The English government aided and abetted the detention of thousands of Egyptian citizens who backed Morsi as thousand more were murdered all to install the dictator Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.
Ever since the English security services have been in bed with the dictator Westminster (England) has grown increasingly close to Egypt’s regime as repression has increased. The head of MI6, Richard Moore, met with Sisi in Cairo in late 2020 to discuss “intelligence cooperation”.
Senior officials from MI5 and MI6 train Egyptian spies every year at a UK military base just north of London.
Craig Murray is right to say these steps should be taken on ditching the ball and chain union, we know just how nefarious English governments can and have been over the centuries.
Anyone who thinks that the English government will just let Scotland walk away without some sort of action is kidding themselves on our strategy and defence plan must be in place before we dump the union.
John Main
1 year ago
@Bob 1:29
There’s 2 countries, a border between them, and military from one of the countries across the border in the other country, a killing, destroying, torturing and raping as they go.
A short post from me, but it summarises the reality.
How long did it take you to write your shite?
Anyways, keep away from Scottish Indy please. Scotland will never be safe if people who think like you ever get near positions of influence and power.
James Che
1 year ago
The Statement on Westminster parliament site 2023 is peculiar, in debating wether Scots should get a vote to join the treaty of union is it not?
1: obviously those negotiating the treaty did not see the Scottish parliament as the Sovereign parliament of the Scots.
2: it obviously thought the “Scots” were a separate entity and Sovereign people as a nation from the Monarch and the parliament in Scotland at the time.
3: old or new Westminster parliament still have not asked the separate entity and nation of Scots if they want to join the treaty of union, no vote has ever been held on this issue,
4: the 2014 referendum was a cart before the horse scenario.
5: unless most or all politicians in Scotland are illiterate and have never read all the in’s and outs of the political union, I personally would suggest it is not just England that wants the forever never ending fight for Scottish independence to be a forever battle for benefits and personal purse strings.
It obviously is a very industrious rewarding financially winning stratergy for politicians on both sides to keep that boat afloat.
1 year ago
Infact Main the English government stoops to whatever level it wants to whilst attempting to look respectable to the outside world.
Indeed the English government has even offered to train the military junta in Myanmar, which as oppressed and murdered thousands of Rohingya people in the country.
“Senior spies representing regimes such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Cameroon and Algeria attended an 11-day International Intelligence Directors Course in 2019.
Top intelligence officers from notoriously brutal security agencies in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Nigeria were also in attendance.
The course is run by the UK military’s Joint Intelligence Training Group (JITG) at Chicksands, a British army intelligence base in Bedfordshire, north of London. ”
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) repeatedly refused to answer question son the course.
John Main
1 year ago
Bob at 4:29 accusing rationalists who support the right of independent sovereign nations to defend themselves of being Rambos.
RoS 4 minutes later telling us how iScotland must get its defence plan in shape before splitting from rUK.
I reckon RoS has it right.
1 year ago
I shall reach 20 this year. Until Scots get really, really, really serious about the great matter that cat in hell has no chance.
Adieu mes amis et bonne chance!
1 year ago
You are 100% correct.
Unfortunately if any one comments on the repetitive shite we see umpteen times every day they are immediately classed as a troll, a unionist or whatever.
If somehow the colonialism, the 300 year old mince, Sovereignty and all the ‘clever Scottish’ words, in whatever version of Scots you prefer, disappeared, then there might be a small chance of reasoned debate breaking out. I am not holding my breath.
Che, Baird, RoS, Geri and the rest of the nutters in the BPHB please take note.
I shall make another repetitive point-change will ONLY come via the ballot box. Ancient treaties will NEVER be repealed by anybody. If they ever were going to, it would have happened a long time ago.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
there’s quite a lot of similarity between Catalunya and Scotland. Both have control of their own land, a similar level of devolution, their own police services, and so on. Catalunya was first independent in the 14th century, and entered into a royal union with Spain in the 15th century.
Look at how Spain reacted when Catalunya tried to get away. International arrest warrants, and forcing a firm declaration from the EU that the proposed referendum was illegal and that they wouldn’t recognise iCatalunya.
Where there’s differences is that Catalunya actually has a productive economy (19% of Spain’s GDP, unlike Scotland’s 8% of U.K. GDP), and would have been a net contributor to the EU in day one. And still the EU said no. So there’s no chance of Scotland going down that route with success. Spain would just veto it. As would the other 5 EU members with significant separatist movements.
Robert Hughes
1 year ago
@ Sven
I only talk that way to people I deem to be worthy of nothing better .
As for the ” Independence debate ” . The time for debating is long gone ; and if you think people like yon are actually interested in debate you’ve clearly not noticed the countless times their fatuous arguments have been blown away , despite which , they repeat them ad nauseam .
* Sorry * if I offended your delicate sensibilities , but , y’know , this is WOS , not Readers Digest
1 year ago
“Catalunya was first independent in the 14th century, and entered into a royal union with Spain in the 15th century.”
Not really it was in a dynastic union with the Crown of Aragon for much of the time.
Speaking of crowns Scotland has its own honours and still does as well as its own Crown office, if their really had been a union of the crowns in 1603 Scotland wouldn’t still retain its honours which are older than England’s, nor would their still be a border, or for those b*stards at Westminster colluding with House Jocks to move the maritime border in 1999 to include oil and gas platforms.
Plus you are forgetting one major event the 2014 indyref which proves beyond all doubt that Scotland is in a political union with another country and that, that union CAN be dissolved.
However you are right about one thing the English regime will not let Scotland go without a fight it desperately needs to keep hold of it to continue to fleece it.
Scots will need ton take their independence in whatever manner that happens to be, as for Spain not recognising an indy Scotland that old chestnut has been debunked a million times, Spain wants Gibraltar and the minute Scotland dumps England, and it feels England has been weakened, it will make its move, as England is now out of the EU and a third party state, the EU will probably side with the Spanish.
We know Scotland is a wealthy country and its wealth will go towards its people and infrastructure on instead of into the coffers of Number Eleven Downing street and to its corporate buddies, but Scots must be prepared to fight for what’s there’s on the declaring of independence in whatever manner that takes.
Craig Murray had years of insider knowledge of what goes on at Westminster and the FCO, if he say we must be ready to make a stand, then ready we must be.
1 year ago
A Scot Abroad said; “Xaracen,
ludicrous. You are just making stuff up now.
There isn’t a Scottish constitution. There never was. There’s only a U.K. constitution, and it’s not written down. It’s just the body of past decisions and precedent, interpreted ultimately by the UKSC.
All of this nonsense about Scotland and England having their own sovereignty and being equal partners with a veto over each other is just drivel.”
Erm, if the UK’s constitution isn’t written down, how can there be a body of past decisions and precedent, to be interpreted ultimately by anyone? Is there an 800 year old audio recording of Magna Carta that still works?
And what on earth makes you think that Scotland has no ‘body of past decisions and precedent, to be interpreted ultimately by the’ Scots, or anybody else who chooses to read them?
That’s your worst fear, isn’t it, that the Scots are increasingly interested in examining the online records of the old Scottish parliament, which St. Andrews University thoughtfully assembled for the convenience of the Scottish public and academics? There are some 16,000 documents in it, all written in Scots as the formal legal language of Scotland, and some very interesting things have been discovered, I understand.
Ooh, you told me you understood what sovereignty was! Did you lie about that, too?
1 year ago
“I reckon RoS has it right.”
You bet I have it right, we just need to look at the history of English governments on other countries with regards to colonialism.
In a 150 or so years the English government robbed India of around £45 trillion, its been robbing Scotland for far longer. Ireland suffered a similar fate until the people of Ireland woke up and did something about it.
No English government will willingly allow Scotland to ditch this undemocratic prison of a union.
As David Davis (English politician) has said, there’s not a treaty in the world where one country has to ask another country for permission to leave it.
Partition and violence is the order of the day for English governments, when the indigenous people decide that they don’t want to play the colonial game any more, we must be ready for this, or suffer the consequences.
1 year ago
Robert Hughes @ 17.31
A clydesider and manual worker myself, for decades, I promise you that my sensibilities, delicate or otherwise, were unoffended by your post, Robert.
It just seemed so typical of the pointless insults wasted on folk you obviously believe to be trolls, professional or otherwise.
It just seems unfortunate that the most frequently visited and best informed journalistic blog on independence online has descended to the level it has. To me at least.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
you must be smoking something very illegal if you think that Spain is going to recognise iScotland having declared UDI, and then trying to seize Gibraltar (of whose people, about 98% don’t want to be part of Spain).
Craig Murray has some interesting points, particularly about Uzbekistan, which I find I largely agree with him upon. But in a large number of other ways, he’s become a bit like David Icke, and shouldn’t be relied upon to talk any sense. The grown ups in the FCO managed him out when he became too embarrassing.
1 year ago
“So there’s no chance of Scotland going down that route with success. ”
“I shall make another repetitive point-change will ONLY come via the ballot box.”
One chinthe says one thing, whilst another say something else, you think these Britnat paid mouthpieces would at least be in synch especially when they are sitting in the same barracks.
Maybe one’s a GCHQ lickspittle and that’s why they are confused.
James Che
1 year ago
Here in this very year the parliament in England has put it in writing for Scots and for the world to read, that they decided not to include (Scots) in the treaty of union,
They cannot retract it as a error after running it for more than two years,
When will Craig Murrey, other diplomats and Scottish politicians actually read the writing on Westminster parliament wall,
Scots are not in the treaty of union, it was not all incorporating apparently,
When will the drop.
Scots remain separate,
Westminster and all involved having made a conscious and calculated political choice decided after discussing and debate not to include giving Scots the vote to join the treaty of union in 1707.
The debate having took place itself brings to the table, the fact that even although 300 years ago All were aware that Scots were entitled to have a vote on joining the treaty of union,
Having purposely and deliberately avoided this vote for Scots in 1707 , as a acknowledged and separate entity from the parliament in Scotland,
That remains the Status at present,
Scots are not in the treaty of union,
The old Scottish parliament was extinguished from entry to the treaty of parliamentary unions at a later date not long afterwards.
1 year ago
James Che said;
“The Acts in of themselves cannot stretch beyond the jurisdiction of the ceased parliaments”
Sorry, James, that statement is demonstrable nonsense if you mean that Acts of the now non-existent parliament of Scotland no longer apply. Once passed into law, the law maintains its authority as long as it sits on the statute books, until a later parliament with the relevant authority rescinds it or it is declared in desuetude. Parliaments do not enforce their Acts, they make law with their Acts, and leave the courts to enforce them.
If you think that only the ratifying Act of Union lost its authority, but not the rest of Scots law, then you need to explain what actually made the difference. But if you meant it’s a general principle, then you are certainly wrong.
You cannot seriously believe that the entirety of Scots law ceased to have legal force in Scotland when the old Scottish parliament ended? Or that the same thing happened to England’s laws when the old English parliament ended in 1707, too?
Robert Hughes
1 year ago
Sven @ 5.59
You’re right . I’ll go back to my usual policy of scrolling on by the names that elicit such responses .
BTW my grandfather was Red Clydesider , my father and numerous uncles also worked there later , so , point taken
1 year ago
@ Sven
Why don’t you add some insight and discussion points yourself which may stimulate and steer the comments into different areas.
There are so many facets to our differing lives here in Scotland. I always find it interesting taking in different folk’s views and experiences as it further develops my own comprehension of how we all knit together as individuals to form a wider society.
Just back from a motorbike ride to visit a father and son who were having car issues. We had three hours of chatting on so many different subjects whilst I looked over the car’s problems, it was an all round fine positive experience.
@ Anton Decadent.
I do indeed own what the hipsters and millennials call a smoothy maker, though I’m old enough to remember when they were just called blenders, which was also a time when slices of bread actually fitted correctly in a toasty machine!
I can recall I was once going to stand for election on a manifesto of implementing legislation that would guarantee that no less than 90% of a sliced loaf should conform to a regulation size so toasties are properly sealed in a Breville toasted sandwich machine. No longer should our population endure third degree burns as molten magma-like cheese leaks out of improperly sealed snackage.
FYI I used to be plagued with lower back pain with a bit of sciatica in the mix for a couple of decades. Muscles would go into spasm for weeks and nowt would look at the pain. Could see in the mirror that my torso had a twist up the spine.
I’ve always been fit and active but years of lifting heavy engines, gearboxes, paving slabs, building materials, etc, can create a muscle and posture imbalance that cants the pelvis to the point the lumbar vertebrae are at an abnormal angle that can make the pinching and pressure on the nerves more likely.
Sedentary lifestyles spending too much time sitting also do not help.
So I started getting out on my push bike a couple of times a week and this helps the muscular skeletal system re-balance and get my pelvis and spine back in kilter. Can state that I have not had any back issues over the last decade since the start of regular cycling.
Obviously folk need to check that they have no underlying issues cycling might exacerbate, but I do recommend anyone suffering the grief of bouts of back pain gives biking a try at a time when they are not suffering, as it may well reduce the propensity or frequency of back pain occurring as it helps build up better balanced core strength.
We’ve previously covered btl that the simple application of a topical vitamin C solution treatment can in some folk successfully eliminate basal cell skin cancers.
1 year ago
Dan @ 19.59
Fair comment, Dan, most particularly since I love your own informative thoughts about both improving our community as well as individual lives by such, apparently, obviously sensible procedures as returning to our own native building materials and the sklls to use them.
Electric storage heaters, how much simpler and more convenient to supply the power to homes for silent, non mechanical conversion into heating and cooking.
Pump storage hydro schemes as I believe we’re now implementing at Loch Sloy. In a country abounding in Bens, Munros & Lochs (not to mention the annual rainfall) why are we so totally sold out to the windfarm concept at the apparent expense of all other eco schemes.
Folk such as Professor Baird (who drives me to distraction with university level discourses on ‘post colonial theory & his version of a language which is totally foreign to this Whiteinch reared boy) and Stuart Ballantyne bring years of maritime experience to areas such as Ferries and Freeports.
Those are just a few of the areas I’d love to read more about on this site. And see discussed, pro & against, to attempt to thrash out some of the potential strategies to present to an electorate tired, dispirited, disillusioned, cynical and desperate for some attainable betterment.
If the state of the present Westminster government and some 9 years of Nicola Sturgeon’s devolved administration don’t provide a golden opportunity for some sound, sane political alternative to be presented I can’t imagine what circumstances ever will.
These are some of the areas I genuinely feel could have a better chance of catching the public imagination than abstractions about legal moves to international courts or the UN.
But, I’m just an out of touch old man who remembers the shop stewards and trades unionists of the 1960s who were inspired by a real, burning commitment to helping others. Not a few of them devoted adherents to a totally different national church which believed in the worship of God expressed in the service to man.
1 year ago
“Elite British special forces coached Kenya’s presidential protection team in the 1980s, despite diplomats knowing leader Daniel Arap Moi was a typical African dictator.
Although UK diplomats knew Moi was subverting Kenya’s democracy, British special forces from the elite 22 SAS were allowed to coach his personal escort team. The English government of the day even gifted Kenya £1.5m in 1983 to buy 90 Land Rovers and communication gear for police intelligence and GSU riot control teams, knowing fine well Moi was dictator.”
The reason I post comments like the above is to show you what we’re up against English government have been subverting and getting into bed with all manner of nasty leaders in the ME and Africa and other places for decades if not if not longer.
Anyone who still thinks that we will waltz away from England after declaring our independence without some sort of retaliation from the English parliament is kidding themselves on.
A 50+1 at the ballot box or in the event of UDI, we’ll need to be prepared, unfortunately in my opinion there’s no one on the horizon in politics that’s indy minded, that has what it takes to dissolve this union, not even Alex Salmond has what it takes to do what it takes to go that extra mile, a mile that Craig Murray described in a comment of mine further up this thread.
The English security forces are already our enemies working against the cause (you can see that first hand in here and on other indy sites) imagine how much they’ll focus on Scotland when we dissolve this undemocratic prison of a union.
1 year ago
“and then trying to seize Gibraltar (of whose people, about 98% don’t want to be part of Spain).”
Tell it to the Chaggossians who were violently forced from their lands by the English.
Of course The English government has several listening posts and bases on Gibraltar, there’s also a Nato spy base on the rock. There’s at least eleven military and spy bases on Gib and close to a thousand military personnel as well.
The Foreign Office, which oversees GCHQ and MI6, refuses to say if there are any intelligence facilities located in Gibraltar.
However surveillance radomes are a telltale sign especially the ones at Windmill Hill Signal Station which are visible.
General Franco closed the border in 1969 and it didn’t reopen until 1985 things got really tough for the Gibraltarians back then with a shortage of just about everything, whose to say that Spain won’t do it again when Scotland leaves, and Spain seizes its chance to weaken England’s grip on the rock, the EU won’t side against its member for a third party state England, if Spain closes the border, on Scotland breaking the union.
1 year ago
The world of internationally recognised treaties. They’ve always existed. They all have an exit clause.
Can you imagine if the EU said to Brexiteers *Sorry chaps, you can’t leave. Go home & sort out your sea ports & we’ll think about it*
Regardless of whether you are for or against independence – the exit route must be clarified. Then it’s up to us to go from there.
The UK has some explaining to do – not just to Scotland but to the whole international community because they claimed we were in an equal voloutary union to gain access to all their clubs when that is clearly no longer the case.
They only started to forbid us from leaving after 2014 referendum despite the Smith Commission clearly stating we could leave if that’s what the majority of Scotland choose to do. Thatcher said it with majority of MPs, Cameron said it with the Edinburgh agreement. Westminster said it by ratifying the the claim of right. Lizzie acknowledged it with all her oaths & jewels she accepted knowing of Scotland’s retained sovereignty.
It’s only Brit nat mentalists, arrogant Tories, the toxic culture of Mayhem & Bojo who have made it a new thing that we can never leave. Well where did that change?
Because in the era of a million revisionists – given enough time their idiot notions will be taken as law further down the line because the SNP under sturgeon has allowed Scotland to go back to sleep. Neale Hanvey has booked in a debate to clarify our exit with Westminster.
Alf Baird
1 year ago
Sven @7:39 pm
“who drives me to distraction with university level discourses on ‘post colonial theory”
We all know there is much that could be done to make our society and economy much better, and as you refer to. But it cannot happen until a people are truly independent and running their own affairs without external interference. That’s the main benefit of postcolonial theory, it tells us, among other things:
that the colonized ‘wish to develop but the colonizer holds him back’; that every colonial institution ‘protects only the interest of the colonizer’ at the expense of the colonized; that colonial institutions are always run by a ‘mediocre meritocracy’, and; that the colonized cannot do anything about his poverty so long as it remains the consequence of colonial plunder.
Hence the people need to first get rid of colonialism not just to visualise a new world, but to enable it to happen.
Captain Yossarian
1 year ago
Sven – In an urban situation, solar panels and ground source heat pumps are or limited use. Very, very limited use in my view. You know what noise a fridge makes, or a freezer? Multiply that 20 times and you have the noise a heat pump makes and most people don’t appreciate that. In the country it is different but I live in the country and no-one here wants them either. We have an excess of electrical power available, most of the time, here in Scotland. Give people incentives to insulate their homes properly and fit modern storage heaters and that is a solution which fits our specific set of circumstances.
1 year ago
I don’t think it will come to that because once Scotland declares it’s independence every one will holler back what the feck took us so long.
The UK will be at the table first like vultures to see what they can blag.
The thousands of civil servants here are already meddlers doing that. That’s why Sturgeon turned & why fck all works straight in the devolved parliament. Listening to Alf & Ballantyne spells this out as clear as day. It’s deliberately set up to fail. Who in their right mind thought a brand new design (whose specifications kept changing mid build) would ever be anything but a massive disaster & a complete humiliation.
Scotland needs to reconvene it’s own parliament & with its own workforce & with its own ppl at the top. Sturgeon has allowed her arrogance to breed a toxic culture in Holyrood where they think they’ll tell the electorate what to do while they sit on their arse. That’s over. They work for us & that wake up call is here..
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Geri, at 8:52pm,
so go on then, what is the exit clause from the Treaty of Union in 1707? You know, the actual words? After all, you state the “they all have an exit clause”.
I look forward to you pasting the exact words, copied from the text.
1 year ago
The only thing that would drive me to distraction is the word *theory* lol.
We only need to look at Holyrood to know it’s a fact.
To many Scots actually believe they have a Scottish parliament with copious amounts of money to fix everything while in reality it’s hogtied by reserved matters, the Scotland act, a budget & a set of instructions not to go into the red.
Salmond should never have changed the name & should be changed back imo. It gives the the air of a parliament when it is the colonisers branch office.
That’d be a first step on our path to decolonisation.
@Alf Baird,
Hi Alf, we see you posting here frequently so we would like to let you and other wings regulars know that we are hoping to publish a page highlighting your ‘determinants’ series. Iain Lawson was very helpful in giving us some links because we couldn’t find them all gathered together in the one place and that’s partly why we’re doing it. We’re aware that Grousebeater also published the series.
We are using the ‘Amazon’ blurb for the introduction to the page but it you would like to change that or give us something else that would be great. We also want to include some Youtube links and recent tweets, not too sure how that will go copyright-wise but I suppose we just have to try and see what happens. So long as you’re cool with it all. We want to get some discussion going about all the different ‘determinants’ and it’ll be in the one big comment thread on a permanent page. The idea is that the conversation will get a bit of flow going and it wont be interrupted, hopefully!
Your page will be the first in a series looking at different aspects of the case for independence. So yours comes under the ‘cultural’ category, the other main categories are ‘economic’ and ‘constitutional’. Of course there is some crossover between the categories but itsreally just for filing purposes to keep things tidy. We want to make our site a kind of archive that people can visit to easily get their hands on good stuff they need to show friends and family or neigbours who still need persuading – if its all gathered in the same place so you dont have to spend ages and ages searching for it.
There’s not many of us on OTS and its just over a month old so we can’t have people doing moderation all the time, that’s why we’re very strict about posters who could be shills and suchlike. If they can’t behave we just ban them right away. The way you are spoken to in here sometimes is out of order and it won’t be allowed on OTS.
Hope this all sounds okay to you but if there’s any problems you can think of,especially copyright issues?? please let us know.
If you want to contact us directly, our email is offtopicscotland@protonmail.com
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
the man with the idea of detaching the Chagos Islands from the colony of Mauritius , which loosely administered the islands, 2,500 miles away, was a Scotsman, Sir John Shaw Rennie. A Glaswegian. Yet another in the vast number of great Scots who made the British Empire the greatest the world has ever seen. Some call them colonisers.
Ebenezer Scroggie
1 year ago
Scotland ‘colonised’ England, to form the United Kingdom.
It was never the other way around.
Forget the Hollywood Braveheart crap. That crap is just fantasy.
1 year ago
Scotland’s claim of right. The non negotiable terms before the Act of Union even came into being. The original. Not the butchered shortened version.
& The fact it’s been ratified in both parliament’s on a number of occasions now with no yoon daring to vote against it.
& The fact that we’ve now had TWO monarchs swear to uphold it by taking the oaths required to sit in Scotland.
Scotland retained its sovereignty, it’s territory, it’s laws & all it’s constitutional rights in that agreement. Ratified as recently as 2018 in both parliament’s.
& exercised in 2014 with a referendum.
Scotland’s right to exit is alive & well. It’s only the mentally challenged who spout absolute bollocks that we can’t like we’re all living in North Korea.
PS I’m not yer lackey. Go do yer own research.
1 year ago
You claim to be Scottish. You claim we can’t leave.
That makes you a coloniser.
What’s yer point caller? Scottish knts exist. Tho you seem to have shades of NI about you. Anyway, Your the proof they exist eh!
Scotland invented half the modern world. So? They still can in an independent Scotland ffs! In fact, we’d be able to retain all of our talent in an iScot rather than export it for other countries to capitalise on instead. There’s Stuart Ballantyne for a start! World class ship designer willing to design & build for cost but rejected by Holyrood bureaucracy & meddlers it can’t be done by absolute roasters who’ve never say their arse on a boat. You can include yerself there too.
Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
1 year ago
“The grown ups in the FCO managed him [Craig Murray] out when he became too embarrassing.” (6.00pm)
“Embarrassing” for all the right reasons of course —
(Michael Buerk interviews CRAIG MURRAY, BBC Radio 4, 18 Sept 2007).
“Give people incentives to insulate their homes properly and fit modern storage heaters and that is a solution which fits our specific set of circumstances.
^^^ This, and this again, and again, and again, and again until folk wake up and stop getting mislead by charlatans pushing idiotic emperor’s new clothes policies that lead folk into clagging needlessly complex PV and Air Source Heat Pumps systems onto unsuitable properties.
Economies of scale and simple efficient system design also mean that just utilising the ever growing abundance of renewable energy fed into the leccy grid to power quiet state of the art storage heaters in folks’ homes makes way more sense than manufacturing many thousands of individual ASHPs and solar PV panels in far off lands using highly refined minerals and energy intensive processes, and then shipping them round the world on bunker fuelled cargo ships. Fuck! Now that’s a sentence and a half but with no post preview function on this site I can’t be arsed trying to put some punctuation in it. I’m thick as with all this lingo communication thing anyway as only managed to obtain an English “D” pass so y’all jist gonnae have to deal with it as is.
Anyway… It’s like the world has forgotten the laws of physics and conservation of energy principles.
Also, the legal noise limit for an ASHP is 42 decibels… but “an ASHP may emit 40 to 60 decibels”. Eh, nobody notice a problem there…
And just as I type this one of my neighbour’s ASHP (there’s now 6 in close proximity to me) starts up and is humming and droning away. You couldn’t make this shit up.
Oooh, but all that fancy kit might save a few quid some might say. Well it might, but that is only because of the ridiculous way the energy market is structured. If one factors in the inevitable costs of ongoing maintenance and repair of all this extra kit then savings or even paying back outlay can soon be affected. Solar PV controller goes pop after 2 years and out of warranty, kerching, that’ll be 300 quid plus the call out and cost of an engineer removing old one and installing new one. But you’ll take getting that fiscal humping coz you’re “so hip and green” and saving the planet…
And with a power cut none of that fancy shit works anyway. At least with storage heaters there may be a little stored heat to keep you warm till the fault is rectified.
Storm Arwin took out power for 4 days at my late Mum’s hoose. She was enduring the hellish symptoms of untreatable cancer and had to decamp to stay with other family who had power. You can see a large windfarm on the hills looking out the window of mum’s house…
After the storm I went down and installed a woodburning stove so it was cosy warm and to eliminate total reliance on leccy.
1 year ago
England should leave.
Take back control of its money & it’s borders. It was absolutely bonkers not to include Scotland. That wasn’t their independence. That was a shit deal.
They home Nations should start demanding England has a devolved parliament immediately.
It’s not right that everyone has a set of (factitious) accounts while they abuse the parliament of GB as their own personal playground.
A Scot Abroad
1 year ago
Scotland’s “Claim of Right” has never been ratified in any Parliament: Scots, English, or of the Union. It has only once been debated and approved by the Convention of Estates, which did not have legislative power. Even the latest version, supported by Gordon Brown, doesn’t have any legal effect.
It’s all ancient guff. Meaningless, and ruled non-justiciable in 2019 by the Court of Session in Edinburgh when Boris was trying to prorogue parliament.
Zander Tait
1 year ago
Geri is right. England should free herself of the historic burden that is the colony of Scotland. The malcreant cancer way up North of North only sucks revenue from the coffers of the treasury and should be cut loose with immediate effect to suffer the same fate as those misguided benighted territories that rejected the wonderful English Empire such as Canada New Zealand the USA Australia India and all the rest.
There will always be an England.
Of that I am sure. ?
Alf Baird
1 year ago
Geri @ 9:34 pm
“Salmond should never have changed the name & should be changed back imo.”
The fact he never knew he was heading a colonial administration should be a cause for concern. Maybe he knows that now?
What a fine collection of kings. Every one a trailblazer… And a hero.
A new and amazing biography of MLK just came out. Just called ‘King’. A corker.
Great Cartoon.
The bloke with the placard has been on the deep fried Mars Bars.
As Thomas More so eloquently put it 500 years ago:
“One man to live in pleasure and wealth, whiles all others weep and smart for it, that is the part not of a king, but of a jailor.”
What a missed opportunity!
Like it. Absolutely cheery. Oh! What a divide!
Taking the mic in the best possible way.
A one two three four…
# You can shove your coronation up your arse #
I speak as someone who has no axe to grind about Nationalism or Unionism and I will go along with the majority as I did with Brexit.
My point though is that the Alba party’s policy of abolishing Trident, the Monarchy and all the rest of it will inevitably cost them a lot of votes.
Does that make them unelectable? Most would say it doesn’t, but on a purely practical level where vote numbers count for everything, it probably does.
Lets make the protest embarrassingly ethnic, for the republican Guardian.
How dare those Jocks queer our pitch!
He’s not anyone’s king in Scotland since he didn’t wish to be crowned King of Scots. We are de facto a republic.
One House Jock politician sticking another House Jock politician in, as Scots pay through the nose for the foreign monarchs pretendy coronation in Scotland, the costs for the mock/fiasco coronnation in Scotland was willingly paid for by the NuSNP government at our expense.
Get the SNP/Greens out and Alba in, the current SNP are not a party for indy anymore, they now compliment the fifth column branch office parties of London that squat in Holyrood which have a foreign governments interests closest to their hearts.
Scotland can NEVER progress as long as we’re held against our will in this undemocratic prison of a union.
Down with the union.
Lovely take on not my king by Cairns.
Republic is coming and Alba will be electable no other choice for independence.
As SNP MPs, and our FM, urge the millionaire knight of the realm and leader of the Labour party (Anas Sarwar’s boss there is no Scottish Labour) not to let further privatisation of the NHS occur, Starmer was proposing at PMQs, it turns out that privatisation is well under way in Scotland via the NuSNP as £130 million was spent sending patients to private hospitals in Scotland.
Lovely take on not my king. Do think Alba is electable so many want independence, no trident and a Republic.
Just look at non media pics of the crowd on Wednesday on Royal Mile.
There was none.
Those clowns that runs Glasgow city council (my home town) are to waste over £30 million quid on upgrading council vehicles to meet the LEZ, these idiots in their haste to fleece drivers entering he city who don’t meet the LEZ requirements, forgot to factor in the huge cost of upgrading council vehicles.
That is £30 million quid that could’ve been spent on much more worthier causes in the city and there are many such causes in a now rundown Glasgow.
link to glasgowtimes.co.uk
Re my previous comment on the LEZ, and what a money making scheme it is for the GCC.
link to glasgowtimes.co.uk
to the tune of.. Billie Jean, He’s not my King…he’s just a….
Captain Yossarian,
Why would supporting policies that command majority support in Scotland (no nukes, republic) make ALBA unelectable?
My King is Jesus Christ.
JockMcT @10:04 am
Last line of your verse…
Prince Harry’s not his son.
Captain Yossarian is right. Alba is building up so many objections to Independence.
IMO, Chris is becoming far too clever in his cartoons – only understood by the cognoscenti!
Comments here seem to have gone slightly off topic but another great toon from Chris and nice to see Kenny in the hoops once more
William Walker @10:42 am
William, you are echoing the followers of John Redmond in early 20th century Ireland. They supported the crown as Irish nationalists and volunteered for the British Army in 1914 in the naive belief that this would endear their cause to Westminster after the war was over. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
If you don’t first free yourself mentally then you don’t free yourself.
Scotsrenewables – Dan goes on at great length on these pages about Scotland’s wealth of hydrocarbons and renewables. Why the SNP have never done any real work on this subject is anyone’s guess but when Alba finally produce a paper on it, they may be on to a winner. I understand that is now underway. Only then should they start on nuclear weapons, the monarchy and all the rest of it. There are respected figures within Alba, but they need to start explaining the benefits of independence to the public.
The predictable Edinburgh Royalist/Tory element, curious tourists, resident colonisers and serial apolitical rubber-neckers, as framed by the cosmopolitan media who own the outside-broadcast facilities and the journalists, told us nothing very meaningful imo regarding the strength and popularity of the monarchy in Scotland.
As always, clever material! Just one wee nerdy point, if I may, Chris: BB King’s “Lucille” wasn’t a block-marker, red Gibson, according to my pardner, BB’s axes were always ebony 355s.
*Should Scotland be an independent Country?* Yes/No
That’s the only question ppl are asked.
The monarchy
That’d be for the majority to decide & an newly elected government to implement.
We’d be like Switzerland -we could hold public opinion referendums every now & again.. democracy in action.
Personally, why would Scotland want to hold onto an unelected king from another country? The Scots would be returning to an independent sovereign nation – why on earth would we want to maintain someone else’s?!!
He is no more important to us or useful, or to an indy Scot, than a King found out in Elleore. Aye, exactly! I’d to Google too lol!
Why on earth wouldn’t make their non compliant LEZ vehicles exempt until their age demands replacement?
They give exemption to those who live inside LEZ with older vehicles so why not their own.
There was a story a couple of years back where the council over spent on more electric vehicles than they could use or charge. It was a cost to store them apparently.
Where are they now?
Captain Yossarian says:
Based ust from what I hear by various experts -they are hogtied by bureaucracy, an unwilling/instructed civil service & planted meddlers.
Nothing happens in Holyrood without the great overlord, the Secretary of Scotland, knowing about it.
Holyrood is a mini Westminster. They’re only allowed to do what Westminster says they can through jackass.
They can’t have success cause that’ll get the natives thinking. Even Alex said the only way around that in Holyrood was soft leaning indy put into positions & as we all know, Sturgeon filled her roles with staunch unionists cause she’d never any plans for us to be going anywhere soon.
Jo King might be the name for Chuck the Smuck.
Describes him to a tee. Everyone knows he is a a joke of a man. Puffed up serial sleaze ball like his brother Andy, or his old sloozy aunt Margaret, or his many other odious family.
Anyway, the six foot steel fences along the Royal Mile brought into sharp focus how unpopular Charles and his prentendy Kingship is in Scotland.
Captain Yossarian says:
8 July, 2023 at 8:45 am
Does that make them unelectable? Most would say it doesn’t, but on a purely practical level where vote numbers count for everything, it probably does…
There was a time I might have agreed with you. Back in 2014, there was very much a sense of priority; Independence first, everything else later.
It made sense.
But now, I don’t think there is any prospect whatsoever for another 2014 style referendum, and furthermore, I have doubts about ALBA’s future in any UK electoral protocol.
Regards a referendum, “They” don’t want it, because all their cheats and lies are busted, and if we’ve any sense, we don’t want it either, because we’d be compromised by the protocols and franchise of a 2014 style ballot.
To get a binary vote thatconstitutes a binding resolution on Independence will, I think, need to be Constitutionally derived, and in my opinion, might be a ratification plebiscite held in the wake of “something” more radical, such as declaring the Treaty of Union breached and at an end, pending dissolution negotiations.
To be frank, having seen all the spivs, weirdos, Trans Loonies and gravy slurpers who’ve attached themselves to the SNP, an “all inclusive” Indy campaign is already giving me the dry boak.
“IF” they’re Independence supporters, they’ll vote in that plebiscite, but we cannot allow these bellends to steer or manage the primary campaign.
The thing about the Royalists specifically, is that Claim of Right issue, which simply doesn’t sit well with the UK interpretation of monarchy.
Furthermore, I strongly suspect loyalty to the royalty was a Queen Elizabeth thing… Charlie boy and his adulterous queen just ain’t “got it”, and neither has whatshisface the heir.
Right now, I’m watching two things… SALVO, and that man Salmond. Whatever happens, they’ll be near the epicentre of unfolding events.
Not only is the 2014 style rhetoric sounding dated, but even the “Settling Up not settling down” rhetoric feels like a busted flush which the SNP busted themselves.
Such a good cartoon but my Dad would have said there’s one missing:
Edinburgh seems to have an unhealthy obsession with fences.
Is it the capital city of Scotland or a no go area unless you’ve an admission fee? They’re such an eyesore.
@ Captain Yossarian.
Re. Power generated by renewables in Scotland’s geographic are.
Indeed, Scotland is exporting considerably more (3 GW) more than we are using (2.3 GW) at this time.
link to extranet.nationalgrid.com
If you scroll through the pages of feed on Kenny MacAskill’s site, he does with some regularity post releases that highlight various aspects of Scotland’s energy situation.
link to kennymacaskillmp.scot
And there are also articles on the Alba Party site that also cover the energy angle.
link to albaparty.org
It is Crony Nationalism, the same as Crony Capitalism and Crony Communism. The same as anywhere else in which cronyism is practiced anyone not in the club is going to be out in the cold and marginalised and if they are not on message and have the gall to vocalise their concerns they will be smeared. In the sphere of politics activists posing as journalists are more than happy to do that.
What do you think of the idea that the SNP was deliberately scuttled to get Labour back into power in Scotland? Labour has the same cronyism, ingroups, factionalism and reality defying concepts such as Women Have Penises as the SNP but this will be ignored and it will be back to business as usual.
*Why is the ginger King of Cats, Hamish not in that picture! He would have been a purrfect addition…
*Probably on holiday like its creator…
Must copy and send to my unionist, royalist acquaintances (both of ’em)
Breeks @11:59 am
Excellent post. We can’t aim simply for a rerun of 2014. A more creative approach is required involving Salvo.
BTW Breeks I think I was alongside you for a wee bit of the march in Stirling going by your saying on here that you had the dug and were wearing a Salvo top. I didn’t know who you were at the time otherwise I’d have said hello.
If Labour rise in Scotland will it be the deviant Greens abandoning the SNP & latching onto their next host?
I Canty see indy supporters voting labour. It dumfounds me 40% claim to be indy but vote for a unionist party that’s stiffed Scotland more times than the Tories!
I’m going to have to throw my hands up & admit..
I don’t get it!
I know, I’m an idiot! I’m sure the penny will drop the moment I press submit!
I second that first comment by Dan @ 12:21 pm. LOL! 😉
OK, Chris, you’ve got me flummoxed. I got all the rest but who’s the big guy with the placard? Or has the point just flew completely right over my head?
Hi Breeks,
As often is the case, you nailed it…
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Two observations…
(a). Your comment: “To be frank, having seen all the spivs, weirdos, Trans Loonies and gravy slurpers who’ve attached themselves to the SNP, an “all inclusive” Indy campaign is already giving me the dry boak. – Breeks, that had be roaring with laughter.
But it also sums up a huge risk. In fact it already happened. In America.
The Yanks got sick of Washington DC and the cesspit of corrupt lobbyists, plus a septic dose of the trans pushers and minor-attracted-persons are normal brigade.
So those American voters gave a collective F.U., and elected the most bizarre clown they could find. Donald Trump. A vaginaa (sic) grabbing proven liar whose dodgy property dealings are obviously funded by many Russian Oligarchs. Trump is passing many boxes of “secure documents” to Vladimir Putin.
The American electorate got even more divided by the Trump Circus, so they voted in the next senile, touchy-freely octogenarian Amadan. Creepy old Joe Biden – the child hugger. Even when parents pull their kids away from President Biden, he lunges towards kids to sniff their hair and stroke them. Deviant-in-Chief.
This is my point!
When the electorate gets pi55ed off with the political liars, cheats and thieves on the gravy bus, they elect a nut-job.
We see it in America and expect it here. We already had the Trump Mini-me: Boris Johnson. Then Liz Lettuce Heid, the 44 day Prime Minister.
In Scotland we got the latter-day John Monteith – in a skirt. The Dreghorn Bus Hurler..
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Breeks, the danger now is that Scots voters will be that scunnered they will end up inflicting the political class with a Scottish version of Nigel Farage.
The sensible thing would be to elect some Alba MPs and Alba MSPs.
Instead, such is the Woke-Captured nature of the SNP that, as Stuart Campbell mentioned, we seem to be zombie walking to a Vichy government headed by Pinkey & Perkey. Otherwise known after the next Holyrood election as…
First Minister Humza Yousaf.
Deputy First Minister: Anas Sarwar
Heaven help us all after that.
The second part (b) is marginal but crucial. Alex Salmond got the balance right in 2007 and subsequent elections. A significant minority “lent” their votes to the SNP in 2007. Of those, many were RAF or Army, plus the police etc.
Whatever you may think of our Head of State, all these voters swore an oath to the monarch. Alex Salmond (back when he was FM) put IndyRef first and the Head of State question (in Scotland) until after Scotland wins an IndyRef.
Alba have been kept out of the news and the leader, one of the greatest Statesmen Scotland has ever produced has been neutered worse that Russell Crowe in Gladiator.
I worry that Scotland and England are to be governed in the words of Ewan MacGregor, by “efette wan7ers.”
Move over Rishi, it is finally Michael Gove’s turn to be Prime Minister. Then Dianne Abbot as PM.
Whilst Scotland’s gravy bus for the elite is kept going by giving Patrick Harriet his turn as FM and of course, the highly competent Lorna Slater the job as deputy FM.
Maybe just as well Vladimir Putin and Smirnoff Medvedev will be pressing the big red button to the tunes of Vera Lynn singing “We’ll Meet Again” as the penultimate cacophony of nu6lear kerbooms finally see us all put out of our misery.
Jeezo, this all makes the Reverend I.M Jolly seem the personification of happiness.
Re Beauvais, I am indeed a Scottish Nationalist and republican.
I share Geri’s view that a future referendum/election should be YES/NO to Independence, without the “complications” of monarchy, nuclear weapons, trans etc. That is just giving opponents of Independence a further weapon to shoot at YES campaigners.
I rest my case.
I get Elvis, Kenny & Billie but no idea who the other three are.
Is it the slogan? Should read Not *our* King.
Everyday is a school day. I didn’t know Elvis had Scottish roots.
Before my time lol..
There’s strong move to pretend everything in the UK is like it was in the 1990s – the reliable swing back and fore between Labour and the Conservatives; no tension, or at least not much, with the EU; everybody going about their business; a somewhat-loved Royal family and generally everything jolly. The UK version of a place for everyone and everyone in their place. Too bad the world has moved on and a lot has changed.
It’s the proverbial ostrich syndrome. Both Labour and Conservatives are jamming on the rose-tinted glasses and hoping that if everyone ignores the problems maybe they’ll simply go away.
Dan – Remember all of the white papers that used to be produced by Glasgow University Academics, agreed and signed by everyone and their granny? That wasn’t that long ago, was it? MacAskill goes on about this as often as you do, Salmond too, and I personally accept it. It’s data and it’s indisputable. We use 2.3GW but we export 3.0GW, FOC. That means something to me, but it should be explained to the public so that they see what the future may hold in an independent country. I’m fundamentally not a Nationalist but I am not dyed in the wool or antagonistic or anything like that and I have no problem in accepting that there could be real advantages. But, they need to be explained better.
The other 2 are B.B.King and Martin Luther King Jr.
Also before our time. LOL!
Geri –
BB King
Dr Martin Luther King Jnr
Do Scots want a vote on joining a political and trade treaty of union with Englands parliament?
That should be the only question.
It has never been asked yet.
An absolute cracker Chris.
Geri @ 1.19…..B.B.King, Martin Luther King and (possibly) Nosmo king ?
Scots are not in the treaty, perhaps that is Why Charlie faked a coronation, The Scots, were not asked if they wanted to join the treaty of union,
If you want to discover why ?
You will find the explanation on UK parliament Site, 2023.
Englands parliament admitting it has not asked the Scots if they want to join in the treaty of union 300 years ago,
Proclaiming to the world on a public site that they could halve put the vote to the Scots 300 years ago, they thought about it, they talked, they were aware that Scots should have got a vote on it all those years ago when it was discussed between them,
So up until the present date (Scots have not been deliberately asked )if they want to join the treaty of union as England thought the question should be avoided as they knew the Scots would say “No”.
Hoodwinked Scots whom did not realise they have never been asked the very most important question.
This treaty of union has more holes in its construction from its concept than any other contractual agreement I have ever witnessed.
James Che.
“The charade with King Charles visit to Edinburgh is another example, where every effort will be made to present Charles as already King of Scotland. This has been bizarrely welcomed by the First Minister, despite him knowing that Charles has not sworn the Scottish oath and is therefore not the King in Scotland. A title that does not legally exist. Our monarch is titled King of Scots and it requires a pledge to acknowledge and respect the sovereignty of the Scottish people and a solemn promise to protect the rents and privileges on behalf of the people. Without it he is no Monarch of Scots or Scotland.Charles cannot swear this oath as it would expose the crime of our oil and gas, our renewables all being stolen from the sovereign people of Scotland to fill Westminster’s coffers, all following on from the “Union of the Crowns in 1603”, an event that never happened. A myth that enables the Crown to seize all Scotland’s assets. All that happened was that Scotland’s King also became King of England. A single monarch but with two crowns, not one. ”
We can be certain of this for two reasons, firstly neither the Monarch or Parliament ever held the power to make deals involving the Scottish crown. They never owned it in the first place. Secondly think about it, this was happening 104 years BEFORE the Treaty of Union. There was no United Kingdom. Scotland and England were separate independent countries. Why would an Independent Scotland surrender the Crown of Scotland?
“Ask yourself if the Crowns were United and the Scottish Crown extinguished why are there two Crown Offices? The Crown Office in England and Wales stops at the border and a separate Crown Office in Scotland is required to administer Scotland’s wealth. They can’t even call it the Scottish Crown Office because it’s necessary to maintain the ruse that Scotland’s Crown does not exist. But exist it does because legally in terms of International law the UK is not a “ voluntary union” but in practice an illegal annexation by England of Scotland’s resources.”
“They have no choice but to have two Crown offices because they need different rules to enable the theft to operate. In England the Monarch has the rights over every asset. This cannot be challenged but in Scotland these assets belong to the Sovereign people of Scotland. So they created a separate “Crown Office in Scotland” supposedly acting like a trustee on behalf of the people and it is this which they use to illegally plunder our resources.”
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
Thanks everyone who replied on who the others were. Cheers!
James Che – different unions I believe. Isn’t the monarchy another separate Act of bullshit. Union of Crowns..?
There should be a referendum in Scotland because it’s an absolute farce that an administrative office with a set budget is paying for these multi million shyters! 50k charge to move OUR stone for a multi billionaire to grace his lard arse on while sticking Scots two wingers & a mason handshake to. That money could be spent far better.
Chris left out the Burger King unless that’s the guy holding the sign.
Yesterday I walked by the SHELTER shop across from Argos in the town. In its windows were rainbow stickers with Every Love Deserves A Home. It is saturation propaganda/ideological capture of the type 1984 warned of and it creates an intersectional structure of victimhood worthiness which puts men into female shelters etc.
It is the result of enforced pathological tolerance. I’d posted upthread about crony nationalism and did an image search for it. The results were things like the NYT and Newsweek etc portraying any kind of nationalism within a white majority Christian nation as one step away from Hitler. Black and brown nationalism, on the other hand, are portrayed as a natural response to white imperialism and bonus points if they are in white majority Christian nations.
Another CRACKER Chris, on the subject topic CHUCKY big ears is NOT MY KING, and useless YOUSELESS is NOT MY FM
I have tried over the years to secure Scottish Independence. But unthinking left wing Scottish Republicanism has taken over the farm. And Alba to boot. The one Alba policy I agreed with was taking ownership of public utilities. Part way through the positioning paper on how to do that I have stopped!. If you are not interested in creating the conditions for Scottish Independence why should I be?.
What the fk were they thinking? I truly despair about the running of “Scottish” Rugby. How much lower can they sink?
Beauvais says:
8 July, 2023 at 12:42 pm
BTW Breeks I think I was alongside you for a wee bit of the march in Stirling…
Double or quits for Ayr? 😉
I don’t know Ayr at all, but I think I can get there…
The myth of Charlie being the king of the UK never mind Scotland goes much deeper even than you suggest or have grasped.
1: the Scots have not been asked to join the treaty of union,
It was discussed at the time to give the Scots a vote on it, however it was decided not to give us
Us the vote in 1707 due to the fact that Scots would probably vote NO.
This is the Statement on UK parliament site, 2023.
2: both Countries parliaments ceased to exist on LIEU of a future agreed promise.
Neither Countries parliaments is in the GB parliament.
3: the GB parliament has not ever signed up to a treaty with the old English parliament prior to its ceasing
The GB parliament has not signed up to a treaty with the old Scottish parliament prior to it ceasing.
4: the English parliament Ratified the treaty under domestic law of England, (not international law) then ceased as a parliament.
The Scottish parliament also Ratified the Treaty under domestic law of Scotland ( not international Law) then ceased as a parliament.
5: both Countries parliaments legal obligations to the treaty of union agreement ceased, even although ratified in their own domestic law, when the respective parliaments ceased and closed their doors.
6: neither of the parties parliaments agreement ratification could be converted into international Law once both parliaments ceased as parliaments, as neither of those parliaments had or held or signed a treaty with the parliament of Great Britain,
Everything ceased to be legally binding. Even the domestic ratification legislation of each parliament
7: ceased,extinct, extinguished parliaments do not belong to any Country nor can or do they operate within a kingdom or State once its ( parliament) position has ceased.
The ” entity” “Great Britain parliament” is a myth based upon a promised parliament in lieu, ratified in domestic law of each now non existent parliament.
The Great British parliament is just a name, it cannot exist with representatives from either parliament that has ceased.
The promises made for the treaty of union wether they refer to religion, monarchy, Trade or kingdoms cannot be considered to have become or be converted into a international treaty of parliamentary union without a number of dues,
One of those being a major issue,
Both parliaments must be seen to still exist within the the parliament of Great Britain parliament,
Both ceased to exist or at least the Scottish one did according to statements of the present UK parliament,
This is in evidence today by the “entity” “Westminster parliament” legislating a ” Sub” devolved government to Scotland.
Scotland Not having its own parliament sitting in the treaty of union since it was extinguished from the treaty of union in 1707.
The Scots were not asked to join the treaty of union, you will find this info on UK parliament site 2033.
The territory of Scotland is not in the treaty of union,
If the Scots and Scotland are not in the treaty of union….what do we need a referendum for.
Both parliaments ceased to be, and therefore were unable to join a parliamentary union.
The old parliament of England did not sign a treaty of union with the GB parliament before it ceased.
The old parliament of Scotland did not sign a treaty of union with the GB parliament prior to it ceasing.
The ratifications were made under domestic law of each parliament respectively before both ceased and closed, neither therefore was capable of being converted into the law of a international treaty.
Neither parliament respectively can be challenged with breach of treaty of the union in law now. But both Countries have retained their kingdoms as the parliament of GB is based upon a mythical entity and false entrant as a governing parliament.
The monarch is not our king,
The Westminster government is claiming to be under a international treaty but actually does not exist other than by a promise in lieu from two parliament that ceased to exist over three hundred years ago,
Both these ceased parliaments did not sign a treaty with the GB parliament, it exist under “self proclamation”
@ George Ferguson
That is disappointing to read that you have stopped work on your proposals. It certainly would have been something interesting to read and consider the options you put forward.
@ Breeks
Yer dugs (and many others including yon big Great Dane) have probably attended more indy marches than aw they “pro-indy” SNP and Green politicians!
@Dan 6:09 pm
I still know what to write. Scotland is more than the machinations of a single political party. Perhaps I should give it to the Labour Party. They have declared they are in favour of a return of utilities to public ownership. I am thinking brown paper bags and not being able to break out of them. Here is what I think Labour will win the next General Election and the next Scottish Election. And then a follow-up campaign victory in each Parliament. 10 years away for us. Why help them?
The disgraceful ceremony handing over Scots sovereignty on a wee cushion to another in a long line of English monarchs this week takes us back more or less to pre-Bruce times, as the Scottish elite assembled in St. Giles paid homage to the oppressor. The Scottish crown went nowhere near his head and no oath to uphold the sovereignty of the Scottish people was ever uttered. No crowning and no oath means he cannot be King of Scots. He aye wears only England’s Imperial State Crown and if that isnae a wee clue I don’t know what is.
It is almost as if the Scots native elite have no awareness of their own condemnation, or the continued enslavement they enable of the people they supposedly represent or the exploitation of the territory they seek to lead.
Their actions are explained by Albert Memmi, writing about the authorities and cadres recruited from among the colonized, and who: “by choosing to place themselves in the colonizer’s service to protect his interests exclusively, they end up by adopting his ideology, even with regard to their own values and their own lives”.
@ George Ferguson
Labour talk of returning the utilities into public ownership, oh aye jist like they were going to abolish the House of Lords… You actually trust them to deliver in any meaningful form and don’t just think it’s carrot waving.
But why give or tie your proposal to any political Party as they are all either corrupted or unable to get any decent exposure. Any threat to established power and the status quo can be nullified and removed. Have we forgotten Corbyn, Salmond, and Whiteman so soon…
When you floated the idea you were going to put something together re. the utilities I suggested you contact Common Weal or Robin McAlpine to put your heads together as there would undoubtedly be some alignment on certain elements of any proposals, but also because it would distance the proposal from Party political involvement for exactly the reasons re. the monarchy which are now tainting your motivation to continue with it.
I’ve said for a good while now that party politics is the problem what with the electorally successful Parties being captured, or just stacked full of careerist zoomers who apparently don’t seem to have a clue about the real trials and tribulations so many folks in our society have to endure in their lives.
You could put your proposal out there and then it could be supported by a load of decent non-Party affiliated independent local candidates to run with. Seriously, who with any integrity or political nous would stand for a Party these days when the Parties are either totes shit, or have been tainted so badly by the very obvious machinations of the mainstream media influencing the masses.
Talk of ten years is too far away imo. There will be even less viable contingencies to re-build what is left of Scotland by then as the selling off or depletion of our assets and resources continues apace. Add in the ageing demographics / low birth rate, and the not insignificant rest of UK immigration also in the mix, it will mean Scotland will just be a hollowed out shell of what it once was. End game colonisation effectively complete.
@Alf Baird (6.39) –
Small consolation perhaps but it was priceless to see his face when he eventually emerged from that car. He really looked as if he might burst into tears.
OTS had a good piece on it.
link to offtopicscotland.com
Alf Baird,
We have to remember that anyone behaving in this manner, is under the English legislating colonial sub parliament to Scotland,
It is a case of self anointing.
As is the self proclamation of a Great British parliament.
It is the Scots that are to dumb at this moment in time. To recognise that the Westminster parliament is openly telling them
1: that Scots were not to get a vote on joining the treaty of union because they would vote NO.
2: that the Scottish parliament was extinguished in 1707 from the treaty of union.
3: with one parliament extinguished there can be no “international treaty” of union.
4: give Scotland a Sub parliament the same as devolved regions of England.
Talk about being openly mocked by the Westminster colonial governing body holding NO international treaty with Scots or Scotland while we beg for a referendum of them like idiots.
Not whispered behind the palm of a hand, but in plain site for the whole world to read,
We have to be the slowest nation in the world on independence while the magnitude of what we are being told is right before our eyes. And the eyes of the world, easily accessible on UK parliament site in 2023.
Alf Baird,
there is no sovereignty of the Scottish people. That’s an ancient concept removed by the Act of Union in 1707. There is now only the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, whose peoples, wherever in the U.K. they live, get votes at a general election.
Scotland was never colonised, either. Scots (and the Welsh, English and Irish) have done a great deal of colonising of others, though, from 1707 through to around 1925, when some colonies were granted Dominion status, and there were border adjustments and freedoms granted in southern and western Africa.
King of Scots? Who Charlie?
Excepts Scots were denied a vote in joining the treaty of union, after it was discussed by the commissioners and politicians in 1707, because it was thought the Scots would say No,
So Charlie is not king of Scots,
He just king of England, annexed Wales and part of Ireland,
The old Scottish parliament ceased to be and was extinguished in England,
So again not king of Scots or Scotlands territorial realm.
The act of union is piffle.
There is no international treaty of union,
Both parliaments made a promise they could not and did not keep as soon as they ceased to be legal entities.
And prior to the self proclaimed GB parliament annointing itself.
The GB parliament was a parliament in lieu.
It Is not signed up to a treaty with either the Scottish or English parliament.
The GB parliament cannot become or be converted a international treaty while on its own,
Andy W questions Royal ownership of Holyrood property, two parts –
link to andywightman.scot
Too wee, too poor, too stupid.
Almost 100% of Scots would say we are not too stupid,
But with Scotland around the middle in size and population out of the World’s approx 200 countries and in the very top echelon for GDP per capita (even with fiddled UK accountancy) with indy support still at only around 50% you begin to wonder if maybe the ‘Too stupid’ accusation might not have some justification.
James Che,
no King of Scots was ever confirmed by a popular vote.
Stop making things up.
Wur auld pal John Nicholson gets an absolute pasting here.
link to thecritic.co.uk
@Dan 7:15pm
I remember your call for the Common Weal or Robert McAlpine sharing, unfortunately if I go on their website I have to donate to access Common Weal. How many years has Robert McAlpine got in public utilities?. Their think tank I wouldn’t pay tuppence for. There is a growing industry that have made money from Scottish Independence the wee ginger dug, Ruth wishart, people selling books. It’s cost me, being an Independence supporter. Financially, time, emotion, and effort. After my holidays I will start it up again and give the paper to Stu. A trustworthy source.
Great Britain parliament is self proclaimed
The Great British parliament cannot be in a international treaty as sole entity.
It has to have a treaty with the Scottish parliament still extant and English parliament still extant,
These domestically ratified pieces of legislation ceased to be valid when both or either one of those parliaments respectively ceased to exist and are no longer extant.
That’s a fanciful tale.
So Who is Chucky & why the two coronations?
Labour are just as bad as the Tories the prominent ones are members of (BAP) its mission in the UK to put down socialism and republicanism to help groom future leaders and their funders are unknown.
BLiS manager in Scotland (Anas Sarwar) is also a full blown member of BAP and says they’re his second family.
link to declassifieduk.org
As for Starmer anyone who thinks he’ll change England and Wales for the better as opposed to the nasty Tories is in for a rude awakening.
link to declassifieduk.org
link to declassifieduk.org
link to declassifieduk.org
Dan 7:15
Excellent idea regards approaching Common Weal & McAlpine.
That’s what I would do.
Breeks @5:19 pm
I’m afraid Ayr might be out for me, but I’m determined to be there for at east one more of this year’s schedule.
My house used to be the gardeners house for a big joint two doors away. It’s the size of a castle, designed by Greek Thompson and built in 1855.
It’s just changed hands for the first time in about 50-years and the new owner has invited me to take a look around the place a few times now.
The roof is fascinating. Ballaculish slates which are very thick and hard. It’s not perfect but most of it is pretty much perfect.
There are leaks all over the place but that is due to the leadwork wearing thin over time and cracking.
It’s got a lift which is powered by water, so that water fills a tank and the weight of the tank of water drops down and the lift rises up.
Fireplaces everywhere, even in hallways. 18No in total.
Interestingly, even although my house is a honky-tonk compared to this place, some things are the same – the stair balustrade, vestibule tiling and things like that.
Anyway, the roofer was telling me that in 1855, when this place was built, that was when Ballachulish was cutting the best slate and transporting it all over the world. I think it finally closed about a century later because sea water was flooding the pits and the slate was becoming poorer in quality due to pyrite.
it’s well known who Charles is.
Two coronations because James VI and I never managed to get through the English Parliament a law combining the crowns. And nobody after him was that bothered.
Hence the 1745 and all.
But it’s all ancient guff. Charles is the head of state of the entire U.K. Nobody doubts it, except weirdoes.
One of the army NCOs doing the ushering at Wimbledon centre court this evening had OTT military mustachios like Kitchener. The imperial cult takes a long time to fade. A bit like radiation I suppose.
Maybe this guy served with ASA and was a first class chap.
@ George Ferguson
FYI Here is a link to Robin’s site welcome introduction in case you didn’t find this particular page.
link to robinmcalpine.org
Take time out to recharge and enjoy your holiday though, and hopefully a wee break will allow time to have a think and mull things over.
Contacting Stu would certainly be an option. But he needs to get the contact page function sorted again as it has been out of commission since the site’s “upgrade”.
Couple of times there have been dodgy posts on old threads on this site needing reported, and had to chase folk up to contact him via twitter.
But now twitter is out of sight to folk without time to manage and view extra online accounts, that is closing down the ability to see and share articles. Really don’t know why folk seem so drawn to twits and Farcebook as they are shit for having any decent in-depth conversations, and the way Musk and Zuckerberg control them there are less people able to view content on those platforms.
#NotOurKing is really taking the mick now. Not content with giving his missus the Garter of the Thistle he is found to have purloined Holyrood Palace for his own personal property! Holyrood belongs to us….the sovereign people….he has stolen it. link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
I’m sure that Army chap was on my gangway at Wimbledon earlier this week.
I thought he was a regimental sergeant major from the paras.
He was like a doppelgänger for Windsor Davies in it ain’t half hot mum the comedy TV show.
If he wasn’t so big I’d have shouted “Sing Lofty”.
“The act of union is piffle”
Indeed it is.
“legally in terms of International law the UK is not a “ voluntary union” but in practice an illegal annexation by England of Scotland’s resources.”
I doubt the ICJ would recognise the Treaty of Union if pushed, Scots had no vote on it, Scotland was coerced and under duress with a English army in Edinburgh at the time and another English army waiting at the border. The union was opposed by all the churches and burghs in Scotland.
At the time the illegal/undemocratic union was being forced upon Scots, At the time the Treaty of Union was signed in 1707 Scotland had no debt whilst England’s national debt was £18 million.
“But it’s all ancient guff. Charles is the head of state of the entire U.K. Nobody doubts it, except weirdoes.”
Brilliant absolutely brilliant, I had a good wee chuckle to the above, if you ever get tired of hitting the keys at Denison, I’m sure you’d make a mediocre comedian.
John Main eat your heart out.
@Dan 8:33pm
Thanks for your reply. Robert is not one of my peer group. His website might be free but Common Weal isn’t. I still await on his record of competence in public utilities. My record is mounted on the Battery Point Power Station. Winning team leader out 0f 3000 teams. The Sir Michael Joughin Trophy. I received the award from the penultimate Governor of Hong Kong.Still I am a principled Independence supporter despite the money makers and grifters.
@ Captain Yossarian
I’ve been on my roof slating recently and mentioned on here that we have lost that industry which could have provided locally sourced quality roofing material, and instead just import in crap roof tiles from abroad. So we lost the slate producing jobs and also create the large carbon footprint of transporting tones of heavy freight across continents.
Of course when plots of land now costs so much there is less capital left for folk to actually buy the materials to build the house, so cheap crap is sourced instead of paying more for locally sourced higher quality materials.
Couple of articles on slate you may want to read.
link to blog.engineshed.scot
This one has other hotlinks in the texts to further reading too.
link to britishslateforum.wordpress.com
msdidi @8:41 pm
Looks like Not My King has been My King money at the expense of the Scottish public purse.
Just been catching up with Robins latest articles..
Lol at MiNGAs!
**There is now a quite distinct Make Nicola Great Again movement (or MiNGA), and the MiNGAs seem to represent the mainstream of the SNP. **
Hey SNP member – where are your red lines at?
I’m at the stage now that I believe that Scots would allow England to steal just about anything they wanted from Scotland and Scots and Scots would just shrug their shoulders and grumble a wee bit to themselves then move on. What a cowed and sorry bunch the Scots have become.
“Following all of the publicity and questions about there ownership of the Palace of Holyroodhouse, it came as something of a surprise to discover that in April 2019, a title to Holyroodhouse had been recorded in the Land Register on behalf of “Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Successors”. On 21 December 2022, the owners was amended to His Majesty King Charles III and His Royal Successors.” [tilte here and plan here].
“This was the first ever recorded title to Holyroodhouse. There is no suggestion that ownership was being registered “in right of the Crown” as public property. The form of words used implies the personal ownership of the Sovereign despite the fact that Section 4 of the Crown Private Estates Act 1862 prohibits such personal ownership unless vested in Trustees (which is how Balmoral Estate for example is owned).”
Not that long ago the people of Sri Lanka stormed their governments building fed up with lies deceit and corruption they got active. The French, well we can only dream about being as active as they are, they have what we lack courage and determination they act when its needed.
Even the much oppressed Palestinian people who are in a worse predicament than we are, have the courage to act and have been doing so for over 70 years.
I used to wonder at what point Scots would rise up and say enough is enough, that there was red line that would see Scots take action and say, that it no more, but I’ve come to realise that there isn’t a red line, and Scots will swallow all manner of shite piled on them by the English government.
OK, Chris, I give up – who is the bloke holding the placard?
the ICJ haven’t the jurisdiction to rule on the Act of Union. It’s an internal matter within one state.
Wow, Wings BTL taking exception to gentlemen’s facial hair now!
Well, why not?
It’s a subject permitting endless greetin, faux outrage and puling, seeing as how there is just so much gentlemen’s facial hair, and of such diverse shapes, luxuriance and hue, around.
And like all the other greetin, faux outrage and puling on Wings BTL, that devoted to gentlemen’s facial hair will have the same end result.
Got to say, though, I am disappointed in RoS. I was confident he would have already posted a rote diatribe about cluster bombs and Great Satans. But the night is yet young.
A Scot Abroad said; “there is no sovereignty of the Scottish people. That’s an ancient concept removed by the Act of Union in 1707.”
That’s a supremely asinine statement even for a smugly abusive git like you, ASA!
No-one and no body involved in negotiating, signing or ratifying the Treaty had any authority remotely high enough to remove the sovereignty of the Scots from them without their consent, and transfer it to a foreign body. Not the Scottish nor English commissioners, not Queen Anne in either of her monarchies, and not either of the old Parliaments.
It just never happened; you made it up because that’s all you know how to do. If the facts don’t fit (if you even know them), just make suitable ones up and rely on bluster and insults to try and cow us into accepting your endless tripe. But a lot of us know better.
“There is now only the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, whose peoples, wherever in the U.K. they live, get votes at a general election.”
More lies! The sovereignty of the UK is a myth. The only verified sovereignty is that of the Scots, and the sovereignty of England used to reside in its old parliament, if only for about 18 years before it ended when it was replaced by the parliament of Great Britain in the same building; there was no transfer of its sovereignty to the new GB Parliament, because it never occurred to anybody to conduct a formal transfer of its sovereignty to the new one before the old one died. Oh, dear, how sad, never mind. No use crying over spilt milk, eh?
So, guess what? Westminster did exactly what you do, just made up a story that the new parliament is just a continuation of the old parliament so of course it’s sovereign. But that’s a flat out lie, because that isn’t what happened, as Carwyn Jones pointed out to the Welsh parliament a few years ago. But even if that sovereignty was somehow transferred, it could only ever cover the kingdom of England, and not the UK. So you’re still stuffed.
@Geri 9:27
There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about in being dyslexic.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to point out to you, and for you to understand and recognise, that “Make Nicola Great Again” cannot be abbreviated as “MiNGA”.
Do you want to claim that being forced to use English is colonialist oppression of you as a Sovereign Scot? Or that being reminded of your grammatical and spelling shortcomings is “ableist prejudice”? That might work.
@Captain Yossarian
Polling has shown that supporting the monarchy is now a distinctly minority pursuit in Scotland. So your ideas are bogus.
Looks like another big name nonce at the BBC to add to their extensive historic collection of nonces. And they sent me a licence fee demand the other day. They ain’t getting it.
there’s stuff all in the ancient guff about the Scots people being their own sovereign. Never written down, never voted upon. No basis in reality, apart from fables.
It’s meaningless. And for over 300 years, not ever questioned that the UK is the sovereign power.
Maybe one day cybernats will post comments that in content and phrasing at last meet the approval of that tireless umpire of public discourse, His Correctness John Main.
Fear not. Come divvy up time Scotland will be compensated for everything that’s been stolen & land & property will be returned to its rightful owners, Scotland.
Reparations will be demanded.
& Dumbza, the serf boy, his *political career* is below gutter, right down there with Pisharts. He’ll struggle even to win a gig writing the TV guide in the fanzine.
I missed where he gave SNP colleagues an ultimatum to love Nicola or for them to stand down – wtf?!
What a great idea & with it lose a majority if enough of them accept his challenge. A vote of no confidence later & *poof* he’ll be gone – he can keep the kilt!
Also missed yet more powers stripped from their membership – they can no longer vote a deputy leader.
This farce will soon be over when the handcuffs start being issued. All the planets are aligning & it looks like they’ll start to come thick & fast.
In the meantime if he does just one more thing royal related he’ll be run out of Scotland. Can he not read the room ffs!?
You have no sovereignty. You have no democracy. You may vote but that’s pretendy too because King Chucky can refuse to form *his* government from the rabble you have voted for & knobble up one of his own instead.
He can also terminate what *his* parliament votes for in parliament & refuse it royal assent & have it binned.
You clowns just spout utter shite. You’ve been listening to Jacob Reese-mogg & the Brexshiteer gang too long. England’s sovereignty lies with the English king in *his* parliament. YOU, serf boy, are a SUBJECT of his with hee-haw sovereignty of any kind.
John Main.
Take it up with Robin – it’s from his article.
A great cartoon.
the ones spouting utter shite on here are you, Baird, RoS, Xaracen, Che, and a couple of less frequent posters.
There’s not a single thing that you lot say that is truthful, or that forms a logical argument. Far less anything that is justiciable. It’s all just pish and wind, and totally meaningless.
Actually, thinking about it..
If he didn’t take the full oath to Scotland then he can’t open parliament & no one can swear an oath to him before sitting because he is only an English king & Westminster is a GB parliament ..
That’ll be awkward? If he didn’t take the oath to Scotland then there’s no United Kingdom’s & that parliament is now only an English one.
Then why are you here?
I’m here because the utter shite that your echo chamber creates needs to be called out.
When do you think you’ll start because you haven’t called out a single thing so far.
Do one.
Regarding slate, it’s because the the cost is seen purely as financial and the energy required to move things around is kind of discounted, I think. Because you can buy cast terracotta roof tiles from a builders’ merchant for less than more locally-sourced slates, no matter where they’ve been manufactured.
Most folk on here have probably heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
If you haven’t it can be summarised thus:
But do you know what prompted the social psychologists Justin Kruger and David Dunning to embark on their study of incompetence?
This from an article on the subject:
According to Dunning and Kruger, arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity all go hand-in-hand. So, if you come across a ‘Wheeler’ don’t try reasoning with them, you’ll just be wasting your time.
Wheeler was easily identified, convicted and imprisoned.
@Northcode 11:59
Intrinsic to the Dunning-Kruger effect is the realisation that anybody choosing to deploy it must also accept that they may unwittingly be subject to it.
It’s a real paradox, and thus smart people won’t deploy it. Very likely that if they do, it will rebound on them, or in other words, blow up in their face.
@Geri 10:55
Your post, so I’m taking it up with you.
Try to grow a pair and have the guts to own what you post.
If it’s shite, acknowledge it, resolve to do better in future, and move on.
Nobody wants to see the Indy movement made into a laughing stock.
A Scot Abroad says: at 11:40 pm
“I’m here because the utter shite that your echo chamber creates needs to be called out.”
Au contraire! You’re actually only on here bumping your gums because Scotland provides England with enough energy to keep your computer running. 😉
It’s leeches like you that are draining Scotland. You regularly say nae cunt would need Scottish leccy coz of ohm’s law pish, and that they can make it themselves anyway; So chop chop old chap, get yer arse off t’internet, grab some of those squaddie mates, and go build some generation infrastructure in lovely old England instead of being a parasitic drain on Scotland.
@ Derek
Nae danger terracotta roof tiles are acceptable on a traditional Scottish hoose roof around my way.
Interestingly I did notice around Scottish borders / Berwick upon Tweed that some individual roofs actually have a mix of both slate and pantiles for some reason.
A Scot Abroad @ 11:40 pm
“utter shite”
As is your ‘contribution’, every time. Everybody kens it tae.
Re guy in cartoon with placard, Matt McGinn?
It’s marching season. He’s probably busy collecting pallets at the mo. They’re the only eejits who love a foreign king they’ll never meet.
Alf Baird,
I’ve already pointed out the utter shite that is the idea that you push of a trans-shipment port in Orkney.
Way down in the deepest heart of Norfolk, lived a man, a Scottish man, who gave the best years of his life to the British Army, serving with distinction in multiple theatres of war, leading by example, a true believer in the army leadership code, all the while knowing that army life and army discipline together have the effect of setting a man above his peers. With higher rank, such a man might think he has earned the respect of his fellow soldiers, who might see in him the calm steady rational demeanour of a type of Scot that only art can truly capture, like Gordon Jackson for example, not as leader (that would not do at all) but as the dependable second-in-command in the Great Escape…what our man in Norfolk won’t know is that when he’s absent, his buddies, his comrades, his soldiers will impersonate him, not as Jackson, but as Ives, wee 5 foot 4 Ives…(coyly) oh Cooler King…what did ye study in college, physical education?…(simpers)…oh Hilts, thae were the days, some of those Saturday nights in towns such as Musselburgh and Hamilton, huh huh, you had to fight off the birds, you know…girls man, girls, (plants seed in Hilts’ mind, I’ll play catamite if you want Hilts)…d’ye know have them in the States…gush, blush, simper, flatter, deprecate, repress, cry tiny years inside as ‘och aye the noo’ rings incessantly around the officers’ mess…puir wee Ives…shot to death for his troubles trying to escape…martyred, crucified like a wee St.Jock o’the Cross…ah well…there’s plenty more wee Jocks where he came from and all they require is the odd word of praise and a pat on the head…good boy! Jocko, good boy!!!
Muscleguy – I don’t feel strongly about it. Sometimes, when you ban something that you think is unpopular, you make it more popular. Like coal-fires or diesel cars for example.
Remember there used to be “think-tanks” in Scotland? Maybe they’re still around, but no-one pays attention any more. So, we are drifting and rudderless.
The demographic in Scotland is starting to move away from Nationalism and so you have to re-group and choose the ground you want to fight on.
Some of the people writing-in here have good ideas that would make Nationalism more appealing again.
I tend to vote Labour but I don’t respect them or even like them that much. 20-years ago they started a decline and I cannot see that changing much. People say it will, but I’m not so sure.
I respect Nationalists and the comments on here are written by them and some of them are convincing.
Most Scots are against nuclear weapons and the monarchy and I accept that, but these arguments tend to divide people and so don’t make you popular.
Kenny MacAskill is an example of someone who I find convincing, but his party are fragmented, aren’t they. He’s trying to lead them in one direction and because it’s a democratic party, people argue the opposite and so the message he is trying to deliver gets lost.
That’s the conundrum for you. The way I see it anyway.
Captain Yossarian 4.16am
Good comment – “drifting and rudderless” although “moving away from Nationalism” isn’t supported by the polls.
Surely a political party that accomodates folk with a range opinions is a healthy thing. In the real world, we all have our own experiences and opinions and so there should be no need for a party to try to constrain us. Listening and debating help shape policy. Differing opinions in an atmosphere of cordiality are to be welcomed especially in the wake of the nine-year democratic demolition we’ve lived through.
As for the decline in Labour – lots of info out there. Not pleasant. It’s not going to get better. However, after independence we’d have a choice of parties and could vote them in and vote them out. Our votes would finally count. Then you could vote for a Labour party that was actually socialist.
Alf Baird says:
9 July, 2023 at 12:50 am
A Scot Abroad @ 11:40 pm
“utter shite”
As is your ‘contribution’, every time. Everybody kens it tae.
Don’t trouble yourself responding Alf.
There are none so blind as those who are truly thick as mince.
It’s also interesting to quote Captain Yossarian, “…Most Scots are against nuclear weapons and the monarchy and I accept that, but these arguments tend to divide people and so don’t make you popular.”
I hear what you’re saying Captain, but we have Alf Baird, University Professor with life long professional interest in shipping, currently liaising with Stuart Ballantyne, designer and manufacturer catamaran ferries, to hopefully alleviate the lamentable Scottish Government’s incompetence.
Over many years, he’s made informed, and profoundly interesting observations and proposals to rectify what’s gone wrong with Scotland’s maritime heritage under UK Tory misrule, and articulated meaningful ways to correct it.
It isn’t fanciful stuff. If I remember correctly, there was even an Operator physically prepared to step in an run the proposal at Scapa Flow.
Then in the red, (white and blue) corner, you have a Proud-Scot-But, Desert Hat, imbecile with a Commission, but minus his tank these days, firing peurile insults on rapid fire in every direction, while gaslighting the unwary, declaring black is white, white is black, without the merest hint of reference, corroboration, or source.
Alf presents cogent and germane propsals which would turn a disadvantaged and criminally mismanaged Scottish Port infrastructure left to rot under London rule, into a powerhouse which would deliver potent and lucrative investment, prosperity and opportunity for an Independant Scotland working closely with our friends and allies in Europe, Scandinavia, and the Baltic, and also, right on point “IF” there’s to be an Arctic Sea lane become viable.
The point is, there isn’t an exchange of arguments here. There is no point and counterpoint. There are diligent proposls for an Independent Scotland having mud thrown at them from a blinkered deluded walloper who thinks everybody who isn’t prepared to swallow gallons of the UK Koolaid like he has, can be derided as Scottish “Untermenschen”.
I’m quite sure the likes of Alf Baird would thrive in an objective debate about Scotland’s Maritime potential, but instead, we’re all treated to bile, rudeness and ignorant disinformation from blinkered dunces like the Ascot Hat.
But please don’t call for him to be banned. He’s a constant reminder of what it’s like to be a BritNat shill and product of UK indoctrination. Not a particularly attractive end product, is it?
Backshift hours appear to exacerbate Ascot A broad’s grumpiness. The technique is wearing a wee bit thin though. Combative, mainly baseless, often with a parting left hook. These careers in conditioning clearly take their toll. Sad.
Time to try out alternative pursuits for the unfulfilled retiree maybe? Something a bit gentler on the old constitution might help: meditation, yoga, landscape painting, flower arranging…
All this talk of parliaments, has anyone looked into what it would take to re-constitute our Scottish Parliament and declare it open for business. Is is even possible, just a thought…
“Fear not. Come divvy up time Scotland will be compensated for everything that’s been stolen & land & property will be returned to its rightful owners, Scotland.”
Nice thoughts Geri, but we are neighbours (England) with a country with long history of nefarious activities. the English government only recognises international law when it suits it.
The Chaggossian people can testify to that.
“I was confident he would have already posted a rote diatribe about cluster bombs”
Now that you mention Main.
The US which has ran out of weapons that IT wants to send to 404 has approved the sending of cluster bombs (which are banned) to 404’s military, or should I call it international brigade. (Nato)
Of course the English government approved the sending of those banned weapons to Saudi Arabia, which were used on the civilians of Yemen years ago.
link to caat.org.uk
We’d need the right people in place and right now we have House Jocks in those positions.
When the right folk are in the positions, this can happen, unless of course the Scots rise up before they are in the positions.
From Craig Murray’s blog.
“A Scottish government, whether arising from the Scottish Parliament or from another body, needs in declaring Independence to ensure it has practical control of Scotland.
That means that the organs of the state have to acknowledge the Scottish state. All taxes collected must go to Edinburgh, not to Westminster. The judiciary must apply Scottish laws and not Westminster ones, where they conflict, and specifically apply all new laws post the Declaration of Independence. The police must answer only to Scottish authorities. Ultimately so must the military stationed in Scotland.
At the time Independence is declared, immediate action must be taken to ensure all civil servants, judges, police and military take an oath of loyalty to the people of Scotland and its new government, and renounce any previous loyalty to Crown and to UK political institutions. Anybody refusing must be summarily dismissed from their positions.
We have the example of Catalonia before us. We also have the example of Egypt’s only ever democratically elected leader, President Morsi, who died horribly in jail after being overthrown by a CIA coup because he failed to take the elementary precaution of dismissing and imprisoning all the military regime’s corrupt judges. He should have learnt from Fritz Bauer.
Let us not make those mistakes.
Ultimately, it boils down to this.
1) Westminster will never agree to Scottish Independence.
2) Scotland therefore has no option but to declare Independence unilaterally.
3) Any independent state must be prepared to defend itself by physical force from foreign attack. So must a newly declared Independent Scotland.
4) All who refuse to serve an Independent Scotland must then be removed from all organs of the state.
5) Once an Independent Scotland has physical control of its territory and resources, international recognition will soon follow. Brexit has completely changed the political atmosphere with regard to the crucial attitude of the European Union to London’s government.”
“Westminster is toxic”.. The sum total of SNP strategy!
Republicofscotland says:
9 July, 2023 at 9:26 am
… has approved the sending of cluster bombs (which are banned) to 404’s military, or should I call it international brigade.
Aye, and thus the Country with severely limited capacity to actually drop any clusterbombs, sets a very grim and ominous precedent for the Country with overwhelming capacity to drop loads of them.
I wonder what humanitarian genius thought that one up.
Mark these words by Craig Murray, for we’ll need to take our independence, it won’t be given.
“To put this another way, no matter how many irregularities there might be in the 1689 Act of Settlement, no domestic or international court is going to annul it now. It is realpolitik again – no state exists whose form and institutions would survive re-examination of all their historic foundations under modern criteria.”
This company and its parent company are, and have been, giving large amounts of cash to the Britnat parties at Holyrood to keep them afloat to help stop Scots from dumping the union.
link to archive.is
A Scot Abroad @ 1:48 am
“I’ve already pointed out the utter shite that is the idea that you push of a trans-shipment port in Orkney.”
Scapa Flow has been a successful transhipment port for the last 50 years. Where did you think Orkney Council’s (and Shetland’s) oil wealth fund comes from?
link to orkneyharbours.com
link to orkneyharbours.com
that’s all a bit moonshine from Craig Murray’s blog. The vast majority of the forces stationed in Scotland would simply refuse. The planes would fly south, the submarines sail south, and the Army drive south. I have no doubt that a good proportion of the public servants and Police would also not comply with illegal instructions.
Most of the taxation collected from the financial sector would disappear along with the sector itself. 7.5% of Scotland’s GDP, and 200,000 jobs. Add in another 55,000 jobs in U.K.-wide public employment. Most oil and gas revenues would disappear, as would all foreign direct investment.
The EU isn’t going to recognise any form of UDI, as that would merely encourage separatist movements around Europe.
“bile, rudeness and ignorant dis-information”
Once again, the selective outrage that appears only when the bile, rudeness and ignorant dis-information comes from one deemed to be anti-Indy is noted by alert readers.
@RoS 9:45
Intrigued by your point 4.
As what organ do you intend to serve the newly born iScotland?
Apropos of nothing.
This Sovereign Scot won’t be taking an oath of loyalty to HY. Not ever.
RoS & Breeks, fill yer boots if you like.
It’s a symptom of your infinite capacities for self delusion about just how far out the tide of Indy has ebbed that you are now “planning” for the aftermath of a putsch on an open forum.
Whilst simultaneously bleating about things that are “banned”.
Jeezo, is it really so godamned difficult to just show us Scots the fucking money and win popular support that way?
Cluster bombs
There go those great bastions of world peace breaking international law, AGAIN in its obsessive need to dominate. Another despot imperial regime.
& Weirdos think pu-tin is unhinged.
Reeves *we should pay tribute to the USA for all they have done to help Ukrainy -they’ve helped more than any other nation*
So they should! That started it ffs!
So a new government, same shit. America’s bitch. 51st state. Meanwhile, here in skintland, we’ve a nice big target strapped to our back..
You can almost hear how that conversation went – house it in Scotland lads. So what if it’s obliterated. The Scots cost nothing & they’ll be doing us a favour.
No. Scotland is against nuclear weapons. Only despot britnats think the topic is decisive & dividing because everyone won’t bend to their control.
States recognise other states.
Not a permission slip from London.
Scotland is a country. Not some region of England that’s locked in under a written constitution. We had our own which still survives & is valid.
Breeks , not banned but perhaps stop the personal references , leave it in neutral don’t quote them.
It is QI when someone uses that method how quickly it is claimed by those attempting disruption.
Rev Stu, I love this blog and I also love most of those below the line as they provide interesting snippets of information or other paths to follow.
As all of the fighting is taking place on the territory of 404, it is the right of the people of 404 to decide, as a Sovereign Nation, what weapons they are prepared to use in their existentialist struggle to expel the imperialist aggressor from their homeland.
So-called Scots Indy supporters who won’t acknowledge the fundamental right of a Sovereign Nation to defend itself from extermination need to be kept as far away from any possible real world influence and responsibility as possible.
If nothing else, the looney tunes nature of the posts from some of the regulars on here clarifies just why the SNP, once in power, had to distance itself from them as soon as it could.
The exact same process will have to happen should Alba or any other new Indy party gain power.
link to stopclustermunitions.org
I do not know if was a bomb of the type that killed a member of my extended family, it was not a WMD, that is for sure.
Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it, Mr Sunak.
You’d think, as the great con is peddled on the state funded propaganda channel, that if the yanks are winning they wouldn’t need anymore weapons.
Yet Uk-rainy comes with a shopping list like someone’s nipping down to Tesco & dared to ask if they need anything…
Not a member of NATO or the EU but look at the free bounty, the instant free passes to the clubs, the superstar treatment around the western world in their fight for (pretendy) *self determination*
*The EU isn’t going to recognise any form of UDI, as that would merely encourage separatist movements around Europe.*
DON’T TALK PISH! They’re already doing it ya roaster!
Aah, another weeks begins and John Main once again slips effortly into his now customary Jerry Maguire role play mode with his “Show me the money!” demand.
The trouble is though that every time he’s shown an example of where the money could come from, he shits himself and self IDs as a Plato’s cave dweller who lacks the fortitude to break out of his delusions that anything other than his current perceived reality is possible.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
John Main
Get real. 404 is the puppet.
That sovereign nation broke the terms of their internationally recognised treaty. There were only two rules to follow. Signed by the Yanks too..
No NATO expansion.
Must remain neutral.
Agreed – here’s yer independence. Go in peace..
The yanks swooped in before the ink was even dry, to their own agreement to lock & load and install a puppet to break it. Surprise surprise.
Mayhem everywhere. One unhinged despotic nation. Here we go again to another war – wouldn’t be so bad if they ever won! For having such a big gob they always end up gubbed!
ASA and his English establishment overlords don’t have the gumption or the integrity to understand that an English MP majority is not the same as a Union majority. These are two different things, because Scotland is not a junior partner in the Union, it is one full half of the Union, the other half being England, and that makes any Scottish majority vote fully equal to any English majority vote.
England’s MPs are not sitting in the English parliament, they are sitting in the Union parliament. The Union parliament cannot pass legislation on the majority approval of only one partner, it needs the approval of both partners. England’s MPs cannot pass any legislation on their own because their majority or even unanimity does not represent the Union on their own, and Westminster has no bloody business pretending otherwise. They don’t speak for anybody except for England, they can’t speak for Scotland and therefore can’t speak for the Union. And yet they presume to do exactly that without any proper justification other than that they outnumber the Scots MPs.
But outnumbering isn’t the same as outvoting because that depends on how the votes are counted, and Westminster’s voting system is still the old English parliament’s voting system which assumed that all MPs represented English constituencies, and thus only one sovereignty. But the Union parliament represents two sovereignties, making that voting system completely inappropriate, but despite that, it has never been updated to reflect the new circumstances that came into effect in 1707!
It is that continued inadequacy that gives unwarranted power to the far larger numbers of England’s MPs than they can ever properly justify, though you can bet that if the numbers had been the other way around, England’s establishment would have seen that voting system amended so fast it would make ASA’s head swim.
Even if England’s MPs vote 100% for a matter, it’s not enough to pass it, because they only represent one sovereign partner in a Union of two. The other sovereign partner in the Union also gets a vote, and if their MPs vote against it even if only by a majority of 1 then the matter must fail because the Union’s two partners did not agree to pass it.
It’s well past time our Scots MPs robustly informed their English colleagues to stuff their abusive voting system.
A Scot Abroad said;
“It’s meaningless. And for over 300 years, not ever questioned that the UK is the sovereign power.”
Then you’ve not been paying any attention. No surprise there.
Geri said;
“Actually, thinking about it..
If he didn’t take the full oath to Scotland then he can’t open parliament & no one can swear an oath to him before sitting because he is only an English king & Westminster is a GB parliament ..
That’ll be awkward? If he didn’t take the oath to Scotland then there’s no United Kingdom’s & that parliament is now only an English one.”
I like the way you think!
A Scot Abroad said;
“Geri, the ones spouting utter shite on here are you, Baird, RoS, Xaracen, Che, and a couple of less frequent posters.
There’s not a single thing that you lot say that is truthful, or that forms a logical argument. Far less anything that is justiciable. It’s all just pish and wind, and totally meaningless.”
ASA, you’ve been talking to the mirror again!
the great thing about cluster bombs is when they don’t go off they have a secondary value as childrens toys (thank fuck we are the good guys and there is no moral equivalence going on); all such problems can be solved via language – landmines, bad? – no, we use landmines, landmines good, landmines legitimate military usage … other guy using landmines? – that bad … but landmines and landmines good and bad, head hurt?? – no, bad guy use IED = BAD, good guys uses landmine = GOOD
cluster bomb? – BAD? – try – antipersonnel area denial ordnance = GOOD
Thanks Dan.
Still peddling your coal I see.
But that’s nit picking on my part. You are smart enough to understand that I am not fundamentally questioning the existence of the bountiful resources you list.
I am pointing out that these resources are owned, and thus I am asking how that ownership gets transferred to new owners who will more equitably share them with me. And the 5.5 mill other Scots.
You are smart enough to know that history provides several examples of how this wealth transfer can be attempted, that some attempts have been more successful than others, that unexpected results have sometimes occurred, and that not everybody has always benefitted.
So, show how Scotland will do it in a way that stands a high chance of success.
Show all of us Scot’s, Sovereign and New, then stand aside as the rush to achieve Indy sweeps all in its path.
Alf Baird,
Orkney is a convenient transshipment place for goods produced in Orkney or Shetland. Of course.
What it isn’t is a convenient transshipment place for the 70% of European imports that come via the Mediterranean, and it’s less efficient than west Atlantic ports such as Brest or Bilbao, or even Rotterdam (with road and rail infrastructure already there) that come across the Atlantic. The polar routes are still theoretical, and even then, there’s Norway and Denmark barely further away.
You will know how to look at trade routes. You’ll notice that barely any shipping passes close by to Orkney that isn’t doing a local hop.
The entire concept is utterly bonkers. And it’s no wonder that nobody in the commercial world is taking it seriously. It isn’t going to happen.
John Main
That is so easy that every country does it (shock! Horror!)
You write a (new &0updated)constitution for parliament.
You have ministers take that oath to uphold it before sitting.
You dispense with eejits who go rogue.
The Westminster parliament is ABNORMAL in this regard. The public cannot sack MPs or MSPs because Thier oath is to a Draconian monarchy. NOT to their public who voted for them.
Easy, peasy.
In an iScot we will.
It’s Sunday – Hallelujah!
Good day to you all my brothers and sisters.
Today is a day for rest.
Today is a day for giving thanks for the bountiful gift of life on Earth.
And today is a day for reflection.
My sermon today, coming to you direct from the Northcode pulpit, reflects on the true nature of reality.
Let us begin…
It is finished, the British monarchy (and if you saw Charlie’s face as he arrived at Holyrood the other day you’ll know he knows that ,too). It will remain a diminished English monarchy only. And all of its stolen Scottish property will be returned to the Scots.
It is finished, the ‘Scottish’ devolved government. It will be swept aside to make way for a real Scottish Government. A real Scottish Government of the Scots, by the Scots, for the Scots (I’m sure Abraham Lincoln would approve of me paraphrasing his line).
And it is finished, the ‘United Kingdom’. Because without Scotland there is no United Kingdom. And everything it stole from Scotland will be returned. And what can’t be returned will be compensated for.
Nonsense, you say. And yes, it might seem like nonsense – just like the notions of our world being spherical and not flat, or that the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way about, were once considered nonsense.
But despite how defeated us Scots might seem right now, it only seems that way, because all of what I have written above has already happened; we just have to wait a wee bit for it to catch up with our current reality.
We humans don’t know anywhere near as much as we arrogantly think we do. We, all of us, are susceptible to setting our thoughts and beliefs in stone; excluding ideas and concepts that don’t immediately fit with those beliefs.
The future, all our futures, is foretold by the millions upon millions upon millions of, often apparently insignificant, actions and events that happen in what we call now. And by now I mean the now that is already the past – now is pretty much the past as soon as now arrives.
These millions of apparently insignificant actions are not the cause of the changes in reality themselves – it gets a bit weirder than that.
In science there is a phenomenon called the ‘observer effect’ when carrying out experiments:
Often – most times – things that have already happened take a while to manifest in the everyday reality we see around us at any given moment.
So what does this mean for an independent Scotland?
Well, thanks to all the folk thinking an independent Scotland into existence, it has already happened and its manifestation is now unstoppable, it just hasn’t arrived in what we call reality yet.
So, even though we have already achieved Scottish Independence – albeit it at the quantum level for now;
keep thinking of Scotland as an independent nation.
Keep thinking Scottish not British.
Keep thinking sovereign not servant.
And keep thinking that anything is possible.
But above all, keep thinking; because according to some quantum physicists our thoughts create our reality – although my lottery jackpot win I’ve been thinking into existence is taking a long, long time to manifest; maybe next weekend.
Here endeth today’s sermon. May all your days be blessed with happiness and joy.
And don’t forget that love is the most powerful force in the universe – perhaps the only ‘real’ force that actually exists.
Anyway, until next Sunday’s sermon – play nice, fellow humans.
Xaracen, at 1140.
The entirety of that post about the union of two equal parts ignores reality, and it isn’t going to change. For a while, there’s even been issues on which Scots MPs voted down or passed legislation that only applied to England: see the West Lothian question.
What sort of a world do you live in that allows you to ignore reality?
For something that *isn’t going to happen* you ain’t half shitting yerself & spouting absolute nonsense.
We could take pointers from our friends around the world, see how they do it. Nothing is beyond possibility if you leave yer bile, spite & sense of exceptionalism at the door…
The too wee, too poor, too stupid mantra is old now. It’s just a pathetic attempt at coercive control.
You’ll be notttttthing without meeeee! Pish found in all abusers playbooks…pathetic.
There are smaller independent countries who mange just fine. Scotland will too.
& We’ll have full control of our sea boundaries to do wtf we like with them in negotiations that won’t include the UK if they like. Let them feck off & worry about their tiny channel crossing & gies peace.
I see our very good friend has been putting in double shifts …
ASA, the adults are talking – go back to the kiddies table
– tell them about your degree in operating a walkie talkie from the army “college”.
it’s a shame the taliban (or the serbs, whatever) didn’t get you and cut your nadgers off – you would have been a general by now in the new rainbow nato
Post indy we need a clear out – all scottish regiments should be disbanded and new ones formed, then a monument of shame built to the
and once a year on “victims of empire” (Nov 11 or thereabouts) day the public will be encouraged to spit on their battle honours, which are displayed upside down.
while NATO will likely be a default for Scotland, neutrality would be the best; swiss style neutrality, armed to the teeth, it all set to blow and everyone packing heat
– there’s only one group of people who I might like to enjoy shooting, so why make enemies of foreigners who have done no harm to you
link to dailyrecord.co.uk
(cocks the spandau)
“feed me … “
It is utterly bizarre that the separatista fantasists simultaneously convince themselves (and eachother) that the United Kingdom doesn’t exists AND that the United Kingdom was imposed on Scotland by the English.
They are mind-blind to the truth that the United Kingdom was imposed on England by Scotsmen, in two stages spread a little over a hundred years apart, for the benefit of Scotsmen.
Confused, at 1235.
that sort of lunatic ranting only results in good people getting horrified by the Indy types. You don’t appreciate the great affection within Scotland for Scots regiments.
The idea that ships from Asia, which is where we get most of our cheaply manufactured goods from, will steam North to Scapa Flow to tranship for onward transmission to Europe is deeply bonkers.
It’s the sort of geographically ignorant fantasy which got so many Scotsmen embroiled in the Darien scam.
Somehow, the separatistas have become entranced by their own fantasies of an imaginary world.
I’ve just spat ma tea! Lol!
Rainbow NATO..LMAO!
Our enemies are shitting themselves..
I think the yanks pumping everyone full of the wrong hormones to create an aggressive super violent breed of army has malfunctioned. They escaped to the wild of Tik Tok & can’t stop crying long enough to adjust their walkie talkies that their mission has failed & please send Tampax & some makeup. STAT!
Ruskies must be shitting themselves with this brave new world..
A Scot Abroad said;
“The entirety of that post about the union of two equal parts ignores reality, and it isn’t going to change. For a while, there’s even been issues on which Scots MPs voted down or passed legislation that only applied to England: see the West Lothian question.
What sort of a world do you live in that allows you to ignore reality?”
Your interpretation of what I said is dishonest, again. I stated the reality of the legal and constitutional make-up of the Union, AND I stated the reality that the English establishment that runs Westminster ignores that constitutional reality in order to impose a false, unwarranted authority over Scotland. Westminster’s and England’s MPs authority over Scotland and her MPs is illegitimate, and you carefully avoided answering that reality.
One day, the reality of that illegitimacy is going to bite Westminster’s precious Union in two.
@ John Main at 11:49 am
Aye, you just focus in on the coal again like you did last time coz it’s now considered bad. For consistency you really need to point out other bad stuff like clusterbombs usage, and tbh all munition use and warring in general, as it is hardly environmentally sound practice to blow the shit out of any area’s land and infrastructure.
And I recall you were unable to show me any of your concerned online contributions relating to 404’s fate during the Euromaiden stramash. But I digress…
But back to resources, and you again try to focus and divert onto the question of asset and resource ownership, ignoring that my proffered example makes no suggestion of altering the ownership status of these assets and resources, instead the change of Scotland returning to self-governance would mean that the revenue streams generated by licensing and taxation of these assets and resources in Scottish jurisdictional areas would be diverted to a Scottish Treasury, to be used and distributed across Scottish society made up of 5.4 million folk, rather than them flowing into the UK Treasury which serves 67 million folk.
Scotland has about 65% of the UK gas fields, and supplies approximately 50% of UK domestic gas use. You and ASA will come back with “but gas is bad and nobody will want it”. Aye, fossil fuel use will taper off but it is being used now in considerable quantities. Even today at this moment 25% of GB Grid power is being produced by burning gas in CCGT power stations situated in England. So someone wants it…
link to gridwatch.templar.co.uk
But moving on to cleaner energy sources. The ScotWind
auctiongiveaway will potentially create up to 10 times the current generation capacity in Scotland and we are already a net exporter of renewable produced power. Obviously Scottish leccy use will increase as we taper off fossil fuel derived energy.We all well know how much energy companies profited recently while we consumers were paying the highest ever prices for our energy. Having a government that was empowered to better regulate and or slap windfall taxes on these big corporate entities would be handy.
Not since they became the problem by being invaders & occupiers & all the poppy porn shit & domestic abuse.
WW2 ended.
Everything since has been colonising & racist bullshit in an attempt to keep the rich, rich & in control of coveting other countries assets.
This loyalty is all in yer head, but that’s no surprise, you’ve not to think or look around you to see public opinion. You’ve tunnel vision.
in reference to the union being two equal partners, with both holding a permanent veto over the other, you won’t mind linking to the text of the “reality of the legal and constitutional make up of the Union”, then? Because it’s not something that I, or indeed, anyone else, have read in the last 316 years.
And if you cannot, then the rest of us will just have to conclude that you are making it up as you go along.
” So-called Scots Indy supporters who won’t acknowledge the fundamental right of a Sovereign Nation to defend itself from extermination need to be kept as far away from any possible real world influence and responsibility as possible. ”
John Wean .
What about the sovereign nation of Rusha , IT doesn’t have the right to defend it’s borders ? It’s not allowed the sovereignty you insist on for 404 .
Here’s a wee thought experiment for you : imagine – if yr capable of it , if yr blind hatred of R is not total ( which I doubt ) – Mexico or Canada were aligned with R and decided to allow the presence of weapons on their soil with the capability to strike anywhere within the U.S . What do you think the latter’s response would be ?
Zelensky was voted into power on a platform of constructive engagement with R . He immediately reversed that position when he * won * the election – we can only speculate why , but let’s assume ” Fuck Europe ” Nulands had something to do with that . Or maybe he just woke-up in a bad mood one morning and thought ” what the World needs is more bloodshed , nuclear armageddon would be , well , kinda cool , let’s go for it ” .
Were R threatening U before Feb 22 – no , but U had been waging savage aggression on the R-speaking areas of U , proscribing the speaking of R , burning civilians alive and generally being the exemplars of West-approved * good guys * . What any decent person would call genocidal psychopaths .
Were the people of U clamouring to join NATO ? No , the vast majority simply wanted to get on with their lives and live in peace with their neighbours – similarly to the vast majority of people any/everywhere . They were not allowed to , Yank geopolitical/financial interests Rools OK ? eh…naw , not ok .
Was U not considered one if not THE most corrupt countries in Europe ? Yes , even by it’s new-found allies in Western MSM – including the nauseating Guardian .
Your pathetic attempts to frame this conflict in language that would embarrass ” Rambo ” only succeeds in showing you up for the armchair warrior happy to feast and pontificate on the blood of human beings far way from YOUR home that you undoubtedly are
Anyone not calling for an immediate end to this wholesale slaughter is a cunt who should be sent into the heart of the bloodbath and see what the REALITY of war looks like up close and personal .
You volunteering , Main ? Na , didn’t think so
***The entirety of that post about the union of two equal parts ignores reality, and it isn’t going to change. For a while, there’s even been issues on which Scots MPs voted down or passed legislation that only applied to England: see the West Lothian question.***
That problem arose because the English forgot that Westminster is not an English parliament. It’s the parliament of Great Britain. Are you suggesting it’s not? If so, then that parliament is rendered illegitimate.
They need to feck off & open a devolved parliament eh if they want EVEL & to cure the west Lothian *problem*. Why don’t they? What they tried to do was to use a GB parliament that doesn’t belong to England. It exists to pass legislation for ALL of the union. Scotland & England.
They better hup-to a devolved parliament. I can’t wait to see the first ever GERE report they need to provide with a full breakdown of revenues..
Then you haven’t been paying attention.
The parliament was set up for Scotland & England. As equal partners & with equal members.
That has been eroded to now resemble an English parliament with their self appointed air of supreme authority.
In direct violation of the treaties that they signed up to.
Each time it comes up in parliament the English dare not vote against it because they know & recognise the ramifications even if your ignorance won’t allow you to.
Chucky takes his oath to uphold it. He doesn’t do that to a bunch of peasants from a backwater..he does it because it is a requirement of the union. But keep it up with you pretending to yourself that it’s made up shit & Scots have no authority. It only insults Scots more to get rid of it once & for all.
Robert Hughes,
has it escaped your notice that:
U is a sovereign nation, with internationally recognised borders?
That R signed a treaty with U that was meant to guarantee the sovereignty of U’s borders?
That R invaded and seized two parts of U in 2014?
That the OSCE on the ground monitors ascribed 75% of the shelling and killing being done in Donbas between 2014 and 2022 to R?
That R invaded U in February 2022, and has engaged in numerous well-documented war crimes since then?
And you claim that R wasn’t threatening U…
You are a pathetic excuse for a human. No morals whatsoever. A total disgrace.
ASA proves Scotland should withdraw our MPs from Westminster & no longer take our seats in an illegitimate parliament.
Scotland should vote for indy candidates who will stand on that ticket then withdraw completely.
As others have said – that parliament can’t function on its own authority as a union without a union. It’d end immediately & bring parliament & the monarchy to an abrupt end in one stroke.
Propaganda bullshit.
US troops played war games on that sovereign nations borders, willy waving for a reaction.
They received one.
Northcode @ 12:12 pm
Good”keep thinking of Scotland as an independent nation.
Keep thinking Scottish not British.
Keep thinking sovereign not servant.
And keep thinking that anything is possible.
But above all, keep thinking”
Excellent advice.
We are reminded here of Fanon’s ‘3 phases’ on the eventual downfall of colonialism where each native who realises the hoax and ‘goes back over the line is a radical condemnation of the methods and of the regime’:
Phase 1: the native becomes aware that he has assimilated the culture of the occupying power;
Phase 2: the native is disturbed; he decides to remember who and what he is and creates ‘a literature’ of liberation;
Phase 3: comes ‘a fighting literature, and a national literature’ – as they feel the need to speak to their nation in a way ‘which expresses the heart of the people and to become the mouthpiece of a new reality in action’.
This is arguably the role of the pro-independence bloggers (for we see nothing from institutions taking their orders from the colonial power). Which also explains why the colonizer’s paid forces seek to disrupt the process.
The reason that the Parliament in England acts as if it the sole entrant to the treaty? of the union,
Is because it is,
I know Scotland has not grasped this yet, even although that same parliament in England are openly mocking Scots world wide on their parliament site down south in 2023, on their slow up take of this information.
1: It was decided in 1707 by politicians and commissioners after debating not to give the….. “Scots”… a vote on joining the treaty of union.
This is there for all to read.
The slow uptake by Scots into acknowledging what that statement actually means to their own position out-with the treaty of union as a nation is wanting.
Regardless of wether the treaty is international or simply domestic legislation.
2: That the Scottish elites whom had ” personally” entered into that treaty on union were the only entrants by signature.
But even those signatured individuals were soon dismissed from the 1707 treaty? Of union, when the Parliament in England and Queen Anne announced that they were extinguished in 1707 by agreeing to the treaty of union once ratified.
With the signature individuals from the Scottish parliament extinguished prior and in lieu to the GB parliament, and the Scottish nation never been asked and not in any Treaty of union at all,
We can observe that only Members of down south are in any sort of treaty, hence their actions and Statements.
However it highlights why? with curiosity’ Scots are so slow in believing they are somewhere or other in a treaty with England.
The question has to be asked of Scots, where and when and what evidence do have you believe this actually happened to your people and nation.
Other than from a self proclaimed parliament of propaganda.
The US sending the cluster Bombs. Biden says there out of ammunition. And the EU is now turning full military block. It’s frightening what’s going on. I don’t want any part of it.
He’s already spend £113 billion dollars according to Kennedy JR. I hope he unseats him.
Independent Scotland outside the EU. Outside NATO.
Re an overabundance of stuff from your garden, if you don’t already have one invest in a blender. I am sitting just now drinking an apple, banana and beetroot smoothie, fifty percent water, fifty percent unsweetened soya milk. The beetroot makes it look like a strawberry milkshake and you have a glut of strawberries. Anything goes with them, spinach etc, adjust to personal taste.
Re allotments, I’d love one but my back is wrecked, chronic sciatica. A couple of women I know maintained allotments for years but both had to give them up because of things like osteoporosis. It really does taste different directly from the garden.
113 billion dollars. 350,000 dead. Days democratic candidate Kennedy Jr. He wants to stop the war. Trump wants to stop the war.
Joe Biden, send in the cluster Bombs. Unbelievable. When will they negotiate peace?
@Rev, I get the Nirvana reference in title.
A Flaccid Prick Abroad
Fuck off : I don’t have the slightest interest in anything you have to say . Away and neck a couple of viagra and have a ham-shank to that photo of Prince Andrex in uniform you keep under yr mattress .
What the hell , it’s Sunday , treat yrsel , take 3 . Yr worth it .
That’s all yr worth .
sovereign nations joined NATO because they don’t trust Moscow.
Finland most recently, Sweden next. Georgia has an application in. U has stated that it wants to in the future, and you can be certain that once Lukashenko gets his chips handed in, Belarus will want to join as well.
Nobody trusts R. And with their track record, it’s easy to see why.
The more interesting question is who is R’s next leader? The current one is toast.
A Scot Abroad said;
“in reference to the union being two equal partners, with both holding a permanent veto over the other, you won’t mind linking to the text of the “reality of the legal and constitutional make up of the Union”, then?”
It’s called sovereignty as you well know, because you agreed to its usual definitions already. Both partners are sovereign Kingdoms, so neither is subject to the other, unless there is a clear formal agreement that states otherwise. There is nothing in the Treaty of Union to that effect. If you think there is, you won’t mind linking to the relevant text in the Treaty, then.
Just a simple query from an old guy who skims the non repetitive posts with great interest.
If folk are here because they are genuinely interested in the independence movement and constructive steps towards strengthening it, what is the point in bothering to respond to/ swear at or about/ or abuse posters you believe to be MI6/77th Brigade/ paid provocateurs or similar.
Every time you reply, their presence here is justified (in their minds at least). And does anyone truly believe that someone popping in here out of curiosity will be impressed by such a level of reasoned debate as “have a ham-shank to that photo of Prince Andrex”? Honestly ? That’s how the independence debate is really presenting itself these days ?
There is of corse the matter of wether the treaty of union is a international treaty between Scotland and England.
This is very questionable.
The agreement may have continued into one if the correct proceedings had been followed,
The 1707 Scottish parliament ratified the treaty that promised Scottish parliamentarians to sit in Westminster,
However the Scottish parliament ceased and was extinguished prior to any Scottish parliament members having been chosen for the lieu GB parliament,
It was the later GB parliament that called members of the extinguished and now closed Scottish parliament to Westminster,
Etymology is important in this matter.
The Scottish parliament had only passed and ratified the treaty of union in and under their own domestic law of Scotland. Before closing its doors.
With these details in mind, the Scottish side of the treaty of union agreement and promise in lieu of a GB parliament , when the Scottish parliament ceased , their domestic law cannot now be converted into a recognisable international side of the treaty.
It is a almost identical situation for the old English parliament,
Two extinct and ceased parliaments cannot not bind each other under the domestic law of either Of the others Country,
Neither these extinguished and ceased parliaments can at this point be recognised as active parliaments of their respective Countries, nor can their agreement of promises
Some say the acts of the parliament is what the treaty is judged on.
But the detail and legitamacy of those Acts also ceased and were extinguished the same manner as both when both parliaments ceased.
It is questionable wether two ceased parliaments, two ceased sets of promises, two ceased sets of Acts and two ceased sets of articles of a ” Union ” waiting in lieu could be construed as valid or binding after all effects ceasing along with the parliaments
Forthwith a spurious question arise.
Can two ceased and voided parliaments continue on to create a third parliament of union between the elites if’ and once the original parliaments have closed all active rolls as parliaments.
It would appear that two obsolete parliaments whose Acts have been extinguished with their respective parliaments cannot create a international treaty for the parliament GB parliament waiting in lieu.
The self proclaimed GB parliament ( as it would become) in of itself cannot create a international treaty on its own merit. With itself.
On a promise domestic Acts from respective parliaments and ratifications that had both ceased to be binding and existing.
The Acts in of themselves cannot stretch beyond the jurisdiction of the ceased parliaments.
Veering wildly off-topic, for which I may be rightly excoriated or even banned, I would point out that civilised countries, including the UK of which Scotland is a rather minor cluster of counties, have banned cluster munitions.
For the US to supply cluster munitions to their neoNazi allies in their puppet regime of Ukraine is totally barbaric.
It is an indication that the UKUSA/NATO war against Russia has failed.
ludicrous. You are just making stuff up now.
There isn’t a Scottish constitution. There never was. There’s only a U.K. constitution, and it’s not written down. It’s just the body of past decisions and precedent, interpreted ultimately by the UKSC.
All of this nonsense about Scotland and England having their own sovereignty and being equal partners with a veto over each other is just drivel.
How Sovereign are Scots?
Well, been as it was debated down south under considerable discussion in 1707 on wether to asks Scots in a vote if they want to join the treaty of Union,
The outcome of that debate down south by the commissioners and politicians in 1707 was they would not allow Scots to vote on joining the treaty of union,
The question has never been put forward to any Scots. And deliberately avoided in 1707.
Thus we find No native Scot in the treaty of the union,
And they remain to this day, ultimately Sovereign Scots from the treaty in all respects.
David Hannah
There’s no money & control in peace. Uk-rainy needs to tell all outside meddlers to get tae feck & leave. The Israeli minister let the cat out the bag a few months ago, both sides wanted peace. It was the colonisers (Biden & Bojo) who insisted they didn’t accept it.
O/T Lolz at Prisms title this week..
*Fannies of the week* 😀
Rugby wins that cup hands down for appointing part time baroness tank commander who thinks all Scots are drunken thieves.
“that’s all a bit moonshine from Craig Murray’s blog”
Hm… Lets see now who to believe a paid Britnat mouthpiece doing England’s bidding, or an ex-British ambassador who has been around the block and knows far more than you know, a no brainer if you ask me.
As for the EU not recognising Scotland as an independent nation, its not Catalonia, it has possession of its lands (a major factor in dissolving the union and obtaining international recognition) and has done so for hundreds of years, infact the Treaty of York is one of the oldest border treaties in the world.
There is no UK constitution for the Scots,
The parliamentarians and commissioners discussed in 1707 wether the Scots should have a vote on joining the treaty of union,
It was decided not to ask the Scots to vote join the treaty of union as they would probably vote NO,
So no Scot in the treaty of union or in the UK constitution.
The Scots have ultimate Sovereignty today from the rest of the UK.
You can find this information on the UK Westminster parliament Site,
Glad to be of help.
A Scot Abroad says:
9 July, 2023 at 1:56 pm
Robert Hughes,
Why do you and John Rambo and yer wee band of ultra x Pongo’s go and sort it all out.
We’re quite literally fed up listening tae it.
You know fine well what point 4 means.
The English government played it part in the overthrowing of the Egyptian democratically elected Mohamed Morsi, among other things it set up in Egypt a a proxy news agency to counter anything Egypt’s first democratically elected president had to say.
The English government aided and abetted the detention of thousands of Egyptian citizens who backed Morsi as thousand more were murdered all to install the dictator Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.
Ever since the English security services have been in bed with the dictator Westminster (England) has grown increasingly close to Egypt’s regime as repression has increased. The head of MI6, Richard Moore, met with Sisi in Cairo in late 2020 to discuss “intelligence cooperation”.
Senior officials from MI5 and MI6 train Egyptian spies every year at a UK military base just north of London.
Craig Murray is right to say these steps should be taken on ditching the ball and chain union, we know just how nefarious English governments can and have been over the centuries.
Anyone who thinks that the English government will just let Scotland walk away without some sort of action is kidding themselves on our strategy and defence plan must be in place before we dump the union.
@Bob 1:29
There’s 2 countries, a border between them, and military from one of the countries across the border in the other country, a killing, destroying, torturing and raping as they go.
A short post from me, but it summarises the reality.
How long did it take you to write your shite?
Anyways, keep away from Scottish Indy please. Scotland will never be safe if people who think like you ever get near positions of influence and power.
The Statement on Westminster parliament site 2023 is peculiar, in debating wether Scots should get a vote to join the treaty of union is it not?
1: obviously those negotiating the treaty did not see the Scottish parliament as the Sovereign parliament of the Scots.
2: it obviously thought the “Scots” were a separate entity and Sovereign people as a nation from the Monarch and the parliament in Scotland at the time.
3: old or new Westminster parliament still have not asked the separate entity and nation of Scots if they want to join the treaty of union, no vote has ever been held on this issue,
4: the 2014 referendum was a cart before the horse scenario.
5: unless most or all politicians in Scotland are illiterate and have never read all the in’s and outs of the political union, I personally would suggest it is not just England that wants the forever never ending fight for Scottish independence to be a forever battle for benefits and personal purse strings.
It obviously is a very industrious rewarding financially winning stratergy for politicians on both sides to keep that boat afloat.
Infact Main the English government stoops to whatever level it wants to whilst attempting to look respectable to the outside world.
Indeed the English government has even offered to train the military junta in Myanmar, which as oppressed and murdered thousands of Rohingya people in the country.
“Senior spies representing regimes such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Cameroon and Algeria attended an 11-day International Intelligence Directors Course in 2019.
Top intelligence officers from notoriously brutal security agencies in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Nigeria were also in attendance.
The course is run by the UK military’s Joint Intelligence Training Group (JITG) at Chicksands, a British army intelligence base in Bedfordshire, north of London. ”
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) repeatedly refused to answer question son the course.
Bob at 4:29 accusing rationalists who support the right of independent sovereign nations to defend themselves of being Rambos.
RoS 4 minutes later telling us how iScotland must get its defence plan in shape before splitting from rUK.
I reckon RoS has it right.
I shall reach 20 this year. Until Scots get really, really, really serious about the great matter that cat in hell has no chance.
Adieu mes amis et bonne chance!
You are 100% correct.
Unfortunately if any one comments on the repetitive shite we see umpteen times every day they are immediately classed as a troll, a unionist or whatever.
If somehow the colonialism, the 300 year old mince, Sovereignty and all the ‘clever Scottish’ words, in whatever version of Scots you prefer, disappeared, then there might be a small chance of reasoned debate breaking out. I am not holding my breath.
Che, Baird, RoS, Geri and the rest of the nutters in the BPHB please take note.
I shall make another repetitive point-change will ONLY come via the ballot box. Ancient treaties will NEVER be repealed by anybody. If they ever were going to, it would have happened a long time ago.
there’s quite a lot of similarity between Catalunya and Scotland. Both have control of their own land, a similar level of devolution, their own police services, and so on. Catalunya was first independent in the 14th century, and entered into a royal union with Spain in the 15th century.
Look at how Spain reacted when Catalunya tried to get away. International arrest warrants, and forcing a firm declaration from the EU that the proposed referendum was illegal and that they wouldn’t recognise iCatalunya.
Where there’s differences is that Catalunya actually has a productive economy (19% of Spain’s GDP, unlike Scotland’s 8% of U.K. GDP), and would have been a net contributor to the EU in day one. And still the EU said no. So there’s no chance of Scotland going down that route with success. Spain would just veto it. As would the other 5 EU members with significant separatist movements.
@ Sven
I only talk that way to people I deem to be worthy of nothing better .
As for the ” Independence debate ” . The time for debating is long gone ; and if you think people like yon are actually interested in debate you’ve clearly not noticed the countless times their fatuous arguments have been blown away , despite which , they repeat them ad nauseam .
* Sorry * if I offended your delicate sensibilities , but , y’know , this is WOS , not Readers Digest
“Catalunya was first independent in the 14th century, and entered into a royal union with Spain in the 15th century.”
Not really it was in a dynastic union with the Crown of Aragon for much of the time.
Speaking of crowns Scotland has its own honours and still does as well as its own Crown office, if their really had been a union of the crowns in 1603 Scotland wouldn’t still retain its honours which are older than England’s, nor would their still be a border, or for those b*stards at Westminster colluding with House Jocks to move the maritime border in 1999 to include oil and gas platforms.
Plus you are forgetting one major event the 2014 indyref which proves beyond all doubt that Scotland is in a political union with another country and that, that union CAN be dissolved.
However you are right about one thing the English regime will not let Scotland go without a fight it desperately needs to keep hold of it to continue to fleece it.
Scots will need ton take their independence in whatever manner that happens to be, as for Spain not recognising an indy Scotland that old chestnut has been debunked a million times, Spain wants Gibraltar and the minute Scotland dumps England, and it feels England has been weakened, it will make its move, as England is now out of the EU and a third party state, the EU will probably side with the Spanish.
We know Scotland is a wealthy country and its wealth will go towards its people and infrastructure on instead of into the coffers of Number Eleven Downing street and to its corporate buddies, but Scots must be prepared to fight for what’s there’s on the declaring of independence in whatever manner that takes.
Craig Murray had years of insider knowledge of what goes on at Westminster and the FCO, if he say we must be ready to make a stand, then ready we must be.
A Scot Abroad said;
ludicrous. You are just making stuff up now.
There isn’t a Scottish constitution. There never was. There’s only a U.K. constitution, and it’s not written down. It’s just the body of past decisions and precedent, interpreted ultimately by the UKSC.
All of this nonsense about Scotland and England having their own sovereignty and being equal partners with a veto over each other is just drivel.”
Erm, if the UK’s constitution isn’t written down, how can there be a body of past decisions and precedent, to be interpreted ultimately by anyone? Is there an 800 year old audio recording of Magna Carta that still works?
And what on earth makes you think that Scotland has no ‘body of past decisions and precedent, to be interpreted ultimately by the’ Scots, or anybody else who chooses to read them?
That’s your worst fear, isn’t it, that the Scots are increasingly interested in examining the online records of the old Scottish parliament, which St. Andrews University thoughtfully assembled for the convenience of the Scottish public and academics? There are some 16,000 documents in it, all written in Scots as the formal legal language of Scotland, and some very interesting things have been discovered, I understand.
Ooh, you told me you understood what sovereignty was! Did you lie about that, too?
“I reckon RoS has it right.”
You bet I have it right, we just need to look at the history of English governments on other countries with regards to colonialism.
In a 150 or so years the English government robbed India of around £45 trillion, its been robbing Scotland for far longer. Ireland suffered a similar fate until the people of Ireland woke up and did something about it.
No English government will willingly allow Scotland to ditch this undemocratic prison of a union.
As David Davis (English politician) has said, there’s not a treaty in the world where one country has to ask another country for permission to leave it.
Partition and violence is the order of the day for English governments, when the indigenous people decide that they don’t want to play the colonial game any more, we must be ready for this, or suffer the consequences.
Robert Hughes @ 17.31
A clydesider and manual worker myself, for decades, I promise you that my sensibilities, delicate or otherwise, were unoffended by your post, Robert.
It just seemed so typical of the pointless insults wasted on folk you obviously believe to be trolls, professional or otherwise.
It just seems unfortunate that the most frequently visited and best informed journalistic blog on independence online has descended to the level it has. To me at least.
you must be smoking something very illegal if you think that Spain is going to recognise iScotland having declared UDI, and then trying to seize Gibraltar (of whose people, about 98% don’t want to be part of Spain).
Craig Murray has some interesting points, particularly about Uzbekistan, which I find I largely agree with him upon. But in a large number of other ways, he’s become a bit like David Icke, and shouldn’t be relied upon to talk any sense. The grown ups in the FCO managed him out when he became too embarrassing.
“So there’s no chance of Scotland going down that route with success. ”
“I shall make another repetitive point-change will ONLY come via the ballot box.”
One chinthe says one thing, whilst another say something else, you think these Britnat paid mouthpieces would at least be in synch especially when they are sitting in the same barracks.
Maybe one’s a GCHQ lickspittle and that’s why they are confused.
Here in this very year the parliament in England has put it in writing for Scots and for the world to read, that they decided not to include (Scots) in the treaty of union,
They cannot retract it as a error after running it for more than two years,
When will Craig Murrey, other diplomats and Scottish politicians actually read the writing on Westminster parliament wall,
Scots are not in the treaty of union, it was not all incorporating apparently,
When will the drop.
Scots remain separate,
Westminster and all involved having made a conscious and calculated political choice decided after discussing and debate not to include giving Scots the vote to join the treaty of union in 1707.
The debate having took place itself brings to the table, the fact that even although 300 years ago All were aware that Scots were entitled to have a vote on joining the treaty of union,
Having purposely and deliberately avoided this vote for Scots in 1707 , as a acknowledged and separate entity from the parliament in Scotland,
That remains the Status at present,
Scots are not in the treaty of union,
The old Scottish parliament was extinguished from entry to the treaty of parliamentary unions at a later date not long afterwards.
James Che said;
“The Acts in of themselves cannot stretch beyond the jurisdiction of the ceased parliaments”
Sorry, James, that statement is demonstrable nonsense if you mean that Acts of the now non-existent parliament of Scotland no longer apply. Once passed into law, the law maintains its authority as long as it sits on the statute books, until a later parliament with the relevant authority rescinds it or it is declared in desuetude. Parliaments do not enforce their Acts, they make law with their Acts, and leave the courts to enforce them.
If you think that only the ratifying Act of Union lost its authority, but not the rest of Scots law, then you need to explain what actually made the difference. But if you meant it’s a general principle, then you are certainly wrong.
You cannot seriously believe that the entirety of Scots law ceased to have legal force in Scotland when the old Scottish parliament ended? Or that the same thing happened to England’s laws when the old English parliament ended in 1707, too?
Sven @ 5.59
You’re right . I’ll go back to my usual policy of scrolling on by the names that elicit such responses .
BTW my grandfather was Red Clydesider , my father and numerous uncles also worked there later , so , point taken
@ Sven
Why don’t you add some insight and discussion points yourself which may stimulate and steer the comments into different areas.
There are so many facets to our differing lives here in Scotland. I always find it interesting taking in different folk’s views and experiences as it further develops my own comprehension of how we all knit together as individuals to form a wider society.
Just back from a motorbike ride to visit a father and son who were having car issues. We had three hours of chatting on so many different subjects whilst I looked over the car’s problems, it was an all round fine positive experience.
@ Anton Decadent.
I do indeed own what the hipsters and millennials call a smoothy maker, though I’m old enough to remember when they were just called blenders, which was also a time when slices of bread actually fitted correctly in a toasty machine!
I can recall I was once going to stand for election on a manifesto of implementing legislation that would guarantee that no less than 90% of a sliced loaf should conform to a regulation size so toasties are properly sealed in a Breville toasted sandwich machine. No longer should our population endure third degree burns as molten magma-like cheese leaks out of improperly sealed snackage.
FYI I used to be plagued with lower back pain with a bit of sciatica in the mix for a couple of decades. Muscles would go into spasm for weeks and nowt would look at the pain. Could see in the mirror that my torso had a twist up the spine.
I’ve always been fit and active but years of lifting heavy engines, gearboxes, paving slabs, building materials, etc, can create a muscle and posture imbalance that cants the pelvis to the point the lumbar vertebrae are at an abnormal angle that can make the pinching and pressure on the nerves more likely.
Sedentary lifestyles spending too much time sitting also do not help.
So I started getting out on my push bike a couple of times a week and this helps the muscular skeletal system re-balance and get my pelvis and spine back in kilter. Can state that I have not had any back issues over the last decade since the start of regular cycling.
Obviously folk need to check that they have no underlying issues cycling might exacerbate, but I do recommend anyone suffering the grief of bouts of back pain gives biking a try at a time when they are not suffering, as it may well reduce the propensity or frequency of back pain occurring as it helps build up better balanced core strength.
We’ve previously covered btl that the simple application of a topical vitamin C solution treatment can in some folk successfully eliminate basal cell skin cancers.
Dan @ 19.59
Fair comment, Dan, most particularly since I love your own informative thoughts about both improving our community as well as individual lives by such, apparently, obviously sensible procedures as returning to our own native building materials and the sklls to use them.
Electric storage heaters, how much simpler and more convenient to supply the power to homes for silent, non mechanical conversion into heating and cooking.
Pump storage hydro schemes as I believe we’re now implementing at Loch Sloy. In a country abounding in Bens, Munros & Lochs (not to mention the annual rainfall) why are we so totally sold out to the windfarm concept at the apparent expense of all other eco schemes.
Folk such as Professor Baird (who drives me to distraction with university level discourses on ‘post colonial theory & his version of a language which is totally foreign to this Whiteinch reared boy) and Stuart Ballantyne bring years of maritime experience to areas such as Ferries and Freeports.
Those are just a few of the areas I’d love to read more about on this site. And see discussed, pro & against, to attempt to thrash out some of the potential strategies to present to an electorate tired, dispirited, disillusioned, cynical and desperate for some attainable betterment.
If the state of the present Westminster government and some 9 years of Nicola Sturgeon’s devolved administration don’t provide a golden opportunity for some sound, sane political alternative to be presented I can’t imagine what circumstances ever will.
These are some of the areas I genuinely feel could have a better chance of catching the public imagination than abstractions about legal moves to international courts or the UN.
But, I’m just an out of touch old man who remembers the shop stewards and trades unionists of the 1960s who were inspired by a real, burning commitment to helping others. Not a few of them devoted adherents to a totally different national church which believed in the worship of God expressed in the service to man.
“Elite British special forces coached Kenya’s presidential protection team in the 1980s, despite diplomats knowing leader Daniel Arap Moi was a typical African dictator.
Although UK diplomats knew Moi was subverting Kenya’s democracy, British special forces from the elite 22 SAS were allowed to coach his personal escort team. The English government of the day even gifted Kenya £1.5m in 1983 to buy 90 Land Rovers and communication gear for police intelligence and GSU riot control teams, knowing fine well Moi was dictator.”
The reason I post comments like the above is to show you what we’re up against English government have been subverting and getting into bed with all manner of nasty leaders in the ME and Africa and other places for decades if not if not longer.
Anyone who still thinks that we will waltz away from England after declaring our independence without some sort of retaliation from the English parliament is kidding themselves on.
A 50+1 at the ballot box or in the event of UDI, we’ll need to be prepared, unfortunately in my opinion there’s no one on the horizon in politics that’s indy minded, that has what it takes to dissolve this union, not even Alex Salmond has what it takes to do what it takes to go that extra mile, a mile that Craig Murray described in a comment of mine further up this thread.
The English security forces are already our enemies working against the cause (you can see that first hand in here and on other indy sites) imagine how much they’ll focus on Scotland when we dissolve this undemocratic prison of a union.
“and then trying to seize Gibraltar (of whose people, about 98% don’t want to be part of Spain).”
Tell it to the Chaggossians who were violently forced from their lands by the English.
Of course The English government has several listening posts and bases on Gibraltar, there’s also a Nato spy base on the rock. There’s at least eleven military and spy bases on Gib and close to a thousand military personnel as well.
The Foreign Office, which oversees GCHQ and MI6, refuses to say if there are any intelligence facilities located in Gibraltar.
However surveillance radomes are a telltale sign especially the ones at Windmill Hill Signal Station which are visible.
General Franco closed the border in 1969 and it didn’t reopen until 1985 things got really tough for the Gibraltarians back then with a shortage of just about everything, whose to say that Spain won’t do it again when Scotland leaves, and Spain seizes its chance to weaken England’s grip on the rock, the EU won’t side against its member for a third party state England, if Spain closes the border, on Scotland breaking the union.
The world of internationally recognised treaties. They’ve always existed. They all have an exit clause.
Can you imagine if the EU said to Brexiteers *Sorry chaps, you can’t leave. Go home & sort out your sea ports & we’ll think about it*
Regardless of whether you are for or against independence – the exit route must be clarified. Then it’s up to us to go from there.
The UK has some explaining to do – not just to Scotland but to the whole international community because they claimed we were in an equal voloutary union to gain access to all their clubs when that is clearly no longer the case.
They only started to forbid us from leaving after 2014 referendum despite the Smith Commission clearly stating we could leave if that’s what the majority of Scotland choose to do. Thatcher said it with majority of MPs, Cameron said it with the Edinburgh agreement. Westminster said it by ratifying the the claim of right. Lizzie acknowledged it with all her oaths & jewels she accepted knowing of Scotland’s retained sovereignty.
It’s only Brit nat mentalists, arrogant Tories, the toxic culture of Mayhem & Bojo who have made it a new thing that we can never leave. Well where did that change?
Because in the era of a million revisionists – given enough time their idiot notions will be taken as law further down the line because the SNP under sturgeon has allowed Scotland to go back to sleep. Neale Hanvey has booked in a debate to clarify our exit with Westminster.
Sven @7:39 pm
“who drives me to distraction with university level discourses on ‘post colonial theory”
We all know there is much that could be done to make our society and economy much better, and as you refer to. But it cannot happen until a people are truly independent and running their own affairs without external interference. That’s the main benefit of postcolonial theory, it tells us, among other things:
that the colonized ‘wish to develop but the colonizer holds him back’; that every colonial institution ‘protects only the interest of the colonizer’ at the expense of the colonized; that colonial institutions are always run by a ‘mediocre meritocracy’, and; that the colonized cannot do anything about his poverty so long as it remains the consequence of colonial plunder.
Hence the people need to first get rid of colonialism not just to visualise a new world, but to enable it to happen.
Sven – In an urban situation, solar panels and ground source heat pumps are or limited use. Very, very limited use in my view. You know what noise a fridge makes, or a freezer? Multiply that 20 times and you have the noise a heat pump makes and most people don’t appreciate that. In the country it is different but I live in the country and no-one here wants them either. We have an excess of electrical power available, most of the time, here in Scotland. Give people incentives to insulate their homes properly and fit modern storage heaters and that is a solution which fits our specific set of circumstances.
I don’t think it will come to that because once Scotland declares it’s independence every one will holler back what the feck took us so long.
The UK will be at the table first like vultures to see what they can blag.
The thousands of civil servants here are already meddlers doing that. That’s why Sturgeon turned & why fck all works straight in the devolved parliament. Listening to Alf & Ballantyne spells this out as clear as day. It’s deliberately set up to fail. Who in their right mind thought a brand new design (whose specifications kept changing mid build) would ever be anything but a massive disaster & a complete humiliation.
Scotland needs to reconvene it’s own parliament & with its own workforce & with its own ppl at the top. Sturgeon has allowed her arrogance to breed a toxic culture in Holyrood where they think they’ll tell the electorate what to do while they sit on their arse. That’s over. They work for us & that wake up call is here..
Geri, at 8:52pm,
so go on then, what is the exit clause from the Treaty of Union in 1707? You know, the actual words? After all, you state the “they all have an exit clause”.
I look forward to you pasting the exact words, copied from the text.
The only thing that would drive me to distraction is the word *theory* lol.
We only need to look at Holyrood to know it’s a fact.
To many Scots actually believe they have a Scottish parliament with copious amounts of money to fix everything while in reality it’s hogtied by reserved matters, the Scotland act, a budget & a set of instructions not to go into the red.
Salmond should never have changed the name & should be changed back imo. It gives the the air of a parliament when it is the colonisers branch office.
That’d be a first step on our path to decolonisation.
@Alf Baird,
Hi Alf, we see you posting here frequently so we would like to let you and other wings regulars know that we are hoping to publish a page highlighting your ‘determinants’ series. Iain Lawson was very helpful in giving us some links because we couldn’t find them all gathered together in the one place and that’s partly why we’re doing it. We’re aware that Grousebeater also published the series.
We are using the ‘Amazon’ blurb for the introduction to the page but it you would like to change that or give us something else that would be great. We also want to include some Youtube links and recent tweets, not too sure how that will go copyright-wise but I suppose we just have to try and see what happens. So long as you’re cool with it all. We want to get some discussion going about all the different ‘determinants’ and it’ll be in the one big comment thread on a permanent page. The idea is that the conversation will get a bit of flow going and it wont be interrupted, hopefully!
Your page will be the first in a series looking at different aspects of the case for independence. So yours comes under the ‘cultural’ category, the other main categories are ‘economic’ and ‘constitutional’. Of course there is some crossover between the categories but itsreally just for filing purposes to keep things tidy. We want to make our site a kind of archive that people can visit to easily get their hands on good stuff they need to show friends and family or neigbours who still need persuading – if its all gathered in the same place so you dont have to spend ages and ages searching for it.
There’s not many of us on OTS and its just over a month old so we can’t have people doing moderation all the time, that’s why we’re very strict about posters who could be shills and suchlike. If they can’t behave we just ban them right away. The way you are spoken to in here sometimes is out of order and it won’t be allowed on OTS.
Hope this all sounds okay to you but if there’s any problems you can think of,especially copyright issues?? please let us know.
If you want to contact us directly, our email is offtopicscotland@protonmail.com
the man with the idea of detaching the Chagos Islands from the colony of Mauritius , which loosely administered the islands, 2,500 miles away, was a Scotsman, Sir John Shaw Rennie. A Glaswegian. Yet another in the vast number of great Scots who made the British Empire the greatest the world has ever seen. Some call them colonisers.
Scotland ‘colonised’ England, to form the United Kingdom.
It was never the other way around.
Forget the Hollywood Braveheart crap. That crap is just fantasy.
Scotland’s claim of right. The non negotiable terms before the Act of Union even came into being. The original. Not the butchered shortened version.
& The fact it’s been ratified in both parliament’s on a number of occasions now with no yoon daring to vote against it.
& The fact that we’ve now had TWO monarchs swear to uphold it by taking the oaths required to sit in Scotland.
Scotland retained its sovereignty, it’s territory, it’s laws & all it’s constitutional rights in that agreement. Ratified as recently as 2018 in both parliament’s.
& exercised in 2014 with a referendum.
Scotland’s right to exit is alive & well. It’s only the mentally challenged who spout absolute bollocks that we can’t like we’re all living in North Korea.
PS I’m not yer lackey. Go do yer own research.
You claim to be Scottish. You claim we can’t leave.
That makes you a coloniser.
What’s yer point caller? Scottish knts exist. Tho you seem to have shades of NI about you. Anyway, Your the proof they exist eh!
Scotland invented half the modern world. So? They still can in an independent Scotland ffs! In fact, we’d be able to retain all of our talent in an iScot rather than export it for other countries to capitalise on instead. There’s Stuart Ballantyne for a start! World class ship designer willing to design & build for cost but rejected by Holyrood bureaucracy & meddlers it can’t be done by absolute roasters who’ve never say their arse on a boat. You can include yerself there too.
“The grown ups in the FCO managed him [Craig Murray] out when he became too embarrassing.” (6.00pm)
“Embarrassing” for all the right reasons of course —
(Michael Buerk interviews CRAIG MURRAY, BBC Radio 4, 18 Sept 2007).
Half-hour audio archived here —
link to craigmurray.org.uk
Captain Yossarian says: at 9:08 pm
“Give people incentives to insulate their homes properly and fit modern storage heaters and that is a solution which fits our specific set of circumstances.
^^^ This, and this again, and again, and again, and again until folk wake up and stop getting mislead by charlatans pushing idiotic emperor’s new clothes policies that lead folk into clagging needlessly complex PV and Air Source Heat Pumps systems onto unsuitable properties.
Economies of scale and simple efficient system design also mean that just utilising the ever growing abundance of renewable energy fed into the leccy grid to power quiet state of the art storage heaters in folks’ homes makes way more sense than manufacturing many thousands of individual ASHPs and solar PV panels in far off lands using highly refined minerals and energy intensive processes, and then shipping them round the world on bunker fuelled cargo ships. Fuck! Now that’s a sentence and a half but with no post preview function on this site I can’t be arsed trying to put some punctuation in it. I’m thick as with all this lingo communication thing anyway as only managed to obtain an English “D” pass so y’all jist gonnae have to deal with it as is.
Anyway… It’s like the world has forgotten the laws of physics and conservation of energy principles.
Also, the legal noise limit for an ASHP is 42 decibels… but “an ASHP may emit 40 to 60 decibels”. Eh, nobody notice a problem there…
And just as I type this one of my neighbour’s ASHP (there’s now 6 in close proximity to me) starts up and is humming and droning away. You couldn’t make this shit up.
Oooh, but all that fancy kit might save a few quid some might say. Well it might, but that is only because of the ridiculous way the energy market is structured. If one factors in the inevitable costs of ongoing maintenance and repair of all this extra kit then savings or even paying back outlay can soon be affected. Solar PV controller goes pop after 2 years and out of warranty, kerching, that’ll be 300 quid plus the call out and cost of an engineer removing old one and installing new one. But you’ll take getting that fiscal humping coz you’re “so hip and green” and saving the planet…
And with a power cut none of that fancy shit works anyway. At least with storage heaters there may be a little stored heat to keep you warm till the fault is rectified.
Storm Arwin took out power for 4 days at my late Mum’s hoose. She was enduring the hellish symptoms of untreatable cancer and had to decamp to stay with other family who had power. You can see a large windfarm on the hills looking out the window of mum’s house…
After the storm I went down and installed a woodburning stove so it was cosy warm and to eliminate total reliance on leccy.
England should leave.
Take back control of its money & it’s borders. It was absolutely bonkers not to include Scotland. That wasn’t their independence. That was a shit deal.
They home Nations should start demanding England has a devolved parliament immediately.
It’s not right that everyone has a set of (factitious) accounts while they abuse the parliament of GB as their own personal playground.
Scotland’s “Claim of Right” has never been ratified in any Parliament: Scots, English, or of the Union. It has only once been debated and approved by the Convention of Estates, which did not have legislative power. Even the latest version, supported by Gordon Brown, doesn’t have any legal effect.
It’s all ancient guff. Meaningless, and ruled non-justiciable in 2019 by the Court of Session in Edinburgh when Boris was trying to prorogue parliament.
Geri is right. England should free herself of the historic burden that is the colony of Scotland. The malcreant cancer way up North of North only sucks revenue from the coffers of the treasury and should be cut loose with immediate effect to suffer the same fate as those misguided benighted territories that rejected the wonderful English Empire such as Canada New Zealand the USA Australia India and all the rest.
There will always be an England.
Of that I am sure. ?
Geri @ 9:34 pm
“Salmond should never have changed the name & should be changed back imo.”
The fact he never knew he was heading a colonial administration should be a cause for concern. Maybe he knows that now?