Readers, have you ever noticed how the letters pages of Scottish newspapers are full every day of the same names, a clutch of a couple of dozen super-hardcore frothing ultra-Yoons tirelessly and reflexively raging against independence, the SNP and pretty much anything without a Union Jack on it?
Have you ever found yourself thinking it must be some sort of co-ordinated group that gets together, plans topics in advance then writes in backing each other up, to create an illusion of speaking for a wide cross-section of society, before dismissing that idea as a daft paranoid conspiracy and getting on with your day?
Because we thought that too, until an alert reader infiltrated it.

Our very favourite bit is “we must not advertise the existence of the group. It can be mentioned verbally, in safe environment, that some people share letters/encourage each other, but anything more risks editors discriminating, nationalists reacting, and this diverse group being portrayed as a monolithic campaign”.
Probably don’t put it in an email, then. But your secret’s safe with us, lads.
Tags: and finally
investigation, leaks, media, scottish politics
Our undercover agent inside Labour (whose identity we can’t reveal, other than their codename “Nasa Warsar”) just leaked us this internal security-camera footage from both the Scottish and UK party HQs at the time of Johann Lamont’s resignation.
We’re sure readers can work out who’s who.
leaks, scottish politics, video
Our mole in the No camp risked life and limb to bring us this behind-the-scenes footage of the filming of the exciting “Scotland, You’re Our Best Friend” video.
To be honest, it only confirms our suspicions.
Tags: and finally
leaks, scottish politics, video
Our secret agent in the No camp’s taken a real risk to bring you this one, readers. Smuggled out under cover of dusk, we’ve managed to get hold of the early rushes of the first ever combined referendum TV and cinema broadcast on behalf of the Unionist parties and the main campaigning organisations.
As you can see, they’re turning up the fear. Don’t have nightmares.
Tags: and finallyproject fear
leaks, scottish politics, video
The latest leaked poster from our spy in the No camp. “They’re pretty sure this one’s legally bulletproof“, was all it said on the note in the envelope.

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
– Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)
leaks, scottish politics
We’re going to the IndepenDance.

An alert reader at a scanning shop in Falkirk found this today, left behind by the previous customer. Click the thumbnail above for the full majesty, as it were.
Tags: and finallyunionist of the day
leaks, pictures, scottish politics