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Archive for the ‘comment’

The Patsies 123

Posted on March 18, 2023 by

The mainstream Scottish political media might not have many professional standards, but there’s one it’s still pretty diligent about upholding.

And that’s that if a political party’s press office starts really taking liberties and making them look like fools, all bets (and gloves) are off.

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From a stone 97

Posted on March 18, 2023 by

The decline and fall 234

Posted on March 17, 2023 by

…of the SNP has been in the post for quite some time.

Because no party can prosper for long when it’s stuffed full of complete dum-dums.

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Rogue Trooper 129

Posted on March 16, 2023 by

Hats off to the SNP. Every time we think that the party’s leadership election can’t get any more absurdly farcical, they pull something extra-mad out of the bag.

After this happened yesterday, it suddenly become “known” across the Scottish media that the SNP NEC was going to hold an extraordinary meeting in order to authorise the release of the membership figures after all three candidates demanded them.

Some of the country’s most senior hacks, including BBC Scotland’s Political Editor and the editor of the Daily Record, sombrely informed their readers of the development.

Only trouble was, nobody had told the SNP NEC.

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The Gauntlet 149

Posted on March 15, 2023 by

Well, this has set the cat amongst the pigeons.

Because the SNP leadership election is now a full-blown four-alarm skip fire.

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The Human Torpedo 83

Posted on March 15, 2023 by

Two obvious things arise from this clip from last night’s BBC leadership debate.

Don’t worry, this won’t take long.

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The Wrong Answer 135

Posted on March 14, 2023 by

He’s not our man in the contest, but a free bit of advice for Humza Yousaf anyway.

When just about everyone with eyes and a brain in their head thinks the vote’s being rigged in your favour, and there’s tangible evidence of its dodginess, and the party’s track record in this area is in fact somewhat less than immaculate, then “just shut up and let it happen” is a really, really bad response.

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Pension Grifters For Devo Max 88

Posted on March 12, 2023 by

We’ve been telling you for quite some time now that after eight wasted years of doing absolutely nothing with endless mandates, the SNP establishment want to back away from the party’s defining goal of Scottish independence and settle in for some lovely cosy lifelong careers at Westminster and in the devolved Holyrood, with well-paid staffer jobs for all their pals, followed by tidy £50,000-a-year pensions.

Maybe some of you didn’t believe us.

Maybe you could have another think about it.

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All That Ever Mattered 160

Posted on March 12, 2023 by

In fairness, you can’t really accuse them of hiding it any more.

The faint hearts and pension-seekers of the SNP think that their time has come – the moment when the party’s pursuit of independence can be quietly downgraded to a vague long-term aspiration that will ensure their seats on the gravy train for decades.

Starting at noon tomorrow is your very last chance to stop them.

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Take a stand, and deliver 138

Posted on March 11, 2023 by

There is growing domestic and international attention on my plan to use the ballot box to decide whether Scotland becomes an independent country.

I have the only plan that has historic precedent, can be delivered legally by Scotland alone, moves us beyond the referendum stalemate, and today I can confirm that this plan is supported by 93% of SNP voters and 52% of Scottish voters.

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Letters from the country 57

Posted on March 11, 2023 by

While idly browsing Twitter this morning, we made a startling discovery triggered by the SNP leadership election, and it was this: nobody in Scotland really knows what the nation’s law on abortion is.

It was prompted by these two tweets, both of which appear to be true:

The thing they agree on is that Humza Yousaf has just declared that he wants to change the law around abortion so that women can abort babies in Scotland solely on the grounds that they don’t like which sex they are. And that seems like something that should probably be bigger news.

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Yellow on yellow 42

Posted on March 11, 2023 by

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