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Wings Over Scotland

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Posted on February 23, 2021 by

Utterly Insane Demented Crazy World version:

And in English:

It really is all but impossible to overstate the completely deranged lunacy of what’s happening in Scotland right now. These are legal documents which have been both lawyered to within an inch of their lives by MULTIPLE sets of lawyers AND already read by hundreds of thousands of people, yet the absurdly compromised and corrupt Crown Office is making an absolute fool of itself by trying to retrospectively suppress them in a move that couldn’t look more idiotically totalitarian if the Lord Advocate was to show up and give a press statement about it with a little toothbrush moustache.

We hope that the inquiry committee’s website can cope with the flood of thousands of people who’ll be downloading them this morning before they get pulled, and preparing to compare them with any redacted versions that might subsequently appear.

[EDIT: we’ve just noticed that by a remarkable coincidence the front page has been down for most of today. Given the levels of competence displayed by the Scottish Government in this conspiracy so far, we cannot rule out the idea that some idiot thinks that’ll disable all the pages below it too.]

(We might also note in passing that it’s curious that the Scottish Parliament gets a nice little “if you wouldn’t mind” letter while this site and The Spectator get threatened with jail. Unless of course we’re to expect prosecutions of the entire Scottish Parliament Corporate Body and/or the Scottish Government, of which the Lord Advocate himself is a member and shares collective responsibility. Fweep gloop splibble doink.)

Scotland under Nicola Sturgeon’s rule has become a deep-fried banana fritter republic. We’re almost more embarrassed than we are angry.


[EDIT 11.52am: the following statement has been issued.

With jaw-dropping incompetence, the submission has NOT in fact been removed at all. Only the link to it has. The document itself is still on the site and can be read by anyone with the direct link.

The advance notice given of the possible removal has now ensured that anyone who downloaded it last night or this morning can compare it with the redacted version when it appears and immediately discern who the redaction seeks to protect, and thereby who might be one (or indeed more, who can tell?) of the complainers in the case, even though the document itself contains no clues whatsoever to that fact.

What an absolute clown show.]

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Can someone explain what difference it will make if it is removed, bearing in mind there are tens of thousands of copies of it in circulation now?


Do they stop digging when we come out at Australia?

Name (required)

deep-fried banana fritter republic

deep fried devolved, representative, constitutional monarchy if you please

Neil Anderson

“…AND already read by hundreds of thousands of people,” and saved in hundreds of thousands of electronic devices. For a rainy day.


Scots Renewables…. means Salmond wont testify I guess…

A lastthrow of the dice from a desperate Sturgeon….


The CROWN OFFICE!! This lot are turning us into Toytown.

David Caledonia


Captain Yossarian

‘We cannot have someone leading this country through this pandemic linked to this scandal.

If Sturgeon still holds the position of the FM this time this week it is an outrage. For decency sake she should resign now as, let us not forget, she defended her husband loudly in Holyrood stating he had nothing to do with the inquiry when Ruth Davidson challenged her on his part in the proceedings.

Scotland will be a far better place without the corrupt Murrells.’

It’s all the Crown Office can do. They’ve got away with Mallicious Prosecutions and all the rest of it due to protection afforded them by Sturgeon and Wolffe. Now, Alex Salmond is prowling about and that worries all of them.

My reading of Salmond’s statement left me with the impression that our legal establishment, which has protected us and we have trusted for a few hundred years, is now politically corrupted.

You can only get real justice in Scotland now if you are a millionaire.

I would jail a few lawyers now.


The Clown Office.

Alexander Wallace

This is probably an attempt to stop Alex Salmond giving evidence tomorrow.


The rule of law has collapsed.
Our legislature is both incapable of and unwilling to hold the executive to account.
Our judiciary is controlled by the executive.
Malicious prosecutions are rife and is the innocent who are most at risk whilst the guilty hold positions of pwer.
Our regulators are hopelessly corrupt and compromised by ramapant to
Our press manacled to government by funding ties.
Scotland is not in danger of becoming a ‘failed state’.
It is already there.


Scotland’s government aka the Banana Bunch.
England’s on the other hand.
link to
Bunch of unaccountable Dickheads…rampant…..


Yep still working. That is them downloaded.

I am guessing it would be pretty easy to put them in a zip file and upload them to a sharing site if you were so inclined.


Chaplain’s Great Dictator set there has banners with a double x symbol. Is that Both Votes Sturgeon’s SNP?

Alice Timmons

Time for AS and everyone else to say “prosecute and be damned”.

LaingB French

its pure fanny man


Interesting to note the ‘St Nicola’ peeps on Twitter are getting really agitated now. Lots of well kent Tweeters are now blocking anyone who comes back to them with even a smidgeon of an inconvenient truth. Nicola herself is sounding shriller with every appearance. If Scottish politics were a game of Kerplunk we’re not far off the marbles being all over the floor.


Haven’t they heard of the Streisand Effect?


Embarrassing. Pathetically embarrassing. In times past, the people would be on their way with pitchforks in hand.
There is no point in Salmond trying to speak if they are determined to control what he can say.
The Hate Crime Bill is about to suppress our thinking & debates even further.
I hope & pray that enough of the people are seeing this for what it is, and are unwilling to accept it.
Scotland is a banana republic. Fuck sake.

Dream Brut

You say ‘before they get pulled’ Stu … is it a certainty that they will??

Christian Schmidt

“Can someone explain what difference it will make if it is removed, bearing in mind there are tens of thousands of copies of it in circulation now?”

If I get this right, the idea is that Alex Salmond couldn’t then refer to it in his evidence sessions (or any of the content), the committee couldn’t refer to it in its report, the committee report may end up a wash, which would provide Nicola Sturgeon with a fig leaf.

I doubt that would actually work, but I think that’s the idea…

Socrates MacSporran

Captain Yossarian

Sturgeon will NEVER resign – she will go down with her ship and take the SNP with her if she has to.

Eileen Carson

“Linked to scandal…”? She’s up to her bottom lip in it now, one more revelation and it’ll be over her head!!


I don’t know if anyone can read this link but Salmond actually names and shames some of the conspirators:

link to


It appears to be one last desperate attempt by Sturgeon’s partners in crime the Crown office to block Salmond’s submissions.


Breaking News-

Scot Gov is halting the vaccination program in order to
Distribute Brown Paper Bags the should be fitted over
every citizen’s head until such times as the corrupt politicians,
Civil servants, Lord Advocate, COPFS, and the Police can get
away with a sea of corrupt and illegal practices.

There will be an official on hand for when Alex Salmond speaks who
will strike a gong if Alex uses the words Yes, No, Innocent or Stitch up.

At that point he has to leave after 2 Bikini clad girls show him what he could have won.

This is a complete and utter farce. A disgrace to democracy and justice.
I demand every word of every document is made available and every corrupt official and
liar are brought down by the full might of the law as we once knew it.

Wee Chid

Has it gone already? Can’t find it through a search.


It’s almost as though the current Nicola Sturgeon led administration are deliberately doing their best to undermine people’s confidence in the Scottish Government and our justice system.

Are they trolling the electorate? Are they doing this to undermine people’s belief in independence? Look, we’re incompetent (some might say corrupt) so imagine how much worse it would be if Scotland were independent and we, or people like us, were in charge?


Dear oh, dear oh, dear. Embarrassed, yes and that’s putting it mildly. It’s amazing what you’ll do when sanity starts to slip from your grasp and panic sets in.

Time for the resignations to start.

To quote Terry Thomas “I can tell you that they are an absolute shower. A positive shower”.


There just aren’t enough facepalm gifs in the world to cover this embarrassment of the Scottish people for their government.


This is at the request of the 11th appeal from Rape Crisis Scotland !

The wheels on the bus are about to come off !


Oh come on. This is really beyond the joke. The Crown Office has already shown a massive conflict of interest up to now. They are not presented under a flattering light in that submission nor they have presented themselves as honest in the way the evidence has been suppressed.

Frankly, how it can possibly be now credible for these people to demand those documents to be removed from the public’s view when it is clearly an attempt to cover their own arses (and those of the crown agents and particularly Sturgeon) and saving themselves more embarrassment? In what universe that is not seen as an spectacular example of abuse of power?

Are the Scottish judges going to witness this and simply look the other way while a gang of crooks completely destroy the reputation of every single democratic and justice structure in Scotland?

Are the members of that Fabiani’s Farce going to stand by this and allow that liar STurgeon to waltz in after this? If any of those committee members has any dignity and any sense of justice they would stand down and release an statement indicating that it is impossible for the committee to do its work for as long as the Crown Office is denying them the tools to do so.

Was this the embarrassing trick under Sturgeon’ sleeve? To stop the submission so her lies can stick?

Sturgeon is an embarrassment. The worse, most dishonest and corrupt politician in the entire world.


I’m presuming that they want the documents unpublished so that the committee can’t ask questions on them.


Stu seriously I’ve got a heart condition if your going to make me laugh so hard it makes my ticker a bit overly ticky ticky could you put a warning up …I also spilled my tea you owe me a Costa mate ???

John Martini

Best wee corrupt banana republic in the world. Surprised they don’t all have six toes.

Is there scottish equivalent of the habsburg jaw.


Quite extraordinary rearguard action to suppress evidence which Sturgeon brazenly asserts doesn’t exist.


As at 10:20am, Scottish Parliament homepage is down.


The separate Scottish legal system survived the Act of Union. Can it survive this Lord Advocate?

James Riddle

Thanks for the warning! As a result, I have rapidly downloaded the recent Craig Murray piece and the relevant material on Wings – so that even if you are forced to take it down, I have it.

David Gray

Has a date been set for our book-burning? Will the biggest one be in Edinburgh or Glasgow?

Patrick Roden

ScotsRenewables says:

Can someone explain what difference it will make if it is removed, bearing in mind there are tens of thousands of copies of it in circulation now?

Because Alex has named names, so they have a clear choice, defend themselves by raising legal action against his claims in which case it would be fought in court and all documentation would need to be released.

or, say nothing and have people wonder why they are not raising legal actions against Alex.

Alex has cornered them, so they are desperately searching for a way out, and they have chosen to try the route of removing his statement from the record so that they do not have to answer it.

They are looking very stupid and completely incompetent right now, but looking very stupid and incompetent is a whole lot better than having to react to Alex’s statement.

Captain Yossarian

This is the morning after the night before….. and this is the best they can come-up with?

Old-Alex is staring at them…..all of them. I must admit that my favorite for inhumane treatment would be John Swinney, but I notice that Alex really let him off the hook.

Swinney’s always hiding in dark corners, using other people to threaten folk. Swinney says: ‘make this go-away’ and they do (usually).


I take it that, although the world + dog has read/seen this, if they remove it then AS can’t, legally, reference any of his own submission or he would be in contempt…

Is this right?


So, what are the chances Alex Salmond’s actual appearance before the committee will be plagued by “techinical difficulties”?

Margaret Lindsay

Breaks at 10.18. Exactly! I’m enraged and embarrassed in equal measure.
Rev Stu, can this shrill harridan (Sturgeon) be impeached?


If Alex Salmond is reading this blog, or if anyone is speak to him, please urge him not to cancel next Wednesday.



June Maxwell

I bet Netflix executives are salivating at the prospect of a ‘must watch’ series emanating from this whole debacle. What they have done to Scotland and its prospects is ? ?.


This doesn’t look at all like they have something to hide. You have to wonder at what point they are going to stop digging a hole?

The crown office request sounds like its part of yesterdays campaign to supress the salmond evidence alongside Rape Crisis Scotland and the ‘concerned parliament workers’.

You would hope the parliamentary enquiry would ask the crown office to explain their reasons for this request and ultimately tell them to go and try to get an injunction if they believe it shouldn’t be read. However the abscence of the Crown Office pursuing an injunction shows they know they don’t have a legal leg to stand on.

Captain Yossarian

‘The important point to grasp here is that if the Crown Office succeeds in un-publishing Salmond’s submission then the Inquiry cannot consider it when it comes to finalising its conclusions. Devious.’ – ANDREW NEIL

June Maxwell

I bet Netflix executives are salivating at the prospect of a ‘must watch’ series emanating from this whole debacle. What they have done to Scotland and its prospects is heartbreaking.


A book for Sturgeon – The Nightmare Will Never Die.

Alf Baird

Crown is the ‘legal embodiment of the British state’ in Scotland.

i.e. nae verra Scottis at aa.

Juist in case onybody disnae ken.

Thon’s a maiter o pouer, an wha haes mair pouer – oor Holyrood Pairlament or Crown?

Thon’s a maiter o wha rules ower Scotlan. Thaim or us.


I assume it’s the ‘Final written submission from Alex Salmond’ pdf we’re talking about here.

The ‘resign’ letter of 17th Feb.

Big Jock

The same effect as Sturgeons ill timed media frenzy last night. It’s just a panic measure , that conflicts with any sense of logic.

Sturgeon wanted to have a rant before Salmond released his evidence last night. It didn’t stop it being released. Now them trying to remove the statements , when everyone has a copy already, is evidence of government complete meltdown. The empire is crumbling like Pompeii in the eye of an unstoppable force of nature.

Put simply, it’s the death throws of an empire.

Socrates MacSporran

I had a lengthy professional relationship with The Scotsman group, and made many friends among their staff.

I sort of feel sorry for those few who are left, at this time. The paper’s high heid yins hate the idea of an Independent Scotland. They hate the SNP. They also, as unionists, recognise that Wee Eck – a one-time Hootsmon columnist, is probably the biggest danger to the unionist status quo.

So, there they are, in effect unable to take sides in this current stooshie.

They know Sturgeon, the Scottish Government and such government agencies as COPFS are a bunch of chancers. They know Wee Eck has right on his side – but, their hands are tied.

I could almost, feel sorry for them.

James Riddle

Captain Yossarian

I think we can infer from this that John Swinney is one of the alphabet sisters.

wee monkey

OK. Time for Westminster to take over.

Big Jock

That reminds me….my popcorn is getting low!

Captain Yossarian

@Big Jock – Exactly. Those inside Holyrood and St Andrews House will be queueing for the lavvy-pans this morning.


This move is probably to do with the Crown Office trying to protect itself than trying to protect Sturgeon.


Desimond says:
23 February, 2021 at 9:56 am

Do they stop digging when we come out at Australia?

Covid restrictions would not allow them to emerge from that hole.

John Martini

Would it be illegal to post on billboards?


kapelmeister says:
23 February, 2021 at 10:35 am
This move is probably to do with the Crown Office trying to protect itself than trying to protect Sturgeon.

They are tied together tighter than Siamese twins.
SG protects COPFS (JW) and COPFS (tries to) protect SG (NS).
They sink or swim together.

Scot Parl has to take a grip here. If they fold over this then
they are just a playgroup.

John Main


The link works for me and I have read the article online.

The claims made by AS are cogent, articulate and explosive.

I believe AS.

It used to be the case that we aspired to be the best wee country in the world.

Under NS’s SNP, we can now only hope to be the best wee third-world country in the world.


Seems one way or another, Scotland will have it’s own Bastille Day.

The question is whether it’s an angry mob breaking Alex Salmond (or Craig Murray) out, or locking Nicola Sturgeon in.

We could maybe go full on Alexandre Dumas, and actually organise a prisoner exchange, write the sequal to The Man in Iron Mask, and call it “The Woman in the Brass Neck”.

Would using the word ‘woman’ in the title be a problem for anybody? Good! Bold and in capitals it is then. 😉

Big Jock

This is just the Scottish Watergate now.



Guess you’re right. With Watergate the crooks were brought down en masse.

Deryck De McBoomer

Strange that the Fabiani Committee does not get a mention on the ScotsParly TV Business Page for Tomorrow.


I am raging.

If the COPFS is controlled by the Scottish government, may I ask exactly what authority has a government structure over the parliament of Scotland and its committees? Shouldn’t the parliament and its committees be ABOVE any government structure? if not, why not?

I fail to see the legitimacy behind giving a government structure that is under scrutiny for corruption the power to actually decide what evidence can be published and can be used to scrutinise them. It is akin at allowing a murderer to have the ultimate power to determine what evidence the prosecution, the jury and the judge can bring against them in the criminal case. This situation is completely ridiculous.

Can I ask specifically what documents exactly are the COPFS crooks wanting out of the enquiry this time?

I did a search looking from Ms Harvey’s affidavit and I could not find it. Is that the smoking gun they want “unpublished”, just like they suppressed the other smoking gun that is Aberdein’s submission?

On that note, why exactly have the paragraphs in that affidavit been redacted? What was the excuse this time? I think at this point the public has the right to know what information the Lord Advocate and his cronies are deliberately suppressing from us and why.

This is not about identifying complainers anymore. If somebody from the SNP HQ or somebody from the SGov was wasting out taxpayers’ money with a fishing expedition politically motivated, then we have the right to know who that person is, on behalf of who they were acting and why. This is about deliberately denying us the opportunity to hold this corrupt government and the fingers of the British state in our government, parliament, SNP, police and COPFS to account.

I think we should demand a whole detailed bill for the costs that are going to be foisted on the taxpayers for this entire Fabiani’s farce and then pass that bill to COPFS, which are the ones who have rendered it useless and pointless.

And following questions, may I ask what right have an unelected quango like Rape Crisis Scotland, to decide what an official parliamentary inquiry publishes or not? Since when an unelected private quango has power over our own fckng Parliament?

wee monkey

“Alf Baird says:
23 February, 2021 at 10:30 am
Crown is the ‘legal embodiment of the British state’ in Scotland.

i.e. nae verra Scottis at aa.

Juist in case onybody disnae ken.

Thon’s a maiter o pouer, an wha haes mair pouer – oor Holyrood Pairlament or Crown?

Thon’s a maiter o wha rules ower Scotlan. Thaim or us.”

Alf. The crown office is headed by a political appointee of the first minister. IE a gov minister who reports to the fm.

Salmond’s first move was to cut that link making the legal system separate from government

The first thing Sturgeon did was put the link (and thus control) back.

Stuart Manson

There must be thousands of people who downloaded copies last night, is the next step from the crown office to demand all copies be deleted? Aye, good luck with that!


David Gray says:
23 February, 2021 at 10:22 am

Has a date been set for our book-burning? Will the biggest one be in Edinburgh or Glasgow?

Not sure about the date, but try the murrell company’s accountants for the location.


If this is what to expect in an independent Scotland, forget it.

Reset and restart.

Checks notes

Teetering says:
23 February, 2021 at 10:20 am
As at 10:20am, Scottish Parliament homepage is down.

The direct link to the evidence page still works and showing Alex’s submissions as at 10.39 link to

Looks like they’re trying to stop folk finding it, most folk would go in via the home page.

Christopher Quinn

Hutcheon, in The Record today, trying to downplay NS and the SG’s role in all this as being nothing more sinister than amateurish and/or incompetent and that AS is blowing it all out of proportion. Even if this was the case, I don’t know anyone that would want an amateurish and/or incompetent group of evil clowns running their country.



That’s an interesting link to the Scotsman, in which Salmond claims to know the leaker of the info to Clegg at the Daily Record, and when the right moment arises he’ll give their name to the police.

Police Scotland have pulled dozens of folk in and questioned them on who leaked the Murrell tweets, yet as of yet no action has been taken to find out who leaked the info to Clegg.

It stinks to high heaven.


“The crown office is headed by a political appointee of the first minister”

Sure. And what the hell is a crown agent, “ex MI5” doing inside the COPFS?

Isn’t this crown agent the one that sent the complaints to the police?


Nicola’s Women Hold Up Half The Sky heading swiftly for the bargain bins at WH Smiths. Although, since she’s now destined to be a notorious figure in Scottish history, if you get a copy and can get the Dreghorn Deity to autograph it then it’ll be worth a bit someday. A family heirloom for your great great grandkids.


Captain Yossarian says:
23 February, 2021 at 10:29 am

‘The important point to grasp here is that if the Crown Office succeeds in un-publishing Salmond’s submission then the Inquiry cannot consider it when it comes to finalising its conclusions. Devious.’ – ANDREW NEIL

“It was all a dream,dorothy”

Linda McFarlane

Click on Stu’s direct links – PDF opens – then download to your PC – simples.


Anyone with a Twitter or Facebook account should copy the Rev’s links to Salmond’s submissions, which he posted yesterday, and get them online now!


“Police Scotland have pulled dozens of folk in and questioned them on who leaked the Murrell tweets”

Yes, and many questions arise from that:

who instructed the police to investigate the leak of those tweets and authorised the expenses for that?

Was that the same crown agent who sent to the police the complaints of the first two women or was somebody else? Who?

who failed to report to the police the leak to the newspaper so an investigation was not initiated, or who stopped the police conducting that investigation?

Who instructed the massive police investigation against Mr Salmond and authorised the expenditure? The crown agent?

Alan Mackintosh

From having read Alex’s final submission and the appendixes, the one that really stands out is Anne Harvey’s affadavit. The reason it stands out is the amount of black and shaded redactions in it. That must be an explosive statement. At least she has honour and integrity.

Have you any idea what is in the affadavit Stu?

Shetto Al

Joanna Cherry might not want to be First Minister but she would make an outstanding Lord Advocate to clean up the corruption in the Crown Office when all this is over.


Or mibbees they’re trying ensure the website is down ‘through a surfeit of requests’ or somesuch. Overworked hamsters, SSPCA complaint, etc .


“Borgen ” mair like “brigadoon”.

Police Scotland if you are forced to act then the force will not recover the support of the public for a very, very long time. And the senior officers who are failing to act I hope will be appearing in court.

An investigation is long overdue.


Salmond named people & made allegations at them. Their choice is either defend themselves via suing for defamation; or do nothing & have people wonder why they didn’t. Crown Office has decided to unpublish the evidence so they don’t need to answer Salmond at all. Banana republic.

At least the SPCB (scottish parliament corporate body) has shown a little backbone and replied by requesting clarification as to Crown Office concern (instead of instantly rolling over)


Some small grounds for hope. COPFS raised its concerns with the parliament’s corporate body not with the committee. Assuming Wightman recuses and COPFS has no cogent reasons for unpublishing, the corporate body could stand its grounds.

mr thms

Captain Yossarian @ 10:29 am
‘Devious.’ – ANDREW NEIL

As in ‘check’ or ‘checkmate’ devious?


It is beyond ridiculous now. The National pointed out that as well as Alex’s final statement being published last night Liz Lloyd’s statement was also published last night. Is this subject to the same pull order.

Bob Mack

John 8/32 “The truth shall set you free”

Terms and conditions apply. Those living north of Carlisle may be exempt.


I want independence for Scotland. If the FM is involved in this stitch up, she will need to resign, no question. That does not mean we can’t achieve independence; it’s just a pothole in the road and there have been many potholes in the past.

Inconvenient timing with an election coming up. I remain open-minded about what’s going on here until such time as we’ve hear from all the parties concerned, but I trust Stuart’s journalism as he has generally been on the nail before now, so the situation looks worrying to put it mildly. I do think there are a lot of people commenting on here who, shall we say, are not wanting independence and I would ask the question “who stands to benefit most from a big row right now?”. It is hard to imagine that NS would be so stupid as to get involved in something like this. Maybe this is an opportunity to cleanse the party of the Wokerati along with anyone who is complicit in trying to stitch up Alex. my gut feeling in all of this is that the forces of darkness, the uK establishment, will be involved in some shape or form, but leaving few traces that it’s anything to do with them. We are in a war of independence and the UK will always fight dirty. I await further developments with interest and some trepidation.


Mia @10:46

I note in AS’ submission (just before his Summary) that:

‘Crown Agent David Harvie’s line manager at that time was Leslie Evans, the Permanent Secretary’.


What’s the betting all the communication lines into and out of Strichen will mysteriously be down tomorrow morning?

Frank Gillougley

Isn’t the placing of human shields in front of susceptible targets what despots the world over do?

Tom Hunt

From the Guardian this morning (23/2/21): ‘The parliament’s corporate body went into emergency session early on Tuesday morning to consider the Crown Office’s letter. A Holyrood spokesperson confirmed its lawyers had already written back asking the Crown Office for clarification about its concerns.’


Jermy Vine Show thinks it is a trial which was crowdfunded by Salmond and will end the Independence movement. Clueless.

Sarah Masson SNP candidate in ED West tweets a cut and paste affirmation that Alex Cole-Hamilton is debatably less woke than she is Should I vote for her or vote Loony?


link to

Here is a scene from the Goodfellas where a couple of political opponents are dealt with. Gruesome maybe but is it any different from what was attempted on Alex Salmond. Well of course it isn’t.

This I’m afraid is the Scotland we now live in under First Minister Surgeon and her coterie of control.

And for the MSPs and MPs sitting silent, taking their wedge, keeping Omertà, they need to watch this extract because they could be on the list.


More on the guy who may be up for Saving the Union.
link to
Can you feel the ground tremble?

Alf Baird

Shetto Al @ 10:54

“Joanna Cherry might not want to be First Minister but she would make an outstanding Lord Advocate to clean up the corruption in the Crown Office when all this is over.”

Independence is not about mimicking the coloniser or their institutions and roles.

The rot is far wider than Crown Office; a colonial meritocracy is embedded throughout institutional Scotland, as one might expect. The Estonians offered suggestions in this regard.

Unwokey Bloke

This explains Sturgeons bring it on nonsense in front of the camera last night she knew this was coming.

After this last minute attempt by the Crown Office to stop Salmond from appearing before the inquiry, any SNP voter that still believes there hasn’t been a blatant attempt to get Salmond by Sturgeons inner circle needs their head examined.


@Alibi says:
23 February, 2021 at 11:05 am
“I want independence for Scotland. If the FM is involved in this stitch up, she will need to resign, no question. That does not mean we can’t achieve independence; it’s just a pothole in the road and there have been many potholes in the past.”

More like a sinkhole. It’s trending on Twitter along with Charles Kennedy.

Olive Perrins

Rev, has there been a formally updated scope post the November letter from James Hamilton?

“My inclination is to think that in the case of matters which form part of, or are closely related to, the subject matter of the remit it could be open to me to consider whether any provisions of the Ministerial Code other than those mentioned expressly in the remit had been broken. However, that situation is distinct from broadening the factual scope of the inquiry”

Is this saying the scope remains the same but evidence can be considered and reported albeit not necessarily form part of the judgement?


Famous 15, in a roundabout sort of way (can’t believe I’m about to type this) Alex Cole-Hamilton may be your bridge to independence. Well, more like a pontoon really.

Nally Anders

Sky news already over the story. Mathew’s smugly noted that P.Murrell is specifically mentioned as a conspirator.
Expect more of the same.
It’s all out there whether or not COPFS get their way.

James Carroll

The degradation of Scotland’s institutions by the current leaderships are an absolute embarrassment to each and every one of us. The continual obstruction of justice surely must be questioned legally. We need to stop this!

Big Jock

It’s amazing how this saying never ages. It happens to every empire.

“Absolute power corrupts, absolutely”

It’s as inevitable as rain in Scotland.


Or what about the scene from the Godfather 2 where the two police officers hold the young Michael Corleone so that the Irish American bent cop can break his jaw..

Any similarities with Police Scotland and their pursuance of selected political targets.

Bent cops, bent politicians, and the paid off district attorney – yep that’s a reasonable picture of present Scotland.

David Earl

FFS! I think I’ll move to North Korea. It appears to be more democratic. I never thought I’d say it but I detest Sturgeon more that Thatcher. Am I right to think that? I always hated Thatcher and the Tories but at least you knew where they stood. Sturgeon is the snake in the Jungle Book hypnotising everyone into thinking she’s the very best

Mr Bruce Hosie

I think most of us agree there is far more to this whole mess than meets the eye, I think most of us suspect that most of those involved, including the First Minister, have been a bit economical with the facts. Most of us at the very least would expect Wolffe and Evans to resign due to their level of sheer incompetence but the issue will be can Alex Salmond prove beyond doubt what he believes to be true. Now I have more faith in what he says than I do Nicola Sturgeon at this point but can it be proven given all that has been hidden from the public, I am not so sure. This whole affair, on top of bad policy, Covid, the state of the SNP and overall governance, let alone the lack of movement on independence has made me decide not to vote SNP in May and only vote ISP or AFI on the list. I have no doubt that Nicola Sturgeon has to go for the sake of the country and how we move forward, whatever the result of the enquires she is now tainted and who really trusts her anymore either way. Ultimately I don’t think we will ever get to the truth of all of this but it sure as hell stinks and erodes faith in Holyrood and our institutions, that is down to Sturgeon and those around her.

Big Jock

Fantasy question. If Salmond was reinstated as SNP leader , after cleaning the corruption. Could the SNP still win in May?


Have the Murrells booked the helicopter to airlift them off the Bute House roof? It would be a suitable precaution.

Mark Knofler’s “Postcard from Paraguay” springs to mind.


I suspect at some point over the next few weeks someone from within the Sturgeon camp will break. Usually there is someone who is politically ambitous who will see that this is their opportunity to get rid of Sturgeon and got for the top job.

My money is on Swinney. I think he still thinks he could be SNP leader. He clearly holds a grudge against Salmond for ending his first tenure and perhaps also Sturgeon for giving him the education post when she knew it was poisioned chalice.

I suspect he will arrange for information to get into the press or direct Hamilton to widen his scope if Salmond’s oral evidence creates enough demand.

Ian Mac

Sturgeon and her minions put King Canute to shame. To justify her claim that there is no evidence of the framing of AS, she is deleting the evidence as quickly as it comes in. The waves are lapping round her feet and rising fast. But apparently the tide can be commanded to turn by executive decree.

Captain Yossarian

@laukat – Swinney is a dead man walking. There’s just as much scandal on Swinney as there is on Sturgeon.


Getting the COPFS/Lord Advocate/Crown Agent to admit any sort of wrongdoing in this scandal will be like getting a child to admit to scoffing the last slice of chocolate cake left in the fridge.

They’ll swear blind that it was nothing to do with them.

Not realising that everyone but themselves can see the chocolate icing and crumbs around their mouth…


Meanwhile, south of the border down Brexito way, Bojo has appointed a new chief for his union unit. A posh Tory boy councillor from Hampstead who’s obsessed about flytipping.

With what’s happening both in Scotland and down there it feels like we’re in a zany dystopian novel.

Ian Mac

Just imagine: we wanted independence from the corrupt cronyism of Westminster and its entirely unrepresentative, elected dictatorship. So instead we get corrupt cronyism, and an elected dictatorship of our own who rule by decree, intimidation and perversion of the system. Just fancy that!


Miss Sturgeon is past her prime and her crème-de-la-crème was always last week’s milk.


It seems the Scotsman only printed what they wanted to to make Alex out to be the bad guy.
This at the end of their spiel says it all.

“People who supported him loyally for years and worked tirelessly to get him elected don’t deserve these smears. And women who made complaints about his behaviour – who barely merit a mention in his conspiracy dossier – most certainly deserve better.”

Of-course the women who complained didn’t get a mention. He’s forbidden, as is everyone in the Scotland, England & Wales from naming these women.

Alex, Not the Scottish government, is the person who in court said, these women’s names should be protected.

There was another statement here that omitted what Alex actually said.
Alex said he didn’t think it was a conspiracy, before saying.

“I leave to others the question of what is, or is not, a conspiracy, but am very clear in my position that the evidence supports a deliberate,

That is really poor journalism By Conor Matchett


11:34 Scottish Parliament home page still blank. What is going on?

Note: I’m a web developer. These problems don’t last longer than 2 minutes, ergo, what is going on?


So why have the SNP MSPs and MPs allowed Don Sturgeon to take the control that she has.

The tentacles of corruption as is now finally being revealed run very very deep and the mafia, once established, are the very devil to exorcise.

Good people must stand forward and push to clean the pigsty that our country has become. We need to clean up our police force, our prosecutor service and the compromised administrators. If we don’t do, then really we might as well all have guns, just like the Wild West we have become.

Suspend the rule of law, bend justice, condone criminality and you just have anarchy. But maybe that’s all we deserve.


Assuming the guy trailed in The National gets the job, this is the measure of the importance of Scotland in BoJoland and the competence required for the rôle.
link to
Dog poo and bin collection issues qualify for expertise in matters Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish.
Scotland and the Union is safe in tory hands….
Stand up comedy on stilts!


Scotsman SG representative statement that there is insufficient content on the complainers in the submission:
“And women who made complaints about his behaviour – who barely merit a mention in his conspiracy dossier”


Record Crown Office claim “The Crown Office has urged the Scottish Parliament to remove a document from its website over fears it could breach a court order from the Alex Salmond trial.”

If it is the anonymity order the Crown Office refer to, it is difficult to see how a potential breach could be supported by “barely a mention”.

Scot Finlayson

If you find voting SNP distasteful in their present state ,the only other pro Indy game in town is the ISP party,

(the Green Party is just phychotic mad)

if you want to help ISP get a foot in the door at least, here is their crowdfunder,

Scot Finlayson

if this don`r work ,look it up,

link to


laukat@11:29 am, my money is on the Lord Advocate. Politicians are thick skinned and have a habit of reinventing themselves. Lawyers have only one reputation and it will follow/haunt them to the day they die.

Alf Baird

wee monkey @ 10:42

Difficult not to view the LA as akin to the British state/Crown representative in the Scottish cabinet and parliament, keeping an eye on things, and acting to limit its ambitions, e.g. to stop a non-S.30 referendum as per the LA’s opposition to Keatings.

We can likewise see this same Crown/LA role here in trying to restrict the proper functioning of a Holyrood Committee and hence influence and interfere in the workings of the Scottish Parliament.

In other words the Crown/LA is effectively the British state acting within the Scottish parliament and Scottish Government.

This is no doubt partly why Alex Salmond and also as I recall Kenny MacAskill did not appreciate the company of the LA in cabinet. That NS brought him back in reflects her Indy-Lite pro-UK strategy since 2014.


The use by date on the packet of Sturgeon’s Independence is long past.
Rebranding issues urgently present with the marketing of the product.

Dave Llewellyn

The plot thickens. Yesterday’s statement is still up and the have removed the ministerial code one.


The real cost to the Scottish people runs into many millions of pounds and yet no-one in this entire process has uttered the simple words which are necessary on occasions to renew and refresh democratic institutions – “I Resign”.

The Committee now has the opportunity to address that position.

that is an excellent sign off.

My money is on Swinney. I think he still thinks he could be SNP leader.

If he does, he has obviously forgotten his last stint.

Lowered electoral success, lowered party membership.

Past performance is no guide etc,etc.


One thing is crystal clear. Come May, no votes SNP, absolutely none.

Let us go back to basics. The SNP is utterly compromised and needs to be replaced. It can be replaced and very quickly too.

But concomitant with that it is now clear that dark forces within the mechanisms of state need replaced. The Lord Advocate, the Crown Agent, the Chief Constable of Police Scotland and many of his executive team many of whom were never serving policemen, and senior civil servants like London appointed Leslie Evans.

This is the anarchy of bad government, and the bad and corrupt mechanisms of state. It needs to be removed.

Alf Baird

Scot Finlayson @ 11:40

“If you find voting SNP distasteful in their present state ,the only other pro Indy game in town is the ISP party”

This is a wee bit mischievous, Scot. There are in fact now 4 pro-indy parties even discounting the SNP and Greens, so 6 in total.

And of these 6, the only party so far proposing a plebiscite election on independence is Solidarity.

link to


From the National:

BREAKING: Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Board have agreed to remove Alex Salmond’s submission to the ministerial code inquiry from Holyrood’s website. Will be republished later today “in a redacted form”.


For what it is worth, the above mentioned direct link to the Harassment Committee page also allows one to access the two submissions from Liz Lloyd which were mentioned in the Scotsman article.


Willie @ 11:38

“Suspend the rule of law, bend justice, condone criminality” and those responsible deserve to feel the full force of the anarchy which will follow.

We could start by boycotting HR21 – protest outside polling stations. Spoil your ballots…


I’m sick fed up of these bastards taking us for mugs!


Like thousands of us didn’t copy, paste & save the whole thing when it was published yesterday because we knew this is exactly what they would do.

The whole situation is so ridiculously absurd that if it didn’t hinge on something so monumentally important it would be funny.

Meg merrilees

Those shredders at Holyrood must be in panic mode the now, if there is anything left to shred – keep your eyes peeled for some bonfire smoke as they might try burning anything now.

Is Alex staying at a safe house tonight?


Ian Mac

Sturgeon and her minions put King Canute to shame.


As a member of the King Knut appreciation society, I must object.

Tired of obsequious courtiers Knut (Canute) took them to the sea shore to demonstrate that royal power was very secondary to the laws of nature.

That would make him pretty much directly opposite to Sturgeon, to whom the laws of nature are a “hate crime”.


Stephen P

Isn’t the Hamilton report due this week?

His report is not going to be credible if the Salmond submission is ignored.


Financial Times on-line have direct link to Alex Salmons testimony. How can the Crown Office suppress that !


The current actions of Sturgeon and co remind me of a saying about power – not the one about power corrupting but one from John Steinbeck

“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”

And someone is very, very frightened about losing power.


Desimond says:
23 February, 2021 at 9:56 am
Do they stop digging when we come out at Australia?

Technically they’d come out swimming with the fishes. I think you’d need to start digging in Spain to get anywhere near Australia.

link to

Interesting wee website.


And the cowed political prostitutes composing for the most part so many of the elected members of the SNP.

They will be consigned to being no more than a footnote in history. Every society since time began has had its prostitution class and the latest are no different as they sit quietly taking the money from their pimps.


There you go…

link to


Tell a lie, Spain is from Auckland. My recall isn’t what it used to be. Then again, there’s a lot of that going about!


Press Conference for Alex Salmond last option…?


The whole situation is so ridiculously absurd that if it didn’t hinge on something so monumentally important it would be funny.

Absurd and grossly unjust. Mostly to Alex, but also to all of us. Not only is the truth being hidden from us. But by allowing documents to be published and read by many, only then to be taken down and/or redacted, it puts all of us in the position where we could potentially find ourselves arrested for contempt of court for saying something we have no idea was later redacted. We are already in the crazy situation where many people know names and details we are not supposed to know and have to keep silent about. This kind of thing makes it exponentially harder to keep track of what we can and can’t say.

It’s not sustainable to have facts that are well known by many but hidden and illegal to talk about. It might work when it’s kept within the obviously tight and incestuous political and media circles we have in Scotland. Once it’s gone wider, nope.

Runner 118

Parliament are now going to redact the offending passage. The entire world will now compare the two versions and highlight exactly what the Crown Office and SNP don’t want us to see. You couldn’t make this up.



I think A.S. was appearing in the Parliament building. Been given a 4hr slot



Thanks for the link, it would appear that the Stasi, I meant Crown office wasn’t happy with the bit where Salmond said Sturgeon broke the Ministerial Code.

Even though its widely seen and distributed online by now the Crown office want to redact Salmond’s submissions until there’s only the words and and the visible.

The corruptions in the S&G and the COPFS is staggering.


BREAKING: Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Board have agreed to remove Alex Salmond’s submission to the ministerial code inquiry from Holyrood’s website. Will be republished later today “in a redacted form”.


It seems Scottish democracy only exists “in a redacted form”.

The peoples of Hong Kong, Myanmar and Belarus are putting their lives on the line fighting authoritarian corrupt governments.


The thing that haunts me about Sturgeon and Wolffe, is that ‘this’ was the Scottish Team allegedly standing up for Scotland’s Constitutional Rights throughout Brexit and all the shenanigans about the roll of the Supreme Court, including the retrospective changes in Law which Westminster used to curtail the powers of Holyrood.

I have 0% confidence that Scotland’s rights were well served. I mean, I can’t exclude the possibility they maybe were, but I want a forensic constitutional audit before I will believe it. Currently, I believe the Scottish Sovereign Constitution was sold down the river by these corrupt bastards.


This is quite, quite mad

link to

The part of Salmond’s evidence that has been pulled is the part where he sets out (among other things) his claims that Nicola Sturgeon broke the ministerial code. Clearly, it’s been widely circulated since last night


“ A last throw of the dice from a desperate Sturgeon….”

You think?

Meg merrilees

You can still download and read any submissions from the Scottish Parliament website, including Alex’s most recent submission.

I tried reading Ms Lloyds letter but I just kept hearing a wee voice in my head saying “ wisna me, it wisna me, ” and I was reminded of Alasdair Carmichael’s lying reply. Did he not deny contacting the newspapers about Nicola Sturgeon’s comments when in fact he had instructed a junior member of his staff to carry out the task.

Ms Lloyd uses specific formal verbs e.g. – ‘not provided with’ specific information but does that preclude gossip or other means of being ‘briefed’?
After all, a certain President ‘did not have sexual relations with that woman’



“I leave to others the question of what is, or is not, a conspiracy, but am very clear in my position that the evidence supports a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort amongst a range of individuals within the Scottish Government and the SNP to damage my reputation, even to the extent of having me imprisoned.

“That includes, for the avoidance of doubt, Peter Murrell (chief executive), Ian McCann (compliance officer) and Sue Ruddick (chief operating officer) of the SNP together with Liz Lloyd, the First Minister’s chief of staff.


So does the breaking news mean that this cannot be published in other than redacted form within the UK?

Asking for a friend.


Does this mean AS cannot refer to it in his evidence? x

Craig P

I have the image of Lord Wolffe in clown costume trying to whack moles with a foam mallet

Gordon Keane

The BBC Scotland webpage very helpfully gave us a Link to the full 29 pages!
But I see now they have removed it from that original report.


Its getting very close to the stage where the only option is for someone outside the UK to publish all the details.

Names. Allegations. Evidence. Everything which is on record.

Then everyone can make their own minds up as to what did/didn’t happen.

The only question is will someone do that before or after May.

Old Fogey

So an agency of the Executive can bully the Legislature into removing evidence (already submitted) to one of its Committees. This is a dark day for those of us who (somewhat naively it would seem) actually believed in the checks and balances of our democratic form of government.


The thing that haunts me about Sturgeon and Wolffe, is that ‘this’ was the Scottish Team allegedly standing up for Scotland’s Constitutional Rights throughout Brexit

I think it’s fair to say they absolutely weren’t. The last five years of Sturgeon’s government has been about getting Scotland over the Brexit finish line while destroying any strong pro-independence voices along with the SNP. Job done on all those scores.

The Oui Coupar

deerhill @ 11.29
Re the Bute House helicopter
Would the pilot be looking for a Fanny Pad ?
Just need a suitable toilet with long sea outfall to drop them off



I just resigned my membership of the SNP.

I gave three reasons. In summary they related to: treatment of Alex Salmon; inaction on independence since 2014; s 30 permission of Westminster PM.

This is the reply i just received. 🙂

“ Dear xxxxxx

Thank you for letting us know that you wish to leave the SNP.

We’re sorry to see you go. In meantime, please accept my thanks for your contribution to the party.

Peter Murrell

Chief Executive

Scottish National Party
Gordon Lamb House
3 Jackson’s Entry

0131 525 8925


The submission by Alex Salmond on phase 4 – Ministerial Code has now gone from the written evidence page .

Link to Written evidence page ,

link to

Is this the stitch-up so that when it’s republished in a redacted form Alex Salmond won’t be able to refer to it when and if he gives his evidence ?


Oops Salmond not salmon


Has anyone looked at WGD ? I cannot bare to look. Still they’ll be both votes SNP mantra.

“Don’t panic Capt Mannering , don’t panic.”


If the evidence doesn’t rely on the people mentioned being complainers why draw attention to it in this nudge wink manner?

That’s a question for both sides by the way.

The friendly Sassenach

Greetings from London….. You need to ask yourselves WHY the crown office acted. Did someone ask them to?


Sky news now re Alex Salmond



Today WGD has instructed anyone thinking of not voting SNP over this to wait for instructions from Alex Salmond on how to vote in May before deciding. I’m not making this up.

Frank anderson

Alex, provide evidence of your suggestions of a conspiracy, because I know there is none?
Alex provides evidence, then it is removed. Not to be seen or perhaps referred to.

We can rely on ‘legal opinion’ to try to block any attempt to use it ( after having read it and knowing that it is accurate). Remember, We have collective responsibility.


The Middle Class People’s Repulsive of Sturgeland.

John H.


When I looked last night, an intruder had mentioned AS. One of the regulars answered with who’s AS? It’s not worth checking anymore. They’re a lost cause.

katherine hamilton

Maybe time to remind ourselves of this.
“Second Coming W.B. Yeats

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”

I really don’t know where we go from here. “The best” we seem to have at the moment is the committee membership and by extension, Parliament itself. The Hamilton report may well be knobbled, so no finding of misleading Parliament for Ms. Sturgeon. Following the last 2 days’ revelations, can any of us doubt it?
Anent a vote of no confidence by the Parliament, the government will have a fair wind to the election.

If so, beware the second verse.

“Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving it’s slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, it’s hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

If all this corruption remains unchallenged and undefeated, then we really are in the pits. Over to you, Holyrood. You’re het.

Wee Chid

Betsy says:
23 February, 2021 at 12:20 pm

I think there will be many more not voting for them over other issues. Even if Alex did say to vote for them I wouldn’t because of their GRA and Hate Crime Bill policies. I’m not voting to restrict my own rights – especially for a party which has no intention of delivering independence.

Captain Yossarian

‘The UK Parliament must immediately suspend Holyrood pending the trial of high crimes and misdemeanours allegedly committed by its executive and its Law Officers.’ – GEORGE GALLOWAY


So glad after 50 years away from Scotland I still have no problem in understanding Alf Baird speaking Doric.
Shows you can’t take the lass out of Scotland. LOL

Stuart. A big thankyou for all your hard work. You, like Alex are of a caliber that Scots aspire to. You two are very much alike. You stand up against adversity for what you believe in.
I respect you both for that wholeheartedly.

I used to visit Independence sites. Of late I no longer frequent them as the people there have stopped researching for truth & are just following what the SNP dish out. So sad that people are so easily led.
It pains me that those who wish for Independence still believe the SNP will give it to them.
Why are some Scots so stupid? It’s as if they can’t think out of the square.
Looking forward to the demise of Nicola & her cabal in the next week or two. I can’t believe I was taken in by her. I actually at one time thought she was a smart cookie. How wrong was I!

Ian Mac

So they’re circling the wagons around Sturgeon and will deny she broke the ministerial code. The way to do that is to censor anybody who points out that is exactly what she did. The thought police have their work cut out this week, are they on overtime? Must be a bumper wages week, working for the overlord.


They must still be on that war footing, having lost the battle on the fields of the Judicial Review. Preemptive strikes everywhere now in their last ditch attempts to try to consolidate the power and control they thought they had to keep covering their collective arses.

In keeping with the analogy of storming the Bastille, courtesy of Breeks, they have been erecting their own scaffolds whereby their most loyal adherents become their executioners, just as Robespierre’s followers trundled him over their heads to the guillotine.

We’re with you all the way Alex, always. Bonne Chance!


The fact media are able to cast aspersions on the verdict is, to me, disgraceful and should form part of another enquiry.


Sarah Smith on the BBC saying this committee is looking at a process for considering the complaints of women who have not had their complaints considered – implication poor women not being listened to. No mention of their case was put before a court and thrown out!!
Why is it the default position is the women were telling the truth and are not being listened to when a jury listened and decided they were lying.
This whole thing is such a mess, why is the BBC protecting Nicola by parroting this line.

Socrates MacSporran

Captain Yossarian

Maybe a bit early for that, and the UK Government will almost certainly not take such action on the say-so of George Galloway, however, I am absolutely certain, sometime this year, Westminster will find a reason to do just that.

Once they have shut Holyrood, you can bet the farm on them bringing in legislation which will make Independence impossible to achieve without an armed uprising.

They will cling to us, like drowning men to a lifebelt, and when we find every road short of revolution closed to us – we can thank Sturgeon and her clique.

Mike Fenwick

One day, historians will attempt to explain Scotland 2014 – 2021 – let’s wish them luck!

Robert graham

Oh well I guess I can cancel my Netflix and Amazon prime subscription this long running saga beats them all in the Fiction category , yep beats them all .

I was going to say you couldn’t make it up but this SNP are doing exactly that and right in front of us the MSM are uncommonly quite, must be more interesting stuff keeping them occupied eh .

A short discussion about the Alex Salmond case because that’s what it’s being referred to now anyway on Jeremy Vines show this morning I noticed the complainers have morphed into the Victims aye ok , the women involved have now become the Survivors strange change of language there eh . Both indicating a serious miscarriage of justice if and only if you dismiss everything surrounding the case as in the Jury was not convinced as to the case brought against Alex Salmond , there was no appeal lodged by the eh ” Victims ” or indeed the ” Survivors ” .

The one person who the state feared above all in the whole of Britain and who was under constant surveillance managed to commit the most disgusting crimes against innocent individuals over a protracted period while in office and who was investigated by a team of police its said this was the biggest and most wide-ranging enquiry ever mounted by a lot of these officers, and still no conviction and the ” Victims and Survivors ” are still not convinced and through their Proxies are daily smearing a Innocent man , Justice my Arse .

I suppose it’s easy to over analyse what’s going on , but I believe you are walking into a bloody big Ambush Nicola dear , I think you and your surrounding co conspirators are gambling on Poll numbers this is being hyped by a unusually quiet MSM , I hope you are really sure these numbers convert into votes or your really up shit creek like the rest of us , time will tell but the warnings are there if you care to look and dismiss the favourable press you are enjoying just now .

Wee Chid

23 February, 2021 at 12:17 pm
Has anyone looked at WGD ? I cannot bare to look. Still they’ll be both votes SNP mantra.

“Don’t panic Capt Mannering , don’t panic.”

Just looked after what Betsy said. Felt compelled to comment but couldn’t bear to read other comments. Don;t think I’ll bother going back to look at any responses. It’s all very naive and childlike.

Old Fogey

How many more attacks does Alex Salmond have to face before his friends step up to the plate and support him? Kenny MacAskill, Angus Brendan MacNeill, Joanna Cherry and others should resign the SNP whip at Westminster and align themselves with him.

Frank Gillougley

I do wonder what the factors are in Alex Salmond and his lawyers discussing whether he will continue to take part in this corrupt charade or not. And it is a charade.

Dorothy Devine

WeeGingerDug Paul is himself a great thinker and writer but while he has been in recovery from his stroke there have been a small group writing ad nauseam and jumping on anyone who deviates from the ‘ marvellous Nicola’ line.

Do not bother to go there to ask them to ponder why this mess is stinking to high heaven, or whether they have any doubts, or questions- it really isn’t worth the bother.

That wee group appears to believe that it alone knows the TRUTH and should not be challenged.

Phil A

Looks like the site is still available from the full link so it’s just the redirect from the base url that’s been broken.

link to


I feel like an idiot as I cant actually work out why The Crown Office would be so so interested in Alex Salmond alleging Nicola Sturgeon broke the Ministerial Code.. is that really within their Scope?

Stinks to high heaven and every favour getting called in and every promise being made. I thought it was bad when the Police started playing politics for budget and power gain but its got nothing on this latest band of rogues


Apparently the Crown Office wants Salmond’s claims detailing how Nicola Sturgeon broke the ministerial code redacted.

Of course that’s the bit they want redacted. I struggle to see how this relates to dangers of jigsaw identification.

Banana republic territory now folks. I laugh, but its to stop myself getting a stomach ulcer due to rage.

Ian Mac


Because it’s a resigning matter. The Queen must be saved.


Cue Alex Salmonds withdrawal. What a farce!

Meg merrilees

Maggie C @12.16

Alex Salmond final submission now re-available in redacted format on the Scottish Parliament website


Shug @12:31

” the BBC protecting Nicola ”

Tells you all you need to know about Sturgeon’s SNP…

A clear and present danger to Scotland.

They are utterly compromised and serve as Westminster’s puppet regime.


Redacted paras 12, 13, 16, 17, 29, 30 all references to meetings of 29 March and 2 April have been removed

Harry mcaye

Sarah Smith said a few minutes ago on BBC News that there were two accusers “women who were left without their complaints being thoroughly investigated”. Is that in any way accurate?


Surely NS has been milked dry as an asset.

They can cut her loose now.

Next!!…….Angus, get yer arse in here – we’ve Scottish Independence to stop.

Ian Spruce


Am I right in thinking that this relates solely to the Harassment Committee and Hamilton will have the unredacted version for his deliberations?


Robert Knight

I agree, when you look back at Sturgeon’s track record on pushing for Scottish independence you see that it is all smoke and mirrors, she didn’t even bother to attend indy marches, nor refute serious BritNat claims that Scotland wasn’t capable of being an independent nation again.

Her career and ego comes before anything.

Meg merrilees

Please ignore my comment at 12.46 – seems the submission I was looking at is not the final submission of 17th February but a different document – dated 23rd February. Confused. Apologies.

The friendly Sassenach

Like I suggested….. Suppose someone asked the Crown Office to that?


I feel sorry for Charles Kennedy. Sinister echoes.


LindyLoo2020 says:
23 February, 2021 at 11:01 am
It is beyond ridiculous now. The National pointed out that as well as Alex’s final statement being published last night Liz Lloyd’s statement was also published last night. Is this subject to the same pull order.

Do you have a link to LL statement?


The Crown office is actively working against the interests of the people of Scotland, and is now actively working to protect the SNP/Scottish government from being found out, and the truth being revealed.

I half expect mass arrests now from Police Scotland on trumped up charges, in an attempt to try and put some sort of lid on this, just like the Rangers FC administrators had done to them.

Christ what has become of Scotland.

John H.

Socrates MacSporran 12.31pm.

If they close Holyrood then we revert to a majority of independence MP’s at Westminster automatically brings us independence. As it always should have been.


Re Harassment and Complaints Committee ,

The redacted version of Alex Salmond’s submission on the Ministerial Code is now back on the Written Evidence Page ,

link to

Written evidence page if the above link is broken ,

link to

This is total corruption involving Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish Government ,the Scottish Parliament and the Snp .


Meg merrilees


If memory serves me correctly, I heard somewhere last week that when (if) Nicola appears before the committee they cannot ask her about the two meetings of march and early April but can question everything else.

Maybe Alex will do his press conference yet.
Did you notice NS said last night on her TV star appearance,

‘I hope Alex Salmond does appear before the committee…’

so they obviously had their disruptive plan ready to go, starting with her frantic TV rant last night and legal shennanigans today thereby giving his lawyers less than 24 hours to override their barriers.


@TNS2019, 10.04
Our judiciary is controlled by the executive.

It is not the judiciary which is controlled, it is the prosecution service. The problem is that the prosecution service through the Lord Advocate is part of government.

It is clear from Alex Salmond’s submission that the redactions are not linked to the identity of the complainers but to the role of the Lord Advocate and the Crown Office in the malicious activity.


Galloway’s calling for Westminster to suspend Holyrood.

Craig P

Harry mcaye says:
23 February, 2021 at 12:50 pm
Sarah Smith said a few minutes ago on BBC News that there were two accusers “women who were left without their complaints being thoroughly investigated”. Is that in any way accurate?

I suspect that relates to the woman whose claims were completely refuted by Anne Harvey’s evidence, and the ‘infamous Edinburgh airport incident’ where a woman in stilettos set off the security scanner and Salmond quipped “killer heels”.

Not even COPFS thought those dead parrots would fly.

P Bethune

The redacted version I believe is now up. From what I gather comparing to the Spectator article the redactions are to points (Committee points in brackets):

14 (12)
15 (13)
18 (16)
19 (17)
32 (30)

Note Point 26 in the Spectator article is unredacted on the Committee website (Point 24 in their document)

Captain Yossarian

@Socrates McSporran – ‘If Scotland was Texas, the Justice Department in Washington DC would have sent in the Feds by now. For continual and egregious breaching of first amendment rights.’ – That’s by Andrew Neil of The Spectator. Is that any better sir? Am I getting warmer….I must be….surely.

It’s thanks to him that we’re got the wee hairy at-all. If we were waiting on the BBC and the Scottish press, we would still be talking shite by the bucket-full.

Bob Mack

They should put a sign up at Glasgow Airport.

Welcome to Scotland. Bring a lawyer!!


How deep is this ocean? A dark side that even Sturgeon has been oblivious, or preferred to turn a blind eye to? She, in her mind, took a ‘ safe’ perch, getting on with other business, leaving others to sort out the muck. While dark forces got on with aiming at killing two birds with one stone? The crown office concerned that Salmond’s submission is too near truth? Media not happy making it widely public? Why else pull it at eleventh hour?

Sarah Smith’s Salmond’s submission contains ‘explosive accusations”

Similar to explosive accusations against Salmond, maybe? But no mention. The whole thing reeks!


Kiwilassie @ 12.59 pm ,

The written evidence page still has both of Liz Lloyd ‘s written evidence statements on it ,

Link to written evidence page ,

link to


This sounds good to me.

link to


2014 – Nicola Sturgeon Sells Out The Hydro.

2021 – Nicola Sturgeon Sells Out Scotland.


It’s complete bollocks from the Scottish Parliament that their website is having “technical issues”, the only page that cannot be accessed is ‘Phase 4 – Scottish ministerial Code’, it has been disabled by the webmaster, documents are still available at the same URI they were last night.

This is a cover up, played out in plain sight in order to suppress the truth and protect those who are at serious moral and criminal fault.

I saved copies of the documents when they were published, as I am sure many others did, because the operation of this entire inquiry has been cack-handed since the beginning.

Captain Yossarian

@Socrates McSporran – ‘Salmond accuses Sturgeon’s husband of conspiring to jail him — and the SNP seriously think they are fit for office?!’ – ADAM TOMKINS MSP


Lifelong Alex Salmond hater, Sarah Smith on the BBC news saying that Alex Salmond might now not appear in front of the committee if his submissions are further redacted, which it looks like the Crown office has done.


Models are opinions embedded in mathematics.
link to
Helps to have a sugar daddies to supply the opinion, aka the science.

Career Politician

Yes – shambolic, disgraceful, absolutely terrible, blah blah blah blah.

But what’s anyone, apart from grass-roots members who are cancelling their SNP Memberships, actually doing about any of this?

Where are the counter-prosecutions?

Where are the elected SNP MSPs, MPs, Councillors who are actually leaving the party?

The response to these constant outrages is spineless at best.


I suppose it makes it easier to smash-and-grab a country, filling your boots while you can, then trashing it behind you as you run off laughing, if you don’t have any children, and thus no stake in the country’s future. Pure scorched earth policy nihilism.


Just did a compare & contrast with the ‘before’ and ‘after’ versions.

Don’t these frikking idiots realise…

The cat’s out the bag and the bag’s been tossed over the side!


Phase 4 redacted.

link to


The whole thing stinks worse than an old mans nappy.


It’s common sense that if first they publically publish a document and then a redacted version of the same document then a comparison between the two published versions will show what they have subsequently retracted.

Jack Murphy

5 minutes ago.

The BBC in Scotland on-line:
“Scotland’s prosecution service has raised “grave concerns” over the Scottish Parliament’s decision to publish documents from Alex Salmond.

The papers name people Mr Salmond alleges were part of a “malicious” attempt to remove him from public life.

MSPs on the parliament’s corporate body met on Tuesday to discuss a letter that was sent by the Crown Office.

The parliament later said it would remove a document and republish it in another form….”


Does anyone have a link to the statement by AS before it was further redacted today? I am about to update a number of friends and family on the today’s further corrupt shenanigans and would like to give them the text that was removed.

Captain Yossarian

‘Here’s Salmond’s evidence. He can be asked questions on what has been published. The Scottish Parliament authorities may have removed a link but the actual evidence (pdf link) remains published on the website.’ FRASER NELSON, THE SPECTATOR.

It does seem to me that nothing has changed. Scotgov and Wolffe are flustered and doing all they can to frustrate the process, but they haven’t actually changed anything.

Stuart MacKay

Over in the Dug house the latest post “What would Alex do?” right now has 44 comments. I skimmed through then and it looks like only 1 has tacit support for Sturgeon and even that is stretching it a bit. From the reaction of at least one regular, the penny has finally dropped.

Sturgeon is toast. I’ll be surprised if she’s still here on Friday.

Captain Yossarian

@Elmac – try Andrew Neil’s Twitter.


How can a judge led inquiry be made to happen? Apologies if this has been answered before. No genuinely democratic country can allow this level of corruption, surely?


MaggieC says:
23 February, 2021 at 1:01 pm

Re Harassment and Complaints Committee

Cheers for the links.

Para’s 12, 13, 16 , 17, 30 have been redacted.

These paragraphs directly implicate the First Minister and her Chief of Staff, Liz Lloyd through Geoff Aberdein who’s corroborating evidence has been removed/suppressed from the inquiry.

If you want to know which paragraphs have been removed, someone has uploaded a copy of the entire initial submission, pre-further redations here – link to

This is a cover-up of epic proportions, the Scottish Government are going to extreme lengths in the public eye to protect themselves.

Socrates MacSporran

John H and Captain Yossarian

Our cause is just – however, under the terms of the Scotland Act, Westminster can say: “We make the rules and you have to play to our rules.”

Yes, a majority of pro-Independence Scottish MPs at Westminster should be grounds for Independence – but, it’s the English Establishment we are taking-on here.

They make the rules and they will not hesitate to change them to suit their own ends, which are still to hold-on desperately to Scotland and its riches.

And when you see how the Scottish Legal Establishment – Unionist to its core, has been acting, we are facing a daunting uphill battle.

Then, there is the long-established Scottish ability to snatch defeat from th jaws of victory. Between own goals, proud Scots but, and England’s fifth column within Civil Service Scotland, I am no longer confident of seeing Independence in my lifetime.


Wee Chid says:
23 February, 2021 at 12:32 pm

Don;t think I’ll bother going back to look at any responses. It’s all very naive and childlike.

Funny enough I thought the reverse. Last time I visited, (which I confess was a while ago now), it reminded me of an old folks home. Some folks nostalgic for the good old days, some folks fair proud o’ their great, great grand-weans, and some folks beginning to struggle a wee