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Wings Over Scotland

A litany of liars

Posted on February 22, 2021 by

The Scottish Government and Nicola Sturgeon have tonight embarked on a last-ditch desperate throw of the dice to undermine and sabotage the already-compromised and endlessly-obstructed Fabiani inquiry in its impossible quest for the truth.

Having previously deployed her paid mouthpiece Rape Crisis Scotland last week, the First Minister – who’s spent the last six months insisting that she’d save her comments for her appearance at the inquiry – suddenly popped up on BBC and STV (but not, curiously, Sky News) to issue a challenge full of gunfighter bravado to her predecessor.

The ironic audacity of her demanding that Salmond produce “evidence” after the 58 separate interventions her government has made to block and suppress most of the key evidence is breathtaking.

(Although perhaps less startling than her repeated and rather flustered insistence to the BBC’s Glenn Campbell that the 29th of March was only three days before the 2nd of April. Hasn’t she heard the old rhyme about how many days months have?)

But it was only a sideshow to today’s main event, in which a parade of young women who all (according to truth-challenged Scotsman hack Conor Matchett) “work in the Scottish Parliament” were dragged out and lined up to tweet an identical heartrending plea to the Parliament’s corporate body not to publish Salmond’s written submissions, which in fact appeared on the inquiry’s website just after 7 o’clock this evening.

(The question of how any of them had come to believe the submissions would identify a complainer, since they hadn’t seen the submissions, was not addressed.)

Unfortunately, whoever penned the tweet for the young women clearly had not the slightest care for how it would reflect on them, because it made almost all of them liars.

Rosa Zambonini works for the SNP, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Katie Stephen works for a theatre, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Gillian Mackay works for the Greens, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Shannon Donnelly works for the SNP, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Emily Mackintosh works for the SNP, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

(Young Emily also deserves a special mention for somehow managing to insert a typo into a cut-and-pasted tweet. Outstanding communications work.)

Mags Hall works for the Greens, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Sarah Masson works for a theatre company, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Laura Mitchell works for the SNP, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Kiva Richard works for the SNP, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Zoe Mackenzie works for the SNP, not the Scottish Parliament. She is a liar.

Despite these women’s willing participation in an attempt – albeit quite an abominably ham-fisted and incompetent one – to pervert the course of the inquiry into a serious conspiracy to jail an innocent man, we urge readers not to abuse them, and have not linked to their Twitter accounts.

They are all (with the exception of Ms Zambonini, who is well experienced in stitch-ups over false sexual harassment allegations already) young and clearly somewhat, let’s put this kindly, gullible and have been disgracefully used by the Scottish Government or its agents as it flails around in an increasingly evident panic over the inquiry. Some are already feeling a backlash and have protected their accounts.

The true shame belongs to those who put them into this position. We hope that person or people, along with the rest of the conspirators, will one day face the consequences.

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wee monkey

Man, the wheels are truly coming off the bus.


Error in the Sara Masson line. You repeated KS

Black Joan

Second Katie Stephen caption should be Sarah Masson.



Its rather telling that three of those Twitter accounts have she/her pronouns in them, one says “be kind” and Zambonini I believe has a Trans child. They also lie about biology and women’s rights too I think.

Did you also see in the Appendix Barbara Allison has a LGBTI logo and “I am an Ally” stamped in the bottom of her email from 2018 ?


These are not the first identical “spontaneous” tweets the SNP leadership have deployed. Resorting to these tactics surely shows how desperate they are.

I can’t believe the party has fallen so far in just a few years.

I really don’t know how I will vote in May.

Thomas Potter

The shits hitting the fan bigstyle.


Interesting to note the different punctuation. Does this indicate who sent it to who and the pecking order.


Bravo rev
Dénouement in 5,4,3….

Hamish Kirk

“The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small.”


the cynical in me would say these tweets are also bait. Leave well alone.


Where is Emily’s typo? I have been reading her tweet over and over, but an’t find it.
(In her defence, she did rewrite some of it).

Alain Mack

Fandabbidozi Stu……its all unravelling
……bring on Alex !!

James Caithness

(The question of how any of them had come to believe the submissions would identify a complainer, since they hadn’t seen the submissions, was not addressed.)

Mhairi Black was also tweeting similar today.


What is appalling and totally unforgiveable is Nicola Sturgeon’s capacity and indeed willingness to use anyone and any group in order to keep herself in power and hide her misdemeanours. The woman is not simply careless of Scotland but careless of her party, her family, her friends and anyone who has placed any trust in her. Rape Crisis Scotland is an essential body for many, many people to have access to and Sturgeon’s abuse of its name in order to protect her own interests is despicable.




Appalling. Conspiracy is catching


How long till they say Alex Salmond is sabotaging the SNP election campaign.

Totally missing the point that it is the work of the coven of the alphabet that have caused to problem, oh and to be kind, an incompetent first minister who let it get out of control

Colin McKay

Handy list of names to keep in case any of them appear on lists or as candidates in the future.


How utterly appropriate – and depressing – that an SNP staffer has lyrics from Road to Nowhere so prominently displayed on their twitter page…


But they IDENTIFY as working for @scotparl, and that’s all that matters, these days, surely?


On Salmonds evidence.

You have heard me post WAY back here that Evans was at the very heart of this.
If she survives now then I genuinely could not describe how little faith I would have in our treasured Scottish parliament and government. Destroyed by a few women in such a short space of time.

I hope she doesn’t sleep a wink tonight.

Black Joan

Evans has been getting away with dodgy interventions for years. Her contract was renewed in the wake of this one. Seems to enjoy some sort of Special protection.

Craig Sheridan

if it came from ScotGov, a FoI request should identify who wrote the tweet and the reasoning/email behind the instruction.

Geoff Anderson

Someone organised that. Someone coordinated that. I wonder what this group call themselves.

The Wokerarti bringing in their Green team.

Don’t vote Green either!


@ Arka at 10:20 pm

typo = I am a women


Aye, and the opening of Road to Nowhere contains the lines

‘And we know what we’re knowin’
But we can’t say what we’ve seen’

President Xiden

If I understand it correctly, Alex Salmond is not appearing to suggest ‘some sort of conspiracy or concerted campaign against him without a shred of evidence’ but rather ‘ some sort of conspiracy or concerted campaign against him with plenty of evidence which the Scottish Government are trying to suppress. Have I got that right?

Neil in Glasgow

Remarkably balanced insert on 10 o’clock news there. Even suggesting that AS did have the evidence that NS wanted him to provide. Vultures smelling blood? Can’t help that the AS appearing on wed rather than the normal Tuesday will only intensify this


Re typo – and there was me thinking it was that most had a semi-colon after ‘complainer’, whereas a couple had a full stop.



I wonder if the person who organised that cut & paste tweet is from Hanoi.


Tambourini loves herself to fuck, doesn’t she? I bet visitors to her dwelling would be confronted by a large display case full of her favourite shites (collagen enhanced of course.)

Scot Finlayson

The difference in the tweets seem to be,

As a woman `that` works,


As a woman `who` works,

think it should be `who` works.


are they allowed to say the dreaded word `woman` i thought the SNP had outlawed all mention of the deaded word `woman` incase some men got offended.


You’d think if these young women were so worried about the complainants right to anonymity their concern would be directed towards the Scottish Government who couldn’t even be bothered to take steps to ensure it, instead leaving it to Alex Salmond to instruct his counsel to request anonymity for them.

I am a woman but I don’t work at the Scottish Parliament however if I did and experienced any form of harassment, the last thing on earth I’d do would involve that malevolent circus of an HR department.

Neil in Glasgow

Should have added from Sarah Smith.

Reporting Scotland also seeming a little cool on the first minister I’d say.

AL voice of reason

What were these people thinking ? matching comments ? They need to catch up on whats’s been going on the past few weeks… or were they coerced at schmeiser point ?


It’s my experiences that people who post bromides such as “ Be Kind” are generally nothing of the kind. Kevin McKenna’s piece on the cult of identity and slavish fealty around Sturgeon proves that the MSM isn’t totally devoid of principled scribes.

link to

Big Jock

Clearly Sturgeon appeared on tv tonight. In a desperate attempt to persuade the public Salmond was a baddy.

When a liar is cornered, they lash out because they can’t cope with the cognitive dissonance required to conntinue with the lie.

Sturgeon knows she is cornered, but hasn’t the wit or humility to know when to quit.


The more you see the more you realise the absolute dead wood picking up a wage at the expense of the public purse or through the SNP.

When doctors, nurses, cleaners, care workers are striving to deliver services these wastrels have nothing else to do but cause trouble, argue about trans. But this is the modern SNP.

Labour tore itself apart and the SNP has just done the same. Why do we pay this dross good money, money that could be spent on real services.


Brilliant work. Thanks. Poor stupid lassies.

Michael Laing

Emily Mackintosh described herself as a “women” (sic) “who” works for the Scottish Parliament, which sounds more grammatically-correct to me than several of the others “that” work for the Scottish Parliament. But perhaps I’m forgetting that, in this era of ‘they’ and ‘them’, women aren’t a thing any more!


I’m with the programme but I’ve got to be fair to Emily Mackintosh. She hasn’t inserted a typo. She’s changed the wording to something approaching a plausible opinion.


Breaking the civil service code are they.


@ President Xiden says:
22 February, 2021 at 10:33 pm

If I understand it correctly, Alex Salmond is not appearing to suggest ‘some sort of conspiracy or concerted campaign against him without a shred of evidence’ but rather ‘ some sort of conspiracy or concerted campaign against him with plenty of evidence which the Scottish Government are trying to suppress. Have I got that right?

There is enough evidence in the submissions for any neutral reader to see the collusions. Ruddick’s email to any staff that worked with Salmond, Murrell not disclosing that when interviewed, Allison getting sent complaint details from Ruddick, the Lord Advocate advising to sist the case to allow the criminal case to overtake.

To me it reads that Salmond has provided a lot of evidence of Murrell, Evans, Ruddick and the Lord Advocate working towards the aim of getting rid of Alex Salmond however he could provide a lot more if the Scottish Government and Lord Advocate had not suppressed the evidence.

I don’t see a clear link that Sturgeon was involved in the consipracy. Her actions and close relationships with those that can be evidenced as having been involved implies she was. However her problem is based on Salmond’s evidence it is impossible to see how she did not break the ministerial code multiple times.


Murdo Fraser getting in his say
link to

Iain More

I wont be voting for Mitchell again, that is for sure. Not even to get Douglas Red Card Ross out.


@Rev Stuart Campbell and @Dan,
thanks. I just couldn’t see it.

Maybe she identifies as “multiple women”?

Alan Mackintosh

Stu, I dont suppose there is any way of getting an unredacted copy of Anne Harveys affadavit and publishing it? With all necessary names removed if required…

And Geoff Aberdeins, while you’re at it…

Bill Cowan

Steamin’ Ahead

You’ll be familiar with ‘The Steamie,’ the story about Galloway’s mince and the baffling issue about whether it was the mince or the tatties her man preferred. Mr Culfeather sounded like a decent auld bugger, but maybe in some places his conduct was almost unique – for I don’t want to have to guess how many plates of mince and tatties have been fired at womens’ heads in this parochial little country we inhabit.

Women are victims of domestic violence in Scotland multiple times every single day; we’re not getting any better at resolving what is a terrifying, generational cycle of abuse and misery. There’s programmes and schemes, community payback orders and probation, deferred sentences, child welfare hearings, children’s panels and court processes with reports and theories and analyses that would make your eyes and heart bleed.

But I will tell you what is not causing me much hand wringing tonight – it is this – gullible, crawling, naive young women, some with and some without party allegiance and political ambitions who think that they in ivory towers speak for the women of Scotland. To trot to ‘work’ in stilletoes, with hair styled to perfection, plucked and perfect eyebrows, false eyelashes, able to spend an hour on presenting an image before leaving home – that is not the Scotland I inhabit and the women who believe that a demented obedient tweet makes this country a better place are no sisters of mine.

The real women of Scotland are many and varied in outlook but by far the majority these days are those who suffer in silence; they work in menial jobs for low wages with maximum sore efforts and little reward. They look to those in vaunted positions to rescue them, fight the battles they are too weary to undertake, and to improve the futures their daughters might have. By Jove I did not believe that my sister’s enemy would become my saviour, but if these Barbies manage to suppress the truth a Parliamentary inquiry should hear, then the damage for every woman of Scotland who ever has to report a harm, a hurt, an injury, will be overwhelming and murderous. Who would have foretold that it would be women who would lay the women low?

Big Jock

Laukat. Sturgeon may not have been directly involved with Murrels behaviour. However after things broke down , she was involved in the cover up. So she has implicated herself as bearing false witness and withholding what she subsequently knew.

David R

It would seem that there’s a group made up of young women (call it pro indy) that has enabled this message to be co-ordinated and sent out.

Pity any man that stands in the way of their political aspirations as they may find themselves in court charged with sexual assault without the financial support that Mr Salmond has access to.

Robert Graham

eh is it just me but i am sure i notice a bit of repetition in these tweet thingys .

I guess you need to be educated to notice that type of stuff oh well back to School.

when is it Alex goes on trial again ? ,and again .and just to be sure I think it’s Wednesday this week ,next week and the week after has yet to be confirmed keep your diary clear

FFS surely Alex is due appearance money for the amount of Trials he has had to face in the last few years he will be getting done for loitering without intent


Hell hath no fury etc…

Robert Graham

Will the latest Trial be Televised ?

you better believe it will never see the light of day

Technical problems

Technical meaning screeching screaming and waling ffs hankies all round tramadol and Valium on demand


@Neil in Glasgow says:
22 February, 2021 at 10:43 pm
Should have added from Sarah Smith.

Reporting Scotland also seeming a little cool on the first minister I’d say.

I’m fairly sure that she’s filing her nails in readiness…

Something stinks in Holyrood

According to STV news tonight this case won’t harm Sturgeon and she will be voted back in again in May. What story are they actually following?


@Robert Graham says:
22 February, 2021 at 11:06 pm

surely Alex is due appearance money for the amount of Trials he has had to face in the last few years

Scottish Six Days coming right up.

Frank anderson

Shocking that our Party are complicit in organising this tripe! If this is how they organise, there is no hope for us when we have our Referendum.
They seem to think that having ‘lots of “complaints”‘, is what counts not the veracity of them.

John Cleary

Rev Stu,

Looks to me as though Nicola has lost the guidance of Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill and is floundering.


When Nic comes out of the Nick, she can start up a new Party teaming up with Rennie and Harvey.

I know I have said this a few times, but I genuinely believe that would be a good home for her. Filled with every Trans weirdo and misfit in Scotland.

What have Sturgeon, Rennie or Harvey done to make Scotland a better place to live in?

No, I can’t think of anything either.

Apart from baby boxes and free sanitary pads.

The three of them have wasted a full five years faux bitching at each other, trying to justify their salary.

Independence and Brexit kicked miles into the middle of nowhere.

I haven’t even got round to mentioning the corruption and fraud and lies.

To think Sturgeon had EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US eating out of her hand.

Gullible idiots every single one of us.


Yes, to think I was chapping doors trying to get Mitchell elected, only to find out that she’s a stranger to the truth.
She’s lost the SNP 6 votes from our family, well done to her.

What a shitshow….


The SNP going in for expressive dance in quite a big way.


? class article


It’s been funny just lately to see all those old clips and pictures of the FM when she was just a young’un.
The change in hair colour has been very striking even up to today’s resplendent rinse…for some unrelated reason the phrase ‘Orange is the new black’ came to mind…


That was a laughing emoji not a question mark!


Alan Mackintosh says:
22 February, 2021 at 11:02 pm
Stu, I dont suppose there is any way of getting an unredacted copy of Anne Harveys affadavit and publishing it? With all necessary names removed if required…

Try this:
link to


Nicola Sturgeon is becoming increasingly desperate now that the truth is out there. Having read all of Alex’s submission, it is profoundly disturbing on so many levels. The political criminality is on an epic scale and monstrously and eye wateringly indefensible from start to finish.

I am so sickened and raging and deeply ashamed that Alex was betrayed and abused and harmed and made to suffer by those he previously trusted and respected. Has Nicola Sturgeon undergone some surgical procedure to remove all trace of humanity?

I wish Alex well and hope he regains the respect and restoration of his reputation and integrity and dignity he so deserves. I now think of Nicola Sturgeon in this quote from one of James Lee Burke’s novels: “ How do people explain Auschwitz? They blame it on the devil. I don’t buy that. There’s enough evil in the human heart to incinerate the earth.”


‘The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women’, maybe John Knox’ had more insight than we ever imagined.

Ian McCubbin

Wullie has the root of it.
SNP is now like old Labour tearing itself apart with a caught out group being led by leadership in denial and near their end game. Let’s hope that it is soon.

Stephen P

Craig Murray’s affadavit names Sturgeon, Blackford and Angus Robertson as co conspirators.

As of yet none of them have instigated defamation proceedings. Craig’s affadavit didn’t get any press coverage which seemed odd given the nature of the revelations.

They certainly don’t want the crown to release the damaging documents which they would be compelled to if such legal proceedings were to ensue.

A judicial enquiry into this whole sorry affair would be the best way to get to the truth. I think there will be widespread calls for one shortly.


Arka says: at 11:01 pm

Maybe she identifies as “multiple women”?

TBH anything is possible these days… There’s duality in concepts such as requiring others to acknowledge an individual’s She / Her status, or possibly undisclosed demi-gender or bi-sexual expressions hint at the need for classing oneself in the plural form. Or split personality. who knows.
All this is for people with too much time on their hands to ponder.

My ability to express any gender whatsoever is pretty much irrelevant after I’ve spent my recent days humping plasterboard and insulation sheets up a ladder before fitting to the ceiling, and lifting bespoke chunky 6m Douglas Fir rafters into position.
At the end of each shift I’m pretty well fucked without the requirement for any other person / thing to be near me!

Anyways, along with their use of “who” rather than “that” it appears Emily, Kiva, and Zoe also have a hyphen size anomaly.

On the positive side I suppose spotting that small detail saves me bothering trying to get an appointment with an opticians for another 5 years or whenever lockdown ends.



Is there really a Katie Stephen or is that a well filtered Neil Oliver sneaking in?


Is this not, on the face of it, an organized, inept, directed campaign against Alex Salmond ?

What the alphabet/vietnam coven(s) claim was never possible.

If I was one of these young women – I’d be talking to my union rep or my lawyer.

Where is the ring-fenced money? Or the 58 hidden pieces of evidence ?

Scotland is waking up and it wants the truth.

John Martini

By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes..


As a Nan who works for the last 50 years in hope of seeing an
Independent Scotland that has justice, truth and transparency for all to see.

I demand access to every word in every document connected with this case!

Your proposals to hide the names of women making false allegations creates
a breading ground for women to destroy the lives of innocent men without recourse.

It’s a complete and utter false.

The politicians, the civil servants, the Lord Advocate, COPFS and the Police must all be prosecuted
and brought to justice for this!

Big Jock

Ian. You are right. Within 2 years Labour in Scotland went from absolute dominance, to absolute failure.

Why? Because they had nothing to offer Scots. Stagnation in Holyrood and corruption in WM. Sturgeon has produced nothing in 5 years. People are bored with it. Yes voters are angry. The SNP offers us nothing.

They aren’t too big to fail. They will fall, and rapidly. This is now a rebuild job. We need a new national party. We have to be realistic and honest.

It will take years to sort this out now.


These women who have made these false statements about working for the SP in order to have evidence suppressed are surely guilty of trying to pervert the outcome of the enquiry. Are they not guilty of a crime and should be charged.
It would take just one person to be interviewed under caution to crumble and the rest of the dominos would fall.


Absolutely agree.


Isn’t Craig Murray’s publication of his (partially self censored) affidavit privileged?

The document itself as part of the court proceeds is.

His publication of it as a timely report of court proceedings would also seem to be.

He only had to self censor due to the possibility of jigsaw identification of the complainants, not anyone else he named.


Tony Curtis would be amused, I suppose many people have often dreamt about being able to have their own “I’m Spartacus” moment, but life isn’t always like it is in the movies Ladies.

Alan Mackintosh

Stephen P, no, Craigs affadavit doesn’t name them as co-conspirators, but you are close. There was some redaction in the affadavit. Perhaps you need to zoom out a bit…


Anyone seen Kirsty Wark ?

Is she making another ‘factual’ programme ?


Although staffers like Roza work for MSPs their contracts are directly with the MSP and not the SNP or other party. Their salaries are paid by the Scottish Parliament and they will be members of the parliament pension scheme. They are not allowed to undertake any party political work or campaigning during her hours of work or on parliamentary property. This is the same for all MSP staff who are all considered parliamentary staff.

The SNP, on the other hand, only employs 20 or so people who all work out of the SNP office at Gordon Lamb House. None of the staff employed by the SNP work directly for MPSs.

Bob Mack

People are saying there is no direct link to Sturgeon.


As First Minister she has ultimate responsibility that anything done on her behalf is legal. The buck stops with her because she signed off an illegal process knowingly or otherwise.


Not sure how relevant it is but wouldn’t some of these women be classed in the same “honorary” civil servant category as Spads and for that reason have the same recourse to the complaints procedure?
If so it’d be ironic if their tweet helps identity the very complainants they want to protect by pointing out they don’t necessarily have to be employed by the Civil Service.


@ alzyerpal says: 22 February, 2021 at 10:37 pm

“Tambourini loves herself to fuck, doesn’t she? I bet visitors to her dwelling would be confronted by a large display case full of her favourite shites (collagen enhanced of course.)”

Zambonini would eat Herself if she could i’m sure , probably has a collection of Nicola’s favourite shites than Her own though.

Josef Ó Luain


Speak for yourself, pal.


However, they are still all liars as Salmond’s evidence doesn’t risk identifying anyone.

And now that we’ve seen the evidence we know for certain that anyone claiming that it does risk identifying complainants are themselves using those same women as a shield to protect those involved in this shameful saga. And isn’t that pretty despicable?

Manny Singh

As a self identifying woman that doesn’t work for the Scottish Parliament. I’m asking the Scottish Government to stop the witch-hunt of an innocent man. The false allegations made by these woman. Have already damaged genuine woman of sexual assault. The people that were involved in the orchestrated false allegations must be brought to justice. #WeAllStandForTruth


I think what is worst is how NS is reacting, lashing out in a brittle and defensive manner. In contrast, AS when charged said with absolute confidence he was innocent because he knew he was.

The detail and recall, all backed up with documentary evidence, is phenomenal. Imagine having to spend your financial and intellectual resources having to do this in the face of the staggering incompetence and malignant resistance of the Crown Office, Civil Service and SNP. Add in the supine bias of the Scottish press and lesser men would have crumbled.

The futile squandering of a talent like AS should haunt the SNP for ever. The individuals involved in this are craven small people and they will be remembered as such.

A Person

-Lawrence at 11.17-

Fucking tell me about it. I was never a squealing enthusiast but still, I too was suckered. The sense of SHAME that I feel about advocating for this woman and her acolytes… tonight I feel they are on the run… chickens and roosting and all that, the truest saying ever is, “pride comes before a fall”. And I agree with you about Sturgeon, Harvie and Rennie, peas in the same dismal pod.

Dee Dubya

Cherrybank. “The first blast” also sugested the revolutionary idea that rulers are there to serve those they rule.

A great Scottish idea. We should try it eh?


I know I’m stating the bleeding obvious, in that someone has coordinated this. That person (or persons) should be ashamed of themselves. It’s the online equivalent of a human shield and should not be tolerated by anyone.

President Xiden

Dear Nicola, what has been released tonight ‘appears’ to suggest you are a liar. Could you please provide evidence that you are not.


But surely all 10 of them can’t be liars…


A Person 12.15

The feeling of being used and abused by Sturgeon and Murrell for years really gets to me as well.

Marching up and down hills for those two and campaigning and funding,,,for what?

I truly hope the full weight of truth and justice comes crashing down on her nut.

Evil evil woman.

Neil Anderson

A Salmond (in the absence of counsel for the prosecution) : The anonimity of the complainants must be assured.

Ms H : I was the victim of an attempted rape at Bute House.

Evidence from witness : Ms H wasn’t actually present at Bute House that night.

Jury : Not guilty.

Rape Crisis Scotland : We must protect these women from attempted rape in buildings they are not actually in.

President Xiden

Bob Mack says:
22 February, 2021 at 11:53 pm
People are saying there is no direct link to Sturgeon.

I have no idea if there is or not. Let’s just follow where the evidence leads and humbly ask that the committee tasked with the duty to answer this question are not obstructed in any way, shape or form.

Saffron Robe

“She who brings trouble to her own house shall inherit the wind.”

Proverbs 11:29


Just in the way of balance, I happen to know one of these people, and whilst their Twitter bio does talk solely about their main employment in theatre, like many freelancers in that field they run a few jobs (theatre being hardly the most dependable of careers) and they have worked (and given the state of theatre now, very likely are working) for an MSP. I don’t know in what capacity, and I don’t know who actually employs them. I also wonder if the claim to work ‘for @scotparl’ is not meant as ‘I am a civil servant’ but in the wider sense of being part of that whole entity.

John Cleary

There-s been a lot of chatter going on about what is legal and what is not. They are not being terribly open in their legal justification for their actions, are they?

This is something I’ve been pondering on for more than a quarter of a century, and I’ll tell you what I’ve concluded.

If Queen Elizabeth II is Sovereign (in parliament) in Scotland as she is in England, then something is legal if she so says . It is also illegal if she so says. Something is in the public interest if it is in the interests of Queen Elizabeth II, because she takes precedence before the people, the general public. Queen Elizabeth herself describes it as “having the right sense of duty.”

In England enormous resources are devoted to concealing this state of affairs from the general population.

You’re now getting a foretaste for yourselves. Does it taste nice?

One thing that has struck me is that there is still some hope for Scotland. There is still that sense of community, of feeling for our fellow man or woman. I have lost all hope for England, but Scotland is different.

I wish you all the very best of luck.

Ian Mac

“People are saying there is no direct link to Sturgeon.”

If Sturgeon knew nothing about what was going, she is one of the most mediocre, incompetent leaders ever, whose close staff were able to concoct intricate plots over many months about which she knew nothing. It is barely credible, in fact it is ludicrous. She has a responsibility as well as accountability for what they were doing. Ignorance is not a defence.

On the other hand, if she knew, she is Lady Macbeth, steeped in it.

Wee Crabbit Bas

#SturgeonsLastStand. Circling the wagons right enough.


Isn’t it interesting that the only people who appear to be supporting Sturgeon on this are people on the payroll?

On the other side of the equation the opposite is true. Ordinary people all over the country, many of which are undoubtedly poor, have given moral and financial support to Salmond.

That tells you everything you need to know.

You’re outclassed, Nicola, and you know it. The goons on the payroll know it too. We all know it.


I see this as both a magnificent failure and a mgnificent triumph.

The failure is down to the establishment,as represented by the snp ‘leaderhip’;

the success is with a scot in strichen, and another in bath.

..and the many others who put their arm to the wheel when the wind was blowing against them.


“People are saying there is no direct link to Sturgeon.” those are the crackpots who don’t bother reading Wings Over Scotland but somehow condemn it with every false accusation imaginable – a little like the false accusation and monstering of the former First Minister. That’s the type of people we’re dealing with.

This site has meticulously researched, over a period of years, the most damning, overwhelming evidence of corruption against a gang of confidence tricksters and grifters. It has to be said, this gang is as sophisticated and capable as your average small-time crook – otherwise they’d have gotten away with it. They’re not getting away with shit.
Thanks to Stuart Campbell and his behind-the-scenes team of brilliant associates and patriots, this crew’s corrupt activities are being dismantled before your very eyes. Top-class work for Scotland, Stuart.

Imagine Sturgeon employing a bunch of wee lassies to undertake her dirty work for her, eh? What an utter shite-bag of a woman that is? Salmond employs the Law, Sturgeon rally’s gullible young girls. Absolute bastard of the SNP.


I know how much this website values accuracy so I’ve checked the parliamentary address book and the women, above, all check out. They all have parliament email addresses and most work in the parliament, although a couple work in constituency offices. They’re 100% NOT in the employment of political parties. I don’t feel bad about saying this, normally I wouldn’t dream of identifying parliament staff but they all did that themselves today in their own tweets. Tbh we’re not supposed to make ourselves too noticeable, for our own safety – we’re not even allowed to wear our ID/security badges outside the parliament. Don’t be too hard on them, they are unwitting pawns and don’t understand what they’ve got themselves involved in. (Even Roza, she hasn’t a clue).


Hatuey says:
23 February, 2021 at 1:21 am

Isn’t it interesting that the only people who appear to be supporting Sturgeon on this are people on the payroll?

On the other side of the equation the opposite is true. Ordinary people all over the country, many of which are undoubtedly poor, have given moral and financial support to Salmond.

Alex could,and can, always demand respect and devotion.

Nicola only the former, and now no longer.*

*only speaking for non dependent minded people.

That tells you everything you need to know.

You’re outclassed, Nicola, and you know it. The goons on the payroll know it too. We all know it.

David Caledonia

Dilly Dolly’s off her trolley


Alec Salmond’s summary to his own submission, 7th last paragraph states that Leslie Evans was David Harvie’s line mgr at the time of her reporting SG/SNP complaints to him as Crown Agent. They worked for different Institutions/Organisations.

Given the backstories associated with former heads of civil service in Scotland and long-term concerns about interference and malpractice in COPFS. It isn’t necessarily central to this but that sticks out to me.


If this at some point goes in front of a full judge led enquiry, would the Crown Office then need to provide the evidence they are withholding from the Committee?


Sturgeon’s just about run out of cards to play.


“They may very well work IN the Parliament. But they work FOR politicians.”

This is true. However they don’t work for the SNP or Green Party either. It’s parliament that pays their wages.


“Nicola only the former”

Again, the only respect I see for her today comes from people on the payroll and people on the make.

As a politician, she’s been an abysmal failure. It sounds facetious to point out that the only real success she delivered was on baby boxes. But it’s true.

Nearly everything else you might confuse for success can be put down to a combination of luck, being in the right place at the right time (the post 2014 surge, Brexit, etc.), and what I’d call systematic spin.

The spin only works on people who aren’t paying attention and half the time it isn’t even necessary.

We are actually further from a referendum today than we were before Brexit. Let that sink in. It’s true.

It’s true because half of the independence movement see right through her. And they know the May election is going to be a disaster – that’s why they’re trying to seed division over gender and other cover stories.

Wings is an alt-right fascist? God almighty. Where are they getting this junk from, Viz?


After watching Sturgeon’s interview on the hated biased broadcasting crud I was struck by her breathlessness , this happens when people are involved in situations where they are unsure of outcomes , eg prior to or after a fight, being challenged on something and desperately trying to be convincing, I think it has something to do with an excess of adrenaline, but whatever she certainly didn’t sound convincing

As for not nailing Sturgeon I would like to think that Alex has a few more tricks up his sleeve to expand his submission ( provided Fabiani doesn’t keep interrupting)


You know, on the whole ‘identifying complainers’ angle, you have to wonder how many women this is supposed to save in the future. How many sexual assault complainants would have this level of scrutiny applied to their case? Zero. How many would have the COPFS and government and RCS and media commenting on their case in public? Zero. I get the idea of the concept, in the abstract, and it’s worthy, but let’s face it, this fucking horseshit from morons, who seem to think that the general public are as fucking thick as they are, is just purely to cover the scum S——‘s arse.

And S——n and her alphabetty cabal have just done the women of Scotland a huge, huge disservice. If I was a woman who had been sexually assaulted, I wouldn’t want to go ANYWHERE NEAR RCS after this filth. Still, anything in the service of political expediency and horseshit, eh? Feminism? These genetic debris fragments couldn’t even spell it.


I hope that Nicola Sturgeon and all the other people involved in their conspiracy against Alex Salmond rot in hell .
A special thanks must go to Rev Stuart for his honesty and integrity in reporting the truth about this whole affair .


Mutton dressed a Lambonini

Robert Louis

Staffer at 0132am,

I agree. I think as revstu says, it is not these women listed above that are at fault, and they should not be attacked. As pointed out, they are young, and likely ‘following orders’ from their boss and the REAL blame lies with those co-ordinating all of this.

As Walter Scott put it, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve!”

What a mess, eh Nicola? Time to do the right thing.


I know one of these women well. She works for a constituency MSP in their constituency office. She has a Scottish Parliament email address that comes with the job but is rarely if ever in Edinburgh. Instead, she answers the phone and does casework for the MSP in the constituency. It’s misleading to say the least, the implication that she works for the Scottish Parliament.


Teetering says:
23 February, 2021 at 7:33 am

I know one of these women well…. It’s misleading to say the least, the implication that she works for the Scottish Parliament

But she identifies as a woman in @scotparl.
Same thing,no?

Same way FR identifies as an emeritus member of the NEC.

Al Dente

Are there any honest women left in Scotland?

Name (required)

In or For?

Will identify, but does not?

clearly puppets but even then i
can not see how it would be harder
to report, if the need every arose, if
the cooperate body published ‘legal’

2 lies and a miss truth in one tweet
(leadership material if ever there was)

Eileen Carson

Al Dente says:
23 February, 2021 at 7:57 am
Are there any honest women left in Scotland?

Yes huge numbers of honest and principled women who will not allow this to continue in our name.


One day this will make great TV.

She is going to bluster and bluff her way into the next election I reckon.

She will lose control of Holyrood and then finally be forced to resign.

Job done. Indy kicked into the long grass for another decade at least.


Al Dente says:
23 February, 2021 at 7:57 am

Are there any honest women left in Scotland?

More than enough.

Greg Kettrick

It’s good to see the SNP has apparently managed to purge any toxic grizzled old white men from the ranks of its support staff. Plenty of stuffed toys on those beds and, previously, copies of Harry Potter on the book shelves (before JKR became a non-person, obvs).


I think there will be technical problems and many interruptions when Salmond gives his submissions simply to make it difficult to get into his stride and make him appear as a stuttering fool making it up as he goes along. They will interrupt the flow of the procedure.

And after this is all finished, Mrs. Murrell will still be in her current position as First Minister.


Mist001 says:
23 February, 2021 at 8:19 am

I think there will be technical problems and many interruptions when Salmond gives his submissions simply to make it difficult to get into his stride and make him appear as a stuttering fool making it up as he goes along. They will interrupt the flow of the procedure.

And after this is all finished, Mrs. Murrell will still be in her current position as First Minister.

Do you think that will be a good or bad thing?

Robert Hughes

” We’re ( kinda ) on the march with Nically’s Cartoon Army

We’re not butter we’re margerine

We’ll sell them aw a pup pet

Coz Fabiani is a muppet

And Nically is the ghost in the machine “


It is truly difficult to avoid the ‘ad hominem’ with the regards to those involved in Scotland’s government as there seem so many ‘types’ of the type one might personally become frustrated and irritated with, wild and woke women, intellectually flaccid gay men, genderists and miscellaneous adherents of the new vaxcist cult to cite but a few of the existential snowflakes the Great Leader has seconded to her autocratic ‘court’.

Alf Baird

Tipping point in the UK v Scottish independence plot.


A plebiscite election in May.

Eileen Carson

You could cast Sturgeon as Caesar in a HOLYROOD remake of “Carry On Cleo” with Kenneth Williams famous catchphrase “Infamy, infamy they’ve all got it in for me” …..we have a full cast of bit players/actors/actresses and all proceeds could go to a real ring-fenced IndyRef2 fund.


Robert Hughes says:
23 February, 2021 at 8:28 am

” We’re ( kinda ) on the march with Nically’s Cartoon Army

We’re not butter we’re margerine

We’ll sell them aw a pup pet

Coz Fabiani is a muppet

And Nically is the ghost in the machine

To ghost andy cameron’s exhortation

The last line should be:

“..and Nic is last UK machine”


These Scottish Natsy Party Apparatchiks have turned Holyrood into a stinking swamp. Why are they all female?

And what is the punishment for fitting someone up on false rape charges?


I’m all for equal rights.

I therefore I think if a man is rejected by a female for his physical advances
he must also be given the opportunity to waste police and court time by making
false allegations against her.

He can try to ruin her reputation and try to have her imprisoned but if found to
by lying by a Jury of his piers he also walks away without costs, fines or imprisonment
and his name must be kept secret to encourage others that they too can make
false allegations with impunity?

That is the absurdity of where this crime against Alex Salmond is leading us.

PS The social media accounts of every woman who has lied about their government positions
must be cancelled or is Twitter in support of lies belonging to some political agendas?


link to

A must view!


AndyH says:
23 February, 2021 at 8:13 am

Job done. Indy kicked into the long grass for another decade at least…

I don’t have a crystal ball, but I’m taking each day as it comes.

It isn’t Sturgeon getting the boot which threatens Independence, it was Sturgeon getting the job of First Minister in the first place which put paid to that.

Don’t let yourself be blinkered by the proximity of Holyrood elections either. These are elections to what looks increasingly looks like an amateurish and subordinate Devolved Assembly. Be quite clear in your head that Scottish Independence can readily come about as a consequence of International Law, with lawful Constitutional Sovereignty given it’s appropriate respect and regard. We could simply bypass Holyrood altogether if it was appropriate.

The evolution of Holyrood into a Parliament which respects the sovereignty of the Scottish People, or, the wholesale replacement of Holyrood with a new Senate or Legislature which declares it’s only allegiance is to the Sovereignty of the Scottish people, will fundamentally change the nature of Scottish Government completely, and the 1998 Scotland Act and all it’s tendrils will be obsolete.

Scotland might then choose to hold new elections, or any referendum it liked, or indeed terminate the Union of the United Kingdom unilaterally and hold a ratification plebiscite at a later date.

Yes, I suppose there would be complications if we did bypass Holyrood, with Westminster fighting hard to defend it’s unconstitutional beachhead which has successfully encroached over Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty. Keeping Holyrood “ours”, not “theirs” would remove that encroachment, however IF Holyrood dissolves into a streaming shitfest of acrimonious anarchy, bypassing Holyrood altogether in lieu of a new Constitutional Assembly that was *sovereign, would have the same result as a ‘purge’ of all the transactivist wreckers and Indy-lite carpet baggers.

[*served the sovereign people].

It might also yet emerge that this whole debacle of Sturgeons tenure as FM has been orchestrated by ‘foreign’ interests and the great pulling of strings from afar. If that does emerge to be the truth, even as a credible possibility, then I cannot imagine such revelations making the Union stronger.

Scotland should properly have been Independent back in 2016 if Sturgeon’s “Government” had defended Scotland’s Constitutional interests and contested Scotland’s colonial subjugation. We would a generous nation without parallel to let Sturgeon deny Scotland it’s freedom twice. Get her sacked and off to jail, and then get Independence back on the front foot and March according to our timetable.


If the sub text of Leslie Evans remit from her Whitehall minders was “Stop indy at all costs”, I’d say she’s been a resounding success.

She is the Muppet Master pulling all the strings. Her previous form in local govt and mendacious tendencies are probably what got her the gig in the first place.


The Union saver?
Spawn of Gove.
link to
Can’t find any text by the man on Scotland or the precious Union for that matter.
Def.the man for the job.

Patsy Millar

A lot of this would not be happening if the alphabeties had let sleeping dogs lie. If they felt that AS should not have been acquitted they could surely have appealed the verdict. Instead they did all they could to continue blackening his name e.g. the Wark documentary in the press etc. with their pals going on about the distress they were suffering. Add on to that the persecution of Craig Murray & Mark Hirst.

In those circumstances, it’s hardly surprising that AS might feel it necessary to speak in his own defence.

From NS’ point of view, a simple, ‘Hands up, we made a mess of the judicial review and we apologise’ then possibly a week or two of comments and the whole thing might well have faded into the ether. AS might have decided not to put himself through the wringer again. NS’ supporters have done her no favours!

Dan Hardy

He should produce the evidence, says the FM.

With us already knowing that the previous shenanigans were legally described as, and found to be, “unlawful”, “unfair” and “tainted by apparent bias” – followed by some 60 denials to produce evidence the committee has requested, who does Nicola thinks she’s kidding?


We are where we are.

If there are other strings (and the ridiculous and fecklessly malicious metastases of nato bases are occulted but obvious examples, ask ann sakoulas about that), that is something to be addressed.

What do we have?

I would argue, including booster polls and rocketing interest on this website, but more importantly a generation or three that can countenance dissolution, we are closer politically, but not representatively, than ever before to freedom.

The fire of the first referendum still glows.

We should breathe out and shit out those that seek to douse it.


We should breathe out and shit out those that seek to douse it.

Forgive me, the former activity is separate from the latter.

Captain Yossarian

Conor Matchett in The Scotsman: ‘The head of the union for civil servants has launched a scathing attack on the MSPs at the heart of the investigation into the Scottish Government’s handling of harassment complaints against Alex Salmond.’

In light of what was issued yesterday afternoon, presumably by members of his union, to further blacken the name of Alex Salmond then this should be seen in that context. ie it an attempt at deflection.

John H.

Thank God for Alex Salmond. He has shone a light into many dark corners, but at great personal cost. Scotland has much to be grateful to him for. He will go down in history as a true Scottish patriot.

Nicola Sturgeon on the other hand will go down in history for entirely different reasons.


Are there any honest women left in Scotland?

As many as there are honest men. Unfortunately for both sexes, achieving power seems to be a preserve of only the dishonest and nastiest. With a few honourable exceptions who find themselves hounded out at some point.


As a feminis (I am dropping the “t” in protest at “trans rights”) I would like to state that I would be happier with smart, white, middle-class, middle-aged men running the show, rather than these childish, science-denying weirdos.


For fucks sake

link to

Why am I even surprised?

Big Jock

Betsy- Stable door and horse spring to mind!

Talk about desperation. Everyone and their Dug have already seen it!

Captain Yossarian

@Betsy – not that unexpected Betsy. Alex Salmond is extremely critical of the Crown Office. Mind-you, the two Duff and Phelps Directors who were awarded £10m each, Mark Hirst, Craig Murray and Gordon Dangerfield (I’m sure there are others too) are critical of them too.

They appear to be a party-political, delinquent organization nowadays which is doing great damage to all of us.

If you are a millionaire, you can fight back against them. Otherwise, not much you can do.

Big Jock

Cath- I think where society has gone wrong. Is a 21st century obsession with sex and gender. Everyone’s personal life is front and center of their bio.

Why do I need to know whether someone is straight or gay when I elect them. It’s of no consequence , and it detracts from the important business of their credentials.


and then this happened;

“BREAKING: Crown Office asks Holyrood to remove Salmond submission from website over court order concerns”

Bob Maxwell

Alex says; let’s get down, let’s get down to business,
the FM is currently up to her neck in redactness,
but when the truth comes out, will she scream and shout,
let’s get down, let’s get down to business

Her children are called the Wokeratti,
they’re up for election but act a little batty,
but when the Committee is done, and she’s had her fun,
will she say, let’s get down, let’s get down to business

Apologies, too many meds this morning!

Captain Yossarian

@Hatuey – The Crown Office are fucked. In a blind panic. This is all they can do and it will do nothing.

Interesting to note what John Swinney’s up to just now. He’s another one of these guys who puts civil-service chumps in the way of the machine-gun bullets.

Yesterday he was vexing on Twitter about an amber weather warning for rain over Perthshire.

I wonder if he slept well last night.


How can the Crown Office get away with asking for yet more redactions and withdrawals of evidence when they’re a key part of all this? How is it not a massive conflict of interest?

Robert graham

Patsy I agree with your comment
The opportunity to save some dignity was tossed out the window ,this is in line with Nicola Sturgeons latest comment even now she could be saying no I am very sorry Alex was a good friend but on this occasion he’s making a mistake I followed all the procedures and the staff were very careful not to show any favour because Alex was a very good First Minister but time moves on we are in different circumstances now I am very sad it’s come to this .
The route she is taking is that fkr is guilty we know it and that stupid bleedn jury fk up just like the idiots with the internal complaints process we had the fkr by the balls and they let him go ffs idiots
Alex go for the throat of every single one of them , as Mr highly paid Murrell was caught out saying make him fight as many fires as is possible I do hope Alex realises he has so many friends willing to fully fund a revenge mission get every one of them , gut the fkrs .
Apologies for the language but Nicolas gang need to be confronted head on and their sniping stopped by punitive legal action with a real vicious assault on everyone of them .


Patsy Millar says:
23 February, 2021 at 9:12 am

A lot of this would not be happening if the alphabeties had let sleeping dogs lie.

I have to argue there, the sleeping dogs exist.
The abuse of power is increasingly revealed, and should be.

If they felt that AS should not have been acquitted they could surely have appealed the verdict.

They(a reasonable pronoun in these circumstances) did not welcome the judgement, but did not appeal.

You might think otherwise, but they did not because it would require further disclosure.
But who needs a court when you have Pacific Quay?

Instead they did all they could to continue blackening his name e.g. the Wark documentary in the press etc. with their pals going on about the distress they were suffering. Add on to that the persecution of Craig Murray & Mark Hirst.


In those circumstances, it’s hardly surprising that AS might feel it necessary to speak in his own defence.

Careful there, what did he had to defend?
His right to a good name or confabulated crimes?

From NS’ point of view, a simple, ‘Hands up, we made a mess of the judicial review and we apologise’ then possibly a week or two of comments and the whole thing might well have faded into the ether.

But she did not.

AS might have decided not to put himself through the wringer again. NS’ supporters have done her no favours!

They have done all they could, the fucking wankers.


Yeah these women have been flung under the bus in the line of defence of Sturgeon and those higher up the SNP food chain, Sarah Masson is an SNP candidate, whose just been outed as a liar, who would want a liar as their MSP.

Is there no level Sturgeon et al will not stoop to to save their skins, I think not.


Crazy times. I said last night that I wouldn’t be surprised if they arrested Salmond today.

Lulu Bells

If these women did work for the Scottish Parliament then they have broken that organisations Code of Conduct.


Breeks at 8:59 am:

I don’t have a crystal ball, but I’m taking each day as it comes

I have a half-working crystal ball, and it foresees a not-interested-in-politics Scottish public – having been brutally misled by the crooked Sturgeon – turning against the very idea of Scottish independence. What’s taking place at the moment will hammer our future.
Every day we ‘condone’ the behaviour of the party of independence is another million gallons behind a dam ready to burst, that devastation not repairable in our lifetime. That is why I detest the bastard Sturgeon; she’s not only destroying our ‘today’ but, by presenting Scottish Independence as undesirable, unworkable, anathema, destroying our tomorrow.


betsy @9.37am.

It appears to be one last desperate attempt by Sturgeon’s partners in crime the Crown office to block Salmond’s testimony.


Patsy Millar says:
23 February, 2021 at 9:12 am

From NS’ point of view, a simple, ‘Hands up, we made a mess of the judicial review and we apologise’ then possibly a week or two of comments and the whole thing might well have faded into the ether.

But she did not.

ns’ point of view* was similar to her gala appearance at the NEC.

“We will all sink together”


Not a shred of evidence cries Sturgeon as the MSM get behind her to airbrush out all the evidence of criminality.

And the sheep in the fields graze on understanding little of the nature of their incarnation, know little of the true nature of the good shepherd who tends them, Well not until he comes one day to slaughter them.

Or maybe like black South Africans in apartheid South Africa the masses live believing in the generously of their apartheid regime. Well at least until the special police come for those of them who want to change things.

Or maybe a bit closer to home the good Nationalist catholics of Northern Ireland who hitherto the dissolution of the Stormont Parliament gave anodyne acceptance to a reality where their just wasn’t enough jobs and houses for citizens like them. Or at least until the B Specials came for those who agitated for change.

Yes these may be analogies but the comparison with Sturgeon and the MSM’s denying utterly the abuse of power.

Ah the power of the Holocaust Denier!


If you can lie about something as fundamental as who you work for, what else might you lie about?
Isn’t pretending to work for the Scottish Parliament and using its Twitter handle,when you are employed by a political party, a “standards in public life” issue?
Sorry,I forgot.
Scotland clearly doesn’t have standards in public life.

Mr Bonobo

Looks like the next generation of SNP carpet baggers are going to even worse than the current lot.

To be fair it is hard to decide which is worse – the calibre and decency of the SNP lot, or the state of the other parties that have allowed them to sink to this.


From the safe distance of Another Country (Not England) can I say;
1. The organiser/moderator of this site deserves congratulation for some good work which I think the Scots media should be doing
2. I dont think Mr Salmond has a celluloid cat-in- hell’s chance of landing a knockout blow on Ms Sturgeon-if this IS a stitch-up then it is a very good one, protected by concentric rings of defences flying various rainbow flags, Me Too banners etc and at its heart a fortress flying the Saltire and surrounded by a minefield of jigsaw ‘puzzles’
3. The thing puts me in mind of the words of another Scottish woman a few years back; ‘ ‘Much suspected by (Of) me-
Nothing proved can be’ (Copyright Mary Queen of Scots)
Mind you, that didn’t end well……


Bill Cowan @11.03
Excellent post. Says it all.


‘Sturgeon demanding Salmond produce “evidence”’

Wow, NS is calling for a judge led inquiry!

Lorna Campbell

You see, this is what I don’t get. Nicola Sturgeon has the reputation of being ultra-cautious, but, in certain situations, she is, not to put too fine a point on it, utterly and irredeemable reckless. To boot, all these young women, presumably rooting for their own sex in this instance, even in the teeth of Lady Dorrian’s tweak to her original anonymity order that cannot – cannot, in any jurisdiction that considers itself to be under the rule of law – be a cover-all in any and all circumstances unto death and beyond, appear to expect the law to be bent in their favour at all times. Even UK state double agents in NI who were in danger of being eliminated were not afforded that kind of cover-all.

These same young women, presumably, are perfectly happy to throw their sisters under a bus when it comes to a choice between allowing any male-bodied person whatsoever who decides he’s a woman – even for a day until that women’s prize has been picked up – to access women’s sex-based rights while claiming to champion women’s sex-based rights.

There is something of the cognitive dissonance here in both situations. You cannot be an ultra-cautious foot-dragger when it comes to independence, but a reckless wrecking ball when it comes to the Salmond debacle and to women’s rights. The two things are polar opposites. I’m not saying these two characteristics cannot exist side-by-side; what I am saying is that it is not how the FM, or, indeed, her policies are presented. What it does do, when you realize it, is show how the whole Salmond affair could have arisen and how Scotland’s women’s rights could be flushed down the pan, all the while giving the impression of sturdy solidity and of being a ‘clean tattle’. Alice in Wonderland politics.


There is on message and then there is scripted…


@Big Jock 23 February, 2021 at 9:40

” Stable door and horse spring to mind! Talk about desperation. Everyone and their Dug have already seen it!”

It doesn’t matter if everybody and their Dug has seen it , when its been redacted it means that the inquiry panel would be breaking the law asking Sturgeon about the redacted information. Its an attempt to protect Sturgeon from having to answer questions at the inquiry yet again and nothing else. The Sturgeon is rotten from the Head down.


@Mr Bonobo 23 February, 2021 at 11:14 am

“Looks like the next generation of SNP carpet baggers are going to even worse than the current lot.
To be fair it is hard to decide which is worse – the calibre and decency of the SNP lot, or the state of the other parties that have allowed them to sink to this”

The only people to blame for this are the Sturgeon Acolytes who worship and allow Sturgeon and Her Cabal to do whatever they want and still continue to Vote for them. its NOT “the fault of other parties”

Sue McDonald

Sturgeon has to go, its as simple as that.

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    • Young Lochinvar on The Front On The Volga: “Even decades ago in my younger working life it was apparent and commented on that the “UK”(sic) always took in…Feb 11, 22:10
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The End Of The Reich: “Just your usual…Feb 11, 22:08
    • Geri on Bricked-up windows: “Can Shug not take the matter to parliament through his MSP? One of those public bill thingies? This farce has…Feb 11, 22:01
    • Blackhack on Bricked-up windows: “Stuart, they’ll tell you hew haw…You’re like a boil on their arse, they know it’s there and think if they…Feb 11, 22:01
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “BLM: 7 Demands: “1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office… 2. Expel Republican members of Congress… 3. Launch…Feb 11, 21:55
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Mike: “$27 million of grants from USAID to… Black Lives Matter Global Network… which serves as a pressurizer for action…Feb 11, 21:53
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Front On The Volga: “Then I’d have had to change the word “front” 😀Feb 11, 21:47
    • 100%Yes on Bricked-up windows: “I told you all, she’ll be back. She’s a cruel vindictive bitch with vengeance on her mind Scotland watch your…Feb 11, 21:31
    • Arthur Martin on Bricked-up windows: “Let’s assume all charges are dropped and Branchform is swept under the carpet. I imagine a private prosecution would be…Feb 11, 21:26
    • Diane on The End Of The Reich: “They’re all still men.Feb 11, 21:23
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “World Economic Forum: Partners: Palantir Technologies: World Economic Forum: People: Alex Karp: World Economic Forum: Young Global Leaders:…Feb 11, 21:13
    • Marie on The Front On The Volga: “Absolutely. Politicians are bought by elites. They buy politicians the way we buy toothpaste and washing up liquid in the…Feb 11, 21:05
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “CNBC (2024): Palantir CEO says his outspoken pro-I***el views have caused employees to leave company: “Palantir, known for its government…Feb 11, 21:02
    • carjamtic on Bricked-up windows: “A few thoughts immediately spring to mind, where is the demarcation line between self interest and public interest (obstruction of…Feb 11, 20:53
    • McDuff on The End Of The Reich: “When is the our spineless MSM going to join the rev in fighting this insanity.Feb 11, 20:49
  • A tall tale

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