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Wings Over Scotland

The trail of breadcrumbs

Posted on July 02, 2020 by

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new World Speed-Reading Champion:

Almost 1200 words in 15 seconds is mighty impressive going in anyone’s book. (Either that or it’s REALLY slow for a 12-word tweet.) But we wondered if there might be any other reason why Mrs Angus Robertson wouldn’t want people reading that article.

Tom Gordon’s piece from last week’s Herald is in itself a pretty blindingly obvious and innoffensive statement of some uncontested facts – the Holyrood inquiry into the Alex Salmond affair is quite plainly going to be highly uncomfortable for both the Scottish Government and the Scottish civil service, because the investigation has already been found to be so crooked that the government caved before it got to court, having first wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money.

But it did provide the missing jigsaw piece which finally answered a question that’s been bugging us for a long time.

We’d never understood the quite extraordinary over-reaction of the SNP to the events around MSP Mark McDonald. McDonald was reported to the Standards Committee at Holyrood in 2017 for a case which amounted to his mobile phone autocorrecting the word “dingied” to the word “fingered” and him making a very innocuous joke about it.

For that crime – no other allegation of sexual or menacing misconduct was proven against him, and indeed much of the evidence was found to be total fantasy – he was the subject of page after page of absolutely excoriating media coverage over many weeks depicting him as something akin to Jack The Ripper crossed with Josef Fritzl, suspended and ostracised from the SNP while the inquiry took place, and eventually kicked out, suspended from Parliament and banished to a basement office far from the sight other MSPs like some sort of leper.

He’s invariably been referred to ever since to as “shamed MSP Mark McDonald”, was ludicrously and disgracefully castigated by former colleagues as a risk to the safety of staff (presumably those who are triggered to the point of suicide by spelling mistakes), and is widely expected to lose his seat at next year’s election.

We could never figure out why such an absurdly minor “offence” had attracted such brutally draconian sanctions and such a treacherous knifing from his own colleagues, until we read this passage from Tom Gordon’s column and all the dots suddenly turned into a straight line.

The wild extremity of the reaction to McDonald was necessary to ostensibly justify the creation of the new rules, without which no action could have been taken against Alex Salmond. Mark McDonald, whose mobile phone’s spellcheck destroyed his career, was just the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

A farcical sequence of events then followed – a trainwreck of apparent corruption and collusion heavily shot through with spectacular incompetence, at the end of which it’s already indisputably known that untold millions of pounds have been wasted on a failed fit-up, the integrity of the entire civil service and justice system have been placed under question, and a wholly innocent man has been smeared, tormented and almost bankrupted while his supporters too face vindictive and highly selective prosecution for which nobody will admit responsibility.

Jennifer Robertson, for reasons one can only speculate about, apparently thinks this is an uninteresting story which will have no consequences for anyone. It’s an assessment with which we feel obliged to profoundly disagree.

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schrodingers cat

who in the scottish government will this be uncomfortable for?

Bill Hume.

The plot…er…clarifies???

Sharny Dubs

I personally can not wait until that particular brown smelly stuff hits the Holyrood whirly thing.
Can I preorder Alex’s book anyone?


I met Mark McDonalds constituency team at a conference while the furore was ongoing. They were quite baffled by the train of events though obviously unwilling to openly discuss it. They pointed out that he got the highest margin win in Scotland.


There is only one just reward for treachery.


Lesley Evans is apparently the Scottish Dominic Cummings.

The sooner she is gone the better.

I hope Mr Mark MacDonald sues.

Andrew F

To be fair, I think she meant that she took 15 seconds to read the tweet.

Which makes her particularly S-L-O-W since it only takes a normal person about 2 seconds.

schrodingers cat

well if it is nicola, is it a breach in procedural protocol or something more sinister? eg a vindictive attack?


Nicola S was incandescent over Mark McD, she wanted him to resign as an MSP.

Meanwhile Derek McKay as far as I know hasn’t been disciplined yet, what’s the betting he gets forgiven, learned his lesson, apologises profusely etc etc.

One rule for NSs pals and another for everyone else.

Just when I think I’m maybe being harsh about her, she proves me wrong

Jason Smoothpiece

We will all know where we stand when we have sight of Mr Salmonds position on all of this.

I think by now we, sort of, know the story but to get the full story out to the whole movement will clear the air.

In a strange way I don’t want the truth to be what I think it will be. I know who the bad guys and the good guys and girls are in my mind and I am happy with that. However if there are evil wrongdoers within the party or the wider movement we have to go right after them.

They must be hounded out every one of them.


It’s a natural talent

schrodingers cat

liz says:
Derek McKay

i dont think we will be seeing him back anywhere anytime soon


There already was a disciplinary procedure. The revised procedure drawn up by Leslie Evans added former ministers to their remit. That caught Alex Salmond in the net.

While the new procedure could have been drawn up without the Mark McDonald fuss, it was odd how difficult it was to find out what exactly he had done. He was well liked in the constituency, his colleagues thought highly of him, as far as I could find out.

Why would complainants not just have gpne to the police?

Robert Graham

I wonder if the alphabet sisters are the only actors in this pantomime ,
exactly how high or deep the rot goes ?
I guess everyone involved has been busy disappearing uncomfortable evidence , paper can be destroyed, electronic data however is a different little inconvenient problem ,older mechanical hard drives unless the platter is physically shredded data can be recovered , Solid state presents a different problem but just like the older mechanical drives if it’s on it it’s not beyond recovery ,
a whole industry exists to support data recovery the experts being the security services , now that’s where investigation hits the proverbial brick wall .in other words if the security services are involved and the information damages the government it’s gone , DISAPPEARED FOR EVER.

schrodingers cat


not actually doing anything wrong doesn’t stop the msm for hounding snp members. ask michelle thompson


liz 5:01 pm – Nicola S was incandescent over Mark McD, she wanted him to resign as an MSP.

Do you actually know this or are you speculating?

schrodingers cat

ot breaking

fbi arrest Ghislaine Maxwell

i wonder if prince andrew has learnt how to sweat yet?


I agree with you about disagreeing with Jennifer Robertson.

Bob Mack

Leslie Evans changed the procedure to include former First Ministers. She changed the Civil Service rules. Did Whitehall approve? Did the rules change across the whole of the UK?

Did Nicola approve the changes for Scotland only?

Did Nicola think the change was to capture a different First Minister?

I regret to say I think not.


The arrogance amongst certain members of the SNP never fails to astonish. One might have thought that, of all people, Mrs Robertson might do well to keep shtum over these matters.

schrodingers cat

when any allegations are made or investigations commence, all snp members are suspended. party rules

it wasnt the snp hounding michelle it was the msm, and she attaches no blame to the snp for what happened, indeed, she is presently considering standing as a PPC for the snp.


Well hopefully Mark csn stand as an Independent MSP and people can vote him back in to justify the wrongful slur that has been put on his character by the Party & the media !!


Mr Marmalade is a wrong ‘un.


You can tell my her pinched face and wanting him to step down as an MSP.
That is almost unheard of, to boot him out of the SNP was her decision but then pressurizing him to lose his job, was vindictive IMO.
link to

According to press reports, the SNP used private investigators to interview 18 women.

Also look at the turning of a blind eye to Mhairi B calling her constituents ‘Hunts’.
If your part of the in crowd, you can do no wrong.


What really annoys me is when public money – i.e. taxpayers’ – is wasted due to allegedly illegal processes. Whoever signed off whatever the process was should be made personally liable.

As for MacKay, he may not have acted illegal but it most certainly wasn’t what is expected of a minister. The SNP should have kicked him out. Surely there is a clause whereby if a member brings the party into disrepute they get the boot? There’s a few others who could join him.

Red Squirrel

Suddenly the whole wokus dei stuff makes sense – if this is the power brought down on a non-entity MSP in order to win the star prize of destroying AS, there’s no-one safe from this festering fiefdom.. Oh my what a mess they’ve got themselves into.


Where can I obtain a face mask with the Saltire?

schrodingers cat

Red Squirrel says:
Suddenly the whole wokus dei stuff makes sense…

um.. eh?


Mark McD must have been promised something not to have either gone public or gone to law over his treatment. Either that or there is something which they wanted covered up about him and his joke tweet was all the pretext they needed.

If he goes quietly and we never hear from him again I will conclude the latter is true. It could be Evans simply took advantage. Though I wonder what Alex Salmond said to the wrong person about making some sort of comeback for him to need to be kyboshed with the Brtish state’s weapon of choice: a sex scandal. As Craig Murray has well set out this is standard operating procedure. It doesn’t have to be true. In the AS case things may have gotten out of hand and his decision to defend himself so vigorously surpised people.

As for the idea that public political prosecutions are not operate with half an eye to government let alone high heid yin approval. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.


Also that the SNP are not controlling the AS enquiry is a direct result of Nicola’s failure to pick up the phone to Patrick Harvie and discuss terms after last Holyrood election. That was both churlish and VERY bad politics.


@Schrodinger’s Cat
Where have you been? Not around these parts, certainly.

schrodingers cat

not for a while, for sure Muscleguy
btw, you know Mark McD’s wife also left him? and he isnt snp anymore but an independent


Maybe Mark McD will wait until he’s a private citizen before saying anything.

That interview with NS I posted, she was at pains to say he agreed he’d done wrong.

I saw his interview with STV and he said, he didn’t realise he’d done wrong because he was treating the staffer as an equal but after ‘re-education’, he realised that he being in a senior position made what he had done was wrong, which he accepted.

Were the women ever named?



I got a snood a while ago as you can wear it in alternative ways.

£4.95. free delivery. washable too and warm.
Tubular Neck Warmer & Snood Scottish Flag Biker Bandana Sports Head Wrap

Just google it. (Amazon best deal) 🙁

It is now 18:10hrs and big Auntie BBC have not spoken off or posted the UK corona virus daily total on any of their web sites.


Scotland ……….01……Total…….2487…BBC
N. Ireland…….today….01……Total……..552…BBC
UK……………today…^45……Total…..^43951..^ Daily Mail

The SUN for England and the Daily Mail for UK are ‘official’ they say.

C’mon big Auntie BBC 18:20 and nothing on England or the UK. 🙁

schrodingers cat

liz says:
Were the women ever named?

dont people in these situation have their anonymity protected?

Corrado Mella

The fish smells from the head.

SIX YEARS after WE delivered a 45% Yes referendum result that was too close to call, starting from 23%;
FIVE YEARS after WE delivered 56 SNP MPs out of possible 59;
FOUR YEARS after a WE delivered a resounding 63% FCUK U to Brexshit;
FOUR YEARS after WE delivered 59 SNP Constituency MSPs out of possible 73;
THREE YEARS after WE delivered 35 SNP MPs out of possible 59;
ONE YEAR after WE delivered 3 SNP MEPs out of possible 6;
ONE YEAR (almost) after WE delivered 48 SNP MPs out of possible 59;

WHAT THE FCUK has Miss Sturgeon delivered besides boringly competent governance?
WHERE IS the drive, the fire, the push?

I’m bored stiff of this ca’canny.
If you want to see me, I’m over there, where we’re building the barricades.


@ liz – thx for posting the BBC report. Yes NS certainly says he should resign as an MSP because he has admitted his behaviour was not good enough. Reading down the report there appears to be more involved than one tweet. Who investigated him? Was it the Leslie Evans brigade or was it the SNP conduct committee? All rather murky.

G H Graham

My money is on a bitter, complex, lesbian love-triangle in or around Bute House & someone close to or belonging to the inner circle has a basket overflowing with savory breadcrumbs being kept for a rainy day.

What other explanation can there be for the extraordinary levels of alleged corruption at the top of government and the eyebrow raising behaviour of the justice department?



same place you buy your nappies…. covid bed wetter


The P&J, – I know,- said they used SNP private investigators.

The reason I asked about the names is because I was certain I knew who one was and I assume I’d read it somewhere.

I will, of course, not mention the name

schrodingers cat

@Corrado Mella

we didnt start from 29%, that figure is from early polls which asked yes/no/devo max options

once devo max was rejected by wm and pollswith only yes/no options were comissioned, yes floated between 42-47% until the actual result

in 2015, the snp didnt stand on a mandate for independence

in 2016, they stood on a mandate for indyref2 but before it could happen, treeza may called a ge in 2017. hint, the snp vote dropped to 38%, thats why nicola took it off the table,

they did win a mandate in dec 2019 but the corona virus put an end to political campaigning in late jan 2020

and here we are

but dont give up yer barracade yet, the woad to indy is about to run out, if the next holyrood election returns a vote of 50%+ and bojo still says no,

what do we do then?

schrodingers cat

liz says:
The P&J, – I know,- said they used SNP private investigators.

you shouldnt believe what you read in the papers, especially not that unionist rag

schrodingers cat

G H Graham says:
My money is on….are you sure that isnt just one of yer wet dreams?


SC I will believe what I like.

You’re one who thinks that NS can do no wrong and I also read it from someone who said that MMcD should have charged the SG with harassment over the treatment he got. And no I don’t have a copy of that tweet

schrodingers cat

I also read it from someone who said………….

you’d like mumsnet, you really would 🙂

schrodingers cat

liz says:
Maybe Mark McD will wait until he’s a private citizen before saying anything.

he is already a private citizen, he isnt in the snp, he’s an independent

he can say what he likes about the snp right now?


Tom Gordon is ferociously anti SNP and anti Independence. So I would take anything he says with a very large pinch of salt. Or anything that appears in the Herald.

However, there’s no doubt that the committee inquiry will be a rich source of copy for the MSM for weeks so, in this case, the headline is probably not a lie.


So the unfortunate Mark MacDonald’s predictive text’ has led to new witch hunt laws coming into force. It will be interesting to learn what Evans, Sturgeon and her husband Peter have to say under oath at the inquiry next month.

The inquiry will surely be damaging to the SNP, and the Civil service, hopefully the independence cause won’t suffer also.

schrodingers cat


has pete murrel been called to give testimony?

[…] Wings Over Scotland The trail of breadcrumbs Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new World Speed-Reading Champion: Almost 1200 words in […]


“However, there’s no doubt that the committee inquiry will be a rich source of copy for the MSM for weeks so, in this case, the headline is probably not a lie.”


The SNP will have brought it upon themselves, Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive.

The unionist media will have a field day with this, dragging it out for weeks. Heads must roll in the Civil service’ Evans for one must be sacrificed on the alter appeasement.


“schrodingers cat says:
2 July, 2020 at 6:53 pm

has pete murrel been called to give testimony?”

Schrodingers Cat.

I think he has been.

link to


List of possible witnesses here.

link to


@ republicofscotland – no doubt. It’s quite hard to find out which group of people investigate these things. Should be the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee, but when you read their reports the link to Members doesn’t work.

Revisions continue. New legislation is required so that historic complaints can be investigated and complaints not made within 1 year of having occurred. I thought the Salmond complaints were historic and over a year since he was FM:

As noted above, the Committee identified that there would be a need for primary legislation to implement the JWG’s recommendation that “there should be no time limit applied to complaints of sexual harassment”.viii This was required for two reasons. Firstly, legislative change would be necessary to allow for the historic complaints about sexual harassment by MSPs of their own staff to be investigated under the 2002 Act. Secondly, the JWG had specifically recommended the “removal of the current one-year time limit for making a complaint”ix, referring to the requirement in section 6(5) of the Scottish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Act 2002 (“2002 Act”) that a complaint be made “within one year from the date when the complainer could reasonably have become aware of the conduct complained about”.—Complaints-against-MSPs—amendment-of-the-Scottish-Parliamentary-Standards-Commissioner-Act-2002#Background


Capella Alec Salmond wasn’t caught by any net he was falsely accused.


I don’t see what the expensively clad P. Harvie has to do with the AS case


I can’t understand why Leslie Evans had any role at all in investigating anything. I’ve checked out the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life. The current one is Caroline Anderson but she’s only been in post for a year and there’s no info on previous incumbents.

Giving up for the time being.

link to

@ dogbiscuit – you still posting here? Being caught in somebody’s net does not imply guilt.


Schrodinger you’ve done your dinger.


Capella yes I’m still posting here .You seem surprised.


Oh dear – found the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. Grim.

link to


@ Capella – grim reading. What on earth justifies Davidson being on there at all, let alone as with legal matters in her brief?


Remember last month (and May, April and March) when nicola was telling us that wearing face masks was pointless and there was no evidence to support the wearing of one? Well now its mandatory now and the police can issue you with a penalty notice if they catch you not wearing one. She is definitely not just making this up as she goes along.

Dithering, media hungry nicola is belatedly forced to ease some of the lockdown restrictions so instead she introduces new ones. She clearly doesn’t care one jot about the thousands of lives she is ruining with this pointless lockdown, all over a virus that is exactly as deadly as the flu.

Brian Doonthetoon

What I find kinda strange…

I knew Angus Robertson was married – well, I’ve known since around the start of March. Prior to that, his marital status wasn’t really “newsworthy”. I couldn’t have told you his wife’s name – until this story by Rev Stu, displaying her tweet.

What I find kinda strange…
Why did a woman, who had not in the public limelight, decide that it was a ‘good idea’ to cast aspersions on Tom Gordon’s Herald story?

Makes you wonder…

Brian Doonthetoon

who had not in the public limelight = who had not BEEN in the public limelight…


For all the doubters of borders including the BJ’s and Rees Moggies. Here you go,includes the other 6000 miles of maritime waters,stolen in 1999 aided and abetted by Blair and Dewar.

link to


“Revenge is a dish best served cold.”


Starter for 10 is if you understand the word.
Bonus 5 points for the language.

I’m reeeaalllly bored….

george wood

@bipod 8.00pm

The virus has only infected around 7% of the UK and yet it has managed to kill 40k+ people.

You really don’t have a clue.

Any sensible person would look at the world’s reaction to this and realise this is something out of the ordinary.Flu does not scare the shit out of the world’s governments to the extent that they are willing to go into a deep recession to try and halt this virus from spreading


Prince Andrew under pressure about under age companions.

Ghiselane Maxwell should take taxis through any Parisian tunnels
For the foreseeable future.

Brian Doonthetoon

Or maybe shouldn’t…


Wikipedia for another Jennifer Robertson says she is a Canadian actress, best known for her role as Jocelyn Schitt in the CBC comedy Schitt’s Creek…well there is going to be another lot in Schitt’s Creek soon!


Nicola Sturgeon is doing an excellent job of managing COVID-19. However, that suits her personality – a manager. After the Alex Salmond enquiry, I expect an assortment of Murrells and Robertsons to have not only lost the enquiry, but be found guilty of lying. Also, I hope Mark McDonald stands for the ISP, or as an independent at next year’s election – and to gain more votes than useless Robertson.

schrodingers cat

i have, she now lives in ne fife, my constituency

schrodingers cat

i think michelle would make a good candidate against wullie rennie


george wood says:
2 July, 2020 at 8:25 pm
@bipod 8.00pm

Having read many posts on this subject on here the past few months, i would say without doubt that bipod is a unionist msp, that’s my humble opinion .

Lacks basic common sense,lacks empathy and doesn’t understand what a new and complicated virus is.There’s many world renown virologists that have explained what this virus does. Unfortunately the Donald Trumps and other virus deniers seem to be incapable of understanding the laws of nature. A virus doesn’t care what your politics is.It will devour you given any opportunity to do so. You adapt,it adapts.You put mitigation’s in place until you have effective treatments or a vaccine.

Remember there’s no cure for flu,only vaccine mitigation’s which changes every year because influenza mutates every year without fail. We have only came to live with it in last hundred years because we have cures and vaccines.

So wear a mask,it saves lives and protects others from a symptomatic carriers like bipod and others who refuse to understand

Just think ,you too could look good like the “lone ranger” just like Donald Trump in his latest vain gaff comment

“Hi ho silver,away”.


@schrodingers cat says:
2 July, 2020 at 8:50 pm
“i think michelle would make a good candidate against wullie rennie”

Kermit the Frog would be a good candidate, or even better, Animal.

schrodingers cat

or even better beaker?

na, we’ll avoid muppets

james mallon Drones Over Scotland

Just painted a wall, slow paint, just sitting sobber to watch it dry.
Fk me we have covid about to take the world over and I see this WOS meaningless fkn crap.

I Suggested wearing masks fk, at the start of fkn covid, no response.

Keep fkn commenting on fkn political meaningless shit, with all the fkn academic graphs to justify.

The world is in seriouse breakdown when we are commenting on the past self-indulgent fkn shit.

Let’s consider the next fkn melt down.

As long as covid is not a fkn tory, that will do me.

We are, as a planet fkd, personal interests have fkd it. Trumphy fkn aresehole (we all are) has endorsed.

We are all to blame, so fkn relax we have all contributed to the fkn situation.

Who the fk really now is interested in Scottish politics.
Now let’s get a life (it may be short for some ).

Away to play darts on my Maggie Thatcher dartboard ( it’s hanging to fk)

george wood


How they manage to square the world’s reaction to what they call just flu is beyond me.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi schrodingers cat at 8:56 pm

You typed,
“na, we’ll avoid muppets”

Why? They talk as much sense as some posting here…–Ijdc


Lot of snowflakes out tonight. I’m off to watch Anne Frank – Parallel Lives on Netflix. Now that really was a lockdown under the real Nazis but somehow less depressing than the poor people of Scotland forced to wear masks in shops to save their lives. Horror.



you are spot on.

George Wood can go wet his bed…. again


@ BDTT – ha ha ha – brilliant. Was that Pete and Dud?
Nice clip to go off to nazi infested Amsterdam with.

schrodingers cat

very true bdtt

Jon Musgrave

Worth noting that the “Scottish” civil service is just a branch office of the London based UK civil service. SO they are likely to have pressure put on them to try to reduce etc SNP efficiency and use their time/work to support the UK as an entity.

schrodingers cat


you seem to have a fixation with bed wetting, bdtt is right, i prefer muppets to paid up members of the golden shower brigade



You can join CBB on the scroll past list.

schrodingers cat


devasted moi 🙁

schrodingers cat

@james mallon Drones Over Scotland

so what yer really saying is….. wir doomed?


Hmm ahundredthidiot.

Oh well. I assume you know the square root of zero?
Very much a lot of your contributions that I have seen. You carry on being the idiot all you want. THE SAME ATTENDS THE COWARD,AS THE BRAVE.


You can base decisions on evidence or advice. 4 months ago all we had was lots of advice (from people with a TERRIBLE track record) and little data – that has now reversed significantly.

COVID is flu. No worse, no better. Lots of people are going to feel awfully stupid as the reality sinks in. no bodies in the streets, on trains, in shops. no ‘bring out your dead’ or hangars filled with the sick, no hazard teams dragging stiffs out of dwellings, no mortuaries burst, no grave diggers exhausted.

As the good Doctor said, ‘its a new test, not a new virus’

How does it feel to be scammed folks…. suckers…. now the rest of us have to dance to your song of fear and trepidation by wearing pointless fucking facemasks.



hows the weather in yorkshire?

schrodingers cat


you sound like spoilt bastard from the viz

you gotta purdy mouth boy. 🙂


Do we have Alex Cole-Hamilton and James Kelly (MSP) in our mist, guess which is which.

CameronB Brodie

Seeing as Ahundredthidiot scrolls past me, I can call all sort of things and he’ll remain ignorant, which appears to be his nature. His loss.

Manager’s Guidance: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Risk Assessment (18/05/2020)

What is a risk assessment?
Risk assessment, is a careful examination of what, could cause harm to people, whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. It will help you identify and prioritise putting in place, appropriate and sensible control measures to ensure the best possible reduction of the risk of harm….

link to

schrodingers cat


he really doesnt know what he is missing 🙂

which of us do you think he hates the most?

bear in mind he hasnt got to know me very well

CameronB Brodie

sorry….I can call him/her/it all sort of things…..

Risk management
Coronavirus (COVID-19): update

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Capella at 9:10 pm

“@ BDTT – ha ha ha – brilliant. Was that Pete and Dud?”

It was indeed. One of the best comedy albums ever… “Derek And Clive Live”.
link to

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
How competitive are you, on a scale of 0-10? I go all the way up to eleven myself. 🙂

schrodingers cat

as to having my uses, i also have my moments

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
I hope they help justify your position of rejecting Natural Law? 😉

President Trump, Impeachment, and the “Higher Law”: Part I
“The legality of the Constitution, its supremacy, and its claim to be worshipped alike find common standing ground on the belief in a law superior to the will of human governors.” &#8212 E.S. Corwin, The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law

“The Natural Law (Higher Law) is absolutely binding, and overrules all other laws.” &#8212 A.P. d’Entreves, Natural Law

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

C’mon you two, Cameron and shrodingers – just decide to bear each others children and save us all the angst!

CameronB Brodie

Brian Doonthetoon
You might be easy but I’m no pushover. It takes the right sort of sweet talk to get me motivated. 🙂

Scot Finlayson

I see Scotland`s First Minister, Saint Nicola Sturgeon, held an audience via telephone with Lizzie II,

i think Lizzie II was asking if she could cross the border into Scotland and have her holidays,

as long as she is tested , doesnae bring any of the dysfunctional family with her and doesnae go wandering aboot, i think she should be ok.


Day 1 SC states i’m here to sort out the WOS btl comments this infatuation with CWD is going to stop and we’re going to get back to talking about indy things ,he tries hard by multiple postings and slagging people off and TELLING people that the GRA doesn’t matter ,indy topics only matter

Day 2 SCat frustrated , Stuart Campbell the owner of the site posts an item relating to the GRA debacle ,at first SC pretends that he is interested and involved by making a couple of comments re the subject at hand but then eventually succeeds in diverting the comments away from the GRA

Day 3 Stuart Campbell logs a post hinting that Mrs Robertson may be trying to divert attention away from an article that paints the SNP and NS in a bad light , SCat continues with his whitewashing of the can do no wrong SNP by questioning a posters information of wrongdoing
If nothing else at least SCat is a trier

james mallon Drones Over Scotland

Re. schrodingers cat says:

Look at comments, assess the situation and make up your own mind.

Why fkn keep going over the same shit political crap when the world has had a fundamental once in a fkn universal lifetime change.
This is not a TV show where the channel can change to suit your wee personal mood.
Fk politicians, fk clergy including once upon a time Revs, fk middle-class arseholes who decide their standards on their personal agenda.
Now that leaves the rest, well fk me mate.
The world is fkd and you are part of it.

james mallon Drones Over Scotland

Re. Scot Finlayson

Fkn hang draw and quarter the fkn useless unemployed malingering fkr. Cling on.

Get her tae fk.

Her family are a bunch of council scheme unemployable loosers.
They have represented the unemployed malingering fkrs for decades.

But some folk need them for their bigotry agenda (RFC).

Fk them and wha’s like them.

Andrews a decent fkn pervy bstrd, immagine getting a FK on the taxpayer account like they all do.
Fk me, the drinks kicking in, the drones are noe buzzing.

This site is now meaningless, time to move on.

CameronB Brodie

If only there was some hope. Unfortunately, there’s not much hope for Scotland without protection from EU law, which respects the “precautionary principle”. Sigh.

Silver Linings: A Phenomenology of Hope and Purpose in Climate Change and Sustainability Education
link to

call me dave

Corona: Two maps only one shows true picture:

link to

schrodingers cat


i thought i was doing quite well 🙂

you seem to have noticed me


We appear to have a new Brigade 77 ranker posting tonight.

His initials seem to be fk?

schrodingers cat


it isnt difficult to divert a thread, people do it all the time, the topic on threads especially on posts days old have a tendency wander about by themselves

the only way i can divert a thread is if post a comment and people are interested enough to reply, same as it is for everyone

Chris Downie

Jennifer Robertson loves Marmalade, allegedly.


james mallon Drones Over Scotland – I want to have your children

CameronB Brodie

“the only way i can divert a thread is if post a comment and people are interested enough to reply, same as it is for everyone”

That’ll be why the cat sit at the top of the thread. It pretty obvious the cat is intent on narrowing opinion and guiding political outcome. However, without a respect for Natural Law, the cat’s opinion can be safely regarded as empty and irrational dogma.

Organic Natural Law: The Legal Philosophy of George Hugh Smith
link to

schrodingers cat


there isnt a thread of convo running at the moment, you want a thread on natural law but unfortunately, no one is biting, at least they havent bitten the last 400 times you posted hyperlinks to the topic

mike cassidy

Don’t forget.

Within two weeks of Leslie Evans’ illegal review being booted out of court

Nicola Sturgeon said yes to Leslie Evans staying on as her leading civil servant for two more years.


The bastards of BBC Scotland filling our screens with fuckin foreign football.

Fuck off BBC Scotland, if you think you are getting a penny out of me for you to lie to me and feed me information about news and sports from a foreign country, you have no chance.


“It doesn’t have to be true. In the AS case things may have gotten out of hand and his decision to defend himself so vigorously surpised people“

I think they also assumed when they went public with the name and allegations loads more women would come forward. It’s actually amazing they didn’t. Most powerful men that age would have a string of women they could in some way be alleged to have harassed, or female enemies desperate to get a kick in, or even political opponents. That’s what’s so unfair about these cases – create the smoke and people will assume fire, then tiny incidents start to assume greater meaning, ‘ah, that was a pattern, I’d better come forward’. The fact after such a long and powerful career they couldn’t dig up and more muck than what went to court (he pinged my hair – the horror) speaks volumes about the man and the case against him.

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
Keep digging cat, you are only showing yourself for what you are, which is a political activist, first and foremost. I’ve no objection to how you choose to support indy, I just think your loyalty to party clouds your judgement. Which is devoid of legal content or even respect for the law. So kindly sort yourself out or fuck off. TA.

The Public Trust Doctrine and Natural Law:
Emanations Within a Penumbra

link to

CameronB Brodie

sorry….I’ve no objection to how you choose to support indy, so long as it can be supported in law, I just think….

schrodingers cat

Sturgeon Daily Update:

Reporter from The S**: ‘will you fine parents of 6 year old children if their 6 year old doesn’t wear a mask at the supermarket?’

Sturgeon reply to The S** reporter: ‘ that is the kind of question one might expect from a 6 year old, don’t be so stupid.”

ps hows the thread on natural law doin’ cam?


Cath 11.11pm

Watch what you are saying.

Crap-ella will be down on you like a ton of bricks for insinuating her Nikla was in some way guilty of trying to frame an innocent man.

Jockanese Wind Talker

On Prince Andrew and Epstein:

SKY News giving a timeline of Ghislaine Maxwell but neglect to mention this confirmed sighting:

link to

“ Footage emerges of Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell after she secretly met Prince Andrew at Buckingham Palace in June just days before she had to go into hiding.”

Auld Betty was allegedly in the room as well!


Capella hiding behind your door and calling people ‘snowflakes’ . Ya wee Government shill.


Crap-Ella loves Nikla.

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
You’ve no moral authority or supremacy over me cat. I’m trying not to obstruct the conversation, as you appear to be doing a grand job of blurring the truth yourself.

However, here’s one to help you sort your party out, as they appear blind to the politics of ontology (see GRA or Treaty Law). So they’re not much use to anyone but themselves right now. You’ve a degree in philosophy, so here’s some stuff to motivate you and your party towards a respect for Natural Law.


Because the participants in the debate over constitutional originalism generally understand the controversy to be over a matter of the objective truth of competing interpretations of the Constitution, they do not believe that their mission is to persuade the other side. When what is at stake is a matter of objective truth, subjective opinions are of less moment.

This Article begins the long overdue transcendence of our increasingly fruitless and acrimonious debate over originalism by articulating the tacit philosophical premises that make the debate possible. It demonstrates that originalism, despite its pretensions to common sense and its disavowal of abstruse philosophical analysis, is tacitly committed to three key ontological and linguistic premises.

First, language represents the world. Second, propositions or statements are true if they accurately (truly) represent that world. Thus, propositions of constitutional law represent the constitutional world. As a consequence, propositions or statements of constitutional law are true if they accurately (truly) represent that constitutional world. Third, there is an ontologically independent Constitution that our constitutional interpretation describes.

For the originalist, that objective Constitution is the semantic understanding of the constitutional provisions when they were originally adopted or amended. Moreover, surprisingly, originalism’s critics are also committed to these same premises about the nature of language, the nature of truth and the existence of an objective Constitution.

Originalism’s critics assert that the objective Constitution has sources beyond the original understanding of its provisions. These shared premises about the nature of language and the nature of the Constitution permit the debate over originalism to proceed as a debate about the objective truth of constitutional interpretations and the accuracy of each side’s description of the objective facts about the Constitution.

Because both sides of the debate believe there to be an objective answer to the questions they address, the debate can focus upon defending the account of the relevant interpretation rather than on persuading the other side. Understanding that fundamental dynamic to the debate helps explain why it has been so unproductive. Moreover, understanding that the debate over originalism is only possible if these premises are true highlights the underlying question whether such premises are indeed correct.

CameronB Brodie

Alex Salmond got hounded to within an inch of his life for the allegations made against him regarding sexual harassment.

Don’t see any hounding of the Pervy Prince.


The bias reporting against Salmond is there for all to see.


A virus isn’t stopped by a face mask.Sturgeon in lockstep with Hancock.She leads like a heel hound.
Too many Wingers falling for Government propaganda.Its laughable. Imagine invoking Anne Frank as an example of others suffering.Wait and see.
The Government carried out a wee Holocaust of their own when they emptied the hospital’s of old folks and stuck them in care homes. A person has no human rights in this country once they reach a certain age. Now no one has human rights especially now that mandatory vaccines are on the way.
If you lot are the intellectual teeth of Independence then the Crown can rest easy as it turns your life to shit.
It’s difficult to decide who is the most bovine among you. The genuinely frightened or the Government shills trying to keep the Herd together.
What a disappointment.

CameronB Brodie

I’m not sure if there is much consistency or coherent logic to the biscuit’s narrative, but hey, life is cheap to some.

The Constitution and Enforceable Natural Law
link to


Just watched Anne Frank – Parallel Stories on Netflix. Brilliantly done. Two years hiding from the Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam. Captured, deported to Auschwitz, died in Belsen.

Still, not as bad as us eh. Three months in lockdown in our own homes and now forced to wear masks in shops by the evil nazi dictator Sturgeon. And for what?
Next stop – everything back to normal.



Thankyou for your sane BTL précis of twatcat. I like your style. Also I thought the crap-cat had bu66ered off to pi55 over WoS on Little Mr Small’s BTL fan club or some such.

Puzzled a bit. I thought the whole point of Shroedinger’s cat is that it is alive and dead.

When do we get to the time when the fleabitten old bag of fish guts and cat urine is finally gone to Einstein’s box with the atomic particle having done it’s job, expired from rabid dehydration caused by drivel output, and we don’t need to get repetitive strain injury scrolling past interminable BTL excrement by a feline with verbal/literal diarrhoea.

twathater says:
2 July, 2020 at 10:10 pm
Day 1 SC states i’m here to sort out the WOS btl comments this infatuation with CWD is going to stop and we’re going to get back to talking about indy things ,he tries hard by multiple postings and slagging people off and TELLING people that the GRA doesn’t matter ,indy topics only matter

Day 2 SCat frustrated , Stuart Campbell the owner of the site posts an item relating to the GRA debacle ,at first SC pretends that he is interested and involved by making a couple of comments re the subject at hand but then eventually succeeds in diverting the comments away from the GRA

schrodingers cat


your confusing Einstein’s box with yer maw’s

btw, does she ken yer usin’ her pc?


I see Kirsten Oswald has decided to stand for the post of Snp deputy group leader after Kirsty Blackman decided to stand down from the post .

link to

schrodingers cat

seeing a lot of tweets from people worried that bojo is planing to shut down holyrood in jan

that should please a lot of folk on here 🙂

schrodingers cat


you really should wear a mask, more for everyone elses benefit


@Dogbiscuit says:
2 July, 2020 at 11:54 pm

“The Government carried out a wee Holocaust…”

That comment is unacceptable.


You, sir, are an idiot.

schrodingers cat

Jockanese Wind Talker says:
“ Footage emerges of Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell after she secretly met Prince Andrew at Buckingham Palace in June just days before she had to go into hiding.”

Auld Betty was allegedly in the room as well!


brenda knew this story was going to break, thats why andrew was made to step down

watch the brit establishment close ranks and the trolls on here start blaming nicola 🙂


schrodingers cat says: 12:23 am


“your confusing Einstein’s box with yer maw’s”

Brilliant cat.

That made me laugh.

CameronB Brodie

Without recourse to Natural Law, Scotland is defenseless against authoritarian English/British nationalism. The cat and his party would have you believe differently, and now find themselves boxed in by Brexitanian constitutional bollocks. Can someone please take legal action outwith the pseudo-legality of British constitutional practice?

Classical Legal Naturalism and the Politics of John
Marshall’s Constitutional Jurisprudence, 33 J.
Marshall L. Rev. 935 (2000)

link to

schrodingers cat

i wonder who else is now sweating with Ghislaine Maxwell now singing like a canary to the fbi



There’s a lot of posters on here who really don’t like you as I’m sure you’ve noticed. They really would like to see you stop posting, I wonder why lol. You’re a lot stronger than them and they hate you for it.

Keep up the good work Cat, it’s fun to watch 🙂

schrodingers cat

tx ayeright 🙂

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
Here’s a suggestion for your bedtime reading. I though I’d get my shout in early as you do appear to be a bit fussy. Please try to remember the law is larger than your ego, and I’m connected to t’internet. 😉

The Role of Natural Law in the Constitution
link to

schrodingers cat


you said you’d read me a story??

CameronB Brodie

Here’s a story I hope you like, though it’s a bit too long to read it out to you. You appear to have time on you hands though, so please indulge yourself at your leisure. There are other stories, if you’re not happy with this one. 😉

Notes on an Ethics of Human Rights: From the Question of Commitment to a Phenomenological Theory of Reason and Back

One of the challenges for our culture is how to think human rights in a way that does not fall pray to cultural relativism, but remains open to intercultural dialogue and alert to historical contingency. This is why we need an ethics of human rights as a culture of thinking for which this paper will try to outline two basic threads.

Loidolt will focus on man not as the bearer of human rights but as the being that can adjudge (zusprechen) and constitute ‘right’ at all. Hence, Loidolt will rather concentrate on human accomplishments and responsibility than on human needs. The philosophical background of the argument is a phenomenological one.

With this approach Loidolt will try to embrace both a universal, transcendental level and a level of cultural awareness that tries to face the other as other. In this approach, universality remains something aspired after that keeps being constituted from the outside and that asks for a practical performative attitude.

link to


SC maybe you could name these trolls and SNP and NS haters to save us genuine INDEPENDENCE SUPPORTERS from trying to identify them

schrodingers cat


i left the thread open for you to take the lead and its taken you till 2 in the mornin tae cum up with that pish, full marks fur findin’ the caps lock tho’


Yeah SC you’re not here to debate and discuss all you are here for is disruption and denigration , your dismissal , bullying and disrespect to females and others who are rightfully concerned re the HATED GRA amendments and the HATE crime bill is disgusting , you talk about people decrying and undermining NS and the SNP yet you don’t even consider that it is the same NS and SNP who are creating this animosity and anger

You and others talk about ignoring these bills , getting indy done then thereafter reverse these bills , as others have pointed out Labour , the greens , the lib dumbs and probably the tories are all for the GRA amendments so if you can’t get them binned now what are the chances of getting them reversed

The OBAF bill received wide support from the general public in TRYING to address sectarianism yet that was overturned by the numbnuts in HR (not the snp)for purely political point scoring , BUT would they overturn the GRA and HATE bill to point score ( i don’t think so)
So if you want to talk about independence tell us what the SNP should do to reassure supporters that they are listening to their concerns
The floor is open



You’re efforts to talk sense into Shroedinger’s pussy is admirable.

Just seeing the insane number of posts shat-cat makes has me professionally concerned that whatever he/she or it is, they are ticking at least 14 disorders in the DSM manual.

I genuinely believe Stuart Campbell should be thinking of asking a mental health team to go around to the cat-house of that deranged ball of putrid pussy brained amateur troller and Section the thing under the Mental Health Act.

Stuart Campbell is a world class computer expert. He could make a fortune and do us all a big favour by adding a button onto all of his WoS pages that PERMANENTLY MUTES/REMOVES a mutant troll from our respective timelines here.

Even the festering Facebook have one of those “block” buttons.

It would help the sanity of many of us, if we could press the BLOCK SHAT-CAT BUTTON and send it into outer space forever where he, she or it can commune with fellow astro NUTS.


It will be Alex Salmond himself who will show you up as the gibbering spew anti Independence merchant that you have become. Alex will go after his enemies nothing is surer and when they DONT include the Scottish Government and FM you’re going to look like the total turncoat you’ve become. Who got to you? The State? Found something in your past? Got so tied up with the Woke pish you forgot the people who supported and funded your blog because you once did a superb job of holding the UK state to account. Now look at you. There is so much corruption going on in Westminster you should be having a fucking field day but you’ve all but shut down over any critique of the UK state and have now focused you’re entire blog onto attacking the Scottish Government.You dont deserve the funding you’ve received if you had a shred of decency you’d be paying it all back.

CameronB Brodie

Are you not concerned that the Scottish government appear to be seeking to transform Scots law in ways that would undermine Scottish democracy?

Sexual Ethics, Human Nature, and New Natural Law Theory

“New” natural law theorists and “old” natural law theorists both see human flourishing as the proper end of all ethics, including sexual ethics. Yet they disagree about how human nature informs practical reasoning. This first in a two-part series.

link to


How are we supposed to know Mark MacDonald made a typo? We only have his word for it and you take it at face value while people who actually know the man personally condemned him perhaps on the basis that they KNOW HIM PERSONALLY? Now I dont know if he did or didnt you could argue that he should be innocent until proven guilty so Im inclined to think that maybe the decision was taken on the basis of other unreported incidents or personal knowledge of the mans personality. Either way you were quick to jump onto a side of the fence that fitted with an agenda you’re running the very thing you accuse opponents of Independence of doing frequently.



Im more concerned that this woke crap is undermining our ONLY chance to gain our Independence and power to deal with any and all issues in Scotland without subjective interference from a foreign power greater in influence and command. Why arent you?

CameronB Brodie

I hear you and I want to get on with the job myself. However, there doesn’t appear to be much being done in terms of defending Scotland’s legal identity, other than a concerted attack on the rationality of Scots law. Independence is highly unlikely if Scots law is gutted in the manner that is ongoing.


Al Stuart 3.31

A “CAM SPAM“ button would be marvellous!

Or, it automatically deletes anyone who posts 2 irrelevant, boring links on a thread?

Or it deletes any comment that includes “natural law” in the text?

Or someone who posts more than 52 times in an hour?

CameronB Brodie

I see you’ve still not found a respect for natural law or John Locke. I imagine that’s ’cause you’re a culturally-bound Toryboy.

The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence: Natural Law in American History
link to

Robert Louis

Oh yes, the cracks are starting to show, in this despicable conspiracy. That such things have been done by people WITHIN the SNP, tells me just how much it has been infiltrated by English-run spooks. This was never about careerist/political gain, but to destroy an innocent man. A UK state sponsored plot.

I have no idea why Mrs Robertson would speak out publicly in this way, or why she even cares. To me it seems that Queen Gertrude’s comment to Hamlet, in the play by Will Shakespeare, is possibly somewhat appropriate;

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

call me dave

Coronavirus: Quarantine scrapped for arrivals from ‘low risk’ countries to England

The Department for Transport (DfT) added the devolved administrations “will set out their own approach to exemptions” and passengers returning to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland “should ensure they follow the laws and guidance which applies there”.

But!…but Boris said the notion of a border between Scotland & England is ridiculous.
People who are determined will find a way by flying out and back from England… but Hey! A point has been made even though it may only be for a few days.


The FBI have got the Pervy Prince’s friend Ghislaine Maxwell in jail at the moment.

They have threatened her with twenty years permanent residency in an American jail if she is found guilty of child trafficking.

But a favourite trick of the FBI is to offer a plea bargain.

They will put to her that if she tells them everything she knows about Prince Andrew and Epstein they will offer her a light prison sentence or even a pardon.

And nine times out of ten they usually take up the FBIs offer and so watch out for her sticking the Pervy Prince right in it.

Lizzie’s favourite blue eyed boy could be for the high jump.

He could find himself behind bars in America for the rest of his life.

Will the BBC hound Prince Andrew the way they hounded Alex Salmond?

Watch this space.

Robert Louis

Sharny dubs at 449pm

I think once it is released their will be a waiting list. The proverbial will hit the fan. I do not expect Mr. Salmond will miss. Good. He is an innocent man treated in the most horrific way.


Al Stuart 3.31am

So you and a few others want a “Delete Button” to make posters YOU don’t fancy disappear.

So does that work both ways or is it just going to be you who has a Delete Button???

Because if we all end up deleting every post, then you will have a public blog with no comments BTL.

So, I think your extermination plan needs a little tweeking.

Look forward to your updated rethink Al


Questions for the day:

Is England a Devolved Nation?

If not, why not?


How do you define a “Regional Airport”?

Is Edinburgh a Regional Airport?

Is Heathrow a Regional Airport?

Questions will be put to the little englanders who run the BBC news rooms.

Julia Gibb

I remember when the posts related to the article. We now have blogs within a blog. Each “expert” has the solution to achieving their vision of the route to Independence.

The main articles are thought provoking. The standard of posts following it are plummeting.

If a fraction of the energy of the complainers posting about “wrong strategies” was put into actually doing something then we would be Independent already.

The rock throwers pat each other on the back and praise the team in a manner very similar to the green ink gang on the BBC HYS.

Do you actually think this private club developing wins over anyone from NO to YES? A little clique who scream heresay when anyone questions them.

I do have to thank you for one thing. I now know that staying in the SNP is the right thing to do. At least fighting to win the Party back is better than the empty gripes and aimless drivel of the dwindling inner circle on here.

Carol Jardine

Thank you Julia Gibb. I’ve been lurking here since about 2013 and seldom comment. You have voiced exactly what I was thinking just last night as I once again gave up reading the comments. Those whose opinions I have long followed are still there, but their voices are being drowned out by as you say, a little clique who’s views I have read. It doesn’t make good reading.

Allan Watson

Dave at 0621hrs



…….and talking of breadcrumbs

The Lady Maxwells arrest – made possible by Trump draining the CIA/FBI swamp of their corrupt leaders allowing their Officers to do their job without fear of destroying their careers (remember BBC and Saville).

More will follow (hopefully). The MSM (partner to the world wide paedophile ring controlling just about everything from charities to politicians East Germany style) has done its job up to a point by creating Trump derangement Syndrome amongst those dumb enough to believe their ‘news’ lies. Some of these mugs even post on here with no reason whatsoever why they hate the man – programmed well the MSM chiefs would say – like a pavlovs dog at the mention of his name.

and lets not forget why Bolton walked – Trump refused to go to war with Iran, do the Trump haters on here really think Hillary would’ve had the balls for that? It takes courage to face down the Hawks, the opposite to sacrifice the lives of someone elses kids just to look strong

A gid Scot in the White House – no many at holyrood though…….more’s the pity.

Sharny Dubs

Robert Louis @ 7:41

Yes Mr Salmond is not famous for missing (smile).

The big question is what he will do with it? In whoever’s attempts to confine him to the political dustbin (not to mention possible jail time of an innocent man) has/have only weaponised him further.

Start a new party? Take back control of the SNP? Support a new administration within the SNP? Bow out gracefully after putting the monster feline among the feathered things? The possibilities are endless.

One thing is for sure in these times when shifty “Del boy” politicians are the norm, decent upstanding figures are scarcer than hens teeth, hard to come by.

I say with confidence that whatever he decides will be ok, welcomed and supported, by yours truly. Now that’s not something you can easily say these days.


@ahundredthidiot Would that be the same Trump who was a close friend of Jeffery Epstein?


What the events of 2020 with its corona paranoiacs, fabulously inaccurate computer modellers, black lives matterers, gender shape-shifters and general melt down indicate is that the neurotics are now fully in charge of the building.
Of course many suspected all along that things were trending that way. Public and political life, SocMed and the rest do tend to attract the type. There are some things just too dangerous for free access.
As the screw of suppression and lockdown is slackened, just for the moment but do remember that second wave, the sane, what is left of them, will emerge into a sci fi scenario where to be what you were on New Years day 2020 may suggest a criminal state of mind.
So be glad to be a criminal, wear the label with pride!


@Cameron B Brodie

The ONLY way we can protect our separate Scottish legal system is to separate Scotland from the overpowering influence and control of England. They can at any time end the separation of the judiciary within the UK and make it subject to English legal dominion they actually have that power just as they have the power to end Devolution completely. Thats the problem not singular issues such as gender identity or taxation or education or legal jurisdiction but ALL OF THEM.



A picture paints a thousand words…

link to

Scot Finlayson

Devi Sridhar (from twitter)
Professor & Chair of Global Public Health, EdinburghUni

Medical School. Director of GlobalHealthG
Health governance, financing, policy, systems & security.


(`I currently live and work in Scotland. I want Scotland to get rid of the virus, re-open economy & schools & have those shielding feel safe. I contribute my expertise to support this happening. I want the same for the entire UK.
How can anyone living here want Scotland to fail?` )


the question of the ages.

Stuart MacKay

Joseph at 7:40am

Andy Pandy is not going to spend any time inside. Instead the Americans just got themselves a massive stick to beat the UK trade negotiators with.


Julia Gibb 8.19

Another Sturgeon apologist.

Can you tell me what Sturgeon has done to further the cause of Scottish Independence?

What about Scotland remaining in the EU?

Because as far as I can see Scotland will finally lose all contact with the EU on 1st January 2021.

And as for indyRef2, that seems to be turning into a forgotten dream.

Boris seems to be able to ride two horses at once, with him also pushing for a full No Deal Brexit.

Why can’t Sturgeon do something similar and push for indyRef2 as well as handling the Covid19 crisis?

And I haven’t even started on her involvement in the Alex Salmond Case.

So there are ligitimate questions that Sturgeon has to answer.

Hence the loss of trust in Sturgeon and her useless shower at Westminster.

And your answer to the likes of me is,,,lie back and think of Scotland, because Nicola will sort everything out,,, eventually.

Well life doesn’t work like that.

And she has big questions to answer,,,,she can’t hide behind the Covid19 crisis forever.


robert knight @ 9:09

it does – and trust me, that picture says a lot more about just how gullible you are…….a child can spot its a fake…..

I bet you didn’t even check it properly, just lifted it straight off the internet – I hereby confirm your condition, you have the TDS


Stuart Mackay 9.18

You might be right.

Stuart MacKay

Joseph, Al-Stuart

There are plugins for the FireFox and Chrome browsers that let you run UserScripts – code which executes when a web page is loaded. That allows you to do anything to a web page.

I posted a script to GreasyFork called WOS Hammer. When you install which adds a delete button to each posters name. Clicking deletes all their posts on the page. They will reappear if you reload the page but nuking people a few times a day is rather therapeutic.

If that all sounds like gibberish, then you’re right, but it’s the best solution I have right now. It works well too.


Joseph 9.25

You wrote “ Boris seems to be able to ride two horses at once, with him also pushing for a full No Deal Brexit.”

… just to correct that … letting the EU know that we will go no deal, if they don’t agree an appropriate free trade deal.


The rise in support for Scottish Independence has absolutely nothing to do with Sturgeon’s push for it.

It is because of other events happening around her.

We need a leader who can capitalise on these circumstances and push on with our fight.

Sturgeon seems overly comfortable with the present devolved way of running Scotland.


For all the talk about the virus coming under control
It’s only taken a few days to add another 1,000,000
Positive contamination’s taking the tested total to 11,000,000.

RE Randy Andy- I actually laughed to read the statement made
By the young woman who said Andy had sex with her was struck
From the records?

It like Bojo saying Cummings breaking the lockdown doesn’t count move on,
Or Jenrick going to a second home, move on, or Bojo’s Dad Travelling to an
Essential Greek holiday.

They seem to think they have magic cloak of invisibility and they just have to say
Move on and it’s all forgotten.

Does America need a stronger hand to negotiate a trade deal with Borisland?

The UK is isolated now from the biggest trading market in the world.
Claims of potential deals with Papua New Guinea and only 12,000 miles away
Australia Boris is desperate to call anything he can get from Trump a great deal.

As history proves the Tories will sell anything belonging to the UK to anyone.
The monstrous US food is already on its way under the guise of not happening immediately.
The NHS will gradually be under American control.

A number of clinics and hospital contracts were already give to several companies like
Branson’s Virgin Health. Did they get the work only because the owners were British?
Even if so are the Americans smart enough and rich enough to buy them over.

Marshall Adair

Blogs within a blog … Well said, Julia. Someone else said it’s becoming a closed shop, right enough. And keep your chin up, Capella … Don’t let them put you off!


@ Ayeright 12.46 – just catching up on last night’s loony toons. Thx for the comment. You’ll be in the firing line for that!
I’ll keep on calling it how I see it unless Stu says not – which he has done before.
Ducks behind sofa 🙂


@ Marshall Adair – thx – appreciated. Now take cover – incoming flak!

Peter Cook was phoned up by the palace and invited to a party with Prince Andrew. Looked up diary.
“Sorry I can’t come. I see I’ll be watching television that evening.”

One for BDTT.

terence callachan

Much speculation going on here,
Remember this, Scotland is in the midst of a propaganda war , attacked every day by our neighbour england

Englands westminster in my opinion is behind this whole saga , they consider Nicola Sturgeon a threat to their control of Scotland
They hate Alex Salmond more and consider him to be a greater threat

Nicola Sturgeon rarely makes direct negative or challenging comments about westminster BUT i have no doubt at all that she is firmly in support of scottish independence there is no way she would be putting up with the daily insults and troublemaking she endures from englands westminster and its lackeys if she were not so determined to see it through

Alex Salmond always challenges westminster he has expertise in the ways habits and rules within that place

I think we will find that AS and NS work together behind the scenes to combat what is the best propaganda unit in the world….westminster….
The house of lords is full of people from other countries people with close ties and influence in countries around the world..handy when politicking

It suits westminster to set people , groups , politicians in scotlands independence movement against each other

When its all clarified i think we will see that englands westminster is behind it ALL

Of course englands westminster love it when they see you speculating about purported wrongdoings of people in the scottish independence movement , they love it because they are behind it sniggering in the background

Scot Finlayson


it`s not whether i agree or disagree with you it`s about respecting you and your right to say it,

which if Humza has his way, freedom of speech will be a thing of the past,

all to stop criticism of misogynists and their enablers.

terence callachan

Ahundredthidiot….you cannot be serious !

Donald Trump is bonkers
You look a fool when you praise him

He hasnt gone to war with Iran….yet….

You compare trump with H Clinton , why ? To justify your praise of trump ?
Surely comparing trump with H Clinton is comparing like with like in global terms , neither is good for the safety of the world both are very capable of dropping thouands of tons of bombs on people around the world if it makes USA money


@ Scot Finlayson – I oppose the Hate Crime Bill as I’m sure I’ve said on WoS more than once. BTW the comments are open till 24th July. I think everyone with an interest in freedom of speech and protecting people’s right to speak out against the GRA reforms should make their views known.

We can be certain TRA lobby groups will be flooding the Scot Gov with their opinions.

link to


Doesn’t need any words: link to


Ahundredthidiot says:
2 July, 2020 at 9:29 pm

hows the weather in yorkshire?

I wouldn’t know,don’t live there.I live in bonnie, unlike you most probably..Crack on being a fannie.

I see you have a mate in Joseph,who came on here all guns blazing saying i was an instigator,of what,feck knows. It didn’t take him long to start disrupting threads with absolute bollocks,just like you and ‘the dug’He’s just turned into a fannie like yourself .Not out for indy in any shape or form.

Absolute useless trolls the 3 of you.

mike cassidy

Dave 6.21

In criticising the Rev

Got so tied up with the Woke pish you forgot the people who supported and funded your blog..

Dave 6.35

Im more concerned that this woke crap is undermining our ONLY chance to gain our Independence…

I don’t think the Capellas have too much to worry about with that standard of trolling.



You bring to into sharp relief the expression “they walk amongst us”.

Caption to image…

“Donald Trump and now-wife Melania appeared with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Davidoff Studios/Getty Images”

Are Getty Images renowned anti-Trump campaigners? Are they noted peddlers of photoshopped stock? Would Trump not have sued their backsides if they were indeed placing such doctored images online?

What next? You gonna tell us the world’s flat?

Jog on, loser…



One hell of a lot of cut’n’paste going on – according to you…

link to

CameronB Brodie

So you think you can defend Scotland and become independent, by abandoning a respect for the rule-of-law? @9:03am


Young Micheal Gray continues to have a decent twitter feed worth keeping an eye on.

link to

Bit of a read for yer next cuppa (15mins) on A New Land Contract by Alastair Parvin

link to

I see pioneer of sporting a lockdown haircut for years prior to lockdown – Neil Oliver has been at it again…

link to


Robert Knight

the internet is loaded with fake pics of trump with epstein – he isn’t going to waste his time suing them all. He has admitted to meeting the man at a party once – of which there are pictures.

difference is this – you think that this makes Trump a paedo and prob choose to ignore the clear link with Clinton to paedo lolita island. – you wont find Trump on the passenger manifest.

It’ll be funny if it all comes out – you may want to wish the earth is flat when you can no longer watch your favourite tom hanks movie without a feeling of revulsion……

you are right though…..they do walk amongst us….paedos that is……don’t let your hatred of Trump cloud your judgement.



It would be very impressive if the uk gov’ had pulled all the strings to create a civil war within the SNP.

I’m inclined to believe though that the SNP have done it all on their own. In England, in reality, voters have had the choice of socialism, or the Conservative party. In Scotland, independence or no independence. That’s about it. People that want independence also have varying views on lots of other matters though .. and that has lead to the issues you now face.

In order for the SNP to continue its success, it needs to find away of keeping the support of the likes of the Rev, whilst also having the likes of Mhairi Black as an MP. If it doesn’t then it will inevitably decline.


I hear on big Auntie live news there that Prof David Starkey has been sacked from his post by a university in the antipodes for his remarks on the slavery issue.

This was I was reading the Neil Oliver story in ‘The National’ of his admiration and support for the said ‘Starkey’.

I await developments. 🙂


In the paper shop as usual this morning wee queue of about 6 with two folk in….everyone was wearing a face covering, me too.

Just an observation… not seen that before.

CameronB Brodie

I see Starkey’s indiscreet honesty has attracted support from among Scotland’s ‘yoon intelligentsia’. LMAO. 🙂


@ callmedave – interesting – both. Wearing a face mask is a secret sign of the Nicola Sturgeon Fan Club (NSFC). Don’t tell anybody. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Of course, I’d long suspected Oliver was an ignorant fannybawz.

Scandinavian Realism and
Phenomenological Approaches
to Statehood and General
Custom in International Law

link to


An interesting evaluation of CoVid stats

link to


Still following up the complaints procedure moral maze.

Discovered that the previous Commissioner for Ethical Standards, therefore the one who should have been investigating the Alex Salmond complaints, was a Bill Thomson. Can’t find any info on him. But someone called John Golding felt the same and submitted a FOI to find out things. He asked if Bill Thomson was a Freemason. Answer NO.
link to


Listened to the plummy BBC Royal Correspondent last night doing his very best to distance Prince Andrew from the fall out from the arrest of his friend Ghislaine Maxwell on child trafficking charges.

Interesting however how in relation to the FBI request that Prince Andrew come to give a statement that our Royal Correspondent opined that Andrews lawyers duty was “ to protect him and the last thing they would do would be to allow him to be questioned by a sharp US lawyer ‘“

And at a stroke, our Royal Correspondent revealed that Prince Andrew has something to hide. Why else would he not go and give a statement, help clear or convict a child abuser / trafficker.

And today, the BBC and much of the mainstream internet media is story free about the Ghislaine Maxwell – Prince Andrew Development.

The Royal Bag must have put out a three line whip to protect the hitherto Randy cum Air Miles Andy.


Anyone remember the following?

’29th October 2017
Human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar reports ‘catalogue of sexual harassment’ at Holyrood

‘He said: “It’s a catalogue of sexual harassment, stalking, social media abuse, sexual innuendos, verbal sexual abuse, touching, sexual assaults, requests for sex, cover-up, isolation and bullying.”

A human rights lawyer says women at all levels of the Scottish Parliament have been subjected to sexual harassment.

He added: “I have spoken to several individuals who have been subject to sexual harassment. This is not just a problem for one party. It is a problem for all parties.’

What I find weird about the above is out of the ‘catalogue of sexual harassment’ all we’ve heard about is Mark MacDonald & Alex Salmond.

Is what Aamer Anwar said true or false?


From the link in the article to the inews report in March 2018, Clare Haughey, who chaired the Ethics Committee at the time of Mark McDonald case, said:

Clare Haughey said it had agreed to ask the Commissioner to investigate.

We do not think it would be appropriate for the Committee to undertake its own investigation and there is no procedure or precedent for the Committee to do so,” she added.

“We understand that due process must be followed and this will take time regardless of who carries out the investigation.

“It is in no one’s interest that this process becomes drawn out. We are confident the Commissioner will recognise this.”

She added that there were questions over whether the current code of conduct for MSPs was “fit for purpose” when dealing with complaints about sexual harassment.

So in March 2018 there was no procedure or precedent for the Ethics Committee to investigate complaints against MSPs. The Ethics Commissioner was asked to do it – which is actually in the job remit of the Ethics Commissioner.

When did this become the job of Leslie Evans?


Dan says:
3 July, 2020 at 10:50 am

Good wan Dan, on that first link the question was asked in comments.

“Where was Magna Carta signed”?

reply was

“At the bottom”


Robert Graham

Looks like a square go

in the Scottish Corner — Nicola the defender

in the english Corner — Bawjaws Johnston the LIAR

Referee for tonight’s event ALEX SALMOND (the problem for both)

odds 2/1 alex – even money Nicola -100/30 Bawjaws

Event Starts when Bawjaws gets out his kip


I hadn’t seen this before… Great stuff from Carwyn Jones…

I don’t know when the words were said, but the video was posted the week before Nicola Sturgeon sold out Scottish Sovereignty and rolled over for Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation to have Brexit forced upon it.

Carwyn Jones knows more about Scotland’s Constitution than Scotland’s FM.


Trump on masks

link to

CameronB Brodie

I hope this clip was the one you meant to post?

By Carwyn Jones Clause 38 They are trying to enforce English law on Scotland & take away our rights.
link to

Robert Graham

Nicola now 2/1
because of support from the LBC phone in audience agreeing with her about the one way Air Bridges spat looks like a Bridge too far for Bawjaws
Alex now even money
if he sits out tonight’s event
out to 500/1 (suspected non runner)



I’m thinking of making a NS face mask, just for the hell of it and to see some peoples brain explode.

schrodingers cat

re Ghislaine Maxwell

the fbi have thrown the book at her, she will have no choice but to cut a deal

it isnt just andy windsor who is sweating this morning, tories will tory after all 🙂

schrodingers cat


want one 🙂


@CameronB Brodie

They are joining the club, Starkey thinks Scots are inferior, unionists think Scotland is inferior, they are all happy together.

link to

CameronB Brodie


The Natural Law as a Restraint Against Tyranny | Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
link to

mike cassidy


Bill Thomson’s appointment

link to

You may want to read this.

The SNP went on to produce a private report on McDonald, which was later sent to Bill Thomson, the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland.
But the party last night failed to respond when we asked whether the allegations that involved Hepburn were ever included in that dossier.
When Thomson published his own public report in May 2018, they were entirely absent.

link to

A new Commissioner was appointed in January 2019.

link to




I post a link to an image demonstrating the circles in which we all know scumbag Epstein and his moll moved, and the first thing you do is scream ‘fake news’, or more accurately, ‘fake photo’, simply because Trump also appears in it. You then try to lecture me about having my judgement clouded?



‘I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you for all my life
When you’re with me, baby, the skies will be blue for all my life’

Happy Together

I’ve been told this was written by Darren Grimes and Neil Oliver and dedicated to David Starkey

Not sure how reliable my source was.


Well i see three.Any more on here?

link to

schrodingers cat


nicola rolled over?

next you’ll be claiming she enjoyed getting butt fucked

nicola and the snp have opposed brexit from the get go but now you want to turn the tables and say brexit is her fault and not the tories?

we are coming to the crunch breeks and when holyrood is closed by boris and we no longer have anyone to bat for us, i dare say you will cheer

but what will you do then? empty rhetoric is cheap

CameronB Brodie

The yoons are pretty much a small but vocal minority of bigots, racists, and hard-core right wingers now. Subsequently, the BBC in Scotland are probably sweating bricks. 😉


This is the edited text of the annual Lord Cooke of Thorndon Lecture, delivered at the Victoria University of Wellington Law School on 1 December 2005.


A few years ago, a new subject emerged on the hot list of legal academe – unwritten constitutional principles. It was greeted with interest and optimism by some, but puzzlement and scepticism by others. What were these principles? Was the phrase “unwritten constitutional principles” not an oxymoron, given that constitutions are generally understood to be written documents? And if one surmounts these difficulties, how and by whom are these socalled unwritten constitutional principles to be discovered?

The judges, you say? But what gives the judges the right to set forth constitutional principles capable of invalidating laws and executive acts, when Parliament has not seen fit to set these principles out in writing in the nation’s constitution?

Yet despite these inauspicious murmurs, the subject has engaged judges, parliamentarians and academics in countries as far flung as Israel, Australia and the United States. It has been debated both in countries that have written constitutions and countries that do not. In fact, many political scientists and legal scholars observe that participation in the “rights revolution” may be less about the precise wording of constitutional texts – or even about bills of rights at all – but instead a reflection of a certain kind of supportive legal and political culture.1

Whatever the cause, it is certainly clear that the post-Second World War period can properly be called the “age of rights”.2 Clearly something is going on here? something that cannot be dismissed with a wave of the judicial hand. Tonight I would like to explore that question. Hence the title of my address: “Unwritten Constitutional Principles: What is Going On?”

link to



Fuckin hell,,, started on the vino Early I see.

Troll hunter General.

How about bringing something relevant to the table dick heed

Usual Sturgeon apologists

Liz g

What a fuckin shower

Are you the “leader aff” robbo?

A gang of clowns every one of you.

I told you before robbo, try spending a couple of pounds more and get off of that
Cheap Eldee.

You really are one pain in the arse when you are on one of your benders robbo.

Now shuffle along ya roaster and annoy some other poor bastard.


@ jfngw – do you have an online store? Where can I get my Nicola Sturgeon face mask in Burbank?- as Frank Zappa never said.

@ Mike cassidy – great find – that’s my lunch time reading sorted.
@ Ruby – Hi – more material!

Questions questions questions, flooding into the mind of the concerned young person today. As Frank Zappa did say (Call Any Vegetable)

CameronB Brodie

How about toning your antagonism down to say 7 or 8, and possibly adding some insight?

schrodingers cat


you want the rev to redesign the wordpress platform to include a Big Red Button?

wow, no small task even for the entire ms developement team, let alone a computer games reviewer,

thing is, there is already a block button on yer maw’s pc it looks like this !

link to

North chiel

The FM in her briefing outline the reasons why her government wants to consider carefully “ airbridges” with countries with higher infection rates than Scotland . However , she states that Covid infection rates in England is five times higher than Scotland ? Perhaps I am missing something here. ?


@CameronB Brodie

Cameron, it was a joke, don’t always take things so seriously.



I think my skills in making these might disappoint you. Where is Donna Babbington (hope I’ve spelt her name correctly) when you need her.

CameronB Brodie

No problems mate, I’m just reveling in my re-connection with the law. 🙂


Its a tawdry business, I do hope AS is able to shed some sunlight on it.

Saw some speculation on twitter that Alyn Smith might throw his hat in to replace Kirsty Blackman. Would be amazed if he is not receiving great encouragement from the woke faction to do so.


Just read an interesting piece in the National Geographic about analysis from Texas University.

Seems that in terms of infection – mortality COVID 19 is 50 to a 100 times more lethal than seasonal flu with :

– an overall death rate of 1.46%
– an over 75 death rate of 13.85%.

And so if it were possible that 100% of the circa 79m folks in the UK were to be infected then the death rates would be absolutely horrendous. ( circa 1,000,000 )

But of course one hundred percent infection is unlikely, R naught would fall as the infections cranked up and herd immunity increased. However, without shielding and distancing, these statistics reveal just how devastating COVID 19 could be if the spread was left unchecked.

The USA are most certainly beginning to know that now as their medical services swamp with seriously ill and dying patients. The Land of the Free? Well not for those getting boxed up whilst the madman plays golf.

And it could have been similar here if lockdown had not been introduced in a panic back its the end of February.

But worry not, the cavalier Tory plans to get us all back to business drinking beer in pubs and clubs, might just be the conditions to bring along wave two.

And, just think of the economic benefit of the 13.85 or whatever it is here percentage of older folk mortality. That’ll cut the pension bill.


The shambolic (I think that’s what Sturgeon called it at her briefing) British governments chopping and changing of their airbridges plans, leaves Scotland open to risks of greater infection.

The compliant unionist media, are quick to have a go at Sturgeon, for doing what’s she’s supposed to do which protect the Scottish public from a second spike of Covid-19.

If Johnson wants to emulate Bolsonaro or Trump in handling this virus then that’s his decision, however Scotland should not be dragged along in his half thought out plans.

This is yet another clear illustration as to why Scotland must become an independent country.


Why folk bother with twitter is beyond me.

link to


Leicester experiment to test the public’s reaction to rolling ‘lockdown’ The public seem fine about it so you are becoming institutionalised.The ‘Lockdown’ precedent has been set .You accept . You are effectively prisoners for life.
To all SNP shills your leader is a rotten little fascist who bullies her own people. She carries out Tory instructions .Whats the point of her?
The lack of any desire for Independence runs deep in the SNP. Staying in the party betrays your loyalties. You would be quicker starting your own party of Independence.