Saying sooths
People sometimes ask us if we get bored of being right all the time.
But in truth, we just wish we had to work a bit harder at it.
Because anyone with a pair of eyes in their head in the last few years could see that the SNP have been gradually softening up their members and voters for the notion of settling down and being good little co-operative devolutionists for decades to come.
In today’s Spectator piece John Swinney has replaced Humza Yousaf in the picture, but nothing else has changed from what we told you way back in 2023. (Well, except perhaps that Labour’s implosion on both sides of the border has probably scuppered Stewart McDonald’s dreams of jumping ship.)
Nobody ever clicks the links, but just this once you should click on all of those pics to read the associated articles. Because it really would save a lot of time and bad feeling if people just believed us in the first place.
“Scotland is not yet ready to be independent”
“Scotland is unable to become a successful, modern, independent country in the short to medium term”
These gonzos project their own inadequacies onto the country as a whole.
It’s them who are unable to get ready for Independence. Now they’re finally admitting it, it’s time to sweep them into history’s dustbin, not grant them another 5 year’s fannying about, this time blaming Labour for holding them back.
“These gonzos project their own inadequacies onto the country as a whole.” But these gonzos are the gonzos that the Scottish electorate keep voting for.
Just had to green-tick you there. A clear statement of truth that I have no option but to agree with.
Are you ok?
Get rid of all of them.
Two observations:
Firstly, if I’ve accurately remembered the figures from that YouGov poll a few posts back, 50% of those who voted LP in July don’t want Starmer as PM. With the figures for the Tory and Lib-Dem leaders being around 68% and 70% respectively.
It would be interesting to see the figures in Scotland among those who voted SNP in the GE for the present SNP leader to be FM in Holyrood?
Secondly, in the context of the quote often attributed to Harold MacMillan – “Events dear boy” – it would always seem prudent to cover all the bases.
Scotland may or may not be ready to leave the UK. However, should the already dire state of the UK deteriorate further the possibility of some level of disintegration which leaves various constituent parts finding themselves abandoned with little other choice of finding ways to deal with such an eventuality might be a consideration worth scrutiny?
The SNP will do anything to remain in power – just look at their, ahem, less than stellar alliance with the Scottish Greens…
Surely, though, the Scots electorate won’t simply continue voting for them in droves, if they’ve hitched theirs and Labour’s bandwagons together…? What would even be the *point* of the SNP in that case?
On the other hand, one can imagine a “keep the Tories and Reform out” election strapline, but that assumes Labour aren’t so damaged come the election (by no means a safe assumption) so as to render any such horse trading moot.
Of course, we’re going to continue to see still further seismic shifts to the Right on our (EU) doorstep and with a Trump Trifecta to boot – a major course correction, even in Scotland, cannot be ruled out.
“The SNP will do anything to remain in power”
Actually, I strongly disagree with this assertion.
The SNP have been doing anything and everything they can to ensure LABOUR gets into power.
The SNP would have remained in power for decades to come should they have pushed for independence in 2015. They have been slowly killing the party’s sustainability in the long term.
Whoever has been in control of the “SNP” shell has clearly been busy deliberately disembowelling from within and slowly morphing it by force into New Labour. What we see is no longer the SNP. It is New Labour under a fake brand.
We should deny the vote to every one of them.
Independence or nothing.
hear! hear!
Honestly, I think you give the SNP far too much credit here, Mia. The premise of your argument is that they have a coherent strategy – however dark it might be. And that requires collective intelligence and thinking, planning and a fair degree of nous.
Whereas, I contend they’re a post-NS bombed out shell still reeling from their rout, completely rudderless now that the wheels have come off their hitherto actual “progressive” agenda – and with not a clue about anything, basically. IMO, as disparate, individual MSPs with very few other commensurate options to being in government – they’ll do anything just to keep the gravy flowing? If that means getting into bed with Labour, so what?
The article that’s linked is the ravings of a right wing lunatic and should be ignored.
There are 10 articles linked in that post.
You’ve read it, but others shouldn’t read it.
Your information sources are strictly limited and politically based (‘left-wing’ only?).
My mistake,
Wings readers must agree with Derek re. the source should be ignored (eyes roll).
Once again, I do apologise –
Why don’t you just tell me what I said wrong…
Everything you say is wrong. Hence the constant stream of down-votes………….. or have you not noticed?
Wrong ?
“Not correct or truthful: the wrong answer.”
“Acting or judging in error: you are wrong to think that.”
“Immoral; bad; it is wrong to cheat.”:
link to
Everything ?
“Every single thing or every particular of an aggregate or total; all.”
“Something extremely important:
This news means everything to us.”:
link to
Check out the Wings scorn for providing a perfect response –
Bunch of disgusting truth fascists:
link to
Yeh, very convincing. That’s a really well-crafted, well-evidenced argument you’ve got there…. you limp-brained eejit.
If we can form a ‘good vibrant’ economy why would anyone vote for the risk of independence? Vote for us and we’ll give you a good reason not to vote for independence”!
Was there ever any plundered colonies with “a ‘good vibrant’ economy”?
all the dosh goes to mordor
there is one of your core problems
A well run and happy country gives little incentive to vote for indy
To get really good motivation then we must have a population with nothing to lose with huge unemployment and poverty
On that measure the SNP are doing a grand job on wrecking the econmy
Not sure if it is deliberate
“To get really good motivation then we must have a population with nothing to lose with huge unemployment and poverty”
These days it’s becoming kinda hard to shake the feeling that we’re going in precisely that direction… 😐
Shouldn’t you be directing your baleful gaze at Westminster?
After all that’s where all the big decisions are made that pocket money isn’t designed to cover?
Just asking?
They won’t need that £600k then, will they.
These imposters are
a) Unwilling to confront the British state
b) Incapable of developing a credible plan to the Union
When history is finally written about how Scotland regained its full self-government and restored its independent statehood their names will live on only in infamy.
History was yesterday
Future is tomorrow
You live today
You are Scotland’s true story (Keep writing it)…
My mistake (again) –
Yesterday isn’t history.
The future isn’t tomorrow.
And we are not living today.
Wings isn’t part of Scotland’s story, at all.
C) too lazy to free the country.
Decades to leave the UK? Independence “in the UK”? Fkin hell – what more do these trumpets need to do to convince their sheep that they’re leading them up the garden path?
And yet I still see folk advocating SNP1/Another Indy Party2 for the next Holyrood election! Only the complete and utter destruction of that disgusting collection of careerists and trough-swillers will allow independence to start moving forward again.
My mistake (yet again) –
Wings judges say FALSE.
True, or false ??
Clarification of your yo-yo position would be helpful to everyone.
So be it –
I’ll personally expose every single one of you reprehensible Scotland frauds (promise).
Swinney reminds me of the Guy in the lighthouse from Chewin the Fat. Talks with that pathetic manner with the media he may as well say ‘ Gonna nae Dae that’ A sorry excuse of a FM but voted in by Village idiots who are not any brighter!
“If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.”
The SNP are now firmly back to being Tartan Tories under Swinney/Forbes , trouble is , so is Labour !
I think the underlying issue is that whatever their changing political views on this policy or that, the fundamental issue is that by (effectively) discarding independence in favour of devolution they have by association become Unionists.
Reap what you sow at the ballot box; that’s what they simply cannot comprehend!
Would Labour have any credibility getting into bed with what they’ve portrayed as ‘blood and soil nationalists’? Will Sarwar want to join the “elected dictatorship”?
And any such coalition would be bad for the electorate. It’d be as woke as a fortnight on speed.
Sarwar would marry the devil to get his hands on any kind of power in Scotland. Smell the coffee
Bad for the electorate? Certainly. But the day after an election, nobody gives a shit about them. It would be good, in the short term, for Labour and the SNP, and that’s all they care about.
If independence is a distant goal, then how about an interim alternative; Scotland’s MPs and England’s MPs vote separately on all matters of Union governance, each body providing separate Yes or No votes. If both bodies vote Yes, the matter debated may pass, otherwise it must fall.
MPs’ numbers don’t even need to change, and it could be implemented almost immediately as an internal rule change inn the Union’s shared parliament.
That would put Scotland and England on an equal footing for the first time in centuries, and correct an ancient and egregious wrong that saw Scotland’s sovereignty utterly ignored by England, to Scotland’s great detriment. It’s long past time that unwarranted iniquity was ended.
Why would the U.K. government and Parliament agree to a measure like that? Aside from the odd position that apparently representatives from Wales and Ireland have no say, it would give an individual Scottish MP much more power than an English one, make passing laws more difficult, and for what benefit?
“it would give an individual Scottish MP much more power than an English one”
It would simply deny English MPs the option of forcing decisions on Scotland that the people of Scotland and its representatives disagree with.
This is exactly what should have happened since the first day the “Great Britain” parliament started and this is exactly what the Kingdom of England has continued to enjoy since 1707. So why on earth is Scotland the only one of the two partners who cannot enjoy that privilege?
England MPs do not own Scotland and they are not representing Scotland’s sovereignty. Who in Scotland voted for an England MP?
So where the hell do England MPs get the legitimacy and power to force England’s unilateral policy decisions on Scotland to Scotland’s detriment?
They get it from our utterly useless, so called “Scotland’s” MPs, who continue to unlawfully hand to England MPs control over the sovereignty of Scotland they were elected to represent AND PROTECT, they are continuing to hand them the power to veto any decision voted by a majority of our MSPs and MPs, and they continue to insist in legitimising every act by England MPs and England’s crown of imposing decisions on Scotland despite imposing absolute rule to Scotland being unconstitutional and a violation of the Claim of Right. Yet, “Scotland’s” glutton MPs rather continue slurping the gravy and enjoy access to the subsidised bars than lifting their arses from the green seats to stop the abuse or, heaven forbid, ever find the backbone to reconvene Scotland’s parliament.
Wales and NI entered the Treaty of Union as dominions of the kingdom of England, not as signatories of the treaty like the Kingdoms of Scotland and England did.
It is not Scotland’s job to look after Wales and NI, they can do that by themselves. Scotland’s job is to look after itself. And that is a big enough job.
Yes I can understand why YOU would like the idea, but that’s not what I asked. Why would the U.K. government agree to something which has plenty of downsides for them (and no upside) and which would deprive MP’s from Wales and Northern Ireland of a say over UK constitutional matters?
The rest of the UK wouldn’t of course: it would only grant devo-max or some other sheme for more devolution short of actual independence if it was forced to do so.
It didn’t take a genius to work out that the promises of the Vow pre #indyref1 were a cynical lie born of a sense of desperation that the unionists might lose.
Scottish unionists have no interest in promoting some form of “near home rule” à la Hungarians in the Dual Monarchy. In fact they’re intent on gelding the current etiolated Holyrood assembly by diverting power away from it to local government.
If British nationalists in Scotland were sincere about more devolution or “near Home Rule” they’d support a position where the starting point for negotiation was that the only things that were off the table were defence and foreign affairs.
For every other area of policy it would have to be justified why Holyrood rather than Westminster should control it. It could even be sold as a win for the swivel eyed brexiteers and Reform types: it would soon become apparent who subsidise who in such a scenario.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but I don’t think there is any real political pressure or appetite in U.K. politics to devolve any further powers to Scotland. The Scottish government is perceived to have performed badly over the last 10 years and has caused political problems for respective governments in WM. My feeling is that devolving further powers would worsen, not improve, that situation.
And whilst there is widespread (although minority) support for independence. The cause lacks a serious political force to take it forward, so is not considered a short-medium term threat.
Why would an upside to the Scottish half of the Union be a downside to the UK government, Aidan?
And why would it deprive MPs from Wales and N. Ireland of a say over UK constitutional matters? Unlike Scotland, those two nations are regions of the English kingdom, as is England itself.
“and which would deprive MP’s from Wales and Northern Ireland of a say over UK constitutional matters?”
And when exactly did England(as the UK) government ever gave a shit about what MPs from Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland for that matter have to say?
This is my point. Is that England’s government or is it Great Britain’s government?
If it is England’s government, why should Scotland give a shit about what it says, never mind abiding by what it says?
And if it is UK government, how can it call itself “UK” government when it is only operating on policy unilaterally decided by England??
It’s simple, you attend their parliament, you swear the oath and you condone their parliamentary sovereignty and f##k the Scottish people yet again ! That is what they do, and are handsomely rewarded for. How long before we see them in ermine?
Wales and N. Ireland do have their say as they are both territories of the Kingdom of England as you well know, and as such their MPs are part of the English kingdom’s representation within the shared parliament of the Union. Scotland’s MPs represent exclusively the entire Scottish half of the Union.
And the only reason the UK’s English Govt and parliament would refuse that measure is to maintain their unwarranted, selfish, and unconstitutional subjugation of Scotland.
Why exactly would Scotland being able to properly defend its interests from English predation make it more difficult to pass laws? The benefit is obvious, and if you can’t see it, that makes you a selfish colonising predator.
So your strategy to achieve this is to rant and rave and make all sorts of wild accusations? It’s a lovely idea. But I’ve got a better one. Why doesn’t the U.K. government just legislate to create an independent Scotland? The same arguments would hold right?
And your strategy is to characterise a cogent argument I made as mere ranting and raving, but I note that you haven’t actually addressed anything I said, and you made no honest attempt to answer any of my questions. Which suggests you don’t actually have any legitimate arguments of your own to counter them.
One interesting point occurred to me early this morning, that when the two parliaments of England and Scotland merged into the new Union one based in the Palace of Westminster in 1707, the new parliament presumed all of the conventions, customs, rules and practices of the old English one, and none of those of the Scottish one. This was even noted in Lord Cooper’s famous obiter in 1953. As he said, nothing in the Treaty justified that presumption.
The point is that if England’s MPs can adopt pre-Union England’s parliamentary rules to suit themselves, then so can Scotland’s MPs adopt pre-Union Scotland’s parliamentary rules to the same effect, since the Treaty doesn’t deny them doing so; it certainly didn’t deny England’s MPs doing so.
And by that I mean that Scotland’s MPs could adopt their old Scottish parliament’s own flat voting system to themselves, to come up with an exclusively Scottish Yes or No vote to put up against the English Yes or No vote put up by England’s MPs using their English parliament’s flat vote.
That would be a very direct confrontation between the two parliaments in real time!
How do you like them apples?
Not my area of expertise (to say the very least), but – what would be the point of Scottish MSPs “adopting pre-1707 parliamentary rules” if (and I emphasise IF as in maybe) there was no international recognition/validation of such a move?
How can anyone be sure that such a thing would definitely hold sway internationally, as opposed to being a futile act of defiance?
That’s even assuming the current bunch of MSPs would have the minerals for such a move. Let’s be honest, most of them probably struggle with tying shoelaces.
You’ve completely misread my comment, CC. I’m not talking about MSPs, I’m talking about MPs.
If England’s MPs can adopt the practices of the old English parliament within the Union parliament, then the Scots MPs can adopt the practices of the old Scottish parliament. This is because the Union parliament is effectively the continuation of both former parliaments, not just the English one.
Those practices were not built into the walls of the palace of westminster.
My basic point is the same as I’ve been making for years now, that nothing in the Treaty or Acts of Union actually obliges Scotland’s MPs to defer their majority decisions to those of England’s MPs, meaning that England’s MPs cannot legitimately overrule Scotland’s MPs on any matter of Union governance.
Scotland’s MPs are therefore fully entitled to tell England’s MPs to take a hike whenever they attempt to pass Union legislation solely on English MP majorities.
I think that must be properly formalised by Westminster, by amending its voting rules to have the representative bodies of both signatory kingdoms vote in two separate flat votes, one vote Yes or No by England, and one vote Yes or No by Scotland.
Ah, my apologies for the (rather basic) misunderstanding on my part, Xaracen. (To be fair, I did confess this isn’t my area of expertise, curiosity notwithstanding, now rather embarrassingly highlighted in short order).
If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that it might be conceivable for Scottish elected MPs to form their own exclusory voting bloc within WM – in effect a pseudo-parliament within WM itself – and operating as under it’s own uniliterally declared set of rules re. voting, carrying its own motions (and even Acts) as under its own force, possibly in accord with pre-1707 Scots laws or precedent – and ignoring the actual rules of WM itself, even though said Scots MPs would be Members of WM?
Apologies if this is wrong. If it is right, though, can anyone realistically see WM meekly acceding to this? Why would they – it would be akin to turkeys voting for Christmas, given the undoubted (at least by me) benefits to the Union of having Scotland within it?
What legal force – both nationally and internationally – would any “laws” passed by such a breakaway group of Scottish WM MPs – hold? E.g. the provision of a referendum (or even UDI)?
It’s also worth noting – of course – that Scotland’s cohort of MPs includes many Labour MPs, some Tories and LDs etc., in other words unionists. Seems even more far fetched to presume that this significant element within the total number of Scots WM MPs would play along with such a plan, in fact no doubt the complete opposite.
They wouldn’t become a breakaway group, CC, they’d just refuse to accept being overruled by England’s MPs.
The Scots MPs should not be able to pass Union legislation on their own any more than England’s MPs should, even though England’s MPs have done so in the past. That would just return us to the days when the two parliaments were independent, they’d just be doing it from inside the same parliament.
What I’m saying is that neither body of MPs should be able to do so on their own. That Union decisions are only legitimate Union decisions if both of its founders’ representative bodies agreed them. If either body votes a bill down, it cannot be passed anyway by the other. It would mean that England’s MPs would no longer be able to pass a bill that damages the interests of Scotland, despite even its unanimous rejection by the Scots MPs.
It’s not a panacea; it would not on its own rescind prior legislation that was passed unilaterally by England, that’s a separate issue that should be addressed, and the primary problem would be the courts’ current position that Westminster’s ‘unlimited sovereignty’ is legitimate, even though it plainly isn’t.
Scotland’s sovereignty within the Union needs to be properly respected by both WM and the courts, and dealing with WM’s past infractions would need the courts to hold it to account for them and oblige it to rescind all such unilateral English legislation, as well as offer appropriate compensation and reparations resulting from them.
I was kinda nodding along, Xaracen, even although I thought you were taking a bleedin liberty by ignoring Wales and Northern Ireland.
But then I reached this:
“oblige it to rescind all such unilateral English legislation, as well as offer appropriate compensation and reparations resulting”
And I realised you’re having a laugh.
What isn’t clear about your ‘interim alternative’ idea (do you have a name for it?) is who would promote it. Would it have to be an entirely new party, registered in Scotland, with this as its central policy?
It would probably get quite a bit of traction (so long as the party managed to keep out the wokists, and got some kind of broad media coverage, that is – which might both be difficult).
It’s a fairly simple idea, so not hard to understand and convey as a message. It doesn’t require a lot of negotiations to achieve it, so no uncertainties there. Just a straightforward rule change for voting in WM.
It should satisfy both the soft ‘No’ and soft ‘Yes’ voters who are fed up with things as they currently are but are also scared of the major changes and unknowns that they perceive independence would bring, so it’d appeal to a broad demographic.
It would also mean that all the other Scottish MPs and unionists generally would have to argue why they don’t want it. And even on here that seems to be causing a few problems.
My ‘interim alternative’ idea’s proper name would be Dual Majority Voting, advocating One Vote per Treaty Principal.
It’s clearly not going to be promoted by any Unionist body, but any democrat worthy of the name would see its importance once they understand the true constitutional basis of the Union, and especially the significance of both former kingdoms being equally sovereign, and that neither had formally agreed to be governed by the other.
WM’s internal systems utterly ignore the very fact of Scotland’s sovereignty, and that cannot be justified.
“… but any democrat worthy of the name would see its importance once they understand the true constitutional basis of the Union, and especially the significance of both former kingdoms being equally sovereign, and that neither had formally agreed to be governed by the other.”
This is a major fault line for me, as per my last posts – I’d bet the farm that no unionist MP (Labour, Conservative, LD, Reform, UDP) would risk the integrity of the Union (and no doubt defy their Party) on the grounds of ephemeral “democrat credentials”.
If the only driver here is appealing to unionist MPs’ better natures (en masse), then I’m afraid it has to be marked down as a total non-starter.
The only remotest possibility (IMO) would be on the back of a landmark constitutional court case victory, i.e. with full legal force, and that would only be the first of multiple, very difficult obstacles.
First step in solving a problem is realising that it exists, and then identifying its root cause, and after that, working out how to correct it.
Even once you’ve fixed the root cause, you may well have a huge amount of clean-up to do afterwards. Such is life. But if we’re going to make progress, we have to start with that root, or we’ll be fighting it all the time.
The democratic credentials of this proposal are dubious to say the least, given that in certain contexts an election vote cast in Scotland would, by a factor of 10, be worth more than a vote cast in England. It’s hardly clear that it’s democratic for a majority of MP’s in Scotland to be able to prevent what a majority of MP’s across the whole of the U.K. want.
“hardly clear”
I recommend you spend a year herding cats and then return to the subject.
It’ll be clearer then.
OK, I’ll be serious. Perhaps you don’t realise that Xaracen and a few others don’t recognise the actuality of the UK.
This isn’t about the breakup of the UK. The UK can’t break up, because it’s an illegal fiction that can’t therefore exist.
The fact that the UK is recognised at the UN, that the UK was in the EU and then left, that the UK has entered into international treaties, gone into wars, signed mutual security pacts, etc. doesn’t count or matter.
The fact that every detail of our everyday lives, from which side of the road we drive on, how we arrange to post a letter, what time we set our clocks to, which vetnary and indeed human medicines we can buy online, plus a myriad other rules, regs and laws that constrict us are the outcome of the UK existing, is ignored.
Right down to the body of codified law that enables them to sit in their living room and say to the world “this is my property” (assuming they are property owners).
Xaracen really does want to wind the clock back to 1707 and then redo 300+ years of history. It’s a truly remarkable state of affairs, but there you have it.
I recognise the actuality of the Union perfectly well, Hatey; I just don’t accept its authenticity, for reasons I have made perfectly clear.
Which sadly signifies precisely nothing for the independence movement unless and until it’s the majority view and that majority uses their non-recognition of the authenticity to simply withdraw from the Union.
Until that bright, happy day non-recognition means SFA.
All that matters until that majority is achieved is doing the work, using political parties, to construct a pro-independence majority which secures independence via either a referendum or plebiscitary elections.
Nothing else will work, no matter how hard the usual suspects wish it were otherwise.
I’m thinking you’re splitting hairs there, Xaracen, but no harm done.
Authentic or inauthentic, my earlier point stands. There’s 300+ years of “actuality” to be undone if you are to have your way.
You’ve as much chance of spinning the earth around the sun the wrong way 300+ times.
My advice would be to accept that we are where we are. No turning the clock back. Plot a course to Indy from here and now, not from a baseline drawn 300+ years ago.
But everybody is entitled to waste their life as they see fit 🙂
“It’s hardly clear that it’s democratic for a majority of MPs in Scotland to be able to prevent what a majority of MPs across the whole of the UK want.”
What do you mean by ‘the whole of the UK’?
Mia asked this recently in a different thread, but I can’t see your answer:
“Please state the formal name of the entity you are referring to IN FULL, not just the abbreviation.”
link to
If you don’t know what “U.K.” means, how do you know that it’s an abbreviation? If the term “U.K” confuses you I can’t really engage with you can I, since the most basic of assumed knowledge and foundational concepts elude you.
I’m just wondering what you understand it to mean.
And I never said it was an abbreviation – I was just quoting Mia
I take it to mean the state governing the landmass and peoples of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
I apologise for not being clear – I was just asking for the full name of the ‘state’, not a description.
The full name of which state sorry?
The full name of the ‘state’ you mentioned at the start of your previous reply to me:
“I take it to mean the state governing…”
I’m only messing with you moi, I know what you mean and I get what you’re doing, you don’t want to say “It’s the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which means it’s formed of two separate Kingdoms and which can separate at a whim at any time” because that would make you sound like a complete cabbage. But you think if I say the name, you might be able to spit it over a couple of posts which means it’ll seem slightly less ridiculous.
The Smith Commission stated that: “nothing in this report prevents Scotland becoming an independent country in the future should the people of Scotland so choose.”
Yes it does, so what?
Well it would be braw if there was a straightforward and defined process, because without one the likes of you will always prattle on about it being a whim and the wrong time or some such other pish.
A lot of unionists and de-facto devolutionists masquerading as nationalists seem to be deniers of democracy and material changes in circumstances.
Here was Ruth stating what a mandate is but it seems it’s all smoke and mirrors and rather to flexible without a defined process in place.
link to
I think what you say when you mean “defined process” and “democracy” is in reality a process that is heavily slanted to making what you want inevitable, or at least very likely, rather than a genuine means of resolving important and contentious issues. Breaking up the United Kingdom is a huge decision that will have enormous ramifications for everyone, all of the time. It’s a much bigger issue than a classic periodic election as to who can serve in parliament, both in terms of the impact and the time and cost taken to implement.
In a future independent Scotland, would you support a system where a simple 50%+1 vote in any election meant Scotland rejoined the Union? Normally when I ask that question, I get some none-answer about why the same democratic principles suddenly don’t apply in what is basically an identical situation. I’d hope you wouldn’t support that idea, it would clearly been insane for Scotland to leave and rejoin the union continually in the election cycle. Therefore the same principles have to apply now, it’s an important highly consequential decision that cannot be continually reopened at a whim. Making the case for it to be reopened requires serious hard work, bringing on board business, academia, civil society and working to alienate the concerns of unionists, who will also have to live in an independent Scotland. I know that this will have some of the normal suspects on here frothing at the mouth with rage at the very idea that some type of consensus might be sought. There are no magic spells, tattooing QR codes on our foreheads, rewriting history, personal reinterpretation of the law or any other kind of nutcase moonhowling pursuit that’s going to provide any kind of magic shortcut. Yet pointing this out makes me some kind of ("Tractor" - Ed) like some ridiculous Nevada-based cult.
Lots of words and not much focus on a defined process.
Plus of all the words in the universe it’s strange that you use remarkably similar terms to a couple of other btl posters…
I would have no issue if in the future a majority of Scots chose to form an alliance of sorts with England or the Kingdom of England, but the terms and conditions would be different from what they are now so not really relevant.
But if you are a democrat then do you not acknowledge and respect that considerably more than your 50% + 1 of Scots voted to remain in the EU.
It’s very selective this “equal” union UK “democracy” isn’t it.
What if a majourity of Scots voted to rejoin the Union and the terms that were on offer were the terms as they are now? What specific defined process would you see implemented to provide for that outcome?
Across the U.K., a small majority of people voted to leave the EU and that result was implemented. It wasn’t and isn’t an option for individual nations to remain in the EU so the decision was taken at a state level rather than a nation level.
Ooh, I know the answer mister Aidan, Scotland could hold a referendum to establish an expression of its democratic will on such a subject…
…but presumably we would have to ask and garner permission from the KoE for such a matter…
I hope it would’ve been pointed out during the campaign to rejoin on exactly the same terms as now that the democratic deficit would mean the KoS would be outvoted by the KoE by about 10 to 1 all the time, and that there isn’t an easy and defined process to leave as Scotland would have exactly the same bum deal out of a shiny new version of the same old shit union that’s failed us for over the past few hundred years.
UK democratic deficit.
More of UK “democracy” and respecting the expressed will of its constituent parts.
And you’d be happy for that question to come in a referendum regularly, perhaps every 3 or 4 years, even if a majority of Scottish people continually voted against reunionisation? In the same vein,if Orkney and Shetland wanted to seek their own independence, or to join the UK or Norway, you’d establish a process for that to go to a referendum again and again in the electoral cycle?
Sigh… That is the whole point of having a defined process in place. Northern Ireland has a process defining timescales on such a matter.
If unionists would simply cough up a defined process you can stop typing reams of pish about all manner of other hypothetical distractions which like groundhog day are inevitably attempted to be dragged into the discussion.
Northern Ireland does not have defined process in the way I think you mean, it’s still ultimately at the discretion of the SoS for NI whether to hold a referendum.
But of course there are two defined processes with two alternative routes. A bill can be put forward in the UK parliament providing for the referendum to be held, or the U.K. government can grant a S.30 order to the Scottish Government to allow legislation in Scotland to be passed providing for the same thing. The process you desire of course is one where you can rerun the referendum continuously until the point at which you get the answer you want. The hypocrisy being that you’d never tolerate that in an independent Scotland, and it’s not about democracy, it’s about the specific campaign that you want to run, and since everyone can see that it’s got a 0% chance of getting anywhere. Can you provide me with a single example of a comparable process existing in any other democratic country?
It’s true that there is more of a defined process for NI, but it is left (purposefully?) vague in many ways. So although it’s true the Sec. of State is under a legal obligation to hold a Border Poll if it’s clear there is a demand for one, it’s by no means clear how that clarity is to be demonstrated.
Indeed there have been calls for it to be made clearer, which have no far come to nothing, probably because both sides actually prefer the creative ambiguity.
Sadly, the NI situation by it’s very nature can’t simply be “read across” to the situation here. As is the case for other analogous self determination struggles like Quebec, Catalonia and the Basque Country, there are similarities and differences.
What we should concentrate on are the fundamental principles which underly these and indeed other all such movements: there is not right of veto from the metropolitan state on the exercise of self determination.
That doesn’t mean the right itself is automatic or unlimited, but it does mean that the Scottish independence movement should be very wary of accepting any purported British nationalist right of veto, or assertion of Westminster primacy, over the rights of a majority of the Scottish people to take their independence.
Aidan’s assertion relies on the presumption that the UK’s MPs are a single homogenous body of representatives of the Union, but that homogeneity falls apart once one understands that they consist of two bodies that represent two different sovereignties, neither of which is the Union itself.
Thus the presumption itself is simply wrong.
My “assertion” draws on the fact that the UK’s MP’s are a single homogenous body, and do not represent two different sovereignties or kingdoms or states. That is an undeniable reality.
Both of those statements are demonstrably false. The first is merely how the UK’s MPs are treated by the Westminster establishment, not what they are. And the second is false for exactly the same reason.
As I said earlier, I accept that the reality is what it is, but I reject totally that it has any constitutional authenticity.
Nope !
You are the one that’s wrong !
Give up son, you’re posting nonsense !
No, Aidan, your assertion is wrong, because the current reality is not an outcome of the authentic use of the powers of the Union parliament. Those powers were delegated to the new Union parliament from the two sovereign kingdoms that founded the Union and its parliament. Both of those delegations of power are embodied in the two bodies of MPs that formally represent their parent Kingdoms.
As I’ve made clear many times, England’s MPs are NOT entitled to any authority over Scotland nor over her MPs! They didn’t have that power in 1706, and the Treaty didn’t give them any in 1707.
That’s an undeniable reality, for you, Aidan!
All you have to do to refute it is show the part of the Treaty that unequivocally obliges Scotland’s subservience to England, as well as the agreement by both Treaty Principals for the use of a flat vote in the new parliament’s House of Commons.
If they’re not in the Treaty then they have no formal constitutional or legal standing. That’s what I mean by authenticity.
And don’t bother with any ‘democratic’ argument, that’s not in the Treaty either, and it can’t trump sovereignty anyway.
Aidan’s assertion is quite correct though. If we as Scots are not happy with our representatives at Westminster being overruled by the majority and effectively powerless to direct the whole institution (except in circumstances where electoral arithmetic hands them the balance of power as the IPP often had in the late 19th and early 20th centuries) then the solution is in our own hands.
It either involves negotiating an agreed change to the existing devolutionary settlement, up to and including the repatriation of all rights to “our” parliament in Holyrood with respect to changing the constitutional status of Scotland, or we declare independence in the event that the rest of the UK will not accept the measures short of full independence that Scots propose.
What we can’t do – and indeed it would be profoundly undemocratic to expect – is for Holyrood or the Scots majority as represented in any other body to dictate terms to the rest of the UK which they were not willing to accept.
There are not two bodies in Westminster representing two different sovereignties: that’s just flat wrong constitutionally and politically. You and others asserting it doesn’t make it closer to being true still less being accepted by the majority of Scots either within the movement or outside.
That’s for sure. And he’s working very hard to never use the full name of what he refers to as ‘the UK’ (and therefore by extension ‘the UK’s MPs’).
Isn’t that democratic deficit precisely what you argue for here day in and day out?!
God I hate pretendy lawyers..
God (bleep) them all..
Blethers, Aidan, those democratic credentials are crystal clear to anyone who understands what sovereignty means. Your analysis is just an attempt to justify a simple majority rule that completely ignores the fact of the two Kingdoms’ sovereignties, the equality of which means that neither of them is subordinate to the other, and that fact renders English numeric majorities irrelevant to Scotland.
If Scotland’s MPs having parity with England’s makes it more difficult to pass Union legislation, then that is just the obvious cost of actually being in a Union. England is not the sole decision maker.
If England isn’t willing to pay that cost then it isn’t entitled to have a Union with Scotland in the first place, and arguing that Scotland’s formal representatives should accept being constantly overruled by England’s for England’s convenience within the Union is the very height of arrogance.
What you are proposing won’t work though, because British nationalists and Scottish unionists have no interests in treating the current system as anything more than what it represents now. They don’t actually accept your analysis that the unitary parliament in Westminster represents two distinct sovereignties, nor do they accept that it is in any way wrong (whether morally or politically) for a Westminster based majority to dictate terms to the Scottish people.
Unionists have made their terms of reference pretty clear, and it was made explicit by Thatcher no less. She accepted that the Scots had the right to have devolution and even to become independent.
She didn’t accept however (and nor does the Westminster parliament or very likely the overwhelming majority of English voters) that the Scots – even if it’s clearly the settled will of the Scottish people as a whole – have the right to unilaterally dictate terms to the UK as a whole. That would after all be the tail wagging the dog.
In the event that the parties couldn’t agree about what the end state of devolution looked like, then British nationalists were in effect daring Scottish nationalists to just go whole hog and take independence.
This is in the end is why we should be wary of course of “Unionists bearing gifts” à la the promises of the Vow. There’s vanishingly little evidence of any sincere desire on the part of unionism to deliver more, faster, better devolution. If there was, then “Scottish” Labour in particular would have been shouting it from the rooftops.
It’s interesting that pro-devolution but anti-independence Scots politicians in particular have singularly failed to promote a maximalist form of devolution: post 2014, it would have been the easiest thing in the world for them to promote an Austro-Hungarian “Ausgleich” style compromise, where the starting point would have been the only items of policy which were sacrosanct for the “union parliament” in London were defence and foreign policy. The control of every other area of policy should then have been up for discussion.
But, Andy, the reason it won’t work is precisely the reason we need it to work!
‘Dual Majority Voting, advocating One Vote per Treaty Principal’ – so could be shortened to ‘DM Voting’?
Do you see it being adopted initially by eg activist groups who would then lobby political parties generally to adopt it, as opposed to a new party created specifically to advance it?
Agreed that it wouldn’t be adopted by any English unionist body, but might Scottish unionists be persuadable? They might see it as a way of keeping what they perceive as the benefits of being in the union, but realise that giving Scots an equal say could be to their even greater benefit.
I’m not sure why it would be seen as risking ‘the integrity of the Union’ – on the contrary, it might be seen as a way of saving the union and ending moves to Scottish independence once and for all.
On the other hand, if it got a lot of support and WM said ‘No’, that might actively help to end the union.
It would’ve been a good campaign to run before the indyref was even on the cards, as an awareness-raising exercise, especially if it had been openly and comprehensively rejected by WM.
“risking ‘the integrity of the Union” was Captain Caveman’s phrasing, but in my view that integrity ceased to exist from the first occasion Scotland’s MPs were overruled by England’s MPs.
I agree that DMV isn’t going to get any meaningful traction until a large enough section of the more politically active electorate take it on board.
Yes, I know it was CC’s phrase, I was just quoting it generally (sorry if it seemed I was attributing it to you!).
I also thought CC meant it in the sense of keeping the union intact, rather than in a moral sense.
In its simplest form, DMV is an idea that might appeal to the less (as well as more) politically active electorate. The way the pro-Brexit campaign was conducted shows that you don’t need to fill in all the details, just get simple slogans behind a basic idea and lots of less-than-politically active people will go for it.
And your DMV idea has a great deal more integrity (in the moral sense) than Brexit ever did. It just needs to get promoted somehow.
Yes that’s right, “maintaining integrity” purely in a practical sense. Should’ve probably just said “keeping the Union together”, would’ve been simpler and less (unintentionally) loaded.
What benefits of being in the Union??
Serious answer please – and don’t wang on about the ruskies, we get enough of that from McHateface of that Ilk c/o postcode SW3..
Then thy need to put their big boy trousers on and learn, not just suckle up to the teats of the Westminster hoor till they are are fat and happy and can suckle no more..
I haven’t addressed any of the arguments that you made because you didn’t address any of mine. I understand the merits of such a system to you and to many people reading this, but that’s not the point i raised. The point I raised is how you would sell such an arrangement to the U.K. government who would have to agree to it and implement it through parliament. If your argument to the UK government is to say that they’re evil colonisers subjugating Scotland if they don’t, then I’m afraid that won’t be persuasive. From their perspective, the arrangement you propose is worse than that which exists today because it makes passing laws that affect the union (as you put it) more difficult. I don’t know whether you mean only constitutional statues or any legislation that applies in Scotland, but either way you’ll have to provide them a compelling reason to do it. If independence was consistently at 60% in the polls with buy in from business/academia/civil society etc. I could buy it, but I seriously don’t see the leverage at the moment.
“because it makes passing laws that affect the union (as you put it) more difficult”
It only makes it more difficult for the English half of the Union to pass unilateral legislation, which essentially means legislation the Scottish half of the Union actively rejected. And that’s the whole point!
As far as I’m concerned, any unilateral legislation cannot be considered constitutionally legitimate, valid Union legislation, for reasons I’ve spelt out many times on these pages and elsewhere.
If you have a problem with that, then I have a problem with you, and all others who think like you!
Yes exactly, giving Scottish MP’s a veto over certain types of legislation makes passing legislation more difficult. You’ve explained again and again (despite nobody asking) why YOU think it’s a good idea. But YOU have no power to implement it, and you seem incapable of even engaging with the idea that you might have to persuade those that do have the power.
“As far as I am concerned” is a phrase that has no value when discussing constitutional law. Your opinion carries no authority except to the extent that you can evidence it by reference to actual legal authority. We can indulge in all sorts of fantasies and grant ourselves all sorts of advantages if we are prepared to decide individually that certain laws don’t apply. The fact is that legislation affecting the union does apply in the circumstances you outline.
Giving Scottish MP’s a veto over certain types of legislation SHOULD make passing legislation more difficult. It forces England to compromise with Scotland on all matters of their joint governance, because that’s what England signed up to in the Treaty!
England is not entitled to get its way all the time, and especially so over Scotland itself.
Forging agreements in many diverse matters is hard, and England is not entitled to take unwarranted shortcuts for its own convenience just because the Scots won’t agree to be fleeced!
And, no, I don’t have the power to implement any form of DMV, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong to want it, and it doesn’t mean you are right to fight it. Fundamentally, I am demanding parity with the English half of the Union for the Scottish half of the Union in the joint governance of their two equally sovereign territories.
That equality is the bit you don’t get, and you have been going all around the barn trying to defend an iniquitous presumption of inherent English superiority that extends beyond its borders.
England is only bigger than Scotland. It does not outrank Scotland.
I don’t think the ideas driving the proposal is ridiculous, I just think given there is no upside for the U.K. government and therefore no chance of it being implemented. I also think deciding what “union” legislation is will cause a problem.
What might be more realistic is for England to establish a devolved authority in London, similar to that in Holyrood or Cardiff Bay, greater devolution of powers into each devolved body, and then a higher level chamber formed of a smaller number of MP’s which decides on strategic national issues that need to be determined at a state level. Within that higher chamber, you could have protections for the interests of each of the nations. That would be a big change vs today, but it has clear and material upsides for everyone which makes it at least arguable.
Heck why not 70%, 80% or even 90% over 5 years where we all have to waddle about in duck costumes before beloved Westminster deigns to look, has another apoplexy and stretches the goalposts in another direction while our legal service and “church” and Unionist and Devolutionist party look on in meek clerk-like note-scribbling mode.
What exactly is up with all you law students or pretend lawyers on here?!
Independence is never going to come following your legalese jargon and waffle that Westminsters pet “Supreme” court, one Longshanks long desired, is in place.
Focus is required, not legal obfuscation paid for by the comfortable hour!
Yes – let’s all waddle around in duck costumes, that’s a good idea. I’m sure that’s what you spend most of your time doing anyway. I’m so glad you got up at 4am to write all of this.
What you and a select few other moonhowlers appear to be leading us towards is a coup. Do you think there should be a coup?
“What you and a select few other moonhowlers appear to be leading us towards is a coup. Do you think there should be a coup?”
No, Aidan, we want to disestablish a ‘pseudo-legal’ and ‘pseudo-democratic’ coup that was perpetrated by the English establishment in 1707 in violation of Scotland’s formal sovereignty, a sovereignty it never gave up, and which the coup has sidelined by pretending that England’s numeric dominance reflects an authority over Scotland greater than Scotland’s own sovereignty over itself.
And your use of ‘moonhowler’ shows up the lack of meaningful argument on your part.
Talk me through the steps you’re proposing here, not the concepts or the arguments, but the steps (I.e. person X does Y action etc. )
We’ll see then whether it sounds like a coup.
I didn’t propose any steps. That’s outside my payscale.
One possibility would be for a majority of Scotland’s MPs to agree to walk out of Westminster and stay out until WM amends its internal voting system to a proper DMV one.
The effect of the walk-out would legally prevent WM from functioning as the Union’s parliament. That was a conclusion the Lords Privileges Committee came to in 1999 while deciding on a matter they were asked to look into by the government. Essentially, the Scots representation requires to be ‘adequate’ in the Union’s parliament.
The Treaty set Scotland’s representation in the new parliament at 45, so I submit that if enough Scots MPs walked out to leave 44 or fewer in it that would be enough to trigger the paralysis of the parliament, and force some minds to re-evaluate their position.
Of course, it would be much more effective if they all walked out, and as DMV is not specifically about Scotland’s independence aspirations, since it’s a matter of correcting a sovereign and constitutional injustice, it shouldn’t cause too much angst among the Scottish unionist MPs, either, and walking out for DMV would give them a lot more meaningful say in the Union as well.
As it stands, Scotland’s current representation is clearly inadequate on any rational evaluation, since they clearly cannot defend the interests and well-being of their parent kingdom against England’s huge MP numbers. It was a serious shortcoming that the Lords Privileges Committee didn’t attempt to define what ‘adequate’ meant in practice given the huge disparity in the numbers of the two bodies of MPs then and now. But that wasn’t the purpose of the remit they were given.
The Lords privileges committee did not conclude any such thing. I do sometimes wonder why, given how obsessed everyone seems to be with it, so few people appear to have read it. The committee rightly concluded that Scotland must have the right to elect MP’s into the House of Commons. It did not establish a quorum for Scottish MP’s to be present at any given debate or vote. If a majority of Scottish MP’s refused to take their seats, as a matter of law that would not prevent parliament carrying out its business. If that were the case, bills passed on the numerous occasions over the last 300 years when a majority of Scottish MP’s were not present, would not have become law.
Don’t be silly, Aidan, they agreed to that statement, wrote it down, and it was eventually put up on the UKP website! Where did you think I read it?
I agree that they didn’t establish a quorum for ‘adequate representation’, but it can be legitimately argued that 45 is the minimum possible quorum for Scots MPs because that is the figure the Treaty set for the Scots who were to represent Scotland in the parliament.
The Committee’s stated view I cited may not have been a formal legal conclusion, because it was incidental to its actual remit, but they do tend to know their stuff on constitutional matters, which is why they were asked in the first place.
But what is the potential methodology for said “disestablishment”, Xaracen?
This is what I can’t get my head around. Do you mean some kind of legal challenge, and if so to whom & how?
1. Obsessing about the time of day (in this day and age) I post a comment is at best pointless, then creepy and stalker- like. Guess I’m saying you are a creep..
2. As a Unionist you should have recognised and understood viceroy Alistair Jacks infamous verdict of when we mere Scottish Untermenschen should be allowed to put forward our democratic view on independence: hence the waddle like a duck reference. Do you even live here to understand that? I doubt it..
As obviously one of the sites freshman year law students you really aren’t doing a very good job and need to listen and understand your opponents statements as opposed to what passes here for argument by just speciously mis reading and paraphrasing what you want them to have actually said/- to some contrived piece of boll0cks in an attempt to make your point.
Not exactly top of the class are you (or your fellow f@ckwit Unionist pretendy lawyers on here).
And yes, for the stalkers and creeps out there this comment was posted at approximately 5am.
Not everybody keeps the same hours.
Good luck with your law exams wherever they are taking place in the world. I suspect you will need it.
Mind you, there’s always a career in the CIA, they are always on the hunt for failures from real life work to sit behind a computer and write p1sh designed to create destabilising sentiment.
Sounds RIGHT up yer street..
May I wish you a great big slice of mamas apple pie and a dose of the clap in that order.
Reply only if you wish another one torn out of you..
It’s just a notable fact that your bizarre barely literate rants appear to be produced at very early hours in the morning. Normal people up at that time tend to be awake for a productive reason.
You’re obviously a leading jurist with a refined and sophisticated appreciation of complex legal concepts, perhaps I could arrange some private tuition from you for my exams that I took 10+ years ago? I’d be happy for this to take place in your natural habitat (covered in mud in a field somewhere, or in a tent under a railway bridge).
Perhaps if you managed to contain the uncontrollable fits of rage that overcome you every time reality collides with your fanciful world view, you could spend some time reading. You might learn some things, which in turn would mean your contributions here might go beyond publicly soiling yourself. Then again, books might be an invention of the CIA/MI5 to pollute the minds of the Scottish people and keep them in their colonial state of subjection (Memmi, Fanon). Perhaps safer for you to stay clear.
Very good point X but doesn’t that invalidate dodgy Dave’s English Votes For English Laws move?
That went by quite unremarked except by Labour who’s Unionism was reliant on Scottish votes back then.
How things change eh?
Darling is away, when Boon shuffles off or is sectioned then what do they have?
Lady Mags (mad as a hatter ) Curran or pleasantly confused Jack McConnell?
Or (fingers crossed Skeletaur Murphy( Glegaes ane) failed political weathervane..
Yes, EVEL was indeed dodgy. England’s MPs have never suffered any particular difficulty in passing legislation because of Scottish MPs voting against them, their largest opposition was always other English MPs. EVEL was never about Scotland, that was no more than a convenient pretext to stick the knife into Scotland a little bit deeper after the Indy vote came so close to winning. I’d never even heard of EVEL until the morning after the referendum.
Tell you what, they don’t want to play even Steven’s then we keep North Sea revenues etc and they can stick their paltry Barnett formula (con trick pocket money) up their bahookies.
Listen to them squeak then eh?!
Or will they already have an army of civil servants, lawyers and “Pet” Supreme court (sic) to say “No no no”..
I suspect so and people like you are merely their sycophantic pillion passengers passing on the propaganda and doom..
There might be a lot of people who’d vote for your ‘interim alternative’.
At the very least, it’d be interesting to see the arguments against it, especially after all the ‘union of equals’ rubbish we heard during the indyref.
I’ve always believed you Stu and will continue to do so.
Scotland and it’s people need Independence noo, not in five or ten years time!
Anyone with half a brain can see Britain is heading down the Shithole, so why DRAG Scotland along?
The creepy and sinister SNP from the hate crime to fancy dresses excluding woman but only men policy and every other weird idea the party’s come up with to turn people away form the idea of Independence just hasn’t worked. So lets thank the SNP for being honest if they had told us when we were all F*cking sat in the Ovo Hydro in Glasgow we could have stayed at home and saved ourselves the heartache.
Respect Scottish Sovereignty delivers letter to Angus Robertson, MSPAsking him to support putting internationally recognised Civil and Political Rights into Scots law and this will be ignored simply because these people aren’t working for Scotland.
When are people going to see the obvious the SNP is public enemy number 1 and The National is public enemy number 2 and Barrheadboy needs to waken up about unity of course we all want unity but the SNP doesn’t and never will, their working for the other side. Kelly going on and on and on about Kate Forbes she another false prophet mate move on there nothing to see here.
Lets formulate a plan to rid ourselves of these redcoats once and for all.
I want that parliament SHUT down it doesn’t benefit me at all so shut it down and put everyone of them out on their ear.
Mostly everyone on here supports independence for Scotland , and according to many many sources this is the most read and most attended independence blog , it is also the most influencial blog for independence support , it consistently exposes the TRUTH about our vile politicians and vile political parties
YET there are many groups and organisations FIGHTING for our independence , giving their time freely and abundantly to try any avenue to FIGHT against the establishment that is frustrating every one of us
ONE of those groups is the Scottish Sovereignty Research Group who are currently fighting with the SG to embrace and implement
You may be aware that RSS ( Respect Scottish Sovereignty ) has successfully had its petition on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (I CCPR ) accepted and this is now available for signing on the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions site . As of today, this petition has raised 2,181 signatures. It is important that Holyrood acts to implement this UN Human Rights Covenant that would give the Scottish people the right to hold referendums on any subject including that of independence. Direct political rights are the tools with which popular sovereignty ( Scotland’s constitutional basis ) can be exercised by the people. We would encourage Liberation Scotland members to support this petition (via this link ) and also to share it widely. Thank you. Sent by Diarmid Jamieson Secretary Liberation Scotland
This petition is EXTREMELY important YET it only has 2,000+ signatures, WINGS readership per post is more than that WE should be ASHAMED that people are fighting on our behalf YET some people can’t even be bothered signing a petition
Rev Stu you fight for independence have you signed the petition or do you NOT believe in Scots sovereignty , I ask on behalf of independence supporters to do an article highlighting the importance of this petition, or are we all just going to sit on our arses moaning and whinging about the fucking snp betrayers and come 2026 watch the bastards link with LIEBOUR to keep the status quo and milk Scotland
…popular sovereignty ( Scotland’s constitutional basis )
Genuinely seeking a fact.
When was the first time this concept was put into practice? i.e. when was the first time that the entire adult population of Scotland was asked its opinion about any question?
It’s been suggested to me that the first time was 1928, for electoral purposes.
“In 1928 the Conservative government passed the Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928 equalizing the franchise to all persons, male and female, over the age of 21″
Please, someone give me an earlier example!
I’ve signed it and even posted it on here.
Thanks, but if you’ve signed it, it presumably was after 1928? I asked for something earlier.
Last month I was reading a book that was set about seven years after Culloden. The residual hope in the young people struck a chord. He’ll come back, with French troops. Or other allies. Next time. We have to be ready. I could have cried.
The marketing strategy of the SNP is and always has been to obtain power. Followed by maintaining power.
Independence was the selling point for anyone daft enough to vote for them.
The British state is not in the business of self liquidation. Hence why they set up a parliament which doesn’t alter the levers of power, but gives the Nat’s just enough rope to hang themselves.
We are where we are because so many of us fell for the idea that there is a marketing strategy way to independence.
Sadly the ignorant among us that have no idea what is going on will still vote SNP. Our voting system will also help them with list seats. I guess that they will get between 45 and 50 seats. They are a disgrace. For the many that have passed on it is sad that the party they loved and supported has now become a bunch of anglophobe ("Tractor" - Ed)s selling the SNP logo. Maybe the logo should be changed to the Scottish Quisling Party.
I meant ("Tractor" - Ed) not tractor as above
You meant ‘tractor’ as in ‘Quizmaster’, indeed.
Also ‘Anglophile’, not “Anglophobe”, I presume.
The fundamental purpose of @SNP’s existence, is independence.
Where can Scotland find @SNP’s unmistakable purpose.
“Our book to mark 10 years since the independence referendum is now available to order!”
link to
link to
Wings fu**wits disagree –
Independence shouldn’t be SNP’s purpose (WTF)
It’s sad when our only chance now to break free from the Westminster stranglehold, is to hope that Trump decides to invade Scotland and turn us into an American state. Let’s face it, things could not be any worse.
Yes, the reality here is there is far mair chance of Scotsman President Donald John Trump-Macleod liberating Scots than Swinney’s colonial administrators an watchdugs.
Lets hope its on Donald’s to-do list. All he need do is put a little political pressure on our bust oppressor.
If we are at the stage of hoping for help from Trump we are Donald Ducked continuing the theme of American cartoons.
Having a look at the Scottish Labour MSPS return for each Scottish Parliamentary Election 2007 46, 2011 37, 2016 24, 2021 22. For 2026 currently polling 19. A political party in terminal decline. Why would the SNP hand them a lifeline? The SNP are polling 11 short of a majority. Other coalitions will be available. The Greens, Lib Dems, Reform and Conservatives are likely to get them over the line. The imponderable question for me is why after a decade of decline is the SNP polling 54 MSPs? It’s not because they are a Independence party.
‘Let’s have a look at what you could have won…’
How prophetic it was. Angels come in many guises.
Who’d have thunk it.
Stewart McDonald doesn’t submit anything his handlers in Foggy Bottom haven’t approved beforehand.
Stewart McDonald of the John Smith Centre?
I have said often and others have also said SNP is a Devolution only party.
They almost admit it. No bad thing being pro devolution if that’s what you support. Very similar to being a unionist.
I support Independence I wish the SNP would move aside now as others get on with the job of securing independence.
The SNP have been limping towards admitting they do not support independence for some time.
I don’t think we can place our hope in the SNP just moving aside: it either has to be utterly destroyed, or at least hamstrung so it can never find itself able to call the shots and dictate terms to the broader independence movement. It’s frustrating for many of us that it seems to be taking so long for more ordinary voters to abandon them.
Maybe things do have to get worse before they’ll get better? Reform seem capable of increasing their support pretty fast, but it is (hopefully?) more a case of them cannibalising the existing Scottish Tory / disaffected unionist vote.
There may be a leavening of populist pro-indy types like some of the sub-Trumpian nativists who regularly soil BTL commentary here. Some of them are quite open about their admiration for the Donald and some of his policies. I doubt many of us saw that coming a decade ago.
Honesty from the nuSNP is not one of their strong suits !
“Why the SNP should form a pact with Labour”
(Stewart McDonald asks)
Because they are just two different brands of the exact same product? Or put in more layman terms, two cheeks of the same colonial arse?
The SNP became labour the minute the political fraud took control of it in November 2014. Ever since, the so called “SNP” has been continuously committing political harakiri to ensure the already semi-rotten labour mummy could be resurrected in Scotland.
This has been, in my opinion, all what Sturgeon’s work and legacy has been about: terminating forever the SNP as a political vehicle for independence.
But even so, they are struggling. The labour party in government was endorsed by a meagre 22% of the electorate in Scotland. Yet, they call it “a majority”.
The British and American establishments will do the exact same they have done to the SNP to any political party that attempts to progress Scotland’s independence. Therefore, there is no political route to independence. It is an illusion. We will only be offered the options the establishment is comfortable with: an S30 or an S30.
The sooner we learn that and the sooner we bring the whole faux democracy charade that has been operating in Scotland since, at least 2014, the sooner we will be on track to where we want to go.
No option to vote on independence, bypassing of Scotland’s utterly useless MPs and to ditch the Scotland Act so Scotland’s Parliament power is restored IN FULL and with immediate effect?
They kiss goodbye to my vote, you useless gravy suckers. I am fed up of voting for charlatan tossers who are all talk and no action.
As political Parties continue to circle the pan, it is apparently still beyond the wit of Scotland’s supposedly brightest and best to identify 57 decent folk to stand as Independents on an End the Union manifesto, and start to campaign and harvest the votes of the evermore disenfranchised electorate.
Of course it would be rather useful if this previously proffered method could finally get the details fleshed out to a simple straightforward proposal so we could actually make a start on doing what needs to be done.
If local folk with a decent reputation are the candidates, any attack from the Establishment or globalist shills punting their bullshit will likely backfire and further rally the support of locals around their man/woman.
It would be much harder to smear and take out 57 decent individuals, and if they tried it would be so obvious that they were trying the same shit on with 57 unconnected individuals.
But it seems far too many people that supposedly support returning Scotland to self-governance are either too comfortably insulated from the ongoing detriments of the UK governance structures so have no motivation or fire in them to deliver what they purport to want, and many others simply enjoy being in the situation of getting perma-shafted.
The vehicle to deliver Indy currently has a fucked clutch and therefore no driving force.
Now folk can continue to produce endless chatter and blogs talking about a myriad theoretical ways of fixing the issue, or distract yourself by giving the vehicle a wash and polish, and maybe replace that headlight bulb with the blown filament.
But you’re really just pissing away your and everyone’s time because you’ll never be able to drive the car again until you get with the fucking program and get busy doing the actual work to sort the main problem.
Time keeps on slippin’ slippin’ slippin into the future…
link to
We really need a Jocko remix though seeing as we can’t get off the ground – Fly Like a Beagle
This is an interesting quote from the article, “a ministry with national credibility amongst voters beyond their core base… [is]… crucial for any party that aspires to statehood”. The SNP, surely, aspires to Scotland being an independent state, after which all bets are off as to which party(ies) govern it. The point of an independence supporting party is not, ‘support Independence and vote for us and you’ll always have us in charge’, but ‘vote for us, we’ll get you Independence, and you can then decide who should be in charge and hold them accountable as you see fit’. If a party of independence starts to ‘confuse’ the latter aim with the ‘merits’ of it always being in power whatever the constitutional arrangement, then it will look something like the SNP does – to the disadvantage of everyone in Scotland, Unionists and Independence supporters.
Surely that’s always been one of the biggest advantages of independence: after the glorious day, we have new elections, new parties, “proper” proportional representation, a written constitution, possibly even a Senate to ensure no single political malign political force like the SNP can try to monopolise power in future.
The current Holyrood system may have failed us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fashion one that is fit for purpose like so many other small independent nations seem to have managed.
In a certain way, I thank God that Alex S. doesn’t have to endure any more, the complete and utter betrayal of his/our Scotland by the toxic scum that calls itself SNP.
It’s time to say it again:
If you want an independent Scotland, you’re going to have to fight for it.
WM and the Scottish scum won’t give it to you.
“you’re going to have to fight for it”
It’s always easier to say things like that from 1,000 miles away.
“Scotland leaving the UK could take decades”
Yeah, but Scotland ENDING the UK could take just a few minutes. The time that it would take for our useless Scotland MPs to unglue their useless self-serving arses from the green seats and reconvene Scotland’s Parliament.
Alternatively, our so called “pro-indy” and so called “Scotland’s” MSPs, could find the backbone they lost in 2014, put it back on, vote to ditch the Scotland Act and restore Scotland’s parliament powers IN FULL.
What exactly has been stopping you doing that?
So you can stick your garbage and gaslighting waffle where the sun does not shine, Mr Mcpherson. We all know that all what you are doing is to trying to keep the flow of the thick gravy you and your colleagues in the so called “SNP” have been slurping by the gallon at our expense.
I’m with Mia.
Unmitigated Scot Gov/SNP fraud can shove it.
It has failed Scotland, miserably.
e.g. (yawn)…
BBC (28/01/25): Child sex abuse victims ‘failed’, says minister:
“The victims of one of Scotland’s biggest child sex abuse rings were “failed“, the SNP government has said.”:
link to
Demonic Wings groupies don’t give a fu** about the child abuse epidemic/Scotland’s children.
“Why don’t they just endorse a proposal that I just invented, that is based on total nonsense and which has 0% chance of success”
The only reason why it has 0% chance of success is because neither the so called “Scotland’s” MPs or MSPs are in the business of looking after Scotland and its sovereignty. The only thing they care about is to preserve their salaries and perks.
That is why I say that there is no political route for Scotland’s independence. The main obstacle will always be the cowardice and the self-serving interest of each and every one of those MPs.
How can you remove that obstacle?
Politics is the current tool used by the deep state to rein in the independence movement and stop it moving forward. Politics is not a route. It is an obstacle.
Ultimately, we will win independence at the ballot box. That is not to say there is no place for the grassroots campaign that caused UKG to change its collective underwear ten years ago. There is, obviously. However, we cannot ignore the necessity of elected officials being in place to make the will of the people a reality.
Agreed 100%.
If the current elected dross aren’t doing what they say on the tin, then find new ones who will and vote them in instead.
Learn from Trump. Discover the electrifying changes that happen when an elected politician, not even completely, but even partially, DOES IN OFFICE WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD FUCKING DO PRIOR TO BEING ELECTED.
“Ultimately, we will win independence at the ballot box”
I am sorry, but I do not think we will. We will be denied that independence and we will be given a litany of stupid excuses for that denial. We ALREADY won that independence at the ballot box on the 8th May 2015, 8 June 2017 and 12 December 2019. We already sent an absolute majority of anti-union MPs to Westminster not one but three times.
On top of that, Scotland categorically voted against removing the UK out of the EU. Yet, Scotland’s expressed democratic will was not ignored, it was stomped all over. Forcing Scotland out of the EU was an imposition of absolute rule and therefore a direct violation of the Claim of Right. It should have ended the union right there and then. Yet, it did not because Scotland is represented by invertebrates rather than MPs and MSPs.
Actually, the union should have ended in 2015, in 2016, in 2017 and in 2019. Four times over by now. Yet, did you see any change? No.
What we saw was the political fraud Sturgeon and the brigade of useless SNP MPs transforming the SNP with their inaction into an overt labour operating under a fake brand.
We also gave multiple democratic mandates for a referendum on independence. Yet, did you see any change?
We are denied democracy, yet, allegedly, this union continues “by consent”. Well, Scotland removed its consent for this union to continue the minute the first mandate for an independence referendum was issued. And it is not just me who is saying this.
The following interesting quotes are from Ciaran Martin Professor of Practice in the Management of Public Organisations at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. Before this was a senior UK civil servant. From 2014 to 2020 he led the government’s work on cyber security, founding and leading the National Cyber Security Centre, a subdivision of the intelligence agency GCHQ. He worked as Constitution Director in the Cabinet Office between July 2011 and January 2014. He actually helped negotiate what would became the Edinburgh Agreement and was even present at the table when the agreement was signed. The quotes were extracted from his paper “Resist, Reform or Re-run”, published in April 2021 in the context of the potential result in the Scottish election of 2021 for a pro-independence majority elected on a manifesto for a independence referendum:
“In the middle of the noisiest electoral campaign in the short history of the Scottish parliament, one important fact is being overlooked. The formal position of the government of the United Kingdom appears to be that there will be no lawful or democratic route by which to achieve Scottish independence for an unspecified number of decades. This is irrespective of how Scotland votes in May, or at any subsequent election during this unspecified period”
“My principal contention…is that should events transpire…that make this currently rhetorical position a firm constitutional reality, then the Union as we understand it will have changed fundamentally. In effect, it would change the Union from one based on consent, to one based on the force of law”
“It is very possible – some say highly likely – that in May, or at some other point in the future, the Scottish parliament will have a majority elected on a very specific commitment to hold another independence referendum. Whether it is made up solely of Scottish National Party MSPs, or SNP plus Greens, or Alba – or, hypothetically, 65 non-party independents – is of zero constitutional or legal significance. A majority is a majority, and – as we shall come to – no one has attempted to define a different threshold for a trigger for a referendum”
“In the event of such a clash, the UK government and its parliament has broadly three options for how to respond. These are as follows:
• Resist a referendum, by force of law (this is the UK government’s current policy);
• Reform the United Kingdom, and Scotland’s place within it, alongside that resistance, with the aim of providing an alternative to independence capable of overcoming its current position in opinion polls (which is, by historical standards, very strong);
or • Re-run the 2014 referendum, or some variant thereof, having abandoned the resistance policy in the light of the electoral mandate”
I would argue we are already on option two: “Reform”. This is what the stupid SNP is dragging us towards: more devolution and why it is trying to get in bed with Labour.
The following quotes are also taken from the same Mr Martin’s paper:
“Although some academics had pointed out some years earlier its potential for use as a route to holding a referendum, Section 30 was not designed for existential constitutional issues. It was designed to iron out mistakes in the way devolved and reserved powers work in more mundane matters, such as road transport, and to provide flexibility for new developments”
“Ultimately there are no constraints on what Westminster can do to block a lawful path to Scottish independence if it’s so minded”
“There are, in effect, only two things that matter. One: The law is in Westminster. Two: The votes are in Scotland. So if these two forces clash, one has to give way to the other. But there are no rules as to how such a situation should be resolved”
“A vote next month, or at any time after, in favour of any majority – however constituted – of MSPs elected on an explicit pro-referendum mandate, in effect puts Scotland’s consent for the Union on pause. We have no other means by which to measure that consent”
“Mr Cameron and Mr Moore correctly recognised in 2011 that the pro-referendum parliamentary majority was the principal legitimate measure of the view of the Scottish people at that time”
“No political argument should override the democratic mandate. If, as the present Prime Minister has argued, a referendum is not the priority of the Scottish people, they can indicate this by voting for one or two of several parties who do not wish to hold one. Indeed, a referendum is far higher up the agenda in the 2021 election than it was in 2011, when it was barely discussed”
“The other argument that can be expected is that not enough time has passed since the 2014 referendum. This, too, is an entirely political argument. Quoting back remarks from that period that it was a “once in a generation” experience is just politics: it’s just a slogan, with the same constitutional standing as the famous promise of £350 million per week for the NHS that was made during the Brexit campaign”
“If the Scottish government proceeds with its so-called Plan B – legislating for its own referendum because Westminster has withheld its consent – then the UK government will be dutybound to challenge it in court.
Arguments about the priorities of the Scottish people, or slogans from 2014, will not feature in the courtroom. Instead, UK law officers will have to say out loud that, although they like to describe Scotland as a nation in its own right in a great multinational partnership, the country has, in fact, no legal right to self-determination.
In the event – in my view, an unlikely one – that the Scottish government won the case, the UK parliament could pass any legislation it wanted to prevent the Plan B referendum anyway, thus removing any doubt about who is in control of the Union.
Overruling a democratic mandate by force of law, however it is done, would have two profound implications. First, a century of union by consent would effectively come to an end: the Union would become an entity sustained by law alone….Secondly, and relatedly, the UK government would be telling Scottish nationalists that there is no lawful path by which to achieve their objectives, at least until such time as the UK government gets round to deciding what it thinks “a generation” means”
“It is therefore not hyperbole to say that the UK government’s position is that there is, and will be, no lawful, democratic path to Scottish independence for an unspecified number of decades, regardless of the wishes of Scottish voters during that period”
“What matters, however, is that hundreds of thousands of Scots who quite clearly support independence have been told throughout their lives, however old they are, that if they succeed through lawful, democratic parliamentary politics – of the type pursued by the SNP and the Greens, for example – then their objectives will be realised.
Now, for the first time in our lifetime, the UK government is saying that this is no longer the case, and that for an indefinite period, the lawful, democratic pursuit of a legitimate political objective cannot result in success, no matter how many people vote for it, and however often.
Such a position is not, in and of itself, undemocratic: plenty of democracies do not allow secession. Spain is a democracy, and Article II of its constitution thunders that “The Kingdom of Spain is indivisible.” … But Spain does not pretend to be a voluntary union of different nations; the United Kingdom does.
So could the United Kingdom still be a voluntary partnership, if those who pursue independence for Scotland lawfully, peacefully and reasonably are left with the choice of, in effect, taking it lying down, or setting out to test the law and the political process?
It is not hard to see how this could do terrible damage to trust, not just in government but in the Scots’ sense of participation in a union of equal partners – this being the core historic principle of the Union.
A union is not a union of equal partners if the bigger partner does not allow the smaller one the option to leave”
From this paper, it is not difficult to see why the political fraud and the unelected crown representative Lord Advocate fought the Keatings case and did not allow a full blown court case to establish if Scotland has the right to self-determination or not. The political fraud and the lord Advocate were simply avoided the crown the embarrassment of having to admit publicly to the world that the uk is a dictatorship that is consistently and systematically violating the Claim of Right and therefore violating the treaty that gave birth to the UK itself.
So I do no longer believe and will never ever again believe that politics in the UK is or will ever be the way to achieve independence.
Politics is the tool that has been systematically used to deny us a referendum for which we gave several perfectly legitimate mandates.
Politics is what has been used to deny us Scotland’s independence despite a majority of native Scots voting for it and despite having sent three stupid majorities of anti-union MPs to Westminster.
Politics is what has been used to force Scotland out of the EU despite the people of Scotland categorically voting against it.
Time and time again, politics is the tool that is being used to systematically deny democracy to Scotland. I will therefore never believe such deliberately flawed tool can ever be used by Scotland as a democratic vehicle to achieve anything worthwhile, unless of course it is in the interest of the British or American establishments.
Bringing this entire fake and rotten political edifice that is acting as a straight jacket to Scotland right to the ground is, in my opinion, the way to go. If that is not possible, then it will have to be bypassed, but never engage with it.
Mr Martin is a unionist and very much part of the establishment. He sees the UK as “a country” and accepts the English only convention of “parliamentary sovereignty”. I do not. I believe in the power of international treaties.
Targeting that treaty of union, rather than insisting in playing time and time again a rigged game of Westminster’s politics where Westminster sets up its rules and changes them when they do not achieve what it wants, is, in my opinion, the only way for Scotland to go. We can only win this game by getting out of it.
If there was ever any doubt in somebody’s mind, the following quotes from Mr Martin’s paper make it more than obvious that we will never ever be offered or allowed to follow an actual democratic route:
“So if events do bring us to the position of a second binary choice, either soon or in the more distant future, my third conclusion is that the 2014 template is broadly replicable for a further referendum. Should there be such a referendum, a high threshold should be applied to changing any of the arrangements that worked well in 2014.
It would, for example, be possible to vary the terms, or the franchise, or to insist on holding a confirmatory subsequent referendum following a ‘Yes’ vote in principle. But all this comes back to questions about consent, and in what way unionists seek to maintain the Union.
There are numerous ways in which Westminster could try to tilt the balance, to prevent Scottish independence from happening by democratic means. But none of them would be invisible. For example, extending the franchise to Scots living in other parts of the UK might gain marginal support for a ‘No’ vote…But such a decision would be prohibitively complex”
“If expatriate Scots’ votes proved decisive, it would hardly settle the matter. Similarly, we already know from the 1979 devolution referendum that a turnout threshold is liable to cause great resentment. And despite – given the Brexit experience – the allure of a second referendum on terms of exit, a requirement for a confirmatory referendum incentivises the following dreadful outcome: a heavy vote in favour of the principle of independence (because there are no consequences at that point) followed by very tough negotiations whereby London seeks to disincentivise Scotland from leaving; and a second referendum with a narrow vote to stay in the Union because the terms of exit are so harsh. It is hard to think of a better recipe for sullen Scottish discontent within the Union for decades to come”
So there we go. changing the franchise to rig the referendum and ensuring permanence of Scotland in the union is not just “considered” but actually expected and seen as “normal”.
Yet, here, we are being panned for demanding that only actual Scots and those living here for a significant length of time, take part in the vote. Funny that, huh?
“We ALREADY won that independence at the ballot box on the 8th May 2015”
Sturgeon General election 2015
GE 2017
“Nicola Sturgeon: vote for SNP is not vote for second independence referendum”
And here is my question:
What right did that woman have to put on hold the first article of the constitution of the party?
What is above what? The constitution of the party of the words of the charlatan of the day?
For the record, I blame the 56 MPs for following blindly the diktat of that political fraud instead of keeping their spines back in, stand for their country and show the middle finger and the door to the fraud.
Stop spamming Mia !
No-one is going to waste their time reading this verbal diarrhoea !
Well, I got a positive vote. That means at least one person invested their precious time in reading it. That is good enough for me and I am very thankful for that.
Maybe that person is now reading the whole article written by Mr Martin, telling others about it and opening the yes of many others to how UK politics have only served to frustrate independence.
Should I include the link to the article?
Yes, I think I will. Thank you for reminding me that I did not include a link to the article in my previous comment.
“Politics is what has been used to force Scotland out of the EU despite the people of Scotland categorically voting against it”
It’s remarkable how the franchise is never in question when it delivers the result the poster wants.
It’s always good to see an old familiar complaint rearing its tired head, as the wheel of pointless argument turns full circle to return to its starting point.
Where the EU was concerned, the 1975 referendum on membership of the then Common Market was a UK-wide one. It was never decided on the basis of England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland all having to provide majorities or we couldn’t join.
And so it was entirely natural and just that the decision to leave should be on the same basis.
It is of course beyond ironic that the SNP of 1975 was opposed to joining in the first place, as was Plaid Cymru!
Facts, eh? Awkward chiels.
In case anybody is interested in reading Mr Martin’s article, it can be found by following the link below:
link to
Very very well put Mia!
That’s the message that needs understood; the political process has been weighed, measured and found wanting through chicanery.
I’ve served in NI in my youth and would hate to see it here.
Disobedience is the way to go, remember the poll tax- effectively brought the iron witch down.
Trouble is the electorate is force fed Unionist staffed or promoted media here.
The National used to have potential but has long gone the way of student politics and gender woo woo, frankly wouldn’t be surprised if it folded in the not too distant future.
SHE whose name shall not be uttered has so very very much to answer for..
“How can you remove that obstacle?”
You have missed out option #3 Mia, stand for office yourself.
Make your manifesto a simple plebiscitary one for Independence, swear an oath you won’t be deflected if elected, and be prepared to back that up, going to prison if it comes to that.
It won’t be easy, far from it, but when was power and money ever easily won from the grip of those possessing it?
“the cowardice and the self-serving interest”
That’s an easy jibe to hurl from the comfort and safety of the sidelines.
Let’s be clear, Mia, I’m not saying it has to be you specifically, but somebody needs to stand up and be counted. Scotland only needs something like 100 committed patriots to get Indy up and running again.
The problem is, that type of candidate is likely to attract a crank, and b) I think (partially for that reason), exceptionally unlikely to get elected standing as an independent on that kind of platform. I sometimes think everyone on here things that 99% of people in Scotland want independence and see it as number 1 priority, and all we need is a clever trick to out smart WM. I’m afraid that’s just not true.
The Crank jibe !
The last resort insult of the over qualified under experienced snob who has just lost the argument..
Run back to yer Alma Mater shoulder to cry on for direction..
I can understand why the “crank” jibe upsets you. I’m sure it’s not the first time you’ve heard that word.
Not at all.
I just recognise the mentality and insecurity of those who use the bullying term.
Usually aimed to discredit and make unemployable their victims.m who they fear.
You don’t need to be a victim yourself to recognise that behaviour masquerading as professional superiority..
Do you?
Thought not.
“You have missed out option #3 Mia, stand for office yourself”
And you have completely missed the whole point of my comment:
I do no longer believe in politics as a route for Scotland’s independence. Politics has been corrupted since at least 2014 and it has been since then continuously and consistently abused to systematically deny the people of Scotland the option of ending this union.
Why on earth would I ever enter a game I believe is completely rigged against Scotland, a game whose rules are constantly changed by the British establishment so Scotland cannot win, and when I am actually advocating for not engaging with it at all and instead either bypass it or bringing it down?
“Scotland only needs something like 100 committed patriots to get Indy up and running again”
No. Scotland only needed an absolute majority of anti-union MPs to end this union. We achieved that already THREE times. Yet, here we are. Politics as a route of independence is dead. Continuing to look at it in hope is doing nothing other than wasting our time. Meanwhile, Scotland’s resources continue to be raped, given away and stolen from us.
Mia is thriving with her independence and doesn’t require any parliamentary carrots to convince her that she doesn’t hold any sovereignty, nor possess the capability (unlimited power) to succeed –
Mia is a Scot Indy trailblazer (take note Scotland weaklings)…
“…I don’t wanna to be that fake
Cause you can do it
And imitators yeah stick it!..
I was born free, born free…”:
link to
“Politics as a route of independence is dead”
Oh well then, we’re doomed.
Unless …
Can we post stuff online and achieve Indy that way? If it’s never been REALLY tried, how can we say it will never work?
“Scotland only needed an absolute majority of anti-union MPs to end this union. We achieved that already THREE times. Yet, here we are. Politics as a route of independence is dead. Continuing to look at it in hope is doing nothing other than wasting our time. Meanwhile, Scotland’s resources continue to be raped, given away and stolen from us.”
I don’t agree with this bolded part. It’s clear the NuSNP has been captured by infiltrators that had no interest in delivering Indy, even if they were meant to have been elected for that purpose.
It really should have been a case of “when someone shows you who they are, best believe them the first time”, but folk didn’t learn, so that lesson needs to be learnt rather than whining on that a bunch of arseholes reneged on us and political route is dead.
Once folk acknowledge they got burnt and suck up that betrayal we can move forward with an alternative strategy which binds future *new candidates to represent the will of those that elect them or their electorate have the power to recall them.
I’m not talking about the current crappy recall setup, but about the candidate standing on a much more robust commitment and an effective contract in their manifesto that if elected they will merely be a conduit to act on the expressed will of those that elect them or recall will kick in and they will be removed from their position.
*I say new because it would be absolute folly to trust any of the current crop of political dross that has sucked up the gravy and allowed all manner of unwanted policies foisted onto the Scottish public.
It won’t work because it’s not lawful and won’t be recognised.
You personally could take that stance, and I get the rationale. However, I’d seriously doubt there are enough people (and particularly importantly, enough people in a concentration in one area) to influence the outcome of a specific seat. My personal view is that strategies like this which only appeal to the most committed and serious of supporters are likely to appeal to 20/25% of the Scottish electorate. There are far too many people in the “nice to have, provided it’s not too much inconvenience” camp.
“it’s not lawful and won’t be recognised”
“lawful” according to whose laws? Those of the entity that has been for over 300 years systematically breaking and rewriting its own laws to get out of its own mess, and that is now abusing an English only convention of self-awarded (usurped?) parliamentary “sovereignty” in order to stop Scotland becoming independent?
“recognised” by whom?
That entity which is deliberately breaking and re-writing its own laws and making up conventions as it goes along to stop Scotland becoming independent?
Can you not see just how absurd is to talk about “unlawful” or “not recognised” in the present context where that entity is systematically going ultra-vires over itself to forcefully denying democracy to Scotland?
How can you expect me not to laugh at somebody claiming something was just declared unlawful by that English court otherwise known as “UK supreme court” when I do not even believe that thing has any legitimacy to operate as a constitutional supreme court over Scotland under the treaty of union?
Who on earth is any England MP, England judge or the English crown they represent to apply the English convention of parliamentary sovereignty to declare that Scotland cannot revoke an international treaty when England has systematically breached any fundamental condition of that treaty? Where exactly did they get the legitimacy to do that? When did Scotland awarded that entity or England’s MPs legitimacy to overrule the Claim of Right?
When exactly did the old parliament of Scotland awarded “parliamentary sovereignty” to the Great Britain parliament on behalf of Scotland when Scotland’s old parliament did not even own that parliamentary sovereignty itself in the first place?
And if Scotland’s parliament could not confer parliamentary sovereignty over Great Britain’s parliament, what exactly makes England MPs or English judges think England MPs have the deity given right to apply England’s own parliamentary sovereignty over Scotland?
Can you not see that the whole thing is unlawful in itself and a pinnacle of the absurd?
The point the lazy legalese here just don’t seem to want to grasp.
Wonder why?
“are likely to appeal to 20/25% of the Scottish electorate”
Labour has the majority of Scotland’s MPs after getting support of just 22% of Scotland’s electorate. Yet they called it a “landslide” victory. A “crushing” majority.
Well then, if 22% of labour voters is “the” majority, enough to force us to accept to donate 3 bn of our hard earned cash per year and for a ridiculous 100 years to U whilst our elderly freeze or starve to death here in energy rich, but plundered Scotland, then 20-25% supporting that strong pro-independence strategy can also be considered a “crushing” majority.
What is good for the goose…
Okay – so today in the Loony Tunes we have;
a) I don’t recognise the U.K. legal system at all; and b) we can treat 20% of the vote as a mandate for independence.
And we wonder why the cause of independence is off the agenda.
Does making a mendacious idiot of yourself make you feel good?
Bending specially selected polls to suit your predetermined wishes and posting here hoping everyone else is as lazy in their investigation of facts as you are?
I am going to stoop to the necessary: FOOL!
I get more depressed with Swinney and the rest of them. Is their nothing can be done about the situation Independance is in. This BS can go on for years.
It was STUPID idea to allow everyone who lived in Scotland a vote on our constitutional question, okay it was a Holyrood winner for the SNP 2016 but that all it was.
Look were we are now, I’m telling you Sturgeon will be leader of the SNP again so get your thinking caps on as to what damage she’ll do when she becomes leader again.
I wrote a letter to AUOB and told them to stop marching on the streets and to start marching against the SNP. I don’t even know if AUOB is still in existence.
The Rockefeller Foundation:
“Building on a legacy of employing many of the brightest thinkers of the 20th century, The Rockefeller Foundation’s leadership team and staff bring a broad range of talents and backgrounds…”
Nicola Sturgeon: Former First Minister of Scotland:
link to
link to
World Economic Forum: Agenda: LGBT+
link to
Surely they could have held off a bit till the 7th of June to mark the anniversary of the 1297 capitulation of Irvine..
There will be no deal with Labour when the SNP can do this.
A colonial/department ‘budget’ is just a formality. Of course it is signed off ivvery time. It mainly consists of public sector wages.
The ‘wages o colonialism’ are primarily to keep the bourgeoisie and proletariat onside, an tae keep the racket gaun (Fanon).
Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in Scottish legislation – Petitions
Now has 3,067 signatures.
The fact that Scots are denied even the choice of having another referendum is proof positive that the United Kingdom is no longer a voluntary union.
Reminder to you (and Ms Regan), how did the De Facto Referendum of 4th July 2024 go.Best out of 5?
A short response, SNP politicians are a bunch of toom tabards only interested in an easy pay check.
What is the point of Independence if we then have a Government of fools? Just as we have presently. Admittedly Westminster is not much better but there is a Central Bank as a safety net. It would take Billions to set up all the Institutions that an Independent Scotland would require. England would not pay for it and Scotland does not have the cash. I expect the usual accusations of yoon troll etc etc but I have yet to see a properly costed economic/financial case being made. Nobody has.
To my mind there is only one issue that would cause the Scottish electorate to vote to get rid of the UK and that is WATER.
If this climate malarkey turns out to be true, stop laughing at the back, and England decided to build a pipeline to take Scottish water for free and expect Scots to contribute towards the cost, this would cause uproar with ordinary, sane Scots.
Time will tell.
Gerry Rafferty: Get It Right Next Time:
“Out on the street, I was talking to a man
He said, there’s so much of this life of mine that I don’t understand
You shouldn’t worry, I said, that ain’t no crime…
You need direction, yeah, you need a name
When you’re standing in the crossroads every highway looks the same
After a while, you can recognize the signs
So if you get it wrong you’ll get it right next time, next time
Life is a liar, yeah, life is a cheat…”:
link to
Elon Musk: Pinned:
“Two years ago, I commissioned an art piece: A Fork in the Road. Had to make sure that civilization took the path most likely to pass the Fermi Great Filters.”:
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Humza Yousaf
“No messages of anger or disgust from Farage, Reform or Musk about one of the biggest child grooming gangs in UK who were sentenced yesterday.
It’s almost like they don’t actually care about keeping children safe but have an ulterior motive?”:
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How dare you claim moral authority, Humza
I’ve already called the frauds out (yawn:)
“Take a good look in the mirror…”:
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“It (SNP) has failed Scotland…”:
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Substantial difference between a (white) family group plus a few close friends, sexually abusing their own children, and thousands of underage white girls being raped by hundreds of Pakistani men. Or does no one think so?
Meanwhile in Shetland….
What’s the point your making or let me guess Scots sounding English speaking viking German morons. If they want there Independence they can have it. Sell up and move somewhere else its that simple, no one making them staying here they can F*ck off to Denmark or Germany for all I care, but Scotland boundary’s will remain the same. Take the Lib-Dems with them.
Aye, its quite a phenomenon, a people celebrating their invader/oppressor. Happens elsewhere in Scotland too. Tho it seems the Picts wirna too chuffed whan thay Vikings turned up….
I’m sure you’re right. I imagine they felt the same way about the invasions from Ireland by the Scots.
Yes, the historical and archaeological record tells us a great deal aboot the Picts as descendants of the Neolithic people who lived here since before the Roman period, as well as about other peoples who moved here later, such as Gaels and Vikings.
Its a pity Scots fowk irna telt this history. The Picts were maistly written oot o oor history for some reason. But as there is no record of their being destroyed they must shuirly have lived on, in part subdued by the more dominant groups and cultures arriving, and in due course becoming ‘Scots’, or at least described so.
“The Picts were maistly written oot o oor history for some reason”
It’s hardly a mystery, Alf. The Declaration of Arbroath boasts that we completely destroyed them.
“there is no record of their being destroyed”
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Here’s a wee excerpt:
“its home in the west, which it now holds, having first thrown out the Britons and completely destroyed the Picts, and even though it was often attacked by the Norse, the Danes and the English, it fought back with many victories and countless labours and it has held itself ever since”
Please don’t tell me you refute the Declaration of Arbroath!
Even the earlier Roman claim to have ‘devastated the Picts’ was found to be premature. Similarly there is little evidence that Gaels actually destroyed the Picts, they merely rather nastily got rid of Pict leaders after a friendly feast. However, it seems they did rather diminish Pictish culture, altering their identity as it were to ‘Scots’. Which is also the ongoing Anglo colonial aim, to subordinate and eradicate Scottish identity, aka cultural imperialism.
It’s the ever growing number of ‘Scots’ who practise Sharia I’m concerned about.
The “ongoing Anglo colonial aim, to subordinate and eradicate Scottish identity” is merely a short-term stepping stone to that ultimate destination.
“they merely rather nastily got rid of Pict leaders after a friendly feast”
You don’t think removing the leadership effectively destroys the army, or nation, or political movement?
Ten thousand examples from history suggest otherwise.
Except that many Scots still have Pictish DNA, so they must have survived to reproduce.
Ignore everything else in your post, your first sentence eloquently gives away who you are and where your beliefs lie.
Everything else is made up b0ll0x and padding to mask your real aspiration.
New age fascist.
“Similarly there is little evidence that Gaels actually destroyed the Picts, they merely rather nastily got rid of Pict leaders after a friendly feast” Alf Baird
This is not only a legend but a legend TYPE, The same story recurs across time and space in the ancient and mediæval worlds.
The earliest Celtic example, I think is from c. 120 BC when Mithridates V, king of Pontus supposedly engineered a banquet slaughter of his Celtic allies “together with their wives and children”.
Fast forward six centuries and Hengist, their mercenary Saxon hireling, does the same to his Brittonic-Celt paymasters.
In more modern times, in actual history, we find the pattern reversed -with Campbell guests turning on their Glencoe hosts.
It’s easier to believe the Picts & the Gaels both contained a majority of Yoons.
Haha, maybe it’s genetic 🙂
Ignored as spam.
The Pictish language is just beginning to be understood or interpreted. The early findings are unraveling a highly complex society. A great deal of communication was in oral tradition with their own bards. Stories were told similar to The Iliad, through song. As in modern Turkey and the West coast of Ireland The Picts blended in and became part of who we are today.
The KLF: Justified & Ancient:
“You better not stop them ’cause they’re coming through…
They’re justified, and they’re ancient
And they drive an ice cream van
(Just roll it from the top)
They’re justified, and they’re ancient
With still no master plan…
Rocking to the rhythm in their ice cream van
With the plan and the key to
Enter into Mu Mu
Vibes from the tribes of the jams
I know where the beat is at
‘Cause I know what time it is…
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified)…”:
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“Scottish musician Bill Drummond (alias King Boy D)…
The KLF released a series of international hits on their own KLF Communications record label…
Drummond’s most recent music project is a choir, the 17…
…list of the 100 Coolest People in Pop. Drummond was number one on the list. “What has this giant of coolness not achieved?”, they asked: “Like the Monolith in, 2001: A Space Odessy, Drummond has always been a step ahead of human evolution, guiding us on…
Drummond is many things, and one of those things is a magician… he THROWS IT ALL AWAY, machine-guns the audience and dumps a dead sheep on the doorstep of the Brit Awards and vanishes to build dry-stone walls. His new ‘band’ The K Foundation make records but say they won’t release them at all until world peace is established. Deranged, inspired, intensely cool…
That is magical thinking. Art is magic, and so is pop. Bill Drummond is a cultural magician…”:
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Whereas Alf (et al) is Scotland cultural treasure…
Wings groupies fu**ing hate Scottish culture.
Enemies of Scotland.
All DNA tests taken in Scotland, to my knowledge, Alf, have shown relatively high levels of Pictish DNA, with variations between areas, the North and North-east showing highest levels.
Alf, your incessant disparagement of the Gaels (speakers of the original and ongoing language of the Scots) is outrageous. However, even more intolerable is your unrelenting spurious linkage of the Germanic language you promote with extinct Pictish (a sister language of Gaelic). Your persistent sleight of hand is to make a DNA argument followed up with an invalid linguistic conclusion. I would therefore ask you and other folk commenting on these issues to please reference contemporary academic literature — which is something I have always tried to do. Here then yet again for the general reader is a relevant link to the Scots Dictionaries site itself:
Not as outrageous as pretendy Gaels, Fergus !
1.5 The Battle over the Ghosts of the Picts
« In the late eighteenth century the conflict over the Picts and their language grew more virulent, driven by political, religious and ethnic prejudices and factionalism. This century saw not only the union of the parliaments of Scotland and England in 1707 but also the violent defeat of Jacobitism in 1746 and the attendant suppression of Gaelic identity. The later horrors of the Highland Clearances and famine were to contribute to the contempt felt by many towards all things Gaelic. As we enter more deeply into the Enlightenment little credence was given to early origin myths, and a new critical approach, based on evidence and reason, emerged.
« The Picts were sometimes pressed into service to validate the personal and political agendas, or bias, of involved parties. Some
Scots-speaking Lowlanders were placed in a quandary; just how Celtic should they consider themselves? Buying into a Gaelic past would involve equating themselves with tribal, highland barbarians who were moreover descended from immigrant Irish, whose adherence to Catholicism in recent centuries evoked alarm. Imagining themselves as immigrant Saxons involved the danger of delegitimizing their claim, as first holders, to occupy and rule the land. Finding the means to portray Lowlanders as indigenous, in particular if this could trump Gaelic claims to the linguistically anglicised east, had great appeal. The Picts, details of whose language and culture were gradually emerging from the murky past, were becoming objects of increasing interest. They had left very little in terms of concrete evidence of their identity and they were ‘convenient blank sheets on which almost any tale could be written’ (Ferguson 1998, 185). p 73»
« […] Into this budding dispute stepped John Pinkerton (1758-1826) a Lowland poet and historian. He was a fervent advocate of the Germanic supremacist theory and promoted this view forcefully in his publications, wishing to purge his country of all Celtic elements. »
« […] He further developed the theory that the ‘Piks’ were of the race of ancient Goths. ‘Scots’, he argued, was a pure descendant of the Picto-Gothic language, and, moreover, the Gaels, or Highlanders, were a degenerate impostor race (1794, 349). He devoted a whole twenty-eight page chapter to dismantling previous views that equated Pictish with Welsh. In order to advance his theories he embarked on comparing Celtic and Germanic philology, attempting to show that Scotland’s Celtic place-names were in fact of Germanic origin. (p73)»
« He argued that the Celts were the original inhabitants of the country, before they were expelled to Ireland by the Cymraeg (sic) or British and that Gothic-speaking Picts subsequently invaded from Scandinavia. This explained the preponderance of Celtic names in Pictland. Unsurprisingly he was unable to muster any evidence from early sources to support his bigotry. As noted by Ferguson this became ‘a favourite argument of the anti-Celticists, whose brilliant intellects enabled them to accomplish the wondrous feat of demonstrating the inferiority of the Celtic languages whilst mercifully remaining undefiled by any knowledge of them’ (1998, 254). As with the later Basque hypothesis a red herring entered the discussion and, despite being repeatedly thrown out, its odour proved more difficult to shift. (p 74) »
[…] 1.12 The New Consensus
« The last decade or so, despite some dissenting voices, has seen the normalising of the view that Pictish was fundamentally rather similar to Brittonic. (p 118) »
(‘Approaching the Pictish Language: Historiography, Early Evidence and the Question of Pritenic’ by Guto Rhys BA, MLitt. University of Glasgow, April, 2015)
The gravy train goes an awful lot deeper than elected reps and inevitably the creaking seesaw of government sponsored salaries and funds sees many switching sides as their own interest requires.
However, Jim Sillars’ latest piece gives us a ray of hope if we can clear out the blockage.
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SNP have been flirting with Labourand vice versa since Jan 2022 Don’t know which was the main pursuer
SNP’s death by a thousand cuts, all self inflicted. They truly are unelectable now. Assimilated by the union collective, incapable of original thought.
Short, correct and to the point JMc!
The SNP’s Scotland Fornever Campaign – I now hate the SNP ; I used to loathe them but now it’s a keich that needs flushing.
Problem is, Alba comes across as an authoritarian, angry rabble of malcontents – without Salmond it needs someone to put a cheeky wee smile on its face.
Anybody remaining in the SNP is a de facto obstacle/enemy of independence.
They have done absolutely nothing for independence since Salmond left,in fact Sturgeon and now Swinney are actively discouraging people from supporting it, what a shower, how people have believed them over the years I do not know?.
Until a hand span of years ago; guilty as charged.
Now; fool me once – stupid me
Fool me now your mask has slipped; NO CHANCE!
Stewart M16donald got cosy. Scottish independence should be a threat to the UK, no ifs no buts. Got cosy.
This is more of a collusion than a coalition.
Its not difficult to imagine the SNP being the willing handmaidens to Labour’s plans to transfer all of Scotland’s resources – gas, oil, water, wind power and others – directly to England along with the vast majority of the associated jobs.
In a repeat of the 80s, the U.K. government will plough everything they have into overheating the Southern English economy with new airport runways, train lines, and vast housing developments around their new Oxford-Cambridge AI hub (similar proposals having been recently denied to the Scottish Central Belt).
Scotland has to wake up to the fact that, as far as Unionist political parties are concerned, its just England’s Greenland.
Cash cow Scotland is mair like England’s India, thon’s why we’re aye haud ticht:
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On 15 Nov 2017, Shashi Tharoor, former diplomat and Member of the Indian Parliament, gave this unmissable lecture in Edinburgh University’s McEwan Hall:
It’s Bathgate, Linwood, Methil no more, all over again…then we’ll see them all popping up in the House of Lords and in top Quango jobs…
Once again Rev you expose the stark reality of the SNP as they practically screen that they are not a party of independence and have no intention of ever pursuing it. They make me sick.
If the SNP were a product they could be sued under the trade description act.
Product manager McDuff’s descriptions put SNP to shame:
Kids and smartphones…
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Some “gentle” Killing Joke to fire you up for the weekend… They have a tendency to be a decade or two head of the curve! lolz
Corporate Elect
“It’s an ADD generation
everyone accepts
The reintroduction of slavery
by corporate elects”
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Right on time Stu
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