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Wings Over Scotland

The casual hand grenade

Posted on August 30, 2024 by

We’ve just watched a hearing at the Court Of Session with regard to Alex Salmond’s civil claim against the Scottish Government. It was an ostensibly minor one, in which Salmond’s team were requesting a sist (pause) in the case for the fourth time, on the grounds of a number of ongoing police inquiries related to the events around the claim.

For most of the time Wings was the only journalist in a (virtual) room full of lawyers – although a couple of Scottish Daily Mail hacks turned up midway through – and we got to hear a dramatic surprise revelation.

James Hynd is a civil servant who was head of the Scottish Government’s cabinet, parliament and governance division during the inquiry.

(And he may still be – he’s a man with a microscopic digital footprint, and pretty much every piece of what little there is to be found concerns the inquiry. Indeed, the same is true of his entire department, which is extremely publicity-shy.)

But the hearing revealed for the first time that Hynd is currently subject to a criminal investigation by Police Scotland, with the name Operation Broadcroft, on suspicion of the serious crime of “wilfully making false statements on oath” to the inquiry.

And the ramifications of that extend much further than Mr Hynd himself.

It means there are now THREE live investigations which are, or may be, pertinent to Salmond’s claim – the newly-disclosed Operation Broadcroft, the much-discussed Operation Branchform, and a separate unnamed Crown Office inquiry (which Wings understands is now in the hands of Crown counsel) into perjury by an individual we are not legally allowed to name.

The significance of that is that if any of those cases were to prove wrongdoing, the Scottish Government’s defence to Salmond’s claim would collapse overnight (because the standard of proof required in a civil claim is lower than for a criminal one, so he would in effect automatically win without having to go to court, because the central fact of his case had already been established under a higher burden of evidence).

The Scottish Government, therefore, is keen to try to force Salmond’s claim to come to court BEFORE that can happen, in the hope that he won’t have the financial resources to go through with it. (Having been forced to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds defending himself against false allegations in the criminal trial that so far he alone has been put through in relation to the matter.)

James Hynd is one of a lengthy list of Scottish civil servants who have already been forced to “correct” or “clarify” evidence they gave at the Parliamentary inquiry.

Hynd played a significant role in the original Scottish Government investigation into the false allegations against Salmond, which was thrown out by Lord Pentland for being “procedurally unfair” and “tainted with apparent bias”.

He was the man charged by the Scottish Government with devising the new procedure under which the allegations were investigated, which he claimed to have done without any knowledge of any allegations having been made.

Should Operation Broadcroft find that James Hynd wilfully gave false evidence under oath, that would almost certainly be enough, by itself, to fatally torpedo the Scottish Government’s defence against Salmond’s claim. So readers will perhaps understand the sudden and otherwise-mystifying urgency on the part of the Scottish Government to try to use its financial muscle to shut the case down.

But while that would be major news in itself, it would of course only be a footnote to a much bigger story about the attempt to destroy the life of the former First Minister.

And while today’s events took place with very little in the way of fanfare, the bomb dropped by Salmond’s counsel in the Court Of Session this morning may herald an explosion with consequences that it is impossible to overstate.

0 to “The casual hand grenade”

  1. Steve a says:

    BOOM! and not before time!

  2. Cameron Lochiel says:

    Tick, tock, tick tock…

  3. Grey Gull says:

    Money might be tight, but this is why I’m more than happy to continue paying you each month. You’re the only person who keeps us informed. Thank you.

  4. Mac says:

    Considering that he came up with a completely unfair, biased and illegal process to railroad Salmond I would put the chances of him not knowing who was being targeted at nil.

    You know all these odious fuckers by the fruit they bear.

    I would say this sudden urgency indicates they know this guy is going down. So they might as well gamble now on the trial… than wait for a certain loss later.

  5. Andrew Morton says:

    Call me cynical, but surely if the Scottish government’s defence collapses, then the evidence which Salmond wants to bring forward will not be heard. Therefore, perhaps it’s in the interests of the Scottish government for the case to collapse.

  6. Sven says:

    Why do I have the feeling that Mr Salmond may be the only person involved in this sordid saga currently enjoying sound, dream free sleep.
    One trusts that others in the media who may now choose to climb on the bandwagon of this disclosure by the faceless Mr Hynd will at least have the courtesy to attribute to our host this original mention of Operation Broadcroft.
    Usual plaudits to Wings author for his continuing honest opening of the can of wriggling worms which form the history of Ms Sturgeon’s administration.

  7. wulls says:

    Make no mistake here…….the only option the Scottish Government has left is to shut down Alex’ case by any means possible……
    And the only weapon they have left is financial clout….ie using OUR money to force Alex Salmond to abandon the case.
    What they do not realise is Alex is not backing down……
    They are hoping he does.
    Ask anyone who knows him what he values, if they know him at all they will say his integrity.
    He ain’t backing down…..He will sell his house and live in a caravan if necessary to finance it AND if he opens a crowdfunder I and almost everyone who knows him will hock their arses to support him.
    Scotgov cannot afford to loose this.
    The SNP cannot afford to loose this.
    Alex Salmond will not allow them to win it.

    Who is betting against him ??????????

    Fools and SNP acolytes.

  8. Ian McCubbin says:

    Wow the crack in Scot Government case has happened. Let’s hope AS counsel gains further delay in the civil case.

  9. PictishOne says:

    If a crowd fund is necessary I’ve got £50+ I can spare.

  10. Ruairidh says:

    Fuck me, am I only giving you a tenner a month and you’re doing the job of the whole of the Scottish media single-handed?

  11. Arthur Martin says:

    This certainly goes a long way to explain why the seemingly open and shut case of embezzlement of SNP funds is still dragging on 3 years after its launch by Police Scotland. The monies were donated and ring fenced for an independence referendum which never took place, the monies no longer exist. Inspector Clouseau could have solved this in 30 minutes after a look at the books and still had time to save the beautiful heiress. There are several individuals who would prefer that these investigations never reach a conclusion but time may be running out for them.

  12. Geri says:

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive..

    One lie always leads to another & soon everyone forgets wtf they started. Classic.

  13. Ian says:

    This makes clear that any ‘rebuild’ limited to the SNP would be nowhere near enough. Going back to 2014 and the fright the union got, what options did the UK establishment have to prevent independence other than to hobble not just the SNP but the overall governance of Scotland as well. None. England effectively becoming independent was just too big a threat to them and had to be prevented at all costs.

  14. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Pull the pin for Gods sake, pull that fkn pin….

    Before I die, I want to see Sturgeon, Murrel and the rest of the cabal of SNP/SG criminals up in front of a court with long prison times when found guilty.

  15. Geri says:

    Aye. .. I’ll second donating to Alex crowdfund.

    These slippery bastards need to be hauled into court to answer to their charges. It’s in the public interest to hear the full story & to make sure all these devious cretins don’t slither off to their next employment with a clean CV.

  16. FionaN says:

    what Graf Midgehunter says! And I want to see all the nicolytes crawl back into the gutter, wrapped up with all their ongoing smears and turds to languish forevermore!

  17. FionaN says:

    Thank you, Rev, for keeping us informed and providing these occasional snippets of hope going forward in what is a pretty dreich looking world these days.

  18. Mac says:

    The SNPG already had a perfect template for procedures for dealing with any complaints, in the Fairness At Work policy.

    It was created after broad consultations with all stakeholders and was well reviewed and fine tuned and was the obvious template for any similar system for dealing with other groups.

    But that was precisely the problem, it was ‘too fair’.

    And that is no use if your true intent is to stitch someone up.

    Then you need an Unfairness At Work policy. a tainted by apparent bias policy, an illegal policy.

    And that is precisely what was cooked up

  19. Alison says:

    Well, now.
    *opens supermarket app to buy much popcorn*

  20. Confused says:

    This is all great – and what a spot, rev. This guy has been sneaking around almost totally un-noticed. I never heard of him.

    – but it’s frustrating to watch; you think – surely now, the roof must fall in on them? Like waiting for the massive overhang to collapse in the penny falls.

    The only possible explanation for what happened to Salmond was it was a conspiracy, organised by Sturgeon, put into action buy her minions, the complainants of varying enthusiasm. Follow the arrows backwards, it all points to her. Who else could it be? She is a control freak who hates “independent thinkers” and needs to know everything – and yet under examination she claims to be a scatterbrain, who know one tells anything, who can barely keep a diary. All the people involved worked for her, and if they did anything against her wishes, or made her look bad, or dobbed her in it – the retribution would be swift; and yet everyone is just swanning around, onto better jobs, writing books. As the cops would say “there are no other suspects”.

    The multiple investigations is worrying; it’s a good way to queer the pitch – if one finds something they can say “that’s the others business” and they can all generally get in each others way, plus it takes more time for running up cul de sacs chasing the side issue, the irrelevant.

  21. Dramfineday says:


  22. James Barr Gardner says:

    Robert Burns

    Here’s freedom to him who would read;

    Here’s freedom to him who would write;

    None ever feared that the truth should be heard,

    But them that the truth would indict.

  23. John C says:

    It is extraordinary that the Sturgeon government has so many legal cases flying around & yet people who were in that government & are at the heart of these allegations are either still in government or in positions of power.

    Nobody has been suspended, nobody has yet to be held to account. Only a few journalists in the UK, let alone Scotland, seem to care that there’s a potential story about massive corruption & the framing of an innocent man. Yes, I get there’s legal restrictions on reporting but the lack of basic curiosity from the media is extraordinary.

  24. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is the wee film about the Hebrides which I mentioned on the previous thread.

    Well worth a watch.


    link to

  25. Kenneth says:

    Well done youse! Second graf. A crowd fund for Alex where do we invest
    Absolutely, superb! For all the shysters to try and bring down Alex Salmond they deserve everything . A shameful episode.
    Way to go don’t give up.

  26. Dorothy Devine says:

    Yahoo! Popcorn at the ready!

    I too want this duplicitous shower brought to justice before I pop my clogs.

    Happy to add to any crowdfunder necessary!

  27. Tommo says:

    I wonder was the ‘Sist’ granted ?
    I didn’t particularly like Salmond and I support the Union but rather than see this rabble close down what-if proven- would be an exposure of a sensational, corrupt abuse of power I would gladly kick in any loose change I can afford to a ‘crowd funder’ if one exists.
    The Scottish Police have my every sympathy in this case; where is the reliable ‘base-line’ of hard, credible evidence ? Where are the ‘witness/es of truth’ ? It looks as though every corner turned sets another hare running. ‘Job from Hell’ I think is the expression in the Force.

  28. PhilM says:

    @Andrew Morton
    I think the following is right, always happy to be corrected.

    Depending on the sensitivity of the evidence, if the case collapses then Alex Salmond can just publish it himself or he can give it to a journalist (can’t think who…)
    Journalists have some important exemptions that relieve them from most obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 as part of “the special purposes” (journalism, academia,
    artistic and literary purposes).
    If AS has the goods, we will likely see them some day soon unless these criminal investigations continue on and on and on…

  29. Craig P says:

    This is potentially turning into the omnicrime. Fraud, conspiracy, perjury, false accusation at inquiry, botched procedures, systematic cover-up from not just politicians but entire departments of civil servants, I don’t think anyone has been murdered (or ironically, sexually assaulted) yet but otherwise it’s got the lot.

  30. Craig P says:

    I just googled James Hynd, and the very first word after his name in the top ranked search is [REDACTED] 😀

  31. Glenn says:

    Personally, if it’s a question of financial resources needed for Alex to show this lot up for what they tried to do to him, all he has to do is ask, and I’ll gladly give him whatever I can afford!

    …. Scumbags…..

  32. TenaciousV says:

    Why has Arsehole Hamilton not be brought up for exchanging information about the complainants to Emma walker and god knows who else during the inqury? He said he was ‘supporting’ them?
    Oh thats right…he is a unionist!
    IF, they finally find out that perjury presentnin the court case. does that remove the anonimity? Retrial? We know they are dragging their heels as there are Crown agents involved. Exposure of their working against Scotlands best interest.It was not just Alex they were out to destroy!

  33. Skip_NC says:

    Willfully making false statements under oath? As I recall, the incredibly talented plagiarist, Jeffrey Archer, got four years for that.

  34. 100%Yes says:

    Was Salmond granted a sist?

  35. Effijy says:

    So it could be a case that a corrupt cabal set out deliberately to destroy Alex Salmond.
    They were happy to ruin an innocent man, break the law and spend fortunes on a court case their legal experts advised they could not win.

    That would be tax payers money of course.

    They have imprisoned another innocent man making a crime out of vague jigsaw identification of women proved to by nothing but misguided liars in court.

    Now they are ready to waste even more tax payers money in another court case that is likely to end with Mr Salmond, quite rightly, being awarded millions from the tax payers purse in compensation for heinous crimes against him.

    Prison spaces must be found for those responsible as the tax payers money means nothing to them.

    Will this be discussed at the party conference? Well it damn well should be!

  36. Effijy says:

    Never did like Gordon Brown.

    Baldwin added: “And he has.”

    The portrait of Thatcher, painted by Richard Stone, was commissioned by Gordon Brown and unveiled at a private reception in 2009.

    Brown invited Thatcher to tea at Downing Street shortly after he succeeded Tony Blair in 2007 and told her he intended to commission the painting.

    The artwork, which cost £100,000 and was paid for by an anonymous donor, was the first of a former prime minister to be commissioned by No 10.

    Thatcher chose the jewellery and buttons she was shown wearing in the portrait.

    The decision to take down the painting, first reported by the Herald, has been criticised by some in the Conservative party.

    Greg Smith, the MP for Mid Buckinghamshire, told the Telegraph the decision was “utter pettiness from Starmer” and claimed that it showed he had “no respect for our history and previous prime ministers”.

    Murdo Fraser, a Scottish Tory leadership candidate, said: “It seems like a churlish move, but perhaps Sir Keir Starmer was intimidated by the gaze of a world-renowned leader whose achievements he will never come close to matching.”

    Last December, Starmer praised Thatcher for bringing “meaningful change” in Britain.

    Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the Labour leader said she had “set loose our natural entrepreneurialism” during her time as prime minister.

    From the Guardian.

  37. Billy Whizz says:

    Interesting stuff. Point of detail James Hynd retired from the Scottish Government about 18 months ago. He also got a gong from the King for the work he led re Liz’s funeral ie operational unicorn . link to

  38. Jockanese Wind Talker says:


    In other legal news:

    “The youngest daughter of the late Labour leader John Smith has said it is a “great honour” to become a legal adviser to the UK Government. It was announced that the King had approved the appointment of Catherine Smith KC as Advocate General for Scotland.”

    According to their website “Catherine Smith KC is the co-founder and Chair of the John Smith Centre.” The centre which both Viv o’bliv and Carlton Jock have provided information and conjecture on.

    So member of exceptionally BritNat proUnion family and chair of organisation which is opaque about how it is funded is now providing legal advice to the UK Government on matters relating to Scots law.

    This appointment coupled with the Scottish Secretary making decisions that are Holyroods responsibility in contravention of the Devolution settlement makes me suspect Broon has been giving advice on all things Scotland related to the UK Govt.

    Dissolution of Scottish Parliament or a New Act of Union incoming?

  39. Zander Tait says:

    Head on over to the Gordon Dangerfield blog. There is a link top left on this page.

    Click on menu.

    Click on Alex Salmond posts.

    Click on the top story.

    In there you will find paragraph after paragraph after paragraph all about James Hynd.


  40. Marie Clark says:

    Well done Rev, great to know these things. Most of us would never have heard of this guy.

    I think if the SG think Alex will disappear due to lack of funding for his court case, they are making a big mistake. If Alex need a crowdfunder bring it on. I’ll gladly give what I can to it. The man deserves justice. That seems to becoming a dirty word in Scotland.

  41. JockMcT says:

    Out the Alphabettys too! Time for some Karma Baby!

  42. Antoine Roquentin says:

    The editor of Wings Over Scotland delivers-the-goods once again!

  43. Karen says:

    Daily Record are on it. Sist not given.

  44. I. Despair says:

    As this post doesn’t mention, and as one or two previous commenters have asked, the request that the case be further sisted was rejected by the judge. And Salmond had to pay the costs of the hearing!
    link to

  45. Geri says:

    Mac 12:02

    “But that was precisely the problem, it was ‘too fair’.”

    My understanding (& I could be wrong) was that framework didn’t cover *historical* complaints & they needed that amended in order to snare their intended target.

  46. sarah says:

    @ Karen: “Sist not given”.

    Oh dear. Can Salmond’s team appeal this, I wonder?

  47. Rob says:

    It seems the case hasn’t been paused. This from the BBC…

    Judge Lord Fairley refused the request [to sist] after Scottish government lawyer Lesley Shand KC said the case had already been sisted three times since it was first raised in November last year.

    She added: “There is a concern about the length of time that has passed since the events in question and there is a concern about the effect that will have on evidence and also on individuals who have this these allegations hanging over them in this summons.”

  48. Confused says:

    So, reading the details – the criminal investigations are “queering the pitch” for the civil case.

    – also how can you be “unnecessarily belligerent” about people who tried to put you in Shotts nick, with the murderers and gangsters?

    if the peeps read dangerfield’s blog you will get the ins and outs of how this “procedure” was cooked up, and in a very precise way to – catch Salmond and him alone, but also make it look like it was nothing to do with Sturgeon and she was staying out of it, quite righteously.

    – it’s quite pathetic, these semi educated folks think they can riddle the documentation with their cheap sophistry and fool everyone.

  49. Kenny says:

    Given that justice should be seen to be done, and all of Scotland, regardless of political leaning, demands this, why the hell was

  50. PhilM says:

    @ JWT
    I wouldn’t read anything into Catherine Smith KC’s appointment to AG for Scotland. These are purely political appointments as the holders of the office since 1999 show. There’s a new Labour govt, so there’s a new AG for Scotland.
    The links you’re making with the new AG for Scotland and what the Scottish Secretary for Scotland did under the last Conservative govt are a helluva stretch.
    Also there won’t be a new Treaty of Union because that was just a Conservative ideological power play to scare the independence movement generally. If the constitution is reserved then there aren’t two govts to negotiate a new union treaty. Treaties require two sides who are equal in terms of the applicable level of law, that doesn’t exist unless the UK govt recognised a partner and they won’t do that because it recognises a ‘right’ or a standing for a Scottish nation that they will never want to concede.

  51. Mark Beggan says:

    What difference a day makes. 24 little hours.
    Brought the sun and the flowers.
    Where there used to be rain.

  52. holymacmoses says:

    I just hope all of the people involved in trying to blacken the name of and incarcerate an innocent man are now feeling very, very sick and hoping the phone doesn’t ring or the doorbell go. There are a few I would like to see in jail. I don’t often question the freedom of the press but in this case I wouldn’t mind seeing a journalist go to jail either.

  53. Young Lochinvar says:

    Your honour;
    The prosecution calls (Lady) Dorian Gray..

  54. Viscount Ennui says:

    Worse than Watergate.
    Much, much worse.
    Under the radar for now, but certain to implicate John Swinney, is the school scandal which has led former managers to sue the Care Inspectorate for misfeasance in public office. In short, they fabricated allegations to destroy an independent (non-profit) school for vulnerable pupils which had become a financial inconvenience to a failing local authority.
    Why does this involve Swinney?
    Because he led the cover-up.
    link to

  55. Breeks says:

    30 August, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    Given that justice should be seen to be done, and all of Scotland, regardless of political leaning, demands this…


    Alex Salmond forced to wait years just for so called process of justice to begin, against the “protected” conspirators who tried to destroy him, yet Mickey Mouse accusations on trumped up charges can be railroaded through the system within weeks, with a farcical conviction handed down despite a backdrop of alleged perjury and evidence of conspiracy swept aside, a shameful custodial sentence, (actually more than one), can be summarily delivered with no right of appeal, and a period of imprisonment served to conclusion for a crime which couldn’t even be defined…. How “slick” and well oiled the process seems,… for some.

    It would seem “justice” can moved pretty quick when the mood takes it, but if you’re not one of “them”, if you’re not part of their crooked Establishemnt, your desire for “justice” will require the patience of Job, and all the while, the odds suggest the “justice” eventually delivered will typically be another round of neverending farce.

  56. Republicofscotland says:


    Yes that right.

    “Lesley Shand KC, for the Scottish Government, urged Lord Fairley to reject the request for the sist to be extended.”


    “Lord Fairley made reference to a legal judgment made recently by his colleague Lord Sandison.”

    “In this opinion, Lord Sandison established a set of tests which lawyers need to meet in order to pause civil actions in cases where there is also potential criminal actions.”

    Lord Fairley said the circumstances of the present case didn’t appear to meet the tests set out by Lord Sandison.”

    “He refused the request to extend the sist.”

    “He added: “If any stage during that process any party identifies a risk of prejudice to the police inquiry, parties are at liberty to bring the matter back before me to revisit the decision on whether or not there should be a decision for further procedure in this action – but for the moment I am completely unpersuaded by the mere fact of an on going police investigation; the outcome of which we simply cannot guess at comes anywhere close to meeting the test required to maintain a sist in place.”

  57. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Things eventually moving in the right direction as I have opined previously it will only take one of the conspirators to crack and it’s game over.

    I am sure justice will be done despite the efforts by many who may be shittin themselves.

    Some real bad people out there needing the jail.

  58. Dave Llewellyn says:

    I wonder if he has any co-accused whose names are being kept under wraps because he was only one of many .

  59. Dave Llewellyn says:

    Maybe a request could be made simply to ask if he is sole accused or whether there are others under investigation. It seems strange for one person to have a named investigation .

  60. Dave G says:

    As I read the press report Hynd was clarifying what he said to the inquiry after his evidence had been flagrantly misrepresented by Alec Cole-Hamilton. Unless I’m missing something what is wrong with that? Most of us would probably do the same in his position.

  61. Alf Baird says:

    Breeks @ 4:10 pm

    “It would seem “justice” can moved pretty quick when the mood takes it, but if you’re not one of “them”, if you’re not part of their crooked Establishemnt, your desire for “justice” will require the patience of Job, and all the while, the odds suggest the “justice” eventually delivered will typically be another round of neverending farce.”

    Indeed, and we are seeing many examples and will continue to do so for as long as ‘colonialism is imperiled’. In a colony the Establishment is always going to be colonial in nature and in terms of its values, i.e. in what it regards as significant.

    A fundamental question here is which Crown do they serve? That of Imperial State England (i.e. Westminster), or the Scottish Crown which appears all too briefly on occasion (i.e. representing the ‘sovereign’ Scottish people and kingdom)?

    As we frequently see, the colonial myth (aka the UK Union hoax) which depends on the inadequacy of the colonized “is supported by a very solid organization; a government and a judicial system fed and renewed by the colonizer’s historic, economic and cultural needs” (Memmi).

    Which is why “the native…hardly every seeks for justice in the colonial framework” (Fanon).

  62. twathater says:

    I am in the Andrew Morton camp @ 11.17am. “Call me cynical, but surely if the Scottish government’s defence collapses, then the evidence which Salmond wants to bring forward will not be heard. Therefore, perhaps it’s in the interests of the Scottish government for the case to collapse.”

    ALL it would take is for one of the minorish players to ADMIT to conspiring with other minority figures to perjure herself (oh my) or himself to falsely accuse Salmond of sexual misconduct whereupon the SG HAD to be seen to take action, as we all know St Nicla is overflowing with morality and integrity
    The corrupt and VILE parasites within the SG the Crown and the legal fraternity will do anything to stop Salmond’s real evidence coming out as was apparent by Dorians refusal to allow lots of his evidence to be EXPOSED

    Oh BTW speaking of perjury is Angus Robertsons children old enough to look after themselves

  63. Republicofscotland says:

    Well – listening to media reports and comments from the SNP’s conference – it sounds like the same old shite from the usual suspects talking at the podium – with ex-British soldier and Tumbledown man, Keith Brown saying that the push for indy will continue.

    No doubt the Teflon Don John Swinney (no VONC’s stick to him -thanks to the Greens) told concerned members – behind closed doors that – the push for is still on the agenda – as the post mortem opened on the hammering they received in the GE topped the bill.

    I have a feeling that the SNP hierarchy – managed once again, to pull the wool over the eyes of the remaining membership; Fool me once shame on you – Fool me twice, shame on me, as the saying goes.

  64. Shug says:

    The chief perjurer might yet turn kings evidence and claim whistleblower protection to avoid jal taking the position “my boss told me to and threatened all sorts of repercussions for my family if I did not comply”

    Not a legal expert but I would expect the individual could avoid jail.

    The rest of the conspirators would then be in deep trouble. The chief planner would deff go to jail surly.

    Would ve funny if they ended yo sharing a cell with Isla Bryson

  65. Republicofscotland says:

    Viscount Ennui’s article archived – the original link wants you to subscribe – if you reject all.

    link to

  66. Mark Beggan says:

    Angus Robertson should be charged for asking children about sex.

  67. agent x says:

    It’s very strange but looking at the photos from the SNP conference I see only middle aged and older people.
    Where are the hordes of younger people that we are told support independence?

  68. John McGregor says:

    I’am a Unionist (shoot me doon) but i have said for years on these pages That the snp supportors were getting played for fools by The Embezzler n The Fraudster The way they went after Alex Salmond has been vindictive Great reporting Rev you stand alone in showing up this shower of sh!te that is “Ruining” this country

  69. Lorna Campbell says:

    It’s always the cover-up that is the loose thread that pulls the garment apart. The SG should have admitted its mess early on and apologized. Incompetent procedure. Once that was in the open, they should have called it quits. They didn’t because they really, really, wanted Salmond out of the way – even more than Westminster. Westminster fears him because he is the only Scottish MP/MSP to put them one the back foot; Holyrood hates him because he is the only Scottish MP/MSP who has the ability to lead us. If this is cleared up before 2026, Salmond will stand again and win. They will have brought about the very thing they tried to avoid. Whitehall warned them, and they have donkeys’ years of cover-ups and incompetence behind them, into earliest times. When are the Scots going to learn that they are amateurs at this game of thrones and cut their losses? We need to be gone soon after 2026.

  70. Dickie Tea says:

    I am sure JKR or Musk would be more than happy to bankroll Salmond if it meant getting one over on the SNP

  71. Sensible Chris says:

    First comment, long time reader. I just can’t understand why anyone n their right mind could ever consider voting for this lot ever again

  72. Saffron Robe says:

    Excellent work, Stuart. You may be outwith Scotland, but we couldn’t do without your insight. Truth bombs are by far the best type of bomb; and the most devastating!

  73. Young Lochinvar says:

    Dickie Tea;
    Why the glee at getting some trouble maker with issues from elsewhere to sort our problems?

    Unionists on here (with a very few exceptions above) can GTF and have a good long hard look at their own Westminster parties and wince at what a load of time served proto fascist gravy train jolly boys and girls on the make your lot of time served nonentities are..

    Starmer short stroking in public over Thatchers horrendous evil legacy, Auld Bleary Gordon Broon gaining sufficient sight to have a good one handed auto repeat view of Gazza scoring against Scotland and desperately trying to be as English as the English while not quite pulling it off (ahem) given Teflon Tony’s ability to morph into a being more Engerlush than the Engerlush..

    Your lot are a bunch of full time losers here with no credibility to slag off others, Jeez when the best you can pull out the hat is Rooth the Mooth, then, well goodnight Vienna.

    An independence core will coalesce after the Sturgeon era omnishambles, 45% doesn’t just evaporate no matter how much you wish it to while, let’s be frank here, the 2014 result regardless of how much you play it up is hardly a resounding ringing endorsement of the Union not least given Better Togethers strategy riding not one single millimetre above the pits of focussing purely on scaring people..

    Wow, how to make history making political speeches eh?!

    The ones best served here castigating NuSNP are Indy supporters duped by the Sturgeon era perverts and sweetie snatchers, not Unionists who need a good cold hard look at their own well shat in nests.

    Remember, Sarwar is a political rabbit caught in the headlights while I doubt Starmer even know who the travelling grifters desperately parachuted into constituencies even are or where their political ambitions and aims lie.

    Politicians; they just don’t learn.

    Report card/ Must try harder, pay more attention and focus on understanding the meaning of the word “truth”..

    Other than that: have a good night.

  74. Geri says:

    Young Lochinvar

    Well said.

    The unionist are in charge of Holyrood. Crammed full of civil servants & doff capping unionist serfs. A yoon even made secretary of Scotland. In charge of Holyrood. Then we have the yoon MSPs, like seven times loser Murdo who sit there day after day collecting salaries for doing absolutely fuck all to better Scotland. In fact, one double barreled roaster oser even proclaimed, unabashedly, Scotland shouldn’t be allowed to even exist.

    SNP is a shower of backstabbing fuckwits, Sturgeons intake of remedials. But let’s not forget whose supposed job it is to sit in committees & thrash out, amend, look for errors, advise, even reject policies put in front of them. That’ll be three yoon parties, the permanent secretary, the secretary of state & all his minions of legal experts.

    They’ve been missing in action. Deliberately & by design. The Bain principal is strong. Imagine being so childish to sit in a perpetual strop cause you’ll never by FM again. That was Labour for ten yrs. Even flat out rejecting SNP calls for more Devo, not even a Devo max those feckers promised in 2014 to win indyref. Then we’ve the Tories, squatting for free for of 70 yrs in Scotland. I’ll not even start of Cole Smith, an English tosser who despises the Scots with every poisonous drip of his social media presence.

    Yoons need to take the massive log out their eyes & look at the shite they produce & vote for. Not a single one working to make Scots life better in this union. Only their own bank balance & grifting. Congratulations, eejits.

    But wait, things are looking up for them. Starmer the kid starver will have his minion win in Scotland again – yay! Oh but wait, there goes over £500 million mitigation with it. Boo hoo when they’ll actually have to dig deep & actually live by yoon policies they actually vote for.

    Personally I can’t wait. Labour is apparently going to make Scotland great again with the same Scotland Act, the same reserved matters & the same pocket money. We’re gonna be a fcking utopia. Like, emmmm, last time they were in charge LOL!

  75. Rudolph Hucker says:


    Seems like Operation names from a dictionary list.
    What next?


  76. Stevie says:

    She/her and her gender mafia must be panicking.

  77. Mick says:

    Alternatively, Mr Hynd was merely clarifying that he had heard rumours about Salmond’s bullying but that he had not heard any about sexual misconduct. And they were extremely common rumours about his shouting and ranting, particularly when he was taking a drink and looking at the first drafts of his weekly FMQ briefing pack

  78. tolkein says:

    To start, I’m a Unionist. I don’t much like Salmond. But I recognise he is a serious person, whom I respect.
    Why did the Sturgeonistas go after Salmond?
    Why did the SNP go all in on trans?
    Why did they stop focussing on showing that they could run Scotland properly, to make calls for independence more effective?

  79. Arthur Thompson says:

    Is he the latest incarnation of Saul Goodman ?


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
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    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
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    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
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