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Wings Over Scotland

Cheap lies

Posted on January 31, 2024 by

We long ago ran out of words to express the magnitude of the contempt in which the SNP now hold the people of Scotland. Which is unfortunate, because this probably calls for the invention of a whole new scale.

Shall we go through just a few of the more crassly insulting holes in this pitiful excuse for a cover story, just to pass the time while we wait for the former First Minister to appear before the COVID inquiry? We don’t know about you, but we’ve got nothing better to do.

So let’s start with the most obvious – the statement accuses the accusations of being “grossly misleading and false”, immediately before admitting they’re in fact true, and that Sturgeon and Freeman DID in fact buy the phones in question.

The idea that they were for constituency staff to work from home is just fatuous. For one thing, if people are at home in a lockdown, they’ve got landlines and their own mobiles and laptops and desktops and tablets in easy reach. The last thing they need to do constituency work is some crappy 2G mobile that can’t handle attachments or use apps and has to use a numeric keypad to painstakingly enter text like it was 1995 or something.

And goodness knows we know the SNP likes to spare no expense buying tech. It blew almost £1.2 million in four years buying IT gear for 25 employees, now it wants us to believe the FM was fobbing her staff off with sub-£20 garbage?

But in any event we already know it’s a lie, because when Sturgeon and Freeman claimed the cost of the phones back on expenses they DIDN’T do it by the route for staff equipment.

Also, it seems we’re expected to believe that the First Minister, busy handling a COVID pandemic and with no time for constituency matters, had only ONE member of staff working from home who needed a mobile, but that they couldn’t buy it themselves and submit a claim – the FM herself had to take an hour out of her day to nip to Currys and get it before lockdown shut all the shops.

And a former staffer for an SNP Parliamentarian during the period told Wings this evening that staff simply weren’t given phones anyway – they were expected to do all their communication via Teams on their computers/laptops:

“The only way you could justify a phone would be if you were gallivanting out of the office, ie not being on your laptop during working hours and therefore not Teams contactable. Surgeries were cancelled because of COVID. No staff were going anywhere beyond their desk.”

The last refuge of the desperate is, of course, whataboutery.

But if it even needs saying – the tariff isn’t the issue here. We’re willing to make a substantial bet that Murdo Fraser isn’t making his calls on a cheap plastic 2G burner. Millions of people – ourselves included – aren’t on contracts. And Thewliss drawing a comparison with Fraser, rather than a staff member, is of course something of a dead giveaway about who was really using Sturgeon’s phone.

We could go on, but the theatrically furious and indignant tone of the press statement probably reveals more than we could. The bottom line is that there’s simply no justification on Earth for the First Minister of a country going out and buying an £18 caveman phone designed for the Third World.

Even backstreet drug dealers use better tech. It stinks to high heaven, and nobody with an IQ bigger than their collar measurement is buying it. The grubby, greasy collection of chancing grifters left in the SNP no longer think the Scottish people are even worth half-decent lies.

Of course, maybe the ex-FM just wanted to get some practice in.

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So now we know Jean Freeman was involved? What does this mean?

Mark Beggan

The SNP have dug up Thatcher!

Mark Beggan

I would love to be an MI5 bug on the wall right now.

Mark Beggan

Or is it Special Branch. I always get those two mixed up.


Brilliant timing with this.

You can’t help but feel things are building up nicely right now, and something or someone is going to crack.

David Hannah

You can’t hide, your lyin’ eyes. Your false warmth. Is a thin disguise. When there’s no one left, to compromise. Sturgeon you can’t hide your lying eyes.

She’ll not be sleeping tonight. Her eyes will be smouldering. Bloodshot. And black bagged. A face like a burst football. That only a mother could love. White as a ghost when takes the stand.

Do you a swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god?

Excellent work as ever. Always good to know wings is battering another nail into that bitches coffin.

David Hannah

Drive a steak through her fucking evil heart.

Metaphorically of course! I’ll settle for handcuffs after the hearing!


FFS the whole of the media and broadcasters should be highlighting ALL your exposures it would save them fortunes in paying the presstitutes that are still stuck to them

But there again maybe nicky and petey have already paid most of them aff, they are noted for broon envelopes and leaks tae newspaper (ahem) intimate friends

John Bell

I know 2 who were Freeman’s staff and can confirm their work phones were modern kit, not Nokia bricks.

David Hannah

She signed off the death protocol in the NHS.

She personally made the decision close schools early as confirmed by John Swinney.

And she send covid into the homes ignoring WHO guidance released in January 2020. As outlined on Robin MaCalpine’s blog.

And now remorse is the last thing on Sturgeon’s lips.

My oh my. She sure knows how to arrange things. Sturgeon the Judas. Lady Covid – 19.

Her picture is in the trai’tors hall of fame. Rot in hell.

David Hannah

Asymptomatic transmission. WHO. Research. Confirmed January 2020.

She ignored it. When she took the decision to send Covid into the care homes in her corporate homicide decision making process.

Didn’t you Nicola? The shipman sisters using burner phones to communicate. You’re a disgrace. And you thought you could get away with it.

Your deeds will shame all the devils in hell.


“Detectives investigating the finances of the SNP are said to be searching for sim cards belonging to ‘burner’ mobile phones – a type of phone that is often used to stay anonymous.” (Independent 23 April 2023)

The SNP seem to be into burner phones.

John Main

That’s exactly the phone I would buy to prop a door open.

To ensure good airflow through the room.

To keep the Chinese Flu at bay.

While I waited for somebody to come and saw the bottom of the door off.

Or maybes the top.

Not sure about the top up. Maybes it makes the phone heavier? Or thicker? Anybody ken?



Popcorn at the ready…

Oh, hold on… is that Ross typing furiously to try to justify Sneaky Sturgeon’s dodgy doings?

Can’t wait for his next installment of “but she’s been doing it all for Indy”. LOL!


Way back in the noughties I had a Nokia 2210 like that inherited from the spawn. We went back to NZ found it was locked so couldn’t put a local sim in it. Took it to a place guy said it would cost $100 to unlock but pointed to a small replacement for $20. So I bought that. It had a radio chip. The youngest ended up giving it to a friend as a portable radio.


The Ned in Red acting like a schemie drug dealer… no surprises, it is what she amounts to under the veneer. The real Nicola.

The innate Dreghorn hairy in her always shines through, a classless criminal tink who always reverts to form. Spitting and hissing her shitey legohead lies that no one believes any more.

What a disaster this horrible grubby crook and her equally dishonest ‘husband’ were and are for Scotland.

God knows how many people died unnecessarily while she ponced about like a cheap gangster with her minky burner phones, stitching up her political enemies, and sending covid patients to nursing homes to infect them.

She must have thought she was the dog’s bollocks in that sad little cave of her mind. She really merits a jail cell.


Sturgeon will do everything she can to avoid any responsibility , she will lie and deflect her way through the Covid Inquiry today, liars going to lie. She killed your Granny and they still voted for her in droves. SNP not a cult? aye right.

Ian Smith

I make a fairly strong prediction that she will have a good lie lined up and the inquiry and media will do as little to follow it up as possible.

She’ll have decided to make her official phone as available as possible so asked family and friends to use a different personal number. This was only for private comms so should not be investigated any further by the inquiry.

She’ll have bought it so calls automatically were diverted if the battery on the main one went flat, but eventually found this was not necessary as it never went flat.

Or something. Oh and she cannot remember what the number was or what she did with the physical phone.

David Hannah

I know what Sturgeon has done. I can see it clearly.

She wanted Scotland’s hospitals to look better than England’s.

Professor Hugh Pennington, a bacteriologist and a trusted household name, said he wrote to the former First Minister to offer his services – and wasn’t even dignified with a reply. His advice was to test asymptomatic patients.

The WHO and multiple research papers in January 2020. Clearly recommended this.

I think Robin MaCalpine’s article is absolutely fantastic.

Sturgeon must have panicked thinking Scotland’s NHS was going to look like China. And the field hospitals.

Fortunately the lockdown stopped that materialising.

However. As confirmed by John Swinney and Gold Command. Sturgeon took the personal decision to close the schools. She made it.

So with that in mind. I absolutely suspect she made the call personally. To clear the hospitals. She impulsively made the wrong call.

She ignored the WHO and advice of experts. She employed the Dentist. And the Personal Trainer instead.

They forced Doctors to play god their guidance. The death protocol. As revealed by Leslie Roberts the whistle blowing NHS staff nurse.

And she forced the nurses to go against all instincts. And deny escalating, like saving care to patients with covid in the hospital. And to go against their instincts and administer palliative medications.

Meanwhile clearing the hospital and, sending the plague into the homes.

That’s what fucking happened. Remorse is lost with Nicola. She’s tried to lie. And to cover it all up. That is unforgivable.

She deserves the jail. Absolutely. She deserves the jail.

David Hannah

Sturgeon put the nurses and doctors at risk. With confusing guidelines. Reportedly 2400 nurses today living with Long covid. Injured with shit P.P.E.

That of course was even worse in the privatised care home sector. Where no one was equipped.

I’d forgive sturgeon for some of the mistakes. But not when you see the negligence right there.

Ignoring all the advice of experts. As we know. That is what the Scottish Government do. They think they know better. They fucked everything up that they touched.

Sturgeon has now trashed her reputation as a good communicator. As Humza Yousaf has revealed. Sturgeon was a nasty controlling bitch behind the scenes at cabinet meetings.

Remember how she decided to lecture us all on Alex Salmond’s stident debating style.

He who is without sin, casts the first stone. She can swear on the bible all she likes. I know she’s going to hell. Because she’s not sorry.

John McDonald

Real skullduggery on display. Claiming expenses for a “secret” burner phone…


If you have money to burn (which the SNP have) is there any reason why a smart phone cant be a burner phone?

I’m not much into phones. I do have an Android smart phone. It has two sims. Dodgy!

I am being forced to use my phone more and more. QR codes to collect a parcel, app for this and app for that, code from bank to pay with credit card, reminder text from dentist etc etc.


Calling Jimmy McNulty and Lester Freamon.

link to

Tech question. If investigators have any messages sent from or received by a burner then would the metadata be able to tie it to location through mast cells. And then check to see if other known phones of certain people were in the same vicinity.

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Michael Bruce

Mobile phones for prisoners? Now that’s a ‘niche’ market.


31 January, 2024 at 7:57 am

The Ned in Red acting like a schemie drug dealer…

I hate the word schemie.

I have been referred to on this forum as a schemie.


What Ian Smith said.
The Press will do bugger-all, as usual, because if/when the independence movement gets its act together they’ll collectively drag-up all of Sturgeon’s filth and; “Remember what happened last time when you trusted pro-independence people”..

I long to gloat over the betrayer’s downfall; public humiliation and eternal banishment would be a decent second after jail time.

stuart mctavish

As intruguing as the measures senior administrators felt they needed to go to keep their private business private, and any unlawful reasoning behind lawyers being overly interested in same, must be, in the context of the COVID inquiry, it’s probably* not as important as discovering WHO convinced them it was anything other than seasonal flu.

Can’t have been the Scottish office (the formal channel for Comms with UK government) because Swinney said AlisterJack contributed nothing of value on COVID (whatever that might mean in retrospect!) and they did not engage with him on the matter in consequence.

*Technically the WhatsApps might reveal the who, the how, and even the how much if bribery was involved but the main point in the Scottish inquiry is, presumably, to discover why fully devolved responsibilities turned out to not have been fully devolved at all – and provide the correct recommendation to fix it

John Main

God knows, I’m no fan of Sturgeon, but she wasn’t responsible for Covid.

It was the Chinese wot did it.

They created it in a lab. They leaked it. They covered up the leak. They encouraged international travel out of China in the weeks when Covid’s spread might still have been halted.

They lied, and obfuscated, and destroyed evidence. They inflicted a plague on the world that killed tens of millions, plunged hundreds of millions into abject poverty and famine, and cost trillions of dollars.

So, whatever happens today, I won’t be pinning all the blame on Sturgeon.

Here’s a wee prediction too. If Sturgeon takes a hard fall for Covid, she will be the only UK politician to have suffered any real damage.

So, in no time at all, people will be back claiming it’s all an anti-Scottish stitch-up by the BritNat deep state, just like they did with the bra woman and her PPE.

And these people might well be right.

There’s plenty of other stuff to pin on Sturgeon. We should focus on getting her for that.


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Alex Salmond inquiry: Nicola Sturgeon told not to destroy any texts

But she refused to use a government-issued mobile phone throughout her time in office.

I don’t think they can tell her what to do with her own personal phone.

I can’t remember the exact details but Craig Murray told me that the police checked the mobile phones of the Alphabetties etc.

Maybe that is why the burner phone idea came about.

This is a interesting ‘true crime’ story but my god it ain’t half a very slow burner.


That cunt is really annoying.


It was the Chinese wot did it.

Aye they manufacturer these burner phones.

I won’t be blaming Sturgeon for anything.

Wee Chid

That’s similar to my ‘phone – stolen with a sim card that you could top up and that retained the balance until it was used up in texts and calls – not one that ran out at the end of the month. Got the updated 105 but can’t get that deal from O2 any longer and, as I used less that £15 per year on it, I don’t find the new deals worthwhile. Any of you experts know where I can get the same deal I used to have – and – why do they call them burner ‘phones?

John H.

I noticed one thing in all these rebuttals Stuart. None of them dare call you a liar.


Count the blinks…


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‘Unhackable’ mobile phones given to every Scottish prisoner by Nicola Sturgeon’s government to contact loved-ones in lockdown HAVE been hacked – and ‘one in three’ are now being used to commit crime from jail

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today told the broadcaster she was not aware of the issue.

David Holden

The strange thing about all this is the self styled selfie queen of Scotland buying a phone not able to take a selfie. No camera but it does have a torch.

John H.

Over at WGD, it’s all a dastardly plot to get Oor wee Nicola. The poor wee lassie. Some folk never learn.


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FFS very long winded answers.

I’ll watch it later when I can fast forward.


She seems to be waffling to fill time and run down the clock.


“What actually happened is that these elderly patients […] were locked in rooms where they barely saw a human most of the time and were denied access to any loved one or familiar face…

“Once locked in that room they were left to die an often horrible death, often with next to no palliative care at all. They were just left to gasp horribly with dreadful flu-like symptoms until they couldn’t gasp another breath or their heart stopped from the pressure…”

link to


So, she used secret old-style Nokia – and she was always wearing her Apple Watch – was the watch for monitoring her blink rate?


Wee chid

Burner = cause you can just throw them away after use.

I’d also be interested in any deal like that. Bastardo Vodafone ate nearly £60 quid of my credit whilst I was in hospital & there is no one to talk to at customer service for top up phones.


31 January, 2024 at 10:57 am

She seems to be waffling to fill time and run down the clock.

Agreed! I was waiting for her to tell us what she had for breakfast on the morning in question.

James Barr Gardner

What is a burner phone !

link to


Anyone got a link to the live stream of the inquiry?


Anyone know where & when a transcript of these inquiries will be available.

I prefer the written word.

The stenographer seemed to be struggling.

Too much bloody waffle.

I’m sure he/she can catch up by watching the video.

Is that not what dictaphone typists do.

dictaphones? Are they still available?

It seems weird that they are still using shorthand to record proceedings.


Not taking anything away from this COVID debacle…

But that’s what nursing homes are. The family drop them off & drive away in their car – most of the time never coming back. & Drs on a call out, if they’ll come or even enter, will issue DNRs.

It’s tragic but this will highlight the reality of those places. Management are only interested in wonga & targets. Some families only want the inheritance & the house & no contact & there is very little in the way of trained care. Anyone can be a carer.

Only real care a person will get is in the safely of their own home.

It must be shite for them.


“and nobody with an IQ bigger than their collar measurement is buying it.”(the phone)

But but wait…………


31 January, 2024 at 11:27 am

Anyone got a link to the live stream of the inquiry?

Yes I do.

James Che

Can’t come soon enough.

The Snp down. and the other political parties that sat on their hands whilst all this was happening.

And the fall of the Scottish devolved for failing to uphold the ECHR basic Human Rights embeded in the devolution settlement 1998.


No offence, Geri, but Sturgeon had years to do something about the state of what McCalpine calls the “privatised care model” which “operates on the basis of cutting any corner that doesn’t get you imprisoned…”

Her failure to do anything about that can hardly be admitted as a mitigating factor now, and actually if anything I would say it places her and her Government’s failures in a much dimmer light; decanting untested and many positive patients to care homes where there was a known lack of professional medical care and infection control wasn’t necessary and cost lives.

Note, in April 202: “NHS hospitals have four times more empty beds than normal”.

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Anton Decadent

With regard to these phones being purchased to stay in touch with constituents remember where Nicola Sturgeons constituency is. Perhaps they were for chats with members of Humzas family or to arrange appointments at some of the exclusive private clubs hosted in houses in the constituency.


David Hannah
How do you know the old fold caught COVID in hospital and took it to the care home. How do you know they did not just get it from the staff in the care home who presumably caught it in the community.
Asymmetric infection means the staff did not know they had it?
In Scotland the first infection appeared in care homes because a care home manager transferred staff from down south.

Are you trying to deflect from the care home private sector responsibility here.

Dave Llewellyn

Come on Stu ,
Everyone knows if you like to play with Snakes there’s only one phone you can do it on


I commented ages ago but must’ve flew off to mod.

Who knew a few references to Game of Thrones & the weather report was forbidden – jeez..


Sturgeons time was spent shuffling around failure because they were her pals (Robinson, Dumbza etc) We’ve all came to realise she swanned around doing fck all. I hope there are some answers but I think this will just be more of the usual *lessons will be learned* whitewash.

It’d be better if the public gave politicians *targets* & eject them when they’re useless far quicker than every 4 years.


I found one Ruby, dinnae bother yersel!

Ian Smith

Gold Command:
Sturgeon, Humza, Swinny, Liz Lloyd.

And Jesus wept.


Geri: “I hope there are some answers but I think this will just be more of the usual *lessons will be learned* whitewash.”

Outside of hoping more and more people see what she is really like, I neither hope or expect a thing from this inquiry, Geri… it’s getting harder and harder to defy the gravitational force of the argument that the whole Scottish political and judicial system is essentially rigged and protecting her.


31 January, 2024 at 1:39 pm

I found one Ruby, dinnae bother yersel!

I already did.

link to

Scabby Queen

With the way Ms. Sturgeon’s veneer and rep are being allowed to come apart like wet toilet paper, it does seem like her reign of vengeful closeted  terror on this country is well and truly over, and her American/Westminster puppetmasters are throwing her to the dogs.

They always do that when a vessel they need is empty. Or, in Sturgeon’s case, even more empty than it already was. I wonder if, like Sid Vicious singing  My Way, she now finds it all so amusing. Now that she’s out of the (s)limelight, does she ever look back and feel any regret, remorse, guilt…anything at all?

I mean surely, on some level, she has to know she fucked up totally, has cack all to show for it, and what she ended up as is pretty much diametrically opposed to why she started out in politics at 16 in the first place. She became the Thatcher evil she hated; oh the irony. Well, boo fucking hoo.

She made her Faustian fucking political part to get all the power and attention she never got growing up…and now she’s paying the piper. Wonder if she thinks it was worth it. And also don’t care. You sold this country down the river, Sturgeon. Eat shit and die, and take your fucking worthless memoirs with you. NOBODY CARES OR LIKES YOU ANYMORE. And we hope Alex Salmond takes you to the cleaners for what you and the English and Americans did to him, after all he did for you. You ungrateful bitch.

stuart mctavish

@Ian Smith

Great catch.

What I heard when they were talking about the gold command was blah blah blah and name redacted – First thought was Faucci or Blackford (or even Whitty or Salmond) so went back and double checked and the document the lawyer was reading from said:

Blah blah Swinney, Youssaff, Forbes, and other ministers with an interest with input from NAME REDACTED, chief advisors and senior lead officials, and..

Far as I can tell it was the lawyer himself who picked out Liz Lloyd (along with Humza) in particular, for whatever reason, towards the end of his examination of the group.

Be that as it may, best bit so far (over and above the dodgy mot story) has been Sturgeon claiming to be hurt by the accusation she would try to capitalise on common cold war insanity to push the case for independence, and the judge reacting to it with a fit of enough coughing* to merit a temporary suspension. 🙂

* Not because she wasn’t wearing her seasonal mask or had just been vaccinated but, presumably, more because she knew damn fine who has been politicising the nonsense, and why.

William Russell

Brilliant piece that had me laughing from beginning to end, but that last paragraph and the photo was comic genius.
Folk trying to deny their pants are on fire is always the best of entertainment.


Laura Webster tweeted: “An SNP spokesperson said..”

Has this “spokesperson” not got any faith in the bullshit he/she is promoting? Why are they such cowards they do not want to put their name to their own spin? Cheap lies indeed.

Webster goes on to further quote the gutless lying nameless SNP “spokesperson” referring to the accusations as: “..these grossly misleading and false accusations.”

And the current SNP know a thing or two about “grossly misleading and false accusations, don’t they? Just ask Alex Salmond.

Here’s a simple thought for the SNP “spokesperson” and his/her sycophantic tweeter Webster – show us the evidence to counter all the accusers evidence.



Watching her evidence one must bear in mind that she has had a long time to prepare and has the ‘hindsight’ of watching others previous testimony. She also has the experience of her Salmond inquiry appearance. So no longer was Nicola unable to recall, not sure, or can’t remember, now she remembered every date and conversation. She was very keen on keeping everyone inside the tent pissing out by saying how wonderful, valued and supportive they were but there were a couple of slips and areas to pursue.
There were ‘very few Gold meetings’ which were held to agree a plan to put to cabinet (in other words to control the agenda in the first place) yet there were over a hundred cabinet meetings in this period. A discrepancy here? After she ‘found’ some whatsapps she telephoned (can’t remember who) ‘as a courtesy’ who then found them herself. How convenient. She had a whatsapp group I believe she said with Wales and Northern Ireland counterparts. Are their messages all deleted? As for the ‘not using the pandemic to promote indi’ this is beyond laughable.


@ Leslie Halls

I don’t know how you find that laughable, she has never used anything to promote independence since she was knobbled around 2017


Noone escapes Karma! Tick Tock sturgeon!

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