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Wings Over Scotland

As you mean to go on

Posted on January 31, 2024 by

Nicola Sturgeon turned up to the COVID inquiry today in a car with no MOT certificate.

Which raises a couple of questions.

(Although we know she has form for this kind of thing.)

As the DVLA website notes, some vehicles are exempt from MOT requirements.

But the only one that could possibly be relevant here is the one for police cars.

But in that case the DVLA site returning a specific date for the expiry, six years after the vehicle’s registration, would be very strange. Vehicles which are exempt generally don’t have an MOT record at all, and the DVLA site will return a green “No data held” box, not a red expiry one.

In any event, we know Sturgeon hasn’t had a police security/vehicle detail for months.

To the best of our current knowledge, Police Scotland doesn’t generally provide a free chauffeuring service for absentee backbench MSPs to go about their work duties, and we’re sure the former First Minister must have plenty of people who could give her and her bodyguard a lift.

But it definitely does seem to be a police car, unless those are disco lights.

So readers may reasonably wonder what we’re not being told.

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Ryan M

“Rich man buys expensive car”


Well, after all, when Police Scotland have your £100,000 motorhome still under lock and key (presumably) and mounting costs have forced you to sell your £90,000 electric Jag to ‘We Buy Anycar’ , what’s a girl to do but ‘phone a friend, like the Chief Constable, and ask for a wee lift to an inquiry from a company car and driver.
Just the sort of thing any of us might do.

Fraser Reid

Mibbies not from Police scotland but from some friends in MI5 ?

Geoff Bush

the car previously had an MOT, therefore is not a police car


Why does the MOT not run from May when the car was registered, I thought it was 3 years from new, then annually.


“Other security services are available”

Daisy Walker

Strange that the MOT expiry date is March and not 30th April / 1st May.

Police Scotland obtains cars on bulk contracts and generally speaking runs them into the ground, thereafter get rid of them at auction.

They often get re-used within different departments of the Police, eg, a high powered vehicle used for 999 driver training, will generally speaking, after 3 years, either be got rid of, or used for driving the brass around.

What does not happen is the vehicle goes back to the dealer, and then is re bought/hired by the Police as a second hand vehicle.

It might be possible to investigate the history of the vehicle, and get a list of all owners over the years. There are some apps that provide that service (generally for those intending to buy). If so, look to see if the Registered Keeper is some type of generic ‘business’ and the address matches that of a Police HQ somewhere in Scotland. That’s the tell.

Mark L

There was an identical black police Audi A6 escorting the late Queen with a very similar registration HG17NWJ.


Hmm, seem to recall reading somewhere that not having a valid MOT certificate may void insurance cover for that vehicle.

Daisy Walker

The man opening the door for her, haircut, suit, build, shiny shoes, looks the part of Special Branch Officer.

Given the potential for protest around the Covid enquiry, in this instance, providing the former FM with a one off driver and security would make sense.

Given the vanity of the former FM, it also makes sense she might have hired a private company, many of whom hire former military to provide security… and may not have been up to date re MOTing the vehicle.

And spouse

I’m intrigued! How on earth did you come up with that one Stu?
You should get an award for investigative journalism AGAIN!


and spouse

Someone on twitter. Stu should have given a wee hat tip for that one.


These alert readers are very sharp!

Maybe ‘Operation Branchform’ should get in touch.

What happens to cars without MOT?

Taken into police custody?

No Mrs Murrell you cannot take the campervan but we could maybe give you a ride in this one.

Daisy Walker

This vehicle was MOT’d (and passed) in March 2020, April 2021, and March 2022.

Indicating it was not owned or used by the Police during that time.

Was not able to find details of pervious owners.

I’m going to guess it belongs to a private security firm. Poor Nicla, if so, she really has fallen from grace.

I. Despair

As said earlier (Geoff Bush at 11:56)n this car was previously MoT’d so that suggests a non-police vehicle. The place to look is link to The mileage increments that are shown year to year also look a bit low for a vehicle on active police duties but that’s unnecessary speculation – if it was an MoT-exempt vehicle you wouldn’t send it for two or three tests and then stop. It looks more like Nikla just has forgetful pals. She probably met them at the support group.


wouldn’t be totally surprising if former FMs got a security detail of some kind. The article above says 24 hours, not that she couldn’t get it if Police deemed it necessary.


Did anyone catch sight of Ms Lloyd’s mode of transport?


And it’s a Diesel!!! So much concern for climate change eh. The woman’s a disgrace!


fran says:
31 January at 11:58 am

Why does the MOT not run from May when the car was registered, I thought it was 3 years from new, then annually.

This can happen for various legitimate reasons.
EG. A vehicle may have been off the road for a time or sitting on a dealership forecourt, then when it went back on the road or a buyer comes along a new mot is put on the vehicle prior to use or sale as part of the deal.

John Bell

It is a cop car, it has wee blue lights in the front grill and everything.
I saw a photo of it in the Queen’s cortege.
But why does Evita Sturgeon warrant two protection officers and an official vehicle?

I. Despair

Oneliner says:
31 January, 2024 at 12:23 pm
Did anyone catch sight of Ms Lloyd’s mode of transport?

A broomstick?

Mark Beggan

I don’t care if she turned up on a skateboard. The little bastard can’t tell him to shut up like she did the clown.She is squirming.

Mark Beggan

She’s going to give Murrell a kicking when she gets home.


Daisy: “The man opening the door for her, haircut, suit, build, shiny shoes, looks the part of Special Branch Officer.”

It’s Stringer Bell.


Her speechwriter has been told to check the thesaurus for at least three words meaning the same thing

robust, tough, vigorous

Check deleted. Yes! not retained that sounds good.

James Che

All vehiles under the Crown usage legislation do not require a Mot or licence the same as you and I do,
They have Fleet vehicle and Stations maintained and payed for by the government under the Crown payed for by our taxes,

I think Council fleet vehicles may be the same,


@ Anthem

According to this site that Audi is ULEZ compliant so that diesel kicking out 143g/km is okay to drive about oor ULEZ zones, my older car putting out 153g/km banishes me from Auld Reekie, not that I have any desire to go there…

link to

And a vehicle tax check shows that it pretty well must still be original owner as the last V5C registration document was issued on 19th April 2017, which is slightly at odds with the 1st May 2017 date of registration in the screenshot at top of page.

James Che

All Fleet vehicles under legislation & under the Crown, ( ” derived from naval fleet”)
As is the devolved government oath of alligience to the Crown, under one umbrella.
We pay for it all

Do the Fleet of “Council vehicles” come under Crown legislation to I wonder?


HG reg so sarf England


Hampshire and Dorset


MOT Advisory

“Central exhaust joining sleeve clamps corroded and weakened”

Think it’s the car, not occupant.

Nemisis Benn

IF it’s a police car and IF they are exempt (excused?) MOT tests, why did it have an MOT in the first place? It was tested in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Anyhow, 3 litre diesel? How is that an eco-friendly motorcar?

Garavelli Princip

So Nicola Sturgeon was making Covid decisions with “appropriate advice”.

Her closest advisers appear to have been Liz Lloyd and Devi Sridhar (naturally, two women) – on many occasions with Lloyd alone.

Liz Lloyd has an MA in American Studies and an MSc in European and Comparative Public Policy.

Devi Shridhar, despite holding a chair in Public Health at Edinburgh University, is NOT medically qualified. Rather, she is an anthropologist holding MSc and a PhD in Medical Anthropology.

She is however a qualified personal trainer – that must help.

Just the pair to offer sound advice in the areas of Virology and Immunology!

This may go some way to explain the debacle so brilliantly described by Robin McAlpine in his most recent blog.

But, very interestingly, Sridhar was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University.

The Rhodes Scholarship, as some here will know, is a mechanism for the US State Department and the Brit security services to ‘talent spot’ and insert useful future operatives into positions of influence.


David Hannah

Crocodile tears. Faked the tears. This woman sickens me. It looks like the establishment isn’t paying a glove on her.

It’s unbelievable what she’s done. Fucking hell. Where’s the columbo moment. And just one more thing?

Where is it?

David Hannah

Crocodile tears. You’re a bad actress Nicola. You fucking loved every minute of being lady covid.

I can’t stand this woman lads. I hate her guts. I really do.

She’ll get away with everything today. She’s going to get away with it. You just fucking know it don’t you.

Sickens me.


Rev, do i really need to point it out to you? The explanation is right there in your article:

Vehicles that do not need an MOT: tractors

🙂 LOL!

Charles (not the R one)

Well, well. No MoT huh?

She might try to laugh off that misdemeanor as a trivial slip-up. Make no mistake – it is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE, trivial or not.

Not so trivial might be that her car MAY NOT BE INSURED if there is no valid MoT certificate in force, should that be required.

My car insurance explains in clear terms :
• You should ensure that your car is kept in a roadworthy condition and has a valid MOT if one is needed by law.

If she is in breach of a policy condition like that, then her policy is VOID, and she was driving UNINSURED as defined in law.


Good one Stoker! 🙂

Charles (not the R one)

I wonder if this has occurred to Police Scotland, or been brought to their attentio.

David Hannah

There’s no justice in this country. I hope they drop a Colombo moment.

And just one more thing.

It’s not coming.

I’m disgusted at the softball questions this man is gently throwing the way of Sturgeon. They know she’s an agent of the union.

This is a performance.

Sturgeon’s not going to jail. She’s not going to jail. She’s going to get away with all of this.

It’s not right.

Fuck this country man.

Geoff Anderson

Is it a Police car or not?
Was it a Government car?
Why does a MSP have use of such a car?


Whilst I am no fan of Sturgeon, the current line of questioning from Jamie Dawson KC is loaded and divisive. He is seeking to make binary points in a nuanced scenario.
No doubt trying to impress his masters.


Just another chapter for her wee book on self-pity.

I. Despair

Well, I take back my earlier comment about some past MoT tests making it unlikely to be a police vehicle. The screengrab showing the blue strobes in action gives the game away. But wait, I’m confused… that last photo of the car from the front wasn’t in the original post, was it? Did our distinguished and reverend host make an update without labelling it as such? Bit sneaky and not up to the usual standards for this site!

David Hannah

To be quite honest with you. I don’t care so much about the car. Sturgeon is obviously protected by the British security services. She works for them.

The UK is the most corrupt country in Europe. I question if there’s even a democracy here anymore.

They only have to call MI5 to find these whatsapp messages. And they’re not doing it.

They don’t give a fuck. Sturgeon should be in cuffs and a cell.

But we’re not going to see that. I’m sickened watching this.


Maybe someone should call the police. On the face of it someone is driving around in a car with no valid MOT test certificate. Not having an MOT test certificate when a vehicle needs one is an offence.

MOT tests are done for a reason which is to try and ensure that vehicles are safe and can annually pass a safety test.

The public and the occupants of a car are at risk if a vehicle is not safe and so there is a public safety interest here.

But aside, the senior echelons of the SNP have a thing about car safety, insurance or taxation compliant.

As this article points out Sturgeon previously used a car that was untaxed. Was there ever a penalty issued.

Or what about Humza when he was the justice minister. Stopped by the police on the road to Oban with a chick not then his wife and in a car found to be uninsured. Convicted and fined something like £500.00 just another example of how the law was a bit of an irrelevance to Humza.

And so as we speculate why Sturgeon was travelling in a car with no valid MOT we have to ask the question as to whose car was it, why was it being used by Sturgeon, why did it not have an MOT, and why are Police Scotland not taking action on this matter and or confirming why the vehicle might not need an MOT.

Looks like good old corrupt Scotland once again.


Could it be that she is being given, unofficially, some form of protection?

There might be an awful lot of very angry people once the information about the COVID inquiry and what their relatives might have gone through in the care homes is made public.

But of course, unapologetic cynics like me wonder if there is a possibility this political fraud might be under some form of supervision/protection because she is either a flying risk, a key witness of something/someone that cannot come to light without sending shock waves through the establishment, or a long term asset that needs frequent coaching.

I am still shocked about the burner phones to be frank. There is something there that does not quite add up.

I simply cannot believe this woman would have been so utterly stupid to order the phone herself and then kibosh the entire purpose of buying the phone by charging it to work expenses creating a trace for it.

I would find more credible that somebody else purchased the burner phone and then logged it on Sturgeon’s expenses as an insurance to secure Sturgeon’s fall at the right time (we have been hearing rumours of the burner phones for months). It might have even been herself to create an quick exit route for herself before the GE.

Are we to expect that it is the FM who complete her own expenses form and not her PA? I find that very hard to believe.

The thing about the phones is that to add it to the accounts it had to be approved by someone. They would have to approve two steps: the purchase of the phone first and the payment. So there must be a record. Due to the small amount, presumably they were paid from petty cash. To release the cash, they still would have needed to log in a receipt to justify the expense. If it was bought from Amazon, some card had to be used. Was the same card used to pay Sturgeon’s and Freeman’s burner phones? Did other members of the Sgov included burner phones in their expenses on the same month or the following? Were they logged in roughly at the same time in the expenses book, hence approved by the same person? Who approved the inclusion of this rather strange expense in the government books?

Were the phones to be used for SNP business, for SGov business, for both or for something else entirely?

Could it be possible that the phones were purchased to be used by a third party that had to remain anonymous and could not be linked to the phone/sim card? Who?

According to what has been published, Sturgeon included the phone in her expenses in March 2020. Mr Wings published in his article yesterday that the phone was purchased on the 19 March.

And what happened on the 18th March 2020? Wasn’t that the day when a witness declared that Woman H was not at the dinner she claimed she was, totally trashing her claims of rape?

What are the odds that by the 19 March 2020, they already knew the fabricated criminal case against Mr Salmond would not stick?

Was it a coincidence that On 18 March 2020, the Scottish Government also announced that, because of the Covid-19 crisis, they had paused on preparing for an independence referendum that year?

The first COVID case in Scotland was confirmed by SGov on 1 March 2020. By the 18 March 2020, in her daily report, Sturgeon confirmed another person had died of coronavirus bringing the total to 3. The numbers of deaths due to COVID were so low at that particular moment in time that it is hard to believe the burner phones were bought to talk about COVID.

I am of the opinion the phones had a very different purpose. If you fabricate a criminal case against someone and that someone is freed of all charges and therefore not sent to prison as you would have hoped, your main expectation will be to wonder “when”, rather than “if” your victim is going to retaliate against those who orchestrated the false case. Did any of the false accusers/ higher SNP echelons also buy burner phones at that time?

I am still puzzled about how (and what for) one of the burner phones ended up in Freeaman’s expenses.

Timings are always crucial. Having this inquiry that is going to trash the SNP here and the tories down south, right before the GE, is wonderfully convenient for Labour, isn’t it?

I wonder if snail-pace branchform is finally going to reach an outcome in their century-long investigation one or two weeks before the GE.

One cannot help but thinking that all chickens are carefully scheduled to come to roost at the appropriate time and in a particular order for maximum political effect: to get rid of the anti-union majority at Westminster at all costs.


sam says: at 1:20 pm

HG reg so sarf England


Hampshire and Dorset


Is it a Scottish police vehicle, because if it is a one owner vehicle as the V5C registration document from April 2017 would suggest, and it was bought new down south as English reg number hint at, then it will be scewing the GERS figures… 🙂
If it isn’t a Scottish police car then what police force is it and what is it doing operating up here.

David Hannah

The covid inquiry wants to politicise the pandemic.

What’s your point caller?

What about the care home deaths and the death protocol.

The guy is a bellend. Fuck your union that’s I can say.


Oh dearie me, now even “Milady” at the inquiry is querying Ms Sturgeon playing “fast and loose” with the meaning of words.
Definitely been reading up that Thesaurus with her legal team as was mentioned further up the thread.


I. Despair 3.25pm

The passenger looks familiar?


(pointed out already upthread) – the car appeared at the queens funeral, see

webuyanycar says – sorry we couldn’t find your car

obviously she is getting special branch protection as a vip/one of their own

– it would have been a nice touch for the spooks to bring her in in a campervan, but no, not much of a sense of humour with that lot.

given she has “form” I would check to see if the car is running on red diesel; maybe rip out the door panels to see if there are bags of skag as well

– you can’t be too careful with these types, recidivists, all.

Old Bill

HG17 NWJ is a Police Scotland fleet car, exempt from MOT, subject to regular servicing, maintenance and inspections. Originally allocated as the chief constable’s car, it’s now used by Events Planning Unit for security escort driving tasks. It was parked at The Gateway, Dalmarnock last week, where some events planners for West are based. Those escort operations can range from a single vehicle movement to multiple marked and unmarked vehicles and motorcycles, and protected or unprotected with firearms officers, dependent upon threat level to the principal(s). Events Planning is part of Operational Support and not ‘Special Branch’ which hasn’t existed for nearly two decades, that area of policing now undertaken by Specialist Crime Division. I’d speculate that Police Scotland, as part of the overall security assessments and measures (e.g. uniformed officers are assigned to the Inquiry venue as seen on TV) has decided to transport Ms Sturgeon and there’s not much else to say or fret about. Commentators may or may not agree with that decision which rests with the police and taken by an accredited tactical commander.


It’s hard to image a softer line of questioning… admittedly it got quite tense when he asked something along the lines of “isn’t it true that you are guilty of wanting to save all the people?”

Fucking joke. The whole thing is a charade and like all the other charades involving her antics, the public is paying for it.


Anyone managed to get a check on who the registered vehicle owner is and or who might have been previous owners.

My guess is that the car is a vehicle owned or operated by the the Police, the Special Branch and or the security services.

Between them they have a plethora of unmarked, registration masked decoy or surveillance cars. You can’t be a secret service, or under cover special branch or special forces operative without such cars.

The chances of the ex first minister being chauffeured about in what was a relatively expensive non MoT’d car is unlikely.

Just another inkling I suspect of the the whole rotten dirty undemocratic edifice that is the UK and Scotland. This is a rotten burgh of a country, far worse than worst regimes we popularly hold out to be so. Difference is that the UK hides its filthy behaviours to a large extent from a gullible population.

But make no mistake if the covert machinations do not control a populace, the UK security apparatus will kill.

Sturgeon is compromised. The SNP is compromised. The colony, like all colonies is being held.

Ian Smith

I doubt it is any big deal if she is given ‘security’ on this occasion.

It is a former FM being taken to a whole day government inquiry with a good number of people believing she killed and treated their grannies horrifically likely to be in attendance, and potentially other protestors or worse seeking revenge.

Had there been indy, she might have had it for life.


Old Bill
Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 4:21 pm
HG17 NWJ is a Police Scotland fleet car, exempt from MOT, subject to regular servicing, maintenance and inspections.

That’s upset the regular coneheads on here who are all hugging each other with delight at the idea it’s a WM/MI5 car … or summat. Because as we know, everything that goes wrong in Scotland is an English anti-Scottish action. Pathetic!


Anyway, bit of an old banger really, eh? The car, I mean…

It’s a 7 year old gas guzzler, diesel, with a 3.0 litre engine?

You couldn’t give a car like that away these days.

Appropriate though, given where she is.


Sturgeon tied up all day and no posts from Ruby or Geri. Makes yer fink dunnit!


Conehead! That’s new one.

I would rather be a conehead than a cunt


Tough day, Nichol… erm Ruby?


Why would she be taken in a police car?

Was it to ensure she attended the inquiry?

If she needed security to attend this inquiry then the question is she going to need security for the rest of the time she remains in Scotland?


Old Bill
Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 4:21 pm
HG17 NWJ is a Police Scotland fleet car, exempt from MOT, subject to regular servicing, maintenance and inspections…’

The Salmond squad. CRaig Murray, Mark Hirst, Marion Millar, Sturgeon’s personal chauffeur, the Rangers case, etc etc

Move along, nothing to see here? Maybe aye, maybe no but we’ll no take the Old Bill’s word for it until we are confident it can be trusted. In my opinion your organisation, our polis needs to recover its honour first before I take you at your word.


DasBlimp. WM/MI5/Police Scotland all serve the same establishment gimps.


I can foresee the day Red Ned McLegohead will be too scared to go anywhere without a Police escort at least in Scotland. Maybe that is why she has one here…

Given the foulness and gargantuan betrayal of what she has done, on so many dimensions I have lost count, she will always be looking over her shoulder IMHO.

And if the whole truth (about everything) came out… I honestly think she’d have to get a gated community beach house in Florida next to Zelen$ky’s.

John Docherty

The disco lights photo shows a very senior police officer in the passenger seat. Collar tabs and lots of epaulette silver – 2 star or 3 star rank. Chief Constable’s VIP transport?


Look at this motley crew of SNP Glum Chums during todays ‘Norn Irn’ announcements. Just think, we put them there. And that fills me with shame. link to Never again!


I watched 5 mins of sturgeons (interogation) ha,ha the kc was more interested on pushing the narrative that the betrayer was more focused and interested in indy than anything else, shades of bbc pish, ask any SANE independence supporter (don’t go near PayPal pauls site) how much she focused or even MENTIONED indy and they will tell you the truth, nada,nil,niet

The Covid bereaved should set up a crowd funder and petition to bring this vile creature and her Co conspiritors to account for her deliberate lies witnessed on TV by millions of viewers, for every one of these disgusting amoral bastards to deliberately and conscientiously delete all their messages just highlights the contempt that they hold for citizens, justice and the rule of law, for that scum vile creature to sit there and fake emotion whilst being handled with kid gloves only increases the disgust and revulsion felt by decent thinking human beings
The fact that they feel so protected shows just how bad our supposed democracy has been usurped


I have no time for Sturgeon. I believe her to be a Unionist plant, a “Tractor” to Scotland.

But, it seems clear to me, she is being set-up to be blamed, far-more than any Unionist politician, for the failings of the poor response to Covid across these islands.

When the final report comes out, I am sure she will recieve more criticism than Johnson and the other, far-less-competent, politicians in London.

It will be framed as London Bad – Edinburgh worse, as the Establishment closes ranks to continue to scupper Independence for as long as possible.


@ Stoker 6.04pm what dae ye call a group of fat,lazy incompetent cunts
Answer snp troughers


I only watched a few minutes of her ‘performance’.

It was the bit where she said she hadn’t slept and she hadn’t a day off in ages.

Why was that? Did she think she was the only person who could possibly do the job.

Why does she have a deputy?

She’s a total control freak.

A few minutes of her is all I can take. In contrast I listen to Alex Salmond answer questions for three hours and I was riveted.


“Because as we know, everything that goes wrong in Scotland is an English anti-Scottish action. Pathetic!”

Nope. Everything that goes wrong in Scotland, at present, is an action by brute force to stop the end of the union by suffocating democracy.

That has nothing to do with England. It has to do with the superior establishment powers that, for their own selfish interests, are forcing Scotland and England, whose people are pursuing diametrically opposite political directions as was made clear in 2016, glued at the hip and ruled by an undemocratic, dictatorial and warmongering uniparty style of politics where there is only one political side but a multitude of different brands which only look minimally different when you put them side by side and under a microscope. There is nothing pathetic about realising of that. And about time too.

Why is an unelected crown representative sitting in the middle of what should be a democratically elected government cabinet in Scotland?

Why is that unelected crown representative stealing control of the legislative power from the people of Scotland and transferring it to the crown so, in presence of an anti-union majority in Holyrood, and in a magnificent display of absolutism, England’s judges stop the referendum bill entering Holyrood to be debated by our democratically elected representatives?

In what kind of democracy it is the crown who decides what legislation is debated by a democratically parliament?

What exactly is the “crown office” and why is it attached like a remora to the jugular of Scotland’s prosecution service? Why isn’t there a remora crown office also attached to the jugular of England’s crown office?

Why was the previous crown agent changing protocol and instructing the police to deploy a hunting investigation against Mr Salmond when the procedure is usually the other way round? So is the crown now also controlling the police in Scotland?

What about the iterations between the UK civil service in Scotland and the crown office? The civil service in SGov represents part of the executive power. The prosecution service part of the judicial power. Those iterations between both powers should have never existed because both powers should have been independent in a democracy. Here, in Scotland, it seems the crown controls the three powers. That is not a democracy. That is absolute rule.

So hell, yeah. All what is wrong in Scotland at the moment is that Scotland is not a democracy and will never be allowed to be one for as long as Scotland remains in this union. This is a soft touch dictatorship where the crown appears to have a very tight grip in all governing structures and the three powers, and has been actively abusing them to stop Scotland’s independence.

Now, remind me, who/what was the main beneficiary of having a devolutionist political fraud like Sturgeon leading what should have been the main vehicle for Scotland’s independence?

Who/what was the main beneficiary of Sturgeon declaring before the GE2015 and AFTER it was known the SNP would win by a landslide, that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence?

Who/What was the main beneficiary of Sturgeon’s capitulation speech in January 2020?

Who/What would have been the main beneficiary if Mr Salmond ended up his days in prison and the yes movement was completely derailed?

Who/What was the main beneficiary of Yousless being parachuted to the driving seat of the SNP? What was the first thing he did?

He sent Scotland’s stone of destiny down south, so the English king could be coronated sitting on Scotland’s stone to symbolise subjugation of Scotland. And yet, the clown has the nerve to claim he is a republican.

Why wasn’t the evidence contained in the whatsapp messages released during the Salmond inquiry and criminal court case? What are those messages hiding, or rather who are they hiding? Who was included in those conversations that cannot be revealed?

Are we seriously expected to believe that Sturgeon is taxied in to the inquiry in a police car but then, she decided, on her own accord, to delete all the messages from 2020? Why was the evidence for the covid inquiry or the Holyrood parliamentary inquiry for the botched complaints procedure not secured by the remora crown office?

Why haven’t those messages being retrieved? This is the 21st century. Secret services have the power to follow the text messages of each one of the members of the public. Are we expected to believe they do not know what those messages contain?

Why is the british establishment protecting this woman and the perjurers in Mr Salmond’s case?


She could have, and should have, closed the border, but this was a big charade from top to bottom. Robin McAlpine’s piece on the whole rotten set-up is harrowing. Will we ever see justice, I don’t think so, but then again, karma awaits.

OT. Shame that when you ignore someone you still see their posts. Also, voting up and down would also help, at least allow us all a bit of satisfaction in dealing with the obvious trolls.


Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 6:25 pm
“Because as we know, everything that goes wrong in Scotland is an English anti-Scottish action. Pathetic!”

Nope. Everything that goes wrong in Scotland, at present, is an action by brute force to stop the end of the union by suffocating democracy.

According to the commenters here it is. Everything is a Unionist AKA English plot. Try reading some of the comments here directly before yours.


(weeps into a lace handkerchief)
“I have al-ways re-lied ‘pon the kind-ness of strangers … ”

that lassie wiz jist daein her best for Scoatland
– it’s aw thay tories wut dun it
– and MI5 and their agents like Stuart Campbell, all part of a vast Salmond cabal

Lady Macbeth
Nurse Ratched
Imelda Marcos
Winnie Mandela
Little Nikki, she’s a devil
– the only control freak in history who never knew anything

David Hannah

Just another Fabiani whitewash. 3.0.

The British State at their very best.

Time for the alphabetties to be named in Westminster.


“According to the commenters here it is. Everything is a Unionist AKA English plot. Try reading some of the comments here directly before yours”

Nope. I have been reading the comments in this site for years now. It is not the people of England who they blame. It is the masters of the clowns sitting in England’s government. I am sure that the powers controlling England’s government clowns are the same pulling the political fraud Sturgeon’s and now Yousless’ strings.

Unionism is not “an English plot”. The people in this site knows that very well. If you read history you realise that in 1706 England had no interest whatsoever in joining Scotland in a union. It was orchestrated and pushed by the English crown, desperate to ensure that the same person continued to hold England’s and Scotland’s crown for fear that Scotland would join France’s side. When Scotland’s representatives approached the Queen in 1713 and asked to dissolve the union, it was not England who refused. It was the Queen.

Thatcher said quite clearly that if Scotland ever wanted to become independent, no political party would stop it. That was at a time when we still had political parties instead of this uniparty charade, where the leaders of the “parties” can only be distinguished by the colour of the oversized rossettes they wear.

The union was, has been, is and will continue to be a crown project.

Cameron stated very clearly years ago that the conservatives as a political party did not have particular interest in keeping Scotland in the union. In fact, not having Scotland would make it easier for them to remain in power thanks to the conservative vote in England.

It is disingenuous and actually quite dishonest to attempt to suggest that what is moving desire for independence in Scotland is hate against the English people. It is psychological blackmailing, just like the liking of Scottish nationalists to being racist, done by the Major of London years ago, is a form of emotional blackmailing.

The English people are subjected to as much crap and to this same clownfest of pretend democracy as we do. The best example was the brexit campaing, how the law was broken but yet, the British establishment pushed through with Brexit with complete disregard for democracy. And the cherry on the cake was the courts claiming that they could not force a re-run of the referendum because it was advisory, hence it was actually government choice to accept the result.


“According to the commenters here it is. Everything is a Unionist AKA English plot. Try reading some of the comments here directly before yours”

Nope. I have been reading the comments in this site for years now. It is not the people of England who they blame. It is the masters of the clowns sitting in England’s government. I am sure that the powers controlling England’s government clowns are the same pulling the political fraud Sturgeon’s and now Yousless’ strings.

Unionism is not “an English plot”. The people in this site knows that very well.

Fair enough. I will bow to your better knowledge on the subject.


However, There are a few here that have commented that they hate the English. I will collect them in future and repost.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Anthem says:
31 January, 2024 at 12:24 pm

And it’s a Diesel!!! So much concern for climate change eh. The woman’s a disgrace!

Well yeah, it’s a diesel, but it’s not a proper diesel. You know – the big, throbbing, shamefully carnal stuff which can achieve 3000bhp+ and which makes Patrick Harvie weep while simultaneously making Fruitella rage about his big purple pumper, or something 😀

Mark Beggan

There’s some crazy people out there. If Sturgeon murdered their family in front of their eyes they would find a away to blame Westminster.



Thanks. I laughed.


There are an awful lot of cars for sale online that look to have or had wrecked suspensions.

I’ve been trying to find a replacement for my old motor- so looking online.


“Just another Fabiani whitewash. 3.0”

You know, it has crossed my mind once or twice that this inquiry has worked wonderfully conveniently for Sturgeon, the alphabetties and their handler to delete all those messages from 2020 which most of us suspect could have been evidence for a potential case brought forward by Mr Salmond to denounce a political conspiracy.

what is intriguing, is that, for some reason, somebody sees as far less damning to link the deletion of all those messages to the pandemic rather than to Mr Salmond’s case. One wonders why. What/Who could those messages possibly hide that cannot be revealed to the public and cannot be used as evidence in a court of law?

Whoever this missing link might be, it seems obvious they have nothing to do with the pandemic, but this inquiry has given them a perfect back door to depart the scene with the deletion of all those messages claiming they were deleted under some made up X or Y policy.

Once it has been made official thanks to this inquiry that there are no messages, even if those still existed somewhere or could be retrieved, they would not longer have to provide them for any future criminal case. How convenient. For some.

This was not done to protect STurgeon, but somebody else. Sturgeon’s reputation is completely in tatters now. Her claim she deleted the messages presented her as a heartless and deceiving hard core liar. So who is it that is really benefiting from those messages not seeing the light of day?

It stands to the obvious the establishment is protecting the political fraud Sturgeon. So if the establishment has an interest in making those messages disappear from the public eye, and somehow the judge in Mr Salmond’s case, a representative of the crown, refused to allow the whatsapp messages to be presented as evidence, one, of curious disposition, would like to know why, and would like to know what/who were those messages hiding for the secret services, the crown prosecution services, the police, etc, etc all turning a blind eye to this deletion in industrial scale without making a real effort to retrieve them.

Who/What are they all protecting?


Today I got one of those anniversary reprint messages from FB for 31/01/2013, 11 years ago.

I wrote:

“The EC should have insisted that any promise of jam tomorrow by the Dependency Tendency was backed, in writing, by the Westminster Government. Also they should have insisted that anything else they are planning which could effect a future Scottish constitutional set up, should Scots vote NO, is made clear as well. In particular answers to the three following questions must be forced out of them, so they become a matter of record, before the referendum:
1. Will any of the existing powers in the Scottish Parliament be removed or downgraded if Scotland chooses NO?
2. In particular, can you state that no legislation will be brought into existence which would prevent the Scottish Parliament holding another referendum when it deems fit?
3. Will changes to the election system be made to try to ensure another single party majority is impossible?
Another one was 4. Will the UK remain in the EU? has been overtaken by events.
As a matter of basic democracy, the electorate must have clarity on whether this is a one chance only referendum or not.”

And the result was no one pressed Westminster for those reassurances and basic democracy was not upheld.

Scots voted thinking they could always have another referendum in a few years.

Just call me Cassandra


So Nicola turns up in a police or crown car registered in Hampshire.

I can understand Police Scotland taking her to the inquiry but Hampshire????

Wonder what organisations are based there???

Gove said the SNP was the biggest risk to the country then next thing you know Salmond is charged, Nicola has a tent in her garden Craig Murray has to leave the country

Makes you think.


The guy in the first picture you posted opening the door of the car for Sturgeon looks awfully like the guy in the other piccy opening the car door for Sturgeon outside her house. I say that knowing that his face was visible on the evening news tonight.


Twathater: “the kc was more interested on pushing the narrative that the betrayer was more focused and interested in indy than anything else…”

Yip, indy and saving lives, that’s all she ever cared about… pity she deleted everything or she could prove it, instead of relying so much on every fibre of her being, whatever the fuck that means.

Every other country in the world let the health experts manage daily briefings, but Nicola saw a podium and a camera and, well, you all saw what happened, day after miserable day.

It’s another disgraceful chapter in the Nicola Sturgeon story, with everything that was potentially damaging to her redacted, deleted, covered up, hidden, and ignored.

The truth, in that sense, suffered the same sort of fate as the poor old folks in the care homes. The inquiry helped bury it.

She turned up in a police car but it might as well have been a horse-drawn royal carriage. Because we all know she is working for REDACTED and without our oil and resources, REDACTED is fucked.


Self-determination (International Law) link to

fruitella the hun


Thanks for the namecheck. And for using my description of the climate defiers. I love powerful cars and bikes. The biggest CO2 emitters are agriculture and domestic. Transport is up there as well but that’s routine shuffling of goods and workers. Don’t know how much personal gratification use contributes but I’d guess it’s pretty small, certainly hope so. Have you met Dan? He might know.

John Main

@ socratesmacsporran says: 31 January, 2024 at 6:08 pm

she is being set-up to be blamed, far-more than any Unionist politician, for the failings of the poor response to Covid across these islands.

When the final report comes out, I am sure she will recieve more criticism than Johnson and the other, far-less-competent, politicians in London

Exactly as I predicted this morning. You got there first Mr Macsporran. I predict plenty more will second your assessment in the days to come.

But do be careful! You’re defo over-egging the pudding with your far-less-competent, politicians in London. Keep within the bounds of plausibility.

Innarestin to read the hubbub over the “missing” MOT. Surely all this vehicle MOT, tax, insurance malarky is just another manifestation of the oppressive colonialist extortion racket?

That’s how I feel every time I’m shelling out £300+ to tax my Transit for another year.

Freedom!!! From this constant draining of our money to south of the border.

John Main

@ Hatuey says:31 January, 2024 at 7:52 pm

Nicola saw a podium and a camera and, well, you all saw what happened, day after miserable day

Dunno what you saw, Hats, but I saw a cadre of worshipping fans, faces shining with adulation, hanging on her every word.

And a cohort of attack dogs on here, shouting down anybody who dared to question the narrative.

With you striving daily to be the alpha male of the pack.

The day you called for death to the unbelievers has lodged in my memory. Fancy that, eh, Hats?


sam says: at 7:20 pm

There are an awful lot of cars for sale online that look to have or had wrecked suspensions.

This unfortunately is an inevitable consequence when oor Administration of Devolved Powers focuses on pronouns rather than potholes.

Tough gig trying to buy a decent new or used car these days. So many have horrendous design flaws that can make them uneconomic to repair. My car has well over 300k miles on it now. Fruitella probably be ragin on reading that but the car had racked up most of that mileage before I got it, and tbh for all the miles I do these days I suspect he’ll burn more fossil fuel in his oil fired central heating system in a year than I put in my car.

Quite a few small economy cars that have “wet” timing belts that run inside the engine and they degrade to the point the shed fibres choke the oil strainer in the oilpump pickup pipe and it’s goodnight Vienna as the oil pressure drops and crank runs its bearings.
Regular scheduled oil changes don’t alleviate this issue as the pickup pipe strainer is before the oil pump and filter, so really need to remove sump and clean strainer every second or third oil change to ensure you don’t trash the engine.

For lols checkout images of the mental timing chain setup on the likes of the Audi V6 too. Looks like an amphetamined up kid with an Etch-a-Sketch drew up the plans for that.

A lot of cars now use alloy suspension components with steel parts bolted to them. So mechanics now embrace the fucking joy of working on shitebox cars with endless bastarding seized components due to the cunting wet salty roads causing dissimilar corrosion. A situation which means many a fully justified tirade of swear words can be heard emanating from garages across the land; Buildings which you could easily mistake for being Tourettes clinics.

Got to love endless engine management fault codes too due to egr and dpf issues because the powers that be are still allowing shite low grade diesel to be sold at supermarkets. That shit burns poorly with more particulates than decent regular diesel (doesn’t have to be super diesel) from the likes of Shell, BP, or Esso. It’s worth paying the few pence extra per litre for decent fuel as you will get less faults developing and better mpg which compensates for slightly increased price per litre.
Of course it appears the current crop of politicos haven’t got a scooby about all this even though they seem so concerned with environmental issues, carbon footprint reduction, and NetZero pish.

David Hannah

Cheers for the response Mia. I echo everything you’ve said.

Remind me to never get my hopes up again that our political elite and the cabal will ever be held to account for what they’ve done.

If the truth around the Alex Salmond conspiracy came out. Then it would give me hope our country could be independent.

The covid inquiry today was shocking but not unexpected. Sturgeon didn’t want Independence. But they kept painting her as someone that wanted to politicise covid and break up the UK. The opposite was true.

They didn’t ask her about the death protocol or the care home decision making process. They didn’t lay a glove on her in my opinion.

I think she works for the British Government. Her pal Liz Lloyd works for Hilary Clinton. She turned up in her MOTless secret service motor.

And then the channel cut out from public view when Alex Salmond’s hame was mentioned.

In my opinion the only man that can bring down the corruption in Scotland now is Alex Salmond. The future of Independence rests in his shoulders.

I am so angry at Sturgeon but I’ll accept that we’re playing a long game on a long road to freedom and we’ll have to fight for it. It will never be granted to us.

Hail Alba.

Agent x

What a pity that some car is more important than the crap evidence that Sturgeon gave today.

John Main

@ Dan says: 31 January, 2024 at 8:37 pm

Good post.

One quibble. Having run nowt but diesel vehicles for 30 years, and hiked up some high mileages, I have never encountered the problems you attribute to supermarket fuel.

My opinion is that problems with diesel vehicles arise when they are used mostly for short journeys, and therefore rarely get up to temperature, or subject to sustained periods at cruising revs and load.

I have owned one diesel Golf which had the issues you mention on purchase (one careful lady owner, trips to the shops twice a week).

A couple of canisters of EGR cleaner through the air intake, followed by a few miles at (ahem) pace, and it was as good as new.


31 January, 2024 at 7:09 pm

However, There are a few here that have commented that they hate the English. I will collect them in future and repost.

When you do perhaps you could find out what they mean by ‘The English.

Is it this:

link to

I haven’t seen it.

There are a lot of people on here who hate a lot of things.

I wouldn’t be too worried about it Blimp Boy nobody as yet hates the Mercian.

I just hate cunts.

Is that OK with you?

Will you be collecting the hate cunts posts in future & re-posting?

I would rather be a nutter than a cunt.

Verse two of ‘The Cunt Song’ will be released soon.

It’s kinda similar to the first verse only nutter is replaced with ‘suspect’.

Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!’
Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!’
Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, Aye, Aye,yippee!’
Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!


Dunno what you saw, Hats, but I saw a cadre of worshipping fans, faces shining with adulation, hanging on her every word.

That cunt is always hallucinating!

Either that or he spends too much time on the ‘Doggers’ site.

Joseph Church

Had the car valued on we buy any car – about 12k if no NOT.
It definitely has had 3 previous MOT’s if is is a Police Car, more private agency.


Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 9:25 pm
31 January, 2024 at 7:09 pm

However, There are a few here that have commented that they hate the English. I will collect them in future and repost.

When you do perhaps you could find out what they mean by ‘The English.

Is it this:

link to

I haven’t seen it.

nah not that. If you want a taste of what it is to be English, watch ‘The Detectorists’ on Iplayer. I’ve seen all three series ten times over. I almost know it off by heart. Mrs Blimp says I’m a sad sack but watching it really cheers me up. In one of the episodes a main character actually says the word ‘cunt’. I’m betting you’d watch that bit over and over too.

John Main

It’s been a day of superlative-defying news from Scotland.

But as tomorrow draws near, nothing of real importance has changed.

The monkey is still at large.

Robert Hughes

@ Mia

” Who/What are they all protecting? ” . In a word – Union .

Scotland kept in it’s place , subordinate to England in all the things that matter , an asset to be ruthlessly exploited .

It’s Independence to be prevented – BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY .

As if the Brit State would allow daft Politicians to determine the fate of the U.K : far too much at stake for that ever to be a possibility .

The Beggar’s Operas performed in WM & Holyweird are * Strictly * for mass consumption .

Excellent posts , Mia 🙂


“the kc was more interested on pushing the narrative that the betrayer was more focused and interested in indy than anything else…”

Jeez. The legal system really has gone to the dogs right enough.

A blind man on a galloping horse would even be aware she did fck all for Indy. Not a single thing.

These asses really should start earning their keep & start naming all the things she’s done to show interest in indy cause an entire population is unaware..


nah not that. If you want a taste of what it is to be English, watch ‘The Detectorists’ on iplayer.

I’ve lived, worked and studied in four different parts of England.

Surely that’s better than watching a film.

I met a wide variety of people. Like everywhere else some were brilliant and some were cunts.

I could never describe all these people that I met as ‘The English’

I think that would be quite a racist way of thinking.

When you use the term ‘The English’ what do you mean?

England is a very multi-cultural society with a lot of people living there who do not considering themselves as English.

The term ‘The English’ means nothing to me.

It would be different if you said English voters, residents of England, English football fans, English Brexiteers, English upper classes etc etc

PS The Amish use the term ‘The English’ and what they mean is people who are not Amish.

PPS I think cunt is a very powerful word. It expresses exactly what I want say and I understand exactly what people mean when they use that word. I would have no need to listen to someone saying it over and over again. A lot of people are scared to use the word or even write it hence people writing c***s???

Nicola Sturgeon is a cunt and I can’t be bothered listening to here, watching her crying or even reading about her.


John Main says: at 9:21 pm

One quibble. Having run nowt but diesel vehicles for 30 years, and hiked up some high mileages, I have never encountered the problems you attribute to supermarket fuel.

My opinion is that problems with diesel vehicles arise when they are used mostly for short journeys, and therefore rarely get up to temperature, or subject to sustained periods at cruising revs and load.

I have owned one diesel Golf which had the issues you mention on purchase (one careful lady owner, trips to the shops twice a week).

Quibble all you like as is your usual wont, but your vehicle usage of racking up high miles will no doubt be alleviating emission system issues because you are driving for long enough that the engine can properly warm up and generate enough heat for the emission control system to do its job.
But that is not the case for a great many diesel engined vehicles that do shortish journeys which would be much better suited to a petrol or *lpg/autogas powered engine.
*If the decision hadn’t been made to phase out lpg/autogas which is currently the cleanest burning fossil fuel derived internal combustion engine fuel.
But my general point was that by running a better quality diesel fuel rather than supermarket crud it does help reduce issues manifesting and would return better mpg.

That Golf you had most likely had choked vanes in the VNT turbo causing boost control issue and fault code into limp mode. Textbook issue caused by the more sooty exhaust fumes when low grade fuel is used. Run decent fuel and that situation is unlikely to happen.

But this is just going over old stuff and the resultant problems caused by poor choices the public were pretty much forced to take when other options could have been considered.

link to

@ Fruitella

Thought you might have commented on the solar PV posts I made the other day. Are you not seriously annoyed that flawed policy rollout is severely tarnishing genuine environmentally sound objectives. I certainly am and it would be nice to see some support from those that claim to want us to move to more sustainable ways of existing.

link to

link to

I wish all these idiots and grifters that have forced dodgy ill thought out policies on us would piss off abroad, but then I consider that they would probably end up doing similar shite to people elsewhere on the planet; Taking up positions in governments in the likes of Algeria, Chad, and Niger and forcing everyone to fit hydro schemes in their gardens…


DasBlimp playing the victim.

Here’s something to play victim for. I have *lived experience* so here goes…

The English are racist. (Have you any experience of foreign students/workers/public transport/service industry in particular?) They don’t record the highest number of racist attacks for nothing..the *hostile environment* wasn’t a joke.

The English suffer terrible Narcissism & are psychotic (Try leaving – they threaten violence & wish a thousand locusts on you & yer family FOREVER )

The English can’t behave in public. The world cup/Euro doesn’t board up their shops/ground planes/call in the riot police for anyone else)

The English vote Tories. They continually vote Tories. They like Tories & Tories are the most selfish, cruel & entitled bastards on the planet. (Besides the yanks) It stands to reason they vote for them because they are entitled, cruel, selfish bastards too & see nothing wrong with them.

The English think they own everything. If they don’t own it they’ll steal it & tell you they stole it for your benefit (priceless artifacts)

The English interfere in other people’s elections.

The English don’t like democracy.

The English don’t do immigration very well. They’re expats dontcha know. They leave their English castle & insist on recreating it abroad/Scotland/Wales/NI and seem intent on making that new home as shit as the Little England they just left. (Leaves but still votes Tory) FFS!

I don’t think it’s Westminster. Westminster has a mix of everything but it is THE ENGLISH who inflict their shite on everyone else.

I hope that helps with yer complex. I bet you’ll go Tonto rather than address any of yer historic behavioural problems…

You’re welcome.

Garavelli Princip

“the kc was more interested on pushing the narrative that the betrayer was more focused and interested in indy than anything else…”

Exactly, the clear Brit agenda of the enquiry is to show that the “failure” in Scotland was the result of the “divisive” nature of devolution, and the lesson for the future is that such matters in future will have to be run entirely from Westminster.

Part of the drive to undermine devolution (and destroy the thrust for Indy) and assert the primacy of the Brit state.

Sturgeon to that extent is a sideshow.

We know she was NEVER working for Indy – and her final service to the Brit state is to bury it once and for all.

Her use to them is done. She will be expended with.

Devolution was always a trap.


I can’t be arsed with Sturgeon either.
She’s a has been who achieved nothing of note.

The yoons are still obsessed by her even tho she’s no longer in office – proving the psychotic, narcissist description I gave earlier LOL They’re unable to move the fck on..

Of course, if anything ill were to befall here, like Lady DI for example – the weeping & wailing would be heard from outer space at what a Saint she was.

I forgot to add *The English* are weirdos too. Heehee…

C*not is a good word too.

Universally recognised..


If I were forced to describe ‘The English’ I would say they are arrogant.

If there are any incidents of anti-Englishness or hatred of ‘the English’ it is because of that arrogance.

I’m using the term ‘The English’ to describe the people in power.

North chiel

Mia “ on the ball tonight” with her posts . “ Who what are they all protecting” @ 0725 ? I think the answer is obvious surely “ the precious precious Union “


Garavelli Princip

True. Just the same way they’ve tried to use GRR. Only the Tories & direct rule can save the day.

I’m not buying it & I’m glad to see the voting public aren’t either. The SNP is deid but Indy never will be.

An SNP going off script wouldn’t have even been entertained in a brand new parliament with a brand new parliamentary oath/constitution.

Devo was a trap.


I dunno, Ruby.

Why are the English so concerned with Sturgeon, The SNP, Alex Salmond, a pro independence site, AUOB, Holyrood, Scotland?


Every single site pro Indy blogs, X, Facebook, YouTube ZZzzz! English asses with a hard on for everything Scottish.

I couldn’t think of anything more banal & mind numbingly boring than to go out of my way on a daily basis to visit a pro Farage web page to post how bored I was LOL..I’d rather just unalive myself & be done with it LOL!


Ah, sacrificial corrosion! I deal with that daily on bicycles.

There’s a cut-off date for old vehicles/ULEZ, I think, so I’ll be able to drive/ride old stuff – like the Rudge or the 2CV – through town whilst not being allowed to take a band to a gig in the evening ‘cos my van’s in the barred range. What foolishness this is!


Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 11:08 pm
nah not that. If you want a taste of what it is to be English, watch ‘The Detectorists’ on iplayer.

I’ve lived, worked and studied in four different parts of England.

Surely that’s better than watching a film.

I met a wide variety of people. Like everywhere else some were brilliant and some were cunts.

I could never describe all these people that I met as ‘The English’

I think that would be quite a racist way of thinking.

When you use the term ‘The English’ what do you mean?

What do you mean by “Scots’ or ‘Scottish’.


Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 11:46 pm
If I were forced to describe ‘The English’ I would say they are arrogant.

That is a prime example of bigotry.


skimming the biz press : yankee bloomberg again –

IMF CAUTIONS UK AGAINST CUTTING TAXES IN UPCOMING BUDGET / Chancellor expected to cut taxes in bid for pre-election boost

– the IMF know what the tories are like and are coming out with “marxist shit”. The UK can’t afford this and needs to fund public services.

THE $2.6 BILLION EXPERIMENT TO COVER UP EUROPE’S DIRTY HABIT / A Norwegian project to bury carbon waste under the sea is getting backing from Germany.

– something we should be in on. Another missed opportunity.


– it’s not happening; the britain booming via free trade is just … nonsense; everyone is telling the UK to fuckoff, the UK has nothing to sell, except the stuff Scotland produces.


– yay, thank fuck we got out of the EU. Oh wait whut. But given we are so reliant, is there not some way we could “free the trade” to make it run a lot smoother. Answers on a postcard.

yesterday we find the POPULATION IS TO SOAR BY 10% IN THE NEXT 15 YEARS (legally). Good job we got out the EU – those euros let in all the p4kis, so they did. Warm beer, cricket on the village lawn and “le vice anglais” with a dear boy called Rupert in a punt at Oxford … england, the highest shining star, a beacon on God’s crown – it’s coming back … take me back to dear old blighty …

what can we make of all this? Well, brexit was a sham, a con trick and a waste of time. Whatever type of brexiteer you are – anti immigrant, a free marketeer, an EU hater, an english nationalist, working class northerner – you are all getting less of what you wanted. AH HA HA … EVER GET THE FEELING YOU’VE BEEN CHEATED?

Alas, this is too much a “high level analysis” for the average anglo. Cue Mail story about people on zodiacs.

online onetime, little englander empire loyalist brexiteer was rabbiting on about closer ties with the US, even the UK joining the US as a type of 51st “super state” – a yank corrected him; because of its population size, the UK would be broken up into several states, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England itself would be split into north (54th) and south (55th); the anglo got very quiet. Ironically, Scotland as a US state would have total control over its own resources and far more autonomy than it does now, and with England having no claim on any of it. Scotland would have 2 senators, the same as Southern England, but the latter with more congressmen. Scotland’s state legislature would have -far- more power than holyrood. (Not that Scotland joining the US is a good idea – it’s fucking stupid, but even so, we would still be better off than in this current state; think about that)

I hate anglos more than anything else because they are stupid fucking cunts with delusional ideas about how wonderful they are; morons who think themselves “very high IQ”, and that the sun shines out their arses, and are universally admired by the world. And a simple -skim- of the US business press damns them all, this is not deep analysis. Imagine being chained to a moron for all eternity. This is your life, enjoy.


Sturgeon was a puppet. A useful idiot.

If anyone wants to know who/what they are protecting – wonder no more. It’s their precious.

They’re not only bankrupt without Scotland but they are also toothless on the world stage. No one likes a big gob – especially one that is skint.

Evidence of just how far they’ll go is well documented – from MI5 infiltrating the YES movement & rigging blowing up post boxes to Special branch running McRae off the road, shooting himself in the head twice & managing to throw away the gun.

All released documents from Kew vaults is on this Documentary & absolutely nothing has changed.. it documents all through the decades they’ve interfered.

Banned BBC documentary Scotlands oil McCrone report;

(May need to copy to browser unless Ruby can repost. It isn’t all in Gaelic)



Bravo! Someone after my own heart LOL

The stupid cunts are so stupid that they now want to start all over again & not just renegotiate Brexshit but renegotiate the shit deals they got too.

There’s no fixing stupid. Yet the stupid cunts still wonder why anyone wants to leave them..

533 English cunts voted in by 65 million English cunts is kinda a big clue.. you’d think!

But naw. It’s US that have a problem. LOL

Mark Beggan

The English stole our pot holes too. Bastards.

Mark Beggan

Sturgeon was a manifestation of Scotland’s psychosis. Now that she’s gone the English revolutionaries can return home. The idiots can shut up and the loons can play with wax effigies.
Let Scotland heal.

Iain More

Sturgeon – MI6’s Untouchable plant.


“Let Scotland heal”


317 years of illegal occupation, illegal theft & an illegal union.

What are we supposed to be healing?

Scotland will only heal when it returns to independence.

England wanted to take back control – everyone cheered.
Scotland wants to take back control – we’re bigots, divisive & anti English… Go figure. There’s that victim card again.

Mark Beggan

@ Geri

If you don’t know then I can’t help you.

Ian Smith

Perhaps this vehicle has MOTs during the pandemic years due to the civil service letting its in house mechanics work from home, requiring the actual maintenance be performed by the self employed without that luxury?

Mark Beggan

Sturgeon is at risk of being attacked.If MI6/5 never protected her then this page would be Rant Central of how the MI5 killed her. Others would say she was a plant!! but who’s to say that the plant police are not plant infiltrators pretending not to be a plant and getting you to think your family are all plants. I tested myself this morning to check if I was a plant. Still waiting for the results

John Main

@ Geri says: 31 January, 2024 at 11:35 pm

The yoons … They’re unable to move the fck on..

If Geri didn’t exist, then for a site like this one, it would be necessary to invent her.

Which makes me wonder…

Surely this degree of cognitive dissonance cannot be a natural (as in non-invented) phenomena? Who’s inventing it and why?

@ Geri says: 1 February, 2024 at 4:26 am

317 years of illegal …

John Main

@ Mark Beggan says:1 February, 2024 at 6:42 am

Take out an ad in the Plant Hire section of your Yellow Pages or Online.

If you get hired, you’re a plant.



You ever stop to think just what fucked up country the ‘United Kingdom’ is?

The King of this Kingdom was best friends with Jimmy Saville.

His Prince brother was best friends with Jeffery Epstein.

Hie mentor Lord Mountbatten was a nonce.

His wife wrote a letter saying her husband was going to have her killed and if it happened it would be in a car crash.

She was subsequently killed in a car crash.

At the inquiry into her death her husband was not even called to give evidence.

What does that say about ‘our’ country?

Imagine what people from the outside must think?

All the mass grooming gangs being allowed to operate untouched to this day despite being totally exposed… it is from top to bottom.

Yet if you try to do something good for ordinary people… its immediate charges of ‘hair-pinging’, anti-semitism…

Broken Britain. Go fuck yourself.

John Main

@ Confused says: 1 February, 2024 at 12:17 am

Ironically, Scotland as a US state would have total control over its own resources and far more autonomy than it does now

Wow, Confused, I had to mine a lot of worthless dross in your post to reach that seam of truth.

But seam of truth it is. And with The Donald on track to become POTUS again, maybes it’s high time for we Sovereign Scots to wake the feck up and try something new.

As you write, we would have influence over our own affairs. And as the rest of Europe falls apart and is consumed piecemeal by the New Russti Imperium, we would be safe under the US nuclear umbrella.

You might get your heart’s desire too, a ginormous, feck-aff, border fence.

And for the rest of us Sovereign Scots who know what’s really important, we would get a rock-solid currency.

Yay, the “currency question” finally resolved to everybody’s satisfaction. Fit’s nae tae like, eh?

Robert Hughes

@ Ruby

As usual with yr comments ,Ruby * Baby * , there’s a whole lot of perceptive thinking mixed-in with yr abundant humour n piss-taking – sass , wit AND keen intelligence : you got it all going on , hermana .

Sometimes the most direct is best ……

” Nicola Sturgeon is a cunt and I can’t be bothered listening to her, watching her crying or even reading about her.”

Perfectly expressed ; likewise , I avoid taking-in anything to do with her , she’s banned from my consciousness – sine die .

Can we all now just forget her ; she’s a scab that should be left alone until it falls off in it’s own time . Continuing to scratch it will only delay the process .

The scar-tissue left on Scotland’s heart by her 9 year reign of torpor will serve as a constant reminder never to make the same mistake of elevating an individual to a position of beyond-criticism omniscience again . Ever .

Thistles Bristles

I see there is an exemption category for ‘tractor’.
Would that not apply?

Michael Dubar

This car is in Edinburgh City Centre. Are diesel’s ULEZ compliant?

Ian McCubbin

Oh dear it just keeps getting worse for the Murrels.
Maybe they still have friends in high places and get a special police Scotland taxi .


Time to turn the page. Crying over what might have been, moaning over treachery and demonizing its pathetic agents is not a good place; easy to wallow in, more challenging to escape from.
History cannot be rerun but it is possible to undo and correct certain of its negative aspects. In such situations determination and hope are required.
Let superannuated unionism enjoy its days of self-righteous indignation, the smart pass on to far greater matters.


It’s always the same I ask those making accusations of anti-Englishness, hating the English etc what they mean by the English and I always get this question as an answer:

What do you mean by “Scots’ or ‘Scottish’.

Get back to me any time I use these terms and I will tell you what I mean.


Cheers Robert

Yes I prefer the direct approach so there is no misunderstanding.

Sometimes I read posts on here and wonder what the hell they are on about.

Take this one for example:

link to

What the actual fuck is that all about?



Great post. I admire your breadth of knowledge

Robert Hughes


* thumbs up * in agreement . ( hope yr change of location is working-out well for yrsel n family )

Dorothy Devine

May I recommend the wonderful John Crace to you all – great wee article in the Guardain.


1 February, 2024 at 12:15 am

Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 11:46 pm
If I were forced to describe ‘The English’ I would say they are arrogant.

That is a prime example of bigotry.

Does having an opinion make me a bigot?

Just the fact that you are posting on a Scottish Independence forum shows I am correct in my assessment of you being arrogant.

I am aware that every single person living in England does not think or behave in the same way but judging the country as a whole I would say England is an arrogant country.

Scotland on the other hand is the total opposite of arrogant which isn’t a good thing but that may have come about due to being colonised by an arrogant country.

Yes we do have our arrogant cunts here too. Most of them are Unionists and most of them have been to private school.

Look no further than our three resident cunts.

fruitella the hun


“ Thought you might have commented on the solar PV posts I made the other day. Are you not seriously annoyed that flawed policy rollout is severely tarnishing genuine environmentally sound objectives.”

Goofy installations and wonky design are everywhere. You point this out yourself. It’s nothing to do with environmental policies. Environmentalists applaud good design and sound work – that’s foundational to a sensible future. But you go on blaming the Greens in parliament who do no more than one would expect from social engineers in politics (well LS is an actual engineer but …). The “greens” I know are deeply practical. Your criticism tars them too, and more importantly, leaves the purple pumpers unscratched. If anybody was responsible for the sorry state of things today it’s that Blair/Thatcher growth-at-all-costs alliance. Not the tactics of an ally.


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 9:30 am
1 February, 2024 at 12:15 am

Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 11:46 pm
If I were forced to describe ‘The English’ I would say they are arrogant.

That is a prime example of bigotry.

Does having an opinion make me a bigot?

You have a bigoted opinion then. It amounts to the same thing.

Antonyms for arrogant: shy, bashful, humble, timid.

You might be onto something there – all those words describe you and Geri to a T. LOL


link to

If I could go back and edit the above post I wouldn’t use the term ‘The English’ instead I would have said the country England.

England is an arrogant country.

Any hatred of that country is due to it’s arrogance.

There are probably many examples of England being an arrogant country.

The main one being dictating to Scotland when they can and cannot have a referendum.


@Geri, and Confused; great comments, you’re both on fire!

Alf Baird

Geri @ 4:26 am

“What are we supposed to be healing? Scotland will only heal when it returns to independence.”

Yes, precisely. And on the ‘condition’ itself we are reminded that: “colonialism is like a cancer, it only seeks to grow” (Albert Memmi) .

The drama we witness each day, not least in the charade of a colonial administration and ‘colonial procedures’, is of a people who are “products and victims of colonization and who almost never succeed in corresponding with themselves”.

In this the people have yet to truly understand their ‘condition’, and they first need to understand it before they can find and administer the only remedy, which is independence/liberation.

According to Memmi:

“In order to witness the colonized’s complete cure, his alienation must completely cease. We must await the complete disappearance of colonization. For the colonial condition cannot be adjusted to; like an iron collar, it can only be broken.”

David Hannah

Sturgeon brings out the worst traits in my personality. When I think of her I feel dirty. And used! She destroyed my dreams of Independence and our lives have been worse off ever since.

She basically ruined Alex Salmond’s name for years. And we all know the truth. We know what she planned and how she did it.

We know the British Government protects Nicola. We know everything is a stage show with Sturgeon. And her CIA hilary Clinton loving handlers globalist Liz Lloyd.

I suppose I can forgive Sturgeon. Jesus would forgive Nicola and until Alex Salmond ever brings charges against Sturgeon. Then I suppose it’s easier to reserve our full judgement.

There’s no point wasting energy on the fraud that is Sturgeon. Think of yourselves.

David Hannah

We might as well forgive Nicola. Forgiving your enemy. Means She can hurt us no more. The Judas can hurt us no more.

I forgive you Nicola.

For everything you’ve done.

And until such times as charges are brought by Alex Salmond against you.

I’m not going to waste another thought on you Nicola. Life’s too short.


Dorothy Devine
1 February, 2024 at 9:26 am

May I recommend the wonderful John Crace to you all – great wee article in the Guardain.

Morning Dorothy
How are you today?

If you post the headline of the article I’ll track it down and post an archived link.


You have a bigoted opinion then.

Guilty as charged.

I also have a bigoted opinion about women not having penises.

Now could you fuck off you arrogant English cunt.

Why are you picking on me and Geri.

Arrogant English sexist, misogynistic cunt?



Is this the one Dorothy?

link to

Don’t worry, little people. Nicola Sturgeon can run this Covid inquiry for you


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 9:48 am
link to

If I could go back and edit the above post I wouldn’t use the term ‘The English’ instead I would have said the country England.

England is an arrogant country.

How can a country be arrogant? It’s only people that can be arrogant. Stop being so twee, bashful, humble and contrite Ruby. Drop that demure cloak of Scottishness and tell it like it is. LOL


On a positive note, it is good to see that Ms Sturgid’s powers of recall have improved since the Fabiasco Inquiry.

The power of vitamin supplements. Agent Haliborange.


@ Dorothy and Ruby

I’d just read that article and archived the link so here it is:

link to



“There are probably many examples of England being an arrogant country.”

Evidence? Here.

“In the eyes of the world, the British people – and in particular the English – are arrogant, unfriendly and have almost no sense of humour.

Research carried out by VisitBritain found that visitors from 35 different nations listed Britain a poor 16th overall on a list of countries likely to offer the most friendly welcome. And it is some of our nearest European neighbours who are particularly scathing about our national character.”

That’s from the Telegraph, 2006.

The racial slur database is an interesting place to visit. The slurs against the English are relatively few and some intra England. While Scotland and Ireland have relatively more.


@ Ruby at 10.19

Cross-post – that’s what happens when it takes so long for comments to appear.


Didn’t you read by last post DasBlimp

I said Cheerio.

I repeat Cheerio. OVER, OVER AND OUT.

You are right, you are always right!

(Oh please don’t hit me. I’ll be good)

Me I would rather by happy than be right.


I would rather be a nutter than a cunt


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 10:29 am

“There are probably many examples of England being an arrogant country.”

Evidence? Here.

Wow. Great journalism there Ruby. I’m impressed. LOL


‘Jean freeman why did you have a burner phone?

-so that the FM could send me instructions and ask whether I had carried out those instructions.’

Why did the Crown office and the police act like Sturgeons personal assistants during the Salmond debacle?

When questioned on why the police continued to provide a driver and protection 5 months after leaving office the police responded that they were withdrawing this service.

Why is that service still being provided?

Why and how is Nicola Sturgeon able to convince senior people in high office to do the things she asks of them? Including things that could get those senior people the sack and worse?

She didn’t hold any covid meetings. She only rarely held cabinet meetings. She didn’t take minutes, there was no paper trail. She had one to one relations with ministers who she kept ministers isolated from each other. Communications were maintained using devices that were either unrecordable with regard to public information or aided secrecy generally.
Only a few had picked people got to attend her Gold Command group and note taking was kept to an absolute minimum communication was man. The press were 4,5 or 6 years late into serious scandals and are still failing to report properly on those Scottish Government failings.

For those saying we should put this behind us and move on all I’ll say is this – I do not agree with you.


1 February, 2024 at 10:34 am

@ Ruby at 10.19

Cross-post – that’s what happens when it takes so long for comments to appear.

Hi CrazyQueenCat

No problem the more the better.

These things can’t be helped when ‘great minds think alike’

I’m still miffed about Nancy the adulteress not dying when Burns wrote her that beautiful farewell song. 🙂


fruitella the hun says: at 9:41 am

Goofy installations and wonky design are everywhere. You point this out yourself. It’s nothing to do with environmental policies. Environmentalists applaud good design and sound work – that’s foundational to a sensible future. But you go on blaming the Greens in parliament who do no more than one would expect from social engineers in politics (well LS is an actual engineer but …). The “greens” I know are deeply practical. Your criticism tars them too, and more importantly, leaves the purple pumpers unscratched. If anybody was responsible for the sorry state of things today it’s that Blair/Thatcher growth-at-all-costs alliance. Not the tactics of an ally.

Sorry, just not buying that at all. So you are saying the ill thought out taxpayer funded rollout of Air Source Heatpumps and solar PV systems are nothing to do with environmental policies being foisted onto us by various levels of governance which in Holyrood include the Green Party having two Ministers in the “government”.

If genuine environmentalists applaud good design then they really need step up and call out all those that have facilitated these goofy installations and the flawed deposit Return Scheme, because if they don’t do that they are giving tacit approval for the bad practices to persist.

Like the SNP, the Green Party has also been captured by folk that appear to lack knowledge on a great many subjects and I will continue to call them out on it in my attempt to hold them to account. It is the politicians themselves that have tarnished the environmental initiatives, not me, but it’s interesting that you attempt to blame me.
Aye, it’s me that is tarnishing the environmental movement right enough, what with me using just 1KWh of leccy a day for nearly 20 years, heating my house all through winter using windfallen tree branches and just one gallon of petrol to power my chainsaw. Growing my own veg which is still providing me through winter with tatties, onions, beans, leeks, pumpkins, pickled beetroot, jams and chutneys.
I know I will be considered an outlier in what has become of oor society, but it is my practical skills and self-sufficiency that affords me a fulfilling existence and which also gives me the time to do all manner of voluntary work helping out in and around my community.
I just wish other folk would begin to put in a bit more effort and commitment towards achieving similar objectives

Anyway, it’s a bonnie day so heading out for a mountainbike ride. 🙂

Robert Hughes

@ GM

” For those saying we should put this behind us and move on all I’ll say is this – I do not agree with you. ”

That’s your choice ; good luck trying to make a silk purse out of that particular cow’s ear .

I’m not suggesting anything as trite as ( pace David Hannah , above ) ” forgive and forget ” ; fuck that , the harm that Sturgeon has inflicted on our Country and our Movement should never be forgiven and I’d love to see her pay some kind of cost for what she’s done ; what I don’t intend to do is fixate on her indefinitely and be consumed by anger that/if she never does face any penalty for her actions/inactions.

She’s political trash best consigned to the dump .



For those saying we should put this behind us and move on all I’ll say is this – I do not agree with you.

Is anybody saying that? What I’m saying is lets stop focusing on Sturgeon we already know she is a cunt.

Lets focusing on the police and ask why they are taking so long to conduct their inquiries. They were pretty quick in getting Alex Salmond into court.

link to

You weren’t very happy with me yesterday but I wasn’t very happy with you either.


link to

The above is good for a laugh. This is why we English won’t allow Scottish independence, we have to protect you from yourselves. There is no need for thanks. It’s a given


Snap hermano!

‘Great minds think alike’

I’m practising being arrogant.

I am great!

Oh yes, I am wise
But it’s wisdom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can face anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 10:19 am

“How can a country be arrogant? It’s only people that can be arrogant.”

Postcolonial theory tells us that, in a colonial society, two particular aspects of racism are evident:

1. That colonialism involves racism against ‘peoples’ the dominant colonial culture considers inferior (i.e. dependent), and;

2. that the colonially dominated people then ‘internalize’ this racism, resulting in psychological effects, e.g. colonial mindset, ‘cringe’ etc.

Scots arguably remain subject to both outcomes of colonial racism:

link to


Are our key institutions a total joke run by easily corrupted no marks easily controlled by the FM of Scotland? Or is it more to do with Sturgeon being an Einstein level genius at corrupting people in high office?

What the fuck is going on here?


Robert Hughes
Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 11:06 am
@ GM
Fair enough point Robert. It’s more an answer to the question ‘what the fuck is going on here?’ I am looking for.



1. Sturgeon resigned as FM. She is still a member of parliament. Who knows what Police Scotland are doing. They’ve taken 4 yrs to investigate Branchform. They also seem to be a personal taxi for the English who were unable to travel next door because of some wind. (Jo Farrell)

2. COVID rules. She could hardly address the nation there was a lockdown & not to break the rules then party like it was 1999 back at Holyrood HQ like BoJo did at No10

3. Civil servants & statistician’s will have all the relevant information along with her health ministers. They would have compiled her briefings. I don’t buy into the hype surrounding her communications when at least 100 other civil servants would have a copy.

4. Burner phones could’ve been used for personal communication. No one will ever know unless they are found & traced. Doubtful but the hysteria may sell some click bait.

5. Sturgeon, given all her faults, isn’t responsible for the media asleep at the wheel.

People can speculate & buy into the media or they can wonder to themselves

6. I believe it’ll be a pointless exercise but each to their own. I can’t even abide to watch her because she is a liar & a narcissist & narcissists love the attention. The world would get far more out of her by ignoring her & watching her unravel at trying to remain relevant. The queen of social media would go into meltdown.

Not taking anything away from the families who deserve answers. I don’t think they’ll get them but the media could do their job & actually do some investigative journalism – starting with the civil servants & her two sidekicks who joined her on the podium instead of endless speculation..



Indeed, what are we not being told? Being chauffeured in a police car, is she in police custody? I wish it were so. Was she expecting a clamorous multitude, ticker tape, the crown of laurel? Dream on Nicola, these days are long gone. No one believes you anymore. So dry your crocodile tears of self pity. You can whine for attention all you want. You have caused immense harm and suffering to the Scottish people.

Your blind desire for revenge against Alex Salmond, caring nothing about means or method, about what it left destroyed in its wake was and is reprehensible. Only vindication and suffering mattered to you and your co conspirators.

It may be that you were not always a narcissistic sociopath, though you always will be. Your secrets and lies and cover ups and redactions and Blinkety Blink and skeletons rattling around in your closet and manipulation and control were all meant to silence people, strike them dumb. I think the tables are turning now. It is your views and absurd beliefs which don’t matter now, you are not valued now, you do not exist.

Stuart is our modern day equivalent of the Scottish Enlightenment in bringing us the truth. You are the polar opposite, Endarkenment? Unlike you, I do not want revenge for your cruel, unjust and perverse policies you have tried to inflict on the Scottish people. Yes I want you to fuck off but I also want justice.


Alf Baird
Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 11:34 am
dasBlimp @ 10:19 am

“How can a country be arrogant? It’s only people that can be arrogant.”

Postcolonial theory tells us that, in a colonial society, two particular aspects of racism are evident:

1. That colonialism involves racism against ‘peoples’ the dominant colonial culture considers inferior (i.e. dependent), and;

2. that the colonially dominated people then ‘internalize’ this racism, resulting in psychological effects, e.g. colonial mindset, ‘cringe’ etc.

Scots arguably remain subject to both outcomes of colonial racism:

Yeah I know. Ruby says it’s because the Scots are the opposite of arrogant. They’ve been taking it up the chuff from the English for centuries and even supplied the vaseline.


Robert Hughes

Yup. Exactly. What you said lol


IN summary from Geri, Ruby, Robert then —The Polis/Crown Office/ Press/ add in anything else you like/ are much diminished institutions and shite at doing what they are meant to be doing and therfore easily corrupted. Sturgeon was just a self centred arsehole who could get away with whatever she liked for years in this environment.

Aye could be an fairly accurate take on things!

I think we need a court case or three to get to the detail of how things worked and why they worked that way.

fruitella the hun


Bugger, I knew I should have left your bait alone. Is it just a wheeze to give you the chance for virtue broadcasting? We’ve been round this stuff before. You exaggerate the problems and misallocate the blame, IMHO.

I having nothing but admiration for the practical efforts you describe, which are beyond me, beyond most people, and therefore not part of current politics. What do you hope to achieve by damning folk who wish to do something beneficial but cannot possibly transition to your lifestyle whilst caught in the job/debt slog that currently passes for normal? As I’ve said before, your scathing attacks on greens hardly make you an ally of the environmental agenda, however nascent at this stage.

Now, can you maybe provide a few grid references for north-facing PV assemblies?

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 11:19 am

“This is why we English won’t allow Scottish independence, we have to protect you from yourselves. It’s a given”

Postcolonial theory tells us that the colonial hoax only ‘works’ by debasing the colonized, much as you demonstrate.

However, it also tells us that a compromised national party elite ‘draws closer to colonialism’, it ‘takes the people up a blind alley’, and ‘becomes an instrument of coercion’.

Which is what we see as colonial administrators seek to impose ever more draconian laws on the people, holding back the movement.

Whilst “Scotland is lucky to be rid of her”, those of the same tyrannical (i.e. ‘legal’) tendency still remain ‘part of the colonial racket’ running a colonial administration which protects only the interests of the colonizer.

Fowk cannae ser twa maisters; thay aye luve ane an laith the ither.


Alf Baird
Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 12:03 pm
dasBlimp @ 11:19 am

Fowk cannae ser twa maisters; thay aye luve ane an laith the ither.

Time to replace the batteries again, Alf.


The troll is proving to all that he’s a troll.

An English troll



I think we need a court case or three to get to the detail of how things worked and why they worked that way.

Aye you are right but the way things are going we might get the court cases but they will be juryless trials.

Sturgeon needed police security to attend the Covid Inquiry. How is she going to get on the rest of her time spent in Scotland?

Everyday that passes the woman gets less and less ‘popular’

(less and less ‘popular’ that’s a bit of a euphemism)
I should be more direct!

Milkshakes, eggs & rotten tomatoes will be the least of her worries.

People do not like being conned!

I would advise they move to their home in Portugal. Although perhaps due to all the pending trials they cant.

Do we have ‘witness protection schemes’ here?


fruitella the hun @ 12.02

‘Fraid I can’t give grid refs, FtH, however I have recently seen north facing solar panels on the new Garshake Gardens estate in Dumbarton on a recent visit to the area.
They’re clearly visible on Google Maps.
Hope you don’t mind me intruding onto the debate, however it seems to underline the general point that not all installations are being installed to maximum advantage.


@ Ruby at 10.55

It is a fine poem, but it’s Burns who’s remembered for it, not Nancy; I suspect he got over her pretty quickly and was exaggerating for effect (no harm in that).

In this one the woman really does die:
link to

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 12:06 pm

“Time to replace the batteries”

Aye, which reminds us of ultra-expensive poorly designed CalMac ferries and failed policies for a’thing else; the inevitable consequence of a mediocre (colonial) meritocracy obscured by British/English exceptionalism, i.e. arrogance.

Garavelli Princip

It’s good that Blimp posts here. It is a constant and useful reminder of what we are up against.

Blimp: “a pompous reactionary person; a balloon”.

Take your pick.

At least he confesses to being English.

Other English balloons posting here pretend to be Scots but their mishandling of our language and wonderful its idioms gives the game away.

As does their admiration for genocide.


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 12:51 pm

I think we need a court case or three to get to the detail of how things worked and why they worked that way.

Aye you are right but the way things are going we might get the court cases but they will be juryless trials.

Well done, Ruby. And not a single mention of ‘cunt’ in your post.


@ Ruby at 10.55

It is a fine poem, but it’s Burns who’s remembered for it, not Nancy; I suspect he got over her pretty quickly and was exaggerating for effect (no harm in that).

In this one the woman really does die:
link to

There’s a Breedon on the Hill here in Mercia. I wonder if it’s the same?

This is my favourite poem…

This Be The Verse
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.

It’s good innit. I wonder if he did one with the word ‘cunt’ in it. Ruby would appreciate that. I’ve got some making up to do in that direction so I’m on the case.


Alf Baird
Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 1:10 pm
dasBlimp @ 12:06 pm

“Time to replace the batteries”

Aye, which reminds us of ultra-expensive poorly designed CalMac ferries and failed policies for a’thing else; the inevitable consequence of a mediocre (colonial) meritocracy obscured by British/English exceptionalism, i.e. arrogance.

Always somebody else’s fault with you lot isn’t it. If you really want to be independent you will have to learn to fess up to your failings and shortcomings because you won’t have your colonial masters to blame then.


Garavelli Princip
Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 1:10 pm
It’s good that Blimp posts here.




**those of the same tyrannical (i.e. ‘legal’) tendency still remain ‘part of the colonial racket’ running a colonial administration which protects only the interests of the colonizer.**

Speaking of colonial wankers who should join Sturgeon at the stake – does anyone have any idea what Alister Jackass is prattling on about? COVID was *politically motivated* lol!

Ayr cause “Oi Scotland , stay in the house!”

F – face coverings
A – Avoid Crowded places
C – clean hands
T – two metre distance
S – self isolate

Has Jackass dragged out the Enigma machine & that message was really a secret code for something & we all missed it cause we did as we were telt & stayed in the hoose? I’ll be gutted if that advanced indy & I missed it!

Another odious Tory cretin. Got to hand it to those bastards. Just when one loathsome fecker fecks off up pops another to take their place equally as loathsome.

I’d dearly love to know what Sturgeon was doing for Indy & doing politically during lockdown. Jackass must be able to tell us? Isn’t he fer boss? Aye, the secretary of the colonial office outpost in Scotland.

How dare an elected Scottish First Minister address her citizens with public health announcements. Down with that sort of ting! We should’ve followed England lead & had one every fortnight.

She should’ve scratched her arse & self isolated on holiday at least four times like BoJo did.

Oh wait, Scotland is still legally responsible for public health messaging & crisis response. Unlike Jackasses outfit next door who isnt.


@ fruitella

You really are pretty thin skinned aren’t you, and again you try to deflect from the point that what has become of the Green Party, does not align with or properly represent the actual sensible and informed green movement anymore. They have become de-tatched in a not dissimilar way to what the SNP now are to Scottish independence.

I post some genuine details on how I manage to exist in a more environmentally sustainable way and you just try to paint it as me virtue-signalling, rather than actually taking onboard the proven reality of just what can be achieved from our land if a bit of effort and education is applied.
Nor it seems does it even slightly motivate you to take some small steps towards a similar more ecologically sound existence.

Maybe don’t lazily chuck the derogatory term “pumpers” about so readily to describe anybody that understands that fossil fuel production and use cannot be stopped immediately for numerous reasons, and especially so when you and yours are so reliant on it for so much for your family’s existence.
If folk take steps to move towards more sustainable ways of living then the tapering off of fossil fuel dependence could happen all the sooner.
Importing cheap solar panel systems from far flung lands on bunker fuel burning ships to badly install in highly compromised locations kind of offsets my efforts.
For obvious privacy reasons I am not going to give out a grid reference for the north facing PV arrays. I’ve posted the very poor generation figures for the two compromised south facing garden mounted arrays of my neighbours already. It’ isn’t rocket science to work out that the north facing ones that get even less if any direct sunlight will be performing even worse.

I’ve spoken to the council about how this is being allowed to happen, and it is classed as permitted development so these installations lack any proper third party scrutiny and oversight to ensure compliance and viability criteria is met.
Yet anyone submitting a planning application for a new build or alteration / extension to an existing building has to have the heating aspect assessed for suitability and compliance. That being the case it means taxpayers’ money is being wasted on dodgy compromised installs.

Not long back from a 10 mile mtn bike ride and farmers are out in big diesel vehicles harvesting carrots and also ploughing fields for this year’s crops.
Issues with BigAgri aside, at the moment that’s where our “locally” produced food is currently coming from if you don’t grow your own. Not even touching the subject of importing stuff from abroad that could be grown here.


Well whaddayou know – even better than the last one I posted up. It’s spot-the-cunt time…

Love Again
Love again: wanking at ten past three
(Surely he’s taken her home by now?),
The bedroom hot as a bakery,
The drink gone dead, without showing how
To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
And the usual pain, like dysentery.

Someone else feeling her breasts and cunt,
Someone else drowned in that lash-wide stare,
And me supposed to be ignorant,
Or find it funny, or not to care,
Even … but why put it into words?
Isolate rather this element

That spreads through other lives like a tree
And sways them on in a sort of sense
And say why it never worked for me.
Something to do with violence
A long way back, and wrong rewards,
And arrogant eternity.

I must get some work done.


Aamer Anwar to Iain Blackford

‘The only way you can learn lessons Mr Blackford is if you don’t destroy the evidence.’

I just saw a clip. I think it was on the BBC
Kirsty Wark was interviewing.


@Alf Baird

“the inevitable consequence of a mediocre (colonial) meritocracy obscured by British/English exceptionalism, i.e. arrogance.”

History is full of English/british mythmaking about their “exceptionalism” and the dire consequences of it for others.

“Partition [of India and Pakistan]which left between 1 and 2 million people dead, created 10 million to 20 million refugees, and established a hostile relationship between successor states that threatens global security to this day.”

link to

“A British leadership that wanted to deliver Brexit safely and was not in thrall to exceptionalism might have learned from past mistakes. Suez might have taught it to prefer reality over fantasy, compromise and conciliation over arrogance and vaingloriousness. Partition [India and Pakistan] might have taught it to respect and understand complexity rather than oversimplify difficult problems, to make a plan before setting tight deadlines. Both might have taught it that you should never, ever imagine you’ve had enough of experts.

But to learn from mistakes you must confront them, and exceptionalism means you never do. Successes may be evidence of Britain’s greatness, but failures are inherently un-British. It is worth noting, too, that exceptionalism does not affect only those who support Brexit. As the historian Robert Saunders has pointed out, “The idea that Britain should lead the EU—widely deployed [by campaigners who supported staying in the EU] in 2016—has as strong an imperial heritage as the aspiration to leave it.” What would be exceptional about meekly accepting equal status with 27 others?”


**Always somebody else’s fault with you lot isn’t it. If you really want to be independent you will have to learn to fess up to your failings and shortcomings because you won’t have your colonial masters to blame then.**

That’s because it is.

We don’t have to fess up to anything. You are not our judge we need to appease. There you go displaying that entitled arrogance again. We’re not answerable to the English.

Scotland being independent will no doubt have some mistakes but they will be OUR mistakes to make.

It’s pathetic that a Country is being run by another country & collects all our revenues too. It’s NOT normal.

But if you think it is, fck off & give France all yer decision making & revenues & see how you like it. They’d probably make a better job of the shite you currently elect.


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Newsnight where Aamer Anwar says:

The only way you can learn lessons, Mr Blackford, is if you don’t destroy the evidence”

First half is about N.Ireland, Sturgeon at the C.I starts around 15.30

fruitella the hun


Quick look, found nothing (not even houses – there is a brochure though). If Miller built them since the google satelite image, and stuck them on the northern aspect of the roofs, is the general point underlined hat Wimpey have been infiltrated by the Greens?


“come friendly bombs and fall on Slough” (and everywhere else in the South, come on Vlad, do it!)

the anglo thinks he’s a mogwai, but he’s really a gremlin

the anglo thinks he’s a hobbit, when he’s really an orc; tolkien was a plagiarist and an anglo propagandist – mordor is london, and his plots are twisted (read the nibelung)

the loss of the oil to this race of thieves is the greatest theft since the looting of India, or maybe even the looting of the monasteries during the reformation … or wait a minute, there is also the immense piracy they operated as well … the english steal a lot, you have to admit; still, the theft of the north sea oil is well up there.

they wrecked their own house, but chanced upon a banquet which belonged to us; they stuffed their mouths and sagged their drawers … then let some of us, lick the spoon – and DEMANDED WE WERE BLOODY GRATEFUL FOR IT …

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what evil, hateful, shits our “equal partners in the union” really are; what is that thing people say nowadays – when people tell you who they are, believe them … try this –

link to

Worsthorne, bizarrely, claimed to have lost his “virginity” (butthole version) after George Melly (!) done him over a chaise longue at “public” school; Melly, quite nonplussed by the notion.

“Melly, up the Welly (top) … ”
(to the tune of ferry cross the mersey)


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 1:46 pm

But if you think it is, fck off & give France all yer decision making & revenues & see how you like it. They’d probably make a better job of the shite you currently elect.

Do you think we are that daft? I mean, that would be a really stupid thing to do. Wouldn’t it?

Alf Baird

Geri @ 1:32 pm

“does anyone have any idea what Alister Jackass is prattling on about?”

I suppose he longs for the return of ‘direct rule’ whan a haundfu o Tory place-folk ran Scotland. Jack would have fitted in well with the likes of Forsyth, Lang, Rifkind and Douglas-Hamilton; they all speak the same language, an it isnae Scots.

However, with a working class Scot thinking she is in charge (of ‘indirect rule’), even the Tories can see where that went wrong; power and a fancy lifestyle went right tae her heid, whilst courage tae deliver leeberation went oot the windae.

Our problem nevertheless remains ‘colonialism’ and no matter whether direct or indirect rule its still colonialism. Direct rule is perhaps less obscure, less confusing – we know who the oppressor is, not least in the wey thay speak, and vice versa. Indirect rule (aka ‘devolution’) is taking the people a while to figure out who is on their side and who is not.


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 2:04 pm
“come friendly bombs and fall on Slough” (and everywhere else in the South, come on Vlad, do it!)

the anglo thinks he’s a mogwai, but he’s really a gremlin

the anglo thinks he’s a hobbit, when he’s really an orc; tolkien was a plagiarist and an anglo propagandist – mordor is london, and his plots are twisted (read the nibelung)

blah blah blah

Are you reading all this, Mia? Yesterday Mia said…..
Ignored says:
31 January, 2024 at 6:56 pm

Nope. I have been reading the comments in this site for years now. It is not the people of England who they blame. It is the masters of the clowns sitting in England’s government. I am sure that the powers controlling England’s government clowns are the same pulling the political fraud Sturgeon’s and now Yousless’ strings.


In the last 24 hours since you wrote that there has been a torrent of abuse against the English. I’m collecting them all and will post them up when I’m ready. Hardly accords with your tartan tinted view of an English-friendly Scotland does it? So much hate. I love it.


Like many anglos, who fancy themselves a bit of a wit, a master of the bantz, our resident nuisance gets all butthurt and thinskinned when anyone gives it back to him a little bit … poor blimp – cheer up lad, it’s only the interwebs, no one really cares –

– for a man who quotes poetry I am surprised you didnt get the reference, from a poet laureate no less.

by John Betjeman (1906 – 1984)

Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
It isn’t fit for humans now,
There isn’t grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!
Come, bombs and blow to smithereens
Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,
Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,
Tinned minds, tinned breath.

Mess up the mess they call a town-
A house for ninety-seven down
And once a week a half a crown
For twenty years.

And get that man with double chin
Who’ll always cheat and always win,
Who washes his repulsive skin
In women’s tears:

And smash his desk of polished oak
And smash his hands so used to stroke
And stop his boring dirty joke
And make him yell.

But spare the bald young clerks who add
The profits of the stinking cad;
It’s not their fault that they are mad,
They’ve tasted Hell.

It’s not their fault they do not know
The birdsong from the radio,
It’s not their fault they often go
To Maidenhead

And talk of sport and makes of cars
In various bogus-Tudor bars
And daren’t look up and see the stars
But belch instead.

In labour-saving homes, with care
Their wives frizz out peroxide hair
And dry it in synthetic air
And paint their nails.

Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough
To get it ready for the plough.
The cabbages are coming now;
The earth exhales.


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 2:32 pm
Like many anglos, who fancy themselves a bit of a wit, a master of the bantz, our resident nuisance gets all butthurt and thinskinned when anyone gives it back to him a little bit … poor blimp – cheer up lad, it’s only the interwebs, no one really cares –

I don’t care at all. I’m only here for a laugh. Nobody has ever called me thin-skinned before LOL This thick layer of blubber is impenetrable I’ll have you know especially to the likes of George Melly.

And yes, I’m very familiar with Betjemans scribblings.

RE Peregrine Worsthorne

Worsthorne was born in Chelsea, the younger son of General Alexander Louis Koch de Gooreynd, a Belgian banker who had served his country in World War I, and Priscilla Reyntiens, an English Roman Catholic and the granddaughter of the 12th Earl of Abingdon.[1][2] The family name was anglicised following the birth of Worsthorne’s older brother Simon Towneley, who from 1976 to 1996 was the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire.[3][4] The two boys were baptised Roman Catholic, but did not attend Catholic denominational schools.

You see, he is the product of a belgian father and a filthy norman invading mother. Not a single iota of English DNA in him. (apart from George Melly’s Jizz that is)


Fruitella the hun @ 14.02
Hi FtH,
No, the point was more that the poorly located panels cited by Dan are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg as far as solar panel installation is concerned. Mainly I’d guess because at the moment so many alleged “green” policies are in fact motivated by commercial interests rather than applying specific solutions to individual problems.
If you want a look at the estate on google, I got there by entering Garshake Gardens Dumbarton on the search function. The main photo first appearing seems to be the cleared site, however selecting the street view took me to ground level directly opposite the Millar Homes site office. There are two north facing house roofs with panels directoy adjacent to the sales office.


Garavelli Princip

Agreed you couldn’t get a finer examples of an angry, arrogant, Labour supporting English troll. He could even be Scottish but hey wants the difference?

Seems keen to prove we are anti-English.

That was one of Better Together’s favourites.

‘I wouldn’t want my son who lives in England to become a foreigner.

Now the Labour lot are saying

‘I’m happy for my son who lives in England to have his dick cut off and become my daughter.’

‘I would rather be a eunuch than a Scot.’ sung in a very high castrato voice!

Jesus! Their champagne socialist flutes are shattering all over the places

What a voice! Eat your heart out Jaime Vendera.

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Scotland passed the Hate Crime and Public Order Act back in 2021. Three years on, this stunningly illiberal law has not yet been ‘activated’ because Police Scotland have yet to get their heads around it. When enforcement finally begins this year, Scots could face up to seven years in prison for behaving in an ‘abusive’ manner ‘intended to stir up hatred’ against protected groups. This will essentially allow police to arrest and possibly jail people for offensive or contentious speech. Even if you express yourself in a private conversation, in your own home, you could still be committing a crime if the thoughtpolice catch wind of it.

I wonder if the English are a protected group in Scotland? Makes yer fink dunnit.


“Last month, some video footage went viral in Ireland of a group of English men verbally abusing young women at a Dublin housing crisis protest. The men, it turned out, were part of a stag party from Bristol and seemed to be dressed intentionally to look like a cartoon of landed gentry, in tweeds and the loudly coloured trousers widely beloved by braying men of a certain kind.”

link to

It would have been a strange incident in any case, these English men who look like relics of the landlord class shouting at young Irish people rendered desperate because of skyrocketing rents, but it was to become more absurd still. After calling the women “scroungers” and demanding to know whether they had jobs, one of the men took the decapitated head of a pigeon out of his pocket and threw it at them.”


I hope the pigeon will be alright.

fruitella the hun

“Maybe don’t lazily chuck the derogatory term “pumpers” about so readily to describe anybody that understands that fossil fuel production and use cannot be stopped immediately for numerous reasons, …”

I use the term to describe those who believe we can go on with an economy based on oil until it actually runs out. The “purple” adjective is the colour you get when you mix commie red with tory blue – both are welded to the current idea of development through the roughest kind of economic growth despite the damage it does to our natural (and social/cultural) systems. They couldn’t care less about those because caring means restrictions on profits, or because they don’t see the point of nature, other than something for us to use however we like.

I also use the term “climate defiers” for those, not you, but JM, Alf, Confused, AS, Ash R, Stu and a couple of others who are smart and accept the science, know we are headed for disaster but think we would be stupid not to get the most we can from the known reserves as that is how they think we can sell independence to the voters. No politicians are up for selling restrictions, a defect in the educational process underlying democracy.

Labour are currently dumping the transition programme and should lose a lot of potential votes in England to the Greens and maybe the election to the tories. Here, left-wingers have destroyed the greens from within, some using Queer Theory, others by fronting a simplistic “equality” concept and neglecting the basic ecology stuff, I guess because they believe that will create a space for proper socialism. But there is no organised socialist movement to fill it and many ecologically-minded people, who might otherwise vote green, are not socialists.

I’ve been posting on here for a year now and Dan is still making the claims about my position that I thought I dealt with back then and a number of times since.

What am I doing on an independence site? Nothing political I hope for will happen while we are shackled to England in particular. Nor will it happen while we are dependent on oil and all that comes with: wars, environmental destruction, loss of ancient skills for surviving within environmental limits – and we won’t survive outwith them without a miracle. As an atheist I’m not willing to bank on the supernatural.


Here they are. Looking a little Blimpy.

link to


the cabbages are all here now – the blimp exhales

I await the blimps “anthology of hate” with wide-eyes; to be bookmarked to a place of honour


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 2:56 pm
Garavelli Princip

Agreed you couldn’t get a finer examples of an angry, arrogant, Labour supporting

Labour supporting? How dare you!

Ian Brotherhood

@Dorothy Devine


You’ll know what that means.


The Flying Iron of Doom

fruitella the hun says:
31 January, 2024 at 8:07 pm


Thanks for the namecheck. And for using my description of the climate defiers.

Ach, I was only pulling your dipstick man 🙂

I love powerful cars and bikes.

Long story short – if you want to see some really BFO stuff then get yerself into the engineering/repairs areas of the railways. How many times did I “run into traffic” when I was sent there simply in order to gaze in wonder at the sheer BFOishness of the engines, alternators, motors, wheels and everything else? 🙂


link to

This is from Calton Jock about Sturgeon and the convicted fraudster Rauf

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This is Craig Houston’s take on it.

He’s a Unionist but what he says seems fair enough.

He’s a hard core Unionist right down to his scatter cushions!
His wee Union Jock cush keeps falling over.
He says sorry cush!

Could be an omen Craig. 🙂

Anton Decadent

Re the escaped monkey being spotted on a trainline, last train to Clarkston?

Re poorly built cars, during the appropriately named Years Of Lead in Italy about forty line managers at Alfa Romeo were kneecapped.


I note that one of Sturgeon’s biggest media cheerleaders, Dani Garavelli, has written a very critical piece about her friend in the Guardian –

link to
As an aside, someone upthread has mentioned the Murgeon-Sturrells possibly relocating on a permanent basis to their but’n’ben in Portugal. That would be possible if they meet the requirements to obtain what the Portuguese government call a ‘D7’ visa. They qualify on financial, property & non-EU grounds, but the Portuguese insist on a clean criminal record. Better start the paperwork today, I think!


Megan Nolan, Irish journalist on living in England just before Brexit.

“I’ve lived in London for three years. I hadn’t spent much time in Britain before my arrival and had no particular feelings toward the English. I expected them to react to me with similar neutrality. What I didn’t expect was the toxic mix of dismissal and casual disdain. It would have been easier, perhaps, if it was all as overt as potato jokes. But what kills you is the ignorance; what grinds you down is how much they don’t know about the past and, if they do know, how little they care.

It’s a strange and maddening thing to discover about the people who shaped your country’s fate and who are poised to do so again. Why does it matter that an English man is English when he shouts at Irish protesters? Why did it matter where the men who threw the pigeon head were from? Because England keeps on making itself matter to Ireland, against our will.

Two weeks ago I visited Birmingham while the Conservative Party Conference was being held. All around me were examples of the worst elements of the English ruling class: their solipsism, their hatred of the poor, their amazing rudeness. A man in a boater hat and cravat, drinking Champagne and smoking a cigar, ignored a homeless woman asking for change and then chided me when I gave her some.

Fed up and demoralised, I wandered off to the cinema and saw Black 47, a thriller set during the Famine. In it, an Irish deserter from the English Army returns home to find his family dead and his homeland ravaged as a result of British rule. He hunts down those responsible – the landlords, the judges, the army, the lord in his manor – and metes out fitting punishments.

An older couple next to me in line, both wearing lanyards from the conference, were deciding what to see and asked me what Black 47 was about. “It’s a sort of revenge fantasy, I think,” I replied, “Set during the Famine, the Irish against the English.”

“Oh, really?” the woman asked.

And then, ponderously, more to herself than to me:

“Revenge for what?””


UK is phasing out lpg/autogas availability at filling stations.

Meanwhile in France…

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Previous article which includes some stats.

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Yet Scotland has plenty gas fields, and the UK is fine with burning gas as can be witnessed by regularly seeing up to 50% (currently 32%) of GB Grid power demand being generated by burning gas in combined cycle gas turbines in England.

link to


“In the last 24 hours since you wrote that there has been a torrent of abuse against the English”

First of all, you appear to be desperate and completely determined to undermine our rightful desire to take control of our own country’s affairs by, somehow, liking it to racism.

That sets my alarm bells ringing because that is precisely what that Labour Major of London did in its day, what was his name, Sadiq Khan. The backlash the bumbling idiot received for his stupid strategy was spectacular and well deserved. This was also an strategy often deployed by Gordon Brown with his boring hyperbole.

It is, as we know, nothing more than psychological blackmailing because they exploit the negative connotations the word “racist” has and that people in Scotland (or anywhere for that matter) do not wish to be linked to it.

It is the exact same strategy the trans activists are using every time they call “transphobe” to someone for simply oppose gender ideology (whatever the hell that is) and exactly the same strategy zionists use every time they call “antisemite” to someone who does not tow the zionist line. Always the same strategy: emotional blackmailing.

I see you are desperately attempting to deploy it here. It will not work, we can see right through it so you are wasting your time.

I do not see here any torrent of abuse against “The English”. I see the opposite: Scotland and Scotland’s institutions are giving them ridiculous privilege.

Take a look at who is in control of most positions of power in our institutions in Scotland. What do you see? Now take a look at England’s institutions. How many people with an Scottish accent do you see there in control of the highest positions of power? When was the last time we had a PM of the UK who was an Scottish MP representing a Scottish constituency? How many ministers representing Scottish constituencies have you seen in the UK government in the last 10 years? How many people with a Scottish accent are in high positions of control in England’s NHS, police force, civil service, universities, etc?

It is no secret the majority of the English people come to Scotland to retire and see Scotland as the backyard of England, therefore they come determined to impose their political views despite those being diametrically opposed to those of the natives. Acknowledging that is not “racism” or “hate” or “abuse”. It is having your eyes open and see what is going on.

What I see here are posters highlighting classic stereotypes that expand beyond Scotland’s boundaries. That is not hate because, if it was, England would be the most hated country in the whole world.

For instance, ask any Spanish, Italian, French person and see what they have to say. By default, the exact same they do in Scotland, English people settling in those countries do not even attempt to properly adapt and absorb the culture of the host countries. The expect everybody else around them to change to adapt to them . What is the reason for the English people to act like that? I have no clue, but I can understand why some people would consider that kind of behaviour arrogance. I have always assumed this behaviour to stem from the English language being taught as a secondary language in most countries whose first language is not English, so in a way the English people have been spoiled.

There is also the thing that despite being migrants in other countries, they do not call themselves migrants. They call themselves ex-pats, as if not wanting to accept the fact they are migrants. Again, I have no clue what the psychology behind it is, but I can understand why some people would call that arrogance. I, however, consider it more the response of the English people to gaslighting and emotional blackmailing from their own ruling classes. Just like the Scottish nationalists do not like to be called racists for simply exposing the traits of England as a country, English people migrating to other countries do not want to be called migrants because migrants in England have been demonised by idiots like Farage.

Perceptions are subjective. What you perceive is not necessarily the same as what others perceive. Stereotypes are subjective. Perceiving arrogance is subjective. The traits of an English person do not mean the rest of the people of England has the same traits, in the same way that the traits of a Scottish person do not extend to the entirety of Scotland.

Now, a completely different thing is when arrogance is associated to England as a country. That is not an stereotype. That is not a perception. That is well evidenced and documented. If you cannot see it yourself, then you are blind.

Forcing brexit on Scotland, violating the Treaty of Union, violating Scotland’s rights under the treaty, forcing England’s parliamentary sovereignty unconstitutionally on Scotland, denying Scotland the opportunity to take part in the brexit negotiations, stealing our powers and assets etc, etc, etc, are continuous displays of abusive arrogance from England over Scotland.

Sending the three amigos in 2014 to convince the Scottish plebs with their con-vow was a display of England’s arrogance. Those three individuals were the leaders of England’s parties, elected by English constituencies and none of them represented a single vote from Scotland. Yet, somehow, they thought it was appropriate for England’s parties to stick their uninvited nose in Scotland’s business and thwart Scotland’s right to self-determination.

Another wonderful example of this was the intervention of the Treasury Civil Servants, who threw their code of conduct and alleged political impartiality out of the window “to save the union”. Then, they received prices for it.

The uninvited invasions of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries in the middle east and the trail of destruction left behind are another magnificent display of pure arrogance.

Another magnificent example of the arrogance of England as a country is the new belief that their “parliamentary sovereignty” is above international law, so now, England as a country has given itself the right to violate international law as a matter of fact.

Agreed, the level of arrogance is not in the scale of that of USA or Israel, but it is arrogance just the same.

England as a country expects to have full autonomy and freedom to decide its own things and this is fine. What is not fine is that it feels it has the right to deny the same right to everybody else, unless the decisions are the ones England wants.

Some people will call that arrogance. I prefer to call it the vestigial colonial tendency that somehow makes those ruling England think they have the divine right to stick the country’s nose in other countries’ business, foreign policy and steal their assets, just because they are there.

If you want to understand what actual abuse is, go to Hansard and listen to the comments of some England MPs when the Scottish ones speak. Go no further than the mockery some uneducated ones make of Scottish MPs whose first language is Gaelic and therefore do not have the plum in the mouth accent that expensive private school boys like Ress MOgg have. Actually, considering that Scotland, Wales and NI have their own languages besides English, forcing everybody to speak English in Westminster seems another wonderful display of pure arrogance. This is the 21st Century after all and translators in other union parliaments around the world are not uncommon.

England MPs seem to conveniently forget that those Scottish Mps have been democratically elected to represent Scotland’s constituencies and are therefore the legitimate voice of those constituencies in Westminster. England MPs do not hold the mandate of a single vote from Scotland, therefore have no right whatsoever to claim they are speaking for Scotland. They are not. Their imposing their view on Scotland is seen as a display of arrogance by some. I see it as an expression of their colonial mind and the thought that Scotland is a lesser country than England and therefore ripe for abuse.

To deny the people of Scotland their legitimate right to make their own decisions and end the union if they so wish, is abuse, it is unconstitutional and it is a display of colonialism. The thing is the basis of colonialism is arrogance. You can only colonise another country if somehow you think you have the right to do so and the right to steal somebody else’s assets. In other words, you consider yourself more deserving of those assets than the legitimate owners. That is pure arrogance.

To call the Scottish people “benefit scroungers” to undermine them, gaslight them and break their will is a form of abuse. England is not subsidising Scotland, it is the other way round and more and more people is coming to realise of that.

Take a look at the way the McCrone was written. Not only the Scottish people are seeing as a group of people different from England, it was even discussed how would be the best way for England to steal Scotland’s oil. That is raw colonialism at its best and some form of racism too, because it is seeing the people of Scotland as undeserving of their own assets.

If I am not mistaken, this report was hidden by Labour for decades because they did not want the people of Scotland to know how wealthy their country was. This is what makes so ironic the attempts by labour likes such as Khan or Brown to take the (fake) moral high ground by insulting Scottish nationalists and calling them racists just because they wish to exercise their legitimate right to end the union. What is most ironic of the whole thing is that labourites are actually much closer to racism when they are purposely denying Scotland its right to self-determination and somehow suggesting that Scotland is a second rate nations because, in their minds, it is only England parties and England party leaders who have the self-awarded right to give consent for referendums in Scotland.

Linking the trait of arrogance to the English people is an sterotype like linking the trait of being stingy to the Scottish people is a stereotype or like being “siesta sleepers” and “flamenco dancers” is a stereotype linked to the Spanish people or being “pizza-eaters” is an stereotype linked to the Italian people.

Telling a few truths about the character of a person is not “abuse”. Somebody above mentioned arrogance as a trait of many English people. I might have experienced that arrogance in the context of Scotland wanting to end the union or when I tried to pay in England using Scottish notes. They think English banknotes should be accepted everywhere in the UK, but Scottish notes are not. The belief that only English notes are legitimate could be considered arrogance. I prefer to consider it ignorance.

In the context of Scotland wanting to end the union, I have heard and read all sort of nonsense: Scottish people are benefit scroungers, Scottish people live of the the generosity of England’s taxpayers, Scottish people are too stupid to rule their own country, Scotland is far too small and poor, Scottish people are lazy and prefer to live on benefits, Scottish people are drunks, Scottish people’s accent is tacky or “chavs” etc, etc, etc. I interpret that as abuse because those are not general stereotypes. If you go abroad, nobody considers Scottish people as being “chavs” for speaking English with an accent, nor “benefit scroungers”. In fact, in other countries they seem to like the Scottish accent better than the English one and they tend to see Scottish people as more cheerful, down to earth and approachable.

You claim that Scotland is not “English-friendly”. I invite you to take a look at the proportion of people living in Scotland of English ascent and then compare it with the proportion of people of Scottish ascent living in England.

What do you see?

When the proportion of people in England of Scottish ascent reach the figures of those of English ascent in Scotland and we see how England react to that, you can come back and we can discuss your “anti-English” assertion.

“Hardly accords with your tartan tinted view of an English-friendly Scotland does it?

You mention I have “tartan glasses”. Well, what kind of glasses are those? Are you using it pejoratively because I support Scotland’s independence? Should I become as sensitive as you are making up you are and interpret that insult as a “torrent of abuse” or should I follow Labour’s approach and like it to racism?

I think I prefer to interpret it as what it is: a very poor attempt at emotional blackmailing. You know the majority of the people in Scotland dislikes tories. In the same way Khan attempted emotional blackmail by linking racism to Scottish nationalism, or the trans activists blackmail emotionally gender critical people by calling them “transphobes”, or zionists emotionally blackmail Palestinian supporters by calling them “anti-semites”, you are subtly attempting to call me a tory.

Just with that you have convinced me you come here with an agenda and that agenda is far too close to Labour’s interests. This tells me you are here to disrupt rather than to contribute to the conversation. In other words, you appear to be a labour apparatchik. This explains your desperate attempts to establish this imaginary “English hate” as rife among nationalists to undermine Scottish desire for independence. I will therefore tick the “ignore” option in your posts from now on.

Have a nice evening.


Sam 3:01

I rest my case..fcking nomarks can’t go anywhere without annoying the fck out the locals. They’re not funny. Like Harry dressing up like a Nazi. They aren’t right in the head.

The first sign of a Psychopath – harming animals for fun. Sick eejits. So is pishing the bed. I’d hate to be the hotel owner who booked in those cretins. They’ll be guaranteed to have the place trashed along with the plane/ferry on their way home.

Those Irish women should’ve given them a good battering. I certainly would have at any English twat calling me a scrounger. They do fck all but scrounge of everyone else.


**wouldn’t want my son who lives in England to become a foreigner.**

What space cadets they were. Full of racist shite demonstrating, yet again, their own psychosis about *foreigners*

That would mean, by their own standards, family living outside of England are no longer family but are foreigners.

The belittling bullshit that we’d be too thick to run our own country. Only they can do it for us.


Black 47 is an excellent film.

John Main

@sam says: 1 February, 2024 at 1:42 pm

“Partition [of India and Pakistan]which left between 1 and 2 million people dead, created 10 million to 20 million refugees, and established a hostile relationship between successor states that threatens global security to this day.”

I absolutely lurve this stuff.

Sam won’t say if we (including all the Scots who were part of the colonisation of India) should have stayed there indefinitely. To keep the colonised from each other’s throats.

And he won’t utter a bad word about the Hindus and Muslims who had great fun wading knee deep in each others blood. It’s their culture you must understand, and we white ex-colonialists must extol and celebrate it unquestionably.

Just as the reality of the Hindu nationalism stoking up anti-Muslim sentiment within India itself, right now, either won’t impinge on his blinkered view, or if it does, will be written off as the legacy of colonialism, or some such Student Grant pish.


@ dasBlimp t 1.27

The Bredon Housman wrote about (spelt with one e, pronounced as if it had two) is apparently in Worcestershire, not far from Evesham. Your Breedon is further north, as you’ll obviously know.


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 4:42 pm
“In the last 24 hours since you wrote that there has been a torrent of abuse against the English”

Post is too long and I couldn’t be arsed to read it.


THE LEADER of the western world….set to cause more deaths in the MidEast it seems.
link to
Those yankees and their easy tear shedding.
«i am become senile, a likely destroyer of worlds»


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 4:49 pm
Sam 3:01

The belittling bullshit that we’d be too thick to run our own country. Only they can do it for us.

Like the Scottish government full of Scots you mean? How’s that working out for you then?


I have no love for Sturgeon the betrayer, or the current crop of SNP careerists and grifters however, our Governor General Alister Jack has been running down our government on the handling of the Covid pandemic even though he’s been just as bad at saving WhatApp messages.

There’s a kind of arrogance to how brazen Jack is about deleting his messages.

“ALISTER Jack deleted every single WhatsApp message from during the Covid pandemic.”

Maybe this revelation will shut up Tory branch manger in Scotland Douglas Ross on the matter.

“The Scottish Secretary admitted to completely wiping informal messaging from his phone while giving evidence to the Covid Inquiry on Thursday.

“It comes despite the Scottish Tories attacking Nicola Sturgeon and other SNP figures for not having kept all their WhatsApp messages.”

“Asked if he had deleted some of his informal messaging, Jack told the inquiry: “I didn’t delete some of the messages, no. I deleted all of them.””

John Main

@ Garavelli Princip says: 1 February, 2024 at 1:10 pm

All right, I’ll bite. There’s something about the pretentious handle that screams “look at me”, and I’ve got 5 to play along.

mishandling of our language and wonderful its idioms

Naw, does not compute. Mishandling, I reckon.

admiration for genocide

Haven’t seen the ‘G’ word on here for a while. The ANC took their billions from Pres Poot to stir it, but the ICJ put them back in their box.

Crying shame for the Palestinians, cos Hamas was banking on conning the west into pressuring Israel to give up. Now it looks like Hamas will have to come to the negotiating table at long last. Maybes even negotiate like decent human beings.

Wonder if Pres Poot will want his wonga back? Bet the ANC have already salted it all away.

And of course, that leads neatly to discussion of the genocide that has been ongoing for coming up two years now. The real genocide inspired by Pres Poot’s manifesto in which he claimed that 404 and its people, culture and language have no right to exist.

There you go. I’ve vindicated your existence for you. Enjoy.


That ‘A’ word again.

Sturgeon didn’t delete them either. She simply didn’t retain them. LOL


Mia @ 4.42pm;

BLAM!! Both barrels! Well done, you.

The sad Blimp shot down in flames yet again. Fabulous.

John Main

@ Geri says: 1 February, 2024 at 4:49 pm

The belittling bullshit that we’d be too thick to run our own country

Ah, c’mon now Ted.

What’s the commitment to post-Indy EU membership, without a democratic vote, but a frank admission that we’d be too thick to run our own country?

Scotland In Europe. Remember that? That was part of the bedrock on which SNP support was built. We were too poor, too stupid (and lately too corrupt and too deranged) but none of that would matter once Brussels had us firmly under control.

Shame you’ve never broken free of the delusion.

It’s my belief that it was the unshakeable certainty we would be in the EU that allowed so many cretins, eejits and wrong uns to be voted into power. The SNP voters genuinely thought it wouldn’t matter, so they could vote for any thicko wearing the SNP badge.

Big mistake, as we all see now.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 5.18pm

It’s probably gone unnoticed by a lot of the usual suspects in their “Palestine Will Be Free, From the River to the Sea” bubbles, but if you look at most Indian opinion it tends to be rather pro-Israel.

Given that India’s rise toward future superpower status may see them taking a dim view of Chinese adventurism in their backyard, and moving further away from their former reliance on Vlad Putler as an armaments supplier, it might give some in the middle east pause for thought.


Oh, C*rist, here comes Genocide John (Main) aka Arms Industry Andy (Ellis). (Yawn).

John Main

@ James says: 1 February, 2024 at 5:48 pm

Mia @ 4.42pm;

BLAM!! Both barrels! Well done, you.

You claiming you read it?

Your pants are ablaze.


Ignored says:
1 February, 2024 at 5:48 pm
Mia @ 4.42pm;

BLAM!! Both barrels! Well done, you.

The sad Blimp shot down in flames yet again. Fabulous.

I really didn’t read it.

If you can’t make your point within three paras on a online forum then don’t bother. How could I respond to it? I don’t get paid for this you know. I’ve got work to do.

I suppose Mia would say that I am arrogant for not reading it but if she posted her points in individual posts then I’m happy to engage with her. Like somebody said earlier ‘it’s only the interweb – it doesn’t matter’ He was correct and I agree. I’m happy to engage with anyone. It’s fun. Even your pop-gun-one-liners are worth a read, James … almost.



A lot of what you said I agree with but then you spoil it.

Don’t blame the deluded, blame the illusionists.

The public school system has a lot to answer for (which it won’t).

Think Hogwarts but instead of turning out real magicians they turn out illusionists. And the secret to being a convincing illusionist is to, at least temporarily, believe the crap you are spouting forth.

And we have them and their produce here in Scotland too.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 5.54

Mia’s constipated prose style is straight out of the Effie Deans school of creative writing and similarly she finds herself in urgent need of a good editor, or at the very least the self awareness to stop using ten words where one would do.

Hopefully if Rev Stu gets the ignore function to work properly in here, it’ll at least save our scrolling fingers a work out having scroll down quite as far.


OK lets have a sing-a-long to
All together now 1 2 3

link to

I would rather be a suspect than a cunt
I would rather be a suspect than a cunt
Bloody bloody suspect usual bloody suspects
Usual bloody suspects bloody cuuuuuunt.

Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!’
Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!’
Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, Aye, Aye,yippee!’
Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!


Ellis and Main.
Incisive analysis of World politics.
Circa 1950.


Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020 is not getting much attention.
End of vid briefly mentions some other imminent disease X too.

Dr John Campbell (13 minute vid)

link to


Looks like Ruby is courting attention again.


Folks, try your best not to click on the BritNat link provided by the right-wing Tory tabloid salesman further up thread at 5:28 pm.

Resident House Jock Alister Jack says he deleted WhatsApp messages to free up storage space.

No you didn’t, you lying b@st@rd.

I’ve not watched one bit of this farce they’re calling the “Covid Enquiry” but from the resulting headlines each day i’m getting a strong sense that the whole thing is being manipulated to associate Scottish independence with negativity.

I see the BBC is particularly keen each day to give us quotes from Westminster’s resident House Jocks, Gove & Jack, to tell us how the devolved administration “politicised” the pandemic. Strangely, though, i’ve yet to see any mention of the scummy Tories instructing providers not to provide Scotland with important protective items ahead of England etc.

I’ve also yet to see any mention of the Scottish Tory branch office throwing a hissy-fit because the devolved administrations first minister was rightly getting airtime to address Scotland because that’s *exactly* what would be happening in an independent Scotland.

These Tories in the insignificant Scottish branch office stamped their feet and demanded equal airtime, as if the whole pandemic was some sort of election campaign, as they conspired with Labours Lord Pishy-Breeks to get Scotland’s First Minister stopped from relaying very important health info. I’ve absolutely no doubt they would have done the *exact* same thing if the First Minister was Alex Salmond or any other pro-indy figure for that matter. No doubt whatsoever.

They accuse Sturgeon of “politicising” the pandemic? Politics is what it is, you utter disgusting servile oxygen-abusers. I’ve no love for Skanky Sturgeon but we also must never lose sight of our other enemies. And those enemies must never be allowed to manipulate the historical truth to suit their own self-serving BritNat agenda.


I would rather be constipated
than spouting shit!
I would rather be constipated
than spouting shit!
It’s running through his finger
His very tired fingers
Scrolling,scrolling fingers
full of shit.

I’m straving. I’ll be back to work on my song later after I’ve had something to eat.


Johnlm, you of course meant Circa 1950 BC.

The usually upbeat warmongers seem rather downbeat today. I guess they’ve realised that the US has bottled it as far as hitting Iran goes. That was predictable, of course, because Iran can hit back and America has always preferred to bomb those that it thinks cant..

The times they are a-changing’…


RE: My previous comment – That should read “Covid Inquiry” and not “Covid Enquiry”. Think it was time i was in my bed. LOL!

Dorothy Devine

Crazycat, Ruby , thank you ladies!

IanB, I knew you’d like it – John Crace , Marina Hyde and every cartoonist on the Guardian provide me with hope!


@John Main

“I absolutely lurve this stuff.”

It’s hard to know what’s on your mind (if that’s not an overstatement) when you write your junk.

Those opinions about partition were not written by me. They were written by someone with knowledge of history, unlike you.

Of course, Indian and Pakistani leaders have been culpable in not doing more to resolve the mess the English left. But you, Brit Nat, won’t acknowledge English exceptionalism, arrogance and hubris for what it is.

link to

“In India, he [Mountbatten] proved to be monumentally unequal to the assignment.

Mountbatten arrived in India in February 1947 and was given until June 1948 – not 1947 – to complete his mission. Impatient to get back to Britain and advance his own naval career, he decided to bring forward the date by 10 months, to August 1947 (he eventually did become first sea lord, a position he coveted because it had been denied to his father).

How crucial were those 10 months?

I would argue, they could have meant the difference between a simply violent partition and a horrifically genocidal partition…

…To decide the fate of 400 million Indians and draw lines of division on poorly made maps, Mountbatten brought in Cyril Radcliffe, a barrister who had never set foot in India before then, and would never return afterwards. Despite his protestations, Mountbatten gave him just five weeks to complete the job…

..Working feverishly, Radcliffe completed the partition maps days before the actual partition. Mountbatten, however, decided to keep them secret. On Mountbatten’s orders, the partition maps were kept under lock and key in the viceregal palace in Delhi. They were not to be shared with Indian leaders and administrators until two days after partition.

Jaswant Singh, who later served as India’s minister of foreign affairs, defense and finance, writes that at their moment of birth neither India nor Pakistan “knew where their borders ran, where was that dividing line across which Hindus and Muslims must now separate?”

He adds that as feared and predicted, this had “disastrous consequences.” The uncertainty of exactly who would end up where fueled confusion, wild rumors, and terror as corpses kept piling up.

As historian Stanley Wolpert writes in “Shameful Flight,” Mountbatten kept the partition maps a closely guarded secret, as he did not want the festivities of British transfer of power to be marred or distracted.

“What a glorious charade of British Imperial largesse and power ‘peacefully’ transferred,” lamented Wolpert as he contemplated the possible implications of Mountbatten’s hubris.

70 years later
As the preeminent biographer of all the major political actors of British India’s last days, Wolpert acknowledges that many – and, most importantly, Indian political leaders themselves – contributed to the chaos that was 1947.

But there is no room for doubt in Wolpert’s mind that “none of them played as tragic or central a role as did Mountbatten.”

By botching the administration of partition in 1947 and leaving critical elements unfinished – including, most disastrously, the still unfinished resolution to Jammu and Kashmir – Mountbatten’s partition plan left the fate of Kashmir undecided.

Mountbatten, thus, bestowed a legacy of acrimony on India and Pakistan.

It was not just rivers and gold and silver that needed to be divided between the two dominions; it was books in libraries, and even paper pins in offices. As Saadat Hasan Manto’s fictional account conveys, the madness was such that even patients in mental hospitals had to be divided.

Yet, Mountbatten, the man who would fret incessantly about what to wear at official ceremonies, made little effort to devise arrangements for how resources would be divided, or shared.”

John Main

@ JohnLMAO says: 1 February, 2024 at 6:10 pm

No, no, no, no, no, this is really taking the piss.

The monkey’s back in captivity, and JohnLMAO is back online.

OK, fair play, JohnLMAO, you did lead them a merry dance.

I hear it was a Yorkshire Pudding you sold your soul for.

The shame of it!

And BTW, this is the vindication post I promised you for February. I’ll let you have another one in March.

Unless you escape again before then. That will defo earn you some extra ones.

Andy Ellis

I see the Nostradamus of Wings doth spake. Of course nobody really thought the Yanks would hit Iran, but 5 will get you 10 some of their foreign outposts might be in for a hot time in coming weeks.

If Trump can take out Qasem Soleimani just *because*, Biden is going to have no trouble taking out some Iranians on manoeuvres in Syria, Iraq or Lebanon or their local chums. The thing is the great American public will demand no less for the deaths of their service personnel.

The Iranians might be crazed islamo-fascists, but they’re not totally mental. They know there’s only one end to taking on the US directly, and it probably ends up with a lot of mullahs being strange fruit hanging from Iranian lamp-posts.

Naturally the usual suspects here will be standing shoulder to shoulder with the IRGC, Hamas and Uncle Vlad because, you know, some things never change!


John Main said;

“@ James says: 1 February, 2024 at 5:48 pm

“Mia @ 4.42pm;

BLAM!! Both barrels! Well done, you.”

You claiming you read it?

Your pants are ablaze.”

Well, John, I read Mia’s comment all the way through, and it was everything James said it was. Not only that I copied the entire comment and saved it, it was that good.

And that’s not the first time I’ve done that, either.

John Main

@ Stoker says: 1 February, 2024 at 6:23 pm

Good post.

I’m looking forwards to watching you and the rest of the usual suspects walking the tightrope.

On one side your Sturgeon hatred.

On the other side, puir wee Sturgeon carrying the can for the big English bastards who did it and then ran away.

I’ve no love for Skanky Sturgeon but we also must never lose sight of our other enemies. And those enemies must never be allowed to manipulate the historical truth to suit their own self-serving BritNat agenda

It gives me no pleasure to say this, but yours is exactly the style of predetermined outcome rationalising I was predicting at the start of the week.

OK, I lie. I’m enjoying this immensely.

At the end of the day, she’s oor Skanky Sturgeon, right or wrong, eh?


FFS! Has this place become the Life and Death of Colonel Blimp?



Thanks for that link. Alarming.

Big guess. Increases in heart related deaths occur all over the UK. Could it be that the NHS is on its knees?

Access to treatment and delays to treatment happen everywhere.

Long term sickness at 2.5 million in 2022, about half a million increase from before Covid.

Stress will probably be a factor as permanently elevated levels of cortisol will cause heart attacks and strokes.

John Main

@ sam says: 1 February, 2024 at 6:51 pm

Tell you what, Sam, you have my share of the shame, guilt, disgrace, reparations, whatever it is you are bleating about, cos I ain’t feeling it and I don’t care.

A few million Muslims and a few million Hindus decided to kill a few million of each other. You’ve convinced yourself a big, bad English bastard made them do it and then ran away. Fine.

I don’t agree. I don’t share your frankly racist viewpoint that some cultures and some peoples and some religions just can’t be trusted not to slaughter each other. I think they have choice and agency, like everybody has.

I honestly wonder. If we ever do get ourselves Indy, if you will be begging the WM administration to stick around and sort things out for us. Maybes install peace keeping forces, divvy up the map pins, and transport the mental patients for us, as otherwise rivers of blood will inevitably flow.


@ BigJay at 4.08: the Garavelli article in the Guardian today.

Garavelli talks of Sturgeon’s “control freakery” and says “Sturgeon’s secrecy is doubly shocking…”.

So that is a turnaround from the post-Salmond trial TV programme where Garavelli was one of the in-crowd with Smith and Wark, busily smearing Alex Salmond in the teeth of the defence witnesses having been believed by the jury.

g ends with a bit of empathy, however – unwarranted in my view.

John Main

@ Xaracen says: 1 February, 2024 at 7:07 pm

If you are able to provide a summary, that would be a great help.

I’m having too much fun playing whackamole with the usual suspects!


The monkey’s back in captivity and John Main has volunteered to spank the naughty monkey.

He spanks the naughty monkey then he comes
He spanks the naughty monkey then he comes
He’ll be going ’round the bend totally round the bend
Totally round the bend when he comes.

Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!’
Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!’
Singing Aye, Aye, yippee, Aye, Aye,yippee!’
Aye, Aye, yippee, yippee Aye!

Some cunts don’t half have some weird fetishes!

Did you know Spain have legalised zoophilia!!!

Dr Benway

O/T. Brussells is in chaos. Rubber bullets and water cannons at farmers. Free housing and medical care for the illegals that have invaded. The West is done.

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says: 1 February, 2024 at 6:55 pm

I see the Nostradamus of Wings doth spake

Indeed. We’re one month closer to his “Turkish boots on the ground” deadline. Maybes in true Sibylline tradition, there will be no Turkish feet in them.

And we’re one month further away from Xmas 2022, and still no sign of the Invasion Fleet in the South China Sea.

Then again, if he’s using an Islamic calendar, it’s only 1445.

Still bags of time for both predictions to come true.


He’s been tracking that monkey for days!
He’s totally obsessed with the monkey.

North chiel

Mia @ 0442 on “ telling it how it is “ !! If Scotland was “ subsidised” we would have been jettisoned years ago .

Andy Ellis

@John Main 7.46pm

Speaking of naval assualts, I see Vlad has lost 20% of the Black Sea fleet in 4 months. Doubtless the Chinese will be wondering what toll the Taiwanese would take on their navy if they decide on their own Special Military Operation.

link to

John Main

@ sam says: 1 February, 2024 at 7:22 pm

Could it be that the NHS is on its knees?

Hmmm. It was turned into the NCS (national Covid Service) for two years. So for two years, much of the nation’s health needs were parked so that focus could be spent on something not particularly dangerous to the majority of people.

During those two years, illnesses that are quite dangerous to the majority of people were allowed to “let rip”. And then additional physical health impacts were added, such as restricted physical activity, restricted fresh air and sunlight, etc. Plus additional mental health impacts on top, including loss of socialisation opportunities for youngsters and oldies that have had effects that can’t ever be reversed.

By 6 months into Covid, it was clear to some that the harms of lockdowns would exceed the harms of “letting Covid rip”. By one year, it was clear to many.

That’s the scandal and tragedy of the Covid years, and the area of investigation that no inquiry will look at.

Plus, of course, the questions of who made Covid, who leaked it, who covered up its spread, and who encouraged behaviour that would ensure it spread worldwide. Why they did that, and why they spent a crazy year trying desperately to eliminate Covid in their own country (and thankfully failed, otherwise it would now be their weapon of choice in the next war).

John Main

@ North chiel says: 1 February, 2024 at 7:51 pm

If Scotland was “subsidised” we would have been jettisoned years ago

OK, I’m curious.

Is NI subsidised?

link to

Here’s a wee quote:

“For the majority of its existence, including every year since the 1960s, Northern Ireland has been a net beneficiary of UK funding”

That seems clear enough. So why hasn’t NI been jettisoned?


Is that John Main actually coming out of the closet and defending ‘the precious union’?


He’s whacking the mole & spanking the monkey!

What a wanker!

Meanwhile the cunt Ellis is getting well into his war porn while playing tug of war with the cyclops.


I’m assuming that NI wasn’t jettisoned because it allowed the English to mess with the minds of the people of Eire and Scotland.

A bit like they did with India.
Shame they destroyed all that secret correspondence between Churchill and Jinnah via Elizabeth Gilliat.

Divide and rule, chaps.

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says: 1 February, 2024 at 8:06 pm

I see Vlad has lost 20% of the Black Sea fleet in 4 months

Yeah, and the UK’s carrier is about to go to the ME to replace the Yank’s one. I sure hope the Yanks are leaving 20 or 30 vessels to make a complete carrier support group! It’s a sitting duck by itself.

In other news, the EU has found 50 billion Euros for 404. It’s news like that that makes me warm towards the idea of iScotland maybes joining one day.

I bet it has entirely the opposite effect on the usual suspects though.


Naval assualts, Special Military Operation.

Oh Yes! Yes! Yes!

Keeping talking dirty to me Johnny

Turkish boots on the ground, Invasion Fleet

Oh Bombs! bombs! bombs! are about to explode

Oh fuuuuuuuuck!

Bombs away!


“Is that John Main coming out the closet…..?”

I hear that Genocide John is buying a cottage with ‘Il Duce’ Ellis.


@John Main

The “big boy who did it and ran away”.

Radcliffe drew the map that set the borders and prompted the great migrations to and from India and Pakistan. He refused to accept his pay for his work because he discovered the maps and Census used were out of date and therefore useless.

When asked why he had given Lahore, a Sikh dominated city in terms of wealth and clout, to Pakistan he replied: “”I nearly gave you ([India]) Lahore. But then I realised that Pakistan would not have any large city. I had already earmarked Calcutta for India.”

The deep thought going into the partition process by the English is readily apparent.

Millions of people belatedly discovered that that had been given the “wrong” country and moved from and to Pakistan and India. About 14 million were displaced and there was widespread violence.

There had already been deaths in violence in 1946.A legacy of colonialism is the favouring of groups over others. This happened in India as British colonisers did as they had always done – divide and conquer.It served to raise religious tension in India and was a factor in the violence.

Why the job of drawing boundaries was given to a barrister using outdated maps we don’t know.

Radcliffe never dared to return to India and had no knowledge of it before taking up his short post.

Auden wrote a poem about it.

link to

“But in seven weeks it was done, the frontiers decided,
A continent for better or worse divided.
The next day he sailed for England, where he quickly forgot
The case, as a good lawyer must. Return he would not,
Afraid, as he told his Club, that he might get shot.”

The other big boy who ran away was Mountbatten. He shortened the allotted period (already too short – Radcliffe thought he needed about 3 years) to 7 weeks.

He wanted to be home to get the naval post he wanted.

Mountbatten was posthumously accused of being a paed0phile and r4ping boys in Kincora.


UK’s carrier is about to go to the ME

Yanks are leaving 20 or 30 vessels to make a complete carrier support group

Vlad has lost 20% of the Black Sea fleet

Oh Stop Johnny please stop no more dirty take for the moment.
Pleads Andy!

My bomb has just exploded! Give me time to recover!


Breaking news.
A Ru55ian ship has just been holed by Mountbatten’s deck shoe.


Online is villagemagazine with a piece about Kincora boys.

Kincora was a home for boys in NI that was the subject of years of systematic sexual abuse of the boys there.

The UK state got to know that the abuse was being organised by Loyalist terr0rist sympathisers and used the abuse as a means of bl4ckmail to obtain information and commit ass4ss1nations.

Village Magazine explores research done by the historian Andrew Lownie.

“Lownie’s research unearthed a number of FBI files which reveal that Lord Mountbatten “was a homosexual with a lust for young boys”. The FBI dossier was compiled by American agents during WWII and the Suez Crisis. The Americans began compiling the Mountbatten file in February 1944, shortly after Mountbatten became Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia. They kept adding to it over the next three decades.

The FBI interviewed Elizabeth de la Poer Beresford, Baroness Decies, who knew about Mountbatten’s predilections. According to the FBI file: “She states that in these circles Lord Louis Mountbatten and his wife are considered persons of extremely low morals”. Also that he “was known to be a homosexual with a perversion for young boys”. Her opinion of him was that he was “an unfit man to direct any sort of military operations because of this condition”. She stated further that “his wife Lady Mountbatten was considered equally erratic”.”…

…”Mountbatten always visited his castle in Co. Sligo in August. Steven Waring was a resident of Kincora at the time. He committed suicide within a few months of the visit to Co. Sligo. He had escaped from Kincora and made it as far as Liverpool where he was captured and put back on the Belfast-Liverpool Monarch Ferry from which he plunged into the sea in November of 1977.”..

..”Kincora and Portora Boys’ Schools were used as homosexual brothels by many prominent figures, including Lord Mountbatten, James Molyneaux, Leslie Mackie and Blunt’s coterie of highly placed friends.”

There may have been good reasons why Mountbatten did not want to stay long in India as well as his naval appointment. Village magazine refers to Mountbatten and a 14 year old Indian boy.


Interesting to note that the monthly mortality analysis archive has stopped being updated since October 2023.
Monthly data is produced but doesn’t go into the archive.
This data system was only just reconfigured in January 2023 to a new, much more difficult to understand presentation.

Anything nefarious I wonder?


Forgot to link.

link to

John Main

@ sam says: 1 February, 2024 at 8:59 pm

Mountbatten was posthumously accused of being a paed0phile and r4ping boys in Kincora

Phew, Sam, you startled me there.

Just for a mo, I thought you had written that Mountbatten was posthumously accused of being a paedophile and raping boys in Kincora!

See that naval post he wanted. Is that an euphemism?

OK, I’ve had my fun. You haven’t quite explained why millions of Muslims and millions of Hindus needed to wade knee deep in each other’s blood. I don’t expect you ever will.

Answering that question might actually be relevant, considering the violence between these groups that is already a feature on UK streets.

And for all I know, on Scottish streets too.

According to Wikipedia, the locus (Leicester) is one of three cities in England where the White British population are a minority. Innarestin, naw?

Maybes a pointer to what we can expect, after the Indy “Partition”.


Why isn’t Ellis worried about John Main saying racist things and thereby giving the wrong impression to visitors? It’s as if he only worries about stuff like that when people talk of peace in Gaza and defunding Nazis in Eastern Europe.

Maybe Ellis is a racist too? That’s a genuine question btw, maybe he is… some people seem to think it’s quite a respectable and acceptable thing these days.

I’m old fashioned; I can’t stand racists.

Nobody seems to care about anything these days.

Anyway, carry on.


Sam 6:51pm

**Mountbatten, thus, bestowed a legacy of acrimony on India and Pakistan.**

Aye. As I said last night. Try leaving them. They go unhinged & wish nothing but ill will for daring to reject them.

India remembers. Indian won’t ever forget Britnats. That *beastly people* are now sitting in the ICJ & the racist Britnats pulled out the race because they thought it beneath them to be a contender along side India vying for last place & that was just recently.

I think we can safely assume they’d rather take their chances with Iran & China than ever seen a return of the asset stripping, famine, poverty, warring, pestilence inflicting, horseman of the apocalypse – the britnats.
Riding back into town snapping up some free real estate & gobbing off they’re in charge.


Mia 4:42pm

Re Labour & Scotlands oil.

You are correct. The late John Jappy said they had instruction to hide Scotlands oil wealth from the Scots. The Scots made estimates & the English mocked them. In his words *the trouble with the estimates were that they were far too low* Scotland was & still is, being robbed blind.

Labour can get tae fck. I will never vote for them again after Better Together. They are democracy denying feckwits who really need to change their name. Hardie must be spinning in his grave.

I loathe Tory & Labour in equal measure but it is Labour who continually put the boot in to Scotland regarding ALL of our referendums. They are no friend of ours.

Next time we have a ref we should adopt their policy of counting the dead as a YES.

Any supposed indy supporters even considering giving them a vote is no Indy supporter, imo. Or devolutionist either. They’re practically falling over themselves to row back on that too.

They do not work for Scotland. Now or ever.

Good post btw..


Mountbatten fiddled Phillip & Chucky too.
That’s why they never got on. Jealous of who had his affections more.

They really are fcked up.

If that dysfunctional family of benefit scroungers, kiddie fiddlers & tax dodging benefit cheats was ever aired on a 12 part Channel Four documentary they’d be out of Scotland in a heartbeat. He isn’t our King. Isn’t he also grabbing Scotlands historical buildings & estates on the fly? Andy Wightman was on to them squirreling Scottish property that doesn’t belong to them. Their arrogance & theft knows no bounds.


Anyone keeping up with this insane story?

“The Plot Thickens: Damning New Details Emerge in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up”

link to

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 1 February, 2024 at 11:08 pm

Nobody seems to care about anything these days

Aw, Hats, I had to take my gless eye oot and dry it aff after reading that, because it is so not true.

I care about the monkey.

And I care about you.

But mostly about the monkey.

Talking of which, quiet night on Wings BTL. Has the monkey’s computer privileges been revoked?

Free the Kincraig One!


I’d check the pipe bomb for Murray Footes fingerprints.
Remember when SLAB sent themselves a ‘suspicious package’ on the opening day of an SNP conference?

John Main

@ Geri says: 1 February, 2024 at 11:11 pm

Great post.

Wee suggestion for future use. See when you are writing about countries, can you give them a descriptive term so that we all know what we are dealing with. For example:

Female Genital Mutilators (Iran)

Covid Spreaders (China)

Mega Call Centre (India)

Scottish Colonial Administrators (Pakistan)


It’s an idea stolen from RoS and his Great Satan (USA). It helps clarify things, and adds extra pazazz to sometimes pedestrian, repetitive, posts. You’ll soon get the hang of it.

Thanks in advance.


An infinite number of monkeys, typing on an infinite number of typewriters
will always produce more thought provoking content than Genocide John Main.

John Main

Innarestin article on Unherd this morning:

link to

Here’s a wee quote:

“Amid the surging popularity of Right-populist parties across the continent, Europe would do well to watch its former lynchpin closely. As the saying goes, when Germany sneezes, Europe catches a cold”

Like so much else that is wrong at HR, their insistence that an iScotland will be immediately tied to a fracturing EU is long overdue being consigned to history’s dustbin.

Myself, I would write into any future Indy vote a statement that iScotland won’t be issuing passports for 10 years after Independence.

If we vote for Indy, we won’t be allowing the fly-by-nights to feck aff afterwards if things go pear.

Naw, they’ll stay here and make Indy work, or sink with the rest of us.

Mark Beggan

The Redcoats are coming!

John Main


Not very bright, are you?

An infinite number of monkeys with typewriters will not only produce all of Shakespeare’s works, they will also produce everybody’s work ever written, as well as an infinite amount of additional garbage.

Yup, your posts will be produced too.

I’ve broken my rule about not responding to your posts cos for the second time today, my gless eye is becoming moist when I consider just how out of your depth you are.

Lets speak again in March.

Mark Beggan


No Dogs.
No Drugs.
No Alcohol.
No Prostitutes.
No Swingers.
No Freaks.
No Greens.

Daily rental. Towels supplied


Innaresin’ to get a lecture on infinity from a dipstick that thinks speed and acceleration are the same thing.


Mark Beggan

BBC News served with Rusks and warm milk. Baaa Baaad Russia.


MrMilkshake posted a comment on this old thread recently…

link to

So I was having a read of the comments and it really strikes you at how diverse it was BTL just 4-5 months ago on here. So many different posters versus now.

The signs of the problem were already there for sure but since then it has obviously accelerated and accelerated to the point now.

Just look at this ‘thread’… there is clique of posters who are totally swamping it. it is really noticeable and that is versus only 4-5 months ago. Try going back longer and it is a really stark comparison.

This can’t just be accidental.


I do hope the Scots are wiser.
link to
CofE must be clueless, very desperate, naïve..
Note. The language in article is Dari/Persian not Arabic…DM equally clueless.
Must be an anglo thing.
Good day to all.

John Main

@ TURABDIN says: 2 February, 2024 at 9:37 am

Ref my earlier post about identifying countries by their most prominent characteristic, I’m awaiting clarification of which country should be known as the Acid Hurlers.

Not something we had to worry about, back when I was a loon. But we were so backwards, unsophisticated, undiverse and just darn well monocultural back then.

Who’d want to go back to that.


Genocide John is awful keen to smear entire groups with his propaganda.

It justifies his belief in collective punishment I suppose.

North chiel

John main@0819pm perhaps they eventually expect a mass exudes of “unionist” votes to Scotland after re unification John ? 2 birds killed with one stone . The Britnat establishment is always a number of steps ahead of the game .



Just look at this ‘thread’… there is clique of posters who are totally swamping it. it is really noticeable and that is versus only 4-5 months ago. Try going back longer and it is a really stark comparison.

This can’t just be accidental.

Clique of posters? Would they be the same people described as the ‘usual suspects’?

Claiming people are not posting here because a clique of posters aka usual suspects are swamping it is pretty feeble.

I reckon people are not posting because they are fed-up. They don’t know what the hell is going on in Scotland.

There is definitely something very seriously wrong in this country.

Until people get some answers they are not likely to be engaging in politics.

A clique of posters aka usual suspects swamping it isn’t just accidental it has come about for the reasons I have given above.

Here’s GM asking
‘What the fuck is going on here?’

1 February, 2024 at 11:35 am

Are our key institutions a total joke run by easily corrupted no marks easily controlled by the FM of Scotland? Or is it more to do with Sturgeon being an Einstein level genius at corrupting people in high office?

What the fuck is going on here?

Nobody is able to give him the answer. Can you?

Perhaps if you name the posters in this clique who you claim are swamping it they may give you their reasons.

Maybe for some what is going on in Scotland is just too horrendous so they prefer to focus on whats going on in the middle east etc etc. Anywhere but Scotland.


John Main
2 February, 2024 at 9:58 am

Ref my earlier post about identifying countries by their most prominent characteristic, I’m awaiting clarification of which country should be known as the Acid Hurlers.

Not something we had to worry about, back when I was a loon. But we were so backwards, unsophisticated, undiverse and just darn well monocultural back then.

Who’d want to go back to that.

I’m assuming your last sentence is a question?

The answer to that is pretty obvious.

It’s YOU.

I’m struggling to tell the difference between your comedy posts from your serious ones.

This one for example

link to

Is that supposed to be funny or are you serious?

Could you maybe put a header on your posts advising which are comedy and which are serious.

Thank you.


The descriptor before the country name thing seems to be catching on. Well, sort of…

I’ve just been reading about Indonesia’s lawsuit against Israel at the ICJ. This seems to have transformed Indonesia overnight from a “good” Muslim country to a “bad” one.

I guess that makes sense. The difference between a good and bad Muslim country, until the lawsuit, was really always determined by the amount of oil the country in question had — “bad” Muslim countries tended to have lots of oil.

This of course is how the British and Americans see things; “Bad” Muslim countries have oil and (obviously) tend to be run by ruthless, baby-killing, dictators, etc.

I’m not quite sure where Saudi Arabia sits on this crude (:|) scale… but, it looks like I’m not the only one that’s unsure?

So, anyway, time to dig out the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ and see what it says about Indonesia. If there’s nothing of use there, round up the usual suspects in the universities and offer them a few bucks to put together some shit on Indonesia, ideally involving babies…

Let’s get this dhow on the road.


The descriptor before the country name thing seems to be catching on. Well, sort of…

I’ve just been reading about Indonesia’s lawsuit against Israel at the ICJ. This seems to have transformed Indonesia overnight from a “good” Muslim country to a “bad” one.

I guess that makes sense. The difference between a good and bad Muslim country, until the lawsuit, was really always determined by the amount of oil the country in question had — “bad” Muslim countries tended to have lots of oil.

This of course is how the British and Americans see things; “Bad” Muslim countries have oil and (obviously) tend to be run by ruthless, baby-killing, dictators, etc.

I’m not quite sure where Saudi Arabia sits on this crude (:|) scale… but, it looks like I’m not the only one that’s unsure?

So, anyway, time to dig out the ‘Clash of Civilisations’ and see what it says about Indonesia. If there’s nothing of use there, round up the usual suspects in the universities and offer them a few bucks to put together some shit on Indonesia, ideally involving babies…

Let’s get this show on the road.

Ian Brotherhood

‘We don’t know if it’s possible to tackle this kind of behaviour. What we do know for sure is that no-one (who isn’t being paid to do so) has the time to sit and listen to hour after hour of self-serving evasion, doublespeak, circular reasoning, non-sequiturs and torturous appeals for pity masquerading as ‘testimony’.

If politicians and civil servants generally were made aware that inquiries of this kind had the power to keep them in situ until they answered the questions put to them honestly and understood that they would be punished heavily if they didn’t, we might reasonably expect to see some improvement. But how can they be persuaded that telling ‘the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ is not optional? Truth serum? Thumbscrews? The possibility that Baroness Hallett will, eventually, produce an excoriating report does not seem to have troubled some witnesses any more than the near-certainty that they have committed perjury.

But worse – much worse – than the fate awaiting those found to have craftily misled the inquiry or clumsily lied under oath is the continuing distress of the families who lost loved ones for no good reason – citizens who suffered grievously and were entitled to expect answers. Instead, they’ve been left with more questions.

As Jamie Dawson observed during his final questions, the people of Scotland deserve better.’

link to


2 February, 2024 at 9:37 am

Note. The language in article is Dari/Persian not Arabic…DM equally clueless.
Must be an anglo thing.
Good day to all.

Sure! We ain’t all polyglots.

I’m very limited in which languages I can recognise.

I’m fine with French, German, Italian, Spanish,Portguese and even French Canandian.

I could not tell the difference between Arabic & Persian

Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Urdu, Kannada, Odia, Malayalam.
not a clue they would all be Indian to me.

Polish, UK-rainian, Rus*sian again not a clue

Finish, Swedish, Norwegian again not a clue.

This is quite terrible considering I live in a multi-cultural society.

In my defence I have to say that Arabic speakers,Persian speaker, Hindi speakers etc etc tend not to mix with the likes of me. They prefer to remain in their own community.

The Finish, Swedish, Norwegians & even the Polish speak such brilliant English I never have occasion to hear these languages spoken.


Has all this ‘Mainish’ about naming countries come about because I dared to suggest England was a arrogant country?


I don’t know if I could even sit through 5 hours of Sturgeon if you paid me.

The hourly rate would have to be pretty high. My ICD would be buzzing constantly.
ICD = Inbuilt Crap Detector.

The vast majority of people wouldn’t have five hours to spare. They would if they were interested be relying on TV to give them the info even if they weren’t interested the would get the message subliminally while waiting for the XFactor to come on.

You know what they say about everyone loving a sob story.
See X Factor.

Nicola might get enough votes to keep her on the show.

I’ve been thinking quite a lot about how difficult & time consuming it is to be ‘au fait’ with politics.
It’s very easy for someone like me to be totally manipulated and fed mis-information.
I have to stay alert and rely on woman’s intuition and the good guys on Wings.

I haven’t a clue how the whole politics thing works yet I am expected to make an informed vote.

I am very grateful for those on here who keep me right and educate me on political issues. ie the D’Hondt system and all that stuff.

The more I discover about politics the more I am shocked!


We could refer the England as the democracy deniers.

Very fitting dontcha think?

Re Macs link to nukes.

I think the democracy deniers would just pick another subject.
That’s what they do. Nothing pleases them but complete control & London rule.

If Indy suddenly announced it was fine with nukes they’d then want to annex Faselane cause we’d be too stupid to look after them. Then we’d have a NI situation. A constant boil that’d never be lanced. A constant irritant & a constant threat by a hostile neighbour.

Scotland needs Faselane for it’s own naval base.

There’s no pleasing the democracy deniers. You only need to try have a convo with one. They scattergun questions & when you answer all of them they claim you didn’t answer at all.

It’s a mental illness & it doesn’t matter what solution you present – they’ll just pick another problem.

When Scotland leaves. She’ll leave with ALL of her territory intact. The democracy deniers can get tae fck out of Scotland.


I seem to be swamping the thread with posts.

But I’m not too worried because there is no limit to the number of posts overall that can be uploaded to Wings.

Only 295 post so far. Plenty room for more.

Now if you want to claim I am part of the clique/usual suspects who are putting others off from posting here please say so.

I will of course defend myself.

I would rather be a ‘suspect’ than a cunt.


link to

This is interesting!

I wonder if they are taught about political party funding and how billionaires might be dictating all policies.

I believe this sort of citizen education has been going on in France since just after the revolution.

What I noticed about the French is that they are much more politically aware and politically active than us phlegmatic Brits.

Scotland has the excuse of being a colony. We can be hyper politically aware and politically active but it won’t change anything.

We definitely need a revolution.

link to

Don’t you know
They’re talkin’ ’bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Don’t you know
They’re talkin’ about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
While they’re standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Mark Beggan

@Ian Brotherhood

They stopped representing us years ago. This a show for the plebs. The truth is always there as these elite are about to find out. You can run but you can’t hide.


Police in England and Wales recorded 472 violence and robbery offences involving a corrosive substance in the year to March 2023, according to the Office for National Statistics.

More than 700 such attacks were carried out in 2022 in E&W.There were 941 attacks in 2017, the peak.

“Acid violence is the deliberate use of acid to attack another human being. 80% of victims are women.

Many attacks target women because they spurn sexual advances, marriage proposals or question the authority of men within the family or community. Perhaps unsurprisingly acid attacks tend to occur in countries where there is significant gender discrimination and weak controls on the availability of acid. Acid is a cheap and easily available weapon. It can disfigure in seconds, resulting in devastating physical and psychological trauma. Acid violence is not linked to a particular country, religion or culture. Countries with a high number of attacks often possess a set of common characteristics. These include a weak judiciary and policing systems, poverty, and gender discrimination. Countries with high levels of acid attacks include India, Bangladesh, Colombia, Pakistan, Nepal, Cambodia and Afghanistan.”

The above is from the British Association of plastic surgeons.

“The most recent annual acid attack statistics for some countries is from 2018. We’ve noted the date of these statistics below.

United Kingdom: 501 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018); 123 in London (Statista, 2019)
India: 228-1,000 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Colombia: 100 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Bangladesh: 91 acid attacks (ASF, 2011)
Pakistan: 80 acid attacks; 85% in Punjab (ASTI, 2018)
Uganda: 35 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Cambodia: >10 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Overall, there were somewhere between 1,040 and 1,817 acid attacks reported from countries around the world. This number is disturbing, but on the decline. The United Kingdom saw the most acid attacks between 2011-2016 in London, followed by Northumbria and Cambridgeshire. India’s rising number of acid attacks is believed to be vastly underreported. While 2018 statistics showed 228 incidents, researchers believe there were more than 1,000. Colombia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Cambodia have seen steep declines in the number of attacks. This may be due to harsher sentencing and punishment for perpetrators.”

link to

The recent attack in the UK was by alkali, not acid.


Good news! I believe ‘the tables are starting to turn’

Don’t you know
You better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Oh I said you better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run

‘Cause finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin’ ’bout a revolution
Yes, finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin’ ’bout a revolution, oh no

fruitella the hun

Another of George Monbiot’s searing pieces on the harsh treatement of environmental campaigners. Should gladden the hearts of the numerous green-haters on here.

link to


The democracy deniers wouldn’t know what a revolution is.

They enjoy getting royally rogered.

While most countries ditched the absolute waste of space Royals they kept theirs.
They are easily conned. They really believe the monarchy is just for decoration LOL! They don’t meddle in politics even though they have a weekly meeting to do just that & knock a big fcking door like an eejit. It’s also their government, their oath, their royal assent on everything.

The working class could start a revolution by grinding the country to a standstill if they wanted to but they don’t. Instead they support a fake workers party who has changed to be more right wing to win votes.

The democracy deniers are right wing & only one step away from D*ctatorship & they’ll have done it with ease.


England Warmonger nation
England junior partner to US in WW2
England colinisers. See Scotland

England swings like a pendulum do.

Pendulum swings from Tory to Labour and then Labour to Tory.

I don’t know if that is what that songs is about or if it’s a promotion by the Visit England tourist board.

Here’s the song. Just offering some light entertainment in these dark times.

link to


England is a country of swingers!



About 10 months too late with that story.

Monbiot covered that on Double Down News. (Great to follow on YouTube channel if you haven’t already subbed)

Sunak has signed off on sweeping new powers started by BoJo & he added some more of his own. The yoons only cared what Sturgeon, the Scots, Holyrood, indy, dumza was doing & this quietly passed into law. We now have the thought police – yay! A new police state.


I can’t do links cause this device uses an app.

Maybe Ruby can help? Ta..


England is a country that doesn’t grumble.

There’s a song for everything on You Tube

link to

I came home from work, there was firemen about
They said “we couldn’t save it, youe house has burnt down”
Mustn’t grumble, mustn’t grumble
I said “that’s allright, don’t worry mate,
‘Cause the bathroom needed painting, it weren’t half in a state”
Mustn’t grumble, mustn’t grumble


Wormwood – England
Screwtape – USA

Tho it’s hard to tell who is the more demonic & incompetent.

Mark Beggan

Hey Hey You You get off of my Rant
Hey Hey You You get off of my Rant
Don’t hang around trying to bring my Rant down

Hey Hey You get off of my Rant


Wee Nicky’s published another of her book reviews in the New Statesman, entitled ‘Essential Reading’.
‘The World of Yesterday’ by Stefan Zweig. It ‘is a reminder of how one’s spirits can be crushed by the forces of history’.


2 February, 2024 at 1:24 pm

I can’t do links cause this device uses an app.

Maybe Ruby can help? Ta..

Happy to

link to

Your link worked fine if C&P’d

So the the ‘Bobbies ain’t on bicycles, two by two’ any more?

Would it be fair to say:

England is a fascist country?


Edinburgh Rape Crisis V Adams Tribunal hearing

Now in 2nd day.

First day here

link to


link to
This came up after
‘Rishi Sunak’s War on Freedom’

How Sturgeon broke devolution – Alex Salmond vs Fraser Nelson

Fraser Nelson is so posh! I hope you never takes up narrating for audio books.
I would have to give these a miss.

Cover used the term McMafia. It annoys me when Scottish terms are used in a pejorative manner or perhaps I should say what posh boy thinks is a Scottish term. Mc is Irish

Sorry no music on this one.

Not to worry I’ll be back later with more sing-a-long music to cheer you up.

Bye for now. Gotta leave room for the not so usual suspects.

Geri for president of iScotland.

All those in favour say AYE!

Mark Beggan

Tell the truth and shame the devil.



Wrong about the Rape Crisis Tribunal

Think it is day 7 not 1.

Thread reader sometimes confusing and involves (for me) going back to abbrevs.

MW getting roasted.


Mark Beggan

2014 Dirty Filthy Labour.
2024 Dirty Filthy SNP…..


Cheers Ruby ?

I tried opening it in chrome to see if that worked.
The App usually adds in the link which is a pain in the arse to try share so I stopped trying cause it’d either fly into moderation or is shaded out.

Thanks again.


Fraser Nelson isn’t posh. He’s just full of Scottish cringe & wants to be a plastic democracy denier.

His uncle was on Phantoms journey to Yes series & he said he’d no idea where that tosser picked up his accent.

John Main

@ sam says: 2 February, 2024 at 12:34 pm

The most recent annual acid attack statistics for some countries is from 2018. We’ve noted the date of these statistics below

United Kingdom: 501 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018); 123 in London (Statista, 2019)
India: 228-1,000 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Colombia: 100 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Bangladesh: 91 acid attacks (ASF, 2011)
Pakistan: 80 acid attacks; 85% in Punjab (ASTI, 2018)
Uganda: 35 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)
Cambodia: >10 acid attacks (ASTI, 2018)

Yay, UK coming in at #2. In fact, just London alone managing second place. The rest of the UK could stay at home.

Defo potential to be getting this made into an Olympic Sport.

But to be serious for a mo. I’d try those accused of an acid attack by jury, with full legal aid. If found guilty (unanimous verdict), I’d allow an appeal, again with full legal aid.

If still found guilty, and all appeals exhausted, I’d dissolve them in acid.

Or alkali. I’m not a total monster. Allow them one final wish.


Thank goodness England led the way to Brexitshire.

link to

It’s four years on since Britain officially left the bloc, and despite the doomsayers’ predictions, armageddon hasn’t ensued. The Department of Business and Trade has released a lengthy report on the many successes of Brexit which hasn’t been promoted by Number 10. Kemi Badenoch writing in the introduction says this is just “the first of many chapters to come in Global Britain’s success story” before highlighting some of positive facts about Brexit Britain:

1. The IMF forecast the UK to have the third fastest cumulative growth in the G7 over the 2024-28 period, growing faster than Germany, France, Italy and Japan.
Since the pandemic, the UK has grown faster than Germany (Q4 2019 – Q3 2023).

2. Despite the remainer narrative that Brexit would lead to job losses, the UK labour market is strong by historic and international standards, with the number of jobs in the economy at a record high (and up by over a million since pre-pandemic).

3.The UK was the fifth biggest exporter in the world in 2022, up from sixth in 2021/12 and achieved £870 billion exports in the 12 months to November 2023.
Services exports to the EU are at a record high. Reaching £169 billion in the 12 months to September 2023, up from £126 billion in 2018.

4. The UK’s FDI stock is the highest in Europe and more than Germany and France and Italy combined.
Despite all the dire forecasts the UK remains the second largest exporter of financial services globally after the US.
The UK was the 8th largest manufacturer in the world in 2021 and had the fastest manufacturing productivity growth in the G7 between 2010 and 2021.

5. In 2023 the value of the UK tech sector reached $1.1 trillion, up from $640 billion in 2012. The UK is the third country in the world to pass the $1 trillion milestone after the US and China. The UK is number one in Europe for Venture Capital (VC) investment (and third in the world behind the US and China) – with VC investment reaching £21 billion in 2023.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 2 February, 2024 at 11:06 am

Dinna fash aboot the weans.

Somebody proved on here, just the other day, that all propaganda aboot weans is entirely made up, just to ensnare the gullible and simple minded.

Somebody else suggested that concern about weans is often a cover for noncery.

So best left alone, eh, Hats?

If you’re trying to twist a narrative in future, why not look into how a country, nation, culture or religion regards dugs?

Dae they like dugs? Dae they keep them as pets? Dae they eat them? Dae they see them as unclean and test their poison gas on them? Dae they fire them aff intae space?

That sort of thing. Dugs is always a safer subject, Hats.


from the New Statesman
«It was recommended to me early in my tenure as first minister, and the impact it had on me was unexpected. It might have been because I was leading one side of a debate that was dividing my country, while trying to be a first minister for all of it, that a book reminding us of the dangers of untrammelled ideology resonated so strongly»

«In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour»
Stefan Zweig


Congratz, dasblimp, we haven’t seen dodgy and selective stats on here of that calibre since we discussed the efficacy of the “vaccines”.

I don’t think there’s one honest line in that whole comment.


Jesus, it took you 4 hours to come up with that response, John?

As for references to children, I don’t know why you are trying to distance yourself… have you realised since I explained it to you that we should be careful of those who use “concern for children” as an excuse for certain modes of behaviour… like bombing defenceless Middle Easterners?

It’s your thing. Own it.

John Main

@ dasBlimp says: 2 February, 2024 at 2:41 pm

That’s all very well.

But where are we on the ideological purity index?

And what’s our position in the virtue signalling league?

These are the metrics that count on Wings BTL.


Ignored says:
2 February, 2024 at 3:09 pm
Congratz, dasblimp, we haven’t seen dodgy and selective stats on here of that calibre since we discussed the efficacy of the “vaccines”.

It’s positive news. I knew nobody here would like it.


2 February, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Cheers Ruby ?

I tried opening it in chrome to see if that worked.
The App usually adds in the link which is a pain in the arse to try share so I stopped trying cause it’d either fly into moderation or is shaded out.

Thanks again.

A few months ago someone figured out who to change a mobile phone link into a regular YouTube link. I think it might have been BDTT.

Maybe it would be worth comparing my link and your link and see the difference. I’ll look later.

In the meantime I’ll be happy to do links for anyone if they provide me with the You Tube/newspaper
article title/headline. I’m sure other ‘good guys’ would do the same.

For example this one is. (How Sturgeon broke devolution would probably be enough)

How Sturgeon broke devolution – Alex Salmond vs Fraser Nelson | SpectatorTV

link to

I was going to get on with some work but
I got hooked into the Alex Salmond v Fraser Nelson ‘match’

It was excellent well worth watching. Result Salmond 10 Nelson 0

Ales Salmond’s final words.

I’m determined to ‘muck out the byre’

Good Luck with that! Deep waders required.

All the time they were discussing massive drugs problem in Scotland.
I was thinking could that be down to colonisation.

Native Americans & First Australians have similar problems with drugs & alcohol.



John Main
2 February, 2024 at 3:20 pm

@ dasBlimp says: 2 February, 2024 at 2:41 pm

That’s all very well.

But where are we on the ideological purity index?

And what’s our position in the virtue signalling league?

These are the metrics that count on Wings BTL.

Where’s the promised header letting us know if your post is comedy or serious?

I’m having a problem with Mainish!

I’m off to find words that rhyme with Mainish.


Never see David Coburn and Genocide John in the same room.

I wonder ……


Geri & anyone having problems posting YouTube links from a mobile phone.

My link

Your link:

I have turned the WWW into BBB on my link otherwise it would show as a hyper link with the http:included. You never want to include the http: when posting YouTube links on Wings. If you do it will ‘fly off’ (the http: will show after it’s posted. It’s the html thing again)

All the first section of your link up to watch? is the same except you need to add www. before youtube.
Delete everything after watch? to just before v=zy

(si=XEoH8cEQzSoT1rVF&) and everything after D8
delete (&

Sounds complicated but if you compare the two links its straight forward enough.

Give it a try the next time you want to post a you tube link.

Fingers crossed this works.


Blimp: “It’s positive news. I knew nobody here would like it.”

Actually, I used to be involved in statistics and I admire the art of those who can use them to make shit look and smell like roses.


Ignored says:
2 February, 2024 at 4:28 pm
Blimp: “It’s positive news. I knew nobody here would like it.”

Actually, I used to be involved in statistics and I admire the art of those who can use them to make shit look and smell like roses.

Gosh! Impressive. You can follow the link and download the PDF before you pass judgment. I won’t though – it looks dead boring.


Mac @ 9.12am
‘So many different posters versus now’

Heads are down, Mac, we’re all hurting.
Yesterdays ‘Off Topic’ comment by @ Tinto Chiel is typical of what I’m hearing from most people I speak to: –

link to


Fish farm crowdfunder is now at £3920 – needs £25,000 by 09.00 Feb 19th.

I may have given the wrong title for the crowdfunder. Crowdjustice have it as


Everything in bold deleted www. added before you tube

the numbers after v= will be different on each link

the Alex Salmond V Nelson is v=AZNWWaQOd5Y

Is that clearer?


What is it with these Britnat facists and their inability not be deviant about the most simple things ? Rhetorical obvs, it’s what they do .
Yet like my acceptance of micro pleasures, I am able to digest their inherent predjudice in the most obscure incidents.
Take the state broadcaster for example. The swivels accuse them of being left leaning like Sir Starmer is a socialist. It must be noted that for the facists in control atm all humans are to the left. Back to the State broadcaster and obsessive anti Scotland hatred. Belittle, insult, mock , you know the usual predictable attitude. My question to the resident/ occupying Britnat facists is why does the BBC website afford the wilds of such as Berkshire and Dorset with well presented images whilst the whole of Scotland weekly images are more like thumbnails alongside ‘top news’ .
They Britnat facists like that Fraser Nelson last night are true to one thing only.


Ruby, I watched the Fraser Nelson / Salmond exchange. As you say, worth watching. Salmond sounds like he is determined to take them down and seems confident that he will.

As for “All the time they were discussing massive drugs problem in Scotland.
I was thinking could that be down to colonisation.”

Yes, of course it is, or, to put a slightly finer point to it, abject poverty caused by colonisation. The causal relationship between poverty and a multitude of negative outcomes is well understood and accepted in the social sciences, etc.

When you rape a country like Scotland, setting it up for wealth extraction rather than development, you need to come up with a bunch of special excuses for the consequential poverty and damage caused; so, in Scotland there’s talk of people being prone to alcoholism, the Glasgow effect, etc.

They never join the dots between all the resources being plundered and the third world poverty black spots that Scotland is literally famous for — poverty is just a fact of life, just as impoverished drunken Scots are, drug deaths, etc. Something in the Scottish psyche, or maybe it’s geography or whatever. These things are just a given.

Meanwhile the oil, the taxes we pay, and just about everything we produce, is being sucked from us like life-blood for the benefit of others.

Yes, you get that elsewhere in places that are not in the normal sense colonies — places like Brazil which should, based on resources, be the richest country in the world or something. You even get it in rich countries like America. In those cases the poverty is caused more directly by the so-called “free market” system which basically puts the whole economy into private hands with no regard for living standards, pollution, or anything outside of profits margins.

In Scotland we have the worst of both worlds, the free market and colonial rule. The consequences and evidence is there for all to see.


@ fruitella

Did George Monbiot’s searing piece go large and distribute harsh treatment and vengeance onto the environmental campaigning grifters that are trashing the eco movement’s credibility and respectability by pissing away taxpayer’s cash on follies such as funding the installation of PV arrays and ASHPs to completely inappropriate properties.

It raises the temperature of my urine to 100 deg C that all my efforts to live a sustainable existence should be completely diminished and offset by the insane practice of idiots fitting solar PV arrays to north facing roofs on properties in the northern hemisphere.
Did these thick cretins just steal a photovoltaic panel installation policy from the Australians but forget to adapt it to suit our differing latitudinal position on the planet and resultant relationship with the sun.


Dasblimp, your / Guido’s summary was enough. It would be very easy to go through those points one by one and dispense with them… most of the things like trade relate to trade with Europe, for example. The FDI reference is really just down to a post-Brexit re-definition of what “foreign” means… quite funny actually. And the allusion to jobs is the funniest part of all because the problem the UK has, as was predicted, is filling those jobs — and that’s one of the big drivers of inflation in the UK which is hardly anything to celebrate.


Tucker talking to Russell Brand.

link to

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 4:57 pm

“They never join the dots between all the resources being plundered and the third world poverty black spots that Scotland is literally famous for”

Yes, postcolonial theory tells us that the poverty of a colonized people is equivalent to their economic plunder.

And even former chief medical officer Harry Burns likened Scotland’s poor health record to that of an indigenous people dislocated from their culture.

All of Scotland’s governing dysfunctions and longstanding socio-economic under-development is the result of the absence of sovereignty.


George Monbiot?! seriously?

The guy who did the ‘excellent’ land reform article during the 2014 referendum only to capitulate like a neocon cunt over the false flag Syria chemical attacks. Absolutely perfect guardian wanker who pretends to be a good guy but when the chips are down is a 100% sell out. 100%.

Don’t believe a word he says.


Yet another so called White Paper from the SNP on indy and broadcasting this time by Angus Robertson Shia Masot’s (Mossad) good friend.

Yes Westminster blocks the devolving of broadcasting powers to Scotland, simply put Westminster knows just what a powerful medium broadcasting is in duping many Scots to vote to remain in the union. It will never be devolved.

In my opinion Robertson is just using broadcasting and indy to get more Scots to back the SNP in a GE year.

“POWERS over broadcasting in Scotland could be devolved now but Westminster blocks it from happening, Angus Robertson has said at the launch of a new white paper.

The Culture Secretary told The National that it is “perfectly possible” for the current or any future UK Government to allow the Scottish Parliament to have powers over broadcasting, but that there is reluctance from Westminster to allow it to happen.

Currently, the powers to make decisions in the policy area are reserved to the UK under the Department for Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS).”

Margaret Eleftheriou

Can anyone tell me if Mr Campbell is OK? It is strange that there has been no comment on the Sturgeon Covid marathon.

Mark Beggan

WOKE definition:

Someone who hijacks the crimes of history and then blames you.



I’ve copied and pasted your comment above for future use, hope you don’t mind? Excellent stuff.

Nae doot Mainbot and co.’ll be spluttering on their teacakes. lol

Robert Hughes

Ignored says:
2 February, 2024 at 7:16 pm
” George Monbiot?! seriously?

The guy who did the ‘excellent’ land reform article during the 2014 referendum only to capitulate like a neocon cunt over the false flag Syria chemical attacks. Absolutely perfect guardian wanker who pretends to be a good guy but when the chips are down is a 100% sell out. 100%.

Don’t believe a word he says. ”

You just about conveyed my exact thoughts on Monbiot , Mac .

I would only add his total silence on the inhumane , State torture of Julian Assange – let’s never forget ….for the * crime * of exposing the truth about the fkcn horrible creatures we have the misfortune to be governed by .

He’s yr classic Guardian writer/reader , updated n dyed Green ” Radical Chic ” petit bourgeois teddy bear . He , too , drinketh from the * Net * Zeroid chalice ; laced with tincture of Climate Crisis

Jonathan Cook made this salient point * …

” After all, Monbiot’s columns exposing the threats to our soil will be all the poorer if investigative journalism of the kind Assange excelled in before his silencing continues to be snuffed out by the US and UK’s joint terror campaign on whistleblowers and those who offer them a secure platform. How will we ever know what is being done behind our backs by governments and major corporations, or how they are keeping us in the dark about their political and environmental crimes and misdeeds, if fighters for transparency like Assange can simply be disappeared? ” . Indeed .

* link to


Margaret…. “Can anyone tell me if Mr Campbell is OK? It is strange that there has been no comment on the Sturgeon Covid marathon.”

I suspect he’s collating, checking his sources who may recall events differently, and running everything past his legal team before going into print.

Although I’m coming to the unfortunate conclusion that whatever the Tev puts together, justice and Independence are equally unobtainable in today’s SNP madhouse called Scotland.

fruitella the hun


I’m not a Monbiot fanboy. First, he’s a marxist and I’ve no time for those who continue to think things can be sorted by executing the bourgeoisie and replacing them with a giant bureaucracy overseeing equality (they don’t say this but it is implicit in the fantasy future they tend to describe – and “the bourgeoisie is a very expandable description).

Second, he chooses topics just as they hit the mainstream, not ten years before when activists and analysts are desperate to get the story out but lack access, even those employed by the government.

Third, he uses his skill to invoke panic in the gullible (“two years to act…”). I’ve known folk who packed in their jobs to respond. That tactic backfires.

I don’t know the Syria story you allude to but I don’t have the gift of reading reports from a war and judging which are true. War is war and I think it best to do everything you can to avoid them, that’s why I want to disengage from the oil economy too by the way.

But recently Monbiot has tackled a wider range of subjects – governance, basically -to which his marxist training coupled with his writing ability are well suited. That Monbiot.


Has anybody on here actually seen the Scottish government ‘policy’ so widely relied upon by the various ‘witnesses’ in answer to the Scottish Covid Inquiry when justifying deleting their interactions on (esp) Watsapp ? If so when was it created ? By whom ? How was it promulgated ? Alex Salmond says that no such ‘policy’ existed in his time; everyone else seems to have ‘been advised’ that this was the appropriate way of hiding things for ‘security’ (If so, why use burner phones or indeed Watsapp at all ?). Swinney even gave a pre-emptive apology if he had ‘misunderstood’ the ‘guidance’. Could the assembly not run to an Intranet ?
Kenneth Plausibility-Deniability Thomson has tragically been forced to ‘stand aside’ from the Scots accountancy profession; I wonder if he’s related to the Berkshire Deniabilitys ?

Mark Beggan

” One and one make two if your very lucky.
Two and two make four if I remember correctly.
Four times four makes sixteen and sixteen’s over age.
Sixteen and sixteen make thirty two that’s approaching middle-age.
Thirty two and thirty two make sixty four that’s OAP land.
Sixty four and sixty four make a hundred and twenty eight.
A hundred and twenty eight divided by three. Let me pause for a second…”

John Main

Hats 4:57

Something I’m truly curious about. Maybes you’ll explain.

I know and work with immigrants. Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Poles. None of them are living in abject poverty. None of them are hopeless alcoholics or pathetic druggies.

Some of them are doing better than I am. Some of them live in better houses and drive better cars.

How do they manage to escape the abject poverty and hopelessness you claim is caused by colonisation? How do they manage to be well adjusted, capable of holding down demanding jobs, raising decent kids, paying taxes, not being crims and psychos?

In your world view, how is it they avoid being dysfunctional as a result of Alf Baird’s sovereignty gap and what you term the sucking of our life blood?

Mark Beggan

” God’s own country inhabited by the Devil’s own people”

John Main

@Alf Baird 7:11

You make the startling assumption that in an iScotland, we Sovereign Scots will choose to elect governments that will direct a disproportionate share of the national wealth to those poverty black spots you mention.

Ah hae ma doots.

We Sovereign Scots are a canny bunch. Even after Indy, there will be limits to the amount of our hard-earned dosh we will be prepared to pour into bottomless pits.

All we are talking about here is a potential change in the location from which we are governed. That won’t be accompanied by a change in human nature.


To paraphrase Monty Python.

“ Genocide John, you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark”

George Ferguson

3 times I have tried to get the information and data about the NRS cover up to you. I give up. I will hand it to ALBA a more appropriate route. Is there any elected politicians on here?


James: “I’ve copied and pasted your comment above for future use, hope you don’t mind? Excellent stuff.”

Feel free, James… and thank you for the compliment.

John Main: “How do they manage to escape the abject poverty and hopelessness you claim is caused by colonisation?”

For starters, I didn’t claim that. In Scotland colonisation is a contributing factor. If you read and imbibe the basic information contained in the comment, you will see that I attribute poverty elsewhere to the free market. That’s not exactly an exotic or original idea, assuming you are willing to look beyond the pages of The Daily Mail or The Dandy or whatever you read.

But the free market itself is a form of colonisation, when you boil it down; a colonisation of the poor majority by a rich minority in most cases. Resources are as central to that struggle as they are to all other forms of colonial exploitation.

I’ve said a few times on here that Scotland’s problems wouldn’t end with independence. If it was ever achieved, you’d face a new equally hostile and equally powerful bunch of fleecing bastards.

One bunch of bastards at a time though, eh?


@ Johnlm

I was ahead of the curve and didn’t need to waste money on an Alexa or Siri as it was crystal clear that John Main could provide an answer to any questions that might ever be asked.

But I feel he is missing a trick. He’s always asking to be shown the money so I cannot understand why he hasn’t monetised his superior knowledge and only responds to folk that pay for his worldly insights.


Something Better Change
How do you punctuate that?


Testing. Testing..1..2..3…

link to

If it works – the girl in this video is how I imagine Ruby to be LOL One of my all time favourite tunes & video..

Not giving a feck & flipping the bird to convention.

To do list.
1. Not give a fck.
2. That is all. Lol

(That kiddies face with the sandcastles is priceless)

Here goes!


Yes Dan, Mystic Main is indeed a phenomenon.

Now begins the long night of the soul, where we will be without his wisdom for the next 8 hours.


Interesting piece on The Guardian website today, by Simon Jenkins – who reckons Northern Ireland WILL leave the UK, for a unified Ireland, whereas Scotland MIGHT also leave.

Jenkins, of course, is one of those London media personalities who gets a nose bleed if they go beyond the M25 perimeter. All his information and thoughts come from within the Westminster bubble. He seems to have bought the notion that Scotland will not be leaving, because the SNP has been nobbled.

Time this notion was kicked firmly into touch.


Genocide John 8:55

That weird.

Last month they were all kiddie fiddling rapists, murderers & drug gangs coming over here to steal YOUR services.

Scotland has a drug & alcohol problem because we are a colony.

No life chances.
No outlook.
No hope.

The UK government refuses to change approach.
Alcohol & drug misuse is RESERVED to WM.
When SNP wanted safe consumption rooms (Following Portugal success story) Mayhem threatened the SNP with Police Scotland & *the full force of the law* if they defied her.

Now along comes a new Lord Advocate & suddenly it’s all OK. She’s now allowing it. Such psychotic loons who do things out of spite.

Employment law is also RESERVED.
Any law to lift people out of poverty is RESERVED.
Zero hours contracts RESERVED.
Minimum wage RESERVED.
Cost of living RESERVED.
Pensioners RESERVED.
Rape clause/2 child cap RESERVED.
Universal credit RESERVED.
Low working family credits RESERVED.

Food bank explosion – off the charts.

All the good stuff is RESERVED. Funny that eh? In a country that claims not to be a colony.

Now why do they want to retain Scotland living in a shit hole?


Yes Geri points very well made.

I’m surprised though that Theresa May did not threaten the SG with Police Scotland if for example they tried alleviate let us say poverty or any of the other reserved matters you list.

Come to think of it though, they did through dark means put Police Scotland onto Alex Salmond, Mark Hirst, Craig Murray and others. Their prosecution by police was no accident.

Police Scotland is a colonial police force every bit as rotten, dishonest and apartheid as the old Royal Ulster Constabulary or the apartheid Police Service of South Africa.

John Main

@Dan 9:53

Fit happened tae ye?

You don’t seem to be able to do much more than snipe at other posters on here these days.

Hardly selling the sunlit uplands of Indy to the alert readers, are you.

As I have pointed out before, the mere existence of Scotland’s wealth and assets does not guarantee its equitable transfer to us Sovereign Scots, post Indy. A plausible process or plan for how that could happen would be persuasive in changing the No’s to Yes’s. You have to be prepared to meet half way those who are scunnered after decades of broken political promises.

But by all means you continue to insist that all that is necessary is to just have faith. You’ve been doing that a long time now. I guess you’re firmly in your comfort zone.


Republic of Scotland 7:22pm

I just see that as yet more proof that the SNP has absorbed zero interest in Independence.

We don’t need more devolved begging bowl shit. That wasn’t what they were elected for.

So he can dry his eyes & stop playing Westminster card. An independent Scotland would be in charge of its own broadcasting. Period.

Ever time they come out with shit like this is just reinforces they are a complete failure. They didn’t win elections for more devolution. It wasn’t even an option yet they are trying desperately to make it one.

Total fcking frauds who think we’re all to thick to notice no cunt asked for Devo but them..

Swearing now. I knew I shouldn’t have watched that Fraser tosser. As I said this morning (over the Nukes) the yoons just scattergun & not interested in any reply. How many times did he jump subject to remind us Scotland is shite.

In an independent Scotland I’d strip these feckers of their citizenship LOL. Joking. Not joking.

His uncle featured in Phantom Powers journey to YES. He’s no idea why that wanker talks like that cause none of his family do. Well he said it in that interview right off the bat ‘I was a young reporter at the time’ Aye, there it is. Explains everything. Where he’d have been told to *drop the accent, scummy boy, if you wish a career*

But we’re deffo not a colony & we’re deffo not told to *speak right*

Who decided it was wrong?

John Main

Hey Geri

Any time you want to address my point that Scotland is hoaching with immigrants doing well, living the good life, not hopelessly lost to drink or drugs, go ahead. If the immigrants are too difficult for you to deal with, there’s a few million Sovereign Scots doing not too bad as well.

I’m not believing your list of Dickensian horror applies to more than a tiny minority. I’m not believing it applies to you (OK, maybe the hopelessly lost to drink does).

But if it does, I’m not believing you are powerless to take control of your life. You just need to have some faith. In yourself.

You claim to want Indy. You know Indy won’t be gifted to us. You know it will require hard work, planning, cunning and perseverance.

Yet you insist the battle is already lost. Your pathetic, greetin intae yer dram attitude stinks.



The SNP mitigates £600 million from our budget to help alleviate some of it but I can’t see what the SNP can do regards employment law because taxes & NI are collect by England. The same with the energy companies – they will pay London direct because it’s London that holds their brass plate.

Police Scotland is a puppet of Westminster. They’re as bent as the courts. Probably all in the Lodge together giving each other handshakes. You’re right. They’re no better than the RUC are. That’s a trait of the Britnats. The law depends on who you are. What agenda they’re given. Police Scotland is governed by the home office I believe. Where a sovereign nation can be threatened by it’s own police force. It’s a shite stat of affairs we’ve been cursed by plastic Sassenachs – eager to please another master.


“Show us the money…”

I don’t think I’ve ever criticised John Main for the above. It’s actually a perfectly reasonable request, even if the delivery is quite obnoxious.

Well, one obvious source of income for an independent Scotland would be to borrow around 105% of its annual GDP. That’s where the UK currently stands. The US debt to GDP ratio is even higher, at around 130%, so nobody could complain.

So, there you go, about £230 billion pounds Sterling just waiting for Scotland to spend on anything it wants, the second it achieves independence and sets up its own national bank — no new currency required, although it would be highly beneficial.

How you spend or invest that sort of money would be all important but it’s hard to imagine how you could do it without stimulating an economy that has been essentially starved of investment for 300 years. It’s easy to imagine massive positive spin-off effects from the usual stuff like house-building, developing ports, infrastructure like telecommunications, etc., and you’d reap the rewards of that stuff for decades.

John Main

Looks like the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) ‘s implausibly deniable poxies are getting a little Friday night action.

Shame for those on the receiving end who never managed to top any unbelievers before they moved on. Nae virgins for them!


Genocide John.

Brexit had no plans.
Brexit vote was on blind faith.

Why do you insist Scotland provides you with a roadmap, a indy spreadsheet & endless guarantees?

You do realise negotiations/transfers/plans/full accounts/transfers happen AFTER an event, right?

Scotland is a wealthy country.
We don’t need another country to collect our revenues for us.
No blind faith required.

The UK is an absolute shite hole with no future prospects. We’ve 317 yrs of lived experience that it’s shite. We had a referendum promising the world to stay but guess what? It was still shite. So we are guaranteed that.

Or we can get off that path completely & decide our own destiny.
Hundreds of Independent countries manage just fine. Even with less resources than we do. So stop pretending you’re concerned for Scotland. Yer not.


From the BBC;

“Repeated US and UK air strikes against the Houthis in Yemen have failed to slow their attacks on ships in the region, BBC Verify has found.

“There have been nine attacks on ships in the past three weeks, compared with six in the previous three weeks.”

Well, that’s quite awkward. Bombing the Yemenis (why are we calling the Houthis?) just makes them more determined, resulting in a 50% increase in attacks on shipping over 3 weeks.

This sort of thing has cropped up before.


**Any time you want to address my point that Scotland is hoaching with immigrants doing well, living the good life, not hopelessly lost to drink or drugs, go ahead. If the immigrants are too difficult for you to deal with, there’s a few million Sovereign Scots doing not too bad as well.**

Because they come with money. They don’t arrive skint.
Muslims also don’t pay interest through Muslim banks. They’re also family orientated & have financial support.

Eastern Europeans too. They work for experience/travel to send money home – usually building their own home or sending back to family.

You are comparing various group circumstances with the poor.

Imagine you have NOTHING.
You are given the absolute minimum to live on.

In what fcking world do you know where they are they going to better their lot on a zero hours contract & £50 quid a week? Better just to buy a spliff & think fuck it..



It’s the psychology propaganda shite.
If they can impress on everyone they’re fighting terrorists then they can pretend to be the good guys in story.

They always call any resistance or opposition to them a terrorist organisation – thinking that fools anyone.

Well, it works on Genocide John so I guess it has some who fall hook, line & sinker..

John Main


I think RoS has proved the Beeb always lies.

And plenty on here queue up to agree with him.

Awkward, eh?

Tell you what though, vaporisation tops determination every day of the week.

The Hotties are costing me money, and they are costing millions of people around the world, a lot less rich than me, money they can’t afford.

The Hotties need to be put back in their box, not celebrated as some kind of heroes.

John Main


They’re drifting across the ocean with nowt but the clothes on their back.

30 years later, they’re doing fine. Their kids are rich, property owners, running successful businesses.

Get aff yer knees and make something of your life. It’s nobody’s fault but yours.


Mayhem & BoJo tried that shite in parliament too.

We were nasty *separatists* & *the nationalists*

That wasn’t a slip of the tongue. That was a deliberate act to anyone watching were were terrorists. The EU especially knew what they were trying to do as those two names have completely two different connotation throughout Europe.

How psychotic because a country wishes to return to independence. That’s the unrequited love/curse you forever if you leave us mentality they have.

Resistance to their bullying bullshit earns you a terrorist tag.


Genocide John

Why are you in Hotties territory?

The Taliban cost you Billions. The UK left & guess what? The Taliban is still in charge LOL.

Do you never think it’s maybe the UK & USA that needs putting in its box.
Do you pay yer taxes for the World Police?


Genocide John

You know absolutely nothing about me.
I’ve done rather well as it happens.


What makes you assume they have nothing but the shirt on their backs?
Back home they will have a bank account. Property, lans & maybe even a successful business.
They pay their fare to get here eh? Hundreds of thousands of ££s to traffickers. Ya eejit. They are fleeing WAR not poverty, ya dunce.

Your ignorance knows no bounds.


come for experience, language, education, travel, broaden their horizons. What makes you think minimum wage is a lure?


Have Muslim banks & family financial support or are professionals like DRs, Nurses who the UK has pinched in return for some Aid.

Just because someone is fleeing a warzone doesn’t mean they have no money.

Typical racist, Oh look, he’s got an iPhone. He can’t be a refugee.. Refugees must arrive in sackcloth. ZZzzzz



The whole of Google has “No news stories – check back later”


To change the record a little at this bewitching time of the evening but does no one have a thought for the Kincraig Monkey?

He’s an absolute hero and inspiration to all.

With the cry ” freedom” our monkey escapes his colonial incarceration and takes to the Highlands like a later day Rob Roy MacGreghor. Living off the land and9 from raids on local houses he evades capture by the hordes of government agents deployed to capture him. For him Freedom is his fight.

And then, and no doubt as a consequence of a ("Tractor" - Ed) knave Monkey gets blown in and marksman are dispatched. The first sedation dart Monkey pulls out with a blood curdling call of Hailse ya Bass. But the second dart lays him low.

And now he languishes back in his colonial masters gaol.

Like a latter day Nelson Mandela or William Wallace we should venerate Monkey as a hero. A Scottish Hero.

And that’s it, no more lager for the evening.


He is a hero. It was great while it lasted. I’m surprised they didn’t send in a Psycho with a real bullet.

I hate zoos. Those poor animals should be free in their own habitat.

If people want to see them then buy a plane ticket or buy a book.


Geri: “Well, it works on Genocide John so I guess it has some who fall hook, line & sinker..”

100% correct, Geri, and propaganda generally is always aimed at the home market.

After all, no amount of propaganda would convince Iraqis, Palestinians, Iranians, etc., that Britain and the US had good intentions in the Middle East. It’s the same in South America and elsewhere.

People like John Main are simply victims of their own government’s disinformation. But I think there’s some weird psychology in that because nobody with even an half-functioning memory could possibly dismiss the historical record so easily and buy the idea that the same people who destroyed, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., all of a sudden have good intentions.

The Milgram experiments (funded by the CIA) tell you a lot about authority and how people bow to it. It’s always worth going back and reading that stuff, and I think it explains a lot of what’s going on right now with the John Mains of the world. They’re essentially moral cowards. That sounds harsh but I don’t think it’s as harsh as saying they are too dumb to see through the propaganda, so I am actually giving the benefit of the doubt.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Geri says:
2 February, 2024 at 11:42 pm

Police Scotland is a puppet of Westminster. They’re as bent as the courts.

Whose idea was it to smush all of the various constabularies into one force?


Cheers rev for posting yer Sealand

Good stuff.

Fuck Sturgeon… England’s Sturgeon

We still cool, later dude.

Maybe some day…

Continue amigo


217 dude


Flying Iron

The unionists.

It was in all over their manifestos.

It was only when the SNP took power did they start to criticise it.


Darn it, 5 a.m. and still two hours till I can be told Unherd and the BBC’s innaresin’ views on events.



Couldn’t agree more with your detestation of zoos. Animals should not be kept in cages and enclosures as specimens. They are not circus animals

On the recapture of the Kincraig Monkey the wildlife park’s living collections operations manager, said Honshu would be reintroduced to other adults within the troop

That Hondho as Monkey is apparently named had possibly escaped to flee for freedom to avoid tensions within his enclosure of incarceration, Monkey will not I suspect happy to be back as a “living collection”

Funny old world how living creatures, including ourselves can be but living collections to their masters.


Spot on Geri

I do not give a fuck!

Absolutely no fucks left to give.

I would advise every one to put that on their to do list.

1. Do not give a fuck
2. Say Cunt out loud and write it in full!

What should we be giving a fuck about?


A few days ago Stu said on Twitter that he was fed-up.

Can’t remember his exact words could have been he was fed-up writing & reading about that cunt Sturgeon.

It was something along those lines.

I understand how he feels.

He was also eating fresh fruit. An actual pineapple.

A pineapple and not a big bag of Pineapple Cubes from the Olde Worlde Sweetie Shoppe.

How can anyone expect Stu to sit through a five hour performance by Sturgeon?

We need a song:

link to

Yes, I like piña coladas
And gettin’ caught in the rain
I’m not much into health food
I am into champagne

Dorothy Devine

Ruby , a book you might like – if you haven’t found it already – Neither Wolf nor Dog.

An interesting lesson from a native American on how life should be lived and how evil their colonists were.


John Main says: at 11:19 pm

Fit happened tae ye?

You don’t seem to be able to do much more than snipe at other posters on here these days.

Hardly selling the sunlit uplands of Indy to the alert readers, are you.

That post proves you are just a lying cunt that’s here to disrupt and tarnish individuals and by extension this site.
Scroll through my btl comments on recent articles and you’ll find there is way more discussion relevant to Scotland than any of the inane shit and sniping you constantly engage in.

Gravatar change for Willie. 😉


The Flying Iron of Doom @ 02.03.

It was of course Mr Salmond and Mr MacAskill back in 2013 who decided to centralise all Police services into one unit, the main reason I saw given by Mr MacAskill at the time being to save money.
For myself, that and the unilateral decision by Mr Salmond to declare the devolved executive a “Government” were his two biggest errors during his time as leader. Well, obviously excepting trusting Ms Sturgeon.
By declaring that the assembly was a government he totally lost the public (and overseas) concept of Scotland being under the authority of Westminster, blurring the perception of the limitation of devolved powers and those retained at Westminster. Thus ensuring that expectations of what this so called “government” had the authority to do and what it had not.


Geri says on 3 February 2024 at 1:33 am: “I’m surprised they didn’t send in a Psycho with a real bullet. I hate zoos. Those poor animals should be free in their own habitat.”

Me too! I’m against keeping any wild (or semi-wild) animal in very restrictive man-made arenas just for human amusement. A Victorian creation i believe. A creation that should have died out with the Victorians. Circuses and safari parks too. Hotbeds of cruelty.


What is to like about «god fearing» America and its compliant allies?
link to
Indeed, do as you mean to go on….long live death!

Dorothy Devine

The way the yanks and the Brits are carrying on in the ME makes me think we are wasting time working for Indy as there will be no world left after these stupid , arrogant bastards are finished with it.


Got to agree that MacAskill was a rotten Secretary for Justice, rolling over for WM agent Stephen House, probably thinking that pacifying him would ease the SNP’s path.
Instead we got cops running amok, carrying guns, road blocking ‘fishing trips’ looking for fines, and increased surveillance and harassment.
Real crime of course left ignored in the DUMY file.


“TURABDIN says on 3 February 2024 at 9:30 am: What is to like about «god fearing» America and its compliant allies?”

Says the compliant BritNat bullshitter who frequently promotes direct links to Unionist propaganda platforms. Propaganda platforms that belong to those “allies”. Fricken halfwit! LOL!


Dorothy Devine
3 February, 2024 at 8:15 am

Ruby , a book you might like – if you haven’t found it already – Neither Wolf nor Dog.

An interesting lesson from a native American on how life should be lived and how evil their colonists were.

Thank you Dorothy I’ll look into that.

I’m interested to know who he thinks life should be lived when colonised

I see there’s a film & audio book version.

I like audiobooks because you can do other things while ‘reading.’

It’s not just the colonised thing that’s bothering me at the moment it’s all the other stuff as well.

Have you read this?:
link to

Football fan banned over gender-critical posts after ‘Stasi’ Premier League investigation

That is really scary stuff!


link to

Football fan banned over gender critical posts after ‘Stasi’ Premier League investigation

Secret Intelligence Agency embedded in the Premier League whose job it is to spy on football fans and monitor their social media accounts to find out if they are engaging in wrong think


Sorry for almost duplication of story about ‘Stasi’ Premier League’ Telegraph article possibly just taken from the ‘Free Speech Union’ video.

YouTube video is best.

No videos when you archive an article.

That is just scandalous but everyday there’s another unbelievable scandal.


Hi Sam

I noticed you posted yesterday about
Mr Idul Wadhwa

That is another bloody scandal.

I will go back and look at what you posted later.

Is this deviant still in a job?

John Main

@Hats 1:39

I’m thinking no amount of propaganda would convince the Iranians, the Iraqis, the Palestinians, etc that what they really need to improve their lives and their lot is a white Christian in charge.

Yet flip the coin, and the SNP and a good chunk of Scotland has swallowed that propaganda, hook, line and sinker. Including you, eh? Your conditioning has been total.

Let me predict how you will respond to this post: Claim it’s too gnomic for anybody to understand. Play the race card. Or get a primary school special needs kid to help you hurl personal insults.

Treat yersel and try all three, Hats!

Dorothy Devine

Ruby , I’m not sure I should thank you for that link as I am now enraged beyond belief.I think your favourite expletive covers what i think of those who reported her to the police!

John Main

@Dan 9:03

I’m guessing you’re having a bad day. Hope things pick up for you soon.

Jim McIntosh

Re the US soldiers killed in the drone strike in Jordan. From the Associated Press, Jan 30th..

John Bolton, who served as national security adviser to Trump, said Iran hasn’t paid a price for the havoc that its proxies have unleashed in the region. He suggested the Biden administration could send a strong message to Tehran with strikes on Iranian vessels in the Red Sea, Iranian air defenses along the Iraqi border, and bases that have been used to train and supply militant groups for years.

That this is a mirror image of what’s happening to America and her proxy, Israel, for the havoc they’re unleashing in the region is further proof of two things.

1. Americans don’t get irony.
2. They don’t like it up them.

So America is up in arms because some of their troops were killed in a drone strike. A tactic they themselves have been using to kill at will for years.

John Main

There’s a great analysis of the Hotties on BBC Online at the moment. Well worth a read for anybody innarested in finding out what the civilised world is up against.

Casually vicious druggies, convinced of a divinely sanctioned mission, they would be quite unable to summon up any democratic mandate from the majority peoples of Yemen. But by having most of the weapons, and no hesitation in killing anybody who stands in their way, they prevail.

Estimates of the Yemeni death count are around 150,000. Millions of Yemenis are reliant on aid, much of it coming from us, of course.

Like Hamas, the Hotties reckon that if the hated infidels are prepared to feed and medicate the ordinary people, then all the more dosh for them to splurge on weapons.


link to

Kurdish SNP councillor asks Alba party leader, have you learnt nothing?

That made me laugh!

I would imagine Alex has

1. Do not give a fuck what anyone from SNP says.

I certainly do.

Alex-Cole Hamilton likewise.


If you respond to John Main I will never speak to you again.

David Hannah

Someone needs to get Yvonne Ridley on the phone. Absolutely gobsmacked reading that Ruby.

Yvonne Ridley is a big Georgie Newcastle fan. The Premier league statsi have tracked down this woman from twitter. Tried to police her political views. Banned her season ticket for being women are female. Spying on her dog taking photos. I’m absolutely horrified.

Absolutely horrified. I’m surprised the Newcastle United owners haven’t thrown the gender police off the top of St James Park.

I want a follow up to this story. Outrageous. We’re big Celtic fans up here. I support the Catholic team. Its good to know that I can call Rangers fans dirty hun bastards, a legal term used to describe the new football club Rangers, and their grotesque support thanks to the freedom we enjoy up hear.

Justice for the Toonie.


Dorothy Devine
3 February, 2024 at 11:06 am

Ruby , I’m not sure I should thank you for that link as I am now enraged beyond belief.I think your favourite expletive covers what i think of those who reported her to the police!

Sorry Dorothy

Just say the word out loud and type it in full it will make you feel better.


John Main

Good one Ruby.

All that virtue signalling about the evils of colonialist, supremacist meddling in other people’s foreign countries overturned in an instant when Salmond does it!

John Main

David Hannah 11:37

Innarestin juxtaposition of your post with Ruby’s 1 minute earlier.

You calling for free speech to be protected. Ruby’s calling for voices she disagrees with to be silenced.

I’m with you.

There is much the Indy movement needs to do to put its own house in order before it will be anywhere near starting to recover from the breakdown of the SNP. This would be a good place to start.


No cartoon today?


It’s tempting but no I wont do it.


If you respond to John Main I will never speak to you again.

John Main

Haha Ruby, threatening to never speak to people again may not be the sanction you think it is.

In your case, many will see it as a considerable boon 🙂



Dorothy Devine

Hatuey , I’ve just realised it is Saturday – expectations of a Chris cartoon dashed!


Genocide John pretending to hate having Humza in charge fulfils two tasks.

He can relentlessly attack Independence whilst simultaneously flaunting his xenophobia.

Is there no football ground he can sell his flags outside today?



Still employed. Not called as a witness.

The KC representing the claimant, Naomi Cunningham has been roasting the ERRC witnesses and said the non-show of the CEO, the man identifying as a woman was playing the victim.

It has been Board members who are volunteers and one employee representing ERRC. Mostly ignorant of the legislation.

Naomi Cunnigham is part of a team who blog as Legalfeminist. Here’s the link.

NC also clearly identifying that the process is the punishment.

link to


Sven 9:25pm

I stand corrected if that’s the case.
This was brought up on twitter before & it was pointed out at the time it had cross party support, various committees, consolation & consultation with the police authority & everyone was up for it. They then linked to the Tory & Lib Dumbs manifestos & there it was – police merger was mentioned.

Then Westminster stiffed them over pensions & vat.

I agree with you about Salmond changing the name of Holyrood. Now everyone firmly believes Scotland has a parliament. The “reconvening” shite too on opening day. Hardly when it was an administration with anything worthwhile removed & reserved. A complete con.


@ Dorothy Devine: Chris has done his back in again – whilst sitting at his drawing board, not playing golf even. Poor chap. He says it would have been a great ‘toon….


Sorry Ruby but his white supremacist shit needs called out.

He dislikes Dumbza being elevated through the Westminster system he voted to keep.

He has no problem with Sunak in charge of the whole country tho on no more than a vote by a few pals.

Yoons just never know when to stop throwing stones at glass houses.

It’s too much fun correcting & calling out his cuntish bullshit & laughing at the eejit.

fruitella the hun

Not everybody in the oil industry are purple pumpers as we can see in this video made by FoE. How typical they are – who knows.

If there are more workers like this I will have to rethink my current view that Just Transition means supporting the people who have benefitted the most from oil production with funds that could otherwise go to those who have suffered most, just to overcome the anticipated resistance from the industry. Which is crazy considering we are told the jobs will automatically reappear in renewables as oil production is reduced to release skilled workers, unless bandits are running the government.

Dorothy Devine

Sarah , puir loon! There is nothing like a damaged back to make you feel utterly miserable – especially when you weren’t enjoying yourself at the time. When I was young I could shift wardrobes , pianos and other large objects but turn too fast to grab a dog , a child or anything else and I ended up in pain and barely mobile.

I hope he is better for next Saturday as I have no doubt there will be a plethora of political idiocy for him to lampoon.


It certainly looks like Labour and the Tories have lost the Muslim vote in the UK, this coming GE will be a very interesting one.

“A new Muslim campaign supporting independent candidates to run in Britain’s general election has slammed the Labour Party’s concern over losing Muslim support as “30,000 dead Gazans too late”.

The Guardian reported on Tuesday that Labour leader Keir Starmer’s office is conducting polling and holding focus groups with British Muslims across the country, amid mounting fears among party officials that many Muslims who have previously supported Labour may not vote for the party because of its support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

Contributing to Labour’s fears is a grassroots group called The Muslim Vote (TMV), which has been endorsed by the Muslim Association of Britain, the Muslim Council of Scotland, the Muslim Council of Wales, Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend) – and other Muslim civil society groups.

TMV says it has “thousands” of volunteers ready to support independent local political campaigns in constituencies which have a significant Muslim electorate and members of parliament who failed to vote for a ceasefire. “


Genocide John

It must be killing you that the support for independence is up.

Yoons never could wrap their heads around that the SNP was NOT the independence movement – far from it. There are indy supporters who’d never vote for them as demonstrated in 2017 when Sturgeon first faltered & lost 21 seats.

Over 50% & that’s just the starting point.

Labour winning Holyrood would change nothing. It may actually help as £600 million in mitigation is removed & you & yer ilk can pay for yer bus pass, yer spare bedroom & yer prescriptions. Unionist parties can’t have separate policies North & South of the border.

It’d serve as a great wake up call.


Geri @ 14.07.

It was in 2014, approximately a year after the implementation of the consolidation of the 8 Forces involved that the Cabinet Secretary for Justice (Mr MacAskill) told the Scottish Parliament that the merger would save in the region of £1.7 billion over the next 15 years,Geri.
As we’ve seen and experienced, this has led to extensive closures of Police offices and control rooms along with a dramatic reduction of specialist departments staffing.
Truly not one of Mr Salmond & Kenny’s finer decisions, I fear. Although, my own feeling is that had Mr Salmond remained as First Minister (and how I do wish he had) he may well have revisited the original scheme and tweaked it a bit to reduce some of the problems as they became apparent.


3 February, 2024 at 2:20 pm

Sorry Ruby but his white supremacist shit needs called out.

If he weren’t here you wouldn’t have to call out his white supremacist shit & all the rest of his shit!

I’m just trying to think of ways to FREEZE OUT THE CUNT so that he goes elsewhere to post his white supremacist shit,constant snide remarks & pissing contests to try to prove he has the biggest dick in the world.

FREEZING OUT THE CUNT is just today’s plan of action. It could change tomorrow.

It might be a robot that is impervious to all subtle suggestions.

A robot programmed to be a cunt.

If it is human he is a very weird person.

I’m quite tired of the topic being John Main.


@ ROS I think we should all be very careful what we wish for ,I have despised the labour party for decades and adopted the same for lying trade unionist leaders who have turned the workers movement into businesses, BUT to me the formation of independent Muslim politicians under a grouping of TMV is as threatening as a openly zionist grouping forming politicians under their respective religious dogma
Where does it all end, we already see the esteemed fm hahaha splashing Scottish tax payers cash hither and thither to all and sundry, cosying up and inviting renowned oppressors to come visit Scotland, telling the world that our borders are open
FFS the indigenous Scots are already suffering the indignity of oppression from wankers next door are we to sit back and become a white Christian minority as well, humza would be ecstatic

Andy Ellis

@John Main 8.55pm

You make the startling assumption that in an iScotland, we Sovereign Scots will choose to elect governments that will direct a disproportionate share of the national wealth to those poverty black spots you mention.

The post-independence political environment is something you don’t actually see or hear a lot about. Assuming the great day comes before we’re a’ deid, I find it hard to think that the new political party environment will actually usher in the Albanian Brigadoon the usual suspect in here seem to crave.

New post indy political parties, operating in (hopefully?) an STV voting system, are going to have to get used to making coalitions. Given the SNP’s recent history that can only be a good thing: who wants to see one dominant political party exercising that kind of influence over Scottish society in future?

I doubt those punting the neo-isolationist, neutral, non-aligned Scottish republic of their wet dreams will actually gain much in the way of electoral traction. Who knows though…? Even a few seats might give them quit a lot of leverage. Looks at the Scottish Greens today, or the FDP for decades in West Germany. I suppose it depends on where the bar is set for gaining any seats in the new Parliament: 2%….5%…more…?

It’s all very well being convinced “in your water” that the Scots are different, and will happily open their wallets to ensure social equality, increase spending and increase taxes, but it ain’t necessarily so.

Of course it will hardly be a surprise post independence if the new Scottish Government (whatever it’s make-up) follows a platform significantly different from that of successive UK Tory and New Labour administrations, but folk shouldn’t assume some “big bang” revolution is on the cards.

Having control of all the political and economic levers at the disposal of independent countries is naturally “a good thing”, but we’re not going to solve all the structural and historic problems bequeathed by the British nationalist project in the first post independence Parliament.

Alf Baird

Sven @ 3:20 pm

“Truly not one of Mr Salmond & Kenny’s finer decisions”

Like many policies to restructure Scotland the initial ‘idea’ came from within the UK hierarchy, pushed by CC House whilst at Strathclyde, who became the first CC of PS. Has arguably led to a more aggressive approach to what passes for ‘justice’, much as we have seen, coercive laws etc. Colonial administrators may sign it off, yes, but do not always comprehend its intention.

Justice in a colonial society remains rather theoretical.

Andy Ellis

I suspect the issue with merging lots of small police forces in to one national police service is more to do with the way it was done and who was doing it.

The principle is hardly unusual: Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland all have national police forces answerable either to their Justice or Interior ministries.

That’s got to be a better model than either regionally based police forces of widely different size, competence and funding or the US system of local police / sherriff’s departments with larger state police forces and federal support from agencies like the FBI, or militarized Gendarmerie / Carabinieri Guardia Civil as in France, Italy and Spain surely?

Andy Ellis

@John Main 12.04pm

“Frozen out by Ruby” is the new “savaged by a dead sheep” dontcha know! 🙂


” BUT to me the formation of independent Muslim politicians under a grouping of TMV is as threatening as a openly zionist grouping forming politicians under their respective religious dogma
Where does it all end”


Yes good point, an eye for an eye leaves the world blind as they say, however with both the Labour party hierarchy and the Tory party hierarchy all but supporting the genocide in Palestine what do we expect from the Muslim communities across the UK, for years both mainstream parties have been close to the likes of LFI and CFI both who refuse to name their funders, I think this horrendous and prolonged attack on the already oppressed people of Palestine has brought this action to the fore.

As for Yousaf his calling for a ceasefire is a bright spot in a somewhat lacklustre tenure as FM, here at least he’ll be on the right side of history.

We must act like they failed to do so in the US, all those years ago when their was a call from Washington to register lobby groups with a foreign countries interests at heart to register as foreign agents.


“Savaged by a dead sheep”

Ellis, pot, kettle, black, surely.
Zero self awareness!

John Main

@twathater 4:26

Something we agree on for once. A clear sign that the critical mass has been reached, and that the schism the supposedly “wacists” predicted can be allowed into the full light of day for all to see.

Happening in Germany too. Probably also in France.

Unfortunately, the conventional parties find themselves in a bind. They have tried to curry favour with their new citizens by labelling all those opposed to open borders and uncontrolled immigration as far right and Nazis. So those opposed have just gone off and formed their own new parties.

Again, Germany is leading the way, and they have the farcical situation where the floundering establishment are talking about banning a party supported by near half the voters!

Anyhoo, TH, it’ll be innarestin to see if you stick to your viewpoint, or if you cave once the usual suspects jump in to tell you how much better Scotland will be with Yousaf’s million New Scots calling the shots.

Better at virtue signalling, perhaps.

John Main

@Andy Ellis 5:00

Ruby can’t ignore me. She’s been trying for years. She breaks her promises to herself and to the world within hours.

Logically though, as she has committed to never speak again to those who don’t ignore me, she won’t be muttering to herself any more.

That should come as a great relief to anybody she encounters in a public place.

And you’re in luck too! She’s not going to be speaking to you either.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 5.29pm

Ah, but remember only indigenous Scots will get the vote John, so all those Johnny come lately’s will be the equivalent of Turkish gastarbeiter in West Germany of old: good enough to come and work, but not actually have any rights or say.

The blut und boden brigade will be assiduously checking their Certificates of Pure Scottish Descent.

That’ll all be fine, right….?

Andy Ellis

@John Main 5.37pm

From your lips to God’s ears.

I may have been premature ascribing Ruby’s Coprolalia to Tourette’s: apparently it Can also be a sign of undiagnosed schizophrenia.

Coprolalia: The excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or obscene language, including words related to feces (bowel waste).

Coprolalia is a typical symptom of Tourette syndrome, a condition that has its onset in childhood and is characterized by compulsive arm movements, facial tics, grunting, groaning and shouting. Aside from coprolalia, there is often echolalia, the involuntary parrot-like repetition (echoing) of a word or sentence just spoken by another person. Persons with Tourette syndrome do not usually curse out of anger or displeasure but out of uncontrollable compulsion. They cannot help themselves. (The disease is also called Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.)

Coprolalia can upon occasion also be a symptom of schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric disorder of thought in which the sufferer loses touch with reality, withdraws from social activity and exhibits bizarre behavior. The schizophrenic may curse for no apparent reason. (There is no known relationship between Tourette syndrome and schizophrenia.)

Undiagnosed victims of Tourette syndrome or schizophrenia are often subjected to public ridicule from persons within earshot of a coprolalia outburst. Observers believe the outburst is the result of a conscious and voluntary decision to swear. It is not. Medication is available to control the outbursts.

link to

Good to know medication is available for those afflicted though, eh?

John Main

@RoS 5:07

The ICJ (remember them) ruled it’s not genocide. Common sense really, but sometimes these things do need to be tested.

Pres Poot will be peeved his investment in the ANC failed to pay off, but the head honchos currently running SA into the ground have an additional billion or so to divvy up. So somebody did all right.

Defo looking as if the future for the Palestinians will require both Hamas and Israel to abandon their mutual annihilation vows and efforts, stop shooting at each other, and agree prisoner/hostage swaps. That will allow the aid and reconstruction to begin, bankrolled in large part, as per usual, by the people you like to refer to as Satans.

There are some indications that the compromise solution is inching closer. Let’s all hope so, eh RoS? Relief for the Palestinians can’t begin until that compromise is reached.

I’m predicting that my repeated calls for that compromise solution, in which neither side gets all it wants, but each side gets something, will be met with the usual outrage, derision and special needs name calling. But this is Wings BTL, the place where sanity and rationality goes to die, to Scotland’s shame.

Alan McHarg

Sturgeon and her acolytes were following the World Economic Forums manifesto to the letter. The destruction of country, culture, health, family, religion, law and order, gender, education, economy, infrastructure, truth, integrity and identity. If you have no borders, no national identity it is easier to assimilate you into a New World/WEF order. The reduction in population size (see Canada MAID programme).

You just have to look at the destruction that is happening in America and Canada, it is a blue print of what has/is happening in Scotland under Sturgeon and her continuity party.

Sturgeons murder of the Scottish people during the Covid mismanagement is why I left the SNP.

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 4:46 pm

“Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland all have national police forces”

These independent countries also send far fewer of their people to prison:

(incarceration rates per 100,000 people)
Scotland – 136
Sweden – 76
Denmark – 71
Norway – 56
Finland – 50
Iceland – 39

Northern Ireland, not that long out of a civil war, has 84. Ireland is at 76, which is almost half the Scottish figure.

Most comparable Nordic nations and even near neighbour Ireland therefore have about half or in most cases considerably less than half the Scottish prison level, which suggests some serious failures in this ‘society’ and its governance. Craig Murray’s brutally excessive ‘example’ just one of many it seems.

It is like living in a colonial society, between ‘two cultural and psychical realms’ and where the ‘prisons fill up’ (Fanon). Another clear downside of the ‘Union’ hoax.

link to

John Main

@Andy Ellis 5:40

I believe it’s only Yes voters who will get the vote. It’ll be easier than trying to administer the Certificates of Pure Scottish Descent.

Usually at this point I raise Ash Regan’s plebiscitary election idea, remind everybody it’s a UK general election year, and ask why the feck the Indy movement isn’t getting into gear with this.

What with Indy support supposedly being so high and all.

Time is marching on, but all I see is tumbleweed.


Funny how “blood and soil” worked for Brexit, where no EU citizens, (other than Irish, courtesy of the CTA), had a say.

Not much in the way of complaints from the British IIRC.

But then again, Scotland has to be the exception, where ‘normal’ rules need not apply, and 52% Yes suddenly becomes 55% No courtesy of non-Scots, but it’s only Scotland so nothing to see here…

Imagine if the Brexit vote had been run under the same rules as IndyRef?


Genocide John spreading more lies.
The ICJ took no decision on whether genocide has been committed, but recognises that there is a case to answer.

link to

404 case against Rus got booted by the ICJ.

link to

Shit week for the Zionists.

Anton Decadent

@twathater. A few years back Private Eye ran an article on the Muslim victimhood group Tell MAMA. It had applied to renew its funding but when looking into its claims of endemic racism in the UK the funding bodies found that it was including a large amount of self perceived microaggressions and things which had been posted online by people in other countries as proof of the UK being a hotbed of out of control racism. In response the funding bodies decided to cut the money to Tell MAMA as they had concluded that it was exaggerating numbers. On telling its representative this security had to be called as he reacted aggressively and the board felt physically unsafe in his presence. Despite this the Guardian still goes to Tell MAMA for quotes and Private Eye has stopped publishing articles such as that and instead goes to groups of TM’s ilk for quotes about what a hotbed of endemic racism the UK is…

With regard to the two assaults which were carried out against me where I live there were no charges brought which means that no crimes are recorded as having taken place and I believe that this will be repeated across a lot of the West to keep the people carrying out these assaults in victim status as anything else would disturb the optics.

Going back to the Guardian as towns like Rotherham began to make it into the news it published an article on a Left wing organisation called Left Hook which was going into these towns and teaching free self defence classes to the Muslim communities incase the evil whites started to defend themselves, their children and their communities after being abandoned by government, law, the media and social services.


A new independent Scotland would have a new independent parliament with full powers & a brand new voting system.

& Would have a constitution & a parliamentary oath.

I’m also sure there would be a mechanism to eject duds or eejits who think they’ll go off script.

I think, after 317 years of politicians serving themselves & signing us up to shite we do not want, it would certainly be a priority to return to popular Sovereignty. Never again would any twat sign us up to a union, war, GRR or any other crap without the express permission of the public.

There has been a lot of talk on what would happen post indy – there was during indyref too & even what nawbags could expect if they voted naw (that did come to pass)

A return to popular Sovereignty would be the parliament.
A new constitution.
& Given there’d be no more Yoon political parties -new political parties would emerge & Indy parties realigning.


Johnny come lately’s will be the equivalent of Turkish gastarbeiter in West Germany of old: good enough to come and work, but not actually have any rights or say.

But just how old are many of these new arrivals seeing as they may be retired, and older folk tend to put more burden on our already stretched health services.

link to


Genocide John

Indy doesn’t need a political party.

We didn’t have one for previous referendums.

We had savvy Scots who knew where to go to force the UKs hand to concede devolution.

That’s all we need again. I think the parliament route has been well & truly closed. What use is sending 56 reps to London? None.

George Ferguson

@Alan McHarg 6:04pm
I agree with your analysis. But what to do about it? It is long past the time where we could rely on Scottish Institutions to protect the Scottish Public. They are tainted and have gone native. But not in the interests of the Scottish Public but as acolytes of the SNP. The evidence is there for all to see. It’s hard to counteract violence is not an appropriate response. And for years on Wings I have said a big No to that. It’s not Unionist vs Independence any more. The debate has been hijacked by by LGBTQ++ Woke and self interest. Disengagement works to a certain extent but cannot be a long term solution.



Those figures are breathtaking. WTF!!

John Main

@Dan 6:21

When Yousaf announced he wants a million New Scots I’m confident it wasn’t older, retired folk he had in mind.

TBQH though, it might be the better option!

Anyhoo, Anton Decadent above sees the way the wind is blowing. When hardly any western nation is breeding even at replacement levels, it’s bleedin obvious our million New Scots can’t be going to originate in a western nation.

Unless we get a nuclear exchange somewhere. That could get us a few million, probably Eastern Europeans.

And there is another possibility which could arise if some of the usual suspects on here get their secret heart’s desire.

The annihilation of Israel will set a few million Israelis on the move. We could certainly use a million educated, intelligent, hard working and historically above average talented New Scots from that source.

Of course, the same usual suspects are anticipating that the annihilation of Israel will coincide with the annihilation of the Israelis.


“the International Court of Justice has ruled that South Africa’s claims of genocide against Israel are plausible and ordered Israel to “take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope” of the U.N. Convention on Genocide”

John Main.


Has Israel “taken All Measures” or is it still killing women and children and Israel is definitely breaking Articles II (B) and (C) of the Genocide Convention.


Who cares she broke it, this is insignificant can we just forget about her, she had a lot of people’s hopes in her hand and made a mess of it. I just want to forget about what she has done, I want us to fire through himsa as soon as possible and then build up our country.


link to

I must really be getting on his nerves when he spent so much time writing that very long post all about me!

Yes! Air punch

I would rather be a schizo than a cunt

Andy Ellis

@Robert Knight

I’m not sure equating a successful vote for independence with the successful brexit vote is necessarily a positive. Maybe to some who oppose the EU, I suppose, but they’re a small minority in Scotland.

The franchise used in Scotland in 2014 has been the rule in virtually all self determination referendums since WW2. The “normal” rules very much did apply. Maybe the issue is less with which categories of New Scots you decide to disenfranchise, and more with persuading a greater number of indigenous Scots to grow a pair and/or to turn out to vote.


Genocide John must be using AI to produce so much regular, unresearched pish.

Tho’ she could be the work of several of Yaxley Lennon’s acolytes.


**The franchise used in Scotland in 2014 has been the rule in virtually all self determination referendums since WW2. The “normal” rules very much did apply**

No they didn’t.


I haven’t the foggiest notion why we need a Kurdish councillor.

Nor do I know why we would need a Muslim MP.

The First Minister is a Muslim.

What does that actually mean? That all his views are based on the teaching of the Koran?

We don’t need to know politicians religion or ethnicity all we need to know are their views.

I don’t need a Kurdish councillor and I most definitely do not need a Muslim MP.

That would apply similarly to someone who stood as a Christian, Jewish, Ranger supporting, Celtic supporting MP.

I don’t think a multi-cultural society works. A society with 100s of different communities.

But hey it’s much too late to change that.


Those wishing for a million “new Scots” need only wait for Irish reunification and a million Yoon Prods will be heading for these shores for fear of retribution for four centuries of abuse of power.

The descendants of those Protestant Scots who flocked to the plantations of Ulster in the 17th century will be heading for the Orange Counties of Ayrshire and Lanarkshire to seek out a fresh start, and Westminster will chuck millions at the Scottish Government to ensure it happens, tipping the balance in favour of Unionism for generations.

It might become an India/Pakistan partition equivalent, with Scots families of Irish Catholic origin heading west as the other ‘community’ heads east.

I’m neither Catholic nor Irish, but I’d be tempted to head west… A Republic, in the EU, with a Celtic heart and a language and culture sympathetic to my own? What’s not to like?

Might be the nearest we’ll ever get to an Indy Scotland if half of Norn Ireland heads this way, waving a flute in one hand and a Union Flag in the other.


The franchise used in Scotland in 2014 has been the rule in virtually all self determination referendums since WW2.

Which self-determination referendums is the cunt talking about?

He’s been talking about the franchise non-stop since 2014.

Has someone been pulling his chain re franchise to set him off?

Whoever you are you are a Moonhowling, Natavistic, Blood & Soil Fringe Nutter.

PS I would rather be a nutter than a cunt!

Andy Ellis

@Geri 7.36pm

You have form for flat out lying, so it’s no surprise you won’t accept the facts.

Go and do the research. Virtually every self determination referendum used franchise criteria similar, or often more open, to that used here in 2014.

Not a single one restricted the vote to those born there, or excluded residents who had less than “X” years. One (Montenegro) imposed a 55% Yes hurdle, which they just achieved.

You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own class of facts.


@ George Ferguson

Re. What to do about it

There are way more citizens that disagree with the policies that those in power are foisting onto us.
It’s way past time anyone still thought we’d be well served by the current form of Party dominated politics. It’s so obviously manipulated, influenced and therefore ultimately controllable by the establishment and their tame MSM.
Ergo folk should have long stopped focusing on changing political parties that are now just packed with grifters and self-serving twats that have effectively pushed all the sensible and moderate folk out. All that remain have no interest in actually representing the wonts and needs of their constituents by implementing good policies.
Instead activists should have been busy spending their time and effort directly interacting with those in their communities and explaining that the only chance they have to begin to change things is to start electing representatives that will only vote on policy matters as they are instructed to do by their electorate.

Having spent years interacting with all sorts of folk in my community, ranging from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged to the wealthy large estate owners, the non-voting disenfranchised to the Tory voters, I have way more belief that they would actually have more in common with regard to policies than the bullshit we are all having foisted on us by the current crop of politicians.
Whether you’re a large estate owner, a farmer, a business owner, a homeowner, or a tenant; energy costs are massive for all even when taking into account their proportional differences in income /wealth.
It’s a no brainer to all that obtaining the power necessary to rein in the excessive profiteering of the foreign owned energy corporates would bring unity to all those folk.
Likewise with the genderwoowoo, likewise with the ferries, etc, etc.

For a long time I have wondered why so many political minded folk just haven’t grasped this, until it dawned on me that so many folk that are into politics actually don’t spend enough of their time in the real world to understand all the real life practicalities and struggles so many folks face. The disconnect between the political anoraks and the normal folk is in my view a major factor as to why we find ourselves where we are.
My rudimentary understanding of etymology is that the poli in politics is the same poli as in policy. So why isn’t there far more discussion and focus on policy ideas and formation, because all I see in politics these days is the frenetic ADHD like reactionary spin to unfolding events from both parties and media, rather than in depth analysis so we can properly formulate sensible long term policy initiatives for the overall betterment of our society.


Just thinking about all the different communities.

Is the fact that people want to separate themselves off into different communities not racist?

On the subject of National Service how could you call up people from the Muslim community to go and kill other Muslims?

Or people from the Kurdish community to go and kill other Kurds?

People from the Chinese community ………….
etc etc.

In the event of war with China would all the Chinese people living here have to be incarcerated?

What happened to the German community during WW2?

Multi-cultural societies do not work.

The big difference between the two cunts and myself is that I don’t care if others think I am the smartest, cleverest person on the planet and that I have the biggest bust in the world.

I would have said penis but in case anyone here doesn’t know Women do not have penises

Andy Ellis

“Who is Entitled to Vote? And other controversial issues surrounding secession referendums.”

Policy Paper requested by MEP Josep-Maria Terricabras Nogueras. (Greeen MEP at the European Parliament).

Co-ordinated by Joan Vergés-Gifra, Ivan Serrano and Jaume Lópes of the University of Girona.

Table 3: Franchise. Pages 44-46. You’re welcome.

link to

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 7:14 pm

“The franchise used in Scotland in 2014 has been the rule in virtually all self determination referendums since WW2.”

Rubbish. The franchise used in Scotland is a local government franchise based on residence, not nationality. It arrived here via the Scotland Act reflecting the fact Holyrood is the equivalent of a local council, a spending department of Westminster.

Try getting a vote in a referendum in any other country as a resident but not a national, you would be rejected. Even the Belfast Agreement confirmed that only those born in Northern Ireland will get a vote in any referendum there.

Scotland is the odd one out internationally having a dubious franchise imposed on its people which diminishes and weakens its national sovereignty every time, as is the intention. Anyone who supports such a franchise has no interest in protecting or reclaiming Scottish sovereignty, and has no understanding of self-determination.

Andy Ellis

Not hard to see who the Yaxley Lennon fan boys are in here tho’ is it “Johnlm”?

Johnlm 7.18pm

Genocide John must be using AI to produce so much regular, unresearched pish.

Tho’ she could be the work of several of Yaxley Lennon’s acolytes.

Ruby 8.08 pm

Multi-cultural societies do not work.

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 8.19pm

You’re just factually wrong. It’s been pointed out to you before, but like a dog returning to its own vomit you keep banging on about the franchise for constitutional amendments in already independent countries which are not the same thing at all.

Scotland ISN’T the odd one out, it used much the same franchise as the dozens of other referendums referenced in the Serrano & Lopes paper above.

You’re the one having problems understanding, whether through ignorance or just because you’re a bad faith actor I don’t know. Neither is a good look.



So why isn’t there far more discussion and focus on policy ideas and formation, because all I see in politics these days is the frenetic ADHD like reactionary spin to unfolding events from both parties and media, rather than in depth analysis so we can properly formulate sensible long term policy initiatives for the overall betterment of our society.

That reminded me of what Aamer Anwar said to Blackford

To learn lessons Mr Blackford you need to retain the evidence.

To me it seems as if all politicians are interested in are votes.
It as if they are playing a video game.

I watched a video by a hard core Unionist yesterday. Cant find it at the moment. He always has his UJ cushion in the video which he calls Cush.

He was making fun of the idea that the SNP were selling independence by suggesting an iScotland could enter Eurovision. He had a lot of fun taking the piss out of that idea.

I think he’s called Craig hard core Unionist right down to his scatter cushions also Rangers supporter.

I had two thoughts when I watched it

1. That Craig was desperately scrounging around for any justification for his NO vote.
2. That Humza was giving him that justification in abundance.


My God. I’ve just been savaged by a dead sheep!

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird

Even the Belfast Agreement confirmed that only those born in Northern Ireland will get a vote in any referendum there.

Another untruth.

“The Franchise in Irish Unification Referendums”
Christopher McCrudden, Oran Doyle, David Kenny

The franchise for the referendum in the south is a relatively straightforward issue. If a constitutional amendment referendum were held, the franchise would already be stipulated by the existing Constitution. In the unlikely event that a referendum were held to replace the existing Constitution as a means of giving the south’s consent to unification, a new franchise could be designed, although the past experience of constitutional replacement suggests that the existing franchise would be used.

The franchise for the referendum in the north is far less straightforward, owing to the lack of guidance in the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Schedule 1 specifies that an order directing the holding of a poll ‘shall specify…the persons entitled to vote.’ No further guidance regarding the franchise is set out in the Act. Nor is there any other existing legislation defining the franchise for a referendum on Northern Ireland’s constitutional status.”

link to


You’re just factually wrong.

I have told you this 100s of times before. You just need to listen I am right and you are wrong. You Natavistic, Moonhowling, Blood & Soil Fringe Nutty Vomit Eating Dog.

Listen to me laddie. I am right and you are wrong. I am always right.
I am Eddie Ellis

You are a vomit eating dog!

I would rather be a VED than a cunt!

George Ferguson

@Dan 8:07pm
I hear you. But before the violence starts I want to give the democratic route one last chance. Independent candidates are OK at the local level. An example being my late Councillor Father in Law. Gave his heart to his local community. But these days are gone. We have lying, corrupt, naked self interest on show. Nobody is accountable nobody gets sacked. An example we had a conversation on this blog about the Ferries last year. A half of billion was the estimate. were we wrong?.
I will attend my local Alba branch meeting on the 22nd of February at STUs part of the World. Bathgate. I have never been there, GPS is required. We have to give democracy one last chance.


link to

He’s re-upping my posts even emphasising them in bold.

He’s a big fan!

Multi-cultural societies do not work when they split the country into lots of different communities. Each one with ideas that are as different as night and day.

Does that make me racist? Yes I’m probably as racist as every other person on the planet. People like to be surrounded by like minded people. It’s a fact.
Hence all the different communities.

You ain’t going to be defending your country if it involves killing family members, people of the same faith etc etc

Does that mean any National service would be restricted to only hard core Brit Nats.

Multi culturalism creates problems.

Anyway who cares? The UK is well and truly fucked.

I am not looking at someone’s race or the colour of someone’s skin it’s their ideas that bother me.


How did Australia vote for independence?

Were native Australians allowed the vote in the referendum to endorse the constitution?

Were women allowed the vote in the referendum to endorse the Constitution?


@ George Ferguson

Eh, my suggestion is for the people to reclaim democracy back from the chancers and malevolent forces that have stolen it.
There is not the slightest suggestion of violence being required in what I propose.
Please explain why independent non-Party affiliated candidates would only work at local level and not at national level.

You are smart enough to know that any Party candidate that is selected to stand for a political Party has gone through a vetting process, and to be selected it basically means they capitulated to follow the Party whip even when that may be at odds with the views of the constituents they were elected to represent.
That massive flaw is why we have quite so many flawed and unwanted policies imposed on us. EG. Genderwoowoo, Hate Crime Bill, etc.

Independent non-Pary affiliated representatives genuinely acting on behalf and under the instruction of their constituents would stop this. Incorporate empowering the constituents the power of recall in an independent candidate’s manifesto would also empower the constituents to get rid of a representative that fails to act on behalf of and as instructed by them, and that also adds a safety net to catch and reduce the chances of unwanted or bad policies finding themselves onto the statute book.


Andy Ellis @ 4.28pm

‘New post indy political parties, operating in (hopefully?) an STV voting system, are going to have to get used to making coalitions’

STV is the best of all PR systems. The AMS/D’Hondt pup we were sold flowered in all its glory in 2021, and we will continue to pay for the resultant ‘gaming’ for many years to come.

Many are lulled into thinking that both systems give the elector 2 votes, when in fact AMS is a cunning play on words, while STV is a single vote, transferrable if your first choice(s) fail.

It is interesting to note how the last HR elections would have panned out using STV, based on council election results in 2022: –

SNP – 47
Lab – 29
Cons – 22
Independents – 16
LibDem – 9
Green – 3
Rubbish Party – 1
W. Dumb CC – 1
Other – 1


I have quite a lot of sympathy for people who have been brow-beaten into believing they are racist when all they want is to be surrounded by like minded people.

Is wanting to be surrounded by like minded people racists aka a very bad thing? I don’t think so.

When people put up notices saying ‘No Blacks No Irish’ they were expressing the wish for the country to stay as it was and not to be surrounded by foreigners.

I don’t know enough about the history to know why the politicians didn’t want to listen but they didn’t listen. They haven’t wanted to listen to any views on immigration. Gordon Brown & that bigoted woman Gillian Duffy is an example of that.

I don’t know why they objected to the Irish but there must have been a reason. Politicians didn’t care about the reasons they just labelled people racists so they would shut up. They even got arrested if they expressed their views. The Stasi Premier League set up an investigative unit to spy on football fans to ensure they didn’t express what they called ‘racist’ views

Now that same Stasi Premier League investigative unit are now spying on fans to ensure they are not expressing any transphobic views.

Today bigot, terf, transphobic is the new ‘racist’. It’s all a way to control people.



**Scottish** independence referendum.

Should **SCOTLAND** be an independent country? Yes/No.

Are Welsh, Northern Irish, English, European, African, American fcking Scottish, ya dunce?

Scotland treaty is between Scotland & England – what moron thinks that Scotland should ask the whole wide world who just happen to be living here at the time & not think thats rigged even before the kick off?

England doesn’t run referendums like that. The Brexit vote removed EU citizens. EU citizens don’t even get to vote in GE either so you are talking bollocks.

They only get to vote on council elections.

The franchise needs changed. Just look at the figures moving here. That’s not an accident. That is to deliberately fuck up the vote in ALL elections – not just a referendum.

& & Pray tell what I’ve lied about. Put up or shut up..

Andy Ellis

@Ebok 9.23pm

Yeah, I imagine (hope?) post indy there will be a new suite of parties: fuck knows we can do with them! I have my doubts there would be that many independents post indy in reality, though it certainly wouldn’t hurst to have more decent independently minded MSPs!

I’m more inclined now to see the need for a second chamber (perhaps based on a modified Irish style senate), largely because of the shit show the SNP has proven to be. I was always kind of anti second chamber in the past: now I’m pretty convinced it’s essential.

George Ferguson

@Dan 9:22pm
My late Father in Law Councillor was an Independent elected official. I agree you didn’t express violence directly but it is always been a natural consequence of failed political National Political systems. It’s going to happen whether we like it or not unless… Jump several steps of your current thinking and exclude altruism in politics. History tells us altruism doesn’t exist in the human condition. Violence is avoidable but it will take hard work from here to reestablish public confidence in Scottish Politics.

Andy Ellis

Ignored says:
3 February, 2024 at 9:49 pm
I have quite a lot of sympathy for people who have been brow-beaten into believing they are racist when all they want is to be surrounded by like minded people.

Siri…shows a WoS BTL quote demonstrating the phrase: “I’m not a racist, but I can see why some people are.”

You heard it here first folks, being “racist adjacent” is fine BTL here in WoS land. Shheesh…. 🙁

O tempora, o mores!


Why did people in England put up notices saying ‘No Irish’
was it because the Irish were ("Tractor" - Ed)s and broke up Britain?
I’m just guessing ‘cos I know nothing about the history of Ireland.

Having read robertkknight’s post I’m wondering if
people in Scotland should put notices saying ‘No N.Irish
No flutes no Union flags’

Do the ‘The Stasi Premier League investigative unit’ look at football fans hate crimes?

Probably not the ones with flutes and Union Jacks.

Will there be another community in Scotland resulting in N.Irish Protestant councillors & MPS?


Based on memory, correct me if I’m wrong, about 1 in 10 people living in Scotland are from outside of Scotland. People seem to be worried about how those “immigrants” are likely to vote in any future referendum but I’m not sure why.

You should be worried about women, 57% of which voted to stay in the UK in 2014. That’s half the population.

Then there’s older people; over 60% of people over the age of 60 and 67% over the age of 70 voted for the Union in 2014.

We lost in 2014 because not enough Scottish people voted for independence.



I am a racist, a bigot and a terf.

You have been well brain washed I on the other hand have not.
That is one advantage of not being ‘educated’ to a point where I was unable to think for myself.

Why the actual fuck are you reading my posts? What happened to your ‘red boxers’. I thought you were going to put them over your head every time I posted.

Tell me oh please tell me that I am getting on your nerves?

Yes! air punch!



Scotland voted for independence in 2014.
Ruk tipped the vote to no.

Also, since 2014, England has been moving in English pensioners by the thousands.

Why do they suddenly wish to move to Scotland? It’s obviously not for the weather.



The UK is multi cultural because after WW2 they needed a new form of slave.

They still need them because they drive out talent. They’d rather pinch someone else’s nurses, doctors & teachers etc than give free tuition & a fair wage/working conditions to their own citizens. They’d rather award themselves a pay rise for doing fck all but filibust in parliament to look busy.

There doesn’t need to be all that wealth squandered in parliament for carpet baggers.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 10:23 pm

“Based on memory, correct me if I’m wrong, about 1 in 10 people living in Scotland are from outside of Scotland.”

You may be thinking of the 2011 census. Given in-migration data since it will be well over one million today (20%+) and if you add in ‘extraction’ its probably nearer to two million (30%+).

At least one third of No voters in 2014 (incl the ‘added’ postal votes) were from outside Scotland and it will probably be more than half now.

What do we think happens when a people have no control over their population/borders?


@ George Ferguson

I didn’t express violence in-directly either, and my point is that if the public regain political control then it wouldn’t get to the point you assert that violence is inevitable in failed political national systems.
I was actually going to add but omitted the point to keep my previous post short, but seeing as it has just been mentioned; Regarding talk of a second chamber / citizens’ assembly and the question of how many folk and how would they be selected to oversee any bills becoming acts and becoming statute.
This process could in effect be done in reverse, because if the politicians voted as they were instructed by the consensus reached by the large and diverse range of views held by their constituents, then there would be far less chance of unwanted or flawed policy being proposed and enacted in the first place.

I agree it will take hard work to restore trust in Scotland’s politics. But for the life of me I can’t understand why it has taken so long for folk to realise this, and how it could in anyway be successful without a new way of doing things being borne from the ground up by the people and the communities they live in.

Parties are done. How much more evidence do folk need to see this.
Look at Tories and Labour down south, but closer to home, the SNP get captured and take out Salmond whilst taking in a load of roasters, Greens get captured and kick out the likes of Andy Wightman and take in a load of roasters.

We have this.

link to

We have this.

link to
(was this a catalyst to all that then followed…)

ISP form in the resultant Scottish political vacuum, then Alba form diluting and distracting / confusing the electorate with all that had come before, rather than reaching a consensus and getting behind ISP.
The vote shares for Alba in recent elections does not in anyway align with the previous polling in the cat amongst the pigeons article.
That is because the power of the establishment has the ability to utterly destroy individuals. Has the name Corbyn and what happened to him been forgotten so quickly too.

But by going with a ground up political initiative any attempt to destroy an honest local non Party affiliated candidate with wide ranging support in their community, who stood on a manifesto to genuinely empower and represent their constituents, it would in my opinion be a far more difficult target for the establishment to tarnish and take them down, and could well back fire spectacularly due to the powers that be having no real knowledge of the individuals and their constituencies.
But hey, if folk want to stick with Parties in a clearly controlled paradigm, good luck with that.


The Muslim community is just doing what the Jewish community have done for decades.

Tho I doubt they’ll have a code of conduct approved just as fast, where any criticism of I*steal is a sacking offence & everything is classed as antisemitic. Or have hundreds of unelected lobbyists in parliament shaping policy under the umbrella of the Labour party & forcing everyone to bend to IHRA.

They are also a threat to our democracy. Holyrood already bowing & scraping with that IHRA pish. Scottish independence would end the UKs seat on the security council. A seat they need for their Genocidal endeavours to Palestine.

They’re also the roasters than plagued Corbyns tenure & seen him out of the Labour party.

Mark Beggan

Let’s be straight and on the level here the game is a bogie. The little cunt has been seen for what she is end of story.
You boys n girls want to Rant on Then go for Buddy Holly much more fun

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 8:42 pm

“Another untruth”

Not so.

The Belfast Agreement’s provisions dealing with consent and a referendum on Irish unification specifically refer to ‘the people of Northern Ireland’ as defined as ‘all persons born in Northern Ireland’. Arguably Scotland should be the same.

Scotland should also be treated the same as NI in respect of any EU trade/border, which is another violation of the treaty.

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    • Andy Ellis on The whole caboodle: “The new format may be a matter of taste, but being able to nest comments directly under a post has…Oct 6, 11:18
    • BigJay on The whole caboodle: “As an avid reader of & very occasional contributor to this site, I’d just like to state that the move…Oct 6, 11:07
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: ““derail” = interject facts, figures and logic. ”conversation” = echo chamber monologue. Happy to help!Oct 6, 10:54
    • Iain c on The whole caboodle: “Is this another case of the MSM catching up with Wings. I recall a story here about amazing amounts allegedly…Oct 6, 10:34
    • Hatey McHateface on The whole caboodle: “I’m not accepting my understanding of Independence is “rudimentary”. I can lay out the route in three simple steps: 1)…Oct 6, 10:26
  • A tall tale

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