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Wings Over Scotland

As you mean to go on

Posted on January 31, 2024 by

Nicola Sturgeon turned up to the COVID inquiry today in a car with no MOT certificate.

Which raises a couple of questions.

(Although we know she has form for this kind of thing.)

As the DVLA website notes, some vehicles are exempt from MOT requirements.

But the only one that could possibly be relevant here is the one for police cars.

But in that case the DVLA site returning a specific date for the expiry, six years after the vehicle’s registration, would be very strange. Vehicles which are exempt generally don’t have an MOT record at all, and the DVLA site will return a green “No data held” box, not a red expiry one.

In any event, we know Sturgeon hasn’t had a police security/vehicle detail for months.

To the best of our current knowledge, Police Scotland doesn’t generally provide a free chauffeuring service for absentee backbench MSPs to go about their work duties, and we’re sure the former First Minister must have plenty of people who could give her and her bodyguard a lift.

But it definitely does seem to be a police car, unless those are disco lights.

So readers may reasonably wonder what we’re not being told.

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Buddy Holly

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This is the day he died

in 1959

Let him rest in peace and enjoy his music.

No peace for Sturgeon & enjoy her demise.


Wow I’m jiving and doing the twist!

Mark Beggan

That’ll be the day

Mark Beggan

“Trouble you can’t fool me I can see you hiding behind that tree.
Trouble you can’t fool me trying get the Ups on me”


This is Craig Houston

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Craig is a Unionist right down to his scatter cushions.

Brexiteer & Rangers supporter.

You’ll notice his ‘cush’ as he calls his UJ scatter cushion is tucked very securely behind his chair. In a previous video that I saw his ‘cush’ kept falling over. Not a good omen for the Union.

As I said earlier I think Craig is desperately looking for justification for his NO vote and and Humza is giving him that in abundance.

His videos are very funny & educational.

I’m going to watch all his other videos. Would be interested to see if he every tells us why we should vote for the Union.


“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.”

Thomas Sowell


What funds an independent politician?

Do they get anything or is it out of their own funding?


Craig is a dunce.

Scotland is a country & should be competing in world events just like every other country. Whether that is the World cup or the shitey Eurovision Song contest. Were constantly turned by the English *Nil points* cause no cunt likes them either..

Why is Israel in a European competition? LOL
Oh, Craig will be happy to know it’s cause of a super special compensation.

Craig obviously doesn’t believe Scotland is a country. Craig obviously believes the fictitious UK is a country.

Don’t click on Craig & give him Google ££s..


Dunno if that flew off to moderation..

I forgot to * out a word.


Alf, “Given in-migration data since it will be well over one million today (20%+) and if you add in ‘extraction’ its probably nearer to two million (30%+).”

Hmmmmmm. I need you to do two things considered minimal requirements when it comes to this sort of stuff; 1) give me timeframes, and 2) give me sources. I can’t really respond to what you’ve said without those two things.

The numbers aren’t that significant. For example, if you take 2018 – 2019, around ten thousand more people came to Scotland from the rest of the UK than left for the rest of the UK. We can assume most were students that probably won’t vote and will probably leave when they complete degree courses, etc. Then there’s the question of what percentage would vote against independence — certainly not all.

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With a total electorate of around 4 million, 10 thousand a year from the rest of the UK is a drop in the ocean. If you can get a just 50% of women to vote for independence in the next referendum, you stand to gain about 115 thousand votes for nothing… throw in those older people and a few other demographics and I left wondering what the problem is.

“What do we think happens when a people have no control over their population/borders?”

I don’t understand the question. History suggests people leaving is a much bigger problem for Scotland than people arriving. Are you suggesting we should stop people leaving? I’ll assume you aren’t that crazy and, as I’ve said before, it would be hypocritical to suggest that it’s okay for us to go there but not okay for them to come here…

I’m inclined to let people be free, to let them move freely, and enjoy their freedom. Maybe a better strategy for winning future referendums would be to tell foreigners they are welcome here and treat them as equals, instead of ‘othering’ them.


Okay try again..

Craig is a dunce.
Scotland is a country & should have it’s own entry in world events. Whether that’s the World Cup or the shitey Eurovision. Plus, Scotland is constantly tarred by *Nil Points* cause no one in Europe likes the English either LMAO!

I*real is in it & they’re not even European.

I won’t be watching Craig. Craig doesn’t believe Scotland is a country. The UK isn’t a country & he doesn’t seem to recognise his Kingdom is part of it.

I won’t monetise Craig. He can cuddle his cushion.

Yahoo search – what year is he in? 1690? FFS..


A country’s constitution & future status shouldn’t be in the hands of outsiders.

It’s nothing to do with them.

Do you think England would allow Scotland to vote on an English referendum? Cause at the moment they don’t even allow EU citizens to vote in a general election.

After all this crazy bullshit of trying to secure a ref & being constantly told no – we finally get one & some plonker says “hey, I know! Let’s do the same bullshit as last time. Maybe it’ll work this time!”

Awww naw. The English/rUK voted naw again. I guess we *just didn’t try hard enough* to convince the ppl it had fck all to with..ho hum.. mibbies next time..
See you all again in 5050..zzzzz



People leaving an area is the plan of the UK government & always has been. The clearances never stopped. Vast private estates. Now it’s accelerated with Brexshit again & the hostile environment. Young people won’t stay where there is no prospects & no where to live since Scotland is being turned into a retirement community & EU citizens won’t be battering down the airports to get here either.

That just leaves the English & the knuckle dragging Fluting NI contingent moving to Scotland.

Oh joy.. Unionism on steroids.


Dan I am with you 100% on your proposals for independent politicos and the methodology to keep them on course, BUT I am against any second chamber unless it contains ordinary people, and people making out that ordinary people are not competent enough to determine what is good for Scotland they are supercilious self absorbed know it alls
But let’s just stick with politicians who have no lived experience or who are just out of university and have no work experience but they have the benefit of being advised by spads most of whom are barely out of secondary school and who still live with their parents and don’t know the cost of fuckall
If politicians require expertise on industry or shipbuilding surely the appropriate people to approach for guidance or advice would be people with lived experience, if you required advice or guidance on bottle or glass recovery surely approaching a gender warrior that is confused about sex isn’t a good start


Ignored says:
4 February, 2024 at 4:00 am
Dan I am with you 100% on your proposals for independent politicos and the methodology to keep them on course, BUT I am against any second chamber unless it contains ordinary people, and people making out that ordinary people are not competent enough to determine what is good for Scotland they are supercilious self absorbed know it alls…

I get it, I really do, but the tragic shortcomings of Scotland’s politicians is unfortunately a global phenomenon. A life in politics, and dare I extend it to the closely related life in Local Government, seems to attract the corrupt and lowest of the low, and politicians having no moral integrity suits Lobbyists to the ground, and thus a political career is born.

I agree, a second chamber, with more of the same, does nothing to affect any improvement.

What Scotland needs is a mechanism to better educate these political types about what their professional and constitutional obligations are, and better yet, have an effective series of protocols to police and address departures from acceptable conduct.

Far be it from me to adopt the ways of Westminster, but there’s a well known phenomenon of the “men in grey suits” who will orchestrate the demise of delinquent politicians who become a liability.

Scotland has no “men in grey suits”. My repeated calls for Sturgeon and Holyrood to be impeached have fallen on deaf ears. When we get a rogue in Holyrood, we have no capacity to impeach or remove them, and worse, we have the puppet masters in Westminster determined to entrench their bogus and unconstitutional “UK” credentials.

Thus the colonial mechanisms of Westminster are embedded ever deeper, while Scotland’s constitutional rights are continually eroded.

The only body of opinion who has even broached this subject is SALVO, where the sovereign Community of the Realm can assemble as a Convention of the Estates, and through that convention, hold to account anyone from Monarch, Lord, Politician, to government flunky. Even the mighty Faculty of Advocates can be held accountable to a Convention of the Estates.

So what prevented a Convention of the Estates being as rigged and corrupt as the Government? That’s a good question. Maybe it was every inch the same Establishment only mechanism seeking power. …. But maybe the fact it wasn’t a permanent Assembly, but effectively a trouble shooting exercise which only assembled itself to address some particular emergency, … maybe this helped to keep it “clean”.

I know, I know, a politician’s elected status and finite term of office is meant to keep them honest, but we all know that’s a pile of baloney.

The immediate question people ask is how do you select who sits on a Convention of the Estates, and how do you codify their power and legitimacy. These are big and important questions for Scotland to address.

Arguably, a public inquiry which recruits laymen as members represents some elements of a Convention of the Estates, (who codifies such Inquiries?), but clearly, a Scottish Convention of the Estates seems to have been a much more powerful body; something akin to the “Martial” Government during a period of Martial Law. (Please don’t focus on the Martial element, my point is only the seizure of control).

Once again, Scotland has the means already at our own disposal, to come together and codify a 21st Century interpretation of a Convention of the Estates, and belatedly set up a Constitutional Watchdog to defend Scotland’s Constitutional integrity and Interests, – since our feckless politicians are manifestly incapable of doing so.

In the holistic realm of Scottish Government, we restrict our capacities to those activities which Westminster Government “approves” of. Instead, we Scots need to resurrect the mechanisms of Scottish Government which Westminster would both fear and dread. We can begin with a much better grasp of the Claim of Right.

Concerning the Claim of Right, the “claim” is ephemeral and situational. The “right” however is the important bit. We, the people, have the Right of Sovereignty, and on the appropriate occasion, we can claim against that right and defend Scotland’s Constitutional ascendancy and superiority.

SALVO has it right. Ok, there are difficulties and complications, it isn’t a panacea, but SALVO would bring us much closer to Scotland’s emancipation than any other agency currently at large.

John Main

I’m still thinking there’s not that much stopping 100 or so like minded and like thinking Scots standing in their local constituencies for HR and/or WM.

Each will need money for the deposit.

Each will need time to devote to the endeavour.

Each will have to have a skeleton-free closet.

Over and above that, though, just what is the problem? It has not been insurmountable for all the dozens of oxygen thieves currently infesting our politics. The likes of Oor Kirsty comes to mind.

A decent, honest, reasonably well presented, articulate, organised individual should have a very good chance indeed of getting the majority turn out. Throw in Alf Baird’s cultural necessity of speaking Scots, and a fervent belief in the Indy the regulars on here claim has majority support, and the bookies would have him/her as favourite to take the seat.

So, once again. It’s an election year. The demand for Indy is high. The demand for change is high. The incumbents aren’t up to the job. It’s a perfect time to be shaking things up.

What’s the problem?

Did I mention? Get elected and there’s good money in it too.

John Main

@Hats 1:23

I’m very much suggesting that post Indy, nae body is allowed oot for 10 years.

Make damn sure that those who vote for Indy stay and make it work.

Nae fecking aff abroad at the very first chance to claim their “European Citizenship” or whatever.

Cos every time I read somebody bleatin aboot that, I smell a rat. And we all know what rats do on sinking ships.

Geoff Anderson

Who does Scotland belong to?
I thought it was US

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@ twathater

Re. A Second Chamber / Citizens’ Assembly

It was late and I was pretty tired when I typed that last post, and reading the releveant section back I see it definitely could have had more clarity.

Regarding talk of a second chamber / citizens’ assembly and the question of how many folk and how would they be selected to oversee any bills becoming acts and becoming statute.
This process could in effect be done in reverse, because if the politicians voted as they were instructed by the consensus reached by the large and diverse range of views held by their constituents, then there would be far less chance of unwanted or flawed policy being proposed and enacted in the first place.

What I should have written was that there would be no need for a second chamber / citizens’ assembly with all the complexities the formation of one would create; Because the process of formation of sensible policies and scrutiny of them would be a task completed by the constituents as they instruct their elected representative to do as they want.
This process would have two inherent mechanisms to ensure only sensible and wanted policy initiatives were enacted.

First element: The formation of an initial policy idea would come from the people of any Ward / Constituency, and their elected official would submit it.
Second element: When it comes to a vote on whether or not the policy is enacted you have to remember that the elected official representing each Ward / Constituency can only vote as instructed to do so by their respective constituents. So the people then get a chance to scrutinise and ultimately decide if a bill gets to be voted through and enacted onto statute book.

I have way more belief that a diverse range of folk in an area would reach a sensible consensus on matters, when compared to the current corrupt system with shills, dullards, grifters and lobbyists implementing all manner of seriously flawed and unwanted policies.

John Main

Blackford making a big splash on the DM Online today.

They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but in this case, I hae ma doots.

The sly auld dug!

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 11.31pm

You asserted something which simply isn’t true. It doesn’t matter whether it was due to your ignorance, or with deliberate intent to obfuscate. It simply isn’t true that the Northern Irish franchise for a future border poll will be restricted to those born in Northern Ireland.

What the the franchise will be isn’t stipulated anywhere. In the end it will be in the gift of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland to say what the franchise used should be. As the paper I referred you to earlier concludes:

In practical terms, there seems a pretty clear choice that the secretary of state must make: whether to adopt the existing Assembly/Parliamentary franchise or develop a new franchise. If a new franchise is developed, then the secretary of state will have difficult choices to make as to how to tweak the ordinary rules, with differences between north and south emerging as issues of particular sensitivity: prisoners being able to vote in the south but not (with limited exceptions) in the north; Irish citizens being able to vote in the north, while British citizens may not vote in the south (unless they are also Irish citizens); and the potential for some voters being able to vote in both the north and the south. It would be reasonable to consider that
the discrepancies identified are not sufficiently serious to justify departing from the existing substantive franchise requirements, but equally it would be reasonable to consider that they do. It is clear, however, that the degree to which divergences are accepted will impact on the legitimacy of the
entire process. It would be sensible to take into account whether there are clear, practical problems that would arise from divergences in the franchise, but thus far, we have been unable to identify any such problems. Beyond this practical point, however, the issue of what are ‘sufficiently serious’
divergences appears to us to be a classic political question, and one that we do not seek to influence one way or the other. The purpose of this article has been to inform the political debate that must take place on these issues,
and sooner rather than later.

The fact that you lack the intellectual honesty to admit your error tells us everything we need to know about your MO.


4 February, 2024 at 1:24 am

Okay try again..

Craig is a dunce.

Agreed all that stuff but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to watch his videos.

Folk like Craig make up 30% of the electorate.

I find it interesting that non SNP independence supporters and hard core Unionists like Craig are in agreement re the SNP.

The SNP have fucked us over while handing Craig a massive amount of material for his pro Union videos and also have people intending to vote for a Unionist party. Who are all these people who intend to vote Labour?

In his next video actually uses Alex Salmond to help him promote Unionism.

link to

Andy Ellis

The only body of opinion who has even broached this subject is SALVO, where the sovereign Community of the Realm can assemble as a Convention of the Estates, and through that convention, hold to account anyone from Monarch, Lord, Politician, to government flunky. Even the mighty Faculty of Advocates can be held accountable to a Convention of the Estates.

The trouble with true believers in “cunning plans for indy” being a panacea to solve the pesky issue of not being able to demonstrate a clear majority for independence in response to a clear questions (whether in a referendum or plebiscite), is that they have zero evidence that there is any appreciable support where it counts.

The idea has been widely rubbished by folk like the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, Roddy Dunlop. Predictably the partisans of Salvo will label anyone who questions their blind faith as a unionist stooge, or 77th Brigade: nothing new there. In want of an actual argument it is far easier to try and discredit legitimate queries with allegations of being a *tractor*.

The thing is, for ANY alternative, novel, non-parliamentary routes to indy to work, they’ll have to have (and be able to demonstrate) pretty overwhelming support amongst Scottish voters for anyone anywhere else to recognise such a radical departure from the norms of self determination, and how it has been obtained everywhere else.

That’s no impossible of course, it’s just not very likely. How much support does Salvo or any of the other claimed slam dunk “cunning routes to indy” have? How will that support be demonstrated if you eschew party politics and standing for election?

I don’t see any Catalan style La Diada protests with a few million Scots taking to the streets at the behest of Salvo, waving their placards for a Convention of the Estates. Who decides who sits in this Convention?

Enough, and more than enough of this constiutional frippery and navel gazing. We already KNOW what we have to do to attain independence. It’s not rocket science, and it isn’t that hard. We just have to persuade a few more percent of Scots that the risk/benefit analysis of being independent has shifted decisively in favour of independence rather than unionism.

A referendum or plebiscitary election is much quicker route, and far more likely to gain international recognition than trying to persuade a sceptical international community (which will always err on the side of the status quo) that they should recognise our independence.

John Main

@Dan 9:41

To help us better understand how your proposed changes might work, you should answer these questions.

Is it only “shills, dullards, grifters and lobbyists” that ever stand for office?

Or is it something about being in office that turns decent, hard working, conscientious people into “shills, dullards, grifters and lobbyists”?

If the first answer is Yes, then my solution should work – stand yourself on a no nonsense platform, get elected, and sort things out.

If the second answer is Yes, then your solution won’t work. It’ll be more of the same old shite from the new “shills, dullards, grifters and lobbyists” in the second chamber.


FFS He’s on about the franchise again.

Andy Ellis has always got to be right

Could we maybe all just respond to Andy Ellis by saying

Yes dear! Whatever you say dear. Pass the marmalade

I’ll go first.


Thought crime is here.
Genocide John and the Dead Sheep should be ok because they just repeat MSM misinformation.

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Andy Ellis

The fact that you lack the intellectual honesty to admit your error tells us everything we need to know about your MO.

Yes dear! Whatever you say dear. Pass the marmalade


« a minority is powerless while it conforms to the majority »
Henry David Thoreau.
Civil Disobedience

On the Rule of Law.
The rule of law prevailed when America appropriated «Indian» lands and when Australia and New Zealand did likewise. When land was «cleared» in highland and lowland Scotland in the 18/19th century.
Law for the few, shackles for the many.
Possession is 9/10 of the law, how the West was won.


The cunt is demanding answers! Like he is the teacher and you are all silly little schools boys.

It’s day two and I still think we should


Unless of course you are some kind of masochist and you enjoy being ridiculed on a daily basis by the Cunt Main.

Dorothy Devine

Johnlm, looks like they are after the bloggers – Craig Murray was jailed as a non journalist while the ‘journalist’ were allowed to print and broadcast a pile of keech.Scotland was ‘ahead of the game ‘in that instance.

Speaking of Scotland , well done to the rugby team who nearly caused me a heart attack yesterday.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 1:23 am

“The numbers aren’t that significant.”

We also have to consider long-term impacts including Scotland’s massive historic out-migration due to the union/annexation. Since census records began over a century ago they tell us of sustained inflows of a professional and managerial class from rest-UK, mainly England, along with excessive out-migration of millions of mostly working class Scots.

Net migration is not the main issue when it comes to self-determination and sovereignty of ‘a people’; rather it is the change in the culture and hence the identity of the people living within the territory. Lets say 50,000 mostly Scots were leaving each year, and 50,000 people mostly of other identities are arriving. This means that the identity of the population is fundamentally changing and will over time ultimately result in an indigenous population becoming a minority in their own land. Scotland is not far off this point.

“I’m inclined to let people be free”

A colonized people are never ‘free’, why do you think ‘a people’ seek self-determination independence/liberation? In a colonial society opportunities are closed off to the bulk of the colonized masses, who are subject to a ‘cultural division of labour’ and oppressive laws limiting their freedoms; hence their historic and excessive out-migration and/or high levels of poverty and deprivation for those who remain, also limiting the ability of people to bring up families, i.e. to reproduce. It is therefore no accident that Scotland’s population is now only growing through in-migration.

Higher level opportunity for the colonized group is mainly restricted to the more assimilated among the privileged bourgeoisie class, hence the role of private/colonial schools, from which some 50% of the elite is derived, with much of the remainder from the ‘mother country’, as census and other data confirms.

Might I suggest a reasoned study of colonial society:

link to

John Main

@Andy Ellis 10:12

My calls to grow Indy support by showing us the money are ridiculed. Just too, darn difficult I guess.

My calls to weed the shills, dullards, grifters and lobbyists out of politics by standing for themselves are ignored. Way too difficult I guess, and despite the professed certainty of support, too feart, or too meh.

I’m thinking of calling for Wings BTL to build support for Indy by posting endless greetin, inchoate, chip-on-the-shoulder, special needs, fantasy world, resentment fuelled, substance addled bile. From their bedrooms.

Hardwood floored, to avoid those unpleasant carpet gnawing episodes.

Theoretically, that would put a stop to it and we might then be able to maintain some rational discussion threads.

I know, I know, I’m an incurable dreamer.


I’ll bet the Cunt Main was a teacher and there was lots of dark sarcasm in his classroom.

He would have lots of fun playing ‘Whac-A-Mole’ with his pupils. Probably had more than fun giving them the belt.

So now that early retirement was suggested he has had to find others to belt and play ‘Whac-A-Mole’ with.

Hence the reason he is on Wings 24/7.


Andy Ellis

@John Main 10.43am

Theoretically, that would put a stop to it and we might then be able to maintain some rational discussion threads.

We can but hope. I had high hopes of the new “ignore” function, but sadly it doesn’t work as it should. The usual suspects are easier to identify & by and large scroll past, but since Rev Stu hasn’t read BTL comments for the last six years, he’ll only take action if he thinks something is particularly egregious.

I get the sense that drop off in the number of articles and lack of concern about the decline in number and quality of posts is more to do with a general malaise that there’s SFA of interest going on.

Roll on #HR2026 elections, eh?

John Main

Alf Baird 10:42

Assessment of Hatuey’s posts over the years leads to the conclusion that he is one of those posters who is supremely relaxed with the idea of Scottish demographic replacement.

It’s a POV, not one that I share, but respectable enough in a free society when openly stated.

It’s when it’s clandestinely hidden behind a feigned interest in Scottish Indy that the alarm bells should be ringing.

Regular reading of Wings BTL shows that there a number of agenda followers carpet bagging on the Indy cause. To an extent, this is to be expected. But when those alternate agenda become too niche, poisonous, or too plain daft, then they work to reduce support for the primary cause.

This is just as true on here as it is in HR and WM.


Ignorant John Main there.
Completely ignoring the previous point I’ve made that any party political candidate was only selected because they passed that party’s vetting and selection process, which immediately takes away and reduces allegiance to their constituents and thus facilitated infiltration by
Completely ignoring the previous point I’ve made that the constituents would have the power to oust their independent elected official should they err because their representative stood on a manifesto that they would only vote as instructed by their respective constituents.
Completely ignoring the point that I stated there would be no need for a second chamber because the process of generating and passing policies would be with the entire electorate.
Completely avoided finessing this proposal when it was floated years ago. But to be fair so did pretty much every other supposedly politically savvy and opinionated person. So years pissed away to the point there isn’t enough time to start running with such an initiative now in time for this year’s GE and expect decent results, and instead we have Indy “leaders” calling for folk to spoil their ballots. FFS
Prior planning prevents piss poor performance.
Scotland, the country that thought tactics was a type of mint.
Sigh… If nothing else at least we can claim The Indy Movement – World Champion Headless Chickens


Goldfish are gregarious, displaying schooling behavior.


Dorothy Devine
4 February, 2024 at 10:40 am

Johnlm, looks like they are after the bloggers – Craig Murray was jailed as a non journalist while the ‘journalist’ were allowed to print and broadcast a pile of keech.Scotland was ‘ahead of the game ‘in that instance.

Speaking of Scotland , well done to the rugby team who nearly caused me a heart attack yesterday.

Mornin’ Dorothy!

Ooh err missus! What did they do?

Agreed they want to ‘take back control’ of everything.

Well they can try but I’ve decided I’m going to be a ‘Scurvy Elephant’!

I would suggest everyone become a ‘Scurvy Elephant’.

It would be good to see every Newcastle fan going onto their social media and writing
“A woman is an adult, human female” or similar just to keep the Premier League Stasi & the police busy.

Go Newcastle! Go Geordies! “Wey aye man”

John Main

@Andy Ellis 10:51

When you try to think back to what the world was like 2 years ago today, considering what it might be like by May 2026 is quite sobering.

I hae ma doots that Rev Stu will manage to keep this going until then, but I do hope I’m wrong.

See the floor in Ruby’s bedroom. Do you think that even if it is hardwood, it will be deeply scratched and pitted by what forensic pathologists would classify as human teeth? I’d ask her myself, but then as she promises, she can’t reply to me, and thus it would be pointless.

John Main


Stand yourself.

You come across as one of the good guys on here. I’d vote for you if you are in the flesh what you claim to be online.

It only needs 50 or so like you to split Scottish politics wide open. This is exactly what is happening all over Europe. For fecks sake, even the immigrants are starting to do it. In Germany and in England.

I can’t make this any clearer, Dan.

Stand for office yourself.


Goldfish are gregarious, displaying schooling behavior,


but since Rev Stu hasn’t read BTL comments for the last six years,

Yes dear! Whatever you say dear.

Before I pass back the marmalade dear can I point out to you that what you have said is incorrect.

Can I suggest you scroll through some threads over the past few months and you will see that Stu has responded to many posts. How can he respond to posts if he doesn’t read them?

When you catch someone out making such a huge error it’s difficult to believe anything they say.

Please don’t hit me! I was only pointing out your error/lie.


Here we go again.
Sunday Times…
«Airstrikes resume as David Cameron «declares» Iran accountable for terror
Britain and the US have attacked the Houthis to punish Tehran’s proxies again. The foreign secretary says Britain must use every tool at its disposal to ‘put out fires’»
Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton and buddies should know all about the proxy concept.
Proxy wars with Russia, Iran, Syria, Yemen (parts of), Iraq (parts of)…we vow to make planet Earth safe for our use. A vow to be kept?
God save the Anglosphere and all who blindly worship therein.
link to
Tragicomedy. Poor, poor Lebanon, everybody’s catamite.


I think Scotland would need some sort of second chamber for matters relating to constitutional/international law/trade laws..

Yer average Joe wouldn’t be expected to know that. The politicians we have don’t even know It! It could work with a revolving type president so no one person becomes engrained.

I think the Swiss would be a good model to look at. Referendums common place.

Cause what would happen in a constituency if 50% agreed & 50% didn’t? GRR for example (just an example of a contentious issue)

The problem is world wide & it’s because of selfish greed. They’re not there to serve anyone but themselves. Sunak is a billionaire. He isn’t there for Westminster – he’ll be like every other no mark that enters Westminster – it’s a launch pad onto bigger & better things already with an eye looking for more lucrative positions.


@John Main,
Just a slight potential difficulty I could see arising with your suggestion that interested individuals should consider standing for election to Holyrood.
Assuming that some of the most committed and enthusiastic supporters of independence are to be found amongst those who post most frequently on WOS, are you really sure that our “brightest and best” are to be found amongst their number ?


Here the Labour party were too gutless to put anyone up for an interview with the BBC on rolling back on energy pledges for Scotland and the UK overall.

link to

And here, £20 million pounds of Scottish taxpayers cash from the (SNIB) has been handed to a guy who was a director of Farepak a company that folk gave money too (a kind of savings club) to save up for Christmas, it went bust and almost 25,000 Scots families lost their Christmas monies.

This guy was “among nine former directors named in a High Court case in which the Insolvency Service attempted to have them disqualified, however campaigners were left furious that the action was unsuccessful.”

He’s also been a director of 64 firms many that have gone bust.

link to

Reading the above makes one wonder what else the (SNIB) has been used to fund using Scottish taxpayers cash.


I would, of course, vote for Dan in a heartbeat.


Ach I never like Sven anyway. I found him too controlling.

Our “brightest and best”? I wonder what that means.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 10.51am

See the floor in Ruby’s bedroom. Do you think that even if it is hardwood,…

Last time I looked the grievance chimps are commonly housed in accommodation with concrete floors.

Easier to sluice away the filth that way.


Ruby 9:53

Cause those types grate on my last nerve.

They’re all about the nasty nats & never actually about their glorious union & why we should vote to stay in it.

All those people voting Labour will either be our new residents just parachuted in or it’s wishful thinking.

I hope Labour do get in. It would stop the SNP mitigating harsh unionist shite. If they want yoons in charge then give it to them. All of it & that includes removing their wee cotton wool blankies…

Release the Make them XL bullies with a plastic jack out its arse singing Britannia..They can humm it on the way to collect their shit pension.


Andy Ellis
4 February, 2024 at 11:38 am

@John Main 10.51am

See the floor in Ruby’s bedroom. Do you think that even if it is hardwood,…

Last time I looked the grievance chimps are commonly housed in accommodation with concrete floors.

Easier to sluice away the filth that way.

I’m definitely getting on their nerves!

I’m a bit worried about the Cunt Main fantasising about my bedroom last time it was about my bum.

Creepy fucker!



**and instead we have Indy “leaders” calling for folk to spoil their ballots.**

Who said that?


4 February, 2024 at 11:41 am

Ruby 9:53

Cause those types grate on my last nerve.

I understand that but just ignoring them wont make them go away.

There is a hardcore 30% of them.

They are an interesting breed!

Why would you spend time arguing with ‘White Supremacists’ yet ignore these …. I can’t even think of a name for them. Cunts will have to do.


Is it possible support for independence has been stuck around 50% for so long and hasn’t risen to 60 or 70 percent because a lot of people aren’t very impressed with prevailing definitions of Scottishness, the emphasis on Scottish ancestry (blood), looking backwards, the emphasis on the quaint and old fashionedness, Burns, etc.

A lot of the arguments for independence seem to be swaying in that direction too; claim of right, historical arguments, Culloden, the legitimacy of 1707, scones, stones, etc.

It’s all very exclusionary.

That stuff might make good picture postcards, patter, and tourist attractions, but can we say it is inspiring people to support independence when support hasn’t moved, despite Brexit and a bunch of other things? More importantly, is it inspiring people to put their careers, their futures, homes, and livelihoods on the line?

Maybe it’s time to put the emphasis on something else. This is essentially a marketing or branding challenge, when you boil it down. The first thing we do in marketing when faced with such a challenge is look at what worked before and copy it.

On that basis, the obvious country to look to for inspiration is the United States which, despite owing its economic growth and success to slavery and blood-soaked genocide, started to market itself as the home of the free around 1900.

Scotland has a similarly contentious history, when you think about it (let’s be honest, we were up to our knees in slavery and British imperialism), so, couldn’t Scotland also be a ‘New Colossus’?

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

With that sort of universalist approach you jump from appealing to some to appealing to all — nobody is excluded from this dream. Switch the emphasis to the future, economic growth, prosperity, a new fresh start and a new way of doing things, etc.

“There’s no reason why Scotland couldn’t have a population ten times its current size and go on to dominate these islands, becoming one of the strongest economies in Europe if not the world. It’s the stuff that dreams are made of. Everyone’s invited.”

I’ve done the creative part for you and now I’m kinda bored with it, but you get the idea. It’s time for you lot to stop bickering and obsessing over your sacred genes (which nobody south of the Orange lodge in Lesmahagow gives an actual fuck about) and go and build it…

You’re welcome.



Whoever approved that deal needs sacking.

Due diligence my arse! Are they dumb? FFS! 64 companies with DAF history.

Obviously the well worn Britnat recruitment..a friend of a friend of a friend.. ludge deal.



Cause YouTube is monetized. Content creators get paid per view. Think it’s $1 per view. 1,200 “views” is $1,200 per vid.

The roasters on here get jack shit.


The Dead sheep and Genocide John need to get a room.
With or without floor coverings?- I have no opinion.
Give the rest of us some peace.


John Main says: at 11:15 am


Stand yourself.

You come across as one of the good guys on here. I’d vote for you if you are in the flesh what you claim to be online.

It only needs 50 or so like you to split Scottish politics wide open. This is exactly what is happening all over Europe. For fecks sake, even the immigrants are starting to do it. In Germany and in England.

I can’t make this any clearer, Dan.

Stand for office yourself.

You don’t need to make it any clearer to me. It’s been obvious to me for years and that’s why I have been proposing this initiative for so long. But it seems in the scheme of things nobody agrees with or supports it, and there is little point in just one person taking this route to get elected and pissing away 5 years of their life if they are going to be surrounded by political party shills, dullards, grifters and lobbyists, as one person would just be pissing in the wind against that volume of cretins.

I haven’t just thought this up. Electoral data has been analysed and numbers have been crunched by folk that know this stuff, and it was a viable initiative to try.
At local authority level it might only have required half a dozen Wards to elect this new type of politician and that smallish number could have meant they held the balance of power in a council.
This new elected grouping could consistently show the wider electorate they were always able to go with and force through the sensible initiatives that were aligned with and supported by their respective constituents, which would most likely also be aligned with the wider electorate for the other council wards.
This situation would also highlight just how badly represented folk are by their party political councillors who are whipped along party lines and busy trying to get one over their party opponents in their usual adversarial modus, rather than actually spending their time and taxpayers’ money looking out for their constituents.

But effectively with no wider discussion to develop this idea, it means that working out the most beneficial way for folk to take back democratic power from the current corrupted system hasn’t happened.
There was so much detail that needed to be thrashed out. eg Where should focus be aimed. Council, Scottish Parliament, or Westminster, the dates for elections to these administrations all vary and it doesn’t sit well with me for a local councillor to try to jump ship to a parliament halfway through their term.
Big difference between local councillor, MSP, and MP, would a policy of abstention be considered for Westminster seeing as Scotland has so little influence on UK matters.


Polling won’t ever show over 50%
They are only asking 1,500 people. Not 5 million

If you really believe our next independence referendum should be a free for all then there is no point even holding one. It’d be lost before it was even polling day.

No other country runs constitutional referendums like that. None.

Jim McIntosh

Someone was bemoaning the lack of posters on this site now. It looks to be the same few individuals are posting all the time. I agree.

Due to the blatant shadow banning that’s happening here, reading the BTL comments now feels like I’m listening in to someone’s private conference call.

Sod that, I’m off for good.



That is an interest comment.
But do all these ideas not apply to a way of attracting future immigrants?

What do we do with the likes of Craig & the 30% of hardcore No voting Brexiteers?

Short of giving them a lobotomy or calling in a exorcist there probably isn’t much that can be done about them.

So we are left with the 20%. Are they or are they not supporters of the EU?
Are they or are they not supporters of ‘gender identity’. Are they or are they not supporters of democracy?
Do they want to be shown the money?

Maybe half of them haven’t a clue what’s going on.

It would be good if someone took a tip from Rob Shorthouse and tracked down that 20% and found out what they wanted and concentrate on them.

Forget the 50% already converted, the 30% hardcore and concentrate on the 20%.

There would be a % of that 20% who would be like John Main and want to be shown the money. They would obviously have money & property to worry about. So what can be done about them? Maybe the idea of their children not being able to change sex when they are in primary school or that men cannot change sex might do the trick.

Who knows but I believe Rob Shorthouse on behalf of Better Together had the right idea.

Track down the 20% and find out what they want.


Democracy, like any other political system, is a fantasy which quickly degrades as the nutters strive to achieve control.
Dump all politicians and their schemes.
Have a leadership lottery if you wish, but don’t let it have any power.

There is no cavalry coming.
You need to take responsibility for you own life.
Don’t help the system in any way.


If you are looking to attract immigrants from outwith the EU then selling a Scotland within the EU would be a mistake.

Most non EU immigrants voted for Brexit. That is

Unfortunately EU immigrants didn’t get a vote on Brexit.

They did in IndyRef14 when they were told voting YES would mean no EU membership.

I would imagine they all voted NO. They were conned.

Andy Ellis

What we need now is for Rev Stu to stage one of his interventions and explain to the hard of thinking how polling actually works.

Of course it is entirely unsurprising that the usual suspects would be heavily of the “polls are bullshit, they only ask 1500 people, and anyway they’re aw biased by the folk who pay for them”.

Honestly, there’s no reasoning with these oxygen thieves.

Virtually every country has run self determination referendums using the same kind of franchise as Scotland used in 2014. Many were even more open. Country 404 allowed Russian army soldiers stationed in Ukraine to vote for fuck’s sake!

Independent countries run constitutional referendums according to their laws and the citizenship franchises they have in place. Scotland is not an independent country, so like virtually ALL the other peoples who have had the political balls to achieve their independence since WW2, the franchise they will use will be residence based and involve an inclusive franchise.

It is PRECISELY the way other countries run self determination referendums, because they don’t let regressive, bigoted blood and soil nationalists dictate who is a “real” member of the demos and who isn’t.


I hold the view that ‘Wings’ is an Independence supporting yet anti SNP site. I am unclear on its stance regarding Alba.
If you believe ‘Opinion Polls’, it is obvious that the SNP is currently hemorrhaging support. Where is it going? The polls are indicating that Labour is benefiting.
If ALBA is to gain any traction it has to garner the votes of these disillusioned SNP voters. If it is not-Why is this not happening?
There will be some unhappy ex SNP supporters, who have finally woken up and realised they have been conned, and are looking for an alternative. Maybe some of them have visited Wings and read the comments which follow the well researched and accurate articles produced by Stu.
They read about events around the World from posters whose comments are 100% irrelevant to anybody but themselves. We also have a multitude of posts from those who do not possess the vocabulary required to express their warped opinions without resorting to abuse and profanity. For some unknown reason these individuals appear to be proud of their ignorance. I won’t mention the 300 year old stuff, colonialism and magical routes to Independence that are the favourite subjects of some. It will not take too long for the saner Independence supporter to realise ‘This is not for me’.
All the time Scotland lurches from crisis to disaster with no solution anywhere near the horizon.
‘It is all so unfair’ is a common theme winding through the comments section.


Somebody, anybody show Scots exactly how and why we would be better of with Independence. An honest competent Government in place, or in waiting would also help. I hate to say it, yet again, but it all comes to down to MONEY. If you have it, you can do things. If you haven’t, you can’t.

Andy Ellis

What we need now is for Rev Stu to stage one of his interventions and explain to the hard of thinking how polling actually works.

Of course it is entirely unsurprising that the usual suspects would be heavily of the “polls are bullshit, they only ask 1500 people, and anyway they’re aw biased by the folk who pay for them”.

Honestly, there’s no reasoning with these oxygen thieves.

Virtually every country has run self determination referendums using the same kind of franchise as Scotland used in 2014. Many were even more open. Country 404 allowed Russki army soldiers stationed there to vote for fuck’s sake!

Independent countries run constitutional referendums according to their laws and the citizenship franchises they have in place. Scotland is not an independent country, so like virtually ALL the other peoples who have had the political balls to achieve their independence since WW2, the franchise they will use will be residence based and involve an inclusive franchise.

It is PRECISELY the way other countries run self determination referendums, because they don’t let regressive, bigoted blood and soil nationalists dictate who is a “real” member of the demos and who isn’t.

Geoff Anderson

TransCult thought monitoring organisation

link to


4 February, 2024 at 12:14 pm


Cause YouTube is monetized. Content creators get paid per view. Think it’s $1 per view. 1,200 “views” is $1,200 per vid.

The roasters on here get jack shit.

Who cares? It’s YouTube’s money.

I would rather know what people are thinking rather than doing an Ellis and pulling numbers out of the air.

John Main

Dan 12:18

There’s that old saying about what happens when the good simply do nothing.

I respect anybody’s personal reasons for not standing.

But still, 50 good and true Scots men and women. Is it really such a big ask?

When the Muslim party gets going, does anybody believe they will have problems fielding 50 candidates?

Ah hae ma doots.

And Sven, sure this is not the best place to trawl for new political talent.

But Alf, if he would drop the blarney that iScotland employment will be conditional on fluent written and spoken Scots, could command respect and support.

Rev Stu, should he return to Scotland, aught to be a shoe in.

There’s a few other bloggers (obviously not CM, he’s lost it completely) so I already have half a dozen.

Just 44 more to find!

Andy Ellis

@Chas 12.49 pm

I reckon folk are just scunnered wi’ the current situation. I can’t blame Rev Stu for not being that motivated to write stuff or get that engaged when there seems to be SFA of any note really going on.

Normal people who don’t think polls are conspiracy theories controlled by yoon space lizards can see that (sadly) Alba just isn’t reaching escape velocity as a party. Real progress may have to wait for the SNP to get their richly deserved comeuppance at #GE2024. We’ve all seen that there are still many Nicophants out there: doubtless they’ll still be singing her praises if (when?) she ends up in the Big Hoose.

You can’t help folk that delusional, any more than you can convince committed loyalists and unionists that they should support independence.

We have to hope that when the SNP starts to fall apart, Alba and others can hoover up their support. I don’t think we should read too much in to some former SNP voters deciding to vote tactically for Labour in a UK General Election. We know that around a third of existing Labour voters support independence, but obviously couldn’t bring themselves to vote SNP before.

The important thing in the run up to #HR2026 elections is to ensure that the rump of the SNP left is either changed from within by its members, or is sidelined and put back in its box if it tries to take control of or direct the independence movement.

Pro-independence parties don’t all have to like one another or have common platforms, they just need to agree and co-operate on one issue: that gaining 50% +1 in plebiscitary elections is an immediate mandate for independence. No cunning plans, Conventions or appeals to arcane centuries old laws are required: we just need to take, not ask.

James Che

Convention of estates?

Is it possible by Scots?
Yes it is, as Westminster states the Scots never got a vote to join the union by a deliberate debate and final decision in 1707,
And Scots have never voted to join the union with England to this present day.
This means there is no Great- British union requirement for a certain % of Scottish people to get over the line to vote for independence of Scots as unionist suggest,

It also means that the union Acts themselves do not apply to Scots that were never included and the Claim of Right,( a scots law ) would still apply for Scots Sovereignty.

” A Scottish peoples Convention” would be appropriate for people Scotland who are STILL outside the treaty of union according to the parliament of Westminster in England in the present year 2024.

The idea of politicians running Scotland and gaining multiple riches by living of the fat of the land, while they impoverise the people must end,

The way to do ensure this does not happen to Scotland in the future would be for all politicians to be on the minimum wage.
And to make it illegal to be lobbied by big Corporations.
That way it will never become a Career choice to inflate a politicians personal pocket.
And no payment of pension if they continue work elsewhere.

Scottish Politics in of itself needs to avoid the long standing financial corruptions that are a long standing flagrant mis- of power.

And each politician would come under the same laws as the people, no exceptions or exclusions.

This averice of politicians is what is wrong with politics



We also have a multitude of posts from those who do not possess the vocabulary required to express their warped opinions without resorting to abuse and profanity. For some unknown reason these individuals appear to be proud of their ignorance

I hate to say it, yet again, but it all comes to down to MONEY. If you have it, you can do things. If you haven’t, you can’t.

Chas FFS

Two things FFS Chas.

Those people who you claim not not possess the vocabulary blah blah blah do have a vote. You probably don’t like that but they do.

I would agree it all comes down to money but only for around 10% of voters.

Why don’t you name these voters who have warped opinions? Never mind the vocabulary concentrate on the opinions.

What opinions are you talking about?

I don’t expect an answer I never get an answer from Ellis, Main & Chas just abuse.

Did Ellis every respond to my post about his lie about Stu not reading BTL posts in the last six years. Did he tell me why ‘Multi-culturalism & loads of different communities’ was a good idea’. No he just responded with some shit about me being schizo,eating carpets and shiting on the concrete floor.

James Che

Why do Scots need a referendum?

The UK parliament site explicitly state the Scots did not “Vote” to join the treaty of Union on their parliament site in 2024.

Anton Decadent

The quiet part said out loud by Hatuey, the Scots bred out of existence because they and their culture are of no importance. Cultural genocide is still classed as a crime against humanity.



Who votes for the SNP? Yoons.

Best of both worlds. SNP can mitigate against their unionist bollocks safe in the knowledge an indyref was never happening.

There was clear evidence of that during the leadership campaign. No one was interested in the only candidate proposing independence.

The yoons vote for the Greens too because they know they’re nuts & they have no interest in independence unless there is something in it for them.

So there you have it. Stalemate.

Only way out would be to end mitigation. Let the yoons live with Yoon policies.


Geoff Anderson
4 February, 2024 at 12:52 pm

TransCult thought monitoring organisation

link to

That is quite an eye opener Geoff.

It’s all about control.

The government dictate policies and then they’ve got to take steps to ensure people agree with their policies.

I’m questioning now all their efforts to control our thoughts on immigration.

Remember the Labour Party PC Brigade?

Have we been brainwashed into thinking uncontrolled immigration and multi-culturalism is a good thing and those who don’t agree are ‘wrong-thinkers’ aka racists?

I think like accepting that Scotland is a colony people would find it hard to accept they have been well and truly manipulated.

Currently all efforts are being made to manipulate us into believing that ‘women have penises’.

It’s working with a lot of people they are going to find it hard to accept that they have been well and truly manipulated.

Women do not have penises

James Che

If you read the list of history recorded signed names with their wax Seals on the treaty of union that voted to join the treaty of union with England, wether it be in Scottish records or English records,
You have the list of people and Scots that signed themselves into a treaty with England, that still Stands today.

Commissioners and politicians in 1706/07 at the time debated wether to include the Scots in the vote,
However they decided this would be a bad idea to do so, as the Scots would probably vote NO!

This their final decision after discussion and debate defines which persons of Scotland “voted” to join the treaty of union with England.


The money question is bullshit.

It’s already infinitely better living in Scotland than it is in England & that’s only with some pocketmoney. People aren’t stupid. They have a boss (English government) that refuses to hand over its wage slip to Scotland.

You can’t fix stupid.


Ruby: “What do we do with the likes of Craig & the 30% of hardcore No voting Brexiteers?

We are already doing it.

One things that Alf, Main, and the other geneticists missed with regards to immigration is that they dilute everything down, not just “yes” voters.

As immigration into Scotland increases, the proportionality of the types you refer to (and others that I would class as undesirables) recedes further and further into the footnotes of a book that will ultimately and inevitably end up in history’s dustbin.

In the medium to long term, those immigrants — many of whom only came here because of the carnage Britain caused in the world — are going to vote for freedom and independence… providing we don’t fuck it up with outdated and backward notions of ‘belonging’ and national identity. Irish immigrants to Scotland provide an excellent example.

What I think is funny, and at the same time obvious, is that the tropes and arguments people revert to in arguing for Scottish exceptionalism, including references to blood and that sort of cultural identity junk, are themselves drawn from ideas that have roots in totally obnoxious European ideas of superiority — ideas that put wind in the sales of Europe’s imperialist battle fleets, especially those of Britain. Selling this sort of stuff to immigrants today is a big ask.

Those who think immigration is bad now are in for a shock. For them it’s going to get worse, and worse, and worse. We can safely predict much more immigration, not less. They’re quite inconsequential now as far as any vote on independence is concerned, but that will change, and unless the independence movement accommodates and wins them over, the independence movement is fucked.

That said, winning them over should be relatively easy. Who doesn’t want to hear a sympathetic Scottish voice telling them that they’re welcome here, this is your home, you have a future here, your kids will prosper here, and together we can do great things? That’s an easy sell.

And wasn’t that what Hope Over Fear was meant to be all about?

James Che



That They are not in.


Anton: “The quiet part said out loud by Hatuey, the Scots bred out of existence because they and their culture are of no importance. Cultural genocide is still classed as a crime against humanity.”

It’s not genocide if you do it to yourself. Most Scots don’t want to live in rain-soaked crofts, eating seaweed, moaning in Gaelic, etc.

More importantly, the idea that those you describe as Scots are of more intrinsic value as human beings than the non-Scots who live here is not a great foundation for fairness and equality, never mind nation-building.


Isn’t that Thatcherisim?

There is no such thing as society. There is no such thing as a country. There are no borders. Globalist bull? Lol

Like a hippy commune. Only not really. One fat cat creams off the control.

James Che

SALVO should pay attention to details, which Scots voted to join the treaty of union?
The UK parliament site even today distinguishes the line between those who signed up and the Scots Sovereign nation.


Hautey we could be here all day discussing it but I’ve done my bit for Scotland and Independence for today.

Gotta go! Things to do.

Gotta set my robots in motion to eat my carpet and clean the shit off my floors. Unfortunately the dishwasher loading robot has gone out to enjoy themselves. I’m the only robot who can work the sewing machine and sort out the Ikea curtains. Ikea are great good & cheap but the amount of work required after purchase kinda puts me off Ikea.

I never did woodwork & screwing at school that was just for the boys. I did do sewing and I’ve hung lots of curtains over the years but the whole Ikea system is something new.

By the time I’ve finished hanging the curtains & putting up the curtain tracks (all wonky) I will know how to do it. All will be well next time that is of course if I don’t destroy my notes have a memory lapse and am just not able to recall what I did this time around.

Bye for now.

James Che


The UK parliament in 2023 & 2024 defines the “Scots nation” as those in Scotland not included the 1707 treaty of Union.

And it is a insult to all Scottish people that you define them as backward race as if they were living in the 17th century conditions eating seaweed in rain soaked crofts.

That was below you’re intelligence.


We aren’t talking about immigrants.

We’re talking about our hostile neighbours moving in.


“Please imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?

This ladder is known as the Cantril Ladder. It’s used in a lot of studies as a simple way to ask people to rate their current satisfaction with life – or happiness. More than a million people worldwide have been asked this question, and the answers have been used to create the yearly Happiness Index..

..Gallup – the organization behind this enormous poll – interviews approximately 1,000 residents per country each year. Gallup interviews these people in over 150 countries around the world. These people are randomly selected, as long as they are registered civilians of the country (non-institutionalized) and aged 15 and older. Each respondent in this happiness survey is asked the same questions in his or her own language to produce statistically comparable results.”

Hal Martin

Hatuey said:

‘On that basis, the obvious country to look to for inspiration is the United States which, despite owing its economic growth and success to slavery and blood-soaked genocide, started to market itself as the home of the free around 1900.

Scotland has a similarly contentious history, when you think about it (let’s be honest, we were up to our knees in slavery and British imperialism), so, couldn’t Scotland also be a ‘New Colossus’?’

Holy Christ, man! America is a failed state! Its madness is spilling over and infecting the rest of the world. It’s the ABSOLUTE LAST PLACE that we should be looking to for except warnings about how to screw up a country in the future. Especially in the race stakes.

The yanks that own this fucking country on the down low are trying damned hard to turn us into a pal irritating imitative shadow of their hotel fire race relations, what with foisting all this ‘slavery/colonialism/white supremacist’ pish on us through their vassal figureheads recently, i.e. the SNP, but it will never quite work because any black or brown people who came here did not come here in chains.

This disarms a fundamental part of their divide-and-conquer mechanism versus America. I’m sure when they picked Halfwit Yousaf on that trip he made to America in 2007 they never foresaw the Hamas/Israel slaughter-cum-war that his wife, through him, has been crowing so loudly about recently, so he won’t be getting kept around much longer, but ye gods, man! Emulate America! That is the single worst suggestion I have EVER read on this lunatic-flecked BTL segment in my life. GET A GRIP. Try living there for a while and see how utterly broken and insane a country that is. I did. It was eye-opening. And terrifying.


“According to the Happiness Index of 2018, the happiest countries in the world are:

Finland (7,63)
Norway (7,59)
Denmark (7.56)
Iceland (7,50)
Switzerland (7,49)
Netherlands (7,44)
Canada (7,33)
New Zealand (7,32)
Sweden (7,31)
Australia (7,27)”

Nice to see former colonies of UK are happy now.

The unhappiest.

According to the Happiness Index of 2018, the happiest countries in the world are:



**More importantly, the idea that those you describe as Scots are of more intrinsic value as human beings than the non-Scots who live here is not a great foundation for fairness and equality, never mind nation-building.**

That is actually against international law.

Immigrants can’t just rock up & take over another country. Indigenous populations have protections in law.

& You seem oblivious that Scotland isn’t in control of its own immigration.

You also seem oblivious that immigrants voted No last time.
So did rUK. The Scots voted Yes but we’re outvoted out of their own constitution question & Statehood. Have we to try convince the English Scotland is a country cause they think it’s their backyard. Good luck convincing them that it isn’t.

There is also such a thing as international best practice & that’s not a free for all. Not even the UK allows that on its own elections.


Geoff 12:52

From your link:

“shadowy intelligence agency” is quietly investigating other fans.

You can bet they are. Removing Palestinian flags but allowing I*realis ones comes from somewhere in the bowels of these fa*cists who think they can enforce their ideology onto everyone else.



There is the self, the family, the community, the society, the country.
I think that is undeniable.
Scotland exists because we want it to exist. And England doesn’t want it.

Thatcher may have denied society exists whilst giving absolute priority to herself, her family, and her class.
She obviously lacked empathy, a sociopath, and like others of her stripe should not have been allowed anywhere near power.
We gave her that power.

If the power structure loses its pretend ‘democratic’ foundations. then the fat cats etc. must surely lose influence.

Thatcher may have liked to reference Adam Smith but she was really a Chicago/Austrian gouger.

“All for ourselves and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.”
Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations (1776)

Economics like politics,is a half-baked science but, Smith and Marx had more in common than with Friedman I think.

Political structures are broken.
New routes should be tested.

Andy Ellis

Did Ellis every respond to my post about his lie about Stu not reading BTL posts in the last six years.

It’s a direct quote from Rev Stu to me via messages on Twitter. Happy to post screen shots for anyone interested if they supply a way to display it: or you know, you can ask Stu for confirmation.

The trouble with accusing folk of lying when they have receipts is that it bites you in the arse when your bluff is called.



The structure won’t ever change, imo.
England has it rigged.
People that don’t even live in the UK can vote in UK elections & referendums. Ex pats. All they need is an address & a postal vote & as we seen with Brexshit – the English love their ballot papers & make full use of them.

A completely different outlook & worldview.

Overseas voters..

English – where’s my postal vote? I hope it’s in on time. BoJo is a character eh? I’m off down the town to tell the locals where they’re going wrong.

Scots – ach, it’s for the people who live there to decide. Where’s my Pina colada? Pass the sunscreen – I’ll burn. Lol

Scotland has 56 seats. As already demonstrated, even full up the Scots get absolutely nowhere in Westminster.


O/T: Good news on the Mowi fish farm case – Edinburgh High Court hearing has resulted in Mowi withdrawing some of their claims e.g. that no-one be allowed within 15 metres of the cages, and that no-one be allowed to fly drones over them.

BUT the case hasn’t finished yet. See today’s report on YOURS FOR SCOTLAND.

Crowdfunder is at £4245 of £25000.



The head of the (SNIB) is marred in scandals, and he was appointed as chair of the bank without any oversight or regulations from any government watchdog.

Read this to see the full picture.

link to

The banks people.

link to

A snippet of the banks remit.

“The Bank invests in Scottish business, projects and communities to deliver environmental, social and financial returns for the people of Scotland.

Investments in debt and equity are made on commercial terms based on the needs of individual projects or businesses. The Bank seeks to invest widely and diversely, and approaches every opportunity on an individual basis, so that the financing offered is tailored to the needs of the individual business or project seeking support.

The Bank invests in businesses based in Scotland, projects based in Scotland, or businesses seeking to move to Scotland. Typically the Bank will invest in businesses and projects seeking more than £1m in investment support (debt or equity).”

Why do I get the feeling that Scottish taxpayers cash is being used to enrich the corporate sector in Scotland with vey little in revenue finding it way back into social projects in Scotland.

Andy Ellis

You also seem oblivious that immigrants voted No last time.
So did rUK. The Scots voted Yes but we’re outvoted out of their own constitution question & Statehood. Have we to try convince the English Scotland is a country cause they think it’s their backyard. Good luck convincing them that it isn’t.

There is also such a thing as international best practice & that’s not a free for all. Not even the UK allows that on its own elections.

Odd that some folk think international best practice only works one way, huh? International best practice in self determination referendums is for pretty open, residence based franchises, not nativist birthright franchises.

Still raging against the machine? Here’s the evidence:

1. Quebec 1980: All Canadian citizens residing in Quebec.

2. Quebec 1995: All Canadian citizens residing in Quebec.

3. Slovenia 1990: All Slovenian citizens (deemed to be all holders of Yugoslav internal citizenship cards resident in Slovenia, irrespective of birthplace or nationality).

4. Lithuania 1991: Nationals of Lithuania, including those resident before the USSR invasion of 1940 & their descendants, plus any Soviet citizens resident in Lithuania who renounced Soviet nationality. Soviet soldiers in Lithuania were excluded.

5. Estonia 1991: All residents with a permanent Soviet resident card in Estonia in 1991. (i.e. including all USSR citizens planted there since 1945).

6. Latvia 1991: All residents with a permanent Soviet resident card in Estonia in 1991. (i.e. including all USSR citizens planted there since 1945).

7. Macedonia 1991: All Macedonian citizens (deemed to be all holders of Yugoslav internal citizenship cards resident in Macedonia, irrespective of birthplace or nationality). Qualifying citizens abroad could vote.

8. Ukraine 1991: All residents of Ukraine. Soviet soldiers stationed in Ukraine were allowed to vote.

9. Bosnia & Hercegovina 1992: Yugosalv citizens who had established permanent residency in B&H.

10. East Timor 1999: those born in East Timor. Anyone not born there but with a parent who was born there. Individuals whose spouse was born in East Timor or whose parent-in-law was born in East Timor.

11. Montenegro 2006: Individuals with a minimum 24-month residency and nationality of the Serb-Montenegrin state.

12. South Sudan 2011: All permanent residents of South Sudan or those whose parents or grandparents were permanent residents since 1956.

13. Scotland 2014: Residents in Scotland with British nationality, or Commonwealth or EU nationality.

14. Catalonia 2014: Residents in Catalonia with Spanish nationality, EU nationality, EEA nationality or Swiss nationality.

Andy Ellis

You also seem oblivious that immigrants voted No last time.
So did rUK. The Scots voted Yes but we’re outvoted out of their own constitution question & Statehood. Have we to try convince the English Scotland is a country cause they think it’s their backyard. Good luck convincing them that it isn’t.

There is also such a thing as international best practice & that’s not a free for all. Not even the UK allows that on its own elections.

Odd that some folk think international best practice only works one way, huh? International best practice in self determination referendums is for pretty open, residence based franchises, not nativist birthright franchises.

Still raging against the machine? Here’s the evidence:

1. Quebec 1980: All Canadian citizens residing in Quebec.

2. Quebec 1995: All Canadian citizens residing in Quebec.

3. Slovenia 1990: All Slovenian citizens (deemed to be all holders of Yugoslav internal citizenship cards resident in Slovenia, irrespective of birthplace or nationality).

4. Lithuania 1991: Nationals of Lithuania, including those resident before the USSR invasion of 1940 & their descendants, plus any Soviet citizens resident in Lithuania who renounced Soviet nationality. Soviet soldiers in Lithuania were excluded.

5. Estonia 1991: All residents with a permanent Soviet resident card in Estonia in 1991. (i.e. including all USSR citizens planted there since 1945).

6. Latvia 1991: All residents with a permanent Soviet resident card in Estonia in 1991. (i.e. including all USSR citizens planted there since 1945).

7. Macedonia 1991: All Macedonian citizens (deemed to be all holders of Yugoslav internal citizenship cards resident in Macedonia, irrespective of birthplace or nationality). Qualifying citizens abroad could vote.

8. Country 404 1991: All residents of Country 404. Soviet soldiers stationed in the country were allowed to vote.

9. Bosnia & Hercegovina 1992: Yugosalv citizens who had established permanent residency in B&H.

10. East Timor 1999: those born in East Timor. Anyone not born there but with a parent who was born there. Individuals whose spouse was born in East Timor or whose parent-in-law was born in East Timor.

11. Montenegro 2006: Individuals with a minimum 24-month residency and nationality of the Serb-Montenegrin state.

12. South Sudan 2011: All permanent residents of South Sudan or those whose parents or grandparents were permanent residents since 1956.

13. Scotland 2014: Residents in Scotland with British nationality, or Commonwealth or EU nationality.

14. Catalonia 2014: Residents in Catalonia with Spanish nationality, EU nationality, EEA nationality or Swiss nationality.


I’d like to see the screenshot for context.

Were you off clyping again?

No doubt how his site has gone to shite since no one agrees with your views.

As for Alba

They’ll go nowhere because they’re not listening. No one is interested in sending anyone to Westminster. The *We’ll convince them & hold them to account* has been well and truly trounced.

Turning up there is for a fun day out & we’ve had 10 years of Noddy’s on a bus wankers tour to park their arse on green leather & wonder whits fir lunch & the APP to the kit Kat supply.

Andy Ellis

Thatcher may have liked to reference Adam Smith but she was really a Chicago/Austrian gouger.

Agreed. The Leaderene is however also famous for remarking (as quoted in her biography “the Downing Street Years” 1993:

As a nation, they have an undoubted right to national self-determination; thus far they have exercised that right by joining and remaining in the Union.

Should they determine on independence no English party or politician would stand in their way, however much we might regret their departure. What the Scots (nor indeed the English) cannot do, however, is to insist upon their own terms for remaining in the Union, regardless of the views of the others.

If the rest of the United Kingdom does not favour devolved government, then the Scottish nation may seek to persuade the rest of us of its virtues; it may even succeed in doing so; but it cannot claim devolution as a right of nationhood inside the Union.



Not migrant workers.
Not holiday homes.
Not landlords with 50 houses.
Not Students.
Not People who’ve just arrived 5 minutes ago.

Which bit are you stuck on?


You continually go off on a tangent about blood & soil.
Top tip – stop listening to yourself.

No one is talking blood & soil except YOU.

We are discussing RESIDENCY. 15 years +

Scattered throughout all of your examples are RESIDENT. Now go & look for how long..

I’ll bet it wasn’t people who were on a wee day trip & thought it’d be fun to vote in another country’s referendum. D’oh!


Andy Ellis
4 February, 2024 at 3:24 pm

Did Ellis every respond to my post about his lie about Stu not reading BTL posts in the last six years.

It’s a direct quote from Rev Stu to me via messages on Twitter. Happy to post screen shots for anyone interested if they supply a way to display it: or you know, you can ask Stu for confirmation.

The trouble with accusing folk of lying when they have receipts is that it bites you in the arse when your bluff is called.

I think he was pulling your leg? Why may I ask were you asking if he had read the posts BTL on Wings.

Were you clyping again.

Have you actually read these posts from the usual suspects Stu? They are swearing and subjecting me to all kinds of personal abuse. It’s just not fair!

Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and tell me you have never seen a post BTL from Stu in the last six years.

I’ve seen loads I have even received a couple or three myself.

Can you explain how Stu responds to posts without reading them. Does he have an assistant or maybe the Emergency Kitten or his wee rats do it.

Can you ask Stu on my behalf please I don’t do Twitter.

Have you bothered him a lot with questions like that?

Are you the person who prompted him to make the X Ignore thingy active?

Do you not feel miffed that Stu isn’t reading your posts?

He was reading all my posts when I was serving my PMT.
(maybe he skipped a few who knows)

I think he decided to release me because he was so bored with my daily input.

There is proof of him reading my posts somewhere on this forum. Screen shots not necessary just a link to the post.
I think it said something like I AM BUSY! Your PM time has just been increased.

That was when I asked him if I might be released at Christmas. Pretty please!

If you really insist I will find it for you dear. Yes dear I will.


4 February, 2024 at 4:05 pm

I’d like to see the screenshot for context.

Were you off clyping again?

Snap Geri!

Great minds think alike.


& just to give context regarding Alba.

I watched Scotland Speaks this morning. Heavily edited so I don’t know what reception Neale received but from the snippet it appears their own support & YES movement in the audience wasn’t very enthusiastic about turning up to Westminster.

& No one can blame them. We’ve bought those apples before..
Utterly pointless. They’re preaching to empty seats. What exactly would they achieve? Zip.

George Ferguson

The Sunday Times all over what the rest of us have known for some time. The failure of the Scottish Civil Service and our Public Institutions to check and balance the excesses of an out of control Scottish Executive and Leglisative body. Many criminal acts have occurred. During a Calculus lesson at school I learned the difference between differentiation and integration. And we are in dire need of some integration. Irrespective of your take on Constitutional matters some healing needs to occur. We can’t go on like this. Our Public Services are falling apart. We have reached a low point and are at a Crossroad. I hope the Scottish people make the right decisions. It’s still in our hands.


@Andy Ellis

Were not Canadian and Australian votes about adopting constitutional change i.e independence to which the UK had already given consent in principle?

The people knew or could discover what major constitutional changes they were voting for, unlike in 2014.

And did not Australia restrict the franchise and Canada too? No native Canadians or Australians had the vote?

Andy Ellis

Geri, I’m writing this slowly in crayon so your tiny mind can try and take it in. The residence criteria in the list were that the franchise was given to ALL those resident at the time of the referendums. It didn’t matter where they were from, or if they were born in the places holding the referendums, or (except in isolated cases like Montenegro which has a 24 month residence hurdle) how long they’d lived there: they were given the vote just as they were in Scotland in 2014.

There’s SFA evidence that students, second home owners or out of country postal voters had any impact. Feel free to post your evidence otherwise. The nativist blut und boden Schutzstaffel of course are determined to introduce residence criteria of at least 5 and often 10 or longer years before furriners get a vote. Nobody else has ever done this, but apparently it’ll be fine if we do it because *reasons*.

Total claptrap of course: the international community would never stand for it. Even in the unlikely event Scots somehow get off their knewws and did what the moonhowlers want, we’d end up like the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus without the sun, and without a big brother like Turkey to protect our pretendy independence.


Stu still posts. He was probably just trying to get rid of him.

Sure, he posted just a few weeks ago to give ASS his jotters lol

Also on the Nukes thread Mac posted yesterday.

Maybe he has a double..


“ As a nation, they have an undoubted right to national self-determination” (Thatcher)
56 out of 59 seats seems like, at least, worth testing by plebiscite.

Leon Brittan, I understand, did say back in 1988, that if the SNP won the majority of seats (in Scotland) in successive elections, then Scotland could go Independent.

Perfidious Albion.

To paraphrase Hilda ‘ Every First Minister needs a pair of balls’

But, in truth, castr4tion is really the way out.

Andy Ellis


Yes, though I’m not that familiar with the history of the process of independence of the Dominions. From memory in the case of Australia, Westminster passed legislation giving them de jure control over defence and foreign policy in the 1930’s, but the Australian federal parliament didn’t adopt it de facto until 1942 when it ratified the Statute of Westminster.

I doubt aboriginal people even had the vote, or were numerous enough to make any difference if they had.


“We’re talking about our hostile neighbours moving in.”

It’s basically a myth, Geri. I’ve posted the numbers from 2018/2019 (the last year of reliable figures before covid contorted everything.

We lost in 2014 because we didn’t convince enough Scots, in particular women and old people.

I don’t see how ethnic nationalist arguments are going to help us. In the future these arguments will absolutely destroy us because it is inevitable that the proportion of those that are being dismissed as mere immigrants is going to increase.

These sort of arguments don’t sit well with me anyway. They’re basically the same arguments the National Front used in 1974.

I’d rather sit with Thatcher and those that believed in free trade and the free movement of people than sit with the likes of Oswald Mosley.

James Che: “it is an insult to all Scottish people that you define them as backward race as if they were living in the 17th century conditions eating seaweed in rain soaked crofts.”

I don’t care if it’s an insult. I’ve got relatives from the Highlands and Islands; they’ve had houses built for them and everything.

It’s an insult that we are supposed to value their way of life any more than we value the lives of those that live in cities. The difference is their insult costs us millions of pounds where my insults are free.


“ Yes, though I’m not that familiar with the history of the process of independence of the Dominions.”
– Ellis

The expert on everything had his bluff called. Well done Sam!

Knowledge of the Law is, generally, a bluff.
Like fiat currency, the Law only has value as long as people believe it has power.

Robert Hughes

Kenny MacAskill

” …..there are people there ( WM ) who want WW3 ……. we’re not going into needless wars , we’re not bombing people who are the poorest on the planet ” . Well said , that man .

What has ALBA ” founder member ” Ellis got to say about that , I wonder ?

Sure , any mature , confident Party should be able to contain disparate – even opposing – views ; but we’re not talking about the price of a pint of milk here .

The horrible bastards in and around the UK Gov – & it’s pathetic , paper tiger * Opposition * – having failed at everything other than the almost total wreckage of the UK Economy and presided over the sharp decline in the standard of living of the populace , are now doing what every such degenerate government does when their pathological stupidity and selfishness becomes ceaseless , irreversible calamity … begin beating the drums of war . This is where we’re at now .

Thank fuck someone – in this instance , Kenny – is at least addressing this obscenity .

Forget all the other reasons why Scottish Independence is of supreme importance and is URGENTLY required . We must resist this insane momentum for what could , truly , be ” the War to end all War ” : Better called ” The War to end all Humanity “.

I have a son of ” fighting age ” , and to hear fuckn cowards ( what else can you call those inciting the horror of war on others knowing they themselves will not be called-up ? ” shitebags ” will do just as well ) on here , on MSM , WM etc braying for the blood of others on some warped , brazenly untruthful pretext makes my blood boil and disgusts me in equal measure

So-called Independence supporters joining in this cacophonous death dirge are worthy of nothing but contempt .

Have they learned nothing ?

Andy Ellis

@Robert Hughes

I’d say that Kenny is entitled to his opinion, and I’m entitled to mine. As far as I’m aware, Alba doesn’t require slavish obedience to the pronouncements of one of its MPs.

Nice try though. I’m not sure what your point is exactly: are we obliged to agree with every party policy? I must not have gotten that memo. Is it unique to Alba, or does it apply to all parties? I don’t remember the SNP – for all it’s faults – demanding absolute obedience either, however bad things got with the Twitler Youth & TRA extremists within the party.

Doubtless there are things I disagree with the majority of Alba members and other things where my views represent the majority. There were plenty of folk in the SNP who were against NATO membership, but the lost. Similarly polls tell us a third of Scottish Labour voters support independence, which is likely to be reflected in the membership too, even if not to the same degree.

There are obviously a fair view Alba members who buy in to the nativist franchise restriction BS for example, even though the leadership has poured cold water on the idea and have much more in common with the views expressed ages ago by Rev Stu on twitter about what a crap idea it was, and how it would probably cost the movement support.


@Andy Ellis

My point is that, in referendums for their independence, it seems Canada and Australia chose franchises that excluded numbers of people who were resident in both countries.

A different point with regard to not only these two countries but most, is that when given the opportunity to know what the constitutional change means most people choose, often overwhelmingly, independence.

Andy Ellis


I don’t think “whites only” dominions like Canada, Australia and New Zealand are particularly good comparators really. If by excluding “some people” you mean the aboriginal inhabitants, it’s hardly the same thing as the fervid imaginings of the nativist moonhowlers in here about us being swamped by furriners.

The fact remains that when given the chance to gain their independence, only 52% of native born Scots could be arsed to vote for independence: it’s hardly a Norwegian style 99% Yes vote as in their 1905 referendum on independence from Sweden is it?

Even the turnout – whilst relative high at 84.6% – was still several points lower than either Quebec referendum.

Of course it’s always possible that given the omnishambles of UK governance since 2014, and the now laughable promises of “the Vow” quite a few former No voters may be experiencing buyer’s remorse, particularly EU voters.

Time will tell. I doubt we really have to worry about it much until 2026 at the earliest the way things are going.

Andy Ellis


If you’re such an expert on the issue of the independence of the Dominions from Imperial rule John, then let’s hear it.

Otherwise, wind yer neck in.


I think that we have clearly established that Governments rig votes.

Anybody got any remedies?


“56 out of 59 seats seems like, at least, worth testing by plebiscite.”


The first step to dissolving this union is for our MPs not to take up their seats, by attending at Westminster our MPs only give credibility and dominion over Scotland to the parliament in a foreign country.

Sadly most of our MPs are careerists and some are grifters who have settled nicely into the Westminster fold and they’re making a good living out of it.

John Main

Robert Hughes

When WW3 really kicks off, will it give us a miss if we have been good?

Do you really believe that bad things only happen to bad people? And have you bigged up that belief in yer heid so that really bad things only happen to bad nations?

Boy, do you have some surprises coming.

As for your “almost total wreckage of the UK economy”, get a grip on yourself, man.

The War and Covid have affected our economy, as it has affected the economies of every nation on earth. Net Zero is taking another chunk, but that’s self inflicted. Allowing a bunch of jihadist nut jobs to disrupt world trade is taking another chunk. Maybes some grown up nations will deal with that – if it doesn’t happen, plenty of other nut jobs will be queuing up to have a go.

If you truly believe that Indy will magically exempt us from whatever nastinesses are coming at us, well, words fail me.



Let me put mine in bold crayons so you understand.. you do not speak the truth.

‘Spain – Catalonia doesn’t allow foreigners to vote in elections. It’s 18 years RESIDENCY to be eligible to vote’

So you are talking bollocks as usual & that’s just one on your list that I actually googled. We actually don’t even need to look abroad. I’m sure the UK is 10 years residency.

Back to school for you & don’t bother trying to worm out of it.


**Unlike local and European elections, foreign residents from the European Union and nationals from the 13 countries that Spain has a bilateral voting agreement are not allowed to vote in general elections.

While this is a big event for the entirety of Spain, there are some, like Santiago Carbajal, who have a reason to be even more excited.

After living in Barcelona for 18 years after moving from Uruguay, Carbajal can finally vote in an election than that on a local or European level.**

What?! CaIl the police!! Andy says that’s not true, no siree. ANYONE living there can vote, he said. No residence restrictions, he said.. you just rock up, he said..


John Main

@Hats 5:04

“It is inevitable …”

Naw, it’s nae.

Everybody, regardless of their views on Indy, needs to unite to fight back against the weasel words of those who claim that immigration is inevitable.

And everybody, regardless of their views on Indy, needs to be deeply suspicious of those who peddle the lie.

Andy Ellis


General Elections are not self determination referendums. The franchise and electoral registers used for general elections and self determination referendums are NOT the same.

Which part of this don’t you get?

Who to believe, some nativist rando displaying their spectacular ignorance and refusal to do the research BTL on WoS, or the two Catalan academics who compiled the report on franchises in self determination referendums for the University of Girona in Catalonia.

link to

Doubtless alert readers will be able to decide for themselves.



Spot on. It’s only giving it legitimacy.

I see no point unless they don’t take their seats.

We’ve already established, over 10 yrs that..

1. They preach to an empty chamber.
2. The Bain Principle is applied cross party.
3. That anything they submit will be voted down.
4. They won’t get to speak on anything until everyone is away home.
5. Mocked & made fun of is mocking Scotland. They’re not court Jester & it’s beyond embarrassing if they think that gets us anywhere.
6. They only allowed an indyref in 2014 because the polling was so low. They were nearly gubbed & broke purdah in the last week. They won’t make that mistake again. Hence our new roomies moving in to fck up our elections, refs & plebasite if there is one..the plebs on here already ignoring a stitch up of any plebasite..Zzzzz

Alba need to change the record or they’ll get nowhere, fast.

George Ferguson

@John Main 6:23pm
When I was a primary school child during the Cuban Missile crisis all of my teachers were crying. The World was going to end. It didn’t happen and neither will WW3. Thanks to a Tabitha focus instead of a white male Tommy focus we couldn’t field a division now. And no wonder when diversity takes priority over reality. I concern myself with why industrial scale criminality has occurred in Scotland and nobody has been charged. Does the law apply to me but not thee?


@Dead Sheep
I claim no definitive knowledge on vague concepts such as Law, Economics or constitutional rights, concepts such as you pretend to totally understand.
Yourself and Genocide John wish to pollute this website with ignorant opinion, well, that is apparently acceptable.
I merely wish to point out your incompetencies on these subjects.

Having said that, Law is a make believe construct, a code run by people who understand the code for the rest of us to obey.
It can be subject to change on a whim (UNIDROIT?) without consultation.
Yet mugs such as yourself, who do not apparently know this, will always turn up to defend it.

You are wise to avoid specifics. Australian, Canadian, Indian, Pakistani, Ugandan, S. African etc. etc
nationalities may fry your imperialist sensibilities.

‘Pretensiøs onanerer‘ as they say in Norway


Robert Hughes is entirely correct, especially when he describes the cheerleaders as cowards. Technically double-cowards since as Robert says they themselves won’t be on the frontline, but also because they are scared to face the psychopathic truth of what the US-UK-Zionist axis of evil is doing.

And the truth is they’ve basically declared war on the people of the Middle East. Don’t let a few ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, or anyone else distract you from that or the real underlying cause of all this: oil. Nobody will be surprised if you see some of those ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s getting overthrown in the next few weeks.

I asked the other day why we should refer to the bombing of Yemen as the bombing of Houthis. Nobody answered, so let me explain….

The Houthis control about 90% of Yemen and have popular support. Because they don’t control the whole 100%, the west refers to them as Houthis (the idea being that they are some backward militia with no legitimacy).

Here’s the kicker though; the parts of Yemen that the a Houthis don’t control are the only oil rich parts which have been basically stolen by the west and its cohorts in the region. When I say stolen, I mean taken and held by military force, of course.

And that’s why the Yemeni people are amongst the poorest in the world and in desperate need of Aid which is being used, as is often the case, as leverage. It’s hardly surprising that they feel solidarity with the people of Gaza who have been similarly dispossessed.

The ICJ ruling basically exonerated the Yemenis stance with regards to Israel-bound ships going into the Red Sea. They were right and they deserve recognition for that. Instead they are getting bombed.


Scotland is voting on her constitution arrangement.
Whether she returns to being an independent country.
Whether she ends HER treaty with England.

This isn’t some council election where ppl can be flippant over who they think will play nice on the day.

It’s a vote for Scotland & her nationhood.

Not holiday homes.
Or students.
Or migrant workers picking fruit who is away hame at the end of the month.

The only one mentioning blood & soil bullshit is Ellis.
The rest of us are talking about the franchise being changed to RESIDENCY Like every other normal country does.


Well the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban eventually succumbed to pressure from the Italian and French presidents to sign-off on the EU’s funding for a Eastern European nation, their was talk that the EU was going to try impact upon the Hungarian economy reducing it somehow, (an FT report) but now Orban has signed-off on the huge 50 billions Euro budget for Eastern European nation that plan might not happen now.

I feel sorry for the ordinary citizens of the EU their governments have put their needs to the back, whilst the needs of the Eastern European nation are at the fore, its as if they don’t care about their own citizens, they are in government and they’ll do what they want with the taxpayers cash.

The predicament of the poor farmers of Europe springs to mind.


I looked both up on the Spanish Electoral commission.

Both are based on residency.

18 years in fact & that’s just to vote in an election. One step up from a council election.

If Spain’s constitution was up for debate/referendum you can bet yer arse only Spain would get the vote.

Andy Ellis


Your furious straw manning isn’t helping what passes for your argument. Your lack of basic never mind definitive knowledge goes without saying, but good to have your admission nonetheless. I’ve never claimed total understanding of any subject, nor would I do so. That’s just deflection from your inability to address issues.

I don’t have any pretensions, imperial or otherwise. Unlike too many in here I live in the real world, not the intellectual equivalent of the back bedroom in ma Mammy’s hoose, sitting in my kecks eating Cheerios from the box.


Oh dear.

USA to give

I*real – $17.5 billion to replenish weapons.

404 – Nil points. Nada. Zilch. Not even mentioned. Bye! Cee ya!


Why do goldfish swim in this bowl!

“I don’t have any pretensions, imperial or otherwise.“ – Ellis

John Main

@George Ferguson 6:52

Thanks for your reply.

If you ever look at the Mail Online site, there’s a fascinating article on at the moment about the tremendous strides that have been taken over the past couple of years in drone technology. Current advances are in FPV (First Person View) drones, in which a human operator directly flies the drone herself, and sees in real time on her Virtual Reality headset, exactly what the drone is seeing. Thus, the cheap disposable drone actually flies and fights as if it has the best computer known to human kind, the human brain, on board.

These things are absolutely deadly to those they are deployed against, but the point to note is that Tabitha can pilot them completely effectively against Tommy!

In the current wars, it won’t always be coming down to brute force, even on the front lines.

You are completely right about the lack of movement on the criminal charges front. Even if the foot dragging was planned to allow time for the perps to destroy the evidence, they have had all the time they need. If the intention is to drag it out until after the WM GE, I wonder why.


@Andy Ellis

The point I made which you are avoiding is that countries do get to choose their own voting franchise. It’s nothing to do with comparators.

I think that for a part of the independence process Australia excluded native Australians and women.

The 2014 vote is likely to have been different in outcome had the people voting known with some certainty what an independent Scotland would look like.


When Genocide John starts with the obsequious ’Thanks for you reply’, it’s clear she is on the back foot, trying to form alliances.
Feeling a bit unwanted Jack?

John Main

@Hats 6:56

“The Hotties have popular support”

Naw, they divnae.

What they do have though, is the same attitude to their fellow country folks as Hamas has to the Palestinians. Human shields and acceptable sacrifices for jihad, and if the gullible westerners want to shower billions on humanitarian aid to the non-combatants, then all the more dosh available to them to spend on RPGs, Kalashnikovs and missiles at the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) bazar.

There’s few of them, if any, who would sacrifice the cost of a machine gun round to save one of their own civilians from starvation.

Hats isn’t a genuine poster here. If he were, I could point out to him the belated realisation that dawned on poor old CM around November last year. Puzzling over just why Arab governments all over the ME have been mostly keeping their heads down, he worked out for himself that they mostly want all the jihadi nut jobs; Hamas, Hottie, Hisbolla, etc eliminated.

They can’t do it themselves. They can’t believe their luck that they can get the west to do it for them, they can blame the west, and they can still get to go on safely virtue signalling about our Satanic ways, while the western aid flows in to keep their populations sweet.

There’s scarcely a government anywhere outside of the Orc-FGM axis that won’t be celebrating when the deranged nihilists are wiped out.

My enemy’s enemy is my friend, as they say in that part of the world.

George Ferguson

@John Main 7:33pm
For a millenia boots on the ground held territory. Drones can never do that. Of course things change in warfare. You put your faith in Tabitha to fly the drone. Zelensky is struggling from the change of positional warfare to new technologies. You must think a single division with Tabitha on the drones will save the day. That’s a big gamble.


Hatuey said;

“I don’t see how ethnic nationalist arguments are going to help us. In the future these arguments will absolutely destroy us because it is inevitable that the proportion of those that are being dismissed as mere immigrants is going to increase.

These sort of arguments don’t sit well with me anyway. They’re basically the same arguments the National Front used in 1974.”

I disagree with you about the ethnic nationalist arguments, because in Scotland’s case the arguments are not about the pros and cons of nationalism as such, they’re actually about ownership, and specifically about the ownership of Scotland’s sovereignty, because its owners are the native Scots, in particular Scotland’s native electorate.

Under Scotland’s own constitution, the Scots are the true owners of Scotland’s sovereignty, and of its territory, and being sovereign, their collective decision is absolutely authoritative in and for Scotland, because that’s what sovereignty means. If you doubt that, ask Westminster, it knows all about sovereignty.

As such, in any plebiscite in Scotland concerning a constitutional matter like independence, their sovereignty becomes directly relevant and fully engaged, and that then means their sovereign majority decision cannot be overturned by any other body, even that of a larger non-sovereign vote. Scotland’s sovereigns are fully entitled to expect and demand respect for their own sovereign decisions in their own sovereign territory.

If they vote Yes, but a larger majority of non-sovereigns votes No, the sovereign decision is the one that must prevail. So there would be little point in the non-sovereigns voting in the first place.

So for the franchise for an independence plebiscite or referendum, the real question comes down to identifying just which voters in Scotland’s electorate are the actual sovereigns who are entitled to such a vote, and which are not, and that is a serious discussion that we have yet to formally undertake.

Andy Ellis


I’m not avoiding it at all, I’m simply pointing out what makes it more likely that the Scottish people get a change to vote for independence, and that the chances of that being recognised internationally are maximised or virtually automatic.

The Scottish government could if it was mad enough announce that the franchise was to be restricted to ginger people, or people whose surnames began with Mac or Mc. It would be as likely to be successful as announcing that – as some have called for – only native born Scots should get to vote, or nobody who had less than 10 or 15 or some other random years of residence.

It is to do with comparators in as much as independence without recognition is pointless. using a “non-standard” franchise will adversely affect the chances of international recognition.

I don’t disagree with your last paragraph. The trick is to convince enough people that the benefits of independence now outweigh the risks and that the costs of independence are smaller than those of remaining part of the union. That didn’t work in 2014: it must surely be a different ball game given the events of the past 9 years?

That being said, it doesn’t look like much will happen before 2026 anyway. The SNP loyal still need to be disabused of their remaining faith that they’ll somehow deliver.

John Main

RoS 7:03

The people forming the governments of the eastern nations of the EU have expert knowledge of how they can expect to fare if the Orcs invade their country.

Death, imprisonment, show trials – it’s the Russti way.

As for the ordinary people, they know that some of them will do OK if they collaborate, while others may simply disappear without trace. Again, they have expert knowledge of this, they can ask their grandparents about it. Active disobedience, educational qualifications, or a track record of nationalist support. All these can get you “disappeared” for re-education. Be thankful you live here, RoS, over there you are a target.

I’m not believing that any of this is news to you. I am intensely curious at your persistence in denying it as reality. I don’t expect you to ever admit your true agenda, but am happy to draw my own conclusions.

Big Jock
fruitella the hun


“The predicament of the poor farmers of Europe springs to mind.”

No one with land is poor. I’m sure about that.


Genocide John post
“ What they do have though, is the same attitude to their fellow country folks as Hamas has to the Palestinians. Human shields and acceptable sacrifices for jihad, and if the gullible westerners want to shower billions on humanitarian aid to the non-combatants, then all the more dosh available to them to spend on RPGs, Kalashnikovs and missiles at the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) bazar.”

17 billion dollars just released to Zionist agent isntrael.
Isntraeli use of human shields under the ’good neighbour operation’ are ok apparently .
link to


Xaracen “So for the franchise for an independence plebiscite or referendum, the real question comes down to identifying just which voters in Scotland’s electorate are the actual sovereigns who are entitled to such a vote, and which are not, and that is a serious discussion that we have yet to formally undertake.”

As I read that comment, I hoped you’d finish with something like the above. I also hoped that you’d get down to brass tacks and answer those questions for us. These are important matters, you are right, but you didn’t even broach them.

So, please tell us; who are to be the ubermenschen and who are the untermenschen? On what basis are you making that sort of decision? And, most importantly, who is making that decision? I want to know.


John Main @ 8.10 PM. When I was a schoolboy in 1956 I remember the whole world was amazed when the citizens of Budapest fought the Red Army with pistols,rifles, petrol bombs and live electric cables flung across streets. The Sunday Post had a headline that Ferenc Puskas had fled to Austria. I wonder what the elderly rebels make of their children and grandchildren voting for Urban.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 8.10 pm

I’m not believing that any of this is news to you. I am intensely curious at your persistence in denying it as reality. I don’t expect you to ever admit your true agenda, but am happy to draw my own conclusions.

Interestingly given the MO of some of the usual suspects in here, it’s not that hard to discern why they prefer the safety of anonymity, while noisily complaining about anyone questioning their motives.

The views of many of them are either close to or functionally indistinguishable from those of Dawn Queva, the BBC Researcher who was just TEPed by Auntie for her hate speech.

Quite right too. A few of the folk in here ought to be making sure their employers don’t find out their real identities I reckon.

link to

Andy Ellis

@Cherrybank 9.02pm

I wonder what the elderly rebels, or most Scots for that matter, make of the fluffers for Uncle Vlad who infest BTL comments here?

We all know they’re just the modern equivalent of those declaring in 1956 that the Hungarian fascists had it coming.

Plus ça change….


Nice of the Commies to invade Hungary when the zionists were wrecking the Suez canal


Ellis, can you show me examples of the posts you say are “close to or functionally indistinguishable from those of Dawn Queva”?

I know there are some who’d say any reference to the massacre of unarmed Palestinians by Israel is antisemitism but the ICJ judgement seems to have somewhat fudged that argument.

So, where is the antisemitism you refer to?

Is it just more hollow bullshit from a guy whose views are “close to or functionally indistinguishable” from a whelk farts?


Bad news Ellis!

Concrete trucks are not classed as anti Semitic. ( currently)
Posted by ADL supported Fullfact (currently)(allegedly)

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

JJ Burnel of the Stranglers is interviewed in The Herald.

link to

In the article, he states, on the subject of Scottish independence,

““I’ll get criticised for it, but I think there’s more that binds Scotland to the island than doesn’t.

“I think it’s a bit unnatural. For instance, Ireland will eventually be one country, one state, because it’s not natural for an island to be split up, you know? It’s kind of an unnatural thing.””

Public figures should check their facts before they utter nonsense. Great Britain, the island, is already split between two countries/kingdoms, Scotland and England. What binds Scotland to Great Britain is geology not any sense of being part of a greater England, often confused by those south of the border with the UK and Great Britain.

George Ferguson

@Brian Doonthetooon 10:31pm
I hope it is not impertinent to ask how your health is?. I myself is still waiting on Surgery. Approaching a year on the waiting list. The SNHS has this all covered. Humza cunning plan on an A4 sheet of paper. The reality of a failed State. At the moment your situation is more important than mine. I wish you well.

John Main

Brian DTT

You forgot Wales.

John Main

@Hats 9:50

The boy who was posting on here around a week ago that all stories of innocent conflict casualties are fabricated propaganda to reel in the gullible certainly seems close in bias and sickness to the fragrant Dawn.

The name will come back to me eventually. Something combining pretentious and cultural misappropriation if I recall correctly.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi George.

The chemo side effects really kicked in 3-4 weeks ago. becoming breathless too easy, tired all the time, taking medication to suppress nausea.
Chemo finished this week and no appointments in February so far, except CT scan on 28th. Hopefully chemo side effects will start to subside.

George Ferguson

@Brian Doonthetoon 11:52pm
I am heartbroken to hear of your circumstances. You haven’t been posting on Wings recently so I knew something was amiss. Stay Strong and Survive. Best wishes from a Dundee United supporter.


John Main, I have no clue what you are referring to. You should try and write clearly instead of trying to sound clever — you aren’t clever enough to sound clever.

If you were referring to my views on immigrants and ethnic nationalism, consider that it’s probably best that you got to hear it from someone you love.


Sorry to read that Brian.



**The Scottish government could if it was mad enough announce that the franchise was to be restricted to ginger people, or people whose surnames began with Mac or Mc. It would be as likely to be successful as announcing that – as some have called for – only native born Scots should get to vote, or nobody who had less than 10 or 15 or some other random years of residence.**

How to completely twist what people say.

A set period of Residence is completely NORMAL to take part in a country’s elections.

Tell the group – have you sent a strenuously worded letter of complaint to the UK government about their own rules on residency? Or is just Scotland you have angst with? It’s just Scotland that’s to be different for some unknown reason?

Scotland will change the franchise because it is open to abuse & is election interference to dilute the vote. Nothing will happen in 2026 but another Yoon government. You’ll be perfectly fine with that because you are a bad actor masquerading as an indy supporter & your stereotypical slurs against Scots prove.

If I remember correctly you were a naw voters last time. Typical. It’s usually the born again arseholes who spout the biggest shite on where everyone else all went wrong..

I’m so glad I never switched to Alba if you’re a founder FFS. No wonder they’re not making headway.


fruitella 8:26

“No one with land is poor. I’m sure about that.”

Not necessarily so.

Do you even know what their protesting about? I’d have thought it’d have been right up yer street..

Cheap, imported, genetically modified, chemically sprayed crops from 404 flooding out their market while theirs goes rotten in the fields.

Typical fake Green supporter. You automatically jumped to the ££ signs first.


BDTT, I’m sorry to hear about your predicament and, of course, wish you all the best.

Hang in there, pal.


Hatuey 8:47

**So, please tell us; who are to be the ubermenschen and who are the untermenschen? On what basis are you making that sort of decision? And, most importantly, who is making that decision? I want to know.**

Residency. 18 years + on constitutional matters. Just like everyone else. Scotland isn’t special. Special doesn’t win prizes. Scotlands treaty with England is of no concern to anyone but Scots living here a set period of time.

The UK is 15 yrs I believe.

Scotland isn’t being earth shattering here..itd be keeping in line with other countries.

Alf could tell you the decolonisation department at the UN is far harsher on the franchise & on who gets to stick their nebb in.

International best practice & international laws protecting a population from being consumed by a larger neighbour are protected. Scotland should be no different. It’s not rocket science that you don’t let any Tom, Dick or Harry vote on your elections when they’ve only just arrived off the bus..

Look at I*real. A shit state of affairs when anyone can rock up & take up residence. Then the host thinks they have a right to expand..


Main Ellis tag team back in action


Tom 1.39am

Main and Ellis,,otherwise known as:-
Arse and Hole.
Fanny and Prick.
Or just a plain old Pair of Tits.


Brian Doonthetoon @ 23.52

Very sorry to learn this BDT, I hope all goes well with you.


**Main and Ellis,,otherwise known as:-
Arse and Hole.
Fanny and Prick.
Or just a plain old Pair of Tits.**


I can think of far worse.

There’s Ellis auditioning for the curtain twitching Gestapo already & Main can’t wait to get in about WW3 from his armchair.

The EU has lost its shit not just over its fawning over a non EU country being elevated & fast tracked through EU application but also stuffing its own farmers in the process. To cheering mandatory conscription & genocide in Palestine.

To Genocide John, perfectly happy with the yanks *advising* EU member states on 6 hours notice to show up for conscription or face up to 5 yrs in prison.

Let me think. Getting my head blown off as cannon fodder for the yankie doodles or 5 yrs in jail with three squares a day & just being someone’s bitch to worry about??’s a tough decision.

I don’t think Scotland will be rushing to join the EU with those conditions. Mandatory conscription, an unelected mafia boss who isn’t in the EU (USA) dictating to other countries who to throw in jail & non EU countries produce being elevated above their own citizens. Oh & the fast track application of the most corrupt country on the planet.

It isn’t looking great for Robertson & his Believe in Scotland cohorts right now..

Looks to me like the UK was given the heads up to Brexshit from their country cousins..


Brian Doonthetoon
Ignored says:
4 February, 2024 at 10:31 pm
JJ Burnel of the Stranglers is interviewed in The Herald…

….Public figures should check their facts before they utter nonsense. Great Britain, the island, is already split between two countries/kingdoms, Scotland and England….

It is also split in geological terms. Scotland for the most part, (Norway too), belongs to the same tectonic plate as North America, while the rest of the UK belongs to the European plate.

There used be a great ocean, the Iapetus Ocean, between us, until this closed about 500 million years ago, bringing the two parts of the UK into collision.

I don’t mean it in a derogatory way, (From a stonemasonry perspective, I’m a great fan of particular English limestones), but I understand Geologists find Scotland’s geology the more diverse, dramatic, and fascinating of the two. It not oneupmanship, simply that if you’re a geologist, there’s so much to see, you’ll never get bored in Scotland.

So even if Mr Burnell was correct in his hypothesis, the UK “island” actually comprises two completely dissimilar land masses, each with a distinct and separate history.

Vive la difference…

Andy Ellis

@Geri 12.44am

Once again, which part of this are you having problems understanding?

Self determination referendums are not general or local elections. The two franchises are quite distinct. Catalonia for example prepared a totally new voter registration list for its referendum: news flash, it was even more inclusive and residence based than ours. Those pesky civil nationalists, eh?

I already supplied you with an exhaustive list of self determination referendums showing the franchises they used. Only 1 (Montenegro) stipulated a residence criteria which was only 24 months.

It’s not twisting your words, you’re simply factually wrong and lashing out when your error is pointed out. Repeating the same failed category error (that residence criteria for national elections are the same as, or what are commonly used for self determination referendums) isn’t going to make your factual error any more correct.

It’s not a sin to be wrong or ignorant of the facts Geri, it IS a sin to be as proud of your ignorance as you appear to be, and to continue to double down on it in writing.

Perhaps its a “usual suspects” thing? Alf Baird went awfy quiet too when caught out in his – lets be charitable – terminological inexactitude that only people born in Northern Ireland could vote in a future unification referendum. Guess, what…that was BS too.

Alf will also be able to tell you that the UN doesn’t accept that Scotland is a colony, and neither do the vast majority of thinking Scots. If it DID accept we were a colony, we’d be on the list of Non Self-governing Territories.

Andy Ellis


If I remember correctly you were a naw voters last time. Typical. It’s usually the born again arseholes who spout the biggest shite on where everyone else all went wrong..

I’m so glad I never switched to Alba if you’re a founder FFS. No wonder they’re not making headway.

You remember wrong. It appears to be one of the few things you’re good at. I didn’t get a vote last time, because I lived in England. I was a vocal supporter of the Yes campaign. I’m quite happy to point out where people are wrong. I’m also (unlike you and the other usual suspects) quite happy to admit when I’m wrong.

FWIW and from your MO I’m immensely glad you didn’t join Alba too. I suspect the addition of people with views and indeed personality traits like yours wouldn’t be an asset. There again RoS also claims to be a member, though the jury has to be out on that: easy to say, but he doesn’t have the balls to say which branch or identify himself. No great surprise there.

fruitella the hun

Geri, (wee sma hours)

Could you please supply your pronouns, I need them to sculpt an appropriate response to your accusation.

Land is wealth. The poor have no wealth, that’s an important part of my definition anyway.


Hatuey said;

“So, please tell us; who are to be the ubermenschen and who are the untermenschen?”

Not having certain rights in some else’s country does not make one untermench, because it’s a reciprocal relationship, and not physically inherent in individuals.

The Scots have every right to have their constitutionally-owned sovereignty properly recognised in their own country on matters where it is relevant; we already get more than enough disrespect and actual unlawful abuse thrown at us in Westminster for us to have to put up with it in our own country on matters specific to Scotland.

Your smug remarks are disgracefully dishonest.

Fifty points deducted from Slytherin!


What an unending trainwreck this Alba election has become.

Stu posted the above on Twitter.

What is that about.

You have to watch with Stu sometimes he can be totally sarcastic.

Alf Baird

Andy Ellis @ 7:53 am

“which part of this are you having problems understanding”

It is the case that only citizens of Ireland are permitted to vote in referendums there and that is the norm in other countries. Hence allowing citizens of other countries to vote in national referendums in Scotland is not reciprocal.

It is the case that the Belfast Agreement defines ‘the people of Northern Ireland’ as those ‘who were born there’. These are the people who will make the decision on its future.

It is the case that Scotland is treated politically, socially and economically as a colony; however, constitutionally Scotland is a sovereign nation.

It is the case that mostly small island territories remain listed as NSGT colonies by the UN; however this does not alter the fact imperial powers retain their milch cow territories / internal colonies which they avoid listing for decolonization.


Andy Ellis
5 February, 2024 at 8:06 am

I’m quite happy to point out where people are wrong.

Is that because you think you are always right?

Your claim that Stu hadn’t read any post on here for 6 years tells me all I need to know about you.

You are a fool.

Why would people listen to a fool telling them they are wrong?

Andy Ellis

@Xaracen 8.28am

So if rights are not physically inherent in individuals, who qualifies as a sovereign Scot then? Most of us would I suspect agree that The Scots have every right to have their constitutionally-owned sovereignty properly recognised in their own country on matters where it is relevant

For that to make any sense though, you’d have to tell us if that means you think those who get a say should be broadly the same as those included in the 2014, or something different.

The slightly changed even more inclusive franchise planned for any #indyref2 will presumably be even less acceptable to those calling for a more restricted franchise, but who is it you are including in the definition, and on what basis?

Andy Ellis


As I said, it’s not a claim, it’s a fact. I have the receipts Ruby. Happy for folk to see the screen shot.

Of course, if you don’t believe me feel free to ask Rev Stu yourself.

The trouble with bloviators like you airily asserting things is that all too often you get called out. I don’t believe I’m always right. In this matter however I am. Doubtless even when you see the proof or even if Stu tells you my account is accurate, you’ll still be insisting it’s wrong. It’s what pedlars of misinformation do.


4 February, 2024 at 4:54 pm

Stu still posts. He was probably just trying to get rid of him.

Sure, he posted just a few weeks ago to give ASS his jotters lol

I missed that. Why did ASS get his jotters. Did he get his jotters or are his posts being pre-moderared?

John Main

@Geri 3:35 am

FFS 3:35 am !

I was wide awake too, tossing and turning, obsessively thinking about you, visions of naughty body parts looming in my fevered imagination!

Phew, fit ah nicht!

Haha, I crack me up.

Dorothy Devine

BDTT, glad to get an update on your struggles ,hope you can have some respite from the ravages of treatment.


Andy Ellis
5 February, 2024 at 8:57 am


As I said, it’s not a claim, it’s a fact. I have the receipts Ruby. Happy for folk to see the screen shot.

Of course, if you don’t believe me feel free to ask Rev Stu yourself.

The trouble with bloviators like you airily asserting things is that all too often you get called out. I don’t believe I’m always right. In this matter however I am. Doubtless even when you see the proof or even if Stu tells you my account is accurate, you’ll still be insisting it’s wrong. It’s what pedlars of misinformation do.

Do you believe everything you are told? Did you believe that Nigerian Prince when he asked you for financial help?

You are absolutely making a fool of yourself regarding this issue.

If Stu told me he hasn’t read a post on this forum for 6 years and he wasn’t being sarcastic I would ask him if he has an assistant because someone claiming to be Stu is reading the posts.

Yes you believe you are always right

and that makes you an absolute pain in the arse.


@Andy Ellis

“using a “non-standard” franchise will adversely affect the chances of international recognition.”

There isn’t really a standard franchise is there?

If Australia and Canada can ignore indigenous people and give them no say and be recognised as independent countries can you say what are the universal standards?

Isn’t this argument largely futile? We get on the way to independence when we are consistently above 55% in the polls and make a big enough racket about it.

Then Engerland admits the game is up=or face continual non-violent protest. We negotiate in advance of the referendum so people know what they are getting.

John Main

@Hats 12:22

“I have no clue …”

Aye, ye dae.

When all the rest of us succumb to Alzheimer’s, your policy of post and subsequently deny will be a winner.

Till then though Hats, soz.

What do you make of my conclusions about the pretentious cultural misappropriation? Am I out of order on the cultural thingy? Surely nobody can argue that the pretentious allegation is unfounded?


Why are people so reluctant to talk about things happening in Scotland?

Is it because it’s too hard to face up to the fact that we have been well and truly conned and that we are being manipulated into silence & subservience by some power with loads of money. Who? I don’t know. There is certainly something strange & very sinister going on.

It’s always been the same but this time they have gone too far by claiming women have a penises/children being mutilated & all the rest which has waken many people out of their slumber. Not enough however most people would prefer to ignore it and just watch war on the telly.

There is also the issue of Scotland being a colony. That seems to be very hard for people to face up to.

I suppose if every one talked about what’s going on in Scotland most people would be in agreement and there would be no opportunity for pissing contests.


Andy Ellis
5 February, 2024 at 8:57 am

As I said, it’s not a claim, it’s a fact. I have the receipts Ruby. Happy for folk to see the screen shot.

Show us then!

What are you waiting for?

John Main

@Breeks 4:10

Very innarestin post.

I’m on board with extending the geological analogy into politics. The future for iScotland lies with North America.

It’s time for a great reset, and certainly time for a major rethink about Indy. The likely return of The Donald as POTUS gives us a second chance to harness US power and influence for Indy.

This time free of the small minded parochialism and petty jealousies of Sturgeon and her ilk.

It was US power and influence wot did the heavy lifting for Ireland, kick started the Good Friday agreement, and ushered in the era of peace and prosperity they have been enjoying.

We should be trying to get the same for Scotland.

But whether or not we want to go that far, no stone should be left unturned if Indy is more important than ideological purity. No source of influence should be scorned. No time limited opportunity should be allowed to drift by whilst we endlessly bicker about arcane details, or “Orange Man Not PC”.

Somebody of strong and recent Scottish descent is now odds on to be next POTUS. It will be utter folly to ignore that as if it is totally irrelevant to Scotland’s future.

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 8.45am

It is the case that only citizens of Ireland are permitted to vote in referendums there and that is the norm in other countries. Hence allowing citizens of other countries to vote in national referendums in Scotland is not reciprocal.

Yes, that’s perfectly natural for deciding who can vote in constitutional referendums in already independent countries, using their established citizenship criteria. That’s a very different thing for the franchises used in self determination referendums. As discussed above with the hard of thinking (or just disingenuous?) Geri, it’s a category error to try and conflate the two things.

It is the case that the Belfast Agreement defines ‘the people of Northern Ireland’ as those ‘who were born there’. These are the people who will make the decision on its future.

Yes it does. As also pointed out to you a number of times, your assertion that only those born in Northern Ireland would have the vote isn’t correct, as the franchise for Northern Irish voters isn’t specified in the legislation and would be in the gift of the then Secretary of State.

…however, constitutionally Scotland is a sovereign nation.

Not in the eyes of the international community it isn’t: the UK of GB & NI is the sovereign nation. The Scots people being sovereign and having the right to self determination is the same as any other people in terms of the UN: it doesn’t mean it’s automatic or unlimited and it requires a clear majority to be demonstrated in favour before anyone in the international community shows any interest.

John Main

@Andy Ellis

Your facts-based posts are like fish bones lodging in their throats to the usual suspects.

It’s braw. Keep them coming.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi peeps.

Thanks for all your good wishes. Onward and, hopefully, upward.


Ellis can never let things go he has always got to be right.

Why has there been a discussion about fuckin’ franchises going on here since 2014?

It’s because Ellis can never let things go and he has got to prove that he is right and all you Moonhowling, Natavistic Fringe Nutters are wrong.

It is very important for Andy to be right all the time

It’ll be interesting to see how far he goes regarding ‘Stu not reading posts for the last six years’


Ellis is talking absolute bollocks as usual. Catalonia is in Spain. Spain does not permit outsiders voting on its elections. 18 years residency.

He is also talking absolute bollocks about not being “internationally recognised” (His favourite go to) Otherwise Brexit would never have happened.
It had no EU citizens.
15 yrs residence for non EU/Commonwealth.

Genocide John

You are not my keeper. Yer not my Da (thank fck).
Stop playing milk monitor.


I dunno. I just remember he got told off fae the boss for derogatory comments to others.. something hinge & bracket are sailing very close to..


Poor you. You’ve never heard of tennant farmers? Also, working the land doesn’t come cheap. Fuel, machinery, animal feed, in the case of EU farmers – EU regulations & restriction all up in smoke to appease a non EU country.

I note you’ve no concerns over the environmental issues I mentioned tho. Another plastic Green wishing everyone to be poor & eat grass.



Scotland is a sovereign nation.
Scotland also already has a constitution.

It’s you that’s confused. You seem to think Scotland is owned by England & we’re seeking separation from a superior. We are not. We are a sovereign nation & just like every other sovereign nation we can run our own fcking referendums any way we like.

WM has powers over HOLYROOD only.

Not Scotland.


Now we have the absolute wank Main encouraging Andy to carry on dictating that he is right and everyone else is wrong.

I don’t think anyone should be encouraging Andy and I mean this with all sincerity I think people should be pointing out to Andy that he may have a problem.




I dunno. I just remember he got told off fae the boss for derogatory comments to others.. something hinge & bracket are sailing very close to..

Me too.
But you know my number 1 rule.

I thought ASS was a flame-baiter. You know someone who could cause trouble in a empty hoose. He was coming here cause trouble.

John Main is also a flame-baiter.



“now we have the absolute wake Main”


Aye, yer right. *Imaginary block triggered* He just makes up shit as he goes along. Scotland is in an internationally recognised treaty with England. When that ends there is no UK. Another Dumbo that thinks there is only one kingdom in the UK.


I think I may also have a problem and that is getting hooked into the discussions on Wings.

It’s quite addictive and in the end sad to say it’s a total waste of time.


Ach, Scotland has deviated from “international best practice” on all sorts of matters for a very long time, so goodness knows why some are getting so bothered aboot us nae adhering to one specific aspect. The international community have been nowhere to be seen on instructing Scotland to get with the program on matters like the following.
Who knew it was international best practice to hand over control of your resources and assets to another country so they and big corporate companies can profit from them and thus leaving Scotland dis-empowered and fiscally constrained to the point a great many of our population live in poverty and our services are failing.

Who knew it is international best practice to “save the planet” by pissing away taxpayers’ cash in times of austerity installing solar PV arrays onto north facing roofs.

Who knew it was international best practice in times of austerity to spend a fortune promoting an ideology pushing drugs and surgery to pander to the delusion that folk can be born in the wrong body.

Who knew it is international best practice to spend taxpayers’ cash in these times of austerity on endless signposts reducing speeds on rural roads to a snail pace 20mph to save road surface degradation, because they believe that has more benefit to preserving road longevity than actually fucking cleaning the road drains and gullies so the roads aren’t totally water logged and breaking up due to frost heave, and heavy vehicles like buses and trucks aren’t destroying the road surface by the force of hydraulic action when said vehicles drive over choked and flooded drains chambers and culverts.



Funny how ASS pissed off & up pops Ellis.

Aye it can be addictive. Dead of winter & not much else to do. Pup goes to vets tomorrow for final vaccine thank god, poor pup is eager for a good run.

Kills the time tho. I’m waiting on a tradesman today. 8am -1pm..I bet It’ll be 1pm ugh. I’m always last lol

John Main

Kate Forbes taking pretendy fraud Yousaf to task over his plans to tax Scotland into prosperity.

One thing to be said about Forbes and Regan. If either had won the SNP leadership legitimately, then I would have been prepared to believe them if they had proposed a policy of Scottish tax increases targeted at specific national needs.

But with the illegitimate Yousaf in charge, and his habits of flouncing about the world stage spaffing Scottish taxpayer’s hard earned on his personal vanity projects, no fecking way.

Scotland’s specific national needs aren’t his priority. He’s extorting my money under false pretences.

Ian Brotherhood

@Ruby (10.28) –

It’s not a waste of time. You and several other regulars are a thorn in the side of the pests.

Just because most of us can’t be bothered with them doesn’t mean they should get the run of the place.

Keep at ’em.


John Main


Who knew it was international best practice to jury rig the secretive election process for your national leader to ensure the candidate ticking most DEI boxes would win?

I have to actually take my hat off to the anonymous fixers who saddled us with Yousaf. He’s virtually beyond criticism, because any criticism effectively self censors itself in fear of seeing the dreaded race card being deployed.

But more importantly, he’s nobbled new adopters of the Indy position, cos he’s evidently useless, and in place due to a fraudulent process, and he’s been awarded a free pass against criticism.

Few Sovereign Scots looking in at the Indy movement from outside are going to be tempted to join with and support that tridefecta.


The international community is full of shit on a lot of things.
Look at the crap going on in the EU as they all fall over themselves to take instructions from America from turning a blind eye to genocide, conscription, the sabotage over their own fuel & falling over themselves to conduct business with 404 above their own EU members.

They’re not all that are they? They’re completely captured. I despise spineless suck ups. Weathervanes are worse than useless.


John Main says: at 11:02 am


Who knew it was international best practice to jury rig the secretive election process for your national leader to ensure the candidate ticking most DEI boxes would win?

What’s with the “your” and not “our” leader?
For all the time you spend on here you should have at least gained half a scooby and know that he is as much my “leader” as he is yours.
The twat doesn’t even have the awareness to handle a low speed self-propelled scooter with out crashing, or ensure he had valid car insurance, so makes you wonder if he really has the full scooby credentials to lead an entire country.

fruitella the hun


“ Do you even know what their protesting about? I’d have thought it’d have been right up yer street..
Cheap, imported, genetically modified, chemically sprayed crops from 404 flooding out their market while theirs goes rotten in the fields.”

What’s your source for that being the main cause? I’m coming up with a general pushback against environmental and tax regulations — which they have always done. Guess the regs are starting to bite now, at last. Perhaps there is an element of the EU now failing to do what it was set up for: defend against cheap imports. Its Four Freedoms only apply to the white christian enclave of past imperial powers but you commend it relentlessly. You have your supporters on here of course, at the moment it is hostile territory for folk who care about nature.

I’m a supporter of self-sufficiency in basics and many policies flow from that. You show no sign of understanding the position. Humans don’t do well on grass, by the way. Ah, but you know this stuff perfectly well, don’t you? Disingenuous to a fault, hoping the gullible readers will believe your distortions and outright lies (e.g. your claim some months ago when we tangled that all green voters are likely nonces). I don’t bother fact-checking your posts these days, mostly.

My original point, which you jumped in on being someone who doesn’t miss a chance to smear environmentalists (Stalinist, originally, I’m thinking? But then the purple pumpers are desperate to bulldoze the environmentalists off the field, trashing even attempts to legislate for keeping 10% of the coastal fishery pristine for a period to recover from the damage economic exploitation does) was that people with land (their land was inferred, but you missed or ignored that) have the means for survival and cannot be classed in any sensible system as “poor”.


I saw Stu’s Twitter feed

“What an unending trainwreck this Alba election has become.”

“Something manifestly shady has happened. Nobody EVER has a good excuse for refusing to publish the results of an election.”

This echoes my own unease. I hope Stu will be publishing a full investigation/explanation piece soon, for ALBA’s sake as I believe members are leaving over this perceived lack of transparency.



Is he/she looking at you with big sad eyes. They are good at letting you know how they feel.

8am. – 1pm is not a bad time slot I’ve had courier saying parcel could be delivered up until 10 pm
Then at 9.30 p.m they say sorry parcel is delayed we will deliver as soon as possible.

I know what you mean about tradesmen. I’ve recently had many tradesman doing various jobs. I am currently doing a make-over which involves staying in and keeping out of their way. Hence addiction to Wings. I am currently sick of the make-over and I can’t find a bloody thing being that the tradesmen required me to get rid of all the clutter. Like your pup I haven’t had a good run in ages.

Have you seen this thing about rape by deception

link to

This is the kind of thing I would like to see discussed on Wings. It is very serious especially when ‘trials without jury’ are introduced.

I’m also quite happy to chat about problems with couriers, tradesmen and everyday problems of which I have many.

Bottom of the list of interests for me are fuckin’ franchises, who has the biggest willie BTL on Wings, who are the ‘fluffers for Vlad’ and defo not innarested in innarestin’ stories recommened by that ‘Wank Main’ who is cracking himself up so much he’s ending up with more cracks than ‘Humpty fuckin’ Dumpty’. Basically totally cracked.

Folk like yourself and a few others are interesting to communicate with but ‘Ellis, Main & Chas’ who dominate the discussion here on Wings are a total waste of time.

Any sign of Ellis’s screen grab.


Ian Brotherhood
5 February, 2024 at 11:01 am

@Ruby (10.28) –

It’s not a waste of time. You and several other regulars are a thorn in the side of the pests.

Just because most of us can’t be bothered with them doesn’t mean they should get the run of the place.

Keep at ’em.


Cheers Iain but I’ve got curtains to hang.

Also I don’t think these cunts are actually human.

I could be wasting my time trying to get through to robots it certainly feels that way.

For example do robots understand sarcasm?

If a robot was given the message ‘Stu hasn’t read a post on Wings for six years’ what would a robot understand?

Andy Ellis

@John Main 9.55am

Ach, it’s a sair fecht as they say.

The light to some is an unwelcome friend of course, but it’s fun to keep the searchlight on their unreason. 🙂

Andy Ellis

Any sign of Ellis’s screen grab.

Where do you suggest it appears? I don’t think it’s possible to post screen grabs here and I certainly wouldn’t want to soil my inbox sending any of the moonhowlers here a direct communication.

Perhaps I could figure out how to attach it to a Tweet (or is it an “X” now?). That might work….

James Che

I see Alex Salmond is trying to sell us one of labours old policies of Scottish parliament Sovereignty first and people Sovereignty second.
That is no different from down South of the border whereby Westminsters claims parliament Sovereignty over the people.
This has been Labour, SNP and Greens back burner policy since 2015
Two cheeks of the same arse.

That would redirect the Claim of Right, The peoples right to self determination, And cause Scots people to become further embed as a Colony to a government that preaches multiple genders, taking away free speech, and reducing free movement through schemes similar Ulez.

Never thought Alex would sell the Scots Claim of right or the right to self determination to a dodgy failing branch office of Westminster.


Andy Ellis
5 February, 2024 at 11:54 am

Any sign of Ellis’s screen grab.

Where do you suggest it appears?

On the same place as you posted your PHD certificate.

Might that have been Dropbox?

James Che

We never expected the snp to don the turncoat, but were severly in shock when they did, now we have Alex promoting a labour policy by Ash Reagan of the British Sovereignty of parliament first the same as in England.

Either he Choose NS wisely to continue where he left off, or he was naive beyond words,
But a second suggested error. That would leave Scots over ruled and at the mercy of a dodgy dictorial governance.

Alba is either infiltrated or lost the plot.


Andy Ellis
5 February, 2024 at 11:54 am

Any sign of Ellis’s screen grab.

Where do you suggest it appears?

Here’s another suggestion.

You could upload it to your own website/forum.

You just need to post the address and everyone can go there to see all your receipts and certificates.


I think I might have a third suggestion although I don’t do twitter but I’ve seen many people posting screen grabs, pics etc.

Post it on your Twitter account.

Andy Ellis


Ellis is talking absolute bollocks as usual. Catalonia is in Spain. Spain does not permit outsiders voting on its elections. 18 years residency.

He is also talking absolute bollocks about not being “internationally recognised” (His favourite go to) Otherwise Brexit would never have happened.
It had no EU citizens.
15 yrs residence for non EU/Commonwealth.

The franchise for the Catalan self determination referendum isn’t the same as the franchise for Spanish elections. the Generalitat controls the voter registration for the referendum. It compiled a new and totally separate voter registration list for the last election.

However often you keep banging on about an 18 years residence requirement to vote in Spanish elections, it doesn’t make it any more relevant to the franchise for Catalan self determination referendums. Time to walk away from the shovel now.

The international community recognised the result of the brexit referendum, because parliament decided what the franchise would be and nobody challenged or overturned the decisions.

Similarly, the international community recognised the result of #indyref1, because it was held according to the terms of the Edinburgh Agreement. Even the Spaniards, who hate any hint of secession, UDI and self determination for “regions”, said they’d have recognised a “Yes” vote in 2014 because it would have been the result of what they regarded as a”legal” referendum.

They – and no doubt others – would not have recognised UDI, or a referendum which was disputed or contested. That’s why quite a few European countries and EU members still don’t recognise Kosovo: the ones that don’t are all ones that have regions or minorities who want independence.

The international community is conservative by nature when it comes to issues of self determination, that’s why Kosovan independence was such a thorny issue, and why places like Timor L’Este and South Sudan had such a long and troubled path: there are plenty of countries out there who are determined not to give in to ANY self determination movement, because it will encourage the break up of their own states.

The international community had no issue with the franchises for the bexit and #indyref1 votes being different, because they were both legal and accepted by the parties participating in them. Similarly, they would have no issue with the franchise for #indyref2 being changed as long as the parties involved agreed: the issue comes where there isn’t agreement.

Doubtless this factual explanation still won’t be enough for ranters like you, who will still somehow insist that the franchise for Spanish elections is the same as or has any relevance to the Catlan self determination referendum franchise.

It doesn’t, but as we’ve seen in your case you can’t educate pork.


I’m totally wasting my time with that robot cunt Ellis when I would rather to talking about this:

link to

Sorry folks! But that ‘Robot Cunt really hooks me in.

I really need to be more disciplined. In spite of what Ian Brotherhood says I think the solution is to stop reading BTL on Wings.

BTL on Wings is all about ‘Ellis Main & Chas’

‘Ellis Main & Chas’ V Ruby

The Robot Cunts 10 Ruby 0-

James Che


Save the planet ruse,

The Councils and governments are busy cutting down trees to save the planet.
But for those with a memory, it was not so long ago that land owners were giving financial subsidies to plant trees and build ponds by the EU. Which britain distributed to the wealth land owners.

The farmers are beginning to wake up now the wealthy want to turn their farms into parklands and reduce food produce to the shops for the people.
Land grabs is nothing new, that was what happened under the enclosure Acts,, just a modern system method under climate change Acts.

Andy Ellis


Post it on your Twitter account.

Done: feel free to apologise at your leisure you utter roaster. 🙂


Andy Ellis
5 February, 2024 at 12:33 pm


Post it on your Twitter account.

Done: feel free to apologise at your leisure you utter roaster. 🙂

Finally but where’s the fuckin’ link?

What is your Twitter account.

Has Stu seen it.

Folk might want to read what he has to say.

I’m at the stage where I don’t really give a fuck but others might.

As far as I’m concerned you can screen grab your own arse and post it Twitter.

I give up you have won!

But still

I would rather be a roaster than a cunt!

I apologise that I don’t have as much time to waste as you do.

Andy Ellis

Aw, Rubes retires having had her arse well and truly handed to her on a plate, but is so butt hurt that she wants everyone to know that it both doesn’t matter because she has more important stuff to do, while spaffing BTL with more BS than a Belgian farmer spraying EU offices with manure.

Unreason always catches up with the moonhowlers in the end. 🙂


“ The international community recognised the result of the brexit referendum, because parliament decided what the franchise would be and nobody challenged or overturned the decisions.”

Hate to break it to you, Ellis, but you’ve just conceded defeat in this debate and acknowledged that there are no hard rules as such, that the franchise can be changed by agreement or otherwise, and so all the stuff you previously said about there being two recognised different ways of doing it, etc., is all rendered bullshit. You’re arguing against yourself.

My view which is based on principle has not changed. We were happy with the franchise in 2014 until we lost. You can look back at any election and say “if these fuckers hadn’t been allowed to vote” we would have won…

Do people here arguing for a change to the franchise realise how bad it would look if we excluded certain groups in the next referendum on the basis of how they voted in the last? That’s what they will say. Should we exclude women and old people (regardless of their genetic credentials) because most of them voted for the Union?

I know, I know, you don’t want to do that, it’s just the foreigners and English that you want to exclude. Jesus fucking Christ, do you know how bad arguments like that look?

We would have won in 2014 if more of the unionist nutters that voted “No” had been convinced to vote “Yes”. The next one will be the same. That’s the deal.

Residency and how you define it as a condition possibly provides room for compromise, but compromise is only possible through agreement — that’s what it means.

Any idea that implies one ethnic group is superior in any way to another is a dangerous and hideous idea.

Do any of you know what was left in Pandora’s box after all the evils of the world had been released?


Link to Twitter account needed Ellis


The Link to Twitter account needed Ellis


John Main.

You do know the term Orcs is a derogatory name used by the Western military to describe RF soldiers, and you use the term regularly, very revealing I’d say.

Fruitella the Hun.

I should’ve been clearer when I said poor, I didn’t mean it in a financial sense but in a persecuted sense, Geri in her comment covers part of it, other parts include culling thousand of healthy cows to meet a supposedly green targets.

The farmers produce our foods, foods we and our children eat, we must protect how these foods are produced along with the farmers rights (in a more natural way) and shun any processes that add more chemicals or reduces any safety aspects in how this process is carried out.

John Main

Ruby at 11:33 am posting about getting tradesmen in to do her makeover.

Sometimes the responses just write themselves.

Check the labels Ruby. Make sure they’re using a flexible filler.

James Che


The seeds we buy to plant greens for self-serficiency are nowadays mostly GMO seeds that are sprayed prior to sales to the public retailers. And are patented.
You have to produce your own seeds from crops that you can trace as far back as you can go historically locally to avoid GMO seds.

I dont know about you, but I would have thought that someone who believes in saving the planet would be out there preventing the trees of Britain from being butchered every day,
After all trees have been on this planet for millions of years without a effect on the human or animal populations,
In fact it has been detrimental to all living species.
You would think these Climate change warriors would be protecting cattle which have replaced buffalo as grass grazers after the governments nearly made the herds of buffulo extinct.

You would surmise that this group of people would not be spending so much time on plastic keyboards but be out digging pondsto restock with wildlife and fish.
You would think their days would be fully occupied picking up rubbish that is strewn everywhere that the councils fail to pick up,
You would think they would be fully occupied outside getting their veggie patch ready for spring,

But there are those that preach a climate mantra, but sit a good part of their day most times on manifactured cloth seats in front of plastic computers made from the oil industry with components from gigantic quarries that have obliterated all wildlife on that peice of earth,

The irony of climate change ideology.

If their shoes and coats, mobile phones, fridges and houses are not made out of green material it must come from a manifacturing process that requires either the hides of cattle, plastic. Or quarried metals.
Even the slates and harling on their houses destroy local wild life enviroments.

I often wondered if these climate change believers live in mud huts made from mud, straw and cattle shite, or do they just preach a copied agenda gospel without intelligent thought.


Fruitella the hun @11.20am.

Europe in on the verge of financial collapse, the attacks on the farmers are just one of many steps Europe will have to take to tighten its belt, the Great Satan’s (USA) war against the RF has back fired in a spectacular fashion, and now cuts needs to make all over the place, the only alternative is I’m afraid all out war with the RF to redress the balance, a knock-on side effect of harsher times coming in Europe is that far-right political parties are beginning to gain traction in some countries as people become more and more disillusioned with their own governments stance, a stance that’s making them poorer, so they look for alternative political parties.

But don’t take my word for it even the establishments second favourite outlet ( the first is the Telegraph newspaper) is voicing its concerns on the matter.

“Why are farmers protesting across the EU and what can the bloc do about it?”

link to


A Link to your Twitter account needed Ellis

Out of all the three options I gave you when you claimed not to know how to upload a pic after having uploaded a copy of your PHD certificate for all to see not that long ago why did you choose Twitter?

Is it because a lot of people posting here do not do Twitter.

It’s also suspicious that you have not posted your X (aka Twitter) address.

I’m wonder how Stu will feel about you uploading a copy of a private message.

Probably not happy to be involved in such trivia but still folk would probably want to know if Stu does or does not read the posts on Wings and hasn’t done for the past 6 years.

Maybe he has an assistant who reads the posts. I think it would be important for someone running a blog to read the posts or at least know what was contained in the posts.

How would the blogger know how people are reacting to his/her articles.

Surely it would be important to know if posters were writing

That article is a load of crap

Get aff your writing is rubbish.

That article is a joke Stuey

and such like.

I do not believe that Stu isn’t aware of what is being written BTL and hasn’t been for the last six years

However I am open to persuasion.

Hence need for

A Link to your Twitter account

Dorothy Devine

James Che , I wish they did all live in those mud huts you describe they might come to believe in the manufacturing industry which requires plastics,metals and other ‘ungreen’ items .not to mention the transport requirements of industry.

James Che


The UK parliament in 2022, 2023, and 2024 state on their parliament site that the Scots were not invited to join the treaty of Union,

The UK parliament has made a distinction between two groups in Scotland.
The Scots as a nation of people in 1707.

And the the members af a old parliament in Scotland that came under dissolution in 1707.

If the Scots are not in the treaty of union, there is no need for a discussion with mr Ellis on a voting franchise for Scot to leave a union they were not invited to join way back in 1707.


Here the politician Rory Stewart gushes over just how brilliant Humza Yousaf is, Stewart says that Yousaf has a big future ahead of him.

link to

As for Rory Stewart, Craig Murray outed him as MI6 years ago, Stewart who speaks Farsi, was also the governor General of a region of Iraq Amara I think, not long after the Great Satan (USA) and its minions including the UK murdered countless numbers of Iraqi’s in their illegal war in the country of which they still occupy (illegally) today.

Stewart penned a book on his experience as Governor General called The Prince of the Marshes.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 5 February, 2024 at 2:01 pm

You do know the term Orcs is a derogatory name used by the Western military to describe RF soldiers

Not quite RoS.

It’s also used by surviving 404 citizens to describe Pres Poot’s pardoned or press-ganged murderers, torturers and rapists who are rampaging through their country, who have violated their daughters and wives, and buried their neighbours in mass graves.

As the perps wear the same uniforms as your “RF soldiers”, to the victims, the distinction is academic.

I know you’re a saint RoS, and in the same circumstances, you would be hailing them as angels of the Lord or somesuch.

But you’re clearly special.

For the rest of us who aren’t, Orcs works just fine.


John Main
5 February, 2024 at 2:06 pm

Ruby at 11:33 am posting about getting tradesmen in to do her makeover.

Sometimes the responses just write themselves.

Check the labels Ruby. Make sure they’re using a flexible filler.

Is that it? Is that your contribution to the discussion this morning?

I’ve asked you before to put a header on your posts stating if it is Serious or Comedy

What is that one serious or comedy?

You can relax pal it looks as if BTL Wings is all yours. The World on Wings according to Ellis, Chas & Main.

That seems to be the way posters here want it or maybe they don’t & that is why they are being silent.
What are the silent majority saying?

Can I suggest it might be fuck this ‘The World on Wings according to Ellis, Chas & Main’ is all a total waste of time

BTW. Do you have a link to Ellis’s X (aka Twitter account)

PS Why would I need a filler? Are you fantasising about me having my gob filled with Polyfilla and then gagged so that I can’t expose what the silent majority think about ‘The World on Wings according to Ellis, Chas & Main’

Andy Ellis


I don’t see why you think that. I’ve never stated that there were hard rules, merely that the practice is in the overwhelming majority of instances. There is no compulsion, nor is there any means to enforce particular outcomes. I previously pointed out that there were differences such as the 24 month residency criteria in the Montenegrin vote, and the 55% Yes vote hurdle they imposed (and only narrowly achieved).

You appear to be trying, for what reasons I don’t know, to impute motives or arguments that weren’t mine.

Nobody said that franchises once decided are set in stone. The international community will only really be concerned at all if there is some dispute between the parties involved or in the case of manifest unfairness. The issues in Catalonia weren’t to do with the franchise but whether the referendum itself was valid or constitutional under Spanish law. In the end the international community did not come to the aid of our Catalan friends, nor did it it try to disabuse Madrid of its view that the Spanish constitutional prohibition supervened the right of the Catalan people to self determination.

You and I appear to have similar views in relation to the bad optics and bad politics involved in trying to limit the kind of open, residence based franchise used in 2014. Those views are, however much nativists in here and elsewhere screech inchoately about it, those shared by the majority in the movement, amongst Scots in general and – more importantly from the point of view of securing international recognition – will be those the international community tend to lean on.

They are not written in stone. Elements of the franchise or details can certainly be changed, but any large change or attempt to disenfranchise a sizeable number of former voters will attract scrutiny and require explanation.

None of this is exactly news. None of it is significantly different from the original fisking Rev Stu did on twitter more than a year ago about why franchise restriction plans were a spectacularly stupid, regressive and potentially damaging to the movement even in the unlikely event indyref2 happens any time soon. Even if it doesn’t, the slap in the face it gives to civic nationalism – which is already reeling from the impact of the SNPs electoral seppuku and authoritarian descent in to TRA/GRC madness – is something that needs to be staked through it’s dark, blood and soil nationalist soaked heart.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 2.06pm

Check the labels Ruby. Make sure they’re using a flexible filler.

Apparently there’s a global shortage of flexible filler. Now we know why.

James Che

Dorothy Devine.

If they did live what they preach they might realise common sense must prevail for them to wish upon the world populations, to go backwards and live the dark ages is crazy ideology.

I will only follow this ideology when the politicians and the climate change crazies move out of their fancy central heated homes and start walking everywhere,

Could you imagine them sitting in the dark in a cave or mud hut on a cold winters night with no plastic,
That would mean no plastic coated cables for electricity, lighting or cooking, politicians would have to give up their big cars, fancy private jets, computers, skype, holidays abroad, even Greta Thumburg would have to stay at home unless she was a unusual freaky swimmer.

Those climate change idiots that threw manifactured paint at works of Art claimed they had protected the paintings with…….. cling film first, duh

Whats that famous saying.
Do as we say, not as we do, come’s to mind.

If they genuely live the life first we might follow our leaders and believe them…….. might. Maybe not,
I don’t believe we are so dumb as they think we are.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 5 February, 2024 at 1:31 pm

Any idea that implies one ethnic group is superior in any way to another is a dangerous and hideous idea

Ah, the weasel words deployed by an expert. Read and learn, folks.

Take the “superior” from the statement and try a few substitutions, repeating each one over to yourself.

Try “different”, “more entitled”, “preferable”, “more law abiding”, “more intolerant” for example.

Every one of these substitutions is manifestly false, to everyone. Cos nowt but nutters deny that ethnic groups are different, that some are more entitled, that some are preferable, that some are more law abiding, that some are more intolerant, etc.

And thus, just by making these judgement calls, the thinker concludes that in the context under discussion, one ethnic group has a superior claim over the other.

Don’t let Hats convince you otherwise.

As to the relevance of this to the franchise question, that’s a different matter. My point is that on this, as in so much else, Hats is not arguing in good faith.

Andy Ellis


I chose twitter because it was easiest for me to do on mobile phone.

I’m sure even someone with your intellectual abilities can use commercially available search engines to find a twitter account Ruby.

I’m sure Rev Stu does dip in BTL now and then: I’ve certainly seen him post a few times recently, but that doesn’t mean he’s assiduously reading all the comments, hence his statement which you insisted wasn’t true.

Remember Ruby, it’s OK to be wrong and to have to apologise for being so wrong after banging on about something for weeks.


“torturers and rapists who are rampaging through their country, who have violated their daughters and wives, and buried their neighbours in mass graves.

As the perps wear the same uniforms as your “RF soldiers”, to the victims, the distinction is academic.”

Remarkable John Main.

In how you described exactly the actions of the IDF in Gaza, right down to the uniforms (disguises) used to by the IDF to burst into a shattered and broken hospital in Gaza where the killed injured patients including one young lad deep in a coma.

The only thing you left out was the beheading of 50 babies, but then again that particular lie has been well and truly debunked even the WaPo, and the NYT have rolled back on that outrageous lie.

John Main

@ Ruby says: 5 February, 2024 at 2:49 pm

Are you fantasising about me having my gob filled with Polyfilla and then gagged

OK, I am going to break my self-imposed rule to answer your question.

No, I wasn’t and I still am not.

But I’m thinking somebody is.


The Scottish government (past and present Sturgeon and Yousaf) is performing so badly on running and maintaining ferries in Scotland that the staging post in Scotland Queen Elizabeth House in Edinburgh is monitoring the situation, and even though its a devolved area this staging post is making noises about stepping in after listening to concerns from islanders badly let down by the SNP government with regards to the ferries.

“THE UK Government has said it is “closely” monitoring problems with Scottish ferries – as a Tory minister held a “summit” with CalMac and islanders relying on the service.

Scotland Office Minister John Lamont will host a roundtable meeting on Monday with CalMac chief executive Robbie Drummond and operations director Robert Morrison.

Also taking part are the CalMac Ferries Communities Board, Colonsay Lifeline Transport Group, Arran Ferry Action Group, North Ayrshire and Argyll and Bute Councils, Arran Community Development Trust, Mull and Iona Community Trust, Tobermory Harbour Association, businesses, MSPs and MPs.

In a statement, the Scotland Office said that while powers over ferry services were devolved to Holyrood, UK ministers were “monitoring the situation closely”.”

link to


From John Main who believe or not wrote this because he was offended by my suggestion that ethnic nationalism was hideous and dangerous;

“nowt but nutters deny that ethnic groups are different, that some are more entitled, that some are preferable, that some are more law abiding, that some are more intolerant, etc.”

I rest my case.


I think Genocide John gets a perverse pleasure in getting everything back to front.

“You know what, Robbo, I don’t have a fucking clue.
“There’s a welter of contradictory claims, statistics and facts online. I don’t have the time to wade through them.”
John Main @10.54am 17 August 2023

Laurent Brayard interview.


@ James Che

Round my way the beavers are doing a splendid job of culling thousands of trees either directly through the power of gnawing, or the resultant flooding of land which is drowning many more trees.
It’s totes carnage but hey, it generates plenty firewood for me.

A couple of months back the local council were trying to palm me off with the excuse that it is difficult to know who owns the land along our rural roads as some lame excuse for not cutting back the overhanging branches which would allow public transport to traverse along affected roads. I politely pointed out that that line of tack was in fact utter bullshit as it is the same estate owner it’s been for decades.
Last week the excuse had evolved and was now that the council were scared they’d be sued for damaging trees if they cut back the overhanging branches.

It’s ridiculous. It’s got to the point I’m considering starting a taxpayer grant funded eco business venture trying to train a team of eager beavers to only gnaw designated trees that are causing an issue.

Robert McAllan

GOOD MAN YOURSELF Stuart @ 3:17! I am sick of those juvenile cunts spouting.

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 3:20 pm

“Scotland Office Minister John Lamont will host a roundtable meeting on Monday with CalMac chief executive Robbie Drummond and operations director Robert Morrison. Also taking part are the CalMac Ferries Communities Board, Colonsay Lifeline Transport Group, Arran Ferry Action Group, North Ayrshire and Argyll and Bute Councils, Arran Community Development Trust, Mull and Iona Community Trust, Tobermory Harbour Association, businesses, MSPs and MPs.”

Yes RoS, the biggest problem we face is that none of these folks (and SG and TS) have any education in maritime business/economics/policy, which means they don’t know what is the best maritime solution.

The solution to Scotland’s permanent ferry and other policy woes simply requires bringing in the best Scottish expertise, instead of relying on ‘British exceptionalism’:

link to


link to

I’m just a hopeless case.

I understand how you feel.

John Main

@ Rev. Stuart Campbell says: 5 February, 2024 at 3:17 pm

Your blog, your rules, that goes without saying.

I am unaware of having spent any time on pre-moderation though. I take a lot of care to avoid the juvenile, playground stuff. There’s no challenge to posting it, and frankly, the sort of people it impresses aren’t worth the effort.

Humour is the way to go every time. The more subtle the better.


Comment from the soon to be banned individual

‘BTL on Wings is all about ‘Ellis Main & Chas’’

Very astute observation there. Finally recognised that there are least three people who write some sense. There are a few more.

Baird, Che, RoS, Geri, Johnlm, Hateuy, the unnamed one and some others who continually bombard this site, are not to be confused with the individuals who write sensible prose.

Well done and cheerio.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 5 February, 2024 at 3:27 pm

From John Main who believe or not wrote this because he was offended by my suggestion that ethnic nationalism was hideous and dangerous

Ethnic nationalism underpins all decolonisation efforts across the world since the nineteenth century. The concept of ethnic nationalism is foundational.

You are of course free to suddenly discover that it’s hideous and dangerous, but My God, you are going to have to re-write so much history you won’t live to ever see the task finished.

A rational actor would at this stage just fess up and admit he got it wrong.

fruitella the hun


From the linked article you posted: “With the farmers increasingly drawing support from Europe’s far-right parties, which are expected to make significant gains in European parliament elections due in June, further concessions seem more than likely.”

Farmers in the EU (and associated agrichemical companies, and energy companies, and biotech companies and land speculators) have been featherbedded for decades by the CAP and they fought against environmental constraints all the way (I was involved in this activity). I’m well aware of the difference between what they do to maximise profit (supercharged by debt repayments where they were not gifted giant tractors and sheds and combines) and the business of growing healthy food and delivering it to a marketplace filled with fat/salt/sugar addicts.


Whilst I would live in a mud hut (or “cob”, as it’s called in the UK) if it would help, I already have a house. Wood and modern insulating materials would be my preference. Your stereotype of a cartoon green is a bit old fashioned. Some people get off on mocking folk, some need to demonise them. The former is better.


Again, you have me beat. I have no idea what to say to you.

Dorothy Devine

Fruitella , I rather think you were answering James Che with whose views I expressed a certain sympathy as I believe that there are many things even a very Green green would find it hard to live without or find an alternative in this modern age. Just look at the equipment on which you type for example – plastic required and much else.

Interestingly the only photograph of a ‘cob’ I can find on the internet looks rather palatial.
Please don’t bother to respond , I have watched your progress on this site and know that we have no more to exchange.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 5 February, 2024 at 3:07 pm

A long way short of being one of your better efforts.

Day 1 of semester 1 of the debating course teaches us to recognise and call out whataboutery.

I don’t know what to call your claim that I should be criticised for not repeating a lie. Either I bunked off that lecture, or perhaps you are breaking new ground in the art of imagined grievances.

Through imagined grievances to Indy!

Soz, doing nowt for me, but translate it to Latin (or Scots) and print off a few hundred T-shirts. Get back to us with the sales figures – could be a winner.


@John Main

“I take a lot of care to avoid the juvenile, playground stuff.”

“John Main
Ignored says:
5 February, 2024 at 2:06 pm
Ruby at 11:33 am posting about getting tradesmen in to do her makeover.

Sometimes the responses just write themselves.

Check the labels Ruby. Make sure they’re using a flexible filler.”

The warnings should imo be heeded. I’m paying attention.


The two Yoon amigos above; ‘Hinge & Bracket’, still makes me chortle… lol

And “Ellis’ posts equal whelk farts” comedy gold and so true.

Don’t feed the trolls (although they don’t seem to be enjoying being shot down in flames by the truth time after time)….


Alf Baird @ 15.59

Always nice to view a post from Professor Baird which surely demands unqualified agreement in terms of the lamentable (almost apparently intentional) failure of the devolved administration to accept informed input and most generous offers of assistance from Dr Ballantyne in respect of proven design ferries.
Instead of which the shipbuilding memorial the administration will leave are two, unsuitable, uncompleted, over budget hulks and two outsourced Turkish ferries.


Who is Stevie?
Indy car Scotland?

Hope he is present at our upcoming Salvo hub meeting.


John Main: “Ethnic nationalism underpins all decolonisation efforts across the world since the nineteenth century. “

That isn’t just wrong, it’s essentially the opposite of the truth.

Decolonisation which wasn’t even a serious universal goal or consideration until 1945 was underpinned by the nation state system (through the UN and other nation state based organisations) and liberal democracy. Both of those fundamentals are totally at odds with ethnic nationalism in that both almost entirely ignore ethnicity.

Can I ask you something, John, in all seriousness… where does an ordinary fellah like you pick up mistruths like that?

I mean, these really are very basic things you are getting wrong, I think we can rule out picking them up in any sort of educational setting, so where do they come from?


@ fruitella

R. Soil

Was just reading this brief article picked up from the feed.

link to

Got to dash as have 5 cooking pots sitting on the woodburner. Making dinner and a batch of chutney from my homegrown veg.
Have you planted your garlics yet? You should have had them in the ground on the winter solstice. Mine are rooted and sprouted a good inch already. #WalkTheGreenTalk


@ sam

Aye, Mr Main does take a lot of trouble to avoid the playground stuff…
CTRL F search “Pubes” on this linked page and you’ll find Ellis in on it too.

link to

Or more recently Mr Main is not averse to a bit of flat out lying too.

link to


Ellis, we may appear to be in agreement on this, but you should at least try to take on board what those who disagree say. There are respectable voices here who have major concerns about the franchise and you traduced them. Yet here you say;

“The international community will only really be concerned at all if there is some dispute between the parties involved or in the case of manifest unfairness.

And with that you undermine your own position because you agree that there may be cause for concern or dispute and manifest unfairness which is exactly what some like Geri have argued quite reasonably.

My position is different. I don’t want to see any move towards a stance that gives any recognition, credibility, or respectability to the sort of thinly veiled sectarian/racist/ethnocentric views that naturally creep (and have already crept) into this debate.

This will be my last comment on this horrible subject. The franchise we used in 2014 is fine by me. We are polling at 50% and can go a lot higher — no need to invite the klan to the table, inadvertently or otherwise.


Main has been using humour ????

Who knew?


ScotsRenewables says on 5 February 2024 at 11:27 am:
“I saw Stu’s Twitter feed”
“What an unending trainwreck this Alba election has become.”
“Something manifestly shady has happened. Nobody EVER has a good excuse for refusing to publish the results of an election.”
“This echoes my own unease. I hope Stu will be publishing a full investigation/explanation piece soon, for ALBA’s sake as I believe members are leaving over this perceived lack of transparency.”

Anyone know what this is about? Been out of the loop for a few days so haven’t got a scooby what’s going on.

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 5.38pm

Sheer casuistry on your part. I’m not obliged to “take on board” the concerns of others when I regard them as fundamentally flawed: that’s not how it works. There may be respectable voices making such a case, but few if any of them are here.

Geri’s argument aren’t reasonable, nor are they reasonably expressed. I’m not undermining my own position at all: I explained that the only reason the international community would be likely to look favourably on or accept any radical change to the standard, open, residence based franchises used in virtually all self determination referendums, would be if all the parties involved agreed to such a change &/or any change proposed were not seen to be manifestly unfair, or an attempt to “queer the pitch”.

Those concerns do not apply to our case, because the majority don’t accept the franchise restriction narrative, and will never agree to the kinds of restrictions proposed. Many both internally and externally would regard the kind of changes posited by nativists as profoundly unfair – even incompatible with the whole civic nationalist project – and not justified in the circumstances operative here.

I’m quite happy not to be on your side, trust me.

Andy Ellis

@Stoker 6.07pm

It goes back to NEC elections last December: there’s been a stair heid rammy about releasing the voting figures. The party woefully mishandled the whole episode IMO, but it does seem there are a few individuals with an agenda who are trying to make a drama out of a crisis.

It doesn’t look particularly good and I don’t know the labyrinthine details of internal party politics and organisation processes involved, but from the Twitter/X exchanges I’ve seen and some other communications flying about it looks more like a cock up than a conspiracy.

Andy Ellis

@Chas 4.18pm

Very astute observation there. Finally recognised that there are least three people who write some sense. There are a few more.

Baird, Che, RoS, Geri, Johnlm, Hateuy, the unnamed one and some others who continually bombard this site, are not to be confused with the individuals who write sensible prose.

Well done and cheerio.

So long Chas! I suspect the days of sensible prose are gone.

We, who are about to die, salute you! 🙂


I watched 5 min of question time from Glasgow broadcast by the putrid bbc containing wee paddy and Kate forbes, they were asked about the sturgeon LIES and CORRUPTION the amount of corkscrewing should have led to them being located underground , forbes sycophantic forced sweetness and light was absolutely sickening and obnoxious and wee paddy as usual was defending sturgeon to keep his arse in the trough

As usual this gave the unionists the greatest of advantages in their ability to show how SHITE Scotland was being governed, totally unaware that WM were equally as bad if not worse, the absolute outrage is that they are right and no amount of whataboutery will change that

Offord,Murray and the posh speaking twat nelson were ecstatic it was like shooting fish in a barrel and wee paddy and cutesy Kate the avoider of GRR were struck dumb

One of PayPal pauls brain dead sycophants was also on extolling the virtues of nicla and how she done so well managing covid (what fucking planet does she inhabit)

Andy Ellis

Another victory for common sense….even if only after deployment of legal threats!

Women Won’t Wheesht now included in the 2024 Dundee Women’s Festival Programme following a correspondence from DWF’s solicitors.

link to



There is research by Iain Matheson of Coventry Uni to which I linked some time ago that deals with “internal colonisation”.

Matheson explored the subject by using the language of those who wished to set up colonies for various purposes within Scotland.

It was an early process, starting the move away in the Highlands from common land to privately owned land. This move had the support of Lowland elites and the UK government.

It is reasonable to ask if Scotland has both internal colonisation from those in Scotland and from the UK government with its control of the continuing decline of Scottish health, welfare and economy.

John Main

@ sam says: 5 February, 2024 at 4:46 pm

I’m paying attention

Better late than never.

You must have been nodding at your post when all the shit that was directed my way came around.

Anyhoo, fortify yourself. I can’t warrant that any opinions I am permitted to post won’t be too much for your delicate sensibilities.

I see you have Dan with you too. He seems to be agitated at what he claims is flat out lying on my part. I have traced back through the links and can’t fathom out what his beef is – maybes one of you could clarify.

But man, if lying was a sin on here, most Wings BTL threads would be sitting at zero comments.



Yes you are right.

Johnim thumbs up


Well you know you live in a country that is treated as a colony when your countries flagship 6pm colonial news programme is brushed aside to report that a foreign monarch has what looks like terminal cancer.

Even now the fawning over how wonderful King Charles III is, broadcast by the English tv channel ITV is in full swing. No doubt his eldest son is being prepped for what’s to come.

Roll on the dissolving of the union and a REPUBLIC of Scotland.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 4:19 pm

“Ethnic nationalism underpins all decolonisation efforts across the world”

Indeed, this is evident throughout the postcolonial world and associated theory; which tells that an “independence movement depends on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group” (Hechter).

And from this we begin to understand that, for there to be an oppressed ethnic group there must also be an oppressor ethnic group and culture.

Hence colonialism, as we know, involves racial oppression against a specific ethnic group through the theft of their territory, plunder of their resources and the obliteration of their culture and language.

This explains why the ethnic group forming the bulk of the Scottish independence movement comprises Scots speaking Scots. Withoot thaim/us thar widna be ony Scottis leeberation muivement an thar widna be ony naitionalist pairties aither.


Brian Doonthetoon says on 4 February 2024 at 10:31 pm:
“JJ Burnel of the Stranglers is interviewed in The Herald. In the article, he states, on the subject of Scottish independence,”

“I’ll get criticised for it, but I think there’s more that binds Scotland to the island than doesn’t. I think it’s a bit unnatural. For instance, Ireland will eventually be one country, one state, because it’s not natural for an island to be split up, you know? It’s kind of an unnatural thing.”

Criticism should be the least of his concerns. He should be told to STFU on subjects he knows nothing about. Is this the start of ‘The Herald’ running a unquestionable campaign of “celebrities” against indy? Where the “celebrities” get to spout all sorts of unchallenged shite. Just like they got away with in 2014?

Has JJ Burnel ever heard of New Guinea? It’s classed as the planets second biggest island and is shared, split more or less right down the middle, by Papua New Guinea in the east and Indonesia in the western half.

Add to that the following: English is the official language of PNG and the official language of Indonesia is Bahasa. And just for good measure there are several hundred native languages spoken in New Guinea by its indigenous population.

And in total contrast to that of Indonesia & PNG there is the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the smallest island on our planet that is shared by 2 countries – The French territory of Saint Martin in the north of the island and The Dutch territory of Sint Maarten in the south.

Haiti and The Dominican Republic also share a landmass.

Mr Burnel really needs to stick to music because he obviously knows fuck-all about politics, and in particular where Scotland is concerned. This is also another embarrassing moment for the BritNat Herald. Allowing unchallenged shite to be published just obliterates any credibility that BritNat rag had remaining.

PS: Good to see you’re on the mend, Brian. Good luck!

fruitella the hun

Very witty Dan, for you. Perhaps you’re feeling better now.

Please don’t bother to respond , I have watched your progress on this site and know that we have no more to exchange.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 5 February, 2024 at 5:08 pm

Decolonisation which wasn’t even a serious universal goal or consideration until 1945 was underpinned by the nation state system (through the UN and other nation state based organisations) and liberal democracy. Both of those fundamentals are totally at odds with ethnic nationalism in that both almost entirely ignore ethnicity

Boy oh boy.

It’s only a few weeks since I referenced an article on Unherd demonstrating the exact opposite. The author was listing all of the nation states, many of them European, many of them brought into being under the UN specifically since 1945, that required major processes of ethnic cleansing to sort them out.

Hatuey continues to push his narrative in the gritted teeth of the truth of everything we see around us, every time we check the latest news.

Most countries that are ethnically mixed are experiencing unrest of a greater or lesser extent.

The most stable countries right now are ones that are not diverse, or ones where ethnic minorities are rigorously suppressed and/or controlled.

Diverse countries, held together by strong and authoritarian leadership, that split apart when that leadership weakens, are a recurring theme throughout all of history.

Diverse countries, brought into being by white imperialist colonisers drawing lines on maps that ignore tribal boundaries are a recurring theme of post-colonial blame mongering.

Poor old Hats would have us believing the truth is what he needs to assert every time he has an argument to settle.


This is disgusting behaviour from the Tory PM Rishi Sunak.

“RISHI Sunak has been reported for a “clear breach of the ministerial code” after taking a bet on the Rwanda deportation scheme.

The Prime Minister has sparked furious backlash after betting TalkTV host Piers Morgan £1000 that the UK would deport people to Rwanda before the General Election.

It has seen Sunak accused of being “out of touch” and of treating politics as “just a game”.

Despite the ructions caused by the policy – which has so far cost the UK Government £240 million – no asylum seekers have been sent to Rwanda.”

“Challenging Sunak on the troubled policy during an interview on TalkTV, Morgan challenged the Prime Minister to a bet.

After shaking hands with Morgan on the terms of the Rwanda bet, Sunak said: “I want to get the people on the plane. I am working incredibly hard to get the people on the planes.””

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says: 5 February, 2024 at 6:20 pm

We, who are about to die, salute you!

The announcement of our “deaths” may turn out to have been premature.

Keep up the good fight. That’s what I intend to do.

As Rev Stu himself pointed out, iScotland will contain monarchists and republicans, socialists and tories, revolutionaries and conservatives, money grubbing rentier capitalists and dirt grubbing hippie greens.

Or iScotland will never come into being.

There’s a very good reason why Rev Stu has to publish his flat-lined Indy support graph, year after year after year. It’s cos the roasters who think they own Indy refuse to allow a voice to the half of Sovereign Scots they disagree with.

That has to change, especially when you see how the roasters monopolisation of Indy through their beloved SNP has driven Scotland into the ground over the past decade.


I wonder if Stephen Flynn managed to say the below with a straight face, politicians when confronted with difficult questions often pull a deadpan face, no doubt Flynn pulled his.

“Stephen Flynn has rejected claims that some SNP MPs are too “comfortable” in Westminster.

The SNP Westminster leader said he “never doubts the commitment” of his MPs.”

The question arose when Mhairi Black of all people, said that her SNP colleagues, well some of them to be precise, were, enjoying life in London a little bit too much.

Surprisingly or not.

“SNP MP Joanna Cherry called on the deputy Westminster leader to apologise and said it wasn’t “appropriate” for her to be “attacking her colleagues in public”.”


I get the feeling that the Rutherglen area is being punished for not voting for the SNP candidate in the by-election.

“Rutherglen SNP MSP Clare Haughey has distributed leaflets praising Clyde Gateway for their work within the community weeks after a Scottish Government ‘printing error’ resulted in their funding being stripped.

According to reports, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance Shona Robison appeared to have designated funds of £5m for Clyde Gateway in her spending plans released to the public on December 20.

The following day, Clyde Gateway—an urban regeneration organisation that promotes inbound investment and improvements for people in several towns, including Rutherglen—was notified that there had been a mistake and they would not be getting the money due to a ‘printing error”.

Big Jock

Brian …Old comment about JJ Burnell. I was a big Stranglers fan. Like you I am disappointed JJ made those comments.

They are ill informed at best. Scotland historically is a celtic nation. England Anglo Saxon. Culturally we are poles apart, but politically bound, largely against the will of the Scots. His idea that an island has to be one nation is utter bollocks.

The only thing that unites us is a land border. Should the two distinct cultures be homogenised as an identikit of the largest nation? That’s what he suggests. How is that fair or good for the smaller nation?

I am afraid like many English people. JJ doesn’t have a clue what it feels like to be Scottish. JJ’s parents were French , but he was born in England. Hence he has adopted the dismissive approach to other nations aspirations.

Stick to the bass JJ.


Haha, I’ve just realised the typo in my 5.10 pm post must have been taken the wrong way.

I typed “RE. Soil” but noticed I’d held the shift button down and typed a capital E, so went back to make it a small case e but must have failed and the result is I typed “R. soil” which guessing may have been misconstrued as arsehole.
Apologies if that absolutely honest genuine mistake has caused such offence, but I was busy when submitting the post as at the critical juncture of frying the flour in butter and adding the milk to make my cheese sauce so didn’t want it to go lumpy.

It’s fucking epic that someone so avidly pro-environmental sustainability living should be so motivated to constantly find so many issues with me, a person who actually lives what must be near one of the most sustainable existences in Scotland.

Anyway, the venison burger made from a deer that roamed a few miles from my house, the chips made from my homegrown tatties, and the kale plucked from my veg bed was very tasty, and all cooked on the woodburner fueled by local windfallen branches.
Better go as the homegrown marrow, pumpkin, and onion chutney simmering away on the woodburner is nearly ready to jar up.
The veg offcuts are all added to the wormery so I have loads of rich compost to grow the next seasons crops in.
But ya ken, I’m just not living a sustainable enough existence for some.

Oh, and a totes comedy moment early in the afternoon when the Green Party voter was raging at her Tory estate owner landlord because the cost of heating the property they rent was way higher this winter with the solar PV and air source heatpump fitted!
Suck it up is what I say and maybe some will finally learn that not all that is deemed “green” is green.


John Main, you talk about countries that “required major processes of ethnic cleansing to sort them out” and then you get offended when I point out that you are basically promoting the sort of ideas that The National Front promoted.

It’s pretty weird and as far as I can make out we are in full agreement; we both agree you are a racist/sectarian/ethnocentric crackpot. You confirm it every time.

That means we can both move on.


Rupublicofscotland 7.38pm

Mhairi who???

Why would you give up your £80,000 a year number for doing her haw to fight for Scottish independence,,,are you nuts?

To think I wasted my time and energy going through to Paisley to get that useless lazy cunt elected.

Never ever again,,,I hope every single one of the troughing SNP bastards lose their seats.


Rupublicofscotland 7.38pm

Mhairi who???

Why would you give up your £80,000 a year number for doing her haw to fight for Scottish independence,,,are you nuts?

To think I wasted my time and energy going through to Paisley to get that useless lazy freak elected.

Never ever again,,,I hope every single one of the troughing SNP bastards lose their seats.


Hatuey said;

“Any idea that implies one ethnic group is superior in any way to another is a dangerous and hideous idea.”

Maybe it is, but when the ‘ethnic group’ literally and legally owns the sovereignty of their nation, that’s not remotely dangerous or hideous. It’s called normal governance.

And you’re at it again; you are misusing that word ‘superior’ by applying it in a wider context than the assertion can support.

In a voting system in Scotland, Scottish ethnicity is not a matter of dangerous and hideous superiority, it’s a matter of simple ownership; the ownership or not of the right to vote, and in Scotland’s case, also the ownership or not of Scotland’s sovereignty. Owning sovereignty confers an additional right to vote, the right to vote on constitutional matters pertaining to Scotland.

Scotland’s people, under their own very-long-standing constitution, are vested with the sovereignty of their nation, along with a set of rights that all native Scots are entitled to enjoy. Those rights are not in any way abusive towards others, and in fact they are almost all about providing the Scots with protections from abuse by others, and especially from others in positions of authority, including monarchs, parliaments and officials.

Scotland’s constitution (and thus those rights) is under an explicit guarantee of permanence within the Union as a condition of the ratification of the Treaty of Union.

So, voting;

Non-native Scots are normally entitled to vote in elections on a wide franchise, but lacking Scottish sovereignty, they should not be entitled to vote on constitutional matters. But in principle at least they could acquire that right if a suitable franchise were to be designed in tandem with a system equivalent to acquiring Scottish citizenship, conferring an honorary sovereignty entitling them to vote on constitutional matters. In my view, acquiring that sovereignty is a privilege and should not be acquirable on a casual basis. At the least a fairly long-term residency period would be one requirement, and other prerequisites may need met, too.

But the elephant in the room is that no such Scottish citizenship or Scottish sovereignty system exists, and it is highly unlikely that any such system can be introduced until after Scotland resumes its independence, because England’s establishment will never accept it. (Not that it’s any of their damn business in the first place but that’s never stopped them in over three hundred years, and no-one has really tried to. -Scots MPs, I’m glaring at you!)

That means that currently only the sovereign Scots are entitled to vote on Scottish constitutional matters and that’s that.

However, there’s another elephant; no system currently exists to prevent non-sovereign voters in Scotland from voting on Scottish constitutional matters, nor to prevent others interfering with the conduct of the campaigns, or introducing various other ‘spoilers’, and that’s a serious problem for an independence plebiscite because we cannot currently prevent what the UN calls ‘outside interference’ in any proposed self-determination plebiscite.

Our sovereignty fully entitles us to create a franchise specifically in Scotland to enforce some criteria designed to restrict constitutional plebiscites to those sovereign Scots, but no such criteria have ever been properly identified, and certainly never applied. It must be pretty obvious though that Scottish sovereignty cannot really belong to those not born in Scotland, and it can be fairly argued that some degree of Scottish parentage might apply as well, and long-term non-transient residence in Scotland is another possibility.

How to specify these and perhaps others well enough to design a franchise around them for application to constitutional plebiscites will be up to those with the relevant professional experience in these matters.


On reading this I guess the Scottish Indy movement desperately needs to lose our World Champion Headless Chickens title.

link to

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 5 February, 2024 at 7:56 pm

you are a racist/sectarian/ethnocentric crackpot

Moan, Hats, help us oot!

Ah’m needing “Nazi” fir ra foo hoose.


Andy Ellis

The ‘cheerio’ was to the, soon to depart,one who cannot be named. Maybe should have made that clearer.

I will stick around for a wee while yet. How else am I going to find out what is going on in the world? Whatever the experts like Hateuy, RoS and the likes come away with I immediately think the opposite is true.



No one is “soon to depart” unless the Rev says so or an individual chooses not to post.

You’re a bad bit of work and have been warned.

frutella the hun

“ It’s fucking epic that someone so avidly pro-environmental sustainability living should be so motivated to constantly find so many issues with me, a person who actually lives what must be near one of the most sustainable existences in Scotland.”

I’m full of admiration for you lifestyle, I’ve told you so before but you don’t take it on board. What I take issue with is your attacks on me for not doing the same. You think that somehow makes my criticism on an oil-based economy invalid. It also suggests to onlookers that the lifestyle required to go green it too onerous so better to resolve the cognitive dissonance by picking holes in the case for it. This response was commonly understood by folk working in the environmental education field in the 90s.

I borrowed the sign-off from Dorothy to test if I shouldn’t have found it so “off”.

Anyway. North-facing PVs apparently give 60-70% of the juice south-facing ones deliver. Who’d have thought! It’s the installation companies pushing it. Still not seen any. Got the cables oiled on the Camon and the tattie patch tilling started.


Still at it. Still trolling.

As you mean to go on.

“If people engage by responding, the conversations may well turn into proliferation of non-constructive comments – especially if the troll employs the right strategies to prolong the exchange.

Particularly alongside personal insults, such prolonged digression renders trolling detrimental to online conversation, not least because contra-normative behavior increases discontentment and disillusionment among contributors and other readers. While the literature has examined definitions of trolling (Coles and West, 2016; Hardaker 2010; Herring et al., 2002), the motivations or goals behind it (Fichman and Sanfilippo 2016, pp. 23–47; Sanfilippo et al., 2017b), the distinct styles and general trolling strategies manifested (Hardaker 2013; Herring et al., 2002; Lumsden and Morgan, 2017; on ideological trolling in particular, see Zelenkauskaite and Niezkoda, 2017), and opportunities for preventing such behavior (Golf-Papez and Veer, 2017), researchers have not studied the conversational or interaction strategies that prolong non-constructive conversations specifically in terms of conversation structure…

…The interaction patterns we pinpointed also, importantly, illustrate the collaborative nature of trolling. By not following the rules of conversational symmetry, troll-like users bait others to respond. While one user might perform counter-normatively in a relatively systematic manner, thereby disrupting the coherence of the conversation, trolling is a joint creation (as noted also by Cook et al, 2019), and anyone may end up contributing to it (cf. Cheng et al. 2017). Thus, trolling as a phenomenon emerges from community experience and culture: both for perceiving/identifying trolling behavior in the given context (cf. Sanfilippo et al. 2018) and for contributing to the trolling event or prolonging it, collaborative effort is necessary. As a good troll knows, ‘it takes two to tango.’”

Or three.

link to


John Boy, you’ve got the whole deck, work it out.

Xaracen, I really don’t want to insult you but there’s a whole memory of elephants in the room. Those who try to be reasonable with their ethnic agendas always fail to sound reasonable when they put them into words. Here are your words;

“It must be pretty obvious though that Scottish sovereignty cannot really belong to those not born in Scotland, and it can be fairly argued that some degree of Scottish parentage might apply as well…”

I guess we have differing opinions on a few things.

You seem to be saying even those born in Scotland can’t expect to be regarded as true Sovereign Scots until we have ran some checks on their blood line / parentage. Those not born here are ruled out entirely so the parental checks would only apply to those born here. Do I have that right?

Andy Ellis

@Chas 8.32pm

Ah, I see: my mistake. Time will tell I reckon. I salute your indefatigability and that of Mr Main in keeping up the good fight.

Sadly I fear it’s not enough. I have my doubts game’s really worth the candle. At least with twitter you can filter out the worst of it: here…? Not so much.

The wall to wall nativism gives me the boak.


Dedicating a wee tune for, well you’ll guess who…
Kaiser Chiefs at T in the Park 2014 (guessing they confiscated all the YES flags)

link to

fruitella the hun


This was prefaced by a quote from yours. It went into moderation, presumably because
one of your words in now filtered. Or I fluffed the credentials

I’m full of admiration for you lifestyle, I’ve told you so before but you don’t take it on board. What I take issue with is your attacks on me for not doing the same. You think that somehow makes my criticism on an oil-based economy invalid. It also suggests to onlookers that the lifestyle required to go green it too onerous so better to resolve the cognitive dissonance by picking holes in the case for it. This response was commonly understood by folk working in the environmental education field in the 90s.

I borrowed the sign-off from Dorothy to test if I shouldn’t have found it so “off”.

Anyway. North-facing PVs apparently give 60-70% of the juice south-facing ones deliver. Who’d have thought! It’s the installation companies pushing it. Still not seen any.

Got the cables oiled on the Camon and the tattie patch tilling started.

George Ferguson

I said it before I don’t know how Stu does it. He is remarkably tolerant of Btl comments. However his patience is not inexhaustible. I engage with Unionists on this blog if I think I can learn why they are unconvinced about why a country shouldn’t be allowed to manage their own affairs. And I confess my belief in Independence has been stretched to the boundary recently. But the SNP are on the way out along with their gangster politics to quote Fraser Nelson on QT. This hasn’t been a red letter day for Btl comments. We are better than this. Everyone gets a bit excitable now and again but persistent personal attacks are not welcomed.


If Charlie goes to that kingdom in the sky, then prepare for the next English ponce to pop up, non other than William,,,

We really are doomed.


Rev. Stuart Campbell
5 February, 2024 at 3:17 pm

Well, I’m so glad that the New Year amnesty for posters on pre-moderation went so well, and everyone hasn’t just gone straight back to fucking bitching at each other like fucking children.

This is your last, last, last chance. Between you you’ve spent a LOT of time on pre-mod. Evidently you want it to be permanent. I can assist with that, and be assured that I will.

At least Ellis has recognised that the message is also directed at him.

It takes more than one to be fucking bitching at each other.

Main & Chas for some strange reason think they are except. 🙂

I admit that I have been ‘fuckin’ bitching’ at Ellis, Main & Chas but I really can’t help it.

So I don’t envisage a bright future here BTL on Wings.

My choice is post and get banned or don’t post and not get banned from posting.

Is that what you would call a catch 22 situation?

It’s been fun!

PS It could be worse Stu it could be ‘homicidal bitchin’
You know the ‘homicidal bitchin’ that Leonard Cohen refers to in his song Democracy.

It’s coming from the sorrow in the street
The holy places where the races meet
From the homicidal bitchin’
That goes down in every kitchen
To determine who will serve and who will eat
From the wells of disappointment
Where the women kneel to pray
For the grace of God in the desert here
And the desert far away
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A



The “Kevin” (Of Harry Enfield fame) of Wings btl.

I’m bored. Have I told you all I’m bored yet? I’ve browsed the comments & I’m soooo booooored. I’m bored, bored, bored! You are all boring. I don’t know why I come here, I’m bored. Have I mentioned yet that I’m bored?? *Stamps feet* IM BORED!

Aye, If you put aww the lights oot, dim yer screen & really, really squint I think I can see some high brow “sensible” input there…

Stu, if yer looking in. I suggest you look at the baiting if yer interested in fairness. Derogatory name calling obviously gets folks heckles up.

Xaracen – great post.
I dunno why people think Scotland is to be different from anyone else. Scotland has to somehow run her constitutional arrangement like some fcking county council election.
Yet the glorious English are perfectly entitled to block voters. Just not you Scotland. You can suck it up & run yer constitutional question like some happy, clappy hippy commune & be left wondering why we always lose.

We are dealing with a hostile neighbour who will do everything in its power to prevent the cash cow walking out the door & if that means diluting the voting pool in their favour they’ll do everything in their power to make it happen. Flood Scotland with Tory voting pensioners. Do the same in Wales. Everything is fine. No one will notice..

Then the bad actors on here will have the audacity to post on here *Oh well – you just didn’t convince enough people. Better luck next time eh*

No wonder Scotland is a shite hole with no hope of ever getting out but hey, we might be thick as shite but at least we’re friendly with it & gave everyone a vote – yay Us!!

John Main

@ sam says: 5 February, 2024 at 9:10 pm

What an extraordinarily overlong, overcomplicated post. Think of your environmental responsibility.

All you had to post was:

Troll (n): An online poster Sam disagrees with

Here’s the thing, Sam. There’s been post after post after post. Days, weeks and months. Constantly repeated primary school level, potty mouthed, personal insults.

Interspersed with post after post of simple profanity.

And not a fecking peep out of you.

But let one or two or three posters write something you don’t agree with, and Bam! out comes the synthetic outrage.

We see you, Sam.

Answer us this. Is the Scottish Independence cause really such a fragile flower that it can’t weather some diversity of opinion within it?

Personally, I don’t think so. But it seems to me that you do, and if you’re right, it’s not going to survive the bruising encounter with reality.


@ sam at 9:10 pm

Very apt, especially when the likes of this has just been posted which is inaccurate and is absolutely intended to provoke a reaction.

The wall to wall nativism gives me the boak.

It’s tricky to deal with too because clearly Stu is okay for this sort of thing to get posted on a regular basis as it has been going on for years, but if folk don’t engage to correct the lie then it looks like his statement is accepted by other commenters as legit, and any passing reader may think it genuinely is the case thus tarnishing the site.

What Ellis always fails to mention when referring back to Stu’s twitter thread on the franchise issue as if it was carved in stone, was that Stu also stated he had no great issue with tightening up the franchise to eliminate temporary residents like transient workers or students; Ergo that would mean some kind of term of residency and deviation from the franchise used in 2014.
Most of the EU residents I know that voted no in 2014 have now left and returned home. Being EU citizens they had and still have a safety net to get out if things went / go bad, native Scots less so.



Main & Chas for some strange reason think they are exempt


Hatuey said;

“Those not born here are ruled out entirely so the parental checks would only apply to those born here. Do I have that right?”

It’s an option, but I understand that others have suggested it in conjunction with native birth, and that other countries have actually adopted similar policies, going to two generations of parenthood.


It would help if Genocide John could mark his ‘humorous’ posts as such.

It’s impossible to separate the bonkers propaganda from the character assassinati0n and the general whining among all her t0rtured syntax.

She must be getting payed by the word.



Well said.

I’ve mentioned before they all have their own constitution in their own countries to concern themselves with.

If I lived in another country I wouldn’t dare assume to have a right to vote or even throw in my tuppenceworth to someone else’s constitutional referendum. That’s just not cricket, imo.
But we can see who doesn’t give a feck about good manners & etiquette. Mr nativist there..


@ fruitella

I don’t expect folk to live as sustainably as me and have said so before, but it’s not anti-green to point out the serious flaws in some of the ridiculous policies being rolled out. Maybe it is because I live the way I do and as an engineer that I can see the obvious glaring flaws in systems, where as politicians listening soley to lobby groups think all is well because the advertising blurb says so.

I’ve already posted the solar PV generation figures which show two of the three highly compromised south facing panel arrays only managed to produce just 290 and 170KWhs in a little over the 6 months from mid June to mid January. They are absolutely shocking generation figures. That is real world performance, not some marketing shite. And the panels are next to useless in winter when the need for power is greater and sun is low in sky and daylight hours short.
I could envisage repercussions for the landlord being recommended to fit such compromised systems. But of course the landlord may not be motivated to do so because it was only taxpayers’ money that paid for the kit, plus landlord was being effectively pushed into “upgrading” green credentials of their properties by our “governments”.

FYI I have got another neighbour with one of the now north facing arrays to go up into their loft to read the generation figure for their array. I say now north facing because they were originally installed on the south for about a month (which was also massively compromised location due to constant shading from huge trees), but that breached planning laws and conservation area status so the array had to be taken off that side of the roof and somehow they got away with putting it on the rear which also miffs me a bit as it isn’t in-keeping with conservation area status… I originally pointed out the compromised south facing position and importantly informed them that it would breach planning laws first thing on the morning the company arrived to install them, but they didn’t give a fuck, installed them, then had to come back and do double the work to take them off the front and re-install on rear.
Not very efficient use of time, but then they also didn’t have roof ladders which you’d think is a bit of a shortcoming for doing that sort of work. I could hear the Scottish slates cracking as they walked and knelt on the roof as they struggled to fit the brackets and panels. Being a decent sort I gave the lads some of my spare Scottish slates to replace the ones they had broken.
It’s also a load of hassle if a roof sheds a slate under the panels…


John Main
5 February, 2024 at 9:49 pm

@ sam says: 5 February, 2024 at 9:10 pm

What an extraordinarily overlong, overcomplicated post. Think of your environmental responsibility.

All you had to post was:

Troll (n): An online poster Sam disagrees with

Here’s the thing, Sam. There’s been post after post after post. Days, weeks and months. Constantly repeated primary school level, potty mouthed, personal insults.

Interspersed with post after post of simple profanity.

Do you ever ask yourself if you are perhaps doing something to provoke those sort of reactions.

Do you think you are perfect? That’s a genuine question.

fruitella the hun

“ The wall to wall nativism gives me the boak.”

At some point a self-sufficient and/or sustainable system will hit carrying capacity. It has to restrict immigration before that to compensate for natural variation in the indigenous population. That is the point at which “nativism” is the most moral choice. Of course it’s a moving target, so tricky.

The people desperate to syphon off cheap labour from their origin country – a brain drain – to do the jobs nobody here currently wants rather than reorganising ourselves and our culture to cope, are the real exploiters of the global poor. Now, is that systemic racism?

I think it qualifies. Judging other ethnicities intrinsically inferior, a servant or slave class, is about as dumb as it gets. Only allowing endless immigration is dumber. Unfortunately the allure of a “growth economy” seems to blind intelligent people to the dangers.

John Main

@ Xaracen says: 5 February, 2024 at 8:15 pm

It must be pretty obvious though that Scottish sovereignty cannot really belong to those not born in Scotland, and it can be fairly argued that some degree of Scottish parentage might apply as well

Loving this, but afraid I wouldn’t support it (not that I expect that any of us Sovereign Scots will ever be asked our opinions, so it’s all moot). It’s too extreme for me.

But as a way of ridding us of Yousaf, it would work.

You sly old dog, Xaracen. Be honest, have you already worked this out for yourself?


Okay, Xaracen, you’ve sold me. But I want to go a little further than you, John Main, Alf, and the rest…

I want a franchise that only empowers those that chose to be born in Scotland to Scottish parents. It’s not enough for me that someone who just happened to be born here to Scottish parents gets a say, anybody could do that, the country should be in the holy hands of those who chose…

And extending the logic, those who didn’t choose to be born here should just shut up and pay their taxes.

We got where we were going in the end.


5 February, 2024 at 9:59 pm

@ sam at 9:10 pm

Very apt, especially when the likes of this has just been posted which is inaccurate and is absolutely intended to provoke a reaction.

“The wall to wall nativism gives me the boak.”

It’s tricky to deal with too because clearly Stu is okay for this sort of thing to get posted on a regular basis as it has been going on for years, but if folk don’t engage to correct the lie then it looks like his statement is accepted by other commenters as legit, and any passing reader may think it genuinely is the case thus tarnishing the site.

Yes it is tricky.

And that is all I am going to say ‘cos it’s tricky to say more.

James Che

Brian doonthetoon,

Chemo is a difficult hurdle to over come, whilst you are already ill, I wish you all the best for your recovery.

My Spouse decided not to take the Chemo or to get an operation for cancer as my spouse was not given good odds for either.
My spouses other illness was a bit surprising unusual and unexpected just prior to Christmas.
He got a Necrotic toe,

To all those who have no idea what this is and how it can effect anyone from farmers to outdoor lovers.
It is not a illness or a virus.
It is when you’re feet become wet and damp regularly and you do not change into dry foot wear,
Basically your feet start to deteriorate and die off.
In my spouses case it was late before the doctor sawit, so amputation of one toe and part of the foot.
Two days After amputation, Was home from hospital on Christmas day at lunch time. 2023.

I Have full empathy and compassion with your illness and the toll it takes on draining your energy, your life, the restrictions and worry, and that of friends and family.
It is Lovely to see you back commenting and on the better side of a bad illness, all our best wishes Brian for a happy healthier future.


Just give those entitled to a Scottish Passport on Day 1 the right to vote in any IndyRef2:

a) Those born in Scotland and resident in Scotland.
b) Those not born in Scotland but married to “a)” and resident in Scotland for 2+ years.
c) Those not in categories “a)” or “b)” but resident in Scotland for 5+ years.

Others not resident in Scotland on Day 1 can apply for their Scottish Passport post-Indy; born in Scotland but living elsewhere, children whose parents were born in Scotland, etc. etc.

John Main

@ fruitella the hun says: 5 February, 2024 at 10:43 pm

syphon off cheap labour from their origin country – a brain drain – to do the jobs nobody here currently wants rather than reorganising ourselves and our culture to cope, are the real exploiters of the global poor. Now, is that systemic racism?

As the man said, if it ain’t systemic racism, it will surely do until some systemic racism comes along.

Great post Fruitella. I once had an argument with a vociferous open borders type who delivered what he thought was the clincher by asking me just who did I think should wipe oor erses when we got too old to do it for ourselves.

My counter that maybes it was a wee smidge racist to assume that foreigners shouldn’t aspire to anything better than geriatric white erse wiping went straight over his heid!


George Ferguson
5 February, 2024 at 9:36 pm

This hasn’t been a red letter day for Btl comments. We are better than this. Everyone gets a bit excitable now and again but persistent personal attacks are not welcomed.

It could be a lot worse George we could be all killing one another. Although I wouldn’t rule it out as something that could happen in the not too distant future.

If I were moderating here I would let every just get stuck in. What’s the harm?
Telling someone what you think of them is honest and who knows they may benefit from your honesty.

I’ve seen big fights with people call others all sort of names and then the end of as the best of friends. Sometimes a good fight can clear the air.

The problem on this website as Geri said is flame-baiting. Those who come on here to provoke a reactions. They want a good fight. They are ‘cruising for a bruising’ as they say in the US.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 10:51 pm

“extending the logic”

I worked in Norway and in Oman for a while. I did not qualify for a national or referendum vote in either and did not expect to do so. And more especially a vote to extinguish these nations sovereignty and their existence as a state, which is what No voters do to Scotland.

As Albert Memmi said, “independence is a matter only for the colonized”, which for an oppressed people is primarily about ‘decolonization of the mind’ as much as anything else. Other national identities should respectfully jog on.


In other news, haud the front page!

Auld man found to be a bit unwell and cannae work.

How much money for the next – possibly imminent – coronation?

John Main

Can I assume then, after most of today being taken up (yet again) with the franchise question, that all thoughts of the plebiscitary election route have been canned?

It’s just that we’re well into 2024, it’s odds on that there’s a UK GE this year, and if we’re not going to make it a plebiscitary election …

When the feck will we ever?

It’s looking like a shoe in for Labour. It’s looking like a rout for the SNP. It’s looking like a big fat meh for Alba. If this isn’t a perfect opportunity to shake things up by trying something new …

When the feck will there ever be a better opportunity?

Tell you what folks, let’s spend tomorrow bickering about that. Nae rush, eh? Indy’s got all the time in the world.

George Ferguson

@Ruby 11:14pm
For someone that ignores my comments you sure have a high response rate to my comments. And it is brave of you to ignore the Site Author. In fact has anybody escaped your X. I am thinking you could be a paid SNP disruptor. Nobody is killing because we see the inglorious demise of the SNP. And the country will be better for it. You have done your fair share of flame baiting. I regret a couple of exchanges I have had. But generally I have respected contributions including Unionist ones.

James Che

Fruitella the hun.

Cob being a English word, may mean a house to you but it also derives from spider=cobweb/s, it also has links to a a type of horse,

A Mud hut is a mud hut regardless of fancy names,

I have a good deal experience living without mod cons such as cars, buses, trains or taxies, fridges, television , computers, central heating, land line or mobile phones or even a road to our house,
The doctor was only seen in the summer when he could canoe up the loch in good wether, my father made repair our leather shoes and satchels himself,
Fished for our supper and grew his own vegetables,
We all contributed to collecting firewood to have heating and hot water, which aided us washing our clothes, curtains, blankets by hand, and then putting them through the mangle.
Walking to School through all weathers, drenched or frozen sitting baltic the rest of the day in a class room.

And the numpty climate change ideologist want us to go backwards to live in these conditions again,
I would tell the likes of yourself in your ignorance, that never grew up or suffered any of those daily ” Green living ” conditions to get on your bike, but it is made with tyres, chrome, plastic and metal. So you had better walk off into your dreamworld sunset.

Preaching to those who actually know the reality of what going backwards to (green) means, whilst the green brigade fly, drive or are bused around the world with climate change going green mis- conception, protesting to all except the very elite who are pushing the climate change agenda like the big corporations like the WEF, Davos etc.
If you are going to preach your ideology, you might at least make the effort to knock on the correct doors.

fruitella the hun


If the house needs a big ASHP the install company is under pressure to put the necessary number of PVs, bought and paid for in the plan, somewhere. That seems to be the flaw, an accounting or procurement wrinkle in the system. All government schemes seem to have such wrinkles. There is no funding for proper inspection, the industry is “trusted” to follow its codes and the biggest spending risk managers face is not getting the money spent in time. This is not a feature particular only to green roll-outs, or a consequence of local corruption, it’s systemic wastism.



Absolutely none.

If the tax dodging multi millionaire benefit scroungers want a wee party they should pay for it themselves.

He’s not our King & King Billy certainly won’t be either.

If the English want to keep those leeches then let them dig deep. Start a crowdfund for some bunting. I’m sure the war vets must really appreciate their homeless tents while they feast like it’s 1707.

The monarchy is an antiquated con. I dunno where the peasants get their loyalty to a sponger who is of absolutely no benefit to them personally. He doesn’t put food on the table, in fact, they’ve been known to stand in the queue looking for a handout fae the poverty fund & get out of environmental rules. Its tragic having to upkeep a mansion so it is..

James Che

Alf Baird.

The colonised nation of Scots has a long tedious journey to travel,

I have had more time to read the comments over the last few days now that the district nurses are coming in every third day to ease some of the work load.

And I am amazed at the continuance of the colonisation mentally, for most it is a invisible disability,
And Something akin to steam, its there, but most cannot grasp it.

With regards franchises or referendums.
The parliament in England says the Scots nation were not invited to vote to join the treaty of union,
They define the Sovereign Scots nation as (separate) from the old parliament of Scotland.

Big Jock

I think the problem for Scotland is not immigrants. The problem is migration from one part of the UK to Scotland. We know what part it is. This type of migration is not diverse or progressive. Its plantatiinism,colonialism call it what you will…

But eventually it erodes the historic culture of a nation to a rump. Mcdiarmid knew this was coming in the 1930s. He saw Edinburgh becoming a northern satellite of London. He was proven correct.

The Highlands carries the largest no voting percentage in Scotland. Yet many think of the Highlands as the true Scotland. Not now it isn’t. The native highlanders have been replaced by RUK no voting middle class migrants.

Indeed the most patriotic areas in Scotland are Dundee and Glasgow. That wasn’t always the case. But these cities have kept their soul, their accents and cultural identity.

I worked in Edinburgh for many years. I was bemused at so many
Scots who watched cricket, but also supported England! That would be a hanging offence in Dundee or Glasgow.


Genocide John

Pretending he cares.

The life of a Yoon goes as follows…

“Nothing on here is ever about indy. Whit ye gonnie dae about x,y,z?”

*Someone responds*

“Okay, can you all shut up about indy *yawns* I’m sick of hearing about it”

*Moderator enters the forum*

It wisnae me! Plays dead/confused/victim/I Wiz just asking..*lashings & lashings of suck up to teacher*

Those types of trolls have polluted Yes forums everywhere circa 2013.

I’m with Ruby. Leave it be. The trolls would love nothing more than to shut the chat down & leave one dead forum with the odd tumbleweed. See Facebook YES groups for endless examples. It’s their aim. Less indy chat the sooner they can get back to their glorious union of yesteryear where it was a utopia & manna fell fae heaven..


George Ferguson
5 February, 2024 at 11:42 pm

@Ruby 11:14pm
For someone that ignores my comments you sure have a high response rate to my comments. And it is brave of you to ignore the Site Author. In fact has anybody escaped your X. I am thinking you could be a paid SNP disruptor. Nobody is killing because we see the inglorious demise of the SNP. And the country will be better for it. You have done your fair share of flame baiting. I regret a couple of exchanges I have had. But generally I have respected contributions including Unionist ones.

I don’t recall saying I ignored your comments nor even responding to you before.

For someone who is so opposed to name calling I was surprised to be called an SNP disruptor
and also accused of flame-baiting.

That is definitely personal abuse so I can also congratulate your bravery in ignoring the Site Author.

I think you might regret the above comment.

fruitella the hun

Do you reckon it’s the oil company owners funding the green agenda JC? They seem to fund most mainstream political activity.

You’ll not absorb this I suspect but by the mid 60s I was driving a tractor and tank up to the nearest water supply when staying with my farming cousins in the summer. I was 11 maybe. We went there most years from ‘58. No flush toilet. Pans on the stove for baths in the kitchen – and that was a middle class family. They had land and therefore they had food, and therefore they had security. It was a dairy farm.

Back home in Edinburgh, the curtains would freeze to the panes and we’d get dressed under the covers. Only one room heated. I’ve had a glimpse. Later I lived in a caravan on a farm and looked after some pigs, did the mechanics required and helped out with the hay, the barley, the dipping, shearing, disbudding, mucking out, concreting, roofing and part-time shopkeeper. But you carry on with your greens-don’t-know-they’re-born fantasy if it be giving you pleasure.


I’m not anti-solar, but I have genuine misgivings about its use in Scotland.

Perhaps my puny installation it is too small and inefficient, but I have a 20w solar panel, just the type to trickle charge a leisure battery in a caravan, but I find the difference in output between direct sunlight and passive overcast daylight to be pretty close to catastrophic. When sunny, fine, but otherwise, don’t bother.

Either my own findings are way off typical, or the PV Solar Panel industry are misrepresenting the performance of sub-optimal installation locations. Some days my “20W” output will take all day to barely charge a phone to 60%. It won’t actually run anything directly, you need to go through that battery to get any useful ampage. Using a thing always drains resource so you need to factor in a period for replenishment… ie have 2 leisure batteries, one to use and the other on charge.

On sunny days, 4 bars of sunshine, I’m content with what I get, but there’s a dramatic loss of efficiency when you’re only harvesting overcast daylight, and crudely speaking, for a major installation it’s going to take a long time to recover your installation costs. Those 2-3 good months in Summer are going to be doing all the heavy lifting.

There’s working, and there’s working. Yes, it generates electricity on cloudy days, but it’s an awful lot less electricity. There’s always some efficiency, because hey, it’s free energy provided by the sun, but the drop-off compared to a sunnier climate is being understated in my opinion.

It’s my personal belief that solar power in Scotland is being promoted by the Sales Dept, when we ought to be listening to Tech support.

Tell it like it is please Solar power industry. Bite the bullet, we are not all equal under the sun. We should be straight up and honest about the disadvantageous conditions. Solar suffers the same deficiency as wind power when the wind doesn’t blow, except you can guarantee the “wind doesn’t blow” during the hours of darkness.

Something for nothing is always worth a harvest, but that harvest can still mean borderline subsistence in marginal areas.

And regarding Cob, (buildings built organically using clay and straw), there’s a local vernacular component to Cob. It’s suited to drier localities than Scotland, particularly those areas deficient in building stone but blessed with lots of clay. Scotland is well catered for with good building stone which is more durable in our wetter climate. A damp stone wall will still be standing long after a damp Cob wall has given up the ghost.

But, it must be said, master that dampness, take building maintenance seriously, and Cob can last for centuries, and probably, if you include mud bricks / adobe construction, there are a lot more “mud huts” in the world than stone ones. Even in stone built Scotland, for a very long time, our stone buildings were augmented with turf and sometimes a clay mortar.

Stone, good stuff anyway, is both the Rolls Royce and popular Ford of building materials. Cob is maybe your bendy French Renault, perfectly fine but don’t have an accident in one, with modern Timber Frame being your Trabant or Tuk-Tuk; maximum possible out for barest minimum in, with endless bullshit about how good value it is.


Big Jock


Edinburgh isn’t Scottish anymore & neither is the Castle, the fringe, the Hogmanay. It’s London where the riff raff Scots can bugger off to the fringes.


Going back to our discussion today & puppies. She’s a right wee livewire & full of beans. Absolutely fearless & destroying everything in her wake. She needs a good run to blow off some energy. A border collie to boot so she has attitude & very willful lol. Cause I live rural & have no end of wildlife like foxes, bats, rabbits etc the vet advised to keep indoors until fully vaccinated. It’s driving us both nuts. Tho I’d rather have a playful puppy than home renovations – ughh. Lovely when all done & dusted but the upheaval is another full shift.

Bear with it. It’ll soon be spring & you’ll be able to admire yer handiwork with her feet up. PS. Lying barsteward from Gas didn’t show up. When I called they said they’d been & got no answer. Absolute bollocks. I’m sitting right at the porch door on poop patrol & in & out since 7am so there was no way I missed him & no card left either. I dunno why they think we zip up the back.

Royal Mail is fond of that trick too or I have to play hunt the parcel as they email me a photie of someone else’s door with my parcel saying “Delivered!! How did we do?” & I have to look up their wee GPS map & guess who has that front door! LOL


I had a solar panel water fountain in the garden. We’d all be in our Zen listening to tranquil water sounds until a cloud came & she’d stop pouring her jugs LOL

That was all the lessons we needed on Solar in Scotland. It’d probably waste more energy stopping & starting.


I have to agree with Geri @ 1.24am I have lots of solar power garden ornaments and no matter whether expensive or cheap they are all crap , if you’re lucky they will last one summer but if it rains (what in Scotland surely not) they won’t charge
Geri and Ruby I admire your indefatigability in responding to the tiresome, your patience is admirable but don’t let them destroy your enjoyment of wings


Ignored says:
6 February, 2024 at 2:56 am
I have to agree with Geri @ 1.24am I have lots of solar power garden ornaments and no matter whether expensive or cheap they are all crap…

True, but then again, the solar cells for these wee things are tiny anyway, and as I said above, the power generated is put straight to load, not put through a battery to build a higher Amp for more utility.

But we’re all agreeing, these PV solar systems are not designed with Scotland in mind.

I feel the same way about Air Source Heat Pumps. Just because they can work with 5degC, doesn’t mean they work well, and have to work towards their optimum capacity, meaning they’re at their loudest for longest, and wearing out their bits the fastest. But they apparently work, so we must be in the zone.

In contrast, I think Geothermal thermal heat, drawn from the ground, is a great leveller, and provided you can get your ground loop into the ground, the earth tends to treat everybody the same, and there are minimal moving parts.

I suppose the weakness of renewables generally is their fluctuating performance, since steady and reliable supply is something we’ve come to take for granted.

The funny thing is, with electricity, part of its comforting effect on our self security and wellbeing, is being on hand at the touch of a button whenever we want it. A weak and faltering power supply is far from relaxing. Everybody dreads the batteries failing or running out. It causes stress and anxiety.

But with the warm glow of an open fire, there simply isn’t the same angst about adding more fuel to keep it going. Sometimes we even like to watch its dying embers as pacification. We humans are very odd and complicated creatures. lol. Fire has a soul which electricity doesn’t.

John Main

@ George Ferguson says: 5 February, 2024 at 11:42 pm

That’s a moderate and measured response, George.

And be assured, you are thinking what many of us are also thinking.


“The wall to wall nativism gives me the boak.”

Where I live there is a small group of English natives who fly an English flag from time to time and who have said to us that, should Scotland become independent, they will leave.

John Main

@ fruitella the hun says:6 February, 2024 at 12:41 am

Do you reckon it’s the oil company owners funding the green agenda

They’re the ones with the money, so must be.

The trick is to identify where they get their money from.

Uh oh – turns out it’s us. If we could just all agree to stop buying anything oil related for a year – problem solved. Who wants to go first?

Re solar panels. My understanding is that the technology improves year on year. Just like with solid state batteries. The reality is that the bulk of the installed capacity is already obsolescent. The smugly virtuous early adopters are sick as parrots when two years later, their laggard neighbours are putting in panels twice as efficient for half the price. And two years after that …

It’s those pesky Covid Spreaders to blame. They just keep on innovating, improving and re-investing. It’s like they want to control and run the world, and they’ve identified the best route to that objective is to become the workshop and industrial powerhouse of the world.

Damn whoever it was that gave them that idea!


“Fire has a soul which electricity doesn’t”.
Breeks & Dan on solar energy:

all fascinating to read – inefficient N-facing panels, our climate, the politics of current (pardon the pun) installations – all fascinating.

The other thing about fire vs electricity is that we have control. It’s our energy that builds the fire, stokes it, cleans it out. It’s what humans have always done. Satisfying.

It’s a bit like self-determination when we would be in control and not some ‘higher’ power that can turn on and off as it chooses.

John Main

@ sam says: 6 February, 2024 at 7:38 am

To be scrupulously fair, current ScotGov policy is for Independence to mean immediate EU membership – no further democratic mandate required.

I have always suspected the enthusiasm for that policy arises in part from the intentions of some Scots to leave Scotland, should we become independent. Reclaim their lost and much lamented “European Citizenship”.

It’s absolutely the case that many Scottish politicians and taxpayer-funded hangers on will be out of here and off to Brussels in a flash.

Did you ask these English people where they intend to go to? Might not be England.

fruitella the hun


“The trick is to identify where they [the oil companies] get their money from.

“Uh oh – turns out it’s us. If we could just all agree to stop buying anything oil related for a year – problem solved. Who wants to go first?”

Nearly right, the licences to use an addictive substance controlled by global cartels are issued by our elected representatives. It’s a system that should stop the need for individuals having to put their head above the parapet to be blown off. Obviously It doesn’t work right at this point in time, not yet out of the testing stage, and the companies are not under control of the demos but in control of “it”. Do you see the problem?


@John Main

Bugger off


John Main
6 February, 2024 at 7:27 am

@ George Ferguson says: 5 February, 2024 at 11:42 pm

That’s a moderate and measured response, George.

And be assured, you are thinking what many of us are also thinking.

I take it you are referring to this post
link to

How do you know what the many are thinking? What do you mean when you use the pronoun us?

Are your pronouns us/we?

I’m a bit confused about pronouns and also what constitutes personal abuse.

For example George called me an SNP Disruptor and accused me of flame baiting.

In your opinion is that personal abuse?

You have always been more than willing to educate me in the past so I’m hoping you can help me out with these issues.

You help on this occasion will be much appreciated.

I have never had any issues with George in the past I always thought he was a very reasonable person but as Alex Salmond said on a recent interview you live and learn.


fruitella the hun says: at 11:49 pm

If the house needs a big ASHP the install company is under pressure to put the necessary number of PVs, bought and paid for in the plan, somewhere. That seems to be the flaw, an accounting or procurement wrinkle in the system. All government schemes seem to have such wrinkles. There is no funding for proper inspection, the industry is “trusted” to follow its codes and the biggest spending risk managers face is not getting the money spent in time. This is not a feature particular only to green roll-outs, or a consequence of local corruption, it’s systemic wastism.

Houses wouldn’t need such big heat pumps if they actually had double glazing and decent insulation to improve their thermal efficiency and stop any heat generated from just pissing out the building. And the properties for the three compromised garden mount systems I am talking about do not have ASHPs as part of the package.

Solar PV arrays on residential properties are generally 4KW systems due to grid tie in capability. That means the maximum power they could generate in optimum conditions is 4KW and hour, and if you understand the thermal efficiency / U rating of a property it means a badly insulated property will require more than 4KW every hour to keep it warm.
There is no sun at night, little sun and daylight hours in winter, and bad compromised installations mean the solar system does not produce anything close to the power required to keep a home warm.

The “advantage” of a heatpump is that you can get more heat out than the energy you put in. But these are expensive systems to buy and install because nearly all the property’s plumbing will need replaced including running larger 15mm pipework to all new larger radiators fitted throughout the house. Rads need to be larger because the heating system doesn’t run as hot as oil or gas central heating.
The thing is that the heat advantage an ASHP can give could have been far more simply obtained if the property had been properly insulated instead. Properly insulating first makes way more sense because if it isn’t done then all this new expensive and complex gadgetry is just having to use more electricity to produce all the extra heat that is still pissing out the badly insulated building.

Aye, you can say all these flawed features in various policies being rolled out are just inevitable. But that doesn’t mean we should do nothing about them. Wastism as you put it is inefficient and Eco-logically damaging.
Just what is wrong with the sensible approach of properly insulating properties to reduce their overall heat energy demand, and then using leccy generated through Scotland’s ever increasing supply of non-fossil fuel derived generation to power leccy storage heater. It’s simple and eliminates the many negative of compromised siting of PV panels, and ASHP noise.
Scotland has been punting around 5GW of leccy to England for weeks now.

link to

I can’t access twitter or nitter these days so it would be appreciated if someone can follow this account and keep an eye out for Scotland’s generation and export figures and post a link. It doesn’t tweet much.

link to


John Main said;

“It’s too extreme for me.”

What exactly is too extreme for you about the Scots owning Scottish sovereignty, John?

Is simply being born here enough to qualify? I wouldn’t have much of a problem accepting that, others might want something more, something that demonstrates a Scottish background, or Scottish roots from Scottish parentage, or maybe a short or long line of such parentage. I’m not saying they should be requirements, I’m saying that they and others I haven’t thought of yet should be given proper consideration, then either accepted or rejected on properly argued grounds, all while keeping in mind the basic point of having Scottish sovereignty – to make the final decisions over and for Scotland for what they consider to be in the best interests of the people of Scotland.

And Hatuey said;

” those who didn’t choose to be born here should just shut up and pay their taxes.”

If they are still here when the taxes are due then yes, they should just shut up and pay their taxes, because everyone is supposed to pay their taxes.


George Ferguson
5 February, 2024 at 11:42 pm

@Ruby 11:14pm
For someone that ignores my comments you sure have a high response rate to my comments. And it is brave of you to ignore the Site Author. In fact has anybody escaped your X. I am thinking you could be a paid SNP disruptor. Nobody is killing because we see the inglorious demise of the SNP. And the country will be better for it. You have done your fair share of flame baiting. I regret a couple of exchanges I have had. But generally I have respected contributions including Unionist ones.

I’m wondering if you think because it says ignored under your name that I am ignoring you. Nobody has escaped my X unless I take steps to delete the word ignored which appears automatically below the user name.

Those I am actually ignoring aren’t aware because they don’t get the X.

You say I have a high rate of response to your comments which was a surprise because honestly I can hardly recall responding to you at all. Maybe you could list the replies I’ve made to your comments.

Did you ever reply to these comment I made?

You do realise that calling me names and accusing me of flame-baiting might have some considering you a hypocrite.

George you are free as far as I am concerned to call my any names you like but what I am finding unfair is I am not able to do likewise in return.

Frank Gillougley

Purely on a personal note, as i am fortunate enough not to live in a town or a city, I find the burning of wood for fuel more a way of life. The kind of wood i burn is scavenged, old and dead or the removal of trees that dont fruit for whatever reason, or storm-damaged, or just junk with no glue in it.

If its big, then i chain saw (i’m no Dave eco-warrior) it down into ‘cakes’. then using my grenade and log-splitter i split them up into stove-sized pieces. the art of log-splitting with a grenade is quite zen and wonderful upper body exercise. I can do this for about an hour at a time. But i really love doing it. heartwood is obviously better than the sapwood. the only thing is you need relatively straightish grains ie avoid junctions.

I use my stove for about 4 months. the other bit of commercial lie is all that crap about kiln dried. bollocks. two days sitting on my low level background radiator and it burns a treat. all infinitely better than using a switch and giving money to some conglomerate CEO and you’ll probably live longer too.

Which brings me onto my main point.
‘This vehicles MOT has expired’ – i wonder if the Rev is telling us something? Having been here since 2012, mainly as a lurker, i have watched everyone come and go over the last 12 years and the BTL comments change in nature. Part of me wishes the REV should take a well-earned sabbatical for the next 20! years as he should get on with his lifE and leave this place like some spaceship floating out to outerspace with those few remaining on board still talking to and impressing themselves. Ther.

fruitella the hun

Government proactively does little more than gather the folk exercised by something and see what sort of policy they produce. Accountants draft tax policy, the forces draft defence policy, supermarkets draft planning policy etc. Environmental NGOs draft environmental policy, farmers and retailers draft food policy, then pop-up industries produce the implementation plans, each group adds on something that suits them. It looks reasonable, and it becomes institutionalised. You (they) don’t want to manage an on-off road construction industry so a steady stream of projects is required, whether or not they are justified by all the criteria that should apply.

But the green agenda, starting with Thatcher, has never got past the pop-up implementation stage and inevitably suffers from over-promising and under-delivering. The prime concern of successive governments has been their contribution to economic indicators, not environmental and ecological ones, explaining the mess around heating, insulation and building standards.

The accountancy profession(s) stuck their beaks into systems for assessing environmental value but I don’t know what became of that. Such a balance sheet would surely have scuppered the inappropriate technology bonanza we are seeing, which also happens to undermine the credibility of significantly reducing oil consumption. I wonder who was responsible for the somewhat dodgy EPC system underlying current energy programmes?

John Main

@ sam says: 6 February, 2024 at 8:36 am

Goanny no dae that.

Just goanny no.


Being called an foul mouthed harridan, SNP disruptor, fringe nutter, that I need a lot of Polyfilla and all the rest doesn’t bother me.
What really got to me was being called a ‘schemie’

That brought back memories of a horrible time in my life when I felt very inferior. I wasn’t living in a scheme the problem was that I didn’t go to private school. I seemed to be socialising with a lot of girls who did. That was possibly because I lived in the same area as they did.(not a scheme) The issue of which school I went to was always important. Any time any new girls joined the group that was always their first question. ‘Which school did you go to’.

Schools & class were very important to them. I heard them use the phrase NQOC often meaning not quite our class.

To me the term schemie is just another version of NQOC. It is a really horrible phrase.

There is a lot of talk about racism but never any mention of class discrimination.

I don’t know what it feels like to be discriminated because of race but I certainly know what class discrimination feels like.

I wonder if class discrimination is never discussed because it is too close to home a bit like Scotland being a colony. Not something we are prepared to confront.

It was a relief for me to go to work abroad because nobody had heard of Laurel Bank School.
That is not to say you don’t have your ‘snobs’ abroad they are there too they just can’t judge you on your accent or which school you went to.

I wonder if Humza is aware of class discrimination or is he fully focused on racism.
At least he went to the right school.

Do we have a word for those who discriminate on the grounds of class?

I have no doubt Ellis, Main & Chas will have something to say about the above. They always have something to say about my posts and it’s always abusive.


Dan @8.18pm.


Craig Murray knows what happens when you don’t prepare for what comes after we ditch this vile union.

“But UK domestic law is entirely irrelevant. The Kosovo Opinion of the International Court of Justice makes crystal clear that the domestic law of the state being seceded from, is not the determining factor as to whether a secession is illegal.

Whereas the reliance by the UK Supreme Court on the criteria of the Federal Court of Canada in the Quebec judgment, over fifty years old and superseded by the cold hard fact of over 23 non-colonial secessions since, is simply laughable.

But while the right of self-determination of peoples in international law is crucial in the case of Scotland, and while Scotland undoubtedly qualifies as a “people” because it is a long established historic nation with its own legal system, culture and institutions, there is one overwhelmingly important criterion for recognition grounded in pure realpolitik.

It was long accepted as the only criterion for recognition that a state had factual, practical control of its own territory. That position has become softened by more principled considerations since the second world war, but the actual control of the territory claimed remains the most important factor in gaining international recognition.

Why did Catalonia fail where Slovenia, Kosovo and the Baltic states succeeded?***********

Because realpolitik rules in practice, and the Slovenians, Balts and Kosovans had obtained actual control on the ground of the land they claimed. The Catalans had not.

Physical control is not a sufficient condition for recognition – see the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus – but in effect it is a necessary condition.

The UK Establishment will never agree to Scottish Independence. Scotland’s resources are far too valuable to them. Scotland has to declare Independence unilaterally, and take it.

It is no use doing this like Catalonia, where the Spanish civil guard and judiciary effectively wiped out the nascent state before it could breathe.

A Scottish government, whether arising from the Scottish Parliament or from another body, needs in declaring Independence to ensure it has practical control of Scotland.

That means that the organs of the state have to acknowledge the Scottish state. All taxes collected must go to Edinburgh, not to Westminster. The judiciary must apply Scottish laws and not Westminster ones, where they conflict, and specifically apply all new laws post the Declaration of Independence. The police must answer only to Scottish authorities. Ultimately so must the military stationed in Scotland.

At the time Independence is declared, immediate action must be taken to ensure all civil servants, judges, police and military take an oath of loyalty to the people of Scotland and its new government, and renounce any previous loyalty to Crown and to UK political institutions. Anybody refusing must be summarily dismissed from their positions.

We have the example of Catalonia before us. We also have the example of Egypt’s only ever democratically elected leader, President Morsi, who died horribly in jail after being overthrown by a CIA coup because he failed to take the elementary precaution of dismissing and imprisoning all the military regime’s corrupt judges. He should have learnt from Fritz Bauer.

Let us not make those mistakes.

Ultimately, it boils down to this.

1) Westminster will never agree to Scottish Independence.

2) Scotland therefore has no option but to declare Independence unilaterally.

3) Any independent state must be prepared to defend itself by physical force from foreign attack. So must a newly declared Independent Scotland.

4) All who refuse to serve an Independent Scotland must then be removed from all organs of the state.

5) Once an Independent Scotland has physical control of its territory and resources, international recognition will soon follow. Brexit has completely changed the political atmosphere with regard to the crucial attitude of the European Union to London’s government.”


In my opinion if we’re not fully prepared on what to secure in leaving this rancid union, a civil war could break out in Scotland (it might already be a foregone conclusion anyway) and we know by looking at history (NI for instance)) what side our larger neighbour would fully back and supply.


Frank Gillougley

Part of me wishes the REV should take a well-earned sabbatical for the next 20! years as he should get on with his lifE and leave this place like some spaceship floating out to outerspace with those few remaining on board still talking to and impressing themselves.

Would you not miss the articles Frank?

Would it not be best if he just closed down the comments?

fruitella the hun

Dan 8.55

Agree with what you say. But the money isn’t in insulation, it’s in kit. These are economic stimulus schemes, not green schemes. They brought in Harvie and Slater to maintain the illusion and take the flak when it breaks down. The SGP MSPs have their own, guessable, reasons for going along with it – people inside the party were warning about this, I believe.

John Main

@ Xaracen says: 6 February, 2024 at 9:04 am

What exactly is too extreme for you about the Scots owning Scottish sovereignty, John?

I was specifically referring to the idea that somebody born here in Scotland should not be considered to be Scottish if their parents were not born in Scotland.

I have some sympathy with the idea of restricting who gets the franchise – the devil is in the detail of course – but I think anybody born here has to be Scottish.

If they are not allowed to be Scottish, then surely they would be stateless?

As I said, adoption of this idea would allow us to depose Yousaf, but even so, I still have to reluctantly rule it out.

Besides, given the clearly flawed and fraudulent process by which Yousaf became SNP Leader and subsequently FM, we already have all the ammo we need to get rid of him. We just lack the will.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 6 February, 2024 at 10:13 am

Considering your post, it’s all the more mystifying why you’ve spent nigh on 2 years enthusiastically cheering on the former imperialist, colonialist oppressor as it attempts to re-subjugate and eliminate the breakaway independent sovereign nation, under the pretext that the independent sovereign nation has no right to exist.

I refer of course, to events on Europe’s eastern edge.

The nearest you ever came to an explanation seemed to consist of claims that the independent sovereign nation contained some people who failed your ideological purity tests. And thus its destruction was richly justified.

As I wrote at the start, mystifying.

Mark Beggan

I wonder will how many will want to march for Indy now. Apart from the flag waving junkies and the bitter bastards.
It’s all over baby blue. I foresee Holyrood being dismantled in the not to near future.
I also foresee the Union becoming stronger than it’s ever been. A lot of Indy folk don’t quite get it. The silent majority have had enough of the freak show.


Frank Gillougley
Part of me wishes the REV should take a well-earned sabbatical for the next 20! years as he should get on with his lifE and leave this place like some spaceship floating out to outerspace with those few remaining on board still talking to and impressing themselves.

This issue of the posts on Wings not be worth reading blah blah comes up a lot. But the suggestion that the entire site should be closed down is something new.



It would appear that Robin McAlpine has caught a glimpse of the bigger picture when he pens this and other parts of his latest excellent post.

Thanks again for the link.

“The Catalans did not factor in any possible outcome other than reasonable compromise on the part of Madrid. That wasn’t just naïve, that was stupid. Their other assumption proved just as unsound – that the European Union was primarily a democracy and so it would come in in support of the Catalans.

This was equally naïve – the European Union is a coalition of nation states who are represented in a Council of Ministers which makes the main decisions, other than those made by the European Commission, a barely-accountable administrative state for the continent. There’s a democratically-elected parliament tacked on too, but no-one pays much attention to that.”

Lets remember the EU is currently standing by as the Zionists commit war crimes in Gaza.

And this also from McAlpine which just reinforces my points.

“The EU sat silent throughout the police violence, was 100 per cent behind Madrid and expressed no discomfort when politicians were jailed for holding a democratic event. The EU only pretends to be a moral body; it is there to represent the interests of governments of nation states and is exactly as moral as those governments.”


Mark Beggan
6 February, 2024 at 10:29 am

I wonder will how many will want to march for Indy now. Apart from the flag waving junkies and the bitter bastards.

I think the next march we will see in Scotland will be a march for democracy. That is if marches are even allowed.

Will you join or are you liking the idea of fascism?

The UK is heading full steam ahead towards 1984.

Maybe they are preparing for civil unrest and even civil war.


As the whole question of voting eligibility is discussed regarding any further referendum, please may I make a plea for my special consideration.
To my shame I admit it, although born at the then Balshagray Avenue Nursing Home in Glasgow in the first half of the last century, my father was in fact a citizen of the Commonwealth. I therefore lack two sovereign Scots parents. Please do not disenfranchise this inoffensive old pensioner for lack of one Scots parent, I beg.
Complicated matter, this sovereign Scot and voting entitlement thingy.

Frank Gillougley

Ruby 10.16

Love the WoS articles and his informative twitter, but what attracted me to this place originally and sustained me visiting here daily was the variety of bTL comments and their sheer wit. Also a kinda authentic everyday scottish voice. But i daresay, with some notable exceptions, not now. a lot of the time the language is more that of a university lecture theatre in 2nd yr politics.

The BTL comments for me were always intrinsic to the site so for them not to exist wouldn’t seem right. Anyway, this is none of my business and purely for the rev to decide. i’d just want for him to have a life beyond this. I do think that some folk here are just parasitical.

never used to be like that.

Anyway, to my main point, I have also found the act of shredding and mulching to be very good for the soul and very good for the mental health. cant beat a good shredder!


Frank Gillougley
6 February, 2024 at 10:48 am

Ruby 10.16

Love the WoS articles and his informative twitter, but what attracted me to this place originally and sustained me visiting here daily was the variety of bTL comments and their sheer wit. Also a kinda authentic everyday scottish voice. But i daresay, with some notable exceptions, not now. a lot of the time the language is more that of a university lecture theatre in 2nd yr politics.

The BTL comments for me were always intrinsic to the site so for them not to exist wouldn’t seem right. Anyway, this is none of my business and purely for the rev to decide. i’d just want for him to have a life beyond this. I do think that some folk here are just parasitical.

never used to be like that.

Anyway, to my main point, I have also found the act of shredding and mulching to be very good for the soul and very good for the mental health. cant beat a good shredder!

a lot of the time the language is more that of a university lecture theatre in 2nd yr politics.

Phew! Not guilty.

I don’t have a mulcher or a shredder I use Wings BTL commenting to cleanse my soul.

I do all my shredding and stress relief here.:-)

I love wood in all forms trees, burning logs, wood sculpture, wood turning, wood inlay, wood floors

I also like peat fires but that seems to have been banned by the Greens.

I’m hoping if I have enough good karma I might be re-incarnated as a joiner/woodworker/tree surgeon/wood artist.

You might find the above quite boring but hey it’s good to talk. It’s good for the soul and not so hard on you biceps.

Mark Beggan

In the ministry of Truth Ignorance is strength.

Democracy is only for the middle classes. Gives them some sort of comfort.

Fascism grows when the middle classes feel threatened.

Working class people don’t start revolutions. They take over the revolutions and end up hanging everybody.

“The peasants are revolting “

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 10:37 am

“It would appear that Robin McAlpine has caught a glimpse of the bigger picture”

Yes, he and others may be edging ever closer to realisation of the bigger picture, although its a pity that many pro-indy bourgeois intellectuals have not quite got thair bricht mynds aroond tae understanding our longstanding ‘colonial condition’ and the reality of the situation that: “every colonial nation carries the seeds of fascist temptation in its bosom” (Memmi). Much as Ruby @ 10.41 notes.

A wee bit o theoretical appraisal may help:

link to take pro-indy intellectuals to the required ‘new thinking:

link to


John Main said;

“I have some sympathy with the idea of restricting who gets the franchise – the devil is in the detail of course – but I think anybody born here has to be Scottish.

If they are not allowed to be Scottish, then surely they would be stateless?”

That’s an interesting point, but it doesn’t apply if the parents were here on holiday, the child would clearly be of its parents’ home state. If they were residents in Scotland it could apply, though that might or might not require a minimum period and that period might differ between parent and child because of the difference in natal status. As I said it needs to be properly addressed; it’s important, it’s not a trivial job to do, and it’s certainly not my job to do.



Its vile. Asking what school you went to is really asking are you..

Catholic or Protestant.
Passed yer 11+ or failed.
Come from money or don’t.

They think it’s covert if they ask the school rather than just ask direct.

When I lived down South I made one up. That stumped

But the class thing is vile. I was shocked at how big a deal the 11+ was down there and how it followed ppl.

Example, I was early 20s at the time & the group of friends I had would soon tell you who was a scheme or not FFS! Even tho they’d left school & the playground shite behind. The 11+ was still a big deal. Grammar schools were the IT crowd was.

They should get rid of private schools. They’re a breeding ground for fuckwits. Look at the shite they churn out in Westminster. That’s a FAIL. Get them out into the real world where someone may knock seven bells of shite out of them in the playground – that’d soon drop the entitlement out of them lol


Class discrimination is definitely a problem here in Scotland and on top of that we have ‘Nation Discrimination’.

Maybe the class discriminators or whatever you might call them go to private school so as not to be discriminated against due to country/ethnicity discrimination.

They learn to be British and to talk proper so avoiding any discrimination on the grounds of being ‘schemies/NQOC’

You can’t blame the parents they want what’s best for their children. The down side of that is that those who don’t have the money to send their children to be Britified and taught to talk proper actual become an underclass.

Who wouldn’t want their children to be part of the ‘private school free masons/Old Boys Club’. ‘The private school free masons/Old Boys Club’ have all the best jobs on offer and all the best opportunities. Private school fees are defo value for money.

Scotland is the ‘schemie’ of the UK. Sorry Scotland but you are not quite their class. NQTC.


I’ll post a link to it seeing as Alf hasn’t.

link to

Dorothy Devine

Speaking of class ,is it just me or are there more folk already pissed off hearing the sanctimonious ordure emanating from the media over the King’s health problem? I was delighted to see Nicholas Witchell in Hong Kong or somewhere give his contribution particularly as Charles has already indicated how ‘fond’ he is of him.

I am sure that the best treatment in the world is available to the house of Windsor unlike those struggling to see doctors on the NHS.


The thing that annoyed me most about the 2014 franchise was the thing with the homeless.

Basically if you were ‘homeless’ anywhere you could come to Scotland for a day register to vote and that was it.

Obviously there was no proof of address ‘cos they were homeless.
Was there any time or means to prove that the person was homeless or had been ‘homeless’ in Scotland for more than 1 day.

I don’t know how many ‘homeless’ registered to vote but just the deviousness of setting that all up I found suspicious & disrespectful.

Mark Beggan

With respect I think you mean
“The children of never against the children of always”

Yes I always blame the parents.


Missed this. Link later.

We asked two questions using scales running from‘stronglyagree/agree/neither/disagree/strongly disagree’. The first was about Scottish self-determination (the subject):

‘People in Scotland should have the ultimate right to decide for themselves how they should be governed.

And the second:

‘Because a majority of people in the UK voted to leave the EU in the 2016 Referendum, people in Scotland should accept that decision.’

Those who ‘agreed’, strongly or otherwise, with the first proposition, as well as those who ‘disagreed’, strongly or otherwise, with the second we defined as strong Scottish sovereigntists, aligned with the current position of the Scottish Government. They represented about 40% of the sample. At the other pole about 15% rejected Scottish sovereignty on both dimensions, and are unambiguous British unionists, aligned with the position of the current UK Government. A further 16% were ‘semi-sovereigntists’, that is, while in favour of Scottish self-determination, they ceded legitimacy to the UK on the Brexit issue.”

There’s more to come. Nuance,ken.

Mark Beggan

If you want to get really annoyed about the homeless then I suggest you walk about Glasgow City centre tonight.

Be prepared to be educated!!!


“We then asked about the object of sovereignty as the right to make concrete decisions; about taxes and welfare benefits; where competences coming back to the UK after Brexit should reside, for example, who should make decisions about farming post-Brexit. And who should make rules about immigration?

Broadly speaking, the results are much as we might expect. Scottish sovereigntists are much more inclined to have the Scottish Government/Parliament make decisions for Scotland while unionists are more inclined to the UK Government/Parliament.

What is more interesting is that so many responses are not straightforward. Many voters do not see union or independence as strict binary choices, each leading to a consistent set of preferences around issues of self-determination and control of policy fields. There is support both for ‘devolution-max’ (control of all taxation and welfare) and ‘independence-lite’ (sharing armed forces and the currency after independence).”


“To take some examples:

among Scottish sovereigntists, as many as 54% accept sharing a currency with the remaining UK (rUK) after independence (46% want a Scottish currency);

41% accept sharing armed forces with rUK (58% want Scotland to have its own armed forces);

43% accept UK spending in Scotland in areas usually decided by Scottish Government (such as schools, roads and hospitals).

On immigration, 31% (almost a third) think the rules should be same in Scotland as rUK in context of independence.

Among British unionists, we also find unexpected crossovers:

On taxes, only 36% think the UK should decide all taxes; on welfare benefits, only 30% of unionists think that all benefits should be decided by UK government.

On who should have right to decide on a second Independence referendum, only a bare majority (54%) by the UK parliament alone.

On the UK parliament making laws for Scotland, one-third of unionists think it should not – ostensibly a sovereigntist position.

What we take from these findings is that, even among Scottish sovereigntists and British unionists, the two polar positions, there is considerable nuance and complexity,…”


Does anyone know who decided the last franchise?

Was it Salmond or Cameron?



Get them out into the real world where someone may knock seven bells of shite out of them in the playground – that’d soon drop the entitlement out of them lol

I agree with everything you say.

It’s a pity that Stu isn’t into ‘playground conversion therapy’

If I were to make up the name of a school I would say ‘St Trinians’

What about yourself? Fancy being a former pupil of ‘St Trinians.

We could organise a group called ‘Former pupils of St Trinians for Independence’. 🙂

St Trinians say no to ban of playground conversion therapy.

Sam might want to join too. I think he may have gone to St Trinians.
Twathater, Confused, James, Robert Hughes, Dan might also be former pupils of St T’s

Probably missed a few ‘cos the idea just popped into my head a second ago.

Let me know if I’ve missed you off the list or included you in error.


xaracen; “if they are still here when the taxes are due then yes, they should just shut up and pay their taxes, because everyone is supposed to pay their taxes.”

So much for ‘no taxation without representation’ then.

Alf, as I have said before, I’m not sure Leninist theories are very relevant to the predicament Scotland finds itself in. It would be a lot easier if we were straightforwardly a colony and in important respects we are but you must know it isn’t that simple.

You say you were in Norway and Oman for a while and didn’t get to vote. If you were only there a while, why would you? The argument here is that those who live in a country (i.e. take up permanent residence) and pay taxes ought to have a say in how that country is managed.


Mark Beggan
6 February, 2024 at 12:39 pm

If you want to get really annoyed about the homeless then I suggest you walk about Glasgow City centre tonight.

Be prepared to be educated!!!

Are you another who thinks I am not educated?


Was looking to confirm if recently arrived refugees can vote, and it looks to be the case in Scotland as they would be classed as “anyone legally resident” in Scotland.
But “citizens of other countries” wouldn’t get a vote in UK parliamentary elections.

link to

Mark Beggan

@ ruby
It might be quite difficult at first to tell the homeless from the prostitutes,rent boys, feral child gangs,people blind on hooch, mental health victims,credit victims,junkies hitting up. The dead junkies are easy to recognise.


I used to have John Main popping up to respond to my every post now I have Mark Beggan.


ruby, “class” was excised from any “left-wing” political analysis post-Thatcher and replaced by identity politics, mainly because the latter is cheaper and a useful diversion; elites are actually quite into these social agendas, being pervs themselves. Identity politics is no threat to the economic system, but its a zero sum game, for crumbs from the table – and we see, e.g. the feminists and trannies fighting over status.

“identity politics is the leftwing of neoliberalism”

and elites now control “the left” (guardian, labour party, numerous quangos, NGOs)

It was a real nasty sneaky bit of shitfuckery to turn round and declare the working class as “white racists” (BBC, guardian) and thus as moral degenerates, with no place in the new world, who get what they deserve (very protestant attitude). Nowadays when normal working people start to organise we are told it is a threat from the “far right”.

Class isn’t everything, but about 80-90% of it, at least for the discussion of socio-economic matters. When you remove it from the discussion, you can’t really understand anything, like trying to do organic chemistry without the carbon atom.

Being middle class is being part of an invisible support network which makes life so much easier – you need a job, a position, a reference, a backer, finance – you have the contacts. The working class are on their own; this inequality is bedded in through the private school system. Now, supposedly the education system is fair (at point of testing), but one group get a lot better training for the big test. Being working class means having to leap hurdles all your life, and it becomes exhausting.

As for independence, there is a hidden class war embedded in it, which the leaders of, being middle class, do not want to provoke. The middle class in Scotland are half anglo and half Scottish cringe merchants who won’t see their careers (law, business, academia, media) threatened. The middle class are uber-super-thunder-cunts, and the problem in its essence, they fuck everything up and would sell their own grannies for a promotion. They also love to takeover working class organisations and make themselves gatekeepers – they have done the same with indy, e.g. their manifestos and lists of rules of conduct.

– if indy does not materially improve the lives of the Scots, and I mean, the natives, then what is it for? To get the incomers a better deal, to pad the middle class even more? What would be the worth of that? Replacing one tranche of neoliberal managerialism, for a slight variation, does nothing for anyone; poverty with a rainbow badge on it?

The problem with the youth is that they know nothing of this – they were born in a post industrial world and have no clue about what went on before; they are dangerous fuckwits – they think everything comes from a mobile phone and think the government and corporations are there to “enact social justice”. They are deluded on so many levels (“women can have dicks”), a lost generation.

You can always have fun with them – you can really upset a “social justice warrior” by pointing out their enormous class privilege. And one way of hacking back at the trannies and “progressives” is to attack them from a lefter-than-their-left position, e.g. to say :

as a communist, let me say – sex is a biological reality, gender is a social construct, a category of mind, not of reality; gender theory is bourgeois postmodernist fantasy pushed by faux-left middle class reactionaries – in the glorious Soviet Union, such creatures of western decadence and degeneracy, so-called “LGBTQ+ activists” would be sent, rightly, to the gulag to have their counter-revolutionary madness sweated out of them …

– people who react, pavlov style, to slogans and keywords, will hear “reactionary” / “bourgeois” / “counter revolutionary” and instinctively approve, then realising it is aimed at them, become disorientated, lost for an answer.


Dorothy Devine
6 February, 2024 at 12:14 pm

Speaking of class ,is it just me or are there more folk already pissed off hearing the sanctimonious ordure emanating from the media over the King’s health problem?

Mornin’ Dorothy

Not me Dorothy because I never watch TV or listen to radio which possibly makes me out of step with everyone else. I did learn of Charles having cancer either here or on Twitter. The upside of him having cancer is that is family might decide to donate a few of their billions to Cancer Research.
I think Cancer Research having to rely on charity is a scandal.

I haven’t gotten around to getting a hold of the book that you recommended but I will try to get the audiobook and instead of listen to radio & TV I will listen to
‘Neither Wolf Nor Dog’

Mark Beggan

@ ruby
Looking forward to reading your comments on homelessness in Scotland.



The SNP held the referendum in 2014 and made no real effort to win it as they thought they where going to lose, if they had the SNP would have had answers to the questions on pensions, currency the border etc. All of the answers to the simplest of questions the SNP leadership were talking of the cuff, these are services every country who’s Independent needs to control.

Another thing that annoyed me is, Scotland was annexed into this union by force, so if the SNP leadership could have put a bill asking the people if they wanted to grant the Scottish parliament more powers (including the right to instigate and hold an independence referendum) then I have to ask why any sane person wouldn’t do this, but rather go to the British state and engage with a section 30 process when there is an easier option.

Lets get one thing straight the SNP never made the referendum in 2014 it was the Scots like us who came out in our masses and supported our nation right to be rid of English rule and what did we get for our efforts Nicola Sturgeon and now Yousaf who have all but killed Independence, for how long no one knows and Yousaf in England selling Scotland services to London, Kate Forbes selling Freeports these people are destroying Scotland.

People need to stop holing Salmond and Sturgeon and the rest of these same individuals who’s been leading us for the last 30yrs as some sort of heroes, they’re not heroes heroes never put there own interest before the people there trying to safe and lets be honest our heroes have sold us all down the swanny.

Mark Beggan

How many academics does it take to change a lightbulb?

Answer 4.
One to do it and the other three to write a thesis on it.

Dorothy Devine

Ruby, I agree with you cancer research , Great Ormond Street hospital and many other essential causes should be funded properly – we don’t need new weapons of mass destruction or to follow the USA into expensive unnecessary , destructive wars.

On the news yesterday it was all wailing and gnashing of teeth over the King’s cancer , while pretending nothing else was happening in the world.

I always feel recommending something is a tricky thing so I do hope you enjoy it when you get your hands/ears on it.


Here’s the link.

link to

There’s another at Centre of Constitutional Change.

The big takeaway for me is the large number of Scottish Sovereignists compared to British Unionists.

The Semi Sovereign Scots may be converted to full sovereignty.

We really need to sort out the kind of Scotland we want and get it widely known.


I wonder if Prince Harry has ever watched the marvellous old film “Kind Hearts and Coronets”?

– what is he, 5th?

revenge is a dish best served cold.

I think the deep problem with Harry is that he believes his mother was murdered; I think he tried to get his bruv in with him, the two of them to get to the bottom it all, pickup the trail of the assassins, using, in time, the full power of the state and its resources. I think they had a big blue pill/red pill showdown.

I might almost feel sorry for the guy, if we forget about the millions of “little people” living in the shit, scraping by; but when you have been on the inside, and now find yourself thrown beyond the castle walls, it is hard. Does he have any real money? Enough to keep his expensive maniac wife happy? He can’t really go off and live in obscurity; what can he do anyway, fly a helicopter? That’s good money, private pilot for the super rich, but he can’t really enter the jobs market.

Over the years the numbers of hangers on has been reduced quite a bit; all these grace and favour residences, and peppercorn rents – didn’t Princess Michael get some sweet deal, 10 quid a year for her flat, then was asked to pay a “commercial rent” of 500K per year?

Primogeniture is a bastard; 800 years ago Harry could at least have grabbed an army and tried to steal a bit of France.



That isn’t exactly what was implied.
The so called *experts* on everything Scottish & Scottish independence claimed ANYONE who lives here. No set period of time required. Otherwise we were moon howling nativists.

That’s a lot different from someone who has lived here for 15+ years wouldn’t you say?

There is no reason why Scottish elections should be any different from anywhere else. We’re not setting the world alight. Plenty of time to tweak a voting system once we are actually independent. Unlike the roaster who streams endless, already independent, countries at us as some sort of example.

We’re also not dealing with people of good faith but a hostile nation who will not wish to see it’s world status threatened.

It’s Scots who are sovereign. Not s*ttlers. It’s perfectly normal not to be given a constitutnal vote to people who’ve just moved in. The UK is 15 yrs. Spain is 18yrs. Scotland should be no different.


100% Yes

Cameron refused to add a third option of more powers.

We seen why after the result.

It was their trump card to get a no vote. Devo Max was suddenly on the table the moment indy was over 50% in the polls with only ten days out of polling day.

Devo Max was obviously a lie but it got them the result they wanted.

James Che

Fruitella the hun,

That was my every day existence outside toilets and frozen window panes goes with the territory, not just to be excited during a visit though.

The reality is not, how you immediately want the world to be, the problem is getting rid of a working system, prior to having a a excellent working alternative system in place.

And right now in colder climates there is not anything sufficiently ready to go, that would apply to all households and future industries. From maritime to farming, from pensioners to the young peoples accommodations, from universities.
Try driving around Scotlands highlands looking for a electrical charging point only to find, once charged electricity and water are not a good combination in Scotland,

And secondly you do need to check out the whom the big investors hiding behind the Corporations and Companies are that are pushing for the ( immediate must be done now) climate change nonsense.
This has similar history behind the scenes to ppi and other investors in the virus vaccines, like sunaks millions investment, , and some of the investors pushing for new employment in green technology are the Oil Companies themselves , being well aware that oil may have a lifespan that will not carry them through to future centuries,

Check which corporations, and whom governments are giving funding and tax breaks to,
The planet has under gone multiple climate changes in its lifetime without mans interference and long before the industrial age,
Common sense must prevail for the people, rather than the secret investors looking for a new bandwagon to hitch their money to,
For they care little how others survive, as long as they can create new future financial investments that the ordinary people will pay for,

Not to be brainwashed and have blinkers on and to be open to all
For a lighter note for fun and entertainment may I recommend for you to watch a alternative point of view,….George Carlin, The Planet. On You tube, for varities sake.

Mark Beggan

Humza’s been sniffing the fire extinguishers again!


100% Yes

Also to be fair to Salmond he did have all the answers to those questions – the media just didn’t like his answers.

Again, after indy, they all came out the woodwork to gloat that ..

Of course Scotland would be in a currency union. We’re in one already. (Bank of England boss after naw vote)
Of course pensions would be paid by the Scottish government. Pension regarding refunds owed would be part of negotiations between governments. Feck all to do with pensioners on the doorstep.
Of course the border issue would be okay. We already have Common travel area agreements with Ireland.

But the Britnats just trashed everything.
Laa laa laaa – Salmond can’t answer anything. He had every answer. Unionists weren’t interested or deliberately misinterpreted his words.

Remember Salmond giving that roaster from the BBC a full 15 minutes reply to his question & then the reporter went with the headline ‘Salmond didn’t answer’ FFS!

That’s what we’re up against. A legion of bad actors. Scotland really needs to wise the fck up. The BBC is dead but there is plenty of FREE social media sites & for some reason the SNP & Alba do not take full advantage of them..


Mark Beggan
6 February, 2024 at 12:56 pm

@ ruby
It might be quite difficult at first to tell the homeless from the prostitutes,rent boys, feral child gangs,people blind on hooch, mental health victims,credit victims,junkies hitting up. The dead junkies are easy to recognise.

Well sure Mark I have always had doubts about the term ‘homeless’.

Some ‘homeless’ feel the need to specify on their placards that they are not junkies, alcoholics or mentally ill they just need £15 for a bed in a hostel.

You also have those who aren’t homeless. I know of three ‘homeless beggars’ who have perfectly good ‘council/housing association’ flats.

Not forgetting the beggar in full army fatigues stating where he has served an how long he was in the British Army.

I could be pretty good at spotting the prostitutes because believe it or not when I lived in Glasgow we would entertain ourselves by driving to Blytheswood Square to watch the prostitutes. I was young & stupid then now I have a different attitude to women who have to resort to prostitution to make money. They are possibly doing it because they are also drug addicts. Same applies to the rent boys. Feral child gangs yes I could tell the difference between them and the prostitutes. Drunk people I could spot.

Whatever they are they all need help and that is not to provide them with a home which the term homeless would suggest.

Here again I don’t think we like to look at these problems which are too close to home better just concentrate on what’s happening in the Middle East and offer them lots of money.

Politicians prefer that option because it’s an easy fix. What they can’t fix is the ‘homelessness’ problem.

It would be very hard for Humza to go anywhere near the drug addiction problem being that a family member was recently caught supplying drugs to the ‘homeless’

PS What about Beth is he down there selling his wares? You know Beth who Cole Hamilton ‘did it for’? Maybe no need as he has friends in high places and has recently had plastic surgery FOC on the NHS.

I would imagine all these people in George Square would be dismissed by some as ‘schemies’

Sorry I haven’t had time to go back and edit this post I am relying you being bright enough to make sense of any spelling error or typo.

NB I am a touch typist maybe if I did it with my two thumbs there would be less errors & typos but the touch typing is much quicker. A hundred words a minute & counting! 🙂


“Yes, he and others may be edging ever closer to realisation of the bigger picture, although its a pity that many pro-indy bourgeois intellectuals have not quite got thair bricht mynds aroond tae understanding our longstanding ‘colonial condition’”

Yes Alf, speaking of colonial conditions, her Peter A. Bell pens an article on oor ain colonial administration utterly snubbing the Stirling Directive.

“This is not just a handful of academics, professionals and activists being given the brush-off by the Scottish Government. Given the nature of the Stirling Directive, it is the sovereign people of Scotland who are treated with casual disdain. Not a single word of the Stirling Directive is referenced. Not a single point is addressed. No part of the instruction is acknowledged. It is a non-response. If it was a parrot, it would be a Norwegian Blue!

Why does this matter? It matters because if Scotland’s independence is ever to be restored then the Scottish Government has to be actively, strenuously working towards that end. It matters because afforded an opportunity to affirm the sovereignty of Scotland’s people and undertake to act in accordance with the Scottish Constitution, the Scottish Government chooses instead to dispatch some minion to tell us how it will be rather than ask us how we wish it to be.

It matters because in ‘response’ to a document couched in the language and sentiment of a nation, the Scottish Government has replied in the language of an obsequiously subordinate colonial administration. Instructed to act on the basis of Scotland’s legal and constitution tradition and the fundamental democratic principles of popular sovereignty and self-determination, the Scottish Government reiterates and reaffirms its intention to submit entirely and cravenly to the English/British concept of parliamentary sovereignty which is anathema to Scotland’s distinctive political culture.”

link to


Proud to be an old girl, Ruby.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 6 February, 2024 at 10:37 am

Lets remember the EU is currently standing by as the Zionists commit war crimes in Gaza

You think so, RoS?

I think that those without an axe to grind see two implacably hostile foes engaged in heavy fighting in a built up area.

They easily see that it takes both sides to fight, and thus it will take both sides to stop fighting. They easily understand that where you have two sides who have each sworn the annihilation of the other, then if one side unilaterally stops, it gets annihilated.

They see that when two sides choose to fight in an area of high population density, the responsibility for the collateral damage is shared equally by both sides.

You’ve been consistent throughout over this RoS, and you’ve always been calling for one side to stop while the other just goes on killing.

That’s not somebody wanting peace. That’s somebody wanting a result. I would honestly respect you more if you were open and honest about what you want.

I’m almost intrigued to know just what you think the EU should be doing. Sending in troops to stand between the warring sides?

John Main

@ Mark Beggan says: 6 February, 2024 at 1:15 pm

How many social workers does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but the light bulb has to really want to change.

Anyhoo, fit ye oan aboot? Fit’s a light bulb? It’s a’ LEDs noo.


6 February, 2024 at 12:45 pm

Does anyone know who decided the last franchise?

Was it Salmond or Cameron?

I watched a debate in parliament about the franchise. I cant remember if they had a vote on it or not but there was certainly a long debate. Might be worth tracking it down.

It will still be there somewhere in Hansard/parliament TV. I think that might have been the one when An*as Sarwar suggest Holyrood was a nazi parliament or some such shit.

I don’t think Salmond was going get everything he wanted but he definitely didn’t do too bad. 16 year olds & EU citizens
My vague recollection of the whole debate was most were pretty reasonable.

I thought it was a reasonable debate and was impressed with one Scottish politicians. Might have been Mark Lazarovich he seemed to make sense.

I also watched on debate on full fiscal autonomy in that one Alistair Carmichael was opposed to full fiscal autonomy because he said that would lead to independence by the back door.
So showing us the money would lead to independence by the back door. They aint going to show us the money.

You can email the UK Gov and ask them for links to these debates. I have found them to be very helpful in the past. Just need some details ie date and name of debate.


Mark Beggan
6 February, 2024 at 1:12 pm

@ ruby
Looking forward to reading your comments on homelessness in Scotland.

Done! Looking forward to reading your comments telling me what you think



6 February, 2024 at 2:01 pm

Proud to be an old girl, Ruby.

Yeah! Air punch!



Genocide John

Thinks it perfectly acceptable for a state to expand their land illegally. A ppl should just suck it up.

He also thinks it’s perfectly acceptable for another country to defend against another state expanding their land.

Make sense to anyone? No, me neither.

It must be shite being a Yoon. So many contradictions every day of the week depending on what the latest Aericans memo tells him..

Anton Decadent

@Confused, in Govanhill a support structure was moved into the area to be a part of a system of smear and denial. They are usually involved in a network of front operation charities all of which are connected to each other. In some cases they are privately educated middle class and something they share is a sense of entitlement against the white working class to whom any ladder of opportunity is pulled up due to their being guilty of the original sin of being white. Some of these people look white but do not identify as such. There are some curveballs thrown to confuse people and tickle the ears of the middle class radicals, some are Scottish/Irish nationalists/republicans but support the browning of Scotland/Eire. In the space of less than a generation a system is in place to have these people the voices of Govanhill as if they have been here for generations, they have not. The support structure for this spans media, politics, finance, social housing, law, health, academia, the Arts and the charity sector etc. Once the pattern has been seen it cannot be unseen.

A quote from this is extremely relevant, “the ethnic cleansing operation was marked by an utter “culture of impunity”.

link to

@Ruby, you sense within yourself that something is badly wrong, you recently mentioned a culture of brainwashing with regard to the smearing of people as racists and transphobes. Getting yourself banned from here is counter productive, just do not engage in flame wars or self sabotage, I know that this is easier said than done.

@Alf, is a watch being kept on who is buying land and property around Scotlands’ fresh waters reserves? Of everyone who posts here I believe that you would be the one with the expertise and contacts to either already be involved in this or help to instigate it.


Of course, all this talk of colonies, franchises, and sovereign Scots is quite moot as long as we don’t have any sort of political leadership. In turn, without political leadership there’s not much point in trying to win over the masses.

Nothing happens as long as the SNP remains.

Someone last week (Geri, I think) said they’d never ever vote for Labour and I’m sure we would all agree with the reasons for saying that. The Labour Party is one of the most repugnant parties in the game.

But the rational thing for us to do, when you think about it, the logical thing, is to hold our noses and vote for whatever party is most likely to defeat the SNP in each constituency. This and this alone is what pro-Indy groups should be focused on right now at the local level.

You can’t expect a phoenix to rise from the ashes if you don’t have ashes.

So, let’s make ashes.


Hatuey said;

“xaracen; “if they are still here when the taxes are due then yes, they should just shut up and pay their taxes, because everyone is supposed to pay their taxes.”

So much for ‘no taxation without representation’ then.”

That has nothing to do with what I was saying, you are just doing your usual thing of conflating two different situations as the same situation.

The ‘representation’ you refer to has nothing to do with any franchise concerning Scotland’s sovereignty in a constitutional plebiscite, which was what I was discussing; your usage of the term here just means being able to vote in ordinary elections, which just require being on the electoral register.

Also, the ‘no taxation without representation’ isn’t universally true, either. Children below voting age can still be liable for taxation, including income tax if they earn enough, including interest earned on savings, and will pay VAT on any non-clothing-based toys they may buy themselves.


Identity politics destroyed the left, and now it looks to have destroyed indy too.

– who does it serve? Elites, and the middle class.

the cartoon of a while ago, where wokeness is portrayed as a form of neo-puritanism, is very apt, and with a lot of deep connections; I wrote an unpublished comment on it, which was too long, even by Mia’s standards.

– the youth have been infected by this “cult like” mind virus, which has effectively turned them against their own, and ultimately, against their own interests; they are going to be hit hard by what is to come, but they will only realise it once they get out of uni and into the economy, where they will face automation/AI, “gig” work, student debts, irregular income if any, and an inability to ever get on the housing ladder – then it clicks – getting worked up about being a pansexual trans-racial dolphin furry antiracist at 20, was taking your eye off the ball. Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

Soon enough, almost there already, the only decent “middle class” jobs left (the real work is done by gig workers, computers and technocrats to run the computers) will be these bullshit “non jobs” which involve no skills whatsoever, but are handed out as a prize for loyalty and ideological purity. Getting a job nowadays means a complex kabuki theatre, of being able to say the right things, use the right words, even the civil service has moved away from “competency based criteria” for hiring and into their own thing, something called, “success profiles” (- pretend to be disabled to guarantee an interview, then once in there, spew as much woke garbage as you can). But the trouble is – there will never be enough of these grifter-roles to go round, the ordinary footsoldiers will have to suck it up.

The middle class are good at climbing the ladder, then kicking it over once at the top. They are also great at getting into places then holding the door open for others of their class and mindset. They are the sand in the vaseline, the sugar in the petrol tank, always stodging it all up.

anton, govanhill seems to me to be a “lab experiment”/petri dish, for the most extreme ideas; it acts as a containment zone, and I note there seems to be an official “silence” about it all, apart from how “vibrant” it all is. I am lucky to live in the “anti Govanhill”, but it has problems of its own, awash in dirty money, expensive housing, and the whole place is infested with criminals, the successful types who have escaped the “mean streets” and now legitimised themselves.



Regards Harry..

I think he was thrown out because he’s not Chucks offspring.

I sometimes feel sorry for him too.

No matter what he does the press give him pelters. A lesson you’d have thought they would’ve been reigned in after the hounding of his mother.

He raised awareness for Mens mental health & everyone agreed men should talk about it..
Then he was told to shut up & stop talking. Period. Everyone was sick of listening to him.

LOL poor barsteward can’t win.

The Aussies really go Tonto over him. I dunno why. What the fck has he ever done to them? Another mentalist nation full of crazies buying into the monarchy bullshit who don’t actually have to live with it.



The problem with *Holding yer nose & vote for the other guy* is that the other guy takes that as a mandate for the Union.

& Feck knows what horrors await Scotland when that other guy is sent to Westminster. Suddenly that other guy starts shouting shite like *It’s the will of the people* as they vote through a new Act of Union locking us in or totally strip Holyrood of everything barr talking about the weather.

Never vote for the other guy. Labour is a London political party. Their interests serve only one master = London.

Vote for a pro Indy candidate (Not Green or SNP) if there isn’t one I would spoil my paper. Politicians have to read rejected ballots at the count. A good swearing sesh will leave them in no doubt..


Okay so ‘no taxation without representation unless we are dealing with constitutional matters in which case you must continue to pay tax without any sort of representation…”

It’s not quite as catchy. It starting to remind me of Paul Foot’s alternative “Baby on Board” sign. link to

Anyway, I don’t suppose it matters right now. My big problem with this stuff is that it opens the door to racism and other ideas that were once considered unwelcome… there’s evidence of that happening already but since nobody else seems to care, why should I?


“I’m almost intrigued to know just what you think the EU should be doing. Sending in troops to stand between the warring sides?”

John Main.

All EU nations should be calling for a ceasefire, and threatening to impose sanctions on Israel along with stopping any funding to it, but no the likes of Ursula von der Leyen, and Chancellor Scholz is pledging undying support for the occupying apartheid military regime in Palestine known as Israel.

Ever wonder why the ICC can issue a warrant for the arrest of the leader of the RF, but not the leader of Israel, well wonder no more, its all explained here in this article.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Confused (1.01) –


If The Uber-Super-Thunder-Cunts and The Dangerous Fuckwits wasn’t an actual band in the late 70s, it should’ve been.



Anton Decadent

@Ruby, you sense within yourself that something is badly wrong, you recently mentioned a culture of brainwashing with regard to the smearing of people as racists and transphobes. Getting yourself banned from here is counter productive, just do not engage in flame wars or self sabotage, I know that this is easier said than done.

Well sure I have these thoughts & opinions but I’m not quite sure why it would make any difference if I were banned from posting them or not.

I would still have my opinions I just wouldn’t be able to share them with anyone on here. Judging by the number of comments there are about BTL on Wings being rubbish I don’t think many are very impressed with my opinions.
Most of the time I feel as if I am talking to myself.

Banned or not banned I can still read the articles and the comments.

Actually the flame wars help me relieve stress.

I often sit here and read posts and say out loud
“Oh do fuck off’ Just fuck the fuck right off with that shit. etc etc

I though maybe instead of sitting here ranting to myself I should just tell that poster how I feel.

It was fine for a good few weeks but then something happened. Might have been something to do with Stu & Twitter who knows.

I thought the x Ignore button was so people could ignore anything they thought was personal abuse.
What is so awful about this so called ‘personal abuse’. The bitchin’

As you say it is not easy so I have to pretend to be something I’m not so that I don’t get banned is very stressful. I am a bitch and if some bloke gets on my nerves I just let him know.

I do definitely think there is something not right about ‘control by accusation of racism’ and having a multi-cultural society.

Nobody will talk about a multi-cultural society whether it’s good or bad to have loads of different communities each living totally different lives with ideas that are as different as night and day. Because racist!

So we all just pretend we are not ‘racist’ not ‘transphobes’ that ‘women have penises’ and whatever else the PC brigade dictate we should be.

I was a difficult child now I am a difficult adult. I possibly need a lobotomy either that or a brain transplant because I am unable to take on board the fact that women have penises and all the rest.

I predict I will be banned from Wings but until that time I will keep on sharing.

What I would like to convince Stu to do is just allow a total free for all where everyone could just get stuck in. What harm?
Maybe there could be a competition for the best bitchin’ If you were to come up with something like the following you would probably be voted ‘best bitch of the week’

You’re a bum
You’re a punk
You’re an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it’s our last

That would be great don’t you think.

Have you ever been to one of these diners where people go to be insulted by the waiting staff?

I would like a job there.

‘You want tea! Fuckin tea? Everyone else is having coffee. You have got to be different with your demands for tea. Who do you think you are? Will it be Lady Grey for will madame be wanting fuckin Camomille. Don’t tell me! You are the one who is vegan. Vegan for fuck sake get a life!

Do you think I’ll get the job?

If this forum adopted that sort of style folk would be flooding here in droves to get insulted.


Geri, I couldn’t disagree more with you on voting strategy. The worst of all worlds is a wounded SNP that limps on and uses the wounds to put Indy further onto the back burner.. they did exactly that in 2017 — made Brexit the big campaign issue then when they lost seats because of that stupid decision they blamed it on the lack of appetite for Indy.

The priority must be to get rid of the useless SNP troughers. Yes, some Labour halfwit might say it’s a vote for the Union, of course, but that’s why I suggested holding our noses. That’s the price we pay for change.

It genuinely worries me that someone as reasonable and seemingly smart as you is willing to walk right into that all over again and in doing so prolong this agony we are experiencing.

We are doomed if people do what you are proposing, doomed forever.


@ Ruby at 12.18

Basically if you were ‘homeless’ anywhere you could come to Scotland for a day register to vote and that was it.

Obviously there was no proof of address ‘cos they were homeless.
Was there any time or means to prove that the person was homeless or had been ‘homeless’ in Scotland for more than 1 day.

I don’t know how many ‘homeless’ registered to vote but just the deviousness of setting that all up I found suspicious & disrespectful.

I helped several people with no fixed abode register to vote in 2014 (I have no idea whether they used that vote) and I thought it was a fine thing that they should have a say in the future of their country.

Here are the current regulations:
link to and I don’t think they were different then. You can’t just roll up and register; you have to have

an address where you would be living if it were not for your current situation or an address where you have lived in the past. If you are homeless, you can give details of where you spend a substantial part of your time

It never occurred to me that there would be significant numbers of non-Scottish “homeless” fakers queuing up to get a vote, and I doubt very much that there were (I can’t prove that, of course). To me it seems more disrespectful to deny a person a vote due to circumstances that person probably can’t help.


Since Genocide John’s announcement at 4.10pm yesterday that he uses humor, my model of the btl Universe has collapsed.
“ Humour is the way to go every time. The more subtle the better.”

Given that he has never said anything humerous, is everything he presents to be taken as a subtle joke?

Q: How many John Mains does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: John Main wishes the world to know that he has no responsibility for the lightbulb other than to apportion blame to the bloody c*vid spreaders/pootin/humza etc. etc. Ad nauseam


Ruby, would you agree that there’s a fine line between multiculturalism and racism, and if so where would you draw the line? My line, for what it’s worth, is skin colour… I think when you make derogatory remarks or references to skin colour you have crossed the line and become a racist.

As for the idea that people should be allowed to say what they want, I think most already do on here. I’ve never quite understood the ban on certain words but only because the place is open and liberal in other respects… I guess Wings just got bored seeing certain words and phrases over and over.


Is this manky jakit standing in oor council elections?

link to


@ Republicofscotland: is manky jaiket standing in council by-election?

Yes, it appears so.


It looks like there’s widespread resistance from lawyers to the Scottish governments madcap juryless trials scheme, and so there should be. For me this hairbrained scheme is all about getting the conviction rates up at the expense of a fair trial by a jury and evidence led cases.

“Simon Brown, vice president of the Scottish Solicitors Bar Association (SSBA), said that more than 97 per cent of his organisation were opposed to the move and would not take part in such trials.

He made clear that lawyers could not be compelled to take part in the Scottish Government’s proposed pilot scheme for judge-only trials for rape and attempted rape cases

Brown told MSPs on Holyrood’s Criminal Justice Committee it was the pilot for judge-only trials in rape and attempted rape cases that they were concerned about.

With more than 400 lawyers in the SSBA, he said the organisation was “currently polling at over 97 per cent of our members refusing to take part”.

He added: “We can’t see any avenues that the criminal legal bar would be prepared to take part in such a pilot scheme.””

You only have to look at what happened to Craig Murray with regards to a juryless trial. Also would Alex Salmond have been acquitted without a jury?


Hatuey @3.29pm.

‘But the rational thing for us to do, when you think about it, the logical thing, is to hold our noses and vote for whatever party is most likely to defeat the SNP in each constituency … So, let’s make ashes’

Almost every derogatory adjective in the dictionary has been used to describe the ethics, integrity, and morality of those masquerading as modern-day politicians.

Here, in Scotland, our lot have sunk lower than most.
It’s not difficult to see how it has come about: rogue elements + infiltration + outside influences + the selection process + the party whip + collective responsibility = we’re all (screwed) in this together. It’s better known as party politics.

Unfortunately, you may be correct with the ‘anyone but’ which now appears to be cyclical corollary of each successive elected party being baser than the one before: 2010 it was anyone but Labour. 2015, anyone but Lib Dems or Labour, forever and always anyone but Cons, and now anyone but SNP?

Maybe one day the electorate will run out of ‘anyone buts’ and instead of doing another lap on the hamster’s wheel, realise that what they need is anyone but a groomed from puberty, never lived in the real world, party politician.

There are only two ways of escaping from this self-inflicted dead-end impasse: self-regulation (no kidding) by the very people responsible for blindsiding us into the abyss, or by the electorate turning their backs on all party politics and, as has been suggested by others in recent comments, voting for independent candidates with strong local connections.

Now, that’s the way to make ashes – burn all their houses down in one fell swoop.


@ Hatuey at 5.20 pm

You must have been taking a sabbatical when I previously brought up the subject of multiculturalism potentially being seen to be bad in environmental terms and even racist.

link to

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 4:21 pm

“All EU nations should be calling for a ceasefire, and threatening to impose sanctions”

Yes, it would not be the first time international ports and dock labour unions have refused to handle ships bound for Israel. At least one country decided not to wait on the ICJ decision. In December 2023 the Malaysian Government rescinded its permit for Zim, the Israeli national carrier, to use their ports, responding to “Israel’s actions that ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law” in the 2023 Israel-Hamas war. However various global shipping lines still maintain direct calls at Israeli ports, such as Denmark’s Maersk and Taiwan’s Evergreen, and Borchard Line from UK.

There is a totally different UK response to the Ukraine conflict whereby:

“Russian ships have been banned from UK ports, following a fresh raft of UK sanctions against Russia today. The ban includes any vessels owned or operated by anyone connected to Russia and authorities will also gain new powers to detain Russian vessels.
Additional economic measures, introduced by the Foreign Secretary today, including against the Russian Central Bank and the state’s sovereign wealth fund, also mean the majority of Russia’s financial system is now covered by UK sanctions.”

link to


A sign of the times honours for doing the wrong thing, and an insult to the bereaved families who lost loved ones during the Covid pandemic.

“One of Nicola Sturgeon’s top civil servants was given an honour after repeatedly urging colleagues to wipe their covid WhatsApp messages.

Ken Thomson was recognised by the King two years after his “disgraceful” role in the mass deletion scandal. The UK Covid Inquiry last month heard how Sturgeon, former deputy first minister John Swinney and top civil servants deleted their WhatsApps during the pandemic.

Messages retrieved by the Inquiry revealed the enthusiasm for deletion by Thomson, who used to be Director General for Strategy and External Affairs.

He told colleagues in a WhatsApp group called ‘Covid Outbreak’ in 2020: “Just to remind you (seriously) this is discoverable under FOI. Know where the “clear chat” button is.”

He added: “Plausible deniability are my middle names. Now clear it again!”

Thomson later mockingly used a phrase used in rejection letters for freedom of information requests: “The information you requested is not held centrally.”

The senior civil servant also wrote in 2021: “I feel moved at this point to remind you that this channel is FOI recoverable.”

He accompanied this message with a zipped mouth emoji.

Thomson was asked at the Inquiry whether the messages showed him encouraging people to delete messages to “defeat” FOI requests.

He replied: “No.””

Andy Ellis

Anton Decadent @3.19pm:

In some cases they are privately educated middle class and something they share is a sense of entitlement against the white working class to whom any ladder of opportunity is pulled up due to their being guilty of the original sin of being white. Some of these people look white but do not identify as such. There are some curveballs thrown to confuse people and tickle the ears of the middle class radicals, some are Scottish/Irish nationalists/republicans but support the browning of Scotland/Eire. In the space of less than a generation a system is in place to have these people the voices of Govanhill as if they have been here for generations, they have not.

@Hatuey 5.20pm

, would you agree that there’s a fine line between multiculturalism and racism, and if so where would you draw the line? My line, for what it’s worth, is skin colour… I think when you make derogatory remarks or references to skin colour you have crossed the line and become a racist.

Who would have thought in the olden days when WoS was in its pomp, that casual racism like Some of these people look white but do not identify as such. There are some curveballs thrown to confuse people and tickle the ears of the middle class radicals, some are Scottish/Irish nationalists/republicans but support the browning of Scotland/Eire. would not only be posted here but go largely unremarked?

Some certainly do argue that it only qualifies as racism if it’s directed at people with a different skin colour. But….seeing some of the input here it strikes me that for some it’s just not that big a cognitive or political leap from pure blood, indigenous nativism to jut plain ol’ racism.

Not sure I would have seen that coming a few years ago.

Nihil admirari, as a wise Roman once said.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 6 February, 2024 at 4:21 pm

Ever wonder why

I used to, RoS, but I long ago twigged. The reason you never deal with any of my points is cos you can’t. Your pretzel logic doesn’t work in the real world.

Marks for scoring a couple on the Buzzword Bingo though – “apartheid” and “regime” are worth 5 each I think. But you best check with Student Grant.

I have a few minutes spare, so enough time to ask my question yet again. There are two sides which have each vowed to annihilate the other. You are calling for one side to unilaterally stop fighting.

Can anybody see the problem? Anybody at all?

Never mind. Latest news is that Blinken continues to perform his shuttle diplomacy, and there are some promising hints that both sides may be inching closer to a cease fire.

As both sides agreeing to stop killing each other is the only way to maximise the number of people left standing at the end, I expect you will be among the first to give credit where credit is due, if Blinken succeeds, eh RoS?

Haha, I crack me up.


So Hatuey alongside your everyone from the rest of the world is welcome to move to Scotland and vote to keep us shackled you now want us to vote liebour to get rid of the snp, are you sure you are on the right site

Funnily enough labour’s mantra of the working class in Scotland is no different to the working class in Bristol or elsewhere can be sensible but it takes a bit of a hit when you realise that the ones promoting it are quite comfortable in betraying and ridiculing the working classes all over the UK
I don’t know if you are Scottish or what age you are but to promote ANYTHING to do with labour you have to have not been subjected to labour’s decades of running (sorry RUINING) Scotland and the corruption and incompetence they are FAMED for, their corruption and incompetence is sturgeons bible which she has exceeded
Boy am I glad I am 73 when you have people promoting labour and eagerly looking to accelerate the demise of indigenous Scots


Ebok, we are in agreement up to the last part, but not because I disagree with the last part, I just think it’d be too complicated to explain. A lot of people don’t know who their best local candidate is. Many don’t care.

But there is a primal sense out there that the SNP must be punished at the ballot box; It will happen, one way or another, either by not voting for them or voting as I have suggested to oust them. With the guidance and encouragement of the Indy movement, we can make sure it turns them to ashes and move on.

If that doesn’t happen, all is lost.

Ellis, we are in agreement on the racism and fair play to you for saying something… I was wondering if anyone would (it seems to be left to me to moan about this and it isn’t a job I want). Notice how it’s all being normalised right in front of our eyes. I feel very old fashioned these days.


Twathater: “you now want us to vote liebour to get rid of the snp”

What I am saying is much worse than that. I am saying vote Satan if it helps oust these backstabbing scumbags that destroyed the Indy movement.

What is it with this country, when did we turn into a bunch of nitpicking old babushkas moaning about the weather? Get angry for fuck sake.


Dan, very good. “if you want to eat avocados and quinoa seeds in Scotland, you’re part of the problem.”

I agree but not out of concern for the environment.

John Main

@ Andy Ellis says: 6 February, 2024 at 6:08 pm

With respect, I think you are allowing your preferences for how you would like things to be to overcome the evidence for how things actually are.

Perhaps the scales will fall from your eyes one day, perhaps not.

For me, the Eureka moment came when I tried to apply for a job post Covid. I was notified that New Scots would be automatically shortlisted for interview.

One can immediately see that if enough New Scots apply to fill the shortlist, no Sovereign Scot can ever be successful. And how common is this across all of ScotGov?

I also think that Anton Decadent’s comments are entirely consistent with what I know of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Wake up, Andy. We have a second generation immigrant of no discernable ability, no popular support, no charismatic leadership qualities, plus a history of gaffes, incompetence and “accidental rules breaking”, going down in the history books as the successor to Bruce, Wallace, Salmond, etc.

As I see it, the only reason he is FM is because of his race. What other reasons are there that stand up to any scrutiny at all?

David Holden

As the comment count heads North of 900 towards the thousand mark it is a sad fact that to get any sense or insightful comment you have to scroll past at least half of those posting. An object lesson in how a handful of posters can wreck the comments section on a site like this. A mixture of those so far up their own arse they can view the world through their belly button, a few mega egos, those that could start an argument in an empty room and possibly those that take a wage for talking shit. The daft thing is it will not alter the output of the author of this blog it is just a pain in the arse. Never mind a scrolling on bye we will go. Message ends.

Anton Decadent

@Hatuey, you commented a few days ago that you wish to see the population of Scotland increased by tenfold and the Scots bred out of existence. Then you play the Race card. Comedy gold.

@Andy Ellis, a few days ago you threatened to go after peoples jobs if they expressed opinions of which you did not approve. I recall the owner of this site having his bank account recently closed for wrongthink.

Here’s something for people to read, my bets are on it being Millport which is being planned for this.

link to

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 5:20 pm

“I think when you make derogatory remarks or references to skin colour you have crossed the line and become a racist.”

You may wish to consider here the video entitled: ‘Humza Yousaf Rant on Racism and White People 10th June 2020’?

Some might see a linkage between this behaviour and increasingly coercive laws.

In order to better understand psychoanalytical perspectives, including in the context of colonialism, Fanon’s insightful ‘Black Skin, White Masks’ perhaps offers a more balanced perspective.


@ David Holden

Well, as the comments head north of 900 and your first post btl post on this current article is to complain at the overall standard of the comments and commenters, then you may want to consider actually posting something of interest yourself to add to the various discussions.


Ach fuck it, there’s still nae preview function on this site so will fully expect this uber long hashtag not to work…


” There are two sides which have each vowed to annihilate the other. You are calling for one side to unilaterally stop fighting.

Can anybody see the problem? Anybody at all?”

John Main.

Israel with the aid (weapons supplies etc) of the USA/UK and many other nations is killing innocent civilians in their thousands already over 13,000 Palestinian children have been murdered, and that doesn’t include those poor children still to be dug out of the rubble, tell me John what crimes did those dead children commit?

Israel has state of the art weapons including nuclear weapons and submarines it has the backing of the the largest military in the world, the use of countless satellites, and military bases across the Middle East, Palestine has no standing army.

This isn’t a war between two states, no this is a group of freedom fighters fighting against an occupying force, even the UN has said that Israel has NO RIGHT to defend itself in occupied lands.

Israel is dropping dumb bombs which have no targets they kill indiscriminately they kill civilians in hospitals, refugee camps, in their homes, schools, mosques, shops, ambulances, universities bakeries etc.

Its NOT A WAR its Israel cleansing Gaza of it almost 2 million citizens.


6 February, 2024 at 5:20 pm

Ruby, would you agree that there’s a fine line between multiculturalism and racism, and if so where would you draw the line? My line, for what it’s worth, is skin colour… I think when you make derogatory remarks or references to skin colour you have crossed the line and become a racist.

As for the idea that people should be allowed to say what they want, I think most already do on here. I’ve never quite understood the ban on certain words but only because the place is open and liberal in other respects… I guess Wings just got bored seeing certain words and phrases over and over.

If racism all just about the colour of someone’s skin then multiculturalism is very different.

I think it would be more accurate to call multiculturalism multi-religions.

If I discriminated against someone on the grounds of their religion which I would then I would be a bigot. I would discriminate against all Holy Joes. Me and Holy Joes just don’t get along. So that would rule out Holy Joe Humza and Holy Joe Kate Forbes.

I just don’t fancy having a Holy Joe First minister or a Holy Joe Politician and I certainly would not want to employ them in my ‘sex shop.’

If I weren’t past it and I went onto a dating site I would avoid all Holy Joes. I would also avoid all non whites too. I believe most people would choose someome with a similar skin colour. Mixed marriages are very unusual. Humza was married to a non Muslim white woman but that marriage didn’t last due to white woman not being a good enough Muslim and also white.

I believe when you are looking for a mate you are looking for someone similar to yourself.

Have you every read about siblings who are brought up apart and then meeting up when they are adults and falling madly in love and wanting to get married. The reason given for this is because humans are looking for partners as similar to themselves as possible and how much more similar could you get than a sibling.
The important thing to stress here is that they have been brought up apart.

Multi-culturalism is problematic for various reason.

For starters you can’t talk about British values when you have a multi-cultural society.

That’s my tuppence worth on racism & multi-culturalism.

I prefer just to say I am a racist it makes life easier.

If you are looking for racists you could maybe consider all these various different communities who all want to live apart from other communities. May what racism is is the desire to be with like minded, similar skin colour people.

I think that’s OK and I think that is something British politicians didn’t take into account with regards to the British public when they flooded the country with immigrants.

A recent example of this is Gillian Duffy (that bigoted woman ) and Gordon Brown.

The didn’t want to know when people put up ‘No Blacks’ ‘No Irish’

They wanted to enact whatever policy they had in mind. Then like now they had to manipulate the public into keep their mouths shut. I believe people have been well and truly brainwashed into thinking that racism is a bad thing just as they are now manipulating people into believe sex-changes is great.

Most probably believe those people who put up ‘No Blacks’ ‘No Irish’ were the scum of the earth.

They seem be willing to go to extremes to ensure people make no criticism of their transgender policies. I’m thinking of the Premier League Stasi who followed a young Newcastle fan and banning her for saying something like transwomen are men.

Sorry here again I am just going to upload without revising. Hopefully you will be bright enough to understand all my typos and spelling errors.

I thought Stu banned the words P*utin and UK-raine for a reason. Connect the dots.

I was referring to the bitchin’ (which I on probation for) rather than the banned words.

Alf Baird

Anton Decadent @ 3:19 pm

“who is buying land and property around Scotlands’ fresh waters reserves?”

I expect Andy Wightman will have some idea of this. However data from his book ‘Who Owns Scotland?’ in 2012 suggested that:

– Inland water comprises 36,868 acres
– Rural land of 18.9m acres accounts for 97.4% of land in Scotland, the modest remainder urban
– Private owners accounted for 83.1% of rural land, public sector 12.1%, heritage and community owners 4.7%
– Just 963 owners owned 60% of all private land, i.e. approx half of Scotland
– ScotGov owns 1.9m acres, or 9.8%
– Scottish Water own 70,000 acres

I think the conclusion is that, lacking sovereignty, Scots have no effective control over their land. There are few if any restrictions on how much land an individual from wherever can own. The nature of this manufactured ‘market’ leads to inflated prices and speculative land ownership, which is often not productive. Yet ‘land is about power’ – and the absence of sovereignty leaves a people and nation powerless and at the mercy of land speculators, predominantly based on capital from outside Scotland.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 6 February, 2024 at 7:38 pm

FFS, RoS, answer the fecking question.

There are two sides which have each vowed to annihilate the other. You are calling for one side to unilaterally stop fighting.

Can anybody see the problem? Anybody at all?

Alternatively, have the guts to deal with the reality of what will inevitably happen if Israel lays down all its weapons and puts its national hands up.

We’re all big boys and girls here. Cut out your weaselly pussyfooting around and your lists of bad things and spell it out for us. Do you think we’re going to be shocked when you effectively call for the elimination of Israel and the extermination of the Jews? We won’t be. We can take it.

FFS RoS, just for once, engage with reality, and write down something that is the fecking truth

David Holden

Sorry Dan @ 7.36 pm I was not aware I had to post something you found interesting. I know next to nothing about heat pumps and solar panels but do live sustainably and produce the bulk of my own meat and barter for a large part of the rest. What this has to do with this thread escapes me but there you go. My comment was about the sad state this blog comments section has become over the years as I am old and ugly enough to remember when it was a whole lot better. Message ends.

Andy Ellis

@Anton Decadent7.20pm

Any right thinking person would support the dismissal of a piece of work like Dawn Las Quevas-Allen, particularly from employment with a publicly funded organisation, just as they would find it pretty odious to be talking about “the browning” of Scotland/Eire. Birds of a feather….


The latest from Calton Jock, on Sturgeon, Bain and how the Scottish Government argued that any new referendum would be “advisory” and have no legal effect on the union.

link to


Anton: “you wish to see the population of Scotland increased by tenfold and the Scots bred out of existence…”

I think it’ll happen whether we are racist pricks or not (in the medium to long term). And I think instead of othering people and creating more enemies for ourselves, we could try treating them with respect and understanding. I don’t think it would take much to win them over to the Indy argument; this racist crap guarantees that will never happen.

In terms of the economy, Scotland needs more people and will need more still if we get independence and want to raise living standards and address poverty — isn’t that the whole point? The potential economic benefits of immigration to an independent Scotland are indisputably massive, to the point where you’d probably say essential. I take that as a given.

Alf, the infamous Humza video wasn’t offensive to me. He was trying to make the point that ethnic minorities were underrepresented in Scotland’s top jobs. I assume they are. Are they? Yes, his delivery wasn’t great, granted, but drawing attention to racism and skin colour from an anti-racist standpoint isn’t racism — I don’t see how you could address racism without doing that. Again, you know all this and are playing games. That’s okay though, I’m a gamer too sometimes.

Mark Beggan

The person who posts the thousandth comment wins and all inclusive trip to Legoland. That’s near Denmark.


David Holden
6 February, 2024 at 7:09 pm
“As the comment count heads North of 900 towards the thousand mark it is a sad fact that to get any sense or insightful comment you have to scroll past at least half of those posting. An object lesson in how a handful of posters can wreck the comments section on a site like this.”

And wreck it they did. I was always a ‘scroll past’ dude but not anymore.

So many lost commentors… with so much really interesting content… replaced by the endless pap of these masturbatory waste of time spammers.


Is George Ferguson an Alba politician?

Mark Beggan

Is Mairi McAllen a Sturgeon clone or is she just good at impersonations.

Dorothy Devine

RoS, thank you for the information on the rebelling lawyers – thank goodness some sense is being displayed,


@ David Holden

Oh come on, you don’t have to post a comment that only interests me. That is a ridiculous thing to even bother stating.
There are many commenters making posts on a wide range of subjects, and obviously there are lurkers such as yourself that apparently expect to be informed or entertained with content you want to read about created by the efforts of others that don’t have a clue what you want to read because you don’t post often…

And FYI I’ve posted plenty about energy, franchise, local services, failing party politics & standing proper independent local candidates on a manifesto to genuinely represent the wonts and needs of their constituents, as well as all the eco / sustainability matters. But guess there is fuck all in that lot that you’re interested in enough to comment on either.

So give us a clue, what do you want to read about? And that goes out to any lurkers too. You must have some interest in Scotland returning to self-governing status to be reading this site. So why not add some of your own ideas and insight to the discussions.

Going to the effort of attending a party then complaining about it being shit whilst you stand on the sidelines offering nowt to the mix is quite the odd behaviour. Get out on the dancefloor and bust some moves.
I only started posting after speaking with half a dozen Wingers at various events (a couple of them are now sadly departed 🙁 ) and they told me that I really needed to step up and gain the confidence to post. We owe it to all those stalwarts of the Indy cause that have gone before to keep the flame burning.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 6 February, 2024 at 8:14 pm

The potential economic benefits of immigration to an independent Scotland are indisputably massive, to the point where you’d probably say essential. I take that as a given.

Disputing it right here, Hats.

Take this as a “show your working” challenge.

Maybes give us some examples of modern day mass immigration massively benefiting an economy. Be sure to cover the difference between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Product per head. Clarify that while GDP can be going up, the individual share (GDP per head) can be going down at the same time, i.e. everybody is getting poorer.

After that, explain the common procedure of “weaponising” migration. That’s when a country forces migrants across the border into a neighbouring country. Be sure to explain why both countries agree that the population movement is far from indisputably beneficial, in fact it is a hostile act.

While on that explanation, perhaps also cover why the French aren’t busily rounding up the dinghies and towing them back to France. Strange they are so willing to pass up on your “indisputably beneficial” migrants.

Finally, if mass immigration is “essential” and “indisputably massively beneficial”, can we accept then that those who said Scotland is too wee and too poor for Indy were right?

Maybes give us your guesstimate of when we will have become big enough and rich enough for Indy through immigration, so that we can plan.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 6 February, 2024 at 8:14 pm

The potential economic benefits of immigration to an independent Scotland are indisputably massive, to the point where you’d probably say essential. I take that as a given.

Dispooting it right here, Hats.

Take this as a “show your working” challenge.

Maybes give us some examples of modern day mass immigration massively benefiting an economy. Be sure to cover the difference between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Domestic Product per head. Clarify that while GDP can be going up, the individual share (GDP per head) can be going down at the same time, i.e. everybody is getting poorer.

After that, explain the common procedure of “weaponising” migration. That’s when a country forces migrants across the border into a neighbouring country. Be sure to explain why both countries agree that the population movement is far from indisputably beneficial, in fact it is a hostile act.

While on that explanation, perhaps also cover why the French aren’t busily rounding up the dinghies and towing them back to France. Strange they are so willing to pass up on your “indisputably beneficial” migrants.

Finally, if mass immigration is “essential” and “indisputably massively beneficial”, can we accept then that those who said Scotland is too wee and too poor for Indy were right?

Maybes give us your guesstimate of when we will have become big enough and rich enough for Indy through immigration, so that we can plan.

David Holden

Sorry Dan @8.40 pm we will just have to agree to disagree on this one. If I read a newspaper it does not mean I have to write a letter to the editor unless I chose to do so. I suspect you are one of those mentioned above that just likes an argument for the sake of it so will now not be bothering with you and will likely add you to the scroll on bye list which is a shame as you had your moments. Nighty night.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 8:14 pm

“He was trying to make the point that ethnic minorities were underrepresented in Scotland’s top jobs.”

Both he and you do not appear to understand that independence is about putting more Scots fowk into Scotland’s top jobs, giving our people the opportunities and resources they have been deprived of for so long!

Colonial reality means that elites recruit a mediocre meritocracy mainly from the ‘mother country’ with the remainder of our top jobs reserved for a privately schooled privileged class that also project the values of the ‘mother country’ culture.

Whoever or whatever you think the Scots-speaking-Scot seeking liberation are, in Fanon’s analysis he is not the racist colonialist depicted here; rather, he is the colonized, the oppressed native group.

The oppressed UK minority people Humza and the SNP should be championing and are elected for that specific purpose is the Scots, and especially the white working class Scots speaking Scots; it is that group who are seeking self-determination after centuries of oppression and exploitation, not the minority groups recently arrived from elsewhere.


Alf, none of that makes his speech about underrepresented ethnic minorities tantamount to racism (which, I feel, was implied in your initial reference to him).


John Main, history is not only replete with examples but you will struggle to find one example of an economic boom anywhere in history that did not have an abundant supply of migrant labour at its core.

Notable examples include economic boom periods here in Scotland, on the Clydeside, arguably the whole Industrial Revolution which involved massive movements of people from the countryside to towns, the rise of the US, the post-war German miracle (which ground to a halt when the Berlin Wall was raised, cutting off supplies of migrant labour), the economic rise of China which seems to be grinding to a halt now (guess why?)… etc., etc., etc….

And, of course, it’s why even people like Thatcher signed up to the single market in Europe — everybody but everybody who knows a thing about economics, even nationalists like Maggie, knows that the free movement of goods, labour, capital, and services results in economic growth. It is considered axiomatic.

Your precious Scottish culture argument is somewhat undermined by the fact that a Scot named Adam Smith is universally considered God when it comes to these sort of ‘freedoms’ in the field of economics. Is that ironical? (I’ve never really understood irony)


David Holden says: at 9:21 pm

I suspect you are one of those mentioned above that just likes an argument for the sake of it…

Kind of sneaky there Mr Holden. By inciting me to respond to correct your incorrect suspicion, you can now say that I am being argumentative…
FYI I post links and discussion points on a range of relevant to Scotland subjects to try to promote decent discussion btl in the hope it will divert it away from the “juvenile playground shit” and endless posts about solving all the other issues countries of the world are having, which is pretty mental and above our station when we are in no real position to do anything about that as we can’t even sort out regaining full control of our own country.

But still, well done on improving btl discourse with your three posts that bring nothing positive and are just more of the very same inane btl crap you complain about.
Best you get used to enjoying the shit party seeing as you apparently can’t find a single thing to add to the mix. And that is very disappointing because it sounds like you are a practical kind of person, and goodness knows we need more folk that have that sort of background and insight to begin to counter the endless failure of political policies rolled out by folk that appear to not have a clue to the real world realities of what they are implementing.

So as the long hashtag worked, I’ll re-post it.




Regarding the low emission zone(s) – Edinburgh’s at least, but I get the impression that they’re all dancing to the same tune – the old vehicle exemption starts at 30-year-old vehicles.

Grand. The car and the newest motorbike both get in there, and the van’s only a couple of years off it, so I don’t need to bow to the capitalist agenda and buy new things to go where I want!

Although, who’d want to take a car into that shitshow?

Still, trams, eh? (never been on one.)


The people who dislike the comments section, and can’t wait to tell everyone how much they dislike it, how bored they are etc should really do everyone a huge favour & just jog on.

Have they no manners? Funny that they admonish people without even so much as asking a question first or posting anything of interest themselves..It’s almost as if they’re a previous poster who was jettisoned in a previous ID.

Is there a new purity police in operation? I didn’t know there was an opening or I may have applied.

Everyone on the internet over the age of 10 knows that after an article has been published & the first 40+ comments have petered out someone will change the subject, usually by posting a news article & the natural order is to move on. How many times can we comment on cars with no MOTs?


Humza was making smooth noises a few days ago – it was holocaust memorial day, or something like that.

– someone should ask him if he “denounces all forms of racism?” and is supportive of diversity and multiculturalism

he will say YES, of course

– then you ask him to denounce, and call for sanctions on Pakistan, which has deported some 500000 afghans (new pakistanis, obviously; and plans to do 1M more, obviously not wanting the increase in GDP)

you could also ask him to comment on the obviously political fitup of Imran Khan, maybe the only honest man in the country.

you could also ask him of his commitment to LGBTQ+ and trans rights, and zero tolerance on transphobia

– he will say : ABSOLUTELY, without reservation

then you ask him how he will enforce the rights of muslim trans people to access mosque facilities under their proclaimed gender

Standards are either universal, or they are worthless; you can’t go around claiming exceptionalism or “it’s alright when we do it”.

When Humza got nailed like this – no one will do it, mind – he would be toast since he lacks the mental agility to twist his way out of these incompatible, square the circle, positions; and even if he pulled some brilliance of sophistry worthy of donald findlay himself … you then slamdunk him with the hammerblow

– is that an example of “taqqiya”?

But we all know the media are propping up the SNP right now, going easy like they have never.

Humza is a grifter, a bit of a patsy for the Murrell cabal, and put there as a payoff to the asian business community, who I would guess have been secretly bankrolling the SNP for a while now; they would see that an an investment, which demands a return; nothing for nothing.

If we do the numbers, asians being 3.5% of Scots, then it looks to me that there is severe over-representation of asians in the higher echelons of public and business life – maybe they should be limited by quota? Maybe not, when people have more than their due they suddenly become meritocrats. Also, Humsa and Sarwar have enormous class privilege, being educated at Hutchesons Grammar, a little Glasgow freemasonry all on its own.

I think Humza should fuckoff back to Pakistan – we will take Imran Khan in return, and at least our cricket team will be decent; imagine beating the nigels at their personal fetish activity?



Replace Dumbzas White comment with Black. See if you find it so palatable then.

Dumbza is in a predominantly White country. WTAF does he expect those positions to be filled with? D’oh!

He’s a racist. The woke shit backfired on him. Whoever approved that speech should have been sacked immediately along with Dumbza for coming out with that shit in parliament along with the presiding officer for not stopping that rant.

He also thinks that people that ask him questions should be told to fuck off. He’s obviously in the wrong job. He comes from privilege & we see that with him already cozying up to Sarwar who is another privileged eejit.

We also seen Dumbza lose his Republican image the moment there was a raffle to win an invite to a foreign kings coronation.

He is not interested in Scotland, Scots, Independence or white people & women either. He has a problem with them too. They’ve to know their place. I dunno WTF voted for him but they were clearly taking the piss.

fruitella the hun


“everybody but everybody who knows a thing about economics, even nationalists like Maggie, knows that the free movement of goods, labour, capital, and services results in economic growth.”

Running that system in the EU has destroyed ecological systems at the landscape level, destroyed countless communities, and generated a class or plutocrats who have no love fir the common folk – many of whom do not see any significant increase in their prospects – and are capable of distorting the political mechanisms in their favour. Everybody but everybody who knows a thing or two about ecology (a better systems analysis than economics) can tell you that.


@ Derek

Re. ULEZ / low emissions

It’s interesting that across Europe we aren’t all being asked to dance to the same tune.
Did you see my post a few days back about France promoting lpg/autogas use when the UK is phasing out availability of what is currently the most abundant cleanest burning fossil fuel we could be burning in an internal combustion engine.

link to

And Scotland, is surrounded by gas fields like this new one that will produce enough gas to heat 900,000 homes. Whit, hud oan a moment, are the ASHPs and solar PV not going to work or something…

link to


And for those on about proportions of colour diversity in our society, this was a cracker of an article from a few years back. Could we see Humza produce another “WHITE!” stylée rant but this time for example about the over representation of gay folk in our parliament.

link to


Some good points being made,
David Holden

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 9:50 pm

“none of that makes his speech about underrepresented ethnic minorities tantamount to racism”

That is a matter of opinion and most Scottish opinion differs from yours.

What is without doubt is that his ‘rant’ had nothing whatsoever to do with Scottish independence. Did it?

If Yousaf and the SNP want to prioritise minority groups other than Scots they should stand for election on that basis. However he and the SNP stood for election to liberate Scots which is a clear deception.



Well said.

Anum Qaisar is another DAF appointment. An ex squeeze of his parachuted into Westminster & as dumb as fck as Dumbza is.

It’s dead obvious money has changed hands & it’s corrupt. The SNP need to go but Sarwar is exactly the same. Labour is definitely not the answer.


link to

That was just the impression I got from something I read way back then.

At that time I was highly suspicious of everything ‘Better Together’ were doing.

At that time there seemed to be quite a lot of people living in England who wanted the vote.

What I read about the homeless vote sounded to me as if they made it easy for anyone to get a vote.

I suppose if it were only 500 or so gaming the system it wouldn’t really matter.

link to

800,000 expats living in England.

link to

Young Lochinvar

Looking forward to a new article.



Your link. Wow I didn’t know Jeane Freeman was LGBTQ+++++

It’s a nonsense. The people who should get the job are the people who are qualified to do it regardless of colour, creed or sex.

LGBTQ in particular have flooded political life and now we have a whole year of dates to celebrate them & have flags draping from everywhere FFS. Is that what they went into politics for? Nothing else? Was that their only day job?


6 February, 2024 at 8:19 pm

David Holden
6 February, 2024 at 7:09 pm
“As the comment count heads North of 900 towards the thousand mark it is a sad fact that to get any sense or insightful comment you have to scroll past at least half of those posting. An object lesson in how a handful of posters can wreck the comments section on a site like this.”

And wreck it they did. I was always a ‘scroll past’ dude but not anymore.

So many lost commentors… with so much really interesting content… replaced by the endless pap of these masturbatory waste of time spammers.

Tell you what Mac if you tell me I am one of those posters who have wrecked this site I promise you I will never post another word here.

Just say the word and I am gone.

There is no advantage to posting here and it’s particularly annoying when you read so many complaints about the quality of the posts.

Personal abuse is frowned upon on this site and I’m pretty sure your constant complaints about endless pap of these masturbatory waste of time spammers is personal abuse is on a large scale. You maybe think you get away with by not naming names but what you are doing is insulting every single poster.

Just say the word and I’m gone. You are sick of endless pap of these masturbatory waste of time spammers I’m sick of reading complaints like yours. Just say the word and I am gone. I promise.



**What is without doubt is that his ‘rant’ had nothing whatsoever to do with Scottish independence. Did it?

If Yousaf and the SNP want to prioritise minority groups other than Scots they should stand for election on that basis. However he and the SNP stood for election to liberate Scots which is a clear deception.**


They should stand on that ticket.
Same with the more devolution crew.
Same with the LGBTQ..

There should be rules about deception in politics. SNP won using independence & then did absolutely nothing for independence but instead went off on some personal gay crusade.

The SNP was despicable to use a vote for indy & then give that win to the Greens manifesto for Self ID, Juryless trials & GRR which had been rejected at the ballot box. Its Unforgivable & I hope it buries them at the next election.



Just X them out. It’s not difficult for them to scroll past – it’s even colour coded for their convenience lol.

Some seem to have great difficulty applying restraint tho with banal shit that they’re bored. They can even just x out entirely if the conversation isn’t to their high standards.

Don’t let others drive you away. It’s not their site & they’re not moderators either. I’ll even wager they don’t fund Stu a free coffee either.


Mark Beggan
6 February, 2024 at 8:17 pm

The person who posts the thousandth comment wins and all inclusive trip to Legoland. That’s near Denmark.

You asked me for my views on homelessness which I gave you. Did you read them or was your request just a wind up.

There is no advantage to posting here if your posts are just ignored. I might as well just print out my views on homelessness set it on fire and shove it up the chimney for Santa.

Not only is there no advantage to posting here it can also be a very unpleasant experience.


Ruby, you just keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t let them get to you. A lot of people don’t comment when, let’s be honest, not much is happening. Apart from constant cover-up, whitewash, denial, outrageous lies and betrayal. The bubble has to burst at some point, only then will we get our revenge. I am sooooo looking forward to that day.


That was one thing I honed into right away with Ash Regan’s leadership bid. She was going to put qualified people into their proper portfolio.

Sturgeon buggered the SNP by continually shuffling around failure & putting them into positions they had absolutely no qualifications for.

No bigger example of that was sacking Joanna Cherry KC, Minister for Justice MP, replaced with a fuckwit for interpretive dance..LMFAO!

Philippa Whitford, cancer specialist & NHS health expert, jettisoned out of MP for health & given a ticket to make herself useful in the EU we’re no longer a part of..

Sturgeon killed the SNP & turned it into a laughing stock & it’s high time we stopped this quota nonsense. Her selection process left a lot to be desired & Dumbza is following on her tradition of picking the wrong people based on nothing more than being sycophants.


Regards religion..

Has anyone been following the Delphi murders (USA) case & Odinism?
Blimey – it’s like something from a Stephen King novel. Human sacrifice with two murdered little girls & various symbols around their bodies.

The whole town is in on it with their own tats & badges on their uniforms. Law enforcement, prison guards, suspicion over the judge too.. & (allegedly) a patsy taking the blame who is being starved in jail & denied speaking to his lawyer in private.

Lawyers sacked for supposedly spreading misinformation, replacement lawyers sacked cause he said the first lot were right, 1st lawyers reinstated & back on the case after intervention by federal judges. lawyers even now working for free to blow this story. It’s wild & freaky as feck..


You have an advantage, Alf, since I have no means of knowing what “most Scottish opinion” thinks. I’d be surprised if people generally considered Humza to be a racist, though. An idiot, for sure, but not a racist. Who knows, though…

What matters, and you seem to agree, is that we should take a dim view of racism and ideas that give rise to racism.

Did Geri imply that I was an old school globalisation hippy type the other day? Something like that… Ellis called me Wolfe Smith. I’ll take that, they’re both quite right.

That’s my foundational layer when it comes to most things politics.

I like foreigners, I think they’re interesting. I like the idea of them coming here and us going there. I don’t like racism because it’s stupid at its core, nonsensical: nobody chooses their race, their parents, where they are born, their sex, etc. These things are just handed to us at birth and we need accept them.

It doesn’t take much intelligence to work out you could easily be in the other guy’s shoes.

If Scottish people deserve to be free, they deserve to be good people too.


Different cultures have different views on corruption. Paying an official to get your daughter a job in politics say for example can be acceptable in one culture but not in another.

Likewise paying an official to keep a family member out jail.

If you come from a culture where this sort of thing is perfectly acceptable & perhaps even expected you will continue to do likewise in when you move to a new country.

That is another reason why multi-culturalism is problematic.

Immigrants don’t come here and suddenly take on ‘British values’ whatever that is especially if they are living in their own closed community.

Possibly expecting them to would be considered racist.



What matters, and you seem to agree, is that we should take a dim view of racism and ideas that give rise to racism.

That is what the PC Brigade did and that is what is being done now vis a vis transphobia.

We should be taking a dim view of transphobia. Do you agree?

If not why not?


Wild guess.

Most Scots voters don’t even know who Humza is.



Why are you implying people are racist because they want their own country returned to its normal independent status?

Is it wrong, in your opinion, for countries to have constitutions?

Dumbza was wrong to make that rant in parliament so clearly he IS racist to even entertain the idea that a predominantly white country should apologise because mainly white people are in position. Did the eejit even give out a solution to his obvious problem? He is First Minister FFS. The highest office in Scotland. What more does the Dumbo want? A badge?



Thats true.
A radio competition the other day & the question (to a Scot) was to name a lib dem MP & the halfwit said Nicola Sturgeon…

Jeez, beam me up already..


I think we should take a dim view of dim arguments, Ruby.

I don’t agree that racism and transphobia are the same. There’s no equivalence. People definitely don’t choose their race but they do seem to choose to be trans.


Geri; “Why are you implying people are racist because they want their own country returned to its normal independent status?”

I’m not.

Why are you implying we should feed llamas radioactive spaghetti?


That’s transphobic.

Trans people are born that way. Something to do with their genes, chromosomes & their maleness being washed away in the amniotic wash cycle before it all had time to fuse together. They popped out & the midwife misgendered them because they’re obsessed with people’s genitals.

As an aside, do those eejits learn nothing from history? If there was a gene identifying as TRA they’d be toast. Yet they’re so eager to find one.

John Main

@ Confused says: 6 February, 2024 at 10:52 pm

Top post.

The icing on the cake with Humza (or maybes more accurately, the boot in the balls) is that they had to jury rig the election process to get him in place.

He is so widely popular with us Scots, has such a solid track record of achievement, and is such a naturally gifted and inspirational leader and charismatic speaker, that they had to use a flawed and fraudulent process to get him over the line.

I have been puzzled why even the SNP membership itself was apathetic enough to accept that corrupt travesty without a murmur. But your comment suggests to me that maybes it has been infiltrated by people who found the leadership election result was exactly what they wanted and maybes even paid for up front.

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 7 February, 2024 at 1:01 am

I like the idea of them coming here and us going there

When you get there, do you like the idea of publicly poking fun at the things they hold sacred, maybes openly flouting the daft rules and laws of theirs that inconvenience you, and perhaps regard their womenfolk as second class people to be used and abused?

I’m betting you don’t.

fruitella the hun

The four freedom of the EU: movement of labour; capital; goods; services, are the very core of Laissez Faire liberal capitalism. It’s always struck me as strange that marxists, the current version, are such strong supporters. Well most of them, those comprising the base of the popular left in our politics, certainly up to Starmer and perhaps someway beyond. In my lifetime, pro-Europe Labourish people have often also been pro-Atlantic- i.e. sharing objectives with Washington/Wall St. But you don’t really sound like a laissez faire capitalist running dog of Uncle Sam, whats going on? Can you explain the plan?

perhaps in passing you could maybe address my question to you a couple of nights ago: is resisting immigration, on the evidenced grounds of maintaining self-sufficiency and sustainably in our primary systems, inherently racist – in your opinion? I.E. do you think environmentalists are fundamentally racist, and by extension, fascists? Some marxists seem to, or see advantage in claiming that, disingenuously.


Norman Finkelstein is superb in this…it is an education listening to him.

(I skipped past the parts where the interviewer is speaking, but after a little while he mostly just let’s Finkelstein flow.)

His conclusions are very gloomy (‘a catastrophe’) and sadly I think he will be proved correct.

link to

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 1:01 am

“I have no means of knowing what “most Scottish opinion” thinks”

Might that be because you are not Scottish?

“I don’t like racism”

Well, if that is the case perhaps you and the SNP leadership should be focusing on ending colonialism; because ‘racism is a consubstantial part of colonialism’ (Memmi).

Colonialism is also ‘geographic violence’ (Fanon) and if allowed to continue we soon see what sits at the ‘root of colonialism which is fascism’ (Cesaire).

This is where we are headed with a mankit colonial administration that ‘takes the people up a blind alley’, ‘holds back the movement’, ‘behaves like a gang’, becomes itself ‘an instrument of coercion’, ‘builds up its pensions’, ‘appoints its friends and family’, and prioritises ‘its own interests’ whilst ‘protecting the interests of the colonizer’ (Fanon).

Which is where Scots exist – physically and psychologically – deep in the rotting bowels of a racist colonial system.

fruitella the hun

Oops, my 9.50 post was directed to Hatuey. Maybe others feel qualified to address it too?


Very smart English guy I chatted with used to point out that the English people a very much a colonized people, or a conquered people, as in William the conqueror.

They conquered and they never ever left.. the Harrowing of the North and so forth.

You can also strongly argue that post 1945 Britain itself became a vassal state of the USA, maybe not immediately but it sure is today as is most of the EU it seems.

So we are colony within a colony, like a nightmarish Rus$ian doll, getting passed around from the old imperialist to the new, like an old porn mag… and we thought we just going to stroll out the door after our quaint little vote.

None of us are ‘getting out’ by the looks of it. Scots, English, Europeans… all in lockstep off the edge of the cliff.



“Scots, English, Europeans… all in lockstep off the edge of the cliff.”

The Destiny of Civilization by Michael Hudson

“The book explains why the New Cold War’s U.S.-China conflict cannot simply be regarded as market competition between two industrial rivals. It is a broader conflict between different political economic systems – not only between capitalism and socialism as such, but between the logic of an industrial economy and that of a financialized rentier economy increasingly dependent on foreign subsidy and exploitation as its own domestic economy shrivels.

“Professor Hudson endeavors to revive classical political economy in order to reverse the neoclassical counter-revolution. … The book explains why the U.S. and other Western economies have lost their former momentum: A narrow rentier class has gained control and become the new central planner, using its power to drain income from increasingly indebted and high-cost labor and industry. The American disease of de-industrialization has resulted from the costs of industrial production being inflated by the economic rents extracted by this class under the system of financialized monopoly capitalism that now prevails throughout the West.”


Mike Hudson on youtube discussing his book, The Destiny of Civilization

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 9.50am

So what qualifies one to be included in those with a voice Alf? I don’t know if Hatuey is Scots or not, but are the individuals opinions only to be included if they are Scottish by birth, or only if they have lived here for long enough, or if they are residents? Or do we have to pass some test or possess some kind of verification?Is the ability to speak Scots a requirement?

I seem to recall people giving me pelters when I said the majority of Scots, and indeed the independence movement, were broadly Atlanticist, pro NATO and pro EU in outlook. So why is it that’s apparently not valid (even though there’s ample polling evidence and the evidence of the party platforms they voted for), but we’re expected to accept with equanimity that your views represent those of “Scots”, however you’re defining them?

I’m not sure that given current circumstances expecting to achieve independence while excluding some random percentage or category of Scots from participating based on your definition of who qualifies will work. There’s certainly no evidence of any widespread support for it. Perhaps it’s just a feeling you have in your water, but that doesn’t seem like a solid basis to start constructing a case for doing things differently.

Mark Beggan

“Don’t start that talking
I could talk alnight
My mind was sleepwalking
While I’m putting the world to right
Call careers information
Have you got yourself an occupation?

Oliver’s army is here to stay
Oliver’s army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today “

Vlad (not that one)

Thanks for the Finkelstein link.
The voice of one crying in the wilderness.



I was listening to another channel about that very subject last night.
All very interesting stuff.
America is screwed because it deindustrialised while it’s nemesis did not. Now it wants to pick a fight with no way to keep it up & they were ripping the proverbial out of the Brits effort at attempting to bark as two mine sweepers crash into one another, an aircraft carrier that doesn’t work & Bidens administration seem more interested in porn right now..

Jeez.. imagine if we had a real enemy at the door. They’ve all been too busy on the take & not investing. The mafia outfit won’t last much longer as the EU is bound to be realising the yanks have nothing but a cut of their GDP. The curtain well & truly revealing they haven’t a pot to piss in.

I’ll take a listen to Hudson, thanks.

Marie M

Alf Baird. @ 9.50.

When did Fanon write all that about colonisation.I am just curious because that is a pretty accurate description of the SNP

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