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Wings Over Scotland

The Land Of Immunity

Posted on September 12, 2024 by

Astonishingly, there isn’t a single word of apology anywhere in this statement.

There isn’t a scintilla of contrition, not the tiniest glimmer of admission of culpability or responsibility. There isn’t even a weasel-worded expression of “regret”.

Rape Crisis Scotland is unfit for purpose, and its CEO must resign.

She won’t, of course, because nobody in Scotland has been accountable for anything for the last decade. The Lord Advocate presided over a malicious prosecution that will cost taxpayers upwards of £100m and didn’t have to quit over it.

And the Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government presided over an unlawful, biased investigation that led to the persecution of an innocent man at a cost of millions of pounds to the taxpayer (and hundreds of thousands to the man himself), and not only didn’t resign or get the sack, but was rewarded with a contract extension and a five-figure discretionary “compensation” payment, decisions which horrified even the Unionist media.

Nobody who was ever once favoured by Nicola Sturgeon has to answer for anything in Scotland, and Sandy Brindley – perhaps the most loyal of all her acolytes – will be no exception. And yet the report quietly published yesterday ought to demand a whole basket of rolling heads, because it will outrage anyone who reads it.

Vicky Ling’s report into the conduct of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre – run under the auspices and ultimate control of Rape Crisis Scotland – following a brutal, excoriating tribunal judgement against ERCC’s male transactivist CEO Mridul Wadhwa, contains paragraph after paragraph of horrifying findings.

The two-sentence summary is bad enough.

But it gets much worse in detail.

Let’s just linger over those highlighted lines for a moment. Women who’d been raped turned up at a rape crisis centre in the hope of support, and were made to feel WORSE. Indeed, so bad was it that some felt UNSAFE at a rape crisis centre, to the point where they avoided it entirely as a result.

That shouldn’t come as a surprise, though, because mind-bogglingly, the welfare of rape survivors was not ERCC’s first priority.

The monstrous Mridul Wadhwa treated a rape counsellor in an “intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive” way because she did not conform to his belief in transgender ideology – a stance he had openly advertised for years.

But when countless people, including this site almost four years ago, raised the alarm about his behaviour, Sandy Brindley and Rape Crisis Scotland backed him all the way, accusing objectors of “misinformation” and “harassment”.

Brindley even threatened to report people for calling Wadhwa a man.

Despite the fact that Wadhwa had admitted obtaining the role by deception.

Ling’s report orders both ERCC and RCS to institute changes which would put survivors first and clearly define what a woman is – an utterly extraordinary thing for a rape crisis centre not to know.

It also demands that ERCC changes its culture to ensure people with gender-critical beliefs are treated with equal courtesy and respect. But anyone with the tiniest knowledge of either Mridul Wadhwa or Sandy Brindley knows that neither is capable of such behaviour.

Both are fully signed up to the gender cult and have made that fact abundantly plain, and so toxic and polarised is the debate that there is no credible possibility of either making such a shift of position. The issue of whether men can ever be women is, fittingly enough, a binary one. They either can or they can’t, and nobody holding the former belief can possibly be trusted to ensure that women’s single-sex spaces are protected.

It is astonishing that Wadhwa still remains formally in post as CEO – it’s not known whether he’s been getting paid since going on “leave” in June after the tribunal judgement. He is yet to issue any sort of statement, far less an apology, in the wake of its ruling.

It was not for Vicky Ling to demand the dismissal of any individuals, but her report is just about as explicit as it was possible for her to be.

The ONLY way to change the culture of ERCC “in the light of the Tribunal findings” is for Wadhwa to be removed. He is a fundamentalist ideologue, and the impossibility of changing the organisation’s culture while he remains its head is perhaps illustrated by the remarkable level of turnover in its board of Trustees since his appointment.

But he didn’t reach the position in which he was able to wreak so much harm alone.

He was selected for the role under the auspices of Brindley, in full knowledge of his character and beliefs, but also with the enthusiastic backing of Scottish Green MSP Maggie Chapman, who was also the Chief Operating Officer of ERCC at the time, who had been acting CEO when Wadhwa was given the position, and who stridently lambasted those voicing concerns about him with accusations of “ignorance, bigotry and hatred”.

(Ironically claiming that they might “damage survivors”, the very thing that Wadhwa has now been found guilty of by both the tribunal and Ling’s report.)

He was lionised by the “progressive” media, he was – naturally – beloved of Nicola Sturgeon and was allowed to stand as a candidate for the SNP on women-only shortlists despite having no Gender Recognition Certificate and being both legally and biologically male.

(Information you won’t find on his heavily-censored Wikipedia entry, and on which any attempt to place those facts will result in your immediate banning by the hardline transactivist editors with which the site is infested.)

All of these people share the responsibility for the harm Wadhwa was allowed to perpetrate on women at their most vulnerable moments. But Wings confidently predicts that none of them will face any consequences for it, nor even admit that they did anything wrong. Because this is Scotland in 2024, and consequences are only for little people.

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Wonder in nicola and this obewan were an item


We have now progressed beyond the old statement of, “The lunatics are running the asylum.”
Now the entire country appears to many of us to have become the asylum.
Again, thanks to WoS for being, apparently, the sole independent truth teller in our poor, broken Scotland.


Excellent piece! You keep me up to date with everything worth knowing. Just wish I could afford to subscribe but it’s not financially possible at the moment



“The monstrous Mridul Wadhwa treated a rape survivor [RA] in an “intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive” way because she did not conform to his belief in transgender ideology – a stance he had openly advertised for years.”

My memory may be failing. I can’t remember anything like this being said about RA.


Your final sentence is true [of course]. Only the “little people” ever suffer consequences. Look at Derek McKay – “scot free” [the irony]. If it had been you they couldn’t have moved fast enough to shut you up in a wet dungeon for the rest of your life.

Stuart MacKay

> trans women and black minority ethnic women

There it is again. The idea that females with darker skin can only identify as women. How is it possible to make such a statement and still be in a job?


Does anyone know???

If the budget falls and there is a holyrood election will there be another election in 2026 of is it 5 years from now till the next holyrood election.

Iain McGlade

It would be interesting to hear from any of those trustees who resigned their post. I’d like to know why they did that.

Vivian O’Blivion

The story is up on the BBC News, Website. The main page, not just the Scottish section.
Only point of note: “Edinburgh Rape Crisis said it recognised it “got things wrong” and apologised.”
Clearly this is the new management of ERC. The form and platform of the apology is not specified.
Statements from Rape Crisis Scotland are quoted but Brindley’s name does not appear.


It’ll be interesting to see what definition of woman/female they come up with. Will they be able to it without resorting to the usual circular definitions they like to use (a woman is anyone who feels they’re a woman), and without terms such as ‘identify’ or ‘gender identity’ in it.

Also, if I understand what happened correctly, the issue which mainly led to the tribunal was the fact that one of the female workers had decided she was ‘non-binary’ and adopted a male-sounding name, and there was a problem in how that was to be conveyed to any service users who asked to be seen only by a woman.

From memory, it was ok to say the worker ‘is non-binary and not a man’ but not to say ‘is non-binary and is a woman’’.

I haven’t read the report, but I would’ve thought some clarity around this type of terminology is also needed. Ideally, it should not be used at all – that’s for their personal lives and not to be brought into the workplace. It’s bad enough that the staff and volunteers are expected to understand (and go along with) it all, but why should service users – who won’t necessarily be aware of any of these ‘intersectional’ terms and ideas – be faced with having this nonsense pushed on them.

And they’ve really got to get rid of Wadwha.


Shug, there will be an election in 2026 even if there is one in the next few months, unless two-thirds of MSPs vote to change the date of the 2026 election.


Thanks well i hope the budget fails, the call an election, get trashed and perhaps the movement can rebuild before 2026


‘Shug says:
12 September, 2024 at 2:02 pm
Wonder in nicola and this obewan were an item’

Nope. This pervert has a penis. Nicola is not a fan of those.

Wadhwa needs his cunt kicked. Pity he hasn’t got one to do so.

Young Lochinvar

Next they’ll be appointing self professed participants in bestiality in CEO roles of donkey sanctuaries..
And of course said donkeys will be put through a “re-education course” as part of their “care”..

We live in mad deviant times.

Anyway, back to the individual concerned; male over 25 and masquerading as a woman? Then straight to the chopping block and no attention. That’ll go part way to reversing this attention seeking fashion for that is all it is.

John C

For years now, feminist groups have been saying as loud as possible that Wadhwa & ERCC are actually harming rape survivors and here it is spelt out as clear as possible. A rape crisis centre is further traumatising women thanks to a man who a number of people think is a woman and put his needs ahead of vulnerable women. If anything sums up how screwed things are then this is it.

Wadhwa needs to be sacked tomorrow. A full public enquiry needs to take place and Maggie Chapman should stand down but as she’s completely shameless and doesn’t want to lose that MSP salary, she won’t.

I despise what the Greens have become. I despise people like Wadhwa, and I especially despise those who put him in place, supported and encouraged him. They’re as bad as he is, and 100% he’s getting off on the power in his position as well as listening to stories of raped women.

Holyrood should be acting on this tomorrow. It won’t. It yet again would show Sturgeon’s judgement to be terrible & show, yet again, that Trans Ideology is designed to hurt women but even so, this surely has to be the end of Wadhwa in Scottish public life?

John C

There it is again. The idea that females with darker skin can only identify as women. How is it possible to make such a statement and still be in a job?

There’s an extraordinary racism at the core of Transgenderism. Many don’t see black women especially as female, and this idea that they ‘identify’ as women because they’re ‘not women really’ is insane and racist.

But we’re in a situation now where a lot of what passes as ‘progressive’ politics is deeply racist, antisemitic, sexist, ableist and bigoted but it gets a pass if the ‘right’ person says it.

John C

Next they’ll be appointing self professed participants in bestiality in CEO roles of donkey sanctuaries..
And of course said donkeys will be put through a “re-education course” as part of their “care”..

The ‘+’ in LGBTQ+ contains zoophiles. Your mainstream Queer activists will deny it, but they’re there. One of the many, many reasons a huge chunk of LGB people want nothing to do with the Q+ people.


The monstrous Mridul Wadhwa treated a rape survivor [RA] in an “intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and offensive” way

I believe RA is Roz Adam, the rape crisis counselor who took her case to the Employment Tribunal and not (so far as I am aware) a rape survivor. This statement should be checked and corrected if necessary.


“However Rape Crisis Scotland, which runs 17 member centres, defended the decision saying it was “proud” to have Wadhwa “as a colleague within our movement”.”

Who knew a rape crisis center was a movement!?

Aye nothing will come of it. We seem to be living in the age of wasting money on bad practices/policies, waste money on an inquiry/detailed report, ignore it & announce lessons will be learned. Shred report.

She should be sacked immediately because her focus isn’t on helping victims but to a cult & to a cult that is hostile to real women. If she isn’t then the government should withdraw funding. Its fraud to receive public funds under false pretences.

I’m not in the least surprised victims don’t bother going. Who the fuck needs the TRA gestapo minimising their truma & trying to school them with TRA stunning & brave pish in the middle of someone else’s crisis. Typical narcissists. The whole room is to revolve around them.


He had some balls even applying for such a position
The SNP were a bunch of fannies for considering a man for the post.
Now perhaps fortunes from the tax payer can be spent on compensation for those scared
by this hideous organisation.


IF EVER, sanity returns to our poor beleaguered wee country Scotland I as a SOVEREIGN Scot DEMAND a truth commission to bring ALL these perverts and deviants to justice

THESE perverts and deviants are only getting away with this lunacy because of the middle class progressive woke warriors who are so fixated on their sexual cravings , we did it for you Beth

Does anyone really think that a constitutional convention or a citizens assembly including normal working class people would listen to this pish or would accept a MAN as head of a rape centre FUNDED mainly with OUR TAXES

OUR PROBLEMS start and end with politicians and political parties, and EVEN if the Scum Nonce Party were FORCED into an election,WHO TAF is there to vote for, every one of them VOTED for this perversion and deviance and continue to do so

agent x

“Equalities minister Kaukab Stewart said it was unacceptable that rape survivors had been let down. She confirmed the Scottish government continues to fund the Edinburgh centre.”
link to


@ Effigy 6pm
“Now perhaps fortunes from the tax payer can be spent on compensation for those scared
by this hideous organisation.”

And so it goes on, every one of these arsewipes walks away in profit without any penalties whatsoever, whilst people are traumatised and forced to seek compensation NOT from Brindley or sturgeon or any of the politicians like ChapMAN or wee Paddy who supported ALL of it,BUT from the lowly tax payer who opposed this lunacy and would prefer their taxes were better spent,it is high time politicians and their parties were MADE to pay for their FAILED pet projects


No mention of Wings – though, the jist of this story made it onto the BBC Scotland news team-time – flagship programme.

No accountability – no credibility – welcome to Scotland.

Dorothy Devine

Twathater , I like the idea they should pay for failed projects.


africa, nigeria – always worth a swatch; nigeria has oil and subsidises the price of fuel for its people … imagine, being able to do that? – anyway, other problems meant this policy was to bankrupt them, so they had to whack up prices, riots occurred – but they have a partial solution; why not, whisper it – HAVE YOUR OWN, LOCAL, REFINERY?

link to

– this is such a brilliant insight, maybe someone could tell the scotgov.

What? – unprofitable you say?

So why doesn’t england shut down its 5 oil refineries and just import refined petroleum products from amsterdam? – surely the free market will ensure efficiency?

everyone knows postal voting is absolutely secure and rigging never happens in western democracies
link to
– what are these nazis like?

this is funny
link to


I can see a new addition to the OED thanks to Sturgeon’s rancid SNP…

involving calamity, disaster or incompetence.
“You’ve made a right Scotland of that!”


Scotland doesn’t do refineries but if they did they’d be the wrong kind.

The story of our Union. Doesn’t matter what it is. Even the wind is wrong & all that rain spoils their holidays.

Twathater – a most excellent idea. Every policy has half in a deposit. Fck up the policy then lose yer deposit.

Or even better – just sack them. Collect their coat & their wee desktop mini plant & do the walk of shame for the intro to the six o’clock news .lol


How many times has Sandy Brindly being presented as the spokesperson for the Scottish Government on the 6 o` clock news ?



“Does anyone really think that a constitutional convention or a citizens assembly including normal working class people would listen to this pish or would accept a MAN as head of a rape centre FUNDED mainly with OUR TAXES”


The reason it was never put to the public.

Ash recommend a citizens assembly during her bid for the leadership. That was as welcome as a dose of the trots.

It wouldn’t last five minutes under scrutiny so they came up with the *No debate* bullshit.

When you follow international news this is a common complaint across all of the west. No one voted for it. It was the spawn of some eejit think tank & the Americans put it into policy & instructed everyone else to do it too or there’d be consequences. Mainly involving funds.


“But Wings confidently predicts that none of them will face any consequences for it, nor even admit that they did anything wrong. Because this is Scotland in 2024, and consequences are only for little people.”

Scotland, the most banana of banana States.

Every organ of the State has been corrupted into being rotten to the core by the biggest tractor in Scottish history, although I cannot name her because of Scotland’s Hate Crimes Act.

PS. Has JK Rowling been silenced, as I had predicted on WoS?

Lorna Campbell

Everyone knew five minutes ago that cross-dressing men are driven by sexual motives. Everyone. That those stupid women pushed that man into that job so that he could get his rocks off by listening to traumatised women relate their injuries needs to be questioned. What were Sandy Brindley and Maggie Chapman getting out of it? These men – all of them – are larpers and they are all motivated by sex. All of them. It might manifest as so-called ‘gender dysphoria’, but it is all about the sexual feelz. A wealth of information based on study of these men is available and open to all.

Mridul has had no surgery and he lives with a man. Assuming the two have sex, that makes him a homosexual, not a woman. That, of course, is their business. Retraumatizing vulnerable women should be ours and everyone’s. They will all be allowed to slip under the radar and we will hear the mantra ‘lessons have been learned’. Aye, right! 2026 will be our opportunity to get them all out on their brass necks, all the TRA activists in politics, in Scotland. This ideology is destroying our children and our young women and boys. Anyone who professes to believe in it is intellectually unfit to be in politics and certainly unfit to hold high office. Might as well elect someone with the intellectual capacity of a slice of salami and who believes the moon is made of cheese.

Young Lochinvar

Lorna Campbell @ 11.56pm

As I have stated before Lorna I agree with just about all you say but at last you mention the toxic role (as well) of women in this disgusting affair.

Sturgeon, Brindley, Chapman and countless others who mothered and nurtured these bampot deviants because they themselves were brought up not to recognise boundaries. As for the predators themselves, gelding is only half the answer.

Got meat and two veg?
Yer a sorry excuse for a male and should be kept away from all living things you can do harm to IMO..

Born female and think yer a bloke..
Give us a break..

Robert Louis

Hey, SNP, John Swinney etc… here’s a vote winning idea, why not put an actual biological man in charge of rape crisis Edinburgh, but don’t just stop there, get a man, who cross-dresses, is frankly creepy, and likes to pretend to be a lady. If you want to go even further in this vote winning strategy, why not make sure the bloke you employ to run rape crisis Edinburgh, is an out and out bigot and ideologue, who shows utter contempt for ACTUAL REAL women who have been raped and who is wholly unfit for employment in ANY support, healthcare or client focused role.

Meanwhile, the SNP rummage around trying to figure out why they have lost support.

FFS, SNP, FFS. Sniff the coffee and wake the f*** up already!

Women who have been raped, have almost likely also been brutalised by a man at the same time. They are deeply, deeply traumatised. The appearance of a man, the smell even of a man, or a male voice, or male body movements and shape, ALL affect them. When they go to a rape crisis centre, the very last thing they need to be met with is a frankly, creepy biological man, dressed as a lady. WHY, WHY, WHY the f*** is this not obvious to the Scottish government?????

The entire management of Rape Crisis Scotland needs sacked.

Those in government, especially Sturgeon and Maggie Chapman, should be made to answer for this. THIS is their doing.


I’m hearing he’s stood dowm.

Another one bites the dust… Well done Rev Stu…

Lorna Campbell

Young Lochinvar: you evidently do not read my posts most of the time because I have absolutely lain much of the blame for this on the idiot women who support this ordure. Collaboration is nothing new: it happens across the board. Mostly, the collaborators hope to gain something for themselves at the cost of betraying their own. These women actually gain nothing from supporting and acting on behalf of these deviant men.

They also ignore the rest of the T++++++ into infinity because there are, literally, thousands of perversions and paraphilias all cosying up to homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals under the Stonewall umbrella. Some of these perversions and paraphilias are, frankly, disgusting and many almost beyond belief. They are not all dangerous, but many are, and most of them affect women and girls.

As John C points out, zoophilia is far more common than any of us would like to believe, and innocent animals and birds are being tortured and killed every year by these vomit-inducing men. It is not all men, by any means, but it is usually a man who causes trauma to women, girls, young boys, children, animals. Do not berate me for imaginary failings when you, and every decent man, really needs to face this issue head-on and take responsibility for the failings of your own sex.

Yes,, women are far from perfect, and, yes, they have colluded in this utter nonsense. Females are raised to try and please – and to try and please men, mostly – and we use words for girls who do not conform. We call them tomboys when they are just being normal girls because normal girls are not that different from normal boys. All females lack male physical strength, and physical strength alone ensures the degradation and lack of full autonomy of females in every country in the world. No country exists where females are truly safe from male predation and male control.

That many females become collaborators in order to escape the confines of femaleness should surprise no one, and goes a long way to explain the explosion on female ‘trans’, but I do agree with you that females are much to blame, along with men, for this dire situation in which we find ourselves, and they should not be exonerated, but castigated equally. We could end this dangerous nonsense tomorrow if we repealed the 2004 GRA as redundant.

Dorothy Devine

It kind of reminds me of the Catholic Church moving their paedophile priests to fresh pastures rather than have the scandal of court cases, hush money paid.
So we will see those involved moved on and nothing to see here attitude will prevail.


It wuz Roz Adams who dunnit. Not Rev Stu.

Wullie B

The bloke in a frock has stood down
Rape crisis centre CEO stands down after report into failings link to

Dickie Tea

He has resigned. Hopefully never to be allowed near vulnerable women (real women – the ones with wombs and not the ones with a beard and a beer belly) ever again.


Has the law *officially* changed regarding a gender recognition certificate? Did self-id become law & I missed it? Cause if not then he shouldn’t be anywhere near women’s safe spaces & his absence should be permanent.

That goes for all the other ones too swanning about the SNP creche feeling *stunning & brave* taking selfies in the ladies loos.

Young Lochinvar

Yes women are involved in this & rush it through every parliament, school, university, healthcare setting despite years of hard evidence that these deviants only ever escalate & go on to live out their fantasies for real. They should be ashamed of themselves reversing women’s rights.

The West has a real problem with pornography & narcissism & they’ve manoeuvred themselves into positions of power with the fear they’ll go ape shit if they don’t get their way.

They need removed & to remove them we really need to promote voting in council elections. That’s their stepping stone..

Robert Hughes

Ignored says:
13 September, 2024 at 8:04 am

” I’m hearing he’s stood dowm.

Another one bites the dust… Well done Rev Stu… ”

Cue great lamentation on Planet Gender ; it’s thin , sewage-fumed atmosphere ( the slightest inhalation of which causes brain-death in humans ) resounding with performative weeping n cries of TRANSRACISTHOMOPOPADOMPHOBIA+BIGOTRY ! from thespian lesbians wae baws & the synchronised gnashing of vagina dendatas* led by Obergruppenzealot Mag Chap-Man .
Tribe sorceresses K. Black-Man n M A Rod-Dick have entered trance-states in an effort to seek guidance from higher sources of knowledge , eg Judith Butler’s Bible aka The Beano of Nonsense-Binary .

That distant rumbling sound isn’t thunder but the stamping of tiny feet as the residents of that alien planet realise their plan to destroy the hated Earthlings by a campaign of stealth-sterilisation of young Earth-spawn & brain-cell vaporising of * adults * of the species has been thwarted . Thus far !

Phasers on brave n stunning


Meant to add that yes women can be deviants too & are willing partners.

There’s been more than a few high profile cases where women have been jailed over the last few years for abusing their own kids over the internet (A certain population star & his harpies) & that one that ran a nursery ffs. I can only surmise they’ve been abused themselves in the past & have no sense of boundaries.

Others do it because they’re fcking cowards standing either by their man or their salaries.

I disagree with Lorna that women get nothing out of it. They get to keep a healthy bank balance & their job by shutting their mouth.


There is an article in the Guardian about a badly worded question in the Census which seems to have inflated the number of trans people in the country.
It has been recognised and the statistic has been disregarded by anyone who knows anything about statistics.
Except Stonewall – surprise, surprise. They have welcomed it with whoops of joy and delight at the ‘proof’ that numbers identifying as trans are on the up.
I am beginning to think that Stonewall ought to be banned as a terrorist organisation aimed at eradicating all truth and common sense in the country.


I’m not referring to Glitter either but to Watkins. Sick barsteward.

Quite a few women pedophiles hone in on nurseries too.

Robert LMAO & phasers..
They’ll require therapy, a doctor, a pumpkin latte, some artisan bread, a darkened room & a punch pillow to get over their trauma.

We can expect nothing less than an out of tune karaoke protest outside Rape Crisis & a demand to bring back the gallows for bigots.


sam says:
13 September at 8:26 am

It wuz Roz Adams who dunnit. Not Rev Stu.

Is stating that really that helpful in unifying both women and men against this gender nonsense?
Roz stepped up and has achieved a good result for her efforts, but Stu has put in an exceptional shift over many years reporting and enlightening folk to what has been going on.
His efforts (amongst others both female and male) have undoubtedly raised awareness and given confidence to the gender critical to step up and take a stance against the genderwoowoo insanity.
A search of this site shows multiple articles relating to Roz Adams and what she has had to endure. Articles which contained detailed information folk would struggle to find anywhere in the MSM.
I don’t think it is particularly helpful to the cause of purpose on this subject to on the one have folk telling blokes they need to do more, then on the other state their efforts mean nothing when they do.
Both sexes are complimentary and essential to our continued existence for obvious reasons. Anything that needlessly stokes division between the majority of decent female and males is counterproductive.

Ruby Friday

Lorna Campbell

They also ignore the rest of the T++++++ into infinity because there are, literally, thousands of perversions and paraphilias all cosying up to homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals under the Stonewall umbrella. Some of these perversions and paraphilias are, frankly, disgusting and many almost beyond belief

The latest one I’ve learned about is

Somnophilia is a paraphilia in which an individual becomes sexually aroused by someone who is unconscious

See story of Gisele Pelicot.

Beyond belief!

Ruby Friday

I’ve said all I have to say already about this topic and I certainly do not want to get involved in a discussion with Dan & Geri.

I’ll just repeat what Lorna said, we need to
Repeal the GRA 2004. I would go even further and say we need to make ‘Woman Face’ a hate crime.


Dan @ 10.29.

How very well put, Dan.

Stuart MacKay

Lorna @8:20am

> escape the confines of femaleness

Very interesting statement. If there had to be a revolution in roles then this is where it needed to be. Instead the gender wars are all about increasing the sexualisation of women and children and greatly increasing their oppression by men. Quel surprise.


Just a reminder to all readers that this person was highly active on reddit right up until the recent controversy.

If you search reddit for “IndiaOwl” you can see their entire post history which shows their militant attitude towards biological women just trying to uphold their basic rights.



As a simple matter of fact it was Roz Adams tribunal case which I followed that resulted in the finding that led eventually to Wadhwa removing himself.

Stu played no part in this particular event and my pointing out a fact does not say anything at all to diminish his contribution to the topic of gender recognition and ERCC.

As far as I ken, Stu is mistaken to say that Ms Adams is a rape survivor.

You’ve zero reason to try to pick a fight with me

Alf Baird

A colonized nation is indeed ‘a land of immunity’, more especially for those ‘agents’ who protect and further the colonizers interest (Fanon).


Alf, that’s a bit ominous in light of the trials coming up! Let’s hope justice is served to the alphabetties, crooked civil servants and Crown officers, the Justiciary at al


FFS, so asking / suggesting that something isn’t helpful is picking a fight now…
Big fan of the Hate Crime Act aye?

But seeing as you want a fight… You and a few other btl posters that appear to be women were NOWHERE to be seen in offering much if any support to a gender critical women that was standing as a candidate in the recent general election. And that goes to the site owner too.
How on earth do you expect this madness to end if we do not work to elect people into power to stop it? Because if we don’t do that fucking monomaniacal loonies with the easily hurt feelz will continue to win the day.

I’m now at the point when I see the pathetic pishy state of Scottish political discourse that I actually look forward to switching off my laptop and returning to the productive but utterly mundane seemingly endless mind-melting tedium of climbing and hanging off ladders and scaffolding like a monkey to tape, fill, sand, and paint the 20 plasterboards on a coombed ceiling. I’ve re-framed my boredom and find that white dusty hellscape to be a lovely tranquil safe space away from the insane.

Jim Thomson

Good to see (BBC news) that male transactivist CEO Mridul Wadhwa has resigned. They will be starting the recruitment process over the next month or so apparently.


MrIdul I think I read has stepped down as CEO but is still employed.



You had and have no grounds for suggesting that a matter of fact about a tribunal hearing interferes in some way in men and women co-operating.

Yer still just coat trailing. Stop contriving an argument.

Young Lochinvar

He will now probably get offered a job in a qwerty p0rn shop where he can take reports of hurty comments for fast forwarding to plods hate crime central..


If Mridal has stepped down I suspect that he’ll still be getting paid.

That’s the way these troughers work. That’s how they get the slots. They are like leeches on the public purse. The Scottish government is full of them.

For so many the guy is just an obnoxious perverted drain on the public purse delivering nothing that folks want.

He lied his way into a job. Time as this article helpful exposes, scum like him were gone.

Anyway, like the thing that was ranting at the SNP conference and got a big cheer the pervs in the SNP are supporting these creeps. And we’re all supposed to be singing the same song.

Aye right.

John C

Wadhwa is gone. Years too late and after who knows how many women victims of rape have been furthered traumatised by him in that time. However, Sandy Brindley remains in her position. Maggie Chapman remains an MSP. There’s still been no repercussions for letting a sex offender into ERCC & there’s few saying out loud that Wadhwa was a predator who used his position of power over vulnerable women & 100% was getting off on it.

In a decent country there’d now be resignations from Brindley and Chapman, and Swinney would announce a public enquiry but this entire situation encompasses so much wrong about Scotland. From the Sturgeon connection, the failure of the SNP to govern well, Queer/Trans ideology, and of course, the clique dominating Scotland and how they’re unaccountable for anything they do. Sure, Wadhwa has gone, but the people who enabled him are there. The practises he brought in at ERCC are still there. Vulnerable women in Edinburgh are still going to suffer.

The ideology that put Wadhwa in place remains. It’d go a long way to make people feel better if Brindley and Chapman are out of work by Monday morning.

Ruby Friday

Lorna Campbell

Some of these perversions and paraphilias are, frankly, disgusting and many almost beyond belief. They are not all dangerous, but many are, and most of them affect women and girls.

Could be the voyeur, flashers, the up skirter etc are a lot more dangerous than we might think.

Interesting that
Dominique P (the husband of Gisele Pelicot) was investigated by police after an incident in September 2020, when a security guard caught him secretly filming under the skirts of three women in a shopping centre.

Wayne Couzens has been sentenced to 19 months for three offences of indecent exposure before he abducted, raped and murdered Sarah Everard.

He was reported to police 8 times for indecent exposure between 2008 and 2022

All these incidents of voyeurism, indecent exposure, & cross dressing are all red flags as is a man wanting to work in a ‘Rape Crisis Centre.

I think we could hear a lot more about Mr Idul Wadhwa in that not too distant future.

Ruby Friday

Mr Idul Wadhwa won’t be going away these fetishists never do.

Possible name change & change of location.

All vulnerable women’s groups should look out for him.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

From Christian Institute site –

« The UK Government has ditched plans to adopt the biological definition of sex in the Equality Act.

« In response to a written question from Shadow Paymaster General John Glen, Minister for Women and Equalities Anneliese Dodds stated that the Government “does not plan to amend legal definitions in the act”.

« The previous Government had planned to amend the Equality Act 2010 to clarify that “sex” refers to biological sex, rather than gender identity. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has said this would make it simpler for single-sex groups and sport teams to exclude men who identify as women.

« Women’s group Sex Matters urged the Government to “listen to women”, as “confusion” around the Equality Act is helping men gain access to “women’s spaces, services and sports”.

« It warned: “Men who identify as women are allowed to be Girlguiding leaders, to use women’s showers at the gym and to be employed in jobs where they strip-search women.”

« Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities Mims Davies emphasised: “Only by legally enshrining the importance of single-sex spaces can this Labour Government give biological women the clarity, dignity, privacy and safety we need.”

« Last year, the Equality and Human Rights Commission advised the previous Government to clarify the definition of sex in the Equality Act.

« Chairwoman Baroness Falkner of Margravine told former Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch that on balance, redefining ‘sex’ to mean biological sex “would create rationalisations, simplifications, clarity and/or reductions of risk” in a number of current areas of legal dispute.

« These included, Lady Falkner said, making it simpler for service providers “to make a women’s-only ward a space for biological women” and for organisers of women’s sport to exclude men who identify as women. »

Zander Tait

Meanwhile over at the National, SNP fanboys and girls are already pronouncing with demented conviction, how they are definitely going to be casting both votes SNP in 2026.

Stupidity runs deep in the SNP ranks.


Apparently MrIdul Wadwa has resigned


Willie @ 1.51 pm

“If Mridal has stepped down I suspect that he’ll still be getting paid.”

Yes, it’s a bit vague, and deliberately so probably. It’s good Wadwha is no longer in post, but he should’ve been sacked, rather than allowed to ‘step down’. And it does suggest that he’s still working there and that’s totally unacceptable.


One down, the rest to go.


Off topic now he is wagging his Boaby elsewhere.

I’m still raging at Grangemouth Oil Refinery closing down.

The only part of the U.K. with major oil fields, Scotland, will need to
Import while England and Wales can refine Scottish oil.

If £Billions have been spent upgrading the other refineries why was Scotlands refinery left out.

It’s a repeat of the experts proving Peterhead to be the best Carbon Capture location in the U.K. and they promised it there at the referendum but now it’s being built in England.

Have a read here-

Fuels Industry UK members operate the six major oil refineries in the UK.
No two refineries are quite the same.

UK refineries each have their own particular characteristics and idiosyncrasies, a reflection of how they have had to evolve over many years to meet the growing and changing demand for fuels and other products.

As what the UK wants has changed, so too have the refineries – spending billions of pounds over the years to develop greater operational flexibility. In the last 20 years or so the effort was to be able to produce more diesel as the UK consumer bought more diesel cars, our companies have also invested heavily to make sure that there is no sulphur (less than 0.001%) in our road fuels, reducing significantly the impact to urban air quality over the years.

The UK’s six refineries also have the size and scale needed to help decarbonise UK industry. They are crucial to producing the UK’s conventional fuels as well as the low carbon liquid fuels and hydrogen the country needs to achieve its climate ambitions.



Asset stripping, downgrading, neglect…the loyalist route to keeping Scotland an appendage.
The people do not matter, the territory, a third of the British state area, does.
Why does it take Scotland’s population so long to wake up to the nature of the Anglo-Scottish relationship?
A mystery to me.


Indeed Effijy.
Eva had this to say.

link to

Mark Beggan

I can’t get that image of a saltire tied to your boaby out of my head. Scarred for life.



You state Scotland is a third of the UK territory but that only relates to land mass. If you include the maritime area then it’s a different story.
Indyposterboy (Zarkwan) seems to have altered his site so can’t find the image so will link to this article that includes an infographic.

link to

So we have a much larger proportion of the geographical area of the UK than a third.
And over the course of this 300 year union the population growth rate disparity between the constituent parts that make up the UK has allowed the Kingdom of England to grow at a faster rate from intially being approximately 5 times larger than the Kingdom of Scotland to presently being around 10 times larger; And with political representation based on population share it shows how the KoE and London Rule has effectively gerrymandered its control over Scotland.


What is the real role of Sandy Brindley in all this and how are this, Brindley and Wadwha linked to the alphabetes, the civil service and to whoever orchestrated the conspiracy against Mr Salmond?

Already in September 2018, Brindley was sticking her uninvited nose and seemingly using (abusing?) her position to publicly launch criticism against Mr Salmond for starting a fundraiser to cover his legal costs.

Why? What was her beef on it? The fundraiser was not illegal. She claimed at the time that the criticism regarding the fundraising was that it was showing that for Mr Salmond it was a matter of power. Well, hasn’t it been everything around the accusers a matter of continuously abusing power so, despite their case not having been able to stand up to scrutiny in a court of law, they have been given the undeserved privilege of being able to remain anonymous per life, able to continue destroying the reputation of Mr Salmond from the shadows where they hide and able to abuse the institutions to launch a malicious persecution after anybody who sided with Mr Salmond?

Looking retrospectively, one cannot help but wondering if Brindley might have not been a bit overly keen in protecting potential perjurers, and if she might have not been a bit overly keen for Mr Salmond to not being able to afford the legal costs of the criminal case.


Then, in 2020, when Brindley was the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland, the website of this entity was used as the platform mouthpiece for the alphabetes to publish their letter once Mr Salmond was cleared of all charges and they officially stopped being “victims”. And this CEO was allowing this despite very serious doubts having being casted over the claims of some of the alphabetes with even a potential for perjury.

Below the alphabetes letter in Rape Crisis Scotland’s website, this comment was included:

“Sandy Brindley, Chief Executive of Rape Crisis Scotland said:

“This is a powerful and important statement that we know will resonate with many people in Scotland and beyond.

“More than a statement it is an urgent call for an examination of our attitudes towards sexual harassment in Scotland, a call for the end to the minimisation and trivialisation and a call for change.

“For too long these behaviours have been tolerated and accommodated and this cannot stand any longer. Enough.”

“These women are brave, and we stand with them and hope that their voices are heard.”

Journalists: Please remember that this letter is absolutely NOT an invitation to contact any of the women individually – if you have any further questions or queries please direct them to Rape Crisis Scotland”

“these women are brave” Brindley claimed- But, were they really? All of them were given forever anonymity despite their case having been completely trashed. Meanwhile, Mr Salmond’s reputation has been savaged despite being cleared of all the charges. How is that being brave?

“and hope their voices are heard” she claimed – well, Their voices were very well heard in the court of law and their cases did not stand up to scrutiny. Why should the voices of false accusers be heard above that of the real victim of the case, which was Mr Salmond?

After the case of the alphabetes was trashed in the criminal court, they are no longer “victims”, but simply accusers and potentially even false accusers.

So when exactly and why did this individual become the willing spokesperson for potential liars whose case could not stand against the scrutiny of a jury formed by a majority of women?

None of the alphabetes were raped. The accuser who brought forward the most serious accusation was proven to be lying by witnesses because it was demonstrated she was not even in the same building as Mr Salmond at the time. So why the hell was Rape Crisis Scotland and its CEO so keen in endorsing and legitimising the claims of potential liars?

The only credible explanation, in my personal view, is that Rape Crisis Scotland and its CEO had been seeking (instructed? encouraged?) to restore the credibility of the accusers as victims in the eyes of the public, so their anonymity could still be justified and Mr Salmond could continue to be demonised. Or worse, to manipulate public opinion into believing their claims were far more serious and credible than they actually were because they were now associated to a Rape Crisis organisation.

In my opinion, all this comes across as collusion, deception and abuse of power in a much, much bigger scale than simply launching a fundraiser to cover legal costs.

Then we get this from from Gordon Dangerfield’s website:

“The two complainers against Mark (Hirst) were also two of the complainers against Alex Salmond, whose accusations against Salmond were dismissed by a jury but who, for good reasons of public policy, still enjoy the anonymity granted by the court in those proceedings.
Through their unofficial spokesperson, Sandy Brindley of Rape Crisis Scotland, and taking advantage of that anonymity – an anonymity which was surely never designed for such a purpose – they told the Daily Record that Mark’s comments were “sinister” and “threatening” towards them”

So it looks to me as if this CEO might have had an unhealthy interest in punishing Mr Salmond and anybody who defended him.

Why? What did she have to gain from it?

How does endorsing potential perjurers and false accusers benefit a Rape Crisis Centre or encourage real victims of rape to come forward?

This bit of information below was interesting. It was published in the Rape Crisis Scotland website on 14 June 2018:

“We are truly delighted this week to be celebrating something very special and unusual : the conferring of an honorary doctorate from Glasgow University on our Chief Executive Sandy Brindley.
Sandy was nominated for this distinction by Professor Michele Burman, Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences and Professor of Criminology at the university (of Glasgow), whose reasons for doing so are outlined in the generous and fulsome submission she made to the University Senate and gave kind permission for us to reprint below.”

Burman is one of the authors of the article “Victims are more willing to report rape, so why are conviction rates still woeful?” Published on the March 8, 2018 in “The Conversation”.
Interestingly, next to the article it says “Michele Burman has received research funding from the Scottish government to carry out research on rape shield legislation and from Rape Crisis Scotland/Police Scotland to evaluate advocacy services”

So Burman received funding from Rape Crisis Scotland and then she nominated its CEO for a honorary doctorate? All seems rather incestuous, doesn’t it?

Now, is there a link between Burman, Brindley, Dorrian and the attempt to dismiss juries from rape trials and to eliminate the verdict of “non proven”?

How does it link with the alphabetes?

Rape Crisis Scotland’s CEO and Maggie Chapman were a bit too keen for a male to become the CEO of Edinburgh’s Rape Crisis Centre and create havoc and public outrage. Why? What exactly were they trying to achieve? And for whom/what?

How does the scandal of having this male dressed as a woman appointed as a CEO when he did not even meet the basic requirements stipulated in the job advert which explicitly sought a female, links with the alphabetes, with the conspiracy against Mr Salmond, with the elimination of juries in rape cases and with the continuous refusal to progress Scotland’s independence?

How, if in any way, does Yousaf’s Hate Crime legislation link with the conspiracy against Mr Salmond, with the alphabetes, with the attempt to dismiss juries from rape cases to increase the rate of conviction, with putting a male as CEO of a rape centre despite the advert seeking only females for the role and despite public outrage, and with stalling the progress of Scotland’s independence?

Have all these individuals been working as a block?

Under whose orders and for the benefit of whom/what?

Has all this been hinging around stalling the progress of/stopping Scotland becoming an independent state?


Just seen the news regarding Glasgow hosting the next commonwealth games.

Can anyone help me understand why the U.K. government gave Birmingham £778 Million to host the games a few years ago but they don’t want to give Glasgow anything?

I believe the games brought Birmingham over £850 million of additional trade.

With inflation it would only be fair for the U.K. government to take into account inflation and the rushed timescale so Glasgow must be due over £800 million and with Australia willing to chip in due to them backing out this could generate £1 Billion to our economy.

Over to those sleeping in Holyrood to shout and screen about this and invest in the host of the Greatest Commonwealth Games- Glasgow.

Hatey McHateface

@ Effijy says: 13 September, 2024 at 4:48 pm

If £Billions have been spent upgrading the other refineries why was Scotlands refinery left out

It’s not complicated.

The UK has a target for net zero by 2050.

In Scotland, it’s 2045.

The refineries require continuous and expensive maintenance. It’s bleedin obvious that the one that has to be shut down first, by HR decree, will be the one to get chopped when there is over-capacity.

It’s an entirely home-grown, Scottish, SNP-Green, own goal. “Look at me” virtue signalling in the hope of cutting a dash on the world stage.

And even if it was a decision taken on Sturgeon’s watch, to keep the Greens sweet, the SNP-Green coalition is now supposedly history, and we are on Sturgeon’s second continuity coronated candidate replacement. Yet no change to the policy.

The Third World must come first. We must make amends for getting Scotland’s Oil out of the ground.

And even though a hundred times as many Scots die from the cold as ever die from the heat, every year, to the HR regime, that’s just tough shit.

Hatey McHateface

@ Mark Beggan says: 13 September, 2024 at 5:49 pm

Scarred for life

Every true Scot also has her erse tattooed blue. Blokes too. Think of a sleeve tattoo. Solid Pantone 300 blue – accept no substitutes. But on the erse.

Braveheart blue erse paint and saltires is for the ladyboys.


We should ask China to buy it.


“Can anyone help me understand why the U.K. government gave Birmingham £778 Million to host the games a few years ago but they don’t want to give Glasgow anything?”

Yes. Scotland is only an independent country sometimes.

Glasgow should tell the Commonwealth games to fuck off.

Scots wealth & taxes goes through London. Its them who are in charge of the Treasury. They should therefore fund it IN FULL. They’re supposedly the UK government NOT the English one. WTF should Scots fund their wee colonial parade?


One day the belt & road initiative will arrive in Europe. I believe 34 European countries are in so far & look at the results. That German port has gone from being absolutely shit to now being a mega port.

…hmmm, how to continue on through to Ireland


Oh lookie, wee Scotland & all that black stuff they need.

Scotland should be approaching these countries & fck what little Englanders think.

The EUs time is up. It won’t exist soon. Its now well reported it’s gone from peacekeeper to warmonger & the USA is intent on destroying their economy.


Excellent and revealing article as usual Rev.
Interestingly i spoke with a senior person in Social Services yesterday and she had no knowledge of this which is strange, but i do believe her such was her shock. Apart from the Rev there has been no serious coverage in the MSM of this organisation and the disturbing findings of the enquiry. It really brings into focus the morality of all those MP/MSPs who have remained silent having known what was happening within Rape Crisis Scotland.

Gordon Keane

As others have said above, this person in charge of the Edinburgh Rape Center, should never have been in that post in the first place.
I am astonished such a person, not an actual woman, was ever employed there, certainly at that important level.
One would have thought those in more senior positions, ought to have known a “transgender” person might not be the most suitable in such an environment, especially as we learn in this case, the person didn’t even have a transgendered certificate!
Thus, was said person really transgender or not?
That is something folks need to ask about.

Mark Beggan

Hatey McHateface

Time will get them. Have you ever seen an old guys tattoo. Wrinkly is being kind. Females will suffer the most. Think I will invest in tattoo removal.

Ruby Saturday

13 September, 2024 at 12:46 pm

FFS, so asking / suggesting that something isn’t helpful is picking a fight now…
Big fan of the Hate Crime Act aye?

But seeing as you want a fight… You and a few other btl posters that appear to be women were NOWHERE to be seen in offering much if any support to a gender critical women that was standing as a candidate in the recent general election. And that goes to the site owner too.

Dan believes Sam is a woman

Is that why he is picking a fight?

Anton Decadent

@Mia, well spotted.

Zander Tait

Fantastic post Mia. Was it not Lady Dorrian who sent Craig Murray to jail with no jury, no right to appeal the verdict and no right to appeal the sentence on the selective and ephemeral charge of jigsaw ID.


Mia @ 7.11pm 13 Sept

Excellent post.

I’ve thought before that it all seems interlinked, and what you say makes a lot of sense. I’ve also wondered if they’re hoping to have another go at jailing AS and that’s why they’ve been pushing so hard for juryless trials, while keeping the notion that AS is in some way ‘guilty’ firmly in the public arena.

I think juryless trials might’ve been first proposed during the last Labour (nuLabour) UK government, so there’s no reason they wouldn’t support it, or try to bring it in themselves (either UK-wide, or, if SLab gets in at HR, might try for it here first).

It’s also why I can’t understand it when people want to diminish this issue (from ‘it only affects women so why should I care’ to ‘women brought it on themselves, they deserve everything it brings’ to ‘other things are more important’ ) – it’s a way to control anyone who steps out of line, and that affects us all, and especially anyone who wants to see an independent Scotland.

Ruby Saturday

His trial heard how Downing threatened his former partner that he would tell his friends, family and employer that he was a rapist.

A message shown to the jury said Downing wanted his victim to continue having sex with him. It read: “You should want that with all of your f—— being because the alternative is losing me from your life and most likely facing a court case for raping me.”

A male sexual predator who harboured “hostility towards women” accessed services at a controversial “trans-inclusive” female rape crisis centre, it has emerged.

Cameron Downing, a former SNP equalities officer who was this week given a nine-year sentence for a catalogue of attacks, claimed to have received extensive support from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC).

At the time, the centre offered services only for women, but under its inclusion policy also welcomed biological males who said they identified as female or non-binary.

Did Cameron Downing go to the ERCC to get advise on how to falsely accuse someone of rape?

Could it be the ERCC was the main advisor to the ‘Alphabetties’ vis a vis accusing some of rape.

Obviously those working in a Rape Crisis Centre would be most knowledgeable about these matters.

Mia asks why Brindley was so protecting of the ‘Alphabetties’ could it be because they were her charges?

That may be a bit far fetched but then isn’t it all?



Great post. That wasn’t there last night when I posted.

It stinks to high heaven & this needs brought to the public attention.


Enjoy this site and the majority of contributions too. Special thanks to Stu C obvs and Chris .
Thanks to Alf for his concise colonial information. Noting today the UK state broadcaster website report on the acquittal of the “coconut “ accused mentioned one those colonial writers was used in defence.
One thing I would like to say is we cannot keep blaming it on the fukin ‘English’ .Sure, the vast majority of the Officer Class , Private School deviants ARE English. Without the fortunate for Victorian Empire famine across the Irish Sea that prevented them becoming too much of a threat. Still, without our Parcel of rogues and those from Ireland and Wales, this UK wouldn’t, couldn’t happen.
It’s irrelevant that you need Twickenham to accommodate the English fascist cunts. You could fit the Scotland Rogues into the Feegie dome.
Personally going to start referring to them as UKers. Calling them British ignores the fact that the Anglish and Normans were centuries away when this Island was known as Britannia. It ignores the fact that the most staunch UKers aren’t from Britain and most importantly it ignores the fact when they pretend to be world movers and shakers they sit behind a sign that states United Kingdom. UKers it is.

Zander Tait

Twickenham is no more John. It is now the Allianz stadium. Apparently, the “English fascist cunts” are easily bought.

Zander Tait

Upon investigation, Allianz is pronounced in English likes as AlleyeAntz by BBC sports commentators.

AlleyeAntz is a multinational German insurance rip off corporation. Selling shit you don’t need at prices to you that make their shareholders orgasm. Often.

Looks like the Anglo Saxons are just sharing some brotherly love.

AlleyeAntz are headquartered in Munich.

Swing low sweet Schweinhund.

Colin Dawson

It’s worth noting that although Rape Crisis Scotland, the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and all of the other 16 regional rape crisis centres across Scotland are registered charities, virtually all of their funding comes from the Scottish Government. These “charities” then lobby the Scottish Government for policies that the Scottish Government wants to implement and the Scottish Government uses this lobbying to justify implementing these policies.

This kind of circular, incestuous relationship is repeated right across the third sector and is wide open to potential abuse, nepotism and corruption. Each organisation, representing well in excess of £8 billion per year of annual expenditure, is exposed to an existential threat, through loss of funding, if it doesn’t comply with the Scottish Government’s policies and ideologies, including but not limited to the unlawful gender self-ID policy.

Rape victim support services should be provided by public bodies accountable to the public; either the NHS or Social Services. (As an aside, these two services should be merged. The current demarcation is grossly inefficient.) They should not, in my opinion, be outsourced / privatised to publicly-funded QUANGOs masquerading as charities.

Alf Baird


“Has all this been hinging around stalling the progress of/stopping Scotland becoming an independent state?”

Why else? Of course this is the aim of all these bad actors, funded and supported by British state agencies.


Mia well said, Colin Dawson well said

President Xiden

It truly is a mystery why the SNP vote has collapsed.

Ruby Monday


It’s also why I can’t understand it when people want to diminish this issue (from ‘it only affects women so why should I care’ to ‘women brought it on themselves, they deserve everything it brings’ to ‘other things are more important’ ) – it’s a way to control anyone who steps out of line, and that affects us all, and especially anyone who wants to see an independent Scotland.

Well said moixx!

I was shocked to discover posters on here who I liked and respected felt this way.

I naively thought sexism/misogyny was mostly a thing of the past in Scotland.

It would be sad if sexism/misogyny prevented us becoming independent and Wings BTL became a men & handmaidens only space.

[…] J. K. ROWLING WAS RIGHT:  The Land of Immunity. […]

John Whyte

Just read this article, and the good news that he has resigned.

Judging by some of the respondents, and their obsession with genitalia – all under the guise of good ole boys saying it as it is – misogyny is widespread, and its proponents hide under many different flags.

As regards ERCC, hopefully this will lead to changes in their practice and repair the damage that has been done by this dangerous ideology.

Ian Stewart

Although you express, quite rightly, your disappointment at the response of the establishment to the tribunal findings you should be very proud of your efforts on this topic which have contributed to this result.

Congratulations Rev for your perseverance and research in reporting on this topic over the years (I quote and link to your reports regularly) which has helped move the dial significantly.

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