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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for June, 2014

The morning after the day before 153

Posted on June 06, 2014 by

For the sake of our blood pressure we don’t normally tune in to Radio Scotland’s weekday phone-in show, but as Lallands Peat Worrier was on it today we stayed with it for a few minutes, and found ourselves getting increasingly annoyed as presenter Kaye Adams asked caller after caller if they thought Barack Obama’s comments on independence yesterday (in so far as he actually made any) had been “off the cuff”.

We knew they hadn’t been, so we rang up just to keep the record straight.

soundwave2 We wanted to have Obama’s awkward, halting delivery on file anyway, so this’ll do.

In the public interest 131

Posted on June 06, 2014 by

We got another letter from the government today. After a sudden outbreak of candour last week with regard to the civil service writing Buzzfeed articles, this is more the sort of thing we’re accustomed to from Freedom Of Information requests.

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Posted on June 05, 2014 by

Yeah, whatever.

We don’t need your pity 131

Posted on June 05, 2014 by

One of the most commonly-occurring arguments proffered by the left side of the No camp (regardless of how often it’s comprehensively debunked) is that should Scotland decide to leave the Union, it would condemn the English to perpetual Tory rule.


It’s essentially an appeal for Scotland to give up the chance of self-governance in order to mitigate someone else’s problem. But it could be even worse than that.

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What Alistair Darling Said 225

Posted on June 05, 2014 by

There’s a considerable amount of uncertainty currently flying around on the internet with regards to Alistair Darling’s comments in an interview with the New Statesman which was published on the magazine’s website yesterday.

There seems to be no dispute that the “Better Together” leader compared Alex Salmond to dead North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, adding his name to the illustrious pantheon of assorted Unionist politicians and journalists who’ve likened Scotland’s democratically-elected First Minister to a series of genocidal murderers.

There is, however, something of a grey area around whether Mr Darling also accused the entire SNP of promoting “blood-and-soil nationalism” – an extremely offensive term normally used in reference to Nazi Germany, where it translated as “Blut und Boden”.


Well, let us clear that up for you. Yes, he did.

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Send three and fourpence 143

Posted on June 04, 2014 by

We’re going to the IndepenDance.


An alert reader at a scanning shop in Falkirk found this today, left behind by the previous customer. Click the thumbnail above for the full majesty, as it were.

IFS and maybes 137

Posted on June 04, 2014 by

We had an interesting chinwag with a very nice chap called David Phillips at the Institute for Fiscal Studies earlier today. By the time he called we’d already managed to determine where the missing hundreds of millions had gotten to (a planned £400m cut to the Scottish defence budget from Westminster that oddly doesn’t get mentioned much when Unionists are telling us how we need to stay in the Union to protect defence jobs), but we did learn some other stuff.


Not unrelatedly, we thought it might be fun to list just a few of the factors in the IFS’s calculations of the finances of an independent Scotland that rely on being able to accurately predict the future – a skill at which governments and economists alike have, let’s say, a sub-optimal track record.

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So it turns out we’re Unionists 111

Posted on June 04, 2014 by

After some nudging from us, YouGov have now slightly belatedly added the data tables and question text from their recent “Better Together”-commissioned poll on benefits and tax receipts to their website.

Strangely, none of the media reports of the poll mentioned the fact that in addition to quizzing Scots, the company asked the same set of questions* to full-sized samples of English and Welsh voters too. (Indeed, the samples for England and Wales were both bigger – 1051 Scots were polled, 1116 Welsh people and 1744 English.)


We don’t know why nobody cares about the opinion of the Northern Irish. But the data highlighted some interesting discrepancies, and one very surprising thing.

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The missing (hundreds of) millions 114

Posted on June 04, 2014 by

Today’s papers are full of a report from right-wing thinktank the Institute for Fiscal Studies proclaiming that an independent Scotland would be even more unaffordable than the last time it was completely unaffordable, tax increases, public spending cuts, plagues of frogs, yada yada yada.

(We’re paraphrasing the Executive Summary there somewhat, but that’s the gist.)

We’re just not sure everyone’s got their sums right.

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Regions and nations 135

Posted on June 03, 2014 by

We’re still waiting for YouGov to publish the data tables for the survey they conducted for “Better Together” and which was reported on Sunday and Monday in the Herald, the Courier, the Scotsman and possibly others. As far as we can see, publication is now overdue under British Polling Council rules.

In the meantime, though, we’ve had an email from one of the poll’s respondents – alert reader Nikkii Hall – which offers a revealing insight into how it’s possible to manipulate surveys to get the answers you want. We thought you might find it interesting.

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Startled like a fox 72

Posted on June 03, 2014 by

We’ve had so many Freedom Of Information requests knocked back that we’re still a little bit wrongfooted when one comes in that doesn’t try to wriggle out of it and actually answers the questions we asked. So we’ll just let this one speak for itself.

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Quoted for Tories 110

Posted on June 03, 2014 by

This is Lord (Ian) Lang of Monkton (Conservative) speaking in the House Of Lords on the 6th of September 2011, during the second Lords reading of the Scotland Bill (later to become the Scotland Act 2012):

“Over the past decade, United Kingdom public spending, which determines the level of the Scottish block grant, has grown faster than Scottish income, which of course determines the revenue from income tax. UK public spending, of which Scotland has received its share and more, has grown by 94 per cent in 10 years, but Scottish income by only 48 per cent.

Therefore, when the new Scottish income tax replaces part of the block grant, it seems that it will have to be raised above the United Kingdom rate for Scottish public spending just to stand still.

And there’s more.

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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Right, so you claim to have an in-depth and mature understanding of the constitutional structure of the U.K., but apparently…Jan 19, 16:07
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I am still waiting for the name in full of the entity I am supposed to provide evidence for. I…Jan 19, 16:04
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “Your efforts make you look like someone very odd, with a chip on their shoulder, shouting gibberish at clouds.Jan 19, 16:03
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, that’s the issue right there when you think everything is jist fine with taxpayers paying someone good money to…Jan 19, 15:37
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “The formal name of the entity in full, please. The complete name of the entity is part of the evidence.…Jan 19, 15:31
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “The (unasked for and unwarranted)“contents” of your post in this instance and the last consists of a bunch of bitter…Jan 19, 15:28
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I totally take your point, Confused. I know that responding to trolls may seem futile, but there might be other…Jan 19, 15:25
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Wrong again fud! There’s nae chip oan my shoulder but you seem overly exercised about responding to me and not…Jan 19, 15:20
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: ““Beyond all reasonable doubt” – you aren’t on trial here (luckily for you). I’ve also referred to the U.K. several…Jan 19, 15:13
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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Okay – so you have zilch in the way of evidence, as expected. Which begs the question why you so…Jan 19, 14:26
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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The state of the United Kingdom – do you not understand what that means, or do you think that could…Jan 19, 14:08
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    • Mia on The same old tricks: “And you continue to deliberately twist words to confuse. What do you mean exactly by “U.K.”? Please state the name…Jan 19, 13:37
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