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Wings Over Scotland

The morning after the day before

Posted on June 06, 2014 by

For the sake of our blood pressure we don’t normally tune in to Radio Scotland’s weekday phone-in show, but as Lallands Peat Worrier was on it today we stayed with it for a few minutes, and found ourselves getting increasingly annoyed as presenter Kaye Adams asked caller after caller if they thought Barack Obama’s comments on independence yesterday (in so far as he actually made any) had been “off the cuff”.

We knew they hadn’t been, so we rang up just to keep the record straight.

soundwave2 We wanted to have Obama’s awkward, halting delivery on file anyway, so this’ll do.

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Well, Stuart from Bath, having listened again I can only agree.

The single word ‘united’ is almost swallowed. It’s hardly a ringing endorsement.

It must have been galling to have to do even this much for the man he described as a lightweight before they were elected to their respective positions.


Can’t believe they weren’t screaming in her earpiece “It’s that nasty Cybernat blogger, his minions can’t be far behind!” But seriously, well done setting the record straight.


Even on BP meds I can’t take the BBC anymore 🙁


Excellent piece of work Stuart. Well done again.


Can’t believe they weren’t screaming in her earpiece……..

I think they did judging by her comments.

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)

My favourite bit was the glimmer of understanding in kays voice when she started to figure out who ‘Stuart in Bath’ was… 😉

Need any more help Kaye? Us Wingers can help you out.

Steve Bowers

Heard you, they wouldn’t read out what I said ” loved the bit at the end of Obamas speech where he pleaded for USA to come back under Westminster control”


Holding a recording? Do you think they will come back to this story? 😀

bookie from hell

Fiona in Lenzie called stu paranoid ( : > )


I’m surprised the BBC are taking calls from any Scottish sounding Stuarts from Bath!

Doug Daniel

Wow, you’re right about, erm, the way he, erm, isn’t, erm, umm, talking as, as fluently as, erm, he usually would.

Odd that she questioned why someone from Bath was phoning in when the topic is someone from the US butting in…

the Penman

For those watching The Americans on STV of a weekend evening, listening to this felt like Matthew Rhys’ Russian spy had donned a wig and aviators and sauntered into The Pentagon. Genuinely a bit of a thrill to hear you doing what you do in voice as opposed to text!


The BBC are destroying Scottish Independence and Scottish democracy in front of our very eyes but like all UKOK setups, it’s all about saving Great Britain so anything goes. At the very least, that Vote thing stated publicly they are anti Scottish Independence but the BBC don’t even have the decency to do that.


Kaye is clearly not a regular reader of Wings! It did seem to take time before someone whispered in her ear! Perhaps if she did have an occasional glimpse at the site she’d be a bit more tuned to grassroots reality. How much are they paying her to stay out of touch?

Jim Bo

Fantastic Rev! I do hope we can hear more from you in the upcoming months. I fear you may end up like Dennis Pennis though. Through your popularity your voice and face will be better recognised and immediately be shut out from any potential mischief making! Hope I’m wrong.

[…] the impact of any comment you make and you don’t do anything to embarrass your hosts.  That’s especially true when your hosts have explicitly asked you to say something about the si…  That’s pretty much what Obama did. He has no control over the hysteria of Better Together […]

Gary Moyes

Well done! 🙂 Never mind Obama sounding uncomfy, Kaye was near hyperventilating. “I’m a Scotsman living in Bath”…….”Riiiiiiiiiight” (sound of penny dropping and the call screening lassie getting her coat)


Nice one. The only thing I’d take issue with is the idea that Obama is a good public speaker – he always ums and ers like this in news conferences. He has a stilted delivery when not reading out speeches.

So in summary, I now have to vote No for some reason. Not sure why.


Great Stu.
This is the real story here of course viz. not what Obama said, but , what did David Cameron say to Obama to persuade Obama to make a comment which ordinarily he would not make due to protocol.

It is not hard to imagine that an under pressure Cameron would forget the dignity of his Office as PM and stoop to a back room ‘deal’ with Obama for a headline. Obama would find it hard to turn Cameron down, special relationship and all that.

But while the No supporters are counting this as a big coup including the new spearhead of BT, Douglas Alexander,
I think Cameron has made another tactical mistake in using his Office to gain a campaigning advantage over the Yes side.

Cameron should stay in his No bunker till the 19th Sept.

Then he can re-emerge and get his resignation speech ready.


Obama is certainly uncharacteristically uncomfortable with what he is saying – usually he can spout any old pish with perfect fluency. Que pasa? I just can’t believe that some wee Etonian nancy boy like Cameron had some way of twisting the arm of POTUS. So who twisted Obama’s arm? Is Craig Murray maybe right, and the US Deep State has decided it has an interest here?

Also interesting are the reports that Obama’s comments were in response to a question from a BBC ‘journalist’ vividly if unkindly described on Twitter as a ‘fluffer’. Also worthy of note, the astonishingly rapid, same-day appearance on the streets of the ‘NOPE’ posters from BT, a group of people who usually can’t get their trousers down before they shit. This was arranged in advance.


Excellent work Stu, listened to show to see how they would colour the whole episode. Anything that looks like it might damage the Yes campaign is broadcast full volume, so they must have thought that this intervention from Obama fitted their strategy.

By interrupting them and introducing some facts as well as asking them to listen again through different filters you helped draw the poison from their whole approach!

Loved hearing the audible penny drop moment when Kaye was dying to ask you why you were phoning, if you were that Stuart from Bath. Bet the phone operator/producer took a pasting at the debriefing after show meeting, haha!

Wished you had asked at the end if Kaye had read the McCrone report yet after denying any knowledge of it in an earlier program with Jackson Carlaw.

Better programme than usual, by that I mean they are finding it harder to hold the line. More and more callers are more informed and not prepared to follow the BBC script. Today K really tried to sell the BBC as impartial and not bias in response to another contributor.

The can absolutely smell the smoke now even if they cannot yet see the flames yet!

Well done! Friday drinks will taste sweeter tonight!


The whole thing was choreographed.The request from no10,the BBC planted question,the President’s reply,the posters printed and the BBC hyping it all up. Pity it stuck in Obamas’ throat as you so eloquently pointed out.

O/T was Kaye Adams flirting with you with all that talk about in the bath? You bounder you.


Could hardly hear what Obama was saying the volume was very low. Fabulous work Stewart, great to have them challenged on their bias pitted phone in. YES!

[…] « The morning after the day before […]


As I said on the previous thread, well done Stu. She never knew what hit her, until it was too late! 😛

I loved one of the comments she read out after Stu’s “enlightenment” phase with her from an undecided who said that after Obama opened his mouth about Scotland needs to stay in the union they are seriously now thinking of voting YES. I don’t think call Kay with an E really knew what to do or say after reading that text out. 🙂

bookie from hell

Simon Pia praising Putin because he told Cameron he thought keeping Great Britain was best

a week is a long time


What did Cameron say to Obama in private?

My best guess would be along the lines of …. “Our intelligence services tell us there is a real chance of a Yes win. [the US service will already have said this] Post referendum negotiations could be difficult and we fear that if the Scots don’t get exactly what they want, they will give us short notice to remove Trident. HM government cannot be seen yield to all their demands so Trident removal may be be our only choice.” This might put pressure on Obama to say what he did. Just a guess.

CameronB Brodie

Scott Minto
I can imagine the panic that must have ensued as they called the ‘expert’ back for a rebuttal, before the interview got started. The presenter knew who she was dealing with, right from the start. Hence her guarded caution.

Jim Bo

“Odd that she questioned why someone from Bath was phoning in when the topic is someone from the US butting in…”

Very good point!


Just a wee after thought here.

I wonder what would have happened if Stu had managed to squeeze in the fact that Obama’s *ahem* plea for Scotland to stay in the *cough* union was in response to a set up BBC question. 😉


‘Stuart in the Bath’, nice one, to be honest though, you sounded too much like a normal reasonable human being so this must have been an imposter, because you must be far too busy torturing the emergency kitten and scheming the downfall of western civilization.

As Lanarkist says – someone in the BBC Production Department is going to get a doing for giving air-time to the ‘most dangerous person in Britain’.

Morag Graham Kerr

As regards knowing who Stu was, does nobody read his Twitter feed?

link to

Of course, it’s perfectly possible the researcher didn’t pass the info to Kaye. Or Kaye didn’t understand what she was told. Or she didn’t actually read the note.


Well, Stuart from Bath,well said,misdirection redirected.

CameronB Brodie

I posted this on an earlier thread.

Our usual turnaround for posters, was 48 hours. Work was normally completed within 24 hours, but…. Rush jobs could be completed in a matter of minutes or hours, but required preparation and coordination between the client, designer and ourselves (the ‘digital’ printer). That poster was planned and ordered way before the speech was made.

Not unless it was hashed up by a BBC bod and printed out on the office inkjet.


Not sure if i heard all the recording because when I seen it on the News i thought he also said that it was for the people to decide or words to that effect ?. for me that was the most important part of what was said.
Apart from that this was brilliant you could almost see Kaye shrinking back in horror when the penny dropped.


Good interview and good radio voice! The callers I heard did sound very sceptical about Obama’s few kind words, actually one word skipped over as you point out. People are wising up.

mr thms

On Reporting Scotland, Brian Taylor did more than hold up a picture of Obama with the word ‘Nope’. He ended his Better Together advert on the following nope.. Sorry that’s note.. Better Together planned to use Obama in August! Stuart (from Bath) if only you had known, you could have told her.. the BBC switchboard would have lit up.. This is real evidence, straight from the horse’s mouth, and everyone watching heard him say it..


Was that Kaye Adams or the other one Louise White?

Robert Louis

Just consider, all this time, unionists have been obsessed with the fact you are in Bath. Im agine their horror now they know you are actually IN the bath. SSSh! Don’t tell Duncan Hothershall.

As a slight aside, does anybody know if the YES campaign will be producing something like this, as seen retweeted by REV earlier today? I’m not on twitter, so cannot pursue it.

link to

I think it is the most effective poster I have seen to date. It cuts past all the crap and raises the key point and reason of independence.


Sorry for going O/T but just read over on Twitter thast the leader of Labour in Scotland, previously listed as M.I.A., has been found. Unfortunately she is not in the best of shape now. She has just been hammered by Humza Yousaf in a local debate. 😛

Congrats @HumzaYousaf 4 winnin dbate with @scottishlabour leader @RosshallAcademy debate. I hear JoLa got booed when she walked in #indyref


Mr thms
When was this said and done etc.please give more detail for the hard of thinking like myself.

Duncan Spence

Nice to hear your voice Stuart

Elaine Colliar

Some girlies here for a wee glass of wine before a kids party at 5pm so we listened in …………….. Stu has got some groupies now!!! ROFL!!

Better watch out when you come north again Stu!!

Well done on the call though – I loved the moment the penny dropped and she was itching to ask you, “Are you ….?”



Had to share this wonderful piece of poetry about Darling’s reference to Alex Salmond being like Kim Jung-Il.

link to


big_al says:
6 June, 2014 at 3:23 pm

Can’t believe they weren’t screaming in her earpiece……..

I think they did judging by her comments.

Totally, glorious listening to the timbre of her voice change.


Heard your state Rev, that Obama had been prompted by Cameron to mention Scottish independence, I wonder if Kay knew who you really were, the previous caller called Rosemary who is a unionist thanked Kay for filtering out anyone with a political affiliation, registered with the Electoral Commission.


I never listen to BBC Radio Scotland as my sanity is already on a knife edge, but I’m wondering how often ‘Call Kaye’ is based on politics and what the topics usually are. Just by reading what people have to say on here I know one of the topics a while back was about AS waving a saltire at Wimbledon, also the IFS report was discussed and now this.

Has the conversation ever been about the No campaign, has there ever been a single show scrutinising Darling, Lamont or any of the other muppets. Just wondering.


“What did Cameron say to Obama in private?

My best guess would be along the lines of …. “Our intelligence services tell us there is a real chance of a Yes win. [the US service will already have said this] Post referendum negotiations could be difficult and we fear that if the Scots don’t get exactly what they want, they will give us short notice to remove Trident. HM government cannot be seen yield to all their demands so Trident removal may be be our only choice.” This might put pressure on Obama to say what he did. Just a guess.

Doesn’t Obama *want* the UK to ditch trident? I remember a comment about “concentrating on conventional forces”

Thomas Barrowman

Brilliant 😉

graham simpson

Does anyone have an Email address where we can express our concern and disapproval on his decision to speak negatively on the Scottish Independence issue. I have checked out his web site but it seems to be unilateral, devoted to fundraising and looking for support of his policies with no blogging or dialogue possibility. I would like Scots on a world wide basis to tell him that his support is misguided and unacceptable. Also what did Cameron offer in return for this endorsement. I am a supporter of Obama but as Scots Canadian I cannot vote for him.


Obama certainly looked uncomfortable yesterday.

Perhaps he was thinking to himself:

Jeeez, Cameron has landed me in it, I’m not ready for this.

I understood he wanted me to say this stuff in August. Poor guy must be panicking. Ah well, here goes – might as well tickle this lapdog’s belly.

CameronB Brodie

Thanks. 😉


I don`t need to add anything more, except, well done, Rev Stu.

Rod Robertson

Well done Stu ,you do of course know that some little BBC researcher is now unemployed for letting the bad Rev from Bath on air speaking against Britannia on British Broadcasting for Unionists

Mary Bruce

Soooooo goood, Rev. Wish you’d got that Radio Scotland gig alongside Kezia, now that would be worth tuning in to.

Jim mcallister

Oh barak the things you do for your poodle , now you’ve upset the neighbours

David Wardrope

I wonder if we’ll end up with a Creighton or Dunleavy type response from the Obama camp telling us that his comments have been taken out of context (or exaggerated by a factor of 12)


@ Robert Louis

link to

That just sums it all up.


I’m surprised that nobody seems to have noticed that this has conviently taken the heat off Darling for his ‘blood and soil’ comments.
That could have had legs.

gavin lessells

Just asked BBC Newsdrive if there was any chance of getting that guy Sturt from Bath on for an interview as I thought he was terrific on Morning Call.


gavin lessells says:

Just asked BBC Newsdrive if there was any chance of getting that guy Sturt from Bath on for an interview as I thought he was terrific on Morning Call.

You didn’t?

I did!

You didn’t?

I did!

Oh you clever clever cybernat you. 😛

(sorry internetty thingy doesn’t let me do Orville voices. 😉 )


I was reading Wings this morning and had it on in the background, I thought I heard Kaye say Stuart from Bath. I kinda shook my head and then listened to the Rev talking.

Then I laughed out loud.

I just can’t believe there is any possible way that the BBC did not know who you are. This is why they had the expert ready to come back in.

I have no idea what you told them you wanted to discuss but I would be very surprised if it was about the FT foreign correspondents report.

That is what threw Kaye, they thought they could trap and make a mockery of your point. Failed big time, kudos and lots of respect from me. I’ve read your writing, saw your face on the rally video from last year, was good to hear your voice now too.

I hope to read on 19th Sep. “It Was Wings Wot Won It!”



Good point. Why now rather than in August? (If the August plan was the original timing )

The Darling thing could have been big. Enough to deploy Obama?

Or have the caught wind of some Yes initiative for August and changed plans?


Sneaky Salmondses we hates them

link to

WE hateses them


Given Obama’s ancestors he’s not going to be happy being a cheerleader for Britain.

As far as the USA is concerned its not going to be an issue anyway other than the location of the nukes. The USA would prefer the UK got rid of them & spent money which can be used to invade countries rather than vapourise them.

As always its not what the man said, its how its reported.

CameronB Brodie

Agreed, but AD can’t take his words back. They will hang around his neck for the next few months and the MSM will destroy the last vestiges of credibility by sweeping it under the carpet. Their problem is, shite stinks. 😉

David Smith

If you’re reading this, POTUS, I apologise if I was a bit crabbit with you yesterday. I think those damn Limeys stitched you up. 🙂

bookie from hell

any murray oot French open

nadal hammered him


That was my first thought too. Been over on CIF watching the comments(2500) pile up on the Obama story.


Regardless of whether the Obama remarks were pre-planned or not, his opinion is about the interest of the USA.

“We have a deep interest in making sure that one of the closest allies.. remains a strong, robust, united and effective partner.”

Even if he wasn’t simply doing Cameron a favour, his opinion is about AMERICA’s interest, not Scotland’s interest.

The UK remaining an effective partner is most likely connected to a secure nuclear base for American warheads and more troops getting roped into future US wars.

So I can see why this could actually turn votes towards the YES campaign.
Apart from the hypocrisy of it all.

Should Scots vote on what is good for the USA, or what is good for Scotland ?


Elaine Colliar – Have to agree that the Rev has a truly lurrvely voice, 🙂 as well as talking sense, and I’m sure that he’ll have gained a fair few female followers after the call-in.

Gavin Lessells – any TV political producer worth their salt, would be tripping over themselves to get Stuey onto their prog. Can you imagine how their viewing figures would sky rocket, if we knew the Wizard of WoS would be on? Wonder if anyone will ever be brave enough to ask him?


This just gets worse or more interesting depending how you look at it but I just tried to click on Tattie-bogle’s facebook link and get this:

Account Temporarily Unavailable.
Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

If I just to facebook as normal, then it’s normal. Does anyone else have this problem? Or just this cybernat?


Nobama gate doesn’t make the blood boil like INGHAM

link to

an oldy but ohhhh


Listening to GMS on the way to work this morning, the studio spoke to ‘their guy’ (I don’t listen to the names) and to be fair to him, he said the American did sound hesitant(paraphrasing) when answering the question.
Haven’t listened to it and not going to.
Don’t care.


it’s still up

link to


Not sure about off the cuff. Perhaps it’s some kind of technique designed to ensure you don’t say something stupid. What he did say though was that he didn’t have the inside knowledge needed to see things from a scottish perspective.
It definitely wouldn’t be in the USA’s financial or strategic interests to find itself unable to get access to the North Sea. If anything Obama sounded as though he wanted to hedge his bets as much as possible in case the vote was Yes.



“Wizard of WoS” LOL He certainly is.

Aye Tattie-bogle call me paranoid (I am) but it gives me the message posted above when I try to access it.


I wonder how important the Scottish-American vote is to Obama?


Gaun yersel’, Stuart.

Well done.


“Is Craig Murray maybe right, and the US Deep State has decided it has an interest here?”

Well, in addition to Trident, we do have a lot of oil laying around.
And you know what the US Government is like when it comes to keeping a tight control over the planet’s remaining oil reserves…

Probably no depths they wouldn’t be prepared to sink to for that purpose, even when it comes to doing backroom deals with wannabe imperialists like Cameron.


Confirmed, I’m paranoid. It now works, thanks GCHQ for unblocking LOL.


Did NObama say this after Cameron threatened him with a white house burning like in 1810

CameronB Brodie




It’s a good one from YES NHS

paranoid i wouldn’t put it past them i am still awaiting a string of links as dynamite story


@T Jenny

The “Wizard of Wos” WOW … Lol !

mr thms


My mistake..

Brian Taylor actually said

“Indeed one very senior Nationalist said to me they were absolutely astonished by these remarks. They hadn’t expected President Obama to be deployed until August”

It is available to watch but it says it is available for an hour.

link to


LOL 1812 then . you get figures for 1814 too but it’s tomatoes/onions still i think 1810 but an education of history in the yookay is somewhat of a blur if you know what i mean. 😀


stuart from bath, you sounded almost out of breath. Need a wee camomile tea and massage good sir.

Great work again, keep it up, hope you have one eye on your health. taking all this negativity on could be dangerous. Just as well you’re putting two fingers up to the lies.

o/t I’m glad to see rome to home made his funding target! good effort sir.

Also does anyone know if the chap rowing from NY to SY is a yes voter or not?

Findlay Farquaharson

hah, there you are then people. the voice of a vile, abusive, homophobic, mysogynistic, racist nationalist scottish scumbag if ever there was one.


Does anyone know what’s happened to Duggie? I’m getting a bit worried that Duggie hasn’t started moaning about voting yes for dictatorship, no EU or currency union etc. Also when is the next launch of the relaunched “widely respected” Gordon Brown says no relaunch launch relaunching, Saturday?

Jack McKenzie

O/T Roughly a quarter of businesses surveyed in the English Borders would move to Scotland if YES vote.

link to

Lure of lower corporation tax too powerful to ignore. Causing current investment vacuum in North East England, says BBC.

Seems a fairly balanced piece.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Ich, eh, um, ich, ah, bin, aww, um, bin ein, err, um, ich, er, bin ein eh Berlin- eh, er.

Jim Thomson

@mr thms 5:22

Thanks for warning – downloading it now

Jim Thomson

@Jack McKenzie 5:31

Heard that yesterday as BBC’s Steph whassername interviewed a Look North BBC man (look away – incestuous interviewing) whose office had commissioned the survey. A whopping 170 businesses across the entire English borders region. That has got to be statistically significant.

Where’s Scottish Skier when you need him?

He also mentioned that more than half couldn’t give a stuff because they “didn’t have enough information” – where have I heard that before?

Jim Thomson

@Sciehallion! Schiehallion!

total sausage right enough.

CameronB Brodie


Helena Brown

Heedtracker, the last time someone mentioned his name he was here like he was waiting to be asked. Duggie I mean. So if you are going to talk about him could you use a code maybe like the independent dug.

Chic McGregor

I think Cameron had every right (logical rather than moral) to expect Obama to be an enthusiastic opponent of an independent Scotland purely because of the Trident base issue.

The fact Obama was so hesitant and stumbling must therefore give credence to the rumours that, privately, the States wants Britain to dump Trident.

Helena Brown

Dash it meant to say congratulations Stu, got her good. Always thought she was a bit of a diddy but then that sums up the lot of them. Fancy not knowing who Stuart from Bath is. Better Together will be screaming at her.

David S

Nice one Rev Stu. Perhaps we should all get a bit more exercised and get our voices heard to counteract the BBC’s usual aim of concentrating on comments from the no side.

Graeme Doig

Was good to put a voice to all the work you do.
Nice one Stu.


There’s actually quite an important point here. The previous caller expressly noted that she’d been asked if she was a member of a campaigning group. It’s probably fair enough to ask that to prevent astroturfing the show by banks of people in a call centre. But it did seem odd to mention it. Then on comes Stu – and anyone following the debate immediately knows that “Stuart from Bath” should raise a warning flag regarding campaigning bodies, not to mention that it’s normal on talk shows to mention it if someone notable calls in.

But Kaye never mentioned it.

I guess it depends on if Stu was asked and what his answer was. Either way, the BBC has acted strangely. If they’re ensuring balance, they had to mention Stu’s registered status. If he wasn’t asked, why not? And even if he wasn’t, shouldn’t Kaye have twigged herself? I’d have thought everyone in Pacific Quay should have a cheat sheet of the registered participants so that they know who’s who in a given debate. Of course, there’s the possibility that the Rev lied, but that seems rather unlikely. It’s an odd situation.

David Briggs

You came across as an educated, articulate Scot. Perhaps the MSM will beat a path to your door in the future?

Meanwhile USDAW has registered as a participant on the ‘No’ side.

link to


David Briggs
I wonder if they asked their Scottish members – personally I have my suspicions.

CameronB Brodie

Re. the company listed by the EC as “No Borders Campaign” # 8945687. Is that Vote No Borders? Is that a silly question?


Apart from Trident who knows when they will need a quiet airport like Prestwick to us for extraordinary rendition sometime soon…


Obama was definitely coerced into make that statement, and for the unionists to try and suggest anything otherwise is embarrassing beyond belief.


@David Briggs

USDAW registers for NO. that’s truly disgusting.

Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers who represent most of the lowest paid workers in our society want to vote NO. I’m astonished, what do their Scottish members think?


“stuart from bath, you sounded almost out of breath.” with excitement of debunking your pish


of debunking your pish

Eh! their pish 🙂


“Obama was definitely coerced into make that statement”

Yes, but by whom? Certainly not Cameron.

Colin Mccartney

Slightly O/T but did anyone see Obama’s appalling speech at the D-day ceremony today?
I think he killed of another few veterans through boredom. Appalling sentimental shite and named everyone that was still alive as a personal friend. A polished speaker? – I think not.

Paula Rose

I found it all rather distasteful – especially cheap jokes about baths, this is a serious site we cannot allow our standards to slip.


I’d long since stopped listening to Morning Call but for some strange reason I tuned on today just as they mentioned Stuart from Bath.
Subliminal and simply sublime 🙂


Inspiring stuff, thanks.


kayes pish. context i suppose

David Smith

Thpnr. My FB was down for a bit about 5-30 . 6-00 too.
Not just you.


graham simpson says:

Does anyone have an Email address where we can express our concern and disapproval on his decision to speak negatively on the Scottish Independence issue

link to

I wrote a letter expressing just that earlier today 🙂


@ Cameron B – earlier on today – your spot on. Lets shoot this fox stone dead. WHEN WAS THE LEAFLET PRINTED – if we can find this out and it was pre-planned in the knowledge of what was about to come out of Obama’s mouth then this could be bigger than what he actually said – Come on Rev get to it

Paula Rose

Or was this the case?

link to

Justin Neilson

Great to finally hear the man behind the magic 😀

Kaye really did not sound that happy and friendly did she? Funny so many BBC types come across that way to anyone who challenges the anti-independence line. Maybe just coincidence?

Iain More

Even tanked out on downers I cant listen to or watch the BBC any more. The rabies shots no longer work!

Justin Neilson


I also sent an email to the White House yesterday objecting to Obama’s involvement and how he was now being made a player in the no campaign.

I urge everyone to contact the US Consulate General in Edinburgh to let them know how pissed off the people they are here in Scotland to supposedly work with and build links with really are with Obama’s comments.

US Consulate General
3 Regent Terrace
Edinburgh EH7 5BW
Phone: 0131 556-8315

Why not also contact the US Embassy in London. The more noise you make the clearer you’re heard 😀

Mailing Address
US Embassy
24 Grosvenor Square
London, W1K 6AH

Switchboard: 020 7499-9000

Justin Neilson

And EVERYONE send an email or phonecall to Better Together asking:

1. Who decided to create the Obama “nope” poster?
2. On what date was this decision made?
3. Who designed the poster?
4. Which company printed it and on which date did BT receive the printed posters?

I we expose their tricks then we end their tricks

Nana Smith

Elvis has left the building

Wonder of Stu

When no one else can understand things
Up steps a man we know can do
Takes on the hacks and constant lying
From the meeja’s crap news
and hes always there to keep us calm during slab and tory views
That’s the wonder the wonder of Stu

Meanwhile over at the statesman
Its time for mumblegate
Darling flipper calls us nazis
and given time to denigrate
Those of us who take a stand and have different points of view
Helped by wings and the wonder of Stu

So the bbc are crowing
Whats all this obamagate
Is Bama really trying to tell us
That britain is so great
Well I think he’ll find that’s scots will mind his butting in to interfere
Cos we all know that dave is just a feart

Caroline Corfield

what about this:
link to


Juatin, thanks for those addresses, I’ll print a couple of hard copies and send them. I agree we should at least let our voices be heard, for the record!

Ian Brotherhood

@Justin Neilson

‘And EVERYONE send an email or phonecall to Better Together asking:…’

Better still, write your message with a big felt pen on your old boiler/washing-machine/microwave/gramophone/caravan and send it to them.

Better Together
5 Blythswood Sq
G2 4AD

Jamie Arriere

Wasn’t there a Bilderberg meeting recently where some of these seeds could have been planted?

Again, I’m another that can’t bear listening to BBC much any more, but full kudos and high praise to those who do and battle against their bias.

Alistair Armour

Why is Mr Obama suddenly calling it the United Kingdom when its always been termed as ‘Britain’ before!

Jill P

“From the outside at least it looks like things have worked pretty well.”

Obama pointing out that perhaps not all in the union is wonderful.


@ Caroline Corfield – thanks Caroline. So it was already out there they just bastardised it

Jim Graham

Seems to me that Kaye’s voice betrayed some apprehension when she may have realised who she was speaking to. As you are now ‘our hero’, taking on these ‘baddies’ fearlessly, can we now, respectfully, give you the superhero name of ‘Bathman’. Er, do you have a partner? Whatever, lots of work for Greg Moodie there! Well done Stu!

CameronB Brodie

I would think the logistical realities would still point to collusion, coordination and advanced preparation. Professionally printed posters can’t be printed from low-resolution jpegs pulled from the web. There will have been a production time, no mater how unoriginal the idea is. Logistics.

The Rough Bounds

The No campaign comes out in record time (!) with a leaflet/poster with Obama’s face on it and the word ‘Nope’ below it.

Couldn’t the Yes campaign have got a hurry on and produced a similar leaflet/poster with the word ‘Dope’ below it?


That was brilliant. The fox is in the henhouse!


em THEIR pish. Thank you very much.

OT, I just got banned from “britain first” facebook after 4 posts highlighting …the crusades werent a good thing,….that we are lucky blasphemy has no real place in our government….that providing halal food for muslim soldiers is not a disgrace……and a post that said “what he said above”

note, one of my friends commented on it thats why i was dragged there like a fly … that place is truly awful.

On a more sinister note, my grandparents are both NO voters. “dont like alic sammin” and “better together”. how do we sway the OAPS? it feels impossible

Caroline Corfield

just out of curiosity has any one seen one of these leaflets in the flesh? Or is the only one the one flourished by the BBC?


Jamie Arriere says:
Wasn’t there a Bilderberg meeting recently where some of these seeds could have been planted?

With the Bildenberg meeting recently held and Christine Lagarde announcing today that UK in good financial shape, (we know different) except for possible housing bubble in the south east, it seems that collusion is likely.

If the polls start to show YES ahead the markets will shift rapidly. that will be the clearest sign that rUK will lose control of oil and also 10% of its GDP.

There will be money to be made by the Warren Buffets of this world but a lot more to be lost by the elite.

interesting site,informative video.


@Helena Brown
“Heedtracker, the last time someone mentioned his name he was here like he was waiting to be asked. Duggie I mean. So if you are going to talk about him could you use a code maybe like the independent dug.”

Maybe he’s like Beetlejuice. You summon him by saying his name three times 😉

No no no...yes

Is it possible some disgruntled member of the National Union of Journalists was involved in NOT screening out our Rev?

Bob W


More like the Candyman.

Morag Graham Kerr

I was thinking about the Candyman!

Morag Graham Kerr

Stu has a great radio voice, doesn’t he?

I’m just horrified by the number of people who have only just realised it. Don’t you listen to the indy podcasts?

Wee Jonny Campbell

Ha. “That’ll be grand”.
I was cleaning the windees at The Fishermans Tavern where Ewan the chef and I have oor weekly Indy talks. He had Kay on and then “Next on line we have Stuart from Bath” we both looked at eacother and said “It’s got to be. Surely”. What an eloquent talker. And you are a real person………..


Excellent piece of broadcasting Rev.

As you have the ‘perfect’ voice for radio, would you consider adding an audio version of your articles to your site.

Often it’s more effective to hear someone debunking the unionist myths than reading them. It might hold those who just scan the headline banners for longer to ensure the entire message gets across.


@Caroline – They were filmed handing out the leaflets in Glasgow. So not only were the leaflets produced and printed but they also managed to get a STV crew out on the street with them to film them getting handed out.

Absolute stitch up, but what they don’t seem to get is we’re not falling for it..

Morag Graham Kerr

“We” might not be, but where is the expose of this in the newspapers? I mean it’s bloody obvious that Obama was asked to say that, a BBC reporter was primed to ask the question, and Obama seemed curiously reluctant to say his lines. It’s also clear that he was a lot stronger on the UK not leaving the EU and relatively neutral on Scottish independence when you read what he actually said.

It’s also clear that BT had advance warning and had these daft leaflets printed up in advance, and that Brian Taylor obligingly ran their story for them.

But most people won’t think this through on their own and the press are BT lapdogs.

Caroline Corfield

Ah, most interesting. Thanks for the info. So it could still have been a small batch produced on a computer linked printer rather than something commercially produced. The proof would probably be in the quality/grade of paper and the kind of inks used. It would be nice to know definitively. Either way, a mass produced in advance product is just as bad as a batch produced ‘forced’ reaction. One suggests collusion between Westminster/Obama/Better Together, the other of collusion between Better Together and Scottish media, how else could a hastily prepared leaflet get the coverage on both channels?


@Morag – I had this at work yesterday where one of my colleagues was ‘bigging’ up Obama’s intervention. I asked him to look at the chronology of the event from question – answer – blanket msm coverage – production and printing of leaflets – distribution of leaflets – blanket msm coverage..

I could see the wheels whirling and he said aye looks a bit like a slick PR exercise. If any sane person examines it and comes to a different conclusion then they are lost to us and probably a staunch no not worth bothering with


Thing about the “nope” posters is it’s ambivalent. Watching it on tv I thought for a second it was saying no to what Obama had said. If he was standing for re-election that poster would be taken as being against rather than for him.


Well done Stu

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    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Hard to believe, isn’t it? LOLJan 18, 22:10
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “That should read “administrative structures of the EU”Jan 18, 21:55
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Treaties can be terminated for the purposes of international law (I note that is one legal principal that you do…Jan 18, 21:36
    • G m on Poisoning The Unwell: “‘It is interesting why they thought they could get away with acting like this..’. Aye, It is something that has…Jan 18, 21:10
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    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Chris, have you ever thought of setting up as a portrait painter? You have her build, her dress sense and…Jan 18, 20:53
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Another of Xaracen’s posts I bookmarked to save them retyping so often. 18, 20:44
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