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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for December, 2013

One way of putting it 52

Posted on December 02, 2013 by

If we’re being honest, Irish Times, it’s not the phrase we’d have chosen:


One of these statements must be wrong 101

Posted on December 02, 2013 by

From today’s Express:


The economy’s transformed! Everything’s fine again!

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Quoted for truth #37 93

Posted on December 02, 2013 by

Professor James Mitchell of Edinburgh University, 2 December 2013:

“Under what circumstances would a UK Government (or Scottish for that matter) incline towards cooperation or conflict in its relations with its neighbour? The key is motivations.

Nobody should expect either Government to be motivated by good will. London will owe Scotland nothing and Edinburgh will owe London nothing.  Self-interest will dictate behaviour. Neither Government will act against its own self-interest but neither will act spitefully unless it wants to inflict harm on itself long-term.”

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Juxtaposed with EU 52

Posted on December 02, 2013 by

Two stories from the Express today.


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A thousand words painted 33

Posted on December 02, 2013 by


A bad day’s night 101

Posted on December 01, 2013 by

Sorry, readers. Something horrible happened today. No cause for alarm, but you might have to be on your own tomorrow. Normal service will be resumed as soon as etc.

The most interesting election in history 179

Posted on December 01, 2013 by

Today’s Sunday Herald has a rather low-key piece (it’s just the 7th-placed story in their “Referendum News” section) on the ramifications for a Yes vote of the 2015 UK general election. It comes the day after several papers carried vitriolic attacks from Unionist politicians on the SNP’s Angus Robertson for suggesting that the UK government ought to consider delaying the vote for a year to enable independence negotiations to be completed.


“This is yet another brazen stunt by the SNP to drive a wedge with Westminster”, raged the Scottish Conservatives’ Jackson Carlaw. “It is highly presumptuous of Angus Robertson, a man with clear delusions of grandeur, to be talking about postponing the next general election”, he continued, while Labour’s shadow Scottish Secretary Margaret Curran bleated about an extra year of Tories.

But it’s rationally almost impossible to make any other argument.

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Standing room only 125

Posted on December 01, 2013 by

We’re going to enjoy this one while we can, because there’s a big barren fortnight across the last week of December and the first week of January when no politics happens at all, so we probably won’t see these sorts of numbers again for a while.



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