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Wings Over Scotland

The fluidity of principles

Posted on March 12, 2021 by

We’re assuming, naturally, that the First Minister will be duly suspended from the SNP while these shocking allegations are fully investigated, just like Gareth Wardell, Denise Findlay, Neale Hanvey, Mark McDonald, Michelle Thomson, Neil Hay, etc etc etc were.

We’re not, of course. And nor should she be, because “shared a platform with” is the ugly ginger stepchild of fake-outrage cancel culture – lower on the smear scale even than “liked a tweet by” or “linked an article by someone who completely separately had an unfashionable opinion on a completely different subject several years ago”. It’s absolute guff punted only by scumbags.

Nevertheless, the uncomfortable fact is that those are precisely the crimes for which other people WERE suspended and/or ostracised from the party, and we can’t help wishing the SNP’s flagrant hypocrisy about it was just a little bit less obvious and less arrogantly blatant, so that it wasn’t quite so painfully offensive to any decent person, and so that we weren’t having to fight quite so hard to keep believing in independence when we see the grim state of the Scotland that’s taking shape before our eyes.

But hey, we are where we are.

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Johnny McNeill

“Sex and race, because they are easy, visible differences, have been the primary ways of organizing human beings into superior and inferior groups, and into the cheap labor on which this system still depends”. Gloria Steinem #BLM #LGBT #TransRights #TimesUp #BelieveHer #CurfewForMen etc etc.

The practice of dividing society by *identity politics*; via race, religion AND by #GenderAgenda is time immemorial, with the latter designed to demonise, dehumanise and guilt-shame men into military uniform, as part of a twice 20th century *precedented* propaganda campaign. All it needs is its militarisation and mobilisation trigger to realise its global scale of ambition. #TickTockTroops

Michael B

I can’t possibly comment until I find out what Kirsty ‘You don’t have to be a woman to menstruate’ Blackman thinks about this.


Here you go

link to

N. Holmes

Hang on, don’t you mean Kirsty Personofcolourperson, you bigot?


Are ugly ginger children protected under the hate crime bill?


One has to wonder why the JC think this is essential news.

Has oor Nikla, or one of her pets, upset someone important in the Jewish community lately?


Acht it’ll just be the “nothing to see here” on twitter and WGD no doubt. Fucking hypocrites.


Sturgeon just can’t resist turning up at a conference, any conference, if she can get to make a speech. What a tart.

Wee Chid

Catherine says:
12 March, 2021 at 12:43 pm
“Are ugly ginger children protected under the hate crime bill?”

Only if they id as trans. Personally I find ginger kids cute. It’s the wee blue-eyed blondes that resemble the Children of the Damned that freak me out.

Glasgow racer


“Do as I say…”





Mark Hirst

““Are ugly ginger children protected under the hate crime bill?”


Right off the Christmas Card list for that!
Ugly Ginger is the new Patrick Grady don’t ya know… 😉


I think being gay in the anti gay Iranian clerics presence might cause a stir. LOL


Glasgow Racer, your attempt to use this site to campaign for Anas Sarwar, one of the biggest liars and oxygen thieves Scottish Labour has ever produced, is frankly pathetic.

You do realise Sarwar voted for the Hate Crime Bill yesterday, don’t you?



Nae outing. We’re better than that.

Clavie Cheil

Hey I love female red heads. Am I allowed to say that? Does that constitute a thought crime or a sexual assault now?

Far North Davie

The second last paragraph is interesting. Hundreds of fake pro-nationalist Facebook and Twitter accounts deleted. Just about the time SNP membership took a sudden rise!?

Francis Lynch

Not helpful, Glasgow Racer. One of the surest ways to ensure unionism gains Hollyrood is to not vote SNP 1 and 2. The Unionist parties will drag Scotland back to the status quo ante; worse helping to railroad through all kinds of devolution destroying gains since 1999; in fact it’s already begun via Brexit with the circumvention of funds to Councils with Tory MPs, the Tory Scottish secretary deciding who gets what.


Many roads lead here. Many questions can begin to be addressed here:

link to


The only Trans that Iranian officials are interested in is Transcaucasia.

A pointless wee geographic/geopolitical themed joke. Well, it’s Friday!

Dorothy Devine

Clavie Cheil , as a once redhead you have delighted me – sadly now a grey head!

Corrado Mella

Every martial arts master will tell you that to win against someone stronger than you, you have to use their force against them.

The HCB is one more leverage point we can use to regain control of our party and unseat the sociopaths, as they never think of the consequences of their actions.

The more the current cabal infecting the SNP builds a fort around them, the easier it will be to lock them into it, starve them and then set fire to the heather around the fort.

To see the vermin scurry out will be a spectacle to behold.

Glasgow racer

Scots Renewables,,so did the whole of the SNP vote for the HCB.

I don’t even have a vote in Glasgow Southside.

I know you are an extremely thick little man, so I will explain again.

I will campaign for Scottish Labour to win that particular seat, because it is the seat of that horrible lying Bastard Nicola Sturgeon.

Nothing more , nothing less.


@glasgow racer: the problem for Labour in Scotland (or at least a major one) is that most of us remember being likened to Nazis (and/or a virus) and even recently someone who was due to stand for election for Labour was deselected for the crime in believing Scotland is a country. Calling out the mess of the SNP should not be confused with a desire for British nationalists to be treated with anything other than absolute derision. Anyone who was brought up as Scottish, and anyone who hates British nationalism, will surely struggle to rationalise a vote for ConLibLab.


kapelmeister says:
12 March, 2021 at 12:53 pm
Sturgeon just can’t resist turning up at a conference, any conference, if she can get to make a speech.

Well, there is one particular subject, close to our hearts, that she wants nothing to do with. She avoids like the plague, in fact.

ABI (Anything But Independence).

Wheeesht!. 🙂


Isn’t it strange you have a couple in charge of your government who aren’t at all like you & me .
Wee Nicola is besotten by her long time French girl friend. Peter has a crush on the girlfriends brother & god knows who else..
You have to wonder what this woke thingy is really about.
Is Nicola & Peter ready to come out of the closet?


“I will campaign for Scottish Labour to win that particular seat, because it is the seat of that horrible lying Bastard Nicola Sturgeon”

What exactly is the advantage of voting for a horrible individual who has utter contempt for democracy, independence, females and for freedom of speech in order to get rid of another horrible individual with contempt for independence, democracy, females and freedom of speech?

Because I see none. I see 2 cheeks of the same undemocratic British nationalist arse.

Isn’t it far more productive to get rid of them both by voting for an alternative or even spoiling your ballot?

Glasgow racer

The last thread had nearly 1000 posts on it.

500 of those were related to the SNP TROLL “Scots Renewables”.

I see he has a similar proportion planned for this one.

He has been sent by Mr Murrell to convince the hard of thinking to vote for the SNP in the May election.

He is also a very dim little man.


Luigi @1:14

Well yes Luigi. But she’d still turn up at an indy conference or seminar if she got to make a speech. A totally insincere speech as we know, but she’d give it.

Wullie B

Wee Chid says:
12 March, 2021 at 12:55 pm

Catherine says:
12 March, 2021 at 12:43 pm
“Are ugly ginger children protected under the hate crime bill?”

Only if they id as trans. Personally I find ginger kids cute. It’s the wee blue-eyed blondes that resemble the Children of the Damned that freak me out.

Just be glad you didn’t stay in the street I lived in a decade ago, as you would have shat it, about fifty kids on it, and 47 of them were blond haired blue eyed, and I don’t mean yellow blond, I mean Aryan master race blonde, it was only a short step to becoming albino type blonde

Bob Mack

Vote Labour? I’d rather eat my own foot covered in Marmite.




Nothing will do more for the indy movement that Boris announcing that he will refuse a second plebiscite.
Which, apparently, he is about to do.
If I were BJ, I would just keep schtum.


“Guilt by Association” like the Law in this country is to be “selectively applied”. When you add in the “6 degrees of separation” phenomenon, it is highly useful.

What always gets me is how all the jihadists – the trucks of peace, the explosive vests of diversity – are all SUNNI, but the SHIA are the EVIL BAD GUYS.

If the Saudis are “good guys” maybe you want another moral compass. Maybe if we just called Shia = Good Islam and Sunni = Bad Islam, and shutdown all the Bad Islam, there would be no trouble. Saudi has oil, for sure, but so does Iran.

I see this story was in the Jewish Chronicle, which has an entirely unbiased attitude towards Iran – perhaps they are worried the SNP are seeking tips on “national liberation” from Hezbollah? This time, next year, the SNP will have 40000 ballistic missiles pointed at London. This is Plan Z.

Anton Decadent

@Kat Perhaps it’s a warning blow for not having handed over an £800,000 property in her constituency to jewish trans activists who only moved to Scotland two years ago and who said that they will ruin anyone who develops the property for housing via smear if they are not given it, it’s an abandoned synagogue which closed due to having no active congregation. A chapel in Govanhill was closed and demolished and the plot redeveloped as housing for the same reason and there were no threats such as this as anyone making them would probably have been laughed at then told to FO.

Mark Boyle

@Kat says:12 March, 2021 at 12:47 pm “One has to wonder why the JC think this is essential news.

Has oor Nikla, or one of her pets, upset someone important in the Jewish community lately?”

Having had some dealings with the Jewish Chronicle it’s a good paper, but they can be both tribal and very obstinate at times, especially when you try to point out they’ve made a mistake.

They also do tend to see the world through Likud spectacles, which has pissed off a lot of their readers who regard Netenyahu at best as a silly bitter old man hell bent on avenging his brother’s death at Entebbe for all time, at worst a scheming crook appealing to people’s worst instincts to cover his corruption.

They are also very gullible to falling for “rising far-right” scams. I’ve a feeling they don’t care because it’s the sort of emotive stuff that understandable sells papers to Jewish readers, or at least older readers. Younger ones tend to look upon it much the same way as Scottish ones do the Sunday Post.

Eileen Carson

Hey you lot not all reds are “ugly” my grandson, his wife and my baby granddaughter are all (recessive gene) redheads and they’re all GORGEOUS.


Glasgow racer says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:22 pm
The last thread had nearly 1000 posts on it.

500 of those were related to the SNP TROLL “Scots Renewables”.</i<

Glasgow Racer, you are a liar.

I made exactly 72 posts on a thread of nearly 900 posts,considerably less than ten percent.

Labour troll Glasgow Liar.


Weird that Sturgeon had her attendance record of 2017 deleted from the Peace & Unity Conference.

It’s her government that funds it through the Ahl Al Bait society, a registered charity that has received many of thousands of pounds of Scottish taxpayer’s money.

For example, £134,431.00 in Jan 2016 to fix their drafty building & to tell people to walk instead of taking the bus to help save the planet.

A charity run by first appearance, mostly by students in their late 50s & 60s & a couple of unemployed people.

The charity registration number on their website doesn’t actually exist. It’s really a different one but we’re sure this is just a typo.

It was also dissolved via compulsory strike-off in 1999 in accordance with Companies Act 2006 S652(5), {failure to specify redenominated shares} then reinstated by a Sheriff Court in 2003 but has since received a number of compulsory strike off notices under the Companies Act 2006, S1000 (3), {company not carrying on business or in operation} in 2013 and as recently as 2018.

Nothing to see here.


I want to cry, cosy feet Pete has blocked me. Woa! Is me, I no longer have access to his inane ramblings.


Glasgow Liar,

Here’s what this site thinks about your man Anas Sarwar

link to

link to

link to

link to

(There are others, but I think you get the picture)

So we have a liar supporting a liar. A liar who voted for the Hate Crime Bill yesterday.


We see you, Glasgow Liar

Bob Mack

Eileen Carson,

They probably have a temper though. “That red hair is no lie” as Barry Fitzgerald said of Maureen O Hara in the Quiet Man.


It is a pity to see what is being done to the BTL comments here in the last week or so.


Corrado Mella says:

‘Every martial arts master will tell you that to win against someone stronger than you, you have to use their force against them.

The HCB is one more leverage point we can use to regain control of our party and unseat the sociopaths, as they never think of the consequences of their actions.’

Thats true in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately in this scenario the SNP are allowed to tie your hands behind your back and make you wear a blindfold and have six of their pals in the ring to help them out.

You cannot change this, Sturgeon & Co make all the rules and have all the power. Any power they don’t have they just ignore or change the rules.

If you want a decade of infighting, like New Labour, by all means carry on your course of action trying to reform the SNP. Independence will be nowhere on the agenda in the coming years.

Or take the first, small step towards a new party and do something positive – support the new kids like the ISP.

If you truly believe that the only way to independence is the SNP, then you will continue to be held hostage by their actions.


ScotsRenewables I made exactly 72 posts on a thread of nearly 900 posts,considerably less than ten percent.

Did you include the 80+ you made or were mentioned on in the first 500 BTLs?

Give everyone else a chance.


The HCB and wokist aspects of the SNP have become tentacles for a multinational morality-bulldozer that has determined that there is money to be made by selling pornographized fake selves, and in surgically and/ or medicinally mutilating children and young people, and others, for profit.

This can be comfortably labelled a ‘conspiracy theory’ of course, but time will reveal.

Holder of suspicions

Loll. Well, we have a “strong working definition of transphobia” now just like Labour developed a “strong working definition of antisemitism” shortly after Corbyn took over, as the SNP are hell-bent on playing the same party-disciplinary games in a purge of internal dissent. It is no surprise then that the JC have noticed a susceptibility in another party where blithering woke eejits have been in the ascendant to their cynical pressure-group tactics (bullying and intimidation.) Pro-Palestinians are next on the list to go the way of the Salmondites – only a matter of time and procedural patience.



I was quite excited when I first heard about the ISP but . . .

Why are they so useless? No-one has even heard of them. I know the name of Collette Walker because she wrote a post on here, I don’t know anyone else.

Politics is the art of the possible. The ISP are simply not possible at the moment, they are shit at politics.

Where are the billboards, the newspaper adverts? Where is their funding?

On 27th February 2021 we successfully raised £10,605 with 295 supporters in 28 days

Well, that’s going to go a long way, isn’t it? Bunch of well-meaning amateurs, never going to get anywhere. I don’t even think Stu has endorsed them (though I am prepared to be corrected on this)

Mark Boyle

@Rev. Stuart Campbell says: 12 March, 2021 at 12:44 pm

” “Are ugly ginger children protected under the hate crime bill?”


Hmmm, wouldn’t want to put that to the test.

A few years back Scottish career blogger Amber McNaught was trying to set herself up as a “redhead pride” campaigner or some such nonsense, spouting crap about the “prejudice” she faced, round about the time every other chancer was trying to get their seat on the “rights” gravy train and the overpaid easy money for life that comes with it as a quick quote source for lazy lying journalist scum (as Lee and Herring would have said – back in the days they were still funny).

(Think she even tried to organise a march, which had as many participants as an Orange Walk in the Vatican).

In a world where lawyers have been allowed to run riot to the point of insanity, there’s always someone out there looking to be “triggered” in the hope of “financial restitution”.

Geoff Anderson

I will not vote for a Unionist Party
Labour, Tory and LibDems out (George Galloway too). No matter how angry I get they will never be considered.

I will not vote for Wokerati
SNP and Greens out.
Voting Green is just a shade of Woke.

I now have no constituency choice and a couple of list options. It will now be a longer road to Independence but I will not be herded into false choices between the current seat warmers at Holyrood.

The List is where we start. The important thing is to send the message of who we DON’T want to represent us.

mike cassidy


What a headline for The Tehran Press And Journal


Mac says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:47 pm
It is a pity to see what is being done to the BTL comments here in the last week or so.

All that is required is for good men to do nothing.

I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who dare not comment because they see what happens to those who do have the temerity to raise their heads above the parapet here.

It is up to other readers to defend free speech on here and to call out the hatemongers and liars.

Liz g

Cudnycareless @ 1.50
Did you just get mixed up with which name your posting under ?


In Iran homosexual men are required to have surgery to transition to becoming « female ».
The forfeiting of the external secondary sexual characteristics you were born with is enough to get you into appropriate Islamic dress.
Needless to say there are no practising homosexuals in Iran these days.
In the not to distant past things were rather different.
link to
The Scottish government’s fluidity on the matter of sex and ‘gender’ does not seem so far out of step with the current belief in Iran that homosexuals are women trapped in the ‘wrong’ body.

« Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions. »


ScotsRenewables seems to be trying very hard to discourage folk from voting ISP.

Thanks, you helped make up my mind for May:

SNP-1 and ISP-2 it is then!

Cheers. 🙂


Cudneycareless says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:50 pm
ScotsRenewables I made exactly 72 posts on a thread of nearly 900 posts,considerably less than ten percent.

Did you include the 80+ you made or were mentioned on in the first 500 BTLs?

Give everyone else a chance.

I made 36 in the first 500 and 36 in the second 450-odd.

It is not my fault if people choose to respond or to mention me.

In any event, the total number of times my name was mentioned including my own posts was 195 times. Not the 500 Glasgow Liar claimed.

Let me just repeat that – I made 72 posts. I am not responsible for people choosing to reply to them. If you don’t want to read my posts then just scroll on by.

My posts were relevant, on-topic. They were not links to obscure irrelevant shite like poor old CamB ended up posting (I have no idea what was going on there)

If you think I have no right to post 72 on-topic posts on a thread of nearly 1,000 posts then I suggest you complain to Stu. I have no intention of wheeshting for you or any other poster on here, this is as much my place as it is yours.

(Possibly more so, as I have been posting on here since 2011)

Robert Burns

“The fluidity of principles”

Will the next woke word be “principlefluid”?

Much like “genderfluid” is so useful to those male arseholes who want everything that women have, but with added glitter.


Never voted for any other Party than the SNP.

In May though;

1 – Spoil
2 – ISP (If they shut up about UBI)

When a Unionist Coalition take Holyrood in May – I suspect NS will still cling on.


Now let’s all site down and watch ScotRenewables and Glasgow racer spout absolute dribble all day at each other that no one is really interested in.

I brought along some aids.

link to

mike cassidy

Wullie B

about fifty kids on it, and 47 of them were blond haired blue eyed

Did the local dads no get suspicious all the bairns looked the same?


Luigi says:
12 March, 2021 at 2:02 pm
ScotsRenewables seems to be trying very hard to discourage folk from voting ISP.

Thanks, you helped make up my mind for May:

SNP-1 and ISP-2 it is then!

Cheers. ?

Luigi, how you vote is up to you. I would love to vote ISP on the list, but my current opinion is that it is pointless as they have not got their act together and have no chance of getting any seats unless they up their game substantially in the next few weeks.

Tell me this, if there are so many ISP fans on here, how come less than 300 people contributed to their fundraiser and it only made a little over £10,000 ?

I really, really hope things change for the ISP, but short of Stu or Alex jumping on board or a major SNP defection I do not see how this is going to happen.


ahundredthidiot says:
12 March, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Never voted for any other Party than the SNP.

In May though;

1 – Spoil
2 – ISP (If they shut up about UBI)

When a Unionist Coalition take Holyrood in May – I suspect NS will still cling on.

There is no sign in the polls that a unionist coalition could command a majority at Holyrood, though I admit a week is a long time in politics.

(Sturgeon has (probably) suuvived the enquiry and managed to push the HCB through. It seems quite possible she has survived the worst. I wanted her gone before the election, thought at least she would throw Evans and Murrell under the bus to steady the horses, but she has not even had to do that)

However, if you get your wish and the SNP are in opposition after May I don’t see any way Sturgeon will be allowed to remain as leader, even if she is incapable of doing the decent thing. Then the wokies will desert in droves to Scottish labour, which is likely prove a more friendly long-term home for them.

Just my opinion, I have been wrong before (often). One thing is for sure, we live in the interesting times of the old Chinese curse.


Rev just had a go at gingers…

Is there not time for the SNP to amend the HCB?…

Why fucking not, bastards seem to be making it up as they go along anyway.



Agreed – the ISP is unlikely to win any seats unless a big hitter or two joins them in time. IMO a few potential big names are holding back for now and may wait to see how bad things get before May. I think the SNP will still win most of the constituency sets because their losses among indy supporters will be made up by soft yoons, who no longer see the party as an imminent threat.

However I feel that I have to support the ISP in principle. Even if they get a few thousand votes here and there, that says something. Besides, any 2nd vote for the SNP is also likely to be fruitless. I would rather use my unproductive 2nd vote to make a statement.

The way the SNP leadership/ politicians have behaved recently, they should count themselves lucky to still get my first vote.


@Catherine says:
12 March, 2021 at 12:43 pm
Are ugly ginger children protected under the hate crime bill?

Oi! I resemble that comment…


Typical headline of the jewish press. Desperate to keep their anti Iran agenda going. They have no problem, of course, for anyone posing with Israeli war criminals like Netanyahu – real name Mileikowsky and whose famiky originate from Poland. Changing a name to sound Hebrew will never cover up the occupation of Palestine.


ScotsRenewables says:

I have no objection to anybody posting and if they want to post multiple messages then fine.

What I can say is that when there are diametrically opposed views being put forward neither side is going to make a convert of the other and the BTL comments become boring.

Less is sometimes MORE



For the most part the Polls are orchestrated. Most people have learned that by now (Tories at UK/Brexit/Trump etc etc).

May will be a BOOM moment for Scotland – and the people behind the polls will want to keep that under wraps as long as possible (with weaselly worded questions behind the polls).

We can look forward to union jack parties on George Square and the Royal Mile. Don’t expect them to clean up after themselves.

The amount of spoiled ballots this year will break records. Tories will surge.

And Scotland…..well, She will get what She fucking deserves.

Wullie B

The kids dads or mams were in the most blond as well, Rizarty seen a lot of son, so this hair were sunbleached lighter, but we all used to kid on our bairns were possessed little shits,



The only way we get the party back is to cut the head off the Murrell/sturgeon snake that has corrupted the party and country.

If that means campaigning against sturgeon so she loses her seat and not voting on the list to make double sure she is out of politics for good then so be it…

And after last nights murder of free speech we also need to make sure the nutter Yousaf loses his seat as well.

Dominic Berry


I was deeply offended by comparing homosexuality to bestialism. As a betialist, I would like to announce I am responding to SNP’s betialism tolerance initiative by standing for MSP of Highlands-and-Easterhouse. With the support of my border collie.

Gregory Beekman

I’m ginger. Stop using ginger as a comical insult word.


I’m in no way defending Sturgeon, but this is the same dog whistle political tactics that was used against Jeremy Corbyn. Its identity politics at work in order to shame and have a person change course or have their character demeaned by association even if that person isn’t in anyway associated with them.

On the SNP and Iran, right about now SNP MP Stewart McDonald,( who by his tweets loathes Iran because he follows to a tee what Whitehall and Westminster wants him to follow), will be in a confused meltdown fit, because he’d never in a hundred years expect his beloved ayatollah of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon to be mentioned in a negative way with Iran, a country he loathes because his London masters pat him on the head when he speaks bad of Iran, or Russia.

Me I like Iran.

Colin Alexander

Stu Campbell

I totally agree with your argument regarding the hypocrisy of the SNP in how they smeared people.

However, please do not repeat the mistake many pro-indy supporters have made: conflating the SNP with independence.

Independence is normal.
The SNP are not normal.


ahundredthidiot says:
12 March, 2021 at 2:30 pm

And Scotland…..well, She will get what She fucking deserves.

A bit harsh. I don’t think Scotland deserves Sturgeon, I think the current state of affairs snuck up on most people.

This site called it like it is, but lots of people – myself included – didn’t believe it because we didn’t want to.
Now we need to deal with the altered reality, and we all have different ways of doing that. I guess I am an optimist still looking to salvage something from the wreckage, you less so.

We need to look out for each other, not attack each other.


I’ve got to agree. Nobody I know has heard of the ISP .
I greatly regret that there is no strong Independence Party on the list but
I am sure they will never reach the 5% necessary to get a seat in May. They need a big hitter, but it is probably too late this time.


This is what happens when you want to be progressive & when you vote for scumbags who put every other bugger & religion above that of the majority of real Scots!. We reap what you sow. How does krankie the wee wa who lives a lie every day think she can please all these freaks & zealots who share nothing with us and who have nothing we need or want from their dirtbowls?. How about instead of offending israhell by pandering to mosley & moslems hating us because we are White, by telling men they are women just because they say so, that YOU, the people who voted for this madness just don’t ever again. Just forget your Braveheart dreams for a second and get rid of the snp until it is forced into the reality that normal Scots want to live normal lives, the normal that is 97+% of the population. Do you really believe humza useless is making laws for the sake of the A-Z 0.04% (mainly men & girls with learning disabilities) of the population?. They will all be learning to fly from roofs if he & his are permitted to have influence in our Parliament. Do you know any Scot in Parliament in Pakistan?, Iran?, israhell? No, never & nor would any survive even mentioning wanting to run for office. I don’t understand how people who quite clearly hate Scots, hate Scotland being an independent country can vote for the snp who have zero regard for Scots, zero national tolerance.


Little OT anecdote.
Neighbour of mine made redundant fro a very well paid job by a major distilling group in Edinburgh “due to reorganisation after Brexit”.
Now a few days later offered a much better paid job in Dublin for a pan-European group who are expanding there from previous London HQ.
My neighbour says the expansion in Dublin and Ireland is incredible in the last year or so, and it is all because Ireland is an English speaking country in the EU.
Pensions are double U.K. levels and theGDP is one of the highest in the world.
That could have been us since 2014 but for cowards and Unionists.

Harry mcaye

Joking about ugly, ginger children, dodgy ground, Stu. Soon to be banned under the SNP’s new outlawing jokes that could be mis-interpreted by pricks- bill.

Heart of Galloway

The JC was also instrumental in fomenting opposition to Corbyn on the basis that a stable pro-Israel UK is a cherished goal.

By extension, I suspect that supporting Scottish independence is not on their tick list because in the happy event of that becoming reality the British state as currently constituted will cease to exist.

Ergo, Nicola Sturgeon, it appears, is now also in their line of fire, alongside the hated Iran.

This is not a publication I have in my house regularly and am surprised to find it featuring on here.

Comments. naturally, must be circumspect but here an example of the JC’s editorial line:

link to


Iran – where they hate gay people so much they force them to undergo gender reassignment surgeries.


In Iran all parliamentary candidates must be approved by the Guardian Council.

Sounds a bit like the SNP.


For those worried about Gordon Dangerfield – it is back
NOTE: I’ve edited this post after reviewing the legal advice published by the Scottish Government, as it contained some inaccuracies, for which my apologies. I’m afraid this will also delay the next post a little longer. Apologies for that too.

Wee Chid

Wullie B says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:24 pm

I’m reminded of that family photo of the Johnsons. Creepy. Where I live there are loads of wee gingers. the wee boys are the cutest wee things ever and the wee lassie near me is adorable. I always wanted to be a redhead instead of a brunette. Now I have a head of white hair. I should have listened to my Maw who, when I discovered my first white hair in my teens, told me not to pull it out as I would grown another six white ones in its place. She was obviously right.

Helen Yates

It’s quite frustrating to see independence supporters at such odds with each other, there is a simple solution and from my point of view the only hope we have left, we use our list votes wisely and put another Independence Party in Holyrood, Greens excl, then we have the means to put the SNP under pressure to act on indy and also to get their insane policies repealed.
it’s not beyond the realms of imagination to have the second largest party in Holyrood being a strong determined Independence Party to get the job done.
The power lies with us, the electorate.

The Dissident

Critical thinking alive and well in the SNP Westminster Group…

Look at the state of this


All eyes on ScotLab in May.

They can run HR with the Tories as their sidekick and utterly ruin their last remaining voter base – or throw in with SNP, so long as Indyref2 is off the table for the parliamentary term (you know, to protect Scotland from the evil Tories).

Which way do we think NS will go? – answers on a post-card to; who gives a fuck, bastardsville, unionshire.

Either way – its a Unionist Govt for Scotland from May onwards.
Whitehall must be pissing itself laughing.



I am hearing on the grapevine that the HCB has been deployed today against women who were standing up for their own civil and human rights over the past few weeks on social media.

Although no charges have been brought this draconian unlawful bill is already being subverted as a weapon to threaten women against standing up for their own rights.

What has Scotland come to that we’re now the country with the most draconian speech and thought laws in any modern nation in the entire world?

Stalin could only dream of what Scotland is turning into under the SNP who are no longer an independence vessel but strictly an identity politics machine who use the indy-carrot to keep themselves in power.


Of course we’ve had quite a few British PM’s meet with their Israeli counterparts, who govern an oppressive apartheid military regime, as an occupying force, that’s known as Israel, this USA/British protected occupying force known as Israel has had more UN resolutions against it than any other oppressive regime.

However Iran isn’t seen in a favourable light by London and Washington so it must be a murderous and horrible regime, and anyone associated with it or found even on the same stage or room as any prominent figure from the country is all portrayed in a poor light.


Dissident @ 3.30

I dont think she is even joking.

The SNP is an embarrassment

The Dissident

No she isn’t. She doubled down when challenged about it.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tweet that has prompted such a one-sided reaction.


Nothing that Sturgeon says or does is a surprise. Supporting a platform with a man who equates gay marriage with bestiality is where she is. No Hate Crime there – eh Nicla Baby?

And of course that’s mild to the strand of thinking that believes that homosexuality should attract capital punishment. Jeepers if that caught on, in the the steps of the Parliament would run red. But on a serious, very serious note, the Jewish Chronicle is quite right in drawing attention to Nicola Sturgeon sharing a platform with folks with views that most people would consider absolutely appealing.

Just another nail the absolutely tarnished and tattered reputation of Sturgeon who has now I suspect, if not already more than alienated the Catholic Community, the Presbyterian community and now the Jewish Community.


An update today from Craig Murray; on his previous position of voting for the SNP: –

‘This is causing me – and I know many others – huge heartache about what to do in the May elections.

I don’t see how I can ask people to support this breathtaking level of corruption. I have stuck by the SNP but am very close to breaking point.’

Also, he says of the Fabiani inquiry: –

‘Confirmation yesterday that yet again the Crown Office provided the “wrong” text and whatsapp messages to the Holyrood Cttee and withheld the proof of collusion.
This morning gov. lawyers are trying to convince the cttee to withdraw their order to Alex’ lawyers for the material.’


“J says:
12 March, 2021 at 3:08 pm
Iran – where they hate gay people so much they force them to undergo gender reassignment surgeries.”

It may come as a surprise to you but there are around 70 odd countries in the world where homosexuality is still illegal.

But Iran is seen as a threat to the oppressive apartheid military occupying force in Palestine known as Israel, so it must be put at the forefront of demonistaion.


FFS what a useless years-old story/smear from that ‘news’paper.
A ‘secret link’ so very very secret that they can illustrate it with several un-secret public photographs…
If we had a pro-indy paper we could retaliate against the unionists with a similar attack on one of their idols:
“Churchill’s secret link to anti-West Russian commie Stalin”
(insert pic of Churchill and Stalin sitting together at 1945 Yalta Conference)

John Martini

Hung by her own petard. She has outgrown her usefulness and will be destroyed.

link to


Watch the word ‘Ginger’ because it’s an anagram…


Helen Yates @ 3:24pm.
Unfortunately in my view the power doesn’t lie with the electorate unless we all speak with one voice. We need the ability to recall a MSP or MP if they are out of order, do you think that Sturgeon, Swinney, Wishart or Blackford would act like they have if they were able to be recalled and lose their place on the gravy train? We need change if we are to go forward with independence and it needs to start with the next election. If the SNP won’t take Independence forward then 10-20 MSP’s losing their set will concentrate their minds for the next GE. 5 years from now we need to have people ready to be elected with Independence to the fore in their minds.

Wee Willie

Dear me what has happened to Scotland? It is fast becoming the laughing stock of the world.


Re the view that homosexuals are beasts as exposed by this Iranian gentleman.

Maybe we should be calling the SNP the “ Scottish Beastly Party “ Her Iranian platform friend might certainly think that to be the case. Nicola and the Beasts certainly could certainly be a grim, but with platform friends like hers, you do wonder. Or is it Nicola the Beast?

Who knows. Hypocrisy is actually worse that the intolerance that Sturgeon has shared a platform with. Society has moved on. So should Nicola!


Strathy @3.42pm.


Craig Murray is looking for opinions on what to do, as you pointed whether to vote SNP or not.

A rather bizarre opinion, but interesting one by a commentor runs along the lines of knowing the SNP expect to run a minority government post May (why else are they intent on shooting themselves in the foot by their actions).

That we should all vote SNP and give them a majority and then strongly hold them to account on naming a date for an indyref, Sturgeon definitely wouldn’t be expecting that.

A mad idea? or maybe not so mad? you choose.

Ian Brotherhood

#StuAnonCultist Cherries ( Bridges For Indy)
The #SalmondTeam have just busted a female independence activist with a search warrant and taken all her electronics.




On the topic of  « principles ».
link to
OK in theory, but effectively a nice little earner for lawyers.
Scotland needs a constitution, a basic law in accord with the historic customs and practices of the people not a set of imported codes which are more honoured in the breach than in the observance.
It seems some are attempting to run before they can walk.

Captain Yossarian

‘Confirmation yesterday that yet again the Crown Office provided the “wrong” text and whatsapp messages to the Holyrood Cttee and withheld the proof of collusion.
This morning gov. lawyers are trying to convince the cttee to withdraw their order to Alex’s lawyers for the material.’ – Craig Murray

Frank Gillougley

Willie 3.59

The ugly truth is a lot closer to home you know. You really don’t have to be an Iranian cleric to hold such a view.

Such views are absolutely mainstream within the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Mibbes the likes of John Swinney and John Mason and many others really ought to check out who they are rubbing shoulders with. But, we don’t want to talk about that, no…

Oh! The paragons of virtue…


kapelmeister says:
12 March, 2021 at 12:53 pm
Sturgeon just can’t resist turning up at a conference, any conference, if she can get to make a speech. What a tart.


Maybe she goes for the food.

She did say during the 15th meeting of the Harassment inquiry that if she dared to have words with Pete Murrell she wouldn’t get any tea.



We all know where your coming from, Its good to know that the committee has gone to Mr Salmonds lawyers (Let the truth be known). Let me state this Westminster is corrupt but this from the SG is something beyond believe and if it helps I’m not voting for the SNP at all and I’ll be voting for another Pro-Independence party and on both these subject I doing it for Scotland.

Robert Louis

And this article is the point. The SNP no longer have principles.

Might I suggest the folk on here join Now Scotland? The SNP might be merrily making its way to hell in a ‘gender neutral, asexual‘ handcart (pronouns, it/the/she/her/he/they), but that does not mean we abandon independence. Scotland’s rightful restoration of independence and the complete removal of English colonial theft of our wealth and resources, is bigger than any political party, and certainly the SNP.

Soon, we will be able to have the mother of all independence demonstrations, so that the SNP and the british English natinalist, anti-democracy parties (Labour/LD/Tories), will be in no doubt we are NOT waiting another year. Nor will we be seeking the ‘permission’ of England’s clown First Minister, Alexander de Pfeffle Johnson, and his coterie of murderous Tories.

So, let’s get organised. The money you previously squandered on the SNP could be better spent by Now Scotland.

I was for a while really down about things, but that is the case no longer. The people of Scotland will have independence, with or without the SNP. With each passing day and each silly piece of nonsense legislation, the SNP become less and less relevant to Scotland and its people.

So, I for one am looking forward to the next proper indy march. Who cares about the SNP, they are yesterday’s news, have shown theselves to be cowards under duress, open to corruption for the English Queen’s shilling, and make their own lucrative careers more important than Scottish independence. For them, independence is something they talk about around elections, and then they forget.

Onwards and upwards. Let’s stop waiting for ‘others’ to make it happen.

link to

link to

AND, the membership card is nicer than the SNP’s – it means more, too.


The SNP isn’t independence, independence isn’t the SNP.


@ Republicofscotland

“ That we should all vote SNP and give them a majority and then strongly hold them to account on naming a date for an indyref, Sturgeon definitely wouldn’t be expecting that.”

It’s where I’m at just now – but I change my mind by the day. Like Craig Murray I’m hugely conflicted.

There are still a huge number of people still starry-eyed by Nicola. Perhaps they need to see the naked empress. If the responsibility for indy is solely their’s there is no hiding place for them. There is also so much more to come out of the woodwork in terms of what’s been going on behind the scenes.
Concurrent with that however, we would need a well-funded indy party stating that a plebiscite election will be their route of choice as a path to independence. It is too late now, but we are going to wait until next HR election anyway, so better with something prepared..

If they are out of power or a minority govt with unionists they can blame their inaction on outside forces, and on us of course.

Then again when I look at what’s being going on, it makes me want to spoil my constituency ballot.

How did it come to this.. 🙁


“That we should all vote SNP and give them a majority and then strongly hold them to account on naming a date for an indyref2”

And how exactly do you intend to hold them to account?

You give them a majority and you give them free range to deny us independence for another 5 years and to foist on us toxic policies like they undemocratically foisted on us yesterday.


I wonder if Stu was thinking of one particular ‘ugly ginger’
a member of the Green party?


To think, such rotten neo-duplicitous (FRAUD) Actors (Boss of Scotland) are responsible for the Speech=Crime Bill.

Nothing to fear…


It appears that most contributors here would like to see SNP get fewer votes, less representation, and less control at HR. But just enough MSP’s to ‘send a message’ that independence is all that we really want. Keep the good people and send the rest to Bar L. The icing on the cake will be to vote in some Indy’s from the list to keep an eye on the baddies that remain.

It’s just a wish list, and it’s not going to happen.
There is no way to arrange any of the many wished for outcomes put forward by those who are tearing their hair out at what has happened to Scotland. There is no consensus, even on these pages. And more important, there is no leader to rally behind.

The reality is that if there is less of SNP, there is going to be more of the others to make up the 129. The system (“it’s the system, stupid”) doesn’t care if you don’t like any party, because that is what the party system is. Whatever the results are in May, it is going to be b-a-d. You simply have to select your own version.

I’d like to see all political parties banned, and every MSP elected on who they are and what they stand for. My reality check is that it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

However, there are many trusted, disenfranchised, individuals out there, all independence minded, who would get my vote in a heartbeat if standing as independents in my constituency.


ScotsRenewables is working very hard for something he believes in. Nothing wrong with that.

I’m just wondering if it’s too late for him to stand as an independent in Edinburgh Central.

I would vote for him and contribute to his crowd funder even if he called me a tube & a English troll.

Andy Ellis

@Robert Louis 4.21pm

Now Scotland, however well intentioned, isn’t going to deliver independence any time soon.

I’m sure lots of people will be delighted with the prospect of erecting another “big tent” for pro-indy people to gather in, to re-kindle the #indyref1 “Yes” spirit, and lay all those pesky policy differences and matters of principle aside, all in the name of reaching the sunlit uplands of an independent Scotland.

I’ve long thought that it has been one of the problems of the broader Yes movement that we didn’t have a permanent non-party umbrella group. The Catalans have Omnium and Committees for the Defence of the Republic. They also have multiple pro-indy parties.

My problem with Now Scotland is two fold:

1) What’s the timescale, and how does it intend to deliver results? Presumably that still has to be done via political parties…? So it still ends up depending largely on the SNP then? That’ll be a “No” from me.

2) Are we really expecting lots of politically active and aware Scots folk to join this organisation and check their differences at the door like a coat? After everything we’ve seen over the past few years with the SNP, politically I wouldn’t cross the road to piss on some of these people if they were on fire. I wouldn’t share a political party with them, or support them electorally, so should I stand shoulder to shoulder with them in Now Scotland? That’ll be a “Hell No!”.

The #indyref1 “broad church burned” to the ground in the years since. I’m not sure I have any interest in rebuilding it alongside lots of people I now hold in contempt, just on the basis that we share the same ultimate aim.

We need a new “real” independence party which will tackle the SNP head on, which advocates the fastest possible route to republic, and which centralises freedom of speech against the reactionary TRA bigots and misogynists infesting the SNP.

It seems likely we’ve got at least five years to do something, because it’s increasingly likely the gradualists will do SFA after they win in May.

Natal XX and proud

Mia is right, the SNP can no longer be held to account between elections The only way to register disapproval is through the ballot box and they are holding the INDEPENDENCE baby as hostage.
I am no sure yet about the Constituency vote but I do definitely think that List should always go to ISP. Could they be any worse than SNP?

A Kilted Sausage

According to The JC
[NB not Jeremy Corbyn; not Jesus Christ!],
re Azzam Mohamad,

‘The influential Scottish Muslim figure has twice signed a letter lobbying the Mayor of London to allow the Quds Day rally – which traditionally involves the burning of US and Israeli flags and chants like “death to America” – to go ahead.’

The JC also quotes NS as saying Mohamad is
“a dear, dear friend of mine.”

Such eclectic company she keeps!
Dear, dear..


BBC always shows support for the persecuted Jewish community:

Where is rotten duplicitous Fake News BBC now (having a Sturgeon moment) ???

link to


Have just discovered that today is the first ever Detransition Awareness Day
link to
(Not great at links but think the above works. have the same article and there’s a video on youtube with Emily which is excellent)

Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Louis (4.21) –

Joined Now Scotland earlier this afternoon.

I know some of the people involved and trust them.



ScottieDog @4.34pm.

You have to admit though, that the SNP have painted themselves into a corner by promising an indyref if they get a a majority in May.

So supposing that we gave them that majority in May, knowing what we know now about their machinations including promising to hold an indyref previously but failing to do so. Would this time around be any different could we hold them to their word this time, could a public outcry for the promised indyref force the SNP to actually name a date in the next five years.

On their adamant promise of independence later on in this term, should we give them enough rope to hang themselves if they don’t by giving them a majority in May.


Are we going to build an alternative to the SNP?

I was actually thinking of starting a women’s rights party for the council elections next year.
Councils is where we can start to counter the trans extremists.

Independence is in the long grass for now. Do we just give up or is there a plan and if so who is going to lead us?

We know the SNP can’t be changed from within we’ve seen what happened after the NEC vote in November. Gerrymandering NEC and selection contests. Continuing with divisive policies and ignoring independence.

Will any of the MPs / MSPs knowing that the SNP is going nowhere on indy, decide to ditch them and lead a new party?

We need a new plan


greeneyedcat says:
12 March, 2021 at 4:54 pm
Have just discovered that today is the first ever Detransition Awareness Day


I find all these stories on YouTube about transitioning & de-transitioning very sad/tragic.

You would think in 2021 they could find a better solution for gender dysphoria than the one on offer.


I am very respectful of those who recognise the appalling mess that the SNP are in but still feel that voting for them in May is the best route to independence.
I disagree. Partly for personal reasons as one of many victims of the current corruption.
The conservative approach would be to place faith in a failing party in the hope that it will, in time, reform.
The other option is to take hold of a new nascent movement and shape that as a force for the future.
If we were selling a product or a service, senior management would have decided long ago to ditch both the leadership and the brand but the SNP are currently in a monopolistic position and thus protected to some degree from ‘market forces’.
So although I am in the ‘jump ship’ brigade, the goal is still the same. Independence is the way forward. But the SNP is now built on pillars of sand.
Critically important to the future of the country is WoS.
We may hate, even loathe, each other at times, but that is just politics.
What the SNP are doing to our country is not ‘just politics’. It is more visceral than that.
If NS survives then the SNP should not – IMHO.
Because her failures will come to define the independence movement.
The Rev’s despair yesterday really got to me but in a strange way it has given me confidence because I am now very, very, clear that indy will not come through the SNP, but it will come.
For sure.

From a f*ck you fanatacist:
link to


Just another little thought about Nicola Sturgeon sharing a platform with individuals who consider homosexuals to be beasts.

She may consider such individual/s to be “dear dear friends/s” but how does support for such individuals sit with her Government’s new Hate Crime Legislation.

If anyone said that they had a dear dear friend who supported gassing of Jews, the out cry would be absolutely deafening. And justifiably so. But when statements of support for individuals exposing odious and frankly criminal views come from the so called most senior politician you know exactly the measure of that politician.

But would the Police do anything, would the Justice Minister do anything – you bet not.

Certainly wont be many in the Jewish Community voting SNP under this wee slug of a First Minister.


Mia @4.37pm.

Mia do you have a better more constructive idea, if so I’m all eyes and ears.

I’m thinking along the lines of how many times will the public be fooled by the SNP into believing that they’ll hold an indyref when they don’t eventually they’ll be a big enough backlash.

But I want that backlash to be more than just a shrug of the shoulders or a few comments on a blog. Sturgeon has committed to an indyref, soon we’ll be able to get out there and demonstrate, if the SNP get a majority in May we must demonstrate in our hundreds of thousands as we marched in the AUOB marches to make sure that the promise is upheld within their next term in government.

Mia the SNP are going to be in government in one form or another, a majority government means we can still hold them to account on holding an indyref. I don’t like it any more than you do but the chance of independence is quickly slipping away.


It’s one thing being on an MI5 watch list but being on a Mossad one is just plain stupid.


“having to fight quite so hard to keep believing in independence”…..jeezo! Sounds like Stu’s giving warning that he’s going to be switching sides soon.

Andy Ellis


I’m still holding out for a new fully loaded “real” independence party. I can see the attraction of a Women’s Rights party for many given recent events, and I’ve long thought that post indy it’d be good to see more smaller parties, sectional interests and independents in a STV elected Holyrood.

I still reckon we need something to take on the SNP head on in the short to medium term tho’: a more radical party espousing republican values, equality, free speech and the fastest possible transition toward a Scandinavian style social model.

A Kilted Sausage

Gregory Beekman says:
12 March, 2021 at 2:39 pm
“I’m ginger. Stop using ginger as a comical insult word.”

I second that!

Ginger hair in all its shades is some of the most beautiful I know. I have long admired it.

Fair, blond/blonde hair too.. lovely!

Straight, curly, dark, frizzy.. all part of a rich variety.

Also, people get to cut their hair short if they want, or be bald. And some lose their hair through ill-health or chemotherapy. And some brave kind people – including young girls – get their long beautiful hair cut off, to be given away and made into wigs for those who’ve lost their own.. I applaud them!

So attempted hair-shaming (or lack-of-hair-shaming) wins no laughs from me, only distaste and disdain for those attempting the ‘jest’ at others’ expense.

I am not ginger. I am not fair
(except for trying to be just & kind).


Willie 5.20.

No, the article deliberately tried to confuse and conflate two people. Sturgeon allegedly called someone else who had ‘recently returned from a Pro-Palestinian conference’ ‘a dear dear friend ‘. The article is written in an extremely dishonest and, frankly, defamatory manner.


@Francis Lynch says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:10 pm
“Not helpful, Glasgow Racer. One of the surest ways to ensure unionism gains Hollyrood is to not vote SNP 1 and 2. The Unionist parties will drag Scotland back to the status quo ante; worse helping to railroad through all kinds of devolution destroying gains since 1999;”

The SNP have just taken us back to medieval times with their new legislation.

mr thms

mike cassidy @ 1:59 pm


What a headline for The Tehran Press And Journal”

Are elections due to take place in Iran too?


6pm curfews for men? Collective punishment. Identity politics gone way beyond the pale.


Can I get away with describing anything as pale?

Captain Yossarian

I notice the Holyrood Tories are becoming vexed over whether or not James Hamilton’s report will be issued before purdah. It sounds as though they have all given-up on the Fabiani Inquiry. Even if they haven’t, I think we have. They have written to Leslie Evans to ask for an issue date. Best of luck with that.

We have a delinquent government, I’m afraid.


@Pixywine says:
12 March, 2021 at 5:39 pm
“6pm curfews for men? Collective punishment. Identity politics gone way beyond the pale.”

At least one SNP politician has expressed support for the curfew. Not bad this week – the SNP appears to have alienated biological men and women who identify as such, Old Firm supporters, lost information, provided the wrong information…

Any bets for next week?


What sort of people think the answer to being abused and backstabbed by the SNP is to give them a stronger majority?

“Oh but we can protest them later and force them to blah blah blah…”

Fucking mugs.


Hate speech policy, are the SG trying to drive away investors and tourists. This Policy can be used in the workplace too.
If they go down the 6PM curfew route for men as well, all investment and tourism is fucked. I regularly don’t finish until 9PM or later in any job I have had, do I have to sleep in the office?
Better to have decent sentencing to deter would be offenders rather than the wokey shit dealt out by judges/courts these days.
Chemical castration for rapists and peodos, work camps for repeat offenders- this is me being very, very nice.


That would be most posters on WGD that would be Hatuey.

Jam,jam and more jam.

Wee Willie

The SG has just cancelled the Age of Enlightenment.


Hanna Bardell ,what a clown.This where we’re at and it will only get worse.

A new hell is coming with this lot.


These idiot politicians with their hate crimes and curfew ideas and so on. They have no sense of their limitations. They think they can quickly legislate and organise all badness out of society and that therefore society should concede sweeping powers to them to work these miracles. Wokeism and its allied isms are not for the intelligent and wise. So, that means they are very much for Sturgeon & Co.

Politics is the art of the possible said someone. Can’t remember who. Probably French.


Wee Willie

Spot on.

We are now in the neolithic.


kapelmeister says
“organise all badness out of society” I miss read this as “baldness” and thought I was a target too.
Trip to speck savers next week.

Ian Spruce

@Francis Lynch says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:10 pm

“Not helpful, Glasgow Racer. One of the surest ways to ensure unionism gains Holyrood is to not vote SNP 1 and 2.

Using the D’hondt method surely the opposite is true as the second vote wont get you many/any additional seats?


Nobody is leaving the SNP.
The SNP has left the country.

link to

Nally Anders

Is the 6pm curfew for men, not just a ploy to get ALL men to self ID as women. (laughs)
It’s the only way you guys are getting out to play.


Hautey @5.43pm.

Okay Hautey, what do you suggest that we do to have a chance of holding an indyref within the next five years?


Nally Anders says:
Just as well I am in touch with my feminine side, although who want’s to see a bald 59 year old guy in a dress.
No offers please !

Larry Grayson

Is it true what’s being said about ScotsRenewables ? I thought he was better than that.

Anton Decadent

People need to remember and I imagaine that some here will have been involved in it and that some will now see that they were had but there was a Wheesht For Nicola campaign when it came to the trafficking of women for the sex industry in her constituency. For over a decade anyone who brought this up was smeared and it was denied then when the denial could no longer be enforced the same locals who had complained were blamed for allowing it to happen in their area. People have moved to the area to make careers out of what is seen as the vanguard of the woke revolution. None of them could give a fig about the rights of women, it is all about the acquisition and consolidation of political power, some of them have the brass neck to try to take credit for the arrests for modern day slavery etc after being up to their oxters in the cover up. Look too at the official blanket ban on any kind of reporting on the grooming gang which was operating in Glasgow.

I know this is old news given the events of the last few weeks but these people are ruthless operators who are embedded in the media etc. Re the earlier post saying that they will decamp to the Labour Party, they’ll already be there, they basically own the Green Party, we’re seeing a heist in which control of the main party has been acquired and elements will have been placed in pretty much every other party to try to engineer controlled opposition. I know that this is stating the bloody obvious but Scotland is seriously in the keech at the moment.


ScotsRenewables says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:41 pm,

“Here’s what this site thinks about your man Anas Sarwar”

This site now, rightly IMHO, considers your heroine Nicola Sturgeon to be infinitely worse than Anas Sarwar:

“Sarwar is the sort of Labour MSP that Tory voters could feel very comfortable backing, and the seat also has a sizeable Asian community. In the event that the opposition parties came to a quiet “understanding” similar to the one Ian Murray benefits from in his Westminster constituency – which he turned from Scotland’s most marginal seat into its safest one in the space of two elections thanks to Tory tactical votes – things could get unexpectedly interesting.”

“But a scandal-weakened SNP leader, vulnerable to tactical voting and now operating without a safety net, must have Labour salivating like hungry lions outside a home for old blind antelopes. Sarwar would be a huge underdog and would have nothing of any consequence to lose, but a potentially gigantic win.”

link to


Rob, I don’t visit WGD’s site. I read some of his book and found it really stimulating. When I say stimulating, I mean I was stimulated to go and do something else.

On election night I’ll be cheering ever time the SNP loses a seat. And I won’t be abstaining or spoiling my ballot; I’ll be voting for the party that is most likely to defeat the SNP candidate in my area.

The SNP isn’t a normal political party. It’s the political equivalent of a sort of Ponzi scheme run by a bunch of televangelists.


Spot on, Hatuey.


RoS, the best thing supporters of independence could do right now is let the SNP know they’ve been rumbled and that they will not be voting for them.

That’s the plan. It’s as detailed as your plan. The only difference is that mine might lead to independence and yours (voting for the SNP) definitely won’t.


tartanfever says:
12 March, 2021 at 1:47 pm
Corrado Mella says:

‘Every martial arts master will tell you that to win against someone stronger than you, you have to use their force against them.’

At first, I mistakenly read the opening few words of this contribution as ‘Every marital arts master will tell you that to win against someone stronger than you … etc. etc.’

But I didn’t realise it was a mistake, because that’s so true! Right enough, it’s really a fact now: men have no chance …

And, whichever way you look at it, probably never did!

(Please don’t take offence. Only joking … I think!)


Anton Decadent says:
“there was a Wheesht For Nicola campaign when it came to the trafficking of women for the sex industry in her constituency.”
That crime should imediately attract the death penalty for both the perpertators and the customers. Violate a persons human rights, loose yours.
What has the First Minister done to prevent sex trafficking or human trafficking- absolutely sod all!

Anton Decadent

“That crime should imediately attract the death penalty for both the perpertators and the customers. Violate a persons human rights, loose yours.”

I wouldn’t agree but would defend your right to that opinion.


Agree with you, Hatuey, in your two posts @ 7.07 pm and 6.56 pm. Thank you. Also much appreciate Anton Decadent’s contribution @ 6.40.

This was news to me, Anton, which no doubt shows how behind the times and ill informed I am. On the other hand, maybe these facts are not as well and widely known as you suppose.

Presuming what you say there is true – and I have no reason to presume otherwise – this is quite a revelation. Maybe it does not to be brought to mind again, even for those who do already know about it – and anew, for those who don’t.

The level of corruption going on under our noses, and deliberate political acquiescence in it or even active aiding and abetting, needs to be exposed.

Thanks again to both Hatuey and Anton D.


As I can’t open archive on this PC for some reason I’ll post the link.

link to


Hatuey @7.07pm.

That’s not a plan, you forget that the SNP are going to be in government no matter what, and if its a minority one then Sturgeon can say that they’ll be no indyref at all and she’s off the hook.

Now bear with me here, I know Sturgeon has no intentions of holding an indyref, however, she committed to holding one and at the very least we could publicly demonstrate at Holyrood or Bute House that she needs to fufil her promise within the next five year term.

Another possibility is that things change and five years is a long time, Sturgeon could stand down for some unknown as yet reason, and as long as we’ve given them the majority in May, the chance of indy still remains in my opinion.

Its a long shot but there doesn’t seem to any other way of keeping indy alive for the next five years.

Unless of course you know better?

Tannadice Boy

@Denise 5:14pm
I read all of your posts but..any movement that excludes half of the population is not a good idea. We will never win Indy that way. I agree with the bulk of your comment. A new plan etc. And I have heard a lot today about women being terrified. Ask me how the young men in my life are doing? When you are responsible for men and women in your life you get both sides of the story. Terrified? Try getting down on your haunches to avoid bullets and I will tell what terrified looks like. I didn’t die but it stays with me everyday.


Craig Murray was advocating SNP 1&2 a while ago but Like many others is now in a quandary. He tweeted this earlier today “This is causing me – and I know many others – huge heartache about what to do in the May elections.
I don’t see how I can ask people to support this breathtaking level of corruption. I have stuck by the SNP but am very close to breaking point.
Your views”? link to


It’s always good to have the perfect option, but in the real world that’s usually not available.

In this case, its not a matter of voting for the best option, because there are no good options for our No1 vote.

It comes down to voting for the least worst option, and that means the SNP.

So that’s where my vote if going, but it will be for the last time unless the SNP purge the corruption and actually do something about assert our sovereignty..


I get the whole criticism of the ‘shared a platform thing’ but the Jewish chronicle aren’t scumbags. I’m not saying Wings does, but I have seen the JC getting held to different standards online than other mainstream newspapers (and imo the same happens with the state of Israel)


kapelmeister 12 March, 2021

“Well yes Luigi. But she’d still turn up at an indy conference or seminar if she got to make a speech. A totally insincere speech as we know, but she’d give it.”

She managed to travel to an Edinburgh Hospital from Glasgow during Lockdown (or Bridge of Allan) to get on TV. Rules are for plebs only. link to

Saffron Robe

I don’t always agree with the Jewish Chronicle but I think they are right in this instance to question Nicola Sturgeon’s judgement and point out her hypocrisy.

As I’ve said before, I don’t think there is a section of mainstream Scottish society that Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t alienated in one way or another.


RoS, the best way to force Sturgeon out is to let them know now that you won’t vote SNP as long as she is there. Your plan inflates her ego, and she will twist it and say your vote is confirmation that she is loved.

Honestly, though, I’m surprised after what you have seen over the last three years that you’re capable of being ripped off again. You just keep walking into it, over and over.

I’ve been right all along about this shower, going back years. And I’ve been right about the mugs that fall for their lies.

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