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Wings Over Scotland

Out comes the whitewash

Posted on October 04, 2016 by

To be honest, readers, we gave up on taking any notice of David Torrance‘s mundane attempts at trolling in the Herald some time ago. But some alert readers pointed us towards this week’s column, suggesting that it was a bald rewriting of history some way beyond their usual bland irritancy.

This was the passage they objected to:


It’s a patronising piece of “shut up and eat your cereal” condescension for sure. But to be fair to Torrance, it does also happen to be true. Wait, not true. The other thing.

Torrance’s downplaying of Gordon Brown’s status is disingenuous in itself. Brown was undoubtedly the figurehead of the Union in the last days of the campaign, the architect of the Vow which became the foundation of the Scotland Act 2015 and to which David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband all literally signed their names.


But if Torrance should maintain the fiction that Brown was a mere bit-part player, we can offer a few other “senior Unionists” who did talk of equal partnerships. We could start with no less a figure than the actual chair of the “Better Together” campaign himself, Alistair Darling, quoted on the BT website in November 2012:


He was far from the first. The same claim had previously been made by the woman who now proclaims herself the chief defender of the Union in Scotland, Ruth “No Surrender” Davidson, in her very first speech as Scottish Conservatives leader:


And her Scottish Labour counterpart Johann Lamont was in full agreement when she gave a speech to her branch-office conference in 2013:


But we can do better still than that. Readers, we present to you the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the Rt Hon Theresa May MP, speaking to the 2012 Tory conference about the Union in her capacity as Home Secretary:


They weren’t alone, of course. The media of which Torrance is a ubiquitous part made the same assertion regularly, such as in this Daily Express editorial from just two days before the referendum:


But if the leader of the No campaign, the leaders of the Scottish Conservatives and Scottish Labour during the referendum and the current UK Prime Minister don’t count as senior enough Unionists for David Torrance, there seems little point in us searching for any other examples.

We look forward to the Herald’s correction.



[EDIT 10.44am]: Unbeknownst to us at the time of writing, alert Wings contributor Al Harron beat us to the punch on this one, and has several more examples here.

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Iain More

No lie is too great for the British State lickspittle quizzers like Torrance.

Betty Boop

It has always been “sold” as an equal partnership despite the fact that it never actually worked out that way.

Torrance never lets the truth creep into his drivel.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Out comes the whitewash To be honest, readers, we gave up on taking any notice of David Torrance‘s mundane […]

paul miller

So we’re not a union of equals? should we just eat our cereal? Lets be fair though, Torrance is just another cringing ‘Scot but’. Not many, if any country, has to put up so many of there own wanting to effectively see their own country extinguished…and for what? the queen? Brittania? ah, self fulfilment and acceptance by the British establishment?


Excellent Stu. You have no equal, that’s for sure.

Tory definition of equality – what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.

Jack Collatin

I can only assume that this hack was bullied at school.
The Herald studiously avoids Davidson’s ‘thieves and vandals’ stand up routine in Birmingham. The Ministry of Truth. The Fourth Estate/Fifth column.
The death rattle of the Dead Tree Scrolls and the BBC Stockade at Pacific Quay with its audience ratings of 5000, are on the last helicopter out of Hanoi.
Print the lie, seems to be our Fourth Estate’s /Fifth Column’s ‘line to take’.
Thanks for this, Stu.
Davidson should resign; Torrance should carry on writing such blatant lies, please.

Grouse Beater

A timely reminder of the colonial language register.

Funnily enough, I touched on that subject middle of last month, but in a different light: link to


*waves sheepishly*

link to

Great minds think alike, etc etc


Is Torrance saying therefore that we should not be equal partners and that situation is acceptable? That he’s quite happy for Scotland, Wales and NI to be treated as inferior in this so called union? What kind of attitude is that? I just don’t understand that mindset at all.


OT, and because its late and very quiet. I read some comments earlier but found it difficult to understand parts of them due to the absence of punctuation.

Everone enjoys and appreciates an interesting photograph which is in sharp focus, but not so when the picture is blurred.

The meaning in text will be blurred if appropriate punctuation is absent. Conversely, correct punctuation renders the meaning clear and heightens both understanding and pleasure.

It makes sense to use punctuation.

I’ll, justget down. From my hobby. Horse now.


Oh dear, I fear that a tearful farewell from Twitter can’t be too far away for Mr Torrance..


Rev Stu is a Poundshop Al Harron, frankly.
And Al’s got the bigger beard. 😉

Seriously, for newcomers, commentator Taranaich, above, writes the pro-Indy Wilderness Of Peace blog. His real name is Al H.

He’s well worth reading, and indeed has had an article published here on Wings. So he’s got the Rev Stu seal of approval.

link to

Apologies for sounding like a fanboy, but if you want info to back up Indy, or to counter some unionist claims, Al’s a good source of factual, well-researched articles. Same as Wings, but with less sweary-words…

P.S. The more writers we have pointing out the lies and errors and misstatements of the unionists, the better. Do not let their lies stand. Challenge them 24/7. We, and everyone in Scotland, deserve better from our media.


Since 1707, the Act of Union was just a Bill of Sale to the English. The last 309 years bears that out.

Lots of ‘proudscotbuts’ are still selling out to Westminster.

And there will be a lot more before we’re done.

The Tories use the phrase ‘equal partners’, the way a paedophile uses the word ‘friend’, to a child.


One of those things that has to be done every so often, but for those who occasionally glance at his column for a good laugh, the phrase “but in reality” would bring the first snorts of laughter and a sense of eager expectation to see what his fantasy was going to come up with.

Followed then by the words “in fact” which a surprising amount of MSM columnists use to tell the most outrageous lies of all. Now that gets the tears streaming down the face which actually makes it very difficult triping a reoplytoo mach th ritings. Don’t start!

Dr Jim

My daddy used to say We’re all born equal, then some become more equal than others

Justin Kenrick

Great to see the excellent wide distribution of the points raised in ‘Wilderness of peace’ yesterday.

It thoroughly disproves Torrence’s argument: not as an opinion to disagree with but as utterly wrong in fact.

What is equally interesting is that Torrance responds by accepting he is wrong.

That is a welcome development.
link to

It’s worth going to the ‘Wilderness’ website to note that Torrance accepts his mistake.

Let’s encourage EVERY No voter to do likewise, by welcoming them when they admit a mistake.

As you point out in your excellent previous post on the economics of Brexit, the next indyref will be fought on very different territory, with the economic arguments (in the context of Brexit) very much on the Indy side.

So is it time for us to take a much stronger position – which still means pointing out mistakes and rapidly rebutting lies, but always expecting that the person we are talking to or about will one day acknowledge their mistake.

Shalll we make it easier for them to do so?


My ears burn, David!

P.S. The more writers we have pointing out the lies and errors and misstatements of the unionists, the better. Do not let their lies stand. Challenge them 24/7. We, and everyone in Scotland, deserve better from our media.

Absolutely. I’ve often found myself getting annoyed that the Rev, or Dug, or Ponsonby got to a story while I was writing up a post, but that certainly doesn’t stop “proper” paid journalists from doing much the same. We all have contributions to bring (the Rev’s quote from the Express is particularly biting), and it only strengthens the case we make.

Dr Jim

As for Torrance, he’s not even a squint of a man, naught but a snottering bottleless infant without a dummy sucking from the Tory teet

And they’d cast him aside as easily when his usefulness is done
As they would any other Jock half educated tenement dweller

Dorothy Devine

Ah Justin , you are a better and kinder person than me.

While acknowledging the need to welcome the ordinary man or woman in the street , who realises the error of their ways in accepting all the drivel force fed them by the MSM and recognising the position in which Scotland finds herself , I find those who peddled that drivel unforgiveable .

My list is long and I’ve got him on the list and he never will be missed…………..


Mmmm, a quick guide to the use of language by Unionist Activists, for the unwary.

“Fact”. Usually followed by an incredible distortion or make-believe as in “Fact. Scotland owes the man in the moon £1,000,000 trillion”.

“Nonsense”. Usually followed by nonsense, sometimes Unionist Activists do tell the truth, but not for long.

“Reality”. Followed by a short work of total fiction.

“SNP Whingers”, also “Nat whingers” and many others. Damn, they’re telling the truth, must do something.

“Wee Nippy”. The Unionist Activist feels insecure.

“divisive”. Oh no, they’re winning.

“Experts”. Conservative / Labour Press officers – often the same person.

“braveheart”. Unionist Activist can’t think of anything to say.

“deficit”. Unionist Activist emergency parachute.



British people don’t care about Europe’s single market as much as they care about keeping immigrants out, a snap poll revealed.

A survey by Sky Data found more than half of those questioned wanted immigration controls to be the government’s number one priority – only 40 percent believed it should be the UK’s access to the single market.

Xenophobia rules, while the Tories thought it was them.


link to

Very good, and yes, Torrance acknowledged it.


Mr Torrance isn’t the sharpest is he? He seems to me to always have the look of a wee boy being caught doing something he shouldn’t.

A cack handed, fairly unsubtle and childish attempt to rewrite history. His major problem being that the rest of us were there too and of course we don’t suffer from short term memory loss issues.

That being the case, his ‘commentary’ merely comes across as simple dishonesty.


I must admit I can’t make him out. I think he has perception and blinkers, at the same time, but his blinkers keep slipping and cover all his senses.



He certainly doesn’t make life easy for himself. 😀

That so many examples are readily available on public record making a nonsense of his article is pretty basic stuff.

Such an an offering makes the article appear amateurish and poorly researched. It makes him and any who publish the piece look dishonest and/or foolish.

(shrugs) Their choice Dads. 🙂

The Man in the Jar

Its that British Nationalist over-inflated sense of self importance again. Isnt it!

donald anderson

And he is surpised that some people “abuse” him? Just what has he done to deserve it?


Nice one Rev, but I’d suggest a link to Al’s piece too as he’s illustrating that he’s the alertist of our alert community!

To further the point (seriously, no offence meant, I love you) there’s no fucking way that @andrewmarr would have retweeted or even commented on a piece written by you – you’re a pariah – but


Nice one Rev, but I’d suggest a link to Al’s piece too as he’s illustrating that he’s the alertist of our alert community!

To further the point (seriously, no offence meant, I love your work) there’s no fucking way that @andrewmarr would have retweeted or even commented on a piece written by you – you’re a pariah – but the exposure that @WingsScotland can get from guest authors


Malicious or incompetent? Or indeed, both?

Classic Orwellian rewriting of history — ‘Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.

This certainly won’t be the last attempt to change the past!

Torrance just isn’t very good at it.



Torrance did not ‘accept’ he was wrong. He tweeted:

‘@WildernessPeace actually, that’s a pretty good research job, kudos.’

comment image?w=474

Al’s tweet from Torrance isn’t an apology or even an admittance that he was brought to task over smearing the FM, by Wilderness of Peace. (Al never said it was either, he said Torrance was kind enough to ‘acknowledge’ his post on twitter)

Your need tae bend over backwards and tell us that he ‘accepted’ his mistake repeatedly is a tad over the top Justin. When we can all go and look ourselves and see that he did no such thing!

The guy is dishonest and has zero integrity.

Show me the corrected version of his article then I’ll accept ‘possibly’ that we are dealing with someone who has ‘accepted’ he was wrong?

He uses that falsehood to form the premise for what he really wants to convey about the SNP, which follows in the first sentence of the next paragraph after the end of quoted piece on Wings and Wilderness of Peace:

‘It’s a good example of how brilliantly the SNP frame the terms of debate by repeating out-of-context quotes ad nauseam, and also how bad Unionists are at rebutting it. But whatever the reality, such rhetoric has obvious limitations.’

The ‘lie’ that he told in ‘fact’ isn’t ‘a good example of how brilliantly the SNP frame the terms of the debate by repeating out-of-context quotes ad nauseam…’

On this occasion it is Torrance who has been caught out re-framing ‘the terms of the debate’ by re writing history to facilitate a thinly disguised smear against the SNP.



…to continue…

Stu, I love your work.

Al, and everyone else who contributes to Wings, you enable a widening of the debate and you allow for the sharing of vital information, so I commend you and long may you continue!


OT – from the Herald:

Scottish LibDem leader Willie Rennie said: “This is an embarrassing gaffe from David Mundell. The Tory figures are voodoo maths from a party desperate to divert attention from the chaos they unleashed with Brexit.”

More of this please Willie.


In the mind of Torrance and co because they did not mean it this equates to “they did not say it”

The unionist supporters consider every lie to protect the union justified…the result was all that mattered. It appears that control of the media Is now also the control of history.
…now shut up and eat your cereal.


I often wonder whether his “betters” despise him more than they do us, for his unquestioning willingness to shit all over his home Countrys standing, aspirations and potential on their behalf.

I have no doubt he and others like him will be haunted by the way they have behaved in the years to come.


And in what way, exactly, does Master Torrance think he is not furthering the cause for Independence?

Keep it coming lad = )


He’ll grow his hipster beard, dress in sack-cloth and flail remorsefully and repentantly after being caught red-handedly lying. Again. Yep.

Well done for laying it out for all to see.

Ian MacDonald

Obedient retainer.

Giving Goose

We are not equal partners.
We could be but generations of Unionists have willinging conspired to make sure that we are not.
I return these Unionists get ermine, perks, cash and various gongs.

It was ever thus!


Thing is, e en if they never said it, I believe it to be so. Is Torrance saying then that theUK is not a partnership of equals, that there is one nation of importance pording it over others or is he saying that nations simply don’t exist, like amundell did? In which case it isn’t acceptable to me nor I would say a majority of so called Scots. Just because this fanny heid says it, disnae mean it is right or that we have to accept it.

I am beginning to view these people in the same way as collaborators on these Quest documentaries.


Well done all for brining another liar to book!

O/t on another forum I have just added the following to my signatuture:

A ‘divisive nationalist’ … And proud of it!


More o/t

T. Rex about to go ‘live’ on ITV Good Morning. Will Piers Morgan be sycophantic or actually grill her?


In the mindset of those opposed to independence, not one of those quotes explicitly states “partnership of equals” therefore it didn’t happen.

Just like no unionist has ever said, “too wee, too poor, too stupid.”


I think the leadership of the No campaign was remarkable only for being staggeringly bad. It almost doesn’t matter what they said, because gaffs were airbrushed, dishonesty was excused, and the lies were bellowed through trumpets. It was all contrived waffle engineered to stifle the independence arguments and make sure the positive case for Independence was never heard. Braying Donkeys could have done the job just as effectively, except more of us might have rumbled what was actually happening.

It wasn’t an “inspired” intervention from Brown that swung it, nor the “safe” hands of Darling. It was the months and years of incessant propaganda wot-dun-it. Utility Toom Tabard Davidson is just another shouty conduit for the same vacuous pish which can’t shut up, nor articulate any progressive case for the Union.

The media needs a political clothes horse to carry its Union Jack shittery into Scotland, and Plan B Davidson is it because Plan A Dugdale is a dud and so utterly hopeless the BBC can’t even sell her to Labour supporters. So the toxic Tories are leading the campaign to save Scotland for the Union? Oh lucky us. Don’t kid yourselves. The Tories are a busted flush. Keeping Scotland crippled in the Union is the BBC’s job. Don’t forget, it was the BBC who got Scotland to vote for that embarrassing UKIP slug to represent Scotland in Europe. It sure as hell wasn’t UKIP that did that… Think about it.

The ONLY potency in the whole Better Together propagandathon was the Unionist media, and principally the BBC.

The deceitful enemy in our living room is still untouched, and largely untouchable. Indyref 2 supporters beware. Ruth Davidson will of course be noticed everywhere she shouts, but she is just a puppet dancing below the dark hand of Unionism. And when her shelf life expires, and it will, we will all have to suffer the next unionist mouthpiece parachuted into the breach. UKIP slug, “in-with-a-shout” Davidson, limp lettuce Dugdale… Why do I even know who these non-entities are??? They come from obscurity, provide a front for Unionism, then plop back into the same obscurity once the rotten tomatoes start to fly.

The only thing we won’t be hearing on Union TV is the progressive case for the Union. Their budget isn’t big enough to stretch to that. For that you still have to try the fiction section of your local library.


The Tories are destroying the world economy. It is just unbelievable. How they self destruct every time. The Westminster Unionists greedy multimillionaires. Enough is never enough. They will destroy the world economy so they can tax evade. They illegally kill and main millions of innocent people. They are despicable,

Scotland loses £Billions to the Union. They have tried to destroy the Oil & Gas sector with high taxes when the price has fallen. They are now importing untaxed fracked Gas. Building Hinkley nuclear station. A disaster waiting to happened. Wasting £Billions. HS2 a white elephant making journeys take longer and be more expensive. The mismanagement of the economy and Brexit are a disaster waiting to happen. The Tories are dangerous. It is just appalling. The £ is already falling.
Putting up prices and lowering living standards. The Tories elected to protected the NHS have been cutting £20Billion. Hunt is a liar.

The Tories committed electoral fraud in 31 constituencies.

Scotland loses £Billions. Time to end this mess. Vote YES to Independence. Vote SNP/SNP May 2017. No more unelected 3rd rate Tories.


Great work as usual Stu. Time for Torrance to retreat back under his quiff. Equal partners my arse! Never has been and never will be.


If anyone fitted John Cleese’s retainer description, it’s Torrance.


Being treated ‘equal’ is written in the settlement of the Act of Union and a separate Scottish legal system. It has been totally ignored by Westminster for ever. Blair ignored it and set up the London Supreme Court.


GMB sycophantic. Shoes and scones. Now we have a cute kid talking about Prince Harry.

Pass the sick bucket. Yuk!

Mark Harper

Hat off to those who read Torrences shite


I asked him if he agreed that if he thinks Scotland is NOT an equal partner in the union then we must (by definition) be a vassel state, I await his response!


“Great minds think alike, etc etc”
Sue him for plagerism Al 🙂


Next week, in his series Debunking SNP myths #34, David Torrance on why nobody ever said, “Scotland! We want you LEAD the UK, not LEAVE it.”

Does he actually get paid to write stuff?

Training Day

‘Facts’ said Schopenhaeur, echoing Kant, ‘are facts only when facts factually face factual factification’. It is a dictum that Nicola Sturgeon would do well to heed.

There you go David, there’s your next column for you..


These unelected 3rd rate Tories, the rest of the Tories multimillionaires and their sycophants have been raiding the public purse in Scotland for far too long. Enough is enough.


There never was a Union of equals, however heed Yoons have lied left, right, and centre about everything. And that of course included saying we were equals when it suited.

As IndyRef2 gets closer by the day, all that lying will come back and bite them. They will be reminded of the lies, and they won’t be able to use the same lies again.

However, many voters appear to have short memories! So now small fry Yoons are trying to deny some lies were ever told.

Some Union, right enough!

Robert Louis

Like others I also wonder just what motivates these seemingly ‘London tame jocks’ like Torrance, ever so keen to ridicule, put down and generally undermine their own country. I ask it seriously, just what is it that causes sane rational people to sneer at the country of their birth in this way? English folk visiting Scotland don’t do it the other way around.

Meanwhile, this week we have the London Establishment’s other ‘tame jock’, the laugh a minute, side splittingly funny, Ruth Davidson, ‘defender of the faith’, whose only theme for her ‘funnies’ is putting down the country of her birth. Perhaps the odious Tory Ruth Davidson, who likes to mock Scotland and its people for the merriment of her English superiors, should just stay down there.

I do sometimes wonder if she might turn up one week at FMQ’s wearing her orange collarette – oh wait, she wouldn’t be welcome in the lodge, would she (see link).

link to

Grouse Beater

Macart: “Mr Torrance isn’t the sharpest is he? He seems to me to always have the look of a wee boy being caught doing something he shouldn’t.”

True. So much of his scribbles sound like personal revenge.

If anybody is interested in how our ability to exercise free will is constrained read this: link to

Bob Mack

Personally I am not disappointed. What Mr Torrance is inadvertently doing is pointing out that indeed his mindset views NO equality between England and Scotland, although according to the Treaty of Union, there should be.
Own goal really.


OT And so it begins… Ireland will be seeking “special status” concessions from the EU to avoid a border between the EU side and the British side. “Its up to the EU” is the key quote.

link to


Morning folks, Torrance is a troll. Wants us to bite so he gets to play the poor me patter.

Best not to feed him.

He is a richt odious little shit tho.


Torrance is actually just one of Cleese’s ‘tenement Scots’, willing to be sub-servant to his ‘imperial masters’ for the promise of a ‘perceived’ better standing in society. In a sentence he’ll sell his Grannie for his own personal gain!


Hats off to all of you for ploughing through Toreances bias & gibberish, or anything in the rag called the Herald.
After Ian Bells passing there’s nothing in it for me
Having read both Hutcheons & Gordon’s PoRs tweets won’t
Again till there gone.

Jack Collatin

The Herald has completely ignored Davidson traducing Scots as vandals and thieves to guffaws of English laughter, therefore it didn’t happen.

Imagine if any SNP politician had insulted their countrymen and women like that?
And if it was Enemy No 1, Sturgeon herself, the MSM would explode in a week long ResignFest !

Torrance lied. He is a political anorak. He has a memory, just like the rest of us. It was a deliberate LIE; and the Herald printed it. He has been caught playing with himself with the curtains open and the light on.
We have a Fascist Unionist Media , of that there is no doubt.
Their aim is to bend the will of the people to be subservient to an elite Scottish Branch of the English Establishment.
Torrance speaks with that upper class, ‘I went to a fee paying school and my family background is Upper Middle Class ‘traditional’ Scottish Ruling Class accent’, and I’m a good egg, one of us, nudge nudge, wink wink ; just like the presenters of BBC Scotland, and the broadsheet editors and High paid journos.
We rule the airwaves, and print, on behalf of our Masters in the SE.
Back in you boxes, you five million Sweaties.

England is bigger than you; if you vote YES next time, England will invade, and the Fifth Column Up Here will unlock the gates to let them in.
The rantings of a sad old paranoid man?

There, I saved the MacTernon’s team of anonymous Unitrolls the bother.

We are being strangled to death by a lying MSM.
Is it a Masonic or a KSC thing? Or a Better Together alliance of them both?
I can think of no sane reason why every journalist and TV presenter in Scotland are anti Scottish Unionist Branch members of the SE Establishment.


Another awful display of professional liars in action. Our country once again ground under toryboy’s heel like fag butts. Torrance is a btl troll but the other side of the toryboy media creep out in Scotland, their ongoing black out of Scotland. All that matters is England. Rancid the Graun’s Scotland region news today,

“Trees believed to have been extinct in Britain have been discovered at the Queen’s official residence in Scotland.

The two 30-metre (98ft) Wentworth elms have been identified in the Queen’s garden at the Palace of Holyroodhouse just a stone’s throw from the centre of Edinburgh. Tree experts are now looking into ways of propagating the rare specimens, which carry the botanical name Ulmus wentworthii pendula.”


After his very public flouncing & toddler tantrums on twitter he doesn’t seem a very stable individual so wont press the matter any further

David Smyth

I watched Torrance in an interview with Michael Gray. In the main Michael had to supply the background detail to the subjects under discussion. No surprise then he failed to research this latest piece.

Makes you wonder what editorial review is given to his work.


Torrance (et al ) doesn’t seem to care anymore if he’s caught out lying or not. Manipulative job done as far as he’s concerned. Sad state of affairs. Sad wee man. He’ll be even sadder when we get our Independence and control over broadcasting. There will be no hiding place for the likes of him then.


@ Breeks at 7:22am ……. Good one Breeks and I see that Ruth Davidson is now bragging that the Tories are going to wipe Labour out at the Local Council elections. SLab must be absolutely kicking themselves now for standing shoulder to shoulder with the Tories pre-Indyref1 (and later). That’s Better Together pals for you. Untrustworthy, lying backstabbers.


O/T …

Re. Taranaich. It’s utterly amazing how many extremely talented people we have fighting our corner. Thanks folks and well done.


O/T … NHS England. Latest reports …. Shortage of doctors crisis. Large numbers are taking a break exacerbating the current situation. Now research shows that 50% of doctors have had enough and are considering leaving England altogether (hope some of them head our way). Meanwhile NHS England have sent representatives to India to recruit 400 doctors for starters and the situation is so dire that they may be allowed to bypass training and sitting exams.

Meanwhile the Brexiters are going crazy online. “Nobody told them that this would happen.” Aye right! Diane Abbott, for one, tried and now they’re giving her a hard time online. Just wait until they’ve to fill nursing posts, care posts etc, etc, etc with individuals from Commonwealth countries. The you know what will well and truly hit the fan. Next up support for UKIP will go through the roof with ‘all’ that entails. UK on a real slippery slope now.


No word from Nana? Heard she wasn’t feeling great. Get well soon Nana x No sign of Smallaxe either? Hope you’re OK x

Grouse Beater

“Torrance the terrible” – always good for a laugh: link to

dandy dons 1903

Imagine the outcry in the unionist msm if Nicola Sturgeon had called the English thieves and vandals, but its ok for brit underling Ruth Davidson to call Scots that and not a peep from the obedient retainer hacks in the yoon media.



Thank you for your concern, I am getting better. Links on previous thread so as not to disturb this one.


Jack Collatin says “Torrance speaks with that upper class…………etc”

Does that make him a half educated tenement dweller now?
At least Brillo et al know what the establishment thinks of them.

Free Scotland

Headline writer:


link to


Partnership of equals, my arse …

“Mike Russell, said that he expected the Scottish Parliament to withhold legislative consent to a “hard Brexit” which excluded the UK from the single market. But the UK Government doesn’t see it this way at all. …… Theresa May needn’t worry her head about legislative consent motions from Holyrood or Cardiff. Scottish MSPs may think they have a say, but they don’t. ”

link to

Socrates MacSporran

Why is everyone getting so het-up about that pile Torrance?

The most-interesting piece in The Herald this week is today’s offering from Ian Macwhirter. It is both succinct and, more-importantly worrying.

The Tories are going to stuff us again, and laugh while they do it. I just wonder how many more times the Proud Scots But and the dwindling band of die-hard Unionists are going to allow the Tories to boot them in the goolies, before they say enough is enough and vote for Independence.

Socrates MacSporran

I have just received a very nice e-mail from “The Herald Scotland”, making me the special offer of 25% off membership of English Heritage.

Words fail me.

mike cassidy

Torrance has had an outbreak of meaculpas.

link to


I do not see the point of David Torrance appearing in The Herald at all. What is he writing about? Nearly all his political comments are anti-SNP and independence, so clearly he is not a journalist taking an objective non-partisan view.

That his articles are sort of Scottish Daily Mail-ish and nearly always end up with the same conclusion, means they have become quite boring and I do find myself skipping over them as there is no new insight.

No matter how much you may hate a political concept or a party, surely you could find some good somewhere especially as it is the party chosen successively by a majority of Scottish voters.


Jack Collatin:

Watch out Jack! your name will be moving up their Sedition list,your already in the top Twenty.


Peace my friend


‘Call Kaye’…usual parade of weak-kneed apologists with low self esteem and no pride accepting John Cleese’s racial abuse as ‘stupid’ or ‘banter’. Worse Mr.Walker, of Rock’s favourite newspaper ‘The National’ was in denial that there was any organised or obvious anti-Scottishness…this from a man who works in the media and lived through the disgusting attacks on us during the REF.

tHE SNP guy also had the chance to mention Ruth Davidson’s remarks but again was useless. These pathetic attempts by the SNP when the chance offers itself is one reason that I fear the future of the next REF.


OT Pound just fell to a 31 year low against the US$.

And that is just with threat of what might happen in a year or two!


Mr Torrance, Ms Lamont, Ms Davidson, Lord Darling et al are completely correct. The United Kingdom family of nations is a partnership of full equals, just like Tanganyika, Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, the Gold Coast et al were fully equal members of our older wider family of nations. Why they displayed such a fit of ungrateful pique and left that family is a total mystery to one and all. Isn’t it?


I waited in vain at the Scottish referendum for the SNP’s “eleventh hour” assault which I and a lot of others expected but it failed to materialise.

THe SNP will never be stronger than now and even if they were it could only be marginal given how many seats they currently hold. Bold action is needed from this position of financial and political strength.

Now is the time to seize the initiative and go on the attack about the real reasons England needs Scotland,I will not list them, how bad things are in the UK compared to many EU countries and elsewhere. Those Scots who holiday within EU countries and adjacent islands can only marvel at their infrastructure.

Time to really highlight how we are being held back and to really return Theresa May’s rhetoric about sovereignty etc

Proud Cybernat

Three become one…

link to


Good marshalling of the evidence, but you let yourself down by including the Daily Express as a serious source, and equating Torrance with the Express by virtue of the fact that he’s a journalist and it’s a ‘newspaper’. You’d have been better to miss out the last part.



There was definitely an increase in recruitment of doctors from England at the height of the strikes, over 15%. Let’s hope they spread the word, now they are up here.

Bugger (the Panda)

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

Lewis Carroll

Flower of Scotland

I remember Tory UK, David Torrance. I remember English relatives grumbling about our roads up in Scotchland. “why do you not build better roads?”

I remember the poverty in Edinburgh. I remember inflation of 22%, strikes, worry about kids signing up for the forces because there were no jobs. Then the worry of them being sent to N Ireland or some other far off war.

Always money for wars and the South of England, but steal our resources and keep us down.

Well enough is enough, David Torrance. Scotland under the SNP are doing much better and we have confidence in ourselves at last.

You and your Tory friends with your £8.60 prescription charges and £25 eye test charges in England can take a hike.


Thug UK media front page Monday morning was stuff like the Heil’s “Sturgeon warned…” full page banner, on the top shelves of Morrison’s newsstand too. UKOK tory muscle flexing might work but its still very weird UKOK wise. As in, why does whoever Britain Elects is, leave SNP off their Westminster voting intention thingee, or what the what is Scottish Westminster?

Britain Elects ?@britainelects Oct 2
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 38% (+1)
LAB: 31% (-)
UKIP: 16% (+1)
LDEM: 5 (-1)
(via Opinium

Britain Elects ?@britainelects Sep 30
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 39% (-)
LAB: 30% (-)
UKIP: 13% (-)
LDEM: 8% (-)
GRN: 3% (-)
(via YouGov / 28 – 29 Sep)

Britain Elects ?@britainelects Sep 25
Scottish Westminster voting intention:
SNP: 50%
CON: 21%
LAB: 16%
LDEM: 5%
GRN: 4%
UKIP: 4%
(via Panelbase)


Ah well. They finally got round to it. Here we go:

I wondered how long it would take before the yoons tried to airbursh all those broken BT promises out of history. These are like a millstone around the union’s neck and boy do they know it. The irony is that they probably still could have scrapped a (closer) NO win in 2014 without those daft promises, but they a couple of polls spooked them and they flew into panic mode, and said a lot of things that they really should not have.

I did not think they would leave it to one of their lowest of stooges to rewrite the books, though: David Torrance’s attempt is, frankly hilarious. 1/10 for trying, David. Best leave it to the real pros next time though. Yer just making a big fool of yersel (again).


*waves sheepishly*

link to

Great minds think alike, etc etc

That’s an absolutely fantastic article, Taranaich.


A timely reminder of the colonial language register.

Funnily enough, I touched on that subject middle of last month, but in a different light: link to

And that is just excellent, Grouse Beater. I just wish you weren’t such a rude, obnoxious curmudgeon in these threads because you write some really good stuff.



Take it easy Nana and put some ‘me time’ into your day. 🙂

Marker Post

So all three signatories of the Vow are now in the political wilderness. As well as its instigator.

No need to keep it then.

Al Dossary

Recruiting doctors from abroad – as you sow so shall you reap. Doctors at this point in England must be feeling really down. But that crisis will be as nothing compared to the number of people who are now put off from Nursing as a profession.

What was once a standardised training, combining on the ward and proper college training has been replaced by a “degree”. And as if that was not bad enough, the Nasty party have removed the grants from trainee nurses.

To put it into perspective, £9k Uni fees, accomodation fees of as much as £250 a week on London (£9k per year) and even allowing £100 a week to live on and provide books etc could be leaving Nursing graduates on the future with as much as £50k debt for a job that is maybe paying half of that pa.

For the “normal” young person this is a crazy amount of debt to accumulate just to get into a profession that does not carry particularly high starting salaries.

To those fortunate enough to be able to afford a private education for their children however, the tuition fees and board etc is just a continuation of the fees they have been paying for their child to attend boarding school. Let’s face it – £30k a year for boarding school vs £22k a year cost to attend UnI even allows a little pocket money from mummy and daddy every week.

Grants were once avaluable to all, based on needs. Problemwas that all the students with rich parents were actually receiving full grants whereas those from a working class background whose parents were earning reasonable salaries were getting partial grants. One big difference @ the rich as always were screwing the system with the help of their accountants.

As always the rich screwed the system and the poor got screwed by the system.



I see the article you linked to previous thread has been disappeared

link to

Would you have an archived copy?

Andrew McLean


I’m taking it easy Sam, just like the song!
Whatever was in that last tincture was pretty awesome, slept like a log.

Actually I’m trying really hard to not get angry right now what with everything that’s happening.

I’m disappointed the national front page did not reference to Ruth’s scots thieves comment. That was a missed opportunity.


@G4jeepers Andrew has just reposted the article.

Thanks Andrew!

Hope the no voters read this

Tories ‘wash their hands’ of oil and gas industry

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

The “Scottish” Daily Express is reduced to 15P today. Desperation is setting in.


@ Nana

‘Whatever was in that last tincture was pretty awesome, slept like a log.’

Well, if you have any left to spare… 🙂



There’s a few dregs left which I will be sooking up tonight, so sorry Macart.

But you know sometimes laughter can be the best medicine

Check out the last comment on Mr Malky’s blog
link to

Peter McCulloch

The lies the unionists told during the 2014 indy referendum served there purpose, and that all the unionists care about.

Dan Huil

Once again the Rev points out and dissects another example of britnat hypocrisy. When you know where to look it’s all too obvious. The britnat media must be crushed. Don’t buy britnat newspapers or visit their websites; don’t pay the bbc tax.


Thanks folks 😉

Jockanese Wind Talker

Nana says on “Waiting for the guns” at 9:24 am this morning.

Great links again this morning.

I was particularly taken with:

“British troops to be made exempt from European human rights laws during combat”

link to

Current UK Law can prevent vexatious claims without removal of ECHR so no doubt this is another unnecessary token gesture by the Brexiteers, (May was always an opponent of ECHR when Home Secretary).

It gives the MSM big printed headlines and a top of the hour TV news story to provide May another swipe at EU, another channelling of Maggie T style statement “backing the troops” and an example of “taking back control” even though UK always had this control.

I now have a mental picture of recruiting centre window posters saying “free necklace of ears and ‘holiday’ in the sun for every new recruit”

Dave McEwan Hill

On the other hand the “Scottish” Daily Express is now cheaper than toilet paper.


Jings even the yoons must be thinking this guy is a total liability lol

Speaking of liabilities i see the Scottish resistance has split and heid the ba has started a new splitter er i mean splinter group nope i was right the first time.

What the hell are they thinking about burning a UJ someone from the yes movement please give them a slap.

They might be for Scottish independence but jeez talk about handing the yoons ammo.

And i see the buffalo whisperer crass comments about all of Scotland is getting very little coverage quelle surprise,the SNP need to fling this right back in her coupon in parliament every time she opens her big gub and maybe mention the fact we Scots do not burn down our own gaff and loot shops destroying folks businesses or have the French police kick the crap out us for smashing up their bars.


@ Nana

Ooft! 😀


So Torrance tweets a mea culpa and acknowledges that ‘part’ of his column was ‘inaccurate’, but as Rev says on twitter, they haven’t corrected in on the Herald…

*awaits…with bated breath*

Dr Jim

Scotland does more trade with England than the EU
They love trotting that out as if a threat not to do business
Yet even after wars with other countries the first thing that’s done by any government of any country anywhere is to establish commerce

Does England not do business with the 60 odd countries who gained their Independence from the UK out of spite then

It’s a stupid childish argument and needs shoving down their threatening throats (Especially Ruth Davidson)

Oh no, I just heard that in my head, you know what I mean though

winifred mccartney

This is surely not just a slight error – it changes the whole tenure of the article and you have to ask where is the editorial judgement or does he have free rein to say what he likes without any kind of fact checking – until you remember he is a unionist and they can lie with impunity.

Grouse Beater

Morag: “rude, obnoxious curmudgeon”

You’re confusing me with somebody else. I enjoy complimenting contributors when they illuminate, give insight, or are witty. The few who post screeds of waffle regularly, postulating, that take me ten minutes and more to decipher, read out of respect for their contribution, I ask they reconsider their prose style. But I’ve done that only a few times. If they say ‘back off’ I scroll past them thereafter. Mind you, I’ve posted here less and less of late.

When Stuart demands they make paragraph breaks or get banned, or stop posting outlandish claims, few snort back. When was I obnoxious to you? I assume that must have happened for you to be so … obnoxious. (You’d describe your comment as honest and forthright.)

Grouse Beater

Bug the Panda: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

Good quotation; could be the Unionist’s creed.


No one makes you read ‘Breeks’ posts…you pursue him like a man possessed ‘at times’. He has ignored you on the last couple of attempts you made at undermining and ridiculing his comments. It’s a shame ye think you’re ‘that’ smart GB, when actually you’re quite an unkind guy…with a facility for condescension which I’m sure you feel perfectly pleased to justify, as you just did, as so many are beneath ‘your’…level. 😉


O/T Two more links re the brexit mess.

link to

link to


ayeMail is Going Postal

They’re a very important arm of our fighting operations and they need our help to expand and get other projects up and running.

Please donate if you can because every penny matters:
link to


Can’t really argue with Iain Macwhirter, Brexit has made the 2014 Independence referendum null and void.

Grouse Beater

K1: “you pursue him like a man possessed ‘at times’.”

You tried that line before and it didn’t work then. Breeks hasn’t altered the way he presents his opinion, but I wish him well.

Have a pleasant day.


Torrance adopts, yet again , the ‘this is how I see it, this is how I want it to be and therefore this is how it is’ principle in one of his many rants of yoon infested fiction regularly serialised courtesy of yoon infested newspaper.

Or to put it another way maybe he’s just another big lying yoon Trolling f**cker feeding other yoon trolling f**kers courtesy of a yoon trolling f**cking rag masquerading as a newspaper.


Poison Radio 2 has just reported the pound has bombed to a 30 year low against the dollar, but rejoice! Its been good for exports and share prices.

Slump caused by one or two lips beginning to wobble about the “real” Brexit.

That isn’t a typo, that is 31 year low against the dollar, aye those heady days of 1985 back when Maggie was smashing the Miners and Scotland’s heavy industries, and squandering Scotland’s oil. And let’s not forget the Brixton riots. Pound in your pocket is now worth less than it was then. And Brexit still hasn’t happened.

It’s such good news, Westminster has abandoned plans to pay off the deficit. Plan now is to stick it all on Visa and it’ll be fine.

Want to know a secret? What is happening to England is what I thought would happen to England, but in the aftermath of Scotland leaving the UK and taking its assets with it leaving behind a house of cards for the English economy. I hoped we would be clear of it all before it caught in the breeze. It was a fear if you like, because I quite like England, and for a second thing, I didn’t want Scottish independence to be blamed for millennia as the straw that broke the English camels back.

In Brexit, the English have acted like the proverbial turkeys voting for Christmas, and we must stand apart from the madness for the sake of our country. Instead of blaming Scotland for causing this, the landscape is entirely different, and the English now cannot blame Scotland for looking out for our own interests. They have brought it on themselves, and don’t really know what “it” is.

If you cannot see that Mr Unionist, you are so blind that I would take your vote from you and give it to a child, who we must all hope can be more responsible and self aware about their future than you are.


For some reason the link in my previous post is not working.
Try again!–4#/


You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would say that Iain Macwhirter would like Scotland to be Independent.


@ Stoker

When I clicked your link to the indiegogo fundraiser, I was told it was invalid. Google led me to the correct page, and at first I couldn’t see what was different about the URL, but I’ve now noticed it has an extra dash in front of the 4:–4#/

(I’ll post this and then check the link works.)


@ Stoker

Cross post! You were making the same discovery as I was, at the same time, but all is now well.

Grouse Beater

Breeks: “In Brexit, the English have acted like the proverbial turkeys voting for Christmas”

Gibraltarians are about as feverishly British nationalist as anybody can be. Unsurprisingly they voted by 88% to remain with Europeans.

They walk about wearing Union Jack T-shirts, praising Thatcher and her legacy. (I almost exaggerate!) It’s like a colony of Tories and blue Meanies. However…

They’re livid their British government has effectively dumped them. And you’ll note not a single Tory speaking at the conference mentions Gibraltar.

How’s that for indifference and betrayal?


@ Stoker again

The extra dash, which I can see when I have the page open, disappears when the link is pasted here! So it looks as if I’m talking nonsense. The second link does work though.



Confirmed! All’s Well!

Andrew McLean

One_Scot says: Iain Macwhirter would like Scotland to be Independent.

Yes, but he wavers. Probably due to the hostile atmosphere towards the SNP in the Herald staff room.


I note that George Freeman MP has proposed that at least part of EU farming subsidies should be re-directed to the NHS (the English one presumably). He is described in the Torygraph as an adviser to Teresa.

Scottish farmers are already being cheated of extra money paid by the EU on their behalf, but retained in England. Resulting in Scotland’s subsidy level being well down the scale compared with many continental countries.

So here we have an extra whammy from the Brexiteers, no need to explain how marginal the profits are in Scottish farming.
Perhaps Torrance will gloatingly report this in media read by the rural community and cause a mass conversion to YES.

Of course both agriculture and health are devolved, but they rely on the Barnett. Less in the pot is less to go round.

CameronB Brodie

This dehistoricisation and universality that underpins unionism is really beginning to nip my bits.

@ Angry Walnut
If iconoclasm is the result of a systematic dehistoricising of religious art in the name of an alleged universality, or equality, does that make your yoon purpose ‘the destruction of a viable Scottish national identity’ in the belief that Britain is “One Nation”? Or are your motives purely banausic? Not that I’m interested like.

You’re even less cool than that Duncan H. That’s some achievement dude.


That’s an interesting article in the Irish Times by Alex Salmond, I wonder if he’s been given space in any part of the UK media to make the same points?

Or even just the Scottish media?

Grouse Beater

Clapper: “Or to put it another way maybe he’s just another big lying yoon Trolling f**cker feeding other yoon trolling f**kers courtesy of a yoon trolling f**cking rag masquerading as a newspaper.”

🙂 Some days that’s all one feels, that and scream!


OT, does anyone know what the current state of affairs is in Northern Ireland? Are they heading for their own reunification or independence as a result if so what are the possible consequences for the average Scottish citrus fruit fan who’s loyalty to the Union seems tied into the fate of NI?


“Details of work to keep Scotland in the European Union published

THE EXPERTS investigating how best to protect Scotland’s relationship with Europe have published details of their early progress. ”

Looks like they have a long way to go! Still, without clear WM objectives, there are huge numbers of unknowns.

IMO there will only be one viable conclusion – leave the UK.

link to

Dan Huil

@JaceF 12:21pm

Can’t say for definite but it seems to me the so-called united kingdom is collapsing on all fronts, Northern Ireland included.


Fascinating tae see, Cameron, Broon, Darling gaun fur mair messages. Milaband wae Clegg, hingin in.

Whaur wull scowlin Mr. Torrance bae ett, twaw years fae noo? Whin anithurr Scoattish Independence referendum, wull shairlie bae run.

Grouse Beater

Joannie: “There’s an interesting article in the Irish Times by Alex Salmond”

Thanks for the heads up, Joannie. I find Irish commentary on UK politics enlightening for the Irish have no respect for British ambition or colonialism.

Here’s an interesting paragraph from Salmond’s article:

“I knew that much depended on style. The administration had to look like it was in charge, even when it was not. As much as possible had to be achieved by the executive power of the Scottish government, while parliamentary legislation required a consensual, popular and limited approach.

Over one weekend in summer 2007 I changed the name of the administration from the “Scottish executive” to the “Scottish government” by the simple expedient of having all the signs repainted. This was symbolically important in underpinning the government’s authority. In the absence of a majority it is important to govern with panache.”

Alex Salmond. October 2016


I ‘didn’t try that line’ before nor ‘did I try that line’ above…you’re unkind GB and are now once ‘again’ attempting to re write the history of what I actually outlined in the ‘before’ you are referring to. My observations were just as ‘valid’ then as they are now, they do not require your ‘approval’. Your ‘disapproval’ does not invalidate them either.

Why would Breeks alter his opinion?

Your pursuance of him was based on you being unable to ‘grasp’ what he was ‘on about’. That he wasn’t ‘making sense’ to ‘you’. You were unkind, ungracious and very condescending in the whole manner of your approach because of your own frustration. You made it ‘personal’, as if it was ‘his’ fault that you couldn’t grasp what he was articulating.

You disagree with that ‘characterisation’ of course! Does not make it any the less ‘valid’ an observation.

Oh, you have a ‘pleasant’ day too GB, I say it with ‘sincerity’ whereas yours was a ‘dismissal’.

*backs away…slowly and wonders, can he take any kind of genuine criticism?*

Dr Jim

Scottish Yoons screaming at the SNP “Tell us what the Scottish budget will be” SNP says “We dont know till the UK treasury tells us” Scottish Yoons say “Make some figures up”
SNP says “NAW” Scottish Yoons say ” But we want to critisise your made up numbers now”



There is no way that WM will allow Scotland any special relationship with the EU. Even if the EU agreed and a workable solution was offered. No No No No: The UK is going down, and they are determined to take us with them. I think Nicola well knows this, but she has to play along for the time being. For the benefit of the soft NO’s, all eforts must be seen to be made, to the point pf exhuastion, even if they are unsuccessful.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Clapper57 says at 11:54 am

“Torrance adopts, yet again , the ‘this is how I see it, this is how I want it to be and therefore this is how it is’ principle”

And like all Yoons (especially those in their Unionist/Westminster bubble) he cannot (or possibly will not) understand that we do not agree with his version of “this is how it is”, doff our caps (Tam o’ Shanters etc.), get back in our tartan Jock box and eat our cereal.

The political landscape in Scotland will never be the way it was pre IndyRef1 just because Torrance wants it to to be.

Especially due to the lies and threats of Project Fear, followed by the betrayal that was The Scotland Act 2016, not to mention EVEL).

If Wee Davie T can’t accept that fact then he should just close his eyes, put his fingers in his ears and repeatedly say “La, La, La, I can’t hear you” rather than try to persuade others that his version of History is the correct one.


Does anyone have a form where I can apply to be a second class citizen in England’s local colonies?

Torrance is an out and out disgrace to Scotland, Human rights, and journalism.

Does the Rag he writes for allow for corrections to blatant lies printed as facts?

Do they have a web site were all comments are retained, even when they prove them to be Tory Unionist propaganda?

Torrance could be stupid, and he could be lazy, but I think he just like the wages of sin received for being
a Unionist Lap Dog.

All of the above makes him a prime target to become a Lord
over us.
He could have a wee nap next to Mi’Lady Moan and Grown in the House of Lords.

Do they need to replace the heating system in the HoL?
We provide them with Ermine Robes and subsidised hot meals. That should keep them warm while they endorse the austerity cuts on our pensioners and disabled citizens.

Brian Powell


I’m assuming they didn’t mention that imports would go up in price, and that we import more than export?

Robert Louis

I have just been watching a protion of the Tory Home Secretary’s speech at the Tory conference, and honestly, I felt like weeping. Watch it, and just listen to the harsh aggressive, Britain is fantastic, rhetoric. Endless, endless criticism of immigrants and immigration, talk of clamping down on this that and everything.

Seriously, that speech is like something created for a movie, set in a dystopian future ruled by neo-fascists and right wing extremists. I ask in all seriousness, what is becoming of England? My god, these are scary times.


“Brexit could have ‘catastrophic effect on peace process’, court told

Lawyer says Belfast Agreement gives North a ‘veto’ over any constitutional change to its status”

The Tories live a wee world of their own. It’s called England. There is a world beyond.

link to


£ falling. Imports will cost more putting prices up. Importing more from the EU I s a reason to stay in not out. Or higher tarriffs and prices.

The Tories have tried to destroy the Oil sector from 2011 Budget when Osbourne put Oil taxes up 11% (£2Billion) to 80%. Taxing the sector at 80% to 60% when the price had fallen 75%. Losing £Billions and thousands of jobs in Scotland. The tax is now 40% from Jan 2016.

Fracked untaxed Gas is now being imported from the US. Against the majority interest and the public interest. More Oil & Gas is being imported putting up the balance of payments deficit and the debt. The Tories are ruining the world economy.


@JaceF – the state of affairs in NI is that Unionists have yet to take their heads out of the sand and realise what Brexit really means for their wee country, Sinn Féin want a border poll now and the rest of nationalist Ireland is waiting…like a cat watching a mouse hole.

One thing that would speed things up greatly is if Scotland goes independent, so fingers crossed that will happen before we’re all very much older.

Graeme Doig

BBC at the wind up again. James Dornan more or less kept cool under pressure from JB over the Scottish budget timetable.

Then we have the daily Scottish put down from mundell. Unchallenged of course.

This brexit vote has given the whole uk establishment the green light for a full on yoontastic assault.


Robert Louis says:

“… speech is like something created for a movie, set in a dystopian future ruled by neo-fascists and right wing extremists. I ask in all seriousness, what is becoming of England?”

There are many aspects of that country and its people I like. I lived there for a year. For the most part, it has much better weather than Scotland. And I do like my ale warm.

It fills me with sadness the way it is going. While many down south are just as horrified at events as we are, it has to be remembered that at the general election over half of England’s voters chose very right wing parties. And, they did vote for suicidal Brexit.

So what we see is their own doing. It is not being forced on an unwilling population by politicians with no mandate. That is what is happening to Scotland!

Grouse Beater

K1: “Why would Breeks alter his opinion?”

Why would he indeed? I don’t expect Breeks to alter his opinion because that isn’t my intention in remarking about his prose style. I ask for clarity of opinion.


Big Jock

Whether who said what and to whom is irrelevant. The United Kingdom was formed as an equal union. If Torrance is now saying which I suspect he is. That the United Kingdom is not an equal partnership. Then why would he want his country to stay inside a lopsided bottom heavy union, where Scotland has no voice.

If I was selling worms and my partner was selling slugs, but my business partner was keeping 90% of the profits from both sales. Then giving me peace meal scraps of 10% and then telling me to shut up. I would be dissolving the partnership immediately.

In other words , what is the point in the UK for Scotland.


I’m sure I heard the equal partners slogan parroted out by quite a few on tv and online.


‘Breeks hasn’t altered the way he presents his opinion, but I wish him well.’

This is the only reason I questioned this in my response to you. You brought it up.

I see you have chosen to ‘ignore’ my other observations.

His opinions have been clear, you have not asked ‘for clarity of opinion’. You pursued him on this ‘prose’ issue as ‘you’ term it in the manner I have described. That’s my point GB: You made it personal, were unkind and condescending.

*wondering over…*


Grouse Beater

First rate article from Macwhirter in the Herald:

“Brexit will reassert UK sovereignty in the most dramatic way by stripping the Scottish people of the protections of EU law they have enjoyed for 43 years.”


Graeme Doig

Newsnight to be fair to it went for the Tories last night and it was funny when the young on-conference Reporter was asking Tory MPs to explain terms such as Single Market etc

Cue a flubbering Mundell “Well Yes, of course I could tell you..but I wont as theres more important things to do just now and its is a waste of time as you already know anyhows”

Reporter “No I really don’t!”

To be fair that was topped with an old Tory asking “Can we talk about elephants?”


I hope we are not bullying young David with facts here 😉

They can try to rewrite history all they want. However, they are rather inconvenienced by the written record and the fact that we will not let that record lay undisturbed.

The attempt to say that Brexit was on the cards if we voted No is a bare faced lie. We were told the opposite and Cameron believed himself when he said so because he fully expected to be tied to another coalition. We were told we were a union of equals too and that was why we were Better Together. Who would want an unequal union?

Going forward it looks like the message is “Hard Brexit and an unequal union…like it or lump it”. I think we need to take a vote on that.


NI’s first minister Arlene Foster telling us on the lunchtime news that the Union has never been stronger and Mrs May sees Northern Ireland as a top priority.

Its like watching Comical Ali.


@Rev: Gah! Well done. Have edited in a link 🙂

You didn’t have to, but I appreciate that you did. 🙂

@Big Jock: Whether who said what and to whom is irrelevant. The United Kingdom was formed as an equal union. If Torrance is now saying which I suspect he is. That the United Kingdom is not an equal partnership. Then why would he want his country to stay inside a lopsided bottom heavy union, where Scotland has no voice.

The “equal union” thing was always a rhetorical sop to the Scottish Parliamentarians who signed the Treaty of Union, as part of the deal to salve their impoverished personal wealth, under the delusion that Scotland & England (which incorporated Wales at the time) would be treated equitably. It didn’t take long for those fine words to be proven largely meaningless in terms of actual policy.

300 years later, nothing has changed. Plenty of huff and puff about “union of equals,” “equal partnerships,” and “family of nations,” but precious little evidence. Mr Torrance was, in a roundabout way, actually more accurate than perhaps he intended – that the union is not, in fact, an equal partnership. The problem? The people in power – MPs, Lords, Party Leaders, Secretaries of State to Scotland, Home Secretaries, all the way up to Prime Ministers, were saying otherwise.

If the establishment did not perpetuate the notion that Scotland was a “full and equal partner,” we would’ve been independent long ago. This, I think, is a key facet in British propaganda. Ireland, the Commonwealth, the Colonies: they may have been British, but they were never *Britain.* Scotland occupied a special position as a nation of the British Isles – it was easy to convince the Scots that they “get a good deal” compared to openly conquered nations.

We can’t forget the sheer existential threat Scottish Independence presents to the British Establishment, regardless of the ignorant splutterings of oafish politicians and chauvinistic newspapers.


A neat bit of perspective from the former Bank of England rate-setter David Blanchflower – “Mark Carney is now the only adult left in the room.”

link to


Saw Anna Soubry being interviewed this morning at the ToryParty Conference. A woman to whom I am warming!
She said Boris was a liar and the perpetrator of the biggest con trick in the party history.
Not our Ruthie though. She (who said Brexit was a disaster for Scoland) now says it is just wonderful, and we are all in it together and we will leave together and make it work.
What a hypocrite!
As for Mundell. A shameful cringer. Who votes for a creep like that!?

call me dave

I saw the headline in the Daily Fail? this morning as I was going to work just in and read this.

Tories accused of ‘voodoo maths’ after bungled attack on SNP spending

link to

‘Man flu’ off to bed! …. too much porridge 🙂


It is all very well being able to refute the lies, threats and general propaganda excreted over us by our colonial masters but for as long as they control near 100% of the broadcast and print media the problem is how to get the message over to the electorate at large.

Much hot air has been generated over the prospect of a Scottish 6 but even if is given the go-ahead – without a clear out of the unionist lackeys who call the tune at PQ – it would just be an extra 30 minutes of the rubbish we currently get.

However, an opportunity for progress exists due to the impending cancellation of the unlamented Scotland 20xx.

What I would propose should be campaigned for is something along the following lines to replace the 4×30 minutes each week given to Scotland 20xx:-

Every week (but not necessarily running against UK QT) a full hour Scottish Question Time. I wouldn’t even be worried if it was only one SNP panel member versus the rest because we have so much quality they would be more than capable of handling themselves. The panel could contain both MPs and MSPs.

Similarly every week that Holyrood is sitting – a full hour covering FMQs with a post mortem debate between media types. There would, of course, have to be balance between said media types which might mean including bloggers such as Rev. Stu, G.Ponsonby and The Dug.

Currently the monthly WM Scottish Questions is repeated late evening – I would extend this coverage to an hour with a post mortem debate as above.

If the BBC can’t be persuaded to comply with the above is there any reason why STV couldn’t pick up the baton – do the BBC have exclusive rights to show PMQs and FMQs?

How about a weekly alternative QT or just a debate between Bloggers and Dead Tree Scrollers. I’m sure something along the lines of Rev. Stu, The Dug and Ponsonby versus Cockers, Torrance and any number of possible Tractor Journos.

Robert Graham

Fluffy at the Tory propaganda festival, The SNP doesn’t have a Devine right to rule, Well f/me I must have missed the last few elections, Fluffy with a majority of just over 800 and the only Tory MP in the whole of Scotland hopes and is preying for a different Eletorate , tough shit pal it ain’t going to happen anytime soon, Do these Tories inhabit some kind of parallel universe, that was a rhetorical question by the way.


Last sentence should finish ‘could open a few eyes and minds apart from being fun viewing’


Top headline’s in the Guardian:

Rudd announces curbs on migrants coming to UK to work or study

Jeremy Hunt accused of devaluing contribution of foreign doctors to UK

Theresa May says Britain will not be ‘a supplicant’ to EU in Brexit talks

It’s all gotten very blood and soil nationalism…innit.


Joannie says:

4 October, 2016 at 12:16 pm

That’s an interesting article in the Irish Times by Alex Salmond, I wonder if he’s been given space in any part of the UK media to make the same points?

Or even just the Scottish media?

Do you have a link to this article?

Jack Collatin

smallaxe @9.20
I’ve moved into their top twenty sedition list !
I am not worthy.
I await the 4 a.m. knock on the door by the thought police.
My worst fear in Room 101?
Having my eyes pinned open and forced to watch Saturday night TV.
No! No ! do it to smallaxe! Do it to him! I love Big Brother ! Hate is love!
I’m going to get kicked off the site now, Billy.
Live well, my man.


Here’s a link to the Alex Salmond article in the Irish Times…

link to



All Ulster brings to the Westminster table is some unionist MPs a wee bit of ground and potentionaly lots of trouble and expense. along with a back door for immigrants to infiltrate the Great White Queens hallowed homeland. So no great loss, a plus if anything, they can go, let Ireland have the bother.
Scotland now they have oodles of resources and a pretty uneducated unionist class who demand to have their wealth plundered cause they are to wee, poor, stupid. And ENGERLAND neads their resources to keep their heads above water. The daft jocks won’t understand but they will do as they are told, like what they’ve done for 300 years. Just like shooting fish in a barrel.
ENGERLAND now has hard borders and again has catched Scotland.


Fireproofjim says:

4 October, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Saw Anna Soubry being interviewed this morning at the ToryParty Conference. A woman to whom I am warming!
She said Boris was a liar and the perpetrator of the biggest con trick in the party history.
Not our Ruthie though. She (who said Brexit was a disaster for Scoland) now says it is just wonderful, and we are all in it together and we will leave together and make it work.
What a hypocrite!

Mmmmm, makes you wonder what Ruthie has been promised for this sudden bout of good, anti-Scottish behaviour. A few nudges and winks have been made at the Tory conference, methinks. What was promised for this u-turn? Must be something substantial.

Buffalos (and tanks for that matter) are not exactly the most manouverable of beasts. 🙂

What’s in it fer ye, Ruthie?

Dr Jim

Spanish foreign minister demands the UK Guv pay up for 300.000 British immigrants ongoing health care (Average age 51 years)

The UK Guv likes to call British immigrants Expats

You know the ones who wont learn Spanish and expect to be spoken to in English (Damn foreigners in their own country not learning English eh)

Robert Louis

That is a very interesting article by Alex Salmond. The last few paragraphs in particular demand attention, worthy of a slow read and consideration. I quote them below;

“..No man and indeed no woman can set a boundary on the march of an nation and no Westminster politician ever shall.

I have no doubt my successor, Nicola Sturgeon, will soon propose an initiative which discharges her mandate to protect Scotland’s position as a European nation. She will do so on the basis that if this is accepted then further gains will be made. If it is not it will make Scotland’s choices ever clearer.

Or as Parnell put it quite explicitly at the end of that address in the Cork Opera House all of these years ago: “We shall not do anything to hinder or prevent better people who may come after us from gaining better things than those for which we now contend.”

Source : link to


If I understand this right here we have another *YAWN* Tory with another *YAWN* attack on pensions.

link to

Grouse Beater

Dr Jim: “Spanish foreign minister demands the UK Guv pay up for 300.000 British immigrants ongoing health care (average age 51 years).”

Hoo haar! And so it begins…

(Got a link, Jim?)

Proud Cybernat

Bricking it…

link to

Dr Jim

@Grouse Beater… Spanish Foeign Minister

Can’t do the linky thing but @John Nicolson MP Twitter

Plus just in RTE News says Northern Ireland has a legal veto over Brexit but doesn’t say whether they intend to exercise it or not

James robb

Torrance is the epitomy of Jon Cleese comments about the majority of Scottish journalsits


Hi folks,

I know we’ve asked a lot of you already this year, but the Tories are going for rock hard Brexit and already we’re seeing them wanting to kick out our precious NHS staff. Please, give us what you can. In return, we’ll put 100,000 Yes cards, 20,000 EU/Yes badges, and 5,000 Yes window stickers straight into the hands of Yes groups all over the country. We also want the groups to start filming their own stories so we can post them along side the fabulous PERSPECTIVE series from Phantom Power Films. And finally, we want to give Ronnie’s “Wings” stall a big boost so that he can continue his valuable outreach work.

Every penny counts! Thank you.–4/x/6905220#/


Jack Collatin at 8.59am says

“We are being strangled to death by a lying MSM.
Is it a Masonic or a KSC thing? Or a Better Together alliance of them both?”

You’ve lost me, Jack. Please explain.


Grouse Beater

links are on previous thread

link to

Dr Jim

News coming in like a runaway train today

IMF Downgrades the UK forecast

IMF “Raises” the Eurozone forecast in the wake of Theresa Mays speech

At this rate the UK will be like something out of a Dickensian Novel by the end of the week, I’m sending the next kid I see out for the biggest turkey in the shop

(and keeping it)

Grouse Beater

Nana: “Grousebeater, links are on previous thread”

Thanks, Nana.


Talking of white wash I noticed the call KAYE this morning was painting John Cleese as making a comment about all Scots when in fact he was targeting unionists Scots in England seeking favour
Naught naughty KAYE
We know your game

ben madigan

haven’t had time to read all the comments but want to draw your attention to a masterly rebuttal of torrance’s claims link to


” jimnarlene says:
4 October, 2016 at 7:19 am

If anyone fitted John Cleese’s retainer description, it’s Torrance.”

Old Torrance the hairy retainer

Sir Henry at Rawlinson End


Ye see what I like about that Irish Times piece is that although it is in the Opinion section of the ‘paper’ it is not some ‘pundit’ interpreting what Alex said, it is in fact his entire speech unadulterated by a hack, by the look of it.

What I find utterly disdainful is the arrogance of inferior intellect’s in the Herald et al ‘interpreting’ and ‘spinning’ what our politicians say. They are nothing more than propagandists with their own (masters) agenda writ large throughout.

The Irish Times is to be commended for affording their readers the benefit of the doubt of having brains capable of understanding what is being conveyed without the need of a ‘translator’. Good speech Alex.



Yesterday Alex spoke to John Purcell KCLR radio, you can listen here

link to

Grouse Beater

Click Bait

K1: “the arrogance of inferior intellect’s in the Herald”


Before indyref there was a bill going through parliament re national service which I believe did not progress, well guess what here’s the new idea from fool fallon

link to

Tinto Chiel

Two stinging rebukes to Tank Top Boy: great work by Rev. and Taranaich.

Since this site is really the Caledonian Brains Trust I offer you this weird scenario for consideration under the question. “Could it happen ‘cos the Tories are definitely up to something?”

Theresa Mayhem knows the economy is about to crash (see today’s fluctuations) and it will get so much worse after she pushes the Brexit Button.

So, she goes for an early election (some stuff about wanting a mandate to negotiate a great deal for Britain with the EU) to give her a much bigger majority over Labour before the roof falls in once the disaster of Brexit is realised or felt by the electorate.

But, I hear you say, she needs a 2/3rds majority to vote for an early election. Yes, but the Blairites would love to see Corbyn humiliated so they can retake control afterwards and so they may vote accordingly. Corbyn himself has been telling them to prepare for an election next year and crazily seems to want one.

In a GE the SNP might even lose few seats (cries of “they have peaked, the nightmare is over” from Yoons) and it would perhaps interfere with planning for Indyref2 by vile cyber-seps.

What if the FM slaps down her Joker and simply says that Scotland’s voice has been ignored following the EU referendum and that a vote for the SNP in the election will be a mandate to end the Union and wave cheerio to HMS England before she meets the iceberg?

Advantage: no long Indy campaign, no mess, no fuss, been nice knowing you, etc…..

Could this happen, pop-pickers?

Could it?


Special relationship
Partnership of equals
The cheque is in the post
Of course I love you
You all know the last one.

Still Positive.

Tinto Chiel @ 3.55

It would be great but I think that has to be voted for at conference – although they could email/letter all members to change it.

Nana @ 3.45

Are they trying to stir up a powderkeg? Army cadets in state schools in predominantly Muslim areas. Ex- soldiers suffering from PTSD will go down a storm in prisons.

Will they ever learn?


Folks, this is going to get nasty. Teresa May’s gollumesque harping on about her “precioussssss” union really freaks me out. This is the woman that would not think twice about pushing the nuke button, remember. We are threatening her “preciousssssss” union and she will be coming after us big time.

This one fights dirty (even by yoon standards). Brace yourselves. 🙁


Torrance is by all accounts a sad lickspittle, his purposely adopted amnesiac stance, is common in unionist compadors, belonging to the press in general.

Is it any wonder that Torrance, is considered, a anathema, in certain quarters.

Iain More


So the Brit Peso is on the slide again but even the National cant report general economic news correctly. It is highly misleading to suggest that the Brit Pesos slide benefits the Thieving London Stock Exchange. What it does do is benefit shareholders in Companies that trade/report in Yankee dollars/ Euros etc or any other currency that has strengthened against the Brit Peso.

Oh and as for its slide benefiting exporters well doh on that one as the Companies have to export more just to derive the same effin income they had before it hit the rocks. They have to export more to stand still from an income point of view! DOH!!!!!


“Poison Radio 2 has just reported the pound has bombed to a 30 year low against the dollar, but rejoice! Its been good for exports and share prices.”

Did they mention that the UK is a net importer.?!


Lest face it, Torrance and his fellow massed ranks of tory liars are merely protecting an elite class and their super rich masters. Its all that the red and blue tories really know now. Bomber Blair and Crash Gordo brought endless war and debt but creeps like Torrance or BBC Scotland are just a small part of Snatcher Thatcher’s legacy.

Out of the mouths of babes,

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker

Nana says at 3:45 pm

Aye Nana, get them while they are young and impressionable and give them a hefty dose of God, Queen & Country and swearing allegiance to the Flag etc.

No doubt Fallon (et al) think that’ll nip those terrorist/separatist sympathy’s in the bud.

Tinto Chiel says at 3:55 pm

The only way the Tories can dodge the Brexit bullet and save face (and their investments) is to have a GE which they either lose or are forced into a coalition (either way it will be a 2nd EU Ref. or the new Govt. refuses to honour the result/trigger Article 50.

Worst case with an early GE is UKIP take a load of seats and are the coalition partner (then they’d be back where we are now, just heading into the abyss at a quicker pace).

Lovin’ the “Caledonian Brains Trust” 🙂

John H.

Listening to extracts of the tory party speeches on the car radio today, I couldn’t help wondering what symbol they’ll expect immigrants to wear on their clothing. The Star of David is already taken.


Just had a thought about the Tank when she is quoted as having said this.

I’m delighted we have such spectacular surroundings,” said Ms Davidson.

“Usually they put the Scots in a place where nothing can be broken. Or stolen for that matter!”

As she is keen to be FM would it be wise to let her stay in Bute house as there must be some valuable stuff there and the temptation to maybe steal them would tempting as we Scots are all thief’s according to her.

Robert Peffers

Ignoring everything else and just considering the actual present setup of the Westminster Establishment is more than amply proof that this union, which incidentally is described by its title as NOT being either a country nor a union of countries.

It was originally legally entitled in 1706/7, “The United Kingdom of Great Britain”, and here is the actual text from the introduction from that Act of The Parliament of the Kingdom of England:-

“That the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England shall upon the first day of May next ensuing the date hereof and forever after be United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain And that the Ensigns Armorial of the said United Kingdom be such as Her Majesty shall appoint and the Crosses of St Andrew and St George be conjoined in such manner as Her Majesty shall think fit and used in all Flags Banners Standards and Ensigns both at Sea and Land “

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that there are legally only two partner kingdom who signed that Treaty of Union and each one produced their own, “Act of Union”.

Nor is their the slightest doubt that both Wales & Ireland were already part of that Kingdom of England. See:- “The Statute of Rhuddlan”, 1284:-

link to

This Statute under both the English and Welsh laws of 1284, (the Divine Right of Kings), legally annexed the Principality of Wales as part of the Kingdom of England.

To date the first male heir to the English crown becomes the Prince of Wales.

The Irish Parliament, in 1542, passed, “The Crown of Ireland Act”, that legally made Ireland part of the Kingdom of England, (also under the then English and Irish, “Divine Right Of Kings”, legal system.

link to

The historic background being that the King of England had defeated the King of Ireland and declared himself, “Lord of Ireland”, with the King of Ireland owing him fealty.

However the Irish proved to be a thorn in his side so he forced the Parliament of Ireland to pass the act thus annexing Ireland to the Kingdom of England.

Historically the law of that Kingdom of England only partially changed the laws of, “Devine Right of Kings”, by the English Parliament’s, “Glorious Revolution”, of 1688: –

link to

They did not, as would seem logical, become a republic.

Instead, due to legal precedence under existing English law that states, (I paraphrase), “A sovereign, simply by being sovereign, cannot give up the kingdom’s sovereignty”, they can only abdicate their personal sovereignty and thus the sovereignty of the kingdom immediately passes to the, next in line to the throne, royal personage).

What they did was only offer the crown to William & Mary if they agreed to delegate forever their sovereignty, (Divine Right), to the parliament of the Kingdom of England. That made the three country Kingdom of England, “A Constitutional Monarchy”, and it remains so today.

However, in 1603, when James VI of Scotland inherited the crown of the Kingdom of England the English Parliament was in a great deal of bother. He was the child of a marriage of convenience designed, by the English, to work the opposite way round.

That is the marriage was meant to acquire Scotland as part of the Kingdom of England and indeed the Westminster Establishment still refers, wrongly, to 1603 as The Union of The Crowns.

Trouble was that as James VI was not, (under Scots law), sovereign, (The Scots having successfully internationally established by, “The Declaration of Arbroath”, (in English) :-

link to

… that not only was the Kingdom of Scotland an independent Kingdom but that the People of Scotland were legally recognised as Sovereign and they could legally drive out any monarch who they considered not to be an effective protector of the people’s sovereignty.

Simply put James VI could not establish the Westminster Establishment’s dream of a United Kingdom of all Britain called The Kingdom of England. He could not even legally, (under English Divine Right), annex the rest of Britain as the Kingdom of Scotland. He did not have sovereignty over Scotland to begin with.

So it was that the English Parliament deposed the monarch that wore both kingdom’s crowns and established what they claimed was the new Monarchy of Britain.

Their problem, which they have ever since ignored, was that in 1688, and again in 1706/7 there WAS no monarchy of all Britain which was why they forced the Treaty of Union upon Scotland in the first place but they called the Jacobite uprising against that English Monarchy a Jacobite Rebellion.

You cannot, though, rebel against a Monarchy not your own. Which was why, almost 40 years after the Treaty of Union was signed, Butcher Cumberland was slaughtering innocent, non-combatant women and children, across the Highland’s of Scotland after the Battle of Culloden Moor, in 1745:-

link to

So there you have it, this claim that there is an equal United Kingdom has been getting lies about by Westminster since long before the present crop of liars to now hold office in, (the corrupt as ever), “Westminster Establishment”.


Rancid’s rolling tory conference coverage, toryboy’s throwing petrol on the UKOK xenophobe fire. Its exactly what they’ll do to Scotland as the next and last referendum gets near.

Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
Amber Rudd pledges to prevent migrants ‘taking jobs British people could do’ – Politics live

mike cassidy

Maybe this is what they mean by a strong UK retaking its place in the world.

link to


Fluffy governor general – the sole tory MP tells Scotland we will engage with you but you will do as your are told and follow England. No dissent, no discussion, no respect for the people.


Robert Louis

Any so-called ‘journalist’ who counters the falling pound with, ‘ah, but the FTSE is at a record high’ should be sacked immediately. The ONLY reason share prices (some) (and therefore the FTSE) are so high is entirely due to the currency movements, and NOT because their is some kind of positive business sentiment in response to the full English brexit disaster. i.e you get more pounds to the USD.

Jeez, this country’s media, FFS.


David Torrances clearly false and revisionist writing outs him for the fifth columnist he is and he should be titled as such at every occasion.

Wretches like him should be shunned. Other European countries do not promote or quietly suffer the enemies within such as he. Needs to be put back under the rock he slithered out from and kept there.


“Usually they put the Scots in a place where nothing can be broken. Or stolen for that matter!”

Thieving jocks is a well worn English slander. Jeremy Paxman’s doing a BBC 4 ode to merry olde England thing, mainly about London but last night he held up the painting below as wondrous Victorian English mise en scène.

Paxo’s in love with England and the English, the way only rich narcissist toryboys are but the great one focused a bit on young guys getting ripped off at the races in this painting. The crooks ripping them off are all Scots. Paxo didn’t mention that bit. Nor did he mention that the painter’s name is also a lovely Scottish word for breaking waves on the beach.

link to

Blair Paterson

I know of no other country in the world where it’s own people seem to delight in talking it down and telling lies about it all done with a smile on their faces .,because if they told the truth their arguments would not stand up and they know it

Blair Paterson

Sorry should have read some of its own people


So Scotland,

How does it feel to be a silent partner
in a household with crippling debt,
an ageing population and a spouse
who let’s his pals from the club
decide how much housekeeping you get?

Huh? You voted yes?
Not you…the other lot,
the cowardly part of Scotland.

Blair Paterson

Sorry should have read Some of its own peopleBl

Dr Jim

Andrea Leadsom reckons once they get rid of the nasty furriners unemployed British people should be sent into the fields to do the fruit picking
Kinda slightly at odds there with all that talk of upskilling the workforce

Of course once they issue us lazy workshy pensioners with so much time on our hands with boiler suits with the yellow patch on we can get the picking done

Well, you shouldn’t just get a pension for nothing you have to earn the right to claim it because the state pension for those who don’t know is being discussed for a reclassification to a “Benefit”

You paid in, but we’ve changed our minds about paying back
say the Tories, that’ll be the long term economic plan there

There are options available, Starvation, Winter pneumonia and lingering death, or will that just be the Euthanasia for today (with dignity of course, always caring)

Provost Sludden

I wonder what the Steptoe and Son of Scottish journalism (the Massies) would say about all this? And would anyone care?


Blair Paterson says:
4 October, 2016 at 5:25 pm
I know of no other country in the world where it’s own people seem to delight in talking it down and telling lies about it all done with a smile on their faces .,because if they told the truth their arguments would not stand up and they know it

Toryboys like Torrance or the assorted tory freak show that’s stuffed into Pacific Quay say its only save Scots from themselves, we’re too small, poor, stupid.

Did you know that:D

And of course we’ve got the remnants of SLabour, angry, entitled, forever running down Scotland, desperately trying to creep back in, with everything BBC Scotland have got. Its a UKOK madhouse of yoonery, sometimes international too.

Scott Arthur Retweeted
leah franchetti ?@LeahFranchetti 11h11 hours ago
Delays in diagnosis, wards and clinics understaffed, admin chaos – Scottish cancer patients describe their treatment


Robert Louis says:
4 October, 2016 at 5:08 pm
“”Any so-called ‘journalist’ who counters the falling pound with, ‘ah, but the FTSE is at a record high’ should be sacked immediately. The ONLY reason share prices (some) (and therefore the FTSE) are so high is entirely due to the currency movements, and NOT because their is some kind of positive business sentiment in response to the full English brexit disaster. i.e you get more pounds to the USD.

Jeez, this country’s media, FFS.””

In the immediate aftermath of the referendum vote all the talk in the media was of the Footsie 250 as being a better indicator of how the UK is doing. Now it is never mentioned and all talk is of the Footsie 100. Wonder why? Do they, the media, think it is better to talk about things going ‘up’ to make think all is well?

Even when they talk about the pound hitting a new low they can barely manage to put a figure to what that new low is. About half-an-hour ago the pound was at 1.274 to the dollar and 1.13 to the Euro.


The main reason the FTSE is on a high is government intervention. QE has been used since the 2010 to inflate asset prices and a new round has begun recently – a further 70Bn of debt bought by the Bank of England to increase the wealth of the rich and transfer wealth from the rest of us.


How long before the British slaves unemployed that refuse to pick fruit have their benefits cut?

It’s coming, folks. You better believe it. It’s coming.

Jack Collatin

manandboy @3.01
I am at a loss to establish that which I have to explain.
I’ll hazard a guess, why not.
There is no doubt that there is an unspoken agenda permeating the newsrooms and studios of our MSM; a secret society, a Fifth Column, running through our institutions, companies, LA’s, and Newspapers and broadcasting, which is unquestionably pro Brit Unionism, and consider that because of their status, wealth, or position, that they can mount Project Fear, call on all the resources of the WM Government, and attack the Yes Movement with a vehement hatred and disdain for truth and justice.
A secret undercurrent, like the Masons of the Knights.
I’m assuming that members of these two fine, but secretive organisations are at the top of the house in Policing, the Judiciary, Finance, Unionist Parties, the Church, Land Owning Nobility, and so on.
I am getting lost here.
It is clear that there is a Fifth Column, in the most influential roles in our country, who will do anything to balk the Independence push.
I am sure that there are many tens of thousands of Masons, Knights, Buffaloes, Flat Earthers who are passionate Independence supporters, though.
I didn’t mean to hit a nerve honest.
We have a powerful Unionist hierarchy Up Here, that’s all I’m saying.


Did Andrea Leadsom get her ideas of the peasants into the fields and deportation of the educated furriners from Pol Pot. Aye these tollies never mis a trick. Ruth will enforce and Mumbell will do the propaganda for helping the condemned. To their proper place in a Tory world.


Every so often something is just so nasty, it goes too far.

“Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has accused the SNP of attempting to “get up the noses” of English people to help the cause of independence.”

… and that is coming from a Tory, of the Greater English National Party who have been getting up the noses of Scots for decades!

link to


link to

archive is not available at the moment

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Tinto Chiel

“Paxo’s in love with England and the English”

Which was why it was so delightful in “Who Do You Think You Are?” that he discovered his grandmother was a poor Glaswegian with an interesting social life.

I recall also he used to snigger that the handover on Newsnight to the Scottish opt-out section with “Just-To-Be-Clear” Brewer was sometimes botched to make BBC Scotland look amateur and second-rate.

At least Paxo got that bit right.


What I cannot fathom out for the life of me is that there are people who exist that are happy to sell Scotland down the river, even though they are knowingly pissed on by the very people they are trying to please.


Thanks for that, Jack. I appreciate the trouble you have taken to expand your original comments. I only hope that these circles of secrecy can be effectively legislated against in a new Scotland. I’m sure you would consider joining me in that regard. Cheers.


At least Paxo got that bit right.

He coined the term “Scottish Raj.” Britain run by the Scottish Raj is a pretty good slam, for Paxo. Did he ever thank us for overthrowing the Scottish Raj though? Probably not. BBC is stuffed with Britnat tories that know exactly what to say to camera and old Paxo’s eased off a bit on the imperial master baiter stuff lately. Cant think why.

Also that Frith Derby painting has a Scottish family, either on their knees, trying to entertain, or just bare foot, in front of rich English Victorians. Just out of view, a Scottish soldier. Paxo dodged that too.


Ah! The return of the Ars*hole in the carpet pattern tank top.
Scotland will NEVER forget. They can spin it whatever way they want, Tory will ALWAYS be Thatcher
Indy Ref 2,


One_Scot says:

“… happy to sell Scotland down the river, even though they are knowingly pissed on by the very people they are trying to please.”

Indeed. The great paradox of the proud-Scot-but.

I reckon deep down they see themselves as wannabe English. They would love to talk just like middle class English, eat like them, laugh at the same jokes as them. They read/listen/watch the London media and believe it refers to them.

Well we have news for them – they are just moaning sponging Sweaties like the rest of us when viewed by the decision making classes in London.

Bob Mack

Just hearing that a N Lanarkshire Labour Councillor has been charged with child pornography offences. He was a main opponent of the named person scheme and constantly backed up Neil Findlay on Facebook against its introduction. Now we know why.


Papadox says:
4 October, 2016 at 6:01 pm
“”Did Andrea Leadsom get her ideas of the peasants into the fields..””

It is the Tories’ plan for all those who do not go to Grammar School


galamcennalath says: 6:24PM

Spot on. When you sell your country out. There is a word for that. And it fits.


Michael Deacon in yesterdays Telegraph is a MUST read :
link to

BEFORE BREXIT, Hammond said:
“Hard-headed analysis shows that every alternative to remaining in a reformed EU would leave Britain weaker, less safe and worse off. Working people would pay the price with fewer jobs and rising prices… British businesses would be squeezed out of traditional markets… [Brexit would mean we] sacrifice jobs and growth… while our competitors forge ahead…”

During the EU referendum campaign, Mr Hammond became so convinced we should remain that opponents supposedly nicknamed him “europhil”.

Today, however, in his speech to Conservative party conference in Birmingham, this same man said the following.

“The British people did not vote on June 23 to become poorer or less secure… No one should be in any doubt that we have the skills, the ingenuity and the determination to make a success of Brexit… We ARE going to make a success of it… Our vibrant, successful economy will mean that when future generations look back on our decision in 2016 they will see not the end of an era but the beginning of a new age… A bigger, better, greater Britain…”