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Wings Over Scotland

Meet The Monsters

Posted on March 14, 2024 by

He’s the cuddly, lovable character all of Scotland’s talking about, but what do we really know about the Hate Monster? Where did he come from? What’s his backstory? Well, the diligent research team at Wings have been hard at work, and we’re thrilled to bring you this rare archive footage of not one but BOTH of his parents.

Both were in the arts. Here’s his mum, Ruda (originally from Eastern Europe, escaping to the West before the Iron Curtain came down) starring in a 1952 Bugs Bunny short:

And this is his dad, in one of several collaborations with the Scooby Doo team in 1976 under his former wrestling persona of The 10,000-Volt Ghost:

Our boy was born for the stage. No wonder he’s made such an impact.

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Garavelli Princip

You got it!


You’re a good man Stu
Let’s see what happens next


Christ Rev….Your investigative prowess knows no bounds.


I. Despair

I assumed the Hate Monster’s da was Shagger Yousless*… he’s been pumping everything else that’s available.

*All persons depicted in this motion picture are entirely imaginary and any resemblance to persons living or Yousless is entirely coincidental.

George Ferguson

Keep the ridicule high Stu. Remember the marketing campaign “The Future is Bright The Future is Orange”. 55 marketeers lay claim to be the originator of that campaign. I expect no marketeers will lay claim to the Hate Monster Campaign.


ma, da, grandad?

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love aint gonna save the world, I say give hate a chance, used wisely, mind

Matt Quinn

I’m unsure what all the fuss is about. The ‘Hate monster’ ad exactly reflects what the political animals running Police Scotland (and other public service ‘departments’ for that matter) and the Scottish Government generally, think is the general public’s intelligence and maturity level… in that sense, it is unremarkable.

Infantilised, uneducated, low-quality and born of croneyism… All SG output is pitched at a similar level. Which tells you one thing; they really do think we’re a country of halfwits that button up the back!

Watching politicos in action too-often reminds me of being about six or seven years of age, playing ‘shops and offices’ in the back close of the Glasgow Tenement I was born into.

Jeannie McCrimmon


Frank Gillougley

His ma his bra ‘n his da?


Those hate monsters look quite cool- so how come ours looks like a bellend?

President Xiden

Re the Salmond leak ‘enequiry’.

“A spokesman for COPFS told BBC Scotland News: “It is standard practice that any case regarding politicians is dealt with by prosecutors without the involvement of the Law Officers. All Scotland’s prosecutors act independently of political interference.
“We do not provide details of investigations. However, we confirm when police submit a standard prosecution report (SPR) for the purposes of consideration of a prosecution. No SPR was submitted for this police investigation.”

The Crown office are being disingenuous here. As it is standard practice in cases such as this, that the police only submit an SPR when instructed to do so by the a crown Office. Yet here they are, creating the impression that they did not proceed with a prosecution because no SPR was submitted by the police.

John Main

Shurely shome mishtake?

It’s 2024 FFS.

The HM must be living with two maws, or maybes two das.

And as for both his “parents” being the same red colour – you need to spend an evening watching the TV ads. That will educate you to the “reality” that in 2024, nearly every wean has parents of different colours.

Obvs the ones living next door to most of us don’t, but their parents are unenlightened neanderthals, still living in the discredited past.


I feel like there is another monster it was copied from but can’t put my finger on it.

If Ian Brotherhood is reading BTL still this is an interesting interview…

link to

Interesting to hear guys like this saying that the CIA was involved and that every president since has been essentially a ‘factotum’. (New word for me!)

I have followed this for years and I sensing a sea change here.

The Trump story on why he did not release the files is also very interesting.

It is really crazy what they have done. My whole life has been lived with these maniacs running amok throughout the world sewing misery and chaos.

It is time for it to end.

Instead we get fed utter shite like the Hate Monster, a deflection, total guff from cowards and incompetents.


I see police Scotland have dropped looking for the person who leaked the Salmond case to the record.
BBC fail to mention which civil servant was sleeping with the journalist at the tine.

What a totally useless bunch the senior ranks of police scotland are.

Stuart MacKay

I’m still a fan of the t-shirt idea. To get around any copyright difficulties, simply make it white – you can also leave out the pimples. This is what they should have done, but instead they decided to single out the Mohawk nation to equate with hate. Clumsy and probably counter-productive.

Extra points for anyone taking a selfie with a member of Scotland’s finest.

Mark Beggan

I think the hate monster is distantly related to the Redybrek kids.

Lorna Campbell

Oh, nice one, Rev. Ha, ha. Just the thing for a dreich morning.

Robert Hughes

When Gramsci , in his oft-quoted phrase wrote …..

” The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.” …..

even that brilliant thinker could not have imagined the freakish , malevolent form in which those ” monsters ” would manifest .

Could anyone have ?

Stephen King ? H.P Lovecraft ( Cthulhu Goes To Holyrood ) ? or , as ” Confused ” ( on the case , as ever ) rightly points to , should we look to the old Viennese Waltzer , Dr Siggy * Stardust * Freud & his Spiders from the Id for clues to the madness that has been dredged from the Hades of the Collective Unconscious and let loose on/in our defencelessly dozing Societies ?

The fact of that ad’s and the entire ” Ban Human Behaviour ” * project * being risible , infantile , intelligence-insulting bollocks doesn’t reduce it’s malign intent : it makes it more superficially innocuous and insidious .

I don’t think ridicule and scorn – alone , will be sufficient antidotes/cure for the poisoning of our Societies we’re witnessing . Something much more astringent will be necessary .

” Being kind ” ” showing understanding ” or any other appeasing platitude won’t cut it . Not this time .

The psychos promoting this shit & the shadowy * interests * behind them are ” all in ” with this War On Reality and have no intention of ” being kind ” or ” showing understanding ” to anyone/thing that opposes them .

They will give No Quarter . Neither should we .

Stuart MacKay


Napolitano’s weekly interview with Alistair Crooke is definitely worth the time, if you want to get a reasonable idea of what’s going on in the middle east. He was the first person I saw that pointed out that razing Ga-za was widely supported by the electorate, and if anything, didn’t go far enough.

Remarkable to see Max Blumenthal being interviewed as well. When the Left and Right have common cause, you know you’re living in interesting times.


So everyone in Scotland knows it was leaky Liz Lloyd who leaked the story to the Record except apparently Police Scotland, which is especially odd as Craig Murray even tweeted that is was Liz Lloyd to them…

Gosh I am shocked at this, who could have foreseen this bizarre and perverted outcome. (That was sarcasm if you did not notice.)

I’d say my predictions of the usual whitewash nothing-burger from the COPFS / Police Scotland is looking pretty good right now.

Compare and contrast to the taskforce assembled to come up with hair pinging…

What a rotten state of affairs we have in Scotland, it is absolutely stinking.

Zander Tait

The Forbidden Planet?

David Hannah

I didn’t know bugs bunny was gay? Did you?


Stuart, oh!I am a regular viewer of Mr Crooke and the Judge. (He has a lot of good guests plus a few bams for balance.) Crooke is top quality and I usually learn a new word from him as well. Really intellectual guy. Col Doug MacGregor is also top notch.

This recent one with Col Karen Kwiatkowski was also very good.
link to

I watch most of them. He has Blumenthal on and Mate, Ray MacGovern, Larry Johnson… you can learn a lot from those guys and gals.

But if you only watch one interview today, watch this…
link to

David Hannah

You’re damn right Mac. Everyone knows it was that Liz Lloyd. She was in bed with David Clegg. I’ve read all the jolly boys and girls.

Sleeping with the gutter press. And now she’s back to lecture us on child poverty… Which we could make history. With Independence.

Nah Sturgeon’s right hand woman. Leaky Liz. She’s a disgrace. And she’s back in Government. Fuck her.

David Hannah

Scotland needs David Davis on the phone. We need him on the phone to save Scotland from corruption.

Liz Lloyd is back. A sociopath. Sturgeon’s hench woman. That’s prepared to stich up a man. I wonder if she even feels empathy. Which is why she’s so dangerous. To have such a corrupt, and evil woman to lecture us on child poverty.

Fuck off liz. She should be inside serving life.


David Hannah

David Davis. By 5pm tonight. He has to get to Westminster and use parliamentary privilege. And bring the house down! He’s asked Alister Jack to investigate. Nothing seems to be forthcoming.

He’ll have to do it himself. He didn’t fight in the Falklands for nothing now did he. He fought for British freedom.

Sturgeon and Yousaf have dismantled British freedom. They are the destroyers of Scottish freedom and Independence. And as Scotland self identifies as British. It’s in David Davis interests to free Scotland from corruption.

Name and shame liz lloyd. Scotlands BENT AND CORRUPT police force. As protected by Lady Dorian and Dorothy Bain. Must be forced to ACT!


Has anyone put their name to the Hate Monster yet? I don’t mean ‘in the public’s mind’, after all, that’s obvious, but has anyone been credited with drawing it?


Also Stuart, much to my amazement he has had Ryan Dawson on twice now that I have seen. Dawson is probably the best researcher you will read on 9/11 and he is also probably one of the most banned and censored people on the internet. He has made several documentaries on small budgets which are all worth watching. He is also an expert on Epstein. (Dawson claims Whitney Webb plagiarized most of his research on that and he is probably right but she is also good in her own right.)

Craig Murray was also on recently.

Judge Napolitano used to work for Fox News!… it is some transformation.


Hate Monster and his all American bestial buddie Trigger.
comment image?1542558661
Trigger needs a Warning.


Here is Dawson’s latest documentary… it is very good, fascinating how it worked, and very on-topic off-topic. You will see why he is not popular…

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NUMEC: How Isr@el Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK

Spartan 117

Has Mathieson resigned/been sacked yet?

If not, why not?

John Main

@ Stuart MacKay says: 15 March, 2024 at 8:38 am

razing Ga-za was widely supported by the electorate, and if anything, didn’t go far enough

Never takes long to go off topic these days.

But seeing as how this is obvs your priority Stuart, there’s lots of evidence coming out of Russtiland that razing the west in general is widely supported by their electorate too.

So what to do, eh Stuart? By that I mean, what are you and I to do? The politics, politicians and policies of the west are ultimately the end result of democratic processes. We all have a smidge of responsibility for these. So I guess that makes us all legitimate targets for razing.

Regarding the Israelis – I do sometimes wonder how us cuddly, friendly, Burns-quoting Scots would react to a thousand innocent casualties and a couple of hundred innocent hostages being taken. Along with a clear understanding and cast-iron certainty that there but for the Grace of God etc etc.

Would we throw our hands up in the air, shrug, and say to each other “we had it coming”?

Ah hae ma doots.

Maybes you’re a special case Stuart, but if you are, I’m confident the anger and thirst for revenge of your neighbours would quickly teach you to keep your trap tightly zipped.

Probably though, if it was one of yours raped and dead, you’d be in the vanguard of those calling for revenge.

Still, I won’t deny the great fun and self-righteous virtue signalling that can be enjoyed from sitting on the fence, pontificating about the sins of others.

John Main

@ Mac says: 15 March, 2024 at 9:52 am

How Isr@el Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK

It’s worse than that, Mac. They’ve gimmicked everybody else’s bombs so now I@s@r@a@e@l is the only country with a working bomb.

Even the Russti ones are, well, rusty.

As for what really happened to JFK, why do you think he single-handedly pushed through a lunar access program, at enormous difficulty and expense, 50 years in advance of the rest of the world?

Oh yes, the lunar environment is perfect for prolonging human life. There’s several dozen mega-rich, mega-powerful I@s@r@a@e@l@i geriatrics up there right now.

Join the dots, Mac. And then be very afraid.

Stuart MacKay


That was entertaining. I think Carlson is always looking to push people’s buttons and there was a little too much China bashing which panders to his audiences prejudices. However, what van Fleet had to say from 38:00 onwards was very interesting.

In general I think you have to be a little cautious about conservative outlets from the USA. The politics is very much local and does not translate very well. On the contrary, the globalist agenda of the Democrats / oligarchs does translate, and it has a willing audience on this side of the Atlantic.

What van Fleet says that this was decades in the making is also likely true. It will take decades to escape it as well, unless things spiral out of control after the US presidential election in November. Fun times.

Stuart MacKay

John Main (aroused from daydreaming about vanquishing the nationalists): 1812! Gettysburg! 16 fluid ounces! I before E! Thomas Edison!

What on earth are you wittering on about?


15 March, 2024 at 9:25 am

Has anyone put their name to the Hate Monster yet? I don’t mean ‘in the public’s mind’, after all, that’s obvious, but has anyone been credited with drawing it?

I was wondering about that too.
Maybe they had a competition in a primary school and asked the children to design a monster thumb puppet and the best one became Police Scotland’s ‘Hate Monster’

Or maybe a ‘relative’ wanted to become a graphic artist so got the contract.

OK for a primary school child otherwise it’s bloody awful.

The Commonwealth games mascot was designed by a child. If I remember correctly they asked school children to draw a mascot and the best one won. I wasn’t impressed but you hold back because it was a child that designed it.


Let’s try a different hypothetical question…

If the people of Scotland had invaded a foreign land, ethnically cleansed the native population into a large open air concentration camp and treated them abysmally for 70+ years… then I think that is exactly what they would say.

‘Fair cop, we had that coming.’ Most normal people would.

Alf Baird

Colonialism, which is defined as “hateful racism”, is arguably the ultimate hate crime. Colonised peoples only seek independence in order to decolonize, to move their nation away from being the subject of hate, and of “hateful racism”.

To decolonize therefore means to be liberated from hateful racist oppression, and a situation where a people continue to suffer from: the “grafting of modern abuse onto ancient injustice, hateful racism onto old inequality” (Cesaire).

Just a pity the National Party ‘progressives’ cannae seem tae join the dots; instead they join in the oppression, and become themselves “an implement of coercion” (Fanon), corresponding with postcolonial theory.

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Ian Brotherhood

@Mac (7.57) –

Nice one, thanks.



Robert Hughes

I don’t think ridicule and scorn – alone , will be sufficient antidotes/cure for the poisoning of our Societies we’re witnessing . Something much more astringent will be necessary .

” Being kind ” ” showing understanding ” or any other appeasing platitude won’t cut it . Not this time .

The psychos promoting this shit & the shadowy * interests * behind them are ” all in ” with this War On Reality and have no intention of ” being kind ” or ” showing understanding ” to anyone/thing that opposes them .

They will give No Quarter . Neither should we .

Very well said Robert!

What do we do? This is really serious stuff!

Labour, LibDems, Greens, SNP all voted for the Hate Crime Bill as they did with the GRR Bill. The only party that didn’t vote for either was the Tories.

Have we reached the stage where we need to vote Tory?

I have asked this a few times but I only got one reply asking me if it was a joke.

No it is not a joke!


John Main
15 March, 2024 at 9:59 am

Never takes long to go off topic these days.

Why is that John?

I’m asking you because you are the one most keen on the ‘off topic’ subjects.


Yeah we are in a serious situation Stuart.

Globalism is essentially communism in new clothes. Slightly different looking vehicle but the same destination.

The dystopian world of the woke/progressive movement is the cultural revolution in new clothes.

This is being inflicted upon us by the the same hand that murdered Kennedy. And indeed you can trace the start of nearly all of it back to then. Decades in the making…

As the lady said the real goal of the cultural revolution was to cement-in power, just as it is the real goal of this woke modern day version is to cement-in power.

They killed Kennedy because they perceived him as a threat to their power and they are inflicting this upon the peoples of the West as they perceive us a threat to their power.

It is not just every president that is a factotum. All the leaders in the West are the same, even more so, they must be, and that corresponds to what we actually see. It is obvious really… not even that well hidden, and none more so than now.

Rab Clark

‘Is there such a thing as the right to be taken seriously?
We asked AI:

‘There isn’t a universally recognized legal right to be taken seriously. However, there are concepts that touch on similar ideas:

Right to dignity and respect: Most countries have laws or principles that guarantee basic human dignity and respect. This can include the right to be treated fairly and not to be ridiculed or belittled.

Right to a fair hearing: In legal or professional settings, there’s often a right to a fair hearing where your arguments or concerns are considered seriously.

Right to equal opportunity: This prohibits discrimination based on factors like age, race, or gender. It implies that everyone deserves a chance to be heard and considered, regardless of background.

While there’s no single “right to be taken seriously,” these principles create a framework where people should be treated with fairness and respect.

Here’s how you can be taken more seriously:

Be clear and articulate: Communicate your ideas in a well-organized and confident way.

Present evidence and reasoning: Back up your claims with facts and logic.

Be respectful of others: Even if you disagree, treat others with courtesy.

Choose the right setting: Don’t expect serious consideration for outlandish ideas in inappropriate contexts.

By following these tips, you can increase the chances of being heard and taken seriously.’

So there we have it.

Even as the latest bizarre legislation emerging from the Scottish government is generating hitherto untouched levels of hilarity and ridicule, we can see the outlines of a ‘defence’: ‘we may have got this a wee bit wrong but we’re doing our best and acting in good faith’.

The reason we asked AI that question is because it can’t (so far as we can tell) yet detect sarcasm. It takes the question at face value and has a stab at providing an answer based on what it ‘knows’. And what it ‘knows’ is subjected to editorial control by people, human beings with moral positions on all sorts of things. For example, when we were working on our e-book of Aesop’s Fables in Scots, we would copy & paste a fable into ‘Bard’ (now ‘Gemini’) and instruct it to translate the passage into modern Scots. It did so approximately 95% of the time. On the few occasions when it declined to do so it apologised with a message saying ‘I’m just a language model, I can’t help with that’. But if we then C&Ped the same fable and asked it to tell us what the moral of the story was, we were not dismissed with an excuse. Rather, we were given a finger-wagging about being kind and not perpetuating harmful or offensive stereotypes. This happened more than once and it was always in connection with stories where this or that character turned out to be a c**t and there was no way of denying it.

The Emperor’s New Clothes has, for decades, been the go-to parable for those highlighting the danger of groupthink. It must be applicable to the situation now being dealt with by Angus Robertson regarding a live sex show masquerading as ‘art’ but we don’t want to think about it too much. We’re sure the producers of the publicly-funded ‘show’ would mount a hardy defence of their work. But we suspect that any attempt to claw back the funding they received or in any way prosecute the producers/participants for ‘offending public decency’ or similar charges will elicit furious protests about ‘freedom of expression’. What AI would make of the case we don’t know and are not minded to enquire. But Hans Christian Andersen’s story hinged on the simple fact that an innocent lad was capable of seeing what his elders had willingly blinded themselves to. As soon as he broke the ‘spell’ the monarch had over everyone, that was it – laughter did the rest.

Feels like we’ve reached that point now. The authorities have gone along with ‘the joke’ too long and it’s backfired. Institutions, developed over centuries, which were entrusted to make civilised society worth living in, have forfeited any ‘right’ to be taken seriously. They have failed utterly and deserve the opprobrium now being heaped upon them.

And we aren’t the only ones enjoying every minute of it.’

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Spartan 117 @ 09.56

Mr Mathieson has not resigned because, just like Derek Mackay before him (who managed over a year without troubling Holyrood with his presence), he can remain on full salary and expenses, together with pension contributions, secure in the knowledge that there is no procedure by which his constituents can recall him.
Dickens had it so correct, how these Tite Barnacles cling onto the foundering ship of state and the public funding which keeps it afloat.
A plague on all their scurvy houses.

David Hannah

The presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament is working hand in glove to protect Humza.

Humza gives away £250,000 to free his relatives from Gaza. And no one is allowed to ask questions about it?

Just like the Fabiani Whitewash… The presiding officer is like a substitute teacher, out of control. She can’t control the waynes shouting across the chamber. Humza’s her pet.

Spartan 117

Sven @ 1110 – indeed. Just another oinker buried in the golden trough. His fellow trough-dwelling oinkers are equally keen to avoid his removal as it exposes them also.


Tribunal Tweets is, I think, one woman doing great public service.

S/he travels the UK to report by tweets hearings by Employment Tribunals to do with claims concerning unfair treatment at work to do with gender identity issues.

Live tweeting makes it a bit garbled but still capable of being understood.

The claim of unfair constructive dismissal by Roz Adams against Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre has been heard and the outcome will be known soon.

I think ERCC will get a hiding.

You can access the tweets here. i don’t do Twitter/X but can access a thread.

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Just an amusing aside but if you doubt we are living in a reinvented version of the cultural revolution Candace Owens is now staking her professional reputation on the claim that Brigitte Macron was originally a man… I am not wading through it all (it took her several days of reading to do so) but Candace Owens is no idiot and she is convinced by the evidence.

Every time I have looked at that lady I have thought something is not right… It is a very odd marriage. Claim is she is not the daughter in the family photograph but the son (facial recognition is incredible similar) making ‘her’ 7 years older than she now claims.

This means if the claim are true that the President of France is married to 77 year old bloke…

I would laugh at this point but all of this madness is very disturbing and part of pattern of increasing weirdness.

I think the Chinese lady’s warning should be taken very seriously indeed. All this never ending perverted weird crap is it, this is what we are seeing, we are in the middle of it and you can be sure there is worse planned to come…hence the warning.


Increased levels of diversity in Scotland were always going to result in friction and fault lines, triggering all sorts of morons in one way or another.

Scotland is a very two-faced country when it comes to issues of diversity and tolerance. We all like to think of it as a friendly, cuddly, inclusive place that welcomes diversity and foreigners, but the history and experiences of Irish immigrants and others tells a different story.

Politics and politicians represent a whole bunch of different morons — unable to influence or shape big decisions that might make a difference, they are reduced to focus on petty ineffectual crap that just comes across as virtue signalling on a shoestring.


Another area which Rev Stu might like to explore with FoIs. The Scottish Prison Service.

This is from the MBM blog.

“The revised SPS policy has an erratic and opaque history. The SPS first stated it intended to review its policy in late 2018, in comments made to the press, although no visible progress was made on this. In 2020 the then Cabinet Secretary for Justice stated the review was already underway, but this was not taken to completion.
The review underpinning the revised policy ran from 2021 and 2023; however, in early 2023 the SPS introduced more restrictive interim guidelines, in response to the placement of double-rapist Graham/Bryson in the female estate and backlash to this.
The SPS has consulted more widely on the revised policy, compared to its 2014 policy, but arrived at the same position, based on gender self- identification principles. Prisoners seeking to be accommodated and/or searched based on their gender identity are expected to ‘demonstrate’ their identity, but this is not essential (p.36).
More comprehensive operational guidance is provided for in a separate document, but this is not publicly available, putting the detail of the policy beyond scrutiny.
The default policy excludes men with a known history of violence against women from the female estate; but provides for transfer if ‘there is compelling evidence that they do not present an unacceptable risk of harm’ (Annex 1). ‘Unacceptable risk’ is not defined.
For men not housed in the female estate, access may be provided via work parties, activities, and programmes to allowing mixing ‘with others of their gender identity’ (p.15). We think this risks, at minimum, psychological harm and/or self-exclusion for some female prisoners.
The revised policy requires internal authorisation to move a man with a history of violence against women in the female estate. This relaxes the recent interim guidelines, which required Ministerial approval, and removes political accountability.”

Robert Hughes

@ Ruby

I’m not sure voting Tory would be – in the long term – any better than voting for the others ; I can see why some might see it as an expedient resort in the desperate situation Women ( in particular ) face .

I think it may take something like Kellie JK M’s Women’s Party to really force the issue into public consciousness .

Who could blame women for voting for their own survival ? !!

The potential downside of this scenario is the further fragmentation of the electorate along * Single Issue * lines .

That said , the * issue * of the survival/elimination of the ( once ) universally agreed definition of Woman may be the MOST important one of all .

If WOMEN fall , what chance HUMAN ?


Rab Clark

The Emperor’s New Clothes has, for decades, been the go-to parable for those highlighting the danger of groupthink. It must be applicable to the situation now being dealt with by Angus Robertson regarding a live sex show masquerading as ‘art’ but we don’t want to think about it too much. We’re sure the producers of the publicly-funded ‘show’ would mount a hardy defence of their work. But we suspect that any attempt to claw back the funding they received or in any way prosecute the producers/participants for ‘offending public decency’ or similar charges will elicit furious protests about ‘freedom of expression’.

Interesting one Rab.

Of course they can mount a hardy defence of their work just as all ‘modern artists’ can.

Derek says he’s enjoyed being part of the Scottish Arts scene he’s had fun.

I think you can have fun taking the piss. You can produce the biggest load of rubbish and get paid megabucks by the taxpayer for doing it. All you need to do is invent some ‘art speak’ as to why a dog turd on a platter is ‘art’ Yeah it’s fun for the artist not so much for the taxpayer.

What we need is Angus Robertson to explain ‘the art’ to the public and tell them why he’s using their money to fund whatever ‘art’ is getting funding.

I’m currently thinking up a ‘work of art’ involving the hate monster. It’ll be good I might even get ‘The Turner Prize’

Anyone willing and able to help me with ‘the art speak’

Being an ‘modern artist’ isn’t that different to being ‘a woman’ Angus Robertson can’t tell if you are or aren’t.


Robert Hughes

I think it may take something like Kellie JK M’s Women’s Party to really force the issue into public consciousness .

We don’t have a ‘Kellie JK M’s Women’s Party’ here is Scotland. I had high hopes for Alba but I was very disappointed.


I’m not losing sleep over who I vote for in the GE.

We all know what Scotland votes for makes no difference.

I really don’t fancy a Keir Starmer Labour government but that will be up to the English electorate to decide.

I understand Kellie JK M’ is standing against Keir Starmer. That should be very interesting.

John Main

@ Mac says: 15 March, 2024 at 10:37 am

If the people of Scotland had invaded a foreign land, ethnically cleansed the native population into a large open air concentration camp and treated them abysmally for 70+ years… then I think that is exactly what they would say.

‘Fair cop, we had that coming.’ Most normal people would

OFFS, Mac, you’ve just blown my BS meter!

You’d be greetin “it wisnae me” just like abody else.

Just like you’re greetin “it wisnae me” about the stuff going on right here, right now.

Anyhoo, now you’ve exposed just who killed JFK, do you think you will be perceived as a threat too? I’d get rid of that backbone you found the other day. Can’t be too careful!

John Main

@ Hatuey says: 15 March, 2024 at 11:33 am

We all like to think of it as a friendly, cuddly, inclusive place

That’s my line, Hats, so hands off. Get your own.

Besides, I don’t like to think of us as a friendly, cuddly, inclusive place, which is why I take exception to those banging on that we are.

Friendly, cuddly, wee countries get absolutely nowhere in the real world. They end up with a risible, fraudulent, serial loser in charge, telling them porkies and throwing away their money at his pet, personal projects.

“Speak softly and carry a big stick” is still the best advice the leaders and citizens of any country can take.

Anybody thinking Indy is achievable via the friendly, cuddly route better resign themselves to dying with their wish denied.

Anton Decadent

@Mac, Emmanuel Macron went from Goldman Sachs into high level politics the same as Sunak and Peter Sutherland. This could be a counter intelligence play against Candice Owens to discredit her due to her comments from a few weeks back.

Re the woman Tucker Carlson interviewed, over the last few years another woman of Chinese extraction who speaks public school English has been a regular on CNN etc. It turned out that on moving to the US her father ran a magazine which was a front operation for the CCP.

Here’s one for you on the slim chance that you did not already know about him. Ties in with Kennedy. Re him being sectioned, so was a former US Middle East diplomat who provided evidence to prove that a failed assassination attempt against him in the Middle East had been carried out by Isrl which was looking to pin it on its rivals. His subsequent sectioning was later acknowledged to have been unfounded, I posted a link to this a few months ago. With regard to the censoring of J.Forrestals diaries, last year I read the Diaries And Notebooks of Patricia Highsmith and in the editorial notes it states that these had also been censored because she had views about a certain group which could not be allowed into the public domain.

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Re the Hate Monster, I say we give it a WINGS soundtrack, I will start with Tropical Hot Dog Night by Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band, the lyrics will explain why.

Stuart MacKay


Isn’t Michelle Obama supposed to be a man also? It’s incredibly impertinent, but wildly amusing at the same time. It should be “relatively easy” to get a DNA sample. If not, then you know something is being covered up.

If only Trump was a trans man then perhaps everyone could lighten up.

Anton Decadent

@Ruby, the only game in town is conceptual art in which the middle classes, in some cases privately educated, claim generational trauma and oppression at the hands of whitey. It is shameless career building via patronage by a kabal around Creative Scotland.


Has anyone asked david clegg “nicely” who leaked him the info.

What about a data subject access request to the record.

Police scotland really are a joke. Come back Taggart


Tucker Carlson, Joan Rivers and many others have all claimed Barack OdroneBommer was gay.

The daughters much more resemble Barack and Mike’s friends Martin Nesbitt and wife Dr. Anita Blanchard.

Look for –
Obama Kids Are Adopted! Meet The REAL Parents!(Deport Obama) 2017
On youtube


And the one we’re all trying to get rid of Westmonster.

Meanwhile Kensington Palace has been branded an untrustworthy source, it has been compared to North Korea over the utterly faked royal photo of Kate and her kids.


link to

Is that is what is going on in the Scottish Art Scene at the moment.

It sounds like ‘victim art’ or whatever it’s called.

Actually I think it might have been whitey that started the victim art trend.

I don’t know who started the whole conceptual art trend it might have been Marcel Duchamp

‘In defending the original sculpture in 1917 Duchamp challenged traditional preconceptions of what art is. He stated that it was not important whether or not “Mr. Mutt” had made the work with his own hands; what mattered was that he had chosen it. ‘

For those who don’t know the work of Marcel Duchamp here is a picture of ‘The Fountain’

link to

I did spend some time studying art, art history and going to many art exhibitions.

I would be surrounded by people drinking wine & eating canapes commenting on the ‘art’ saying

‘Isn’t it grand, isn’t it fine, look at the cut, the style, the line.

I would be thinking is this for real. I just thought

The king is in the altogether but altogether the altogether he’s altogether
As naked as the day that he was born

The wine & canapes were good.

Aye I know I’ll be labelled a philistine.

They won’t be able to call me that when I win ‘The Turner Prize’ with my installation called ‘The Hate Monster’


Hoyle’s credibility has gone, he should step down immediately.

As for Yousaf pointing this out, the puppet FM has a f*ckin cheek in doing so after his anti-white rant in the Holyrood chamber that should’ve saw him also resign immediately.

“THE Speaker of the House of Commons demonstrated the “institutional racism” that people of colour in the UK face when he refused to allow Diane Abbott to speak at PMQs, the First Minister has said.

In an exclusive and wide-ranging interview with The National contributor Owen Jones, Humza Yousaf said Lindsay Hoyle’s position as Speaker had become “untenable” after he declined to let Abbott contribute to a discussion which centrally involved her.”


Flynn will never receive rapturous applause back home in his own country of Scotland, not on Scottish independence anyway, for he and his SNP MPs have absolutely no intentions of leaving Westminster they’ve gotten their snout into the taxpayer trough and they intend to keep it that way.

Only the ISP party has in its manifesto abstentionism from Westminster, all the other indy party’s want to take up their seats in the English parliament and live the good life at our expense.

“SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn received rapturous applause from the BBC Question Time audience as he spoke out in support of Diane Abbott.

Abbott – who was the UK’s first black female MP – stood up more than 40 times in the Commons on Wednesday but was not picked to question Rishi Sunak while others in the chamber discussed racist remarks made by a prominent Tory donor towards her.

Businessman Frank Hester – who has donated at least £10 million to the Conservative Party – is alleged to have said Abbott made him “want to hate all black women” and “should be shot”.

In an appearance Flynn was widely praised for, he stuck up for Abbott as he said he was “furious” about the way the “Westminster establishment” stopped her from having a say.”

Meanwhile radio news saying that Frank Hester has donated another £5 million quid to the Tory party, on top of the £10 million he’s already given them.


Mention of Humza’s rant made me think of this work of art

link to

Robert Rauschenberg, White Painting (1951; paint on canvas, 182.9 x 274 cm; San Francisco, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)

One of Robert Rauschenberg’s earliest works were the White paintings (1951), monochromatic white paintings arranged in grids.

It’s ‘White White White’

David Hannah

link to

And the Holyrood’s equalities committee has backed a bill that will remove the definition of “woman” from legislation which aims to improve the gender balance on public boards.

These people. They never stop.

Apparently Glasgow university is bringing out some AI tool, to improve gender balance as well according to Holyrood magazine.

How can we counteract woke politics. We need some polling done immediately. And let our crooked politicians know what the public really thinks on trans issues and their woke agenda?

Don’t we? Can we fund it?

David Hannah

Yousaf playing the race card again. This man never stops. Yet more whitephobia from our racist crooked politician. I’m offended.

We need to report him for a hate crime. Too much islamic bigotry in this country.

I wonder if he’ll say its racist to suggest that he knocked Mhairi MacCallan up the duff on the Dubai jolly up.

We’ll soon find out. If the baby is not WHITE won’t we?

Anton Decadent

@RoS, Yousaf, Abbot, Hoyle and Owen all mentioned in the same post, you are spoiling us, ambassador. All rat bustards to a man and I do mean man, Diane Abbot is a man or possibly a manta ray.

David Hannah

link to

Also jail the Gender Doctors. The Sandyford Clinic is following the following discredited trans healthcare guidelines that encourage puberty blockers and castration for those who identify as “eunuchs”, a job advertisement suggests.

I thought this place had been shut down. What a shame that it hasn’t.


@ David Hannah at 3.04

The findings of the equalities committee are actually an improvement, which they were forced into by the Court of Session; the Gender Representation on Public Boards Act will now exclude fake women without a GRC.

Of course it would be better if they also excluded those who do have a GRC, but every little helps.

The first paragraph of your link is poorly worded, but further on the article does make clear that was the “expanded” definition of woman that conflicted with the Equality Act and has had to be amended.

John Main

@ Republicofscotland says: 15 March, 2024 at 2:49 pm

alleged to have said Abbott made him “want to hate all black women” and “should be shot”

RoS demonstrating once again, how it could be possible to “want to hate all pro-Indy eejits” and think they “should be shot”.

The clue is in the two-syllable word in the quote above, beginning with the letter ‘a’.

And naw, it’s no ‘Abbott’.

Will sane, rational, thinking Scots be able to defeat the forces of woke, Islamism and Net Zero using sanity, logic, reason and damn hard work?

I’m hoping so, cos I don’t think the knee-jerk, synthetic outrage, shouty-shouty policy, as practised by RoS and the usual suspects, is getting much traction in the real world.

Can anybody remember what last week’s knee-jerk, synthetic outrage was all about? How about the week before?


Anton Decadent

You know those articles which have been appearing in the likes of the Guardian claiming that microdosing people with MDMA and psilocybin etc are the cure for depression?

link to

link to


A wage rise for doing f*ck all but lining their and their corporate buddies pockets, worse still for Scotland are those treacherous SNP MPs who are making a good living at our expense in England’s parliament as many Scots suffer from the effects of being trapped in this bucket of shit union.

There’s no case for the union.

“MPs are set to get a pay rise of 5.5 per cent to over £90,000 a year.

From next month their salary will be £91,346.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) said the decision had been taken in line with the award recently agreed for the senior civil service.

The increase is considerably larger than the 2.9 per cent pay uplift last year.”


As a matter of interest, how many SNP people who have had some input into the creation of this monster have some form of ‘disability’ in its broadest sense?


So there’s been calls for our puppet FM to remove the whip from the MSP fly guy Michael Matheson for breaking Holyrood rules, basically the fly guy was caught lying his arse off and he tried to get the taxpayer to pay £11,000.

So yeah Matheson should be kicked into touch, in any other line of work he’d have been sacked on the spot. However and I’m not defending Matheson he should go now, the Tory branch manager in Scotland Douglas Ross wants him kicked out of the SNP group at Holyrood, I say fair enough.

Yet Ross is a bit less forthcoming on his party when he says of the £10 million quid donation to his party by Frank Hester, that his donations to the party should be looked at more carefully, WTF Ross, you should be yelling from the rooftops to hand it back right now, but instead the party looks like taking another £5 million quid from this nasty racist who called for a black woman to be shot dead.

Ross has no power within the Tory party he has no influence at Westminster, like Carlaw or Davidson or Goldie, Ross can be removed from his branch manager post with a few words from London

Spartan 117

Republicofscotland @ 1628

Troughers one and all I’m afraid. Oink oink.

Matheson should be binned yesterday for his oinking and lying, as should the FM and his Labour counterpart, both for being racist.

Speaking of racists, this Frank Fester or whae-ever he is absolutely was/is racist, ironically it was against an MP well-known for making many racist comments. Funny old world.


15 March, 2024 at 3:58 pm

@ David Hannah at 3.04

The findings of the equalities committee are actually an improvement, which they were forced into by the Court of Session; the Gender Representation on Public Boards Act will now exclude fake women without a GRC.

Women with a GRC IMHO are still fake women.

Not quite sure the purpose of having gender balance on public boards. What does gender even mean and how many genders are there.

I’ll assume it means sex, male & female. If the idea of having the views of both male & female heard then
a man with a GRC would need to be counted as male.

Do men think a woman with a GRC claiming to be a man can represent men? Personally I have no idea what it’s like to be man.

If Labour get into power self-id will back on the cards. GRCs will be on sale for a fiver.

Not having a GRC might keep them off Public Boards (whatever they are) but it aint going to keep them out of public toilets etc

It’s all madness the only solution is for there to be no GRCs and for wearing ‘woman face’ to be a hate crime.

I wonder if we all applied ‘brown face’ and self-identified as Muslims if we might manage to get through to Humza how we feel.

Not quite sure how you would dress as a Muslim man because there doesn’t seem to be any ‘Islamic Dress Code’ for the men.

I think we all need to start thinking of doing something a little more ‘creative’ than normal.


Where is Kate? What’s going on?

Gregory Beekman

Is promoting diversity a hate crime under this legislation?

For example, is calling someone a homophobe a hate crime if they genuinely believe homosexuality is a sin?

Remember, religion or belief is one of the protected characteristics.

Hating someone or a group for not sharing your values then is surely a hate crime under this legislation? Or have I misunderstood it?


Please sir can we have it back, as the SNP ask the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland for their 100k luxury motorhome back, which was seized during Operation Branchform.

The SNP want it back to travel around Scotland to spout their shit about saving us from Westminster and the best way to do that is to vote for them, which is actually more harmful to Scots as they’ve already f*cked Scotland right up.

Anyway our puppet FM Yousaf will be in the wannabe House of Commons speaker’s constituency tomorrow Perth, Yousaf’s battle cry is one of make Scotland Tory free, we did when we sent 56 SNP MPs to Westminster, and f*ck all happened. A decade after our indy ref the SNP hasn’t moved us one step closer to dissolving this rancid union, the SNP is now full of self-serving grifting careerists who don’t give a toss about independence.

Robert Hughes

15 March, 2024 at 4:24 pm

” As a matter of interest, how many SNP people who have had some input into the creation of this monster have some form of ‘disability’ in its broadest sense? ”

All of them . They all have the disability of being incapable of rational thought .


Jüan Rivers feck I forgot about her. She was calling Michelle Obama a tranny ages ago in public right when they were running for high office. Her death while having routine surgery was very suspicious. The family sued the shit out of the doctors if I recall correctly. A lot of these stories seemed far fetched at the time but now are not at all looking far fetched.


Hey, Rev, what have you got against Dave Hurwitz?! Two photos of the best classical music reviewer in the business at the very end of your monster vids?! Dave’s a cuddly wee thing.

Mark Beggan

And who said Police Scotland doesn’t have a sense of humour.


Joan Rivers could not have been more old school Hollywood ‘connected’.

If you go back and watch the clips of her talking about how they knew Michelle was a tranny (and I recommend you do), there is no doubt IMHO, nor speculation. Joan Rivers was certain. She knew. I don’t know how, but she did.

I don’t think she realized what she was going up against. It might have been common knowledge in certain circles but as soon as she started saying it in public, game over. Obama was just getting going… She went up against a train without realizing it.

All of us should be angry. All of us have had our future stolen from us.

The world we should be living in… had good and decent people been allowed to rule, versus this dystopian shithole created by gangsters, who murdered the good and decent people and replaced them with their monsters… would be a paradise, multiple times over.

It would be so easy to make Heaven on Earth for a fraction of the cost we are currently spending to make Hell on Earth, but we don’t, which I think reveals who is really paying the bills and running the show (on Earth).

David Hannah

They killed Joan Rivers Mac. They over sedated her and severed her vocal chords in a botched biopsy. It was no accident.

Michelle Obama is a man. And Tucker Carlson interviewed a man who had sex with Obama in 1999. Obama liked to Partayy!

Joe Biden winning the election will be a disaster. It’s Trump versus the deep state!

We’re involved. because of the war in Europe and the middle East! Trump will end the wars in 24 hours. His words. Everything we want to hear for humanity.

David Hannah

I once believe it or not, put “Black Lives Matter” in my flat window once upon a time. Back during Nicola Sturgeon’s dystopian hellfare. I had been to all of the LGBT Pride days. And thought nothing of it.

And then came Gender. And when I knew that Sturgeon had destroyed Alex Salmond and that the SNP wanted Independence.

I think back to the scenes on CNN when Donald Trump tear gassed the white middle class protesters; and crossed the square at Washington to hold the Bible upside down… And I’m thinking to myself.

I’d love to see that again! It’s amazing how your views change in a few years. I wrote a diary during covid 19. Vomit on paper. But its interesting to look back and see how my views have changed.

All lives matter. And MALE ME TOO. Scotland First. And Peace for the World.

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 6:29pm
An out of place comment designed to divert from the current focus on the Hate Crime Leglisation. I have no idea where Kate is at all. Plenty of conspiracy theories so what facts do we know? Fact she will return to duties around Easter time. That’s the 31st March for you Pagans that would rather say Ramadan Mubarak. Inshallah. On my phone I cannot delete Ramadan but it also doesn’t tell me when Easter Sunday is?. Transnational propaganda?.


I see the Scotsman has a story about the SNP having a meeting to discuss election tactics now they are neck and neck with Labour.

So much for the days with 50 odd MPs

If they apply their usual skills in planning and strategy I guess they will not make the 20 seats I predicted a few weeks ago. They could get even less than that.

Where is Liz Lloyd these days – oh yes in the back room – wonder if they gave her a phone.

David Hannah

Liz Lloyd’s back to destroy the SNP from within. To finish the job for Hilary Clinton and her CIA handlers. To ensure Trident Nuclear Missles remain on the Clyde and that Child Poverty continues to be a blight on our society. Because of not going for Independence.

That’s why she’s back. All the jolly boys and girls!

I see some Whatsapp messages have been released tonight. Where Humza Yousaf sent Sturgeon a message on the Salmond conspiracy saying that she “was on the side of truth.”

Yousaf’s words. The cabal are releasing yet more demented smears and innuendos about Salmond.

Salmond. I don’t know how he sleeps at night. I wish he’d fucking blow the house down and get his pal David Davis to bring the bastards down.

SNP can’t move forward until the cabal is overthrown!

David Hannah

Not only that. Liz Lloyd has racked up a £3700 Taxi bill to get her to the covid inquiry in Edinburgh.

That’s the price of corruption in this country.

Liz Lloyd. The new face of Child Poverty in Scotland. With taxi bills of £3700. She’s the reason the hungry weans of Scotland are poor.

She stopped Independence in its tracks. You wouldn’t have paedophile near children would you?

Why would you have criminal like Liz Lloyd in charge of policy around kids?

It’s sick isn’t it? When we know what we all know!

David Hannah

We’ve all met people in our lives. That hate their own country. That hate their familes. And their friends. That backstab. That bitch and smear. And trash the names of everyone close to them. That isolate other boyfriends from one another. That isolate girlfriends. That pretend to be suicidal. That manipulate. That close your circle. That are prepared to lie with a straight face.

Watching Liz Lloyd on the covid inquiry. She ticks all of those boxes. Back in the day. They locked people like her up in mental insitiutions.

She’s a cheap harlet whore, who sleeps with the gutter press. And she hates scotland because she hates herself. And men HATE her. Because she’s toxic.

Fuck you liz lloyd. Stay away from the kids!

George Ferguson

@David Hannah 10:28pm
It could worse instead of the Scottish Government saying Ramadan Mubarak they could be say Ramadan Kareem. Or as I like to say Allahu Akbar at least before the HCB on the 1st April.

George Ferguson

When I was a young child a quarter of a million families celebrated Easter Sunday in Caird Park. Now you have to Google when Easter Sunday actually is. Standby for Eid. The Islamic celebrations are valued more than ours. The last time I checked we were a Christian Country. We don’t know if Scotland has become an Islamic State because the Census results are not released. Allahu Akbar. And women get used to wearing the Hajib.

John Main

David Hannah

If I believed £3700 would sort out Scottish child poverty I would put the cash up myself.

Haha, just my little joke. I already do, several times over, every feckin year. Like most Scots with a job, I’m being taxed at 42%.

I’m glad you believe Trump will end the wars in 24 hours. It’s gonna be a steep learning curve for you, but if he gets the gig, then as long as you have the decency to come on here and admit you were wrong, nobody will be holding a grudge.

John Main

George Ferguson

You are right, of course. Christianity was happy to let us choose whether we wanted to believe. Still is.

It’s coming replacement demands conformance. It has no room for atheism, agnosticism, apathy or heresy.

The next generation is going to have a hard fight to get back to the personal and social freedoms we enjoyed. Whether we believe, or not.

George Ferguson

@John Main 11:37pm
Agreed. When taxpayers money is going to foreign causes based om the religion of the First Minister when I am over a year on the SNHS waiting list It doesn’t promote loyalty to the Mother Country.


Islam is the fastest growing religion and by around 2050 it’ll overtake Christianity. If you think that’s even slightly interesting, you’re probably a total bore.

I wonder if bombing people and exposure to elevated levels of danger makes them more inclined to turn to religion. During the pandemic I prayed for a vaccine.

My God is science. Unlike other Gods, he occasionally delivers.

North chiel

Is it possible Yousaf is an MI5 “ plant” . Remember the “ rigged” leadership election? and PeterM’s link/liaison with the security services during the election” campaign “. Was he recruited ( as usual) due to public school background etc . Who else within the SNP hierarchy stresses the importance of Scotland being represented at Westminster? ( Apart from apparently Keith Brown , or was this a “ red herring “ statement ? or “ rump SNP “ leadership bid post GE ?

Christopher Pike

Ignored says:
15 March, 2024 at 9:17 pm
I see the Scotsman has a story about the SNP having a meeting to discuss election tactics now they are neck and neck with Labour.

So much for the days with 50 odd MPs.


Scottish Labour are not in a strong position, yet will still give the SNP a complete doing at the next GE. I also suspect Sarwar will become the next FM of Scotland, despite him being as dull as dishwasher and the party having no principles.

The SNP, Alba, ISP and all the others standing as ‘independents for independence’ (I suspect they’ll lose their deposits) are going to get smashed at the next election.


“Every act of creation begins with an act of destruction” (Picasso)

Sturgeon destroyed the old SNP and created the monster we see today.

To create a new political landscape in Scotland, Sturgeon’s SNP under, its continuity idiot, must also be destroyed.

Personally, I can’t wait.


I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt, hoping that two years have allowed Police Scotland to prepare and organise it properly.

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 1:46 pm
Of course the evidence for ‘Foxhole Conversion’ is well documented. And that applies to all Religions. There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.

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