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Wings Over Scotland

The Clown

Posted on April 17, 2024 by

Correct us if we’re wrong, but isn’t this guy:

…the same man who LITERALLY just passed a law dividing Scotland into groups of people who are worthy of protection from hatred and those who aren’t? (Most notably women and people who know what sex they are.)

Is he, then, a “bad faith actor”? Maybe we misunderstood.

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No ! You are



I think all aggravators should be got rid of. All people should be treated the same. A judge already has discretion if the criminal has a history, or his Mum just died.

Mark Beggan

Humza has serious mental health issues it’s unfair to let him continue without medication.


Ah but that’s where Humza’s Doublethink comes in:

When he says

“Facts”, he means “opinions”
“Women”, he means adult human females and “transwomen”
“White”, he means Scottish racists
“Scottish Independence”, he means “Vote SNP, suckers”

Lee Floyd

He’s not a bad faith actor. He’s not smart enough. Just another bloody racist.


So the guy who, I’m sure most reasonable people would conclude, made a hate-filled speech stating in effect that in a country with a majority white population, (96%), having white people in the majority of senior positions in public life “is not good enough”, now says some of us in that country are “not – worthy of protection from hatred”.

Does he mean white people?

Asking for a friend.

Daisy Walker

Under the Hate Crime Act, if he feels that you calling him a ‘bad faith actor’ is motivated by racial prejudice, and that ‘bad faith actor’ is insulting towards him…. then – technically – you will have committed a ‘hate crime’.

But the ‘insult’ part of the legislation is only applied to race. Not the other protected characteristics.

Hypothetically speaking, and only for the purposes of highlighting just how badly thought out, and written this new law is, if you were to say you thought him a ‘bad faith actor’ not in relation to his race, but because you thought him a thick as mince, dunce, with one burnt out brain cell, taxed to its limits while attempting to insure his own car, never mind run a country… then you might get off with it… or not, depending. Actually I don’t know. No-one knows. Wibble.


“LITERALLY just passed a law dividing Scotland into groups of people who are worthy of protection from hatred and those who aren’t? (Most notably women and people who know what sex they are.)”

Don’t forget his very own exemption letter where his very own laws (allegedly) don’t apply to him.



I agree.
All aggravators should be binned.
Justice is supposed to be blind.


OK, Humza, let’s engage in “robust debate” regarding your venomous spitting-out of the word “WHITE”. And then perhaps you can tell us if it’s safe for any “WHITE” person to go to, say, Pakistan and venomously spit-out the word BROWN in reference to all of Pakistan’s equivalent positions of those you listed in Scotland.

You, Humza, know exactly what would happen. That “WHITE” person probably wouldn’t leave Pakistan alive. Or he/she would face immediate trumped up charges resulting in a very quick court case followed by a hefty jail term amongst all those native brown folk. Wouldn’t they?


Clown YES, entertainer NO.


I note that the first protected characteristic is age. Yet anyone who reads the financial/economic columns will see an outpouring of accusations that our woes are caused by the baby-boomers who are, without exception, selfish, greedy bastards.

Should I draw the attention of the Scottish Stasi to examples of such writing? How do I go about it? Does anyone know of examples written by Scotnaz MSPs?


The sooner Humza is gone, the better.

And regarding his racist ‘ White’ speech – Wasn’t that specifically designed to engender a “culture war” ?

John C

This is by no means excusing Yousaf, but those extraordinary Tweets this afternoon smack of being written by an aide, or at the very least, having strong input from a TRA. I’m all for our leaders taking advice as they should, but from sane experts, not radicalised activists still hurting after the Cass report.

The proposed misogyny act is a mess. It yet again is designed to give an added lair of protection to a small number of often violently abusive men. We’re actually as a country going to give the likes of Isla Bryson more protection under law than the woman living next door, or the girl working in your local shop or your daughters. Men are being given priority and women are being told that actually, they’re bigots for calling this a mix of misogyny, sexism & abuse.

I’m going to be graphic here so excuse me, but these men are going to get off on this. They’re going to be sexually excited to think they’re being abused as ‘women’ and this is seen as ‘progressive’ in a country where actual misogyny is a genuine issue. For example, after certain football matches the amount of domestic abuse cases increase drastically as bluntly, certain type of women are seen as expendable in Scotland.

If there was any doubt that Yousaf is in the thrall of TRAs, probably in his party and The Greens, then today hammers that point in. There’s not a single chance in hell that really, Yousaf doesn’t know what a woman is. He knows that he’s never going to run off to have an affair with a ‘transwoman’ or have one cover their hair when he visits Gaza. He knows they’re men. He is however so weak, so desperate to cling to power that he’s jumping to the tune of TRAs and in doing so he’s putting women at risk of criminal action, abuse or worse as this just writes TRAs a blank cheque.

John C

I think all aggravators should be got rid of. All people should be treated the same

The problem is there’s crime, abuse and bigotry based purely on race, religion, disability, and of course sex and sexuality. Scotland struggles with this, but the Hate Crime Act doesn’t deal with this at all. It either interferes with existing legislation or ends up being a tool for people to enact power, and therefore abuse, upon other people. It’s a mess.

It also doesn’t deal with the actual issues behind all of this, nor does it protect civil liberties in Scotland, if anything it’ll make things worse & I think that although the act will end up being repealed after a while, the damage done is going to live with us (and anyone affected by the act) for decades.

Ruby Ruby

If a man threatens to rape a woman, he is unlikely to know if the victim is born a woman or a trans woman.” Humza Yousaf.


Where would this threat be happening? Would it be on the internet?

I would argue that it would be very unusual for a man not to be able to tell the difference between a man in a dress and an actual woman.

Do rapist actually announce to their victims that they are going to rape them?


The country is split independence or not
Labour or Tory split
Brexit or Remain split
Rwanda/ Blame the immigrants split
Trans to have more rights than the rest split.
The whole thing is bananas and even they are split.

Stuart MacKay

So what percentage of Scottish assets (of any form) passed into the hands of foreign owners today?

Maybe it’s time to take a look at what Sahra Wagenknecht is doing in Germany, link to No, Alba is still neo-liberal and going nowhere.

Culture wars are just squirrels to distract you while the house is being stripped bare.


“Is he, then, a “bad faith actor”?”

Can he be any other kind of actor?

Can a “good faith” actor ever accept leadership of a political party as legitimate after the most dodgy and dubious leadership context in Scotland’s history?

I think not.

Can a “good faith” actor purposely leave women out of the protection of anti-hate legislation and then deliberate rub salt in the wound by claiming men must be included any future anti-misogyny legislation?

I think not.

Isn’t forcing women to accept men in their defining group and that any man can be a woman just on their say so the pinnacle of misogyny in itself?

I think it is.

This man has been responsible for both, writing a toxic misogynistic hate legislation which has purposely left sex out of the list of protected characteristics, when under UK law sex is a protected characteristic, and then, knowing it was a piece of bad law, implementing it. That is doubling down and not something somebody can ever do “in good faith”.

Can a Scottish FM ever claim that the act of deeply insulting Scotland by enabling a foreign monarch to symbolise the subjugation of Scotland was ever done in “good faith”?

I think not.

No “good faith” actor could bring themselves to ever claim to have sent Scotland’s stone of destiny down south so the English monarch could accommodate his pampered behind on top of it and symbolise the subjugation of Scotland by the English crown to his heart’s content, under the pathetic excuse that “the FM had to represent the whole of Scotland”.

Right. How on earth were Scotland’s republicans, those in Scotland who do not recognise the English monarch as Scotland’s legitimate king and those who are completely disgusted at the idea of Scotland being presented in front of the world as a subjugated colony of the Kingdom of England, represented in such a cowardly, capitulating and insulting first decision by Yousaf as FM?

They were not and deliberately so. Yousaf was representing only himself, his handlers and loyalists with that decision. He was purposely silencing Scotland and knowingly insulting it.

After somebody has completely abandoned the moral integrity by insulting, silencing and failing the country you are meant to protect and represent in such an spectacular fashion, I suppose implementing state-sponsored misogyny on steroids under the guise of “hate legislation” becomes a walk in the park.


As for all true wannabe dictators with huge narcissistic complexes, it’s his way or the highway. When in a hole, next stop, Australia…


Humza Yousaf is not capable of conning the punter into believing he is up to the job. He was involved in the corrupt activities of the previous government. He was installed in his position by Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell via a corrupt leadership contest. He and the SNP elite abandoned Scottish nationalism in order to implement a globalist agenda. Will he and the SNP elite that supports him call it quits and resign before the punters disapproval of them turns to disgust? Or will they milk another 2 years at the tough and say fuck you on the way out the door to the voters?
My money is on 2 more years of this shite. While I doubt very much whether the SNP can be saved if there are any SNP politicians who are interested in taking on that task they better start acting now.


@ Mia

A1 post …. you nailed it !!

alf baird

Colonialism is defined as ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire) and… ‘hatred is a consubstantial part of colonialism’ (Memmi)

There is in addition the fact of ‘internalized racism’ (i.e. Scottish cultural cringe) as suffered by an oppressed group (i.e. the Scots). So there are several aspects of racism constantly impacting a colonized people, who tend to ‘normalize’ and/or deny the abuse due to cultural assimilation.

Colonised Scots could perhaps use the HCA to complain that our governments/Ministers are institutionally racist towards our ethnic group and in most other respects.

As I found in the research on the subject of independence / decolonization for my book (Doun Hauden), much of this comes under the title of ‘ethnic oppression’, racism being an everyday and hence ‘consubstantial’ part of colonial life:

link to


americans, like the english, primarily like to talk about themselves alone, and anyone else, is always in relation to them, usually as a threat -china- -rusha- -poutine- -countries who elect leaders who won’t sellout their resources for cents on the dollar to wall street- … but it seems our hate crime laws have went viral, and yes, we are a laughing stock, not the country of proud highland warriors and industrious doctors, engineers, scientists, poets – but a place where the worst of wokery gets tested. Bloomberg, zerohedge, even 4chan, we are known, for the wrong reasons, the world is talking about us now.

– impressive from humza, “going viral” like that, trashing the image of Scots and Scotland, a kind of anti-Mel Gibson; the country of Lord Kelvin, James Clerk Maxwell, Adam Smith, David Hume, Robert Burns, Wallace, Bruce, Scott … WHITE WHITE WHITE … but what are the off-white mocha people bringing to the table ?

every cornershop …
every cash and carry …
every car wash
every orthopaedic surgeon
every racial grifting ambulance chasing lawyer
every diversity liaison knife and fork jobber

I’m not feeling it.

and remember first cousin marriage (something the catholic church did away with – proddies seething) doesn’t get you the hybrid vigour you would wish. Maybe we can return them – is there a 30 year warranty clause? Buyers remorse. Or will the bad eyesight, 6 finger demographic boost our GDP? When will a mocha person do anything of cultural significance?

In a way, it’s a great advertisement for Hutchie – “is your kid a div? – send them to hutchie and they can go anywhere!” – we can’t do racialisticalismic prejudicialised-bigotedness, but the class system still works fucking great if you can sling a few bob here and there. Class privilege + diversity + islam = success, unwarranted by any measure.

I pointed out the ridiculousness of his statement yesterday in regard to “passing”; protip – if your “girlfriend” wants a reach-around and it’s bigger than yours … maybe not. We’ve all seen the ladyboys of bangkok compared to the butch slovenliness of the modern western cis-woman, but these are outliers.



@ alf baird

the very fact that we go cap in hand and beg for another bowl (S30) shows just how oppressed and colonialised we have become – way too poor and stupid it seems to work out what they have done to us, and then our so called leaders repeat the insanity, over and over. We make it too easy for our masters, don’t we.

David Hannah

10 by-election defeats for Humza. I see he’s moving his family into Bute House permanently. We’ll be paying for his families protection. And by the end of Humza’s stay. He’ll have turned Bute House into a mosque. I feel sorry for all of the precious artwork that’s going to be destroyed by the Yousaf’s. Especially knowing El Nakla the crackheaded heroin punting drug dealer is part of their family. They’ll be selling Kit Kat directly from the presidential home.

He is useless! Useless my name. Useless by nature. Have a great night!

Bernard de Linton

Confused,wish i had written that.

David Hannah

Has anyone seen the Bute House chandelier? It seems to have vanished after El Nakla and his brothers from Gaza arrived. They’ll be nothing left. The Alex Salmond painting will taken down from the wall.

It’s a disgrace what’s going on. Isn’t it? Get them out!

alf baird

JockMcT @ 7:55 pm

“the very fact that we go cap in hand and beg for another bowl (S30) shows just how oppressed and colonialised we have become”

Aye, as postcolonial theory confirms, the dominant ‘national party’ bourgeoisie totally lacks interest never mind innovation in finding a route to independence, ignoring most of the more obvious solutions, for example:

Using ‘nationalist’ Westminster majorities in Scotland to withdraw Scotland from the UK Union;
Collapsing the Holyrood Parliament and holding a plebiscite election on independence;
Alliance with another ‘national party’ to secure List seats to achieve a Holyrood pro-independence ‘supermajority’ and thence to declare independence;
Sending a Scotland permanent representative/Minister to the UN, also to demonstrate serious intent for Scotland to become a Member State;
Making Scotland’s case for independence/decolonization to the UN C-24/Decolonization Committee and having Scotland ‘listed’ as a colony with a right to granting of decolonization/independence;
Taking Scotland’s unlawful blocked by Westminster right of self-determination to the ICJ;
Holding a mandated referendum, possibly using UN agencies and a correct ‘national’ franchise;
Taking violations of the Treaty of Union and its breached ‘conditions’ to the Court of Session in an effort to have the Treaty declared void.

And another practical path to independence was outlined today:
link to

Its a bit like Paul Simon’s ’50 ways to leave your (abusive) lover’, but the SNP have instead decided to keep the spouse (us Scots) locked in the colonial basement.


Equality under the law is a fundamental concept of justice.

This perverted bill from the perverted party is inimical to justice.

It reverses equality under the law and enshrines inequality under the law, special treatment under the law.

Fuck the the post 2014 SNP. Total rat bastards. Adopting every poisonous policy they can find.

Mark Beggan

Bring back Alan B’stard.


@Alf Baird at 9:47pm

“Its a bit like Paul Simon’s ’50 ways to leave your (abusive) lover’, but the SNP have instead decided to keep the spouse (us Scots) locked in the colonial basement.”

Excellent comment, Alf. And an interesting alternative route to independence put forward by Andy Anderson as explained in his letter posted on the Dear Scotland site.


Humza says X is a cesspit of hatred but he doesn’t look at his own notifications?link to
He thinks we dislike him because we are all racists and islamophobics….nothing to do with him being a shit FM who got the job in order to be Nicolas puppet and despite being a failure at his previous posts.
What an embarrassment our FM is link to
He didn’t even turn up at Holyrood today for the motion to repeal the HCA.
For anyone who hasn’t heard yet Perth & Kinross have Sally Hughes standing as our Indy4Indy candidate at the GE. You can support Sally here link to
Sally will make a brilliant MP. Let’s show Old Pete the door this time!


Is there any truth to the rumour he is leaving for personal reasons

Mark Beggan

Eureka! I know how to save Police Scotland a ton of cash.

Introducing the

HATEOMETER (Copyright pending)

Just get the suspect to breath in the said gizmo and you get a result. Fined on the spot. Sorted. So easy it’s like taking votes from a jock..


@Alf Baird at 9:47pm

Thanks Alf, for your detailed reply and links to further info. We shall awaken, and overcome.

Mark Beggan

Someone said Brown has contributed nothing to white culture.


“The see of being has come out of naught!
No glimpse of its truth has anyone caught.
Many a clown has put forth his thought.
From the otherside news cannot be sought”

Omar Khayyam


“If a man threatens to rape a woman, he is unlikely to know if the victim is born a woman or a trans woman.

That behaviour should logically be seen as misogynistic.”
Says Yousaf.

So if a man threatens to rape someone who identifies as a man it “should logically” not be seen as misogynistic, and the same if the man threatening thought the victim was a man.

I was already prepared to complain about this being set up to discriminate against male victims but I’d totally missed that by their own views they are omitting those who identify as men too.


I do hope that there is truth in the rumour that Humza Yousaf is going to stand down for personal reasons.

A new addition in the summer could be the justification.

It would certainly be a convenient escape route. His tenure as First Minister has been appaling. SNP support is collapsing. Polls a predicting a general election slaughter for the party.

Moreover, his wife’s brothers trial for heroin possession, abduction and extortion is going to be hard on the family. Ramsay El Nakla is not his sister or his brother in law but if he’s convicted of the serious crimes linked to the death of an individual in a flat in Dundee there will be fall out for El Nakla’s family.

So, in so many ways white, white, white Humza is staring down the barrel of a grim future.

So yes, despite his bolshieness he may well be getting ready to jump.


Maybe the satraplike First Minister, as he he symbolically kisses the feet of the Great King, feels he ought to owe a debt of gratitude to the British for enabling the creation of the Islamic State of Pakistan, Mr Sarwar likewise.
Such old habits indicate to what extent they are a thoroughly «internally colonized» pair.
Oh so terribly «white» of them.

Ruby Tuesday

There’s always some derogatory name for their critics

Bad Actors

link to

And then also consider the impact of Nicola Sturgeon’s video appeal on social media for people worried about transphobia not to leave the party and her later claim that critics of gender recognition reforms were likely using it as a shield to hide their transphobia, misogyny, homophobia and even racism.


The contempt for Scots shown by those not culturally Scottish is sometimes projected dismissively and barely consciously – if consciously at all; as if their contempt itself is too good for the Scots and hardly worth the effort involved in displaying it.

You see this kind of casual contempt on BBC TV programmes under the misleading banners of comedy and entertainment or news and documentary.

The BBC over many decades has often portrayed the Scots as morose and maudlin or mad and mean or sleekit and scheming or stupid and servile…all while the Scots tongue is twisted into some bizarre caricature of itself.

Yet in contrast some of those craving separation from their Scottish cultural identity – Scots who in their confusion, or is it weakness, have succumbed to the draw of their new maister’s lies an blinterin bauby-doozlers – often seem to deliver their contempt for their own people with great zeal and even greater vigour and with the deliberate intention of pittin ther ain fowk doun.

And as if to prove their assimilation complete and show their allegiance true, thae add a sting tae ther contempt bi spittin’ oot alangside it some wee dribbles o venom.

There’s a fair bit of talk going around at the moment about a speech some Scottish politician gave that is an example of that very thing.


Sigh. It’s all going to end in tears, isn’t it?

As I mentioned previously; politicians can usually cope with being hated by a proportion of the electorate. But when they become a laughing stock, nothing more than a bad joke that people can’t take seriously? That’s when you know the writing is on the wall.

I suspect that Humza will cling on as FM as long as he can, but surely he knows that he won’t be around much longer. I expect he may already be planning his exit – some highly paid directorship of a Mickey Mouse company or organisation. You know – the usual Nirvana for failed, high profile politicians.

Humza, all we ask is that you go quietly. For goodness sake, don’t slam the door in anger and shout “White!” on your way out. Just go.


There’s another law coming out (yippee! We really need these …) for women so that’s a wee bit unfair.


Christ I loathe the Tories at Holyrood, but here I was hoping that they made a difference against the vile HC Laws.

Even if the abstentions were added to the no vote the attempt to repeal the vile HC Laws would’ve failed by 54 to 64. what a f*cked up parliament Holyrood has become.

“A CALL for the Scottish Government’s new hate crime laws to be repealed has been defeated at Holyrood.

The Scottish Tories put forward a motion today calling for the Hate Crime and Public Order Scotland Act – which was already voted through Parliament in 2021 but only came into force on April 1 – to be repealed.

But the motion ultimately failed, with an SNP amendment removing the word “repeal” passing with 64 MSPs voting yes, 29 voting no and 25 abstentions.”

“Speaking ahead of the debate, the First Minister told journalists the Tory push to repeal the legislation was “disgraceful””


The new Mysogeny Law promised by Humza Yousaf will relate to Women and Trans Women. So what happens to single sex spaces? If a self-declared trans woman enters a single sex space and I object will that be a hate crime?
Age is protected under the HCA. It seems to be generally accepted that this applies to abuse of elderly people. How elderly do you have to be to take advantage of this protection? Moreover, what would happen if I were to take exception to the crowds of pupils from the local school who throng the pavement outside Greggs making it virtually impossible for me (an elderly woman) to walk along the pavement and forcing me to walk on the road? Can I shout “Gangway children” and run through them with my shopping trolley or could they accuse me of ageism under the HCA? Just asking.


“If a man threatens to rape a woman, he is unlikely to know if the victim is born a woman or a trans woman.

That behaviour should logically be seen as misogynistic.”
Says Yousaf.

It should be seen as mentally ill. No one is “born” trans.
That’s not hate. That’s scientific fact.

& Imagine a man actually does attempt rape & discovers they’re really male. I think we could add murder to that scenario far worse than being labelled misogynistic. There’s been some murders already in the States where trans have deliberately concealed their identity & didn’t make it out alive. It’s apparently celebrated within the trans community to dupe unsuspecting men. How many will rush to the courts claiming male on male rape is just misogyny & a hate crime as well as the humiliation of male victims who aren’t exactly known for coming forward to report it.

It’s a whole can of worms to placate “bad actors”

Agent x

How many trans women have been raped?

Spartan 117

I don’t know about a “bad faith actor”, but he is definitely an incompetent, fascist, racist git. Change my view.


I’ve been getting some nostalgic flashbacks to 15+ years ago when it was manhating feminists I’d sigh and laugh at, before being “on the same side” as them as something far worse took over.

Beauties such as “men never get threatened with rape” have cropped up in comment chains started by Yousaf’s tweets to go along with the ones who support misogyny law (rather than protected characteristic sex or binning the hate law), support juryless trials or repeatedly talk about the number of women killed when men are two to three times more likely to be murdered.


First ministers like prime ministers are not presidents they have a functional not mandated shelf life. If they fail to deliver, are incompetent or simply over promoted they should be removed.
That is how democracy ought to operate.
Neither Sturgeon nor Yousaf has brought Scotland closer to independence during their respective terms. That alone is sufficient reason to station the Nationalist heavy weaponry before the palace.
I do not understand why they and their posturing clique are still hanging around.
Surely we not waiting for some guy in shining armour to do the necessary deed?


This is absolutely off topic but I think it illustrates the lack of urgency in the Scottish Government in addressing women’s rights.
Religious groups have been protesting outside premises offering abortion services for many years. A ministerial working group was set up in November 2021 to consider the issue. A proposal for a Bill to address this was lodged in May 2022. A final proposal for a Bill was lodged in June 2023.
I have just checked the progress of this bill and it is listed as being at Stage 1.
This is a very obvious problem affecting women. It is very specific. It seems to me that there is no sense of urgency in dealing with this. This seems to sum up the attitude of the Scottish Government. Neither Nicola Sturgeon nor Humza Yousaf appear to care about this problem which exclusively affects XX Women otherwise the Bill would have moved much faster. (I have written to my MSP and he assures me it is ‘very important to the Scottish Government.’) Aye, right.

Ruby Tuesday

All the fetishes & philias included in lgbtq+


link to

Michael Jackson described as an autopedophilic androphilic pedophile

link to

Some time back, I read a comment by Dr. Bailey suggesting that Jackson’s behavior fit the theoretical description of an autopedophilic androphilic pedophile. That is to say, a pedophile, attracted to little boys, who also finds the thought of being a little boy himself sexually arousing and rewarding. Jackson saw himself as Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up, one of the lost boys of Neverland who in his innocence has sex with other little boys. This wasn’t just a metaphor. It was central to his sexual identity.

Ruby Tuesday

Women are not allowed to have anything for themselves not even a bloody hate crime.


Ruby Tuesday LOL!

Very true.

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    • 100%Yes on The Front On The Volga: “FFS 48% follow for transgender. When are we going to get of this subject and get back on Independence. 2026…Feb 11, 18:32
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    • Confused on The Front On The Volga: “Did you do those feral pigs? More seriously, went for a walk today and did see (only one thankfuck) north…Feb 11, 18:27
    • twathater on The Front On The Volga: “ALL joking aside the devastation and damage these deviants and perverts have rained down on societies weakest and most vulnerable…Feb 11, 18:27
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Joker: ““Stu has consistently pushed the notion that there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics” Because there isn’t. Tell me you’re…Feb 11, 18:26
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on The Front On The Volga: “Only on the last day, in a desperate attempt to stop Paulus surrendering.Feb 11, 18:19
    • John C on The Front On The Volga: “It needs to end before all the different and emergent trans ideologies take off. Thans-abled is a thing so that’s…Feb 11, 18:18
  • A tall tale

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