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Wings Over Scotland

Everything About You

Posted on March 14, 2024 by

We’ve just submitted this Freedom Of Information request to Police Scotland:

I seek the following information with regard to Police Scotland’s programme of materials surrounding the implementation of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021:

(1) What was the total cost of the “Hate Monster” campaign?

(2) Of that, how much was spent on the production of the “Have you met the Hate Monster?” video (below)?

(3) Which pronouns should be used when referring to the Hate Monster in reporting of the campaign? Does the Hate Monster have a sex and/or gender? Were any full-body images of the Hate Monster commissioned, or only its upper body? If the former, please supply any such images held by Police Scotland.

(4) Would the reference on this page to “young men aged 18-30 […] with ideas about white-male entitlement” constitute a possible hate crime or hate incident, under the protected characteristic of race, since it seems likely to stir up hatred of young white men as being disproportionately bigoted and violent on the basis of their colour and lead to their victimisation?

(5) If so, is there a particular third party (such as a sex shop or mushroom farm) to whom this crime/incident should be reported, as when the alleged offender was the police a person might for obvious reasons not “feel comfortable reporting the incident to the police”, as noted on the campaign website?

(6) Which organisations, if any, were employed to provide suitable training to the staff of Third Party Reporting Centres and how much, if anything, were they paid?

(7) Are Third Party Reporting Centres required to accept any report, or can they use their discretion to refuse some reports if they find them objectionable or offensive?

(8) Are there circumstances whereby a report of a hate crime/hate incident could itself constitute a hate crime/hate incident?

Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland

We’ll keep you updated with developments as they occur.

In the meantime, please enjoy our new official logo and let us know if you’re interested in purchasing any items from our imminent t-shirt range.

Because surely it must be a hate crime to hate the Hate Monster.

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Good qs! Can’t wait to see Police Scotland’s response.

Anton Decadent

Will be interesting to see how they respond to that, very well played, sir.

I had just posted in the previous thread when this came up so will repost it here as I believe it is still relevant.

Canada has previously been mentioned but not Eire which has a greater similarity to Scotland politically. A coalition of New Irish and Greens who appear to have ulterior motives. The current and previous Ministers For Children are/were childless homosexuals the latter of which went back to the US to work on the 2020 Biden campaign and the current is a friend of Peter Tatchell. There is quite clearly a pattern of behaviour here with regard to Western governments, people who literally hate the host populations and wish to see them replaced and their children queered.

Eire is also introducing Hate Speech Laws, purely a coincidence, no doubt. Scroll down to Demonstration Test.

link to

Anton Decadent

Ps, I would happily purchase one of your tshirts 🙂

Jackie Macadam

It’s honestly pathetic. I looked it up on the police scotland website because there’s so much disinformation around and it’s absolutely true. It’s beyond pathetic. Actually, listening to these two solicitor advocates discussing the new law brings it in to sharp focus as unworkable.
link to


Regarding the HM’s lower body, surely this would have to be a mermaid’s tail, possibly partially hidden behind a stone wall?

Alice Timmons

Ach, some days you’re a prick. Some days you’re just a bloody hero. Can’t wait to buy the T shirt.


That advert is atrocious. Watched it and I don’t know what the point of it was. I bet they spent a small fortune on it. The accent on the narrator is grating as well. Sounds put on.

Everything this joke administration does is amateur hour garbage. They are just rubbish.


Gosh, do I ever appreciate your FOI request, query 4 is a cracker.


Are all the small W’s on the hate monsters body there to represent every time Yousless spat out “WHITE!”?

Regarding the merch, the hate monster would make a lovely pair of salt & pepper shakers.

In terms of design I don’t think you could do less. A parabolic curve with a couple of googly eyes drawn in it. The designer can’t even come up with a body so the hate monster is always standing behind a hedge.

Looks a bit like a testicle.

Bob Johnston

They have chosen a colour that is very difficult for colour-blind people like me to see. Surely that constitutes discrimination and a hate-crime.


How soon can we get these? For April 1st? I know a lot of folk already interested…


Yes! Lots of us want one already. Will they be ready for 1st April?


Great set of questions Rev. Isn’t it sad however that no one in the political area appears to be putting these relevant, in fact VITAL, questions forward…?

Stuart MacKay

Rev. Questions 6, 7, 8 are simply outstanding, though I suspect the answers won’t be forthcoming or the response will be wishy-washy, general hand-waving as we all suspect the police didn’t come up with all that by themselves – it’s simply not in their DNA.

Top marks for the “Feed Me” t-shirt because this is what’s it’s really all about. You can’t have hate if somebody is not out generating it, and the thing the campaigners against hate really need is more hate, otherwise they go out of business.


I suppose the designer realized he could not draw on any legs as they would look totally stupid without any fecking arms. Where are they?!

I am not lying, I could have done a better design than this. Now very curious to see the cost of Mr Angry Bawsack here, the testy testicle.

June Maxwell

Just watched a Scotgov ad on TV encouraging the reporting of these ‘hate crimes’. Scotland has fallen.


The hate monster is depicted with acne or a similar skin disease: this is incitement to hatred based on a medical condition.


Will the Hate Monster not offend the Orange Order?Not that I care.

Matt Quinn

(2) Of that, how much was spent on the production of the “Have you met the Hate Monster?” video (below)?

About a fiver on Fiverr by the looks of it… Probably about £20K all up though once ‘somebody’s pal that dizz anymayshuns’ (i.e. the person who actually paid the Fiver to Fiverr) invoiced Police Scotland/SG.

If you look at most of the A/V material coming out of the SG; it’s all very low quality ‘amateur camcorder’ stuff; but it does cost a fortune… Because while there are competent/reasonably priced producers of such materials in Scotland; they’re not of ‘the chosen few’. i.e. – The Milngavie Mafia as we used to call them back in the Red Road.

John C

Would the reference on this page to “young men aged 18-30 […] with ideas about white-male entitlement” constitute a possible hate crime or hate incident, under the protected characteristic of race, since it seems likely to stir up hatred of young white men as being disproportionately bigoted and violent on the basis of their colour and lead to their victimisation?

There’s always been an element in the supposed left/progressive side of things that despises the working class for not being pliant enough for them and not jumping to the tune of the middle class. Even during the post war period, the Heath government of the 60s and 70s and Scotland from around 2008-2017 there was an element of contempt.

But this hate crime bollocks is just complete hatred of the working class, especially if you’re white and male. For these people that places them at the bottom of the pile even though these people didn’t grow up with the same chances they did or indeed, grow up in secure middle class households. One needs only to look at the lack of interest now in making people’s lives better and the like of this nonsense to see their priorities now.

And yes, I’ll be filling in a hate speech report on the 1st of April complaining about that being hate speech. Play them at their own games & see how long it takes for the law to be binned. If everyone does this I give it 18 months.

Dorothy Devine

That is bloody appalling – I reckon a teenager could have cobbled together a better effort sitting at their computers for a whole 5 mins.

Graham Hendry

This trend of Scottish authors ditching twitter to decry male white privilege and accept jobs from the polis.. sucks

I will not be participating

Spartan 117

Well done, especially on question 4.

Awful act, awful campaign, awful video. What’s with the faux Weegie accent?

Another example of They Work Against Us.


you are all being horribly racist against poor little Hate Monster. His yellow cousin, the Honey Monster of Sugar Puff land doesnt suffer all this mocking and denigration. You all need to be reported for this stirring of hatred and discrimination, you horrible lot!

Why do I get the impression, Stu, that you were joking about your new clothing range? If so, you must be choking with laughter to see so much demand for it 🙂 🙂 🙂

Geoff Anderson

Should the reporting centres not have an official logbook with guidance that pages may not be removed or entries altered other than by a single line. The entries should have a sequential number and the log should be available for inspection by the Public.
False entries and deleted entries remains a major concern.

How are the entries closed? Will we have a register of those permitted to make entries? What are the punishments for those who provide information to others not on the Police approved register? Does the entry have to be in the complainers writing or can the centre “interpret” or coach the complainer?

Kevin Cargill

I would encourage every white male aged 18 to 30 in Scotland to report this publication to their MSP and the Lord Advocate’s office directly as there’s no point reporting it to the same people who published it. The reason being, this document clearly discriminates against them and incites at least anger towards them and at worst violence towards them by accusing them without data or even a definition of “hate crime” of being the perpetrators of so-called hate crimes with no ability for them to defend themselves. At a time when MPs and MSPs are complaining about the levels of hatred towards them turning to violence they should know better than to label, accuse and denigrate an entire demographic and thus direct the attentions of those more radical and violent balaclava wearing, terrorist looking extremists amongst far left activism who think they are victims of such “hate”!


How long do you reckon before everyone in Scotland’s name appears somewhere on that data base?

John C

6) Which organisations, if any, were employed to provide suitable training to the staff of Third Party Reporting Centres and how much, if anything, were they paid?

(7) Are Third Party Reporting Centres required to accept any report, or can they use their discretion to refuse some reports if they find them objectionable or offensive?

(8) Are there circumstances whereby a report of a hate crime/hate incident could itself constitute a hate crime/hate incident?

If Stonewall, or one government funded organisation was not involved in the drafting of this I’ll be amazed. I’d bet serious money on it and I’m not a betting man as the fact is there’s a very good reason why they’re being shifty about who drafted this and it’s the same reason Creative Scotland are failing to release the application for the live sex show which is they know they’ll make a bad situation worse and people will have to lose jobs/funding.

Third party centres are open to abuse. There’s also a GDPR question which I’ve not seen answered, and also, we’re actually as a nation saying ‘vigilantism is fine’ because essentially this is what this is. It’s making the people police each other which is not how an open, civil society works. I think the GDPR issue needs to be tested as again, this is something which could bring it down quickly.

If someone goes into a third party centre, reports a ‘hate crime’. Say for example, they’ve been called a ‘Holocaust denier’ by a Trans activist for saying that Trans wasn’t a thing in Nazi Germany and that only four transvestites were murdered and that’s because they were gay and/or Jewish. Will the centre take that report or will a TRA working there bin the report so it never reaches anyone further up the food chain, and oh, just who is further up the food chain for these centres?

Or if I go in an report an Orange Walk for religious bigotry but the centre refuses it as they’re sympathetic to the Orange Order? There’s dozens of scenarios that quite simply I can see being thrown out by the centres because of their own personal politics/beliefs but would clearly meet the ‘hate crime’ criteria under this new law.


This stuff satirizes itself, but all the same, this is genius.
Sure we’ll hear the laughter all the way from Police Scotland HQ.

Dave Hansell

“Can’t wait to buy the T shirt.”

Bugger the T-shirt. When’s the game going to be available?


‘Before ye know it, ye’ve committed a hate crime!’

John C

Should the reporting centres not have an official logbook with guidance that pages may not be removed or entries altered other than by a single line. The entries should have a sequential number and the log should be available for inspection by the Public.
False entries and deleted entries remains a major concern.

How are the entries closed? Will we have a register of those permitted to make entries? What are the punishments for those who provide information to others not on the Police approved register? Does the entry have to be in the complainers writing or can the centre “interpret” or coach the complainer?

All really great points. There’s no sign there’s going to be any transparency or due diligence, so this is a GDPR nightmare in the making.

If I walk in, make a report someone say, at the sex shop disagrees with & decides to tell his mates my details so they can harass me then what happens there? How can we trust these places if those in charge refuse to tell us how things are working and if valid concerns are being dealt with.

Also, are all of those in these centres subject to not only basic safeguarding so is there going to be disclosure done on all these people working there? As an example, is anyone with a criminal conviction for stalking or harassment going to be taking people’s details?


Looks like they’ll be no need for the Hate Monster, with the Tories new definition of UK Extremism, which is so vague that picking yir nose in public and flicking it can now be concocted to look like some sort of extremism, you’ll all be banged up in the pokey before you could say, the UK’s a democracy? don’t make me laugh.

John C

How long do you reckon before everyone in Scotland’s name appears somewhere on that data base?

I do think there’s a very, very good chance of clogging the system up, especially if people mass report politicians so as soon as say, Patrick Harvie calls someone ‘cis’ I’m reporting him. As soon as any of these people trip up, they’re getting reported.

So give it six months & I think if enough people use the system as it is, then it’ll be pushed to breaking point as I really, seriously don’t think these people considered how it’ll be used against them as they’re so convinced of their righteousness and virtue.

Lorna Campbell

Good one, Rev.

We are now entering Stasi territory. Don’t like your neighbour? He managed to buy a bike and you’re still without one, report him or her for hate crimes. The sex shop has to be the ultimate in p**s-take. Really? Some big, hairy AGP or fetishist is going to go in there and blow his cover because, if the report is investigated and the police think they have a case, it’s witness time, Stasi spy, or are they going to ditch trials and go straight to prison? You’ll have to turn up or give your evidence via video-link. Oh dear, the family didn’t know? What a shame, you’re outed now, mate. Same goes for all the other categories. Somebody will know and somebody will tell you snitched.

When the Stasi files were opened to the public, families broke up, children refused to speak to parents and vice versa, neighbour turned on neighbour, teachers on students, students on teachers, husbands on wives, wives on husbands. Lots of stabbings and beatings-up, even disappearances where no body found. The former East German Kripo had their hands full. Getting the population to snitch on each other is never, ever a good idea. Think Nazi Germany and the reprisals, Stalinist Russia and the spate of revenge killings. People will seek revenge, snitches, and you won’t be able to hide forever.

John C: young, white working-class men will be a target, without doubt, but this is aimed primarily at women, hence no protection for them, to silence and intimidate them – the legislators think. State-sponsored intimidation of 50% of the population at the behest of the men in frocks.

Dave Hansell

Meanwhile, back in the reality based community:

link to

“Back in January Todd expanded on the inability of distinguishing
facts from fiction, which is also the basis of trans-genderism, during an interview with Le Figaro. From its English translation:

Q: Over time, haven’t you become a bit of a reactionary?”

And there you have it; the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man; to assert something that is biologically impossible; to deny the reality of the world; to assert the false is now considered not only reactionary but also a “Hate Crime” in an artificially manufactured hierarchy of oppression driven by a nihilistic purity spiral.

The Hate Crime legislation is itself a hate crime against the Reality Based Community which is surely the most oppressed group in the minority of the planet which is the Collective West.


Maybe I am being dim even having to ask but is the article title a nod to the Ugly Kid Joe song of the same name, Rev?


How about, the Police should simply “Hate Crime”, and do something about it, i.e. arrest criminals who commit crimes, real crimes, like rape, murder, robbery and all that normal stuff…? Too obvious, I know, so let’s all take offence and have a grievance and let’s see how this madness affects the real crime stats, the ones they have no-one to investigate. What’s next…Rainbow squads of thought police roaming the streets arresting everyone for breathing (hatefully).


I like the one with the smirk best. I don’t want a tee-shirt but I would like a he/him cuddly toy but only if it has legs.

Happy to wait for reply to:

Were any full-body images of the Hate Monster commissioned, or only its upper body? If the former, please supply any such images held by Police Scotland.


I didn’t realize I hated that Glasgow accent. It makes me feel ill.


Affected accents are the worst.


Merchandising Ideas

Hate Monster Beanies! I want one!

Also Hate Monster cloche hats (posh name for Beanie)
cloche to keep the flies off your gateaux & Hate Monster bell.
Ding a ling!

Mood board:
link to

link to


Operation Newbiggin, should’ve been named Operation Not Worth a Toss. Our colonial police force The Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland fails miserably yet again.

“A POLICE investigation into claims that a Scottish Government probe into sexual harassment allegations against former first minister Alex Salmond was “leaked” has ended with no action taken.”

“A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Our enquiries are now complete and no further action is being taken.”


I guess as I “identify” as an elderly, white, male, heterosexual I should be very grateful for this act as it will afford me ample opportunities to complain about the language in which I would be described by our woke & trans brothers/sisters/indeterminates.
I’m not.
(Identify in apostrophes as, in fact, I don’t “identify” as such, it’s just a factual statement of my skin colour, sex and personal preference.


link to

Police probe into ‘leak’ of Alex Salmond sexual harassment claims ends with no action taken

Am I right in thinking ‘Operation Malfeasance’ or what every it’s called can go ahead now.


Ross @ 15.11

Believe me Ross, us weegies don’t speak like that, honest !
The attempted imitation p*sses me off too.

Mark Beggan

I don’t know what all the fuss is about?
Humza the Useless is kaput. Nothing he’s done will endure. It will be swept away like YES banners on wet and windy street.


Were any full-body images of the Hate Monster commissioned, or only its upper body? If the former, please supply any such images held by Police Scotland.

There’s a mistake here. That isn’t it’s upper body that’s just his head cut off at the chin.

It could be one of them

link to

Cute! Another idea for the merchandising list.

Bob Johnston

You should trademark the image, Rev. I doubt anyone ‘running’ anything in Scotland right now will have thought to do that. You could charge the police for using ‘your’ intellectual property.


Good luck with that FOI, Stuart. I sense a full-on body-swerve coming up. If they do provide answers for you i have a feeling you will not receive answers to all your questions. Either way, i’m already looking forward to seeing what outcome they produce for you, if any.

David Hannah

The police in this country lost, the offensive behaviour at football act was over turned. There were thousands of fans in George Square. I was one of them.

The Hate Crime Bill will be fought with absolute, hatred. For our SICK. PERVERTED. CROOKED and ANTI WHITE MISANDRIST RACIST politicians.


David Hannah

I’m a native Scot. This is my country. Get the WOKIES out NOW!


This Hate Monster campaign is all so ridiculous, Good work submitting a FOI, I’ll be very interested in what the response to Q7 will be.


Dear gods and little fishes, is this what we are reduced to?

The good news, folks, is that misogyny is not a hate crime under this act, so the Woke Stasi are still free to abuse any woman standing up for her, or any other womens’ rights.

Funny that, eh?

Ian McCubbin

Great move looking forwards to their early reply.
(if one comes at all.)

Frank Gillougley

An advert targeted at three year-olds featuring a condom.
Job done.
Does anyone in ‘authority’ have any common sense, to say this is complete bollocks, or have I missed something?


14 March, 2024 at 3:32 pm

Ross @ 15.11

Believe me Ross, us weegies don’t speak like that, honest !
The attempted imitation p*sses me off too.

What the story about Ross and the weegie accent?

I remember the previous Tory leader in Scotland mocking someone’s accent.

Surely that’s a hate crime!

Lorna Campbell

David Hansell: the men in frocks who style themselves ‘trans’ women will be covered, immediately creating a two-tier block of ‘womanhood’ with the fakes at the top and the reals underneath. They will be covered under the gender reassignment and gender ideology and ‘woman’ categories because the ‘crime’ of stating the obvious will also protect them while leaving biological women – that is, women – out in the cold. If those absolute eejits in Holyrood get any stupider, we are all going to have to chip in for ventilators to keep them going because they will be too stupid to breathe on their own. There should be a law against really stupid people getting elected or even standing as candidates if they are going to let their stupidity loose on the population.

David Hannah

P.s. SNP. No Chick has a dick!

Adult Human Female are women and that includes NO MEN!

Jail the gender doctors for their crimes against humanity!

My belief system is two genders. And the Christian faith. In our Christian country of Scotland.

Ali Baba and the 40 thieves should be arrested for inciting hatred against the white male.


Jason Smoothpiece


The Country has gone totally crazy, thank you.


Frank Gillougley
14 March, 2024 at 4:17 pm

An advert targeted at three year-olds featuring a condom.
Job done.

Any info on whether or not children can report hate crimes?

Would calling someone a poo be a hate crime.

Boys called Innes get quite a hard time with name-calling.


It’s Scotland. Shouldn’t The Hate Monster be orange with green stripes?

stuart mctavish

Bob Johnson @3:40
Brilliant – best do a front and back though, lest the cheeky devils substituted a skull cap for the Jimmy hat they couldnt quite get away with (yet)

Anton Decadent

In New Zealand last year a womens rights demonstration was counter protested by men in dresses and their far Left muscle and a seventy year old woman received a black eye after being punched by one of the counter protesters who was a bearded male. In Auckland last week he was discharged without conviction with a £480 fine as punishment and a lifetime ban on naming him was imposed. Here in Glasgow lifetime anonymity was granted to the imported grooming gang prosecuted under Operation Cerrar. Down in England a Labour MP said that the victims of grooming gangs should shut up for the sake of diversity.

Will complaining about masked men riding electric vehicles on the pavements, which is against the law, I believe, but not enforced, be a hate crime?

Spartan 117

Noted that Canada is going through a similar authoritarian streak, TurdD’oh threatening to lock people up for life for WrongThink.

Many Western countries are in lockstep with this kind of thinking, which spells doom for liberty and prosperity; a seemingly co-ordinated assault on freedoms made by certain militant activist sections of society.


The estate of Tove Jansson could sue for breach of copyright. That Police Scotland HM looks affy like the Groke.

Robert Hughes

@ Lorna C

” If those absolute eejits in Holyrood get any stupider, we are all going to have to chip in for ventilators to keep them going because they will be too stupid to breathe on their own ”

Hahahaha . AYE !

Ambulation whilst masticating ” gum ” would also prove too complex for them .

Good to see Ireland dispensing a hard kick up the arse to it’s own Idiotocracy by rejecting their Gov’s latest attack on the Family .

I hope Sinn Fein are paying close attention ; because all this shit is one thing that has the potential to wreck it’s hopes for Irish Reunification . That and Immigration . They better start listening to the people , rather than arrogantly dismissing their legitimate concerns and slandering anyone who expresses such concern as * racist * .

Frank Gillougley

Take two of disbelief. Why does this scenario even see the light of day?

‘Right, guys, ah’ve goat a reallllly hoachin’ idea fur an advert aboot this hate crime business. Right, whit it is, is we’ll get a hairy condom-lookin-hing, like, as the hate doodah, but we canny huv it tokkin as that’d just be pure mental, so whit we’ll dae is get some guy wae a right put oan wurkin-class glesga accent like he’s fae Take the High Road, ‘n he kin tok ower it like in the movies, ken, so ther ye’s go. Nae borra.’


Mark Beggan

A description once given to a Muslim terrorist by a British journalist;

” You are in a corrugated toilet in the middle of a minefield surrounded by barb wire and your enemies are waiting for you to come out… ”

This describes the situation Humza Useless is now in.


This is Scotland today but the rest of the UK tomorrow. It seems to be the Rev and J K Rowling in Scotland and our own Douglas Murray here in England leading the resistance to this nightmare. In my 78 years I never thought any of this could happen. I wonder if I have lived too long it is so terribly depressing.

Neil Mackenzie

Surely, a “Third Party Reporting Centre” (or “Agency” as they’re referred to elsewhere) are outsourced police admin services and must receive financial remuneration for their work.

Wouldn’t it be worth asking how much they get paid? What’s the remuneration structure? Do they get paid by retainer, per individual case or is it a combination. There’s no way anyone is doing it for nothing.

Anton Decadent

@Robert Hughes, Sinn Fein officially introduced the demonisation of their own people via accusations of racism around 1998. Same as the SNP they are a front operation for something else entirely. Four years ago a young man of mixed race was filmed in Cork repeatedly stabbing a badly beaten white teenage boy who was lying on the ground, the one carrying out the stabbing had attacked someone else with a vodka bottle at an earlier date. Sinn Fein released a statement warning people not to share this footage whilst at the same time the one who had carried out the stabbing and bottle attack was boasting on social media that he had been given a better house in a different area as a reward for his actions/to protect him from evil white people.

Fine Gael and Fianna Fael are also tractorous glblsts. With regard to the stabbings in Dublin last November a few doors down from the school is a trade union office and it has a huge banner hanging on the building, the same block as the school the stabbings occurred outside of, saying to celebrate diversity and fight racism.

David Hannah

Will Ash Regan speak up for us, against the whitephobia in this country?

We need action on white phobia.



David Hannah

We need action on Christian phobia.

This condescending piece of human filth – ali baba and the forty thieves – has no right to lecture us on our morals.

He’s a crook. A fraud. A racist. A charlatan. An adulterer! 10 time by – election loser. Hamas terrorist organisation funder. The first minister of Gaza before Scotland. He’s a sturgeon puppet. A false minister that cheated his way into bute house. Loyal to the false green agenda and John Kerry, before the men of Grangemouth and the people of Scotland. He wants to carve up your children, but is afraid of what they’ll say about gay marriage down at the mosque.

I didn’t think it would be possible to HATE someone more than Nicola Sturgeon – But Humza’s hate crime bill, is making him come close!

Ahaha. SOS. Save SCOTLAND!


O/T: Now that the police have “closed their file” [as if it was ever opened] on the leak from the FM’s office to David Clegg, will Alex Salmond be able to pursue a civil case about it?


This could intimidate young children. Might make them think that there actually is a big bad monster out there.

It’s like being told as a young child about the Big Bad Wolf or the Bad Fire.

Truly what kind of moron can spend not inconsiderable public money creating and cultivating nonsense like this.

A more positive campaign message about folks trying to do good, be a Mate to Many would have been far preferable.

This is just pure drivel and waste of public money.

Meanwhile today Edinburgh narrowly avoided its own Grenfell type fire in new flats in Bonington.

With an apartment fire not being contained the fire it seems spread to other flats and a hundred residents had to be evacuated.

Moreover, aside of the apparent failure in building standards to contain the fire spreading it seems that fire engines through access design inadequacy could not reach the blocks and firefighters were having to carry ladders.

Following on from the tragic deaths of two individuals who died in the luxury Cameron House fire a few years ago the contrast of poor Scottish Government building standards fire regulation standards and nonsense like this Hate Monster campaign show exactly what a bust bag of excrement this Scottish Government is.

So Dumza Youseless maybe you can advice on how many homes are potential death traps.

It’s grim governance indeed.

Duchess of Puke Street

The Hate Monster Raving Loony Party… sorry

John Main

“young men aged 18-30”

Erm … it’s reasonable to ask “What’s a man?”, when in a political environment that can’t answer the question “What’s a woman?”.

As for “aged 18-30”, is that biological age, or self-identified age? If anybody can deny their biological sex and self-id as a different one, then it makes every bit as much sense to deny your biological age too.

Rory Forbes

I hate this post.
It’s a fair cop.
I’ll come quietly!

David Holden

Not sure the hate monster is scary enough to have any effect as it looks a bit like a demonic carrot the favoured vegetable of the SNP or Pete Wishart after too much time in the sun.


The Hate Monster has got no nose.

Q How does he smell?

A (Altogether now) . . . . . . . .

Robert Hughes

@ Anton Decadent

I never heard about the incident you refer to – no surprise that I didn’t ; as you’ve mentioned previously , there is a definite policy of either under-reporting or not reporting at all such incidents eg Operation Cerrar , which I’d never heard about either until you wrote about it .

A horrible assault is no more horrible because it was committed by a foreigner – or less so , but the question is whether the policy of bringing people from – mostly – cultures very different to our own eg perhaps more brutal cultures , ones where women are treated with less respect ,to live in areas which are themselves deprived and subject to all kinds of socio/economic pressures is ever likely to end well .

Jeremy Wickins

I *really* want one of those teeshirts!


I keep thinking that someone in Scot Gov or the police will come back and tell us this absurd
abomination just never existed.

Just checked the calendar for April 1st.


What about this publication at the hands of Boris Johnson-

It described Scots as “tartan dwarves” who were “polluting our stock” and suggested that the country should be turned into a “ghetto” with the inhabitants submitted for “extermination.”

Hate crime or what.

Calls Scots Dwarves and he Would like to exterminate us.

George Ferguson

Humour and ridiculing of this Hate Crime Legislation is welcome and used to be the Scottish way. Since 2015 controlling Legislation has been introduced and chucked out at a later date. Coincides with Nicola Sturgeon becoming the First Minister and now by her insecure continuity candidate. Meanwhile all the evidence shows the tolerance of low level crimes leads to more serious crimes in later life. How much Police resource will be spent on the latest folly. Nobody in Government accepts any responsibility, Matheson being the latest example. Stand up Matheson and resign as an MSP. Have some self worth and integrity. PS is that a hate crime? Taxpayers holding politicians to account?

Spartan 117

Hopefully the entirely justifiable ridicule this absurd Act and campaign is now being rightfully subjected to will be enough to sink this pile of complete and utter keech once and for all.

Another very big nail in the Green/Snip cask.


a 999 call sometime in the near future

– ye huv tae send the polis, theyve set ma bin oan fire and are trying to kick my door in …

– is this really an emergency sir, I think you want the fire brigade

– but they are banging oan the windae with the zombie knives say “yoor getting plugged ya rocket”

– did you get a good look at them

– I know who it is, its that wee bastard up the park – he’s got a replica shirt with his name on the back …

– we could give you the number for the council anti social behaviour unit for conflict resolution – they open on Monday, 9am …

– … (thinks) …

– OH AYE – they are screaming thru my letterbox that I am a P4KI TRANNY BASTARD and I will never have real children since I don’t have a womens bits


The Flying Iron of Doom

I have to confess to wanting a few Hate Monster t-shirts, a Hate Monster hoodie and perhaps a fuzzy wee pine-scented Hate Monster to hang from my rear view mirror. Also, I’m thinking that an energy drink named Hate Monster would go down well with the kids 😀


Is it complicated doing one of these freedom of information requests? Is it something ordinary folk can do easily?


Regarding the salt & Pepper Hate Monster shakers…

I am thinking on one it says ‘Salt’ and on the other side ‘You Cunt’ and then on the other it says ‘Pepper’ and ‘Yer Maw’.

This merch was obviously a joke (as was pointed out above) but the really funny thing (as was pointed out) is they would sell.

George Ferguson

@Mac 8:37pm
I have done it several times. It is easy. First thing you have to do. Make sure nobody else has requested a similar FOI by reading the departments previous FOIs. Then just write to the department. I did it via email. Got responses within the 20 working day limit. I found out that COPFS made no consideration to the 2031 Census when deciding the no prosecution policy for 2021(2022) Census. Also the NRS blatantly covered up the real reason for the low Census return in 2021(2022). They categorised the non responses without allowing a response of Women that rebelled against the dimumition of women rights via GRRB. A 37% non category!. Such like the suffragettes in 1911. Of course you can’t get the MSM to report on that. Their job is to keep the Union in place. Abject corruption is unreportable.PS is this post a Hate Crime?


3) Pronouns – definitely a ‘he’ as stated twice in the narration / text. No surprises there. ‘Shes’ can never be full of hate obvs.

Robert Hughes

Maybe it was the Hate Monster who leaked Scot-I’m-alright/Guv’s botched attempted political assassination of Alex Salmond to the Daily Record .

The identity of this incontinent leaker has perplexed the best minds of Polis Scotland for 2 years – a team of one , working flat out ( at times as much as hof an oor a year ) have been unable to crack this devilishly cunning case , and this despite the input of ace sleuth D.S Lutine Bell .



On a linguistics level, it’s quite fascinating that this (s)advert is rendered in poorly-rendered colloquial, working class Scots. The only time the middle class in this country use Scots is the very odd word or two, to show ‘down with the lower classes’ they are. God, what utter cunts. Normally we have the new half-American-sounding Received Pronunciation from our ‘Highers And Betters’ as they condescend from Holyrood.

The Scottish middle class condescension and hatred of the working class is very, very clear here. Because clearly the working classes are the only people in this country or island who hate. Except the middle classes who hate the working class, and the upper classes who hate everybody except themselves. Go fuck yourselves, Holyrood, each and every single one of you. Not an intellect amongst you now. A sub-local-councillor-level joke. Sad. Just sad.


I hear that Police Scotland used the Patrick Harvie Deviant scenario in their training course, without maming Patrick Harvie.

Carol Neill

Can I order 2 dozen T-shirts , one I’ll keep for me and the others I’ll give to my locals at the food bank


Watch question time tonight

link to

Anton Decadent

@Robert Hughes, it is not just us, there is a media blackout across Western nations with regard to imported crime.

@Confused, it would not be a helicopter, the emergency rescue unicorn will be on around the clock standby.

@The Flying Iron Of Doom. Find one in every car, you’ll see.


Ugly Kid Joe, wasn’t it?

George Ferguson

@WhoRattledYourCage 9:45pm
It’s always been that way in Scotland. The middle classes invent ways to secure their interests. A classic example is the UKCat test. A financial hurdle for Egalitarian access to Medical Courses. It’s been over 20 years since this handicap was introduced. Surely by now they have worked out what makes a good Doctor?. Perhaps it’s because the middle classes have worked out the UKCat test is a leveller.


Serious question; will those unfortunate people in our society afflicted with self loathing and low self esteem face appropriate punishment for crimes against their own humanity?

I mean it’s brilliant. Not only can we round up Goths for hating themselves, we can round up all those who hated Goths so much they rounded them up. A double whammy!

Not being allowed to hate anybody, even yourself, seems such a great idea. We should criminalise all kinds of bad things; like illness, sadness, social deviancy, poverty, swearing, and getting angry.

All those people hating XL American Bulldogs must be shitting themselves waiting for the Rozzers to catch up with them and send them for correction for hating cuddly devil dogs.

Let’s ban fear too. That will be brilliant. Just imagine all those people made miserable by fear of spiders, darkness and tight spaces who won’t have to suffer anymore once fear is made illegal. Sorted!

If it’s against the law to get ill, we can save a fortune on the NHS. Genius! You’ll have to keep your terminal illness a secret or face arrest for being poorly. Who needs vaccinations when we can just jail everybody! No more lockdowns, lock em up instead!

Ban depression next. Jesus, this criminalisation malarkey should fix everything that’s a bit negative in our society. Just ban it all. Any c*%#t not smiling will be carted off to the correction cubes or that off-world prison on the moon. Fkg smile! Or else.

All those kids who won’t eat their greens? Just perform a citizens arrest and restrain them until Judge Dredd arrives to justice them.

We could even criminalise crime and make it illegal to break the law! Just imagine that! No more prisons! And we can use those prison facilities to detain the criminalised ill people, and free up so many beds in the NHS!

What’s the actual price tag on a “hate” anyway? Is it a £50 fine with points on your licence or will a prison sentence be mandatory?… Prison that is, in a world without prisons… err.. does that mean they’re gonna target my goods, wealth and possessions? Like I’m a crop to be harvested for my money?

Jesus this dystopia thing is making my brain hurt.

Steve ashton

Give your kid some crayons some chalk, or maybe paint
Tell them you need a monster that will make the weak folk faint
They will quickly draw a ravening beast, red in tooth and claw!
They will draw it, it will scare them, then they’ll run and tell their maw!

Give your cronies crayons, and add ten million quid…
Tell them you want a monster and they’ll do as you have bid.
But first they’ll bank the cash (and then they’ll feed some back to you!)
They’ll stash most in offshore accounts (‘cos that’s what cronies do!)
Then when the deadline that you set
Is looking like it won’t be met
(and your deadlines rarely are…)
You will find them in the nearest, most expensive whisky bar!
One will make a thumbprint with his digit up his ass
His mate will loudly laugh and add two olives from his glass.
You know its looking infantile, but they’re your croney crew
So you smile and you look happy and you tell them “that will do!”…

Neil mc

At work we were thinking of some sort of mass reporting event of Yousaf for a hate crime. Watch his ‘White’ racist rant on YouTube on April 1st, get offended and report him. The only way to beat this lunacy is to clog up the system. I think it’s our moral duty to rail against hurts words.


Cheers George.

I don’t know shit about this but was wondering if you could use a FOI request to find out how many complaints the Police have received about incidents occurring in specific Nursing Homes and what was the nature of the complaints and how many were acted upon by the police.

Sue Varley

Rev, how about adding a speech bubble to your t-shirts with the words “Hate people, hate people!” coming from the monster?


Stop Hate Crime with a ScotGov-approved Hate Monster face mask. Prevents you saying anything that might be construed as offensive.

link to


BBC Propaganda partner the right wing Scotsman unionist pamphlet

link to

George Ferguson

@Mac 8:25pm
Yes you can. That is a definite FOI able request. Go to the Police Scotland website and make sure nobody has asked the same question because the answer maybe already there. If you have a specific Care Home in mind. That’s also under the remit of an FOI request. Eventually Scottish politicians will realise they serve us.

Louise Hogg

That gave me a much needed laugh. Sadly I think the only ones able to properly enjoy this, will be The Honey Monster and his pal The Cookie Monster. Who have bought in appropriate supplies to watch this unfold on the telly, from the safety of Sesame Street.

Sadly a woman has no such protection.

Dave Webb

Keep on keeping on. I’ll definitely have a t-shirt when they’re ready.

Paul Massi Cameli

I would definitely buy a “Feed Me” shirt! I would actually like it even more as a crew-neck sweatshirt so that it could be outerwear. I think you could sell A LOT of these; it’s easy to imagine it becoming the t-shirt/sweatshirt of the year.

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