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Wings Over Scotland

How soon isn’t now?

Posted on March 16, 2017 by


None of the tweets below are true.

We could list a hundred more. In a torrent of something less than journalism, almost every news outlet in the country has issued kneejerk blaring headlines in the last 10 minutes claiming something that Theresa May categorically did NOT say.

In fact, as one or two slightly more diligent and professional reporters pointed out, what the Prime Minister actually did was studiously and doggedly AVOID the question of whether she would block a second referendum.

May simply repeated, over and over again, that “Now is not the time”. But nobody was proposing holding a referendum now. The earliest approximate date in the range suggested by Nicola Sturgeon was autumn 2018, over a year and a half away. That is not “now” in any remotely reasonable definition.

The First Minister expressly said that the vote should not be held until the details of Brexit were known. That will be the case well before Brexit actually happens. (Since the deal has to be ratified, which takes time. The EU’s chief negotiator said late last year that the “real” deadline for agreeing all the details is in fact October 2018, which is precisely in line with Nicola Sturgeon’s timeframe.)

On that matter she and the Prime Minister are in full agreement. The UK’s political journalists are at best incompetent idiots, and at worst deliberate liars.

And sadly that, like the tweets above, is not news.

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Dipping in and out of the Yoonstream Media this afternoon and dear God what a depressing experience that has been.

The epic lack of intelligent reasoning. The shear ignorance and arrogance on display. Oh and let’s not forget the never ending line up of ‘experts’ on Scottish politics and the Scottish population’s political mindset. It’s been an education in deflection and projection.


Utterly weaponsgrade, disingenuous, deceitful, metrocentric, bumtrumpetting fuckwittery on steroids. Reckless, dangerous, thoughtless and heartless idiocy of the lowest order.

You can take it for granted that the ‘divisive’ SNP and in particular Nicola Sturgeon, are eeeeevil incarnate for picking on poor kittenish Theresa May. Ayup, attempting to fracture, tear, sunder and break up precious, precioussssss Britain. That’s the bottom line right there and all without the slightest hint of irony or shame. Oh, and of course endangering a successful Brexit process.

So let’s be clear folks. Austerity UK is not the responsibility of Westminster government. Brexit Britain and an EU exit, which the Scottish population were expressly promised they would never face, is also not the fault of the Westminster government. Failing to deliver on the pledges and assurances of indyref 1? You guessed it. Not the responsibility of the Westminster government.

No, the First Minister of Scotland. The person mandated overwhelmingly to represent and protect the interests of the Scottish population has quite suddenly and with apparently no genuine reason decided to throw a divisive and thoughtless ‘threat’ of a second indyref into the ring. Mainly because, y’know, that’s what them divisive separatists do.

The Westminster political class and the media, near as I can tell, have absolutely zero redeeming qualities at this point. There is no empathy, honesty, humility or courage that I can see and most certainly they show a complete absence of conscience or shame.

There are days where you can literally feel your faith in humanity exit the building.

This could be one of those days.


Socrates MacSporran says:

“Good luck with the protest, but, this is a golden opportunity for sinister forces to try to discredit the Independence movement.”

This is true.They will take every opportunity to antagonise.

I wish that I could be there with you Ronnie but circumstances prevent me at the moment. Having been on many Protests, marches, picket lines etc. I can only offer this advice.

If I was coming with you I would bring the Family and make it a family day out. The people that we are up against (who may or may not show face) will get no sympathy for interfering, in any way, with with a good-natured but serious protest and they won’t want to appear like the cowards that they undoubtedly are, by threatening a crowd of peacefully protesting people from all walks of life, of all ages and sexes.

I hope you and everyone who joins in the protest have a peaceful and productive day, stay safe.

Peace Always



Apologies, My Friend, for more or less repeating what you said, I jumped over your own post to put in mine on the same subject and with, I’m not surprised to see, the same sentiments.

Peace Always

Ps It’s good to know that I can still jump a post at my age


@ Smallaxe, I attended the Shortbread demo, a good humoured, musical & entertaining day-oot with weans & dugs much in evidence! Even the Polis enjoyed it!


@ ronnie

In case you missed it earlier.

Many fronts and many paths Ron.

Peaceful public protest is perhaps the most basic and precious form of the population holding the powerful to account.

Wishing you well for the day.


Macart says:

“There are days where you can literally feel your faith in humanity exit the building.”

Don’t worry, My Friend, you are not losing you faith in humanity.
Remember the words of Mr Spock to Captain Kirk in “Star Trek”

link to

Live long and Prosper!

Peace Always



It’s the only way to do it! The Police are obliged and no doubt happy to protect peaceful protest, it’s the only way forward for us. Peaceful protest by Peaceful people will eventually bring us what is rightfully ours. Peacefully!

Peace and Love to You and Yours


Finally, after more than 2 years, I have shamed The National into publishing an article by the Rev. Stuart Campbell:

Rock (2days ago),

“It is not a question of the Rev. writing for The National.

It is a question of the “independence supporting” The National publishing the Rev.’s excellent articles as front page headline news.

The National claims to be short of staff and resources.

I am sure the Rev. wouldn’t demand exorbitant fees for The National to publish his articles.”


The National shamed into publishing an article by the Rev. Stuart Campbell, and already the usual suspects are complaining:

Ian Brotherhood,

“@Ronnie Anderson (10.51) –

Hear hear.

A very disappointing comment from Rev.”

Are you “in” or “out”?

Ian Brotherhood,
11 February, 2017 at 12:59 am

“Rock and his supporters are – successfully – choking the life out of creative, informative discourse on this site.

No more appealing to Rev, or anyone else – I’m out.”


@ronnie + BBC “protesters”

Perhaps the answer to this is simple. Last time was a protest because of Nick Robinson, this time make it a “Keep it fair” type of rally rather than protest.

Perhaps with a banner saying something like:

“We want a Balanced Broadcasting Corporation
not a British Broadcasting Corporation”.

That’s then positive not negative.


Though you’ll have to call it a demonstration or GCC will want £1 million for it to be held.


Rock says:
17 March, 2017 at 9:30 pm
“Finally, after more than 2 years, I have shamed The National into publishing an article by the Rev. Stuart Campbell:”

Have you read this?

“There’s no limit to what a man can do, or where he can go, if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.”

It’s at the top of every page.

Peace Always



Peace and long life.

Fascinating. 😉



Peace Always


There you go, put your money where your mouth is:

link to


How soon isn’t now ?

That joke isn’t funny anymore



When soon becomes now and now becomes then, I think we will find it funny again.The humour can start with the stroke of OUR pen. To start the process of freedom again.

Peace Always


Goodnight, All

“Come Together”
link to

Peace Always

Alex Waugh

Perhaps, nearer the vote, someone could produce badges and T-shirts with an appropriate quotation:
“Now’s the time and now’s the hour”.
Msy just handed the Indy movement a marketing gift because neither she nor anyone on her team even think that Scotland HAS a culture, never mind know anything about it.

Alex Waugh

Perhaps, nearer the vote, someone could produce badges and T-shirts with an appropriate quotation:
“Now’s the time and now’s the hour”.
May just handed the Indy movement a marketing gift because neither she nor anyone on her team even think that Scotland HAS a culture, never mind know anything about it.


Take These Chains From My Land and Set Me Free.


While the last PQ rally included criticism of Nick Robinson’s disgraceful misrepresentation of the truth the rally was planned and scheduled long before his unionist outburst.



There you go, put your money where your mouth is:”

No doubt you will be able to afford more for The National than the £5 you could afford for WOS.


“To pick up what Rev says, all I gave was £5, and posted as much on the first thread.

Am I ashamed it’s so little? Why should I be? It’s all I can afford at the moment.”

[…] request a Section 30 order from the UK Parliament. A good number of journalists & commentators seem convinced that the Prime Minister has outright blocked such an order even before a vote – though, as […]

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