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Wings Over Scotland

Furry Friends Forever

Posted on February 04, 2023 by

After Wings’ investigation into the disturbing world of “furries” earlier this week, the mainstream press picked up on the quite extraordinary decision by SNP MSP Christina McKelvie to endorse a “counter-protest” being organised by the costume fetishists against a women’s-rights event in Glasgow tomorrow.

Because it appears the SNP are more and more openly throwing their weight behind both extreme sexual kink (and worse) and the intimidation of women.

The counter-protest focused on attendees of Scotiacon.

(Obviously Beth Douglas, the darling of the MSP set, wasn’t far away.)

It’s an event that feels the need to remind its patrons to bathe.

And to not walk around with their junk hanging out.

And to not rape or harass people.

So we thought you might like to meet (purely metaphorically, don’t panic) the sort of person who goes there, and who Christina McKelvie was inviting to go along and shout at and drown out women trying to peacefully listen to a few speeches.

We’ve censored some of the images below. We strongly advise readers of a sensitive nature not to visit the Twitter account concerned, which we’re not linking to.

Definitely nothing to alarm women there. And we’re sure that if he does decide to pop along and join the counter-protest, they can just ask him about his “fursona”, Power The Stinky Boar, to put their minds at rest.

This is who Christina McKelvie allies herself with, and who she wants to encourage to show up and disrupt what she calls “transphobic hate speech”.

McKelvie is the partner of justice secretary Keith Brown, who this week told BBC Scotland that he considered “transwomen” like double rapist Isla Bryson to be women.

Brown’s role also makes him responsible for the Scottish Government’s controversial Hate Crime Bill, which is such a mess that Police Scotland have said they won’t be able to enforce until at least 2024 while they work out what is and isn’t a “hate crime”.

But with McKelvie advising him, we’re sure it’ll all be fine.

If there’s a “culture war” going on, the SNP have unmistakably chosen their side and nailed its colours to their mast. Readers will have to make their own judgements about whether it’s the same side they’re on.

0 to “Furry Friends Forever”

  1. SusanAHF says:

    Probably your most disgusting post yet Stu. To think that mcKelvie is allying herself with such perversion AND encouraging the disruption of a legitimate meeting of women in Glasgow. Knowing police Scotland the women will probably get moved on “for their own safety”, leaving the square to these utterly ridiculous, deviant people.

  2. Dod says:


    I can’t unsee this now, I feel quite sick, you’ve just ruined the rugby for me!

  3. Liz says:

    Being saying for a while.
    There are some politicians in Scotland not fit to be anywhere near power.

    McKelvie is one of them.
    Minister for older people during the care home travesty deaths.

    These people cannot be protected forever

  4. John C says:

    It’s incredible how the furry scene interlinks so much with the BDSM scene but done in a way which appeals to porn-ravaged young people because of the suits and the links to Anime. To think the LGB community spent decades working hard to make clear that they were just ordinary people leading ordinary lives and sure, there’s an element of BDSM in the community but so have straight people. Live and let live.

    Now they’ve been used as a human shield by Queer activists to push extreme paraphilias into public view as some sort of identity rather than a fetish. The Pup thing I could write off as just part of BDSM if it wasn’t for the fact that community is working hard to appeal to kids.

    If I were an elected official I’d been keeping a long distance from them for obvious reasons.

  5. Jeremy Wickins says:

    Wow – this post should come with a “Do not view before, during, or after eating” warning!

  6. Geri says:

    *And I’m done with my iced bun*

    FFS at the state of that.

  7. Patricia Spencer says:

    I’m about to vomit…

    Every SNP member is complicit in this agenda! This is targeted paedophilia – appealing to youngsters with puppy slogans and outfits and we have msps encouraging this – furious doesn’t cover it.

  8. Anne Johnston says:

    Hell has no Furry!

  9. Geoff Anderson says:

    Keep posting Stu.

    No matter how bad. Even the Nicophants will start to see just how bad it has become.

  10. Patsy Millar says:

    Well that puts paid to my appetite for this evening!

  11. Geoff Anderson says:

    A Glasgow Hotel is happy to run such events?
    I will not be using them!

  12. Republicofscotland says:

    Jesus, I wish I could unsee some of those debauched piccies but I can’t.

    Its utterly disgraceful that the rapist/paedo enabling SNP government are standing shoulder to shoulder with these vile degenerates against our REAL women folk.

    We must get them out of office as soon as possible the SNP/Greens are now completely unelectable and our women and children are in danger whilst they hold office.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba.

  13. Craig Macinnes says:

    Oh fuckety fuck fuck fuck…what have I just seen and read?????? This is the sort of stuff the SNP support now????? I’m just grateful my dad (a member since 1948) is no longer around to see this.
    Honestly thought I could never despise any mob more than the Lab/Tory/Libdum Unionist ?? shaggers but boy oh boy this current SNP are right up there…how did it come to this perverted insanity?
    Breaks my heart, hurts more than any of the physical abuse from Labour in the past…

  14. The Dude says:

    Please put a graphic warning up in advance of this post or any similar in future. Don’t wany to look at graphic images like these Stu. ?

  15. The Dude says:

    …especially the one of Christina…

  16. DaveL says:

    Scotland is lost. This SNP/Greens government has to go and should go directly to jail!

    Christina McKelvie as the Equalities (Equalities? FS) Minister setting a pack of mentally unstable deviant men on women and girls who wish to talk of the persecution being meted out to them is to put it mildly fucking grotesque.

    SNP MSP Christina McKelvie RESIGN! Go! and take your mentally deficient partner SNP MSP Justice (Justice? FS) Secretary Keith ‘I don’t know what a man or a woman is’ Brown with you.

    Get in the fucking sea and don’t come out! You’re disgusting; all of you.

  17. Carol Neill says:

    Where did it get to the point where they were allowed to peddle this filth in public with no consequences
    I’m losing faith in humanity

  18. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    She opened the door to hell and now every Woman hating pervert is taking it as a green light to exploit.
    She didn’t accept rapist would abuse it. Does she see now how it will be abused ?
    A female FM and female Minister asking the furries to silence Women for them

  19. Martin says:


    I don’t think your censor worked hard enough. Dear me.

  20. Merganser says:

    Well, there’ll be no justice in Scotland when the Justice Minister’s mate is one of this lot.

  21. John Main says:

    So, fellow Scots.

    Women do not have any right to be held in a female prison.

    The logic is irrefutable, stemming from the following:

    it had been accepted that trans inmates Isla Bryson and Tiffany Scott were women, but that did not mean they had a right to be in a female prison

    So, I guess I may as well accept the inevitable and acknowledge I am now a fascist.

    If pushing back against this nonsense makes us fascists, then what alternative do we have? We must all become fascists.

    It’s just over 100 years since the Weimar Republic started. That eventually sparked a reaction involving popular fascism too.

  22. How, in the name of fuck, did we end up here?

  23. Lorne says:

    Depravity at the end of days.

    If you are of a certain age you have watched the escalation of violence and escalation of misogyny rise with the industries of violent film, violent video games and violent all pervasive porn and yet nobody connects the dots any more. Worse if you are in America where most of it is initiated. Kerching They just don’t have to be responsible for material.
    As for MSPs that support this do they think they are invisible?
    Are they insane. Does that mean that the police will be siding with these monsters on the days as the Establishment.
    The Rise of the Monsters.

  24. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    The furries hide in costumes and boast of having new pups.
    I suppose Gery Glitter will be making his way North after his release from prison.

  25. Cynicus says:

    The once Sturgeophile ex-Herald hack Macwhirter has turned against the Dear Leader.

  26. JGedd says:

    Is Glasgow ready for this? Is the hotel venue for this event ready for this? They will need to employ the services of industrial cleansing companies when the fat Furries go home. Looks like an insanitary place to be.

    What is wrong with McKelvie and Brown that they think this is the right side to be on?

  27. Wilson McBride says:

    FFS,,,here was me thinking I was living life on the edge when I posted a link to the Furries event in the Crowne Plaza on the last thread.

    I’m sure the protest tomorrow will have Furries travelling up from England and from around the UK to add their support.

    I will attend for that reason alone,

    These bully boy gay freaks have no place in any normal society.

    Shame on any politician who supports them.

  28. Shug says:

    Off in a different topic the above is much to unsavoury for me. I simply don’t understand why the MPs have not told Nicola to go. And to do it publicly. She will destroy their careers with this nonsense.

    Just catching up with Ben fogle visiting Iona. This is the second southern visitor (the other was michaelm portillo) I have watched visiting this island and the second time the narrator completely does not mention the 20+Scottish kings, 12 Norwegian and 3 french kings buried there.

    Would these people visit Westminster abbey and not talk about the kings buried there. Really!!!

    Scotland’s history is being destroyed around us.

    BBC destroying the culture and history of our country and we fund it!!

  29. Morag says:

    I suppose the think I find slightly ambivalent about this is that a fair chunk of that text, including the stuff about sleeping, eating and bathing, is standard rules/advice at normal, respectable science fictions cons. (That part is aimed at the adolescents who might sit up all night watching films or playing games, these were the days!)

    Not harrassing people is in the rules in these days of safeguarding awareness, not because it’s normal behaviour, but because there are occasional creeps around who need to be warned.

    In some ways it’s a normal con. Just a con for people who like to dress up in furry suits, rather than read Heinlein and Asimov and ocassionally dress up as Captain Kirk. (Delenn from Babylon 5 was my favourite costume, I won a slew of costume awards with that one.)

    It’s the overt sexualisation that’s the issue here, not the fact that a bunch of adults go to a hotel in Glasgow for a weekend of relaxation, meeting their like-minded friends and discussing topics of mutual interest. (Hello Crowne Plaza, see you in May.)

  30. Davy says:


    I hear you.

    Some days I wish I was anywhere but the modern West.
    This is one of them…

  31. Red says:

    You rarely meet anybody as obsessively hateful as people who insist they’re against “hate”.

  32. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    To the few remaining sane members of the SNP you must be very ashamed of yourself and your party.

    Leave now and join Alba.

    This nonsense, that’s what it is, is surely evidence of serious mental health issues.

  33. Bob Mack says:

    Truthfully I am bereft. Scotland has lost its way under the SNP. Any sense of morality is crumbling before our eyes aided and abetted by our government.

    I’m just an ordinary guy and I find this hard to stomach.

    Having brought up my family sheltering them from this type of muck, I now find my own government insisting our families are exposed to it and giving it licence to parade openly in the streets of my home city.

    A day of reckoning will come for both.

  34. Wilson McBride says:


    Who is the female First Minister of Scotland.

    Who is a Feminist.

    Who is a Lesbian.

    Who utterly detests Men.

    YET, supports and actually funds gay freaks who see ALL women as nothing more than inferior, useless pieces of trash who have no right to be on this earth.

    I still can’t work out how Sturgeon came to back these animals. Because anyone would assume that they would be her worst enemy.

    I am totally appalled and totally confused by the actions of Sturgeon, of Black and any of the other (Lesbian) Feminists within the SNP and within the other Parties.

    Why such desire and determination to see these (male) freaks succeed?

  35. robertkknight says:

    I feel for Housekeeping at the Crowne Plaza.

    Can you imagine the state of the rooms?


  36. Ian Brotherhood says:

    My paternal grandfather spent his whole adult life working for independence and for most of that time it was highly unfashionable.

    I’m thankful that he’s not alive to see what’s happened to the party he and so many others built from nothing.

    Ash Regan, Ruth Maguire and the others who dared vote against the passage of that nonsensical Bill have a duty to salvage whatever they can from this mess. But before they can even begin to do that, you-know-who has to go.

    No more excuses, no more kicking the proverbial down the road. Get yourselves sorted out, make your colleagues declare what side they’re on, then use all your experience, contacts -and maybe most important of all, popular public support – to get that treacherous midden and her lackeys out of Bute House once and for all.

  37. Effijy says:

    Where will all these half Whit SNP office bearers get jobs when they are kicked out in 2 years time?

    Who would employ people who support and fund violent and sickening perverts?

    Well there is the Tory party I suppose but I can’t see them getting selected.

  38. John C says:

    ” Geoff Anderson says:
    4 February, 2023 at 3:33 pm

    A Glasgow Hotel is happy to run such events?”

    I don’t believe they know about the ins and outs (ooo err) of what goes on at the con. As far as I understand they think it’s a Anime type show rather than something as predatory as the Furry community seems to be.

    However I would imagine after this weekend they’re fully informed.

  39. Christopher Pike says:

    It appears that the National has taken sides in the biological reality vs pseudo-social science – gender is a social construct debate.

    The National is a newspaper for independence supporters, but only those who subscribe to woke-group think.

  40. Eddie Munster says:

    Looks like some people are more equal than others in the eyes of the snp government.

  41. shiregirl says:

    My eyes!

    Minging. All beardy, loner inadequate types. I can’t help but think about what has occurred in their lives that leads them to this. Or is it a choice? I dunno. Creepy.

    Gone right of the thought of my rugby half time chicken curry and pakoras…

    O/T for a mo, Doesn’t Princess Anne look like Princess Margaret? Just clocked her at the rugby and had to put my wine down and take another look!

  42. Athanasius says:

    Dear God, and this stuff DOESN’T violate Twitter’s terms of service?

  43. John C says:

    Morag says:
    4 February, 2023 at 4:20 pm

    I suppose the think I find slightly ambivalent about this is that a fair chunk of that text, including the stuff about sleeping, eating and bathing, is standard rules/advice at normal, respectable science fictions cons. (That part is aimed at the adolescents who might sit up all night watching films or playing games, these were the days!)

    Not harrassing people is in the rules in these days of safeguarding awareness, not because it’s normal behaviour, but because there are occasional creeps around who need to be warned.

    In some ways it’s a normal con. Just a con for people who like to dress up in furry suits, rather than read Heinlein and Asimov and ocassionally dress up as Captain Kirk. (Delenn from Babylon 5 was my favourite costume, I won a slew of costume awards with that one.)

    It’s the overt sexualisation that’s the issue here, not the fact that a bunch of adults go to a hotel in Glasgow for a weekend of relaxation, meeting their like-minded friends and discussing topics of mutual interest. (Hello Crowne Plaza, see you in May.)”

    I’ve done quite a few SF/comic cons over the years and yes, some of that advice is included now as basic safeguarding after a number of incidents in cons mainly in the US. Having looked through the website for Scotiacon I don’t see any safeguarding when it comes to under 16s or anything that tells attendees not to approach kids if they’re an adult. in fact the safeguarding there seems to be the bare basics for such an event where the scene attracts kids even though much of it is heavily sexualised.

    It also has to be made clear other cons don’t discourage Furries but they’re not encouraged either except in the Anime scene, which is another rock Stu might want to lift up and expose.

  44. A.+Bruce says:

    Looking at this madness from Germany, I’m thinking what the fuck is going on in Scotland; sexual deviants seem to have taken control. This was nauseating; it’s put me right of my meal. I won’t be coming back to Scotland to live until sanity reigns.

  45. Ted says:

    Oh Scotland,Scotland, what have you done? As an Englishman I’ve spent great hours with Scottish lads (and girls) after rugby and football matches. Hours of fun and great humour despite being on different sides. These are not the Scots I know. The evil of the SNP and their leader distresses you guys for what it does to your cause. It distresses me for what it does to the culture of the UK. The Rev is doing great work and I see it being taken up in England now with links to this site posted today on Guido Fawkes. I salute you, Sir.

  46. Ottomanboi says:

    If they actually looked attractive, the cultists might seduce with a desirable unique selling point. However, they don’t, and are rather proud of the ugliness.
    Gross does not sell. Lardy faux men/women….def. a niche interest, like peeing on someones Crunchy Nuts.
    ScotGov should change agents.
    Or is it just too late?

  47. Andrew scott says:

    So the Equalities minister encourages a bunch of disgusting deviants so counter protest against a women’s demo
    How crazy and disgusting is that
    She has to resign NOW

  48. Wilson McBride says:

    As I have mentioned before, I think Sturgeon and Harvie were having conversations about how they could shape Scotland long before she became First Minister.

    Harvie becoming a minister within the SNP government was no accident. This was planned years ago.

    What you see unfolding is the combined perverted thoughts of Sturgeon and Harvie, given free reign to do as they please.

    And their deliberate recruitment of similar minded people within government is also pre planned by Sturgeon/Harvie.

    They hijacked the Indy movement to get where they are today, and not one of us saw it happening until it was too late.

  49. Morag says:

    I’ve done quite a few SF/comic cons over the years and yes, some of that advice is included now as basic safeguarding after a number of incidents in cons mainly in the US. Having looked through the website for Scotiacon I don’t see any safeguarding when it comes to under 16s or anything that tells attendees not to approach kids if they’re an adult. in fact the safeguarding there seems to be the bare basics for such an event where the scene attracts kids even though much of it is heavily sexualised.

    It also has to be made clear other cons don’t discourage Furries but they’re not encouraged either except in the Anime scene, which is another rock Stu might want to lift up and expose.

    Why am I not surprised the safeguarding seems to be minimal.

    I don’t remember seeing a Furry at an SF con, ever. People wear hall costumes but they’re usually copies of costumes from SF films or TV shows, or individualised concept costumes. There’s a prize. I don’t ever remember a fur suit that covered someone from head to toe, and the costumes are not sexualised. (Though I do remember with some safisfaction the look of bug-eyed astonished admiration on one guy’s face when he saw me in my Babylon 5 Earthforce uniform.)

  50. Anon says:

    See you have a new minority to demonise.
    Must be nice for you Stuart

  51. akenaton says:

    Jason Smoothpiece says:
    4 February, 2023 at 4:28 pm
    To the few remaining sane members of the SNP you must be very ashamed of yourself and your party.

    Leave now and join Alba.

    Why on earth would you want any of these MSP’s anywhere near Alba? Do you not think they are toxic and if they supported M&Co for ten years do tou not think they are unfit for government?

    A clean sweep is required and a social system established which represents the socially conservative people of Scotland. Notice how even the QT audience responded to the wee wumman who spoke from the heart and shamed the Willoughby person.

    This country needs to hear the truth, not from some woke university, but from ordinary folks with family and work ethic at the forefront of their consciousness.

  52. akenaton says:

    BTW these creatures do not appear to be “Trans”. They do appear to be “Homosexual”

  53. Lorna Campbell says:

    I almost threw up there. Yes, folks, this is precisely what they want to allow into our spaces. This animal, no pun intended, should be banned from using buses that human beings use. I used to think that Keith Brown was an okay MSP. What has happened to them? To me, it looks like fear. They are afraid of the backlash. Why? We would support them if they grew a spine and stood up to this vile ‘trans’ lobby.

    Keep outing the sexual aspects of this ‘queer agenda’, because 99% of it is sexual, but we also need to challenge on the legality of all this from the beginning: 1. since the 1960, men have been accessing women’s spaces illegally, or certainly immorally, because they would have been arrested had some cabal at Westminster not decided way back that this was permissible, without ever consulting women, without asking women’s permission and without any debate or passing of legislation

    2. The Yogyakarta Principles that kicked off this latest ‘trans’ madness never consulted women, asked their permission or even did a due diligence report o how it might impact on females.

    The one thing all this stuff has in common is that women were: a) not asked for their permission; b) not consulted properly; and, c) no due diligence appears to have been done anywhere.

    All these things are obligatory on government, Westminster as well as the SG. Yet none of them has been done at all, or done inadequately, with one side being given all the breaks. Enough is enough. Always, where women are concerned, in any legislation, no proper due diligence is one to assess the impact on women. The WASPI pensions debacle was yet another example of blatant disregard for females. It is endemic in our society, partly through deep-rooted misogyny and partly though disregard, as if we did not make up 51-52% of the population. Nothing is going to change unless we start getting angry about the flagrant abuse of power. Women, too, are in the thick of it, because some women hate their sex so much that they would do anything to hurt and harm them – and not always at the behest of men either, but for the sheer sadistic pleasure.

  54. Bob Mack says:


    Not nice, just necessary

  55. Alf Baird says:

    Shug @ 4:16 pm

    “Scotland’s history is being destroyed around us. BBC destroying the culture and history of our country and we fund it!!”

    Postcolonial theory tells us of the colonial procedures and methods an oppressed people are subjected to, much as your example indicates:

    “Colonialism is not simply content to impose its rule upon the present and the future of a dominated country. Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures and destroys it. This work of devaluing pre-colonial history takes on a dialectical significance today.” (Frantz Fanon)

    “The colonized…feels neither responsible nor guilty nor skeptical, for he is out of the game. He is in no way a subject of history any more.” (Albert Memmi)

  56. SusanAHF says:

    Quite right akenaton, no way should Alba touch these individuals with a bargepole, at best they are gravy seeking cowards, at worst well Stu has lifted some rocks.
    I see a woman was attacked at the UCL WPUK meeting by a masked man. Coward

  57. Geoff Anderson says:

    Anon 5:36

    Minorities like rapist, child molesters, murderers, etc etc. Is every and all “minorities” to be protected in your fantasy World?
    I have a suggestion….We, Society, decide instead of Politicians. It will not be fixed and as society dictates boundaries may change. That means tighter or slacker as the People decide.
    I don’t like the Women in my life having their Rights removed, or their Sport robbed. I do not like a language being impose such as chest feeder or birthing parent. I don’t like Politicians using votes cast for Independence to re-engineer society.
    If enough people share my view of Scotland….fuck you!
    If they share your view then I need to move.

  58. JGedd says:

    Anon @ 5.36pm

    You mean, unlike demonising a majority as the SNP politicians like McKelvie are doing by their actions and encouraging people to shut down free speech. Criticism is not fascism but demanding no debate is. Reckless behaviour by McKelvie and no safeguarding of women.

  59. Maureen says:

    Oh my god, that’s disgusting, and I’m eating as well, or I was.

  60. gregor says:


    “Bondage, discipline (or domination), sadism (or submission), masochism: sexual activity that involves, for example, tying a partner up, games in which one partner controls another, or giving and receiving pain for pleasure.”

    “Activities in BDSM are often characterized by the participants’ taking on roles that involve inequality of power.”

    link to

  61. gregor says:

    DailyMail (2015): Look who holds the whip hand chez Sturgeon: Remarkable dominatrix painting said to hang in SNP leader’s home… where husband cooks and cleans:

    “It is a remarkable, eye-popping portrait of Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.

    Entitled ‘Naughty Nicola’, the painting depicts her as a dominatrix in a short red dress, black suspenders on display and whip in hand.
    But instead of being offended, Ms Sturgeon is ‘tickled’ by the image, so much so it is believed to grace the wall of her suburban Glasgow home after she was given it as a birthday gift by her husband, Peter Murrell…”:

    link to

  62. Ruby says:

    Anon says:
    4 February, 2023 at 5:36 pm

    See you have a new minority to demonise.
    Must be nice for you Stuart

    Any views on the First Minister’s demonising of those who don’t agree with her policies or one of her MSPs encouraging men to bully women who don’t agree with her policies.

    I’ve seen you post quite a lot on the ‘Scot Goes Pop’ site.
    No shortage of ‘demonising’ on that site.

  63. paul says:

    Makes you want to enquire what the waiting lists on the SNHS are for double eyeball removal.

    Lobotomies are being processed quick sticks,however!

  64. robertkknight says:

    C Pike @ 5:02

    “The National is a newspaper for independence supporters, but only those who subscribe to woke-group think.”

    The Dear Leader’s fanzine is for the Wee Ginger Fud types and lining the hamster’s cafe.


    Anon @ 5:36

    The dark glasses on your Avatar must mimic those worn in the real world… if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, is that the drill?

    Are all minorities to be included within your vision of a diverse society? Are you suggesting that anything goes, and the rest of society simply “be kind”? Where you going to draw the line in your utopia?

  65. Jan Cowan says:

    I’m afraid I’ve not yet had my evening meal – and no hope now. I can’t unsee one disgusting sight in particular. I only hope all those useless SNP “politicians” read Wings. Time for them + their so-called leader to clear off and leave us to clean up Scotland. If the worthwhile people and politicians join Alba we’ll be able to steer our poor country away from the filth revealed today by Stuart Campbell.

  66. Glenn says:

    Anon says:
    4 February, 2023 at 5:36 pm
    See you have a new minority to demonise.
    Must be nice for you Stuart

    Why must it be nice? What on earth is ‘nice’ about all this?

    So, what do you suggest we call this newly identified persecuted minority…..?

    Arse Sniffers?
    Filthy Pigs?
    Dirty Deviants?
    Crack Bandits?

    …. We’re going to need something that has more of a victim/sympathy/friendly sort of vibe to it….hmmm….

  67. Republicofscotland says:


    Well done the Scottish ruby team, if only our politicians had the same desire to free Scotland from this union.

  68. Stuart MacKay says:

    Rev, you’re slipping. The title should have been

    Best Friends Furever

    I’m wondering if it’s best to hold off publishing stuff like this for a few weeks. That the wife of a government minister is rushing to endorse the fringes clearly shows the SNP is in a purity spiral where everyone rushes to show just how “at one with the trans” they are. The only problem is. After this, just how much worse can it get?

  69. James says:

    Why would you want to put your face anywhere near a fat smelly arsehole?
    WTF. Why is a political party whose main objective is independence befriending weird people like this?

  70. gregor says:

    WebMD (2023): Signs of a Sexual Predator:

    “1. Associating with Children:

    A sexual predator with a particular interest in children may show a preference for associating with grade school, middle school, or high school-aged children. They may have few friendships of their own age or have unusually close friendships with children. In addition to spending a lot of time around children…

    2. Creating Dependency:

    A sexual predator may begin manipulating their chosen victim to create dependency… This builds loyalty and vulnerability, which the sexual predator can then use to their advantage. 

    3. Using Manipulative Language:

    You may notice a potential sexual predator using manipulative language (e.g. Trans-female = a biological woman)…

    4. Pushing Physical and Sexual Boundaries:

    Sexual predators may push past healthy boundaries. This behavior may begin with seemingly innocent touches on the back, hand, or leg. But it may escalate to inappropriate touching on the thigh, near the genitals…

    5. Expressing Jealousy and Controlling Behavior:

    In many cases, the sexual predator may be jealous and controlling around friends, family members, or other…”:

    link to

  71. Ruby says:

    Lorna Campbell says:

    2. The Yogyakarta Principles

    I do remember reading quite a long time ago an article by Robert Wintemute saying that ‘women’s rights were not considered’ in ‘The Yogyakarta Princles.

    This was the professor who was targeted by trans activists to cancel his seminar.

    link to

    Professor targeted by trans activists condemns ‘shameful episode’

    link to

    Wintemute now wonders whether the GRA should have been passed at all.

    That is what I’m wondering.

    The trans rights that trump all
    link to

    I noticed Ian Murray boasted on QT that it was Labour who introduced the GRA 2004.

  72. AskaQ says:

    I get this is all a bit weird, but isn’t this just some random guy posting his gay shit online? Like, I think the furry stuff is a bit creepy but if this guy wants to post his gay shit online in peace, why not let him? What’s this got to do with McKelvie?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I get this is all a bit weird, but isn’t this just some random guy posting his gay shit online? Like, I think the furry stuff is a bit creepy but if this guy wants to post his gay shit online in peace, why not let him? What’s this got to do with McKelvie?”

      FFS. What it’s got to do with McKelvie is what it says in the article. Nobody gives a shit that he’s gay or a furry. But this is a big, aggressive guy who has a problem with “transphobes”, who instantly challenged me to a fight even though I never tweeted him directly, and she wants to get him all fired up with talk of hatred and bigots and send him and a mob of people like him to yell at and intimidate women trying to have a peaceful meeting?

      If you really don’t see the problem with that I suggest you’re on the wrong site.

  73. Tom says:

    “Ideology functions as a machine to destroy information, even at the price of making assertions in clear contradiction of the evidence.” Jean-François Revel

    link to

  74. Geoff Anderson says:

    Rev. Hold back NOTHING for even a few days.
    It has all been building for years. Those who remained members sat silent ignoring what was happening. The voters had no idea. Make them face up to what THEY have allowed Sturgeon to do to Scotland. Keep the foot down until they are so ashamed that the have to accept reality.

    It is better that this ends quickly so that we can rebuild the movement and gain Independence.

  75. Kcor says:

    Cynicus says:
    4 February, 2023 at 4:04 pm

    “The once Sturgeophile ex-Herald hack Macwhirter has turned against the Dear Leader.”

    Never ever trust mainstream media hacks even if they claim to be pro-independence.

    He is just saving himself.

  76. Kcor says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    4 February, 2023 at 4:47 pm

    “My paternal grandfather spent his whole adult life working for independence and for most of that time it was highly unfashionable.”

    Alex Salmond had saved the SNP.

    Sturgeon has destroyed the SNP and almost destroyed Alex Salmond.

    She must be brought to justice.

  77. tricia young says:

    FFS I had to skim read this as I just can’t absorb everything this week Stu. I’m overwhelmed. Tomorrow I’m at the let women speak rally, not scared but concerned. My sister was going to come with me then thought it was too weird n dangerous, now my partner is coming with me “to make sure nae idiots start”. How the f.. did this happen when we can’t protest normally? I will be wearing suffragette colours and carrying a large suffragette umbrella, anyone needing succour is welcome. x

  78. Mia says:

    This is sickening. It is disturbing to see what these deviants get up to on public toilets. That has left me a bit traumatised and weary of using from now on any public toilet, never mind allow any child of my family anywhere near a public toilet on their own.

    Above they talk about bus toilets and those of pizza express. I am sure they are not the only public toilets they use for this. There might be families in those establishments at the time these perverts are up to this or even a kid in the next door cubicle. Only thinking it sends shivers down my spine.

    In some of those pictures, the pervert depicts themselves as massive, while the “pup” is, by comparison, the size of a toddler and is being held in the way you hold a baby. To me that picture has disturbing paedophilia undertones hiding behind a drawing. It gives me the impression of trying to normalise child abuse and for this reason in particular I find it extremely disturbing. I honestly do not know how twitter could publish that.

    It is simply unacceptable that our MSPs are abusing our votes and our parliamentary seats to endorse and attempt to normalise this filth and perversion. Is immoral. It is disgusting. Paedophila is a crime, therefore anything that attempts to normalise is a crime. This has to be a resigning matter for gross negligence and abuse of power. I do not think I can now look at Mr Brown or Ms Kelbie and not picture those disturbing images above in my head.

    With all the dirt the REv has uncovered in the next few days, I think there must be now a public inquiry on all this. We need to know who the F are our MSPs working for and how many of them are compromised. This is not democracy anymore this looks like an abuse of our democratic structures and our seats to normalise sexual perversion and paedophilia.

    When such level of filth is controlling our seats and determining what our MSPs say, we can no longer trust ANY law that is passed by those MSPs nor any word that comes out of their mouths. In other words they are no longer fit for their post and therefore they should be deselected and vacate their seats.

    If they are being blackmailed, it is their duty as representatives of a constituency and their moral duty to speak up. It is time to know who/what is blackmailing them, for what reason and with what purpose. And it is time to find out what other than MSPs these freaks and deviants have control over: do they also control the police, COPFs, civil service and judges?

    Looking at those pictures above, these individuals look like unbalanced freaks and not particularly powerful. So where exactly are they getting their power for to control our MSPs? Who/What entity is using these deviants as a front?

    Let’s not make the mistake of pinging this only on the SNP or the Greens. Let’s not forget that labour, libdems and some tories also voted for that law to be passed. This is therefore not a problem affecting a single party or a single individual. This is affecting our entire parliament and I would not be surprised on the least if some judicial structures and the police are stained with this filth too.

  79. Dorothy Devine says:

    Indeed , well done Scotland – at least in rugby.

    I do not want us to beat any other country in perversion, it seems that our MSPs are leading in a race no ordinary folk wish to win.

  80. Effijy says:

    You may have heard the absurdity of trying to stop Welsh Rugby fans singing the song Delilah
    Apparently it supposed to incite domestic violence?

    At no time the lyrics state that Delilah died and at no time do they say she is the one who got stabbed.
    When confronted by the lover she cheated on did she stab her knife into his hand and stopped laughing immediately regretting what she had done.

    Just like Boris and Carrie’s domestic the neighbours called the Police who took the lover to hospital for stitches and Delilah to meet an SNP politician at a Trans protest March.

    Now they want to ban Englands Sweet Chariot song as it relates to Black Slaves.

    How about Englands other belter Jerusalem.
    The song claims Jesus, yes the original one, not the footballer Walked on Englands green and peasant land.

    Also in 1791, and only a mile away, the Rev John Wesley, the founder of Methodism – which was thought to be subversive and would lead the lower orders against their betters – had died. So it could be true that the satanic mills were the orthodox churches.

    We can’t have songs about workers standing up against the elite.
    It just not rugby.

    Prepare for the worst Scottish fans singing Flower of Scotland
    Send them home again could mean poor souls in rubber dinghies.

  81. Benhope says:

    At last, Scotland and Aberdeen both win on a Saturday. A really fine win at Twickers with a bonus point to boot. Congratulations to Gregor Townsend and Finn Russell for playing fast, attacking, entertaining rugby.

    Didn`t realise Ruby had a team Republic !!!

  82. Wilson McBride says:

    C’mon gents,,,get your butt into George Square tomorrow (if you possibly can), and support the “true females” of Scotland.

    Weather forecast,,, lovely sunny day, so no excuses.

  83. Ruby says:

    link to

    Women and Equalities Committee
    Tuesday 31 January 2023

    One of the politicians asks if the GRA 2004 is fit for purpose.
    Lord Falconer agrees and says the existing framework is not working.

    Naomi Cunningham does also mention the GRA 2004 and that it was not intended for what is happening now.

    I was hoping there would have been a written transcript of this committe by now but they seem to be taking ages. It should appear here:

    link to

    The SNP politician just recited ‘the script’ and was embarrassing.

  84. gregor says:

    @Reality will catch-up…

    World Economic Forum (2019) Agenda: What my transgender child can teach us about the workforce of the future:

    “My husband sent me this text about our daughter while I was attending a luncheon at Davos 2019… I had opened the luncheon by sharing my family’s journey parenting a 13-year-old transgender daughter…

    One of Jordyn’s icons, social media superstar and transgender woman Gigi Gorgeous, was sitting a few seats away from me at the Davos luncheon. I asked Gigi to text my daughter while she was still on the bus. A few minutes later, instead of a disdainful response to a mother’s platitudes, Jordyn texted me “Omg omg omg, do I text her back?!”

    The magic of Davos in bringing global leaders together meant my daughter was off to a good start on her first day of school…”:

    link to

  85. Tom says:

    Cynicus says:
    4 February, 2023 at 4:04 pm

    “The once Sturgeophile ex-Herald hack Macwhirter has turned against the Dear Leader.”

    He’s in good company. Me too!

  86. Geri says:

    How did we get here?

    1. WHO removing gender dysphoria as a mental disorder. That was always going to be hijacked.

    2. Anyone who spoke up at the sign of eejits were banned from social media. Or at least put on twitter time outs.

    3. Moderated into silence or suffer screams yer homophobic, transphobic, racists, Christian fundamentalists, bigot & a right wing fascist.

    4. Sleepy dozy males (I know its not all of you) with ‘I don’t know what all this is about (translation = women’s shit I can’t be arsed with & it won’t affect *me*) Now can you STFU for indy, ya mentalist yoon!’ They couldn’t be told women WON’T vote Thier rights away for this shit..

    5. Ignoring warnings NOT to vote SNP 1&2. 1 million votes in the bin that could’ve halted the madness or at least kicked it back to closer scrutiny. (Repeat 4 regards ruining indy for everyone if ppl didn’t vote SNPEeeee! FFS)

    & Here we are. Too late down the line. Every deviant is out of it’s box under the ‘umbarella’ of trans & Sturgeon has absolute power to do as she pleases & they can have a wank in ladies safe spaces or even a Pizza hut if they like.

    You really have to laugh cause those poor marginalised souls are the fascists here. They change language, cancel venues, threaten violence, silence opposite views, demand that everyone must fancy them, report to police with complaints, write rules & demands & if they could bring back capital punishment they would have an A-Z list already prepared for the gallows.

    Get SNP out. FFS I never thought I’d ever say that but here we are. They’ve opened the floodgates & they’ll keep the SNP in power. Sturgeons new fanclub. She hasn’t even started yet – the nonsense isn’t over, she’s non binary & the conversion therapy bullshit to push through next..

  87. Ruby says:

    James says:
    4 February, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    Why would you want to put your face anywhere near a fat smelly arsehole?

    It’s called rimming, also known as analingus.

    Ever since Sturgeon started Scotland on this journey I’ve learned lots of new terms.

    Maybe in the case of the ‘Furries’ they do it because they are ‘dogs’.

    If you click on anon’s avatar you will see his full gravatar is

    I believe CEC stands for Chuck E Cheese.

  88. James Carroll says:

    Put me right off my walnut whip.

  89. Gordon Bain says:

    How many trans-women commit rape?

  90. Morgatron says:

    I do hope the one getting his ring rimmed farted in his face after eating some off lentil soup. My oh my , the big hill billy licking a big sweaty guys arse must get him STAR billing at the Tufty Club convention.

  91. gregor says:

    Times (04/02/2023): SNP, Sturgeon and independence fall in poll after Isla Bryson trans prisoner row:

    Support for the SNP, for Nicola Sturgeon and for Scottish independence has fallen sharply as the party’s crisis over transgender rights deepens…

    Senior allies of the first minister have spoken of a “meltdown”..”:

    link to

  92. Red says:

    So much of the political entryist / insane pervert set seems to centre around academic life, it’s probably worth asking what the ruddy hell is going on in our formerly respected universities.

    Is academia a fever swamp of obnoxious ideas, obnoxious politics, and obnoxious people? (Yes) Why are so many undergrads unable to complete their degree without changing gender? Why are we spending hundreds of millions of pounds on educating our young people, only for them to turn out to be useless weirdos who think the Scottish Green Party is a good idea?

    Is we getting dumberer as a nation and if so, is we already an idiocracy? Will Barry Ferguson be the Smartest Man In Scotland by 2030?

  93. Geoff Anderson says:

    Sturgeon has made a mess on gender issues, but independence is bigger than she is

    Jim Sillars
    Saturday February 04 2023, 6.00pm GMT, The Sunday Times

    link to

  94. Geoff Anderson says:

    link to

  95. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ruby: yes, Professor Wintermute changed his mind, or, rather, he had probably not thought about actual women before. He is a staunch ally of women’s rights and has stated publicly that they have been shortchanged, that they were never considered at all by any of the international organisations. It should be a matter of common courtesy, before any international changes are made to existing universal legislation that women have a voice. We are 51-52% of the world’s population.

    The professor has been targeted by the ‘trans’ activists because he told the truth. Truth, as we know, in the world of the ‘trans’ has their ‘trans’ dictionary definition, as lie. To them, neither and both are applicable because it is immaterial to their cause. The only thing that matters is power and, if power says this, you have to nod along and chant, ‘this’; if power says ‘that’, you have to chant along and say, ‘that’. Power, for them, is created out of fear.

    Fear means cancellation, the loss of job and status, etc., no matter who you are. The same tactics used by all totalitarian regimes. They are letting us have a glimpse of the future, and, if we don’t want to end up like Pol Pot’s Cambodia, we have to win this fight – with humour, with wit, with intelligence, with exposure of the porn-addled excesses, with the law, but also with a swift tackety boot to the nuts if that is what it takes. Oh, yes, they have us pinned like a butterfly on a board. That is why, if we want to win, the gloves must come off and we must not shrink from doing and saying what needs to be done and said.

    Two games are doing the rounds at both Westminster and Holyrood: hunt the spine and hunt the brain. Whoever can connect them the fastest is the winner. For the moment, no one has managed to find either in this very topical treasure-hunt style game.

  96. Louise Hogg says:

    Agree with you Geri @8:23.

    Has anyone looked for Sturgeon/Harvie links pre-2014?

    I’m unaware of her own predilections going beyond:
    – adulterous lesbian flings,
    – English-lit/journalism student fantasy worlds,
    – the political expediency of having a rent-a-mob of enforcers and
    – the inevitable hostage-scenario when that monster bites back.

    What is Peter Murrell’s part in this?
    Is he purely housekeeping in return for a very high wage? For well over a decade?

    What was the story behind vague rumours of Lord Wolfe and a flat in Helensburgh?
    An isolated recreational, adulterous homosexual fling?
    Or was there more to this?

    What agenda would Nicola Sturgeon have expected to need Harvie’s support to pursue?

    Or were Harvie and Murrell linked? With Harvie’s Cabinet seat replacing Lord Wolfe’s LA one?

    We’re those posts intended to keep Murrell sweet?
    Or to keep Harvie/Wolfe from exposing Murrell in some way?

  97. Big+Drone says:

    I’ll never look at a ring donut with the same affection ever again!!

  98. Geoff Anderson says:

    link to

  99. Etticus says:


    I cannot believe this filth is allowed on Twitter. What makes it worse is I’ve been banned from Twitter over 10 times for such disgusting crimes as tweeting “men can’t get pregnant” or “no one can ever change sex” or “ a man can’t become a woman”.

    Elon musk has said they were clearing paedophile accounts out, well what the hell is this disgusting stuff?

    Now I don’t believe in violence, but if there any good lads in Glasgow they get themselves down there and protect these women from these disgusting, perverted, sexually inadequate freaks.

    And to think these freaks have the ear of our political class. Makes me sick to my stomach. Welcome to SNP Scotland.

  100. Stoker says:

    Dirty scummy lying BritNats didn’t stick this on the side of a ‘Brexit Bus’, did they? As you sow, so shall you reap. LoL! link to

    Scotland come from behind to beat England in this years Six Nations Championship and not so much as a whisper about it mentioned on the BBC in Scotland’s Teletext Service pages. Nothing beyond the result.

    A disgusting disgrace of a “news” outlet. To call them amateurs truly would be flattery they don’t deserve. I can guarantee if the result was the other way around it would never have been off our screens with another airing of glorious failures Scotland.

  101. Cynicus says:

    Kcor says:
    4 February, 2023 at 7:11 pm
    Cynicus says:?4 February, 2023 at 4:04 pm
    “The once Sturgeophile ex-Herald hack Macwhirter has turned against the Dear Leader.”
    Never ever trust mainstream media hacks even if they claim to be pro-independence.
    He is just saving himself.
    The piece referenced is not in MSM. The clue is in its name : ‘Spiked’

  102. George Ferguson says:

    @Rev Stuart Campbell 7:51pm
    I will answer your concerns with a response I got from my sister (Police Intel) when I said after a couple dodgy tweets I sent. Am I on the radar. Her answer is your name Mohammad?. I know these guys look big and threatening. But they are not on the radar. I personally am never worried about a person that can’t run for a bus. Your safe Stu. Reduce your anxiety. A great cartoon by Chris.

  103. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum (2019): Agenda: The answer to nationalist fervour isn’t less globalism. It’s more:

    “…The trouble with rising nationalism is its ability to mask the gains of globalisation and the values of the human rights…”:

    link to

  104. paul says:

    From shitpedia:

    “The satrap served as viceroy to the king, though with considerable autonomy.”

    Providing that the autonomy was used solely to serve the ruling class.

    The word came to suggest tyranny or ostentatious splendour,and in modern usage refers to any subordinate or local ruler, usually with unfavourable connotations of corruption.

    I am waiting for someone to ask the FM if she is a woman or not.

  105. paul says:

    ….and what super scientific basis she would answer.

  106. Antoine Roquentin says:

    Where’s Alba when you’re looking for them? Mind you, if you haven’t bothered keeping abreast with the debate, you’re probably safer saying nothing and sticking with the old-time politics that you know best.

  107. Ron Clark says:

    Paul 12.33am

    Good point Paul.

    Do you know, I don’t think I have ever heard anyone ask the First Minister if she is a woman or not.

  108. Wilson McBride says:

    Cynicus 12.oo midnight.

    I think the point kcor was making was that Macwhirter was ex BBC Scotland and Herald reporter. And that he was never to be trusted.

    A point I totally agree with regarding MacWhirter.

    If MacWhirter never saw an independent Scotland, I don’t think it would bother him one way or another.

    That is the point that is being made.

  109. Wilson McBride says:

    Louise Hogg. 10.54pm

    “Has anyone looked for Sturgeon/Harvie links pre-2014?”

    I have been saying for a while now that I think Sturgeon and Harvie were planning this long before she became First Minister. Maybe even before Alex Salmond became First Minister.

  110. Alex says:

    Does this mean we can admit Sturgeon has been a dreadful leader?
    Her record on everything is poor. It’s stagnant or worse for what she wants to be measured on. But the buck stops with her! And she takes these things seriously while it’s in the news. Until it’s forgotten about.

    The SNP need to get rid of her. But they won’t because the cult won’t budge.

    This entire situation is an utter mess. They could have handled it so much better but they’ve done this to themselves. Being the first country in the world to go this far was high on the agenda. But knowing fine well it over reached (as per legal advice) knowing UK gov will invoke their block for a PR victory. For once Nicola is being pressed for answers, and not getting to avoid them with bluster. As soon as she is made to answer questions without sound bites it falls apart. Anyone who doesn’t agree with her is a bad person. It’s a bit Trump like. They are all idiots / racists / homophobic etc.

    Scotland needs competent opposition to be able to do Anything. But the Scottish parliament is mostly clueless robots who do what they are told. They don’t raise their head, attempt to make an impact or divert from the party line even a little. I couldn’t name half of them of recognise them. I’m not saying they should be voting against their party but they are allowed to disagree or propose changes / improvements rather than blindly following the “we got a quango / outside body to report on this so we don’t need to make a decision” and Nicola has presented it as this. So it shall remain that way because she said it’s perfect.

    Sooner we are rid of the SNP leadership team the better Scotland will be.

  111. twathater says:

    Thanks Stuart Campbell for continuously exposing the lies and corruption that sturgeon and her imbecilic coterie flood Scotland and Scots with

    If only we Scots had proper investigative journalists whose integrity and honesty were nurtured by their desire to hold liars and cheats to account HR would be a desert

    I would ask any respectable msp to report Christina McKelvie and her partner Keith Brown to the Scottish parliamentary standards committee as IMO they are acting in a manner unbefitting of a government employee,

    A Telegraph newspaper headline STATES

    SNP minister accused of ‘throwing petrol onto the fire’ after publicising attempt to disrupt women’s rally

    Christina McKelvie, the equalities minister, denounced the Let Women Speak event as ‘transphobic’ and warned it would include ‘hate speech’

    She retweeted the information from counter-protest organisers to her 27,500 followers

    IMO this apparent what appears to be encouragement from this minister to encourage persons to engage in a counter protest which may result in violence and injury to innocent people is GROSSLY IRRESPONSIBLE and unbecoming of a government representative and should see her removed from any public representation ,

    In respect to Keith Brown, Mr Brown is the Justice Minister in the SG and is also McKelvie’s partner, as the justice minister Mr Brown should have STRONGLY advised McKelvie that her tweet could be considered inflammatory and incitement to violence

    If there is any violence towards anyone or anyone is injured Ms McKelvie should be criminally charged with encouraging public disorder and breach of her ministerial position

  112. SusanAHF says:

    These snowflakes have made “transphobia” as meaningless as “islamophobia” before it. Snowflakes with a difference though, they are not averse to violence against others. I see the police will have “hate crime” officers present at the meeting. To police women’s speech I presume. Scotland is sick

  113. David Holden says:

    I agree with twathater above that McKelvie is a disgrace and along with a few other MSPs should be nowhere near public office. It will be interesting to see if everyone’s favourite rent boy Pickled Pee turns up along with a few of his furry friends later today. I hope Police Scotland will do their job to maintain public order and the safety of the ladies but will not be holding my breath.

  114. robbo says:

    This will be they’re next target.

    link to

  115. Willie says:

    This article is truly disgusting. These people are physically filthy and unhygenic. A public health risk.

    Pigs on the farm would I suspect be cleaner. Moreover could you sleep in a hotel after these people have slept in the bedrooms.

    Pissing and shitting should be done in the toilet and due hygiene observed. And yet for many, scatokogy and other disgusting perversions are all now part of the SNP’s brave new gende trans foccussed Scotland.

    Time Sturgeon and her cabal were gone.

  116. Luigi says:

    Etticus @11:21pm

    “Now I don’t believe in violence, but if there are any good lads in Glasgow they get themselves down there and protect these women from these disgusting perverted, securely inadequate freaks.”

    Agreed. A few real men turn up, and those bullies will scarper.

  117. PacMan says:

    I see Power Boar is self identifying now a Trans-Hardman.

    As a man can’t be a woman, Power Boar can’t be a toughie.

    Totally deluded.

  118. Geoff Anderson says:

    The MSM is going quiet again. The order has been sent from London to keep Sturgeon in place. They want her to limp along causing more damage while they keep all the attack lines stored for the future – at a time of their choosing.

    Keep up the pressure. The Public are just beginning to understand what she has done and intends to do in the future, which does not include Independence

  119. Paul Davies says:

    I have a visceral negative reaction to bloggers who quote this rubbish

    ““Colonialism is not simply content to impose its rule upon the present and the future of a dominated country. Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures and destroys it. This work of devaluing pre-colonial history takes on a dialectical significance today.” (Frantz Fanon)”

    Give up the Barnet formula which gives you more per citizen than your colonial masters, give up free education, free medication and all the other freebies which keep those who freeload in Scotland voting for the SNP. Colonialism – I really don’t think so.

  120. Paul Davies says:

    “The MSM is going quiet again. The order has been sent from London to keep Sturgeon in place. They want her to limp along causing more damage while they keep all the attack lines stored for the future – at a time of their choosing.”

    Give us a break. One minute Sturgeon is the champion of independence and then when her actual incompetence and perversion is exposed she is a long term asset of Westminster. Can you please make up your mind?

  121. Geoff Anderson says:

    Paul Davies @ 9:04

    Not very good at this are you ?
    Waiting to post a prepared line fails if you don’t actually read the post you are supposed to be responding too.
    This is my one and only engagement with you.

  122. Ruby says:

    link to

    I thought I would have a look at what they were saying before the GRA 2004 was introduced.

    The third one down
    Gender Recognition Bill 18th December 2003

    Straight after that

    Ian Huntley-Employment Vetting Inquiry 18th December 2003

    Remember him and that particular vetting process?

    What has changed since then is it now easier for the likes of Ian Huntley to pass a vetting process?

    I have many questions.

  123. Ottomanboi says:

    It was violent action that shook the Irish people from their torpor in 1916.
    Scotland I sense has passed the non violent, idealized «velvet revolution» stage.
    Anglo colonialism and the Scots who sustain it conform to a symbiotic neediness.
    Scotland is like the good hearted tart whom the rich customers visit leaving trinkets which never compensating for loss of integrity give the false appearance of «worth».
    Those who maintain that Scotland’s relationship with England is not one of a complaisant colonial subordinate yet complain Scotland is a whinging subsidy junkie.
    Truly one of history’s notable misalliances.

  124. John Main says:

    @Paul Davies says:5 February, 2023 at 8:54 am

    Colonialism – I really don’t think so

    I kinda agree, and have posted a few times about it. Although the concept of “Scotland as colony” has gained some traction on here, much of the “evidence” is contradictory.

    For example, on a recent thread, the lack of formal support and recognition of the Scots language was cited as evidence of colonialism. And so was the actual fact of formal support and recognition of the Gaelic language! Bi-lingual road signs is colonialism too. Seemingly.

    However, I do accept that many in our Scottish governing classes are firmly of the too wee, too small opinion, and that this filters down through the Indy movement to ordinary Scots. This is the only explanation I can find for the “EU membership is a non-negotiable shoe in” view, blindly accepted by many on here, and peddled just last week by one of the SNP movers and shakers.

    So it is not colonialism per se that is anathema to many Scots. It is the “unacceptable” colonialism of London, which they are only too happy to exchange for the “acceptable” colonialism of Brussels.

    Of course, it is all dressed up in flowery language to conceal the reality, but the message cuts through: Scotland is too wee, too poor and too incompetent to make it as an independent country – some adults will always be needed to run our affairs for us. The Scottish cultural cringe in clear sight for all to gawp at.

    Given the umbrella of safety and the dependable income stream accruing to a nation “still living at home with its maw and paw”, our governing classes have the luxury to pursue a hedonistic, adolescent, responsibility-free, wild, partying lifestyle, while others foot the bill and clear up after them.

    And that brings things neatly round to the subject matter of this online article.

  125. Ruby says:

    link to

    Grooming victim of killer Ian Huntley speaks of guilt as 20th anniversary of Soham murders approaches

    1. This shows the importance of speaking out if you have been abused or see anything suspect.

    2. There are always early indications that a person could be very dangerous.

    ie Wayne Couzens

    Red lights should be flashing re Beth & this guy.

  126. Alf Baird says:

    Paul Davies @ 8:54 am

    “Colonialism – I really don’t think so.”

    You are saying we should be grateful for Barnett – which imperial largess mostly pays the wages of a complicit bourgeois and proletariat in a colonial society, necessary to keep the ‘business’ running smoothly.

    Meantime, the administered territory’s lands and vast resources continue to be plundered, indigenous culture, languages and national identity extirpated, millions of native people living in or close to poverty, an imposed cultural division of labour resulting in inequality and discrimination, infrastructure under-developed, international competitiveness lagging etc. A nation and people ‘out of the game’ in all respects.

    Denial (of oppression) is part of the colonial condition/ mindset.

  127. Ruby says:

    The problem with communism and some very recent ideologies here at home is they think you can change reality by screaming at it and that you can bend human nature by hold your breath but that’s the difference between reality and your mammy. Bill Maher

    Where have all the Scottish comedians gone.

    link to

  128. Mia says:

    “Welcome to SNP Scotland”

    Welcome to UK Scotland, I would say.

    Let’s not forget it was not only the SNP who voted for this aberration of a law. It is not only the SNP who is responsible for putting a double rapist in a women’s prison and for legitimising the access of male perverts, rapists and paedophiles to female safe spaces.

    Sturgeon was at pains to delegate the responsibility for putting this double rapist in a women’s prison on those in charge of the prison service. Well then, who within the prison service made that decision and why?

    If you look at the Hate bill, it was voted in by the SNP, Greens, Labour, Libdems and one conservative. The same as for the GRR bill, the vote of the Hate bill appears to have been engineered to look like there was support across the whole party spectrum. Never mind this was not supported by the majority of the voters in Scotland.

    We know the hate bill and the GRR bill go hand in hand. GRR cannot be enforced without the Hate bill, so the hate bill had to be passed first. Women could not be silenced without the Hate bill either. Appetite for GRR could never be proven unless the consultation was opened to everybody outwith Scotland. We also know the GRR cannot be enforced without the UK establishment support, without the lady advocate looking the other way and without the MSM choosing to keep their mouths shut.

    The GRR would have never passed should the Hate bill not have been in place legitimising the attack of women by male prostitutes, handmaidens and filthy perverts under the false flag banner of “transphobia”, and without the collusion from the COPFS pouncing on women who dare speak against this filth, in favour of women’s rights.

    SNP, Greens, Labour, Libdems and some tories voted for this GRR bill and for the Hate bill through, knowing it was opposed by the majority of the people in Scotland. They are all as responsible for what it is happening as each other.

    The GRR bill clearly clashes with UK legislation, yet the useless Lady advocate, quick to overrule democracy by stopping the referendum bill entering Holyrood, did not see a problem with this GRR bill being passed – it seems the only remit this lady advocate appears to have as part of the Scottish gov cabinet is to suppress anything that could lead to Scotland’s independence, even if that involves actively suppressing Scotland’s democracy and the rights of women and children.

    There is no doubt that with a majority of anti-union MSPs, that referendum bill would have comfortably passed. So would the English court have been able to credibly stop that referendum bill once passed?

    Why was the draft for the referendum bill referred to an English court rather than to as Scottish one?

    Would Scotland be in the turmoil we are now should that useless lady advocate had done her job of stopping the GRR bill ever entering Holyrood because it clashes with UK legislation?

    While Scotland talks about and worries about the scope and the ramifications of this perversion, we are not talking about independence. Was that the objective all along? Is this what all the political constructs in Holyrood together with the lady advocate, the UK civil service, the press, the police and the copfs are working towards?

    Was the thwarting of independence always the main purpose of the Hate and GRR bill, of banning demonstrations around HOlyrood, of banning freedom of speech, of scaring women into believing their own rights as females and parents are being destroyed and stolen?

    I cannot help but thinking this might be the biggest distracting exercise the British establishment has ever deployed in Scotland to forcefully change public opinion and stop independence.

    The Pysops deployed to make the UK believe it wanted brexit was a school playground game compared to this. And yes, in my mind, in this industrial scale political exercise of distraction, the SNP and the Greens appear to be part of the same team as Libdems, labour and the tories and elements of the crown such as the lady advocate, the English and Scottish courts, the COPFS, the UK civil service and the police.

    The question is what is the glue that is linking such heterogeneous elements together?

    What is becoming obvious is that this perversion and filth runs far deeper than just one the political constructs currently in Holyrood. All of them appear to be coordinated to work as a block to enforce this no matter how obviously perverted and undemocratic and how many rights are being violated, or how different their political views are claimed to be.

    Let’s not forget the SNP alone would have never been able to instigate the change in protocol leading to COPFS choosing first who to prosecute and then instructing the police to investigate in order to justify the prosecution in the case of Mr Salmond.

    The SNP on its own could have never instigate judges to protect perjurers.

    A compromised SNP on its own could have never successfully suppressed government information of high public interest from the public unless it had the support of an MSM deliberately looking the other way instead of doing their work, or crown structures such as the COPFS, judges or the UK civil service actively helping to suppress that information.

    We have recently seen how the SNP on its own cannot suppress Scotland’s sovereignty and legitimate right to terminate the treaty. It needed the help of elements of the crown such as English judges and English court and the lady advocate.

    At some point we need to start wondering what can possibly be the link between the GRR/Hate bill legislation, the banning of demonstrations around HOlyrood, the proliferation of this perverted filth with undertones of paedophilia, the male prostitutes appearing at the forefront of every demonstration against women’s rights, the deliberate discrimination and brutal silencing of women, the seal-clapping, our MSPs/MPs falling over themselves to act as perverts’ useful idiots while actively discriminating women, the trans-trojan horse, the outing of McKay and the 16 year old, the COPFS, the perjurers, the change in the SNP’s democratic structures, the malicious prosecutions, the attempt to get rid of juries, the sitting an unelected representative of the crown in the middle of our democratically elected executive cabinet, the strategic voting of labour and libdems to oust Mr Salmond in 2017 but not Sturgeon, the complaints procedure and the fabrication of a Moorov case from a bunch of ridiculous charges to put Mr Salmond in prison.

    What is the link in all this and how deep does paedophilia and sexual depravity runs among our MSPs, MPs and government/parliament/COPfS employees which makes them a target for manipulation and blackmail?

    What role do those multimillion pounds malicious prosecutions and the fact that nobody was charged for them are playing in the present context? How many judges/elements of the COPFS/police might be affected by the legal consequences of those malicious prosecutions being properly exposed, investigated and prosecuted?

    In February 2017 the Times published an article with the title “Former SNP aide boasts of her firm’s “little black book””

    By June 2017 Mr Salmond and Robertson lost their Westminster seats.

    By November 2017 the unlawful complaints procedure which would be deployed against Mr Salmond was being drafted and rushed through. Also in November 2017 Mark McDonald was forced to resign and Grady was promoted to chief Whip.

    Robertson would not compete for another seat until 2021, point at which he would be parachuted as main candidate after the preferred candidate, Ms Cherry, was undemocratically pushed away by the SNP structures. Obviously, for that to happen, the evisceration of the SNP’s democratic structures and the eviction of Mr Salmond from the party had to happen first.

    Was there any link between that little black book and Mr Salmond and Robertson losing the seats in 2017, Mr McDonald resigning, Grady being promoted, the complaints procedure, a criminal case built against Mr Salmond on the basis of ridiculous charges and even perjury, and the peddling of this transphobia nonsense?

    How many other little black-books are out there? How many of our MSPs/MPs are moved by the contents of those little black books, or the bragging by someone about their existence, instead of their duty to their constituents?

    How many of those being protected by the 70 year enforced secrecy on the Dunblane case have since then become establishment tools actively working against independence on demand?

    Are any of those in the present scene today?

    A public inquiry to clarify all this is required. But if there is any likelihood that higher political/judicial elements are compromised by any of these, that inquiry would become a whitewash.

    Can we in Scotland continue to trust that our political parties, parliament, executive, legislative and judicial powers are acting lawfully, independently and without having being compromised and therefore directed by a third party’s interests?

    I don’t think we can.

  129. robertkknight says:

    Mia @ 10:49

    Reading your contribution makes me feel that the well of Indy has been poisoned beyond recovery, and by the people we’d have least expected to do so… the SNP.

  130. Ruby says:

    link to

    This one hasn’t learned the difference between reality & her mammy!

  131. gregor says:

    DailyRecord (05/02/2023): Transgender Scots paedo carried out Valentine’s Day sex attack on schoolgirl:

    “A transgender paedophile carried out a sex attack on a teenage girl while living as a man. Ryan Scott – who was born female – lured the schoolgirl back to their home after meeting up on Valentine’s Day last year.

    The 20-year-old, who uses the name Coral Scott, pounced on the girl, who was just 14 at the time, and tried to engage her in sexual activity. After being caught, Scott set up fake social media accounts to abuse and threaten the victim…”:

    link to

  132. Ottomanboi says:

    The plutocratic BritState.

    «In a very unequal society, people with the influence to sustain narratives tend to be insulated from what is happening to most of the population. Many individuals genuinely think the country’s economic situation is better than it is because their personal circumstances are strong. They are among the higher earners and have wealth to cushion themselves against risk. In the U.K., they also tend to have generous private pensions and usually bought their houses before prices rose dramatically relative to earnings.»

    link to

    It is a measure of the systemic integration of Scottish nationalism, i.e. neutering, that the Sturgeon led party has not capitalized on the state of this sick old man of Europe. Prodding with a blunt stick instead of the barbed lance.
    Are these people scared of a bite from England’s dentures?

  133. Red says:

    Mia – We know the hate bill and the GRR bill go hand in hand. GRR cannot be enforced without the Hate bill, so the hate bill had to be passed first. Women could not be silenced without the Hate bill either.

    This is an accurate summary of the purpose of the ‘Hate’ Act. They’d ‘hate’ for you to still have the freedom to say that men aren’t women.

    Similarly, the Tories’ forthcoming ban on ‘conversion therapy’ is aimed at criminalising parents who resist their children being re-gendered, against their parents’ will, by schools and the NHS. The intention is that it’ll become a crime to try and talk your teenage daughter out of getting on hormone blockers and binders. But trying to ‘convert’ children to transgender will not be illegal under the Bill.

    All the establishment political parties are in on this. The Tories are (temporarily) enjoying a degree of approval because they put the brakes on the GRR, but the Tories are not a trustworthy bunch either. We’ve had a “conservative” government for 12 years that has completely failed to conserve the legal definition of “woman”.

    Contrary to popular belief, they don’t work for us. They don’t even like us. We are not Nicola’s, Rishi’s or Sir Keir’s constituents. Their real constituents are extremely wealthy men at Davos. That’s how come we have umpteen political parties, virtually all of them openly working against the public.

    Ain’t democracy grand?

  134. Stoker says:

    Alex says on 5 February 2023 at 2:12 am:
    “Does this mean we can admit Sturgeon has been a dreadful leader?”

    She’s no leader, Alex! She’s a glorified office manager of London’s Scottish administration. Her cult following may very well view her in gushing terms but even Hitler and Charles Manson had followers. Jeez! Even that headcase David Icke has a following, as did Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter.

    Sturgeon has proven herself, beyond all doubt, to be very much a fully paid-up member of The British FUD Society, an exclusive club for Unionists in various guises (Federalists, Unionists & Devolutionists) whose members often masquerade as “progressives” or “gradualists”.

    In other news, i see the UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, was being quoted by the BBC in Scotland as saying “biological sex is very important”. Yeah! It’s that important his government are not prepared to take any steps to protect and reinforce that importance.

    All the email responses to recent online petitions are testimony to that fact. The usual bullshit from London, milk the Scottish situation for every ounce of political gain possible whilst hypocritically being just as bad as Sturgeon on these matters.

  135. Republicofscotland says:

    Times poll shows that Sturgeon the Judas popularity is now in the negative.

    “The latest poll from YouGov showed the First Minister’s personal approval ratings drop into negative territory, from +7 to -4 since October, The Sunday Times reports.

    According to YouGov’s favourability tracker, which is less up-to-date than the poll, showed that Sturgeon’s net favourability was at its lowest recorded level at -32.

    The Sunday Times reported the poll showed support for independence fall from 53% to 47% among those expressing a view – the lowest level since last spring.”

    This was up to October last year, hopefully the betrayers popularity has now dropped off the chart.

    Get her and her nonce enabling party out of office.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba.

  136. John Main says:

    @Mia says:5 February, 2023 at 10:49 am

    The Pysops deployed to make the UK believe it wanted brexit was a school playground game compared to this

    With respect, Mia, you are never going to convince rationalists to accept your views when you pepper them with reality-denying phrases like the above.

    There never was a more concerted and consistent campaign in British political history than the campaign to persuade the UK to remain in the EU.

    Everybody was included. The TUC, the CBI, the BBC (week after week, hammering home the Remain mantra), organised religion, the charitable sector, even Saint Obama himself was rolled out to tell us to stay.

    As one of the more than a million Scots who still voted Leave, let me explain why I did so, and would do so again. I want Scotland to be governed by Scots in Scotland, primarily for the best and most immediate interest of Scots.

    And incase that is still not clear enough, Scottish jobs, living spaces, public services and indigenous profits for us Scots.

    If Indy is no longer a viable mechanism to bring this happy state of affairs into being, because it has been carpet-bagged by those pursuing other agendas, then Indy may as well be canned IMHO.

    And in addition, any Scot thinking they are therefore denied the “benefits” of EU citizenship are welcome to FO to the EU.

    Sure, Scotland needs to trade – every country does. But the ludicrous idea that goods can only be exchanged between countries if people are also, needs to be called out for what it is – an aberration. Nobody who voted to join the Common Market in the first place ever thought it would eventually mean that their kids and grandkids would no longer be able to afford to live in their own home town.

  137. Breeks says:

    link to

    Heads up for the weeks Scottish Prism starting in 25 mins … Neale Hanvey is on it, so I’m guessing there might be discussion of his Bill and the SNP breakaway support for it…

    Should be good one. (Frankly they’re all pretty good).

  138. SusanAHF says:

    Gregor you’ve lost me, is it a man pretending to be a woman who carried out the attack, or a woman pretending to be a man?

  139. Mike says:

    Like a bunch of INCELS who can’t find women so started shagging each other.

  140. gregor says:


    I didn’t make ‘The Gender-Rules’ ???

    I’m with reality…

  141. gregor says:

    Freya Vanadiss (05/02/2023): Twitter: (re. Unhinged @LGBT Trans-Scottish University hurls verbal abuse at women): Video:

    “No comment needed… #Ed4WomensLib
    @UCLwomenslib @Womans_Place_UK”:

    link to

  142. Alf Baird says:

    Mia @ 10:49 am

    “Welcome to UK Scotland, I would say.”

    Yes Mia, the compromised national party elite running a colonial administration is “condemned by its own hypocrisy”, it “behaves like a gang”, it “protects the interest of the colonizer” and becomes “an instrument of coercion” (Frantz Fanon). Oppressive laws are passed, so-called ‘radicals’ persecuted, and the prisons fill up, much as we see.

    This sickens the independence movement which has been deceived and “taken up a blind alley”, causing it to “rupture” and leads to creation of “new national parties” focused only on liberation of the people, who begin to better understand the nature of their oppression and accept there is only one way out:

    “In order to witness the colonized’s complete cure, his alienation much completely cease. We must await the complete disappearance of colonization…..” (Albert Memmi)

  143. Ebok says:



    ‘(It’s) Not Dark Yet’

    Where are you, Robert?

    ‘Things Have Changed’

  144. Cat-Sith says:

    Adding to the madness I just found out that an actual racist/fascist group, Patriotic Alternative, are supposedly protesting at an Erskine hotel where asylum seekers being housed today.

    Stand Up to Racism are seemingly counter protesting these actual fascists while 8 miles away “cabaret against the hate speech” and “furries against fascism” are having their wee sing song in George Square.

  145. Mia says:

    “There never was a more concerted and consistent campaign in British political history than the campaign to persuade the UK to remain in the EU”

    You may choose to believe such a thing, and it is your prerogative to do so. I, on the other hand, saw a consistent campaign to forcefully persuade and make the UK believe they wished to leave the EU.

    The deployment of psyops to increase support for brexit is well known:

    “The Great British Brexit Robbery: how our democracy was hijacked” (The Guardian, May 2017) or “Brexit would not have happened without Cambridge Analytica” (El Pais, March 2018), or “The real story of Cambridge Analytica and Brexit” (The Spectator, October 2020) are a good place to start reading about it.

    Both campaigns (pro-EU and pro-Brexit) in England as the UK were led by EU sceptics. You may choose to believe Cameron was a real pro-EU enthusiast. I however saw him as the establishment’s useful tool whose role was to bring the referendum forward, once he failed to persuade the EU to allow the UK and its dependencies to bypass the new EU transparency laws, which would throw light at the tax havens and the names of VIP taxdodgers.

    As per Corbyn, I think it is also well known he was not an enthusiastic pro-EU either. As per the libdems, they could not be very pro-EU when they immediately changed their jacket once the vote took place.

    A real pro-EU PM would have never called that referendum, and worse, would have never flushed down the toilet of the UK the blank card Mr Salmond was handing to him free of charge: passing a law that would give a veto to Brexit to every nation of the UK. Instead of taking this, he whipped his MPs to vote to subjugate Scotland’s rights as an equal partner in this union to the will of England.

    If Cameron was the pro-EU enthusiast many wishes us to believe, he would have never been so stupid as to design a franchise that would leave all the EU citizens and the long term ex-pats (both the most anti-brexit sectors of the UK population) without a vote. Had those been taken part in the vote and leave would have not won.

    So, please do not give me that nonsense that there was a “concerted” campaign against leaving the EU. I saw no such a thing. I saw only a pretence of one and saw a nobody like Nigel Farage continuously on the news fanning the flames against immigrants and a lukewarm towards the EU PM allowing half of his party, including some of the biggest and most popular challengers to the PM seat, to campaign against government policy plastering lies on the side of a bus. This lukewarm towards the EU PM allowed psyops to be deployed under his very nose to secure the win of the leave campaign and did nothing to stop it.

    By the way, the vote was “advisory” and precisely because it was advisory, the Supreme Court ruled that, despite being proven the leave side broke the law, it was up to the UK government to accept the referendum result or not. Because it was advisory, the Supreme court could, allegedly, not rule the referendum null. Again, a real pro-EU PM would not have let this happen and would have run the referendum again, this time blocking psyops.

    What about Scotland? It is my personal opinion that since 14 November 2014 there was a concerted campaign to force Scotland out of the EU and that started when some useful idiot of the British state declared that a vote for the SNP was no longer a vote for independence.

    She announced this just as it was publicly known that the SNP would win the next GE by a landslide and with sufficient MPs to repeal the Treaty of Union and terminate this toxic union for once and for all. Every move this idiot made ever since was not to stop brexit, but to enable it.

    Brexit happened because the useful idiot in control of the SNP wanted it to happen. She had ALL the tools at her disposal to stop it. Plenty of ToU breaches she could have used to dissolve the treaty and derailing brexit. She had control over 56 MPs who could every single effing day, disrupt proceedings and effectively bring the UK parliament to a standstill. She had a mandate to call a referendum which she chose to flush down the toilet. She could have withdrawn all those MPs and refuse to legitimise Westminster as the UK parliament unless either brexit was stopped or England dissolved the treaty.

    She chose not to. She chose to subjugate our sovereignty instead in the same way she has chosen to help the British state to thwart the progression of Scotland’s independence by having a representative of the crown sitting in our cabinet blocking democracy and blocking the entry of the referendum bill into Holyrood, and by peddling this filthy perverted irrational nonsense, seeding panic among women and parents, as a tacky excuse to not progress independence.

    All part of the same course of action.

    Next stop?

    You can predict it will be labour to force on us some new unlawful pseudo act of union, bypassing the actual ToU just as the imposition of the Supreme Court was, claiming to have the power to block our legitimate right to unilaterally repeal the treaty of union. All served with the incentive of some more useless extended devolution powers, under the excuse that Scotland does no longer want independence because of fear of becoming a paradise for paedophiles, perverts and rapists under the corrupt, negligent, unscrupulous and depraved hand of the “leaders” of the SNP and Scottish Greens.

    Scotland had to be forced out of the EU so England could continue to use Scotland’s market, Scotland’s territory and waters, and Scotland’s assets as an extension of its own. Scotland had to be forced out of the EU to stop/delay the process of Scotland becoming a republic. If Scotland is to become a republic, articles 1 and 2 of the ToU, the main core and reason for the treaty, become redundant and the treaty null and void.

    The elimination of the ToU has significant consequences for historic treaties and international agreements, but also for the continuity of the crown. And that is, in my humble opinion, why Scotland had to be forced out of the EU welded to England, why our laws had to be changed to transform Scotland into a permanent extension of England’s domestic market, why we have to be made look powerless and isolated, and why we have to be forced to believe that if Scotland ever dares to revoke that treaty, it will become a paradise for perverts, paedophiles, abusers and rapists. In other words, the political class and the forces behind the British establishment are forcing us to look at the satisfaction of our basic needs instead of seeking self-determination. It is all a psychological game.

  146. Wilson McBride says:

    No furries turned up.

    Wherz the Furries.

    You must have frightened them off Rev.

    Good turnout for the woman.

  147. Luigi says:

    Brexit also split the establishment down the middle. That’s why it could have gone either way IMO.

  148. JGedd says:

    I don’t know why these trans bullies wear masks when they turn up at these events where women speak. They could appear without masks and still there would be no arrests. Has the curly-haired one with the placard saying ‘Decapitate Terfs’ been arrested yet?

    It’s concerning that these loud, threatening bullies are allowed to continue screaming at women and being disruptive. Every time they escape any kind of police intervention then they will become bolder and their behaviour will escalate. Society’s institutions are sending the wrong message, whether universities or political parties. If they can’t call out the behaviour of trans activists or are even encouraging it, then they are responsible for what happens.

    Women, whether or not they think of themselves as feminists, should be very worried. Perhaps they were lulled into thinking that women had at last achieved equality and everything was fine. However, there has been a rising tide of misogyny throughout the western world, brought out by this transgender ideology. It appears that even within respectable institutions there has been lurking misogyny which is at last able openly to indulge this formerly hidden hostility in the support of the extraordinary demands made by transactivists.

    It isn’t just money behind this; it is something dark which is being released, from Sports’ organizations to politics and academia. The West had seemingly made the greatest strides in the equality of women and now is experiencing the greatest pushback. It’s partly why a declared oppressed minority has been used to eliminate women from public life. I can’t believe that politicians in many western countries signed up to this simply out of stupidity. It’s also why it is driven from above and why men’s rights are not being affected by it.

    There is something deeply disturbing about this. Women’s rights are being erased with very little outrage being expressed by those in the establishment. And before someone points out the Christina McKelvies of this world and their irresponsible, unthinking support for their trans ‘siblings’, in other words the women’s chorus of harpies egging on the increasingly violent behaviour of trans activists then let me add, that throughout the history of women’s struggles, there have always been women willing to undermine other women.

    I could go into why that is the case but that would take another essay which would exhaust everyone’s patience. Suffice it to say that we just have to look back at history for examples like witch-hunting, where although the institutions carrying out the persecution were male, women were usually the accusers of other women.

    In this country the struggle for votes for women had to do so against the hostility of much of the female population and in fact, it was due to the support of men that women were at last able to gain the vote ( albeit only in stages.) When the franchise was first extended in a limited way to women via the property criteria, then it was done with the votes of men since only men had the vote until then.

    Women have always been capable of misogyny too. Again women are having to rely on the support of some men (like those on this site) against the existential threat to females, while some very vocal women are on the other side believing baleful nonsense. Have they ever considered ‘being kind’ to women?

  149. Red says:

    Luigi – Brexit didn’t “split the establishment down the middle”. The establishment split about 99% for Remain, and they’re still refusing to accept they lost.

    The establishment view of Brexit is the same as the establishment’s view of Wat Tyler, and for much the same reasons.

  150. Merganser says:

    Rev Stu: The so called ‘SNP rebels’ are being pilloried by the likes of Smith and Somerville based on the false claim that self ID was in the party manifesto, which it wasn’t.

    The MSM are not challenging them on this so they are getting away with it, and only Jo Cherry has properly responded with the truth.

    How about an article specifically on this point to knock Smith and Somerville’s argument on the head and expose their weasel words for what they are.

    These ‘rebels’ have not gone against party policy as claimed, in fact they are the ones who are trying to stop something which is not party policy.

    They deserve every bit of support that can be given on this issue and Smith and Somerville need stopping in their tracks with this line of attack on them.

  151. Luigi says:

    Sorry I don’t buy that Brexit did spilt the establishment otherwise it never would gave happened. Vested interest and British nationalism are no strangers to our Lords and masters. It cur across the board.

  152. Luigi says:

    Sorry Red I don’t buy that. Whwrw did you pluck that 99% figure from? Brexit did spilt the establishment, otherwise it never would have happened. There were powerful forces on both sides. Vested interest and British nationalism are no strangers to the British elite.

  153. Luigi says:

    Sorry Red I don’t buy that. Where did you pluck that 99% figure from? Brexit did spilt the establishment, otherwise it never would have happened. There were powerful forces on both sides. Vested interest and extreme English nationalism are no strangers to our Lords and masters.

  154. Republicofscotland says:

    Saw this via the Rev’s Twitter feed, is this George Sq today? If so the furries and their supporters are out dancing like drunk dads at a wedding.

    This is the kind of stuff that the SNP/Greens are aligning themselves with.

    Get the SNP/Greens out of office

    Vote Alba, Join Alba, protect our women and children.

    Scroll down a wee bit to see some anti-women slogans.

    link to

  155. Mia says:

    “The establishment split about 99% for Remain”

    At UK level? You cannot be serious.

    If the UK establishment was for remain, we would have never seen the EU ref called, we would have never seen half of the conservative party itself (the party of the establishment), campaigning against its very own government while plastering a pack of lies on the side of a bus. We would have never seen the ERG taking over the party of the establishment and we would have never seen both the party of government and elements of the main opposition party campaigning for brexit and with individuals only lukewarm towards the EU, “leading” the pro EU campaign.

    If the establishment did not want brexit, we would have never seen Farage’s parties emerging and gaining clout and funding at such lighting speed.

    If the UK establishment did not want brexit, we would have never seen a a draft EU referendum bill published already in 2013, under the coalition government and before the Scottish independence referendum, with a deadline for the EU referendum of the 31 December 2017.

    It is my personal view that at this point the UK establishment had already decided Yes would not win the indyref campaign. Because if they didn’t, it stands to the obvious they would be cautious enough to avoid being caught out rushing to publish such bill without knowing first if England would be able to afford exiting the EU on its own.

    If the establishment did not want brexit, the leave campaign would not have gone scott free after breaking the law, Cummings would have never been allowed to display contempt of parliament and then effectively gain control of the UK gov cabinet including the PM and senior civil servants.

    If the establishment did not want brexit, a re-run of the EU ref would have been forced once the scandal of the psyops was exposed.

    If the establishment did not want brexit, the BBC and MSM would not have Nigel Farage every other day on the front lines.

    I am sorry but that the UK establishment was not actively pursuing brexit since at least 2013 is, in my personal view, not credible.

  156. Ruby says:

    Keeping up with all that is going on is a full time job.

    I just home Stu hasn’t ditched his ‘Bear Patrol’

    Someone could easily mistake a bear for a ‘furry’ which wouldn’t end well.

    I wonder how the animals feel about these perverts putting on ‘animal face’

    I would be good to see some ‘Furry Vengeance’

    link to

  157. John Main says:


    The establishment were majority for Remain and still are.

    As for the plebs, a majority of us voted to Leave, many choosing to do so because they saw a golden opportunity to raise two fingers at the establishment.

    Not very mature, but there you have it. The establishment now sees that it can never again risk all on a democratic mandate. So we plebs won’t be getting a second chance to influence things unless the fix beforehand is water tight.

    As for the shite about Scotland being dragged from the EU against its will, it was never on the ballot that Scotland could magically remain while England left. It was UK in or out. If any bright spark had cared to question beforehand what might happen if the different nations voted differently, the complainers might have a point now. But they were silent at the time because they thought the fix for Remain was set.

    As for the EU today. It is as happy as everywhere else with the gender woo woo, so any chance of Scotland bucking the reality-denying trend is conditional on Scotland staying out.

    And democracy? Just last week the various EU talking heads were splashed across the MSM as they fast tracked EU membership for Country 404.

    All ratified and approved by the voters of the 26 constituent EU members? Haha, I crack me up.

  158. James Che says:

    Making arrangements to meet in Scotland, from elsewhere is a interesting comment that did not Pass me by.

    These people are gathering with the intention of blacking the name of Scotland and Scottish independence, through the SNP.

    That the SNP are no longer the SNP, and those that are flying under that banner and that advertising have been replaced there with a determined purpose.
    From the reality of dodgy made up sexual charges against AS, – to this very same group of SNPs making those charges then turning and cheering on of this mob of violent perverts to wards women and children, which is a hell of a lot worse,
    The evidence against them and their treats of violent messaging is there for any police man and chief of police in Scotland to see,
    We can also observe whom is tied to the justice system in Scotland now.
    This is no accidental barrage of perversion the had natural growth in Scotland, it has been imported and placed in position with careful planning to whom should be head justice and government funding, which in turn has been funded from outside sources.
    We can only presume those in charge from NS to Keith Brown and many other NuSNPs were set up ready to go.

    A full onSlaught to blacken the ( old) SNP name, to associate the name with perverts, threaten sexual behaviour towards women and Children and the removal of save spaces for both,

    The threatening perverts Arranging to come together in Scotland, after everything and everyone is in place set up in the devolved government ready to go.

    A hit job on the independence movement,
    To blacken the good name and strength of the old SNP.

    There is no going back now, the Old SNP have gone. Infiltrated beyond recognition,
    But one thing is clear from this long planned set up,
    There are no lengths the OPPOSITION to Scottish independence will not go. To Stymie that cause,
    This we must remember,
    The whole devolved government in Scotland are working together with the justice department to reek havoc on the Scottish people.

    the Snp are doing the same with the energy Climate change agenda, just another tool to weaken Scotland and impoverish our Country that has many recorded sources of energy.

    The shut up people in Scotland bill, for free speech was meant to do what it said on the tin, to tie us up prior to the trans bill.

    We are dealing with groups whom do not like national Countries, that would prefer Scotland never regained its identity and sovereignty.

    And those people offer money to the Scottish government to fund these causes, then the Scottish government can fund the placements and anti-social groups from across britain and organise the the people whom sit in places like the Advocate for Scotland whom went to the Supreme Court cap in Hand.
    Or the Keith Browns and Partner, to blind policemen officers.

    To big a system in Scotland to be named a coincidental accident.

  159. Jontoscots21 says:

    Is we getting dumberer as a nation and if so, is we already an idiocracy? Will Barry Ferguson be the Smartest Man In Scotland by 2030?

    Priceless Red. I think Mike Judges is a hilariously dark and prescient warning to lefties that if we don’t value the enlightenment and prioritise identity and equality we’ll get to some very dark places indeed.

  160. Mia says:

    “it was never on the ballot that Scotland could magically remain while England left”

    It was never on the ballot that Scotland had to exit the EU if England chose to leave. If that had ever been the case, it would have removed any reason for the people of Scotland to even bother taking part in the vote. England would vote and then Wales, NI and Scotland would follow suit.

    The fact we took part in the vote means the possibility of Scotland and England following opposite paths was fully open. That possibility was removed by the useless Sturgeon and her brigade of SNP lightweights.

  161. Ruby says:

    Why are folk spamming this thread with posts about Brexit?

  162. Mia says:

    “Why are folk spamming this thread with posts about Brexit?”

    Because, in my mind, on brexit lies, at least in part, the explanation as to why the SNP had to be eviscerated in 2015 as a vehicle for independence, why its membership had to be disengaged from any form of control over its leadership, why it had to reduce its pro-independence remit to dangling carrots, why it had to be transformed into a front for perverts and deviants to scare the bejesus out of soft no/yes and undecided, why Holyrood has to be seen as ungovernable and Scotland as a dangerous place if ever out of the UK, and why Mr Salmond had to be quickly removed from the SNP and from any position of influence over that anti-union MP majority.

    It all appears interlinked.

  163. Republicofscotland says:


    The numbskull and Sturgeon the betrayers buddy SAS hinting for the SNP rebels to leave the party.

    The numbskull SAS had the cheek to say this.

    “If you’re standing as an SNP candidate at an election on a manifesto, you should stand on that manifesto and you should follow that through.

    “At the next election, you can then decide if you wish to be an SNP candidate.”

    Protect our women and children get the SNP/Greens out of office.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba.

    link to

  164. Ottomanboi says:

    Sturgeon has led the SNP to the top of the precipice, will no one have the guts to push her and her cronies over the edge?
    Her clique having corrupted the party and seemingly screwed chances of independence for the foreseeable future it is the very least they deserve.
    Man up! Assuming political castration hasn’t totally queered the cause.

  165. Ebok says:

    Ruby says:
    5 February, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    ‘Why are folk spamming this thread with posts about Brexit’

    Sorry for joining in, Ruby.

    I listened carefully to much of the arguments before deciding on Brexit. For me, and probably millions of others, it was a close call. In the end, I could not come to terms with the oxymoron ‘Independence in Europe’ and voted accordingly.

    If we are being honest, it should be acknowledged that there were hardliners on both sides of the argument but many, many, more clueless shades in between. The hugely complex arrangements that (mostly) unknown politicians had agreed to over decades – Treaties of Lisbon, Nice, Maastricht, SEA, Brussels, Rome and many more, is something that is way above my understanding, and the understanding of most voters.

    But what voters did understand was that when Cameron went to EU with a watered down set of proposals, he was ridiculed, and sent packing. The sheer intransigence by EU that day was the deciding factor for far more voters than the narrow, winning, ‘leave’ margin, and of less importance were the views of Farage, of Boris’s bus, or BBC propaganda.

    The fall out and blame game in the aftermath, with both UK and EU shooting themselves in the foot over trade, timed perfectly to the arrival of the plague, resulted in a perfect storm.

    So, where are we now? Would we be better off with the EU, deficit of democracy, and full blown Neo-Liberalism, or the corrupt capitalism of UK, or the trans nuthouse of HR?

    I think I’ll settle for lil’ ol’ Alex and ALBA with a bit of EFTA thrown in, garnished with SALVO and Scot. Lib.

  166. John Main says:

    @Mia 3:17

    “It was never on the ballot that Scotland had to exit the EU if England chose to leave”

    Oh FFS.

    It was quite possible for England to choose Leave with a smaller majority than the majority for Remain in the other nations.

    Meaning that England could have been “kept in the EU against its will”.

    Which part of this is so difficult to understand? It was a UK vote, decided by a majority of UK voters. The time to settle how things should have been divvied up if the different nations voted differently was before, not after.

    But nobody could be arsed to raise that question, cos they thought it was a shoe-in for Remain.

    Our Scottish political class, dozing in their comfy sinecures, were confident they could seamlessly transition eventually from WM colonisation to Brussels colonisation, maybes even with a step up in perks and pensions by fucking off abroad to “fight Scotland’s corner” at the big parliament overseas.

    Whilst maintaining the usual comfort blanket that when things go wrong, they are not ultimately responsible.

    We can all see where that lazy, “we are not in full control so don’t blame us” mindset has brought the SNP, ScotGov and Scotland.

    I can only repeat; I want Scotland to be governed by Scots, elected by Scots, sitting in Scotland, and acting in the best interests of the Scottish people. And if these Scots fuck up, I want them democratically replaced by other Scots so that they can try better.

    That’s the Indy cause in a nutshell. The EU has no part to play in Scottish Independence.

  167. James Che says:

    The problem is the EU are also collapsing, after coming under the command of nato,
    It has also took a lead role in the collapse of nations like Greece and dictates to many smaller nations,

    Not so sure it has the angelic motives it once claimed it had, I see some members accused and being chargedb of corruption recently in the news,

    Wether it is the EU, Nato, England, Davos or the WEF, none of them want small individual nation states that can draw up their Constitution and their own laws.

    We all have to go through the energy Crises,
    we are all dealing with the gender dysphoria,
    we are all dealing with a monetary financial crises,
    We are all dealing with de-industrialisation.
    We are all dealing with a minimum wage through universal credits.
    We will all enter future lockdowns in the 15 minute cities.

    Sometimes it is wise to to have a nation that can create our own laws without permission from a head concho.

    Sometimes it is wise not to be controlled by larger world wide agendas and to run our country ourselves for trade, finances, industries, and to ensure that the “people” of a nation are always sovereign over and against the corruption of larger governments that impose draconian measures.

    I am for the return of nation States, and to lessen the problem that decentralisation causes where no one can be held accountable on your doorstep for true government held locally and individually.

    The stupidity of the EU’s von der lyon selling light bulbs from the EU to a war torn Uk-raine without electricity for financial money laundering gain says it all.

    The harm caused by the energy management of the EU and western Countries leaves Scotland freezing and unable to heat our homes at a decent price, or to travel in electric cars, that 1, no one can afford to buy, and 2 there is no ample electric points around Scotland in place before these measures are introduced.

    Electric cars, without electric, and if you do find a electric point, just remember how big a energy bill you might have to travel,
    No gradual phasing out of one source of energy because another energy source is up and running proficiently,
    Just like the energy saving light bulbs
    Its madness.

    And yet these are not our policies, invented and created in Scotland, these come from those mentioned above.

    If we ever gain independence, I want a democratic vote in Scotland on wether to join the idiots in power at the EU,

  168. James che says:

    The votes in Scotland to stay in the EU were not accurate, many, And I was one of them, voted to cause a division between Scotland and Englands position on leaving the EU, and many others suggested this at the time, to enable the SNP to have some teeth to fight for a independent Scotland.

    The SNP however tried saving England, Wales, N Ireland from brexit, instead of Scotland from having no democracy within the confines of Britains government of Colonialism,

    I think a new vote on joining the EU in Scotland would be appropriate for democracy and may be rather surprising in its results.

  169. Mac says:

    Are those stretch marks on the belly of that degenerate above. The one where he has his microcock on display in his peep hole shorts. Looks like blurring that button mushroom out only took a three pixels on photoshop. Nothing like seeing some balding old fat git with his face buried in the arse crack of another balding old fat git on a Sunday. These are some of the least attractive people I have ever seen in my life. No wonder they hate the world.

  170. Cynicus says:

    Wilson McBride says:
    5 February, 2023 at 1:21 am
    Cynicus 12.oo midnight.

    I think the point kcor was making was that Macwhirter was ex BBC Scotland and Herald reporter. And that he was never to be trusted
    What is NEVER to be trusted is an AD HOMINEM attack, rather than one that addresses the point being made.

    Kcor attacks Macwhirter rather than Macwhirter’s case agains Sturgeon.

    You, Kcor‘ s self-appointed proxy, do the same.

    Now go away and stop wasting my time.

  171. James Che says:

    Wether this is correct info or not, is debatable,
    But I will pass it on for you to make up your own minds. It comes from a tourism channel on youtube two days ago,
    It gives Ruskie lands
    Tourism in new R…..ia

    Unlimited gas supply per month is £4.00 for your stove.

    The channel is Britanica politica.

    Make of it what you will.

  172. Effijy says:

    Some EU comments astonish me!
    Greece got into serious financial trouble due to the most bizarre tax regimes that bought votes for the corrupt government.
    The EU subsidised greatly a new train network for Athens due to major grid lock.
    It seemed only tourists bought tickets on it as there were next to no inspectors and if one
    did catch you without a ticket you just bought a ticket without any fines.

    Doctors there would earn a 6 figure salary in general.
    The higher tax rate kicked in say at €40,000.
    There is an option for people in the Doctors position to fill in a tax form suggesting that you don’t think you would earn more than €40K and an insurance type payment to the tax office of €2.5K meant that if you did earn more the tax office could not come after you.

    They have a strange Council type tax that seen the rich move out of town buy an old collapsing farm building with some land and build the Taj Mahal on it but never finish one section of it standing as a few dozen breeze blocks.
    The council tax cannot be adjusted until the project is completed. They don’t get completed.

    If the EU hadn’t bailed them out the country really would be dead a buried like the EU insisted these scams were closed down.

    No way is the EU perfect nor affected by corruption but dear God look at where we are with these fascist lying thieves taking our resources and having ultimate control over us.

    No problem with a Scottish EU referendum but can’t you see the enormous losses we have since the Tories spent £100 Billion taking us out.

  173. Geoff Anderson says:

    link to

  174. Mia says:

    “Meaning that England could have been “kept in the EU against its will”.!

    You realise that is an oxymoron, don’t you?

    England has full control over the executive and legislative powers of the UK and that is a fact. Therefore there was nothing, other that its own vested interest, stopping England from revoking the treaty of union as soon as the EU ref result was announced. This means there was nothing stopping England exiting the EU on its own at any point of its choosing.

    With full control over the executive and legislative power, and operating under the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, you cannot possibly claim credibly that England is kept by Wales, Scotland or NI anywhere “against its will”. I am sorry, but that is ridiculous.

    But let’s face it. Without Scotland’s resources, without the control of Scotland’s market and territory and with nothing much to sale and no international agreements/deals in place, the chances of England surviving out of the EU at that point were zero. That stands to the obvious.

    That is, in my view, why Sturgeon had to derail the SNP as a vehicle for independence and why Scotland had to exit the EU with England. It was never for constitutional reasons, it was never for democratic reasons. It was simply because without Scotland England would not survive out of the EU if it was to exit at that point without any trade deals/international agreements in place.

    But did you hear any of the England/Scottish politicians explain that to the people?
    No. Because there was always an understanding among them that Scotland would be dragged out the EU against its will no matter what the people of Scotland voted for.

    When that understanding/agreement was made is what interests me. Was that before or after indyref?

    Because let’s not make any mistake here. Scotland would have never been dragged out of the EU against its will should a vote for the SNP had been a vote for independence in 2015 and should we have had a real pro-indy leader in control of the SNP instead of a fake.

    Scotland was not dragged out of the EU by England. It was dragged out by Sturgeon and a compliant SNP who became far more interested in the sport of seat warming and adopting labour policy rather than fighting for independence.

    ” It was a UK vote”
    No, it was not. If it had been a UK vote, with one partner voting in favour and another against, the UK could have never exit the EU. It would have been a constitutional crisis that would have ripped off the ToU.

    To me the concept of the UK as “a unitary country” does not exist threfore the concept of a “UK vote” vs Scotland’s vote is, to me, laughable. In a political union, Scotland will always vote as Scotland, not as the region of another country.
    The UK is a bipartite political union between two states. You can only talk about “the UK” when you consider both and not just the decision or the interests of one.

    This was never a “UK” vote. This was always about exploiting England’s underlying scepticism against the EU to get the vote the UK establishment wanted to implement brexit, even if psyops had to be deployed.

    The vote was simply the veneer of legitimacy used to justify exiting the EU under the claim it was “the will of the people” (never mind that over 60% of those in Scotland and 56% of those in NI voted against), because that sounds a hell of a lot better than saying the reason was “the will of VIP taxdodgers and the city of London”.

    “The EU has no part to play in Scottish Independence”

    At this point in time, I am no longer sure because the useless Sturgeon has wasted far too many years dangling carrots rather than delivering independence and things have moved on.

    Since the EU vote the British state has been rather busy at rewriting legislation to make it much more difficult for Scotland to return to the EU, because it is against England’s interests for Scotland to be part of the EU effectively cutting what England perceives as “its” internal market.

    If indyref had taken place right after the EU referendum, and it was explained properly to the people of Scotland that independence was the only way to return to the EU, I am convinced yes would have won. I think that is why the useless Sturgeon could not bring herself to call the referendum at that point and had to procrastinate until independence and EU membership could be disengaged from each other.

    It is no secret that, at that point, a majority of soft no and soft yes voters wanted to be in the EU. That is why I think the colonialists were and still are so desperate to separate both things.

    But that was then. Situation now has changed dramatically thanks to the useless Sturgeon doing absolutely nothing to progress our autonomy and everything to help the British state to re-write our laws to make it very difficult and a lengthy process for Scotland to go back in to the EU.

    Currently, I am more in support of joining EFTA as a stepping stone first than going cold turkey and applying for EU membership directly. No because I do not believe in the EU, or because I believe it is best for Scotland to be out of the EU. It is because the useless Sturgeon’s calculated inaction has given plenty of time to the British state to make it far more difficult for Scotland to join the EU cold turkey. But presumably this was always her intention and another of her many fabricated excuses to stall Scotland’s independence.

  175. akenaton says:

    I was away to write a comment on our position re the EU, but John Main has summed up and there is no sense in posting a duplicate.

    I’m afraid fellow Scots, we have a realist in our midst who should be listened to and learned from.

  176. Ruby says:

    Ebok says:
    5 February, 2023 at 3:53 pm

    Ruby says:
    5 February, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    ‘Why are folk spamming this thread with posts about Brexit’

    Sorry for joining in, Ruby.

    Nae worries Ebok! 🙂

    Did you just have to join in? Was the bait just too irresistible?

    You’ve got to watch out for these ‘flame-baiters’ they can make you do things that you end up being sorry for.

  177. Ruby says:

    akenaton says:
    5 February, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    I was away to write a comment on our position re the EU, but John Main has summed up and there is no sense in posting a duplicate.

    Why not akenaton all the posts about the EU are duplicates of duplicates.

  178. John Main says:

    @Mia 5:22

    60% of those in Scotland voted against [EU exit]

    Given that Scottish turnout was 67.2%, I refute your figure.

    Those uninterested 32.8% of Scots voters may arguably be said to have plumped for the status quo (Remain), but to infer they actively voted for it is a step too far.

    I see nothing wrong, BTW, with an independent Scottish government entering into negotiations with the EU for full membership or EFTA. Once all details of the membership T’s & C’s are known, I see nothing wrong with an informed Scottish electorate being offered the choice of full Indy or ever closer union with the EU, or the halfway house that is EFTA.

    Personally I think it would be a shame to ditch Indy so fast after 3 centuries of struggle to get it, but as a believer in democracy, tough on me.

    Personally again, I believe many of the expert predictions for how Europe will fare over the coming decades. I expect that however the membership T’s & C’s may be spun, in reality we will inevitably be asset stripped and exploited for our resources and lebensraum.

    Thems the rules in the EU. We won’t be getting an exception just cos we are Scotland and special. Rich countries pay. Poor countries hold out their hands. We are a rich country – join the dots.

  179. President Xiden says:

    Vote SNP, vote weirdo.

  180. JGedd says:

    Am I right in thinking that the legions of Furries didn’t turn up as Beth Douglas had hoped? More interesting things to do at the Crowne Plaza?

    Mostly dancing going on at George Sq., which didn’t interrupt the women’s meeting I think. Fair enough. Better to party than be an objectionable mob. ( Though there were threatening placards flourished by a couple of underwhelming young folk who looked as if they couldn’t flatten an empty coke tin. Looked a wee bit aimless, puir wee sowels. Maybe they thought Beth would be there?)

  181. Wilson McBride says:

    Republicofscotland. 2.39pm

    Yes that video you posted is of the Trans mob at George Square today.

    The Furry you see in the video was the only one that turned up. I doubt the rest got confined to barracks in the Crowne Plaza.

    That Beth character seemed to be the darling of the meeting.

    It was like a student gathering for a fancy dress,,, average age, 19.

    These are the clowns who are holding back Scottish independence.

    Re, the Women’s demo, which was in the other half of George Square, that went well, no trouble. Not a bad turn out.

    Here’s your video from up thread.

    link to

  182. Wilson McBride says:

    Cynicus. 4.41pm

    That was some wee rant you had.

    You wouldn’t be Ian MacWhirter by any chance, would you?

  183. Ebok says:

    Ruby says:
    5 February, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    ‘Did you just have to join in’

    Ach Ruby, a lot o’ thae clever dudes talk o’er the heids o’ us proles, an’ sometimes ah’ jist wanna tell how it is lookin’ fae the bottom up.

    We ken we’re a’ gettin’ took for a ride. Jist wish my lot kent how much power we’d hae if we jist spoke tae ane another.

  184. Ruby says:

    link to

    Kellie-Jay will be going on tours spanning several continents, and filming everything with a professional documentary crew.

    We will be launching a new political party: The Other Party. Kellie-Jay will also be running against Keir Starmer. Click here to find out more.

    I wonder if they will stand in Scotland?

    Kellie-Jay will be going on tours spanning several continents, and filming everything with a professional documentary crew.

    Was the professional documentary crew filming in Glasgow?

  185. Breeks says:

    Ruby says:
    5 February, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    You’ve got to watch out for these ‘flame-baiters’ they can make you do things that you end up being sorry for.

    Talk of the EU, and possibly talk about EFTA may be academic, premature and forlorn all at the same time.

    In case people haven’t noticed, there are two Green Freeports being set up in Scotland to facilitate and accelerate the deregulation of Scotland’s economic trade and commerce, and before very long, Scotland will be on a divergent trajectory away from EU standards and Regulations, and even to be considered for EU Membership, we’d facing a long and difficult journey to reverse our economy back down the Free Port Cul-de-saC we shouldn’t be going up in the first place.

    Even with Independence, Scotland may be looking at decades of hard work to “re”-regulate what Westminster and Brexit are currently de-regulating, and that is going to be painful and costly for Scottish Industries which are tempted (or forced) to deregulate themselves in the short term.

    Why the SNP is backing Freeports is a mystery to me… at least as much of a mystery there is left after ruling out ignorant stupidity and Vichy-type subservience to Westminster’s instructions.

    With Sturgeon driving us over a cliff, there is no vision, no plan, no strategic foresight. If we ever see the back of the Ferries debacle, we’ll have the Green Freeports debacle heating up to keep us amused with plenty to talk about, just like we’re talking about EU or EFTA. – as if it’s going to be our decision.

  186. Big Jock says:

    What sane adult human gay or straight , would be turned on by this sweaty, fat pig. It really is mind boggling.

  187. Ruby says:

    Breeks says:
    5 February, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    Talk of the EU, and possibly talk about EFTA may be academic, premature and forlorn all at the same time.

    If we ever see the back of the Ferries debacle, we’ll have the Green Freeports debacle heating up to keep us amused with plenty to talk about, just like we’re talking about EU or EFTA. – as if it’s going to be our decision.

    I can’t see the point in regurgitating the same old stuff as we heard in 2016 or having the same emphasis on EU membership as we had in 2014 in the event of us ever having a 2nd IndyRef.

    As you say at the moment it’s not our decision.

    Discussing what sort of Gender Recognition Act we would like to see in an Independent Scotland might make a refreshing change and who knows the idea that we could get rid of the GRA 2004 might attract more YES voters.

    I don’t know what Kellie-Jay feels about Scottish Indepdence but I do like the sound of her new political party. Maybe there will be a Independence supporting Scottish branch.

  188. Ruby says:

    Big Jock says:
    5 February, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    What sane adult human gay or straight , would be turned on by this sweaty, fat pig


    FYI: 20% of the Furries are ‘zoos’

    Let me know if you need a link for proof?

  189. Ruby says:

    link to

    Women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen thanks Nicola Sturgeon for ‘waking up Scotland’

    link to

    Unarchived version if you want to play the video.

  190. Thomas Box says:

    Support for independence falls from 53 to 47 per cent – job done you might say …

  191. akenaton says:

    No thanks Ruby, ah’ve jist hid ma tea.

  192. Viscount Ennui says:

    If i were leading an independence movement, and bear in mind we are aiming to build a new nation on old foundations, I would set out a very clear agenda based on a bill of rights and constitutional reform with an emphasis on good governance.
    Get rid of those lickspittle ‘independent’ regulators and put in place true internal scrutiny.
    Establish a second chamber to avoid the farce of cr*p legislation like the GRR bill being passed by numbskulls without proper scrutiny.
    And make clear how the new nation will align geopolitically.
    Plus, and this is in the current climate very controversial, make it clear that we need a vibrant private sector.
    Swinney and Sturgeon cannot do that because they are thick and have no interest in independence.

  193. Stoker says:

    Breeks says: “Why the SNP is backing Freeports is a mystery to me”

    No it’s not! You already said the reasons earlier in your comment:

    “..we’d be facing a long and difficult journey to reverse our economy back down the Free Port Cul-de-saC we shouldn’t be going up in the first place.”

    Sturgeon & Co are FUD’s (Federalists, Unionists & Devolutionists).

    Viscount Ennui on 5 February 2023 at 8:19 pm puts it in simple terms when talking of Sturgeon & Co:

    “..they are thick and have no interest in independence.”

    They dance to London’s tune and there’s no evidence any replacements would be any better. That makes it even more imperative we work our asses off to get ALBA into the position of ‘King Makers’ and ‘Guardians’ at the expense of the corrupted and untrustworthy “Scottish Greens”.

  194. Republicofscotland says:

    Joan McAlpine lets rip against the insanity that is the unamended GRRB, and she doesn’t miss Sturgeon the Judas.

    link to

  195. PacMan says:

    Big Jock says: 5 February, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    What sane adult human gay or straight , would be turned on by this sweaty, fat pig.

    The individuals dressing up as dogs and wanting to be referred to as pups is maybe a wee sign that they’re not playing with a full deck.

  196. Stoker says:

    I see the BBC in Scotland Teletext Service is giving far more coverage to a load of weirdos (to keep it polite) counter-demonstrating against the Women’s Rights event in Glasgow today than they’ve given to Scotland’s remarkable victory over England yesterday. A victory that was truly amazing on several levels, or for several reasons, if you prefer.

    They state that the demos were separated by a police cordon and the “pro-reform groups” “danced and sang in support of self-identification.” Really? I wasn’t there but i find that very hard to believe. Note how the BBC is promoting the weirdo’s in a positive manner despite knowing what WOS has exposed some of them to be. Mind you, the bbc have been known for employing paedophiles over the years. And protecting them from exposure.

    Still absolutely nothing mentioned about Scotland’s great victory over England at “Twickers” yesterday in the rugby Six Nations Championship. Twice coming from behind, retaining the Calcutta Cup 3-years on the trot and England haven’t beaten Scotland at their own home ground of Twickenham since 2017. Not one bit of this being promoted on the “Scotland” pages. But 2 or 3 times this football season they’ve reported irrelevant football results of *Rangers on their main Scottish news page when they belong in the sports section.

    The BBC is a disgraced London propaganda platform masquerading as a “news” service. Those supposedly “Scottish” employees working at the bbc ‘Pacific Q’ branch in Glasgow should be ashamed of themselves. Scotland badly needs its own proper national news outlet.

  197. paul says:

    I give you le cercle:

    1953–1971: Antoine Pinay
    1971–1980: Jean Violet
    1980–1985: Brian Crozier
    1985–1993: Julian Amery
    1993–1996: Jonathan Aitken
    1996–2008: Norman Lamont[10]
    2008–2013: Michael Ancram
    2013–2014: Rory Stewart[11]
    2015–2018: Nadhim Zahawi[11]

    from shitpedia:

    Le Cercle is a secretive, invitation-only foreign policy forum. Its focus has been opposing communism and, in the 1970s and 1980s, supporting apartheid when the group had intimate ties with and funding from South Africa.[1] The group was described by British Conservative MP Alan Clark as “an Atlanticist society of right-wing dignitaries”.

    I came across them on the world wide internet many years ago.

    What I was reading then concerned the remarakbly lucky marc dutroux and ‘ballet rouges’.

    Skip to end of the page:

    October 2019 – Dutroux filed to have himself be examined by psychiatrist. In order to be able to be released early under conditions in 2021, three psychiatrists would have to come to the conclusion that the danger of him reoffending is low. In May 2020, Dutroux’s pre-parole hearing was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    And then there is this, which names people,predilictions, purpose and policy.

  198. Shug says:

    They promote the weirdos because that is the unionist line now to defend Nicola. They have invested a lot getting her to this stage and now she is toxic to indy they will keep her there to be pulled down only when it suits them

  199. Shug says:

    They promote the weirdos because that is the unionist line now to defend Nicola. They have invested a lot getting her to this stage and now she is toxic to indy they will keep her there to be pulled down only when it suits them
    The SNP must dump her now or die

  200. George Ferguson says:

    Good to know there was little in the way of trouble in Glasgow today. Good weekend in general. I got to watch Sport my wife watched Call the Midwife and other programmes. Everyone happy. Scottish Independence is not reliant on Nicola. Polls pre GRRB going South. The end game for Nicola. Of course we suggested an existential threat to the Greens and the SNP. But we have a blank sheet of paper on GRRB. The section 35 awaits response. Who is right? Scottish Independence supporters wanting to get rid of GRRB or Nicola and Patrick?.

  201. paul says:

    And then there is this, which names people,predilictions, purpose and policy

    Forgive me,

    I did not include the “link


  202. David Hannah says:

    Let Woman Speak had a fantastic crowds and their voice was heard loud and clear.

    Self ID is stone dead. Gender ideology should be banned from schools in Scotland.

  203. Stoker says:

    Shug, you say: “The SNP must dump her now or die”

    Why? Who will replace her? Unless it’s someone like Ash Reagan or Joanna Cherry then she will just be replaced with a doppelganger. Make no mistake, Ash or Joanna will not be allowed anywhere near the seat of power.

    I did have some hope for Kate Forbes who’s off on maternity leave but she revealed her true cowardly colours on this issue. Would she be any different as a First Minister? I doubt it! Once a sleekit self-serving coward always a sleekit self-serving coward.

    Really angry at how Sturgeon & Murrell have totally destroyed the image of independence AND the best opportunities Scotland has ever had in over 300-years to take back our right of self-determination. As if we indy supporters don’t already have enough on our plates to fight against we’re now forced to also fight the f@ckwits who are trying desperately to associate this with indy.

    As Sunak darts around running up huge helicopter flight bills, and energy prices set to rise *AGAIN* (this time by 40%) in the spring, Skanky Sturgeon’s own popularity has shrunk from a positive 7% to a negative -4%. Hopefully now she’s on the verge of getting her comeuppance. And it can’t come soon enough for me, but the question remains: then what? Then who?

    I’ve been giving it a lot of deep thought recently and i’m on the verge of declaring myself done with politics because i’m becoming more convinced i’m just wasting my life. That i should be investing my efforts into something far more productive and beneficial to me. That’s the first time in over 40-years of fighting for indy i’ve ever felt that way. I can’t express how angry that makes me feel.

    I detest Sturgeon & Co far more than i ever hated Thatcher & Ruth Davidson combined, and that’s saying something. At least they’ve never hidden what they truly are. I will dance a jig of joy when Sturgeon & Murrell kick-the-bucket. Their demise can’t come soon enough.

    Goodnight, Troops!

  204. Andrew scott says:

    Forbes cannot take over
    The “wee frees”will not stand for the sh1t that mrs murrell et al is promoting now

  205. George Ferguson says:

    @Andrew scott 10:50pm
    Glackin of the ‘Times’ ran a story today on the betting on Sturgeons replacement. Keith Brown’s price has collapsed from 20 to 1, to 3 to 1. A huge movement. And Kates price has drifted like a barge. Remember the comment I did about Keith Brown. Sturgeon sidetracked him a week later. She throws everybody under a bus that is a potential leader. Apparently Brown as an MBA understands the basic economy. The adult in waiting.

  206. David Hannah says:

    Kate Forbes ran away from self ID. It would not surprise me one bit if she deliberately timed starting a family before the self ID bill.

    Her colleagues voted remotely, she hid away.

    The SNP membership will probably still vote her in, she’s a lightweight figure Sturgeon 2.0. She couldn’t stand up to anyone, she can’t even stand up for women’s rights.

    I am hoping someone brings Sturgeon down, and sacks her Lord Advocate and all of the corruption build up around Sturgeon is revealed. One can only hope the alphabetties and Scotland’s political elite share the inside of the female jail together with Petunia Murrell.

  207. Red says:

    Breeks – In case people haven’t noticed, there are two Green Freeports being set up in Scotland to facilitate and accelerate the deregulation of Scotland’s economic trade and commerce, and before very long, Scotland will be on a divergent trajectory away from EU standards and Regulations

    Diverging away the burden of EU regulations sounds just the ticket tae me, but dinnae fash yerself about freeports.

    It has all the signs of yet another temporary enthusiasm, soon to be forgotten amidst the neverending carnival of sleaze, conniving, bullshit and failure that our highly dysfunctional United Kingdom government specialises in.

    See also: “Free Schools”, the Big Society, the YTS, Modern Apprenticeships, Back to Basics, the End of Boom and Bust, that time we were going to bring Democracy to Afghanistan, etc.

    But more to the point: Rishi wasn’t installed to cut your taxes or energy costs, quite the opposite. Freeports are just the latest dash of glitter on the no-longer-steaming turd that is the British economy after 25 consecutive years of Blairiste managerialism.

    They had little chance of success in 2019, their chances of catching on while the British and European economies crash into the mountainside of unaffordable energy costs / Net Zero / Ukraine / multiple simultaneous debt crises are about zero.

    Rishi will be kept busy grinning inanely and trying to look like he cares about your grotty little prole life until the electorate puts his farce of a government out of its misery and elects an entirely new set of incompetent sociopathic millionaire wankers instead.

  208. George Ferguson says:

    Ps Of Course Brown signed off the Ferry Contract. He signed off GRRB. Which is why I joined Alba. There is no SNP leader in the making. A tragedy of succession planning.

  209. David Holden says:

    After me being rude about Police Scotland I have to hold my hand up and say they did a great job in Glasgow yesterday keeping the two camps apart and making for a peaceful day. The Furries were a no show as they got distracted on the way to the square and spent the afternoon smelling each others backsides. Pickle bee turned up sporting a rather fetching stealth hair style and none of his clappy fair weather friends showed up which came as no big surprise. What a sleekit bunch of spineless cowards and what a difference a couple of weeks and a bit of adverse publicity makes. If you scrapped the lot of them I doubt you would have enough parts to build one backbone.

  210. Geri says:

    It can only be a brand new party, imo.
    (I’m not ruling out Alba here)

    But I think the SNP is dead.

    Even if Ash stormed in to oust Sturgeon – the 60+ feckwits remaining could screw up the voting.

    I think, new year, new route, new vehicle..

    It’d also ditch the ‘nationalist’ name. A lot of countries have an instant dislike & revulsion to nationalists movements.

    It is infuriating for it to be trashed like this but, on the bright side, two lessons from the school of hard knocks..

    Never, ever, give absolute power to one party (or its CEO) unless there is a written clause in the devolution settlement, or a bill passed, that the PUBLIC can sack the government/or FM at any time if it’s acting against public opinion..

    2. We don’t ever vote for shit just because of *indy* We’d never win a ref with a shit government in charge.

    These were our biggest mistakes & what’s kept Sturgeon & her hubby with absolute control over a failing & increasingly undemocratic political party & Holyrood. She was never challenged or forced to defend her record on pain of being ejected.

    If we had popular sovereignty before (ppl power) then is that not still part of Scots law to get her driven out?

    Ppl that’s disappointed in Forbes, aye & I’d add Cherry to that. I love Joanna but, all the shit that’s happened to Scotland (Continuity bill, Brexshit, power grab, supreme court ruling etc..while she is a KC & a good lawyer, but only for English causes (prorogation, internet hate,GRR it seems. It seems scotland can go fk itself with its problems. So I think I will give up on her too…

  211. Breeks says:

    Red says:
    5 February, 2023 at 11:46 pm

    Diverging away the burden of EU regulations sounds just the ticket tae me, but dinnae fash yerself about freeports.

    Which regulations do you object to?

  212. Geoff Anderson says:

    This is coming soon. At the moment every TV programme here has to have a cross dresser. Dozens of TV adverts promote drag placement.
    The message is TransWomen are “better” than Women

    link to

  213. Robert Louis says:

    You know the problem with Scotland and its independence? A simple lack of leadership.

    When Alex Salmond was FM, we knew his goal was independence, and the FIRST chance he got (referendum) he took it, and almost won. Would Sturgeon have done that? Nah, she would have dithered, worrying that ‘mibbes we might lose, so best wait another ten years’.

    We have a dithering First Minister, who seems obsessed with doing ANYTHING to prevent, limit, or delay Scottish independence. Oh, sure, every now and then she gives a speech about it, but then does NOTHING. Almost NINE full years of NOTHING.

    Why is she fighting London over her stupid gender bill, instead of fighting LOndon over their pretendy ‘supreme’ court decision, which, according to their English ‘court’, gave Scotland colonial status. WHY is she not fighting that. WHY is she not forcing a Scoittish election – AND YES, SHE AND THE SCOTGOV DO HAVE THE POWER TO DO SO?

    The people who support Scottish independence, are crying out for effective leadership, they are crying out for an active campaign to stop England stripping Scotland of its wealth on a daily basis.

    Wake up SNP. For heavens sake, wake up, and get that vacuous waste of space Sturgeon quickly replaced by somebody whow actually has some fire in their belly for independence.

    The reason for all the splits and dvision within the indy movement (and make NO mistake London’s creepy spooks and allies are making hay with it) is down to one thing, a lack of leadership. Dithering by Sturgeon has allowed arguments to develop, to allow disarray to develop, and for division to fester. She was elected to get us independence, not to do ‘backroom deals’ with England’s labour party, in the blind hope Starmer might get elected.

    Sturgeon thinks she has a good record, but honestly, she has done sweet F all to achieve independence. She almost single handedly has set back the independence campaign better than England or its cringing wee Scottish apologists (Tories and Labour) ever could.

    Sturgeon or the SNP must go. Their is simply no way forward with her in charge. The only thing she is interested in is her own self image and career. ‘Independence? Oh, let’s just wait a few years more, and see how things go’.

    Utterly, utterly pathetic.

  214. Geoff Anderson says:

    For the sake of national clarity, let’s stop the pretence. The SNP, the Scottish government and the Edinburgh parliament are all diminished to the point of ridicule by Nicola Sturgeon’s gender argument transitioning from black to white

    link to

  215. John Main says:

    Unherd is running an article on “Sturgeon’s poll tax moment”.

  216. Bob Mack says:

    Sturgeon fell for them oldemst trap in the book. Worship of personality gives the recipient a feeling of being invulnerable and unable to make mistakes .

    You can do what you like and people will follow. How many leaders in history have fallen as a result of such thinking?

    It is an old lesson,but one which like a dormant pathogen renews itself again and again.

    The SNP I feel will bear the stigma for years to come, because sadly she, Sturgeon, is not going to go until irreperable damage is done to the brand. It may well be Alba can step in,but that will take time to build trust in what to most is an unknown product.

    From 2014 to this present state is utterly unbelievable, but it has happened.

    Somehow we must find the determination to go again.

  217. Luigi says:

    Bob Mack @8:49am

    “You can do what you like and people will follow. How many leaders in history have fallen as a result of such thinking?”

    It’s easier to count the few leaders in history that haven’t gone down that road. The highway to hell.

  218. Luigi says:

    Ok folks, this is where we are at: We do not currently have a main party that supports our dream of Scottish independence. We do, however, have a very solid 45-50% of the country that wants independence, and it ain’t going anywhere. That’s massive. Let’s build on what we have. The first hurdle is the public perception that, against all the signs, the SNP will come through eventually, hence support remains high. This is the first misconception that needs to be dealt with. The sooner the better. I do believe that reality will slowly seep through the Scottish population, but only when a tipping point is reached, will parties like Alba start attracting significant numbers of voters. It will happen, but not quickly. For Alba and the other wee independence parties, I say, keep plugging away, and for goodness sake, never give up, no matter how many setbacks come (and they will). Just by existing, you are having a far bigger effect than the Scottish and WM governments would like to be widely known.

  219. Alin+Scot says:

    The fundamental problem stems from the lack of an agreed strategy and keeping to it to achieve independence. Running the country effectively to show competency was all that was needed, with essential deviation as required.

    The mantra of needing the “fiscal levers of power” through independence to operate effectively was a constant bleat, suggesting nothing could really be done properly in a devolved assembly. Despite this, the leadership ignored their own mantra and set course on a whole range of schemes from Named Persons to the current gender reforms. All of this took resources away from pursuing the independence strategy.

    So hooked on power and their comfortable financial existence, the leadership could paint no picture of an independent Scotland without the SNP at the helm. They were unable to countenance Scotland without them – yet the job would have been done if independence was achieved and the SNP ceased to exist in its current form. Basically those who were swithering on independence were being asked to jump into murky water not knowing the depth or what lay below.

    If the SNP was a commercial company, the lack of a marketing and sales strategy would have put them out of business a long time ago. Probably now surviving financially on Westminster short money, the circle is complete.

  220. craig murray says:

    I don’t think this post is well thought out. Publishing pictures which are shocking and likely to arouse strong emotions should have a definite purpose.

    In a comment you say that you targeted this guy because he was aggressive towards “transphobes” and called you out for a fight. But that information doesn’t seem to be in the actual article.

    The photos – as opposed to his cartoons – depict sexual activity that is well within the range of sexual activity routinely practised by gay people – oral and anal sex and rimming. The article has encouraged people to be disgusted by this as reflected in the comments.

    Not everyone is into rimming, but it is very commonplace by both homo and hetero sexuals. Comments above about licking dirty assholes reflect personal distate. These things are a matter of choice.

    I can see nothing in what you have posted that legitimately links this man or his friends with paedophilia. They seem to be just gay people with a costume fetish with BDSM overtones.

    Consenting adults do all sorts of strange things. Consenting adults is the key phrase here. Personally I would be much happier if this sort of sexualstuff wasn’t posted on twitter.

    But let me put it this way. What is it about the depicted activity of this man and his friends that you and commenters think should be illegal? Do you think sexual activity you find disgusting should be banned?

  221. Mac says:

    Jeezo just noticed that pic of the fat bald pervert with his face buried in the other fat bald pervert’s arse valley is a tweet.

    Isn’t it amazing how that is allowed on twitter and yet this site and folk like the president of the US got banned. What a twisted world they create.

  222. Ruby says:

    How about a woman’s party? A party that stand up for women?

  223. Breeks says:

    Geoff Anderson says:
    6 February, 2023 at 6:58 am
    This is coming soon. At the moment every TV programme here has to have a cross dresser. Dozens of TV adverts promote drag placement.

    I’m not disagreeing Geoff, but it has always been thus.

    Dick Emery. Larry Grayson. Charles Hawtrey. Kenneth Williams. Monty Python. Paul O’Grady. Les Dawson. 90% of the cast of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Dale Winton, Graham Norton, Stanley Baxter, Allan Carr, Julian Clary,.. UK TV has had a long standing penchant for effeminacy and cross dressing, and parading it as “entertainment” going back decades.

    Perhaps it says a lot about me, but I’ve never found it particularly entertaining or funny. Growing up, it always struck me the cross dressing was a substitute for entertainers who weren’t particularly funny or engaging. Do you remember when old so-and-so hilariously dressed up as a woman?… No, neither do I.

    All I remember was the blinding depression that the scheduling of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum saw you compelled to watch it because there was nothing else on. No word of a lie, maybe it was shite like it ain’t half hot mum which reminded me TV’s had an off button.

    I always thought it was an English Public School thing… like in Colditz. What “normal” people would think to dress up as women and put a show on? I don’t mean Colditz the movie, I mean the actual escapees. You almost felt they were grateful for the war because it gave them the perfect excuse to fling a dress on…

    I’ve never seen the entertainment value myself, but at the same time, there’s no denying a lot of people must have found it funny, because it was never off the TV screen.

    It maybe needs saying there was a grey area when it came to gayness and effeminacy, where the “evidence” of the one implied the other, but it was never what you might call explicit. If you didn’t want to “go there” you didn’t have to. You could watch it with your kids kinda stuff… bland.

    I haven’t been a regular TV watcher for about 20 years now. I cannot abide Soap Operas. I detest every last one of them, yet TV was papered wall to wall with them, then you got some overpaid and overblown “celebrity” like Terry Wogan presenting some mindless dross with canned laughter and B list celebrities… most of whom are B list celebrities because they’re lifted out from C list soap operas that had only just finished. Weekend omnibus? Christ alive, just shoot me now.

    When some series celebrates 40 or 50 years production, you think to yourself, “Jezus, they got away with making this trash for 40 years and paralysed the minds of countless billions. They’re paid HOW MUCH???

    There was always a snobbery about Europe, especially on the BBC, and that used to grate on the nerves too. Once again, it felt like our window on the world had to filtered through a panel of Elton Schoolboys.

    Here’s me saying I haven’t watched TV for 20 years, but I was already detesting the TV when Eastenders started being broadcast, so my scathing disregard for UK TV is probably closer to 40 years rather than 20. Yikes. Poor old John Logie Baird spinning in his grave for all these decades after his wonderful invention was used to churn out fkg Crossroads and Coronation St…

    Maybe it is just me. I have a head that’s a bit of a vacuum cleaner and shit TV just clogged up the nozzle.

  224. What Rot says:

    @Geri at 1.42am:

    “It’d also ditch the ‘nationalist’ name. A lot of countries have an instant dislike & revulsion to nationalists movements.”

    ‘Nationalist’ is not in the name. It the Scottish National Party. Scotland: nation.

  225. craig murray says:

    Apologies, I should add, rather than take as read, that your work on Beth Douglas, now exposed as a convicted sex offender with outstanding rape allegations yet prominent in public life, was important and certainly should have been published – in fact given Douglas# public profile it is astonishing the media have not followed up.

    But on what you have produced so far, this seems very different.

  226. Bob Mack says:

    @Craig Murray,

    Are you really being serious? I can’t tell.

  227. Mac says:

    The relevance is that the character above is part of a group being encouraged by the SNPG to disrupt the women’s meeting.

    As for publishing the pictures from what I can I see this individual has tweeted them himself (incredibly!) and this site is merely highlighting them as an example of the people involved.

    Also I was thinking the pictures of himself and someone else performing a sex act in the public toilets was also relevant to the broader discussion about giving men access to women’s only spaces.

    The level and breadth of fetishes present in some of these characters is pretty astonishing to people not familiar with this world and you can see why some of them would possibly pose a risk as they inevitably seek to ‘break boundaries’.

    As for the nookie, strictly missionary and only for the purposes of procreation!

    Seriously though jobbies smell the way they do for a reason. It has got me baffled that folk want to get their tongue up peoples bumholes.

    Even heterosexual oral sex is risky, just ask Michael Douglas, but come on, it is basic common sense hygiene. You would not eat someone’s faeces so what are you doing down there of all places, no good will come of that… nope nopity nope!

    I find it strange I am having to explain this, don’t consume inadvertently (or otherwise) other people’s faeces. I am not a doctor but I think it is mostly likely bad for you somehow.

  228. Red says:

    Not everyone is into rimming, but it is very commonplace by both homo and hetero sexuals. Comments above about licking dirty assholes reflect personal distate. These things are a matter of choice.

    I think I preferred it when Larry Olivier was euphemising about oysters and snails, Craig.

  229. Dan says:

    Last month’s leccy export figure from Scotland to England…

    Scot-Eng: 2.35TWh

    link to

    So with hundreds of Scots being admitted to hospital suffering hypothermia over the past couple of months because they couldn’t afford to heat their living spaces, burdening our already strained Scottish Health Service even more, we also had… Shell profits more than double to record $40bn.

    link to

    Yet with all this “cost of living crisis” and “economically recovering and rebuilding after covid crisis”, the clowns in Holyrood choose to focus on and piss away enormous amounts of time and money pushing GRR, rather than making the case for Scotland returning to self-governance by really challenging the piss poor London Rule which continually fails to implement better regulation to limit the clear exploitation and profiteering of these large Corporate energy companies.

    Have long thought that the disparity in wages between the relatively highly paid political class, and those they are meant to represent, means the politicians are too insulated from the economic reality endured by wider Scottish society. Therefore many elected officials lack the true motivation and grit to actually come up with and doggedly push for policy that would better serve the wider electorate.

  230. craig murray says:

    Bob Mack,

    I am perfectly serious. Is there another article I missed where there is evidence of this guy doing something wrong?

    Because he doesn’t, in the evidence of this article, seem to have assaulted anybody, harassed anybody, approached any children or done anything to justify this hate.

    He plainly has sexual tastes very different to mine and I presume to yours. But between consenting adults, why shouldn’t he?

    Assuming the other people in the photo consent, it is not a crime to post his strange stuff on twitter. I would rather he didn’t and am surprised twitter allow it, but I have never inadvertently seen that kind of content and guess it is protected in some way.

    I really think everyone should calm down the hate fest.

  231. Mac says:

    The delay before your comment appears I can live with (just copy the comment to your clipboard before submitting just in case it does not appear is my top-tip) but the way some comments go into moderation is mystifying. I can’t see anything wrong with them…. it’s got me beat.

  232. Merganser says:

    Craig Murray @ 9.46.

    Nice try Craig, but rather disingenuous for someone of your intellectual capacity.

    You have deliberately ignored the point of the article. The clue is at the beginning – have another read. McKelvie is the equalities Minister, and here she is maligning women as being trans phobic, and aligning herself with a tiny group of strange (to say the least) people hell bent on trying to silence free speech by disrupting the women’s rally.

    If you can’t see that, maybe you should keep out of this debate. Alternatively, if you agree with McKelvie’s stance, say so and we will know where you stand.

  233. Ruby says:

    craig murray says:

    But let me put it this way. What is it about the depicted activity of this man and his friends that you and commenters think should be illegal?

    Isn’t ‘indecent exposure’ already illegal except in ladies changing rooms.

    Since you have decided to give us advice let me return the favour.

    I think you should stop coming on here giving adults a finger wagging lecture as if we are children.

    ‘You are not the boss of me’. 🙂

  234. SusanAHF says:

    “Hate fest” oh dear, naughty us kink shaming.

  235. Bob Mack says:

    @Craig Murray,

    Consenting adults fine. Time and place though are a wider issue for many.

    Secondly like most “furrys” he identifies as a boar, like most of them identify with other animals in a spiritual sense.
    Many have zero affiliations with human values . They reject what we would call humanity unless to some like minded individuals who share the same values.

    Like trans it has been identified that many have “species dysmorphic disorder” rather than just body .

    I think if you look at his posts, the way he refers even to those with whom he interacts is callous and unfeeling. They are items to be used only wherever and whenever he feels like it.

    They are (not generally speaking of course), mentally ill.

    Your Scotland would appear to give free reign to any foible at any time. Join the SNP Craig. That appears to be your true spiritual home.

  236. Ruby says:

    Mac says:
    6 February, 2023 at 10:48 am

    but the way some comments go into moderation is mystifying. I can’t see anything wrong with them…. it’s got me beat.

    There is no mystery! Posts go into moderation because they contain a banned word. 🙂

    Mad Moderation Bot 1 Mac 0

  237. Mac says:

    “Posts go into moderation because they contain a banned word. ”

    Well I know that but which word!

    It made it through moderation alive, it was the one above at 10.30…

    Is it the “j” word maybe that rhymes with bobbies.

  238. craig murray says:

    Bob Mack,

    There is an entire sexual world out there where some like to be diminant and some like to be submissive and want to be degraded. You can’t simply connect that to criminal activity. Dominatrixes don’t tie up and whip people who don#t consent, by and large.

    It is all very strange. It is understandable you find it distasteful. Have no doubt, I do too. I can’t look at the photos.

    But you are absolutely right I do believe people should be able to indulge their foibles between consenting adults.


    There is nothing undemocratic about holding a counter rally. It is perfectly legitimate, just like the rally against the Tories in Perth last year.

    I have to say these persons of rather strange sexuality would not be my first choice of ally, but then McKelvie is somewhat strange herself.

    Where it become illegitimate is where they try to physically stop women’s rights campaigners being heard or to attack them. I have seen one instance of this at theGlasgow rally, not involving furry people.

  239. lothianlad says:

    Sturgeons mission is to crippile the SNP and the indy movement from within.
    she has no loyalty or sense of it. She is compromised and completely controlled by the brit establishment.

    The brit establishment helped ensure her rise in the SNP knowing that one day, they would own the leader of the indy movement. the greatest threat to brit national security is Scotlands independence.
    The sleeper’s are very much alive in the SNP leadership.

  240. Merganser says:

    Craig Murray @ 1.33pm,

    Craig, you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel now. I said nothing about a counter rally being undemocratic. My point was about the Scottish Government’s Equalities Minister labelling ordinary decent women as ‘transphobic’ (an easy, cheap, and unjustified jibe to make) and siding with a minority group of strange people to go along and disrupt their right of free speech.

    It is the cheapest of political tricks to attribute to someone something they didn’t say and then answer that instead of the point in question. I’ll try again.

    Do you think McKelvie as Equalities Minister was acting properly in saying and doing what she did?

  241. Ruby says:

    Mac says:
    6 February, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    “Posts go into moderation because they contain a banned word. ”

    Well I know that but which word!

    It made it through moderation alive, it was the one above at 10.30…

    Is it the “j” word maybe that rhymes with bobbies.

    Trying to figure it out is a fun game. 🙂

    The following words are banned:


    Why you might ask are these banned words?

    an-us – I presume this is banned because posters were misspelling Anas (current leader of Labour in Scotland)

    Someone got moderated for naming a planet and I got caught when I used the name of a cream for piles.

    pu-tin – Due to 24/7 never ending bin fire discussion about Uk-raine?

    It’s not just these words that are banned but any word that contains these words. The same would apply to other banned words although I don’t know if there are words that contain Uk-raine and sett-lers.

    I’m wondering if ski-er is banned. I got caught by the ‘mod bot’ when I posted Scottish ski-er. Could be names of banned posters trigger moderation.

    There are a whole load of words that contain ski-er.

    link to

    Scotland forever in Gaelic is banned.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “an-us – I presume this is banned because posters were misspelling Anas (current leader of Labour in Scotland)”

      It’s that one.

  242. John McGregor says:

    This is what the snp has become with letting the Deviant greens into bed with them

  243. Ruby says:

    Mac says:
    6 February, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    “Posts go into moderation because they contain a banned word. ”

    Well I know that but which word!

    It made it through moderation alive, it was the one above at 10.30…

    Is it the “j” word maybe that rhymes with bobbies.

    I got caught out by the mad mod bot when I tried to post the following
    Now I know the word sk-ier is a banned word.
    My post went into moderation because the word sk-ier was in the link that I’ve now changed to a tiny link.
    Watch out for banned word in links.

    Trying to figure it out is a fun game. 🙂

    The following words are banned:


    Why you might ask are these banned words?

    an-us – I presume this is banned because posters were misspelling Anas (current leader of Labour in Scotland)

    Someone got moderated for naming a planet and I got caught when I used the name of a cream for piles.

    pu-tin – Due to 24/7 never ending bin fire discussion about Uk-raine?

    It’s not just these words that are banned but any word that contains these words. The same would apply to other banned words although I don’t know if there are words that contain Uk-raine and sett-lers.

    I’m wondering if ski-er is banned. I got caught by the ‘mod bot’ when I posted Scottish ski-er. Could be names of banned posters trigger moderation.

    There are a whole load of words that contain ski-er.

    link to

    Scotland forever in Gaelic is banned.

    I hope that helps and you have no further posts going into moderation. 🙂

  244. Wee Chid says:

    craig murray says:
    6 February, 2023 at 9:46 am

    These things may be common – but so is shitting and I don’t want to see that posted online for all to see either (ie on an open forum like twitter).
    I don’t give a stuff what anyone does with their appendages and orifices – but keep it private between willing partners and dont involve kids, animals or anyone unwilling – include those who feel forced into it to make a living.

  245. Ruby says:

    Test post for Mac


  246. Geri says:

    It’s exactly what it said in the headlines.

    She’s pouring petrol on the fire.

    She’s promoting & circulating an event with the intention of swelling numbers a counter demonstration to a womens rally.

    FFS. In the year2023.

    For public safety ppl have a right to know who lurks under an anonymous *Furry* costume (obviously not someone ppl would have thier kids near or have photos taken with) & exactly who she is promoting. Was she hoping for trouble? That was just pure evil of her to share that link. It’s not what politicians should be associated with.

  247. Ruby says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    6 February, 2023 at 6:59 pm

    “an-us – I presume this is banned because posters were misspelling Anas (current leader of Labour in Scotland)”

    It’s that one.

    I love it! 🙂

  248. Lorna Campbell says:

    Craig Murray: you miss the point. It is the public exposure of the details of someone else’s sex life that is objectionable. Yes, we might find it all rather yucky, but it is none of our business, as you say, if kept behind closed doors. However, this man is inviting us all to be voyeurs in his sexual preferences and behaviours. Although you did not intend that, I think, you have pinpointed the problem that women who are totally against any man in female spaces, rights, etc. face: we do not wish to be unwilling and enforced participants in someone’s sexual fetish/paraphilia/even straight sex. Just, please, leave us alone.

    The ‘trans’ are a subset of men. They are not women and can never change sex. Ergo, we do not want to see their larping woman faces in our faces or our spaces. Trans’ have had over 60 years to campaign for their own spaces, their own legalities as ‘trans’ identified men, not as women, but as a separate category of men. Why is that so difficult to comprehend? That is what the Rev is pointing out here.

  249. SusanAHF says:

    Well said Lorna Campbell though I think you credit Craig Murray with too much concern for women.

  250. Imbecile+Heureux says:

    FWIW – likely very little – I think Craig Murray is exactly right here.

  251. Clavie+Cheil says:

    You just put me totally off my food.


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