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Wings Over Scotland

Doing it for the kids

Posted on July 04, 2023 by

Although we’ve only mentioned him in passing in articles about other people, serial Labour and Green election failure Heather Herbert is one of the creepiest and most irresponsible men in Scottish transactivism, which is no mean feat.

(We don’t know whether Herbert is his birth surname or if he chose it in tribute to the paedophile “Herbert the pervert” character in Family Guy, like another Scotland-based transactivist named himself after an infamous transwoman who was jailed for 18 years for a brutal attempted murder and another violent transactivist deliberately named himself after a well-known gender-critical feminist.)

He popped up on Talk TV last night, explaining how a middle-aged man twerking at a number of very young children – some of whom seemed visibly distressed – during a recent Pride march was fine because maybe the children had asked him to (which they manifestly hadn’t), and anyway it was their parents’ fault that it happened.

And, y’know, readers can make their own judgements about that.

But we were just trying to work out who Herbert Shovelhands reminded us of.

And then we remembered.

As you were, everyone.

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He’s a grifting deviant.

Matt Quinn

So… according to ‘Heather’, the people at fault here are the adults who encouraged/enabled/allowed children to view the parade? – Which is clearly unsuitable for children to attend.

Isn’t that the organisers and promoters of the event?

Jeannie McCrimmon


John C

He popped up on Talk TV last night, explaining how a middle-aged man twerking at a number of very young children – some of whom seemed visibly distressed – during a recent Pride march was fine because maybe the children had asked him to, and even if they hadn’t it was their parents’ fault that it happened.

I saw that video. It’s as clear an instance of child abuse as one can publish online without getting into trouble, yet the thing that disturbs me more than Herbert’s predictable defence of child abuse is why are the parents sitting there laughing when their children are clearly upset and/or confused? What sort of parent lets their child be exposed to this?

I remember the days of not long ago, maybe just over a decade, when Pride marches were lovely things full of men and women who finally had the chance to show themselves as normal human beings and not some sexual deviants that much of society had accused them of in the decades prior to equality being given. Now we’re in a state where Pride marches are full of deviants, spicy heterosexuals and of course, endless examples of Trans identities. It’s no longer a lovely thing but something cold,corporate and designed in part to groom the next generation. Everything Pride used to stand against. No wonder many LGB people boycott it.


Herbert has enormous man hands, big broad masculine shoulders and a big male jutting chin with a man’s voice and typical male attitude and demeanour and we’re supposed to just accept his claim that he’s a woman.

David Hannah

Does anyone know if Herbert is employing a young male staffer called Kyle in the Labour Party?

Or maybe Kirsty Blackman is employing her close friend sHerbert. Remember, when she said she thought he had XY chromosomes?

London Scott

Parents who take their children to Pride and Drag Queen Story Hour are grooming their children for others. So in a way he is right (factually though not morally). In a sane world the kids would be taken into care, rather than the children whose parents do not approve of their ‘transition’.


Everyone of them who do this with kids present are fucking perverts , zero exceptions


Sexualised children can grow up into promiscuous teens, that seems to be what is at play here. Many teens who were sexually abused when younger can confuse sexual advances as something meaningful as the red lines were removed long ago. That is Queer Theory at work! No boundaries!

David Hannah

Sorry. She* Kirsty Blackman. This her close friend she spoke about in Parliament.

Anton Decadent

Same as how anyone who raises concerns at the grmng of children has an unnatural interest in the genitals of children. Look up Rules For Radicals, these people really do not like people having access to their How To handbooks.


Jesus looking at that guy in his giant pants and nothing else twerking and staring at those poor kids who looked frightened and bemused, one wonder WTF their parents were thinking of taking them there, and why wasn’t that bloke arrested for indecency.

There’s absolutely no defence for this disgusting behaviour.

John C

So… according to ‘Heather’, the people at fault here are the adults who encouraged/enabled/allowed children to view the parade? – Which is clearly unsuitable for children to attend.

Isn’t that the organisers and promoters of the event?


I used to pop down to Pride marches to support LGB friends & this stuff a decade or so ago would have resulted in the person involved being thrown off the march by others on the march and the organisers.

Yes, the parents have a role here but Herbert is deflecting. He knows fine well what Pride has become & he wants to keep it that way.

David Hannah

It’s revolting what he’s said. I hope the cops kick down his mothers door and sieze the computers and take him away in cuffs.

To think this sick bastard nearly got close to setting Government policy.

Fuck off pervert.

Kurt Müller

A grown man taking a number two in public is never a great sight.

John C

To think this sick bastard nearly got close to setting Government policy.

But he is. Indirectly by proxy via those MSP’s who are in his and ‘Beth’ Douglas’s pocket. Most of these policies the Scottish government are adopting come right out of the Trans activist handbook pushed by Douglas and Herbert.

A Scot Abroad

Being a supporter of the union, I’m nearly always in disagreement with WoS BTL commenters. But on this matter, I suspect we are all agreed.

This trans matter being pushed relentlessly is seriously fucking disturbing of our shared society.

President Xiden

Welcome to the cult of transhumanism, the ultimate goal of globalism.


And the genderist narrative becomes even more perverted.
link to
Unfortunately, when the backlash hits it will be powered by forces equally ugly.
The Sin of Pride….

Robert Louis

THIS is why loads of gay folk and lesbians choose to have nothing to do with ‘pride’ anymore. It has been turned into a freakshow for creeps fetishists and perverts. I mean seriously that guy in the whits pants was just a creep, whether straight or gay.

When they changed it from lesbian and gay pride to alphabet soup ‘2slgbtqiaa+++’ pride, they literally opened it up to any old creep or pervert.

Sadly it makes some folk think this is how most gay folk behave, and they really, really don’t.

For ANY person to defend a creepy old git in his pants perving like that at children, whether in a ‘parade’ or not, is just a disgrace.

The world has gone mad.

Matt Quinn

“What sort of parent lets their child be exposed to this?”

In many cases the sort of ordinary person who imagined they might be going to see a parade of the type you remember:

“Pride marches were lovely things full of men and women who finally had the chance to show themselves as normal human beings”

The ‘alphabet soup’ brigade have done immense harm… this morning I received a call about a colleague who is in hospital; having tried to take their own life. They had ‘transitioned’ over three decades ago. And were one of those people who lived a quiet unassuming life making no issue of it – most people simply thought them a ‘somewhat ungainly and unworldly’ woman.

Said individual is one of a ‘silenced’ group of Trans people; they don’t identify remotely with the ‘trans-activist’ community which they see (quite rightly) as dominated by paraphiliacs; who are NOT genuinely Trans people. – And of course thanks to that group, the general population is often persuaded (deliberately I wonder) that this silenced group does not exist.

After a year or so of descending into agoraphobia; targeted by bullies on both sides and fearful of leaving their own home… Well…

In conversation with others I’m told that ‘queer’ remains an seriously offensive and hurtful slur to many homosexual people. Personally, it’s a word I would no sooner use than the ‘P’ or ‘N’ words directed at people who happened to be dark-skinned.

…There is nothing universally abnormal about someone who happens to be homosexual; that is rather the point of equality.

The ‘I’ for intersex… a genuinely tangible (i.e. undeniable) medical condition which those so-afflicted need to work through in whatever way is possible for them. – The last thing many of those people will want is for their condition to be politicised and abnormalised. …Being ‘roped in’ to what is an increasingly dysfunctional group of self-serving politicos; how does that help them battle the very real psychological and physical challenges they face?

Something similar is true of the Asexual who are tagged on to the ever-growing list. People who ‘simply aren’t interested’ are ‘somehow’ part of the ingroup; whether they even know they are or not?

It is tragic that ‘pride’ no longer seems to represent genuine LGB – and yes, even ‘T’, people.

James Che

The more I see of Scotland under false leadership,

The more I want to walk away and leave the non binding treaty of union in the past,
It is time for the people of Scotland to say no to this global funded agendas and take back control of their Country,

Stu, i believe Scotland has set laws on “private rights” which include family, home, speech, etc,

Family rights would include the right to support your family financially and protect your family in law would it not?
These ” family rights” do not mention trans imposed ideology doctrineation of our children through the education system, against parents wishes.

It had these “rights” at one time, not so long ago, set out on the Scottish citizens advice bureau.
Not many people know that these rights differ, from other parts of Britain in Scots law.

It really is time for Scotland to walk away from the Hoax that was perpertrated upon them all these years, and develop further upon the Sovereign people’s rights of family and to show our “self determination” in doing so.
It is the people that have these rights not the politicians,

There is very little legally that Westminster could do.
it can not sue the wee pretendy Scottish devolved westminster legislated parliament, as it Would be suing itself.

It cannot sue the old Scottish parliament that Westminster extinguished in England three years ago,
And closed its doors in Scotland three hundred years ago,

There is no legal route Left for Westminster to challenge Scotland for breach of the treaty of union, ( if it ever existed in the first place)
For every thing that was a legal entity in existence in 1707 has been extinguished and “ceased to be a legal entity” bound in a treaty.

It is no small surprise that Scottish politicians on the gravy train never mention the legalities of ceased contracts, ceased legal entities, and ceased treaties,

And it is no surprise that most Scots would rather believe the “Big Lie” of a treaty with England that did not proceed, than to think they have been scammed or were made sucker of, that is difficult for most Scots to digest.

Colonialism often falsely fools those that are colonised into believing the Colonial version of history,

May it be suggested, to throw away the false pride of having being duped for so long, accept that it was a scam played on us and now show our right to self determination of the Sovereign Scottish people leave,

For politicians of all kinds are holding us hostage to a treaty that no longer exists. And is no longer legally binding.

John C

The Mhairi Black news is fascinating. She knows that she’s going to lose big in the next GE. She knows she’s going to lose a tidy income and all those links to the UK media she’s so carefully cultivated over the last five years especially. Now she might launch a bid to become an MSP but I also think she knows the Sturgeon brand is toxic, as well as the SNP are heading for a near-extinction level event next year.

But I also think she realises the Trans ideology she’s pushed hard on is going to lose votes & she also doesn’t want to chap doors and be questioned on this. I’ve got friends in Paisley and they were looking forward to her turning up on their doorstep to question her on not just Trans issues, but how she’s failed the people she represents.

So I think the MSP option is a good shout but she’s also settled into a London lifestyle & is a darling of the English liberal left so I predict a media career forthcoming.

Anton Decadent

@Robert and John

Smearing any resistance to this as homophobic as well as transphobic will have been part of the plan. Footage of gay people at pride marches telling them that they do not speak for them is not widely shown by the media.

Most of us will be familiar with the name The Denton Files but some may not have looked up the details. It is a how to manual on forcing this into protected class status via attaching it to other, more popular, causes such as gay rights, abortion rights in Ireland and the campaign for Scottish independence. Dentons bought a Scottish law firm when less people realised what was actually going on.

Ian Brotherhood

@John C (3.12) –

re Mhairi Black, yeah, that sounds about right.

Reminds me of William Hague. One minute he was giving Tory conference a laugh, ‘it’s alright for you to laugh…most of you won’t be here in thirty years time.’ then he was an elder statesman penning history books. No-one, him included, can remember much about the intervening period apart from him wearing a baseball cap and claiming to have drunk twelve pints during his morning delivery job.

Black will surely be hoping to make a similar transition on the basis of some refreshingly blunt rhetoric, joining the media/politics/boardroom merry-go-round. Ker-fekkin-ching!

Whether or not she’ll ever be able to walk freely around Paisley again is another matter.

Decisions, decisions…


No doubt Ms Black will end up at some charidee for the LGHDTV crowd …


This isn’t just pride. It’s happening in classrooms up & down the country.
These freaks are indoctrinating children & displaying & promoting inappropriate behaviour every day.

When men start using babies for thier breastfeeding freak show on primetime TV – we’re already way past twerking..

There was a book not that long ago that was promoting having sex in front of yer children, even have them take part… Massive red flags that no one seems that interested in calling a halt to..

Pride is no place for children. If I was a kid l’d be traumatised at those eejits dressed in rubber walking on all fours on a leash like they were a dog ffs.. what are the parents thinking?

James Che

We have to get a grip on realities a little better than we have been doing in Scotland,

1: Scotlands people and nation has the right to self determination,

2: Scotland people are and always have been Sovereign over parliament and Monarch in Scotland.
3: The treaty of Union ceased to exist after ratifications as soon as both parliaments ceased and were extinguished in 1707.

4: Scotland never was and has not ever signed up to a treaty of Union with the newly named British English Westminster Parliament since 1707.

5: Scotland never was or ever has signed up to a treaty of union with the UK plus Ireland treaty since 1707.

6: England renamed its Westminster 1707 Parliament government in England to a more ego driven pro noun name to be all inclusive, England + Wales+ Scotland+ Ireland, SO WHAT,

Being Trans is mutable apparently, but is it accurate geographically.
Saying something is, does not automatically make it true,

The GB parliament is nothing more than a 300 year old trans pro noun, self acclaimed.


Re: Black standing down at the next election, if the fuckwit that is Kirsty Blackman had any sense of self awareness she would follow her out the door before the electorate give her her jotters


Black is just another rat jumping ship to avoid the total humiliation that’s heading her way.

Scots *Jeremy Hunts* would have loved her to chap Thier door…

Neil Grey is testament the role of MSP won’t save you from being called a nonce & telt to gtf off thier step lol

Jeremy Wickins

The thing is, some of it *is* the fault of the parents. I don’t know whether I’ve just become more aware of parenting skills and styles since I became a dad seven years ago, or whether there have been a large cohort of middle-class feckless adult-babies for a long time. They keep themselves infantilised whilst forcing their children to grow up far too quickly. They are clearly utterly unsuited to the responsibilities that come with parenthood.


Kids can now ‘consent’ to having a sexualised dance in broad daylight!!!

Its gone beyond operating in plain sight.


San Francisco is a city falling apart. Homelessness, drug addiction, public squalor the usual urban stuff driving people out. Other north American cities have similar problems.
The government of SF can find the money to support this.
link to
Effectively, SF citizens taxes go to support sexual fetishism.
If you protest you’re a phobe.
link to
Sadly, no pix of SNP stall.

David Hannah

Someone should go along go the Glasgow Pride in July and challenge these freaks. These dog sniffing freaks.

Andrew scott

Ah the Paisley ned who invited Flow Job into the classroom to read to the kiddies
Not be missed

Tam Norrie

As the Monty Python sketch said;
Yes. Rotating knives.


Den re Blackman..

Are ye kidding? It’s the purple haired freaks up there who voted her in lol

I suspect they’ll all follow like dominoes now because they are well & truly busted as being a complete waste of everyone’s time.

James Che

We get lost in every little move the Snp, the Greens, the Tories, the labour parties make in Scotland while all the time under the Westminster legislated sent to Scotland branch office devolved governments antics take,
They keep us occupied in Drivel as was its original purpose set up by the labour party all those years ago.
To crush Scotland people, their voice, its economy.
To make the Scots believe they had a Scottish parliament, with Scottish MSPs while under Westminster legislation swearing a oath to the monarch whose Sovereignty lies in Westminster parliament as we all know,

It surely is time for us to recognise that the Wee Scottish pretendy parliament with all its main decisions making reserved to Westminster government is not actual a parliament of Scotland, but a branch of a Colonial government sent to Scotland for management of the natives.
A Colonial government that keeps forecasting when Scotlands natives will be set free of their Colonial master, “The time” however “is not now,”

The ” Scotland act” in of it self was a Colonial act of restriction on Scotland, made by the Colonial governing body at Westminster.

Especially with no validity of a treaty with Scotland still extant since the ratifications had extinguished the old Scottish parliament from the treaty of union in 1707.

It beggers anyones political understanding of how ignorant a nation can be in perpetuating their own Colonial imprisonment by aiding and abetting the Colonial version of history.


I’m reminded of all the characters from Viz in this

The modern parents, spoilt bastards, millie tant & I’m sure there’ll be two fat slags in there somewhere eating thier chips.. jeez. Viz is now reality..

Anton Decadent

Re San Francisco, I visited a few times in the Noughties. I am straight but my contacts there were gay and I went out with them around some of the gay bars like Auntie Charlies and attended the Halloween Parade on a return visit. It was people living their lives without imposing it on other people. One of my main contacts there though decided to move to Portland, Oregon, because San Francisco was not radical enough for them. A couple of years ago what was, if I remember correctly, the District Attorney for that part of California was the child of members of the Weather Underground, I posted about them recently, their plan to imprison all Americans in re education camps come the Communist revolution and slaughter what they estimated would be twenty five million people who would not become servile to their ideology. His parents were imprisoned for being a part of a bank robbery during which several people were murdered and he was fostered by some of their colleagues who blew themselves up when a bomb accidentally detonated in the bomb factory in the basement of the house they were renting. He was sent to either Oxford or Cambridge to study law and return to California, remember what I posted earlier with regard to the Long March Through The Institutions.

One of its current representatives is Scott Weiner. He likes to dress in leather bondage gear, looked to have the knowing transmission of HIV decriminalised and trans ideology embedded in schools. Its Governor is the nephew of the Pelosis. There is a recurring theme in all of this but it is the Gorgon Medusa, you cannot look into its face.

panda paws

Really massive hands there…

I’ve not been a child for decades but if that guy did that in front of me, I’d be disgusted and probably lose my lunch. Poor wee weans. And indeed it is grooming, if kids don’t know where the boundaries are they are ripe for exploitation.

Anton Decadent


Student Grant and Millie Tant are lobbying to have you unpersoned and your bank account closed down. Even Viz could not imagine those people dictating not only our own lives but those of our children.

Lorna Campbell

Matt Quinn: whilst I would wish no harm, and a speedy recovery, to your friend, my compassion for these larpers is all spent. Thirty years ago, these men were pretending to be women just as they are today, a gross insult that most men could not even begin to comprehend. Woman-facing is every bit as offensive as black-facing and just as morally repugnant. If you can understand why black-facing is disgusting, you ought to be able to understand why women-facing is, too.

So sick of these men telling us they have been fitting in forever. No, they haven’t. Once, we were all too compassionate to give them the Order of the Boot, but no longer. If they feel like ‘women’, that is their problem. It’s in their heads. Get help. Let them wear what they want, live their lives as they please, let no one harm them, BUT let them stay out of female spaces and female faces, female sports, female services, etc. We do not want them anywhere near us because they always set off alarm bells – even if they are totally peaceful and non-assuming. They are still great hulking men, and females of all ages have evolved to see men as a threat, and the bell clangs even louder when they are larping as ‘women’. That is a trigger.

If a man was standing in a male changing room with a sword, men in that changing room would be triggered, and rightly so. So it is for women who see men with their tackle on display in inappropriate circumstances and places. They fear sexual assault on them or their children. That is just how it is, and the daft wee lassies who think they are being ultra cool by ignoring the warnings neither do us all any favours nor have lived long enough to have been routinely sexually assaulted, either raped or just fondled without consent, as most women have at some point in their lives

Decent men know this is the situation and steer clear of women’s and children’s boundaries. The larpers appear to have a screw loose somewhere on this issue, and I include the old-style transsexuals. They seem not to understand that their comfort and delusion must take a back seat to women’s and children’s psychological well-being. We were not put on this Earth for the use of men, as objects to be copied or as foils in a game only they understand. We are fully-formed, thinking, autonomous human beings, not cut-out caricatures to hang clothes on and apply lippy to as a sexual fetish.

To boot, they are starting to invade every female space, and have the nerve to think that they can fool us into believing that they can speak for us. Well, they can’t because they are men. Women cannot speak for men either. Our lives run on parallel lines, and cross over, but are very different and our needs are very different. Most of this latest wave of deviants know perfectly well what they are doing: they are trying to break down our boundaries and those of our children. I have read of a good number of these old-style transsexuals who claim to have been ‘trans’ since the age of two or three. This is nothing more than justifying the abuse of children with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and other absolute horse manure a la Mermaids, as well as introducing ‘gender ideology’ at a young age.

Lots of children live in a make-believe world that is free of stereotypes, and that is no bad thing, and, not so long ago, youngsters of both sexes roamed free, away from parents and adults, mostly with their peers who taught them to wend their way through childhood. Parents and other adults were there to protect and discipline, to feed and look after and love. Now, adults routinely breach children’s boundaries in all sorts of ways, and it is despicable and totally unnecessary. Many psychologists and psychiatrists claim that Robert Black, the serial paedophile-murderer, single-handedly destroyed childhood.

Queer Theory is a sickening cul-de-sac even for adults, let alone children. Only the powerful, the strong and the dominant get the much-proclaimed freedom – to exploit; the rest get exploited. Almost every philosopher/academic who pushed this stuff was a paedophile or a misogynist or a porn addict. We need to get these paraphiliacs/fetishists out of our schools, out of all public institutions and they need to be defunded and shorn of public monies to preach their perversions.


The NuSNPs Mhairi Black to stand down at next GE, the useless trougher Black advocated allowing drag queens into primary schools, one drag queen she backed that actually got into a children school, had a very explicit social media account that left very little to the imagination. There’s no place for drag queens in any schools.

Good riddance to Black the NuSNP troughers are now like rats deserting a sinking ship.

Vote Alba, Join Alba get the SNP and the useless degenerate Greens out.


“NICOLA Sturgeon has said she hopes Mhairi Black might consider running to be an MSP in the future after announcing she would be quitting Westminster.”

On the useless troughing rat Black standing down, Sturgeon the Judas wants her at Holyrood, look out for useless deselecting someone to get Black into Holyrood.


Well said Lorna Campbell.


The vultures are gathering, Orkney, Shetland, Western Isles according to the National are looking for alternatives to Edinburgh. Oslo? Copenhagen? London?
Something else to nail to Sturgeon’s political coffin.
Enough material for a revolution yet?

Anton Decadent

Pay careful attention towards how things are reported. From the Herald a few days ago.

“A reasonable and measured exploration of transgender issues and feminism by most accounts, it resulted in Ms Stock resigning from her position at the University of Sussex after a student campaign calling for her dismissal.”

link to

Kathleen Stock resigned after the police advised her to hire bodyguards because they could not guarantee her safety within the university grounds. Posters had been put up with a photo of her with crosshairs imposed over it.


Ha, there must be something about needing oversize hand gestures to try to explain the insanity of the pish they are pushing.
I recall posting the Brother Lee Love vid a few years back when Jazz Hands Jo Swinson was attempting (and failing) to punt the same shite.


Herbert is just the type of activist Alex Cole-Hamilton would like to see in his non-Scottish Scottish Lib Dems.


Was gonna say”hairy side o the hand” for them but looking at my work boots, a steel toecap is what’s needed.


Nice one Stuart….what a Herbert Herbert is.

Sharp stuff from Lorna C too….nice.

Ron Clark


Have you no got a dug that needs walkin?

Your arse must be red raw with amount of hours you spend sitting on it.

And your fingers must be worn down to the bone with the amount of shite you are typing on the keyboard.

You have got to be out of the Main/Ellis stable of “names”.

Ron Clark


You and the other arseholes continue with your irrelevant conversations with the site Trolls,,,and I keep posting Yoon links.

You and the other arseholes stop talking to the site Trolls, and I’ll stop posting Yoon links.

Your move numbnut.


The whole gender identity ideology originated in the US & in particular the campuses of colleges.
It has largely spread in English speaking countries.
It is undoubtedly fuelled by social media & the disproportionate influence it gives to activists.
I still can’t understand why a twitter storm should count for anything.
Overlay the influence of Stonewall etc & the desire of politicians to virtue signal to the liberal media etc etc etc
The good news is that it looks like it’s reached peak in the US & is on the wane – see latest USSC decision on positive discrimination in college selection & troubles of Bud Light & Disney in the commercial world.
We’ll undoubtedly follow in due course but unfortunately a lot of irreparable damage is being done by this cult.


The English ran “STV” news desperately pushing the English kings mock coronation in Scotland tomorrow, several house Jock appearing in the article.

The “STV” presenter certainly has a sense of humour when he said come along early to get a space. They can shove their mock coronation where the sun doesn’t shine.


yizall missed

Humbert Humbert (lolita, nabokov)


the Bottom Inspectors (viz)

which makes our current reality a weird hyperreal mashup of the literary and the puerile

woke-trannyisms seems to be the defining issue for the world these days, on one side

woke-tranny-neocon-neoliberal western “liberal demmocracy”

and on the other side

nationalism and socially conservative religion (catholicism, orthodox, some protestants, all of islam)

who just aren’t going to go along with the former, which is just a form of slow suicide, imbibing the soporifics of netflix and amazon

Matt Quinn

Lorna Campbell says: 4 July, 2023 at 4:56 pm

“Matt Quinn: whilst I would wish no harm, and a speedy recovery, to your friend, my compassion for these larpers is all spent.”

…Colleague I said; someone who is in the orbit of a professional circle. A person who as far as I can established has never done any harm to anyone, or forced the issue upon anyone else. Indeed; it wasn’t until they were forceably ‘outed’ by a malicious party that the penny dropped for most of us. – A person who has dealt with whatever life issue they had by engaging with a rigorous process (both psychiatric and surgical) which most of us find absolutely horrific.

While you wish them no harm; harm has been done to them (not by you, obviously)… primarily by the Trans-Activist lobby who seek to denude that process of its rigour, and conflate those so driven with mere paraphiliacs. But also those who have ‘fallen’ for the conflation these paraphiliacs promote; and by fallen I mean on either side of the divide.

I can assure you that my colleague would broadly share the concerns (and has been heard to express) that you do. One of the key issues (for example) I have heard them vocalise being that so-called ‘gender reform’ proposals actually undermined the resolution (albeit imperfect) that medical science has to offer to their ‘condition’.

“…and I include the old-style transsexuals. They seem not to understand that their comfort and delusion must take a back seat to women’s and children’s psychological well-being.”

I’m not qualified to pontificate on a whole group of individuals – certainly not any group I’m not a part of. Nor, it would seem are the Trans-activists who have clearly done such great harm and engendered such a (frankly well justified) level of distress and consequent fear.

For the most part I do agree with the points you make… but (respectfully) suggest that such is the level of distress that the paraphiliacs have induced – you’re rather illustrating my point for me. Even where transexuals express an awareness of their unusual position and seek to distance themselves from those men who are causing the problems – they are shouted down by both sides. – Divide and rule it seems.


Republicofscotland says:
4 July, 2023 at 6:17 pm

The English ran “STV” news desperately pushing the English kings mock coronation in Scotland tomorrow,

He’s deffo more Scottish than English, he even wears a kilt! LOL


Mhairi Black says Westminster is one of the most unhealthy workplaces you could ever encounter

I have to paraphrase some wag on Unherd who commented: That’s a bit like shit complaining that the arsehole stinks.


“He’s deffo more Scottish than English, he even wears a kilt! LOL”

F*ck me a Chinthe with a sense of humour careful you might be overstepping this, your barracks slogan.

“Behavioural change is our USP (Unique Selling Point).


Invite French protesters to riot against the German kaiser in Scotland tomorrow.


Most of LGB supported Trans, in line with Stonewall and despite the fact that Stonewall Youth Scotland had been a cover for a disgraceful paedophile ring right here in Scotland.
LGB only started backing off when they realised that the Scottish public had been shaken from their cowardice and lethargy by the obvious future dangers to their kids and LGB realised they were about to be equated with Trans in the public perception.

A tactical retreat and the whole social shambles started with the legislation in favour of Homosexual Marriage.

The late manoeuvres of the banking system, social media and various public service bodies in stopping bank accounts, DE platforming and sacking anyone who will not accept the social madness, or will not take the “establishment side” should be a stark warning of what is in store for humanity in the not to distant future.
It is simply an exercise in mind control. Make them believe the unbelievable and they are in your power for ever.

Please wake up and start to review the Family system which has been weakened almost beyond repair; we are all products of that system and aware of its benefits…….our children have already been indoctrinated in our schools, parents sidelined and denigrated as social fossils. Time is running out.

Ian Brotherhood

Spoiler alert, if you’re planning to watch ‘Succession’.

Towards the end of the final series there’s a scene where Roman goes to Hollywood to have a showdown with a very senior executive who happens to be a rather androgynous female (I think) and it all goes a bit Pete Tong when she says her studio has ‘certain values’ to promote. Roman doesn’t like her tone so sacks her anyway, but that phrase stuck in my mind. (I don’t believe the ‘values’ had anything to do with him firing her but I might be wrong.)

If you think back over the big-budget ‘box-set’ successes since Amazon and Netflix really took off, it’s hard to think of one that doesn’t promote non-straight storylines, sometimes jarringly so. I’m thinking The Sopranos, The Last of Us, ’24’, Severance, The Wire, and I’m not even that keen a telly viewer. There must be plenty more. And from the brief snippets I’ve had to endure of some ‘Yoof’ TV drama, it’s just a screeching jumble-shop explosion of weird hair, weirder make-up, and non-stop gendertastic tantrum-throwing.

Discussing this with a friend who is a TV/film producer, he said yeah, if you include such ‘unconventional’ characters in your original pitches then you’re more likely to get seed/development dosh. The corollary is obvious.

Ian Brotherhood

PS I forgot to make my point…

How long before we a major drama series with a character who is ‘minor-attracted’ and is presented sympathetically?

(For all I know it’s already happened.)


Republicofscotland says:
4 July, 2023 at 6:54 pm

F*ck me a Chinthe with a sense of humour
I already knew what USP meant but a ‘Chinthe’ I had to look up. Apparently, it’s Burmese for a lion. I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted. No. Definitely flattered. Cheers ROS me owd china teapot.

Viscount Ennui

Watching Swinney’s next move.
What is his game plan?
Any ideas?


“I already knew what USP meant”

Then you’ll be well aware that Orde Wingate, was a Zionist supporting tool.


death in venice might be due for a reboot


this orkney independence is being taken more seriously by the media than one might think

– tell you one thing, if I had to be in forced union with any other country I would choose the norwegs – let’s have Scotland join Norway – call it the North Sea Union and fuck England. Will the media take this seriously? I could see the fast catamarans running hourly between Bergen and Aberdeen (until the Norway-Scotland tunnel gets built).

Scottish indpendence is a real thing because we have a history, we were before, we were cheated out of it, but we will be again … it annoys me the way people think “self determination for all peoples” (except us) is a moral absolute – so we get all these stupid non countries … “new scythia” for example, “kosovo”, “israel”, then we have ridiculous support for e.g. the kurds (kurdistan, if it comes, will need to take lots of territory from 3 other countries and be landlocked, surrounded by enemies, not ever viable)

– self determination becomes absurd; how far do you want to go?

fair isle
lewis harris the uists, all separate mind, and barra too
isle of wight, sheppey (the crimea of england)
england could do with a breakup, the north south divide is real
if sealand could claim a 12 mile EEZ would that work?

I’ve got solar panels and I grow my tatties – can I become a sovereign nation just to avoid the council tax? Fuck the council! Freedom!!

OTOH we have the ridiculous, but taken seriously “sovereignty” of the City of London, just so it can sit outside UK law, acting as a pirate haven, doing all kinds of dodgy financial shenanigans

There is a “rightness” about proper countries – Scotland satisfies all criteria handsomely, but it still seems such a problem.

Viscount Ennui

Another busy day but, much more importantly, who is going to play the Rev in the Hollywood movie?

Personal preference is for Ralph Fiennes.

A Scot Abroad


try to put yourself back in time, a bit. To 1945, which was just as the world was beginning to process that Nazi Germany had murdered 6 million European Jews. An awful lot of people had great sympathy for the Jewish people.

Orde Wingate was a brave man. Braver than you will ever be. Nobler in his instincts than you could possibly be, with your endless whining, and comments uninformed by any detectable level of intelligence.

Saffron Robe

There’s a demon in Pride Month!


ROS, rather amusingly, said:
Then you’ll be well aware that Orde Wingate, was a Zionist supporting tool.

Never heard of the fellow. Is he a chum of yours?


Viscount Ennui @ 19.43.

I’m kinda guessing that Kevin Spacey might rule himself out.

Brian Doonthetoon

There’s an affie lot o’ peeps on here, BTL, attacking individual contributors, rather than the arguments they put forward.

Learn how to debate and put forward your point of view, without insulting, literally, the commenter, rather than the contributor’s view you dispute.

In other words, fir fux sake learn how to become adult, without the personal literal fisticuffs!


“try to put yourself back in time”

Instead why don’t you and your fellow 77th try thinking for yourselves instead of spewing Nick Carter’s BS, you people are nothing more than regimented robots, you think that you are defending the integrity of England and all it stands for and that some how there’s exceptionalism there somewhere to be defended, there isn’t all you are doing is protecting the rights of the few privileged at the expense of the many.

A Scot Abroad


I stand by my comment.

You aren’t fit to lick the ground upon which Wingate once strode.


So it’s not a crowning tomorrow, he’s just being “shown” the Honours of Scotland. Same as his ma 71 years ago. That was the same year she returned from a seven month world tour and publicly shook her 5 year old son’s hand on being reunited with him.

Aye, families don’t come much more dysfunctional than they Windsors. And that’s with the royal weans not being taken to see trans pride parades.

Anyway, the BBC are billing their coverage as “A Scottish Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication”. So the Scottish crown once worn by Bruce is again deliberately downgraded by the English establishment and Scotland’s colony status continues.

Thanksgiving is an apt choice of word though, since the BBC is an absolute turkey.


Anyone got the direct number of King Harald V of Norway?

Just wondered if he was busy tomorrow. There’s a gig at the High Kirk which seems to attract foreign monarchs and assorted hangers on. Just figured the more the merrier, you know?

You never know, Harald might be interested in Scotland for something other than revenue and holidays.


A Scot Abroad @8:21 pm

“You aren’t fit to lick the ground upon which Wingate once strode”.

Your platoon when you were a 2nd Lieutenant must have fallen about laughing at you behind your back. Orde Wingate probably would have too if he’d known you.


and the saddest thing would be if Norway had no interest whatsoever in having anything to do with Orkney, or even the whole of Scotland …

hva trenger vi deg til?

I also hope an independent Orkney would seek to join the EU, just to annoy Mr Main

Scot Finlayson

Trending on Twitter,

Manky Black


Sports · Trending
The Rangers.

Twitter is turning into 10.30 on a Saturday night in the local boozer.


A Brit Abroad knew Orde-Wingate.
What a surprise!


Viscount Ennui says:
4 July, 2023 at 7:14 pm
Watching Swinney’s next move.
What is his game plan?
Any ideas?

I’m hearing good things about Turkish hair transplants.


Military wankers can’t think.
It’s the first thing that’s knocked out of them from day one.
Thier identity is totally stripped.

It must be mortifying & an affront to Scots to pledge yer allegiance to a foreign family whose sympathies lay with the fcking enemy.. *grimacing*

Matt Quinn

Viscount Ennui says: 4 July, 2023 at 7:43 pm

“Another busy day but, much more importantly, who is going to play the Rev in the Hollywood movie?”

Sounds more like an Elstree job to me. – Julian Clary would be well up for the part.


Shouldn’t they have been denied thier own government & additional powers?
I thought that was only on condition Scotland voted for Independence.

They voted NO to separation so surely that offer would have been void?

Norway would want no dealings with the UK. Didn’t they make that pretty clear during Brexshit trade talks??

Matt Quinn

Red says: 4 July, 2023 at 9:10 pm

“I’m hearing good things about Turkish hair transplants.”

Would he go for a wild Turkey or just a domestic gobbler, do you think?


> turkish hair transplants

carpet tile and industrial staple gun? plus a handful of antibiotics for the flight home, still bleeding

swinney would need to find “donor” sites for a transplant; if they use his pubes he would have one whacky afro

A Scot Abroad


one thing that my Regiment did was to make all of the newly commissioned Ruperts do three months in the ranks, and then get the Sergeants and Corporals views upon you before being given the honour of commanding a platoon. I managed to pass that test.

Whether you would, I don’t know. Probably not, given the pish you normally come up with.


Orde-Wingate was a fictional character.

Everyone knows Errol Flynn captured Burma.

I hear that A Brit Abroad did his duty in Singapore. – cementing in the guns.


Naw ye didnea..


Orkney could vote for independence but they cannot vote to leave Scotland/UK and Norway at the same time.

South Ossetia held a referendum in 1992 to leave Georgia and join Russia. Only a few dozen voters voted no. But the UN refused to recognise it because you can’t do that for various reasons. They would need to vote for independence, gain UN recognition and then hold a subsequent referendum.

Somewhat similar tale for the indigenous native nations of Quebec who wanted to leave Quebec and join (remain) with the rest of Canada at the time of the Quebec referendum. It was a no no.

It should also be noted that should Orkney ever vote for independence from Scotland they would, under international law (UNCLOS) only be entitled to a 12 mile limit of sea since they would be counted legally as an enclave on Scotland’s continental shelf.

Matt Quinn

Confused says: 4 July, 2023 at 9:42 pm

“…he would have one whacky afro”

Ah yes! The ‘Sir Henry Rawlinson’ I believe they call that one. – Comes with a free tou-tou and unicycle. The perfect post-Holyrood look!


err JOIN Norway of course.

Bob Mack

Capt Mainwaring ? Maybe Pike!!


I doubt they can go anywhere. They are part of Scotlands territory predating the Treaty of Union & Scotland never gave up it’s territory so they’re going nowhere on the whim of the English. It’s not thier territory to barter.

They should’ve voted YES because they’d have had more chuck with an independent Scotland than they ever would tied to the rancid UK who happily went on to screw them with Brexshit.

David Hannah

The Royal coronation of Scotland. That’s horrendous.

Give us back our wind. Our sea beds. You theiving bastards.

Fuck the Royals.


Is Sir Jock Stirrup a trannie?

It’s a trannie name surely.

David Hannah

The Royal mile. We’ve to present the Royals with gifts.

Are they serious?

Sturgeon will be there. You just know it. She’ll be a front of the queue.

David Hannah

“A Scottish Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication.”

Get yourselves to fuck. The only common ground I might find with Harvie and Slater. They are boycotting it.

Nicola of course. She’ll be there, with her begging bowl presented to her by Joe Biden.

Yes my precious. I have ScotWind away for your 25 per cent tax.

Fuck Nicola Sturgeon as well. Bastards.

Michael Laing

@ dasBlimp at 6.49pm:

“Mhairi Black says Westminster is one of the most unhealthy workplaces you could ever encounter”

That’s the sort of thing that could only be said by somebody who has never done a real day’s work in their life. Coalminers aren’t a thing any more, but maybe she should try being a bus driver or a nurse and see what that does for her health.


dunno whatyer mean

link to



there were rumours of long standing that 3 Para (mortar) were not far short of that youtube vid just posted.

There were discussions of it on army forums, disturbingly known as ARSSE, the army rumour service.

If only we had a hero to tell the trannies “stop that, it’s silly”

A Scot Abroad


you fail to understand.

Orkney is just as upset with Holyrood as you are with Westminster.

The last time I was on Orkney, 3 years ago, I was told that they felt Edinburgh had an abusive relationship with Orkney. Granted, that was just 4 other people saying that, over supper. But they were Orkadians. They’re entitled to their feelings and experience.


Oh gawd. A Brit Abroad was at Scapa Flow too.

Anton Decadent

Re who will play the Rev in the movie, my money’s on Thandiwe Newton.


This is a smells like shite one.

A couple of weeks ago, maybe three I came across a page on the EveryDoctor website which listed politicians in order of financial interest in private medicine concerns.

EveryDoctor is an organisation of NHS doctors who are trying to save the NHS from privatisation.

I had meant to post the link, but family stuff etc.

Anyhoo, I went to get the link there just now and it no longer seems to exist on their site.

Somewhat concerned that they might have had to pull it by injunction I’m not sure how much of what I remember I can repeat.

I think I can safely say without naming anyone that the first two on the list were Tory MPs, no surprise there, but the third was a prominent Labour MP. There were also another two prominent Labour MPs towards the top end of the list.

I think that is all I can say for now, but perhaps some other sleuths can uncover the missing page/info. It may still be public domain even if I cannot find it.

President Xiden

Maybe it’s just me but I would say having a child suck on your nipple if you are a bloke is probably a sexual act and thus paedophillia. My bank account is now in jeopardy .

President Xiden

Unhealthy workplace = not an echo chamber.


Cannae spell Orcadian. Troll.


Chic mcgregor.

Is this it?
link to

A Scot Abroad


Orkney and the isles there have been spelt in many different ways, in 4 different languages, over the last thousand years.

Don’t be so hell bent on your interpretation. It’s probably wrong.



Big difference there, Westminster is an English government from another country. In a voluntary Union that never included it’s territory. It’s why, even after 300 yrs + we remain separate & distinct & with our own crown institutions.

Orkney is Scotland’s territory. It doesn’t belong to the UK. It belongs to Scotland. Any Independence they seek would have to be sought directly from Scotland. They had that opportunity in 2014 by voting YES. Instead they voted No which has (as was said at the time) chained us all to the UK. The yoons really did a number on them. Salmond was gifting them options in an indy Scot. They rejected it.

Do they not realise too that Holyrood is a mini Westminster with pocket money that must be spent a set way? No overspend, no borrowing, no prospects.

I dunno what they were thinking. Brexshit was a certainty too so a double shafting for them on behalf of the lying lib dumbs.

They’d have thier Independence with Scotland’s blessing. They chose to vote No in Scotlands referendum so severed that option.



WD for finding that, it has some of the info. But there was a league table from top down that I saw.


Its a whole lot of nothing. Aany FM who signs off on Orkney leaving Scotland, while we remain locked in, their life wouldn’t be worth living.

It is Scotland’s territory, not the UKs. It’s Scotland’s to decide what bits they give away.

Yoons are just fishing for Dumbza cause he’s as thick as shit & can be played like a fiddle. His response should be that they should’ve voted YES in 2014 & then had its own referendum directly with Scotland. They chose not too, boohoo.

Or tell them aye – right after Manchester & Cornwall have a referendum to leave England.. those are regions too, a particular problem England has always had with seperating what is a Country & what is a *region* of that country.


Anton Decadent says:
4 July, 2023 at 11:27 pm

Re who will play the Rev in the movie, my money’s on Thandiwe Newton.


jimmy somerville, ian hislop or any member of depeche mode……

A Scot Abroad


You are less intelligent than I’d thought.

Try looking at a polling map. The only areas that have a majority in favour of Scots Indy are Glasgow, parts of North Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire, Dundee and that’s pretty much it. The shitty and bitter parts of Scotland, in other words.

I’m not surprised that Orkney might want to seek a different future from the sort of lunacy that the Scots Indy movement is offering. You could probably wrap most of the rest of Scotland into that.

Stephen O'Brien

A temporary arrangement? SNP happy to play politics in Westminster House of Fun. Instead of all marching out for good, they wallow in it! Repeat notice to quit before the next election, a cowardly exit!

Legal action? When can we expect the use and abuse of Scottish Sovereignty, as perversely prescribed by SNP policy, to be tested in court?

Incidentally, I could not imagine a worst First Minister than Black! Had enough listening to the bombast. Constructive Indy policy would be my priority, it should of course, be a given, from the Party of Independence Jokers!


A Scot Abroad says: at 4:13 am

I’m not surprised that Orkney might want to seek a different future from the sort of lunacy that the Scots Indy movement is offering. You could probably wrap most of the rest of Scotland into that.

But hud oan, what currency would they use…


Mhairi The Hairy Black ‘standing down’ is hilarious.

You were out on your fat arse hen and everyone knew it.

Because you were a rubbish MP.

As for Westminster being ‘unhealthy’ did Black not infamously call people who held views she did not agree with ‘cunts’. What a brass neck to be standing up and complaining about abuse. As an MP you are going to get hate mail from someone for something, grow up and deal with it. But to be using language like that herself shows why there were age limits on being an MP.

I can’t stand these know it all, done nothing, immature tossers who think they can shout down senior and hugely accomplished people like Joanna Cherry. As dumb as they are arrogant.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

PS I also take offence at you donning ‘man-face’ for your wedding. Fuck off.

Stephen O'Brien

SNP has destroyed itself. Party policy on independence is misrepresentation of Scottish Sovereignty.

First, it was the repeated IndyRef2 lie!

Now we are to believe, a minority of votes (seat count) is to deliver independence. The question of Scottish Sovereignty, openly abused, as a political football, to be punted in any direction that best enables SNP to be elected on a false premise!

Independence hijacked, to the sole benefit of SNP and exclusion of all others, a deliberate ploy to maintain the status quo and minimise responsibility via existing devolved colonial arrangement.


Native Americans consider Thanksgiving Day a day of mourning and protest.


link to

Royal Mile webcam looking wet and empty.



Over 20% of GB leccy grid power coming in from Euro connections at the moment. (Scroll to right to see gauges at top right of page)

France – 3.25GW – 11%
Holland – 0.88GW – 3.15%
Belgium – 0.95GW – 3.35%
Norway – 1.25GW – 4.4%

link to


I think it is starting to penetrate and sink-in with the woke morons who have hijacked the SNP (‘thanks’ to Nicola Sturgeon) that they are f**ked… seeing woke poster girls like Black throwing herself under the bus to make it look like she jumped instead of being pushed is finally getting the message through to some of them, even if only subliminally.

The weegingerdunningkruger crowd are still trotting out the ‘unhealthy workplace’ and ‘online abuse’ pish but it is very unconvincing indeed…

Mind you these are the real dumbasses who went along with the attempted stitch-up of Salmond, the ruination of the SNP and all the woke mentalness that has indelibly poisoned the well with the electorate. I guess when you are in that deep at being wrong on every level and about everything there is no ‘turning back’, you are ‘all-in’ in being a total dick.

So now when the pissed off chickens are coming home to kick ass and roost they are eagerly swallowing the ‘unhealthy workplace’ and ‘online abuse’ kool-aid-diarrhoea cocktail they are being served.

They really do live in their own wee bubble of bullshite these berks. Hell mend them.


Mhairi Black claims she can’t abide the unhealthy atmos in Westminster. Fair enough you might think. But why, if she dislikes bad atmospheres did she say nothing about the Salmond conspiracy to get him into court on serious, yet trumped up, charges?

Like so many of the elected in her party she went along with what happened and not a peep.

As others have said she’ll be aiming for a new career in the media world while the going’s good, knowing that she’d have failed to get re-elected anyway. Between writing guest articles for the New Statesman she’ll be appearing on every London tv show she can.

I can just see it.

“After the break…she was the youngest MP, but she gave it all up claiming it was an unpleasant place to be in. That’s coming up in a couple of minutes”.

Don’t be expecting that she’ll give independence more than an occasional passing reference.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 4:13 am

“You could probably wrap most of the rest of Scotland into that.”

You (and ‘unionist’ elites) propose the partition and dismembering of Scotland – on the basis of disquiet with current colonial administration?

Partition – the final malicious act in the colonizer’s magic box of hoaxes (following the ‘Union’ and ‘Britishness’ hoaxes).

Partition – that worked so well in Cyprus, India, Palestine, Ireland, much of former colonial Africa, Mid East etc.

Partition – the final act of a peoples procurer, intended to mess them up for daring to become liberated.

Decolonization is about removing ‘the fangs’ of the oppressor.


In today’s Telegraph…
The King will be presented today with the Honours of Scotland – the oldest Crown Jewels in Britain – at a service of thanksgiving and dedication in Edinburgh.

Alister Jack, the Scottish Secretary, said: “The service in St Giles’ will be an uplifting and fitting celebration of our new King and Queen, and will reflect the great affection we Scots have for them.

“I know that thousands of Scots will line the streets of Edinburgh to pay tribute to the King and welcome the royal family, once again, to Scotland.”

Ah bless. I wonder if he is right.


The idea of partitioning is not some remote notion dreamed up by some Westminster spads it is a real possibility that BritState might use to obstruct the independence process. It worked in the colonies to that end.
Lets see, Western and Northern islands, Galloway, Dumfries, the Borders yummy, yummy..Perthshire? Load up the busses, empty the care homes, we’re on a Caledonian mystery tour..
Today the old Sultan receives homage from his ethnic «subjects». Will the SNP manage the full on prostration before the king of kings?


“Native Americans consider Thanksgiving Day a day of mourning and protest.”

The North American holocaust probably the worst in recent times with at least 10 million native Americans butchered. Even today they are sidelined and discriminated against.

But lets not leave Westminster out of it, the Tasmanian Holocaust wiped out everyone bar a handful of indigenous folk who were then deported.

Of late Westminster forced the Chaggossian peoples from their islands with threats, violence and intimidation to allow the US to have a airbase and torture dungeon on one of their islands, (Diego Garcia) many Chaggossians died due to the lack of hope, and even though the surviving chaggossians won their case against the English government of the day, Westminster refuses to allow them to return home.

Michael Laing

@ A Scot Abroad at 4.13am:

“The only areas that have a majority in favour of Scots Indy are Glasgow, parts of North Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire, Dundee and that’s pretty much it. The shitty and bitter parts of Scotland, in other words.”

Insult us some more, why don’t you? It really adds to the power of your argument!


Re Orkney, should the Brits, Norwegians and Danes have a cage fight, popular among the macho types these days, and slug it out to see who gets the prize?
Suggest Camilla, the Danish queen and whoever the Norwegian guy is stripped to the waist and each carrying a ten pound baby in traditional Viking manner…..
Camilla might practise lifting the concrete of Scone.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

I’m not proposing anything. Those are your words. It’s lazy and dishonest to try to ascribe things to others. Even you, as a fifth rate “academic” with a sham Professorship from an over-glorified Poly should know that.

What I stated was entirely factual.

Tom Robertson

Brother-lee-love . . .
Ha ha ha ha ha . . . .


Beauvais says:
5 July, 2023 at 8:43 am
Mhairi Black claims she can’t abide the unhealthy atmos in Westminster.

Mhairi Black can barely speak in sentences, has no work experience, and if she wasn’t in politics she’d be a junior barista in the Braehead Starbucks.

People like Mhairi Black shouldn’t be allowed within a mile of making our laws.



You’ll have proof of that?

So it won’t be difficult to explain to the group why Westminster thinks it can block an indyref?

Let’s test that out eh?


‘The King will be presented today with the Honours of Scotland – the oldest Crown Jewels in Britain – at a service of thanksgiving and dedication in Edinburgh.’

An offy bother for a King to go to visit peasants eh?

Oh aye, it’s cause the Scots are SOVEREIGN!!

I nearly forgot there! Lol!!

Thank fck I’ll never be a house jock & crave to be a plastic English they/them like the absolute roasters whole dress up today like eejits to welcome a foreign king with zero standing here..

God, you know what to do. Unleash the heavens & have it pish doon..


No rain forecast for today in Edinburgh. Sorry, Gerri, but it seems that God is not on your side.


The empire likes to “take a shit as it leaves” – the attempt to partition has been long predicted here

– orkney, shetland

but “Before the arrival of the Vikings, the Orkney Islands had been home to the Picts, a group recognised as Scotland’s oldest indigenous people.” – dang!

maybe a remnant Pictish sub-region of the Orkneys will split away from Orkney? With its own 12 mile limit!

– moray with all its RAF bases and personnel
– faslane; make all the bases “military protectorates”
– parts of the borders, galloway, heavily s3ttled areas in the highlands
– the anglo-tractors of edinburgh

they have already been stealing huge bits of our seas, which we should get back by going to the UN, but this is an obvious tactic; maybe they will try to turn arran into our “taiwan”.

You wouldn’t want some cancer like Northern Ireland to exist in Scotland; they have previous in this – 1/4 of the worlds borders are screwed up due to England.

OTOH, berwick is scottish, our border is twisted in an odd way, and we should get back cumbria and about half of northumbria, then those faroe islands – they seem to be in our hemispheric domain and part of our manifest destiny.

A reminder of the benefits of mass immigration – the new palestinians and the success of civic nationalism, in one picture

comment image

– now think borders, highlands and central belt … the Scots don’t want to end up living in our own “gaza strip”.


kneejerk philosemitism and automatic-zionism is a feature of these yoons …

which I find interestng because in all of history there is not one group of people who absolutely kicked the shit out of the british empire more so than the jewish s3ttl3rs of palestine; they were ruthless, they dressed up as arabs and blew things up, invented the letterbomb, hung squaddies from trees with landmines underneath them … lovely people, emboldened by knowing that only they are the master race and the goyim, mere cattle.

– but within 10 years israel had managed to make UK its “bitch” – stealing heavy water on its behalf; israel also made fools of britain over suez. And today our politics has friends-of-israel in all major parties; back all the horses, eh?

wingate, wasn’t he really a -tr4itor- to britain? – was he one of those weird protestants who gets off on “british israelism” and the anglo saxons as one of the “lost tribes”?

Robert Hughes

Why the fuck are people still giving that buffoon who goes by the name ” A ( Vichy ) Scot Abroad ” attention by responding to his endless wittering pish ? What does anyone think is gained by doing so ?

Ian Brotherhood

@Confused (11.07) –


When the usual suspects start banging on about ‘the only democracy in the ME’ and all that jazz, worth reminding them that Gaza isn’t even the same size as Arran, it’s 20% smaller.

‘The population of the Gaza Strip is estimated to be around 2.1 million people, according to the United Nations. The majority of the population is Palestinian, with a small minority of Israelis. The Gaza Strip is a small, densely populated area, and the population has been growing rapidly in recent years. This has led to a number of challenges, including poverty, unemployment, and a lack of resources.

Here are some more details about the population of Gaza:

The population is growing at an annual rate of 2.91%, which is one of the highest in the world.
The majority of the population is under the age of 18.
The unemployment rate is high, at around 45%.
The poverty rate is also high, at around 55%.
The Gaza Strip is a densely populated area, with around 5,000 people per square kilometer.’

Matt Quinn

Karen says:5 July, 2023 at 8:03 am

Native Americans consider Thanksgiving Day a day of mourning and protest.

Quite so… I’m reminded of the American, idiot rote manager who (without, apparently, any specific qualifications; just a degree in ‘nothing-in-particular’) holds a fairly senior position in a Scottish childcare organisation; they think that the US ‘thanksgiving’ should be added to the winter festivals that the children (our Scottish children this is) take part in during the lead-up to Christmas!

…For clarity; while there are Indian (as in parent/grandparent actually from India), South East Asian (specifically Hong-Kongers) and all sorts of European kids in the area (and thus various cultural nods and incorporations) there are no ‘American’ families around that anyone else knows about. …This is just one ‘Septic’ seeking to impose something irrelevant upon us; all the worse because they don’t understand the wider implications of what they’re promoting.

…Although interestingly; some of the kids do!

Personally, I’m always pleased to see how keen the Indian folk; are on Guy Fawkes.


@Robert Hughes

I think they are trying to wear him out.
They’ve got him posting at 4am.
At this rate he will be barely able to stand to attention during Brian’s visit to St. Giles.


The SNP is finished.

The betrayal of using indyref votes to transfer to the Greens *nonce & perverts charter* won’t be forgiven.

Neither will zero challenge over the Supreme Court.

Neither will the row back, after 8yrs & is it 10 mandates (?) to inform us they’re now cheerleaders for devolution & they’re now Better Together, the Scottish version.

Neither will the absolute farce of fawning over the man child king while giving Scotland’s stone without a single wish list prepared for our compliance.

Neither will the rejection of Ash when an indy route was on the table & still aren’t backing a United Scotland ticket.

Neither will the scenes in parly where women were locked out thier own toilets or ejected from the building for wearing the suffragette colours.

Or the embarrassment of having a section 35 triggered on behalf of deviants & kiddie fiddlers.

Neither will Dumbza. The fake FM. A betrayer of Scotland for an English invite to London. A *new* Scot who fcked Scotland over since day one in office. Vote for this guy? LOL!

There is absolutely zero reason to vote for them. Especially when they are suspected criminals & the instigators still haven’t been publicly expelled from the party.

The rats are jumping ship. They can leave now or be totally humiliated on national TV as the results are read out loud from GE. Or when they start to see colleagues cuffed & read their miranda rights on the way out for stitching up Salmond. lol!

As the saying goes there’s fck all honour among thieves. They’ll all write a book ratting on one another if the polis don’t get the scoop first.

The next indy FM must table a ref on the royals to have them ejected from Scotland. It’d be a nationwide educational program for the house jocks to realise that he is thier equal & not thier superior.

A Scot Abroad

Robert Hughes,

enough about me.

Have you worked out yet that an iScotland would have, quite literally, the oldest population in Europe? The lowest proportion of workers to pensioners in Europe? A benefits dependency exceeded only by Italy and Greece?

Those are facts. And nobody at all in the Indy movement has a plan to address them.

It’s called economic suicide.

John McGregor

Somebody should have walked over n kicked “it” right in the haw maw’s Deviant

Matt Quinn

“Suggest Camilla, the Danish queen and whoever the Norwegian guy is stripped to the waist and each carrying a ten pound baby in traditional Viking manner…..”

What a bizarre and revolting thought… I suspect as very old people Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and Harald V of Norway might be entitled to rather more dignity – while Camilla should probably be covered with a Tarp, at all times in public.


We wouldn’t be by the time the rUK pensioners all fck off back to the pensioners loving utopia of Little England where they’re charged for being old.

A population of 5 million will be minted just as Norway is.

Little England on the other hand, won’t be. They’ve nothing to trade with & will have very few friends once thier cash cow has been removed & even fewer to care for thier pensioners with their hostile environment to immigration.

Role reversal won’t work. We already pay in way more than we get back. Fact. Yer really just pushing the 10 yr old myths of Bitter Together that’s been endlessly debunked.
We won’t be living on our pocket money we get back.
Scotland’s spending decisions will not be the same.
We’ll be in FULL control of our own resources.

They’re never running out.

Michael Laing

@ A Scot Abroad at 12.24pm:

It wasn’t Scots or any party we voted for who destroyed Scotland’s industry and brought about endemic mass unemployment and poverty, it was Tory governments repeatedly imposed upon Scotland with no democratic mandate by English voters that did that; a party that Scots have rejected overwhelmingly over many decades.

If Scotland is in a mess, it’s due to the fact that we are powerless to do anything about anything so long as we are part of the UK.


Nice wee racket going on indy live lol!

A Scot Abroad


how’s the population of 5 million going to be just as minted as Norway?

The renewables ain’t going to do it, as everyone within 1,000 miles has the same resources. It’s not the fish, either, because there’s not enough of them, being 0.2% of Scotland’s economy. It’s not the oil and gas, either, because the world is going off that, the infrastructure is being removed, and while the price paid is the same, the profit margins are low for Scottish product.

So where’s this magic money that’s making Scotland minted coming from?

Meanwhile, Scotland has the lowest proportion of workers to pensioners in the entirety of Europe, and the third highest benefits dependency ratio. Do you see where that’s going?


Scotland, under the Union, imports pensioners & exports talent.

That cycle would be crushed.

The clearances never ended, you fool.

It’s normal to return to Independence. The Union has been one massive FAIL & only served the coloniser.

We’re a colony with no parliament, no control over our resources, our immigration or our spending.

That’s about to change. The English government have no control over Scotland. None. It ends the internationally recognised treaty which the law & international law recognises.

A pretendy parliament with reserved control won’t cut it either.

Because Scotland is a country who is being shafted of its wealth & the English have absolutely no right to deny it’s Independence.


Michael Laing


The more these roasters go on about how shite Scotland is the more they highlight the Union has been a complete FAIL.

Imposed poverty & a toxic dumping ground not just by the blue Tories by by the red & yellow eejits too.

If fishing was such a shite commodity you’d have thought the whole of Brexshit didn’t revolve around it. Scots don’t typically munch seafood but foreigners do & then there’s the lucrative Fishing rights in Scotland’s extensive fishing grounds.

If the yoons are fighting over it then there’s big bucks in it.

A Scot Abroad


nothing is going to change. Absolutely nothing.

Get used to it.


Geri says:
5 July, 2023 at 1:41 pm

We’re a colony with no parliament, no control over our resources, our immigration or our spending.

You are confusing Scotland with England. It is the English that have no parliament.

That’s about to change. The English government have no control over Scotland.

It is a UK government. There is no such thing as a English government

Because Scotland is a country who is being shafted of its wealth & the English have absolutely no right to deny it’s Independence.

TBH, I think most English would support Scottish independence. Should have let them vote in 2014.


Don’t count on that.

When Scotland removes its consent from the Union there’ll be nothing anyone can do about it as thier mates dessert them as they’ll no longer be representatives of the United Kingdom. They’ll be Little England, a Billy no mates as the world showed them with Brexshit & ejected from International Court of Justice.

Which is where Liberation & Salvo are headed with Scotland’s right to return to being an independent country.

The end of the SNP shouldn’t be mistaken for the end of the YES movement. We’re just getting started once the enablers are ejected from Holyrood.

Stay tuned!!


If : “nothing is going to change. Absolutely nothing” then one ponders why ASA spends so much time on here… Ain’t he got a dog to walk or like me head out and do some fishing.


Dream on, Geri.

A Scot Abroad



If some Scots politician starts bumping his gums about UDI, the world is going to completely ignore it.

Nothing is going to change. Get used to it.


Sounds like ASA and Blimp have been told to major on OrCKney.
Panic setting in.


ASA keeps stating that renewable power generated in Scotland’s geographic area would be worthless because everyone within a 1000 miles has the same resources to generate the energy they need themselves.
The trouble for him is the place he stays (England) hasn’t got its shit together to actually be self-sufficient in renewable power, and there is no chance of that situation changing anytime soon as it would take years to plan and build the necessary generation infrastructure required to meet their energy deficit.

To offset the difference between England’s electricity generation and demand, net positive transfers were
received from Scotland and Wales, as well as from continental Europe via the France, Netherlands, Belgium,
and Norway interconnectors (the Norway interconnector came online in October 2021). During 2021, these
sources provided 20.0 per cent of England’s total electricity consumption, up 2.7 percentage points from 2020.
In 2021, Scotland exported 33 per cent of its generation in net transfers to England and Northern Ireland,
down from the record level of 37 per cent in 2020.This was in line with lower generation in Scotland (due to
lower renewable output), though Scotland’s electricity demand also decreased (down 1.7 per cent). Wales
exported 13 per cent of its generation in net transfers to England, up 10.2 percentage points from the 2020
value which was the lowest proportion in the time series. Total generation in Wales has fallen 35 per cent
since its peak in the time series in 2016, predominantly due to the reduction of coal and gas fired-fired

From page 3 of 13

link to

And that’s not even mentioning the gas…

link to

Look at the numbers and the large blue bands on the graph for St Fergus which indicate the live data for flows mostly coming in from gas fields in Scotland’s geographic area.
People also need to comprehend the shear volume of the flow rates these numbers and the graph are actually highlighting and the energy that equates to.
The 3 St Fergus terminals are currently receiving 14, 20, and 26 MCM/per day.

Just 1 x MCM is 1 million cubic meters of gas. 1 MCM is 360,000 therms. 1 therm is 29kWh, so 360,000 therms is 10550558.53kWh. That’s 10.5 million kWh. And remember that is just from 1 MCM, and look again and note the 14, 20, and 26 MCM coming into to St Fergus.


johnlm says:
5 July, 2023 at 3:07 pm

Sounds like ASA and Blimp have been told to major on OrCKney.
Panic setting in.

Not me Johnny. I’d have to google where Orkney is but I can’t be bothered with flash-in-the-pan headlines.

John Main

@Confused says:4 July, 2023 at 7:35 pm

Struggling to see what Norway could do with this dump. They’re a responsible, civic-minded, grown-up, serious bunch, the Norwegians.

Take a look around the Central Belt and see how we compare.

As for Orkney joining the EU – sure, they have lots of assets so the EU will welcome them with open arms. The EU has been scrabbling around to make up the shortfall ever since we left. And they have a humongous war to fight on their eastern frontier.

Why do you think I would care anyway? I’m not an Orcadian, although perhaps I wish I was. Nevertheless, being in the EU is a democratic decision for any group of Scots to make.

Listen to the pros, weigh up the cons, make an informed decision and abide by the result. It’s not rocket science.

And for us hard-of-thinking Scots, maybes pay a bit more attention to the wording of the question in any future referendum.

That’s not rocket science either.


Green energy models are very unconvincing. – on cost, reliability, recycling or volume.
Siemens share price recently dropped 36% on news of their turbine failure rates.
Luckily ASA’s friends blew up the Nordstream pipeline (with Norwegian help?) so gas and oil look like reasonable bets for a while yet.

John Main

@Geri says:5 July, 2023 at 2:39 pm

thier mates dessert them

I’m going for black forest gateaux, although trifle is more ethnically sound.

Soz, Geri, but your post deserves no better response than that.

John Main

@Dan says:5 July, 2023 at 3:15 pm

(England) hasn’t got its shit together to actually be self-sufficient in renewable power

Ah Dan, it’s touching to see the power of self-denial in full flow.

The place we all stay (the UK) is getting its shit together to be self-sufficient in renewable power.

The only reason you can’t accept that reality is that you are deceiving yourself about the reality of the UK.

And also, the turbines and distribution infrastructure, which has to go somewhere, is mostly in Scotland.

iScotland can have it all when we agree to pay the current owners a fair price for their investments and sell them the generated power at a guaranteed, reasonable, price. Otherwise, rUK will militarise the lot, to the approval of the EU, NATO, the USA, etc.

That is entirely fair and reasonable. If we had ever had grown-ups in charge of the SNP, the mechanisms, costs, benefits and reality of it all would have been household knowledge throughout the UK 5 years ago.

And we would have all been in the situation where we could have made a pain-free, seamless transition to iScotland, retaining the good will of rUK and all the international players we will need.

A Scot Abroad


energy self-sufficiency is the name of the game, now.

Sure, England’s been a bit laggardly, but it’s still the U.K.

How much would you bet that England wouldn’t start going gangbusters on offshore turbines if Scotland went doolally and declared UDI, as the lemmings want it to do? Hell, just one year’s Barnett money to the bennies dependent in the central belt would pay for 100 giant turbines in the North Sea. And the next year, the same again. Giant turbines (mostly made in Middlesbrough) are close to commodity items. Just keep knocking them out.

You can’t make Indy on the basis of a one year cash flow. Only lemmings think like that. They enjoy the drop, but maybe not the sudden stop.

Ebenezer Scroggie

The Red Arrows flew over my house on their run-in to Embra.

That reminded me that today’s the day that Wingnut is in town for a pseudo-coronation.

Looking at the pictures I was glad to see that he was properly dressed for the occasion. So was Camel Porker-Balls. In 1953 his mother disgraced herself and insulted the people of Scotland by showing up at that gig dressed like some dowdy housewife.


Sorry Blimp.
I see you posting here a lot and took it that you knew something of Scotland.
Interested to hear that you don’t know where Orkney is.


Heard across the command room… “FFS lads, get your stories straight. John Main saying the turbines and distribution infrastructure needs to be in Scotland and ASA saying the opposite.

But the gas lads, what about aw that gas, you must have noticed that post.
But please do keep the noise down, I dinnae want you scaring the fish I’m trying to catch for my tea.

Ebenezer Scroggie

The Scottish “government” has been in existence for well over 20 years. In all that time, how many major hydroelectric schemes have they initiated?

North Sea oil and gas’s future is behind it. Scotland is ideally located to compete with Norway on the international hydro-electric electricity export market, but what has the Scottish government done to exploit such an infinite energy resource?


Calling Confused.

Oh flower of extra regio,
When will we see our revenues again…

Found this post of yours from last year.

link to

A Scot Abroad


John Main is perfectly entitled to his own opinion.

Mine is that Scotland cannot rely upon any other countries buying renewables from it, because they’ve all got the same energy resources, and self-sufficiency is the name of the game these days. Given existing technology, and enough political push in England, there wouldn’t need to be any energy imports from Scotland to England within one year. So it’s pretty fucking stupid for Indy people to think that Scottish renewables exports will build a sustainable economy. They won’t.


cheers dan – better at finding my old posts than I am.

– this is why the discussions of late have been so tedious, we have had it out dozens of times. And the rev probably has 10 articles. Like on darien. Or the currency, please God no, not the currency question (- who was the wag who cracked recently “but what currency will the orcadians use?” – rolling, on the floor … and will they be in NATO … but Poutin may try to invade … would they be recognised by the international community … and will the markets like it … will they retain the king … )

if I remember right, that post was “provoked” by changes in the govt stats provided, which were also made more difficult to access – “I wonder why”

and yeah, sometimes the music takes me … here’s a little number for a very good friend of ours, no panto without a villain, eh?

de ye ken John Main in his EU affray
de ye ken John Main posting at the break of day
de ye ken John Main – what is he trying to say?
With his bile and his snark every morning

Alf Baird

Dan @ 3:15 pm

“(England).. energy deficit”

Correct me if I’m wrong, Scottish gas volumes via St Fergus based on average UK retail price per kwh amount to £76.4 BILLION PER ANNUM.

That’s quite some colonial plunder to add to all the rest, e.g. oil, renewables, whisky, high energy prices, land, etc…


Still fishing and quite proud of phone internet skillage between casts…

Hmm, grid connection charges… Wonder how this works out with the new Berwick Bank Windfarm having primary and secondary grid connections in different grid connection charge zones.
Namely the primary being Branxton, East Lothian which looks to be in the £12.84 zone, and the secondary being Blyth, Northumberland which is a couple of zones south and 4 quid less at £8.64.

link to

link to

As an aside, for those with more of an interest in angling than royal pish, I’m going retro on this fishing excursion and using a solid fibreglass rod I bought as a bairn in a pawn shop on Leith Walk in what must have been 1982. It’s fairly chunky stick as it was a pier rod but I use it as my pike rod for tight spaces where swinging a long rod is difficult.
I re-ringed it by whipping on new agate bottom and top rings with plain ones in between. It’s still performing well and my casting is able to land within a foot of where I want it every time.


You only need to listen to Jeremy Hunt on the North sea.

He can’t wait to tell the English how many billions they’re going to plunder from the Scots to keep the English munching jellied eels in the comfort they’ve become accustomed to while shouting at immigrants off the telly…

English parliament.

They have Westminster with 600+ seats awarded to themselves, that was handy eh? Make sure the house always wins in what’s supposed to be a GB parliament to represent..ummmm, GB.

Good point tho – why don’t they have a devolved assembly? Oh, that’s right, they’d have to furnish annual accounts of thier income & expenditure. Jeez, how could they keep that fiddle going?
No – best they just keep pretending someone awarded them superior status in an equal union.

Scotland would be perfectly entitled to declare UDI – what’s the mandates count up to now, 10? Three officially worded section 30 requests & majority of MPs. We’d be entitled because conveniently we’re the other equal part of the kingdom with an internationally recognised treaty that can be terminated on the grounds of no one making England the dominant partner.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

in addition to producing the dumbest idea in maritime trade of having a trans-shipment port in Orkney, you clearly don’t know how to read figures correctly. Scottish gas production revenues in 2022 were just over £3 billion. And St Fergus is just a fraction of the total.

Don’t give up the day “job”.

John Main

@Confused says:5 July, 2023 at 5:19 pm

Haha, good one.

“John Peel” is an English song, BTW.

You’ve been colonised, pal. Nae ideological purity certificate for you.


Alf Baird says:
5 July, 2023 at 5:30 pm

Correct me if I’m wrong, Scottish gas volumes via St Fergus


Most of the gas coming in at st fergus comes from norway.

John Main

@Geri says:5 July, 2023 at 6:22 pm

Your posts fall into the ‘magical thinking’ category. Whatever you post on here, you automatically believe it becomes true.

Soz, but it doesn’t.

In order to show no hard feelings, I am going to let you into a little secret that nobody else on here has so far revealed to you. Just by heeding what I am about to write, you will double the relevance and persuasiveness of every post you make hereafter (admittedly, your bar is set very low at this time).

That word you always spell as ‘thier’ is actually spelled ‘their’.

My pleasure.


Stu has a milk monitor AND a spell checker…
Whoo hooo!

Now we’re a real message board.

Sidenote – this devices virtual keyboard seems to have saved that in auto correct along with the capital letter at the start of Thier – I dunno how to erase it & I tend not to proof read.

But awww bless, is that all you can think of? Was it worth the 5 minute wait for yer complaint to appear?!

Does it annoy ye, aye? *Grin*

John Main

@Geri says:5 July, 2023 at 8:37 pm

“Through ignorance and stupidity to Independence”

Nae gonna fly.

Maybes translated to Latin …

Sure you don’t want to do an ‘air punch’ ‘Geri’? The style of your post seems eerily familiar.


I was going to say in my last reply ..

All we need now is the syntax super sleuth & we’ll have a full set of disruptive message board eejits..

I should’ve left it in.

*No idea who yer withering about..
I could punch an eejit if that helps?

John Main

@Geri says:5 July, 2023 at 9:55 pm

I could punch an eejit

Best naw. That’s a mirror. You’ll cut yersel.


@ Alf Baird

I have found it tricky to nail down accurate current and historic figures for the volumes of gas originating in Scotland’s geographic area and connecting into the numerous pipelines flowing to the various terminals located in both Scotland and England. Undoubtedly Norwegian gas does flow to the UK through various interconnections now that some Scottish gas fields have been exhausted after supplying large volumes for decades.
There was significant Norwegian gas flowing into Easington Langeled terminal in England but for some reason that seems to have dropped off to a much lower level in recent months, so possibly more Norwegian gas is making it’s way to UK through St Fergus now.
But there are other pipelines flowing to terminals in England and where that gas originates from needs to be considered.
EG. The SEAL pipeline carries gas from the Elgin-Franklin field to the Bacton Terminal in England.

link to

Another huge producer was the Britannia field. I actually did a few trips there and piloted the ROV during some of the drilling and subsea construction work for the first 8 wells back around the mid 90s.

link to

What we do know is that Scotland has about 65% of the UK gas fields and those fields generate approximately 50% of UK domestic gas production.

link to


Spelled. Spelt is flour. Troll.

Alf Baird

Dan @ 10:32 pm

“What we do know is that Scotland has about 65% of the UK gas fields and those fields generate approximately 50% of UK domestic gas production.”

Thanks for that. This and everything else flowing through a pipe in Scotland can only be properly accounted for after independence. Until then its all colonial booty, Scotland’s resources taken on the cheap and any ‘imports’ back priced high – that’s our colonial reality.


How handy would it be to have access to past and current data to observe gas flows from fields in Scottish geographic areas.
A bit of searching turns up a couple of articles which contain info about the Britannia field mentioned previously.

An older article from 1998.

link to

A more recent article from earlier this year which states how much gas flowed at the peak in the year 2000 (refrains from singing the Pulp song…). “The peak production was approximately 37.68 thousand bpd of crude oil and condensate and 694.00 Mmcfd of natural gas.

link to

Now that imperial (M is roman for 1000) MmCFd (cubic feet) figure of 649,000,000 needs converted to the metric MCMd (cubic meters) (divide by 35) to compare to the live MCM gas data flows in this link. But once that is done it can be seen that the Britannia field was flowing just under 20 MCM per day.

link to


So we are encouraged to explain to our children from a very young age the differences in genders and sex preferences. If we chose not to or consider them too young at that moment the snp govt does it in schools anyway. Mhairi black then bemoans parents who consider this wrong for their children.
We are encouraged to accept all the different genders and sex preference and if we don’t are branded small minded and a bigot. We are encourage to be open with mixing with other genders and sex preferences and if we don’t have more than the “quota” of LbQT+ people in our cicle we are looked down on. If we are openly critical of the lbqt+ we are called bigots and some have their bank accounts cancelled or lose their jobs. We are encouraged to attend pride marches and bring children to show there is nothing different between us all, but when some fecking perv does this in front of kid, parents are shocked and frightened to act it’s the parents fault not the fecking perv or event organisers for stopping it or saying sorry after the event. At what point do people stop apologising for pervs and idiots?

James Che

One wonders Charlie’s position in Scotland,

Officially the treaty of union has not been given Royal consent since its conception. It has Only been presumed,

Officially it is a reproduction of the Seal of Scotlands realm that The monarchy and Westminster use,

Officially it is a political parliamentary union, not the territory inclusive of Scotland,

Officially no monarch is monarch of Scotland,

So Charlie is pushing his luck a wee bit when a major amount of the Scottish population shout, ” Not my King”

Shoogly peg?

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