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Wings Over Scotland

The Engines Of Censorship

Posted on July 05, 2023 by

It is our solemn duty to inform readers that deranged, shovel-handed Scottish Greens member and known associate of rapists and paedophiles Scott “Heather” Herbert has taken the hump at a Wings article from yesterday in which he was satirically featured.

He filed a malicious false copyright claim with YouTube which resulted in a silent video clip from the article showcasing his comically gigantic man-hands being scheduled for deletion, despite Herbert owning no copyright in the video (it’s the property of TalkTV, who have raised no objections to it) and having no legal standing to file any complaint.

But YouTube’s abysmal automated structures operate on the basis that all complaints are intrinsically valid, and allow absolutely no way for Wings to appeal this decision.

If you’re subjected to a copyright claim, YouTube will remove your video immediately – conducting no checks whatsoever into the validity of the claim – and put the onus on you to challenge it. In order to do this you have to provide the complainer, whoever they may be and however baseless their complaint is, with your full name and address.

This isn’t a particularly big deal for Wings, whose details are easy enough to find already, but the dangers for other users are obvious – feminists using the platform pseudonymously to document harassment or abuse, for example, would be forced to provide their name and home address to anyone who wanted to stalk them.

Even in the case of a “delayed takedown” complaint like the one Herbert has made here, there is no mechanism to dispute the complaint in any way before the video is removed. The “Submit counter notification” option does not appear on the video’s YouTube Studio page – the only options offered are “Learn more” (which leads to the information page pictured above) or “Delete video forever”.

Nor can you challenge the misidentification of the content, for the same reasons – the “Dispute” option mentioned by the onsite documentation is simply not available.

Naturally, there’s no way to interact with a human being at YouTube. Like most big tech companies it employs the smallest possible number of people to deal with customer service, and their ironic “Contact Us” page is just a list of FAQs and a physical address in California which would obviously take weeks to obtain a response from.

(They once had a Twitter help account where you could, with variable chances of success, attempt to address such issues, but it’s long gone.)

So as it stands, YouTube is a means by which malicious actors with a small amount of time on their hands can not only censor people but force them – on pain of being completely silenced – to divulge information that could lead to them being physically harassed and harmed.

It seems extraordinary that this state of affairs is allowed to persist, but sadly it appears to be the clear direction of travel of Western society, with humans discarded in the name of profit margins (been to a supermarket recently?) and safeguarding fobbed off onto algorithms whose only actual purpose is revenue maximisation and which are plainly not fit for any other task.

Anyway, we’ll have to delete the silent video of Scott Herbert in the next few days or risk a copyright strike that could bring down Wings’ entire YouTube account, so we’ve replaced it in the piece with this one:

In fairness, we think it’s an improvement.

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Tranos: The Hands of Fate


So, from now on, he’ll be forever referred to as “BGH” (Big Giant Hands) on Wings.


That’s a poor 3 out of 10 attempt at bustin oot the Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box dance moves.

Joan Hutcheson

Hm, I wonder if you can do something similar re Sex-Imposters’ videos. You could claim to be ‘hurt to the quick’, ‘offended to your heart’. One positive thing — the Sex-Imposters obviously pay attention to you and a multitude of readers see and forward Wings videos before they can be taken down. I know that I do.

Dickie Tea

I have challenged plenty of take down requests successfully. I ue a video software which has licensed music. Everytime I post it gets a copyright infringement notice from Indian scammers who want you to pay them. Youtube do nothing about their repeated scams but will remove the infringement request.

You do it by going here link to


That’s why the yankie doodle websites should all fck off from this country.
If we wanted to live in China we’d move there.

Every single site of theirs is on censorship steroids.

Facebook, twitter, old eBay selling, PayPal etc, etc.

No contact. Just censorship.

Take it down, imo. You’ll only be given a strike & the yanks love that system of shooting first. It’d annoy Herbert the pervert more if yer channel remains.


Hmmmm, interesting, this can work both ways, we can “force” THEM, to take down their videos as well seeing it’s near enough impossible to appeal. Thanks Herbert for showing us how to attack their platforms too.

bluegrass banjo

prince charles – camilla procession up royal mile today – scottish crown ceremony

#notmyking protesters have very prominent positions on the mile

check out BBC very tight camera shots

Radical Cartoons

Really interesting example,and thanks for the tips on how YouTube deals with copyright complaints.
I’ve always understood that when something is featured in a news programme or comment-as-news, like Talk TV, that it’s already in the public domain.
I’ve often used screenshots from news channels, and not had any problems yet – only simple “copyright suspensions” when using music which isn’t from YouTube’s own audio library, and those are typically resolved in about an hour.
Think of it as a compliment,that you are so well known that these nutjobs feel they have to monitor you!

Robinov Vilecybernatski

Not only does he have massive shovel hands, he’s also got a chin like Roger Ramjet!!! Wowsers!

Andrew Morton

It’s the Barbara Streisand effect all over again. If he’d only kept quiet we’d all have forgotten about it.


Surely begs the question, what’s to stop any of us who disagree with someone else’s views from claiming copyright infringement and having videos removed?

It’s a bad road to go down if you believe in free speech.

Patsy Millar

@Sven Brilliant idea

Stuart MacKay

So Sherbert Shovelhands thinks you and Farage are paid agents of Russia looking to destablise the UK and USA political systems,

I notice however that those hands are safely tucked out of the way this time.


Maybe, in the interests of social justice, Humza should release a party political broadcast where he dances alone to Q Lazzarus’ Goodbye Horses.

“Would you vote me?”

“I’d vote me. I’d vote me HARD.”

Fraser Reid

you could just keep uploading 1 of 2 videos starring him – wait for the copyright notice then take it down and replace with the other – eternally…..


The trouble with Google and all of its software/sites or whatever, is there is NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT to reach out to when a problem arises.


Like the silly musical accompaniment to the handsignals.
How could you have left Leicester, Heather mi duck?
link to

Margaret Wilson

I’ve heard of Big Foot……….

Ian Brotherhood

Link for Independence Live coverage of Chaz ‘n Cammy doing Edinburgh.

John Thomson

Video is def vast improvement


Fraser Reid’s idea looks good at first glance, but I don’t like the idea of eternally watching a video of thon ‘erbert.

O/T. There seems to be an air of “Get out while you can” about the SNP. It started with Sturgeon, and now we’re past half a dozen with Mhairi Black’s announcement.

Looks like something is coming down the line so Sturgeon has tipped them off. Perhaps they are going to form a new group. In a different country perhaps.

Vietnam comes to mind for some reason.

Matt Quinn

“So as it stands, YouTube is a means by which malicious actors with a small amount of time on their hands can not only censor people but force them – on pain of being completely silenced – to divulge information that could lead to them being physically harassed and harmed.”

Why this might be a surprise of any kind to anyone, I don’t know.

The Copyright (the IP) – because it was originated in the UK and uploaded from here is subject to the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Under the terms of the Berne Convention, it is entitled to the same protection in all signatory countries at it would have here. …That doesn’t change with YouTube’s house rules.

S30(1): Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of criticism or review, of that or another work or of a performance of a work, does not infringe any copyright in the work provided that it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement(unless this would be impossible for reasons of practicality or otherwise) and provided that the work has been made available to the public.

S30A: Caricature, parody or pastiche (1)Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of caricature, parody or pastiche does not infringe copyright in the work.

…As a former Lecturer in TV production – who used to deliver the HN media law units, and has over 40 years experience in the industry; I can advice ‘Heather’ than not only is she acting dishonestly in making a copyright claim’ on this material; but is possibly in breach of the law.

For the avoidance of doubt ‘Heather’; you have no ‘rights’ to your image or ‘performance’ here; clearly you were a willing participant in a broadcast made over open public channels.

I always have to laugh at people in/fom the UK claiming “fair use” and DCMA; both things relating to American legislation that has no force here; and otherwise flapping about quoting foreign laws.

…Does Heather understand (I wonder) that it would be possible for the real copyright holders to take legal action against here – for attempting to steal their IP?

Certainly; it is most pitiful for a politico (of any shade grade or direction of travel) to be indulging in censorship.

– This is a non-rhetorical question which I invite ‘Heather’ to respond here: why have you lied to YouTube?

Personally Stu I would withdraw the problematic videos from idiot-tube as requested; and re-upload them unaltered to a different platform, embedding them from there.

But while we’re on the subject of ‘censorship’ and for balance… What about that ‘moderation queue’ of yours?


@ Stuart MacKay at 12:21 pm

It says it all that a Scottish Green Party member is concerned that pro-Scotland returning to self-governance site Wings is destabilising the UK political system…
Eh, that’s the whole point of wanting to return Scotland to self-governing status.

These cretins seem to be as dumb as fuck. Enviro matters are significantly impacted by energy policy, and that power is reserved to London Rule. In the scheme of things there is very little Scotland can do without full autonomy to gain the powers actually needed to steer us on a better environmentally sound course.
Shite like the whole DRS debacle, taxpayers subsidising clagging solar PV arrays on north facing roofs and installation of air source heatpumps on unsuitable properties show “Green” policy is far from thought through.
Roasters like him should maybe drop the pronoun genderwoowoo infatuation and concentrate on getting stuff like the rail tracks north of Dunblane electrified so we can use leccy trains powered by renewables instead of diesel powered rolling stock.

John C

There’s a load of YouTubers who’ve suffered in this way forcing them to re-edit videos to remove material from videos. Apart from people like Herbert there are also companies which have grown up which claim copyright of something that’s clearly not their own but thanks to YouTube’s awful moderation system these people get away with wrecking smaller accounts especially. If you’re say, a MrBeast then YouTube will do everything to help. If you’ve got a few thousand subscribers then you’re screwed.

Herbert is fully aware of this hence this claim and of course, he wants Stu’s home address so he and his fellow abusers can get to Stu personally. Once you’ve shilled for child abusers as Herbert is actually doing in this Talk TV segment then the sky is the limit.

Matt Quinn

bluegrass banjo says:5 July, 2023 at 11:49 am

“check out BBC very tight camera shots”

…Actually some very-awkward (i.e. not competent) camerawork and direction; the crowd seems to be mainly curious tourists. – The use of long-focal lengths from distance (makes for compacted perspective) is fairly lame and obvious; and in this case still fails to make the place look crowded.

John C

There seems to be an air of “Get out while you can” about the SNP. It started with Sturgeon, and now we’re past half a dozen with Mhairi Black’s announcement

I’d assume the SNP have done some internal polls and these people have seen the writing on the wall for them. Black’s been a terrible local MP the last few years since being elected again in 2019 (barely doing surgeries, barely voting in the Commons, etc) & wants to get out so she can work on her post MP career be that being thrown on the Holyrood list and/or building up a media career.

In England she’s seen as this political titan but since advocating for the WASPI women (which has fallen off her agenda for Trans activism) she’s done nothing in the Commons. Claiming Westminster is toxic after eight years of being there & enjoying the lifestyle being an MP brings is weak. She’s no Caroline Lucas who has been an excellent local MP and an active participant in the Commons.

So I expect her to turn up in Bylines/Guardian/Novara or a regular face on TV as a ‘Scottish expert’ on Question Time and the like.

President Xiden

Well you have to HAND it to Herbert, FINGERING you to the YouTube thought police resulting in you getting a slap on the WRIST. As a rule of THUMB is best just to KNUCKLE down and PALM off his complaints. You NAILed him and he knows it.

Robert Louis


Regarding bank accounts, check this out from The National (archived today)

link to

It seems that disagreeing with the gender nutters leads to a closed bank account – EVEN IF you are the Scottish human rights commissioner!!

John C

Roasters like him should maybe drop the pronoun genderwoowoo infatuation and concentrate on getting stuff like the rail tracks north of Dunblane electrified so we can use leccy trains powered by renewables instead of diesel powered rolling stock.

It is incredibly bleak to see the Greens in Scotland (and elsewhere of course) shift from eco-socialism to neoliberals who don’t especially care about the environment. Sure they might say the right thing now and then but Green politics has been a way for these people to get a place in, or near power to push their form of activism.

People like Herbert aren’t interested in creating a better Scotland for people so that as you say, things like the train line beyond Dunblane is electrified to help reduce emissions. They aren’t even too bothered about the free ports or workers’ rights. He’s only interested in using the political clout of the Greens with the young especially, to push Trans issues and make him more important and to get him and his creepy mates to access spaces which aren’t theirs.

Herbert and people like him have been cuckoos in the Green movement. Hollowing it out to get to their end goal which is rewriting society to fit their vision, and of course, get them and their mates to carry on abusing people with ease.

Ian Brotherhood

Independence Live livestream stopped at 1.30.

Here’s another one.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

Posting Twitter links is no longer of any use. You now need to log in to Twitter to see stuff. The change happened last week.


Calls himself a politician, despite never being elected by anyone. Candidate for Kincorth/Nigg/Cove – I wonder what he has in common with anyone there. Where is he from? What were his previous jobs? Who knows? Gives me the creeps.

Ian Brotherhood


Didn’t realise that, thanks.


Stephen O'Brien

SNP copyright infringement of Scottish Sovereignty, including fake manifestos, is killing democracy!

Piracy is a crime!

Bootleggers out!


Russel Brand has been talking about big tech censorship a lot recently and this sort of confirms those suspicions.

It might be worth considering Rumble as an alternative to YouTube, they seem far more tolerant to free speech and alternative ideas.

It is increasingly popular too. Russel Brand for example has over 1 million subscribers on Rumble.

Iain mhor

YouTube is house of cards, such things are not confined to individual ‘malicious’ ‘takedown’ notices, there are many abuses including the current ‘musical royalties’ one.

That scam is is just spamming videos with any music content, and claiming royalty payments, which Youtube just processes in similar fashion to ‘takedown’ notices: No verification, pay the man.

A nice little earner.


Musician Explains.

All these social networks are following the same modus operandi – whether Youtube, Reddit, Twitter et-al:
Take content, the value of which is generated freely by users, wall it off, monetize it with Ads, require subscriptions to view, auto-run the operation with bots, treat the users actually generating the content with contempt – profit.

In the vanishingly few points of operation where there is a human in the loop, you are lucky if it isn’t someone appointed with an agenda – but generally it is.

The Wild West of the Webz v1.0 is over, v2.0 is just beginning elsewhere – because, y’know vacuums, and the fact humans get pissed off.

As someone may have said: ‘Their subscription models are predicated on being marginally more attractive than piracy…’


Ian Brotherhood @2:02pm

Thanks for the link, Ian.

Had a quick look but too much to bear for any length of time.

Lots of booing and shouts of “not my King”.

The band just played a tune and it was awful – sounded like the soundtrack to an old Ealing comedy. ‘Passport to Pimlico’ or something.

The whole thing is cringe-worthy – except this time the cringe is on ‘them’.


If Josef Goebbels were alive today he’d just lurv those «engines».
Burn those dusty books, get your feed fresh from big daddy….he really cares.

«Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it»
Orwell, of course.

The ridiculous, humour and irony would have no words either.


In the light of the geriatric monarchic mummery of today, will the SNP and the Scottish national movement just ditch monarchy. Or, do we have to have a referendum on the legality of the process of such a ditching.
Chutzpah, smeddum, audacity, cojones….all it needs.
Scots Republic….sounds cool to me.


Flynn has suspended MacNeil

*Gets popcorn*

Wee Chid

So who owns the copyright to “Yackety Sax”?


Time for Angus MacNeil to leave the Sturgeon cult and join Alba, surely. What’s preventing you Angus?

Big J

Flynn has suspended MacNeil.

Sounds like there was a frank exchange of views,Angus offered him out, and your man bottled it,and put ABN on the naughty step.
Angus could be the next to chuck it. He’s had a good run on the green benches, and has a worthy opponent for his seat at the next election in Labour’s Torquil Crichton.


As a foreigner from a climate where the only reason to be inside is to get out of the hot sun, not the rain and chill wind, the public image is of significance.
What people see influences perceptions of events. The image IS the message.
The Scottish National Movement might benefit from the services of a master of ceremonies as rather too much is left to chance. The kilted FM, nice knees, at the day’s event, such a NO, NO. Anything under that kilt to scared of? World media would love to know.
Also those middle class republicans, suspect they were from elsewhere.


Nothing says “the people’s king” like 6 foot high black barriers around St Giles Cathedral!


Beauvis @ 16.46

I’d have more admiration for any MP/MSP who left the SNP to come to Alba on grounds of principle, rather than because they fell out with their whips.


He couldn’t throw a punch no matter how long his fingers are. Prick.
Where are the ‘real’ men. ???
Where are you btw???
We know Stu has our back.
Where tf are you??
Where are the men?
Hiding behind their women??


Cast your mind back to the phone hacking scandal where the most powerful media giant was untouchable, his newspapers could besmirch denigrate and literally destroy people’s lives which they did on many occasions without any fear of retribution, many celebrities and others tried to bring them to heel and stop their apparent unassailability but it was like a flea biting a bull’s arse it had no noticeable effect

THEN they went too far they hacked the phone of a young murder victim called Millie Dowler and that was the straw that showed normal people the mercenary vileness of what was going on, as far as people were concerned they accepted and even enjoyed the gossip behind the scenes of celebs and their failings and failures , but to intrude and sensationalise the personal details of a young normal girl brutally murdered was reprehensible and downright sickening , the boundary had been crossed and the establishment HAD to act (incompetently as usual but never the less they acted)

This is the same for the banking account closures the people who are currently being attacked for their political views and opinions eg Nigel Farage are not necessarily liked or admired but as evidenced at the brexshit vote PEOPLE listened to him and voted rightly or wrongly for brexshit

So sitting back and enjoying farage’s discomfort or feeling that karma has bitten him maybe enjoyable to some people but what happens when these same scum bastards close the bank account of some family with kids who can’t pay their mortgage and are EVICTED by the same bank who closed their accounts, JUST BECAUSE they reported a teacher who has powerful activist friends for diciplining their child when the child said my MUM told us that there are ONLY 2 SEXES male and female
I definitely feel that Stuart should be approaching Farage and trying to find others in the same banking account mess and to form a CLASS ACTION to FORCE the government to OUTLAW bank account closures with SEVERE penalties including prison for senior executives who fail to act


Flynn has suspended Angus Brendan??FS. Now is the time.


Sven @5:22 pm

I agree. But perhaps the row with Brendan O’Hara was on a matter of principle. Do we know?


The whole of them should be withdrawn.
They serve absolutely no purpose there.
Scots aren’t interested in wee daft committee meetings talking shite that Scotland has zero chance of ever changing.
It’s a complete farce & I don’t blame Angus for snapping to the latest member of the Gestapo – he’s travelling all the way from Barra to listen to a whole lot of shite that is irrelevant to Scottish Independence.

& Somebody seriously needs to remove Dumbzas kilt. It’s an insult & is giving me the cringe. Another fckwit Britnat mincing about the establishment looking for some scrap of recognition. It’s beyond puke inducing. Do it in yer own clothes ya roaster lol!

Michael Laing

@ twathater at 5.30pm:

“a CLASS ACTION to FORCE the government to OUTLAW bank account closures”

Personally, I’d prefer a class action to outlaw banks! They are nothing but leeches on society, yet we’ve been left with no choice but to use them whether we like it or not.


Beauvais @ 17.41

I have no idea of the cause, Beauvais, however if his leaving the SNP had to delay this length of time before he fell out with them, I’d still question what convictions he brought with him to Alba. He, like the remainder of the SNP MPs, has accomodated himself remarkably well indeed to fitting in to Westminster life.


“Wee Chid says:
5 July, 2023 at 4:23 pm

So who owns the copyright to “Yackety Sax”?”

Whoever’s credited as the songwriter. The publisher may get a cut too, but the performer usually gets the least from a play.

The record’s performed by Boots Randolph, but I can’t lay hands on it to find out the others. Unsorted 7s, tsk…

Indy 2 now

That dude has such big hands!


Beauvais @ 5:41pm, it is reported that the argument was about Angus MacNeil missing votes. Angus MacNeil has been calling Brendan O’Hara a bully on Twitter. If there is an argument on principle, it does not seem to be on a point of political principle.


Indy 2 now @ 18.04
PMSL. Wow, you’re so correct … and to think I hadn’t even noticed. REALLY big, giant hands.


Swamp the complainant’s channel with spurious reports of the content therein. What’s sauce for the goose…


I wonder if the SNP Western Isles polling figures are tanking?
Dumping the party might give him more of a chance in the General Election.


Sven – 5:22

Fun fact I was told..

Members of parliament are elected to serve their constituency – not thier party. They may stand for a certain party but once elected they are representatives of thier constituency & can do what they like & defy the whip if they want to.

That’s why Sturgeon could turn the indyref manifesto of 2021 into the Greens nonce party & claim she had a mandate.

How very British – keeping thier options open to view the seating arrangements once duly elected.

ronald anderson

link to

Hands that fill the screen as a deaf signer .


The British state has no constitution. The rôle and indeed purpose of MPs, beyond being members of a parliament, is undefined.
What they are not is representatives or deputies. Once elected they may please themselves.
The devolved assemblies take their cue from Westminster.
The whole is indeed a mess; illogical, undemocratic and an insult to the electorate.
A bare faced scam.

Daisy Walker

Thanks to Ian Brotherhood for the link to today’s circus in Edinburgh.

Highlights, ‘not my king’ chorus throughout.

Salvo Flag flying high, front and centre 8 – 9 minutes in, and around this time, the procession of rewarded common folk, a strange selection of Peter Murrell look alikes, chinless hoorey henrys, folk you wouldn’t trust to do any baby sitting, some overgrown mutton chops and a wee lady lollypop wifie, who wore her uniform!!! ‘guan yirsel hen’ – fair cheered me up.

Well done the camera person for closing up the frames to make the crowd look a decent size.

Not my King indeed.


Aye. Nothing is written down so they can backtrack, rub out, amend or add on at will to fit any & every occasion.

Robert Hughes

Sven says:
5 July, 2023 at 5:57 pm
Beauvais @ 17.41

” I have no idea of the cause, Beauvais, however if his leaving the SNP had to delay this length of time before he fell out with them, I’d still question what convictions he brought with him to Alba. ”

Indeed . Likewise J Cherry , A Regan , F Ewing et al .

What are they doing remaining in the Ship Of Fools that is nuSnP ? An ( empty ) vessel about to hit the rocks . Maybe they imagine if the hang around long enough some miraculous transformation will occur . I seriously doubt it will .

The only thing that could bring about a radical shake-up of the SNP at this point is them getting their arses booted at the next election/s . Even then , it’s possible the poison has gone too deep .


Radio news just had the usual..

American tourist.
English woman who missed the jamboree in England.
Some Scottish woman with marbles in her mouth who came to see the pony..

*It’s all so wonderful isn’t it?*

Ummm NO. Lol!

David Hannah

McNeil poses a threat to the devolutionist SNP. And Scotland United for Independence.
As he’s far more intelligent. And Scottish than the rest of them combined. He speaks fluent Scots Gaelic.

Stephen Flynn isn’t fit to lace the thong of McNeil’s sandle!

He’s obviously taken Mhairi Black’s resignation badly in the exclusive VIP riverside bar for corrupt politicians who think they are celebs.


Herbert Shovelhands.

Starring Donny Jepp.

Coming to a f**ked up cinema near you.


So Sherbert Shovelhands thinks you and Farage are paid agents of Russia looking to destablise the UK and USA political systems,

Sherbert Shovelhands. Say his name!


‘Grandma, what big hands you have!’
That cautionary fairy tail wasn’t really about wolves you know.


Alf Baird

I’ve started on another book, I tend to read several books simultaneously on a subject and cross-reference as I go, “A Scots Grammar” (2002) by Dr David Purves.

There seems to be a recurring theme. These passages are from the book’s introduction:

The political union made it possible to represent Scots as no more than an incorrect or corrupt dialect, rather than the language of a whole people, with a special character of its own…

The loss of prestige of Scots is therefore a direct consequence of Scotland’s loss of political independence…

At school, a policy of cultural repression became the norm and generations of children were presented with an image of ‘correct’ or ‘good’ English, but little or no attempt was made to present an image of good Scots.

Commonly the natural speech of Scots children was presented as a deviation from good English…

Low has cited the case of a schoolboy who was asked to compose a sentence with the word bell in it and offered the following: The skuil bell skunnert ma lug.

As this imaginative sentence was deemed unacceptable, the boy’s feelings seem to have been fully justified.

A situation was created in the schools, which often continued throughout life, in which Scots children felt they really were unacceptable, or even something to be ashamed of, so that the sooner they divested themselves of their identifiable Scottish charactersistis the better.

The psychological damage caused by this self-hatred is incalculable and the existence of condemnatory attitudes towards the natural speech of children at school has greatly contributed to the erosion of Scots.

from A Scots Grammar (2002) by Dr David Purvis. He is a former editor of Lallans, the journal of the Scots Language Society, and a past President of the SLS.


twathater says:
5 July, 2023 at 5:30 pm

I definitely feel that Stuart should be approaching Farage and trying to find others in the same banking account mess


headliners has been covering stu’s case for the last week.

Robert Louis

So, the King of England, and his concubine, Camilla, were in Edinburgh today, so Charlie could pretend he was also King of Scots. What an odious unpopular, UNELECTED wee man he is. Away back to Englandshire with him. He prefers the English crown, the Edward crown (named after Edward the confessor, an English king), so he should stay down there.

Good to hear the very loud protestors shouting ‘not my king’.

What an awful waste of money, though.

A Scot Abroad


the British people certainly have a constitution. It’s just not written down, and is interpreted between government and the judiciary in Westminster, depending upon who is trying to achieve what. To say that we don’t have one is wrong.


Sherbert Shovelhands, could well catch on.

John Main

@ Robert Louis says:5 July, 2023 at 8:05 pm

What an odious unpopular, UNELECTED wee man he is

This will be Humza Yousaf, I assume.

Away back to Englandshire with him

Erm, maybes naw. So where should we send the odious unpopular, UNELECTED wee Yousaf back to?

Bet you wish you had backed Kate in the election, eh Bob? You might now have a leg to stand on.


Typo correction to my post @7:57pm

The line:

A Scots Grammar (2002) by Dr David Purvis.

should read:

A Scots Grammar (2002) by Dr David Purves.


Looks like tranny propaganda is part of the YT set up, YT really is a shit show.

Meanwhile thank f*ck that circus aka the mock coronation is over what an embarrassment House Jocks are to Scotland, fawning over a foreign monarch. I never been a religious person and watching the acolytes of the foreign monarchy the Church of Scotland, fall over themselves to accommodate this farcical nonsense only reinforces my admiration for Richard Dawkins that religion is nonsense.

The English state propaganda machine in Scotland Reporting Scotland really pushed this coronation drivel on their six pm programme, I can’t quite believe I found myself on the same side as Patrick Harvey today.

What is there to say about Scots, probably the most propagandised people in the world, bombarded by the foreign MSM 24/7, we have no means to defend ourselves against England we have no army, navy or airforce, we have no currency or central bank, we don’t even control our borders a foreign country say who lives in Scotland and who doesn’t.

Our assets are stolen on a daily basis, gas oil electricity by a foreign country’s government, this foreign government tells us that we cannot leave this undemocratic set up without their permission, we host this foreign countries nuclear weapons and have no recourse to remove them, this foreign country uses accounting tricks to steal from us daily and then tells us we’d be a poor nation if we left the union.

Our infrastructure is in poor condition, our largest city doesn’t even have an airport rail link, we have the highest drug deaths in western Europe, we have no voice whatsoever within the UN, we have been dragged out of the Single Market by this foreign country which has damaged our economy.

We’re in a sorry state but hey a foreign monarch got crown in a mock coronation today.


The Not My King lot looked like they were mostly bussed in from down south and only using the streets of Edinburgh as the stage for their very British republicanism.

Not Our King would be a better slogan for Scots. Since he wasn’t prepared to be crowned properly as King of Scots then he’s Not Our King. He’s theirs, south of the border.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:5 July, 2023 at 8:48 pm

I never been a religious person

Given that religion is just the acceptance as true of a set of beliefs with no evidence to back them up, your regular posts on here prove that you are very much a religious person. Holding religious or faith-based beliefs on a wide range of subjects.

So who are you lying to RoS? Us or yourself?

John Main

@Ottomanboi says:5 July, 2023 at 4:08 pm

Scots Republic….sounds cool to me

As one of the million or so Sovereign Scots who supports the monarchy and wants all the pros and cons of ditching the monarchy openly aired and discussed first, sounds crap to me.

But WTF. Indy insists on hitching its wagon to non-runners. Republicanism, like disarmament, net zero and woke, is as good a candidate for the knackers yard as any to ensure the wagon goes nowhere.

Ideological purity over pragmatism every time! That’s what has propelled support for Yes from 45% to 45% in less than ten years.


The Irish back in the day managed to dump the empire and they are doing better than we are, I see no reason why we shouldn’t look further afield for support in our cause, say Russia or China, the enemy of my enemy is my friend so to speak.

The English security services and the English government along with their media will always try to undermine Scotland, there’s no point in looking to Westminster for fairness and parity, for the English government just cannot afford to let us go.

Our prominent indy politicians and soapbox speakers always look no further than the EU or UN for a nod of support, which is token at best, I say we should cast our nets further, and embrace those big nations that such as China and Russia, that have clout around the globe.

How long I wonder before the penny drops for Scots that we’re going nowhere soon unless we look further afield and embrace what could be a key to progressing out of this propagandised prison we find ourselves.

Alan C

‘Republicofscotland says’

I agree with every word you say but what’s to do? Marches and demonstrations (while good) achieve nothing. looks to be the best way foreward.


I always wonder at protestants. They’re exactly the same today..

English: Gies all yer money, yer crown, yer trade, yer government, yer army, yer land, yer property, yer seas & we’ll keep the caffliks out.

Proddy: Fckn bargain! Where dae a sign?!!

English: Keep the quill! Consider it a gift. Now fck off out my sight!

Proddy: *Doffs cap* Thank yous! Love ya! Mwah, mwah! We can play choons, lads! & March aboot acting like eejits during silly season!

300+ yrs later…

My mind is obsessed with the Caffliks…* 😀

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:5 July, 2023 at 9:41 pm

look further afield for support in our cause, say Russia or China

Ooooh, genius, RoS.

We nice cuddly Scots hate nukes, so we can get the Russtis to sabre-rattle their nukes on our behalf. Ideological purity married to virtue signalling. Run that one up the flagpole and see who salutes.

And even better – both the Russtis and the Covid Inventors have solid track records in supporting ex-colonies – in 404 and Taiwan respectively. Who better to support and bankroll our own sovereign nation and culture as we make our independent way in the world than those two bastions of freedom and independent, democratic self-determination?

Yup, iScotland, proudly marching with the Orcs, BRICS in our sporrans, everybody cheering at gunpoint, or off to the camps, being careful to avoid high windows en route. Not so much Alba, as a new Albania.

FFS, give me strength.

Alf Baird

Northcode @ 7:57 pm

” “A Scots Grammar” (2002) by Dr David Purves.”

Yes, a great read, and where colonial bilingualism has “introduced a schizoid element into the national psyche”.

Any thinking Scot should be horrified at such psychological effects and the resultant “false persona” of the people; i.e. the ‘I am Scottish and British’ cultural illusion, or Tom Devine’s incorrect ‘dual persona’.


I’d go the Salvo ICJ route myself.

I like Alex & Alba & I’ll vote for them for good governance at Holyrood but as you say, Westminster will just deny, deny, deny. Then what will he do?

It needs to go to an international court.

We need UN decolonisation department. With it comes strict election rules, franchise & an absolute ban on outside interference. That rules out Better Together & the media from the get go as well as any presidents (Obama) they’d like to wheel out..

We either do UDI – States recognise other States, not WM permission slips or ICJ now that there’s no Brits sitting there anymore.

A Scot Abroad


if you think that chumming up with either, or both, of Russia and China is a good idea for Scotland, then you are even more mental than most think.

Russia is a pariah state that’s not going to exist in any meaningful sense within 5 years. It’s absolutely busted itself over the last 16 months. Dead as a dodo, economically.

China is an even bigger timebomb, but it hasn’t yet been triggered. The world’s most disastrous demography, 3 times the debt to production ratio of any country in human history, and fast entering a doom loop of price and wage inflation.


Re my 9.41pm comment.

There’s absolutely no way that Scotland is leaving this undemocratic prison of a union without animosity and friction occurring between us and the English government, anyone who thinks that Westminster will just let us leave without a reaction is kidding themselves on.


John Main

You’ve just described the UK there..



What has the monarchy ever done for you John?


Alan C.

Yes Salvo are trying but so are the English security services who created a fake Salvo page which 90% of indy Scots signed up to thinking it was the genuine page, we are dealing with a nasty undemocratic larger neighbour who’ll play extremely dirty and do whatever it takes to keep us as a prisoner in this farce of a union to rob us.

You need to fight fire with fire as they say and all the nice words and marches in the world won’t achieve a single thing, in 2014 we had a march with 200,000 I think and look where it got us.

The usual Britnats/77th/useful idiots etc in here will always put down Scotland and any feasible routes out of this prison, smaller nations have always looked to larger ones, I see no reason why Scotland couldn’t look towards China or Russia for support of our cause all that is required is a bit of courage and determination, doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result is madness time for a change I think.


Yer not speaking German cause of the Ruskies.

How quick you are to dismiss a former Allie who lost way more lives & sacked Berlin.

The yanks would still be looking lol

He has the completely right idea before the yanks stepped in to yet again fk everything up.

An EU alliance of nations dealing with external threats during terrorism.

He also told Cameron to *do one* during indyref so that’s a win in my book.



They will leave.
They’ll have no choice once other states recognise us it’s game over.

& They will because thier standing on the world stage has nose dived since the horrors of Mayhem, BoJo, Farage & Brexshit.

They’re already being frozen out.. BoJo had to resort to loitering at the EU council hoping for an invite in LOL!!

Scruffy fckr..

Matt Quinn

Wee Chid says:5 July, 2023 at 4:23 pm

So who owns the copyright to “Yackety Sax”?

If you mean the ‘Benny Hill’ version, probably Sony/ATV… the ‘mechanical rights’ to the recording are a different thing to the author’s and publishers rights. …So it depends which recording, which artist etc.

I’m not sure if the BBC version would have used the same recording as ATV (I suspect not) or latterly Thames. I actually worked for Thames in the 80s (never on Benny Hill though) and suspect policy would have dictated they would have recorded their own version with some or other of the ‘house’ musicians.


It’d be interesting if someone ever made a chart of who has broken international law the most…


Id put money on it being the top two..

It was the same with RT = no OFCOM strikes. Baaaad!

BBC – 10 gazillion OFCOM strikes. Propaganda everywhere 24/7. Gooooood!

Go figure!


I’ve been a lurker here for more years than I care to remember. I love the work that you do and think you are one of the biggest forces for independence that we have. Please though, stop focusing on people’s physical characteristics. The fact that he is a disgusting human being is enough – no need to focus on the big hands. All that does is give people a stick to beat you with and allow them to undermine the real points that you’re making.

Robert Louis

Having a conversation the other day, and, thinking of Monty Python, and the whole ‘what have the Romans ever done for us’ sketch, where gradually a whole list of things like viaducts, sanitation, etc.. all get listed. So the question I would have is this, and quite seriously, what have the English ever done for Scotland?

If you think about it, over history, England has taken our land, our crown, our parliament, our young men to die in their colonial wars with their German cousins, our oil, our gas, our national wealth, our taxes, our engineering and technology, our caledonian forest (to feed the industrial revolution), our wind, hydroelectric and tidal power, and generally our electricity 24/7. Indeed, England has gained a great deal from looting Scotland.

So, what has England ever done for us (Scotland)??

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:5 July, 2023 at 10:32 pm

The usual Britnats/77th/useful idiots etc in here will always put down Scotland and any feasible routes out

Naw, two feasible, legitimate routes, without even having to think about it:

1) Competent, honest HR government, leading to popular, democratic appetite for even more of the same from Scots voters, leading to a rational, empowered, professionally run Indy programme, with a majority mandate from us Scots.

2) A clearly-defined, plebiscitary election mandate, and then, assuming a majority of Scots voters are in favour, a rational, empowered, professionally run Indy programme.

In both cases, helped along by judicial use of “show us the money” tactics.

In both cases, the ability to go to the decent parts of the international community and expect their backing, because of the democratic Scottish majorities in favour of Indy.

idiots are Scots who think marching about waving banners, then off down the pub when it all gets a bit boring, are the route to Indy. These are the people who got Scotland the pretendy FM Yousaf. These are the people who need to back down and STF up.

idiots are arrested-development Student Grant types who think Scotland can only get Indy when some big boy lets us have it, with the latest big boys of choice being Orc Central and Home of Covid.

John Main

@Robert Louis says:6 July, 2023 at 6:35 am

Good post.

Now, in order for you to fully appreciate the sad irony of your situation, re-post it in Scots, Gaelic, Doric, Norn, or some other indigenous Scottish language.


FFS can we keep this on topic please, i.e. the giant paws of Sherbet Shovelhands.

Some thoughts…

He probably gets a lot of odd jobs, like excavating in tight spots where you can’t get a JCB.

His glove related costs however must be eye watering.

When he goes for a manicure it probably looks like a scene out of Gulliver’s Travels with dozens of people working on a single nail.


You know what they say about big hands.

Don’t know how that applies to NuLadies.


Geri says: 5 July, 2023 at 10:54 pm

It was the same with RT = no OFCOM strikes. Baaaad!

You can still access RT without the need of a VPN. Below is a proxy site to it:

link to

Even if they take the above proxy site down, others will pop up.


Re monarchy, if the institution were considered «a must have» by the masses why are there so few of them? Why have so many in Europe been abolished?
I have little time for the substitute either whether, president, dictator or great leader.
Countries need active 24/7 democracy not head of state figureheads with all the fusty militarism that usually goes with the job.
Monarchy UK, and any other substitute, is emblematic of everything pernicious; privilege, extreme wealth, inherited power and influence and «entitlement» all of which ineluctably feed corruption.
Support for monarchy among people of my generation is very low, if they even give it a thought.
Is monarchism just another quasi religious tendency, an impulse to venerate? Elizabeth seemed to satisfy that impulse to perfection. Personally, I prefer to give the non material object of ancient veneration the benefit of the doubt.


So there were multiple arrests at yesterdays farcical mock coronation of a foreign monarch in Edinburgh, the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland, of which its officers have sworn loyalty to this foreign monarch, arrested folk carrying banners saying not my king. How do we overcome our colonial police forces loyalty to a foreign country. The new head of Police Scotland is an English women, no prizes for guessing where her loyalties will lie.

This reminded me of the coronation in England where the head of I think was The Republic group, who had liaised with the Met police force for months prior to the coronation and both parties had agreed on The Republic demo on the fringes of the event, then on the day of the coronation the Met Police Force swooped on the Republics leader and several of his key people, arresting and detaining them until the coronation was over.


Northcode says:
5 July, 2023 at 8:35 pm

Typo correction to my post @7:57pm

The line:
A Scots Grammar (2002) by Dr David Purvis.
should read:
A Scots Grammar (2002) by Dr David Purves.

Funny that, because both times I read that as Dr David Pervert. My bad.


Robert Louis says:
6 July, 2023 at 6:35 am

…. Indeed, England has gained a great deal from looting Scotland.

So, what has England ever done for us (Scotland)??

I don’t disagree, England has benefited tremendously from the exploitation of Scotland, but we cannot, should not, overlook the reciprocal of those “Scots” who bend over backwards to accommodate the exploitation. Those who actually are bought and sold for English gold, and robustly complicit with Scotland’s exploitation.

Or those “Ephialtes of Trachis” types who are even worse, and betray their own Nation even BEFORE they’re rewarded with their blood-gold.

While there’s nothing particularly remarkable about them, I don’t have any problem with a rampant English Nationalst spouting their misguided bile about Scotland. Idiots are going to id wherever they are. We have our own too.

But nothing churns my stomach more than that repugnant creep of humanity and embarrasment to Scotland, Cole-“We did it for you Beth”-Hamiltion, waxing lyrical about how and why Scotland should never exist, while masquering as a Highland Gentleman in traditional Highland dress. He’s a disgraceful parody of himself without the basic intellect to even see it.

I have many good friends in England. To quote R.B. Cunninghame Graham, “The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls. Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

I wholeheartedly subscribe to that opinion, because I count several such English people as friends, great and generous who DO know there something deeply wrong with the Union.

I also work in a traditional building craft, and frequently find knowledge of Scottish skills and expertise is routinely better informed by skills and expertise in England, and vice versa, Scotland’s skills and knowledge base is frequently tapped into by “The South”.

In many respects, it’s a symbiosis, but its not a complete symbiosis. The doctrines are not inseperable. They are a crutch for one another, but of course, you only need a crutch when you’re lame. Sadly, a great many traditional crafts and skills are not just lame, but are hanging on to life by a thread.

But here’s the twist. Even at it’s closest and most needy, that simbiosis and pooling of Scottish and English knowledge and experience is in no way whatsoever compromised by the issue of Scotland’s Independence. Yet, at the same time, there is no inherent recommendation for Unionism either.

You could see the same simbiosis with France, where Scotland could benefit tremendously from the French Compagnion de Devoirs doctrines, where are much, much closer to traditional apprenticeships than anything currently operating in England of Scotland. Is that, thus, an argument for a Treaty of Union with France? No, of course it isn’t.

My English friends, at least to the extent I know their feelings on the subject, do not feel threatened in any way by my Scottish Nationalism, because they understand where it comes from. We can talk about it freely with no animosity or offence taken.

To give a parallel which even the dimmest Proud-Scot-but should grasp, what did the Union ever to for Scotland’s actual Army? What did the Union ever do to Scotland’s actual Navy? They removed it’s capacity to be Scottish. Neither now exist.

Now ask yourself the same question about Scotland’s carpenters, stonemasons, fabric weavers, or any other trade or craft you can think of, and why not, let’s include banking and Law, – In what way are ANY of these enhanced by the inability to thrive as Scottish?

British whisky? British Tweed? British Lamb or Beef?

Their future is the same future as Scotland’s military. Once the toast and trusted elite of France’s Monarchy with their Scottish honour guard. Did the French ever belittle their Scottish Origins? Never. They were appreciated and respected.

But nowadays the Scottish Soldier is reduced to nothing more than a rump cap badge, where every Scottish Soldier is branded with a regimental emblem of royal allegiance to the King of England, while the Briddish Army indecently purloins and desecrates Scotland’s kilts, tartans, bagpipes and traditional prowess on the battlefield as modern essentials if the “British” Military… Who the fk do they think they are?

They are robbing us, and leaving the very dimmest of us “proud” to be robbed.

Scotland and England would flourish in symbiosis, but what have to endure is not a symbiosis but an unrestrained parasitism where Scotland is the unfortunate host being bled dry and starved of vitality…

Before there can be any chance of a thriving symbiosis, Scotland first needs rid of it’s parasite, and given time to replenish it’s health as a Independent Nation empowered to make it’s own decisions. It really is that simple.

A Scot Abroad

The King isn’t foreign. His grandmother was fully Scottish, which gives him at least 25% Scots blood, which is enough.


“Once the King had finished being driven past, four of us were immediately arrested and taken into the church behind us.

“We were told we were arrested under breach of the peace for saying ‘f**k the King’ too loudly where kids might hear it or something.”

On the above its okay to allow drag queens into schools with their disgusting actions, and its fine to inject kids with hormones and tell them its okay to cut off their body parts, but heaven forbid that they hear any foul language at the farcical coronation.


Second Lieutenant ASA knows Brian’s genotype.


The police force have become a compete farce especially down in the Met.
Racist, misogynist, rapists, murderers, corrupt, incompetent liars, idiots just some of the headlines grabbed in recent times.
We find out decades later someone involved in the Stephen Lawrence killing got away with it although they were told about him and just a few days ago the officer only seconds away from catching a thief assaulting someone refused to attend.

You may not know this but you could pay a fee to the police to register for rapid response if your intruder alarm was installed maintained and monitored by a NACOSS registered company. They have stood this down saying that cut backs prevent them from doing so.
Their numbers have never been reduced.

They say they will do it for Commercial Alarms but theirs response times are shocking to what they were.

Scot Finlayson

`His grandmother was fully Scottish`

The `Queen Mother` was born in England both her parents were born in England,

apart from inheriting some Scottish estates i don`t see the `fully Scottish`.


@ A Scot Abroad

‘His grandmother was fully Scottish’

Nonsense. The late Queen Mother was born in Hertfordshire. Both her parents were born in Belgravia.


Inspector of Constabulary Frank Williamson famously said that the MET was one third corrupt, one third not corrupt but knew corruption was going on, and one third too dim to see any corruption.

That was in the 70s.
Same old story.

Steven House ex MET arrived in Scotland in 2007 to help organise Police Scotland.


Inspect*r of C*nstabulary Frank Williams*n famously said that the MET was one third corrupt, one third not corrupt but knew corruption was going on, and one third too dim to see any corruption.
That was in the 70s.

Same old story.

Steven H*use ex MET arrived in Scotland in 2007 to help organise P*lice Scotland.


@ A Scot Abroad

It was all going so well when you decided to engage with other ranks.

Now the wheels are well and truly off your bogey. Either you are suffering from battle fatigue or you are swapping shifts with someone less competent.


Johnlm says:
5 July, 2023 at 6:19 pm
“I wonder if the SNP Western Isles polling figures are tanking?”

The SNP have ZERO chance of retaining the Western Isles parliamentary seat.

Reasons are simple – CalMac fiasco and “protected marine areas”. Oh and that clown Humza saying he was prioritising urban areas (central belt) rather than anywhere else.

I was up there last month and NOBODY has a good word to say about the SNP. They’re done in the island communities for the next decade or more.

Unfortunately this means that twat Torcuil Crighton will get in for Labour.


It is a fact that outside these islands most consider Scotland a part of England. Not a few English also consider Scotland UK property. Protesting otherwise is politely indulged but the political reality of being a subordinate is indicative.
It is worth pondering why that is so. The pondering ought to be enough to drive the thoughtful, those who know the existential score in such matters, to independence.
Scotland, that is those who ruled, gave up her independence at a time when nations were forming in western Europe. The union only got through by the skin of the teeth as Scotland quickly descended into the Jacobite civil wars and wasn’t considered «safe» until Walter Scott reimagined the country as a wild ‘n’ romantic land of tartan losers
Staring at England’s rear, you’d think people would be sick of the view.


I find it cringe to swear allegiance to a foreign king.
There’s something not right in the head about it with those *proud Scots* & fluter types too.
Especially if yer Scottish.

Someone mentioned Python – I’m reminded of ‘He’s not the Messiah..’

Aye, he isn’t. He’s just a spoilt, sponging, thieving bastard of NO standing here – a nobody that serves absolutely no purpose but to keep us in the dark ages with all the cringe pomp & ceremony that’s a grotesque waste of money & to keep the fluters fluting on our streets puking, pissing & having a wank over Lizzie.

Also what have the English ever given us?

This sectarian pish & plenty of it! A cancer that seeps into every single institution & position. Free Masons, Orange order etc. Our police & legal system is rife with the parasites.

It will always be that shit that will keep Scotland chained to the leeches..

What a farce yesterday. Were forced this shit cause of *tourists* If they love them so much & they enrich Thier lives then they should piss off back to thier own country & reintroduce one of thier own.

I can’t stand them. Can anyone tell? Lol! Toe curling pomp & dressed up like eejits. It was no mistake he dressed for the occasion – he’s willy waving to the Scots to stamp his Unionist authority.

The next indy FM must put a referendum on the monarchy in a manifesto. The crown is a seperate Union. Let’s see the establishment try get out of that one..
Once they’re out of Scotland Indy will have a better chance..

Hopefully this crap will die out soon. If they were really Christian at all they’d know there was no one ever born to rule. Thier religion & beliefs are more satanic than Christian.


I quite agree Geri. Yesterday’s cringeworthy show was all about ‘know your place Scottish peasants’. It’s bad enough watching the English doffing their cap and tugging their forelock to the parasites (they are used to it because they are piss-weak) but to See Scottish folk do the same is vomit inducing.


@ Geri

This 3 min Monty Python sketch seems appropriate.

link to


PacMan 8:32

Cheers for the link!

& Note to self today. Must look up how to delete bad autocorrect before Main is on my case lol..



Brilliant!! 😀 😀

Love Python..


Scot Abroad says:
‘The King isn’t foreign. His grandmother was fully Scottish’

You seem to have adopted the English version of monarchs & why it was never compatible here in Scotland. Doesn’t matter where she was from or what bloodline she had. No one had a devine right to rule in Scotland.

The Scottish crown was given to parliament to signify the monarch would hear & do as he was telt by the ppl he was elected to serve. The Scots – who were sovereign. Not the other way around.

Scots could sack their monarch & appeal to the international community (The pope at the time – who was also an elected official) if he was being a barsteward. Hence the declaration of Arbroath the yoons like to call *just a silly wee letter of no significance* lol! Naw, it was an appeal to the international community laying out Scots constitution.

A Scot Abroad


meaningless ancient guff. The King is the head of state of the United Kingdom, which includes Scotland, and will continue to remain in existence for many decades, and more probably, centuries to come.


I read this comment in the Daily Telegraph today. The author suggests that Scotland and England no longer exist as set out in the Treaty of union 1707. I don’t know what to make of it….

…..In fact the Treaty of Union of 1707 completely and permanently abolished the two kingdoms (the contemporary styling of what are now known as countries) of Scotland and England and replaced them with the single state known as Great Britain:
“That the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England shall upon the first day of May next ensuing the date hereof and forever after be United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain”. (Union with England Act 1707, former Scottish Parliament).

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 10:57 am

“to See Scottish folk do the same is vomit inducing”

A colonial native elite and bourgeoisie tend to have a “culturally intertwined political identity”, which is a nationalist ideology; they view themselves as British.



English guff. It never happened. The Act of Union was a wishlist with pre negotiated terms.

Scotland remained Scotland & England remained England. Separate & distinct from each other & the forever part is also rubbish or they wouldn’t be trying their best to write a new Act of Union to lock us in.

England awarded itself over 500 seats in the GB parliament.
Scotland has 59 lol! (Soon to be reduced)

Where did this magical unionist state only favour the English? That was handy eh?


A great win today for LGB alliance. The second most meaningful win in battling this cultural ideology since Maya Forstarter verdict – that is believing in the biological reality of sex is a belief worthy of respect.
To those who think that it’s not got much to do with indy – it’s got everything to do with it. It’s the main purpose of the snp these days which cleaves to this woke rubbish like flies round the proverbial. This globalist guff needs to go before we can really get back on track.
Well done Stu.


dasBlimp @ 12:44 yes but that’s not actually what happened. The Treaty and Acts of Union are internally inconsistent.


RoS and others suggesting aligning ourselves with Russia and China- there are those who say that Wings BTL is full of zoomers.

Can’t for the life of me think why…


Constitutions, Laws and politics are self-delusions.

Look for – Trick, by Marcus (on YouTube)


I’m not aligning but not a BBC Ruskiephobe either cause they say I have to be 24/7
There will be reorder of things tho so never say never. We’re a colony for now – we’ve no foreign policy.

Terry, by the looks of it the SNP will be having one big orgy in Holyrood between debates if they’re not stopped lol their latest polyamory in schools fgs. It wasn’t that long ago there was a public health crisis over sexually transmitted diseases.
They’re a weapon & need removed.

James Che

DID you know,

The Treaty of the Union has never been given Royal Assent ever.



Also, re never say never, it wasn’t that long ago Cameron begged him to interfere in indyref along with Obama & we all know which one jumped at the chance..

Why would Cameron do that & who chose them as observers to the indyref count?

That would’ve looked real smart. Overseeing the count AND taking a side at the same time.. whit an eejit Cameron was to think that’d work..

Dave Hansell

” A Scot Abroad says:
5 July, 2023 at 10:10 pm


if you think that chumming up with either, or both, of Russia and China is a good idea for Scotland, then you are even more mental than most think.

Russia is a pariah state that’s not going to exist in any meaningful sense within 5 years. It’s absolutely busted itself over the last 16 months. Dead as a dodo, economically.

China is an even bigger timebomb, but it hasn’t yet been triggered. The world’s most disastrous demography, 3 times the debt to production ratio of any country in human history, and fast entering a doom loop of price and wage inflation.”

They’ve obviously started putting magic mushrooms as well as Bromide in the NAFFI canteen tea down at Hermitage Barracks. Either that or we have a follower of Karl Rove’s delusion that its possible to make up your own reality.

Meanwhile, back in the Reality Based Community of empirical objective based evidence:

Economics and Resources:

link to

link to

Taster: “Raytheon Chief Executive Greg Hayes admitted last week that Beijing effectively has the US military’s supply chain by the balls thanks to its reliance on rare earths and other materials which come from, or are processed in, China.”

And that’s in addition to UN votes which have regularly seen member states representing a majority of the worlds population effectively ignoring calls to impose sanctions on Russia and China.

Whilst the states from the Global South queue up to eagerly join the BRICS, Belt & Road, and other similar alternatives offered by an independent Eurasia offering a far better, more sustainable and more reasonable system than that imposed by the current iteration of half a millennium of the doomed rentier paradigm represented by the Western Oligarch controlled IMF/World Bank/WEF.

As for where the future is headed……

link to

Taster: “…..the dynamics of interest-bearing debt led to the rise of rentier oligarchies in classical Greece and Rome. This caused economic polarization, widespread austerity, revolts, wars and ultimately the collapse of Rome into serfdom and feudalism. That collapse bequeathed to the subsequent Western civilization a pro-creditor legal philosophy that has led to today’s creditor oligarchies.

In telling this story, The Collapse of Antiquity reveals the eerie parallels between the collapsing Roman world and today’s debt-burdened Western economies.”

I’d stick to counting the railings mate.

James Che

DID you know,

That the treaty of union.

That the treaty of union ratification did not convert the Treaty into an Act/s


Seeing as I mentioned Berwick Bank windfarm last night on the other thread in amongst gas discussion.
Good stuff from Kenny MacAskill.

link to

Re. Grid connection charges… Wonder how this works out with the new Berwick Bank Windfarm having primary and secondary grid connections in different grid connection charge zones.
Namely the primary being Branxton, East Lothian which looks to be in the £12.84 zone, and the secondary being Blyth, Northumberland which is a couple of zones south and 4 quid less at £8.64.

link to

link to

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

that’s because no treaty needs royal assent.

The Acts of Union got royal assent. Because they were acts of parliament, and so need royal assent.

Stuart MacKay

Robert Louis @6:25am

Since it needs saying because avoiding it won’t change anything…

> So, what has England ever done for us (Scotland)??

Well… there is that small matter of opening up a large economy, with a greater number of opportunities, through having a shared language – a single market if you like. The same opportunity that the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand offered, though the move doesn’t need to be a one-way ticket, but sadly, more often than not, it is.

This is the core of the argument by the cringing middle classes of why independence would be to the detriment of the country or at least their offspring’s chances of “getting on in life”.

The same opportunities exist in Europe and elsewhere but since language education is such a catastrophe (likely, not a coincidence) it’s only a lucky/intrepid few that get to find out.

Until the country starts broadening it’s horizons we’re going to be nailed onto England’s arse. Two hundred years ago Scots were everywhere. Now with the homogenisation of culture, our focus and aspirations are largely diminished.

James Che

Did you know,

There is no wording that incorporates any part of the treaty of union into Scottish domestic law.


“The MP attended the Bloomberg Qatar Economic Forum and met Qatari and international officials between May 20 and 24.

He was there “to discuss current affairs including regional conflict resolution, labour rights and Qatar-UK bilateral relations”, according to the MPs’ register of interest.

MacNeil had his flights, accommodation and food paid for at a cost of £6,900.

The bill was picked up by Media City Qatar, whose chairman is Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah bin Khalifa Al-Thani.

This was the third time that he has visited the Middle Eastern country this year”

WTF is Angus B. McNeil doing visiting this despotic regime THREE TIMES in one year, that has virtually no human rights.

England (Westminster) has strong diplomatic, military, and economic ties with Qatar, no doubt they’ll be English listening posts in Qatar as well.

England is a busy little bee.

“English military has base sites in five countries around China: naval base in Singapore, garrisons in Brunei, drone testing sites in Australia, three facilities in Nepal and quick reaction force in Afghanistan

Cyprus hosts 17 English military installations including firing ranges and spy stations, with some located outside UK’s “sovereign base areas”

England maintains military presence in seven Arab monarchies where citizens have little or no say in how they are governed
UK personnel are stationed across 15 sites in Saudi Arabia, supporting internal repression and the war in Yemen, and at 16 sites in Oman, some run directly by British military

In Africa, British troops are based in Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Mali
Many UK overseas bases are located in tax havens such as Bermuda and Cayman Islands.

And some in here have the chutzpah to rail when I mention Scotland having relations with Russia and China.

James Che

Did you know
That neither the Scottish 1707 parliament nor the English 1707 parliament negotiated the Treaty of the union,

Stuart MacKay


Scotland has long had ties to Russia as it did to all the other Baltic states. Present difficulties aside, I think it would be in the long term interests of the country to rekindle various relationships, though the Chinese might have a thing or two to say about that.

link to
link to


The real history of Scotland is an ongoing battle to keep the English out so when those Scots aristos invited them in and effectively handed the country to them as a cut price bargain they just couldn’t resist. Since then they have been editing, redacting, expurgating, revising, derogating the history of the country they bought.
They have the mercenary character of the «Scotch» establishment they purchased figured out. The events of yesterday blessed by the local «Shinto» clerics and with men in trad attire carrying baubles. will have given no worries. The presence of Scotland’s soi disant republican prime minister, en travestie, must have given a big thrill.

Ian Brotherhood

I honestly thought this was a wind-up when I first heard about it but someone on Twitter kindly sent me the original footage. Turns out it was only a few weeks ago.

It’s Pete Wishart showing just how comfy he is there. His opening remark. Incredible.

It has been suggested by some that he was being ironic in some way?

I don’t think so. Do you?

link to

Stuart MacKay


UK ‘supporting Qatar human rights abuses’ with £3.4bn weapons exports, The National, 16th November 2022, link to

Not a whisper about the SNP’s involvement. I wonder why?

Anton Decadent

I knew he reminded me of someone, it’s Heather Swanson.

A Scot Abroad


all of those military facilities are UK, not specifically English. When I was in the Army, the proportion of Scots within the Army was about 18%, twice the proportion of Scots within the UK.


I’d love one of those Brit Nat’s to tell England that it’s country doesn’t exist! I can just picture the carnage & if neither country exists – who the fck is Chucky & where did he come from? LOL!

It’s just the yoon media desperate as always to erase Scotland & it’s status in the Union.

They’re full of contradictory shite – it was only yesterday the same media were spouting pish at how important Scotland’s crown was to the parasites up here for a wee visit.

An awful bother to go to just to see us peasants, if that is exactly what they say we are.

James Che

A Scot abroad,

Ahemm .

The English Westminster parliament side of treaty of the union was passed under English Domestic law.

And in Scotland the Scottish side of the treaty of union was also passed under Scottish domestic law,

Know your history.

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

why would any parliament negotiate a treaty? Can you think of any treaty that was negotiated between two parliaments?

It’s why we have Ministers. You don’t appear to understand the basic facts.

James Che

Scotland signed the treaty of union under Scottish domestic law, and could not control the parliament in Westminster.

However the English parliament also signed the treaty under English domestic law of England.

Neither party was in each others parliament.

So it was Domestic law,

Royal assent has still not been given,



Yip. Parasites with their tentacles everywhere.

I don’t think for very much longer tho. World events is going to end their occupation as the East is about done with foreign invaders dictating play. They’ve been finding out since Brexshit that it’s becoming increasingly cold outside.

SNP MPs should only be promoting Scotland & independence & with absolutely NO chaperone from the English government – wtf do they think they are? They already think they’ll curb our wings with travel – but we’re not a colony!!

James Che

Did you know,

The Great Seal of Scotland was supposed to have been thrown into the river Thames by King James 11, while he fled, so that government could not continue

The Seal of of the Realm was reproduced, not accurately apparently, for William of Orange.


The British created the gulf states out of nothing, minor sheikhdoms. The British backed Ibn Saud’s wahhabi conquest of the Hejaz. The oil, of course, was the incentive, as was securing the passage to India with safe fuelling ports.
The Qatar régime is big in UK property. My academic parents now live in Doha and can vouch for the high standard of living it provides the native Qataris, as opposed to the many lesser mortals. It provides a «good living» if you hold your nose, literally, the pollution like the living is high. In the shopping malls you can escape that. link to
The king of GB has received charitable donations from the emir.

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

there’s a difference between a Treaty and an Act. One is a treaty between two states, the other is part of domestic law.


James Che

Was it ever passed tho? I heard they were all in hiding cause there was a mob outside about to batter them..

As 400 military outposts we erected. That made it void from the very start.



*Can you think of any treaty that was negotiated between two parliaments?*

The Good Friday agreement.
Brexshit withdrawal & Mayhem’s constant trials to get one through parliament.

I’m sure there’ll be plenty others..stop being an arse.


It’s amazing what can be done with *worthless* oil eh??

Absolutely gorgeous malls. I’ve seen on TV the personal shoppers to the rich & famous. How the other half live eh? When money is no object & where the whole mall can be closed for just one person..

Scotland doesn’t even have £1 in an oil fund..

A Scot Abroad


the Good Friday Agreement wasn’t negotiated between two parliaments. It was negotiated between 10 men and one woman (4 of them neutral) representing 4 political parties.

Try not to parade your ignorance too much.

James Che

A Scot Abroad.

Your ignorance is delightful and your bluster over legal matters. Is just that, bluster.

Perhaps you should ask me where I am getting this information from.


& treaty, agreement – the same thing. Recognised by international law. Just as the treaty of Union is & why the international courts will decide when Scotland relinquished it’s status as a country & when England relinquished theirs too & who made England the supreme arseholes in charge of everything..

Because if it was a joint agreement then the English parliament has broken the contract. There should be equal representatives from both sides & not led & dictated to by an English government with 530 seats to 56..


According to Henry David Thoreau Scotland has the best government possible on planet Earth.

“That government is best which governs not at all”
from Resistance to Civil Government(1849)
by Henry David Thoreau

Lucky us.

James Che


I do not believe the treaty of union has any validity for many many reasons.

It appears to be similar to ASA, buster, bluff and colonial bullying,

The more I research the more I can liken it to a lace doily.

Full of holes and paper thin.


Another «useful idiot».
link to
What exactly is it these people love about the megarich bits of the «Middle East»
The socialism maybe? Mr Neville.



It was negotiated by the Northern Irish & UK governments with the USA & EU as guarantors to uphold it in international law under death to who dares break it.

It doesn’t matter who was there – it was drawn up by their parliament’s & entered into international law.

You should’ve paid attention to parly instead of fcking about with a gun on the streets of NI playing Rambo..

Ebenezer Scroggie

ASA says:
“When I was in the Army, the proportion of Scots within the Army was about 18%, twice the proportion of Scots within the UK.”

I was a civilian instructor for a few weeks, teaching a specialist subject to Non-Marine Tier 1 forces Directing Staff instructors.

I noticed, and commented to a fellow Scot who was at the time an SNCO in 22Sqn, that it appeared to me that almost half of his unit were Scots.

His reply: “Aye, ‘cuz wurr harrd basturts, Sir”.

He’s right.


James Che..

Aye, the *call Kaye* brigade of self loathing Scots wanting the English to ‘just get us telt..’

Telt what, Billy Boyne?

‘I dunno – just gonnie tell them we’re British & we’ll die British?’

What’s British? A geographical location?

‘I dunno’

😀 😀 lolz



James Che

There was a good discussion by Salvo the other day on YouTube. Titled *Who we are* I didn’t get to finish the whole episode as I had to go out but the bloke in the car (didn’t catch his name) was interesting listening if anyone hasn’t seen it yet..

A Scot Abroad


it was absolutely not negotiated between the Northern Irish and Irish governments. It was an agreement (legally known as the multi-party agreement, or MPA) between Northern Irish political parties. The Anglo-Irish agreement consisted of four short articles, and was merely an agreement between Dublin and London to give legal effect to the MPA, which they did via legislation to have two referenda, one being to agree the 19th amendment to the Irish constitution, the other being for the people of NI to confirm that they agreed the MPA.

It certainly wasn’t a treaty negotiated by two parliaments.

You really shouldn’t make up stuff. It makes you look duplicitous and stupid.

James Che


How does that sound when you run it through your head,

Military tactics to make Scots sign a treaty with England,

Englands army holding a gun to Scots heads until we signed a treaty with them,

You vill sign a tweety wiv us wevver you vont or not.


Re the bloke in the cars name..

Ivan Bishop.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

“all of those military facilities are UK, not specifically English. When I was in the Army, the proportion of Scots within the Army was about 18%, twice the proportion of Scots within the UK.”
That “twice the proportion of Scots within the UK” remark brought something to mind. Regarding WW1, Sir Tom Devine (T.M.Devine) has the following passage on page 309 of his book ‘THE SCOTTISH NATION 1700-2000’ —

“Thousands of young Scotsmen flocked to join the colours as the nation provided more voluntary recruits in proportion to population than any other part of the United Kingdom. Of the 157 battalions which comprised the British Expeditionary Force, 22 were Scottish regiments […] The human losses were enormous and unprecedented. Of the 557,000 Scots who enlisted in all services, 26.4 percent lost their lives. This compares with an average death rate of 11.8 percent for the rest of the British army between 1914 and 1918. Of all the combatant nations, only the Serbs and the Turks had higher per capita mortality rates, but this was primarily because of disease in the trenches rather than a direct result of losses in battle. The main reason for the higher-than-average casualties among the Scottish soldiers was that they were regarded as excellent, aggressive shock troops who could be depended upon to lead the line in the first hours of battle.”

Surely one of the most cataclysmic consequences of the 1707 Union with England was the handing over of our manhood in perpetuity as canon-fodder under English command. A futher historic quote (not from Devine’s book) comes to mind —

“I should imagine that two or three independent highland companies might be of use; they are hardy, intrepid, accustomed to a rough country, and no great mischief if they fall” (Major-General James Wolfe, Heights of Abraham, Québec, 9 June 1751. Wolfe had been present at Culloden in 1745.)


“all of those military facilities are UK, not specifically English”

You might be able to fool some with your Britnat propaganda but not me, the English army/navy/airforce is controlled from London.

Scots in Scotland don’t decide which country to destroy, Westminster decides to invade asset strip and murder and pillage in the name of democracy and freedom, then in some cases install a puppet leader.

If some Scots want to join this foreign fighting force and carry out Westminster’s bidding which is usually killing in some Third World country for the benefit of big business, of which certain politicians receive a kickback, them more the fools them.

The English forces used to, and probably still do, travel around poor areas of Scotland looking to sign up Scottish cannon fodder that should be stopped immediately, our Highlanders learned a lesson, I think it was General Wolfe who called them no great loss if they fall in battle, eventually they told Westminster to use sheep to fight for them, as the Clearances put the welfare of sheep above them.

I’d implore Scots not join this foreign fighting force, I see English frigates built on the Clyde in my home town and I say to myself, one day those ships will be used against an independent Scotland by the foreign government in England.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Following translated by me from the Gaelic of Donald MacCormick (youtube video) —

“The worst disaster to ever hit the Gaels was the Battle of Loos 25 Sept 1915. Three Scottish Divisions. 15th Scottish Division, 9th Scottish Division, and 51st Highland Division. The worst blow 9th Scottish Division, 26th Brigade. On the right were the men of North Uist, Strathspey, and Lochaber. On the left were the men of South Uist, Benbecula, and Skye, under Major Arkshaw, who fell at the head of his men. The first two lines went forward and were absolutely wiped out. Line after line was mown down. Of the 760 men who went over the top, only 70 came back. And of the 700 who were killed, you could probably say that 90% of them were Gaelic-speakers. And I don’t think Gaeldom ever got over it. And Scotland as a whole. It was a black day for Scotland. The three Divisions had 14,000 casualties at Loos. Percentage-wise, more Scots were killed in First World War than any other country. The English lost 11%. The Germans lost 12%. The French lost, I think, 14 or 15%. The Scots lost 27%. One in every hundred was a Scot. I couldn’t get over the figures. And after the disaster of Loos, and the wiping out of the Camerons, Lochiel put out an appeal — I have a copy of it here — saying ‘Another thousand Highlanders wanted for Lochiel’s Brigade of the Cameron Highlanders.’ That notice went up throughout the country, after 700 of them lying dead. [Head shake] That was pretty tough. You know. Pretty tough.”

Alf Baird

Geri @4:14 pm

“*Who we are*”

Here is another: link to



The English government supports terrorism. the below is circa 2021.

England/Qatar squadron will be established in September in Yorkshire, northern England

Joint unit is part of a £6-billion deal for the England to sell Qatar 24 Typhoon warplanes

Qatar is known to have financed militant Islamist groups in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Gaza which the English government regards as terrorists.

There’s already a English/ Qatari squadron which operates out of RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire. The English airforce uses the Al Udeid airbase in Qatar to bomb civilians in Syria.

James Che

Fearghas MacFionnlaigh,

How very sad but true, eloquently spoken.


Alf 4:50,

Cheers! I’ll add it to the queue!

James Che

To this day we may find that Scots are nothing more than vermin to to be exterminated by some politicians down south,
Yet handy while they themselves cower,

For it is easy to go to war and send men to fight their egotistical battles for them when they are far away smoking cigars and port,

Every politician that leads a battle cry should send forth two of their own family members in to the front lines.


Stuart MacKay.

The machinations of the foreign government in England run much deeper, what we see is just the tip of the iceberg here’s another example of this foreign country’s hypocrisy.

“Britain/England has 91 troops ‘on loan’ to Oman, where serving UK military pilots are flying Omani fighter jets, helicopters and military transport planes under a secretive scheme designed to bolster the repressive monarchy.”

“Britain/England military is supporting the autocratic rule of Sultan Haitham bin Tariq in Oman — a country in which political parties and independent media are banned. Haitham holds absolute power – acting as the country’s unelected prime minister and minister of defence, finance and foreign affairs.”

Anton Decadent

I am just in after a wander during which I made a slight tweak to my route and went into Cathkin Park at the Mount Florida entrance on Cathcart Road. As soon as you walk in there is a sign and someone has put a sticker on it which says Pump Ass, Not Gas and has a rainbow on it. Everything, every cause, everywhere we go is being queered and trannied.

Ron Clark

Main, Geri, A Scot Abroad and other “names” who have swamped Wings with their never ending shite, must make it an easy choice just to cancel your monthly subscription to Wings Over Scotland.

If those “Names” love Wings as much as their multiple posts suggest,,,then let them pay the Rev the going rate to keep this site up and running.

Who in their right mind is going to pay the Rev every month,,,only to see post after post from these “names”?

They are on here to fuck the site right up. Only a fuckin idiot would converse with them.

So the best thing to do is to STOP paying the Rev.


Interesting that on a thread regarding censorship my (mainly positive but with a critical suggestion) previous comment has not been published after 24 hours.

A Scot Abroad

Republicofscotland, re joining the U.K. armed forces,

fortunately, many proper Scots have more courage and sense than you exhibit. You are just a moaning embarrassment to the land.


It looks like Henry David Thoreau wasn’t a big fan of the way states treat their citizens.

The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as machines, with their bodies.
They are the standing army, and the militia, jailers, constables, posse comitatus, etc.
In most cases there is no free exercise whatever of the judgement or of the moral sense; but they put themselves on a level with wood and earth and stones…
Others—as most legislators, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and office-holders—serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they rarely make any moral distinctions, they are as likely to serve the devil, without intending it, as God.
from Resistance to Civil Government(1849)
by Henry David Thoreau

Anton Decadent

With regard to Herbert’s humungous hauns, we should get him a set of Joy Division Oven Gloves.

Alf Baird

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh @ 4:25 pm

“the handing over of our manhood in perpetuity as canon-fodder under English command”

An independent Scotland, like Ireland since 1922, would likely have kept well out of most of England’s frequent conflicts with other peoples and nations, of which there has been around 80 since the end of WWII alone, with about 100 others prior to it. WWI was itself a war between the ‘Great Imperial Powers’, and a total waste of life from a Scottish perspective. England used the Indian army similarly in numerous colonial conflicts in Asia and Africa, and likewise formed native armies to suppress African colonies. Some Scots have clearly still to figure out that colonialism ‘is always a co-operative venture’ with native elites, including in Scotland.


@Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh, 6 July 4.25

Don’t forget the second part of that quote from General Wolfe

“How better can you employ a secret enemy than by making his end conducive to the common good?”


Hey “Ron Clark”, you’re hardly a contributor of stellar btl content yersel, but jist wondering if you double the amount you chip in to Stu seeing as you also post under the name of “Wilson McBride” too…

Stuart MacKay

Anton Decadent,

Here’s a tasteful pair for $25, link to Not sure if they have a size big enough though.


Ian B thank you for that u tube link to a REAL TUBE, what a fucking embarrassment that clown pishfart is, he stands there spouting his pish and soaking everyone around him with his uncontrollable mouth urine, I wouldn’t like to sit next to him when he spouts ye’d get covered in spittle

Michael Laing

@ Ron Clark at 5.13pm:

“So the best thing to do is to STOP paying the Rev.”

There are some deeply tedious and annoying trolls on Wings Over Scotland without a doubt, but with a comment like that, I suspect Rev Stu will regard you as the biggest troll of the lot.

Are you seriously attempting to blame Rev Stu because certain commenters post opinions you happen to disagree with?


A Scot Abroad says: at 5:18 pm

re joining the U.K. armed forces,

fortunately, many proper Scots have more courage and sense than you exhibit. You are just a moaning embarrassment to the land.

It’s a pity you can’t say that to an auld mate that was sent into conflict over nonexistent WMDs, and who came home in a wooden box. He may have had a different take on the reality of being in the armed forces.
I’ve had words with some posh officer type over the matter and he admitted they shouldn’t have been there. So he was either telling truth or he was a spineless lying twat.


«No great mischief should they fall» Wolfe said dismissively of the Highland soldiers fighting for England’s glory at Québec.
Vive la France!

Anton Decadent

@Stuart MacKay

Scary to think that it is eighteen years since that album was released. I’m going to dig it out of the racks for another listen. Piccalilli shinpads.


Ron Clark

*then let them pay the Rev the going rate to keep this site up and running.*

And pray tell how you know if I/they don’t?

You only post links to unionist rags in-between barking orders at how shite the posters are. Yer hardly high brow, windswept & interesting yerself. I do hope yer on commission tho for pigeon posting yer shit everywhere on behalf of the click baiting rags..

Re Cannon Fodder..

Scots would have popular sovereignty & decide which wars we enter ourselves – not doing another countries bidding.
We’d also make our own allies & I certainly don’t see us being invaders & occupiers. That’s Brit nat shit.

But reminds me of 2014 indyref & Salmonds fav protest song (hope link works)

Freedom come all ye



It should also be noted that the foreign monarch who had a pretendy coronation in Edinburgh yesterday has a darker side.

“Prince Charles, now King, has held 95 meetings with eight repressive monarchies in the Middle East since the ‘Arab Spring’ protests of 2011 threatened their power. Charles has played a key role in promoting £14.5-billion worth of UK arms exports to these regimes in the last decade.”

“Charles’ visits tend to whitewash the Middle Eastern monarchies’ human rights abuses, often coinciding with repression of opposition activists or the media.

He plays a key role in cementing UK relations with key allies, acting as a de facto high-level salesman for British arms exports and promoting military cooperation.

While the palace emphasises his cultural visits, Charles’ meetings are often with senior military, intelligence and internal security officials.

Charles is also the patron of the UK intelligence agencies.”

This foreign monarch who pretends to be king of Scots with the aid of a few House Jocks, isn’t all that he’s made out to be.

This foreign king has been hawked around just about every odious Middle East dictatorship, to sell arms to them and curry favour to allow military bases to be present in their countries, in return Westminster turns a very blind eye to the dictatorships actions on the domestic scene.


Dan @5.58pm.

The English government promised the UN that it was committed to not sending child soldiers into battle, however child soldiers were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan.

A 2016 report found that soldiers recruited aged 16 and 17 were twice as likely to be killed or injured when in combat compared to those that were enlisted aged over 18.

A Scot Abroad


your old mate wanted to be in the forces. If he discovered that he didn’t, he’d have left.

We all of us knew that being in the forces comes with risk to life. It’s a sad fact, but sometimes those risks turn into reality.


This is a MUST read.
link to
iScots could just be faced with similar.


A Scot Abroad said;

“The King isn’t foreign. His grandmother was fully Scottish, which gives him at least 25% Scots blood, which is enough.”

Enough to be deemed a sovereign Scot? Well, that’s the franchise for the referendum sorted; 25% or more of Scottish genetic heritage, and currently resident in Scotland.

“meaningless ancient guff. The King is the head of state of the United Kingdom, which includes Scotland, and will continue to remain in existence for many decades, and more probably, centuries to come.”

He can hardly be the head of state of the UK, if he is isn’t monarch of Scotland, since not having taken the Scottish Coronation Oath, he has no regal authority in or over Scotland, and cannot use the title of King of Scots. In fact Scotland as a kingdom hasn’t had a legal monarch since the death of Queen Anne in 1714, as she was the last Scottish monarch to have taken that Oath. England’s monarchy has no authority of any kind in or over Scotland, and never has, because English monarchical oaths have no legal standing in Scotland, and never have.

I saw an article on a website earlier today that blithely stated that there could be no Scottish coronation for Charles ‘because Scotland has not operated as an independent royal realm for over 300 years, so it would be inappropriate — and inaccurate — for Charles to be crowned as King in Scotland.’ But there was no mention that England hasn’t operated as an independent royal realm for over 300 years either.

It is unbelievably stupid and/or dishonest to claim that one or both kingdoms were abolished! They were not, it is an English establishment lie, and there is nothing in the Treaty that required abolition, because all it did was create a club with the two kingdoms as sole members, and called that club the ‘Kingdom of Great Britain’. The two members still very obviously retain all aspects of their previous independent selves, except for their parliaments, which merged into one shared parliament for the purpose of joint governance of the two still existing and very distinct sovereign but non-self-governing kingdoms. That merger was the only real one, and the English establishment deliberately banjaxed its implementation in their favour.

The very fact of the continued existence, after more than 300 years, of two legal systems, two constitutions, two sovereignties, two state religions, two crowns with two different regal, legal, and constitutional privileges and obligations, along with all the headaches and miseries caused by all these permanent inconsistencies and incompatibilities that meet at the clearly defined border proves beyond all sane doubt that neither kingdom vanished into the ether, nor merged into one seamless homogenous kingdom.

One kingdom, whole and entire?

Yeah, right! Looks to me like Scotland at least has been a de facto republic for 309 years.

A Scot Abroad


you are on a very lonely path when you deny that the King is head of state of the UK. He is. And the UK includes Scotland, so clearly he’s also the head of state of Scotland, a sovereign nation within the UK.

Just ask around. Nobody is saying any different.

Stuart MacKay

Ottonmanboi @7:01pm

I knew about Blackrock but not the rest, thanks. Here’s similar breakdown for agriculture, link to

I have no idea who the Oakland Institute are but even if you take the whole thing as anti-corporate propaganda the numbers are still impressive.

It’s my understanding that the greatest amount of industry and the best farmland is over in the east. I wonder how far they will push the situation to secure their investments?

Lenny hartley

Alf baird @4.50
Im breaking my self imposed btl exile to comment on your post.
The Creation myths of the Picts, Scots and Irish are near identical , as per the Declaration of Arbroath , came fom Greater Scythia , via the Tyrrhenian Sea , iberia (for 500 years ) then What is now Great Britain and Ireland ( in the geographic sense)
Modern DNA analysis says we came from what was called Anatolia (modern day turkey and surrounding countries) and the later the Stepps , both are in Greater Scythia.
The first People who settled in Europe were Neolithic Farmers who came from Anatolia and moved via the the Tyrrhenian Sea to Iberia snd thence up the Atlantic Seaboard as far as Orkney and as far West as Ireland. According to the latest Archaeology these people were the Megalith builders and formed the Celtic Culture and Language. They arrived on these shores about six thousand years ago , about 4500 years ago, other people arrived, the Beaker People which brought in the Bronze Age, now whilst the People living on Sardinia in the Tyrrhenian Sea to this day have over 90% Neolithic farmer DNA , in Great Britain and Ireland approx 90% of Males have Beaker People DNA and 90% of Females have Neotlithic Farmer DNA. So the creation Myths are correct again. Interesting that according to the Rev in a tweet a few months ago the Average Hight of a Uk Female was 5’ 3”.
The average hight of a Neolithic farmer was 5’ 3”!
According to DNA outside SE England and East Anglia the People of England are mainly Celts.
So where do the Scots come from well a mixture of Neolithic Farmer and Beaker People , like most of the rest of Europe, the only difference is the Celtic Culture and Language which is the Indigenous Language of these parts
Some contempary writing on the Picts said they were small and swarthy, the modern day Sardinians are thus described! At first i thought it was Bede’s Propaganda but now with the DNA evidence it was more than likely true, according to some reports 10%of Scots have Pictish DNA, so we’re the Picts from the Original Neolithic farmers? Or was it just the females and is that where the matrilineal Society come from as a way of protecting the original neolithic line?
Anyways some fascinating stuff coming out now.

Lenny hartley

Interesting read on Britains involvement with Terrorist groups.
link to


Iguana spit.

link to


O/T. Commiserations to Scotland for missing out on the cricket world cup after losing in the qualifiers to the Netherlands on net run rate in Bulawayo today. Better luck next time!


Scots are the descendants of the atlantean refugees who fled after their cataclysmic war against the dinosaurs which caused the ice age.

Anglos are the descendants of the hideous Fomorians from Tory Island. (Fomorians look like 6 foot iguanas, which walk on 2 legs)

No one can read about Gladio without fundamentally changing their beliefs about what “terrorism” is. is better, I think it is run by the mormons; 23andme do random crap like making you 1perdent ashkenazi or bantu

but ultimately, its the vatican which controls all of this, according to our good friend billy


He is the king of England.

That country that apparently doesn’t exist anymore.

Did anyone ask us lately if we wanted him?
He is here by consent of the sovereign Scots & unless he bends the knee & takes the full oath /we have a referendum – he has no legal standing here. That was party of the treaty. An internationally recognised document in international law. So it’s far from ancient guff.

The UK is exactly the same – who turned it into English rule under this fictional state that went from a trading partnership to 300+ yes of asset stripping, land grab & forbidden from taking a shit without their permission?

Who gave them such authority?

The English aren’t sovereign. Only Chucky’s parliament is.

Heads of state can be removed. Just ask the countries that’s dumping him.

He isn’t anything special.

Why do you like him so much? What’s he done for you?

Alf Baird

Xaracen @ 7:11 pm

“Looks to me like Scotland at least has been a de facto republic for 309 years.”

De facto colony mair like. Charles was crowned with St. Edwards Crown which is used to crown English monarchs, and then wore the Imperial State crown. As you say, no Scottish oath, but also no Scottish crown placed on his heid means he cannae be King o Scots.

He is as he was crowned, the King of England and its Imperial State. Outside of the Imperial State mother country and its metropolitan capital there can be only subordinate colonial territories and peoples.

Yesterday was just like old times with ‘Scottish’ elites paying homage to England’s King and consenting to England’s Imperial Crown’s continued domination over Scotland and the Scots. Colonialism ‘is a co-operative venture’ (Fanon), much as we see.

Robert Louis

DasBlimp at 1244pm,

The comment you refer to in the Torygraph, is of course baloney. The treaty was a union, there was no abolition of either Scotland or England as separate countries. A simple example being the continuation of Scots law within Scotland (as stated explicitly within article 19 of the treaty of union) – that simply could not happen if the countries of Scotland or England ‘no longer existed’.

Honestly, it is astonishing the rubbish that English folk say about the treaty of union. Most, if not all have never actually read it.


There was a P*tin press conference a few yrs back where he invited the world’s media.

He was absolutely scathing at who was funding & creating the terrorists, Isis & who was the real threat to world peace.. the yank was squirming in her seat.

He knew exactly who & who was supplying the weapons.

& No one stopped buying the oil lol!
& Who broke int law to destabilise
& Who had their own embassy slaughtered..

The yanks & their poodle are such hypocrites.

An old one but worth a listen.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

one day, you’ll grow up and realise that the Scots have done a lot more colonising than being colonised.


I’m giving up on links! Lol

Alf Baird

Lenny hartley @ 7:38 pm

“so we’re the Picts from the Original Neolithic farmers?”

Very interesting. An oppressed people are largely ‘out of the game’ in terms of their own history which is written by others for them, their language discarded as invalid, their culture an object of ridicule. Such oppression then becomes internalised, then even denied by the oppressed.

As what we now know of as Scotland was once full of Picts we might well have called it Pictland. The name of a nation perhaps matters less when its sovereignty remains elsewhere; in colonialism the nation is in the process of perishing, and clearly our adversaries would rather we didnae exist. Much like the Picts, it seems, an oor ‘invalid’ Scots mither tongue. Yet this is who we are, as you imply.


Why is there a bank of England?

Surely, holding the Unions coffers, that should’ve been renamed to something United Kingdomy to keep in line with this super new State that was created?

When Scotland removes it’s consent there’ll be no UK.



Another Unionist myth. The clearances were continually
put on boats & straight into slavery.

Ebenezer Scroggie

The Bank of England exists because a Scotsman, William Paterson, invented something called National Debt and created that bank in order to profit from the scam.

The Royal Bank of Scotland was created to distribute money amongst the idiots who fell for his next scam.


The posts on this thread were a quick read!
But only when you scroll past the usual shite posted by Che, Baird, RoS and a new entrant to the nutter fringe-Geri. Thankfully Carlin is conspicuous by his/her/it’s absence.
If only someone could come up with a novel idea for Independence for Scotland. It could help to convince the 75% of the electorate, who have no real interest in politics, other than how it effects them in their pockets.
Wishful thinking it appears. Too many on here simply want to drone on endlessly about their ‘favourite’ subjects. Boring the tits off everybody else.
I often wonder what a ‘soft’ no voter would think if they read the posts, on any article Stu produces. Once visited, never to return I suspect. Who could blame them?

David Hannah

Well done to the LGB alliance.

The trans lobby have failed. They can have their gender ideology captured pride.

Well stick to the LGB thank you.

David Hannah

Big pharma will never make inroads in the UK. Not with the NHS in Scotland. It’s not privatised. Not with public feeling in Scotland.

That’s why this is terf island. People are treated not for profit. But for healthcare.

David Hannah

The LGB alliance, is massive.

Jamie Hepburn and the crazed neo colonialism from Canada of that nut job in the greens.

They will never destroy our values. They will never destroy the NHS and patient care.

Back to Canada with your woke ideology.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Chas.

Your dislike of commenters who are not on your wavelength of ideological acceptance is now becoming boring. Please up your game!

Ebenezer Scroggie


Yes, Oman is a dictatorship, but it’s a very rare example of a benign dictatorship.

In the early 1970s I worked there as a Catman, with a team of Battmen. A surprising high proportion of the Battmen were Scotsmen.

The then very new Sultan was entirely benign, unlike his nasty father whom he had recently deposed.

Oman is a lovely place, full of lovely people. There’s actually something quite Scottish about the place. Not at all comparable to neighbouring Audi Sarabia and the ghastly Emirates and the crassness of Qatar.


Be honest. You couldn’t give a shiny shit about any novel idea about how to achieve independence. If you did you’d have read the gazillion articles on this site & ignored BTL.

But just incase anyone is wondering…

Call indyref2 or an election on an indy ticket. Simples.

85% showed up last time & George Square was full of young ppl. They also have the vote now along with the 16/17 yr olds who foolishly (their words) voted no last time..

It’s not the ref that’s the problem. It’s the welded in Britnat administration.

Be ready.

Hope that helps..


Lenny Hartley @ 7.38 and Alf Baird @ 8.55

Have you read Uriel’s Machine by Knight and Lomas? It has been criticised, but is a most interesting read, especially concerning Orkney, and casts a new light on the movement of knowledge a long, long time ago.


Robert Louis says:
6 July, 2023 at 8:34 pm

DasBlimp at 1244pm,

Honestly, it is astonishing the rubbish that English folk say about the treaty of union. Most, if not all have never actually read it
The author was Scottish.



‘Call indyref2 or an election on an indy ticket. Simples.’

Is that it?

You may not have noticed but there seems to be a wee problem in calling indyref2. Can you guess what that might be? The SNP will not be calling any election on an indy ticket. Why would they as half of them would be out of a job thereafter.

I think I know who is simples.
