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Wings Over Scotland

Cherry unpicking

Posted on February 01, 2021 by

As soon as this happened, this was only ever going to be a matter of days:

It is, of course, all the doing of the transcult. The SNP is a trainwreck, readers, and its leader is a weak-kneed failure. Nobody can claim that we haven’t been warning you.

In so far as this merits any analysis, btw, what it tells us is that Nicola Sturgeon knows her time as First Minister and SNP leader is nearly over, and now just wants to do everything possible to prevent Cherry being her successor, as we told you last week.

We hope that plan too meets with the failure that is Sturgeon’s trademark.


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421 to “Cherry unpicking”

  1. P says:

    What the actual fk?
    Looking forward to your next piece
    Hopefully a dissection of information available to you

  2. Alison Watters says:

    I’m now officially as banned from twitter as you are stu for apparently abusing someone when I did no such thing. The SNP has fallen apart

  3. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    NS just keeps pushing and pushing. Not a care in the world. Honest, hard working giants replaced by perverts and weirdos with not even 2 grey cells to rub together.

  4. aulbea1 says:

    Ah’m with Joanna Cherry.

  5. Allium says:

    What awful news. I hope JC has supportive friends around her. Insane. I don’t know what else to say.

  6. Alain Mack says:

    All this and Eck next week.Stu…..what odds would you put on the FM resigning before next Tuesday???
    Brilliant work again.

  7. Cod says:

    Sadly, not even slightly surprising.

  8. Tannadice Boy says:

    A highly talented legal professional and experienced politician. Sacked from the front bench. The disintegration of the SNP continues apace.

  9. Muscleguy says:

    Yet the SNP loyalists say it’s us upholders of law and probity in public office who are splitting the SNP.

    If the party cannot contain someone like Ms Cherry QC then I’m quite sure she will be welcomed by the ISP.

  10. Andy Ellis says:

    It’s now or never for those who want to see the early days of a better nation which reflects the values of good, progressive people like Joanna, rather than regressive pieces of work like those who have traduced her over many months and now stabbed her in the back.

    Cherry and those in the party MUST walk out and either join the ISP or form a new party of their own. The SNP is simply beyond redemption. I’d no sooner see them in power now than I would the Tories.

    Deeds, not words. Make it happen Joanna – we have little time and given the SNPs direction of travel there is nothing now to lose.

  11. Grey Gull says:


  12. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    We’ll just see the wheat from the chaff now ie which SNP polticians come out in support of Cherry.

    NS et al are fucking nasty, feirty bastards

  13. Sue Varley says:

    I think she is trying to burn down the SNP out of bitterness at the failures of their plots against Alex Salmond.

  14. panda paws says:

    Well they’d lost my list vote to ISP, looks like I’ll be self identifying as someone who spoils their constituency ballot paper when the election comes.

  15. m_alc says:

    They harbour hate, those who abhor hate.

    How long til Cherry is axed completely? Has there even been a reason given?

  16. Real SNP Supporter says:

    Good, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in an anti-SNP bubble on here. But actions have consequences and JC who literally was defending someone who equated the Holocaust to Trans people. I wouldn’t expect that of the tories, let alone the SNP.

    SNP is currently polling higher than ever, we have a collective responsibility to build on that and look forward to an independent future.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Good, I know a lot of people are wrapped up in an anti-SNP bubble on here. But actions have consequences and JC who literally was defending someone who equated the Holocaust to Trans people. I wouldn’t expect that of the tories, let alone the SNP.”

      Dear stupid lying cunt,

      fuck off.

      You’re banned. Don’t bother replying, readers, I only approved this comment to remind you that while there are plenty of intelligent people, the SNP is still infested with insane, reality-denying arseholes.

  17. Jim says:

    Have the SNP decided they don’t actually even want a minority governmwnt now?
    They’ve lost the fuckin plot!

  18. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    I can just visualise all the perverts jumping up and down with glee. Let me tell them all, enjoy it whilst you can. YOU CAN’T KEEP A GOOD DOG DOWN. We will get shot of you all and achieve Independence for our country

  19. Beaker says:

    What on earth is going on with the SNP?

  20. Dave Albiston says:

    If her fellow MPs and MSPs have any interest in independence they should resign the whip. Silence indicates consent.

  21. Cath says:

    In so far as this merits any analysis, btw, what it tells us is that Nicola Sturgeon knows her time as First Minister and SNP leader is nearly over, and now just wants to do everything possible to prevent Cherry being her successor,

    At this point I’d be deleting “prevent Cherry being her successor” and replace it with “destroy the SNP and independence movement”.

  22. Robert Dickson says:

    That’s it….the final straw.

  23. Nally Anders says:

    This only highlights that the SNP as we know it is finished. A major split can only be coming now.
    Fcking discusted.

  24. Yeti says:

    I feel for her. I really do.

  25. Nicola WOULD tell us the reason but she has to remain fully focused on Covid for now…

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Nicola WOULD tell us the reason but she has to remain fully focused on Covid for now…”

      Nobody will be even 0.1% surprised, but I can confirm that the reason is “transphobia”.

  26. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    They have lost the plot. Well ISP or some other New Party of Independence may be looking for a leader.

    The bottom line now is the SNP need closed down, I am never sure if the disaster which befell the SNP was due to the intelligence services, if it was good effort folks. Could it be simply they have become the Labour Party.

    At the end of the day it matters little it still needs to be put out of it’s misery.

    Good luck to Joanna Cherry whatever she decides to do.

    I did say I would vote SNP 1 for the last time in May, now not so sure.

  27. susanXX says:

    Disgusting news, the SNP truly is finished. All thanks to a bunch of perverted authoritarian.

  28. Captain Yossarian says:

    Nicola Sturgeon is perhaps borderline psychotic. Many have said that in the past. Is it not the case that many of us now believe it to be true?

    I though at one stage she may be removed before Trump, that other borderline psychotic. I am not sure of anything regarding Sturgeon at the moment and neither are any of the rest of us.

    Maybe it’s time for James Wolffe to step-up. He has a lot to lose the longer she stays at Bute House.

  29. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    NS laid bare for all to see what a fucking, stinking lizard she is. What a coward and BTW she’s a pervert as well. I don’t hate many people but at the moment she’s in pole position and will be for many a year to come. Architect of her own demise. Nasty coward.

  30. blackhack says:

    Every day, and in every way, it just gets worse and worse.
    ISP here I come.

  31. And Spouse says:

    Gutted, however, reminded of the old parable about when things happen.

    Good or bad, hard to say!

    Stu, do you reckon this is it for NS? I need to place a bet and you the best tipster

  32. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Dave Albiston @ 1.59pm

    Yes you are right Dave the MPs and MSP and Councillors who sit in silence have to take their share of responsibility any decent person within the party should step down to fight for independence in a new party.

    Remaining members have to now think if they are happy financing this shower of scum.

  33. Gaavster says:

    This is a car crash… happening in slow motion before our eyes….

    Here’s hoping that we are moving into the end game

  34. kapelmeister says:

    Can you be wrapped up in a bubble?

  35. Colin Alexander says:

    Smoothing the path for that Sturgeon ally and fellow colonial administrator – Angus Robertson- to continue where Sturgeon left off.

  36. shug says:

    Nicola is going to have to come to terms with “the truth will out”.

    Once she is gone her place in history will be the great betrayer. Lady Macbeth of the 21st century.

    The press being silent is very interesting, but they are far from being friends. They are looping a noose round her neck and will pull it before the election.

    The sooner Parliament moves to a vote of confidence the better, and our MSP’s can grow some balls and dump her the better.

  37. ELewis says:

    Written to my MP. This is unacceptable.

  38. Captain Yossarian says:

    Will she be replaced by the incisively-minded, astute, well-read and educated Steven Bonar. He’s such an asset, you know.

  39. stuwin says:

    reposted from previous article.
    So annoyed – the NEC and their whacky politics are messing with the SNP, and as the main indy party strike at the core of indy. Had enough – cancelled my SNP membership, paraphrasing the above in my closing comment. Plus, icing on the cake they have just sacked Cherry.
    Ironically, given that they are the only mainstream indy party they will still get my candidate vote, but my list vote is v. much up for grabs.

  40. Cath says:

    I only approved this comment to remind you that while there are plenty of intelligent people, the SNP is still infested with insane, reality-denying arseholes.

    Interestingly, all the high profile pro indy accounts, like Lesley Riddoch, Niel Drysdale, George Keravan are aghast. Meanwhile, there are loads of accounts with few followers based in England who are coming out with that kind of transphobia crap. I’m sure there is still an infestation of such idiots in the SNP too, but make no mistake they are not representative of the yes movement.

  41. Beaker says:

    Twitter’s already going ballistic.

    Today’s events might explain why there was silence over the weekend.

  42. Awkward Westie says:

    Well … after today, when we see who gives vocal support to JC, it will be clear who falls into the “good guys” camp and who is only in the SNP for self promotion and niche causes.

    So at least we will no longer have to guess if it is too late to save the SNP … we are going to find out one way or the other in the next few hours/days

  43. Geoff Anderson says:

    It reminds me of a petty car thief setting fire to the car in order to hide the evidence.

  44. sog says:

    Who do they have to replace Joanna C?

  45. kapelmeister says:

    Our tanks are just two blocks away from the govt quarter. The Twitler youth and old men like Mike Russell are being expended hopelessly in the fighting. Spear has come to say goodbye to the leader.

  46. Johnny Martin says:

    I see some seem to be trying to say it was Blackford’s decision.

    Not having that – he’s merely the branch office manager of London SNP.

  47. Jm says:

    Wow….NS goes full Scorched Earth.


    We’re very near the end now…and a new beginning.

  48. Alison Brown says:

    Gutted! The best they have – what are they thinking?

  49. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Angus Robertson ran in front of my car years ago in Leith Walk, presumably on his way to the old HQ. I had to break sharply. Knowing what I know now I wish I hadn’t. Never liked him, never will. Seat warming fuckwit.

  50. SaorsaCat says:

    This is outrageous! The Twitter trans team gleefully peddling vitriol and poison.

    The SNP seem to have forgotten they’re the Independence Party and have allowed (encouraged) themselves to become the trans GLBTSTI party.

  51. Jim Tadgercock says:

    That wee idiot no longer surprises me. What a horrible hateful excuse for a human being. I have sent Joanna a message of support but I’m getting scunnered by this now.I hope justice is served and she and her sycophants get the jail.

  52. Sacking Joanna Cheery is like the fitba team refusing to pick John McGinn. Utter, utter madness. Oh well, the end must surely be in sight.

  53. shug says:

    When is the first time parliament call call a vote of confident. Can it be after Salmond’s evidence or do they have to wait for the committee report.

  54. Davy Smith says:

    That was a fucking missed opportunity…

  55. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Johnny Martin
    Yes agree 100%. Blackford doing as the Devil Psycho bids.

  56. Pete says:

    Seems inevitable that Sturgeon won’t last the year now. How long would you give her before she goes, Stu? Before the election or almost immediately after?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Seems inevitable that Sturgeon won’t last the year now. How long would you give her before she goes, Stu? Before the election or almost immediately after?”

      At this point I’d be a little bit shocked if she saw February out. But I think she’ll have to be dragged out of Bute House screaming leaving her fingernails in the door frame.

  57. Davy Smith says:

    That was directed at Jacqueline. ??

  58. Daisy Walker says:

    The portfolio for justice – in Iain Blackfords ‘reshuffle’ – has gone to Anne McLauchline.

    I’m sure she’ll do a great job taking over from a lawyer with decades of experience, including as a Fiscal specialising in sexual offence trials, and one who qualified to QC level and took a wage cut to become an MP.

    Sure she will.

  59. Duncan Clark says:

    If anyone has a chance to speak with Mr Salmond, please ask him, no, beg him, to stand up for the country and take down this corrupted mess of an administration.

    I’ve got some string, if anyone has some gaffer tape, or glue, we stand a good chance of rebuilding things.

  60. Frank Gillougley says:

    Yes, I think that the era of the SNP as a political party and vehicle for achieving independence is now well and truly dead.
    Anyone in the SNP who can’t see the similarities between ‘The death of Stalin’ and what is happening currently in their party are lost.
    Watching Lesley Riddoch’s Estonian film, can anyone even imagine seeing 2,000,000 scottish folk of maw paw n the weans forming a human chain for these ideologues in the SNP?
    FFS the politburo didnt even turn up for a 100,000 AUOB march!
    Do they really think all they have to do is bureaucratise and legislate their way to independence?
    I despair at betrayal. I really do.

  61. ella says:

    I hope Joanna stands for Holyrood as an independent. She has a ready made campaign song “Give me Hope Joanna” by Eddy Grant!!

  62. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Davy Smith

    Yes I should have ran the fucker over, it would have been his fault, fat cunt.

  63. TNS2019 says:

    This what we wrote yesterday:

    “There can be no doubt that Nicola Sturgeon has been fatally wounded by the Salmond inquiry and that discussions are already underway within the SNP regarding her possible successor. There appears to be a very clear strategy to keep Joanna Cherry out of the reckoning and consideration must be given to the timing of Sturgeon’s resignation given the proximity of the May elections.

    So the natural choice would seem at first glance to be her current deputy, John Swinney, a “safe pair of hands”

    But the recent surge in interest in this website in addition to the correspondence we have received suggest that the revelations about Swinney’s conduct in 2018 and since then could prove terminal to his chances of taking on that leadership role.”

    OK. So it was clear for all to see, but we suspect that more than Cherry was decided over the weekend.

    link to

  64. Linda McFarlane says:

    Joanna Cherry is the very best of them.

    I hope all those spineless Mp’s, MSP’s and self identifying woko harams are reading this. You have all just bitten off more than you can chew. You must be terrified of the truth coming out re Alex Salmond. Decent sane men and women will not stand for this.

    I fought for my sex based rights and I will not give them up, without a bigger fight, especially to a bunch of cheating, lying science deniers who are prepared to break the law to get your twisted gender stereotypes imposed.

  65. Dan says:

    The Quickening…

  66. Nosey says:

    I’m totally finished with them, till she’s gone and taken a lot of the shit with her. + her wee sleekit baldy makeshift husband I’m fkn raging

  67. Craig Sheridan says:

    4 in my household are SNP members. I can’t actually believe we’re now seriously considering changing that. I’ve loved the SNP for the whole of my adult life and I’m 50. I’m disgusted and let down. I now have absolutely no hesitation in saying Nicola Sturgeon must go and it must be ASAP.

  68. Grouse Beater says:

    I flagged the warning on Wings a day ago:


    ‘I have seen evidence of a letter circulating among, what I categorise as Alyn Smith clones, demanding the First Minister put an end to the career of the Right Honorable Joanna Cherry MP QC forthwith (hanged and then a trial), for – and I quote – “transphobia and anti-Semitism’, the latter scam the same gross falsehood stuck on my Jewish heritage by unfit-for-any-office Robertson, a calumny the SNP tries hard to ignore.’

  69. Scott says:

    I’ve seen the suggestion that Joanna should leave the SNP, remain as an Independent MP and possibly get elected on the list to the Scottish Parliament.

    To me that would just give the Murrells exactly what they want: Removing her as a political rival and ensuring that she will never lead the Party.

    We sadly still need the SNP in order to achieve independence and the day will come when the Murrells are gone. Joanna is our best hope of reclaiming the party in order to get it back on track. She needs to stay and fight like hell!

  70. Marydoll says:

    Im not surprised but that was definitely cutting off your nose to spite your face. Joanna is my MP and now I hope she becomes an MAP for Edinburgh central to spite the expected successor and maybe even FM. Nicola ……you are toast!

  71. Kenny MacAskill, Joan Mcalpine & Angus MacNeil are the only SNP politicians to call out SNP and stand by Joanna Cherry.

    The new frontbench are silent on reshuffle as they back slap each other on appointments

  72. Marydoll says:

    MSP not MAP

  73. Mac says:

    Nicola knows she is done that is now very clear. The mask is now slipping badly as she sees her end approaching and she no longer cares if we see the real her. Lashing out like a cornered animal.

    If the last six years are anything to go by Sturgeon will likely inflict as much damage as she can before she goes (scorched earth).

    And then as a final act politically detonate herself somehow in the middle of the independence movement. Maybe try to take down Alex Salmond again for the umpteenth time on the way down.

    One thing is for sure she will make out she is the victim somehow as she leaves the SNP in ruins.

  74. laukat says:

    Looks like Kenny MacAskill and Angus MacNeil have also been removed from the front bench. MacAskill has alrealdy tweeted his support for Cherry.

    I hope this is because they and Cherry are about to create their own party. If those 3 plus Salmond unite we might just have a way forward.

  75. Bob Mack says:

    Yet there are those who tell me that everything is expendable to achieve Independence. They may well believe that, but Nicola Sturgeon clearly does not. It seems her problem children are more worthy of protection than is the cohesion of the yes movement.

    Makes you think.

  76. Tannadice Boy says:

    So who is going to be our Cassius Chaerea? Step up to the mark, mainstream sensible SNP politicians before Incitatus is put forward as an MSP candidate. Sturgeon said she would bring down the house. We believe you Nicola you don’t have to prove it.

  77. Betsy says:

    They’ve replaced Cherry with Anne McLaughlin?! That waste of space was over promoted the minute it found employment above the rank of human draught excluder!

  78. Marydoll says:

    The SNP MPs are cowards and hopefully their settling in at Westminster will be over. The MAPs shouldn’t feel safe either!

  79. Davie Oga says:

    Real SNP Supporter says:
    1 February, 2021 at 1:55 pm

    “SNP is currently polling higher than ever, we have a collective responsibility to build on that and look forward to an independent”

    No you’re not. The SNP are polling at a lower percentage than at this time in 2016. You have been repeatedly warned of the foolish notion that persisting with your criminal, honourless, incompetent leadership would end in disaster.

  80. Eileen Carson says:

    Does Nicola honestly believe her ‘popularity’ in the polls will convert to votes? Asking for 40,000 ex SNP members

  81. Patsy Millar says:

    Oh ffs. I’d only just finished reading and responding to the previous ‘What you didn’t hear’ and now this.
    Sh**, sh**, sh**

  82. David says:

    Hey Jacqueline McMillan @ 2:17 and 2:22pm – you’ve taken it too far.
    Writing about deliberately running someone over is never a good look.

  83. Iain Lawson says:

    Look on the bright side, now she will maybe have time to represent those of us prepared to take the NEC to court. Silver linings and all that!

  84. Captain Yossarian says:

    TNS2019 – You are a recent contributor to this website as am I. Your advice based upon your experience is: ‘don’t look to Swinney to solve your problems’.

    I can only agree.

    Because of John Swinney, Scotland’s public bodies have been filled with SNP place men and women and no longer work in the public interest.

    How do you control the legal profession in Scotland?….. Pay them large sums of money to do nothing. Works every time.

    Swinney should be swept out of Holyrood at the same time as Sturgeon. This is corruption on a grand scale and it will take many years for Scotland to recover from it.

  85. Hatuey says:

    Cameron McNeish
    Replying to
    Agree. Nicola, Ian Blackford and others have completely lost the plot. I was challnged a few minutes ago for saying minority groups posed a real threat to the solidarity of
    . That now exactly what’s happened.

  86. SilverDarling says:

    link to

    Mhairi Black “Shadow Scottish Secretary”

    Joanna Cherry replaced by Anne McLaughlin! What a joke.

    Pathetic,vengeful useless bunch of liggers.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Joanna Cherry replaced by Anne McLaughlin! “


  87. Jacqueline McMillan says:


    Really?? Unsurprising anyway 🙁

  88. mike cassidy says:

    What a coincidence

    The first day of LGBQT+ history month

    That’s some serious pandering to the transfantasists

  89. Lorna Campbell says:

    Are you elected representatives going to stand back and let this happen?

  90. Charlie says:

    Astonishing, isn’t it. Joanna has been advocating for nothing more or less than upholding women’s existing rights in law. To do so, she stated it was necessary to carefully consider what impact GRA reform may have on existing legislation. (Hardly revolutionary for a lawyer to argue that new legislation must be carefully written so as to avoid unintended harms.)

    After the FM and all the others in the SNP who endorse and promote transgender ideology and legislation categorically denied that there was any conflict at all between the two, to now declare this to be transphobia is to confirm that the SNP leadership considers women’s existing legal rights to be detrimental to people who identify as trans.

    I can only hope that my local candidate distances himself from these machinations. Otherwise I will not vote for him again.

  91. Andrew Sinclair says:

    And Boris Johnson and Jacob Reese Mogg are laughing their socks off as they high-5 each other celebrating the removal of the only politician in Westminster who stood up to them.

    This is the most bone headed decision the SNP has ever taken in my lifetime.

  92. Geoff Anderson says:

    As the Rev pointed out earlier, they don’t think ahead.
    The insult was to provoke a reaction. Anything which could remove her from the field of play.

    They think they can outsmart her???

  93. Hatuey says:

    Lesley Riddoch
    This is bloody ridiculous

  94. winifred mccartney says:

    Someone has to tell the snpqueen she has no clothes – outrage
    please make new indy party with alex and blow these clowns away

  95. GlenIslay says:

    The last thing the SNP needed to do was give credence to Craig Murrays accusations regarding the Murrellsbeing power mad to the point that they’d blow off their feet with a thermonuclear shotgun in order to settle scores.

    Yet they go and do it anyway. The stupidity astounds me.

    She was sacked because, like Salmond before her, she was a threat to their power. That’s the crux of it.

  96. 100%Yes says:

    It’s the Murrells who should be sacked.

  97. Allium says:

    Anne McLaughlin?? Holy smoke. That is very, very, very funny. Top marks to the troll who chose her, and my gratitude to her for accepting. I mean. Anne McLaughlin. Oh. Just. Wow.

  98. John WALSH says:

    Having read Trotsky and Lennon, this is just natural politics playbook.
    But I have watched ThE SNP been infested by a Transcultural group, and are destroying the only party that gave them head space.
    How can a small cohort of people manage globally cause so much mayhem ?
    Sturgeon has potentially sacrificed 40,000 women’s votes for what.
    What will happen to the Wokie when she is gone. ?

  99. John Jones says:

    Jacqueline McMillan says
    I don’t hate nayone it’s just a waste of my valuable time,not a lot left, I just feel very sorry for people like NS and cohorts what a lot they’re missing in life.
    Don’t get me wrong I’m not ane of those tree hugging types/born again Christians that forgives all and turns the other cheek.
    I believe in karma and am quite sure that what ever these idiots try will come back and bite them severely.
    Not any point in trying to save the SNP any longer, if it was an animal you would put it out of its misery, pehaps that would be the kindest thing that could happen, then we could get on with building a new party knowing what misyakes to avoid.
    There are other parties out there starting to build what I hope are going to be real independence drivers, I don’t know of any officials within the SNP I could support, the old saying “if you fly with the crows you get shot with the crows” I believe is very apt, where are all the “good guys” who are not appearing above the parapet?
    It seems that they have to be forced into some form of action before they move, sorry not good enough for me.

  100. Johnny Martin says:

    What does Joanna do now?

    I see an argument above that she should ‘stay and try and claim the party back’. Maybe this will work but it seems that, even if there was a leadership election, it would take a long time and (tbqh) ‘reform from within’ always seems like an excuse for not seizing the mantle, be we talking about a political party or the union. But it’s certainly an option for her to stay and mount some form of leadership challenge and see what happens.

    Alternatively, she could attempt to get to Holyrood by a different route. The bit in her tweet where she states that Westminster is not important to our efforts to get independence now seems to suggest she is thinking that Holyrood is certainly the stage on which things need to happen. But the tenor otherwise suggests that she doesn’t mean to leave the party. However, were I the ISP or similar, I’d be on the blower right now offering her the number one spot on a regional list. She can only say ‘no, I am staying here to fight’.

    But it strikes me that there is a space in the political spectrum opening up, (independence supporting) voters to be had, and Joanna (and others) might want to strike while the iron is hot.

    Not my decision, of course!

  101. Liz says:

    Last straw. Just resigned.
    Putting that airhead Anne McLaughlin in JCs place is just gaslighting

    It is meant as a kick in the teeth to try to humiliate her.
    Well Windbag Blackford has just confirmed to us all he’s an arsewipe.

    Still furious at this shit, furious.
    Remenber they are after K McAskill as well

  102. And spouse says:

    SNP membership, should I stay or should I go?
    Damned if we do, damned if we don’t, this is not looking good. How can we fix this from within, cos if we don’t, this moment is lost!

  103. Kat says:

    If I hadn’t already reached the last straw with the SNP, this would have been it. It’s the height of stupid to sack Cherry from the WM Front Bench. Looks petty & vindictive too.

    I’m done with the SNP now, honestly it’s becoming a joke of a party.

    Yes Always.

    SNP Never.

  104. 10/30 says:

    aulbea1 @ 1.41pm
    #Ah’m with Joanna Cherry.

  105. Confused says:

    it’s like one of those card games for teenagers

    WOKE : The Gathering

    plays “Joanna Cherry”, a very strong, mage/master level card, with +1 intelligence, +1 oratory and with bonus +1 woman and +1 lesbian skills

    but is soundly thrashed by : “Woke JOKER”

    and loses to a pincer attack :

    +10 transphobia
    +10 anti-semitism (a real surprise that one)

    note we are using the 2021 Rainbow Deck, which gives double power points to all paraphilias and transphobia attacks count double and can be stacked.

  106. Cath says:

    can only hope that my local candidate distances himself from these machinations. Otherwise I will not vote for him again.

    Same, and I know he won’t. I’m honestly at the stage now where, if something major hasn’t happened before May to fix the SNP, I’m ambivalent about a unionist coalition coming in. Let them deal with the shit from Brexit and let Scottish Labour preside over powers being ripped from Holyrood. If the SNP are going to do nothing towards independence and let all that happen anyway, we have a lot more chance fighting it as an independence movement if they’re not the ones in power, as we re-build, hopefully with a party led by grown ups with some intelligence and morals.

  107. Davie Oga says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    1 February, 2021 at 2:12 pm
    “Will she be replaced by the incisively-minded, astute, well-read and educated Steven Bonar. He’s such an asset, you know.”

    Little education, criminal charges over some sectarian disagreement, limited employment experience outside of politics.
    He was a security guard for a while.

    Probably being lined up as a future Justice Minister. Should tweet a picture of himself wearing his wife’s bra and panties to quicken his elevation.

  108. David R says:

    Is there any reason why Ms Cherry can’t resign the whip and then go as an independent in Holyrood election?

    Imagine if she won may get enough support to get the FMs job.

  109. Astonished says:

    David says:
    1 February, 2021 at 2:34 pm
    Hey Jacqueline McMillan @ 2:17 and 2:22pm – you’ve taken it too far.
    Writing about deliberately running someone over is never a good look.”
    She didn’t. She said she wished she’d run him over. Entirely different. JM is asking you to reflect on what angus robertson has done for independence since then.
    Words mean things – except, of course, to the wokeratti.
    And referring to angus robertson as “Seat warming fuckwit.” seems spot on to me.
    Sturgeon is now poison. I have no words.

  110. laukat says:

    I wonder how the SNP membership numbers are looking today? Also anyone from the ISP able to comment on what their membership numbers are looking like?

  111. JSC says:

    Of course, this now means that Edinburgh Central could actually get the main prize instead of the booby prize

  112. Republicofscotland says:

    So Sturgeon hates Cherry so much that she’s allowed her to be forced out, to the detriment of Scots and Scottish independence. Looks like Sturgeon and her wokerati are purging anyone from the party that doesn’t agree with their mantra.

    The SNP is now in a fatal downward spiral, I wouldn’t blame good honest SNP MPs, and MSP’s if they jumped ship to the ISP.

  113. Heaver says:


    Would that be a good name for a new party for the disgusted of these shires to shift their membership to?

    Asking on behalf of a nation.

  114. Is Nicola Sturgeon fighting on the same side?

  115. Jimmy The Pict says:

    I am not 100% convinced that RSAMD prepares anyone for Shadow Justice Position
    Shadow Culture Position maybe
    Wonder if Cherry will be expunged from SNP history as well.

  116. stuart mctavish says:

    Plan A getting more intriguing by the minute!

    Following CMs revelation last week, and the BAME declaration, my best guess pits AS v NS in constituency (and now JC v AR) in winner takes all if electoral commission prevents NS &/or AR heading their own regional equivalent of the Alex Salmond for First Minister party (2nd place on SNP list being unlikely to earn a seat IF current polling holds up).

  117. Astonished says:

    MSPs better speak out – or be shot with the wokeratti crows. Mike russel – too late for you. You presided over this -resign !

  118. susanXX says:

    I have just emailed my MP Drew Hendry. Will let you know if/ what he replies.

  119. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    I mean, quite apart from anything else, replacing Joanna Cherry with Anne McLaughlin is like trading in your Ferrari for a literal bucket of horseshit.

  120. Livionian says:

    I’m not willing to join the ISP because I’ve enjoyed being a free agent for a bit and fancy keeping it that way.

    However, if it’s any consolation, the ISP has my list vote now. I was really sceptical a week ago, but I’m in. Dare I say there seems to be a bit of momentum now

  121. And spouse says:

    Stu at 2.55.
    Stu, get of the fence and say what you think!

  122. Strathy says:

    From Stephen Daisley’s article in The Spectator: –

    ‘She [Joanna Cherry] has certainly never called for the SNP to be unsafe, intolerant or unwelcoming for trans people and has a sound track record of campaigning for equality.’

    ‘Cherry has been cast as a monstrous transphobe not for anything she has said but because she has said anything other than ‘Yes, of course’ to the every demand of the trans rights movement.’

    ‘An advocate like Cherry was always going to fall foul of those rushing to change the law because she understands both what is at stake and the tendency of speedy legislating to produce bad legislation.’

    Sometime ago, Nicola Sturgeon introduced a zero-tolerance policy for intelligence and integrity among her MSPs and MPs. Joanna Cherry is the only one to fall foul of that policy.

    Looks like Kenny MacAskill and Angus MacNeil may be joining her, though.

  123. Republicofscotland says:

    As the SNP ship sinks fatally holed below the water line, before our very eyes, Pete Wishart’s main concern and to his great delight is.

    “Delighted to be resuming my responsibilities as our Shadow Leader of the House.”

    link to

    Words fail me.

  124. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Astonished says

    David says

    I say FGS!! Of course I wouldn’t run him over!! And YES he is a seat warming fat cunt!!

    I look at my Country and it’s folk and how we’ve been shafted all my life (which is considerable in terms of years), my children’s future and everybody else’s children’s future, not to mention my forefather’s and foremother’s poverty stricken lives.

    I’ve a right to be angry and express it how I wish! I’m not threatening to r*pe and murder women etc, etc. So if you don’t like it David you can fuck off!!

  125. And spouse says:

    Can the ISP please be careful as folks are leaving the sinking ship that the rats don’t leave too and climb on their ship!

    Craig Murray suggests JC will be SNP leader in a year, but how do we vote in May?

  126. Kenny says:

    Totally fuck Sturgeon.
    In fact, I’m glad, in a way, that this has occurred – now the gloves are off, the skeletons are all crawling out of the SNP cupboard, the crooks are showing their filthy hand.

  127. greyskies says:

    I resigned my SNP membership literally minutes before I heard what they’d done to Joanna Cherry. If I could resign again I would. I can’t believe what they’ve become.

    Years ago I read this random comment in The Metro by a young girl:

    “Why is Scotland so rubbish? It’s embarrassing.”

    At the time I smiled. Today I am heartbroken.

  128. Hatuey says:

    So, Anne McLaughlin is replacing Joanna Cherry…

    link to


  129. Andy Ellis says:

    @Heaver 2.51pm

    The new party should be called Republic as in the Faroese Islands social Democratic Party there which is pro indy from Denmark.

    Anyone who is advocating staying in the SNP to try and save it from within needs to know that the rest of us no longer trust you. You’ve picked your side. When people tell you who they are, you should believe them. By stating inside the party you’re aligning yourself with Sturgeon and the TRA extremists.

  130. Mist001 says:

    Oh come on!! You’re all getting yourselves in a tizzy over nothing because as Ian Blackford points out today:

    “We have a wealth of talent and experience and this reshuffle of SNP MPs ensures we are in the best possible position to hold the UK government to account during this global pandemic and the aftermath of Brexit, to support colleagues ahead of the Scottish elections, and to deliver independence.”


    You have nothing to worry about, the SNP has a wealth of talent and experience.

    link to

  131. Ian Brotherhood says:

    With the speed of new posts and comments here, it’s possible we’ll hit the million-comment mark by this time next week.

    Are we having a party or what?

  132. Mac says:

    We are on a real knife edge here. I don’t think people really appreciate the peril we are still in.

    Having seen the way the SNPG roll and use the COPFS to target anyone who they perceive is a ‘threat’ to their power there can be zero doubt now as to what their intentions are with that very sinister ‘Hate Bill”.

    If Nicola Sturgeon gets relected somehow and that bill gets passed rest assured they will abuse and misuse it to the fullest, just as they have done every step of the way in the attempted stitch-up of Alex Salmond.

    The SNPG has demonstrated it has no ethical or moral boundaries and is more than happy to conspire, lie and pervert the course of justice to get what it wants.

    The Hate Bill will give the SNPG carte blanche to literally just make it up as it goes along. Some people they don’t like will face intense scrutiny while others they favour will get a completely free pass.

    The Police Scotland goon squad will be unleashed to trawl social media posts (including comments on here) looking for anything they can to twist into ‘inciting hate’. And it is so easy to do as well…

    I have no doubt the Hate Bill has been cynically, knowingly drafted for exactly this purpose. This is the SNPG’s modus operandi under Sturgeon.

    This election is absolutely pivotal.

    If we don’t get rid of NS then she really does present a danger to free speech in Scotland. What a little wannabe tyrant she is.

  133. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    And BTW David I would say it to your face.

  134. ALISON BALHARRY says:

    But in all of this ask yourselves, where the fuck are the elected SNP Mps or Msps speaking out? Let’s take millionaire Ivan McKee MSP, in the baby cabinet. Why the fuck is he not saying anything? He rode to fame as part of the Yes Scotland movement, I know he doesn’t agree with Sturgeon SO WHAT THE FUCK?

    Oh and as McKee another ex Labour man,they were at Stathclyde together along with John Boothman, bloody Tommy Shepherd, aye what a shower, really. Care no more about Scotland and our independence then fly in the fucking air.

  135. Big Jock says:

    The worst of this is. The orders came from the leader about to be escorted out of the building, but delivered by messenger boy Blackford.

    From Russell to Blackford to Sturgeon to Robertson to Smith. All of these imposters are acting like Stalin’s henchmen. I hope Salmond sees Sturgeon do time for this!

  136. SilverDarling says:

    Imagine Labour and the Tories punching the air with joy that the only person with any nous is no longer taking them to task on the front bench.

    Anne McLaughlin will be minced – she is the SNP equivalent of Annie Wells with woke +++.

  137. Gordon Keane says:

    Not a sensible move from MP Blackford.
    This is already doing immense damage.
    Just scroll down the comments pages in the The (Glasgow) Herald, to see the uncontained glee of the anti Scottish mobs!
    But it s interesting to see some of them with a sudden support for MP Cherry!
    Just as they did for MP Kenny MacAskill, when he was criticized from going off to his Banff pad form the Lothians during Lockdown.
    But at the end of the day,Nicola Sturgoen is in charge of SNP. It is she who it seems, has allowed all this to get way out of control. She must do something about it,

    And we really do need a half decent alternative Independence Party in Scotland, and fast!

  138. msean says:

    I don’t care about who done what to who. I want independence.All concerned need to get a f*****g grip.Or nobody will have ANY power to do ANYTHING,cos you will all lose together when the Unionists win the elections.

    You never see the Tories split in public at election time.They may hate each other,but winning comes first.Always.

    I might also mention that they are loving this,and you who are at each others’ throats are doing what the press and UK Government couldn’t.

    They won’t interupt while you make the biggest mistake of all.

    Get a grip.

  139. Jacqueline McMillan says:


    Correct, however MacAskill and ABM have stuck their heids above the parapet and Joan as well I believe

  140. Christopher says:

    Sturgeon is now deploying the “Scorthed Earth Policy.”

    She is going down and she will try to destroy every that the SNP stands for on the way there.

  141. Republicofscotland says:

    I know the wokeratti and Sturgeon are a bunch of twisted two-faced creeps, but has Cherry been given a good reason as to why she’s been sacked?

  142. Beaker says:

    I know this is stating the bleeding obvious, but would you not expect a major political party to put a fucking lawyer into the justice brief?

  143. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    SNP NOW SWAPPING STEAK FOR MINCE. What a fucking shower 🙁

  144. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Transphobia apparently 🙁

  145. Skip_NC says:

    I see George Kerevan (former Labour councillor in Portobello, who wasn’t very nice about the SNP standing outside Portobello Town Hall on election day 1987) has come out in support of JC. Hopefully this will gather pace. We need some cool heads to figure out the best way forward.

    Incidentally, we need, I think, a grown-up conversation about the ISP. The Constitution seems to concentrate power in the hands of the initial NEC, eg, requires a 2/3 vote of that body to remove an existing NEC member. Get that fixed an I may well sign up.

  146. Republicofscotland says:

    “msean says:
    1 February, 2021 at 3:13 pm
    I don’t care about who done what to who. I want independence.All concerned need to get a f*****g grip.Or nobody will have ANY power to do ANYTHING,cos you will all lose together when the Unionists win the elections.”

    Your naviety is astonishing, you must be the only one in here who thinks that they’ll be an indyref sometime in the near future. WGD’s site is over there now off you pop.

  147. A Person says:

    Fuck these cunts. Joanna if you are reading this God bless you, you are a strong woman who is in the side of right against corruption, cynicism and sadism.

  148. Bob Mack says:


    Reason Transphobia. Just like Mrs Mennie laxt night, Nicola is allowing these fdckin wanes to ruin the goodwill and good name and membership the SNP had built up over the years.

    Time her and these brats were tossed out the nursery.

    Where are our elected spineless representatives?

  149. Betsy says:

    SilverDarling says:
    1 February, 2021 at 3:12 pm
    Imagine Labour and the Tories punching the air with joy that the only person with any nous is no longer taking them to task on the front bench.

    Anne McLaughlin will be minced – she is the SNP equivalent of Annie Wells with woke +++.

    Now come on, I’m no Tory or Annie Wells fan but that’s harsh.

  150. Breeks says:

    Where do I join the Joanna Cherry Party?

    More integrity in her little finger than Sturgeon and her bunch of crooks have combined.

  151. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    A Person says

    Concur 110%

    Stay strong Joanna, we all support you and send you love 🙂

  152. Liz g says:

    Joanna Cherry has too much support to be kept out of Holyrood that’s for sure.
    I think since motive here seems to force her to resign the SNP so that she can’t become First Minister ( remember the only other registered party is list only) she should stay and fight…
    They can’t stop a Holyrood bid …. they just don’t want her Leading Scotland and that , I think, tells us all we need to know about where Scotlands future sits in their plans …
    No matter anyone’s views on the Salmond / Sturgeon thing ( he’s not in jail and she’s finished , so that has tine to play out ) if Scotland is yer priority then it has to be Joanna Cherry we all get behind.
    Those who demure should name another other than Joanna,because it’s shit or get of the pot time for Scotland ….

  153. Jm says:

    And all that’ll be left are the Murrells and half a dozen woke warriors with painted clown faces chanting ideological purity mantras.

    Desperate stuff.

  154. Garavelli Princip says:

    Joanny Cherry is – by far – the most able MP/MSP that my party has.

    She must therefore be removed.

    You know, I use to abhor the moniker ‘wee Jimmy Crankie’ – but now I get it!


  155. Breeks says:

    Sturgeon you’re a FUCKING DISGRACE!

  156. Kenny says:

    Roll of shame: those tweeting support of stabbing of Cherry et all.
    Kenny McLean, SNP councillor for Partick East/Kelvindale
    Eric Geddes, Head of Broadcast Media @theSNP
    ..among a gang of others.

  157. Clapper57 says:

    How glad I am that I left the SNP as a member last year…my decision has been vindicated….by a succession of sheeite that has been deployed by them.

    Joanna Cherry was my red line in still giving my vote to the SNP in May….I will now not vote for them as I, unlike them, have standards and a sense of fair play and decency.

    Tis they within the SNP who are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in giving fuel to the Unionist fire….currently I have friends, who in 2014 voted NO, but who were swaying towards YES but now are all talking more about Sturgeon and Salmond and now…now…are all asking about Joanna Cherry as opposed to them talking about independence.

    Ian Blackford, Alyn Smith, Pete Wishart etc blawbags the lot of them……..wheesht for Indy is it…while you as a party are all making a huge noise for the Unionists to shout about…..a useless bunch if ever there was….Indy was for the taking and you all, through a succession of unnecessary acts of self harm , have destroyed the hopes and dreams of us all.

    The Unionists need do nothing to keep the Union as the SNP are ensuring that they will indeed keep their Union together….very much a case of ….never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake..upon mistake…..the SNP are political amateurs who provide the sticks for the opposition to beat them with while simultaneously deflecting away all of the sheeite the Tories are deploying…… I think less money, time and effort will be afforded to Boris’s plan to save the Union….now that he has the SNP on board…for free.

    The dream will never die ?……

    But when will this nightmare end ?…..

  158. JSC says:

    The BBC online thingy says “The SNP said it had made a number of changes to its Westminster team ahead of the upcoming Holyrood election.”

    OK so who is the poor bastard that’s getting the 2nd heave ho of the day, just to make it look like a normal “reshuffle” to anyone with shit for brains

  159. DMT says:

    Is anyone else reminded of Harold MacMillan’s 1962 Night of the Long Knives moment as Nicola Sturgeon sacks Joanna Cherry, Kenny McAskill & Angus McNeill?

  160. Cath says:

    know this is stating the bleeding obvious, but would you not expect a major political party to put a fucking lawyer into the justice brief?

    Lawyers tend to be intelligent, outspoken and understand the law though. If you want to ram through poorly written legislation which rides roughshod over the law and imprison people for disagreeing with you, you need to rid yourself of lawyers who might stand up to you.

  161. Lady Lyon says:

    You’d think they were terrified of winning a majority in May which might be more reason to make sure they do! I can’t believe some on this new lineup when there is a pool of talent to choose but to replace Joanna Cherry with Anne McLaughlin, seriously? I look forward to the court jester making her maiden speech

  162. Arturo says:

    What is the point of having a comment section if you only allow comments that agree with you 100%? This is a farce.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “What is the point of having a comment section if you only allow comments that agree with you 100%? This is a farce.”

      The point is mainly avoiding having it infested with filthy little shitsmears like you. Now go and fuck yourself with a hand grenade.

  163. susanXX says:

    Transphobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism. Now meaningless dogwhistles to stifle free speech. Nicola Sturgeon et al I despise you all.

  164. msean says:

    You’re 3 months from an election,reality needs to bite here.I’m not a member of the SNP,the ISP,or any of the multicoloured tories.

    We need the SNP,as the main driver to independence,nobody else.

    Factionalism is going to destroy the independence movement.As I previously stated,get a grip.The Tories are loving this,and you all must know it.

  165. Capn Andy says:

    Jeeez. To be honest I didn’t see this coming. These folk are deranged.
    Having read Craig Murray I was already trying to cancel my SNP membership, but can’t logon to online banking as I’m offshore. Will have to wait till the boat is in mobile range.
    I have a lot of respect for Joanna Cherry. Hopefully the backlash to this may clear the logjam and the idiots (including Sturgeon and Blackford) will have to go.
    I live in hope.

  166. Skip_NC says:

    Msean, you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that the SNP is pro-independence.

  167. JSC says:

    msean @ 3:31
    The SNP are not any kind of driver for independence, and they haven’t been for a long time. If you simply accept they are the only option then they are a monopoly who know that if they were aspirational and ultimately successful, then they would have some real work, responsibility and accountability, in order for their wages, and we don’t want that do we

  168. Highland Bill says:

    The Scottish National Prty(SNP) has turned to the Nicola Sturgeon Party (NSP) won’t be long until they add the letters A,D&A into that mix to complete the transformation into the NASDAP with the way the party has been acting for the past couple of years

  169. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    I see Owen Jones is having a pop, oh surprise. Maggot Dick that he is.

  170. Liz g says:

    mesan @ 3.31
    Of course we know it …this site and most of us on it have been warning about exactly this for years.
    We cannot ” get a grip ” because we’re not the ones causing the the stramash.
    No one here did anything to cause the current shit show and as far as I’m aware the buck still stops with the leader.
    No one here made Nicola Sturgeon do any of it and it could be argued that had she spent a wee bit of time here … she would not be in the mess she’s in now….and neither would Scottish independence.

  171. John Spence says:

    I was a member of ” I support the SNP ” on Facebook a couple of days ago they put up a quote that they had seen a file exonerating both AS and NS from any wrongdoing and blamed Evans.
    They said we should now get behind the Government and stop the infighting.
    I replied that I hoped that was true and would they send me a copy of the file.
    5 minutes later I looked and the site had removed me as a member.
    73 years old and wore my first badge in 1966.
    Branch treasurer in the 70’s and conference delegate many times.
    Out on my ear for asking a civil question.
    This is not the party and people I worked with when we where mocked for having a dream of Independence.
    I read Wings every day but do not put many posts up.
    I am gutted what has happened to the SNP and my vote is withdrawn after all this time.

  172. Bob Mack says:


    Its the SNP way. Complain to them

  173. Soda says:

    Well thats me.. it’s took since 2016 but i’ve finally left the party i’ve been a member of for the last 30 odd years.

    I left a simple if not elegant letter…

    ” The sacking of J. Cherry us the last straw in a haystack full of straws. The murrells have ruined the party and set back our independence decades.
    Sturgeon was not only the worst thing to happen to Alex Salmond but the SNP and Scotland as well.

    They say you always become the thing you hate most. In Sturgeon’s case she has became the Scottish labour party and thatcher all rolled into one.

    Do us a favour, resign and take you band of happy clapping transcult entryists with you.

    You Sturgeon are a liar and an egotistical idiot. “

  174. Soda says:

    Thanks for the push Rev, i’m now a paid up member of ISP

  175. Strathy says:

    Tom Gordon of The Herald: –

    ‘Fancy that. The only SNP MPs without a role in the new Westminster line-up are the three closest to Alex Salmond – Joanna Cherry, Angus MacNeil and Kenny MacAskill.’

  176. kapelmeister says:


    The Tories are not loving this. The shrewder ones anyway, know that the post-Sturgeon indy movement will be more determined, mature and effective than it as ever been.

  177. holymacmoses says:

    Unfortunately I am not wealthy but I have added a bit to the ISP pot which desperately needs to be filled . Mostly because it will need the cash BUT even more urgently to show support for the group. Wings has a link at the top and I really hope everyone can post this link on twitter and get as many people to retweet and add a bit – that would be good.

  178. msean says:

    Independence is bigger than any First Minister,Former First Minister or puffed up MSP or MP.

    You can accomplish ZERO from the opposition benches.If you want to take a chance on how well the multicoloured Tories will treat you,never mind the poor and disabled,then by all means,implode the party.

    As I said,get a grip.

  179. A Person says:

    BBC but a fair point…

    link to

  180. Sharny Dubs says:

    NS is continuing her remit of dismantling the SNP and confining the independence movement to the bin where her masters want it.

    How do we fight back?

    Johanna like up you say our fight will be in Holyrood, haste ye back and rally the troops.

  181. kapelmeister says:

    Stay true with ISP2.

  182. Scunnered says:

    I am truly scunnered at, not just today’s events, but the whole debacle since the Salmond story was leaked to the Daily Record – and my tolerance for SNP bullshit is high, I’m a member of Uddingston and Bellshill branch! It’s sickening that a talented woman, the most capable politician in Scotland (maybe even the UK) has been back benched because of the professional jealousies and paranoia of Sturgeon and her coterie. Joanna’s stance on women’s rights is the excuse they were looking for to get rid of the woman who will definitely be leader of the SNP and first minister of Scotland, I believe it is she who will lead us to independence. So instead of a QC sitting on the front bench of the third party in Westminster, we have Anne McLaughlin whose biggest successes to date have been to be selected and win the candidacy for her area to be MP. What a rid neck.
    To all who have left or say they will, I ask you not to. Hang on because Joanna will need our votes when Sturgeon is banished. Joining later will be no good because, as recent history shows, the NEC will make up a new rule that you have to have been a member for 50 years, and have a letter from both your parents confirming your choice (or identify as trans/disabled/BAME).
    What we need to do is look for ways to our pressure on them. Someone more clever than I may know if we can ask for the police to investigate the missing money which has been ‘woven’ through the funds held by the SNP.
    It would also be good if we could highlight the nepotism that prevails within the party. Anne McLaughlin and Cllr Campbell, and how rules have been changed to ensure he gets first list place. Keith Brown and Christina McKelvie – how Christina was a relative nobody until she got into bed with Brown and now she is a junior minister, there are others, including the obvious Murrel duo.

  183. A Person says:


    Really, is that so? Is it bigger than Nicola Sturgeon? Because from where I’m sitting it seems like you lot care a hell of a lot more about venerating that useless dolt than about any kind of independence. Is it bigger than Josh and Leeze and Cameron and all the other fanatics? Because it seems that you and yours are more than happy to divide the party and land it with atrocious policies if they want it. Too right “it’s bigger than any one person”.

  184. Bob Mack says:


    Independence js not on the agenda.

  185. Ottomanboi says:

    OH WHAT A TANGLED WEB or how they’ve lie their way into deep shit or how your life has been well screwed.
    link to
    Covid atheism, you know you’ve actually nothing to fear so Unmask, Go out, Have fun and tell your government where to stick its fix.
    Aka Getting your life back.
    As the Scottish gov. like the London one has stuck all its eggs in the same basket, expect a mega unappetizing mess when the truth hits home.

  186. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    kapelmeister says:
    1 February, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    The Tories are not loving this. The shrewder ones anyway, know that the post-Sturgeon indy movement will be more determined, mature and effective than it as ever been.


  187. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Readers may find this link of use.

    For those of you who, to paraphrase the REV, “never click the f***** blue links….. aaggghhhhh”

    The SNP boil is very, very rapidly approaching the point of self-lancing and it won’t be nice.. 🙂

  188. msean says:

    They are indeed loving this. They don’t have to beat you,just stop a majority.That’s ALL they need to do.

    They do that,IndyRef2 is set back 5 years at minimum.They don’t care about The Scottish Parliament,they’d prefer it wasn’t there.Buying time for themselves,at our expense.

  189. deerhill says:

    “Having read Trotsky and Lennon”

    Yeh!, they wrote some good songs.

    The one that I like best is “Go Now”,
    dedicated to N. Sturgeon.

  190. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Hint as it won’t turn blue with my comment.

    link to

  191. Davie Oga says:


    I would suggest that a criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and destroy innocent peoples lives is far more
    likely to be the cause of the “factionalism” you lament.

    Some people don’t want to vote for psychopathic criminals.

    That notion seems to be missing from the whole SNP electoral “strategy”.

    In fact, I would go so far as to say that the overwhelming majority will not vote for a psychopathic criminal under any circumstances.

    Still, pandering to extreme transactivists can possibly make make up for the lost votes. People who don’t want to vote for a psychopathic criminal only make up 99% of the population, whereas hard core transactivists make up 0.0001 %.

    I’m sure it’ll work out alright on the day. It’ll fine. No problem. Nothing to see here. Wheeeeeeesht

  192. Patsy Millar says:

    Just cancelled my SNP membership. They’re ‘sorry to see me go’totally ignoring the reasons I gave. Hey ho!

  193. Papko says:

    Bet all the other parties are having anxiety now.
    If the SNP implodes then some of them may have to form the next Govt.
    Its go for broke time.
    Can we not just keep Sturgeon and her Valkyries till 2026?

  194. Gordon Keane says:

    msean, it’s not factionalsim as such, but it does look very much like a small clique of individuals with a strange agenda have managed to infiltrate SNP, and ant to take full control and also are they seem hellbent on doing s much damage to the Independence movement as they can get away with.
    For make no mistake, this group do not care about getting Independence.
    Yes, we do need a big SNP win in May, but we also need others to remind them why, if they get that big win
    As I say above, tho, the Fist Minister is ultimately in charge, and ye she has allowed to to develop so far, and it isn’t doing her any good.
    And by the looks of it, some of the MPs don’t care too much for Independence either. Ian Blackford coming across as one of them!

  195. Republicofscotland says:

    “They are indeed loving this. They don’t have to beat you,just stop a majority.That’s ALL they need to do.”

    The SNP didn’t have a majority at the last election before all this evil shit started, and they certainly won’t have one come May. Sure I’d imagine the SNP will still be in government after May but with fewer seat and an even smaller majority. Hopefully though the ISP will have hoovered up plenty of List seats to try and keep the SNP for totally imploding.

    However the SNP under its current leadership isn’t interested in independence.

  196. LaingB French says:

    This stupid brainless decision to SACK! Joanna Cherry from the frontbench is a slap in the face for Scotland. I think MCSTURGEON has done her last greatest incompetent act. This has got to bring the sword of Damocles down upon her. its either incompetence, egotistical power grabbing or political suicide none of which Scotland as a nation will benefit from. ACCOUNTABILITY IS NEEDED NOW! HEADS MUST ROLL.

  197. Fionan says:

    Ho hum, as a protest against this treatment of Joanna Cherry, I used Stu’s link to (pinching my nose very hard because I have seen no reason to trust them)joined the ISP. They have taken my donation, but when Paypal returned me to the ISP site, I could only get an error message saying the site isn’t available.

    Still, I guess if they have that cash from me, it will still count to me as a protest against JCs treatment, even if it doesn’t change the stats in any way to show the snp that people are furious at their actions – always assuming people are as furious as I am, of course.

    I hope JC doesn’t let them grind her down. We so need people of her calibre to try to help in the fight for indy. It kind of brings back to mind the Ghandi quote ‘first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win’. In my lifetime I have seen the first two of these come to pass and it does seem we are now very much in the third stage. Shame it is those we trusted to deliver indy that are fighting us, and a win seems far away right now.

  198. Peter A Bell says:

    The spittle-flecked demands for Stu Campbell to be silent or silenced bear comparison with the book-burnings of an earlier age; just as the hounding of Joanna Cherry is reminiscent of the witch-hunts of an era when it was actual witches that were hunted. Or at least those accused of practising witchcraft – which in the minds of bigots and zealots amounts to sufficient proof of guilt.

    link to

  199. kapelmeister says:

    Over on WGD they’ve taken to calling us Mings Over Scotland.
    Well, we here know who created the mings over Scotland.
    Mrs & Mr Murrell, Empress and Emperor Ming.

  200. haagsehighlander says:

    Ive got a horrible feeling, now that spears has gone to join her mate roddick in the highlands, that the lot of the TRA are heading north, aye really? fuckin get tae, yer an absolute fuckin disgrace to Scotland,do one!
    P.S.outstanding work Rev,outstanding.

  201. Mia says:

    If I was Angus Robertson today I would not be able to show my face with the embarrassment.

    That your boss thinks you are so incapable that in order for you to win, the most able candidate for the seat you are contesting had to be blocked from the race, that then a group of hired professional trolls masquerading as wokes and gender woowoos have to do all the dirty work of smearing Ms Cherry so you can look a bit less bad but still look so bad that Ms Cherry has to be removed from the front bench so the public cannot hear her speaking showing you off for the actual plonker you are, is nothing to be proud of.

    It is fckng shameful.

    There is no better way to present yourself as a completely useless and corrupt leader wannabe than having the previous leader on her knees while clinging from her fingernails to the post “cleaning up the path” before they go in order for you to be even in the position of getting to walk on it.

  202. Republicofscotland says:

    SNP MP Kenny MacAskill standing by Joanna Cherry and pointing the finger at the SNP hierarchy for this.

    link to

    link to

  203. Giesabrek says:

    Nicola Sturgeon will still be a great leader after the election… of A wing in HM Prison Cornton Vale!

  204. Liz g says:

    msean @ 3.52
    Then what exactly is you suggest we do here msean ?
    Because we are where we are and where we are is… Nicola Sturgeon is now a lame duck First Minister who cannot last.
    It’s not possible ( even if we wanted too ) to get behind her now she’s far too damaged.
    She chose Transgender as the hill to die on …. nobody forced her …we all cautioned her.

    And the irony of it all is…
    When her time is over , all the Transgender People will still want a fair hearing at the very least…
    Well mibbi they are the ones who should think twice about costing us our independence ,and they should take note , Nicola Sturgeon has never once, it seems, considered that they be blamed either.
    Another thing we warned of…. I’ve said myself many times they were being used and used badly .

    So I ask again…. Exactly what are you suggesting we do..???
    And please don’t say TRUST Nicola Sturgeon to pick her replacement… her judgment is no exactly sound. Her choice is probably the last person to pick!

  205. Republicofscotland says:

    Here we go.

    link to

  206. Skip_NC says:

    Kapelmeister, you mean like a dynasty that is going to last for three centuries. How nice.

  207. TNS2019 says:

    I can just about cope with some of the incompetence shown by the current government over Covid roll-out, BiFab, Ferguson etc etc, but what I cannot cope with is Whitehouse v Lord Advocate or Salmond shenanigans.
    Surely the basis of a democracy must be built on a true separation of powers and an independent judiciary (which we clearly do not have).
    Actually, I no longer place independence as my first priority (Sorry Rev Campbell). I just want competence in government.
    I don’t want to resign from this site (I may well be sacked) because it is the only source of true journalism in Scotland, but I fear for an independent future if it is not built on basic principles.
    In other words, until someone writes that manifesto (Do it! Just do it!), I have nothing to vote for in May.

  208. Daisy Walker says:

    Big silence coming from Dr Philipa Whitford just now.

    That concerns me. But I’m not ready to jump to conclusions.

    If your in her constituency though, now might be a good time to express the strength of your feelings. Dr Whitford is fully aware of how much her position owes to the volunteers who help get her elected.

    She’s giving a speech tonight with regards EU membership, ‘Exactly a year ago @Dr_PhilippaW
    held this powerful speech in the pouring rain next to the Donald Dewar statue during our #leavealightonforscotland event. Tomorrow (1st Feb 2021) she will be back on our @GlasgowlovesEu
    #Livestream. Tune in at 7.30pm on twitter or on FB.’

    Perhaps there will be an opportunity for her to express some form of support for JC then. If the shoe was on the other foot, JC would not have hesitated.

  209. msean says:

    As I said,I am not taking sides in this factional dispute.I care only for independence.

    The Trans stuff,it may seem rude to say so,but I think most voters don’t care about it,most are concerned about the virus and whats in their pockets and politicians have been destroying each others’ reputations,for,like, forever.

    The Westminster Government don’t care how you get stopped,just that you are stopped.’Infighting is great’ because you are not fighting them,but each other.

    None of you seem to get that,and they are loving it.

  210. ALISON BALHARRY says:

    Mia:at 409pm

    Do not underestimate the faustian pact that exists between the ”Robertsons” and the ”Sturrells” therein lies the ”why we are so fucked as a country” clue.

    Watchers know it, craven, hapless, media are aware BUT no one goes on the record.

    In fairness have to say I have a great respect for Roddy Dunlop QC for speaking out. Not easy for that level. But he did.

  211. kapelmeister says:


    Don’t worry Skip, they are without issue. In the biological sense that is. Obviously though, the Murrells have both got nothing but issues.

  212. Liz g says:

    msean @ 4.16
    Agree that they are loving it and I never asked you take any ” sides “.
    What I asked was and is…

    What do you want us to do about it here ?

  213. TNS2019 says:

    BTW, and just to be completely transparent about my own position, I spent much of January 2019 checking under my car for explosives and waiting to be arrested on trumped-up charges.
    All true.
    Still facing the onslaught of the current establishment.
    That a country that has been my domicile for 38 years should sink to this level is deeply disturbing.
    How low have we sunk?
    link to

  214. Republicofscotland says:

    “As I said,I am not taking sides in this factional dispute.I care only for independence.”

    Jesus H. Christ, you either want independence or you don’t want it, under Sturgeon’s leadership they’ll be no indyref, Cherry McNeil, MacAskill and a few others do want it, the sides have already been picked choose yours.

    Sitting on the fence isn’t an option.

  215. Socrates MacSporran says:

    I had already decided, I would not be voting SNP on the constituency ballot – I will spoil my paper. I will also hold to my decision to give my list vote to the ISP.

    This crass and stupid decision has just reinforcedmy decision. Sturfeon and her coven seem determined to drive intelligent, capable peoply out of the party, and put back the cause of independence.

  216. Skip_NC says:

    Kapelmeister, actually, I was thinking of WGD describing the sort of people who will achieve the restoration of Scottish national sovereignty (ie, the sort of people who inhabit Wings) as like a dynasty that lasted three hundred years.

  217. Daisy Walker says:

    Tommy Shepherd has been moved to being in charge of Constitutional matters.

    I had a question mark about Tommy, as he was the first SNPer to state back in 2017 that we would need to let Brexit happen before we actually did anything to fight it. Soon followed by Pete Wishart.

    I do not doubt for one second that they would have given anyone the portfolio for the Constitution if he was not going to do exactly as told.

    REally glad to see Neale Heanvey coming out in support of JC.

    One very good thing about this, is it might be a vry telling method of identifying those for Indy, and those for Devo Nowt with a side helping of perpetual carrots.

  218. Davie Oga says:

    Mia says:
    1 February, 2021 at 4:09 pm
    “If I was Angus Robertson today I would not be able to show my face with the embarrassment.”

    Leave Angus alone. He bought that seat fair and square with a 100% genuine affadavit of lies.

  219. Mia says:

    “Do not underestimate the faustian pact that exists between the ”Robertsons” and the ”Sturrells”

    I wonder if somewhere along that faustian pact somehow the british state managed to crash the party through the back door.

  220. Captain Yossarian says:

    @TNS2019 – several people have been messaging this website recently with plausible stories relating to malfeasance in public office. The name ‘Swinney’ comes up time and time again doesn’t it.

    Have you tried the Secretary of State for Scotland? We are dealing with a devolved power obviously, but he is in charge of the Devolution Settlement and so I reckon he should know too.

    If it is any comfort, the legal profession in Scotland know that the game is up. When Sturgeon and Swinney are removed, people will want to know why the legal profession failed to protect them.

    I have worked overseas and when a proper investigation into government malfeasance is needed, they call in the Met. Perhaps that’s what we need here too.

  221. Mike says:

    Sturgeon must be hoping that the Covid pandemic hangs around for as long as possible to help divert attention from the festering mess that is now the SNP.

    All the more reason to get these vaccines rolled out and a return to normality to put the spotlight back on Sturgeon and her cronies.

  222. Effijy says:

    link to

    I think the majority of Independence and SNP supporters would vote for a Salmond Party.

  223. Hatuey says:

    msean: “The Westminster Government don’t care how you get stopped,just that you are stopped.’Infighting is great’ because you are not fighting them,but each other.”

    Yes, we’ve heard that mantra a million times. It’s basically a variation on the Pete Wishart theme.

    While the Westminster Government might not care how it stops independence, we care how we start it.

    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

  224. msean says:

    I am not in any faction here,just want independence. Infighting,factionalism etc, will destroy the the independence movement,heads need to be banged together ffs.You’re 3 months from an election.


  225. Davie Oga says:

    1 February, 2021 at 4:17 pm
    Mia:at 409pm

    Do not underestimate the faustian pact that exists between the ”Robertsons” and the ”Sturrells” therein lies the ”why we are so fucked as a country” clue.

    If you were tasked to find which senior SNP members are acting in the interest of the British state for money or favour, the male members of both those couples would be a good place to start. For clarification, I mean male as in having a penis. Putting on a strap on and giving Peter a rough seeing to for performing so poorly at the inquiry doesnt make someone a man any more than Self ID makes a man a woman.

  226. Good luck to Ms. Cherry, thrown under the bus by a weak-willed,threatened-feeling demagogue sociopath. She’s better off out of the increasingly insane, self-toppling cesspit that comprises Holyrood these days.

  227. Jacqueline McMillan says:



  228. Cath says:

    I’ve just been perusing my SNP membership renewal letter, swithering about whether to stay in or let it lapse and I have noticed something utterly appalling. Probably literal violence in fact. In the details box it asks for “gender” and give only two options M and F!!! HOW CAN THIS BE? WHAT ABOUT NON BINARY PEOPLE? Why is there not a sliding scale with Barbie at one end and GI Joe at the other? The hypocrisy of these people.

  229. holymacmoses says:

    msean says:
    1 February, 2021 at 4:41 pm
    I am not in any faction here,just want independence. Infighting,factionalism etc, will destroy the the independence movement,

    Stupidity is what will destroy the movement. Nobody here will vote against independence but you are working with a party which is actively working against independence and you don’t even have the excuse of Gordon Brown’s blindness .

  230. Breeks says:

    Giesabrek says:
    1 February, 2021 at 4:12 pm
    Nicola Sturgeon will still be a great leader after the election… of A wing in HM Prison Cornton Vale!

    Aye. Soon see if she feels the same way about self ID when there’s a crowd of blokes identifying as women banged up beside her…

  231. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    My last post replying to Davy Oga BTW.

    Would rather play it on my trumpet ….a real one I hasten to add, not my arsehole

  232. Cath says:

    Sex *is* binary. Gender absolutely is not. Think I’ll renew along with a 3000 word essay on why a form giving a binary option for “gender” is the absolute worst, most hateful and bigoted violence I have ever seen from a political party.

  233. boris says:

    link to

    City of London financiers are a smart bunch of operators and the jungle that they survive in is no place for the inexperienced.

    These guys do not take prisoners and will stuff Aberdeen Council if the opportunity arises.

  234. Beaker says:

    @kapelmeister says:
    1 February, 2021 at 4:08 pm
    “Over on WGD they’ve taken to calling us Mings Over Scotland.”

    Now I can’t get the bloody song out of my head…

  235. This Charles Bukowski poem, which is a fine work of art, absolutely encapsulates the hypocritical, shrill, insane mentality of people who scream from the rafters aboot how caring they are…even as they sharpen up the torture devices for using on others. Take a listen, seriously. It’s a fine, non-pretentious slice of human truth. And the contemporary SNP can go fuck itself. Even more than it is doing already.

    link to

  236. Lawrence says:

    Joanna Cherry surely has to give up on the SNP and look for pastures new.

    Or at least become more public on her thoughts on what is happening within the Sturgeon government.

  237. Jacqueline McMillan says:


    Saw that coming for a while and so did Auld Nic

  238. Steve davison says:

    Running roughshod over everything moral and legal trying to gather brainwashed drones around her to affirm everything she does yet it’s only in the main the rank and file member’s in outrage speaking out and leaving i.Is the for gone so deep.The Rev might have the inside track that she will go soon but all I see is a doubling down she thinks she is bulletproof .I agree that any shifting over to ISP must be held accountable for there actions during this time before been accepted

  239. Anne Marie McNulty says:

    After 40 years supporting SNP I’ve quit. now I have joined ISP. Feel sad but hopeful again.

  240. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Steve davison

    Done before. One springs to mind and he was born in Austria

  241. Robert Louis says:

    This is spiteful, as it is stupid.

    Now we can see, in full daylight the twisted conniving, bitter hateful nature of those leading the SNP. Their we have it. We no longer have to assume.

    And then we have the utter nonsense of an eminent, superb, QC MP, who is a lesbian and champion of equality, sacked to appease thes Trans bigots – who, incidentally do NOT speak for most transgender folk.

    Sick of it. Utterly, utterly sick of it.

    As a gay man, Joanna cherry has my full support in all she does and HAS DONE (and I shall write and tell her so). These ‘trans’ thugs will NEVER speak for me.

    Nicola Sturgeon was handed an absolute gift of a party from Alex Salmond, and through weakness has absolutely destroyed it.

    The Tories don’t need to do or say anything, the SNP have quite literally decided to destroy themselves.

    Nicola Sturgeon will be remembered as the person who threw it all away. What a fool. What a failure. In the future, historians will all ask, ‘just why was Nicola Sturgeon so obsessed with trans cultists, to the extent of destroying her party, and trashing the chances of Scottish independence?’.

  242. Daisy Walker says:

    Well I for one, now have a pretty good idea of what Boris told Nicla the other week, and why Reese Mogg was so very cocky in the HoC too.

    After all JC gave both of them a bloody good kicking on their own pitch and they don’t like that one bit.

    I stand with Cherry is trending on twitter quicker than you can keep up with the reading of it.

    For all those MP’s who got a sweetie, and are currently keeping their heads down, hoping not to have to show any kind of integrity, I see you and so do your constituency voters.

    My advice is to save the money your currently earning, because this gravy train is stopping at the next station whether you like it or not.

    And just ask yourself this, imagine you were falsly accused of a serious crime and your arse is on the line… who would you want to defend you, Joanna Cherry or wee Annie? Aye, well Scotland wants JC defending us also, and we know fine well that she’s far better qualified to do so than Ann.

    Playing shitty, crooked office politics on the world stage is not a good look, and it will not get you re-elected.

  243. Ian Mac says:

    So Self ID has spread to any category that might enable preferment in the political arena. And it gets you maximum points with the cult, whatever your actual merits. How progressive.
    And in the meantime the witch trials continue. Funnily enough if you self id as a feminist having no prejudice against trans people, that is probably enough to condemn you to the ducking stool, and no preferment as a candidate for election. Because your self id in this case will be howled down, your ‘id’ being decided by others combing through your life, making decisions about who you are according to some arcane pseudo-religious theories you are not party to.

  244. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    ‘I hope her replacement is as strong’ Roddy Dunlop QC


  245. ALISON BALHARRY says:

    Davie Oga says:
    1 February, 2021 at 4:42 pm
    1 February, 2021 at 4:17 pm
    Mia:at 409pm

    Eh no clue what you are on about?

  246. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Boris – Agreed…they have bolloxed the city with two white elephant projects that I can mention…Marishal Square and AECC. Both multi-million pound projects that the city clearly doesn’t need.

    I notice Jenny Laing in the photograph. Nothing is her fault of course. Absolutely nothing. The SNP made her do it.

  247. Disillusioned says:

    I can’t believe it – after all that’s come to light in the past 48 hours, there’s still a shower of fannies on twitter telling us to ‘wheesht for indy’! Jesus suffering fuck.

  248. Captain Yossarian says:

    A each day goes by, the prospect of Alex Salmond returning to a Holyrood free from Swinney and Sturgeon grows stronger.

  249. Jacqueline McMillan says:


  250. Samuel says:

    What is the Ginger Dug saying about this.

    I see a few of his resident cheerleaders have wandered in here to prove the point that true Duggers really can ride two horses at the same time.

  251. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’m just gonna repeat a comment I posted a few days ago…

    Brian Doonthetoon says: 29 January, 2021 at 7:35 pm

    Hi Cath says at 6:55 pm.
    You typed and quoted Andy Ellis @6.49,
    “[quote] The party would have an absolute melt down if Salmond, Cherry, MacAskill, MacNeil and a few others just up sticks and joined the ISP[unquote]

    If that happens I, and many others, will be straight out there and into the ISP. Right now they seem quite fringe and have no “names”. If they gain the kind of names above, I’m with them totally.”

    I wonder what would happen, within the ISP, if 6-12 “names”, like those mentioned above, were to approach the ISP with something along the lines of…

    “Let us stand for constituencies, as well as being #1 on the list for that region, and we’ll pay our own deposits.”

    Izzat whoddle ‘appen?

  252. Alf Baird says:

    Cheer yersels up wi Lesley Riddoch’s braw film aboot Estonia’s independence, on Iain Lawson’s blog:

    link to

    Main message is at the very end, the two key things needed for independence:

    1. national identity

    2. courage

  253. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:00 pm
    A each day goes by, the prospect of Alex Salmond returning to a Holyrood free from Swinney and Sturgeon grows stronger.

    I hope so, I really do. My wee chink of light AS, Cherry, KM, ABM, Joan, Hanvey. Oh God what a fucking mess she has caused. NS is a house/home thief and one that shits all over your house before they go and smears their jobby on your walls!

  254. The Isolator says:

    JC is my MP.After 45 years I am done with them.ISP here I come.Absolutely gutted at having to do this.So so sorry Joanna.

  255. Neil Wilkinson says:

    Jacqueline McMillan says:
    1 February, 2021 at 2:22 pm
    Davy Smith

    Yes I should have ran the fucker over, it would have been his fault, fat cunt.

    My wife nearly reversed over Jimmy Savile in 1982, another if only she hadnt seen him

  256. ahundredthidiot says:

    This feels like the part in the movie Outlaw King when the English brought a quarter of Wallace to hang in Berwick Town Square.

    Talk about firing people up…….Sturgeon and her cohort are so fucked.

    btw – I think ISP site may have crashed!

  257. Samuel says:

    Ginger Duggers,

    Fuck Off!!!

    You know who you are.

    And so do we.

    The minute you mention a Wings Stall OR a Wings night out, you will be getting called out.

    Now, Fuck Off!!!

  258. Davie Oga says:


    Thank you. Bukowski now added to read together time with my 20 month old.

  259. Captain Yossarian says:

    I was reading earlier that David Morehouse, one of the Duff and Phelps Directors maliciously prosecuted by our delinquent Scottish Crown Office Prosecution Service, was kept in a concrete cell without a bed for six days and nights.

    This would hardly happen in Uganda. This, my friends, is Scotland in the 21st century. Time to re-set all at Holyrood because this is not acceptable. Either that or close the joint because it does nothing but disgrace us all.

  260. Daisy Walker says:

    From Kevin MacKenna’s twitter,

    ‘Joanna Cherry: I’ve been getting death threats and abuse.
    Police Scotland: We’ll give you 24hr protection.
    SNP: You’re fired’

  261. ken says:

    To think that the route to Independence is hanging in the balance and is being pivoted the wrong way by a fractional percentage of the population who want to redefine “woman.”

    Are we living in some fucking weird Kafka novel?

  262. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Neil Wilkinson says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:09 pm
    Jacqueline McMillan says:
    1 February, 2021 at 2:22 pm
    Davy Smith

    Yes I should have ran the fucker over, it would have been his fault, fat cunt.

    My wife nearly reversed over Jimmy Savile in 1982, another if only she hadnt seen him

    If that’s true it’s funny and a pity at the same time.
    I’m getting suspicious online. Truth or Lies. Must be getting para like nicla. 😉 😉

  263. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    BTW Fat Cunt, Lard Brain who I had to break for caused my rather large dog to dunt all over the place. She was fine btw. He didn’t even acknowledge that his greasy body couldn’t run in front of a car. Playing chicken? I hope I gave him a dirty look.

  264. Frank Gillougley says:

    ISP joined.

  265. ken says:

    Compare and contrast…

    Joanna Cherry’s page on

    Joanna Cherry QC MP is the Justice and Home Affairs spokesperson for the SNP at Westminster.

    Joanna is a member of the Exiting EU Select Committee in the House of Commons and the Joint Committee on Human Rights. She has been a leading voice in the campaign to keep the Human Rights Act and to stay in the European Convention on Human Rights. Her maiden speech was devoted to the importance of human rights and was quoted by Shami Chakrabarti, the former director of Liberty, in the introduction to the paperback edition of her book ‘On Liberty’.

    Before entering Parliament, Joanna had been in practice as an Advocate for 20 years. She became a QC in 2009 and is ranked by the Legal 500 as one of the leading QCs in Scotland. She previously held the offices of Standing Junior Counsel to the Scottish Government and Advocate Depute and was one of the first specialist sex crimes prosecutors in the Crown Office’s pioneering National Sex Crimes Unit. She has appeared at the UK Supreme Court on a number of occasions, including twice on behalf of the Lord Advocate. She co-authored the textbook ‘Mental Health & Scots Law in Practice’.

    Joanna has been a member of the SNP since 2008 and has long supported independence and home rule. During the Referendum she co-founded and led “Lawyers for Yes”, a group of around 200 lawyers who had a high profile during the campaign and promoted the desirability of continuing EU membership for an independent Scotland.
    Contact Details


    Anne McLaughlin’s page on

    Contact Details


  266. Ian McCubbin says:

    Trans brigade still operating and we didn’t get them all voted off the NEC. So many Nicola fans at all levels now.
    Looks like she will ride out the storms.
    Sad but not unexpected ?

  267. Ian Mac says:

    The SNP is full of mediocre, gravy train passengers very happy to do as they are told, well aware that rocking the boat will cost them dearly. Very, very few of them have any professional experience which they can bring to the table, hardly any have any political or social skills on which they can build the case for independence, or be future leaders. The cult of Nicola positively encourarges and rewards mediocrity.
    So, given the dearth of political expertise, it tells you everything about the current mob that they sack the most eminent, qualified, intellectually able candidate, one who would wipe the floor with any of them in a serious debate. But of course, they don’t do serious, transparent open debate. As we have seen this weekend. Policy is decided behind closed doors and handed down to the apparatchiks for implementation.

  268. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Ian McCubbin – politics is all about momentum and I have never seen so many people turn against a political leader so quickly in my life. And so, no, she will not ride-out the storms.

  269. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    ken says

    Says it all.

  270. JGedd says:

    Could these be the first shots in the War for Independence? The Sturgeon faction appear to have decided on attack being the best form of defence.

    Personally, I’m actually glad that they have shown their hand so early before the election since it smacks of desperation. The tension was clearly building & something had to give. I actually welcome it as the action that was needed to bring an end to the phoney war. The detonation might now actually get to the ears of those ordinary voters who might have continued to remain unaware. Having ignited it, the Sturgeon faction might find that the media will find it impossible to ignore the situation.

    We need action now from those who find themselves on the side of independence & probity & against fanaticism & chicanery. I feel as if I can breathe again. Let the pieces fall where they may.

  271. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:24 pm
    @Ian McCubbin – politics is all about momentum and I have never seen so many people turn against a political leader so quickly in my life. And so, no, she will not ride-out the storms

    I so dearly hope you are right. At the moment I feel my life is being run over by rats. Not real rats, but those of the human variety, which are really nasty and not right in the heid!

  272. Stoker says:

    And this so far has been Sturgeons only response to the calamity going on. This being promoted from her personal Twatter account is nothing to be boastful about. From 58% to this, and she’s crowing about it. link to

    link to

  273. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Politics is a dirty game and it shouldn’t be.

    It should be transparent and decent.

    Have I died and gone to heaven in my thoughts?

  274. Neil Wilkinson says:

    Jacqueline McMillan says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:13 pm
    Neil Wilkinson says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:09 pm
    Jacqueline McMillan says:
    1 February, 2021 at 2:22 pm
    Davy Smith

    Yes I should have ran the fucker over, it would have been his fault, fat cunt.

    My wife nearly reversed over Jimmy Savile in 1982, another if only she hadnt seen him

    If that’s true it’s funny and a pity at the same time.
    I’m getting suspicious online. Truth or Lies. Must be getting para like nicla. ? ?

  275. Steve davison says:

    I hope that those brave soles who went against the flow forming the ISP are not just shoved out and there ethos hijacked by a flood of refugees from SNP persecution.Like the prospectors in Paint your wagon moving on when civilisation moves in .Whatever happens to ISP the lesson must be learned from SNP lack of checks and balances .For me anyone who thinks that the current SNP can be saved is deluded shit sticks

  276. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    What’s that saying? You can fool some people all of the time but ……………….

  277. Hugh Jarse says:

    No time for reading comments, so..

    Does anyone have any objection to the fact that JC is the pick of the potential crop for the leadership role in the alternative indy movement?

    Of course, she would need to resign the whip, retaining her MPship, and join/help found, and stand for a new single issue party.

    Given we’re approaching, being forced to, the end game of the long journey, what’s to lose?

  278. Daisy Walker says:

    I thought it only fair to try and find out what JC’s replacement – Ann Maclaughlin’s CV/qualifications are.

    According to what is on Wiki… she attended Drama School in Glasgow, and also Glasgow Uni – interestingly it specifically states ‘attended’, and makes no mention of actually graduating with any qualifications.

    Thereafter all that is listed in terms of work experience is within Political circles.

    A genuine question for the’wheesht for indy’ brigade – JC was able to take Boris to court and was key in stopping the illegal prorogation of parliament.

    Do you seriously think wee Annie’s in the same league of ability, and since in order to gain Indy we really, really need to be on our top game, don’t you think this is an unwise shuffle by the current leadership of the SNP and one that is likely to weaken our efforts to gain Indy, not hasten it.

    Seriously folks I mean come on.

    Aghh but if memory serves, I do believe wee Annie was a guest on the Dugcast, one of his favourite politicians. Oh dear.

  279. Neil Wilkinson says:

    Jacqueline McMillan, wise to be suspicious , but its true 🙂 . I worked at Stoke Mandeville hospital back then, JS used to jog in the local village, and was crossing the end of our driveway as he went past.
    At the hospital, he had a marmite reputation.

  280. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Hugh Jarse.

    I would refer to you,

    link to

  281. Jacqueline McMillan says:


    Yes or No ?n ?

  282. kapelmeister says:

    Skip_NC @4:24

    Ah. Misunderstood that one.

  283. James Che. says:

    Standing back and analysing the events of the last few years it seems that NS has very little control over the wokery NEC, or the lord advocate or the civil servants or her husband and Ruddick, the whole party seems overun by infiltratiors, wokeness, and with delight and happiness from the opposition,
    There is nothing there, that we recognise any more as the snp.
    As leader She reminds me of someone who has got off the merry go round on the wrong side from where she got on, she seems to be out out touch, in la La la land, disorientated, I think she has focused on covid because so far, it is the only control she does have,
    And I still have the uneasy feeling for all that is said and has been seen to have been done, that the intention was to frame Alex and Nicola, not let either one go, to ensure they were both hobbled.
    I think there was an intention to set one up against the other. There was the intention to throw so much shite at them both that something would stick both of them, and a safety net to ensure that if they didn’t get Alex then they would get Nicola,
    The two targets were alway Alex and Nicola, the two most likely people to achieve independence in our lifetime if they weren’t snookered one against the other,
    The NEC and the civil servants with a lord advocate showing obvious bias, having achieved their
    goal from the inside,
    Their can only be one reason for Thousands of civil servants running the devolved government of Scotland, how many do we need? Why do we not train Scottish people for those positions?
    I do think Nicola is now trying to save her own neck having been set up, as Alex had to.
    Something still stinks up to high heaven, something is not sitting right, something strange in the fact that only two major snp leaders of our lifetime are both being nurtured,
    For or against Alex or Nicola, the wider picture was being accused of sexual assault and the other one is being accused of instigating it,
    Great outcome for those invisible players in secret services behind the scenes trying to knock out the leading players of the independence movement in our life time and right before eyes and with our help before upcoming elections in Scotland,
    How long before the isp fall foul of something similar, how long before every independence momentum is halted by foul play, of some made up scandal hitting the headlines, leaked to the headlines,
    I certainly will not be voting for snp, not for this snp, It is no longer run the way it used to be, it is unrecognisable, the snp team Alex and Nicola ran has been deliberately scunnered, and I believe they were deliberately set up against each other, as far as I can tell only Alex or Nicolas head were meant to fall into the basket, and any one else that got in the way was collateral damage.
    They will play it to the end, those who work behind the scenes in intelligence cannot afford to let it go, without losing their United Kingdom,
    Anyone who believes there are not bigger players and a bigger stakes at play here are naive, this is not about Alex or Nicola, this is about hanging on to Scotland, especially now Brexit is seen to be done, this is about bringing an end to the old and building back better, to quote a few leaders of uk government, this is a setup more subtle than the elimination of old snp leaders,

  284. TNS2019 says:

    Latest ScotGov advice for those feeling stressed is to “light a candle”
    Just saying

  285. Dan says:

    Liz g says: at 4:12 pm

    Nicola Sturgeon is now a lame duck First Minister who cannot last.
    It’s not possible ( even if we wanted too ) to get behind her now she’s far too damaged.
    She chose Transgender as the hill to die on …. nobody forced her …we all cautioned her.

    Aye, for a good couple of years we’ve been highlighting the impending disaster that would occur if the SNP chose to set sail on this course.
    Prescient stuff too, as history repeats with the sinking of another Rainbow Warrior… although in this instance “the captain” appears to have Self Scuttled the ship… 🙁

    Defo spending the evening modifying my remaining stock of yellow pens. With jist a wee bit of sanding and black paint they make braw straws for sooking yer nip. 😉


  286. Daisy Walker says:

    So there’s been a youggov poll showing a slim majority for Indy again has there,

    A week after Borits visits Nicla, and Nicla takes the knives to the selection process and one of Indys big hitters.

    Theres a shocker. Look at the polls. Look at the polls.

  287. INDEPENDENT says:

    ISP it is then.

    SNP what a CAR CRASH!!

    When we get Independence eventually.

    Can we have have some common sense ref the number of parliamentarians required i.e. A maximum of say 64 (2 x for each Council Region) Elsewhere I read people talking about a second chamber being talked about as a hundred!!!!

    What!!!!! FFS the USA has a Hundred in the Senate BUT it has a population of sixty times that of Scotland. So an upper chamber of Max say 10. Elected separately at each election.

    This way we get rid off all the troughers and their hangers – on (SPADS) in one go.

    A completely new start.

    Hopefully sooner than later. At my age I cannot wait forever.

  288. AwakeNotWoke says:

    Even knowing how far gone things are with them, over the last week I was thinking, ‘they wouldn’t, surely?’ So they really are ballsing it out, SLAB II, ‘Who else you gonna vote for suckers?” And there are people, still, defending them, “hang on for Indy, it’s so close.” It’s sad, but has that inevitable feel about it.
    Sturgeon’s legacy is done, a huge portion of the country view her as a treacherous, backstabbing cretin now – at least that’s something. I’d like to see her walk through Glasgow’s streets now expecting adoration. She’d get a mouthful before she got far.

  289. Skip_NC says:

    Stoker @ 5:31pm, both of your links are to events in January of last year. Is that what you meant to post?

  290. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Neil Wilkinson says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:38 pm
    Jacqueline McMillan, wise to be suspicious , but its true ? . I worked at Stoke Mandeville hospital back then, JS used to jog in the local village, and was crossing the end of our driveway as he went past.
    At the hospital, he had a marmite reputation.

    ATM I am very suspicious and rightly so, thanks for your reply. Yes it’s a pity she didn’t run the weirdo over. As a child I watched Jim ‘ll Fix It and when he asked the children for a kiss and watching his eyes I felt what I now know was uncomfortable feelings. Just felt a bit weird to a child. His poor fucking victims and everybody in the know knew. Disgusting. People knew and they did fuck all about it. History repeats itself time and time again. Was it Mary Hopkins that song ‘When we ever Learn, When Will we ever Learn’ ?

  291. kapelmeister says:

    This thread has been going at 75 comments an hour. Never been so fast.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “This thread has been going at 75 comments an hour. Never been so fast.”

      I don’t think hourly views have been this high since about 2015. About five times normal. Yesterday was our biggest single day in months if not years, but we’ll have passed it by 6pm.

      [EDIT 6pm: and we have.]

  292. Stuart MacKay says:

    Samuel @5:10pm

    Do us all a favour and follow your own advice.

  293. Susan Wright says:

    I received an email last week from my local branch advising that a complaint had been made in relation to my social media. In particular a number of “transphobic” posts which included but not limited to the following

    1. “If you have a beard, a penis and dress like a man you can’t claim discrimination when someone calls you a man”

    2. “Stop using people who are intersex to justify rules and legal changes for trans people. They are significantly different and trans people have no idea the long term pain both physical and emotional that we go through”

    3. “Joanna Cherry is not transphobic”

    4. “JK Rowling is not in my opinion transphobic”

    Needless to say, the response was to shove your membership where the sun doesn’t shine. 20 years in the SNP, 22 Years of voting for the SNP and I doubt until Sturgeon and the woke brigade (who do not even support the SNP on independence or other policies) leave.

    It comes to something when this old transgender person is too transphobic for the SNP.

  294. Highland Bill says:

    Cath says:
    1 February, 2021 at 4:46 pm
    I’ve just been perusing my SNP membership renewal letter, swithering about whether to stay in or let it lapse and I have noticed something utterly appalling. Probably literal violence in fact. In the details box it asks for “gender” and give only two options M and F!!! HOW CAN THIS BE? WHAT ABOUT NON BINARY PEOPLE? Why is there not a sliding”

    You mean there isn’t an option for a Wookiee, hairy arsed, beards faced chick with a dick, the GenderWooWoo brigade will be incensed

  295. Robert Louis says:

    Ken at 520pm.

    Excellent point you make – some of which I repost here.

    From Joann a Cherry’s page on;

    Joanna is a member of the Exiting EU Select Committee in the House of Commons and the Joint Committee on Human Rights. She has been a leading voice in the campaign to keep the Human Rights Act and to stay in the European Convention on Human Rights. Her maiden speech was devoted to the importance of human rights and was quoted by Shami Chakrabarti, the former director of Liberty, in the introduction to the paperback edition of her book ‘On Liberty’.

    Before entering Parliament, Joanna had been in practice as an Advocate for 20 years. She became a QC in 2009 and is ranked by the Legal 500 as one of the leading QCs in Scotland. She previously held the offices of Standing Junior Counsel to the Scottish Government and Advocate Depute and was one of the first specialist sex crimes prosecutors in the Crown Office’s pioneering National Sex Crimes Unit. She has appeared at the UK Supreme Court on a number of occasions, including twice on behalf of the Lord Advocate. She co-authored the textbook ‘Mental Health & Scots Law in Practice’.

    Joanna has been a member of the SNP since 2008 and has long supported independence and home rule. During the Referendum she co-founded and led “Lawyers for Yes”, a group of around 200 lawyers who had a high profile during the campaign and promoted the desirability of continuing EU membership for an independent Scotland.

    And she took England’s First Minister, Boris Johnson to court and won.

    Just look at the career and qualities of Joanna Cherry. Look at how dedicated she is to independence, that she co-founded lawyers for yes. Look at how she has fought for equality and human rights all her life.

    oh, and she is a lesbian, has fought for gay rights and equality, yet bizarrely she is attacked constantly by so-called ‘trans’ cultists, in the most vicious evil way, just because she thinks a woman is an adult human female (like normal, sane folk do).

    Oh yes, she is a frontrunner to take over when NS gets sent to jail, and THAT is why she is being treated as a pariah by the SNP.

    Oh, and Iain Blackford, a ‘man just following orders’. A useful idiot. Has achieved nothing since entering Westminster. A seat warmer at best – and that’s being kind.

  296. Captain Yossarian says:

    ‘From Dewar to Sturgeon is like Churchill to Donald Duck’.

  297. Hugh Jarse says:

    Sarah Smmmmith, obfuscating like the good girl she is.

    Apparently the NEC is “Going to..Trans rights”.
    Strange choice of tense, and a total omission of the related illegal stitch up.
    PM R4 5.45ish.

  298. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:51 pm
    ‘From Dewar to Sturgeon is like Churchill to Donald Duck’.

    Dewar had more integrity I would say and probably would wish he wasn’t party to this shit festival

  299. Linda McFarlane says:

    Dear SNP/Woko Haram,

    I have never joined a political party before, but I have just joined the ISP. My legacy to you.

  300. Nat says:

    I’m not Scottish (though I do live in Nova Scotia), but I find your politics fascinating. I think what was done to Joanna Cherry is terrible. I wish she and Salmond would join the ISP or at least form a new party.

    I’d love to see an independent Scotland, but with Sturgeon in charge- there is no way it will happen. The sooner she’s out, the better. Good luck!

  301. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:54 pm
    “This thread has been going at 75 comments an hour. Never been so fast.”

    I don’t think hourly views have been this high since about 2015. About five times normal.

    How about your own twatter account??

  302. Ian McCubbin says:

    @captain Yossarian I hope you are right I was being slightly sarcastic.
    I have now joined ISP in dispair at the SNP mediocrity.

  303. shug says:

    Is this the end of the independence dream, or the rise of new parties for an independent Scotland.

    Anyone guess on which week Sturgeon will resign

  304. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Hugh Jarse – Sarah Smith is just terrified of offending Sturgeon in some way and going home to find her windows panned-in as a result.

  305. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    1 February, 2021 at 5:54 pm
    “This thread has been going at 75 comments an hour. Never been so fast.”

    I don’t think hourly views have been this high since about 2015. About five times normal.

    How about your own twatter account??

    I would say many of us have been banned from twatter but we are still valid 😉

  306. John Hamill says:

    Never thought I would say this but Independence is dead in the water. People saying if I don’t get Independence I want led by the people I want to lead it or I’m not having it. The last time Wings attacked the Tories was over a year ago since then its been the SNP. I’m a great admirer of Salmond but the dream is dead. If the SNP get a majority in May I’ll be astonished.

  307. Andy Ellis says:

    @Brian 5.04pm

    If some/most of those mentioned, and a decent block of those ordinary voters and former SNP supporters and members, DID simply decamp to the ISP then (with all due respect to those who have done the all the work setting it up which has been a fairly thankless task from all we can see) then the SNP is in big trouble.

    It must be a huge temptation for Cherry, Salmond et al. If they don’t do it pretty quickly, I fear the cause is lost for at least a decade. The gradualists and the woke Wahhabi extremists have shown us their true faces. The number of people who will turn against them now will dwarf the small coterie of crybullies who left a few weeks ago.

  308. Christian Schmidt says:

    Out of interest, is there anything in the SNP constitution about calling a special conference, and if so what are the mechanics?

  309. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Shug – Rev says this month and who am I to argue. Old Alex will walk down the Royal Mile to be crowned King of Holyrood.

  310. Neil Wilkinson says:

    Jacqueline McMillan At the time , I understood Savile had an eye for the young student nurses, but that was the worst I heard . Yes, beyond the pale that those who knew did nothing to stop him, even John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) knew of his real nature.

    Sturgeon is in a hole, her response is to keep digging. Eventually the sides will cave in

  311. I’m a member of *several* SNP messaging groups. Messenger/WhatsApp/Signal.

    Pretty much horror struck at this.
    The useful thing is it has pointed up the entryists….

  312. Samuel says:

    Stuart MacKay

    What is so wrong with calling out all the two faced bastards who have stood by the Ginger Dugger, running down the Rev and his supporters on a daily basis?

    Who now come crawling back to Wings and actually expect us to forget what they done.

    Are you an actual Ginger Dugger and this is what is infuriating you?

    You can’t ride two horses at the same time.

    You are either in one camp or the other.

  313. MWS says:

    Ohhh that last line. Ouch. But true.

  314. kapelmeister says:

    shug @5:58

    “Anyone guess on which week Sturgeon will resign.”

    Will she stay on ’til the Ides of March?

  315. Davie Oga says:

    Another reason for getting Cherry out would be that in the event she was FM eventually she would be unlikely to turn a blind eye to the criminality of her predecessor.

    I don’t believe Sturgeon will resign. She can’t now. Its all or nothing. Anyone else gets in and they will be looking at custodial sentences for her husband, Chief of Staff, and woman H anyway. I’m sure more as the bulk of the truth comes out.

    The game is thus

    Win the election keep power, keep control, keep a pet Lord Advocate

    Wake up with no majority, no way to make one and reselect Sturgeon as FM, then anything can happen, including hard time in Corton Vale and Bar L for multiple ministers and advisors.

    I think we are deluding ourselves thinking that there is any other goal than keeping power for power sake, and staying out of jail.

    I trust the Scottish people will do the needful in May, though it saddens me greatly that it has come to this.

    Fresh start time

  316. stuart mctavish says:

    Assuming she can’t be tempted to cross the floor to lead the Scottish conservatives, one way to repair the damage might be to give her Ian Blackford’s job.

    Anyone know how that could be done?

  317. Robert Louis says:

    The national has a poll on the sacking HERE;

    link to

    We all know what to do..

  318. CheeseNchive says:

    Real SNP supporter.
    “SNP is currently polling higher than ever, we have a collective responsibility to build on that and look forward to an independent future.”
    I don’t suppose you have the latest membership figures to hand do you? Or a spare £700000?

  319. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Neil Wilkinson says:
    1 February, 2021 at 6:03 pm
    Jacqueline McMillan At the time , I understood Savile had an eye for the young student nurses, but that was the worst I heard . Yes, beyond the pale that those who knew did nothing to stop him, even John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) knew of his real nature.

    Sturgeon is in a hole, her response is to keep digging. Eventually the sides will cave in

    Rotten did know and said so on TV. Can’t remember the programme but I’m sure it’s on Youtube as was ‘in time’

    Yep, it’s not a bin-fire. It’s a fecking bonfire. Sooner the better and start afresh with the decent ones who are still here btw.

  320. Stuart MacKay says:


    I think you made a mistake. This site is for grown-ups.

  321. Graham King says:

    Thanks, Rev Stu!

    ..for your work, enabling me to keep up with such developments happening at frantic pace..

    ..also for your more leisurely analyses, in between times..

    ..and for valued guest contributors, too.

    Significant for me is that your detractors don’t cite real faults, but resort to reckless unsubstantiated maligning.

    Yours is IMO the worthwhile journalism! (MSM, take note.)

  322. Samuel says:

    Vichy Scots who supported Sturgeon’s vision of Scotland will never be forgotten.

    You know who you are and so do we.

    And like the French Resistance who fought for Freedom from tyranny from the Germans, the collaborators who sided with Sturgeon will be hunted down and outed.

  323. red sunset says:

    Robert Louis says:
    1 February, 2021 at 6:07 pm
    The national has a poll on the sacking HERE;

    link to

    We all know what to do..

    Reader vote
    Poll closes 02-Feb-2021
    Was the SNP right to demote Joanna Cherry to the backbenches?
    Yes 25%
    No 68%
    Don’t Know 7%
    Votes cast: 368

  324. susanXX says:

    I want absolutely nothing to do with any party which embraces trans privilege. And I do not want any such party to lead at Holyrood post independence Probably 8/10 TRAs are perverts, they want tits to look at while wanking, raid sanitary bins for used towels and enjoy intimidating women. The other 2/10 are mentally ill. Thinking you are the opposite sex is not psychologically normal. Hard hearted? The truth hurts. Come and get me police Scotland, I don’t care any more.

  325. James says:

    this calls for strong response.We require a night of the long knives moment.Remember Berias downfall or how Saddam came to power.The strong rule its the way of nature,come on nows the hour,is no-one up to the job?

  326. Daisy Walker says:

    That National poll quotes Blackford as saying,

    ‘We are going to draw on new talent, to represent at Westminster’.

    Interesting use of the word talent, but then I suppose talent is subjective, unlike professional qualifictions.

    Article then goes on to quote anonymous SNPer,

    ‘ One SNP MP told The National, Blackford had been left with little choice: “How many times can you make us look like fools?”

    They added: “Being a front bencher does matter. If you’re going to be that disloyal there needs to be consequences. She’s going to claim victimhood and that it was a great big conspiracy. It’s not.”

    On the plus side at least they are aware that they are looking like fools….

  327. A Person says:

    I think this has “broken through”, not just to the mainstream media but to folk who don’t think much about politics. So that’s a good sign.

  328. Jock McDonnell says:

    Its like the QMU board are in charge. Thing is, NS will have no legacy at all unless she can deliver Independence or at least a referendum. History isn’t going to record any of the current agenda as a legacy or a triumph. Its not what people care about, not us, not the yoons. As things stand without a referendum, she is doomed to obscurity or opprobrium. Her caution has taken her so far, but unless she jumps the gap, failure is assured. Not to try is, in itself, the biggest failure.

  329. Graham says:

    Sturgeon’s “Downfall”.

    As the end draws near, a series of desperate vengeance acts are committed, even as the consequences are wholly, obviously & predictably, counter productive.

    Once gifted near Messianic levels of adulation, officials close to the leader eventually find courage to subtly advertise their unease at the narcissistic, self indulgent culture which has consumed the leader & the party built up around her.

    The foundations were always flimsy; built on little more than personal popularity that causes faithful eyes to glaze over actual results which are invariably lack lustre at best & often disastrous. Cost over runs & hap-hazard do-good ideas poorly executed that result in calls for inquiries about the continuing chaos.

    Poor leaders often choose to surround themselves with unquestioning loyalists which is inevitably, self destructive. No longer willing to reason, policies & decisions become reflexive, caring more for public perception than cold, hard realities.

    It really is all about the image; hence the singular unwillingness to allow anyone else to become the spokesperson with any meaningful authority. Subordinates are given tasks as token gestures but it is always made known that the “message” is that of the leader, even when it is understood that the audience is well informed & doesn’t actually need “nanny state” word guidance.

    Sturgeon has made great play of her daily briefings in the belief that it is her perceived popularity that will enable her to brush aside authentically derived criticism. Benchmarks are thus set deliberately low – England’s shockingly bad Covid outcome is Johnson’s project but instead of looking to NZ or elsewhere, it is her neighbour that she uses to compare her woeful performance.

    But there comes a point in time when the conjuring trick is no longer able to fool those who initially noticed the gimmicks but let them slide; the charades, the word games, the evasiveness.

    So when it is inescapably obvious that the persona is a well manufactured fake, the response of the leader is to project ridiculous accusations at those who have wised up to her parlor games. This is nothing more than desperate deflection because no matter how hard one tries to conceal, the truth, like water behind an old dam, will always find a way out.

    This is Sturgeon’s inevitable downfall.

  330. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    I’m with susanXX

    WHAT THE HOLY FUCK is going on???

    Born in the 50’s, lived all that shite, stealing from and destroying Scotland, AGAIN, just fuck off.

    Scotland is an enormously wealthy country in many ways and this is being allowed to happen????? FUCK OFF NICLA. TRAITOR.








  331. Alison Ross says:

    That’s it, I’m done no more! I kept hoping things would change for the better but nope! Officially politically homeless and will not vote SNP again not even for the sake of indy.

  332. red sunset says:

    My other half reading from google.
    Seemingly we’ve all got it wrong.
    Seemingly Joanna Cherry was disloyal to the leader because she said different opinions during a party meeting.

    What was that about wrong thoughts and freedom of expression?

  333. Strathy says:

    Stephen Daisley has the bit between his teeth. New article: –

    ‘Sturgeon’s purge: Why Joanna Cherry had to go’

    He includes two links to ‘grassroots pro-independence blog Wings Over Scotland’ and ends with: –

    ‘….. the foremost talent on the SNP front bench is no longer on the SNP front bench’.

  334. limey says:

    A sad and rare day when I agree with Stephen Daisley, but he’s got the measure of this TRA mob.

  335. Mike says:

    @Rev. Stuart Campbell

    What was he turning point for you with the SNP and Sturgeon?

    Can you pinpoint a time when the penny dropped and you realised that the SNP was being led into the twilight zone?

  336. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Daisy is a trougher pig (sorry real pigs)

    Stuart Campbell is up there with the best.

    Shocked, but shouldn’t be.

    Sturgeon on her way out………

    Just like Donald Trump


  337. Elmac says:

    Davie Oga @ 6.06pm

    Totally agree Davie. Doing the needful means NOT voting SNP on the constituency or list ballots in May. That has been obvious for a few weeks now. I sincerely hope the decent rump of the party can bring about Sturgeon’s downfall in the next week or so otherwise the SNP are unelectable. Who in their right mind would want to live under this level of half arsed corrupt government?

    I got pelters on here last night for saying if the earthquake doesn’t happen then vote anything but SNP in May, even if that meant voting Tory in your constituency. I stand by that. She has to go. Why can’t people accept there will be no independence until this poor excuse for a human being leaves the political scene? How much more manure are you prepared to tolerate? Whoever you vote for you can always have the pleasure of voting for a new SNP or ISP next time round when your vote will actually mean something. In the meantime get her out!

    I realise a period of unionist control at Holyrood is a massive risk but that has to be balanced against the risk of Sturgeon surviving to continue her demolition job on the SNP and the independence cause. It is quite likely that, in either scenario, Holyrood will be further emasculated and possibly abolished altogether before we can have a real pro independence majority at Holyrood again. But do not underestimate the power of the Yes movement, particularly if we all start to sing from the same song sheet once more. There is also the small factor of our large number of MPs at Westminster and an intervening Westminster election. We are between a rock and a hard place but many of our compatriots need to stop dining on carrots and forlorn hope and face reality. Better to clear out the contagion now and rebuild for the future than keep hoping the leopard will change its spots.

  338. paul says:

    Spelling all his own:

    Humza Yousaf
    Have spoken to Opposition members & we have all agreed not to move our amendments in relation to *Freedom of Expression (Hate Crime). By not moving, will hopefully achieve concensus on a broad FoE clause for Stage 3 that covers all characteristics, so no group feels targetted*

    So any group can be ‘targetted’.

    This lot weren’t told about Canute.

  339. shug says:

    At least we know why Rees Mogg was so cocky last week “soon we will know all the dirty goings on”

    They already have copies of Murrells messages and are yanking Nicola’s chain. In time they will release them.

    Ides of March sounds about right – very like Boris

  340. Republicofscotland says:

    Alyn Smith and Stewart McDonald’s Twitter feeds are concerned with blackening the names of China, Russia and Burma, both men are doing Westminster’s bidding for them in that department, the disgraceful sacking of Cherry from the front bench doesn’t even register with them.

  341. Samuel Coleman says:

    Jesus, what do we do?? Who do we vote for come May? ISP 2 on list definitely but don’t think I can endorse SNP with this but that will let unionists in…

  342. Cath says:

    What was he turning point for you with the SNP and Sturgeon?

    Can’t answer for the Rev, but for me it was when I did the jigsaw after that awful Kirsty Work documentary. So many people in the SNP know the truth yet have remained silent or, worse, joined in the smears. And, however much you might not want to believe NS was involved, it’s increasingly not credible to believe she wasn’t. I was gutted at that point, but still retained some hope. Her actions since then have only made it more clear.

  343. Stuart MacKay says:

    I wandered over to the dug-house to see what the mood was but they weren’t really up for talking. My take is that the silence indicates that Cherry’s sacking came as a bit of a shock and that the SNP would make such a move came as a blow.

    The reason I wanted to test the waters with the loyalist side was to see what the prospects for SNP reform is. There’s an almighty amount of dust blowing around and there’s soon to be a lot more. Once it settles I’m not sure there’s going to be much of a party left to save. The todo as I see it is:

    1. Clear out the cabal.

    2. Clear out the leadership – if you don’t have the balls to stand up now then you’re certainly going to be useless when it comes to negotiating independence.

    3. Clear out the NEC and reform it’s rulebook.

    4. Rewrite the constitution.

    5. Clear out the woke.

    6. Re-engage with the loyalist side who are going to hate you with a vengeance.

    7. Reassemble all the pieces are start back on the road once more.

    That’s a tall order no matter which way you look at it. And definitely begs the question of whether it’s worth it compared to starting over anew. If the party had not parked independence for the past 5 years then I’d say for sure it was worth salvaging but with the majority of the bad news still to come out it’s looking like it’s not really worth it – a charismatic leader, a lot of hard work could probably get to the same point from scratch compared trying to put a bunch of broken pieces back together. A clean sheet and a clear message might simply be easier to work with and ultimately more productive. Most importantly there certainly would not be baggage to worry about.

    Is the solution the ISP? Right now, I’m with Andy Ellis and the answer is sadly not yet. It was a big mistake not declaring a plebiscite election a core aim. It either smacks of incompetence or a lack of will. It certainly brings up the spectre of a repeat of what we’re seeing right now.

    I’m still an SNP member. I hummed and hawed about it last year and decided to see how this played out – not a great decision based on what we’ve seen so far. However I want to see how this month plays out before I pull the plug.

    Right now I’m waiting with bated breath to see who steps forward. That’s likely to change everything.

  344. Stoker says:

    Ever heard of the phrase “It’s a good day to bury bad news”? Here’s what Hoozat Useless is trying to sneak under the radar: link to

  345. Andy Ellis says:

    @Elmac 6.39pm

    The most plausible (and of course more desirable) alternative though isn’t a unionist majority – because the yoons are just such a horror show and there’s no earthly way they’re going to contrive to beat the pro-indy vote – it’s a “real SNP” fronted by Salmond, Cherry, MacAskill, MacNeil, Kerevan and others.

    If that doesn’t happen, there will be little difference in terms of bringing about a vote whether the SNP are in power, in a minority or – least likely of all – there is a unionist majority. Only a solid block of indy-fundamentalists can save us now.

    It’s a big ask of Joanna Cherry et al, but if they don’t grasp the nettle, we can kiss goodbye to indy for at least a decade and look forward to the gradualists in power for a long time.

  346. TNS2019 says:

    Graham at 6:28pm

    “Poor leaders often choose to surround themselves with unquestioning loyalists which is inevitably, self destructive. No longer willing to reason, policies & decisions become reflexive, caring more for public perception than cold, hard realities.”

    You nailed it.

    Not just NS. The whole lot of them.

  347. Michael says:

    Speaking of factions, is there a reason anyone knows why AFI have never joined forces with ISP? It would be great if they each got a handful of MSPs but seems more likely that one will sink without trace, like RISEable, 2015

  348. Gavin Convery says:

    Cancelled my SNP membership in disgust last July. I have just joined ISP as the only viable route to independence, let’s hope that JC and many of the other fine politicians in the ranks of the SNP can find their way from the dark side.

  349. Republicofscotland says:

    Seems like Sturgeon’s lapdogs are retweeting the poll that shows she’s the most popular leader in the UK, it reads to me as f*ck you lot, the masses are still being fooled into believing we actually give a shit. Here are two examples.

    link to

    link to

  350. Eileen Carson says:

    One obvious fault exposed by the present debacle is the lack of a mechanism within the SNP party to call an EGM, to remove the CEO, or indeed a rogue party leader. It’s now also obvious that the CEO and party leader should not be related by marriage or blood.

  351. Meg merrilees says:

    red sunset @6.18pm

    the poll is 72% NO and 21% yes now.

  352. Robert Hughes says:

    Better send another 100 ton of sand over to WGD

  353. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    The SNP don’t seem to realise that THEY ARE NOT THE INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT.

    We are bigger than them.

    Cherry vs Robertson in Edinburgh Central on the Constituency (whether JC is Independent or ISP)

    The SNP/Robertson would have to do what we all laughed at Labour for doing not that long ago.

    Bus in folk to chap doors as they had no local support.

    Think you all should contact your prospective SNP Constituency Candidate and see where they stand regarding Cherry’s treatment (I know I have).

  354. Carol Neill says:

    I don’t do fb or Twitter so I’m often at the coos tail , thank feck for here for keeping me in the picture
    Wee donation on its way

  355. Dan says:

    OT Boston Dynamics have a new vid.

    Thankfully I didn’t spot any SNP logos on these yellow mutts. That ringfenced Indy Fund cash would have bought a few of these genderless pups, and with a coding tweak they could be used to enforce the laws they plan to implement.
    For some reason I was reminded of Rod Hull and Emu…

    link to

  356. Mr Bruce Hosie says:

    I suppose this story today does take away from the Peter Murrell story that he has allegedly refused to appear before the Alex Salmond enquiry tomorrow to clarify his evidence, interesting timing.

  357. tricia young says:

    I have emailed as many MSP’S & MP’S as I could (following the parliament list). I asked: why was Jo Cherry sacked?
    Deafening silence..
    I am beyond anger and weeping now. Fuck Sturgeon and what she has done to my party. Fuck her. All those marches, fundraisers and door chapping – all for nothing.

    #i’m raging.

  358. Meg merrilees says:

    I’ve only just been made aware of what has been happening – been out at work all day and my neighbour came round and rang the bell to tell me of the sackings – WOW!

    Someone is losing the plot here and it isn’t Joanna Cherry.
    Boris must be loving every minute of this.

    The SNP high heid yins just look really stupid now and are obviously panicking.

    Poor Alex must just have his head in his hands.

    Let’s hope that the four of them – Alex, Joanna, Angus Mac Neil and Kenny McAskill are planning the way forward as we speak.

    This is the act of someone who is deranged and unpredictable now.

  359. T.roz says:

    Very angry. I hope there is new party to vote for.

  360. cynicalHighlander says:


    link to

    Must be taking lawyers advice of your toast.

  361. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    IMHO? Is that how I should put it??

    Indy supporters have been shafted for years by HRH NICOLA.

    In spite of warnings ..from you know who et al. Who were actually denigrated for TELLING THE TRUTH.

    Well that’s democracy.

    You or whoever can tell the truth but IF WE DON’T LIKE IT; IT DOESN’T WOO, WOO AND YOU WILL GO TO JAIL.



  362. Jack says:

    For whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.

  363. James says:

    WTF end it now, Where can this go next.Their holed below the waterline but still rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.Does no-one in that party possess the balls to stand up to this shit show?

  364. Sarah says:

    @ Meg at 7.02: spot on. It is sheer lunacy. And stupid. They look like complete idiots – and they obviously are.

    I would despair but am sure that Joanna won’t do anything foolish. The SNP still has a large [unaware of the party problems] voting base so the quickest route to independence is to get their votes for a sanitised SNP.

    So how to get the party sanitised? And soon. I very much hope, and expect, that Joanna, Kenny, AngusB, and Alex Neil, Joan McAlpine, Alex Salmond, are working on this.

  365. susanXX says:

    Haven’t heard back from Drew Harvey my MP re the demotion of Joanna Cherry. Checked out his Twitter feed and there he is slagging off Wings and backing Emma Roddick who has BPD and PTSD. I’m all for people with disabilities having equal opportunities but that is one dodgy combination: expect histrionics from her.So on the good guy/ wank scale I guess Drew’s a wank. Not getting my vote again.

  366. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Johanna Amendment is fecked right now?? I’m right, wish I wasn’t.

  367. Elmac says:

    Andy Ellis @ 6.48pm

    You may be correct. I accept that most disgruntled SNP followers will chose not to vote rather than vote against them but I suspect there will be a large number of no shows which is likely to grow over the next days and weeks as the criminality and corruption of the Sturgeon government trickles down to Joe Public.

    Can you imagine what the position would be if there had been no Brexit and Bojo was not PM? I think the SNP would be out on their ear. As it stands the run up to May is crucial. I earnestly hope Joanna Cherry, Kenny Macaskill and others will jump ship and move to the ISP or start a new party but I assume that will be too late to have ISP or a new party stand candidates on the constituency ballots. ISP could conceivably take a few seats on the list but the constituency seats are what matters and, if the drip feed of the exposure of what the SNP government has been up to continues, the SNP could be in trouble to the extent that an overall pro Indy majority is lost (and that is with the tongue in cheek inclusion of the current SNP as a pro Indy party). I think it is a strong possibility.

    I totally agree with you that there has to be palace revolution within the SNP in the very short term or we will be consigned to many more years of our country being downtrodden and raped.

  368. Andy Ellis says:

    @Sarah 7.18pm

    That’s the dialogue of despair and ensures indy gets kicked into the long grass for the foreseeable future. We have < 3 months for this to pan out. What on earth makes you think the current SNP can be sanitised and rendered fit for purpose in that short a time?

    Even if Sturgeon is somehow forced out the roasters who have eaten the party from within aren't just going to give up: they have lots of skin in the game, and most of them aren't fit for anything else.

    Only a new party will do, or an effective take over of the ISP. If "we" don't achieve that, we'll have nobody to blame but ourselves – the gradualists and woke Wahhabis will have won.

  369. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Holy shit for sanity and for women and girls and boys and men who probably are 99% unaware that their Mother’s, Sisters. Aunties and all the women and men are kept privy from. WAR. Cannot keep a good dog down, nor a strong woman and women. How the fuck….where’s the fucking men? In the man shed? Get the fuck out and stand up for your Mother, Sister, Niece, Daughter, Wife, etc etc etc. I fecking see you cowards

  370. Cath says:

    Poor Alex must just have his head in his hands

    I feel for Alex. Spent his entire life fighting for independence, created a movement and mass membership party in which be brought on so much new talent and so many voices. Totally stabbed in the back by his own party and those he brought on with false allegations that could have seen him sent to prison and totally destroyed (and have destroyed his reputation among most for now). And now everyone is screaming “Alex, where are you? We need you back?” because, as a country, a movement and a party we appear to have completely failed to capitalise on any of that, or Brexit, and be in a situation where the SNP is now imploding.

    Where are the new and young Alex Salmond’s in this movement? I’m certainly not seeing them in the youth wings or any of the loud younger people (or is it younger people who are allowed a voice, maybe?)

  371. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    link to

    Just give this a watch and think about what NS hasn’t fecking done

  372. Colin Alexander says:

    The question is:

    Should Cherry, MacAskill etc leave or should they stay in the hope of gaining control of a wrecked bus full of bampot passengers who are determined to crash the bus again?

  373. Andy Ellis says:

    They’re coming for Joanna:

    link to

    Action and inaction have consequences indeed. Stay safe Joanna.

    You have the support of all decent people in the movement.

    We will ultimately prevail against these vicious, regressive TRA zealots and their useful idiots.

  374. Neil Wilkinson says:

    Colin Alexander says:
    1 February, 2021 at 7:41 pm
    The question is:

    Should Cherry, MacAskill etc leave or should they stay in the hope of gaining control of a wrecked bus full of bampot passengers who are determined to crash the bus again?

    The SNP looks superficially ok, but has contracted dry rot.

  375. 1971Thistle says:

    @Jock McDonnell @18h25

    “NS will have no legacy at all unless she can deliver Independence or at least a referendum.”

    Depends; some are easy please…many of the acolytes view her poll ratings as akin to loaves and fishes and water into wine.

  376. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    6 + how many cherished members who wear makeup and put a frock on??

    How many are you losing just now?

    Nicola Sturgeon do you have a confession to make??????

    What are you????

    Who the fuck are you???

  377. susanXX says:

    Saw that on Joanna’s twitter . TRAs are just scum.

  378. Iain More says:

    It must be crystal clear by now that we need a new Indy party that is committed to achieving Scots Indy. It is clear that the SNP arent. My anger and bitterness at them grows by the day.

  379. Iain More says:

    I forgot to add. It is clear that the SNP is seemingly no longer safe for supporters of Scots Independence.

  380. Dan says:

    The mystery of the Indy Fund is solved!
    Turns out SNP high heid yins spaffed several hunner thousand green queens on procuring this engine to propel the Indy bus.

    THE revolution has been televised…

    (1 min)
    link to

  381. susanXX says:

    Btw I meant Drew Hendry not Harvey.

  382. robbo says:

    We all know what to do..

    Reader vote
    Poll closes 02-Feb-2021
    Was the SNP right to demote Joanna Cherry to the backbenches?
    Yes 19%
    No 75%
    Don’t Know 5%
    Votes cast: 1568

  383. M says:

    M to Agent Sturgeon. Congratulations your work is nearly done.

  384. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    NS can get what she wants just now, but in the long run she’s fucked. Wicked person, or is she a woo woo himsheher???

  385. Saffron Robe says:

    Words fail me but like many others I would just like to offer my support to Joanna. You are far from being alone and as Andy Ellis says, you have the support of all the decent people in the movement.

  386. Kevin Kennedy says:

    Replaced by Anne McLaughlin who is on NEC and who I very much doubt recused herself from vote to get her partner slotted into #1 on the list.

  387. Fionan says:

    9pm and the National vote on the sacking of JC shows 75% no (it was wrong) out of around 1500 votes so far.


  388. Jacqueline McMillan says:


  389. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Smoothpiece has joined ISP hope they are better.

    Just so angry felt I had to do something.

    Strange times.

  390. Mc Duff says:

    An absolute outrage.

  391. Jock McDonnell says:

    Resigning from the SNP is handing the field to those without independence at heart. Each to their own but to me it feels like surrender.

  392. bipod says:


    Scotlands vaccination failure continues. On sunday Scotland only vaccinated around 9000 people, it completely pales in comparison to the 322,000 people England was able to vaccinate on sunday, on the saturday england was able to vaccinate over 500,000 people that means that they nearly vaccinated a million people over the weekend whereas Scotland barely managed 30,000. But don’t worry Scotland is well on track to meet the new revised targets!

    Nicola keeps saying it is because we are doing the care homes first and that is why our programme has been so sluggish in comparison. There are only 35,000 people in care homes in Scotland, supposedly 90% were done last monday when she was questioned about this and now it is 97% complete. We are literally talking about a few thousand people here, why is it taking so long to finish vaccinating them and why does it require so much staff that the entire national programme is slowed to a halt because of it.

    In reality it is nothing to do with care homes or with it being more “methodical” than the English programme, thats just not true. It is because the Scottish government did not prepare enough for a mass rollout of the vaccine even though they saw it coming for months. They didn’t acquire properties for mass vaccination centres, they didn’t requisition enough staff to actually run a 24/7 rollout, they didn’t even have enough blue envelopes ready to send to people for gods sake. It is only now that mass vaccination centres are being opened, NHS lousia Jordan was supposedly opened a few weeks ago as one but it was a lie they have not been vaccinating 5,000 people a day there, nowhere near it, they had there one big photo op day to save dithering nicola some embarrassment but it has been plodding along at a much lower level since then.

    Cautious nicola needs to stop pontificating about sending spare vaccines to other countries and actually start using the stockpile of vaccines that has been building up here. Every additional day that lockdown and other restrictions continues is crushing the country.

  393. dakk says:

    What fucking mess.

    Not only that,concern trolls on here pleading vote Tory and lionising Donald Dewar.

    Donald “Scotland would be poorer than Bangladesh” Dewar.

    Donald*gifting massive Scottish maritime areas to England*Dewar.


  394. @ Jock McDonnell: The SNP doesn’t have independence at heart. The past six years of zero progress make that patently obvious. Nicola Sturgeon has rarely even mentioned independence, let alone campaigned and planned for it. In fact, the SNP has done everything to prevent any move towards independence since she became leader. Enough is enough.

    But it’s far worse than that, isn’t it? We have a party that has placed far more importance on pandering to the demands of a tiny minority of misfits and perverts than on independence. And a party that has conspired to ruin the man who has done more than any other to bring about our independence, and to wreck our movement for independence with it.

  395. tricia young says:

    Jock @21.41 the SNP are no longer for independence, so no it doesn’t feel like surrender. It feels like freedom. Vote ISP.

  396. Jock McDonnell says:

    @MIchael Lang perhaps, but I take the view the majority of members are heavily pro-independence & should reclaim the organisation.

  397. highseastim says:

    bipod 9.45 pm :- allover 80’s were done in my area over two weeks ago, well on with over 70’s now. Care homes, care staff and NHS employees have also mostly been done.

    On another note, today was the final straw, although I will still vote SNP at the forthcoming election as I don’t see any other viable non unionist option, I cancelled my membership direct debit today.

  398. Suzy says:

    I’m one of the people who has absolutely had my head stuck in the sand as regards the leadership….i kept thinking “Nah, this cant be true”, hoping that you were wrong and at some point the leadership would all come out and stand together – Everything would be fine and we would go into the Holyrood election united. Self IDing as a disabled person (talking as one) has just pushed me over the edge. I’m just about to cancel my membership and am absolutely gutted about it.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I’m one of the people who has absolutely had my head stuck in the sand as regards the leadership….i kept thinking “Nah, this cant be true”, hoping that you were wrong and at some point the leadership would all come out and stand together – Everything would be fine and we would go into the Holyrood election united. Self IDing as a disabled person (talking as one) has just pushed me over the edge. I’m just about to cancel my membership and am absolutely gutted about it.”

      The moral of this story: I’m pretty much never wrong.

  399. Jacqueline McMillan says:

    Imagine swopping steak for mince…….just saying

  400. IrnBruzer says:

    That’s the end for me. Been hanging on for a while. Only thing not stopping me cancelling my membership tonight is Stu’s confidence that there will be a leadership election soon and I want a vote in that.

  401. bipod says:

    Good stuff highseastim, but I am just reading the statistics and clearly there is a problem here. We actually vaccinated less people this sunday than the last sunday, the rollout is floundering not accelerating.

    Scotland reportedly has recieved 980,000 doses of the vaccine by the end of january, why aren’t those vaccines already in peoples arms, why do we have such a lower utilisation rate than England or even Wales and NI. We are stone dead last and its not because of some unique Scottish problem, it is because of mismanagement and complacency.

  402. Glenislay says:

    I think it’s safe to say that JC’s joke of a replacement reeks of as much nepotism as any one of Trumps cabinet picks when he was US president. She was useless as an MP for Glasgow NE, lost a safe seat to Paul Sweeney of all people. Paul Sweeney. Then only got her seat back through nepotism

    This is why those kinds of nonsensical comparisons from the britnat brigade sticks. It’s easy to compare the independence movement to wingbat Trumpists When the leadership acts with as much vindictive spite and favouritism as the Orange Mammon.

  403. Ian Mac says:

    Amazing isn’t it, the SNP is so replete with experienced, principled candidates, persuasive articulate campaigners and young talent at every level, visionaries who have worked tirelessly for independence worth the name, that they can afford to get rid of their best and most popular politician by a country mile. Who would have thunk it?

  404. Studhog says:

    Been wondering for a while: Will The SNP have a clear out of the wokes or will some big names jump ship to another pro-indy party?

    I see a big clue, right there in blue and white in the last line of Stu’s post.

  405. Jim says:

    I just read this:

    link to

    A quick search engine check later; the interviewee seems like the real deal i.e. not a eejit. It has, however, been a long day so I could have missed something.

    It’s just, I’ve been wondering how such a small faction could exert such influence over the SNP – even given your excellent article on Imposter Syndrome.

  406. StuartM says:

    Did you see that bit in the RT story:
    “Lidia is also personally being investigated by the Barcelona prosecutor’s office for a ‘hate crime’ – basically for daring to hold a view counter to the emerging transgender orthodoxy and opposing changes that could offer simplified gender changes and medical treatment for children who identify as transgender.”

    That’s a preview of what’s in store for Joanna Cherry and others once Humza’s Hate Crime Bill becomes law. Be afraid, be very afraid.

    As for “medical treatment for children who identify as transgender” any doctor who prescribes hormones or performs gender reassignment surgery on a child or young teen should be prosecuted alongside the parents for child abuse. Children who are not considered mature enough to drive a car are clearly not mature enough to make such irrevocable life-changing decisions. These kids need psychiatric counseling not surgery.

  407. StuartM says:

    Regarding the Rangers story
    link to
    Whitehouse, 54, said: “I was taken from my house in Cheshire at 8.30am driven to Glasgow and spent six days in a police cell, with no bed and a concrete floor, at Helen Street station. I was treated worse than a terrorist.”

    He told how a police officer visited his cell to tell him they had intelligence that Whitehouse’s family was at risk. But he was refused permission to call them.

    Whitehouse said: “Why would you tell someone, ‘Your family’s at risk but there’s nothing you can do about it’?”


    I also came across this piece from the archives:

    link to
    During a video conference hearing today, Iain Ferguson QC, acting for Clark, said “all the main players” from the cops’ investigation of Whitehouse and Clark had “refused” to be quizzed by their legal team.

    Judge Lord Tyre replied: “To my mind, disappointing would be a mild word that the police, as public servants, aren’t willing to cooperate and assist with this process without being forced to do so.

    “Simply the fact the allegations are serious isn’t an excuse. They should be in a position to tell their side of the story.”

    WTF is going on with police in Scotland?

    Forcing prisoners to sleep on the concrete floor of a cell is Gestapo tactics, not something that should be allowed in a civilised country. I’d also think the ECHR would have something to say about denying a prisoner contact with his family. Furthermore that police officers should refuse to be questioned by defence lawyers is outrageous. Similarly I read recently that police refused to give evidence to an inquiry into a death in custody. These b******ds think they’re above the law.

    On a related note, one of the articles I read had a closeup photo of an unshaven and tracksuit-clad David Whitehouse being frogmarched by 2 burly cops who had pinned his arms to his sides. Evidently this photo was taken when he was arrested in a dawn raid on his home in Cheshire. What possible excuse can there be for barging into the home of a middle-aged accountant accused of white-collar crime at the crack of dawn and manhandle them off to jail without allowing them to wash, shave, dress and pack a change of clothes? Your think he was a terrorist or an armed robber. The arrest warrant could have been dealt with by notifying Whitehouse to present himself at the local copshop. But that wouldn’t have enabled the paparazzi they’d tipped off to get a perp walk photo, and besides he might have turned up with a lawyer.

    Think you live in a free country? Think again.

  408. Al-Stuart says:

    Just off to work so unable to scroll through the 414 posts on this thread.

    Is it true?

    Has Joanna Cherry QC had her front bench position given to Tommy Sheppard? Yet.

    Sturgeonite McWokeist cabal sacking one of the most competent politicians and legal minds in the country who worked successfully to recall Westminster parliament has been replaced by a drug taking stand up comedian?

    If so, I really don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    If, after 18th September 2014, someone had set out to write an instruction manual on how to destroy the SNP and kill of IndyRef2 for at least 15 to 25 years, they could not have done a better job that appoint the current NEC and McWokeist cabal.

    All those decent members of the SNP are waking up to realise Stuart Campbell was right all along.

    All they could do was shoot the messenger and wheesht for the McMassiah, St Nicola the Assassin.

    The fat Banker fae Skye can pack his bags. Very soon the heady days of having that awesome tranche of 56 SNP MPs take up almost a quarter of the U.K. HoC parliament chamber on the green benches will be reduced back to the rump of 5 to 7 impotent cosy feet Weak Pishfarts MPs.

    What an unholy Bourach.

  409. David Caledonia says:

    Don’t call those weird people trans, if you do your giving them some kind of status they don’t deserve.
    There are people in the world that nature has not been to kind to. but these types in the SNP and such are just a bunch of wild mendacious mendicants that crave attention.
    There ye are, two big words for a tuesday morning
    Ah well, back to youtube and messenger

    Alba Gu Bra

  410. David Caledonia says:

    Forgot to say, never voting SNP again, just got to find a party to get the movement back on track again

  411. North chiel says:

    Absolutely shocking decision . Let’s hope that Alex Salmon re enters the arena soon . I am sure people ( and some SNP politicians) will flock to his side once the truth emerges . Joanna Cherry one of the finest politicians at Westminster . ( A spiteful and vindictive act ) .

  412. Pixywine says:

    Real SNP
    Nicola Sturgeons leadership is building up to a ” perfect storm” of destruction. A political cluster fuck to sack one of your ablest politicians under current circumstances is suicidal. FM seems intent on damaging the party in order to raise her virtue arial high.

  413. Unwokey Bloke says:

    Obviously Cherry as the most capable politician within the SNP had to go, Sturgeon can’t have someone that actually wants to achieve the reason the party was set up in the first place getting in the way of her and Murrell and their band of merry dimwits taking yes voters for mugs.

    It’s also no surprise that they’ve become very pro transgender, given that under Sturgeon the majority of male MSPs/MPs seem to have already been castrated. Just a rumour but apparently the reason for the gender recognition legislation is so Swinney and Robertson can show up in a frock and fight it out for the top spot of being Sturgeons bitch.

    Cherrys only crime which isn’t actually a crime yet but will be soon is stating that a guy wearing a dress identifying as a woman isn’t actually a woman in the biological sense, and as such shouldn’t have access to women only spaces.

    The biggest joke of all under Sturgeons leadership is that between her and Hamza with the Hate Crime Bill they’ve made the Tories defenders of free speech in Scotland with everyone else determined to get on board with the woke agenda.

  414. Jontoscots20 says:

    A bargain basement Beria if ever there was one. That said I doubt he’s even know who I am talking about. A product of a generation of student politicians, playtime strategists and self- interested maneoevering are his stock in trade. Not serving the destiny of a people that’s for sure.


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    • sarah on Signal and noise: “The problem is that most people haven’t heard about Salvo and the Liberation Movement. Even an ex-MSP of the Highlands…Mar 12, 22:03
    • lindsay on Signal and noise: “By extension this has to be the best discription ever of what today passes as Scottish “parliament”Mar 12, 21:55
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Of course there’s only ONE side cloaking the debate. The ones wearing cloaks, real and figurative.Mar 12, 21:40
    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
    • sarah on Signal and noise: ““Because it’s a waste of time. You cannot declare independence…unless you’ve had some sort of democratic event demonstrating that it…Mar 12, 21:28
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “I don’t agree with everything you say, but I do agree with some. See the last sentence, can we change…Mar 12, 21:10
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    • Mark Beggan on Signal and noise: “Generations of inbreeding.Mar 12, 20:48
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “IF there are any changes they’ll be the type of changes that remain the same.Mar 12, 20:42
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “Undoubtedly. There is always more. This is the REDACTED parliament, after all. But I don’t think it’s what YL says.…Mar 12, 20:36
    • Southernbystander on Signal and noise: “Yes I am sure you are right that in fact it is a very narrow set of ‘communities’ being referenced…Mar 12, 20:35
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: ““I cannot understand why Stuart Campbell has chosen to ignore organisations like SALVO and Liberation.Scot consisting of dedicated independence supporters…Mar 12, 20:14
    • George Ferguson on Signal and noise: “Agreed. Young people have no understanding of Scotland of the past. Social migration was there for working class Scottish people…Mar 12, 20:13
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    • lorn on Signal and noise: “The ‘trans’ lobby utilizes these individual cases at huge public cost in order to wear down women. Simple as that.…Mar 12, 19:49
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “They’re not stupid. They are richer. And the deal they made with their ‘lack of conscience’ bothers them not one…Mar 12, 19:49
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: “Indeed. It’s certainly interesting (to me, at least) how Tommy has been scrutinised by both Peter A Bell AND Wings…Mar 12, 19:33
    • Nae Need! on The evolution of fairness: ““And they would turn Scotland into a extreme left wing authertarian hellhole And they would make trump look like an…Mar 12, 19:29
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “OK that’s me put off my dinner. Holyrood is sickening and Sturgeon having the gall to open her mouth and…Mar 12, 19:22
    • lorn on Signal and noise: “The rights of these men to enter female spaces? Is there such a right? Don’t think so, Scott K.Mar 12, 19:19
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “That Vic Valentine, Scottish Trans Manager, Equality Network, stated that his organization makes sure that people in public and private…Mar 12, 19:15
    • Southernbystander on Signal and noise: “‘The Parliament believes that transgender and nonbinary people contribute immensely to the wellbeing of Scotland’s communities’, say the Greens. Eh?Mar 12, 19:11
    • Chris on Signal and noise: “Without wishing to stress the obvious here, but isn’t the simple way to stop this nonsense to elect more Tory…Mar 12, 19:08
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    • twathater on The evolution of fairness: “To use your example of IT being a waste of time, you used your knowledge and dedication to produce the…Mar 12, 18:14
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““Speaking to reporters ahead of the debate on a rare appearance at the Scottish Parliament, Ms Sturgeon said: “I think…Mar 12, 17:52
    • KT Lorimer on Signal and noise: “The tranny dickheads are still in charge SNP amendment passed all is well in la la land.Mar 12, 17:40
    • A2 on Signal and noise: “At least misogyny and transmisogyny are seperate things now… progress!Mar 12, 16:30
    • KT Lorimer on Signal and noise: “No they are not – this is nothing to do with people who have been diagnosed with dysphoria and chose…Mar 12, 16:25
    • Yoon Scum on Signal and noise: “Let us have a moments silence In memory of the braincells that died trying to grasp the concept of the…Mar 12, 16:04
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