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A myth of independence 210

Posted on November 02, 2015 by

The video clip below is from Russia Today, which is in no way an impartial news outlet. However, it’s dangerous and unwise to reflexively dismiss any message purely because of the medium. Heck, even the Daily Mail tells the truth sometimes.

That’s because the messenger in this case is Major General Patrick Cordingley DSO, a highly distinguished British Army veteran commander who led the invasion of Iraq in the first Gulf War in 1991, and who before the second one in 2003 (by which time he’d retired) had a very perceptive view of both the battle and the likely aftermath.

When we join the clip he’s discussing the USA.

His views are expert and worth listening to. (The full interview is here.) Readers can, as ever, decide for themselves whether to believe him or David Cameron.

Louder than bombs 41

Posted on September 12, 2015 by


UDI is the answer 374

Posted on August 09, 2015 by

Alert social-media users will have noticed that it’s hard to avoid a constant low-level buzzing from a faction of the Yes movement, calling on the next Scottish Government (in the event, as currently seems likely, that it’s another SNP majority) to issue a Unilateral Declaration of Independence, or UDI for short.


And in the context of achieving Scottish independence UDI is indeed the answer, if we assume that the question is “What’s the stupidest thing the SNP could possibly do?”

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Deterrent-proof 119

Posted on August 08, 2015 by


The end really is nigh 146

Posted on July 18, 2015 by

This week, as the UK’s new Conservative government brought forward a bill to impose tax on renewable energy projects, just seven Labour MPs turned up to oppose it.


You know these guys that you used to see wandering round the city centre with a sandwich board telling us “THE END IS NIGH”? It seems they were right.

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Greece isn’t the word 216

Posted on June 30, 2015 by

In today’s Scotsman, Peter Jones makes the case for why an independent Scotland would have been plunged into the same crisis currently affecting Greece (and making the case along the way for why George Osborne’s austerity is inevitable and we should just shut up and accept it).


He insists strenuously throughout the article that he’s doing no such thing and is simply highlighting the flaws in the idea of a currency union between Scotland and the rUK, but to anybody who actually reads the article, it’s patently obvious that that’s exactly what he’s doing.

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Keeper of the flame 54

Posted on June 13, 2015 by


The Unseen Sturgeon 173

Posted on June 09, 2015 by

We’ve already brought you the First Minister’s appearance on last night’s The Daily Show in the US, but in addition to the seven minutes that were shown on TV there were a further seven minutes of interview which didn’t go out on air, but were shown on the Comedy Central website, region-blocked so only US residents could see them.

When the FM goes abroad to represent Scotland in the outside world, though, we think it’s only fair that Scots get to see what she’s saying and doing on their behalf, so we didn’t let such trifling obstacles get in our way.

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The Sturgeon Show 127

Posted on June 09, 2015 by

The First Minister’s appearance on The Daily Show last night in full:

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A slow politics day 65

Posted on February 01, 2015 by

Blah blah Jim Murphy blah blah idiot something.


The way this match is going, we’ll see you sometime in April.

The art of the possible 189

Posted on January 26, 2015 by

At this morning’s Wings editorial meeting, we were discussing whether the spectacular victory for radical-left anti-austerity party Syriza in Greece last night was a bit of a beamer for Scotland. After all, the Greek electorate were faced with a lot of the same uncertainties as Scotland was in the independence referendum, except in Greece’s case they’re a lot more real.


Greeks really don’t know which currency they’ll be using this time next year, or whether they’ll still be in the EU, or whether there’ll be an exodus of big business, or whether they’ll be able to borrow money, whereas in Scotland those were baseless scare stories. Yet voters in the Hellenic Republic didn’t bottle it and decide to leave their fate in the hands of Germany.

But then we realised that was a little unfair.

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They just can’t help it 115

Posted on January 08, 2015 by

“Wait, this story’s entirely true. Do something, Torcuil.”


“Sorted, boss.”

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    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Well done NHS Fife. There goes another 100,000 votes and not a Reform candidate in sight. Reform are getting their…Feb 18, 21:09
    • diabloandco on The thickness of blood: “I hope you are right, and I echo your thanks to Sandy Peggie.Feb 18, 21:02
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Put me off dentists for years.Feb 18, 20:21
    • George Ferguson on The thickness of blood: “Anyway back to the matter in hand. Sandy Peggie will win the industrial tribunal because their deliberations will be based…Feb 18, 20:07
    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “I love the fact that I’m stuck in your head, Flying Paranoia.Feb 18, 19:55
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    • TURABDIN on The thickness of blood: “ARC i.e alliance for responsible citizenship currently conferencing in east London at a venue owned and operated by an Abu…Feb 18, 17:22
    • George Ferguson on The thickness of blood: “OK I seem to be clear now. Hopefully the same for other wingers. But be cautious I have just realised…Feb 18, 17:17
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    • George Ferguson on The thickness of blood: “It’s dead on here for a reason. This site is compromised. Normal service will be restored eventually. Paying the ransonware…Feb 18, 16:24
    • diabloandco on The thickness of blood: “Looks as though life has returned to normal on Wings ! Thank goodness!Feb 18, 15:11
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