Birth Of A Politician
You can’t do this, you know. You just can’t.
These things cannot both be true.
Math Campbell-Sturgess is seeking to be the SNP’s candidate for Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber at the next election. And he’s trying to do it by wearing two faces at the same time.
You cannot change sex “at a physical level”. Even the tiny minority of trans people who have surgery (less than 5%) are only having imitations of organs they don’t possess gouged into themselves. A phalloplasty does not create a penis, because a penis has defined functions the fake does not possess. The fake does not contain a duct for the transfer of sperm and it is not made of erectile tissue (it’s usually made of a roll of flesh removed from the forearm or thigh).
Similarly a vaginoplasty does not create a vagina. It creates a wound which has none of the defining characteristics of a vagina, and which the body will keep trying to heal until the patient dies. It does not lead to a cervix or a uterus (or indeed to anywhere – it’s a dead end). Words mean things.
“Sex reassignment” surgery doesn’t even create things that superficially look like sex organs, although we’re going to save you from the photographs of the reality of what these constructed “organs” do look like because they’re just too gross.
And the idea that humans can change sex “at the endocrinological level” is equally complete nonsense. Here is the endocrine system:
No treatment for gender dysphoria, whether hormonal or surgical, affects the glands and organs above the waist in that diagram. You can inject milk into a car’s engine and it’ll slosh around all the parts, but it won’t become petrol and it won’t change the car into a cow, although it WILL destroy its function as a car.
But in any event Campbell-Sturgess is tying himself in knots that he’ll end up hanging himself with from the off, in drawing a distinction by which transwomen who’ve had surgery are women but the other 95% are not. This will simply enrage both sides of the debate. Trans activists consider any such distinction extremely transphobic, while all the sane people who know that humans cannot change their sex will bristle at the tiresome, dishonest, brainwashed chanting of the meaningless and offensive “trans women are women” slogan.
By definition, transwomen are male. You literally HAVE to be male to be one. Nobody born female can ever become a transwoman, because how could you transition into something you already were?
So if Campbell-Sturgess accepts the definition of a woman as an adult human female – which he says he does – then there is no possible way they can be women.
(Let’s just gloss over the pathetic “only things defined by words get to define what the thing means” gambit, because as well as being semantic circular gibberish that would mean we had to defer to dogs over what a dog was. If only women get to define what “woman” means, how do we determine who qualifies to participate in the decision unless we already have a definition for who is a woman?)
Yet he also says that they are, and expects people to simply swallow the contradiction.
The great tragedy of our times is that this crass, cynical, blatant doublespeak would see him fit right into any Parliament in the UK, because they’re packed full with people spouting the exact same insult to the intelligence of the electorate.
But the SNP are defending a majority of just over 4,000 in Argyll and Bute (although the seat’s boundaries are changing next year, as are most), and crucially in this context the Conservatives are in second place with the Lib Dems and Labour nowhere.
Between Campbell-Sturgess’ contempt for voters (he hasn’t yet been selected for the seat, but any SNP candidate chosen will have the same stance or worse), the vast unpopularity of the SNP’s gender policies, the likelihood of Unionist tactical voting and other factors, it’s probable that despite their own unpopularity the Tories will take the seat for the first time since 1983, another brick in Humza Yousaf’s embarrassing “most seats” strategy will crumble to dust, and independence will disappear a little bit further over the horizon.
Those who still want independence in their lifetimes simply cannot afford to vote SNP again. The party is infested beyond salvation with a cult of incoherent, misogynist, homophobic, anti-scientific madness that renders its members into imbeciles, turning themselves intellectually inside out in full public view and handing seats by the bucketful to Unionist parties.
There is no alternative. We have to burn it down and start again.
I am so sick of these fucking parasitical imposters thinking the electorate are stupid and cannot interpret LIES and OBFUSCATION he will probably be a shoo in for the seat as he speaks most of the mantra but the dumbass will hopefully be targeted by his fellow tartan taliban because he is undermining the WORDS
He has committed the imortal wokerati sin of saying a woman is an adult human female for which he will be removed from the cabal
Yip. To be fair, the SNP has been a zombie party since Salmond stepped down. Let’s proactively start the conversation about what’s next.
Vague musings after reading this skewer of an article…
There are only two parties in UK politics that have shown the ability to bounce back from truly incredible defeats. Both are awful in their own ways but what cannot be denied is that they have internal mechanisms for self-correction, an ability to attract capable people (according to each generation’s standard that is) and a recognisable base of voters. Obituaries for both were written after these defeats but they manage to resurrect themselves.
I don’t see this mechanism in the SNP. Going very quickly from running almost nothing to running everything they became a victim of their own success when they lucked out with Salmond’s leadership. Those at the top of the party started to convince themselves they could make their own reality, that politicians really can walk on air or ‘hold up half the sky’, whilst at the same time launching an internal coup against the membership, doing in a few short years what the Conservatives and Labour did over a much longer period.
Now that political gravity is re-asserting itself after those responsible have left the stage or are about to leave the stage, what’s left is a political vacuum – a party with almost no discernible talent – and attempting to fill that vaccuum is, oddly, the most vacuous political generation that ever existed in a ‘major’ party. So I won’t bother setting my alarm but can someone wake me and the crew of the Nostromo up when anyone of them has an original idea.
The SNP will NEVER win another general election and the independence movement needs to find another vessel.
Whether that’s Alba, the ISP, or the James Che party, it has to happen very quickly because hoping that these mediocre people can turn this around is like believing in Santa Claus when you’re over 30.
The SNP are hurtling to oblivion.They exhibit a contemptible disregard for generations of independence supporting people whose hopes they have destroyed.I am embarrassed to admit I was once a member.
CalMac and the non-delivery of the new Ferries should be the PRINCIPAL concern of any prospective candidates for electoral office in this area.The Highlands and Islands have been badly let down by the current Central Belt cabal.Trans wimmin in Argyll – gies a break.
Can you delete my last post to allow me to edit
Imagine if every single SNP MP/MSP lost their seat.
The moment after that happened people would realize the independence movement is still there, untouched, just as it always was, and will be.
The moment we realize the SNP have become intolerably heavy bags that the independence movement is now lugging about, dead weight, and all we have to do is open our hands and drop the bags. Then we just continue on our journey minus the SNP millstones.
This would be an incredibly cathartic event. Liberating.
The forest does not die when there is fire. It is rejuvenated, allowing fresh sprouts and new growth once all the dead wood choking it has been converted into ash.
That is what we need. Burn it all down and discover it does not harm independence at all, it will give it a new lease of life, instead of being suffocated by these imposter troughers.
Burn it down and start again, but it wont be from the beginning, it will be quick, really quick.
turning themselves intellectually inside out in full public view
By a remarkable coincidence, that is close to what the trans people the SNP support and favour want to do:
Turn themselves physically inside out.
I wonder if a minority of them likes the full public view part too. There certainly seems to be quite an exhibitionist streak (no pun intended).
PhilM – A great post. I remember when the result of the leadership election was announced in Edinburgh, Ash Regan looked disgusted by it all and Kate Forbes looked relieved that she hadn’t been selected. Looking back now, the signs were there, weren’t they. I also think the collapse will be quick, will be permanent for the SNP and it could happen quickly. That will inevitably lead to a Holyrood election and a Labour revival as they are the opposition. Are Labour any better, any more talented than the SNP? Not really and that is the problem. In my opinion, there is an undoubted case for independence and an undercurrent of support which is not diminishing. It is their politicians that have been putrid. That has been recent and it has gripped them only over the past 10-years. Prior to that they were OK and that is what the new party, whoever they are, will want to recreate. It will take years though and so the potential of off-shore electricity generation benefiting ordinary Scots will probably be lost in the same way as the potential of oil was lost. I am still hopeful that criminal charges may be brought against senior figures in the SNP. In the aftermath of Fabiani, we are all conditioned to accept that they will get away with anything, but Police investigations are going-on just now and many of us have confidence in the Police.
I sometimes marvel at how Scots can be so innocent still.
The one thing Scotland seems to be ‘rich’ in is betrayers. The dogs who sold the country out to save their vile carcasses and who in different incarnations continue to do so to this day.
So you would think we would have evolved a deep suspicion and awareness of such betrayers amongst our midst. And developed methods to counter them. But no it seems not.
Burning down the vehicle for independence and clearing out the troughers should be something we do as a matter of routine. You don’t put all your independence eggs in the SNP basket. That makes it too easy for them.
What I find particularly heartening in all of this, is that while support for the SNP craters, the support for Independence has not. Because THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING.
As heartening is that is for me it must be incredibly disheartening for the people pulling Nicky and Peter’s strings. This is their worst nightmare.
They thought by trashing the SNP they could trash independence. But instead what we are seeing is the beginning of the decoupling, the detachment of a still vigorous, still vibrant independence movement from the diseased corpse of the corrupted SNP.
They are cleaving apart rather than the SNP dragging us down. That must be absolutely horrific for them, their worst nightmares coming true…
We can vastly accelerate that horror by destroying the SNP ourselves, and like the phoenix or famous liquid metal robot reform again instantly in front of their eyes, over and over again… do it.
Good thing about the most seats strategy (/ debate) is that it obliges conference to explain why it was too difficult to adopt earlier (rather than tag along for brexit and the not unconnected coughid), and could clear the way for blue passports/ udi as early as next week.
While I agree with much you say Stu, including some things on the trans subject, I have to disagree with your some of your views in this article.
What I’ve found difficult to understand is the disappearance of any distinction between those who would have traditionally been called transvestites (men who dress as women) and transexuals (those who surgically transition to the opposite sex). “Trans” is now an all encompasing term that includes both categories (probably done deliberately) but I believe there’s a crucial, yes biological, difference between them.
The current debate is whether men dressed as women should have access to women-only spaces – why? Because those men, who claim to be women, still possess a penis and while there are various forms of rape, the most common would be penile penetration. Remove that penis and lower their testosterone levels and that risk of penile rape is obviously elimininated (no penis) and other forms of rape are significantly reduced due to lower testosterone levels. perhaps to the similar levels of female-on-female rape?
I would ultmately defer to the biological female population on this but I currently don’t see an issue with male-to-female transexuals (those who transitioned) having access to female-only spaces since they would not appear to be risk.
Many people make physical changes to their bodies since they believe those bodies would look more attractive once changed, from piercings, tattoos, costmetic surgery, etc. If it makes them happier with their bodies and lives, AND doesn’t adversely affect anyone else, then who are we to stop them (although while writing this I know there are extreme body modifications that we might want to prevent e.g. elective amputation but I think that’s a different debate from this one).
However, when men dressed as women who still have male genitalia want to access female-only spaces I, as a father of 3 girls, certainly agree that this adversely impacts others.
It must really irk to have people say “we want independence to get the government we vote for – we haven’t voted Tory in Scotland for 68 years…”. This seems a quick way to address that.
Obviously it requires cooperation from the incumbent regime, which exposes their complicity. It will also, surely, enrage the electorate when they see the continuation of exploitation being carried out by the “foreign” party. Much easier to have free ports etc. imposed by a local client, the SNP.
Quite a big risk, they must be feeling really secure?
J@nus-faced gibberish: time for The Crazy World of Arthur Brown.
His views are no different to the current SNP MSP and MP for Argyll and Bute.
Forgive me but I want the SNP out and voting Tory may be the quickest rout to get us back to Independence. The Tories are bad but the SNP are worse. The two clowns currently representing Argyll and Bute are Sturgeon sheep..
Math Campbell-Sturgess
What a silly name.
I just can’t anymore.
I have nothing new to say on this subject.
I’ll check back and post a link to what I said previously if anyone is interested.
He writes:
Abortion is healthcare (and an inalienable right)
OK but what is not healthcare is selective abortion and that is something Humza Yousaf & the SNP are very much in favour of.
Does selective abortion = misogyny?
Maybe those selectively aborting a female baby can be charged with a misogynistic hate crime.
Giesabrek says:
26 September, 2023 at 8:34 am
“Many people make physical changes to their bodies since they believe those bodies would look more attractive once changed, from piercings, tattoos, costmetic surgery, etc. If it makes them happier with their bodies and lives, AND doesn’t adversely affect anyone else”
But then they aren’t pretending to be something they are not and trans identifying males – even those who have had surgery – will always be males and by allowing them anywhere near a “women only space” it stops that space being for women only. Allowing them to stand on women only lists makes a nonsense of those restrictions.
Neither are they demanding everyone go along with their fantasy of who they are.
Mammals can change their appearance, many do naturally, but they cannot change their biological sex. A man in a dress is still a man, a man who has had his bits cut off is still a man and will still display traits and behaviours of a man. Having them in my “safe spaces” nullifies the word “safe”.
Birth of a politician, Death of a party.
Campbell-Sturgess appears to regard, according to his site, SocMed skills as paramount in politics. Politics as subset of knowing your X from your Instagram no less.
However this is the killer, literally.
«Trans women are women. Also, abortion is healthcare (and an inalienable right)»
Eugenics and pseudo science creeping back into the forum.
Alternative view to that.
link to
I do not have a vote but I empathize with those who do when faced with this dilemma*
* A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or unsatisfactory.
trans women are women
Hard disagree.
Also, abortion is healthcare (and an inalienable right)
Why do people you would never allow near your children often talk as if they think this is America?
Another brilliant analysis of this nonsense. But isn’t it absolutely tragic that you even have to say this, that you have to devote your time to this? The world is in the grip of some peculiar mass psychosis, although the Scottish political bit of that world seems to be the most degenerated.
I often wonder what our Muslim brothers and sisters both in Scotland and Pakistan think of this. Can this Useless Buffoon ever return to Pakistan?
I can’t find my previous posts at the moment. I’ll sum up what I said previously.
You can’t have sex changes and at the same time protect women’s rights.
There is not a single political party in the whole of the UK willing to protect women’s rights.
The up and coming ‘Woman’s Party’ led by Posie Parker is our only hope.
I want to see the GRA 2004 repealed and wearing of woman face to be a hate crime.
The question I would like to hear answered is
‘What does it mean to live as a woman?’
Maybe instead of asking these politicians who have no fixed opinion Helena Kennedy should be the one to ask.
We have after all just paid out mega-bucks for Helena Kennedy to work very closely with Nicola Sturgeon to prepare the ‘Misogyny Hate Crime Bill.’
I try to be empathetic in these circumstances as I’ve been there myself tying myself in knots trying to be a good progressive before coming to realisation, as you say, that both things can’t be true. Hopefully the penny drops for the councillor.
I could get behind the sex and gender is different and gender is a social construct narrative and it’s the conflation of sex and gender from trans activists that has lost them the support of people like me. I now realise I just accepted the “gender is a social construct” line without thinking about it too much and now don’t buy that either as it promotes regressive stereotypes of woman.
I feel for people genuinely suffering from gender dysphoria who need this treatment as a last resort to cope with what must be a horrible condition as they are getting caught in the crossfire in all this.
Someone clever once wrote that…
‘There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.’
Well independence here is the idea, and its time was most definitely coming in 2014.
When that needle started moving during 2014 and we took a lead for the first time with a couple of weeks to go… that terrified them, it still does. All hell broke lose at that point going into the referendum and it has not stopped since.
Since then we have seen (broadly speaking) two very extreme actions take place.
1. The attempted stitch-up of Alex Salmond to inflict massive reputational damage.
2. The internal systematic and methodical destruction of the SNP as the vehicle for independence. All done in a very short space of time.
For these two things to have happened, straight after 2014 just about, tells us something profound about 2014. It was an idea whose time had come. And Alex Salmond was a brilliant conduit for that idea.
Destroying Salmond’s and the SNP’s reputations tells us how scared they are. These are extreme and crude acts from frightened people. They are acts of desperation, just shy of real assassination (which it easily could have been had they succeeded in jailing an innocent man), they are certainly acts of political assassination.
The idea of independence has nothing to do with the SNP. The SNP could cease to exist tomorrow and it would simply coalesce into a new ‘host’ or hosts within weeks if not days.
What 2014 proved is that if you get the message correct, and the right leader, who can artfully articulate the idea of independence, then the needle starts to move, just as it did during 2014. It is an idea whose time was coming.
And what is so weird is that support for YES has been frozen in time ever since, like a case of arrested development, because that is exactly what it was and is.
Medicalization is a social phenomenon in which subjectively perceived defects in the human may be fixed either by means of drugs or the scalpel.
The human body is considered not a creation of nature or «the divine» but something intrinsically full of imperfections that «science» can fix.
«What a piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals»
Bullshit! they reply.
I watched a programme last month about black face.
More than ever I understood where these black people were coming from.
Lots of parallels between black face and woman face.
Othello was always played by a white man in black face.
Now we seem to have men playing women in a wide variety of different roles and not just on the stage.
These black & white minstrel groups were very popular and now we have drag acts all over the place.
The failure of the SNP is not the justification for Labour.
Labour is still the same old rotten unionist party rejected by electotate. The earlier analogy of a fire clearing out the deadwood to allow new growth is therefore a good one.
The electorate hasn’t changed. Only the deadwood has grown.
And that is why people in mine days time will lend their vote to Collette Walker ISP rather than abstain or vote for a party they don’t want.
The infection has spread to such an extent that the prognosis is utterly bleak. No antibiotics will help, no transfusions or further medication. The kindest thing to do now is to put it to sleep
I doubt he could be any worse than the current muppet who was and likely is the favoured candidate. Academic as will not vote for either. If no Alba or ISP candidate I will spoil my ballot.
What is a transwoman? I don’t think the following answer is far off the mark.
‘Fetishistic men on a sexualised ego trip living out
their sexual fantasies in public’
We are accommodation all these fetishes and I’m wondering where it will all stop. Are places of business going to be required to have baby changing facilities & nappy bins?
Must go but I will be back later to post more about fetishes & perhaps introduce you to sissy porn.
🙂 Bye
“I believe that gender is a social construct, so if someone wishes to identify as a woman, that should be their right.”
Gender is indeed a social construct, and that is what renders it objectively meaningless. It can mean anything that proponents of gender ideology want it to mean, because it has no factual basis whatsoever. If ‘identifying’ as a woman means you’re a woman, then I identify as Class 55 Deltic locomotive, and you’d better believe I am one, I’m telling you!
The scumbags who have infested and taken over the party absolutely kill me.
After so long supporting and campaigning for this party to see it become this rag tag bunch of chancers, careerists and c… ok I’ll skip the last. But seeing that happen, I can’t believe it but I agree. The party needs to burn to the ground.
There is hardly anyone in it anymore that is worth anything. Even if they don’t believe the bullshit and remain silent they are complicit and if you have such a pathetic lack of spine as to go along with this, you’re worth NOTHING.
Of course if you speak out you get turfed out. Except for JC because they know they’d be bent over in a court if they tried that on her.
Christ it’s so dispiriting to see the mess they are. It’s a shame Alex is honourable AND felt he had to quit after Sept 2014. We’d not be here now. I’m almost certain Scotland would have been independent in fact.
@ Wee Chid at 9.03am:
I entirely agree with your comment. Sex is binary and immutable: it’s that simple. People who wish to believe otherwise should not be encouraged or pandered-to.
Campbell-Sturgess isn’t the sharpest tool in the box, obviously.
It is very depressing that he passed nuSNP vetting. To pass vetting they must all subscribe to the vile “transwomen are women” dogma. And that is why they are finished.
Burn the nuSNP to the ground and never let a single one of these grifters back into Scotland’s politics.
Notable that this man highlights SocMed savvy.
Social media are now the home of NuSpeak and its censorship norms.
Do no harm. Do not hurt. Be careful what you say.
Re-educate yourself!
“Lots of parallels between black face and woman face”
People can blacken their faces. People can whiten their faces.
I blacken my face every summer. Like millions I like to. I have no intention of stopping.
Conversely, there are millions of Indian women who use every trick of protection and cosmetics to lighten their complexions. They like to. They have no intention of stopping.
Then there’s cross-dressing, a mainstay of the theatre, pantomime and films, and there’s pretending to be the opposite sex for criminal access purposes.
These are all different things, some are harmless, some have been weaponised by grifters, grudge carriers and crims. It doesn’t help to lump them all together as BAAAADDDDD.
Do SNP still know they are a party?
For those ready to take their vote to an English Party where is their fight back on their record
How about showing Labour Lord George Robertson stating that Scotland is an insignificant
part of North Britain or Boris call Scots a Verminous people he would put in a ghetto and eliminate.
How about that list of what they once achieved that English Parties won’t give.
Free University access, free personal care, no Doctors strikes here, more spent on health care here than any other party of the U.K., no road or bridge tolls, free Baby Boxes, £20 extra to the poorest families going hungry etc.
Could those who had their bums on the gravy train for years chip in for a leaflet, a Bill Board,
a Newspaper page?
When they need to act like a Whirlwind they can’t be bothered to fart.
Can there be Trans Parties?
One born as Independent now showing themselves as Trans Unionists.
Regardless of the trans nonsense, I’ve been saying for some time now that the house needs to burn down. There is nothing of value left in the SNP, not even the name, forever tarnished by scandal.
Hopefully 5th October will see the match struck.
“Those at the top of the party started to convince themselves they could make their own reality, that politicians really can walk on air or ‘hold up half the sky’, whilst at the same time launching an internal coup against the membership”
– PhilM 4:25am 26/9/23
The problem here is that the above description cannot be limited to the SNP.
Look around. Its everywhere in what has been described as “The Garden” (Copyright Josep Borrell).
How many of its Party members, to take just one example, has the UK Labour Party purged?
How many local Party Units at Constituency level have been forcibly taken over to be run at the diktats of the Junta at the center?
How many Local Authority Labour Groups – even in places where they have a wafer thin majority (like Sheffield) – are now little more than ciphers, all jumping to the whim of those at the top? With even elected Councillors who are on the New Labour wing of the Party being suspended from the Party.
In terms of the narrative identified in this Wings piece does anyone seriously think that that situation would change if the Labour Party or the Lib-Dem Party in Scotland took over (nominal) charge from the SNP in Edinburgh?
And that goes for any other narrative which holds the status of Official Narrative. On any issue.
Its why anyone who goes off piste with The Official Narrative (TON) throughout Borrell’s ‘Garden’ gets the cancel treatment with no due process. Where allegations are treated as an automatic guilty verdict from the off before any evidence is properly and scientifically examined – if at all.
Why those guilty of such a heinous act – from the author of this site through to Alex Salmond, Joanna Cherry, Craig Murray, Julian Assange, and even people who donate small sums of money to the “wrong” crowdfunder and a whole host of other examples get the outlaw treatment (the latest being some ‘uppity’ comedian).
Smeared; Vilified; Slandered; Ostracised. Losing anything from their reputation, employment or liberty through to their bank account. Or, in the present example of the ‘uppity’ comedian, their income stream on the request of a Government functionary whose husband was, not so long ago, the Deputy Commander of the 77th Brigade.
Go figure.
All amplified by a media juggernaut marching in step with that Narrative in order to destroy anyone and everything which does not “cry uncle”.
Its why a entire Parliament – regardless of nominal Party identification – of a so called ‘democracy’ can piss on its war dead by standing up and giving a standing ovation to a member of an WW2 era SS Unit responsible for all sorts of recorded atrocities.
An incident which does not see groups which supposedly exist to represent the interests of the descendants of the victims across the world screaming blue murder at the top of their voices at anywhere near the same volume level of faux outrage they were employing in the UK a few years ago because HM Loyal Opposition had gone off piste.
Or why just next door to that Parliament desperate attempts are being made to prevent a feeble out of his depth narcissist from standing for office by putting him in gaol on dubious Trumped up charges; and a third or fourth generation of a political dynasty from standing for office by portraying him as an unhinged conspiracy nut..
…All at the same time as bending over backwards for the best part of half a decade to prevent any solid evidence – a lot of which surfaced on a laptop – of stellar levels of corruption and malfeasance from being processed or seeing the light of day in order to ensure a barely functioning human zombie remains as the front man.
Or why no one bats an eye lid – mainly because its not reported in any depth or volume – when a former failed German Defence Minister with Nazi ancestry – long promoted to the top job in Europe – openly rewrites history by effectively implying to the Japanese that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the fault of the Russians rather than the Americans.
Perhaps some of the process described here may be of some relevance?
link to
“…the western political class undergoes a selection process before being set loose on their populations. Various programs have been set up to recruit and indoctrinate promising young (and not so young) people for leadership positions in government and business. Some of these programs are shady and operate on a personal level while others have a “probing function” and are out in the open – such as the WEF’s “young global leaders” program…
….After selection and ideological enhancement, these leaders are assisted in[to] governments and organizations around the world – as Klaus Schwab [of the world Economic Forum] has bragged about publicly. Should they succeed, they are protected and assisted at every turn, and then provided with a well-paid job at some international organization as a reward for their service and loyalty.
The assistance and protection is usually carried out by government or supranational organizations, including EU organizations, and various intelligence services, which have an enforcement role. Step out of line and there will be a scandal. If you are a leader of a country, there will be regime change. This process is both intended to ensure loyalty of the recruited and to keep the others in line…..
….This enforcement process has been so effective that is has managed to cow almost the entire political elite in the West, particularly those who were not recruited. Everybody walks on eggshells and nobody dares challenge the policies of the appointees, or there will be consequences.
The controlled media will be set loose on you and you might even get replaced. There have been a number of regime changes in the West in recent years which were a part of this enforcement process, for example in Greece, Italy, Austria, and even in Iceland of all places – and perhaps even in the US. Few in power dare say anything, even if the local appointees are destroying their own country. It is that effective.”
Either way, the Blobocracy seems to be getting all its own way right now in out part of the flowerbed.
How’s about we copy from Braveheart.
Paint oor erses blue (somebody mind me of the correct Pantone whatsit to use).
But instead of shouting “Freedom”, shout “Boris”.
Soz if I’m maybes not taking this seriously enough, but it wisnae me that started it – not on this thread.
[Oh feck, just realised that the same people who would ban blackface, whiteface, womanface and manface would also ban blueerse. We are just so screwed]
Stuart Campbell writes:
« (Let’s just gloss over the pathetic “only things defined by words get to define what the thing means” gambit, because as well as being semantic circular gibberish that would mean we had to defer to dogs over what a dog was. If only women get to define what “woman” means, how do we determine who qualifies to participate in the decision unless we already have a definition for who is a woman?) »
I found that insightful paragraph very helpful, even if I had to read it a few times. I think it echos something Herman Dooyeweerd (Dutch philosopher 1894-1977) wrote:
“The walls of the absolutization of personal individuality have no windows. No doubt there occur female feelings in men, and male feelings in women. But this cannot be established without a standard for male and female feeling. To point out effeminacy in a man’s emotional life implies a normative structural principle lying at the foundation of this statement.” (New Critique)
Have all SNP politicians been brainwashed by the ramblings of F. Scott Fitzgerald?
If they can hold two opposing views and still function, how do we know which view they are supporting at any given time?
I would add the prostrate gland for males. A vital piece of equipment for the reproduction of the species. And while we are on this subject. Why is a water ablution procedure available in England for prostrate problems and not Scotland. This procedure retains sexual functioning for males post op. I became a Grandad again yesterday. I can assure you the process involved a biological female and biological male. New baby is cluster feeding on the boob. Another anatomical and physiological difference. If the SNP don’t understand the basics of human beings they have no place in power.
He really had the ‘second sight’ in the 70s, didn’t he?
Because he’s sure got us singing Ziggi’s song now.
As we sway highly strung from invisible stage-wires,
and wave duly overcome to Major Tom,
and smile so convincingly for the cameras.
Nach air a bha an dà shealladh sna 70an.
Oir tha sinn uile a’ seinn òran Ziggi a-nis,
crochte mar gum biodh bho uèirichean-stèids,
a’ smèideadh gu bàidheil ri Mèidsear Tom,
fiamh-ghàire oirnn air sgàth nan camarathan.
Rev: brilliant piece of idiot-skewering. Nailed it. Light shed on deception and doublespeak. Out with these wallopers. Liars and deceivers all. Start over if we must. Vacuity rules in the SNP.
I identify as a skinny person, however I am a fat bastard. Both cant be true. Trans women are not women. They are lying to themselves and trying to force us to buy into their bullshit.
@ Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh at 11.09: Tapadh leibh.
Ruby: absolutely agree with every single word in your post.
Giesabrek: have you ever heard of ‘woman-face’ – identical in intent to ‘black-face’? Have you heard of paraphilia? Of fetishes? Put them all together, and you have the ‘trans’ thing in a nutshell. These men are paraphiliacs and fetishists, even those who have had their penises removed and turned inside out through a hole drilled in their body above their anus. Often, colonic tissue is used to ‘stretch’ the tissue to fit. Have you heard of colonic tissue and what its function in the body is? Newspapers are just beginning to tell the truth about the ‘trans’ phenomenon. The Telegraph, which I do not read habitually, has a three-part piece on the reality of ‘trans’, not the nonsense virtue-signalling that passes for journalism on this subject.
Female human beings deserve dignity and privacy, as, indeed, do male human beings. However, for females, this privacy and dignity is of far greater import because females have periods, and, while undressed, or using the loo, they are vulnerable. Do you know how many rapes of women and young girls take place in India, in rural areas, where there are no loos, and females have to hide in the fields to relieve themselves? Their natural dignity and need for privacy is violated along with their bodies. India is the rape capital of the world – or certainly was just recently.
Many females have had radical surgeries on their bodies, mainly because of cancer, and these leave them disabled, but not in ways that are obvious to the casual glance, and some porn-sick man occupying female toilets and disabled toilets to service a paraphilia and/or fetish(es) is abominable, and, if you can’t see that, you are wilfully blind. These men do not want third spaces. They want women’s – all of them, including their jobs, services, sports, everything. Why? Partly validation as Laydeeeeees, but mainly because so many of them are misogynistic monsters. I recommend you read some evidence from ‘trans’ widows to discover just what life with these cross-dressers is really like.
Dame Helena Kennedy, another aunt Lydia, was tasked (for a tidy sum no doubt) to draw up a misogyny bill for the SNP/Greens and Holyrood. Guess what, Giesabrek? ‘Trans’ identified men are to be included – which totally turns the word, ‘misogyny’ on its head because no male can possibly be subjected to misogyny, only females. These larping men, whether gelded or otherwise (and the gelding is also part of the paraphilia/fetish) are dangerous – very dangerous to society, as a whole. Yes, many appear to be perfectly decent human beings and I daresay many are not a physical danger to women and girls, but do you have the slightest idea of what it is like to be subjected to ‘woman-face’? It creates an immediate reaction of alarm and fear in many females because, over millennia, they have learned too be wary of, and fear, male physical strength, yet, you – whether you are a man or a woman – feel that you have the God-given right to tell women that they have nothing to fear. How the hell do we know if one man is a predator and another not? That is why, Giesabrek, we have separate facilities, etc. for men and women.
The answer is NO, a thousand times, a million times, NO. We do not want any male person, gelded by his own choice, or one with his bits intact, in our safe spaces, where dignity and privacy are also important. We do not want them in our sports, our sex-specific jobs, our sex-specific services or anywhere else that they decide they should have access to, so, NO, none. None at all. Ever. Nary a one.
Yip unfortunately the SNP is now a lost cause, and SNP MPs will say anything that gets them elected back into office the same applies to SNP MSPs.
No votes for the SNP at every election from now on.
Vote Alba Join Alba.
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David Hansell @1046am.
The West has gone mad.
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“It has to be Humza” – I wonder where the SNP would be just now if the members had voted for either of the other two candidates?
I had been wondering for a while what happens when the first tranny comes along who claims to have ovarian cancer and demands a hysterectomy; how far do you indulge a delusion?
NHS resources are limited; there are waiting lists, people suffering, dying, waiting for treatment.
Do you do a pretend operation on a pretend woman for a pretend condition it cannot have?
What would happen? I think the docs go “away and fuck-yourself … ” then the full trans swarm social media attack goes into overdrive, the Stonewall lawyers appear, politicians phones are ringing white-hot at 3am on a Sunday morning … and we get the bleating about “zero tolerance” for “transphobia” …
and the poor surgeon is : “there is nothing to remove?!”
already happening.
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“a vagina is not a cavity”
as an aside, for those who like to argue over the terms “left” and “right” which no longer mean anything, the commies say officially
“sex is a biological reality”
“gender is an ideological construct”
which makes the communist party of GB “far right”. Welcome to clown world.
Take a step back and study what the policies are coming through not only our pretendy parliament and bought politicians, by corporations.
Governments deciding who to euthanise of the population,
Governments deciding how to convert two binary sexes into genders
Governments deciding not to recognise women.
Governments sex indoctrination our children in their early years through government eduecation.
Government indoctrination of one medication into the populations without medical assessment of the individual for contract profits.
These is Scientific experiments using the public as human guinea pigs.
Take a step back and study the policies of all Governments/ councils .
No new substantial Housing plans being built,
Price fixing and manipulation of house market prices.
Deliberate Mass imported migration as a policies across the western and european Countries.
Reduction of energy in to homes at higher manipulated prices and bills.
Governments restricting the methods and alternative ways you could heat your home that would be cheaper,
Government forcing extortionate high priced new boilers in every home,
Governments passing laws that allow energy companies to break and enter your home to fit Smart meters.
Take a step back and study the government policy restrictions on travel.
The new laws on 15 or 20 minute cities.
The closure of many roads and bridges and potholes no longer being mended.
The extreme rise in fuel for your vehicle,
The government / council policy on continuous high fines imposed on the citizen.
The governments selection in high priced electric vehicles as a alternative to your perfectly able and lawful car at the moment, but at your expense.
The new policies on ID cards that are more extreme than your passport and have at a whim the ability to stop your travel.
Where people are experimented on medically without there consent , where people were not allowed to travel, when their right to free speech and protest was withdrawn, when they involuntary had to give up their possessions, where your food supply was restricted and you appreciated eating a odd bug or two to survive in a lockdown situation.
Individually and slowly the Governments everywhere are restricting the population into a narrower and smaller and impoverised Areas
There was a period in history when they were not renamed climate change cities, but these were called Ghettos,
I have a problem accepting that people should be allowed to transfer to another sex which makes them feel happier, when much of that happier feeling comes from the power or at the expense of compelling others to pay for their treatments, and walk on eggshells changing their language and behaviours every few years to match whatever the current cultural Marxist dictates are forced on them.
Background briefing on sec 35 by the HoC Library is online. Link below.
The sheds light on the colonial nature of government in the UK and changes over time.
link to
I’ll be contacting every candidate in my constituency with a series of questions which are important to me , before I decide to vote for any of them or possibly for the first time ever, spoil my vote.
1. What are your views on the GRR?
2. What are your views on Trident?
3. Are you in favour of an Independent Scotland?
Great post and so true. The comments are outstanding
According to Everybody Wiki Campbell-Sturgess «is bisexual and has ADHD».
Go to the top of the class for on trend exceptionalism and reasons for not «lending» you a vote.
A little on the ADHD condition.
link to
Judge for yourself whether such a condition would make for a sound choice in public office.
However, the US has a democratically elected head of state in charge of the nuclear button exhibiting signs of senility, so choose away.
Thank you for the compliment,
Perhaps you should run you’re self,
I was offered by AS to become more than a founding member and surprisingly enough by the opposing political parties also suggesting I should actually run to be elected in office,
I have one or two problems with becoming a member of a political party, some serious in a official capacity, and some personal.
The personal one is that so many of my family passed suddenly after taken the jab that year and my spouse was diagnosed with Colon cancer whom I still care for,
I have been three quarters deaf since the age of eight, and dyslexic.
The other is more complicated and it is to do with the structure imposed of politics itself.
As soon as you enter politics as a party, any party, you immediately enter a rigged system whereby you play by their rules, the establishment rules,
And by nature I am a rebel whom has the ability to analytically think for myself and suspect with my personal disabilities I would have become a political target quicker than AS, without his background knowledge,
However by nature I do not fear the established minions even higher up doing the dirty work for dodgy politicians and politics, and never take the word of any official as gospel,
I do my best work seeking out truths from written records and history by the establishment themselves.
The reason that research is a excellent route to follow politically for the independence of Scotland, is that they cannot contest their own words once recorded in Hansard , treaties, conventions, parliament or televised,
It is wise to fight a battle with the same weapons they use to be equal.
If I joined a specific political party I would become limited by establishment party polictical laws and occupied with Every day distracting sh.t.
The best solution between the idiotic party political extremism ideology establishment policies of today is to get in behind them politically legally,
Know what rights you have,
know who is running the governments behind the scenes,
recognise what is a legal contract,
Recognise if you signed that contract,
Listen to world news and views, good and bad, have the ability to rest propaganda from the truth,
Usually what is written and recorded in history that made your present situation, even if it was hundreds of years ago has merit. Providing it is researched it was not reneged, repealed or altered legally or illegally.
When Sovereign people, the public, are informed of their true legal position in life in amongst the political posturing establishment facade then they have the ability to tear down their false invisible walls that bar their way to freedom,
And like many others of greater ability in learning and education than myself on here together “We” we are the politics and political party of the future that will move forward together, learned and educated, by each other,
Thanks for the compliment philM, you too seem to be a true believer in a better future for all man kind,
It was wise to check what the governments position officially is written down.
Never take any politicians spiel as truth,
View it as what is legally wrote down in writing behind the scenes just like a lawyer would.
Mr Main: getting a suntan, even if through the use of tanning lotions is not ‘black-face’ or anything like it because the human skin contains melanin naturally. The intention of ‘black-face’ is to mimic another race which was used and abused by white people, and the most famous instance involved a white woman who took a place away from another person, genuinely black, who would have qualified for that place. Alternatively, it can be used to demean, even if innocently, as I think, the Black and White Minstrels did. They were not deliberately trying to be derogatory, but the fact that they were pretending to be black minstrels, a big thing at one time, in the American South, and, therefore, a parody, was not in the best possible taste, was it? I think you are trying to be provocative, as per.
Women have honed, over millennia, responses to danger, as have men, and, mostly, we share the same alarms and fears, except one, and that is the female response to the male threat. It is unique to females, and any man pretending to be female is immediately worthy of suspicion and a fear response. That is how it is. Dignity and privacy are also far more important to females for reasons that should be obvious to all. Even stone-age societies have understood the need of the female for safety, privacy and dignity. Not you, though, eh?
The thing that both ‘black-face’ and ‘woman-face’ share is the history of rights deprivation at the hands of others that each group has had to endure. Until the 20th century, women, as a sex group, and 50% of the population, had very few ‘rights’ or ‘privileges’; ditto black people. Just hard fact. A great deal has changed for the better, but both groups still have a long way to go. The working-class could also be said to be virtually rights-free until recently. However, in the end, black men dominated black women and working-class men dominated working-class women. We are always at the end of the line, the bottom rung. Not whingeing, just telling it like not is.
@ Ian Smith at 12.59pm:
“…changing their language and behaviours every few years to match whatever the current cultural Marxist dictates are forced on them.”>
I agree with the the general gist of your comment but take strong issue with your use of ‘Marxist’. Who are these ‘Marxists’ who are imposing woke ideology on us? I’m not aware of any country in Europe or America that has a Marxist government. Indeed, only two governments in the whole world spring to mind that might be said to be Marxist: those of China and Cuba, and I’m pretty sure they aren’t responsible for imposing woke ideology on the rest of us. Identity politics and gender ideology have got nothing to do with socialism. It’s all about dividing and disempowering ordinary people and neutering opposition to the global corporate elite.
Argyll, Bute and Locharber deserve better than this.
They need the Caledonian McBraine to arrive on time and in troubled waters!
You need to watch out for male rage. It’s not just the penis that’s the issue. It’s the arms. A mentally unstable transwomen like Amber Roberts who hates terfs. You heard him shouting from the podium. I certainly wouldn’t like to bump into him in the toilet alone while he’s taking selfies. These people are mentally unstable. No males in female spaces.
Michael Laing @ 2.27.
Funny that. The way Scotland has (and is) being run by the SNP Government for the past 9 years reminds me very strongly of how the Chinese and Cuban Governments operate.
I think you have just made Ian Smith’s case for him.
Note the disingenuous way he associates Ms Davies with abortion rights – something she has never questioned, as far as I can see.
There are a lot of people subscribing to the sunk-costs fallacy with regard to the SNP, and still claiming they’re the only way independence will happen. They’re wrong, as you say, Rev – they need to go, and a new way forward found.
All ot
Remember as a boy thinking “you’re not straight “ as Bowie and E john got married to women. Muck fee, even George Michael pretended to be heterosexual., though I do understand his fears about giving his poor mum a heart attack.
Personally have never had a fear of other. Am what is called a vanilla heterosexual. Though I do envy bisexuality. Totally understand the attraction my female partners have had for other women.
One of my ‘female’ cousins is my first encounter with someone “they weren’t quite sure” , what I first learned to refer as hermaphroditism. Affecting about one in a thousand to some extent. In a population of millions that means lots of individuals.
In my adult life I have met , known, befriended a literal handful of what I would call transsexuals. Have met a lot more transvestism.
My impression is that the genuine misrepresentation of our/ a one in a thousand, has been purposely hijacked by the usual suspects for their nefarious ends. Cuntish behaviour that it is . Waves at Main culprit
The purpose of “ALL” identity politics by the establishment is to divide the people into sections,
Sections of society are shown preference in laws to ensure if fires up those that have been ignored or misindentified,
The establisnment do this by literally policing the sections. Showing legal preference in one side, ie climate chage protesters is a good example compared with other protesting parties in the public,
Divide and rule. By establishment incitement.
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“Neoliberalism not only turns everything into a tradable commodity. It also ‘thoroughly revises what it means to be a human person’, calling forth a very particular image of the individual. This ideal neoliberal subject is an economic being – homo economicus, self-interested and competitive, independent and self-reliant, an informed consumer constantly calculating for every aspect of life what is in her or his best interests, and with ‘every kind of human activity [reconfigured] in terms of rational self-investment and entrepreneurship.’ She or he must be constantly ready for whatever new twist or turn takes place in the economy and employment, infinitely flexible and responsive to the changing needs of the market, an entrepreneur of the self: as Stephen Ball puts it, ‘malleable rather than committed, flexible rather than principled – essentially depthless’.”
Would all those who think the SNP sailing at full speed into the woke rocks and destroying itself is some sort of unionist conspiracy please explain this gem. Almost every SNP representative who says anything makes it worse. The only way the conspiracy theory makes any sense is if everybody in the SNP is a unionist and always has been, and anyone who thinks that is even dafter than the idiots spouting this woke nonsense.
No, the SNP has cogently demonstrated that you can be totally useless at running public services and nobody gives a toss but if you start forcing woke legislation on people you get annihilated. The political version of Go Woke Go Broke.
Michael Laing
Here you go, link to
Although it’s quite a contorted article, the first few paragraphs should give you enough context to see that the “cultural” version has little to do with the “political” version. If you had to give it a label then Maoism and cultural revolution is probably a better fit.
Lorna Campbell 2:21
I can but refer you back to my post at 10:28. To save you tracking it down, here’s some wee quotes:
there’s pretending to be the opposite sex for criminal access purposes.
weaponised by grifters, grudge carriers and crims
I’m sorry that you have somehow or other interpreted this as me failing to understand “the need of the female for safety, privacy and dignity”.
I thought the “criminal access purposes” was a clear enough indicator of where I stand.
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I don’t like them at all. These people are, creeps. We’ve all seen Scotland’s silence of the lambs. The butcher and child snatcher Amy George.
Heather Herbert posts:
“How does a non binary person murder someone?
They slash them.”
What a creepy thing to post on twitter? These people are unhinged. I almost feel sorry for him he must be regretting his sex change already.
Even Canada is fighting back now.
1 million people marching telling the state to get out their classrooms.
@sam says:26 September, 2023 at 3:30 pm
self-interested and competitive, independent and self-reliant, an informed consumer constantly calculating for every aspect of life what is in her or his best interests
Kinda works for me. I guess I’m the only one left in Scotland.
Or am I? For some reason, parts of my religiously traditional Scottish upbringing come back to me: “The Lord helps those who help themselves”.
Anyways, what you saying Sam? Do we have to remake a majority of Sovereign Scots in your preferred image before we can work for Indy? Best get our skates on, that will take a generation.
At least.
flexible rather than principled
Ah, the key to prosperity and happiness! It used to be a principle of mine that the world owed me a living. Then I compromised with reality.
Amber Roberts SNP. Check out his YouTube and watch the video about the gender recognition act.
He says:
“I was furious. Angry. Upset. Hurt. There are very little words I can use to describe. Just how ANGRY I am.”
If you look at his YouTube page. You’ll see various videos of him playing shooter games.
Very lady like!…
I feel sorry for JK Rowling. To think she wrote Harry Potter as well, who was a hero for everyone who was a bit different.
And they turn on her. Unbelievable.
What do I get out of commenting on this subject? Nothing of course. Just like Independence. We don’t have Independence
Birth of a Zombie, indeed.
And something Keats jotted down about ‘beauty and truth’, which just about covers it, together with jefferson’s, ‘We hold these truths…’, or have i missed something in the meantime?
Merganser says:
26 September, 2023 at 2:57 pm
Michael Laing @ 2.27.
Funny that. The way Scotland has (and is) being run by the SNP Government for the past 9 years reminds me very strongly of how the Chinese and Cuban Governments operate.
I think you have just made Ian Smith’s case for him
The levels who human gullibility never fail to amaze.
– “A man can be a woman and vice versa.”
– “WTF! Go boil your head.”
– By the way, I’m/we are progressive and left wing.”
– “Okay. I’ll go along with that even though every Corporate entity and Big Pharma are on board with and pushing this Gender argument you are claiming.”
This cartoon makes the point succinctly:
link to
And doubtless the Wings reader/occasional BTL contributor who penned this observation a couple of years back….
““Thus arises an intriguing ‘binary’ relationship between extreme individualistic subjectivism and extreme state authoritarianism. Assertion of non-negotiable pseudo-sacrosanct narcissistic power is common to both. Objective law as irreducible sphere of reality is subverted by arbitrary personalism. Might determines right. Autocracy of self-ID is mirrored by autocracy on high.”
….might have something to say on the matter (You there Fearghas?). Like as not, not a million miles from this tome
link to
But yeah! You’ve convinced me Michael Laing:
A philosophy and approach which pushes extreme individualism and which divides people into ever smaller and smaller sub groups competing in a rigid hierarchy of oppression is compatible with Marxist class politics rather than the no such thing as society approach of rabid right wing libertarians like Ayan Rand and Margaret Thatcher.
From where I’m sitting there’s no difference between those pushing this bullshit Official Narrative and those pushing the men can be women one.
Perhaps, as a start, a visit to the World Bank or IMF sites would be in order to do a compare and contrast exercise between Scotland and China to determine not only how many people but also the respective proportion of the population which has been brought out of poverty over the relevant time period?
Effijy says:
26 September, 2023 at 10:32 am
Do SNP still know they are a party?
For those ready to take their vote to an English Party where is their fight back on their record
Well, of course Mr Math Campbell-Sturgess appears in fact to be English (in the oxymoronic English ‘Scots’ for Yes).
So the SNP may be well on the way to becoming just that – they are certainly now a Unionist party.
And lest we forget: Not being able to tell the difference between a man and a woman is a well-known affliction of Public School educated Englishmen!
Lorna Campbell,
Thumbs up, well said.
Paul Davies.
Stu’s recent post identified the Snp as a Unincorporated Association,
A unincorporated Association has legally “No duty of care”.
link to
“Hands off our kids.” Says Canada. The 1 million march. “leave children alone.”
The fall is coming.
There’s going to be a lot of doctors up on the stand very soon. If there’s any justice in the world. Susie Green from mermaids. She made all the phone calls to Tavistock when doctors refused. She made the call. She even went as far as ramming a dilator up her son… Really really sick on so many levels.
Sturgeon and her travelling band lesbians obviously went down to drink champagne with Stonewall. Remember? Thank god for wings for exposing this groomers convention.
Judge a person by the company she keeps.
The furries march to George Square! To tell those uppity women to wheesht.
Some mothers do have em right enough… Sorry * birthing people’s.
The country is a disgrace. Argyll and Bute deserves better!
John Main: you misunderstand me. I do see where you stand, but I am also sure that you still don’t get it. It has little to do with criminals, grifters, etc. pretending, but everything to do with larping men using women as sexual props in their own fantasy world, as these fetishistic men use everything known to humankind as props in their fantasy world – children, dogs, shoes, stockings, knickers… The point is that using inanimate objects in the privacy of your own bedroom, and offering harm to no one, is one thing, but demanding that other sentient creatures should be sacrificed to your uncontrolled and often public deviant behaviours is quite another. I enjoy panto, I loved Les Dawson’s two women gossips and so on, but the fetish part is missing. Most women who have been in the world a while know the difference. It’s called the ‘creep’ factor. I know it is probably hard to accept for transvestites/transsexuals, but, out with the family theatre and television, most females’ response to men in frocks is instinctively negative, and probably biological, evolutionary and/or hard-wired over millennia. Expecting or even asking females to override their instincts is cruel, absurd and misogynistic.
Sorry, meant to add to last comment to John Main: expecting heterosexual males or lesbian females to welcome ‘trans’ into their dating pools is also cruel and beyond the pale.
Sadly in Scotland… Rock Bottom wasn’t reached when Mridul Whadawa lied on his apllication form, in an act of concealment to sneak his way inside the women’s refuge. He was then promoted and is probably still forcing victims to affirm his male feelings and reframe their trauma…
Who knew that Scotland would sink so many more levels in the following years.
The crazy SNP disabled member screaming witches in the faces of the women at Parliament.
Women’s rights, in the gutter in Scotland. I sense a fight back. A changing of attitudes big style in the last few years. Thank god. People are no longer scared to tell the truth.
Self- relient, self- interested, competative constantly calculating consumer = Those that attempted to sell the Country of Scotland they did not own to England in 1707, For their own self interests.
Over at one of the other la la lands a woman who was either planning to or standing as a councillor for the Lib Dems has been banned from standing for or holding office for them for ten years for wearing a Woman Adult Human Female tshirt.
It makes you wonder how four parties, SNP/Greens/Labour/Lib Dems could go collectively insane along with the media, be it written, visual or online, large chunks of academia, finance, publishing, medicine, sport, law, the entertainment industry, the Arts, the charity sector across the West. Perhaps their mouths were stuffed with gold.
Oh look Lorna’s post icludes the word anus!
Anus, uranus, tetanus, manuscript
Could it be these words are no longer banned.
Has Dan been on the case and politely suggested to Stu that his ‘moderating bot’ is out of control and really upsetting people.
Well done Dan that was quick work.
Next preview, editing function, Scottish spell checker & flame-baiters all banned.
“Oh look Lorna’s post icludes the word anus!”
And had to be manually approved as a result, same as yours.
In order to discourse with «gender theorists» you first have to beard your theorist.
As you are considered part of the problem, a victimizer in effect by seeking to open a discourse, engagement is impossible. Indeed to engage would open the critique that they were conspiring in their own victimization.
As there is in their universe no objective truth, in any domain, discourse is not just impossible but pointless. A mentality that chooses to have no fixed points of reference cannot be meaningfully approached, as all is relative the very human language looses coherence, becoming merely sounds signifying whatever the speaker and hearer may choose.
And that, of course, is the point of it all.
The madness is the method.
Transwomen are women…do not discuss.
Though the WOKE boil appears to be bursting, and its political sponsors should be looking at a wipeout, things could go on a while yet.
Climate change and tranny issues may pass as their young supporters ‘wise up’ but the last couple of years have gaslit older generations too.
There are many thousands of NHS staff, teachers and government drones and their extended families too embarrassed to raise the cough issue, and the debate will not he held.
The liberties we lost during this time will not be reclaimed.
@John Main
“Kinda works for me.”
I guess most here already knew that, Jack.
“Essentially depthless.”
@ Robert Hughes thank you for your support and your attempt at moderation, it seems our friend has entrenched views about certain things , possibly caused by a rancorous friendship falling out,it seems unity doesn’t have the meaning I thought it did, OH well back to the drawing board
Yet another flame-bait from John Main.
What he has written is an absolute load of rubbish in my opinion of course.
I was going to ask why but then thought ‘fuck it’ who cares.
David Hannah,
Canada is not alone, I believe Australia is also beginning too, along with a few other Country the MSM are trying to hush up,
I watched the Canadian parliament issue over the Old ss invited guest they all cheered stood up and clapped for, then watch them all pretend not to have vetted or known his background.
Only when the public call them out as offensive,
But the more slow and subtle road to these old type of Cities the ss controlled have been rebranded to climate change ghettos, opps apologies climate change cities,
You will own nothing, you will not travel without a star on your pass port, you will be forced to be medically vaccinated with untrialed medicine and medically change your sex, where it will become illegal to have free speech under hate crime bills and terrorism acts of treason,
Who said we are not like cuba or china,
We are half way there,
But wait until they surround your 20 minute city with barb wire for your own protection against the outside world excuse.
A really good and recent example of sections of public not subcumming to the segregate society method was the “right to roam”
Where Scots met up to support Englands population on the right to walk in our own Countries, and it is not just a entitlement of the rich land owners,
Hats off for ” Scotland showing” and supporting England and Wales to a better way to freedom of the all people around britain, not just Scotland,
It is no wonder that britain would fear a independent Scotland.
@ TURABDIN at 4.40pm:
“Transwomen are women…do not discuss.”
The best response I’ve seen to ‘Transwomen are women’ is ‘In what sense are transwomen women?’ They can’t answer that. At least, not with any sort of coherent, fact-based argument.
It is no small wonder that the big land owners, estate owners, corporations, politicians with estates and retail corporations wanted to exterminate land tax laws to replace the burden of paying for their vast lands onto the “onus” of ordinary people paying for their vast land through council tax,
@ Lorna Campbell at 4.41pm: I can tell you that disgust and revulsion at the sight of men wearing women’s clothing and underwear is not limited to women. Speaking for myself, a late-middle-aged man, I find it repulsive and deeply unarousing, but I’m sure I’m not the only heterosexual male who feels this way.
I noticed some years ago that if I typed ‘stockings’ or ‘lingerie’ into the search-box on Flickr, the photo-hosting site, the search returned page after page of fat, hairy-bodied men wearing said items. Surely these people can’t seriously believe that anyone, either male or female, is actually going to find them attractive or arousing, so I think this confirms the view that it’s all about fantasy and perversion. As you say, people can do what they want in the privacy of their own homes, but I’m sick-to-death of seeing these creepy weirdos everywhere I look: on TV, on billboards and on-line.
Indeed Perhaps Scots and English could join up on reintroducing land tax, instead of the poor, the white and blue collar workers paying for the elites vast acres of land,
Because it is those same big landowners trying to prevent the right to roam in your own Countries.
“Almost every SNP representative who says anything makes it worse”
And isn’t that precisely what you would do when you are explicitly trying to make the party look completely unelectable so you can ensure the majority of seats your party currently holds in Westminster is transferred to “the other side”?
This would be an example of bypassing democracy while voters still have power to decide. In other words, it would be trying to get as many voters to vote “for the correct side” as possible by discouraging them from voting for the side they would naturally vote for.
But, if like me, since September 2014, you do no longer believe democracy in Scotland exists (if it ever existed), and all what we are presented with during the charade of elections is disguised election/referendum/leadership context rigging under a veneer of democratic pretence to give us the illusion we are actually exercising a choice, then you will try to find a more convincing explanation.
Here is mine:
All what you hear from SNP careerists, crown useful idiots, political rejects whose loyalty to the crown was bought with a salary for life, a large seat in the HoL to have a nap, a fake title and a ermine, mainstream “reporters”, mainstream “newspapers”, “national” “broadcasters”, self-appointed scientists, experts on demand, emergent “celebrities” who are only known to their families and friends, and recycled political tools from the guardian, are not real prognosis or predictions of what is going to happen. They are actually telling you what the “official” result is going to be, independently of what the real one would be, with sufficient time in advance to prepare you for the blow so the electorate accepts it without revolting.
In other words, my opinion is that we are being softened up for the pre-planned blow, rather than flooding us in propaganda to encourage us to land a blow against ourselves, because since 2014 they can no longer trust sufficient numbers will actually listen to their propaganda mouthpieces and fall for the deceit.
If you look retrospectively it becomes blatantly obvious that since 14 November 2014 whoever and whatever took possession of the SNP was determined to rob the members of all control so it could transform it into an unelectable, innocuous (to the British state) empty vessel whose main (and only) function was to keep the yes vote on a leash without letting it grow while destroying its vehicle for independence by transforming 56 anti-union MPs into a majority to preserve the union. For the first 9 years, the transformation of that majority into a useless majority was achieved with a political fraud as a leader. That con-trick is no longer working, so the next solution is to take control of that majority bay transferring the seats to the unionist side.
The day the political fraud Sturgeon told us “a vote for the SNP is not a vote for independence nor even a referendum” signalised the moment the party was “under new (colonial) management”. That is the point when we should have ditched the fraud, her masters, her apparatchiks her echo chamber and the party brand.
“The only way the conspiracy theory makes any sense is if everybody in the SNP is a unionist and always has been”
That is an incredibly naive assertion. The members do no longer have control over the party. That leaves you with a much smaller number. In reality you only need a handful of unionists in key positions of control to completely neuter the party. For example, the party leader, the party deputy, the CEO, the president of the party, the person in control of policy, the person in control of the purse, the person in control of Coms and the person controlling the MPs in Westminster. Add to that a few fake activists and nodding donkeys to the NEC and place an echo chamber in Westminster (Blackford, Black, Nicholson, Oswald, Donaldson, Smith, Blackman and Thewliss) and you are home.
The members do no longer control who is vetted and who is not. They do no longer control policy not even what is included in the conference agenda. Even if every single member “other than those in key positions” and with a parliamentary seat were strong pro-independence supporters, they could do nothing, other than resigning and bankrupting the party, to regain control by bringing it from scratch.
“anyone who thinks that is even dafter than the idiots spouting this woke nonsense”
Anyone who thinks that a real nationalist who had just fought the mother of all battles to get independence for their country and who only lost because the British establishment played dirty is going to flush down the toilet the mother of all opportunities not only to get independence but to land an almighty blow to the nose of the British establishment with a 56 majority while enjoying an absolute majority in Holyrood, is even dafter than those who think Yousaf is a real “republican” after sending the stone of destiny to England for the English king coronation.
The destruction of the SNP has the British establishment’s fingerprints all over it. It was always about getting rid of that anti-SNP majority. Why? Because it is that anti-union MP majority what is really threatening the end of the union and, with the end of the union, the succession to the Scottish crown.
We all have wee triggers. One of my favourite is folk referring to Private fee paying exclusive factories for the deviant cuntish humans running the United Kingdom and educating despotic bastards all over the planet longer than any other , as Public schools.
Now , I understand the bastardisation of the phrase as something from the 1800’s in England.
Please be aware that our present King Charles the third is the 1st monarch to be educated in a school. IE a Public school.
Previous days the nobs were privately tutored.
Not all privately educated are cuntish. They do however, provide the foundation and staffing of the pillars of this fucking deviant kingdom
David Hannah @ 4.35 pm writes:
“Hands off our kids.” Says Canada. The 1 million march. “leave children alone.”
The fall is coming.
Actually, David, your provided CBS NEWS link dismayingly demonstrates how successful the Canadian establishment (Trudeau, Media, Provincial and Educational authorities etc) can be at chewing up and spitting out 1 million people, having demonised them as hate mongers.
«Transwomen» are women because they believe themselves to be so might be a riposte.
Theatre of the absurd?
Mental health is a growing issue in the «developed» West. The stigma that once kept such problems in check has gone. Indulge in your mental fantasies now seems the accepted form. Fine if its ditsy aunt Agatha, not so otherwise.
Before you vote, or anything else, spend some time with the candidate.
Check out the goods!
England’s BBC for Scotland announcing that Scots life expectancy has fallen for the 3rd
consecutive year.
A male in Glasgow averages 72.9 years
In Bearsden he can live to just under 80.
But isn’t the U.K. pension age being continually extended by Westminster because we are supposed to be living longer?
The Tory think tank headed by Ian Duncan Smith have proposed a pension age of 75.
Now doesn’t that translate as you work until you die for the majority.
How could you not vote Tory with 50 years worth worthless National Insurance contributions
“There is no alternative. We have to burn it down and start again.”
Murray, Blackburn, MacKenzie have a blog piece about the sec 35 action by UK gov and the mess between the govs that went before it.
“We note that information withheld from the first FoI response, and only released on review, raises questions about the accuracy of picture painted to MSPs at various stages about the nature of SG/UKG interaction over the Bill.
While the SG relied heavily on failures of intergovernmental liaison by the UKG in its initial objections to the s35 Order, this barely features in its most recent material for the court. Recent information suggests that MSPs might want to examine further what happened here.”
link to
link to
A transwoman who used a disabled toilet to dilate his ‘vagina’ after gender reassignment surgery has defended the decision.
Heather Herbert was criticised by disabled-rights after tweeting from the toilet floor:
‘Dilation, day two, let’s play.
Where in an airport can I locate a clean, dry, private place I can lie down, take my knickers off and spread my legs?’
Heather Herbert. So stunning. And so brave. Congratulations, Miss Scotland. 2023.
@James Che says:26 September, 2023 at 5:22 pm
I would be a lot more impressed with the “Right to Roam” activists if they had been prepared to standup for our “Right” during the Covid Years.
But they didn’t. And so our “Right to Roam” was permanently downgraded to a “Qualified Permission to Roam”, which can be withdrawn at any time the authorities see fit.
As they say, use it or lose it. We let them withdraw our Right, in fact some actively supported that withdrawal. And so the precedent was set.
That “Right” can now be withdrawn on government decree. As some noticed at the time, but most have long forgotten, most of the “emergency” Covid legislation remains in place, and can be re-enacted at no notice.
The iconic Ayr Station Hotel was badly damaged by fire, Ayr council let it rot before it was set on fire, it turns out that Ayr council cut so deeply into its fire fighting services in the area that it had to call on a fire engine (high rise fighting unit) to come in from Kilmarnock, that engine broke down, and a fire engine from Glasgow (Castlemilk) 35 miles away was called into help put the fire out.
Radio news had a deputy fire chief explain that cuts to the Scottish fire Brigade have been so deep that the service is struggling to fulfill its vital roll, cuts still to come down the pipeline are the cutting of 339 firemen/women and the retirement of 18 fire engine appliances.
Have you blundered onto the wrong website by mistake?
This is a pro-Independence website.
See when you posted earlier, criticising those who would be independent and self-reliant, didn’t that strike you as odd? Maybes daft is a better word.
@Effijy says:26 September, 2023 at 6:51 pm
50 years worth worthless National Insurance contributions
Your NI contributions have always gone to pay for the NHS and the pensions of those already retired. TBQH, I thought you would be in favour of helping out with that.
When people retire and draw the state pension, it is paid by taking tax and NI off those still working. There is no pension pot of your saved contributions – these were all spent by the government as fast as you paid them.
This is one of the many downsides of mass immigration – the “new” workers are being taxed heavily to keep retired people who belong to a different ethnic group and who mostly dislike them. If I was a new worker, I would be looking to get out of that liability too.
In the good old days, it was us who were paying to support our grandparents, etc, so that was all right.
@John Main 7:45pm
It has always been a misconception that current NI contributions go into a pot for future pensions payments. Nevertheless people paying for 40 years have a reasonable expectation that the State will support them when they retire. You don’t think that my 92 year old Dad with many great great grandchildren is reliant on the State? He is reliant on his children. That was his insurance policy. I have already explained to my children that a State pension will not be there for them. In Scotland we are conducting a new social experiment taxing our way to prosperity. Sure to work.
God it can be hard work going through the comments section in here these days. Broadly speaking the standard of trolls has slipped and now they just either downright offensive or not even original or even inarestin. I remember the good old days when even the trolls had a bit of a spark and even a bit of wit, Changed days.
Mia says:
26 September, 2023 at 6:04 pm
The destruction of the SNP has the British establishment’s fingerprints all over it. It was always about getting rid of that anti-SNP majority….
I agree with you Mia, but nowhere was the conspiracy more graphically illustrated than with the hatchet job on Alex Salmond.
If people can’t see that, then they’re simply not looking hard enough.
I utterly condemn those conspirators, without qualification. They are the lowest of the low, and I hope they one day answer for their despicable crimes, but in some ways, what I find even more disgusting was the readiness of so many in the SNP to turn on Salmond and vilify the man who took us closer to Independence than anybody believed possible.
I was genuinely taken aback by how many of these gullible idiots were lapping up the smears and joining in the chorus to berate Alex.
I don’t mean out of abandoned loyalty. Loyalty is subjective and unreliable when wrongdoing is suspected from an individual, but even a rudimentary objective analysis of the Mickey Mouse evidence and accusations emerging should have given people confidence that Salmond was being stitched up. Are these people blind or what? What the fk is wrong with them?
Salmond himself chose to step back from office in order to clear his name, (the honourable thing to do), and that should have been the cue for the SNP to do likewise and allow due process to run it’s course. Instead we are subjected to the unedifying spectacle of that Sturgeon creature conducting the orchestrated conspiracy to destroy Alex, her mentor, and everything he stood for.
Once again, I genuinely struggle to reconcile the gullibility of so many in the Independence Movement who not only let her away with the gross betrayal of Salmond, but nodded like donkeys when she sold out Scotland over Brexit and squandered Independence when it was there in the palm of our hands.
It makes no difference to me whether Sturgeon was feckless beyond belief, or a Manchurian Candidate First Minister on a mission to destroy Scottish Independence, because the nett result is the same. Nine fkg years and counting of divisive stagnation and festering toxicity, while all the time Sturgeon, who instigated most of it, was all but canonised as the SNP’s new Messiah… the Chief Mammy! Jesus H. Pass me the sick bucket.
For what it’s worth, I don’t believe Sturgeon has the necessary intellect to be the villain in all this. She’s just a vacuous, vindictive puppet, with someone else pulling the strings. Furthermore, I believe Yousaf has inherited the same insidious puppet master(s), and just like Sturgeon, he is entranced and has neither the brains nor wits to see it.
What I am most perplexed about however is the wall to wall indifference and complacency amongst the Indy Movement, which ought to be battering down the doors at Holyrood and expelling every one of these troughing frauds, and installing a Convention of the Estates style “interim government”. We need a true Parliament, which declares the Treaty of Union breached and at an end. And ok, if we must, …pending formal approval of the people via a Ratification Plebiscite. What are we waiting for? Permission?
We don’t need a Devolved Assembly. Section 30? We don’t need the whole fkg Scotland Act. Junk every last t r e a c h e r o u s word of it. We don’t need Westminster’s authority to organise a Scottish Referendum or Plebiscite. Who the fk decided that we do? Our London masters??
We don’t need anyone’s authority to do it, we just need their recognition once it’s lawfully done.
What we DO need is a cohesive, step by step, road map to actual Independence delivered, “the” plan which can then be put to the people.
And just for added effect, if we want to focus minds and see an end to all of this shite about GRR and the SNP’s bullshit shenanigans, one of those steps towards Independence could be the formal impeachment of Holyrood for t r e a s o n against Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution, and the entire Vichy puppet theatre can dumped outside on the lawn.
No Scotland Act = No Vichy Assembly = No Gauleiter First Minister. Pledge allegiance and fealty to the Constitutional Sovereignty of Scotland, or get out the fkg Chamber.
Westminster’s alien mechanisms and doctrines for subjugating Scotland’s sovereign people can be legitimately junked and disassembled, and in their place we resurrect the true 21st Century Scottish Parliament which answers to the Scottish people and obeys our decisions.
Rise up Scotland, or have no Scotland. How many brain cells does it take to work that out?
It’s tragic the lengths men go to satisfy their sexual fetishes.
Anyone know the name of the fetish that involves replacing your penis with a hole that needs to be dilated every time you go for a pee. Sounds tricky! Maybe a golden shower is also involved.
The weird thing is Herbert,Heather wants us to know all about this fetish, absolutely everything including doing the blow job in a disabled toilet.
I spotted a play by Irving Welsh the other day it was called
‘You’ll Have Had Your Hole’
I didn’t read it but the title made me laugh
link to
I remember kids singing that song but they were much, much younger than Liam and Jayson.
Still they’re having a good laugh!
George – We’re spending far in excess of what is being spent in the rest of the UK. That extra spending cannot be borrowed, but it can be raised by PFI schemes. That has gone-on throughout the Swinney years and it was always going to be unsustainable. This is the spending commitment that is killing us and it’s going to go-on and on increasing for the next 20-years. We will both be dead by then but it is a hell of a legacy for us to leave behind.
Gender Recognition is at the top of the list my list and I’m guessing it is for most women.
The problem I have with what you are suggesting is getting rid of GRR is not enough for me.
I’m fed-up & not enthused to do anything. Getting rid of the SNP isn’t going to get rid of gender recognition.
Where is the party that supports women’s rights?
You would probably have more success storming Holyrood if women were on board.
Women are ragin’!
‘You’ll have had your hole ‘ is an embra thing , yes ?
Mainly it is the exploitation that a tiny minority wish to impose on others. In my experience, and I have experimented, the most deviant are often the most uncomfortable and in tolerant when confronted out of what they wish to control
I would ask my MP/MSP: what is a woman? However, I would also .like to know why so many ‘trans’ identified females, supposedly ready to commit suicide if they cannot have hormones/surgery when they snap their fingers, because they are so ‘gender dysphoric’, go on to have a baby? I mean, they’re men, aren’t they? This must qualify as one of the most female things anyone can do. How, if you genuinely hate your body, if you want to cut off your breasts and have a pretend penis sewn on to your crotch, would you want to use the womb you hate and push the infant out through the birth canal and out of the vagina into the world? Ditto if you are a they/them female. Can any of our elected representatives from any of the captured parties explain that one? It’s on a par with a ‘trans’ identified man claiming to be a lesbian. Nah, you snake with the snake. It’s because you want rumpy-pumpy the good old-fashioned way. We really do need to stop pandering to insanity and to the politicians who are willing to sacrifice all of us on the altar of ‘trans’ excrement. Hopefully, Sharron Davies’s list will be up and running soon and we can all discover who the enablers are and avoid voting for them.
@Captain Yossarian 8:49pm
Extra spending on public services would be OK in my book if an improvement was visible. But extra spending on incompetence and political appointees based on loyalty to the party is not. SNP mates have made a fortune,
Sturgeon and Swinney have made a fortune. Their policies are designed with the party in mind but they make everbody else poor. I am OK with my legacy, my children are higher tax payers. Hard work there is no substitute. Our problem is persuading them to stay in Scotland. Almost lost my son to Australia with Humzas impotent SNHS August 2022 reforms. We were saved by a wee blonde lassie. First child yesterday.
George Ferguson at 9:26pm makes perfect sense and congrats to him having a “wee blonde lassie” grand-daughter in Oz yesterday!
The NewSNP with Greens are even worse that under Sturgeon in the past, with Shona Robison, Lorna Slater, Patrick Harvie etc not just being incompetent in public office but also an embarrassment to Scotland.
We need to, bluntly, destroy and start again.
Hi Dave. Thanks for your very welcome posts on Wings. I have followed up your link to the book by Umut Özk?r?ml?, Turkish dissident and academic now teaching in Barcelona:
by Umut Özk?r?ml?
link to
From the promotion:
« In this provocative book, Umut Özkýrýmlý reveals how the Left has been sucked into a spiral of toxic hatred and outrage-mongering, retreating from the democratic ideals of freedom and pluralism that it purports to represent. Exploring the similarities between right-wing populism and radical identity politics, he sets out an alternative vision. It is only by focusing on our common humanity and working across differences that the Left will find a constructive and consensual way back from “woke”. »
And from Özk?r?ml?’s epilogue:
« Orwell was right when he said “The enemy is the gramophone mind, whether or not one agrees with the record that is being played at the moment.” Last I checked, I wasn’t a gramophone. And I’m certainly not scared of the tarring and feathering. »
I also had a listen to Özk?r?ml?’s audio interview by Julie Bindel on her substack site (April 8).
My above post @ 10:13 pm is a response to Dave Hansell @ 4:07 pm.
There are parallels with the Nazi Germany 1931-33 period and the Freakenschou! we see before our eyes now. I’m drawing from the BBC documentary with the Laurence olivier voice over. It went something like ” Hitler was the buckle that held the belt of the loose alliance of “Freakenschou” “.
I’ve just seen a wee clip on YaTubeYe of Jimmy Dore not only stating that identity politics is all about fomenting division and factionalism amongst ordinary people, as we know, but making a point that hadn’t really occurred to me before: that members of those minority groups favoured by woke ideology are being installed in positions of power so that anyone complaining about authority or their treatment in the workplace can be labelled as racists or transphobes. That seems a very pertinent point to me, and one which emphasises the need for selection processes which are democratic and based on suitability for the job and/or ability to represent the majority.
Jimmy Dore is excellent. Who’d have expected such a voice of common-sense to come from the USA?
as reliably bonkers as normal. This site is a free for all about anything at all that flicks switches for individuals, and nobody at all doing anything to advance the cause of Indy.
Is there a connection between Transvestites and Inbred’s?
Answers on a Postcard
Freepost SAE Bute House.
George – I’m talking here about the proletariat. These experiments carried-out over the past 10-years will leave everyone impoverished for 20-years, maybe longer. I don’t think many really understand that and think if we vote Labour it will improve.
Away an’ shite. Troll.
@ A Scot Abroad at 11.01pm:
Why would you care about advancing the cause of Indy? You only come on here to insult supporters of independence and contradict – usually without any hint of fact or reason – any point we make.
If you don’t like it here, I’m sure most people on here will be quite happy for you to exit the premises. Don’t let the door hit your arse… etc., etc.
Derek – Do you know something, I am getting pissed off with this constant abuse. If you want to fill the site up with bigots then go ahead. There’s a hell of a lot more we can all be doing that reading this.
They are all absolute nut cases.
How could such muppets pass any sort for screening programme.
“Captain Yossarian says:”
Wisnae aimed at you, but at the snotter aboard.
Michael Laing, at 11:39 pm
Quite wrong. I think this place is important, because free speech and debate are vital. If the Rev allows it, I’m not going anywhere.
100% agree with this.
Politician wannabees like that above, think they can skirt the issue by pretending to say one thing to one interested party and the EXACT opposite to other interested parties.
But, as we now know, the SNP is chock full of these gender nutters. Not only is their ‘gender’ belief system unscientific, it is hateful to actual REAL women (adult human females), and extremely HOMOPHOBIC.
I agree the SNP are toast. They have allowed these loonies to wholly undermine the public’s trust in them as a party of government. Instead of the SNP focussing on independence, they have spent the last few years (and STILL are) dithering over gender nonsense. And it really, really is nonsense.
This is what happens when you start indulging fringe policies with zero merit. This is what happens when you start doing things the public do not want and NEVER VOTED FOR.
mac at 0759am,
Yes, I think you make a good point. If London thinks that by destroying the SNP they also destroy independence, then we now know they are very,very wrong.
Let us never forget, that perfidious albion has form with this kind of thing. They did it to many of their colonies, deploying the same schtick, of ‘oh you couldn’t possibly survive without England’s financial support’. They also injected interlopers and agents provocateur to cause division and distraction.
The PEOPLE of Scotland will drive independence. IF the SNP shape up and prove that is what they wish to achieve, then they will succeed. Sadly, however, I see zero evidence that the SNP are serious about independence. If they were, following the pretenduy English ‘supreme’ court verdict last year, they would have IMMEDIATELY called a Scottish convention of the estates (an assembly), and asserted the Scottish constitutional claim of right, to take independence forward, free of Westminster and English interference. They would have worked with all pro independence groups, INCLUDING ALBA. Instead, they smeared them.
No matter what happens to the SNP, support for independence will only increase.
Come the next election in the UK, we will end up with either a blue Tory or ‘reddish’ Tory English Prime Minister telling Scots what they can or cannot do, and the remnants of the SNP will carry on whining, whilst doing nothing.
It is intolerable.
That isn’t true!
No doubt you’re of the belief that you know better.
That’s his choice! I would suggest if he doesn’t want personal abuse he should make flame-baiting a bannable offence.
But hey I’m at the stage where I don’t care anymore.
It will be sad to see this site with only ‘A Scot Abroad’ & ‘John Main’ posting here.
All good things come to an end.
Gutted to see Dan go.
Derek , it is interesting to see that response no??
Good points Lorna.
Could be being trans is trendy.
Getting your breasts cut off & growing a beard is just the latest trend as is being a ‘pregnant gay man’. Body piercing & tattoos are just so last year & on top of that these young kids couldn’t wait until they were old enough to get a tattoo.
But Robert it’s not just the SNP it’s every single political party in the UK.
Can I ask what you are going to do about it?
Will you tell them to shut-up?
link to
Stop Press!
Westminster gives permission to develop Scotlands Rosebank Oil Fields.
There must be some mistake here as every English Political party has been assuring Scotland in every decade since the 1970’s.
We apparently have that globally unique oil that runs out every 10 years.
Looks now that it is going to be running out in the 2030’s and 40’s too.
To be fair they have punctured this diatribe with advising that the oil cannot be brought ashore as the U.K. wouldn’t meet its dynamic Net Zero Carbon footprint.
There is an ever consistent drone of lies being fed to Scotland from Westminster.
Now we will see the backlash, the vicious attack, the teeth of the SNP Party into the Westminster jugular as they confront these corrupt, immoral thieves with the evidence
of their misdemeanours.
Tumble Weed rolls by as SNP head off for another subsidised lunch and check the availability of the mysterious mobile home the police are checking for Linger Prints.
@Ruby says:27 September, 2023 at 7:33 am
bannable offence
I’ve noticed your stock response to everything and everybody is to try to ban it/them.
I think it’s the wrong approach. I think it tells us you don’t have confidence in your own views, and lack the capability to defend them with reason and eloquence. I think it is antithetical to the spirit of the Scottish enlightenment and to our residual Scottish folk memory of when we had the best educational system in the world.
I ultimately think it shows Indy as scared of reason and debate, and thus damages the cause.
But enough of me. I never did get a reply from you yesterday about ‘blueerse’. Do you want to ban that too?
Or should ‘blueerse’ continue to be permitted, but maybes only for genuine Sovereign Scots?
Just hearing the question ‘what is a woman’ makes me angry.
I’m just wondering if men realise just how angry women are.
I’m not in the mood to think about politics,the SNP, referendums or independence.
I’m too ragin’ for any of that stuff.
That’s my constituency. We usually only have candidates from the Big 4. The Conservative candidate knows what a woman is and I know her. Unless Alba or ISP put someone up, this Indy-supporting (over 40 yrs now) Republican Alba member will not only be voting Tory, I’ll be campaigning for her too. We can deal with the rest of the policies later- we need the SNP destroyed now.
Should you want to know why Captain Yossarian told me to shut-up it’s here
link to
This all stemmed from Captain Yossarian complaining about what others were posting
link to
‘Ruby – This site needs balance. It is becoming an unhealthy echo-chamber about 1707 and theories about colonialization’
I suggested that was a bit of a cheek coming from a Unionist who spammed this site 24/7 for over a year about a sinking school.
I was told to shut-up.
Quite frankly my dear I don’t give a damn what you think.
Another Aberdeen Staffer, Grant Costello, helicoptered in to fight against a sitting East Kilbride MP Lisa Cameron.
“SNP battle lines drawn as local MSP backs de-selection of Lisa Cameron despite legal threat”
link to
Viktor FRANKENSTEIN, Professor extraordinarius. Universitas Ingolstadtensis.
Scientific advisor to the Praesidium of the Scottish National party.
You know what Ron
Lisa Cameron, Grant Costello, Colette Stevenson, Linda Fabiani who cares they are all SNP.
Some folk may sit up all night to find out who is going to be ‘East Kilbride’s next Bisto Kid’ it won’t be me.
Will she or won’t she trigger a by-election.
Ruby – I am watching as you ruin this site for a great many people. There’s a nasty edge to your comments and your put-downs which have no place here and which piss-off the good, measured posters.
Sigh. The current SNP leadership seems to be doubling down on both the GRR and Net Zero nonsense. It’s a no-win situation. There is clear public opposition in Scotland and rUK (growing rapidly) to both. With Sunak’s recent back-tracking, it is apparent that Net Zero will now be a major issue at the next election. The tories will ensure this. Unfortunately, the woke liberals running the Greens, Labour and SNP parties have no reverse gear, and so in spite of current opinion polls, the election result will be a lot closer than expected. The writing is on the wall. Not good.
George Ferguson says:
26 September, 2023 at 9:26 pm
@Captain Yossarian 8:49pm
Almost lost my son to Australia with Humzas impotent SNHS August 2022 reforms. We were saved by a wee blonde lassie. First child yesterday.
Congratulations! I hope you have many more beautiful, healthy grandweans.
“There’s a nasty edge to your comments and your put-downs which have no place here and which piss-off the good, measured posters.”
Taken over the site have you? Trying to subvert the man in charge? Piss off?
@Red 10:12 am
Thanks for your good wishes. I have a few grandchildren already. I should have made clear it was my son and partners first child. Contribution to reversing the declining birth rate in Scotland. And stopped him going to Australia for the time being. We are staying as optimistic as we can.
link to
Not much UK control of its colonies has changed over the years.
@Effijy says:27 September, 2023 at 8:30 am
Stop Press!
Westminster gives permission to develop Scotlands Rosebank Oil Fields.
That’s good news for Scottish workers, businesses and oil & gas consumers, AKA just about every Scot in Scotland.
That’s a kick in the teeth for pretendy FM Yousaf and his deluded virtue-signalling acolytes, who only a few weeks ago were seeking to accelerate the scheduled shutdown of our offshore production facilities.
I lack the necessary pretzel logic to join with Effijy in dissing WM for making the correct call. Credit where credit is due. Once again, WM is righting wrongs inflicted on us by the reality-deniers in HR.
Red @ 10:12 am
“Congratulations! I hope you have many more beautiful, healthy grandweans.”
Yes, a new bairn is always a time of great celebration, or should be. I remember at the baptism of our third child, the Minister at the ‘wee tin’ Methodist kirk at Meadowbank in Edinburgh, Rev Charles Makonde from Kenya, reminding the congregation that: ‘the most important thing we can do is to bring up our bairns’.
That sage advice does not quite correspond to today’s Scotland in which we now have the lowest birth rate on record and the lowest in the UK; this is a consequence of numerous ‘mystification’ policies from Holyrood, a housing crisis and, without independence, an inability to access our own plentiful resources to adequately support our people. The result is that our young folk are prevented and/or dissuaded from bringing up a family.
There are clearly different ways to ‘banish the natives’ in colonial societies, some more obscure than others, and Scotland appears to have been a solid testing ground for most colonial ‘procedures’ over the past 300 years or more.
Well Done Mr Main.
Completely oblivious to 70 years of lies from his friends down South and never mind the money from drilling licenses and corporation taxes all going to the corrupt government that
Scotland never voted for.
Of course if the £3 Billion promised to Scotland for investment in renewable energies at the Indy Ref 1 wasn’t reneged on there would be plenty of jobs and clean energy.
If the £1 Billion promised at Indy Ref 1 for the main carbon capture plant there would be even more jobs and a major solution for storing carbon.
Keep up the good work John. Westminster needs you!
The whole Lisa Cameron debacle would be astounding if she was not an SNP MP. Questioning what consideration was being given to the victim of proven sex pest Grady was her crime. This went against Blackfords mandate handed to him by Murrell to give the sex pest unswerving support. The SNP are the lowest of the low it’s clear they are enablers of the sexual deviants like Linden, Grady and Gibson.
More personal abuse from Captain Yossarian.
I have no idea what I’ve done to upset him.
“Colonial legislation
During the growth of the British Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries,
various constraints were placed on colonial legislatures. The doctrine of “repugnancy”, for example, meant that a colonial law would be invalid if it conflicted with UK laws applying by “paramount force” – ie taking precedenceover all others – or via UK treaty obligations.14
Two other mechanisms which allowed an effective veto over colonial legislation were “disallowance” and “reservation”.
A colonial law which had already received Royal Assent from a Governor or
Governor-General (acting on behalf of the monarch) could still be disallowed on the advice of ministers within a certain period.15 For example, the Oaths Act, 1873 passed by the federal Canadian parliament was deemed outwith the provisions of the British North America Act 1867 and was therefore disallowed by the UK government.”
“Government of Ireland Act 1920
The Government of Ireland Act 1920 established a devolved bicameral Parliament of Northern Ireland which met in Belfast (at Stormont after 1932) between 1921 and 1972.18
Royal Assent to bills on “transferred” (or devolved) matters was given on the
monarch’s behalf by the Governor of Northern Ireland. Bills lapsed if they had not received assent within a period of one year.19
A UK Treasury document from 1953 described the process:
The Governor, if so directed by Her Majesty, must reserve a Bill for the signification of Her Majesty’s pleasure. Copies of Bills are sent to the Home Secretary so that he may consider whether any advice should be given to HerMajesty.20
The involvement of the Home Secretary meant that the question of competence was not the only consideration; the UK government could “weigh the wisdom as well as the validity of Northern Ireland legislation”.21 ”
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Is this whole story not mainly about Lisa Cameron.
All these MPs only care about themselves.
Half way done that article about Lisa there’s this
READ MORE: ‘Embarrassing’ SNP MSPs avoid campaigning in Rutherglen as party loses discipline under Humza Yousaf.
The comments and focusses of Math Campbell Sturges are sadly all too typical of a class of politician who does not represent the ordinary folks in our country.
By and large folks want families, jobs, a decent standard of living, decent health care, support when needed. But the SNP politicos? For them it’s all about jobbie jabbing and the right to the exclusion of all else to conduct unorthodox behaviours.
teaching primary kids with a jar of Nutella and a banana about what should be considered healthy everyday practices between males is but only the start of it.
Indeed we have SNP councillors who want to enjoy squishing in their nappies. What a lovely mess to clean up, but that’s probably all part of the delight.
And children, who should have the right to have sex as young as 12 according to some of the current literature doing the rounds, that too is another focus.
Math Campbell Sturges may be a good guy. An Englishman turned Scottish independence supporter even. But frankly he has more to do with his time as an elected representative than obsess and focus on gay, trans, queer, or whatever non orthodox world the SNP now want us to live in.
Good God, one MP even stood up in the House of Commons and waxed lyrical about her not knowing what her genitals looked like. Just the type of effort we always wanted from the SNP – and in fact that’s why we gave them repeated mandates.
But hey, come 5th October 2023 I think folks are not going to abstain from voting or vote for a unionist party like Labour, Tory or whatever the SNP has become but instead vote for one Collette Walker ISP.
And that will send the biggest message possible!
Ruby 9.56am,,,
I get the points you are making about who cares who the MP for East Kilbride is,, the only point I was making was the general direction and decline of the SNP.
Lisa Cameron stood up against one of the SNP’s many sex pests,,,and is being shown the door for her actions.
Why is she still a member of the SNP? She will need to explain that one.
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That is pretty dangerous driving.
Yuill obtained a provisional driving licence a few weeks before the crash, and had previously been disqualified from driving, the Police Scotland report said.
I don’t fully understand that bit.
@sam says:27 September, 2023 at 11:30 am
in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Well before I was born Sam. True for my parents too.
Maybes clarify: Are you saying that when pretendy FM Yousaf at HR decided (with no mandate from the people of Scotland) to accelerate closure of the North Sea, and when Sunak decided to reverse that decision, that was colonialism at work?
If so, you do realise you are making a good case for colonialism? Right?
This Sovereign Scot wants power and heat, affordable travel, jobs, careers, and all the material advantages that flow from these. Calvinist hairshirt wearing went out of fashion decades ago.
Very few of us Sovereign Scots want Indy if it means freezing to death in poverty and never traveling anywhere.
I think large numbers of voters switching to unionist parties in Rutherglen would not trouble the SNP leadership at all. If a sizeable number vote for the ISP however, now that is a different story. Squeaky bum time.
I really do wish I could piss off posters with my nasty edge & put downs.
Not loads just four would be fine.
But naw my nasty edge & put downs just ain’t doing it.
The flame-baiters & trolls are sticking like glue.
That fatal M9 crash article is very sad.
I suspect this might be another tragic tale about drug addiction.
@Effigy says:27 September, 2023 at 11:01 am
the corrupt government that Scotland never voted for
Maybes clarify just which corrupt government you mean, eh?
To recap:
Scotland never voted for Pretendy FM Yousaf.
Scotland was never asked about Pretendy FM Yousaf’s accelerated closure of the North Sea.
That’s one of the problems when a country (Scotland) accepts and connives at a flawed, fraudulent process that results in a conman squatting on the top job – other politicians with greater legitimacy can treat the usurper with contempt.
But I digress. I want oil & gas from the North Sea to heat my house and run my car until such time as affordable alternatives, at the same price, are available. That’s a good few years yet.
But relax, Effigy, you have it right. No other Sovereign Scot thinks like me! Scotland is hoaching with Sovereign Scots just burning with desire to freeze and go poor in their support of Pretendy FM Yousaf and his virtue signalling.
Haha, I crack me up.
In the US or possibly Canada a politician started to self identify as a black female whilst making no changes to his appearance. At a meeting those who were like the subject of this thread all stood up to voice their offence at his stance to which he replied that by the rules that they themselves had imposed upon society they had no right to question his choice of identity.
Re the carrying of SWP placards at the demos in Glasgow/Scotland/England etc, just over a decade ago a senior member of the SWP known as Comrade Delta had multiple claims of using his position in the party to basically shag women some of whom were classed as vulnerable. The party carried out an internal investigation and announced that no action would be taken because to do so would damage not only Comrade Delta but the movement itself which did not go down well with the women.
@Tinto Chiel, thanks for your reply in the previous thread, I only just saw it. I recommend the book which I believe would be difficult to publish now because it was even handed with regard to reporting on war crimes etc.
Scotland Act 1978
“Following a recommendation from the 1973 Royal Commission on the Constitution, the UK Parliament attempted to legislate for a devolved Scottish Assembly.
A government white paper published in November 1975 included what The Economist called “colonial governor-general’s powers” of vetoing Bills the Secretary of State for Scotland “considered outside the assembly’s scope”.
This was later watered down so that the Westminster government’s “reserve
powers” would only be available if an Assembly Bill was considered to have
“unacceptable repercussions” on reserved matters.25
The Scotland and Wales Bill fell in 1977 and was succeeded by a standalone Scotland Bill which became the Scotland Act 1978. Section 38(1) provided that if “it appears to the Secretary of State”:
(a) that a Bill passed by the [Scottish] Assembly contains any provision which
would or might affect a reserved matter, whether directly or indirectly, and
(b) that the enactment of that provision would not be in the public interest;
he may lay the Bill before [the UK] Parliament together with a reasoned
statement that in his opinion it ought not to be submitted to Her Majesty in
Scotland, the last colonial possession in Europe and its systemic problems..
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Treating the symptoms, not the causation.
Sam and Ruby – I’ve just read your replies. I correspond with a few folk on here about things, that and that, from time to time. I’ve got a sense of the values of those I am speaking to. I don’t agree with them politically but a respectful exchange of opinions takes place nonetheless. We are pretty much on the same level and that’s the way this website works. Don’t suddenly appear in folks faces threatening to report them and all the rest of it. If you want to report me then go ahead and do it. Otherwise just shut-up please. Scroll past my comments as I scroll past your comments. How does that grab you?
“Scotland Act 1998
The Scotland Bill 1997-98 was introduced to the House of Commons on 17 December 1997. This aimed to establish a devolved Scottish Parliament with limited tax-varying powers following another, this time successful,
referendum in September 1997.
Legislative competence
What became the Scotland Act 1998 included several provisions intended to delimit the powers of the Scottish Parliament.
Under section 29, an Act of the Scottish Parliament “is not law” so far as “any
provision of the Act is outside the legislative competence of the Parliament”.
A provision is outside competence if, among other things, it “relates to reserved matters”. The question of whether a provision relates to reserved matters is determined by reference “to the purpose of the provision, having regard (among other things) to its effect in all the circumstances”.
The UK Supreme Court has considered the statutory test of “relates to reserved matters”. It has interpreted it as requiring “more than a loose or consequential connection” with a reserved matter. However, this leaves open the possibility that devolved legislation could modify, or have an impact on,reserved matters, without, as such, “relating to” them.
Under section 104, an order can make changes to reserved legislation in order to reflect changes made by legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament. This process was used, for example, for Scottish equal marriage and civilpartnership legislation.
Section 35 (formerly clause 33)
The Scotland Act also provides for “certain limited circumstances where the UK Government can exercise a policy control or veto over what legislation is enacted by the Scottish Parliament, even although it is within its competence”.28
Alluding to what was then clause 33 of the Scotland Bill – “Powers to intervene
in certain cases” – the Scotsman newspaper commentator Ian Bell observed that:
Nothing, it seems, has been left to chance. The Secretary of State for Scotland,rather than being reduced to a peripheral figure, is transformed into the gatekeeper. In terms of the Cabinet’s power to block or revoke legislation, at least in certain areas, he will become – and this is not just the old jibe – something akin to a governor general.
Bell added that these “veto powers” meant “Edinburgh’s scope for appeal is limited”. The time would come, he predicted, “when Scotland will want to do something, and London will refuse to allow it”.29
Clause 33 was not discussed at the Scotland Bill’s Committee Stage on 29 January 1998,30 but it was subject to prolonged debate at the report stage on 12 May 1998. Michael Ancram, the Conservative Party’s constitutional spokesman, described clause 33(1)(b), the “adverse effect” sub-clause, as “rather out of tune with the rest of the Bill”:
The Secretary of State, a politician, will have the power to decide whether in his view—he will have to state reasonable grounds […] the legislation will have an adverse effect on the operation of some Act that applies to a reserved matter. He will effectively have the power to kill an Act of the Scottish Parliament stone dead.
Ancram continued:
My difficulty with the clause is that the judgment will often essentially be a
political judgment, not one that can simply be based on facts. How is the Secretary of State to set out his reasons, which may be challengeable or unchallengeable, possibly by judicial review? […] I can see within thisdraconian power—were it used in a way that ran counter to the wishes of the Scottish Parliament—the epitome of […] a confrontation.31
Donald Dewar, the then Secretary of State for Scotland, explained the
Government’s rationale for the clause:
If one takes a simplistic view, one might say that the writ of the Scottish Parliament runs in devolved areas and that there will be reserved areas with which the Scottish Parliament cannot meddle and where its writ does not run.
That is the general description of the scheme: a division of responsibilities with
strength and internal logic. However, the world of politics and of legislation is
not as neatly divided as that—there are no exact demarcations or neat barriers that cannot be crossed—so legislation in a devolved area of responsibility will often have implications for reserved areas and reserved functions.”
Remember Humza was spraying racist abuse at what he calls ‘vight people’?
Now he’s going after their central heating:
The First Minister said he still intends to ban fossil fuel heating in new-build homes from next April and prevent ‘off-grid’ properties from installing new or replacement oil boilers from 2025.
Mr Yousaf also insisted he wants to stick by the pledge to try to phase out sales of new diesel and petrol cars by 2030 in Scotland, even though a UK-wide ban was delayed until 2035 by Rishi Sunak.
His decision to double down on his boiler plan comes just days after the Scottish
Government said it would carry out an urgent assessment of whether the Prime Minister’s announcements impact on policies proposed north of the Border.
Preventing Scots from being able to afford to heat their homes in winter will do nothing for the environment, but it will help kill off older and poorer Scots, and make life worse for the younger people who have to pay for all this.
Notice again that the “urgent assessment” is a fraud, they’re not actually “assessing” anything. Like government “consultations” and “inquiries”, the answer is predetermined and has nothing to do with what you want.
@TURABDIN says:27 September, 2023 at 12:31 pm
Scotland, the last colonial possession in Europe
Purely in the interests of balance, it’s worth pointing out that if The War goes wrong, you will have to re-write that as:
Scotland, the oldest colonial possession in Europe
History, eh? It’s just one damn thing after another.
“The british establishments fingers all over it”.
I am not one bit surprised that the Snp party could be altered, and used under that scenario of a british establishment devolved branch office government sent to monitor the local natives as was done in India,
It is colonial management of a foreign country with assests.
Here Breeks is where I agree with you,
We as Sovereign human beings in Scotland do not need permission from any real Scottish parliament outside our Country of Scotland,
It has occurred to myself that what the parliament of and in England is doing to ethnic Scots is Racism and modern day enslavement by refusing Scots the right to freedom in their own country, by refusing them to be able to use their own law system,
“Lest we forget” the parliament in England in 2023 has explained and stated to the globe in writing on their parliament site that the Scottish parliament has not been a part of the treaty of union since 1707.
Other than brute force, dictatorship , enslavement, racism and Colonialism it has no legal right or method to hold Scotland as captive,
When the debate lands on Monarchy or being crowned monarch of Scots, queen Anne was not the last monarch of Scots, and the first monarch of Britain,
She was the monarch of England, France and Ireland by succession to the Crown laws of English successio,
The last official crowned monarch of Scots which is often forgotten about was king Charles 11.
King Charles 11 official proclamation was at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh on the 5th Feb 1649,
On the 23 of June he sailed into the Moray Firth, his arrival was greeted by bonfires and bells,
Key Committee meetings had been held on on the 2nd and 5th December a month before the coronation, which included Coventers Arthur Erskine and Scotscraig, the master of Robes,
The Committee decided on Scone as the location at Moot hill Kirk, the ancient crowning place of Scottish Monarchs, as Cromwell was advancing and was at Edinburgh,
The Committees report was read on the 5th December,
The Scottish parliament had also fled to Perth due to Cromwell advancing army in 1651,
Charles took the Coronation Oath and was Crowned at the kirk on Moot hill, Scone on a raised platform for the investures .
Followed by the handing out of coins and a procession and Banquet at Scone
Every Monarch of Scots was crowned in this way,
Queen Anne was never Crowned nor went through the Oath or ceremony in Scotland.
She was declared queen of Scotland by England under the laws of old parliament of Englands act of Succession of England France and Ireland.
The english act of settlement 1700 names the countries that succession of the English crown and monarch inherits,
Scotland is not one of them,
However the parliament of England simply ” EXTENDED” the ACT of English law to incorporate Scotland,
With no Scottish parliament in the treaty of union as of 1707,
Without Queen Anne being Crowned queen of Scots or in Scotland, and no ceremony or oath taken in Scotland.
Without the Scots being asked to join the treaty of union, ( see UK parliament site 2023)
When it comes to arrogance and presumption of a united kingdom of Great Britain or a united parliament of Great Britain……
” It is a purely English parliament construction,”
The only people in a contractual treaty from Scotland with England are those particular gentlemen from Scotland that signed their names to it.
Scotlands kingdom and its people with its original last crowned monarch whom did sign or not give Scottish royal assent to the treaty of union could walk away
I find this beyond ridiculous.
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My babyhood was spent in Iraq after the US invasion. Bombs, missiles, drones, land mines, loonies in suicide vests. that sort of scary stuff blah. blah…
I «grew up» rather quickly.
There are worse things under the heavens guys, and mother nature can be a real !!!!!!!
“Very few of us Sovereign Scots want Indy if it means freezing to death in poverty and never traveling anywhere.”
Like that’s not happening right now? Have you ever been to Scotland?
FYI You know that Stephen Flynn has already conceded the Rutherglen by election has already been handed to Labour?
He acknowledged it on Question Time.
Sure he has heard it on the doorstep but you should never concede or fight back.
Do remember Dippy Dug-dale telling us she was hearing on the doorstep that Labour would win over 40 Scottish seats when in fact they got ONE.
She really should have kicked a second door away from the nursing home.
You sound very bossy Captain!
Sorry no deal! I will read the comments I want to read. I will post about 1707 & colonialism until I get bored with these topics.
I’m liking colonialism at the moment especially Watching all the wee trolls & flame-baiters going bananas every time the word colony is mentioned.:-)
Have you thought about blocking? 🙂
Just put SAM & RUBY YOU’RE BLOCKED>/B> at the top of your every post.
It mighy work!
PS You are free to scroll past my comments if you wish. You’ll be missing out but that’s your choice. 🙁
PPS How did you manage to scroll past our posts and read them a the same time? 😕
All the monarchs of Scotland are crowned in Scotland for centuries, queen Anne of England France and Ireland was not.
James and Charles were the last crowned Monarchs of Scotland.
Thus No monarch of the english deliniage has worn the Scots crown on their head since.
I had to laugh at the daily mirrors reason given for why King Charles of England did not wear the Crown of Scots, They said his head was to big,
And although hilarious, they failed to explain why his mother never wore it or the monarchs of England previously,
A constitutional question may arise.
Ruby @ 12.01
The report would suggest that at the time of his driving ban Mr Yuill was ordered to resit his driving test (when the period of disqualification had expired). This would require his taking out a Provisional Licence to get back on the road legally. If that’s the bit you don’t fully get.
I got that Ron.
BTW Thanks for the link.
been reading the news this morning, for a change – some relevant things :
ROSEBANK is the first oil field west of shetland; if you think it will be the last, you are crazy
– check it out on a map. Remember a while back we were told it was a “conspiracy theory” that there were “vast amounts of oil west of shetland” and everyone had been told to STFU about it all, in case scotnats thought they could middle finger england and skip off to exorbitante lifestyles in the norway/qatari style …
at some point the penny has to drop we are dealing with LYING BASTARDS who will do anything to cheat us from our rightful ownership
the NEW DRUGS CONSUMPTION ROOM is a great idea and a cunning plan; you think you are going to score, but you ain’t – inside you get huckled by buddhist monks who chain you to a post for 3 weeks where you sweat the shit out of you. Compassionate men, they look after you, but you are not leaving until you are clean. Once released they let you stay with them for a while, then leave when you want, at least free of addiction
if only
this new drugs consumption room; why not add a shop to it as well, so you don’t have to score in dodgy areas, you just buy clean drugs there. You could also let the NHS supply the drugs at high quality, at cost, which since they can bulk buy, would undercut the dealers.
what if the drugs business folded because it was uneconomic?
the high drugs deaths associated with Scotland seem a lot to do with this curious “Glasgow Mix” which involves adding benzos to opiates; this you can thus get rid of
– the consumption rooms would liaise with GPs and social care; you keep people safe and as healthy as possible while addicted, while working at a longer timescale TAE GIT THUM AFF THE SKAG
the POWER OF THE JURY is this : it can, if it wants tell the judge to fuck off and decide how it wants
– they don’t like you to know this, hate the idea
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– this is why special courts for sex crimes, for anything, are a bad idea
we are sleepwalking into a world where any woman can ruin any man’s life she might have had some fleeting contact with 10,20,30 years ago, with no actual evidence of anything, based on “feels”, and the accuser left with no right to defend himself; in a recent case in which a triple r4pist was sent down, the accusers were -outraged- that what they said was cross examined.
does Sandy Brindley “not like the look of you” – TAKE HIM DOWN
any young men out there should secretly record their trysts, just for safety; it could save you from a 10 stretch
– they have blundered into something they don’t understand – like a lot of english people do
the infrastructure in the highlands is shite, because of the union
there is nothing setup for the kind of campervan touring you get in the US or europe
they might never have seen a single track road, or know how to negotiate them
the tourism board recklessly promoted this NC500 without thinking about consequences, only money; many of us have been wandering up and down the “NC500” before it had a name, without a problem
it can get real bad when you get convoys of campervans hitting each other and the passing places are insufficient to allow progress
tourists need to remember the locals live, and work there, and its not idyllic for them, but hard work
there are always people who just won’t behave and fucking well ruin everything – like the bans on wild camping around loch lomond; the lager campers discovered the east side over a decade ago and adopted the carryout round the fire model of outdoorsism – then they leave their shite as “thats what the park rangers are for”
If the fallacios treaty of parliamentary union is to be construed as a reality,
One of those stipulations was of one parliament of great britain.
Two parliaments of Westminster one in England and a branch office sent from Englands parliament at Westminster to Scotland breaches the treaty of union.
I just love it when you do this Mr Wings:-)
Trans-sexuality is a phallacy
This is why they want 16 year olds voting.
Children are stupid and easily led.
That’s what the fable of the Pied Piper was warning us about.
Captain Yossarian says:
27 September, 2023 at 12:33 pm
“Sam and Ruby – I’ve just read your replies. ”
” Scroll past my comments as I scroll past your comments. ”
You see the problem here , Capt ?
@ Red . Humza’s WAR ON HEAT will prove as futile as he & the Lunatic Green’s posturing idiocy re N.Sea oil-extraction . And , again , the Tories under Sunak ( having just granted 100 new licences for same ) are displaying a more solid relation with political/economic reality than the rest of the Net Zeroid dimwits combined .
This is not to suggest the Tories are deserving of anyone’s vote – they’re just the same old mercenary scumbags they’ve always been- but , as with their ( opportunistic ? ) position on GRRB , they’re managing to at least appear far more in touch with public opinion than their political rivals .
This is where * Left * * Progressivism * has brought us . A mad , mad world where we are in more agreement those we have historically considered our diametrically-opposed * enemies * than our those we – thought – best represented our values and interests .
@ Twathater . You’re welcome , compadre
Anti Snowflakery.
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It is not stupidity but a kind of conceited ignorance. I am stunned by how little my age group know about the realities of the world they live in. Some adults also deny intellectual autonomy to their children by filling their heads with their own hang ups.
Greta Thunberg is a classic of the type.
No wonder allergies, intolerances, mental health problems increase in their cosseted, middle class Western world.
My childhood was in some respects a blessing.
Without a union between the Scottish kingdom and English kingdom there is no union of kingdoms,
Unlike English law whereby if the monarch is absent, the english parliament of Westminster can act in his place,
It is purly a law of England.
There is and was no such Scots law for parliament to act in the monarchs absence,
And the monarch was absent,
So the Scottish parliament could not use English law to act in his place in 1706/07.
There was no union of monarchs, kingdoms or parliaments. Or Scots people and nation to England.
Extending English parliament law of succession of England to Scotland strongly suggests that only the parliament of England (is ) the treaty of union.
Backing this up is the treaties with Ireland and America created by the parliament of England at their respective dates and after the hoax treaty of union date.
More fool anyone who believes the tories are on the side of Scotland, for behind the facade they all wear the apron of colours of the union.
Effijy says on 27 September 2023 at 1:14 pm:
“Do remember Dippy Dug-dale telling us she was hearing on the doorstep that Labour would win over 40 Scottish seats when in fact they got ONE.”
Yeah! But she really believed it. And according to a corrupt court system, that’s all that matters, eh! 😉
Mac says on 26 September 2023 at 9:30 am:
“Since then we have seen (broadly speaking) two very extreme actions take place.
1. The attempted stitch-up of Alex Salmond to inflict massive reputational damage.
2. The internal systematic and methodical destruction of the SNP as the vehicle for independence.”
And what is the one common overriding factor in both events?
The Murrell’s.
Robert, I agree that all opinions should be listened to on an open and very lightly moderated forum like this: however, personal abuse, targeting of other members in a personal manner or attempting to reveal personal details should be strongly discouraged. This appears to be the MO of a tiny minority here.
Ruby: “… Gender Recognition is at the top of the list my list and I’m guessing it is for most women.
“… The problem I have with what you are suggesting is getting rid of GRR is not enough for me.
“… I’m fed-up & not enthused to do anything. Getting rid of the SNP isn’t going to get rid of gender recognition.
“… Where is the party that supports women’s rights?
“…You would probably have more success storming Holyrood if women were on board.
“…Women are ragin’!… ”
In a nutshell. No chance at all of independence while half the population is locked out by GRR. We have been saying this for ages now. I put this to men on here and out there, who actually want independence: the good fairy is going to grant you independence, but you will have no rights, no existence in an independent Scotland. How would they react? I, for one, have no patience with the “just vote for independence and we can sort this out later” brigade. Get it sorted now or a large proportion of the voting electorate will either not vote or spoil their ballot papers because not one of the parties is doing a thing about putting an end to this, but, on the contrary, push it for all they’re worth – even the Tories.
Another question: does anyone actually believe that the high heid yins of the SNP/Greens were not aware that this would happen? Yet another: who seriously believes that this stuff was manufactured in England with the sole purpose of bringing down the SNP? The British State is no doubt interfering in Scottish affairs, trying to stymie independence, but they have their own hands full with this bilge water just as we do. Sure, the UK has its share of multi-millionaires, but the billionaires responsible for pushing this stuff as the advance guard for the global corporate mafia are to be found in America, mainly, with a few in Canada.
This was, and is, a Western phenomenon, albeit it is now pushing into China, India, Africa and Asia, in a slow creep, creep being the operative word. It has absolutely nothing to do with poor marginalized groups and everything to do with the expansion of the elites into every aspect of our lives in order to promote their own agenda – power and money (and oodles of deviant sex as a reward for the idiot foot soldiers).
Aye I remember that area you mention as pristine clean, the air was sharp and scenery eye watering beautiful, old roads enough to take single horse and carts, forestry commission clear of mess, and lochs so clean you could see the fish swimming below you’re boat, I Used to watch the whales coming up the loch as I walked to school,
and the many torrential rains and thunderstorms, I even remember once when I was young lighting causing a fireball on the loch that bounced like a Barnes Wallis bouncing bomb until it disappeared out of sight.
I went back once with fond memories, only to have my senses assaulted and my memories destroyed,
Never again, it was like looking at a contaminated trash and rubbish tip,
Tourism at its extreme without control of tourist,
May be all tourists as part of stay should be made to have a compulary day cleaning up the mess they and others made or a automatic fine,
Non local Registration plates could be of assistence,
With all these false climate change fanatic people on the go, whom never seem to be in the right place, at the right time with the right people
Something has to be done,
I think land tax should be reintroduced and added on to visitors sites.
One thing I do know as a old local,
these places were pristine clean with the local population , prior to the excessive influx of tourism and the increase of holiday homes, campers and new build chatlets in great quantities,
Rend your garments, cover your head in ashes, weep and wale for the DEATH of REASON…in some sectors, that is.
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The Gods are getting angry, expect well targeted bolts of lightning
“And what is one common overriding factor”
There actually two overriding common factors,
The Murrells, and a devolved branch office parliament sent from Westminster.
Two legislated parliaments of Great Britain running Scotland,
How many other Countries do you know that has two parliaments under the same umberella running its Country like Scotland does, whilst under a treaty of one parliament of Great Britain,
Robert Hughes – “Scroll past” – I think it’s a great idea. However, I won’t argue as you are a respected poster.
On the subject of Tories, they are the only political party that I have never supported, but we cannot live without politicians and Scotland’s 16-year dalliance with the SNP and before that Scottish Labour, lead me to think that things might start to improve under the Tories. The Tories we have at Holyrood are pretty good and I reckon they would stop the decline which is wrecking too many lives just now.
Rosebank goes ahead. Fantastic news. We deserve the prosperity it will bring.
Unlucky Humza Yousaf… Your trip to the United Nations was a complete waste of time.
In fact. We all know you paid £24 million to John Kerry to wash through Zimbabwe, Malawi and Rwanda and into his back pocket.
We know you paid for a seat as part of the deal.
Now the oil is going ahead like African industrial mega projects like Coal fired Power stations.
Now that oil is going ahead Humza. It’s a great day.
Lorna Slater says she’s not paying. It’s not her fault. Green Bottle Recycling poll tax. £9 million. It’s all Westminster’s fault she says. She can’t even set up a system that’s been around for centuries such as ginger bottle returns.
Drill the oil. Drill baby. Drill drill drill.
Bye bye Scottish Greens. Bye bye.
Bertrand Russell on education:
«The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black»
Humza is handing out our tax payers money.
The greens have wasted £9 million despite having the DSR approved by the UK Government for a trial.
And Glasgow City Council could be teetering on bankruptcy. A city that doesn’t clean it’s buildings or provide adequate public transport.
Why can’t we prosecute the politicans?
There’s no one more deserving of the sack than Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie…
This is Wednesday though isn’t it… 3 lashing’s for the son Winnie Ewing…
She’s turning in her fucking grave today. Sickening what’s going on in the SNP.
Time to sack Humza. Now he’s back from his £24 million jolly in New York.
TURABDIN @2:53pm
Interesting read, thanks. I hadn’t considered that wokery is specifically intended and used to beat the working class, but of course it’s true. For example, all the arguments against males in women’s prisons fall on deaf ears because professionals simply wouldn’t find themselves in that situation.
As for the colonisation of the civil service. It was a foregone conclusion once the very first equality officer was created. In an intensely hierarchical organisation where everything is about compliance in order to survive long enough to collect the pension, any stick that HR could wield would be enormously effective. Same goes for all other government employees. I think it’s been an unintended consequence but it’s remarkably effective and probably very, very hard to eradicate unless all those equality laws were thrown on a bonfire and we returned to the 1950s.
What will be interesting to see is whether it’s simply spun out of control and everybody, regardless of predilection will be demanding equality. It won’t be possible to say no, because the stick is already poised to beat you if you say a word.
I can’t decide whether it’s a remarkable feat of evil or simply chaos.
“The Tories we have at Holyrood are pretty good and I reckon they would stop the decline which is wrecking too many lives just now.”
(ROTFLMFAO)…Once a Yoon always a Yoon eh?
John Hannah;
“Rosebank goes ahead. Fantastic news. We deserve the prosperity it will bring.”
Who’s ‘we’? You’re speaking for the English parliament there, I take it?
Re false accusations made against men.
Twenty years ago I went to a party at an ex lovers house, we were still friends and had a FWB relationship. I arrived at the party with two friends and my ex and her workmates had clearly been at the pub as her boss was lying on the floor semi conscious with his head propped up by the skirting board and eyes like bloody pissholes in the snow. At the time my ex had a sexual relationship going with him but so did one of her colleagues who was also at the party, my ex had confided in me that she did not like her as she saw her as a rival for the affections of men in the workplace. My ex’s sister was also at the party and kind of stood out as it was mainly old ex punks and alternative types and this hairy in a literally manky shellsuit, she must have slipped on the way there as she had mud caked down one of the legs. The ex’s colleague produced a bottle of Smirnoff and went to pour herself a drink when the ex’s sister stormed across the room, snatched the bottle out of her hand, went back to her seat with it and growled at her, the colleague just shrugged and got another bottle and poured her drink. The ex’s sister proceeded to drink the entire bottle of vodka and as the night wore on at one point is was me and my two pals, the unconscious boss and her in the living room. The sister addressed me and my two mates, one of whom was also an ex lover of her sister, she pointed at the passed out boss on the floor and said, I am paraphrasing from memory here, “see that?, that’s a man. He is going to bring money and opportunity into my family. Yous had your chance with my sister and if I see you in this area again I am going to get you stabbed.” One of my pals, who really did not like her, had an exchange of words with her and I kept out of it. Shortly afterwards she came over and made a pass at me and I was so shocked and embarrassed that I just stared at my feet until she went away and we left shortly afterwards.
The following week I went into the college I was studying at and at which my ex was a lecturer. At the front desk I was drawn daggers by the female staff and when I went for a cup of tea I had the same treatment from the female staff in the canteen. Wondering what could be going on I went in search of my ex to ask her and when I found her she told me that it was because of what I had done to her sister at the party and when I asked what I had done she replied “you followed her into the toilet and had sex with her when she was too drunk to say no.” I was completely gobsmacked, nothing of the sort had happened yet my ex had spread it around the female staff at the college and my name was absolute mud. I told her to tell her sister to get a lawyer and meet me and my lawyer at the police station of her choice to which she responded that her sister would not be doing this as she was too traumatised to do it. I stupidly did not press charges because it hadn’t sunk in yet that my ex had repeated false accusations against me where I was studying and I still felt a sense of loyalty to her. I stayed on in the college and got my qualification but have always regretted not having her sister arrested and charged for a false allegation of rape.
Not long after it I told another ex who was friends with the one here and she was outraged, told me to get into her car and drove to the ex’s house and took me in with her and demanded the full details from the ex. She said that sounds nothing like the guy you and I both went out with to which the ex agreed but said that whilst she doubted her sisters story she had to take the side of family. As soon as the allegations were made against Alex Salmond I thought about what had happened to me and took an innocent until proven guilty stance and it came to pass that it was a planned malicious allegation with the aim of taking him out of the game.
I read this one by
Robert Hughes
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This one by akenaton
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Then this one by Captain Yossarian
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Then back to the first one by Robert Hughes. 😕
Ach! Never mind I might be reading the wrong Robert Hughes post
Get your mouse in the wrong place and this post starts flashing Alex. Might that be considered attempting to
reveal personal details.
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Might be time for a nice Nepresso & a chocolate & orange cookie. Yum!
I am in favour of land tax instead of Council tax, as this regulates land ownership.
Most of Scotland is not in the hand of Scots, and the revenues from these large tracts of Scotland hardly touches scottish soil or coffers,
How many newbe foriegn entrepuers who take acvantage and abuse the lands and tax system of Scotland would be so willing to make such big large purchases of tracts of Scotland if they thought land tax per measurement would be and issue, especially if they were not living here most of the year,
That it had to be paid regardless every year, with no exemptions or exceptions,
This has a multi functioning purpose,
Many Scots people may have a opportunity to own their own piece of land “if” it was not all snapped up by the elite and wealthy, if land tax was by measurement, the poorer in society and the wealthy for the first time and for the most part would be on a more equal footing.
This would stabilize house and land prices in Scotland,
The revenues would not seize to be in Scotland, in fact to the contrary, there is a good chance of a increase to Councils and government revenues.
Here are a few examples of land being “advertised” and sold to people outside of Scotland, yet probably would not pay full council tax as they are not permanent residents of Scotland.
Advert in:
Country Life,
Scottish Island for sale, for the same price as three bedroomed house Southwark or 3 bedroomed house in East Grimstead.
The telegraph,
Why adventurous Britains are swapping the Rat Race for life on a remote Scottish Island.
It is interesting that the telegraph thought that Britains were living south of the Scottish border,
That aside over the last five to ten years the MSM have been acting as if the were ” Estate Agents ” selling Scotlands land and properties,
At the moment The largest owner of Scottish land is not Scots, and it would be interesting if he paid a reduced Council tax exemption on empty houses on his property,
Or if “he” paid little more than you and I as far as council tax bands go,
Another property area that seems to be getting of Scot free in Scotland are big Corporation food sales outlets.
They buy vast tracts of lands to prevent other shops or retail stores from building and providing local alternatives, they are buying land that lies in waste for decade so they have no competion in prices,
This is land abuse puts the price on our evety day shopping.
A compelled land tax on purposely created redundant land to prevent competition in prices would be advantages to every person that shops in Scotland,
Corporations at present time have no fear of taxation retribution by Councils or Scottish devolved government.
YouHit the nail on the head with your remark,
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Does the Devolved government receive all the tax revenues from its north sea rental from the oil companies,
And do the revenues of tax remain in Scotland considering that the devolved government is part and parcel of Westminster government by Legislation of the Scotland Act that breaches the treaty of union..
This is what to expect if BLiS Anas Sarwar (BAP member) (British Labour in Scotland) gets into office in 2026. Lets try and makes sure likes of the SNP/Greens BLiS are reduced to a rump.
Vote Alba, Join Alba, or the ISP party, the alternatives don’t bear thinking about.
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