The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Taking Stock

Posted on September 23, 2023 by

Holiday Boy is sadly incapacitated today – ironically, having injured himself on his last holiday – but fortunately we do have some graphical content for you, having just been leaked this copy of the SNP’s campaign poster for the next general election.

You can almost smell the mince and carrots, can’t you?

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Andrew Morton

Very subtle!

Neil in Glasgow

Mr Lukewarm would be proud ?

El Rey

So kind of you to reassure the Drawer that his job is safe.

Ian Brotherhood

Don’t miss the (very) small print, bottom right-hand corner.


Ian McCubbin

Don’t know whether to laugh or cry, I will go with belly laugh ha ha ha.


The only cooking the SNP are good at involves accounts books.

Willie John

Carrot pie – but there’s nae carrots left.


Baked in a cludgie.


Made with canned Sturgeon of course.

Ian Brotherhood

@sam –

Don’t know if you’re on the Twitter or not, but if not I thought you might like to know that my C&P of your 8.43 here last night has now had almost 1,800 views. That’s a lot considering my personal account has nowhere near the reach of Wings.

link to

Of course, Kenny MacAskill’s blog about Scots ‘atoning’ for slavery probably added interest in the topic generally. I’m wondering if that’s why he did it because otherwise his take on it all seems to have gone down very badly indeed. OTS did a poll last night (it’s still going) and it’s been fluctuating around 80-83% of the 886 votes so far disagreeing with what he said. A lot of the replies, in response to the poll and to Kenny directly, are very angry indeed. It seems he also made things worse last night by referring to Irish slave owners as ‘Micks’.

Ochone, ochone, the perils of late-night twitteration…

link to

Dorothy Devine

IanB , may I congratulate you on your incredible eyesight!

I did eventually manage to magnify it several times so that I could read it.

Captain Yossarian

I was just watching “Scotland Speaks”, Salmond interviewing MacAskill. Folks that haven’t watched it already can follow the link on this page. I have always found MacAskill to be a persuasive guy. In the current episode he explains how much electricity we are sending south every year and it’s extraordinary. I am not a Nationalist, but if we were independent, that would be an “export” and a fairly major one at that. Salmond also looks ready for the fight again and I was surprised to see that.


Oof, I’ve just finished supper and am now feeling queasy. Too much gravy for my taste – but then I’m not an SNP MP/MSP.


“Tatties!” comes to mind.


Made with real pieces of SNP own brand “This Isn’t Indy – 100% Devolution” substitute autonomy.

Available at all good troughs and selected gravy trains.

George Ferguson

I must have Covid as my sense of smell appears to have been altered. I am smelling humble pie all the way from Rutherglen.

John Main

Captain Yossarian

Have you checked the standing charges on your leccy bill lately?

They are eye-watering, and that’s because they have been ramped up to pay for all that new renewable infrastructure. English consumers pay it too, which means they “own” about ten times more of the infrastructure than we do.

It certainly is Scottish wind blowing on the turbines, but the turbines and all the rest are majority owned by the English.

I believe that any aspirational Indy movement needs to be realistic about this reality.

Another aspect to this reality is that the current maximum consumer price cap for electricity is too low to enable further renewable generation to be built. Which is why the most recent license option attracted zero bids.

Dan consistently ignores the fact that Scotland’s share of the renewable leccy is around a tenth, and that we are therefore miles away from being self-sufficient. And we currently have no route to getting to self-sufficiency, other than paying more, or attempting to hijack what isn’t ours.


Said the pieman to Colin Beattie
Show me first your penny
Said Simple Colin to the pieman
Indeed, I have not any

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian B.

You typed,

Ian Brotherhood says:
23 September, 2023 at 7:51 pm

Don’t miss the (very) small print, bottom right-hand corner.

It seems to have disappeared but is available on the cache in a Google search.

comment image?ssl=1

Can’t see why it was deleted…

George Ferguson

@John Main 9:42pm
The ownership of our electricity companies lie with the shareholders of those companies. If you are talking about grid connection charges then they are much higher in the North of Scotland than the South of Scotland and even lower in England. In fact a generator in the deep South of England can receive a subsidy. Technically the reason for variable tariffs is because the Power Flow is North to South. A big disadvantage for prospective renewable generators in the North of Scotland. In other words we don’t have a level playing field. Another reason to take these assets back into public ownership.

Captain Yossarian

John Main – It doesn’t matter what I say or Dan says. Listen to Kenny MacAskill’s explanation and answer that. They are majority owned by the English, French and Irish and that is a situation caused by the SNP who have been in power for 16 years. When a public utility is in the hands of the private sector, then all and every possible cost in transferred to the consumer in much the same way as PFI used to work in the UK and still works in Scotland. I don’t know what you are advocating other than we can do nothing, but MacAskill has set-out a convincing case and he’s explained it. A country which is exporting this amount of energy should not have its public paying the highest energy costs in Europe. That is a failure.

Ian Brotherhood

@BDTT (10.10) –


You’re right.

It has disappeared.

How odd!



Ian Brotherhood & BDTT:
Not disappeared altogether: it now appears along the bottom border.


@ Ian Brotherhood at 10.26

On my screen it hasn’t been deleted; it’s moved to below the image, left-hand side, so when I read your original post I thought you meant left, not right, until I saw Brian’s link.

Can you still see it to the left?

Tinto Chiel

@Ian B and BDTT: so it goes from bottom left to right and then disappears completely? Spooky.

P.S.: SNP pie? No fanx, sausages is the boys.

David Hannah

That must be a young Stephen Flynn before he turned into mini me.


Sing a song of pretence
A pockets full of lie
Four and Twenty Trans Burds
baked in pie.

When the accounts were opened,
The birds began to sing.
Wasn’t that a load of pish
To serve an English king?

Captain Yossarian

Dan – The HGV of choice throughout Africa (and Saudi Arabia) is the Mercedez Benz 911 from around 1965.

I thought that you and your pals may wish to know that. They appear to last forever. Emissions unknown.

You see them at traffic lights alongside Dodge Chargers and Ford Mustangs. It’s quite funny really.

These folk have no concept of saving the planet. Not a care in the world.


They have watered down the gravy.


By putting SNP and PIE together like that, it’s almost like saying they’re linked in an especially meaningful way…perhaps as if they’re in a coalition.
SNP, as in S.N.P., stands for Scottish National Party…
PIE, as in P.I.E., whatever could that be…

Anton Decadent

This site, both ATL and BTL, provides me with what I relied on Private Eye for because the MSM are compromised beyond saving.

Re emissions etc, I started to switch the radiator part of the boiler off for two months every summer a couple of years ago, then went to three months and this year I have not had the heating on once since the end of May, nose started running earlier but I am determined to make four months and not switch the heating on until October comes in. The reason behind it was to build up enough credit every year to fund a fair chunk of the winter heating bills but then my bills, like everyone elses, basically doubled, such is life. My supplier keeps trying to push a smart meter onto me but I do not want them having the power to remotely switch off my gas and electricity as potential punishment for wrongthink. At the Asda I use only one till is ever manned now, yesterday I went to the local Aldi and since I was last in two of the four tills had been replaced by self service and only one of the remaining two was manned. Eventually these will be closed then it will be card only then it will be a singe world currency and international social credit.

“Fat conference women
Clap return of glass house
And the Arabs have it made
Oil is women in veils, eyes glazed”


Its just a pity that the majority of people in Scotland cannot view these piss takes because as WE btl know these cartoons expose the reality behind the Scottish Nonce Parties REAL AGENDA, the gross incompetence in government, the FIXATION on our childrens sex lives, the inclusion and promotion of deviants in our NGO’s, the extremely generous financial support from our taxes to those self same organisations that the perverts in government need for their support in an effort to SILENCE and divert opposing views


SNP husband and wife grift alert…
Alyn Smith MP is being challenged for his Stirling seat by Stirling MSP Evelyn Tweed’s husband Ahsan Khan.
Maybe you’ve all heard about it but…
WTF is it with the SNP and married couples? Does this go on anywhere else?
The new term for this, which I’ve just invented or at least re-deployed, will heretofore be known as ‘Political Incest’…where it’s the voters who end up getting f***ed…


Nice one, Effigy 11.12pm. “The birds began to sing” is a bit optimistic though. The silence of the birds.

Gravy & PIE – such a sorry state for a once great party. The bakers have done a thorough job.

And in case anyone’s having trouble reading the tiny statement at the bottom of the cartoon:

“Promoted because everyone with any talent has already done a runner and dim children and absolute chancers are all we have left.”


Easy as PIE

Permanent Independence Excuses.

More than a crust to be had on this gravy train!

Robert Hughes

@ Anton D

Aye , that’s where it’s all heading . I was reading about a place in Inverness – The Range ( part of a chain of stores ) – now not accepting cash and , as far as I know , not a single politician from any Party has even referred to this escalating process no one asked for and for which there has never been any consultation . The only ( related ) reference I’ve seen is wee Rich A. Sunk enthusing about CBDCs , y’know , how fantastically convenient and groovy they are . The question is ” convenient ” for whom ? Paper money & coins ? So dirty , basically germ farms , best to eliminate them , eh ? But mind still wash your hands neurotically , just in case demonic C***D is lurking .

If the likes of that robotic twat & the rest of the Neo Lib Brahmins want them , by definition , they’re shite , and are being introduced for their benefit : def not ours .

But , who cares , eh . Let’s join Kenny MacAskill and put on those hair-shirts to expiate our guilt for events that occurred – and ended – long before anyone currently alive was born *. That’s of far more relevance than how the public are being herded in particular , deeply troubling directions , int’it ?

PhilM . yes , I noticed that looming Clash Of The Pygmies . appears former golden boy of the Stoogeon Era LGBlah Aristocracy – Alyyyyyn Smith -is facing a challenge from another terribly disadvantaged * minority * eg Spouses Without Equal Grifting Rights – thank the Lordy Nu SNP have been so tireless in promoting Positive Discrimination to right this barbaric injustice .

Be a laugh seeing how they square this entitlement circle .

In the pink corner – bearded tit n radically useless incumbent Smith v in the blackish corner ( spouse of MSP E Tweedle ) complete unknown but must be great ’cause ‘ees effnic , innit ? gravy train contender – Khan ( but won’t ) . Will be there be ” blood on the dancefloor ” ? . Thin , watery , anaemic blood if any .

” Political Incest ” . Lol , that just about covers it . Like in all good cults

* except in places that have been in receipt of NATO military largesse , like Libya . Yea , get rid of that despot Gadaffi and inflict * Democracy * on the grateful peasantry . Slave Markets are really just a form of Free Market Enterprise , right ?


Captain Yossarian

You are well named. Just as I struggled to get past page 10 of Catch 22 I struggle to get past word 11 of most of your posts.

However, you made a good point in your ost at 11.15pm last night. I had a mate who worked as a “plater”, delivering trucks on trade plates, who said a lot of his work consisted of delivering new trucks to dealers, and taking the ones they were replacing back to the main distributors.

His company had a dedicated squad of drivers whose sole job was to take these trade-ins from the main distribution depot to the docks, usually Tilbury or Harwich, for onward export to Africa.

So, while our hauliers were getting brand new, more powerful and more-efficient new trucks, the environment spoilers they replaced were going off to despoil the Third World – with the profits eventually going back to Germany, Sweden and the USA.

That’s progress. It will not matter a jot what Scotland or the UK does about fighting climate change, the big boys are not interested.


I agree that we are heading to hell in a hand cart with AI and the withdrawal of human customer care.

All companies are introducing Bots.
You have a problem?
Type in what it is.
Here is a multi choice of what might be the answer.
It’s none of them.
I don’t understand pick an option.
None of them apply.
I don’t understand.
Try asking the Community.

What a nerve “go ask a network of disgruntled customers who have gone through the same sh*t as you”.

When was the customer care calls didn’t say that due to high demand, which is a permanent message, you will be sitting waiting half an hour for an operator.

It’s even more profits for multi million pound profit companies and less money to the workforce and their workforce can no longer spend in their local shops or get mortgages.

So they rent off private landlords and again it more money from the majority going to the rich who already increased their bank accounts by 25% since the Tories got it.

So where do we go when AI owned by the rich really takes hold?
No need for customer care, no manned ticket offices, no manned tills, no bus or taxi drivers,
No haulage or train drivers, no postmen it e-mail or nothing.

I’ve already used robot bar tenders.

There goes maybe 10 million jobs with more and more shops closing to go on-line.

So do all the monthly incomes go to the pockets of the rich but what do the underclasses get
to survive? Foodbanks, Heatbanks, Showerbanks, and £100 per week for a family of 4 for luxuries.

When the trigger point for revolution arrives how would it be organised when the rich own the internet, the newspapers, the TV and Radio Channels.

If the people’s in China wanted to change how would they spread the word or take any action
as they can follow every step you take every spend you make every word you write and then decide who must disappear.

People like Boris really do envy the control the Chinese have over their people.

Orwell’s Annimal Farm came out of the same crystal ball as 1984.
All he got wrong was the date.

stuart mctavish

As Desperate Dan might say, qu’ on mange de la mince

– & when high/ supreme court realises the sanity clause (S35) is obsolete if UK government is itself not sane enough to articulate reason yon no buts if ref can be reinstated at leisure 🙂

Mark Beggan

When are these bastards going to be brought to book?


Aaaaah Greta!
link to
Note the clothes, the graphic language, oh and that «social class» aspect.
What a collection of rather privileged, infantile whingers.
Should I sue the US and Brit govs for wrecking my Iraqi childhood?


Why a Labour win in Rutherglen is quite unthinkable.
link to
Scottish showdown is a seminal moment for Keir Starmer….Never!



I’m considering counter suing that lad with the Jack & Jones tshirt.
Danish bloke “worth a few bob” Anders Holch Povlsen is sole owner of clothing chain Bestseller which includes Jack & Jones.
So that lad’s choice of clothing is facilitating Ander’s wealth to grow further, allowing the Dane to procure large areas of Scotland, much to the detriment of young Scots who can’t afford land coz rich folk that don’t even live here keep buying it up.

Ander’s is also up for rewilding too, and I have anxieties that my fellow countryfolk might end up gnawed to death by one of the wolves there’s talk of him reintroducing, or even just stepping in wolf shit which is basically dog shit and it’s a legal responsibility that owners are meant to bag any poo their mutts produce.


It’s a wee bit of humble pie they should be offering. They don’t seem to realise that the carrots are well past the sell-by-date and the gravy train has already left the station.


Try this in Scotland,
link to
and then enjoy the inevitable ridicule.
Chateau Piss, Glen Undrinkable….
It’s all in the positive mental attitude.

Captain Yossarian

Thank you for your 8.52 comment Socrates – I’ll take that as a compliment if I may? The 911 is used mainly for delivering potable water and taking away sewerage and dumping it somewhere in the desert. Scottish engineers of the 18th century made sure that sort of stuff was done in underground pipes. So, despite having a government which is putrid and disgraces all of us, our engineers continue to excel throughout the world, effortlessly.



That article has a great saying the Independence parties should be shouting from the rooftops.
“It’s coming Home”

They saying we hear every 2 years as England being the worlds best football team fall on their arse and win nothing at every occasion”.

It drives me insane that they have lost 14 out of 14 tournaments where God must give his people a trophy every now and then.

He did give them home advantage in 1966 and the Russian linesman who had 26 million of his countrymen die at the hands of the Germans decide to award a dodgy goal against them.

Also a good time to remind Labour about the 6,000 square miles of Scottish waters that they gave to England, how the Labour council spent fortunes fighting against equal pay for women
How Labours 25 year governance over NHS Wales is the worst performing in the U.K., how Gordon Brown spent £50 Billion on dodgy schools and hospitals that will cost over £300 Billion with interest.
Chip in billiins on an illegal Labour war and how could you vote for them.


Excellent graphic! How apt! They say symbolism is everything. That must be why when i look at that graphic i can’t help but see SNP & carrot PIE (The Paedophile Information Exchange). How strange! That reminds me, how are the current SNPs “Green” partners-in-crime doing these days? 😉

As far as the “small print” goes, i can see it on my screen running along the bottom of the poster where it mentions “chancers”. I can also see it in Brian’s link, but in the bottom right-hand corner, with no mention of “chancers”.

Dorothy Devine

Robert Hughes, that would incite me to fill one enormous trolley and when cash was refused at the checkout tell them you won’t take the goods.


Sussed it! The poster depicts a young Pete Wishart & Lorna Slater. The pie contains 60% carrot and 40% tripe.


PhilM @5:30 am

“WTF is it with the SNP and married couples?”

Aye, they plight their trough to each other.


link to
Scotland’s involvement began with the political union with England.
The gulf state of Oman has an even longer history in the African slave trade through Zanzibar.
Oman appears to gotten over the shame of it all.
So ought Scotland. Too much like overdosing on Calvinist guilt.

Have a good day!


Ha brilliant one Rev, maybe you can now fill in the Saturday slot, and give Mr Cairns a run for his money.

I can definitely smell the mince.

Tinto Chiel

@TURABDIN 9.08: Yes, I wish those happy, smiley, young people were as concerned about the Congolese children working in dreadful conditions mining the lithium necessary for the batteries used in electric cars. I don’t hear Greta T. “How dare youing” about that.

Dorothy Devine: “Robert Hughes, that would incite me to fill one enormous trolley and when cash was refused at the checkout tell them you won’t take the goods.”

That has been a growing trend in French supermarkets, I believe, where overloaded “chariots” have been left at the tills when cash was refused. This seems to have caused some big supermarkets there to think again, at least for just now.

Cash is freedom but Da Yoof in particular just don’t get it.


this certainly made me grimace, it’s so true.

If anyone can remember the Walls ice cream Cornetto advert music this could be the the perfect accompaniment to SNP sloganeering.

You know the thing ……” Just one more mandate, just give to me, delicious politics, from the SNP”… infinitum.

Or what about ” the SNP is the best buy, the best buy, the best buy.. the best buy in Queer ”

Great Ad Rev Stu.

Alba Andy

SNP Bisto 2023 – No longer Gravy Stock. Now just Laughing Stock!


You are all very witty.

Try as I might I cant come up with anything witty about pies.

How about I just post SNPIE?

FYI: I hate these peely-wally pies that everyone eats at the fiba.

OK OK I know No8 NO H18 of the pies.

There’s a whole series of these Bisto Kids posters.

Lots to photoshop the faces of the New SNP Bisto Kids onto.

Very well done to whoever created the one in this article.

I still like the Nurse Murphy original, hand drawn one. I wouldn’t mind seeing another by that artist.

Robert Hughes

Forgot to say … satirical poster . Anyone know where it originated , if it’s Stu’s or someone else’s work ?


Robert Hughes says:
24 September, 2023 at 8:18 am

…. The question is ” convenient ” for whom ? Paper money & coins ?

Brew yourself a cup of soothing tea or something, then get a comfy seat and Google Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, and their 2030 agenda.

link to


@Beauvais 10.16pm
Can I just ask ppl BTL to recognise a really rather witty play on words…
That was very good Beauvais…very good…if original, I would want to call it an ‘aperçu’…chapeau!

Michael Laing

@ Tinto Chiel at 10:38 am:

“Dorothy Devine: ‘Robert Hughes, that would incite me to fill one enormous trolley and when cash was refused at the checkout tell them you won’t take the goods.'”

If I trundle around any supermarket or shop and find that there’s nobody at the till to serve me, I dump whatever I’d intended to buy on the counter or the floor and march straight out. If they won’t provide the service I feel entitled to expect, they deserve to have their time wasted, and I will take my custom elsewhere. I know I’m not the only cantankerous old git who does this. If a shop refuses to accept cash I will do the same, or more likely just won’t shop there in the first place. I hope they go bust.


Domestos, now there was a brand. I remember the adverts well.

And the connection with the SNP. Well that’s easy …….” clean round the bend ”

Ah, the best buy in Queer.


@Ian Brotherhood
What the hell is Kenny MacAskill doing over that slavery thing.

He’s doubling down despite being given loads of evidence to back up, Scots, Irish sold as slaves.

His main argument seems to be, but more Africans died.
The Highland Clearance and post Culloden were brutal.
I don’t get his view at all.

He’s got founding members of Alba threatening to resign


I found this

link to

When doing a search for the Bisto Bus
link to

Is that article the origin of the ‘Ah Bisto idea’.

Ian Brotherhood

@Liz (12.33) –

It’s all very odd. And so sign of it abating. He’s really angered a lot of folk.


Alf Baird

Liz @ 12:33 pm

“What the hell is Kenny MacAskill doing over that slavery thing.”

The native bourgeoisie ‘are the last people’ to figure out they and their country are subject to colonialism (Memmi).

This is because the bourgeoisie is always the native group most pampered and privileged within colonial societies, with many co-opted, paid and pensioned off to act as ‘watchdogs of colonialism’, becoming ‘colonialists’ themselves and oppressing their own people.

Colonialism is always ‘a co-operative venture’ (Fanon) with native elites. Private/colonial schools and elite universities help the privileged bourgeoisie maintain their ‘cultural’ superiority and socio-economic distance from the masses, as a key element in the oppressors ‘indirect rule’ policy to keep the ‘racket’ and ‘hoax’ going.

Robert Hughes

@ Breeks

Yo , B . It was a rhetorical question . I’m well aware , as you are , who’s behind all this shite – and more . The WEF Technotwats & the * Finacial System * are prime-movers behind it . Y’know , all the cunts no one voted for yet are * shaping * our futures .

If we let them

Robert Hughes

@ Ruby

Have you tried Nu SNP’s fake n kiddin’ ye pie ? It’s like food , but different . Gender Modified , taste n nutrition-free : oddly , some rave about it , and eat it all the time . I tried it when it first appeared . Made me sick


link to

I laughing at this video which is on topic kinda its about gravy then as always happens on ‘You Tube’ another random video starts. So I ended being hooked into this one which is off topic.

link to

It’s called ‘When a Child Predator Gets Caught in the Act’ It’s a true crime documentary. It happens at a primary school fun day for parents & children.

It’s quite long and the police investigation goes too slowly for the parents liking.
Police explain the need to be careful.


A Scot Abroad said; (on the previous thread)

“You don’t seem to appreciate that with the population balance between England and Scotland being 90:10, the dice are also loaded 90:10. With 10 subjected from Scotland for being the smaller region.”

“it’s a dispassionate statement of how it is.”

Actually we appreciate that the dice are loaded against us only too well! That very fact is exactly what’s wrong with the Union, and has been all along.

You don’t seem to appreciate that Westminster’s authority to govern the UK comes from the Treaty, not from its English population. Neither England’s people, nor their MPs have any right at all to govern Scotland. There is literally no authority inherent to England that has any formal standing whatsoever in Scotland.

Scotland’s smaller size does not equate to lesser authority; that is only your assessment; as a fully sovereign kingdom its authority is constitutionally fully equal with England’s as also being a sovereign kingdom. That Westminster’s treatment of Scotland unconstitutionally ignores this equality does not validate its entitlement to do so. That the dice are loaded is certainly real, but being unconstitutional, it is unlawful and must not be continued.

Westminster’s authority to govern Scotland in the first place comes solely from Scotland, delegated to it under the terms of the Treaty and from nowhere else, and provided physically in the form of Scotland’s MPs, who alone treat for the sovereign kingdom of Scotland in the parliament it shares with England’s MPs, who treat for their kingdom. And that Scottish delegated authority comes with limitations, subject as it is to Scotland’s constitution, itself guaranteed its permanence by the Treaty, a guarantee, I might smugly point out, that is not enjoyed by England’s constitution.

As such Scotland’s MPs are under not the slightest obligation to submit to any English MP majority. But Westminster’s internal voting system is incompetent and unfit for purpose in the context of the Union because it is completely oblivious to that context, which is of two equally sovereign kingdoms, and not, as it was designed for, the context of the single sovereign kingdom of England. Because of that design it cannot help but see the UK as a single sovereign kingdom, and so it only ever sees a simple flat majority. That is how the dice become loaded.

The description of the UK as a single sovereign kingdom only applies to the UK from the perspective of the outside world, it does not apply internally, whatever Westminster’s trenchantly English establishment says.

Westminster’s incompetent and systemically unfair voting system IS your loaded dice, and it is a f*****g disgrace that it has never been replaced with one that properly recognises and respects both of the sovereignties that have to use it. That Westminster’s English establishment calls it democratic, and pretending that means it’s fair, is a barefaced abusive lie.

I don’t see you deprecating it or calling out that unfairness. Quite the reverse, you appear to revel in it, and certainly appear to consider it beyond correction.

John Main

Over in woke states of the Good Ol USA, where all good things we get are trialled out first, it is being seriously suggested that stores may go over to a “membership only” model.

Reasons being the sky-high overheads and risks associated with the rampant, undeterred criminality that occurs when you allow random, anonymous strangers to wander about in your store.

So, in the near future, if we as a society don’t get a grip, you will go online to establish your identify via standard metrics. That will then get you a “entrance pass”, which will get you through the turnstiles and past security at your supermarket, subject to verification that it is you, and thus proof your phone has not been stolen.

That way, if you nick anything, your id and address are already known, and the authorities, if they exist, can be waiting on your doorstep. Or more likely, the supermarket will already have your bank details so will deduct damages from your account.

I guess this will only work with secure car parks, as otherwise the crims will just wait outside to rob you of your groceries as you walk to the car.


@alf baird thanks for the insight.
McAskill is coming over as very arrogant and totally unaware of the anger he’s causing.

Tinto Chiel

@Michael Laing 12.16: quite, I’m also in the COG category myself and if customers of The Range boycotted it because of its refusal of cash (is that legal anyway?), this stupid policy would be changed pronto. These big chains just try it on and see what they can get away with.

It’s gradual preparation (or “nudging”) for a central digital bank and digital ID card so your money or the services you use can be frozen for any action or wrongthink the government can deem you to have committed.

It’s not hard to trigger the French in any event. About fifteen years ago I was behind a COFG with a heavily-laden trolley in Leclerc who took a flakie when the woman on the till put a “till closing” divider on the conveyor belt. Since there were queues at all the other tills he simply shoved the “chariot” down an aisle in disgust and walked out, emitting expletives.

It is very time-consuming returning goods thus abandoned to the correct shelves, and chilled or frozen items may even have to be thrown out if they have warmed up. Time is money for big supermarkets so we all have the answer in our hands if we feel strongly about this issue.

James Che

Stanley Johnstone wrote book on depopulation of the planet,
Charlie, is one of the main people of WEF,
So is Rushi,
Big pharma to withdraw NHS healthcare and replace it with private rich ability to pay only system with the rest a permanently ill health society for profit gains,
And of course along with those mentioned the banks are instigators of self ID and AI cashless, no employment society reliant on a controlled government credit system that may cut of your energy, take over your mortgage, and stop access to your personal account by AI digitally,

Know what is happening to you world wide and why, and you see a dam good reason to go independent from the unelected globalist all connected running britain like a mafia government.

Just been reading about the USA wreaking havoc to nature in Loch Tay,
Were are the pretendy Climate change protectors now?

Payed to cause a ruckus else where on the poor people while leaving the rich alone,

Ian Brotherhood

This tweet has some startling imagery of the cobalt mining Tinto Chiel mentioned.

link to

James Che


I would go further than Xarecen and state that once the Old Scottish parliament was extinguished from the treaty of union in 1707,

The Westminster government had even less authority to govern Scotland, its territory and its people in anything other than with a Colonised conceived loaded dice pack of lies.

It takes at least two parties to tango in a treaty.
Ones gone, ADIOS England, Scotland left three hundred years ago,

Chic McGregor


Lithium Sulphur batteries, there are several variants at different stages of production, will be 3-4 times the capacity a lot cheaper will be chargeable thousands of times without deterioration and charge faster and no Cobalt required. Sulphur is plentiful and cheap.

Main hold up has been the plethora of variants and the fact that investors are already into Cobalt mining to the tune of $20 – $30 billion. The usual capitalist inertia.

They will be here soon though.

Anybody into Cobalt, I suggest you get out.

James Che


I would go further than Xaracen in saying, that the English parliament Act of Settlement 1700 and succession to the Crown of England, France and Ireland eliminates the crown or succession to Scotland altogether by specifically named “names” England, France, Ireland.

Anton Decadent

With regard to digital central currency, there are already videos online of people paying for their shopping with a chip implanted in their wrist.

With regard to slavery guilt/reparations, the most recent conviction in Scotland for modern day slavery that I am aware of took place in Govanhill and the irony was that the person who filed a report on it in the Herald was an Australian born dual national who has made a career out of running cover in the paper with regard to crime in the area, same as the likes of Leask, and who yesterday filed another report in the same paper blaming, and I quote, “irresponsible reporting” for the negative image some have of Govanhill.

James Che

The one remaining loaded dice Westminster parliament of England in the treaty of union is not legal in extending any law to Scotland after the 1707 date.

Anton Decadent

Re everything being automated and social credit, look up Luxury Communism. That is a term coined for this brave new world coming down the line. For those who feel that the Left can not be behind the trans lobby because the rich are involved look up Socialism From Above.


The ‘slavery debate’ seems to have arisen at exactly the same time as Scots showed signs of not accepting that the 2014 referendum defeat was ‘game over’. That’s the ‘debate’ side of things but I seem to remember hearing about the Tobacco Lords for the first time in second-year history and there was no sugar-coating of how their money was generated. The role of slavery was not hidden. That was the early 80s.
Then much more recently, we get Tom Devine suddenly declaring a few years back that a whole society was ‘complicit’ in what was going on. Well, that was a very tendentious word to use at our current point in history. You have a nation becoming confident in a new way and then suddenly we’re being asked to remember that we should never forget ‘our’ shameful past.
What annoys me is that as bad and as shameful as enslaving people from certain areas of the African continent was, those who are shouting loudest about it now seem to be completely unaware when discussing a certain past era that in more recent history Africa has been stripped of resources and capital on such an epic scale (since independence) by western countries happy to finance the resource grab and bank the capital flight. We are talking trillions of pounds, of the West being ‘intensely relaxed’ in supporting savage dictators who brutalise their populations, and who live billionaire lifestyles with no accountability for the worst human rights violations. This is going on, we know it’s been going on, there are numerous organisations trying to catalyse change, and it is happening now…so is Tom Devine complicit, is Kenny MacAskill complicit, is every member of the LGBTIQ++ community complicit, is the off-the-grid YouTube influencer on his Caithness smallholding complicit, if there are any tramps left…are they complicit?
If Scots were complicit in the 18th century, then we sure as hell are complicit now and we have no real moral right to condemn a past whilst congratulating ourselves today that we really are much more enlightened because we have human rights laws for that kind of thing.
Sermon over.

James Che

Tinto chiel,

May I direct you totha Halisbury Laws of England and Wales. Regarding the laws of Administration and if it is authority.
This would cover smart meters, digital currency, wether or not they have authority to enter your house, cars, etc,
What is legal and what is not,

I have research some of them,

But a quick and shorter understanding of the legalities? I could cirect you to Richard vobes on youtube, whom recently also covered the Halisbury laws of England and Wales which is running Scotland illegally.


I tried to find some costs related to the Tory Brexit ships fiasco but couldn’t get any U.K. news outlet who had put a bottom line on Chris Graylings expensive disaster as transport minister.

Have a look at the billions wasted and add it on to HS2.

Incidentally every U.K. outlet has every detail on the Calmac Ferries situation.
As if we don’t know how that happens.

Read this about Tory Grayling and Brexit ships
link to

James Che

The issue of the demographics in population unbalance between Scotland and England does not matter for Scotland independendence in present day,

Because Scotlands parliament, Country, territory, original Sea border and Scotland monarchy separated from the treaty of union in 1707.

How a connection to Scotland still being attached to England in a treaty is for unionist to try explain away.
As they also catagorically explain in the same breath, the old Scottish parliament is not in the treaty,
And we have not had “the” or “a parliament of Scotland” in the treaty since it was extinguished 1707.

James Che

To clarify for unionist believers,

I am not saying that the old perliament of Scotland was extinguished in Scotland.
Scotland could reconvenve its Scottish parliament if it wished to co so as Scotlands parliament in Scotland under Scots law was adjourned in Scotland.

But was extinguished from being in the treaty of parliamentary union by the Westminster parliament in England under English laws.

There is a difference in that regard.

And the Queen/ monarch that acted as pretend monarch of Britain that authorised the treaty of union was never actually crowned queen of Scots or Scotland.
So a mute point in history that is ignored, but nevertheless fact.

James Che


The most recent atrosities in asset stripping a ethic nation of their land is in Maui, Hawaii,
Burn out of their homes burnt alive, missing children, not allowed back to their land they owned, while the state and developers build new housing on the land grabbed areas,

Not dissimilar to the early ethic Scottish people in the highland clearances.
Along with the wildfires in California, Alaska,

The scorched earth policies of the elite in cohesion with the state in clearing the land of local populations, leaving them homeless to wander with no legal regess to law,

Wether 1600 or 2023 the policy of Colonial land grab is consistant.

James Che

Tinto Chiel.

The Halisbury Laws of England and Wales by the way were constructed after there was supposed to be a union with Scotland,

So England in its law making was still acting as in the capacity of Shapeshifting England is Britain, and Britain is England with out a Parliament of Scotland in the treaty of union since 1707.


The Genderwoowoo brigade won’t like this.

“Schools will no longer automatically be breaking the law if they refuse to refer to children by their chosen name or gender, Britain’s equalities watchdog has ruled.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission previously said that failing to refer to a female pupil by their “adopted male name” and call them a boy would be “direct” discrimination.

However it has now deleted the guidance following complaints by campaigners. It has also said that schools are legally obliged to provide separate changing rooms for boys and girls based on the sex of their birth.

The new interpretation of the law has been shared with ministers and is likely to form a key part of long-awaited new guidelines for schools on how to treat transgender pupils.

It makes clear for the first time that schools are not necessarily required to follow the wishes of a pupil who wants to be treated as a member of the opposite sex. It has also clarified that “sex” is binary and “determined by what is recorded on their birth certificate””

link to

James Che

I try to understand how Brexit relates to Scotland, in its trade or its Contracts or its territory whilst the UK parliament have specifically and officially stated that the political union between the parliament of Scotland parliament of England was extinguished and ended in 1707,


@ianBrotherhood yesterday 8.27 pm

Hi Ian,

I am not on Twitter. I read Kenny MacAskill’s blog piece on Scotland’s slavery involvement and found nothing in it to cause objection.

I guess people are unaware as they are of so much that happens today.

I didn’t give a link to the rsearch piece by Iain MacKinnon. Might you put it up? There is more to it than the excerpt I copied up.

There is a racial slur database online. haven’t looked it up. I bet “Mick” is on it.
A quick read will tell you the country from which most of the Irish and Scottish slurs arise.

It is othering and likely to be a part of colonialism, slavery and certain kinds of politics.

George Ferguson

I want to thank Pete Wishart for the Scottish Select Committee report on Grid Connection Charges. You may think an Election is due but nevertheless they nailed the fundamental point. It’s not a free market when Scottish Grid Connections are disadvantaged. Ofgem is a London centric organisation but I am glad because he revealed the disparity. If only the SNP did their job. Nicolas proposal of a Nationalisation of the supply business was ar best a 5% yield.


Robert Hughes says:
24 September, 2023 at 1:17 pm

@ Ruby

Have you tried Nu SNP’s fake n kiddin’ ye pie ? It’s like food , but different . Gender Modified , taste n nutrition-free : oddly , some rave about it , and eat it all the time . I tried it when it first appeared . Made me sick

Aye I tried the fake’n kiddin’ pie and I’m kiddin’ ye not I started growing hair on my neck, turnin’ orange and speakin’ with a very deep voice. ‘You’re my first, my last my everything’ went down a treat at the

Then I tried the SNP ‘Snake n Didnae’ pie. Never again! I found a finger in that pie. I’m told they have a finger in every pie.
Well at least I think it was a finger. 😉

OK I know my jokes are rubbish but at least I’m tryin’

Shut yer pie-hole right now Ruby!

Hang on! Hang on! Hang on!
New pie idea just popped into my head ‘The Accounts Pie’ The Accounts Pie with cooked books woven trough this (adjective) pie, lashings of very rich gravy, topped with (adjective)crust supported by 24 porcelain magpie baking funnels, and …..
Ah Bisto! this is where it’s hidden.

Still working on this ‘Accounts Pie’
I’ll get back to it when I’m a bit less pie eyed.

Notes look up pie tax, pie minister, cap a pie, pie man & Mrs Lovett.

You can steal my idea if you want and make your own Accounts Pie. I’m not precious about by creations. 🙂


Ian Brotherhood

I am not aware of any Irish or Scottish slaves.

After Culloden some prisoners were deported to work on slave plantations for seven years, like the Wedderburns. These teenagers were captured after Culloden where they fought alongside their father who was killed. They did their 7 year bondage. Not slaves who were not freed usually.

The Wedderburns became slavers and grew enormously rich.

George Ferguson

I want to thank Pete Wishart for the Scottish Select Committee report on Grid Connection Charges. You may think an Election is due but nevertheless they nailed the fundamental point. It’s not a free market when Scottish Grid Connections are disadvantaged. Ofgem is a London centric organisation but I am glad because they reinforced the disparity. If only the SNP did their job. Nicolas proposal of a Nationalisation of Supply business was at best a 5% yield. Nothing about the vertical integration of Scottish Companies i.e. Generation Tramsmission Distribution and Supply. We had it, we lost it and for a song. Now we pay over the odds. A reminder, 3 options to recover. Take it all over through leglisation, see defensive strategies and why nobody will ever invest in Scotland again. Secondly a Junk/ War bond status to take over the assets the Zimbabwe option or thirdly use the inequalities of a broken energy market to negotiate return to public ownership through licensing and the drive for net zero. The real option. The SNP are incapable of delivering the third option. Relief expected in UK Water Companies asking for UK Government support. The real purpose of SNP members in Westminster. Capitalise on the UK Water Companies situation. Orrabest Scotland in the Rugby.

Mark Beggan

Slavery! Slavery! Just look at any Town House in Glasgow or Edinburgh. Look up to where the very top windows are. That’s where the slaves stayed.That’s where children from Quarriers Homes and other homes spent their miserable life’s. Organized slavery. That,s just the tip of the Iceberg. These facts are Kryptonite to Wokes!


Scottish history has plenty of slavery stories.
The kidnapping of Aberdeen children, the Ship of the people, press ganging, orphans for the colonies etc.

Sir Stephen House’s boy?
Sir Stephen’s house boy?
I’m not good with punctuation.

George Ferguson

See my post of 4:27pm
Did you chop the second half of the post which was the substantive half of the post on the way forward?. If it was you then OK Otherwise I am not OK. Somebody trying to stop the debate on the mechanism to return these assets to public ownership?


George Ferguson mentions grid connection charges so will repost link to this article.

link to

And a more recent article.

link to

Wind increasing at the moment so will Scotland hit the exporting 5GW figure this evening. T’was 4.6GW an hour ago but dropped back slightly at the moment.

link to

Just for clarity to help get some grasp of the GW export figure.
1GW = 1000000KW

A Scot Abroad

Xaracen and James Che,

you’ll just have to live with the reality that Scotland is merely a region of the UK. It might still be called a country, but that isn’t the practical outcome. It gets just under 10%
of the voting power in Parliament, and that’s democratic.


Was just checking out China’s ongoing development of their MagLev trains. Impressive engineering technology which could work even better here in Scotland if powered by the cleaner energy sources we have in Scotland.
But no, here the oor “government” of SNP and “Greens” are all about the genderwoowoo pronouns and screwed up DRS recycling whilst our trains are still belching out diesel fumes… 🙁

David Hannah

I can’t believe SNP chief whip is backing Patrick Grady. What has he got on everyone in the party?

How can someone that touches up and sexually harasses teenagers and women that raise concerns keep their job?

But they want to get rid of Fergus Ewing.

George Ferguson

@Dan 5:39pm
The grid connection charges in a nutshell:
North of Scotland £7.36MWh
South of Scotland £4.70 MWh
England £0.49 MWh
Southern England Subsidies to connect.
How many SNP MPs have we had in Westminster for how long?. I did not post that incomplete post at 4:27pm. Perhaps the submission to the Scottish Public Covid Inquiry into the lost billion on the 4th phantom lockdown is spooking the spooks.

David Hannah

It’s time for a campaign to expose what poison they are teaching children in Schools now that gender neutral toilets are to be banned.

And paedophile teachers keeping little secrets with their pupils.

A teacher would have to ask someone else’s child what their gender is. Let’s assume the teacher is Maggie Chalpman the groomer.

She would have to ask, the child what their gender is. She would have to ask someone else’s child, to know that information. She would have to encourage that child to latch on to her teachings.

And then keep the dirty little secret… Along with the creepy schools sex survery. The gender petal.

And then there’s the school kids traumatised by the gender neutral toilets and changing rooms in shops.

We need to expose these creeps for what they are. Well done to the UK government for banning this. Now it’s time for every school with a gender neutral toilet to be exposed. Expose the groomer material. Scotland deserves better than this.

David Hannah

The art teachers out of all the teachers will be the biggest creeps in the school. It’s always been the case. That paint everything in rainbow colours. All those art teachers should be challenged.


How the London Labour branch office in Scotland bankrupted Glasgow city council by not paying women workers the same pay as their male counterparts, if I recall correctly (BLiS) British Labour in Scotland, even spent millions of pounds of taxpayers cash in the courts to stop women getting fair pay.

My home town will see public sector cuts for decades to come because of what (BLiS) did.

link to

A Scot Abroad


you should check up on the huge amount of electrical juice needed for MagLev. I’ve no doubt that Scotland could generate it from wind, but it’s a truly enormous demand.

Then there’s the business case. There’s little economic transfer between places in Scotland apart from between Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, and they are close enough together to make high speed trains uneconomic.

David Hannah

Whens the vote on Fergus Ewing?

It must be this week. I hope it makes him stronger. I hope he takes half the party with him.

I hope he spills the beans. Reveals all about the sordid affairs that go on behind closed doors within the SNP.

Humza Yousaf. Cash for access. White envelopes of cash…. Daddy’s cash.

And yet police Scotland say nothing. It’s outrageous. Let’s hope Manchester Police have got more integrity to investigate the proceeds of crime than police Scotland.


I just watched Barrhead boys latest Prism they are always entertaining and informative but TBQH I am sick fed up of people going on about UNITY, common sense tells us that unity of any purpose gives additional strength to that purpose

BUT what happens when the entity that you are appealing to (more like begging) ignores the rational behind your proposal and also ignores your outstretched hand of friendship to work towards a common purpose and treats your suggestion and your approach with total disdain which doesn’t even merit the grace of a response but which instead exemplifies the contempt they have not only for your proposal but for the individual making it

Why would you subject yourself continuously to this debasement from individuals who collectively created a plan to not only exclude you from the political sphere but also to destroy your character, honesty and integrity and to pose a significant threat to your health and wellbeing in mind and body
You advised and asked people to graciously lend the snp their second vote in an attempt to strengthen independence support in HR which was thrown back in your face by sturgeon the betrayers public announcement and demand for 2 votes snp, DID your advice and the people who followed your advice and voted snp lead to a continuation of the corrupt incompetent snp governance of Scotland
Would snp still have won the election with their core vote or did your intervention and advice create a continuation of the despicable

Alf Baird

Dan @ 5:29 pm

“Just for clarity to help get some grasp of the GW export figure@

5GW @ average UK price of £0.34 per kwh appears to equate to some £15 billion per annum.

With ongoing renewables expansion plans, by 2030 Scotland will be exporting 20GW, 4 times as much, with a retail value of £60 billion – coincidentally the same as the annual Holyrood budget!

Then there is the 1 million barrels of oil per day, which has a value of over £20 billion/yr, plus the gas fuelling England’s power stations. Whisky exports we are told is £6 bn, tho STUC and others estimate that at over £20 bn. Plenty other exports to add to these.

That means Scotland will soon have a total of over £100bn of exports per annum, equivalent to almost a third of all UK exports (£371bn in 2022).

What a very rich nation indeed! Though its aboot time we started invoicing our big greedy neighbour instead of letting them plunder our riches leaving our people and nation impoverished and under-developed.

Scotland is London’s India right enough, nae wonder we are held captive:

link to

Lorna Campbell

Hi Rev: have you heard about the new website that will name and shame MPs, before General Election, who cannot say what a woman is? Fronted by Sharron Davies, champion swimmer. Good idea for up here too,, maybe?


George Ferguson Longannet Power Station in Scotland was charged a whopping £40 million quid a year to connect to the National Grid.

Lorna Campbell

Those are the famous ‘Bisto Kids’. Even I’m too young to remember them. My Granny had an old gravy tin that had them on it. That’s a clever association, Rev and spot on. The radio jingle went: “Ahhhhhh, Bisto… ” because their mum used Bisto to make the gravy and the smell lured them from play to the dinner table. Just like many of our NuSNP.

George Ferguson

@Dan 5:29pm
The Common Weal report on Nationalising Energy for free is a general positioning paper. Nothing new there. It’s the blue print of how to do that that’s important. The Institutional investors and shareholders won’t let you walk away with the assets. The shareholders own the companies with a lot of legal protection in place. 85 billion of assets are not available to just lift. But it can be done with political nous and leglisative backing as a integral strategy towards net zero with public consent and a fair return for investors. I wasn’t joking when I thought the blue print would cost 650k that’s market prices and not SNP prices. The SNP don’t have the competence to progress this issue.

David Hannah

9 years on from the vote. The only chink of light is the Alba Party. Listening to the prism show.

Time for Scotland United. But the by election will be a loss for the SNP. And they’ll get rid of Fergus.


@ A Scot Abroad

Ach, a lad can at least dream. It’s more the technical engineering developments that interest me. Who really needs to travel at 600 or even 1000kmh anyway.
I can mind Murchie’s Dairies had lead acid battery powered milkfloats back in the 70s… 50 years on and we still don’t even have fully electrified mainline rail network.


ASA: “…you’ll just have to live with the reality that Scotland is merely a region of the UK…”

You are wee Davie Munell and I claim my £5.

Scotland is not a region of anywhere ya wankstain: fuck off.


Anyone remember the Bisto middle class family TV adverts from years back? ‘Only Bisto does it’ and some mini-drama or other about nothing that somehow Bisto solved by just being amazing? Sickmaking!

John Main

@Alf Baird 6:13

Innarestin figures. Do you have any, real-world, practical ideas for levering these assets from the hands of their current, legal owners and into the sticky mitts of us Sovereign Scots.

That’s a deadly serious question by the way.

Your reference to us “invoicing our big greedy neighbour” isn’t really a plausible scenario. I mean, we could, but what do you think the result would be? Do you think our neighbour might point out that most of the new wind generation capacity you are expecting by 2030 is being paid for (something like 90% of the bill) by English consumers?

George has a better grasp of the reality at 6:32.

A major sticking point, as I see it, is that the majority of the oil, gas and wind is dozens or hundreds of miles out to sea, and thus, not within the remit of an unarmed iScotland to seize against the will of a ten times bigger neighbour with military resources. Any ideas there?

Just like UK leaving the EU, we need to negotiate the divorce between iScotland and rUK. That will be a difficult and fraught process. I honestly don’t think Scotland has the ability to dictate the decree absolute. Maybes you disagree, but if you do, please enlighten us how we will manage that.


A Scot Abroad said;

“you’ll just have to live with the reality that Scotland is merely a region of the UK. It might still be called a country, but that isn’t the practical outcome. It gets just under 10% of the voting power in Parliament, and that’s democratic.”

That is NOT democratic. It doesn’t even come close.

Scotland’s MPs represent more than just their constituencies, they also as a body represent the entire sovereign Kingdom of Scotland as agents of the Scottish Principal of the Treaty of Union. There were only two Principals, the other being the sovereign Kingdom of England. Between them they agreed to joint governance of both kingdoms from a shared parliament, and each kingdom is exclusively represented in that parliament by their own team of MPs.

That is the constitutional context of the Union, two sovereign equals sharing joint governance of their territories, and neither of those equals has any authority over the other. Neither!

It is in that capacity as agents of the Scottish Principal that Scotland’s MPs negotiate with England’s MPs in that joint governance, and as such they wield the full sovereign authority of their Scottish parent, just as England’s MPs wield the full sovereign authority of their parent.

It is clearly ludicrous to then contend that Scotland’s MPs be answerable in any sense at all to England’s MPs. They are not, the Treaty never required it, and the very idea makes no sense. Your ‘democratic’ system is systemically unfair to one key body of MPs, and that alone disqualifies it as a democratic system, since fairness is a required attribute of any decent democratic voting system.

England’s MP numbers are irrelevant to Scotland’s MPs. At the level of the two Kingdoms which is what the ongoing governance negotiations are actually for, the only valid democratic scenario for ANY interaction between them is of two kingdoms who get exactly one vote each. The scenario that Westminster has adopted is fundamentally inept, and is deliberately abusive. ‘Deliberately’ because it can be easily made fully fair to both parties of the Union.

That is not a reality we should ever have had to live with as it cannot be seriously justified. No mere region has its own sovereign people, its own constitution, its own legal system, its own justice system, its own monarch (uncrowned), and its own state religion. That reality has no right to exist in the first place, the authority that maintains it is bogus and abusive, and both must be ended!

George Ferguson

@John Main 7:35pm
I am not advocating stealing assets. Like Scottish Water and the reasons why it was retained within the public sector. A great decision. The Socio Political back story is different in Scotland. We are a different people John. I am a free marketeer but not at the expense of basic humanitary needs like electricity gas and water. Everything else OK. The market drives efficiencies. But when venture capital gets involved in supply contracts of basic needs you know something is wrong. I have never taken a pound off any Independence supporter. I have given money but I will peer review an Alba commissioned proposal for nothing. Not for me writing the blue print. Step forward you young people.

Alan Austin

The current SNP route to independence is nonsense. They say they need to get the majority of seats at he next election and they will then start negotiations with the UK government??? However, the UK goverment will not turn up as they say the SNP can start negotiations with them when they can show 60% of the Scottish people want independence. I would advise Humza and Hardie to say taxpayers money and not to travel to London as they will get a dizzy. How stupid are their voters to listen to their rubbish!!

Alf Baird

John Main @ 7:33 pm

“Do you have any, real-world, practical ideas for levering these assets”

The rather obvious strategy (as in many countries) would be for an independent Scotland to set up a state-owned energy company to manage the near £100 billion annual revenues expected. There is plenty scope in that to provide reasonable compensation to the various businesses (some also state-owned) who installed the equipment and were looking to thoroughly exploit and impoverish our country and its people over the next several decades and more, in addition to further weakening our international competitiveness. There would seem little reason to show our plunderers much gratitude.

Captain Yossarian

There’s supposed to be something like 100 terawatts of wind energy heading south by the end of the next decade. That’s 100 million megawatts, 100 billion kilowatts. We will use a tiny fraction of that here in Scotland. That sounds like the route Nationalists should be choosing to follow for the next few years. A hell of a lot more complex than baby boxes, GRR and all the rest of it. The problem is, I cannot think of anyone at Holyrood or Westminster who would not be completely overwhelmed by the complexity of it. That’s the problem and until the Nationalists sort that out, the only sensible conversations that will take place on this subject will be here.

Mark Beggan

When we were kids playing football back in the good old bad old days. We would have put him in goals and used him for target practice. Her I can’t say but it wouldn’t have been sexual.

Owen Mullions

Lorna Campbell @6:15
Every time one of those smug, self-congratulatory tweets appears from newly endorsed SNP election candidates, I have asked them what a woman is – so far, not one reply.


The Kingdomists know nothing else but deceit in their pursuit to steal everything. Not because they are just greedy but they are conditioned to make others suffer.
Blue , red , yellow, green rosette aside , there is no choice.
The orchestrated demise me and my fellow Scotland supporters seek of the UK has to be articulated.

I’ve heard there’s a gathering in north Germany next summer. Melle 2024

Brian Doonthetoon

You know what gets my goat?

When I’ve read a comment btl, formulated a reply in my head, read all the following comments, then totally forgot what I was going to type.

Grinds my sprockets!

Cameron Robson

Inspired by our scatological First World War veteran grandfather, the traditional Bisto ad (Ahhh Bisto! Bisto browns, Bisto thickens all in one go!) was envisaged in my family as a Bisto kid carrying away a filled potty for emptying whilst averting his face from the fumes. Quite apt regarding Humza Yousless and SNP guff.


The whole tiresome slavery thing is another American import. It’s totally insoluble, and thus generates anger and racial divide-and-conquer tensions. It’s like the trans crap. It’s something you can ‘debate’ for decades and get nowhere, as it’s such an abstraction, in a sense.

It’s totally ludicrous, of course. Bottom line is it’s about two things: the aforementioned sowing of racial tensions in a country with an increasingly visible amount of black and brown people to set us against each other.

Notice this only started since round 2016, where increasing foreign immigrant numbers could be used to visually enhance any ‘guilt’ being cynically ladled out; wouldn’t have worked 20 or so years ago, with much smaller numbers of non-white people. It’s also about free money handouts for the ‘pain’ people who have never been slaves ‘suffered.’ It’s a racket, and the role of slavery in any other race is never mentioned, especially against white people. Just ask those taken fron Scotland by the Barbary Coast slave traders (Algerian) or Helen Gloag (look her up if you dunno who she is) about that

So much more could be said about this depressing, divisive, pointless, stuoid shite but, ultimately, if it wasn’t for chattering class self-conscious guilt-peddling white halfwits in this country, none of this shite would be gaining any traction whatsoever. And you can expect nothing to change on this front. Ever. ‘White man’ is now disgustingly used as a pejorative term here, now, from white self-loathing clowns, and non-white agenda-waving racists, and it’s only going to get worse.

A Scot Abroad


nobody at all gives a shit about the Scottish constitution, particularly as it is unwritten, or about the clauses of the treaty of union. In practical terms, it’s irrelevant.


OK folks no hating on Mondays.

Say NO to hate.

Ian Brotherhood

@sam (4.16) –

Sorry didn’t get back to you sooner.

link to


John Main says:

I honestly don’t think Scotland has the ability to dictate the decree absolute

How can someone who has so little faith in the people of Scotland vote for Scottish Independence?

If what John Main is saying is true then how has it come to this?

Could this be down to us living in a colony for far too long?


We’ve already had the answer from all the political parties in Scotland to the question what is a woman.

A woman is someone who lives as a woman.

I would prefer them to answer what ‘living as a woman’ means.

The truth is I don’t what them to answer anything. I’ve had it with all the gender madness.

All I want to hear is someone saying we really need to repeal the GRA 2004 and for there to be zero sex changes.

You can’t allow sex changes & protect women’s rights at the same time.

What about Helena Kennedy is she on the list to be asked the ‘what is a woman’ question.

She has recently been working very closely with Nicola Sturgeon writing the ‘Misogyny Hate Crime Bill’ I don’t think the Baroness one of Britain’s most distinguished lawyer will be doing this out of the goodness of her heart.

Never mind asking Shona Robison, Shirley Anne or Kirsty Baroness Helena is the one to ask.

Although even with her I think you might be disappointed. She did saying something when the ‘Misogyny Hate Crime Bill’ was first introduced. I think it was something like ‘a woman is someone who lives like a woman’

Sometimes you have to sell your soul to the devil if you need the money.

Obviously Shona, Shirley Anne, Kirsty and the Baroness Helena all have bills to pay.

John Main

@Alf Baird 9:20

Thanks for your response. What you suggest sounds plausible.

Perhaps worth remembering that the executives and functionaries of the multinationals and state entities we are talking about are unlikely to know or care much about the events of 1707. As far as they are concerned, the UK is a done and settled deal, and much older than the majority of the countries they work with on a daily basis. The concept that in some way they are plundering anywhere won’t be on their radar. They will see they have a legitimate and legal setup in international law based on WM negotiations and agreements.

Neither will the idea of gratitude, or its opposite, come into play. It’s a big mistake to believe that concepts of inter-personal relationships translate into realpolitik. Countries don’t have friends, for example, they have shared interests, and/or mutually beneficial goals. Or they have competitors.

I think that if the SNP had ever been serious about any of this that they would have had to devote some serious resources over a period of years to war-gaming how all of this is going to work out. I hae ma doots they ever did, but please correct me if this has been addressed.


I’m having problems with the word colonist

Dictionary says
1. a person who lives in a colony
2. a person who takes part in founding a colony

I’ve just been using the term ‘colonial slaves’ for No 1
The number twos would perhaps be better described as the ‘colonizer’s little helpers aka ‘A Parcel of Rogues’

What I am leading up to here is to ask who negotiated the decree absolute for the former colonies? Did they have outside help?

1. a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person.

I think it’s fair enough to describe Scots as slaves and Scotland as an enslaved nation.

John Main

@Ruby 7:34

I was likening the split where IScotland leaves the UK to a divorce. I know a few posters on here think Scotland is going to walk away without notice, but I believe things will be more complex than that.

We won’t be dictating what happens, nor will we be telling rUK to settle all the shared bills run up since 1707.

Think of it like the negotiations for when the UK left the EU. Thousands of people arguing for years, with agreements to pay shared bills running until the 2050’s.

That’s how I see it, and just like with the Brexit negotiations, the hard-liners eventually accepting that in the long run, the grown up and responsible behaviour will end up both easier and cheaper.


@Ass caught abroad

Sorry (not really) to contradict you so early on a Monday morning, but I DO give a shit about the Scottish constitution.

Some things unwritten are valid. Some things written are flimsy – like your contributions.


I’m trying to convince Stu to make flame-baiting a bannable offence at the moment.

Once that’s sorted I’m going to see about us getting an edit function and then a Scottish spell checker.

In the meantime I’m relying on you guys to figure out my many typos.

Tins of pain was a tricky one. I meant tins of paint but some thought it meant cans of beer which caused them to have a lot of pain the next morning.

See also bottles of pain.


John Main says:
25 September, 2023 at 8:39 am

@Ruby 7:34

I was likening the split where IScotland leaves the UK to a divorce

Oh aye!

Wur you comparing the Union to a marriage?

Fuck it! Who cares.

I totally lost confidence in anything you say since your contribution about abortion.

Ian Brotherhood

‘If this does not make you sick with rage and disgust then quite frankly you either don’t care about humanity or you are on the side of the Nazi cheerleaders. The current World Order stands exposed as rancid and politically putrid.’
Tommy Sheridan

link to


@Ian Brotherhood

Thanks. I already have the link. It’s where I copied the bit of it.

I wondered if you might want to add it to your post elsewhere. Smiley thingy.


Maybe those that govern the UK and the big corporations should have completed better future planning and due diligence when they chose the paths and entered the contracts they did when considering that a peoples’ right to self determination is always a factor that might come into play at some point.

Font of knowledge / pish (delete as you see appropriate) A Scot Abroad regularly states countries can just build there own electricity generation infrastructure if needs be, so it begs the question, why did England not construct infrastructure in its own geographic area so it could be self-sustaining, instead choosing to have a reliance on substantial imports from the likes of for example Scotland and Norway.


@John Main

“A major sticking point, as I see it, is
that the majority of the oil, gas and
wind is dozens or hundreds of miles out
to sea, and thus, not within the remit
of an unarmed Scotland to seize against
the will of a ten times bigger neighbour
with military resources.”

The colonial impulse – military threat.Big power against smaller one. Where have we seen that before?

Tax them to as much as they can take. Our National Energy Company can stand it. Also take 20% of resource.


@A Scot Abroad

“…you’ll just have to live with the reality that Scotland is merely a region of the UK…”

The colonial mindset.

John Main


What facts are you disagreeing with:

1 Post Indy, rUK will outnumber us 10 to 1.

2 Post Indy, rUK will retain the bulk of the military capability, with oaths of loyalty sworn to Charles 3.

3 Both pre and post Indy, the English elites are past masters at treachery, duplicity, subversion, infiltration, colonisation, occupation, you name it.

If you can’t dispute any of my facts, on what grounds do you dispute my conclusions?

Strong, the cognitive dissonance is, in you. You swallow all the tales about how big and bad WM is, yet you also choose to believe the ogres will let iScotland waltz off with half their stuff, no come backs.

You need to get real.

Alf Baird

Ruby @ 8:39 am

“I think it’s fair enough to describe Scots as slaves and Scotland as an enslaved nation.”

According to Frantz Fanon:”Colonial status is simply the organized reduction to slavery of a whole people”.

According to the UN, independence is decolonization.

And according to Rabbie Burns, Scots were bocht an selt by a paircel o rogues!

John Main

@Dan 9:21

Soz an a’ that, but that’s a daft question.

Nobody in UK government is war gaming the break up of the UK any time soon. Surely the penny must have dropped by now? No international bodies expect it either.

I hope (but don’t really expect) you can separate out statement of facts from statement of sympathy. I see no reason to sugar coat the blindingly obvious truth, cos that helps nobody.

It would be of immense benefit for Scottish Indy to accept the real world as it is and start planning and building from there.


George Ferguson says:
24 September, 2023 at 8:11 pm
Like Scottish Water and the reasons why it was retained within the public sector. A great decision.

A great decision as would be having gas,electricity and banking retained in the public sector.

Here’s the thing even if all these basic human necessities were retained in the public sector there is still the chance your water, gas, electricity, bank account could be cut off if you said the wrong thing.

John Main

Alf Baird

According to me, your belief that we Scots are slaves is havering blethers.


Alf Baird says:
25 September, 2023 at 9:48 am

Ruby @ 8:39 am

“I think it’s fair enough to describe Scots as slaves and Scotland as an enslaved nation.”

According to Frantz Fanon:”Colonial status is simply the organized reduction to slavery of a whole people”.

According to the UN, independence is decolonization.

And according to Rabbie Burns, Scots were bocht an selt by a paircel o rogues!

You know what Alf I think I must have read Frantz Fanon’s book in a former life.

Captain Yossarian

I notice Anas Sarwar’s solution to prevent folk freezing to death inside their homes this winter is to pipe in hydrogen to boilers instead of natural gas.

The solution is to leave well-alone and lower bills to at least the European average.

This sort of daft comment by Sarwar goes without reply at Holyrood (and in the Press) suggesting to me that they are either to frightened to put their heads above the parapet, or the subject is too complex for them to understand and for the public to follow.

Either way, it is dark days for Scotland when the only alternative to a vapid private schoolboy leader is another vapid private schoolboy leader.

Who are the parcel of rogues now?

John Main


“likely to keep at home a music box …” doesn’t pass the balance of probabilities test, let alone jump over the convincing evidence of guilt bar.

Poor Tommy, still convinced all he ever has to do is deploy the ‘N’ word.

Thought you might have learnt a few things in the past 18 months, but naw.


A good morning greetings to all .
For the Kingdomists threatening to have overwhelming military might over Scotland.
Do you? Aye !
The loyal threatened that in 2014 . Much like Churchill threatened it on Glasgow.
They do know better ,though it is an indication of their desperation and depravity


David Hannah says:
24 September, 2023 at 6:05 pm

The art teachers out of all the teachers will be the biggest creeps in the school. It’s always been the case. That paint everything in rainbow colours. All those art teachers should be challenged.

Steady on DH. No hating on the artists.

Without the artists there would be no Ah Bisto poster, no Holiday Boy, no Shauny Boy, nae tartan and the world would be very dull.

Careful or I’ll no be contributing to your ‘MenToo’ crowd funder for the hut/treehouse.

Tinto Chiel

@Ian B 9.03: that footage from the Canadian parliament is utterly sick but it does illustrate clearly that most modern politicians have no moral compass and will nod like donkeys and clap like seals as instructed, all globalists at heart now with no real difference between their parties. They no longer listen to their constituents nor care how their political decisions affect the people who voted them in.

In particular, how offensive it was to the memory of all the Canadians who died fighting the Nazis in WW II, particularly in France, where coincidentally they were often called into action against Waffen SS forces who shot them out of hand after surrender on several occasions because of their stubborn resistance and valour.


Scotland’s lands have been carved up by the rich, and powerful corporations as the SNP sits back and does nothing about it.

Robin McAlpine and Andy Wightman pointed this out and the inaction of the SNP to do anything about land reform.

link to


@John Main

“If you can’t dispute any of my facts, on what grounds do you dispute my conclusions?”

I’ve given you the answer. Anything in Scots territorial waters will be ours to control and tax.

As to cognitive dissonance look inwards.

Repeatedly on this blog you and others are challenged to tell us the benefits of being in the Union. Repeatedly you duck the challenge.

I posted a list of some of the shittiness the UK governments since Thatcher have made of the UK and you ducked a response to that.

Now you want me and others to accept that such shittiness is swallowing “the tales of how big and bad WM is” just because you proclaim it. Get real.

What is the reason for your distortion of the word “interesting”? “Innarestin” isn’t it? Looks to me that you really wanted to say by using this distortion that a particular post was not really interesting. Condescension is your strong point, otherwise you are empty.

Where is your evidence that “show us the money” is what will drive Scottish independence?


Sturgeon the Judas clashes with Henry McLeish at an independence event at Wigtown, reading the script it would appears McLeish wants independence more than the betrayer does, we know for sure Sturgeon doesn’t want it.

Its a sad day when an ex-FM and part unionist such as McLeish, speaks more passionately for independence than the former FM and leader of a supposed independence party the SNP.

WTF is Sturgeon doing at an indy event in the first place.

The Judas said.

“She continued to say that the denial of a second referendum was “unsustainable” and that “Scotland will have a choice and that choice will be independence”.”

We know what happened to the indyref route, and why it was closed down, it had far more to do with Sturgeon and Bain than Westminster.

link to


The Holyrood Magazine Editor appears to have a go at the SNP government when Sturgeon was FM, and now Yousaf, hitting on several valid points.

A snippet, with Sturgeon in mind.

“I mourned the fact then that this is a country where when a record number of addicted souls lost their lives to drugs, the then leader of the party that had been in power for 14 years absolved herself of blame by saying the crisis was “indefensible”.

A shrug, a mea culpa, and we all move along.”


“I despaired then that when queues of homeless people, including young children, stand in the snow in Glasgow, in some Dickensian throwback waiting for a mug of free hot soup, that homegrown politicians could look on and decry the heartless brutes at Westminster rather than explore the solutions they already had at hand.”

link to


This is what we’re up against at Holyrood.

link to


Lorna Campbell @ 24 September 6.13pm

That’s an excellent idea. I seem to remember that this site did name and shame all those MSPs that voted for the GRR legislation. It would be worthwhile reminding people just before an election of the many MSPs of all parties who were prepared to throw women and children under the trans bus.

I think on another thread you made a comment regarding the way that it seemed as if the transgender movement had actually read the Nazi playbook on how to subvert a society? (Sorry can’t remember the exact wording of your comment.) I have often thought along the same lines about the worrying similarities in how this movement has penetrated the main institutions of government. The Nazis had everything in place to subvert democracy before the total takeover of the state and the end of democracy.

In England, where there has at least been some pushback against the trans agenda – unlike Scotland – there is a disturbing letter from senior civil servants to the Cabinet Secretary warning that trans ideology has become so embedded in Whitehall that it risks influencing Government policies.

“We are concerned that the widespread incorporation of the concept of ‘gender identity’ into the language and internal policies of the Civil Service constitutes a significant breach of impartiality”, it says. They go on to cite bullying of staff with gender critical views and that they are subjected to ‘professional disadvantage’ for opposing the promotion of gender identity over biological sex.

The letter was sent to all permanent secretaries as well as the Cabinet Secretary in April but only received a lukewarm response from the head of PR at the end of June. It was subsequently then leaked to The Telegraph by those disheartened at the inadequate response. One of the signatories told the newspaper, “There has been a widespread woke takeover of Whitehall that our most senior officials have swallowed hook, line and sinker”.


With this conversation regarding slavery, I’m surprised the Colliers haven’t been mentioned.

link to

Anton Decadent

@Tinto Chiel

“In particular, how offensive it was to the memory of all the Canadians who died fighting the Nazis in WW II, particularly in France, where coincidentally they were often called into action against Waffen SS forces who shot them out of hand after surrender on several occasions because of their stubborn resistance and valour.”

In the book Caen, Anvil Of Victory by Alexander McKee, the author, who was there in France, mentions how the Canadians were using machetes to murder German POW’s they had taken. In it he also mentions the French fleeing their homes to take refuge in a large building only to be kicked out by Allied intelligence who decided to use it as a base. The author served with both the British and Canadian armies.

A Scot Abroad

Anybody dribbling on about colonialism needs to start quoting somebody else apart from Fanon and Memmi, because those two are widely discredited, and citing them is just becoming a bit formulaic now. As though the quoted hasn’t actually thought about things too deeply.

John Main

@sam says:25 September, 2023 at 10:59 am

This is fun. I’ll hoof the ball in your net and you can try another goal kick. Dinna trip ower yer lacers noo!

Anything in Scots territorial waters will be ours to control and tax

Good one. And with one bound, the tax revenues will flood into iScotland’s coffers. Yup, you can probs get that slogan on a T shirt.

Where is your evidence that “show us the money” is what will drive Scottish independence?

It’s empirical, innit. Since around the time money was invented, people have generally been keen to get more. There’s fables from the times before writing about it.

It’s stereotypical innit. Scots have a well deserved rep for being mean, tight, grasping, wallet lockers.

But naw, you maintain your insistence about our Scottish exceptionalism, that causes us all to want Indy cos of Culloden, Thatcher, or NATO.

But I think that even you might stop to ponder the fact that we Scots are getting fewer. Our country is being flooded with non-Scots. Even granted your unevidenced belief in our Scottish exceptionalism, the New Scots, by definition, not being true Scots, don’t have it.

Naw, the route to Indy lies in making the economic case.

Repeatedly you duck the challenge.

I haven’t challenged you yet to demonstrate how 9 years of devolved government under the SNP have made things better. You can be grateful for that mercy.

Look, Sam, when the day comes, I will make a judgement based on the evidence on how I will vote. Maybes HR will have upped its game by then. Maybes WM will be a whole lot worse. I won’t be just “having faith and believing”.

If you truly think that just “having faith and believing” is all that is needed for Indy to succeed, then knock off now – there is nothing more you need to do.

John Main

@Anton Decadent says:25 September, 2023 at 12:39 pm

Max Hastings in “Overlord” and “Das Reich” covers even-handedly shootings and reprisals against POWs and civilians carried out by both sides in 1944 France.

French looters were sometimes immediately shot by Allied forces.

Both sides would execute any enemy sniper they captured.

It’s ludicrous to claim that only one side did this sort of thing.

It’s fair to claim that one side was an order of magnitude worse than the other.


Alf Baird@ 9.48am.

Well said Alf and very true, keep them coming.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 12:58 pm

“about colonialism”

Here’s a nice simple framework explaining what independence means and why it is necessary:

link to


Ducked it again, didn’t you Main.

The shittiness of the UK is a good reason to leave it. There is plenty of evidence all around you that many people do not think the SNP should govern in an independent Scotland. About half of us now think we should be independent and do better than in the UK.

Instead of evidence you rely on racial slurs about Scots.

About a third of English incomers support an independent Scotland, according to polling.

You have a loud voice but it’s full of emptiness. A troll.


” I won’t be just “having faith and believing”.

If you truly think that just “having faith and believing” is all that is needed for Indy to succeed, then knock off now – there is nothing more you need to do.”


This is exactly what’s needed faith and believing, this faith and belief, has led to countless nations of people ditching the British Empire in the past, in just about every walk of life that’s benefitted mankind/womenkind, it has begun with faith and belief that it could be done.


A Scot Abroad said;

“nobody at all gives a shit about the Scottish constitution, particularly as it is unwritten, or about the clauses of the treaty of union. In practical terms, it’s irrelevant.”

Blatant falsehoods and empty bluster. And since we’re talking in practical terms, the entire Union is a fraud, just like you. You call yourself a Scot, but you’ve clearly self-identified as unremittingly English establishment, through and through. That the Union is demonstrably an unlawful, unconstitutional, and undemocratic shitfest of incompetence, corruption and abuse appears to bother you not at all, tells us all we need to know about you and that Union.

When we do succeed in terminating the Union, it will have been Scotland’s ‘unwritten’ constitution and the English establishment’s many many breaches of both that constitution and that Treaty that brings it crashing down.

I suspect that rather more than a few Scots will be dancing on its grave for months on end.

David Hannah


They lied about Vietnam

People : yes

They lied about Iraq

People : yes

They lied about Afghanistan

People : yes

They lied about UK raine

People : Noooo, it’s different this time!

As the Canadian Parliament speaker of Canada’s House of Commons apologises to Jewish communities after honouring a veteran who fought for a military unit under Nazi command during World War Two.

Anthony Rota had invited his fellow MPs to give a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, 98, following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to Parliament on Friday.

Mr Rota introduced Mr Hunka as a war hero who fought for “Ukrainian independence against the Russians”.

Ahahaha. The SNP. On the wrong side of history as ever it seems.

God bless Zelensky. It is an honour. Says Stephen Flynn.

The western media narrative is beginning to crumble!

David Hannah

link to

Hang on a minute peeps! Which team is it we’re meant to be supporting?

Stop the war!

Captain Yossarian

Sam – I am a Unionist too. I believe though that Nationalism could work if we had honest Nationalists in charge. In fact, I believe that it could work very well with the right people in charge. If you take a look at the SNP benches at Holyrood and Westminster, there’s no-one there that I would trust. Government is too complex for them and they basically don’t want to do it because they know they cannot manage. All the best of them moved to Alba and hardly anyone in Scotland will vote for Alba and that is the frustrating conundrum for Nationalists. I agree with you that there is a substantial undercurrent that sincerely wants something better and they see Nationalism as the way to deliver that. But, the SNP aren’t going to do it and so who is?

David Hannah

“The doom of capitalism is at hand. There will be peace and goodwill to all of mankind.” – John McLean.

The longer the NATO war goes on. The sprit of the red clydesiders returns to Glasgow.

We need the new clydesiders. The anti war agitation. Labour and working rights. An ordinary revolution.

We need bairns over Bombs. It’s in our Glasgow veins. It’s in our DNA.

David Hannah

We need the spirit of a new John Wheatley, a national housebuilding corporation.

We need the spirit mary Barbour. She organised The rent strikes during war time to stop the tax rises. The women fought off the baillifs with bags of flour.

We look after our own in Glasgow.

The Red clydesiders. Reignite the spirit of the red clydesiders.

Labour and working rights, over the military industrial complex and the capitalist imperialism the crumbling facade of the former British empire.

It’s time to learn our history. And stop this war.


Sam you may wish to ponder on the fact that if it was not for the hated Tories, we would by now de forced to biological untruth which would mean women’s rights being eroded and our children harmed mentally and physically.
This by an SNP government with nine years rule under their belts.
I shudder to think what they could have achieved given another couple of years in power. Thankfully the penny seems to have dropped with the Scottish electorate leaving only the knuckle draggers and the “true believers”

Clear them all out and start, again build a movement dedicated to making Scotland a vibrant economy fit to stand on its own feet without all of the anti social madness exhibited by Sturgeon, Harvie and their deviant followers.



“Anybody dribbling on about colonialism needs to start quoting somebody else apart from Fanon and Memmi, because those two are widely discredited,..”

Jim Cuthbert, former senior Scottish civil servant has a blog piece about the Scottish colonial mentality.

“Devolution” is a word which itself may have colonial connotations. Scottish devolution was meant to reduce/destroy support for Scottish independence.

Scotland gets a “grant”, not based on need. UK government controls what powers are devolved.

Even those that are devolved are not fully in Scottish hands. UK government has systematically dismantled the health service, moving it towards privatisation. Nothing we can do to prevent it.

Northern Ireland would be a good place to look for evidence of colonial status in the UK.

On partition there existed a bigoted, devolved government for many years, overseen and tolerated by UK governments.

Then the UK government acted in such a way that it turned what was a matter of civil rights into a war in which sections of the British army colluded with terrorists and behaved as terrorists.



“About a third of English incomers support an independent Scotland, according to polling.”

Who do you think they will vote for when in the Polling booth?

As I have said before, the only way English incomers will vote for independence is if the Scottish govt ban or raise the ceiling on Inheritance Tax, but it looks as if Rishi has beaten them to the punch.


We investigate the origins and implications of zero-sum thinking – the belief
that gains for one individual or group tend to come at the cost of others.
Using a new survey of a representative sample of 20,400 US residents, we
measure zero-sum thinking, political preferences, policy views, and a rich
array of ancestral information spanning four generations. We find that a more
zero-sum mindset is strongly associated with more support for government
redistribution, race- and gender-based affirmative action, and more restrictive
immigration policies. Furthermore, zero-sum thinking can be traced back
to the experiences of both the individual and their ancestors, encompassing
factors such as the degree of intergenerational upward mobility they experienced, whether they immigrated to the United States or lived in a location
with more immigrants, and whether they were enslaved or lived in a location
with more enslavement.”

The research applies more widely than the USA – to more than 70 countries including those in UK.

link to

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

that piece that you linked to is utter gubbinsWritten by a credulous fool.

Try harder, because your current linking is only dialling down the needle on Indy.


Beautiful afternoon hereabouts. This climate crisis is being kind . Absolutely no irony intended.
These interesting times are becoming densely packed. Watching GBeebies not a news channel, this morning and was reminded as I remember it about when the Chunnel first opened thirty odd years ago. There was going to be high speed rail links from Wales & Scotland to Europe. They actually peddled that lie. Now we know for sure that anything over an hour from City of London Corporation Unlimited is considered the far north or foreign.
Some of us knew it was a lie back then but now it is being laid bare to all and sundry that perfidious Albion is the culture of the UK .

A Scot Abroad

Sam, when you are fighting terrorists, you smack them extremely hard in a way they won’t be able to recover from. Whatever that way is.

That’s been the way for many decades. It’s big boys’ rules, to coin an old phrase, but used more recently in a book title by John Urban the BBC journo who wrote about NI in the 80s.



“Who do you think they will vote for when in the Polling booth?”

That’s a tough one. I know a few English incomers.They look to me as if they would be untroubled by inheritance tax. You know, if they say they favour independence, as a third of them do, why do you have doubts about their honesty?

Do you think English incomers, in general, are prone to dishonesty. Perhaps they are all liars in the way Scots are mean?

Are you an English incomer? Worried about inheritance tax?



UK policy helped to make the terrorists. The policies you outline were developed and applied in colonial Kenya.

You ducked the issue. The violence was avoidable. It was stimulated and then driven by UK policy.

UK violence was not ever solely directed at terrorists. Many innocent people were “lifted” and detained, had their possessions broken, stolen. They were beaten up.

Many innocent people were murdered directly by UK troops or by the terrorists with whom those troops colluded.Such murders were then covered up by lies at all levels within the army and politicians.

The point is that this is what can happen in a colony and if such colonial practices existed not so long ago in one part of the UK, colonial behaviour in a different, non-violent guise exists today.


I think Mark Urban wrote ‘Big boys rules’
He helped spin the Skripal nonsense too.
ASA supports paedos if they work for England al la Kincora.
Morally bankrupt.

Mark Beggan

Make the world a better place.


“The buck stops with me” says Humza about the by-election.

Which means, on past performance, sweet F-all.


akenaton says:
25 September, 2023 at 2:47 pm

Sam you may wish to ponder on the fact that if it was not for the hated Tories, we would by now de forced to biological untruth which would mean women’s rights being eroded and our children harmed mentally and physically.

Are you saying the Tories do not believe in sex changes?

There is not a single political party that believes in protecting women’s rights. Not one.

You cannot have sex changes and protect women’s rights at the same time.

Zero sex changes and ‘woman face’ as a hate crime is the only way to protect women’s rights.


Captain Yossarian says:
25 September, 2023 at 2:31 pm

Sam – I am a Unionist too.

Is that right Captain?


Have you noticed how extreme the reaction is by the resident Unionists to any mention of Scotland being a colony?

They go absolutely bananas.

Why would that be?

I haven’t read any books or articles about Scotland being a colony. I just figured it out by myself.

I don’t think it’s a difficult thing to do.


Last week’s leccy exports from Scotland to England.


So nearly 500 million KWh

link to


I first came to thinking about Scotland being a colony way back when I read about the high number of drug & alcohol addicts there were among Native Americans, Australian Aborigines and Scots.

I guess Unionists are ashamed when there is any reminder of Scotland’s colonisation hence the extreme reaction.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – This site needs balance. It is becoming an unhealthy echo-chamber about 1707 and theories about colonialization. I was just reading that Humza said the buck would stop with him if the SNP get a doing in Rutherglen. If he’s a man of his word he will step down and leave it to Kate Forbes. Just now, the only sense I hear from the Nationalist movement is from MacAskill and Salmond and they left the SNP years ago.


Captain Yossarian says:
25 September, 2023 at 5:29 pm

Ruby – This site needs balance. It is becoming an unhealthy echo-chamber about 1707 and theories about colonialization

What’s wrong with talking about colonisation?

Does it make you as a Unionist feel ashamed?

Unhealthy echo-chamber! That’s a bit rich coming from someone who spammed this site 24/7 for over a year or more about sinking schools.


Rutherglen will go Labour as it’s busy with Unionist in a busy Orange Lodge and one of the bars would only accept a blue pool table.
The place gets covered in Butchers Apron Flags on a regular basis.

The town hall refuses to fly the Saltire at all times.
Requests for the Saltire on Burns Night or StAndrews day squashed.

Remember Gordon Brown saying the Saltire belonged to the No camp and not just the Yes camp. Well he forgot to add that they keep it under lock and key in a cupboard.

Tinto Chiel

@Anton Decadent 12.39: thanks for the reference to that work by Alexander McKee, which I had not come across.

I can’t really comment on that incident or its circumstances for that reason but if you are suggesting some “parity of atrocity” between regular Canadian soldiers and the Waffen SS or other Nazi elements during WWII (which I frankly doubt you are), then I think you would struggle badly to find the requisite evidence.


Ruby, there is no such thing as a “sex change” belief in one is a psychological disorder.
There may be a few conservatives who are afflicted but the majority of people who support this nonsense come from the “woke left” it has been long said by sensible people of all political persuasions the so called belief is simply an exercise in mind control co ordinated by all branches of the media.

On women’s rights, that was a fatal flaw in their strategy.
The indoctrination of children on the other hand will continue. That is their ace card as even teenagers today accept almost anything they view on the net and within a decade all the horrors like lowering the age of sexual consent or the indoctrination techniques practiced by the hellish horde of women who now control the education service will be common accepted practise.

A Scot Abroad

JohnIm, at 4:22pm.

That’s a low blow. For the WoS record, I don’t support paedophilia.

If ever I meet you in person, you’ll have the grace to withdraw that remark, or if not I’ll drag you to court to make a judge give me justice.


What’s wrong with talking about colonisation?

Because it is obviously incorrect and introduces nonsense into what should be a worthwhile discussion.
Many here are leaning towards the “idea” of independence, but are driven away by such hyperbolic and vitriolic garbage.
Independence must be shown to be in our interests and tose of our neighbours before it is attainable

Captain Yossarian

The sinking school is coming to a head, Ruby. All at Holyrood are currently trying to wash themselves of accountability. If they can fix it, it will cost a few million and if they cannot fix it, it will be around £30m. Wings over Scotland played an important role in bringing it to the public’s attention. Wouldn’t you agree. Wings plus The Scotsman plus the Sunday Mail? So, that story had a beginning and an end, but 1707 and colonialization just keeps on going and going and going.


akenaton says:
25 September, 2023 at 6:05 pm

Ruby, there is no such thing as a “sex change” belief in one is a psychological disorder.
There may be a few conservatives who are afflicted

Every heard of the GRA 2004?

I think you might need to brush up on your knowledge about sex changes & women’s rights.


@ASA 6.13 pm
You said at 3.45pm
“Sam, when you are fighting terrorists, you smack them extremely hard in a way they won’t be able to recover from. Whatever that way is.”
I assume, therefore, that you approve of what went on at the Kincora Boys Home, in much the same way you approve of stealing from other nations and killing their populations.
You are a dishonourable character.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – I’ll leave you with this thought: “An engineer has to put the safety of the public before their own career development”.

That’s from the American Society of Civil Engineers.

That’s the point I have been trying to explain to Holyrood Ministers. It has taken me more than 9-years. Pretty shameful, isn’t it.

John Main

@sam says:25 September, 2023 at 1:55 pm

Instead of evidence you rely on racial slurs about Scots

Aw naw!!! Sam unilaterally deploys the ‘R’ word – ‘racist’.

There should be no come back from that. Ground zero beneath the ‘R’ word should be nowt but melted slag for half a click in every direction.

But wait, is this a thrifty, canny, mean, Sovereign Scot I see, rising from the ashes, dusting himself off, and checking his wallet is still intact? Phew, it is! Intact, I mean.

It’s me, Sam. Your deterrent is a damp squib. See back in the playground, when name calling used to work for you – afraid these days are gone. Soz.

John Main

@David Hannah says:25 September, 2023 at 2:35 pm

The longer the NATO war goes on. The sprit of the red clydesiders returns to Glasgow.

We need the new clydesiders. The anti war agitation. Labour and working rights. An ordinary revolution.

No need to put the cart before the horse.

Generate jobs on Clydeside. Get the Clydesiders working at them.

Then, and only then, if they want to be reds, let them fill their boots. Right now, with Glasgow unemployment above the Scottish average, any Clydesider with a job would do well to keep her heid doon.


The abstract I copied and pasted got mangled. I guess few, if any, bothered with it. Or made the link I put up.

It is potentially important. I suspect it will disappear without trace.

It says that people who grew up in a time of good economic growth thought that living standards could rise without any group losing out.

If people grew up in low wage growth and a poor or stagnant economy they were unlikely to think what the boomers thought. For these folk, the economic pie (Ruby) did not grow and so if one group profited it was at the expense of others. A zero sum game.

These are the consequences of a society that looks inwards, seeing a society in which one group can only profit at the expense of others.

From “Conclusions”

“Our findings highlight the role played by differences in perceptions about the basic nature of human interactions. They suggest that one’s view on a wide range of social, political, and economic issues may be strongly influenced by the extent to which one perceives the gains in society as coming at the expense of others – i.e., zero-sum thinking. These results raise a host of questions that could guide future research.

Notably, given the fundamental nature of zero-sum thinking, could it also explain other economic, political, or social phenomena associated with it? Populism, conspiracy theories, or nativism all have at their roots in the belief that one group gains at the expense of others – whether it be a global elite, the “deep state,” or those from other countries. Given the current crises facing the world, there is also the natural question of how zero-sum thinking relates to views about climate change and global inequality.”

Captain Yossarian

Dan – As I understand it, the connection charges are much higher in Scotland simply because the consumers of our electricity are further away. A further distance means more losses so that a megawatt generated in the North Sea is worth a lot less to the National grid than a megawatt generated in the Humber estuary. I’m not saying that is fair, but there is a logic to it.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:25 September, 2023 at 1:57 pm

it has begun with faith and belief that it could be done

Sure, no argument from me.

Did all these examples end with faith and belief though?

Seems to me all those other examples moved on, made plans, built policies, published schedules, inspired followers, appointed popular leaders, grew support, converted skeptics, and worked, worked, worked and worked again to make it unthinkable they could not be independent.

Is that a fair description of where we are now in Scotland?

Ah hae ma doots.


Surely a good project manager of a school build costing the taxpayer millions of quid would have ensured all of the site’s various ground testing studies were completed and provided acceptable results prior to starting the actual build.
Because those results would have to meet the standard of the proposed plans and engineering specifications for the build.

Especially so when the methods of testing the site’s ground could create negative interactions. EG. One test for drainage found or foundation spec shows not to dig more than a couple of meters deep as there are potential groundwater issues, another later test for contamination then digs 5 meters and duly causes the negative consequence the drainage test identified.


Ruby @ 5:13
You’ve hit the nail on the head Ruby. The unionists biggest fear is for the general public to come to the realisation that we are a colony and have been since the the betrayal in 1707.The psychological onslaught has been devious and pervasive in all aspects of our society. In Germany in the 70’s I had read Frantz Fanons epic works on colonialisation ‘The Wretched of the Earth’, and when I read “Imperialism leaves behind germs of rot which we must clinically detect and remove from our land but from our minds as well,” I didn’t cotton on at that time to see that this was relevant to Scotland. It was only after reading Alf Baird, and we’ve a hell of a lot to thank him for, that the penny dropped. Keep on doing what you’re doing Alf- the belligerant reaction from these unionists says it all.


Re posting with correct HTML formatting. (Stu, can we not get the preview function sorted?)

Surely a good project manager of a school build costing the taxpayer millions of quid would have ensured all of the site’s various ground testing studies were completed and provided acceptable results prior to starting the actual build.
Because those results would have to meet the standard of the proposed plans and engineering specifications for the build.

Especially so when the methods of testing the site’s ground could create negative interactions. EG. One test for drainage found or foundation spec shows not to dig more than a couple of meters deep as there are potential groundwater issues, another later test for contamination then digs 5 meters and duly causes the negative consequence the drainage test identified.


Still no evidence, Main. Still ducking it. Still trolling.

10% off is a racial slur aimed at Jewish people.

What’s the difference with you saying this:”It’s stereotypical innit. Scots have a well deserved rep for being mean, tight, grasping, wallet lockers.”?

Captain Yossarian

Dan – You are a perceptive critter. Mind-you, I was away in Germany on holiday with my lady wife when the deep excavation was undertaken in my absence. When I returned I said: “I told you not to do that, didn’t I?”

Other than that Dan, you have got it pretty much bang-on.

Anyway, we are at risk of infuriating Ruby again. You do realize that? The vapid middle-aged women are mainly at Holyrood. You are a perceptive critter and so you will be able to guess who they are. I’m not telling you.


@ Cpt Yossa

Did you read the link I posted the other night re. grid connections charges.
So if it’s population centres as you say then please explain this.

Connect your generator at Penzance, 412km from the centre of London and you’ll be paid £5.8 per kW/yr but connect it in Gretna, 435km from London, and you’ll be paying £13.37 per kW/yr.

link to

Captain Yossarian

Dan – That’s not what I was expecting. I think Kenny MacAskill should be asking National Grid to explain that?


@ Cpt Yossa

So to be clear, can you confirm no construction work had started prior to the contamination test trench being dug? Starting construction work would have be jumping the gun as that test could impact the site drainage, plus if contamination was found then the site may not have been suitable so a bit of a show stopper.
Also, can you confirm this was a project where the company awarded the contract self-certified the build rather than local building control officers overseeing key elements of the build process?

Robert Hughes

akenaton says:
25 September, 2023 at 6:17 pm
” What’s wrong with talking about colonisation?

Because it is obviously incorrect and introduces nonsense into what should be a worthwhile discussion. ”

It may be ” obviously incorrect ” to you ; that is just your perception/opinion though , isn’t it ? Others have different – equally coherent – perceptions/opinions on this subject , as with any other .

Colonisation is just one – of a multitude – of ways to view Scotland’s * situation * : if you’ve actually read Alf’s comments and quotes – with dispassion – there are clear , incontrovertible parallels with other countries Independence struggles ; recurring motifs , patterns , scenarios etc that mirror to a remarkable degree our own experience . Of course , every such struggle is also unique , with it’s own particular historical / cultural / temporal context . The idea that there is nothing to be learned from the prior experience of other countries is both conceited and short-sighted .

You also seem unshakeable in the conviction people only act from and make decisions based on considerations of material self-interest . Is that true ? Is it not the case that – uniquely , out of all sentient creatures , only humans can act from completely selfless , altruistic motivations ; including acting in the best interests of a shared national identity , even if the individual may be disadvantaged in the process ?

I think part of the problem is we , as cultures – pretty much globally now – have become so seduced/hypnotised by material goods and values , and the manic pursuit of acquisition / novelty / distraction it’s left little room for anything else .

So you may be right that people will only support Independence in sufficient numbers when they think it will make them better off economically ; the problem with that is how can you convince anyone this will definitely be the case when such a thing is simply impossible to prove in advance . You can point to obvious things like having full control over whatever money is generated by the country itself , but this is also conditional on factors outwith our control global market conditions , shocks , crashes , wars etc . Plus , if you frame the case for Independence purely on Economics we can be damn sure our opponents will do likewise , and they have every MSM & Political/Cultural Establishment source on their side to drown-out and rubbish whatever arguments we might make .

Personally , I see no conflict between presenting a well thought-out , realistic yet positive economic case and appealing to other , if you like – * emotional * – considerations .. eg .. the liberation of becoming once again free to make our own decisions – domestic & international – having the power to shape our own future . Who in Scotland – or anywhere else – would not prefer that to being perpetually under the thumb of another country ?


Captain Yossarian says:
25 September, 2023 at 6:17 pm

The sinking school is coming to a head, Ruby. Wings over Scotland played an important role in bringing it to the public’s attention.

I didn’t know that. Can you point me to the Wing’s article about the sinking school?

John Main

@sam says:25 September, 2023 at 7:33 pm

10% off is a racial slur aimed at Jewish people

Well, well, I had no idea. Every day a school day right enough.

What’s the difference with you saying …

Seriously, Sam, you don’t understand? You genuinely have yet to fathom how Woody Allen gets away with Jewish jokes, or how Samuel L Jackson can pepper his conversational roles with the ‘N’ word?

Man, I have talked with people who could remember (just) when Scotland could fairly claim to have the best educational system in the entire fecking world. Well before your time, eh Sam?

Heard what they say about Yorkshiremen Sam? A Yorkshire man is just like a Scotsman, but with all the generosity squeezed out.

FFS Sam, lighten up.


Captain Yossarian says:
25 September, 2023 at 7:45 pm

Other than that Dan, you have got it pretty much bang-on.

Anyway, we are at risk of infuriating Ruby again.

This you trying to rope Dan into your sexist bullying?

You tried it the other night with George Ferguson and had no luck.

I would imagine it will be the same with Dan.

Captain Yossarian

Dan – Construction hadn’t started when the trench was dug. There was a Soil Investigation Report which showed some traces of contamination, but the site wasn’t contaminated and no-one alleged that it was. The quality and compliance of construction is self-certified by the contractor. That said, the completion certificate and habitation certificate were issued by the Council and that is a vexed issue just now because there is such a thing as “reckless certification” and that is a criminal offence. Hence, the Contractor will say: “I just made an honest mistake, but you (the Council and the Scottish Government) checked it and said it was acceptable”. Hence, they have taken the problem off the Contractor’s shoulders and on to their own. Google: “reckless certification, Scottish Building Standards”. This is what is being checked just now.


Dictionary definition of words reminder.

WOMAN – Adult female human

C0L0NY – A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.

Power devolved is power retained” and aw that.

link to

Richt, setting point has been reached so off tae jar up more (autumn) rasp jam. Quite the stash developing as into double figures of jars noo. 🙂

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – please shut-up.


Captain Yossarian says:
25 September, 2023 at 8:51 pm

Ruby – please shut-up.

Why do you want me to shut up?


@John Main

Just joking, John, eh? Now where have I heard that before. Innarestin.

Still not providing any evidence for any of your claims? Guess you were just joking again.

What a hoot you are.


Yes, it is significant and I nearly overlooked it. So you suggest that for improved social integration, we need good economic growth. It’s another argument for promoting economic growth which actually benefits the Scottish people . I would also argue that we need to narrow the income and wealth distribution gap to make sure that everyone benefits, not just the few. Then poorer folk feel that they too are getting better off.

John Main

@Robert Hughes says:25 September, 2023 at 8:10 pm

That’s a good post and refreshingly moderate and thoughtful.

I see no conflict between presenting a well thought-out , realistic yet positive economic case and appealing to other , if you like – * emotional * – considerations

Me neither.

Emphasis on the “thought-out” and “realistic” defo needed though.

I hear what you say about the merits and utility of the colonialism idea. I note you have not mentioned the “Scots as Slaves” trope, which has been popular here lately. Is it because that is taking things too far?

John Main

@sam says:25 September, 2023 at 9:07 pm

A Scots worthy is out first footing after midnight. He has his half bottle of Bells with him. It’s a cold one and snow covers the ground. Taking a short cut through an unlighted park he slips and falls flat on his face.

Struggling to his feet, he tries to brush himself down, and is appalled to find in the darkness that his hands are soaked with some kind of liquid.

“Please Gowd, let that be bluid” he prays.


Fine post Robert and I agree with most of it, and the style in which is written, but I cannot agree that we have been colonised.
We have too many opportunities to self harm for that to be the case and we make full use of them. The SNP and the Sturgeon administration being a case in point.
I also believe that acceptance of poorer living standards is not viewed positively my many electorates.

If an election was imminent, and the Scottish Govt announced that Inheritance tax would be discontinued it would be a win win situation for Independence, the “Bravehearts who would vote for Indy under any circumstances (like a Sturgeon led Govt) would remain staunch, plus 80% of incomers and perhaps a fair proportion of Scottish conservatives fed up with the UK Conservative Govt.
However this is all academic as it is certain that Rishi will announce either abolition of the tax or a raising of the ceiling within a few months.


Others mention colinisation and their posts appear. Yet my post held in moderation, and now it’s binned off?
Aye, I am guilty of using two zeros instead of Os so the post would appear. When all it basically included was a reminder of the dictionary definitions of a woman, and a country not having full political control. It was posted as a retort to endless flame-baiting by folk that clearly only want to rile posters and stifle further broader debate.


link to
Plus obfuscation of releasing census data.
Personal observations such as 200 children born in a Scottish area and only 20 bairns to both Scottish parents.
Significant numbers of English decamping here and hoovering up properties by outbidding young Scots.
Our assets and resources being continually and evermore exploited by the government of another country we haven’t voted for in more than half a century but imposed on us anyway due to the 10 to 1 democratic advantage in favour of that country.
And we still can’t mention a certain word?
If so then bye and all the best folks, may see some of you around.


I see Labour is quietly making noises about re-joining the EU

When that one takes hold there goes the SNP trump card

Thanks Nicola and Humza.

What a pair of dead beats!!