An unexpected development
Posted on
November 27, 2023 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Apparently I’ve removed myself as the head of me for misbehaviour.
These are zany times in the independence movement, readers. Hold on.
Because we too wonder where she’ll end up:
But we’re pretty sure it won’t be as President of the EU.
Is “celtchar” really Michael Kelly in disguise? LOL!
That post stinks of “Labour Celts” against indy.
With a Biot of luck it will be Cornton Vale.
Celtchar says you have “Behavioural issues”. A quick glance at Celtchars bile clearly demonstrates Celtchar has serious issues with the English language. Maybe he/she’s still attending primary school?
Good grief
There are deranged people and seriously deranged people around
This creature is beyond seriously deranged
It’ll never happen, of course, but heading-up that crowd of largely unelected ‘yes’folk of the US State Department, wouldn’t necessarily be beyond Sturgeon. It’s a pity she’s a loyal-Brit and not an EU citizen.
The Times article with KC Sheriff Kevin Drummond raising concerns is VERY good news.
Reading between the lines it appears members of the legal fraternity are getting ready to start fighting back re the corruption.
In a discrete and entirely professional manner of course.
Ursula von der Leyen has declared herself Empress of Europe and Sturgeon is already (mentally) operating out of her very own Führer bunker.
Stranger things have happened.
The person who had one fcking job, in eight years, on a momentous wave of support is going to be the head of the European Union, the same union she dragged us out against our will despite armed to the teeth with every opportunity to at least barter a deal.
Aye, okay.
She didn’t even attempt it. She folded like a cheap suit because she doesn’t have the smarts.
Oh dearie me, on reading those Celtchar posts my first thought was, “So, this is where ‘Care in the Community’ has led us.
“Jealous of the SNP”, well, that’s the first time I’ve faced that accusation.
Looks like the britnats/yoons on WOS have taken on an apprentice with untold aspirations… 🙂
Are you sure this Celtchar has no sense of humour? It’s hard to imagine they’re serious; or is it?
Celtchar is a Belter!
Never could understand Celtic supporters having a great affinity with the Irish Republic and their battle to free their country and even now their support to free Palestine.
Why on earth can it then be good for Scotland to be controlled, suppressed and robbed by the aggressor next door.
I, for one, think she should replace von der Lying. That no-fly zone would have us independent before Christmas.
Celtchar does seem to be marketing something, beyond portraying itself as victim. I wonder what’s spurring the torrent of posts? Maybe the next Druids for Independence meeting is coming up and it’s angling for a seat on some committee.
Makes me wonder who you will choose to replace yourself with?
I expect at least a public poll on the matter.
They hate you Rev because you tell the truth about them. And the truth under Sturgeon and now Useless is verboten
Nikki should be made head of NATO – so she can bomb the fuck out of all these vile transphobes and racists across the planet – any cunt anywhere who refuses a rainbow parade gets white-phosphorussed-to-fuck, and Patrick Harvie can straddle (ooh er) the bomb like Slim Pickens in StrangeLove – Yee Haw! – and Haysi Fantayzee playing all the way down …
The Rev HAS been replaced – the fake rev was replaced in 2019 after his untimely demise at the paws of an escaped grizzly on one of his famous bear patrols.
“FEV” as he is known to insiders, has been with us since then.
If you transcribe the first post on the day after his death, put it through a speech synthesiser and play it backwards at half speed, it clearly says “WE BURIED STUART” – the quality becomes better if you augment the signal to noise ratio via the intake of buckfast and diazepam.
I take it the 108 views on the first one have been made by folk sniggering at the inept and inaccurate.
Which idiot said ‘ignorance is bliss’?
108 views of the first one – jings!
I have to believe that is an AI word generator in a Russian troll farm, because there’s nothing in either of these posts that make sense, politically or grammatically.
Not least the idea that a non-EU citizen could head the EU. And all Scots are non-EU citizens thanks to her.
Not getting upset or even a rant from me re Nikki whatsit.
Life I know will sort her out now .
But more worrying Stu who and how will you replace yourself.
The possibilities from here mmmm?
I’m rather hoping that the SNP voted is roughly halved at the next few sets of elections, and by the look of it, there’s still quite a few people who’ll vote SNP because they haven’t actually put any thought into things.
Not wiped out entirely in favour of Alba or the ISP. No, halved as an overall %, because under WM FPTP and HR d’Hondt voting mechanisms, that’s good for the union.
BBC in Scotland Text Service reporting that Police Scotland are saying a body was found in a graveyard in Dundee City centre (at The Howff, Meadowside). They don’t state whether it’s Male or Female. And it was found at around 09:20 am this morning.
Effigy 2:38pm
I’ll never understand it either.
A fcking sea of carrier bags & a car park full of foodbank donations thanks to unionist policies.
I can only speak for a few that I know & it’s cause they deeply despise Sturgeon & her band of misfits who **will never have the bottle to call it**
They were right & abandoned the SNP ship in 2017 & never went back. They’re currently politically homeless because everything the said would happen has happened. The SNP have zero intentions of facing off against the Union & Dumbzas wee stint at Royal serf boy was the tin lid…
I think social media is awash with fake accounts too. Slavish to Sturgeon.
Barrhead boy caught two yoons yesterday..Jackass Carlaw & Douglas Alexander tweeting the exact same tweet – a slip up at Tory/Lab HQ..
There’s also been a spate of fake accounts clearly from SNP HQ for the same thing.. tweeting the exact same shite from different accounts.
The bots are obviously in meltdown..
I think He must think there’s at least two of you because ‘wings’ is plural
Two and half years of Operation Branchform and the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland hasn’t charged anyone, and they are not willing to give any info out as to when the investigation will get a move on.
Humza Yousaf has said NO ONE will get any money back who contributed to the ringfenced £600,000 indy money.
The situation has been described as scandalous and it is, its as if the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland are hoping given enough time it fades out of peoples minds.
There’s been speculation according to the article that Operation Branchform is over and no one will be held to account.
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Vivian O’Blivion says:
“Ursula von der Leyen has declared herself Empress of Europe”
She’s a vile creature, she doesn’t speak for most Europeans either, here Clare Daly rips into her.
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I’d imagine Sturgeon would hit it right off with von der Leyen, as she did with Hillary Clinton her heroine.
The clue is in the name, WINGS, which takes us back to Paul Is Dead. The first single released by WINGS was Give Ireland Back To The Irish which if initialised gives us GIBTTI which is similar to GUPTA. Ravenscraig of course takes us to Killing Joke and their bassist Paul Raven who died after joining Ministry, which Ministry we do not know. The Craig refers to Craig Murray who was replaced by Craig Scanlon whilst in prison and is currently in Switzerland having meetings with BA Roberston.
Anyone notice a pattern emerging in this thread?
Scroll down to see it, you’ll find it shocking.
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Nikla is slowly retiring from politics but has already set herself up to cash in on her calamitous time as FM. She now even has a driving license so may well be coming to a town near you soon to tell all the locals about ‘’progressive ideas’ and acceptance of gender bending fantasists. If you bung her a tenner, you might even get a selfie with her. Although she would fit in very well in the greasy EU, she won’t be accepted there as even they know what a waste of space she really is. The big opportunity for Nikla is coming when she writes her book about coming out and why she could never do it while in the spotlight. Despite Edinburgh and the Scottish parliament being literally the most pro lgbtxyzabcde outfit in the world.
It’s a shock to see her sonsie, wee face again.
Thing is, if somebody put a gun tae ma heid, and forced me to choose, Sturgeon or Yousaf, I’m thinking I’d be all for turning the clock back.
And I never could stand sight nor sound of the woman.
The other thing is, if anybody tries to tell me that, forced to choose, they would choose Yousaf, well I would hae ma serious doots.
John Main @ 17.20
You don’t feel that the continuity candidate, elected in defiance of their own party rules, isn’t just a puppet with Ms Sturgeon pulling his strings? Really ?
Nickla joined the SNP to push back against Thatcher. Ironic then she listens and believes her sycophants, that she is “The Queen Over the Water in waiting” just like Thatcher did.
Scotland has a population of 5.5 million I refuse to believe Sturgeon or Yousaf is the best we have got. My prediction Sturgeon will get a suspended sentence based on her public service as a mitigation against the charges of Operation Branchform. Humza will be dumped by SNP members after the General Election next year. The SNP will be a minority party again. And the Independence movement can start again from scratch.
Police Scotland are like the FBI. Corrupt to the core. This has played out exactly as predicted. They sit on their hands doing fuck all about the corruption and criminality at the highest levels while forming fifty men taskforces to investigate the theft of miniatures or hair pinging.
Joke police force serving the criminals not the public. Needs disbanded just like the FBI.
@Republicofscotland says:27 November, 2023 at 5:12 pm
Anyone notice a pattern emerging in this thread?
Scroll down to see it, you’ll find it shocking
Yup! I scrolled down, and I was shocked!
When you get to the world map at the bottom, the correlation between the red and green areas is mind boggling.
Virtually every country in the green area, is contributing to the sending of millions of desperate refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, etc etc every year, to virtually every country in the red area.
Desperate people, fleeing persecution, poverty, oppression, want, prepared to sacrifice their lives and their kid’s lives, to get into the red area.
You shocked RoS? Your daft ideas should be.
@Sven says:27 November, 2023 at 5:43 pm
You don’t feel that the continuity candidate, elected in defiance of their own party rules, isn’t just a puppet with Ms Sturgeon pulling his strings? Really ?
I didn’t make any statements about who’s calling the shots.
Forced to make a choice, I can’t see many Scots choosing Yousaf over Sturgeon, that’s all.
That may be a totally academic point, then again, it could be that Sturgeon will one day make a comeback. If she does, she remains popular with many Scots.
Her comeback may be a completely unlikely impossibility. They were saying that too about Cameron, just 3 weeks ago.
Daisy Walker @ 1:43 pm
“it appears members of the legal fraternity are getting ready to start fighting back re the corruption.”
While they’re at it, maybe they could have a wee look at the numerous violations to the corrupt Treaty of Union which still protects their privileged position.
Tho dae thay e’en ken whit croune an soverane fowk thay ser?
@John Main 6:30pm
Cameron wasn’t arrested under a multi million pound Police Investigation. If Sturgeon gets charged as I expect she will. There is no way back from that. She will negotiate a settlement to stay out of jail probably by pleading guilty. Even to non legal people the Prima Facia case is there. It’s the political machinations and consequences of other players that is holding up Operation Branchform deliberations and not Police Scotland. I expected an announcement last week only to find the new Chief Constable wrapped up in her own misdemeanor. I was left thinking can’t these people do anything right?
@ George Ferguson
Reasonable folk may think there are still questions to be resolved over the whole Cameron / Greensill Capital / GUPTA / GFG Alliance / SIMEC / Liberty Steel / etc shizzle.
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It’s hard to imagine that there’s an ounce of credibility left in the Scots judiciary… just lots of fat, brown envelopes in circulation containing that little something to help with next year’s school fees.
As for justice? Aye, right! The motto found in every courtroom in Scotland should read as follows…
They say a fish rots from the head down. Our country is rotting from it’s lame excuse of a government all the way down, and all thanks to the gravy-train riding troughers infesting the SNP.
I’m so looking forward to the next election when the reset button can get a damned hard thump!
Indy for Scotland!
@Dan 7:06pm
True but he wasn’t arrested with imminent multiple charges. I didn’t advocate his appointment as Foreign Secretary. If Cameron has done wrong he should also be investigated. I work on the principle that nobody is above the law. If it was me or you, we wouldn’t get special dispensation to negotiate our own penalties. A two tier law system.
@ George Ferguson
You may believe in and work on the principle nobody is above the law, but it’s clear as day that this doesn’t actually play out in the real world as we can see by the seemingly never ending flow of muckle elephants entering the room.
It’s always worth reminding oneself of the definition and etymology of the word privilege.
I have as much faith in elements of the Scottish legal profession standing up and fighting back as I do elements of Police Scotland standing up and fighting back for justice…
Hahahahahahahahaha! Fucking jokes the pair of them.
They are not the solution, they are the problem.
Hope someone at least manages to get us a good trade deal on Vaseline petroleum jelly seeing as we’ll soon be getting fucking reamed by those “pesky foreigner owned corporates” selling us fuel at whatever price they can extort out of us.
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So moving on. Anybody got any suggestions on what other countries would be a reasonable place to live seeing as this one is basically totes cunted.
IMHO, there is no other place for her to end up than in a tough Scottish prison for life.
@Dan 7:30pm
But surely it’s up to you and me and others to change that. Do you really want to live in a future Independent Scotland with a two tier law system? The Union can speak for itself. I am the definition of the antithesis of Privilege. 8 people in a 3 bedroom Council semi detached on free school dinners. But we used to have an education system that allowed and indeed promoted social migration. Unfortunately our Institutions are broken now. There is little hope for large sections of our communities outwith the SNP gravy train.
I’m thinking Orkney or Shetland, then get them back into Norwegian ownership.
I’m sure the Norwegians, being reasonable chiels, will allow me to keep driving my current vehicles on the left.
At least for long enough to see me out.
Being canny chiels too, they probably won’t open up the Sovereign Wealth Fund straight away, but it’s defo worth waiting 20 years for.
I hear the climate is getting warmer too.
Rock: (3 June, 2015: “Under rocks and slime”)
“As I have been saying, the Scottish justice system is rotten to the core.
And the vast majority of lawyers, especially judges, are the lowest of the low.”
Grangemouth doesn’t just supply Scotland with finished products, it’s also well over half of Ireland (both sides of the border). Ireland has one small refinery down in the far south, and some import terminals, but energy self-sufficiency and security seems to be disappearing from not just Scotland, but Ireland as well.
You know that I’m a unionist, but the fact above gives me no pleasure. I’d like to see Grangemouth kept going. It’s good income and jobs that won’t easily be replaced.
John Main @ 7:55 pm
“I’m thinking Orkney or Shetland, then get them back into Norwegian ownership.”
The Vikings invaded and colonised these islands and Caithness, but were eventually removed, the land returning to its rightful owner, Scotland.
However the Viking raiders are back in the form of Equinor which has been handed large slices of Scotland’s future renewable energy production at limited outlay. And so the economic plunder of Scotland continues….
“Full of hate and bile?” That’s rich coming from Celtcher. The Natz separatists are the very epitome of hate, bile and xenophobia. Even a growing number of former separatist supporters realise this now. Most TRUE Scots will hail the implosion of the utterly corrupt and incompetent SNP (and Greens).
Effijy says:
“Why on earth can it then be good for Scotland to be controlled, suppressed and robbed by the aggressor next door.”
As much as it pains me to say it, its because it’s mildly less humiliating than being controlled and robbed by an aggressor who is your own elected government.
Neil Singleton @ 9.11pm.
Most (all?) governments are corrupt. It’s something that has to be lived with, even if it can’t be excused.
The problem with Scotland is that it is run not just by incompetent, but by the most incompetent shower of 3rd rate unemployable elsewhere chancers and grifters that ever walked the planet, who self- perpetuate by preferring friends and family, thereby sidelining anyone with a modicum of ability, who doesn’t get a look in.
The SNP Greens Government is as bad as it gets and has been a catastrophy for Scotland. The decline will continue unless and until they are cleared out.
A corrupt but competent government would be a welcome change.
Provided I stay off the fags and moderate the booze, I’ll live to see the day when the duration of Scotland’s tenure of the Northern Isles exceeds that of both Norway and Pictland.
But it’s still a good Yoon fantasy, nonetheless, for the Northern Isles to miraculously become Norwegian. A bit like handing Yorkshire, Lancashire and the East Midlands over to the Danes. Or the Isle of Mann to Scotland.
I’d prefer to just give the whole of Great Britain back to the Celts, and have the descendants of the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings/Normans and all the other Johnny foreigners who have pitched up over the last 2000 years piss off home!
There… Sorted!
@alf baird says:27 November, 2023 at 8:39 pm
The Vikings invaded and colonised these islands and Caithness, but were eventually removed, the land returning to its rightful owner, Scotland
The Norsemen took them from the Picts.
The Scots, having eliminated the Picts further south, pushed north and eventually cleared the Norsemen out.
The Norsemen still managed to hold the territories for over half a millennium.
Overlapping some of this chronologically, the Norsemen from France, having been promised the throne of England, invaded in 1066 and eventually worked their way, via royal patronage, into becoming Scotland’s ruling classes and major landowners.
It’s justifiable to claim that the Norsemen held the Northern Isles for a longer period than our current contemporary period has seen them held by Scotland. But I’ll compromise and accept they should be returned to the Picts, if you will.
robertkknight 9.49
Or, to put it another way:
“veni, vidi, vici” –
Celtchar accuses Wings of being “full of hate and bile.”
If Celtchar was referring to the comments section, rather than Stu’s articles, he has a point. Name-calling is rampant.
In the last Wings comment thread, I’ve counted 37 uses of “shit/shite”, 19 of “feck/fck”, 20 of “twat,” 9 of “arse,” plus numerous “ass,” “masterbater” [sic], “N@zi,” “bollocks” and more.
Almost all from just a few pro-Indy commenters, who probably don’t realize how they embarrass their cause.
It’s instructive when a rocket who probably gets a special truck for his Ritalin delivery says the perfectly sorted Stu has behavioural issues. Mind you the fact that it sees Van Der Liar and Ma Merkel as the benchmark shows a deep mummy complex. The residue of non-thinking space cadets who mindlessly support the SNP is the only reason their mouths are still flapping.
@robertkknight says:27 November, 2023 at 9:49 pm
miraculously become Norwegian
It’s no fantasy, Yoon or otherwise. And no miracle needed.
It’s a simple recognition that no clearly bounded land mass can be denied the democratic right of its indigenous populace to become Independent, or otherwise align with another country, as it so wishes.
It’s truly remarkable how many Scottish Indy supporters have no interest in the democratic process, unless it suits them.
Indy for me, but not for thee, is not a good look.
I’m not saying it will happen, or that it should happen. But if the Northern Isles decide, when Indy is on the cards, that what is on offer from Edinburgh doesn’t suit them, then I’m saying they have every right to go.
On current comparisons between Oslo and Edinburgh it’s a no-brainer, and you know that.
John Main @ 10:05 pm
“I’ll compromise and accept they should be returned to the Picts”
Colonialism tends to confuse peoples and re-writes their histories for them. Places, street names and even mountains are named in the image of the coloniser and ‘Scotland’ seems little different. Our original name is ‘Pictland’ or even ‘Pictavia’ and the ‘Scots’ language might even be termed today’s ‘Pictish’.
@Dundee Scot 10:11pm
But we have also given you an appraisal of where Operation Branchform is at moment. That would be news to most of the MSM. I myself never swear in real life unless I drop a hammer on my foot. And that would be an involuntary response. This is a free speech blog allsorts are allowed to comment but just occasionally inside information is posted. Your days as an SNP apologist are thankfully numbered.
@Dundee Scot says:27 November, 2023 at 10:11 pm
That last thread you analysed must have been an outlier. You would usually find plenty of cants and winkers too.
This is where I think Alf Baird could help.
With some kind of Scots language “Alf’s Profanisaurus” to consult, the regulars could spew foul-mouthed hate and bile and most readers would never know.
I have in the past called for a Scots language thread to be developed as, despite my hostility to the idea of its enforcement on us, I am interested in expanding my small knowledge of it.
Maybes learning to cuss in Scots could provide the hook that would draw us in?
The fact that there was a full moon yesterday, seems to have escaped all commenters on this thread. I think it likely that the Loon/ Lune, “Celtchar”, an already unbalanced creature, has had his equilibrium further compromised by this event.
Re. Branchform. Sturgeon will walk. If there are charges, they will be laid against Beattie and Murrel.
The amount of nicola sturgeon appreciation society or i liv nicola stuff is quite astonishing but they do read kike they have been written by the one person. Its all drivel and quite delusional.
I know most people do not follow politics as closely but there is no way on the current trajectory the sno can win more than 20 sears in westminster. They will be laughed off the benches.
In my area they have selected a candidate that i would not sent for a pint of milk. It is beyond rediculious.
Hi Dundee Scot.
You mentioned “embarrassed”.
I find it embarrassing that someone goes under the username “Dundee Scot” and spews out so much pro-union propaganda.
Did you miss the fact that Dundee had the highest percentage YES vote in the 2014 referendum?
As you are posting anonymously under a username, would you care to let us know whether you voted YES or no in the 2014 referendum, and which party you voted for in the last council, Holyrood and UK general elections?
Just so we know where you’re coming from.
Robert Knight 712pm
SNP out won’t matter a damn if we have a bent legal system.
Alf is correct – they’re currently serving the wrong master.
Mac (6:14) also correct.
It’ll be all those envelopes they push to each other annually at their secret sect swarees to make sure justice only applies to the riff raff & everything else is handled on the go slow club rules & being a fart in a colander wondering which hole to escape..
Scotlands own version of the RUC.
Dundee Scot 10:11
You can come out now, Chas.
It was another rabbid Yoon who liked to count insults like some sort of windae licking spaz…
Oops! There’s another insult to add to yer list. You run along now & chalk that one up on yer wee pie chart.. 😀
Shug 11:04
There seems to be a wave of fake accounts, especially on twitter.
It looks like Slabber & cons have purchased a pound shop version of Cambridge Analytica that’s malfunctioned already by tweeting the same tweet & the SNP have invested in bots fae Del Boy down the barras all wired to praise be the mighty Saint Nicola. She’s an angel sent fae heaven & we’ll never see her likes again..
“Brian Doonthetoon”, being numbers literate, I’m quite aware that my own Dundee voted strongly “Yes.” So what?
In case you’re curious, in 2014 I voted with the (large) majority of Scots.
It seems Scotland just doesn’t appreciate criminals. We are such a small minded nation. LOL.
Aye. I dunno how Scotland ever managed to invent & enlighten half the modern world.
We can see what they were up against..
We’re all just foul mouthed drunks who should learn to pay homage to our captors or they’ll clutch their pearls in angst.
Chas, naw ye didnae cause the majority of Scots voted YES.
You claiming to be good with numbers ken…
“a majority of Scots voted YES”.
That old chestnut. Unproveable, and conjecture. In any case, it was adult British citizens registered to vote in Scotland that had the franchise.
It seems that the orange pusher is now a profanity counter, ach well naebody went for his sectarian bait let’s try downclassing shaming them, Dundee Scot hahahaha get aff yer knees
Geri thanks for your response and thoughts last thread
Maybe, a Dundee Scot can get JM to explain to it how 47% is not a large majority.
Yup! I scrolled down, and I was shocked!
I am very surprised that a 24/7 know it all can be shocked.
Virtually every country in the green area, is contributing to the sending of millions of desperate refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, etc etc every year, to virtually every country in the red area.
Actually,rather than virtually, these countries are responding to the dictates of the other.
You knowingly confuse contribution with abject,enforced compliance.
Desperate people, fleeing persecution, poverty, oppression, want, prepared to sacrifice their lives and their kid’s lives, to get into the red area.
Leaving their resources and foreign military bases in place for extraction to red elite.
How many military and financial red bases are in the green?
How many military and financial green bases are in the red?
You shocked RoS? Your daft ideas should be.
I can’t make any sense of that invective
Depends how you look at things/facts
Irony being that if the murder tent is malfeasance, and the delay misfeasance, the case for Salmond & We the people v SG is significantly strengthened by circumstance eitherway.
Indeed, assuming its strengthened on the side that screams sabotage, NS becoming head of the EU might not be out of reach (or unpalatable) in the slightest.
However, given that even Musk’s now been forced into a Jacke Baillie (albeit under greater financial pressure), and the barrier to becoming Scots politician of the year reset at being an apologist for Israeli genocide (FFS) best for all might be if she were to become head of twitter instead/ first.
@paul says:28 November, 2023 at 6:36 am
I can’t make much sense of your italics.
But well done for checking out the world map in RoS’s post.
Thanks for your assertion that we in the affluent, fortunate west are forcibly depopulating the populations in the green countries in the shithole category to our own – that is a remarkable claim that I have never read anywhere else. I will be on the lookout to see if anybody else is making that claim, or if it is all your very own.
As for the idea that we are depopulating these countries so that we can steal their resources, two facts:
1) The currently most active colonialist exploiters, China & Russtiland, are both in the green, shithole category, that nobody in their right mind chooses to migrate to.
2) The countries with the highest population growth rates are also in the green, shithole category. If you think we are forcing them to depopulate then strap in – the inwards migration we have seen so far is just the first spray from an advancing tsunami.
24/7 know it all
That level of attention is quite unnecessary. With the possible exception of yourself, people are remarkably clear on the migration flow directions across the world. And on that map, it’s overwhelmingly green to red. So here in the red zone, it must be the case we’re not doing too badly.
And that’s why (to take a recent example) Dublin has a growing Somali population, but no Dubliners are flitting to Hargeisa.
And that’s why, keeping it real on WOS, for every year we spend pointlessly arguing, the proportion of registered Scottish voters who want to support Indy declines inexorably.
Shug says:
27 November, 2023 at 11:04 pm
The amount of Nicola Sturgeon appreciation society or I luv Nicola stuff is quite astonishing but they do read kike they have been written by the one person. Its all drivel and quite delusional.
Indeed, with flawed leaders (and most are), there often springs up cults of fanatics who will defend them to the last. It’s like a fake belief system, a religion that they just can’t let go. Question Nicola and you are immediately labelled as a heretic, an unbeliever. A bad person.
Something very similar is going on with the Greens and this Net Zero, electric cars, heat pumps nonsense. They know it is hurting people but it’s their religion, so they stick with it. Woe betide anyone who questions their actions or questions the whole carbon-driven climate change-global warming theory (still unproven). You are immediately labelled as a heretic and a dangerous person.
IMO climate change is natural, but the human effect is unproven. But I’m not allowed to say that. The doughnut politicians have latched on to it and now harp on about it like experts, with their Net Zero soundbites and gestures – something they know very little or absolutely nothing about. Free speech and alternative opinions are neither invited nor allowed in this country. There are Green sw@stikas everywhere. Rant over.
@stuart mctavish says:28 November, 2023 at 7:26 am
Online dictionaries are widely available and free to use.
I suggest you start with the word ‘genocide’.
Not for the first time, I note that the use of hysterical, over-the-top, ridiculously hyperbolic language seems to be a kind of “badge of honour” with some posters on here.
Yet, the reality is, it doesn’t help your cause, and it never has. It just makes you come across as unhinged.
@Luigi says:28 November, 2023 at 8:02 am
IMO climate change is natural, but the human effect is unproven. But I’m not allowed to say that
You’re not? But you just did!
So what happens now – a spell in a brutal re-education camp for you, or …
Still, look on the bright side. I get to re-post my earlier reply verbatim:
Not for the first time, I note that the use of hysterical, over-the-top, ridiculously hyperbolic language seems to be a kind of “badge of honour” with some posters on here.
Yet, the reality is, it doesn’t help your cause, and it never has. It just makes you come across as unhinged.
Out side the small political media bubble, the MAJORITY of people exist in a undramatised world of reality.
Not just in Scotland, across Britain,
And the Majority of people are becoming pretty fed up with these over dramatic actors in that bubble,
The unrest across britian is probably not going to start in Scotland, but I for one am happy they have mis read the situation as usual and are looking the wrong way,
It is difficult to shut up or shut down the Scottish voice for independence on Wings if We all quote their own legislation, Statues, historical records, dates and links back to them,
I have noticed they eventual lose their every argument, twisting, contradicting themselves, squirming and turning themselves in knots, incoherently.
The ancient guff that does not matter in history nowadays, they cling and quote to like a prop when it is suddenly a require bit of information,
And judging by the past few years links and comments, It are those links, of their own historical past making that causes them the most concern,
It is difficult for them to debate their own sides past words, writings and records,
John Main says:
28 November, 2023 at 8:17 am
@Luigi says:28 November, 2023 at 8:02 am
IMO climate change is natural, but the human effect is unproven. But I’m not allowed to say that
You’re not? But you just did!
Sigh. Here we go, as expected.
As you well know, there are different ways of closing down debate. Your obvious attempt to ridicule questioning of the global warming-climate change is but one example.
Warning folks, if Johnny doesn’t like your opinion, he will try to make fun of it. Pathetic.
24/7 know it all
You really do bruise like a peach.
You chastise me for my formatting,but you actaually wrote:
You shocked RoS? Your daft ideas should be.
Incoherent invective is always the best!
This one got to me. What the fuck are these demons doing…
“Bombarded twice in Gaza, 4-year-old Ahmed lost his parents in the first then his legs in the second attack – Reuters.
The boy keeps asking for his parents, and he wants to get up and walk, but his parents are dead and his legs have been amputated.”
@Luigi says:28 November, 2023 at 9:01 am
obvious attempt to ridicule questioning of the global warming-climate change
Question all you like. Fill your boots.
Just don’t claim you’re not allowed to question.
That claim is being ridiculed because it’s ridiculous.
. . . this Net Zero, electric cars, heat pumps nonsense. They know it is hurting people but it’s their religion, so they stick with it. Woe betide anyone who questions their actions or questions the whole carbon-driven climate change-global warming theory (still unproven). You are immediately labelled as a heretic and a dangerous person.
Not a heretic Luigi, just a science-denying fool
@paul says:28 November, 2023 at 9:14 am
You shocked RoS? Your daft ideas should be.
Incoherent invective is always the best!
I’ve read it again. I am unconvinced that qualifies as either invective, or incoherence. If saying somebody has daft ideas is invective, then we Scots can hear invective on every street of our land, every day of the year [haha – assuming the speakers aren’t using one of the dozens of foreign languages I usually hear on my local streets, but that’s a different gripe].
Tell you what is incoherent, Paul. You spelling “actually” as “actaually” in your post.
John @8:10
The world you should have taken exception to was apologist because in fact she was tricked, like you, to be a cheerleader for it.
.and the more their anger is cheered on, the more children they bomb (due to restart in couple of days), apperently with everyone now on same page – make Israel the most hated country to have ever been imagined into existence.. right at the point when it’s people need the love and sympathy of the world most.
It’s disgusting
GENOCIDE in my understanding is
A word usually signifying the «deliberate/intentional» eradication of a people.
The Jewish genocide under the Nazis is a true genocide and the Ottoman treatment of Armenians possibly so, albeit the Ottoman rational was not considered «racist» in the Nazi sense.
Ethnocide another term, has come to indicate the eradication of a culture by a dominant one whether by force or «soft» tactics.
The first is very rare, the second is common and is an element of imperialism in all its guises and may also be a means of political control of a minority e.g Russian pogroms and the Uyghur repression in East Turkestan/Xinjiang.
The two may intersect as in the case of colonial New Zealand and Australia and 19th century North America.
Overuse softens the real impact of both terms as there may be variables in causation.
Tell you what is incoherent, Paul. You spelling “actually” as “actaually” in your post.
It is not incoherent, just a typo.
What was referenced clearly was.
There was nothing “better” about Better Together, a House Jock group of politicians that described itself as Project Fear, this man was a central figure in that group.
“THE former director of the Better Together campaign has been named as the Labour candidate for East Renfrewshire for the next General Election.
It was previously reported in the Times that Blair McDougall, who was the top strategist and a prominent spokesperson for the Unionist side in the 2014 independence referendum, was in the running to contest either East Renfrewshire or Paisley and Renfrewshire South.
On Twitter/X on Monday evening, Scottish Labour’s Twitter account confirmed he would be the candidate for East Renfrewshire.”
@stuart mctavish says:28 November, 2023 at 10:22 am
I’ll simply repeat what I believe to be true.
A compromise solution exists. It includes all Israeli and other nationality hostages released, all Palestinian prisoners released, all tunnels destroyed, all bombardments stopped, all illegal West Bank settlements destroyed.
It requires both sides, who are both sworn before their respective deities to eliminate the other from the face of the Earth, to renounce their vows. Now that’s difficult, but maybes not quite impossible.
It requires Iran to back down. Again, difficult, but maybes not quite impossible.
Like you, if I was being held hostage indefinitely in one of these tunnels, I would stay there forever before I would countenance the harming of even one collateral innocent.
But if it was one of mine being held, that’s tricky – I might well call for my government to do whatever it takes.
Let’s just hope neither of us are ever put in that situation, eh?
It looks like around 1,500 Police Scotland Officers jobs could go if no major investment is forthcoming, the (SPA) Scottish Police Authority has put forward a report asking for substantial funding.
“The report follows finance secretary Shona Robison’s comments last week that she had “no doubts” public sector jobs would be cut due to funding pressure.
The report says: “Tactical, short-term measures would have to be taken to deliver maximum savings.”
It continues: “This could see a reduction of up to 1,427 FTE (full-time equivalent roles) by 31 March 2025, which can only be achieved through a continuation of the officer recruitment pause throughout the entire duration of 2024-25, along with an extensive VR/VER (voluntary redundancy/voluntary early retirement) programme.
“The impact of flat cash could be minimised by implementing a pay freeze for 2024-25 but this would have further operational implications and would still require significant workforce reductions.”
The 1,427 police officer jobs at risk make up 6.4 per cent of the force, and if cut it would result in “a reduction in visible local policing”, as well as “an inability to increase local policing resources and enhance visibility and public confidence” and “an inability to effectively keep people safe in the online space”. ”
link to
Scotsrenewables says: 28 November, 2023 at 10:19 am
Thank you for proving Luigi’s point.
Your welcome.
Talking of science, in this case the dismal science of statistics, the U.K. as a whole contributes about 1% of global carbon emissions. Scotland being around 10% of the U.K. population would make a 0.1% contribution to global emissions.
That is statistically insignificant, and even more so when many other countries are annually growing their emissions by more than Scotland contributes in total per year.
John Main
Aside from the usual…this stands out –
“Indy for me, but not for thee, is not a good look”
Sums up nicely the Brexiteering Little Englanders and their House Jock bedfellows. More than happy for the UK to tear up the treaty with the rEU, but Scotland do the same with the rUK? Aye, right!
If, as some folk here repeatedly harp on, you argue that as Scotland was part of the UK when the UK joined the EU, as the (English) majority voted to leave, all parts must leave, you must therefore also accept that as the Northern Isles were part of Scotland when Scotland joined (created) the UK, if the (mainland) majority votes to leave, all parts must leave.
If the Northern Isles subsequently seek to withdraw from, or become a Crown Dependency of, an independent Kingdom of Scotland, then that’s an internal matter for the Kingdom of Scotland to discuss down the road – SFA to do with the rUK, or whatever it wants to call itself.
@ Scotsrenewables
That’s a pretty lame cheap shot trying to label someone a science-denying fool for simply pointing out the significant amounts of bullshit incorporated into so much of this greenwashing shite that’s being foisted on to us.
A rudimentary understanding of economies of scale and the laws of physics quickly shows us that much of this “planet saving” tech being rolled out in such a flawed and compromised way is far from being the salvation it claims to be.
But if you believe a 250 year old stone built house with single glazing and no underfloor and limited wall insulation can miraculously jump from having a thermal efficiency EPC rating of G (very poor) to A (as good as it gets and something even a modern state of the art new build would struggle to obtain) then I guess you really have succumbed to the kool-aid.
With no end in sight to the Cost of Living Crisis this figure looks likely to rise even higher.
“At least 244 people died while homeless in Scotland last year, official figures show.
Data from National Records of Scotland (NRS) reveals a small reduction in the number of people who died while in temporary accommodation or sleeping rough.
However, the 244 total remains higher than in 2017, when the data was first collected.
And statisticians say the figure may be higher because of the difficulties in identifying people who were homeless at the time of death.
Almost half (49 per cent) of those who died were less than 45 years old.”
Surprisingly not all the deaths were due to drugs abuse
Sadly until there’s a comprehensive plan to address the aspects as to why people end up homeless and sleeping on the streets, the figures on those who die doing so, are unlikely to change.
“Matt Downie, chief executive of housing charity Crisis, said: “These figures are a national disgrace, but they are not at all surprising. Anyone familiar with the nature of homelessness knows the damage it does to people’s health. It exposes them to physical danger, and it damages their mental health.
“But the truth is that, as more people are forced into the homelessness system, more people will die homeless. And with the system now straining beyond local authorities’ ability to cope, we are seeing more people forced to sleep on the street, more families trapped for long periods in accommodation that’s totally unsuitable, and more people being told there is simply nowhere for them to go.”
link to
Can someone explain to this science denying Chartered Physicist exactly how much lower the temperature will be if Scotland replaces every gas boiler with a heat pump and every car with an EV?
What cost will this be per family?
Show your working for a bonus point.
Dan @ 12.14am
Of course the heat pump EPC penalising gas boilers underfloor insulatiion sh1te is nonsense for a large part of Scotland’s housing stock.
And I probably know more about that than you, having recently fought with an EPC ‘assessor’ who knew less than me to get my own property raised from ‘E’ to ‘D’
None of that invalidates the science, it just invalidates Harvie and Slater et al – and neither does Scotland being a small country mean we can just ignore it.
We are in a position resource and expertise wise to lead the world in net-zero tech and engineering, to Scotland’s substantial economic benefit.
Shortly after Sunak announces a £360 million deal with Palantir to manage patient data in England we have this from Holyrood Magazine:
The usability conundrum of electronic patient records, by Sofia Villegas, link to
After an introductory paragraph we get this:
“Building on this data, Holyrood gathered professionals from across the industry at the Waldorf Astoria in Edinburgh to discuss the challenge of clinical documentation and to explore how the situation looks north of the border.”
The essential fact is the footnote: “in association with Nuance, a Microsoft company”. Voice Technologies mentioned extensively in the article is also a Nuance partner and a Microsoft partner.
So, not quite an extensive gathering of professionals one might assume. This is quite a good example on the intersection of lobbying, vested interests and public relations which is passed off as journalism. I’d imagine it takes busy ministers and advisors quite a bit of mental resources to be able to fend off this level of promotion. I’m sure if you made a graph of all the relationships and all the decisions, you’d come with some interesting connections.
ROS Says:
“But the truth is that, as more people are forced into the homelessness system, more people will die homeless. And with the system now straining beyond local authorities’ ability to cope, we are seeing more people forced to sleep on the street, more families trapped for long periods in accommodation that’s totally unsuitable, and more people being told there is simply nowhere for them to go.”
It’s a waste of time moaning about it here. What’s required is action, like the Irish did on the streets of Dublin.
who is celtchar?
Nah, what’s needed is independence from the thieves.
link to
Scots language
Scots Renewables,
re expertise and Scotland. I did a couple of months of consultancy in Aberdeen, with the customer being an industry body for the offshore industry. I was struck by an impressive attitude to exporting 50 years of expertise of offshore work to challenging new projects around the world. The attitude was that while Scottish oil and gas definitely had a time horizon (this was in 2011), there was the world’s best knowledge in offshore gathered in Aberdeen, and that in itself was an export of great potential.
I suspect that it’s still the same today, but that over time, the engineering expertise will morph from oil and gas, to wind and tidal offshore engineering.
That’s a great thing that Scotland does. Having built out a lot of renewables offshore, Scotland should capitalise upon it. There’s a growing global market.
Paid, funded and lobbied religion.
Follow the money trail from start to finish always,
Isee the Telegraph are running a peice on the gender issue, Lady Falkner and the UN.
I see the Telegraph are running a piece on the gender issues sex, bilogical sex Lady Falkner Holyrood and the UN.
I see the Telegraph are running a piece on the gender issues sex, bilogical sex Lady Falkner Holyrood and the UN.
Is anyone else having issues with their comments going through today?
Dublin is different issues. Different problems.
Our problems seems to be home grown & private landlords.
Yes.I noticed it bad yesterday. Sometimes Google wouldn’t even load the front page.
Is AI out for Stu? Lol
I see the Scotsman news ( laugh up my sleeve at title of news paper) is promoting banning wood burning stoves,
Tried posting in usual manner, and kept being forwarded to Error after submitting post,
I Kept persisting, then the all the posts shot through together,
Not being on the internet the last while due to spouses hospital, doctors and nurse appointments so was unaware that Google was not even posting the front page,
But that explains a lot from the previous few weeks when I also had a problem up loading Wings,
At the moment.
But, funnily enough, there’s no-one making YouTube videos about what someone commented on a anonymous forum.
Alf Baird @ 10.37 pm, 27 Nov writes: “Colonialism tends to confuse peoples and re-writes their histories for them. Places, street names and even mountains are named in the image of the coloniser and ‘Scotland’ seems little different. Our original name is ‘Pictland’ or even ‘Pictavia’ and the ‘Scots’ language might even be termed today’s ‘Pictish’.”
Alf, I must request yet again that you desist from your obsessive and unworthy trope that Gaelic is foreign while ‘Scots’ is the indigenous heir of Pictish. The reality is that ‘Scots’ was the offspring of Northumbrian English colonists (and I imagine the irony of that for you is unbearable). The ‘Dictionaries of the Scots Language’ (DSL) site plainly explains this:
“SCOTS: AN OUTLINE HISTORY: ORIGINS: The first speakers of the Old English ancestor of Scots arrived in what is now southern Scotland in the sixth century CE. These people were descendants of Germanic invaders who had arrived in the south-east of what is now England from the early fifth century. Their variety of Old English is known as Old Northumbrian, a northern sub-dialect of Old Anglian, the Old English dialect spoken over a wide territory stretching from the English Midlands to the Scottish Lowlands.“
In THE MERCAT ANTHOLOGY OF EARLY SCOTTISH LITERATURE 1375-1707 (Edited by R.D.S. Jack and P.A.T. Rozendaal, Mercat Press, 1997) we read:
“Was ‘Scottis’ the accepted, homogeneous literary language of Scotland in earlier times? Once the historical dimension to the question is opened up and one looks at origins, it becomes clear that the answers is ‘No’. The dialect known as ‘Scottis’ has no claim to be the original national tongue. In fact, if there were any politico-linguistic ‘treachery’, it was that which resulted in ‘Scottis’ gaining dominance over the native Gaelic.”
The great Lallans proponent Hugh MacDiarmid famously cried “Not Burns, but Dunbar!”. Yet William Dunbar (1420-1513) considered himself to be sharing the language of Chaucer:
“O reverend Chaucere, rose of rethoris all
(As in OURE TONG ane flour imperiall)
…Was thou noucht of OURE INGLISCH all the lycht”
(‘The Golden Targe’ by Wm Dunbar)
Living Gaelic is in fact as close as we can get to Pictish unless we look to Welsh. The unpalatable truth is that the colonialist ‘Scottis’ (aka ‘Inglische’) speaking Lowland authorities pushed on with the Anglo-Saxon expansionism begun by the Northumbrian invaders, as we note clearly from an Act of Privy Council of Scotland (1616):
“Thairfor that they shall send thair bairnis being past the age of nyne yeiris to the Scollis in the Lawlandis, to the effect thay may be instructit and trayned to wryte and reid and to speake Inglische; and that nane of thair bairnis sall be served air [heir] unto thame, nor acknawlegeit nor reid as tennentis to his Majestie unles thay can wryte, reid, and speik Inglische.” (Collectanea de Rebus Albanicus p 121)
Gaelic (undeniably a Celtic sister-language to Pictish) therefore remains our authentic ‘Lingua Scottorum’ (as it used to be referred to by Latinate academia). ‘Scots’ (essentially Anglo-Saxon) has no connection whatsoever with Pictish. Linguistically, Gaelic is independence, while ‘Scots’ is the linguistic equivalent of devolution.
I used to be a renter back in the 90s in my early 20s.
I’d have been cheaper having a mortgage.
£400 per month. Three months up front. 6 months lease. All utilities to pay including doctored meter readings the landlord would *adjust* himself. Poll tax & water bills.
Good luck getting £1,200 back for your next rental cause sure as shit the landlord would find a blade of grass missing & stiff you out of the whole lot, if not half of it, knowing fine well you’ve zero hope of following through on courts to get it back.
I can’t even begin to imagine the shit show it is now or if I’d had weans at the time. Landlords are out of control.
Scotland is building homes like something demented. Who is buying them all? Development is given to unaffordable homes for the average Joe. Why can’t they just build council homes FFS? It’s a guaranteed income at least.
But you know you will be dust floating on the breeze before that happens and even if it did, your replaced ruling elite will crush you the same as the SNP has. Sorry to break it to you.
Meh. You should be on the stage? (Sweeping it).
Stu. is very tolerant of people posting rubbish, so heres’s my contribution. The first in a series hopefully if he permits, and if people don’t object.
Ferries in the shipyards rusting,
Sturgeon’s boast is in a state.
Told the people, blind and trusting,
“Watch my lips, they’ll both be great”.
Painted windows for a selfie,
Standard fare from our dear Elsie.
Bad decisions, all defended,
Bonus payments open ended.
Scrapyard sure to be their fate.
People dying while homeless,
This is where to much immigration/ migrant import does not tally or balance itself with the housing infrastructure , the finances and Council policies,
Some people in Scotland end up homeless here whilst we have a small population in our Country and Councils are still not able to provide for.
If you cannot look after you own people that are already homeless there is little point in importing more troubles and problems to exasparate the system,
That lacks common sense, is just plain illogical.
No problem. Sorry you’re having to go to hospital appointments. I hope all goes well.
I was there a few weeks ago for a scan. Nightmare. 8am appointment. Everything creepy & dark as staff not even in. I’d to wait nearly an hour over appointment time while the nurse chatted about the air show in Ayr to some tosser in a suit. He wasn’t even a patient. Some rep popping in to see if the staff were happy with their new machines FFS! The driver in the car park, on his third Costa & waiting to get back to work, wisnae a happy bunny. Neither was I. Aldi middle aisle was now out the question lol! As an aside, nurse said even if they have COVID they’ve to come to work now.
No idea what you are referring to. As far as I’m aware Dublin is rioting over a spate of murders perpetrated by immigrants.
I don’t think there’s an answer to that unless they travel with a criminal record. The murder of the lass jogging didn’t have any previous??
Scotsrenewables says: at 11:40 am
“We are in a position resource and expertise wise to lead the world in net-zero tech and engineering, to Scotland’s substantial economic benefit.”
No we are not. We are nowhere near in that position because we have no control over all the major influencing powers to steer us on that trajectory, as the likes of energy policy and trade are reserved to London Rule.
Anyone using the term #NetZero really needs to have a serious word with themselves because they are living in la la land with little grasp on the realities of how manufacturing industries and global shipping actually function on this planet.
We essentially make fuck all here now, and delusional roasters somehow deem this as a big plus because we aren’t producing any nasty emissions here during the production of stuff…
…But the bit they ignore is that we are still consuming stuff, and it’s just being made elsewhere on the planet, often in far flung lands that rely heavily on fossil fuel use to power their mineral resource mining and manufacturing industries, whilst also not forgetting the rather significant carbon impact of propelling container ships around the planet to distribute such wares.
EG. All those millions of cheap Chinese Vapes packed with plastic and lithium batteries don’t just manifest onto the shelves of Scottish shops by themselves.
It strikes me that a lot of folk really don’t seem to grasp the difference in scales of energy usage involved in our domestic power requirements compared to powering industries.
A few of my mate’s works in the haulage industry. One was recently picking up an HGV from down near Coventry and it turns out the seller was involved with the quarry that was supplying the HS2 works with aggregate. He said they were operating the quarry to supply and deliver 3000 tonnes of stone a day. This is where the reality of the laws of physics kick in and simply can’t be ignored. The amount of energy required to produce and process that much aggregate, then fuel all the transportation logistics of moving that much weight about have to come from somewhere.
A 40 tonne tipper will struggle to get 10mpg.
@robertkknight says:28 November, 2023 at 11:13 am
Aside from the usual…this stands out
Back in my teaching days, I used to believe that when the reader completely misunderstands a written text, then the fault lies with the writer, not the reader.
Thanks for proving me wrong. I hope my former pupils aren’t bearing grudges.
I don’t know what you think you’re responding to, but I don’t recognise anything I’ve written in your response.
Plenty of childish name calling though.
Here’s a wee recap:
If the people of any geographical area freely and democratically vote to secede or otherwise choose to form their own government, then no group that is external to them has the right to stop them.
That includes Scotland splitting up with England, or parts of Scotland splitting up with Scotland. As I wrote:
Indy for me, but not for thee, is not a good look.
happy for the UK to tear up the treaty with the rEU
That’s not what happened. Why do you believe that’s what happened?
A democratic majority within the political entity that joined the EU (the UK) voted to leave. The UK government spent years negotiating the divorce settlement. Part of the negotiations involved agreeing the sums the UK had to pay, and will have to continue to pay for anther 30 years or so,
to buy itself out of EU commitments it had signed up to. Nothing was “torn up”.
The fundamental fact that no government can bind its successor was in play. Deny that, and 1707 is eternally irrevocable.
It really is not difficult, and it provides the template for when, or if, a democratic majority within Scotland vote to leave the UK.
Just as it provides the template for the probably unlikely when, or if, the Northern Isles vote to leave Scotland.
Democratic mandates, eh? Awkward things, but the best solutions available in our complicated world.
Anyhoo, nae doot somebody will be along in a mo to whine that us colonised Scots are nae allowed a democratic mandate for Indy, as per usual.
To which the reply is, five words:
Ask Ash Regan about that.
The plebiscitary election route is just waiting there to be picked up. Yet it’s about as popular as a bucket of cauld puke on here. I wonder why.
Here’s a very interesting read on recent events in Dublin, link to, from somebody who there at the time.
As you might guess, what was reported, was not quite what happened. However what’s really interesting about the article is the writer’s take on who might be behind various protests and how the Irish government reacts to events. It’s not too much of a stretch to consider a similar situation occurs in Scotland, in terms of the way politics works. That throws an altogether different light on the way things appear, the way things are portrayed in various media and the way things actually are. In other words, if something simply doesn’t make sense, e.g. why is Yousaf still in a job, then you likely don’t have all the information available.
Excellent post & on point.
I’d also add all those iPhone & Samsung phones. What number are they up to now?
Stuart MacKay
A very interesting link. Thanks for posting it.
MM’s device has been confirmed as a “fanny pad”
Fearghas macFinnion,
I would like to presume who actual translates the old pictish language to mean Gaelic or Northumbrian English as there is not much written evidence of the old Pictish launguage,
Sometimes a lot of guess work is involved by academics.
And looking at some of these dictionaries the context in which they are used are slightly of kilter compared to how they are actually spoken in contextual every day conversations amongst the older generation whom have lived in more remote areas and especially hose that can trace their generational history,
My Spouse is from an area that was on a map once called Pictland, now called the north east of Scotland,
When using the word ” Tint” it is not used as in the long explanation given in the Scottish dictionaries,
It is used in a much more restrictive manner in conversations within the family, usually in the context of a specific object.
“I tint ma glasses,”
In the dictionaries by academia it has been extend as a cover all explanation into other fields,
This is not the context in which it was originally used.
I have been complying a list of words and phrases over the last few years of Country words that are still in use amongst the oldest generation in the area once known as Pictland, which will be the last generation to speak that older language, and there is quite a difference between them, and some of many so called “Doric” Words.
Some of that collection includes the older words of the North East Pictland area, but it is not comprehensive contextually and not always in context by the Scottish dictionaries to how it used to be spoken.
There is much more work to be done on this last generations language, and how it was actually conversed daily,
Very little knowledge is gained from reading a dictionary of a lost language its pronounciations or context used,
Sadly there are only small pockets of people whom still converse here naturally and daily within their families to each other left,
My spouse used to converse with a sister, the second last one speaking this language in their area and family, whom sadly passed away nearly two years passed,
And now I never hear the older language spoke in context anymore,
I can however still hear occasionally the english invasion into Doric as a partly slang.
Peeps –
When you’re reading WOS on your computer, phone, etc, it’s your web browser – Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Brave, Opera, and so on – which has loaded the page you are reading, not Google.
Google is (mainly) a search engine, used to find examples of the criteria you have entered into its search box.
Why would you search for when you already have the address?
Also, there has been an up to 20 minute delay in submitted comments appearing on the (refreshed) page for months now. Have patience, don’t resubmit, or you can end up with 3 slightly different comments appearing within 4 minutes.
WordPress is to blame, not Google.
I’ve tried and failed to post a link to a talk by Harry Burns.
There is a keynote speech of about 48 minutes which you can find by searching “Harry Burns keynote speech 48”. It is a talk to folk in education.He made much the same speech in Oz.
His pioneering work has been recognised and has changed greatly our approach to public health.
He is still doing research and also advising Alba on public health.
If Stu is reading this I hope he might put up the link as a post. The work Harry Burns has done needs widespread recognition in Scotland.
John Main, anger is, amongst others, a barrier to lucidity and a stage of grief.
Accordingly I don’t doubt you would call for your government to murder innocents if you and yours got caught up in something sordid, you’re already calling for some one else’s to do it (to it’s people’s detriment and potential eternal damnation, no less) and you’re not even involved!
As I said (or tried to), everything about it is disgusting but, on reflection, I should have made a point of praising the Scottish Parliament for its humanity and true support for the people of Israel – despite the haters and, if I’m not mistaken, disturbing threats.
Harry Burns speech –
link to
@stuart mctavish says:28 November, 2023 at 2:33 pm
you’re already calling for some one else’s to do it (to it’s people’s detriment and potential eternal damnation, no less) and you’re not even involved
Oh FFS, you an aw.
Is this a Scottish Indy thing? This constant misrepresentation of what posters write? Is this the mainspring of the Indy movement – lies, lying and liars?
For clarity, Stuart, provide an example of me calling for somebody to murder innocents.
I try very hard to not get wound up on here, but you’ve crossed a line.
So provide your evidence, withdraw your statement, or get tae flying feck.
Brian Doonthetoon
Thanks so much, Brian.
Have you watched it?
BDT – thanks a lot for posting the Harry Burns speech.
Verse two.
Poor old Angus he looks frazzled,
Plagued by all that Salmond strife.
By a witch he was bedazzled,
Haunted now by rumours rife.
Seems that now if he could pick it
He would choose a different ticket.
Backed a dud who launched a try-on,
Now his bed has nails to lie on,
Punching holes in peaceful life.
James Che says on 28 November 2023 at 12:44 pm: “Is anyone else having issues with their comments going through today?”
Nope! But i did run in to some issues yesterday, mid to late afternoon. While on WOS i was getting just the background with everything else disappearing any time i tried to refresh the page.
Also, i could not access the articles/btl comments at one stage. And that was just right after submitting some comments of my own. Ended up just giving up and left the site until now.
There’s been a serious delay in comments loading for several months now. But yesterday’s problems were a new experience. Initially thought it may have been something at my end but it would appear several folk were experiencing problems.
All seems OK so far today though. Having said that, i am experiencing a slight delay when, for example, i click on a word to “spell check”. It seems to take forever to go through and disappear from my screen. No idea if the cause is with WOS or something at my end.
We have at least 3 decades of wave and tidal power systems that have come to nothing.
It is horrendously expensive, unreliable and only comes close to paying off in the most inhospitable regions.
The more we transit to these, the higher the costs of everything else that uses energy, the less cash to do other things, and the more Asia eats our lunch.
Look at the prices being offered for these technologies, if they were viable, people would be biting the arm off the government.
Even if we design them here, our energy cost of production, our complete lack of appropriate steel making, the utter farce of our shipyards, means you would need your head felt to base them here.
NetZero is nothing but cold and poverty.
So Dan doesn’t think we should move construction materials by road to build railways. Or run electric vehicles because of the alleged horrors of lithium mining.
Have you heard the one about omelettes and breaking eggs, Dan?
I am increasingly horrified at the takeover of BTL on Wings by blood and soilers, climate deniers and various varieties of tinfoil helmet afficionados. If this is the true face of what is left of the indy movement then god help us.
Sam – Harry Burns
Thanks for the links. Heard of him but never listened to him before.
James Che @1.20pm.
The Scottish government isn’t interested in pushing to build social housing, Scotland has become like its larger neighbour especially in London and the South East, the idea is that the fewer social homes there are the higher house prices remain.
In Glasgow, my home town, planners can easily buy land to build students flats, students are mainly transient and they don’t really care about the areas they live in. Housing associations just can’t compete with those building firms that can pay more cash and grease more palms along the way, the consequences of this is that many people who cannot afford to buy a house can’t even rent one either because they can’t get on a housings waiting list, and private renting is just daylight robbery.
There must be thousands of homeless folk just in Glasgow alone never mind the rest of Scotland, they’ll be sofa surfing, living with friends and relatives in homeless units or using all their income on a private let.
We have a small population in Scotland yet many, many Scots are homeless, its a f*ckin disgrace if you ask me. On this matter Labour were a disgrace in office, and we thought the SNP would be better, we thought wrong.
@John Main
It’s implicit in everything you’ve written supporting the bombing of Palestine – I don’t even need to look that far up the current thread to find your ‘whatever it takes’ line that alludes to it.
Fine by me if you deny that that’s your true stance (you’ve got another post on the thread criticising the writer when their message is misunderstood which might help you understand why)
I’m sure Dan can speak for himself but I think his point is that Scotland isn’t being net zero, as we would just be displacing where the carbon footprint impacts but with added fossil fuel impact through the energy used in manufacture and delivery.
Why the UK PM Rishi Sunak wouldn’t call for a ceasefire on the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza, and why he’s 100% behind the Israel.
“Although Sunak has not formally declared that his relatives have specific shareholdings in Infosys, the arrangement has been well publicised.
Less highlighted is Sunak’s family profiting from a business that has appointed Israeli military intelligence veterans to senior positions.
If his relatives were making money from businesses managed in part by former Russian or Chinese spies, then there might be more of an outcry.
Sunak did face criticism over his in-laws profiting from Infosys when the firm was still operating in Russia, at a time when the PM was urging British business to boycott Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.
But because Israel is an ally of the UK, despite illegally occupying parts of Palestine and Syria, the connections are unlikely to cause him political problems in Westminster.”
link to
Ooops! Spoke too soon. Now getting same problems i got around this time yesterday on WOS. When i try to refresh the page i’m getting: “ERROR 503, SERVICE UNAVAILABLE” OR everything but the background is disappearing from my screen. Very strange! Never encountered these problems before, prior to yesterday.
If anyone on Twitter (X) is experiencing these problems will you please let Stuart know via his X account. I can’t because i’m not on social media. Cheers!
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!
@stuart mctavish says:28 November, 2023 at 4:18 pm
It’s implicit in everything you’ve written supporting the bombing of Palestine
Is it though?
Here’s a quote from the post you are referring to:
A compromise solution exists. It includes all Israeli and other nationality hostages released, all Palestinian prisoners released, all tunnels destroyed, all bombardments stopped, all illegal West Bank settlements destroyed.
It requires both sides, who are both sworn before their respective deities to eliminate the other from the face of the Earth, to renounce their vows. Now that’s difficult, but maybes not quite impossible.
It requires Iran to back down. Again, difficult, but maybes not quite impossible.
Is that implicit then, or maybes explicit? See the line:
all bombardments stopped
Is that how I call for the murder of innocents? Is that me supporting the bombing of Palestine?
What’s wrong with you?
@Breastplate says:28 November, 2023 at 4:20 pm
displacing where the carbon footprint impacts but with added fossil fuel impact through the energy used in manufacture and delivery
It’s been a winning formula for 30 years, so will be hard to give up now.
All that clean air and water we enjoy in Scotland, paid for by exporting our manufacturing pollution and environmental destruction to third world countries.
Those cheap, plentiful manufactured goods – probably churned out in third-world sweatshop conditions.
Those electronic devices we use to virtue signal our concerns for human rights on sites like this one – perhaps assembled by low wage drones brutalised by poor conditions and onerous production targets, while their governments force entire ethnic groups into re-education camps.
And the thing that generally grinds my gears – a lot of the imported tat is poor quality, short lifespan, not repairable, and therefore destined for early landfill.
@ Breastplate
Aye, Scotsrenewables is clearly such a smart arse that he manages to completely miss the point I was making and then try to twist it into something else. Truly a swigger of the full fat kool-aid that one.
Strange he’d choose to go down the path of trying to tarnish me as some sort of science or climate denier when plenty folk are fully aware that I’ve pointed out numerous times btl that Scotland’s own rail network is only electrified as far North as Dunblane and therefore requires the use of diesel powered propulsion units to travel further North.
If as he states Scotland has the expertise to go more eco sustainable then why the fuck aren’t all our trains all powered by the glut of renewable power we generate here.
The crap sticking plaster fix I hear for this is to just electrify sections of track to be used as charging sections, and run battery powered locomotive propulsion units.
So yay, rather than just build an electrified network and equipment, we’ll compromise ourselves by requiring some kind of hybrid adaption.
Like wise for years I have advocated for properly insulating as many of Scotland’s properties as we can and just using the energy produced by renewables and fed into nearly every building in Scotland to heat our homes in a reliable and quiet way. And not piss away millions of quid on shite ASHP and solar PV installations on wholly unsuitable properties.
And these examples again prove my point, we don’t have the expertise in positions of influence and power to do what needs to be done. Because the civil service, lobby groups, and politicians are so fucking dense we always seem to end up with and paying for a great deal of seriously flawed crap.
Verse three.
Harvie going at full throttle
Pushing all his trans-ient stuff.
Poor old Lorna’s lost her bottle,
Found the going far too tough.
Fergus desperately wishing
That they’ll take their hands off fishing.
Stopping dualling, saving money,
That’s just not remotely funny,
Like us all he’s had enough.
Good grief, the SNP-Brits are the gits that keep on giving. These SNP-soon-coming-defeat-deniers are the reason the the SNP is sinking and dying.
Dan @ 17.23.
Yet again another of your common sense posts somehow just depresses me, Dan. Not because what you say is anything I disagree with, but because it’s both practical and doable. And yet, looking around Scotland after some 16 years of SNP (mis)rule it just seems that we’re breeding our own Scottish type of professional, political parasite. And if they can’t even tell the difference between men and women I’d say, in my own mother tongue, “we’re gubbed”.
Hi Sam.
Harry Burns.
I have it in a tab to watch later.
Aye, “there’s nothing going on…”
link to
As the UK of which Scotland is a part of follows this (US) economic model, we can see where its already heading.
Deaton is a Scotsman born in Edinburgh.
link to
link to
“Some mainstream economists are slowly waking up to reality. This is from a new book by Princeton’s Nobel Prize-winning neoclassical economist Angus Deaton:
Free-market fundamentalists’ “utopian rhetoric about freedom has led to an unjust social dystopia” in the US, run by a rich “extractive elite”.
“Workers’ losses are sacrificed to the greater ‘justice’ of the efficient market… The excesses are not abnormalities but are exactly how we would expect unregulated markets to work, especially when capital has the law and politics on its side”.
“It is not so surprising that free markets, or at least free markets with a government that permits and encourages rent seeking by the rich, should produce not equality but an extractive elite that predates on the population at large”.
“I have come to understand the extent to which state and federal government in the United States often work, not to protect ordinary people but to help rich predators make ordinary people poorer”
@ Merganser: I’m enjoying your poetry. Keep going! 🙂
Rev, Wings site has been frequently not responding/not available since about 5.00 p.m. today.
Is it just here in Wester Ross or are others having the same problem?
@John Main
I don’t think ‘no killing of innocents if and only if..’ is quite the not saying what I think you were saying argument you’re trying hard to imply but happy to let it slide based on your evident discomfort.
It was not my intention to wind you up over it, sorry.
taxation in the U.K. is at its highest level since 1948, and (given some extra taxation powers in Scotland) already exceeding 1948 levels in Scotland.
The NHS isn’t working. Given that, it’s either raise more tax or introduce a different model. Unless the choice is to do neither, in which case the service will get even worse than it currently is.
Do people want to pay more tax? Or do they want to take out insurance which they know will be spent on them, if they need it. The experience across the western world is that people largely prefer to take out insurance for themselves, rather than pay taxes for everybody. The top ten (in terms of health outcomes per money invested in the system) are all insurance-based.
(France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia, Spain, Denmark)
Yip Robin McAlpine is correct Paul Gray was on the Scottish news pushing the privatisation agenda, Prof Andrew Elder, the president of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is also pushing it on the BBC Scotland news website.
@Dan 6:27
I read it. I thought it was piss poor.
Here’s a wee quote:
“Co-payment means paying a chunk of your own treatment. It’ll cost you dearly. What I never hear explain is why that is preferable to raising tax. Is there a reason that we should tax people massively when they get ill to avoid taxing them very moderately all the time?”
Well … taking the argument that people know best how to spend their own money, a savvy taxpayer might use their extra disposable income to fund better food and a healthier lifestyle, and thus not get ill.
But that’s not an argument that will convince the narrow minded and I accept that. So here’s the clincher.
The NHS is broken, so work out how much extra tax is needed to fix it, put the figures to the voting public, see who is willing to take the extra fiscal hit. Heck, sort out housing and social care at the same time. It amounts to X extra pence taxation in the pound. Run it up the flagpole, see who salutes.
What I never hear explained is the numbers needed. I and no doubt every savvy reader on here understands just why that is, so let’s not keep on pretending that it’s all down to central government.
If it was popular to raise taxes to fully fund the NHS, it would have been done long since. It’s deeply unpopular, and no government dare put it on a manifesto, cos it’s a sure-fire vote loser. And so we are where we are.
Thanks Sarah. Verse four for you.
Dressed like clowns with scarves and banners
SNP think they’re so cool.
Sadly they have fewer manners
Than a first year infant school.
Shona says “I beg your pardon,
I’m still in the kindergarten”.
Nodding donkeys, clapping seals,
See them doing dodgy deals,
Taking all of us for fools
I am certain that everyone would willingly pay more tax to fund the NHS.
Of course if we had an Oil and Renewable Energy Fund then it would pay for a decent NHS.
@stuart mctavish says:28 November, 2023 at 6:54 pm
Thanks for your response.
I’m sure we are both fully agreed on the hope the ceasefire extends indefinitely.
@sarah says:28 November, 2023 at 7:18 pm
I am certain that everyone would willingly pay more tax to fund the NHS
It’s always been an easy proposition to prove or disprove.
It just needs a national party to write in its manifesto: “Vote for us and we will increase taxes by [X], ringfenced for spending on the NHS”.
Heck the SNP could do it, to revive their fortunes. Or Alba, to make that breakthrough at the polls.
And yet …
You seem to be a bit limited in suggesting possible options there. Why so binary, or do you lack the ability to even consider tweaking the systems we already have in place so it improves efficiencies and outcomes?
People pay taxes which are put towards a great many things, eg, health service provision, your beloved military and their warring endeavors, or even just for Tories spaffing millions away in dubious contracts to their mates for (not) supplying Covid PPE.
There are should one choose to look, some pretty fucking big ways that existing revenue allocation and expenditure could be altered to better fund and focus on the delivery of services that taxpayers actually want.
If you are for low taxes and folk making their own way, then can you please explain to us plebs why so many of your fellow Tories seem so hell bent on grabbing taxpayers’ cash through all sorts of schemes and subsidies. Or are they just feckless subsidy junkies that lack the fortitude to actually put in some worthy graft for a reasonable level of remuneration.
I’m not a Tory. Voted for them once or twice, but I won’t now they’ve become left wingers who have upped taxation to the highest level since 1948. I won’t vote for any other party, either. Taxation and the size of the state has become ridiculous.
I agree with you on cutting expenditure. I would start by zeroing out foreign aid, the Barnett formula entirely, much of universal credit, and restricting the NHS to life-saving and emergency services only. In return, I’d give the devolved administrations Devo to the max, less foreign policy and defence. Give them full tax raising powers to cancel out my proposed savings, or even increase the spending in those areas.
I suspect there would be a flood of the responsible taxpayers in Scotland, Wales and NI into England, balanced out by the tax consumers leaving England to head to the devolved administrations.
It might be your fastest route to Indy. But Geri wouldn’t let them vote, if they weren’t born in Scotland. ?
@A Scot Abroad says:28 November, 2023 at 6:56 pm
One of the advantages of an insurance-based health care system is that it incentivises citizens to look after themselves. If they take simple steps, such as keeping their weight down, regular exercise, being careful around the junk food, ciggies and drams, then they pay lower premiums.
With the NHS, free at the point of demand, that incentive disappears, and thus you end up with more of a National Lifestyle Service than a Health Service, because a lot of the health problems are due to lifestyle choices.
In reality, it’s going to end up a hybrid system. The better off will pay for private care – the safety net of the NHS will remain for those with no money.
It’s sad, but instructive to see how the best schemes are destroyed by the law of unintended consequences. One of the arguments advanced at the founding of the NHS was that the need for it would wither away over time. As the population was made healthier and fitter, demand for medical provision would decline to near nothing.
Happy, innocent days!
@Dan 7:32
If you were thinking straight you would see that a low tax economy contains much less “fat” for feckless subsidy junkies to extract from the public purse via schemes, subsidies, dubious contracts, etc.
Looks to me like you are nearly on the same side as ASA there. Careful!
BBC propaganda platform in Scotland rolling out the ‘Scottish NHS is pish’ routine. And quoting another “ex chief”, with an axe to grind, to support their line of attack.
Yes, most of us know the SNHS needs, for want of a better word, revamped. They could start by appointing the appropriate brains to run things, not employing overweight figureheads syphoning-off fat salaries and a load of free lunches.
Only a clown would claim the SNHS doesn’t need a complete root-and-branch overhaul. But does anyone else notice that the BritNat media *NEVER* puts any of its current condition down to decades upon decades of underfunding and poor governance stemming WAAAAAAAY back long before the pretendy Holyrood opened?
And notice how they *NEVER* attribute any of its situation to deteriorating while under the stewardship of the person they are quoting? In this instance it’s a “Professor Paul Gray”. I smelt the usual stench of shite when i read this BBC text article so i did a quick shoogle on Google into this “professor”.
There’s an array of info on this ‘picture of health’. Here’s just a couple of the articles. I’ll leave others to form their own judgements on him, and the timing of all this.
link to
link to
link to
link to
No one needs to pay more taxes to fund the NHS.
We’ve already funded it.
It needs the waste & failure stripped away from it.
The endless fat cat salaries for middle mediocre management & invent a job attitude.
Sam/Brian thanks so much for the link to Harry Burns.
I’ve heard a lot from Philippa Whitford lectures along the same theme regards health inequality & poor outcomes.
She proposed along the same lines. Work that pays & start to invest in our young ppl to get off the route to failure.
As she often said during her excellent lectures there is nothing that needs fixing with privatisation.
Remove funding failure & invest in prevention.
Cheers for the link. I’ve added it to my subs. I’ll be sure to listen to more of his lectures.
Dan, just seen your comment upthread at 6:27 pm. See my comment on one of them behind this push. To be quite honest with you, i had expected far far more of this to be happening while there’s the biggest bunch of incompetents imaginable sitting in Holyrood. The path of least resistance springs to mind.
What would help the NHS and many other public services is creating “wellness”.
Watch and listen to Harry Burns. Link is up the thread.
In what nightmare is the Tory party left wing?
Under your beloved Union & the Tories – the ill health of the Victorian era is back with a vengeance.
Living in squalid conditions in housing not fit for purpose also adds to the old favourites making a return.
“In what nightmare is the Tory party left wing?”
Meant to say, Professor Paul Gray is also on X (Twitter) as: PAG1962 – Paul Gray. Folk might get a better debate/conversation out of this with him on Twitter?
John Main said, at 1:33pm;
“A democratic majority within the political entity that joined the EU (the UK) voted to leave.”
No, they didn’t! It was an undemocratic majority, because it completely ignored the constitutional basis of the Union, and as a result it abusively denied the sovereignty of the Scots and their entire kingdom.
This is exactly the same unconstitutional and unrepresentative bollocks that lets England’s MPs ‘outvote’ Scotland’s MPs, despite England’s MPs representing only one sovereign Treaty partner, and Scotland’s MPs representing an entirely different sovereign Treaty partner.
Each of the two groups explicitly represents the interests of their parent kingdom while negotiating the joint governance of both. Think of both groups as ambassadors of two sovereign countries, negotiating mini-treaties with the other every day in the same chamber.
In that context, which is the real one, it is patently ludicrous to demand that one country’s ambassadors must defer to the other country’s ambassadors, just because the other country has more ambassadors. Each group of ambassadors answers solely to its own parent kingdom, and not at all to the other groups’ kingdom, and not at all to the other group’s majorities.
The UK is not the single unitary entity it claims to be, it only presents that face to the rest of the world. Internally, and constitutionally, it is two kingdoms sharing joint governance of their two peoples and territories, and neither has ANY authority over the other.
As with the UK’s MPs, the UK’s electorate embodies/represents two distinct sovereign kingdoms, with no overlap. It is not a single homogenous population, it is two distinctly different populations. One of those populations owns the sovereignty of their country and kingdom, the other owns no sovereignty at all, and neither of these populations is entitled to force any decisions on the other. Democratically, they cannot sensibly be treated as a single population.
The correct democratic majority was of the TWO member kingdoms of the Union, and NO majority was returned, as one kingdom’s electorate voted Leave, and the other’s electorate voted Remain. The two partners of the Union produced a Mexican stand-off.
“The fundamental fact that no government can bind its successor was in play.”
What about the fundamental fact that no sovereign entity can bind its successor, or indeed any other sovereign entity? When does that come into play?
Re Google.
Thanks. I’m posting from a device & the Google homepage has a hyperlink to Wings. I usually click that to get here but it’s just a white page sometimes.
That may also explain you trying to post YouTube links. They fly into moderation if you don’t post them right. This site rejects them. I can’t post YouTube links either as they’re generated by an app & not regular links so they get rejected too.
If Brian is about maybe he could link ‘Phillipa Whitford Hamilton speech September 12th’
To listen to her talk on SNHS a week out from indyref vote..whaaa & all they are planning in England NHS.
James Che @ 2.17 pm 28 Nov writes: “I would like to presume who actual translates the old pictish language to mean Gaelic or Northumbrian English as there is not much written evidence of the old Pictish launguage”
Hi James.
I would with respect refer you back to my above post at 1.07 pm 28 Nov for substantiating quotes. It is established that what is now called “Scots” arose from Northumbrian English and that it has zero connection with Celtic Pictish. For further background on Pictish please have a look at the Wikipedia sites for ‘Pictish Language’ and for ‘Picts’.
Any locally collected unusual terms from old folk are most likely words gradually being lost to Doric. It is very highly unlikely these would be Pictish terms (other than already well known Pictish borrowings via Gaelic, ie “pit”, “aber”, “davoch/doch” etc). It is certainly possible that other Doricised Gaelic words could be out there: “Inverey was the home of Jean Bain, the last known speaker of Aberdeenshire Gaelic, who died at Ardoch, near Crathie in 1984.” (‘Gaelic verse from Aberdeenshire’ – research by Alison Mary Grant Diack.)
Further regarding the identity and relationship of Pictish and Gaelic, here are a few extracts from Michael Newton’s ‘Handbook of the Scottish Gaelic World’ (Four Courts Press Ltd, 2000):
“It is important to get a sense of the Celtic foundations of Scotland to understand the continuing influence of those persistents in Scottish life. All of Scotland was once Celtic — Brittonic south of the Clyde-Forth line, and Pictish and Gaelic north of it. The Picts, until recently, were treated as a people shrouded in mystery, and much wishful thinking driven by anti-Celtic prejudice attempted to give the Picts a non-Celtic identity. Research on their place-names, personal names, artefacts and practices, however, show them to be Celtic.’ (p 36)
“The term ‘Pict’ first appears in a Roman source in AD 297, already associating them with the Gaels. We don’t know if the tribes of northern Scotland called themselves ’Picts’ or if this was a name given by the Romans to them. […] While our information is fragmentary, there is no suggestion that the Picts were fundamentally any different from their southern Celtic neighbours, a fact that a propagandist like Tacitus would not have missed.” (p 43)
“The evidence shows that there was no wholesale slaughter of Picts or massive invasion of Gaels, but a long process of cultural assimilation, in which the two peoples came together as a Gaelic kingdom built upon a wider Celtic foundation.” (p 45)
“Europe’s first international human rights treaty, Cáin Adamnáin, ‘The Law of the Innocents’, was penned by Adomnán, an abbot of Iona and a nobleman of the Cenél Conaill dynasty. This law, which protected women, children and clergy from the ravages of war, was ratified in 697 by the kings of the Picts, of the Dál Riatic Scots, of the Strathclyde Britons, and of many Irish kingdoms, and the law took effect in both Scotland and Ireland.” (p 46)
“The Latin learning of Christendom found an early home among the Gaels, no doubt because they already had well-developed native institutions of learning. Classical learning was soon translated into vernacular Gaelic and instigated an era of intense intellectual activity. A seventh-century scholar composed a grammar for Gaelic and a ninth-century scholar compiled an etymological dictionary, the first for any vernacular European language. For at least a century in the early Middle Ages, Gaeldom’s learning surpassed anything to be found in England, Italy, or France, and pupils came in flocks to imbibe it, learning Gaelic to do so [Cf J.E. Caewyn Williams & Patrick Ford]. Gaelic is one of only four languages — besides Arabic, Greek, and Latin — in which the learned medical tracts of medieval Europe were written.” (pp 227, 228)
@Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh
I’m impressed by your knowledge of the subject. Is this link that I put up earlier of value?
link to
Sam @ 9.10 pm 28 Nov writes: “Is this link that I put up earlier of value?”
Hi Sam,
Yes of course, it is very much of value with its accurately informative info and an excellently presented YouTube survey. The main reason I repeatedly find myself on Wings (and on other sites) writing about Scottish language is the constant need to correct Alf Baird’s incessant and intolerable misinformation that Scots is Pictish and that Gaelic is alien. Alf needs to get his head sorted on this matter. The educational material on your linked site alone disproves him:
« The Scots Language came into being – and came into its own – during the Middle Ages. It was at this time that what had been a northern variety of the Anglo-Saxon (or Old English) language developed into Scots as we know it, and took over from Gaelic as the main language of the monarchs, nobles and peasants of Lowland Scotland. By about the year 1450, Scots had taken over from Latin as the main language for all official documents and literature in Scotland as well. […] The Scots language in the medieval period was especially rich and expressive, and became increasingly and markedly different from English as time went on. Yet it wasn’t until 1494 that we have the first records of writers referring to their own language as ‘Scots’. Up to this point, the language continued to be known as ‘Inglis’. »
still posting nonsense about Scotland and England being co-equal?
Nobody but you believes it. You’ve made it up. Just inventing a fantasy doesn’t make it reality.
Can you point us to where the Act of Union & Claim of Right officially ended?
If you can’t it’s you that’s talking nonsense because everyone knows the treaty exists & everyone knows it came with the claim of right.
Scotland is a sovereign nation.
You are not a Scot. Why pretend to be one on here?
Even yer world view & outlook isn’t Scottish either.
Meanwhile, back in the real world and not Indy fantasy, ScotGov have today published a consultation for legislation that would force home buyers to rip out a gas or oil boiler and replace it with an air source heat pump within two years of purchase.
(From the Daily Telegraph website:)
“Patrick Harvie, a Scottish Green minister, published a consultation on a new Heating in Buildings Bill aimed at drastically cutting greenhouse gases from homes and business premises.
The blueprint said people buying property should be forced to comply with a “prohibition on polluting heating” so that Scotland could reach its “interim targets” for reducing emissions by 2030.
They would have to make the switch to green forms of heating, such as heat pumps, within a “specified amount of time” following their purchase.
The main consultation document said ministers “think between two and five years is likely to be appropriate” but other assessments published alongside it said “likely two years”.”
The documents state that the plan would cost up to £33 billion, of which there would be £1.8 billion in government grants. So that’s only another £31 billion for Scots to find down the back of the sofa.
Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh @ 8:53 pm
Languages are influenced through interactions between peoples, and both the Gaelic and Scots languages (or English for that matter) are no exception. The important aspect in indigenous language development is that the language is developed by the fowk and in the laund wha aye speak whit thay ken as thair ain mither tongue.
The more important difference between Gaelic and Scots today lies in the way the British state and its agencies treats them. Gaelic since 2005 has a Gaelic Language Act, whilst Scots does not have any such act or authority. The reason for this disgraceful discrimination against the Scots language has never been satisfactorily explained.
Why should the British state so favour one indigenous language over another? My contention is that this is due to their fear of the consequences, with language helping form our identity; our language tells us who we are.
Re Alf Baird @ 8.53
No dissent from me on anything you said there, Alf.
Michael Sheen is another excellent speaker on Welsh identity, language & its importance.
Sam, Brian, Sarah – Re Harry Burns and Wellness
I was aware of all the individual things he talks about: life expectancy, illness rates, the effects of deindustrialisation, drugs, suicide, crime. But it’s the way he connects them to be all parts of a whole pattern which makes him interesting. And he has a coherent plan, which reminds me of the Surestart strategy in 1990’s that I watched operating in deindustrialised north-east England.
A lot of places are starved of community resources now eg youth workers, community centres, swimming baths etc, so that people can’t make social connections and get informal social education. I think this has an exacerbating effect on health issues.
The Act(s) of Union haven’t ended. Nobody is asserting that they have.
The Claim of Right has become irrelevant under the Union. That may not have been the original intention, but it’s a fact in practice. The Scots cannot use it to overrule a united crown, and they cannot use it to overrule a U.K. parliament. That’s why, under the union, it’s irrelevant.
I’m as Scottish as anyone here, I’d suggest. Just because my views don’t coincide with your’s isn’t enough to disqualify me. Even under your own criteria of place of birth, I would be able to vote in an IndyRef. I can prove my birthplace in Ayr, I can prove that I pay taxes in Scotland and have done continuously for 30 years, I can prove a residence in Scotland. The fact that I don’t actually live in Scotland is just a minor matter easily sorted by re-registering my vote from Norfolk to Edinburgh.
@ MaryB: “A lot of places are starved of community resources now…I think this has an exacerbating effect on health issues.”
Exactly. And what drives me mad is the fact that it is unnecessary. Our society was organised so that there were council owned facilities – swimming pools, sports pitches, libraries, galleries for socialisation and fitness, plus convalescent homes, almshouses/old folks homes to meet other health/age-related needs.
Now so much is privatised and the same facilities cost a huge amount more or don’t exist at all.
With Scotland withdrawn from the Union we could re-organise our systems to provide what is needed. “Prosperity to Scotland and No Union” applies now just as it did in 1715. Scotland will never prosper as part of the Union.
“John Main says…”
How would you qualify, describe or define “feckless subsidy junkies”?
**The Claim of Right has become irrelevant under the Union. That may not have been the original intention, but it’s a fact in practice. The Scots cannot use it to overrule a united crown, and they cannot use it to overrule a U.K. parliament. That’s why, under the union, it’s irrelevant.**
So, as predicted, you can’t.
It’s just the ramblings of your own opinion.
Scotland can withdraw it’s consent to the union & it’s consent to the crown.
At any time of its choosing.
It’s a voluntary & the crown is by the consent of the Scottish people. Do you understand what that means?
We never agreed to be consumed into one nation. It never happened. No matter what saucery you like to spin.
The UK is TWO sovereign kingdoms.
TWO crowns.
TWO territories.
Neither was ever, ever extinguished.
You are not Scottish. No Scot would ever demote it’s own country’s status.
& News just in, you can’t transfer votes. The electoral roll won’t have you as a resident. Have you told the 77th brigade you plan on committing electoral fraud?
I don’t think it’ll matter anyway. I think the Union will be terminated by ending the treaty of Union. It’s broken the terms & that instantly renders the contract void.
A Scot Abroad says:
28 November, 2023 at 10:59 pm
The Act(s) of Union haven’t ended. Nobody is asserting that they have.
The Claim of Right has become irrelevant under the Union. That may not have been the original intention, but it’s a fact in practice. The Scots cannot use it to overrule a united crown, and they cannot use it to overrule a U.K. parliament. That’s why, under the union, it’s irrelevant.
That is a lot of assertions in just one paragraph.
Has any of these these been tested/found?
Is practise a fact, or are you just leaning on the genetic fallacy?
I’m as Scottish as anyone here, I’d suggest. Just because my views don’t coincide with your’s isn’t enough to disqualify me. Even under your own criteria of place of birth, I would be able to vote in an IndyRef. I can prove my birthplace in Ayr, I can prove that I pay taxes in Scotland and have done continuously for 30 years, I can prove a residence in Scotland. The fact that I don’t actually live in Scotland is just a minor matter easily sorted by re-registering my vote from Norfolk to Edinburgh.
Good for you, and the red white and blue!
CUNTS everywhere Rev, I’ll check back-in-here later, maybe next week.
Below the line works better without me NOW, in this time and place.
Crackin’, I’m now learning the ways of X.
as ever, more lunacy from you. Scotland can do the square root of naff all unilaterally without a democratic event. Can’t withdraw its consent to the union, and can’t withdraw its assent to the crown. There needs to be that democratic event first.
And there ain’t such a democratic event on anyone’s 10 year horizon. That’s a good thing, because there’s nobody at all in Scotland, including the ridiculous Salmond, who’s even close to being competent to deliver an iScotland that the world won’t laugh at and just ignore.
Who says? YOU?
A sovereign nation can end any treaty it likes. That’s the whole point of them being Sovereign.
They end & terminate treaties all over the world.
Scotland never agreed your one nation pish. Ever.
So stop spouting bullshit it’s subservient & needs permission.
It doesn’t.
It can terminate any time it likes & it doesn’t need your wee rigged vote to do it.
I think we all get that you are a bear of extremely limited brain, but you’ve missed out the operative part of the argument: there needs to be a democratic event before Scotland does anything. If there ain’t, then there ain’t going to be any interest by anyone else in the world in even vaguely recognising the result. And unless it’s done under extant law, no supra-national organisation such as the UN, EU, WTO, IMF, etc is even going to give it the time of day.
And nobody is proposing such a democratic event. Not the SNP, nor any other party. Nobody is even proposing your franchise of 50%+1 of pure Scots-born.
It doesn’t matter how much you howl into the bottom of your glass and throw the table full of empty Buckies at the wall. You don’t decide. You don’t get to decide the timing, franchise, question, or anything else.
“I’m as Scottish as anyone here, I’d suggest. Just because my views don’t coincide with your’s isn’t enough to disqualify me. Even under your own criteria of place of birth, I would be able to vote in an IndyRef. I can prove my birthplace in Ayr, I can prove that I pay taxes in Scotland and have done continuously for 30 years, I can prove a residence in Scotland. The fact that I don’t actually live in Scotland is just a minor matter easily sorted by re-registering my vote from Norfolk to Edinburgh.”
As Scottish as any one here = Aye Fuckin Right.
How does performing fellatio for your English Tory voting neighbors taste?
Dont ever return to Scotland as you aren’t welcome.
Who says the won’t? YOU?
The UK has no empire anymore. They have zero clout in the world. They’re out in the cold since Brexshit without a pot to piss in.
Out of the EU & out of the ICJ.
Scotland, on the other hand, is a sovereign nation & is being denied a lawful democratic process while it’s territory & resources are being stolen.
It has ever right to terminate a treaty.
It’s a sovereign nation. It doesn’t need to have a ref if it doesn’t want one. What you gonna do about it? Get on yer ham radio?
Too right Iain.
The only plastic English I know of in Ayr are the loyalist nomads over by boat.
Clinging to England for survival as they’ve no country of their own.
I’d wager this eejit arrived by P&O ferries ..LOL
Gobbling off about English rule like an eejit.
unless you can prove that 50%+1 of Scottish residents with a legal vote are on your side, Scotland ain’t going nowhere or declaring anything.
Ian More,
I’ll continue my visits and with my interests in Scotland as I see fit. Whoever you are, I don’t need your welcome, nor your permission.
For the third time. Who says? You?
What do you know what the outside world will or won’t accept?
Scotland has a treaty that can be demonstrated to have been broken on numerous occasions.
What’s little England going to do about it? Ask for hauners? & Who would that be exactly? They bastardised every country they set foot in I hardly think they’ll get a clambering of support from anywhere?
They gonna do a P*tin?
We already see how the world reacts to a bully boy neighbour eh?
Scotland never gave up it’s territory & sovereignty, pal.
Get used to it.
& you can forget about rigged refs & elections.
rUK flooding Scotland has blown that route.
Scotland shall be calling a convention of the Estates.
& It’ll be a convention that’ll be ending the treaty properly. That’s what sovereign countries do.
They don’t go cap in hand to another country or run rigged *domestic* refs & elections.
Tick tock…
England can’t erase Scots sovereignty.
England can’t erase the claim of right.
England can’t erase Scotlands territory.
England can’t erase Scotlands sea boundaries.
England can’t impose a foreign crown.
England cannot stop an equal partner ending a treaty.
& Neither can anyone else.
England has no powers here. They can live in their imaginary one unilateral state pish all they like. It’s not reality & no one ever agreed to it either or we’d be Northern England by now..
We’re not.
Have a nice Christmas in the Union. We pray God it’s our last LOL
@Derek says:28 November, 2023 at 11:27 pm
How would you qualify, describe or define “feckless subsidy junkies”?
Dinna ask me, Derek.
It’s Dan’s phrase. See his post at 7:32.
@Geri says …
Help! I can’t sleep!
There’s naething oan the box!
Anither patient who’s escaped fae the Asylum
@Xaracen says:28 November, 2023 at 8:41 pm
Each of the two groups explicitly represents the interests of their parent kingdom while negotiating the joint governance of both. Think of both groups as ambassadors of two sovereign countries, negotiating mini-treaties with the other every day in the same chamber
Don’t worry – I get it.
I’m even prepared to accept it as the initial constitutional basis for the Union Of The Parliaments.
But as you know, it has been overruled by precedent for a couple of centuries now, and that’s a lot of precedent.
Specifically WRT the EU, I can agree that Scotland & England should both have negotiated accession treaties. These treaties would have had three major subsections; 1) the rules for the UK; 2) the rules for Scotland if England left; 3) the rules for England if Scotland left.
If it had all been set up right, then England could have sailed off into the sunset, and we would be “fat & happy on the loving bosoms of our European brethren” (haha, I crack me up).
Ain’t hindsight a wonderful thing?
But, we joined the Common Market as the UK, so that is how we had to leave. Precedent again.
It stands to reason that the T’s & C’s the world’s sixth largest economy got will be quite different to the T’s & C’s the nicest, wee country in the world will get, but the EUphiles don’t want anybody to cotton on to that sad fact.
Cos then we Sovereign Scots will run a mile.
Anyhoo, if you can think of a workable, practical, realistic process for unwinding those centuries of constitutional precedent and getting us back to the original constitutional basis of the Union, please explain it on here. Thanks.
I suspect it will be something like May’s “taking back control” where the H of C just passed into UK law every damn EU statute. And thus nothing whatsoever changed. Our Sovereign Scottish Government will just pass into Scottish law every damn UK piece of legislation for the past 3 centuries, and thus nothing whatsoever will change.
What other choice will they have? Seriously?
@John Main
“.. because a lot of the health problems are due to lifestyle choices.”
Just dead wrong. And wrong at the top of your voice.
Harry Burns knows so much more than you about this and he says so.
If you want to learn something of value watch the Youtube video upthread.
I have a notion you might even like the experience of seeing someone Scottish with enormous insight, whose detective work in social science has attracted widespread attention.
Not just you, I was having problems with the site last night. After reading the comments if I refreshed I would get a blank white screen or an Error 503 message. Same if I tried to click on the links to the right.
@sam says:29 November, 2023 at 8:15 am
Seriously Sam?
Lifestyle choices have no effect on health?
I sure hope you don’t get a Peleton or FitBit for Xmas, or even get told to spread Flora on your toast
[posted at the top of my voice]
Seriously though, Sam, if I post the sky is blue, you will turn up to claim that, naw, it’s green.
Get a fecking grip.
Just listened to ten minutes of Patrick Harvie on the radio talking about his heat pump plans.
How can we have any integrity as a nation with this Grade A weirdo in a position of power, and arguably not the biggest zoomer in the cabinet.
John Main @ 8.15
Your ignorance and prejudice is unbelievable. That’s just right wing garbage.
If you lived in Scotland, you’d be aware of the grinding poverty faced by many people here. If you can’t afford to feed and clothe your family, how can you possibly afford to pay private gym membership or for swimming baths? And don’t give me any nonsense about wasting money on booze and fags, because Harry Burns can tell you that that’s also garbage.
Your arguments just provide people like you with justification for ever more inequality of wealth and income – the greedy rich!!
I asked my lovely wife, Lady Louloulemon Sparkle ‘what are we having for dinner this evening’. ‘Steak pie and apple sponge for pudding’ she replied. ‘Are we having custard or some of that Geri cream with the apple sponge’? What is Geri cream’ she enquired. ‘Extra thick’ I responded.
‘England can’t erase Scots sovereignty.
England can’t erase the claim of right.
England can’t erase Scotlands territory.
England can’t erase Scotlands sea boundaries.
England can’t impose a foreign crown.
England cannot stop an equal partner ending a treaty.
& Neither can anyone else’
Tell us all how YOU are going to Implement the above Geri. We will all be fascinated to learn. Maybe it will be with the help of the other 10 or so nutters on here who post all too regularly? Or is it a big secret?
John Main
Don’t misrepresent what I said. I say “a lot of health problems” are not caused by lifestyle choices but something else. Poor health in Scotland and elsewhere is largely driven by socioeconomic conditions and economic inequalities.
Of course, good diet and non-smoking are parts of the solution but these are not the problems in Scottish public health that are the major drivers of poor health.
Smoking rates in 2004 among males in Scotland were among the lowest in Europe and have declined since. Today about 11% of the Scottish population smokes.
Coronary heart disease in men 15 to 74 has been declining since the early 1980s and is at a lower level than Finland today and following the same downward trajectory as the other Nordic countries.
In 2021 there had been a 24% decrease in heart disease mortality in Scotland over the last ten years.
Here is a link to a recent podcast discussion among Scottish public health experts which deals with the real issues of Scottish health over some 75 years. You should listen to it.
link to
A Scot Abroad said;
“Xaracen, still posting nonsense about Scotland and England being co-equal?
Nobody but you believes it. You’ve made it up. Just inventing a fantasy doesn’t make it reality.”
I didn’t make it up, it’s a straightforward and pretty obvious conclusion from understanding what the sovereignty of a nation actually means, why a nation’s constitution is deeply important to it, that there is much more nuance to democracy than a flat majority vote, that fairness is a key prerequisite of any form of democracy, and what the actual text of the Treaty and its two ratifying Acts says.
The two kingdoms ARE co-equal, but just because England won’t accept that, and insists it’s entitled to impose an unwarranted authority over Scotland, doesn’t mean it’s true, and it certainly doesn’t mean its legally and constitutionally valid.
It is the English establishment’s fantasy, which it has unlawfully enforced on Scotland, while covering its sorry arse with layers of pseudo-legalistic mumbo-jumbo. And you’ve bought right into it.
“The Act(s) of Union haven’t ended. Nobody is asserting that they have.
The Claim of Right has become irrelevant under the Union. That may not have been the original intention, but it’s a fact in practice. The Scots cannot use it to overrule a united crown, and they cannot use it to overrule a U.K. parliament. That’s why, under the union, it’s irrelevant.”
The Act(s) of Union HAVE ended. Their job was to legally empower the Treaty. Amending the Acts is ultra vires and irrelevant, and the Treaty can only be properly negotiated between the two Treaty Principals.
The Claim of Right is under a guarantee of permanence in the Treaty, so it is permanently relevant under the Union. See what I meant by ‘reading the actual text of the Treaty and its Acts’? The Scots CAN use it under their own constitution which is what the Claim of Right is all about, by calling a modern Convention of the Estates, which can act as a tribunal to put Westminster’s governance on trial for abusing its authority regarding Scotland.
“But as you know, it has been overruled by precedent for a couple of centuries now, and that’s a lot of precedent.”
Precedent can’t count if it was unlawful in the first place.
“But, we joined the Common Market as the UK, so that is how we had to leave.”
Not an actual argument for leaving! The Union didn’t vote to Leave, only its English half voted Leave.
If you can think of a workable, practical, realistic process for unwinding those centuries of constitutional precedent and getting us back to the original constitutional basis of the Union, please explain it on here.”
We aren’t interested in going back to the original constitutional basis of the Union! We are going to END the Union.
I apologise to everyone for not responding yesterday, another doctors appointment intervened. And have another today so I will try catch up this afternoon maybe,
Re my spouses many visits to medical appointments, we will not know for certain to what extent it be decided, but they are talking future amputation on right foot in near future,
We will know more after the 20 th December,
Meanwhile multitudes of tests and and changing dressings at nurse every second day,
I change the dressing at home every other second day, do the pharmacy and appointment runs,
Worrying time as spouse also diagnosed with Colon Cancer two years ago, we obviously are both worried as to how such a serious op would effect this other illness too, and have little time on our hands at the moment,
Between extra hygene housework, changing bedding etc and seeing to normal house chores and shopping, walking dogs, sawing wood and chopping sticks, “all recycled” from businesses, instead of going into land fill, for our central heating system and hot water supply, ( which is by far cheaper than anything other source of heating energy out there at the moment for pensioners, it takes up most of my time,
So regrettably not much time at the present to respond or to converse on Wings, which I miss,
But may catch up a bit later on if the dodgy problematic internet allows,
I hope the results of your scan are all good Geri,
Tammany Hall aka Glasgow City Council to declare a housing emergency, about time I say.
link to
Best wishes James Che and Geri
I see the BBC in Scotland very quickly completely removed their propaganda pish about the SNHS and Unionist free-lunch boy Prof Paul Gray late on last night.
And guess what they replaced it with? Straight in as the “top story” about an interview with that great peace-loving Catholic religious man Jim Murphy. The same great religious man who travelled the length and breadth of Scotland spouting utter lies from his Irn Bru crate about Scottish indy. The same great peaceful religious man who supported nuclear weapons and invading innocent countries etc.
On this 10th anniversary of The Clutha tragedy they get him to give his “first and only interview about that night” and “how he feels the guilt of not doing enough” etc. Jim ‘Creepy’ Murphy doing what he does best, unashamedly manipulating a tragedy to promote how great a guy he is. Pass me the puke pale.
It even states that he just happened to be parking in the area when the disaster took place. But it then immediately seemingly contradicts itself by saying he was nearby on “a night out”. It then states how he helped victims and members of the emergency services etc.
Well, i don’t know about anyone else but i can still mentally see that hypocrite turning up in front of the cameras in his white shirt, sleeves rolled up, like some sort of ambulance chaser. Some folk where saying at the time that he got there so quickly because he lives not very far from the area. And i also remember someone saying that Murphy made his way there from the other side of the town centre. All i know is that not all of these can be true.
I don’t know about any of that, i still to this day clearly remember a different story to the one he’s telling and a lot of folk being disgusted at his apparent brazen-neck and selfish opportunism for publicity. Disgusting! That was the overwhelming feeling i picked up on at the time and no amount of rewriting those events will change that. This is a time for remembering those who lost their lives, not for “remembering” Jim Murphy and “the guilt” he now claims to live with.
the kingdoms, or crowns, are co-equal. But that doesn’t translate into the politics being co-equal. Never has, never will. You need to observe reality.
You aren’t going to call for a Convention of the Estates for the purpose of ending the union without there being some preceding democratic event, be that a referendum or an election won by a party or parties with an explicit manifesto to that purpose.
@ Anton Decadent at 08.15: Not only you and me but also Iain Lawson getting the Error 503 message for this site.
Surely Wings isn’t getting the “treatment” from officialdom?
Xaracen and Geri
Why do you think the needs and wants of a nation of 5 million should be equal to or override those of a nation of 50 million. Should Brexit, for example, be scrapped because, simplistically stated, 5 million Scots don’t want it? It’s nonsense isn’t it and that is why things are the way they are. And until the Scots cease to vote for dependence that is the way it will remain.
The tail does not wag the dog.
Sarah @ 12.24pm
I was having the same problems yesterday too and have also been wondering if Wings has been getting the ‘treatment’. It seemed to start early yesterday afternoon, maybe around about when this new post was put up.
I notice a strange rise inactivity from accounts that love the glorious Nicola. I find this odd for the following reasons.
They all ignore the perjury issue.
They all ignore the conspiracy issue.
They all ignore the missing money.
They ignore Humza
There is a pattern. But the really interesting bit I think is that the way twitter or X supresses or promotes stories. Given that both are influenced by Mr Clegg and the UK government this can only happen with UK approval.
Why would the UK approve the promotion of Nicola and allow the promotion??
It is of course in the interests of the UK government to create an SNP car crash.
@Stuart MacKay. I tried to post this yesterday evening but could not. I read the article you linked to and thought that I would post this one from the Guardian. It is written by a “factchecker” who makes no mention whatsoever of the victims of the stabbings and instead calls for major crackdowns on what we are repeatedly told are the real problem in white majority countries, white people. He also contends that the Algerian child stabber is actually Irish because he has lived there for twenty years after beating a deportation order.
The Guardian has received cash injections from both George Soros and Bill Gates. I recently posted about fact checkers who police Facebook etc being from The Washington Post and bankrolled by Sam Bankman Fried. I have already made my feelings clear on here about which group I believe to be the spearhead of the ongoing dehumanisation of white people in their own countries.
link to
@Sarah, I thought the same but I imagine that this site has a substantial amount of people who wish ill of it for the crime of speaking out. As we are almost in a monoparty situation it could really come from any direction.
@Merganser, I enjoyed your poetry.
@James and Geri, good luck with medical stuff.