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Dear Sandy 70

Posted on September 24, 2024 by

The below is an open letter from a rape survivor, Paula, to Sandy Brindley, CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland. It is reproduced unedited, with Paula’s permission.

Dear Sandy,

I’m writing to implore you to stop doing press interviews.

Each time you do, it feels like yet another slap in the face from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and Rape Crisis Scotland.

To be honest, I didn’t even know who you were until a few weeks ago. When the report into ERCC came out and Mridul Wadhwa resigned, I thought I could put this whole experience behind me.

Last week however, I heard on BBC that you “unreservedly apologise” for the failing at ERCC. It is honestly laughable. I have had no such apology. In fact, quite the opposite.

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A Danger To Women 52

Posted on September 23, 2024 by

As we write this article, Sandy Brindley (on the left of the picture below) is still in post as the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland.

For as long as that remains the case, rape victims in Scotland will not be safe.

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The Land Of Immunity 101

Posted on September 12, 2024 by

Astonishingly, there isn’t a single word of apology anywhere in this statement.

There isn’t a scintilla of contrition, not the tiniest glimmer of admission of culpability or responsibility. There isn’t even a weasel-worded expression of “regret”.

Rape Crisis Scotland is unfit for purpose, and its CEO must resign.

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Man At Work 261

Posted on May 20, 2024 by

The judgement in the case of a support worker constructively dismissed by Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre in 2022 is one of the most excoriating we’ve ever read.

Mridul Wadhwa, a man with whom Wings readers have been familiar for some years, was found by the tribunal judge to have been “the invisible hand behind everything that had taken place” as Roz Adams, a conscientious, caring and highly professional woman with a long history in the sector, was systematically and methodically hounded out of her job for holding, privately and sensitively, the belief that biological sex is real.

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The whole truth 158

Posted on January 13, 2021 by

On pain of a grisly death, we’re not allowed to tell our splendid cartoonist Chris Cairns what to draw cartoons about. Artists are funny that way. And it’s a shame, because if we were we’d have a great idea for this weekend’s toon.

Because what’s being demanded of Alex Salmond right now is extraordinary.

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Mobilising the payroll 136

Posted on December 08, 2020 by

For anyone hoping for an outbreak of sanity and decency, this is a bad sign.

Rape Crisis Scotland, who are almost entirely dependent on the Scottish Government for funding, have chosen this evening to wade into the debate over the wording of a new law which is intended to lessen the trauma of people (nearly all women) who’ve been raped. We can only speculate as to whether they were pressured to do so, but the intervention seems likely only to pour petrol on the fire.

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The endless trial 249

Posted on August 17, 2020 by

The last words spoken in Kirsty Wark’s documentary “The Trial Of Alex Salmond”, which just aired on BBC Scotland, are spoken by an unnamed actress letting rip with the full BAFTA range of quivering emotions as she reads out the words of a completely anonymous woman (we don’t even get to know her trial pseudonym letter) who last year falsely accused Alex Salmond of sexually assaulting her.

“What you’re saying is a man can try to kiss a woman, or he can say completely inappropriate things to her, when he’s 30 years older than her and he’s the First Minister of Scotland.

I’m worried about what this says more widely to other women, or just to us as a society. I mean, where does this leave us?”

Now, since the court found that neither of those things actually happened, the logical answer in that person’s case ought surely to be “facing prosecution for perjury”. But readers will be astonished to learn that that isn’t where the show went.

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    • Oneliner on A Delicate Art: “Thanks for the link – I found one grammatical error. There may be more. Anonymity was granted to the Salmond…Oct 28, 05:36
    • Young Lochinvar on A Delicate Art: “SH1te rolls downhill in the corridors of power; they’ll be claiming it was the cleaner wot dunnit guvnor..Oct 28, 04:57
    • twathater on A Delicate Art: “These people are beneath contemptOct 28, 03:14
    • Geri on A Delicate Art: “No they didn’t but the ones that did voted for… 1. Devo max. 2. Federalism. 3. Remaining in the EU.…Oct 28, 02:44
    • Robert Matthews on A Delicate Art: “Jordan Peterson says otherwise.Oct 28, 02:41
    • Geri on A Delicate Art: “What does yer beloved international community say about colonisers deliberately moving around population/voters to skew results? There is surely restrictions…Oct 28, 02:25
    • Geri on A Delicate Art: “They’re all over U & Georgia too meddling in shit that doesn’t concern them so it’d be very difficult to…Oct 28, 02:07
    • Michael Laing on A Delicate Art: “Any old pish as long as it contradicts the majority view of commenters on WOS and diverts our attention from…Oct 28, 00:41
    • Anthem on A Delicate Art: “I agree. Maybe they could declare a public holiday in Scotland to celebrate his dedication to independence or/and public service.Oct 27, 23:09
    • sarah on A Delicate Art: ““Moira, often the power behind the machine” says Mandy Rhodes. That is an interesting snippet that no-one else has said,…Oct 27, 23:08
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on A Delicate Art: ““Debate” condolence? Why not just “Offer”? One even wonders if a moment of silence in Holyrood would be more dignified…Oct 27, 21:41
    • Zander Tait on A Delicate Art: “Yup. The IDF Fanboy celebrates the murder of Palestinian children and babies in between snorting industrial amounts of charlie. Every…Oct 27, 21:40
    • sarah on A Delicate Art: “You’re right, Alf. Any government employee can commit any crime, even murder, if it protects the purposes of the State.…Oct 27, 21:36
    • diabloandco on A Delicate Art: “Debate the motion of condolence ? What the devil is there to debate? Does it mean they will reinstate his…Oct 27, 21:28
    • Republicofscotland on A Delicate Art: “Yeah Tom – Rhodes article is okay. Meanwhile a feast of crocodile tears will be on show this week coming.…Oct 27, 20:54
    • diabloandco on A Delicate Art: “Tom , thanks for that I was beginning to hate seeing yet another spite and shite piece about Alex Salmond.…Oct 27, 20:30
    • Robert Matthews on A Delicate Art: “Cornpop?Oct 27, 20:28
    • Anthem on A Delicate Art: “You haver some sh!te!Oct 27, 19:50
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    • Tom on A Delicate Art: “Many Rhodes, editor Holyrood Magazine, on Alex Salmond ..,alex-salmond-death-rocked-more-more-than-imaginedOct 27, 19:25
    • Robert Hughes on A Delicate Art: “” So why are these corrupt crooks being allowed to continue suppressing this information from the public? ” Because the…Oct 27, 19:18
    • Geri on A Delicate Art: “Correct answer!Oct 27, 19:15
    • Michael Laing on A Delicate Art: “I suspect that if this person’s identity is revealed, the dots will rapidly be joined and the whole utterly corrupt,…Oct 27, 19:05
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    • Young Lochinvar on A Delicate Art: “Addendum- Meant to say; nothing heretofore stated infers any identification which could be elucidated while playing jigsaw puzzles, snakes and…Oct 27, 18:51
    • Young Lochinvar on A Delicate Art: “Alas no. But even if I was (allegedly) would I be able to tell you or would I be sent…Oct 27, 18:44
    • Dan on A Delicate Art: “Aye, gravy slurpers gonna slurp gravy… This nefarious shit started in 2018! That’s 6 fucking years this corruption has dragged…Oct 27, 18:27
    • robertkknight on A Delicate Art: ““That assertion you made has long since been debunked.” By whom and published where? It’s not MY “opinion” or “assertion”…Oct 27, 18:20
    • Mia on A Delicate Art: “What is this “redacting” hiding and why? This Hamilton Report has nothing to do with Mr Salmond’s criminal case, so…Oct 27, 18:01
    • twathater on A Delicate Art: “REALLY , MacAskill , Cherry and Ewing, 3 self serving people who sat back on their fat lardy arses whilst…Oct 27, 17:41
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