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Wings Over Scotland

What it is to be kind

Posted on May 03, 2021 by

“Why can’t you just be kind?” is the signature cry of the transcult. Anyone professing a belief in the material reality of biology in 2021 is viciously attacked as a cruel and heartless bigot for refusing to affirm and validate this sort of madness:

(We had to look up “Achillean” too.)

But it’s those who indulge it who are the monsters here.

Growing up is difficult. Puberty is the most traumatic event most people under 20 have ever experienced. It’s like a bomb going off inside your brain and body. It’s the transformation of a child into the utterly different creature that is an adult – from an innocent, vulnerable being we have a thousand laws to protect, to an independent grown-up who’s allowed to get drunk, have sex, drive a car, take out a mortgage and join the army to kill or be killed.

Such an apocalyptic change affects everyone differently and to different degrees, and when thrown on top of existing physical or mental conditions, eg autism, the effect can be severe and disturbing. In the modern age we exacerbate that with technology that tells troubled and impressionable people terrible lies.

For a bit of perspective, readers, this is what I look like on FaceApp:

Hubba! And because you all want to see it, here I am as a MILF:

Not too bad for 53, frankly. But less amusingly, it’s also what we’re being led by trans culture to believe I’d look like if I simply declared myself female, slapped on a bit of lippy and stopped cutting my hair. (Presumably it’d also overcome the male pattern baldness if I just believed really hard and everyone told me how stunning I was.)

We already know that the vast, overwhelming majority of “trans” kids simply grow out of it if they’re left alone, like we all grew out of the embarrassing stuff we did when we were in our teens and just trying to figure out who we were. (And there’s NO WAY I’m showing you those photos.)

But the weak, imbecile scumbag politicians frantically indulging this deadly cult for a few woke points and votes – and for donations from the giant pharmaceutical and plastic surgery companies who know they can make billions and billions of pounds out of destructively medicalising these poor kids for life – instead try to tell us that it’s “kindness” to irreversibly mutilate their bodies with drugs and scalpels when they’re too young to make any sort of properly informed decision about it.

We’ve refrained from scoring some cheap shock points here by showing you the hideous reality of “sex-change” surgery. But you cannot “block puberty” any more than you can stop time. It’s like endlessly flooring the accelerator of a car that’s facing into a brick wall – something has to give and it won’t be the wall. Sooner or later the stress will burn out all the internal workings, with catastrophic and permanent consequences.

(I once drove my car with no oil in it, and trust me, that was the end of that engine.)

They also don’t actually work, as if that mattered to anyone pushing them.

Adults can decide if they want to sterilise themselves and destroy their own bodies for life, but allowing – and even encouraging – children to do so is child abuse, no less than having sex with them is. It ought to be a crime involving serious jail time, not the official policy of four of the five political parties currently represented in the Scottish Parliament. If it’s an imprisonable offence to help an adult in chronic pain with a terminal illness commit suicide, why isn’t it one to help a confused child harm itself?

Kindness would be to provide kids with mental disorders – because that’s what gender dysphoria is – with mental health support and counselling. Kindness would be funding mental health services properly instead of throwing millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money at trans pressure groups. Kindness would be telling kids they’re fine as they are, that they can express themselves however they like, and that the misery of puberty will end soon and they’ll almost certainly grow up into normal, happy, healthy straight or gay people. (And if they don’t, caring for them appropriately at that point.)

But mental health care isn’t a glamorous subject. It doesn’t lend itself to cheap virtue-signalling. The mentally ill don’t have a colourful Pride march that the First Minister and the other party leaders can grandstand at. There are no brightly-coloured flags to wave and no “mental illness queens” to take selfies with.

So instead we get the sick, grotesque spectacle of this:

Kevin McKenna has a powerful and excoriating column in the Herald today about how independence supporters have been left trapped with no choice other than to vote for a corrupt, cynical, elitist binfire of an SNP. Every word of it is accurate except the conclusion, because there IS a choice. There’s always a choice.

The SNP will not deliver independence in the next Parliament. We promise you that on our lives, readers. It will not happen. Let that fact liberate you. You’re being told, so that you can’t say you weren’t warned.

So when history’s judgement comes around – and it will one day, just like it did for Jimmy Savile and his peers – it won’t be an excuse to say “We voted for child abuse because we thought it might advance our other political aims”, any more than Savile could have pointed to all his good charitable works if he’d actually been arrested rather than everyone turning a blind eye to the open secret of what he was up to.

Because the SNP won’t deliver independence, it would suit our political aims to have lots of Alba MSPs elected to provide the base of a new independence party for the future, and to get Alba MSPs elected likely means voting SNP on the constituency ballot. Alba also stand admirably and bravely for the rights of the vulnerable women and children we’re talking about in this piece and absolutely deserve your list vote.

But our conscience will not allow us to endorse a constituency vote for child mutilation and rape – the inescapably documented other consequence of the SNP’s “gender reform” policy removing every barrier to men invading women’s single-sex spaces – just for narrow and abstract political advantage.

Because let’s not mince words, folks. If you vote SNP, Green, Lib Dem or – to a slightly lesser extent – Labour at this election, child mutilation and the rape of women is what you’re voting to enable. (And obviously if you vote Tory you’re a monster for all sort of different reasons.)

It might not be WHY you’re voting for them – of course it won’t be – but it IS what you’ll be voting for all the same, whether you’re willing to face up to the fact or not. And however desperately we want to see Alba get seats, we won’t put our name to that, because we want to be able to look history in the eye and say we did whatever we could to stand up and fight it before it was too late. We can’t be part of this:

So we’re making a plea from the heart. Spoil your constituency paper, readers. For children, for women, for gay people, for Scotland and for kindness.

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Dave Beveridge

“Paranonbinary!!!” FFS how are you supposed to keep up with this?

Remember when we covered Social & Health in 40 minutes a week at school? They’ve probably got time for fck all else nowadays trying to teach all that nonsense.


That’s my plan. I cannot vote for the SNP this time. So to spoil your vote, do you just put a line through all the boxes? Want to do it properly!

You make a very cute woman, by the way. Nice hair! 😉


I have already decided to spoil my constituency vote and vote Alba, I am absolutely torn at being “forced” to make this decision, I just hope that Alba can get the numbers required without the need for voting SNP.

I say this as a former, Labour,SNP member.

I wasn’t Labour/SNP I left, they left me.

I fuckin hate this “country” at times, ironically, if YES won in 2014, Alex Salmond wouldn’t be resigning as First Minister, he would have been leader of an independent Scotland and this wokist nightmare wouldn’t be happening.

Captain Yossarian

Is the corollary not that Holyrood itself has failed?

Wee Chid

I’ve tried explaining this to folks that I know. They either don’t believe it, think Nikla has a plan” (aye, not the one they think though) or they won’t read or believe anything from Wings because “Rev Stu is a bawbag who wants to see the demise of the SNP”.

I’ve given up on trying to educate them – and starting to relish saying “I told you so” when the fall comes. If only the whacky policies weren’t going to be harmful to all of us, to society as a whole, it would be highly amusing. Unfortunately, it is just rather sad and very frightening.

Robert Dickson

Frankly Stu…..I would 🙂

Paul Wills

As I live in Stirlingshire spoiling the constituency vote is a necessity for me. Alba on the list for sure but no SNP. Voting Alyn Smith at the 2019 election was a real struggle but never again,

Wee Chid

Wendy says:
3 May, 2021 at 12:30 pm

I wouldn’t risk leaving any of the boxes blank. I think I’ll fill them in with a black marker and draw a line through each name.
There isn’t enough room to write “none of the above” but I might just squeeze in “Alex Salmond for First Minister – and before the critics start – I don’t care if it is seen or not. It will make me feel better that I haven’t voted to endorse the policies of the High Priestess of Woke.

link to


Not just for Scotland and for kindness but for all people everywhere. I’m an English Conservative and I salute your site for the way you take on this postmodern nonsense. Scotland has often been at the forefront of ideas, from the Enlightenment onwards. But what the SNP is enabling today in Scotland will spread to the rest of the UK tomorrow.
It was great when Adam Smith and Hume’s ideas had that effect, but this stuff not so much!
This was a superb analysis (apart from your remark about Tories of course!). Thank you.

Petra Wishart

You make a good looking woman, almost as good looking as me, ha!

I was previously going to spoil my ballot, will doing so reduce the likelihood of Alba getting a list seats? I would wager that it very well might do, with all the hoo ha surrounding, both votes SNP.

However, the ends don’t justify the means so, spoiled constituency vote it is. There’s no way Alba will be able to stop the runaway tra(i)h, that is the new SNP. I’ve lost hope for independence anyway, makes life more tolerable when you accept that the cult have won.

Better luck next time – if there is a next time.


Stuart – the interview you link to with Dr. David Bell should be front page news, not buried away in the Sunday edition of the Guardian.

It’s a scandal that’s just as horrifying, in its own way, as the grooming gangs or the failure to stop Jimmy Savile.

People who’ve been paying attention to the routine failure by public sector organisations to protect children, and the “lessons will be learned” deckchair rearranging when they’re caught out, will be familiar with the following:

He is astonished the judgment seems to have had so little effect on the organisation of GIDS. “Ordinarily, heads would roll,” he says. “The management structure has changed slightly, but it feels like window-dressing.”

This is how Dr. Bell was treated for trying to protect children and the NHS Trust he works for:

Far from being grateful to him for alerting it to a potentially dangerous situation, the trust’s position appeared defensive – having read the correspondence involved, perhaps aggressively so – almost from the start. It tried to silence him and instituted proceedings against him.

Reminder that many cases of child “transgenderism” are actually Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, and the NHS is enabling it:

Among these concerns were the fact that children attending GIDS often seemed to be rehearsed and sometimes did not share their parents’ sense of urgency […] One told Bell that a child as young as eight had been referred to an endocrinologist for treatment.

Reminder that the transcult is obsessed with puberty blockers because it’s a conveyor belt to full-blown transgenderism, which most don’t get off until it’s too late:

he believes that halting puberty only makes it more frightening to the child: “The child will never want to come off the hormones and 98% do now stay on them. This could be a dangerous collusion on the part of the doctor. The body is not a video machine. You can’t just press a pause button. You have to ask what it really means to stop puberty.”

Reminder that modern “progressives” are malicious, lying cowards:

he has been most shocked by the reluctance of the left to engage with the issues. “They think this is to do with being liberal, rather than with concerns about the care of children. Mermaids and Stonewall [the charities for trans children and LGBTQ+ rights] have made people afraid even of listening to another view.”

Corroboration of the role of financial graft in this disgusting scandal:

It surprises him that the left is unwilling to consider the role played by big pharma. In the US, a journal that published a paper about the effect of puberty blockers on suicide risk recently had to disclose that one of its co-authors received a stipend from the manufacturer of another drug

Correct analysis of why Alyn Smith and Nicola Sturgeon are so against “conversion therapy”:

The current campaign to ban so-called gay conversion therapy is, he believes, likely to become a Trojan horse for trans activists who will use it to put pressure on any clinician who does not immediately affirm a young person’s statement about their identity, decrying this, too, as a form of “conversion”


I can see your point. However I would target the worst of the woke. sturgeon, swinney , shirley anne hypocrite and angus robertson macbeth.

If they are gone then the whole house of cards fall.

I accept that there is a small risk that they are returned – unbowed, I think that unlikely. However I cannot see a labour/liberal/ green coalition stopping the genderwoowoo circus.

For the rest make it known to your SNP constituency candidate that you are voting for them this one time to maximize the yes vote. Make certain they understand this.

And Alba is a no-brainer on the list.


If you spoil your ballot briefly tell them why.

These politicians believe that butchering children reveals their true identity. We are not born with gendered souls. We cannot change sex. This is a metaphysical belief akin to religion.

It is not the function of a democratic parliament to impose a belief system on the people.

Fight this danger whenever you encounter it.


Loving the lippy.

Wtf is paranonbinary?!

Anton Decadent

I’m on an online dating site in which, as clearly stated in my profile, as a heterosexual male I am matched with what are clearly men in womens attire, no amount of app trickery can change this, they look like Les Dawson in drag. I went and looked up the sites T&C and it says that any complaints about this will be put straight in the bin and not dignified with a response.

The site also provides badges which you can attach to your profile, it had BLM ones and now it’s I’m an environmentalist. When I click on womens profiles the word which appears the most is kindness, everyone has to be kind which translates as not speaking out of turn.

Re gender transformation not curing peoples problems, I believe the suicide rates in the US are frighteningly large, something like 40% post treatment.


The SNP 1&2 policy will go down in history as the biggest betrayal of Scotland since the ‘parcel of rogues’.

Kate Forbes is my MSP so I’m voting SNP1.

Eileen Carson

Legitimate spoilt vote here for the constituency, I cannot in good conscience vote for any of the 4 red, yellow and blue tories or the yellow devolutionists.

Stuff it! I refuse to vote for anyone who shares office facilities with “Daddy Bear” and if you’re reading this Evelyn Tweed in answer to your email – No the SNP is a narrow wee clique of weirdos its far from a “broad Kirk” start fighting for women instead of bending over for the transactivists!


I simply cannot believe Edinburgh Rape Crisis gave their CEOs job to Mridul Wadhwa

I can imagine the interview……

RCE “What can you bring to this role that no one else can” ?????

MW….”Well….Em…..I’ve got a cock”

RCE “Do you realize cocks are a big part of the problem ???”

MW ” Not mine…..Its a well behaved cock and It self IDs as a wart”


I think Sturgeon has used the TRA Tendency to create a Maoist ‘Red Guard’ of youthful zealots. They can terrorise the old guard for any thought crimes, and she thinks, consolidate her power. That didn’t end well in China, so…

Margaret Lindsay

I was already spoiling my constituency vote, pretty sure the rest of my family are also. That’s 16 votes along with anyone else i’ve spoken to from my friends irl. If everyone was to wake up to being consistently lied to and disregarded ( used as votes for “Nicola same old shit, different day”), that’s one hell of a lot of votes. And it’s no more than they deserve. Vote Alba.


If you are intending to spoil the first ballot then Leave the constituency vote blank and make your vote clear on the list.
Statements made explaining why you have spoiled your vote won’t be recorded. Spoiled ballots will be recorded. Don’t make a mess of the ballot paper and risk none of your votes being recorded.


I should have said blank votes are recorded as well. That has the same affect. You have went to vote and left the ballot blank


I think some consideration of the constituency candidate is reasonable
To take extremes:

Joan McAlpine would definitely get my vote
Nicola Sturgeon would definitely not get my vote

There are shades in-between

Gordon T

Hi Rev,

Just wanted to say thanks for keeping on top of this issue despite the naysayers arguing you should only talk about independence directly.

It’s important the sort of society Scotland will become once independent.

And a leading party beholden to a cult of utter BS anti-scientific nonsense just for the woke points is not the sort of thing an independent Scotland needs

Derick fae Yell

BaronessSamedi says: 3 May, 2021 at 12:55 pm

I think Sturgeon has used the TRA Tendency to create a Maoist ‘Red Guard’ of youthful zealots. They can terrorise the old guard for any thought crimes, and she thinks, consolidate her power. That didn’t end well in China, so…

Exactly that. IMHO these people have no genuine commitment to Trans issues. It’s simply a political weapon. Power and money, not ‘equality’


Rev, that picture of you just isn’t going away.

You should have put a warning up there for those of a sensitive disposition!

The mental condition of some people who think they have more sexual types than
Chromosomes shows we are lacking in psychiatric care and support.

Good luck to them but if you are packing male genitalia you are a man and you should
not be in female only areas as you put females by birth in danger.

Why don’t you use disabled toilets to keep the sisterhood safe?
These other women would do it for security sake if it was necessary.

I’m part common sense, in tune with reality and happy to keep staying the obvious.
I’m also 100% pissed off with a small group of people who think the world has to be restructured
around them.

It’s like demanding your car is electric to save the planet but you don’t have anywhere to charge it even f it was then the next day you demand it’s diesel as you are going a long distance and want better mileage and on the return journey you want a sports car to get you home quicker but you
are giving 5 people a lift so it’s a sports car with 6 seats and while you are at it why not have a Rolls Royce to impress the neighbours.

You have a 5 year old Fiesta that drinks petrol so just drive the bloody thing as best you can!

Lorna Campbell

I have been struggling for a while with the SNP 1 Alba 2 choice. On the one hand, the SNP will at least keep out the Unionists and the obnoxious Greens; on the other, is the price for that too high?

My own MSP is SNP and a good person as well as an excellent local MSP for the wee people, so I am really in a quandary here. I absolutely hate what the SNP are doing with the trans issue, and knowing my local MSP fairly well, I find it hard to believe that he is into this stuff at all.

What I find so hard to accept is that many know perfectly well that this stuff is just moronic, vacuous virtue-signalling; they must know it’s pure s***e and very dangerous, especially to youngsters, yet they do nothing to rid the party of Nicola Sturgeon and her pseudo ‘woke’ cohort.

I find it equally hard to come to terms with what has been done to the party I dedicated a lot of my youth to. It’s now likely that many more pseudo ‘wokerati’ are poised to arrive in Holyrood after 6 May and it will be too late both for independence and for staging a revolt against this insanity that is gripping the politicians out of pure self-interest.

I really believe that something is going to give very soon and it will not be pretty – unlike your lovely self in that photo, Rev. Disillusionment and dangerous nonsense doth not a good combination make.

Duchess of Puke Street

Thank fuck someone can look all this horror right in the eye and explain it in plain language.

Thank you for all the effort you put in Stuart.


We would not be going through this chaos if Sturgeon was removed!
Those to blame – the cowards who push wheesht for Indy, Be Kind, Both Votes SNP, those who retired in silence, those MSPs who remain silent, those MPs who support her, those candidates who say nothing.

All of the above have a list vote. All they need do is vote ALBA on the list. They can stay safely hidden. Nicola will never know. They can keep the SNP in Government yet send such a clear message that Sturgeon would have to recognise.

The path to Independence can continue and all it takes is a simple secret mark on the list ballot paper for ALBA.

Be a coward and fail to speak up but you can also save the Independence drive. Think how good you will feel after putting that little cross beside ALBA.


A Million wasted votes opening the door once again to Unionist seat warmers.


“ I am as a MILF”

Yah fecker yeh, Campbell! Bang goes my preference for brunettes.


My Hero! well said Rev, that has needed saying for years and you have done so comprehensively.

This is what’s wrong with Scotland. Moral cowardice, we are prepared to accept any shit thrown at us lest we are classed by the wokies as untouchable.
They are the untouchables child abusers and perverts and it is not OK to put ones political views above our children or common decency. “Be kind” it is “kind” to put a terminally injured animal out of it’s misery and I would afford the same privilege to child abusers.


There is an alternative pro Indy candidates

Renfrewshire South and South Ayrshire.

Andy Doig- Renfrew South

Chic Brodie -South Ayrshire

No need to spoil or vote for a Unionist in these.

Add these two plus some Alba list seats and we could have a nucleolus of non woke pro -Indy MSP’s to at least get a foothold .

David Hannah

What’s happened to the images on the Website? Has it come under attack from misogynistic men?

Ramis Jenkins

Wow, Ms Campbell, don’t knock those hormone tablets just yet. If you’re free later, would you like to go on a socially distanced date?


All these people can only be what they’d like to be by virtue of a drug. Stop taking the drug and nature takes over once again for life is not a photo app.
The «medicalization» of modern life, the notion that without some medication life is not «true» and «real» has been promoted by governments in the West presuming to act for the greater good of the citizen.
The vax lobby promotes the we-can-fix-it, we-have-the-knowledge i.e. «the science» theme which the public after months of heavy propaganda and social engineering is prepared to believe. The Sturgeon approach has consistency. She believes a pill, a needle or a tincture bring happiness,
(plainly she’s unaquainted with the works of Huxley)
Soma for All! ….for somewhere over the rainbow, Bill & Melinda guard the check out from democracy station.
link to

Tartan Tory

Sorry Stu…..

As a bloke of a very similar age to yourself, I have to say that your alter image is doing more for me than the beardy one.

I mean, I may even go as far as to open a door for you and guide you through…!!!

Does this make me a parnonbinary demiwave boy flux? Just want to know if I’m getting ‘hip with the kids’ an’ all that!

Robert Hughes

Excellent post Stuart .

As I’ve stated previously , I’m not eligible to vote , so don’t have to face the dilemma of possibly damaging ALBA’s electoral chances by not voting SNP+ALBA ,or enabling the lunatic fringe by doing so . I sympathise with anyone that is in this quandary .

Your ” gendered ” remake above reminded me of when , in the Glasgow of the 70’s , it wasn’t unusual to hear uber masculine geezers opine about , in particular David Bowie …..” Ah’d gie him wan “


Spoiling a ballot paper means nothing to no one!
Nobody makes a report about any comment you make,
nobody adds them up to see the number who drew a
cock and balls figure.

If a result is close then perhaps the candidates will look at it to
see if they could argue it as a vote for them but if not, it’s cast aside.

As you are likely an independence supporter what you are doing is
leaving the door open for the unionist voter and that in turn feeds the
U.K. media on there is no appetite for it and that bolsters Boris’s position
to ride roughshod over us until we get a replacement Tory Prime Minister in 2030.

Yes you will be voting for a corrupt party with insane policies but if we can become independent
we can remove them quite quickly. Scots have virtually no say in what party rules over us in
Westminster as we get what the English media and public dictate to us.

It’s like that, and that’s the way it is!

Billy Russell

I won’t be able to put my mark in the SNP box. Many years ago as a young gay man these bastards would have had my cock off.

For many young gay men for a huge variety of reasons fantasising about being a woman is a normal part of growing up. It is a perfect time in a gay mans life for homophobes to intervene and indoctrinate, just as the transcult and all it’s homophobic supporters are doing.

I cannot stress enough, the SNP are a danger to our gay youth. A vote for the SNP which I’ve been a member of and part of me still wants to vote for, is a vote to abandon our youth to those who seek to harm them. There is no cause that justifies voting for the SNP. If I vote for them, I sanction child abuse, just as every SNP vote will.


I don’t know if its just me but Error 404 is coming up, no pictures only blank squares.

Eugene Henderson

What say you Thomas and Famous 15 and all the rest of you.

I have posted very similar messages and got branded a Unionist.

How would you describe the Rev Stu?

We’re all waiting on your rabid reply.

Or are you all mouth?

All you Sturgeon/SNP voters, tell the Rev exactly what you think.


For anyone who may not be aware, Mridul Wadhwa, on the left in the last pic is, by his own admission, a fully genitally intact male who – also by his own admission – did not see fit to mention this during his interview for a post at a Rape Crisis Centre – a place where injured, deeply traumatised women – victims of other genitally intact males – can seek help, support and refuge in safety away from them.

I’m sure almost everyone, male or female, would want to give support to such a vulnerable group. We can all offer sympathy, kindness and understanding. We can help by speaking up, by raising awareness.

But anyone who thinks the solution is for a bloke to put his cock in a frock and get right in amongst them needs some serious ‘conversion therapy’. Preferably in a really secure institution.

David Hannah

All I can see are blank squares.

John McNab

Ha! Most, probably all, of you mealy-mouthed hypocrites put these degenerates in office, so it’s no use now that you’ve only just realised the extent of their sinister stupidity, trying to distance yourselves from them. You are all complicit in this, up to your eyeballs. That’s why the Scots secessionists’ battle cry has always been ‘a big boy did it and ran away’.

Cowards, the lot of you.


If you have a decent SNP candidate, I would vote for them
Have heard several rumours about crossing the floor, for the good of the country, post election.

I agree there are several that need targetted voting to get them out.
Cutting the head of the hydra, metaphorically speaking natch, will go a long way to sorting things out.

I worry about the delay in the count, this could give them a chance to see how many non voters there were.
Do not trust them one inch

K Campbell

error 404 here too

Dinny Vote SNP

AB says:
3 May, 2021 at 12:58 pm
I should have said blank votes are recorded as well. That has the same affect. You have went to vote and left the ballot blank

runs the risk of someone putting an X in the box for you..!

Wee Chid

Shiregirl says:
3 May, 2021 at 12:51 pm

“Wtf is paranonbinary?!”

Jumping from a plane with a single chute?

Eugene Henderson

Vote Sarwar 1 in Glasgow Southside,,,as the Rev has told us,,,and ALBA 2.

And repeat across the rest of Scotland.

And as the Rev has already told us,,,




Stuart MacKay

Anybody know why the images are all missing – “except for viewers in Scotland” I suppose?

As if “here I am as a MILF” wasn’t warning enough that I shouldn’t ask.


Kindness would be telling them they’re fine as they are, that they can express themselves however they like, and that the misery of puberty will end soon and they’ll almost certainly grow up into normal, happy, healthy straight or gay people. (And if they don’t, caring for them appropriately at that point.)

It is also eminently possible to grow up into a happy, healthy, well adjusted person with gender dysphoria, even without transition or any specific mental health assistance for GD. The one key thing you need to be mentally healthy and well adjusted is to be able to accept yourself for who you are, reality for what it is, and any mismatch between the two as something you can laugh at yourself about.

I have GD, as I’ve mentioned on here before. It was hell during teen years and early 20s, but that is/was largely because that’s the time of life you are being most strongly pushed by society and others into accepting roles and stereotypes which are beyond uncomfortable. For a gender non-conforming kid, such pressure uncomfortable and unfair (it’s society’s issue, not the kid’s – the very idea kids should “conform” to roles and stereotypes is outdated, regressive bullshit. And today’s roles seem more pornified and misogynistic than ever, especially for young woman). For someone with GD it’s a little more than that, but hard to explain rationally, because it’s not rational. It’s like being wrenched away from your internal image of yourself and told you have to be something else now.

But the thing is, you *do* have to accept that you are the sex you are: that’s reality. It remains reality whether you choose to transition or not. If you choose the horrific path of transition, you do so because of the reality of your sex, and that reality never disappears – it’s what makes you a transsexual person: it literally dictates your life if you transtion. I was lucky to be growing up pre-internet and pre-transcult, so I got through the hell years by telling a lot of people to fuck off, going to London, finding LGBT places, researching and speaking to people. In your 20s, you can look at the pros and cons of transition from an adult perspective, understanding what it will do to your life. For me, the downsides seemed to outweigh the upsides. The older I get, the more glad I am of making that decision.

It’s interesting that there has been a 4000% or so rise in teenage girls identifying as trans, and there are a huge number of middle aged men demanding they’re literally woman. Yet there are few, if any, middle aged women suddenly coming out as trans. You never hear of “stunning and brave Susan, 45, who upped and left her family to ‘find herself’ as transman Dave”. That path is a very, very male one and a twist on the age-old male mid-life crisis. It’s also perhaps because as women age those peer and role pressures lessen and it’s much easier to be “gender non-conforming”.

GD is lifelong – it will never resolve itself or go away, and it certainly doesn’t start at puberty – that’s puberty, ffs. Living with it is just like living with any other quirk or MH issue. You learn how best to deal with it. One thing I can say is this past few years, demands for pronouns and sexist stereotyping is the most triggering time I’ve ever lived through as an adult. Even in my teens and 20s it was only peer/family pressure: this is the heaviest societal, state, medical, employer and political pressure I have ever known. And it’s essentially pressure to conform to those sexist stereotypes. A pox on every single one of the fuckers who goes along with it.

Wee Chid

Effigy says:
3 May, 2021 at 1:22 pm

Why are you so confident that we can even “get independence” by voting for the SNP? It’s not going to happen – game over.
As for spoiling ballots link to

Which would suggest that your double negative statement “Spoiling a ballot paper means nothing to no one!” could be counteracted by the double positive “Aye, right”.

If enough people do it, questions will be asked.


Billy Russell

For many young gay men for a huge variety of reasons fantasising about being a woman is a normal part of growing up.


Maybe it is for many. But i have always been content with being a man.

I only thought of “being” a woman when i fell in love with a straight man, lol.

And luckily, I had a number of wonderful straight men in my life at the time when i was coming to accept I was gay.

I’m sure that is pretty unusual.


@Wulls 12.53pm

Spot on. Priceless.

(if not prickless)

Mark Boyle

The worst thing about that sex change FaceApp is it makes you look like you come from Paisley.


Shit weather, staying in for a quiet afternoon on the interwebs. Was hoping to go TRANS-FREE – but every time I think I’m out – the REV drags me back in.

“Handsome REV” looks like a stage hypnotist who toured Scotland in the 1980s, who got done in his later years for hypnotising a lot of teenage lads into his bed.

Milf-REV is disturbing in ways I would not share.

I used to rip the pish out of tranny madness on wings using “reductio ad absurdum” – but they disregard facts and logic anyway, so what’s the point.

Skip to the end : the real solution –


– Shia Islam, to be precise, which is the best Islam, the correct version according to my online pal “Darius1979”; it’s like Catholic Islam (shia) v Proddy Islam (sunni), sort of; the doctrinal dispute lost in the mists of time, but downstream all the bother all comes from one end.

Islam don’t have any problem with – trannies, 178 genders, paedos (hung from a crane in a car park), radical feminists, ordinary feminists, nice quiet feminists, or any kind of uppity women – and its inclusive and diverse, up to a point; just become a muslim, you’re done.

– it’s the way of the future anyway. We either destroy our own society, leaving them as winners – or to save ourselves, we become like them.

BTW – don’t get confused and follow these guys –

link to

– or you will be wearing explosive belts and driving trucks of peace. This Wahhab guy is a total nutter – comes across like an islamic John Knox.

Marie Clark

“ERROR” 404 for me as well. Feel like I’m missing out on something going by some of the other comments.

Lorna Campbell

Anton Decadent: “… Re gender transformation not curing peoples problems, I believe the suicide rates in the US are frighteningly large, something like 40% post treatment… ”

Indeed. Imagine you have gone through all that and you are still beset with the same problems post-op, post puberty blockers, post hormone treatment, whatever? Your depression is going to be a thousand times worse and living is going to seem untenable. What a tragedy.


All good and when you add all the other stuff, as I’ve said many times, you simply can’t claim to be a morally responsible human being and vote SNP today.

But I think this needs to be better explained: “to get Alba MSPs elected likely means voting SNP on the constituency ballot…”

It’s hypothetical, of course, necessarily involving a guess as regards all sorts of numbers and consequentials, I get that, but for every scenario anyone conjures up where voting SNP helps Alba, I can conjure one up that suggests constituency votes will probably make no difference to Alba’s fortunes on the list.

I understand the politics of saying “SNP 1, Alba 2”, it makes a lot of sense even if I couldn’t stomach doing so, but the mathematics of it aren’t so simple.

Josef Ó Luain

It’ll be very interesting to see how many other people there are out there who won’t quite find-it-within-themselves to endorse this rogue manifestation of the SNP.

Blind Squirrel

For a long time after the referendum you were the only place that gave me hope, or perhaps more accurately numbed my pain and put things in a better perspective. I will always be eternally grateful for that and I hope you find your good energy and thoughts again. Thank you!! Take it easy Wings 🙂

Cadogan Enright

Wings going from bad to worse. I have a relative who is autistic and gifted in many ways – but there are downsides when mono-focus cuts in

This reminds me of that.

Marie Clark

Okay got the pictures now, what can I say. Oh Rev, wow, Milf you is, er,mm, a wee bit discumbobulating to say the least.


These parties and politician are destroying children’s lives by pushing their hideous gender policies. There’s going to plenty of angry and confused adults in the future who are going to be asking why gender tampering was allowed to happen to them under Sturgeon the Betrayer, and her wee vile enabler Patrick Harvey.

Willie Rennie is always screaming about not enough cash for the mental health sector, yet by not opposing these disgraceful gender policies, he’s endorsing what will be an avalanche of young adults who’ll be broken down mentally due to being allowed to tamper with their gender at a young age.

Anas Sarwar doesn’t get off lightly either SLAB backed the HCB, and Sarwar refused to defend women’s rights on live radio yesterday.

God help real biological women in Scotland if the Greens and the SNP return enough MSPs to govern among themselves, and if they speak out about it the women and any men who want to defend their women’s rights could go to prison for up to seven years.


Talk about being taken for a mug.

The section of society abused the trust and politeness of the good people of Scotland.

We gave them the space they wanted, we gave them the respect they wanted, and what do they do in return? They want to take complete control of our country.

I will never give this amount of respect to any similar factions amongst us.

No more!!!

Neil Wilkinson

No pictures on Chrome or Brave, but they displayed using Maxthon Nitro. Didnt try Firefox, that was my next step


Re your pic as a MILF Stu, will you be starting a ‘sister’ site called WigsOverScotland?
On a slightly more serious note, you have finally convinced me and I will NOT be voting SNP. I suddenly feel better now having actually written that. Cheers for all your insight Stu.


And while I’m at it, when have the gender woowoo section of society ever said they are willing to concede any ground.

They are wanting a one way street to dominating every reform.

It’s their way, or it’s no way.



it’s the way of the future anyway. We either destroy our own society, leaving them as winners – or to save ourselves, we become like them.

The way of the future , like all empires.!

You are aptly named!


I can understand Stuart’s position and those of others. But if the SNP fare poorly in the constituencies, they will scoop up more seats on the list. The very seats we want Alba to win, the ONLY party who will awake the country to the dangers and try their best to stop this madness.

It is a paradox: to stop Sturgeon, you first have to vote for her party in the constituency.

As I’ve said before, it is a different matter in her own constituency. There I think it is entirely legitimate to make your vote a verdict on her probity and competence. It is not too late to help out there, if you have the time. Get out the vote for Sarwar.


The other day Sturgeon did an interview where she gave a fake wee laugh at the prospect of Alex Salmond’s letter winging its way to her. That was the moment when I decided not to vote SNP. from now on it is ALBA.

Patsy Millar

Oh jings, your MILF photo is ….. nup, words fail me!


To me the Alba Party strategy only works if the SNP do well in the Constituency ballot. If the SNP are forced to rely on the Regional List that decreases the chances of Alba MSP’s being elected.

Also those are the top of the List for the SNP in most regions are god awful. I really don’t want to see any of them getting elected!


I highly recommend reading the interview The Observer newspaper published yesterday on this issue (I actually bought the newspaper just for that interview/article). Dr David Bell, the psychiatrist who was the whistle-blower on what is really going on at Tavistock Centre down in England and the way children are brainwashed and pretty much forced into making the transition. Hair-raising to read what Dr Bell went through: bullying, threats etc to shut him up.
The article also mentions that American companies are finally speaking up and one journal had to disclose that they only wrote an article supporting hormone blockers etc because they got a huge sum of money from a trans group. They are infiltrating every sphere of society. Thanks goodness people like Dr Bell are speaking up. In my home country women have set up an organisation called (in translation) ”Against the erasure of women”. Thousands of us have signed up and we are going to take the government to court for allowing this brainwash to children to happen. I would like to see Scottish people being more vocal against this nonsense which in practice is destroying children and teens’ lives.

Labour 4 Indy

And the SNP core support had the cheek to critisize the Labour Party.

I don’t remember any of these fruitcake proposals ever seeing the light of day at all.

As the Rev has repeated on many many occasions, don’t vote for the SNP or Greens.

Sarwar will make a good Constituency MSP.

Back his Campaign to take out the Sturge.


I got no pics, just a wee box with a question mark in the middle ..

A wiman

Mridul Wadhwa has now been appointed CEO of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.

How can they do this? Those poor women, having already gone through trauma and violence from predatory men, now have either pretend that this man is a woman, or exclude themselves from receiving any advice or help at all.

I will never forgive the SNP for this.

link to

katherine hamilton

You can’t predict D’Hondt on the list vote. Too many variables of 1 and 2 in large diverse regions. Not voting SNP1 in large numbers will result in a Yoon/Woke supporter (Labour is Woke too, oh yes) winning the constituency and a gerrymandered SNP uber-woke getting in on the list. Two for the price of one.

It goes without saying we must all vote with our conscience. We must also vote with our brains. Without ALBA there is no anti-woke voice in Holyrood except the Tories. Abstaining on the constituency could let 2 wokes in.

The vile choice remains SNP1 ALBA2. Your conscience is not clear by voting “Abstaining1 ALBA2.” In fact you may well be,perversely, further enabling the horrors you describe in the article, by reducing ALBA numbers; the only party really standing up for women’s rights and the protection of children.

Patsy Millar

Will vote SNP1 this time but am going to follow advice given above by Astonished about writing to my candidate (who seems on the whole to be quite sensible) letting him know the vote is only a loan and that I shall be voting Alba2.

Just wishing Thursday was over and done with.


Labour 4 Indy @2.13pm.

You don’t remember eh…

Well son I’ll jog your memory for you, SLAB are in up to their necks.

link to


While Stuart’s recommendation is quite rational in a normal country. Scotland is NOT a normal country.

It is controlled, almost totally, by its neighbour.

The choice, in the constituency vote is between a Unionist or a debauched, but nominally independence supporting SNP candidate.

If Alba wins enough list votes it will have little. value if the Unionists have a majority.

Surely, it’s better for independence, to grin and bear it and vote SNP on the constituency vote?

James Che.

Although this is no doubt a good arrow to fire at snp during an election, which they deserve,
It has to be noted that the Lib Dem’s are not actually registered as a separate Scotland political party from England’s Lib Dem’s, the same goes for tories and labours,
They call themselves Scottish to try cheat the Scottish voters, but as can be seen from ermine Ruthie, attached by the umbilical cord to Westminster these are unionist parties following the same policies.
That being said the sad thing is, is this problem is not Scotland’s alone, from media coverage we see it embedded in a new age cult down south of the border to.
It has become a problem all of a sudden in every western country,
While children are going through puberty and are vulnerable, governments all over the world are accepting lobbying from big pharmaceutical companies for this purpose,
It’s the old story, follow the money and deals and your sure to find why this agenda is being pushed forward globally,
The same applies to vaccines, big companies and pharmaceutical deals either with money or with buddies or with in-laws in-laws that have a vested financial interest.
If money can be made from your children, the rich and powerful will have their grubby fingers in the honey pot.
The eugenics of changing this generation of children will bring a massive depopulation of the planet in the next generation.
This I believe follows what Henry Kissinger said in a interview in the 1970s. Along with creating war in the Middle Eastern countries, then on to Russia and China. Go google it or you can find it on you tube.
Before a numpty calls it conspiracy because they want to bury their heads in the sand,
I believe the G8 discussed the future of depopulation of the planet, (inter-governmental political forum,the worlds leaders), The rich an mighty.
And bill gates gets very excited about eugenics who is seen photographed sitting next to NS, I wonder what donations he made and to whom, obviously Lib Dem’s might be recipients of this kind of lobbying,
Global change, build back better, from Biden to Boris, and of corse Toney Blair who has build back better in his, Toney Blair Institute for Global Change. Who exist to support political leaders and Governments, linked into climate change for Global change.
A world we might not recognise,


A wee bit too much lippy Stu, if you kept the beard, you might have got a lumber at the Kirkcaldy links.

Eugene “careful with that axe”, too much Mr Shouty.


Imagine you have gone through all that and you are still beset with the same problems post-op, post puberty blockers, post hormone treatment, whatever?

Or indeed left with even worse, more enduring, problems. Putting yourself on life long medication, surgically altering your body etc – the pain and trauma of that can destroy a life physically. Your family don’t just breezily “recover” from watching you go through all that either, especially if it’s unnecessary and/or turns out to be the wrong decision.

And socially, you can’t demand people accept you – no one can ever demand that. People will like or not like you based on who you are, your humour, whether you’re fun to be around, which comes from developing into a rounded person. Gender and identity stuff (and the internet more generally) seems to be taking kids down a dead end of self absorption, misery and mental health issues as fashion. Then selling them the idea that this or that drug will pull them out of it. It won’t; it will lead them further down that dark hole and further into communities of kids doing the same thing. It’s no different to the pro-anorexia and pro-self harm sites, except for the amount of money big Pharma is making and the fact all our politicians and organisations seem to have been co-opeted into affirming and supporting it all.


@ AB at 12.55

If you are intending to spoil the first ballot then Leave the constituency vote blank and make your vote clear on the list.
Statements made explaining why you have spoiled your vote won’t be recorded. Spoiled ballots will be recorded. Don’t make a mess of the ballot paper and risk none of your votes being recorded.

There are TWO ballot papers. Invalidating one of them has no effect whatsoever on the other.

“Doubtful ballots” are all shown to the candidates and/or their agents before a decision is made whether to reject them. This weekend, Covid regulations are limiting the number of observers allowed at the counts, but the same scrutiny will still occur.

The number of blank or otherwise invalid votes is included in the return (made by the Returning Officer, oddly enough!), though any comments written on the papers will not be transcribed.

See pages 6-8 of this:link to

It is a myth that doubtful ballots will only be examined if the result is close. It is the statutory duty of the Returning Officer to minimize the number of ballots that are rejected.


To all those saying they won’t vote SNP in the constituencies now, there are no other parties which are any better. I’ll be giving them one last vote in the hope some of the spineless, gutless among the MSPs wake up to what’s going on. I don’t hold out a lot of hope but it’s critical Scotland sends a pro-independence message on Thursday and it’s the only way to do that one the constituency. If Lab or the Lib Dems were standing up against the very worst of this crap, that might be a slightly harder choice right now, but they’re not.


The New SNP

link to


@ Scott

“Those at the top of the List for the SNP in most regions are god awful. I really don’t want to see any of them getting elected!”

Exactly! Another powerful reason to stick to the plan.

Find all the clothes pegs you have, stick them on your nose and do it. SNP 1 Alba 2.

And yes, as Patsy says, write to your newly elected SNP constituency MSPs and tell them the only reason they got your vote was to let in Alba. Let all of them know their coats are on a shoogly peg, unless they cross over to Alba or show the bottle to internally fight back against Sturgeon.


Just to say the links don’t come up automatically for me either but if I click on the blank boxes, I’m taken to the content. I wonder – is ‘someone’ behind this? I haven’t had this problem on any other site.

Every day I’ve been pushed to think of a reason to vote SNP as ALBA asks. But every day, SNP give me more reasons NOT to vote for them. I don’t want to vote SNP. I DETEST that party & the principal people in it, that I’ve voted for all my life & I HATE their policies. Yesterday I had to tell Phillipa Whitford not to be ridiculous – that Both Votes SNP was nonsensical & that the party were now not worth ONE vote, never mind BOTH votes, given the policies they have embarked upon. I wouldn’t have believed a caring doctor would support Sturgeon’s abusive policies and actually campaign for them to continue. But here we are.

I want to be kind – to kids. To NORMAL kids going through NORMAL puberty (and coming out the other end of the difficult tunnel in a NORMAL manner!) And not support SNP’s heinous, money induced sudden need to support mutilating young people going through normal hormonal changes in a NORMAL way of things. Nope – I’m not supporting SNP in their grotesque business of supporting mutilating normal kids. I hope they fail BIG TIME.


I posted my ballot last week, and did exactly this. I’m so angry with the SNP, and could not vote for any of the other constituency candidates for this very reason. Spoiled my ballot with cathartic feminist messages, and voted Alba on List.


Not voting SNP1 is probably as bad for independence as voting SNP2.

Stay optimistic that there will be sufficient Alba seats to make a difference, and even more optimistically that SNP MSPs will cross the floor to Alba once the wokeism cranks up in the SNP after the election. The yellow guard will want to be rid of all straight MSPs and the non woke gays.

Pete Roberts

How to spoil your ballot properly

link to


BLMac says:
3 May, 2021 at 2:36 pm

Not voting SNP1 is probably as bad for independence as voting SNP2.


I believe you are correct BLMac.


Not one SNP MSP or Lib/Dem or Green MSP voted against the Hate Crime Bill. If I were a real biological woman I’d be very concerned by this.


A wiman says:
3 May, 2021 at 2:17 pm
Mridul Wadhwa has now been appointed CEO of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.

How can they do this? Those poor women, having already gone through trauma and violence from predatory men, now have either pretend that this man is a woman, or exclude themselves from receiving any advice or help at all.

I will never forgive the SNP for this.

link to

Is there actually something we can do about this? Isn’t it unconstitutional? Like starting a petition or something. I worry that if we do nothing about it, soon we will hear women in the refuges have become victims of rape or their anxiety/fear has escalated. Were there no real women qualified enough to fill that position? There are hundreds of well-qualified women in this country. It is discriminatory against women.
This really is shocking!

Pete Roberts

Does anyone know what wou;d happen if enough SNP MSPs crossed over to Alba to turn the SNP into a minority party? Would there come a point where Sturgeon would no longer be eligible to be FM? Anybody know how this works? Would the leader of the biggest party then become FM?


I had to laugh at the sheer hypocrisy of the SNP calling for Boris Johnson to publish his bank statements to reveal where the cash to do up a flat came from.

Meanwhile the sleekit deceitful Sturgeon, twists and contorts like an eel in a net when asked where the ringfenced indy funds are at.

I just can’t take the SNP seriously anymore.


katherine hamilton says:

“You can’t predict D’Hondt on the list vote. Too many variables of 1 and 2 in large diverse regions. Not voting SNP1 in large numbers will result in a Yoon/Woke supporter (Labour is Woke too, oh yes) winning the constituency and a gerrymandered SNP uber-woke getting in on the list. Two for the price of one.

It goes without saying we must all vote with our conscience. We must also vote with our brains. Without ALBA there is no anti-woke voice in Holyrood except the Tories. Abstaining on the constituency could let 2 wokes in.

The vile choice remains SNP1 ALBA2. Your conscience is not clear by voting “Abstaining1 ALBA2.” In fact you may well be,perversely, further enabling the horrors you describe in the article, by reducing ALBA numbers; the only party really standing up for women’s rights and the protection of children”.

I agree, but Christ, politics stinks.


Pete Roberts says:
3 May, 2021 at 2:48 pm
Does anyone know what wou;d happen if enough SNP MSPs crossed over to Alba to turn the SNP into a minority party? Would there come a point where Sturgeon would no longer be eligible to be FM? Anybody know how this works? Would the leader of the biggest party then become FM?

That’s a really good question!!! Hope someone can shed some light. I love the possibility of it happening after 6 May.

John McNab

Pete Roberts says:
3 May, 2021 at 2:48 pm

Does anyone know what would happen if enough SNP MSPs crossed over to Alba to turn the SNP into a minority party? Would there come a point where Sturgeon would no longer be eligible to be FM? Anybody know how this works? Would the leader of the biggest party then become FM?

Pete, as well as being dishonest, and morally bereft, it would be a repeat of Chuka Umunna’s ChangeUK debacle. That went well, didn’t it?

Salmond dindunuffin

From the glossary definition of “Achillean”:

“The feminine counterpart to achillean is sapphic. The non-binary counterparts are diamoric and enbian.”

What’s happening is that the folk-sociology of the Pokemon generation is being elevated to the status of real science.


@ Pete Roberts: the FM is elected by a vote in Parliament. Any MSP can stand.

John Martini

Anybody got to the point just accepting that people get the world they deserve? I bet assange wishes he hadn’t bothered.


I used to work in tourism when there was such a thing. I’d noticed a few times the utter dumbness (for want of a better description) of quite a few older American ladies over a period of time. It was quite stark how out of it they appeared. The penny didnt drop for me. Eventually mentioned it to a colleague. He replied “meds” and it all became clear.

Once you see it, you realise how much private medication is part of US culture. Really stating the obvious, but its BIG business. Very easy to see how the profits of big pharma companies could prevail.

Captain Yossarian

Just a minor point – Alba need 5No MSP’s in order to be able to ask a question at FMQ’s. Any less than 5No, no questions allowed.


Someone on Twitter gave me an image of the sufragette flag with “if you won’t respect my sex, don’t expect my X” and “woman = adult human female” emblazoned on it. I’m going to print that as a sticker and stick that on my constituency ballot, and I’ll also probably write “women’s rights are human rights” on it as well.

No sense in not making the most of the opportunity. These spoiled ballots will all be scrutinised at the count.


This thread is really important and shows everything that is wrong with Mridul Wadhwa being appointed as head of a Rape Crisis Centre.

And it isn’t only because he is male.

link to


To those who say they’re going to spoil their constituency vote.

Will you be happy with that decision if you find out that Robertson or Sturgeon scrapes in by a handful of votes? Of course you won’t be! Get smart and vote with your head and not your heart – vote tactically for the candidate most likely to defeat Robertson or one of the other NS cabal.

You may kid yourself that you’re being virtuous by spoiling your ballot paper but these histrionics of “I could never vote for a Unionist” are just childish. They achieve nothing whereas voting tactically can remove the barsteward in question. Otherwise you’re just passively waiting for someone else to do it for you.

Note I am not advocating voting against the SNP across the board, only against the worst SNP offenders – Sturgeon, Swinney, Robertson, Humza & SAS. If we can decapitate the cabal then the reform of the SNP comes all the sooner.

Sturgeon needs Robertson as a potential successor to cover up for her if she moves on or is forced to resign. An independent judicial investigation into the conspiracy to jail Alex would almost certainly result in her and the others doing jail time. Robertson and his wife have their own reasons for the coverup so they can be relied on to protect NS and ensure that judicial investigation never happens. Making sure he loses the seat would scupper that and leave Sturgeon exposed. So if you’re in Edinburgh Central hold your nose and vote for the Tory and in Sturgeon’s seat vote Sarwar.

John Thomson

Why can’t people vote Sturgeon out, vote Sarwar and remove her altogether and whilst we’re at it get rid of Swinney, Somerville and Yusaf then sit back and watch Indy progress along with repealing HCB and putting GRA into public debate and referendum


MSM: Trans woman should be able to compete in female sport
Caitlyn Jenner: Hold ma Beer!!!

Apparently Sulus looking to apply a Vulcan death grip on her

mr thms

“Spoil your constituency paper, readers.”

The federalists will be happy.


While the brit nats tell scotland to vote multi millionaire sarwar , and let labour reclaim their north british fiefdom , down in englandshire labour are about to receive another kicking…..

Labour election crisis: Poll guru Curtice predicts Starmer will do even WORSE than Corbyn
SIR KEIR STARMER has suffered a huge blow ahead of next week’s elections as polling guru Professor Sir John Curtice has predicted an “embarrassing” set of results for the Labour leader.

link to

Latest @BMGResearch
preferred Prime Minister poll:

Boris Johnson: 40% (+5)
Keir Starmer: 24% (-4)

poor auld labour despised by everyone the length and breadth of these islands.



Isn’t the reality that the SNP WILL have a majority after this election, whether with or without the greens? And that Unionist parties will be a divided minority?
The only things that matter to political parties are votes and seats. No one will know or care that you voted SNP only to ‘support’ Alba; your vote will be taken as an endorsement of the SNP and a mandate for another term
The only thing that would impact is a significant drop in SNP support-allied perhaps to a significant Alba votes total(whether resulting in seats at this election or not). MPs and SNPs want to know that they are not going to have to look for a proper job after the next election and if they realise the country has had a bellyful of your revered leader and crew they will chuck them overboard in their own self-interest long before you next get a chance to vote.
And yes I do support the Union


@Captain Yossarian – stop making things up or twisting the actual protocol. Independent MSPs have been asking questions at FMQs for years. You are talking about the procedure prior to tabled questions. The Willie Rennie waffle stage.
What possible loss is that to the ALBA Party at Holyrood? Do you think FMQs are that critical. That is the window dressing slot.

Border witch

Hoping many, many of the newly elected SNP MSPs cross the floor in May…


Suck it up.


It’s not pretty, but neither was The Bruce stabbing Comyn to death at Greyfriars.

We will have blood on our hands, but this has to be done.

If Alba does not get at least a half dozen seats and Sturgeon is returned – it’s over.

Scott Shaw

I’m with Cath at 1.38.

Andy Ellis

@Stuart M 3.32pm

I see you’ve posted essentially the same thing on this thread as on the previous one. You can’t expect people to vote tactically in the way you’re suggesting: it just won’t work. I could see myself voting tactically for Labour to unseat Sturgeon in Glasgow, much as I can’t stand them as a party and much as I dislike Sarwar. Here in Edinburgh Central however I can’t bring myself to vote Tory even though they would be the logical “stop Robertson” choice.

The plain fact is lots of pro-indy sheeple will dutifully go out and vote SNP 1 & 2 either because they aren’t that engaged politically in the issues, or because they’ve fallen for the “one last chance” line even if they are disillusioned with the party. What’s important in the end is how many vote for Alba and how many seats they gain. It’s probably too much to expect tactical voting to result in them holding the balance of power and/or taking the heads of the most egregious SNP gradualists, but having a decent number would be great especially if it serves to allow them to ask questions as FMQs and serves as a good foundation for 2026 elections.

Voting tactically to remove a few high profile SNP heads or prevent others gaining seats is much less important than getting more indy folk to vote Alba 2. The more unionists and Greens we can unseat the better.

Graf Midgehunter

AB says: 12:58 pm

“I should have said blank votes are recorded as well. That has the same affect. You have went to vote and left the ballot blank”
By leaving your constit. ballot paper blank, you are also in effect saying, None of the above.

However, if we want ALBA list seats then we need to vote tacically. Get the head honchos out.

NS, A Rob, Swinney, SAS, Humza, vote for someone else on the paper, maybe an independent..?

The rest of the constituancies vote SNP 1.



Does anyone know what would happen if enough SNP MSPs crossed over to Alba to turn the SNP into a minority party? Would there come a point where Sturgeon would no longer be eligible to be FM? Anybody know how this works? Would the leader of the biggest party then become FM?

I don’t think this can happen too soon. People would – justifiably – complain they voted SNP and ended up with another party. For someone to stand as SNP then instantly jump ship would be pretty undemocratic: imagine we voted in an SNP majority of 2 (about the max the system would allow) then 4 instantly jumped to the Tories or Labour to see the issue. We would rightly be up in arms. Imagine that had happened in 2011 to prevent a referendum…

However, what the ability to jump ship gives is the ability to finally be able to challenge the leaderhip without fear of being kicked out the party or life made unbearable within it. This is particularly true for something like independence which, arguably, is what the MSP was voted in for. It will be much harder for the SNP to prevaricate and allow Westminster to roll back powers if MSPs have the ability to cross the floor for good reason later down the line. The same would be true over a real moral issue – Andy Whiteman jumped form the Greens to being independence over women’s rights issues and concerns.

So we may see more Alba and independent MSPs before the end of the parliament, but I wouldn’t expect many defections immediately unless some issue is really pushed – I guess Sturgeon’s leadership could possibly become such an issue?

Captain Yossarian

It’s a minor point but it’s still true. All I’m saying is he needs more than 5 to get on TV.


Willing to vote for the SNP but not the Sturrels. Pity she has turned this into a presidential election. If someone knowledgeable gave me a hint that she was definitely on the way out I might reconsider.

Robert Graham

More to be pitied than laughed at I suppose some very confused people out there who are the prey of unscrupulous predators , I would imagine that most of them would if left alone would grow out of the confusing feelings they have I don’t believe encouraging them to delve deeper would actually help in the long run , the ones who are doing the enabling and encouraging need to be watched very carefully and should on no account be left unsupervised at any time with these confused people .

Scott Shaw

Its really disturbing what they are doing to ancient Greek texts too. I’m really surprised they didn’t do anything with Aeneas’ name though.


the ones who are doing the enabling and encouraging need to be watched very carefully and should on no account be left unsupervised at any time with these confused people .

But it’s not just that they are being left unsupervised with these kids – they are running the counselling and “Youth LGBT” services pushing all this onto them. They are the “shrinks” and service providers. They are fed a constant stream of the most vulnerable kids. All of this is happening in plain sight, in broad daylight, under the noses of the very people who are supposed to be safeguarding. All of whom have been policy captured.

When women have been talking out about being silence and “cancelled”, the women it invariably happened to first – years ago now – were the ones in professional roles involving safeguarding, who were speaking out about this. They were deemed “tranphobes” and “bigots” and too many people just went along with that narrative, not defending them, mindlessly parroting the smears. That’s the way this has worked all along and how it’s become as embedded as it has within all our organisations.

Harry mcaye

I’m not voting for evil. If it hurts Alba, too bad. They will regroup and be much, much stronger in five years and will likely contest every constituency. The SNP are on their last legs and we can all do our bit to push them closer to oblivion. Labour will win my area anyway, McKelvie is toast.


‘So we’re making a plea from the heart. Spoil your constituency paper, readers. For children, for women, for gay people, for Scotland and for kindness.’

Is this as revolutionary as it gets?

What are the implications of no votes for the SNP vis a vis trans rights?

mike cassidy


Voted forever for SNP

But no way can I vote for a party that says a man can become a woman just by saying so

And the betrayal of women generally

And children in partcular that they are happy to see flow from that

And ‘happy’ is not an exaggeration

link to


Speaking to friends and family about Alba, it is clear that unless you’ve looked beyond the trial by MSM (they haven’t), then AS is viewed as ‘toxic’. It appears the media have been relatively successful in doing a hatchet job on him. ‘Egotist’ is also used, even though it is pointed out that he didn’t start Alba – he was asked to join.
I wonder beyond the elections how much ground can be made. AS himself stated that decisions on his leadership would be taken in June at party conference. I believe he still needs to fight to properly clear his name and expose what has gone on within the Scottish govt, but I wonder how compatible that is with his position of leadership….

Enter Joanna Cherry…

Here is someone who could take the party forward, assuming she no longer has the stomach for the SNP.

Labour 4 Indy

Thomas 3.46pm

“While the brit nats tell scotland to vote multi millionaire sarwar , and let labour reclaim their north british fiefdom…”

Which Brit Nats would you be referring to Thomas?

Would it be the Rev Stu Thomas?

Still waiting on you going toe to toe with the Rev Thomas.

All you SNP keyboard warrior Freaks are easy enough to identify,,,No Spine,,,and No Balls.

Mikey d

John martini 3.06pm yup, i reached that conclusion a long time ago.

Labour 4 Indy


I bet you are a closet Sarwar supporter.

Vote Sarwar 1 and ALBA 2 in the Glasgow Southside Constituency Vote.

And similarly throughout Scotland.

Market Force

The SNP/Yes Movement is splintering into so many fragments.

There must be at least six different versions of the Movement.

I’m going with the Rev.

I will never vote for the SNP again and I will never Campaign for Indy until I see an official time and date.

Doing NOTHING to assist Sturgeon.


WEE CHILD SAYS “I’ve given up on trying to educate them – and starting to relish saying “I told you so” when the fall comes.”

Take it from me WC, in these matters the fall never comes. They just come to accept the changes no matter how damaging they are, they begin to have doubts then the pressure comes on and they join the woke herd, all their self doubts are turned against the messengers like you and me, the minds close and before we know it to speak in protest becomes a crime.

It is a truism that history indeed repeats itself. Good luck anyway!

James Che.

Just catching up after leafleting,
You wouldn’t want to vote tories either after Ruthie rape clause bill, or labour, whose leader thinks its voluntary wether to pay a decent wage to workers here in Scotland,
Every family in Scotland having to watch their Ps and Qs in case they go to jail for a hate crime they didn’t realise they may have done.
Let’s give the snp, labour, tories, Lib Dem’s and greens a big shake up this election by managed voting, and let Alba in on the list.
Snp 1 For the last time) Alba 2.


‘Because let’s not mince words, folks. If you vote SNP, Green, Lib Dem or – to a slightly lesser extent – Labour at this election, child mutilation and the rape of women is what you’re voting to enable. (And obviously if you vote Tory you’re a monster for all sort of different reasons.)’

Why would you say to a lesser extent Labour?
Labour introduced the Gender Recognition Act in 2004

link to

“Five years later, during the current Labour leadership campaign, Lisa Nandy was asked during a hustings whether Christopher Worton, a convicted child rapist who now identifies as a woman, should be transferred to a women’s prison. “Trans women are women and trans men are men so they should be accommodated in the prison of their choosing,” Nandy responded, seemingly oblivious to the real risk that such a policy could be open to abuse. Like BAGIS, Nandy expressed support for transgender people. Unlike BAGIS, she did not address the dangers of reforming prison policy on sex-segregation. In doing so, she failed to express compassion for another, all too often forgotten, group: female prisoners.”

Tories are the only ones to vote for if you have concerns about self-id.
link to


I agree with every single word of that piece.

I’ve said it on here before – I’ve voted by post, spoilt my constituency ballot with the words “Woman = adult human female”, and voted for Alba on the list.

I have no idea if this will help or hinder Alba (the only party who’s manifesto I endorse), but I cannot enable the madness by voting SNP just to “max the Yes” or get a supermajority in Holyrood.

I have principles, and a daughter who’s thankfully too young to be affected by this pish. But she’ll grow up and I am worried that Scotland will rapidly turn into Canada and I’ll end up in jail protecting her.

No votes SNP from me and I’ll sleep better for it.

Paul Cockshott

The voting system in Scotland gives final numbers of seats to parties in proportion to their list votes. It does not matter how the constituency votes are distributed, if a minor party gets around 6% of the list votes they start collecting seats.

The rationale for SNP 1, Alba 2 is not that SNP 1 is necessary to get Alba MSPs. The only thing needed for that is to pass the threshold of around 6% in list votes. The rationale given by Mr Salmond is to get a larger majority of non -unionist MPs.

For those who have serious doubts about the independence credentials of the SNP leadership, then Mr Salmond’s please fall on deaf ears.

Alf Baird

Jim Sillars on the money again:

link to

Who to believe on currency and debt, eh? Economists such as ALBA’s Alex Salmond, Jim Walker and George Kerevan – or – Alyn Smith? Tough one.

#Supermajority = negotiate independence

Stuart MacKay

For all those saying vote Sarwar in Glasgow Southside remember Sturgeon is #2 on the list for the Glasgow region. It would be embarrassing having to game the system to get back in but no doubt she’ll get over it.

Saffron Robe

Very well said Stuart. I am in complete agreement. My conscience just won’t allow me to vote for the SNP. I will be spoiling my constituency vote by writing, “This is not democracy. I vote for an independent Scottish republic.”

Alba will get my list vote.


This is a real beaut. For strong stomachs only:

link to

‘I think my political opponents—I don’t know, maybe Alex himself … There was an element of ‘We can break her,’ you know? Almost kind of personally as well as politically. That was how it felt,’ Sturgeon told me.

Alf Baird

Is Scottish Independence Decolonisation? Mebbe its aw in the mind?

As Frantz Fanon said: “The colonized peoples, the peoples who have been robbed, must lose the habits of mind which have characterized them up to now.”

link to

Meg merrilees

Alf baird @ 5.00pm

brilliant link- Thank you.


See that word salad quoted at the start of the piece. Can anyone explain what any part of it means? I have read it and read it and I haven’t got a clue
But I did notice that the person who wrote it appears to be asking if it is ok to be themselves. Who or what is he or she asking permission of? I thought the GRC reform was demanded because it is humiliating to have to ask a committee for a change of legal status. But I cannot imagine anything more humiliating than having to ask a question like this of anybody else: and who has the right to answer? what does it mean if they say, no, it is not ok.
I would also like to know what the percentages mean. If you are 1/4 female and 3/4 nonbinary does that mean you fancy men 60% of the time? Or does it mean Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and 9-11am on Sundays?
And if either of those is true what changes when you become achillean (which seems to mean becoming a gay bloke, though I may have misunderstood that).
So much word magic: so little meaning. Help me out here, people.


The tragedy of all of this is that there are a very small number of people who are genuinely trapped in the wrong bodies, but their complex needs have been swamped by a politicised group with a huge grudge against bog-standard people like myself.
The former group is very vulnerable. c. 40% attempt suicide. But the Rev has written a well-judged piece suggesting that mental frailty especially in certain sections of the population accounts for gender confusion rather than true dysphoria.
We need to understand gender-confusion in adolescents much better BEFORE we either legislate or medicate.
It is shameful but possibly orchestrated that the indy movement has been diverted by this wholly unnecessary issue.

stuart mctavish

Aye right..
SNP1 is still an excellent vote in Glasgow Southside since, all things being equal, when Sarwar loses the constituency head to head the press will be obliged to call loudly for his resignation to extent that Richard Leonard might need to take back the helm along with lashings of humble pie from London (even more so if Pierce Corbyn manages to do well).


@ Stuart Mackay

Re. SNP Regional List ranked positions. I’ll just point out that due to the dodgy practices implemented to determine list rankings under the guise of “equality”, other questionable individuals are also not ranked 1st in their areas, and some aren’t on the Lists at all.

link to


You look like Drusilla’s maw…


The tragedy of all of this is that there are a very small number of people who are genuinely trapped in the wrong bodies…

Really? Maybe people born disabled for whatever reason might think that’s the case, although they don’t seem to put it that way. I could imagine being crippled by something like thalidomide and thinking, my body shouldn’t be like this, I was meant to have all my arms and legs.

But otherwise? We’re born in our bodies. We are our bodies. There is no possible way anyone can be “born in the wrong body” in the way that statement is usually meant to be understood.

There are very effeminite males, and very masculine females, and they’re usually gay, but they aren’t in the wrong body, they’re still men and women. There are autogynaephilic males, and that’s a whole other stone to turn over. And there are adolescents who develop mental health problems due to the stress of puberty in today’s highly sexualised and appearance-dominated world. That’s it. Nobody is in the wrong body. Whose body did they get and who has theirs?

William Habib Steele

New York City Commission on Human Rights has a list of 31 genders. The BBC tells children there are 100 genders. Tumblr claims there are 121 genders. The NYC HCOR states, “One’s internal, deeply-held sense of one’s gender as male, female, or something else entirely. A transgender person is someone whose gender identity
does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.”

So gender is an internal sense. It’s a thing of the mind. There are 7.8 billion inhabitants on planet earth. So there must be 7.8 million genders. A friend suggested to me that what they mean by gender is actually personality.

Cadogan Enright

There are two side to the trans coin

You can also have right wing monsters using it as a talking point to distract from really important issues

Like this on youtube??

So if you want to avoid people talking about education, the economy or independence just monologue about trans issues.

While just believing you are a woman is simply not enough to enter women only spaces – it is equally true that the issue can be abused as a talking point for distraction

If Stu was serious he should draft a change to the law in Scotland and seek to have it passed. I am sure Alba would be happy to have a womens rights bill.

Meanwhile we need to address the elphant in the election- the need to leave rump-UK


You think Stu isn’t serious? Really?


Yay! Iran is interfering in Scottish politics….
Look out, here comes the Islamic Republic of Scotland!
Yay! England is interfering in Scottish politics….
Look out, here comes the Britannic Province of North Britain!
What it is to be loved!

AnneMarie D

I am with so many on here and there are some excellent contributions to this unbelievable pit of despair we find ourselves in.

I am in the North East and my first priority is to get Alex Salmond elected. My constituency SNP candidate is an intelligent woman from a criminal justice background and she knows all about safeguarding. She gave me an hour of her time and listened to all of my concerns about the erosion of the very meaning of what it is to be a woman. I can vote for her but I fully understand those who cannot bring themselves to vote for certain individuals.

I do implore anyone in the North East though to think very hard about what is the lesser evil. If Alex does not win a seat it will be a very serious setback and I cannot stomach the thought of all their gloating if that were to happen.


link to

“Plans to allow people to change their legal gender and “self-identify” as a different sex have been scrapped in a move that will fuel the culture war gripping Britain.”

If the Tories are offered funding or a flat makeover by the transcult they will change their mind.

There is no political party who is going to help. Voting isn’t going to make any difference to women’s rights.

Women need to think of ways to protest, something more radical than spoiling your constituency voting paper.

For example women should boycott all sporting events.
Let Team GB be made up of all men aka transwomen.

Boycott all gyms that have communal/Unisex changing rooms.

Do not watch River City.


Alba in the NE. A must.

James Che.

Cadogen enright,

Robert Dickson

“Do not watch River City.”

Does anyone?

Stainless Steel

Sturgeon just can’t believe her luck.

She is heading for a majority, even after everything she has done.

I just can’t get my head round it

The media definitely have her back.

Giving her another five years is like leaving Dracula in charge of the blood bank.

We will pay a heavy price for this.


After this article I simply cannot believe there are people with the cheek to come on here and still advocate voting SNP. If you really have that level of disrespect for Rev Stu then why don’t you keep your thoughts to yourself.

Sturgeons other crimes to one side, the transgenderism insanity that has gripped society is a ticking time bomb that is ruining the lives of children every day. My missus was discussing this with a friend who is a head teacher and she made the interesting comment that there have always been girls in the school who were clearly lesbians or boys that were clearly gay but recently the numbers of these girls and boys are decreasing and being replaced with transkids. Kids who have convinced themselves with the help of over eager counsellors and social workers and too much time spent on social media that they are in the wrong body and then embarking on a drug regime followed by surgery that will ruin their lives. It is criminal that these nutters are being able to do this to children while often either ignoring or bullying the parents into submission.

I know one trans person (male to female) and they did not transition until they were in their late 30’s and their view, like mine, is that this stuff should be kept as far away from kids as possible. No one under 25 should be allowed to take these sort of drugs and the process to achieve transition needs to be arduous and thorough enough to ensure that no one goes down this road unless they are 100% aware of the irreversible consequences. Society has lost its mind and it will not regain it while we vote in people like Nicola Sturgeon just because she waved a saltire one time and dangled the Indy carrot.

I could not give a shit what Alex Salmond says, indeed it looks like we are heading for a SNP/Green coalition and Alba will be standing in the sidelines and the only way Alba will have any say is if the SNP leadership is removed. So I implore anyone who even has the remotest scrap of moral decency that if you live where a New SNP big hitter is standing you need to do all you can to ensure they lose their seat. Until the Sturgeon leadership cabal (Sturgeon, Swinney, Yousaf, Robertson, Somerville, Forbes, etc etc) are removed from power we are going to be force fed this shit and our kids and grandkids are going to pay the price and the New SNP will continue to descend into the mire of woke insanity destroying the country a little more every day. We are running out of time to save the country, these people must be removed from power and then face the full force of the law for their crimes so they are locked up and society is protected from them.


Ottomanboi says:
3 May, 2021 at 5:32 pm
Yay! Iran is interfering in Scottish politics….
Look out, here comes the Islamic Republic of Scotland!

I saw that on the newsstand and it made me smile.

Allegedly those perfidious Persians are “interfering” with Scottish politics by… sharing pro-Indy memes on the internet. (Dun, dun DUNNNN!)

But mibbe these Iranians, who may or may not exist, IDENTIFY as Scottish.

By Allah’s beard, I will throw my shoe at anyone who doesn’t like and share.


Anton Decadent says:
3 May, 2021 at 12:51 pm

I’m on an online dating site in which, as clearly stated in my profile, as a heterosexual male I am matched with what are clearly men in womens attire –

Would they object to your specifying that your ideal match must have XX chromosomes? Worth a try.


Ruby says: Voting isn’t going to make any difference to women’s rights.

If the situation was hopeless, they wouldn’t need to gaslight you.

Of course it’ll make a difference. But only if we vote for better people.

Such as the good people of ALBA.

But you’re right that voting isn’t the only thing we can or should do.


I would be shocked if Rev Stu wasn’t able to cope with people who disagree with him.

I’m sticking with SNP 1 ALBA 2.

Socrates MacSporran

Stick with your MILF personna, move back to Scotland and Nicola will have you in her cabinet in jig time Rev.


Poor wee Nicola’s feeling hard done by. Wee scone. The fucking nerve of that manhating harridan is incredible.

link to


Imagine your a heterosexual man and contact what you think is a woman with dark hair and glasses through one of those dating apps.

You agree to meet and this big bloke with a receding hair line and 5 o’clock shadow turns up insisting he’s the woman in the picture, just because he thinks he’s is. And that the heterosexual guy is a bigot because he doesn’t fancy the other guy or find him attractive.

My head hurts from all this shite.

Tom Kane

I know you’re going with your conscience on this, Stu.

But to change something you need to get in amongst it. The new ALBA women as MSPs won’t tolerate this GRA bill as it stands. We disobeyed the poll-tax … We march… We change things.

A vote for SNP 1 isn’t a vote for those laws… they aren’t SNP membership policy… And they only got to be laws by stealth. They are toast. You have been instrumental in making the details clear… Activists will get to work on what needs to be resisted.

If I had to stake £1000 on anything it will be on a big shake up at the SNP before the end of the year. In which case I want the SNP to have a majority in the Scottish Parliament. They gave it to us. And we need them back.



Ruby, yes he might. I presume therefore you’re ok with some social worker shovelling life ruining drugs down your child’s neck. I’m not.

Lorna Campbell

Ruby: I agree, although I don’t think we should boycott our own spaces because this is what they want. If a trans woman gets a sports award, the other female athletes should turn their backs in a silent protest. Do not acknowledge that t(he)y has won anything because t(he)y has cheated. If a trans woman wins a literary prize that was set up for women, refuse to acknowledge it. Walk away but make a statement that t(he)y has cheated. Offer no validation. None. We have to be the opposite of nice now. The brass neck of these people when they are so thoroughly vicious and nasty at all times is quite something. No, this calls for direct action now. As for that Wadwha, the very sight of that smug, smirking dial is enough to turn your stomach. Who would have guessed that letting a man into a female space would end up with them being given the top job and top salary? Does anyone know how much it is? Who’d a thunk it, eh? Didn’t fancy the cleaner’s stint, then? This is just the beginning. They will all try this now.


The media and SNP incompetence is ensuring they will
get far fewer seats than they predict.

The media can present it as a catastrophic fall in support for Indy.

I pray the Alba seats are desperately needed in order to get anything through

Salmond will humiliate anyone not working to free Scotland and not being
open and transparent.

He can be king of king makers but if reduced SNP votes let’s them pick up the
second votes it’s going to be at the expense of Alba.


Red says:
3 May, 2021 at 5:53 pm
Ruby says: Voting isn’t going to make any difference to women’s rights.

If the situation was hopeless, they wouldn’t need to gaslight you.

Of course it’ll make a difference. But only if we vote for better people.

Such as the good people of ALBA.

But you’re right that voting isn’t the only thing we can or should do.


I was referring to to constituency vote.

Spoiling you constituency paper isn’t going to make any difference to women’s rights.

Alba are great that’s why I’m sticking with SNP 1 ALBA 2

Mark Boyle

@Ottomanboi says: 3 May, 2021 at 5:32 pm

Yay! Iran is interfering in Scottish politics….
Look out, here comes the Islamic Republic of Scotland!

If you don’t think Yusless and Slimy Sarwi’s Mini Me wouldn’t like to impose a great deal worse up here, you haven’t been paying attention – certainly Iranians living in Scotland have saw the worrying parallels between what’s going on here and a certain fourth rate nuclear banana republic.


100 years ago today the Northern part of Ireland was officially
stolen by England.

Thousands of more deaths added to the 10’s of Millions lost
in the name of the Empire of the rich stealing from poor


So how much cash are the puberty-blocking drug manufacturers donating to the SNP?

Follow the money…

Mark Boyle

@Effigy says:
3 May, 2021 at 6:12 pm

100 years ago today the Northern part of Ireland was officially stolen by England.

100 years later, the rest of Ireland realises what a damned lucky escape it had from getting to keep it.


Lost says:
3 May, 2021 at 6:06 pm
Imagine your a heterosexual man and contact what you think is a woman with dark hair and glasses through one of those dating apps.

You agree to meet and this big bloke with a receding hair line and 5 o’clock shadow turns up insisting he’s the woman in the picture, just because he thinks he’s is. And that the heterosexual guy is a bigot because he doesn’t fancy the other guy or find him attractive.

My head hurts from all this shite.


It’s not just women who are at risk from the transcult.

You could meet someone in a nightclub that you think is a woman only to discover ‘she’ has an erection when you get smoochy at the end of the evening!

I did post on an earlier thread about this.

I’ll perhaps re-post hoping it doesn’t make you head hurt even more.
It’s good to be aware of all the implications of transgenderism & the HCB.

Anton Decadent


“Would they object to your specifying that your ideal match must have XX chromosomes? Worth a try.”

I’ve stated my preference on my profile on the dating site and received hate mail for it. It was no big deal, I’ve previously had physical violence and eviction wished upon me on it from women who once they found out I lived in Govanhill asked me what I thought of it, I replied that it had positives but also negatives, they asked what the negatives were and I replied the trafficking and exploitation of women for the sex industry by imported organised crime groups and they went full tonto on me with the hopes of violence and eviction for being literally Hitler.


Lorna Campbell says:
3 May, 2021 at 6:08 pm
Ruby: I agree, although I don’t think we should boycott our own spaces because this is what they want.

I was thinking about gyms who are always looking for new members.

Perhaps if their business took a hit they might put pressure on the government to do something about the unisex laws.

We’ll need to put our thinking caps on and see what we can do.

Annie 621

Thank you Rev Stuella…

You are indeed a wonderful writer and man..
(and woman, of course.)


I have to say that there is a bit of the Shirley Manson about thon MIlf photie. Never knew you were that good looking LOL

Sister Flo

Whether my timeline is now comprised mainly of GC people or folk are at last waking up to this shitshow, I’m seeing more criticism of the medicalisation of children and the inclusion of men in women and girls spaces.
Our protests are raising attention. We’re finding ever more resourceful ways to get the message across but we need political allies.
This is why I’m 100% behind Alba Party. They are fielding 18 women candidates. Every single one passionate about protecting women’s rights. Their online women’s conference attended by 413 female supporters was a triumph.
I’ve hope in Scottish politics where before I had none.
We need everyone’s support. Join us.

Clavie Cheil

Who says there arent any aliens from outer space?


“There’s a girl works down the chip shop swears she’s Stuart…#

Beautiful oscarbhoy

If you spoil you’re first vote and you’re second is alba it’s the only excuse they need to spoil the lot. Alba vote lost.


If you spoil you’re first vote and you’re second is alba it’s the only excuse they need to spoil the lot. Alba vote lost.

Don’t be silly. They’re separate votes in separate boxes. They don’t match anyone’s list vote with their constituency one.


Remember, folks, if you live in Dumfriesshire you don’t have to spoil your paper, you can vote for Joan McAlpine, confident in the knowledge that she’ll never vote through any of this gender lunacy.

george wood

This is just a complete mess.

First this website convinced me to vote SNP1 ALBA2 and now it is
telling me not to vote SNP1.

Voting ALBA2 is a waste of time if you don’t vote SNP1. It’s down to the arithmetic of the voting system.

How do you expect to get ALBA MSPs if the SNP are taking seats on the List?


George Wood
The change of advice is because the SNP leadership have said that they will not talk to Alba or support a referendum.
The supermajority originally foreseen will not now therefore happen.

The SNP leaders should be voted out to facilitate a change of policy.


George, I don’t think either maths or understanding the voting system are your particular strengths. Whether you vote SNP or not will not make one jot of difference to Alba.

Beautiful oscarbhoy

You’ve made me feel a whole lot better Morag. I think I’m getting paranoid.Alba’s been a long time coming.


@george woodn7:38pm

Agreed. The better SNP does in the constituency vote the better Alba does in the list vote. So, hold your nose, think of Scotland, and vote SNP in the first vote. You’ll get your reward in the second vote.


The tragedy of all of this is that there are a very small number of people who are genuinely trapped in the wrong bodies

No one is trapped in the wrong body. That was always a useful shorthand for how gender dysphoria feels, in the same that way that the GRC (Gender Recognition Certificate) was a legal fiction which allowed someone who transitioned to become legally the opposite sex. Your body is just that: it’s who you are; it cannot be “wrong”. As someone else said upthread, someone who is disabled has a lot more right to claim they’re “trapped” in a body they may feel isn’t who they should be.

For some reason a load of people – mostly with no understanding of GD – have started to take those kind of shorthand attempts at explaining something inexplicable totally literally. This idea kids can be “in the wrong body” and must be treated as literally the opposite sex even with no transition. It’s all utter madness and those pushing it are way more mentally ill than I am with my psychological quirk of gender dysphoria I live happily with. Some of tese people are dangerously mentally deranged.


Aye Doug, non-men, kids, law and justice mean nothing to you. Well done.

Brian Doonthetoon

Alba’s success (or otherwise) in the regional elections is down to the number of regional votes they get.

If SNP voters in the constituencies vote Alba in the regions, it gives Alba X number of regional votes.

If non-SNP voters (abstainers or other) in the constituencies vote Alba in the regions, that still gives Alba the same X number of regional votes.

The only possibility of Alba’s X number of regional votes being reduced is if non-SNP voters (abstainers or other) in the constituencies changed their regional vote to another party, like the SNP or the wee GREEN men. Why would they do that, if they originally decided to vote for Alba in the regions?


Another beam me up scotty article filled with degenerates who should really be put out their misery, except you rev, I expect your dance card will be filled for the duration on account of those luscious lips !

Harry mcaye

Mike Cassidy – McKelvie has blocked me. What is the vile woman saying now?


“Voting ALBA2 is a waste of time if you don’t vote SNP1. It’s down to the arithmetic of the voting system.”

There it is again. It isn’t true. It could be in some places. It won’t be in others. In many cases it won’t matter. Nobody can accurately predict or guarantee a thing. It’s all guesswork.


I am not arithmetically challenged.

Compare and contrast the Tory PPB to defeat indy and Alba’s cunning plan to rescue indy.

My conclusion is SNP1 Alba2 is still the best chance of restoring a path to indy in my lifetime.

For those who relish discord,this means I DO disagree with the very Rev Stu Campbell.

Robert Louis

Anton at 1251pm,

It is the same on lesbian dating sites, literally full of blokes claiming to be lesbians. If any actual lesbians complain or object it is THEY who get booted off the dating site.

So messed up. A denial of reality.

Daisy Walker

@ Lorna Campbell says:
3 May, 2021 at 6:08 pm

Ruby: I agree, although I don’t think we should boycott our own spaces because this is what they want. If a trans woman gets a sports award, the other female athletes should turn their backs in a silent protest. Do not acknowledge that t(he)y has won anything because t(he)y has cheated. If a trans woman wins a literary prize that was set up for women, refuse to acknowledge it. Walk away but make a statement that t(he)y has cheated. Offer no validation. None. We have to be the opposite of nice now. The brass neck of these people when they are so thoroughly vicious and nasty at all times is quite something. No, this calls for direct action now. As for that Wadwha, the very sight of that smug, smirking dial is enough to turn your stomach. Who would have guessed that letting a man into a female space would end up with them being given the top job and top salary? Does anyone know how much it is? Who’d a thunk it, eh? Didn’t fancy the cleaner’s stint, then? This is just the beginning. They will all try this now.

Wadwha’s promotion is more trolling by the SNP leadership. And a rallying cry to the other ‘raging personality disorders’ that the gravy train is recruiting in Scotland. It’s New Labour all over again.

Re woman’s sports – it is so high profile, at least in the first instance, there is going to have to be strike action.

What I think the women should do is go up to the starting line and when the starting gun goes, stand still for the duration of the race, then walk off. It proves beyond anything that without women, it’s not womens’ sport.

They could even – if critised for it – state that while waiting for the starting gun to go off, they suddenly self identified as men, and pulled out of the race for ‘ethical reasons’. Again highlighting the absudity of it all.

And if there are more than 1 transwomen competing… they’ll end up in race against each other.

Second wave, and perhaps more suitable for other sports such as tennis, etc, is they recruit some pro men who support the cause and get them to enter and self identify (for a day) as woman, and knock the fake women out of the competition, before withdrawing, as they ‘no longer feel like a woman’.

It will show up the obsurdity of it all.

And lastly, for I am up early tomorrow – the BBC and Alba. Is there going to be a Protest outside the BBC by any chance, say on the squinty bridge about 6pm, Wednesday and just outside their main building. We did it before.

Anyway, I think this bad weather is going to blow itself out by Thursday – superb.


@Stainless Steel 3 May, 2021 at 5:40 pm

“Sturgeon just can’t believe her luck.
She is heading for a majority, even after everything she has done.I just can’t get my head round it
The media definitely have her back.
Giving her another five years is like leaving Dracula in charge of the blood bank.We will pay a heavy price for this”

Agreed , it makes me wonder why Alex did not go for the de-capitate option in the first place instead of just talking about it ? After all he went through ? Is he going to use this against Her in the future to force a resignation ?link to


My conclusion is SNP1 Alba2 is still the best chance of restoring a path to indy in my lifetime.

Mine too. Regardless of whether you think the current SNP leadership is genuinely pro indy or not, it’s the only party to vote for to send a pro indy message. Any other party which wins on the constituency seats is a unionist vote. (Barring maybe the Greens but they won’t win on the constituency, just genuinely split the pro-indy vote). So SNP1 Alba 2 is the only way to send a fully pro-indy message and return the maximum number of MSPs whose key goal is supposed to be independence.

That said, if it wasn’t for Alba, the thought of returning the current SNP backed by the Greens for another 5 years would terrify me due what they’d been doing to pro indy people, HCB, GRA and all that nonsense rather than independence. And it still does terrify me that our votes backfire and we end up with an even stronger SNP-Green majority, Alba doesn’t have any seats or enough to do anything and the first act of the new government is finishing the job on Alex then coming down even harder on non-SNP pro-indy folk. It also concerns me that if Alba does get a lot of seats, and Sturgeon digs in, we could end up with a Sturgeon-Salmond stand off which harms the cause.

All in all, Thursday is a worry in many ways with no clear good outcome: a unionist majority, bad; an SNP or SNP/Green majority, bad; an SNP or SNP/Green minority with a lot of Alba, unknown but at least a different outcome.

Auld Jock

I was speaking to a staunch SNP supporter who said they were voting SNP 1 and 2. After a debate they said they’d never vote for Salmond as he was horrendous to women. I then stated the usual predominantly all women jury and woman judge. Plus out other arguments forward to no avail. They then said they’d rather give their vote to the greens that started another rant. They then sent me this article

link to

I just give’s seems impossible to convince dye in the wool nic supporters


@Morag says:
3 May, 2021 at 7:17 pm

Don’t be silly. They’re separate votes in separate boxes. They don’t match anyone’s list vote with their constituency one.

Yes …and also no…
The papers are numbered, so at some point I suspect that someone somewhere is taking notes of who voted for whom. I agree that spoiling vote 1 doesn’t spoil vote 2, though.

gary coombes

Scottish greens supporters digging another hole: link to


Only a paedophile would have an interest in giving puberty blockers to a child.Advicates of such are transparent perverts.


For those of you who are getting blank boxes… You lucky bastards.


Confused sometime yesterday: I hope you were being ironic. Islam is not the answer to ANYTHING.

Gerard Coyle

Sorry, I can’t agree that spoiling the constituency ballot is a good strategy.

In a situation where all constituency candidates are equally awful, vote to get the person currently in the seat out.

Two reasons: first, the longer someone has power, they usually get better at abusing it. A new person may be just as bad, but they have less experience, so they are less of an immediate threat.

Second, whatever the satisfaction from spoiling your ballot, it won’t affect their chances of staying in power. Voting for a rival will, and is likely to be more of a worry to them than any amount of spoiled ballot.

Finally, even if their replacement is just as bad, I think you are still better off. If they pursue the same policies, you’d have got them anyway with the original person, if they have different bad policies they will need more time to implement them than ones already being pushed by the original person.


I’d already spoiled my constituency ballot and voted Alba on the list. The SNP will win Glasgow Southside, but I could not bring myself to vote for Sturgeon directly.

I’m hoping there’s a lot of “shy Alba” voters on Thursday.
It’s quite possible, given the combination of MSM hostility, high numbers of activists and impossibility of pollsters correcting by voter recall. If they get more seats than either the Greens or Lib Dems it would be a fantastic result.

David R

Good article and was wondering if there needs to be a shift in focus for the gender critical. It is often framed as trans women- evil misogynists preying on women whilst trans men are seen as victims, pushed into it by evil white men looking at profits.

There are some very vocal trans men and women that want the breaks to be put on this rush to create designer kids by progressive parents, enabled by both male and female politicians, academics and celebs etc.

As you say puberty is a rough old time and maybe easing up on the trans women are predators could give space for looking into why the desperate need to become female/male and all stations in between.

Would also like to add a bit about the appointment of managers. I assume that people have a similar problem when women get put in change of organisations set up to help men or where men require the most assistance.


When everyone has their own gender, then what?

What will have been achieved?


Maybe interesting?

Making protest votes count link to

link to

David Caledonia

I am voting for Stuart McMillan SNP, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire, I deplore him as he is a useless piece of crap. but if I and many others don’t vote for him we will just get a unionist in the scottish parliament.
Don’t give me any of your rubbish about voting for child abuse or any other fecking abuse you think McMillan will support, he might be a tit but he is a normal guy with a family.
I can rely on him to collect the dosh, pass go and eventually see sense in the future when its financially agreeable for him.
The SNP are going to win, but will you be responsible for letting a few more unionists get in by the back door, history will let us know what you did after thursday if any of those unionists sneak in because you where so stupid and spoiled your paper to make yourself feel good then all I can say is this
Don’t bother voting again, cause your tactically nieve

Winston Smith

If Orwell were writing Nineteen Eighty-Four today, he would for one need a new title. More importantly, the slogan of the Party would probably be rendered as


We already have doublethink regarding consent. It won’t be long before the first lesbians fall foul of the HCB or its progeny for ‘hateful’ refusal to sex with penis-possessing ‘lesbians’. It feels ludicrous suggesting it, but the gender woo is so bonkers I wouldn’t put compulsion to have sex beyond them.


Just in case anyone is fooled, Rev has juxtaposed the real life lunacy of a man in a frock in charge of Edinburgh Rape Crisis, with a spoof story from The Onion in 2007.
They predicted this way back then!
Hoping for success for ALBA tomorrow.


Struggling hard with this. Is there a chance my spoiled vote will be discounted, letting union in or will it count as a rejection of all options in the final tally? List defo ALBA though.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Sharon.

There are two separate votes. Two ballot papers. One constituency and one regional.

There is no connection. You can spoil one – it has no effect on your other.


The suggestion that rape is an inevitable consequence of ‘men invading women only spaces’ is nonsensical.

I haven’t been raped in mixed spaces. I haven’t been raped when I’ve entered ostensibly men-only spaces. I haven’t been raped in any women only spaces either.

It’s almost as though not being raped is entirely independent on whether there’s a ‘no men’ space. Although I would point out that I did once escape being raped because.. a man was present. He helped me fight off my attackers.

David A.

No shame in a spoiled paper. My conscience matters to me. If I am aware I can never be someone who would enable something like Savile mentioned above. I can’t just put a peg on my nose for that. Forcing someone to vote for a party they find reprehensible would be wrong. If there’s a notably large number of spoiled ballots in an area it proves to people there’s an opening for something new too, such as Alba or any others willing to try and not fall into the same old habits.

Especially as we know that SNP would never, ever admit that they got “peg on nose” votes.

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