…about the shameful, despicable sectarian comments by TV celebrity and occasional politician George Galloway in an Edinburgh Evening News article today, about how he’s been refused permission by West Lothian Council to put on his anti-independence “Just Say Naw” roadshow at a municipal venue in Livingston.

But then we kept reading, because we don’t like to go off half-cocked without getting the full story, and were richly rewarded for our effort by a magnificently deadpan line from the paper’s reporter. We’ve unsubtly bolded it for you below.
“In a statement, Mr Galloway said: ‘This is just arrant nonsense. I’ve already appeared at the City Halls in Glasgow and the Whitehall Theatre in Dundee*, both of which are council-controlled, and I have successfully booked into several other council venues in Scotland on this tour.
‘The truth is that it’s politically-motivated. The SNP group on the council are afraid of the power of my message. In what is the biggest constitutional debate in more than 300 years, the future of Scotland, this miserable little council are displaying the worst of Scottish small-mindedness.’
And he added: ‘Doubtless if I had called it Just Say Naw Surrender and turned up in a bowler hat and asked them to block off a few streets for me they would have been only too happy. But, seriously, this is a blatantly anti-democratic ban, an attack on free speech. The section of the act they cite refers to party politics and politicians, but this is me as a private citizen, funding it myself and with my friends, so it clearly does not apply. And I am sure my lawyers will concur and we will be taking legal action against the council sharpish.
Do you think that if Sir Sean had wanted to put on a gig called Just Say Aye they would have knocked him back? No, they’d have been carpeting Almondvale Boulevard with saltires.’
A minority Labour administration currently runs the council.“
Hats off to you for services to rope delivery, David McCann.
*Should we even bother pointing out that Dundee City Council has an SNP majority? West Lothian Council, incidentally, comprises 17 councillors from Unionist parties (16 Labour, 1 Conservative) and 16 others (15 SNP, 1 independent).
I like Uri’s expression, there. It’s a look that says “Even I can’t believe this is happening.”
simply lol.
He’s got the power…,
…to repetitively make a complete fool of himself
George Galloway should actually be locked up.
‘Do you want me, to be, the pussy cat?’
Vote naw or Uri is gonna bend awe yer spoons
George Galloway, a politcal non entity living off 15 minutes of fame against Rumsfeld. Pathetic attention rather than Truth seeking clown and the fact so many people seems to view him as some sort of “Peoples Champion” is unbelievable.
Reminds me of Jim Dales charlatan in Disneys ‘Petes Dragon’, the aptly named Dr Terminus
I see National Collective has a bit of a scoop on the Putin story.
Yes Scotland meeting in Livingston in November was originally booked to occur at Deans High School.
A fortnight before the event and after Richard had distributed hundreds of leaflets the plug was pulled on this.
The gathering did take place though had to be moved to the Almondvale stadium.
Seems at least the council are showing consistency.
As a Livingston resident, I’d be more than happy if ‘they’ paved Almondvale Boulevard with Saltires.
‘This miserable little council are displaying the worst of Scottish small-mindedness’.
Now, can anyone imagine any circumstances, anywhere, anywhen – even in the context of the rise of UKIP and the EDL – where Galloway would accuse anyone in England of ‘the worst of English small-mindedness’? That’s a rhetorical question, obviously.
Was the picture taken just after Uri Geller had ‘mind-moved’ the ball at Gary McAllister’s penalty kick at Euro 96, causing the latter to miss to Galloway’s obvious delight?
He’s actually loopy. Has he any idea what side of the debate most Orangemen and Rangers fans are likely to sit? Has he the first clue which party’s council areas have most trouble with orange marches and sectarianism? Just what was the point of that outburst tying sectarianism into the debate in any case?
He’ s an absolute arse and belongs somewhere in the 1970s
They should just let him do it and make an clown of himself,most unionists hate him anyway.
“the act they cite refers to party politics and politicans…” says the current MP for Bradford West. Perhaps like Broon he’s an ex-politican?
Could have been in our favour,lots of undecided voters would vote Yes after listening to his drivel.
Our George says he could be the next Mayor of London, so another Guardian/Daily Mail “moral” obligation to vote naw? From Mayor BOJO to Mayor Galloway. lol
As Gray said, West Lothian council’s legal advice took a bit of time to firm up (to our cost)
In an earlier version of the article, Mr Galloway claimed he had briefed Donald Findlay QC
link to archive.is
You may remember Donald Findlay as the man who was fined for singing sectarian songs at a Rangers function some years ago….
link to independent.co.uk
If that’s not irony, I don’t know what is.
But even if George goes in to bat against the council on ‘private citizen’ grounds, then they should be able to refer him to the Electoral Commision guidelines, which make it clear that council-owned premises ‘must not be used’ for any event promoting one side of the campaign only.
I imagine we’ve heard the last of this.
this little shyster has always had a shaky relationship with the truth, and just like councillor Terry Kelly, when you scratch the surface and ask why they support self rule for Ireland but not for Scotland all the bigoted bile spews forth, but if was up to me I would put him on prime time television so that people can see what a lot of pish he talks, it would be easy to convert him to yes anyway, just bung him a brown envelope he would do anything for money, witness the pussycat performance.
I’ll never forget his face falling when he saw the montage of headlines collected during his stay in the Big Brother house.
Since he’s blocked me from commenting on Facebook after I pointed out the hypocrisy of one of his rants, I can’t laugh at him on there – please allow me to here….
Hahahahahahaha – George Galloway – once a hero, now a dick…
Article you refer to does not seem to be on Edinburgh Evening News website, just some story about George Galloway consulting Donald Finlay QC about said ban.
“Article you refer to does not seem to be on Edinburgh Evening News website, just some story about George Galloway consulting Donald Finlay QC about said ban.”
Um, they’re the same article.
Why all the hate for Galloway? He’s just a big pussy-cat really.
I remember George Galloway being described in the 1990s as Scottish Labour’s “reprobate uncle”. He cuts an increasingly ludicrous figure today.
As a near Livingston resident and supporter of her fitba team. The palpable indifference of the crowd at the well turned out Armed Forces Day for her Majesty’s anthem was noted. Whilst West Lothian’s two SNP MSP’s stood to attenshun out of courtesy.
Mr Galloway should be allowed to have his tour venue even if he might have got his demograph wrong about the council make up. However, he did have a point about permissions without me wanting to start on that.
I doubt this would have been an issue had WLDC not found it necessary to refuse the YES meeting in November. That refusal has now turned round and bitten them. There would have been complaints from YES if George Galloway had been allowed to “perform” but now they get massive bad publicity for having turned him down. Not quite what they wanted when they refused the meeting on Scotland’s Future.
I wonder how “the objectors” feel now.
Well played!!!
The 1670’s or thereabouts?
Donald Finlay…the Queens Council who refuses to acknowledge the day of his actual birthday as its the same as St Patricks Day.
If this is the NO Campaigns idea of champion thinkers, i think we might be okay!
George Galloway sounds like he has had one fine Whiskas dinner too many. He really ought to reduce his consumption of fine cream.
Completely O/T and don’t know if its already been posted but good article in the guardian about the horrendous squandering of north sea oil revenues by Westminster:
link to archive.is
Another politician looking out for his own interests. Doing everything he can to ensure that he keeps his seat for the future in the house of lords safe.
Galloway is convinced Scotland has 70 Labour MPs in Westminster, as he said in a TV interview a few months ago.
He is also of the Lamont camp that we should all suffer together, or if they can’t save the people of Birmingham etc they shouldn’t try to help the people in their own constituencies either.
The logical conclusion of this is; someone shouldn’t take a job promotion because the rest of the workforce aren’t getting promotions, a town should improve facilities because the towns around it are in a position to improve theirs, a country like Germany should go on doing better because other countries aren’t doing as well.
Aw jeez, that’s brilliant.
Open mouth, insert leg. 😀
To be fair to Donald Findlay, I heard him as an after dinner speaker at a fundraiser for Huntly Football Club about 15 years ago, he told a cracker of a joke against himself and “loyalists” to paraphrase, He (Findlay ) was in for a brain op, as is the case nowadays he was fully awake during the procedure, the surgeon started removing bits of brain, no reaction from Findlay, the Surgeon continues to remove brain material, still no reaction,he continues removing brain metarial until there is only a small part of the brain left and Findaly starts singing the “Sash”
Well I thought it was funny anyway!!!!
Horrible fucking cretin, no wonder the Labour Party got rid of him. The people of Bow in London found him out soon enough and booted him in 2010, also he won’t survive the next GE. He’s the ultimate protest vote and yet what has he actually done for the poor and disadvantaged in the constituences he reigned over? Nothing! He divides peoples whether it is Palestine and Israel, protestant and catholic, Irish unity and Scottish Unionism. The only thing he represents is himself and the love of his own voice. People vote for him because of hope and what they get is bluster.
O/T Inflation down to 2% – My ARSE
Couldn’t correct my post quickly enough, Should be “a town shouldn’t improve facilities because towns around it aren’t”, and ” Germany shouldn’t go on doing better”!
Galloway is a political mercenary he will stand in any election not for what he can do for the constituency but for what gain he can get for his self. The good people of Glasgow saw through this champagne socialist and sent him packing. Why is he still getting so much Scottish media attention the last time I looked at a map Bradford was in South Yorkshire. Where he ran off to with his tail between his legs.
True to form (pause) Geogie G never was one to (pause) shy away from controversy for sake of (pause) a bit of cheap or (pause) free publicity.
Seemingly he’s been successful in crowd funding £50,000 for his new blockbuster “The Killing of Tony Bliar” – expect he’ll be doing a “Killing of Alex Salmond” sequel in the near future.
Lovebomed. Meow.
Following on from his comments last year on Catholics traditionally being marginalised by Scottish nationalists, this once again makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I have to feel he’s gone past the point of being just an egotistical, bigoted, shameless fearmonger of the highest order and may in all seriousness have something wrong with him. For an obviously articulate and talented orator this is nothing but raw delusion, poorly argued and with glaring faults that he would know fine well were baseless lies. This can surely only be down to either the aforementioned, or another cynical, sordid move on behalf of and possibly incentivised by Project Fear.
(Why can’t I edit now?)
link to images.cdbaby.name socialist
Galloway = Yesterdays man – oh and bigot ! (and a loudmouth prick)
Just another proud london Scot who sold himself for Westminster gold aka “a ballon”.
Sorry about this being a bittie OT, but I have just read a Robert Preston article on the BBC scotland site about yesterdays “UK debt’s”, and I noticed he mentioned about an independent Scotland negotiating ownership certain assets ie (North Sea Oil), now this is the second time today I have heard this, someone guest on GMS this morning 0700 -0800 said the same about North sea oil assets being negotiated.
Is this a new unionist scheme/swindle ?
George Galloway is desperately searching for a cause to latch on to…
He thinks the coming referendum is the one.
One of the major problems post Yes vote is that both countries will be desperately trying to get the other one to take George Galloway.
The various citizenries more than the politicians too.
Poor George, you do wonder why so many fall out with him. Good orator but not a people person.
Ah George. The Whitehall Theatre is independently owned and run by The Whitehall Theatre Trust. It has granted, a selection of DC Employees on said Trust and a former Provost was a Trustee Chair. It is programmed by Cairdhall Manager but even they are now an arms length charity called Dundee Leisure and not technically council staff. Dundee Council do help the theatre with funding requests for infrastructure improvements through their express commitment to their Cultural Policy but in no way could it be legally termed Council owned or run.
Funny is it not, that when you look behind the curtain, all these blustering politihack experts really don’t know their onions. So two facts used in his defence are known to be incorrect and debunked. Makes you wonder what else they tell you is completely true or constructed inaccuracieS to suit there particular situation.
– negotiations could be smooth, or they could be a nightmare. There’s lots of stuff where we ought to be able to agree to keep as is and just share costs – national grid, pipeline networks, railtrack etc etc. But in other areas there’s bound to be horse trading and digging in of heels. It may well be that a proportion of the revenue stream from the NS has to be traded for something we wouldn’t get otherwise – who knows?
I trust the SG are up and running on this. If they have their preliminary positions roughed out and have an idea who they want on their team (pray God not a load of failed politicians), they will be well ahead of Whitehall, who are maybe only just beginning to contemplate the awful possibility.
One thing I liked about the debt story was that it was a little demonstration of force by the FM. Just saying that Scotland could walk away unsettled the markets enough to push the UK govt into conceding the common sense position. It was just tiny reminder, after all the EU etc scare stories, that the position is not entirely one-sided.
Galloway and Finlay are two cheeks of the same sectarian arse. They will try to use the age old Brit tactic of divide and rule to save their own union. They are reprehensible racist bigots who have no place in a modern, progressive and self determining Scotland. Their like are the curse of Scotland.
Uri: Ooh Mr Galloway that’s one hell of a cold spoon!
Galloway: Cold AND long Uri for where I sup wi it!
Reminds me of the definition of a career politician (I can’t remember offhand who it was unfortunately –
“Someone who approaches every issue with an open mouth”
But I look forward to the headlines should his threat ever be carried out.
“Galloway sues Labour-run Council for banning “No” gig.”
The only thing that will be negotiated regarding the north sea is how much they will be paying us to allow the pipelines to continue to go direct to England.
There is nothing else that we cannot get elsewhere, and a a better price at that. Why for instance is the SG saying that we will continue to use the Typhoon, when the Grippen running cost per hour $4700 against Typhoon $1800 per hour. We could lease the Grippens and with the leasing costs and running cost still make a significant savings.
Oops that should be $18000 per hour for Typhoon not $1800 why cant be edit posts any more?
“Oops that should be $18000 per hour for Typhoon not $1800 why cant be edit posts any more?”
Because everyone complained that the edit function was rubbish.
I read quite a few folks discussing the gorgeous one last night on Twitter. He is, allegedly, wanting to hold a debate with none other than Alex Salmond about Scottish independence. This raises one question in my solitary brain cell:
Did the gorgeous one write this Edinburgh Evening News article before or after he found Alex Salmond rolling about on the floor laughing his heart out at the idea of ‘debating ‘ with the gorgeous one.’ :LOL:
“A Labour administration currently runs the council”
That, my friends, is how you kill a cockroach with one blow.
Used to have some respect for Galloway after testifying in the US Senate. Now? For his constantly trying to stir up sectarianism, hypocrisy and all out unpleasantness, nothing but disdain and total disrespect. He is but a narcissistic man who is full of self-aggrandisement and in love with his own voice. Thankfully, he continues to have less and less political influence as the years go by.
Hopefully, after Scotland votes ‘Yes’ Galloway will become even more of an irrelevance than he is now and he will drift off into obscurity…and geez aw peace!
I understand that tickets to see George at the Whitehall Theatre, in his home town, were discounted on the internet at two for the price of one!
Why does Gerorge not get on with doing his best for his Bradford constituents, God knows there is plenty he could be doing. The answer is he is a crap MP, because he sees his mission as grandstanding around the place being a party political broadcast for George Galloway. That was more than proven in his last stint as Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow. George did such a bang up job there that that when he decided to add the neighbouring constituency of Poplar and Limehouse to the Respect “bag” by standing himself. Respect lost Bethnal Green with a swing of almost 20% in favour of Labour coming third after the Lib Dems while poor old George trailed in third in Poplar behind the Tories. Seems that the people of East London quickly grew to recognise a carpetbagger when they saw one. Oops! Taxi for Mr Galloway to the next gravy train, in this case the Scottish Parliament where Respect/Galloway stood on the Glasgow List, a shoo-in he thought. Seems the people og Glasgow also thought he was a carpetbagger and he only got 3% trailing in behind the Tories again. Oops, taxi to next non London, non Scottish, large Muslim by-elction..Bradford West. I wonder if he will context the seat in 2015??
My young brother, who knew Galloway through Strathclyde University Labour Club, warned us about him thirty years ago. George Galloway is not a bigot. He can’t be because he does not believe in anything except George Galloway. He knows how to play the bigot card however. He had a meeting with Labour figures in Scotland last year.
Keep the polls going up and we’ll soon see the market shit themselves again when salmond/sturgeon ask for currency union talks and the better together lot tell us to f**k off……….next day, markets urge BoE and Westminster to hold talks over shared currency union.
Gorgeous George, never ceases, to amaze me, he travels around the world advocating independence, for every country under the sun, but when it comes to the country of his birth, he campaigns against independence for his fellow Scots.
Mr Galloway who frequently quotes, whilst on foreign shores, that the sun never sets on the British Empire, meaning that the eyes of Westminster are always on watch, and therefore they can’t be trusted, couldn’t wait to get his backside back on the green benches of Westminster.
Mr Galloway couldn’t buy a seat at Holyrood, and he carries no political clout in Scotland, he has however been known to be, lets say boisterous when it comes to the sectarian divide which plagues this country, which only adds fuel to an already blazing fire.
One sector of which I do agree with Mr Galloway is his stance on Palastine, an their persecution by outside forces.
George is pretty irrelevant. He doesn’t live here, he isn’t part of Better Together (I doubt they would have him, their barred list is as long as your arm) and he has no vote on the matter. Mildly surprised anybody can be bothered to go and hear his rantings. He got the Bum’s rush in 2011.
Will spoons still bend in an independent Scotland?
(Bit of an oldy.)
I have principles and if you do not like them I have others! Pretty apt when it comes to Galloway.
Another freak show by George ‘Barnum’ Galloway.
“There’s a sucker born every minute”
Galloway – A legend in his own mirror.
O/T I do apologise.
£250.000 pounds of taxpayers cash has been used to paint portraits of Westminster politicians, £10.000 pounds alone has been spent on the painting of Ian Duncan Smith, others include Ken Clarke, £8000 and William Hague £4000.
link to dailyrecord.co.uk
Maybe this does need anger. He stands for Holyrood election on sectarian “issues” in Glasgow, then he loses badly but now he goes around viscously attacking future Scottish democracy. Just one more raging unionist vote no hypocrite, on tour.
Galloway just seeks out any opportunity for self-publicity – he sniffs out causes and presents himself as a champion. In the early 80s he was a prominent supporter of Scotland United, the cross-party group which tried to maintain devolution as an issue. In the aftermath of the referendum debacle of 1979, that was akin to declaring yourself a nationalist. But now he’s got no hope of a position in any cause, movement or party except one he starts himself, so he’s falling back on sectarianism as something to excite attention. He never mentioned anti-Catholic prejudice before he became a has-been.
O/T Apologies folks.
A Saltirical response from Project Feart to the Deputy First Minister’s 50 questions the No Camp must answer:
link to scottcreighton.co.uk
Michael Greenwell – “One of the major problems post Yes vote is that both countries will be desperately trying to get the other one to take George Galloway.”
That’s okay, I’m sure Iraq would welcome him with open arms!
O/T In reference to possible negotiations with Westminster, I hope someone in SG has a sharp pen and compiles all the money and Westminster under spends that SHOULD be still due to us. We should get the allocation that we were promised. If you believe in that, then the total for as many years as someone would go back, is actually a DEBT to Scotland. If someone owed you something and only paid you back some of it, then it would likely lead to court to get back what you are due.
So I do hope that Westminster’s shortfall totals are wheeled out as part of our owed sums. Which as we all know, would be substantial. Why should we forget money we should have had and were part of our deal. It is ours!
In a general sense, I actually like Gorgeous George. He has a big following and in a lot of respects, I admire his cojones for speaking out against mainstream media propaganda. He does a lot of good defending victims of many injustices around the world, and I can’t wait for his movie, “The Killing Of Tony Blair” to come out.
That being said, he will stop at nothing to see his own personal political agendas happen. His aspirations to become the next mayor of London is no secret. I think it’s a shame that, whilst being a soldier of human rights globally, he has turned his back on his own nation. Such contrast in the man’s character makes me wonder what his ultimate agendas are, and if they truly are as selfish as they appear to be.
At a time when millions of hard working families are being made worse of by Westminster cuts, Whitehall are hiring 130 top staff on top wages, which will amount to £6 million pounds per year.
link to dailyrecord.co.uk
I’ve been trying to arrange a YES public meeting in my area of Edinburgh and have not been given permission to use any of thier halls.
It’s to remain politically neutral you see,
Did Scotland not bring in anti-secterian laws last year or is that only for football fans at games, oh i forgot hes a politition he can say what the fekk he wants and fekk all will be done about it, arent you glad you pay taxes for the police service and polititions like this?
Billy Ross what George freedom and democracey for every country in the world bar his own, then again his constituey is in England wouldent want to lose the pay check just another shill for the system.
The man just can’t be trusted. Even when claiming to be a Celtic fan he’s playing the sectarian card. See the link below for his claims to have followed Celtic since 1962.
link to fourfourtwo.com
Contrast with this letter he wrote to a Dundee United fanzine in 1990. Incidentally this letter was written 2 years after the 1988 “Red Card for Thatcher” Scottish Cup Final where he says on TV recently that was very proud to say the Thatcher GTF chants started in the Celtic end.
Yet he was very much a United supporter at that time.
I’ve seen the original of this letter and can vouch for it being genuine.
“last time I looked at a map Bradford was in South Yorkshire.”
mental note: avoid Pauls map supplier.
link to i40.tinypic.com
Apologies, this link should work for George Galloway letter.
Because everyone complained that the edit function was rubbish.
Thought it was fine. Let you edit typos and insert line feeds. What more do you need? They’re only comments, not dissertations.
Would that be the George Galloway that has allegedly charged £50 entrance fee into his “public” meetings?
In order to fund his holiday home in Portugal for the exploration of carnal knowledge of others?
He talks of Saltires as some kind of foreign flag.He equates independence with the Orange Lodge who hate the SNP and love his British state. Does he even know that as a unionist he stands shoulder to shoulder with the Orange Order! The guy is seriously deluded!
When parliament is in session,shouldn’t mps be in their beloved London?
I’ve posted before that this so-called defender of the Catholic religion was denounced from Catholic pulpits when he was trying to get elected to Dundee Council (many years ago of course).
I seem to remember that he was never actually elected to anything in Dundee and had to go to Glasgow to become an MP. Might Dundonians reading this comment and give their examples of crazy GG antics for our edification?
Better watch, if he sticks his tongue out Uri might bend it.
I’ve sometimes wondered, when in conspiracy theorist mode,whether the British Establishment perpetuates George’s career as a sort of ‘useful idiot’ to discredit progressive politics generally.
I mean, how hard would it have been, to fiddle the postal vote in Bradford?
I used to watch RT News (Russian TV News) but when George got the program on there, I stopped watching RT. He used to be on Press TV (Iran) they obviously seen him for what he is, a scrounger and got rid of him.
It is true he was never elected to any position in Dundee. I honestly don’t know a Dundee person who has any time for him, he has been “fund oot” as we say here, and people have long memories of the Dundee Labour Council of the 70s and 80s.
Search the google newspaper archive for George Galloway Dundee and look for articles on Labour Social Clubs (money unaccounted for) and council flats being given to him ahead of other people in the queue.
Like I said…he has no fans in Dundee that I know of.
When parliament is in session,shouldn’t mps be in their beloved London?
He’s only following the example of his (in) glorious ‘leader’, a.k.a. Gordon Broon! :LOL:
Does anybody take Kitty Catkin seriously aany more?
Georgybhoy The political version of a ambulance chasing lawyer.
*pedantry alert* While the Howden Park Centre is indeed a council–run venue, both the City Halls and the Whitehall Theatre are run by independent trusts (GlasgowLife and Leisure & Culture Dundee, respectively) holding management/service contracts with their local councils.
The post-referendum negotiations between RUK and Scotland:
Scotland: Now how soon can you take back Trident?
RUK: And how soon can you take back Gorgeous George?
Scotland: Now that’s a hard one – maybe potential Armageddon isn’t that bad after all?
As a Dundonian, what`s my opinion of Galloway?
Good guy gone bad. A pantomime character. An irrelevance.
Shit happens.
Galloway is a self serving ……. He is also devious…
He knows fine well what he is up to.Wether people like or not amongst older people in the Irish/Catholic community there is a fear that in an independent Scotland they will be marginalised discriminated against.Anyone with half a brain knows this is mince but unfortunately some people feel threatened
Already I have heard local Labour councillors peddling the line that Catholic schools will be closed in an Independent Scotland . Typical Unionist strategy spread negativity and fear
I never voted SNP before the last Scottish elections but I am glad I did. Having been involved in local community groups and campaigns for 20 years owing to a boundary changes we now have an MSP MP who actually seems to care about the local area . Nicola Sturgeon has convinced me to vote Independence.
Scotland has changed.
I just would not get involved in argument with Galloway , or stoop to his level .He wants to lower the debate on to this nonsense
The Yes campaign should stick to the positives . There is a lot of poverty and inequality in parts of Scotland.
People from poorer parts of Scotland need jobs decent houses more opportunities. Only Independence can bring this. This is what the Yes campaign should concentrate on not getting into the politics of division as Galloway wants.
“Hats off to you for services to rope delivery, David McCann”
Nothing to do with me Rev!!
Meow seriously, is George’s favourite footballer Puskas?
Catastrophic mistake for George to be pussyfooting about Edinburgh feline so unhappy at his treatment by the Council. I know he’s not usually pussy-illanimous but his antics are reducing the Scottish public to a state of cat-alepsy. Looks like he’s licked this time for sure and a sourpuss to boot.
(I think I’ve milked the cat theme enough!)
@Jingly Jangly…
Typhoon fighters are wanted because Scotland will get a squadron of them as part of the shared assets (plus a squadron of Hawks). They will have good resale value in the future.
Well if there was any doubt that Gorgeous George wasn’t exactly playing with a full deck this proves without any doubt he isn’t. It looks like he’s thrown away the 4 suits and been left with the 2 jokers.
George you are most welcome to move back to this daft wee pretendy nation.There is a bed waiting for you at Carstairs.You are a parody of your own parody.Nothing you say is consistant with your alleged social democratic ideology.On the one hand you complain about lack of true democracy in the UK and other nations.Yet you would seek to stop any movement to Scottish independence.whybare you so worried surely its just a case of awaiting the people of Scotlands opinion and accepting it.But to say an Orange order march would have been accepted whilst your phone box rally was not,and infer it to be a nationalist block.Is so wide of the mark its madness.Salmond can’t say it but the SNP despise the Orange order as they are British bigots.But they want to keep the country that you seem to worship.You are standing together for Queen and country George just remember that.
Here is an actual election leaflet he circulated in Glasgow.
link to electionleaflets.org
Laugh? Cry? What is the correct response to this?
There’s a recording somewhere of a radio programme where George destroys Frank Duggan, the seriously dishonest US lawyer who fronts the US families flight 103 group. Frank has never knowingly made a correct statement about the Lockerbie disaster except perhaps for the basic fact that the plane crashed.
George has him for breakfast. In the end Frank gets mad and slams the phone down. It is seriously fun listening.
I suppose anyone can shoot fish in a barrel.
Like the new comments input box by the way.
That election leaflet is school boy stuff.He is trying to get votes by claiming he is fighting to protect Catholocis.Good god is this 1970 or 2014!George you have been down south too long.We don’t have to fight each other over a football team or religion.We are trying to unite our nation whilst yo seek to divide and rule.Its not Northern Eire.I say that as a catholic with a brain who chooses to support Scotland and Partick Thistle.Rather than your ancient antiquated rehash of the battle of the Boyne.Think outside your religious prejudice George you might learn something.What’s wrong with Dundee utd anyway!
Galloway and Fradge two imbeciles, who play the race card conststently for attention.
George can do better.
“All your life George you have stood up for the under dog” So what’s wrong with standing up for your own to wee, to poor, to stupid country?
Bar none? Well maybe just the one.