Taken in Greenock earlier, prior to the First Minister’s visit.

It seems an appropriate image for today.
Especially as the man in the middle of the pic is this charmer:
“A NEO-Nazi thug is facing jail for threatening a terrified couple with a hand gun and vowing to bomb them out of their home.
Evil John Montgomery waged a terror campaign against John and Helen McLachlan after finding their phone number in a handbook for the Scottish Socialist Party.
He was acting as part of a campaign against Socialist party members by white supremacist terror group Combat 18.
The 20-year-old called the couple in the middle of the night at their home in Greenock, and snarled: “I’ve got a Browning pistol and I’m going to shoot you. Don’t look out of the window – I’m going to throw a petrol bomb through it.”
Last night, Helen McLachlan said: “I was frightened out of my wits. How would Montgomery like it if someone to put his mother through an ordeal like that?”
Montgomery, from Greenock, appeared at Greenock Sheriff Court last week and admitted calling the McLachlans repeatedly at their home in April last year.
The court heard how he swore at them, said he had a gun and threatened to petrol bomb their house.
Two days later, he was caught in possession of Combat 18 literature “intended to stir up racial hatred”.
Then in July last year, the Neo-Nazi thug was again caught trying to distribute Combat 18 material. He admitted the charges against him and was told he was facing jail for his terror campaign.
Sheriff John Herald told the Neo-Nazi thug: “These are very serious charges. Let’s be quite clear that all options, including detention, are being kept wide open.”
Last night, Helen, 53, told the Sunday Mirror: “It was a fright, at the time. He’d been calling our home for weeks, but my husband didn’t tell me. Then one night I came downstairs to get a drink of water and he called.
“He must have called ten times that night – right up until 6am.
“When I picked up the phone, he said ‘I’m Combat 18’.”
“I said ‘What?’ because I didn’t know what he was talking about.
“He said: ‘If you look out of your window, you’re going to get a petrol bomb through it’.”
Then said: “I’ve got a Browning and you’re going to get shot.”
Terrified, Helen and John, 54, fled their home in panic. But last night Helen said: “When I saw Montgomery in court, to me he was just a silly wee boy.”
Combat 18 has been linked to a string of racially motivated attacks throughout the UK.
Montgomery admitted repeatedly phoning a Cardross Crescent home between 15 and 19 April last year, swearing at the couple, telling them he had a hand gun and threatening to petrol bomb the house. He will be sentenced on July 4 for the offences.”

Now that’s what we’d call properly nasty nationalist intimidation. We’re sure it’ll get just as much press coverage tomorrow as some dafty shouting at Jim Murphy a bit.
So glad someone got a picture of that lassie! I was on “crowd control” there, and was a bit anxious about those two. Luckily, we outnumbered them about 500-1!
Surely, they were just cheerleaders, maybe not.
Totally love this pic, the passion of Scotland runs deep In this girl,
What the hell is going on far left of frame? MI5?
With acts like that, the wee lassie could be the next Nicola..
Man in bunnet on LHS “What a pair o bawbags”
Oh bless her! That could be a Banksy painting it so perfectly corners the emotion of a nation.
A great wee girl – like the Saltire sisters.
Those lads do not realize that they have their flags backwards and upside down….;-)
Another Nicola Sturgeon in the making 🙂 If so, we are blessed.
“Chaotic scenes as vile cyberchild disrupts peaceful union flagwaving”. Special report by on-the-spot, balanced journalist James Cook.
“hyperbolic”, Stu? You’re too kind.
There was 2 in Helensburgh aswell. Trying to hand out pro tory or pro ukip pamphlets. They had purple and blue regalia
Well done that wee Lassie
I can just see the headline “rampant Nat terrorises innocent unionists”
Nationalists the world over try and conflate the party with the state. The SNP are no different.
Nationalism is a petty argument.
2 dumb fucks and a wee hero, gaun yersel hen!
At some point these people will realise they are entirely on the wrong side. We will be happy to forgive and forget.
Reeta Chakrabarti on the BBC just now “the SNP has condemned the violence”. What violence?
What a brave bonnie girl. Photo of GE 2015. Imagine how BBC Scotland will treat her though.
Evil Scot Nat witch accosts British Nationalists will no doubt be the headlines.
@Brian Nicholson
Actually the union flags are the right way up.
Whit a fottie! Got a wee tear in my eye.
Brian Nicholson wrote:
“Those lads do not realize that they have their flags backwards and upside down….”
What do you expect Brian, decades of inbreeding must take its toll.
Anyway, their rags match their brains – backwards and upside doon.
To that wee lassie: ((((( GAUN YERSEL HEN )))))
To be fair, they are maybe just harmless, democratic supporters of the ‘most successful political union ever’, which is the ‘envy of the world’, and able to articulate their support in a compelling manner.
[Nah, me neither!]
Cracking photo. We had a couple Union flag guys too at Largs but only got a glimpse of the flag…might have been the same guys for all I know. They didn’t bother anyone. We had a street full of people. It was absolutely mobbed.
No secret venues for Nicola. 🙂
Oh deary deary me just look at the two of them.
Imagine the planning of that? they two all weekend thinking up that plan haha
I mean seriuosly just look at the two of them………all thats missing is Jim Murphy to roll up with his bowler hat and Rrrangers top on and ask them two to vote “fur ma party” remember Jim has no shame he will be in the new Celtic top tomorrow on another street corner.
Caption no 1
“my flag’s much higher than your flag”
Union flag socks, union flag shorts and union flag and they call us nationalists!
Good ol’ Brit Nats.
The one in the middle has Union Jack socks too. Wow.
“Swami Backverandah”, thanks for that, I just about coughed my supper up.
And well done to the young lady for showing those two ignorant twats true scottish patriotism.
How reminiscent of the Johnson sisters in Freedom Square on the 19th.
Hope over fear, folks.
10 year old girl in Greenock has higher IQ than 2 unionists combined, it’s not about football morons.
Bless her, a wee lion and determined with it too. Fair made me smile.
Mochachoca wrote:
“At some point these people will realise they are entirely on the wrong side. We will be happy to forgive and forget.”
FFS, ah jist fell aff ma cher.
@ Suzanne K
Perfect description- a Banksy!
Beautiful image, great work ‘wee lassie’ we’re all very proud of you.
A little star. Shows everybody how to be unafraid of the monobrows who try to thrust their beliefs down your throat.
Make that picture the “front page” of the National for the next three days. It would be worth it.
And the future looks a damn sight brighter than the past.
Time to turn the page on the old politics.
@ Suzanne K 6:26pm – Totally agree. C’mon Banksey or National front page.
@ The Tree of Liberty 6:40pm – Funny you should say that, the more I looked at it the more I got emulsional. I popped off a Tweet to her Mum with a thanks.
Have Rangers Football Club been asked if they condone this kind of behaviour from it’s supporters
The nation needs to know now and a full enquiry instituted without delay
Questions must be asked of Unionist parties as to why they have refused to comment on why the guy in the middle looks like he’s wearing a skirt
Is this connected to Eddie Izzards protest at men wearing trousers or indeed a Kilt
Good on the wee lass…
At least the wee girl can hold her flag higher, if the other 2 tried it we would never see their faces. No luck eh?
Woohoo, well done lass your a champ 😎
Thanks for the lovely words folks, Proud of my little angel.
@Archie [not Erchie]
Where are you hiding on twitter then?
Caption 2: Guy on the left is saying…
“We should have brought flags instead of these f***ing aprons”
one of the one hundred.
Great image.
Can I just say how much I hate the BBC and CH4 ?
What an absolutely brilliant photo. That makes my day after the non-news from Glasgow earlier.
Need I fall into cliche mode…”there stands an example of what we are battling for…the young…the future…an independent Scotland”
Fantastic. It’s now the wallpaper on my desktop.
Every picture tells a story
Truly Inspired
🙂 🙂 🙂
Fantastic image, full of hope. I hope those two football bellends realise everything they stand for is about to end.
[…] Waiting for Nicola […]
2 halfwits stuck in the 17th and 18th centuries and a wee star for a 21st century Scotland. Proud disnae cover it wee yin 🙂
Good grief. Your update certainly is a shocker. No doubt the MSM will be covering this tonight?
I would like to purchase a copy of that photo if it can be enhanced to for example A3 with quality. Is it taken by a journalist or a private person?
The most ironic thing about it is, the guy with the Rangers top on, stays in the homeless cente just around the corner. Shat apun by the state, but will vote for them through bigotness
That wee girl is a blood and soil aggressive nationalist if ever I saw one. Until her sort are cleared from the streets how can any mild-mannered Britisher feel safe?
Just heard on the unofficial grapevine that the labour council tried to stop the FM’s helicopter landing in Greenock earlier. Petty nonsense from a party in it’s death throes…
If it was good enough for the silverware to be given to Morton for winning the league then there should have been no problem with the FM landing there…
As for the unionist boys above, I am sure they will be so proud to have been bested by a 10 year old girl, they will be fundilymundily upset by it all…
The picture is even more effective when cropped slightly and changed to black and white. It makes for a photojournalism classic.
Revelations of sinister goings on from Union sponsored flag waving flapheads is to be expected..
But what’ll be the headlines in the morn… You guessed it … Imminent collapse of common decency spurred on by extremely dangerous pro SNP….
I had the opportunity of buying a rangers top for £10.99 reduced from circa £50. Before the referendum, I probably would, post George Square – NEVER!
Revelations of sinister goings on from Union sponsored flag waving flapheads is to be expected..
But what’ll be the headlines in the morn… You guessed it … Imminent collapse of common decency spurred on by extremely dangerous pro SNP….
Well that’s one brave wee girl.
Over on Alex Thompson’s blog he talks of being at today’s shindig in St Enoch Square and spoke to what he called the “key disrupters”. These are some of his comments:
“They described themselves as “socialist”, “class activist”, “people of Glasgow”, “Marxist” and “nearly Marxist”.
“None used the word “nationalist” until I asked about that. Then all said they were not members of the SNP – but all said they would vote SNP on Thursday.”
“And that is a problem for the SNP. The disrupters said they would vote SNP, ergo they are SNP supporters (whatever else they may be).”
“Of course every mass movement attracts its ugly fringe and the party cannot be expected to police those outwith its membership.”
Then he goes on to say something outrageous.
“But maybe it’s about time it got its supporters to these events and made some attempt to police an anti-democratic fringe who are – they tell me – also its supporters come Thursday.”
So the SNP is to be held responsible even if no SNP members are present. This would leave them wide open to the attentions of agents provocateurs. What an absurd assertion.
Just the usual media hack then, Alex Thompson.
Haven’t started reading the comments but I think that shot deserves international exposure. Poignant? The entire indy debate in one image. Deference to traditional myths and nationalist extremism, verses the hope for fairer life opportunities for future generations?
haha totally brilliant ,their faces are a picture ,take a good look onions there is the future ,a wee lassie not scared off your nonsense,suddenly the future looks bright 🙂
Apparently one of the chaps is a bit of a neo-nazi.
And there was me thinking they were probably a couple of civil servants.
If I recall correctly, the 18 is a reference to Adolf Hitler’s initials and their position in the alphabet. ie A=1 and H=8.
I doubt the media will spend much time actually explaining how it’s many of the unionists that are the true Nazis.
Brian Nicholson says:
4 May, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Those lads do not realize that they have their flags backwards and upside down….;-)
That’s because their heads button up the back.
Who was it said “Wherever two or three are gathered together there’ll be some National Front nutter waving a Union Jack” ?
Now my desktop too
I believe that Banksy already did something similar…
Anybody else recall a drawing of a wee mouse wi’ a Saltire and a feart quine wi’ a UJ school case?
I saved it somewhere, but can’t find it now.
It was obviously modified from the original, which featured the two characters, but without the national insignias.
“I would like to purchase a copy of that photo if it can be enhanced to for example A3 with quality. Is it taken by a journalist or a private person?”
It was taken privately. But the version above (if you click on it) is the original, there’s no higher resolution.
@ JGedd quoting Alex Thompson:
“None used the word “nationalist” until I asked about that. Then all said they were not members of the SNP – but all said they would vote SNP on Thursday.”
“And that is a problem for the SNP. The disrupters said they would vote SNP, ergo they are SNP supporters (whatever else they may be).”
That is outrageous! It’s a SECRET BALLOT. He has no idea how these people will vote o Thursday. Deary me, the standard of journalism is really dire. But we already knew that.
I spy Anne Begg’s bestest Naw buddy on the left side of that NF pic.
Great photograph. Will James Cook be using it as his desktop background?
With the UK media focusing all it’s attention and faux outrage over something that didn’t actually happen in Glasgow and the naming of a woman’s baby in London it was the perfect day for some to bury bad news:
Straw and Rifkind suspended over ‘cash for access’ claims.
Never mind though, it’s not like this sort of thing is important to our democracy or anything.
And the twerp in question got off with 250 hours community service – despite the fact that he had ‘previous’ for possession of racist literature. This link also has an intruiging reference to some of his other ‘activities’:
link to lancasteruaf.blogspot.co.uk
That little girl is your future, Scotland; nurture her and all like her, and your freedom will come soon.
We’ll not see that photo on the MSM alas…
I believe the guy on the left has a Rangers top on.
I hate to stereotype Rangers fans (after all Govan was probably the SNP’s strongest part of Glasgow for a long time) but you really have to wonder about people who’s political position is apparently determined by their football preference. What a clown.
“there’s no higher resolution.”
I know you meant that about the photo…
That wee lassie will have to be arrested by Police Scotland for her own protection you understand. Uhmm do you want to run that one by me again Mr House!
Saw this photograph re-tweeted on Wings Twitter, her Mother was proud of her and so should we. I took a bit of time to realise what was standing beside her being focused on her.
A brave wee lassie.
Just saw Delia Smith at a function covered by Sky News introducing Mr Ed. as follows “it gives me great pleasure to introduce the next Prime Minister of England – Ed Milliband”. No-one corrected her! Stupidity or does she know something we don’t?
The fascist on the left is NF member Dave McDonald from Aberdeen, Anne Begg MP campaigned along side him for Better Together,
They should have been pragmatic, instead they followed the establishment’s line of attack.
The drip-drip of dumb-down, that we, up north here, ARE SICK OF, and unfortunately for you journalists, are keeping note of.
Just in from work and it seems that all that’s happened today is that Shouty Jim got outshouted.
Oh and the MSM lied their heads off as usual. Cook, Gardham and Thomo you are all a disgrace to your profession. No,cancel that, your profession IS the disgrace.
In bed with power like whores.
Now that got to be the image of this election campaign !
A courageous wee girl indeed; kinda’ represents Alba at her best.
Well done Greenock.
As poignant as the Vietnam pretesting students in US putting flowers in the National Guards gun barrels don’t you think ?
That pic is to the GE campaign what Lindsay Jarrett’s YES banner on Ed. Castle rock was to indyref. Truly inspiring.
A couple of sighbore-nats.
Mattias says:
“I would like to purchase a copy of that photo”
You can contact the girls Mum on twitter: @RobertsonSteff
An Iconic photograph which deserves to be seen more widely but given the nutcases, like the two arseholes with the Union flags it can’t be, at least for now.
“Their flags are the wrong way up”.Their flags need to be folded up. Their game is up.
A wee lassie holding aloft a small flag of her nation alongside two adults holding oversized Butcher’s aprons of an undemocratic Establishment.
I feel a bit sorry for these two. They aren’t Establishment, or bankers, or landed gentry. They are simply pawns in the Establishment game.
Every reason to be proud of your daughter Stephanie, we are too.
Not that I care anything about football personally but I note their team came 3rd.
Hope that’s prophetic.
Photo of the general election. Everything thats wrong with Scotland on the left. Scotlands future on the right.
t was taken privately. But the version above (if you click on it) is the original, there’s no higher resolution.
The image file size is only 390k, so won’t print well, even at A6 or smaller. Pretty much regardless of one’s technology, I would think.
I have started a twitter hashtag #lets get this picture on every desktop inScotland link to wingsoverscotland.com …
This photograph completely captures the mood and feelings we are feeling at present. Her family must be so proud of her!
I found it quite an emotional photo. Thanks for sharing it.
Got it.
link to tinyurl.com
“Divide and Rule” still strong down there!
Perhaps they will be Scots one day?
Though @RobertsonSteff may have a larger original file. 😉
When is the actual bias reporting by the media going to become A STORY IN ITSELF.
A poor generation of journalists..
The trust has gone…
That looks like the Irish comedian Andrew Maxwell with the baldy chap on the right of the pic!
Is the guy on the far left of the pic with the shaven head not the same guy who was pictured campaigning with Anne Begg during the Referendum
Fine example of Unionism on display there
I’m sure our lot’s got the odd eccentric but these are a different breed altogether
I’m just going to leave it at that
Know whats really funny… Most of these unionist/right wing/confused rangers fans and torys, are probably on a giro or have friends, family or loved ones who have been brutally (or even slightly) affected by sanctions, the nab, job fare and forced labour etc etc and still run about up the arse of an establishment who hates (but uses them) and doest give one single solitary f@@k about them. Heres your union lads !
Images like this show hope for the future. The kids who are growing up through all of this will be making the decisions/voting one day. Nae fear..I wish them well
A quite wonderful image.
Worthy of cropping to straighten and disseminate.
If the BBC etc do not report on this tomorrow = no more licence fee from me
Picture tells a thousand words.
which one is the bobby??
I see Iain Martin of the Telegraph has gone native on Twitter again.
So proud of that wee girl.
She reminds me a bit of La Pasionaria statue on Broomielaw.
Now, Eddie Izzard.
There is a role model for a real lady for you.
Old Britain – meet new Scotland. Now…get out.
Nationalism has blinded many Scots to the logical truth. That FFA would lead to £7.6Bn of cuts.
But hey, let’s ‘make Scotland stronger’
You know, with the £7.6 Bn black hole. Out of a budget of £70Bn.
Cook Delia Smith has just introduced Ed Miliband as ‘the next prime minister of England!’
Another howler for my list:
link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
I am sure Chris Deerin will have this story in tomorrow’s Mail.
Just back from hearing Nicola speak tonight in Dumfries. As usual an enthusiastic and good natured audience. Very heartening to hear so many English voices in the hall supporting the SNP.
Great photo!
Well done wee lass!
Not so sorry O/T
link to youtube.com
Cheers Jock and Ninja 😀
What a wee star!! And let us not forget Jodie, the primary schoolgirl at the Hope Over Fear rally who handed a cheque for money she had raised (500 quid?!?) to Loaves and Fishes founder Denis Curran.
Our future is in FINE hands!
Go ahead British Empire, send your fascists to fight the nationalists.
There are only a relative handful of committed fascists on this entire island (including some establishment types), which makes our recent extreme Conservatism un-necessary.
The real bovver boys are now in the “City”…and everywhere their money reaches.
Protection of capital and personal profit is the clout provided by the status quo, a racket, they now use to beat us with.
For those who want the original, her mum posted it on Twitter; I can’t remember her name, but she is linked to the SNP. I presume her mum might have a copy with more size.
@Grouse Beater
I’m so sad about Delia, Iv’e even got one of her books.
Her recipe for mince is pretty good!
Though @RobertsonSteff may have a larger original file. 😉
it was taken privately. But the version above (if you click on it) is the original, there’s no higher resolution.
Doh! 🙂
7.6 billion black hole? What size is the black hole we are in the now? We’ve been robbed blind for years master. Pish talking you are.
Was driving back up the A90 today and there were a few signs about, mostly SNP.
There were some blue ones, was it Derek Wann? I won’t bother, too obvious….
Anyway, there were other ones urging ‘unionists to unite’ FFS.
Anyway on the Wann signs (and other assume tory ones) there seemed to be no evidence of political affiliation at all.
I slowed down and peered at one of the signs, and lo – in the corner, as tiny as could be ‘the Scottish conservative and unionist party’.
They are fucking ASHAMED to advertise their allegiances. Same with labour and the lib dems. Tells you all you need to know.
As for St. Enoch debacle, Eddy Izzard – for fuck sake ‘I ran with a Saltire’. You fucking martyr eh. Fuck off.
Quislings, shills, hollow men – lend me your ears! GTF
I presume everyone has worked out Murphy’s strategy. He knows they can only hold a few seats. He wants to keep his own and to hell with the rest.
He knows hardline unionist Tories are propping him up,as another unionist in East Ren. So he is appealing to hard line ultra right wing people, by showing nationalists allegedly attacking him. He needs as many nutters to switch to Labour as possible. That’s the reason for the big smile. His plan worked, and he had a willing BBC to do his job for him!
The guy is a narcasist and turning into a sociopath. Politics, is not about politics anymore for Jim. Its a big game of one upmanship ,deceipt and lies. This guy has no superego. He has no moral compass. Truth be told he probably never did.
This ain’t good:
link to twitter.com
Thanks for the link, Mr McTernan celebrating today was heard to say “Great result from Glasgow today, we are winning” LOL.
Thanks to Jock Scott and the Ninja Penguin for carrying on the good fight 🙂
I managed to squeeze a case reference from the BBC tonight 🙂 they have not been giving them out for months . . .
I’m sure it will do some good ! ! They will swiftly correct their reporting today . . . They will instead report on Lord McConnell encouragement to young people to ‘boot’ Tory activists in East Renfrewshire and Jim Murphys appalling bullying of pensioners in his constituency.
Ok, I know, I’m a bit of a chump
@Tam Jardine
Well just what, you know, the IFS says.
Not that they know anything about economics…
The PNR: Her recipe for mince is pretty good!
One of your best, PNR! 🙂
Some media report the UK Press bias. This is a report from an Irish journalist who curiously doesn’t include Scottish press.
link to rt.com
Nicola sturgeon was asked about the economic feasibility of FFA on the debate last night.
When asked about the IFS report she said “let’s let the people decide”
Because ‘the people’ know way more about economics than the IFS…
The SNP uses populism way way too much. Very, very dangerous.
But of course a second referendum would be entirely democratic.
It’s not as if people said no.
… neatly avoiding my question. Are we on twitter?
Grouse Beater says:
4 May, 2015 at 9:17 pm
Cook Delia Smith has just introduced Ed Miliband as ‘the next prime minister of England!’
prophetic perhaps?
At 21.45pm SKY News repeats interview incognito with man falsely stating he fears SNP reprisals. Behind him, photo or window showing Edinburgh Castle.
The British state’s attack on Scotland’s democracy continues unabated.
ignore and he will go away
@Wuffing Dug
The only reason they won’t show their affiliations is that they’re scared.
Scared of the mindless nationalism that is infecting the nation. Not everyone forgets how Hitler came to power…
Good article in forbes..
link to forbes.com
By that logic, I’ll assume you’ll not be voting on Thursday, as you have already expressed you democratic right at the previous GE?
OMG more updates. Every time I check there’s another gallery of rogues, or “a fine bunch of Hogarthian grotesques” as Tony Hancock once remarked.
You don’t seem to like democracy, do you?
Only when it suits, eh?
link to labour-uncut.co.uk
Good luck trying to add a comment, my post was awaiting moderation but has since disappeared !
Yoda says
“Well just what, you know, the IFS says.
Not that they know anything about economics…”
Didn’t they forget to include vat which amounts to strangely £7.5b
but I’m sure you right they’re the experts.
Absolutely brilliant picture. Will be iconic in the future, when we finally gain our independence.
Yoda-do you think the first vote was an entirely democratic process and was a level playing field considering the British establishment trashing the yes campaign and constant lying by many better together leaders plus the vow etc?
Thanks everyone for the lovely messages! Ciara is in bed sound asleep for school tomorrow and hasn’t a clue she has went viral. I told her she was famous but she was just like ‘ok mum’ ???? lol.
Cadogan Enright
Aye. CameronB has this one anyway I see. I am interested in this economic black hole angle though. Someone should warn the other 160 odd countries that operate a deficit. They are all fucked.
Yoda 9.15
We know all about your Nationalism,Yoda.
The kind that bombs the hell out of other countries,slaughters thousands based on lies and doesn’t bat an eyelid.
If we weren’t dragged into war crimes by our imperial masters ,we may not have a deficit of any kind,and certainly not the moral kind that your types have.
Wonderful photo.
I have already sent to about a dozen friends. It will be a classic emblem of the campaign.
I agree, it is a Banksy brought to life.
The first person to mention Hitler or the Nazis has always lost the argument.
Oh dear, dear, dear…
“The only reason they won’t show their affiliations is that they’re scared.”
Someone who obviously has not encountered our onionist farmers around these parts!!!
yoda, how dare you equate what is going on in Scotland with Hitler? Why do people like you insist on denigrating this country and pissing on the memory of those that died under Hitler’s regime? It makes me sick that people like you have no respect.
Take your head out of your arse and do a bit of reading on this site about FFA.
For anyone else interested in what our successful Scottish businessmen and women think about Scotland and FFA, please bookmark this site, as they update regular.
The link below is from today.
link to businessforscotland.co.uk
Yoda the troll is back. This is good news. He/she must be very worried about something to come on to Wings and be so blatant a troll. Anyone have any ideas what Yoda is so concerned about?
Yoda 9.49
Have you read Rev Stuarts earlier post today entitled
‘The side of the the thugs’
I’m sure you have, but made no comment, I notice.
If there’s anything in that you care to dispute,get back to us.
Yoda just tried to stick the heid on my latest blog essay.
A man of few words, thankfully.
I thought yoda was meant to be wise?
The national socialist comparisons are so last week.
You live and you learn….
Wish the SNP would make the banning of these Neanderthals marches a red line issue. Until this scourge is stamped out Scotland will be seen as backward all over the world. It’s a total embarrassment.
My teenage son has just asked me a very good question.
Why are all the Neo-Nazis in this country Unionist?
O Will, Will, where for art thou Will?
I got the photo bled of all colour except around the wee lassie. Looks a lot better, more powerful, symbolic, a fine piece of photo montage.
To Yoda the Murdoch messenger ;Created by bankers and colluded by Westminster with Scotland having no say.Silly Billy
Muttley79 says
“Anyone have any ideas what Yoda is so concerned about?”
He’s a concerned troll?
Just so you know
That little girl wanted that picture taken herself, she’s 8 and tucked up in bed for school tomorrow. Don’t think she’s quite aware of all the publicity lol
God bless
GTF he should…
Ma Wee Daughter :d amazingggg :d
What an amazing photo, the saltire being physically smaller but symbolically much larger. The wee lassie has a look of determination which projects hope. The unionist with the dark hair looks confused, I hope he is challenging his beliefs tonight. The elite unionists rely on these followers, while simultaneously sneering at them, very sad.
Yoda prefers Imperialism to Nationalism, when this happens.
link to youtube.com
Rabid nationalist waves saltire as a couple of wee lassies cower behind butchers apron.
Well done lass
Mr McTernan celebrating today was heard to say “Great result from Glasgow today, we are winning”
Alas, he means Murphy will win his seat, not Labour will win in Scotland.
I fear he’s correct. The more a politician gains media exposure the more his constituents mistakenly assume he’s a man of influence and power.
The SNP uses populism way way too much. Very, very dangerous.
Says some clown after a day of Eddie Izzard rammed down our throats by SLabour and the BBC, the most corrupt biased and all round creeeeeeepy as fcuk UKOK media in the western world.
@john king
Yer here all week. 😀
“You must unlearn what you have learned.”
Its fried your brains.
Slightly off topic but still related…
Due to all the media antics and bias reporting of the last few weeks/years, especially in relation to Scotland/SNP/politics and all else, I think it should be worth noting the recent mass inboxing of SNP mps/local reps in regards to TTIP by the huge number of those opposed to it, it may be worth a mass orchestrated event in which all supporters of devolved media, broadcasting and regulated reporting in Scotland do the same thing requesting this is a ‘red line’ should SNP prop labour up in the event of a hung parliament (vote by vote, or any other form of support).
Further to this,, I think this should be a demand from the Scottish people in any case. If The SNP is truly the voice of the Scottish People (wether in westminster or Holyrood) then this is something they could not ignore and work toward securing, enough is enough. It worked for TTIP why not devolved broadcasting and media!
Something a wee bit different – Ed Nice-man keeping it real with ‘Louise’. At approx. 11.30 mins he announces a coalition he’d support.
link to youtube.com
@Grouse Beater
“Mr McTernan celebrating today was heard to say “Great result from Glasgow today, we are winning”
I just made that up! Guessing it was accurate enough though and I’m not even a real reporter.
Where could I ever have got that idea from. Silly Nat.
O/T Can anyone assist me by sending a copy of footage of what is currently happening in Tel Aviv!!!! Then forward it to James Cook / BBC Scotland.
That is chaos on the streets, pr**k!!
Stewart Maxwell says:
4 May, 2015 at 6:53 pm
10 year old girl in Greenock has higher IQ than 2 unionists combined, it’s not about football morons.
10 year old girls has a shoe size bigger than their combined I.Q.
Brian Nicholson says:
4 May, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Those lads do not realize that they have their flags backwards and upside down….;-)
Those lads just landed lucky that they are standing the right way up!
@grouse beater
If Murphy keeps his seat, it will be because of Tory votes. He might become the last Tory MP in Scotland. And he’ll remain as a symbol of Labour/Tory unity.
Truth says:
4 May, 2015 at 7:56 pm
If I recall correctly, the 18 is a reference to Adolf Hitler’s initials and their position in the alphabet. ie A=1 and H=8.
I dispute this!
Their leader lost 2 fingers in a ten pin bowling accident when he forgot to let go. 18 was the highest number that he could count up to with his shoes and socks off!
Remember 1690: they commented. When questioned they said that was the time that Neighbours starts on the telly!
link to caltonjock.com
On Sky News tonight, Delia Smith introduces Ed Miliband as the next Prime Minister of England.
i wish they would make their minds up are we the loony left or the fascist right we cant be both ,can we? and if we are the left then we cant be what they say we are ,and if we are to the right then why do we hate the tories ? im so confused is there maybe a third option in that we are just normal and arnt really left or right and just out for something different to the status quo.
Make your mind up onions jeez ,but while you go on your little rants we will just let you ,you are doing a fine job hell we are starting to feel a little guilty that maybe we should be paying you as your doing a better job of destroying the union than we did.
Dunce cap for these two chaps in the picture and a gold star for the wee lassie
@Ian Brotherhood
Why did you just waste 12 minutes of my life? I already know that Ed Milliband is a tit!
There’s something so beautiful about that photo. Looks like I’m not the only one to notice!
Can’t quite put my finger on it, maybe it’s because she knows the two eejits are standing beside her but she doesn’t look scared, or angry, she just looks calm and self-assured. Her flag may be smaller, but she just holds it all the higher.
@Stephanie, I’m guessing she’s your daughter. You should be proud.
Yoda at 9.15
Are you referring to the deficit inflicted on Scotland if it remains in the bust UK with its deficit over ten times Scotland’s and a national debt of £1,500,000,000,000.
Away and see if you can brush up your knowledge of economics because you obviously know feck-all about it at the moment.
Here’s a starter. A deficit is not a debt.
Here’s another. Why would we want to be independent to run the economy the way it is mismanaged at the moment?
The grave of Herbert Asquith says Earl of Oxford &Asquith,Prime minister of England.
I think a good caption for that photo would be “no paseran”, “they shall not pass”.
Brave wee lassie!
True – if Murphy keeps his seats it will be down to Tory voters and there he is in St Enoch’s Square screaming Tories Out.
A complete hypocrite – Get theTories Out (so they can vote for me).
wakey wakey folks, read back
Stephanie says:
4 May, 2015 at 7:22 pm
Thanks for the lovely words folks, Proud of my little angel.
that fotograph just summed up everything we have been fighting against on this site for the past 3 years
damn right you should be proud….this image is now my wallpaper
well done to your daughter Stephanie, her photo bomb said more in one image than i have done in years with all of the posts on this site
say hi from schrodingers cat to your wee angel
I love the way she’s holding her saltire high and proud while the two numpties are trying to get their rags sorted out. Well done, wee hen.
Yes the two brain dead morons just don’t know how to react. Mind you how could anyone in Scotland be against their own flag the saltire.
Alas I am never going to understand the reason a Scot is against their own nation. The union flag is the flag of division in Scotland not our wonderful flag of St Andrew. The cross of unity and peace.
Although I would want an SNP win in East Ren, if they don’t manage it I would prefer a Tory to DimJim.
Four halfwits disrupt Murphy in St Enoch Square. “Scuffles”, “violent emotion” (Izard), “aggression”, Iain Martin refers to Nazi Germany, utterly predictable MSM faux outrage.
“This is not the sort of Scotland we want” (Smurph, BBC). Right on, Jim. And the rUK is a blessed example of non-aggression, public order, the right to peaceful protest and domestic tranquillity:-
1981 – Brixton and Toxteth riots
1985 – Broadwater Farm riots, London (police officer killed)
1990 – Poll Tax riots, Central London. Mass morning demonstration turns into “violent confrontation” with police, substantial property damage, “violence and looting until 3am” (Wiki)
2011 – 6-11 August, riots, violence, battles with police, millions of pounds worth of property damage in : London, Bristol, Greater Manchester, Birmingham and elsewhere in Midlands
All good stuff for the tolerant, civilising character of the Union?….
@Thepnr –
Come on man, that’s harsh! We need to hear all sides of the story, and I do believe that Ed looked much more relaxed, friendly, and natural than he does when stuck on stage in front of baying crowds of hardened, often drunken (and occasionally crazed) cynics.
He’s found his forte – speaking candidly to an audience consisting primarily of teenaged lassies. They should be able to ask him anything, and in his avuncular way, as a man of the world, he can allay their fears about the nastiness surrounding them (especially when it comes to dealing with really really really annoying brothers!).
So, I say – Hell, yeah! Go Ed!
Just saw a retweet from Pat Kane that a young Yorkshire lass living in Scotland, was attacked by skinheads (poss NF) while canvassing for the SNP. It seems she spent most of the day in hospital, needed stitches, and is a bit shaken up.
Not the best end to the day, eh unionists?
Yoda the UK has (at least) a 90 billion bottomless pit deficit and is 1.5 (or 6) trillion in debt even although it has been supported by Scotlands very lucrative oil revenues for decades. The poor and vulnerable have been subjected to a real ‘hammering’ to no avail as no dent has been made in relation to the deficit / debt. It continues to rise. Part of the problem lies with the fact that England imports more than it exports UNLIKE Scotland.
Individuals in the UK have been brainwashed into believing the Scots are a financial liability. This included many Scots until fairly recently. Now who would want to hold onto such a Nation? ‘Wee’ Scotlands whisky accounts for 25% of the WHOLE of the UKs food and drink export. Our salmon is the top UK food export (to name but a FEW Scottish assets).
Please enlighten yourself by visiting sites like BusinessforScotland (thousands of business people supporting Independence) and Bella Caledonia.
The wool won’t be pulled over our eyes anymore. The days of manipulative, biased Media is numbered. Youngsters like the child in the photograph, like all youngsters in my family, are being ‘politically educated’. You’ll have to play catchup.
@ Democracy Reborn.
I said to my son at the weekend that all recent riots in England have been under a Tory government – they just don’t realise that their policies provoke these riots.
If you keep stamping on the poor they are going to rebel.
Calls for Nicola to apologice etc on BBC news
But on Labour Uncut
Sean Clerkin: “I was told by members of the Labour Party in East Renfrewshire at 8:30 this morning”
You would all be be quite mad If you don’t to complain about the staging of this event by Labour for the BBC who duly reported it without mentioning that it was Labour who invited them and without mentioning that their reporter Cook know who these guys were. 037001100222 . option 1 option 3
Ghana and Namibia score higher on the list of press freedom than Spain, says the Spanish press about a Reporters without Borders report. The UK comes just after Spain (33 and 34 respectively).
See this article, the graphs speak for themselves.
link to index.rsf.org or in Spanish, link to publico.es
gone from heart warming to depressing – thank you unionist posters…
The sheriff in mention on the story retired years ago just saying fortunately Greenock is changing we lassie says it all.
This is awful news about the activist getting attacked by the BNP while out canvassing. Infact anyone getting attack no matter what political opinion they have is terrible but we all know who has stirred this up.
Willie Rennie libdems, Jim Murphy labour, Bernard ponsy STV, anyone in the BBC. They have stirred a hatred and unified extremist unionist into a hate mob.
They should be ashamed of themselves and what they cause just to save there jobs
Scottish nationalism described as “deviant” and linked with IRA in this article by Labour Party member:
link to mcs1987.wordpress.com
I sincerely hope that people throughtout the UK cast their vote with the future of younger generations in mind and do NOT vote out of ignorance and fear of change. The young girl in the picture is a depiction of hope. The two young men simply depict hatred and fear and can only be living in a different reality to the rest!
Their love for the Union is beyond me!
How about establishing a Junior Margo Medal. This wee Lass would be eminitely suitable for such an award given the way she fearlessly held her saltire high and proud in the presence of two not very nice unionists (I’am being generous). Superb, Wee Yin, Scotland is very proud of you.
Commiserations to those hurt today. May you all recover quickly.
To the little girl who held her saltire high while only a few feet away from two hard-line Unionists, you are an inspiration to a nation.
Today is Tuesday right? Tick the box.
Tomorrow is still gonna be Wednesday right? Tick the box.
Then on Thursday we get to vote right? Tick the box.
Who really gives a shit not now what the MSM have to say on our election? They are irrelevant, fuck them, you too Murphy hahaha.
@Jamie Arriere
link to twitter.com
This is the lady who was attacked in Paisley today.
Please, everyone, wish her a speedy and full recovery.
There is a real awakening in Scotland including the very young.
Heard a couple of stories today about 9 yr olds discussing politics with their friends and someone saying they got up and their children were watching BBC politics and discussing.
I have personally experienced in East Ren, 12yr olds coming in and asking to help in any way they can.
Some profound enlightenment is happening in Scotland and we should embrace it.
Surely u guys aren’t still banging on at poor Yoda when there are important issues to be dealt with on the BBC midnight news?
See my 12.17 post, reach for the phone, and leave Yoda alone FFS
Think about the morning
It makes me sick that the MSM feign violence at the Labour setup today in Glasgow, whilst real activists are being targeted with REAL violence and it goes totally unreported.
Is that jack & victor in the back round?
TIME article on Nicola,
“This Woman Is Forecast to be the Biggest Winner of the U.K. Election”
link to time.com
A good fair article why can’t our MSM and BBC journalists write like this?
Rev you should package up all of the issues highlighted on your site such as the photograph of Montgomery and MacDonald and their ‘history’, that of the girl attacked today and the SNP activist (woman on her own) who had to lock herself in her office last week when a gang of Orange Order hanger-on thugs tried to attack her. Then send it off to all Media outlets and see who, if anyone, will publish it. If they don’t you’ll have a list, at least, of those who didn’t.
We know what’s going on with Murphy right now. He’s cottoned on to what Labour policies (ideology) should entail so has tried to con the people who have no idea he voted for tuition fees, continuation of austerity measures and so on. They don’t know he claimed £196,000 last year in expenses, 2 million since 1991, anything about the fraudulent fiasco with his property in London or that he’s Vice President of the UK branch of the U.S. Henry Jackson Society. Nor do they know that while he bleats on about zero hour contracts (exploitative now to cover his back) Labour controlled Glasgow City Council, for one, have over 2000 ZHC employees on their books.
He’s tried all that but it’s not working hence the Referendum, Referendum to the power of ten technique to encourage the Tories to vote for him and his ilk (but especially him), the Gordon Brown (robbed the pension pots to the tune off billions) strategy to scare the shot out of the pensioners and the fitba talk to attract the fans ????
He’s now moved into the REAL Murphy the Manipulator mode. The shouty narcissist who wants to repress Freedom of Speech for everyone other than himself (strains of the allegations made against him in the Commons). A set up today? Wouldn’t surprise me as this is his final throw of the dice and helped of course by his cronies at the BBC / Media. Alistair Darlings pal, JKR, has also appeared on the scene now. Who’s to know if it’s SNP supporters targeting her or not? Could be Montgomery / MacDonald types (or even MI5 types ????). I’d hoped we would have heard from her when her pals at the Daily Record / Gordon Browns vow went belly up, but no. Very disappointing.
Three days to go. Wonder what they’ll come up with next?
Freedom of speech is being able to say:
“Rev that article was a load of shite!”
But hey, it stills get published, compare with Alex Thomsons blog where on todays events at least is appears that NO comments have been published.
UK Media stick your freedom of speech arguments right up your jacksy.
You are the ones denying freedom of speech and hope we don’t notice. Get a grip.
“O/T Can anyone assist me by sending a copy of footage of what is currently happening in Tel Aviv!!!! Then forward it to James Cook / BBC Scotland.
That is chaos on the streets, pr**k!!”
BBC’s award winning war correspondent has form here. Here he bleats like a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti Plain, surrounded by predators.
Another “event” hyped from nothing at all, to the nadir of man’s inhumanity to man.
Rather than deliberate deception, it may be that James just has a low threshold for discord and this is how he genuinely perceives things. However, either way, it must call into judgement his ability to render a faithful record of events.
As noted in the article linked, one should be skeptical of any account these folk give of any alleged disturbance.
If this sort of thing gives him the vapours, he’s in for one helluva shock in L.A.
“… it must call into
judgementquestion”O/T Just watched Russell Brands message on AOL pages where it has been edited down to vote labour. The reference on Scotland and Brighton have been omitted. Looks like the guy’s been played. Some welcome to honest politics.
Our state broadcaster and the rest of the media were stuck with is an absolute disgrace, except for the national obviously!
link to caltonjock.com
Someone said on Twitter that we should be so harsh on poor Jim “at least he’s bringing manufacturing back to Scotland”. 🙂
Having spent part of his childhood in a drawer I am curious to know what sort of hovel(s) Murphy currently inhabits.
@ John king
Aye manufacturing the truth.
A picture that speaks a thousand words and emotions, like a living Banksy yet without the spray paint, brillant!
HAW Murphy, don’t let that bit of cardboard hit you on the way out!
Unfortunately, truth manufacture has limits on expansion as it is rarely a sucessful export and is therefore limited to the home market.
Morning all.
Still hundreds of thousands of votes to be won.Lets all try to win another one over today.
I have a question,
Why are all the unionist politicians screaming about a non existent 2nd referendum?
Surely they would relish another opporchancity to hand us our arse on a plate and consign the prospect of independence to the history books and forever more close the book on it,
Or are they not so sure they can con the Scots a second time?
Discuss. 🙂
I urge everyone to check out the footage angle showing the glaikit one deliberately sticking the nut on a piece of cardboard. It’s comic genius. He deserves the £250 from Harry Hill.
If you enlarge that picture at the top of this article you get a clear idea of the mentality of these numbnuts.
The one on the left appears to be trying to stare down that wee lassie with a scowl on his puss.
But then again, he was probably born that way. Either that or their faces are the result of years of wafting those pishy cloots.
I bet they’re named Billy-Bop and Billy-Jo.
Inbred Neanderthal deadbeats.
After all the hate-filled lies, it took only one gallus wee lassie with a huge hope-filled message to dispel the vile propaganda of the British establishment. Our Nicola.
Ciara, nae feart, our BRAVE.
I notice Rowling is bumping her gums again about vile cybernats with 48 hours to go. Perfectly timed to help out her Red Tory chums.
Caption No. 3 – The future’s bright, but it’s nae Orange
Classic mate,classic
Poor Jim has been Labouring all this time with a terrible disability.
Cardboard blindness – itis affects up to 1000 people regularly.
The painless condition renders the sufferer incapable of considering cardboard or related paper issues.
This can take the form of not being able to avoid walking into large home-made
placards in the manner of a brain-dead zombie.
Similarly when large industrial paper manufacturers shut their business down ( See East Scotland) it doesn’t even register in the peripheral vision.
An unfortunate side-effect leads the sufferer to seek out middle aged cross – dressers and go up the town shouting at people.
[…] Taken in Greenock earlier, prior to the First Minister's visit. It seems an appropriate image for today. Especially as the man in the middle of the pic is this charmer: "A NEO-Nazi thug is facing j… […]
The Dodo became extinct because it was stupid
It’s not coming back smarter than before
Why anyone believes Labour would is beyond me
Labour aren’t almost extinct only because of stupidity They’re Nasty thieving sponging blood suckingly bad people
exactly the same as their brothers the Tories and the even worse Tick Infesting Lib Dums with their pretendy smiley fake faces masking putrid bile filled hypocrisy
Aah…. Good Morning Folks
BBC r4 news reading out attack SNP headlines from Daily Heil, Express and torygraph which is just not on as that’s BBC Vote Tactically or Else Scotland’s thing.
They are very aggressive liars in these newsrooms but they are a lot less scary without their “sudden intervention” from Crash Gordon, or President Obama or Bank of Scotland will leave Scotland if you don’t vote tactically or you’ll have no money or you’ll be invaded by Putin or Australia PM Abbot says vote tactically is only moral option etc
What a referendum the BBC Project Fear crew had.
Fun fact of the day, charming Jim Morphy spin doc/shyster Mr Macternan got the bums rush out of Australia for losing to far right PM Abbot, who then turned out to be a hard core vote NO UKOK Rule Britannia Britnat.
Go figure:D
@Stephanie says: 4 May, 2015 at 7:22 pm:
Thanks for the lovely words folks, Proud of my little angel.
You have a treasure there, Stephanie. A great big proportion of Scots are proud of her but we know oor bairns reflect their parents and we are proud of you too.
@Stoker 7.26
“Inbred Neanderthal deadbeats.”
Come on, that was a bit unfair to Neanderthals, Stoker.
Fair’s fair, after all.
I like your wee blue sash. Look good doon at CC blooms. Very fetching.
Loving the tiny union flag socks and the kiddies trainers too! What a hoot!
More state propaganda coming up on Radio Scotland this morning,with the impartial Kaye Adams.
Who took the photo? It is great!
I find listening to John Swinney being interviewed is frustrating. I find myself shouting at the radio for John to be more forceful.
This GMS he started off in his usual polite manner and accepted nonsense nothing to do with policy and as the interviwer ran out of bile he quetly demolished the Unionist rhetoric and managed a beautiful Party Political Broadcast just before it was drawn to a close.
Never underestimate politeness and good behaviour!
Shame for our English friends. They don’t have a choice from Labour or Tory unless happy to vote for the bigotry and chaos of Ukip’s so-called policies.
link to grousebeater.wordpress.com
@shiregirl says: 4 May, 2015 at 8:50 pm:
” … I found it quite an emotional photo. Thanks for sharing it.”
Stephanie2015 4 May, 2015 at 10:02 pm is the wee lady’s Mum, Shiregirl.
Stephanie says “Thanks everyone for the lovely messages! Ciara is in bed sound asleep for school tomorrow and hasn’t a clue she has went viral. I told her she was famous but she was just like ‘ok mum’ ???? lol”.
So your thanks are going to her via her Mum.
The Flags Photo.
Caption competition?
“Beat it kid your making us look stupid!”
Why am I seeing nothing in the media about the SNP activist who was assaulted yesterday to the extent of needing stitches?
Call Kaye this morning is to deal with the “riot” with Murphy and what is now acceptable to us in politics. Be assured SNP bad will be the result. maybe we should be heard.
Also, there has been a report that Russell Brand’s appeal for voters in England ,has had his Scottish comment removed( he said Scots can choose for themselves )by the BBC.
This giving the wrong impression that Brand was telling all of the UK inc Scotland to vote labour,they are always at it. Lets show them on Thursday.