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Wings Over Scotland

This what now?

Posted on August 19, 2022 by

At least try to keep your story straight, lads.

(Properly oldschool batshit-mad Telegraph article here, by this guy. Trailer here.)

0 to “This what now?”

  1. Chic Murrays's Chiropodist says:

    Can anyone point me at a link for the pics of London Docklands before and after oil, please?

    Somebody needs tellt and they are a bit thick for words so Im going to try pictures.

  2. Republicofscotland says:


    Haven’t you worked it out yet with Boyle, Chas, Main and Ellis, why do you think they’re in here, the most popular indy site still, in Scotland, here’s a clue its not because they want to see an independent Scotland.

    The way they back each other up and give a thumbs up to each other comments, I’ve seen this many times on other blogs. You don’t honestly think with independence at stake and the collapse of the UK and all that entails that this site hasn’t been infiltrated.

    A dead giveaway is when they continually link to establishment websites that spew Western right wing propaganda. Like Main and Ellis have been doing.

  3. Scott says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    29 August, 2022 at 8:01 pm

    Mark Boyle

    Magisterial stuff mate: as expected it took no time at all for the low life scum to bite. Homophobic as well as nativism

    What’s homophobic about asking someone if they’re in a relationship with someone else?

    Boyle seems a bit obsessed with ‘defending you’ – is the reason I asked.

    Apparently “James Cheyne/James Che./James che” is a woman using a discarded i-pad, so the assumption that Boyle is a man is yours and not mine.

  4. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    29 August, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    Let’s take the last five hundred posts (bar this one) on this thread: from my one at the top of this page to Ruby’s latest, comment-2702856 at 29th August 6.06pm.

    Here’s what comes from those five hundred posts:

    Ruby 89 (18% of all posts made)
    Andy Ellis 69 (14%)
    RepublicofScotland 57 (11%)
    James Che 42

    OMG it must have taken you ages to count all these posts. Pleased to be the top contributor. To be fair to Andy his posts are always at least ten times longer than mine. Each one of his should count as 5 posts at the very least.

    Could you go back and do a word count?

    I think the thing people are looking for is an explanation for Andy’s abusive behaviour. Some come to the conclusion he must be a BritNat troll others think he’s an MI5 plant. People have difficulty understanding his behaviour.

    For the most part it has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with what he says it’s the way he says it and how he absolutely never lets go especially re the franchise, covid & the war in ‘redacted’ and how everyone who doesn’t agree with him is a fringe nutter, a moonhowler, a skidmark, just plain stupid or has a tiny dick. The best & most revealing parts of Andy’s mile long posts are always found in the last few lines.

    Basically the guy gets right up people’s nostrils.

    No idea what you were trying to prove by counting all these posts. LOL

    I did see your earlier post about me but unlike Andy I don’t feel the need to contradict anything you said me. TBH your post made me laugh!

    I seem to really get on your nerves and James Che makes you very very angry! LOL

  5. John Main says:

    @Mark Boyle says:29 August, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    Good post.

    And great to see some facts on here. If you can ever spare the time, perhaps you could analyse the percentage of posts that have a factual basis to them.

    I will be surprised if you will get much above 10%.

    What’s the Gaelic for reality-denying, head-in-the-heather, self-deluding, sharn?

  6. John Main says:

    @Ruby says:29 August, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    “Pleased to be the top contributor”

    Nah, Ruby.

    Mark wrote you are the most prolific poster.

    An entirely different thing.

  7. Ruby says:

    This place is brilliant. The best entertainment ever.

    Why bother going to The Fringe when you can come on here!

  8. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says:29 August, 2022 at 8:12 pm

    “Haven’t you worked it out yet with Boyle, Chas, Main and Ellis”

    “A dead giveaway is when they continually link to establishment websites that spew Western right wing propaganda”

    Absolutely no doubt who collects the most irony award.

    Step forwards Republic, it’s rightfully yours. Ruby, with her obsession about trolls, is in a far distant second place.

    Only yesterday you were quoting the BBC to support some dubious point. Other days, you rubbish the BBC as “Western right wing propaganda”, but that’s on days when their facts don’t suit your overheated fantasies.

  9. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    29 August, 2022 at 8:30 pm

    @Ruby says:29 August, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    “Pleased to be the top contributor”

    Nah, Ruby.

    Mark wrote you are the most prolific poster.

    prolific? What’s that? Is it a condom?

    I think I get on your nerves too John/Iain.

    You know you can call yourself either John or Iain?
    I call you ‘Pita Chipolata’ It’s a cute name do you like it?

  10. Chas says:

    Imagine an individual who has never been all that interested in politics. However, he/she is worried about the spiralling costs of everything. They are aware that the Tories and Westminster are a mess and whilst they are not averse to the idea of Independence they are concerned about the competence of the SNP and the direction the Party is taking.
    A friend mentions to them that there may be an alternative to the Cult and asks them to have a keek at the Wings over Scotland blog which supports the recently formed Alba Party. I would suspect that they would be horrified at the extent of how far the SNP has fallen, thanks to the investigate work undertaken by Rev Stu. They then turn to the comments underneath the articles.

    I do not think it would take them too long, after reading the collective posts of RoS, Che and the rest of the BPHB to realise that the site is populated by too many nutters with a morbidly unhealthy fixation on the past.

    Another possible Independence supporter lost.

  11. Pete Wishart says:

    Albists still fighting like ferrets in a sack. Thank goodness ALBA is completely irrelevant in the real world otherwise they could cause so much damage to the independence movememt in next year’s Indyref if the public notices their behaviour.

  12. Ruby says:

    Aw Brilliant Pete’s back!

    He can definitely help me with the Gaelic!

    ‘Wee Donald Sugar’ Pete? What is that in Gaelic.

    You know the song. Wee Donald Sugar, sugar, sugar sugar.

  13. Scott says:

    Scotland’s new disability benefits system comes into force

    link to

    Adult Disability Payment is the name of the benefit, which the BBC article seems to have a problem signposting people to.

    link to

  14. robertkknight says:

    Weak Pishart pontificating from the comfort of his £150k p.a. c/o John-Q tax payer.

    No wonder Speaker Hoyle detests the SNP bench-warmers so much… So much hot air for so little results. There to supposedly represent Scotland on “reserved matters”…


    Fiddling while Rome burns at the hands of Sturgeon and her biology denying, inclusivity and diversity-ultras.

    What an utter shop-full of chocolate teapots the SNP are.

    Edinburgh’s Disgrace doesn’t sit on Calton Hill… it sits in Bute House, Charlotte Square, and stands barely 5′ tall.

  15. Willie says:

    Oh dear, the pride if the fleet, the Prince of Wales has broken down.

    Is there no end to the shambles that is Britain’s Royal Navy.

    First it was the new billion pound Trident sub running aground on Skye.

    Then it was all of the new frigates breaking down with one I recall failing on a tour to the Bahamas.

    And now the new aircraft carrier. Fucking joke the Royal Navy.

  16. Rab Davis says:

    Ellis Main Chas Boyle Wishart is rumoured to be a wee fat baldy guy who sits at his computer in his underpants in a Dundee bedsit.

  17. Scott says:

    Nobody on the bird app seems to know either.

    Scott says:
    27 August, 2022 at 6:57 pm

    Anyone know if ‘scotsrepublic’ still posts online?

  18. John Main says:

    Just because you are paranoid, don’t mean they aren’t conspiring …

    link to

    Thought I would throw that one in, as Covid continues to be very much a factor affecting the Indy project.

    As is the war, but we don’t talk about that.

    Anybody been to the Huanan Seafood Market lately? How’s it going there?

  19. Ruby says:

    Nae help with the Gaelic from Peat Wishart!

    Probably doesn’t do the Gaelic anymore.
    He’ll have undergone intensive hypnotherapy to ensure any Gaelic he might have once known stays hidden way deep in the furthest recesses of his brainette. He wouldn’t want to slip up while struttin’ his stuff in the UK parliament.
    His Westminster pals might think he wasn’t 100% British.

    His boss can’t wait to not give a fuck!

    In the meantime she’s just pretending that she gives a fuck.

    link to

    Nicola Sturgeon: ‘I can’t wait until I don’t give a f*** anymore’

    She’s tired and very much past it!

    Maybe time for a very long rest!

    Go and lie down Nicola!

  20. Ottomanboi says:

    As an outsider whose ancestors hail from a distant land, once a «cradle of civilization» currently going down the pan, Scottish history is fascinating for its points of similarity with so called third world/developing countries.
    The salient point of similarity is how easy it is to divide and control over matters of culture, religion and «identity».
    Scotland thinks itself a nation, its citizens ought to begin acting as if they believed that to be true. And certainly be more generous to those whose national narrative may differ from their own.
    A house divided and built on sand will never stand.

  21. robertkknight says:


    “Scotland thinks itself a nation, its citizens ought to begin acting as if they believed that to be true”

    Switch “citizens” for government. You’re welcome.

  22. RobRoy says:

    This submission to The Lancet derives from Swedish data where a total population cohort study (with around 800 thousand in 2 cohorts [vaccinated and unvaccinated]) was conducted.

    I’m left dumbfounded by this, as I’ll explain below.

    link to

    To sum up, after 2 vaccines (fully vaccinated) and 180 days (see table 3), immunity to the virus wanes across all age groups and you have significantly higher chance of catching covid than those who were not vaccinated at all. To clarify, that’s the opposite of immunity, which as far as I know we don’t have a word for in any medical book or the English dictionary.

    We now have a situation whereby vaccinated people are so immuno-compromised that after 180 days they are more at risk than they would have been which means, and this is why I am dumbfounded, we probably really have no choice but to recommend and administer additional booster shots to those who have been vaccinated in order to re-establish immunity, otherwise we leave them in a severely vulnerable position, more vulnerable than they might have otherwise been without vaccination.

    “The results of our study have important clinical implications, as they strengthen the evidence-based rationale for administration of a third vaccine dose as a booster, especially to specific high-risk populations… The implication of the results from the present study and previous studies is that older individuals and individuals with known suboptimal or waning vaccine-elicited immunogenicity should be prioritised for booster doses, because these individuals also are at highest risk for severe COVID-19 manifestations if infected.”

    Holy Jesus in heaven. In any other context you’d call it a ponzi scheme.

  23. Republicofscotland says:

    “Nicola Sturgeon: ‘I can’t wait until I don’t give a f*** anymore’”


    Sturgeon the betrayer is well past that point, and has been for years.

  24. RobRoy says:

    As a correction to my previous post, it seems the negative immunity I mentioned only applies to certain age groups.

  25. Mark Boyle says:

    Neil Mackay’s competing with Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘I can’t wait until I don’t give a f*** anymore’ (er, didn’t you cease about a decade ago?) for “ironic statement of the week” with his latest “Still On The Payroll ‘Cos On The Square” whoops sorry “writer at large” piece in today’s Rangers Fanrag entitled (very in his case …) “The Yes movement is thin-skinned and incapable of debate.”

    Suppose one must make allowances for a man unable to “adult” enough to even comb his own hair properly.

    Expect Stu to have heaps of fun with that one in due course!

  26. John Main says:

    @RobRoy says:30 August, 2022 at 10:38 am

    Great post.

    The vaccine narrative continues to unravel. Interesting for those who questioned it at the time, and had to listen to all of the Covidiot accusations.

    As was clear enough from about Month 2 of Covid. If you are young and/or healthy, your best long term strategy is to catch Covid ASAP. Given the extreme linkage between age and severity of symptoms, you are better off catching it today, than you will be tomorrow. Once you have had it, your natural immunity will keep you safe for a while.

    Still, old thought habits die hard. Only yesterday, I was listening to somebody on the radio who is still insisting that it is our responsibility to “protect the NHS”. Until enough people cotton on to the fact that it is actually the NHS that is supposed to protect us, things won’t change.

  27. John Main says:

    @Ottomanboi says:30 August, 2022 at 8:44 am

    “Scottish history is fascinating for its points of similarity with so called third world/developing countries”

    Scotland is going down the pan, along with most westernised, so-called first world countries. The hard fact that Europe, the USA, Australia, etc. are in the same flush makes it difficult to believe that Scotland is being singled out by “colonialism”, or other special circumstances. In a nutshell, we all started to think that virtue signalling trumps reality, and that if we were “nice”, other countries, nations, religions and political systems would be “nice” back. Mega mistake.

    “Scotland thinks itself a nation, its citizens ought to begin acting as if they believed that to be true.”

    I am unclear how a country can “think” anything. Surely it is the citizens who do the thinking?

    “And certainly be more generous to those whose national narrative may differ from their own.”

    Would this be Yoons being more generous to Indyists, or vice versa, or both? That’s the big issue – the approx 50-50 split.

    “A house divided and built on sand will never stand.”

    So lay the solid foundations for Indy. Start by demonstrating to every Scots voter precisely how he or she will benefit from Indy. Forget the “have faith”. Bin the “stands to reason”. Do the sums. Explain the political and economic processes. Show your working.

    Everything nailed down, plus everything not nailed down in this country belongs to somebody, some corporate body, or some sovereign entity. Even the fucking wind and the tides. Explain how, post-Indy, ownership/profits/benefits get transferred from the current holders to me.

  28. Dan says:

    @ John Main at 1.35pm

    I suggest a more equitable distribution of wealth between corporations and citizens could be achieved by means such as, nationalisation, licensing, or taxation.
    But as you are a “Brexit” enthusiast which was all about “taking back control”, why don’t you tell us how it should be done as your “Brexit” surely had some kind of plan, aye?

  29. James che says:

    British media headline news from this week,

    Uk slowly destroying the NHS, …..sunday post.
    State pensioners to see income slashed……daily express.
    The cheapest way to boil water…..manchester evening news.
    People vaccinated against covid share common symtoms…….independent.
    Four effective ways to deter rats from your garden……daily express.
    Homes to sit empty for very long time in event of market crash……daily express.
    People get tired of being ignored, while the rich get richer…….the guardian.
    Smart meter warning, devices face “last resort” swotch off” for outstanding bills…..daily express.
    Working households are 19 days away from the breadline….
    Child benefit payments to end for thousands…..
    Wind turbine toppled by too much wind……telegraph.

    We have not seen winter through yet.

    How is the treaty of the Union working out For you?

  30. James che says:

    ” Better together” in a crises while Britain spends money on War and weapons instead of people?
    Lining their pockets with amno sales. Funnelling money in great quanitities out of the UK

    ” Together it is better”if Scotland disappears into poverty and energy crises along with the rest of the UK.

    Cant trust the “better together “word smithing joke for The Scots will be better of with the rest of the UK,
    Or we the UK will save you Scotland joke.

  31. Republicofscotland says:

    James Che.

    According to radio news the favourite for the next PM Liz Truss will issue 130 drilling licences for the North sea when she takes office. Scottish news says that Shetlander’s will see their fuel bills rise way above mainland folk’s hitting around a whopping £10.000 pa. Shetlanders might say to hell with the lot of us /Scotland/UK and hold their own indyref, and who could blame them.

    If the Sturgeon the betrayer had held an indyref after Brexit she could’ve mitigated some of the damage to Scots that’s coming down the line, but she chose to save the union instead of saving Scotland.

  32. Ottomanboi says:

    link to is grandstandingly abortophile and homophile ie antichild, and that has zilch to do with the current constitutional arrangement.

  33. Republicofscotland says:

    There’s no surprises here, and Sturgeon the betrayer surely isn’t surprised by this, her preference for the union over Scottish independence, will severely damage Scotland’s economy for years to come, being part of the union should come with a health warning, especially if you live in Scotland.

    “SCOTLAND is set for slow GDP growth and population decline over the next 50 years under the current constitutional set-up, according to new figures.

    The independent Scottish Fiscal Commission (SFC) found that Scotland would see growth of 0.9% per year between 2028-29 and 2071-72, compared to overall UK growth of 1.4% during the same period.

    The population is also expected to drop by as much as 900,000 people, a whopping 16% decline on the current figure.”

    link to

  34. Republicofscotland says:

    Its a nail on that Johnson will head straight for a Britnat closed shop if he dares to show his face on his goodbye tour. I was rather hoping that he would walk down Princes St in Edinburgh and be ran out of town by the scruff of his neck rather like Farage was.

    “BORIS Johnson could be heading to Scotland this week as part of a farewell tour where he is expected to defend his record in Government, The National can reveal.

    It is understood officials are currently finalising his diary for the next week, which will be his last in office.

    The outgoing Prime Minister kicked off his valedictory trip in Dorset today, where he appeared alongside die-hard ally Nadine Dorries.

    Johnson is expected to make further trips across the UK before his successor is crowned in an attempt to salvage his reputation by trumpeting the achievements of his time in office. ”

    link to

  35. Republicofscotland says:

    “LGBTI campaigners are set to march on the Scottish Parliament calling for political parties to be “bolder” in the pursuit of transgender equality.

    Members of the SNP, Scottish Greens, Scottish Labour and Scottish LibDem LGBT affiliates will take to the streets in Edinburgh on Monday, the first day of the Scottish Parliament resuming after the summer recess.”

    Somehow I don’t see this lot being tossed out on their ear when they protest outside Holyrood. Sturgeon the betrayer and wee Patrick Harvie aka Penfold will probably pick up a placard and protest along side them.

    I’d imagine the SPCB’s decision was aimed at real indy supporters and real women.

    link to

  36. James che says:


    The seriousness of how hard the next year is going to be in Scotland has not hit enough people between the eyes as yet,
    But that is not far away,

    The climate change policy of re-wilding Scotland rids us of our food supply.
    While animals such as deer, rabbits and hares are being culled, ( killed off) We see a parallel culling of beef pigs and Sheep imposed on farmers,
    The hard policy is threatening supplies of grains under climate change and withdraws many products such as bread and cereals.
    These policies in the UK on farmers will effect milk, cheeses, butter, margarine etc productions, in Scotland, and the rest of Britain,

    The fact that we have ample energy in Scotland should have seen us here with no worries.
    However UK climate change policies will see fuel starvation in Scotland.

    The only way is to break free of this idelogical policies that will see Scotland suffer untold deaths.
    But to do this we have to dismiss the British/ Scottish devolved government.
    And choose a different one not attached in to westminster in politics.

    Never mind the Scottish government following UK law,

    Let the people of Scotland hold a vote, to vote out the devolved government and all its corruption,

  37. sarah says:

    Easy protest actions for independence supporters btl, currently available:

    1. Read and sign’s declaration and demand to our parliamentarians to implement the Claim of Right NOW. If 100,000 signatures could be found for the Constitutional Convention in the 1980’s when all signatures had to be collected manually then it can be done so much quicker now.

    2. Petition to UK government [I know!] to cut fuel costs drastically and quickly – the petition is on the Alba Party’s site.

  38. Republicofscotland says:

    James Che @3.26p

    James here’s one for you.

    “The office of Prime Minister is also English officially replacing the post of Chief Administrator of England. The first, retrospectively, being Robert Walpole in 1721 who held the post during the Scottish civil wars which led to the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. Neither parliamentary sovereignty nor the post of PM are in the 1707 treaty. (The first PM of England taking office 14 years after the treaty was signed and ratified.)”

    link to

  39. AberdeenPict says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    30 August, 2022 at 2:54 pm
    James Che.

    According to radio news the favourite for the next PM Liz Truss will issue 130 drilling licences for the North sea when she takes office.

    Surely must be a mistake or fake news. Remember, Westminster told us that oil and gas ran out 20 years ago, and it was also the wrong type of oil. Strange that! 🙂

  40. Christopher Pike says:

    Scottish streets with overflowing bins. Sauchiehall Street, one of the city’s most famous thoroughfares strewn with cans, plastic bottles and even baby nappies along its one-and-a-half miles.

    Edinburgh is a disgusting mess and goodness knows what foreign tourists must have thought of ‘beautiful’ Scotland.

    Record A&E waiting times with the SNHS dire straits (even prior to the pandemic).

    Scottish education, once the envy of the world, is in steep decline and shows no signs of improving.

    The ferries fiasco.

    Record drug deaths – Scotland is a junkie infested nation.

    15 years is too long for any government to be in power. The Westminster Tories and the SNP-Green coalition are both incompetent and need replaced. The current SNP are more interested in importing Californian-style identity politics, than running the country competently.

    Imagine this SNP-GREEN coalition setting up a new Scottish state. That’s enough to give anyone nightmares.

  41. James Che says:

    Republicofscotland .

    When it comes down to protecting the union treaty Westminster aka the Uk parliament has done little to protect it in its original format,
    Rather we can observe a dismantling of a international treaty.

    Before we see a prime minster falsely entering into the the treaty of union, we can also see a Uk government falsely making an entry.
    None of the above are in the treaty of the union articles.

    I am not sure why Scots are the only ones that think it is still legal binding anymore while the UK government has pepper shot it full of holes.

  42. James Che says:


    That says all you need to know, we can afford to do without the Uk government,
    But the Uk government cannot do without Scotland.

    “No the right type of oil.”

    Translated into Scots language = No the right type of oil for the Scots to own,

  43. James Che says:

    Cristopher pike.

    Totally agree with you.

    They have to go. This is not how Scotland look, ran or was before the devolved government was placed in Scotland.

    It has been an a abomination from start to finish and has been corrupt from start to finish slapping Laws of England into Scots law by the back door work of the Devolved government from QC’s
    Breaking the treaty of union articles one more time,

    Never mind that, having a devolved in Scotland breaks the treaty of the union in of itself.

  44. Republicofscotland says:

    “The seriousness of how hard the next year is going to be in Scotland has not hit enough people between the eyes as yet,
    But that is not far away,”

    James Che.

    Yes indeed the perfect f*ck up, Brexit, Covid and the UK and the Great Satan’s (US) war on the country East of their (404) proxy, will not only see the West suffer greatly as sanctions etc hit Europe and the West much harder than their intended target, but a complete change/break in all fields economically with a nation in the East turning away from the West with all its assets that have served the West well at a reasonable price, will now be replaced with much dearer energy supplied mostly by the Great Satan (US), and the huge costs will be borne by the citizens of the West/Europe.

    Hit harder still will be the Third World countries who struggled with buying or creating enough energy before Covid and the UK Great Satan’s war on the country East of their (404) proxy.

    What might happen if things get bad enough is that the bourgeoisie middle classes might come out with the lower classes in some kind of revolt, recently the people of Sri Lanka stormed their parliament in an act of revolution as economically things became too bad.

  45. James Che says:


    So what authority can be granted if any, to a prime minster Not mentioned in the treaty of union ? and a uk parliament also not mentioned in the treaty of union?

    How can either claim Sovereignty under the treaty of the union?
    As the treaty articles do not state it to be so.

    No wonder the people that plum for a union to remain between Scotland and england do not want Scots to study the old treaty of the union to closely.

    For it is full of legal holes,

    The first step is to vote out the devolved government by the people of Scotland,
    If they contest this throw the legal book on the treaty of the union back in their face,
    For Scotland has not changed or broke its original promised contract, but they have done this enough times to end the treaty all by themselfs,

    On a different note, we must stop the climate change ideology along with re- wilding Scotland in you want food and energy for the people.

  46. Republicofscotland says:

    “I am not sure why Scots are the only ones that think it is still legal binding anymore while the UK government has pepper shot it full of holes.”

    James Che @6.08pm.

    The problem is James when you have an FM who reinforces Westminster rule instead of debasing it at every turn, Sturgeon the betrayer plants the seed in the minds of the people of Scotland that somehow the foreign country of England’s parliament is sovereign over Scots, and that we abide by whatever the Westminster government says, when it comes to not just independence but everything else.

    We need her out of Bute House and a real indy minded FM in place with a strong will and the courage of their convictions to do whatever it takes to prise Scotland out of this horrific union, as long as the betrayer remains in office Westminster will keep its jack boot on the throat of Scotland.

  47. Chas says:

    The founder members of the Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade are busy tonight. Unfortunately it is the historical shite again that only about 0.001% of the population are interested in. Nothing changes!

    There is always lots of mentions of ‘We’ in their drivel but no clear indication of who the ‘We’ refers to? Is it the members of the BPHB or the other 99.999% of the electorate?

    It would be interesting to know but I suspect we never will. However isn’t it sweet to see them constantly agreeing with each other?

  48. John Main says:

    @Dan says:30 August, 2022 at 1:55 pm

    “But as you are a “Brexit” enthusiast which was all about “taking back control”, why don’t you tell us how it should be done as your “Brexit” surely had some kind of plan, aye?”

    OK, Dan, you win. I agree – Brexit was and is an unmitigated disaster.

    No smaller country should ever leave a political and economic union with other countries again. No good can come of it. The smaller country will forever be a failure on its own.

    Uh oh. Haud oan.

    You see the problem, Dan? You can’t be anti-Brexit and pro-Indy.

    You can’t have an Independent Scotland in a federation, pledged to common policies and ever closer union.

    Just maybes, some of the posters on here may one day learn to think things through.

  49. George Ferguson says:

    @Chas 7:23pm
    For balance I agree with one aspect of what RoS said. It’s imperative that Sturgeon resigns immediately. I am thinking of the McAlpine article and the Red Alert Code. We need basic competence by the Scot Gov and now. A strong willed Indy leader would be a bonus. I understand why she met Brian Cox. He is a very charismatic but the Scot Gov has been posted missing during these multiple challenges. Forensic accountants are raising their heads above the parapet to suggest that Sturgeon has wasted 1 billion pounds since her tenure as FM. Kinda difficult for her during these pay disputes.

  50. @Christopher Pike,

    “The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls. Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

    said in 1930 by founder of SNP and still very much pertinent.

  51. Elmac says:

    Re Pete Wishart at 8.48

    Are you totally stupid as well as irrelevant?

  52. Scott says:

    ‘James Cheyne’ is now ‘James Che’ having been ‘James Che.’ and ‘James che’

    I’m not saying that this person is posting using multiple aliases…or that different people are posting under the ‘James Cheyne’ alias…I’m just saying I find it curious, based on my lack of knowledge of how discarded Apple products work and the fact my name and email only disappear if I clear site data/cookies.

  53. RobRoy says:

    Neil Oliver’s latest is worth watching but it seems he isn’t willing just yet to directly reference vaccine side effects:- link to

    The safe ground is to blame the current excess deaths on the lockdown, and the same powerful forces that created the experimental vaccines naturally want you to believe in that, but we know it is far from the whole truth.

    “The media have so far concealed the adverse events of vaccine administration, such as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), owing to biased propaganda. The institute encounters many cases in which this cause is recognized. These situations have occurred in waves; however, they are yet to be resolved despite the measures implemented to routinely screen patients admitted for surgery for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) antibodies. Four HIT antibody-positive cases have been confirmed at the institute since the start of vaccination; this frequency of HIT antibody-positive cases has rarely been observed before. Fatal cases due to VITT following the administration of COVID-19 vaccines have also been reported.”

    link to

    I’m noticing a trend right now amongst certain journalists, health experts, and news pieces, telling us that covid deaths have been dramatically underreported over the last couple of years. That’s convenient.

    If we can notionally agree to double the number that died over the last couple of years (on the basis of hearsay), the excess deaths we are experiencing right now appear relatively less of a concern, and the vaccine itself can be framed once again as savior of the universe, just in time for the next shakedown.

  54. John Main says:

    @George Ferguson says:30 August, 2022 at 7:57 pm

    “Forensic accountants are raising their heads above the parapet to suggest that Sturgeon has wasted 1 billion pounds since her tenure as FM”

    It’s tax payers money, George.

    It grows on trees.

  55. John Main says:

    Barrheid Boy writes:

    “Twelve years of extreme right-wing, bordering on fascist government have us on a trajectory for a complete breakdown of our society as we know it. Revolution is only one misstep away!

    Brexit, Covid, Ukraine, Austerity, Greed, Tax avoidance on an industrial scale, poverty wages and the destruction of our welfare state means that the upcoming winter will result in hardship that has not existed since Victorian times! Prepare yourselves for dead bodies on the street. Begging and lawlessness that will be uncontrollable by the police. Be prepared to see the army and their weapons on our streets. Steel yourself for massive civil unrest.

    Homelessness, unemployment, hyper-inflation, spiralling food costs will ravage our communities like never before!”

    Maybes what he writes is true, or at least plausible. Fucked if I know.

    A good start might be made by finding out what the bookies think. What odds are they giving for/against bodies on the street?

    [I suppose the three or so drug-related deaths that occur every day right now in Scotland won’t count towards that scenario]

    Still, I can’t help but think of the pre-Covid hysteria we were all sold, little more than two years ago. Millions could die! Have we learned the lesson from that?

    What about Project Fear (Indy Ref), and its more recent relative, Project Fear On Stilts (Brexit Ref)? Did we learn any lessons from them?

  56. George Ferguson says:

    @John Main 8:53pm
    It doesn’t John and it would have paid for these pay disputes many times over. It’s about financial and policy priorities and they got it wrong. When I read what is in store next week. A demonstration on Monday about Trans rights outside Holyrood when families are struggling with energy prices and heating. When we have been shouting for a Scot Gov response on the multiple challenges. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was an SNP inspired demonstration. They clearly think that civil disobedience is not going to happen. But it will by strike action. We have a good bit to fall yet. The FM said that she would know when to go by the soundings of a few people. A bunker mentality. Wenck will come.

  57. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Och, I find myself speed-reading through most of the comments btl here. Because there seem to be two gangs active – the ostensibly pro-indy brigade, Ellis, etc, and the other group labelled the BPHB,by the “other” lot.

    It’s killing this site, chaps. Either grow up, or remove yourselves. I quote from:-

    link to

    “2. Play the ball, not the man (or woman).

    And by all means disagree, by all means disagree forcefully – but argue with people’s views, don’t insult them personally. And that includes calling them “trolls” or implying they’re undercover Unionists. We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.

    If you know what a “troll” is, then you’ll also know that getting you angry and talking about them, derailing the conversation off the subject, is exactly what they want.

    Email us about suspected trolls if you want. But don’t engage them in debate if you doubt their motives, and DEFINITELY don’t engage in on-thread discussions about whether they’re a troll or not.”

  58. Dan says:

    John Main says: at 7:50 pm

    No smaller country should ever leave a political and economic union with other countries again. No good can come of it. The smaller country will forever be a failure on its own.

    Uh oh. Haud oan.

    You see the problem, Dan? You can’t be anti-Brexit and pro-Indy.

    That’s pretty lame John and you’re deflecting away from what you originally asked.
    I suggested using mechanisms such as nationalising, licensing, or taxation to address the imbalance corporate power has over citizens.
    Just because the UK hasn’t got a decent strategy for leaving the EU, doesn’t mean every other similar situation of a country or state leaving a union has to follow the UK’s unstructured and disorganised way of leaving.
    So rather than keeping up the adversarial modus, why don’t you proffer suggestions on what could be done to help resolve some of the issues you originally mentioned.

  59. George Ferguson says:

    @Dan 9:57pm
    I posted last week the Nationalisation of our former electricity and gas assets would cost 80 billion pounds in Scotland That maybe an undestimate nobody has challenged that figure. Basically we sold the family silver. Is it still possible? Well as Sturgeon pointed out last week only the UK Government can Nationalise our energy industry. What price will they extract.? We need some competence in Holyrood. Not wasting a billion on Nicola’s priorities would help. Want to earn yourself 19k. Come up with a feminist approach to Foreign Policy. I support the Unions we the Indy movement have been unable to bring her down. The workers deserve an honest crust they will bring her down. Hoping to see you at the anti Trans demo on Monday.

  60. James Che says:


    Its been explained to you,
    But hear i go again,
    I worked with cheyne, the screen of their old ipad had a crack in the screen, they had the money to buy a brand new one,
    I had never owned one one the internet before, they asked me if I wanted it, I told them ont know how to use one, they showed me the basics, like typeing, thats as far as I have got,
    I do not know how to link or do photographs or any other thing, but if it worries you that much we could arrange to meet as long as it is does not cost me money,

    You will meet a pension age woman of five foot tall,
    I am not worried about meeting you, I will bring my family with me.

    I hope that helps your worry a bit.

  61. James Che says:


    You will meet a fiesty five foot tall pension age woman, and I will bring my family.

    Their are a lot of us and my brothers used to be nick named the mafia by their mates.
    Now we all have children in their Forties and grandchildren in their twenties,
    I would send you a photo but havent learnt how to do that, so best meeting.

  62. James Che says:

    Brian doonthetoon,

    This is a site that supports Scottish independence and Stu has been excellient at opening our eyes here in Scotland with separating facts from fiction,
    One of the best sites by a mile for a long time, it seems to be the only accurate media for Scotland.

    We used to have discussions on here without all the animosity, from those days I enjoy reading the likes of robert pheffers, he educated many of us to the state of the union,
    It is sad that over the last year or so this has changed a lot.
    There definately seems to be a change in attitudes that is best not defined, but it appears the new norm everywhere to disrespect another humans.

    The way I personally balance out this modern world of abuse is o one thing a day that either helps someone else or brings a smile to someone else,
    Today I gave free golf balls and a golf club to a young person so they could learn golf,

    When it was pouring with rain I took my umbrella out the boot of my car and gave it to a lady walking into town,

    Or cut someones grass for them.

    I am not a goody two shoes, by no means, in fact quite selfish, but when you do something for some one else it helps another human being and myself, and often makes new friends not enimies,
    And it acts like a invisible shield against the nasty side of the world.
    This site has the same potentials, for good or bad.

    It is what it is!

  63. James Che says:


    I will bring reinforcements just in case you are a stalker of women,

  64. Dorothy Devine says:

    James Che , I’m a bit taller , probably a whole lot heavier and I’ll have your back!

  65. Andy Ellis says:

    @Brian 9.36 pm

    From memory there has been a long history of threads on here going “off-piste” after a while. If there is something destroying this place, it is in my view overwhelmingly on the side of those pushing fanciful conspiracy theories, and a handful of mono-maniacs obsessed with issues like the Treaties of Union, or people with obvious issues intent on actively baiting others.

    The thing that sticks out as a change to me is the propensity of one side of the debate you highlight to label those disagreeing with them as unionists and/or government stooges. Not only is it pretty lame in itself, but such othering is used as a debating tactic is particularly indefensible given the history of such tactics being used against our own side by yoons between 2012-14.

    While I might trenchantly disagree with the views of some of those described as the Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade, and even (prepare to clutch your pearls Brian !!) call them moonhowlers, I don’t routinely – i.e. every other post I make – denounce them as “tractors” or insist they’re not “real” indy supporters or in the pay of the enemy. Yet I and others are routinely castigated by the usual suspects in here as unionist agents, or we’re accused of being the same person – who must be pretty busy with all those ID’s!.

    I even had Gareth Wardell – a person I’d always had good relations with, and whose shabby treatment at the hands of the SNP was the reason I resigned my SNP membership at the time – have the effrontery to call me “English Ellis” in here for rubbishing his nativism. How he or anyone else in the movement thinks that’s remotely acceptable is beyond me, but it says something about where we are: I never saw you or anyone else who bangs on in here about the decline in standards call that sort of behaviour out. Perhaps I missed it? Or maybe you and others were too distracted by your faux outrage at folk being called nativists or moonhowlers, or by seeing people called flat earthers or covidiots?

    Those of you failing to call such behaviour out are complicit. Similarly, those who egged the minority of low lives in here cunt calling people every other post (who I note from the silence may mercifully have finally been banned) are equally responsible.

    Stu would IMHO opinion be doing a great service if he insta-banned anyone using the smear that posters were unionist plants, but I have my doubts he will. It’s his site, and we are here at his discretion. When he warned me off for engaging with a certain cunt-caller, I followed his advice and stopped interacting with the individual concerned, only to find them carrying on for weeks and almost taunting Stu to ban them.

    I understand Stu probably has better things to do, and that he’s always used a fairly light touch WRT moderation. As we saw with the Cameron Brodie experience, the BTL experience improved a hell of a lot after he was banned, but it took ages to get there, and for a while there was as much discussion on the threads about his contributions as a problem, or from those insisting we should all just scroll past his endless screeds, as there was about the topi at hand, or indeed anything else that had come up.

    For all its faults and issues the place still has value, otherwise people wouldn’t still be posting or visting. Stu’s figures show there is still a decent readership, even when the number of articles is much lower.

    I’d give a lot more credence to attempts to tone police this place if those doing it were being even handed Brian, but I don’t believe they are. It didn’t work when a certain well known and unlamented cunt-caller was trying to appoint herself thread monitor, and I doubt it’ll work coming from you either.

  66. Ruby says:

    Just checkin’

  67. Rab Davis says:


    A bigger plant than Nicola Sturgeon.

  68. Ottomanboi says:

    The Cunninghame Graham quote’s reference to imagination is pertinent.
    Some seem to lack the imagination to see beyond.
    That parochial perspective is the greater enemy.
    A psychological wall «te ding doun».

  69. Ruby says:

    I would have loved to continue the discussion about Gaelic, Doric, Scots etc.
    Particularly to find out why people go absolutely bananas over Gaelic.

    I find it extremely strange.

  70. Ruby says:

    Rab Davis says:
    31 August, 2022 at 8:32 am


    A bigger plant than Nicola Sturgeon.

    I can’t cope with any more discussion about Ellis. I tried to give the man a hint on several occasions but it went unnoticed.

    He can just stand there in the corner greetin’ and having a tantrum until the cows come home as far as I’m concerned.

    I reckon Chas, Main & perhaps Boyle will meet the same fate in the not too distant future.

    They all get their rocks off belittling people & calling others names. I think it’s fair enough to return fire with fire only I prefer to use a name that is highly descriptive and hits home.

    If you call people names what do you expect in return?

    It’s all about cause & effect.


  71. Andy Ellis says:


    “Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue” as our French friends say.

  72. Ruby says:

    My idea with the ‘Gaelic lessons’ was a bit of fun at the same time an attempt to make people less hostile to the idea of Gaelic.

    I was trying to show people that they already spoke the Gaelic that there was nothing to worry about.

  73. Effigy says:

    Remember it was Tory corruption that sold off all the Nationalised Assets.
    The Tory Party that Scotland has never voted for in 70 years.

    Once companies like BT and BP made millions for the treasury and gave well paid long term jobs with good working conditions and final salary pensions.

    They were supposed to have belonged to every citizen but what percentage of us had money to buy shares or were rejected for over subscription.

    Many shares went to Tory backing hedge funds on the cheap.

    Remember Royal Mail was sold off at an estimated £1,000,000,000 under value.
    The price of postage has rocketed since, the service much worse than it was.
    It has fewer employees with poorer terms and conditions.

    After these share holders and board members have been stuffing their pockets for years why would we buy them back at full market valuation? They didn’t.

    Norway retained its National Oil company and they made fortunes every year that benefits the people of Norway. Not just the rich greedy tax avoiders with off shore accounts.

  74. Republicofscotland says:

    Ellis @9.01am.

    According to the favourite to be the next PM Liz Truss, France isn’t a friend.

  75. Ruby says:

    I speak more French than I do Doric, Scots & Gaelic.

    That is kinda sad considering these other languages are spoken right here in Scotland where I live.

    What do people feel about us spending money on kids to learn French. Is it a good use of money?
    OK they can go on holiday and ask ‘Où est la gare?’ then stand there with a blank look on their face when they get an answer.

    Same thing with Spanish. Although most just shout very loud in English with the odd Spanish word thrown in.

    (To friends he whispers I think the guy is deaf.)

  76. Dan says:

    @ Effigy at 9.15am

    And on the subject of shares…

    link to

  77. Republicofscotland says:

    “Boris Johnson insists Britain’s not broken”

    This is the usual soundbite shite from exiting English PM who failed miserably in his tenure, unless you’re a Tory supporter or a Brexiteer, for everyone else, he leaves behind a trail of death and destruction, poverty and soaring costs.

    But hey Sturgeon the betrayer can’t think too badly of Johnson, she tried to save the union after Brexit instead off saving Scotland.

  78. Mark Boyle says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    30 August, 2022 at 9:36 pm

    Och, I find myself speed-reading through most of the comments btl here. Because there seem to be two gangs active – the ostensibly pro-indy brigade, Ellis, etc, and the other group labelled the BPHB,by the “other” lot.

    It’s killing this site, chaps. Either grow up, or remove yourselves.

    There is not “two gangs”, there’s one gang with fk all else in their lives but slobbering up here – however utterly irrelevant to Scottish nationalism – whatever last triggered their synapses in their Twitter feed or conspiracy theory website (most of the latter being ad-revenue driven and thus the regular dopamine spiking content …).

    Over the last few months it has invented in its own irrational hivemind another “gang” purely consisting of their “enemies” of everyone and anyone who dares to disagree with them over just about anything or – heaven forbid! – take them to task for not obeying the very rules of Stu’s they’re so fond of quoting verbatim.

    My own experience is a case in point – I disagreed with the clown who spends her life 24/7 on here once – once! – and all of a sudden I’m part of the grand conspiracy to bring down Wings led by the “Andychrist”?

    Funny really how some things in western civilization never change – every self-appointed “chosen people” or “master race” must have their “scapegoat” or “enemy within” out to thwart them … those in the east are more wise in that Yin must have Yang for balance.

    FFS Brian, we have ALL disagreed with Andy at sometime. ALL OF US. Including Stu. You know, that guy who OWNS the site.

    The difference being most of us agree to disagree, whereas there’s a micro-minority of loudmouths who like the resident blawbag in every pub and workplace treat any gathering as themselves holding court – and woe betide anyone who interrupts or fails to concur. First they become overbearing, then they become aggressive, then they start making up drivel about the person spoiling their wee Brigadoon “Ah’m the Big I Am ‘roon here” fantasy world. Saw this scenario play out too many times in life to count, offline and online.

    Well if a handful of psychiatric cases are so insecure they can’t bear to read any contrary viewpoint to whatever theirs is at any given moment in time, that’s their problem, not the rest of ours to help them “work through it”.

    So you can stick your concern trolling and your “if you’re not for us, you’re against us”, “solidarity is mandatory” bullshit where it belongs – I for one refuse to take that crap from Sturgeon and her WokeBots and I sure as hell refuse to take it on here from a handful of “won’t somebody please think of the children?” hypocrites who know damn well the problem here is ENTIRELY one-sided – those seeking to silence and drive out anyone not agreeing with them – and are happy to play footsie with them – until the day the mighty moth eaten Sockpuppet Army of SairYin turns against them next …

    (Apologies to the neutrals, but as someone who actually spends a fair bit of my precious spare time doing voluntary work trying to promote and preserve actual Scottish history to a disinterested world, I have just about had enough of the clown car of “more Scottish nationalist than thou” kitsch and cliches elements on here, most of whom do more “activism” for boosting multinational brewer and distiller’s profits than for their “nation’s heritage”. Okay rant over, and no I don’t feel better).

  79. Ruby says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    31 August, 2022 at 9:25 am

    Ellis @9.01am.

    According to the favourite to be the next PM Liz Truss, France isn’t a friend.

    Does this mean the end of Le Touquet Agreement do you think?

  80. Republicofscotland says:

    The last leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev die yesterday aged 91, he was head of state from 1988 to 1991.

  81. Scott says:

    “What do people feel about us spending money on kids to learn French.”


    It’s an easy language to learn, it’s a beautiful country and the French love the Scots – French wine is over-rated, they can’t cook a steak properly, but their custard slices are the chicken’s tits.

  82. Ruby says:

    link to

    At the time of all the talk about ‘us’ sharing embassies with ‘our’ colonial cousins there was a British Army colonel or maybe he was a major declaring that we could trust our colonial cousins but we could not trust the French or Germans.

    When I read the article (can’t find it at the moment) I imagined this big fat moustached British army major with a very posh voice saying:

    ‘You just can’t trust these froggies old boy better stick with our colonial cousins’

    The question is why would the colonial cousin trust the British?

    The other question is do we not trust the French ‘cos they speak French?

  83. Dan says:

    On the subject of promoting and preserving Scottish history.

    link to

  84. Dorothy Devine says:

    Scott, ‘chickens tits’? ??

    An expression I am happy to say I never encountered before.

    BDDT, have you any news of Ronnie? I worry about him when he doesn’t pop in.

  85. Ruby says:

    they can’t cook a steak properly

    trop bleu/still mooing?

    They do a fine steak tartare.
    (sometimes with la viande de cheval)

    It’s delicious!

    Bon appetit!

    I love France!

    I wish we had an anthem like ‘La Marseillaise’.

    Downside they call me ‘La Petite Anglaise’ and blame me for burning Joan of Arc. Sigh! 🙁

  86. Dorothy Devine says:

    P.S A couple of excellent articles on Iain’s site and one uplifting one from Denmark.

  87. sarah says:

    @ RepublicofScotland: Gorbachev must have died as a very disappointed man seeing what has happened in Russia since his perestroika etc policies.

    Almost as disappointed as we Yessers are now.

  88. Christopher Pike says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    30 August, 2022 at 9:36 pm
    Och, I find myself speed-reading through most of the comments btl here. Because there seem to be two gangs active – the ostensibly pro-indy brigade, Ellis, etc, and the other group labelled the BPHB,by the “other” lot.

    It’s killing this site, chaps. Either grow up, or remove yourselves. I quote from:-

    link to

    “2. Play the ball, not the man (or woman).

    And by all means disagree, by all means disagree forcefully – but argue with people’s views, don’t insult them personally. And that includes calling them “trolls” or implying they’re undercover Unionists. We’ll decide if someone’s trolling or not. But in the meantime, if you think they are, ignore them.

    If you know what a “troll” is, then you’ll also know that getting you angry and talking about them, derailing the conversation off the subject, is exactly what they want.

    Email us about suspected trolls if you want. But don’t engage them in debate if you doubt their motives, and DEFINITELY don’t engage in on-thread discussions about whether they’re a troll or not.”


    The independence movement has been infected with misinformation perpetrated by chancers posing as “experts”. These chancers spout complete falsehoods and the gullible, who are desperate for independence, fall for it. There really is a sucker born every minute.

    Driving instructors pretending to be constitutional lawyers. I hear he runs a ‘Go Fund Me’ page to help with the cost of his ‘programmes’. The guy literally posts 20 minutes of garbage from a Tesco car park on his lunch break, but the gullible will no doubt send him money. The tartan begging bowl is often utilised within the independence movement. Begging to the gullible can even buy you a cottage in Ayrshire.

    A retired teacher telling you that she’s uncovered a super, secret route to independence that has gone unnoticed by experts in Scots law, UK law etc. Suuuurrrreeee!

    Eccentric professors shunned by the mainstream, telling the gullible that Scotland is a colony. His entire premise is built upon cut-and-paste quotes regarding colonialism.

    Salvo – 2022s Digital Covenant. A farcical idea that will lead to nothingness.

    UDI bloggers.

    Putin-loving bloggers.

    The “see, you Jimmy” Scots/Gaelic types who still live in 1707.

    None of this would fly in the real world and so long as the YES movement gives oxygen to these chancers, then you’re going nowhere.

  89. sarah says:

    @ Dorothy Devine: Iain Lawson says “independence is coming to a head” and he has two articles to post BUT we have to wait ’til Thursday!

    Nooo – I can’t wait. Please Iain give us more than a hint!!

  90. Ruby says:

    Iain Lawson says “independence is coming to a head” and he has two articles to post BUT we have to wait ’til Thursday!

    Iain loves the cliffhanger.

    I won’t be going there ’til Thursday I hate bloody cliffhangers.

    There seems to be a fair number of cliffhangers on the go here in Scotland regarding police investigations.

  91. RobRoy says:

    I agree that ‘conspiracy theories’ should be given short shrift. If I see any, I will be sure to alert you all.

    “BREAKING NEWS: UK Government website says vaccine not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women”

    link to

    For future reference, should we stop calling them ‘conspiracy theories’ when they turn out to be true?

  92. Stoker says:

    “Brexit is the monster under the bed Liz Truss is desperately trying to ignore” link to

    That’s rich, coming from a Unionist rag that did more than its fair share in keeping the truth from folk throughout both the Brexit campaign and Scotland’s 2014IndyRef campaign. And when they weren’t printing downright lies they were blatantly being deceptive.

    Aye! There’s more than one monster under the bed. The other is called the BritNat Media. And the two regularly have intercourse. Or should that be discourse? I don’t know, i was too busy doing French. 😉

  93. sarah says:

    @ Ruby and Dorothy Devine: Iain gives a little more information about “…events scheduled for tomorrow afternoon [Thursday 1st September 2022]…”.

    This comment is at the end of an excellent and encouraging response by Dr Mark McNaught, expert on USA Constitution and contributor to the SSRG and Salvo’s Scottish Constitutional research, to Roddy Dunlop’s views on Salvo’s opinion. I urge everyone here to read Mark’s article on Iain’s Yours for Scotland blog.

  94. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @RobRoy (10.44) –

    An opinion piece in today’s NY Times critical of Fauci. Looks like his time is up. He’s about as high-level a scapegoat as could be found and his resignation announcement is too little too late.

    This interview features Dr. Paul Alexander, probably the highest-ranking whistleblower to emerge so far. It’s a long listen and he spends a lot of it laying out the background to his recruitment by the US Govt. (Jeffrey Tucker has already asked him to do follow-up interviews to get right into the detail of what he was working on.)

    Here are the main takeaways (times are approximate):

    He was asked by the Trump admin to join their ‘Task Force’ because they wanted an epidemiological expert (from outside the Washington ‘loop’) who was non-partisan.

    Right from the off he was thwarted, obstructed, ignored – most importantly, he was not paid as promised, despite moving his family and furniture into a $3,000 a month flat.

    35 mins: Instructed to investigate the CDC.

    37 mins: Firs mention of clashes with Fauci.


    link to

  95. Breeks says:

    Scott says:
    31 August, 2022 at 9:45 am

    …, they can’t cook a steak properly.

    Hmmm…. I disagree.

    When I was a laddie at school we had a Twin Town exchange, and I found myself billeted with a “poor” French family, (not being snobby, I was from a poor family too), and she cooked steak that was just out of this world. Absolutely delicious, and unlike anything I’d ever tasted before… by a mile.

    I’ll be honest, I’m not that well travelled or exposed to cordon bleu cooking, there are three defining moments which stick out … the first time I ever tasted Pakora as a starter, (back in the days when your nan bread was the size of a small duvet), “something” I had in China which was a cross between mince and Twiglets, sadly no idea what it was, but pretty sure it wasn’t weird like snake, dog or pangolin), and “that” steak I had in France over 40 years ago.

    I’m not saying those are the best foods I’ve ever tasted, but unforgettable taste experiences which seemed to etch themselves into memory – in a good way.

    @Sarah… Patience. 😉 It’s next day delivery now…

  96. Scott says:

    Dan says:
    31 August, 2022 at 9:52 am

    On the subject of promoting and preserving Scottish history.

    link to

    That is a quality piece of writing.

  97. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sorry for incomplete post there (11.06) – somehow managed to post unintentionally.

    The upshot from the whole thing – Dr Paul Alexander crossed Fauci in the very early stages of lockdown (Spring 2020) by warning about the danger of masks and highlighting the power of natural immunity (especially in children). This directly contradicted what Fauci was saying (and forcing Trump to say) so they (i.e. the CDC) set the MSM on him. Eventually he ‘resigned’.

  98. Ottomanboi says:

    The British turn amateurishness and managerial/administrative incompetence into an artform of which one ought to be proud.
    link to

  99. Chas says:

    In an effort to enhance my ‘Scottishness’, a valiant attempt to make myself the right kind of poster that the BPHB want to see on the site, I decided to study Gaelic words and their equivalent when translated into English.
    Did you know that the Gaelic word for RUBY is ERSE?

  100. Scott says:

    Breeks says:
    31 August, 2022 at 11:09 am

    When I was a laddie at school we had a Twin Town exchange, and I found myself billeted with a “poor” French family, (not being snobby, I was from a poor family too), and she cooked steak that was just out of this world. Absolutely delicious, and unlike anything I’d ever tasted before… by a mile.

    Snap. I remember having a bowl of coffee with marmalade and bread for breakfast every morning and something with pasta in it for a tea course every night, for 3 weeks.

    Frog legs taste like chicken that’s been soaked in sardine oil. And horse looks like beef, but tastes like kangaroo, which looks like tuna. French cheese is an acquired taste, at least for those it’s not imposed on – I can still ‘taste’ Cabécou from the 80s.

    PSA – If you want a proper Strawberry Tart, go to France. (Get me a few dozen anaw).

  101. sarah says:

    @ Breeks at 11.09: “ day delivery..”.

    I was panicking at first because I was thinking today is Tuesday. Now that I realise that it is actually Wednesday and there are only [gulp] 26 hours to “events scheduled for 2.00 p.m. Thursday” I am merely hopping, hoping and crossing my fingers. 🙂

    French food experiences: unbelievable scallops in Alencon in the 1970’s – first time I had ever had them. And Madeleine sponge cakes and Bonne Maman lemon tartlets are available in shops here now – I used to make a beeline for them on day trips [when living in Kent] to France in the old days.

  102. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Dorothy.

    I saw Ronnie at a get-together in Dundee for Pete’s pals a week past Saturday. He’s fine but taking things easy. He intends being at George Square on 18th September and in Dow’s for a post rally swallie.

  103. Ruby says:

    Breeks is correct simple French food is unforgettable.

    I’m not talking cordon blue or haute cuisine I’m talking about the food served in Les Routiers.

    It’s a set menu
    moules marinières
    steak & chip
    cheese & grapes

    an espresso

    An apertif before the meal would probably be a pastis
    ‘Digestif’ would be Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados or any Eau de Vie.

    Eau de Vie = Uisge Beath
    Digestif = I don’t know what that is in English (or Gaelic) maybe liqueur?

    I don’t think we say digestive. That would mean a biscuits or a Rennies.

    Never mind that! The really important thing for those hating on the French to ask themselves is

    Where would they be without the French letter. 🙂

    I had to add the 🙂 ‘cos sometimes there are folk on here ie John Main who just don’t recognise jokes!

    Bloody hell! Why does Stu have an American spell checker?

    My spelling is bad enough without having to check if I’ve spelled recognise properly.

  104. Ruby says:

    Chas says:
    31 August, 2022 at 11:36 am

    In an effort to enhance my ‘Scottishness’, a valiant attempt to make myself the right kind of poster that the BPHB want to see on the site, I decided to study Gaelic words and their equivalent when translated into English.
    Did you know that the Gaelic word for RUBY is ERSE?

    Utterly Pathetic!

    OK Chas here’s more Gaelic for you

    Póg Mo Ruby.

    I would encourage you to use that phrase in every one of your posts.

    Just out of interest are you a Scottish cunt?

  105. Robert Hughes says:

    So Mr Gorbachov has died . He may accurately be described as a true Statesman . Looking around now at the pitiful collection of utterly compromised , useless fucks that go under the bogus title of * Leaders * , he may also be accurately described as the last such Statesman .

    Betrayed by the * West * , dislodged and abused by the alky Yeltsin in his haste to open the country to the rapine of the Oligarchs , he retained his dignity and should be remembered and honoured for his achievements : principally * ending * the Cold War.

    What a pity the US/NATO/US chose to renege on the commitments they made to him -the consequences of such bad faith all too apparent now

  106. James says:

    Robert Hughes; I agree.

    Gorbachov was willing to rid the world of all nuclear weapons at the Reykjavík talks, but Reagan and his swivel-eyed advisors wouldn’t agree to it.

    The USA is still the greatest threat to world peace.
    No doubt Arms Industry Andy will disagree though, so I must be wrong.

  107. Republicofscotland says:

    Sarah @10.01am.

    Conversely Sarah he might have died disappointed at what Europe and the West has become.

    As for we yessers, we are indeed disappointed, especially with Sturgeon and the NuSNP.

  108. Republicofscotland says:

    “Does this mean the end of Le Touquet Agreement do you think?”


    I very much doubt it, Truss’s innuendo won’t amount to much.

  109. Republicofscotland says:

    “At the time of all the talk about ‘us’ sharing embassies with ‘our’ colonial cousins there was a British Army colonel or maybe he was a major declaring that we could trust our colonial cousins but we could not trust the French or Germans.”


    It would appear that the Five Eyes (there’s far more than five of them) keep big secrets from each other as well.

    “Shamima Begum, who fled the UK and joined the Islamic State group, was smuggled into Syria by an intelligence agent for Canada.”

    It looks like the fifteen year old school girl, was groomed and trafficked. Other UK school girls were also groomed, and then trafficked by the Canadian Intelligence Agent, Mohammed Al Rasheed.

    “At the main Istanbul bus station, the girls met Mohammed Al Rasheed, who would facilitate their journey to IS-controlled Syria. ”

    Rasheed trafficked many folk into Syria for (IS) for several countries, he copied their ID documents and passed them on to CSIS in Jordan.

    No doubt the (404) loving Justin Trudeau of Canada will come out and say Rasheed was a double-agent and they didn’t know.

    The Great Satan (US) and it allies have funded (IS).

  110. Republicofscotland says:

    “The USA is still the greatest threat to world peace.”


    Correct, and this time around with their coup in (404) in 2014, and the West turning a blind eye to the eight years of mass murder in the East of (404) hoping a certain country would step in a prevent the atrocities, the Great Satan finally has the war it longed for against the country East of (404).

    However citizens in the West will pay a heavy price though vast amounts of money and weapons being funneled (get now pay later for 404) into (404) and the bonkers sanctions that have backfired and will only add to this Cost of Living in the Union Crisis.

    The winners are the arms manufacturers who must be making a fortune, and not forgetting the middle men and the politician that are involved (who could forget the al-Yammamah Arms Deal) who will aslo be getting their palms greased with kickbacks.

  111. Ruby says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    31 August, 2022 at 1:51 pm


    It would appear that the Five Eyes (there’s far more than five of them) keep big secrets from each other as well.

    Wow! have you got a link to that story?

  112. James che says:

    Dorothy Devine.

    It is impossible to say how much those reassuring words mean to me,
    it feels a bit strange that Scott appears to be seeking addresses and backgrounds of women more than men,

    Some women would not have such a big family as myself or so many men in it , and that behaviour could be quite intimidating.
    Andy ellis I noted was quite quick to protect his daughter from such stalking behaviour,

    If a meeting took place it would be some where in a very public place and where my family would turn the tables and shadow him to seek his legal background and address/s. And film with cameras,
    My family are all tall, above six feet and are keep fit enthusiast, and rather protective, they wont even let me go fishing on my own,
    Going camping with them is like army boot camp,
    23 miles a day with camping gear on your back, across the hills to lochnagar just about had me on my knees, but my brother added stones to his ruck sack to keep fit, and they taught their children and my children the same principles of healthy eating and keeping fit,

    I suppose thats how I became interested in natural medicines, if no others medicine was available, what plants to use to stem bleeding, or what has the best selection of minerals and vitamins, what bark contains painkillers etc,
    I am small and fiesty compared to the rest of my family, perhaps thats why they insisted on training me,

    I still climb trees to cut the tops of with a power saw my self, and chop wood, and my sister is a qualified tree surgeon, I dig my own garden to grow my own medicine and veg,
    I know how to use a catapult and to shoot a gun, and make a bow an arrow,, and fit as a fiddle “touch wood”

    Where would you be without the men in your family being toughnuts raised in the country,

    I am not particularly personally afraid of someone displaying stalking behaviour towards myself, its just creepy,
    but how many women on here and else where were not raised as I was, or worked in the farming community,

    Like I said a while ago I was born a woman, married with kids but as tough as a nails , most men Nowadays are not as fit, especially the couch potatoes whom sit playing games all day long , an eat the fast foods or walk nice flat pavements to the neastest shop.

    If things go belly up with energy and food crises in Scotland I suppose I would be more like ( Dan ) with survival skills and self survival skills,

    The gratude towards yourself for stepping up as protector warms my heart Dorothy and could never be said enough with words, big hugs and thank you Dorothy from the bottom of my heart.

  113. Ruby says:

    Back to French cooking.

    You’ll all have seen the Bonne Maman confiture in the supermarkets. It’s pretty pricey and I think you pay over the odds because of the French name.

    The one you want to look out for when you are in France isn’t the ‘confiture de Bonne Mamam’ but the ‘confiture de Grand-mere’.

    Confiture de grand-mere is made from some fruit (my favourite is cherry) pickled in eau de vie (that’s 100% pure alcohol)

    It’s served in a tiny wee dish with a tiny wee fork.

    It tastes great and you can be half cut on just a couple of cherries.

    Cheers/à votre santé
    Here’s to your granny’s jam!

    Ooops I nearly forgot

    This one is for you Chas


  114. Ruby says:

    You might say I seem to be wittering on about everything except independence.

    Here’s the thing about me & independence. I have been an independence supporter since I saw all the people on the South coast of England out in force waving ‘our boys’ off to the Falklands and encouraging them to kill all the Argies!

    Never seen so many Union Jack Pitchforks in my life. It was a shock.

    Nothing has changed I don’t need any more info. I am a supporter of Scottish Independence.

    With regards to Sturgeon & the SNP I need no further awakening. I have been wide awake since Sturgeon fired Mark MacDonald for sending a text.

  115. sarah says:

    @ RepublicofScotland: “…disappointed at what the West has become..”. Indeed. My parents’ generation went through so much because they thought we were fighting against evil. And they thought they had won. They would be appalled to see what the UK government is like now, and the USA.

    On a lighter note, there is an amusing letter in the National today – amusing but making a very good point about those in the independence movement who won’t listen to anything but the “official” route to independence. Modesty prevents me naming the author…

  116. gregor says:

    re. “UK Government website says vaccine not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women”

    UK Gov: Decision: Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech (Updated 16 August 2022): Applies to England, Scotland and Wales:

    Toxicity conclusions:

    “The absence of reproductive toxicity data is a reflection of the speed of development to first identify and select COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 for clinical testing and its rapid development to meet the ongoing urgent health need.

    In principle, a decision on licensing a vaccine could be taken in these circumstances without data from reproductive toxicity studies animals, but there are studies ongoing and these will be provided when available.

    In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated. These judgements reflect the absence of data at the present time…”:

    link to

  117. gregor says:

    BBC (10/01/2022): Covid vaccine: Pregnant women urged not to delay getting jab:

    “Pregnant women are being urged not to delay getting their Covid jab or booster in a government campaign…

    The government said the vaccine was safe and had no impact on fertility…

    Around 84,000 pregnant women have received one dose and more than 80,000 have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine since then, the department said…

    …the vaccine causes pregnant women to produce antibodies against the virus, which cross over to their babies…”:

    link to

  118. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @gregor (3.04) –

    Today’s UK Column looks at those conflicting messages in detail.

    link to

  119. James che says:

    From a realistic point of view, every one here becomes very aware of the need for Scottish independence, to survive,
    I do do not doubt that both of you do to, we all have various views on how that should come about, or what method would progress it.
    It causes heated debates on here sometimes, however personally I feel that is for the good of all of us, you both can be a bit annoying with the name calling just the same as you get annoyed when you are constantly name called, goose and gander scenario, however it makes progress in thoughts by having two sides of a scottish independence debate,
    I am quite happy to listen to both your points of view as long you cut adrift from derogatory name calling,
    as you pointed out Andy
    when you mention Ruby, its not nice to be the recipients of bad mouthing,

    Name calling sets peoples backs up, and that causes people to go against rather than with you,
    I scroll by Ruby when she is on the swear words, because its simply not nice, and I scroll by your comments when you follow your behaviour pattern of abuse.
    For two people ( you and ruby ) that intellectually are excellent at languages, it beggers believe that both are restricted at expressing yourselves as verbally abusive to each other and others by name calling and branding.
    This reduces intellect a great deal.


    You like Andy show great intellect in languages and wanting to learn more, leave out the cursing and give your self time to breath before replying to the likes of the antagonistic baiting remarks such as Chas did at 11: 36 am,
    It will get you banned,
    Both you and Andy contribute much more than you realise here,

    It does lower the tone for other readers and it brings Rev Stu’ s site to a abusive level.
    If the pair of you cannot do it for other commenters sakes,

    Then do it for Rev Stu. Who is the host of both your comments.

    Yeh I know That there will be retaliation for this topic, but I think there are a lot of us here that are responding in retaliation to the verbal abuse rather than to both your comments
    This is creating a very antagonistic site for Rev Stu,

  120. Ottomanboi says:

    The US and England delight in stoking the proxy war with Russia with their $£s.
    These «anglosaxon» protectors of their own interests may yet have to deal with a real one.
    «IRAQ» is written on their consciences too, and the rest…

  121. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @gregor –

    I haven’t even finished their analysis but it’s already clear that Sir Christopher Whitty is squarely in the frame for this outrage. He’s been caught bang to rights and if his arse isn’t knitting a wee bunnet it really should be.

  122. Scott says:

    “it feels a bit strange that Scott appears to be seeking addresses” – James Cheyne aka James che

    What a strange comment.

  123. James che says:

    Re vaccinations,

    I do not have enough legal or court cases confirmed data as yet to make a judgement on every one else’s circumstances,
    But every one in my family that had the vaccinations died within six months of taking it from blood clots in the lungs or brain,.
    Over a period of seven months we had four family funerals,

    There seems to be no honest data on deaths actually caused by the voodoo vaccines, although I am realising from GB news that my family are not the only ones that were healthy before the took the this medication.

  124. James che says:


    Not really,
    Andy Ellis also thought it a bit weird to focus on females.

  125. James che says:


    Re- Official route to independence..

    Perhaps it has been our saving grace that we have continued for so long with out an official route or head.
    As it appears that NS and the snp are now attempting to make themselves the official route, and only the official route, we are wise enough to know they are doing with everything possible to control the Yes movements, which we see in their code of conducts,

    If the Snp manage to gain this control, and bring us all under the Snp as the only option for independence, we can kiss good bye to freedom. It will be stymed under that controlled banner.

  126. Andy Ellis says:

    Anyone know anything about Rev Stu’s delphic FB post? Is there something afoot?

    Just wanted to remind people about this today. No particular reason.

    link to

  127. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @James che (3.53) –

    That is shocking.

    I had no idea you had suffered such loss.

    Sincere condolences.


  128. James Che says:

    Ian Brotherhood,

    I am afraid so, one being my husbands sister, after my husband being diagnosed with colon cancer during that time, and my mother in the last stages of cancer.. this last year has took a lot out of us,

    Some scoffed at these misfortunes for our family at the time on here, it was a very sad time, my husband has decided not to under go any surgery as his chances of surviving the op are not good,

    However head up, this feisty lady will keep on fighting the good fight for those that never made it but fought for independence of Scotland all their lives.

    That is my main purpose for being here, besides their are a heck of a lot of nice people here all doing the same while going through their own misfortunes,

    Thanks Ian, God bless you.

  129. Dorothy Devine says:

    BDTT , thanks for that information Brian – delighted to hear he is still active, hope to see him in Freedom Square if I can make it.

    James Che , happy to have your back ,particularly with all that you have gone through.

  130. Ruby says:

    OK James I’ll put a warning at the start of my posts if it contains swear words. I am very interested in language and that includes bad language.

    Interested in how some swear words are more powerful than other and how some enter into everyday speech and have no power.


    Fuck has been so common even the first minister uses the word.

    ie She said she can’t wait until she doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

    Bad language is just words and you know what they say about sticks & stones.

    Everyday I’m expecting to be banned.

    QFMD I don’t care even if I’m banned I can still read all the posts on Wings.

    I could go to ‘The Wee Ginger Dug’ to comment but I suspect I might be banned there before I even started.

    There’s always The Scotsman & The Herald.

    You keep posting James & I’ll keep reading even if I am banned for bad language.

  131. Ruby says:

    Tut. Stu is a bit of a tease!

    A can’t stand the cliff hanger. Let me know when we find out what this Tom Gordon thing is all about

    I’ve just been watching this:

    link to

    Imagine if Sturgeon spoke like Ronan.

    ‘Allons enfant de la patrie
    Le jour de gloire est arrivé’

    I feel a revolution coming on!

  132. Ruby says:

    Ooops sorry Eddie not Ronan.


    “We’re not going to let them take the piss anymore. We’re going to make sure our old people are warm in winter. We’re going to make sure our kids are fed.” Eddie Dempsey

  133. John Main says:

    @Ruby says:31 August, 2022 at 2:39 pm

    “I have been an independence supporter since I saw all the people on the South coast of England out in force waving ‘our boys’ off to the Falklands and encouraging them to kill all the Argies!”

    Always difficult to follow Ruby’s meanderings – she could be having a larff, or just trolling to see who will bite.

    But let’s take this at face value.

    Ruby objected/objects to, or finds fault with, armed resistance to an invading, hostile, alien, army of occupation.

    No way can anybody believe that an Independent Scotland will be safe and secure if a majority of Scots think like Ruby.

    I know that it is accepted by psychologists that your standard human finds it easy to hold two mutually contradictory views as true. But the siamese twins of an Indy Scotland being prosperous, full of open spaces and successful, whilst simualtaneously, in a resource-strapped and overcrowded world, having no external armed enemies, law-breaking illegals, or simple waves of dispossessed as a result of climate change, just does not compute.

    Soz, Ruby.

  134. Ruby says:

    This is really good but


    link to

  135. Republicofscotland says:

    John Smythe does some excellent work on uncovering SNP lies and corruption.

    link to

  136. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    Soz, Ruby.

    No problem John. You are entitled to your opinion.
    I can always rely on you for bites. Chas is pretty good with the bites too.
    It’s all pretty strange.

    Cheers! At least I know someone is reading my posts. Usually I feel as if I am just talkin’ to myself. Never mind it’s all good therapy. Have a nice evening.

  137. John Main says:

    @Stoker says:31 August, 2022 at 10:46 am

    “Unionist rag that did more than its fair share in keeping the truth from folk throughout both the Brexit campaign and Scotland’s 2014IndyRef campaign”

    Beats me what your point is here, Stoker.

    The MSM encouraged us to vote No in 2014. We did.

    The MSM encouraged us to vote Remain. We didn’t.

    Of course, what we actually see is Scots voters doing exactly as the MSM tells us on two occasions. And English voters doing the opposite of what the MSM tells them on one occasion.

    Hardly conclusive, but pointing to perhaps a lack of savvy, or a surfeit of gullibility, north of the border.

  138. Republicofscotland says:

    This running a deficit trick has been used before by Westminster.

    link to

    Also I don’t recall any of the 60 odd countries that have left the British empire via independence, having to do so through a S30.

  139. Republicofscotland says:

    A leaked Treasury document has revealed energy companies will make excess profits of up to £170 BILLION, in the next 2 years.

    link to

  140. John Main says:

    @James says:31 August, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    “Gorbachov was willing to rid the world of all nuclear weapons at the Reykjavík talks, but Reagan and his swivel-eyed advisors wouldn’t agree to it.”

    How’s that then James?

    How did they intend to get rid of the Israeli bombs, the French bombs, the Indian bombs, the Pakistani bombs, the Chinese bombs?

    Not forgetting our own red, white and blue bombs.

    I guess Russia and the US could have divvied up the world, each invaded half, and disarmed the other nuclear powers by force.

    What other way would there be to rid the world of all nuclear weapons?

    Incidentally, the list keeps growing. Republic’s favourite, North Korea has joined the club, while Iran is already in the lobby.

    And just this year, getting rid of nuclear weapons has been clearly seen to be a very bad idea. You do that, and in next to no time, you have the army of a vicious, imperialist aggressor destroying your people, economy, cities, culture and nation.

  141. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says:31 August, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    “A leaked Treasury document has revealed energy companies will make excess profits of up to £170 BILLION, in the next 2 years.”

    If the article had said “could”, it might just have had a shred of credibility. But it says “will”.

    So let’s put it in perspective against some things that “could” happen.

    In September 1923, after hyper inflation, a loaf of bread cost German shoppers 200 BILLION marks.

    If we get hyper inflation following the collapse of the pound, the excess profits of the energy companies could allow them to do no more than put together a round of sarnies.

    Jeezo. Nobody knows what will be happening two months from now, never mind two years.

  142. John Main says:

    @Andy Ellis says:
    31 August, 2022 at 4:22 pm

    “Anyone know anything about Rev Stu’s delphic FB post? Is there something afoot?”

    Sure, Andy. My sources tell me the second Indy referendum was held in August 2021. The organising company was paid £50K. The eleven participants (all high-ranking office holders at HR) were each paid £50K for taking part.

    The outcome was a landslide for No.

    Debate has been going on behind closed doors for the past year, over the best way to break the news to the Scottish people.

  143. auld highlander says:

    Black 47 is on film four now, channel 14 or get it an hour later on plus one.

  144. Merganser says:

    John Main @ 8.07

    F. Scott Fitzgerald once said ‘ An artist is someone who can hold two opposing views and still remain fully functional’. I don’t know any psychologists.

    Ruby R.A.?

  145. Tinto Chiel says:

    Looks like things may be moving towards a realisation and some conclusions:

    link to


  146. Dorothy Devine says:

    Auld highlander – watching it for the second time , it tells of the arrogance and evil perpetrated on the Irish folk for anyone interested . It sure won’t cheer your evening but you might learn a great deal.

  147. Christopher Pike says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    31 August, 2022 at 8:33 pm
    This running a deficit trick has been used before by Westminster.

    link to

    Also I don’t recall any of the 60 odd countries that have left the British empire via independence, having to do so through a S30.


    Scotland was never a colony of the British Empire. Scotland, together with England, created the British Empire. Those 60 odd countries were colonised by Scotland and England together under the the British banner.

  148. Lenny Hartley says:

    Dorothy, i just discovered last week that my Paternal gt grandmother was born in Ireland (presume Mayo) in 1847,
    Only a couple of generations from me ,
    Found her wedding cert online and married at 21 in 1868.
    She might have been born on Inishkea South Island, if so probably why she survived, the spores that affected the potato crop never arrived there due to thev prevailing Westerley winds so folk on the Island had it better than nearby Mainland otherwise I would probably not be typing this just now.
    Aint seen the Movie will need to find it was halfway through on plus 1 before I saw your post.
    Talking about Black 47 , there is an Irish/American band of the same name who sound a bit like Dexy’s Midnight Runners who have some excellent tunes.
    Like most bands the early albums are the best.

  149. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Christopher Pike.
    You typed,
    “Scotland was never a colony of the British Empire. Scotland, together with England, created the British Empire. Those 60 odd countries were colonised by Scotland and England together under the the British banner.”
    So, does that make it ok, in historical terms?
    What, do you think, is Scotland’s relationship with England/UK currently? Is Scotland an equal partner, or treted as an English colony?

  150. RobRoy says:

    Thanks for the link, Ian Brotherhood @ 11:06 am

  151. Christopher Pike says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    31 August, 2022 at 10:59 pm
    Hi Christopher Pike.
    You typed,
    “Scotland was never a colony of the British Empire. Scotland, together with England, created the British Empire. Those 60 odd countries were colonised by Scotland and England together under the the British banner.”
    So, does that make it ok, in historical terms?
    What, do you think, is Scotland’s relationship with England/UK currently? Is Scotland an equal partner, or treted as an English colony?

    Scotland, England, Wales and N.I are constituent nations within the UK. The UK is the sovereign state in the eyes of the international community. Scotland is not a ‘partner’ in anything. The UK isn’t the EU, it’s not a union compromised of separate sovereign states. I’m afraid you took the romanticised language of Better Together far too seriously. The UK is an INCORPORATING UNION – a union of two or more states into one political whole – the UK. Scotland and England ceased to exist as sovereign states a long, long, long, long time ago.

  152. Saffron Robe says:

    The following quotes were sourced by Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh, I can take no credit for them, but they are most illuminating:

    “This is because the 1707 Parliamentary union between England and Scotland undoubtedly created a new State, but it did not create one Nation…The 1707 Union differed from these earlier schemes in that, while ensuring the de-politicisation of Scotland, it put into place measures intended to protect – and indeed to strengthen – other aspects of Scotland’s distinctive continuing nationhood.”

    Aidan O’Neill QC

    “That the Scots found a perfect union politically unacceptable, and the English an imperfect union intellectually incomprehensible, provides the basis for the odd mixture of the two which was set up in 1707. The English got the unitary sovereign power which they wanted, and got it in the form based upon the existing English Parliament, with an English majority in it. The Scots got their recognition as a separate sovereign state, both from the form of the Union of 1707 as an international treaty, and from the survival of Scots law and the Scottish church. It is that claim that Scotland is a sovereign nation state which is reasserted whenever the English forget that 1707 was not a ‘perfect union’ and has recently been repeated in the Claim of Right. Scotland in accepting the Union in 1707 remained a nation and as a result any sovereignty in the British parliament could not be national sovereignty. This has always been hard for the English to understand.”

    Conrad Russell

  153. gregor says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Thanks for that detailed UK Column link (keep them coming folks and speaking out).

    The rank complicity of Whitty (et al) will not be forgotten.

  154. Dorothy Devine says:

    Jingly Jangly man, it also has a wondrous hero , an avenging angel if you like – I would like to hope that he existed in some form in Ireland and got away with his ‘crimes’.

  155. Breeks says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    1 September, 2022 at 8:31 am
    Jingly Jangly man, it also has a wondrous hero , an avenging angel if you like – I would like to hope that he existed in some form in Ireland and got away with his ‘crimes’.

    I believe Black 47 might be fiction as far as the plot goes, but the backdrop very convincing. Fiction it may be, but only by a whisker, because I am sure there were Highlanders returning from Waterloo who returned to find their homes destroyed and their families removed to the colonies.

    ” Virtually all of the people who lived in Rogart were ‘cleared’ though not the Leslies although they were on the list to be cleared. These veterans of Waterloo and the Peninsular War had hoped they might be overlooked, but their houses were burnt around them, their stock seized and their belongings scattered…”

    link to

  156. Ottomanboi says:

    No people part of the so called British empire can distance it by saying it was nothing to do with them, it was the other lot. Scots, Irish, Welsh, Africans, South Asians all contributed to its «occupation», physical and mental. Its centres both as East India cy and Imperial system were in London, England. That city grew large on the power and wealth accruing to its politico-economic establishments. Without cooperation, willing or not, of those colonized it could not have done that. My people were promised autonomy if they cooperated with the British during the Iraq mandate, a vow casually broken at great cost to many.
    Scotland’s rôle was in no way different from that of the other players. It was an opportunity for individuals to get rich through «entrepreneurial» adventures. Everyone involved is «guilty» in some way. That is the way of empires, all get their hands sticky whether nominally Greek, Roman, Mongol or Ottoman.
    Learn from imperial history and move on to the concerns of now.

  157. Mark Boyle says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    31 August, 2022 at 10:06 pm

    Auld highlander – watching it for the second time , it tells of the arrogance and evil perpetrated on the Irish folk for anyone interested . It sure won’t cheer your evening but you might learn a great deal.

    Yes, because learning from Hollywood B-movies is always the best way to learn about history isn’t it?

    Especially “famine porn” which outside of Ireland and those areas of North America without a large Plastic Paddy population considered the film to be hysterical romaticised bollocks.

    The Irish were the willing accomplices not only to the running of the British empire, but via the so-called “flight of the wild geese” aiding and abetting the brutalities of those of France, Spain and Portugal across the globe.

    I’m from an Irish Catholic background, but the perpetual Caramero routine of the Irish completely gets on my tits – always the most oppressed and brutalised over the centuries than anyone else, and completely unwilling to face up to its own complicity and active involvement in the horrors not only of its past, but the past it helped inflict on others. Stuff ’em and their cult of perma-victimhood long before it became a global phenomena under today’s cult of the snowflake.

  158. Lenny Hartley says:

    Mark boyle think you are talking of the elite who in all Colonies mostly are integrated into the mindset of the Empire (see Scottish legal system today) how many from anglo norman decent and not irish?
    Off course like Scotland and elsewhere peasants would have been used as canon fodder , you can not blame them for the atrocities of the Empire.

    Cromwell’s to hell or Connaught policies and the so called Famine murdered Millions and forced millions more to emigrate . You might think that is porn , i dont.

  159. Mark Boyle says:

    Lenny Hartley says:
    1 September, 2022 at 10:19 am

    Mark boyle think you are talking of the elite who in all Colonies mostly are integrated into the mindset of the Empire (see Scottish legal system today) how many from anglo norman decent and not irish?

    Whataboutery. The “no true Scotsman” fallacy writ large popular with Irish history where any bad stuff was Vikings, Normans, Plantationists or anyone else but never themselves.

    Off course like Scotland and elsewhere peasants would have been used as canon fodder , you can not blame them for the atrocities of the Empire.

    Ah, the old “only obeying orders” excuse never loses its sheen, does it?

    Cromwell’s to hell or Connaught policies and the so called Famine murdered Millions and forced millions more to emigrate . You might think that is porn , i dont.

    LOL! Knew Cromwell would come up, just couldn’t help yourself, could you? All the old tropes, all the old cliches fed from the teat and never to be questioned.

    Irish workers put record amounts of Irish grain, butter and meat onto Irish ships in Irish ports sailing not merely for the British mainland but France, Spain, Germany and the Low Countries slap bang in the middle of the famine, and didn’t care a shit their “countrymen” were dying in their thousands of starvation related diseases. But apparantly everyone else is still to blame but themselves for any part of it.

    Like I said, it’s a cosy cult of perma-victimhood, and it’s long past its sell-by date to all but dafties.

  160. DJ says:

    Mark Boyle

    Any argument is lost when you start insulting people. Up your game.

  161. Republicofscotland says:

    Johnson wouldn’t know what peace was if it jumped up and bit him on the arse. Whitehall is currently assisting in covert wars, the Great Satan’s minion the UK is also riding on its coattails in the pre-planned offensive against the country East of their (404) proxy.

    “BORIS Johnson has said a newly-commissioned nuclear submarine is a “guarantor of peace” rather than a “weapon of war”.

    Making a speech at the commissioning of HMS Anson, the Prime Minister said in an uncertain world the UK needed a guarantee of peace more than ever.”

    link to

  162. robbo says:

    I would say an believable account and accurate story of the famine.

    How anyone from a supposedly Irish catholic background(lol) would try and conflate that is beyond me.

    Boyle is our own Trevelyan type that blames everything on everyone else but the scum that did nothing to prevent it. In today’s world it’s called “AID”. In Trevelyan times it was a “mechanism to remove surplus population”- especially Irish Catholics. Today it’s called Boyle’s theory.

    link to

  163. Mark Boyle says:

    robbo says:
    1 September, 2022 at 11:22 am

    I would say an believable account and accurate story of the famine.

    How anyone from a supposedly Irish catholic background(lol) would try and conflate that is beyond me.

    Boyle is our own Trevelyan type that blames everything on everyone else but the scum that did nothing to prevent it. In today’s world it’s called “AID”. In Trevelyan times it was a “mechanism to remove surplus population”- especially Irish Catholics. Today it’s called Boyle’s theory.

    link to

    RATFLMAO! Because a website dedicated to “All the news and craic from the Emerald Isle” is going to be such a reliable, analytical source, isn’t it?

    What next? The Kerrydale Street forum? Slugger O’Toole’s?

    Coming up next on WoS comments from the Plastic Paddy Brigade, “why ‘The Quiet Man’ was the greatest movie of all time of utopian Ireland and not a steaming pile of romantized misogynist gobshitery” …

  164. robbo says:

    Remember folks- only Boyle’s interpretation of history is relevant- no one else!

    Plenty of more links at the bottom of that page Boyley if you care to click. Of course you won’t because you wouldn’t like what you find because it offends you that you’re wrong in mostly everything you write on here..

    Maybe you can furnish your links from the Britnat bigoted places you frequent then?

    You’re full of shite bud.

  165. James says:

    LOL. It’s soooo amusing to witness a Yoon (Boyle) in full rant mode, foaming at the mouth with hatred.

  166. Chas says:

    Congratulations Yobbo, sorry Robbo.

    You have now been inducted into the BPHB.
    Well done!

  167. James che says:

    I suggest there that there is No treaty of the union with the Scots bar……50 men,

    The rest of Scotland did not agree to a treaty, and the and partitions against, a treaty of union poured in,
    The Scots people rioted in protest against a treaty of union,

    To force the Scots into a non voluntary Treatie of union with England, A English army was sent up to the Scottish borders to subdue the Scots protests.

    A treaty imposed under Duress.

    Have you researched TREATIES made under DURESS OR THREAT.

    I would advice anyone here interested in Scotlands independence to do so.

  168. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Link to Salvo event at the new ‘Colonial House’ event in Edinburgh.

    link to

  169. Confused says:

    Pike – go find the nearest englishman and tell him england no longer exists. See what happens.

    If you are stil breathing – fuck off back to talos IV, or the twilignt zone, or wherever-the-fuck this dimension of constitutional ignorance originates

    – you’re a trolling halfwit tossing around words he doesn’t know the meaning of.

  170. robbo says:

    Chas says:
    1 September, 2022 at 12:02 pm
    Congratulations Yobbo, sorry Robbo.

    You have now been inducted into the BPHB.
    Well done!


    What? Why wid that be ya clown?
    You’re anither fecking eegit on here masquerading as “I’m an indy supporter” in a wee lassie’s voice.

    Why would anything above be this silly childish phrase you associate with this daft phrase of yours? CLOWN

  171. sarah says:

    Tweetstreet is broadcasting now the Salvo event “Serving Notice to Quit” at the UK offices – great declaration of our sovereignty by Neale Hanvey.

  172. Confused says:

    Sometimes you have to attack the wicked just to see who comes to their aid

    Boyle instinctively defending Ellis, England, the English

    all the while pretending to be some kind of west of Scotland “socialist” with copious “I was there stories” – hanging with Big Tommy – did ye, aye? – but it all clangs and reeks of something fishy (- no actual Glaswegian uses the term “weegie”). Now he is a (self hating) irish catholic.

    – I hope you had a laugh at his interpretions of ancient history, the semi-digested chunks of a partial skimming. Someone should mark his work, I would give it a D.

    Now he is an expert on irish history, one which neatly gives the english a free pass because those victims and those coerced were complicit. Only the english have ever come out with this crap, what can we conclude?

    Boyle is a scumbag english bastard, a kentigern catamite whose job it is to post here to cause disruption, if nothing else to waste everyones time with his snarky postings, which are at the level of a teenage girl, semi factoids and anecdotes which don’t scan, all which lack any political coherence.

    Neither he, nor his tag team partner, Ellis, ever win anyone over; they thus waste their time, to waste yours.

    The English are the main villains of world history and should be rightfully driven out of any place they defiled and polluted. The British Empire was the worst thing in human history, by a very wide margin, but it gets a benign press because their intellectual prostitute class were very disciplined in never writing up anything which was embarrassing; dead men don’t write history books. It never happened. Historical forces, progress, all that. Nothing to do with us, with what we did; the other guys were worse. Remove one side of the account books and you can sum any total you want – this is why the entire output of the english intellectual class is historically worthless and without merit (apart from some contributions to mathematics and physics). Apologists for empire, nothing more, even the critics are there to provide a fake balance. Do you think e.g. the folks at Chatham House are open minded, unbiased and driven by a commitment to intellectual rigour? Hardly, they got nice slots in the corporation and they know what to say and when to shut up.

    ANGLO-LOVERS must be exposed and driven out of our movement, for they cannot be trusted and deserve nothing. There is no time left to mess around, trying to be nice about it.

    They have had the free run and ruin of Scotland too long; like an out of control teenage party one weekend – the first priority is to clear house. Not everyone is guilty or equally so, but we need a clear account. In time, the full truth will emerge, but right now this infestation is primarily concerned with lying to us and muddying the waters. With them gone, it will become clear.

    If you want to clear house, the first task is the tractors, the fake-nats amongst you. They have to go, and if you cannot make them – point them out.

  173. auld highlander says:

    DD @ 10.06.
    When I first saw that film it was at a late evening screening in Inverness and there was only one other person in the audience. The film is excellent and it makes me think about the sheer hell these poor souls suffered at the hands of the thugs and of the good people of the highlands with the clearances just a few years later. Almost a hundred years of absolute hell inflicted by the south from 1750 – 1860. Plus the atrocities conducted after Culloden when a campaign was launched to supress any further risings, hangings, executions and burning of property etc etc.

    Has a London government ever apologised?

  174. Mark Boyle says:

    Chas says:
    1 September, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    Congratulations Yobbo, sorry Robbo.

    You have now been inducted into the BPHB.
    Well done!

    They just never learn do they?

    Ladybird Book and Colouring Book nationalists, the lot of them.

  175. robbo says:

    All aboard the free ride Tory bus. While most people struggle, these twats take the piss.

    link to

  176. Tommo says:

    Confused says:
    Boyle is a scumbag english bastard’
    ‘The English are the main villains of world history and should be rightfully driven out of any place they defiled and polluted. The British Empire was the worst thing in human history, by a very wide margin ‘
    ‘ANGLO-LOVERS must be exposed and driven out of our movement, for they cannot be trusted and deserve nothing. There is no time left to mess around, trying to be nice about it.’
    ‘They have had the free run and ruin of Scotland too long; like an out of control teenage party one weekend – the first priority is to clear house. Not everyone is guilty or equally so, but we need a clear account. In time, the full truth will emerge, but right now this infestation is primarily concerned with lying to us ‘

    Deary me. If this were said about any ‘race’ save the English I do believe you would have the Polis knocking on your IP address.

  177. robbo says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    1 September, 2022 at 1:29 pm
    Chas says:
    1 September, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    Congratulations Yobbo, sorry Robbo.

    You have now been inducted into the BPHB.
    Well done!

    They just never learn do they?

    Ladybird Book and Colouring Book nationalists, the lot of them.


    C’mon then Boyley. Where’s the links to where you get yer interpretation of the famines from ?


    Chas ( whit currency willl ye use) will be of nay help tae ye lad.

  178. James che says:

    auld highlander.
    Dorothy Devine.

    Not a voluntary treaty to join with England by any means, the butchering of Scots and Irish people,

    The only people from either one of these two Countries that still like unionism and willing overlook the autrocities, are those that gained money, land and titles,
    Their are still people like this to day, they prefer pockets full of gain on the backs of others and turn a blind eye to their countrymen having been converted to feeling British not so long ago,

    Their Countries identity and their own, is a easily solved problem for them by just switching loyalties for personal financial gain and stolen land.
    Help the suppresser to beat the hell out of your own country men and women, destroy their country mens economy, and make a dessert from where they came from,

  179. James che says:

    Convention on the Law of Treaties.

    The law of Treaties for Decolonisation.

    The Vienna Convention, [6] Which prohibits only a Threat or use of Military use of Force.

    Questions of International Law, advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Chagos Archipelago.

    The concept of Duress in the World of Decolonisation,

    One of many good reads on how earlier Treaties may not be Valid if they were cone under duress.

  180. James che says:

    The Law of Treaties Article 52, The Vienna Convention,.

    One that both NS and JC could have raised.

  181. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Today, 1st September 2022, at the opening of the English Colonial Office in Edinburgh, we mourned the loss of our constitutional rights and all that has been suppressed and killed during Scotland’s Union with England.

    We remembered the people that rioted after the forced marriage of Scotland to England in 1707, for this was no precious Union – “We have catched Scotland”

    We remembered the thousands of our people murdered after Culloden or who were brutally evicted to foreign shores to turn the Highlands into empty straths and glens.

    We remembered the fallen Scottish soldiers of England’s empire wars – “They are Scotch – what matter if they fall?”

    We remembered the forced repression of our languages, our culture and our identity.

    We remembered the thousands made unemployed after the closures of Scottish industries.

    We remembered the continued gaslighting of Scotland by Union governments that hide the billions that Scotland pours into Westminster.

    We remembered the dismal proliferation of food banks in a rich country kept poor by the Union.

    We remembered the scandal of forced obscenely high energy prices in a country where all of our electricity is generated by the wind.

    We remembered the Cost of Union crisis and said, NO MORE’

  182. Ruby says:

    Merganser says:
    31 August, 2022 at 9:30 pm

    John Main @ 8.07

    F. Scott Fitzgerald once said ‘ An artist is someone who can hold two opposing views and still remain fully functional’. I don’t know any psychologists.

    Ruby R.A.?


    Random Abuser? NO! me never!

    You mean Royal Academician?

    Not that either but I am an ‘artist’

    I probably can hold two opposing views and still remain fully functional but I don’t think there is any similarity in being a jingoistic warmongering nation & a nation that defends itself.

    Nicola Sturgeon is fine example of an ‘artist’ who can hold two opposing views
    ie feeling British & being a supporter of independence. Yes she’s an artist a con artist.

  183. Ruby says:

    Another fight! This place is great.

    Go the Bonnie Purples!

  184. Mark Boyle says:

    @Confused Re: 1 September, 2022 at 12:24 pm

    Congratulations on the most spectacular meltdown this blog has ever seen. Truly epic dummy spitting.

  185. Republicofscotland says:

    It might be a good idea for the Alba party to start selecting its Westminster candidates as well. The likes of Blackford and Daddy Bear might have some insider knowledge on this.

    “THE SNP have said they are “anticipating an early General Election” and have opened up applications for parliamentary candidates.

    Ahead of the Tory leadership contest coming to a close tomorrow – with a new PM to be announced on Monday – the SNP said in an email to members that they expect voters to be asked to hit the polls before a fresh ballot is due in 2024.

    The party opened up candidacy applications and set a deadline of September 9 – several weeks prior to the Supreme Court hearing on whether Holyrood can hold a second independence referendum without permission from the UK Government.”

    link to

  186. Ruby says:


    link to

    I watched part of this video and got the impression that there was trouble at ‘Now Scotland’ that the ‘Pearl Clutchers’ did not like the swearing in ‘Shauny Boy’s’ videos and resigned.

    Did I get that right?

    Also that AIM decided on their code of conduct after seeing Shauny Boy’s videos.

    SNP/AIM are the ruling ‘Pearl Clutchers.’

    They’ve all got a copy of this
    link to
    and this
    link to

    There are a couple of ‘Pearl Clutchers’ posting here but I cannot see Stu fitting into that category so I guess that is why I haven’t been banned yet or perhaps which is more likely the threatened banning had nothing to do with swearing.

  187. Ottomanboi says:

    It wasnt just the Irish.
    link to
    A little known poverty story.
    link to
    Even today, if the story is not in English,ignore it.
    On another matter, how long before this is forgotten?
    link to

  188. sarah says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood at 2.13: many thanks for posting the link so all independence supporters btl here can SIGN the Edinburgh Declaration and be part of the Scottish Liberation Movement.

    See Iain Lawson “Yours for Scotland”, Salvo, SSRG to read more. The Declaration echoes the 1916 declaration in Ireland i.e. that we the people own Scotland and are sovereign and indefeasible. Long usurpation of that by a foreign government has not, and cannot, extinguish that right.

    Now we can build the Convention in order to hold our politicians and government to account.

  189. Ruby says:


    It wasn’t the swearing that Stu objected to it was the ‘fuckin playground shit.

    The playground shit went something like this:

    Ellis: You are a low-life scheemie, uneducated, skid mark.

    Me: You are a cunt

    Ellis: You are a low-life scheemie, uneducated, skid mark, foul mouthed harridan.

    Me: You are a cunt

    Ellis: You are a low-life scheemie, uneducated, skid mark, foul mouthed cunt calling harridan.

    Me: You are a cunt

    Ellis: You are a low-life scheemie, uneducated, skid mark, fringe nutter, moonhowling foul mouthed cunt calling harridan with tourettes.

    Me: You are a cunt

    and on and on and on and on.

    I do understand why people might find the ‘fuckin playground shit. annoying but
    I’m not quite sure how you are supposed to respond if someone calls you names.

    Maybe say:

    Yes dear, whatever you say dear. Would you like a cup of tea dear?

    I can see some ‘fuckin playground shit. going on here

    I’m looking at you Mark Boyle & Chas.

  190. sarah says:

    @ Ruby: may I draw your attention to the link in Ian Brotherhood’s comment at 2.13? Get your name down as one of the earliest supporters of the Edinburgh Declaration!

  191. Ruby says:

    sarah says:
    1 September, 2022 at 3:58 pm

    @ Ruby: may I draw your attention to the link in Ian Brotherhood’s comment at 2.13? Get your name down as one of the earliest supporters of the Edinburgh Declaration!

    I missed that I thought that post was going to be about Covid.

    I saw a video on You Tube last night entitled

    The Jaw-Dropping Cause Of George Best’s Death (It Wasn’t Alcohol)

    I started watching it and thinking ‘was it covid’ (Maybe I’m pending too much time reading posts on Wings.)

    I never got to the end. It was just too sad & morbid.
    I never found out if George Best died of Covid/the Covid vaccine or not.

    Re signing the declaration. I’ll put that on my list of things to do.
    I’m a bit fed-up at the moment all I want to do is put my X in the box marked ‘Should Scotland be an Independent Country.

  192. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ian B , thanks for that link.

    Sarah , signed the other day.

    Auld Highlander ,it reminded me to have another look at the documentary on Ballymurphy and Bloody Sunday.

  193. Signed the Edinburgh Declaration but guess what? The activation email was diverted to my spam as well!

  194. Mark Boyle says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    1 September, 2022 at 3:11 pm

    It wasnt just the Irish.
    link to
    A little known poverty story.
    link to
    Even today, if the story is not in English,ignore it.
    On another matter, how long before this is forgotten?
    link to

    Yep – and there would have been a massive famine in the Scottish Highlands c/o the potato blight had it not been for sheer historical chance: the split in the Church of Scotland in 1843 when a large chunk decided they were fed up of being glorified government propagandists (ministers were supposed to stand up in the pulpit every Sunday and basically preach, “complain not that your boss and landlords are complete and utter bastards, the more you suffer now the greater your reward in the life to come”).

    The Free Church of Scotland had thus a big pile of money to burn which was meant to be going on new churches to replace those lost from the split (the C of S kept the lot – even when entire congregations left for the new church). They used a large chunk of this on famine relief for the Highlands, regardless of faith (as opposed to the strings attached “taking of the soup” in Ireland). The C of S and Roman Catholic churches did zero.

    It’s one of the reasons the “Wee Free” up north has such a specific attachment to especially old Highland families, regardless of faith; the “us and them” feeling between Highlanders and Lowlanders is about much more than the ’45 or insults to “teuchters” – it’s about the callous indifference from their supposed countrymen even of the same faith when the crunch came.

    (The famine is also the reason why eating seaweed is still considered unlucky to some up in the inner and outer Hebrides, because in many areas this was all they had to eat until the relief ships were able to get to them, but I digress)

    Don’t even start me on the Uyghurs. The world has been merrily ignoring the Chinese committing inhumanity after inhumanity on their own people – right down to organ harvesting from “undesireables” for the benefit of ailing party members.

  195. Breeks says:

    Get yourselves over to Liberation.Scot and get signed up to the Scottish Liberation Movement, and sign up to the declaration.

    This is not a drill Scotland. On the day the UK’s Government Hub opened in Edinburgh, (that’s their colonial headquarters to you and me), they were served notice to quit.

    And don’t go fretting about the connotations of the title either. A movement of Liberation is a required component of the process, thus, a Liberation Movement is required to exist.

  196. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “I do understand why people might find the ‘fuckin playground shit. annoying but
    I’m not quite sure how you are supposed to respond if someone calls you names.”

    You’re supposed to respond by telling me about it so I can moderate it, not by doubling it.

  197. Mark Boyle says:

    Breeks says:
    1 September, 2022 at 4:57 pm

    Get yourselves over to Liberation.Scot and get signed up to the Scottish Liberation Movement, and sign up to the declaration.

    This is not a drill Scotland. On the day the UK’s Government Hub opened in Edinburgh, (that’s their colonial headquarters to you and me), they were served notice to quit.

    And don’t go fretting about the connotations of the title either. A movement of Liberation is a required component of the process, thus, a Liberation Movement is required to exist.

    Saying “we echo the Irish Declaration of 1916” – GENIUS move that one up here!

    At a stroke, that’s you alienated a lot of people up here to whom 1916 And All That has extremely negative connotations, and also encouraged a lot of the Smellic Bam Brigade (esp. their so-called “Ultras”) to whom this will now look like perhaps a good opportunity for some aggro (you can call it the “Peaceful Scottish Liberation Movement” – but you can be sure that “peaceful” will be taken by some to be perhaps said in irony …)

    Nope, sorry, I am not signing up to Big Ian’s Big Groovy Gang/whatever Salvo’s calling itself this week.

  198. James che says:

    1: Signing a Treaty under threat of military sent to your borders, is not a voluntary treaty,

    2: Scotland never did have a treaty with the British parliament.

    3: Scotland does not have a treaty with the UK government

    4: England asked the Scottish parliament to Close its doors and cease to exist breaking the Treaty of union of the Scottish and English parliaments signatures to a agreed British parliament respectively.

    5: The Uk parliament is solely acting as a English parliament when it passes laws and legislation for England and Wales only. Breaking the treaty of the union.

    6: A list as long as anyones arm of instances that reflect wholly and legally on Westminster shoulders for not following and protecting the agreed Articles of the treaty of the Union, from Scots treason laws being abolished in 1808 to the Poll Tax and beyond.

    7: The full British national anthem contains racism to the Scots as a country and race of people.

    8: If in a voluntary treaty, you have options.
    If Scotland is under Colonialism however Scotland can be refused a voluntary choice under that dictatorship.

    9: One of the main pointers of a Country being under Colonialism is the refusal by the dictating Country to let the other country go free, to make choices of their own in full.

    10: what article in the Treaty of the union states that a bilateral government named the UK government will hold the treaty of union for Scotland and England.

    11: what British parliament government or UK parliament government chooses to break a International treaty, to ignore or recognise the ” Scots claim of right “they agreed and signed up to, by manipulation and control and alteration to a two country treaty.

    12: perhaps there can no longer be a recognised binding Treaty between the old English parliament government and the old Scottish parliament government

    13: For the treaty ended when the Scottish parliament ended, and we find no legal documents of a Scottish parliament in its own right entering into Westminster,

    14:We find ex- members of the closed Scottish parliament moving in to Westminster, these members literally cannot represent the Scottish government or Scotland if the Scottish parliament is closed. They entered Westminster from a cancelled Scottish government by the English parliamentary request, ( as nobodies) .
    They remained nobodies in the legal context of a treaty of union between the two countries.
    They could not transfer their status as representitives of a closed Scottish parliament.

  199. Rab Davis says:

    Down goes Ellis,,,

    And up pops Boyle.


    It’s like wacka mole.

    You get shot of one Plant,,,and up pops another.

  200. Christopher Pike says:

    “SNP ‘anticipating early General Election’ as candidacy applications open”.

    Headline on the National website. I thought the SNP were intending to fight the next UK General Election as a de-facto independence referendum? Sorry, independence supporters, but you’re being played for fools by the SNP.

    Do you honestly see ‘this’ SNP fighting a snap election as a plebiscite? They’ll spin some B.S about needing to wait for the Supreme Court verdict and will use the NEXT election in 5 years time as a plebiscite.

    “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?” – John Lydon.

  201. robbo says:

    Irish famine with respect to the Scottish famine. No surprises.

    Disnae take long to see an almighty mighty difference.

    link to

  202. Andy Ellis says:

    You’re supposed to respond by telling me about it so I can moderate it, not by doubling it.

    Call me old fashioned, but I still think there’s a difference between, say someone calling others nativists (when they are) or moonhowlers (I mean…come on, look at some of those involved!) and someone who just cunt calls folk in every other post.

    Swearing has its place of course, but fuck knows some folk just don’t understand the “less is more” thing.

  203. Andy Ellis says:


    Down goes Ellis,,,

    And up pops Boyle.


    It’s like wacka mole.

    You get shot of one Plant,,,and up pops another.

    If only Rev Stu was as sick of moonhowlers calling other people in the movement “plants”, or insisting they have multiple profiles as he was of playground shit.

  204. Rab Davis says:

    Ellis has went greetin tae the teacher.

    We’re awe for it…

  205. sarah says:

    @ Dorothy Devine at 4.20 “I signed it the other day”.

    This is a different one just launched today – see Breeks at 4.57. This is the real deal – the UN requires signatures for a National Liberation Movement so this one is for the Scottish Liberation Movement. Cunning, eh?

  206. Ruby says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    1 September, 2022 at 5:06 pm

    “I do understand why people might find the ‘fuckin playground shit. annoying but
    I’m not quite sure how you are supposed to respond if someone calls you names.”

    You’re supposed to respond by telling me about it so I can moderate it, not by doubling it.

    Fair enough.

    You could end up being very busy.

    How do I go about telling you?

    For starters you could have a look at Chas & his references to the BPHB and he did call me
    an erse yesterday.

    John Main will also be someone I will be reporting.

    TBH I will feel a wee bit as if I am back in the playground.

    ‘Please Sir he called me an erse.’

    Anyway I’m happy to help. I never did get a chance to be the monitor when I was at school not even the milk monitor.

    Should I report only those who call me names or just everyone who is name calling? I get the impression many posters quite enjoy a bit of the old ‘fuckin playground shit’

  207. James che says:

    3: 46 pm.

    Yes dear whatever you say dear, is actually quite a good response to being baited,
    One sided antagonism can be spotted miles away.

    And so good for Rev Stu’ s site,

  208. twathater says:

    @ Mark boyle 5.16pm as if anyone is interested in what a negative self opinionated pub bore thinks or does , all YOU are intent on doing with your fellow negative proponents is to divide and conquer , but unfortunately for you and your PALS champ many of us have experienced better negative pushers and we are still here supporting independence and we will be when the likes of you and your pals champ bugger off because you are convincing no one , independence supporters my arse

  209. Andy Ellis says:

    … the UN requires signatures for a National Liberation Movement so this one is for the Scottish Liberation Movement. Cunning, eh?

    Yea, that’ll definitely work: independence via petition. Get yer bic biros out folks!

    This’ll have the yoons quaking in the boots. Free by ’23 anyone?

  210. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    1 September, 2022 at 5:34 pm

    You’re supposed to respond by telling me about it so I can moderate it, not by doubling it.

    Call me old fashioned, but I still think there’s a difference between, say someone calling others nativists (when they are) or moonhowlers (I mean…come on, look at some of those involved!) and someone who just cunt calls folk in every other post.

    Swearing has its place of course, but fuck knows some folk just don’t understand the “less is more” thing.

    ‘Scheemie’ was the one that did it for me. Not all that happy being called pork either. Pork as in you can’t educate pork.

  211. Ruby says:

    James che says:
    1 September, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    3: 46 pm.

    Yes dear whatever you say dear, is actually quite a good response to being baited,
    One sided antagonism can be spotted miles away.

    And so good for Rev Stu’ s site,

    Would the same apply to someone you thought was stalking you?

    I am very confused by your user name. I was under the impression you were male.
    Can you explain?

  212. SWJames chewwes says:

    no name calling in any form would be a good idea,
    Everyone can have a moan at being called names, but the tone it sets is antagonistic,
    Disagreeing is fine, but name calling grouping and branding not so good,

    This does not damage us so much, as it does Rev Stu site,
    Like Ruby just report any one name calling you to Stu as He suggested.

  213. Mark Boyle says:

    twathater says:
    1 September, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    @ Mark boyle 5.16pm as if anyone is interested in what a negative self opinionated pub bore thinks or does , all YOU are intent on doing with your fellow negative proponents is to divide and conquer , but unfortunately for you and your PALS champ many of us have experienced better negative pushers and we are still here supporting independence and we will be when the likes of you and your pals champ bugger off because you are convincing no one , independence supporters my arse

    Another stunning contribution from the man with the most ironic alias around these parts.

  214. James Che says:

    Yes I would report any one stalking,

  215. Dorothy Devine says:

    Sarah, done and dusted – thanks!

  216. Ruby says:

    James Che says:
    1 September, 2022 at 6:34 pm

    Yes I would report any one stalking,

    Have you done that or have you perhaps threatened the person you accused of stalking?

    If you are going to give me a finger wagging, pearl clutching holier than thou lecture I would suggest you ensure your own house is in order first. What’s with the male moniker?

  217. Republicofscotland says:

    More serious faults on the Glen Sannox at Ferguson’s shipyard, years late and millions over budget, and a few bit of paperwork mysteriously missing doesn’t reflect well on CMAL and the SNP.

    Alex Salmond had the new Queensferry Crossing bridge built, it came in on time, and I think budget as well. Then Sturgeon takes the reins and all hell breaks loose.

    “NEW technical problems including issues with 125 miles of cables are posing a further threat a project to deliver of one of the vessels at the centre of Scotland’s ferry fiasco.

    New nationalised Ferguson Marine analysis reveals that there remains a concern that the number of faults outstanding are a risk to the acceptance of the two vessels currently languishing at their shipyard. ”

    link to

  218. Merganser says:

    Ruby @ 2.13

    Glad you responded to my post. And not a swear word in sight.

    I think your comment about NS is a bit too kind. Like most politicians she has limitless views on any subject and just uses the one she thinks the best to fit the question at the time. Or if she doesn’t want to use any of them, pretend there isn’t an answer to the question (eg what is a woman).

    So in her card index of answers to a simple question such as ‘Do you want a referendum?’ you would find, amongst others, the following answers:

    Yes, unequivocally.
    Yes, provided it is legal.
    Yes, but the Lord Advocate/Supreme Court won’t let me have one.
    Yes, as long as it has no meaning.
    Yes, but the time is not right at the moment.
    Not when the polls show I won’t win it.
    No, it’s not necessary, I have 3 mandates already.
    No, we might win it (when asked by Ian Blackford).
    What a stupid question to ask.

    She doe have great ability to create impressions of a transitory nature. For that reason I think she is well described as a pavement artist.

  219. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Mark McNaught & Sara Salyers talking about today’s event in edinburgh.


    link to

  220. Ruby says:

    Merganser says:
    1 September, 2022 at 6:58 pm

    I think she is well described as a pavement artist.

    pavement artist 🙂

    “faire le trottoir?”

    That reminds me of a French joke. They used to have a whole serious of jokes/witty retorts in France that started

    And your sister (et ta sœur! thats bad language – maybe nobody will notice)
    My sister pees blue do you have anything you want dyed.

    And your sister
    And your sister is learning to swim pour ‘faire le trottoir’ in Venice.

    I liked that one.

    Sturgeon the Venetian Pavement Artist.

    PS Can Sturgeon swim? I think I read somewhere she can’t even doggy paddle.

  221. Chas says:


    I know that you have difficulty comprehending what is actually written compared to what you think has been written. My sympathies.
    I may THINK you are an erse but where did I specifically say you were?

    Yobbo 12.22

    Do you honestly think your post makes any sense? As a member of the BPHB you are clearly more ‘Scottish’ than me as you choose to write as you speak. Or maybe you are unable to express yourself any other way. Either way it is still drivel!
    I could be wrong, but I think you posted some months ago ‘We can use any currency we want’. Oh dear!

  222. Ruby says:

    FAO Rev. Stuart Campbell

    As advised I am bring the following post to your attention

    “Chas says:
    1 September, 2022 at 8:09 pm


    I know that you have difficulty comprehending what is actually written compared to what you think has been written. My sympathies.
    I may THINK you are an erse but where did I specifically say you were?

    Yobbo 12.22

    Do you honestly think your post makes any sense? As a member of the BPHB you are clearly more ‘Scottish’ than me as you choose to write as you speak. Or maybe you are unable to express yourself any other way. Either way it is still drivel!
    I could be wrong, but I think you posted some months ago ‘We can use any currency we want’. Oh dear!”

  223. John Main says:

    @Ottomanboi says:1 September, 2022 at 9:33 am

    “Everyone involved is «guilty» in some way.”

    An easy fix for this one, so let me just correct it.

    Everyone involved WAS guilty in some way.

    There’s the issue right there. They are all deid.

    Victims and oppressors alike. All equally deid.

    It’s long past time to move on.

  224. John Main says:

    Posted this one last night, but got moderated. Trying again with a few wee tweaks:

    Barrheid Boy writes:

    “Twelve years of extreme right-wing, bordering on fascist government have us on a trajectory for a complete breakdown of our society as we know it. Revolution is only one misstep away!

    Brexit, Covid, Uk raine, Austerity, Greed, Tax avoidance on an industrial scale, poverty wages and the destruction of our welfare state means that the upcoming winter will result in hardship that has not existed since Victorian times! Prepare yourselves for dead bodies on the street. Begging and lawlessness that will be uncontrollable by the police. Be prepared to see the army and their weapons on our streets. Steel yourself for massive civil unrest.

    Homelessness, unemployment, hyper-inflation, spiralling food costs will ravage our communities like never before!”

    Wow. Stock up on the cat food, folks. Maybes what he writes is true, or at least plausible. Fucked if I know.

    A good start might be made by finding out what the bookies think. What odds are they giving for/against bodies on the street?

    [I suppose the three or so drug-related deaths that occur every day right now in Scotland won’t count towards that scenario]

    Still, I can’t help but think of the pre-Covid hysteria we were all sold, little more than two years ago. Millions could die! Have we learned the lesson from that?

    What about Project Fear (Indy Ref), and its more recent relative, Project Fear On Stilts (Brexit Ref)? Did we learn any lessons from them?

  225. ben madigan says:

    Interesting initiative in Edinburgh today (1st Sept 2022), echoing the 1916 Proclamation of the irish Republic

    link to

  226. George Ferguson says:

    @Ben Madigan 10:31pm
    Interesting? I would say the wrong tact. Copying the failures of the Irish Independence campaign. How many contributors on WOS can lay claim to being eligible for an Irish passport? I can.

  227. George Ferguson says:

    Seven hours plus into the talks of a pay dispute and no word from the MSM. Analysis
    ..either says brilliant work from the FM or more realistic the same failure as before.

  228. Scott says:

    Today has been a good day for those seeking the end of the union.

    To Neale Hanvey, SALVO & SSRG I give my thanks.

  229. George Ferguson says:

    A failure of a break through in the Scottish bin dispute. At last the MSM report the facts. When I saw an interview with a Glasgow binman I knew the game was up for Nicola. Articulate and with concern for the general population he wanted to survive the Winter. A Legend, normally I wouldn’t be on the side of the Unions I am on this issue. They deserve an increase perhaps we shouldn’t waste money on private Nicola policies? Like women with penis?

  230. sarah says:

    O/T @ Ruby – when the Rev says “draw it to my attention” he means use the Contact button at the top of this page in order to inform him privately, not btl. I have gone that route on occasion.

  231. Rab Davis says:

    The thing about supporting the Unions
    Is that the majority of them are staunch supporters of “THE” Union, (UK).

    They are either affiliated to similar English Unions,,,or they are directly associated and funded by English Unions.

    Take the EIS Teacher’s Union, their ex General Secretary Larry Flanagan is one of the biggest supporters of the UK you will ever meet.

    Same with GNB,,,my ex Union. I binned them in 2014 when they told all their members to vote No in IndyRef1.

    Or the Fishermens Union or Farming and on and on it goes.

    So I will support the workers in their fight for a decent wage,,,but will never support the Unionist bastards at the back of them who lead their Unions, and will again tell their members to vote No if and when IndyRef2 comes about.

    Their Union leaders are actually adding to the problem by advocating a No vote in IndyRef2.

    So it’s up the workers,,But down with the Unionist donkeys who lead them.

  232. sarah says:

    @ Scott at 12.07: “To Neale Hanvey, SALVO & SSRG I give my thanks.”

    Indeed. Just as a handful of people got things moving with the Constitutional Convention in the 1980’s that ended up with the People’s vote for Yes to a Scottish parliament, this new Scottish Liberation Movement will restore Scotland’s independence and our people’s power over domestic and foreign governments.

    Scott, I take it you have signed the Edinburgh Proclamation on 🙂 🙂

  233. Andy Ellis says:

    @ben madigan 10.30 pm

    I’m not sure conjuring the ghost of the Irish 1916 Proclamation is the positive you appear to think it is. Independence won’t be gained via petition, cunning plans or declarations in front of the British nationalists office in Edinburgh. The 1916 Proclamation was on behalf of those leading the Easter Rising acting in the name of the Irish people, which at that point they didn’t. The 1919 Declaration of Independence ratified the 1916 Proclamation based on Sinn Féin’s December 1918 election manifesto and subsequent victory in that election when they won 73 seats to the IPPs 6 and Unionist 22.

    Sinn Féin gained 46.9% of the votes cast, but is widely considered to have gained a majority across Ireland because in 25 constituencies no other parties stood and Sinn Féin won them unopposed.Sinn Féin won 66% in the contested seats in the 26 counties that later formed the Free State, so probably well over 70% if all seats had been contested.

    There are 2 fairly simple routes to independence: gain a majority of votes for pro independence parties standing on a platform of independence either at Westminster or Holyrood, then do the equivalent of our Irish cousins and call on those elected to constitute themselves as the equivalent of the January 1919 Dáil Éireann.

  234. Ruby says:

    sarah says:
    2 September, 2022 at 8:02 am

    O/T @ Ruby – when the Rev says “draw it to my attention” he means use the Contact button at the top of this page in order to inform him privately, not btl. I have gone that route on occasion.

    Cheers Sarah I was wondering about that.

    I don’t know if I’ll bother the BTL discussion on Wings ATM isn’t really that good and I’m pretty fed up these days.

    Sure there is the odd really interesting comment but overall it’s not that great.

    Have you seen this Stonewall petition:
    link to

    Everyone is asking

    ‘What trans rights?

  235. Rab Davis says:


    I used to watch a programme called “TransWorld Sport”.

    Oh those innocent bygone days,,, when the word “Trans” meant global.

  236. Rab Davis says:


    Also used to own a portable transistor radio,,or as it was known for short a “Tranny”.

    Mention that word anywhere near Holyrood and Sturgeon will want you jailed for ten years.

  237. Ruby says:

    Rab Davis says:
    2 September, 2022 at 9:01 am


    Also used to own a portable transistor radio,,or as it was known for short a “Tranny”.

    Mention that word anywhere near Holyrood and Sturgeon will want you jailed for ten years.

    Aye Rab and you could be skating on thin ice using the word woman.

    It’s mad mad mad mad world!

    Totally fuckin’ mad!

  238. Mark Boyle says:

    Congratulations Salvo on a brilliant day’s work – generating an entire ONE newspaper mention, which, as predicted, latched onto the stupid 1916 And All That bit of it.

    link to

    From self-congratulatory clique of the self-important to damned as “The sinister Salvo group” of “black-clad nationalists” (du-du-DUUUUH! Listen to the scary music, they’re obviously evil, Marge!) – and now you’ve got the Mirror Group of bastards on your case, you’re sunk having barely launched.

    (Not to mention the fact the Green Ink Gang will dine out on this one for weeks)

    No wonder the resident troll here described it as “Today has been a good day for those seeking the end of the union” – all you’ve done is got yourselves tarred as a replacement Siol nan Gaidheal for lazy tabloid scum looking for a new set of pantomime baddies to frighten the Hyacinth Bucket classes with.

    When are you lot going to learn?

  239. Dan says:

    For someone that actually spends a fair bit of their precious spare time doing voluntary work trying to promote and preserve actual Scottish history to a disinterested world… you have to question why they are direct linking to unionist rags which do their upmost to demean Scotland…

    Here’s the archived version.

    link to

  240. Ruby says:

    Relax. Having thought it over I have decided I won’t be the ‘pearl-clutcher’ monitoring the BTL comments on Wings for swear words, name calling, flame-baiting or fuckin’ playground shit.

    QFMD you can post whatever you bloody well like as far as I’m concerned.

    I’ll leave all the saving of Wings BTL to the ‘pearl clutchers’ who are interested in discussing the following on a never ending basis:

    The Franchise
    The War in redacted
    History – giving & receiving lectures. (with lots of dark sarcasm in the classroom & professors arguing that their version of history is the only true history.)

    PS The SNP’s Aim is on your side!

  241. James says:

    Rab Davis says:
    2 September, 2022 at 8:10 am
    The thing about supporting the Unions
    Is that the majority of them are staunch supporters of “THE” Union, (UK).

    FYI, Rab, one notable exception is the RMT; if it was up to the RMT membership Scotland would have become independent in 2014. tHEY gave the Scottish membership a vote and we voted YES.

  242. Ottomanboi says:

    JOHN MAIN 9pm
    Indeed it is time to move on to the matter in hand but the damage wrought by imperialism, colonialism and neo colonialism, historic and contemporary, lives on and is not so easily deleted.

  243. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Private Eye has published a wee reminder of just how dodgy Lesley Evans’s relationship with the Scottish government has been.

    The thread of responses contains a link to Campbell Martin’s ‘The Only Game In Town’, a two-part documentary about PPP/PFI shenanigans in North Ayrshire which just happens to have her fingerprints all over it.

    link to

  244. Andy Ellis says:

    …. this new Scottish Liberation Movement will restore Scotland’s independence and our people’s power over domestic and foreign governments.

    It might I suppose, but I doubt most pro-indy folk would be prepared to wait the length of time it took from the establishment of either the Campaign for a Scottish Assembly (launched on 1st March 1980) or the Scottish Constitutional Convention superseding it in 1989, until the establishment of the Scottish Parliament in 1999.

    The proponents of “cunning plans for indy” might like to think they are radical and edgy, but their route to indy could be far longer than sticking with established routes of either a referendum or plebiscitary elections.

    In the end I suspect the Scottish people will be more persuaded by folk line Roddy Dunlop than Sara Salyers.

  245. Tinto Chiel says:

    You certainly can’t imagine any bought-and-paid-for globalist politician in the SNP or Labour delivering a speech like this:

    link to

    Warning: contains annoying whooper in the audience.

  246. Hatuey says:

    No-Mark Boyle’s victim blaming has continued, I see.

    You’re literally arguing above that the Irish brought the famine on themselves, that they deserved it in other words. (I believe that qualifies as hate crime btw.)

    A few weeks ago you were blaming the Scottish poor for the miserable hand life dealt them.

    Now Salvo are getting it. By making their legitimate case they deserve to be attacked by the most disgraceful and shameless tabloid media in the civilised world. And you think they deserve it.

    The thing about victim blaming is that it’s easy, and because it’s easy it’s cowardly.

    You’re a coward, Mark Boyle. Even Gandhi hated cowards like you.

  247. Ruby says:

    I don’t know much about ‘Salvo’ but all I can say is at least they are doing something.

    It’s a 100% better than being all talk & no action.

    As usual you have the old bodachs going ‘what are they doing that for it’s a waste of time.

    Who cares what’s written in the D.Record or what the Green Ink Brigade write in the Scotsman?

    It’s truly pathetic to do nothing ‘cos you’re scared of what the D. Record or the Green Ink Brigade write.

    ‘A little less conversation and a little more action please’. uh-huh-huh

  248. Ruby says:

    Tinto Chiel

    Your video has gone!

    Cancelled, redacted, it’s dead, a dead parrot.

  249. Mark Boyle says:

    Dan says:
    2 September, 2022 at 9:45 am

    For someone that actually spends a fair bit of their precious spare time doing voluntary work trying to promote and preserve actual Scottish history to a disinterested world… you have to question why they are direct linking to unionist rags which do their upmost to demean Scotland…

    Here’s the archived version.

    link to

    Yeah, you’d have to question … if you’re the type wondering what’s gonna be this season’s must have tin-hat from Christy’s this autumn.

    The answer is I can’t be arsed archiving stuff for a comments section, it’s here and now, soon to be lost under a hundred RoS links to what he last read and a million “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!” posts from Roobeee, for whom WoS Comments is her creche.

    If it was for a set column piece, different story, would archive it then, but for this, nah! Deal with it.

  250. Mark Boyle says:

    Hatuey says:
    2 September, 2022 at 10:12 am

    No-Mark Boyle’s victim blaming has continued, I see.

    You’re literally arguing above that the Irish brought the famine on themselves, that they deserved it in other words. (I believe that qualifies as hate crime btw.)

    No I am not, stop blaming others for your appalling reading comprehension skills. Try reading more books, instead of colouring them in, that will help with practice.

  251. James says:

    A. Ellis:their route to indy could be far longer than sticking with established routes of either a referendum or plebiscitary elections.

    Ellis and posse can see the danger to the Union, and they don’t like it up ’em, shrieking more shrilly by the day.

    SALVO – Keep up the great work!

  252. Ruby says:

    Have you ever tried Google Docs (part of your Google Drive)
    to transpose the text in an image into actual text?

    I took an image from Ian Brotherhoods link and I got the following. I haven’t done any editing to the text. I think Google Docs has done a great job.

    Wait a minute! Paragraphs?

    I’d better shove in a few brs
    No editing except s

    This mag could be worth buying to read page 23

    EARLIER this year Leslie Evans, former permanent secretary to the Scottish government, caused consternation when she refused to appear before Holyrood’s finance and public administration committee.

    Of particular interest to the committee was the pivotal role Evans played in handling complaints against former Scottish first minister Alex Salmond. Although Salmond faced serious allegations including sexual assault, he was cleared of all charges. After his acquittal he won a judicial review over the Scottish government’s complaints process, which was ruled to be “unlawful”, “procedurally unfair” and “tainted by apparent bias”.

    Despite responsibility for the failings lying at her door, Evans refused to quit. Legal costs of £630.773 were awarded against the Scottish government. After the legal drubbing Evans said: “We may have lost the battle but we will win the war.” Not the sort of comment usually associated with a supposedly impartial senior civil servant.

    The parliamentary committee unanimously concluded that as permanent secretary she was not just corporately but also individually responsible for the prolonged, expensive and unsuccessful defence” of the judicial review, and that “her failure was as significant as the general corporate failings”..

    No explanation has ever been offered by the SNP leadership why Evans was allowed to stay in post. Although she officially retired at the turn of the year, it has now come to light that in addition to receiving an annual pension of £175,000 and a payout of hundreds of thousands, on leaving the civil service she was also awarded three months’ pay. Such a payment is most irregular as there is a legal requirement that there is an unpaid break between leaving a senior civil service job and taking up an outside post.

    In addition to the three months’ extra pay, it has recently come to light, courtesy of the Herald. that Evans received “compensation” from the Scottish government. The first minister and her chums are refusing to say how much compensation Evans received and what it was for. • See Letters (Beyond our Ken?. p23)

  253. Ruby says:

    No editing except s

    Ooops I shouldn’t have used html

    No editing except paragraph breaks
    (I don’t want to be hammered)
    which would be without the . in html.

  254. Breeks says:

    ben madigan says:
    1 September, 2022 at 10:31 pm
    Interesting initiative in Edinburgh today (1st Sept 2022), echoing the 1916 Proclamation of the irish Republic…

    It may yet turn out to be a lot more than merely interesting.

    The creation of a Liberation Group has certain “Wolfie Smith” connotations, but for the record, it is through being a formal Liberation Group that people can be taken seriously and heard by the UN. It’s a bit like legal personality; you can bring a grievance to the UN and have it heard.

    Thus, if the Scottish Liberation Group secures access, it is proposing to ask the UN for clarification whether the UK is a consensual Union, where Scotland’s Claim of Right remains fully extant, or, whether Scotland is merely a colony subjugated by the English Parliament masquerading as a UK Parliament.

    It is my understanding the UK will be obliged to answer, and if they assert it is a consensual Union of equals, then Scotland’s Constitution, including the Claim of Right and popular sovereignty are reaffirmed, (and that puts Brexit in big trouble), or if confirmed a colony, Scotland can pursue Independence through a different process of decolonisation.

    In other words, the Scottish Liberation Movement, through the UN, is proposing to put the UK on the spot, and essentially clarify and codify the unwritten conventions of the Union, with a Hobson’s Choice inquiry where whichever way Westminster responds, the future of the Union looks precarious in the extreme.

    To extrapolate a little by way of example, I believe that means the UK Parliament might be required to articulate in detail specifically how, and through which process, popular sovereignty was apparently removed from the Scottish people. How did they do a thing that couldn’t be done? That should prove interesting once the sophistry of the traditional unwritten convention has been swept aside.

    That is not the only initiative which began yesterday. There are also plans to resurrect Scotland’s Convention of the Estates, which was a curious Scottish phenomenon, a temporary committee somewhere in between an upper chamber and a delegation of the people, which as I understand it, could hold both Scotland’s monarch, the Scottish parliament and even the Court of Session to account, if they had in some way acted against the spirit of common good.

    I suppose you could describe it as a constitutional troubleshooting mechanism. I suppose too it has some similarities with martial law, where the military takes over government of a country during a time of emergency. Auld Scotland could assemble a Convention of the Estates to address problems with the societal infrastructure. For a centuries old concept by the 18th Century, that actually sounds extraordinarily progressive.

    In essence, I understand that to mean that the Convention of the Estates was designed to give the people, the sovereign people of Scotland, the casting vote over laws, legislation, adjudications or judgements which were considered contrary to the Common Good.

    No doubt we should expect both Unionists and the Unionist media to ridicule these initiatives, (and no doubt Wing’s in-house Daily Express types who delight in Scotland being maligned will also be derisory in their withering cynicism), but don’t let that cloud your opinion. There is a potency to this.

    At the moment, the UK Parliament enjoys the best of both worlds; a Union Parliament which is voluntary and consensual one minute, but in the next breath, it’s an anti-democratic prison where Scotland has no rights and no Constitutional history, and can be treated as colonised, and merely a region of a unitary UK.

    Well, it cannot be both. (Despite the unwritten conventions which fudge the truth).

    It would seem that the “consensual” Union is more consistent with the documented instruments of Union, and the Claim of Right being foremost among them. The ramifications of that will be profound and far reaching, and ultimately, I do not believe the Treaty of Union can survive them.

    The process of asking for that clarification has now begun. I look forward to day when the big penny drops and Westminster, and indeed the greater part of all Scotland finally grasps the significance of it.

    Yesterday was a good day for Scotland.

  255. Dorothy Devine says:

    Ruby , the whole thing is and was utterly shocking and had we a decent media it would have been exposed long ago, sadly we haven’t.

  256. Ruby says:

    Ach never mind! I think I need a br

    Look at the bloody time!

    Gotta go.

    I’ll be back later to see how many fights have broken out.

    Take care all you ‘nutters’ I’m on your side. I’m 100% one of you.

    Go nutters!

  257. Rab Davis says:

    James. 10.03am

    Good to hear the Scottish RMT are onboard the Indy Train.

  258. Breeks says:

    Oh aye, and by the way… under Scotland’s Auld Constitution, profiteering was against the law. You were not permitted to exploit shortages for gain against the Common Good.

    How much popularity do you think that little nugget of constitutional history is likely to become this winter?

  259. Andy Ellis says:

    @James 10.36 am

    No shrieking involved on my part. You might like to try it sometime. Roddy Dunlop’s piece in response to Sarah Salyers was pretty convincing in my view. You and others are free to disagree if course, but by othering those who disagree with on our side as playing for the other side, you expose yourself as the kind of extremists that Roddy Dunlop rightly complains about.

    In addition to alienating many on your own side and probably more importantly you’re turning off many of the undecideds we need to persuade. Salvo and the SSRG doubtless have a role to play and have done some fine work: questioning what they come out with is healthy and necessary, because they’re the ones proposing a novel approach which however hard you and others wish for it, simply isn’t widely shared either by the movement or the wider public.

    Stop othering folk for questioning the airy assertions is some that this will be easy / is a better option than a referendum or plebiscitary elections and do better.

  260. Mark Boyle says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    2 September, 2022 at 10:07 am

    The proponents of “cunning plans for indy” might like to think they are radical and edgy, but their route to indy could be far longer than sticking with established routes of either a referendum or plebiscitary elections.

    What pisses me off so much is we now have those who ought to know bloody better partaking of exactly the same monumental self-indulgence they accuse – correctly – Sturgeon, Blackford and co. of thrice before cockcrow.

    The SNP-Lime cohorts handing ammo to the Green Ink Gang and other assort ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s from their ivory tower is out of our hands – only a ballot box drubbing will teach them the error of their ways, when it’s too late and the cause of Scottish independence has been put back a decade (and hopefully not more). Labour all over again.

    But when it’s those proffering themselves to be the alternative to the Holyrood and Westminster troughers’ madness making the exact same mistakes of hubris, when the self=appointed self-important are doing the enemies job for them in spades, sometimes you need to point out to them Seanclerkinist tilling at windmills is still Seanclerkinist tilling at windmills, no matter how nice and middle class those behind it are.

    The Mirror Group – aka Retch PLC – like Newsquest hands out fancy multiple titles to their hacks. They’ve now got their own section “Nasty Nats” in their “Tory” titles dedicated to yellow press about independence supporters as a whole, not just the SNP. All the churnalists at the Express doing stories about SALVO aka The Scottish Sovereignty Research Group aka The Peaceful Scottish Liberation Movement are mainly Daily Record hacks also playing at being Express ones.

    With all those “hats” they’re wearing, these churnalists have zero time to do any sort of proper stories, so people – however well meaning – handing them open goals like yesterday’s farrago – easy to compose and compartmentalise under “nasty nats” – are long overdue being grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and forced them to see the actual results of their blessed handiwork, not what they’re kidding themselves was the result.

    I’ll admit the whole 1916 thing has made me more than angry, it makes me doubt whether these people even really care anymore about the cause they purport to support when they’re so utterly crass, or whether like Jim Sillars it’s more about putting themselves about for the sake of ego or attempting to gain back their lost golden days.

    This isn’t the politics of Scottish nationalism, this is the politics of Spinal Tap.

  261. Scott says:

    Boyle seems apoplectic with rage about yesterday’s announcements; lucky Neale Hanvey didn’t tell him about the dirty sgian-dubh.

  262. Andy Ellis says:

    @ Mark Boyle

    Scott says:
    2 September, 2022 at 12:42 pm
    Boyle seems apoplectic with rage about yesterday’s announcements; lucky Neale Hanvey didn’t tell him about the dirty sgian-dubh.

    Careful Mark, “Scott” will be obsessively stalking you and your children next, threading to come and visit you with his “neighbour” and trying to find out all the information he can about you in your digital footprint. All behaviour the moonhowlers and Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade would think is perfectly normal and above board of course.

    The light to some is an unwelcome friend, which is doubtless why he and his like minded mates are so keen to remain anonymous.

  263. Dan says:

    @ Andy Ellis at 11.01 am

    What do you think of this response to Roddy Dunlop?

    link to

  264. Confused says:

    “this isn’t the posting of a scottish nationalist, it’s the posting of the anglo-unionist”

    Fsake Boyle – give it a rest for one day you slabberinng english cunt.

    – I thought it was £10 an hour for you guys, but you seem to be on a piece/word rate. Is this the new “workfare” to earn your universal credit?

    Anyone does anything … Boyle doesn’t like it. Film at 11.

    If you don’t like the 1916 association why don’t you go to Holyrood and nait to the door

    “95 Theses”

    for independence.

    Is that more your “kind of thing”.

    Spinal Tap were far more convincing as a heavy metal band than you ever will be as a scottish nationalist.

    – have you ever considered another line, as you are not very good at it; infiltrate, win trust, subtly divert the discourse, seed false narratives – needs a lighter touch that your “autistic kid with steel toe-capped boots.”

  265. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Ruby 10.23: gosh, that was quick! I posted it here right after watching it.

    I’ll see if this works: link to since it played for me just a couple of minutes ago.

  266. Republicofscotland says:

    Tinto Chiel.

    Thanks for the link, Sanders like Corbyn are in my opinion two socialist minded men who dirty tricks are used against to stop them from reaching the Whitehouse and Ten Downing street.

  267. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @TC (2.14) –

    That worked fine, thanks.

    Powerful stuff from Sanders.

  268. Ruby says:

    Tinto Chiel

    That one worked.

    This one has better sound.
    link to

  269. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Ian B and Ruby: easy enough to see why he would never have become POTUS with those views.

  270. Alf Baird says:

    Andy Ellis @ 10:07 am

    “In the end I suspect the Scottish people will be more persuaded by folk line Roddy Dunlop than Sara Salyers.”

    A hae ma doots aboot thon. The Scottish legal establishment have been out of the (treaties) game for so long they had to be reminded of the Scottish constitution.

    Dr. Mark McNaught of SSRG nails it here, which is not surprising given that he actually knows what decolonisation involves, from the US and other experiences: link to

  271. Christopher Pike says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    2 September, 2022 at 11:01 am
    @James 10.36 am

    No shrieking involved on my part. You might like to try it sometime. Roddy Dunlop’s piece in response to Sarah Salyers was pretty convincing in my view.


    It’s convincing because Mr Dunlop is a legal expert, Ms. Salyers is not.

  272. Andy Ellis says:

    @Dan 12.53 pm

    I haven’t had time to look at Mark Mc Naught’s piece in detail, and need to look at Roddy Dunlop’s piece again to make a good comparative judgement. I have found Mark’s contributions are thoughtful and worth listening to however. I actually thought the digital covenant was a good idea, if ahead if its time perhaps.

    I do definitely disagree with Roddy Dunlop’s scepticism about using a plebiscitary election as a de facto referendum, but have a sense that it arises from his lawyerly view of the process and situation, as opposed to the more politically centred view you would expect from people coming at the issue from a political science / IR theory background.

    On the other hand I tend to agree with Roddy’s scepticism that an “unelected and self appointed body is able to pass laws that alter the fundamental basis upon which we all exist”. As pointed out above Sinn Féin’s 1919 Declaration, which sought to build on the 1916 Declaration, was based on an overwhelming electoral mandate.

  273. Ruby says:

    Tinto Chiel says:
    2 September, 2022 at 3:46 pm

    @Ian B and Ruby: easy enough to see why he would never have become POTUS with those views.

    If he had he would have probably been shot by two assassins.

    What I find amazing is the lack of a health service in the US.
    Unbelievable that people die because they can’t afford a prescription.

    But hey that could be something that’s on it’s way to us in the very near future.

  274. sarah says:

    @ Ruby at 8.38. Stonewall eh? What a mess.

    @ Breeks: thank you for explaining more fully the cunning plan by the Scottish Liberation Movement. The more people who know and understand it, the better.

    The problem I am having in spreading the word is that the only place I can find that allows the Proclamation to be signed is on Salvo twitter, not the Salvo site. I wrote to the National yesterday and gave the address as the place to sign but I can’t actually see it there. Iain Lawson says the place to sign is but that didn’t show on a Google search – just checked and it does now! Phew.

  275. Christopher Pike says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    2 September, 2022 at 4:14 pm
    @Dan 12.53 pm

    I do definitely disagree with Roddy Dunlop’s scepticism about using a plebiscitary election as a de facto referendum, but have a sense that it arises from his lawyerly view of the process and situation, as opposed to the more politically centred view you would expect from people coming at the issue from a political science / IR theory background.


    It is fraught with risk – how would Nicola Sturgeon conduct herself during televised debates? If the SNP are standing on a single issue, then it would be difficult for them to properly engage in an election dominated by domestic and international issues.

    The unionist side could provide vague answers on whether or not they would accept the SNP achieving 50% plus 1 as a mandate for independence. If the SNP (as I suspect) fail to win 50% plus 1, then the UK Government could easily say, “You fought this election as a plebiscite and failed. That was your referendum and the matter is now settled for a generation.”

  276. AberdeenPict says:

    sarah says:
    2 September, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Sarah, I can see the sign-up link on the Salvo website under the ‘what can you do’ link near the top.

  277. AberdeenPict says:

    Will try that again with a working link.

    link to

  278. Ruby says:

    Re earlier post ‘FOR EVANS’ SAKE’
    Where I said

    This mag could be worth buying to read page 23
    (See Letters (Beyond our Ken?. p23)
    I was wrong. It’s not interesting.
    That letter referred to a letter in ‘The Boris Johnson Memorial Issue’

    Basically one guy was saying Alex Salmond not guilty other guy saying oh no he isn’t. Nothing new.

    Private Eye is interesting just not that particular exchange.

    ‘Pearl Clutchers’ be warned they swear in Private Eye.
    I don’t mind the swearing, I love it but the cover on
    ‘The Boris Johnson Memorial Issue’ is making me sick
    Don’t look if you have a weak stomach.

    link to

  279. Ruby says:

    sarah says:
    2 September, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    @ Ruby at 8.38. Stonewall eh? What a mess.

    The good thing is nobody is signing their petition ‘cos nobody has a clue what rights it is they are looking for.

  280. Ruby says:

    Re Sturgeon’s de facto referendum where a vote for the SNP = YES.

    I say NO! NO THANKS.

    I do trust Sturgeon, Andy Ellis or Mark Boyle.

  281. Breeks says:

    Everybody come together and fight the next General Election as a single issue Plebiscite Election on Independence as a unified single YES Movement?

    Aye right, here’s your answer YES Movement….

    link to

    No change to the Sturgeon Both Votes SNP philosophy… Fk the rest of you.

  282. Ruby says:

    Ruby says:
    2 September, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Re Sturgeon’s de facto referendum where a vote for the SNP = YES.

    I say NO! NO THANKS.

    I do NOT trust Sturgeon, Andy Ellis or Mark Boyle.

  283. James che says:


    Thank you for explaining that in lay -mans terminology.

    It corresponds to my own analogies over the treaty of the union, sovereignty of Scots and wether the UK parliament government is making false claims of Sovereignty over the union and the UK parliament itself.

    One moment I try follow the treaty of union articles, only to find the Westminster parliament changing the goal posts in the treaty of the union,

    It is actually difficult to find any mention of how many Scots there needs to be to end the voluntary? Treaty of the union..

    The obfuscation with regards this makes one wonder how Westminster has set the Bar of, ” it has to be a majority vote,

    You mention the UK parliament having their cake and eating it,
    This could not be in more evidence than asking the majority of Scots to be in agreement to exit the voluntary union,
    When less than fifty Scots entered Scotland into the treaty of union,

    This is a great Westminster bias in weighting the favour towards Westminster,
    This is not the what was agreed in the treaty of the union.

    The British parliament was supposed to protect those written values in the treaty of the union, however the Uk Parliament made no such promise over the treaty of the Union to Scotland,

    Westminster as the UK parliament holds no treaty with Scotland, but is attempting to have the cake and eat it,
    with the concept of English parliament Sovereignty being transferred to the British parliament and from the British parliament on to a third parliament of Westminster,
    The old British parliament has no written Constitution other than what the english parliament agreed with Scotland under the articles of treaty of the union articles..

    It is interesting to note that as a union of Scotland and England under a treaty called the treaty of of TWO kingdoms the the Uk entered into the EU, entered into trade deals, entered into Nato as the The UK government
    The treaty of union between Scotland and England does not include Ireland, so with regard to legality it breaks articles on trade deals, Entering the EU, and Nato, for Scotland was to hold no arms,

  284. Hatuey says:

    I lanced the Boyle again. He’s denying his own words.

    Flimflam doesn’t make you interesting or clever, btw.

  285. sarah says:

    @ Aberdeen Pict at 4.37/4.38: ” sign on “what can you do?””.

    Many thanks – pity it isn’t more clearly signposted for bears of little brain such as myself!

  286. Mark Boyle says:

    Hatuey says:
    2 September, 2022 at 5:58 pm

    I lanced the Boyle again. He’s denying his own words.

    No, you only WISHED I’d said what you claimed, which was …

    Hatuey says:
    2 September, 2022 at 10:12 am

    You’re literally arguing above that the Irish brought the famine on themselves, that they deserved it in other words. (I believe that qualifies as hate crime btw.)

    Two complete pieces of nonsense (with a third emotive one chucked in on top) from the resident puddledrinker. Quote what I actually said to back up your claims or be forever held to be talking utter shite as usual.

  287. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Extract from a Putin speech (mid-June).

    Can anyone point out – specifically, please – where his analysis is flawed?

    And if it isn’t flawed, why don’t we hear anything remotely similar via our own MSM?

    link to

  288. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Oh FFS, forgot about the ‘banned words’ list, went into moderation, so this one has asterisks.

    Extract from a P***n speech (mid-June).

    Can anyone point out – specifically, please – where his analysis is flawed?

    And if it isn’t flawed, why don’t we hear anything remotely similar via our own MSM?

    link to

  289. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Just replied to a tweet by including a link to Campbell Martin’s excellent ‘The Only Game In Town’.

    Wings featured the 2-parter back when the episodes were released and we’ve discussed it a few times since.

    But it’s worth revisiting if for no other reason than to remind ourselves how stinking the whole PPP/PFI issue is, and the role of Lesley Evans in the North Ayrshire experience.

    Some have already highlighted Private Eye’s current edition which raises the mischievous question – what does Lesley Evans ‘have’ on Nicola Sturgeon? Well, this documentary may help provide at least part of the answer.

    If you haven’t seen it before please give it a watch, unless you have blood pressure issues, in which case, don’t!


    link to

  290. Breeks says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    2 September, 2022 at 6:56 pm

    And if it isn’t flawed, why don’t we hear anything remotely similar via our own MSM?

    I saw an interview with VP a few weeks ago, where he was discussing how US Presidents say one thing before taking office, and another afterwards. The example he gave was Obama swearing blind he was going to shut down Guantanamo, but despite his promises, it remained open. He seemed quite magnanimous about it, acknowledging that sometimes it’s very difficult for good people to force through changes.

    Do I trust him? That’s a good question. Probably pays to be suspicious, but at the same time, when he’s comparing his own actions to those of the USA and warmongering UK, he makes some very valid observations. But then you need to remember, comparing yourself to Western war crimes and dishonesty of Gulf War 2 and Afghanistan, then Libya, Syria, and Yemen, the South America, you’re not exactly dealing with a very high bar.

    I don’t think “trusting” VP is the most pressing issue, but I think the West is making a monumental error of judgement and strategy by not engaging with him, and trying to negotiate a peace. Right now, they are acting like mice being toyed with by a cat.

    To cut a long story short, I think he has badly wrong footed the West, and manages to stay at least one or two steps ahead of them strategically. I have a crazy suspicion the West doesn’t want to parlé at the moment because they know VP is comfortably in the driving seat and would get pretty much whatever he asked for.

    I think BRICS is also dreaded to a degree, and here too, I think VP is way ahead of the game while the US and EU must adjust to an altered and uncomfortable reality.

    It’s not that I trust VP, nor indeed Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister, but I think they are very clever people at the top of their game, while the West has been very badly compromised by mere glove puppets making it to the highest Offices of leadership, where frankly, the R’s are running circles around them. (Must add too that Europe has been VERY disappointing).

    A reminder back in February Sergei Lavrov said UK diplomats came “unprepared” to Moscow and described talks with Foreign Secretary Liz Truss as like “speaking to a deaf person who listens but cannot hear.” He also warned “R” would not be lectured to by Truss, saying: “ideological approaches, ultimatums and moralising is a road to nowhere.”

    That’s quite a stinging rebuke for same Liz Truss who six months later seems odds on to be promoted to the UK’s No 1.

    Do I trust VP? No, but I do thank god there’s least one rational individual in the room when WW3 is on the agenda. He maybe isn’t on our side, but somehow I feel strangely reassured by his presence. There’s a chance we might all get out of this alive…. Well, not all of us of course.

  291. John Main says:

    Uh oh, Hatuey is back.

    And claiming his favourite ultra-violent, merciless warrior, Gandhi, would be on his side.

    Presumably if Gandhi were still alive. Which he ain’t. He’s deid.

  292. John Main says:


    All you have to do is persuade the people of UK raine to accept national destruction, cultural extinction, and personal slavery, exile, or death.

    I don’t understand why you believe that should be acceptable. Racism? Contemptuous superiority? A sublime indifference to any amount of suffering on the part of others, if it enables your lazy, cheap, comfort.

    Maybes you could tell us why you are so willing to bury the inhabitants of a nation under existential threat from it’s oppressive, violent and colonialist neighbour.

    Once you’ve done that, maybes tell us what pathetic, cretinous, kind of toe-curling apology you are for a Scottish Nationalist.

  293. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Breeks (7.47) –

    Thanks for that thoughtful response.

    John Main didn’t appreciate it, clearly, but many others will.

    Especially those who are taking the trouble to find out the truth of what’s happening on the ground ‘over there’ i.e. young (and many not-so-young) men from ‘working-class’ backgrounds are being sent off to certain death whilst their wealthier peers continue to party ‘as usual’ in Kiev.

  294. John Main says:

    @James Che 5:19 pm

    It has to be a majority vote because if it is a minority vote, the majority won’t accept it.


    A lot has changed since 1707.

  295. John Main says:

    @IB 8:53

    Fine, have it your way.

    Those UK rainians who fight for country, nation, culture and freedom are pathetic dupes.

    So what does that make you?

    Oh, I forgot. You don’t fight. You just stand on the sidelines mocking the simpletons who do.

    Waiting for others to gift your Independence to you. While complaining about how long it is taking.

  296. Hatuey says:

    He turns up out of the blue, clips the wings of a little loudmouthed pleb, and fucks off back into the wilderness…

    In another context it would be a parable or something, maybe a Clint Eastwood movie.

    I bet he has a social sciences degree. Is it true, Boyle? You a little social scientist?


  297. Dan says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood

    Mind there’s also this relating to Lesley Evans back in the day so I’ll tack on the link.

    link to

  298. Mark Boyle says:

    John Main says:
    2 September, 2022 at 8:34 pm

    Uh oh, Hatuey is back.

    And claiming his favourite ultra-violent, merciless warrior, Gandhi, would be on his side.

    Presumably if Gandhi were still alive. Which he ain’t. He’s deid.

    Gandhi was a merciless nuke chucking psycho … at least in the early Civilization computer game series thanks to some basic howlers in the coding.

    It’s been subject to atypical Trumpian American business attempts to rewrite history so it “never happened”, but it’s one of those oft touted games industry parables on what to expect when you have too few employees, give them too many tasks, and set impossible deadlines in an industry where workers are often employed from game contract to game contract – end result, most go “fk it, I’ll be gone and working for another studio when the bugs are discovered anyway!”

    But anyway, that topic’s more Rev.Stu’s OTHER department …

  299. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @John Main (9.01) –

    You and I have agreed on some very contentious issues over the past couple of years and I’ve appreciated your support at times, especially with regard to the whole ‘covid’ issue.

    But when it comes to this ‘war’ stuff, we are certainly at odds.

    Your 8.43 to Breeks was, IMO, out of order. There is no possibility of any meaningful discourse around this topic so long as folk continue to buy into the ‘BBC’ narrative.

    The reality is – as you should know – that the blue and yellow country is being hammered by the R’s and is suffering massive and unsustainable casualties.

    Johnson, Biden, and all the interests that the ‘West’ truly represents cannot and will not admit defeat. And they’re being encouraged in that delusion by popular support from the gullible masses who get their information from the MSM.

    It’s hard enough to discuss this stuff here what with all the ‘restrictions’ in place but your ill-tempered rant doesn’t help.

  300. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dan (9.240 –


    Most interesting sah!


  301. sarah says:

    @ Dan at 10.24: how did Leslie Evans get away with it all those years ago before she scaled even greater “heights”? If I had done anything remotely like that, as a junior civil servant, I would have been booted straight out the door.

    But Evans has sailed along, gathering ever more and more riches and approval from her bosses. Unbelievable. And has now retired on a vast pension. Dear oh dear oh dear.

  302. Hatuey says:

    When 1 million pledge support, we are going to withhold payment on electricity bills until costs are reduced.

    Join in: link to

  303. Ruby says:


    link to

    Meanwhile previous investigations failed to discover the source for the Daily Record’s story in August 2018, which revealed two female civil servants had made complaints against the one-time SNP leader, who now leads the pro-independence Alba Party.

    Is that it? Case closed?

    Where’s Liz Lloyd now?

  304. Ruby says:

    link to

    Salmond accuses Russell of ‘rewriting history’ on tuition fees

    Mr Russell said: “It is sad that he should behave in this way as I am not critical of him in this regard.”

  305. Dorothy Devine says:

    Accidentally watched BBBC news last night and lo and behold we can blame Russia for absolutely everything and we can bung in China too. Streuth!

    Ruby , I used to have time for Mike Russell but went off him and his horse box – not to mention not sticking his head above the parapet on certain matters which required saying but were never said.

  306. Dan says:

    More on Horsebox. When someone shows you who they are…

    link to

    link to

  307. Robert Hughes says:

    Dorothy Devine says:
    3 September, 2022 at 9:14 am

    ” Accidentally watched BBBC news last night and lo and behold we can blame Russia for absolutely everything and we can bung in China too. Streuth! ”

    Hope you recovered from that accident in good time and the experience hasn’t left any permanent damage . BTW does that added ” B ” stand for ” Bastarding ” ?

    Yes , * Russia * is the new go-to for any and all Governmental travesties , fuck-ups , disasters , lies & corruption . It’s an amazing product !! Does exactly what it says on the spin .

    Sturgeon swears by it , though she uses the NEW ! IMPROVED ! formula …eg …* Covid * + * The Tories * + * Russia * . That incredible solvent * is , truly , out of this world and has been shown to eliminate up to 99% of all known truth

    * Keep Away From Children And Dispose Of Safely After Use

  308. Stuart MacKay says:

    The “fight for country, nation, culture and freedom” are just the optics for the media. The “simpletons”, like in all wars, are not given much of a choice. They can either fight and die for their country or die for their country. Armies need the likes of the VSU’s Kracken battalion to stiffen the resolve of those whose dedication to the cause starts to waver under fire.

  309. James says:

    Pike: “It’s convincing because Mr Dunlop is a legal expert, Ms. Salyers is not”.

    Yes, she is; but you are not, chum.

  310. Dorothy Devine says:

    Robrt Hughes, I thought Bloody British Broadcasting Corporation and have been giving them that extra ‘B’ for years. That said, your ‘B’is infinitely more accurate and appropriate, so I’ll appropriate your version from now on!

  311. Andy Ellis says:

    @James 11.08 am

    Yes, she is; but you are not, chum.

    No, she really isn’t whatever her other accomplishments. She may be well read and have researched the subject in depth, but it doesn’t make her legally knowledgeable.

    I don’t think she would claim to be a legal expert herself, so why you as a third party are keen to assert that status on her behalf is unclear.

    Her background appears to be in Media Studies, Creative Writing and independent writing/producing.

  312. Ottomanboi says:

    This is a ticking bomb capable of not just exploding independence hopes but sending Scotland into the history books. link to needs to shift its spreading, advanced middle aged arse out of fairyland.
    This bit goes in that bit, you jiggle around and that’s the way to make new Scots.
    Simple, even a apparatchik could do it.

  313. Breeks says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    2 September, 2022 at 9:32 pm.

    ….There is no possibility of any meaningful discourse around this topic so long as folk continue to buy into the ‘BBC’ narrative.

    There is no possibility of discourse at all. Rev Stu doesn’t want it here, so be it. I have been VERY restrained in what I’ve said, but let me say this; from the sources I monitor, (and pretty much stay silent about), some people in the West are simply being completely delusional, if not wilfully blind.

    I believe in due course there will be “U” coup on cards, because believe it or not, the biggest madness in Europe right now is not the energy crisis. Brace yourselves and be ready to NOT overreact, because if what might happen does happen, it could see an early end to this madness and bloodshed.

    This resource by the way… link to

    … is not on my normal radar, so I’m not altogether sure who I’m listening to, but I believe it’s a pro-western channel which at least tries to be objective, and it seems to have a level of credibility with it’s information.

    I’m only linking it because of the Boris Johnson thing… which is a new angle I wasn’t aware of… with some potentially toxic ramifications.

    I’d encourage people to watch and form their own conclusions. Meanwhile,… back to my watching brief.

  314. Robert Hughes says:


    In that Herald article McWhirter asks …” Do we want Scotland to turn into an old people’s home? ”

    I can’t speak for the rest of country , but in my area ( and from what I hear from friends and acquaintances in other parts of the Highlands ) it’s already happening , and has been for some time

    The majority of new arrivals in my area comprise English retirees , attracted by the beauty , tranquillity and safety of the Highlands . Not to mention the advantageous ( for them ) housing price differential and other * perks * not available in England .

    I state this as neutrally as possible , after all , who can blame them and who wouldn’t do the same if the roles were reversed ? We all seek to make the best of the choices available to us .

    But let’s not pretend these demographic shifts are innocuous and won’t have an impact on our aspiration to become Independent and more generally on the Political climate of our country

  315. James Che says:

    John main,


    It has to be a majority vote, because if its a minority vote nobody ill accept it.


    Totally agree with you,

    The minority 50 scottish men voted and entered the treaty of the union, No Scot has ever gone along with that vote as it was never a majority of Scots vote,


  316. Breeks says:

    James says:
    3 September, 2022 at 11:08 am
    Pike: “It’s convincing because Mr Dunlop is a legal expert, Ms. Salyers is not”.

    Yes, she is; but you are not, chum.

    Whatever the respective expertise of those involved, we should play the ball, not the man. The Dean of the Faculty of Advocates is doing so, and he didn’t feel the need to malign anyone’s credibility, and felt it worthwhile to engage constructively with the arguments raised. We can hopefully expect to see further constructive engagement with the excellent follow up Article from Mark McNaught…

    link to

    By some margin, this discussion instigated by SALVO is a long way from over, and it feels like the most potent development to enter the Independence debate for several years, if not several decades. This could be the beginning of the end-game for the Union.

  317. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Breeks –

    Aside from anything else, the SALVO event t’other day struck such a different tone, it’s sure to be picked up by those who were never that keen on the ‘party’ atmosphere of so many big gatherings.

    A lately departed Wings regular used to get hacked off at what he described as ‘pearly queens’ festooned with flags and badges. Some can carry it off (like oor ain BDTT) but many just look as if they’re going to a Scotland match.

    The sombre, funereal tone was striking and only a total cynic would suggest that the emotion wasn’t genuine.

  318. Ruby says:

    I know you love my Gaelic lessons and there haven’t been many lately. 🙁

    Watch this space. There’ll be a Gaelic lesson shortly and this one is especially for Aldi shoppers & lovers of dodgy porridge. 🙂

    I haven’t been doing much Gaelic lately as I have been busy looking into the ‘Pearl Clutchers’ Them ‘Pearl Clutchers wot want to dictate how we behave. ie no swearing, no sex, no dirty jokes, no name calling and absolutely no *transphobia

    Transphobia is probably top of the list of the “Pearl Clutchers’ deadly sins.

    I have been trying to accentuate the positive with regards to Gaelic & the Gaelic culture but there is one thing that I don’t find so positive and that’s the church.

    These ‘Pearl Clutchers’ remind me of the Free Church.

    Not sure if they will be opposed to campaigning for independence on a Sunday but I wouldn’t be surprised.

    The singing in the Free Church is fantastic and so are most of the members but I can’t cope with the holier than thou, ‘Pearl clutching’ attitude.

    On saying that I probably know as much about the church as I do about Gaelic.

    I can’t help thinking these ‘Pearl Clutchers’ could cost us many votes.
    They get right up my nose.

    I can’t see how we can have an united YES movement with the ‘Pearl Clutchers’ dictating how we should behave.
    ‘Fuck off!’ As Brain Cox would say.

    Any reason not to have many branches of the YES movement.
    These ‘Pearl Clutchers’ are very scary and I would rather not be anywhere near them.

    *I have no idea what trans means therefore I haven’t a clue what this ‘transphobia’ is.

  319. Ruby says:

    OMG Breeks that video is so depressing.

    My advice to all ‘our boys’ would be do not join the military.

    You will either have to kill or to die probably both.

  320. Ruby says:

    A lately departed Wings regular used to get hacked off at what he described as ‘pearly queens’ festooned with flags and badges.

    It’s so weird the things people get hacked off at.

  321. Breeks says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    3 September, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    The sombre, funereal tone was striking and only a total cynic would suggest that the emotion wasn’t genuine…

    The SALVO initiative badly needs publicity, and to raise public awareness at a grassroots level, but for me, there is serious potency in what they are doing, with or without the grassroots backing them.

    It’s my personal belief that we already have enough enough points for a TKO on the Union, but to paraphrase the expression, we don’t just need justice to be done, but justice seen to be done.

    I myself don’t believe a democratic mandate and majority is an essential prerequisite for ending the Treaty of Union, but I can appreciate that some people will, – especially once the Unionist Propaganda Machine has kicked into overdrive… Even I can appreciate that any Independence initiative is going to struggle if a popular mandate exists against it.

    To cut right to the chase? I’m not overly worried about the Unionist propaganda. What does worry me is the nuSNP exercising significant influence over a grassroots contingent who will welcome SALVO’s initiative with the same blinkered idiocy they met the creation of ALBA with, and merrily destroyed all prospect of a pro-Indy Supermajority, largely through petulance and spite.

    If they do to SALVO what they did to ALBA, then the pricks in the nuSNP will live forever in infamy for having wrecked all prospect of Scottish Independence in the foreseeable.

    I would truly, truly, love to see Sturgeon stepping down and getting the fk out the way. If she won’t budge, and it seems likely she won’t, then we need a very public exodus of the membership. Sadly, I don’t see the level of public awareness necessary to make that happen.

  322. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Breeks –

    It’s one thing for some independence supporters to dismiss Claim of Right etc, but there’s no such excuse for the SNP high heid yins, especially those in WM. Salmond was great at using archaic rulings creatively and he’s always come across as someone with a grasp of Scottish history.

    Sturgeon, Blackford et al don’t appear to have any interest at all in exploiting constitutional loopholes, even for effect. The suspicion has to be that they simply don’t know enough about the subject and don’t like being shown up by people like McNaught and Salyers.

  323. Ruby says:

    I would truly, truly, love to see Sturgeon stepping down and getting the fk out the way. If she won’t budge, and it seems likely she won’t, then we need a very public exodus of the membership.

    Do you mean just the ordinary membership or would that include the MPs?

    I feel it’s a mistake to accept her de facto referendum especially when it looks like it’ll be only votes for the SNP that count as a YES vote.

    She promised a referendum not a de facto one if she can’t come up with the goods there is good reason to insist she step aside and let someone else try.

    A de facto referendum means she has failed.

  324. Breeks says:

    Ruby says:
    3 September, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    Do you mean just the ordinary membership or would that include the MPs?

    For optimum chance in a Plebiscite General Election, you need neither Political Parties not manifesto; but a single YES candidate standing on an Independence ticket, so winning the seat is an unequivocal vote for Independence.

    You could just about get away keeping the parties provided they didn’t stand in the same constituency, but all candidates in YES looks much tidier and less hostage to squabbling personalities.

    That trust and coordination should already have started, because a snap election could happen fast, but the SNP are already selecting SNP candidates for an early General Election, so that looks like two fingers to the rest of us. The SNP’s priority is getting snouts in troughs, not “gambling” on Scottish Independence.

    The SNP are not on the team. Right now, I wouldn’t even trust them to vote for Independence, nevermind engineering it’s delivery…

  325. Breeks says:

    And Sturgeon’s 50% share of the vote is another screaming fk up.

    We need 50% share of the seats… 30 Scottish MP’s on a YES ticket.

  326. James Che says:

    Ian Brotherhood.

    There comes a time when you realise that those in the Snp, especially the lawyers are well aware of Scottish history,
    They would have had to have learned some when it related to a devolved government and the treaty of the union articles,
    Historians particularly in Scotland play the same ” ignorant card” along side these lawyers,

    When summing up those that got voted into the Scottish devolved government on a independence vote for Scotland and thereafter paid no heed of the very reason how they came to be there, can only be construed as active Wilful ignorance.

    NS claiming to be British first Scots second during the Edinburgh festival, and no serious kick back from other Snp members, explains their position as happy to be British in a British branch office in Scotland,

    It is a serious situation that no one in the Scottish devolved government can be called upon to stay on side of the Scottish people they are supposed to represent,
    Even those that moved to Scotland will eventually find themselves in the same position as they were before they moved to the Snp’s Scotland, perhaps a worse situation long term.

    The problem that needs recognition is that it is nought but a branch office of Westminster and basically the positions are filled by people whom feel British first,

    I am failing to see how a unionist implanted Scottish devolved government will ever come over to actually being the devolved government the Scots voted in all those years ago,

    The devolved government we have is our actually our hinderance,
    Only the name tag, Scottish/ Scotland applies, nothing else relates to the people of Scotland,
    By default you have two British sitting in Britain.

  327. James Che says:

    By default you have two British governments sitting in Britain.

  328. Ruby says:

    Gaelic lessons #88
    Gaelic in Aldi & Dodgy Porridge

    Aldi are selling pots of brochan.

    I spotted them this morning and I thought I know that word.
    I knew that word because I was taught the Gaelic song

    ‘Brochan Lom’ when I was a child.

    link to

    It’s about porridge.

    brochan = porridge. Put that in your notebooks. It’ll be handy when shopping in Aldi.

    Back in the day we just had porridge with milk & sugar if you were a wimp, salt if you were a proper Scot.

    Aldi has all kinds of brochan. Brochan with strawberries, cranberries, apple, cinnamon etc etc etc but thankfully they have just plain brochan, no sugar or anything like that. That is the one I bought ‘cos I am not a wimp and I might want to add salt…. then again I might add honey & a dash of Ardbeg.

    How do you like your brochan?

    PS I can cook the brochan no bother I don’t really need the Aldi Ready made insta-pots but I bought one just to try it …… it only cost 45p.

    You can probably get a whole kilo for 45p but one must try new things.

    The brochan is great if you want to save money I’ve had it for dinner, lunch or just a wee snack it’s even nice cold. A wee slice of cold brochan with your coffee is even better than yon sugary flapjack millionaire thingy.

    Hoorah for the brochan. 🙂

    I hope that cheered you up now back to the war and Sturgeon’s de facto malarky. 🙁

  329. Colin the Keelie says:

    The UK could have given the Scottish Parliament another s30 order, cooperating to enable a referendum, where the deciding factor is the percentage of votes cast, but chose not to.

    UK General elections are won by the number of seats achieved, not percentage of votes cast.

    The only legal precedent for seceding from the UK Union is the Republic of Ireland.

    Sinn Fein won the 1918 plebiscite general election in Ireland by winning a majority of seats (73/105) with 47% of the popular vote.

    Winning a majority of seats in a first past the post system was a democratic mandate to declare independence then: it would be a democratic mandate now.

  330. James Che says:

    Dictionary meaning: Devolved,

    1: to fall as a duty, This task will devolve upon you,

    2: To be passed over or down,

    3: To give as a duty,

    4: Devolution, the act of devolving, esp, the delegation of certain powers to REGIONAL governments by a CENTRAL government.

  331. Merganser says:

    Ruby @ 3.05

    I remember it was common years ago to make too much porridge to eat at one meal, and put what was left in a drawer to set. You could then cut a slice of porridge to take with you when working away from the house. A favourite of gamekeepers.

    The plebs biscuity election would achieve only one thing: Nice hot meals for the SNP troughers in subsidised canteens in Westminster and Holyrood. It’s a dead duck for anything else.

  332. Christopher Pike says:

    Colin the Keelie says:
    3 September, 2022 at 3:26 pm
    The UK could have given the Scottish Parliament another s30 order, cooperating to enable a referendum, where the deciding factor is the percentage of votes cast, but chose not to.

    UK General elections are won by the number of seats achieved, not percentage of votes cast.

    The only legal precedent for seceding from the UK Union is the Republic of Ireland.

    Sinn Fein won the 1918 plebiscite general election in Ireland by winning a majority of seats (73/105) with 47% of the popular vote.

    Winning a majority of seats in a first past the post system was a democratic mandate to declare independence then: it would be a democratic mandate now.


    Thankfully, what constitutes as democracy has changed since 1918. This is 2022. You need to win a majority of votes to have a mandate for independence.

  333. sarah says:

    @ Breeks: “will SNP block the..” Edinburgh Proclamation campaign just as they did Alba’s Super Majority initiative?

    I am wondering that too. I am trying to rouse interest in my local Yes group – organisers of which are SNP branch officers – and haven’t had any response yet. Previously when advertising to the Yes locally re Salvo I got only one response – “don’t send me any more emails about this. You are wasting your time.”

    I can’t see any conflict by this campaign with the SNP’s – it is another way of putting pressure on the UK government. I would have thought that all independence supporters would like it. But if The National and the SNP won’t publicise it it will take a long time to get the number of signatories needed.

  334. James Che says:

    Where does it say in the treaty of the union, that the British created Parliament would be known as the british parliament plus Ireland, and it would morph into the UK government for trade deals or that it would enter the EU,.

    Where does it say in the treaty of union that the Country of Scotland would hereafter be known as a Region, not a Country.

    Where does it say in the treaty of the union that the new British parliament would have branches of the British government in Scotland, Wales, and N Ireland.

    I tend to ally with those that say do not bother ourselves with a 300 year old treaty.

    For it has gone, not to be found to have been adhered to , it has been deleted and made void by the actions of Westminsters UK government destroying the articles of the treaty.

    Only Scotlands people think the treaty of union is still binding, Why?
    Westminster long ago stopped believing or acting as if it was a binding treaty

  335. James Che says:

    Cristopher pike,

    Who exactly says there has to be a majority of votes,

    What if the treaty is just ended, we withdraw, due to Westminster not adhering to the Claim of Right?

    What if it is decided that the treaty of the Scottish parliament, to Englands parliament was done under the UN Treaties ,duress and threat, making it void?

    What if when the English parliament requested the Scottish government to cease to exist in 1707 it cancelled Scotlands signatories?

    What if Scotland claims the British parliament has acted as a English parliament passing separate legislation on taxes, trade etc?

    Non of these require a majority vote.

  336. stuart mctavish says:

    Ruby yesterday @5:16pm

    I reckon NS is way better at trolling than the other two (eg simply by surrounding herself with Edinburgh’s rubbish men for 2 days of talks..), and still destined to be successful for all that.

    That said, what with the abhorrent ongoing mass formation, the associated breakdown in trust is clearly not limited to what people do or say in jest and I’m beginning to learn that even old adages or aphorisms can be right duplicitous wee bastards too.. eg, even before Boris adorable switch to campaign mode during last weeks raid I’d been trying to embrace big C conservatism, with a leaf from Norman Tebbit’s book no less, but found, for shame, that rather than strengthen the legs and lose 14 pounds eating up the local terrain at too many km/day, I’ve managed to add 5 kilos and strengthen them that way instead/ as well !

    Good shout on Brochan though. Hopefully it’ll be enough (with strawberries, ice cream, the odd pousse rapière and a little more discipline) to recover the shambles.

  337. Christopher Pike says:

    Breeks says:
    3 September, 2022 at 2:30 pm
    And Sturgeon’s 50% share of the vote is another screaming fk up.

    We need 50% share of the seats… 30 Scottish MP’s on a YES ticket.


    To secure a mandate for independence, you must prove it is what the majority of the Scottish electorate want, and you do that by winning a majority of the vote. If you wish to turn the next election into a de-facto referendum, then referendum rules must apply.

    It’s ironic that those who prattle on about the sovereignty of the Scottish people, are the same individuals who are attempting to declare independence against the express wishes of the Scottish electorate.

    The Scottish electorate is the single, biggest hurdle preventing Scotland from becoming independent, and certain individuals on here are trying to conjure up smart ways to bypass the Scottish electorate in an attempt to gain independence. If the Scottish people are indeed sovereign, then you need their express consent. If the majority of votes go to Unionists parties, then you lose.

    There won’t be an independence referendum in 2023 and the SNP will fail to win 50% plus 1 of the vote at the next GE. Alba will lose their two Westminster seats, making that three elections in a trot where they have been humiliated.

  338. Christopher Pike says:

    James Che says:
    3 September, 2022 at 4:02 pm
    Cristopher pike,

    Who exactly says there has to be a majority of votes,

    What if the treaty is just ended, we withdraw, due to Westminster not adhering to the Claim of Right?

    What if it is decided that the treaty of the Scottish parliament, to Englands parliament was done under the UN Treaties ,duress and threat, making it void?

    What if when the English parliament requested the Scottish government to cease to exist in 1707 it cancelled Scotlands signatories?

    What if Scotland claims the British parliament has acted as a English parliament passing separate legislation on taxes, trade etc?

    Non of these require a majority vote.

    “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas.”

    None of that would fly in the real world.

    There is no English Parliament.

  339. Andy Ellis says:

    @Colin the Keelie 3.26 pm

    Sinn Fein won the 1918 plebiscite general election in Ireland by winning a majority of seats (73/105) with 47% of the popular vote.

    Winning a majority of seats in a first past the post system was a democratic mandate to declare independence then: it would be a democratic mandate now.

    The figure you quote are misleading and don’t support your case. Of the 73 seats Sinn Fein won only accounts for 48 of the 73 seat they won. In 25 seats – generally those where Sinn Fein were so certain to win that it was pointless to contest them – no other candidate stood, and the Sinn Fein candidates were elected unopposed.

    It is conservatively estimated that had the 25 non-contested seats been fought, Sinn Fein would have won 53% of the “all Ireland” vote, although many think the figure would have been closer to 70%.

    “It seems pretty certain that Sinn Féin would have had a majority of the votes if all the seats had been contested. In the contested seats where they won, the total valid vote was 617,262 of an electorate of 907,903 (68.0%); and SF got 414,394 votes out of 619,649 (66.9%). The 25 uncontested constituencies had a total electorate of 474,778; if we assume an identical average turnout and SF vote share, that gives 322,790 extra votes cast, 216,703 for SF and 106,087 for others. This gives SF at least 692,790 votes of a notional Ireland-wide total of 1,306,465, or at least 53.0%. The 66.9% vote share for SF in constituencies they would have won is a very conservative estimate; in nine of the contested constituencies they got over 80% of the vote and their likely vote share in the uncontested seats must be nearer that end of the scale. For their total vote share to be less than 50% (assuming the 68.0% turnout) their vote share in the 25 uncontested seats would have had to be an unrealistically low 54.7%.”

    link to

    Whatever some of those touting the “cunning plan for indy” route think, there is no substitute for gaining and demonstrating a majority. The simplest ways of doing that are via a referendum or plebiscitary elections. A majority of seats which is not clearly based on a majority of the vote on a specifically plebiscitary mandate will not be regarded as legitimate by large sections of the Scottish population, by Westminster and – most vitally of all – by the international community whose recognition will decide whether independence works or not.

    This isn’t rocket science.

  340. Andy Ellis says:

    @James Che

    As has been pointed out to you innumerable times, this is 2022, not 1707.

    Any purported declaration of independence which cannot point unequivocally to the support of a majority of Scottish voters won’t work. It won’t be recognised. Roddy Dunlop is right: there is no magic bullet or short cut which changes that simple fact.

  341. Breeks says:

    James Che says:
    3 September, 2022 at 4:02 pm

    Non of these require a majority vote…

    Democracy is not a prerequisite of International Recognition, though obviously, a democratic mandate might help a lot when encouraging foreign Nations to grant their recognition.

    If the Treaty of Union has been breached and England no longer considers itself bound by it’s Articles, then the Treaty can be deemed to be at an end without going anywhere near the electorate.

    But there’s more than one way to skin a cat. (What a horrible expression).

    For example, the 30 seat majority of Scottish MP’s IS a democratic mandate. However, if there was a concern about the level of democracy, why not use the 30 seat majority to declare the Union breached, then commence (say) a two year Transition period to settle the terms, similar to Brexit’s Article 50, then say a month before the Transition ends, hold a ratification Plebiscite for the Scottish Electorate?

    We are a sovereign people. We can exercise Scottish democracy whichever way we please.

  342. Andy Ellis says:

    @Breeks 2.30 pm

    And Sturgeon’s 50% share of the vote is another screaming fk up.

    We need 50% share of the seats… 30 Scottish MP’s on a YES ticket.

    Nobody sane actually believes this though. It’s a sure fire method of separating the realist sheep from the moon-howling goats. Independence in the modern world requires a clear majority in favour, voting in response to a clear question on an explicitly pro-independence platform.

    There is no short cut. Anyone trying to sell the short cut narrative is a delusional snake oil salesperson.

  343. stuart mctavish says:

    @Christopher Pike

    “If you wish to turn the next election into a de-facto referendum, then referendum rules must apply.”

    Any links to internationally approved referendum rules?

    “If the majority of votes go to Unionists parties, then you lose.”

    Stands to reason, however, a complimentary corollary of foreign (ie English) unionist parties standing in a defacto referendum might be foreign (ie French or Dutch) voters voting in an Irish referendum on the EU constitution.

    They didn’t of course – and not simply because the EU would have preferred to restrict the newIrish voters to those originating in Spain or Luxembourg either.

    Accordingly, and in the absence of agreement on rules for a defacto referendum, might not the easy way to ensure unionist voters are not defacto disenfranchised, (ie under international law) be to declare well in advance which parties are to be ignored, or perhaps even rendered illegal, in strict extrapolation of the principles already laid down by US in Ukr?

  344. Andy Ellis says:

    @Christopher Pike

    There won’t be an independence referendum in 2023 and the SNP will fail to win 50% plus 1 of the vote at the next GE. Alba will lose their two Westminster seats, making that three elections in a trot where they have been humiliated.

    I agree there won’t be a referendum in 2023 barring some political earthquake. The SNP may very well fail to win 50% +1 of the vote at the next Westminster or Holyrood elections, but that’s irrelevant unless the independence movement as a whole is stupid enough to accept the SNP pretensions that only votes for the SNP would be deemed to count towards a plebiscitary total.

    What is important in a plebiscitary election is the total number of votes for pro-independence parties which have stated that a vote for them will be deemed a vote in favour of independence. Obviously it would be simpler and clearer if the Yes movement fielded a combined slate of candidates, or co-operated not to stand against each other. Alex Salmond said as much at the Weee Alba Book even in Edinburgh a few weeks ago. However, “noises off” from the Scottish Greens, and their history of allowing local CP’s to basically do what the hell they like, don’t suggest co-operation will work.

    It is therefore incumbent on the movement as a whole to disabuse the selfish extremists in the SNP and Scottish Greens of their pretensions. A combined slate would be preferable, but it isn’t mandatory.

  345. Ruby says:

    Merganser says:
    3 September, 2022 at 3:34 pm

    Ruby @ 3.05

    I remember it was common years ago to make too much porridge to eat at one meal, and put what was left in a drawer to set. You could then cut a slice of porridge to take with you when working away from the house. A favourite of gamekeepers.

    I read that and I understand there’s even a thing called a porridge drawer.
    It’s a special tin lined drawer found at the bottom of your dresser. Common in the Highlands & Ireland.

    I believe the sporran was an early version of the lunchbox. It was where Scotsmen carried their porridge. (more research required)

    I prefer the word brochan. Porridge like handkerchief is a french word. Porridge comes
    from the french word for soup (potage)

    Potage as in ‘mess of potage’ the perfect description for ‘the plebs biscuity election’.

    Brochan is nothing like soup, well the soup in the song ‘Brochan Lom’ is but normal well made brochan is so thick you can slice it and make it into a sandwich.

    I have no idea who thought up these words like handkerchief & porridge but they would have been better to look to the Gaelic rather than the French for these new English words.

    Handkerchief FFS.

    How on earth did porridge end up meaning ‘doing time in jail’?

    stuart mctavish

    I think you are on the right track with the brochan. Keep in mind muscle weighs 10 times more than fat.
    ‘Getting on your bike’ is a sure way of gaining weight. Can I suggest you ditch the Norman Tebbitt book and do more couch surfin’ or you could try ‘Yoga in Bed’

    Loads of books & videos available on how to do it.

  346. Ruby says:

    Christopher Pike says:
    3 September, 2022 at 4:22 pm

    There is no English Parliament.

    Hang on there Cristobal! Did you not watch Alex Salmond being interviewed by Lord Leveson.

    Lord Leveson clearly said ‘The English Parliament’

    Alex Salmond said ‘I like that!’

  347. James che says:


    Well spotted.

  348. James che says:

    I think lord Cooper also stated that parliamentrary Sovereignty was purely an english concept.

    Which would make it a English parliament to claim or act as Sovereign over all of Britain, while in the treaty with Scotland,

  349. sarah says:

    @ Breeks: Cheerful update on my 3.36 comment! Local SNP contacts ARE signing the Edinburgh Proclamation and agree there is no downside to this as it is adding more pressure on the UK government. After all is complementing any action by the Scots gov.

    All of us who are over 50 years old recognise Salvo/SSRG’s action as a new version of Kenyon Wright’s 1988 Constitutional Convention i.e. a non-party, people’s movement. That one worked so there’s no reason to think that this one won’t.

  350. Christopher Pike says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    3 September, 2022 at 5:28 pm
    @Christopher Pike

    There won’t be an independence referendum in 2023 and the SNP will fail to win 50% plus 1 of the vote at the next GE. Alba will lose their two Westminster seats, making that three elections in a trot where they have been humiliated.

    I agree there won’t be a referendum in 2023 barring some political earthquake. The SNP may very well fail to win 50% +1 of the vote at the next Westminster or Holyrood elections, but that’s irrelevant unless the independence movement as a whole is stupid enough to accept the SNP pretensions that only votes for the SNP would be deemed to count towards a plebiscitary total.

    What is important in a plebiscitary election is the total number of votes for pro-independence parties which have stated that a vote for them will be deemed a vote in favour of independence. Obviously it would be simpler and clearer if the Yes movement fielded a combined slate of candidates, or co-operated not to stand against each other. Alex Salmond said as much at the Weee Alba Book even in Edinburgh a few weeks ago. However, “noises off” from the Scottish Greens, and their history of allowing local CP’s to basically do what the hell they like, don’t suggest co-operation will work.

    It is therefore incumbent on the movement as a whole to disabuse the selfish extremists in the SNP and Scottish Greens of their pretensions. A combined slate would be preferable, but it isn’t mandatory.


    I respect you as one of the few voices of reason on this forum, but I still don’t see a majority of Scottish voters backing pro-independence parties in a de-facto referendum. The next GE will be fought on issues like the-cost-of-living crisis, and the SNP will be marginalised during the debates.

    The combined unionist vote has always been greater than the combined independence vote and I don’t see that changing. I suspect the SNP and Greens will get around 40/43% of the vote share. Independence is still a (slim) minority viewpoint in Scotland.

    Unionists should muddy the waters on the idea of a plebiscite. You only need to dissuade 5% of the soft independence vote that a plebiscite is a bad idea and you’ve neutralised the treat. Once the results have been declared, the unionist side can then say, “You fought this election as a plebiscite and lost. That was your indyref2 and your cause is now dead and buried.”

  351. Ottomanboi says:

    As a young «foreigner” ready and able to make babies for a sovereign Scotland I look upon the local scene and see institutional sterility, both physical and intellectual.
    The antichild lobby, SAVE THE PLANET!, has brought Europe and the inellectual and cultural legacy it represents to the slippery slope of extinction.
    In a country with a major demographic deficit we need our own «extinction rebellion».
    All that stuff about referenda, treaties, Salvo etc is simply noises off. Futile fiddling while Rome is engulfed in flames.

    «The characteristic of every neurosis is to represent itself as natural»
    Jean-Paul Sartre

  352. Merganser says:

    Ruby @ 5.38.

    Don’t suppose many people have tin lined drawers these days.

    They might make a comeback though. Much more useful than tinfoil hats.

    Porridge was (is) such a regular feature of prison cuisine it became synonymous with incarceration.

  353. James che says:


    Indeed there is more than one way that this can be done,

    In fact there is a possibility that some of these ways could run parallel don’t you think?

  354. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Ottomanboi: agreed.

    “The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” (Albert Camus, 1947)

    I know and you know.

  355. James che says:

    Re- porridge,
    Did you know that when farm workers whom were not fed properly and had little wages ate mainly gruel or porridge they often came out in boils,

    My hubbies father was one of those farm workers, he used to pick herbs and plants growing in the grass at the sides of roads, or go down to the beach to look for seaweed and sea food on precious days off,
    The Chalmers ( farm yard single mens bothy) were basic, some had a fire place, some did not, often they had no fuel for these small fire places and no where to dry their work clothes in winter,

    They had cots in them for beds, with sacks on them, often three to four men in a small cubical,
    One of the stories I heard when I worked in farming, is that men often went to sleep with a stick or spade/shovel in their grasp, to hit the rats that used to run across them.

    Porridge is good though as part of a balance diet.

  356. Ruby says:

    link to

    Truss eyes bonfire of workers’ rights to boost economy

    When I voted remain uppermost on my mind was the idea of the Tories having control over our human rights.

  357. Breeks says:

    Ruby says:
    3 September, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    I read that and I understand there’s even a thing called a porridge drawer.
    It’s a special tin lined drawer found at the bottom of your dresser. Common in the Highlands & Ireland.

    I’d heard that from my time in Dundee, though nothing about any lead lining. The slightly unfortunate aspect of my tale was they managed to get themselves admitted to hospital as the first recorded cases of scurvy for several decades through vitamin deficiency. True story or urban myth I cannot say, but quite credible I think.

    I’m not poking fun however… in family folklore, my recently discovered great grandpa who was the Pharmacist in Aberdeenshire was sent off to train as a pharmacist with a pile of oats in his pocket. I’m told I even once set foot in the shop, still a pharmacy, but years after he’d retired. But when I was toddler, and I have zero recollection of it.

  358. Andy Ellis says:

    @Christopher Pike 7.23 pm

    We could all do with a little sanity right about now. I think a pro-indy majority in a plebiscitary election is certainly possible, but I’m under no illusions that the Scottish political parties are quite capable of fucking it up…..or indeed the Scottish electors in their infinite wisdom. A week is a long time in politics so who knows what might happen by the time of the next election whether WM or HR.

    The points you make could equally break the other way. The upcoming crisis could equally persuade soft No’s to vote Yes for independence. No side gets to call time on democracy or set limits on when or how often we are “allowed” to vote. We tell the them, they don’t tell us!

  359. James che says:

    It would be inspiring to think our own children an grandchildren would return home to repopulate Scotland as well after independence.

    This second and third generation are economic migrants themselves from Scotland, and should have been the future population of Scotland,

  360. Breeks says:

    Tin lining… lol.

    Lead lining might not have worked out so well…

  361. James che says:


    Re-porridge drawer,

    Some of the drawer were lined with waxed or oiled paper,

  362. Breeks says:

    link to

    Tories obviously listening to the halfwits like Sturgeon who want to ensure Scotland is subjected to bespoke electoral rules and mandates specifically designed and engineered to frustrate independence.

    “Special” rules for Scotland because we do so love a gold standard sabotage…

    With Sturgeon in charge, why bother? She’ll fuck us up all by herself anyway…

  363. John Main says:

    Andy Ellis

    “No side gets … to set limits on how often we are allowed to vote”

    A rare departure from your usual rationality there, Andy.

    We can’t vote every year, every quarter, or arguably even every decade, without sinking into a morass of uncertainty, indecision and eternal just marking time.

    There may even be a case to be made that we are knee-deep in that morass already.

    There’s a common-place saying that sums it up; shit, or get of the pot.

  364. John Main says:

    James Che 8:14

    Good point! Glad to see you agree with me: immigrants are after the main chance.

    Just goes to shore up what I have been saying. Demonstrate how Indy will make us better off, and the incomers will vote for it.

  365. Merganser says:

    Breeks @ 8.15 Lead lined drawers.

    Were you thinking about Nicola again?

    Something makes her move very slowly.

  366. Breastplate says:

    I think that 50% of the entire electorate should have to vote for the Union to keep it.
    That’s obviously fair, is it not.

  367. Breeks says:

    I’m not at all sure the Scots diet was as poor as people make out.

    In the times before electricity and fridges, I expect people everywhere, not just Scotland, had to improvise larders and food stores to eke out their rations and keep them safe from mice, flies and foosty moulds etc.

    Oats have plenty protein, fibre, carbohydrates, and some vitamins, so you’re probably well on the way to a having a healthy diet. A wee bit fish from time to time and some greens and you’re gonna be fine. Probably a in better shape than many modern diets laced with sugars and all kinds of processed garbage.

    Even Haggis is an oat based pudding, and as Burns writes…

    ” But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
    The trembling earth resounds his tread,
    Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
    He’ll make it whissle;
    An legs an arms, an heads will sned,
    Like taps o thrissle.”

    “Forced” to live on oats doesn’t exactly sound like you’re a shrunken wee thing haudin’ oan tae life by yer fingernails…

    I can’t seem to find it, but I’m sure there’s a quote from some Officer maligning Highland troops for eating the rations meant for horses, but I can’t recall if the context was Jacobite, the Americas, Napoleonic or Crimea.

  368. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main

    We can’t vote every year, every quarter, or arguably even every decade, without sinking into a morass of uncertainty, indecision and eternal just marking time.

    Don’t be ridiculous. How often we get to vote, whether in a referendum or plebiscitary election, is ultimately down to the electorate to decide via their parties. Obviously the electorate can’t always precisely control when a general election is called given party politics, the crises of the day, national or international emergencies etc.

    However, it’s quite a stretch from that to allowing external (generally intrinsically hostile) actors to attempt to say: “You can only vote when or how often, or under conditions, that we dictate” , or “once in a generation” or “once a lifetime”.

    We, the Scottish people are the only ones that have a right to dictste this. Polls have shown that a supermajority of electirs – which MUST therefore include a decent % of unionist voters – support the view that it should be entirely a matter for the Scottish people via their parliament in Holyrood.

    It really is as simple as that.

  369. Breeks says:

    Breastplate says:
    3 September, 2022 at 8:42 pm
    I think that 50% of the entire electorate should have to vote for the Union to keep it.
    That’s obviously fair, is it not.

    All joking aside, that’s an excellent point with considerable weight behind it when you think about it…

  370. sarah says:

    @ Breeks: “oats for horses”

    Dr Samuel Johnson defined oats as food for horses in England but for people in Scotland.

    I re-read his Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland recently and was pleasantly surprised to see his opinion that a government should be judged on the standard of life of the lower levels of society.

  371. John Main says:

    Andy Ellis

    Soz, Andy, I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all.

    Still, if you think having an Indy ref every year, or every five years is sensible, then by all means make your case.

    I guess you won’t be complaining about short-termism in politics as long as you support this idea.

    No doubt about the fact that a majority of Scots think Indy should be decided by the Scots. But I don’t see how it follows that a majority of Scots think Indy should be re-evaluated every few years. Present company BTL here excluded of course.

  372. Breeks says:

    Breastplate says:
    3 September, 2022 at 8:42 pm

    That’s obviously fair, is it not.

    There’s another niggling discrepancy about a sovereign population effectively abdicating their own sovereignty through a No vote.

    I suppose it’s a matter of personal prerogative that individuals can resign their birth right if they choose to, but that sad concession takes a sudden turn into the grotesque wherever you have sovereign citizens being stripped of sovereign rights they have every wish, desire, and right to maintain. Worse still, who is defending the birth rights of countless sovereign Scots yet to be born?

    If you’re soft in the head and daft away to forfeit your sovereign entitlements, that’s your lookout ya dafty, but I see no justification whereby the actions of such a fool or fools should have any bearing on the rights of sovereign others.

    Burn your own house down if you must, but you’re not burning down mine, and you can shove any democratic mandate that says you can, up your arse sideways.

  373. Ruby says:

    Free food & up market health food shop items

    Those folk getting scurvy must have lived right in the centre of town.

    If you were in the countryside/on the coast you would have access to all sorts of free vitamins.

    I’m trying to remember all the free food we had access to as children.

    dulse – we just sat on the rocks and ate the hard core (it was better than liquorice)
    carrageen – we collected that and took it home to be made into a milk pudding
    (there was plenty dulse & carrageen floating about in the Atlantic it’s was all free. Dulse & carrageen currently cost a fortune in the up market health food shops.
    crab apples
    (the crab apples & rhubarb may have come from someone’s garden but they were free)
    we needed a bag of sugar to dunk the raw rhubarb in otherwise it was too sour.
    The crab apples were best covered in toffee but we ate them without.
    Leaves we called ‘souries’ which I think might be sheep sorrel who knows.
    We just picked these leaves and eat them. They were good better than sour plooms and all free
    They were fine without sugar.
    Ground almonds/ground nuts? Something we pulled out of the ground and there was a nut on the end.

    These were all just wee snacks we had when we were out and about.
    We often visited farms where we usually got some treats. ie home made pancakes with crowdie and cream

    There was plenty food at home but that’s another story.

    I lived by the sea in a cottage in the heart of the countryside.

    There was not a scheme to be seen anywhere. No foodbanks just free food everywhere.

    I don’t think there were any truffles but since we didn’t have a pig or a truffle hound (just a spaniel who couldn’t find it’s own tail) we never found out for sure.

    PS carrageen that’s Gaelic. More about that in Gaelic lessons #23

    Maybe I should change my user name to Katie Morag.

  374. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    In the past (like 10 years ago), it was generally accepted that a majority of pro-independence MPs elected to Westminster on a mandate to leave the union, was enough to start Scottish independence discussions.

    If voters are voting in a UK election and they know that pro-independence parties, if achieving a majority of MPs, will immediately start to negotiate exit from the Treaty of Union, then, I believe, that will be taken, internationally, as an expression of “the will of the people”.

    This “50%+1” of the electorate is a red herring, designed to frustrate Scottish independence. We have to look at who first suggested this nonsense. Is she for Scottish independence, or a continuation of her own position as “high heid yin” in a Scottish administration, controlled by Westminster?

    SNP sycophants, who want independence, have to get over their cognitive dissonance and do the right thing.

    Is there such a thing as “AOCB” at an SNP conference?

  375. Breeks says:

    sarah says:
    3 September, 2022 at 9:22 pm
    @ Breeks: “oats for horses”

    Dr Samuel Johnson defined oats as food for horses in England but for people in Scotland.

    That’s right Sarah, thank you. I was looking for a soldier which is probably why I wasn’t finding it.

  376. Dan says:

    Oats and oat products are most likely a whole let better for you than so much of the modern reliance on flour based products.
    Human’s evolved digestion systems were never meant to ingest so much grain, hence so many folk with all sorts of intolerance and weight issues.
    Of course a population made up of bloated and health compromised folk will lack the vitality and resolve to revolt, so that’s a win for the establishment that influence societal food intake choices and also profit from said food production. Plus big pharma can push and sell all their drugs to treat the symptoms of bad diets…

    Many folk I’ve spoken to have realised something was up with their health and energy levels so dropped grain from their diet and felt much better for it after an initial withdrawal period of a week or so.
    I was plagued for a couple of years with worsening gastro discomfort and carrying more weight than my normal fit svelte self.
    No pharmaceutical tablets and potions would sort the issues, so at new year I made the decision to stop eating grain based products and milk. I dropped a stone and a half in six weeks thus returning to my normal weight and energy levels without even trying, and I was scoffing way more calories through crisps, chocolate, and cheese to fuel myself instead of previous gluten and lactose foodstuffs.

  377. George Ferguson says:

    @Briandoonthedoon 9;34pm
    Come on Brian we had 50 plus MPs elected in 2015 I never heard anyone declaring UDI. Blackford recently stated he loves Westminster we had Pete Wishart declaring himself as a candidate for Speaker. Not the action we would expect from people defending our interests. And to boot the 60 spin doctors worked well to present a big Nicola victory in support of the binmen. I am happy for the binmen it only cost 600k. At some point there will be a reckoning on the money front. Apparently Kate Forbes was the only adult in the room Regards money issues and she is on maternity leave if she any sense she won’t come back.

  378. George Ferguson says:

    @Briandoontoon 9:34pm
    The 600k was an euphemism. It cost 600 million. Still happy for the binmen. But what happened to the 600k investigation? Stu put up a delphic post about that. I am hoping he knows something I don’t.

  379. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi George Ferguson says on 3 September, 2022 at 10:00 pm.

    “@Briandoonthedoon 9;34pm
    Come on Brian we had 50 plus MPs elected in 2015 I never heard anyone declaring UDI.”

    That’s because it wasn’t in the SNP’s manifesto for that election.
    A pro-independence party has to state in advance that a vote for them is a vote for independence. Otherwise, the electorate don’t know that they are voting to end the union.

  380. sarah says:

    @ Dan: did you drop oats as well? We eat Golspie Mill coarse oats for porridge most days – I thought that would be almost gluten-free.

  381. George Ferguson says:

    @Briandoontoon 10:13pm
    We are on weak ground here. Nothing from you about the declarations of our Westminster MPs. Are you choosing to the ignore their public declarations?. I think what you see is what you get. I was in Dundee today. Rubbish all over the streets. The settlement not reached Dundee yet? 600 million which will make the Scot Gov deficit 3 billion on an annual basis. Unaffordable by any measure if only we had competent financial policies.

  382. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi George Ferguson.

    You typed,
    “I was in Dundee today. Rubbish all over the streets. The settlement not reached Dundee yet?”

    You are havering. I live in the city centre and I was impressed at how quickly the “scaffies” cleaned up the city centre. I saw the individual guys out with their “picker-uppers” picking up individual pieces of debris/paper, from the city centre out to The Sinderins. The piles of black bags outside my closie were removed on Thursday.
    It ill behoves you to denigrate the efforts of our scaffies.

  383. James Che says:

    It is true that the married family man was often had a more rounded diet, and more varied.
    Cooking facilities,

    However the single lad in the bothy did not have a balanced diet, and had very little from one term to the next,
    Often going from one farm to farm on hire to the next, thus not having access seasonal food sources or a garden to grow fruit and veg,

    Often bothy ballads, music and photo graphs tell of the conditions of these men lives,

  384. Ruby says:

    Pot Noodle Generation, Awful French Pronunciation
    & Getting On Your Bike

    Just a few observations before I go and have my supper brochan. My supper brochan will contain a handful of sunflower seeds. They make the brochan nice & crunchy & sunflower seeds are not only very cheap they

    are loaded with vitamins like Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Folate, Choline, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin E.
    minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc etc.
    they also provide us with plant compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids that are strong antioxidants.’

    That should keep the scurvy at bay.

    Awful French Pronunciation
    How shit must the English have been at French when they thought potage was pronounced porridge?

    Pot Noodle Generation

    I’m worried about the ‘Pot Noodle Generation’ and how they will cope with the ‘cost of living crisis’ Obviously these ‘pot porridges’ they are selling in Aldi are aimed at the ‘Pot Noodle Generation’ one of these pots which costs 45p wouldn’t feed a cat. A growing lad from the ‘Pot Noodle Generation’ is going to need at least 4. So 4 x 45p that’s 2 quid just for a breakfast. Two quid would get you 3 kilos of porridge but then you would have to know how to cook it. Oh dear I’m beginning to sound like a Tory lets move on to

    Getting On Your Bike

    I was at the gym the other day and I got on my bike. I pedaled away for half an hour doing what is called ‘The Riviera Ride’

    At the end of the half hour ‘Riviera Ride’ up pops a notice informing me that I have generated enough power to fuel a 40 watt light bulb for 2 minutes. That put an end to any idea of saving electricity by getting on my bike.

    It’s back to the idea of spending the winter in a cosy jail with loads of free porridge.

  385. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Seeing the ‘old firm’ match today, it’s a reminder that a significant % of Scots have the year 1690 imprinted on their minds, if not tattooed on their bodies.

    Many of them may not know what the date signifies, but that’s not the point. It’s ‘living history’ for them, and it’s important.

    No one raising The Claim of Right or any objection to what happened between 1703-1707 should feel in the slightest bit embarrassed. At least we don’t go parading through every city town and village at every opportunity.

  386. George Ferguson says:

    @Briandoonthetoon 10:36pm
    Havering, got it one Brian you live in the City Centre my Dad doesn’t the shit was everywhere. Get on a bus and see for yourself.

  387. James Che says:

    Brian doonthetoon,

    We have had no problem at all with the scaffies keeping the streets free from rubbish during that time period,

    There is a lot of hype going around in MSM,
    Perhaps Msm tries very hard to point out very specific areas where Particular party politics may be deliberately involved to paint the required picture.

  388. Dan says:

    @ sarah

    I eat plenty Scottish oats, oatcakes, and use oat milk. I used to eat bought muesli but to drop the grain bran I now just make my own with oats, some sultanas and half a banana, topped off with whatever homegrown berries are in season. Currently autumn rasps now that the strawbs, blackcurrants, and blueberries are finished.
    I recently tried Quaker oats as the box was on a deal, but I think they are crap and almost dissolve into mush with no bite to them. Can’t wait to finish the box to be done with them. Lidl’s Scottish oats seem ok and at £1 a kilo is better value than the similar Scottish oats Tesco sell.
    I make my own flapjacks too, so getting plenty of my oats, although that said my attempts to spawn 2.7 million Indy supporting children to create a majority for returning Scotland to self-governing status aren’t going particularly well… 🙁

  389. sarah says:

    @ Dan: well I’ll point my husband to your comment and hope that he will take on board the advantages of gluten-free and a simpler muesli mix than he favours. He certainly likes the gluten-free biscuits, pitta bread and spaghetti I bought but of course they are pricy.

    We are fussy about our porridge – as you say stuff like Quakers is too pappy. Hamlyns coarse is good – but again, pricy compared with Lidls.

    Sowing oats..mmm, I think my husband is perhaps not fit enough for that at his age…

    Blackberries – what a season we are having. Huge crop of large fruit and all just wild so no work or worry.

  390. Ian Brotherhood says:

    There’s a bit too much double-entendreing going on in here this evening.

    ‘Carry On Wingsing’?!


  391. Dan says:

    @ sarah

    Aye, the ageing demographics in my locale ain’t making it easy to sow any reasonable quality un-vaccinated oats.
    Things are getting drastic, and jist for the bantz, I was even considering asking oor Andy E to setup a date for me with his daughter if she was available, but word on da street is she uses pronouns so I think we’d have incompatibility issues, plus reckon Andy already having one moonhowling roaster in his family is enough… 😉

  392. Christopher Pike says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    3 September, 2022 at 10:13 pm
    Hi George Ferguson says on 3 September, 2022 at 10:00 pm.

    “@Briandoonthedoon 9;34pm
    Come on Brian we had 50 plus MPs elected in 2015 I never heard anyone declaring UDI.”

    That’s because it wasn’t in the SNP’s manifesto for that election.
    A pro-independence party has to state in advance that a vote for them is a vote for independence. Otherwise, the electorate don’t know that they are voting to end the union.


    Do you honestly think that winning a simple majority of seats will gain independence? Do you really think the UK Government will concede after such a result? Do you think that the majority of the Scottish electorate will accept being dragged out of the UK against their will?

  393. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dan (11.38) –

    ‘Ooohh, you are awful…’


  394. Ruby says:

    link to

    The Broons have a porridge drawer in their dresser.

  395. Ruby says:

    link to

    Adam Tomkins aka ‘The professor of Pish’ reckons Nicola Sturgeon saying that she feels British and Ian Blackford saying he loves the House of Commons and has a good number of Tory friends there and Stephen Noon saying the SNP should compromise on independence, it’s all clever strategy and Unionist should beware!

    Remember Adam Tomkins told us during the 2014 IndyRef that the UK would never not in a month of Sundays leave the EU.

    For now really isn’t the time. That phrase, coined by David Mundell for Theresa May to use when she was in No 10, has never been more apt.

    I never knew if was Fluffy who coined that phrase.
    Little Fluffy he was also the one who went on TV and stated that Scotland didn’t exist. He agree that Scotland was extinguished in 1707 and became Lesser England.

  396. Breeks says:

    Ruby says:
    4 September, 2022 at 7:27 am

    I never knew if was Fluffy who coined that phrase…

    That’s all Unionism is; a phrase.

    “Once in a generation!” (Repeat at nauseam).
    “No to a second Referendum!” (Repeat ad nauseam).
    “Now is not the time!” (Repeat ad nauseam).

    They have nothing to say, just a trance-like, repetitive way of saying it, which seems crudely hypnotic upon the unwary, and stupefies some people’s capacity to think.

    All credit do them, it seems to be quite effective on a depressing number of Scotland’s worker drones, and many of those who inhale fumes from the BBC.

    They don’t need a manifesto. It’s Scotland! They just need a catchphrase and the media will do all the heavy lifting.

  397. John Main says:

    @Breeks 9:30 pm

    Neatly summarises a certain, not uncommon BTL viewpoint.

    At the next referendum, only the Yes votes will be counted.


  398. John Main says:

    @George Ferguson

    Thanks for raising the “small” matter of the eye-watering pay rise just awarded to a tiny sector of public sector workers, brokered by NS, and underwritten by the ever-more beleaguered taxpayers of Scotland.

    I did wonder why that story had not been mentioned here before now. Then again, with a few notable exceptions, many posters like to steer clear of reality. It’s painful and bruising.

    You are wrong in one regard. The settlement is affordable, because it will be paid for by robbing the money from somewhere else. The services that will be axed to pay for it are the ones that are unaffordable.

  399. Dan says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    3 September, 2022 at 11:54 pm

    ‘Ooohh, you are awful…’

    Aye, a ken, but it takes folk to step up and be awful so the word isn’t banished to history through pressure from the PC brigade.

    In the scheme of things awful, I don’t think I am as bad as those wanting to put further hurdles in the way to thwart oor self-determination.

    Liz Truss’s team mull bill to wreck indyref2 campaign

    link to

  400. Ottomanboi says:

    Scotland, a land in love with extinction.
    link to
    Terminate! Terminate!
    The flowers of the forest are blighted.

  401. Fionan says:

    Sarah, 3/9 10.22am:

    Why do oats contain gluten?
    Image result for Do oats contain gluten?
    Pure oats are gluten-free and safe for most people with gluten intolerance. However, oats are often contaminated with gluten because they may be processed in the same facilities as gluten-containing grains like wheat, rye, and barley

    Hope this helps. Apparently oats have a protein similar to, but not gluten, but it doesnt appear to cause the problems that gluten does.

  402. sarah says:

    @ Dan, Ian and Fionan: Oats – wild or otherwise – gluten-free.

    Great, that’s sorted. And they are Scotland’s staple so we ought to be buzzing and slim….

    Turning back to the purpose of this site: I’ve got 8 other signatories for to date. Can anyone beat this?

  403. Rab Davis says:

    Like it or lump it,,,,the phrase “Once in a generation” was used by both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon during the IndyRef1 campaign.

    And also the,,,”Support for Scottish independence has to be running at 60% for over a 12 month period before we would even consider another Referendum”,,, was also another SNP/Sturgeon beauty.

    So now there is talk of the English government actually putting this crap into practice,,, don’t get angry at our Colonial masters,,get angry at the SNP who introduced both phrases to the world.

    We can only hope that when the new leader of the English Nationalist Party (Tories) says the same words, that it sounds that much worse and only goes to drive up support for Scottish independence.

  404. Dan says:

    @ Ottomanboi at 9:49 am

    Maybe you need to consider being an individual enduring terrible health ailments before casting too harsh a judgement on the matter of assisted dying.
    Note that I didn’t state “standing in the shoes of” though, as often ill folk are completely unable to do this due to their increasingly debilitating and painful conditions as their disease progresses.
    It’s a bit of a raw point for me having just said a final physical goodbye to my mother last week after what’s been a couple of extremely challenging years of treatment and nursing her through a couple of hellish and complicated conditions.
    Fortunately we were able to keep her at her home right till the end, but that was only possible because we had the time, competence, and resolve to administer all of the many care duties and pain management required 24/7 to retain her a degree of dignity whilst being surrounded by love.
    Many terminally ill folk, especially as this engineered “cost of living” “crisis” plays out further will not have similar resources and abilities to do what we did. And the health services, as good as they try to be, are so stretched at the moment it is very hard to maintain an acceptable level of care.

  405. sarah says:

    @ Rab Davis: “…60% support over 12 months – another SNP/Sturgeon beauty.”

    There’s a lengthy list of such starting with “This election is NOT about independence” and running through “wait for Brexit vote/result/terms/economic effect” to “because covid/financial effects/recovery from financial effects.”

    You couldn’t make up a clearer list of a leader who doesn’t support her supporter’s aspirations for independence. Yet many still say – she is so popular; she has done/is doing a great job; wheesht for indy.

    SIGNING is the answer. Sign this and it puts pressure on the Scots Gov AND on the UK gov. Two birds with one stone.

    And when you’ve signed go and tell someone else all about it.

  406. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ottomanboi 9.49 am

    Support for the right to end your life is one of those issues which although it’s a matter of conscience, is also a pretty clear – if not invariable – indicator of whether one is a progressive or a conservative. It’s pretty rare in my experience to find an opponent of assisted dying who isn’t also socially and politically conservative, anti-abortion, “pro family values” and a person of faith.

    69% of Scots polled supported the 2014 Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill.

  407. Mark Boyle says:

    Ottomanboi says:
    4 September, 2022 at 9:49 am

    Scotland, a land in love with extinction.
    link to
    Terminate! Terminate!
    The flowers of the forest are blighted.

    As someone who used to work in the “oldies” financial sector, I heard enough horror stories to put me off “assisted dying” forever, long before hospitals introduced triage which took into account the “background” of the patient (which was also the part my organ donor card was binned, I joined the “opt out” and warned my relatives to do the same).

    It used to be in the old days, doctors would get the wink from a patient from terminal cancer or whatever, they’d prescribe them valium, and some day of their choosing after getting their affairs in order they’d wash the whole bottle down with the best malt in the house.

    Granted, for some people in some circumstances, it’s a lot harder to top yourself. But “assisted dying” is not wrong because it’s some churchy “morally wrong” nonsense. It’s wrong because it’s a return to the bad old days when “non-productive” members of society were euthanized.

    We have now reached an age where the old are not seen as a resource of past wisdom and skills to pass on – and hopefully avoid their mistakes – but an economic resource to be exploited and disposed of once all they have left is their tangible assets.

    This would be poor at any other time, but with the current generation of utterly self-centred spoilt little bastards the like of which has never been witnessed before – who totalitarian egocentrism is encapsulated by “woke” and contempt for their elders is exemplified in their ceaseless carping of “you’ve had your life!” – the last thing they need is a lever to bully “coffin dodgers” into agreeing to suicide either consciously or by skulduggery.

    People will say “oh, but checks will be in place” – as Harold Shipman demonstrated only too well, who guards the guards? In a nation like Scotland gently slipping into totalitarianism by stealth and apathy, the power to end life is one that should never be allowed to reach the statute books.

  408. Rab Davis says:

    Sarah 10.56am

    Yes you are spot on,,, Sturgeon’s list of shame is endless.

    She is no William Wallace., And neither is Mike Russell or Ian Blackford.

    We are in desperate need of a leader who has Scottish Independence running through his/her veins,,,and isn’t sidetracked because their pension fund isn’t quite as full as it should be.

    There must be someone out there who is going to appear from the shadows and lead the charge.

    The Indy movement hasn’t gone away,,,,I see it as a volcano that is primed and ready to erupt at the first opportunity.

    But then reality kicks in, and you look over and see Nicola Sturgeon and her band of pension chasing non-entities.

    And question of the day is:-

    “Who decided that over 50% of those voting in a plebiscite election would be the required outcome rather than over 50% of elected MPs?”.

  409. Breeks says:

    Rab Davis says:
    4 September, 2022 at 10:41 am
    Like it or lump it,,,,the phrase “Once in a generation” was used by both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon during the IndyRef1 campaign.

    It’s not the phrase Rab, that’s a bland and innocuous turn of phrase in common usage.

    What’s bizarre is the hysterical and frankly unhinged insistence by Unionists that it means a thing which it was never even remotely intended to mean.

    If I won a raffle say, and described a chance to go on a hot air balloon safari in Africa as a “once in a lifetime holiday”, what that means is that it’s a terrific opportunity for a great holiday. For most people, it probably is a once in a lifetime thing. It doesn’t mean I’m banned from all future holidays just in case I somehow land two “once in a lifetime” holidays and inadvertently cause the sun to melt.

    Talk about desperate, Unionism is clutching at straws, and dredging the small print of casual off the cuff remarks for loopholes. It’s actually pretty sad. You almost want to give them a credible argument in favour of the Union just to stop them embarrassing themselves with this whiny pish “Meh but you said it was once in a generation! Boo hoo! Boo hoo!”.

    Only problem stopping me doing that is actually coming up with a credible argument to give the poor sods, even as a gift.

    But let’s not kid ourselves here. However lame and feeble it seems, it IS a malicious Unionist strategy of opportunism. Witness Mark Hirst taken to court when a similar everyday remark was similarly blown out of any recognisable proportion. Dave Llewelyn actually convicted for quoting George Galloway’s words back at him.

    They are targeting Feminists in exactly the same way… Witness the suffragette ribbon tied to a fence “allegedly” interpreted as a noose and a hate crime, and then they pursue this madness to the fullest extent it is possible to push it, trying to bully and intimidate people into silence.

    It’s a tactic. It’s a puerile and adolescent tactic, but just a tactic. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel in their utter desperation to derail Scotland’s Independence campaign.

  410. Rab Davis says:

    Breeks 11.57am

    You know as well as I do how the Unionist media work,,they are dirty lowlife bastards,,,and so they will continue with the line of “It wasn’t us who said it,,,it was the SNP”.

    It’s their way of justifying their snide remarks.

    And as Sarah pointed out above,,, Sturgeon’s excuses for NOT holding a vote on Scottish Independence are endless,,, it’s just one after another,,,and the Unionist media will just keep running with everyone of them.

    That is why she is the darling of the BBC.

    And for the record,, she added ANOTHER only a few days ago with her “she loves being British”,,or some similar shite.

    She is a Unionist godsend. She just keeps on giving.

  411. Christopher Pike says:

    “It’s likely to be perceived as constitutional gerrymandering and will push people towards independence” – Alex Massie on Liz Truss’ referendum rigging scheme.

    Alex Massie is one of the more sensible and moderate voices within the unionist camp. The Tories are more interested in pandering to the 20/25% extreme unionist fringe (our equivalent of the Salvo/SSRG nutters on your side) than talking to the 40% of mainstream Scots who are the only group worth talking to.

    I don’t think these undemocratic and arbitrary requirements are necessary. If an independence referendum was held next week with the same franchise as before, it would lead to yet another win for No. Let’s not forget that the independence side only managed to win 4 out of Scotland’s 32 local authorities.

  412. Rab Davis says:

    The Trolls (plants) have got their fishing rods out.

    They have a big juicy worm on the hook.

    I wonder who is going to bite first?

  413. James Che says:


    Sorry to hear of the passing of your mum your family did well to care for her at home were she would have had more than just clinical care but love as well,

    Have empathy with you as we are doing the same right now, and caring for our mum at home.
    No offence in any way on nurses or carers, but family and fimiliar surroundings are so much more supportive for the persons peace of mind,

    A lot of stress though trying to fit the rest of the world in at the same time, lol.

  414. James Che says:


    Even if NS was to go, to be replace with a possible leader,
    I don’t see how anything will alter Scotlands position by having a second British government in Scotland.

    Many Are not awake enough yet to realise that Westminster holds the legislation and purse strings on the devolved government, through the Barnett formula and by passing the SG in direct hand outs to Councils.
    Ns and the SNP going to the Supreme Court is just another tell tale sign,
    And we will never be able to hold the devoled government to account any more than it is possible to hold Westminster acting as a single Colonial master of the treaty of the union,

    The problem is that the newly invented UK government empire have installed Saab’s to run Scotland as it did india,

  415. Andy Ellis says:

    @Chritopher Pike 12.25 pm

    More thoughtful unionists like Massie can see that a fringe nutter like Truss becoming PM is a gift to Scottish nationalism. If she and the yoon bitter einders get their way and start legislating to curtail Holyrood’s powers, or impose anti-democratic conditions on a future independence referendum or plebiscitary vote, then they are playing in to the hands of those seeking independence.

    Sadly for Scottish unionists – particularly Scottish Tories – they have next to zero influence: they shot that bolt long since. If they’d had any sense they would have held a gun to Teresa May’s head to deliver a Northern Ireland style deal for Scotland remaining inside the single market: they may even have (re)gained some credit and support in Scotland for doing so. As we all know however, they are British first and Scottish a poor second.

    I think you’re probably wrong about what the outcome would be in an early referendum given current conditions and the way things are going, but it isn’t something we have to worry about anyway as (absent some political earthquake, which while possible doesn’t seem that likely) there isn’t going to be a vote any time soon.

    The movement needs to be preparing for plebiscitary elections, whether at WM or HR. If the SNP fails to bring about early HR elections, it will make the task harder but in the end only the SNP’s membership is capable of bringing about an early membership, as they’d have to topple Sturgeon and her team first.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly won’t be holding my breath.

  416. Andy Ellis says:

    @Dan 10.44 am

    I don’t agree with you very much, and think some of your recent comments – which for some strange reason involve my daughter – are well below the belt and uncalled for. Sadly it is fairly typical of the level of discourse from some of the folk in here, but even so I had expected better of you.

    Irrespective of that, it does you and your family credit that you cared for your mother in the way you have and I’m sure everyone in here irrespective of their differences would offer their condolences on your loss, and also share your concerns for the many people who will not have the kind of support your family were able to give.

  417. James Che says:

    The UK even discussing how to alter the goal post for voting implies Colonialism, where the laws of Englands legislation and statues will be imposed on Scotland laws to be changed to suit Westminster alone,
    Insert this into the other Branch of Westminster government in Scotland and The done,

    Scotlands ability to keep Scots law as separate to England’s laws has been ruled out by two British governments and a Supreme court in England, sitting within Britain,

    Nothing said about that in the treaty of the union,

    There has to come a time, when we admit the treaty of union itself has been Colonised and deformed to suit the Coloniser,

  418. James Che says:


    Your analyses of how Westminster themselves , have rather than styming the support for Scottish independence have increased it through their own actions over the last few years, and with the current crises in Britain as a whole, not just in Scotland, it will certainly increase,
    The trajectory Westminster is following, is showing signs of collapse with people.

    I often wonder which will fold first, Britain or Scotland.
    Events like energy and food shortages, transport, severe climate change agendas, selling off the NHS and other industries have a way of serious retaliation from the country,

    The people in Scotland ( be they new Scots or old Scots) are questioning more than ever wether they want to go down with the sinking British ship.

  419. Christopher Pike says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    4 September, 2022 at 1:22 pm
    @Chritopher Pike 12.25 pm

    More thoughtful unionists like Massie can see that a fringe nutter like Truss becoming PM is a gift to Scottish nationalism. If she and the yoon bitter einders get their way and start legislating to curtail Holyrood’s powers, or impose anti-democratic conditions on a future independence referendum or plebiscitary vote, then they are playing in to the hands of those seeking independence.


    Under those circumstances, I could definitely see support for independence rising above 50%.

    The Tories are the biggest threat to the union, just as the SSRG/Salvo types are a threat to the independence movement. Both will alienate the mainstream.

  420. Robert Hughes says:

    ” don’t think these undemocratic and arbitrary requirements are necessary. If an independence referendum was held next week with the same franchise as before, it would lead to yet another win for No. ”

    Well , Mr Steerpike , still trying to plot your way out of Gormenghast I see . We know how that story – and yours , ends .

    In the interim ….we can agree on your comment above at least . For further mutual agreement you could have added ” ……or any other week “.

    In fact , I’ll even outdo you in dark crystal ball gazing – there will never be another Scottish Independence Referendum .That some – most – supporters persist in the contrary illusion is just the effects of the Nu SNP opium they’ve been imbibing for the last 8 years . It will wear off . Eventually .

    When it does , when the dream gives way to the nightmare of permanent confinement in Tory ravaged Ukannia , enough may wake-up and burn the whole decaying , worm-eaten edifice to the ground .

    If it hasn’t self-immolated in it’s own bonfire of vanities by then

  421. Alf Baird says:

    Rab Davis @ 12:23 pm

    “she loves being British”

    Aye, somehow I just can’t imagine the leaders of the Irish, Indian, Kenyan or even Welsh national independence parties coming out with that.

  422. Alf Baird says:

    James Che @ 1:31 pm

    “There has to come a time, when we admit the treaty of union itself has been Colonised and deformed to suit the Coloniser”

    Yes James, imperial powers always violate their mankit colonial treaties, even before the ink is dry, and Scots would have to be seriously naïve to believe otherwise. Even describing the treaty as a ‘union’ was a deceit.

  423. Dan says:

    @ Andy Ellis says at 1:30 pm

    I don’t agree with you very much, and think some of your recent comments – which for some strange reason involve my daughter – are well below the belt and uncalled for. Sadly it is fairly typical of the level of discourse from some of the folk in here, but even so I had expected better of you.

    You try pretty hard to find disagreement with folk who don’t align exactly with your own views, even when an individual’s particular view(s) is(are) actually quite closely matched with your own. You’re nearly always trying to create division and discord rather than yield and inch to reach a consensus.
    FFS, I even said in that one particular comment it was banter but as is so often the case you’re trying to make more out of it to suit your own ends.

    You don’t hold back yersel and are all to quick in rubbing folk up the wrong way by tarring them into your derogatory groupings, rather than addressing each individual’s position on its own merits.
    So with you continuing to utilise that modus, even when it has been pointed out to you many times previously, you should be more robust in taking the occasional push back without whining so much about it.

    “Irrespective of that, it does you and your family credit that you cared for your mother in the way you have and I’m sure everyone in here irrespective of their differences would offer their condolences on your loss, and also share your concerns for the many people who will not have the kind of support your family were able to give.

    Thanks Andy, but I wasn’t stating what I did for condolences as it is a given that pretty much everyone, regardless of differing views on a variety of subjects would still hold some basic decency, empathy, and respect for each other in matters of bereavement.
    I stated what I did to stimulate thought in folk on the matter of assisted dying when they may not have considered or be aware of quite so many of the aspects that need to be addressed in maintaining reasonable quality of life and palliative care.

  424. Andy Ellis says:

    @Dan 4.37 pm

    The difference between the good guys and the wanks Dan is that the former wouldn’t for a moment think it was appropriate to bring someones family in to play, then try to shrug it off when pulled up for it as “bantz”.

    The fact you can’t see the difference between something that is legitimate push back and what you and some of your low life chums are doing speaks volumes. You’re siding with creepy as fuck stalkers and pieces of work like “Scott”.

    I don’t try hard to find disagreement with folk: I point out what I see as inconsistencies and failures in their arguments or logic. Again, you and yer muckers go off the deep end if you’re (accurately) described as nativists for espousing nativist views, or moonhowlers for parroting conspiracy theorising bullshit, but in return we’re all tractors*(Ed), yoons, MI5 plants, not “real” nationalists or just “cunts” for the verbally challenged. Spare us the pearl clutching. Do and be better.

  425. James Che says:

    Alf Baird,

    It could not possibly be called a voluntary union by any means,

    When the Scottish people were prevented from voting on the subject in 1707,by the old English parliaments decision, ( see :UK government site)

    When a English army was sent up to the Scottish borders to quell the protests of Scot protesting and rioting against joining such a union with England.

    When the Scottish parliamentrarians were chased out of the Scottish parliament by the Scottish people to try stop the union between Scotland and England.

    When all the Scottish shires got together and signed petitions against joining the treaty of the union with England,

    All These are the signs of the treaty of union to being NOT voluntary from the Scots side,

    The treaty was signed under threat and duress with military threat if roughly 50 ex- Scottish parliament members did not continue with signing the treaty of the union,

    How did those that set the Bar For Legal Treaties overlook the threat of military oppression to the Scottish people if they did not sign the 1707 treaty of the union beggars believe.

    Under the same duress to Scotland that 1707 treaty of non-voluntary union has seen both the British parliament breach the treaty they claim is valid,
    And then with the UK parliament coming into being breach those treaty articles once again,

    The Westminster parliament not only breaches the enforced Colonial treaty of 1707 on behalf of the 50 or less Scottish signatures.
    But it has breached its own articles of the new British parliament government as to be being the protector of the original treaty of union,
    when it became the UK parliament Government.
    And when it created a new Colonial second Westminster extension parliament into Scotland,

  426. Republicofscotland says:

    It looks like Truss, the wannabe next Thatcher wasn’t just playing hardball for the Tory membership.

    “LIZ Truss has said “it is fair” that her plans to cut taxes benefit the rich rather than the poor.

    “The frontrunner in the race to become the next prime minister has pledged to “start cutting taxes from day one” with a new Budget and Spending Review that would reverse April’s rise in National Insurance and next year’s corporation tax increase from 19% to 25%.

    Speaking to the BBC on Sunday, she insisted it was “wrong” to look at everything “through the lens of redistribution” and said discussions about improving social equality in recent decades had been “holding our country back”.

    Truss made the staggering remarks while she sat in front of a graph that showed her National Insurance plan would give back a mere £7.66 to the poor while putting almost £2000 into the pockets of the wealthy.”

    link to

  427. twathater says:

    @ Dan I also add my condolences on you and your families loss , I also add my admiration and respect for what would and will be a very trying time for you all , Parenting is never easy, in fact it is extremely difficult and as parents we are ALL only trying to do our best for our future generations , and sorry to say this is where politics HAS to raise it’s ugly head

    ANYONE who has the temerity and audacity to even THINK they can replace the awesome unchallengeable sanctity of MOTHERHOOD by substituting the very essence of it by changing names or titles to CRASS WORDS is a fucking deviant pervert and should be viewed and treated as such , and ANY MOTHER who supports the Scottish Nonce Parties view on this doesn’t DESERVE wearing that title

  428. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Why hasn’t Chris Whitty resigned?

    link to

  429. Dan says:

    And there you go again Andy at 5.10pm, straight in with the grouping modus…
    I am jist an individual, and like you and everyone else we all have oor own views. Challenge individuals by all means, but you get what you dish out to an extent so deal with it. Give up the woeful attempts and calls to get others to fight your own battles.
    And a reminder I stated it was for the bantz before posting what I did so fuck right off with yer stating I used that tack after the fact.

    But off the top of my head do we not broadly agree re:

    The SNP and Greens are not doing all they should priority wise.
    The capturing of the SNP by the woke brigade.
    The trashing of SNP Party’s democratic principles.
    The utter hypocrisy of the code of conduct bollocks for Indy campaigning rolled out by the SNP and AIM.
    Carrot dangling for electoral benefit.
    Both votes SNP is shite.
    The fitting up of Salmond, Murray, Hirst, and others.
    The plebiscite election route.
    Retaining single market access is a good idea.
    Genderwoowoo is pish.
    Tightening up the electoral register to a degree is a “no brainer”.

    That’s quite a lot of stuff there’s a degree of alignment on.

  430. John Main says:

    @Andy Ellis 11:02

    Some considerable time since you used the ‘P’ word, progressive, in one of your posts. My recollection is that you used to use it a lot. I guessed it had fallen out of favour because many of the chickens that were hatched in the nest of progressivism have recently come home to roost, and we are now all knee-deep in the resultant effluent.

    But to deal with the subject matter of your post. Small ‘c’ conservatives are big on personal agency, responsibility and acceptance of consequences. Progressives are usually looking around for somebody else to do the dirty work of implementing their virtue signalling.

    As to the right to end our own lives, there remains a vast gulf between that right, and the right of others to end our lives for us. Because what is being talked about here is the latter, not the former. Simple logic clarifies that anybody taking their own life cares naught for the legality or otherwise of the act.

    Anybody enjoying the same confidence in their “rights” today that they had pre-Covid really has escaped the grasp of reality. Probably there are plenty of Scots who believe that things have gone back to what they were in 2019. They can be accurately described as “people of faith” too.

    Our rights were trashed in 2020. Much of the legislation that enabled that has been retained. This is our new reality.

  431. James che says:

    When the treaty of union is mulled over from all aspects and corners of contention, there appears to be no very little we could do that could cause the Scots to break/ ending the treaty of union.

    For where we wish to go, Westminster has gone before us.
    Slashing and burning and beating to death the treaty of the union in ahead of our advance.

    There is no charge that the Westminster parliament could legally raise against Scotland or its people for us breaking the treaty of the union, we are merely Echos of their footsteps

    For every legal slur pointed in the direction of Scotland would be capable of bringing thrice that down upon themselves under the lightest scrutiny.
    While the very 1707 Treaty in its original content and form was under their protection, not Scotlands.
    There can be no binding treaty left with Scotland , that the Westminster parliament based in England has not torn asunder by alteration, by , by obfuscation or by legislation, by changing Scots law, by imposing English courts of law for overseeing decision making in Scots law, by deceit,

    And by turning a international treaty into a Colonising weapon upon Scotland that stretches beyond its original legal status,

    No, I dare say that Westminster would rather be seen to be openly rigging future Scottish votes through new Westminster legislation to gain the Colonial outcome they wish,
    And that is not only illegal in Scotland, but in most democratic Countries,

    When a British/ Uk parliament wants to keep Scotland under its control, by cheating, by vote controlling, by limiting Scotlands votes to a new count regime change, them Colonialism is not dead in Britain, it is not even sleeping, colonialism is defending itself by roaring at Scotland from Westminster.

  432. John Main says:

    @Dan 6:15

    “The SNP and Greens are not doing all they should”

    Quick fix, Dan.

    The SNP and Greens are not doing anything they should.


  433. Andy Ellis says:

    @Dan 6.15 pm

    That’s quite a lot of stuff there’s a degree of alignment on.

    And yet you’re happy to burn it all for a bit of bantz about what….? My daughter?!

    GTF with that self justificatory pish: it won’t wash with me ya piece of work.

  434. Ruby says:

    link to

    Gender reform is a dog’s breakfast, says policy expert
    Doubts increase over cross-border validity of self-ID certificates

    UK Passport Office may not recognise Scottish GRC

    There have been warnings that allowing “quickie” GRCs in Scotland will attract “legislative tourists”. The Scottish government has stated that only applicants with a Scottish birth register entry or who are “ordinarily resident” will be accepted.

    Sounds as if we could end up with a very high population of trans people.

  435. Ruby says:

    Having a high population of trans people have serious implication for the NHS.

  436. Ruby says:

    Would all these victims of stalking & cunt calling not be better off being anonymous like the Alphabetties.

  437. Dan says:

    No Andy, it seems you’re happy to burn it all due to your ultra thin skin meaning you take/make offense at the merest trigger, and also having a complete lack of a sense of humour. 🙂
    Were ya secretly happy about J. Sadowitz getting hoofed out of the Fringe. Maybe AIM’s code of conduct is actually richt up yer strasse…

  438. Andy Ellis says:

    Would all these victims of stalking & cunt calling not be better off being anonymous like the Alphabetties.

    No, because unlike them we have consciences and are the victims in this scenario.

    But since the snivelling anonymous cowards doing the stalking and cunt calling identify as morally equivalent to the Alphabetties, who am I to disagree? Out of the mouths of babes right enough….

  439. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis says:

    But since the snivelling anonymous cowards doing the stalking and cunt calling identify as morally equivalent to the Alphabetties, who am I to disagree? Out of the mouths of babes right enough…

    What are you going to do about it?

  440. robertkknight says:

    Donalda Truss supposedly plotting to give dead people the vote, as was the case in 1979.

    You couldn’t make this shit up!

  441. Ruby says:

    How did anyone know Andy Ellis had a daughter?

    If he had posted anonymously which most people do nobody would have known he had a daughter.

    It’s a bit naive to think that everyone you come across on the internet will be a decent person.

    I would say in order to protect your children it would be best to be anonymous especially if you are making a lot of enemies.

  442. John Main says:

    Holiday in Scotland – where everybody can use the lady’s loos.

    As I don’t work in tourism, I can’t say if this will bring in the cash-cow tourists or naw.

    A change from the bonny purple heather, shortbread, tartan and bagpipes though.

  443. John Main says:


    Do you seriously believe you can make enemies on the internet?

    Liars, posting shite, at other liars?

    Which part of that last sentence is beyond your comprehension?

    FFS. The Metaverse awaits. Maybes time you flitted and bricked up the door behind you.

  444. Colin the keelie says:

    I believe it is fairly common that where an MP has a large majority some people in that constituency don’t see the point, or feel the need, to make their vote count.

    That’s certainly been the case with people I know.

    So, the idea , suggested by Sturgeon, that it’s total votes across Scotland, not seats won, goes against how general election are generally thought of by the electorate.

    Is Sturgeon also going to insist the Conservatives or Labour have no mandate to govern and lead a rebellion in Scotland unless one of them gains 50% +1 of the popular vote in a general election? Of course not.

    Personally, I 100% back independence but no way I am giving the SNP my vote unless they guarantee they won’t take seats at WM ever again. Of course it’s unlikely they will give such a specific guarantee.

    SNP manifestos are Often vague and imprecise waffle. I don’t see that changing.

    Alba probably won’t have the funds to compete in a G.e., so as things currently appear to me, I don’t see myself voting in a general election any time in the next few years, plebiscite election or no.

  445. sarah says:

    @ Colin the keelie: “Alba probably won’t have funds for a g.e…”

    Never you fear, Colin – Alba has over 7000 members and many supporters. There’s no way they won’t stand in an election.

    Meanwhile you can do something practical to give independence a push – sign! This act of making a difference is cheering up many people this week.

  446. Effigy says:

    Just seen the news about a Scottish referendum requiring 60% pro Indy before it could be considered.

    How about Holyrood proposing that if the Tories don’t win a majority in Scotland they can no longer stand as a party after being rejected for 70 years in a row.

  447. RobRoy says:

    Ian brotherhood @ 5.47

    Thanks for the link to the Whitty article.

    The link within that article to the German study is quite staggering; link to

    The smoking gun for the Germans here is found in the age groups:- during the initial covid outbreak, almost all deaths were amongst the elderly; whereas the later deaths, after vaccination, are across all age groups. It’s hard to argue with that.

    Those tables really spell it out.

    And the tragic saga continues; “Superfit Aberdeen doctor dies after having heart attack while swimming in loch”
    link to

  448. Robert Hughes says:

    Ian B & Rob Roy

    FFS will you just STOP posting these Coincidence Theories !!

    The Schience is schettled doncha know ? Everything we were told by the manufacturers , politicians n health experts was/is the gospel truth . EVERY SINGLE WORD . True AS FUCK . Hyper True .

    How dare you question these paragons of Democratic Accountability

    Er ……

    link to


    link to

    All these Conspiracy Theorising MDs , Ph.Ds etc .

    What’s the world coming to eh ? 🙂

  449. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    4 September, 2022 at 8:23 pm


    Which part of that last sentence is beyond your comprehension?

    Both your posts are way beyond my comprehension. I thought you would have known that.
    Why you keep stalking me is a mystery.
    Have I by any chance made an enemy of you?

  450. Ruby says:

    John Main says:
    4 September, 2022 at 8:18 pm

    Holiday in Scotland – where everybody can use the lady’s loos.

    As I don’t work in tourism, I can’t say if this will bring in the cash-cow tourists or naw.

    A change from the bonny purple heather, shortbread, tartan and bagpipes though.

    I haven’t a clue what he’s on about.

    Kinda weird that he’s fantasising about everybody using the lady’s loos.

    As it stands everyone can use the lady’s loos, the lady’s changing rooms, the lady’s refuge centres, lady’s hospital wards,enter lady’s sport, and Airbnb for lady’s only.

    What is it these guys have got against bonnie purple heather,shortbread, tartan & bagpipes?

    It’s very weird.

    Would they rather see red roses, chelsea buns, union jacks & morris dancing?

  451. Ruby says:

    Airbnb another problem to add to the list

    Airbnb has got to do something about “transgender people”

    I’ve had enough. My girlfriend rents out a bedroom in her apartment and lives there with her 12 year old sister. For obvious reasons it’s women only, which airbnb totally allows since its a shared apartment. Some dude books claiming to be transgender. Girlfriend is immediately uncomfortable but airbnb refuses to cancel. Not only says she will be penalized if she cancels, but airbnb threatens to deactivate her account if she does, citing she cant discriminate against gender identity, and airbnb says guest doesn’t have to provide any documentation, if they say they’re a girl then they’re a girl.

    Well guest shows up, and it’s a full on dude. Like 100%. Didn’t even try. Beard, stache, super buff. Super creepy the entire time to her and her sister. Constantly knocking and waiting outside the shared bathroom. He was basically trolling and getting a kick out of the whole situation. Look I understand that real transgender people have it tough, but for every genuine one there are 10 perv dudes that will claim to be. I’m so sick that airbnb will force women hosts into situations they are not comfortable with just to cater to 0.00001% of the population and pervy dudes. At least require medical documentation if they are gonna enforce this ridiculous rule

  452. Breeks says:

    Effigy says:
    4 September, 2022 at 10:53 pm
    Just seen the news about a Scottish referendum requiring 60% pro Indy before it could be considered.

    How about Holyrood proposing that if the Tories don’t win a majority in Scotland they can no longer stand as a party after being rejected for 70 years in a row.

    Since the Treaty of Union has been repeatedly breached to Scotland’s disadvantage, the whole tone of any referendum could quite legitimately swap emphasis, declare Scotland’s intention to end the Treaty, and set Unionists a 60% share of the vote as their benchmark for saving the Union and averting it’s collapse. Quid pro quo. Why not?

    Such an arrangement would arguably be more defensible than the cheats of the Union fudging the rules to cheat Scotland yet some more.

    Scotland’s problem isn’t Liz Truss. There’s already talk of Boris Johnson coming back from the dead to unseat her. Make no mistake people, Scotland’s fate is in Scotland’s hands.

    Scotland’s problem is Sturgeon, and her ship of fools in the SNP. Her Office as Scotland’s democratically elected First Minister is hugely respected and influential abroad, and it seems very little of Sturgeon’s mendacious duplicity has yet been picked up abroad. (Let me stress ‘yet’).

    I firmly believe Sturgeon’s fortunes are very much on the wane, but she can still do immense damage to Independence with the division and acrimony she has already shown such great willingness to sow. I wouldn’t trust her an inch.

    I increasingly feel the only thing Sturgeon can deliver is calamity, and when Scottish Independence steps up a gear and onto the International stage, Sturgeon the spoiled narcissist feels like a screaming liability. This whole situation is a festering boil which needs to be lanced, and lanced soon, before it escalates into a dangerous systemic sepsis.

    To coin a phrase from the Highlander movie, the “quickening” is just around the corner. It really is. This SNP “problem” MUST be brought to a head and resolved or we will step off divided and at war amongst ourselves. It is time to put our house in order. Sturgeon must go. Murrell must go. Smith must go. Blackford must go. Blackman must go. Robertson must go. Get these dodgy troughing time wasters booted into orbit and replaced with an SNP hierarchy that is SALVO literate, ALBA friendly, and ready to take on the Establishment and actually defeat it.

  453. Ruby says:

    I don’t know much about Airbnb but I suppose there could be a problem for the renter as well as the host.

    ie woman wants to rent ‘women only’ room from a female host.

    Does Airbnb accept that the host is ‘a girl if he says he’s a girl?’

    Woman turns up expecting female host to find a ‘full on dude’.

  454. Ruby says:

    Excellent post.

    Time for the SNP ‘good guys’ to step up to the plate?

    Until they do I will label them ‘dodgy troughing time wasters’

    DTTW’s for short.

  455. robertkknight says:

    If the UK could withdraw from the EU through a straightforward 50%+1 majority referendum, why on earth would Scotland be subjected to any different measure of will to dissolve the Union?

    1979 all over again – the time when the dead were able to vote from beyond the grave. (For those unfamiliar, if your name appeared on the electoral register at the time of it’s updating, but you had shuffled off by the date of the referendum, you were effectively considered to have voted against the establishing of a Scottish Parliament in the 1979 referendum as you were still included in the total electorate, of which 40% had to turn out to vote.

    ‘Yes’ won the referendum, but because some of the inconsiderate dead stayed sleeping and didn’t make their way in a zombie-like state to a polling station, those voting fell short of the 40% turnout required.

    To vote ‘Yes’ involved involved making an effort. To vote ‘No’ required no effort at all – not even the effort required to breath!).

  456. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Breeks –

    Hear hear.

    What SALVO/Alba critics either can’t or won’t accept is the idea that anyone dares turn the whole constitutional argument on its head and force the other side to come up with an explanation/justification.

    The same principle could be applied to the hardy perennials that spring up every time we get close to the crunch debates.

    ‘But what currency will we use?!’ bleat the fearties and doomsayers.

    We use the pound Scottish. If WM doesn’t like it, fair enough – let them come up with an alternative name for the sterling unit if it’s really that big a deal for them.

  457. sarah says:

    @ Breeks: “Set the Unionists a 60% share of the vote as their benchmark to save the Union.”

    Brilliant idea, Breeks. That is unanswerable!

    As for the rest “get rid of Sturgeon, Murrell, etc etc” – of course. But it is so difficult. Are their really no good guys amongst the SNP MSP/MPs brave enough to state the obvious – that the current leadership group is actively preventing independence?

  458. sarah says:

    “there” not “their”.

  459. Ruby says:

    Cold Borchan for Breakfast
    Just had my breakfast a slice of cold brochan (that’s porridge for those who don’t take my Gaelic classes or shop in Aldi)
    drizzled with honey, a handful of sunflower seeds & a dash of evaporated milk.
    Delicious, highly nutritious, cheap & really bloody cheerful.

    I don’t have a brochan drawer (like the Broons) I just put it in the fridge. I made enough yesterday to last me until Friday.

    You can keep your croissant and your petit pain
    I dinnae want nae skinking ware
    Gie me the brochan

    The Broons & their porridge drawer in case you missed it yesterday
    link to

    Enjoy and have a lovely day.

    My crystal ball is telling me exciting things will be happening very soon.

  460. Lothianlad says:

    Breeks post.

    Yes sturgeon can still do damage! It is her mission now that the british state need her compliance. Because she is completely under the control of the british secret service, who can reward or totally finished her at will, she and her cabal will implement their plans to discredit, and divide the yes movement!
    She may not have set out to sabotage independence, but now that she has been turned, her own future depends on bending the knee to those who could destroy her.
    What sickens me to the core, is that all this dictatorship of anti independence proposals from the brit government and media are going completely unchallenged!
    Not one single SNP politician has the backbone to challenge this fully. And I don’t mean posting a tweet on social media. I mean openly challenging it with action.
    It is horrific to think that all this is happening on the SNP Scottish governments watch!

    Only now can the movement take over and reclaim Scotland. A scottish spring to set us free. However even that will be infiltrated.
    Shame on the SNP who chose gravy before freedom!
    Scotlands enemies are the governor General and administrators of the Union!
    We need action, let’s organise!!

  461. sarah says:

    @ Lothianlad: “let’s organise!”

    Have you signed’s Edinburgh Proclamation [the site has a tech problem today apparently]? Salvo and the SSRG are organising us into being a large group to take an appeal to the UN.

  462. Christopher Pike says:

    Ruby says:
    5 September, 2022 at 10:55 am
    Cold Borchan for Breakfast
    Just had my breakfast a slice of cold brochan (that’s porridge for those who don’t take my Gaelic classes or shop in Aldi)
    drizzled with honey, a handful of sunflower seeds & a dash of evaporated milk.
    Delicious, highly nutritious, cheap & really bloody cheerful.


    The nutritional benefits of your porridge is spoiled by adding honey (full of sugar) and evaporated milk (higher in calories compared to fully-skimmed regular milk). Sunflower seeds are also high in calories and very fattening. Just one-fourth of a cup of these seeds contains 200 calories, so consuming more than that increases calorie intake significantly.

  463. Andy Ellis says:

    So….PM Truss, eh…? That ought to be worth a few % for independence surely?

  464. Robert Hughes says:

    Andy Ellis says:
    5 September, 2022 at 1:06 pm

    ” So….PM Truss, eh…? That ought to be worth a few % for independence surely? ”

    ” ought ” being the operative word here A.E ; n wasn’t the same said when Bawface was crowned Prime C**T

    I agree it ought to be , but with the fckn hopeless case we have as * leader * more likely it will just be another opportunity squandered

  465. Ruby says:

    Christopher Pike says:
    5 September, 2022 at 12:49 pm

    The nutritional benefits of your porridge is spoiled by adding honey (full of sugar) and evaporated milk (higher in calories compared to fully-skimmed regular milk). Sunflower seeds are also high in calories and very fattening. Just one-fourth of a cup of these seeds contains 200 calories

    Oh Cristobal! You sound like one of those ‘oh ye cannae dae that
    old bodachs brigade’ that finds fault with everything.

    What would you recommend? That I just cut out breakfast to reduce calories?

    How many sunflower seeds do you think I’m putting on the brochan?
    Did you read that I wrote a dash of evaporated milk?
    Have you read the nutritional benefits of sunflower seeds & manuka honey?

    There are posters on here who are desperate to find fault with posts no matter what your write.
    I bet if someone found a cure for cancer they would find fault with that especially if they considered you one of those they call ‘The Bonnie Purple Heather, Haggis Munching Brigade’

  466. Ruby says:

    Truss for PM

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    Fuck these NO voters & Brexiteers!

    Ach still they’re giving us a good laugh that’s when we are not crying our eyes out.

    So glad I have dual nationality!

  467. Dan says:

    @ Ruby

    FYI it is sometimes possible to cure basal cell skin cancers by applying a simple vitamin C and water solution on affected area for a few days or more, rather than having expensive and sometimes disfiguring surgery.

  468. Ruby says:

    Robert Hughes says:
    5 September, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    ” ought ” being the operative word here A.E ; n wasn’t the same said when Bawface was crowned Prime C**T

    What’s with the **’s? Sacred of the ‘Pearl Clutching cunts?’

  469. Ruby says:

    Dan says:
    5 September, 2022 at 1:33 pm

    @ Ruby

    FYI it is sometimes possible to cure basal cell skin cancers by applying a simple vitamin C and water solution on affected area for a few days or more, rather than having expensive and sometimes disfiguring surgery.

    I didn’t know that but I did know that a dab of essential oil of geranium sorts out a cold sore. It also smells very nice & a couple of drops in your bath helps you relax.

  470. Confused says:

    There are no new ideas in the world of politics, certainly not sexual smears.

    – remember the case of Dominique Strauss Kahn? Larry Romanoff has a long article on him.

    Get the details yourself; but the main thing is – the roof just fell in on this guy, and the attacks kept coming even as the previous ones evaporated. They just kept at him.

    All until he became too “toxic” for public life.

    He was a high up, an insider, but it looks like someone wanted him out of the way.

    One suggestion, which created a “vergence in the Force” was that he thought the IMF could start to, you know, -genuinely- help the poor.

    Or maybe run for french president (Sarkozy was the favoured candidate). Or some crazy scheme “get rid of the dollar as world reserve currency”

    – “touch the money and you die”

    High ups, developing a conscience (Cook, “ethical foreign policy”), going off the reservation, showing independent thought, having principles (Murray thinks torture is wrong), or starting to believe the things they say – the alarm klaxons start going off.

    The parallels to Salmond are glaring – numerous charges with little substance, which falls apart, but the attacks continue and he is declared “toxic”.

    – there is nothing new under the sun. Not in politics.

    Liz Truss acts like someone who was TOLD the answer, but can’t quite remember it. I think her first pronouncement was to – bail out the energy companies, build nuclear power stations and thrash the poor.

  471. Ruby says:

    sarah says:
    5 September, 2022 at 10:51 am

    “there” not “their”.

    Ach you’re OK Sarah. I reckon everyone will have figured out what you meant.

    I never correct my typos. I reckon folk will figure out I meant scared and not sacred.

    Although both could possibly work.

    PS Sarah: Do you know anything about the Golden Spurtle?

  472. Confused says:

    DSK – just reading a bit more, no wonder they wanted to bin him –

    – he wanted to get rid of income tax and replace it with a wealth tax (one of my bugbears is why do we tax the change in wealth but not wealth itself; also, “income tax” was originally a wealth tax anyway – workers earned wages, all of which they needed to live on)

    there’s more –

    he also stated that the nationalisation of infrastructure, land, and even corporate interests, were “indispensable” for “national independence”.

    NB this is not “wolfie smith” saying it, but the head of the IMF

  473. Christopher Pike says:

    Have you read the nutritional benefits of sunflower seeds & manuka honey?


    Indeed, they do have some nutritional benefits. Unfortunately, the unhealthy aspects to these foods more than cancel them out. The same way that mackerel is high in omega 3 and protein but also full of fat, particularly saturated fat – not to mention high in salt. Sometimes ‘health’ foods are not quiet as they appear.

  474. John Main says:

    @Ruby says:5 September, 2022 at 1:26 pm

    “I bet if someone found a cure for cancer they would find fault with that especially if they considered you one of those they call ‘The Bonnie Purple Heather, Haggis Munching Brigade’”

    Plenty of cancers are curable, Ruby, 30 seconds of internet research will educate you on that.

    Congenital idiocy is still beyond help, alas.

  475. Robert Hughes says:

    Ruby says:

    ” What’s with the **’s? Sacred of the ‘Pearl Clutching cunts?’ ”

    Yea Ruby Baby I’m losing my edge maaaan ?

    Na , I try to be a bit sparing with pejorative use of the word for female ( remember them ? ) genitalia . I keep it for deserving cases

    Some cunts are just so ready to be offended these days .

    Spot-on post The Man Who Goes By The Name * Confused *

    Bit isnae really .

    Anything even remotely radical – like basic humanitarian values – will not be tolerated by the Cunts That Be .

    See Ruby . No Pearlclutchophobia aqui hermana 🙂

  476. John Main says:

    @Andy Ellis says:5 September, 2022 at 1:06 pm

    “So….PM Truss, eh…? That ought to be worth a few % for independence surely?”

    Interesting analysis in the Guardian on Saturday. Made it clear that Truss was canvasing for the support of some old farts in the Home Counties.

    She will now about face and canvas for the support of the voters, or get knifed by the rest of the Tory MPs, who have developed quite a taste for that sort of thing.

    So, expect half-reasonable fuel bills this winter.

    How will that affect support for Indy? Given the hysterical OTT doom-mongering that we have been forced to listen to since February, your average Jock might just see Truss as a saviour.

    Interesting times.

  477. StuartM says:

    “it seems very little of Sturgeon’s mendacious duplicity has yet been picked up abroad”

    It seems very little of Sturgeon’s mendacious duplicity has yet been picked up in Scotland! All thanks to the complicit media. You’d think all the shenanigans in the SNP – the rigging of the NEC, the rigging of election candidates, the rigging of National Conference, the murky finances of the party – would be front page news, but it seems not. What do these presstitutes do all day?

  478. StuartM says:

    @Christopher Pike

    The jihad against saturated fat and salt has zero scientific basis. The “saturated fat causes heart disease” scare was all due to one Ancel Keys who got a bee in his bonnet and cherry picked his data to support his thesis – his infamous Seven Countries study where he plotted

  479. Hatuey says:

    Anyone that thinks PM Truss will boost support for independence will need to explain how she is worse than Boris. And then they’ll need to explain how Indy support hasn’t really moved at all, despite Brexit, Boris, and the ongoing collapse of the economy, not to mention the UK’s terrible pandemic response (very easily confirmed with a crude body count).

    It’s almost as if there’s some dead weight holding support for independence down. And there is; it’s name is Nicola Sturgeon. The collapse in SNP membership and her personal approval ratings tell you everything you need to know.

    One of the reasons the UK government and cohorts in the MSM have given Sturgeon an easy ride is because they know she’s distinctly unlikeable. As long as she remains, support for independence will remain suppressed, as many ordinary voters aren’t willing or sophisticated enough to distinguish between her and the cause.

    We are further away from independence than we have been in the last 30 years. The only chance we now have depends on some sort of spontaneous, mass, grassroots movement erupting in response to the economic misery we face. The chances of that happening are also suppressed by Sturgeon’s presence though, given that she’s effectively in partnership with the UK Government and the big businesses that are fleecing us.

    Nobody in all history has done more damage to the independence movement and the prospects of ordinary people in Scotland than Nicola Sturgeon.

  480. James che says:


    We better get organised! Not a bad Idea,

    it goes without saying that what Salvo and the SSRG are doing is excellent work and should be signed up to as first priorty,

    But as “only route” that makes the rest of independence Scotland group tend to wait around, not unlike the wait and see what happens Snp carrot dangling group could be a repeat scenario,
    It has not to be dismissed,
    In fact it has been the best stratargy so far for Scotlands people, and one the Snp could have implemented a long time ago, under NS or AS as a leader.

    When I see the leaders members of the SNP, with nearly a hundred years fighting for Scottish independence and with those years of experience behind them,

    I stop and wonder why none of them have took the legal route rather than the rhetoric route of we are fighting for you Scotland,
    Without serious action even since the the Westminster branch office in Scotland opened.

    Was it not, Margo McDonald that said the SNP had been infiltrated a long time ago, ( see: Margo Symington MacDonald ( Nee Aitkin ) wiki.
    That makes it possibly earlier than NS and the green goblins motley Crew.
    How far back it goes? is a good question.

    But one of the continued regular themes under the devolved Scottish government over the years seems to be a toothless gumming of the edges at Scottish independence, a incompetence followed for roughly 23 years.
    In Recent years with enough members and mandates sitting in Westminster to have made a gigantic impact. The opposite is happening,

    The problem is?
    The devolved government is just a tool, A front, filled to the gunnals with civil servants and people supporting the union, like Alister Jack and Mundell.
    It is a TROJAN HORSE at Scotland’s gate.

    There needs to be more than 1) plan b) from the people them selves,

    Just in case plan B fails the Scots and meanwhile all we have done is ” wait an See” to add to the other 23 years,
    If I remember correctly the reason the Devolved government was introduced to Scotland was to stop Scottish independence,

    The devolved government is not a Scottish government by no Stretch of the imagination when it comes down to its internal workings.

  481. Robert Hughes says:

    ” Nobody in all history has done more damage to the independence movement and the prospects of ordinary people in Scotland than Nicola Sturgeon. ”

    Yes , H . This is demonstrably the case . What is less obvious is that while Scotland has historically never lacked enemies – both outside and inside the country , they have always been OVERTLY hostile . Sturgeon has done and continues to do such insidious damage because she has managed to deceive so many – the majority – of those who support Independence . Leading them on with an endless parade of false promises and the illusion she and only she has the requisite determination and skills to achieve our goal .Clearly, she has neither .Even the desire is doubtful

    She’s aggressively passive .My guess is she’ll jump before she’s pushed . But not before inflicting one more – possibly fatal – blow to the Movement

    I don’t know what ( more ) it will take for people to wake-up to this reality

  482. Mark Boyle says:

    Hatuey says:
    5 September, 2022 at 2:49 pm

    Anyone that thinks PM Truss will boost support for independence will need to explain how she is worse than Boris.

    Two words – Lexie Hill.

  483. James che says:


    They are all one and the same Trojan horse,

  484. Breeks says:

    StuartM says:
    5 September, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    It seems very little of Sturgeon’s mendacious duplicity has yet been picked up in Scotland! All thanks to the complicit media…

    Agreed, but I meant in the context of foreign governments still being persuaded to take benign view of Scotland’s sprint for Independence if our “elected leadership” can’t be bothered to push for it.

    If Scotland’s “Independence Party” in actual Government is lukewarm about Independence, and worse still, ice cold and frosty towards Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty and the Claim of Right, then what is the point in seeking International Recognition from foreign nations when our own lousy and allegedly pro independence “Government” won’t even recognise the Scottish Constitution themselves? You’d laugh if it wasn’t so fkg infuriating.

    Whichever way you cut it, Sturgeon and her loonies have got to go, or at least be de-clawed and nullified, probably discredited as Westminster’s stooges. But clearly, a pro Indy Holyrood which positively backed SALVO and SALVO’s notion of a Congress, would be a powerful power base. Pity that’s not the Holyrood we have with Sturgeon’s Allstars.

  485. James che says:


    Its all most as if there has been a dead weight holding support for independence down,

    It it the puppet NS snp, or does the blame lie with those pulling the strings, both,

    For we are governed in Scotland by two British governments,

  486. Hatuey says:

    Boyle, I have no idea what that means. I did try a Google search but it was inconclusive.

    I like Hughes’ “aggressively passive” description above. It reminds me of a word used in Watership Down — tharn.

  487. Dan says:

    Plenty decent articles being produced on various Indy platforms on the subkect of “Liz Truss’s team mull bill to wreck indyref2 campaign

    There’s all these hypothetical statistical hurdles that Scotland has to meet to be allowed to proceed, but just who polls and collates the data?
    And what voting franchise of “Scots” are being asked to produce the stats?
    The big polling companies will have collected years of data on people and their respective views, so who has oversight that those being polled are actually a true and unbiased representation of Scottish views?

  488. James Che says:

    Polls have the ability of bias, it all depends on who they select to ask, and how the question is asked, Rev Stu has covered that topic quite few times on here,.

    It has got to the stage in Great Britain that preparation to pass legislation to create vote fraud in Scotland is being openly discussed by the british parliament and Msm,

    There are a few way to get around Colonialism, dictatorships and vote rigging.

    You would think if the Snp were Scottish actors they would be doing something about it, not just murmuring.

    Maybe they could point out that the British parliament is not Sovereign,
    Or that Scotland still has a Constitution,
    Or that Westminster agreed to the Scottish Claim of Right, as late as 2018,

    But the Scottish devolved government is still a second British parliament in Scotland and swears an oath to the crown not the Scottish people.

    It is a Trojan horse near the borders of Scotland,
    I will say it until we here in Scotland recognise the problem and the solution to independence.

  489. twathater says:

    @ Sarah 12.31pm I have tried since the launch of Liberation. Salvo to register , it either says username incorrect or something else but will not carry on through to registration
    I previously registered with Salvo but I know that you have to register separately on Liberation , but i’ll keep on trying , I had the same problem with the other declaration site and there was no contact button to query the problem.

    As I repeated numerous times on different blogs surely it would be better and more effective to align all the various declaration sites and go forward collectively under the SALVO BANNER, but it appears just like the yes fraternity that cohesive and collective POWER and strength is wasted through a disjointed and disunited attitude

  490. Ruby says:

    Trans for Independence

    I spotted a protest march earlier heading for Holyrood.

    Most of the placard read ‘Equality for Trans’

    but there were a number of ‘Trans for Independence’ placards not totally certain what that was about. Could be about independence from the wrong body or it could be about Scottish independence.

    Trans for independence (Scottish) good news/bad news?
    They could be the only group to get Sturgeon moving.

    Other than moving out do we want her moving?

    What I find confusing about the ‘Trans for Independence’ is that these guys insist they are women or men so why aren’t they part of ‘Women for Independence’ for example.

    I think AIM had some rule about not referring to a trans person as trans. Kinda weird they are marching the streets declaring themselves to be trans.

    I think it’s great that they want to be a separate group. Lots of problems could be solved if instead of insisting transwoman are woman everyone accepted that transwomen were transwomen.

    How much easier would it be for Nicola Sturgeon if she were asked ‘What is a transwoman?’

  491. StuartM says:

    (sorry accidentally posted prematurely)

    (Continued) ….. saturated fat vs heart disease and wonder of wonders they all lay along a straight line indicating that the more sat fat the more heart disease. Slight problem: he actually had data from 22 countries and if you plot those on the chart the neat linear relationship between fat and heart disease disappears. John Yudkin pointed out that there was a far closer correlation between sugar consumption and heart disease than saturated fat. Keys’s response was to make personal attacks on Yudkin’s professional competence. Keys was a very political operator and got himself on various medical boards from which he worked to promulgate his theory as medical dogma, despite it having no scientific basis.

    Likewise with the demonising of salt. Yes consuming salt will raise your blood pressure but only until you drink some water. The reduction of blood pressure from a low salt diet is about 5 points – trivial. The BP of a handful of people is very sensitive to salt but the majority of us are not. Yet the medical profession applies a one-size-fits-all approach. As a kid I spent 11 months in Edinburgh’s Princess Margaret Rose hospital. Because a few patients had high blood pressure the entire hospital was served tasteless salt-free food, including 6 year old me.

    Salt is sodium chloride NaCl. Sodium is the chief electrolyte in the human body, while you need the chlorine to make hydrochloric acid that enables us to digest our food and absorb vitamin B12. Salt is essential to human life. The recommendation for salt consumption is so absurdly low that virtually nobody actually eats that little.

  492. Ruby says:

    Mark Boyle says:
    5 September, 2022 at 3:13 pm

    Two words – Lexie Hill.

    Lexie Hill?

    “What in the Sam Hill is that?

  493. John Main says:

    @Hatuey says:5 September, 2022 at 2:49 pm

    “not to mention the UK’s terrible pandemic response (very easily confirmed with a crude body count)”

    Why would any rational individual want to assess any country’s pandemic response by counting bodies?

    Once again, 30 seconds on the internet finds European Covid deaths per capita ranked in order (highest first), updated on 19th August 2022:

    link to

    UK is at number 21 in that list. Not too bad, not too great, but certainly not exceptional in either direction.

    What is going on? I thought UK exceptionalism was taboo on here?

    Looks to me like, once again, another attempt to bolster Indy support by lying and hoping some of it might stick.

    I guess it might work on cretins.

    [Anybody really interested should check out that site. Spot the locations of Sweden and Norway, for example. Identify which country has the largest crude body count, to keep Hatuey happy]

  494. sarah says:

    @ twathater re problems signing the Edinburgh Proclamation.

    Sara Salyers said early today that there is a tech issue with She hoped it would be sorted out by this evening. Never mind – also has the Proclamation up for signing.

    NB I have seen that the username you enter must be lowercase AND no spaces.

    I hope this helps! Every signature will be needed.

  495. Ruby says:

    link to

    Healthy Wartime Nation

    “Wartime rationing helped the British get healthier than they had ever been”

    I wonder if Brexit & the cost of living crisis will do the same as rationing & shortages did for the health of the nation during the war?

    I had to check out Dr Carrot & Potato Pete. Here they are: 🙂

    link to

    I’m not impressed with Potato Pete’s potato scones. (they are supposed be flat Pete not something you put jam & cream on) I’m saying nowt about Dr. Carrot’s lolly for kids.

    I know I’ll put grated carrots in my brochan. Might be handy to be able to see in the dark when we have power cuts during the upcoming ‘Winter of discontent’

    I don’t think I fancy a frozen carrot on a stick.

    Somebody just told me you don’t get loads of free porridge in jail anymore. 🙁
    (I should have googled! New winter survival plan needed.)

    Now you get Crunch Nut Cornflakes which you have to prepare yourself.

    Time to change the phrase ‘Doing porridge’ to ‘Doing yer Crunchy Nut’

    I’ve fact checked everything in Google so there should be no complains from John Main aka Dr Pita Chipolata

  496. sarah says:

    @ twathater “better to combine all the various declaration sites”.

    Yeah I emailed salvo. scot to suggest they nudge their signatories to the Proclamation list. I’ll email Alba party to do the same to their members – over 7000 Alba members would help no end.

    Of course, the 100,000 SNP members would be even better – I know some have signed. After all the salvo campaign is an added source of pressure on the UK government and complements the SNP pressure.

  497. Dan says:

    Re. Being beholden to private polling company stats to find out what folk think. Why not just have an actual vote and get the real picture of folks’ views.

    SNP said they would be Stronger for Scotland in their campaign material. And also that Scotland’s future would be in Scotland’s hands.
    Time to step up to the plate SNP elected representatives, or you’re Wronger for Scotland by allowing external control of our future.

  498. Dan says:

    @ Ruby

    City life and lack of foraging opportunities in Auld Reekie sounds harsh and restrictive on the diet.
    Just tucking in to my crayfish and chanterelle mushroom gumbo! 🙂

  499. John Main says:

    @Ruby says:5 September, 2022 at 7:04 pm

    “I don’t think I fancy a frozen carrot on a stick”

    Glad to hear it, Ruby. There is still hope.

    Still, with the passing of the years, you will inevitably have to lower your aspirations.

    Best you remember your plan, just in case. If you find an attractive carrot, put it in your freezer.

    Future Ruby might be grateful for the attention!

  500. Mark Boyle says:

    Hatuey says:
    5 September, 2022 at 4:10 pm

    Boyle, I have no idea what that means. I did try a Google search but it was inconclusive.

    Lexie Hill was the schoolkid (best described as a speedball binging Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood crossbreed) who made such a complete arse of Liz Truss on the first Question Time of the Brexit referendum campaign that it was a portend of what a gift she was going to Leave at every juncture – and that the Remain camp was far too complacent by half.
    Immigration have come up (of course), and Truss had promised tougher immigration measures would be put in place and that raising the minimum wage would act as a deterrent to employers from favouring cheaper immigrant labour.

    An exasperated Hill replied that was hardly going to be a deterrent when British employers already paid ten times the minimum rates in Eastern Europe and it was ludicrous that unskilled EU labour continued to simply walk in as it pleased whilst a qualified doctor from the Indian subcontinent had to jump through hoops to come and work in the UK.

    Truss just sat there like an idiot, face like thunder, and didn’t even attempt a reply. It encapsulated what has always been Truss’ weakness – her ability to argue a case. That the result for her election as leader proved to be far closer than the predicted 4 to 1 margin she was getting at the start shows she’s learned zero extra people skills these last six years.

    She’s good for a safe seat or a hostile audience where she doesn’t have to try hard as the matter’s a foregone conclusion. But if she’s asked to argue the case for anything where it’s a knife edge, she collapses like a house of cards.

    She’s atypical Liberal Democrat fodder – nice but dim – and her careerist ship-jump and being everyone’s pal all the way up the greasy poll may make her more acceptable than Tinfoil Theresa, the school snitch who betrayed every friend she ever had, but the notion of Truss as PM at a very shaky time in British history is one doomed from the off to go down in later years as one of the classic “what were they thinking?” moments.


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