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Wings Over Scotland

The unwritten rules

Posted on October 18, 2023 by

The average prison term for rape in Scotland is just under seven years. So we really don’t want to think about what Andrew “Amy George” Miller did to the poor young girl he abducted to get 20. (Indeed, strictly speaking 28.)

Miller wasn’t charged with rape, the 11-year-old was described as “safe and well” when the police found her and she was missing for just over one day. Miller also entered a guilty plea. So our blood runs cold at the thought of what must have happened in those 27 hours to nevertheless attract such a huge sentence, and we hope never to know.

But there are some things we DO want explained.

Because Andrew Miller was not “dressed as” a woman when he assaulted her. He was, according to the Scottish Government, “living as” one. He was a “trans woman”, and the Scottish Government’s clearly-stated position is that transwomen are women.

It has further insisted that there’s no evidence of any predatory and abusive men ever “pretending” to be anything else in order to facilitate their crimes.

Remarkably, the catastrophically stupid Shona Robison – who to the nation’s undying shame is the Deputy First Minister of Scotland – stood by those words even AFTER the case of Miller came to light, despite knowing that it was precisely pretending to be something he wasn’t – a woman – that enabled him to abduct and abuse the child.

So Andrew Miller indisputably meets the Scottish Government’s criteria for being a woman. He had been living publicly in the community as “Amy Miller” or “Amy George” for years, and had a Facebook account in that name dating back to at least 2010.

(We’ve used a 2017 post there because it includes someone replying to him as “Amy”, clearly showing that it’s not an old account that was just recently renamed, but he was using the same pic in 2010.)

He has a much stronger claim to “female” status than Adam “Isla Bryson” Graham, who had shown no indications of being “transgender” prior to his court appearance for rape. Yet Graham was on his way to Cornton Vale women’s prison, in accordance with Scottish Government and Scottish Prison Service policy, until a public outcry saw the decision reversed, and both the BBC and a string of Scottish Government ministers bent over backwards to avoid using male pronouns for him.

(Although the BBC gives the game away by calling him “she” in the very last line.)

The justice secretary Keith Brown, however, was more than happy to confirm earlier this year that in the Scottish Government’s eyes, Graham and others like him were indeed women regardless of where they were imprisoned.

And Nicola Sturgeon, who called Graham “her” during a press conference, has insisted she has no regrets about any of it.

The only clue as to why Andrew Miller is being treated differently can be found in the BBC’s report on his sentencing today. (Since he’s been presenting as a woman for at least 13 years, we’re not sure how long this “process of transitioning” is meant to take, and the Scottish Government’s pointed non-definition is of no help.)

So it would appear that the definition of biological reality has been placed by both the Scottish Government and the British state broadcaster directly into the hands of rapists and paedophiles. Whatever rapists and paedophiles say, apparently we just have to take their word for it, even if it changes from moment to moment. Whatever they say at any given point becomes the truth.

(Which raises the question of why we don’t also just take their word for it if they say they’re innocent, as Graham did.)

That, it should be remembered, is precisely the position the Scottish Government is currently going to court against the UK government to uphold – the right of people like Adam Graham and Andrew Miller to declare themselves female and be legally treated as such on their own say-so, with no gatekeeping or safeguarding whatsoever.

If rapists and paedophiles are the new de facto arbiters of the law – and in fairness there’s a very considerable preponderance of evidence that that is indeed the case in Scotland – it would certainly explain a great deal about Scottish Government policy in recent years, particularly since the Bute House Agreement.

(Although it’s perhaps worth noting that while Miller may have wished to be addressed with male pronouns “for simplicity”, he still identifies as actually being a woman. He described his treatment of his victim as “motherly”. So the BBC’s use of “man” in their headline would seem to be misplaced according to their own rules, and according to Keith Brown he could still be eligible to serve his sentence in a women’s jail.)

But if that’s the independent country we’re supposed to be fighting for, we must profess to a quite significant degree of relief that under the current SNP there’s absolutely no prospect of it ever happening.

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Ian McCubbin

All the reasons given here are again why we must get behind Alba for independence and sense about gender as well as the key matters for an independent country, of currency, foreign policy, trade , allies energy production taxation and protection of resources.


Everyone is scared to say it, So I will
If it has a penis and testicles it’s a man.
If it has a vagina, A Cervix, and Ovaries, It’s a woman.
Simple really….


Ian McCubbin

See my last post on the previous thread re Alba & gender.

Don’t rush. I only posted it 10 minutes ago.

Anton Decadent

Ewa Justka, an electronica musician, spoke out in support of gender critical women and in response The Old Hairdressers bar in Glasgow cancelled her gig there and the bar Stereo refused to even serve her saying that her presence made other customers feel unsafe.


I suppose we should be grateful that he is over 25 or he would have just got a slap on the wrist, and perhaps community service.


Also, I’m feeling sorry for all the women called Amy George or Amy Miller.

Lorna Campbell

You do not mince your words, Rev, and I, for one, am very, very glad that you don’t. The authorities are so reluctant to admit that many – all? – of these ‘trans’ identified men are a danger to females because they are not “puir wee sowels who were born in the wrong body” but sexual deviants of all kinds, shapes and sizes and the bloody governments all know that they are.

About the laws, yes. Have been saying this for ages now: they will work to overturn every proscriptive, prohibitive law in the land that protects us because they stand in the way of the implementation of Queer Theory, whose end result can only be unlimited and unrestrained access to females and children – oh, and animals, as some also have a penchant for raping dogs, and any other poor animals that fall into their orbit. Recent cases ion England can easily be referenced. The authorities all know these facts. They know them.

Governments do not cave in to many ideologies, but this one: a complete surrender. The question is, why? Well, the main part is because the ‘trans’ lobby is backed by really serious money in the global, corporatist sphere. Really serious money which aims to recoup 1000 times its investment in Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bio-tech, Bio-prosthetics, etc. Remember, too, that this stuff is coming from the post modernist hard left – which is normally the enemy of the centre and the right, but money speaks, loud and clear, an d the money is coming from the far right. The Lib Dems received a massive injection of capital into party funds, by a pharmaceutical company that makes puberty blockers so that accounts for their stance, at least, partly. Other parties, we do not know where their finance comes from – yet.

The other major strand that seems likely is that of ‘kindred spirit’, either through misguided fellow feeling about a “vulnerable minority” (anything but) or through an equal penchant for deviancy. In other words, the great and the good turn a wilful blind eye to the kind of behaviours they indulge in themselves out of sight, and that would include politicians and some members of the chief public services.

Quite why so many idiotic females indulge these behaviours that target them and children who cannot consent is not so easily explained because females simply do not experience the same sexual stimuli, and nor are they influenced by porn to the same extent either, but psychologists have discovered through long years of study that females are, because of their socialization, much more prone to ‘be kind’ demands and to social contagion. Every social contagion known to have existed has been ‘female friendly’. It explains a great deal, and it also explains why they were targeted by the ‘trans’ lobby. However, hope is over the horizon as it appears that 14/15 year old girls are beginning to repulse this madness even if they are still scared to do so openly.

The ‘trans’ sexual criminal fraternity is far larger than the average for male sexual criminals and this is yet another statistic that governments, judiciary and police are trying to hide by referring to these men, in collusion with the media, as ‘women’, destroying statistics as a predicator of social standards, of crimes, etc., and rendering them null and void – quite deliberately. These deviant men would be nowhere without the aid of politicians who know what they are doing and who enable them, and without the money men behind them. The misogyny bill is soon to be brought before Holyrood, and the SG intends that ‘trans’ identified men should be included within it. We need to ensure that this does not happen. It is either to cover women and girls or it is not. They are not getting away with it this time.


Whole country is in turmoil for a few points on the Stonewall league table. The depth of this “charities” infiltration into government at all levels is staggering. Be afraid.


You can’t really blame the SNP for all this confusion.
Most of it comes from the GRA 2004 which every other political party supports including Alba.

I have all the same question about the GRA 2004 as I do about the GRRB.

What does it mean to live as a woman, dress as a woman, have a woman’s name?

What about the ‘Boy called Sue’?

or the girl called Lesley whose parents got the spelling wrong or all the boys/girls with gender neutral names

Is Isla a woman’s name and only a man’s name if it’s spelled Islay.
As far as I know there is no rule.

link to

All I can say about all this stuff is that it is completely insane and it all started when the UK Government decided that yes ‘a woman can have a cock’

Is there any difference between the GRRB’s self id the the GRA’s requirement for men to self id as women for a period of however long they like before applying for a GRC?

Has Eddie Izzard India Willoughby & Robin Whatshisname not effectively just self-ided as women.

I know I know I just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over again. That’s not going to change until I accept the fact that transwomen are women and that my friends isn’t going to be any time soon.

Posie Parker can you please help set up a branch in Scotland to help us get rid of all this insanity. Thank you very much.

John Thomson

They truely have no shame, you’ve got to ask the question “if a transwoman had raped their daughter, granddaughter would they still maintain their stupidity” I think not

Dorothy Devine

Anton , what kind of total cretins cancel someone for being biologically correct.

I am so angry about this utter ordure.

Mark Beggan

Sturgeon is a cock without the woman. What a little freak bastard she is. What a disgrace to women everywhere. A female failure. The paedos friend! This little imp from Ayrshire and her Disciples freakshow have taken Scotland into Sturgeons World of Sex pests and scum.

What the Fuck gave birth to Keith Brown. Now there is the Prick of the Century. Standing like a hardon with clapping hands. Smiling like an inbred who’s just found his cousin.

Alex Sneddon

The BBC – the institution that wont call Hamas terrorists but will call a male rapist ‘she’ no problem.


Humzas Hate Bill could have meant misgendering is a crime worth punishment.

Well, if that is the case, the BBC is guilty of a HC.

Make no mistake, misgendering as a crime is in the bin.
No one can charge anyone with this under the circumstances.

Shona Robison, Sturgeon, Harvey, Chapman, Yousaf and every fucker who voted for GRR, this is on you.

John C

There’s the problem with Self-ID. It’s a policy based purely on what people say they are rather than what they actually are. It’s built on a lie and nothing built on a lie should become law, or in this case, even a legal fiction. If anyone can wake up saying ‘I’m a woman today, I want access to female spaces’ then we end up with cases like this.

And this won’t be the last such case either. The more people, especially children, are taught that men can be women if they saw so and wear women’s clothes, the more likely it is for predators to take advantage of this and they clearly are judging by the conviction rates of trans-identified males.

People proposing self-ID know this is a risk, even if they say it isn’t a possibility. They’re lying and they know the risks but women and children are thrown to the wolves in order to encourage the paraphillas of men.

Stuart MacKay

And just when you thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse…

Your Fantasy, On Demand: How AI Porn Is Reshaping a Taboo Industry, link to

Sooner or later society is going to have to face the fact that you can fill up a human head with pretty much anything you care to choose.

Suffer little children, for they will, indeed.


@ Dorothy Devine

“Dorothy Devine says:
18 October, 2023 at 1:10 pm
Anton , what kind of total cretins cancel someone for being biologically correct.”

Jo Phoenix Employment Tribunal case being held now. You may read about it live @ Tribunal Tweets. That is on Twitter /X or Tribunal Tweets thread reader.

Eye opener.

link to

Mark Beggan

I take it Peter Murrell is still hiding under in his Barbie Double Duvet set.


There is quite a bit of evidence now that the SNP has been implementing policies deliberately designed to fail or look stupid. One only has to consider:

Case against Salmond and the vietnam group
Education and Pisa figures
Failing to role out super fast broadband as promised
Drug deaths
Infyref2 times 20
Turning a party of 120k into a party of 30k
Growth commission paper
Use sterling
Gender recognition
Approved person
£600k missing
No support for the wider movement
Jailed Craig Murray
Both votes SNP
Hate speech to shut down those that criticised her
Supreme court case designed to fail
Bottle return
Defacto ref where Westminster control all the strings
A9 dualling
No movement in the polls in 6 years
Recent polling crash
National energy company
Letting London take the stone of destiny back without a word
Failure to disrupt westminster
Giving away the Berwick bank for a song
Supporting Freeport’s without comment about workers rights
National investment bank
National census failure
Police crime and protest act banning protests they don’t like
Juryless trials

The more I think the longer it gets.
I can’t believe this is all a coincidence or chance. Everything they touch is a mess. I must the therefore assume one of the following:

They are extremely stupid and unfit for government
They have been compromised and are being directed

The question is which ines are working for the security services of the UK committee set up by Boris.

Feel free to nominate


The only way to stop any of this is

1. No Sex Changes
2. Make ‘Woman Face’ illegal.

None of this is anywhere close to happening. Not when men are being voted ‘Women of the Year’ and all the rest of the insanity including the GRA 2004 and the ‘living as a woman’ scam.

David Hannah

Listening to Sturgeon refer to Isla Bryson as she is despicable. What an absolute joke of a woman she is.

Sturgeon deserves the cells. For the destruction of women’s rights and the failed conspiracy to imprison Alex Salmond. We all know she was the ring leader.

She was dressed in funeral black yesterday. Mourning the loss of the SNP.

Scotland doesn’t deserve to see her dour face for one day longer. Lock her up With Amy George.

Andrew F

This just reminded me of something I noticed yesterday here in Queensland, Australia.

I haven’t had to appear in the Supreme Court in person for a while. I was there yesterday. When you arrive in the court room you complete an “appearance slip” which is a blank form with lots of boxes and places to put in the names of the parties, the file number, the names and roles of the legal representatives along with the standard box for “Mr/Mrs/Ms/____” etc.

The form was larger than last time I was there and I noticed they now have a new entry: “Preferred Pronouns: she/her, he/him/they/them/(other)_____/_____”.

I was stumped for a moment just to see it there on the slip, but I was too preoccupied with the case I was about to argue to give it more thought.

Even if I’d thought of a zinger pronoun choice I probably wouldn’t have put it in just in case the judge didn’t see the funny side.

I left it blank anyway – pronoun me however you like, I don’t give a stuff.

Another weird new feature on the form was: “Preferred pronunciation: _________ “. This is presumably where, after having just written your name as ‘Mr G Smith’, you are supposed to tell them, in writing, how you want ‘Smith’ pronounced.

I did pause on that one just because it was tempting to write something like: ‘psyxckjuinlonpy’ to see if anyone reads these things and then to respond to the inevitable question by saying: “It’s pronounced ‘Smith’ your honour”.

Good news was nobody was paying any attention to it all as far as I could tell.


Confucius (for pols) say-
If you are proved wrong, double down.
If your double down doesn’t work, repeat. until the next election.
If your quadruple down does’t work, repeat, until retirement.
Success !

Don’t worry there is no punishment. – the voters have been programmed to let you go free.

David Hannah

Get the greens out of Government.

Get gender ideology out our schools. Teachers that continue to teach this science denying bollocks should face criminal charges.

I despise the trans lobby for what they’ve done to the country.

David Hannah

I hope for vigilante justice in Nicola Sturgeon’s soft touch prison. The transexual child snatcher. Some mothers so have em eh?

This country is on its knees. It upsets me so much.


John C says:
18 October, 2023 at 1:46 pm

There’s the problem with Self-ID. It’s a policy based purely on what people say they are rather than what they actually are. It’s built on a lie and nothing built on a lie should become law, or in this case, even a legal fiction. If anyone can wake up saying ‘I’m a woman today, I want access to female spaces’ then we end up with cases like this.

What do you think about the UK Gov’s GRA 2004?

That allows for men to wake up and say ‘I’m a woman today, I want access to female spaces’ does it not?

It seems that aspect of the UK Gov’s GRA 2004 has gone unnoticed and everyone is fooled into thinking the Tories are 100% behind protecting women’s rights.

David Hannah

It’s time to bring in special branch to Scotland.

The SNPs police force is under the thumb. The statsi police force should be dismantled.

Vigilante justice is coming in Scotland.

David Hannah

Remember the name Marion Millar. And all the feminist activists the SNP went after.

That Joanna Cherry had to defend?

Remember the women abused at the fringe by the sexual deviant transsexual bartender?

Each to a man, these transgenders are sexual freak shows.

And Nicola Sturgeon was the Queen of paedos.

Mark Beggan

In the 1980’s the Tories were kicked out Scotland.
Reason: Westminster.

In 2015 Labour was kicked out of Scotland.
Reason: Westminster.

In 2026 The SNP will be kicked out of Scotland.
Reason: Well well well oh well.



If you are proved wrong – double down.
If your ‘double down’ is mocked – double down until the next election.
If your ‘quadruple down’ is a failure – double down till retirement.


Don’t fret, there will be no punishment for your lies.
The voters have been distracted.


In the report to judge he said “he wanted to limit the impact his behaviour has on the wider trans community” the fekker cared more about other tims being affected than the horrors he inflicted on an innocent child.

Ian Brotherhood

The world is on the brink of war and the Scottish government can’t bring itself to condemn the UK/US/Israel/Japan govts for vetoing UN ceasefire resolutions.

But it’s still trying to defend this nonsense?

Get this gaslighting shite and everyone who tries to promote it or excuse it in the bin where it belongs.

Then, if we can’t get some serious adults into government, shut the fucking thing down – right now it’s doing more harm than good.

John C

What does it mean to live as a woman, dress as a woman, have a woman’s name?

Who knows? I’ve asked Trans activists what that means and it always ends up in a circular argument because the question at the heart of this (What is a woman?) often ends up with the answer being ‘anyone who feels like a woman’.

If you can’t define women, define the sexes via biology & science and use a circular definition based upon outdated stereotypes and just men wearing female clothes, then we shouldn’t be making laws or accepting this socially.

Your old school transexuals knew they were male. Same with most old school transvestites. Trans identified men think by wearing a skirt it literally makes them female. It’s insane but we’re on the verge of this being law.

Ian Brotherhood

Sorry, my 3.01 should’ve named France rather than Israel.


@David Hannah
Bringing in. the Special Branch to solve Scotland’s political problems.

Can I suggest the Spanish Inquisition as a totally impartial alternative!


“So our blood runs cold at the thought of what must have happened in those 27 hours to nevertheless attract such a huge sentence, and we hope never to know.”

I was with you until this point. Leaving aside the gender stuff, there was no rape and as you say the initial reports were that the girl was unharmed. (Initial reports can be totally wrong though and the press typically does not retract errors…)

“Inappropriate touching”: AFAIK we have no detail as to what that means. Did he hug her? Did he stroke her hair? Those could be termed sexual assualts. Just ask Salmond.

He showed her porno videos. That’s bad. Is it on a par with rape?

What can possibly justify a huge sentence with no detailed explanation, when as we know even rapists and murderers get lighter sentences?

The guy also “cooperated” by agreeing to be referred to as male despite clearly have been presenting himself as female for years. And as you mention, he pleaded guilty.

A very disturbing sentence. I would hope you and others would be more critical.

But I imagine that if the guy turns out to be a prison suicide the mob will be happy.

How is this huge sentence and destruction of a life going to make the young girl feel as she goes through her life?


If this piece of excrement wants to be a woman, then a public date between HIS Penis, a chopping block and machete seems appropriate. Or a cleaver, not bothered really. As for the confused and clueless politicians, well a seat in the front row might help. Our country needs to be independent for sure, independent of them and their like. Last word on the now penis-less rapist, sorry mate you’re a rapist, you’re certainly not a man and never a woman. Back in your cell.


John C says:
Trans identified men think by wearing a skirt it literally makes them female. It’s insane but we’re on the verge of this being law.

Is it not already law?

Does the UK Gov’s GRA 2004 not make it so?


Ian Brotherhood says:
18 October, 2023 at 3:01 pm

But it’s still trying to defend this nonsense?

This is not nonsense Iain at least not to me it isn’t.


barelybare says:
18 October, 2023 at 3:21 pm
“So our blood runs cold at the thought of what must have happened in those 27 hours to nevertheless attract such a huge sentence, and we hope never to know.”

I was with you until this point. Leaving aside the gender stuff, there was no rape and as you say the initial reports were that the girl was unharmed. (Initial reports can be totally wrong though and the press typically does not retract errors…)

“Inappropriate touching”: AFAIK we have no detail as to what that means. Did he hug her? Did he stroke her hair? Those could be termed sexual assualts. Just ask Salmond.

He showed her porno videos. That’s bad. Is it on a par with rape?

What can possibly justify a huge sentence with no detailed explanation, when as we know even rapists and murderers get lighter sentences?

The guy also “cooperated” by agreeing to be referred to as male despite clearly have been presenting himself as female for years. And as you mention, he pleaded guilty.

A very disturbing sentence. I would hope you and others would be more critical.

But I imagine that if the guy turns out to be a prison suicide the mob will be happy.

If he wanted sympathy, he shouldn’t have molested that wee lassie.

If he dies, he dies.

Mark Beggan

WARNING! parents!

If you have sent your child to Glasgow University then be warned.

They will take your money certainly! They will take all of your money, However, Your child will return a Cretin!! Boy or girl, makes no difference.

If you do not believe me just take a look at the Scottish Government!

They all went to Glasgow University! They even let in Mhairi Black FFS!

You have been warned!

Your child is at risk of Cretinitis.
A concerned citizen.


Passing sentence, judge Lord Arthurson told Miller the narrative was “frankly nauseating in terms of its depravity and criminal sexual deviancy”.

He added: “The abduction of young children from the streets of our cities, towns and villages for the purpose of their sexual torment over a prolonged period by a captor is mercifully rare in this jurisdiction.

“It is a uniquely appalling crime striking, as it does, at the heart of family life and, indeed, the very fabric of our society.”

He described Miller’s offences as “brazen and chilling” and said his intentions were “wicked and predatory”.

Lord Arthurson continued: “The suffering of your victim and her family at your hands has been incalculable and life-changing.

“The trauma further inflicted by you upon her local community and the wider public is also immeasurable.”

I was amazed to learn that
Miller was a father of three.

He claimed it was all just a game.

Michael Laing

@ barelybare at 3.21pm:

“How is this huge sentence and destruction of a life going to make the young girl feel as she goes through her life?”

Safe, I would hope.

I doubt if you’re going to find much sympathy for the view that sexual perverts and abusers of children should be treated more leniently by the law.

London Scott

‘Amy’ has a real talnt for photo shopping.


Lord Arthurson sentenced Miller to 28 years: 20 years is custodial & eight years is supervision upon release.

The judge’s Sentencing Statement is available to read at –

link to

Be warned – it’s strong stuff in places.

London Scott

‘Amy’ has a real talent for photo shopping.

Cath Ferguson

I’ve read part of the reason he wanted to be identified as male was ‘to avoid wider damage to the trans community’. As I don’t believe for a second he cares about genuine transsexuals, I can only read that as he has a circle of similarly minded pals, who’re probably also getting away with horrific sex crimes against children, as I imagine he’s been getting away with it until this last case, where the girl managed to call for help. I have a horrible feeling there are other victims that may not have escaped this utter cunt of a man.


barelybare says:
18 October, 2023 at 3:21 pm

“Inappropriate touching”: AFAIK we have no detail as to what that means. Did he hug her? Did he stroke her hair? Those could be termed sexual assaults. Just ask Salmond.

We don’t know what sexual assault means anymore we don’t even know what rape means.

Obviously we couldn’t serve on a jury hence the reason why they want juryless trials.

Sorry maybe I should have said I don’t instead of we but if you know you could perhaps enlighten me.

Michael Laing

@ Ruby at 2:41 pm:

“The only way to stop any of this is

1. No Sex Changes
2. Make ‘Woman Face’ illegal.

None of this is anywhere close to happening. Not when men are being voted ‘Women of the Year’ and all the rest of the insanity including the GRA 2004 and the ‘living as a woman’ scam.”

Keep stating your case, Ruby. People are evidently waking up to the reality of what’s going on and becoming less fearful of the mob in stating their opposition to it. It only takes a few to start the ball rolling.

James Che

Thats the Country we have got because we are not fignting hard enough for independence.

When it comes to law we are under crown laws that caused this problem,

I suspect the result under Scots and parents laws the likes of all this would all have a big foot print in their behinds on the way out of Scotland,

Here is the Cheat,

Who legislates for Scotland?
Behind the snences.

Uk parliament,


You’ve probably raised this before but the present law in the Sexual Offences Act 2009- states quite clearly that rape – is the intentional penetration of a persons vagina, anus or mouth by a PENIS.
So I think the main difficulty that Sturgeon had in the You Tibe clip you’ve posted is not the fact that she refers to “Isla” as “ her” but that she claims to be trying to deal with the matter “ rationally”
Which is an adverb referring to the application of logic or reason.
Logic and reason are founded on facts.
So she tried and probably Yousaf will follow in applying the mantra that firstly, “ I can’t comment on a live case”- ie the present Miller case – but that hasn’t stopped him declaring publicly that Sturgeon is “ innocent of any wrongdoing “
Then,when sentencing is complete the “ rational” argument will be trotted out- which no doubt we’ve all worked out is nothing of the sort – it simply seeks to shut down the issue – presumably on the basis that they’re applying some kind of higher thinking we can’t comprehend so what’s the point explaining.
It really isn’t hyperbole to suggest that it’s Orwellian – if I say black is white – it’s black.
It’s madness & why Yousaf hasn’t ditched this makes me wonder how gormless as a politician he really is.
Farqurharson in the Times has lauded him for stating “ Your grief is my grief”- fuck me what a trite cliche for any politician to trot out – notwithstanding his in laws.
It’s amazing what our main stream media sees as important in a politician.

Anton Decadent

Another sacred cow of progressives is immigration and that is why we have paedophiles in Scotland who we are not allowed to know the identity of because they are asylum seekers or people who have been granted citizenship, see Operation Cerrar.

Here is a case of women being thrown under the bus in Poland because they went against a narrative that must not be questioned. Because it is Wiki it plays down the cancellation these women went through, it also does not mention that this guy was, as far as I remember, feted by the UN and the EU. What is also not mentioned here is that he was celebrating in his work deliberately giving HIV to white women.

link to


I actually can’t (decently) communicate my impotent anger regarding this heinous, vile fk; nor can I sensibly critique my nuclear thoughts on the Sturgeonista… I will say, the Greens can’t actually be blamed for the Scottish Nonce Party’s descent into its self-contained, mist-ifying irrelevance.

BTW , blaming Youssef for the present shte SNP is equivalent to blaming Dan Quayle for ‘W’. I love Salmond (I really do) but he fking fkd up leaving his efficient party in the hands of the Murrel closeteers!

Stu – I make a suggestion : go, become the leader of Alba: Salmond is past; the SNP is defunct – none of us have any hope for the future but if you lead, we’ll back you (you’ll get the site-donations again, like pre-indyref1). Yes, difficult at first, of course-of course, but it’s absolutely do-able and we want you.

Otherwise, indy is fkd. Salmond will help (he wants indy more than life itself – you are the only hope indy has and he’ll back you) – it’s you or indy is dead, and you know it, and don’t think the Brits don’t know it too.

Stop fking about and get it done – we need your uncompromising, smart, honest voice – you’ve thought it, now do it – we don’t have to agree 100% of the time – that, is an impossibility.

BTW – we love you too. IF you don’t grasp this ‘thistle’ then there is no indy.

Voters respond to 3 things : a) unity of message; b) confidence of policy enaction/delivery and c) political ‘success’. You know this, you can deliver.


James Che

How knowledgable is Scottland?

On The following subjects.

Has Scotland the “right to self determination*” in the legislation of Britain.
Well it is zero.

Is The Scottish “claim of Right being*” part of Britains legislation and constitution.
It is also Zero.

And Did Scotland transfer its governance and legislation to The British parliament in 1707 rather than being in a parliamentary Union under Article 111* of the treaty of union?
True, if you believe the Westminster parliament of Britain.

James Che

The unwritten rules of Britain omitted and not mentioned in Scotland to Scots.

Agent x

There are more details here that I won’t repeat:
link to

David Hannah

Glasgow Uni has been captured. They all put on that false homogenised accent as soon as they arrive.

I bet the flat of Israel is flying at full mast.

David Hannah

Michael Scanlan, Glasgow Uni lecturer.

Fancy a curry?

What happened to him. Does anyone know. Has been promoted in the John Smith Masonic lodge of liberal future murderers?


Thankyou AgentX.
Sigh…. knowing more details I would now say, lock him up.


There’s nothing wrong about sentencing somebody for 20 years for kidnapping a primary school kid who was in fear of her life even before anything else is taken into account, in my opinion.


Barelybear – what he did to that lassie is out in the public domain. I’ve just read it on twitter. It’s horrific. He deserves to rot and never see the outside world.


The first time I heard of bizarre trannyism was in the Bob Monkhouse memoir ‘ Crying with laughter’.
Subsequently, he exposed ‘The Golden oShot’ and was involved in outing the lottery draw as a fix.
Interesting guy.

Obviously Bowie, glam rock etc. preceded but weren’t taken seriously; As weren’t the hippies before them.

Then there was Dana International, then Conchita Wurst, then
Tucker Carls@n seems to back up the ‘Obama’s Are gay‘ theme (12 years late)

I’ve got to wonder at the portrayal of Nikla as a schoolboy, by PrivateEye.


I did ask Shona Robison using the ForWomenScot email form which I added to wearing my Bioscientist hat.

I got tendentious twaddle back. Which I critiqued pointing out the logical errors and non sequiturs it contained.

Reply to that came there none.

Noting the Reply came not from constituency MSP who I had addressed but the Minister’s office using her cabinet position in an attempt to intimidate me. Which did not work. In London Nobel Laureate Watson came & gave us a talk. My Postdoc colleagues & I agreed it was all twaddle so did the lab head.

So no dice Shona.


Is it just me, or does the current Curry’s TV Advert showing women with beards prattling on about long beards denoting knowledge just another, more blatant, overture to making “unigender” trans folk seem a perfectly usual thing to encounter in everyday life.
I’m starting to believe that either there is a definite programme underway to pervert society, or I truly have dived down the rabbit hole beyond recovery.

James Che

The unwritten rules and the knowledge that has been ommited in Scots history.

James V1 of Scots crowned, anointed, and investured, as king of Scots at Holyrood,Edinburgh.1657 Scotland.
He was in a separate ceremony of Crowning in the kingdom of England
Crowned, annointed, and investured king James 1 of England, And Ireland at Westminster Abbey, England, 1603,
Two separate coronation ceremonies of two kingdoms.

Charles 1st was crowned, annointed, and investured king of Scots in Scotland in 1633.
In a separate ceremony in England,
he was crowned annointed and investured king of England at Westminster Abbey, in 1625, England.
Two separate ceremonies of two kingdoms.
executed in England as king of England.

Charles 11 was crowned, annointed and investured, king of Scots at Scone in 1651.
(The last monarch of Scots to be Crowned monarch of the Scots.)
In a separate ceremony king Charles 11 of Scots was crowned, annointed and investured king of England in 1661,
Two “separate” ceremonies for the two kingdoms.

Anne Stuart was crowned, annointed and investured Queen of England in 1702.and under the English parliament Act of Settlement 1701, prior tothe treaty of union agreement or treaty.

Queen Anne was ” never” Crowned, annointed or investured as queen of Scots in a Separate kingdom or Ceremony in Scotland,
She remained Queen of England until the day she died,

Uncrowned not annointed and not investured as queen of Scots prior or upon to her death bed.

What relevance does this have for the Commissioners and politicians to act on behalf of Scotland that agreed to the treaty of union, as she was not actually in a union of Crowns with Scotland, nor with the Scots and the separate kingdom of Scotland.

Q: As Charles the 2nd was the last monarch of Scots to be Crowned annointed and investured as king of Scots, and before a treaty of union,
What position does that leave king Charles of England in 2022 / 2023?


As others have previously said, Miller pleads guilty and gets sentenced under his birth name, transitions where he can legally change his name to a female one and once he is released, he can go anywhere he wants and nobody knows of his previous crimes as his official records will not refer to him under his ‘dead name’ which I assume includes these crimes.

Of course ordinary sex offenders who are not Trans can do the same thing but in the case of Trans sex offenders, the law system is allowing them to do this legally.


Will somone ask nicola and shona robinson if there is no evidence trans are a risk.

Every rime the unionist are presented with an open goal they pull back. I winder why

Nothing better than an open wound!!


Sven says: 18 October, 2023 at 5:58 pm

Is it just me, or does the current Curry’s TV Advert showing women with beards prattling on about long beards denoting knowledge just another, more blatant, overture to making “unigender” trans folk seem a perfectly usual thing to encounter in everyday life.
I’m starting to believe that either there is a definite programme underway to pervert society, or I truly have dived down the rabbit hole beyond recovery.

Nothing sinister, just DE&I practices in the Advertising industry.

If you took TV ads at face value, you would think the UK population is 100% mixed race.


Rev Stu takes the time and trouble to regularly post articles which SHOULD concern us all.

Along comes Che and, as usual, ignores the subject matter and instead writes screeds on crap that 0.0001% of the populace of Scotland is remotely interested in. No doubt Baird will be along shortly with his colonialism mince to further bore us all.

I look at the nutters on WGD, which seems to be most of them and compare this with the nutters on Wings, a lot of them. Both sets of posters seem to desire Independence and I try to get my head around how both sets could be reconciled. I find this impossible as there is very little common ground. If both sets of supporters were to put aside their differences for a common cause it would not last for any length of time before bitter ‘in fighting breaks out’. We are miles away from Independence and it will remain like that for at least 10 years.

Individuals with a penis are men, always have been, always will be, in my eyes. Some men may pretend to be women to suit their particular circumstances but in 99.99% of cases it is pretence.

Rather then sentence creeps like Miller to years in prison, at the taxpayers expense, I would rather sentence them to 15 minutes with the victim’s relatives in a sound proof room. The relatives would, of course, be allowed to take into the room any implements they deemed suitable.


If we are going to have politicians, then it is good that they are stupid.
If they are stupid then we can monitor their stupidity more easily.
To encourage stupidity we must pay them as little as possible otherwise talented people may aspire to their jobs.
Avoid paying tax – as this finances and encourages Governenment stupidity.

Imagine if pols were as intelligent as the rest of us?


Ruby @ 1.03pm

“Posie Parker can you please help set up a branch in Scotland to help us get rid of all this insanity.”

According to the Electoral Commission website, the application to register the Party of Women (Kellie-Jay Keen/Posie Parker’s party) was rejected on 18 September. No real details why, just ‘Application incomplete’, so don’t know if that means the application can be resubmitted and/or if she plans to try again.

link to


Along comes Chas and, as usual, ignores the subject matter and posts the same thing as he did hundreds of times already. Crap that nobody not even 0.0001% of the populace of Scotland is remotely interested in. It’s the SSDD from Chas.

No doubt his pal John Main will be along shortly to bore us with his demand to ‘show him the money’

Agent x

Shona Robison:

“I am well aware of real and legitimate concerns about the violence, abuse and harassment that women and girls face in our society. However, trans people are not responsible for that abuse—indeed, they often face it themselves. We still live in a society in which, unfortunately, it is not hard to find sexist or misogynistic beliefs, and in which women and girls face violence at the hands of men. That is abhorrent and this Government is tackling it head on, providing support for services and focusing on prevention. We must be clear that all the evidence tells us that the cause of violence against women and girls is predatory and abusive men—not trans people. It is important that we do not conflate the two. There is no evidence that predatory and abusive men have ever had to pretend to be anything else to carry out abusive and predatory behaviour.”


Nicola Sturgeon says she does not regret how she handled the issue of a rapist being placed in a women’s prison, adding that the Scottish Prison Service had been dealing with trans prisoners “for years”. “The threat to women is abusive and predatory men, not trans people.”


1. A man identifying as a female is trans. So how can Robison and Sturgeon say “trans people are not responsible for that abuse”?

2. Why have the Prison Service been dealing with trans prisoners for years if their offending is so rare?


moixx says:
18 October, 2023 at 6:56 pm

According to the Electoral Commission website, the application to register the Party of Women (Kellie-Jay Keen/Posie Parker’s party) was rejected on 18 September. No real details why, just ‘Application incomplete’, so don’t know if that means the application can be resubmitted and/or if she plans to try again.

I would imagine every obstacle will be put in her way.

‘Application incomplete’ sounds as if some detail was missing.

It will be interesting to see how that goes.

It would be great if we had a similar party here in Scotland.

The ‘No Wheesht Party’ I’ll vote for them.


Well, Agent X, that little litany should put paid to any bs about’maybe he just stroked her hair, feel sorry the poor paedo, he dint do nuffin bad’. Whew, what a horrible read.


Is there some overwhelming reason that folk seem so focused and reliant on voting for political Parties rather than non Party affiliated independent candidates that will genuinely represent the interests and needs of their respective constituents?

Political Parties by design pretty much immediately take away and compromise the ability of an elected Party member to honestly represent their ward / constituency / region.
We’ve all witnessed politicians motivated enough to jump ship for whatever reasons they deem worthy. But they were initially selected and elected on a Party ticket and manifesto. It’s possibly fickle to put so much faith in Party affiliated individuals.
The creation of more and more Parties just divides the electorate and their votes even more, so it’s a pretty pointless endevour when the electorate is so switched off and gullible that they can’t see what’s in front the them with regard to dodgy policies being enacted and Parties being hijacked by grifters and weirdos. Both Votes SNP at last Holyrood election being a fine example of muppets pissing away 1.1 million votes. And Collette Walker standing for ISP but only getting a couple of hundred votes at the recent by-election in Rutherglen & Hamilton West is another reminder that of just how out of whack the electorate are with regard to voting for what they want.

Would it therefore not be a more sensible approach to work on a more local level and actually identify and develop proper local candidates to stand that might possibly reengaged or reboot folks’ interest in political matters seeing as political Parties have effectively disillusioned the electorate with extensive help of the MSM.


Democracy/ communism is rule by the mob.
Representative democracy/ capitalism is rule by crooks.

Capitalism is unfairness and inequality.
Socialism is slavery and brutality.
(Bakunin )

Go figure.


Lord Arthurson’s statement on Andrew Miller’s sentence includes graphic details. Miller also pled guilty to the possession over a 19 year period of multiple indecent images of children of varying levels of gravity. He has 10 previous convictions, none of which are analogous to the index offences. I reckon there are other victims of this 53 year old predatory paedophile. Instead of the red flags which should have warned of the dangers he posed to children, he was given the green light by the state to pretend to be a woman, thus enabling him to act out his deviant, fetishistic and dangerously disturbing fantasies.

Failing to act on foreseeable harms and to safeguard our children is reprehensible. The SNP and all those who voted for self-Id are a clear and present danger to women and children. As the SNP desperately try to cling onto power and control the narrative, they have become a laughing stock. They are perceived as untrustworthy and nobody believes their mindless gibberish anymore.Their evil toxic ideology of self-Id and GRA is coming apart at the seams. I hope every single one of them is removed from power, in whatever way, shape or form, forever, and the main culprits punished.


No direct parallels, perhaps, but the son of the Welsh FM is a convicted rapist. On release he gave the people of North Wales the benefit of his presence and has changed his name from Drakeford to Jay Humphries and posted in breach of his licence conditions on a ‘dating website’. He’s been banged up again.
‘If you would seek their monument, look around you’ would seem a suitable epitaph for devolution.


No direct parallels. Is Tommo right in the head?


Democracy/ communism is rule by the mob.
Representative democracy/ capitalism is rule by crooks.

Capitalism is unfairness and inequality.
Socialism is slavery and brutality.
(Bakunin )

Go figure.


I wonder if the trans-butcher had decided to transition back to being a man in the event of him being arrested.

1. He did not want to end up in a woman’s prison.

2. He did not want the prison to give him HRT.

I think you can guess why not.

Lorna Campbell

Ruby: absolutely agree. However, we need to go to the Yogyakarta Principles, too; the UN; and all world organizations that tout this bilge water. Let’s start with the truth that all the politicians and all of the great and the good who push and enable this stuff know exactly what ‘trans’ identified men are. They bloody know. If they don’t, they must qualify for removal on the grounds of being too stupid to breathe independently. All of these men – all of them, 100% – are motivated by sexual feelz and lubricated by ever-more mind-bending pornography. The fact is that we are all too squeamish to face the reality of what we are seeing. We cannot say that they are paraphiliacs and fetishists because we don’t want to appear bigoted. So, no one says it, even though it is the truth. So wee lassies are abducted and sexually assaulted. So women who come from countries where, for females, life is short, brutal and cheap are jeered by mentally ill men sick with porn consumption and misogyny.

It is well-known that men, whether ‘trans’ identified or not, who go on to rape children first consume vast quantities of – human-animal porn. The police know this. The judiciary know this. The vets who treat the animals know this. The psychologists who treat them in prison know this. Just like Savile, everybody knows. What we will be told in due course – as if we did not know already – and by awe-struck, wide-eyed ingenues, is that the establishment all knew that ‘trans’ was dangerous bilge stalking the land. With Savile, the enablers kept their stupid turnip heads down. With this stuff, they are all singing like linties in a choir about how wonderful ‘trans’ is. I do not buy into the myth that there are ‘trans’ who just want to live their lives quietly. Somewhere, somehow, in some way, they are harming female people. We all know that, too. If black face harms black people psychologically, then, logically, woman face harms females psychologically, or we accept that being female, having XX chromosomes, is nothing more or less than a bit of lippy and a paisley frock.


christine says:
18 October, 2023 at 7:59 pm
Lord Arthurson’s statement on Andrew Miller’s sentence includes graphic details. Miller also pled guilty to the possession over a 19 year period of multiple indecent images of children of varying levels of gravity. He has 10 previous convictions, none of which are analogous to the index offences. I reckon there are other victims of this 53 year old predatory paedophile. Instead of the red flags which should have warned of the dangers he posed to children, he was given the green light by the state to pretend to be a woman, thus enabling him to act out his deviant, fetishistic and dangerously disturbing fantasies.

Male fetishists are very dangerous and need watching.

These people don’t have just the one or two ‘kinks’, they come with a bouquet of vile perversions. Thanks to the Internet they’re all talking to each other, swapping hardcore pornography and egging each other on into more depravity.

“Amy George” is by no means an unusual case.

John C

What do you think about the UK Gov’s GRA 2004?

That has become a harder question to answer than it was 19 years ago. Back then I knew people who were old-school transexuals with severe dysphoria. They never said they were women but they wanted something to acknowledge their status which helped in their lives. I saw first-hand how a GRA helped people and how bloody hard it was to get one. Back then I’d have argued for it, and indeed, I did just that.

Problem was we never knew what was lurking. Transgender was still something obscure & very American that I never heard of til the 2010s. If we’d have had any idea of the consequences of offering a bit of decency to a tiny amount of men and a tinier amount of women that in 2023 we’re seeing a man use a transgender identity to abduct and rape children then it’d never have passed.

I think now in 2023 the GRA needs to go. We’ve opened up a living nightmare and allowed monsters free range to not just rape and abuse, but perform misology in the open on a daily basis. Children are being mutilated and medicated based upon nothing more than a whim, while adults gleefully cheer it on under the guise of being ‘progressive’ even though Trans ideology is as hard and capitalist as one can get not to mention it reduces the wonderful complexity and fun of human sexuality & identity to rigid labels created by children and incels.

If I could go back and stop it I would. I also know some of those people I knew then who benefited from it are horrified with how things have progressed. Trans is now a neo-religion with it’s priests everywhere & it’ll take years to turn this back but I fear what’ll do that is more and more cases like ‘Amy George’ and the tidal wave of detransitioners building up. Right now we’re seeing the first wave who transitioned in the 2010-2016 period coming forward but wait for a few years when the 20 somethings of today hit their 30s and realise they’re stuck with a mutilated body and medication for the rest of their reduced lifespan.


After waiting months instead of weeks to hear from the Electoral Commission Kellie-Jay Keen was informed her application was declined due to some technicality/ommission in her submission. She immediately corrected this and reapplied. I’ve been looking for the broadcast where she explained this but no luck….it was around the end of September. She is looking for women to stand in ALL UK constituencies. Fancy it Ruby? I think you’d be great. link to

Phil Parnham

Will someone please build a “True Biology Party”?
My SNP/Libour/Groan/Toory options are too offensive to consider. I would vote for”The Party of Women”


Thanks Rev.
SNP belong in the Flat Earth Society.

The vast majority of the public want to stay with the rules nature gave us and not some crackpot woke politicians fear of losing a handful of Trans votes.

No limitation on this complete and utter insanity.
All male rapists just have to declare they are women to get away with it or live among trapped female prospects in a women’s prison.

How about they demand female hygiene products every month.
The pill to better control the periods they don’t have,
Maybe hormone patches for the menopause they don’t have.

Let SNP put this achievement on all their campaign leaflets for the next election and loose their deposits along with their marbles.

John C

Does the UK Gov’s GRA 2004 not make it so?

No, a GRA creates a legal fiction. Everyone obtaining a GRA should be aware of a GRA being a legal fiction that grants them limited privileges. I believe it got easier to get a GRA as years went on but even so there’s a long, very detailed process to screen out risks.

Self-ID has no screening. I could wake up tomorrow, declare myself ‘female’ and if it were law I’d be able to walk into women’s spaces legally. We’ve seen today the logical outcome of that.

John C

barelybare says:
18 October, 2023 at 3:21 pm

“So our blood runs cold at the thought of what must have happened in those 27 hours to nevertheless attract such a huge sentence, and we hope never to know.”

I was with you until this point. Leaving aside the gender stuff, there was no rape and as you say the initial reports were that the girl was unharmed. (Initial reports can be totally wrong though and the press typically does not retract errors…)

“Inappropriate touching”: AFAIK we have no detail as to what that means. Did he hug her? Did he stroke her hair? Those could be termed sexual assualts. Just ask Salmond.

He showed her porno videos. That’s bad. Is it on a par with rape?

What can possibly justify a huge sentence with no detailed explanation, when as we know even rapists and murderers get lighter sentences?

The guy also “cooperated” by agreeing to be referred to as male despite clearly have been presenting himself as female for years. And as you mention, he pleaded guilty.

A very disturbing sentence. I would hope you and others would be more critical.

But I imagine that if the guy turns out to be a prison suicide the mob will be happy.

How is this huge sentence and destruction of a life going to make the young girl feel as she goes through her life?</i?

Oh I don't know, maybe she'll be happy the bastard who kidnapped and abused her is no longer breathing the same air as her.

Maybe don't centre abusers in these cases and show a bit more consideration towards victims and how to prevent another case happening again than try to shill for Trans abusers.


All law is based on property ownership.
Do you or the State own your children?


What next, I identify as a Giraffe?


John C says:
18 October, 2023 at 8:50 pm

Self-ID has no screening. I could wake up tomorrow, declare myself ‘female’ and if it were law I’d be able to walk into women’s spaces legally. We’ve seen today the logical outcome of that.

The GRA2004 says to gain a GRC you must ‘live as a female’ for a period of a minimum two years. Is that not being able to wake up tomorrow and declaring yourself ‘female’? How could you live as a female and not use women’s spaces?

Has anybody screened Eddie Izzard, India Willoughby, Robin Moira White, Big Amber, Beth, Ellie Gomersall. etc.

They have all just self-ided as women.
Then there are all the ‘female athletes’ and ‘women of the year’

What kind of screening does the GRA 2004 offer. Was it not the case that at the time the UK Gov passed the GRA 2004 transgenderism was considered a mental illness and that is no longer the case. What could they possibly screen?


link to

That post for me is a bit of a jumble.

I don’t know who is saying what to whom.
so I gave up reading it.

blockquotes are the answer


link to

I see what happen in this post the (i tag) </i wasn't closed.


John C @ 8.40pm

Re the UK Gov’s GRA 2004, you say: “Problem was we never knew what was lurking.”

I’m not sure that’s true. I seem to remember reading somewhere that, during the passage of (what was to become) the GRA through the Commons/Lords, many of the problems we’re seeing today were raised as potential consequences if the GRA was passed, but that those fears were waived aside as ‘not feasible/would never happen’.


My views on all of this are simple
I repeat:

Repeal the GRA 2004
Have zero sex changes
‘Woman face’ made illegal.

There is no other solution.

My views on Scottish Independence are equally simple
Should Scotland be an independent country.

My answer is Yes every country should be an independent country and not a colony.

Ian Brotherhood

Chris Williamson said Israel should forfeit the right to exist.

He’s explaining why, right now, here:

link to

Michael Laing

I identify as a multi-storey block of flats. I demand that you respect my pronouns. You will address me as Your Highness!


I find it very difficult to indulge people who believe an invisible and omnipotent man promised them a piece of land that is inhabited by others is now theirs.

I have very little time for theological claptrap.

People who believe that we can’t have ethics or principles without religion are dangerous fuckers.


I find it very difficult to indulge people who believe an invisible and omnipotent man promised them a piece of land that is inhabited by others is now theirs.

I have very little time for theological claptrap.

People who believe that we can’t have ethics or principles without religion are dangerous fuck3rs.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breastplate (11.16) –


Right now I’m wondering why no comments appeared between my 9.55 and your 11.16.

When it was fairly brisk discussion overall?



Mark Beggan

If Scotland make it to the next round in Germany 2024. The next round.

Wouldn’t that be something. Imagine the street scenes!


It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on spiked to see what the fuckers are up to.

link to


I self identify as woman with Pms for the next few days. I hope every cent around me accept the warning.

Viscount Ennui

A sleepless night ahead. Big day tomorrow.

Should the final tally not be in favour of independence, could I suggest something?

Place good governance at the top of any future agenda. Just out-govern the f*ckwits down south.

Banish forever the sentiments sometimes expressed on this page that, “yeah, we accept that the SNP are really cr*p but once we have indy everything will get better.”

Unreralistic. Pie in the sky.

Indy will only materialise when we rid ourselves of Sturgeon, Swinney, Robison, Russell et al. And those bits of fluff like Gilruth.

Nobody can take us seriously as a nation with half-wits at the helm.

Big clear-out needed. Don’t vote SNP.

Collapse the vote.

Scorched earth.

Cleanse the movement.

Start again.

Glenn Elder

I wish I had not but I have justed watched the video above of Shona Robison, in her role as as a senior SNP cultist, dissembling away and defending, in the face of all evidence, her cynical and flatly ridiculous statenent that no transwomen is a danger to women and children.

Even more irritating than her blatant disengenuity is her
repetative use of the word “community”, as in “trans -community.

Am I the only person who is getting sick of the ghettoisation of everyone be

amorphous agglomoration”.

Robert Louis

Excellent article.

This single piece of writing highlights the utter absurdity and stupidity of the homophobic, women-hating, gender ideology zealots AND the Scottish government for indulging this utter nonsense.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

THIS is what becomes of the SNP and Scottish government when they allow the unelectable ‘green’ clowns HARVIE and Canadian airhead Slater to call the shots.

Tail wagging the dog.


@ Ruby

This might be of interest?

link to

Robert Knight

If that girl had not got to a phone we all know this butcher’s mothering instincts would have led him to make the wee lassie into a string of link sausages.

London Scott

In the old days, girls (and boys) were told about Little Red Riding Hood. A tale that says, listen to your instincts, don’t believe strangers who say they are something, when your eyes, ears etc say something is not right.

These days young children are taught by their schools and other governement agencies to forget their gut instincts. If that person in a frock who looks a bit funny says they are a woman, well they are.

Dangerous stuff, especially as stats from the UK, USA, Europe etc show that TWs are more than twice as likely to be in jail for sexual crimes than ordinary blokes. If Jimmy Savile was around he would be a TW or pansexual or a lesbian or all 3. All the better to get access to young girls.


@ London Scott


link to


Andrew Miller said he would have to make a business plan for when he had finished with the girl. He was a butcher. This may explain the long prison sentence.

President Xiden

The Scottish establishment with this clown Government at its head are now utterly insane. We are in uncharted waters now.

London Scott

Dan says:
19 October, 2023 at 2:14 pm
@ London Scott


link to
Thanks for that links. So true. In the past predatory paedophiles did their own grooming. Now the state does it for them.


@ Sven and Pacman I also noted this brainwashing attempt by the establishment which also includes gays and lesbains, the only ones who have fallen out of favour and appear unrepresentative of the demographic within the UK, EUROPE ,and North America are heterosexual males and females , oh well when we have been disposed of or died out the party can start, although how long it will last no one knows

Lorna Campbell

John C: “…If I could go back and stop it I would. I also know some of those people I knew then who benefited from it are horrified with how things have progressed.. ”

The 2004 GRA was intended to allow a ‘trans’ identified man marry another man – i.e. same sex marriage. It was, therefore, a slap in the chops to gay men and lesbians who wanted to marry each other. If one party was a ‘woman’, hey ho, what could go wrong. Well, we know what went wrong. They were not satisfied with that. Once they were allowed to e ‘women’ in law, they wanted it all.

Please don’t say that there are ‘trans’ identified men who are horrified by what is happening. I have listened to a number of early ‘trans’ identified men and all bought totally into the “I’m a real woman” fantasy even if they would never admit it publicly. All also stated that either they were born in the wrong body or that they knew from around 18 months to two years old that they were ‘trans’. The first is a total lie and biological impossibility and the second goes a long way to condoning the ‘transing’ of very young children. These people are not innocents in this.

I, like most, wanted to believe the crap until I saw through it. These men are ALL AGPs (scary) or pathetic and deviant fetishists. I can just about find it in me to feel sorry for them as I would for anyone who is ill, but gender dysphoria does not exist except as a form of body dysmorphia, and that is a mental illness. 98% suffer no dysphoria and are motivated by sexual thrills. They also retain their sexual organs. It is the fact that everyone in positions of authority and/or influence knows perfectly well what this movement is, they know the threat to women and children. That child escaped with her life. One of these fine days, a child or a woman will not escape the clutches of a lip-clad, frock-wearing woman facer, and, if that happens, there will be hell to pay.

As Ruby says, repeal the GRA, etc. Also, dump the GRRB, get this stuff off the case books and out of international law where no heterosexual female was consulted. Make woman face morally and legally a no go area and class ‘transition’ surgery as eugenics that requires a written waiver for those determined to be ‘transitioned’, but make it impossible legally for any man to enter female spaces, sports, services, etc.


Dorothy Devine “repeal the GRA “.

Totally agree.

Do you remember how the media laughed at Mary Whitehouse? I agreed with her then and after the examples of sick pornography addicts publicised on Wings I realise how right she was to argue for the control of pornography.

Lorna Campbell

Sarah: ask any policeman involved in bringing sex crime to justice, and he/she will tell you that pornography is present in 100% of sex crime, whether rape and sexual assault of women, men and boys, paedophilia, bestiality, et al. The ‘trans’ ‘community’ – note, there is no female ‘community’ albeit we are 51-52% of the population – consumes certain types of pornography, often what is termed ‘sissy porn’. Pornography consumption is very like drug addiction, or indeed, any addiction, and will almost always escalate. Like any addiction, a ‘high’ becomes less easy to access over time, and so the addict turns to a more and more addictive habit to gain the same hit. With porn addiction, it usually means violent porn becomes more attractive, and more and more deviant porn, ditto. Escalation in any addictive behaviour leads to the neural pathways in the brain changing, so that the addict becomes affected physically and mentally by the substance of the addiction and social mores and prohibitions fall by the wayside. It then becomes a massive project to rehabilitate that person . The encouragement given to the ‘trans’ lobby to do as they like, basically, without sanction, is going to lead our society into a very dark place very soon, and the infiltration of ‘trans’ ideology into our children’s schools is going to lead to many destroyed young lives that cannot be recovered.

Iain More

What he only 20 years – you are fuckin kidding me. Can I call him a he, is that allowed in this nightmare we are now living in?

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