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Wings Over Scotland

The World Without She

Posted on October 17, 2023 by

This really is grim, folks. Remember the days when there had to be overflow rooms for the leader’s speech at the SNP conference, in venues holding thousands? Now they can’t come close to filling 750 seats in a 2000-seat arena.

The reception afforded to Sturgeon yesterday, who left the party in the pile of wreckage that the hapless Yousaf is still trying to stumble through, was a symptom of desperate people clinging forlornly to the shadow of better times, like an abandoned dog seeking the last bits of warmth and scent from its owner’s chair.

But those days are gone, never to return. This is the barren, foreboding autumn of the SNP, the cold ground thickly carpeted in the lifeless, crumbling and silent remains of lost members fallen from branches.

Ill omens abound, and winter is just around the corner.

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alan scott

………….and in the past they must remain.


Bur we are having a referendum on Thursday aren’t we?

Geoff Anderson

Fuck them

James Barr Gardner

70,000 SNP members walked away, they will never listen to liars ever again !

Remember the old maxim in sales, every dissatisfied customer will pass that dissatisfaction on to 10 others !

As for cutting out the canker in the SNP, cleaning the Augean Stables was an easier task !


Ooft, getting closer and closer to Lib Dem levels in terms of conference numbers. Soon they’ll be meeting in the camper van. Still, it’s only 48 hours till the referendum so it’s all good.

Ian McCubbin

So it comes to all corrupt deluded parties who milk the people.
This is the hard lesson of life and no one will mourn the passing of SNP as no one mourned the pass of Labour in Scotland.
Alba rising for Independence.

Graf Midgehunter

The conference had all the signs of a mouldy, pall of death funeral parlour. The coffin lid waiting to be sealed down….

Nobody really wanted to be there, many didn’t bother, not even the shallow remnants of a failed former leader avoided the whiff of downfall.

It wasn’t even “der Untergang” which at least had a bit of excitement about it.

The vet should just put it down.

Cath Ferguson

Please stop the Humza bashing. There’s a real danger she/her will return and then we’re even more thoroughly fucked. If that’s possible, which it probably isn’t at this stage. It’s just watching a slow and miserable death now. But I can’t stand it with added Sturgeon.

Alf Baird

Just like Ireland and its ‘rejection of politics’ (Yeats), all that’s left of the colonial continuity national party is the political ‘payroll class’ and their UK-state pay packets.


I feel sorry for Pan Macmillan…2025 is an awfy long way away. I feel even more sorry for the editor who will have to wade through a million words of self-serving delusion in order to come up with something the few surviving libraries will be forced to buy.
Still, I am available to narrate the audio book because I’ll probably have transitioned by that time…


Car crash TV. You simply find yourself having to look away – about as painful to watch as Aspel’s “interview” with Ollie Reed.

Tom Kane

Real poetry there, Stu.

And horrifying to behold what has been done to the SNP.


Do you think there doing the thing where you leave an empty seat for the departed?

link to


And now they are trying their last, desperate attempt to cling onto their comfy seats – blackmailing Yessers into voting for them by refusing to allow the votes for other pro-indy parties to count towards their not-a-plebiscite election.

The worst of all possible worlds.


I’m opposed to ‘Indy’ and in favour of the Union but I find it hard to believe that a woman under whose governance the SNP has become a corrupt -and just as much to the point pointless-laughing stock has the effrontery to descend from on high to seek the adulation of the 50-odd halfwits below. More front than Eastbourne. Tucked up like so many Arbroath smokies.


Slight artistic edit to Slipper’s dodgy bad taste comment on Party conferences of yesteryear. (Though the MP for Perthshire might want to diversify from slipper into flipper ownership what with the Fair City’s council not closing that floodgate…

This TorySNP Conference has all the atmosphere of a poorly attended humanist funeral for someone no one much cared for…

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Folk should console themselves that in the uk , the private schools and paedophilic have ALWAYS ruled and as shite as things are it is because the daily fascists are increasingly repugnant to more people.
Times are changing. They intend to massacre 90% of humanity.
They have warned us for long enough. Can’t deny that.


I want to ask that wee shill Cook and the BBC why they have always gone to great length
Not to show the vast number of empty seats at unionist party conferences.

We also have a feature on the news of how the SNP MP defector to Tory now lives in fear of her life.
What by her new party crippling the NHS or becoming one of the millions who can’t afford to eat or heat themselves?

How to put her on propping up the Tories with her woes when thousands are being murdered in Palestine is just sick U.K. Media. Sick!

George Ferguson

2026 is a long time away for Scottish Parliamentary Elections. Especially when a Queen over the water is waiting to be called back. To the SNP members that lauded her at the Conference I have a travel itinerary to Jonestown Guyana. And all the while the huge cohort of SNP MPs at Westminster have allowed the disintegration of their party and Scotland. If this keeps up I reserve the right to revise the number of SNP MPs from 4 to 1. There has to be a Gordon Wison somewhere?

Robert Hughes

Superbly expressed , Stu .

The smell of decay is palpable indeed


Tommo says:
17 October, 2023 at 10:28 pm

I’m opposed to ‘Indy’ and in favour of the Union but I find it hard to believe that a woman under whose governance the SNP has become a corrupt -and just as much to the point pointless-laughing stock has the effrontery to descend from on high to seek the adulation of the 50-odd halfwits below.

It’s all the fault of you NO voters. Had you done the right thing for the colony we wouldn’t have Nicola Sturgeon the SNP or the Sturgeon Moonies.

Everything happening in Scotland is your fault.
You gave Westminster carte blanche to do what they like with Scotland and you forced us to vote for Sturgeon & the SNP.

Mark Beggan


The last days in the Furherbunker.

David Hannah

I want her jailed for the Salmond conspiracy. She’s horrible. I hate the woman with every fibre of my being.

She’s destroyed the country. Killed the SNP sold us out. There’s a special place, reserved in hell for Nicola.

David Hannah

I had more fondness for Theresa May than Nicola Sturgeon. That’s the truth. And I hated Theresa May.

During that Brexit, “we’re going to leave on the 31st March Bla Bla, now is not the time…”

Theresa May was the last prime minister of any semblance of confidence.

This tech billionaire 2 snacks is so weak and unlikeable that he’s losing in the polls to Sir Kier Starmer. Very sinister.

And Humza Yousaf. Well he should resign. We deserve better.

David Hannah

Look at the hugs from that cult snp member.

It’s like a funeral. She’s even wearing black.

Fucking hell. Unbelievable.


A winger with more time than sense might take Don MacLeans “american pie” (the day the music/SNP/indy died), all 173 verses of it, and write a parody of the SNP this last decade; maybe this is what ChatGPT is for.

I was going to say something theoretical about satraps and comprador elites, but going back to these stepford-wiving young leader programs across the west … one theory is – people are groomed and chosen for their personal qualities; psychopathy is one, but more specifically – sexual degenerates are picked out. Because – these people probably had no principles to begin with, and, can always be controlled 100% by blackmail, because there are a lot of polaroids locked in a safe somewhere, maybe langley, or millbank or tel aviv.

The SNP from 2016 has looked like a self sabotaging operation, which from the position of political self interest, makes no sense. But everything makes sense, once you have all the facts.

People should go down to holyrood on friday and try to vote. As was promised.

hey dan –

this guy claims heat pumps and environmental directives will be used to dispossess us all –

link to

David Hannah

Sturgeon’s a sexual degenerate. In my opinion. We know she’s been nibbling French fancies and throwing irons out windows. But to lie her entire life about her sexuality in public. That is incomprehensible. And that’s why she’ll never come out. Even though we know she likes to munch the rug.

David Hannah

I’ve got no respect for people that lie their entire lives about who they are. Nothing against gay people. It’s just the dishonesty. The cowardice in this day and age. To lie publically about your personal life. Her Mein Kampervan biography is going to be the biggest act of fiction this country has ever seen, since Isla Bryson.


“….crumbling and silent remains of lost members fallen from branches.“
I misread the ending as “.. fallen from Branchfoot” and almost queried the punctuation.

David Hannah

You’ll need to do an article on that SNP wankers support for Israel. Stephen Flynn.

Now he’s on sky news venting his disgust at the attack on the Gaza hospital.

C*nts like him wanted it to happen remember his tweet?

Stuart MacKay

The great thing about young, potential leaders with alternative lifestyles is that they are trivially controllable and easily pointed in the right direction. Just fill their heads about continuing the struggle of the oppressed people who came before them. How they must build a more tolerant world where people are able to freely express themselves. The throw in some neo-liberal ideas of meritocracy and how the rich deserve the fruits of other peoples’ labour and your Brave New World Order is newly minted and ready to wreak havoc everywhere they go. You don’t even need much of a guiding hand from the vested interests. Just plant a few seeds and they’ll become self-policing all by themselves, because of the camaraderie created by all that oppression from the deplorables that they endured while growing up.

It’s the Village of the Damned, 21st Century Edition


Oof. Still, look at it this way: at least the tubes of Just Stop Oil didn’t leap onto the stage to begin throwing orange powder all over the place 🙂


The Halls of Memory. Stu, that should be Kraftwerks title of their new 33/3rd long player. I salute you.
Track 1; Dualing the Autobahn
Track 2; SNP Dummies
Track 3; Trans Sexual Express
Track 4; Europe Sensless


A binfire after the flames have died down.

Looks like we’re now entering the mockery phase.

Robert Louis

Even if the deluded SNP faithful cannot see the reality of the mess Sturgeon has created, journalists down in London can see it very clearly.

The SNP faithful, who ‘think’ all is well, and that getting fewer MPs at the next UK election is a mandate for independence need to read the article linked below. The first half exposes the idiocy of Sunak and the lying racist Tories, but the second half is a full-on expose of the corruption and idiocy of the current SNP.

It wouldn’t hurt for some of the SNP MSPs to read it either.

If even journalists down in London can see the corruption and stupidity clearly, why oh why can those who back the SNP not see it?? NOBODY takes Humza’s new plan for independence seriously. NOBODY.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

It takes two minutes to write to your MP and MSP.

Demand that they do whatever they can to stop the slaughter of Palestinians.

We know they won’t do anything but there’s no reason why we cant make them squirm.

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If Yusless stands deep in the forest.
Where there is no-one there to hear him.
And he speaks.
Is he still wrong?


Watching those images of empty seats during the speech of the present “leader”, something sprang to mind:

Those cartoons we were fed around 2015 with Sturgeon sitting on top of a wrecking ball.

Looking retrospectively, they were quite accurate. It is just that, at the time, we misinterpreted them. We thought they meant she was a wrecking ball against the British establishment and politics. She wasn’t. She was the British establishment’s wrecking ball against Scotland, Scotland’s independence movement and Scotland’s political vehicle for independence.

In his tribute speech to her, Yousaf thanks her for “all what she did for Scotland”.
Well, I politely ask, what positive things exactly has she done for Scotland which are even worth mentioning or will be remembered? Because for the life of me, looking back 9 years, the only thing I can see is a completely unnecessary trail of destruction. So either Yousaf is blind and deaf, or he is just another wrecking ball being used against Scotland.

Now, we all know that only those who have a weakness which can be exploited and be unscrupulously abused to manipulate them by the British/American/Israel establishment are allowed to progress through our political ranks.

Right, so I politely ask: should we interpret the regrettable fact that Mr Yousaf’s parents in law are trapped in Gaza as such weakness?


Sturgeon is distancing herself entirely from Humza and the SNP, she looking to the next Holyrood election and doesn’t want to be rejected as a MSP unless something else comes along!

Like I said the other day, Mike Russell promised to keep the general public updated about membership numbers so we can add that to the list of SNP lies.

I notice some of my Indy colleagues on here are saying that if the SNP collapse as a party they won’t be bothered, I couldn’t agree more.

The reality is on 7 May 2015 when Sturgeon won 56 MP’s she was the conquering figure for Independence. I defended her on Facebook, twitter as did others. Now in 2023 the domino affect in the SNP is unstoppable because come the Next Westminster election the SNP is going to lose and lose big, then its going to happen at the Holyrood election and then at local elections. Only then will the SNP membership stand out and speak against not Sturgeon but Humza Yousaf and he’s such a tit he’ll take the blame.

But, I’m telling people straight that in the fiasco of the SNP the Alba party isn’t going to make any meaningful progress until Salmond steps aside not as a member but as the leader. Sturgeon has sealed his carer to the trash can and I’m afraid, yes we love Salmond but the general public have in their minds a man who was on trail for rape and even though he was found innocent Sturgeon continue the trail by media long after his original trail.

The SNP has decided that 50% who want Independence isn’t worth fighting for and would rather fight for a share of the other 50%, we’ll that logic is the reason the videos above is happening to the SNP, all we can do is sit and wait for the dominoes to fall and watch who blames who.

Regarding Salmond, its obvious that 50% of the population want Independence and the SNP is losing massive amount of support and from the rutherglen and hamilton by election the general public wasn’t voting for Labour but instead people where voting against the SNP. Now a lot of people can disagree with me but 50% want Independence and yet the Alba party at best only gets 2.4% of the vote no where near the percentage they need to win seats and the reason has to be Salmond. We need to ask ourselves is it better to have Salmond as a advisor or as leader, for me I think its time for him to step aside and have him continue as a advisor. In the wake of the SNP fiasco this is the Alba parties opportunity and it shouldn’t be missed just because of one man, we did this with Sturgeon and look where we are now.


If Yusless stands deep in the forest.
Where there is no-one to hear him.
And he speaks.
Is he still wrong?


I had made a somewhat mocking comment about tomorrow, the 19th October 2023 being the date that Sturgeon said the second referendum would be held.

The excuse that Sturgeon and the SNP apologists is that events have overtaken the referendum and it wasn’t the best time to hold a referendum and expect to win it.

There is never a best or perfect time. You have to take the chance and believe that you can win. You can increase your chances of winning by laying down the groundwork and ensuring you pick the right time in order to maximise your chances of winning regardless of what is going on in the wider world.

Here is the thing with Sturgeon. She had constantly ran her mouth about holding referendums and used it as an electoral strategy. However, there was something else that stopped her from holding one.

Doing this has ruined both her credibility and that of the whole mechanism of holding the referendum. It resulted in people not take her or the referendum mechanism seriously.

Anybody in the future who wants to hold a referendum at a future date has to overcome the baggage of this by needing to be taken seriously by the general public before they can actually hold one.

As well as the idea of a referendum not being taken seriously, the same is happening with the SNP. They can’t be taken seriously because they have bottled it to do the very thing their party was created for on numerous occasions.

This is legacy of Sturgeons reign both as leader of the SNP and the First Minster of the Scottish devolved administration.

Stuart MacKay


I sort of agree but you’d really need to get out chapping doors and talking to people to really get a good idea over whether the leadership of Alba is blocking their rise. It could be that the public don’t want to see a plethora of parties and a hostile takeover of the SNP might generate better results.

One thing that should be considered is whether the fall of the SNP is just a symptom of the failure of political parties in general. Their record parallels the catalog of failures by the Tories. It could be that there is little optimism for politics in general and Alba are fighting an uphill battle no matter what they do.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Aww, come on man – be fair. I mean, why would you want to subject a load of perfectly innocent trees to that kind of punishment? What have they ever done to you?:)

Sent from my free SNP laptop over free SNP superfast broadband

Stuart MacKay

A swan song for the SNP – with sincere apologies to Elvis Costello.

She may be the face I can’t forget
A trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day

She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
A smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell

She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one’s allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I’ll remember till the day I die
You might also like

She may be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I’m alive
The one I’ll care for through the rough and ready years
Me, I’ll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I’ve got to be
The meaning of my life is she

Robert McAllan



Tumbleweed blowing around in that hall.


It looks like Humza’s performance at the conference was so poor that he (or they) begged the Queen to make a reappearance to try and increase attendance and stir up the crowd. It all seems to have fallen rather flat. Oh Dear.

Robert Hughes

That extremely * awkward * gap between the end of Yousaf’s on-screen string of exhausted cliches masquerading as inspiring exhortation ( and failing miserably ) and the ” fuck , we better try to elicit a response from this inert audience – * checks Pavlov’s handbook * ok clap clap ” – from those 4 donkeys of the amockalypse at the ” high table ” ( what an array of glittering intellectual/political talent there , eh ? ) + plus the nauseating adulation of the worst FM ever inflicted on Scotland/Independence Movement – tells us all we need to know about the terminal condition of the SNP .

It’s as if not only has the Party * leadership * been taken over by covert Unionists , overt Devolutionists & pervert onanists , the entire membership has too : granted this conference must rank as one of least well attended for a long time – even desperate Payroll-padding failed to disguise those lacunae which actual Independence supporters used to fill .

Just a matter of time before they are paying private companies not only to distribute election-bumph , also to supply attendees to conferences . Or maybe they’ll just hold the next one in Jamie Hepburn’s shed . But still claim it cost £500,000 to organise

” Things Can Only Get Bet…… ” eh …..Much Much Worse


@ Stuart MacKay

You have made several good points, but I have to come back to fact that 50% really do want Independence meaning the status quo with the union is no longer a option for these people they are prepared to put Independence first on the hope that everything thats wrong with the Union can be fixed with Independence. The SNP have given up on Independence and that Independence fixes the cost of living, with this in mind the Alba Party is not making the progress it should. Like you said the public have no faith in politics and politicians any more, but 50% of the population is polarized on yes to the constitutional question, but these parties are failing to give a clear concise and honest answers to how this can be achieved without Westminster. That means 5% who voted No in 2014 are now prepared to vote Yes knowing that still we do not have answers to currency, pensions, EU, and all these other issue that stopped a Yes vote from winning in 2014. The Yes now sits constant at 50% this is an achievement but yet the SNP considers it as a failure and that the party has to try and get it to 60%, its this logic thats destroying the SNP and is making the general public turn away from the SNP regarding its politics.


Robert Louis says:
18 October, 2023 at 7:12 am

Even if the deluded SNP faithful cannot see the reality of the mess Sturgeon has created, journalists down in London can see it very clearly.

link to

Excellent article Robert Louis cheers for that.

He said Scotland would open its doors to refugees from Gaza. Or maybe not. He’ll have to get that one past Suella Braverman. And Suella says no.


Yousaf started well by addressing the conflict in Israel and Gaza. Unlike Sunak, he has a personal connection and it shows. His emotion comes easily. His tears were real.

Did he cry real tears, like a big wumman’s blouse?

Please allow me to share an emotion :-

Hahahahahaha! 😀

Katherine Perlo

It’s really sickening the way some people, who know that Salmond was attemptedly framed and continues to be informally convicted, and who are inclined to support Alba, are simply accepting the intended result of the persecution and calling for his departure. She did her work well! And that work was the worst thing she did; in its despotism and cruelty it was enough in itself to discredit her. It shouldn’t be brushed aside as a regrettable episode within the big picture; still less should its consequences be accepted.


@ Confused

I know a couple that have just built a new house and the amount of “green” tech they were forced and coerced into installing was ridiculous. Many tens of thousands of pounds worth of stuff and associated control systems which basically filled a space the size of a decent sized bathroom.
I feel really sad and pissed off that so many folk are being manipulated into owning excessive amounts of overly complex tech that will ultimately fail and cause them yet more expense and hassle to sort down the line.

It needn’t be that way though, just insulate properties well and the energy demand to heat them will be vastly reduced, and could be done in a much more straightforward way by simply using the ever growing abundance of non fossil fuel derived leccy created in Scotland’s geographic area and fed to pretty much every building through the existing grid network.

Pretty much ever night now I am getting woken up by fucking air sourced heatpumps cycling and droning away as they try to keep poorly insulated properties warm. This used to be a lovely quiet village but now it sounds like an industrial zone.

I also posted previously and it was only Cpt Yossa that picked up on it. Is it right that wealthy landlords should temporarily house low income tenants in large properties they could never normally afford to rent, solely so the landlord can then get the taxpayer funded subsidies to install about £20K pounds worth of solar PV and ASHP systems. It reeks of fraud to me, but like the surveying of the properties to check suitability of whether they are viable to clag all this superflous “green” tech shite on, the auditing of how taxpayers’ money is being spent seems to be sadly lacking.

Scotland, currently generating enough non fossil fuel drived leccy to power ourselves and still exporting well over what we are using to England.

link to

We could have just used that leccy to quietly and reliably power modern storage heaters if we had a sensible energy policy that actually understood true green principles and economics.

I was also reading that the sticking plaster compromised fix to Scotland’s rail network not being fully electrified is to go with battery powered trains that will run through charging sections so the network only gets partially electrified. So that just means trains will need large amounts of batteries to power locomotive force between these electrified sections, rather than just buying and running trains with electric motors powered solely from the track.

Here’s a thought. The rail network is effectively just a grid connecting and covering large areas of our land, so why not consider using that same grid layout as a power grid. All these new windfarms will need cables run to connect to the leccy grid anyway. The terrain trains operate on is by design not too arduous so cable laying machines could be used to lay power cables adjacent to the tracks, with transformer take offs at various points powering the rail tracks for fully electric motor powered trains to run on.
Ach, I’ll just shut up as I’m sure the NuIndy movement’s brightest and best engineering minds in the form of Kelly Given and Alistair Heather will be sorting all this stuff out.


He said Scotland would open its doors to refugees from Gaza. Or maybe not. He’ll have to get that one past Suella Braverman. And Suella says no.

This sums up just of how little importance Humza Yousaf words are even if he has gained the sympathy vote.

He can be as dignified as you wants he can cry real tears but it’s not going to make any difference.

Free Palestine FFS he can’t even free Scotland.

Bring about world peace FFS he can’t even get us away from the World’s No1 warmongering nation and get their weapons of mass destruction off our land.


Katherine Perlo says:
18 October, 2023 at 9:40 am
It’s really sickening the way some people, who know that Salmond was attemptedly framed and continues to be informally convicted, and who are inclined to support Alba, are simply accepting the intended result of the persecution and calling for his departure.

Indeed, there seems to be a concerted, determined effort (by the same characters) to continually discredit Alex Salmond. Why all this effort if he is already discredited? Highly suspicious, methinks. Are they true Alba supporters? Are they feart?

The British establishment certainly are – absolutely terrified that Alex Salmond will one day return to lead the Indy movement. Still a few shenanigans yet to play out IMO, but things are gradually falling into place and the big man’s day will come (again).

And next time, he will take no prisoners.

Stuart MacKay


The 60% fantasy that the SNP indulge in has two (conflicting) goals but the outcome is the same. First it’s impossible to achieve, because in any democracy there are a wide range of opinions and the SNP does not have a monopoly on truth or good ideas. The SNP know that and are happy with it. Second, the target of 60% is there to ensure the SNP maintain their grip on power after independence, so it will be business as usual much like it was for ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe. So the SNP, as an organisation, has reached the point where it’s goal is the continued existence of the SNP. Independence is too much of a wildcard and it’s better to discard it, lest it ruin the careers of many.

The result is that the SNP is no longer fit for the purpose the electorate wants. Alba is hindered by the fact that they can’t just step in and fulfill the wishes of that 50%. Why not is the really interesting question, for which I have no answer, other than to say there must be a bigger picture or factors which we are not seeing. It can’t just be down to Salmond because things were materially better when he was First Minister.


Dan says:

So that just means trains will need large amounts of batteries to power locomotive force between these electrified sections, rather than just buying and running trains with electric motors powered solely from the track.

That’s a lot of money to spend on worse trains.

At some point, somebody’s going to have to level with the public that Net Zero the most expensive scam in history and it’s also scientifically and economically unachievable.

Things are going to get very ugly because we’ve only seen the tip of the Net Zero dildoberg so far. Most of the pain has yet to be inflicted on you, and when it does you will be left with nothing. If it feels like the Tories are deliberately trying to avoid winning the next election, they are. We’re in the planned demolition phase of Western societies, the last time we saw a social experiment like Net Zero it ended with millions of dead Cambodians.


Dan says:

I also posted previously and it was only Cpt Yossa that picked up on it. Is it right that wealthy landlords should temporarily house low income tenants in large properties they could never normally afford to rent, solely so the landlord can then get the taxpayer funded subsidies to install about £20K pounds worth of solar PV and ASHP systems.

Of course it’s not right but until our politicians & the MSM pick up on it nothing is going to happen. Cpt Yossa and every poster here on Wings can pick up on it but it wont make a blind bit of difference.

I pick up on everything you say in your posts Dan. The format of this forum could make you think you are talking to yourself but you are not. I am listening.

I trust you Dan and believe everything you say which is not something I can say about politicians,unionists or the MSM.

Please don’t run away again because of the totally insane moderating system here on Wings. Please stay and we can try to shame Stu into sorting out the mess.

Man*uscript a banned word? YCBFS Stu!

Stuart MacKay

Dan @9:57am

I’m sure all that tech comes with a cast-iron guarantee that servicing and parts will be available for the lifetime of the owners and not just the lifetime of the company or more likely the tenure of executives that lobbied for the legislation.

So it’s tens of thousands today and certainly tens of thousands every 10 years or so, for, well, forever.


link to

I feel a lot of this isn’t my business and I would prefer if people kept their family grief private.

However since Humza Yousaf’s wife is using a family tragedy to gain the sympathy vote and allowed The Times to publish the above I have some questions.

El-Nakla said she believed her parents would get out, but feared for her brother and his family. “My thoughts are with my brother who does not have a British passport. The thought of him and his family pushed to the Egyptian border and possibly in tents, it really breaks my heart,” she said.

Why doesn’t her brother have a British passport?
Also does she & her family only have British nationality?
If they were also considered Palestinians why would she be so sure they would get out?


I think it’s completely unfair to blame Alex Salmond for not having the biggest party in Scotland immediately, in the political landscape, Alba is a nascent entity just as the ISP or Salvo is, should they also change their leadership because they haven’t matched your accelerated plan of where they should be.

There are many hurdles for Alba, the ISP and Salvo.
As Stuart MacKay points out, apathy is not the least of them, many people are scunnered with politics and politicians in this country mainly but not only because everything the SNP and Queen Nicola have touched has turned to shit, the exact opposite of King Midas.

Exposure is another and there’s still plenty of people who haven’t heard of them or don’t know what they stand for. We know but this is a political site, this is not the norm.

Regarding currency, pensions and the EU, you should really have a good idea of what will happen with those.

Currency will be the £ Sterling, this will be for a transitional period decided by Scotland based on the political and financial landscape at the time, probably 5 years, give or take, then we will change it.

Pensions will be paid in Sterling for the transitional period then in the currency of our deliberated and prepared choice. Private pensions will still be private pensions and state pensions in an independent Scotland would have to try extremely hard to be any worse than they are now, judging by the rest of Europe, the only way would be up.

We are out of the EU and we will most likely trade and travel freely in the EU once again through EFTA.

Having said all that, the whole point of independence is to be responsible and accountable for our own decisions. This will prioritise our wants and needs.

To believe another country will be able, let alone want to prioritise Scotland’s needs is delusional. England’s wants will trump Scotland’s needs every single time.

Not understanding this is harmful to Scotland.


Ruby –

El-Nakla said she believed her parents would get out, but feared for her brother and his family. “My thoughts are with my brother who does not have a British passport. The thought of him and his family pushed to the Egyptian border and possibly in tents, it really breaks my heart,” she said.

This all sounds painfully Scottish, but isn’t ‘El-Nakla’ that unpleasant looking woman who brought that ridiculous, race baiting court case against a local nursery run by a Hindu woman? I don’t think she ever apologised for trying to ruin that woman’s life and livelihood.

I had a wee look into my big bag of flocks to find I have no more to give to Clan Humza’s World of Clowns.

Net Zero flocks, if you will. I’m flockless. Aw oot.


Can you imagine this?
link to


That clip of Yousaf on the big screen says it all. After it had finished there is several seconds of silence before the lukewarm applause starts. No doubt only started by a few party employees at the back. Even the folk on stage were reluctant to begin it.


Remember peasants. Nicola Sturgeon gave you the “baby box”

Ma Da could make a dozen o these back in the day for a quid. She spent MILLIONS


Remember peasants. Nicola Sturgeon gave you the “baby box”

Ma Da could make a dozen o these oot o auld wid back in the day for a quid and my MA wid cover them for a quid..



The SNP £660 000 lazer display screen, telling the cult when to applaud, is broken I see.

Chris Downie

We are where we are, but the only way Alba will rise is if the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, comes out about the Salmond case. Otherwise, we need to look at other avenues to rejuvenate the campaign for independence. Despite the despondency many feel right now (understandably so) we need to keep in mind, the Labour resurgence will be a pyrrhic victory, given Starmer is merely a Tory in a red tie. It will also be temporary, once the disillusionment kicks in (that is of course assuming he gets an overall majority and I’m still not convinced he will, when push comes to shove – we’ll have to wait and see how Middle England reacts). Regardless, Labour’s turn will be temporary, before the natural order is resumed and the real Tories regroup and return to power. Rinse and repeat.

We must be ready for this inevitability.


robbo says:
18 October, 2023 at 11:41 am

Remember peasants. Nicola Sturgeon gave you the “baby box”

Ma Da could make a dozen o these oot o auld wid back in the day for a quid and my MA wid cover them for a quid..

Back in the day we just emptied all the old keys, receipts & junk from the dresser drawer and used that.

It worked a treat and instead of sleeping in cardboard oor babies slept in the best mahogany.

They wurnae born wi silver spoons in their mooths but were born in mahogany. 🙂

Ye cannae beat it!

Stuart MacKay


It’s still worth asking the question. If only to have a dig around and find out whether Alba is being held back by other factors.

You’re right that exposure is a big factor but that could be by-passed by word of mouth, etc. It could be that they’re simply tarnished by the breakaway party curse like the Social Democratic Party or Change UK.

Meteoric rises for political parties are not that rare so if there’s the need, then it’s worth trying to find out why that need is not being fulfilled.

Captain Yossarian

Dan – I understand your brain to work along similar tramlines, similar wiring, as my own. That’s not necessarily good, or bad, but I will give you the following to think about:

1. A terawatt = 1Billion kW. Scotland will soon be producing 120 terawatts. Each house in Scotland consumes around 4000kW per annum.

2. The UK “epicentre” of tomorrow’s Storm Babel will be to the high ground just west on Aberdeen. 4″ – 6″ of rain. Where is some of that going to end-up?


Red says:
18 October, 2023 at 11:01 am
This all sounds painfully Scottish, but isn’t ‘El-Nakla’ that unpleasant looking woman who brought that ridiculous, race baiting court case against a local nursery run by a Hindu woman? I don’t think she ever apologised for trying to ruin that woman’s life and livelihood.

Aye that’s her and she’s married to the bloke who objects to Scotland being white, white, white and believes calling someone a ‘New Scot’ is racist.

He also objects to being considered ‘different’ or some such shit.
If your parents bring you to an majority all white Christian country and you are ‘bame’ & muslim what do you expect to be the same. Ask your parents why they did that to you.

Was it because they weren’t prepared to stay and support a newly independent country?

I’ve gone from really liking people like Humza Yousaf & the bloke who calls himself Debbie to not liking them much.

(that’s putting it mildly … just incase)

Anton Decadent

There are some highly capable engineers BTL and a man capable with code and design ATL here. Go for a Robocop 2 Robocain style RoboSalmond. Clydebuilt stamped onto it and it playing Framed by SAHB as it sorts these feckers oot.


I don’t know if anyone ever listened to my reasons for not supporting Alba.

I do not support any political party that doesn’t want the GRA

It’s impossible to support the GRA & women’s rights at the same time.

Alf Baird

Stuart MacKay @ 8:11 am

“A swan song for the SNP”

In a colonial society, the co-opted complicit national party elite demonstrate rather well, via its coercive laws, its attacks on the movement, its lack of innovation on independence, its absence of a plan to develop the nation, its cosying up to the colonial establishment, etc:

“that the bourgeoisie is condemned to become every day more snarling, more openly ferocious, more shameless, more summarily barbarous; that it is an implacable law that every decadent class finds itself turned into a receptacle into which there flow all the dirty waters of history; that it is a universal law that before it disappears, every class must first disgrace itself completely, on all fronts, and that it is with their heads buried in the dunghill that dying societies utter their swan songs.” (Aime Cesaire)


The colonialised should not accept experimental gene altering injections.


“like an abandoned dog seeking the last bits of warmth and scent from its owner’s chair.”

I would have inserted corpse.frankly


Wee Humza Useless is right nicla sturgeon the betrayer has TRANSFORMED SCOTLAND (into a fucking BIGGER shite hole than the previous LIEBOUR govt)


The earlier commentators are correct when they say that Nadia El Nakla was a vicious mendacious woman who along with her husband abusing the powers of the state, and the law, conspired to ruin a popular and good nursery and its proprietor.

Set up stings using false actors Nadia El Nakla is one nasty piece of work. Maybe she also railed at the white, white white thing that consumes her husband for together they come across as utterly racist.

These a terrible things to have to say but this woman tried to set up the nursery as racist because her and Humza child could not be a given a place.

There are also anecdotes about as to how she was specially cosseted to be the candidate for Dundee in the Holyrood election. Truly we do not need people like her. We have enough problem with our own more indigenous sectarianism.

All of that said, for both of these odious characters we need to wish them the best for the safety of their family in Gaza. El Nakla’s parents and family are at real risk of harm and for that reason, irrespective of who and what Humza and his wife may may personally be, we should support them at this very difficult time.

And I’m sure in the hearts of Wings readers we all share that sentiment. We are Wings readers because we want better.

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