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Wings Over Scotland

A better nation

Posted on March 23, 2021 by

Nicola Sturgeon’s progressive New SNP, for people who celebrate punitive rape.

Do give them both your votes, won’t you? #BeKind.

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That scummy wee man has been blocked by most of us this past week.
I’m heart sorry that he attacked Craig – nasty wee shite.
Mind you, new snp seems to be a magnet for the despicables .
Look at the example set by daddy Sith who also seemed to enjoy getting tore into Craig.
I think we all know where we stand with new snp.
And we’re walking away.

Duchess of Puke Street

Utter cnuts


I’m Speechless , Craig fights for independence , unlike this guy on bended knees to London.

Graf Midgehunter

Proof that the SNP really is rotten to the core.

Glass – no class.

Revenge will be so sweet when the time comes and Glass won’t be forgotten.

John Dickson

I blocked the wewe shyte long ago

Neil Mackenzie

I don’t remember what he did to offend me, already, but I had him blocked before I saw this.


Graeme Glass has allegedly just broken the law.

That is a definitive Breach of the Peace.

There may, ironically be a secondary caution and charge for Graeme Glass of…

Contempt of CourtIt may be an idea for several people to report this matter so that some lazy or negligent police person doesn’t try sweeping this under the carpet because only one member of the “lieges” his reported the behaviour of Graeme Glass.

Given the likelihood that Graeme Glass may well be getting a knock at his front door and a caution prior to formal interview, folk on this thread would be politely reminded to be circumspect in what they write so as not to prejudice the police inquiry.


He’s a hardcore Sturgeon fan. He tweeted that she is “Queen of the North”.


Seems to be a common occurrence, but I had him blocked already. Can’t remember why …


Yes, this is the ” better nation” NS’ SNP have brought us to…a vindictive cess pit.


Saying a man has a willy.
Saying you hope a man gets raped in prison.

One of the above is hate speech in Nicola Sturgeons Scotland. When will enough be enough?

John Martini

Report him and give him a taste of what’s to come


What Graeme disnae realise is when his queen Nicla’s HCB goes through he will maybe be in the Bar L before Craig , so he will have the choice of BIG BOYS before Craig
Pathetic arsehole Graeme


Candidate vetting always was a problem for the SNP. What’s the story behind this lowlife – is he a list candidate or has the SNP just blown a constituency?

Meanwhile, if you’re a strong, independently-minded woman like Joanna Cherry, Joan McAlpine or Michelle Thomson, don’t expect any backing from Nicola or her dream girls.

Eileen Carson

I already had him blocked thank goodness.

Of note there were only a handful of adverse notifications at 4am on my twitter a/c where usually there are loads, either I’ve become less bolshie [I haven’t] or there are genuinely fewer fanatical Nicola fans.

Quite shocked that she sent a gloating email round members this evening, but it appears to have had an adverse effect, to some waverers who had been looking for change it was the final straw.


It shows the level that the SNP have fallen to.
Unfortunately Glass isn’t alone.
Keep looking for glimmers of hope in the party I was a member of since I was 16,but there are none.
All checks and balances compromised.
Zero transparency !
Zero accountability !
And then there’s the missing money, not to mention how they treat the public purse.
Craig Murray is his own worst critic.He’s owned up to everything he’s done in his past.But he isn’t a criminal and his reporting of the AS case should never have gotten to court.


Absolutely disgusting!
Their own hate crime bill should see Glass

Can we crowd fund to go after this excuse for a man?

Is there a petition to demand his removal from the party?

There needs to be a crowd funder for Craig too.

This idiot is the last straw!


Evidently the SNP is kicking off it’s 2021 election campaign with all the class, integrity, and commitment it has shown towards the Independence Movement since 2014.

Looks like I’ll have nobody to vote for in May.

YES 2014 came close to winning, and it was a beautiful thing to be part of. It felt like we’d turned a light on that could never be extinguished.

Don’t think any of us were banking of this current SNP however, which seems ugly and nasty beyond measure, smug beyond redemption, and worryingly at ease with it’s own corruption. That light doesn’t burn so bright anymore… except it does, but only on the inside.

What does it tell you when the SNP under Sturgeon will broker an SNP / Green Coalition, but pours scorn on Pro-Independence List parties? Repulsive seems the word which best fits.

I have no appetite for this craven sandbox of Holyrood politics. I think I’ll go into hibernation until Scotland is ready to stand up and defend the legal principles of it’s sovereign Constitution. In that respect, the sooner Holyrood collapses in acrimony and ignominy the better, and I hope it takes the SNP down with it.

Power devolved is power retained.

We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the Westminster hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were once our YES brothers who dared to dream of a free and better Scotland.


It occurs to me we’re actually in a much worse place than Catalonia. At least there, Spain outright jails independence leaders for being independence leaders. They are clearly political prisoners. Here, the state (U.K. but through the SNP in Scotland) is jailing independence supporters under different guises – marches, supposed contempt of court, false sex charges – and, where Catalonians rebel, SNP supporters cheer on the jailing.

My fear is one of their first acts after May will be to bring more trumped up charges against Alex but this time using their new non jury trial to ensure no pesky fair people stand in their way. And, once again, the Sturgeon loyal will cheer on the result even as no independence or referendum is delivered. They’ve already been convinced by the unionist media reporting of all this to despise him, despite all the evidence being of a stitch up. I just don’t get how they don’t see it. Do they really think the pro union media has suddenly changed? How can they reconcile the headlines with the absolute lack of any evidence and the acquittal?

The non political types who didn’t want to talk about independence during the last referendum and believed the media back then are the absolute worst now: they still just believe what they’re told, which is Salmond bad, Nicola great and will bring independence.

Robert Louis

Breeks at 0549am,

An excellent, excellent post. Yet again (and yes I know I say that a great deal).

That tweet shown in the article above, and the odious one by Stirling’s ‘daddy’ yesterday are just obscene.

So, Nicola Sturgeon needs asked, is MALE RAPE something you now as a party, encourage?? Is Graem Glass still in the party today??? Is he?? Or is it all just a laugh??

Seriously, what has become of the SNP? What dregs of humanity now inhabit its positions?

I have had a quick look over at a wide range of twitter accounts via the web overnight, just to see the kinds of things being said by the Nicola fans, and it was just sad. I cannot believe she has taken a once great democratic party and turned it into a cesspit of sniping, bullying, collusion and hatred.

And the recurrent theme? ‘You lot are only attacking the lovely NICKLA because she’s a woman, and btw, Alex was legally innocent but wink, wink, we all know he is ‘handsy’ etc, etc.. innuendo after innuendo, all entirely unfounded against a man of great integrity – all directed at the ONLY MAN to ever get close to get Scotland to be free of English colonial rule in over three hundred years. The man who made the SNP the top party in Scotland, the man who ACTUALLY secured a majority in the Scotparliament and ACTUALLY HELD (rather than just talk about) an independence referendum. On and on it goes.

The sheer hatred, spite and veonom on show by some in the SNP, all in the name of ‘the lovely nickla’ on show is beyond disgraceful.

This has all come about on Nicola Sturgeon’s watch. They saw her atrocious, spiteful, vengeful behaviour and have magnified it and emulated it.

The SNP, the party of man-haters and reality deniers.


Okay stu any chance of a blog post by you on which new independence party to vote for because obviously we have to do something. Maybe a low down on how to use the list to good effect. It’s the only way I can see that we can begin to change things politically

Robert Louis

And because I am really hacked off at many ill-informed folk in the SNP, a quick history recap.

Alex Salmond actually;

WON a majority

Got a section 30

passed a referendum bill

actually held a freaking independence referendum.

Nicola Sturgeon has done NONE of these things. NONE.

Bob Mack

There will be one major benefit in staying at home this coming election. At least I can live with myself in peace.

The tweet highlighted just shows what they have become under this leadership. I fought tooth and nail every time people accused them of being Tartan Tories. Now They have surpassed even that accusation.

One day we will be rid of the parasites who have taken refuge in the host of the SNP. For now they are beyond our reach.

If we can’t cure them we must resolve to replace them.

The goal of Independence belongs to us and us alone. No party can own it. Share it yes, but never own

Big Jock

We must all work to expose the hollow immoral society that Sturgeon is growing.

This cannot be our future.


I can’t believe we gave Sturgeon, Yousaf, Robertson and the rest carte blanche to do as they would for SIX YEARS! All that time we were waiting for the indy starting gun, they were plotting hate, cheating and spite instead. I hope Scotland finds a way to be ungovernable (without being criminal) for the next five years. 🙁

Big Jock

Robert. They also don’t understand that our anger at Sturgeon had hee haw to do with breaking the MC. It’s about her lies , trying to jail a former great leader and her utter failure as an independence leader.

They haven’t the first clue.


We have been told that if the SNP get a majority in May they will hold a referendum after the pandemic, possibly in the second half of the term.

A roadmap has been published out of lockdown where we are going to exit in June. That looks seriously in doubt due to vaccine shortages brought on by tensions between the EU and the UK.

Considering how many variants of the virus are popping up that could reduce the effectiveness of existing vaccines and that there is no serious attempt to control movement to the island of the UK, as well as large parts of the world population will not be vaccinated for years to come, do people honestly think the pandemic is going to be over in the next year or two?

The SNP must really think we button up in the back of the head.


Just another willfully blind Sturgeonista piece of crap.

Hit them where it hurts…


Lorna Edwards

You have to give credit to the SNPs script writers who have succeeded in getting all commentators within the party to sing loudly from the same hymn sheet almost verbatim the same bile. They are coached to such a high standard Hitler Youth could have taken lessons.


Correction – the SNP aren’t just the party of man haters – they hate women too – hence the hate crime bill and rubbishing women’s concerns over self ID.

In fact they show contempt for indy supporters as evidenced by the jailing of Manny Singh and what has happened to Craig, Alex and Mark. They are self serving, unionists stooges. Only hope left is for Joanna Cherry to lead the party but shes been nobbled to the nth degree. A fine woman and a fantastic politician.

Hearing on the grape vine that SNP activists in Edinburgh are hoping Bonnie Prince Bob does rather well. His crowdfunder is tanking past Marmalade’s now.

Craig Murray if you are reading – you are a brave and honest man – we support you.

Margaret Wilson

I’ve seen such vindictiveness since the verdict for Craig came in yesterday and the nasty tweet from Smith, an MP, was just awful. Their hate for all those who question, especially you bloggers and particularly yourself, is very revealing to me and I’ve been shocked and surprised at the reaction to our FM’s exoneration from people I thought were for truth and right. It certainly looks as though Indy is far off the horizon but there are still folk who believe it’ll be soon. We can but hope.


One of Cameron Archibald’s type creatures it seems going by his RTing.


You don’t need the Hate Crime bill for him to be reported to the police. The contents and context of his post already appear to be a Malicious Communication under the terms of the Communications Acts 2003. Hopefully someone has reported this to the police.

Hopefully, at the very least, their employer has been informed. There is no room for this sort of online abuse and should be condemned regardless who sent it or who the target is.

Meg merrilees

Fabiani on BBC R Scotland just now. Asked if NS broke the M Code replied- that’s for James Hamilton to decide but didn’t Hamilton say that it was up to MSP’s to decide?
BBC – should anyone resign- not for her to say. Up to S Government.

Dave Beveridge

I’m really struggling to see how Nicola Sturgeon has this weird messianic hold over so many people. I remember Blair holding this bairn while its mother gushed, “His future’s safe in Tony Blair’s hands…” It’s the exact same thing we’re seeing here.

While I thought Blair was a psycho the instant I set eyes on him, it took me longer to see what Sturgeon was. The seeds of doubt started when she lost over 30% of her MPs, sprouted when she spent 3 years trying to overturn the Brexit vote down south and then became like the Day of the Triffids when she finally said there’d be no referendum without the “gold standard”.

Still, she does a good job reading out stats that are handed to her every day eh?


Mr Glass now having a go at Stu.
link to

Career Politician

I now see that the SNP are simply just another nationalist poison.

I joined the Labour party today – it’s far, far from perfect, but I don’t think it’s fundamentally evil, and I know for a fact there are those who support scottish independence within it.


Yup, an utterly vile tweet from and an utterly vile specimen.
The amount of people on SM celebrating a victory of corruption, obfuscation and lies is hugely depressing. I’m having genuine difficulty seeing the positives of being stuck with them in the warped, woke dystopian Independent Scotland they appear to want to see delivered.

“Sure, it can be every bit as corrupt as Westminster, and yeah it might be even more corrupt, corrupted at its core…but hey, it’ll be Independence!!”

It’s like an argument that there’d be a winner in WWIII.

Christ I’m depressed. Sorry.


Big Jock says:
23 March, 2021 at 7:43 am
Robert. They also don’t understand that our anger at Sturgeon had hee haw to do with breaking the MC. It’s about her lies , trying to jail a former great leader and her utter failure as an independence leader.


Agreed all the focus on the ‘breaking the MC’ crap was just a distraction.

Big Jock

Right when is Salmond’s party taking members!


The HCB belongs to the political class –
It won’t touch the likes of Glass.

To be applied selectively
But nonetheless effectively:
Whenever they want, against Whoever they like:
That is now the government’s right.

If you hate Alex Salmon’, you’ve done very well
If you critique Prickla Surge-On? Go to Hell!
Or at least to jail, for the rest of your days …
The Rule of Law? Whatever yon birkie, (Wolfie), says!

The cops and the COPFS will be on your case
If you step out of line, or speak truth to their face.
They’re the arms of the Law, which you must never berate –
Unless you want to feel…(in yer face)…the fist of the state.

Glass is on the side of the good and the free
He won’t be touched by the HCB.
For it was made to imprison … all opposition
From journos and peskies, from you, and from me,
And from all honest citizens
Who wanted a Scotland that’s honest and free,

With accountable government, of law the true fount,
Instead of select prosecutions, and woven accounts.

The HCB belongs to the political class:
It’ll never touch the likes of Glass.

A C Bruce

A bit of tarring with the same brush going on here. Not everything is a conspiracy, Stuart.

Sometimes, like Glass, it’s an individual with particularly obnoxious views who posts something that is beyond the pale. Such people may also support Scottish independence and might even be SNP members.

According to his twitter bio, he is a grown adult and should be held personally responsible for his deplorable post. Nothing to do with SNP or the wider Scottish public – independence supporting or not.


Don’t anyone be building their hopes up that the forces of law will be descending on Glass. I fear that the State definition of ‘Hate Crime’ will be every bit as selective as ‘Contempt of Court’.


All this talk of leaving Scotland, not voting, hibernating is pathetic!

Surely there’s got to be a better plan than that.

Let me tell you the novelty of nothing but sun, sand, sea & sex on the Costa del Sol wears off very quickly.

Hibernating is what you’ve being doing for the past year. Have you enjoyed lockdown?

Think of the Suffragettes when you decide not to vote.

Don’t let Nicola Sturgeon manipulate you into doing something you’ll regret.

Wee Chid

Alyn Smith has been equally hateful towards Craig Murray – but I suppose that is no surprise.

K Campbell

committee report archived
link to


AC Bruce – who are you kidding ?

Our imperial masters have appointed sturgeon as our leader . Her patronage, favouritism and bullying have enabled glass. glass is emboldened by having a thug as caudillo.

We are living in the early days of a dictatorship. Thanks to the cowards. Revenge will be sweet and I hope swift.

Once normality returns glass should be expelled.

P.S. Regarding Stu : “I promise you one by the end of this week.” – Thanks for this – I really need a star of hope.

Wee Chid

A C Bruce says:
23 March, 2021 at 8:40 am
A bit of tarring with the same brush going on here. Not everything is a conspiracy, Stuart.

That would be fine if the SNP weren’t selective about such matters. Remember Grousebeater’s experience?


I have followed this for the last few years because I wanted to know what really happened and because right from the start something seemed very off to me.

Even now I still don’t have access to all the evidence (especially the really damning messages) and I don’t actually know who the accusers are (beyond suspicions) but I am confident I mostly know what happened at this point.

So frankly I am a bit confused as to why anyone actually gives a fuck what these ‘inquiries’ conclude.

The Fabiani Farce is as bent as a three pound note so is it really a surprise Hamilton is another dud, Lord Hutton or whatever.

The remits were all so narrow and technical and did not get anywhere near the real meat of the scandal. Poring over whether NS misled parliament about the date of a meeting… FFS I am more worried about the stitching-up of a former FM to stop him re-entering politics, things like that…

Everything was totally bent from the very start, right through to the judicial review, and then through to the trial. It was a miracle Alex was cleared it was so stacked against him, a miracle. So why would anyone think the inquiries would be any better.

For those not playing a game here, we know what happened.

I don’t need no stinking inquiries to tell me what to think about it all.

The only thing I am really angry about is the treatment of Craig Murray.

Colin Alexander

People can vote for whoever they want to. That’s democracy.

But, I won’t vote for the SNP or any party who pledges support for the SNP ( are you listening ISP and AFI) ?

I won’t vote for anti-democratic parties that won’t respect the right of self-determination, such as Labour and the Tories etc.

Currently, I see no point in voting.

The indy movement should come up with something better than this.


K Campbell says:
23 March, 2021 at 8:56 am
committee report archived

Why archived?

link to


I saw the tweet yesterday and decided not to even engage. It’s a waste of time. Far better expending energy helping Mr Murray.
Yesterday was a dark day and trying to be objective about things, the only way forward now is to create an alternative vessel onto which those who become disillusioned over the next few years can climb (without critique or ridicule).

We certainly need a political party or parties (whether that be ISP, AFI etc) to create an alternative vision for Scotland to that of the SNP. Their proposals, such as sterlingization and EU membership are unworkable (perhaps deliberately). Adopting the U.K. wrecking ball that is bank regulation is another policy ripe to challenge.

Whichever party or parties build over the next few years, one common piece of branding they should all share is the design of a small logo stating that May 26 is the time when Scotland votes for independence. That month and year should slowly seep into people’s subconscious through badges, adverts, leaflets etc. No more referendum games.

katherine hamilton

Who is this guy? Just a random prick or does he hold any kind of position in the SNP? Anybody Know?

Wee Chid

OK – I’ve given in and opened a Gmail account to be able to post without going into moderation.


Yeah, I’m pretty much at the stage of defacing my ballot paper with words to the effect of “Nicola Sturgeon is a corrupt fucking liar” and giving my list vote to the best alternative.

That’s something that worries me actually – the non SNP pro indy list vote will be limited to start with. If it’s split between ISP / AFI / others are we going to shoot ourselves in the foot and get nothing returned?

Andy Ellis

@Rev Stu 8.16am

Given recent events, and the limited time available, it strikes me that it would be useful to produce a “preferred vote” list for each constituency for us to register a protest vote? I doubt anything will make an impact on the hardcore Sturegonista cultists, but if a block of voters in enough constituencies prove decisive and actually deprive the SNP of seats it may convince some of those remaining in the party?

Even if it doesn’t it serves as a useful statement of intent for the work of the next five years.


This fool doesn’t realise that its Craig Murray that’s fighting for a free and fair independent Scotland, but he will, when the next five years elapses without an independence referendum being held under Sturgeon’s tenure.


On the positive side of yesterday’s news, perhaps we can draw a line under Sturgeon-gate and mobilise with the best strategy to move forward in a pro-indy manner. Apart from a few recent btl comments from Brits, the vast majority of people who visit this blog are what are known as alt-nats i.e. we’re given that label because we are hated. Why? Because we passionately want independence, not more powers for troughers. We know from 2013/14 that Stu comes up with some pretty good ideas. I remember the one that really pissed off Better Together when he suggested we photograph evidence of BT activists at train stations to expose their lies i.e. we hardly found any. Also, the subway adverts were great, while they lasted! More like this please. Maybe even diverting some funds to help tactical opponents of folk like Angus Robertson.

By the way, I just realised the other day that you can leaflet now, and door-to-door canvassing will be allowed from April (can’t remember the date). A lot of us will be quite keen to carry a positive message round the doors 😉


Blackford on Sky news refusing to answer the guy on the question of NS found to have misled parliament. Refuses to answer or accept the findings.

What a surprise.

Alf Baird

Breeks @ 5:49 am

“Looks like I’ll have nobody to vote for in May.”

This looks like a good offer of independence to me, by precisely the right kind of folk who have the courage to declare it, and I won’t be passing up the chance to vote for it:

“AFI shall also campaign for a simple majority of the popular vote for pro-indy parties across both the constituencies and the regional lists, at the “Independence” election, and for such a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence itself.
link to


If an MP sends a tweet that is not befitting of his/her office, you can complain, explaining the reasons why, to:


“Weird messianic hold” you say,huh?

Naw, just know you canny score if you are not on the park.

I see pretendy shock horror he tried tae kill me with his tongue,on every side.

Spoiling papers is a joke.

Me? SNP1 and probably ISP2.

Because? I want independence in my lifetime. The SNP conference will be the next big event after the election. There is real desire to retake the party from the woke and carpetbaggers!


Should rename this site as Petulant Tantrums over Bath. You lot must look gorgeous in your tinfoil hats.

Robert Graham

I Don’t do twitter but if this a example of the characters who frequent that platform I haven’t missed anything,

Maybe it would help people make up their mind who to vote for in the next election , if people who do have a account on Twitter could show everyone further examples of the cult following and show everyone the standard of the people who support and actively follow Princess Nicola ,

I believe unless she comes out and condemns these individuals who follow her then I can only deduce she approves them

So what’s your opinion Nicola ?


Has a deal been done? The UK state keeps the New SNP in power and the SNP keeps Scotland in the union.


“Me? SNP1 and probably ISP2“

Me? dumb as fuck, a real mug…

I look forward to saying that sort f thing in person.


Andy Ellis “ Given recent events, and the limited time available, it strikes me that it would be useful to produce a “preferred vote” list for each constituency for us to register a protest vote? ”

Good plan.

Mr Bonobo

In 2005 I was in Iran, taking the piss out of Iranian colleagues because all they had to vote for was government approved candidates, at the time they elected Ahmadinejad.

They made two decent points – firstly at least their government sent ballot boxes out to the oil rigs, something I had been surprised about since it never happens over here.

More importantly, they pointed out that we had just given Blair a big majority despite it being by then he had served us up a big plate of quite transparent lies for over a year in order to destroy a country on behalf of his chums.

It seems we have not improved at all, if anything the two systems have merged.

Robert Graham

Comments @ 9:23

Fk off you don’t have to visit , if you do make a attempt at something resembling sense

I won’t name the poster but only one post at that time so it ain’t difficult to see who it is



Love your poem!

Rick H Johnston

A double whammy for me, with Nicola cleared by James Hamilton and the Scottish Independence Bill.
What’s not to like. Let’s put all this division behind us and get stuck into the election campaign.
SNP 1&2 seems obvious now because the wee indy parties will just cut each others throats.
Probably a missed opportunity to be honest.
The question is – will Sarwar instruct his MSPs to vote with the Tories?
Maybe they haven’t learnt the lesson of 2014.
Voring with the Tories is political suicide.


A cult in a kilt.

Get the Jocks beating each other.

Easy money.join the old 77th Brigade. We are selling off a few frigates to bring you up to strength now that Hatuey is getting older.

Someone told me that independence is normal and gosh I think they are correct.

Andy Ellis

@Famous15 9.22am

We’ve heard the “stay inside the tent and retake the party” schtick for too long now, with no appreciable results. The supposed victory in cleansing the NEC last St. Andrew’s Day proved a temporary or even Pyrrhic victory, as did the vote on Lamont’s “six little words” amendment in Holyrood. Some of us hoped that signalled that there were enough MSPs with minds of their own to rein the leadership in. We now see that isn’t the case, but all you can suggest is to carry on voting for these pieces of work?

If that’s your solution you deserve everything you (don’t) get. The current SNP isn’t going to deliver a vote on independence, still less achieve it. The kind of governance and system they would institute wouldn’t be one any sane person should want to tolerate.

Low voltage “wheesht for indy” cultists like you are very much part of the problem, not part of the solution. You can’t even carry a segment of the Yes movement with you, so what chances have you of persuading “soft No” voters to vote SNP after everything you’ve seen recently.

Get back to us after the next conference. I’d lay good odds right now that it isn’t the Sturgeonistas, gradualists and Woko Haram extremists that will be ejected, it’ll be more of the long suffering members who are horrified at the direction of travel and the stench of corruption and institutional decay at the top of the organisation.

Nally Anders

My SNP constituancy MSP has around 8000 of a majority.
Although a lot of my friends are boycotting the SNP, it’s a waste of time trying to vote ‘tactically. Only option that I can see is a Spoiled ballot.
For the list it looks like ISP since they are specifically anti HCB and self ID.
I get what the AFI are trying to be about but sorry to say you need a manifesto of common objectives that everyone can get behind.
Whilst perhaps there is a case for reviewing the GRA legislation, under no circumstances will I lend my vote to a supporter of Self ID. There needs to be some kind of gate keeping, exactly which the current legislation achieves.
In an ideal world it would BE a lot simpler if the alternative list parties could unite.
Whatever – one of you will be getting my vote.


Dave Beveridge @ 8.22 I had the same reaction to Blair at first view. NS had me fooled too until a year ago. I have spent most of my life with manipulators until I got myself out of their clutches, so I feel confident to share some of the knowledge I have gained:
– when you think you have sussed out how they will react, they will change tack and fool you again
– an honest-thinking person cannot work out the mind of the manipulator, so better not to try
– THE TRUTH is the ULIMATE WEAPON to nail them
– calling them out as Stuart is doing DOES chip away at their foundations
– they rule by fear, their own fear which they are terrified that others will see ans use against them
– a manipulator will always and ONLY generate hate, will strive to divide and isolate
– the remarks I am reading here this morning show typical victim reaction to manipulator generated behaviour. BEWARE, they are comfortable with these reactions, they own this territory.
– our only efficient arms going forward are twofold: RELENTLESSLY EXPOSE THE TRUTH and THINK AND ACT POSITIVELY TOWARDS THE FUTURE.

One important consideration directed to the Scottish Government whom we all know read this post; manipulators DO know RIGHT FROM WRONG. They invariably choose whatever flatters their ego and aids their mission of the moment. You who are being manipulated and are caught up in the omertà, you also know right from wrong.

Doing the right thing is nearly always the most difficult path to choose. You also know that the actions you take today concern the whole country, the people of Scotland who have put their trust in you to do what is right.



I can’t recall the context but it was only a few months ago SC was stating that irrespective of anything on this site the SNP would win comfortably in May.

It was only the slim chance that Sturgeon was found to have breached the ministerial code by Hamilton that offered a supposed ‘chance’ she would have to quit before then. (Cant say given what had seen to date at that stage that I was hugely optimistic but it made sense to keep an open mind at the time.)

The Fabiani Farce was rightly written off long ago as a waste of time but Hamilton was not as transparent so it was harder to judge him.

Well now we know.

But is it really such a surprise considering how the SNPG has behaved throughout. They have not done anything fairly, nor honestly, nor openly. They have tried to rig the process all along the way and cover up their crimes. So why would anyone think these two soft ball inquiries would be immune to it.

The inquiries however were not a complete waste of time. A lot of information came to light despite the best efforts of the SNPG to hide it all.

So here is the result of my inquiry that I have been running as well.

The SNPG and in particular Team Nicola are rotten to the core. Many of them should be in jail for what they did.

The cover-up is on-going. As it has been from the start.

We need a proper judicial led inquiry and the SNPG and the Scottish judicial system should not be allowed anywhere near it nor have any say in it whatsoever.


Colin Alexander says:
Currently, I see no point in voting.


Don’t let Nicola Sturgeon manipulate you into doing something you’ll regret.


Does Nicola Sturgeon want a majority?

Does she want an excuse not to ask for a section 30?

Does she want an excuse not to produce the money donated for an IndyRef campaign?

Perhaps the best revenge is to give her what she doesn’t want?

Alf Baird

Nally Anders @ 9:42 am

“I get what the AFI are trying to be about but sorry to say you need a manifesto of common objectives that everyone can get behind.”

The primary objective of independence at this ‘independence’ election looks appealing:

“AFI shall also campaign for a simple majority of the popular vote for pro-indy parties across both the constituencies and the regional lists, at the “Independence” election, and for such a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence itself.”
link to

Gordon Currie

What chances are there for us to;

Get a new independence party formed to contest the next UK general election

Win a majority of seats, possibly with existing SNP MPs when it’s clear that this new party, not the 4th Westminster party (i.e SNP) are the only party offering independence.

Achieve independence via the UK parliament and the UN on the basis of self-determination?


Glass has deleted his tweet. Can I suggest you all copy Stu’s screenshot and paste it into his timeline as a reply every time he tweets? Send it to your MSP as well.


@Louise 23 March, 2021 at 7:16 am

“Okay stu any chance of a blog post by you on which new independence party to vote for because obviously we have to do something. Maybe a low down on how to use the list to good effect. It’s the only way I can see that we can begin to change things politically”

You need told who to Vote for ? Seriously ? Are you a Sheep ? There are plenty of choices so try thinking for yourself , who knows you may even enjoy doing that.

David Caledonia

Why reply to an idiot, I seldom do

Mark Boyle

@Nally Anders says: 23 March, 2021 at 9:42 am
“For the list it looks like ISP since they are specifically anti HCB and self ID.
I get what the AFI are trying to be about but sorry to say you need a manifesto of common objectives that everyone can get behind.”

And the “Vote ISP, boo AFI” bots strike again.

The reason both Screaming Lord Sutch and Lieutenant Commander Bill Boaks came up with so many ludicrous policies was to lampoon the way single issue campaigners like themselves (ie. reducing the voting age and curbing road traffic) were dismissed as “not being serious without other policies”.

Any clown car can run up a manifesto promising jelly, ice cream and bigger orgasms if you vote for them, especially when they know there’s no chance of ever being in a position of being called to deliver on it. The Liberal Democrats have been doing it for decades – it was when they did end up in government they came unstuck big time, and now there’s two generations of young voters who will never forgive them – the very ones they can’t afford to have alienated.

Yes, the SNP was derided in the 1960s as “Still No Policies”, but until they were being elected to local councils in appreciable numbers, it was pointless.

For all my growls at AFI, their short message of “Independent referendum and no more bullshit” is more pragmatic. Micro-parties running up long manifestos are wastes of time and ego trips for the participants indulging in “If I ruled the world” fantasies.

Daisy Walker

This a seriously nasty message.

But a little bit of reallity check for the wee scone regarding prisons.

A majority of the prisoners support Indy. Criag Murray, with his ability to communicate, will be greatly appreciated by them.

Anecdotally, I’d say that at least the same proportion of Prison Officers as public, if not higher, also support Indy.

The Prison Governor is not going to want an international ‘incident’ on their watch – regardless of what Nicla would like.

If it happens, and I hope it will not, then it will not be pleasant, but it will not be the cliche of ‘prison rape’ rumoured.


What a complete and utter shite bucket.


Corruption. That’s it. That’s what it is. They think the fact we want Indy will make us ready to hold our noses and still vote for them. Not me. I won’t vote for corruption even if it comes wrapped in a saltire.


Thanks, Wendy @ 9.36.
I think the last line might have been better with ‘never prosecute’ rather than ‘never touch’.

I think I also have an improvement for lines 15 and 16 too. Here’s what I had:

Glass is on the side of the good and the free
He won’t be touched by the HCB.

What I now think would be better, as follows:

Glass is on the side of the good and the free
He’ll always be protected by the HCB.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. I suppose most folk on the site are not much interested in poetry / doggerel like this, but it’s good to know someone enjoyed it. I wrote a long one on Saturday after listening to a rendition of ‘The Longford Weaver’, also known as ‘Nancy’s Whiskey’.

I was actually thinking of the ‘Irvine Weavers’ at the time, and wondering whether any of them actually came from Dreghorn, which is nearby. Anyway … thanks again.


Something I didn’t realise until lately was that NS was in charge of the campaign for independence. It explains a lot. The weird happy-clappy rainbow wishing tree stuff. Creative Scotland apparently in charge of ‘strategy’. The po-faced hypocritical elitism for who was in and who was out. These were all themes she took with her when she became SNP leader.

Maybe that is why she does not want another referendum because she knows she lost the last one.

Lorna Campbell

Disgusting human being. Doesn’t surprise me in the least, though. Scotland is descending into internecine strife that will not be placated with a false referendum; it is becoming toxic on every level now and the clock can’t be put back.

I hope and pray that Craig Murray is spared prison. His wife has just had a new baby. This is so like the Catalan situation with its political prisoners. A chap, Thomson, got six months for naming the women. It was wrong, and in defiance of the court, but six months seems very harsh. I wish the women would eschew the anonymity and speak up. Some of them, at least, have been used, but, I suppose, they have careers to think of, but it might spare them the continuing opprobrium with which they have been faced.


Al-Stuart says:
23 March, 2021 at 2:25 am
Graeme Glass has allegedly just broken the law.

That is a definitive Breach of the Peace.

Al Stuart
You have given people so much good information here on how to defeat what is happening to them.
I have to wonder though, Is anyone listening?
The comment you made on the three choices blog was great.
Nicola has 8 hrs of testimony that can be analyzed by these behaviour analysts.
Surely someone in Scotland can contact one of them to do a piece on Nicolas 8 hr in front of the committee.
If you wan’t her true personality out there in the public eye, this is the way to go.
I’m in NZ this isn’t my fight. If I were still in Scotland this is what I’d be honing in on.

Al Maybe you could put the link up here again for people to really look into the value of it.
Can I ask were you once in the police force?


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
23 March, 2021 at 8:16 am
“Okay stu any chance of a blog post by you on which new independence party to vote for because obviously we have to do something”

I promise you one by the end of this week.

This auld Scottish lassie in her 70s living in NZ is hoping it’s what I e mailed Iain Lawson about 3 weeks ago. He wouldn’t answer me & I respect that.
My mouth is sealed, but I think all is not lost.


How high up in the SNP is he? I didn’t find anything by Googling (quickly). Not just “some arsehole” I take it?



Glass fired out a tweet, all over twitter air.
Full of hateful speech, it was plastered there!
Someone said to him, ‘That’s really not so nice:
Better take it down, so as not to pay the price!’

So, take it down he did, and tucked it all away,
Hoping now it’s hid, he will never have to pay.
The COPFS, of course, won’t come for him, but even if they did
‘It’s covered-up and down, and underneath a lid’

He’d say, ‘So, I’ve done the perfect action:
Its just the same as all that suave redaction
The art of which your boss, Lord Wolfe’s the master at –
And you, his minions at his COPFS, the fastest at …

‘So, what’s my tweet to you and me?
Go and catch the ba*t*rds at
Craig Murray’s Blogosphere,
And Wings, and Campbell, and all that …

‘Quick March, you lot! Get out of here!
Go prosecute the ones we really hate!
For, don’t you know? That I’m his mate –
Your boss, Lord Wolfie-Man, the Advocate –

‘Who hires and fires you, Little Swine!
I’m SNP, the Hate Bill’s mine!
If you charge ME, you’ve done a CRIME!
And, my friend Wolfie, won’t let go
Till into jail, you swine, he’ll throw.

So, off you go, and don’t come back
Or I’ll make sure you get the sack.’

So, Stephen Glass, what are you feeling,
As you look up, at your (Glass) ceiling?
And notice that your tweet’s still there
Hov’ring around, in th’ electric air.

For what you wrote can’t be re-phrased
Or what you tweeted e’er erased:
It always sticks and hovers round.
E’en when it’s lost, can aye be found.

You wrote it, Steve, it’s in the can:
So, own it now, and be a man.

For if the government should change
Your tweet might count as Hate-Deranged;
Inciting abuse of Craig Murray
Could get you jailed, if you’re not lucky.

Evade, erase, blot out, escape …
It’s still a crime to incite rape,
Or e’en encourage it. E’en in a tweet!
Barlinnie beckons? … Steve could greet!

What’s meet for others, for you is meet.
Wish not for them some sorry fate
Which for yourself you’d hate and hate.
If I were you, I’d learn my lesson:
No more gloatin’, no more messin’;
Other people no more threaten …
Usin’ tweets as your blade weapon!

Think of others ‘fore yersel’
Lest when life end, you end in Hell.
Compassion show them in misfortune
Of which, you too, will have your portion
As do we all. So, Stephen, look around –
And don’t kick others when they’re down.

Mind, … Throwin’ stones is always crass,
Especially when … you’re made o’ Glass.


Absolute cunt.


For ‘Steve’ and ‘Stephen’ in that last post of mine substitute ‘Graeme’. It should (probably) still work.

And if it doesn’t, it’s only doggerel anyway … Besides which, since everyone has moved on from here already, it doesn’t really matter.


Rev. Stuart Campbell,

“Nicola Sturgeon’s progressive New SNP, for people who celebrate punitive rape.

Do give them both your votes, won’t you? #BeKind.”

Ruby says (“Three choices”),

“I’m voting SNP 1/2 because I want Nicola Sturgeon to have to face the consequences of her actions.”


Dear Kiwilassi,

Thank you for the kind and civilised reply. It is very nice to be able to communicate and debate on site such as Wings.

In answer to your first point about whether people “get” what is being written below the line (BTL).

I can only speak for my experience. Many folk just post and don’t read BTL on Wings. Personally, I often enjoy below the line debate almost as much as as Stuart’s articles.

There are several people who are “tuned” into certain parts and I know for sure from off-site statutory events that a small group of former law officers do take notice of what is written by each other. Of this I am certain as positive results are progressing. The fan blades are turning.

In other words, answering your question, yes folk are listening. (Specifically that small group of law officers).

Kiwilassie, here is the link you sought…

link to

It takes a bit of getting your head around. If you try to remove the fact this is the Queen’s grandson and his wife: that we are dealing with body language study techniques that provide insight into the plethora of lies uttered by Nicola Sturgeon’s 8 hours of evidence UNDER OATH.

There will be action on that infraction in due course

You ask if I was a police officer? Yes that is correct. Also, we were trained extensively in body language and discerning when people tell lies.

From that video documentary with four professional intelligence grade interrogation officers, it is possible to locate clues from how Nicola Sturgeon gave her answers and has lied to deduce where the skeletons ARE buried.

Hopefully this is of help and answers your questions.

Best wishes and stay safe in that wonderful country of New Zealand.

Kiwilassie says:
23 March, 2021 at 2:26 pm
23 March, 2021 at 2:25am

Al-Stuart says:
Graeme Glass has allegedly just broken the law.

That is a definitive Breach of the Peace.
Kiwilassi says:

Al Stuart
You have given people so much good information here on how to defeat what is happening to them.
I have to wonder though, Is anyone listening?
The comment you made on the three choices blog was great.
Nicola has 8 hrs of testimony that can be analyzed by these behaviour analysts.
Surely someone in Scotland can contact one of them to do a piece on Nicolas 8 hr in front of the committee.
If you wan’t her true personality out there in the public eye, this is the way to go.
I’m in NZ this isn’t my fight. If I were still in Scotland this is what I’d be honing in on.

Al Maybe you could put the link up here again for people to really look into the value of it.
Can I ask were you once in the police force?

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