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Wings Over Scotland

The Poisoner

Posted on April 30, 2021 by

The grim thing is, the Daily Record’s headline isn’t even a lie.

You can check by listening to the interview yourself here, from 2h 10m.

Sturgeon starts off (2:11:20) by emphasising the election is NOT about independence.

“Can I just say one thing for context, which I think might be important as we go into this interview? I’m not proposing a referendum right now, and I’m certainly not proposing a referendum while the country is still dealing with the crisis of COVID. My focus if I’m re-elected next week is to steer us through COVID and into recovery.

Some of my critics in the independence movement might, or DO say that I’m too cautious on that, but actually I think it is a GOOD thing to be cautious when we’re talking about a crisis, a health crisis and the future of our country.”

The problem is that that’s nonsense. Firstly we know that dozens and dozens of other countries in the world, including the USA, have held both elections and referendums at the height of the pandemic. Scotland is in fact holding a general election in less than a week’s time, which is mechanically identical to a referendum. Indeed, had she chosen to, Sturgeon could have MADE that election a de facto referendum.

And secondly there’s this:

COVID-19 is in most meaningful ways already over. Shops and pubs are open again, conveniently just in time for the election. People are back in offices working. The majority of the population has had at least one dose of the vaccine and in a matter of weeks the whole country will be immunised.

With almost no new infections, the virus has no vectors by which to spread. Yesterday there were just 12 people in the whole of Scotland in intensive care with COVID. It’s now about as big a danger as flu, or being run over. It should present no obstacle to the normal operation of democracy.

(There could of course be new variants, but that’s ALWAYS true about viruses. There could also be a whole new pandemic of something else entirely tomorrow. Humanity can’t just hide in the basement forever.)

Sturgeon continued:

”I don’t believe we should propose a referendum right at this moment. I am a lifelong believer in independence, I want Scotland to be independent, but firstly we’ve got to steer the country through the crisis.

We’ve got to build the majority for independence through patient persuasion, and people who are serious about achieving independence I think understand that.

I actually think of ‘super-majorities’ and gaming the system, and trying to bulldoze our way to independence almost regardless of the state of public opinion risks putting those that we are looking to persuade of the case for independence off rather than pulling them towards us.”

But the problem with that is that Sturgeon is doing that already. As we noted earlier today, her “patient persuasion” has taken Yes from a 10-point lead to an 8-point deficit in the last four months. She’s going backwards at a rate of knots, and in the most favourable circumstances she could ever dream of – Brexit, a pandemic in which she’s been (erroneously) seen to have performed well, and a wildly unpopular and almost comically crooked complete buffoon in 10 Downing Street.

She HAD a majority for independence, and she’s blown it. It’s almost impossible to imagine anything that could possibly provide a bigger boost to the Yes vote than what she’s already had and wasted.

She used to promise that she’d deliver a second indyref “before it is too late” to avoid the effects of Brexit. But Brexit happened 15 months ago and now we have to wait for some unspecified point at which the effects of COVID are over before she’ll even begin to try. There’s always an excuse, and there always will be.

(Sturgeon in fact spent most of the interview ducking tricky questions on currency, Trident and more with her trusty old “We’ll answer that when there’s a referendum because we haven’t actually come up with any answers in the last five years because we’ve had nobody working on it schtick.)

Earlier today we noticed an infamously creepy sexual pervert from the Scottish Greens (sorry, we know that doesn’t narrow it down very much) tweeting a graph attempting to blame the decline in indy support on Alex Salmond. The annotation is theirs.

Now, correlation isn’t necessarily causation. But if we assumed for the sake of their argument that it was in this case, what would that actually tell us? It tells us that when people had heard about the sort of grotesquely corrupt, undemocratic, totalitarian Scotland that was being created under Nicola Sturgeon, they suddenly got a lot less keen on the idea of it being independent. (And to be quite honest with you, so did we.)

The argument being made by the sleazy Green, although he didn’t realise it, was that everything Alex Salmond said to the inquiry was true. Because if it wasn’t true, why would it have changed anyone’s mind about independence? Alex Salmond isn’t in government, and in February nobody had a clue he was even going to start a party to try to become an MSP again, so if they thought he was lying it wouldn’t make any difference to anything. Indeed, it could only logically have strengthened backing for Sturgeon and her cause, but instead the exact opposite happened.

Salmond’s evidence being the reason for the slide in the Yes vote only makes sense as an argument if what he said was the truth (which it was).

Alternatively, of course, one could equally posit that it was when Nicola Sturgeon gave HER (rather less candid) evidence a couple of days later that the Yes vote started to plunge, but either way the effective meaning is the same – that it was discovering how Sturgeon and her government had behaved that made people turn against independence.

We fervently hope that Alba does secure some MSPs next week, brings forward the motion and forces the SNP to vote against the pursuit of independence. Maybe THAT would finally open the eyes of a few of the demented loyalists who’ve been determinedly pulling off the “three wise monkeys” routine for the last two years.

Then again, it probably wouldn’t. If they managed to turn a blind eye when the SNP opposed Martin Keatings’ court case to try to give the Scottish Parliament the right to hold another indyref (and a key judgement is expected on that today, btw), they’ll probably find a way to shrug off the party actually voting against it too.

The truth of the matter is that Nicola Sturgeon has poisoned the Yes movement. Every part of it is now at war with every other part, and so bitterly that it’s hard to imagine the peace and unity of 2014 returning even if and when she’s finally dragged kicking and screaming out of Bute House.

The SNP and its supporters are spending most of their time attacking not Unionists, but the only man who ever actually got Scotland an independence referendum. The party’s sole priority appears to be putting rapists in women’s prisons and paedophiles in their changing rooms, and it reacts with jealous vindictive fury against anyone – Salmond, Keatings, bloggers, its own members – who actually tries to advance the cause of independence in any practical way. It now only exists to perpetuate itself in power, for power’s sake.

In about a week’s time (allowing for COVID-slowed vote counting) we’ll know if the poisoning is fatal. Cling to whatever hope you have left, folks.

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  1. 12 03 23 17:27

    Scotland: a look back at Nicola Sturgeon — part 2 | Churchmouse Campanologist

257 to “The Poisoner”

  1. somerled says:

    seems like they are going full slog for the Unionist anti Boris & anti Tory voter now Labour & Liberal voters. She should come out and admit the SNP are no longer ger an Independence party as they think Scotland needs to remain in the Union to survive, that there is no viable currency plan, no economic future and there would be a hard border with England.

  2. Wee Chid says:

    I don’t have any hope left. Unless she goes – it’s over.

  3. MaggieC says:

    I’ve just listened to part of that interview with Mrs Murrell just now , I couldn’t listen to all of it as I cannot stand listening to her or seeing her on tv any longer .

    If she’s not interested in pushing for Independence it time for her to go and take her woke cabal with her

    If it wasn’t for Alex and the Alba party I would not have been voting at all next week and that’s after voting Snp for the last 40 years .

  4. Balaaargh says:

    From the footfall in central Edinburgh, I would say that most offices are not back yet. Also COVID is probably now about “normal” flu rates from previous years. Flu cases, OTOH, have fallen through the floor.

    link to

    Waiting for an Indyref was a valid argument 6 months ago when shit was hitting the fan but not now. Sturgeon is an administrator covering her own job not a leader to take us forward.

  5. Giesabrek says:

    She really doesn’t see that having control of ALL economic levers is what Scotland needs to make the best post-covid recovery, not the same hand-out from Westminster and little control on anything else.

    Either that she does see it and doesn’t want the responsibility with governing a fully independent country and would rather blame her government’s failings on Westminster.

  6. ScottieDog says:

    I’m hopeful that more than a few SNP MSPs are hanging fire until after May 6th and that perhaps once they see what’s (not) happening, they’ll have the wherewithal to cross the floor.

  7. Famous15 says:

    Alles kaput Nikla?

  8. Captain Yossarian says:

    It’s called ‘hubris’. When Nicola Sturgeon and her vainglorious arse of a Lord Advocate sat at the Fabiani Inquiry smiling as if we couldn’t touch them but they could jail any one of us, then that is not something you get away with easily in the land of the Enlightenment. I suspect the popularity of the SNP could fall by another 5% in the next week.

  9. stonefree says:

    I couldn’t listen to beyond 50 seconds of her shit, She done everything to to damage Scotland.
    A small point the RBS own Natwest, check all the details in companies house (all of them).All under the Royal Bank of Scotland Group

    She needs to pack up her perverts and just GTF

  10. ThereWasACoo says:

    I had a wee thought: wouldn’t it be great if, after the election results are in, a few newly elected SNP MSPs with a conscience defected to Alba Party. It’s definitely within the realms of possibility.

  11. stonefree says:

    @ ScottieDog at 12:46 pm

    “I’m hopeful that more than a few SNP MSPs are hanging fire until after May 6th and that perhaps once they see what’s (not) happening, they’ll have the wherewithal to cross the floor.”
    I wouldn’t hold my breathe They’re brown at both ends, “Full of Shit”

  12. Neil Mackenzie says:

    On the Keatings case, what it set out to establish has, basically, been established. The gavel would have come down on that case long ago if the opposition had had anything solid to present. They didn’t. There is no law or statute that makes ‘permission’ or cooperation from Westminster necessary to proceed with providing the platform of a referendum for a people to freely choose their sovereignty and international status as is their undeniable right.

  13. Sharny Dubs says:

    Well said young man

  14. MaggieC says:

    Rev Stuart wrote above ,

    “If they managed to turn a blind eye when the SNP opposed Martin Keatings’ court case to try to give the Scottish Parliament the right to hold another indyref (and a key judgement is expected on that today, btw), they’ll probably find a way to shrug off the party actually voting against it too. “

    An email came from Martin Keatings this morning , with link to his post re the judgement ,

    link to

    “Peoples Action Update April 30, 2021 Martin James Keatings

    News, Peoples Action on Section 30

    So the opinion of the court has been released and it’s a bad news / good news kind of day. Let me be clear – the fight is not over! The fight is still on in earnest!

    On one hand, the court has decided not to allow the appeal, but on the other we’ve struck a major blow for access to justice as a whole in Scotland.

    I’ve posted the link to it as its a long post from Martin re the judgement .

  15. BLMac says:

    The SNP has become New Labour.

    They’ll go the same way. So fast they won’t know what hit them.

    Sadly, this election is looking doomed.

    The next UK election is going to be interesting.

  16. tamson says:


    If Alba get a few MSPs next week, it’s pretty much a cert that some more SNP MPs will be joining them. Can’t see either Cherry or McNeil staying in the SNP much longer.

  17. “Patient persuasion” FFS! Continental drift happens faster.

    “There’ll be no referendum until the economic impact of the sun becoming a red giant is dealt with…”

  18. tamson says:

    Another factor not being talked about is turnout.

    Anecdotal evidence suggests a lot of apathy towards this election outside the political bubble, and some parties are going to struggle to GOTV.

  19. 100%Yes says:

    Keatings said the SNP’s failure to put forward a proper bill is the primary reason the court refused to consider his action regarding a section 30.

  20. Pathetic attempt at blustering her way through the failing banks routine as well, as if Scotland would be responsible for every penny when 95% of the business is done elsewhere.

    She’s fkin useless except in the art of self-promotion.

  21. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    I wonder what she sold out for!
    Was it money? Blackmail? A future position with the UN or some equivalent?

    I think it was Blackmail. She has secrets she wants kept secret.

    It looks like Nicola has once again kicked Independence into the very, very long grass. If only we had an alternative…oh wait! We do. It will take years to build it up again but doing that is better than waiting for the SNP members to realise that they are merely Murrell company employees not Independence supporters.

  22. MacLam says:

    NS has had all the time in the world to answer, or at least debate, the many serious issues to which Independence would give rise. I believe her avoidance of these issues with a “we’ll work it out at the time” mentality has finally caught up with her. She is now seen as untrustworthy by the elctorate.

  23. John WALSH says:

    But there is no telling her.!! If she had surrounded herself with strategists instead of sycophants.
    We could have held that 50% base to launch a 2nd YES campaign.
    Instead we have GRA bill and the Hated Hamza (HateCrime bill).
    Pension Pete hits out because the reality is theSNP haven’t managed to persuade 1 single newspaper or MSM media in 7 years that Scotland deserves to be an Independent Nation again.
    7 years of malaise and whitabootery, nothing to embarrass the Yoon support.
    They could have went through the Retained Powers asking to have them devolved, a relook at the Smith commission. To show up Labour ( thier Comms guy) still refers to them as Scottish Labour.
    The most devolved Parliament ?
    Nope NI has its own DVLA. The Isle of Man has more powers .
    Maybe if Pension Pete had spent his time informing the Scottish people what we can’t do RESERVED. He would have moved that 10% they need.
    Soz Rant over.

  24. Stoker says:

    I’m truly surprised that the Murrell’s, or her family in Ayrshire, haven’t been the targets of actual physical attacks, or their properties, before now. Can you imagine this self-serving turncoat acting the way she is during the 70s or 80s. Oh how times have changed. And btw, warning to any fuckwit who wants to try and twist what i’ve typed, DON’T.


    Clear? Good!

    Just a general observation due to constantly expecting, on a daily basis, to see such headlines on social media or elsewhere but i am amazed at the apparent change in attitudes in Scotland over the past 3-5 decades. There was a time not that long ago folks’ frustrations would have been expressed a lot more differently than they are today.

  25. ThereWasACoo @ 12:49 pm

    I had a wee thought: wouldn’t it be great if, after the election results are in, a few newly elected SNP MSPs with a conscience defected to Alba Party. It’s definitely within the realms of possibility.

    No it wouldn’t. A conscience is one thing but a backbone is something else altogether. If they wanted to jump ship then they should’ve done it already rather than trying to sneak into Holyrood under false pretences.

    If someone has voted for an SNP MSP then an SNP MSP is what they should get. If that MSP finds their spine then they can work from within on ousting the impediment and reclaiming the party, or resign and force a by-election stating their reasons for doing so.

  26. Bob Mack says:

    Sturgeon has given up whatever the reason. I and many like me have not. She will eventually be seen for what she is by those who truly wish to see Scotland free, rather than just maintaining a party in power.

    This fight is just beginning.

  27. MaggieC says:

    Just a reminder about this again , please give towards it if you can

    “ Help Elect Chris McEleny to the Scots Parliament “

    link to

    We need to get Chris into Holyrood .

  28. Vivian O'Blivion says:

    “The truths of the matter is that Sturgeon has poisoned the Yes movement.”
    YouGov, Scottish coalition survey, field work 16th – 20th April, release date 29th April (so, who commissioned it?)
    SNP voters express a net 78% approval of coalition with the Greens.
    SNP voters express a net 40% disapproval of coalition with ALBA.
    link to
    The cult will follow its leader to the bitter, KoolAid tainted end.
    The Germans have a term, Gleichschaltung. If you’re unfamiliar, research.
    Be afraid, very afraid.

  29. Republicofscotland says:

    Brilliant last paragraph Rev, bang on the money.

    Meanwhile the only FM ever to have taken Scotland to an indyref, Alex Salmond, has said that there’s nothing solid on Scottish independence in the Betrayers (Sturgeon) first hundred days announcement if she’s reelected as FM.

    Salmond whose party is the REAL Scottish independence party, also added that, now that we know the majority of Greens don’t back independence, confirmed by their co-leader, that its now a unionist party.

    Come the 6th of May the Betrayer will be reelected as FM, they’ll be a indy majority another mandate will go a begging yet again and Boris Johnson will have one hundred days of no mention of independence from the Betrayer.

    Who do I blame for all this, bar one or two, most of the elected SNP MSPs, who’ve sat back and watched this unfold, these gutless sycophants have taken the money year in year out, and kept their mouths shut putting party before the people. Some are slinking away with their tails between their legs come May, good riddance I say, others want reelected to keep their pig like snouts in the trough, and say nothing as the Betrayer further destroys our country with unpopular and outrageous gender policies.

  30. chas says:

    Some people are pinning their hopes on the possibility that, after the election, some MSP’s will deflect to Alba!
    Does Alba want or need a bunch of spineless individuals who meekly do as they are told by Mrs Murrell. Personally I would not touch them with a bargepole.
    Alba 2 is a given for me but am still uncertain on 1. SNP or Greens are out of the question.

  31. Dave Hansell says:

    “Wee Chid says:
    30 April, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    I don’t have any hope left. Unless she goes – it’s over.”

    The problem here is that removing NS alone will not solve the problem. This is evident from the tiers of managerialist numpties and hangers on within the SNP and SNPG, as organisational structures, along with the motley mob of grifters and carpetbaggers within both the SNP and the wider movement (who see the SNP as the only legitimate force in Scottish politics) who put them where they are.

    Removing NS alone will not remove this cancer. Indeed, the evidence suggests the structure of willing serfs which represent the cult will merely double, triple and quadruple down by circuling the wagons to force their pet (billionaire funded) projects down the throats of the majority.

    Look what happened following the democratic “setback” of last year’s NEC elections.

    As far as any form of meaningful Scottish independence is concerned the SNP is effectively a dead parrot. Those wedded to the cult at every level from voter/supporter right up to ‘Grandee’ have long passed the point of no return in which it is psychologically possible for them to concede and admit to themselves they have made a mistake and/or been sold a pup. In such cases there is no possibility of either recovery or reconciliations.

    The task within the coming period is to recapture the lost ground of legitimacy for independence within the wider movement from the dead, but won’t lie down, carcass of the SNP.

  32. Heaver says:

    The constituency results will be in a few hours before Craig Murray’s sentencing. They will give a clear indication of Sturgeon’s prospects. I guess he will be sentenced to reflect how much power she has.

    Regional list results will be in on Saturday or Sunday. Had the judges known ALBA would exist when they timetabled the sentencing, they may well have left it to 10th May.

  33. Rob Brown says:

    This is basically why I, a highly experienced journalist and journalism educator, have returned to Scotland and launched a new Scottish political blog today. With the struggle for Scotland now in its most crucial stage, we need as many new sites as possible to expose such fainthearts and frauds.
    To see what I have to say please check out

  34. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Pathetic attempt at blustering her way through the failing banks routine as well, as if Scotland would be responsible for every penny when 95% of the business is done elsewhere.”

    She also conceded taking on a share of UK debt…

  35. PhilM says:

    The thing about any prospective economic recovery is that it’s going to be every single country on earth’s economic recovery too. Local conditions will apply of course (and we still have to find out exactly what Brexit means for Scotland’s economy) but there are unlikely to be any major new insurmountable economic problems that won’t be replicated in other economies as they recover too. You therefore cannot make Scotland some kind of economic exception to claim that independence must wait for a proper economic recovery.
    I can’t help thinking also there’s a not so subtle health metaphor being used in place of actual thought. When people are recovering from illness, they say I can’t face doing this or that until I feel better. It’s almost as if NS is implying the economy, like many an actual person, has Long Covid and that completely different conditions are now operative in the drive for independence.
    In that case, I seem to remember reading that vaccination aids recovery from Long Covid…well we have the new Alba party vaccine for the NS-variant of independence and many SNP members have been vaccinated now with more to follow no doubt. Hopefully, this process will lead to the steady destruction of the NS-variant and on one fine sunny day in the future, we can all toast that occasion when the people of Scotland gain herd immunity from its utterly negative poisonous effects.

  36. 100%Yes says:

    Sturgeon says that people who support independence should go out and encourage those that don’t support Independence and at the same time this is a woman who has never marched for Independence and from the polls hasn’t encouraged any to support Independence.

  37. Mist001 says:

    For me, Scotland is now some faraway country that I barely recognise. I’m on the outside looking in and I only see a regressionist country. It’s no longer a forward looking country whereas it certainly used to be.

    It’s been dragged back by people with the skill levels of a 6th form debating society.

    Something which I do recognise, but nobody on this board will ever admit to, but Arlene Foster was a far superior leader to Mrs. Murrell in all aspects.

  38. Sheepshagger says:

    On MSPs crossing the floor.
    They would be putting their political future on the line and it would be after a long night of the soul.
    It would take guts and gumption.
    It is legal and it will please some constituents.

  39. Lorna Campbell says:

    She uses this, “I’m cautious” stuff like confetti. No, Ms Sturgeon, you are not cautious. We can see now that you deliberately holed independence below the waterline, and the evidence for this will appear at some point. You were so cautious that you introduced GRA reform and the HC legislation which, together, have torn Scotland apart, torn your party apart and alienated many women for whom you dare to suggest that you are hoisting the flag of equality. You have betrayed us all. For what? That remains to be seen, but seen it will be – eventually. You are a narcissist like your trans warriors and pseudo ‘woke’ coterie, virtue signalling and obfuscating. Just a pity it has taken six years and more to come to light fully – years when we could have regained our independence.

  40. Al Eddie says:

    Excellent CB cartoon Stu – can I nick it to share?

  41. Cenchos says:

    Hubris precedes downfall.

    Nothing in human society or condition has changed that since the Ancient Greek playwrights made it a central theme of their work.

  42. winifred mccartney says:

    The SNP and the Greens have only got away with with betrayal of women because most people have no idea and Nicola is enthrall to a few people who have been sucked into a horror show. I am certain many msp’s had no idea it would go this far – this party no longer belongs to the member but to a very few close to the woke brigade who are calling the tune.

  43. Rev. Stuart Campbell @ 1:31 pm

    She also conceded taking on a share of UK debt…

    Aye but she’ll have demanded a proportional share of the assets at the same time. No doubt.

  44. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    She really is trying to throw this election isn’t she?

    Sturgeons hopelessness + Voter Apathy + Media Blackout of ALBA may well = a BritNat Grand Coalition Government being delivered.

    I honestly think the Greens would join with Tory, SLaB and the FibDems for a cabinet post or two probably Environment Minister and Equalities Minister.

  45. Breastplate says:

    “I’m cautious”
    Who knew that the better part of valour was shitting your pants?

  46. Ottomanboi says:

    Mrs Murrell is not quite as «skilful» in Covidism as Narendra Modi and the Indian government, as all the problems of systemic neglect in public hospitals, welfare, poverty, infrastructural decay, poor sanitation, atmospheric pollution are being blamed on the virus, when they are not being blamed on India’s Muslims.
    Except for the smug rich élite the norm for the vast majority of Indians is poor health. It has been killing Indians decades before Covid.
    link to
    But Covid is a useful scapegoat for those decades and it keeps on giving…excuses.

  47. Wee Crabbit Bas says:

    A stuttering back-foot performance on the Today prog this morning made me think again of how overrated she is, it’s a skoosh running rings around the hack amateur second-rate Scottish opposition – like Dalglish and others did back in the day before looking / moving elsewhere for a better game with more skill and challenge. That might be a bit crass but she’s never had to stand up to the hostility in Westminster and take it head on in debate. Salmond not only took it head on with effect, but gained the respect of his peers cross-party in the process, something the current FM could only ever aspire to. He taught her everything and yet she’s learned very little. An open fucking goal and she’s managed to sky it over the bar. How very apt.

  48. Breastplate says:

    On crossing the floor, Alex Salmond already suggested some were willing to do so but asked them to stay put.
    Having said that, Alba will have to note the difference between would be fellow travellers and rats leaving a sinking ship.

  49. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    The facts are now clear the SNP is no longer a pro Independence Party.

    I now accept that a new party has to replace the SNP before we can again pursue independence.

    The Alba party, who I am leafleting for, is the obvious choice, I am unlikely to see an Independent Scotland in my lifetime.

    I regret the time and money which I have given to the SNP like many others who now realise there was never a chance under Sturgeon and her team.

    Sturgeon is only one member of the SNP the others in the party have a lot to answer for.
    Fraudsters the lot of them.

    I also can’t understand normal folk remaining members of the SNP what does it take to convince folk the game is over.

  50. stonefree says:

    In the contest between Jackie Baillie and Toni Giugliano (Smith wokist, and person who milked his father’s death for publicity),
    I find myself in position of hoping Baillie least she’ll rattle Sturgeon,
    Giugliano will only be arse licking
    To remind who Giugliano is
    link to
    His relationship with the constituency?
    His person friend works there

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “ In the contest between Jackie Baillie and Toni Giugliano (Smith wokist, and person who milked his father’s death for publicity),
      I find myself in position of hoping Baillie least she’ll rattle Sturgeon,
      Giugliano will only be arse licking”

      If Giugliano wins Baillie will get in on the list and quite likely bump out Ross Greer, so come on Toni. (Who at least has dared to question the trans lobby to some degree.)

  51. Annie 621 says:

    SNUP.. Scottish National Unionist Party!

  52. stuart mctavish says:

    100% Yes @1:32

    Must be a cunning plan to persuade liblabcon voters to give her a super suppository by voting Alba on the list.

  53. Breastplate says:

    There are those still convinced that Nicola Sturgeon had nothing to do with the shit Alex had to put up with and, oh yes, she still has a secret plan for independence that they we don’t know about because, well, it’s a secret.

  54. Breastplate says:

    They and we*

  55. Big Jock says:

    If there are 2 or 3 Alba MSP’s next week , and the SNP vote down their motion on independence. Then surely to God these SNP minions will realise what is going on.

    Why would a nationalist vote down a motion on the independence of their own country? Well we know the answer don’t we.

  56. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Why would she accept a proportional share of the debt? The money was borrowed and spent in England. HS2, CrossRail,Motoways, London sewer upgrade, Etc Then we have Aircraft Carriers, Trident Replacement, Astute Class submarines, the new aircraft for the Carriers.
    What about 40 years of theft of the North Sea Oil & Gas reserves.

    Only an idiot would talk about a share of Assets. What are you going to do with an Astute Class Nuclear submarine? Shall we get 10% of the dependencies?

    Will they take their rotten nuclear hulks from Scotland. Will they clean up where they dumped military ordnance off Scotland.

    What other Nation robbed by London accepted part of their debt at Independence?

  57. ClanDonald says:

    “We’ve got to build the majority for independence through patient persuasion, and people who are serious about achieving independence I think understand that.”

    We already HAD a freaking majority for independence and you did eff all with it. Away with you, Sturgeon, you’ve blown it big time, God, I hope Sarwar wins the constituency so we can get her to f*ck.

  58. Fishy Wullie says:

    I gave up hope a while ago, I can’t remember any defining point but it was a slow gradual realisation that independence is gone for the foreseeable, the best opportunity we’ve had in 300 years spectacularly blown in a way only the Scots can do .

    Sturgeon has destroyed the SNP and severely wounded the YES movement, she has stolen the dreams of many good Scots who will sadly never see their country free.

    My only only hope now lies with ALBA and Alex Salmond, all our efforts need to go into promoting and raising it up as the true party of independence, In my eyes the SNP are finished all that’s left for them is to bayonet the wounded

  59. mel says:

    @ stonefree

    not quite, Natwest Group, formerly called RBS Group, own RBS, NatWest and Ulster banks.

    Name change was last July.

    If it comes down to who actually owns the Group, its the shareholders – and HM Treasury is by far the largest shareholder, owning 58%.

    Logical therefore that, if Scotland becomes independent, a move to London, or elsewhere in the UK, would be on the cards.

  60. Luigi says:

    We can but hope that Alba will gain a few MSPs next week. It’s touch and go TBH, but if only enough of the non-anorak electorate smell the coffee and vote in a few Alba MSPs, then all hell breaks loose. The SNP would no doubt vote against an indy ref bill but what embarrassment that would be – not a good look at all. As some posters have already indicated, quite a few SNP-Alba defections might well follow. Surely some just couldnt take it any longer?

    And as for the “independence after recovery” nonsense, we need all the economic powers to get out of this mess. What is NS suggesting, we wait for Boris to save us? Aye right!


    It’s the only way. 🙂

  61. Pogrom69 says:

    She’s what’s known in other parts as a ("Tractor" - Ed).

  62. lothianlad says:

    Every time I see that poisoned little hunt, it makes me sick!
    Make no mistake that lying hunt will NEVER support Independence!

    Every election in Not about independence, even though a true leader would make it so!

  63. ScottieDog says:

    andrew Wilson’s solidarity payment idea is stupidity on stilts. Giving the U.K. govt an amount currency of which it’s the sole creator and plunging the Nation into foreign denominated debt is madness.

  64. lothianlad says:

    “She needs to pack up her perverts and just GTF”

    lol… surely the best quote so far !

  65. Robert Graham says:

    aye any excuse will do if we dont have any make one up its worked since 2014 so just do it again the mugs will fall for it again

  66. Margaret says:


    turnout down, hung parliament, SNP vote down, others up slightly but only as a percentage of turnout.
    don’t know about Alba, if it was down to my heart it would be a landslide.
    Oor Nicla loses her seat and goes in on the list, don’t know if she could take the rejection to accept that.
    be a lot of rats clearing out hopefully.

  67. Mungo Armstrong says:

    This SNP are as much a party of independence as New Labour are a socialist Party.

  68. James Che. says:

    Of corse NS is trying to throw the election,
    She can’t face the opposition being AS alba party on the list, and she would have to be more intelligent and for independence than she ever was even if she hated the idea,
    There is no other party going for Scottish independence in our lifetime besides the Alba party.
    To get them into Holyrude and knock out unionist parties the vote has to be strategic as AS says,
    The Hond’t system was never meant to let a super majority into Holyrude, so that independence for Scotland would never happen.
    If you genuinely want a second chance at independence in our lifetime and not just pretending too under disguise of blowing NS out the water first.
    We all need to vote Snp 1 Alba 2.
    We have to give AS the opportunity to gain independence for us all through the back door of the Hond’t voting system and thereby scunnering NS and greens,
    Anything else I personally would consider these people as the same mindset of doubters and unionist that let independence slip through their fingers in 2014,
    It’s Being done for independence not for Nicola sturgeon.
    It’s being done to get Nicola sturgeon and the woke greens in the most awkward position you could imagine,
    It’s being done to get rid of Westminster parties in the Scottish Parliament.
    We’re voting holding our noses so we can fight back.
    It’s being done so we gain an independent Scotland sooner rather than later for all of us in our lifetime, here in Scotland that want a better future for us all.
    AS, and Alba can only gain a chance at independence for us all a second time around if we can hold the snp to account in Holyrude,
    Alba’s back door in is to make sure most if not all list seats fall in their favour, and step one to doing this is to make NS angry by gaining constituency seats and no list seats.
    So for those who are genuine independence supporters and not unionist,snp 1, Alba 2.

  69. Daisy Walker says:

    I’m just wondering about these ‘former No voters – now wavering’ we keep trying to woo.

    Are they really the calibre of people who will help build a new nation? Or a bunch of clingy, wishy washy types that never get anything done and want others to wipe their bums for them.

    Appealing to them, is akin to pleading. And pleading inspires no-one.

    Anyway, that was a random thought.

    Any SNP MP’s out there, intending to come over to Alba after this election.

    DO IT NOW.

    The Max the Yes message is not being heard or understood in the Schemes.

    In the more well to do SNP areas, Both Votes SNP is the mantra, as they want all the Power to be in the SNP’s hands, no-one elses, and for whatever reason they have not realised the danger Scotland is currently in.

    The MSP’s should stay put.

    But the MP’s – your country needs you – Now. Max the Yes.

  70. Liz says:

    The opinion polls re working with the Greens vsv working with Alba, and the poll on the previous article that only 36% will vote SNP on the list, and the decline in indy support, is because all the activists and real pro indy people have left – remember the 40,000 fewer members.

    Sturgeon now has the supporters she wants, soft Nos & Yessers, pro TRAs. She’s been wooing these people for years.

    The problem is still with the cultists who believe she is pro indy, she isn’t.
    She’s a coward and a tractor.

  71. Daisy Walker says:

    pack up your perverts in your old G string
    and slide, slide, slide

    there’s a song in there somewhere.

  72. EdinScot says:

    I cannot think of another Pro Independence political party anywhere in the world of selling out their own support on independence. Let that sink in. Scotland or more specifically the Yes support must be one of the most shat upon electorate anywhere. Hell. Our so called leaders would coast it to gold at the Olympics. Deomcracy deniers.

    Sturgeon along with the unionists currently denying Alba party a platform on the television debates and thus an unequal footing with the other parties. This will be her undoing along with everything else she has botched. Its anti democratic to not allow other voices and choices to be heard so the voters can live in a plurocracy. Nicola doesnt obviously want or believe in that. And for her to do it to a fellow pro indy party is beyond belief. She’d rather have the unionists remain in Holyrood. Look. The Empress has no clothes. Caught out.

    I refuse to even listen to a second of her anymore. Didnt even listen to her infamous capitulation of a so called speech a in January 20. I knew what was coming by then but she really is burning the whole house down now. It says more about her character and lack of morals and respect for the people she’s meant to serve. She has failed.

    Cannot vote for that. She is a phoney and a fraud to the independence movement and the SNP support. I will punch the air if she loses her seat. Never ever thought id be saying that when she first took over.

    Build a case for independence she crapolas out. Well she’s had 7 years of doing absolutely nothing and now we are going backwards no thanks to her. When even more realise, she wont be forgiven. Just another selfish sell out in Scotlands history unfortunately.

  73. frogesque says:

    Breastplate says:
    30 April, 2021 at 1:49 pm
    “I’m cautious”
    Who knew that the better part of valour was shitting your pants?

    No the better part of valour is shitting your pants, wiping it on the point of your sword and shouting “See this, have some you bastards!”

  74. David Hannah says:

    Sturgeons a witch.

    I despise the woman more than any other political figure I can remember. At least Tories were true to being Tory scumbags

    Sturgeon is sell out with an SNP rosette.


  75. Shocked says:

    So the Rev tells it as it is again… and the Nicola Sturgeon fan club responds with utter drivel that we must all vote SNP as it’s the last chance and coming out with complete and utter fantasy about SNP MSP’s preparing to jump to Alba. Get a grip folks. Who honestly thinks the sort of corrupt lying opportunist the SNP recruits as potential politicians are going to jump from the gravy train after they have just got on it. Why give up a potential ministers salary when thats why you signed up in the first place?

    The desperation of the Nicola Sturgeon fanclub is beyond embarrassing, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  76. Ottomanboi says:

    Under her leadership the SNP has shirked to be full on anti Union. It has instead sought to compromise with it. Her problems with the term nationalist and even with the name of her party ought to have set alarm bells ringing that this leader has an alt. agenda.
    By now the majority of Scots should be confidently proclaiming their support for the return of their country’s independence and sovereignty and be prepared to tell the advocates of referendum delay tactics what they might do.
    Her crusade to rid the country of a virus suggests either her «experts» are having a laugh or she is enjoying a big laugh at Scotland’s expense.
    Whatever, we don’t get the joke.

  77. John Martini says:

    “At least, that’s the way it had been until Monty arrived, although I have to admit we all thought: Here we go again. We’ve heard it all before. But he and everybody else knew very well that this had to be the last stand. We were definitely in the Last Chance Saloon.”

    Is that the sound of pennies dropping..

  78. 100%Yes says:

    What’s sad about all of this is that we aren’t looking forward to Independence anymore but instead the day Sturgeon is removed from office and given her bus fair back to England where she belongs.

  79. twathater says:

    The brass neck of this charlatan knows no bounds , she talks as usual about persuading people to the positives of indy when all the time her and her cowardly minions have done sweet fuck all to produce anything positive or educational for the undecideds

    ANYTHING that has been done is by the grassroots with individuals like ZARKWAN producing multitudinous documents and fliers for anyone to access , what have the SNP done apart from producing begging letters for ringfenced funding for a mythical indy ref or giving inflated salaries and jobs to unemployed arseholes to organise a kid on group that’s supposed to progress indy

  80. Republicofscotland says:

    Sturgeon the Betrayer, has cost the Scottish taxpayer a fortune, millions on the fit up of Alex Salmond, half a million on the payout to Mr Salmond, the six-hundred-thousand ringfenced indy fund has also vanished into thin air without a trace.

    Then there’s the cost to the taxpayer to defend against Martin Keating’s court case to find out whether or not we actually need an S30. Who’d have thought that Sturgeon the Betrayer and the Lord Advocate would be actively trying to suppress Mr Keating from finding this out.

    Then there’s the time and money used to fit up Mark Hirst and Craig Murray, yet unionist journalists who identified and jigsaw identified some of the Alphabet women face no prosecution.

    Under Sturgeon the Betrayer Scotland has become a gender obsessed banana republic. Where independence minded bloggers are threatened with prosecution for telling the truth.

  81. Stephen says:

    A vote for the SNP is a vote against a referendum.
    Sturgeon confirmed this again today.
    Moreover she has made it abundantly clear that she will not speak with Alex or Alba.
    The supermajority is dead.
    If you support independence there is no logical reason to vote SNP.

    A vote for Alba on the list is surely the way to go.

  82. Republicofscotland says:

    TheSNPLeftMe @2.26pm.

    Even though we give half our money to England, and they steal the rest in assets, this suggests that Westminster would want to foist a fair bit of debt onto us on independence.

    “The transfer of debt
    1.1 In the event of Scottish independence from the United Kingdom (UK), the continuing UK
    Government would in all circumstances honour the contractual terms of the debt issued by the
    UK Government. An independent Scottish state would become responsible for a fair and
    proportionate share of the UK’s current liabilities, but a share of the outstanding stock of debt
    instruments that have been issued by the UK would not be transferred to Scotland. For example,
    there would be no change in counterparty for holders of UK gilts. Instead, an independent
    Scotland would need to raise funds in order to reimburse the continuing UK for this share.
    1.2 An entirely separate contract between the continuing UK Government and an independent
    Scottish state’s Government would need to be established. The respective shares of debt and the
    terms of repayment would be subject to negotiation.
    1.3 In the event of independence, the full spectrum of assets and liabilities – past, future and
    contingent – would need to be considered in negotiations between the continuing UK and
    Scottish Governments, on a case-by-case basis. This means that the negotiations would need to
    cover the arrangements for all forms of debt covered in this note, not just gilts and Treasury bills.”

    link to

  83. steelewires says:

    I think that if elected SNP MSPs don’t vote with Alba, then Alba must become the Party for Independence in the next Westminster election. I we get a decent majority of MPs genuinely elected, then they can quit Westminster and resile the Treaty of Union, then hold a confirmatory referendum. I have no hope of the SNP supporting them. It has to be done without the SNP. The General Election must be a plebiscite election!

  84. DJ says:

    Shocked @ 3.45pm
    The desperation of the Nicola Sturgeon fanclub is beyond embarrassing, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    You sound like an extremist shouting in the wind. Tone it down, please. Everyone is entitled to a view. Thank you.

  85. William Habib Steele says:

    I think that if elected SNP MSPs don’t vote with Alba, then Alba must become the Party for Independence in the next Westminster election. I we get a decent majority of MPs genuinely elected, then they can quit Westminster and resile the Treaty of Union, then hold a confirmatory referendum. I have no hope of the SNP supporting them. It has to be done without the SNP. The General Election must be a plebiscite election!

  86. Republicofscotland says:


    Of course that tool and author of the not worth the paper its written on Growth Commission report Andrew Wilson, wants Scots to pay the rUK a staggering £5.3 billion quid a year on independence, its unclear whether this huge payment should last for 10 or 25 years.

    Sturgeon the Betrayer appears to be okay with the idea, looking out for Scotland’s interests comes a distant second to Sturgeon the Betrayer.

    link to

    link to

  87. Mac says:

    I am not so much clinging to the rocks anymore. I am now in the ‘Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump on the shrimp boat during the hurricane’ phase.

    Or maybe that cowboy guy riding the H-Bomb like a bull in Dr Strangelove.

    One of them.

  88. Robert Graham says:

    I think we can all safely agree with the following,


    Will not deliver Indyref2

    Not while under this management

  89. Patsy Millar says:

    Jeez Louise!

  90. Kenneth McNeil says:

    “We’ve got to build the majority for independence through patient persuasion, and people who are serious about achieving independence I think understand that” – Problem is she has done absolutely bugger all to build the case for independence.

  91. Red says:

    Daisy Walker says:
    30 April, 2021 at 3:16 pm
    I’m just wondering about these ‘former No voters – now wavering’ we keep trying to woo.

    Are they really the calibre of people who will help build a new nation? Or a bunch of clingy, wishy washy types that never get anything done and want others to wipe their bums for them.

    Appealing to them, is akin to pleading. And pleading inspires no-one.

    Yer right and yer wrang.

    Alex Salmond came close in 2014 after decades of careful work patiently building the SNP into a broad party in sync with the mainstream of Scottish society, with a relentlessly positive message and tirelessly reaching out and asking people who’d never voted SNP before to support the party and Scotland.

    And it was working. Leave aside the close referendum result for a minute, and think back to the Scottish political landscape just 15 years previous.

    The central belt didn’t vote SNP, and you could get your baws booted canvassing for the SNP in some of the rougher Labour fiefdoms. For various historical, cultural and sectarian reasons, Labour thought they owned the majority of Scottish votes.

    And they were right. Until they weren’t.

    It wasn’t inevitable that the working class would switch over to the SNP and independence, it took bloody hard work and a lot of patience to achieve that over a generation of activism. Alex Salmond was the main reason for this. Nobody else in the SNP had the skills or the vision to do it.

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that we want every Scot to be included in our cause. Because Scotland belongs to us all.

    Voted No last time? I don’t care. Join us.

    We’re not expecting them to become leaders of the Scottish nationalist movement. The vast majority of the human race are not leaders, and that’s a good thing because otherwise nothing would ever get done.

    We’re just asking for their votes.

    Why? Because we love them. They are our people. And we’re going to do something wonderful together. For Scotland.

    People follow if they’re offered leadership. That means demonstrating courage, conviction, empathy, and most of all positivity. And doing that every day, unflinchingly, until the change we want to see comes into being. This is completely different to pandering or apologising or trying to somehow trick people who aren’t currently convinced by hiding independence in the small print.

    Nicola couldn’t do this if she tried. She’s a loser. So is John Swinney. They’re wee narra people with a wee narra agenda that’s increasingly toxic to anybody paying close attention (because the MSM aren’t spelling it out). Alex Salmond is still – still! – after all that’s been done to him, and at past what used to be retirement age, knocking his pan in every day for all of Scotland.

    Because he is our friend. Because he wants us to be free.

  92. Rogueslr says:

    Guido reporting an ONS report showing Scotland not doing well with Covid cases. Wales best with only 1 case per 1,570, England 1 per 1,010, N Ireland 940 and Scotland at 640.

    St Nic may have difficulty explaining how well she’s done over C-19 or is it that she would prefer the pandemic to extend to delay discussing independence?

  93. Republicofscotland says:

    This headline in the National newspaper online.

    “A COURT has rejected a bid by independence campaigner Martin Keatings to appeal to the UK Supreme Court over the People’s Action on Section 30 – which aims to show the Scottish Parliament can legislate for indyref2 without “consent” from Westminster.”

    No doubt they’ll be Sturgeon the Betrayer followers who think she’ll deliver independence, and that this is a good result.

  94. Mike says:

    Sturgeon has loved every second of this pandemic as it’s given her air time beyond her wildest narcissistic dreams. She loves to talk about bold decisions and steering through the crisis but the reality is that Scotland has fared much worse than Sweden, who didn’t lock down, during the pandemic and under Sturgeon’s ‘leadership’

    Yet, she continues to use the power that the pandemic has given her to deflect from serious, pressing matters.

    She’s coming the old soldier here now and I want her gone ASAP as I’m tired of her utter BS.

  95. Stephen says:

    Excellently put.
    The victorious Yes vote will be a coalition of different people with different beliefs united in the common goal of independence.
    A victorious campaign must therefore be conciliatory, not pandering to narrow sectional beliefs and interests to the exclusion of others.

  96. Ian Mac says:

    “She also conceded taking on a share of UK debt…”

    I noticed that. What a betrayal. In any future negotiations you don’t concede before you’ve even started. England would be licking its lips at that. The moral question is why we should be financially responsible for the colossal waste and expenditure of governments in which Scots had no say. Of course they would seek to cripple us from day one, and she has agreed before even starting.

    Heaven help us if she was in charge of negotiations, you can imagine the way they will run rings around her. All the PR tough talk she indulges in is meaningless, as we have found in her threats over brexit. She is an empty vessel, an airhead, repeating the same old formulae again and again. Why should anybody believe or trust her and her stasi?

    Seven years is about the maximum any politician can survive at the top, we have seen it play out many, many times. Her time is up, she must know it, it is impossible to see any reason for her to stay – she has capitulated on every front and has nothing to offer, least of all any credible arguments for independence. Her personal life seems to be dictating her political agenda, never a good thing, and is certainly not in the interests of the Scottish population.

  97. boris says:

    BBC Business Correspondent Sarah Smith reflected on her experiences with the Corporation saying: “I joined the BBC in Glasgow as a 20 year old trainee in 1989. I never saw any underage sex or rapes. But in those days sexist jokes and inappropriate touching were considered normal. That same year the BBC Scotland TV newsroom Christmas party had the theme of “Grape and Vine”. Someone thought it was funny and went around Broadcasting House deleting the “G” on every poster, changing the theme to “Rape and Vine”. A fellow, female, trainee lodged a formal complaint with management, saying she did not wish to work in a newsroom displaying the posters and asked for them to be removed. She was immediately shunned by just about all of the male journalists in the newsroom. In the follow-up she was systematically ridiculed for being unable to take a joke and treated unfairly when assignments were being handed out. The posters stayed in place leaving our only avenue of protest a boycott of the party.

    Wow!! What an admission from the woman that together with Kirsty Wark harassed Alex Salmond after he had been found not guilty in a court of law. She knew who the perpetrators were but never came to the assistance of a female colleague.

    link to

  98. robertknight says:

    Sturgeon is to Indy what 20-a-day are to healthy lungs.

    Having a real issue with SNP 1 ALBA 2, despite AS and the logic behind it.

  99. Allium says:

    Not trying to be nasty in saying it, but NS looks quite haggard today, and has been looking very drawn for a while. Its the same sort of look Gordon B had. She really doesn’t look like a happy woman, I wonder how long she can keep on like this.

  100. Hatuey says:

    “we noticed an infamously creepy sexual pervert from the Scottish Greens (sorry, we know that doesn’t narrow it down very much)”

    lol and double lol

    When are they going to give a list of all these genders they believe in?

    It seems to be the case that there’s a gender for every dirty or perverted thought that might enter into one’s head… and if you don’t salute each and every one, you are breaking the law.

    I’m sticking to my predictions — terrible election for the SNP, which they now seem to see coming, and a ramping up of indy talk in order to con a few gullibles back into the fold.

  101. lumilumi says:

    Nicola Sturgeon signals she would urge SNP MSPs to vote against indyref2 motion.

    Anybody remember the “Bain Principle”? It must be… oh, at least ten years ago now.

    Willie Bain was a Labour MP, reperesenting one of the most deprived areas in Glasgow. He famously explicitly stated that Labour would never support any SNP motion or amendment in Westminster, even if it accorded with Labour’s stated aims and policy. No matter how good or beneficial to the people the motion or amendment might be, no matter how close – even identical – to Labour’s own stated aims and policies. Labour would not vote for it because it came from the SNP.

    Party before people. Petty party politicking with people’s lives because a party was in a huff about some other party “stealing” their votes, “stealing” their, in their view, God-given right to rule (or at least be the biggest opposition party in Westminster.)

    If Alba get MSPs next week, are we now going to have the “Nicola Sturgeon Principle”? She seems to have started already.

    Also, I used the phrasing “Labour’s stated aims and policies”. That’s what they told the electorate (vague murmurings of “socialist” or “welfare state”) while doing something quite different.

    This is where the SNP is at. Vague murmurings about independence when the time is right (planets align correctly before the second blue moon after the transit of Venus, when the non-binary virgin shall tame the rainbow unicorn).

    The SNP’s stated – though not very forcefully – aim is Scottish independence. Meanwhile, they’ll park themselves firmy at the trough and pass unpopular and unsound legislation like the Hate Crime Act and self-ID reforms to the GRA.

  102. Cenchos says:

    That’s quite a robust wasp that Sarah Smith’s been chewing for the last seven years.

  103. Willie Jay says:

    “Statistics from the ONS this afternoon reveal Scotland is lagging significantly behind England, Wales and Northern Ireland in their Covid prevalence rate. Wales has the lowest rates by far, with one case per 1,570; followed by England’s 1,010; and Northern Ireland’s 940. Scotland, however, is well behind the rest of the country’s progress, at one in every 640. Sturgeon’s so-called ‘good pandemic’ has always been a smokescreen of spin, rather than epidemiological success…”

    link to

  104. Cenchos says:

    BBC says that as it is special, and as this weekend’s sports on-line media boycott is a lobbying campaign, it can’t join in.

    link to

  105. stonefree says:

    @ mel at 2:41 pm

    I thought that when Goodwin took over NatWest it went under the Royal Bank of Scotland Banner, it was unusual as that was the smaller of the two,But not unheard of that would be about 1999 I think .
    Part of the idea was the Group wanted the Royal name, at one point I listed the progression NW and RBS as to ,Was it Scottish or English? It to me was arguable, either way.
    But it seemed to be a complete dog’s dinner

  106. Stoker says:

    A new blog for your perusal

  107. Luigi says:

    Another five years of the Covid Queen?

    Don’t even think about it.

  108. Stoker says:

    link to

  109. Veritas says:

    Some really hysterical posts lately.
    It’s hard to believe that anyone truly believes NS does not seek independence for Scotland.
    The main gripe appears to be that she didn’t run Indyref 2 when the polls were marginally pro
    Indy- but if the pollsters were to be believed then we wouldn’t have had Trump, Brexit , John Major
    or old Vlad Putin( joke there folks)
    The success or failure of any election usually hinges on the “ undecided”- the 15/20 % who have no ideological adherence to either of the parties/ arguments – they need persuaded.
    I count myself in that demographic having voted Labour but also SNP all my life so I understand why NS is trepidatious about going for it.
    I cannot be persuaded that the Scots are inherently different or better than any other people on the planet.
    I cannot be persuaded that our politicians or political system is better or more honest than any other- including Westminster & recent events would suggest it’s actually worse than most.
    For me the main issue was always and will always be the economic arguments and reality of Independence- what is the future likely to hold for my children & grandchildren?
    In short I couldn’t give a flying f**k what flag flies over the politicians palace – so long as they’re as far away from me as possible.
    Why anyone would believe that ANY of the present political class have the ability or genuine desire to make thins better is beyond me.They’re basically in the business of remaining in a job( or a profession as they like to call it- a profession for which no qualification apart from a rampant ego is required)- by making wild promises then either ignoring them or borrowing vast sums of money to bribe the present electorate by burdening future generations with debt.
    Economic success funds the pillars of society- health, welfare, education, access to justice etc etc.
    Without money none of that happens as it can & should.
    I’m afraid that the last 7 years of Sturgeons reign have in EVERY respect turned me against the prospect of helping to create a new state that will initially ( at least ) be shaped & formed by the SNP & the Greens.
    All of the core areas I mentioned above from – industry/ business down to education etc have been ignored & disparaged as we have descended down the rabbit hole of gender identity & self aggrandising claims on climate etc
    If you as supporters/ members ( maybe ex) feel betrayed & ignored by Sturgeon & her cohorts how do you think the undecided’s feel?
    It therefor follows that Sturgeons policy of “persuasion” leading to a majority for Independence is rational & feasible.
    What she has done however is completely fail to understand how to implement her policy beyond her own ever narrowing focus- which seems to be ( as is often suggested quite accurately)all around identity politics & reinforcing her own power.
    What the Rev says is correct but you all should remember who put her there and many of you seem inclined to keep her there,
    NS seeks independence she just doesn’t know how to get it.
    She doesn’t get or understand family life, the preoccupations & concerns of ordinary people because she’s lived in the political bubble all her life.
    I don’t need to rehearse her apparent concerns and her preoccupations- wokism is a crude term but it will do.
    And getting into bed with Patrick Harvie is a thought best left in the Twilight Zone.
    Who wouldn’t want to live in a country like Norway?- first priority?- create wealth- not start rewriting human biology.
    And please let’s not waste time on what happened to North Sea oil- it’s gone- a stranded asset.
    New ideas new dynamism = new Scotland.
    New Scotland will result in a new nation.

  110. Lochside says:

    So Sturgeon wants us to share England’s debt? The country that has robbed us blind for three centuries. The country that stole 6000 sq. miles of our maritime territory. The country that siphoned all the oil revenue out of our North Sea and tried to hide it in the Inter Regio ‘account.’

    In 1707 England had five times Scotland’s population. It’s now around 12 times that amount. There are less Scots born in our country than there were 100 years ago. We have haemorrhaged our young and talented because of England’s deliberate sabotaging of our economic levers. The ‘New’ Scots from Europe gone and replaced by the settlers from the south. The next census..if accurately reported…will shock most complacent Scots. Not because of whether more men are self ‘id’ing as transwomen, but how many RUK are actually living here. Wales currently has 21% English residents, at the last count. We may well be close to that already.

    Sturgeon wants a nation of eunuchs. She has surrounded herself with them. She does not want auld Scotia’s attitude of ‘Wha daur meddle wi ‘ me’. She wants a virtue signalling joke colony. Jobs? poverty reduction? Enterprise in new intelligence high wage based sectors?; better infrastructure? Self Confident people?…..don’t make me laugh. She and her puritanical harridans and fops want inertia and navel gazing posturing. Scotland the Brave or Scotland the Knave? Let’s vote this imposter and her syndrome into the yellow corner at Holyrood and enable Salmond to humiliate her on a daily basis until she and her gang slink away.

    BTW any SNP MP or MSP who is still in the party at the Election should be barred from standing for ALBA. They’ve had their chance. The nemotodes of the bogus nats must not be allowed back into the body politic of Scotland again.

  111. Lochside says:

    Veritas…North Sea Oil….never heard of Clair Ridge and West of Shetland’ s oil reserves? Cameron knew all about it. That’s why he flew up to Shetland to gag the oil companies and media in 2014.So did the BBC. That’s why they kept silent. The reserves are bigger than the North Sea were. We are being robbed again and our Renewable energy is also in the process of being torpedoed by Westminster. Your argument is: So were robbed…get over it!
    Well fuck you and all the rest of the complacent cowards that would disappear up their own arses in the face of England’s perfidy!

  112. Frank Waring says:

    Veritas — I think you’re wrong to say that the first priority of a country like Norway is to ‘create wealth’. I think it would be more nearly true to say that the first priority of a country like Norway would be to give every citizen the practical possibility of achieving a rewarding and fulfilled life.

  113. Benhope says:

    O/T A little light relief for a Friday evening, especially for sports fans.

    The Aberdeen FC video promoting season ticket sales is proving very popular on twitter. Singer Iona Fyfe with a rendition of the Northern Lights. Would bring a tear to a glass eye, especially if you are a Dons fan. Hope the Rev takes a listen to inspire him for next season !!!!

  114. ahundredthidiot says:

    NS says ‘I am a lifelong believer in independence…’

    I believe her.

    She wants to believe in it all her life while achieving absolutely hee haw.

  115. Patrick Jones says:

    Have you noticed how quite the screaming skull, Wings SNP 1 Brigade have been lately.

    This diehard Wings Clique tried to Intimidate other posters on here to vote SNP 1 or you’d be forever branded a Yoon by this shower of numbuts.

    Well well, are you still all Voting SNP 1?

    Or has the penny finally dropped, and you agree that those who were not going to vote SNP 1 were correct all along?

    If you notice from ALL the above posts, not one is pushing for the SNP 1 vote.

    Breeks, Mia, A1 Stuart, Ruby, Liz g, AYRSHIRE ROB, Famous 15 and all the rest of you, your insults will not be forgotten.

    The least you could all do is apologise profusely to the rest of the Wings community for your bullying and insulting behavior.

    Whenever you get a second will do of course.

  116. Willie Jay says:

    Veritas @ 5:19 pm says –
    “Some really hysterical posts lately. It’s hard to believe that anyone truly believes NS does not seek independence for Scotland.”

    Well now, Veritas, I truly *DO* believe that NS does *NOT* seek Independence for Scotland. WHY?
    Because NS and her Hubby are presently ensconced in a truly mind-blowing partnership whereby they are *both* rewarded with riches far beyond the dreams of avarice. Rewards that their followers/voters can never, ever dream about. But Wee Nicola is totally assured of these outrageous riches continuing to pour into her “family” coffers, *PROVIDING*, nothing upsets the status quo.
    And a “both votes SNP” will truly ensure that NS continues to milk the coo of Holyrood for the next few years.

    For that simple, financial, grasping, greedy reason I truly believe that Nicola Sturgeon does *NOT* seek Independence for Scotland.

  117. ahundredthidiot says:

    SNP 1 Alba 2

    Stand Together.

    (unless you’re in Glasgow Southside of course! – vote labour)

    Sturgeon out, Salmond in, SNP back on track with a scare and ALBA on course for 2026 if they don’t.

  118. mel says:

    @ stonefree

    I think you are right, but the reason the group gave for the change was although NatWest was always the larger of the two banks, it has now become the dominant bank with the biggest part, about 80% of its business.

    I think the name RBS group was retained in Scotland so that might explain your findings at companies house. A big fish to lose. And interesting to consider which other organisations would move – and which way, of course.

  119. Andy Ellis says:

    @ Rev Stu 1.31pm

    “She also conceded taking on a share of UK debt…”

    An interesting one this. Her overall performance in the interview was a shocker: she sounded strained and on edge and missed quite a few sitters. Hardly the ‘great communicator”….

    It doesn’t bode well for future negotiations with her or her mates in charge if they are so weak and ill prepared at this point. There IS precedent for debt to be shared in situations which might be seen as analogous, like Czechia and Slovakia. There are also precedents where the larger ‘continuing’ state takes responsibility for all the debt of the earlier union/federation: the Russian Federation assumed the USSR’s debts, the seceding republics didn’t. Ireland also agreed to take a share of UK debt in 1921, but this was never collected in return for Dublin accepting the gerrymandered border of the NI statelet and scrapping the border commission tasked with redrawing the ‘border on the ground’ of the six counties.

    Post a future Yes vote, any Scottish leader should be making it abundantly clear that accepting responsibility for ANY of the UK debt is contingent on the conclusion good faith negotiations which agree all outstanding aspects: so….a fair split of UK assets (9% to Scotland), and agreement on the removal of Trident – both timescale and financial recompense for any clean up required and fees for the presence of the system until it can be safely transferred elsewhere, satisfactory progress on any other areas such as common travel areas, currency and the Scottish/UK border arrangements.

    It should be made abundantly clear that failure to reach agreement means zero debt assumption and a vert strict deadline for removal of Trident. Sorted.

  120. Don says:

    @Stoker 30 April, 2021 at 1:08 pm

    “I’m truly surprised that the Murrell’s, or her family in Ayrshire, haven’t been the targets of actual physical attacks, or their properties, before now. Can you imagine this self-serving turncoat acting the way she is during the 70s or 80s. Oh how times have changed. And btw, warning to any fuckwit who wants to try and twist what i’ve typed, DON’T.


    Clear? Good! ”

    LOL Too late you have already planted that seed into the heads of any nutters who may want to make a name for themselves. Its a bit like Craig Murray trying to say he didn’t deliberately go down the path he chose after he did that , if you don’t want to plant the seeds of conspiracy into peoples heads then just don’t do it in the first place, hope you sleep well tonight BTW 🙂 🙂

  121. Tommo says:

    I think Ms Sturgeon would very much like to be head of an independent Scotland
    However her current powerful position, income, future and that of those surrounding her in what passes for this ‘party’ would be at hazard- and if it all went belly up like it did last time that would be it for the foreseeable for the First Couple, her party chums, MPs, the trans tendency- and ‘Indy’
    Why gamble all when you are sure of re-election regardless?

  122. Stuart says:

    Patrick Jones,

    If your referring to me as a ‘SNP1er ” please point out your evidence for this? As if you are you are clearly confused in your rush to judge others opinions to put it mildly!

  123. Confused says:

    Sturgeon has signalled that she will “sell the jerseys” should she ever get to the negotiating table – “we won’t play hardball, no worries”

    – it’s a bit like chatting to a used car salesman and up front, without prompting, telling him what your limit is.

  124. Gary45% says:

    Regarding Scotland’s share of the “national debt”, what debt?
    Being shackled to the every hungry parasite that is England, any debt Scotland has, lies at the feet of the English parliament.
    Good posts already highlighting the waste England has accrued, and Scotland has funded the majority of it.
    The recent Covid relief funding stands at around £1.6 trillion, has Scotland received 10% of that amount? nowhere near it, although I’m sure we’ll be saddled with the usual 10% of the debt.
    Will the troops in WM grow a backbone? I’ll leave that for now, although “Pete and the comfy slippers” could do a double sided charity single to raise funds. A remake of the old Who classic “You WILL get fooled again” and “Who’s sorry now”.

    Since the start of the pandemic, per 100,00 population.
    Scotland= 4137
    NI = 6347
    Wales = 6708
    England = 6855.
    Figures from the UK Coronavirus website. The ONS figures are estimates for a specific point in time.

  125. 100%Yes says:


    This is Sturgeon get out of a referendum card making England debt become Scotland debt hence when covid and the economic issue has past the debt England is in will never be paid back during any of our lifetimes and she knows it.

  126. Daisy Walker says:

    @ Red at 4.33

    Very well said Red.

    ‘Building the Positive case’ under current SNP Leadership now means ‘Doing absolutely nothing’.

    ‘Steady as she goes, don’t frighten the horses, keeping the powder dry, not showing our enemies our hand, united we stand.’ These were the key phrases used to hoodwink us.

    That was how New Labour got hollowed out from within.

    That was how New SNP got hollowed out from within – when everyone had seen what had happened to New Labour and swore not to let it happen again.

    So where are the checks and ballances to prevent it happening again with our new Indy parties? At the moment I see Alex, and I see good candidates – and as much as I trust them…
    It is the Yes Movement that needs to be able to identify the warning signals.

  127. Molly's Mum says:

    My understanding of the decision in the Keating’s case (which he took to court for all of us trying to get free of Westminster) is this

    The first time it was dismissed because the Judge said she couldn’t make a ruling on a hypothetical Bill – there is no Indyref Bill going through Holyrood so basically come back when there is one

    Shazam – polls start sticking at Yes for Indy, and there’s a majority in the Parly for Indy. But what does Ms Sturgeon do ? Keep bleating about a DRAFT bill IF they are returned as a majority Gov in May

    Why a draft bill we keep saying – why not a BILL, there’s time, oh but wait. The penis in frilly knickers bill is far more important and she promised Humza so……..

    My reading of Martin’s response to the decision is this – IF Ms Sturgeon had put her Indyref Bill to the vote and it had been passed, then there was every chance that the Court would have said “Oh well, you have proposed and passed a bill in the Scottish Government to hold an independence referendum – therefor you obviously DON’T need permission from Westminster. Because you just did it…there….look….there it is. Carry on”

    But because she has flapped about, flannelled and led us up and down so many false trails we are now stuck, waiting to see what Laurence Llewellyn Johnson comes up with next

    That’s my reading of it – Martin, if I’m wrong, please feel free to humiliate me in public. I used to be in the SNP, I’m used to it

  128. Don says:

    @Andy Ellis 30 April, 2021 at 6:08 pm

    “She also conceded taking on a share of UK debt…”

    The SNP’s own Growth Commission reached that same conclusion, after all why would anyone expect RUK taxpayers to pick up Scotlands existing share of the UK debt ? Do you think they wouldn’t have a right to have a veto on this ? Also from memory Scotland creates 13% of the UKDebt and we only pay an 8.4% share back right now as all regions only contribute to paying their own population share of the overall UKdebt. Also when there is a YES vote that would need to be turned into Law via a Freedom Bill through UK Parliament to dissolve the previous agreements and other existing laws, not taking a share of the debt means no “Freedom Bill” through WM Parlient to put that into Law. Scotland would only get Scotlands Assets, RUK Assets belong to RUK. ( don’t confuse Scot Gov Assets with Scottish peoples personal assets as so many often do, mortgages and savings value are not Scot Gov assets)

  129. Annie 621 says:


    The Rev’s work in exposing Sturgeon’s SNP is exemplary and worthy of recognition, in book form perhaps, as I can’t imagine, apart from his followers, where anyone can see his incredible work.

  130. Stuart says:


    Very well said but you’ll get scant acknowledgement round these parts for explaining reality as opposed to myths both from history and the present but well done for trying… prepared for incoming that ignores evidence, the reality of life in the 21st century, a changed and rapidly changing geo-political landscape and the best one of all “get Independance from the UK and join the EU” leaving aside the fact (rarely acknowledged) that Scotland as London with a population twice the size were never in the EU, the UK was how can you bem”dragged out” of something you never joined as Legal Entity.

  131. Don says:

    @100%Yes 30 April, 2021 at 6:24 pm

    “This is Sturgeon get out of a referendum card making England debt become Scotland debt hence when covid and the economic issue has past the debt England is in will never be paid back during any of our lifetimes and she knows it.”

    UK debt is made up of Debt created by all areas of the UK , Scotland spends more than we raise in taxes so we contribute to that UK debt , from memory Scotlands creates 13% of the debt but we pay back by a 8.4% population share. England Creates Debt , scotland creates debt , Wales creates debt , Northern Ireland creates debt. Don’t beleive me then go look it up.

  132. DJ says:

    Red @ 4:31 pm

    Great post. Agree 100%

  133. Thistle's Bristles says:

    Patrick Harvie has twice now failed (refused) to give an answer to the plainly-stated question ‘What is a woman?’.

    Or is it more? Three times should surely earn him the title Hattrick Pervie.

    Has serial Referendum-promise-breaker and Trans-over-Independence advocate, Nicola Sturgeon, ever been faced with that exact question directly, and with what outcome?

    Or her husband Peter Murrell, for that matter.

  134. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Don you are an idiot!

  135. James Che. says:

    How to distinguish a uninformed Scottish person from a troll on this site.
    An uninformed unconvinced, which way to vote person, will steady up and discuss politics and strategies.
    A unionist troll will resort to derogatory comments, name slagging, and trying to categorise you in with anyone or anything bad,
    There are a good number on this site hell bent on going against Alex Salmond,s advice, working others up into a froth and frenzy, many of them suggest voting for a unionist party as their first vote, and Alba as their second vote knowing full well this will affect list seats for the Alba party and Alex Salmond as some of the Snp May take list seats instead.
    The unionist main aim is to ensure that the rest of the world see’s no increase or majority for independence in this Scottish election.
    In Scotland we know the Snp have turned ("Tractor" - Ed) on their own people and their original reason for existing.
    BUT the rest of the world or even the rest of England does not know that, due to media coverage and the lack of true reporting.
    So the line is either Alex has to be got rid of( and they All tried) or the snp have to be got rid of, either one would be a win for the unionist flavour mantra to work..
    None of us want the snp in, and that is underlined and emphasised by myself.
    Here though we shine a bigger light on those who want the Scottish Parliament to be continually ruled by Westminster, none of whom were against the rape clause bill, none whom stopped the hate crime bill going through, none whom have stopped the extremes of greens and snp or the safety of children being protected,
    As far as I can tell the tories, and labour are just as guilty as NS and the greens for the ineffective way they have done politics for the people of Scotland,
    They are all tarnished with the same brush.
    Who has protected children, women, jobs, industries, our laws, fishermen and farmers during or after Brexit,
    And the snp/ green coalition have led the way, to a deprived Scotland while the unionist took their wages as Msp’s in Holyrude.
    Shame on all presently existing unionist who made no attempt to put a stop to these extreme agendas while serving as Scottish members in the Scottish Parliament.

  136. Shocked says:


    Just you keep howling at the moon sturgeonite

  137. Shocked says:

    @James Che

    So it will be an SNP1 from you. I hope you own what you are about to do,

  138. ScottieDog says:

    Imagine the situation where Boris now offers a snap indyref and Nicola says nows not the time..

  139. James Che. says:

    And just you keep sucking up your red white and blue unionist dummy.?

  140. DJ says:

    Shocked says:
    30 April, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    Just you keep howling at the moon sturgeonite

    I have better things to do, such as voting SNP 1 Alba 2. But thank you anyway.

  141. Captain Yossarian says:

    @James Che – I would forget about starting your posts with an implication that anyone who disagrees with you or Alex Salmond is a ‘troll’. I know what a troll is and I don’t believe there are any on this site. People have different points of view. I don’t share your point of view either but I am not a troll and neither are any of the other folk you go out of your way to offend.

  142. Stephen says:

    Nobody has mentioned Stu’s three wise monkeys.
    Here no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
    The moral is clear,
    It is folly to ignore the evil that is clearly there.

  143. PacMan says:

    If I could offer my humble opinion.

    I haven’t watched the interview and don’t want to. However, given her erratic performances of recent ones, could the part of conversation highlighted by the Rev by an almost Freudian slip of what she feels now which will be different when she has to face the realities of a hypothetical super majority with Alba or a deliberate attempt to neuter Alba in the hope of a SNP/Green coalition?

    If she is trying to neuter Alba which involves alienating Alba supporters not to vote SNP in the Constituency part, means that Alba will be competing with the SNP and Greens for the List vote which will result in the Indy vote being split and letting unionist candidates slipping in.

    I know the polls don’t look good but given the complicated nature of the Holyrood voting is, how accurate are they actually especially given the unknown of Alba’s late and surprising entry into the election?

    Should we hold our nerve despite what Nicola Sturgeon had said and will say in the coming days and vote SNP 1 Alba 2 on election day?

  144. Beaker says:

    I think the SNP is in panic mode.

    First of all we had all the freebies, which has attracted criticism. Most especially the promise to taxi drivers who will receive a COVID grant, but only IF they vote for the SNP. Oops.

    No strategy visible apart from blaming Boris. That’s been the only constant and it has little effect these days because it is overused.

    I think she is in for shock next week.

  145. James Che. says:

    Sorry to genuine independence people on this site, but I was getting a bit fed up only listening to the loudest voices shouting and a lot of others being drowned out,
    But it did deliver what I suggested,

  146. PacMan says:

    Don says: 30 April, 2021 at 6:36 pm

    UK debt is made up of Debt created by all areas of the UK , Scotland spends more than we raise in taxes so we contribute to that UK debt , from memory Scotlands creates 13% of the debt but we pay back by a 8.4% population share. England Creates Debt , scotland creates debt , Wales creates debt , Northern Ireland creates debt. Don’t beleive me then go look it up.

    As a region of the UK, we spend more then we raise in taxes as due to some weird formula, we have to contribute to the spending of the UK that seems disproportionate to the advantages we get from it i.e. infrastructure spending in London. We also have to contribute to items that are specific to the UK like nuclear weapons and UK overseas commitments.

    As a small independent country, we could not afford to spend money on the UK specific luxuries that we are doing now. I mean, why on earth would we need a nuclear arsenal and a large military?

    An independent Scotland will have debt but will it be as much as that of a region of the UK?

  147. Patrick Jones says:

    Stuart 6.31pm

    Hi Stuart, no I never mentioned you,,,it was the notorious “Al Stuart”.

    Smiley face…

  148. Shocked says:

    @james che

    Party first and fuck the country, vote for the criminal but as long as we all pretend she didn’t do anything wrong it will be fine. What does theft matter? It’s only money. Aye, lying under oath doesn’t matter. Honesty is an over rated thing. Who cares that she spent the last 7 years turning the SNP into a personality cult and gathering power for herself.

    I’ve supported independence for over 25 years, unlike you I’ve got principles and I won’t change them because of the say so of Alex Salmond. If you want to call me a unionist them you better start calling Rev Stu that as well as there is nothing I’ve said that he hasn’t said himself. Get off your bleeding knees.

  149. PacMan says:

    mel says: 30 April, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    @ stonefree

    I think you are right, but the reason the group gave for the change was although NatWest was always the larger of the two banks, it has now become the dominant bank with the biggest part, about 80% of its business.

    I think the name RBS group was retained in Scotland so that might explain your findings at companies house. A big fish to lose. And interesting to consider which other organisations would move – and which way, of course.

    The RBS brand is so toxic south of the border that a name change was always on the cards. It’s surprising it has taken so long.

    It terms of Natwest, think of it in terms of the likes of corporate companies like Nestle and Unilever who each own hundreds of specific products and brands.

    While the corporate company was formerly called RBS, it is now NatWest and operates the NatWest bank in England, RBS in Scotland and Ulster Bank in both parts of Ireland.

    Even when the corporate company was called RBS, all the business was done in the NatWest brand and most of it’s business was done in England.

    If independence happened in 2014 or happens tomorrow, the company would have moved south of the border. This move would just involve moving the name plate to one of their London properties.

    Of course the argument would be that the corporate profits would move south of the border as well. However, if it did stay, would an independent Scotland want to be potentially liable to provide financial assistance to a large British bank in the event of a financial crisis?

  150. Patrick Jones says:

    Our target over the next months and years has to be the downfall of ALL SNP Councillors, MSPs and MPs.

    Try to persuade your new MSP to jump ship over to ALBA.

    Have you ever known a Party to have so much representation, and yet so deprived of individual thought.

    The SNP should be bursting at the seams with all sorts of weird and wonderful ideas regarding the way forward for an independent Scotland.

    But we hear nothing, not a sausage.

    All we hear is the voice of the freak who is Sturgeon.

    Anyone of her team who says a word out of place knows they are for the high jump.

    No wonder she has turned to drugs to help her through these dark lonely times.

    The downfall of the SNP has to be our number one priority.

  151. PacMan says:

    Patrick Jones says: 30 April, 2021 at 7:22 pm

    The downfall of the SNP has to be our number one priority.

    The most powerful way to do that is to blunt their power in Holyrood and that is done by get as many Alba politicians elected as possible.

    The only way to do that is to vote SNP 1 Alba 2 so we are not competing against the SNP on the list vote and in doing so, splitting the indy vote.

  152. 100%Yes says:

    What i’m hoping for is the SNP and the greens are unable to get a majority and the Alba party holds the balance of power and uses it to force Sturgeon hand in starting negotiations with the UK or the SNP won’t be the next government.

  153. Confused says:

    Hmm, just read somewhere the upcoming elections will NOT HAVE AN EXIT POLL and the counting done over multiple days – because of COVID. Obviously people would be upset if the exit poll and final results disagreed, so it’s probably the right thing to do. Look at the silly mess those Trump supporters made just because they were winning the count for a bit, then didn’t. In backward nations I might think there was cheating going on, but some wummin told me the ballots “get locked in a safe” or get padlocked with a really good lock, a CHUBB maybe – so, obviously, such measures have never been defeated; nor are there selfish interests who would try to profit from stealing the political leadership of a small, but wealthy nation.

    When you look back on it, the choice of “DHONDT” for Holyrood was really cunning and foresighted.

    Electoral systems are well-studied and their dynamics known and modelled; FPTP gives “landslides” past 40% and a little above, say 45, you start to win everything, everywhere. The advantage of this is that it allows for “strong govt” and “a clear result” as opposed to the chaos, backroom deals, status quo supporting and gridlock of proportional systems. No wonder the fucking TORIES love it!! 5 years worth of “electoral dictatorship” with support a ballhair past 40, on a 50% turnout. And the media claque spew horseshit of “mandates” and the “clear will of the nation”! No one ever calls them “illegitimate” for only having the support of 14M britons – they won, by the rules that exist, and that is enough.

    The danger of FPTP at Holyrood is obvious; for it is inevitable, as the years pass the UK will do something to REALLY PISS OFF THE SCOTS again – poll tax, new nukes, something – and so you get this blast of nationalism.

    If Holyrood ended up with 90-100 nationalist MSPs (under FPTP), then if they simply declare independence, and go to the UN, the UK is fucked. It has no moves, for it is widely hated, with no friends in the world; Russia, China hate them, the old colonies hate them, the Irish, the EU now, the historical rivals of France and Germany, Spain, Argentina – even the USA treats them with contempt (- read Hudson for how America used WW2 to destroy the British Empire), and Israel despises them (even as they slavishly obey).

    – the roof caves in, dramatically. And since Scotland will be a member of NATO (to placate the US) and the EU (probably) then sending the tanks in, is not an option, and neither is economic warfare, sanctions, or other sharp practice and subversion; getting a few “huns” to riot won’t do the trick. For them – it’s a stale shit sandwich they are forced to swallow whole, and it’s done. Note how quickly it could all happen – and this is scary for the UK, requiring constant attention.

    The apparently harmless, but opaque and poorly understood DHONDT is purposely chosen to avoid such happenings. Bravo! (-you cunts)

    And yet – here we are worried if the ALBA plan is “cheating”. You have already been cheated – the cheating has been going on nonstop for 300 years.

  154. PacMan says:

    Lochside says: 30 April, 2021 at 5:34 pm

    Veritas…North Sea Oil….never heard of Clair Ridge and West of Shetland’ s oil reserves? Cameron knew all about it. That’s why he flew up to Shetland to gag the oil companies and media in 2014.So did the BBC. That’s why they kept silent. The reserves are bigger than the North Sea were. We are being robbed again and our Renewable energy is also in the process of being torpedoed by Westminster. Your argument is: So were robbed…get over it!
    Well fuck you and all the rest of the complacent cowards that would disappear up their own arses in the face of England’s perfidy!

    Lets not forget the oil in the Clyde waiting to get tapped if only we get rid of these nuclear subs that skulks in and out of Faslane all the time.

  155. James Che. says:

    Shocked, I was waiting for you to get back,
    My knees have been busy putting leaflets out working towards an independent Scotland, and not sat under a computer desk for the past week an a half, not on my knees at all you will find.
    Smiley face.

  156. Big Jock says:

    I think our best bet from here. Is doing whatever we can to remove Sturgeon. If that means spoiling our first ballot, then so be it.

    I am too far gone to care anymore. I see corruption and lies continuing, if she gets a majority. I will not vote for it anymore. Its time to take a moral stand.

    Follow your heart and you won’t go far wrong.

  157. PacMan says:

    On the subject of gaming the system.

    The Tories for instance have said repeatedly to vote for them only on the List vote. Unofficially we have been told their supporters will vote Labour 1 Tory 2.

    However, in an area like Glasgow where every every constituency seat was won by SNP but they gained no List seat whereas Labour get 4 list seats and Tories 2, do you not think that these two parties will vote SNP on the constituency vote in the areas where they have no chance of winning?

    link to

    It’s not called gaming the system, it’s called tactical voting.

  158. Sensibledave says:

    I read in the Telegraph today that I, and my fellow south Englanders, are each “sponsoring a Scot” to the tune of £2000 each, each year. Can I have my 2 grand back please? I need some new tyres for the motor and as the shops are now open, Mrs Sensible is in full wardrobe renewal mode.

  159. Big Jock says:

    100%- you have nailed it. We need Alba being the king makers. If that came to pass it would restore hope.

  160. covidhoax says:

    It’s a shame Stu hasn’t got the balls to call out covid for the sick scam that it is. Did you get vaccinated Stu?

  161. ScotsRenewables says:

    Can we get rid of Covid hoax pleas Stu?

  162. PacMan says:

    covidhoax says: 30 April, 2021 at 7:42 pm

    It’s a shame Stu hasn’t got the balls to call out covid for the sick scam that it is. Did you get vaccinated Stu?

    Stop being a big feartie, take your jag, do it for you ma because she will be worried about you if you don’t.

  163. PacMan says:

    Don’t get angry, get even.

    Imagine Nicola Sturgeon having to dance to the tune to Alba always in a fortnights time if we can get enough Alba candidates elected by voting SNP 1 Alba 2.

  164. John Main says:

    @Lochside – 30 April, 2021 at 5:27 pm

    “BTW any SNP MP or MSP who is still in the party at the Election should be barred from standing for ALBA. They’ve had their chance. The nemotodes of the bogus nats must not be allowed back into the body politic of Scotland again.”

    1000 upticks from me.

    Spoil 1 Alba 2.

  165. Heaver says:

    ALBA wins on the list require SNP wins in the constituencies.

    That is the d’Hondt logic, and it is unavoidable, even more so when SNP voteshare is slipping.

    ALBA X
    SNP X

  166. Carol Neill says:

    I was out in mid Perthshire today , one or two snp tiny boards but loads of lib/dem , no tories , odd for Perthshire
    Hey ho I’ve my Alba boards on my fence

  167. James Che. says:

    I would like to see NS having to dance to AS tune for years to come as well.
    everyone else in the Scottish Parliament, advocate and hearings let her away with trying to get rid of one of Scotland’s best politicians, through her criminal behaviour.

  168. cirsium says:

    @confused, 7.28

    Exit polls are a key indicator that an election is legitimate and that the count is honest. Where did you read that there will be no exit polls? If this is true, it is ominous.

    @Daisy Walker, 6.25
    It is the Yes Movement that needs to be able to identify the warning signals.

    No exit polls is a warning signal. Another one is the count taking place over a number of days. Who is guarding the ballot boxes?

  169. Patrick Jones says:

    James Che. 8.17

    “I would like to see NS having to dance to AS tune for years to come as well”

    Would you not rather see her dragged through the Law Courts?

    Why does she need to be re elected?

    The best thing that could happen would be for her to lose her seat.

  170. Patrick Jones says:

    Heaver. 8.07

    Stop spreading old wives tales.

  171. Stuart says:

    Patrick, smiley face back my mistake.

  172. Patrick Jones says:

    Stuart 8.28pm

    I would be angry as well If got mistaken for Al Stuart.


  173. Robert Louis says:

    All terribly dissappointing stuff. Really not sure what Nicola Sturgeon actually does stand for, it certainly isn’t independence.

    Who has set back the independence movement? Nicola Sturgeon. The endless ditherer, the endless procastinator.

    Alex Salmond on the other hand actualy got a majority, he actually got a section 30, he actually held an independence referendum. Nicola gives us gender nonsense and Humza’s draconian Hate crime anti free speech bill.

    It will indeed be interesting to watch SNP MSPs voting AGAINST an independence referendum. Very interesting indeed. I think that could well be the point when many abandon the SNP for good, and some MSP’s move to join the pro-independence ALBA party.

    To think, I used to be in the SNP, and was a Sturgeon supporter. What a turncoat she has proven to be.

  174. Shocked says:

    @james che

    You are a sturgeonite who has been campaigning for Nicola Sturgeon, that is not the same as campaigning for an independent Scotland.

    I want to see Nicola Sturgeon spending 15 years in Cornton Vale for perjury, perverting the course of justice, theft and various other charges. I want every single member of her corrupt cabal to be jailed as well and I want everyone who has enabled this corruption and wanton destruction of the independence movement to turn it into a Sturgeon personality cult to face the consequences. When the truth finally outs I hope it breaks your little heart.

  175. Ian Brotherhood says:

    We’ll all have different ways of describing why we’re so angry about this.

    If I had to pick two which seem always to be bubbling away in my heid…

    If certain characters had got their way, Alex Salmond would be in prison right now, possibly until his dying day, and they’d still be celebrating.

    And all the time we’ve been robbed of. Six and a half YEARS. FFS, we get annoyed if a persuasive salesperson takes ten minutes of our time at the front door, or if the Chuggers get ye in Sauchiehall St and, feeling sorry, you listen to their spiel for a bit. But six and half years of so much work, by this place and all who contributed and read, and helped the fundraisers reach such impressive amounts.

    I’ll never ever forgive ‘her’ and those who helped on both counts.

    Alex Salmond is doing the ‘positive’ campaign he did in 2014, and more power to him. But when this is over and he’s back in the Scottish Parliament? I hope he wipes the fuckin floor with her from Day One.

  176. Robert Louis says:

    Heaver at 807pm,

    You are right. Unfortunately to help ensure ALBA get elected in my consituency, I need to vote SNP on consituency, as that will influence the number of votes needed on the regional list for ALBA. So, in almost all cases, to get ALBA elected, you need to vote SNP on the first ballot paper.

    It will likely be the last election where I will vote SNP. I will do so in the hope that the SNP come to depend upon ALBA support in parliament. Even if they don’t, having an alternative pro indy party (ALBA) will be a very good thing.

  177. Andy Ellis says:

    @Don 6.30pm

    Nobody has any idea whether Scotland is a net receiver or contributor, because neither the UK government nor the Scottish government really has a clue what the current situation is financially. in addition GERS for example tells us precisely nothing about what the financial situation will be post independence, they’re simply an indication of how badly Scotland is served by being in the union.

    Most Scots will happily take zero share of the UK debt: it would put Scotland in a relatively strong financial position. The split of common assets means valuing everything and agreeing to assign a fair share to Scotland: so let’s assume 9%. For example in the velvet divorce the Czechs and Slovaks agreed to split the Czechoslovak embassies worldwide in proportion to the relative sizes of the 2 new states. The same went for defence materiel, gold reserves and other assets. This isn’t rocket science. Wither British nationalists negotiate and deal in good faith to achieve a MUTUALLY acceptable solution, or Scotland walks away debt free and leaves London to pick up the £1 trillion UK deficit.

    The default position in international law and historically is that the seceding state has zero liability for the debt of the continuing state. If Scotland agrees to assume an agreed amount it will only be because it has been negotiated. I’m not confusing personal and government assets. In the negotiations, Scotland will hold the cards, not rump UK: we’re not obliged to take ANY of the UK debt if London refuses to negotiate in good faith.

  178. Robert Louis says:

    Ian Brotherhood at 910pm,

    Quote “Alex Salmond is doing the ‘positive’ campaign he did in 2014, and more power to him. But when this is over and he’s back in the Scottish Parliament? I hope he wipes the fuckin floor with her from Day One.”

    Oh yes, I really, really hope he does. And do you know what she will deserve every freaking moment of condemnation. She took our absolute trust and faith, and trashed it, and is still trashing it and pro-indy supporters every single day.

  179. Robert Louis says:

    So, the clydesdale bank is now ‘virgin money’, a change that was done in the most sleekit fashion during lockdown. RBS is apparently now called Natwest, another sleekit change done during lockdown. The RBS do still pretend by calling themselves RBS on their few remaining branches, but virgin money doesn’t give a f***, and so the name clydesdale bank is gone. Thanks Branson. Thanks England.

    We have no genuine Scottish banks left. Standard life has been sold to something called phoenix group. It will not be long before their offices in Scotland go, with all the jobs relocated to Phoenix group down in England.

    It is colonialism and cultural genocide writ large. Perpetrated by England, and its snivveling tory apparatchiks in Scotland.

  180. Saffron Robe says:

    We need independence, the control of our resources and the economic leverage that comes with it to be able to mount a recovery by supporting our producers and exporters, and transforming into a green economy with all its attendant job creation.

    There can be no recovery within the Union under the continued political and economic control of Westminster.

  181. JimuckMac says:

    Hello Stu. Can we get rid off ‘Scotrenewables’ for clyping on Covidhoax

    On March 19th 2020, the 4 nations of the U.K. removed Covid 19 from the U.K. Pandemic Register because of it’s ‘low mortality’. I’m with the hoax.

  182. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    I think it will done in such a manner that she goes home every night wondering when will this nightmare end.

  183. DJ says:

    Andy Ellis @ 9.13
    we’re not obliged to take ANY of the UK debt if London refuses to negotiate in good faith.

    Sums up the position accurately. Thank you Andy

  184. Tinto Chiel says:

    @Ian B 9.10: trying to jail an innocent man and enduring seven wasted years of our lives are the things which rattle my cage too, and at my age those are years which I could certainly have spent a lot better.

    @Andy Ellis: “Scotland will hold the cards, not rump UK: we’re not obliged to take ANY of the UK debt if London refuses to negotiate in good faith.”

    I think you can take London NOT negotiating in good faith as a given, which makes it imperative that NS and her scurvy crew are dispensed with as quickly as possible. Can you imagine them trying to extricate us from the Grimpen mire of the union settlement with their unicorns, rainbow emojis and complete betrayal of women’s rights?

    No, we need first class legal brains, the political skills of a Machiavelli and the brinksmanship diplomacy of a Vlad the Impaler (suitable candidates please apply HERE).

    Even if NS got as far as the negotiating table (terrifying thought, since she seems already to have sold the jerseys with her self-defeating share of the national debt proposal), we would be left clutching the shiny beads and diseased, pox-ridden blankets while our resources are bargained away en route to the reservation called Scotlandshire.

    Scotland neeeds the painful, stinging Peter Finch moment of liberation but most folk are too busy watching Line of Duty:

    link to

    Sleepers, awake!

  185. Stephen says:

    “My focus is to steer us out of covid and into recovery”
    Note “into recovery”.
    So not only must we wait for COVID to go but also for an economic recovery.
    This will take years.
    Independence has been kicked well and truly into touch.
    And Sturgeons word is law in the SNP.
    There is no dissent.
    The pigs don’t even look up from the trough.

  186. true scot says:

    RBS rebranded to NatWest to take a step away from associations with Fred the Shred and the taxpayer bailout. The new(ish) CEO of NatWest is now sat in London although the headquarters remain in Gogarburn. There’s concern about what would happen to financial services in the event of independence – remember that in spite of Boris telling us they had the best Brexit deal ever at the end of last year – financial services were not covered! Given the importance of financial services to the UK economy this was quite a disgusting lie. However you need to be aware that RBS were planning to move in 2014 and would move after another Yes vote. This is sadly not project fear, but due to the sheer size of NatWest’s balance sheet and the relatively small size of the Scottish market compared to the rUK. Financial services have to take a careful approach on risk (beleive it or not) and with an unknown settlement around financial services ability to span the UK (which is quite unlikely) they will go south. Money is mobile and we are less than 10% of the UK market. We can’t on the one hand talk about Westminster as the colonial enemy and then expect them to throw their hands up and give us the softest border with full passporting rights on financial services if we vote Yes. The negotiations will be hard – and those negotiating on our side will be the same old names we already know and love. Swinney as chief negotiator? Forbes? Regardless, they will be fresh and naive in the face of the other side with it’s fresh Brexit scars still fresh.

    The case for independence appears to have – since 2014 – relied on sentiment. It’s not enough to feel we should be independent. Of course we ‘should’. We are a proud nation with a strong identity. But we MUST prosper, and if ALBA get seats in Holyrood – they must build the economic case honestly so that people can see a roadmap to prosperity.

    And if there is a supermajority, there must be a referendum. Democracy is precious and easily broken. Once broken almost impossible to put back together.

  187. Andy Ellis says:

    @DJ 9.54pm & Tinto Chiel 9.55pm

    I think what we can readily see from the quality of people at the top of the current SNP and their appetite for a stair heid rammy, that you can’t educate pork. They have neither the smarts nor the stomach to negotiate a decent settlement for Scotland in the event we are in the position in future (no thanks to them of course!) to begin the process of coming to terms with rump UK.

    It looks increasingly likely that we’re going to need the next 5 years to build that capacity.

  188. Just noticed ex Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood has `She/her in she/her twitter bio,

    she also has `feminist`

    how can you be a feminist and want to eradicate what a woman is,

    jeezo, fricken blocked.

  189. Effigy says:

    True Scot

    build the economic case honestly

    What like the Vow being made during Purdah and
    every aspect of it later being broken?

    Or how about the honesty of £350 per week to the NHS.

    Maybe the recognition of the NHS workers and their colleagues who died
    for the want of PPE kit who get rewarded with a 1% rise to make them worse off.

    I really don’t mind if an Independence Party promises to stop all taxes and free Caribbean cruises for all if it gets us away the most vicious and corrupt right wing government of the 21st Century.

  190. Daisy Walker says:

    ‘No, we need first class legal brains, the political skills of a Machiavelli and the brinksmanship diplomacy of a Vlad the Impaler (suitable candidates please apply HERE)’

    I’m going through the menopause… I can do the Vlad the Impaler bit nae bother.

  191. You know, with all the sexual deviancy stuff this site obsessively documents day in day out, I would advise checking out the first 11 minutes of this documentary, about the pathological genius painter Joe Coleman, and things will make a lot more sense. Potentially. You have to step back from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic, to see why the fuck stuff is happening worldwide, not just on a local parochial level. Just a thought, and it may well be wrong, ho-hum.

    link to

  192. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I put out a tweet earlier saying I was angry with NS/SNP for wasting our time, and asking others why they’re angry.

    Amazing response, some great replies, and this is one of the best.

    Caroline McMillan Green heartWhite heartPurple heart #WomenWontWeesht
    Replying to
    Because I believed her. I bought into her. I thought she would deliver independence and I thought she was a feminist. Her betrayal of women, her disregard for the constant verbal assaults on her female MPs/MSPs by thugs that flit around her. For making women afraid.

  193. Alan Thoms says:

    Scotland will have to take its share of UK debt if it is to gain independence. Independence will be by a negotiated settlement with the Westminster government. There is no other sensible way of decoupling Scotland so that it can stand alone. Forget all the Braveheart nonesense,and simply become practical and pragmatic. If independence does happen it will not happen overnight. Nor should it. It needs to be thought through very carefully indeed. After all,once independent there will be no going back to the Union, begging bowl or not. Scotland has to be ready to stand on its own two feet. To begin with it will not be easy,and who knows what obstacles economic,political or social may get in the way. The SNP are not intellectually capable to bring this about. I think Alex Salmond has the intellect and acumen to do it,but he needs to be in a powerful position to do so. The SNP will do all in their power to thwart him.

  194. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Alan Thoms

    First class bollocks go and troll elsewhere.

  195. Stuart says:

    Alan Thoms,

    Well said a well needed breath of reality among the histrionics associated with this important issue, and its really important whatever your respective position, Unionist or Nationalists, and more importantly the average Jo whose life it’ll affect and both sets of the extreme of both positions, whatever they like to pretend need the “sensible middle ground” to vote for them, instead they insult them to a degree depending on whether their winning or losing or have lost. I don’t think people who have closed minds will ever learn, that in most societies the majority get on with their lives and don’t fixate on single issues whether you want them to or not!!

  196. Stuart says:

    Cynical Highlander, you really don’t do irony do you clown

  197. Stuart says:

    Patrick, yes there are limits to my natural empathy… and one of them is being associated with “dreaded troll hunter” bit like the Spanish Inquisition ala Monty Phython, can imagine him or her threatening me with the “comfy chair” via his keyboard.

    Hope I haven’t misgendered the poor soul as no doubt will set him off on another quite bizarre rant.

  198. Aquarius says:

    That photo of NS at the start of this blog is great! Is she related to Boris Karloff by any chance?

    With ref to James Che’s post @ 3.14 where he says “There is no other party going for Scottish independence in our lifetime besides the Alba party”, I do have to disagree with that. Scotia Future and the ISP, to name but two are still active, and Scotia Future is fielding candidates at this election.

    Do not be surprised to find that pro independence parties who stood aside when Alba as led by AS was announced return to active campaigning after the Holyrood election.

    Of course all is far from rosy, and I often wonder what is wrong with the electorate in the country that they will accept so much. It saddens me, although I do understand the thinking, that many will not consider an independence vote unless there is to be a minimum of no detriment to their standard of living.

    Quite a different mindset from the signatories of the Declaration of Arbroath, for example.

    As for the discussion about the National Debt and the tax contribution from Scotland etc, as far as I understand it, if WM is able to “export” for example, Whisky from London or an English port, who is to say in which country’s figures the tax take arises? (perhaps England’s as WM is responsible for arranging how the figures are shown)

    PS I’d love to know which word produces “tractor-Ed”. Maybe it is Quisling?

  199. Tannadice Boy says:

    To all the comments above about Nicola Sturgeon not being a feminist, she never has been. I am not a feminist in the traditional sense. But I strive hard to do the best for the women in my life. Being a man is a unpopular concept nowadays.Starting to show through in the polls now. Of course..The sexes do better when they work together.

  200. true scot says:

    Effigy – I see your point and it’s valid, but I respectfully differ. I believe independence needs to be for the prosperity of our people – otherwise how will the NHS be funded, how will we build social housing, fund job creation?

    Anyway with it being Friday night, the 3rd beer is open and the home karaoke is now belting so I’ll wish you a good night!

  201. Johnny says:

    Re the tendency of some SNP supporters to portray those who feel they haven’t had what they voted for (to obtain a chance to vote for independence, as promised, following a “material change in circumstances”, i.e. Brexit, as “zoomers”:

    This is like an ordinary employed person being set a task by their boss. The boss comes back a while later and the task has patently not been completed. In fact, there has been little or no attempt to do so.

    The employee laughs at the boss and says “you Zoomer! More patience! Give me another paypacket and I’ll (probably) get round to it!”.

    Most folk will recognise that ordinary employees will not get away with this.

    Make your own minds up as to whether politicians who don’t do as they were voted in to do should.

    By the way, folk who did not vote them in set them no task and so while “governing for all” is a laudable enough aspiration, the folk who put you where you are should be served first, not last.

  202. Bob W says:

    @Rev Stu

    Sorry mis-entered e-mail address.

  203. Meg merrilees says:


    the mystery word is Tray-tor but with the normal spelling.

  204. Patrick Jones says:

    Stuart. 10.55

    Big Al does have a tendency to go off on one.

  205. Patrick Jones says:


    Why do you never ever ever criticise Sturgeon or the SNP for any of Scotland’s woe’s?

    It’s as if you have a mental block and you are completely oblivious to what is actually happening around you.

    Forget england, forget Westminster, the responsibility for the mess Scotland finds itself in lies squarely at the door of Nicola Sturgeon.

    Sorry to be the bearer of this bad news.

    Do you ever read anything the Rev Stu posts?

    He tells it as it is and not once is Westminster mentioned.

    If you Vote SNP 1 then all you are doing is Voting for a continuation of the hell we are in.

    Don’t Vote SNP.

  206. Meg merrilees says:

    Carol Neill @8.13

    I drove from Stirling to Carnoustie and back today. Only saw two farms with SNP boards alongside the A9 and both between Stirling and Perth.
    Funnily enough my sister’s neighbour had a ‘both votes SNP’ leaflet showing on their front door but that was it all day.
    I have an ALBA board across my front window on the main road into Stirling so it’s fairly prominent.

  207. Robert Graham says:


    Now and again you come across a post that makes you stop , sometimes it’s rage and exasperation and sometimes it’s a total belly laugh .

    Daisy the Impaler the menopause kid did just that , you raised a real laugh ha ha .

    Amongst all the shite ,you sometimes come across a wee gem and that makes grim reading more acceptable a bit of humour goes a long way laughs and laughter brightens up everyone’s day

  208. McDuff says:

    RL 9.25
    Its all of that Robert and more.
    I remember when we had five proper Scottish supermarkets, all gone, taken over by English ones.
    We had Scottish car industries, all gone, all in England now. Shipbuilding and steel all decimated.
    1967 Birmingham edition of the tv Radio Times showed four Scottish programs, crime/music/ medical , made in Scotland with a Scottish content, now everything is English. The Welsh also now have no presence on television. Its all English.
    BOAC/BA/ BCAL used to fly out of Prestwick to Canada and the USA, now all “British” airlines only fly out of England.
    Our oil and gas became the property of England.
    Our very culture is under threat
    Yet so many of my thick fellow Scots think that’s just peachy with the rest in a permanent coma.

  209. Lanarkshire Lad says:

    NS a career politician with no principles. I recall being stopped in my tracks when M Currant came on the scene for Labour. Now, all I see is a snivelling trough feeder. A great pretender, I’m like you but when I sniffed the trough ma nasal passage widened and no goin back.

    Sturgeon has openly said she wished the party name wasn’t Scottish National Party, one-of her regrets and she would want to change it. I am the same age as the glorious leader, she has lost the way. Thatcher, Ravenscraig, was it just the Craig, naw, everything that went with it, e.g. wire ropes, overalls , impact extrusions etc, all gone.

    I hope everyone sees Sturgeon for what she is, her pronouns should be me and I

  210. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Stuart at 6:31 pm.

    You typed,

    “leaving aside the fact (rarely acknowledged) that Scotland as London with a population twice the size were never in the EU, the UK was how can you bem”dragged out” of something you never joined as Legal Entity.”

    It was more a case of European Citizenship being dragged out of Scots (and London residents), rather than Scots (and London residents) being dragged out of Europe.

  211. James Che. says:

    Hi shocked, sorry so late getting back to you, interestingly you mention in your threads above that I am a sturgeonite, but you won’t change your principles for Alex Salmond’s route to independence and yet your not voting snp either, now where And what does that say about your votes and where there going.
    I was not leafleting for snp,
    It was for the Alba party,
    That’s the problem with those who go all woke, throwing wild accusations at people, mock outrage and slagging genuine independence supporters off, name calling, etc, that usually is the agender profile of unionist,
    sometimes you have to beat them at their own game and throw the same excrement back, and no, They don’t care much for their own treatment.
    Sorry if your shouting to loud and trying to impale others led me to believe you were a unionist.

  212. ian murray says:

    The debt belongs to the United Kingdom
    Will Westminster try to calculate what we supposedly owe using a pre Scottish parliament formula as well as an afterwards calculation ?
    Will there be a sale of assets to ensure that Scotland get its’ 9%

    The debt belongs to Westminster!

    Are we once again to be held ransom because the Tories and their friends (probably other Tories ) run Great Britain as their personal ATM ?

  213. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi PacMan says at 7:00 pm.

    You typed,

    “If she is trying to neuter Alba which involves alienating Alba supporters not to vote SNP in the Constituency part, means that Alba will be competing with the SNP and Greens for the List vote which will result in the Indy vote being split and letting unionist candidates slipping in.”

    As things stand, the unionists get in on the regional vote anyway.

    Look at NE Scotland, 2016.
    !37,000+ SNP votes but because the SNP won 9 out of the 10 constituencies, the SNP won no regional seats.
    Tories won 4.
    Labour won 2.
    Lib-Dems won 1.

    So how can a vote for Alba in the region NOT be a good thing? It can only oust UNIONIST MSPs! It’s NOT splitting any pro-indy vote!

  214. Footsoldier says:

    McDuff 11.29pm – spot on!

  215. Tannadice Boy says:

    @ian murray 12:05am
    Debt?. You ain’t seen nothing yet. All of the participants in the Scottish Elections are giving away huge amounts of money they will never have. Including the Scottish Tories. But here is the rub. There is no pouches in shrouds. It’s life experience that matters. So I am against GRA and HCB and I will vote Tory on the constituency vote and Alba on the list. Westminster has nothing to do with the choice we face.

  216. Stuart says:

    Ian Murray,

    So the “debt belongs to Westminster ” ok say I’m Westminster how about the billions that “Westminster ” has paid in benefits to Scotland, what about the Barnett Formula, do you understand what it is? Will you pay them back? What about Security? Will you ask for reparations on what basis? If you want to introduce historical references why did the Utopia of an Independant Scotland join this “awful Union” 300 odd years ago? They weren’t pressurised, they were skint because they went off on a colonial adventure that didn’t work!

    Surely even you must get to a stage in your mind, that even after “300 years of colonial oppression”, still circa 50% of your fellow citizens don’t want to leave the Union? I appreciate that their all thick, bigoted or whatever , but aside from that what can the reason be? Presumably their not as “Scots” as you whatever the feck that means in the real world. Well good luck with that

  217. Freya says:

    I just wish people would stop obsessing over identity politics, Nicola this or that, Salmond this or that, and focus instead on the task at hand: getting a majority of pro-independence votes this coming Thursday.
    There will be plenty of opportunity later on to replace party leaders, put a stop to the nonsense of the radical trans lobby and other dangerous travesties.
    First things first. That majority in Holyrood to get the ball rolling. We need to secure a referendum by 2023.
    Btw…I used Wings over Scotland as one of my references on a college essay – on the GRA – and I got a strong pass!

  218. Don says:

    @PacMan 30 April, 2021 at 7:29 pm

    “Veritas…North Sea Oil….never heard of Clair Ridge and West of Shetland’ s oil reserves? Cameron knew all about it. That’s why he flew up to Shetland to gag the oil companies and media in 2014.So did the BBC. That’s why they kept silent. The reserves are bigger than the North Sea were. We are being robbed again and our Renewable energy is also in the process of being torpedoed by Westminster. Your argument is: So were robbed…get over it!
    Well fuck you and all the rest of the complacent cowards that would disappear up their own arses in the face of England’s perfidy!

    Lets not forget the oil in the Clyde waiting to get tapped if only we get rid of these nuclear subs that skulks in and out of Faslane all the time.”

    Cleair Ridge wasn’t a new unknow Oilfield , it was just a furher development of the Clair Field already know for three decades , try using Google and Wikipedia more often instead of speading fake info.
    There is also no Oil on the Clyde a widely available Freedom of Information request says so. link to

  219. Tannadice Boy says:

    Freya 12;36pm
    First things first. We drop all the GRA and HCB nonsense. Then you can come and ask me for my vote. You got a strong pass because Academia has no longer any credibility. Bring back Cam B Brodie at least he attempted to rational.

  220. Mark Boyle says:

    @Robert Louis says: 30 April, 2021 at 9:25 pm

    So, the clydesdale bank is now ‘virgin money’, a change that was done in the most sleekit fashion during lockdown.

    It was the Clydesdale-Yorkshire Bank that took over the failing Virgin Money, but bizarrely decided to switch to its name as the idiots have pretentions of becoming a global brand – clearly they’ve learned nothing from the Credit Crunch and the expand too fast too soon culture in banking has not yet been cured.

    Notes will still be issued under the Clydesdale name though.

  221. Ian Travers says:

    All we can hope for is SNP defections

  222. Clavie Cheil says:

    Does anybody else think there are many shy Alba Party voters in Sturgeons man hating and anti women Scotland?

  223. Breastplate says:

    Why are you so agitated by the idea that the Scottish People should be in charge of their own destiny?
    Is it not perfectly normal for a country to make its own decisions?

  224. John Martini says:

    The poison dwarf would make a great meme

  225. James Che. says:

    I actually agree with what you are saying regards parties,
    A lot of parties have stood aside for Alba, and I hope they reform after independence and perhaps a few more are needed,
    There is plenty of evidence to suggest these last few years in Scotland that when one or only two parties rule a parliament or country it can go woke, corrupt and broke, and almost mafia like in its behaviour, worth discussion.

  226. Patrick Jones says:

    John Martini 1.09


    Ditch the Witch.


    Ditch the Bitch.

  227. Hatuey says:

    Scotland’s fiscal relationship with the UK as a whole is premised on slight of hand. It’s a trick.

    Basically they take all of the UK’s national income and notionally attribute it to each of the nations based on population size. This isn’t fair since Scotland generates much more of that national income than is attributed to it (based on population size).

    Then they define anything we get above that share (though Barnett) as deficit which on some imaginary level they convert to debt or something… it’s all crap.

    It’s like me saying to someone that earns 50k a year that they are over-spending to the tune of 20k per year, based on the 30k per year being the national average.

    Scotland wouldn’t have a deficit of a penny if it was independent. With honest data, it would take about 4 minutes to prove Scotland has had a budgetary surplus since about 1975 and, consequently, we don’t owe a thing towards their debt.

  228. Pixywine says:

    Sensibledave. We’re a bit strapped right now as we loaned the SNP some money and now it’s apparently “resting” somewhere. Would a cheque do?

  229. Al-Stuart says:



    PatrickJones is Rock/KcoR/Gordon/Andy/Labour4Indy ETC.

    Admit or deny this FACT PatrickJones? Otherwise you have NO credibility whatsoever.

    This incel living at home in his Y-fronts hiding in his bedroom with nae job and sponging off of his Mammy is a calamitous, clattering Norman-no-mates. He tries to take on the persona of a master baiter. Well that is little bit true. He is a “Gone-Right-Handed” Master-Bater of sorts.

    He/she/it is also a very amateur Amadan. The brand new poster, “Patrick Jones” believes regular Wings readers are fooled into thinking these multiple names are separate people. Well anyone other than “Stuart” (not the Rev, but the sensitive soul who is made of snowflakes) can see right through Patrick/Gordon/KcoR. Both the Stuart character and Gordon/Patrick/Rodent//Rock are cut from same soiled cloth.

    As for the Trolls who don’t like it up em, and cry foul at people here who want to get rid of Trolls, so we can have rational, civilised and constructive dialogue. I am ALL for reasoned debate. Yes passions can run high at BTL. But that is no excuse for breaking the law.

    Of course, Trolling is not illegal. YET. Though ironically it soon will be thanks to “Stuart” and Gordon’s wee pal Nicola.

    A giveaway is when the Gordon/Patrick Troll mixes 5hit by calling those of us, myself included: NICOLA STURGEON LOVING PERVERTS and worse when our view is 180 degrees the opposite. But Patrick/Gordon is LAZY and STUPID. Many of us are voting…

    Constituency: SPOILED BALLOT.

    List: ALBA PARTY

    On what planet is that way of voting worthy of Gordon/KcoR/Andy libelling those folk who, out of conscience REFUSE to vote SNP1 to then get the Gordon/Patrick abuse: being libelled BUNCH OF GENDER WOO WOO PLANTS (Gordon/Patrick’s upper case letters).

    I have explained this SPOILED BALLOT choice of voting to the various sock-puppet accounts operated by PatrickJones/Gordon/KcoR but have yet to get a coherent and precise response why he/she or it can LIBEL those who are NOT voting SNP1 as pedos and perverts?

    Gordon/Patrick/KcoR any danger of you accurately replying to this?

    No, I didn’t think so. You are just here to Troll and master bait.

    So when you publish your libellous statements, be sure to know those of us who can, are now taking action in the real world to seek remedy in the appropriate, civil and legal way.

    PatrickJones/kcoR/Gordon/Andy, your time will soon be up…

    link to

  230. Wee Chid says:

    Freya says:
    1 May, 2021 at 12:36 am
    “I just wish people would stop obsessing over identity politics, Nicola this or that, Salmond this or that, and focus instead on the task at hand: getting a majority of pro-independence votes this coming Thursday.”

    Identity politics aside, how do you suggest we do that when it is obvious that the SNP are no longer an independence supporting party?

  231. Wee Chid says:

    Alan Thoms says:
    30 April, 2021 at 10:23 pm

    Has anyone ever asked to go back? Others have become independent. Why is it going to be such a huge problem for Scotland?
    Any debt could be counteracted by demands for rental for the housing of Trident every day it remains in Scotland.
    We need someone though who can negotiate such a deal – not a colonialist who will continue to bend the knee for her imperial masters.

  232. PacMan says:

    Don says:
    1 May, 2021 at 12:45 am

    Cleair Ridge wasn’t a new unknow Oilfield , it was just a furher development of the Clair Field already know for three decades , try using Google and Wikipedia more often instead of speading fake info.
    There is also no Oil on the Clyde a widely available Freedom of Information request says so. link to

    All your FOI says that that BP applied for a licence, did some surveys but didn’t take it further. It doesn’t say that no oil was found. Considering that the field is in the Clyde which is right in the path of Clyde nuclear submarine fleet, further exploration might not have been taken forward because it was unviable due to this.

  233. Shocked says:

    @james che

    I watched Alex Salmonds entire evidence at the Holyrood inquiry, I also did my own research into it and therefore I know exactly what Nicola Sturgeon did and who else she conspired with. Salmond told us all how corrupt Sturgeon and the rest were and that the mechanism of governance and law in Scotland were so corrupted that Scotland wasn’t fit to be independent. Robin McAlpine, Jim Sillars and various others have all said the same thing. If you value free speech law and justice you can’t vote New SNP.

    The New SNP is absolutely rotten and to trust them to set up a new country would be an exceptionally dangerous thing to do. Re-electing sturgeon will allow her to bury her crimes and then carry on corrupting the country beyond repair, Under no circumstances could I bring myself to vote New SNP, which is exactly what Rev Stu has said if he had a vote himself. Is he a unionist?

    All of a Sudden Salmond appears with the new party, which ordinarily I would support, and the message is forget everything he said at the inquiry (under oath and backed by evidence), forget all the evidences you have seen and vote New SNP. Alba should have been taking the SNP on head to head in the constituencies, instead they are campaigning for the SNP and they are going to deliver a New SNP / Green coalition, the worst thing that could ever happen to the country. Time and again the Rev has shown us just how bad things will get if these lunatics are returned to power and people like you just shrug it off because you want Nicola sturgeon returned to power.

    If me wanting criminals to pay for their crimes and the New SNP to be eradicated so we can take the party back makes me a unionist then I’m guilty as charged. At least I’ve got a clear conscience when the corrupt lying piece of shit Sturgeon is returned to power and finishes the job she has started. You in the other hand can’t say the same thing.

  234. A Person says:

    Does anyone think that covid could be a liability to Sturgeon to an extent, insofar as there is now a feel good factor and she is so associated with it?

  235. kapelmeister says:

    Sturgeon says “I am a lifelong believer in independence”.

    A lie. She’s a deceiver, not a believer, when it comes to independence.

  236. Breeks says:

    When Sturgeon is fronting an allegedly pro Independence Party, but saying she would vote against holding an IndyRef, then what kind of fraudulent mandate is she putting to the Electorate?

  237. North chiel says:

    Agree with “ Hatuey @ 0223 a.m. that Scotland’s fiscal arrangement with the UK is “ sleight of hand” . Also , earlier on this thread there appears to be quite a number of posts regarding Scotland’s “ share” of UK debt. How about looking at the “ Asset side of the balance sheet” and what of Scotland’s share of UK assets . ? While we are on the subject how about the UK government “ sleight of hand” as regards Scotland’s contribution to UK assets also ??

  238. Albarising says:

    First vote to reject alba’s refrrendum should see floor walkers… this would allow SNP MSPs to justify their actions.. They can state, I was voted in to get indy. I’d be surprised if there was any backlash from their constituents..

  239. Robert Hughes says:

    ” Independence ” will be put back in the box marked ” Do Not Open Until One Month Before Elections ” along with an assortment of carrots and turnips * the latter being the trusty SNP voter .

    Assuming the SNP vote doesn’t collapse , something that is entirely plausible

  240. David Caledonia says:

    If you do not vote for Dolly Dimple and the SNP who are you going to vote for, conservative, labour, liberal, greens, blues or greys or any other combination of twits you care to mention.
    For the uninformed and the downright thick, I would just like to politely say that Tony Blair was a conniving little git, and downright greasy pile of shit.
    This pile of manure tried his best to rig everything, he redrew the north sea with Donald Dewar and scotland suddenly lost a few oil wells, while england gained a few oil wells, trouble is they where in scottish territorial waters, mmmmm
    We have two votes in our elections, how lucky are we, but poor Tony was not as clever as he thought, as any gambler worth his salt will tell you, the dice can be loaded, but it all depends who’s hand the dice are in, and the dice are in our hands on the 6th of May

    SNP 1…………. Alba 2 Its so obvious even the terminally stupid can see it

  241. McDuff says:

    Breaks. 8.03
    Absolutely, it’s fraud it’s coning and lying to the public. The SNP’s entire existence has been to produce independence for Scotland and that’s what it promoted right up until Sturgeon became FM.
    If the current SNP were a product it would be prosecuted under the trade descriptions act.

  242. Mia says:

    When you look at the corrupt and at points malicious behaviour of Sturgeon and the Lord Advocate in the matter of Mr Salmond, there is only one conclusion that makes sense.

    When you look at all the communications Mr Keatings has sent since he started his case and how in the last one it seems clear the main reason why the court ruled against the case is because there is not a real bill in parliament because after 5 fckng years, this woman could not be arsed to pass a real one, there is only one conclusion that makes sense.

    When you look at the way Sturgeon has ruthlessly overruled democracy and brushed our right to self determination under the carpet, there is only one conclusion that makes sense.

    When you look at the way she handed remorselessly our powers and asset control to Westminster and viciously undermined our popular sovereignty, there is only one conclusion that makes sense.

    When you look at the way this woman has overseen 20 polls for yes and still kept standing on the brakes knowing that such stalling would kill the moment of the yes movement, there is only one conclusion that makes sense.

    When you look at how this woman has used COVID as her main excuse to totally stall the yes movement when it is her who actually kept the borders open allowing the virus to continuous getting back in, completely defeating any attempt to eradicate the virus from Scotland, there is only one logical conclusion you can make.

    When you look at the way this woman has allowed a toxic political trojan horse to take over the SNP, to deliberately alienate women and has giving it wings with a toxic Hate bill nobody wants, there is only one logical conclusion you can make.

    When you look at the way this woman has allowed the ringfenced money for indyref to vanish from the accounts, there is only one logical conclusion you can make.

    And that conclusion is this:

    She is nothing but a stooge of the British state whose task was, at what can be considered the weakest point in the British state’s history, to keep the yes movement under a tight leash, to lock all doors for independence, to transform the SNP into an innocuous political arm of the British establishment and to destroy the only man who so far has ever managed to get anywhere close and wanted to achieve Scotland’s independence. Failing all that, her damage limitation task was to transform the SNP into an unelectable party. She is on course to achieve that.

    There is only one logical conclusion with the evidence we have in front of our eyes and that is that this woman is a political fraud.

    I am sorry, Mr Salmond. The last ruling of the Keatings case was the last straw for me and a painful one. It has convinced me that this woman, or rather her handlers in London, deliberately waited until the last minute and put just a draft bill rather than a real one to specifically kibosh that case before the election. That was in my eyes, the ultimate betrayal of Scotland and the yes movement and too bitter a pill to swallow.

    I know exactly what this woman is seeking. She seeks to stop independence and either she achieves it by remaining in power with the help of the trojan horse or the toxic greens, or she trashes the SNP as an electable pro-indy party. From where I am standing she is burning the candle at both ends.

    I could hold my nose for everything else with the hope that she was going to be kicked out from the post soon after the election. But that the SNP itself has allowed this fraud to betray the people of Scotland in this way and has allowed her to attempt to fool us all with that draft bill so Martin Keatings’ case would fall and she could keep us subjected to the England’s government veto, is just beyond what I can take.

    Sorry Mr Salmond, but my constituency vote will no longer go to the SNP. I do not vote for betraying amoebas that rather sit on their hands and watch how a fraud betrays their country that actually stand up and find the balls to chuck her out of the driving seat.

  243. Robert Hughes says:

    David Caledonia says:
    1 May, 2021 at 9:16 am
    ” If you do not vote for Dolly Dimple and the SNP who are you going to vote for, conservative, labour, liberal, greens, blues or greys or any other combination of twits you care to mention. ”

    David , I’m not eligible to vote , not currently living in Scotland .
    If I could I would be voting SNP + ALBA – the logic of which is inarguable from an Independence-seeking POV – despite my utter contempt for Sturgeon’s New SNP and very low expectations they – Sturgeon et al – would utilise a Supermajority if there was one

    With an ALBA presence in Holyrood they at least would be challenged every day on their inertia and cosy acceptance of the status quo , and maybe more people would see them for what they are ie Colonial Administrators doing quite nicely out of the Devolution arrangement .

  244. David A. says:

    Remember that everyone around her and supporting her in the SNP is playing along and knows just as much as we do or more. If you vote SNP, you are voting for what she wants and these results. If someone replaces her, they will do the same. The whole party is full of cowards or cronies. All the people who stayed silent for months and years are absolute scum for putting careers and party ahead of the cause and should be ashamed of themselves.

    I doubt the lockdowns will be over for good, despite the optimism shown. There will be another wave when winter hits and flu season starts again. Goverments worldwide will not want to surrender the massive power grab they’ve made and those wanting to restructure the economy as well as all culture and everyday life and the regulations around it will also continue their own personal dreams. Governments give up power as often as banks would give away free money with no catch.

  245. Hatuey says:

    David, please explain how closing down large sections of the economy and paying people to sit at home in their millions represents a “massive power grab”.

    I’d also like to know where the massive injections of cash into public health services fits in — no, not to “big pharma”, to new hospitals, nurses, respirators, etc.

  246. Patrick Jones says:

    I see the drunken creep and staunch member of the Wings SNP Clique has contributed his usual shite.

    Big Al the kiddies pal can’t wait for his hero Sturgeon to implement her new reforms so he can get into those female Only toilets and changing rooms.

    Patience Big Al, if your hero Sturgeon gets back in then you and your wee gang of Wings creeps will soon be roaming legally in and out if these places.

    Only perverts vote for the SNP, ones like Big Al.

    And don’t forget to get that grassin letter off to the Rev.


  247. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi PacMan at 5:17 am.

    You quoted Don at 12:45 am and commented,

    “There is also no Oil on the Clyde a widely available Freedom of Information request says so. link to

    All your FOI says that that BP applied for a licence, did some surveys but didn’t take it further. It doesn’t say that no oil was found. Considering that the field is in the Clyde which is right in the path of Clyde nuclear submarine fleet, further exploration might not have been taken forward because it was unviable due to this.”

    Here are three links for you.

    link to

    link to

    link to

  248. Alan Austin says:

    I discovered your site 4 months ago and I must admit your coverage of Scottish Politics is far superior than the Scottish Press. However, as a staunch unionist I did not believe a lot of things you said about the SNP not wanting Indyref2 but now I believe you entirely. I as a unionist want Indyref2 more than Nicola Sturgeon and I believe if we had it as soon as possible it would remove this toxic constitutional issue once and for all and let our devolved administration do what we pay them for which is to make our lives better.

  249. Pixywine says:

    Al- Stuart. Disagreeing with other people’s politics would seem to be a criminal offense in Scotland. You seem keen to test the new Hat Crime laws. How democratic of you. Yes you may as well add me to your hate list although I’m voting the same way as you. Strained lopsided gurny thing

  250. Robert Hughes says:

    Pixywine – does that mean bunnets could potentially be made illegal ?

  251. PaulaJ says:

    Dave Beveridge says:
    30 April, 2021 at 1:11 pm

    If they wanted to jump ship then they should’ve done it already rather than trying to sneak into Holyrood under false pretences.

    I agree, Dave. Who wants to be represented by an MSP who stood on one party’s manifesto while planning to jump ship as soon as re-elected?
    Vertebrates only should be welcome in ALBA!

  252. Stuart says:

    Brian Doonthetoon, point well made, fair enough.

    Breastplate – I’m not.

    Al Stuart (aka “Troll Hunter” extraordinaire) OK you win I’m as well as being a “Troll”, now a “snowflake” well deduced you must be very proud (and not a little “aroused” if your honest)

    Please please, pretty please, don’t send the Polis to my door,for having an opinion differing to you in the context of an open Blog, not actually owned by you, please!

  253. Stuart says:

    PS sorry I’m a little late in replying, its just that sometimes I have other things to do, applicable to Briandoonthetoon and Breastplate -“The phantom Troll Hunter” meh not so much

  254. Freya says:

    Tannadice Boy says:
    1 May, 2021 at 12:47 am
    Freya 12;36pm
    First things first. We drop all the GRA and HCB nonsense. Then you can come and ask me for my vote. You got a strong pass because Academia has no longer any credibility. Bring back Cam B Brodie at least he attempted to rational.

    I am surprised by your reply. I mentioned I got a strong pass on my essay as my essay was against the GRA and one of the (many arguments) I used to explain why I think it is detrimental is the Eilidh Martin case that was posted here on Wings over Scotland a few days ago. I was worried the lecturer would fail me for being against a ”woke issue” and the opposite happened which made me feel hope one can still speak up against these issues in Scotland. PS: My college is superb. I complained when they blocked my attempt to access the Alba Party website and as soon as I did, I got an apology from the IT department and my faculty.

  255. Stephen says:

    Good for you Freya.
    You have learned the value of being strong in your own convictions.
    There is no one answer to any question.
    A good answer is one which is well argued, a logical progression and well backed up with sources.
    It is also good to mention opposing points of view and why you disagree with them.

    Incidentally, this is why irony is so relevant as a way of understanding issues.
    Something is ironic if both itself and its opposite are true.

    Any issue has a kaleidoscope of opinion from one ironic polar opposite to the other, with all points in between.

    You could read, “Socrates, Ironist and Moral philosopher”, by Gregory Vlastos.

  256. Jontoscots21 says:

    Stu I am scunnered that you have had to make this decision. Since I accessed your site and others such as Ian Lawson, Gordon Dangerfield and Barrhead Bhoy I have (to get biblical) had the scales removed from my eyes. I think you deserve to pursue your future life as a capable and creative citizen. You also deserve to keep the pot as a partial but inadequate tank you to you and your family. I would love to see the site continue as a truth telling forum for Scotland but I would ask people when they post to be inspired by your example;

    Evidence and forensic detail with the understandable emotion and engagement we all feel.just do half an hour research if you are commenting on something to verify.

    Don’t follow the passive /aggressive be kind nonsense. But be decent. Decency is different . It means treating people by acceptable standards of behaviour not indulging them or condemning them. Most people on here are thoroughly decent. It’s an active decision to be decent. I am miles removed from his actual politics but I found John McCain to the epitome of decency. Decency is also about acceptable standards so many people find the acceptable standards of a narrow political clique indecent, and think the common standard is reasonable. Yes a young boy who wants to be a girl should be listened to but it’s decent that they are not pushed on to puberty blockers. A bloke who has gender dyspohoria should be loved and supported to be a she but they shouldn’t be indulged as a woman and legally given the rights of a woman because they “feel it” on the day

    Like the Rev try and be concise and controlled. We all lose that from time to time but putting the truth out there means people shouldn’t feel ranted at. Much as I enjoy many of the rants on here we need reason and rationality to be at the centre. Our enemies in politics today don’t use that. We should.

    Never lose our cutting humour. I literally fell about laughing when I first saw the terms Woko Haram and Wokus Dei for the transcultists. Of course your own factual interest action of Harvie as a racist mysoginist took some beating though someone earlier called him Penfold!

    Also, I wonder if we could get the cartoons into a weekly commentary and have a private eye for current eyes, though obviously it might have to be lawyered. That could become a you tube feature as I am sure could other resources the brilliant, creative, cussed and challenging people on here could bring.

    Finally we should bear in mind Stu’s advice about not letting our powder off to early. But let’s build Alba and ISP I think with fresh leadership and a real purpose of exposing the Scotland too many genuine yes voters are not seeing. More importantly to show them the better Scotland we could become. I myself will be taking a break as I have a consultancy business to build but I will look in weekly rather than daily to see that the decent pulse of independence and rationality is still beating.

    Good luck Stu and don’t hurry back!


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