The Manipulation Of Perception
In many ways, the fabricated, hysterical furore of Humza Yousaf Vs Elon Musk is the ultimate in summer-silly-season politics stories.
Absurdly plainly, the former First Minister ISN’T going to take any legal action against the billionaire owner of Twitter. He only likes bullying small nurseries, and even then he doesn’t follow through. He didn’t even sue us for calling him racist a few months ago, so there’s zero chance he’s going to square up to the world’s richest man.
It’s not at all clear what he’d be suing Musk FOR, or in what jurisdiction. The Sunday Mail’s story last weekend was based on comments not from Yousaf himself, but from his eternally attention-seeking lawyer Aamer Anwar, who refused to specify what his grounds of action would be, instead issuing a series of woolly generic lines about what people other than Musk might do as a result of Musk’s reaction to Yousaf’s abuse.
And it’s perhaps worth noting the order of events, because a reaction is what it was. Yousaf started this fight, by calling Musk “one of the most dangerous men on the planet” who was responsible for “some of the most wicked evil I’ve ever seen” – a remarkably extreme statement to make about someone who invents climate-friendly electric cars and space rockets for a living – and Musk retaliated in kind.
(Maybe Yousaf thought nobody would notice the remarks, as there were so few people in the audience. The above description of “a crowd” is somewhat generous.)
But what’s more interesting is the way that politicians and the mainstream media – the two groups most threatened by Twitter’s (very broadly) uncensored data stream – have united to misrepresent events, and in particular the racist speech by Yousaf to the Scottish Parliament in 2020 that’s at the centre of the spat.
When the two men first locked horns earlier this year, those with axes to grind against Musk tried to just flatly deny that the speech was racist, claiming it had been “taken out of context”. (They made no effort to demonstrate that it had, they just asserted it.)
But that line of attack didn’t work, because it was so obviously untrue, and it was meticulously dismantled by this site back in April. The context of the speech was that “institutional racism” and “structural racism” were the reasons for most senior posts in Scotland being held by white people, when it’s simply the overwhelming statistical likelihood in a country that’s 96% white, and was 98% white just a few years ago.
Yousaf offered not one scrap of evidence that anyone had been racially discriminated against for any top jobs. He himself had risen to the position of Cabinet Secretary at the time, and later became – albeit briefly – First Minister. (Indeed, for a period recently Scotland, the UK and Wales all had brown-skinned leaders, in the respective forms of Yousaf, Rishi Sunak and Vaughan Gething in Wales.)
The speech, as many noted, was akin to a white person somehow becoming leader of Pakistan or India and then standing up in their parliament to angrily fulminate that most of the people running the country were brown-skinned.
So now the establishment is coalescing around a slightly different line: that the clip of Yousaf ranting about “White!” people was in some way “selectively edited”. This, for example, is from last night’s Reporting Scotland:
And here’s Pat Kane in today’s National calling it “poorly edited”:
The implication is that the clip has been maliciously tampered with in some way to alter its intended meaning. But other than being a clip (as opposed to the entire 20-minute speech, which would make for some extremely long news bulletins), it’s completely untouched, and as we’ve already established it’s wholly and properly representative of what Yousaf was saying.
(As Wings readers know, the only people who ACTUALLY edited and misrepresented Yousaf’s speech were the Office of the Official Report of the Scottish Parliament, who literally changed Yousaf’s words to sound less angry in the name of “clarity”.)
The point of the speech was that racism was responsible for some or all of the people listed being in their jobs, and that them all being white was “not good enough”. Yousaf made no allegations that any of them were incompetent or unfit for their positions, his only stated issue with them was the colour of their skin.
The BBC website also linked to a “fact check” on the video by Reuters, claiming that it had found people had “misrepresented” Yousaf’s comments.
But the Reuters “fact check” identified the context entirely correctly.
And unfortunately objecting to the colour of people’s skin rather than to anything they’ve actually done is pretty much the definition of racist.
As such, the clip is neither “selectively edited” nor “misrepresents” the whole speech. It’s simply an accurate summary of it.
Supporters of Yousaf, entertainingly, launched into the “but some of his best friends are white, so he can’t be racist!” argument that’s so roundly mocked and jeered by those on the left when those on the right say that Nigel Farage can’t be anti-European because his wife is German or that the Reform Party can’t be racist because they had numerous non-white candidates.
We’re quite sure that Humza Yousaf has plenty of white friends. Just as Farage is married to a German, Yousaf was once married to a white woman. But that isn’t the standard being deployed by those attacking Elon Musk on Yousaf’s behalf. Yousaf’s speech was unquestionably racist, and by these people’s rules that means HE’s racist.
(The sort of people who call a man dangerous, wicked and evil because he doesn’t do enough censorship of views they don’t like aren’t big on nuance.)
But by careful manipulation of language, and by selectively misrepresenting people’s objections to the speech, a range of bad-faith actors with their own reasons to dislike Elon Musk and his more balanced incarnation of Twitter are uniting to try to muzzle it by constantly accusing it of fomenting every possible kind of hatred.
Their answer to this problem, of course, is the same as it always is: censorship, and laws which put control over what people are allowed to read in the hands of – guess who! – themselves and their friends in the legacy media.
In the interests of transparency we must naturally disclose, to anyone who’s not already aware of the fact, that Wings Over Scotland has some skin in this game. Under the old management of Twitter, the SNP had managed to get our account silenced for three years (and continue to try to do so) after we became critical of the party, and it took Musk’s takeover to get our voice restored – a move commended even by people who didn’t like us but understood the value of free expression.
Hatred existed before Elon Musk. Social media is not the cause of it, and suppressing views you don’t like rather than addressing the issues they arise from rarely works out well for humanity.
If you think someone is a far-right bigot (a term which currently encompasses anyone who doesn’t think lesbians have penises or that men shouldn’t punch women in the face in the Olympics), nobody’s forcing you to read their tweets. If their tweets are illegal rather than merely personally offensive to you, you can call the police, because illegal stuff is their job, not Elon Musk’s.
Criminal speech is every bit as unlawful now as it was before Musk bought Twitter. Defamation is just as legally actionable. And opinions you don’t like are just opinions you don’t like. You have the power to censor them for yourselves, with the Mute and Block buttons, or to simply contest them by replying. You are responsible for your own content feed and your own fact-checking. You are not entitled to make those decisions for everyone else.
(This is obviously the main reason the far left is now gunning for Twitter. They loved it when it was a machine for cancelling the people they wanted cancelled, but now they get treated the same as everyone else they’re not so keen.)
The fact that Elon Musk allows something to be said by someone, or even retweets it, does not compel you to believe it, or excuse you for acting upon it.
Because flat-out lying to people in the 21st century is made harder by Twitter, not easier. There are countless accounts you can follow to combat misinformation. (We recommend this one and this one as starting points, but pick your own according to taste.) The Community Notes feature allows for almost instant rebuttal of falsehoods, unlike legacy media where your only recourse is to write to IPSO or Ofcom and hope for a microscopic “correction” at the bottom of page 2 three months later.
Twitter, like every other aspect of humanity, is as good or as bad as humans make it. On Twitter, especially, people have the power, not politicians or media barons. And that’s why the latter two will do everything they can to demonise and censor and control it. Because ultimately they’re not scared of Elon Musk. They’re scared of you.
A mouse threatening an elephant.
And as usual, Aamer Anwar trying to get in on the act.
Hear, hear. Thanks for the dose of common sense.
** Rev. Stu Campbell, did you ever get a reply from Mr. Littlejohn at the Official report? (link to
Sorry if I’ve missed an update where you did provide an update; and as I don’t have a Twitter account, I’ll have missed anything there.
Someone should show this article to Swinney – it shows the appropriate usage of ‘foment’ where he used ‘ferment’.
Sloppy slaphead…
I volunteer to be a witness for Elon. Of course Humza’s speech was racist.
Re your very last paragraph, here is James Burke in 2005 predicting social media usurping MSM.
link to
I was going to post something sarcastic and hopefully witty when I saw this yesterday, but the basic facts are a joke in themselves – the mismatch here is reminiscent of “womens” olympic boxing; richest man the world, stupendous IQ, US law, the first amendment, all the lawyers on speed dial, facts on his side … Scots Law, verified fanny, his grifting lawyer, feels and interpretations … little compares to it; maybe the ayrshire cops “investigation” of CIA torture flights out of Prestwick – international arrest warrants and kwallity polis heading to langley …
– the rev, on form, nails it on all aspects.
On the bright side, if Musk cared what a wee shit like Humza thought, which I doubt, getting to know you irritate Humza can only work in your favour Stu
Are you really recommending following a BBC Verify journalist to combat misinformation Stu?
Yousaf showed himself to be a racist in that ‘white’ speech. If he doesn’t like white people, in an overwhelmingly white country, maybe he is right to consider leaving. As a serial failure in every position he’s held he’d be no great loss. And it’d be great to not have to listen to his whining
“Are you really recommending following a BBC Verify journalist to combat misinformation Stu?”
That particular one? Yes, I am. Fairly obviously. If it was Marianna Spring, no.
An Intricate Fabric of Bad Actors Working Hand-in-Hand” – So is war Inevitable? Alistair Crooke, Strategic Culture, link to
The above is well worth a read for the “whole of society” phrase, which I’d never come across before, but describes nicely how government, the media and NGOs work hand in hand to push the chosen “agenda”.
The SNP were avid implementers of this. It may not have been at MI5’s instigation; more likely it was down to Sturgeon’s “what’s good for progressive America, is good enough for Scotland” desire to create an enduring political party, stamping on the face of the non-believers for ever.
Why is this relevant? Well dismantling the SNP is just the first step. You’ll need to dismantle and rebuild a whole raft of institutions that were working to further the SNP’s vision. Alternatively, and likely much faster and effective, simply beat them with the money stick until they recant and change their evil ways.
As for the war? Well, the article hints we’re heading down the road to an / the final encounter between good and evil. Plan accordingly.
Since I dislike both of them, in the interest of fairness I should say that your description of Musk as “someone who invents climate-friendly electric cars and space rockets for a living” is totally inacurate.
The guy just has the money to invest in ideas of others – and then claim them as his own. He financed PayPal, someone else’s idea, but then they kicked him out. He then financed Tesla, someone else’s idea, but this time he kicked them out. Same with SpaceX, same with the Boring Company. So he takes over someone’s idea with his money, kicks them out, and keeps the glory for himself. Wicked and evil. And that doesn’t even include his calls for regime change in S.American countires.
So you have two twats twating over twiter.
” wicked ” evil , what , as opposed to ” nice ” evil ?
Not content with their absolute failure to advance Independence one mm , make a decent job of ANYTHING and what’s looking like the inevitable handing of their once unassailable position in Holyrood to fellow fuck-ups * Scottish * Labour , these utter buffoons are now intent on making Scotland a Global laughing stock .
Yousaf , like his predecessor , is incapable of grasping his total insignificance anywhere other than among the ranks of the Undead , ie the Nu SNP Cult .
I almost choked laughing when I seen the Undertaker ( Swinney ) demand action from Musk . Or what ? What could that diddy do to make E.M comply with his ” demand ” , redact him ?
Yes , Stu , all the ” Progressives ” are united in their determination that no opinion should be allowed to be expressed that doesn’t conform to their lunatic criteria : their 1st instinct is to cancel , ban , silence anything they disagree with . Given the chance they’ll be the first to prosecute/persecute any dissident voices .
I’m against banning anyone on the grounds of disagreement with their views , but it would be poetic justice ( and hilarious ) if Musk banned all these imbeciles . How would they function outside their hermetically-sealed bubbles ? Fuck ! they’d maybe have to talk to real people , in the real World .
Humza is the perfect textbook example of why you shouldn’t make Diversity hires.
If Yousaf does leave for somewhere else could he please take Kelly Gittering Given with him?
When will Yousaf defect to NorthBrit regional labor?
Notice how he has started to talk Brit-ish….the UK, Britain, Britons….
The mediocre will ultimately find their safe haven in the establishment’s accommodating pockets.
Great clarity. The wokes must hate the Rev sooo much.
@ Stuart Mackay
Thanks for post that link to Alastair Crooke’s piece . I’ve seen all his appearances on Judge Nap – and a few elsewhere – and really rate him as a analyst of Current Affairs , ie ALL THE SHIT BEING INFLICTED ON * ordinary * people .
I won’t go into the content of the piece now – this early in the thread ! Like yourself , I also highly rate ( and recommend ) Aurelien . TtUtW . If only more people read commentators like the latter , Crooke , MacGregor , Ritter etc they would maybe have a clearer idea of what’s ACTUALLY happening .
‘It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week and only yesterday the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was that possible after only twenty four hours.’
I agree with the jist of the article, but not its conclusion.
Twitter is not
“… like every other aspect of humanity … as good or as bad as humans make it. ”
The difference is the “algorithm” that pushes you stories you might find interesting. If you were shown only things from people you subscribed to, then you would be right, but as long as the “suggested for you” option exists, twitter, just like any other platform that makes money from clicks, may not be considered neutral and blameless.
Astute observation(s) as ever Rev.
Well worth £10pcm.
I’ve always found the idea “platforms must do more” to counter abuse or lies a very strange phenomenon whether it was racism against Marcus Rashford or Elon musk writing non existent about civil wars.
The abusers and inciters should be accountable for their own actions.
The platform is as much to blame as the microphone a musician uses when they sing badly.
It’s people who abuse, not technology.
PS I do think Musk deserves more than ridicule for retreating far right tweets and declaring there will be a UK civil war. Absurd. Also, echo chambers exist more alarmingly than before and the support network may bring action onto the real world. See Q anon etc
I have been following the spat between the two of them from a legal point of view,
A barrister from Britain in contact with an american law firm, with an American one,
All I can say, is stupid is as stupid does for the two people who vocalised their intense dislike for white people in high places in Scotland, whilst using the platform of a member of a devolved parliament that breaches a fundamental condition of the fallacious treaty of union.
Power on a shoogly peg platform has gone to their heads, and the higher up that particular ladder they climbed the bigger and harder that they fall.
Yousaf in The National 6 Aug
“It is a strange feeling, Jon, when your very sense of belonging is questioned.
“Look, I am about as Scottish as they come. Born in Scotland, raised in Scotland, educated in Scotland. Just welcomed my third child here in Scotland. Was the leader of the Scottish Government for just over a year. Leader of the Scottish National Party.
“You cut me open, I’m about as Scottish as they come.
“But the truth of the matter is, I don’t know whether the future for me and my wife and my three children is going to be here in Scotland or the United Kingdom or indeed in Europe and the West.
“Because I have for some time really worried about the rise of Islamophobia. I wrote a column about it just about a month ago.
“We are now seeing the culmination of not years actually, decades of anti-migrant, anti-Muslim rhetoric being normalised in our discourse, now playing out in the most horrendous, violent way possible. And that genuinely makes me question whether or not my family has an existence here in the UK or not.
During his leadership campaign he complained that he had been racially abused even during his school days.
He never stops mentioning racial discrimination against himself and his family.
@ross, as I said in my comment a moment ago, I find you analogy flawed.
If the microphone only amplifies things in the hall you paid money to enter, than it’s fine.
However, if that same microphone is being used to pipe stuff into your home, just because a minute ago you happened to read about something similar, than it is an altogether different kettle of fish. In this sense, Social Media and Google are *not* neutral.
It is true that they don’t care what kind of stories they push, as long as they create engagement, but since their business model is based on suggesting content – whatever that might be – they have to be considered at the very least, as responsible as the original author.
Bizarre how some NPCs that had a brief (unremarkable at best, lamentable at worst) stint at power become so bold to pi$$ against the wind.
Only a narcissist would think that having been the head honcho of what has been left by cowards to be progressively neutered into a glorified Council could have the clout to proffer bollox of that calibre without being ratioed into next year.
Be that a lesson for y’all: choose your leaders wisely, even those very near you.
They might climb the ladders of power and prove to be inadequate, insufficient or malfeasant.
The clearout of sociopaths and psychopaths from the structures of power begins slapping into remission any jumped up playground bully with no integrity, empathy and compassion.
Now following the two twitter accounts you recommended. Thanks for the links.
The Satellite of Truth
What is it these middle class pearl clutchers fear most ?
Exposure…..Elon Musk has the means and capability to show us ourselves.
Faces brought forward,from out of the huge panorama,held for a moment,close and enlarged – the faces of hungry children- work racked old men and women – silent and unmoving before us.
The shape of peoples faces changing almost in real time,people going thinner through worry,the cheekbones,the noses and the jaws becoming more prominent.
People being coerced into a marginal life of deprivation,dullness, people running to escape,with the strength of the demented and the fear of pain.
Now we cannot allow people to see that,whatever would the neighbors say…Welcome to Scotland (other geographical locations are optional).
Brill article – HY does overrate his importance: all the ‘leaving’ talk didn’t do him any favours, following in the ‘White’ hissy fit, has made him look desperate and a tad ‘treasonous’ imo.
Best he just stops annoying folk – comes across as attention seeking.
I agree with you about the algorithm part. I think it needs looked st and reviewed.
My comment goes only to the platform taking blame for individuals opinions.
The algorithm can and does take me people down bad paths. In a way we’ve not seen before. This does need review, I think.
TBQH I would like to see Elon Musk take Yvette Cooper to court for defamation or libel, her supposed comment that he “continually promote anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hate”.is extremely damaging to his integrity and credibility especially in the business world
It surely would be extremely difficult for Cooper especially as a politician to PROVE her accusations of actively PROMOTING against Musk, or is she just doing the normal WOKEY thing of trying to encourage a pile on in an attempt to burnish her WOKEY credentials and create a threat from zionists and islamists to silence Elon Musk
Cooper and her fellow parasite balls have earned a very good living from being parasitical politicians who have done nothing or provided nothing of worth to the electorate, they are like the english version of pishfart Pete, unfortunately for Cooper balls got booted out but has managed to sustain a good living by appearing on TV with the help of the establishment spouting unending drivel and boring everyone to tears
“The difference is the “algorithm” that pushes you stories you might find interesting. If you were shown only things from people you subscribed to, then you would be right, but as long as the “suggested for you” option exists, twitter, just like any other platform that makes money from clicks, may not be considered neutral and blameless.”
Twitter is not “blameless”. It has many flaws. But you don’t have to look at the “For You” tab, and if you do you can seriously alter what it shows you by muting or blocking a few of the accounts it pushes at you. Try it, you’ll be startled by the results.
Nor, of course, do you have to use Twitter at all.
“However, if that same microphone is being used to pipe stuff into your home, just because a minute ago you happened to read about something similar, than it is an altogether different kettle of fish.”
Nobody is forcibly piping Twitter into your home. It’s not a “1984” telescreen. You decide when you want to look at it, as well as who and what you want to look at.
TBQH I would like to see Elon Musk take Yvette Cooper to court for defamation or libel, her supposed comment that he “continually promote anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hate”.is extremely damaging to his integrity and credibility especially in the business world
It surely would be extremely difficult for Cooper especially as a politician to PROVE her accusations of actively PROMOTING against Musk, or is she just doing the normal WOKEY thing of trying to encourage a pile on in an attempt to burnish her WOKEY credentials and create a threat from isra-hales and islamists to silence Elon Musk
Cooper and her fellow parasite balls have earned a very good living from being parasitical politicians who have done nothing or provided nothing of worth to the electorate, they are like the english version of pishfart Pete, unfortunately for Cooper balls got booted out but has managed to sustain a good living by appearing on TV with the help of the establishment spouting unending drivel and boring everyone to tears
Wow, I’ve just discovered I’m immune and untouchable by some of the worst evil ever seen in the world.
By not being on X, of course.
But, say the fools, how will you avoid the evil of all those who are on X, as they are manipulated by Machiavellian mastermind Musk?
Hmmm. My opinion is that ownership or use of a smart device, and access to social media for reading and writing, requires a level of maturity, education and competence akin to that needed to drive a motor vehicle.
Therefore, the smartphone in your pocket should only be there when you have demonstrated you can use it responsibly. It should be removed from you and your access to it should be barred when you provide evidence you can’t be trusted with it.
Far too late know. The herd of horses are never going back in the stable.
But one day I would like to see a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Have all the revolutionary changes brought to our lives by the internet, smart devices and social media really compensated us for all we have lost?
Agent x.
It is called a chip,
A really big chip on his shoulder.
Once again, WoS calls it correctly. What a disastrous path we have begun to travel.
6: 12pm,
I like you’re reply because you used intelligence and logical application instead of blaming every one else,
Those that cannot think how to act or react to situations for themselves with fore thought of their own minds analyses simple become sheeple or followers of bullies.
That is why the world is so f@cked up.
your last paragraph on this topic is a perfect precis of the issue, and it could be applied to many other aspects of life.
I love your put down of that supercilious twat A.A. He is so sanctimonious and unco guid it makes me boak. I can’t think that E.M.would be much concerned by the actions of someone like him, who is about as dangerous as a hit man for the Brownies.
Opps I am now being moderated for not swearing , not name calling, not being racist, and not fighting, and for not being antagonistic, and for not being allowed the freedom to express my self,
Dearie me,
Is anyone else being moderated and prevented from expressing themselves on this particular subject.?
Scotland’s most urgent problem is our ongoing colonization, not colour racism. Like most of the SNP hierarchy Yousaf has no understanding of the Scottish colonial reality, or the colonial/cultural assimilation process Scots remain subjected and subordinate to, or even that independence means decolonization.
Colonization of ‘a people’ is not necessarily dependent on any colour difference between colonized and colonizer, rather:
1. Colonialism, always involves prejudice and racism levelled against the oppressed subordinate indigenous native people and in particular their language and culture, which may also develop into fascism as reflecting a cultural and ethnic division of labour due to the imposition, prioritisation and domination of the colonizer group culture/values, and;
2. Due to colonialism, the oppressed group develop ‘Appropriated Racial Oppression’ whereby colonialism inspired racism is internalized (i.e. internalized racism’) by the oppressed people who, due to their colonial domination and development of a ‘colonial mindset’, view their subordination, oppression, exploitation and lack of opportunity as deserved, which it is not.
In a colonial society, assimilation ultimately fails for the oppressed native ethnic group (Memmi), and also for other non-colonizer ethnic groups.
link to
agent x
13 August, 2024 at 3:38 pm
Yousaf in The National 6 Aug..
Doesn’t know if he wants to stay in the UK? He was leader of the SNP ffs. We voted for the man and his party to get us all out of the UK.
I think some people on here have been assimilated by the Borg.
You are totally correct re politicians and the mainstream media re wanting to censor everything that goes against their lies, propaganda and agenda but if anyone thinks that any of these “counter misinformation” sites etc especially the totally CORRUPT BBC/ Verify are on the side of “Truth” then you are not totally awake to what is and has been going on for a very long time re FAKE News/History and False Flags/FAKE Terror etc.
The so called Mafia “elites” behind everything that is going on are deliberately stoking up racism. Keeping the people fighting each other while they carry on with their New World Order – One World Government with NO countries or voting etc and flooding our countries with immigrants and free movement to get rid of countries and demonising everyone who is exposing this as being racist and “far right” – this is a totally laugh as left and right just like everything else was created and controlled by these Mafias. They create FAKE racist “attacks” just like they have done with the FAKE “terrorist” attacks to stoke up racism and con the dumb and gullible into backing whatever legislation against the masses etc as part of their agenda just like the FAKE school shootings in the US are designed to try and turn the people against gun owners as part of their agenda to disarm the people because they cannot get their NWO agenda in in the US until they get the people disarmed.
The George Floyd “killing” was totally FAKE with plenty of blacks exposing this and the FACT that Black Lives Matter is a SCAM setup as well with millions of people worldwide with the EVIDENCE that the George Floyd SCAM was filmed on different days and that the “police” involved were NOT even real police etc. Just like with the FAKE “terrorism” since the 9/11 and the 7/7 London Bombings that were carried out by our governments etc – go watch the 9/11 Truth videos on the Math Easy Solutions channel on Youtube and also 7/7 Ripple Effect 3 on Youtube as well – The BBC did a hatchet job on John Hill who did the original 7/7 video way back and he had the last laugh when a jury after being shown that video in court backed his reason for sending this video to the Judge/Trial of so called “terrorists” supposed to have been linked to 7/7. The corrupt scum have been using CRISIS ACTORS in Terror ETC Exersizes” being reported on by the corrupt mainstream media and especially the BBC since then because the real victims of these atrocities want real investigations into what happened to their loved ones.
BBC Verify along with the rest of the corrupt mainstream media did a hatchet job on the excellent independent journalist Richard D Hall of the Richplanet site because of his excellent exposing of the totally FAKE Manchester Bombing – of course they totally ignored all of the EVIDENCE while making out he was a conspiracy looney etc. Richard was being sued in court by a “victims” family for damages and the court refused to allow any of the EVIDENCE that Richard was asking for from them to be allowed into the case but since the court case started and finished the mainstream media has either totally ignored this case now or uturned into how they have reported on Richard and the case and the court has even allowed some of the EVIDENCE in as well.
The excellent Andrew Johnson of Check The Evidence (who along with Dr Judy Wood has totally exposed the 9/11 Truth re Directed Energy Weapons and the SEVEN buildings that day turned mostly to DUST) reporting on the media uturn etc re Richard D Hall and his court case at this link here :
link to,:0
You Stu and anyone else who wants to see how these crooks carry out these FALSE FLAGS and demonize etc people who expose the truth should watch Richards shows at his site exposing the Manchester “Bombing” and other FAKE killings such as his documentaries on the Jo Cox “murder” and his excellent documentaries on Maddie McCann.
Pre-Mod Log, Day One.
18.45 Zulu Time
“The sort of people who call a man dangerous, wicked and evil because he doesn’t do enough censorship of views they don’t like aren’t big on nuance.”
If they were a little bigger on nuance, they’d possibly have called him “dangerous, wicked and evil” for other arguably much more compelling reasons.
“His privately held company SpaceX is a major contractor — to the tune of many billions of dollars — for the Defense Department, NASA and the U.S. intelligence community.”
link to
For many of us on the extremes of “civilisation”, those sort of credentials can’t be ignored. And I’m not sure they can be compared either but, personally, I’d put involvement with the US arms industry and military up/down there with baby trafficking.
(Even that probably isn’t adequate since, as I understand it, most babies survive baby trafficking whereas not all survive interfacing with the US Dept. of Defense, etc.)
I guess a lot of people are so desperate for a friend in high places that they are willing to overlook Musk’s shortcomings. I’m that way inclined myself — we don’t have many friends in high places — and, all things considered, I think Musk is vaguely entertaining.
In a recent interview he said something along the lines of ‘if we don’t make an effort to colonise space, we may regret it in 500 million years…’ (I’m paraphrasing)
I’m kinda thinking we could leave it 499.9 million years and still have plenty of time to work it out, but it’s a good cover story if your real priority is defense contracts — much better than the usual “we need the jobs” bullshit (as if any of those fuckers that say stuff like that ever cared about providing good jobs).
This pre-mod thing is great btw. Pressing the “submit comment” button now has all the drama of watching little messages in bobbling bottles drift out to sea. I’m left wondering on the beach if anyone will ever read them…
Tomorrow I shall draw a face on a football using my own blood as ink. I’ll be glad of the company.
It should be apparent by now that the political left is braindead, or at least so brain damaged that the only vocabulary they have left are a clatch of words like, “bigot”, “racist”, “fascist” etc. If you feel like you’re living in a George Orwell novel, I urge you to consider that maybe it’s because the entire political philosophy of socialism is rotten from the base up and we’re now, after a century of socialism marching through the institutions, enjoying the fruits of the poisonous tree. We’ve all got to stop thinking there’s another way to do socialism. There isn’t. It doesn’t work and it will always bring this result. We’ve all been wrong for a hundred years.
agent x, Pretending to be oppressed by the infidels is just part of the fun.
Could this utter scumbag that is Humza Yousaf not just fuck off.
The guy has the morals of a sewer rat. Trying to set up a nursery with people masquerading as agents provocareur, apparently using his influence and public money to financially glad hand his in laws out of Palestine, apparently having multiple extra marital alliances, our Brown Brown Brown boy seems to have a bit of a charge sheet against. And no I’m not talking about the timd he hot a motoring conviction when caught attending an overnight function with a woman not then his at the time wife.
Maybe Mr Musk would bury him with exposure after exposure if this, bullshit scum bag laughably tried to sue Musk.
Oh how can he not just fuck off. Pakistan if he wishes and unlucky for them if he does, but hooray for us.
Wacky, wacky, wacky, the guy’s a disgrace unlike the late, and great guy, that was Bashir Amhed MSP.
A little education is bad for some people. Humza is just very dim. He has been elevated to a position that far outweighs any evidence of intelligence.
He is very angry about nothing in particular, he just knows he is annoyed.
Transport minister failure, Justice minister failure, First Minister disaster. Perhaps a bit of self reflection , would be good for his humility.
Fuck of to Pakistan Humza. And take El Nakla with you.
We don’t need the El Nakla’s poisoning Dundee’s streets.
You racist PIG.
One thing’s for sure when he leaves the West, he’ll finally achieve his dream of living in Banana Republic.
Farewell Humza Yousless – the Super Racist!
Pat Kane has a great voice but he is an utter windbag.
Time magazine’s muslim leader of the future…
look how small his crowd is… ahahaha. Tiny. Just like tiny little Humza Yousless.
We know he diverted humanitarian aid to the UNWRA to get his relatives out of Gaza.
The First Minister of Gaza. Humza of HAMAS – the terrorist organisation funder. And proscribed British state terrorist group.
Time magazine’s muslim leader of the future…
look how small his crowd is… ahahaha. Tiny. Just like tiny little Humza Yousless.
Tiny Little Humza. The terrorist organisation funder – diverting funds to get the inlaws out of G-AZA. through the UNWRA. Tax payer funds for humanitarian aid to get the inlaws out – and a fake brother.
The El Nakla crime family. Who love to sell smack and through people from tall buildings.
Pakistan is calling.
Naw, Naw he disnae. He’s a fart sack though right enough
@Rev. ,
I find that yours is a rather naive approach. Social Media people know what they are doing and know how to make sure that they keep you on their site. It is a bit like pretending that Google is not influencing your choices because you use the “incognito” mode.
You can alter things as much as you like, but *they* need viral content to keep going and know how to obtain it.
The alternative, i.e. social media without “the algorithm”, would be akin to the spam mail that everyone gets, disregarding what their likes and dislikesight be. That would make the experience much worse and as a consequence they would go bust in no time (a big plus in my book), but they would be replaced by someone else unless the legislator stepped in.
All this to say that now it isn’t really the post writer to blame, but the post distributor.
It’s attention-seeking behaviour from Humza, who really isn’t very bright.
Or is he deliberately distracting us from the SNP government’s failings? Like not addressing the attainment gap in education; the ferry fiasco; or even independence, to name but a few.
Big Jock says:
“A little education is bad for some people. Humza is just very dim. He has been elevated to a position that far outweighs any evidence of intelligence. He is very angry about nothing in particular, he just knows he is annoyed.”
This is correct. The guy is just dim.
The WHITE! WHITE! WHITE! speech makes sense only to someone who does not think anything through or have any deep understanding of any subject.
Anyone with a modest brain would have read that speech and said ‘hang on, is Scotland not 97% white but?… therefore is this screed not prima facie racist as fuck?’
But he did not see it. Because it appealed to his superficial lazy racist ideology, it appealed to people who are super dim and who never think deeply about any of the lazy bigoted shite they repeat no matter how stupid or offensive
The WHITE! speech was a declaration of how stupid he is and how much of a fraud he is.
That speech was just words he thought were a trusty ‘race hustler formula’. But he is so dumb he does not really know what he is doing. He does not realize that real (race) hustlers still have to be smart. Or at least smarter than him…
He is just a lazy over privileged silver spoon arsehole who thinks (amazingly) he is the perpetual victim. Nauseating thick cunt.
Meantime BBC promoting all the energy cables going south ….!
James Barr Gardner @ 10:13 pm
“Meantime BBC promoting all the energy cables going south ….!”
Scots should be sending invoices for all that power generated in Scotland, which will retail at around £100 billion a year by 2030, i.e. about double the Holyrood budget. The ever rising price of the colonial UK union:
link to
Andrea says: at 9:44 pm
“@Rev. ,
I find that yours is a rather naive approach. Social Media people know what they are doing and know how to make sure that they keep you on their site.”
That’s the object of every site, blog or otherwise. Give the people something that they are interested in. Indy supporters who want to talk or read about indy go to e.g. WOS or X-WOS.
Twitter is worldwide and has been around much longer than Musk, the Algorithm is just that, a tool to give you what you want to be involved with.
The Rev knows more about it and how to get the best from it than the hairs on his backside. It’s your choice what you watch, block, mute, follow or not.
Use the settings. (and brain.)
This is a painful yet enjoyable interview with a total cunt but he makes some worthwhile points.
“What we have seen over the last few days is the end of the relationship between Labour and the white working class…”
David Starkey: Mass migration has destroyed the Britain I knew
link to
The way this BBC cuck of cucks dips into his sneering contempt of Scottish nationalism, while suddenly discovering and promoting English Nationalism as the way forward is breathtaking to witness.
I post this for Alf Baird. This is the start of the ‘opportunity’ we discussed. When cunts like Starkey are calling for English nationalism this is surely the start of the chance.
We simply go along with it and encourage it…and ‘we’ as an independent nation will be carried along, and the spat out the end of it… as a by product.
It will not be the most glorious birth for a new independent nation but I will take it.
Mac @ 10:56 pm
“It will not be the most glorious birth for a new independent nation but I will take it.”
Yes indeed, and we should take our national liberation any way it comes, for the only alternative is that our nation perishes. A core nation imperial rump England on fire and consuming itself should be viewed as an opportunity for the internal colonies. For how can we continue to be dependent on them any more?
As for Humza, Alex Salmond said we ‘should not give up on him just yet’. Has he issued a revised statement?
@ Mac
” The way this BBC cuck of cucks dips into his sneering contempt of Scottish nationalism, while suddenly discovering and promoting English Nationalism as the way forward is breathtaking to witness.”
I watched – some of that – interview the other day , as much as his supercilious persona allowed . Trouble is , a lot of what he says is accurate . I think he’s always been an English-as-British Nationalist , y’know ” defender of Albion’s eternal values ” – whatever the fuck they are ; like a lot of his ilk , he didn’t seem all that fussed about freedom – for the Hoi Polloi anyway – until his own freedom was severely restricted during Lockdown . Again , you end-up being in agreement with these fuckers .
Aye , * we’ll * still be soft-peddling innocuous Civic Nationalism when unfettered hardcore English Nationalism has stripped Scotland of everything of value ; and sent us the bill for the removal .
There could be opportunity for Scotland in the rise of English Nationalism ; but it would have to be handled VERY carefully – this is Highly Flammable material .
There is a form of Nationalism – a way of * doing * Nationalism , which is neither of those two cul-de-sacs .
It can only be of value as a tool to serve Liberation . After that goal has been realised , that idea will have served it’s purpose and can allowed to resolve into a generous , genuinely civic , nationalism .
Another brilliant article by the Rev. Stuart Campbell exposing Humza Yousaf for the racist he is, and for his apologists in politics and the legacy media.
If only Elon Musk and JK Rowling were on the side of Scottish independence.
But it is wonderful to see them put the likes of Humza Yousaf in their place, very publicly, to reach the parts WoS doesn’t reach.
Whatever happened to Scotland’s infamous Hate Crimes Act?
Has it been quietly repealed?
Has anyone been jailed under it?
13 August, 2024 at 8:25 pm
“Maybe Mr Musk would bury him with exposure after exposure if this, bullshit scum bag laughably tried to sue Musk.”
That is exactly what Musk has gleefully threatened to do.
Can’t wait for Yousaf and his eternally attention-seeking lawyer Aamer Anwar to start legal proceedings against Musk.
But they won’t dare put their money where their mouths are.
The anti-white people speech by Humza was a poor decision on his part. It was pretty extreme, even to my ears.
As regards Musk, well, I’m not a fan in any way. He is not just some innocent whizzkid (which I used to think and admire), making clever clever things and so on. He has some pretty extreme views, and likes to vocalise them. The problem is, HE himself does not like it when challenged.
He is currently suing a number of large corporations for not advertising on twitter anymore – why? because he thinks they are conspiring not to advertise with him, because they don’t like him. Talk about thin-skinned!! Honestly, companies can advertise on whatever media they desire. His legal action will fail. Some might suspect he is pursuing it, expecting to fail, but just to ‘annoy’ those companies. Musk is behaving like a spoilt rich boy, who can’t accept freedon of choice. Using his ridiculous, absurd wealth as a weapon.
As regards twitter, well, I’m not on it. However we believe in free speech, I do think platforms like it, do tend to polarise society. We see it over and over again.
But, I’m not on social media, and honestly, I don’t miss it. If somebody has something of interest to say, I’ll likely hear about it. The rest is just noise, and rants. Like going into a pub for a quiet drink, and everybody comes up to shout out ALL their petty prejudices in your face, ALL night long. Tiresome to say the least.
Personally speaking, and it is just an OPINION (and nothing more), I think the world would be a much better place without most social media – or ‘tech bro’ billionaires like Musk. A proverbial waste of internet bandwidth. Their truly is unparalleled freedom and peace for those who choose to leave it.
You can spend every day angry at something or other on social media feeds, or you can have a peaceful life. I choose the latter.
I got moderated for agreeing with you yesterday evening regard social media, and no one has been forced to watch it.
My post got deleted,
I was careful to avoid the bad words that we cannot say or be allowed to use to express my self and named no one in particular.
Any idea why such a post would be moderated?
THE ISSUE with persons of Sarwar/Yousaf origin is that they may feel they owe a debt of gratitude to BritState for creating the made-up country of «Pakistan» hence the lickspittle posturing towards «maan-baap», the mother-father icon promoted by the colonial military to ensure regimental loyalty after the events of 1857 which ended the mercenary governance of the British East India Company and gave rise to the bureaucratic «British Raj», whose cultural relics still haunt the sub continent.
Freeing the mind of Brit myths is the hard part.
Some Scots have similar problems.
So it turns out that they’ll be five superhighway pipelines/cable lines from Scotland to England – in which electricity created in Scotland will be sent South of the border, to keep the lights on down South – and Scots won’t get a penny for it – already there’s one on the West coast of Scotland, sending electricity generated in Scotland to Wales.
The plan couldn’t be more clearer – Scotland is to be robbed of the energy it creates – and it will receive nothing back in return – and Scots will continue to pay high energy bills in a land that’s teeming with energy sources.
Every single foreign MSM news channel in Scotland -reported on this yesterday putting the story across, as though it was a great idea – it is if you live outside Scotland – but for Scots, its just another way in which we are being robbed, by the big energy firms – and the English government – aided and abetted I might add, by our House Jock government.
Did I see some mention of Scott Ritter?
This Scott Ritter?
link to
Alf Baird,
The issue with knowing a country is under Colonialism mentally and it being useful in freeing a Country from Colonialism needs to addressed for obvious reasons.
Sure to do that the very people that suspect they are under Colonialism must dissect how that came about,
By forceful invasion?
By deceit?
By Bribery?
By agreements the ethnic population were not consulted on?
Sending armies to threaten to quell and subdue the protesting population?
By a “treaty produced after” any of the above have already taken place.
In the International law on Treaties there are specific lists on how and why country may considered to be under a voluntary treaty between Two, or more than two countries. Or a Colony.
There are requirements to make any voluntaryTreaty union, no matter how long ago, as a standard, because this is how decisions are made in accessing wether a Country has or did become a Colony or is in a voluntary union,
“Algerian boxer Imane Khelif has named Elon Musk and JK Rowling in a lawsuit filed to French authorities over alleged ‘acts of aggravated cyber harassment’ after they led outcry at her participation in the Paris Olympics.
Nabil Boudi, the gold medalist’s Paris-based attorney, told Variety that the Tesla mogul and Harry Potter author were both named in the criminal complaint posted to the anti-online hatred center of the public prosecutor’s office last week.
Boudi said that Khelif filed the lawsuit as part of her ‘fight for justice, dignity and honour’. The suit was filed against Musk’s social media network, X, which means it was filed against ‘unknown persons’ per French Law.
Boudi explained that it ensures that the ‘prosecution has all the latitude to be able to investigate against all people,’ including those who shared hateful messages under pseudonyms.”
link to
No doubt our House Jock Government – (SNP) will quite happily force the now defunct Commonwealth Games on my home town of Glasgow.
No other country wants to host them – Australia pulled the plug on them recently, saying they’re too expensive to host – and athletes don’t really want to compete in the games, there’s very little prestige associated with these colonial games – Tammany Hall, aka Glasgow City Council will jump at the chance to host them again – if the games are presented to them – the Bread and Circuses Games – will turn heads away from the plethora of problems that the city now faces now. Hopefully the Colonial Games are just about over for good.
“What does it say that in an association of 56 member states, after 22 Commonwealth Games, 19 have been held within the UK, Australia, New Zealand or Canada, and none have been hosted in Africa (with Durban having to rescind its plans to host in 2022 due to financial issues)? The divide remains clear between what was once described as the “old Commonwealth” and the “new Commonwealth” nations.
There is something symbolic about the way the Commonwealth Games are now foundering, desperately seeking a (probably white) saviour to breathe a little air into its withering lungs.”
link to
If for no other reason – and there’s plenty more reasons to, we should kick the SNP out of office at every tun – for cosying up to the vile regime that’s committing Jen-0ci-de in G-a-za.
The self-coronated leader of the SNP, John Swinney – has come under fire for having secret meeting with the vile regimes reps.
link to
Mass uncontrolled immigration was weaponized IMHO and we are seeing the results of it now (not just in the UK). This is all deliberate and it was started (in the UK) under no surprises, Tony Blair.
North A**shire Council sent out begging letter recently to all the landlords on their landlord register pleading for accommodation to house unaccompanied young asylum seekers aged 16-20. This is this ‘dispersal into our communities’ plan they are now pursing. I wonder how many other councils are doing the same… They are ploughing ahead with this even as England burns.
This is not about helping genuine asylum seekers. If you still think then you are fucking mug.
Look at what they are doing in Ireland…. what you see in England now is your future coming real soon.
What has been done to England is horrible. Very sad in many ways. We are next, for sure.
This article is inspiring. One of your best ever.
I agree Robert Louis, Musk is not a neutral let alone benign figure. He is a snake in the grass who is sowing discord across society via his plaything X, and given our obsession with the obscenely rich we hang on his every stupid word. That interview of Trump the other day was the most moronic, rambling shite, yet is widely reported as newsworthy.
And there lies the basic question – why do we care what Musk thinks about anything? Because he is the ‘richest main in the world’, now running a major social media platform, and money talks. He is clearly clever in some ways but has the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old, has no wisdom, no balanced perspective on life and a child-like desire to provoke and get attention, but not just of those close to him, but of the whole world. And the whole world does pay attention!
And that is part of the problem – he manipulates his toy, X, so that his posts get top billing and we fall for it every time. So suddenly we care what he thinks about Yousaf, Starmer, the English riots blah blah when in reality we should care no more about what he thinks than a random person in the street, who in fact would probably have something much more sensible to say than Musk.
The two tier policing is blatantly obvious, it is glaring, but the truth is it is not limited to policing.
You are a second class citizen in your own country, based on the colour of your skin and ethnic background. Back of the queue for everything, despised, denigrated, completely disenfranchised.
The grooming gangs are apparently still in operation… these are children. ‘Two tier policing’ does not really do it justice does it… It absolutely disgusts me. And it is shameful to us that it is going on.
I posted the link to the Starkey interview because I thought he made some good observations (despite being a dick at times). If we ran the GE again today I wonder what the results would be…
I knew Starmer was bad, bad news but I thought it would take longer for it to become evident.
What a mess they have made of the UK. It seems very deliberate to me. Blair like Sturgeon was not working for us. Since then it has been one snake oil sales(wo)man after another. Hard to see how things improve from here. I think we are only seeing the start of it.
Alf Baird,
Surely In the case for the people of Scotland there is a specific and very legal statement that has been made and has established precedent as “Alan Austin” like to pose,
Not that only implies but openly boasts that the Scottish people are Colonised and one that I have often suggested the people of Scotland whom want independence must copy and print out manually for each of their households, and for evidence of the “yes” movement in general.before it disappears.
That is the Statement on the Westminster decided after debate and discussion not to ask the Scots to join the treaty of union, because in all probability the would vote No to joining the treaty of union.
Under ( that ) Westminster parliament Statement, that has been voiced to a world wide audience,
[ the ethnic Scots people Are Colonised ], due to the separation of the Scots people by all those involved in the terms and agreement and ( after debate and discussion ) it was decided that the Scots were a separate issue from the then Scottish government that signed the political treaty of union with England.
The statement specifies ” Scots ” not the Scottish parliament.
It is the ethnic Scots that are not in the treaty of union that can and must claim [THEY ] are a Colony of The Westminster parliament and the Old dissolved 1707 Scottish parliament.
Which now leaves the Westminster parliament alone, whom repeatedly refuse to let the Scots Colony the right to self- determination or release them, even although Westminster boasts that the Scots were not invited to join the treaty of union.
Word of the day
Hope you all enjoy yer stughie.
Without an electricity superhighway between Scotland and England how would an independent Scotland sell it’s excess wind energy to the rest of the UK?
Surely the building of this now is a benefit to a future independent Scotland?
Scotland has not had a Scottish parliament since 1707.
In the context of the treaty of union article, the governance of the Scottish parliament, actually Breaches the fundamental foundation of the treaty of union.
That there will be One parliament hereafter of the united kingdom to be of styled the parliament Great Britain .
What the world is witnessing is a political parliamentary international 1707 treaty between the old parliament of Scotland ( no longer in existence in the treaty as it was placed under dissolution ) and the old /new parliament of Westminster Breaching the treaty of union articles.
And what the Ethic Scots and the rest of the world are now witnessing is the admission and acknowledgement from the Westminster parliament establishing since 1707 by long precedent that the Scots were never in the 1707; treaty of union .
None of us can understand what it must be like being Musk.
I think this intriguing quote is perhaps very relevant to what Musk is being subjected to now.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
? Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom
All the people trying to silence other people are the real problem. It instantly identifies them as your enemy.
AGENT X 10:30
I wonder if a similar rationale obtained with regard to Scotland’s offshore oil fields?
The British state develops infrastructure, with the help of the private sector obviously, solely with profit in mind.
Developing Scotland as such is not part of the deal.
Brit régimes, simply do not get it; the colonialist mentality is so deeply embedded in the DNA.
Comparisons between Scotland and the British occupation of the Indian subcontinent, the so called raj are useful: tendencies to bribery, appropriation, conceit and Herrenvolk type attitudes, features of the chemical structure many do find seductive.
«A cock is valiant on its own dunghill»
Old Scottish maxim.
The point of having all that excess energy is that we do things with it ourselves.
Electricity, within Scotland becomes very cheap for everyone; this makes the people happy and is incredibly attractive to foreign investors – e.g. datacenters/AI/cloud have an insatiable desire for power. They setup here, bringing good tech jobs. But it applies across the board – anything energy intensive becomes possible here. Energy lets you do things, and when you have it in excess you can do anything at all – smelt steel, build ships again, make space rockets, build a hyperloop from Glasgow to Edinburgh.
“selling it to the English” – this shows a COMPLETE FUCKING TOTAL LACK OF IMAGINATION indicative of the “anglo brain” that everything is about them, or must involve them in some way. They get nothing, they are irrelevant. Let them build nuke power plants on the Thames.
Any excess energy you have you can e.g. mine b1toin. You can always do something with it.
The idea we give it away to the english for buttons and its somehow “good for Scotland” is idiotic, but that is how every news source played this yesterday.
What next? Howsabout every Scot give up their extra kidney to help out the English, because they are so good and kind, Barnett and GERS and all that.
Prima nocte? Where does it end?
The west / NATO is very good at cutting cables it does not like, not in its economic interest (NordStream 2, various internet connections gone down mysteriously) – we should follow their example.
Some may be prejudiced against the source, but there is no denying the fact of this report.
link to
What is neatly discarded in one place will end up making a mess somewhere else.
I think Lenin said something along the lines of – “the capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with”.
The perilous state of the mainstream news is well known – they don’t sell papers anymore. Some have successful online operations like the hated Daily Mail – its the house journal of the anglo-cunt demographic, but its a tight well run business and they know their audience; most online editions probably lose money as well. Losses on losses, how do they survive? Well, obviously there must be some kind of bailout/prop from the govt, and done for the purpose of maintaining the fiction of a free press – all these “different” newspapers.
What would it take to crowdfund a takeover of the Scotsman?
– and once done, we – shut it down. Last edition :
the last PDF edition might be full of unflattering biographies of its hacks and brutal takedowns of the worst examples of its lying journalism.
Now capitalism allows you to make a profit; why not be a bit more stealthy, pretend you are making a go of it – load it up with debt, pay massive salaries and bonuses, hire the crowdfunders as employees, then, and only then – crash it into the ground, “doing a ratner”. Everyone walks away with money in their pockets and you have slaughtered this unionist pig in public.
Then we do the same for the National, Herald, whatever. It’s no loss anyway, their product is crap – and this way you get to see a lot of utter cunts on the dole, or desperately trying to get jobs in the english papers, which don’t want or need them.
James Che @ 9:43 am
“The issue with knowing a country is under Colonialism mentally and it being useful in freeing a Country from Colonialism needs to addressed for obvious reasons. Sure to do that the very people that suspect they are under Colonialism must dissect how that came about,
By forceful invasion?
By deceit?
By Bribery?
By agreements the ethnic population were not consulted on?
Sending armies to threaten to quell and subdue the protesting population?
By a “treaty produced after” any of the above have already taken place.”
An informative list, James, which helps explain how the colonial hoax may come about in different ways, and via combinations of these. As we have seen with many former colonies this information must of course eventually be presented to the UN and its agencies who were established to help bring imperial rule to an end. Which is something our incumbent national party has singularly failed to do, hence the Salvo and Liberation Scotland initiative under way.
GERS came out again today; explains in detail like “HOW MAGICIANS DO IT” how and why our GDP per capita is 1/3 of neighbouring countries.
Better together is self evident, but, given it belongs to us, I don’t see why not – every single scot – we should get a “go” in a typhoon fighter jet, or in a nuclear sub.
Peeing and Shiting.
According to the MSM today, Scotland is a basket case economically – but – whose fault is that then? Who has control over the economy?
It’s like some thief robbing your house and then telling you how poor you are.
“ Scottish “ government to follow UK government policy re winter fuel payments to pensioners . Another “ better together” union dividend . What next state pension age to rise ( again) or how about a “ means tested” state pension ?? Another “Union dividend “ ?
What we need to get Scotland out of this hell hole and with the ability to create a form of democracy that will make it very difficult for any one person or any parties to shackle the populace is for the people with fire in their bellies for honesty to combine their energies and abilities.
We all know the Rev is one such. Iain Lawson was another. I would suggest people from all the groups working on necessary aspects of a restored Scotland seem to have similar qualities – the Scottish Sovereignty Research Group, the currency and constitution groups, the Independence Forum, Manifesto for Indy, Salvo/Liberation. Add the new party founders – Colette Walker, Alex Salmond, Peter A Bell and the Independents for Independence. Roddy MacLeod, Lloyd Quinan, Phil Boswell. Tim Rideout.
It has been suggested here before – get such principled, energetic, capable people in a room and thrash out a step to take immediately that will get some progress. Perhaps call in some MSPs who can be persuaded by the moral authority of this body to exert leverage e.g. by threatening public resignations or crossing the floor.
And launch a crowdfunder so that pages in the press and billboards can be bought and a national radio or TV station set up, perhaps based in Isle of Man or Ireland or Denmark if necessary.
There really is no time left to lose given the constant and increasing drain of Scotland’s resources for the benefit of the UK i.e. England’s establishment.
Please, Rev, get on the phone and see what can be done. None of the groups/individuals that I have mentioned would hesitate for a second to join such a gathering.
I was listening to the Lesley Riddoch podcast. She has stated that the Yousaf speech was “edited to within an inch of its life”.
I have sought clarity about remarks made on her podcast before on X which went unanswered (no surprise I’m a nobody) but I really did want to ask her to clarify the edits she has stated exist.
I used to be a big fan of Lesley Riddoch but really not so much now.
Has anyone noticed that, until just recently, the UK had no prison room and the victims of crime waited years to get their cases to court. Now that the plebs are rioting again we get instant pop-up justice and immediate long term jail sentences. This happened last time there there riots in 2012. British justice does not tolerate ordinary working folk getting angry (even if the reason they are angry about is fake and consistently fed by British newspapers and politicians for decades). The real reasons for the riots will never be addressed because the answer is too uncomfortable for our ‘betters’ to deal with. As usual the BBC only ever talks about the riots by nasty rioters and never balances it with why is it happening, who is driving it, and what part the BBC and Tory politicians had in it all.
“ Sarah @0132pm” , couldn’t agree more with these sentiments. we need some people with “ BACKBONE” to stand up for our sovereignty. I am sick to the back teeth of the “ cowards” within our “ leadership” ranks ( including MP’s and MSP’s who constantly “ back down” to the Westminster government and establishment over Brexit ( Sturgeon& Blackford) , the “ powergrab” ( post Brexit” ) ditto , the English Supreme Court and the 2nd referendum issue ( another cave in without a fight) , the “ collaboration “ with the so called “ Scottish office “ Alistair Jack)and Westminster over Freeports , the cave in / giveaway of wind & tidal power , and so it goes on and on . Sickening to witness our so called leaders take the the pittance offered from England ( truly bought & sold for EG)
Boyce Franks
Well said!
A wee insight into how we’d get treated if we got uppity in the streets over the democratic deficit perhaps?
@ North chiel: “We need some people with BACKBONE to stand up for our sovereignty. … Sickening to witness our so called leaders take the pittance offered from England [truly bought and sold for EG].”
Exactly. I have no doubt whatsoever that the group of people that I suggested above would come up with a powerful answer. After all they could hardly do worse than the “leaders” we’ve had since November 2014. Could they, Rev?
As our colonial masters tighten their hold on us, our colonial implants seem to be tugging their forelocks even harder these days. Swhiney et al, you are a disgrace. Where is your passion for Scotland, do you even have any or have you been completely assimilated?
@ JockMcT: “Swinney et al…Where is your passion for Scotland, do you even have any…?”
I really think that they haven’t any passion for Scotland [or for the truth] or they wouldn’t be behaving as they have done since November 2014.
I’ve heard John Swinney say that perhaps all the feisty Scots emigrated. If he thinks that then he is moving in the wrong circles and avoiding such sites as Wings.
“Without an electricity superhighway between Scotland and England how would an independent Scotland sell it’s excess wind energy to the rest of the UK?
Surely the building of this now is a benefit to a future independent Scotland?”
Agent x.
Well that plan worked out well for our oil and gas – didn’t it? one wonder just how much revenue from our wind and water energy sources, will be stolen by English governments – and their corporate buddies, and our House Jock politicians, in the energy sector; as happened – and is still happening in our oil and gas sector – before we manage to ditch this rancid illegal union for good.
Scottish House Jock politicians are the worst of all – these treacherous lowlife b*stards – would sell out their grannies – I loathe them.
The whole race riots thing in England. Is entirely an issue for England to address. The truth is that the average knuckle dragging EDL member, just lashes out at anything but the actual ones doing the harm to them.
First they thought it was the Irish , the Jocks, then the EU, now it’s anyone who isn’t English. The true crimes were committed by the Tory government they elected time and time again. England is a nasty wee nation , and it’s middle classes pretend this is a working class condition.
But the truth is England is an inward looking country. Obsessed with it’s place at the centre of the universe. They have the same mentality as the rabid Rangers fans. That’s why those fans love everything right wing, English or Israeli. They latch onto the England team , because their fans are just like them. Nobody likes them, but they don’t seem to care.
Boris was upper middle class and a racist bigot, Churchill was the same, Cameron, the Windsor’s. All wealthy , and all self obsessed.
The English disease runs from top to bottom of their society.
The fact that Humza feels the need to spread their bile to Scotland , by dragging us into this. Speaks volumes about how little he understands independence.
James Che @10.33am.
Yes James – it was figure of speech, I should’ve said – London controlled administration – of course with there actually not being a union in the first place – this illegal union, is held together smoke, mirrors, lies and deceit – and worst of all those dirty b*stards known as House Jocks.
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If the SNP, post-Salmond – hadn’t been full of lying, deceitful grifting, careerist, House Jocks – who sold Scotland out, and they continue to do so – there would be no need to cut Fuel Payments.
Come to think of it – if the treacherous SNP House Jocks politicians beginning with Sturgeon the backstabbing Judas – hadn’t sold us out on indy, we’d have control of our energy sector – energy bills would be cheaper, and Fuel Payments higher for Scots.
We need to get the SNP out of office – these treacherous b*stards are the main stumbling block to indy; in which we can take back control of our country – and its resources.
“THE Scottish Government has been left with “no choice” but to end universal fuel payments due to UK plans to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment in England and Wales.
Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has confirmed the Scottish Government had no alternative but to replicate the decision in Scotland and restrict payments to pensioners who receive eligible benefits.”
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Can I just say, this ENGLISH plan to build a power superhighway in order to STEAL Scottish generated electricity without paying for it, is outrageous.
The English steal our oil for over forty years, and now they steal our electricity. They should be told to get to f***. Thieving colonialist barstewards.
What will it take for the SNP Scottish government to stand up to this colonialist sh*te?? Seriously, what will it take Mr Swinney? Do something. Cause a stooshie, never give any kind of assent to this criminality. Make every single step as difficult as possible. Delay, delay, delay. Fight it in every single way. Courts, planning laws, whatever. Do not just whine, then sit back and let them do it easily. Make it so damn difficult and problematical they will think again.
Do they really want Scotland to hate England even more?? Thieving England. Cannot steal from other countries anymore, so just steals from Scotland. So we, in Scotland have all the windfarms, all over the land, and England just takes the power as it pleases.
An absolute f***ing outrage, and the SNP Scottish government do NOTHING. YET AGAIN. Meanwhile, Scotland scurries around looking for somebody with a backbone.
Confused @ 12:33 pm
The question as to “how and why our GDP per capita is 1/3 of neighbouring countries” is relatively easy to answer: it is the continuing colonial plunder of Scotland that is today costing Scots £150 billion+ every year.
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Will somone tell us the route out of this madness created by Sturgeon
Scotland needs to wake up Robert Louis Stevenson.
Wings Over Scotland is an outlet of hope for our identity. our people and our cause. If It wasn’t for Stuart Campbell and Wings over Scotland. Independence would be dead and buried.
He’s kept it alive. No one else but this brilliant man in Bath.
He’s set the truth free. He’s on a level with Julien Assange in terms of truth telling. The man is a great who doesn’t want any credit for it. He lives a hard live I imagine. But he is loved by strangers like myself who revere him in everything he does. We’re living in the darkest of times politically of Scottish Independence and Western prosperity.
I’ll pay my monthly fee to Wings every month.
Look at Joe Farrell’s comments today “Branform investigation ongoing.”
Scotland’s Minnie mouse ‘Chief of Police’ can’t give us the update Wings Over Scotland and people like Stuart Campbell can.
Scotland is Lawless. Under this SNP. We need the truth to be set free. God bless Stuart Campbell. Your family. Your life and your legacy. Thank you.
I guess the fact that this renewable energy is being generated offshore and not in Scotland at all shouldn’t be allowed to disturb the chips on your shoulders.
Neither should the fact that the transmission lines will be paid for by a levy assessed on every electricity user in the UK. Meaning that something like nine tenths of it will technically be owned by people living in England.
A bit like the offshore turbines themselves. Funded by ordinary bill payers across the UK.
It’s a crying shame Scotland lacked the drive and initiative to raise the funds to install our own wind farms and onshore transmission infrastructure. We would then have been in a position to truly claim it was our energy generated from our wind. Sadly, that chance, like so many others, was missed.
We could still do it, too. There’s hundreds of square miles of God-forsaken bog over the west where the wind hardly ever stops blowing from one winter to the next. We could cover it with turbines and over-ground pylons for a fraction of the cost of the offshore networks. Scottish pylons, Scottish transmission, Scottish power, Scottish profits.
Or cheap Scottish electricity for homes in Scotland.
I wonder why we don’t. I wonder why we do SFA and then greet and gurn about being robbed when somebody else seizes the opportunities we ignore.
If you’re not subscribing to Wings Over Scotland yet.
Look at Jo Farrell’s comments today.
Scotland’s Minnie mouse ‘chief of police’ – let’s call her that.
Joe Farrell’s came to Scotland – she thinks she’s a celebrity. With her virtue signalling photoshops. Her carbonated water taps in Dalmarnock police station. I suspect she’d have her own talk show at the Edinburgh fringe festival. But all of her best jokes would be REDACTED.
This country. Is a fucking disgrace. Joe Farrell is part of the problem. We’ve had enough of her. Can we sack her already ladies and gentlemen? Let’s ask the question?
Alf Baird…
“The question as to “how and why our GDP per capita is 1/3 of neighbouring countries” is relatively easy to answer: it is the continuing colonial plunder of Scotland that is today costing Scots £150 billion+ every year.”
Indeed. The next question is to ask why the Govt. of a supposedly independence supporting party has spent a decade doing nothing to resolve the situation described above, other than to wring it’s hands and keep it’s nose firmly in the Westminster trough.
Jo Farrel also lives in England. Why are we employing English chief constables. Policing in Scotland has always been culturally different. What the feck does she know about Scottish culture.
We Scots are too meek. The chief constable should be Scots, or come up through the ranks in Scotland.
Cultural colonialism!
I’m intrigued by the idea of harnessing a nascent English nationalism to foster our own. If anybody believes this to be a real possibility, perhaps the Scottish Indy movement should take steps to ensure we are all on the right side of the War in the East.
It would be tragic for an Independent Scotland to be on the receiving end of a neo-colonialist military adventure, driven by a nut job in London with fantasies of regaining past imperial possessions. After Indy, we will retain plenty of English enclaves who, if mistreated, might appeal to London for help and protection. St Andrews, Perth, heck, Edinburgh itself.
We need to be careful as a nation to avoid picking the wrong side now, and subsequently finding ourselves friendless and exposed post Indy.
And on the matter of “the racist speech by Yousaf to the Scottish Parliament in 2020 that’s at the centre of the spat”, postcolonial theory is quite clear about the critical importance of national identity (and not colour) in the context of peoples who are in self-determination conflict, whereby:
“The imperial relationship is there in all cases. Irish people can never be English any more than Cambodians or Algerians can be French. In every colonial relationship an absolute hierarchical distinction remains constant between ruler and ruled, whether or not the latter is white” (Edward Said).
Shug @ 5.10pm it wasn’t JUST sturgeon the trai tor who created this situation, it was every one of our despicable politicians, and we CANNOT forget the “wheesht for indy’ sycophantic snp apologists who WORSHIPPED the MESSIAH many of whom still think she did no wrong and would willingly vote for her again
Also Alex Salmond the great STRATEGIST, despite the poisoned dwarf attempting to DESTROY him and imprison him for the rest of his life ENCOURAGED voters to vote snp1 Alba2 in the 2021 election ENABLING the poisoned dwarf to have another 5 YEARS to further DESTROY Scotland and FORCE her despicable deviant and perverted policies on Scots and Scotland
So much for the brilliant STRATEGIST
YET people are doing the same thing again, ONLY it is Alex Salmond that they are WORSHIPPING this time as the NEW MESSIAH , and it will still be the same FAILURE because BIG ECK still clings to the WM establishment and the trappings therein, HE only talks Scots SOVEREIGNTY when it suits him but he NEVER utilised it in all the time he was FM , even now he has SIDELINED SALVO ,SSRG , and EQUALLY important Liberation.Scot, WHY would ANYONE who genuinely believes in Scots SOVEREIGNTY do such a thing , HE believes politicians are the POWER and when you look at the CLOWNS we have it is no wonder we are FUCKED
Joe Farrell says it won’t be concluding anytime soon.
Branchform still an ongoing investigation. She’s said it’s
“widened considerably.”
We need justice to be seen to be happening rather than just imposed.
Let’s call Joe Farrell by her new nickname – The Mouse!
“I guess the fact that this renewable energy is being generated offshore and not in Scotland at all shouldn’t be allowed to disturb the chips on your shoulders.”
In Scottish waters; a chip you say! its a huge fuckin boulder – every non-treacherous Scot should have a huge fuckin boulder on their shoulders – for the House Jocks and consecutive English governments have stole trillions from Scotland – and its people – in which the stolen funds could’ve been used to better the lives of all Scots.
“It’s a crying shame Scotland lacked the drive and initiative to raise the funds to install our own wind farms and onshore transmission infrastructure. We would then have been in a position to truly claim it was our energy generated from our wind. Sadly, that chance, like so many others, was missed.”
It hasn’t lacked the drive – the route has been blocked by Westminster – and Fifth Column parties at Holyrood – Sturgeon the Cac, (pronounced Kahk Gaelic for shit) even sold-off some of our wind and water generating areas in (The Great ScotWind Giveaway) for a pittance.
David Hannah @6.47pm.
Sean Clerkin must be beelin – he was the original complainer years ago – the Keystone Cops – aka Police Scotland are in my opinion being told to drag their heels from higher up the chain – and even when the investigation is concluded – which could be Christ knows how long, the COPFS will most likely knock most of the stuff on the head – and we’ll be back to square one; Sturgeon the Cac and Angus Robertson are still pulling the strings in the SNP/government, from the the background – that’s why Humza Yousaf, was forced from office before he could do a deal with Alex Salmond and the Alba party.
As for Jo Farrell – she’s another English person – and gatekeeper parachuted in to the top police officers job in Scotland; Phil Gormley also springs to mind – the English government are trying to place their man at the head of INTERPOL – in obedient House Jock Iain Livingstone – he is the their preferred candidate.
On Jo Farrell – lest not forget that she failed in her duty to question Dominic Cummings when drove to Barnard Castle during lockdown.
I have been laughing at the racist & his nodding dog lawyer since they came up with their BS story that they will stifle the US’s first amendment & am eagerly awaiting their challenge to the US supreme courts ruling on New York Times v Sullivan, which has stood since before USELESS was even born.
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May I add names to your list of people who should know each other and whose work may intersect and add some impulse to Scottish independence?
Professors David Walsh and Gerry McCartney are public health researchers in Glasgow University. They have written a book to be available from November. “Social Murder:Austerity and Life Expectancy in the UK”.
Dr Iain Matheson of Coventry University has written on the Highlands and the internal colonisations that have taken place there.
Here is a link to one of his articles which might also interest Alf Baird.
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There is also a piece by Iain Docherty that should be noted and remembered.
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“One of these fundamentals,[of constitutional debate] the extent to which Scotland is better or worse off being part of the UK political economy, is rarely debated in the depth it deserves. The parlous state of the UK economy and, in particular, the deeply entrenched territorial inequality that results from its extreme core-periphery structure that safeguards the economic dominance of London and South East England, holds the potential for a surprise shift in the debate over independence to emerge.”
I kid you not.
Volodymyr – in Russhh-ian is Vladimir.
Sy Hersh reported – in one of his articles that the culprits were the US and Norway.
“The German Federal Public Prosecutor has issued the first arrest warrant in connection with the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, local media have reported. The suspect is believed to be a U–k-rain-ian citizen identified as “Vladimir Z”. It is unclear if the suspect has links to Ki-e-v’s military or intelligence services.”
“No one has so far claimed responsibility for the blasts which ruptured the pipelines in the Baltic Sea in September 2022.”
A background check of the snp leadership will reveal a cabal of people out to destroy independence.
Re the meeting between Angus Robertson and the Israelis. John Swinney claims they met to discuss a ceasefire in Gaza. But that’s not what the Israeli woman said. I wonder if they were talking about the Scottish defence industry supplying weapons to the Israelis?
In light of the eternal delays to branchform, it makes one wonder, just WHY a person from England, with no knowledge of Scotland, is running Police Scotland. Was there really nobody at all in Scotland who had Scottish experience and understanding of Scots law, policing and legal processes available. Really?
It does make you wonder though, what with those interminable delays to Branchform, doesn’t it? Why appoint a chief constable from a different country with a totally different legal system with zero experience or knowledge of Scottish law or policing?
I think the longer the delays with branchform go on, that question will need asked more and more. To my eyes, it stinks to high heaven.
sam @ 8:27 pm
“May I add names to your list of people who should know each other and whose work may intersect and add some impulse to Scottish independence?”
Some I know. But these and other academic commentators on Scotland’s ‘condition’ generally tend to ignore postcolonial theory, which is the only literature that fully explains the colonial condition. Matheson looks primarily at historical events in the Highlands & Islands. In the modern sense Docherty also tends to look at events in terms of political theory and political media articles, believing that Scotland is some sort of aberration from the recognised colonial norm, as is the weakness of those on the left sympathetic to independence yet unable to define it (i.e. decolonization).
They/we would all be better reading Michael Hechter’s ‘Internal Colonialism: The Celtic Fringe in British National Development’, first published in 1975 and republished in 1999. And Doun-Hauden of course, which provides the only applied theoretical framework that has been developed explaining the socio-political determinants of Scottish independence in aw thair mankit naitur:
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@ sam at 8.27: “May I add names to your list…”
Indeed you may. The point of my comment was to generate support so as to encourage the Rev to pick up the phone to the many people who have the backbone and matching ability to make something happen urgently to get us out of the Union.
If the Daily Mail is sticking up for Humza Yousef, it speaks volumes about his real politics.
KCor:”Whatever happened to Scotland’s infamous Hate Crimes Act?
You might find Robin McAlpine’s observations of interest.
“So now the police have taken control over how to police again, but in doing so they have effectively also rewritten government legislation (in practice at least)……almost impossible to believe that this isn’t being done with the tacit support of the Scottish Government”
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Interesting article from Robin McAlpine. Alas, he seems to think that government’s right to govern must be absolute. It makes the rules and the rules must be followed to the letter. Democracy isn’t a word that springs to mind when you consider this situation.
His comparison with the USA is comparing apples and oranges. The size of the population and federal system of the United States means that a completely different set of rules are needed to make government work at that scale.
Perhaps the Scottish Government is causing him to despair, but I think he’s started to wander down the path of neo-liberalism where a rules-based order must apply, and the more rules the better.
Hatey McHateface – who is travelling on the road to Damascus, apparently.
I look forward to seeing your passionate condemnation of people who say we should remain forever, a part of Mother England.
@ Stuart Mackay
Just hearing Slava Yawn Main’s pin-up – Zelly – n his wife have bought a winery in Tuscany . Must be doing something * right * eh ?
Good to know when the inevitable happens the wee man has a nice estate to retire to . Maybe he’ll invite his #1fan – wee Mainy – over for a holiday : fck , if Mainy plays his cards right he might get a permanent gig as Head Pool Attendant chez Zelly .
Com’è il tuo italiano , Giovanni ?
More Scott Ritter stuff?
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One google told me Zelly fake story. It’s psyops innit
@ Sam . I see your still pushing the Scott Ritter is a Sex Criminal narrative despite when you did the same previously both myself and Craig Murray told you it was a set-up ; now the FBI has raided his house , for the ” crime ” of telling the truth . You can fuck off with yr smug putative * correction * of my previous post . Your like those so-called * Fact Checkers * on Facebook & elsewhere . Who checks the ” Fact Checkers ” ? That’s right , nae cunt . Ram yr pish links somewhere intimate
‘Angus Robertson, looking about as comfortable as a teething toddler with a full nappy, was pictured shoulder-to-shoulder with Isr*el’s Deputy Ambassador.
It would appear that the image was not approved or released by the Scottish Government/SNP. Robertson has made no comment on the meeting and we are left with the First Minister’s explanation as to why the meeting was approved and what it was about –
John Swinney:
Last week the Cabinet Secretary for External Affairs met the Isr*eli UK Deputy Ambassador to express the Scottish Government’s clear and unwavering position on the need for an immediate ceasefire in G*za.
The Scottish Government received the meeting request and accepted on the basis it would provide an opportunity to convey our consistent position on the killing and suffering of innocent civilians in the region.
I understand why some believe a face-to-face meeting was not appropriate, however, I thought it necessary to outline our long-standing position on an immediate ceasefire directly, and explicitly, to one of Isra*l’s representatives in the UK.
As First Minister and SNP Leader, I will never hold back in expressing support for an immediate ceasefire in G*za, the release of all hostages, an end to UK arms being sent to Is*ael, and the recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state within a two-state solution.
Alex Salmond:
A totally fatuous explanation from Mr Swinney. Representations on the war on G*za would be made directly to the Is*aeli Government, not via a Deputy diplomat. This is not a time for business as usual with a state whose leadership is under ICC investigation for war crimes
Nothing was said about this meeting until the Deputy Ambassador tweeted her version, and nor is it the first time that Mr Robertson has been caught cosying up to Isr*eli officials. In current circumstances and if I were still First Minister then he would be sacked forthwith.
Another ‘scandal’.?
If past form is anything to go by then we expect that the online furore will eventually be taken up by mainstream journalists who will go through the motions of asking why the meeting was approved and what was really discussed. There will also be demands to know what other meetings have taken place since the G*za ‘war’ began. Those demands for disclosure will be batted away with sternly-delivered cautions about ‘national security’ and the whole sordid mess will have been forgotten about a week hence.
Won’t it?’
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Apologies for all the ?????s in my 9.07. Don’t know where they came from…
Yes, of course it was a set up. The jury saw him masturbating online believing he was dealing with a 15 year old girl. It was a sting. The sort of thing that gets done to pederasts.
You’re such a nice bit of work. I’ll ignore your stupidity in future.
I see the BBC has an article about the Scottish crime campus at Gartcosh.
No mention of the failure to examine the SNP spreadsheet after 3 years of investigation or the countless English county line drug gangs operating in scotland.
One gas to ask why they need such r sources in a country where crime us at ab all time low.
Could it be to protect county line gangs and stop local officers from investigating.
To ensure the case for indy is suppressed and monitor the activities of the SNP
“Because ultimately they’re not scared of Elon Musk. They’re scared of you”
An insightful observation.
The Internet is a minefield of lies and misinformation, with a fair bit of sin tossed into the mix, too; but despite its obvious weaknesses think how much worse it could be for humanity right now if it didn’t exist.
The advent of blogging and social media; the easy access to mind-numbingly vast mountains of information; some of it real some of it imaginary; some of it true some of it false; some of it enlightening some of it dark and disturbing; has given the masses a voice for the first time in known history.
Communication is humankind’s universal solvent, and its salvation; without it we stumble about in the darkness, cut-off from the minds and the thoughts and the feelings of our fellow travellers; isolated and alone in a barely comprehensible confusion of sensory signals bombarding us from every aspect.
Without the tools of communication we are imprisoned in our own minds; without the tools of communication we are stranded and alone in a universe made of our own echoing thoughts reverberating each against the other until we hear nothing but the white noise of our own ignorance.
The Internet is a platform, a vehicle for communication between isolated minds – that, coupled with our thoughts expressed in codified language, music, images and artistic interpretations real or imagined, is the source of its power.
That power is now unstoppable. The unpredictable egregore of instantaneous world-wide communication between the ‘proletariat’ has been released into the world and can never again be constrained, it can only be destroyed.
But to destroy it would destroy the modern world, and with it the new ‘monarchs’ of Earth – those who would be kings might be insane, but they aren’t suicidal.
With such power the masses now have the potential to come together and organise; to arm themselves in the war against their imposed and orchestrated ignorance.
As the Reverend points out, Rex Mundi, the king of the world and his minions are scared.
They welcomed the Internet as a tool for the manipulation of the masses thinking they could control it. They’ve now realised they can’t and are afraid, whether they know it or not, of losing their power to bend the peoples of Earth to their will.
The world’s ringmasters hold a wild tiger by the tail and they throw bread after bread, circus after circus, distraction after distraction in front of it desperately hoping it doesn’t see through their trickery and turn to face them; and in that moment it sees the truth, devour them.
The self-appointed masters of Earth are not only scared…they’re terrified.
Petition, by Sara Salyers:
‘We call for the immediate resignation of Angus Robertson as the Scottish Government’s External Relations and Culture Minister following his meeting with the Deputy Isr*eli Ambassador to the UK, at which they discussed deepening Scottish relations with the Isr*eli government in fields including technology, culture and renewable energy.
We also call on the Scottish government to dissolve the Holyrood cross-party group, ‘Building Bridges with Israel’ whose stated purpose includes, ‘to engage with Israel and build links based on business, culture and academia’.
On 19 July the International Court of Justice ruled that Isr*el practices apartheid and segregation, and is in illegal occupation of the Pale*tinian territories. The ICJ stated there is a duty on all states not to cooperate with and to act against these practices. It is expected of every government or organ of government, that they follow a policy of non-cooperation and anti-apartheid action.
The Scottish Government decision to ignore this obligation and, instead, deepen ties with Isr*el is abhorrent to the Scottish people more especially at a time when Isr*el is awaiting trial before the ICJ for allegedly committing genocide at this moment in G*za.
No excuses are acceptable. Angus Robertson must resign with immediate effect. The Holyrood cross-party group, ‘Building Bridges with Isr*el’ must be dissolved until Is*ael is in compliance with international law.’
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Comedy Gold from Kate Forbes here – who’s party, have put party before country for the last decade.
Forbes also worked hand-in-glove with the English Tory party, to force Freeports on Scotland; her plan for indy is to keep asking Westminster for an S30.
“She said the UK Labour Government had “not changed course”, as she accused Scottish Labour MPs of putting their party before the country on the issue.”
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Just a wee reminder, that the GERS figures are absolute pish – concocted, to make it look as though Scotland could never be a viable, and economically sound – independent nation.
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This is what happens – when you have treacherous House Jocks b*stards running your country.
These b*stards have sold Scotland out, and are now desperately trying to point the finger for the coming mega-cuts to services in Scotland – at the foreign government in England.
House Jocks politicians – are worst of the worst in Scotland – these lowlifes, have done incredible damage to Scotland, it would be utter madness – not to vote them out of office when the time comes.
“SAS promised today public services will not “crumble away” but warned SNP ministers have to decide what to “deprioritise” in terms of spending.
The Finance Secretary is expected to make a statement to Holyrood next month where she will spell out where further cuts will be made.
The expansion of free school meals to children in primary six and seven is among the policies that could be delayed indefinitely as a result.”
The freezing of peak time fares on ScotRail services is also expected to be reviewed and could end.
“This is going to be a really, really tough, tough year siad the Finance Minster.”
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Robert Hughes @ 8.39am.
Ritter is a target – because they don’t like what he’s finding saying.
“The search warrant for Ritter’s home specified only electronic devices, of which he had three. Yet, the 40 F.B.I. agents there stole a truckload of materials from him, including his notes from his U.N. inspector years in the 2000s, a draft of a book he is in the midst of writing and some of his wife’s personal property.
The invasion of Scott Ritter’s home was a perversion of the Fourth Amendment, a criminal theft of his private property and an effort to chill his free speech. But it was not surprising.
This is what has become of federal law enforcement today. The folks we have hired to protect the Constitution are destroying it.”
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GERS again. The papers are still at it.
– let’s turn it around :
if Scotland is fuckedup and England is keeping us afloat, all these years, year on year, decade after decade, pumping billions into the country, to all of us ingrates
leave us to our lochs and oil and electricity; we DO NOT DESERVE to share in a BRITAIN = SUPER DUPER ENGLAND which has supernukes and nuke power and 80M true englishman, as english as raffles, living, in the happiest, most well loved country in the world, in their heaven on earth, this eden, this england, this multicultural diversity pleasuredome … we do not deserve their love, their compassion, their looking after us
we are just ingrate r3tarded trash who don’t deserve to live in their world … just leave, and take your nukes … and we will struggle on, alone … LET US FACE OUR SHAME IN SOLITUDE
ridicule is powerful … try
GERS says we can’t afford indy anyway; some guy said countries like us, in efta, have double the GDP per capita that we do, but GDP is always quoted in dollars and when you put in back in pounds, it’s not so much. Nats are trying to fool you.
– but also – you won’t have any GDP at all if England takes back all its pound notes.
or, the reduction to absurdity –
some people say that Norway, Switzeland, Ireland having 800B USD GDP economies is significant since we have only 200B USD GDP according to the gold-standard GERS figures, but if it weren’t for the English people and their hard work and generosity, we might only have a 50B USD GDP – we need broad anglo shoulders. It’s like football – Scottish footballers were once kings in europe, but only as part of an english team; put them all together, the national team was shit – I think this argument is unargumentative-able. I don’t think it is proved that Scotland is robbed senseless by the UK and has little weight just because the raw output figures are only 25% of what they should be. The IMF calculates these things, shifty foreigners, often with an axe to grind. Missing money does not always mean fraud – consider the SNP, that money was woven through the accounts, the alba bots, silenced and debunked.
– the english invented money, we just get to use it and the oil won’t be worth anything anyway as we don’t have a refinery; the petrol will have to be imported from england, scotland living off english petrol. Slam Dunk. It’s just impossible for a country to issue its own currency, and also impossible for a country to use anothers, like say the dollar – no one uses the dollar. Just because you are sitting on an ocean of the world’s most important commodity doesn’t mean anything. Who do you think owns all the cash machines – english banks; who owns the internet – the bank of england; who owns amazon – king charles. MI5 is listening in on all your android phones. The wind is owned by foreigners now and anyone who puts a windmill in their garden is stealing profits. It’s an anglo world we all live in. Rejoice. We fought hitler for freedom and it’s not our fault the irish all decided to eat potatoes. Foreigners love us. I blame the vatican, it’s all a papist plot to make good protestant men of the union have gay sex in ayia napa, while drunk and incapable (which was never proved anyway). And if Scotland became independent you would lose the world’s greatest football team – Rangers – who would leave to play in the much superior English Super Premier League.
Ignored says:
15 August, 2024 at 11:15 am
The invasion of Scott Ritter’s home was a perversion of the Fourth Amendment, a criminal theft of his private property and an effort to chill his free speech.
And don’t forget, they’ll be delighted to identify Ritter’s contacts and sources of information.
No evidence for saying so, but I suspect Ritter is wrong to blame “U” as being at the centre of this. The psychotic state of “I” has a much thinner skin about criticism, and a lot more influence within / over the FBI.
Tread carefully Mr Ritter. Your faith in “justice” seems uncharacteristically naive.
Alf Baird
My sincere apologise to all of you for not being able to respond immediately, most know how little free time I have on my hands at the moment whilst caring for my spouse 24/7 at home,
This is a personal expression of opinion that while sitting by my spouses bedside through the wee small night hours often wisperly forms into a consolidated thought,
Yes, we do need the highly intelligent Scottish brains to come together,
I agree with you on this Sarah,
We must hold the talks on the actual (treaty of union) to access and detach fact from fiction, There may be some resistance from MSM and Certain MPs we should be ready for that, to having the Supposedly other half of the treaty of union to be of natural discourse in Scotland one would imagine.
That is why it must be discussed, Why should only England be allowed to discuss the treaty?
3) it is a necessity to discuss wether the treaty of union and the terms and the agreement, as well to debate if the 25 Articles of the treaty of union have been Breached since 1707.
4) it is also a necessity to debate the public (Statement by Westminster parliament site) for the past number of years boasting that the Scots were not invited into the treaty of union.
As that Statement leaves ethnic Scots as a colonised people not in any treaty with any parliament or part of his / her Majesties Crown governance of Scots,
These is a minute fraction of the conundrums and anomalies surrounding the treaty of union.
And except for a few people in Scotland asking reasonable and logical questions…..
The rest are acting like they are under some hypnosis,
And I wonder which Scottish MPs are gatekeepers for maintaining a union rather than actual working thinking politicians, as it inevitably raises the question of why they are sitting in a (devolved Scottish parliament) which Breaches the main fundamental article of the “said” treaty of union.
“That hereafter there will be (One) parliament of Great Britain, to be (styled) the parliament of Great Britain.
I wish I could ask some more logical questions and had more time on my hands to become involved and be part of those that will become the new enlightened thinkers and era of Scotland,
As for GERS, as Goebbels said, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
How many times has GERS been discredited now? Even by it’s own author no less, who confirmed it’s purpose to discredit Scotland, yet still the BritNat Establishment trots out the same old indoctrination with the same old GERS trope on the same old propaganda channels, year after year…
Alf Baird,
Why did the Westminster parliament pass (“an Act to Extend the Kingdom and Laws of England into Scotland”) after the ratification period of the treaty of union?
Where is that agreement, terms or Article in the treaty of union.
A union or a latter day Colonial amendment after the union ratification by Westminster Parliament?
The pillage will continue in ways unimaginable to most.
Scottish water is the purest, most plentiful, cheapest in the world; we can drink it straight out the tap. English water, even when clean, has a funny taste due to being “hard”.
England went to the free market for its water – we went “national, socialist” – and now its swimming in shit and paying high prices. Invisible hand, best of all possible worlds, solving the scarce resource allocation problem … markets don’t work when you don’t set them up right, and some situations are not appropriate; water supply, healthcare, transport – should be considered infrastructure, not a profit centre.
The anglo water companies will whack up prices, twist themselves a bailout, but it is likely/possible, they all go bust and end up nationalised.
So, some bean counter in the ministry is doing the sums – fixing all the leaks, building treatment/filtration plants, pumping stations, all suitable for the population projections of 2030, maybe 85M people … and its gonna cost a packet, a bloody fortune and – it could threaten the budget for the supernuke, or the nuke power stations, or the fighting of whatever new wars we want to be in …
– then a lightbulb moment; whatabout a national water grid – they’ve got loads up in jockland? Now this was always thought uneconomic, but it is now much cheaper than fixing things down south. So why not do it?
And who would stop it?
when they are cutting budgets, just remember they are funding shite like this –
link to
“freeze on non essential recruitment”
not if you are part of the woke-elect
The wind is owned by whoever has the deep pockets, technological know how and will to exploit it. And after, the international treaties, lawyers and multi-role combat forces to protect the infrastructure against theft, expropriation or destruction.
I’ll freely admit the wind blowing over your hovel, caravan, or wherever you squat, is yours to exploit. If you believe the wind blowing dozens or even hundreds of miles offshore is yours too, then you’re not confused, you’re deluded.
Besides, if that’s what you believe, get yourself out there and fill your boots.
There’s a grownup debate to be had about the economics of the world’s sixth largest economy, using it’s own currency, developing a complex resource, and what an economy one tenth the size could achieve. Just as there is an analysis of what a population ten times larger can fund, compared with one that is still arguing over what it’s currency will be: GBP or Euro or something else.
Ultimately though, all of this development is being funded by borrowing, and will be paid back by soaking all UK electricity users for many years to come.
So until that borrowed money is repaid with interest, it all belongs to the lenders. After that, about 90% of it will reasonably belong to the bill payers of England, although like their Scottish equivalents, I’m sure nobody will ever see a penny.
In the ever increasingly unlikely event of Indy going anywhere, all of this shared infrastructure will have to be divvied up. Just as the Brexit “divorce settlement” won’t be fully paid off until most of us are dead, something like this, 90% funded by England, will very likely remain 90% English owned.
Again, a grownup debate would be good, but probably not on here. Those who are confident iScotland will just waltz away, lighting gaspers with the unpaid divorce bills, can refer to my first paragraph, second para.
That’s right, us and who’s navy.
Haha, maybe we’ll borrow from the U playbook and blow the whole fucking lot up. If I understand the scooby boy correctly, he’ll be raging at the damage done to England and the WM government!
Alf Baird,
If the ethnic Scots were not invited into the treaty of union after a debate was held, but the old 1707 parliament of Scotland was accepted For a few months, before Westminster parliament placed it under dissolution from the treaty of union.
Westminster parliament and the commissioners and the old Scottish parliament accepted in 1706/07 that the Ethic Scots were not ruled by a Sovereign parliament or by the Crown in Scotland.
That Statement from Westminster parliament to a world wide audience is invaluable to All Scots as evidence they were taken as a Colony not as voluntary union with England and a army was sent to subdue the Scots that protested.
As far as the laws on Treaties appears, to show the UN or any other individual state or Country that the ethnic Scots were not asked to join a treaty but definately come under the heading of Colony,
But herein lies a additional extention to Scottish people being Colonised under the Crown government of England.
Westminster crown government would have no rights to make good a claim over the territorial Land or Sea of the (Scots they left out of the treaty of union) and could not place them under their Crown prosecution laws [they extended into “Scots-land” ] after the 1707 specific political parliamentary treaty of union.
Which Westminster parliament immediately dissolved, leaving Westminster parliament to Colonise the actual treaty of union to itself.
Of topic,
Over the last few months individual docter’s have been informing police Scotland on a number of occasions that their patients in Scotland may be or become suicidal. Without talking it over thoroughly with their patients first or providing Counselling or therepy to their patients,
This is an interesting new development as some of these patients posted that they have had police at their doors taken away legally applied for fire arms and certificates, in one of these cases I have become aware of this mans employment as a gamekeeper relied upon his work for a living on an estate,
I am not going to surmise or even make a guess for a reasoning for officials and doctor’s taking a lead in this action, I am simply wondering if it is happening in England, Wales, and Ireland.
“Again, a grownup debate would be good, but probably not on here.”
That’s rich – coming from someone who describes those who want indy as Moonhowlers.
” And after, the international treaties, lawyers and multi-role combat forces to protect the infrastructure against theft, expropriation or destruction.”
You mean like the consecutive English governments – protecting foreign oil/gas firms whilst they steal Scotland’s wealth? – or do you mean English governments, colluding with US governments – to undermine democratically elected Venezuelan governments, to install a puppet president – to steal Venezuelan assets?
Scots couldn’t defend and protect their North sea assets because we have NO military forces to speak of – Venezuela does and it has protected its maritime assets.
Scottish assets – whether onshore or offshore, will continue to be stolen by England and it foreign/domestic corporate buddies – because we cannot/will not, defend them – add in the House Jock b*stards, who have sold Scotland’s people out, and allowed all manner of thefts from Scotland to continue – unchecked and unabated – and the future looks bleak for Scots – as the economic screw turns.
Without military forces Scots cannot stop the thefts – and like a star, that’s wandered too close to a Blackhole – England will continue to syphon-off as much wealth as it can from Scotland – for as long as Scots sit back and let it happen.
Us there a reason my Swinney list has not appeared
Time will tell whether Ritter is here a victim of over zealous policing or whether he may have broken a law.
According to Sanjay Goel, a professor at the School of Business at the University at Albany and an expert in information security, Ritter would be prohibited from speaking to a foreign agent without reporting it to the federal government to be in compliance with the Foreign Agents Restriction Act. Goel adds that Ritter’s experience speaking publicly overseas could be a clue as to why the FBI took material from his home.
There was no union – England has no rights whatsoever to steal Scottish assets – its theft.
“It is worth noting that, because it is stipulated in the Claim of Right Act, ratified as a condition of the Union itself, the oath of Accession continues to be “required by law” for any legitimate monarch of Scots. This ensures that no monarch had or has the authority to alter or undermine (alienate) the Scottish Crown in which are vested the sovereign rights of the people, the Community of the Realm of Scotland. This is why we can be certain that Queen Anne had no power, (nor had the Scottish Parliament ever pretended to any power),to change the institution passed down from Kenneth McAlpine, to “transfer” the Scottish Crown by merging it with that of another nation, to alter its character or undermine its rights in any way. And if the Crown of Scotland could not merge with that of England, then the kingdoms of England and Scotland could not merge into a single kingdom. Thus, while a single, political and economic state governed by a single, unified Parliament was entirely feasible, what the Treaty of Union envisaged was simply impossible.”
So what happened to the Scottish Crown? Along with the sovereignty it vests in the people of the nation, it remains in place.
Under the articles of Union, Scotland surrendered its independent statehood but continued to be a sovereign nation. The status of Scotland as a stateless nation is fairly unusual internationally and has attracted particular sociological and political study…
Constitutionally, the ultimate ownership of the territory of Scotland as a sovereign nation is vested in the Crown. The territory is synonymous with the Realm of Scotland, while the Crown itself represents the Community of the Realm.
Today, and as they have been for more than 300 years, Scotland’s rights of sovereignty over its territory, vested in our Crown, are arrogated by its self-appointed ‘overlord’, the Crown of England. Nonetheless, though subordinated to that of England, as the Scottish Crown remains in place so, therefore, does the Scottish kingdom, its territorial borders and its territorial rights.
Scotland’s rights of sovereignty over its territory are vested in the Crown with its distinct constitutional and legal identity in Scotland under Scots law, compared to the Crown in the rest of the United Kingdom under English law…
Crown property rights in Scots law, which are an important part of Scotland’s system of land ownership, are also distinct from Crown property rights in the rest of the UK and belong to Scotland as a sovereign territorial nation.
Yet clearly the ‘UK’ state exercises territorial control over Scotland. It does so while Scotland retains its Crown, remains a separate kingdom and continues to be a ‘sovereign territorial nation’. It does so by right not of a Treaty and not of the Acts of ratification, the Acts of Union, but by the unilateral annexation of Scotland by the English Crown. A voluntary merger of two nations into a new and entirely unified state, is an entirely different proposition from the seizure of one nation by another, as different as a marriage is from a kidnapping. And its implications for Scotland’s rights to self-determination are profound.”
“There was no union – England has no rights whatsoever to steal Scottish assets – its theft.”
Oh goody. That’s that sorted then. By this time next year we’ll all be millionaires!
Swinney’s mistakes
Failing to unite with Alba.
Edinburgh rape crisis centre silence.
Swinney defending Mackay and his ipad.
Failing to appoint someone with professionalism and character like Crag Murray international secretary and going with the current air miles Robertson
Failing to take advantage of the skills of Joanna Cherry
Mackay still not sacked.
Pulling out of carbon target with no real explanation.
Failing to unite campaign around independence.
Focusing on protecting Scotland’s interests in westminster instead of planning to leave it.
Suggesting nicola has something to contribute.
Offering to speak up for Scotland in westminster instead of planning to leave it.
John Swinney- if we win the majority of votes we negotiate independence, i mean if we win the majority if seats, i mean if we win the majority we will ask fir another referendum, i mean we will do fuck all. Oh we are back to a majority of seats negotiate indy.
Starmer has already said no!!
SNP silent on Grangemouth closure, silent on power lines headed south.
Conservatives and labour do a deal in aberdeen and labour pull their candidate allowing Ross a clear run. Silence from SNP.
Yellow glasses on old man weird not cool. If he has shell suit on he looked like Saville.
Sturgeon and Lloyd on TV saying Swinney should have pushed independence to the front of the campaign.
Post election, well the aim was to get the tories out, that was our campaign, and people made the choice ie labour.
Kirsty Blackman for chief whip. She can teach them a dance or two!! Swinney clearly has a sense of humour.
Months after a disastrous election no enquiry and signs the party is manipulation the conference agenda
Angus Robertson having a meeting of support with Israel when Gaza is ongoing and it appears leaked. Swinney again supporting the unsupportable.
Power lines are being built to take green electricity south while Scots have to pay a surcharge to connect and pay international rates for elect. All at a time when a labour government removed the heating allowance. Silence from the SNP
Surely if Murray Foote is to be thought remotely credible as a press officer, he has to countermand the GERS con trick at every available opportunity. Many of us know that the taxman will not accept the submission of notional (as opposed to audited) accounts more than once. But it’s OK to palm them off on Scotland in perpetuity.
His job must be extremely difficult – up against the assembled brainpower of the MSM disinformation Scotland squad.
Or maybe he is busy at the excreta/air-conditioning interface as a result of the Sneak Angus Israeli love-in.
SAS – more like SOS – the Finance Minister for the SNP government, has indicated, that, they’ll be many cuts to public services – including pensioners Fuel Payments – yet this bunch of treacherous b*stards posing, as an indy minded government – are quite happy to fork out God knows how much, on culling deer – and helping private landowners in the process.
The SNP government, has already oversaw a huge cull of Ravens and Hares in Scotland – the latter are an important food source for all manner of wild raptors in Scotland.
If the SNP had a f*ckin clue which they don’t – balancing the nature in our wild places, such as re-introducing Wolves and Lynx would soon even up the natural order of things – and keep deer numbers in check – but no, the SNP are bunch of treacherous Cac’s ( Gaelic for shits pronounced Kahk’s) and they’ve done tremendous damage to Scotland as a whole.
Get these turncoat b*stards out of office – wherever you find -them
“Sustainable deer management is a vital part of this. We know, however, that 80% of deer management is carried out by the private sector at a net cost to deer managers. These innovative pilot schemes will give extra support to those working hard on the ground to tackle high deer numbers in certain areas.”
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Hatey McHateface @ 1:06 pm
“The wind is owned by whoever has the deep pockets”
In an independent Scotland the production of all goods and services would be subject to Scottish laws, and no longer subject to the laws of any other country. Countries and corporations know that colonialism, which is a crime against humanity, is primarily about economic plunder, i.e. theft, and that this plunder ends upon decolonization of a country and its people.
British Challenger 2 tanks have been used inside R-ussia by Uk-rainian troops, Sky News understands
While the UK and Uk-raine governments remain tight-lipped on operational details, a source has signalled British tanks have crossed into R-ussia for Uk-raine’s Kursk offensive.
According to government policy, the UK has confirmed Uk-raine is free to use British weapons on R-ussian territory.
A source said this included Challenger 2 tanks and signalled that they had been used during the Uk-rainian incursion, which began on 6 August.
Details on how and when Uk-rainian forces deployed Challenger 2 tanks within the R-ussian region of Kursk were not immediately clear. Neither was the number of tanks that may have been involved.
Uk-raine’s powerful 82nd Air Assault Brigade is the unit of the Uk-rainian armed forces that has been operating the British main battle tanks since last year.
Elements of the brigade are confirmed to be taking part in the Kursk offensive.
The UK agreed to give Uk-raine 14 of its Challenger 2 tanks in January 2023 in a move that prompted Germany and the US to follow suit with their versions.
One of the British tanks was destroyed in operations inside Uk-raine last September – the first time the Challenger 2 had been taken out in active combat.
In service since 1994, the Challenger 2 tank weighs 62.5 tonnes and is armed with a 120mm rifled gun and a 7.62mm chain gun.
What’s your thoughts on Britain invading R-ussia then?
They’ve done the exact same thing the Russians have done to Uk-raine. They’ve broken international law.
Uk-raine should now be banned from competing at the olympics. Kick out their football teams. Stop all trade deals blow up their oil pipeline to Germany.
The West have imposed over 500 sanctions on R-ussia so they say.
Zelensk-y is now a terrorist. He is a Ru-ssian invading terrorist.
The man is a piece of human filth.
I suspect he’ll be strung up by his own people. AND NOT BEFORE TIME.
Fuck Uk-raine!
“What’s your thoughts on Britain invading R-ussia then?
They’ve done the exact same thing the Russians have done to Uk-raine. They’ve broken international law.
Uk-raine should now be banned from competing at the olympics. Kick out their football teams. Stop all trade deals blow up their oil pipeline to Germany.
The West have imposed over 500 sanctions on R-ussia so they say.
Zelensk-y is now a terrorist. He is a Ru-ssian invading terrorist.
Fuck Uk-raine!”
What fucking part of “do not try to evade word filters” did you find ambiguous or difficult to understand?
Have a little holiday in the pre-moderation section.
My thoughts are this ladies and Gentlemen.
VoDemir Zilenzky is going to be strung up in the lamposts – Mussolini style and hung upside down by his own people. And not before time.
The man is a disgrace. He is now an international war criminal, invading terrorist to Moscgow isn’t he?
With British tax payers money. We’ve paid for this.
What an absolute disgrace. I did not consent.
See Starmer. What a piece of human filth he really is. Fuck him. Fuck the labour party. Already even worse than the Tories.
ritish tanks invading ROussia – Who’s the terrorists now?
That’s right. It’s The DEEP STATE – Joe Biden’s handlers. Sir kier Starmer’s Handlers.
The British people do not consent to the invasion of Rus-sia. They want a nuclear war. We don’t.
Ze-lensky is a terrorist. the 1000 square kilomters belong to Moscow! He’s an invader. Just like his people have invaded Scotland.
We’re paying for their houses. It’s time for Ukr-aine to GO HOME. Hang their leader. And liberate your country.
Uk-ranian ‘refugees’. It’s time for you to GO HOME. We don’t want your war. We want you to put the guns down. And shake the hands of your r-ussian orthodox christian brothers and sisters.
Alf Baird 4:50
I’m thinking your claims will only be true if iScotland intends to emulate NK.
In which case, I and every other sane, rational Scot will want no part of it.
But I’m not fretting. iScotland will be bound and chained by all the reams of laws and international agreements every other aspirational first-world country is subject to.
Doubly so, if we are in the EU – the avowed intent of our current HR government and many of the regulars on here.
I’m afraid, Alf, you don’t advance the cause by ignoring the very real difficulties Scotland faces in negotiating the “divorce” from England. Quite the contrary.
Maybe you forget we’ve already been through Brexit. We know how difficult it will be, how long it will take, and we have some idea of how much it will all cost.
The “with one bound Scotland was free” trope is strictly for the bams.
David Hannah
I’m going to take a guess here, but would I be correct in thinking you’ve never tried to shake the hand of somebody who believes you have no right to exist?
@ ROS can you tell me when GERS was first used to manipulate figures (or should I say LIE) to RIDICULE and DENIGRATE Scotland’s ability to be a normal financially responsible country with rich natural resources that other countries would DIE for
Can you also tell me who was in charge of governing Scotland at that time and what figures were produced as EVIDENCE that REPUDIATED the uk establishments OPENLY and FLAGRANTLY LYING FIGURES
DID the person in charge at that time and the years after REFUSE OPENLY and PUBLICLY to accept and CHALLENGE the LYING figures or did he sign off on them giving those SPURIOUS MANIPULATIVE figures CREDIBILITY that has been used for at least a decade to INSULT and DEMEAN Scots and Scotland’s ability to operate as a normal financially prudent country
Just think if the person in charge of Scotland when these lies were first used to discredit our finances had challenged these lies with REAL figures WE might even be an independent country by now
According to Humous, 40k dead.
Is it just me that finds that number deeply suspicious? After 10+ months of Jenny Side, that number must be short a zero.
Unless, of course it’s not and never has been Jenny Side. That would explain it.
Perhaps one fact we can take away from this latest number. As neither side seems to be much bothered about agreeing a cease fire and a prisoner-hostage swap, the conclusion seems unavoidable – both sides are content for the number to continue on its upwards trajectory.
Both sides are still hopeful of victory. Both sides are content to pay the blood price.
Maybe it really is impossible to shake the hand of somebody who has vowed before their God to wipe you from the face of the Earth, along with all your kith and kin.
Despite difficulties there is polling of opinion in UK rain. Some editing needed for particular words.
“The latest survey by the National Democratic Institute released on Jan. 26 provides insight into how Uk rainians are coping. Administered by the reputable K yiv International Institute of Sociology, this telephone survey recorded the views of 2,516 Uk rainians from Nov. 14-22, 2023. Four findings stand out:
1. Costs in lives and mental health are high
Since the outset of the war, the National Democratic Institute has asked Uk rainians if they have experienced the loss of family and friends from the w4r. In May 2022, one-fifth of respondents indicated that they had. In November 2023, almost half said they had lost loved ones, with higher rates among middle-aged and young respondents.
2. More Uk rainians are willing to negotiate
Since the war began, the National Democratic Institute survey has asked if Uk raine should engage in negotiations with Rusher to try to achieve peace.
By January 2023, the share of those in favor had dropped 30 points to a low of just 29%.
Since then, this percentage has climbed upward. In November 2023, it rebounded to 42%.
As it stands, the majority of Uk rainians are opposed to seeking negotiations with Rusher.
3. Resistance to land concessions continue
From the outset of the w4r, Uk rainians have been surveyed to elicit what they would accept as the price of peace. The question is difficult for Uk rainians who rightly feel victimized.
Research by the K yiv International Institute of Sociology since the outset of the w4r reveals overwhelming sentiment among Uk rainians against territorial concessions for immediate peace.
4. Uk rainians expect a long w4r but remain optimistic
Uk rainians do not think the conflict will end any time soon, with 43% saying that w4r will go on for an additional 12 months, at least. A third responded that they simply do not know when the conflict will end.”
This is in The Conversation. the link would not be accepted.
Hatey McHateface:
“I’m going to take a guess here, but would I be correct in thinking you’ve never tried to shake the hand of somebody who believes you have no right to exist?”
Ze-lensky had no problems giving the WW2 NAZI war criminal and murderer of the J-EWs a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament.
“He’s a Uk-ranian hero. He’s a Canadian hero. And we thank him for all of his service!”
Flynn tweeted a photo of himself and the Uk-rainian President shaking hands afterwards.
The caption said: “An honour and a privilege. Slava Uk-raini.”
link to
Meanwhile Airmiles Angus looks to be flirting with the
zi0n-ists. no doubt he’ll be selling out Scotland’s castles to more American Investment Projects and Gated communities in Scotland….
For the people of the the lost tribe… only! No natives need apply!
The virtue signalling and the mentality of our political class is shameful. They do not represent the majority of Scotland.
We’ve been dragged into war again. British tanks on the ground. Our taxes. Our money. What a waste.
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Scotland for sale… With Airmiles Angus… Flirting with the lost tribe.
Coming to take your home from you folks. Hand over the keys.
Emma Roddick Highland MSP said her “heart just sank” when she saw the photo on social media, adding that she was not comfortable with the engagement.
In private, some SNP insiders have expressed their anger in much stronger terms.
One MSP told me that Angus Robertson was “an absolute disgrace” for taking part in the meeting, and that he should be sacked from his role as External Affairs Secretary.
SHAME on Airmiles Angus. SHAME.
Two examples of the SNP being totally out of touch with public opinion on foreign policy. Flynn shaking Zelensky’s hand and Airmiles Angus.
“I just wanted to check out the VIP lounge in Tel Aviv airport” pleads Airmiles.
Gers (NO, not the footy one.)
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A very simple statement.
@David Hannah 5.08pm
ritish tanks invading ROussia – Who’s the terrorists now?
As Darth Putler observed on X: “In the first Battles of Kursk Ucrainians used British tanks to fight Nazis. Nothing has changed”.
They talk a lot about wind
They talk a lot of wind
Mark. E. Smith
Hatey McHateface @ 6:06 pm
“I and every other sane, rational Scot”
A considerable number of Scots (‘No’ voters mostly) suffer from a colonial mindset, which means they can hardly be described as ‘rational’; or ‘sane’ either given that a vote for this horrendous colonial ‘union’ always fails Scots and “Insanity is (defined as) doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” (Albert Einstein).
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15 August, 2024 at 2:08 am
“You might find Robin McAlpine’s observations of interest.
“So now the police have taken control over how to police again, but in doing so they have effectively also rewritten government legislation (in practice at least)””
In effect, the police are ignoring the unworkable law and doing as they see fit.
Scotland has become a complete Banana State.
There is a complete lack of transparency in the government, police and justice.
Has anyone been tried or jailed under the Act?
JK Rowling did a great job in challenging them to arrest her on Day 1 of the Act coming into force.
JK Rowling is not on our side on independence and many posters are rightly not fans of Musk.
But these two are in a powerful position to openly and publicly attack the likes of Yousaf who are otherwise totally protected from the plebs by politicians and the media.
13 August, 2024 at 2:23 pm
Since I dislike both of them..
Harris and Trump, Obama, the Bush clan, the Clinton’s. How do you explain that? From a country of 350 million. it smells like decline to me. Rediculous. Maybe I am just getting older..
I can’t sleep. My past sins are tormenting me and keeping me awake – the heartless bastards.
So I thought I’d scribble doun some educational stuff in a didactic manner to pass the time.
For anyone who doesn’t know what the term ‘Rex Mundi’ means (I used it in a previous comment) it translates from the Latin to ‘King of the world’.
The Italian author Umberto Eco used it in his 1980 novel The Name of the Rose (Nome Della Rosa). Sean Connery played the lead character, the Franciscan friar William of Baskerville, in the movie.
The term comes from the Cathars (Catharism); a dualist Christian heresy whose followers opposed the corruption of the medieval Catholic Church.
The Cathars believed in two opposing deities, one benevolent and one malevolent.
The good god, the god of the New Testament, was the creator of the spiritual world.
The evil deity, known as Rex Mundi (sometimes used as a term for Satan), was the creator of the physical world. The battle between these two deities gave rise to the existence of good and evil in the world.
In the theology of the Cathars, humans were considered to be fallen angels (my mum always said I was an angel) whose spirits had been created by the benevolent god, but they were trapped in physical bodies created by Rex Mundi which were sinful.
To liberate themselves from the sinful physical body, Cathars believed they had to renounce the temporal world entirely.
This meant denying themselves any kind of physical pleasures; I was one for a while in a past life but didn’t last long – what a bore.
If they couldn’t separate themselves from the world, human spirits were condemned to be eternally reincarnated in earthly bodies and surrounded by sin and wickedness – obviously my preference considering the number of past lives I’ve had.
So when I use the term ‘Rex Mundi’, I’m referring to evil (the King of The World) – albeit in a rather pompous up my own self kind of way.
I mean, why just call something the Devil when you can call it ‘Rex Mundi’ and have folk look at you as if you’re an eejit (works for me)?
So, Rex Mundi (not to be confused with Rex Harrison; the speaker of show songs and not quite as evil) – now you know.
Right, time for a cup of tea and a bit of toasted cheese – see if that helps me get to sleep (you probably think I’m joking…but I’m really not) .
I decided to have coffee with my toasted cheese – probably not a wise choice with me trying to get some sleep and all.
So, still not able to sleep which means more about the Cathars.
Cathars were, surprisingly for medieval times, pacifists; condemning war and capital punishment.
The Cathars also considered reproduction to be immoral, as it only continued the cycle of reincarnation and led to human suffering (I can vouch for that).
And because they believed the human spirit to be sexless, they regarded men and women as spiritual equals.
Notice how they slipped in that ‘spiritual’ equals bit – I expect the women still had to make their man’s dinners, wash their clothes, and clean the house.
“I know you’re my spiritual equal, love. But is ma dinner ready yet? Oh, and kin ye gei ma habit a wee wash tae?”
There are quite a few examples of women becoming Cathar leaders, and many women made up the ranks of the Perfecti (I’ll explain that some other time…maybe).
Some scholars think that widowed Cathar women would often take the Consolation (I’ll explain that some other time, too…maybe – it’s 4:30am) and become Perfects.
And apparently there are records of communal homes for Cathar women; where they would live and be instructed in the faith.
I’m going to stop now. I’m becoming delirious from lack of sleep and I’m not sure if what I’m writing makes any sense.
Has anything I’ve ever written on here ever made any sense, I’m beginning to wonder – probably not.
I’m also beginning to wonder if I’m dreaming this – I guess I’ll know later today if this comment shows up on the thread.
Ha ha ha, (Uncle) Sam the great decider of which websites people can visit on here quoting a notorious CIA front the National Democratic Institute.
Fucking hilarious.
@ mac
You know that you are no more than a troll. You can’t know anymore than me what, if anything is behind that organisation.
Piling on abuse as you do to a fellow supporter of Scottish independence says a lot about you.
It is Stu, not me who decides which websites are permitted to appear here. To suggest that I could if I wished control what websites people visit is ludicrous.
Be more careful of your mental health. There is nothing on this blog worth being so wound up about.
Alf Baird.
When the Westminster parliament (after) ratification had taken place of the treaty of union, then passed an Act later on the same year called “An Act to Extend the kingdom of England and the laws of England into the kingdom of Scotland”
Was Scotland and England not already one united kingdom?
Therefore the kingdom of England and laws of their parliament Statues of England would also not exist after ratification,
From a alternative perspective Westminster parliament implies that the kingdom of England and its laws was a separate kingdom from Scotland altogether after the ratification ot the treaty of union,
Thus Colonising The kingdom of Scotland
Colonising the kingdom of Scotland through laws and Acts passed by a Westminster parliament in a context and position of 1689 Sovereign Westminster parliament retaining itself as the parliament of England.
Today the Westminster parliament still governs and sets laws as the parliament of England and Wales.separately.
There is no specific reference to Scotland being governed by two or three parliaments, and two or three sets of statues and legislation of laws. From the parliament of England, the parliament of Great Britain and a devolved parliament sent into the kingdom of Scotland after the ratification period was passed,
Again there is no related informational records in the terms of agreement or in the 25 articles of the treaty of union that state Scotland will have two or three parliament governments passing two or three sets of laws over only over Scotland,
Keeping ever mindful that the Scots were never invited to join the treaty of union, therefore not under the terms and agreement nor under the articles of the treaty of union to be governed by the Crown of England nor the Crown of Scotland.
When the Scottish Crown has been redundant for over three hundred and seventeen years, and England has excepted that Scots are Sovereign under their “Claim of right” and Westminster parliament States officially that the “Scots are not in a treaty of union” with England,
There are very few options left to what Status the Scots and the territorial kingdom of Scotland have held since 1707.
They are Sovereign Scots in their own Country of Scotland, and like it or not have been a private republic Country of Scotland within the old kingdom of Scotland borders since 1707.
Which holds many interesting conundrums, for England as well as Scotland, regards national debt sharing, the right for Scots to hold their own referendums and elections, the return of years of taxation and revenues, the return of our territorial land and sea boundaries, as a nation of people not under the Laws of Great Britain from a treaty they are not in,
It has already been a established precedent (confirmed) year after year to a world wide audience by the parliament of Westminster on their own site for a long period time,
That the “Scots” are not in the treaty of union, given them ( Westminster parliament) ample time to correct that statement if they were to belatedly claim it had been a whole paragraph ” error in printing and posting” that specified historical information on there parliament site.
The former 1st minister ? Former Health Sec ?Former Justice Sec ? Former Transport and Islands ? FormerEurope n International Development ? Former External Affairs ? Former Do yous see a trend???? An attention seeker whose Yousless
The suppression of the people in Scotland from Westminster parliament over Centuries
1) in 1707 by extending the old Westminster parliament Laws of England into Scotland.
2) The Westminster parliament of Great- Britain laws were made for Scotland.
3) The Westminster parliament passed the “Scotland Act” creating another parliament sent into Scotland and enabling it to make a entirely new set of laws just for The people in Scotland.
When you see it you cannot un-see it.
Just living the experiencing of existing here in Scotland under the rules of three different parliaments and all their three sets of laws over the Scottish people should be enough to wake any Person in Scotland from their Slumber,
And research and become enlightened regarding the treaty of union terms, agreement, and articles of the treaty of union to ask how has it come about that Scotland has to follow the sets of Laws from three different parliaments, of which many of those laws still exist today from (each parliament) over Scotland,
It was not a dream.
James Che @9:16 am
“Just living the experiencing of existing here in Scotland under the rules of three different parliaments and all their three sets of laws over the Scottish people should be enough to wake any Person in Scotland from their Slumber”
Ignorance, lethargy and a colonial mindset are probably our biggest stumbling blocks. The peoples understanding of their colonial condition remains rudimentary. The politicians, elites and institutions are easily bought. The colonial hoax continues.
Which suggests we need a new route out of the myre.
Scotland is only ruled by one Parliament called Westminster which created the Scotland Act which both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon signed. This act devolves some powers to the Scottish Devolved administration in Holyrood. This administration has screwed up everything they have touched and I would like all devolved powers returned to Westminster. Gets rid of one of James 3 parliaments.
“Which suggests we need a new route out of the myre.”
Adhering to the theology of the Cathars is the only way out of the myre , Alf.
The renunciation of earthly pleasures and copious amounts of self-flagellation will deliver us true independence.
Why don’t we organise an independence march where we all strip to the waist (Including the women because I’m all for equality between men and women) and whip ourselves with leather straps?
There are two advantages to this plan: one: it saves the English doing it for us and two: 500,000 Scots (turnout will increase due to the half-naked element – we might get a million if go full monty) whipping themselves while marching through the streets in a state of semi-nakedness is a strategy guaranteed to get the attention of the United Nations and the world’s MSM.
I’ll contact AUOB and see what they think of my plan.
Northcode @ 11.55.
Lends a whole new range of interpretation to the phrase, “Having a whip round”.
Northcode @ 11.55.
Perhaps whilst checking in with AUOB you could also contact the Scottish Branch of Opus Dei, Northy. I’m sure they could assist with some pointers on self flagellation and, indeed, may even provide a few volunteers for the march.
I don’t see any abuse Sam. Stating you are quoting from an notorious CIA front organization when you are quoting from a notorious CIA front organization is not abuse, it is a mere statement of fact.
I raised it only as you amusingly like to go around BTL as some sort of authority, correcting people on using links you don’t approve of…. so obviously this was very funny (at least to me).
Personal abuse however would be calling someone a troll or talking about their mental health.
My completely non abusive comment above has been on my only comment mentioning you. But it seems it touched a rather large raw nerve.
Bizarrely you even attempt to DARVO it by accusing me of abusing you while appealing to ‘fellow independence supporter’. That was very crude, but it did give me a laugh.
Very deceptive Sam. And totally over the top. Interesting.
@David Hannah 6:51
It’s complicated though. There’s the “little” matter of the Jenny Side, a real one, visited on the people of U by the R’s in the 1930’s.
When Uncle Joe and Adolf got together to divvy up Eastern Europe between them, then when Adolf blindsided Joe by attacking eastwards, many in U saw the Germans as liberators and enthusiastically joined in delivering payback to the mass murderers of their people.
As we all know, R was on the winning side, and consequently got to write the history books.
One unfortunate side effect is that R’s complicity with Adolf, the non aggression pact, that was a key factor in the start of WW2, is underplayed.
“Germany invaded Poland and the war started” people say. Naw, Germany and R divided Poland between them along pre-agreed lines and the war started. With an ally on his eastern front, Adolf was then free to invade west into Europe.
The mass graves of the Polish intelligentsia were uncovered by the Germans as they moved east. A standard part of the R imperialist playbook to this day, the Germans listed the identities of the Poles systematically exterminated on Joe’s orders, with their usual thoroughness. British intelligence intercepted the lists, but their existence was hushed up. Churchill believed the wave of revulsion and disgust at our being allied with the vile Soviet murderous regime would damage the war effort.
As I said, it’s complicated.
“you could also contact the Scottish Branch of Opus Dei, Northy.”
I used to be a member, Sven – but they threw me out for over-zealous flagellation. Also, I didn’t understand that you were only meant to flagellate yourself.
It was fun while it lasted, though. Rex thought my error was fun too – that guy’s a hoot once you get to know him.
@Northcode 11:55
You’ll need to permit plastic and woven fabric straps, otherwise our vegetarian and vegan comrades will feel hatefully excluded.
You should also investigate what if any Halal considerations apply to the slaughter of animals for the provision of leather goods. Again, you don’t want to be excluding groups or causing unnecessary offence.
Lastly, the elephant in the room. When you write of treating men and women equitably, in your mind’s eye, are you picturing natal sex, or self-identified gender?
I’m thinking it will have to be the former for you to get the turn out you want.
So it’s a great idea, but it needs more work if it is to fly.
Go to it!
Alf Baird,
This is the the out, and a very legal way out,
No need for protests or riots.
The Westminster parliament placed the Scottish parliament under dissolution over three hundred years ago,
If Scotland decided to walk away.
Ask yourself these questions,
Whom would Westminster parliament challenge for Breach of the 1706/07 treaty of union
in any Court today.
The parliament they placed under dissolution 300 years ago?
2) The Scots.
Whom Westminster parliament has clearly state were not asked to join the 1707 treaty of union?
3) The Scottish Crown,
Which has been redundant for over 300 years making Scotland a republic of Scotland?
The Scottish devolved government.
under the (Westminsters own parliament Acts) and the one that Breaches one of the fundamental foundation corner-stones of a article the treaty of union?
“That their will only be one parliament of Great Britain hereafter to be styled the parliament of Great Great Britain,”
There are many people slumbering.
The supreme court does not have jurisdiction or, the Authority over Scots in Scotland [ because Westminster parliament states that the Scots were not invited to vote to join the 1707 treaty of union ]
That would also rule out the Crown prosecution courts in Scotland if the Scots are not in the treaty of union.
I am not suggesting that we do not abide by laws and I am not ever going to encite any one in Scotland to go against the Law,
Although I am suggesting that a serious debate takes place in Scotland amongst the people of Scotland themselves to decide if their “Claim of Right” is still valid, as it was an Act passed in Scotland under Scots Law was it not? it does not need the treaty of union to make it valid.does it?
I am also suggesting that the Scots have a discussion on the “Right to self- determination” by and under international law,
And the debate should be include why the united two parliaments of England and Scotland Westminster parliament of Great Britain still governs separately, and passes acts, statues and legislation solely for England and Wales.
Among the many issues up for discussion in Scotland,
Is Why it is only in the last three to four years Has the Westminster Parliament only recently informed a world audience and indeed SCOTS themselves that they were not in the treaty of union?
Had never been invited to vote to join the the treaty of union as after a debate all those agreeing the terms and negotiating the treaty of union, knew the Scots in all probability would vote No anyway,
However did they continued to deceive the Scots in nothing more than a fallacious Scam or their own benifit.
These are all discussions that need to be held in Scotland amongst the people.of Scotland and Scots should still abide by laws until Scots have had a thorough debate on the first.
If they are not actually actually in a treaty of union Are the a Colonised people under deceit.
And are Scots in a republic or not since 1707 with the Crown of Scotland sitting redundant with no Scottish monarch, for over three hundred years,
what does that mean regards land and Sea borders.
You see Alf, once the Scots start opening a debate and discussion on all the ramifications surrounding their circumstances questions will bring to light the answers of either a Union Country or a Colonised Country.
And that is the route to a a independent Scotland the door we came in, is the legal peaceful one we should look at, to leave by.
” are you picturing natal sex, or self-identified gender?”
All are welcome. The only rule is that participants must strip to the waist; top down, not bottom up.
This is for practical reasons only; in a
thongingthronging crowd an over-the-shoulder self-flagellation action is less likely to catch a neighbouring marcher in the loin area with the tip of one’s thong – safe spacing between marchers is imperative.Opus Dei take this kind of
thongthing very seriously – hence my expulsion from the order.There is no doubt that a great deal of planning is required to ensure the fair representation of all groups and, above all, the safety of participants.
And of course environmental considerations and the humane treatment of animals is of paramount importance, too.
I’ve already contacted representatives of AUOB and they seem very open, if not enthusiastic, to the idea. They’ve already offered to finance the mass production and free distribution of generic gender neutral nipple coverings emblazoned with saltires for those willing to participate.
Alan Austin,
The Westminster parliament of England.
2) The Westminster parliament of Great Britain.
3) the Westminster parliament of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
4) The Westminster parliament of the UK,
5) The Devolved parliament of Scotland,
6) The devolved parliament of Wales.
7) And of Course under the Westminster parliament Acts, The parliament of Northern Ireland.
@Northcode 2:19
It might be a good idea to have pads of consent forms and some portable tattoo parlours positioned along the route of the march.
There’s bound to be a few who will want saltires tattooed on their nipples, boobs and man boobs.
Maybe on their arses too.
Beats me why you’re taking precautions to avoid lashes in the loin area. I can only imagine you’ve never tried it …
Unless … the entire point is that it shouldn’t be enjoyable!
That’s a shame. I was going to suggest provision of St George Cross patches. Enthusiasts could attach one to a favoured part of their anatomy, and thus give their adjacent marchers the precise aiming point for their lashes.
Oh well. Back to taunting the neighbour’s XL Bully I guess. Any day now and it’s going to snap …
Alan Austin.
The Old ( now dissolved ) parliament of Scotland was in a political parliamentary union with only one of the parliament I name Above,
The parliament of England.
That two-parliament treaty of union was placed under (dissolution) when the Westminster parliament of Englands-Great Britain parliament decided to place the old Scottish parliament under dissolution as early on as 1707.
Leaving just one parliament in the treaty of parliamentary union afterwards,
The old parliament of England….. which reversed the situation of ( two parliaments ) in the treaty of
“Scotlands dissolved parliament” does not hold and has ever held or never agreed to a treaty of union with the Great Britain parliament….the parliament of Great Britain and N Ireland…..the Westminster parliament of the UK….the devolved government of Wales…..the devolved government of Scotland….the devolved government of Northern Ireland.
I love the ludicrous, hyperbolic phrase ‘wicked evi?’. Is that as opposed to ‘light-hearted evil’ or ‘insouciant evil with a refreshing minty taste, and no real malice in mind’? Isn’t ALL evil ‘wicked’? Wife,-wears-the-troosers Yousaf may have attended Hutcheson’s Grammar, but they clearly didn’t teach him anything about grammar there, or self-repeating hyperbolic phrases.