The joke isn’t funny any more
Last night we couldn’t help chuckling at this.
Because as someone else on Twitter mocked, what’s actually laughable is the idea that criminals would never engage in any kind of deception in order to commit crimes, and that someone like Peter Tatchell would be so idiotic as to suggest such a thing.
But tonight it’s not even blackly comic.
Because tonight this happened:
The story is here. Adam Graham – now using the name Isla Bryson – didn’t even bother getting a Gender Recognition Certificate. He just raped two women, waited to get caught and put on trial, and THEN announced that he was a woman.
Rather than dismissing his claim and charging him with contempt of court on top of the rapes, the Scottish judicial system said “Oh, okay then, madam” and remanded him into a women’s prison full of some of the most vulnerable women in the country.
(Only 1% of women inmates are imprisoned for violent offences.)
Last month an amendment to the Scottish Government’s recent Gender Recognition Reform bill which would have explicitly forbidden people like Graham from applying to change their sex while on or awaiting trial for rape and other sexual offences was voted down by 64 to 59, by people who ought to be in prison alongside him.
And it’s true you don’t need a GRC to be a rapist. Adam Graham didn’t. But opening them up to anybody who says they want one, with no gatekeeping whatsoever, will enable far more men to get into situations where they can attack women without anyone being able to challenge them.
And the really revolting thing about Tatchell’s tweet is that while we know men WILL go to the most extraordinary lengths to get access to women and children to rape them, the GRR doesn’t even require them to “dress like a woman” (whatever that actually means anyway).
The bill is quite explicit that the concept of “living as a woman” doesn’t mean anything specific. The Scottish Government has stated that living as a woman “would not require the person to dress, look or behave in any particular way”.
Peter Tatchell could fill out a GRC application and walk around for the next three months looking exactly like Peter Tatchell and it would have no impact on the granting of the certificate. He could grow a beard and get giant anchors tattooed on his biceps if he wanted.
The Scottish Government already doesn’t care about women. But the GRR would simply erase them even as a theoretical concept, unable to be meaningfully defined. And no matter how increasingly farcical the situation gets, we’re finding it harder and harder to laugh.
How can anyone think that this is a good thing….
And there is nothing we can do that makes any difference.
If the MSM and especially the BBC actually did their job of informing and educating the public then I don’t think the Scottish MSPs would be able to get away with this.
Nor the police, the Prison Service etc etc etc.
Or is there something? As I asked the other day, can a civil case be brought against the Prison Service? Any lawyers reading this, please advise.
They have sown a whirlwind.
I have never met so many people furious with the nuSNP.
Hell mend them. I have no sympathy with any of the nuSNP cowards. They all deserve to be thrown off the gravybus.
I’ve lost the will to live…….
The Lunatics have taken over the asylum…
Excellent as ever; there is a strong argument for the tattoo that the Learned Editor so amusingly suggests
The expression ‘Licensed Lunatic Asylum’ becomes increasingly apposite
This is exactly why I continue to support your efforts Stu.
This outrageous man out to be in a man’s prison and stand trial for rape.
I hope soon those Green and SNP politicians see the light of day and ch age their views.
If not then folks let’s call them out across social media and vote them out in 2024 and 2026.
I dont even recognise the party I once loved , fought for and defended.
Human rights violations in Scotland.
The people should have a right to sack Sturgeon and her Lord Advocate.
The Bute House resign Sturgeon protests tomorrow have never been more jusitified.
I wonder if it was the trans Scottish barrister that sent him to the female estate.
Policy capture at its worst. Alongside the video of the school pupil expelled for saying there’s only 2 genders. Holyrood applauding the violent males, and posing with decapitate terfs banners.
Resign Sturgeon what a week its been for you. You’re lucky Scotland isn’t talking about your ScotWind billion pound give away on our renewables energy future. King Charles here to collect his riches.
They say he is going into segregation. Why cant he go to segregation in a male prison then ?
Stu, you’re on fire here! So much so that I’ve just increased my monthly donation. To say thank you.
It’s just all so frightening now ,I’m so glad I’m not a young female these days and I will do all I can to fight against this madness
Fu*k me sideways, this is getting beyond any pale…sturgeon you fkn clown, what are you on, you ("Tractor" - Ed)! As for that thing, want into a women’s prison, get the machete out, chop it off, can’t rape without the dangly bit can you! FFS!
I heard about it on the radio. The BBC said something along the lines of, transwoman found guilty of raping two women.
If you want to talk about obfuscation this is a fine example. Who has committed rape, a man or a woman? A “transwoman” what is a transwoman? You can imagine the casual listener being quite confused about it. And if “transwoman” is code for “man”, then just say “man”. If you must add the qualifier saying that “man currently transitioning to change gender”, but that seems irrelevant information.
They could jail me but I still would not refer to a rapist as a ‘woman’. I’d probably end up alongside this piece of excrement, but nothing would ever make me call this woman-hater a ‘woman’. I cannot express my contempt for women who collude in this stuff. It is no good just wringing our hands, women need to collaborate to punish the politicians who enable this. We need to use our votes to get back at them in a constructive way. When they stand again, campaign against their selection, highlighting what they have done to enable rapists and sex offenders to get off lightly.
Use our votes wisely, judiciously, tactically and strategically, and continue to highlight the sexual perversions behind ‘trans’ identity. Don’t give an inch because, if we start to feel sorry for some of them, the rest will take advantage. No biological men in female spaces, services, sex-specific jobs, sports, et al. None. They will probably try to go on using our toilets, so we need to campaign for third spaces, not disabled spaces, either, or ones for families, but third spaces specifically for gender non-conforming of both sexes. The 2004 GRA needs to be repealed, too, and the 2010 EA strengthened for biological sex. If they refuse, the politicians, we withdraw our votes. They have brought this down on us and they will pay. A day of reckoning is coming.
The Scotsman is reporting that hate crimes against ‘trans’ people are on the rise. Perhaps we might be permitted to know what these ‘hate crimes’ comprise – or is it a secret that we need a FoI for winkle out? Looking askance at someone should not be a hate crime but many, I suspect, are along these lines. Ignore the bleating, ladies, and concentrate on the paraphilias. Those are their Achilles Heel. No mercy. They showed absolutely none to us, and nor did their enablers, the politicians. They would happily have taken every last space and right, sport and service, jobs and aspect of healthcare from us, and will yet, if we are not extra vigilant.
As he’s so keen for all the surgery he can have from the NHS a good start would be with his male bits first. And as a cost saving measure I’m sure his victims would volunteer to perform the operation. Rusty shears could be found to aid the process.
I wonder how long his drag act would continue if emasculation was a condition of his access to a women’s prison?
Does anyone know which statistics his crimes will be recorded as (m or f)?
Sigh. What a horrendous can of worms the Scottish government has opened. This cannot end well. It really cannot. It’s only a matter of time before something awful happens (and then all those “brave” vocal politicians will be diving for cover). The silence will certainly be deafening. It takes real bravery for a politician to hold up their hands and admit they got it wrong (badly wrong). Will those responsible for this mess care to show some real courage, step forward and admit their mistake? Or is it a case of denial, doubling down in the hope that something happens and they can blame everything on someone else? No need to answer.
What about Albert Costello who is serving time for rape and has just changed his name to Claire and asked for a transfer from HMP Edinburgh to a womans prison.
He also demanded lipstick and make up. Fancy that!!
In one of the pictures, ‘she’ seems to be smuggling a budgie into prison.
Even if you assume that this lunacy is the product of ‘good intentions’, that have inadvertently ‘paved the road to hell’, the destination is still hell.
How the fuck can anyone of sound mind put this guy, this guy above, into a woman’s prison, after what he has just allegedly done, and this is just the times he got caught for it.
You’d have to be off your head right? Insane.
That is what evil is, insanity. Convincing yourself you need to cut bits off yourself to make yourself whole, that it is ok to despoil children for your own pleasure, to hurt people because they don’t agree with your opinions, to put stone-cold piss-taking male rapists into a prison full of women where they literally have no means of escape.
It is like a sick joke but then you realize this is not a joke, these woke nutcases are actually doing this.
Look at the guy, with his cheap wig to disguise the face-tats and the fun sized mars bars on display… He is mocking women.
It really is disgusting and repellant to the mind, to basic common sense, to any sense of intelligence. What is that if not evil.
Are the men’s prisons going to end up empty?
Another badge/tee shirt idea.
‘Make ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’
Fiction again.’
If Secretary of state blocked the bill, why did the civil servants involved ignore it – high profile media attention it has been given implies that even if unsackables at the sharp end somehow managed to orchestrate this for shits and giggles, whoever took Leslie Evans job (and their boss) can have no such excuse.
Bob Mack says:
24 January, 2023 at 7:11 pm
They say he is going into segregation. Why cant he go to segregation in a male prison then?
Exactly! they can set up Trans wings in male prisons, lets face it, there’s going to be loads of perverts claiming trans status, the gates to Hell are wide open
“They say he is going into segregation. Why can’t he go to segregation in a male prison then?”
Good question, Bob Mack. After all, The British Brainwashing Corporation in particular relentlessly pushes the “inclusion” and “diversity” shibboleths, often with risibly contrived results, at every opportunity in its output.
It’s all designed to cause social friction with a divide and rule intention behind it, of course, so we focus on all manner of social lunacies while the plutocrats get on with tightening their grip on us while at the same time subverting the democratic system by compromising or bribing the political class.
Thanks, Messrs Campbell and Linehan, for exposing this disgusting and depressing stuff over the last 24 hours or so. At least the strength of feeling and awareness displayed here btl has made me feel there is some hope of fighting this utterly mad crapola.
There is no accountability for people in power in Scotland.
What can and should the “plebs” do?
If Scots really are “sovereign” there has to be something they can do.
Oh Andrea you are not keeping up!
A ‘woman’ raped two women with ‘her penis.
link to
From the SRU..
“Scottish Rugby’s updated policy means contact rugby for players in the women’s category is limited to those whose sex was recorded as female at birth. The policy does not apply to non-contact forms of the game, such as Tartan Touch.”
With this travesty and other recent events playing out, is it safe to say that it is now too late for any remaining “Indy” politician to cross to Alba or step away from their Party whip and become an independent and retain any degree of credibility over and above their own political self-preservation.
Alert readers have seen this inevitable conclusion from all this fuckwittery coming for years. That those we elect couldn’t see this or have willingly facilitated this to occur pretty much highlights that they are more of a hindrance than a benefit to the cause of returning Scotland to self-governing status.
Get this story spread far and wide, folks. Put it on your facebook and show it to your friends. Talk about it to your colleagues at work. Tell your family.
People are horrified, they’re finally waking up to the insanity of gender ideology.
IMHO, what all this proves is Sturgeon is a highly compromised pervert who would be exposed the moment she stopped following the perverts’ agenda as she she has been ordered to do.
The only way to end all this is to start exposing her.
There was much talk about an incident in a hotel and with someone from the French embassy.
It is long overdue for all that to be made public.
Can’t the women in the prison complain to the Human Rights Commissioner at the Council of Europe?
Sturgeon going to a Burns supper. I doubt “A man’s a man for a’ that” will be allowed on the programme…
Game, set and match!
yes, my bad. I’ll go and re-educate myself. Thank you for showing me the light (or was it her penis…)
But Johnathon (I’m a real woman with a cervix and everything) Willoughby told us that this would never happen
Indefensible evil. The SNP is so loathesome now.
It’s looking increasingly likely that gaining Scottish Independence will have to be taken completely out of the hands and influence of any politicians. Sleaze corruption and assorted blackmail seems to be their MO
People power is the way forward.SALVO will be the way.
We need to get on the steets.
WTAF is wrong with these people?
Those MSPs who voted for that legislation and specifically voted against the amendment which might have given women some protection did so exultingly as if they wanted to really stick it to women by coming up with what they knew was the absolutely most unjust form of the bill they could bring in.
Their motivation has to be questioned. They could have given trans activists what they wanted but at least have reserved some protection for women from sex offenders by supporting that amendment. Willingly they gave up any idea of safeguarding. I don’t believe for one second that they didn’t know what they were doing. They were acting in bad faith, knowingly, against the safety of women and children.
These people are a disgrace but could only do what they have done, with the idea that in some way, they were pleasing power. Those pathetic scraps of humanity they applauded so sycophantically could not summon up their support unless behind them is something else more powerful than they.
I’m sure many of those MSPs actually did it joyfully with the extra kick it gave them to exercise their power in a way that was positively harmful. Their behaviour has to be made known to the public most of whom don’t even know what is coming. Stuart Campbell is right; in a just world they would be serving time themselves for the harm they have enabled but we know that won’t happen.
mac @7:30
“after what he has allegedly done”
Quite – its FFS Scotland after all and whilst the linked article provide some pieces for the jigsaw with reference to a bit more than sleepy cuddles and hair ruffling, the report that BAIL was revoked (pending sentencing on 28 February, when it can doubtless be spun into front pages for the defacto Spring conference) FOLLOWING CONVICTION looks rather suspicious too.
The SG and Committee must have known this case was concluding in January.
Is this why the GRR was rushed through in December?
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Just because impeachment doesn’t resonate with people, (Yes, I know there’s no codified protocol for doing it), doesn’t mean we don’t have a way out of this.
If the Devolved Holyrood Assembly was to be impeached by a Convention of the Estates invoking the Claim of Right, Holyrood’s authority to do anything would, by law, become disputed and highly contentious, and the UK would have an immediate and existential Constitutional crisis on it’s hands.
The power and authority underwriting a Scottish Convention of the Estates does NOT come from Westminster, but instead, it is a covenant between the Community of the Realm, in other words the people, and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Scotland.
Far from Westminster demanding the Nation of Scotland abides by the colonial 1998 Scotland Act, the Nation of Scotland can demand that Westminster abides by the Claim of Right, and if a Convention of the Estates declares Holyrood is impeached, impeached it lawfully remains.
With no colonial Scotland Act in force, there is no longer any roll of First Minister thus codified by the Scotland Act.
Be warned too… Wishart, the bellend bellwether, is already pushing hard for an Independence Convention, but you can remortgage the house and bet the lot that Wishart isn’t talking about a Convention of the Estates, but the typical “both votes SNP” echo chamber, where the guest list doesn’t include any awkward, “undesirable” Independence supporters like you and me.
All this “shite” threatening to swamp our Nation, even Sturgeon’s Pervert’s Charter, is all of it “UK Government” that is codified by Westminster’s unwritten conventions together with the colonial 1998 Scotland Act. It is a great big pig in the tiniest wee poke, and we really should have known better.
Scotland’s sovereign constitution gives us, the Scottish people, the Right and the Power, to sweep away ALL of this unconstitutional and invasive dogs breakfast, every treacherous and duplicitous word of it, and in it’s place resurrect the Auld Sovereign constitution of Scotland.
That needn’t mean a hasty or panicked Independence and dissolved Treaty of Union thrust upon us before we’re properly ready. The UK informed Brussels it was leaving the EU via Article 50 notification, but took two years to make it happen. We have a serviceable template to follow, which can be turned into an effective strategy.
Holyrood isn’t our Parliament, it is theirs. That alone is reason enough to impeach it.
We are NOT powerless to do anything. That simply isn’t true. We “are” the Scottish people, and we have the Sovereign Constitution. All we lack are the instruments and mechanisms which once connected the two together. A Convention of the Estates IS such a connecting mechanism which with luck, will soon be restored.
Get signed up to SALVO and Liberation.Scot
Get signed up in your thousands, hundreds of thousands… Look upon it as your “x” on an Indy ballot. We HAVE a viable exit strategy but it needs the weight public opinion backing it.
NOW on the front page of the daily mail!,! Traction at last.
The Emperor is oot in the scud! If he has a cock or had a cock he is a fucking man. Sorry for the foul language folks but the lunatics have taken over. I am deeply embarrassed that I was ever a member of the SNP and have helped enable the Murrels to carry out these these crimes against the Scottish population. We must be a laughing stock within the international community.
P.S anybody seen Peter?
Yip the rapist Adam Graham is going into a woman’s prison with all his dangly bits intact the same dangly bits that he used to rape with, the women prisoners don’t stand a chance.
This is Sturgeon/ Harvie and the MSPs that voted for the unamended GRRB progressive Scotland, where women and children fear using public women and children’s spaces because men pretending to be women can enter them and commit heinous crimes against them, and try to get away with them, and by pretending to be living as a woman to access women’s prisons, and if REAL women speak out about this they are met with banners calling for their heads to be chopped off.
Banners that Scottish MSPs and MP had their photos taken with in the background whilst smiling.
We need to get the SNP and the Greens out of office, along with other MSPs who voted for this assault on women and children. Removing them from office is the only way to protect the women folk and the children in your families.
Vote Alba, Join Alba, protect the REAL women and the children of Scotland.
It was under Alex Salmond’s governance of the SNP Scot Govt in 2014 that “equality reforms” were made, such as the legalising of homosexual marriage and the introduction of the Scottish Prison Service’s Gender Identity and Gender Reassignment policy which enabled transgender prisoners who identify as women to be placed in women’s prisons.
And similar policies have also been introduced in England by the UK Government.
matt 7.24am
I believe in answer to a question in Holyrood, Hamza Yousaf admitted that crimes by transwomen were already being recorded in statistics as female crimes. (Someone might correct me.)
Holyrood is a crime scene. Sturgeon, chief of the SNPerverts, rapists, nonses and violent women hating males.
Deliver Nicola’s P45 tomorrow. Save Scotland. Protest against her leadership. She has to go.
I can’t believe the attitude of some “normal” people on twitter who are angry at Stu for his reporting of this issue. Do they really believe it isn’t happening ar are we just supposed to shut up because it’s the SNP and they can do no wrong. Madness
@colin Alexander,
You forgot to mention it still protected womens and girls spaces.
Peter Tatchell of course knowing nothing about Scottish politics, ie that the “supporting” NGOs he list all get scotgovt funding. KEEP UP!
Nothing else for it.
Frankly, my only hope at this point is that the political women who have fought for this end up in jail with this guy.
There is only one way to respond to the SNP filth and that is to vote them out and i never thought in a million years i would ever hold that view.
Just a reminder that GRRB has not been enacted. It is not Law. The SNP are walking around with a blank piece of paper wondering how to deal with Jack’s S35. They really were caught napping.
The worrying thing for me in this debacle is what the judge said pre-conviction
“If you accept that evidence, that [the defendant] is transitioning, that she is aiming to continue on that path to becoming female gender, that goes a long way to acquitting her of these charges.”
link to
We know why Sturgeon and the rest of deviant SNP MP’s greens etc want rid of us jurors don’t we!
This twat would have dismissed the case.
Stu is only giving us the tip of the iceberg. I recall a “guy” who was sacked from a job in Carstairs Hospital after they discovered he was a woman in a past existence
They found out after a week that he was actually the girlfriend of ( wait for it) Peter Sutcliffe the Yorkshire Ripper and visited him in Broadmoor. He had changed post break up with Sutcliffe.
It is everywhere.
What if someone like Sutcliffe suddenly went trans?
@ Bob Mack
Since 2014 males who self-identified as female could be housed in women’s prisons in Scotland.
And that reform was introduced when Alex Salmond was still FM.
You are welcome to enlighten me and other readers as to how that reform protected women prisoners’ safe spaces.
@Colin Alexander,
Under the 2010 Act a trans person had to live in a specific gender for two years to be recognised, They were thereafter assessed for their GRC by a panel. The law made provision for spdcial cases and acknowledged there may require be segregation in some instances though full integration was the ultimate aim should there be legal requirement
SGP’s latest shows a screenshot of a Wings tweet on 22 Dec where the Rev says he’s going to vote Tory if the UKG steps in to kybosh the GRRB.
If that’s genuine and true…
You’re a fucking idiot. You need to put a leash on your stupid mouth. You’ve given licence to everyone that isn’t a congenital cunt to write off everything you say, just so you can have a flounce and indulge some inner fucking diva.
If you ever vote Tory under any circumstances, you’re lost. WTF are you thinking? Sit on your hands and shut the fuck up occasionally. You’ve forgotten yourself and properly shat the bed there.
Stu The Tory
Tory Over Scotland
Wings Over Toryland
Etc., etc., etc…
Fucking eejit
@Colin Alexander 10:12pm
True but it is still not law. Corporate Prison Policy. And the FM said last week that these matters were delegated to the Prison Service. Ah..subject to public pressure then. So a Public campaign on intact males going to intact males Prison. I am sure we can manage that. An intact male has no legal right to enter a women’s prison. Apply for a Board position overseeing Prison Policy. Write letters and so on. Make it difficult for them. Don’t tolerate being separated from biological reality.
@Colin Alexander,
Besides, if what you claim is true the Sturgeon would have had no need to change anything. Would she?
@Jesus H Cunt,
That you Pete ?. A ha ha ha.
Personally i’d vote for anyone bar the SNP again. That’s just me
I wonder how many women and girls would vote for the Taliban right now? They seem to think it is all right to keep women downtrodden as well.
What do you think Jesus H (whatever)?
Who would you suggest he votes for?
The root cause of all problems is the 2004 Gender Recognition Act.
As long as you have men changing sex there will be no ‘women only spaces’
The whole thing is utter madness.
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And this from Rhona Hotchkiss is linked too from ^^^ link.
Might this jailing clash with UK Equality law.
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@Bob Mack
Then you’re just as big a fool.
You’ve put yourself beyond any use to anyone bar Tories and unionists who despise you.
Wings might as well piss into the wind as hope anything else he writes makes a mark.
What’s the thinking anyway? I think independence might be fucked – so I’ll make sure?
You’ve no fucking idea how many cunts’ Christmases you’ve just made, have you?
@Jesus H,
Stu lives in Bath!! No indy party branch there I believe.
His vote either way does not affect Indy, but I think you know that already.
@Bob Mack. The self Id was introduced into prisons 9 years ago but only affected mainly poor, underclass women. So, men and women who are the decision makers, predominantly middle class and upwards gave little thought to these women’s safety or dignity. I think it’s true to say the Trans rights lobby had / has the greater influence on SNp and other Scot Parliament MSPs than safety of women, especially working class women. The same is true now.
@Jesus H,
I have many unionist friends and neighbours and family who do not “despise” me. That is all in your head. They may not want
Indy, but thats as far as it goes.
You sound full of anger and resentment because Stu is highlighting a problem women will have to endure if the SNP have their way. You might not have too, but that does not make it all right.
Mr Cunt is making a total cunt of himself. 🙂
I don’t think Mr Cunt knows that Stu lives in Bath. Which is quite amazing!
Down there is Bath he only has a choice of Tories.
Red ones, blue ones or yellow ones.
I would bet that if ‘The Other Party’ stands in Bath he will vote for them.
@Colin Alexander,
I think your point has been well answered by several contributors. You do not seem able to grasp it however.
Hey Jesus, I’m not convinced your interaction style entirely fits in with the SNP’s code of conduct for Indy campaigning…
I’m oldskool me, and used to use the straightforward, honest, and simple campaigning concept that Scots could be much better served if we returned to being independent as we wouldn’t have to continue enduring policies we don’t want foisted on us by governments in London that we didn’t vote for.
But it makes it a far more difficult a sell to convince oor electorate that Scotland can do things better by returning to self-governing status when we end up getting policies foisted on us we don’t want, by a government we did vote for!
You just end up looking like a sleekit snake oil salesperson trying to sell a lot of the horseshit emanating from Holyrood these days.
And it’s rather hypocritical the Scottish
GovernmentAdministration of Devolved Powers complaining about Westminster’s undemocratic intervention with regard to the GRRB, when the majority of Scots don’t support the bill. Read the room!Looking at the maroon trousers I reckon she intends to be the bird woman of Alcatraz. Westminster needs to stop this farce now. Close Sturgeon’s student debating chamber down. Start again.
@Colin Alexander 11:42pm
Read Dan’s link crimeandjustice. There is no legal right of an intact male accessing female prisons. It’s a Corporate Policy and not Law. So we as the great Scottish Public are in control of that outcome. The GRRB is not law in Scotland. We don’t have to tolerate men in women’s safe spaces. The reason why the Scot Gov is waving a blank piece of paper is that their misogyny has failed. Let’s protect our women.
Middle class women do go to prison as well you know for a variety of offences. Some upper class too. Ghilaisne Maxwell among others.
Mr Cunt is making a total cunt of himself. 🙂
I don’t think Mr Cunt knows that Stu lives in Bath. Which is quite amazing!
Down there in Bath he only has a choice of Tories.
Red ones, blue ones or yellow ones.
I would bet that if ‘The Other Party’ stands in Bath he will vote for them.
Sometimes I fear Scotland is a waking nightmare, a kind of Lanarkian Unthank dystopia of the decaying and the deformed, scurrying between mouldering buildings in the pitiless cold and rain of an endless night. Strange and bizarre happenings, bathed in the sickly Irn Bru carnival-light of humming streetlamps.
I really hope there’s a Bobbit in the ladies prison. Really, really hope so.
If this guy has committed rape then he should be jailed as a man. No ifs, no buts. He was a man when he did it.
As to the way he dresses now well that’s his issue. No doubt he be ” popular” in a male prison. Someone might even remove his you know what’s for him too whilst in the male prison. A not to sharp implement could soon scrape or hack em off.
Argh the thoughts horrible but so are rapists.
Independence must be completely off the table now until we return to being a disciplined, well educated, respectful, intelligent, common sense nation where the tiny minority of eccentric, zany, quirky non-conformists, are tolerated, respected, found amusing, but given no special place or priority or privilege or advantage within our society. That is normal.
… And on every street corner there’s a transwoman whore, winking and waggling ‘her’ cock at you…
“Fiver for a quickly!”, She croaks as her pancake slap on runs in the rain, revealing the stubble on her chin.
“A fiver for a quick WHAT?!?”, you ask in horror.
She belches Buckfast fumes at you and bends over.
You run screaming into the drizzle and the darkness of the endless night..
Is that Peter “gave them Great joy” Tatchell that wrote a chapter for the book betrayal of youth BOY for short, a book for/by the paedophile network group PIE.
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That guy has history for saying outrageous things.
Graham linehan said once, don’t quote me, Every time Tatchell mentions schools a member of PIE gets a ghost boner.
Like writing a chapter for a paedos book I think Tatchell gets things very very wrong here and has some weird and worrying opinions.
Who would ever have thought that the words of American TV evangelist Pat Robertson in 1999 would come to pass.
“Scotland is a dark place, controlled by homosexuals ”
Oh! how we laughed in disbelief. Aye well, we’re no laughin noo.
@Red 12:27pm and Roger 1:45pm
Is this how far AI has advanced. Two opening paragraphs of a novel. One overly romantic and another overly pornagraphic. It’s entertaining but it is not real and is not lived experience and is not relative to the Scottish experience. We have had a GRRB rejected by the Secretary of Scotland. Its a big issue in Scotland. The protection of women’s rights. Neither of you mentioned that.
For a while I thought the SNP could be saved with a clear out of the leadership and a significant redo. Now? They’re done. All the drones have lined up behind this sick party line – well almost all – and there’s not enough integrity left in that party to rescue.
They’re done. There’s nothing worth saving there anymore.
If you don’t like our literary efforts, write something better – should be easy for you, you not being ‘AI’ and all..
Emailed Fergus Ewing yesterday about the GRRB and he says he will continue to fight against the Bill. I guess that’s one apple not yet rotten in the barrel
Oh be Jesus. Can it get any creepier ?
Fucking girlhood wtaf. Talking like a child. This is so wrong.
That TikTok site is fucking depraved. That’s where most of these deviants hang out.
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Mosstrooper at 0224am,
Utter sh*te. The gay rights movement has been hijacked by these ‘trans’ creeps. ‘trans’ has sweet f all to do with being gay.
btw, did you mean THIS Pat Robertson??
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Nice try, bigot.
SusanAHF says:
25 January, 2023 at 4:49 am
Emailed Fergus Ewing yesterday about the GRRB and he says he will continue to fight against the Bill. I guess that’s one apple not yet rotten in the barrel…
Lucky you Susan, I waited over three years trying to get a reply out of that “minister”, then I stopped waiting. My advice for finding a good apple would be to keep dookin’….
It will turn out a Deviants charter
When they come out with the claim that hate crimes against trans folks are on the increase, I have yet to hear anyone asking for examples. The thought of that creep being in a women’s prison makes me weep.
Patsy Millar , was it not that daft Green MSP who is advocating children of eight should be allowed to transition ? I’m sure she is not a mother just something else beginning with mother in American slang.
Hate crimes against “trans” people? Yeah, things like looking askance at a man using the women’s toilets or saying TWANW or ” misgendering. As opposed to ” kill TERFs” and ” decapitate TERFs” which are just ” jokes” I hope there is a real backlash against ” trans” people, unfortunately I think the LGB will be caught up in it too.
Patsy Millar
Official figures here
link to
The number of charges reported with a sexual orientation aggravation increased by 10% in 2021-22 to 1,781, continuing the upward trend of the last ten years.
The number of disability aggravated charges increased by 44% to 666 in 2021-22, also continuing the upward trend of the last ten years.
There were 512 charges with a religious aggravation reported in 2021-22, 16% fewer than in 2020-21. This is the lowest number of charges containing a religious element since 2004-05, when 479 charges were reported.
There were 84 charges reported in 2021-22 with an aggravation of transgender identity. This compares to 45 in 2020-21, an increase of 87%. This is the highest number of such charges reported since the legislation introducing this aggravation came into force in 2010.
I would assume most of the 84 were for poor sods getting charged or whatever for saying on twitter or sumit
“Women don’t have penises “
Surely he was a man when he committed the crime?
“Surely he was a man when he committed the crime?”
Yes, and he still is a man.
The costs of having this full-bore rapist in a woman’s prison must be astronomical, as it must be for any rapist or sexual predator.
Because how could they let him roam about like the other prisoners unsupervised? Or share a cell? or do anything with the other inmates unsupervised where he could potentially attack one of them.
If he did rape a woman in prison the litigation against the prison authorities would I think cost them potentially millions for every instance it occurrs.
It is so negligent, so reckless, putting a rapist into a woman’s prison… what jury would not award massive damages. I would. Because what they are doing is so obviously highly dangerous.
So they must have prison guards near enough personally assigned to escorting the beasts every where they go, because they can’t risk it that he reverts to his beast ways at any opportunity.
It will just take one incident and they will take them to the cleaners through the courts and rightly so.
I can hear the lawyers already…
“These women and their safety were sacrificed on the alter of a political ideology…”.
And who could honestly argue otherwise.
Just to let you know that I have been posting some of your blog material on FB and forwarding it to Nicola worshipper’ hasn’t made much of a impact they are brain washed. Keep up the good work , but I’m not sure if the brain washed can be saved.
robbo says:
25 January, 2023 at 6:26 am
Oh be Jesus. Can it get any creepier ?
Fucking girlhood wtaf. Talking like a child. This is so wrong.
That TikTok site is fucking depraved. That’s where most of these deviants hang out…
It’s through the looking glass stuff. Once upon a time, no politician in their right mind wound have anything to do with this crap. They’d run a mile in the opposite direction.
We are currently “enduring” a society where it seems every taboo MUST be broken, with even pedophilia, the sexual abuse of kids, is demanding legitimacy. It’s fucking obscene. Our fkg kids are not safe. We are watching the proverbial can of worms exiting the proverbial Pandora’s box, and we see insanity on every horizon.
Come WW3, look to find me bobbing about mid Atlantic, because all of this shit is toxic and absurd, and I want to get as far away as I can from all of this madness.
People are not seeing the danger here. When we think Western values are circling the toilet, when we think our Politicians are feckless and corrupt liars, when we think our News media is nothing but a conduit for deluded propaganda, quite seriously, take a minute to sit down and ask yourself, if that’s what we think, what opinion of the West do our “enemies” have?
A wee scenario for you to contemplate; set aside your prejudices a moment, because what the Ruskis did in Dom B and Lu has comparable legitimacy to what NATO did in Kosovo. Whether you accept it or not, the point is it gives the Ruskis grounds for at least claiming precedent and legitimacy.
Nobody disputes the CIA were up to all kinds of clandestine interference in Yookraine, the CIA admits it, and that it was the USA who installed a vehemently anti Ruskian government. Arguing about this doesn’t matter.
The Ruskians are ENTIRELY satisfied they are the good guys in this cluster-bourach, and that they doing the right thing. They were sincere about the Minsk Agreements, where Europeans were not. Even if you don’t agree, they don’t care you don’t agree, such is their conviction.
They are told they’re fighting Nazi’s, and they see one load of captured prisoners after another bedecked with Nazi tattoos and allegiance pledged to Bandera. (Look it up).
They’re told it’s NATO stoking this conflict, and time and again, US, UK, Australian, Canadian, Polish, mercenaries, Yes mercenaries who are not soldiers, are turning up among the dead.
They’re told the Western values are corrupt and depraved, and they see stories such as those from Scotland where male rapists dressing up in frocks and being sent into women’s prisons and the lunatic “government” will not hear of safeguards to prevent the beasts and perverts ripping the piss out the system.
They’re told our politicians cannot be trusted, as our politicians scam billions in under the table deals, and treat coloured immigrants, typically Muslim, like dogs who can be sent to Rwanda. Western morals and ethics? You’re having a larff.
They’re told our Media is rotten to the core, which it is, but they can watch our media, (which IS corrupt and rotten to the core), whereas as we’re not allowed even moderate “exposure” to their media. Oh no, that’s verboten.
They know even Royalty is compromised by racism, pedophilia abusing their position to get underage sex, and now merrily admitting to killing at least 29 Muslims. Charles the adulterer doesn’t exactly calm concerns, especially turning up in Saudi Arabia with suitcases full of dirty money. I wonder if he brought them COVID too…
Now here’s a wee thing… While we’re busying ourselves sending billions in aid, rockets and tanks to a War zone where we’re not an official combatant, we don’t qualify as a neutral. We are giving the Ruskians the Right to interdict the supply of weapons beings used to kill their troops, and interdict at source if necessary.
Do you understand what that means? We have already given the Ruskians “adequate” provocation to war, and they can interdict strikes against our ports, railways and airports, plus factories making the stuff, because these are all lawful targets.
IF the Ruskians were to hit a railroad in Poland or Germany, that NATO state would very likely invoke Article 5, and ALL NATO countries would automatically be at war.
Do you understand the hair trigger that stands between us and WW3? Without taking sides, can we just stop a minute and realise what is at stake if Put’n grew tired of self restraint? Because do some research, and you will find a pile of Ruskian, Middle Eastern, Chinese and Muslim leaders and influencers who do not have Put’ns self restraint.
Of course, that’s not the whole story, because it’s not just Put’ns restraint we have averting catastrophe, there is of course, the inevitable retaliation that would follow.
I’m telling you folks, the West really, really, REALLY needs to wise the fk up, get all these dingers and thunderdunces OUT of their positions of authority, get these Corporate Monsters who pull all the strings broken up, on a leash, and compartmentalised to be separate and isolated from Government, and start putting sensible, rational, intelligent people back in control, together with a reasonable, diligent and fundamentally HONEST news-media doing the job it’s meant to do.
There’s a bottom line here… for as long as there is a Ruskia, they will not be defeated on their border defending the National Citizens. Just study the history ffs…
“Victory” for the AFU / NATO means expelling the Ruskis from D&L, and Crimea. They’ve said so.
IF the Ruski’s “win”, this war gives way to stalemate, cease fire, animosity, and tension, a redrawn and disputed border, but the killing will grind to a halt, and nobody dies in a nuclear Armageddon.
For the West to “win” will require doing to the Ruskians what Napoleon, Hitler, Victoria, the Ottomans, and Japanese Empire could not. It’s not impossible to subdue and flatten the Ruskians, but it is hellish difficult to stop them getting back up and taking their revenge.
The West has lost it’s way, and a significant proportion of it’s reason. I’m sorry, but it has. Scotland needs to decide whether it can stand up and be strong and respected for having the courage to do what is right, or to disappear down the drain as it’s swept away with this stinking and immoral Western dystopia.
Dystopia isn’t where we are heading, we are are already there.
What will it take to dispose of this deviant régime?

Breeks @ 7:16
Ewing is too busy smoothing the planning path for his building firm buddies to reply to anyone….except if a bandwagon passes by.
Look no further than this
link to
for «expert» justification for the existential/rational quicksand we have been led into.
«trust me, I’m an expert in this discipline»
Breeks @9:36
Usually one to agree with your BTL comments, but absolutely not on this occasion. However, this is not the place for discussion on that subject and I’m sure there are other places where that can take place. Here, the Rev brings to light the shit going on in our country and discussion follows thereafter. You want to talk about shit going on in other countries, feel free to talk about it at length, but not here. If I want to discuss rights and wrongs of UvR I can find places to do so, but here is where I come to discuss Scotland. I’m sure others share that view. I look forward to your continued contributions on topic.
It is a measure of how ridiculous and insane it is, i.e. this policy of putting male rapists into female prisons solely on the basis that they claim to be a woman (something in itself utterly preposterous), that the only comparable example I can think of, that is genuinely comparable, would be if the SNPG allowed paedophiles to ‘age identify’ as children and then started putting some of them into orphanages.
That sounds mad right, too far. But really is identifying as a different age any less absurd, any less based in reality, than identifying as a different sex?
Is putting male rapists into female prisons that much different to putting paedophiles into orphanages? In both cases the abuser is much more physically strong than their victims, in both cases it gives the abuser ample access and opportunity and the victims far reduced means of escape.
It was not that long ago that both examples, i.e. putting male rapists into female prisons, or putting paedophiles into orphanages would have been seen as equally insane, as equally unlikely.
Ireland I understand had a rule that if you were guilty of a sex crime against women you could not claim to be one to get a transfer to a woman’s prison.
Our disgraceful MSPs explicitly rejected that ‘one strike and you are out’ rule, they went out of their ways to reject that basic common sense safeguard.
So you tell us Alex Cole-Hamilton, was that ‘for Beth’ the serial abuser as well?
On Radio 4 this morning Joanna Cherry made some telling points in regard to the GRRA. Maybe the most important was when the interviewer asserted that the UK Government’s intervention in the matter had been the only way to stop the Scottish parliament’s bill after Holyrood passed it. Joanna immediately contradicted her: that is not correct, she said, because if the bill gets royal assent there is then another way to overturn it, namely through ‘judicial review’. Scots themselves – by which I think she means the general Scottish public – can stop it by requesting such a review and, she added, significantly, we might well see that happening. It sounds like something might happen. On this one Joanna Cherry may indeed have a ‘Plan B’ – and not alone, but in conjunction with others not yet known.
The interviewer was obviously trying to embarrass her, and ‘catch’ Cherry in an ant-nationalist double bind: trapping her into admitting that Scotland needs the protection which the UK Government gives it. Joanna was of course fit for this. She replied something to the effect of ‘I am a Scottish Nationalist and I don’t want to see Westminster interfering in Scottish affairs. Problems made in Scotland should be solved in Scotland. And they can be.’
If trying to discomfit Scottish Nationalism over GRRA was the main aim of those who set up the interview, and of the interviewer herself, Cherry had ostensibly been invited on to the programme in her capacity as chairperson of the Westminster Committee on Justice (or something like that) to discuss the new UK Bill of Rights. This committee had raised objections against this Bill, and the interview was set up to discuss these objections. Not, therefore, GRRA, or the UK’s intervention therein, which the interviewer brought up at the end of the interview as the sting in the tail.
No doubt the interviewer thought she was being very clever by launching this end=of-interview change of subject, but Joanna Cherry was more than ready for this rather pedantic and altogether foreseeable ambush. Hardly a surprise attack! Joanna answered by sticking to the original subject, which was that of legislation concerning human rights. With regard to the new British Bill of Rights, she had already pointed out that it would take Britain as far away from the European Convention of Human Rights (and the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court thereon) as it is possible to go without actually leaving that Convention altogether. She also said that her Committee had asked Dominic Raab whether the UK might in fact withdraw from the Convention, and Raab had said it wasn’t ruled out. This despite the fact that UK Government propaganda is emphasising that the proposed new British Bill of Rights conforms with the Convention.
The interviewer homed in on one particular aspect of the Bill, concerning the right of foreign nationals convicted of crimes to appeal against repatriation on family grounds (that is, because their family were UK citizens, or maybe permanently resident here). Joanna won that argument too, showing herself (as you would expect) much more knowledgeable on the subject than the interviewer, both in terms of our own domestic and international law on the matter. While answering that particular question on a small aspect of the whole (which the interviewer had singled out, it seemed to me, because of its potential populist appeal in the simplified form in which she posed it), Cherry was able to remind her of the bigger picture. What the new Bill of Rights jeopardises primarily are the rights of all of us, and not just those of the few criminally convicted foreign residents the interviewer had picked out. This enabled her to affirm, in line with the whole European and indeed (albeit more recently) UN tradition that human rights are universal.
We may add here that the UK Government is on a trajectory that first undermines that principle and which will in the end deny it altogether. Rights will no longer be inherent to human beings but things which the Government, in its largesse, grants you; and whoever grants you something can of course take it away from you as well. This is what underlies the whole typically ‘British’ objection to human rights, which is a very big part of why the political class wanted Brexit. Large parts of the English political tradition have always been very uneasy with the notion of universal human rights, no matter how many Conventions concerning it they might ostensibly have signed up to. Cherry did not get a chance to say any of this explicitly, but it is the clear implication of her argument.
I would say that she is very on the ball with regard to human rights: that is the kind of lawyer she is, and the notion itself I would imagine sits much more easily with the Scottish rather than the English legal tradition, although I have no expertise in the matter.
This was again apparent in Cherry’s case at the end of her interview, when the topic was twisted and turned to the GRRA controversy. Among other things, she said that Holyrood’s scrutiny of the Act prior to presenting it to parliament had been deficient, concentrating too singularly on what were regarded as ‘Trans Rights’ and treating them in isolation from the rights of other people. Especially those of women and, explicitly, LGB people (if I remember rightly, she stopped there, at the first three letters, and no +). At no point did she deny that there might be such a thing as Trans rights, but she did insist that these must not override or ignore the rights of other people. I suppose that means they have to be defined accordingly. I also suppose that what the law means by a ‘trans person’ would also have to be articulated with careful and precise legal definition, and that the GRRA does not do this to anything like a sufficient degree.
Joanna Cherry is a very bright lady, and a real asset to the independence cause. If she is keeping a rather low public profile at the moment, for very understandable reasons, it does not mean that she has ceased being active behind the scenes. I disagree with those who write her off. She is anything but a chancer who is simply keeping the Westminster seats warm and filling their pockets: if it was money she was after, she could do much better simply pursuing her day job as a KC.
Joanna Cherry is precisely the kind of person Scotland will very much need at the moment of independence and, especially, going forward from there. Problems, you may be sure, will not be lacking. We need clear and committed legal minds to help us through the initial years or decades of independence, which are likely to be quite stormy.
Moreover, what Cherry said so clearly in the interview about Scotland taking responsibility for sorting out her own problems is a huge part of what becoming independent actually means. The essence of it, even: ‘we want independence’ means ‘we want to take responsibility for ourselves, and not be dictated to by – frankly – England, because that is what currently happens.’ And, currently, and for the past many years, too often we hide behind this fact, and have become habituated to a lazy ‘just blame the English’ irresponsibility. We’ll have to get over that: once our independence is achieved, our excuses will be gone too. We will no longer be able to claim we have been overpowered and overruled by England’s wishes and desires and decisions, pretending, when it suits us, that ‘it’s not our fault – England did it, not us.’
Yes, England did it, but by being subservient, and not doing all we can to escape from that subservience, we make ourselves complicit in ‘what England did’.
As Joanna Cherry said, ‘problems made [by Scots] in Scotland should be solved [by Scots] in Scotland.’ I hope Nicola Sturgeon was listening. If you were, Nicola, you might be fuming, but you can’t say Joanna was in any way disloyal to you. She did not say a word against you, though the interviewer was obviously hoping that she would, and trying to goad her into it. But she did give you advance warning, and she knows the law better than you do. Take note, and be warned: ‘There is no need for the UK Government to interfere in the GRRA mess, and they should not do so, BECAUSE THERE ARE OTHER LEGAL MEANS FOR SORTING THE PROBLEM OUT IN SCOTLAND, and THESE MAY WELL BE BROUGHT INTO PLAY SOON, IMMEDIATELY THE GRRA RECEIVES ROYAL ASSENT.’
No one can say they have not been warned.
in regard to the GRRA. Maybe the most important was when the interviewer asserted that the UK Government’s intervention in the matter had been the only way to stop the Scottish parliament’s bill after Holyrood passed it. Joanna immediately contradicted her: that is not correct, she said, because if the bill gets royal assent there is then another way to overturn it, namely through ‘judicial review’. Scots themselves – by which I think she means the general Scottish public – can stop it by requesting such a review and, she added, significantly, we might well see that happening. It sounds like something might happen. On this one Joanna Cherry may indeed have a ‘Plan B’ – and not alone, but in conjunction with others not yet known.
The interviewer was obviously trying to embarrass her, and ‘catch’ Cherry in an ant-nationalist double bind: trapping her into admitting that Scotland needs the protection which the UK Government gives it. Joanna was of course fit for this. She replied something to the effect of ‘I am a Scottish Nationalist and I don’t want to see Westminster interfering in Scottish affairs. Problems made in Scotland should be solved in Scotland. And they can be.’
If trying to discomfit Scottish Nationalism over GRRA was the main aim of those who set up the interview, and of the interviewer herself, Cherry had ostensibly been invited on to the programme in her capacity as chairperson of the Westminster Committee on Justice (or something like that) to discuss the new UK Bill of Rights. This committee had raised objections against this Bill, and the interview was set up to discuss these objections. Not, therefore, GRRA, or the UK’s intervention therein, which the interviewer brought up at the end of the interview as the sting in the tail.
No doubt the interviewer thought she was being very clever by launching this end=of-interview change of subject, but Joanna Cherry was more than ready for this rather pedantic and altogether foreseeable ambush. Hardly a surprise attack! Joanna answered by sticking to the original subject, which was that of legislation concerning human rights. With regard to the new British Bill of Rights, she had already pointed out that it would take Britain as far away from the European Convention of Human Rights (and the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court thereon) as it is possible to go without actually leaving that Convention altogether. She also said that her Committee had asked Dominic Raab whether the UK might in fact withdraw from the Convention, and Raab had said it wasn’t ruled out. This despite the fact that UK Government propaganda is emphasising that the proposed new British Bill of Rights conforms with the Convention.
The interviewer homed in on one particular aspect of the Bill, concerning the right of foreign nationals convicted of crimes to appeal against repatriation on family grounds (that is, because their family were UK citizens, or maybe permanently resident here). Joanna won that argument too, showing herself (as you would expect) much more knowledgeable on the subject than the interviewer, both in terms of our own domestic and international law on the matter. While answering that particular question on a small aspect of the whole (which the interviewer had singled out, it seemed to me, because of its potential populist appeal in the simplified form in which she posed it), Cherry was able to remind her of the bigger picture. What the new Bill of Rights jeopardises primarily are the rights of all of us, and not just those of the few criminally convicted foreign residents the interviewer had picked out. This enabled her to affirm, in line with the whole European and indeed (albeit more recently) UN tradition that human rights are universal.
We may add here that the UK Government is on a trajectory that first undermines that principle and which will in the end deny it altogether. Rights will no longer be inherent to human beings but things which the Government, in its largesse, grants you; and whoever grants you something can of course take it away from you as well. This is what underlies the whole typically ‘British’ objection to human rights, which is a very big part of why the political class wanted Brexit. Large parts of the English political tradition have always been very uneasy with the notion of universal human rights, no matter how many Conventions concerning it they might ostensibly have signed up to. Cherry did not get a chance to say any of this explicitly, but it is the clear implication of her argument.
I would say that she is very on the ball with regard to human rights: that is the kind of lawyer she is, and the notion itself I would imagine sits much more easily with the Scottish rather than the English legal tradition, although I have no expertise in the matter.
This was again apparent in Cherry’s case at the end of her interview, when the topic was twisted and turned to the GRRA controversy. Among other things, she said that Holyrood’s scrutiny of the Act prior to presenting it to parliament had been deficient, concentrating too singularly on what were regarded as ‘Trans Rights’ and treating them in isolation from the rights of other people. Especially those of women and, explicitly, LGB people (if I remember rightly, she stopped there, at the first three letters, and no +). At no point did she deny that there might be such a thing as Trans rights, but she did insist that these must not override or ignore the rights of other people. I suppose that means they have to be defined accordingly. I also suppose that what the law means by a ‘trans person’ would also have to be articulated with careful and precise legal definition, and that the GRRA does not do this to anything like a sufficient degree.
Joanna Cherry is a very bright lady, and a real asset to the independence cause. If she is keeping a rather low public profile at the moment, for very understandable reasons, it does not mean that she has ceased being active behind the scenes. I disagree with those who write her off. She is anything but a chancer who is simply keeping the Westminster seats warm and filling their pockets: if it was money she was after, she could do much better simply pursuing her day job as a KC.
Joanna Cherry is precisely the kind of person Scotland will very much need at the moment of independence and, especially, going forward from there. Problems, you may be sure, will not be lacking. We need clear and committed legal minds to help us through the initial years or decades of independence, which are likely to be quite stormy.
Moreover, what Cherry said so clearly in the interview about Scotland taking responsibility for sorting out her own problems is a huge part of what becoming independent actually means. The essence of it, even: ‘we want independence’ means ‘we want to take responsibility for ourselves, and not be dictated to by – frankly – England, because that is what currently happens.’ And, currently, and for the past many years, too often we hide behind this fact, and have become habituated to a lazy ‘just blame the English’ irresponsibility. We’ll have to get over that: once our independence is achieved, our excuses will be gone too. We will no longer be able to claim we have been overpowered and overruled by England’s wishes and desires and decisions, pretending, when it suits us, that ‘it’s not our fault – England did it, not us.’
Yes, England did it, but by being subservient, and not doing all we can to escape from that subservience, we make ourselves complicit in ‘what England did’.
As Joanna Cherry said, ‘problems made [by Scots] in Scotland should be solved [by Scots] in Scotland.’ I hope Nicola Sturgeon was listening. If you were, Nicola, you might be fuming, but you can’t say Joanna was in any way disloyal to you. She did not say a word against you, though the interviewer was obviously hoping that she would, and trying to goad her into it. But she did give you advance warning, and she knows the law better than you do. Take note, and be warned: ‘There is no need for the UK Government to interfere in the GRRA mess, and they should not do so, BECAUSE THERE ARE OTHER LEGAL MEANS FOR SORTING THE PROBLEM OUT IN SCOTLAND, and THESE MAY WELL BE BROUGHT INTO PLAY SOON, IMMEDIATELY THE GRRA RECEIVES ROYAL ASSENT.’
No one can say they have not been warned.
@Breeks 9.36
Well said. There is a feeling of rising insanity, of the world losing the run of itself in many spheres simultaneously
The risk of a WW 3 is a real possibility – the fact that WW 1 and WW 2 happened proves that. I mean proves that we’re mad enough to let it happen. In fact, now that the official ideology demands we believe men can turn into women, we may be more insane than ever before. We now think reality isn’t a thing…fine until reality bites back in some horrific way
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Do you have all the information you need about the ‘Furries’
to keep you children & pets safe?
link to
Apologies for the double post, and some kind of mistake or mistakes in the second version. Not sure how it happened, but not intentional.
I understand that some/many people think what happens in other countries has no bearing on what happens in Scotland, it can be quite easily evidenced that they would be wrong.
Yes, one should stick as much as possible to the topic at hand but threads tail off and ultimately end.
Over the years there has been a huge amount of subjects discussed on this site, it is only a relatively new phenomenon that there has been discussions around censorship and non debate of certain subjects under the fig leaf of not affecting this country.
I think it is wilful ignorance that Scotland is somehow immune to the machinations of geopolitics.
However if people believe that it’s ok talking about Dougal’s pet pig in Auchterarder and that talking about about global energy prices is just not not Scottish enough and should be censored, then sobeit.
Breeks, yes there is a much broader context to what we are seeing unfold in Scotland.
You could argue that what was done to Salmond and Corbyn (and indeed Trump) was to ‘clear the decks’ for what they had planned, what we are seeing happening on the world stage right now (i.e. much of which you discuss above). Sturgeon, Ardern, Trudeau, all obvious cut-outs from the same template.
Even’s Britain’s already near fully compliant leadership was similarly decapitated. Rishi who? The invisible man… no coincidence I think.
Much of Europe is the same and now Europe’s leaders are driving us of an economic cliff… and who benefits.
But this is getting into very ‘deep politics’ and a simple post I made that made a comparison with the UK leaders versus the president of the big furry hat wearing country in the east went into moderation never to be seen again. I saw a comment from SC that he did not want the BTL comments becoming a discussion about this particular conflict (UvR).
But yeah there is inevitably a bigger picture to all of this and Scotland is clearly much more important to our ‘friends’ than we realized back in 2014. We live in very ‘interesting times’.
When ScotGov launched a «consultation» on its project for same sex unions two thirds rejected the proposal. Ignoring their consultation, ScotGov went ahead.
There are those who proclaim that homosexual «rights» have nothing to do with the current situation, a little historic research suggests that the homosexual lobbying of decades past did contribute to the reset of government and official bodies towards a more relativist perspective on sexuality. The extension of the concept of «rights» to non standard sexual behaviour, indeed the questioning of whether there was a «standard» at all has been the cutting edge of the acceptance of symptoms of mental dysphoria as attributable to sexual dissatisfaction.
The awkward situation, thanks to the shamans of the psychiatric world, we now find ourselves in which in effect there is no such thing as the deviant, aberrant, weird or odd.
Where are you on this nausea inducing, ever unsteady sliding scale of the imagination?
`82,000 men have sued the Boy Scouts of America for sexual abuse by scoutmasters`
these were not scoutmasters that became predators these were predators that became scoutmasters.
Predatory men will inveigle and infiltrate any position or placement to gain access to their victims,
schools,charities at home and abroad,social care,police,youth sports,youth organisations,politics,universities,
there used to be a chance for woman and girls with woman only safe spaces as an escape from the male predator,
but under Seld Id male predators will have access to all safe spcaes for woman and girls,
and it will be against the law to stop any man from these spaces.
Where prisoners id just now the prison service will move them to the appropriate prison. This is changed if they are seen to pose a risk then they will be returned and likely find themselves on solitary
Having said that if the SG think it does not matter then there would be no problem in inserting the clause
This is a perfect indication the Nicola coven are using this to break the indy movement. They are plants trying to slow or stop indy.
It is time to outflank and dump them.
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We are organising a group of furries to join a counter protest against the transphobic event “Let Women Speak” organised by Kellie Jay Keen/Posie Parker in Glasgow on Sunday Feb 5th
Scotiacon ’23 will take place in Glasgow 3rd – 6th of February 2023
I believe the Scottish Furries Convention will be held at the Crowne Plaza.
Mac says:
25 January, 2023 at 10:11 am
“That sounds mad right, too far. But really is identifying as a different age any less absurd, any less based in reality, than identifying as a different sex?”
Maybe the UK govt saw this coming and that’s why they equalised the pension age. Imagine all those poor wee gendered souls lining up to claim their pension at 60. Still, it should work the other way and I should be able to claim to believe I’m 66 and claim now.
Of course they might want to claim to be under 25 to get free dental care – or even younger as you suggest:-
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robertkknight says:
25 January, 2023 at 10:07 am
Breeks @9:36
Usually one to agree with your BTL comments, but absolutely not on this occasion
Fair comment Robert. I don’t mean to offend anybody, but I honestly do see the whole mess as precariously interlinked with profound ramifications.
But you’re correct, Scottish Independence is the goal, so one step at a time.
What happened here on Wings was that posters became so obsessed with what was going on in another country they missed what was going on in Scotland.
Why do you think UK_raine is a banned word?
Your comment about ‘Dougal’s pet pig in Auchterarder’ is pathetic.
Ruby says:
25 January, 2023 at 11:12 am
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We are organising a group of furries to join a counter protest against the transphobic event “Let Women Speak” organised by Kellie Jay Keen/Posie Parker in Glasgow on Sunday Feb 5th
Scotiacon ’23 will take place in Glasgow 3rd – 6th of February 2023
I believe the Scottish Furries Convention will be held at the Crowne Plaza.
I’ve already emailed the Crown Plaza altering them to their hotel being taken over by nappy fetishists planning to threaten and intimidate women over the weekend.
I’ve not had a reply. Maybe Wings can give the Crown Plaza some media attention around their hosting of this depraved group of sexual deviants.
Ottomanboi says:
25 January, 2023 at 10:51 am
You could take that argument even further and say it was women claiming equal rights or working class people fighting for universal sufferage that caused the “decline”.
The majority of the TRAs are not homosexual – they are mainly heterosexual, middle class, over privileged men who want to be able to demonstrate their fetish in public without fear of kink shame. Why do you think Lesbian dating sites are now inundated with these morons, claiming to be lesbians with a lady dick? Some are just sad b*****ds (incels)who are unable to form relationships and usually hide themselves away in a darkened room with their computer porn for company. They have been emboldened to come into the light by this crap.
This is not down to homosexuality – which happens in nature and is not confined to the human species.
Trans is not a sexuality and is not natural in mammals – it’s kink. There has always been kink – it’s just that in the past people kept it confined to their privacy of their own spaceses and, to be honest, most folk have no problem with that (unless they are abusing non consenting partners, children or animals). They just don’t want other people’s fetishes shoved in their face – or anywhere else.
Scot Finlayson says:
25 January, 2023 at 10:55 am
`82,000 men have sued the Boy Scouts of America for sexual abuse by scoutmasters`
these were not scoutmasters that became predators these were predators that became scoutmasters.
It is that simple. Why don’t the MSPs see it?
Wull @10:25
Wonder if she’s fully up to speed yet and realised that if it gets Royal Assent that means the old parliament is definitively reborn, along with the death penalty for buggery (and possibly citizen powers to uphold the law further than simple arrest and detainment)..
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As an aside, with all the talk of violent males, does anyone know the make up of the jury that decided to send this guy to a womans prison (%m, f, t?) and/or the mechanism* by which they are expected to be absolved of guilt associated with their complicity in the decision?
*might also be revealing if this sort of decision making turns out to be one of the main drivers for scrapping jury trials (rather than, say, the more straightforward political conspiracy we’d be forgiven for suspecting)
@Bob Mack
You say he lives in Bath and voting Tory in Bath doesn’t affect Indy either way. You’d have a point of it wasn’t the biggest voice on the Yes side of the Indy debate outside of the SNP you were talking about. A Yes voice that just announced he’s going to vote for the fucking Tories.
Bravo. Brafuckingvo. Like I said before – you’ve no idea how many of the most useless, corrupt and self serving on the Yes side will rejoice at that. The Tories will be pishing themselves at that. How do you expect anyone that isn’t a Tory to give you a hearing now? About anything?
How do I recommend others to check out Wings stories now? When the next person they talk to will go – He votes Tory now. And then I look like a cunt too.
I don’t know if the Rev believes his own hype or what, but he seems to think the law about what voting Tory makes you doesn’t apply to him. He’s not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.
You’re boxing yourselves in to a Tory Yes enclave with nowhere to go and no friends.
“You say he lives in Bath and voting Tory in Bath doesn’t affect Indy either way. You’d have a point of it wasn’t the biggest voice on the Yes side of the Indy debate outside of the SNP you were talking about. A Yes voice that just announced he’s going to vote for the fucking Tories.”
I couldn’t give a shite, mate. The only other party with a chance of winning here is the Lib Dems, who are every bit as shitty, right-wing and anti-indy as the Tories are. The only difference between them is that the Tories are willing to defend women, for whatever reasons, which makes them – to my absolute horror, but beyond any reasonable argument – the marginally lesser of two evils. I could not possibly care less what a bunch of shrieking woke tribal pissbags think or say about that, since those people all despise me anyway, and if James Kelly is going to spread it to the unfuckable nutjobs who comprise his 12 remaining readers as well, then big fat shrug.
Hopefully, one of the 1% women prisoners will let him know what they think of him (if he’s not had to be put in solitary).
Well done. I think we need all the information we can get about all these weird fetishes.
What better cover for a paedophile than a big cute animal costume?
Don’t know what to say about the 20% who have admitted to being zoophiles.
It seems to me that the GRRB & GRA and all the time, money & effort being put into these reforms/laws are all just to make ‘fetishists’ lives easier.
Jesus H. Cunt says:
25 January, 2023 at 11:55 am
You do realise that there are Tories in Scotland who would vote for independence?
Yes is non partisan.
Re Joanna Cs stayement re the Court of Session.
Ordinary men and women have raised £100,000s to do just that, see @forwomenscot.
Why should the ordinary punter pay for this?
The Scotgov using OUR cash can keep appealing until they get the answer they want.
FWS already won at the inner CoS using the 2010EQA on this subject but Scot gov then decided to use the flawed 2004GRA.
Putting men in womens prisons is against the Geneva convention.
Our advocates should pursue this line
I’m well aware he lives in Bath and I don’t give two shits who he votes for.
But announcing loud and proud he’s voting Tory is the stupidest thing I’ve seen him do yet. And that’s saying something.
I’m not convinced he’ll actually do it. I’m completely convinced saying it in public is utterly idiotic.
I love what he does, but from the first day I read his stuff I knew it was going to be his mouth not his work that ended him. He can’t help himself.
Well said Wee Chid.i don’t want to play an unwilling part in someone’s fetishism. Keep it private.
Maybe his cellmate will turn out to be another ‘lesbian’ with a lady dick.
link to
Claire & Isla could share their lipstick & make-up and take turns of raping one another.
A match made in heaven.
Yes Liz, too much money is having to be spent fighting bad law, while scotgov dips into the seemingly bottomless pit of our money to support these crap laws
That you believe that certain people are obsessed with certain subjects rather than discussing subjects you don’t care for is your opinion, you are entitled to your perspective.
I comment intermittently here in general, I do of course comment more on topical or in vogue subjects, much the same as everyone else here.
Over the years, I have argued against this site turning into an echo chamber (just look at the ginger nutters) because it’s detrimental to everybody that uses this site.
All of us will be better for hearing different opinions, not because we should agree with everyone but because we can understand everyone better, even ourselves.
I do however note, that name-calling isn’t debate.
The Tories and their media are lying to us about living longer in order to increase the retirement age in the U.K.
this is a stepping stone to there not being a government pension.
Ian Duncan Smith previously headed up a Tory think tank that proposed the retirement age should be 75 years in the year 2035.
What chance a bricklayer, roofer, construction labourer or surgeon being fit enough?
When will artificial intelligence climb up on the roof, find the leak and adjust the tiles before cementing them in?
Life expectancy is reducing is the fact and it’s not due directly to the Covid Virus itself.
Excess deaths today are just a little under the Covid peak.
It seems to me very likely the vaccines have side affects on certain people and shortening their lives.
There are up to 500 per week dying in England as the ambulance or treatment they require is not available due to cut backs and well justified strikes.
Armed with this information the Tories refuse to negotiate on pay determined to let these people die, aggravate the numbers leaving the NHS and those who consider joining as they try to break the unions and establish on going cuts to their standard of living.
PS If those born in the 70’s look on the pensions web site, depending on the date some are already primed to reach pension age at 68 years.
Please see this from the Guardian-
Last year in the UK there were nearly 40,000 excess deaths – that is, deaths above a five-year average. That’s nearly as many as were killed by the Luftwaffe in the blitz. In the last two weeks of 2022, deaths were a fifth higher than the average from 2016 to 2019 (the last pre-pandemic year), and that’s taking into account factors such as a bigger, ageing population.
According to the Office for National Statistics, there have been about 170,000 excess deaths in England and Wales since the pandemic began. Most of these can be directly attributed to Covid-19 itself: after all, the virus’s name is scrawled on the death certificates of more than 212,000 UK citizens. Some of those who died may have been vulnerable or infirm, but in other circumstances years away from death. As the pandemic waned, we could have expected excess deaths to shift to below average levels over time. This has not happened.
By the beginning of last year, the number of deaths was similar to 2019. As the actuary Stuart McDonald points out, we had been through the worst of a pandemic in which many frail members of society died, and normally mortality falls year on year, so to only equal the death toll of 2019 was already indicative of a worrying trend.
Dear Jesus H. Cunt,
Maybe Stu did ONCE say he would vote Conservative. I don’t recall.
But you banging on and on about it is what will (assuming it ever happened) draw peoples’ attention to it.
Which is what I assume your intention is. Not to mention your choice of handle, deliberately designed to inflame.
You are obviously no friend of Stu or of this site. Hopefully you will be disappearing soon.
Claire and Isla could swap lipstick …etc. Brilliant one Ruby!
I don’t give a rat’s arse about the SNP and I’ll wipe my own arse with their code of conduct if I ever come across it.
Did you read my post?
Any news on the Resign Sturgeon demo by Dissent Scotland that began at 12.00 today outside Bute House?
It will be interesting to see what the police response is.
Yes Ruby, I did.
My contention is that we seem to be drifting into a compromising state of seeing every glich, defect, irregularity, extraordinary manifestation of human nature as normative and to be metaphorically invited to take up residence in the household.
What individuals do to chase the delusion of sexual happiness is their concern only, however when the prophets proclaim from the heights the world has got it all wrong, this is the new (graven on granite) law, worship or else, the notion of «human rights», one of those rights being the right to dissent, is itself become subject to the whims and fancies of popular opinion.
In that novel prescriptivism there is the acrid stench of totalitarianism.
Reading Jesus H. Cunt’s opinions is not helping me to understand myself better it is however helping me to understand Jesus H. Cunt better so I do agree with you on that point.
What should I do now that I understand Jesus H. Cunt better should I continue to listen to his opinions?
So has anyone looked over at Nicola’s second chamber(WGD site) to see if their still with the program. Can’t bare to look.
Stu, these people seem to think there will be no right wing opinion in an independent Scotland. Do these people want a dictatorship? A herd voter base? I’m leftwing on some issues, centrist on others and right-wing on still others. I will vote as my conscience suggests, according to the issues most important to me. Independence is important, women’s rights more so.
12.50 Nothing to worry about there Rev / carry on regardless your doing ah grand job .
Democracy: ‘A system of government by the whole population, or all the eligible members of a state’.
Stu has shown that Scotland is not being run as a democracy ( it never could be whilst under the thumb of Westminster I know but I am referring to what is going on at Holyrood.)
Sturgeon herself gave the game away by referring to ‘the sovereign Scottish Parliament’. She said this because she couldn’t say ‘the sovereign Scottish people’ which she knew full well were against the passing of the trans legislation.
She and the rest of the SNP together with the Greens have turned their back on democracy, and will continue in the same fashion for as long as they can, inflicting policies of their choosing on the people, those people who will carry on voting them back into office time after time thinking they are the party of independence, and not having any real alternative party they could give their vote to.
It is gridlock, and a way must be found of unlocking it, however unpalatable in the short term. (Although this is likely to take several years). The SNP Green stranglehold has to be broken and the only way to do that is to vote them out.
People are going to have to hold their noses and vote against the SNP/Greens and not think they are voting for another party, other than a means to an end.
So here’s the crunch. In the next election people will need to vote for whoever is likely to defeat the SNP or Green candidate. If people can’t do this, they are giving authority to the SNP/Greens to carry on with ignoring their, the peoples’, own wishes.
It’s a dreadful dilemma, but unless another way is found outside the present electoral system (Breeks may have a way) it will just be more of the same: people and independence ignored, mad ideas put into laws.
Robbo – this week, WGD is mostly fulminating against the dangerous, “fascistoid” tendencies of, eh, Kemi Badenoch.
You may have noticed she’s not exactly Nick Griffin, but apparently there’s only two types of people now: people who uncritically support everything trans activists demand, and fascists.
Was a bit of a shock realising the mother of my children, and my Mum, are both fascists, let me tell you. Perhaps they were radicalised by Mumsnet and the Harry Potter franchise.
George Ferguson – I sincerely hope I am not an AI.
Ruby, it is up to you whether you agree with him or not but how are you going to agree or disagree with him if you don’t know what his opinion is.
Understanding what is happening in other countries is important in many aspects and how it interlinks with us domestically, it’s even more imperative for Scotland to raise its awareness of foreign activities because our future is ultimately decided by a government in another country.
Arguing that looking at the bigger picture is somehow wrong and that it blinds us to everything else is simply not logical.
Again, you may dislike certain subjects but you certainly shouldn’t be the site police.
That’s the Rev’s job, it’s his site.
For what it’s worth, the Rev has made clear a number of times that it was not what was discussed but how it was discussed that left a huge amount of room for improvement.
He historically didn’t mind people discussing different topics and had only asked that people didn’t change the subject early on in the comments. Perhaps his views have changed.
We are intrinsically linked and exposed to the global political weather, covering our eyes and shoving our fingers in our ears doesn’t change that, it just means we are less prepared for current and future crises.
Nothing operates in isolation.
The crown sits in Westminster,
It is the ultimate top go to, for giving permission for a bill to pass as law.
Two faces, of Westminster.
Their position of Lets pretend we do not agree with Scotland, while if it gets royal assent it, we pass it to become uk law,
How many governments does it take to run Scotland?
How many courts in different countries does it take to run Scotland?
Regime change of the parties in politics is not a game changer [ that ] will bring about Scotland’s independence.
Not when you consider, if we change our government, all the parties in the quagmire of the Pretend Scottish government are automatically gone.
And so are these violent people, when we are able to go back to Scots laws in a truely Scottish parliament to replace the world politics of division.
Changing political parties alone as the goal ain’t going to stop the next set of problems coming our way from outside Scotland.
Going back to Independence of our own laws, under our own legislation will do that.
And in all likely hood with “Scottish people Sovereignty” returned, the political parties in the faux Scottish parliament passing foreign laws into Scotland would have not got passed their first hurdle,
We either fight on a individual basis, one after the other, time after time, each problem beset us by outside influences contrived to stymie Scotland independence, costing each one of us as tax payers a lot of money,
Or we could actually choose our own laws, where we have the ability to kick morons and violent perverts into jail sentences in the correct facilities according to their birth certificates.
You can choose wether to play their game by their rules or “you can choose your own set of rules under you’re own laws of Scottish Sovereign people.
I am done with the repetitive moaning,
wether its the psychological illnesses of the snp or greens, both with photo shoots along side violent people or the lack of opposition.or an appalling justice system that encourages this to prevent focusing on our main aim.
Look squirrel, look another squirrel,
Look another squirrel.
Squirrel mandates,
squirrel Brexit,
Squirrel covid,
Squirrel section 30,
Squirrel supreme court,
Squirrel sex education in Scottish Schools,
Squirrel psychopaths and violent men in frills.
Squirrel climate change,
Squirrel Scottish justice system.
Squirrel energy crises,
And Squirrel politics to keep us in the same repetitive hamster wheel,
Problem, cause, solution. division. Stall.
Wake up,
Solve the ” cause” of outside influences running Scotland.
Then you solve pretty much all the above mentioned problems besetting Scotland
Ian says on 24 January 2023 at 7:29 pm: “In one of the pictures, ‘she’ seems to be smuggling a budgie into prison.”
A Wren masquerading as a Budgie. 😉
I seen this story mentioned on The BBC in Scotland Teletext Service page and it quoted the Judge as saying something along the lines of “She has committed the most serious of crimes and will be looking at a considerable sentence.”
Yeah! Right! I’ve been following rape sentences recently, as reported on said Teletext facility and the sentencing has been embarrassingly disgusting. Perpetrator raping, say 6 individuals over a number of years and getting something like 75-months jail.
That works out at just a little over *ONE YEAR* per victim. And with good behaviour they automatically get a percentage (a third i think?) cut from their sentence. And they try and make it sound a lot by promoting the sentences in months, rather than years. The Scottish justice system is beyond a joke.
Then we’ll see someone who has raped, say 2 folk over a period of years, getting a sentence of somewhere in the region of 46-months. Where’s the consistency? Consistently poor sentencing, that’s the consistency.
I believe rapists should get a minimum of 5-years per victim, no parole, and then only released back into society after they have first agreed to go through medical castration and their operation completed after their time has been served. Or they never get released.
As well as being a dangerous liar and manipulator, Peter Tatchell is an English politician (or was) who is originally from Australia. He should keep his ignorant lying nose out of Scotland’s politics.
Folk screeching on about “how can vote the Tories ARRRRGGHHHH”!
I will say that I will *never* vote Tory because I cannot support their economic policies.
The wider question is why is there no political party of any size giving the electorate the left-of-centre (even Tory voters want nationalised rail, energy etc etc ffs) economic policy it wants in combination with the (relatively) socially conservative policies that most seem to want?
Instead you’ve either got Tories forcing right wing economics that folk don’t want on them or “left wing” parties preferring to push policies which are just a bit too socially liberal for most folk instead of seeking to challenge the Tories on economics (because it’s just too hard, apparently).
Just why is there no-one willing to actually appeal to a majority of voters?
I think you tongue needs cleaning more than your arse!!
For centuries Scotland was fed a diet of Union brand junk food which doing its job well dulled the brain and drained the energy to conceive of something better.

ScotGov seems to be exploiting that lassitude. The top down feeding tube is now clogged with the indigestible imaginings of disturbed minds.
Time to head for the vomitorium and purge this gloop from the system.
Or maybe we simply need some of this around the place.
Who runs Scotland.?
How many governments run Scotland?
How many courts run Laws in Scotland?
How many policies are actually Scottish?
The Westminster government self ID,d as the British government.
Because there is no Scottish parliament in Westminster since 1707.
Over a Thousand Cases!!
Commissioner of Met Police giving evidence to London Assembly.
Over 1,000 cases against Met Police Officers to come to Court, average two or three cases a week will be in court for Dishonesty, Violence and Sexual offences against woman and girls.
This is Our UK.
Red says:
25 January, 2023 at 1:28 pm
Robbo – this week, WGD is mostly fulminating against the dangerous, “fascistoid” tendencies of, eh, Kemi Badenoch.
I see. So still burying their heads in the sand. Oh well.
I agree Johnny
But no sign of this story on the main BBC news page for Scotland… you have to go digging for it.
Right back at you pal!
You may have read my post but only to twist my words to suit your own agenda.
I have read one of Jesus H. Cunt’s post and have decided it would be a waste of time reading any more.
Are you suggesting I am wrong to do this and I should be reading all his posts to discover whether I do or do not agree with him?
No Ruby, I’m not suggesting that.
Tatchell’s disregard for women, their rights and safety is breathtaking, and has been for some while now.
Any woman who has been stalked, and those who work with survivors of male violence know exactly the lengths that abusers will go to to gain access to women, and these lengths are often extreme. Declaring ladyfeels is actually small fry compared to what some men would do in order to commit the assaults, rapes and attacks they want to inflict on women.
Tatchell is a paedophile enabler, he has written about child rape, saying it can be consensual and beneficial…
A man rapes a woman, then goes on trial to receive his punishment. He then says he’s a woman himself. Your punishment is……..being sent to a female prison where it becomes even easier to rape a woman than it was before. And here is the loophole from that governments safety net of it’s fraudulent to pretend you’re not what you say you are- when he is asked to transition further and he says naw I feel like a guy again, what are they gonna do, put him in prison for it. He’s already there you fucking idiots and doesn’t care at that point. This guy just got the equivalent of a Christmas present wrapped up for him by a court as punishment.
If the Russians ever came to Scotland to plant anti-vehicle mines, when they saw the state of the roads, they’d think the roads have already been bombed.
None of this madness has any place in a sane society. I do think lockdown had an extremely damaging impact on the mindset of some folk. Locked away, folk tuned in on the internet for over a year, to people who totally agreed with their insanity. No dissenting voices were tolerated.
Now, when the nonsense is fully exposed to the REAL world, those same people seem utterly bereft that most don’t actually agree with them.
It is just all so sad. I really expected better of Scotland, I really did. Sure, they could have reduced the admin for a GRC to make it a bit better, perhaps, but what they have done is insane. No safeguards, REFUSING to listen to women’s genuine AND VERY REAL concerns. I mean seriously, putting a violent rapist in a women’s jail??? FFS!!!
The whole damn thing is a mess. An utter, utter mess. Sturgeon was repeatedly warned this is how it would end, but she just would not listen. She really should step down. The damage is done.
Apart from the aggressive behaviour of transactivists identified and catalogued on this site, it is alarming that there is a rising tide of misogyny seemingly unleashed by this trans ideology in, of all people, our legislators, the very people supposedly charged with protecting all of the public.
Over on the Political Betting site there is a very good opinion piece on this, looking at the endemic misogyny in institutions like the Met (where has been apparently allowed to persist without proper oversight) but worryingly, is rearing its ugly head in the Labour Party and the SNP both parties which like to see themselves as representing ‘the left’.
This misogyny shows itself ostensibly as support for the ‘marginalized community’ of transgenders but finds its voice in appalling displays of bullying, aggressive behaviour against women members of their Parliaments who are gender critical. Freedom of Speech is apparently not for women who dissent. These antediluvian specimens, supposedly democrats, seemed to delight in their new licence, given them by ‘transgenderism’, to bully and intimidate women.
( I hope the link works but you can easily access it by using the link on this site in the UK Politics section.)
He makes some very incisive points but I just wanted to highlight by quoting here, something which has been troubling me about our institutions and their professed duty to protect us. Namely, that their ‘support’ often seems to be not so much about support for transgenderism, as licence to express their animosity towards women. And that’s disturbing.
‘SNP MSPs should not be applauding a group of GRR supporters in Holyrood’s public gallery who had earlier sent out messages on social media glorying in the violence they would use on women opposing them. The use of violence and violent language by a sub-set of (usually) male supporters against women, with little or no criticism from the legislators supporting this change should trouble its advocates more than it appears to. It is worrying that it appears to appeal to some of its supporters because of the opportunities for violence against women, rather than in spite of it. There is an important difference between passionate support and violent language and actions. Legislators should – more than anyone – understand this, not pander to it or exhibit it.’
Just got home from the ‘Sturgeon Out’ demonstration at Bute House this afternoon.
The huge ‘Wings over Scotland’ flag was being waved by an elderly lady with vigour. I was permitted to park my (Yes)bike directly outside the front door of Bute House with the Saltire flying from the mast on the back of the bike.
However, that’s about as far as the good news goes. After enduring a cold hundred January miles on the bike, I arrived to find a collection of no more than about thirty people gathered on a sunny Edinburgh afternoon.
Nicola must have been quaking in her kinky boots!
There was talk in the ‘crowd’ of expectations exceeding two to three thousand demonstrators today. Sad to say, it was little more than a chilly squeak on the pavement.
If the wider public don’t waken up and ‘get with the program’, we are well and truly lost to this trans-cult.
I think it’s all part of Project Make Douglas Ross Seem Normal.
@JGedd 4:38pm
It’s small steps back but I do not accredit Adam Graham with a female name. He is a convicted male rapist and will always be male. How come he has ended up in a female prison?. The Scottish Public see this for what it is.
Keith Brown backs decision to send transgender rapist to women’s jail
link to
@ Colin Alexander at 3:45 pm
Re. The roads. Indeed, I had pondered firing up my motorbike to head through to the Bute Hoose protest, but the roads around my locale are in an absolutely horrendous state so decided I wasn’t risking injury coming off my bike after hitting a pothole or loose gravel. And it’s no fun riding a bike on a motorway through to Edinburgh even if I made it through the local roads.
So instead I Self ID’d into a Rural Roads Hygienist and went out for a roadside litter picking session, and as usual came back with multiple bags bursting to the seems with rubbish in just a half mile stretch of quiet C road.
The broken roads not only look like the aftermath of a bombing raid, but also like there has been an explosion in a sugary sweet and energy drink factory. You’d think for all the calories in shit crud like that, the folk that ingest it all would have the energy to put the wrappers and cans in a fucking bin, but know, clearly the sugar high has melted what’s left of their brains.
Paedophile’s in government, who would have thought it would trickle down from the highest level to seep into our family laws,
Well if they are the leaders that rule, then it was inevitable they would make laws for their own perversions and fetishes,
Using children and women as nothing more than tools for self sexual satisfaction, while husbands, brothers, uncles and boyfriends are made to step aside for the rich mans game of being social psychological perverts.
This is how those in BBC and main stream politics and media behave, in fact we could see the prostitution increase in numbers around the Davos meeting this year,
Not many people want to voluntary become prostitutes, it comes down to poverty, drugs and human trafficking.
Which the rich are not found they are satisfied with, they want more innocent people, your children, your babies, your women, and your young boys.
Think of Jimmy Saville, Cyril Smith, a monarch, think of Epstein’s connections to the rich and famous,
The industry for perverts and perversion towards violence is sewn from the top down. Because no one else is, or can be held accountable for changing laws by legislation to aid perverts,
This is where we point the fingers, this is whom we turn and blame for wretched abuse of their fellow humans of all ages.
And you want to keep this form of legislated devolved governance from the cesspit of humanity,
Arse! That should state “but no”, not “but know”, clearly the insanity of repeatedly having to pick up litter left by idiots has melted my brain… 🙁
What makes Tatchell’s assertion even more ludicrous is that many men convicted of sex crimes are placed on the so-called ‘Nonce’s Wing’ of male prisons. Those inmates are viewed as the very lowest of the low by many of the other prisoners and some of those will go to lengths to use violence upon them and use various other tactics to harm/humiliate them- I do not intend to specify.
Since the Scottish legislation permits a change of gender on the flimsiest of assertions and offers the possibility of a much safer-and probably more comfortable- incarceration together with other opportunities which these men might seek- what’s not to like from their viewpoint ?
Indeed some non sex offenders might take a similar view.
Tartan Tory 4.54pm
‘Nicola must have been quaking in her kinky boots!’
Or squealing with delight, ‘They’re dead! They’re dead’.
Sometimes when you wait on chickens coming home to roost, they turn instead into flying pigs.
Waiting for justice to catch up is often a very, very long wait.
Tartan Tory 4.54 .
The wee wummin waving the Wings flag would be Wee Annie Jenkins fae Dundee / the thing wie mid week demonstrations is that people have other things to do so small turnouts / big credos to all who attended .
And yourself traveling all the way fae Aberdeen .
I do not understand why the LGBT etc «community» is sympathetic to this genderist propaganda as in certain parts of the globe homosexuals, more particularly those identified by the Anglo-American term «gay», are perceived as women in male bodies which may be «fixed» by a judicious use of the knife, no refusal allowed.
Surely for them the genderist narrative is too much like toying with scorpions.
I don’t have a problem with Sturgeon getting the blame for everything but her GRRB isn’t to blame for a male rapist being put into a woman’s prison.
She is to blame however for promoting the idea that ‘transwomen are women’ and that ‘women have penises’.
I agree the whole thing is an utter mess starting with the GRA 2004.
How mad is it that the UK Gov decided because someone is a gross dresser they should be allowed to change sex.
There are indications that the ‘furries/pups’ now want
humananimal rights. No kiddin’Issuing them with a dog license is no more crazy than allowing cross dressers to change sex.
FAO JGedd : your link worked. 🙂 Looks like an interesting article.
I do not think there is a need to get so wired about this case. The prison service has been dealing with such characters for years quite successfully.
But off on another topic which is much more interesting.
Mr Flynn’s questions at PMQ must have hit home today.
The BBC news at 5 has ignored it and drive time read put their translation(edited) version of it totally missing the thrust and did not report the point that Sunak did not answer the question at all.
Good old Johnny Beatty soft pedaling on an appalling situation.
One thing – you can always count on the BBC doing everything to hide the nastiness of the London government.
This was closely followed by a knife murder. Why was this murder on the news. It was an Afghan asylum seeker who lied about his age. The days of 1930 Germany and news reporting are back courtesy of the BBC.
I can’t help but feel dissapointed in the Pope’s latest intervention on homosexuality.
“It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime.”
“It’s also a sin to lack charity with one another.”
It was beyond him to say let gay people come to God as who they are.
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s made similar comments on accepting gay marriage in Churches in England. Which I found quite astonishing, I thought gay marriage was legal and commonplace in Churches all over the UK, its obviously still a sin.
You’re life in the eyes of God is a sin. That hurts.
Someone might be able to correct me if I’m wrong, but the legal definition of rape is a man on a woman. Women can’t be charged with rape. Merely sexual assault.
This could quite easily be a part of a larger legal defence. If he identifies as a woman, he can’t rape a woman or be charged with rape.
wow just wow.
Stu your an amazing guy.I can only look on in awe,as you report the utter shitshow my former homeland has become.
This site is a total gem,when it comes to reporting.
Scotland hang your head in shame for colluding with Sturgeon et al.
@tartan tory I was there too, counted 50.
But do you know what, I don’t care how few were there.
Reason being remember when 100,000+ marched for indy in both Edinburgh and Glasgow, what happened, nothing.
Remember when we had 56 SNP MPs, nada.
48% of SNP MSPs, nada.
It is what it is.
Sturgeon has sucked all the energy and enthusiasm out of the indy movement but it’s still there, waiting in the wings, so to speak.
The speakers were great, Alf Baird always cheers me up.
Also there are several different campaigns all with the same theme, get Sturgeon out.
I’ll still attend the ones I want and will be at the Posie Parker, let women speak one, in Glasgow 5th Feb
Couple of points re man in womens prisons.
Keiths Brown’s missus, Christina McKelvie has his ball in her handbag, I’m reliably informed.
CMK is a genderist nut cos her wee laddie/lassie is one.
I read the article posted when some stupid Labour MSP, said the process must have gone wrong.
No it didnt, the safety process is for the trans person, not the women.
I wish our MSPs knew WTF they were on about.
As for the complacent @shug, “The prison service has been dealing with such characters for years quite successfully”.
Just stop, now.
Self ID not only still doesn’t exist but never has.
There was more control before because of the impression that a person had to go through a medical procedure, either psychiatric or surgical to qualify.
So the perception was always the TIMs were less of a problem.
Now self ID has just about been accepted, ANY man can claim to be a woman, including a convicted rapist, so NO the SPS has NOT been dealing with this for years.
This is NOW and it needs stopped.
@ wull says 25 January, 2023 at 10:23 am
problems made [by Scots] in Scotland should be solved [by Scots] in Scotland
I am certainly all ears to hear of these solutions.
Of course, arguably some of these problems have been made by non-Scots in Scotland, so right away, the logic starts to look shaky.
As to the rest of the human rights stuff. Guests in my house get told to GTF if they don’t abide by the rules.
I wish to extend that same simple concept to my country. Guests in my country get told to GTF if they don’t abide by the laws.
Really is most important we get this stuff straight now, considering just how many guests our country is going to be accommodating in the coming years.
Millions of them, by all predictions.
“Justice” secretary Keith Brown puts the onus onto the SPS with regards to rapists being allowed into women’s prisons in Scotland.
link to
We need to remove these rapist/paedo enablers from our parliament, get the SNP/Greens and the MSPs who aided and abetted in this crime against real women out of office.
Vote Alba, Join Alba.
I have given up, As I mentioned in another comment I interact with the public in my working life and often get into discussions with householders and no one, or very few people, have any interest in what is being done to Scottish society.
It has become a them against us issue and for some unfathomable reason Sturgeon and the SNP are perceived to represent Scotland. The “Braveheart” ideology has become a massive impediment to any chance of gaining Independence, as it will mean that we will never be rid of the infection which sickens us and causes us to turn away.
We are of course correct, nothing, not even an SNP controlled version of independence is worth endangering women and children for, or turning Scottish society into a shameful LGBT circus.
The Scot Gov are digging a bigger hole for themselves. Adam Graham is male and always will be male. I am always going to call him by his male name. Now imagine if the Hate Crime Bill wasn’t such a disaster of Law that it hadn’t been punted into 2024 before enactment. I would be charged under the Hate Crime Bill for calling him by his male name. I look forward to 2024 where the Scot Gov think they can force me, what to think. Males are XY, a biological reality. Send me to prison for that belief and I will still call Adam Graham by his male name.
@Effijy 25 January, 2023 at 12:21 pm
Hardly a week ever goes by without you pinning the blame for Covid on the baaaaad Tories. You really need to change the record – people have long since identified the culprits responsible for Covid. They live or lived, in Wuhan.
Much of what you write is frankly risible:
There are up to 500 per week dying in England as the ambulance or treatment they require is not available due to cut backs and well justified strikes.
What’s the split then? 250 a week due to cut backs? 250 a week due to strikes? In what way is it justifiable for anybody in the NHS to say, oh well, “they” are killing people, so I will too?
As the pandemic waned, we could have expected excess deaths to shift to below average levels over time.
Why’s that then? The NHS was mostly shut down for 2 years in order to battle only Covid. Great numbers of treatable conditions go untreatable if you leave them for 2 years. Plenty of experts predicted the post-Covid death toll at the time, but were silenced and vilified. Ordinary punters reported these predictions on here, but were shouted down by the lockdown zealots.
That’s nearly as many as were killed by the Luftwaffe in the blitz.
Ah, the good old days of the Blitz. Say what you like about the racist, sexist dinosaurs inhabiting this country then, at least they were smart and streetwise enough to blame the Luftwaffe. If the same thing happens tomorrow, you will be blaming the Tories.
My take on the striking NHS workers is that they are killing people by their actions. Given that we all locked ourselves up during Covid, and in many cases “killed” our jobs, careers and pensions, just to avoid “killing granny”, the claim that they are striking to protect their wages rings very hollow. Plenty of us no longer have any wages to protect.
Luckily, it looks like Starmer is a shoe-in for next WM PM. He can say the unsayable, and maybes do the undoable, when he gets in. The NHS as it stands is unaffordable, and these days harms ordinary Brits and Scots far more than the alternative health systems in other European countries do to their citizens.
Time for fundamental reform.
Good article on Unherd concerning the individual they are describing as the “Clydebank Rapist”.
Here’s a wee quote:
In a bitter irony, the prosecutor described Bryson’s evidence as “entirely incredible and unreliable” — yet the court accepted his claim to be a woman
Looks like there are now lies, damned lies, statistics, and gender self-ID.
And an interesting comment, possibly identifying the weapon of choice to use against the madness:
Satire and ridicule might be the best approach for all this as reasonable debate is getting us nowhere
I voted Tory at the council elections, well I numbered them higher than I usually would, my first choice was an independent, then Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, and SNP last! It made little difference, to the overall result, but I felt better not voting SNP for the first time in at least a decade! It was also the first time voting Tory, but I will do it in every coming election to stop the Disgraceful Laws that the SNP, Labour and every other party is foisting on women!
Look, not wanting to put the cat among the pigeons here, but perhaps it’s time for the people, with help of sane and honourable professionals to set up our own shadow judiciary, police and if necessary military.
These psychopaths are a clear and present danger to the people of Scotland.
I can’t remember who was talking to John Beattie , but he refused to acknowledge the rapist as female. Beattie seemed to be quite upset about that.
Beattie seemed to be taking the moral high ground. As if political correctness was more important than the crime. Where have we got to when BBC presenters are protecting a rapists definition of himself. When he changed it after raping two woman in the hope of getting into a female prison.
We need to stop being told by these people what sex we agree a person is, by their science denying description. A man can have breasts, or any other female parts. But he is a man. Science tells us that. His chromosones tell us that. His hormones and testosterone tell us that.
I refuse to call a man her.
Until we start actively seeking Independence again I’m out of all domestic politics.
Absolute shit show this country
Alba becoming the Women Won’t Weesht Party ain’t helping anything either.
I fully get the pile of steaming turd the SNP has become needs sorted or voted out but the only winners here are the UK and American establishments who clear as day are behind every f**k up that’s happened over the last 5,6,7 in fact 9 years.
Cos the pauchle of the vote on 18/09/14 was the actual start of this huge missed opportunity
Only Scotland……
Why does James Kelly write about you so much x
“Why does James Kelly write about you so much”
Because he’s deranged with hatred. Quite why, you’d have to ask him. I’m told he’s now obsessively trawling through the comments here to find stuff to get in a frenzy about. Even I don’t read all the comments here.
“The Scottish Government don’t run the prisons, the SPS do”, is the same sort of garbage you ALWAYS get from the Scot Govt.
Of course it’s not the Justice Secretary banging the cell doors shut but the SPS are answerable to their Scot Govt bosses.
The tactic is: Deny any responsibility till the complainant gives up.
Same with Scot NHS health boards when they kill or abuse a patient. Nothing to do with us, says Scot Govt, take it up with the health board killers /abuser directly.
But, any good news, then it’s: Oh, that’s because we have the SNP Scot Govt in charge of the Scottish NHS.
Tartan. I came off Twitter and stopped reading daily blogs. Mainly for my own sanity. I found it exhausting having the same circular debates every few months.
I now only read Wings. Because right now independence is not on the horizon. So it is time to take a break. It is just demoralising to spend so many hours a day going nowhere.
I don’t want to give up, I just realise that this inertia is utterly deflating.
this joke -is- still funny
link to
Tartan Tory @ 4.54pm
‘If the wider public don’t waken up and ‘get with the program’, we are well and truly lost to this trans-cult’
All credit to you for making that journey, TT, and thank heavens for the presence of Annie, Liz, Alf, and the 40+ (?) stalwarts in attendance at the ‘demo’.
But the dire response is not down to the wider public. It’s down to those who are well up to speed on what is happening to bring it to the attention of the wider public. Where were our highly critical keyboard campaigners from Wings, those who are able bodied and within reasonable reach of today’s demo?
How many of ALBA’s 7000 members could have given support today, but just couldn’t be bothered?
I know it’s Burns Day, it’s a midweek day, there are other demos planned, folks had other distractions etc., but 50 max? Sturgeon must have been looking down and grinning from ear to ear.
It’s the same with ALBA. 5000 members within days of launch, and not much higher 2 years later, despite the most dreadful politicians, corruption, and peacetime ‘events’ in history.
No one seems that bothered. The electorate are not even worthy of being described as being like ‘rabbits in headlights’: at least the rabbits are smart enough to sense danger.
Public meetings are just not cutting it anymore. The 40 Wee Blue Book meetings were poorly attended and largely preaching to the converted, 200 at a major call to arms at Perth last month, a derisory 300 – from 7000 members and countless 000’s in the YES movement – in SCOTLANDS CAPITAL CITY – trying to find a way to undo the untold harm of SNP is an appalling turnout, and George Square less than half full in November despite some great bands laid on.
And if not support for organised public demos, then what?
ALBA, SALVO, LIB SCOT, YES, will all collapse if they are not given better support than the pathetic response of late, yet the calibre of leading members of these organisations is infinitely superior to any of the hapless clowns in UK politics.
They are the type we desperately need to support through to Indy and beyond. But none of the above groups has more than a few thousand members, yet still we hope to find another 2 MILLION + to just turn up and vote for Indy?
So, to all bloggers fanbases, to the hundreds of contributors here on Wings, to the thousands who read this and know what’s coming down the line, put your outrage at injustices to one side for a few minutes, log in to one or all of the above orgs and pledge support. Then perhaps, give some thought to attending rallies being organised by those doing the heavy lifting.
GF @6:58
“Send me to prison for that belief and I will still call Adam Graham by his male name.”
I’ll be in the cell next door.
What we can then do is encourage every male prisoner, excluding the Nonse categories, to tell their respective Prison Governor that they’re transitioning and they demand a transfer to a female prison.
Imagine the chaos.
Time to hoist the SG by their own petard.
@robertkknight 9:50 pm
Stu has put a new article up. It chimes with my understanding. The more you appease the group think the more they challenge your senses and perspective. It’s all about getting you to move again. I have stopped with Adam Graham he is a male he will always be a male. The fact he is in a female prison doesn’t mean he is female. He is a male I will rinse and repeat until I am charged and jailed. And I will be in 2024 when the HCB becomes law. But you won’t be far behind me. Anything will constitute a hate crime to the SNP/ Green Scottish Government.
Liz @6.16
I can assure you I am correct. Believe me I know
Back in the time of gardyloo , all the shit thrown in the street would wash down the Royal mile and gather at the foot of the cannon gate. The stench must have been stomach turning. How appropriate that this site was chosen for the great degeneracy that is our Parliament.
@Wee Chid
There certainly are Tories who intend to vote Yes. About 5% of them, give or take. With the Tories at 20% in the polls, 5% of 20% is 1%.
That’s who this site serves now, is it?
Is this site still even in the business of making a difference or is it just a Look At Me venture these days?
Care to comment now?
You accuse me of wanting to draw attention to Stu’s Tory voting. In doing so, you only betray yourself. You know it’s wrong, don’t you?
Blame the person who points out the fault, not those who commit the fault. A tactic well known and well used by those caught bang to rights and with no hiding place.
@Rev. Stuart Campbell
Fine. It’s your vote and it’s your site. Do what you like with them. But you’re way way way off the path and in the weeds with both at the moment.
I’ll credit you with the nous to realise what it means and what’s going to happen when it comes out that the author of the WBB, the destroyer of the pretensions and grift of the MSM and BBC, the guy who took a SLAB leader to court and made her look like an erse, etc., now votes Tory.
You just don’t care. Again, that’s fine. You’re a grown up, think what you want.
But don’t ever pretend you voted Tory thinking about anyone other than yourself. They all tell themselves that lie.
You know who’s going to kill more women than bogus self IDers? The Tory fucking government. By a factor of thousands.
And you’ve just elected to walk off the battlefield and take your ball with you because you don’t get to take all the penalties.
What did the reaction to your latest shot at a Pulitzer tell you? The same thing has happened before re widely trailed gotchas and exposes. And what did you learn?
You don’t have anything like the reach you think you do. You don’t have influence beyond what you’re allowed to have. You need as many friends and allies as you can get. Indy wise and gender wise.
And you’ve decided how to do that is to announce you’re going to vote Tory. In the UK in 2023. Unbelievable.
How many of those who lionised your effort the other day would agree that’s the right answer? Or even a tiny part of it? A helluva lot fewer than would tell you to sober up or GTF, I’m betting.
They’ll find out about your Tory tendency when your Yes and No enemies decide they can most profit from it. And then you’ll lose a shitload of them too.
There is no question and there are no circumstances to which “Vote Tory” is the right answer.
I’ve voted against the tories (or for the Greens when available), all my life till recently. I’d vote Tory now before I’d vote Stalinist or Trotskyist or Leninist or the New Left’s codswallop regurgitations of Marcuse and Gramsci. The exception was Corbyn’s campaigns – he got my vote in 2017 and 19. Might as well have someone who likes the poor more than the rich running the collapse of the current system, I thought. We’ll need current tory voters to carry either independence or any democratic environmental programme forward. Spewing hatred at folk who won’t be rounded up for the pretend working-class parties would be a reverse psychology strategy I might advise if paid by the tories.
“I’ll credit you with the nous to realise what it means and what’s going to happen when it comes out that the author of the WBB, the destroyer of the pretensions and grift of the MSM and BBC, the guy who took a SLAB leader to court and made her look like an erse, etc., now votes Tory.”
It’ll mean absolutely nothing. If people cared what I thought a lot more of them would have voted Alba in 2021. Also, most people are’t totally thick and realise Bath isn’t in Scotland.
@Rev. Stuart Campbell
Scotland’s most popular political blog. Read widely by MPs, MSPs and the MSM. But…
“It’ll mean absolutely nothing”
Come off it. You’ll be used when they need to use you. And it’ll be against independence, not self ID.
Your call to vote for Alba and your conversion to the Tory party have something in common – they have to go through the MSM to get traction.
Does what happened to the first one not inform you about what is going to happen to the second one? You really think they’re going to shoot that gifthorse in the face? That the author of the WBB now votes Tory and would, I assume, vote No too?
Point the gun at the SNP all you want but don’t start effectively pointing it at me in your pique.
I’ll just psrk this here…
link to
psrk = park!
@ BDTT: Yes Tories – that is why I always say out loud at Yes marches, when the chant “Tories Out” starts, that there are Tories for Yes.
Of course there are – some of them are proud of Scotland, they can’t all like being linked to the Westminster crew especially when that crew are incompetent and scuppering the ship.