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Wings Over Scotland

The Human Torpedo

Posted on March 15, 2023 by

Two obvious things arise from this clip from last night’s BBC leadership debate.

Don’t worry, this won’t take long.

Firstly, absolutely nobody is proposing to “roll back” any rights held by trans people, who already have exactly the same rights everyone else does and some extra ones on top, so that claim is a total red herring. What Ash Regan – on behalf of the vast majority of Scots – opposes is giving them even more preferential treatment, which would come at a massive cost to the rights of others (mostly actual women).

But secondly, Humza Yousaf’s comments completely blow the entire foundation of the Gender Recognition Reform bill out of the water, and would be thrown back in his face by the UK government were he to become First Minister and then be so foolish as to challenge the UK’s Section 35 blocking of the bill in court.

Because under the terms of the GRR, neither Humza Yousaf nor anyone else has the right to declare that Isla Bryson is “at it”, or that he’s “not a real transwoman”.

(Curiously he still didn’t have the courage to refer to the rapist as a man, instead using “they/them” pronouns, implying he thinks Bryson is in fact non-binary, a characteristic which still as yet has no legal existence anywhere in the UK.)


The entire point of self-ID, as legislated by the bill and as the term suggests, is that nobody else gets a say in the matter. If Bryson or anyone else SAYS they’re a woman, they ARE one, and disputing that is – under the Hate Crime Bill forced into law by none other than Humza Yousaf – a criminal offence.

(It’s pretty clear that it would be capable of meeting the tests in the Bill because the SNP’s own definition of “transphobia” makes it clear that Yousaf’s words amount to bigotry, just as Nicola Sturgeon’s did when she repeatedly flapped under questioning on the subject almost as badly as Yousaf did last night. And presumably the SNP NEC would be classed, legally at least, as “reasonable persons”.)

Yousaf’s reply last night is actually the least terrible one open to SNP ministers, such a fiasco has the Bryson case made of the GRR. But for Yousaf to be still pledging to take the bill to court is indefensibly stupid, because the UK’s lawyer would absolutely shred him using his own words. The issue would cause months of damage to the party, the Scottish Government and the cause of independence, and then they’d lose anyway.

Yousaf is a loose cannon on the SNP’s deck, and if the party is dim enough to choose him as leader he’s going to blow some pretty big holes in their own hull.

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The man’s a choob and if he becomes FM the party is doomed.
I’s probably doomed anyway, but that’s another matter.



There can’t be a special clause just for Humza.
This is exactly the nonsense the Incel crew is pushing.
It’s absolutely forbidden to question anyone’s gender identity.

Bryson has been the lab rat on exactly why this bullshit is totally unworkable.

Andrew scott

Justice minister should examine useless’ statement and act
Any bets??

Bob Mack

Hey Stu. Your talking about Humza here.He can feed 5000 with two fishes. He built a bridge single handedly. He reduced the hospital waiting lists, which admittedly involved death for some.

The man is going to fight the GRA on his own to ensure rapists have a free hand and access. He is omnipotent in his own mind.

I would love to see him win and become the first to be charged under the legislation, but that is me.

Never underestimate an idiot.


Isn’t it scary that the Unionist and SNP hierarchy is Humza.

Caught claiming credit for the new Firth Road Bridge he only hindered at the tail end
and who now is the architect of a criminal act by not following his guidelines that any man who says he is a woman is a woman murderer, rap*st or con person with a free pass into girls changing rooms and women’s prisons.

We need someone humming different tunes to this Person.


Would the he is “at it” statement not be considered a hate crime under his unimplementable Hate Crime bill. Sumbidy fine the polis.

Anton Decadent

Let us not forget that Labour, the Lib Dems and the Greens are also captured parties with regard to this. Imagine if someone had told you eight years ago that Alex Salmond had been stitched up by the SNP, formed a new party which opposed the brainwashing of primary school children that men in drag were actually women and that the only party which also held this view was the Conservatives and that a new Stasi of Critical Theory fundamentalists (or people who would tolerate literally anything as long as their comfy position in life was not threatened) was running Scotland.

Geoff Anderson

In summary: Under Humza’s Hate Bill, a TransWomen is a Women until they are “at it”, and only Humza can identify those who are “at it”. Therefore those who are “at it” then become non-binary.

I’m glad that has been cleared up! ( when do they become Furries?)


Until somebody is “a tit” like Yousaf?


Now perhaps SNP voters will realise what a liability he is.

Without doubt it also confirms that he didn’t believe in the GRR crap in the first place.

We don’t have to import every piece of American crap ideology.

Why does anyone vote for the Scottish Greens?. They couldn’t care less about the Environment.They are Nut cases pushing gender fantasies to morons.


Of course, just like Sturgeon when trying to answer questions at the time of the Bryson furore, they stumble in incoherence because of the fundamental irrationality of the belief system. Questions expose this because none of them can deal with facts. It’s the reason why adherents of the ideology say ‘no debate’ since it cannot be debated logically.

Had any of the SNP establishment been using common sense, then they might have seen this coming, but to be honest, I don’t think they were bothered. They just wanted to join what seemed like an international movement which had for them, the virtue of using authoritarianism to shut down protests. (Some people crave power for that alone – the power to make people obey. Control is the ultimate thrill and quite addictive obviously.)

Do you remember all the talk about civic nationalism and the earnest exhortations not to alienate minorities? Yet the same people now don’t seem to care about calm persuasion to win people over to independence. Instead they prefer alienating people by insults, de-platforming, intolerance and draconian legislation to force compliance with a crazy, illogical belief system called transgenderism. (It’s like being in Iran with even the Iranian option for gay people on offer – have surgery and change sex.)


Correct, the First Meenester can’t declare shenanigans, but the Chief Constable of ScotPlod can lodge an objection to a self-declaration.

Although it’s unclear – almost by design – whether this needs to be done before a man – excuse me, a “rapist” – applies for their Girlhood Card, using some sort of predatory precognition.

Lawyers will be slavering at the prospect of arguing both sides of “what Holyrood meant to say” on that one.

I. Despair

I don’t know SNP internal rules in any detail but if the point of the NEC definition of transphobia was to create a standard for behaviour, can an SNP member now report Humza Yousless for his transphobic remarks against poor wee Adam Graham/Isla Bryson? Would Yousless be pulled up for a disciplinary offence?


I wouldn’t let him run a bath. He’s an uber-numpty.

James Che

“Sovereign Scots people are who they say they are” no matter what gender they say they are.

regardless of using threats, phrases and language to suggest their identity is not valid.

Self ID is great,


If I take a thought from Queen Noor of Jordan’s biography, basically saying that politicians words cannot ever be believed … and that truth can only be determined by looking at the end result, making the assumption that this was the plan, and working it backwards.
If all this results in the total collapse and disintegration of the SNP Independence party …. then we must assume that that was the plan all along, which suggests quite clearly where the driving force is coming from.

James Che

And lets not forget the Tories Ruth Davidson ” Rape Clause” while we are here.

James Che

No matter which party is in the Scottish Devolved government sent to Scotland it contains cess pit of politicians against the people of Scotland,

It pays Scots to have long memories.


Looking at that Stonewall poster. “TransPeople are who they say they are”.
However I don’t have to pretend they are, or live in their fantasy world.


I don’t care what yousaf says he’s a complete racist arsehole.
“Transwomen” are men, born men will die men, irrespective of what mutilation they do to their bodies.
Non binary is nonsense.
Sick of all this nonsense.


Yousaf gives mohammedans a bad name…or maybe not ‘taqqia’ anyone?


So there you have it, from the horse’s mouth – by declaring that Isla Bryson is “at it” and “gaming the system,” Humza Yousaf is admitting out loud that predators, rapists, paedophiles and violent offenders are able to take advantage of loopholes in self-ID policies that he helped implement, in order to gain access to vulnerable women.

So what is he going to do about it?

Absolutely nothing he says. “We shouldnt roll back the rights of 99.9% of trans women who commit no crime whatsoever.”

But no-one is talking about the trans women who commit no crime whatsover. We’re talking about dangerous men who he admits are pretending to be trans to access women’s spaces, the ones he says are “at it”. What’s he going to do about them?

Again, absolutely nothing. Because doing something to protect women from rapists would involve “rolling back trans rights,” which Humza thinks simply cannot be allowed to happen.

So rapists and paedophiles can just continue to declare themselves women and go where they want. Humza has given his full permission. The safeguards which used to stop this have all been removed by policies that he supports.

And before he says, “oh but we have risk assessments in prisons,” who is going to do the risk assessments to keep the “at it” rapists out women’s hospital wards? Or changing rooms at the local pool? Or from applying for jobs as intimate carers for vulnerable old ladies and disabled people? Or from joining college massage therapy courses where they can touch young women in intimate ways?

No-one. Absolutely no-one. Women will just have to tolerate it because the rights of men to self identify as something they are not is far, far, far more important.

I can’t tell you how sick this makes me feel. Humza and his chums who support this are women-hating c*nts.


I see Yousaf seems to agree with Sturgeon that the third gender is “rapist”.

James Che


That was what civic nationalism was about, bringing in draconian new laws to change the populations natural native nationalism.

It is to remove national Countries, to replace them with one governance of one world order,
To do that you also have to import new ideas, new mass migration into every Country in the western and EU populations.

And It is easy to recall those on here promoting and introducing Civic Nationalism to Scots in the independence movement that called native Scots racists or moon howlers.

Break down your Countries nationality and culture, you are left with people having the sense of not belonging to anywhere in particular.
Easier to control people this way,

Geoff Anderson

Can just ONE reporter please as Humza what criteria he used to arrive at the definition “at it”
I just want to see him flapping around again.
How many of our current TransWomen Rapists are “at it” { both in prison and in, for example, political Parties). What superpower does Humza have that Alec Cole-Hamilton obviously lacks.
I’m trying to gauge the accuracy of the Humza Detector. Could we train dogs? Is it a scent?


«the science» may once again have to knuckle under to the pressure of «revision».
Textbooks of human physiology to the pyre. like the Nazi bookburning May 1933.
As for that Freud and his penis envy…
Transpeople are who they say they are and when I use a word, said Humpty Dumpty in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

James Che

Sooo AsH Regan and Kate Forbes have sent a open letter to mr Murrell.


I think we now have an inkling about the truth of it.

If someone trans says they are trans then obviously they are what they say they are.

That doesn’t actually mean that everyone who says they are trans is trans.

Then again it’s confusing because for someone to be outed as trans that requires them to deny they are trans so they can’t be what they say they are.

Not only that but I’m misquoting and the original said who rather than what. Which is implying that trans individuals are somehow incapable of impersonating anyone. Unless the inference is that if someone is found to be assuming someone else’s identity then they aren’t trans.

Or the most obvious flaw is that it doesn’t say that all trans people are who they say they are. It’s implied but not stated outright.


If trans women are what they say they are and we, the rest of the populace, have to agree with them, should we then agree with every anorexic that they are indeed fat?

Ian Brotherhood

I don’t do Facebook, but if Twitter is anything to go by then Humza has scant support.

Aside from the so-called ‘hostage videos’, I’ve seen no individuals explaining why he deserves to become FM. There have been angry messages from some SNP members who object to being labelled as ‘sheep’ etc, but it’s impossible to know whether they’re just messenger-shooting. The root of their anger may well be the outrageous behaviour of Murrell.

And we know they read each and every post Stu writes. They will have seen Smitty’s commentary (which has been repeatedly screenshot) and even mainstream media observers (e.g. The Politics Show, just finished) have picked up on the SNP jitters – it may well be that Humza Yousaf proves to be the spanner which finally knackered the Murrell machine.

Fingers crossed…



I hope I’m wrong but it appears Stu used to say there is no way Yousaf can win. Now it’s ‘if the party are stupid enough’ and that the contest is rigged (a reasonable claim).

Is wings now saying that Yousaf might win, and preparing the ground to openly say so?


I’m Scottish and I find it offensive that any old Tom dick or Harry is considered a “new Scot” No they’re not, THEY MAY become Scottish citizens in an independent Scotland but they will never be “Scots”. I see nothing wrong with that, just as I will never be Pakistani or Chinese. Civic nationalism is a new world order bullshitt exercise

Geoff Anderson

Humza under the lens

link to


Now I am wondering “Does a First Minister get a lifelong expenses gravy train” like former Prime Ministers have access to thanks to the historical Thatcher bump-off?

I can easily see Humza being a Truss and qualifying for maximum reward for so very little effort and time

James Barr Gardner

The Peter Principle (Wee Peem,naw & Aye)

The Peter principle states that a person who is competent at their job will earn a promotion to a position that requires different skills.

If the promoted person lacks the skills required for the new role, they will be incompetent at the new level, and will not be promoted again.

If the person is competent in the new role, they will be promoted again and will continue to be promoted until reaching a level at which they are incompetent. Being incompetent, the individual will not qualify for promotion again, and so will remain stuck at this final placement or Peter’s plateau.

This outcome is inevitable, given enough time and enough positions in the hierarchy to which competent employees may be promoted. The Peter principle is therefore expressed as: “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.” This leads to Peter’s corollary: “In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties.”?

Could this be the case of the poor performance of the Scot Gov since 2014 ?

Antoine Roquentin

Unfortunately, many SNP members/voters will agree 100% with Yusaf re: his ‘at it’ comment, without ever considering it’s further ramifications for his credibility.


Sturgeon’s rancid SNP…

Greater comedic value than, well…anything you care to name, frankly.

If you were to call the cops because some bloke in a dress was hanging about in the ladies loo, and on hearing that individual tell plod they’re “transgender”, state loud enough for all to hear “he’s at it”, plod would arrest you!!!

Welcome to the f*cked up country called Scotland, all thanks to Sturgeon’s rancid SNP and it’s ar$ehole members and representatives.

As Tommy would say…”Doesn’t it make you feel proud to be Scottish?”


Nally Anders

And yet the stupid arse Yousaf voted against the ammendment to block sex offenders from claiming trans status only after the point of arrest.
The whole Isla Bryson situation was predictable and entirely avoidable.
Despite the numerous warnings of predators able to take advantage of Self ID, our concerns were dismissed as “not valid”.
What a bunch of fck ups we have sitting in Holyrood.


J HUNT…«independence is always better than dependence»….but not if you are an «extremist» Scot wishing to put that into practice.
This abusive relationship i trust will end very badly for Britannia’s agents of dependence.

Anton Decadent

Perhaps we should consider the connection between politicians, actors and trans people as the three often appear as a unit. All three pretend to be something that they are not and the first of the three has made it law to not question this with regard to the third and some of the second act as social enforcers of this.

Gregory Beekman

In these debates, we should stop using the terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ and instead use ‘penis-people’ and ‘vagina-people’ (and their singular versions) because then there can be no doubt about what is being claimed or said.

Penis-people cannot declare themselves to be vagina-people because a penis is not a vagina.

Penis-people should go to the jails designed for the penis-people; vagina-people should be held in the jails made for the vagina-people.

It really is quite simple.

So, given how the terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ have become corrupted, let’s stop using them – replaced with ‘physical objects’-based terms, no one can twist these new terms into something they aren’t.

London Scottish

Gregory Beekman says:
15 March, 2023 at 3:50 pm
In these debates, we should stop using the terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ and instead use ‘penis-people’ and ‘vagina-people’ (and their singular versions) because then there can be no doubt about what is being claimed or said.

Brilliant. Problem solved.

Daisy Walker

Update re the Peter Principle – at ground level, some jobs require a degree of competence to carry out, for which there is no hiding place, some persons – often with a good level of paper qualifications – lack basic competence in the roll and, to be frank, cannot be trusted to tie their own shoelaces without backup.

The company then has a decision, go though the long drawn out, correct procedures for sacking the person, or provide them with the encouragement and gold plated, glowing reference to fly away and seek other pastures, or promotions.

Once management position is obtained, the incompetent can order others to do the job they could not, and blame them for any and all failures thereafter.

Not sure if this procedure has a name, but seen it happen many a time.

Wullie B

Ian Brotherhood says:
15 March, 2023 at 3:10 pm

And we know they read each and every post Stu writes. They will have seen Smitty’s commentary (which has been repeatedly screenshot) and even mainstream media observers (e.g. The Politics Show, just finished) have picked up on the SNP jitters – it may well be that Humza Yousaf proves to be the spanner which finally knackered the Murrell machine.

Fingers crossed

Hell I have been sharing Smitty far and wide Ian, trying to remember Stu’s method of finding member posts here on Wings, I remember seeing how to search for usernames and comments around about 2014, but every time I try something it never works, and I really cant be arsed going through every post BTL just to find more pearls from Smitty but I want to just to post them below Humza nd all the shitebags of the SNPs tweets

Bob Mack

@Daisy Walker,

The Dilbert Principle !


Torpedo Buoy (2010): Landlocked (Boat):

(Stop motion animation for Scotland’s Poets, Musicians and Filmmakers collaborative project, This Collection. Starring Andy Brown, David Webster and Graeme Mearns.):

link to

Geoff Anderson

Joint letter from Ash and Kate to Peter Murrel asking for details of membership.

Why would candidates not have this information?

link to


«Scotland CAN be independent in five years»

Will that CAN be kicked down the street once again?

Scotland MUST be independent in five years would display more resolve.
Not on offer it seems. Still wary of frightening the horses.

George Ferguson

Are we still on GRR? The bill is in the bin. Named Person is in the bin. HCB is in the bin. DRS is in the bin. Restrictions on advertising on Alcohol is in the bin. Can we get a Scot Gov that governs on behalf of the people and not tuppence halfpenny organisations with dubious morals and purple hair. Govern for the majority.


He should really be reported for a hatecrime under his own hatecrime bill.

Ian Brotherhood

The Regan/Forbes letter to Murrell is being copied and RTed like crazy.

It’s a master stroke – Murrell is being cornered, at last.

Garavelli Princip

“#OpenLetter to
regarding transparency in the #SNPLeadershipElection.

In the interest of transparency and fairness, ALL campaigns must get clarity on the number of SNP members voting in this contest.

Ash Regan MSP” (On behalf of her own team and that of Kate Forbes.

Read the letter if you can.

Looks like the pre-deignated losers are doing the groundwork in preparation for a legal challenge!


Yes sirree, them gals is sure gonna need to get lawyered up.

Alex Stone

The Human Torpedo?

More like the Human Chicken Nugget….


If Yousaf thinks for instance Isla Bryson is a woman then maybe a more pertinent question would be to ask him is if he was single and Bryson wasn’t a rapist, would he date her?

I know this hypothetical question is easy to get out of but it does shows the absurdity of this transwoman are woman nonsense that is being pushed.


Humza is on the hook thanks to Sturgeon’s intransigence and gender obsession. A pragmatic politician would recognise an opportunity to amend such a bill, and demonstrate his willingness to listen and adapt to evidence. Bonus points for not being Nicola. But, like the rest of the Sturgeon cult, he is both scared and lacking in any initiative to lower the heat under the issue. Because he will incur their wrath, and the sole flag they carry for being ‘progressive’.
An ambitious and clear thinking leadership candidate would make it clear they think a progressive agenda does not rest on gender reform, but extends to economics, welfare, health, education and land reform. Does anyone remember him having to say of any merit or insight on these topics? I thought not.
The sole reliance on GRR as a marker of how down they are with the yoof is only a reflection of the poverty of their thinking and ambition.

President Xiden

It’s Useless who is ‘at it’.


Geoff @ 4.28.

Lots of reasons – if someone is up to no good.

I sense the mind of a legal person guiding the hand of the pen used to write this letter (JC?). Getting the ducks in a row ready for the inevitable legal challenge.

How interesting that only two of the three candidates have found it necessary to ask for this information. It says everything about Humza and the way this election is being conducted to try to get him in post.

David Thomson

But, mind, to self-ID you need a Gender Recognition Certificate. The Court of Session ruled that a transwoman with a Gender Recognition Certificate is legally a woman.


It looks like Humza Yousaf has just committed an offence under GRR if Alister Jack had not blocked that terribly written piece of NuSNP GRR legislation.

Stuart, I am itching to spill the beans about Nicola throwing Penfold under the bus.

This TEMPORARY HUMZA FM circus is just a sideshow.

Humza Yousaf will likely win the rigged election. Then HILARIOUSLY he will be the Scottish version of Liz Truss. Or would that be Humza Truss? For sure the WORST FM in Scottish history?

Nae wonder the main plan was to get Alex Salmond doing a 12 year stretch at the Bar L.

Even with all the crap they flung at Alex, when Nicola’s dirty secrets come out, Alex Salmond could feasibly come back as First Minister again.

But immediately after this FM election their will be an audit into the illegitimacy of this Murrell authored farce.

Then the £600,000 will capture a ton of headlines.

Then the £half billion wasted on ferries, etc., etc.

The big story is what was decided by GHCQ and the 77th on 19th September 2014, the day after IndyRef1?

The plans to destroy the SNP go back that far.

Nobody, but nobody can sanely argue that the SNP is fit for purpose after 8 years of Nicola

Or that it is the same, dynamic, positive, principled political party that took Scotland so very close to becoming independent on 18th September 2014?

We are now reaching the denouement. Exit La Sturgeon after the Rozzers grilled Penfold.

The final act is almost upon us, and it ain’t Humza Halfwit.

The jaw dropping point is when Peter Murrell gets to answer for his sins at a place which ain’t so private as the 14th of February 2023.

It will soon be time for the Dreghorn Clippie to toss old chrome dome under the number 11 bus fae Dreggers.

I will leave this BTL comment finished at this point Stu.

For sure 2023 and 2024 will be Wings busiest years. Ever.

Tons of crapolla hurtling down the railway on the Nicola Deviant Express Train.

All that is left is to say THANKYOU PETE WISHART.

You dozy old git. You went and trolled Stu Campbell. Pi55ed him off. Now he is back and writing up a storm.

The Rev is narrating the slow-motion implosion of the trans-captured Twitler Youth driven wreckage of NuSNP.

Having Humza be the fall-guy for the next several months is just pure popcorn time.

Mark my words, the Murrells’ and all their clingers-on will be the top of the news for the next 18 to 36 months.

Sorry Nicola, you ain’t getting to be Ambassador at the UN.

More like Nicola as Bea Smith from Prisoner Cell Block H.

Neil Wilkinson

Yes, if HY doesn’t want to know the info…why not ? volumes, or if he doesnt need to ask because he already knows….


@ Wullie B at 4.16: Smitty’s latest is on the previous post at 3.44 a.m.

Wullie B

sarah says:
15 March, 2023 at 5:35 pm

@ Wullie B at 4.16: Smitty’s latest is on the previous post at 3.44 a.m.
I have the last few days posts, but Smitty has been posting stuff like this for weeks,

panda paws


SNP HQ refuse to release the info

“NEW: SNP headquarters issue statement refusing to issue the number of members voting in the leadership contest.”

Brian Doonthetoon

This comment is inspired by Al-Stuart’s comment at 5.35pm.

The next Holyrood election…
Alex Salmond is returned as a North East regional MSP.
THE SNP are the largest party but don’t have a majority.
The SNP nominate their leader (at that time) to be First Minister.
Alba Party nominate AS to be FM.
All the unionist parties vote for AS because,

1. reluctantly, they accept that there is nobody else in the parliament with his acumen, political knowledge and public profile and,
2. It will deliver a bloody nose to the SNP.

A flight of fantasy?


@ Wullie B

If you are using a non Apple computer you can press CTRL F and this will bring up a text box, which you can type in “smitty”, then scroll through the results to find their posts.
If using a non Apple smartphone you can press the 3 dot menu at top right of screen and scroll down to “Find on page” option, and again type in “smitty”, and scroll through results.

BDtt has previously suggested another way of searching for user posts on Wings, but think it was more involved advanced search function and I can’t recall it.
He may read this and repeat how to do it, and then you can bookmark his post for future reference.

Brian Doonthetoon

That comment was inspired by Al-Stuart’s comment at 5.31pm.

Ian Murray

Why is ballots going to lapsed members a bad thing ?
Isn’t the most likely reason they have left is because of slow walking independence, trying to jail Alex, and stupid policies pushed through with the greens?
They sound more likely to be Ash supporters no ?


Can anyone confirm if Beth and or Alex Cole Hamilton or Wee Paddy , or Lorna Slater or the other soap avoider what’s her name in the SP have reported humza or sturgeon to the polis for HATE SPEECH , IF NOT WHY NOT after all they did it publicly with broadcasting media showing it to MILLIONS of people , I am prepared to be a witness in a criminal case against them, they should not be forgiven for their blatant hate speech

I would encourage Isla Blair to report Humza Usaf and Nicola Sturgeon to police Scotland for BLATANTLY misgendering her and encouraging hate towards her, Humza only last night on a nation wide broadcast CLAIMED without any evidence that Isla was (AT IT), a public announcement of DELIBERATE MISGENDERING and HATEFUL SPEECH towards a transitioning individual

I call on the trans community to protect and align themselves with Isla their sister against this reviled misgendering by politicians who think they are above the law , I also call on STONEWALL and OFI to disassociate themselves from the FM and Mr Yusaf of the SP for the DELIBERATE hateful misgendering of Isla Blair

To anyone being charged with hate speech it is imperative that your defence solicitor can show that if the FM of Scotland and her wee lapdug (who i’m informed is a great licker) can break the laws that THEY introduced with impunity you should immediately be freed and compensated


Can anyone confirm if Beth and or Alex Cole Hamilton or Wee Paddy , or Lorna Slater or the other soap avoider what’s her name in the SP have reported humza or sturgeon to the polis for HATE SPEECH , IF NOT WHY NOT after all they did it publicly with broadcasting media showing it to MILLIONS of people , I am prepared to be a witness in a criminal case against them, they should not be forgiven for their blatant hate speech

I would encourage Isla Blair to report Humza Yusaf and Nicola Sturgeon to police Scotland for BLATANTLY misgendering her and encouraging hate towards her, Humza only last night on a nation wide broadcast CLAIMED without any evidence that Isla was (AT IT), a public announcement of DELIBERATE MISGENDERING and HATEFUL SPEECH towards a transitioning individual

I call on the trans community to protect and align themselves with Isla their sister against this reviled misgendering by politicians who think they are above the law , I also call on STONEWALL and OFI to disassociate themselves from the FM and Mr Yusaf of the SP for the DELIBERATE hateful misgendering of Isla Blair

To anyone being charged with hate speech it is imperative that your defence solicitor can show that if the FM of Scotland and her wee lapdug (who i’m informed is a great licker) can break the laws that THEY introduced with impunity you should immediately be freed and compensated


Brian @ 6.06.

As much as I like your suggestion, I wouldn’t like to be on that flight when taking off or landing.

Ian Murray

Hey Rev

Looks like Humzah does follow WoS
Neil Gray asked for transparency too, presumably after he confirmed with HQ that they would not release the info.
Looks like an own goal


Nicolae Ceausescu and his spouse, sorry Sturgeon and Murrell, are beginning to hear the first disaffected rumblings coming up from from the formerly overawed masses.

Remember Nicolae Ceausescu’s bewildered face during a speech when he realized the people were having none of it? The tide has turned and the slimy seaweed of sleaze is beginning to stink.

Brian Doonthetoon

To find comments on WOS by, eg, “Smitty” or “Brian Doonthetoon” or whoever…

Go to,
link to
Paste or type the username into the “this exact word or phrase:” box.

In the “site or domain:” box, paste
then hit enter/return.

You’ll get a list of hits. Click on each to open in a new tab and go to that tab.
Press CONTROL and F (Windows) or COMMAND and F (MAC) and a bar will open at the foot of the tab.
Type or paste the username into the text box there, then use the up/down arrows to find the pertinent comments.

James Che


This new civic nationalism being imported to Scotland to replace national Identity and culture values also waters down the votes on nations national Countries,
Henceforth all Countries will think the same, act the same, be under the same laws and the result will be the same,

One government one world order, one nationality people,
It is easer to remove the rights of ALL people in one fell swoop, than to have varying degrees of opposition, opinions and protests from different Countries on gender issues, religions, climate change, digitalise humans beings, energy providers, one language, one universal credit wage, one system of banking and finances.

Give credit or deduct credit from a individuals accounts depending on wether they conform or protest against big brother government and the lack of rights for humans.
To Restrict where and how you move in your Country or outside of it, they will simply be able to withdraw your finances, for food, housing and energy, or to lock you down,
You will eat bugs, own nothing and be happy, or else you will be penalised and fines deducted from your accounts remotely from far away.

15 minute cities, being trialed in Britain right now, anyone?
Food reduction in super markets selfs to war time like rationing?
Banks Collapsing?
NHS collapsing?
Businesses folding and deindustrialisation world wide in western and Europe Countries in synchronicity?

No longer able to financially support your self? , no longer able to have control of your health? No longer able to Control which gender has penises,? No longer having a say in your or you’re or your children’s safety and education? No longer able to control your mortgage.

No longer a conspiracy


Can see where this going. Ash and Kate will pull out and resign over this farce election and Humza useless will be elected un-contested.

Wullie B

Thanks BDtt and Dan, thats the info I was looking for

Dave Llewellyn

Sounds like lot of seats are going to detransition to Labour unless someone asks Anas Sarwar what a woman is


“The issue would cause months of damage to the party, the Scottish Government and the cause of independence, and then they’d lose anyway.”

Isn’t that exactly what the vast majority of SNP MPs and MSP’s want?

To hinder independence at any cost, while remaining safe in their comfortable seats?

Why else is the SNP establishment backing Yousaf?

Bobby McPherson

“Trans as a term is used to describe people whose gender is not the same as or does not sit comfortably with the sex they were assigned at birth.”



Can anyone enlighten me as to the position of the Hate Crime Legislation? My understanding is that it received the Royal Assent 23 years ago, it however has not been put into practice yet as Police Scotland have asked for more time to train their officers. Is this the case? Somewhere out there I saw a tweet saying that a complaint had been made to Police Scotland about Mr Humza’s ‘transphobic’ comments about the lovely (and no doubt vulnerable) Isla Bryson. Would it not be delicious if the first person to be charged under this ridiculous legislation was the person who piloted it through the Scottish Parliament?


Sorry I meant 2 years ago in my previous comment. Seems like 23 years though.

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