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Wings Over Scotland

The end of pretence

Posted on August 26, 2015 by

This is quite an extraordinary thing to have happened.


But it’s not the only one.




It seems a curious way to dispel SNP supporters’ belief that the BBC is biased against their party to have two of its most senior political journalists, Scottish Labour and the Guardian all openly ganging up to attack it in the space of a couple of days. As noted by the SNP-backing but hyperbole-averse blogger (and regular BBC pundit) Andrew Tickell, it’s distinctly unusual to have such starkly partisan comments made by serving reporters, not grandees safely out to pasture.


The comments all but amount to a declaration of war. As an MP it’s well within Salmond’s remit to express opinions and even try to exert pressure, but supposedly impartial reporters are meant to remain aloof. Defending themselves against criticism is fair enough, but Robinson’s behaviour is akin to trolling, and for Naughtie to have misrepresented the situation so blatantly – Salmond responded to Robinson reopening hostilities, not the other way around – is remarkably provocative.

Nationalists will need no second invitation to question Naughtie’s neutrality, and Robinson’s Tory sympathies are hardly a secret. And this site has long noted that it’s unreasonable to expect journalists – who are human and vote like everyone else – to be unbiased. The most viewers can ever ask is that media correspondents display their leanings openly (as this site does) so that viewers and listeners can put their broadcasts into perspective accordingly.

We therefore welcome Nick Robinson and James Naughtie’s remarks in that spirit. Scottish Labour, sucking up to teacher, should simply be embarrassed.

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Neither of them like their status to be challenged as they are gods in their own circle.


Stranger and stranger!

I wonder if this has anything to do with Prof. Robertsons release of his Study into media coverage of the Indy Ref which I just posted a link to on the end of the last thread,( my first link on WOS).

Interesting how critical of the MSM and BBC in particular he is, the passage on cat agonies of elite control and interlocking and how full of praise for the online democracy that was engendered in Scotland as a result of their recorded bias!

Or… They are trying to obfuscate away from Nick and Naughties blundering and re activation of the bias inquiry that is needed as a result of the RBS Financially sensitive leak that took place through the BBC, the result of which led to Alex Salmonds answer to Nick which implicated him and led to him censoring the report that night on the 10Pm news!

I think they are just keeping us busy which rapid fire diversions, incriminations and inflammatory articles in the hope we won’t notice all the inquiries underway, ongoing,ma out to start and those still needed.

BBC Scot and Scot. Lab tag teaming now, what did that report say about elite interlocking strategies…hmmm!

Colin Church

Wagons circling to keep BBC UKOK.

Fears of devolving because SNP have a government majority. Really?

How does that work for England / London then? How are the high heid yins appointed down there? The unionist elites revolving doors.

David Agnew

Yup – a winning strategy. By having the BBC “and” Scottish labour ganging up on the SNP. Like that has…like…totally never been tried before right. At a moment when both are increasingly seen deeply dishonest & dysfunctional. At a time when this level of negativity was responsible for the defeat of Scottish labour. Now is the time to put on the big kids pampers and soil yourself and then throw your shit at the SNP.

I have asked here: When will the other shoe drop. When will they get it and stop behaving like yahoos. I have my answer now. They’re not going to stop. They are going to keep it up. They are going to keep talking shite and blowing smoke up Scotlands’ arse. I wish I still had the license fee so I could cancel it again in protest.

What a bunch of Fannies.


Posted link, see above, at end of last thread.

Seems doubly suitable and directly in context with the theme of this thread.

link to

Colin Church

Missed the mouse over comments on grabs first time. Sorry to make a similar comment on Guardian piece.

Great adds to the text as always.


I still haven’t heard a reason, even half-believable, why control of broadcasting should not be devolved to Holyrood.

The only excuse some unionist lickspittle could come up with thus far was:

Because it’s the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation”

“You silly jocks!”


It’s important to be aware that it was Jim Naughtie who brought up this subject with Alex Salmond on Sunday.

It was NOT Alex Salmond who raised the topic.

Your “all but amount to a declaration of war” seems to be exactly what this is. It’s the BBC going on the offensive (best type of defence ?) in advance.

It’s got to be a given that from now until elections in May the BBC will be doing everything they can to damage the SNP.


It is such a blatant book selling exercise by Robinson that one can hardly credit that Naughtie and the Press are playing along with it.

I think that Salmond and the Yes movement generally come out of this with rather more integrity than the journalists.


Curiously I think Robinson is probably Salmond’s biggest Ally. He’s clearly become obsessed with Salmond to the point of irrationality, almost stalking in a media sense. His comment on the “referee” is classic. It could even be he’s secretly seeking Salmond’s approval, kind of like a smelly dog slinking along behind its owner wagging its tail, hoping for a bonio.

The thing is that by doing so he gives Salmond publicity and face, and if Salmond plays it right, he ends up with the bonio and the dog!

Woof woof, good boy, down, down!

Rob James

What is there to prevent an independent broadcasting company setting up? (other than the capital expenditure required) I am sure there are enough talented people around to make it happen and be a success. Unfortunately I know nothing about broadcasting and would appreciate some feedback from those of you in the know.

a supporter

People like Robinson and Naughtie are completely naive about the impact of social media. The former opened the can of worms around his lies, and the rest of them have been press ganged into support. They haven’t got a clue. Fraser was even stupid enough to question AlexS’ view about bias asking for examples and was immediately snowed unde with references to Robertson’s bias Report, and Ponsonby’s and McWhirter’s books.

I’ve had a ball on twitter rubbing it in and getting everyone to tweet every stupidity by any of them about the matter. They opened the war. We will crush them.

donald anderson

It is God’s will that Englerland’s EBC should rool the world from London. Let Nation speak unto notion and don’t answer back.

Andrew Morton

Naughtie is a pompous, self regarding, pretentious buffoon.


@a supporter
Indeed. I think the purchase of a few kilograms of salt is in order to throw into the open wounds of Nicky and Jimbo, stand back and watch the squeals. The expression “stuck pigs” comes to mind, I have absolutely no idea why.

Pass the vinegar.


I’m glad you addressed this Stu. When I read Naughtie’s comments on the Herald the other day, I was surprised to see the btl comments were closed! As I was fully expecting to see the rebuttal pointed out below the line.

The Herald clearly knew the score here. Naughtie basically lied through his teeth in his urgency to condemn Alex Salmond and twisted the facts, as you say reversing who instigated the ‘fray’.

O/T I read your twitter feed regularly but when I click through from ‘follow’ and onto your page, I am met with a ‘sign in’ screen and can no longer access your twitter feed! Has Twitter changed the rules, so those of us not on Twitter can’t read the feeds any longer?

I’ll be ‘gutted’ if I can’t, as I’m not prepared to sign up to it. Such a great resource, it’s actually how I keep up wi the news!

Donald MacKenzie

I wonder if James Naughtie would like to precede his comment5s by saying that Nick Robinson was an idiot to resurrect the issue therefore inviting responses. Maybe not!


To be pedantic only the accute accent is required for correct pronunciation of mêlée. The circumflex only marks the loss of an ‘s’ or ‘sc’ in its progress from Latin to French.


There’s an old joke that goes along the lines that in Germany, when an engineer comes to the door, he is shown the dining room in order to meet the daughter. In the UK, when an engineer comes to the door, he is shown the door to the basement in order to fix the boiler.

It is a dig at the UK culture of given titles to people whose lowly technical ability/knowledge doesn’t match the title. In short, people promoted way above their ability and given fancy job titles.

The culture is seen exactly what UK mainstream journalism is about and it depends on everyone toeing the line so that they don’t rock the boat and endanger their cosy career prospects.

It is hardly surprising that these journalists are joining in the fray, they have their jobs to protect and like their Labour party peers, they are unemployable outside their protected ‘feathered nest’ in which they inhabit.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

I’m only surprised the westmisnter Labour establishment have’t just asked toryboy Nick Robinson to step in and decide who can and cannot vote in their leadership election shambles/purge.

A wee bit of a dead giveaway that Robinson and the rest of the westminster bubble BBC decides to focus on smearing the SNP while one of the most astonishing and corrupt leadership elections in Labour’s entire history takes place under their very nose as Robinson, Naughtie and the BBC deliberately look the other way.

Remember folks, the only way to stop paying for their lies and propaganda is to cancel the BBC Tax and save yourself hundreds of pounds every year by watching online. 🙂


i don’t think it’s a case of questioning neutrality……it’s a case of asking what effect the said lack of neutrality causes.
There is little doubt Robinsons appalling bias had an effect on the referendum.
We can only speculate how much..
Bottom line is our state broadcaster is not a friend of ours.
We will have to manage that situation because we cannot change it.


What really gets me is that the media is making this all about Alex Salmond, i.e. constantly implying (if not outright saying in headlines) that Alex Salmond – not Nicola Sturgeon or the SNP – wants control of the BBC. Not that decisions about the Scottish media should be devolved to the Scottish parliament as a matter of principle, but that the MP for Gordon wants to have personal control over BBC content, as if he’s some sort of power-mad dictator stage-managing his publicity. Wasn’t this the same man who resigned from the highest position in his party and active role in government so he could become a backbench opposition MP?

It is, of course, completely ludicrous – not least because, as the MP for Gordon, Mr Salmond would actually be arguing to be rendered completely powerless over the BBC in Scotland, just as he presently cannot exert any ministerial influence on any other devolved issue. Every SNP MP is, ironically, arguing to have more and more powers taken out of their hands and put to the Scottish parliament instead.

That the BBC manage to spin this into Kim Jong-Sal shows they’re definitely rattled.

Andrew Morton

Luigi at 7:52 pm says:

“I still haven’t heard a reason, even half-believable, why control of broadcasting should not be devolved to Holyrood.”

Because he who controls the message controls events.


Gather round now boys and girls. Today, in honour of oor Nicky’s lofty new status we will all sing the revised BBC anthem. Now remember keep up at the back and in tune the Viceroy of Scotland will be listening! 😀

link to


@Rob James.

Broadcasting is a reserved issue. Total control by Westminster. They would never conceded to an independent broadcaster in Scotland without controls on what is given airtime.

However, they have no control or say on online ‘broadcasting’ via live stream providing it is not offensive, racist or pornographic. It’s the only way forward.


@ Rob James says at 7:57 pm ”What is there to prevent an independent broadcasting company setting up? (other than the capital expenditure required) I am sure there are enough talented people around to make it happen and be a success. Unfortunately I know nothing about broadcasting and would appreciate some feedback from those of you in the know.”

I’d like to know more about this too Rob. Could someone advise?


Slabber, committed to the survival of their London masters mouthpiece.



I feel every day for ALL the victims of our 2003 adventure, imagine losing a child to that folly. Chilcot on news, makes me despair…. When will we people wake up. White wash.

Labour. War mongerers, establishment lackies…sell outs, all.

Not to mention the people of Iraq. A proud sovereign state no more. We are Rome. We are our own worst enemy now.

Tinto Chiel

In a misguided post on the previous thread, I magnanimously asked the question of Kezia’s lampooners, “Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?”

Having seen the latest from herself and Angry Weskit-Man, I would have to say, “Put the pedal to the metal, suckers!”

An hour’s a long time in politics.


Rob James says:
“What is there to prevent an independent broadcasting company setting up?”

Most of Scotland, geographically, is served by small local digital transmitters with relatively few channels. Any alternative would need to replace what is already there. Or, only be available in larger population centres.

Having said that, I think it is about time that existing commercial broadcasters realised that there are great opportunities to be exploited. They could offer the type of unbiased informative news and current affairs that the BBC seem totally incapable of.

yesindyref2 say
“Curiously I think Robinson is probably Salmond’s biggest Ally.”

Indeed. There comes a point where the BBC’s bias and propaganda becomes a joke and counter productive. Despite the fact I would love to see decent broadcasting, I am beginning to wonder if we have reached the point where the BBC do more harm than good to their union.


When I was a kid Max Wall used to be on the BBC.
2015 and there he is, with the deviant Murray,
Slab need the BBC to help peddle their garbage to the zombie masses.

I don’t have any interest in the BBC as I stopped paying the licence last year.
If they try and change the way the licence is funded, there are stories going about “making it a national tax for everyone “, I still won’t pay it.
If it means going to the court of human rights I will do so.
I will not give the parasites another penny.


OBS is free open source for online broadcasting. There would still be fees for band with, servers, security, wages and guest appearances etc. Making quality programs on a regular basis does not come cheap but it’s not impossible.

Would probably need crowd funding on set up with pay per view as an economic model

Just an ordinary Joe here so no expert but other than cash, I don’t see major obstacles.

Big Jock

Isn’t it ridiculous that 45% of Scots voted yes. But as licence fee payers we are not allowed to criticise the state broadcaster. More proof that the BBC only represent the 55% who voted no.

They are putting two fingers up to us.But they are also putting two fingers up to the 56 Wm elected Mps. They are acting like a wagging finger of David Cameron. This situation is now untenable. Ironic that they acuse the complainant of fascism. When the organisation itself ignores the people it represents.


Rob James wrote:
“What is there to prevent an independent broadcasting company setting up?”

Infrastructure and those who own it.
Licences and those who have the issuing power.

That’s 2 very important key factors.

I have always liked the idea of a proper nationwide radio station which is fully supportive of Scottish independence.

Brian Powell

Too late for Labour, the BBC and its hacks.



And what a good first link too, Lanarkist!

Some light reading for the weekend 🙂

As Colin says “circling the wagons”. Suggests to me that we’re getting to them.

The loss of revenue from the licence boycott must be starting to hurt and viewing figures will be indicating they are losing their influence. That will be seriously worrying them as without the bbc the union is dead and they know it.

They will scream ever more shrilly and loudly to try and make their voice heard as their control weakens.

Its happening.

@Ian Brotherhood

Totally understand your frustration but I think this is a time for patience and cool heads. Concentrate on the Holyrood elections. We need to ensure we get a massive pro-indy majority in government in May. In the meantime work our asses off undermining the authority of the bbc and discrediting their reporting.

When our opportunity comes for indyref2 it is likely to happen quickly. Snap referendum giving the establishment no time to organise or disseminate their propaganda.

Giving Goose

Naughtie is a very big Tractor, with chromed wheels, a big air conditioned cab, comfy driving position, loads of pulling power, ploughing a deep furrow for his London farming masters.

The seagulls and crows follow behind snapping up the earthworms with gusto.

A bigger tractor you will not find.

Did I mention that it’s in a livery of red, white and blue.

Over in the neighbouring farm the kids are starving but Naughtie Boy Tractor doesn’t give a shit. He knows on which side his bread is buttered.

The oil for Naughtie Boy Tractor is supplied from the neighbouring farm, strangely enough.

The irony is lost on him as his big wheels keep turning.

David McDowell

It appears Robinson can no longer conceal his hostility towards Alex Salmond and that’s quite surprising for a man who has previously shown a very acute sense of how he comes across when communicating in public.

A few years ago it would have been unthinkable for a senior BBC political journalist to openly state such a personal view about a politician.

I’d say Robinson’s personal hatred for Salmond has warped his judgement just enough that now he can’t help the bile seeping out.

Here’s hoping many more eyes are being opened to the ridiculous BBC lies about his and the BBC’s “political impartiality”.


The answer is simple. The BCC’s political output in Scotland must be continually monitored for fairness and the statistics widely published and anticipated. Above all the BBC must be seen to be even handed or it’s worth nothing. I for one would happily contribute for this much needed service.


OFCOM controls all licenses so broadcasting on the airwaves is out. To create an online station is fairly easy plenty of existing software to deal with scheduling. Content is the problem. From my own experience in community radio hardware is not hard to come by.I would favour a democratic approach train people to podcast let the cream rise to the top much as has happened with indy blogs.If you want music that will cost. So mostly volunteers, with 3-4 paid people techies trainers schedulers.


@ David Agnew

Yep i couldnt have said it better myself lol

This amounts to two fingers at us and a get it up ye see what we can do nananana it is crassly stupid,did they not see what we did to their head eejits MP`s,have they all been sniffing Jims glue bag,havnt they figured out yet that we are not going away,no mater what little stunt they try to pull.

Maybe they should be asking who is controlling the SNP and maybe ask oor Eck who his boss is lol

You will tow the line in Scotland as a political party we the people the electorate the voters the owners demand it we have given you Labour a free hand for many years you abused it ,and now we are stopping it not the SNP you idiots.


@ yesindyref2 (8.06pm).

I love your thinking! May i bring a scrubbing brush to the party?

[…] The end of pretence […]

Big Jock

The decline of BBC has happened simultaneously with the decline of the Labour party. Funny that.Just saying!


Seems a lot of unionists use Mr Salmond to sell books. Thats at least three since the referendum that I can think of that have used him for publicity or subject. Haven’t read any of them though so can’t say anything about their contents.


Link to Open Broadcasting Software (OSB)

link to

Any savvy students up for a proof of concept?


Thanks Norrie!


PS forgot to add there is also TV free to view channels, believe the farmers have one, one of the big farm suppliers pays for it. Sorry no idea how much it costs and of course for TV huge start up costs.

Geoff Huijer

Nick Robinson’s tweet says more about his (lack of) professionalism than anything you, I, or Alex Salmond ever could.

Robert Bryce

With regards to a new broadcaster.

In order to broadcast FTA, Satellite & Cable you need a license. That license is issued by Her Majesty’s Government in Westminster.
Setting up your own masts to broadcast is also a non starter as yes, you’ve guessed it. The spectrum is controlled by Her Majesty’s Government in London.

The answer? Broadcasting devolved to the Scottish Government. It won’t happen as TV & Radio is the UK government’s propaganda machine.

Web streaming is the answer. We (Livestream Scotland) are embarking on a project soon to create our own online programming. I believe there are others working on this too.

Watch this space………….


Its enough that they know we don’t believe them any more
Every time someone calls into Tokyo Kay’s call in it must always be said we don’t believe you any more thank you for opening our eyes or should I say ears


Media Lens published this about Robinson & his spat about bullying of the press-lol. Well you have to laugh don’t you 🙂

link to


Big Jock says:
26 August, 2015 at 8:44 pm

The decline of BBC has happened simultaneously with the decline of the Labour party. Funny that.Just saying!

The unionist establishment triumvarate that has held Scotland back for so long, namely the BBC, the Daily Record and the Labour Party, are like a three legged stool. They support each other. Take one leg out, and the whole rotten mess comes crashing down. As of today, all three legs still stand, but only just. The stool is very shoogly. Just one more kick………. 2016?

Tinto Chiel

@Giving Goose.

Nicely developed metaphors, GG, but Naughtie’s too far down the road on his wee “tractor” to pay any attention. Hell mend him.

Lesley-Anne already give us the video @8.13 in any case.



It would seem that poor Nick has at last succumbed to the affliction that is AlanCochranitis.

Most organisations have an Alan or two or several.

Some have semi retired but some have written books. All require you to put your hand in your pocket or click your mouse.

Just don’t.


The Rev wrote:
“And this site has long noted that it’s unreasonable to expect journalists – who are human and vote like everyone else – to be unbiased.”

And yet that is exactly one of the main lies the BBC repeatedly promotes in order to sell themselves – that they are unbiased.

The Rev then goes on to state:
“The most viewers can ever ask is that media correspondents display their leanings openly (as this site does) so that viewers and listeners can put their broadcasts into perspective accordingly.”

Amen to that but i think you’re attempting to take optimism to a whole new previously unheard of level. We live in hope i suppose!

Kevie Helmet

I’m a supporter of Linux and open source software and watch a live streaming podcast called The Linux Action Show and I’m sure these guys use OBS and they put on a very professional show, a similar show based on Scottish Independence may be worth thinking about


I think we should ALL apply for the position of Scotland editor.


Please, if there’s anyone still here paying the licence fee just stop.

Change your viewing habits so you can legally stop paying.

We must not reward crooks.


Luigi wrote:
“The unionist establishment triumvarate that has held Scotland back for so long, namely the BBC, the Daily Record and the Labour Party, are like a three legged stool. They support each other.”

Aye, Luigi, and all 3 legs are riddled with woodworm.
Best giving that particular stool a wide birth, eh!


Dont suppose it means Labour are now admitting that most of the money raised in Scotland goes to be spent in London and that despite being 8.7% of funding Scotland gets less than 4% of spending.


These people, familiar to us from Dateline Scotland:

link to

have been trying to launch a nightly television news programme, but have had to scale back for financial reasons.

I also remember Lesley Riddoch discussing a radio station, but concluding that the licensing, etc, would be too expensive even without other obstacles.



oh and do you know who we are? we are the people who used to vote for you,work for you we are the Labour party you just stole our name.


@Lesley-Ann 8:13 To think that when I was a small boy I used to watch that kind of imperialist, racist, apologia for genocide with enjoyment. Makes me squirm now. But the attitudes aren’t that far off what we get from the BBC.


The Labour Party in Scotland and (often unwittingly) it’s supportersthe needs of the Scottish people for so long…

It’s all they know.


@Luigi says:

The unionist establishment triumvarate that has held Scotland back for so long, namely the BBC, the Daily Record and the Labour Party, are like a three legged stool.

With the aroma of raw sewage and just as appealing.


Who is trying to bully who here? It looks to me like a gang of people having a go at one person. And the gang are in positions of great influence where they are able to broadcast their views widely whenever they want to. They are also usually able to shut down the views that they don’t want to be broadcast, or at least spin them the way they want.

Nick Robinson was caught out doing that in the famous incident before the referendum , and that’s why it is so important to him. He can’t handle the fact that he wasn’t in control after all and the curtain was pulled back to reveal the news emperor all naked.

Oh dear, engendered a bad mental picture there sorry.


Lesley I think attempted to set up a station a few years ago I think finance was the problem. If you want to emulate the BBC it always will be, it is why I believe a bottom up approach, volunteers is the way to start. Follow the Revs business plan create content broadcast online and they will come. If you are crap or can’t sustain they won’t come.

Ian Brotherhood

Thanks to all who’ve taken the time to make cheery, uplifting, thought-provoking responses to my recent rants, and apologies to anyone who was irked by them – there’s a reason why I was (and still am) so angry, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to air it here.

As a peace offering, here’s a Michael Bolton song!(Ducks to avoid hail of unmentionables…)

link to

Cheers, love and peace to all Wingers X 😉

Paula Rose

Surely the point is that all we ask for is that news reporting in Scotland follows the guidelines laid down in the BBC charter and that if that is shown to have not been the case then the Scottish Government can call the BBC to account.

Perhaps lumilumi or someone who has experience of a good public service broadcaster can give a view.


Alex Salmond never said he disliked British Institutions, he did say that he wanted to create Scottish Institutions that would put the Scottish people first!

They then hint that Mr Salmond organised the protest, which he played no part in, and then shuts their ears not to listen to why all those individuals protested, that being blatant biased propaganda.

Westminster must be the world record holder in bullying and the BBC is the mouthpiece for their elitist culture.
They are outraged that we might replace the incumbent Bully as we might put Scotland in danger of having an unbiased national broadcaster who spends all of their revenue in the country where it was raised, and one who would be accountable to the people that the company should serve.

Nasty Nick’s Tory Boy claim that Mr Salmond didn’t his question is just too stupid to go any further. Who would want to buy a book by someone who doesn’t understand English?
He got the longest answer to his question that I have ever heard a politician give. He was given the courtesy of 2 attempts to
explain the corruption within his question. He got more time than the rest of the world’s combined media received.
He lied about Lloyd’s Brass plaque relocation to London as it was already there, he lied about an impact of RBS jobs as they had already stated that the location of their plaque would make no difference, and he lied about bank revenues raised in Scotland not being taxed in Scotland, regardless of where their plaque is based,

There we have it in summary, Nick is a nasty lying Tory B*******, with Slab, Lib Dem and the UK media is willing to back up any bogus claims that will protect the UK elite, no matter how ridiculous it is.

I know where I’d like to stick my Brass Plaque!


I may be wrong, but is the BBC unique in aggressively marketing itself as “impartial”? Most media organisations will talk of providing “quality”, or “informed”, or “balanced” coverage, but not “impartial” or “unbiased”.

To me, a media organisation proclaiming itself “impartial” is asking its users to suspend their critical faculties. Everyone is biased, and therefore every social entity is biased – and it should be mandatory in our education systems that citizens learn how to detect and analyse these biases. This is why, I suspect, the right-wing press wouldn’t actually want to destroy the BBC, because it acts as a suppressant on critical faculties: people learn, via the BBC, to not question the news, so it’s easier for publications like the Telegraph to peddle their crap.

The most obvious bias the BBC itself has is its self-belief: that it provides better news than anyone else. That simple bias affects their coverage at a core level, by filtering out humility. We saw it in John Simpson’s hilarious arrogance as he talked of rolling in to liberate Iraq, for example.


Nick and pals seem to consider people expecting that the BBC ought to show impartiality (for which it is laughably vaunted in some circles) by considering the Scottish (or for that matter the Welsh or Northern Irish) perspective alongside the UK one.

For the purposes of argument, I consider the ‘Scottish perspective’ to be one that is reflected by those who think Scotland should govern itself.

The ‘UK perspective’ is from the view point of all those who really do think UKOK. This includes No voters, though only the staunch ones for whom Westminster is glorious and can do no wrong (a lot of Noes aren’t of that belief, I don’t suspect, they just weren’t sure or did not have a strong attachment either way). For these people, Nick’s output and arguments are no doubt splendid.

For the rest of us, even though we live under the UK’s auspices, we do not think the right things and therefore Nick and pals don’t really think our beliefs and thoughts deserve any kind of airing.

Then he wonders why people who are not given an adequate voice won’t listen to him. And then he calls them ‘bullies’. And he thinks this will make them pipe down.

Not very likely.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi yesindyref2.

You typed,
“I’d expect some activity coming up to the 18th, 18th itself and the 19th. Then a big push may well start around the SNP Conference, I suspect it’s going to be a biggy in many ways.”

There’s the ‘Hope Over Fear’ rally in George Square on the 19th, which is shaping up to be a ‘biggy’.

There’s also gonna be a pro-indy rally with live bands and speakers in Dundee’s City Square on the 4th October.


Mention of the 3 legged stool…

comment image

Dorothy Devine

Ian Brotherhood , you bugger! I clicked on that !

Tinto Chiel

“The most obvious bias the BBC itself has is its self-belief: that it provides better news than anyone else. That simple bias affects their coverage at a core level, by filtering out humility. We saw it in John Simpson’s hilarious arrogance as he talked of rolling in to liberate Iraq, for example.”

Exactly, Tamson. Try watching BBC World Service. It’s a real shock if you’ve cancelled your licence and haven’t watched the British Brainwashing Corporation for a while. Utter UKOKery BS, wall to wall. On the plus side, I started reading “The Very Bastards of Creation” by James D. Young while on a short break in Sicily because the WS was so bad. Now that’s what I call Scottish Revolution!

JDY really rocks the boat.

The Moidart

Nick Robinson is beginning to remind me of Harvey Keitels character in the Ridley Scott movie The Duellists. This is clearly an unhealthy infatuation he has with Alex Salmond. It defies logic and makes no sense
Let’s be honest. The bbc can fanny it up all they like. They’re finished in Scotland.. Like labour. I remember how I felt on September 19th. I was actually grieving. Was crazy!! Then the general election that seen the Tories in and implementing their rule over us. Words cannot describe how I felt.

But…. Looking at the last year. And when I look at the changes in Scotland. Politically and generally. The demise of labour. The demise of the BBC . Corrupt GCC will be finished within the year. Westminster and the media self destructing before our eyes…. Our 56 becoming more popular by the day and the obvious campaigns trying to bring them down at any cost and failing miserably.

It’s pretty obvious that Scotland is lost to them now. They really are becoming increasingly desperate. I think we are winning this fight. We are the most politically aware country in Europe at the moment and it ain’t gonna stop. Independence will come to us. We
will give our children reason to be proud. And a nation to be proud of.


‘We’re committed to campaigning for increase investment in BBC Scotland from the licence fee.

So Scottish Labour announce to all that they want more of our money to fund their propaganda media outlet.

Clearly they don’t do subtle.

The Moidart

Hey Brian.. Hope you and the boy are good my friend. See you next month at George Square.

Robert Peffers

@Luigi says: 26 August, 2015 at 7:52 pm:

“I still haven’t heard a reason, even half-believable, why control of broadcasting should not be devolved to Holyrood.”

And from them, Luigi, you never will.

“The only excuse some unionist lickspittle could come up with thus far was:, “Because it’s the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation”.

In actual fact, as I so often point out, when unionists claim anything as, “British”, they do so in error. In actual fact it is, “A”, British Broadcasting Corporation and it legally serves the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It has no legal standing in the British Republic of Ireland or the non-UK Crown protectorates. This is akin to the numptie Cameron Claiming to be the British Prime Minister or that he controls the British Armed Forces.

I also condemn those on the Scottish independence movement who fall into the same habit of conflating the UK as Britain. It is indeed British but it is NOT Britain.

“You silly jocks!”

Brian Doonthetoon

The Moidart – see you there!


K1 @ 8.07 apologies if someone else has already commented about the WoS Twitter problem. I have encountered the same recently re signing in to access it. I just put ‘twitter wings over Scotland’ into my server and I get in that way. A bit of a nuisance but it works.

Training Day

BBC Scotland really thought it was all over on the 19th September. Unconcealed glee in the Pacific Quay bunker.

The remarkable obliviousness to impartiality betrayed in the funereal atmosphere in the same studio on the night of the GE told a different story.

They really don’t know what to do next. So they behave as they have always done, thinking that at some point, somehow, it will all come ‘right’ again.

Know this, BBC. It never will be ‘right’ again.

Brian Doonthetoon

RE: WOS on Twitter.

I have the url below in a tab in Firefox (which I never close) and just click on the ‘reload’ button when I want to see the new stuff.

link to

The Moidart

Brian.. Absolutely my friend. You remember I had my wee son at the last one?? Ended up Tommy Sheridan tweeted a picture of himself with the wee man at the march . He will definitely be there on the 19th too now!! Lol

James Dow

I am half a world away and it is obvious from here, Australia, that the BBC has no credibility, it lies in tatters underfoot, where it so richly deserves to remain.

Grouse Beater

There’s a decent sized book listing derogatory comments overheard made by BBC staff about the SNP.

It has been a BBC’s unwritten law that ‘we do not promote the SNP, a separatist party.’

That comment and others like it sit producer’s shoulders like a lump of concrete. There’s nothing in the rule book, but the assumption is all-persuasive and insidious. Give air space to the SNP depicting it as anything less than extreme, or recklessly idealistic and your chances of promotion are diminished. You have been partisan.

You control by inviting speakers and commentators with a negative opinion of the SNP to express their concerns. It can be done in subtle ways, or in blunt ways.

Attempts by BBC’s elite consensus (my phrase) to control public attitude of and about the SNP amount to conspiracy over decades. Only by the SNP’s comprehensive election to public office has the BBC been forced to tone down its animosity, but without any sense of duty, ethics, or generosity.


It’s been quoted before but I’m sure scots put in more cash to the BBC than they get back in scottish funded programming. Much like the union I suppose.

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 26 August, 2015 at 8:16 pm:

” … What is there to prevent an independent broadcasting company setting up?

I mentioned this idea before but no one took it up.

There is always the, “Community Channel”. This is reputedly open to Charities and communities. I suppose it is worth a try. It broadcasts on at least Freeview Digital, Satellite and YouTube.



‘BBC,DR,and Labour Party are like a three legged stool’

More like three shites caked into a pair of union jack knickers.


Training day-never dawned on me at the time but comparing the 2 nights coverage on the BBC was exactly as you described it. All impartiality has been flushed down the bog.

Camie McGray

bbc management and certain of their so called journalists in Scotland are rotten to the core, they know it, we know and Scots in general are becoming very very aware of it.

I’d suggest on reconvening of our Parliament a motion is tabled to discuss the current performance of our westminster imposed state broadcaster and its future.

Both the bbc in Scotland and labour in Scotland have their strings pulled from London, but there are Scottish journalists and Scottish mangers based in Scotland that go above and beyond in the expectation that some time down the line a London based job beckons!


Its just brutal trolling from a bunch of creeps that won the referendum and then crashed and burned historically last GE.

Rancid Graun, BBC etc will all be trying to calibrate Project Fear 2 on Scotland to stop us voting SNP. Assorted UKOK red and blue tory twerps say just wait, be patient, BBC will monster them out and SNP vote will fall away, because it always does in teamGB. The natural cycle of UKOK politics.

One of their nastier henchman says

link to

“All bubbles burst. All tides recede. Eventually. At the moment the SNP is, to many people, more of a cult than a political party. One poll found recently that 62% of Scots plan to vote for them next year despite only 35% of us thinking that they are doing a good job with the powers they have. But this too will pass, as Scots come to understand that the SNP is not just another anti-austerity protest movement but, you know, an actual government with, you know, actual powers and stuff. Reason can be blinded by the passions, but only for so long.”

Is the future of Scotland running its own affairs really just a bubble and are Naughtie and Robinson types the big BBC pricks to burst it?

Its quite a lot to take on for a bunch of spivy hacks in tv and radio studios, even as fabulously expensive as Pacific Quay.


The BBC have never really disguised their collective disdain and contempt for the SNP and Scottish independence. Most of them have been bought by the British state. There are decent and honest journalists who work for them, but the BBC is there to do the bidding of the British establishment. The Guardian is another lackey for it as well.

No independence supporter should expect anything from the MSM in the UK but ardent opposition. Funnily enough, I thought Victoria Derbyshire of the BBC was probably one of the most impartial and non biased journalist to cover the referendum. Sadly her role was fairly minor, and easily overshadowed by Naughtie and Robinson though.


Independence Live has launched a new crowdfunder. Please support it if you can.

link to


Sorry if this has already been posted but the “brutal” and “bullying” memes are surfacing again:

“… the echo chamber of Scotland’s often brutal social media…
At the SNP’s spring conference he proposed that the Scottish parliament, with its SNP majority, should be given control of broadcasting and the BBC in Scotland, even before any further referendum.
This should be seen for the bullying that it is.”

So if a country wants to have some control over whatever is beamed into the living rooms of its citizens, that is bullying. However, it is perfectly acceptable for a neighbouring country to control broadcasting. How colonial!


BBC News & Current Affairs’ output is on a par with Fox News where impartiality is concerned, and the outpourings from Pacific Quay are particularly cringe-worthy.

Reporting Scotland, Scotland 2015, GMS and Newsdrivel are to us what Aktuelle Kamera was to the East Germans – the State’s chief advocate of the mushroom principle where us mere mortals are concerned.

Tam Jardine

What else to say about the BBC?

Jim Naughtie’s questioning why Alex Salmond brought the whole argument back up again in full knowledge that he is deceiving his audience… such mind boggling arrogance.

Black being presented as white, up being presented vehemently as down was what brought people like me down to Pacific Quay (PQ3 I think it was.. despite the BBC portrayal of PQ4 or 5 as the only protest against BBC bias).

This ‘resumption of hostilities’ seems a little cute. It is handy as a wee distraction for all critics of UK PLC. After all, everything is rosy in the garden just as we were promised by Darling, Cameron, Brown et al. We’re protected by warm cosy UK PLC and it’s economic powerhouse, the City of London. Nothing to dwell on with £74 billion knocked off FTSE shares in a day. (Thats OK- they bounced back somewhat the next day!)

Nothing to worry about how imbalanced the UK economy is, how reliant on London and how the tories future financial plan involves working out what’s left to sell off. And how vulnerable London evidently is to the Chinese economy failing.

Funny how the oil price slumps and it’s proof positive that Scotland was right to vote No. BBC led the charge with that assertion. But if UK tanks in the coming months or years, you will never, never ever find a BBC Scotland journalist who would question whether Scotland maybe would have been better off unhitching the wagon when we had a chance, before we get dragged into the abyss and the inevitable transfer from public to private hands of yet more billions.

I found myself laughing my arse off a couple of days ago hearing the BEEB were cancelling the Met Office’s dangerous monopoly on weather forcasting. They are putting it out to tender in order to try and get a better deal.

In Britain, weather obsessed Britain they can’t even leave the weather forecasting as a public institution. It will end up being provided by Virgin or Sky. Well – maybe whoever provides it can depict the UK accurately rather than grossly distorting the landmass as the BBC has been guilty of.

We shall see how the Chinese economy pans out in the coming weeks but there are awkward questions to be asked of the no camp when the stability and security and bla bla bla we were all fed by BT is looking to be utter bullshit, and when a smaller economy less reliant on international finance with tangible physical assets will not seem like a gamble but a no-brainer.


The way the BBC handled the Jimmy Savile scandal is disgraceful.They should be ashamed.

Jock McDonnell

The BBC, institutionally unionist.
I welcome anything which removes their cloak of impartiality.
Their greatest weapon is the faux neutrality, once they are visibly at war the weapon is diminished.

Call them out.
Well done Eck.

Jock McDonnell

I should add that I accept the BBC’s unionism, it’s the pretence of objectivity I detest.

James Barr Gardner

It’s simple just stop viewing al BBC tv programmes, radio and online stuff, if you can cancel the license fee. Check out Metcheck for weather, Aljazeera and RT for news.

Basically boycott the anti-Scottish BBC because they are biased, lying, manipulating scum! How to I come to this conclusion? I watched the live press conference with Nick Robinson and oor Eck, later I viewed the later contrived version? WTF!

I was an SNP supporter for many years but after watching the 2011 election through the night and listening to the comments from Dickdimble et al taking about AS calling him tinned, canned, smoked salmon etc. Enough was enough for me I joined the SNP the following day!

How much shite will it take a Scot to know that they are being pissed on from a height, well I for one have had enough of the crap from Wastesmonster crimnal gang. As for the MSM their just scum, Milly Dowler says it all! Don’t buy any feckin newspapers as for the Metro don’t touch it, if you knew who owned shares in it you would spit on it!

Vote SNP for every thing, the sooner we as Scottish nation can cut ourselves from the wastemonster paedofiles, thieves, liars, confidence tricksters, not forgetting the hundreds of non-elected dosy auld farts in the HOL!

I must apologise for my ranting and ravings but after hearing that there is no end in sight for the Chilcot Enquiry can you blame me! As for the historical child abuse enquiry that includes the BBC you know that is already in the bucket!

BTW Why has the UK built 2 naval aircraft carriers and now beefing up the Falkland Islands defence? Something to do with oil maybe? Think on it! How greedy can the wastemonster elite be? A hell of a lot! and guess who will be shoved out to enforce it for them? Yep, Your’re right ordinary Joe Public, and he’ll get feck all for his troubles, he’ll be lucky to come back in one piece if at all. Meantime the Rich rich get richer!

But you (knowledgeable folk) knew that all along.

Let’s keep the momentum going folks the alternative is to scary beyond words. Let’s Do It! Let’s be a Nation again!
A Scottish Nation, one where folk get on due to merit and We look after oor ain, especially those not gifted enough.


Surely this latest announcement demonstrates once and for all that the British State is running the whole anti Scottish propaganda show?

You don’t have to be a raving conspiracies slaverer to see near bankrupt newspapers, a rapidly decaying Slab and tory and fib dem rump still working in concert with no apparent means of financial support, colluding at every step with the decaying corruption of the morally bankrupt BBC?

The usual suspects appear simultaneously,like a scabrous rash . Every time the State is revealed as corrupt e.g. Chilcott, Saville etc. they pull a diversion out of their top hat.

Divide and conquer, bread and circuses, whatever metaphor you choose for State controlled deception aimed at keeping us controlled…they are past masters at its black arts.

In any real revolution the first targets of the leading lights is to gain control of the tv and radio stations, and to control the newspapers. Civil disobedience is obligatory.

As remarked in, the Scots are timid and averse to public demos …oh yeah?….What about the REF? with its amazing displays of public affirmations of what we are about.Maybe taking over by sit ins etc. is too outre for many, but organised tv licence cancellation is not, nor is organised boycotting if newspapers a la Liverpool and the SUN.

But to engineer this we need legitimate leaders….and they should be civic as well as political leaders. Think of UCI and Jimmy Reid. We need mass mobilised civil disobedience. The fearties and the hard line unionists will not like it one bit….but that’s always going to be the case.Or are we going to sit greetin’ into our cups for ever lamenting what could have been?

Dr Jim

Tonight I communicated with my seventeen year old grandson in between him looking up from his phone and swallowing a mouthful of mince round I asked

“What do you make of that 2015 programme, you know the one with Sarah Smith”

His answer

“Naw don’t know it, never heard of it”

I don’t think we have too much to worry about

Ian Brotherhood

Can we have a sweep on which BBC Big Beast will be despatched to Pacific Quay in the run-up to the Holyrood election?

I reckon Gary Lineker is a good outside bet – Auntie’s lawyers may scan his contract and force him to head north on the basis that Jock-baiting is a ‘sport’.

Still Positive.

James Barr Gardner @11.31.

Well said. We will look after everyone in an Independent Scotland regardless of how they may have voted. That’s what I love about our country.

call me dave

But…but Andy promised…didn’t he? Kezia agrees of course.

But Mr Burnham insisted that Trident is “the ultimate reserved matter”, and said that while the views of the Scottish party would be taken into account, the future of Trident must remain a UK

The BBC broadcasting must be second reserved matter on the list then.

link to


link to

Ministers want BBC to consider ‘assisted suicide’, says Armando Iannucci

Defending BBC here from Ianucci’s a bit thin

“The award-winning writer behind The Thick of It and Veep has accused ministers of effectively trying to kill off the BBC and urged people to defend it against politicians and Rupert Murdoch.”

All begs the question, what happens when senior tough guys of the Beeb like Naughty and Robinson decide they are politicians?

No mention of their Scotland region here, which is all Scotland really is to the and the charmers that own the power and glory of the BBC.

Also another rancid Graun monstering of Sturgeon and Scots oil. If Scots oil is so shite, who’s been extracting and managing it for the last 40 years? England.

Ken MacColl

Naughtie has always struck me as an incredibly pompous individual and his occasional forays back to the land of his birth the epitome of his self regard and condescension. As Nick Robinson might not say, “extreme metropolitanism”
Naughtie affects to deplore Alex Salmond’s references to Nick Robinson but apparently cannot see that this was raised by his London colleague as a lame attempt to sell a book. Naughtie himself is here, apparently, as a “celebrity” at the Book Festival

Ian Brotherhood

Twenty years hence, James ‘Coughing Fit’ Naughtie will be remembered (if at all) for this:

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Tam Jardine.

You typed,
“In Britain, weather obsessed Britain they can’t even leave the weather forecasting as a public institution. It will end up being provided by Virgin or Sky. Well – maybe whoever provides it can depict the UK accurately rather than grossly distorting the landmass as the BBC has been guilty of.”

As far as I understand it, the BBC weather graphics are produced ‘in-house’, or by an outside contractor, using the data supplied by the Met Office.

If you’re looking for alternative sources of weather reporting, check out ‘Windy Wilson’ on Facebook, or these local web sites.

link to


That link to Ian Murray’s Guardian piece is priceless. Bullying again.

“Don’t subject the BBC to ‘bullying tactics’, says shadow Scottish secretary”

And irony:

“We’ve proved – with productions like Waterloo Road based in Greenock and Outlander in Cumbernauld – that we have the skilled people that are needed to produce these shows.”

“The school was set in Rochdale, England from series one until the end of series seven, and from the beginning of series eight until the end of the show in series ten, the school was set in Greenock, Scotland. In 2014, it was confirmed that the 10th series of Waterloo Road would be the last.”

And, as we all know, Outlander will never be shown on terrestrial TV.
Another Guardian scoop for UKOK?

link to


I hate to say it, but Nick Robinson’s career is at a crisis point- not because of Alex Salmond- but because of the damage to his voice due to his cancer. I certainly regret that this is the way things are but this is the way things are.

Consequently Robinson is probably desperate to let people know that he’s still here and trying to reheat the fight with Alex Salmond probably seems to him the best way to do this.

It’s all quite unseemly but there you go.


The only thing I have used the BBC for recently has been the live House of Commons. The highlights are necessarily very much edited with of course much of the SNP bits missing. Having no been weel recently I caught a fair bit live of our new intake of 56.

They are doing great, working their socks off and are plainly THE opposition at the moment. After settling in to weird rules they are now taking off and gathering what support they can, particularly from the Irish and the Welsh. They work as a team refusing to be patronised, cowed or dismissed. It is plain that the Conservative Government cannot contain them as they show up the absurdity of such things as the only country paying VAT for our police and fire brigade, wanting EVEL at WM when they have just used English votes to vote down Scottish laws, and on and on.

They are making a difference with the government being embarrassed almost daily. I was not surprised that Mundell started muttering that there may be some concessions yet. But they will never be enough.

The talk of bullying by the SNP only indicates the fear of the accusers. It is clear we are not back in our box, our MPs cannot be bought, we are waking up the Irish, Welsh and English MPs and populations too and they have no idea how to handle us.

Things have changed. Things are moving though they may not be obvious to the ground troops yet. I don’t know when the tipping point will come, but I think it will come suddenly and it may not be that far off. Hang in there.

CameronB Brodie

I shed not one ounce of sympathy but it must be terrible being a Unionist in the 21st century. Having to employ every underhanded wheeze and dirty trick possible to achieve a Pyrrhic No vote to Scotland’s self-determination, yet the vast majority of Scots still want more autonomy than the Establishment are prepared to consider. An untenable situation made even worse by the diminishing demographic of their core vote and we aren’t even a quarter way in to the century.

One would imagine Unionists might show a little pragmatism given this predicament. Then again, the Union was created 300 years before universal suffrage, so we already know it has no relationship to a democratic agreement between nations.

@ UKOK Better Together Project Fear Freak Show
I might be wrong but I think you lot might have been telling us porkies during indyref. You didn’t receive any public funds to enable this deception, did you? Were the EU OK with that as I know they have some pretty tight regulations relating to publicly funded propoganda?

James Barr Gardner

27 August, 2015 at 12.04 am
Outlander will never be shown on terrestrial TV.

Westminster elite don’t want Joe Public to know about the war crimes and genocide in Scotland committed by their forefathers, strange usually they like to boast about how they sorted out the catholic Scots out and their Irish and French allies who they also detested?

However, through the BBC they are more than enthusiastic to bombard us with Bernard Cornwell’s (Sharpe) offering about a Saxon Warlord who helps Alfred the Great establish Engaland as a country!

Time for Scots to quit this charade they call Great Britain, the wastemonster overlords who have demeaned it thoroughly with their cheating, lying, scheming, bullying, stealing, not forgetting wholesale killing! Britain not great any more in the eyes of Scots, never mind the rest of the UK, but then most of the World know England and the English arrogance for what it is! Guess what? Your’re right again! None of them like it, in fact most of them loathe it!

The strange thing is Scots are respected and loved the World over for being a friendly, generous, clever, hard working and when required can be a tough nation. BTW the mean thing was put about by the southern types who are in fact some of the meanest folk on the planet!

Ian Brotherhood

@Richardinho –


The state of this or that pundit’s health has precisely fuck-all to do with what they produce, unless they’re so ill that the product is damaged and/or undeliverable.

Nick Robinson is not a ‘national treasure’ and deserves no more pity than any of our own nearest and dearest who have succumbed to ‘inexplicable’ cancers.

Two days ago (in Kent) I was collecting my weans from a sports centre, but had to wait for five minutes or so in the car park. I watched a crowd of young people clearing away the stalls and banners after a ‘Breast Awareness’ event – two of the lassies, wearing the bright-pink T-shirts, were having a fag as they did so.

Go figure, eh?

Anyway, I liked your use of the word ‘unseemly’. It’s one to remember for any discussion involving the BBC’s farcical pretensions.

David McDowell

Seems all this has been pre-empting this call from Sturgeon for a radical shake up at BBC Scotland:
link to

This would all be fine if it wasn’t for the fact we know the BBC is there only as the propaganda wing of the British State. They have no genuine interest in “reflecting Scottish life” and “improving Scottish content”.

Their purpose is to manipulate public perception of political matters, especially when there is the possibility of the uppity Scots voting for someone or something that will lessen the British State’s stranglehold over Scotland’s tax revenues and natural resources.

For this reason there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Sturgeon’s “demands” will be met with anything other than the usual arrogant claims of “high levels of public trust” and “political impartiality”.


The BBC in Scotland is pretty much like a teacher in a one class school. Therein lies the problem.


Apparently, Nick Robinson is up for a peerage to the House of Lords, and Cameron is considering appointing him as his inflatable bra czar.


Nick Robinson is, of course, the perfect candidate as the inflatable bra czar, as he is self-inflating. Hurrah!


Thanks for your response Robert. Maybe someone with more knowledge than I (lol!) will hopefully take this ‘Community Channel’ suggestion on board. We really, really need someone to get the TRUTH out there ASAP.

Muttley79. I totally agree with what you have to say about Victoria Derbyshire and her open and unbiased approach. How she managed to do so, against all (BBC) odds, remains a mystery to me. She was a real breath of fresh air. Latterly she had her own programme but have you heard that she’s now been diagnosed with having cancer? What can you say other than we all hope and pray that she’ll make a full and speedy recovery.

For the first time as far as I can remember the BBC is, publicly, admitting it’s having real problems. I reckon there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes that we’re not aware of. Stu asked for viewing figures and was knocked back. Some of the BBC lackeys have been publishing figures but are they valid? Polls tell us that the majority of Scots no longer have any faith in the BBC. What about rUK?

They’re now phoning and sending out questionnaires to ascertain the publics view as to how to improve their service. The Internet is chock full of complaints of biased reporting. There’s no doubt that even more BBC paedophile ‘stories’ are being suppressed but will be outed sooner than later. What a mess!

Their recently appointed Vice Chairman, Sir Roger Carr (swithering about his surname but can’t check as I’m on my IPad), is also Chairman of BAE Systems. His appointment has created furore in some quarters as his company supplies arms to countries (in some cases both sides no doubt) such as Israel and of course has UK Trident contracts (and as we know even more …. Billions …. in the offing). Check him out. His snout is in so many troughs you wouldn’t believe it (Government Advisor, interests in energy / fracking etc etc). How cool is that? Who pushed through his appointment? Who’s going to believe one word, at least on here, of BBC News pertaining to the Palestinians, Syrians, Trident, fracking etc etc? Wee Nick Robinson was also attempting to court the arms dealers. Magrit Curran was another. All in it together ….BBC, Tories and Labour. And hey ho everyone in the UK who pays for a BBC license is supporting this corrupt, immoral, warmongering crew.

Right now as the celebrities would say and I’m saying it now … Get me (and Scotland) out of here.


I’ve just noticed that weegingerdug has written a brilliant article on devolved broadcasting for The National. I’m on my IPad so can’t post a link. Maybe someone else could do so?


Nick Robinson Ass Wipe.


Petra: at 2:54 am

I’ve just noticed that weegingerdug has written a brilliant article on devolved broadcasting for The National. I’m on my IPad so can’t post a link. Maybe someone else could do so?

Petra if you mean this one… Aye it is


Thanks Meindevon and Brian, re twitter, I did eventually find a different approach to get there, but have now placed that link on me browser Brian 🙂

Alex Waugh

” …I chose a particular phrase [“He didn’t answer, but he did attack the reporting.”] we might explore badly in terms of my reporting and that is genuinely a sense of regret.”
(sic, Nick Robinson quoted by medialens)

Quite apart from being fixated on Alec Salmond; quite apart from being driven by his need to be seen as the ‘victim’ when he is, in fact, the aggressor; if this is an accurate quotation, the man can’t even reliably write a coherent sentence!

“…explore badly…”. Eh? Go on, Nick, show me how to explore a phrase badly. “…that is genuinely a sense of regret.” What is? The choosing of a phrase is a sense of regret? Did you mean to write ‘source’? The linguist in me hopes that he was misquoted but the cynic thinks that’s probably not the case.

Dear good grief, I’d underline that little lot for rewriting if it came to me in a schoolkid’s essay. This man wants us to take his word as gospel yet, in this example, has only the merest ability to wield correctly the tools (words) of his trade. I have a name for these so-called professional journalists. I call them ‘language-manglers’.


From his book – The Dream Shall Never Die – Alex Salmond (p82):

“A reported 1,500 people had gathered spontaneously this week outside the BBC in Glasgow to vent their concern about perceived bias in the BBC coverage. I make the point that the equivalent crowd across the UK would be 15,000. If a crowd of that scale had been demonstrating outside Broadcasting House in London then the BBC would be in crisis mode trying to understand why a public service broadcaster had lost the confidence of a large section of the community.”

Need i say anymore? Boycott the BBC and its licence fee.

john king

Training day says
“Know this, BBC. It never will be ‘right’ again.”


john king

“Gather round now boys and girls. Today, in honour of oor Nicky’s lofty new status we will all sing the revised BBC anthem. Now remember keep up at the back and in tune the Viceroy of Scotland will be listening! 😀

link to

Hahahahahaha noo thats funny. 🙂
Petra says
“I’d like to know more about this too Rob. Could someone advise?”

I’ll tell you who probably does know, Sean Connery, He tried to get film studios built at the Gyle years ago and Jack McConnell told him to bugger off.

galamcennalath says:@8.27
“Indeed. There comes a point where the BBC’s bias and propaganda becomes a joke and counter productive. Despite the fact I would love to see decent broadcasting, I am beginning to wonder if we have reached the point where the BBC do more harm than good to their union.”

I think that no matter how transparent, no matter how obvious, no matter how outrageous, there will still be people here who will attempt to justify the BBC in Scotland among the voting population. I hear people at work saying Salmonds a dictator in waiting!
“Would probably need crowd funding on set up with pay per view as an economic model”

I’ve already tweeted Sean Connery and asked him to front up a crowdfund! 🙂
David McDowell says

“It appears Robinson can no longer conceal his hostility towards Alex Salmond and that’s quite surprising for a man who has previously shown a very acute sense of how he comes across when communicating in public.”

Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest,
they have been pushing the boundaries for the past three years waiting to see just how far they can go, when they suddenly realized there wont be any government interference they just nakedly show their true colours because the KNOW no one is going to stop them!
Tartanarse says
“It would seem that poor Nick has at last succumbed to the affliction that is AlanCochranitis.”

What?… you mean?…its…a…a VIRUS?
link to


“Earlier this week the BBC’s director of television, Danny Cohen, defended that the broadcaster should retain “crown jewel” sporting events.

Mr Cohen said that the public would not want “UK-unifying” events such as the Olympics, Wimbledon, the football World Cup and the FA Cup final to be taken off free-to-air.”

Top BBC exec Cohen, wants more not less money, shock. This dudes probably on half a million a year and his “UK-unifying” events thing’s aimed right at our imperial masters, like they need telling.

john king

Ealasiad says
“Things have changed. Things are moving though they may not be obvious to the ground troops yet. I don’t know when the tipping point will come, but I think it will come suddenly and it may not be that far off. Hang in there.”

I so pray your right, because like Ian I am surly losing the will to live!
link to

john king

Cameren B Brodie says
“@ UKOK Better Together Project Fear Freak Show
I might be wrong but I think you lot might have been telling us porkies during indyref. You didn’t receive any public funds to enable this deception, did you? Were the EU OK with that as I know they have some pretty tight regulations relating to publicly funded propoganda?”

Go on cowboy give it your best shot, 😉
link to
I went to them and they told me to fuck off!


No one should be in any doubt that underlying Naughtie and Robinson’s hostility is a hatred towards Scotland.

These people and their Westminster backers see Scotland as a colonial possession.

Outright hatred against their loss of control is what drives them.Ask any abused partner and they understand the mindset.


Rancid Graun strangely blurring where Scottish licence fee actually goes, or just their usual creepy brand of attack propaganda, forgot to check if its Libby Carrell back from hols.

“The licence fee is estimated to raise about £320m from Scottish viewers, while its total spend in Scotland, on local services and UK network programming, is estimated to have peaked at £200m in 2012. Sturgeon’s officials estimate a new TV channel would cost about £75m to run.”

Britnats no likee their BBC meddled with by the sweaties, shock.

john king

Petra says
“Muttley79. I totally agree with what you have to say about Victoria Derbyshire and her open and unbiased approach. How she managed to do so, against all (BBC) odds, remains a mystery to me”

Maybe that just highlights just HOW biased the front men/women on screen are, that they spout the party line in spite of the evidence,

I really think we’re letting the likes of Bird et al off the hook suggesting they HAVE TO follow the editorial dictat when Victoria Derbyshire proves they are not so tightly controlled as we have been led to believe,

Its like Jeremy Clarkson, when he started on Top Gear he stuck to the script but as time went on he saw he could be as outrageous as he liked and still get away with it,
these people are hiding behind the “pretence” of “it aint out fault guv the top brass make us say it” I say BOLLOCKS, you say it because YOU HAVE YOUR OWN AGENDA YOU BASTARDS!

Besides the tv news presenter can read a totally factual unadulterated story and completely slew the perception of what was said by body language and nuance without having said a word of a lie, try it, watch a (supposedly) unbiased news report and detect the spin put on it by the way its being presented then run it back and just listen to it without watching, the perception is subtly different, which is why bias when it is heard on radio is SO obvious is because they cant rely on what you see!
I think Professor Robertson has actually referred to this technique,
I hope Im not misrepresenting you Prof?

Giving Goose

Re Tinto Chiel

I think I may have been to subtle.

Think of the Rev’s inbuilt software that automatically edits a certain descriptive word lol.
Hence “Tractor”


In any other industry, if you don’t like the product, you don’t buy it and if they don’t improve their act the company fails and goes to the wall.

For the BBC, if you stop paying you are threatened with fines and/or jail.


Listening to GMS this morning and the interview with the Culture Secretary the tag team of corrupt “wrestling” pair Robinson and Naughty becomes obvious.

Their attempted entrapment of the current Scottish Government in a spat that they started was a device to undermine the Scottish Government’s policy on improved broadcasting in Scotland.

BBC simply wished to tar the SNP Government by saying they were politically interfering with broadcasting.

Scotland deserves better from the BBC. Do not pay them a penny until they up their broadcasting game in Scotland and cut out the evil colonial bias.

gerry parker


You can only be fined or jailed if you commit an offence, so don’t commit an offence. Don’t watch live TV as it is broadcast, and you don’t need a TV license, and you don’t commit an offence by not having one.

CameronB Brodie

john king
Cheers John, I’ll not bother. Why hope for assistance from a legislature that is even more remote and anti-democratic than Warmoster?


So just to recap the events of the past few days.

Chilcott report set back again. IDS on a welfare rampage, tearing the lives of the poor and disadvantaged apart (SOP for that particular individual). Chris Grayling playing fast and loose with Smith Commission ‘assessments’ on delivery of the current batch of near useless powers through the legislative process. Burnham steps on wee Kezia’s Trident dialogue bullshit, as predicted. Westminster and the Beeb hierarchy circling the Wagons over demands or even the suggestion of devolution of broadcasting in their usual wholly disingenuous, misleading and mealy moothed fashion.

Still, better togetherness will start any minute now, but hey I’m sure folks knew that this was exactly the state system and treatment they voted for right?

For new visitors; all folks need do to change this, is make a simple demand of the Scottish Government. Make it loud and firm and I’m fairly sure that particular government will listen. Get onto your local MPs, MSPs and SNP branch offices. Lodge a request for what you want to see the Scottish government do with their manifesto next spring. Independence IS the only answer.

In the meantime, that prick IDS has waged war on the poor, just helping folks where we can might be a plan via local charities, food banks, ragbags. Anything and everything will be needed and I’m sure gratefully received.


Kezia hitches herself to another wagon thats about to go over the cliff.

The lassies a jinx


Another excellent article by GAP
link to


Radio 5 live has a debate on the House of Lords…do we need it? On now if anyone interested.


CameronB Brodie says:
At 1:08am

“…. Unionist in the 21st century. Having to employ every underhanded wheeze and dirty trick possible to achieve a Pyrrhic No vote to Scotland’s self-determination, yet the vast majority of Scots still want more autonomy. An untenable situation ….”

Core Unionists are motivated by the fear of the loss of international status and prestige. That they hold dearest is being threatened. Walking the world stage, always believing they deserve a place at the top table, being in the top team. Nationalism at its rawest. Which is why they will go to the bitter end.

They won’t see the situation as untenable. They will quite happily continue to try to ignore it. In their narrow wee minds, they see bigger issues!


Sorry it’s a phone-in not a debate on 5live and sorry again as I realise it’s on the Beeb considering this thread!

call me dave

Culture secretary Hyslop sticks her toe in the water without getting her foot wet on GMS this morning when putting forward a plan for more powers and autonomy for a Scottish BBC.

Offered lots of bait from Gary, who was fishing, but didn’t bite on the Nick V Salmon controversy. 🙂

Sometimes I just wish our representatives would just tear them a new one and see how it goes! However, I suppose softly softly catch the monkey.

Nice article by the Wee Ginger Dug on page 14 of the National which made me feel better about the matter.


Finally convinced the wife to switch to internet and playback. License not renewed as of 31st Aug 2015.

I cannot explain all of my misgivings about the BBC and its treatment of Scotland without boring you all to death.

Basically, outright lies, ignorance, spending only in London, etc.

A more contentious argument I have.
Despite expanding to many TV stations (10 ? or so, all from London) and even more radio stations, the BBC promotes the culture and ‘values’ of a small segment of the UK as if its an establishment under siege. That damages not just the people of Scotland but much of the diverse culture of England, Wales and NI. Its a cultural flattening which given the dominance of the BBC, and the decades over which it operates this way, becomes a cultural genocidal.

CanmeronB Brodie

Hi, do you know what proportion of the No vote these hardcore unionists make up? I would bet a large minority of No voters are dyed in the wool Britnats. Typically over the age of 65, this is a demographic that can not hope to influence Scottish politics for much longer.

Has there been a study of this, not simply polling put out by a former Tory paymaster?

john king

“They won’t see the situation as untenable. They will quite happily continue to try to ignore it. In their narrow wee minds, they see bigger issues!”

I’ve said that before,
they try to portray the independence issue as a minor inconvenience when they have so much more important things to deal with, when in fact in secret its what keeps them awake at night staring at the ceiling!


gala mcennalath 9.17
There are very few staunch unionists in the House of Commons…particularly on the Tory benches.They won’t tie themselves to a sinking ship.They’ll quite possibly support a Yes vote in the next referendum so long as the terms of dissolution are favourable to England and as long as they don’t lose face.They might even seize the agenda by pushing it forward themselves.None of this can happen,though,until we are stronger and they know the union is dead in the water.


Mealer says:

“They’ll quite possibly support a Yes vote in the next referendum so long as the terms of dissolution are favourable to England and as long as they don’t lose face”

That certainly is the way the London centric MSM is leading English public opinion. It seems likely that there will be widespread clamour in England for, “oh just cut the Jocks loose”. And, many pragmatic MPs will go with that flow.

However, on the other side are those who relish the power they believe the UK has … Participation in a string of dubious wars, nuclear weapons, two arircraft carriers, UN Security Council seat and so on. The end of the UK, the probable loss of nukes, the questioning of that UN seat … all threatened.


Macart says:

27 August, 2015 at 8:58 am

So just to recap the events of the past few days.

Chilcott report set back again. IDS on a welfare rampage, tearing the lives of the poor and disadvantaged apart (SOP for that particular individual). Chris Grayling playing fast and loose with Smith Commission ‘assessments’ on delivery of the current batch of near useless powers through the legislative process. Burnham steps on wee Kezia’s Trident dialogue bullshit, as predicted. Westminster and the Beeb hierarchy circling the Wagons over demands or even the suggestion of devolution of broadcasting in their usual wholly disingenuous, misleading and mealy moothed fashion.

Still, better togetherness will start any minute now, but hey I’m sure folks knew that this was exactly the state system and treatment they voted for right?

If they thought BetterTogether/ ProjectFear/ VowVowVow was painfully hard work last year, just wait till IndyRef 2!

No wonder unionists are so grumpy. 🙂

Robert Peffers

@James Barr Gardner says: 27 August, 2015 at 1:13 am:

” … BTW the mean thing was put about by the southern types who are in fact some of the meanest folk on the planet!”

You are right on the button, James, but you miss out on that, “Mean Scot”, thing. It comes about by the southern English not understanding the English language.

They are confused by the meaning of the phrase, “Canny Scots”. This failure to understand what that means really affects only the more southern English. It begins with them confusing terms just as they do with, “British”, English and United Kingdom. In this case they conflate, “mean”, and, “canny”. Yet the English dictionary does not define, “canny”, as mean.

In lowland Scots the term, “canny”, is defined as : –
1 – cautious, careful, prudent, astute.
2 – skilful, dexterous.
3(1) – favourable, lucky, of good omen.(2) – (in negative), unnatural, supernatural, as in ‘this is no canny’.
4 – cannyman; cannywife; cannywoman = a person who deals in the supernatural.
5 – frugal, sparing as in ‘gae canny we the butter’.
6 – gentle, quiet, steady.
7 – pleasant, good or kind.
8 – comfortable, easy.

Like many Lowland Scots words that have no direct English translation there are a multitude of equivalents quoted and none of them exactly gives the Scots meaning – for example there is no direct English translation of the term, “dreich”, gloomy does not quite explain what we Scots understand the term to mean.

Yet the Northern English come far closer to the Scots meaning of canny with such terms as, “he’s a canny lad is Jim”, and they mean he is a very good person.

So to the southern English, “The canny Scot”, is a mean person but to the Northern Englander, “A canny lad”, is a good person.

As you say when it comes to such things as the, “Children in need”, appeal the statistics consistently prove the more north you go from London the higher per capita contribution will be.

Mind you Sir Harry Lauder made a lifelong career out of that misunderstanding and propagated the myth around the globe.

Dan Huil

If you pay the licence fee you are giving money to people like Robinson and Naughtie. Don’t pay it.


Coffee time in BetterTogether media land

All these English millionaires, nothing for their Scotland rgeion

link to

Scots oil is worthless, but dont let vile seps get control of it

link to

Sturgeon bad, with horrid photo, incase you didn’t catch rancid Graun’s most dangerous woman in teamGB drift

link to

Why has BBC/Naughty come out fighting this week?

Robert Peffers

@yesindyref2 says: 27 August, 2015 at 1:59 am:

“Nick Robinson is, of course, the perfect candidate as the inflatable bra czar, as he is self-inflating. Hurrah”

Or even more correctly, yesindyref2, Robinson is a self opinionated, self appointed, overinflated, overblown, total diddy.

CameronB Brodie

test – alexmassie

Robert Kerr

O/T sorry

Had a swally last night. Asked Joe about the Corbyn business.

“He shall win, ten more years of Tory government, independent Scotland”

When Joe went to the bar Maurice advised that Joe really believes that Alec Salmond is the “AntiChrist”

Bought some Lagavulin to cheer them up.


Does the Sun’s Bill Leckie change his opinion on Independence more times than he changes his Knickers?



Aye, the indigestion tablets and natracalm will be on bulk order by this point. 😉

There’s no crumb of pretence to hide behind Luigi. All of what Westminster has done to the Scottish electorate in the past eleven months can be laid squarely at the feet of Better Together and the media. No amount of faux outrage by Labour suits or the likes of ‘Scotland’s Champion’ will wash away the shite their referendum campaign dropped us all in.


Now that the BBC have appointed John Boothman to their Charter Renewal team, as a punishment for bullying, we can expect the word “bullying” to be redefined as “negotiating the best option for Scotland”.

“Regarded by some colleagues as a gifted political journalist and news editor, Boothman is also married to a former Scottish Labour MSP and minister, Susan Deacon, fuelling nationalist claims of bias by the BBC.”

link to

Robert Kerr

O/T again.

Funding for the Orkney4 now over 85K.

Give more if you can. Just 20 shy of 5K donors. That is a statement in its own!

link to

CameronB Brodie

test – fannybaws


Summary of Robinson, Naughtie and Iannucci and the BBC.

Men who get paid huge sums of money by the BBC protecting their income stream.

Simple really.

call me dave

Like the mounties, they got their man! 🙁

link to



@ Jim says:

Re – The Sun’s Bill Leckie & principled stance on Independence.

Clocked that myself (in someone else’s paper today / don’t buy the Sun – utter mince).

You couldn’t class him as one of the YES side by any means. Clear barometer ‘ProudScotbut’ values on display from Mr Leckie,(an alleged journo type – Economy editor ? :).

Fits right in with the Scottish Press core though !
The BBC awaits such loyalty.


I see a few comments about not paying the TV license. If you do not watch live tv on any device you do not need a license. They have been terrifying people for years with threat of fines if they even consider not paying to be lied to.

If you are really concerned cut the aerial wire, ours is not connected to a thingy on the roof so unless someone stood outside with a coat hanger attached to their head we cannot get reception, which is brilliant. Why on earh would we want to pay for the likes of Robinson.

Oh and do look it up, you cannot go to prison for debt in Scotland, especially low priority debt, and tv license is very low priority. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Well that’s me stumped. 🙂


Macart @ 27 August, 2015 at 10:46 am

Indeed. And there’s more:

Aside from a very hard sell for the BT campaign next time, who the hell is going to front it?

Are there any senior unionist politicians with any credibility left in Scotland? Flipper and Gordzilla quickly jumped ship as soon as they saw SS Labour holed below the waterline and going down.

I suppose it will be former deputy now top Dug, and Ian Murray of Red Morningside then.

Nuff said. 🙂


No tv license needed unless you watch it live on any device. Cut your aerial if worried. Ours is not connected and the metal thing on the roof is so old and inaccessible, that unless we stood outside with a wire coat hanger attached to someone’s head, reception is just out of the question, fabulous!

Oh and you cannot go to prison for debt, especially low priority debt, which tv license is. 🙂
But of course bbc would love people to lose sleep at night if they can’t pay it, or decide they no longer want the lies piped into their living room.

[…] It seems a curious way to dispel SNP supporters’ belief that the BBC is biased against their party to have two of its most senior political journalists, Scottish Labour and the Guardian all openly ganging up to attack it in the space of a couple of days. As noted by the SNP-backing but hyperbole-averse blogger (and regular BBC pundit) Andrew Tickell, it’s distinctly unusual to have such starkly partisan comments made by serving reporters, not grandees safely out to pasture.  […]

ronnie anderson

Kezia Kezia shut up about Trident we have ah man coming up from HQ to explain ,he,s a leadership contender Enter Andy Burnham ( exit Andy Burnham stage left).

Remember Kezia your only the scottish Muppet,(noo bend er) hawd oan, somebody’s left there hawn in yer arse, kin U fit two or three, Yvette & Liz are still tae come.


In case of suspected insanity, I commented twice as post did appear, forgot to copy so same words, different order. Hmm.


Did not appear in fact! Aliens are controlling me today I think, argh!


Scottish Labour seem to be operating under the delusion that the SNPs bubble will burst. It just requires a good sharp prick.

Unfortunately for them all the pricks they’ve tried thus far have been neither good nor sharp enough.



Robinson clearly looking at a red chair soon; Cameron probably asked for one more swipe at Alex Salmond to seal the deal.

Iannucci the token “Scot” wheeled out to defend the union. Probably jealous of Moaning Minnie’s elevation.

The state propaganda channel, to misquote someone “wherein evil deeds be well worded, and good acts evil turned”.

pete the camera

Ronnie did Andy Burnham not exit to the centre right
Ped an tic Pete ????

call me dave



Meanwhile the comeback kid is favourite among the three still standing. A walk over … All cowboys.

link to

That reminds of this. ‘Two too many!’

link to

Les Wilson

I watched BBC “Scotland”this morning, and waited for the woes of the Scottish news.
I had to remind myself this program is labeled “BBC Scotland”
What shit that is, an hour and 5min of Uk World and other news from London.

Followed up by around 2min of selected Scottish news.
An issue for the trade description act surely!

We absolutely need a station that represents Scottish news and reflect all things of interests to Scots.

This is propaganda to a very high level, and they think we should pay for it! We Scots are mugs if we don’t see and hear what is actually happening.

It really is getting the steam rising.

ronnie anderson

@ Pete the Camera Ok Pete stamp yersell oot ah Proud Pedant Badge lol.

Wan fit in front of the ither heading South ,sorted.


Thanks for posting weegingers article. I’m sending this from my phone as my computer is down AGAIN!


Serious questions;

do the SNP think like us wingers?

i mean of course we all want independence. Im sure the SNP realise how important the BBC is for Keeping the Union.

are they playing politics softly softly as opposed to demanding devolution of broadcasting like us?

are we subtle as a brick compared to them sophisticated politicians?

do they have a plan?

do we need to explain to them that we demand broadcasting before they will act?

is there nothing can be done?

can we go moaning to the EU?

Will Podmore

Blaming the media for your defeat in the referendum is an insult to the majority of Scottish people who voted for national unity.
Blaming the media implies that people are not able to make their own minds up. You put your case, with the White Paper.
It didn’t stand up, and people could see that it didn’t stand up.

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