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Wings Over Scotland

The Day The SNP Died

Posted on August 23, 2023 by

Luckily, someone else has already said it for us.

The haunting words of a dead man, brought to you again on the exact anniversary of the day William Wallace was hung, drawn and quartered at Smithfield in London for treason against the English crown.

Three deaths for the price of one. RIP.

Well the booze in my blood runs fast and loudAnd my brain shouts down to my mouthSay whatever I think, say it at himAnd when the dam bursts open and you’re drowned out, boyBetter go outside and sit in your boatAnd wait ’til you get washed away

Hold onto your thumbs, tighten your eyelids
Block up your ears, my dear
I’m verbal when I am loaded
Duck under that desk, cover your neck
Thicken your skin as I begin
To shoot myself in the foot again

And as the body succumbs and my mouth goes numbI limp out to the sound of breaking of broken toes
A vandal spokeAnd in the stark and the sobering dry sunlightI will blink my eyes and hope the blink can eraseAll the shit that I said and did

Hold onto your thumbs, tighten your eyelids
Block up your ears, my dear
I’m verbal when I am loaded
Duck under that desk, cover your neck
Thicken your skin as I begin
To shoot myself in the foot again

And if I shoot at you, you should shoot at me tooAnd we can drown in pools of the thick dark words we threwAnd as my face turns white, I apologizeI am sorry, it’s not your fault, its mine

Hold onto your thumbs, tighten your eyelids
Block up your ears, my dear
I’m verbal when I am loaded
Duck under that desk, cover your neck
Thicken your skin as I begin
To shoot myself in the foot again

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Alan McCrorie

One asset replaced by another. The loyal still won’t see it..


Predictable appointment. They wouldn’t want an outsider poking around asking difficult questions.

Now Foote can make sure that no-one gets under the feet of the hierarchy in their quest for self-perpetuation.

Haven’t laughed so much since Nicola said we had never been closer to independence in her fairwell speech. Nearly choked on my wee ginger biscuit.


The game’s a Foote. Watson unreality TV?


Broon fur president.

John Main

@Merganser says:23 August, 2023 at 6:06 pm

Predictable appointment

I’m with you on this.

It’s a tiny wee pond with some tiny wee fish swimming in it. But until some new fish are put in the pond, the same wee fish will continue to get all the jobs going.

Robert Louis

So, ler me get this right, the SNP, a supposedly pro0 independence political party, has just selected the man who created the vow. The VOW was a manipulative lie, and Murray Foote was its architect, and now the SNP have made him their chief executive. That vow, prior to the independence referendum in 2014, has been widely credited with swaying public opinion against independence.

To this day, unionists still talk of the vow, and only half jokingly often suggest a VOW Mk.2, if another referendum is ever held.

It is blindingly obvious that the SNP is head to toe infiltrated by special branch and MI5. For anybody doubting that, it is exactly HOW uk security services work to protect their precious union (UK) against internal and external threats. It is beyond doubt that London and England see Scottish democracy and independence is an absolute threat to their ownership of Scotland.

The SNP today appointed one of Scotland’s most notorious lying unionists as their chief executive. I do not doubt he and the infiltrated SNP will make out, he genuinely believes in independence, and his role in deceiving the people of Scotland was all in the past.

What a joke the SNP now is. WE should start calling it the MI5 party, for that is EXACTLY what it is.

If you want independence, you will NEVER get it with the SNP. That party USED to be the party of independence, it is now wholly and completely under English unionist control. It will keep on playing the gullible, leading them to think they are working towards independence, whilst doing nothing of the kind. For heavens sake, what will it take for folk in the SNP to accept they are being duped?? The party they joined no longer exists.

As for Humza useless to be part of this, well that just confirms what I already thought. London’s puppet. Sold out for the personal prestige of being ‘first minister’. Such is the history of Scotland in this cursed English so-called union, betrayed by tractors, who should be tried as such once we are independent.

Robert Burns saw it and was so correct all those years ago, when he wrote, “for London’s gold, they are bought and sold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation”.

For independence, vote ALBA, the REAL party of independence.

link to


Am I dreaming? The author of the vow is made CEO of the SNP.

Well this is very amusing. Can’t wait to read the utter shite cocksukers like wee ginger dug etc spout to swallow this massive load.


The transformation (or should I say, grotesque metamorphosis) is finally complete. The SNP is now contending to be a party, the party, of Scottish devolution. And (for the foreseeable future) they will battle it out with that other contender (“Scottish” Labour) for the honour of being the strongest advocate of devolution. Count me out, folks. Not interested in anything less than independence.

Actually I found it to be a liberating experience today. After 30 years of steadfast loyalty, I no longer have a single ounce of guilt about not voting for the SNP after 30 years’ steadfast loyalty. For that, I am eternally grateful. Cheers.

We pick up the pieces and we start again. We start again because we have no choice, unless you want to give up and crawl back into your box (say hello to the SNP in there) Who said it was going to be easy?


All your base are belong to us…

A Scot Abroad

That may be quite a short-lived tenure. I’m not convinced that in financial (not political) terms that the SNP is still a going concern. He may end up calling in the official receivers by Christmas.

George Ferguson

As Napolean would say, Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake. A post SNP landscape is what we want. Only when the SNP loses power at all levels of Government can we be optimistic about Independence. The base of support for Independence remains unchanged. However the link between the SNP and support for Independence has been broken. Nearly 10 wasted years. And the last person to read the room is Humza.


It’s pantomime stuff now, although the villain isn’t behind you, he’s right in front of your face. Yet how many still won’t see it!

One can only think of a river in Egypt..


I agree this is it for the SNP. Complete game over. I could not vote for these utter cunts if you paid me. Absolutely incredible move by them. Suicide note.

If ALBA say they are willing to work with the SNP they can fuck off as well.


Just appointed a teller of untruth by his own admission. Who’d believe it?


It’s not just Sturgeon who neutered the independence movement.

The fans who sanctified her. The gravy slurpers. The LGBWTFBBQ revolutionaries. The London lovies. The wheesht for indy martinets.

There are so many responsible for the greatest threat to the UK being turned into its play thing.

Perhaps Scotland will be free when the last SNP office holder is strangled by the last copy of The National.


Totally agree with Mac. SNP are finished as an independence party. The sooner they are removed the better. ALBA can have nothing to do with them. Scotland United is not viable. There are simply no shortcuts.


This is like the Church appointing Judas as Pope. All the good guy hangers on in the SNP have been made to look like utter tits for doing so by this move. You stick your nose up at ALBA and now you are sucking Murray footer’s diseased stump. Fuck you you deserve each other. Gutless mediocre bland middle class tartan wanks who thought they could have their cake and eat it.

John Main

Ah, Scotland with the SNP at the helm.

Best wee third-world country in the world.

You don’t agree? How many planes crashed in Scotland today, killing all on board.

Take your time …


Will Foote be paid the same as Peter “Still hiding” Murrell ? And have the nuSNP got enough dosh ?

And does this mean Murrell is not coming back ?

Anyone still thinking the nuSNP will deliver independence ?

The nuSNP are not even pretending anymore.

Our imperial masters must be delighted by Humza and his actions.

P.S. If you remain in the nuSNP – You’re just a yoon lackey who supports the vow.

Captain Yossarian

George – I noticed the other day that support for Independence remained unchanged and hadn’t dropped over the summer and I was astonished by that. Unless new leaders for your movement are found though, it will inevitably drop because no-one can identify an Independence movement post the SNP. It’s a few different groups with different ideas and some of Alba’s thinking undoubtedly won’t work and won’t be attractive to voters. That’s the problem that I see. I’ve worked in resource rich countries like Scotland and some do very well, but not all of them and that’s what I would be nervous about.

George Ferguson

@Captain Yossarian 7:40pm
The SNP multiple failures are associated with them. The resilience of the Independence supporters and their understanding of the wider situation is politically astute. Take your point about leadership. But there nothing like a vacuum to enable change. I have heard so many times recently from ordinary people that the politics of Scotland is not working for them. But their desire is for improvement rather than abandonment of our political and public institutions. I don’t see a Scottish Parliament Election in 2026. It will happen way before that. The Public are catching wind of even dafter policies coming down the track. Add Operation Branchform and the SNP Green Government will collapse under public pressure.


I was tickled by a line from an article in the Scottish Daily Express today on the cost of Nicola Sturgeon’s police protection: “For a politician under 24/7 police protection to have been arrested by other Police Scotland detectives must surely have been a first.”


The British establishment have managed to infiltrate and effectively destroy the SNP. Job done? Well, not quite folks. Ye see, they never managed to complete the important step of linking the SNP with the entire independence movement. This was crucial before the final stage of the plan
– gradually easing the “rebels” back to supporting devolution. Too many folk have wised up and ain’t going there. Interesting times.


I hope pro independence supporters in Rutherglen and Hamilton West abstain in the by-election. A big SNP defeat and a very low turnout will send a powerful message to the SNP hierarchy – and the rest of the electorate in Scotland. We must show contempt for both the SNP hierarchy and Westminster.


The SNP, like the loyal unionist party they are, fixated by what happens down in London and now appointing The Vow man.

They’ve got Foote and South disease.

Viscount Ennui

I used to watch Monty Python and still review the clips from time to time.
But now Scottish politics is better although they sometimes stretch things a bit far in their pursuit of humour.
Still, at least the international community will be having a chuckle.

Daisy Walker


DavidT says:
23 August, 2023 at 8:07 pm

I was tickled by a line from an article in the Scottish Daily Express today on the cost of Nicola Sturgeon’s police protection: “For a politician under 24/7 police protection to have been arrested by other Police Scotland detectives must surely have been a first.”

Not excusing the above in any way, but had it been in Londinium, the Met would have acted as bouncers for the illegal party during lock down… oh, wait… and then there wouldn’t have even been arrests…. oh, wait. My bad, not the same thing at all.

Viscount Ennui

My sources tell me that the NEC of the SNP have pencilled-in Nigel Farage to negotiate and lead an independent Scotland back into Europe.

George Ferguson

@DavidT 8:07pm
Now that Queen Nicola has lost her security protection. Does that mean she has lost her HRH title as well? Asking for a Californian friend.


Rev Stu. @ 6.17 “Um”.

It was predictable that no outsider would get a look in. The lid must be kept firmly on the tin. The SNP could well have saved a few bob by giving him this job, and staving off a financial claim from him for the way he was treated by Murrell over the membership figures forcing him to resign.

He obviously had a reason for making those comments about the police investigation. I couldn’t understand initially why he decided to comment as he did, but pennies began to drop. It showed he was still onside. He had only really blamed the expendable Murrell, and was giving the right signals.

So the writing was on the wall that he was not abandoning ship. And what better way to reward him for the way he had been treated.

So it was always a “possible outcome”. Perhaps a better phrase than ‘predictable appointment’

Viscount Ennui

Captain Yossarian says:
23 August, 2023 at 7:40 pm

“George – I noticed the other day that support for Independence remained unchanged and hadn’t dropped over the summer and I was astonished by that.”

I put my life savings on a huge disparity between an opinion poll ‘YES’ and the crucnh vote.
The 1997 GE taught us that.
Folk will answer in idealistic ways when it does not really matter but take a contrary position when it has the potential to affect them.
Gut feeling is that we are back to residual figures of 35% or so.
SNP focus groups (if they are capable of organising such a thing) will be telling them this.


Murray f*ckin Foote, the SNP might as well have appointed Murdo Fraser to the position, the SNP are now openly saying a big f*ck you to around half of Scotland’s population that wants to ditch this rancid union.

Appointing Foote is a clear cut declaration by the SNP that tells us that its no longer a Scottish independence party, mind you with Sturgeon the Judas at the helm it was pretty obvious back then that the SNP were a party for the status quo, in other words a unionist party.

C’mon Alba get a f*ckin move on and help us get rid of these careerist self serving unionist b*stards.

The SNP are finished as an indy party they have no credibility anymore and their reputation is shot to pieces good riddance to the treacherous shits.


O/T We thought Chris Hoy was the ultimate Brit flag waver among Scottish sporting world champions. Looks like Josh Kerr can actually outdo him.


Today is indeed the day the SNP died. It has nailed its colours to its sinking mast.

If the people worth saving in the SNP do not rebel by end of tomorrow then they are simply not worth saving. This is the moment we find out who they are. Today the SNP died. Tomorrow you die.

Every day you serve Murray Foote and expect independence supporters to send subscriptions to this fucking dog… wow you are beyond delusional.

You were warned the clock was almost out on growing some balls and now you are down to hours.

For me you are already too late. Stay. Suck Murray’s cock, maybe he will give a special reading of the Vow at the hydro with Nicky. You can all buy tickets.


(sorry mr mod misspelt email address again)

Today is indeed the day the SNP died. It has nailed its colours to its sinking mast.

If the people worth saving in the SNP do not rebel by end of tomorrow then they are simply not worth saving. This is the moment we find out who they are. Today the SNP died. Tomorrow you die.

Every day you serve Murray Foote and expect independence supporters to send subscriptions to this f**king dog… wow you are beyond delusional.

You were warned the clock was almost out on growing some balls and now you are down to hours.

For me you are already too late. Stay. Suck Murray’s cokk, maybe he will give a special reading of the Vow at the hydro with Nicky. You can all buy tickets.

Corrado Mella

If you didn’t see this coming, I have a half used bridge to sell you. It’s still in good nick, it’s got bells on.

I would loathe to have to find a way to give a positive look to this. Check how fast the WGD, Bella Caledonia and other uncritical sturgeonites are spinning, we may have another energy boom if we attach an alternator to their arse.

And you, Saint Nicola’s Party member, councillor, MSP, MP: seriously, gie yer heid a wobble.
Yer done. Done like a kipper. Congratulations.
The time to put your head up has past.
Nobody will give you the time of the day, forget their vote.
Politics is for the brave, shrewd, smart and quick.
You’ve been found lacking.


Ron Clark

Murray Foote’s CV contained only two words,,,
“Lying Bastard”.

In the eyes of the present SNP leadership Foote was the ideal replacement for that other rat faced lying bastard Murrell.

And that other conning bastard Nicola Sturgeon will have had a major say in his appointment.

Sturgeon’s influence within the SNP hierarchy is never ending.

It will continue until every last one of her clique either drops dead, or has been voted out of office.


Spin doctor required. I do wonder what they will need to be putting a spin on shortly.


Sprung to mind.

link to

Captain Yossarian

Viscount Ennui – It is standing at 48% just now and it has remained at that level for months. The problem that I see is that people need someone that they can trust to actually vote for and many of them will not vote SNP. Hence, the cliff-edge scenario.

As I said, I have worked in a few resource rich countries and what I found was that they were “relaxed” and “stable”. Nothing extraordinary happened, things just got done and life was pretty good. I don’t notice that happening in Scotland.

Operation Branchform will result in some kind of outcome around Christmas and that may point the road ahead in terms of leadership of the SNP, the involvement of the Greens and all the rest of it. The SNP could run-out of cash about then too.


Anyone who is a sincere supporter of independence who still subscribes or donates to the SNP is off their head.

You are literally sending money to the man who lied through his teeth to subvert the 2014 referendum against all the recognized rules, he has been made your boss.

If you bend to this and kiss his ring… you will never be forgotten trust me.


“O/T We thought Chris Hoy was the ultimate Brit flag waver among Scottish sporting world champions. Looks like Josh Kerr can actually outdo him.”

I can’t watch Scottish athletes compete wearing the Butchers Apron, I understand that they just want to be athletes and compete, but waving the Butchers Apron when they win is a big no no for me.

I have been told that it might be compulsory for Scottish athletes to wave the Butchers Apron if they win of are placed. Considering for half of Scots that the butchers Apron isn’t their country’s flag, I’d find having to wave it insulting, mind you some so called Scottish athletes don’t need prompting to wave it.

Fifth columnist for the Tory branch office in Scotland Brian Whittle springs to mind.


You couldn’t make this shit up.

Inflitrated by Yoons, Wokies, Special Branch, MI5, you friking name it they’re in it.

Everyone except genuine supporters of Indy that is.

They left Sturgeon’s rancid SNP a long time ago, and in their tens of thousands…


Four legs good, two legs better…

A Scot Abroad

Can anyone predict the effect on Scottish politics if the SNP lose half of their votes to a newly powered up Alba?

I’ll have a go. There will be hardly any pro-Indy MSPs or MPs. That’s how first past the post works. It’s also how the modified d’Hondt system used at Holyrood works, but there would be a few more Indy MPs. Not enough, though.

So really, the only game in town is to either change the SNP back to what it was in Salmond’s day, and retain the mailing lists, volunteers and subscriptions. Or for literally everyone on the Indy side to transfer to Alba.

Anything somewhere between the two is death to Indy for a generation.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:23 August, 2023 at 9:28 pm

so called Scottish athletes

Scottish athletes competing and doing great on the world stage, against the best of the rest of the world.

What have you ever achieved for Scotland, RoS?

Name one fecking thing.


Only saving grace it wasn’t Patrick “swing yer pants” Harvie

John Main

@A Scot Abroad says:23 August, 2023 at 9:46 pm

change the SNP back to what it was in Salmond’s day …
Or … everyone on the Indy side to transfer to Alba

Naw, clean the Augean stables.

New leader, new cabinet, new elected representatives, new policies, new strategy, new tactics.

A fresh start in other words.

Real world policies. Out with the ancient guff, revenge for the Clearances, mither tongue, and knee-jerk hatred of all things English.

In with grounded, competent, capable, costed, beneficial policies that grow the economy, provide jobs and services, give Scots homes to live in, and that show us some of the money our assets entitle us to.

There should still be room for an ever-shrinking cadre of aging, saltire-waving marchers, but much as the SNP had to do so, Scotland’s next professional Indy politicians will seek to keep them as far away from real power as possible.

It starts at Rutherglen.


The SNP is dead. With that so is Scotland in Union. Time for ALBA to contest every constituency.

David Hannah

The SNP is finished.

Salmond for Rutherglen.

Hail Alba.

Anton Decadent

Everything’s fine*

*it’s a meme.

A Scot Abroad


Alba doesn’t appear to be doing anything much at the moment. Website as dead as a dodo in substantive terms, no new policy announcements, a half-hearted appeal for funds.

It doesn’t look as though it’s going to be in a position to be a party of government in the next few years, with developed and detailed policies across the spectrum of public services. Nor is it attracting any new big names with reach and charisma.

Probably a busted flush. A one-man vanity project that’s going to go nowhere.

Big Jock

Isn’t it obvious. Murray is a Devo-Max man. The SNP have abandoned independence. He will now argue for a stronger Scotland in the UK.

The SNP are just a Scottish version of Labour. The SNP also realise that to stop Labour they need to become devolutionists.

So now there is no pretence. If you vote SNP , you vote British.

What the Yes movement does now , must include fighting off the SNP. We have to start an independence party all over again, or independence will just fade away.

Big Jock

Republic. No disagreement from me. I really don’t have any British identity. So were I ever in the position of winning a medal I would refuse to waive that horrible flag.

That no athlete has ever done so , speaks volumes about how fickle their Scottishness is. Like so many Anglo Scots who are absorbed into England’s identity.

I would rather we won 2 medals as Scotland , than 20 as GB. I just have no heart to cheer on team GB.

My sister in law competed in the Para games for team GB. My father in law turned up with Union flags at my house. I chased him. Told him that he didn’t need to give up being Scottish to support his daughter. Its an enforced identity!


FFS. If nothing else, it is the optics of this. How can the promoter of The Vow ever be a good choice. Wake up all you who are still asleep. This party has indeed died, unfortunately we have to witness the decay as the corpse cannot be buried. It is like the undead waiting for a stake in the heart.

William Russell

I can but shrug. I accepted some years ago now Indy in my lifetime was not going to happen. Not because of Westminster, nor the Tories, nor Labour, but because of the SNP.

Earlier this week, I read an SNP meme sent to Keir Starmer by one of the SNP faithful. Every single listed achievement, some very admirable, all more than 5 years old, many achievements of the great man they now denounce as a heretic.

I was glad and remain so that Wings is still in the fight. Yet I would quote the great Dr Who to anyone over 50 still in this fight…run. Run, run far away from this poison and live the rest of your life less ordinary for here lies dying and the stench of a corpse being fucked by the SNP.


John Main @ 1924

For any of us involved in the aftermath of Lockerbie, not perhaps your finest comment.


Has this been a setup from the membership numbers debacle, where motorhome Pete agreed with Murray that HE would step down because of the exposure of the LYING FAKE BOOSTED NUMBERS, Murray would resign HIS position to appear as a man of integrity and honesty with a guarantee of promotion to the £95,000 job , if you look at it from that perspective NOTHING has changed within the paedo parties managerial hierarchy

Sturgeon is still pulling the strings of the moronic but willing adulterous fake FM (NOT MY FM)

Murrell motorhome hire is still working with sturgeon, swinney, russell and FOOTE to sabotage and destroy any chance of independence , everyone’s a winner

I know everyone including myself thinks that these clowns and morons have fucked everything up in Scotland due to incompetence, BUT have they really, is it not deliberate Machiavellian acts by a cohort working to a plan , the more I look at their actions I am convinced they are playing out an act involving planned chess piece moves

stuart mctavish

Hopefully police Scotland can shed light on which deviant made the appointment* – eg given the self identifying continuity candidate’s treatment of his predecessors flagship Oct 19 indyref policy and his appointment (all by himself?) of the man whose lies got her husband sacked, full disclosure of his relationship with GB (ie via Anas sarwar’s father),if any, is one of many pistes that merit clarification.

Anyone else notice the Indian moon lander took 6 weeks to get there without
driver whereas the Appollos were done and dusted within a fortnight.. Begs question if the real problem with ferry construction (and nuclear elsewhere) isn’t a direct consequence of bad habits forged by 20mph speed limits.

* more info also now urgently required as to who, and on what authority, excluded Angus MacNeil


twathater says:
24 August, 2023 at 2:25 am

Sturgeon is still pulling the strings of the moronic but willing adulterous fake FM (NOT MY FM)

Is she?

I have always had a problem with Sturgeon being this great leader of men, because I’ve never seen it myself. She’s a political lightweight, and the shallowest of thinkers. Someone from Sales suddenly promoted to management. The perfect candidate to be puppet for someone else to manipulate.

Yousaf IS the continuity candidate, very much so, but I just think it’s wrong to suppose it’s Sturgeon’s legacy he’s continuing.

There is something far more insidious than Sturgeon behind all of this.

John Main

@stuart mctavish says:24 August, 2023 at 6:11 am

Anyone else notice the Indian moon lander took 6 weeks to get there

No, I hadn’t noticed that, thanks for pointing it out. That will be a consequence of the fact that for manned missions, it is necessary to reduce the Time Exposed to Danger as much as possible, but for automated missions, slower trajectories, requiring less fuel, therefore lower power, therefore cheaper vehicles, are possible.

Anyone noticed how the Indian vehicles are lettered in both Hindi (Devanagari) and English?

I wondered if post-colonial India remains tortured and enslaved by the imposition of colonialist-era bilingualism, but they seem to be managing just fine.

It really makes you think, doesn’t it. If the obstacles holding us back really aren’t obstacles at all, just what is holding us back?


If you want a concise summary of what has been done to the SNP post 2014 it is as if someone sat down and said, ‘how do we make the SNP into the least attractive political party possible’.

This latest ‘appointment’ really does remove the last scintilla of doubt that this is the true agenda.

The only silver lining here is I think in a way it reveals their increasing desperation. It is as if they are running out of ways to make the SNP even more despicable.

All the pervo trans poision and going after our kids with their utter deviancy just wasn’t shifting the needle against independence enough.

“So I know, lets appoint the biggest fucking rat cunt imaginable to the CEO position”. So you will literally have to send your membership dues to a giant scumbag liar who authored the Vow.

They might as well have appointed the slimeblob Neil MacKay to the job. I dare say he will be the next hire by Vowboy the cunt. No doubt to do his old job.

People say Foote had a Damascene conversion… well that is exactly right as St Paul was another total fucking fraud as well sent to undermine another ‘independence’ movement.

This is it, anyone who serves under Vowboy can go fuck themselves from now to eternity. I am taking names.


What is afoot?
12 inches as the comedians suggest.

Has Mr Foot ever apologised for creating the lies and deception that was the Vow and
how it just tipped Scotland into staying as an English cash cow colony.

It would be nice for everyone for the truth to come out, to show how nothing within the Vow
was honoured and use his newspaper contacts to have them all publish the facts.

Robert Hughes

How do I loathe thee SNP ?

Let me count the ways ……

Aw , fuck it , I cannae be arsed .

Can anyone list a single * achievement * of Murray The Foote Soldier of Fortune during his tenure as , what was it again ? Head of Doing Fuck All For Loadsa Money , something like that .

Was the Rebuttal Unit ever known to rebut anything – other than any questioning of Sturgeon’s divine status ?

Was the annual GERS Prize for Fiction ever challenged ?

Rather than being subjected to rigorous , factual countering & deflating , ridicule , were the lies , distortions , omissions of the Andrex Press re Independence not awarded hush-money in exchange for keeping a lid on the SNP’s pathological inability to tell the truth ( about anything ) and * World Beating * failures ?

In Scottish Politics now failure self-id’s as success; ” staunch support for Independence ” manifests as craven genuflection to English diktat ( can we have more bread/crumbs please , sir ? ) ; candidate selection is done by ouija board ( ” is there anybody there ? ” ) and , here we have the final queering of the square circle …..da da da DA ! ….the promotion of the author of the Vow , supposed ” Journey To Yes ” ( via George Sq ,Duke St & Union St ) convert , lump of human dough malleable to any desired shape – to CEO . Constitution Eugenics Officer .

Next up …..Sturgeon is made Head of MI5 .

Eliciting The National front page splash


And WGD – ” GENIUS MOVE . TORIES NOT NICE ” ( Fundraiser for much needed walk-in wardrobe . Details below . Also could someone come and weed the garden , bloody bindweed n creeping thistle taking over )

BUSINESS FOR GKM – ” Are those roads around Thames House needing re-surfaced ? pm me babe ”

SNP . Spreading hilarity & gaiety throughout the land since 2014

Robert Hughes

BTW ….Excellent song / choice . Seen the band a couple of times , up here in the North of London . Really good band . Sad end for yr man .


For those good guy & gal people in the SNP still clinging to the fantasy that someone is going to step up and save the SNP and ‘everything is/ will be fine’ this appointment is a perfect demonstration of the ‘boiling frogs’ concept.

Your froggy arse is submerged deep in a pan of near scalding water and you don’t even notice. ‘Ah Murray Foote CEO of the SNP… its fiiiiine.’ This is them rubbing your nose in it. They are not even slightly hiding it anymore. And why should they, they know you will hide it for them.

It is amazing to witness all this… I never would have believed it possible less than 10 years ago. It has been an education in many different dimensions and not a pleasant one. But it is what it is.

The guy who wrote the vow is appointed CEO of the SNP. lol.

We won in 2014. This is what all this points to.

Patsy Millar

OK officer, I’ll come quietly!


link to

Quite the read but tbh it’s left me more confuzzled than with any firm ideas about what to do!

Energy, like all major influential powers to properly address so many of the issues we have is reserved to London Rule, so Scotland can effectively do heehaw until we return to self-governing status.

The poor can’t fucking afford Teslas to get to their low paid work, and expensive leccy cars ain’t green until you get well into the many tens of thousands of miles distances which begs the question why are we still requiring to drive such massive distances.
The new leccy MG 4 EV has something like 400hp and is insanely quick doing zero to 60 in 3.8 seconds, and shreds tyres in short order, so not exactly sensible planet saving utilisation of “green” technological developments and energy intensive industrial processes required to manufacture such products.
Public transport is so expensive and in rural areas the services are so shit that folk basically need a car to get to their work / shops, or appointments at the doctor.

Commercial food production is reliant on fossil fuels for everything from powering farm machinery to fertilizers. Big tractors these days need almost as much power / torque output as that MG 4 EV kicks out, but good luck finding a battery pack that has the amp/hour capacity to sustain the current draw required for a tractor to plough hundred acre fields.

Global food trade collapse… just stop right there because shipping food about the planet is already an insane practice in terms of sensible use of energy. But again, good luck convincing the middle class that they have to give up their imported avocados, quinoa seeds, tasty spices, and New Zealand lamb, and instead get nom noming intae locally produced tatties, neeps and sprouts to go with Scottish lamb. Multiculturalism with all its inherent fancy culinary practices requiring exotic food importation is killing the planet! Well unless that bit of young sheep was transported from NZ by sailboat, but rather you than me chewing a bit of NZ lamb that took 2 months to get here in an unrefrigerated boat. Is lamb jerky a thing?

If the gulf stream weakens and it gets even colder then there is even less chance of all those recent shitty air source heatpumps installations on unsuitable properties working… But ASHPs working well was always going to be an ask, especially when the “planet saving” packages including fitting solar PV arrays onto the north facing roofs…

Eco-minded shunners of fossil fuels train passengers will be disembarking the train at Dunblane and finishing their journeys to Aberdeen and Inverness by bicycle seeing as the train track network is only electrified to that point, and therefore uses bad diesel locomotive propulsion to cover the higher latitudes of Scotland.


All we need now are the appointments of Paul Hucheon, David Clegg and Kezia Dugdale onto the SNP gravy train and it’s job done. For every action, there is a reaction. Let’s see what happens next…


Those who seek independence must stage a discreet «counter woke» coup and reclaim the SNP.
Walking away (flouncing?) in high dudgeon serves no productive purpose.
The opposition encourages division.
Division weakens.


If anything, the administration of India was a cost to Britain. So the fact that the empire was sustained for so long – the story goes – was a gesture of Britain’s benevolence.

New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik – just published by Columbia University Press – deals a crushing blow to this narrative. Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patnaik calculated that Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.

How did this come about?

It happened through the trade system. Prior to the colonial period, Britain bought goods like textiles and rice from Indian producers and paid for them in the normal way – mostly with silver – as they did with any other country. But something changed in 1765, shortly after the East India Company took control of the subcontinent and established a monopoly over Indian trade.

Here’s how it worked. The East India Company began collecting taxes in India, and then cleverly used a portion of those revenues (about a third) to fund the purchase of Indian goods for British use. In other words, instead of paying for Indian goods out of their own pocket, British traders acquired them for free, “buying” from peasants and weavers using money that had just been taken from them.

It was a scam – theft on a grand scale. Yet most Indians were unaware of what was going on because the agent who collected the taxes was not the same as the one who showed up to buy their goods. Had it been the same person, they surely would have smelled a rat.

Some of the stolen goods were consumed in Britain, and the rest were re-exported elsewhere. The re-export system allowed Britain to finance a flow of imports from Europe, including strategic materials like iron, tar and timber, which were essential to Britain’s industrialisation. Indeed, the Industrial Revolution depended in large part on this systematic theft from India.

On top of this, the British were able to sell the stolen goods to other countries for much more than they “bought” them for in the first place, pocketing not only 100 percent of the original value of the goods but also the markup.

After the British Raj took over in 1858, colonisers added a special new twist to the tax-and-buy system. As the East India Company’s monopoly broke down, Indian producers were allowed to export their goods directly to other countries. But Britain made sure that the payments for those goods nonetheless ended up in London.


The SNP now officially a yoon entity, any bequest moneys they are still allowed to access will be misused for the next GE.
But, it must stick in their craw so bad that they don’t control Wings.


What is really revealing about this appointment is that as Humza Youseless was the ‘continuity candidate’ to Nicola Sturgeon clearly Murray Foote was selected as the ‘continuity candidate’ to Peter Murrell. That is exactly the criteria upon which he was selected same as Youseless.

Just think about how damning that is.

The person seen as Peter Murrell’s continuity candidate is the author of the Vow.

It says it all… about Peter Murrell and Humza Youseless.

Yousaf is Sturgeon’s continuity candidate and Vowboy is Murrell’s continuity candidate.

Just how much poisonous fruit will this particular tree have to bear before people finally know it for what it is…

Clearly some will never recognize it, as it is their will not to…’there are none so blind as those who will not see’. But FFS folks this is getting embarrassing for you. How many shit sandwiches will you eagerly gobble down… stop.

Vowboy CEO of the SNP… I have to keep repeating it as it sounds so mad yet it is apparently true. lol.


chic.mcgregor and

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Thank you

Captain Yossarian

The subject that continues to make independence viable is North Sea Oil and Gas. If I were an independence supporter, discrediting that is the very last thing that I would do.


Poll: Should Alex stand in Hamilton?

Vote here

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English in the so called auxiliary language of the South Asian subcontinent aka India/Pakistan/Bangladesh because the later stage British raj, post «Mutiny» imposed its use in administration, secondary and higher education to replace Persian and Hindustani in the Rajastani north and Gujarati, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Tamil etc in their respective regions.
There was no encouragement of the use of indigenous languages beyond primary level.
The post colonial fetish of English or rather American as the highway to worldly success endures. Teaching the language in India is a multi INR scam.
The moonshot is just another manifestation of aping the activities of the former ruler.
They ought to have named the vehicle MAYA.

David Hannah

Salmond should run in Rutherglen. He should then work for Rutherglen every day in Glasgow. At least Glasgow would have 1 person finally on their side.


Maybe if we express this algebraically it will trigger a breakthrough moment.

Lets say we have 4 variables A, B, C & D (representing NS, PM, HY & MF) each of which can be one of two values, a Rat or a Non-Rat i.e. R or NR.

Without knowing the value (R or NR) of either A nor B you know that A = B.
Without knowing the value of either you also know that C = A
And now without knowing the value of either we know that B = D

Meaning A = B = C = D.

Oh but hang we do know the value of D and it is R, Rat.

So solve for A,B & C folks it is not hard.

Tartan Tory

The SNP has been feline for a number of years, as it has died several times, yet appears to have many lives!

I feel sorry for those who are still clutching their faith, on their knees in the corner of the polling booth, wailing like a banshee because they know they’ve been ‘had’, yet don’t have the courage or the intellect to change their vote.

I guess it’s like being an abused spouse – they need to act and eventually they will….. Maybe tomorrow.


Looking forward to the claims that “WELLL!!!!…If we can turn the mind of the person behind The Vow, then there is no stopping us converting other previous NO voters…its onwards and upwards to a bright future. Oh can you get those direct debits filled in please and thank you!”



RE : Should Alex stand in Hamilton?

I hop you spelled ‘on’ incorrectly 🙂



RE : Should Alex stand in Hamilton?
I hope you spelled ‘on’ incorrectly 🙂

@David hannah
Rutherglen isnt in Glasgow…as any black taxi driver will demand

John Main

@sam says:24 August, 2023 at 9:30 am

Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938

Certainly an innarestin claim. Quite apart from consideration of how events that ended nearly a century ago are relevant to Scotland today, alert readers might wonder at all of the unexplained assumptions and conversions that allow commerce spanning nearly 2 centuries to be converted into a dollar equivalent nearly another century later.

And then there are the taxes collected over two centuries. Is it really the case that nothing of value was ever provided in return? I hae ma doots. Never in all of history has any economy thrived in the midst of endless war. It’s peace and stability that leads to the generation of wealth, every time.

As for exporters pocketing a markup on the value of goods when they export them, I am guessing that few indeed of us are ever able to buy stuff from abroad at exactly the price the foreign manufacturer charges at her factory gate.

No flavour of Indy is ever going to change that reality.


Employing Foote in the media role was a jaw dropping move at the time and really raised a lot of unanswered questions but this appointment takes that to such an extreme it really begins to beg some much more serious questions.

Why are they so beholden to this guy Foote who was the architect of the most infamous and damaging dirty trick during the 2014 referendum… the supposed author of the Vow.

They should revile him like we all do but the opposite is seemingly true, evidently as he is now the CEO of the SNP.

What this suggests to me at least is that NS (& PM) may well have been involved somehow in the creation of the Vow. And Foote here was more the frontman (to be rewarded later).

They were right there in the heart of the YES campaign. Knowing what we know now about them should give us all pause for thought…

Maybe they planted the idea of the Vow, maybe they just helped in the drafting, knowing how to maximise the damage to the YES campaign from the inside.

They don’t revile Foote because they were also (heavily) involved in the Vow. And now he is getting his payback (first in the media job and now as CEO).

Given his role in 2014 we know for sure he is bad actor. So this appointment is very revealing and very damning IMHO.

David Hannah

South Lanarkshire. Their social care service is poor. Patients are bed blocked for weeks in the hospital, more than Glasgow because South Lanarkshire hasn’t got enough Carers. Fact.

John Main

@TURABDIN says:24 August, 2023 at 9:52 am

The moonshot is just another manifestation of aping the activities of the former ruler

Ah, c’mon now Ted, you don’t mean that.

As we (Britain) have no moon-landing aspirations to ape, your assertion makes no sense.

It’s 2023 all around the world, and even in Scotland. The world is beset by problems, and some countries would rather seek solutions than sit greetin into their national drams. Resource shortages are a major problem: lunar resources are a big part of the solution, and sitting there free for those who have the ambition to get them.

If we can accept that India was colonised, by English, Scots, Welsh and Irish, and Portugese, etc. etc. we can also recognise that a history of colonisation is just that: history.

The future is in the hands of those alive and working today.

David Hannah

Salmond should run. Mair affordable hooses. Average rent £820 in Glasgow. Young people can’t get on.

Better social care service for the elderly of South Lanarkshire.

Clean up the vandalism in Glasgow. Give the homeless jobs. Restore the people’s palace a museum that Susan Aitken thought to let wilt and die.

Independence now that the SNP have given up and have rejected the opportunity to work as Scotland United. It seems they’ve joined Better Together with the vow.

Salmond has given the SNP every opportunity to work for country over party. He spend weeks at the fringe. Debating cross party views. Which is what you need in a leader. Salmond was the former first minister. He’s got energy for politics. Sturgeon has left to write a book.

Salmond helped Rutherglen and Glasgow East end during the commonwealth games. He’s liked.

Rutherglen hate back stabbers. They help their neighbours out with sugar and milk in the close. They like Margaret Ferrier.

I know they’d vote for him because Edinburgh has abandoned them. No one cares about the LEZ in Glasgow.

Come on Alba. Hail Alba!


Since 2016 the UK has provided India with £2.3b in aid, why the fuck are we sending aid to a country that has a space program.

David Hannah

Salmond should run. Mair affordable hooses. Average rent £820 in Glasgow. Young people can’t get on.

Better social care service for the elderly of South Lanarkshire.

Clean up the vandalism in Glasgow. Give the homeless jobs. Restore the people’s palace a museum that Susan Aitken thought to let wilt and die.

Independence now that the SNP have given up and have rejected the opportunity to work as Scotland United. It seems they’ve joined Better Together with the vow.

Salmond has given the SNP every opportunity to work for country over party. He spend weeks at the fringe. Debating cross party views. Which is what you need in a leader. Salmond was the former first minister. He’s got energy for politics. Sturgeon has left to write a book.

Salmond helped Rutherglen and Glasgow East end during the commonwealth games. He’s liked.

Rutherglen hate back stabbers. They help their neighbours out with sugar and milk in the close. They like Margaret Ferrier.

I know they’d vote for him because Edinburgh has abandoned them. No one cares about the LEZ in Glasgow.

Alba for Rutherglen.


Dan – another great post, and ‘nom noming’ made me smile.


Humza Yousaf is to meet with US special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry in Edinburgh, Kerry who is on record saying.

“And yes, it [the Great Reset] will happen…and I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine”
John Kerry (17 Nov 2020) ”

Kerry is also a know member of;

“Member of 7th floor group, Broadcasting Board of Governors, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Council on Foreign Relations/Members 2, Forbes family, Jeffrey Epstein/Black book, Munich Security Conference/Advisory Council, Population Institute, Skull and Bones”

Yousaf was groomed by the (IVLP) International Visitor Leadership Programme which take politicians among others with (Potential aka loyalty and obedience to the US) and brings them on board, several prominent SNP MPs/MSPs have attended the course in the USA.

stuart mctavish

In other news john Kerry is in town and instead of arresting the somewhat obscure gentleman for suspected conspiracy against USA, and maybe negotiating a prisoner swap for Julian assange in the same sting, he’s been invited to a charity jamboree where (presumably) public money will be pledged to help countries suffering from climate change.
Setting aside the bit of that that risks being the equivalent of sending fertilizer to the flood plains of the old Brahmaputra (which Canada was known to be doing circa 1999) one question* arises as to how much of it arrives at the intended destination v how much finds its way into the hands of crocodile toothed orphanage directors willing to have the boys line up to twerk for visiting ‘benefactors’.

*A good follow up, assuming intended and actual destinations are different, might be how any policing/ following of the money can be made open source/ access and searchable by all).


Re my previous comment of course our ex-FM Sturgeon the Judas gave a speech at Georgetown University in the USA, its a well known deep state site, hosting the RAND Corporation, its funded by Hewlett Foundation which is a deep state front that funds assigned projects. The uni also hosts the (CSIS) its Center for Strategic and International Studies.

David Hannah

Cop 26 was a failure wasn’t it? The only thing it enduced was an epileptic fit from the flashing from Nicola’s camera behind the bogey mask.

Time to drill the the oil and give the people of Rutherglen oil jobs for the 100 new oil and gas licenses in Scotland’s waters.


I’ve lost count of the amount of times people have described something as the day the SNP died, but surely this has to be it.

Any more scandals and snakery and we are in berlusconian levels of somehow managing to survive catastrophe after catastrophe and the negative PR that comes along with it

Ian Smith

If people really believe the gulf stream is about to collapse and Scotland’s 0.08% and falling rapidly of global emissions is more important than affordable and reliable heat and energy then God help us.

Little else can do more damage to the health, wealth and everything else that follows for the nation other than political meddling over energy supply, relying on UN projections as a justification.

Alf Baird

TURABDIN @ 9:52 am

“The moonshot is just another manifestation of aping the activities of the former ruler.”

Yes, in postcolonial theory this is also referred to as ‘mimicking the colonizer’ (Memmi). A native bourgeoisie daes it awfu weel – essential to maintain their privileges in colonial society. Colonial (private) schools for the privileged play a key role.

The ‘English Studies’ model was rolled out in every colony (including Scotland) though in India first, apparently. Local native language is considered ‘invalid’, as are thay fowk wha speak hit. Hence the elevated colonial language legacy lingers on as the basis of inequality in even former colonial societies.


Some folks who study climate cycles and the concomitant rise and falls of empires think that we are due a big prolonged solar sunspot minimum and a period of cold.

If true, that could explain a lot of the reorganisation and disruption we see, as elites ‘shape the battlefield’ in their self interest.

Geoff Anderson

link to

I don’t see the £667,000 listed anywhere!


on a lighter note, Armageddon.


There were two iterations of British rule in the subcontinent pre and post 1857.
Pre, the administrators took an interest in the cultures, studied the languages e.g Persian the court vernacular, Hindustani the language of daily commerce, classical Sanskrit and Telugu and presented a relatively sympathetic face. William Dalrymple has written of the that more liberal period in his histories. Scots figure significantly.
Post, things changed dramatically. «Indians» were seen as a threat and needed taming.
Local tongues were considered inferior and not for the modern world. Effectively their development was frozen in order to suit the spread of imperial English.
The pattern was repeated in Africa. Scotland, Ireland and Wales know the pattern too.
The soft power of global American has complemented the process.
Colonialism and its mindset has a very long reach.

Anton Decadent

A seamless switch from representing the people of Scotland to representing Billionaires Without Voices Inc.


Re: SNP accounts. Where does it show the legal costs incurred in the failed Supreme Court case?

James Che

I am not a born diplomat, neither I Seek any popular awards for diplomacy, I say it as I see it, and call a spade a spade,

And when it comes to Scotland and politics it is best to follow facts,
I cannot see why we have seek permission for breathing our every breath of Scottish air on our own soil, from the allocated branch office or its boss when “they” extinguished Scotland from the treaty of union 300 years ago,

Why we as receivers of a 300 year old lie go along with that lie,

It takes two kingdoms to be united into one,
This did not happen, As the Queen of England in 1706/1707 was not Queen of Scotland,

It takes two parliaments to make a treaty,
This did not happen as the Scottish one was extinguished by the English one.

The political parties holding us back in Scotland are a game, as or under the the Great Britain title of a treaty and iin fact are not a reality when the facts are followed,

And I return to the List of logical Fallacies for there being no evidence no existing treaty with Scots or Scotland,

When researching and studying Westminster records not only do we learn that Scotlands parliament was extinguished from the treaty by the pre- agreement that was later ratified confirming this,
But we find Westminster making treaties with other Countries as the parliament of England in 1800,

The treaty made between Ireland and the parliament of England in 1800 should be a moment of enlightenment that Scotland is not in a treaty with England,

The parliament of England never “extinguished or dissolved in 1707” to created a United Kingdom or a parliamentary Union with the Scottish extinguished parliament.

How can ( Scots ) still believe they have to answer to a English parliament and a English monarchs Crown.
It is top of the list of logical fallacies.
And yet Scots believe this fallacy of a treaty…..if we do not have independence of mind to think thing through, we will never have independence of Scotland,

If we accept a rigged treaty it is inevitable we will accept a rigged political party politics system whereby Scots are always be beholden to believing a lie,

The word “gullible” springs to mind.

James Che

The fact that the parliament of England re- branded itself the parliament of Great Britain is neither here nor there.

But making English parliament laws, legislation, Statues and treaties as “The parliament of England” over Scotland while Scotland was extinguished from the treaty of Union by the Agreement ?

That can and does identify Scotland as a Colony of England,

England claims Scots are to wee, to Stupid,
Is this why!


ottomaboi – the empire first sends out the nice people, to make maps and do “anthropological studies” of the native population; knowing their languages, religion, culture – it all helps when you wish to find the fracture lines and the weak points

David Hannah

Just watched the tucker Carlson interview.

I saw refugees waving the blue and yellow flag in Glasgow yesterday begging for help.

No more money for the war machine. I want to live.

David Hannah

The blue and yellow flag is a lie. Stop the war.


Alex S should definitely not stand in Rutherglen.
It’s not his type of place.
The people would reject him outright.


Jeezo Murray Foote, did Gordon Brown pass on the offer! I’ve taken myself away from all independence chat coz it’s just so depressing so very much out the loop but FFS! Suppose she/her is also skipping into the sunset without a criminal charge since that’s gone all quiet too. Is there any independence people left in SNP? What a shitshow!

Robert Hughes

@ Geoff Anderson

Did you notice this headline on the sidebar of the link you posted ?

” Glasgow primary school first in Scotland to implement LGBT-inclusive education ”

PRIMARY school . And there’s that vacuous non-entity Jenny Gilruth crowing about this ” first ” .

In China primary school kids are being introduced to subjects like Quantum Physics .

In Scotland they are being subjected to fat , ugly Drag Queens talking about things no child of that age needs to hear about , and the whole gamut of LGBlahBlah sexual propaganda .

Wonder which group will ultimately be better equipped for adulthood .


The Yuk-ies out in force today in Edinburgh as the “Scottish” news reports its their independence day, Scots attending appear to have more sympathy for them than they do for their own colonised country, there’s at least 23,000 Yuk-ies in Scotland taking up houses, doctors appointments, hospital beds etc.

Scotland’s great hero William Wallace had the anniversary of his death yesterday, the Rev mentioned it, but I doubt their were many Scots remembering this great Scottish hero of yesteryear.

A Scot Abroad

David Hannah,

of course, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion on the war in eastern Europe, but let’s not forget that one country has invaded another, and is engaged in massive war crimes.

And don’t retort with the situation in Donbas before and since 2014. The OSCE have enormously detailed daily reports covering every day for an 8 year period, from a team of 80 observers on the ground, supported by a lot of technology such as drones. They have concluded that 75% of all incidents were initiated by the pro-Putin separatists. It’s just not true that this war was started in Kyiv, or by the west.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:24 August, 2023 at 6:19 pm

at least 23,000

That’s good new, RoS.

Mostly women and kids.

Mostly counting the days until they can go back to their own free, independent, sovereign, country.

I imagine it must be infuriating for a certain kind of small-minded Holy Willie to be reminded of how pathetic Scotland is by comparison.

Luckily, those who think like you are few and far between. Most Scots are energised by the example being set and wish them all the very best in their struggle.

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