Hatey McHateface on The plainest sight: “Channelling my inner Braveheart here: FFFFRRRRRREEEEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! From the Scots who shame, abuse and oppress us all.” Mar 16, 13:29
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “Good man, twathater. It is difficult sometimes as I know well but we must try to overlook personality differences and…” Mar 16, 12:53
Anne on The plainest sight: “It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye . I feel sick” Mar 16, 12:41
sarah on The plainest sight: “What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act?…” Mar 16, 12:40
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament. And why didn’t the 56 MPs…” Mar 16, 12:29
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight. Haha,…” Mar 16, 11:48
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Agreed 100% Sven. In retrospect, a golden age. Of course, Alex Salmond was very much a “broad kirk” politician. He…” Mar 16, 11:37
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Bob ripping the “pro-war vampiric bloodsuckers” new ones here. Then hoping for blood to be spilled a couple of posts…” Mar 16, 11:24
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Here you go YS: [See what I did there? ]” Mar 16, 11:14
Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “Hi T.C . Yea , I think it’s going to take some kind of genuine , deeply-felt patriotism to create…” Mar 16, 11:03
socratesmacsporran on Meet The FILTH: “Holyrood is a nice wee “Pretendy Parliament”, Billy Connolly got that right, because “Power devolved is Power retained” – Westminster…” Mar 16, 10:46
Tinto Chiel on Meet The FILTH: “Agree with much of that, Robert, particularly your final paragraph. Since party politics is clearly irretrievably corrupt and the SNP…” Mar 16, 08:28
Yoon scum on Meet The FILTH: “You do know you are part of the problem? As I bet you do not have the balls to question…” Mar 16, 07:56
Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “I am told that leaving the union will result in a dramatic improvement in the quality of politicians elected in…” Mar 16, 07:44
Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “As someone who try to see the good in everyone Which is bloody hard with manky I will say the…” Mar 16, 07:40
Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “far right boot licking English cap doffing cunt here How long do I have to sell up the house and…” Mar 16, 07:38
Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “” trough ” gluttony” Mar 16, 07:38
Sandy Howden on Meet The FILTH: “The seat to look out for is in Midlothian where an almighty battle is about to take place. Colin Beattie…” Mar 16, 07:31
Sven on Meet The FILTH: “George Ferguson. Whilst I agree entirely with you on the disastrous state of an SNP devolved administration, since 2014, this…” Mar 16, 07:29
Robert Hughes on Meet The FILTH: “I’ll join with Ian B & Robert ( aka Twathater ) in praising your positivity and patience in the face…” Mar 16, 07:07
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well done Sarah in NOT letting the naysayers beat you down, you have explained the aim of the Liberation movement…” Mar 16, 03:46
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “I posted this response on the previous post re your previous comment,as you are still carrying on regurgitating your usual…” Mar 16, 03:28
twathater on Signal and noise: “Bastard TAX John MOAN I wouldn’t expect anything less of a response from you, you are well known by everyone…” Mar 16, 03:01
Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “Oh well, I’ll ask as everyone else is flirting round the subject like moths and a light bulb.. Did she/it/…” Mar 15, 23:45
Cynicus on Meet The FILTH: ““I’d be willing to give Stephen Flynn the benefit of the doubt” ========= Why? What makes this shifty snake-oil salesman…” Mar 15, 23:33
Andy Storrie on Meet The FILTH: “Fcuk sake, Campbell. Support for breaking free from the failed state, disloyal, unrecognisable, hostile UK is riding at over 50%!…” Mar 15, 22:23
Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “KT Because they hedge their bets thereby sidestepping nasty surprises on the constituency vote wher voters give them a clear…” Mar 15, 22:14
Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “I’d imagine blow-ins would be welcome to stay or blow-out as takes their fancy. Just don’t expect us all to…” Mar 15, 22:08