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Wings Over Scotland

Song for the Scottish Conservatives

Posted on May 04, 2017 by

On the occasion of the local elections.

Vote ’til you boak, readers. Seriously.

Because if the voting doesn’t make you sick, this will:


Davidson refuses to comment on abortion fears over ‘rape clause’ 

Tory MPs face being prosecuted for electoral fraud while they are fighting the upcoming general election campaign

Imminent tax and benefit cuts set to hit families hard and benefit the richest

Food bank use across UK at record high, reveals report

Laggan’s Zielsdorf family to be deported next month

Almost 600 Suicides Could Be Related To DWP Work Assessments

50,000 disabled people ‘have adapted vehicles removed’

In-work poverty hits record high as the housing crisis fuels insecurity

Grieving mum found hanged near Bedroom Tax eviction letter

UK public sector net debt hits highest on record at £1.65tn

The rogue bank, the failing company and the Tory Party donations

Government welfare cuts to drive another one million children into poverty

Landlord Tory MP says law requiring homes be fit for human habitation is an unnecessary burden

19 million Brits are on the edge of poverty even though nearly everyone has a job – and it’s going to get worse

Benefits Sanctions Cost More Than They Save, Damning Report Finds

UN: ‘Grave’ disability rights violations under UK reforms

The DWP is forcing a rape victim to pay the Bedroom Tax on her police-installed panic room

Britain just got perhaps the most intrusive spying powers ever seen

Malnutrition causing thousands of hospital admissions

Wealth of people in their 30s has ‘halved in a decade’

Woman deported from UK despite being married to Briton for 27 years

Today’s housing crisis means strangers are now sleeping two to a bed

Disabled people hit by housing crisis are told: ‘Your life is too expensive’

UK joins Greece at bottom of wage growth league

Lower benefit caps ‘will exclude poor families from large parts of England’

More than a million people in UK living in destitution, study shows

The government has announced the outlawing of intellectual opposition

Government To Deport Frail, 92-Year-Old Woman Next Week

Heart attack victim has benefits axed for missing Jobcentre appointment

Government planning to repeal animal welfare codes

Turn benefits into repayable loan, says Tory group

Grieving families to be £12,000 worse off under new bereavement benefits

Women are using newspapers because they cannot afford tampons, says Salvation Army food bank

Hate crime surges to record levels after Brexit vote

UK faces return to inequality of Thatcher years, says report



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Proud Cybernat

You’ll be fine after one of these…

link to


Greetings from sunny Glasgow.

Standing outside the Polling Place there have been more takers for SNP than for Labour, the only other party rep here. Conservative candidate (as yet unseen by anybody in the area) comes from North Berwick. It’s a long way to travel to council meetings.

Richard Duncan

Thats me done till after work time .

Both sons and their wives plus 2 friends who did not plan to bother voting but have now.

I cant do much and struggle to walk very far but will crawl if i have to, to get folk out voting ….. it’s working .

Now if every one can do similar then we can have the councils we want and throw a huge ” feck off ” to the yoons .

Knackered now going for a rest .

Good luck everyone .


Bill Hume

Eh…does a ‘dry boak’ count?

mr thms

It takes a little time to work out the order of preference for all 10 candidates and to number them. I got there in the end. I ranked the only Tory candidate last. If you make a mistake just ask for another ballot paper..


Explaining vote/boak in office. STV – so many dont understand.

Have the political classes pulled the wool for so long???

Honestly Rev, it bears thinking about!

Helena Brown

Voted, 1-8,sour faced old Tories before us. Vote until you boak people.

Dr Jim

I really dislike Unionists particularly the, no, all of them

Is dislike too strong a word, I don’t want to sound divisive

In case Mrs May is offended by me and declares war on thinks as an act of (tractor) to r precious Union


Just reading the headlines of those Tory policy decisions and their effects on society does make me boak.

I’ve puked up the Tory at the bottom of my ballot paper, I never voted for him I voted AGAINST him and let him know he’s last in my eyes because of all the shit they do.


Bet your arse that’s how I’m voting. 🙂

Every box used and perference made.


lol i reckon the majority of the indy vote knows what to do even if we sometimes try to confuse ourselves with electoral systems debates.

Though to not have the debate would be the wrong thing to do since once we get indy we will have to decide a new structure for all our elections and at least we have had a chance to see plenty of different election systems lol


Voted as you requested Oh Master! 😀 😀

All kidding aside, voting Tory higher than last means you are quite happy for members of your family or community to suffer detriment in some form or other.

Daughter voting at 16 for first time, wrote her a list of candidates in correct order, ‘coz that’s the kind of caring mother I am… 😉

Dr Jim


Ooooh! like it! That’s real motherly caring

Bob Mack

How or why anyone would vote for a party which has no conscience or soul is quite beyond me. Have people become so selfish and numbed to their fellow man that they could actually elect a party which openly persecutes the less unfortunate among us without regret or remorse?.

I will go to the station later with my wife and proudly pick my preferences with the Tories at the bottom where they belong.


What a horrifying list of psycho tory rule.

Outside view of psycho toryboy Brexit, British exceptionalism is psycho tory exceptionalism.

link to

“On the face of it, Brexit looks like a protest vote by the left behind. But the underlying reason is the hubris and ignorance of much of the British elite, not just the eurosceptics among it. They are less worldly than they imagine themselves to be.

Their exaggeration of British political and economic power has fed the idea that Britain can afford to leave the EU, indeed flourish outside of it. And they have tacitly encouraged the poor and insecure to blame their problems on EU membership, in order to shift attention from domestic policy failures.

This message has been reinforced by a stridently eurosceptic, and sometimes xenophobic, print media. The country’s responsible papers have been loath to call out the xenophobic ones, either out of exaggerated respect for Britain or growing indifference to the country. “

John McLean

Just returned from civic and moral duty at polling station..

Feeling euphoric having voted ’til l boaked….Tory in at

no 10…..hopefully next month that won’t be happening.

Family fed up with me going on about this , but they’re all

good little divisive nationalist…( so that’s 6 votes for the

good guys ).

Peter McCulloch

Its a record Theresa May and Ruth Davidson must be so proud of.

There are no suitable words to adequately describe that pair, little wonder May doesn’t want to do TV debates
or to meet voters to defend her record.

But we should miss out the other parties here in Scotland, They are the ones who told everyone, we were better together and that means they own what is happening under this Tory government.

And that message should be hammered home to them every time they open their mouths about what the Tories are doing to the poor and vulnerable in our society.

Peter McCulloch

Sorry there was an an error in my post @4 May, 2017 at 12:30 pm
It should have read as we shouldn’t miss out the other unionist parties

Tom Kelly

It is not necessary to let politicians decide Scotland’s destiny, We, the people, already have the means by which we can exercise our right of self-determination. At every general election the people decide on the future direction of our nation. If, and only if, over 50 percent of voters choose to support pro-independence parties at any general election, the people will already have made their choice, there is no need for further consultation, and no politician can legitimately deny the result.
We already have the power to choose Independence, we don’t need permission from Theresa May or any other politician. All we have to do is vote for a pro-independence party which will accept the democratic decision of Scotland’s people.


I suppose the nasty people in society need a nasty party to vote for.

Fortunately there aren’t all that many genuinely nasty people around. It’s the idiots who aren’t actually nasty but for odd reasons vote Tory that annoy me!


Now heres another soulless bonkers idea that can be sold as a money-saver by the Tories for their own benefit.
When you get to 80 you can either take the extra 25p a week or loose the vote but if you opt for the vote you have to be assessed by Atos every 3 years for mental accuity.

“Austerity” rules ok!
(Voting Tory passes the mental accuity test)


I’ve written their names and ranking order doon on a bit of paper, for ease in the booth…if there are loads of them dae likewise.


The Tories are utterly abhorrent.

God, I hope they vote wisely in Keith/Cullen area.

Rooting for Iain Grieve and Theresa Coull.


Wrote myself a crib sheet for order of voting
-then left it in the booth by mistake!
Hope the next voter followed it!


My husband asked me to write out our list of candidates in order so he would be sure to get it right in the polling booth!

[…] Wings Over Scotland Song for the Scottish Conservatives On the occasion of the local elections. Vote ’til you boak, readers. Seriously. . […]


@John McLean

“but they’re all good little divisive nationalist…( so that’s 6 votes for the good guys ).”

Haha John,that did make me have a laugh.

To everybody else that supports Independence if you haven’t voted yet because your at work or whatever. Do not neglect your duty to support everyone in our society not just the privileged few. People power and you are the people.

Mind get to your polling station and Vote Till Ye Boak.


That’s my duty done, The only observer/politician outside my voting station was a very nice English woman handing out SNP leaflets.
Rather sad at the turnout for my ward when I was there…I’m hoping that most people will be at work and will vote on the way home.
Anyway, Just need to wait now for the fat lady to sing 🙂


……… and after considering all that, people will still vote for the Conservatives today and on 8th June.
Totally unbelievable.


Has anyone noticed how BBC Radio Scotland refer to Northern Irish Unionists as Unionists, but Scottish Unionists are called ‘Pro-Union’? There must have been a memo from central office because they all do it now.


Chocolass. Ah like yer thinkin’, might accidentally leave mine in there tae 😉

*finds it really hard tae use the word ‘may’ in any sentences anymair*


Sadly as I live outside Scotland I can’t vote but having watched one of the videos do have a question.

If a candidate reaches their quota, how is it decided which of their votes are then used for the second preference?
I am probably being dense with this but if they have for argument sake 100 votes more than they need are 100 ballot papers chosen at random for the second choice?

The reason I ask is because those 100 may not have used the “vote till you boak” method or perhaps listed a unionist candidate second (unlikely I know)where as a different 100 might be more advantageous to the indy parties.

I have no doubt there is a simple answer so if someone could advise I would appreciate it.



Rated them all. Hand actually shaking when putting Tory last – a physical aversion to voting for them in any shape or form but it had to be done. Lots of Tories around where I am, braying loudly and talking about Theresa May showing Johnny Foreigner a thing or two.

Bet they were all shouting ‘Up yours Delors’ back in the 90’s too.


Went with

1 SNP 2 Indy 3 Indy 4 Lab 5 Lib 6 Tory 7 Indy

The last Indy is a huge loud-mouth arsehole who’s Twitter is filled with ‘No Indyref 2’ shite yet wants to be elected on local issues.

Imagine it’ll be SNP plus 2 Indys that go through.


Blue sky here in Eastriggs.

Sun is shinning here in Eastriggs.

Hmm …I’m sure there was something else I wanted to say.;)

Oh yes enjoying loverly egg rolls for lunch. No that wasn’t it.

Got it heading across the road after lunch to put a few numbers down on a bit of paper.:D

I have to admit the vote till you boak hits us all extremely early on here in sunny Eastriggs. Did I mention the sun was shinning here in Eastriggs? 😉

After voting number one the other six candidates are all unionists. Still not a huge problem. I’ve worked out a numbering system for the other six candidates that when I look at it appears to have Labour numbers 5 and 6 and the Tory 7. 😀


That’s quite a charge sheet. Shameful that such a party is in power in a modern, wealthy European state. Let’s hope it won’t be for much longer. Could be rid of them completely in June.


That will be the day job that Struth whines about all the time and then shuts up like a clam when the Tory efforts are raised. No wonder – it is a record not of mistakes or incompetence but of wilful evil.


Done. It was not that hard when you realise that your are not specifically voting for anyone, but rather listing all the candidates in order, from the one you most like, to the one you most dislike.

Just hope the SNP gets its vote out.

george wood

Having big doubts about voting for the Green.

He lied on his leaflet about it being between him and the Tory for the last seat. The SNP have three candidates and are in the mix for the last spot. Labour are bound to get one as they got two last time as did the SNP.
The greens also stood against the SNP in my constituency at Holyrood and we got Ruth as the winner.

Proud Cybernat


Not many posters in people’s windaes this election. The odd Green or SNP one I’ve seen but very, very low profile.

Which got me thinking. That might not actually be a bad thing. With very low profile/poor visibility out there in yer actual streets but massive visibility online might work in our favour. Most a high percentage of the Tory vote comes from 65+ age group. They’re not seeing the overkill of SNP windae posters or the massive online activity so may be less concerned about getting themselves out to vote.

On the other hand, those supporting Indy (and not particularly online) might be concerned of the seeming ‘apathy’ and be more motivated to get out and vote.

Just a thought.

Get Out An Vote EVERYONE.


Big Jock

So many people at work didn’t even know there was a council election or who was standing. Big Jock explained the voting procedure to them. To be honest most are SNP anyway but it baffles me how people just don’t take part in politics.

It kind of explains why so many people voted no. They heard the BBC telling them and that was enough.

Dr Jim

So jaw dropped when I went to vote (East Dunbartonshire)
No Lib Dems standing, none, totally shocked, happy but shocked

I guess they’re saving their money to spend on Jo Swinson at the GE, I’ll be making every effort to thwart that though


My ward in Grangemouth was a dawdle.

3 seats from this lot…



INDEPENDENT (good guy)

Labour (boak)

TORY (boak)

The labour candidate is actually a relative of my wife. She is a lovely person, however…this is an election, not a family reunion..and to be fair, i DID put her above the Tory chunt !!

Big Jock

Proud- I think you are right. People like us and there are many thousands will make sure we vote. The knuckle dragging Tory/Ukip neds won’t bother.

The SNP does well on low turnouts as we are very motivated to a cause. Your average Brit is lazy and complacent.


I hate STV.

Wife came to vote and asked the staff for guidance as clearly my explanation was not understood.
When the staff attempted to explain the SNP had two candidates because they’d allowed it as they are in Govt, something inside snapped.

When my lecture completed, we voted. With wife saying as we left, “still don’t understand it…”

No GREEN candidate here in my bit of Argyll.


I’m feeling rather left out by not receiving any Tory leaflets during this campaign to return to them with a note. I must be on a do not contact list. 🙂


“When the staff attempted to explain the SNP had two candidates because they’d allowed it as they are in Govt, something inside snapped”.

That should be reported to the Returning Officer at Council then at least they won’t get the well paid gig in June.


My polling station is tiny due to the rural location. The man and woman running it though were very nice and extremely polite.

Reminding both me and my wife that you should fill in the boxes with numbers and not a X.

Also that you could fill in all the boxes or just the one if you so choose. I found that fair. Very fair really and good advice.

I was tempted to say “I’ll vote till I boak” fortunately resisted 🙂



I only had one leaflet. From the LibDems.


Well that’s me back.

I can still report the following:

The sun is STILL shining in Eastriggs.

The sky is STILL blue in Eastriggs.

The egg rolls I had for lunch were indeed extremely loverly. No that’s not it.

Oh aye voted at the polling “station.” Yep they really did call it the polling station!

I actually found the numbers 1 to 7 actually came very useful after all. 😀

Sadly there were no Green candidates in our ward.

Robert Peffers

@Marcia says: 4 May, 2017 at 2:02 pm:

“I’m feeling rather left out by not receiving any Tory leaflets during this campaign to return to them with a note. I must be on a do not contact list.”

Nah! Marcia, they don’t even read the emails they get.

A good while ago I read a real Tory lie sheet and it was just ripe for a real blistering take-down as nothing that was claimed by them stood up to careful examination.

So I did a real number on it that proved every single claim that was made was utter mince.

Now I wasn’t abusive in any way. I just tore the claims they made to ribbons and asked why they were the telling obvious lies.

I’ve been getting e-mails treating me like a nice wee Tory from Tory headquarters ever since.

Even get emails from Theresa including one this very morning. Obviously they do not read the replies to stuff on their websites but harvest the email addresses and send out bulk emails to everyone on the list. Even when the original contact was a blistering attack on the Tories.

Anyway I’ve had my lunch and my second dose of pain killers so I’ll get the boots on and head out to vote.
I have my wee prepared list ready to accidentally leave in the booth when I leave.

I know most of the candidates personally and hope I might see some of the opposition at the poll.


That list is very scary indeed. UKGov are actually working to undermine Scotland’s economy, as well as to totally negate the positive welcoming to people from outwith Scotland, by deporting people who are perfectly eligible to stay and live here. To deport families, who are employing people, and running businesses in Scotland, is obviously a UKGOV message, saying you might as well not bother cos we will throw you out of Scotland, oh, and hopefully you will see that it’s the SNPGOV doing this, not us, nudge nudge!

Imagine how this will be stepped up if still shackled to their disgusting UKok, with human rights removed and Scotland’s parliament vastly reduced if not eradicated altogether.

Our council ward, argh, we have a bloody crap choice in my view. This ‘Libertarian’ stuff is dubious by the look of it as well.

Still, will be voting soon, before the throngs of after work voters start queuing!


O/T and sorry if posted elsewhere…

Dinner with Juncker went more badly than first thought, it seems..!

link to


Marcia says:
4 May, 2017 at 2:02 pm

I’m feeling rather left out by not receiving any Tory leaflets during this campaign to return to them with a note. I must be on a do not contact list. ?


I knew I was right. It WAS your name I saw on the Tory “Do NOT contact!” list just below my name. 😀

I don’t understand it myself. I even went as far as tweeting Dame Colonel Blimp Unsolicited Sex Spineless of Boak personally to enquire as to where my personal leaflet from her had got to. To date I’m still waiting … for the leaflet and her response to my ever so nice query. 😀


Boaked in the booth!

Up and down Scotland there must 100,000s of 3rd preference votes to the Green candidates! That assumes people do indeed use lots of preferences,

I do hope Green voters put SNP 2 and 3 after their own candidate!


Yes Davo, and they always call the SNP or pro independence groups nationalists. The use of certain words to describe folk which many would hold as a derogatory term is not by accident. Much time and effort has gone into smearing the pro indy half of the country and the BBC is more than happy to use such terms in describing us as such.

Proud Cybernat

The Alpha and Omega of it all…

link to


Mucho boako

Had to go all the way to 10 for our solitary Tory . . . .


What will happen to Scotland’s oil industry if as expected we are headed for a hard brexit on WTO rules on trade? I wonder if Sir Ian Wood will be funding Scotland’s next indy campaign as costs of production could more than double? Popcorn please.

Marie Clark

Aw, don’t feel bad Marcia, I only had two leaflets, both personally delivered, by independent candidates. Not one from any of the others. So you are not alone.


Just come across this confirmation from Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Just in case Unsolicited Sex supporting Ruth pops by I can confirm that there are NO big burly blokes threatening anyone in Annan today who is attending the polling stations.

link to


3.Pro-indy indpendent
4.SNP, Tory & Lib-Dem hating independent!!!!

It was a close run thing with Labour and Tory candidates, much deliberation was had but it was sorted when Mr Double-Barrel-Name decided to try to entice me to vote for him, I simply asked what his stance was on the rape clause and he backed off.

Grey Dug

The first few choices were easy, but then I was down to the last two, Tory or UKIP. Could I really rate any candidate as worse than UKIP? It seemed like a dilemma until I remembered that they’re one and the same anyway, so UKIP then Tory it was.


I’m hearing, via Twitter, that Dame Colonel Blimp Unsolicited Sex Spineless of Boak has turned up to vote in the Council Elections.

(Thanks to Mr. Malky for the photo 😉 )

link to

Big Jock

C’mon Ruth how’s the postal ballots looking!

Thomas Valentine

You missed the adviser to David Cameron who proposed that boundaries to Westminster seats should be drawn according to the joint income of the residents. Such that say £2 billion income equaled one seat, it would then take fewer rich people to get an MP. So in extreme cases for ever one MP the normal population had the Rich would get eight or nine.

He talked as if he was only trying to be fair in matching contribution to the country with political representation.
You would never have to be told this guy was a Tory. No surprise Tory comes from Gaelic Toraidh (criminal).


In future when Feartie McFeartie keeps repeating Strong and Stable this that or whatever remember she is only advertising this business.?

(thanks to Harry Smith for the photo)

link to

Craig P

My sole Tory is getting second last slot… just in front of the actual racist former Tory independent. Can’t wait to do my duty!

Conan the Librarian

It really was a toss up for me; UKIP 9 and Tory 10 or the other way round. Then outside the polling station I saw a guy in his early twenties clad in tweed jacket and cap with red trousers, cravat around his neck, blue rosette on chest…

Ye see yon birkie, ca’d a lord,
Wha struts, an’ stares, an’ a’ that;
Tho’ hundreds worship at his word,
He’s but a coof for a’ that:
For a’ that, an’ a’ that,
His ribband, star, an’ a’ that:
The man o’ independent mind
He looks an’ laughs at a’ that.


Alex livingstone

I have not voted yet,but when I do I will only be placing a number against the SNP candidates.I don’t understand why people are placing prefences against any other party as you do not have to.


Col says:

they always call the SNP or pro independence groups nationalists. The use of certain words to describe folk which many would hold as a derogatory term is not by accident.

Same in Northern Ireland where the British Nationalists are never called nationalists only the Irish Nationalists get the label.

Historically, nationalism comes with a lot of baggage. The nasty side of nationalism IS the British version where they believe in their own exceptionalism and entitlement to lord over others. The decent side of nationalism e.g. Ghandi, doesn’t seem to be the one most people first think of.

Sad, but true.

gerry parker

What a TANK!



Something very odd going on with the BBC paper review. They are not publishing the “British” front pages because they say they can only publish factual news on polling day – at least that is what they said earlier this morning.

However, they are publishing the Scottish front pages – except – the Herald and Scotsman. All the British papers and the Herald and Scotsman carried big scary Theresa May warmongering headlines. They are not published. The others are squashed in with titles missing in a very strange mash up.

What is going on?

link to

For comparison you can view the front pages at kiosko
link to


Alex livingstone says:
4 May, 2017 at 3:21 pm

I have not voted yet,but when I do I will only be placing a number against the SNP candidates.I don’t understand why people are placing prefences against any other party as you do not have to.

Can I suggest that you may want to watch this wee video first Alex. I think it explains why it is necessary to put a number against every candidate.

link to

Marie Clark

Alex livingstone @3.21 if you don’t understand why you should vote till you boak, you haven’t being paying attention.

Watch oot for the beardy man wi’ the hammers.

gerry parker

Met Liz g at Gartcosh this morning supporting the polling agents Billy and Cathy.

Well done to all of you.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Seriously @Alex livingstone??

You are correct of course you don’t have to vote for every candidate but by ranking the Tories last you make it less likely for them to sneak in on transferable votes if it is tight.

Anyway google ‘vote till you boak’ or read today’s National to get more information on why.

End of the day it’s your vote so use it how you see fit.

Big Jock

Alex- You don’t have to but you are helping the Tories by not putting them last. They get eliminated immediately by putting them last.


Best of both worlds:

The STV simulator at link to gives equal chance to candidates who are voted 8th preference or are left blank, so by leaving the worst candidate blank instead of ranking them 8th you are not giving them the satisfaction of saying “ah, but people did vote for us”.


Below is my voting intention, I’m open to any last minute recommendations 🙂

Rosyth Ward 5

Wilson              – SNP             – 1
Steele              – SNP             – 2
McOwan          – Green           – 3
Chamberlain    – Lib Dem       – 4
MacIntyre        – Ind (ukip)      – 5
Shirkie             – Ind (Labour) – 6
Verrechia         – Labour         – 7
Leckie              – Ind (Tory)     – 8
Orton               – Tory              – 9

Robert J. Sutherland

Thepnr @ 14:16,

My experience was the same here in Glasgow. The person in the polling station who gave me my ballot briefly and clearly explained it as yours did. (Perhaps following general guidance that everyone had been given.)

osakisushi @ 14:01:

… the staff attempted to explain the SNP had two candidates because they’d allowed it as they are in Govt …

Maybe they were just trying to be helpful, but that statement as you tell it was definitely out of order. You should make a formal complaint to the returning officer for your district, and also to the Electoral Commission. That is just not acceptable.

(But incidentally has nothing to do with STV, and more to do with continuing unfamiliarity with a system that works perfectly well elsewhere in the world. It’s just that the good ole UK, as with most things these days, is very, very backward.)

alex livingstone

Thanks very much for your advice,I did not realise that by voting Tory last they were eliminated


@Alex livingstone

Hi, it’s NOT just about who you want to win seats it’s also about those you don’t want to win seats.

If you only vote for say the two SNP candidates in a three seat ward you are giving up the right as to who will be the third Councillor elected. Use ALL your votes to get YOUR most preferred candidates elected.

You may or may not succeed but will have done your best.

At the end of the day the choice is yours, use it wisely.

Proud Cybernat

“Thanks very much for your advice,I did not realise that by voting Tory last they were eliminated”

If everyone votes the Tory last then the Tory is eliminated FIRST. Then whoever comes second last is eliminated, and so on…


Well, that’s me boaked, even helped someone else on their way to the polling station to boak! They had no idea what I was on about so I showed him my voting intention list, briefly explaining why I was voting in that order He waited until after I voted and took my list as a guide! I hope he passes round his family and friends.


@Proud Cybernat at 1:44 pm


Not many posters in people’s windaes this election. The odd Green or SNP one I’ve seen but very, very low profile.

I like the idea of no posters, Brian and Alan Wilson were terrible for leaving them up for well over a month, That said a SNP councillor has just had a hissy fit over the council removing SNP posters where he had permission to put them.He blamed the Labour Party and the Independents , well sorry about that but Yesterday he was still a councillor and could have got to the bottom of it all.
Maybe if he had informed the council it would not have happened?


@gerry parker

Heard you are standing, good luck gerry.


just a wee O/T here.

Although the Conservative Broadcasting Corporation did not report it WE all know about the “white powder” attacks on a number of SNP offices the other week. Well folks looks like it is round two.

The Dunfermline Press is reporting that the Douglas Chapman’s office has had to be evacuated due to a security threat.

Flower of Scotland

Voted. Used #votetillyouboak.

I’m in the top LibDem village and a group of even older people than me came in to vote. The lady told them that it’s numbers this time. The answer was “Oh for goodness sake, how do we do that?”

I said nothing!

I knew that they were LibDemers.


Job done, 1-7 Tory 7.

Robert J. Sutherland

Jockanese Wind Talker @ 15:37

Your (and others) basic message to Alex Livingstone is perfectly correct. It’s a pity there is still any doubt by any indy supporter about that.

However, when you say:

… by ranking the Tories last you make it less likely for them to sneak in on transferable votes if it is tight.

it goes to show that people still don’t fully understand the principle behind “vote till you boak”. Ranking a single Tory last does nothing to stop them. It’s ranking every other opponent before them that does.

You can safely leave your one last preference blank and it doesn’t matter a hoot.

If there are two Tories standing, either rank the better of the two (if you know them) and leave the last one blank, or rank the one second in the order their leaflets tell you, and omit the other one.

There are even more subtle variations on that besides, but I don’t want to risk confusing anyone by mentioning them, since bothering about them won’t matter in the end (though being able to happily avoid ranking any utterly reprehensible no-hopers can be a welcome relief).

Dan Huil

Think I’m right in saying local election results will be called mid-afternoon tomorrow?

Socrates MacSporran

After I voted this morning I was chatting to one of the local Labour high heid yins, a former councillor and, for all his politics, a decent wee guy.

We got round to the General Election – he reckons the Tories might take a maximum of eight seats, but, is doubtful about Ian Murray holding on to his.

He did say something which I must admit, I had never thought of before – if the Tories get even one more seat in Scotland, Fluffy is toast, even if he holds on to his seat. They will then have an alternative for SoS for Scotland and, the alternative will get the job, on the basis that anyone would be better than Fluffy.


If there is only one Tory in your ward, it is not essential to rank them, because:

If your ballot paper is still being scrutinized for your final preference, that means that

a) all the other candidates have either been elected or eliminated
b) there is still a seat to be filled, so the Tory is going to get it anyway, whether the quota is reached or not.

If there is more than one Tory, or people even worse, then you need to decide who is the worst. Even if there is only one, it won’t hurt if you vote(d) for them. I couldn’t bring myself to (she was the 7th candidate and 7 is my favourite number, definitely not to be wasted on a Tory), but I can see there might be a grim satisfaction from putting them last.


The waiting is the worst.

Just hope the Tory/unionist. Plus the other red Tories and those who back them up are out. The state of Aberdeen City because of these lying unionists and a green is a absolute disgrace. To get the City into £1.2Billion for that mess. The exact opposite of what folk wanted and expected. The Art Gallery is practically demolised. Vandalised. It probably will not be open for years with £Millions wasted

The Tory Ron? Thomson had the cheek, damn cheek, absolute cheek to complain to some authority or other about the £80Million awarded to Glasgow for houses etc (in the Purdah period). Remembrr all the promises made to Scotland at the Purdah period in the IndyRef, when Cameron thought he had lost it. Powers turned to dust. The lies and conceit. Lord Smih Commission a farce. With non elected Tomkins interfering. Now a 3rd rate reject.

Aberdeen City Council were offered £80Million, as a gift.To build a walkway and regenerate and pedestrianise the City Centre. Supported by the majority. They refused. Thomson was in favour. Thomson expects to be going to Westminster. Depends on the voters?

People of all political hue are in complete agreement about Willy Young. Hopefully he will have his jotters and ends up under investigation. If there is any justice. If would be justified to give the LibDems a chance. They can be quite reasonable in local gov. They did not vote for illegal wars and support the EU but blocked the AWPR for years. At national level they lied about Tuition fees in England/Wales and propped up the Tories. The Tories back stabbed them and this led to the illegal EU Ref because of the perceived UKIP threat. Not Fibdems again. Farron attacks the Tories, Then refuses a candidate for telling the truth because of a Tory complaint. Erratic. Pickles who banned wind turbines in England but supports Hinkley by the sea. A complete waste of money a disaster waiting to happen.

Two tidal barrages (Humber etc) could have cost half the price, produced more energy and been cleaner. There have been tidal barrages for years in France. One at Dinan? Hydro in Scotland is very important. From 1948 till 1964 Hydro projects were built in Scotland. Pitlochry etc. Still producing relatively free energy. Wind turbine projects now do the same.

The Tories committed electoral fraud in 31 constituencies. UKIP can’t get a candidate elected to Westminster. They committed electoral fraud.. Farague has been funding a Political Party for years with public money and getting away with it. The grandee Tories have been protecting him for years. Farague has now destroyed his position. He won the battle and lost the war, He was getting over £Million a year out of the EU. Not for very much longer.

The not nice but dim Tory Multimillionaire landowner takes out a £25Million loan to cover for the Oil & Gss down turn . Osbourne 5 jobs destroyed the Oil sector with illegal too high Tory taxes. The tax is 40% from Jan 2016. Osbourne now earns £Millions from other interests. After sanctioning and starving vulnerable people to death. Graft and corruption, The only reason they join the Tory/Unionist Party to ripe off public money and cut the essential services.

It is being claimed that coming out of the EU will affect the Oil & Gas industry. How much worse could it get. 120,000 jobs lost already. The Tories/Unionist will not desist until Scotland is finished. Another relic Thatcher period, or worse. Another clearance. Imagine deporting people who have invested and lived in Scotland for many years. It is just despicable beyond reason. Creating jobs and regenerating the Highlands on particular visas, where they were guaranteed the right to stay. Changing the goalposts. Without migrant workers the Scottish economy would collapse.

Scotland had better have another IndyRef soon. Independence in the EU. Or Scotland will be finished left to another catastrophe of Tory rule for years. That is just unthinkable.

David Davis appealed to the EU HR Court about the illegal surveillance and protection of rights for people living in Britain. Yet will not support self determination for Scotland. International rights. Refused to consider Scotland remaining in the EU. Even though 62% voted for it. Davis is just another troughing Tory hypocrite. A lying ‘psycho bastard’. There own description of their Party. They certainly live up to it.

Imagine if May loses the GE election. The Police move in and arrest the Tories crooks within weeks. England/Wales will be left with Corbyn or some coalition. Scotland has got the SNP and can have an IndyRef and win. Scotland will be Independent in EU. A bright, more prosperous equal, fair country. The majority wishes will come true.



Sorry! You said what I was trying to, while I was attempting to find wording that didn’t confuse things further!

Bill McDermott

I did my civic duty this morning. The guy at the polling station was explaining the voting procedure to me and I responded with, “Do you mean I should vote ’til I boke”. He gave me that knowing look, so I can safely say he is one of us.


Whilst not big on the idea of numbering everyone other than to send a message there’s a very good reason for at least expressing a preference for as many candidates as there are seats in your ward.

The point is that this is a multi-member election. You’re voting for 3 or 4 people so picking at least that many is a good idea.

The problem a lot of parties might have is that in any PR system they aren’t guaranteed an outright majority and if the larges party will need to buddy up with others.

That’s why it’s not really possible in council elections for them to do other than punt their own candidates.

Put it this way if there were 3 good guys a numpty and a wank in a given ward then if more than 80% of the voters gave higher preference to their good guy of choice and then to the next and so on down to the numpty then the best the wank might get would still not be enough for him to get a seat.

So even if you don’t want to sort the wanks into numerical order it’s a good idea that you express a preference for enough of the others that it reduces their chances of getting a seat if they don’t get enough votes to pass the quota.


@Flower of Scotland

That brought a smile to my face, can’t wait to see the results tomorrow. Never been so excited since Scotland went to the World Cup in 1978. We’ve always been underdogs under English rule. No more, we’re more than capable of standing on our own two feet.

I know we got humped in 1978 but we did beat the finalists Holland 3-2 with this Archie Gemmill goal wining the goal of the competition. So close and then so far 🙂

link to

Liz Rannoch

Beautiful day! Me and him just back fae boaking!

Coming out of polling station heard this – “me neither, ahm no votin’ fir nae f*&king unionist party” – 3 guys sitting on bench just blethering.

Rev, here’s another one you might consider:

link to

Aye just lump them a’ in thegither, nasty, despicable horrendous minds at work.


@ Socrates at 4.15

The demotion of Fluffy had occurred to me, but I’m not sure he’ll mind too much (not that I care) – he doesn’t look comfortable. But what if the only other one is a wee twerp like the part-time referee? I’m not expecting him to get in, but the others might be just as useless.

Albert Herring

Best to fill in all the boxes.

Otherwise overnight, someone might sneak a “1” into the blank toryscum box and add a “0” to my “1” in the nice SNP box.

Robert Graham

I just wonder what the percentage of wasted votes will be with this super duper voting ,oops its not a vote but a preference system , perm any 8 from 10 and take yer pick hope for the best .

First order of business should be attempt to replace both systems , confusing not a bit , look at how many posts there have been about both systems , whats the betting the ability to alter the voting system for the Scottish Parliament and councils are reserved , there yah go gotcha once again .


The SNP will have to get back into majority in Holyrood and change to FPTP. In local elections and Holyrood. So 1st preference votes do not go in the bin. It is just a sin. Many people who are politically aware do not know to preference vote the candidates/party. They are still just voting SNP 1 & 2. They could be letting Tories through. Or Labour in certain cases. Aberdeen, Glasgow, Even Edinburgh. The problem is the unionist gang up together, even though the SNP have equal or majority no of seats. Then they do everything they can to blame the SNP Gov for the unionist failures, especially from Westminster.

Flower of Scotland

I’m away back to help get the vote out in Muchty.

Good luck to all the SNP candidates and Greens too!


I believe there was a motion at SNP conference to make the Holyrood election system STV like the council elections. I was against this at the time thinking that SNP would never get a majority again. However I am told that this is not the case, in 2016 we would actually have got a bigger majority with STV (not sure how anybody can work that out).

I assume the motion was rejected? I now think it might be a good idea to use STV for everything to reduce the present confusion of a different voting system for every election, and it seems like a fair proportional system (hopefully June 8 will be the last FPTP election in Scotland anyway 🙂

Robert J. Sutherland

crazycat @ 16:20,

No worries, we’re on the same wavelength. It’s not easy to be subtle when many people are still grappling with the basics.

That seems to be the difficulty with STV. It’s hard to motivate people to rank, however lowly, anyone whom they essentially oppose. I feel it myself, actually.

(Though I suppose it forces us all to recognise there are many shades of grey, so to speak!)


The Scottish Gov could change tgecekectoral system in Scotland. Remember Alex Salmond was speaking about it. Change the list system. So losers could not regurgitate. Extend the elected one. If Scotland is Independent it needs more elected members for the committees? There are not enough MSP to cover all the additional committee work which is necessary for government. Holyrood is much cheaper to run than Westminster. Less admin and pomp carry on.

Scotland would have to pay a few more civil servants but all the good administration jobs that Scotland pays for would transfer from the Mall to Edinburgh. The wasteful Scottish Office would disappear. A win, win for Scotland. Defence personnel would be based here. A navy based here. Vessels to patrol the shore. Scotland already pays a Defence bill to the Treasury.(Including pensions). The personnel would be based in Scotland boasting the economy. Squint Trident could go. It could go in any case if England/Wales leave the EU.

Hammond laughed and sneered at the prospect of Scotland having a Navy. Or building vessels. Claimed Trident would take 3 years and £27Billion to move. More than it costs now. Claimed Scotland would have to pay for it. Then changed the story. Lies. The Tories ‘Bombs and Debt’ disaterous campaign. Hammond and Davis. They are a laughing stock. Along with Teresa May. Blaming the EU for the Tory failures. Liars.

john 58

Lovely Sunny day to vote, all candidates numbered snp 1+2, greens 3, labour 4+5 ,Tories 6. job done and feeling contented.

Met two woman on way out of polling place , as they passed one said ” hope yiv voted til yi boaked ”

I answered ” im boaked out” , brought a smile to all our faces .


@ The Scottish Gov could change the electoral system in Scotland. It has the power.

Dr Jim

My neighbour told me she voted Labour both crosses

I didn’t say a word!

Proud Cybernat

“Though I suppose it forces us all to recognise there are many shades of grey, so to speak!”

There are many shades of Tory.

There, sorted.

call me dave


My favourite goal! Magic.

PS: Voted along with my partner nearly the same order for us:

The first three were easy 1 & 2 SNP in the order as per local branch instruction and then 3 green.
Then 6 Lib Dem. 7 Ind Labour (deselected for being a numptie) 8, 9 Official Labour and 10 Tory No UKIP.

4 and 5 Independent local nutters.

Also earlier this week sent e-mails to my family with the video and who are all SNP / Green. They have also voted till the boaked.

Have a good day all. Fingers X’d for Friday count.

Archie Gemmel 🙂


Only problem was what order to put the Labour & LibDems, but the thought of Willie Rennie gloating just made me boak, so placed them after Labour.


@Dr Jim

Hope your not just winding us up LOL

Dr Jim


Nope, no windup true

Got to be a spoiled ballot eh, sad!

Hee Hee!


link to

Vive la France. Cant wait for council election results and that’s the first I have ever had that emotion about council elections.

Will ACC Olympic level UKOK catastrofuck Sir Wullie Young cling on, for another 4 years at ruining Aberdeen for example?

Ligger Neil’s lunchtime Daily Politics show today was an hour long celebration of BBC fascism, from one ex Murdoch bootboy, Ligger, sidekicked by another ex Murdoch bootboy, some schlub, they rambled on about the glories of neo fascism in the UK and France, 15 minutes of Ligger’s vote tory show handed over to an ex BNP thug who wanted to tell us all he’s not a far right racist thug.

Then BBC r4 tory gimps spent a 45 lunchtime news show licking Prince Phillip’s jacksy, because he’s 90 something.

Beeb gimps even give the BNP thug his own slot

link to

Have nightmares.


Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina. I find it interesting that several posters have mentioned making lists of candidates. Are sample ballots not available online? Here in NC, I can go to my county website, put in my name and address and get a personalized sample ballot. On average there are about thirty races on each ballot, so you need something to mark off. (It’s not as simple as voting all Democrat or all Republican, as a moderate Republican might be preferable to a Democrat climbing the greasy pole.)


Kezia Dugdale’s F/B page is a desperate place…
My response to Jim Harper…”SNP BAD” supporter
@jim harper.

You said this…
“English voters won’t accept a minority labour government propped up by the (SNP)”.

If that is true, then you have just made a compelling case for independence.

If English voters refuse to accept the resultant government from the UK WIDE ELECTORATE then Scotland’s voice, if it differs from what ENGLISH VOTERS feel is not acceptable, will NEVER be heard in a Parliament which claims to represent ALL parts of the UK.

In that case, the Union is OVER, and YOU agree that is the case by the statement YOU make.
Then i threw in THIS for Kezia’s supporters to ponder..
If labour and the SNP formed coalitions in councils with No Overall Control (NOC) then the TORIES would be 100% ELIMINATED from ALL decision making in Scottish local authorities.

This can be done TOMORROW.

Kezia Dugdale will tomorrow, CHOOSE, if Scottish tories REMAIN involved in local council decision making, or are REMOVED from said local decision making.

Kezia would do well to remember there is another election in 5 weeks time when HER DECISION to kill or keep the tories will be judged by the electorate of Scotland.


link to

Desperately trying to stifle comment…!!?


Hammer of the Scots Severin Carrell has one last blast at SNP voting

28m ago
Severin Carrell Severin Carrell
The Scottish Tories have reinforced their complaints that the Scottish government has broken election rules by promoting new spending to win votes, provoking counter-accusations of hypocrisy from the Scottish National party.

Ross Thomson, the Tories’ general election candidate for Aberdeen South, said Nicola Sturgeon should explain why these “cash for votes” announcements were made so close to the council elections. He said:

There are clear rules on how government should behave in the run-up to an election. It looks to many voters that the only rule the SNP has followed is how best to use taxpayers’ cash to win votes. It stinks to high heaven – and we need to see some clarity from the first minister now.”

Always a good sign when Graun piles in hard to Scottish democracy like this, total Graun black out reportage and then last stick that world famous progressive liberal Graun boot right in, hoping to catch evening Scottish voters no doubt.



Well done. GET IN THERE. We won’t back down, simply love it.


Skip_NC says:

a moderate Republican might be preferable to a Democrat climbing the greasy pole

Relieved to hear you clarify that. I don’t follow US politics at all really, but through the years I’ve heard politicians talk sense and think, ‘they’re ok’, only to find they are Rep. and at other times find I completely disagree with what a Dem is saying. Yet I know the Dems should be for me at the overall level.

Dr Jim

Just saw something on Twitter that made me think
Theresa Mays constituency Maidenhead voted heavily remain
So what would happen if she got voted out in her own election

Robert Peffers

@Alex livingstone says: 4 May, 2017 at 3:21 pm:

“I have not voted yet,but when I do I will only be placing a number against the SNP candidates.I don’t understand why people are placing prefences against any other party as you do not have to.

Will Matron let you go to the poll unaccompanied, Alex?


Dr Jim says:

what would happen …

… we’d all bust ribs laughing our sides off.

Like in a Napoleonic era battle, someone from the rank behind would just step forward and take up the gap of the fallen. Then things would carry on! Westminster works like that.

Would it effect Brexit? Depends if the Tories are looking for an excuse to do a u-turn to a soft single market outcome.



I have just voted at a polling place in Edinburgh South. In the time it took me to go in and vote, a table with red balloons and labour literature appeared on the next corner – on way to polling place. Surely this is not allowed? Should I report it ? To who?


Dr Jim says:
4 May, 2017 at 5:24 pm

Just saw something on Twitter that made me think
Theresa Mays constituency Maidenhead voted heavily remain
So what would happen if she got voted out in her own election

For starters Dr. Jim WE would all be celebrating and ROFLOAO for days as would the E.U.! 😀

Panic would ensue amongst the Tories to find yet another *YAWN* leader who would fight for a Strong and Stable something or other.

link to


Galamcennalath, The interesting thing about US politics is that it is dominated by two monolithic parties that cover a large range of opinions. For instance, a Republican in the north-east states can be more moderate (eg, John Major Tory) than a Democrat here in NC. At the presidential primary, I almost took the Republican ballot to vote for John Kasich. In the end I took the Democratic ballot to vote for Bernie.

Anyway, folks, get out and educate those with less political minds on how to vote. It can make a difference. Only a few hours to go.

Socrates MacSporran

crazy cat @ 4’23pm

Actually, the wee linesman – he’s not good enough to be a referee – might be a good choice for SoS for Scotland.

He’s used to standing on the side lines, occasionally waving his flag, quite often getting decisions wrong, and being ignored by the bigger pratt in the middle.

Sounds to me like ideal Tory SoSfS material.



Which Polling Station was it?

Contact local SNP on 07973 834 892 or 07789 646 606


For the song, I’d have gone with “If You Tolerate This, Your Children Will Be Next” – Manic Street Preachers.

I only hope people are out voting in numbers. These Tory excuses for humans need a message sent.

george wood

Any advice on where to rank Libertarians.
Apparently they will campaign against Indyref2 if it involves being in the EU.

Robert J. Sutherland

Arbroath1320 @ 17:43,

Oh that pic link is pure dead brilliant. An undertaker too – says it all about May and Brexit really.

Except it will be our own funeral if we don’t get out of this slow-motion car crash in time…

Robert Peffers

Went into the poll and the two people on the desk were explaining the numbering system to everyone as they issued the ballot papers.

The lady on the desk looked at the large SNP badge on the woolly hat and said, “You’ll know how to vote”, and handed me the paper.

I took it to mean there had been a load of SNP voters already and they all knew the ropes. I hope I was right.


@ Socrates



That’s me done my bit.

Have to say, if I hadn’t been paying attention, I’d have done my SNP 1, Green 2, and left it there. But I kept going, Independent 3rd, Liberals 4th, Red Tories 5, Blue Tories 6.

Job done.


WOS archive links for November 2013 now showing over on O/T.

Just back from doing my bit for Ward 8 of Scottish Borders Council.
Both the Boss and i voted as follows:

1: SNP.
2: Greens.
3: Independent (McGrath).
4: Independent (Aitchison).
5: Labour.
6: Lib Dem.
7: C & U (Weatherston).
8: C & U (Mountford).

Not expecting much in my area but can’t wait to see the results.


Just got an e-mail from Ruth the untruth asking for money. Cheeky bitch. Replied that I was a wee bit short at the moment & could she perhaps help me out through her multi-millionaire controllers.
No reply yet. Early days, tho’.


Joined her mail list for amusement only.


Am I the only person who thinks this voting system is crazy?


Watched the BBC claiming murders had risen by 31%, but on reading the article it transpires that for the year they have actually fallen by 8%. The increase of 31% is only comparing the last nine months, or since May became PM if you want emulate the BBC and put a twist on it.


@Sandy 6.27pm.

I gave the dog a proxy vote to bite her earse.

CameronB Brodie

Nothing wrong with a bit of libertarian freedom, IMHO, so long as excess is curbed by appropriate ethical frameworks.

Anglo-American neo-liberalism demands wholesale deregulation, deifying market forces at the experience of human liberty and self-realisation. This doesn’t bother HMG, which has historically struggled to grasp the basic concept of respecting inalienable human rights.

Wonder if there’s a Libertarians for Indy group? 🙂

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Our shared principles and commitments

10. The new Agenda is guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, including full respect for international law. It is grounded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights treaties, the Millennium Declaration and the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document. It is informed by other instruments such as the Declaration on the Right to Development.

link to

“The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.” (Article 1.1, Declaration on the Right to Development)

“The human right to development also implies the full realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which includes, subject to the relevant provisions of both International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural wealth and resources.” (Article 1.2)

link to


Hello Lurkers

I urge all lurkers to make just one post today, tomorrow or this week regarding how you voted in these local elections.

As all lurkers know I was your leader, but have renounced my title now that I have started posting 🙂

In the box at the bottom of this page simply pick your username, enter your email address and put your comments in the big box. Go on you’ve been wanting to for ages.

gerry parker

Thanks Alex, going up to Stonehaven tomorrow right after ward 6 NLC count is complete.

Then it will be straight on to getting Phil Boswell re-elected.


All four members of the Macart clan voted now and all four 1-9 in the right order.

Well done the weans. 🙂 (see under teenagers)

chris kilby

Makes you proud to be British.


Theresa May, the UK’s first PM with Artificial Intelligence, and robotic language.

Brian Doonthetoon

In all the typing about which order to put candidates in on the ballot paper, I’m kinda surprised that there has been next to no mention of TUSC as an option. As far as I’m aware, they are pro-indy.

My own ward previously had 2 SNP and 1 Labour. I think there were 2 Lib-dems in the council, out of 29 councillors. Today I voted –

1. SNP
2. SNP
3. TUSC (a well-known local pro-independence activist)
4. Lib-dem
5. Lib-dem
6. Tory
7. Labour


I quite enjoyed voting today because I knew what I was doing. As someone else said, no LibDums in my ward either. Easy choice, using party advised order also:

SNP#1 – 1
SNP#2 – 2
Green – 3
STUC – 4
Lab#2 – 5
Lab#1 – 6
T*ry – 7

Dawdle, but nice to see the indy favouring candidates outnumbering the parties controlled from London.

george wood

@Cameron Brodie

Their are Libertarians standing for Edinburgh seats.

I think they supported Indy1 but they are against Indy2 if it involves staying in the EU.
It muddies the water a bit on where to rank them.


Voted in this order

Lib Dem

Voting for Renfrew North and Braehead in Renfrew. Chap at table giving out voting papers was telling everybody that voting was preferences not a X in a box and explained it in detail to the person ahead of me. Heard the same advise being given at the other tables in the room.

clan rossy

snp 1-2, greens 3,indi 4,lab scum 5-6,pure scum 7.

honestly i was raging having to give 5,6,7, a preference
i genuinely felt dirty when i was numbering them .
had to go hame and hae a wee lie doon.


Hello wingers. First post from an old Highland lurker.
Today I voted
Green 2
Independents 3, 4. 5
Lib Dem 6
Labour 7
Tory 8
My daughter voted with the same preferences.


Voted today in NE Banff and Buchan

1. SNP
2. SNP
3. Lib Dum
4. Indy (Useless Trougher that is clearly pro Union)
5. Indy (Sleeper Tory)
6. Conservative & Unionist Parasites

Have spoken to a lot of elderly people today and a large amount of them said they only voted 1,2,3. Left me with the impression that the way the info is presented on the ballot paper, has potentially misled quite a few folks into not using up all their preferences.

PS – Thanks to all the regular contributers and to the Rev for making this site such a great resource for the only cause that matters.

Hail Alba

ronnie anderson

Ah wiz gonna watch ah film tonight The Long Goodbye , but it lasts way past August


@ clan rossy

I know what you mean; I hadn’t voted for (or “against”) a SLab candidate since the council elections in 1995, which were FPTP and a choice between the half-witted but relatively well-meaning Labour incumbent and a real Blue Tory.

This time I did number the two SLabbers, but it hurt, since they are both utterly vile; the only purpose was to exclude the even viler Tory. Only 2 SNP candidates, so at least 2 unionists will get in, with little to choose between them.


SNP 1-2, Independent (who campaigns purely on local issues) 3, Independent (whom I could find absolutely no information on) 4, Slab 5-6 and Tory 7.

And it felt good saving that Tory 7 for last.


George says:
4 May, 2017 at 1:11 pm

“Sadly as I live outside Scotland I can’t vote but having watched one of the videos do have a question.

If a candidate reaches their quota, how is it decided which of their votes are then used for the second preference?”

They use supercomputers to work out the answer to who gets what extra votes so don’t feel embarrassed by not easily grasping this nicety.

Our council, Highland, has the whole vote analysis used last time laid out ward by ward so transfers of extra votes are visible. Other councils may do the same so one might gain insight by finding that.

CameronB Brodie

george wood
Oops, I wasn’t aware they were an option, I wasn’t endorsing them. I was fortunate as I only had to rank SNP, Green and the three shades of Tory.

Iain More

Voted till I boaked in Heldon and Laich (Moray) and I was boaking quickly. I had only one SNP candidate to vote for and then the Green. After that it was a stomach churning cowk. It was a nice day here and then I popped on the train to go through to Aberdeen and it is a nice day here. No excuses for a low turn out here.

Giving Goose

At Aird and Loch Ness ward, Teanassie primary school polling station this evening, it was going like a Hornby train.

There was actually a genuine Tory on the ballot, 7 candidates in total. The Tory got 7th!

LidDem Tory

I’d have wanted to see the Independents binned at the bottom because they are closet Tories and together with their chums have screwed up Highland Council.
But you make the best of a bad deal.

Anyway got a funny for you;

For those immigrants worried about their future in the UK post Brexit, I have a solution –

Change your surname to Windsor (worked a treat for a German family).

I can see a future for Pavel Windsor, Enrique Windsor, Slobodan Windsor and Ahmed Windsor.


What I did on my holidays…

SNP 1 & 2
Independent 3
STUC Against Cuts 4
LibDem 5
Labour 6
Tory 7

The polling place looked reasonably busy for just after teatime.


#1 – SNP – new, to replace retiree SNP.
#2 – L’Dem – has a very good local track record!
#3 – Ind
#4 – Ind
#5 – Ind
#6 – Ind
#7 – Ind
#8 – T**y

For three councillors.


I’m not in Scotland so had to vote for least worst where I am.

Wasn’t STV, just fptp for council and X 3 of 5 for own council.

used as anti-tory votes…….i don’t think the irt will come off after leaving an x next a lib-dem…

Dr Jim

I’m still mulling over this Theresa May losing her seat in Maidenhead because after some delving it appears Mrs Mays popularity has slipped in that area somewhat and the good and God fearing ladies of Maidenhead are shall we say no aw that chuffed wae their dear strong and stable leader
Indeed there have been unflattering comments from her own constituents about her brittleness and pointy fingeredness

Is it Boris for the crown? Hee Hee Ha Ha Mbwaaahaha

Somebody stop me!


Tory manifesto comes out on Monday. The Evening standard says …“it is rumoured Mrs May is set to include three cast-iron election pledges that will lock party members and peers into backing her stance as the UK withdraws from the European Union “

Which stance might that be? Will it be defined, or will it be whatever stance TMay deems to be the one the whole party has to get behind?

In the 2015 Conservative Election Manifesto, page 74 ….

“We are clear about what we want from Europe. We say: yes to the Single Market.“

… quite explicit. Doubt if it will be quite the same nor as clear this time!

We should watch out for the wording, though. Vague weasel wording might imply they want some wiggle room to go soft.

Wouldn’t a U-turn to a softer Brexit be met with howling opposition? Perhaps, but remember how they reneged on IndyRef1 promises. We were told the statements made didn’t commit the Westminster government to delivery. They were never made on half of government, just campaigning organisations, individuals, and media … not by anyone important, we were told. They could try the same trick again.

Will they? I suspect not, but we should be on the lookout for signs!

Keith fae Leith

Leith Ward 13 for Edinburgh cooncil:

1: SNP
2: Green
3: Court proven Liar party
4: Former socialist Tory
5: Died in blue wool Sadistic Tory

Only 3 seats up for grabs, I was hoping for more “good guys” to rank.


1. SNP
2. SNP
3. Green
4. Independependent nobody
5. Independependent nobody
6. Lib dem
7. Red Tory
8. Red Tory
9. Blue Tory Scum

Flower of Scotland

I’m back home.

So in the Howe of Fife:-
SNP 1&2
Independent (cause she was anti Independence)


Voted til I boaked.

1 – SNP
2 – SNP
3 – Green
4 – Libertarian
5 – Indy
6 – Lib Dem
7 – Labour
8 – Tory


My partner went to vote this morning at an Edinburgh polling station and was asked by male volunteer if he knew what to do re voting.

My partner said yes he did i.e. put numbers in order of preference for each person from 1 to 8 ( There was 8 candidates in my area) ……man said no you only need to do 1 to 3….I know these people are volunteering but it is not their place to advise people how many they should be ranking in order of preference….even ballot paper does not state only need to do 1,2 & 3.

Ballot paper indicates can do more. My thoughts are if someone tells a volunteer at polling station “yes I know to use numbers and not put an ‘X'” then it should be left there….unless voter has other query re voting.

It is nice to be helpful but there is a difference between being helpful and…..too much information…..information which is frankly I think a tad misleading and dare I say outwith their volunteer job description.

God willing the Tories will get stuffed today and also on June 8th…..let’s hope that the Devil will decide today and on June 8th NOT to look after his own….irrespective of polling station volunteers bearing false messages .

ps. My partner , son and I ranked Tories last at number 8…ignoring unwanted voting consultant volunteer Private Pike’s intervention !!!!!


Ma Day!
Get off work early : check
drive 360 miles from South West swerve by accident at Birmingham. nae bodies stop me the day: check
Vote Annandale North: check
Libdem 2 (haud my nose)
Labour. 3
Con. 4
Con. 5
staff telling staff to vote all preferences or only one said to the several old dears in front of me in queue.Funny they did not explain to me think it may have been the “I’m with Nicola ” SNP badge on ma lapel.

Time for bed am knackered

Bob Mack

Voting done. Queasy about even marking the Tory but all done.
3 Green etc etc.


Just back from voting till I boaked. SNP 1 and 2, Green 3, down to Tory 10th and last in my list. Had to hold my nose as I went through some of the others too.
A tory friend from out of town told me that he had voted for the Union this afternoon. Didn’t see that choice on my voting form so put the yoons as far down as possible.


Duty done

Michael McCabe

Just back from the Voting. 1 SNP person outside and when I came out She had been joined by a green activist. 1 2 3 SNP 4 Green 5 libdem 6 7 labour 8 the nasty party. Managed to hang around a while and passed on 20 wee black books. Hope they made a Difference. No union representitives present. pity as I like a good Debate.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Yesitis.

Good to see someone else giving a vote to TUSC (I think!)

link to

White Van Wummin

3 Green
4 Useful looking Community Council Bloke
5 Arthur Scargill Party
6 Lib (why?) Dem
7 Slabby Morningside wifey type with nice coat I liked
8 Ranty yoon type Slabby
9 Unstable close to the edge looking ex-kipper fascist type
10 Tory cannon fodder candidate in picture with Ruthie

The last 5 were difficult for me I really wanted an option like – Send them on a one way space mission to the far side of fuck, but that sadly wasn’t on the ballot. If the tory hadn’t been in a picture wi’ Davidson then she might have made it to 9.


Don’t know about the rest of you but I’m in a fairly good mood tonight reading all the Vote Till Ye Boak posts.

Now we don’t know yet how that will work out of course but I believe the outcome can only be good. I’m not so daft as too think WOS, Wee Ginger Dug and Scot Goes Pop can have as much influence as the BBC.

But WE do everyone of us, if we spread the message it really does get out there and there is NO way to stop that message because we are the messengers.

For once it seems, we are all working together for a common goal despite party politics and their petty differences. That is how we will win. I believe the only way we can win.

I’m looking forward to the results tomorrow afternoon, I would expect both the SNP and the Greens to return a record number of Councillors. The most ever and that is a big boot in the arse for Ruth Harrison and I would like nothing better.

Then next we get on to the General Election and knock her and her disgraceful party out. Well done all, at last we are working together.

Tam the Bam.

Evening guys from a still sunny Hillhead/GLASGOW (Ward 11)

Did my civic duty about an hour ago…only SNP/LAB activists outside….SNP chap told me voting had been ‘brisk’…which surprised me as its been a fabby doo sunny day here (I spent the day on Inchcailioch…the ‘burial’ isle ..on Loch Lomond with my Sis and Harry the dog)…beautiful beyond description.


Brexit looks worse with each passing day.

“European Union officials fired an opening salvo on Thursday in a “Brexit”-related dispute that could threaten London’s status as the undisputed financial capital of Europe and affect hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of financial products.”

link to

Tam the Bam.

White Van Wummin…8-37pm

“Send them on a one way space mission to the far side of Fuck!”……lol…brilliant WVW….I think this should figure on a pamphlet for the next fight GE “Theresa’s Wibbly Wobbly Way Election”….go girl.

Robert Louis

I’m just on my way out, to vote for the ‘I don’t give a sh*t about anybody else, I’m a self centered selfish rich git, and the poor and disabled can just f off and die’ Tory party, for the first time in my life.

Of course they will be ranked in LAST place, behind ANY other party.


Mid Berwickshire Seat SBC
1. SNP
2. Greens
3. Libdem
4. Lab
5 Tory
6. Tory

Graeme McAllan

Our beautiful country of Scotland sadly brings a wee tear of desperation, sadness and confusion to a simple process, and is precisely why we can never become the shining beacon of democracy and purpose for the whole World – it’s all just a wee bit too confusing 🙁


link to

Japanese government and business give their views on Brexit. Link to the original statement at the bottom of the article.

Done my bit and voted. Everyone but the Tory.


Someone making a point in WoS Twitter … this is the first time in their life they have voted Tory and Labour.

Just think about it for a minute. Today 100,000s of voters dedicated to independence actually gave Labour and Tories a vote!

Yes, today was the first time in my life I have put an mark on a ballot next to Labour and Tory.
Quite a thought, even if it was in the last slots.

Robert J. Sutherland

Phil @ 19:39:

Our council, Highland, has the whole vote analysis used last time laid out ward by ward so transfers of extra votes are visible. Other councils may do the same so one might gain insight by finding that.

Yes, I hope so too, because it could be very useful for “post-game analysis”.

(Maybe someone knows for sure, but I assume that they are all required to do so.)

A supercomputer isn’t needed to calculate the transfers, BTW. The calculations are computationally trivial, so it can can all be done by spreadsheet on an ordinary PC; the necessary manual data entry and programming are both a right fiddle though. (It can even be done manually with the help of a calculator, it just takes a whole lot longer.) Whereas scanning+OCR of ballots and custom counting software make it a relative dawdle. It’s the unavoidable manual validations and vote determinations which still slow everything down.

Big Phil

Just done my duty and I did vote till I boaked, explained the who,what and why for to my wife and older kids so us four are on the team.
Driving up from Ayr tonight I was pleased to see SNP candidates at polling stations ,so if you saw a Red Transit wi a big happy guy blasting out ‘Hope Over Fear’ ,it was yours truly.


Paul in great form.

link to

Worth reading.


@Graeme McAllan

There’s no desperation being felt here my friend. In fact just the opposite, enthusiasm because each day we learn and we educate others. I don’t feel confused either.

There are few defeatists here so wipe your tears.

Tam the Bam.

Sorry..omitted the ‘WAY TO GO’in Ward 11?Glasgow

4)Scottish Libertarian Party (honestly!)
6)Glasgow Lab
7)Lib Dem

Tam the Bam.


What on earth are you garbling about man?

Mark Fletcher

Three very chipper SNP activists outside the Polling Station this very sunny afternoon. No representation from any other party.

Went in and did my duty:

Lying Bastard Party (Carmichaelists)
Red Tory Tweedle-Dum
Red Tory Tweedle-Dee
Spawn of Satan

Passed a cheery moment with SNP activists as I left and felt happy.

Went shopping for birthday presents and engaged in long political conversations with two nice women who were very receptive. Recommended Wings as suitable reading material.

Left with some great presents and couldn’t be happier.

Robert J. Sutherland

Clapper57 @ 21:06:

man said no you only need to do 1 to 3

This kind of misdirection is absolutely intolerable, whether from plumb ignorance or wilful mendacity.

The advice I personally received here in Glasgow was impeccable, but there have been a few anecdotal accounts on this thread already about such things elsewhere (even in Edinburgh FGS!), which is very troubling.

If such wrong advice happened over a significant period at any polling station, it could even render the result for that ward invalid.

Still Positive

Voted this morning in my 4-seat ward, Clydebank Waterfront

SNP 1,2 and 3
Independent (good guy) 4
Independent (seems decent- does a lot of charity stuff) 5
Independent (seems he stands every election) 6
Labour 7
Labour 8 (pleased at putting this numpty 2nd last)
Nasty 9 (covered up the name and filled in the blank box)

Don’t even know the last guys name!

Later did 2-hour stint at bigger polling station (about 5 or 6 as many voters use this one.

Son has been at the bigger polling station since 7 so will find out turnout when he gets back.

Does anyone know where we can follow results tomorrow?


To be honest you are not really voting for them, you are putting them in an order of who you like the most, to who you like the least.

You should not think of it as voting for Labour or Tories. All you are saying is that you like theses candidates less than the ones you have higher up.

By not listing them in your order only gives them more chance of being selected by someone else.

Tam the Bam.

Graeme McAllan….8-59pm

“Its all a bit confusing”…really…REALLY?


Thanks Phil!
I appreciate your advice and will check that out.
Good to know it’s a supercomputer and not Jackie Baillie with her abacus! ;o)

Justin f.n. minty


Ex snp x
Fib dem
Tory farmer

Robert Kerr

Been and Boaked. Just missed three persons wearing blue rosettes who were on the way to the car park. Pity. At least the labour man inside held the door open for my daughter in her wheelchair.

Now we wait.


Doon Valley Ward. East Ayrshire.
1. SNP
2. SNP
3. SGP
4. Local Independent
5. Independent (6 miles away).
6. Libertarian.
7. Conservative.
8 Labour (6 miles away).
9. Labour (next street) (ex councillor finger in every pie).

Proud Cybernat

Just boaked all over my polling station. What a mess. SNP 1 & 2. Green 3. Yoons the rest – Blue Tory LAST (still difficult). Ward up to about 46% turnout which, I think, isn’t bad for Local Election.

So many people simply not understanding STV system. Putting crosses instead of numbers. Voting for just ONE of their preferred party when two candidates are standing. Leaving all other places unranked. Heard a Labour voter asking the Labour candidate outside the polling station, “Why were there two Labour candidates on the paper? I didn’t know which one to vote for so I just plomped for you because I saw you outside on my way in.”

I kid you not.

A really crazy voting system to have when it confuses so many.

We’ll just have to wait and see how it all pans out.

Away to clean my shirt now and take the sickness pills.


Right job done.

SCUM(Scottish Conservative & Unionist Moron)-6.
Would have liked to mark the SCUM candidate lower but only 6 candidates and didn’t want to risk spoiling my ballot paper as a result.
Looking forward to a great result for the SNP.


Tam the Bam. says:

What on earth are you garbling about man?

When was the last time you put a mark on a ballot paper beside the Tories?

Today was certainly my first. And I suspect the first for a great many other voters.

With any luck, and a good result in ScotRef, we will never have to boak vote again.

Tam the Bam.


So you think Tory representation on your council is preferable to Labour?….I have big problems with Scottish Labour but I would never…NEVER arrange my votes in that order….nevertheless…its your prerogative.



Genuine question, would a corbyn victory in June make Indy less/more likely?


A song for the Scottish Conservatives? How about “Living in the past” from our own Ian Anderson?

Voted “’till we boaked” at lunch time in SW Edinburgh….turn out then, very quiet according to the peeps on the scoreboard.


“Conservative candidates told to refer to themselves as ‘Theresa May’s local candidate’

Hopeful Tory MPs distance themselves from party name after instruction from HQ “ – from The Independent.

Is this them doing a rerun of Davidson’s tactic in the Holyrood election i.e. Pretend not to be Tories?


@ George at 9.23

The short answer to your question is that all the second preferences of a candidate elected on first preferences are looked at. The surplus is then divided in proportion.

eg: if CandidateA is elected with 50 surplus votes, and half of all CandidateA’s second preferences go to CandidateB,a quarter go to Candidate C and a quarter to CandidateD, then B gets 25 extra votes, and C and D get 12.5 each (decimal fractions are used; no rounding up).

In later rounds it is a little more complicated.

If B gets in this time, his/her surplus will be a mixture of first preferences and second preferences inherited from A. But the principle is the same – the next preference is the beneficiary.

Nobody decides that particular votes are surplus; all the papers are re-examined (unless they have no further preferences on them or all lower-ranked preferences have already been elected or eliminated).

That turned out not to be a short answer, of course!

Robert Peffers

@Proud Cybernat says: 4 May, 2017 at 9:29 pm:

“Why were there two Labour candidates on the paper? I didn’t know which one to vote for so I just plomped for you because I saw you outside on my way in.”
I kid you not. A really crazy voting system to have when it confuses so many.”

Yeah! But! Proud Cybernat, Those, “confused”, gadgies are the same ones who answer your greeting of, “nice sunny morning”, by stretching out their hands with the palm up to check if it is raining.

It is simple enough to understand that you make your choice by numbering them in the order you like them. Furthermore many, if not all, councils stuck a fairly clear guide through every letter box.

I’m afraid it is a case of :-

“Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.”

From Bible: Jer. 5:21 (King James version)

Tam the Bam.


Ahem…despite the fact Iain Anderson (Jethro Tull) spent a period of his younger life in Dunfermline…..he’s a Blackpool boy…..oh…and he’s a dick.

Jockanese Wind Talker

I too am looking forward to the results tomorrow afternoon @Thepnr says at 8:39 pm am

I’m feeling quietly confident that the tRuthless Mayhem Party will get some of the wind knocked out their sails.

You are 100% correct when you say “For once it seems, we are all working together for a common goal despite party politics and their petty differences. That is how we will win. I believe the only way we can win.”

Wise words for the forth coming GE, lessons learned from Holyrood 2015 (vote split, damage done) but not this time.

However the down side will be:

That the BBC/MSM will be ignore the collapse of BLiS and the hardcore Yoon vote going over to the tRuthless Mayhem Party and produce the usual ‘Tory Surge’ propaganda.

And we will have to put up with Wee Wullie crowing about ‘winning’ not because they have but because they are the least bad of a bad bunch of c**ts.


Tam the Bam,

Her ex mother in law lived through the wall from me and was a demented old bugger who made my life a fucking misery for 8 years. I had to move because of her. I lost count the number of times I had the police at their door. She can rot in hell along with her mum in law. I have nothing but bitterness and hatred towards her.

Jockanese Wind Talker

I too am the same @galamcennalath says at 9:37 pm

This is the first time I have ever put a mark on a ballot paper beside Labour or the Tories.

But as others have said, I din’t see it as voting for them.

I saw it as ranking them in order of preference.

Preference based on their policies, abilities and whether I thought they would best represent myself, my family and my community.



So basically the japanese have taken 15 pgs. to say that they want everything to stay exactly the same for their businesses.

Tad optimistic there.

They even want the EMA to stay put despite there being no possibility of that and the new location is already being decided.

Guess there’ll be some unhappy bunnies there, looking to relocate.

Chick McGregor

Seems to have been a high turn out in Kirrie. A lot of Tories.

Tam the Bam.


‘Her ex-mother-in law lived’through the wall’ from me…..Whit is this…its 12 mins after the closure of polls and we (don’t know about you right enough) are keyed-up for the results… that doesn’t float yer boat?…ah well…have a slice of shortbread.


@Chick McGregor

Fingers crossed that there was a high turnout but less Tories than you have heard of 🙁


TtB @ 10.01. Thank you for that.

Tam the Bam.

Chick McGregor…….10-09

‘High turn out of tories in Kirrie!’

….I suppose they all turned up for The Ball
of Kirriemuir Chick…

The Dog Philosopher

@ Proud Cybernat

Can’t help feel this STV multi-vote complexity will damage the Slab vote more. Most Yessers are on the ball because we rely on Indy sites like Wings etc. Old School Labour types, like you mention, probably rely more on their daily red and the black top horoscope pages. Blue-rinse Tories tend to be a wee bit more astute at this voting business.

I bet the Greens will be taking great heart from the trust being shown by the hardcore SNP vote. Post-Indy they will no doubt reap the benefit but they must be careful not to align themselves with the Yoons or obstruct the path to independence. Be careful with any axe you grind, Patrick!


Good to see all the boaking activity.

Annoyed to see polling clerks giving shit advice, and it needs reported. They are paid workers, not volunteers.

The objective advice is you can number as many or as little as you want.

Did my stint for a few hours this evening at a Polling Station, it’s a thankless task on your own, but just a SNP presence is at least noticed.

Not too much snark from yoons that I proffered a leaflet, and nice to see some local dogs (and attached owners) I knew, so had a mini rant about folk not knowing how protected they were under SNP.

Fingers crossed folks, I’m North Lanarkshire, and Slab have as much corrupt shit floating around as Glasgow.


Well here in deepest, darkest Devon I have voted. It wasn’t complicated. No boaking. No mathematical equations necessary. Four names, one big cross.

However I did deliberate all day…Labour or Greens.

I’ve said for ages I was not going to vote for any of the main lying, poor hating, always abstaining parties again. And I didn’t. Made my mind up in the booth, mind you.

Green Party X

Please don’t let me find that tomorrow Exeter has a Tory run council and it’s ALL my fault!

Brian Doonthetoon

But how did the five and twenty virgins from Inverness vote?

I doubt that BBC Scotland will get that info from a FOI request…

Robert Peffers

@Tam the Bam. says: 4 May, 2017 at 9:39 pm:

“So you think Tory representation on your council is preferable to Labour?….I have big problems with Scottish Labour but I would never…NEVER arrange my votes in that order….nevertheless…its your prerogative.”

It is actually fairly simple, Tam.

If you have a single ward in a Labour Controlled council that has the SNP close on its tail in the council, and your ward is in an area where the Tory doesn’t stand a chance, you might decide to put the nae chance Tory before the least likely, (second choice), Labour guy.

The reasoning being that the Tory won’t get in but you might prevent an extra Labour guy in a council that is only just labour controlled.

The obvious problem being you have to hope that not too many other independence favouring voters have the same idea in other wards and the Tory sneak in.

However, if it was just one Tory in an SNP gain from a former Labour council it could make a big difference.

The trouble is, as always in tactical voting, such machinations can backfire.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Unfortunately @Chick McGregor says at 10:09 pm the Unionists are always pretty good at getting their voters out.

Hopefully more Indy Supporters turned out than normal for the Local Elections if turnouts are higher than average

Yoon turnout may be static/comparable to last Local Election in % terms.


Forres voting:



Indy (sitting no voter – but keeps opinion to herself and genuine local hard worker!)

Indy (new candidate – eejit but used him as a blocking vote to knock the others further down the list!)

Indy (ie sitting tory)

Indy (ie sitting opinionated loudmouth tory)

Tory (spit)

schrodingers cat


fell and cracked a rib putting up signs in a field
then fell into the compost heap full of nettles putting up sign at bottom of garden

up at 6.00 to hang polling places signs and witness ballot boxes being sealed at,

spent all day outside polling places and collecting turnout figures for 2 polling stations.
at 5pm started the knockup, 1100 houses in town, 300 knock ups,

only 2 of us activist for knock ups, 4 in total

10 pm, witnessed boxes being sealed

i only have results for 2 polling stations (14 in this ward) so will wait till results are correlated.



That is exactly what East Ayrshire is. 1 SNP councillor more than Labour with a solitary Tory councillor. Her dead mother in law lived through the wall from me between 2004 and 2012 at that point I moved back in with my older brother. The year before I campaigned against her, as a volunteer trying to get our man in.



BTW she won and she’s was is a drunken foul mouth. So when my old dear neighbour died and she moved in it started. SNP bastard quickly followed by threats to my person. She at the time was untouchable
I had shite posted through my door and a brick through my window which stopped when I installed cctv. She’ll get in again.


Apologies for O/T here.

I’ve just come across this on Twitter.

Apparently Feartie McFeartie could very well be in for one hell of a … erm … surprise come June 9th folks if this article pans out in the way it implies. 😉

link to

Elizabeth Stanley

I’m in Banff & Buchan. I’ve been inundated with conservative leaflets & a “personal” letter from Ruth.

I voted SNP X2 rest don’t care.Con at bottom.

There are a lot of idiot fishermen in this area who think the EU is bad,SNP even badder & Cons will look after their interests.

Part of me hope they get what they wish.Washed up & floundering on a bleak polluted beach.

This area was strongly con until SNP made inroads with Eck being a wonderful MSP/ MP.

I fear this may revert to the cons.Hope not.They seem very in your face.Spits.

Robert Peffers

@ScottieDog says: 4 May, 2017 at 9:48 pm:

“Genuine question, would a corbyn victory in June make Indy less/more likely?”

Of course not, ScottieDog. Corbyn is every bit as much Westminster Establishment as every other troughing unionist – including Mayhem herself.

As I’ve pointed out so many times they will fight like ferrets in a bag among themselves but will close ranks and stand shoulder to shoulder against any outsiders that threaten the Westminster Establishment. They will sacrifice their own to defeat the outsider and the present outsider is the Scottish Indy movement.

In wartime these coalitions are called, “National Governments”. Now remember the Tory+LibDem coalition formed with the explicit aim to stop Scottish independence and the Labour+LibDem Holyrood coalition to keep out the SNP.

Do you imagine that the first did not negatively affect the LibDems and the Second negatively affect both the LibDems and Labour in Scotland?

Let us hope that the present, 3way, unofficial unionist alliance at Holyrood will have further negatively affected all three unionist parties in Scotland tomorrow.

It is abundantly clear that the last examples of coalition governments, whether at Westminster, Holyrood or the Scottish Local Councils, were expressly designed to defeat Scottish independence.

A decent Scottish MSM would have highlighted such Establishment machinations for the people of Scotland but the Scottish MSM are an integral part of the Establishment. It really should be self evident to all clear thinking Scots but, for some unknown reason, it seems it is not.

This from Wiki:-

“In the United Kingdom, coalition governments (sometimes known as “national governments”) usually have only been formed at times of national crisis. All six coalition governments in the last 120 years have involved the Liberal and Conservative parties.”

That blockquote says it all, really.