Some rest for the wicked
Right then. I’m now back in Bath, which sadly is not yet technically in a foreign country. To be frank, readers, after the last three years and especially the last two weeks I’m mentally, emotionally and physically done in.
But on the 19th I said that it was “difficult to think of any useful purpose [Wings Over Scotland] can serve” in the aftermath of a No vote, and that’s no longer the case.
So for the next couple of weeks, I’m taking a break. There’ll probably be a short post every day or two just to keep people in the habit of looking at the site, but much less activity than you’ve been used to while I go and get some fresh air, sunshine and much-needed exercise to shed some of the stone-and-a-half of referendum baggage I collected while eating junk food in front of a monitor 16 hours a day, seven days a week for 34 months.
(Special thanks, incidentally, to the absurdly numerous readers who’ve offered me free holidays in all parts of the world from, literally, Mull to Tasmania. I’m going to stay closer to home than that – apart from anything else I don’t currently have a passport – but I’m absolutely gobsmacked and touched by your generosity.)
So if you’re a new commenter it might take a couple of days for your first comment to be approved, and emails may take even longer than usual to get replies. (Facebook messages, as ever, have almost no chance of a response. What part of “Please don’t send us Facebook messages”, written right there on the title page, don’t people get?)
But after that battery recharge, we’re back. Astonishingly, Wings has added an EXTRA 140,000 READERS in a week since the referendum, despite an already-reduced post frequency. Our Twitter following has rocketed from 20,000 to almost 32,000 in the last 18 days. I got home to a flood of donations. And most remarkably of all, the SNP, Greens and SSP have all more than DOUBLED their membership in a week, with the Nats incredibly overtaking the UK Lib Dems for paid-up members.
The independence movement, it seems fair to say, is not going away. Scotland will soon have a new First Minister, and the most likely candidate has refused to rule out another referendum should the people deliver a mandate for it. And with the Unionist parties already breaking their promises (both the spirit and the letter) and setting out plans to slash Scotland’s budget (as we told you they would) and drag the UK into another brutal war in the Middle East, we wouldn’t want to bet against that happening.
(And happily, we’ve suddenly magically got lots of oil again.)
We don’t always get stuff right, though. We thought, for example, that it would be Glasgow that dragged down the Yes vote. And we thought that if there were to be a No vote, the independence movement, and the radical left with it, would sink into despair and apathy. We were wrong about those things.
In reality Glasgow, along with the fine city of Dundee, led the Yes charge. And since the 20th of September (everyone having spent the 19th shrouded in numb horror), the Yes movement has risen with extraordinary resilience, energy and determination.
All manner of exciting projects are afoot, in every kind of field – we hope to bring you news of one of them later today. We expect a period of turmoil in the coming weeks, during which some will fall by the wayside and the strongest will prevail.
But the next three years will be one of the most febrile periods in UK history. A UK election, Scottish election and the very real prospect of an in-out EU referendum all loom on the horizon. In 2017, it’s entirely conceivable (though of course by no means guaranteed) that there could be a Scottish Government with a mandate and a majority to call a snap second independence referendum on the grounds of emergency after Scotland votes to stay in the EU but the rest of the UK votes to leave.
So we’re going to hang around for a while yet. The times are shaping up to be pretty interesting. But right now, right this minute, we’re going to the seaside for a bit.
Enjoy your well earned rest 🙂 And thanks again for all you have done.
Enjoy your break which is well deserved.
Keep a spring in your step!
Glad to hear you’re going to continue with Wings. Enjoy your break, you’ve earned it and then some.
So I am guessing that a package of homemade tablet winging its way to Bath is not going to be part of the “get up and lose the gut strategy??”
In that case I will save it till you are back and in need of a wee sugary treat to keep you going.
Go kick some sandcastles over – you deserve a break hon.
Thank you sincerely for everything you’ve done. Enjoy your break. x
Enjoy the break – we’ll all be waiting for you when you get back. 🙂
Enjoy your rest, Rev. Looking forward to you coming back all guns blazing
Enjoy a well deserved rest Stu – you deserve it.
You are right to take a well earned rest. You are also right to keep Wings going. These are exciting times in Scottish politics and Scotland needs you. Enjoy!
Have a good break, Stu. You’ve more than earned it.
I hope to hear good news about new protects as and when – but there’s no immediate rush!
A STONE AND A HALF?? My God, I hope you’ve found a nice health farm that will chain you to an exercise machine while feeding you the odd lettuce leaf.
No, seriously, go away and have a good time and relax. You deserve it. We’ll still be here when you get back.
Proud of you Rev! After being one of the Yes supporters’ most influential political commentators for so long, you deserve a wee break! But hurry back!
Enjoy a well earned break. All the best.
Well done and enjoy ur break u deserve it, we ain’t going any place, the fight must go on
You enjoy your well-deserved rest Rev Stu, make the most of it and thanks yet again for all you have done. Everyone will be here when you get back ! So very glad that Wings will be continuing with your good self at the helm !
Have a happy holiday and thanks.
Have a great holiday and we’ll look forward to you returning refreshed & reinvigorated!
Well done Stu, thoroughly enjoyed your contribution (and this sites)to the Indy cause. Look forward to the new projects to come. Take it easy.
Well deserved, Stu. I have to thank you, in particular, for shedding light on so much over the long road to the 18th September. So, thanks.
I remember I wrote to you about placing a piece in Wings. You spoke well of it though it didn’t fit here and suggested other sites.
I wasn’t successful; I was a bit of a late-comer after all so I started blogging myself in August, with a few positive comments. I’m keeping on. It’s a different take on it all from Wings but I hope preserves your mission to get behind the rhetoric to the truth. If you of anyone else is interested it’s at
It’s a long road…
“So I am guessing that a package of homemade tablet winging its way to Bath is not going to be part of the “get up and lose the gut strategy??”
In that case I will save it till you are back and in need of a wee sugary treat to keep you going.”
Every ting gonna be all right!
Enjoy your rest, you deserve it. Glad to hear you’re keeping going, you’re integral to the movement,
Enjoy your well earned rest then come back fighting. Scotland will not be put back in its box. When the Unionists screw us over and they will, we must be there to hold them to account and to persuade those who were fooled by the Vow to join the 45% (and rising).
Feet up sir! You deserve it!
While we wait for your return, we’ll keep ourselves busy gently persuading those who miscalculated!
Rest well Stu. You earned it.
See you when you return,
Enjoy the break and thanks for all the insight.
The game goes on……
Thank you Stuart, enjoy your well-earned break.
Three years to go: GE2015, SE2016 and SLE2017 we know what we need to do, earn the trust of the soft NOs and grow the independence movement to get rid of Westminster from Scotland.
To the future and exciting times folks!
Enjoy your break Rev. Without you and the other writers on various sites we would never achieved anywhere near what we did and will do.
As for the “stone-and-a-half of referendum baggage I collected while eating junk food in front of a monitor 16 hours a day, seven days a week for 34 months.”
This is something I know about only too well [plus damaged eyesight]
My own Indy FB seven days post reach has not dropped from the dizzy high it attained during the two weeks just before the 18th Sept.
The enthusiasm of the independence movement is still bubbling away.
I just hope that a section of them don’t turn into the Scots version of 911 Truther bores with conspiracy theories.
P.S Very Interesting post poll Video on Talk Constitution John Drummond from Livestream which needs wider distribution. link to
Enjoy your break. It’s well deserved.
Great news that you plan to carry on Rev. If you are not essential to the cause of Scottish independence, you are as close as anyone can claim to be. Enjoy your well earned rest and you can rest assured that we’ll crowd fund your site, quite easily with the savings we’ll be making from not paying our TV licences and not buying any newspapers.
Enjoy your wee break Stu, look forward to hearing from Wings soon 🙂 This site helped me tremendously throughout the Yes campaign especially with getting my head round all the numbers and stats. Thank You!
We would never ever have made 45% without you. You’ve been a completely dedicated workhorse for the cause. Thank you very much indeed.
We all need a wee rest, and maybe a few hours of exercise moderate or otherwise will do us all good. Then we can get back at it, leaner and more energised and more organised than before!!!
See, now, actually running round doors with campaign material makes you lose weight. You guys should try ot some time…
Excellent news that Wings will continue, enjoy your break.
Enjoy the seaside, Stu.
We’ll be here. In less than a week, many of us have picked ourselves up and have already started the new campaign.
Wingers are getting back to the business in hand now.
@ Morag, 12:24pm
Morag, I’ve been trudging the streets all year canvassing, delivering,etc. and I don’t seem to have lost any weight at all; the reverse in fact. Reckon it might be all the “grabbing a quick snack” instead of regular meals! 🙁
Have a great holiday Stu, you certainly deserve it. Can’t thank you enough for all your time, your unceasing effort and mostly for the gift of the intelligent analysis of information, without which YES would have had a much harder hill to climb.
Go, be sunny and rested. We’ll all be here when you get back.
Take it easy Stu. We’ll be right here.
Have a well earned rest Rev. Thanks, from us all, for your intellectual input.
We have a long fight ahead of us.
Rev Stu
Just publish the inland shipping forecast each night and the morning one each morning for a couple of weeks.
The bears will talk, debate and argue about whatever becomes their topic of the day.
Self moderation could also improve; in fact I think it is.
Thanks for everything you’ve done for YES, Stuart. But most of all thanks for your promise to continue, Wings is vital now as ever. Just say when you need more fund raising. Have a good break.
The British establishment and media will be pleased at this news and will welcome the short break from having being hit over the head with a microscope.
I suppose the thing that worries me is, we WON the internet. We lost on the people who never go near it. We need to figure out how to extend our vision of the country we know we can be to reach the people who only watch TV and read the Daily Record.
Well earned rest Stuart. Enjoy it, relax and have a good time.
Good stuff – and thanks for all your efforts thus far.
Mind how you go – there were some vile craturs which crawled out of the woodwork towards the end of the campaign. They are 99% mouth, but don’t discount the 1% jackboots.
Good to hear Wings is sticking around. We had a meeting in Aberdeen last night to get some ideas flowing about where we go from here, and so many people wanted to come that it had to be split into two sessions. Over 200 folk coming along in total, and that’s not 200 folk sitting to listen to someone speaking, that’s 200 folk looking to see how they can get involved. I don’t think I’ve ever seen folk so keen to speak at a public meeting – usually you have to drag things out of folk to get conversation flowing.
Post-referendum party branch meetings, party conferences, WFI and RIC conferences… It’s going to be an exciting few weeks. We’re certainly not going to be going back into our boxes.
Sometimes I curse you for raising my level of interest in Scottish politics to almost obsession level but mostly I am glad I am now well informed and aware of the bias of MSM. Enjoy your rest I also might try and lose those extra few pounds gathered sitting at computer and get fighting fit for the GE 2015.
Rev Stu
Words cannot describe what a crucial injection of talent, intelligence, vigilance and credibility you brought to the Yes campaign.
Your stunning pinpoint journalism has knocked spots off the stale, conventional, piss poor output from the mainstream media. And they know it too. The fact that you have been given such little public oxygen by them, is proof of that.
So glad and proud to be a Winger and only wish I could have contributed more financially. Will still do when funds allow. Have met some great friends through the Wings community, with whom I will now always keep in touch and work alongside to achieve our goal.
Please accept this advice from a grateful FEMINIST who thinks your work is the bees’ knees:
Sleep! Sunbathe! Eat healthy fruit and vegetables. Relax. Breathe. Have a few beers (and lots of water). Get loads of exercise. Purge your poor knackered body of the junk food toxins. Surround yourself with genuinely kind people. Eat more healthy fruit and vegetables.
And then, please come back, refreshed, recharged, and raring to go.
We are all of us, picking ourselves up, and rolling up our sleeves.
We ALMOST made it. We will learn from our mistakes, refine our strategies and our efforts.
And we WILL do it! With your help.
Enjoy yourself, Stuart. And thanks again, for restoring my sanity throughout this whole extraordinary time.
See you when you get back!
Seaside? I hope that ‘seaside’ is warm, bathed in sun, lapped by blue seas and served by a beach-side bar!
What we are experiencing now is history in the making, and I am looking forward to your contributions after you return from your well deserved sabbatical
Have a nice break, Stu. You really need it. We’re all exhausted and needing to recharge our batteries. And reflect! I can do so much more now than I could three years ago – I know how to campaign now, I’m much better at using social media and I know how to stand my ground. I’ve got lots of new contacts and I understand so much more about how politics and the economy work. And I’m going to use it! So get a rest and come back ready to start again. I’ve cancelled several direct debits over the last few days – but I won’t be cancelling yours!
Have a great holiday. As virtually every commentator has remarked, you have more than earned it. Thanks for all your efforts so far, and we all look forward to you rejoining the fray refreshed and re-energised in a fortnight’s time.
Nicola for First Minister it is
But you will always be OUR first minister !
Have a super relaxing holiday.
Well done Stu. Get some R&R, we will man the trenches while you are on leave.
Thanks, Rev Stu. Have a fantastic break! Looking forward to more quality journalistic research (the likes of which our media fails to provide) when you return.
Enjoy your holiday. 🙂
Then come back, because Scotland needs you more than ever. Already we have had the Liberal democrat house idiot, Wullie Rennie, tell us that the promises of devo max and home rule made by the three parties and Gordon Broon, didn’t really mean home rule or devo max at all!!, but actually just meant to the silly ideas they proposed in the spring. This despite the fact that Broon promised us home rule.
The way things are going, we’ll have had another referendum, before you are back. Either that or civil war.
You really would think that the unionist parties would have learned, but no, they haven’t learned a thing. Liars the lot of them.
Hope today’s project announcement is something along the lines of ‘SCOT goes Wings over Bella Bateman’s Wee Ginger Dug’.
So all those exponentially rising graphs were actually your weight.
I have not made a comment before but have been reading your blogs with interest. My husband Iain is an avid follower of your site and we have many discussions late into the night. Enjoy your break, have a wee paddle and some sea air. I look forward to the next stage in the journey!
Three cheers for Stu
hip hip!
Enjoy your break Rev Stu, we’ll be all waiting here to help you when you get back. It’s not over yet, not by a looong shot 😉
Excellent post which catches the mood perfectly. Enjoy your well-earned rest and accept grateful thanks from this committed Yesser for all you have done to support the cause.
to Paula Rosa
Just gave you a namecheck on Bateman Broadcasting
link to
11:48 am
If you are looking for a great holiday destination, might I suggest Scotland 🙂
Where are you going? Can we come?
Thanks for everything mate. Your commitment to reporting the truth has surely won the yes side many votes, and for that we should all be grateful. Look forward to your continued involvement. Enjoy your rest! D.
Yes enjoy your deserved rest.
I’m with Morag – lost weight due to running around delivering amongst other things the WBB.
Come back soon, your talents are needed – 53 Unionist MP’s only 8 months from next election in Scotland – what about a new timeline?
2014 Referendum stolen with lies and threats. Scottish political activists galvanised into forward-thinking action.
2015 53 Unionist MP’s wiped out in Scotland by continuing YES campaign unity candidates
2016 Nicola Sturgeon heads Yes coalition with landslide in Scottish Parliament for full fiscal autonomy leading to Independence
1919 Declaration of Scottish Independence.
A very well deserved rest!
Hoping the news will be related to Newsnet & Bateman’s announcement earlier on…
Rev, see you when you get back. You’re absolutely NOT allowed to keep working. Feed your heart and soul and we’ll still be here when you get back. Thank you for everything you’ve done.
The desire to get “well tanned” is not lost on many a Scot ! Enjoy the rest, God knows you have deserved it !
Enjoy your rest, everything quietening down because we are all mentally shagged.
Enjoy the break. You deserve it.
Can I come?
Keep up the good work. Enjoy your break!
What everybody else said…with bells on.
Thank you truthseeker!
Many thanks Stu for all you have done – so much appreciated. Take as much time as you need to recharge – we are all in this for however long it takes.
Everyone in the YES movement did a brilliant job, and although the result was a disappointment, history will show that it was, by any measure, a massive leap forward for Scotland. It was just a bridge too far this time, but we are closer to independence now than anytime in the past 300 years.
I stopped at Dundee, by the silvery Tay, on the way home at the weekend. What wonderful clean air I breathed – it was marvellous to hang about in a real city of Independence. Then back home to smelly, filthy rich, dependent, Aberdeen!
I’m convinced the efforts of WoS and the WBB ensured that, on the day, YES broke the 40% barrier.
Here’s to the next barrier.
Thanks for the contribution Reverend.
Take care.
Thank you for everything,enjoy your break you deserve it…We look forward to your return…Hail Alba
Thanks for eveything Stu,
Here’s hoping for an internet ‘newspaper’ with you, WGD , Bateman etc.. as a counterpoint to the MSM and the BBC.
Thanks for all you’ve done, and enjoy your break.
Good quality independent media are rare and very important, so I very much hope you will continue to publish Wings. If you feel like branching out to cover a wider ranger of news topics, all the better. I’m happy to pay a contribution/subscription for you to keep going.
Have a good break Rev. We’ll still be here when you get back. Note sure if that’s an encouragement, but hey ho. 🙂
Is that you Michael?
Another snap referendum? Disrespectful of all those Naw voters and sounds vaguely fascist. “you will keep on voting until you deliver the party line”. Don’t forget the vitriol in Ireland arising from serial referendums.
It would be a much more positive message to work for a new Federal UK for England, Cornwall, NI, Wales, Scotland and the Islands complete with a Constitution, Bill of Rights and Supreme Court. A far better idea now than saying fuck you Jimmy to all those great people living across the UK.
Or is that just too big to bite off?
“It would be a much more positive message to work for a new Federal UK for England, Cornwall, NI, Wales, Scotland and the Islands complete with a Constitution, Bill of Rights and Supreme Court.”
Perhaps it would, but there’s absolutely NO fucking chance of it happening in a million years. If it’s all the same to you, we’ll focus on something with at least a plausible hope of becoming reality.
Have a good break Stu, you thoroughly deserve it. Allow me to recommend a tune for jumping around to – “Suspect Device” by Stiff Little Fingers. The lyrics seem very appropriate to current times – “They play their games of power, they cut and mark the pack. They deal us to the bottom, and what do we get back? Don’t believe them, don’t believe them, don’t be bitten twice!”
Look forward to seeing you back, energised and raring to go. Glad Wings is staying!
I think the current elderly demographic will be the last one who are generally getting their news from the BBC and STV, regarding what they are fed as gospel. Also the last grouping to be uninterested in social media.
As time passes, the circumstances in which another referendum can succeed will improve as more people connect to society bypassing conventional media.
Independence feels inevitable now. I just hope we don’t have to wait too long or go through too much more austerity before the rest of this country wakes up.
Thanks for all your input on this site, delivering papers and canvassing.
As for Stuart – great to hear you are returning to the fight after a well earned rest. Sounds like a plan.
Bugger the panda,
The rev would do well to put you and Paula Rose into moderation til he comes back!!
Happy hols rev!!! (I’ll be using as many exclamation marks as I please once your backs turned)
It must be difficult to have created something integral to the yes movement, and to feel the weight of it too, because so many look to wings as a resource for themselves, but also something we can recommend, knowing it communicates quicker and sharper where other equally brilliant blogs might take a bit longer or a use more florid take.
Make sure you do take a rest. As news flies you’ll be sorely tempted to hold on, but think of it like the flight scenario. You put your oxygen mask on first, not to be selfish, but to help others in the long run. And you have.
Have a gid yin , you deserve it !
Enjoy your well earned break don’t be gone to long though we would miss you to much
Dear Lazybones,
I hope youre using these few weeks to get the “How I learned to dismantle a Westminster Media Bomb” book written. The adventures of Rev Stu deserve to be chronicled and shared.
I look forward to the book tour, your audience awaits.
Glad to hear you’re carrying on, Stu! Enjoy your break. It’s been well earned. 🙂
Great news. And thanks again. Peace
Every now and again history throws up people who make history. Have a good break, re-charge and then come back to lead the next charge.
Glad you are carrying on – democracy needs you.
I have often argued, and heard others argue, that the EU referendum will be a Yes (to leave) in England and a No in Scotland. Whilst it can’t be ruled out, YouGov opinion polls show, although it is close, No to be ahead for most of this year.
‘I have often argued, and heard others argue, that the EU referendum will be a Yes (to leave) in England and a No in Scotland. Whilst it can’t be ruled out, YouGov opinion polls show, although it is close, No to be ahead for most of this year”
It’s by no means certain on either side of the border. But it’s a very real possibility.
Have fun Rev.
Enjoy the seaside and come back refreshed, less rotund and raring to go 🙂
Rev – enjoy your well deserved holiday, which I’m sure will be all the more enjoyable, being funded by Euan McColm? 😉 Hee, hee.
Waving, not drowning.
Appreciation here for all your work Stu.
Here’s hoping you have a well earned rest.
YesTroon met last night for a meal, some wine and a lively discussion. We’re ready to go. Next up a South Ayrshire coordination meeting.
With your batteries recharged I keenly look forward to your acute angled analysis on the “Affairs of State”.
@ annie – Totally agree with your post esp. ‘almost obsessive’ & ‘informed plus aware’. Can I add a rider to that and use ‘sharpened or honed’. Rev Stu has taught us all? to question the lies, the motives of the MSM and improve our own investigative techniques.
With an encyclopedic reference section backed up with daily posts there is nothing else like this on the WWW.
Thank you Stu and enjoy your vacation.
you’ve done a herculean effort so far Rev. Dundee and Glasgow should be giving you the keys to the city. Have a good break. We’ll all be here when you get back 🙂
Moderation!!! Moi!!!
Good to hear your up for round 2 Stu. Enjoy your break and can you send us a postcard please?
Enjoy the rest you deserve it, no rush to get back as long as you’re back for Broonie’s next expected milestone of his wonderful timetable. I await with bated breath for the crap that’s gonna be spun. Especially how he is gonna get round the claim he made about making the Scottish parliament “permanent” that should be highly entertaining. Happy hols Stu. Best wishes.
link to
In what amounted to a rallying cry to MPs to back military action when Parliament is recalled on Friday, the prime minister warned that Britain must not be so “frozen with fear” of repeating the mistakes of the Iraq war that it failed to take on the “psychopathic, murderous, brutal” jihadis.
The object of Project Fear in the Referendum is to terrify
the elderly in Scotland – mission accomplished.
But now, rule change, “Britain (note not UK)) must not be
so frozen with fear” to go to war against ISIS in Iraq.
A pre-arranged move with the US BEFORE the Referendum
kept secret until after the No result.
A Yes result would have meant rUK going in alone
So all you No voters, this is all your responsibility.
This is all your FAULT.
But tell me, since you voted NO,
are you still thinking that we ARE BETTER TOGETHER.
Good to have you back. We need you.
Aye Stu , I’m having a five days off myself, I think we may both be wee bittie pished tonight.
Sometimes even the good guys lose, but they always seem to come back bigger and better.
Enjoy your break.
You opened our eyes Rev, go and close yours for a while, you deserve it.
I take heart in the fact that you have ridden this roller coaster with us all.. the highs and the lows.
Without good people like yourself we wouldn’t have had a chance in hell.. but we did and now we are stronger than ever!!
The fight must, and will, go on.
Enjoy ur break friend. See you soon.
Opened my eyes to so much, I’m a different person now. Thanks for your commitment, effort, energy, enthusiasm. We definitely need people like you, proving there is no borders (apart from No Borders). x
Pfff… It’s such a pity the UK is NOT in the Schengen zone. You could at least have come over here in France or in Italy (or even Malta) to get a bit of Sun (weather forecast is incredible for the week to come), even without a passport. Sun AND good food… Alas.
Try to enjoy it nevertheless. It’s time for a “GURU MEDITATION” 😉
Delighted you’ve decided not to pack it in – what a relief. Looking forward to business as usual being resumed.
Plus 1 to Morag and Quinnie’s comments but no jogging or such like, it’s bad for you, especially if you have a bottle of beer in your hand at the time 🙂
Kind regards
Just a big thank you for your dedication. Your short break is more than well deserved.
Yep so true. We all knew that the No voters would now have to sit back and reap what they have sewn.. just a pity they didn’t open their eyes wide enough to see it!!
You are the true star of this whole struggle. If and when you need money or anything else to keep going let us know. The debt we owe you is huge.
I was heartbroken and in bits at the weekend and was raging at having been conned out of a safe and happy future. I was all for leaving the country never to return. Last night, however, I walked into a bar in Glasgow that was full of yes folk excitedly talking about what to do next. The passion of the people there was amazing, even if some were still smarting just like me. So I’ll mourn and I’ll grieve, but I will carry on the fight and won’t give up. I’m glad Stu is going to continue, too. Have a great holiday and relax, Stuart. We need you now more than ever.
Thank you for this news.
In the meantime, with all our new wingers, can you fill the interim period by repeating some or all of the Articles from the archives of WoS – TO REMIND OUR NEWBIES that we had genuine grievencies and worries that drove many like me to spend an entire life voting for Indy.
Scott Minto`s article “A Chocolate Teapot” on the Trident threat to Scotland`s Largest Population in Glasgow and Central Scotland is terrifying.
I am still truly gutted by the Indy Ref result but I really want to move on to the next bout that is only 7 months from now – the WM General Election.
WE, SNP Voters and members have an enormous mountain to climb – IF we are to overcome the average SLAB scab Majorities that are over 8,500 per constituency.
19 x SLAB scab MP`s with Majorities at over 10,000 votes.
One constituency saw SLAB MP in EMBRA SOUTH – Ian Murray – who holds a 2010 Majority at only 316 votes.
Unfortunately, SNP came a distant 4th. in 2010 – nearly 12,000 votes behind.
Since 1967 I, and many others were confronted with bigger obstacles and huger mountains, and after all those years we got within a whisper of Independence.
Let`s get back to the REAL purpose of WoS and tear apart the LIES of SLAB scabs who only last week were desecrating fellow Scots and slab voters with the insult of NAZI`s.
Thanks Rev.
FOR staying the course – and with the coarse.
If I have upset or annoyed anyone since last week, I can only offer my humblest Apologies.
With “WINGS” – staying on board for the long term – I am kinda rejuvenated.
Enjoy the English Riviera. its your home from home.them there foriegn parts, haha.
Have a great holiday! Take the photos of the 1937 pamphlet I sent to you on your iPad for some holiday reading!
Appreciate what you admitted about Glasgow there Stu. Glasgow may be home to a few far-right bams but we now know for sure that they arr a minority.
You thoroughly deserve the break, take some serious “Me Time” and come back energised and refreshed.
The Rev and the Wingers made a positive difference to the campaign and everyone is now keen to rid Scotland of the Red Tories. Let’s do this!
Thanks Stu. What would we do without you?
Haste ye back, but not too soon.
Thank you so much rev enjoy your rest and recreation deserved and well earned. You and the whole yes campaign has added a great deal to my life experience, thank you one and all lets not drop the ball.
Will look forward to a refreshed and reenergised point man.
Enjoy your very well deserved break Rev Stu. Thank you – and look forward to your return!
O/T a wee bit.
I’ve just received an email from the SNP asking me to introduce another member, which I will do but the email stated:
“More than 37,000 new members have now joined, doubling the SNP membership to over 62,000 – and that number keeps rising by the minute.”
That is a fantastic number of new members, if we all get behind one of the Yes parties we can drive out labour and force another referendum.
thanks for the last couple of years its ben great and I look forward to the next few years with more hope in my heart than I could have dreamed of, thank again
stu at 12.27
for all those who would like to send Stu tablet here is a microwave recipe (yes, I said “microwave”).
1/2 block of butter
1/2 tin of evaporated milk
1/2 bag of sugar
Big bowl
All ingredients in it.
3.5 minutes at full power – good stir
3.5 minutes at full power – good stir
3.5 minutes at full power – good stir
3.5 minutes at full power – good stir and beating
Pour into greased tray
A little longer on less powerful microwaves
You can put coffee, vanilla,lemon essence,peppermint essence etc in
If you go to France, avoid Paris, Mercedes cars and Parisian underpasses,
It’s the fruit cider Stu, it’s too nice…
Take it easy, and we all look forward to having you back leading the next charge. Thanks Rev.
Most of us knew you were not a quitter because if we’re not, then why should you be.
All we ask for are some articles to get our teeth in to, then let the ideas flow.
Have a nice holiday. 🙂
Thanks for all your hard work Stu, you have kept us all sane!
Without Wings, we would have been nowhere near 45%.
Remember your bucket and spade, you can build a nice long wall with border posts and everything!!
I know just how you feel, Rev Stu. Not only myself but the wee papillon bitch are now on a strict diet. Trouble is I’m a bit disabled and lots more exercise is really not an option and now the campaign is just ticking over I’m wondering what to do with myself.
Mind you I have a lot of video stuff that could be reviewed, edited and filed for future use. Have a good break and sincere thanks.
Really glad you’re staying!!!
Have a great break & get that passport application off because you’ll need to pace yourself for the next 3 years & that SHOULD involve taking up some of these numerous holiday offers.
I hope that you enjoy your holiday Stuart and return refreshed.We need you now as much as ever.I’ve sent a small contribution, with more to follow from time to time.
Perhaps the bloodletting on Wings yesterday did some good.I hope so.Everyone is exhausted.It’s as if we have pushed a gigantic boulder up a mountain, only to have it slip from our grasp inches from the top.The good thing though is that it has only rolled back a bit.After a rest, we’ll be ready to make a final effort and achieve our goal.
There is our campaign soubriquet
Round 2
ding ding
You will rest, I will rest, we all will rest, the desire for independence will NEVER rest.
Thanks Joe Swan
Round 2
All of the above. Plus, I followed AS’s example and tried the 5:2 diet. Needless to say, like most things AS says, it works. And you don’t even have to be very strict about it.
Good luck and I will check every day just to see if you can stick to your resolve!
Minehead or Weston-Super-Mare? I know. Let’s vote on it.
Ditto from me to all of the above sentiments.
Enjoy your break.
O/T well it does concern the REV.
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Enjoy your break, I think that is pretty much spot on, in terms of re-charging your batteries, analysis of where the land lies and the way ahead.
We live in interesting times and I for one would like to make them really, really interesting for those that stood against independence.
Yay! So glad you’re going to keep on keepin’ on, Stu. Best thing I’ve heard all day.
I do hope Stuart Hosie runs for Deputy. He has been most impressive throughout this campaign, though we really are spoiled for choice with such a wealth of sound candidates to choose from.
Tweet from Peter Murrell on : –
Peter Murrell Clap along if you feel that’s what you wanna do. Because it’s now 37,228 new @theSNP members. Total 62,870. Join in:
It is great relief you are carrying on. Take a long break until you feel the energy coming back.
Then and only then, before you get restarted, maybe read up on some recent Noam Chomsky to get those MSM antibodies fully fired up.
Enjoy…you’ve earned it.
Have fun Stu! 🙂
Really happy to see that Wings will continue (as we all will) with the quest for independence.
I sincerely believe that without your services, we would have been in the 30’s, percentage wise last week. We ALL made a difference, albeit not quite enough, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
@BtP :
Any grievance for Paris? Why would you use underpasses when the weather is so nice? (Sunny, 20°C)?
Enjoy your rest, I think you’re going to need it, interesting times ahead. Round 2…….
Does anyone know how to get the new article of Iain Macwhirter’s on the Herald? I tried, but it blocked me. He usually worth reading.
Thank you for ALL your time and commitment. Have a good rest, look forward to hearing from you again soon.
My life has changed too, and I’m raring to go again!
Can’t wait till you get back Stu, but enjoy your break. Come back with sand between your toes!
Thanks again for your extraordinary effort for Scottish Independence!
Don’t worry Rev, if you aren’t going anywhere, then neither are we!
Come back raring to go because something tells me you are going to have to pick through a load of dross and lies and unfulfilled promises when you get back.
Either that or all Westminster will implode, which is looking more likely every day, and we can just start again without them. Easy peasy!
I just wanted to add my gratitude to you Stu. Over the last two and half years I have learned an enormous amount from your good-self, Scott Minto and Douglas Daniel and many others on this site. I have never been more informed about the in and outs of politics and still learning all the time.
I would never have dreamed of joining a political party before, but I did yesterday by joining the SNP. The words that will always stay with me that you wrote on the other site before moving to this new home, is ‘sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul’stayed with me throughout this whole referendum campaign and now beyond that. Have great time off you deserve it mate and I look forward with everyone else to the next stage of the campaign going into the future wherever that takes us.
Enjoy your break Stu,you deserve one!
I lost a few pounds the last week before the vote,so busy I kept forgetting to eat.
The meadows stall will be back on saturday by the way,11am,in its usual place because we love it so much.
It will be a ‘ Joining up info stall'(sorry about the rubbish name) and we will have info on membership of all the YES parties.
We are NOT going away,Scotland is too important to us for that!
Can I add that reading Bugger’s comment about avoiding Paris and underpasses made me laugh, however without wishing to worry you, I wouldn’t put anything past ‘them’.
Mind your back!
This McWhirter article? I ain’t going near the paper I bought daily for decades; the one that became just a crossword habit.
link to
Enjoy your break, you deserve it. Come back with your batteries recharged and ready to go again.
At the risk of being banned,I gave you my stone and a sole skill appears to be delivering leaflets but doing that day in day out only having coffee to keep you going sure movies the puppy fat.
With no passport Stu you’ll be restricted to the EU. Watch out for the border posts, guards, dogs on chains etc.
But most importantly relax, wind down, and then come back.
Have good one Rev. Thanks for everything you have done. You are worth a million votes!
Have a very well deserved break Rev.
Thanks from a hell of a lot of people for cutting through the sh#t that we were dished up daily from papers and TV.
I think he had this planned, he didn’t want to be the 7 stone weakling on the beach so he’s gone as an 8½ stone one instead. We’ll just have to see how the dynamic tension of building sandcastles versus tearing the heads off churnalists pans out. Either way it’ll be a better
Charles AtlasRev that returns. 🙂 (For the grammar patrol, it’s an epanorthosis, see)If you need a sub for bucket and spade or a kiss-me-quick hat, let us know.
Haha! Just read about you compo from the Scotsman. Should have been way more the damage it caused.
Have a great holiday on them! They must be choked.
Have a good one Stu, you deserve it, if only for the fantastic Wee Blue Book alone.
By the bye, the wee blue book’s Facebook page has added over an astonishing 1,000 likes SINCE the 18th. And the website is still averaging around 300 sessions a day since then too.
Thanks for everything Rev, looking forward to the journey ahead.
Good on you Stu. Enjoy the well deserved rest and mind your bucket and spade. Drop a postcard if you get the chance 🙂
Stop slacking Rev and pick up thy bed and walk.
There are many webs, blog, facebooks and twitterers. WOS soars above them for its quality of factual research and is much needed in the run up to English Parliamentary election where we can send enough MPs with a BIG ENOUGH MNAJORITY NEVER TO HAVE TO GO BACK THERE AGAIN.
If you are looking for a new heavenly title, how about: “Eggs Over London”.
I am one of the lurkers on this site been enjoying the reading and banter here and more importantly this site has singled handedly got me fired up and ready to fight for what scots deserve, I wanted to say huge thanks to all involved here at WOS and to let you know the work you put in is really appreciated, I am now an SNP member and have just recruited another 2 family members we are becoming an unstoppbale force!
No, the new article in the Herald.
enjoy your break and when you come back you can help keep their feet to the fire
Great news that you are going to carry on Stu. Losing Wings would have been a bitter blow.
We continue to live in interesting times.
Have great break.
And my contribution added via paypal just to keep the wheels turning.
Watched “The Wind that Shakes the Barley” last night. Not a cheerful film (or song) but a timely reminder of the cost to our Irish cousins of gaining their independence. Can the British state accept democracy now?
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Prefer the idea of independence being gained by a mass rapid movement of the will of the Scottish people, and that is happening.
Thank you, Rev – you are a strength and hope – YES for Scotland will never go away – YES for a decent society different from the ugly one Westminster is developing in England and wishes for us – YES until we can say “Yes we’ve done it”! In the meantime, our focus needs to be on a strong SNP AND strong Greens, strong SSP and encouraging RIC – for a combined continued YES challenge to Westminster and for hope.
Enjoy your break. I believe the positive response of our movement has caught the Unionists out big time. They thought they had slammed the lid on us, but we are more resilient than they (or even many of us) thought we could possibly be.
We have political milestones ahead that provide focus, a mass of activists keen to achieve success, recent experience of cross-party and cross-organisation cooperation, a developed/developing online media presence, wide use of social media and critical analysis of our failings.
The recent membership surges for the SNP, Greens and SSP must mean that there is a “Yes Party” member for every 50 or 60 voters. Not everyone can or will be active, but those numbers indicate the level of contact that can now be achieved.
All this must stand us in good stead for the challenges ahead.
Thank Christ. You’re a pivotal hub in this whole thing Stuart. Have a great holiday and haste ye back.
Good to know you will be at the forefront(again) of the campaign for a free and independent Scotland.
Enjoy your time at the seaside.
Is Stu gone yet – I’m missing him already.
Is he still here – Stu ? Stu-u?
Not a sound – he’s gone.
What was that?
I just heard the door banging.
Stu, thank you for all you’ve done. But, seriously, lay off the junk food – anima sana in corpore sano.
Your Wee Blue Book is still at work as we move on to Stage 2.
I put on weight in the last two weeks of the campaign, not because I wasn’t, literally, running around canvassing, delivering leaflets, getting the vote out etc but because I put my normal running program on hold to have both time and energy to devote to the referendum.
I’m enjoying getting back into it. 6X200m intervals finishing with 3miles last night and I feel fantastic. A change as good as a rest.
Mealer says
“Bugger the panda,
The rev would do well to put you and Paula Rose into moderation til he comes back!!”
Oh oh, I wouldnt want to be you when Miss Pi er I mean miss Paula puts those stilletos on ,
oohh that’ll leave a mark
The way to see if he’s gone is to put 4 ! together. Of course it means an instant ban and 3 months of premoderation but if you think its worth it …
Muttley. Join the EU Citizens for An Independent Scotland FB Group. They have MacWhirter’s article in full. Decent read but a couple of Federalist clichés not to my liking. One, it really is a promotion piece for his own long-held preferred option which, as Prof John Kay pointed out in his FT piece yesterday, is unlikely to work (the UK doesn’t do federalism ‘at home’…only seeks to impose it in the colonies). Two, he is not wholly comfy with the grass-roots upsurge…’getting out of hand’ is one of his quotes. What I read into this is two-fold: one, it does not differentiate him in attitude from the mainstream conservative small ‘c’ establishment view that the masses are revolting, unruly and must be checked in their ambitions. Two, that somehow Civic Scotland is going to suddenly find its balls and hold the Smith Commission to account on behalf of the great unwashed.
Eh no it isn’t. Civic Scotland is a largely supine, neutral (neutered?) creature that will go with the flow. Ordinary people – individuals – need to get on it like a car bonnet and absolutely not expect STUC or Scottish Chambers or the Kirk or any part of civic Scotland to fight for the totality of required powers to make a job-creating, socially-just difference up here. Anything for a quiet life will be Civic Scotland’s motto. Path of least resistance etc etc.
They had no guts to fight Westminster during that amazing two years; they aint going to start now. So we mustn’t let anyone be seduced by the Siren song and crocodile tears of mainstream lickspittle establishment Scotland (Daily Record, Labour et al) as they come a-courtin’ the Yes Movement.
Enjoy your hols Stu. I suspect you might not get another until around 2020!!
Have a break – have a Kit-Kat, second thoughts – forget the Kit-Kat! Tablet though…
Meanwhile the Common Weal is just getting going again. You will all enjoy Robin McAlpine’s The Rebellion: Phase Two link to
Independence supporters and voters have the choice of three parties to join. There is the Scottish Greens, the SNP and SSP. 1.6 million voted Yes last week. Obviously not all Yes voters are going to join a independence supporting party, but if as many as possible do, then the chances of changing Scottish politics forever increases. It also maintains the pressure on the unionist parties to deliver on their promises.
Good, get some rest Rev, and welcome to 2.0
labour say that they will repeal the health and social care act, but in practice this won’t matter if the NHS is not excluded from TTIP.
the tories are intent on going ahead with TTIP.
link to
A great barometer of how my day is going to go is to, first read Alan Cochrane in the morning with my tea,and the more insane he gets, the happier i know i’m going to be……He does make me laugh
Over not of!
Please don’t link to MSM pages. You can link to an archive page thus preventing them from getting ad fees from clicks. I don’t click on these links now so miss out on the info. But it would be good to have a collection of archive links to limit the damage.
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Noticed at my local shop that most msm headlines were SNP bashing,
seems like that will be their narrative for the upcoming months.
Even the impending illegal military operations against Syria didn`t seem to register. The uk once again sleepwalking into a war which benefits only our imperialist masters.
Tommy Sheriden blasts the BBC.
Take a look on the website, its good.
Powerful new article from Richie Venton, SSP:
‘The Struggle Continues…’
link to
Well Stu , if you want to lose a stone and a half ,I think there is a boot camp in Yorkshire which gets you up at sparrowfart , makes you run up hills but feeds you healthily and according to my lovely daughter you hate the organisers to start with , you grow to love them by mid week , you sleep like a log on a bunk bed and you’ve lost loads of inches round thighs and bumpsadaisiesn and by the end of the week you want to move in.
On the other hand , the work you have done on behalf of us hungry fledglings and for Scotland , I think a blob out would be much better for you and you can worry about the weight when you get back.
Have a cracking holiday and THANK YOU.
Come back refreshed and ready to take things on. A lot of people are standing alongside you. Thanks for all you’ve done, and will do. The dream WILL become reality.
McWhirter’s article in full, linked from Yes Clydesdale
link to
Glad your taking a wee rest stu – come back fighting for and ready to go.
Relax about Stu’s health folks.
Recently he told us that he’d driven to the outskirts of town late one night for a bit of a break. If his favourite route is north for this habit then trust me, if he goes without the car he will shed 1 and a half stone in weeks.
It’s hillier than Aviemore!!!
Stu, more than anyone else in this campaign, you deserve a break and a battery recharge!
Have a good long break Rev. you deserve it
Cheers big yin (your spirit not your weight 😉 )
Take it easy
We,re not going anywhere. Nothing else to do but keep fighting.
Have a good break, Rev.
Looking forward to the new media plans which you say are afoot. Let’s challenge the unionist media as well as the unionist politicians.
Back with you after the break
muttley79 says:
“Independence supporters and voters have the choice of three parties to join …. if as many as possible do, then the chances of changing Scottish politics forever increases. It also maintains the pressure on the unionist parties to deliver on their promises.”
Just joined the SNP. First time a political party member. The more the better.
Yes, changes things, keeps up pressure, they have promises to keep.
We should prepare ourselves for them defaulting …. And then then it’s game on for IndyRef II !
Great news Stu ,it just would not be the same without our daily diet of WOS
Enjoy the break see you when you get back.
Cheers, but that article is still covered up by the pay screen.
Have a relaxing break Stu ! Haste ye back.
Take your bucket and spade. Maybe you’ll strike oil on the south coast and the Tory bastards will leave us alone.
??? Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside
I do like to be beside the sea!
I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom!
Where the brass bands play:
So just let me be beside the seaside
I’ll be beside myself with glee ???
He hehe he (wicked laugh)
Have a good one Rev, recharge those batteries. It was close.
Peter Piper (aka dadsarmy)
Hard NOes too. I rocked a few into being “don’t knows”. Probably voted NO in the event, but they were shaken even if not stirred!
While i did not agree with everything you have posted over the campaign, i can say that you were the main reason from turning me from a NO to YES. As many other people have said enjoy your break, you have earned it.
another way to look @ the yes campaigns achievements is that we achieved 45% of the vote, with one sunday newspaper supporting yes, and most MSM supporting no.
vote yes for an uncharted, but with well known prospects of a future that we knew would be much better, than we have now, especially in light of MSM revelations of the past few days.
i am disgusted with a system that is set up to plunder the energy and the capital of the masses, and fail to understand how voting for the retention of such a system, is a cure for it’s ills.
TTIP you know it makes non-sense!
Sir,I salute your indefatigueability as some old hypocrite once said .Your support will help us prevail.Thank you.
So glad that Wings over Scotland will keep flying but, seriously, you must be knackered after the work that you’ve put in. I suppose like many WOS has become my first port of call for indy news and links over the pst few months and it would be sadly missed. As you say there are now many projects flying off in all directions post-referendum and by the time you return the smoke of battle may have cleared somewhat. Take time, reflect, and I hope you come back stronger than ever.
I have to assume everyone saw the desperate ,frenzied almost hysterical pleadings by the three numpties sweat pouring off the end of the increasing nose size, fighting for their own pension no else’s, and the statements regarding pensions , euro, currency and of course the dwindling North Sea oil,but failed to mention the results from finds on the west coast and the expansion of Sullom Voe . No one asked them 1, why was the Macrone Report kept sercret and to many still is 2 why was the border in the North Sea realigned, I was told by my politician that “WE ARE ALL ONE COUNTRY”
We also need to work on setting up our own bank. (Just in case you were all thinking of taking a break like Stu).
Thanks a bunch for your help over the piece Stuart. Take a well deserved break-we’ll be here when you come back?
Send us a postcard. Enjoy your R & R.
Well done to all….enjoy your break.
Well done mate.Very well earned rest.
A million thanks.Or 1.6 million to be more exact.
Hope you have a great break and we all look forward to you returning with your batteries re-charged ready for the surge to FREEDOM, from the CORRUPT ConSlabDems and MSM (Main Stream Mafia).
Sorry if it has been mentioned earlier, but let us know if you need any top up for the Holiday Money or in the near future to keep it all going. We can’t have you being short changed after your truly magnificent effort.
For nearly 3 years whenever someone comes out with “you Nats / gnats / gnatz” in a thread, seeking to show that Independence was an SNP thing only and therefore doomed to fail, I’ve been able to reply “I’m not a member of any party, never have been and probably never will”. It’s been a strength I think.
Well, It’s now obvious to anyone that it isn’t all SNP, and the next referendum will be very different – and a much shorter campaign (less than 6 months).
So I joined the SNP, their membership is now nearly 64,000, catching up the whole UK membership of the Conservatives, and a big force to be reckoned with.
I understand the apolitical, non-aligned, I was one, and largely still am. But there is strength in numbers, as well as diversity.
I think perhaps the SNP should allow membership of more than one party, from a look at advances, it looks like the total membership of the SNP will slow down increasing to a total of about 70,000. 100,000 would be even better.
Interesting comment from mcwhirter
We may have inadvertently mobilesed the no vote too
I think this May have been caused by FB and also canvassing every door, we need to ensure that the nos don’t wake up for the ge in May
Have a good holiday
Ian brotherhood.
Cracking article . Real fighting talk. We YESSERS are not going away.
Big lump in my throat when i read the article. Thank you. This is the place I changed from No to YES. And i lurked for months without comment because i thought i was only part of a few . I read hundreds of folk saying the same. i also felt foolish for doing nothing. It’s been a roller coaster ride so far and i do NOT want to get off .
Enjoy some R&R and come back with your usual gusto. You deserve much more.
P.S. If your looking to shed some pounds, a liquid diet doesn’y work. Stopped drinking pints for wee bottles and put on a stone.
Please check out and sign up to newsnet Scotland’s petition for EBC Scotland to be transferred to the responsibility of holyrood and hopefully become a fair and honest new Scottish broadcaster. SBC perchance, please give it your consideration and if possible your support. Thank you.
I’ll say it again.
You’ve got talent, Stuart, and you use it well.
Thanks for all your hard work.
All the best.
“Rev Stu has no regrets about taking a well earned break” – said Bella Caledonia (allegedly)
“Rev Stu has many regrets about taking a break from WOS and decides to recuperates in England” – said the BBC (allegedly)
It just keeps growing – as Nick Robinson said about his nose:
Here’s another tweet from : –
“Peter Murrell Doo wop be dooby do eye! New members 38,032, in total 63,674. Sing shang-a-lang and run with @theSNP gang. Join now:
I see the Sun (South Britain) is setting about Miliband. I It is my view that the media in the UK has swung pretty firmly to the right – Labour in the run up to the election are going to get their own medicine heaped back in spades in the run up to the election. The Record and Herald may stick with Labour but I am not sure they will get much succour from elsewhere.
My sympathy will be limited.
Just in to see this excellent news. Enjoy your break man, and come back stronger than ever. We’ll be here waiting.
@Tony Little
Saw your posting in the other thread – should you bother in the media forums? No idea! I gave up the Herald after managing the usual early morning postings both Sat and Sun (Peter Piper), but looking at the Friday threads was astonished to see “the usual suspects” having carried on posting as though nothing had happened, every soon after the result was obvious. Such courage and strength. A real “get it up ye” to the unionist posters who actually looked rattled!
Maybe take a break like the Rev, and think about it.
Have a well-earned break. Looking forward to your return to take part in what looks like being an even more exciting period than the one just past. If that was what democracy in action looked like, I can’t wait for more!
Craig Murray on bombing
link to
Muttley sorry about that, it was there in full when I visited and I should have archived. I guess the Yes Clydesdale freebies must have been used up now.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the powerful lies of MSM. It’s been a shocking revelation to me and I’m so grateful to you for relentlessly highlighting the depths they will go to to protect the rotten establishment.
Enjoy a well deserved break. And hurry back.
Yeah, this’ll do nicely.
Have a good one Rev.
If you have Firefox, copy the Herald URL in there and you can read the article. You need to delete cookies in your browser so that the Herald paywall cookie doesn’t exist any more. Firefox also allows you to control this type of cookie action. I find it best to use a separate browser for paywall sites but since I don’t read MSM now it’s not so important.
and anyone who’s a wee bit vague about neo-Liberalism.
David Cameron is going to try on Friday to get Parliament to sanction
going to war alongside the Americans in Syria.
War is bad right ? Wrong, not if your a Neo-liberal.
To a neo-Lib, war is good. Why ?
Without regular wars, the arms industry, here and the US, would suffer.
link to
Production would be cut back, redundancies would follow, tax revenues
would decrease and so on, and no one wants that now do they?
And because the arms industry is owned by wealthy businessmen and
shareholders, all neo-Liberals of course,
no wars means they would suffer too,
as would the politicians who are on the payroll of the
aforementioned businessmen.
Did we not hear till we were sick hearing it, during the
Referendum debate, that if we gave up Trident,
thousands of jobs would be lost and the local economy would collapse.
This is how a neo-liberal thinks-step forward Messrs.Lamont& Baillie.
By this logic, all the Nazi concentration camps
of World War 2 would have been kept going because thousands of jobs
would be lost if they were shut down
and the local supply economies would have collapsed
resulting in untold misery to local communities.
So just keep the jews and gypsies and disabled in there.
It’s good for business.
This is the way a neo-Liberal thinks.
Does anyone really think that one of Britain’s biggest Liars
is going to war to actually help somebody in need?
David Cameron, the PM, is a Conservative Neo-Liberal.
Most Conservatives AND a majority of Labour are too.
That’s why, on Friday, the UK will go to war.
And untold death and suffering will be the result
but it’ll be worth it
because there’s a fortune to be made here
through armaments sales,
and we neo-Liberals are gonna make it.
And that’s what all you No voters signed up to.
It could have been SO, SO different
but you were afraid to lose your home comforts
and as a result we’re going to war.
Yes, this is what you chose.
David Cameron is only going to war
Enjoy your day; I hope your comfortable .
May God help the people under the bombs.
You No voters could have saved him the trouble
but hey-ho, that’s life as a neo-Liberal.
Miliband is going to get monstered by the exact same political forces he was supporting against Scottish self determination. He is nowhere near the calibre of politician of Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Patrick Harvie etc either. Labour are going to get pounded by the MSM in particular. This is the guy SLAB are pinning their hopes on! 😀 I for one have absolutely no sympathy for them.
So abrupt and scathing, but sadly so true. People in the middle east dying because of the economic warmongering of the West. For those who say – but these people are dying at the hands of IS etc. . Who the hell set this whole thing off in this scale !!! Yes us and the people we support. It’s so shameful.
26 here!
Great debt owed to you by #the45. Have a nice holiday and then come back.
Further to the vote tomorrow. I recommend emailing your mp or going via local forum for them to state their position. earlier I posted this on the Kintyre forum to Alan Reid MP
Open Letter to Alan Reid
Dear Mr Reid,
As you are being recalled to Westminster to vote on who the UK is going to bomb next I would like you to explain how you will vote and the reasons for doing so, please?
As you were already ecstatic about Bombing Syria the last time the vote came up, where you voted YES, alas only to be outvoted, I guess you will calling for Yes this time too? I would expect that if you do vote Yes it is with a full international legal basis to do so.
Therefore, could you also explain what measures under international law authorizes the UK to Bomb Syria ( backed I am sure with full agreement of the Security Council )?
And finally please explain to natives of Argyll and bute, as asked by former Ambassador,Craig Murray: “explain to me the precise mechanism by which our bombing Islamic countries helps prevent terrorist incidents in the UK.”
“We also need to work on setting up our own bank. (Just in case you were all thinking of taking a break like Stu).”
I think we will see projects like this.
So many people are sickened by RBS and HBOS
I am sure a a crowdfunded, mutual society owned by thousands of Scottish people would be a success.
Airdrie Savings Bank is the last independent Bank in Scotland and is seeing a surge in members.
Several well known Scottish entrepreneurs pumped money into it last year. Soutar, Grossart, Farmer, Murray etc
From their wiki page.
“We believe the mutual principle is fundamental to the integrity of the bank. We are doing this because so many Scots are dismayed at what has happened within the banking sector”
Enjoy a well deserved break!
Definitely the wrong Miliband. My wife who has little interest in politics (still voted YES), can’t stand him. For her, he stole his brother’s job, pure and simple.
Ed is weak and not very intelligent. Lamont is far more clued up than him.
For us of course, Ed is the right Miliband 🙂