Serial Failure Fails Again
Kezia Dugdale, the hapless leader who took Scottish Labour to 14% in the polls, is one of the most extravagantly-paid people in Scotland who has no discernible talent or significance to public life whatsoever.
As well as being the Director of the John Smith Policy Centre (a job with no known responsibilities but which nevertheless pays around the same as being an MSP making laws in the Scottish Parliament) she writes regular columns in The Times and The Courier and is now, hilariously, the new Professor of Practice in Public Service in Glasgow University.
(A post with unspecified duties and unknown salary and which was also not, as far as anyone can tell, ever publicly advertised.)
We were bored so we thought we’d find out, via Panelbase, if her latest lucrative role was perhaps the result of a noticeably impressive performance in the first one.
Ah. Not so much.
Impressively, after three and a half years of diligent work to restore the public’s trust and faith in Scottish politics, almost a third of Scots have even LESS trust and faith in it than they did when Theresa May was still Prime Minister.
Of course we can’t in all honesty say we’re shocked at this development. Dugdale is a measurable imbecile best known for abandoning her constituents to wade through fish offal on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here when she was an MSP (a move for which Matt Hancock was today kicked out of the Conservative Party), and for cheating her dead best friend’s charity out of the money she was paid for it.
(She bizarrely tried to blame this on HMRC for quite properly taxing her on the fees for her Daily Record column even though she was giving the money away – rather than, say, just donating what was left AFTER tax, or doing the column for free and telling the Record to make a donation direct to the charity without involving her.)
But just who were the 17% of drunk blind idiots who said they had more trust and faith in Scottish politics since Dugdale took on the heroic task of cleaning it up? Only one party’s supporters delivered a majority of positive responses to the question, and it wasn’t the one Dugdale led into oblivion.
While Tories and Lib Dem voters have experienced a massive, crushing loss of trust and faith in the political process (by 53 and 35 points respectively), and only one in five Labour supporters thought she’d helped, answering in the negative by a 3:2 margin, it’s the voters of the SNP who regard the last three and a half years as some sort of demonstration that everything in Scottish politics is getting better on Kezia Dugdale’s watch.
Readers, we live in strange times.
[EDIT 7.05pm: Dugdale has swiftly piped up on the subject of Hancock in the Times. In the piece she tells the blatant lie that she signed up for the show because she feared she might need the money for legal bills after defaming this site’s editor with a disgraceful and entirely false personal smear.
But from day one of the case, Dugdale’s bills were being picked up by other people – first the Labour Party and then the Daily Record. And when she was found guilty of that defamation but won the case anyway on the defence that she was too stupid to know what she’d been doing, she kept almost all the TV money in her pocket, despite having previously pledged to donate “any and all external earnings” to MND Scotland “as a matter of principle”.
She also claims that the public were “forgiving” of her going on the show, which can only mean she either has no idea what the public thought, or is lying about that too.]
Hi Rev, been a long time since I posted a comment. Glad to see you’ve been less and less retired lately.
Keep up the great work.
Sorry if I’m being an idiot, but I just heard something about an SNP “backbench revolt” against her highness over self-ID??
Remember, I’m down here in Australia (just up the road from where Kezia made millions eating worms or whatever she did down at Murwillumbah), so forgive me if that’s old news but I immediately came over to Wings to get your take.
Any thoughts on this “backbench revolt”?
Yesterday when everyone was writing about the ‘SNP backbench revolt & self-id ‘Kezia was away’
I know this because it written at the foot of this article
Joan MacAlpine writes:
The SNP manifesto in 2021 said the government would “simplify the process” of gender recognition. It did not commit to “self-identification” of sex.
Nice work if you can get it
The salary band that Dugdale was preposterously granted at Glesga Uni. starts at £65.4k. A real kick in the haw maws for any actual academic doing actual teaching or research.
The JSCfPS still hasn’t produced any annual accounts accessible to the public. Any accounts that are submitted to the Scottish Government controlled, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator mysteriously disappear doon the back of the filing cabinet.
So who funds Dugdale and her staff of five at the JSCfPS? Almost certainly a joint effort on the part of Thames House and Foggy Bottom. If any accounts ever do see the light of day, the donations will be filtered through various front organisations.
Could it be Kezia Dugdale is prepared to take jobs nobody else wants?
Is that not how she became leader of Labour in Scotland.
Anyone know what ‘Reginald Lobstertails’ is doing these days.
The world is moving on. I think it’s great that nowadays employers are so willing to appoint folk with learning difficulties.
The John Smith Policy Centre, a unionist shibboleth, jam packed with House Jocks, and ex-mediocre politicians such as the Dug.
If it’s true that Kezia was the notorious troll Fifi la Bonbon (which is widely rumoured but has never been confirmed), and if indeed if was her nat-harrying in this role that contributed to her selection as a Labour candidate in the first place, then who says nasty internet trolling doesn’t pay?
Maybe something very sinister is going on at the John Smith Policy Centre and they need someone like Dugdale to do what’s she’s told and to keep her mouth shut about the dodgy goings on.
I haven’t read any of her Times articles. I wonder if she has a ‘ghost writer’ someone who wants info written in ‘The Times’ & ‘Courier’ and just used Dugdale’s name to do it.
What do you suppose ‘Kezia Dudgale is away’ meant?
Was she somewhere where she didn’t have access to a computer?
I have less trust in the Scottish Political Process and Politics than I had in 2019. I cant blame Dugdale for that though. I blame that Unionist Wokist Plant Sturgeon for that.
Checkout the website of the John Smith Centre for Public Service. Every opportunity to use the colours of the Trans-cult is greedily seized on regardless of context. I imagine they think this is somehow subtle and subliminal.
Their website has a serious testosterone deficit. The poor wee souls pictured make Ross Greer look like Hafþór Björnsson.
Vivian O’Blivion says:
1 November, 2022 at 4:54 pm
Checkout the website of the John Smith Centre for Public Service. Every opportunity to use the colours of the Trans-cult is greedily seized on regardless of context.
Dugdale like ‘whatshername’ from the Greens wants to get more ‘women’ into parliament. What better way to do this than to let men ‘self-id. as women?
I don’t miss Kezia Dugdale. She was one of the most infuriating politicians that flip flopped more times than a penguin.
The John Smith Institute is a rumoured MI5 recruitment ground for vichy Scots.
Where do they get the money from to pay Dugdale 65K grand a year I wonder?
Dugdale has clearly been rewarded for her services to the Union. She tried to take down Wings Over Scotland, she failed.
Still the biggest read political blog in Scotland. Keep the posts coming. We need your voice for our cause of liberty through Independence!
Hail Alba
It was Scott Adams of Dilbert fame who first observed that American politics is almost completely the preserve of those who have good hair.
Here in Scotland, it is reasonable to guess that we are more amenable to the persuasions of those politicians with good teeth.
I can confirm that the photographic evidence proves that Ms Dugdale has good teeth.
It might be no more complicated than that.
“Here in Scotland, it is reasonable to guess that we are more amenable to the persuasions of those politicians with good teeth.” – John Main
Aye, and those with no lips who blink furiously when asked a question about anything not written down in front of them and when it is.
Bald speccy guys wot look like dilbert are well represented, as are idiots in cardigans with leather auras.
Show me the policies, not the politicians. This isn’t ‘Murica, the land of the vain and insane on the wane.
Substance v style
Reminder: All vegetarians are Nazis and “If you decide your ideology based on personalities rather than facts you’re a drooling moron and please don’t read our website.”
JFC – the greatest cartoonist the yanks ever produced was Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side and I’ll *not unsurprisingly* fight anyone that says otherwise. All politicians taste like chicken.
since kezia has been completely invisible for the last 3.5 years, im not sure if anyones opinion on whether or not trust or faith in scottish politics has improved or otherwise is dependent on her. had you asked the question about some high hied yin like bojo, perhaps the results would be more meaningful.
the best way to make this question more meaningful would have been to include the fourth option
“who the fukc is kezia dugdale”?
Hey Stu, glad to see you posting again.. However, can I ‘add one’ to my ‘Alert Reader’ status:
‘after three and a half years of diligent work to restore the public’s trust and faith in Scottish public, almost’
Should that lasst ‘public’ be a ‘politics’?
Fail-upward trajectories like KDs make one think there must be some kind of Opus Dei-type organisation running Scotland we simply don’t know about. Or maybe that fraternal organisation is simply an informal one called “the Political Class.”
They’d at least have been honest if they had just bunged her a couple of £Million for services rendered rather than going through this tawdry charade.
A university education for a politician isn’t worth the paper qualification at the end.
Jenny Gilruth married a nimbecile.
Nicola Sturgeon married a *REDACTED*.
Natalie McGarry married a Tory lanyard.
Stewart Hosie married Shona Robison and then Angus MacNeil’s journalist lover.
Angus Robertson is married. And so’s his wife.
“Should that lasst ‘public’ be a ‘politics’?”
When you read who donates to The John Smith Centre, it reads more like a Tory Party Donors list.
A hotbed of Revolution it aint.
I thought there were university rules on who could be appointed a Professor?
Or can we all just self-id as professors?
It is Scotland after all?
Or is it?
Hey! Can Scotland just self-id as Norway? Problems all solved!
Why didn’t we think of this before!
We’re free! We’re free!
A professor???
Has she published any academic work in a peer-reviewed research journal?
Ha Cuillean!
Scotland to self-id is the way to go.Good one.
“she will have a broader role in promoting” the people she works with to “political and public policy figures” she knows
That about sums the job up (italics are quotes from the announcement Wings links to in article).
What does this absurd appointment say about Glasgow University ?
This is a university with an international reputation going back centuries. Like other Scottish universities, it is raking in money by charging foreign students sky high fees. Foreign students, not least those from China and South Asia, want value for their money.
If they conclude that they are paying top dollar to a second rate institution, they will vote with their feet.
These countries decided long ago that they could thrive without Scottish-built locomotives and ships. They may well make a similar decision about Scottish universities.
Heard that halfwit Dugdale on BBC Radio Scotland today (what a pile of middle class shite that station is) babbling on about how her constituents all supported her going on that programme, and would have done so themselves had they had the chance. Incredible that this woman actually gets paid for anything.
Her name is also an anagram of:
aide glazed UK
alike dud gaze
Delia gazed UK
Dalek egad Uzi
Dalek gaze IUD
dead gauze ilk
did gauze leak
dialed gaze UK
dike gaze laud
glazed idea UK
al dazed leg UK
a gazed idle UK
a gelded UK Zia
dazed IKEA lug
deal gazed I UK
dud elk gaze ia
Makes more sense than any of the pish she comes away with anyway.
She was on Radio Scotland between 4 and 6 being interviewed (recordings, I think); have a nose if you can be bothered.
I must remember to go back to 6 music earlier…
FFS shurely this just proves we are not JUST circling the drain we must be halfway down it, at least kes has 1 Scottish liebour attribute she isn’t too poor and she certainly isn’t too wee
Her appointment as a professor undermines absolutely the integrity of Glasgow University.
How many other joke professors are there in this clearly tainted college.
I for one would question the university’s academic integrity. Dugdale will be the tip of the iceberg. But you know what, I think many of us already knew that.
“A post with unspecified duties and unknown salary and which was also not, as far as anyone can tell, ever publicly advertised.”
It sounds like the same recruitment process used for the SNP pretend embassies.
Serial Failure now identifies as * Success * in gaily progressive Nu Scotland .
The more failures you have under yr belt the further you’ll economically/politically progress .
Sturgeon is in the process of writing the ultimate handbook for vacuous political narcissists/careerists
The Bunglers Bible . A Nu Testament of Lucrative Uselessness
Kezia Dugfail = merely the paradigmatic example . A Joan The Baptist figure , bringer of the Good News eg …no skill , integrity , honesty is required to smash that Fibreglass Ceiling and hit the bigtime .
It’s Boomtime For Bozos , baby
I like the description of a Nu Testament Robert Hughes.
No doubt with the displacement of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, our congregation can instead read the Gospel according to Saint Nicola and Saint Kezia.
Indeed, with the Tories, the Labour Party and the SNP now forming the Holy Trinity our deliverance will be assured. We will of course have to suffer a bit, and a bit, but once we get past the pestilence of fuel and energy shortages this winter, and declining incomes and living standards, I’m sure all will be delivered thereafter.
And no doubt God will guide us in our war with Russia. Saint Nicola has already declared that she would send warplanes to engage directly with the ungodly Philistines of the East and of course the Holy Church of Mother England has already got Christian Soldiers deployed into battle.
Believeth all ye in the great and glorious time to come and when all our mortal enemies will be vanquished.
In practical terms though, we just need to beat the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, Iran and the other states like India and many others who are now all aligning against Christendom, our Christendom.
God is on our side, we cannot fail.
@ Willie says:2 November, 2022 at 9:10 am
First off, I am disappointed that posts are straying back to the international situation so quickly on this new thread. But that seems to be unstoppable. Comment #30 is probably a new record though.
“In practical terms though, we just need to beat the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, Iran and the other states like India and many others who are now all aligning against Christendom, our Christendom”
That’s an interesting comment. Seems to me that we all need to ask ourselves the question: if we choose NOT to beat these nice peoples, what guarantee do we have that they will not beat us anyways, both because they can and because competition is an inexorable law of human behaviour.
Plenty of posters on here forever banging on about how badly these people have been treated by “us” in the past. BS of course, the people who were badly treated are as deid as are those who treated them badly.
But, the whiners and whingers truly believe that the descendants of the badly treated are entitled to take out their revenge on the innocent people of the west who were mostly not even born at the time the bad things happened.
What happens if these innocent people, essentially our kids and grandkids, say they don’t intend to bend over and take it?
Why do so many posters on here believe they have the right to authorise punishment to innocent westerners for the sins of their forefathers?
Now that really is a biblical notion. A notion I thought consigned to Scottish history books generations ago.
The Dug is also the Chair of Shelter Scotland, the House Jock threads runs deep in Scotland.
Cuilean @ 9:17 pm
“I thought there were university rules on who could be appointed a Professor?”
An applicant for a professorial role is expected to demonstrate significant published academic research output of international standing and hence have made a substantial contribution to knowledge. A PhD is normally expected, as is PhD supervision expertise, as is an extensive record of research publications in peer reviewed journals, and involvement and senior positions in scientific organisations, plus a lengthy list of peer-reviewed scientific conference presentations, international research project collaborations, appointed government advisory roles etc etc. This record is then reviewed by a panel of professors which include global leaders in the particular field of expertise of the applicant. None of the above seemed to apply to Ms Dugdale.
In recent times, however, professorships and senior university roles do appear to be awarded to academic administrators and ex politicians and public officials who have very limited academic research record/outputs, or even political success it seems – e.g.
Scotland’s ‘elite’ universities, which for some time have functioned like little more than international businesses primarily serving global elites (higher fees, less places for low fee or puir Scots bairns), remain the highest status conferring bodies in our society, aside from the Crown perhaps –
In my own research I was also saddened to discover that only around 11 percent of the academic staff at most of Scotland’s elite universities are actually Scottish.
For some reason a song popped into my head…
“Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl,
But that was 30 years ago when they used to have a show…
The UK government is building its forces up in Glasgow, and in Edinburgh the latter via Queen Elizabeth House, in Glasgow the UoG via The John Smith Centre will have the welcome doormat out for them as it has in the past.
“The John Smith Centre has joined forces with the UK Government’s Cabinet Office to run a series of public service masterclass events at the University of Glasgow.
By the end of 2023/24, the Cabinet Office will have around 400 members of staff based in Glasgow, with the headcount expected to grow. This is an incredibly exciting opportunity for a key function of the UK Government to build greater links both with the University of Glasgow and the wider Glasgow community.”
Republicofscotland says:
2 November, 2022 at 9:43 am
The Dug is also the Chair of Shelter Scotland, the House Jock threads runs deep in Scotland.
Unionist gatekeeping in action.
Alf Baird – Thanks for that. It is quite shocking. On doing some research, the Scots Govt, in 2020, ‘gave’ the John Smith Centre £475,000 of Scots tax payers’ money, to help ‘the poor’. Dugdale is a lot of things, but ‘poor’ she aint. Dugdale’s wife, Jenny Gilruth, SNP MSP, is best pals with Sturgeon.
As ridiculous as it may seem, Dugdale’s Professorship, no-show job is a performance bonus. Serial failure Dugdale has delivered the remit she was given. Thames House is pleased. The last year for which a figure is available (year ending 2018), MI5’s budget was £3.02 billion. £65k doesn’t even register.
The John Smith Centre for Public Service is a finishing school for middle class humanities graduates with political aspirations. Woke, androgynous, wee geeks who live to further the cause of identity politics. Carpetbaggers willing to carry out any order that’ll lead to that coveted seat on the big, yellow, gravy bus. Stepford politicians in the making, the next generation of our permanent managerial class.
The JSCfPS’s other brief is to provide a nexus of operation for our Anglo-American “approved” politicians. Sturgeon, Yousaf, Gilruth, McDonald and Nicolson rub shoulders with Baroness Davidson.
In its own way, the JSCfPS is a success. It was never intended to work at a grass roots level. All that “Promoting Trust in Politics and Public Service” guff is just cover for its real, covert work behind the scenes, deep in the corridors of power.
Indeed it is Breeks, Jack McConnell’s wife Bridget, was chair of Glasgow Live for twenty-four years. Bridget McConnell was also the Director for Culture and Leisure at Glasgow City Council.
There’s a big infestation of House Jocks in Scotland, that’s adding to the holding back of Scotland.
A wee bit of witticism from the Grouse Beater.
“What is wrong with Albanians pouring into Blighty? Good grief! I shall tell you, sir! Who wants people in one’s country with ‘Alba’ in their name?”–aHY54gsAAAA
If it wasn’t for the Peregrine falcon nesting in the Gilbert Scott tower, I’d probably agree with those saying we should demolish the joint and replace it with a huge statue of Idi Amin.
The place went to hell when I left… Uganda, I mean, not the Uni.
This whole Kezia story is a bit of a challenge for me. I don’t see any obvious way for me to turn it into some sort of profound moral issue that demonstrates my virtuous superiority…
I’ll think of something. Carry on.
@ Alf, Breeks, Republic: “11% Scottish academic staff”; “UK government building up its forces in Glasgow…”
OK guys – my blood is now curdled for the day.
I always thought John Smith was the last truly honest politician. A decent man. A man of integrity. But! If you believe in divine intervention, you have to wonder what dark deeds he committed to have spawned the repellant Sarah and have the imbecilic liar Kezia represent his name! Wait a minute! John! He wis religious! He liked bibles! Naw! It couldnae be! ??
@Kevin Cargill
WTAF !!!
Facts are publicly available.
Perhaps you should resume touch with reality?
Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill,_Baroness_Smith_of_Gilmorehill
“If it wasn’t for the Peregrine falcon nesting in the Gilbert Scott tower, I’d probably agree with those saying we should demolish the joint and replace it with a huge statue of Idi Amin.” – Hatuey
One of the reasons GHA are demolishing the Wyndford high flats is because they ‘spoil the view’ from the south. Who wants to see them in the background of a photo of such stunningly pointless architecture.
This obsession with preserving ‘historical buildings’ and nice views is holding society back.
I give you the woman with ‘wrong colour’ of front door in the New Town part of Edinburgh as an example. And New Lanark is a boring as fuck place to visit, but a walk is a walk, I guess. I studied it in O Grade History and being there prompted no memory of those lessons. There’s villages in D&G where double glazing had to be in keeping with the ancient character of the place – the really expensive kind, that looked stupid in situ.
History is boring if it surrounds you. And devotees are happy to earn a wage off the back of supposition and ‘the unknown is irrelevant, so we’ll just invent backwards and folk will believe it anyway’
If the science of history is accurate – print it and leave it there. Libraries exist for a reason. Facts v Non-Facts. Uni lecturers in the Arts aren’t librarians, they’re marketers.
Sorry but John Smith was a unionist.
He may have been upfront about that but he was a betrayer of Scotland.
Labour never did anything good for us, they lied, cheated, allowed England to steal our natural resources.
I could NEVER understand why he was allowed to be buried in Iona, the burial place of Scots monarchs.
Never forget his lying daughter, Sarah, a chip off the old block?
There is a professors council isn’t there?
Must be really great if you are a guy who discovered a molecule, or the gravitational wave and you see this gormless dullard sitting across from you in a meeting, telling you her opinions largely based on her feelings. And you can’t say anything because she has +1 woman privilege and a +1 lesbianism; these spells can only be countered by a +5 person of black colour, or a +10 trans.
That whole mission re “public trust in politics”? It’s easy, I will solve it
– they seem genuinely upset that “people don’t believe our lies anymore”; their solution is always “doubling down” i.e.
WE MUST LIE BETTER (and impose censorship)
The funniest thing about Keza’s role at the centre was that they claimed to have scoured the globe looking for the perfect candidate, only to find her, on their doorstep, when she was on her uppers, looking for a crust.
At the Jocko McCuckold Centre for Cringe-ology and Knife and Fork Job Studies, they all sing (to the tune of Donald wheres yir troosers)
“Keza, wheres yir publication list”
In a wider sense, if all the arts and social “sciences” faculties across every western uni were shutdown for a decade, it might fix a lot of the trouble. Grifting charlatans would find their level, e.g. Judith Butler, scrubbing toilets; hey, it does something positive for society.
It’s all a big lesbian conspiracy, I tells ya.
Alf Baird sets out quite clearly what is expected in the appointment of a university professor. Dugdale’s professorship could not be further removed from the criteria listed.
With burger flipper appointments like this, one wonders how many other chairs and appointments are similar. And it certainly calls into question the integrity of Glasgow University.
Indeed, as an aside, I have been told that there is a specialist unit in Glasgow University that has been working for the CIA modelling the impact of the application of economic sanctions being applied as part of the war against Russia.
No doubt the research will be a secret, a deep secret, and something to be kept away from public scrutiny. However, from what we can see from looking around, the results aren’t good as the UK economy utterly tanks with living standards, wages. pensions, and savings shrivelling
Kind of reinforces Glasgow University and all who sail on her a nothing less than a degree mill college with dodgy professors and academics trading on the University’s name.
Who you know, not what you know, that’s their ticket.
Confused says:
2 November, 2022 at 1:34 pm
The funniest thing about Keza’s role at the centre was that they claimed to have scoured the globe looking for the perfect candidate, only to find her, on their doorstep, when she was on her uppers, looking for a crust.
I think these Centres are just the equivalent of donkey or greyhound sanctuaries for expendable Unionists who have done their bit for the Union, outlived their usefulness, but of course, the Union doesn’t actually want them anywhere in their society and members only clubs, so they’re given some “Here you go, now fk off, I never want to see you again”, hush money.
Just throw them one of the cheaper gongs and a fat stipend for services rendered and hope they don’t make fools of themselves while pickling their livers in relative obscurity.
Plus of course, living on benefits from the Establishment is a juicy method of keeping them on a leash with their traps shut, so they’re discouraged from blowing their golden meal ticket by writing tell-all memoirs and rocking the gravy boat.
That might even be what we’re seeing with Sturgeon and Clinton’s entourage. That’s her donkey sanctuary being lined up, and it’s no accident that it’s as far away from Scotland as the UK Establishment can punt her.
When the infrastructures across Scotland are studied and the roots of funding are investigated. There is a strong case for Alf Bairds position of Scotland being Colonised.
It is obvious that from local Councils positions through to Scotlands education system to Scotlands new professors are often without the appropriate qualifiying criteria.
They are simple in place for colonisation purposes.
Scotland rarely has anyone in higher positions that are Scottish people with a love for their fellow man, Country of birth.
The major requirement is (whom) provides the best funding it seems, not loyalty and true Scottish education, Scots language, history and Scottish Culture.
These are being assimilated in to UK.
This has been a problem for Scotland since the last ” parcel o Rogues” whom sold a country they did not own, and were not Sovereign of at the time.
Unless of course you think Hillary Clinton genuinely reckons she really needs a Nicola Sturgeon in her life and campaign juggernaut….
All of Rishi Sunak’s leadership campaign pledges under review.
I found this comment particularly interesting with the 2014 indyref in mind and the drastic changes in circumstances since then.
“The prime minister’s official spokeswoman said that the pledges were made a few months ago, when the context was “somewhat different”.”
I suppose one of the universities of Scotland first notable ” Sale of Self” was when they sold themselves and Scots into a religion that others the articles of the treaty of union.
That was a early indication of a parcel of rogues sitting as heads of Scottish Univerities.
“Indeed, as an aside, I have been told that there is a specialist unit in Glasgow University that has been working for the CIA modelling the impact of the application of economic sanctions”
Willie @1.58pm.
Willie the UoA is a well known safe space for UK security services staff, Andrew Fulton a Glasgow University law professor, of which there were many questions as to his authenticity was unmasked as MI6.
“Andrew Fulton “– with no known academic credentials – suddenly pops up as a ‘professor’ of Law at Glasgow University and is sent as an ‘observer’ to Camp Zeist. When his cover was blown, it caused substantial embarrassment to both the University and to the Scottish legal authorities.”
“Baroness Margaret “Meta” Ramsay is a former MI6 operative and advisor to the late John Smith.”
She attended the UoG.
Aye anything with John Smith in its name is bound to be unionist like the man himself who was no friend of an indy Scotland.
Now we know what we know about Sturgeon the betrayer, a parades commission was never really on the cards in Scotland, hindering the unions footsoldiers who help to keep Scotland divided weakens the unions grip on Scotland.
“SCOTLAND has “no present need” for a Northern-Ireland style Parades Commission to look at restrictions on Orange marches, an expert group has concluded.”
And. for 2022.
“In total, Scotland will see 184 Orange Walks across 15 council areas in Scotland. Glasgow, which historically has held the most, will see the largest share – 81 (44%) this year. North Lanarkshire will see 30, West Lothian 20 and South Lanarkshire 14. In Falkirk, 12 walks are scheduled, as well as eight in East Lothian and four in both Renfrewshire and East Ayrshire.
Capital City Edinburgh will see three Orange walks, while South Ayrshire and East Renfrewshire will see two. West Dunbartonshire, Perth and Kinross, Inverclyde and East Dunbartonshire will all host one.”
James Che @ 2:28 pm
“I suppose one of the universities of Scotland first notable ” Sale of Self” was when they sold themselves and Scots into a religion that others the articles of the treaty of union.”
No surprise that three of the main beneficiaries noted within the Treaty of Union whose privileges were protected was the church, the legal establishment, and the universities. Each has been a firm cheerleader of ‘the union’ ever since. The Commissioners seats were still warm in the auld Scots pairlament when the legal establishment took it over. A bit of a coup!
Postcolonial theory tells us that colonialism is always ‘a co-operative venture’ and there was certainly no shortage of co-operative ‘elite’ natives here, as is still the case. They even had their privileges written into a corrupt treaty for all to see.
Alba MP doing what SNP MPs won’t do, and that’s stand up for Scots at Westminster’s PMQs today. I heard the question on the radio today, and the jeers from the Tory bench were quite loud. I wonder if the SNP MPs jeered with them at the Alba MP.
“It’s Scotland’s energy resources that feed corporate profits and keep His Majesty’s Treasury pumped full of cash to the tune of £8 billion in the last nine months alone.
“In return, candidates in the summer Tory leadership contest tried to outdo each other in their contempt and hostility for Scotland’s democracy, so without falling back on the ‘you’ve had your vote’ trope, can the Prime Minister tell me: Is Scotland in a voluntary and respectful Union of equals, as claimed in 2014, or are we hostages in a territorial British colony?”.
@Alf Baird (3.11) –
‘A bit of a coup!’
Aye, and they’ve been milking it ever since.
So John Swinney has announced a £1.2 billion in cuts, Swinney blamed Liz Truss for the cuts, anything to hide their own inadequacies, and treacherous behaviour.
You see when you don’t control your own countries assets and taxes and other sources of income (Scotland is a wealthy country) you leave yourself open to the mercy of another nation, which will always put its own interests ahead of Scots. Sitting like an obedient dog at the edge her master table, Sturgeon’s government awaits the scraps to be thrown down to her from the UK Treasury.
Independence would’ve at least allowed us to mitigate some of the cost of living crisis that now plagues Europe and further afield, Brexit hasn’t helped its badly damaged our exports and added to the cost of living crisis.
However Sturgeon the betrayer is determined to keep Scotland tied to the union, no matter how bad it gets, and it will get worse, if Sturgeon wasn’t such a treacherous shit Scotland might not have been in such a state.
It is a coup, if the presumption is that colonisation took place under a completed treaty of union,
But if the Scottish parliament ” Sine Die ” its parliament, prior to the official opening of the British parliament.
the treaty cannot have been completed,
The english parliament entered into the treaty of union until 1708: before ending the old English parliament session.
And therefore it is cannot be plausible For Representative of the old Scottish parliament to be sitting in Westminster is it.
It certainly is a coup, but with very little foundations.
James Che.
Speaking of colonisation this from Salvo is interesting.
The manner in which Scots have been colonised plus misled on their participation entry into the treaty of the union is very similar to the MacCrone report, or even the buried information of Salvo.
And at present the attempt at altering the Claim of Right..
The facts of Jacob Rees Mogg’s admittance less than three weeks ago in MSM , That Westminster does not hold parliamentary Sovereignty due to some rules from the EU still holding force,
Yet at the same time claiming to Scotlands devolved government that Westminster holds parliamentary Sovereignty in Britain, and is in a position to refuse a referendum on self determination for Sovereign Scots, displays utter contempt for honesty and truth.
This colonisation of Scots and Scotland also appears to be based on word smithing,
The Coup and Colonisation of the treaty of union is a horrendous idea in of itself for a international treaty.
But perhaps the greater sin by Westminster is the colonisation of our thoughts, into a make believe world that everything is correct and above board in the final completion of that treaty,
It must be a standing joke in Westminster how many times you can fool the Scots by what you do not tell them,.
And those Scots that do know can be bought or funded.
The ramifications to the Scottish, as people of colonised mind itself.
According to the Herald Pete Wishart was offended by Neil Hanvey’s suggestion that Scotland might be an English colony.
Thanks for the link, much appreciated from all of us.
I have been following Salvo with great interest for a month or two. And one of us being a founding member of Alba has kept us informed recently.
In fact I would like to see a strong support for Salvo within Alba.
But I would like to observe more scrutiny from Alba over the legal origins surrounding the actual conception to completion of the treaty of the union itself.
It is always a excellent strategy to hold more than one get out clause, or to put it another way a plan A) a Plan B) and a plan C) etc.
It is my suspicion that closer scrutiny of the treaty may dissolve the need for many A and of B plans altogether.
Look for what is omitted, look for what the Scots have not been informed of.
Look for the colonisation of Scots minds that have never been asked to join the treaty of the union question in history.
Yet believe they were.
Alf Baird.
I have long since thought that the referendum question for Scotland was incorrect in 2014, “Should Scotland be a independent Country” ?….and would not suffice today.
The Question put to Scots then should have been,
” Do you want to join in a treaty of Union with Englands parliament”?
As the Scots whom were back then, and are today Sovereign over both the old and new Scottish parliament Since the day the Claim of Right was first noted officially on record
After much studying and research One can only note from historical records that Scots and Scotland are still a independent nation and Country due to having never been asked that one particular question.
Cherrybank says:
2 November, 2022 at 5:07 pm
According to the Herald Pete Wishart was offended by Neil Hanvey’s suggestion that Scotland might be an English colony.
Check out the replies to his tweet – he certainly misread the room.
Transgender criminal makes history by appearing in court as both a man and a woman
However Morgan, Strathmore Lodge, Dundee, was sentenced in relation to four separate complaints – two of which were committed while she identified as Alan, and two while she identified as Alannah.
I wonder if ‘she’ was charged as a ‘he’ so they wouldn’t have to say
‘and pulling down her trousers to expose her genitals.’
James Che says:
2 November, 2022 at 5:43 pm
Alf Baird.
I have long since thought that the referendum question for Scotland was incorrect in 2014, “Should Scotland be a independent Country” ?….and would not suffice today.
IndyRef2 Question… Ur ee ready this time?
Answers: “Aye!” or “Och awright if yu’ll geez peace”.
Franchise is open to everybody. Even the Russians. Vote twice if ya want. Even the dogs at polling stations can have a shot.
O/T: a very interesting speech by Kenny MacAskill in Commons today – he criticised the SNP’s inaction and called for a Constitutional Convention.
Well that will ruffle some feathers.
NB The SNP benches were well filled… 🙂
@ Willie says:2 November, 2022 at 1:58 pm
“With burger flipper appointments like this, one wonders how many other chairs and appointments are similar. And it certainly calls into question the integrity of Glasgow University.”
“Kind of reinforces Glasgow University and all who sail on her a nothing less than a degree mill college with dodgy professors and academics trading on the University’s name.”
“Who you know, not what you know, that’s their ticket.”
“there is a specialist unit in Glasgow University that has been working for the CIA modelling the impact of the application of economic sanctions being applied as part of the war against Russia.”
You’re all over the place in this post, Willie. You’re claiming GU is a sub-par gimmicky appointment kind of place, which also gets contracts from organisations like the CIA, which has the funds to go anywhere in the free world to get the best.
My advice is that if you need to write mutually contradictory claims, split them over two or more posts. Far less chance of an alert reader noticing.
You’re welcome.
With so many cut backs how on earth is this cretin walking away with all that money?
The students must have knowledge that so was the worst Labour North Accounting unit leader ever. See her embarrassing pleading to check her laughable facts on Google only
for Google to make an idiot of her.
The lie about the charity money left without any respect or capability.
Can you imagine if it became first minister but did understand that people get taxed on their earnings.
Dippy the Unionist gets a wee back handed job for life for serving the Tories.
Remember her plea to vote for any party most likely to stop SNP.
Should be knighted and sit with half Witt Gavin Williamson and Lazy Moan the record holder for companies going bust.
Did they even find that PPE money they searched her home for?
@ Republicofscotland says:2 November, 2022 at 3:41 pm
“Brexit hasn’t helped its badly damaged our exports and added to the cost of living crisis”
Sure about that Repo? Maybes you think you know more than the experts – so here’s a wee linky-winky to put you right:
And a wee quote:
“although relative exports to the EU fluctuated from one quarter to the next, there is no sign that Brexit led to a sustained change in the geography of UK export values, either following the referendum or after the introduction of the TCA. Total UK export growth compared to that of other advanced economies was weak in 2021, but our analysis suggests that this weakness cannot be explained by a decline in relative exports to the EU.”
Far from Brexit “badly” damaging our exports, it seems there has been little to no damage whatsoever.
Facts, eh, Repo? Awkward bastards.
James Che @ 5:43 pm
“The Question put to Scots then should have been,
” Do you want to join in a treaty of Union with Englands parliament”?”
Yes James, a sovereign people are already independent and may do as they wish. Leave or remain was perhaps the better question, as with Brexit.
However, the national party elite are clearly not intellectuals, their understanding of independence even today remains rudimentary, for they have yet to undertake a reasoned analysis of colonial society. Even the very mention of ‘colonialism’ makes them behave as if they love the colonizer, which is of course the reaction of a co-operative native elite.
Anyone for a Third World War?
“U.S. military inspectors in Uk****e to keep further track of weapons and equipment”
“The inspectors appear to be among the first U.S. military members to officially enter Uk****e since Ru**a invaded…”
NBC News
John Main says:
2 November, 2022 at 9:05 pm
“Brexit hasn’t helped its badly damaged our exports and added to the cost of living crisis”
Sure about that Repo? Maybes you think you know more than the experts – so here’s a wee linky-winky to put you right:
And a wee quote:
“[Panel (a) shows that,] although relative exports to the EU fluctuated from one quarter to the next, there is no sign that Brexit led to a sustained change in the geography of UK export values, either following the referendum or after the introduction of the TCA…”
Stop selectively quoting without a direct link you thick and lazy cunt.
The quote below appears before the one you chose
“We estimated that the implementation of the new trade relationship led to a sudden and persistent 25% fall in UK imports from the EU, relative to the rest of the world. In contrast, we found a smaller and only temporary decline in relative UK exports to the EU. Nevertheless, there was a sharp drop in the number of trade relationships between UK exporters and EU importers, which suggests that the introduction of the TCA caused many UK firms to stop exporting to the EU.”
And you omitted the disclaimer
“Although our analysis provides a rich picture of how Brexit has affected UK trade so far, some caveats are in order. We only studied the first year of trade under the TCA, we only considered trade in goods, and our estimation strategy is designed to capture the direct effect of Brexit on the UK’s trade with the EU relative its trade with the rest of the world. We did not analyse whether Brexit has indirectly affected the UK’s trade with the rest of the world through general-equilibrium adjustments or supply-chain linkages.”
And now Tommy Sheppard suddenly discovers that the people of Scotland put him into the Commons to prosecute the case for independence!
What could possible have happened to bring about this revelation?
Alba? 🙂 🙂
@ Alf Baird says:2 November, 2022 at 9:26 pm
“the national party elite are clearly not intellectuals”
If they were intellectuals, would many Scots vote for them?
That’s a serious question, BTW, albeit perhaps not one that can be easily answered.
FWIW, my view is that a Scottish political party of smart people would be shunned in favour of a party of ordinary people with ordinary abilities and skills. People that ordinary Scots could identify with, without feeling intimidated by them or inferior to them. AKA the SNP.
As always in any democratic situation, the voters get the politicians they deserve.
John Smith was not universally (Whifflett and beyond) regarded as a good constituency MP.
There is also some indication that his daughter, TV star Sarah Smith, has inherited his Goldwynesque attention to detail. ‘Don’t confuse me with facts, I’ve made my mind up’
Anyway, where’s Cleggy? He’ll have the inside track.
@ Scott says:2 November, 2022 at 10:13 pm
Direct link is in my post. Maybes more time reading and less time insulting eh?
Maybes also clarify why the usual suspects have carte blanche to post unsubstantiated mince, whilst the rest of us are expected to adhere to academic publication standards.
Meantime, all that stuff you posted. I can’t see anything to back up Repo’s “feeling in his water” claim that Brexit “badly damaged” exports. Feel free to point out where it says that, if you can.
Finally, see the bit “sudden and persistent 25% fall in UK imports from the EU, relative to the rest of the world”.
Great news, eh Scott? Thanks to Brexit, we are making more stuff here, or at the very least, exporting less of our cash to the EU. Good for the environment, good for local jobs, good for local wages.
John Main says:
2 November, 2022 at 10:35 pm
@ Scott says:2 November, 2022 at 10:13 pm
Direct link is in my post. Maybes more time reading and less time insulting eh?
You only linked to the website, not the article.
I had to search for it. I linked to the article, to save others having to.
If imports from EU have dropped, it doesn’t mean we’re manufacturing things ourselves but either buying less, not buying at all (empty shelves) or procuring from elsewhere.
You really are stoopid.
Any comment on the currency yet, having cried for yonks for someone to show you it?
“And John, if you want to see the money in iScotland, allow me.
On day 1, businesses & people will need to use £Scot, Scotland’s official currency.
John Main @ 10:21 pm
“If they were intellectuals, would many Scots vote for them?”
If they were intellectuals, then they might be able to explain to people what independence means, i.e. decolonization. By this I don’t mean academics; in Scotland most academics are not Scottish and therefore tend to have little interest in or insights into Scottish independence. The intellectuals in the independence movement include primarily the bloggers, and especially those who have cottoned on to the deceit of the dominant national party.
“sarah says:
2 November, 2022 at 8:25 pm
NB The SNP benches were well filled… ?”
That’ll be Blackford, then?
The Scottish banknote (promissory note) issuing banks have 4 Billion £ lodged at the Bank of England.
Presumably, these funds would transfer to a “Scottish reserve Bank” after independence?
Is that not a good start to an independent country?
@Scott says:2 November, 2022 at 10:54 pm
Hey Scott.
Thanks for your reply.
So you’ve conceded there is no evidence to support Repo’s “feeling in his water” claim that Brexit “badly damaged” exports. That’s cool, all I am after is facts and facts-based debate.
Regarding “show us the money”. That was never about the currency. The currency of iScotland will be the Scots Pound. That has been settled in my mind for yonks. It is only in the minds of the pretendy-Indy EUphiles that any doubts remain.
Show us the money has always been about the bleeding obvious in-your-face vote winner that the posters on here seem unable to follow through on. It is the explanation of how significant slabs of the wealth and riches of pre-Indy Scotland will find its way, post-Indy, into the pockets and online bank balances of ordinary Scots.
The sticking point for me, and presumably many other Scots, is the rational realisation that right now, all of Scotland’s wealth, tangible and potential, is already wholly owned by governments, companies, individuals, multi-national entities, criminals, etc etc.
On Day 1 of Indy, that situation won’t have changed. I am guessing that even if we Scots ask nicely, the owners won’t gift any of this moolah to me or anybody else.
So how do I and all other Scots get rich, post-Indy? The answer is such a sure-fire vote winner for Yes that I continue to be astounded it has not already been found and shouted from the rooftops.
Want to make a start, Scott?
“Have faith” and “stands to reason” won’t persuade anybody BTW.
@ Brian Doonthetoon says:3 November, 2022 at 12:07 am
“In 2020-21, Scotland (including a geographical share of North Sea revenue) raised £62.8 billion in 2020-21, compared to £99.2 billion of public spending for Scotland. Note that in particular spending was higher due to the response to the coronavirus pandemic.”
By my maths, that £4 bill will last 2-3 weeks in more “normal” times. Aye, money’s not what it used to be. Hopefully the first tranche of the yearly £63 bill would kick in by the end of Month 1 of Indy.
Leaving a shortfall of £36 bill to be made up somehow in Year 1, and every other year.
Not looking good for me getting personally rich post-Indy.
Unless I go into politics. That will continue to pay well.
John Main says:
3 November, 2022 at 6:50 am
@Scott says:2 November, 2022 at 10:54 pm
Hey Scott.
Thanks for your reply.
Regarding “show us the money”. That was never about the currency. The currency of iScotland will be the Scots Pound. That has been settled in my mind for yonks. It is only in the minds of the pretendy-Indy EUphiles that any doubts remain.
Show us the money has always been about the bleeding obvious in-your-face vote winner that the posters on here seem unable to follow through on. It is the explanation of how significant slabs of the wealth and riches of pre-Indy Scotland will find its way, post-Indy, into the pockets and online bank balances of ordinary Scots.
The sticking point for me, and presumably many other Scots, is the rational realisation that right now, all of Scotland’s wealth, tangible and potential, is already wholly owned by governments, companies, individuals, multi-national entities, criminals, etc etc.
On Day 1 of Indy, that situation won’t have changed. I am guessing that even if we Scots ask nicely, the owners won’t gift any of this moolah to me or anybody else.
So how do I and all other Scots get rich, post-Indy? The answer is such a sure-fire vote winner for Yes that I continue to be astounded it has not already been found and shouted from the rooftops.
Want to make a start, Scott?
“Have faith” and “stands to reason” won’t persuade anybody BTW.
Fuck off you disruptive cunt.
I stated in the linked comment that the first tranche of currency issued will in effect be FREE MONEY for the NATION [No BONDS need to be sold to create it]
but YOU want to be PERSONALLY rich in order to ‘have faith’.
Again, fuck off you deliberately disruptive cunt.
@ Derek at 11.41: “that’ll be Blackford..”
LOL. But strangely he was an absentee. Curiouser and curiouser.
Even your own people admit Brexit has damaged the export economy.
“Centre for European Reform figures show that by the end of last year, the economy was 5% – or £31 billion – smaller than it would have been if the UK had stayed in the EU.”
The (CER) is closely linked to the Atlantic Council of the UK.
John Main
Typical of the hard of thinking that when you have the audacity to challenge any of them they resort to abuse.
It shows just how poor their arguments are.
There seems to have been for some time a section of the Murrell cult convinced that Dugdale was on the verge of becoming the biggest advocate of Scottish independence since William Wallace, probably the same fantasists who believed NS had a great and secret plan.
“And when she was found guilty of that defamation but won the case anyway on the defence that she was too stupid to know what she’d been doing,”
Let that be a ‘Heads Up’ for anyone thinking England’s Supreme Court will rule in Scotland’s favour regarding our right to hold a referendum when *we* choose.
Rev also wrote:
“As well as being the Director of the John Smith Policy Centre (a job with no known responsibilities but which nevertheless pays around the same as being an MSP making laws in the Scottish Parliament) she writes regular columns in The Times and The Courier and is now, hilariously, the new Professor of Practice in Public Service in Glasgow University.
(A post with unspecified duties and unknown salary and which was also not, as far as anyone can tell, ever publicly advertised.)”
Could the info regarding that salary be obtained through a ‘Freedom Of Information’ request? Asking for a nosey neighbour. 😉