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Wings Over Scotland

Selected voices

Posted on November 23, 2019 by
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winifred mccartney

Excellent image of where labour and the tories want scotland – on the outside. JC wants freedom for every other nation in the world – just not Scotland and BJ just wants our resources and a tory playground but definitely does not want to debate with NS because he knows he is just not up to it and that he does not have a leg to stand on – she would wipe the floor with him (without a mop).

As for JS – who voted for austerity more often than many conservatives – I hope she loses her seat – it would do the LD’s a favour.


Chris, with you a tack would be a blunt instrument.


With you, Chris, ‘getting the picture’ has never been easier.
Thank you.

Helena Brown


Robert Louis

Yip, great cartoon. That is how the media keeps Scotland to England’s heel.

‘Today we’re having a discussion on the ‘union’, and with me are three commentators who will answer your questions. They ar all from England, and all oppose ‘vile separatism, and think we are better together (except the EU)’.

Meanwhile, the paid liars at the propagandist London mouthpiece BBC IN Scotland, are doing their very hardest work ,to try to make the SNP look bad and responsible for anything and everything that is wrong.

What an utter bunch of low life liars the so-called ‘scottish’ and yookay media is.

And somebody please tell me why it is that London journalists coming up here during elections, ALWAYS visit Aberdeen and the fishing industry (mainly owned by a few large, wea;lthy conglomerates) on the N.east of Scotland? Funny how they ~~NEVER visit the folk on the west coast whose entire fishing industry is predicated upon simple, easy access to the EU, for same day, rapid delivery of langoustine and such like to top restaurants in Spain and other EU countries.


We as a people will never be accepted as equals at Westminster. we are expected to sit under the table and beg for scraps, our wealth however is most welcome and Westminster just helps themselves in the name of the Crown.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Selected voices Read the full article:: Wings Over Scotland […]


BBC wash up today on last nights qt debate.

3 reps on the couch from their respective parties……no prizes for guessing who wasn’t invited.


When two sides of a set of scales are equally weighted they offer equilibrium, when one side adds weight the equilibrium is gone and will never return (as there is no capacity within this ‘union’ for righting itself or for self regulation).

And when the debate is controlled by despots, certain captains of industry and some kings of finance who can only ‘succeed’ by exploiting the naivety or trust of other people, you know their ‘union’ is finished and as we have recently witnessed,when their careers end suddenly or tragically, they cannot understand what has happened to them.

Hold the front page, with uncanny timing, on line 13 we have our old friend, the Sèideadh Feadan with a wee lie about the NHS (who is not an agent or a hired woman/man by the way, just to clear that up, you know how rumours start) go right ahead, my lovely.


How on earth can BBC justify not having an SNP representative on the couch on Breakfast this morning. Nicole’s name was not even mentioned by the Labour, Tory and Libdem reps or the interviewers. This is getting ridiculous.


Nice one Chris.


BBC Scotland is moving from bias to simply being foolish and that works in our favour.

Ian McCubbin

Great image and sentiments.
Good job most of Fife is with the outsider lol

Tom Kane

Chris, even if they do prevail, and even if the SNP fail to land us our referendum… And all that is truly terrible to image…

We will still have your toons.
I am so chuffed to have some of your work at home.
And that will be some sort of balm.

You have nailed true pictures of our times to their living room walls.



Footsoldier @ 8.53.

Not just the BBC. I hear died in the wool Unionists complaining that the whole media has overcooked the criticism of the SNP.

On hospitals one Unionist acquaintance said do they not realise that we also get the TV programmes from London where we hear horror stories about English hospitals which are ten times worse than anything “up here”.

Note the reluctance to even say “Scotland” and another favourite of theirs is “breaking up the country” forgetting that Brexit will not only do that but also the back of everyone..


Should have been dyed but the other word is nearer reality.


Reading the Daily Hail latest farce edition.

Stephen Daisley is obviously eating well on fake news Britnat column.
He could pass for Alfred Hitchcock in his picture.

Multi faceted are his SNP complaints today after last night’s debate.

Breathtaking his claims, well more than normal.
He counted interruptions and that Nasty Nicola only got 17 and our Eton Elitist Bojo the Clown got 45.

He is certain that the BBC forgot their Britnat Charter and must have bused down Scottish Nationalists and worse than that the English members sympathetic to Nicola know nothing
About Scottish Politics!

It’s seems the BBC must face a row about bias as they allowed an actress to question
Yellow Tory Swansong. Didn’t they know that she appeared in the Film I Daniel Blake
Which caused the beloved Tories embarrassment by depicting the brutal and draconian
Reality of their horrendous Universal Discredit punishment scheme.

All this and people Guffawing at our Bojo made this a car crash of a show!

Can you spare just £2 per week?
We have people who are comfort eating to relieve the stress of having
To produce back breaking quantities of lies and deceit on a daily hail basis.
£2 could buy him a Kilmarnock pie and allow him to stop relying on blood money.

Please send your checks to Engerland Fascist HQ, Downing St, God’s Own City,
UK Ya Bass.

Socrates MacSporran

Chris, mis-spelling Kirkcaldy is a master-stroke. By omitting that c, you brilliantly summed-up what the English really think of us – they cannot even spell our place names correctly. Genius.

Socrates MacSporran

Nicola must have wiped the floor with the other three last night to an even-greater degree than I imagined she had, while watching th programme.

The way the English media is rushing this morning to ignore her, or to damn her superb performance with faint praise, she must really have opened English eyes to what a poor lot the Unionist party leaders really are.

If we are talking diamonds amidst the dross, last night, she was the Koh-i-Nur.


Thank you Chris =)

Your picture paints a thousand words – thanks for filling me in on the gist of that programme.

There was no way I was going to waste the tiniest moment in my life to listen to the chat between Boris Trump and Jeremy IhaveabsolutelyNOideawhathappensinScotlandface.

They will rue the day. Sooner rather later 🙂


Professor J Curtis on Radio Shortbread a few mins ago . . Nicola won the debate but that does not count etc . . . did he not notice that she educated English people on how badly they were governed.

Swami Backverandah

Precious Unicorn.


Bob Mack

Great show from Nicola last night. She was hone honest and forthright in everything she said.She actually looked more relaxed than I have seen her for a while.

The media of course try to downplay the fact she was head and shoulders above the rest,but thats where we find ourselves now.
Talent only exists where the media says it exists.


Hey neebur, Ye ken its Kirkuddy.


Reosting from previous thread –
Newsnight 5 minute post-mortem of the leaders’ debate studiously ignores Nicola Sturgeon. She wasn’t there, apparently. First half on Boris Johnston, next up, Jeremy Corbyn (and Boris Johnston) then briefly on Jo Swinson’s lead balloon performance. End of, thank you.

Viewers in England must be wondering who that strange woman is in the photo.
link to

I thought Nicola’s performance was spot on and by far the best. So naturally the BBC will edit her out of the news. Remember when the Soviet Union used to doctor photos to remove persona non grata?

call me dave

The FM in Leven this afternoon.

Auntie wie a kilts Brewer trying to tell us that if we’re in the EU then Independence is off, deid,gone,vanished cause then there would be no change of circumstances. Aye!


Cartoon says it all.

Last night proves that Nicola is in a different league from the the three leaders of the ‘English parties’.

This colonial attitude from London can’t last. More people everywhere are seeing it for what it is. The way to deal with the ‘Scottish problem’ is to deny the Scots democracy – that’s an unsustainable strategy.

Old Pete

Swinson was utter crap last night, her Titanic moment has sunk her party and rightly so. The Liberals like the Tories just deliberately lie at every opportunity.
Why folk are still supporting any of the three anti-Scotland parties is beyond the pale.


English people who don’t live round here invariably struggle to pronounce Kirkcaldy and usually render it as Kirk-kaldy with a definite pause in the middle and a long ‘a’ sound, just as Mr Cairns has depicted.


I thought, from the minute Nicola stepped onto the stage in Sheffield she got a warm welcome, and it seemed to continue throughout her time.

It made me wonder if people in England, generally, hear as much anti-SNP garbage from BBC as we up here have to put up with from Pacific Quay?.
The audience did seem to listen and respect Nicola’s answers, hopefully showing our own Scotbuts how Nicola is seen down there.

I remain hopeful, our leader had a great night.
I’ll bet a lot of English now wish they could vote for her.


About QT – how long can it last? Fiona Bruce is dire, especially he little audience chats, like “Are we all not tired?” etc, supposed to be homely??

I think the ripping apart of Mentorn’s part in audience selection every time a QT goes out, must depress the producers, knowing it’s the easiest thing to identify questioners later – see latest ‘white shirt man’ on Rev’s twitter (wonder if he’s related to our very own manky-shirt man), it does say he’s worn the same shirt every time he’s been on the show!


Kirkaldy, very good, I remember a sport presenter who thought it was called Raith ‘They’ll be dancing in the streets of Raith tonight’. BBC Grandstand.


Swinson started the campaign as a self-proclaimed contender for PM. Now she’s just an insurance policy for BoJo to stay in No.10.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“mis-spelling Kirkcaldy”


Andrew (Andy) Crow

One hundred and eiiiiiighty.

Dr Jim

Just think of it, the Tories are congratulating themselves on their successful avoidance of buggering it all up because of their idiot Prime Minister so to them that means they won from a position of panic and giant relief at allowing their man to open his mouth withour him actually spewing out some racist crap or making reference to inferior humans

Meanwhile in the glorious world of *journalism* the word’s out “Don’t mention the name *Sturgeon*” or you’ll end up on the radio in the Arse end of nowhere at 3 am in the morning doing the weather, withdraw all oxygen from the SNP because there are more people in England waking up to what she says and there’s no way we’re having that, she’ll end up running things at this rate, the Sturgeon must be stopped

Conan the Librarian

It’s literally from “Kirk All Day”.

Socrates MacSporran

Rev. So, it was actually Chris who mis-spelled the name of the Lang Toun, and you corrected it.

Better to have left it alone and gone with the explanation for it which I and a couple of others noticed.

Mr Cairns, clearly, you are in need of another holiday.


Excellent Chris right on the money I say.

Also lets not get hung up on the spelling correct or incorrect, it’s the meaning of the cartoon that matters.


To use a motoring analogy , Sturgeon was a Rolls-Royce last night , the others were from the dodgier end of the used car trade !

Robert J. Sutherland

O/T Joseph Stiglitz being interviewed on Euronews right now.

Dr Jim

It’s very telling how Unionists in Scotland are *ragin* today but the people in England are saying (judging by the twitter responses) that Nicola Sturgeon woman isn’t at all what we’ve been told she is and we kinda like what she has to say, we were all told she was dangerous now we’d like her for our Prime Minister and not the clownshow we’ve got, isn’t Scotland lucky

How peoples perceptions can change in a day if the right people are *allowed* to talk to them


sassenach says:
23 November, 2019 at 10:26 am

…It made me wonder if people in England, generally, hear as much anti-SNP garbage from BBC as we up here have to put up with from Pacific Quay?…

Similar, but I wondered the same thing when Corbyn casually started talking about “once in a lifetime” opportunities, as if the expression wasn’t ‘loaded’ in any way, and nothing like the way our domestic Unionists like to pretend the words are some kind of sacred gospel against which IndyRef2 is heresy.

Either Corbyn hadn’t read the script properly, or the “Once in a lifetime” bollocks is just contrived horseshit for Scotland’s ears only.

Ever notice how BritNats like slogans? Brexit mean Brexit. Once in a Generation. No to a Second Referendum. Get Brexit done. BritNats are using slow gains like linguistic crutches to support people who have to say “something” but cannot articulate a persuasive argument, and need a utility phrase they can draw like a gun.

But maybe don’t knock it. A wee round ‘anything’ in Pantone 300 says all you need to know about YES. We’ve ascended to a higher plane which doesn’t need a gimmick or a slogan at all. A colour is enough.

mr thms

Interesting cartoon.

Was the BBC biased in their news coverage following the QT Leaders Debate?

link to


For I ken mysel’ by the queer-like smell,
That the next stop’s kirkcaddy.

Robert J. Sutherland

Dr Jim @ 11:55,

Yes, a positive impression was what happened back in 2015 as well. A lot of English people were very impressed and were even asking how they could join the SNP. And of course why the powers-that-be are doing their very best to starve her of media exposure this time.

A lot of people down south have no idea whatever what Nicola is really like, because they are normally starved of any direct experience of her in the media, only getting second-hand inferences that she’s some kind of dastardly bogeywoman setting out to split “the country”.

(Errm, what “country” is that exactly? They really mean the English Empire (reduced), but they can’t really say that. Even inside their own heads.)

The English can’t vote for her party anyway though, so the best we can hope for is that such a positive reception has some effect on the “refuseniks” up here. But you are right, when the lightbulb does finally come on in someone’s head, the attitude changes 180 degrees from the superficial “thatniklasturgin” projection to a far more grounded appreciation of the actual person.

Colin Alexander

As usual, nearly all the “questions” about the SNP’s GE policies were not about that at all. They were attacks on the record of the UK devolution SNP Govt or criticisms of Scotland in general.

My own view is that such attacks are irrelevant as that’s not about the SNP’s UK GE policies or record at WM, so should be refused by the Chair. Similarly, the SNP asserting a record of good governance in devolution is also irrelevant. The result is, we get the same auld “SNP bad v SNP good in devolution” arguments that have nothing to do with this UK GE.

If arguments were to be made about the SNP’s record, it should be their WM policies and voting and debating record at WM. Same applies with Tories, LibDems and Labour. Yet, as another example, we have Boris Johnson talking of his time as London mayor.

I felt the best question, made as a genuine question – not barbed point-scoring attacks framed as “questions” – came from the dark haired woman to Nicola regarding s30 and Indyref2.

Basically, she asked: what do you plan to do if the Empire says no to allowing indyref2?

Nicola responses were (my summary from memory) :

She doesn’t want to answer that as she doesn’t want to accept that will be the case. But, she would cross that bridge if she came to it at the time.

Nicola admitted whether permission is needed has never been tested in law. (Brownie points for Nicola there for stating A FACT, not a belief / opinion.)

However, despite accepting it having never been tested in law ( why not, when the SNP will go to court over ITV debates etc? ) She then stated her belief that a transfer of powers was necessary and the best way of doing things.

Nicola did not expand on why she believed it was necessary.

Robert J. Sutherland

Colin Alexander @ 12:24,

If there was anyone likely to pop up with a negative slant on recent matters it would of course be you, Lord Hee Haw.

Take a bow. You are so predictable. The man (or artificial media construct?) with the personal raincloud. But your bitter drizzle is raining on no-one but you.


Troops have a wee listen to Tragic Naebawz on LBC, full on “breaking up MY COUNTRY” nonsense.


The lang toon ?,
I think Gary45% has got it right, especially when engaging with a “Lang Tooner” in the high street.


Bitter drizzle!

As soon as heard that I knew it must be a thing. 🙂

link to

Robert J. Sutherland

sassenach @ 10:26,

Apologies, my comment @ 12:22 should of course have linked to you too. (You got there first!)

Stuart MacKay

Colin Alexander @ 12:24

Everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together realises that getting an S30 is going to need several approaches. It’s a game of chess not noughts and crosses. It’s about time you wised up to that.

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

It’s basic strategy. Time you read up on it.

Colin Alexander

Robert J. Sutherland

Ask yourself this: how many of the questions related to the SNP at WM or SNP policies for WM?

Am I wrong to point out this is a UK GE, not Holyrood election?

That most questions are thinly-disguised attacks / defences of the record of the devolution govt, so that turns it into a Scot Govt Holyrood debate, not a GE / WM debate.

Thus, irrelevant.

Did I falsely represent how Nicola answered the question about indyref2?

Come on big mouth, put your case or is your only input for independence “slagging for Scotland”?


Millsy says: at 11:42 am

To use a motoring analogy , Sturgeon was a Rolls-Royce last night , the others were from the dodgier end of the used car trade!

I know what you meant but I have to say that is a low bar!
Rolls Royce and other “luxury” “Great British” cars like Jaguar are rusty shite heaps.
All those jag owners a few years back thinking they were buying the “Best of British” when it was actually just a re-clothed Ford Mondeo! lol
Trouble is the clothes Jaguar clad the base Mondeo shell with actually made it rust quicker than the Mondeo…
A fine analogy for “Not so Great Britain”.

This also covers so many other industries on these isles that have been lost over the years; But the demise of the British car industry sums it up.
I mean, nobody is tuning in to watch rallying and see the latest WRC Allegro…

Jock McDonnell

OK folks, watched the FM on QT – smooth as silk – pushed for time this weekend – should I watch Boris or Swinson ?
Boris is usually good comedy value, he’d be my choice of PM in a satirical version of the West Wing or House of Cards. Maybe not in the reality TV version.
But Swinson – she is agonising to watch – will I find it funny ?
Should I bother.

Colin Alexander

Stuart MacKay

You’re missing the point. Nicola accepts the s30 question is untested in law.

If I remember right, under the Scotland Act, the guidance for s30 says if it’s unclear whether it’s needed or not, that that should be decided by the courts, NOT the politicians.

Anyway, there’s a bigger question: which law says we need to use the UK Govt’s devolution Scotland Act to exercise the right of self-determination?

Of course, I accept, many in the SNP aren’t daft, and may simply use the s30 issue to highlight British Imperialism and stifling of Scottish democracy yet again, as they expect “NO / Now is not the time” to be the only answer from the Imperials.

However, that’s a double-edged sword. The danger is an s30 being granted and another indyref being rigged again.

As the GE campaign has highlighted: under the British Empire / UK state , a fair indyref cannot be held when the media is allowed such a huge degree of bias against the SNP and independence .


Last night…

FB says something like ‘WM does have a right to block it [referendum]’

NS says something like ‘WM doesn’t have a moral or democratic right to block it’.

FB says something like ‘but they do have a legal right’.

NS says something exactly “it’s never been legally challenged”.

…. that snippet shouldn’t be overlooked.


Haven’t seen all the show as I was out at an SNP St Andrews night/fundraiser last night but I have seen a lot of moaning about biased audiences and Nicola and Jeremy getting an easy ride…a fair indication that Johnson didn’t shine.

Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee rated Nicola highly too and the more Tory commentators are emphasising that Nicola would nail another referendum from Jeremy. That said, this is an English Brexit election and the leave voters look like they might put that total pudding Johnson in No 10 regardless of how useless he is. A decision they will likely regret.

In other news I see David Walliams has a new children’s book The Beast of Buckingham Palace…presumably a cautionary morality tale.


Apologies for promoting LBC, don’t waste your time with LBC at the moment. Ssssssepratists, Naaationalisssts, Deeeevisive, can’t give away Scotland because Westminster owns it guff.
Normally laugh at this clown, but it just embarrassing and sad.


Scottish independence is the young bull at the door of unionism’s antique china shop and not a skilled torero on the premises. Brexit will look like a minor mishap by comparison.

Colin Alexander

Whether indy by s30 indyref or by another means, is ultimately for another day:

First things first: We must again do our bit to try and rid Scotland of as many British Empire glove puppet MPs, as possible.

That means voting for and supporting the SNP at this GE, whether or not you agree with every SNP policy / strategy.


Old pete 10.23am. Lets face it, the only people who support the three anti Scotland parties are, the daily heil readers and the WATP ‘loyal’.

auld highlander

Did anyone else notice the wild staring eyes on bj last night?


Auld highlander. All fascists have that look.


Cheers Neebs.
I remember years ago working in deepest darkest Blairhaw, and the guy in the house asked if I had seen the new Rocky Aye Aye movie?? RockyII, Fifers are a good laugh.

Giving Goose

Bell ringer outside Inverness victorian market today, promoting the place, in kilt, english accent, says to passers by “come in and shop and we’re not the SNP!”
WTAF Inverness market traders!?
Do you want the business?
After his antics today I gave it a miss for Xmas shopping!


Albaman ??

Robert J. Sutherland

Colin Alexander @ 12:55:

Come on big mouth, put your case or is your only input for independence “slagging for Scotland”?

That’s absolutely priceless, coming from the resident expert at slagging-off Scotland’s champions. With just the odd positive scrap occasionally thrown in to fool the unwary.

All part of your curiously-assiduous disinformation and demotivation campaign, Lord Hee Haw.


Example of scripted narrative

You dont need to rig elections/referenda when you control the narrative. But who writes the script and what is the goal? Who are the bad guys according to these script writers? Nationalists. Thats why every nationalist movement is smeared.


@ auld highlander ‘Did anyone else notice the wild staring eyes on bj last night?’

Noticed that.Brown bags under them too.

Looked tired,not well. Probably never had to work so hard in his life before.

Think he had taken a wee pep pill.. same kind that gave Toss Rompson same wild starey eyes


Jock McDonnell
You have summed it up in your post , don’t bother unless you a good laugh !


Re misinformed ( intentional or just ignorant of current position) individual who highlighted Glasgow’s ‘problem’ with knife crime.

Who decided it would be a good idea to throw a collection of questions at leaders rather than one question at a time…this guaranteed the leader prioritising one point against another OR failing to address the other not through error on their part but too many points to address in a concise manner for time allocated to them in their response.

Nicola Sturgeon did not answer the misinformed individual’s point because Fiona Bruce decided to get three people at the one time to ask questions for her to answer in one response….hence it was not addressed but not through negligence on FM’s part but through unfair system BBC via Bruce adopted.

It also gave charlatans like Bojo a means to ignore points he did not…or rather…could not/would not answer ….so clever tactic by BBC to use this format of multiple questions expected to be addressed in ONE answer by leaders….allowing chancers to ignore question and genuine leader to miss addressing… useless are the BBC……I think they are only to aware of Nicola’s ability to articulate her position and Johnson’s lack of ability to articulate his….because his position is based on lies.

Alex Cole-Hamilton thought the audience was stacked against the Lib Dems….so a clear indication of how badly Swinson performed last night……..the lack of claps for her responses told you that this audience , like many of us, are not convinced she is anything but a wannabe PM and career politician as opposed to a PM in waiting…as in waiting until Hell freezes over Lol

Last night proved who was waffling, who was struggling to convince, who , via their past record, was being punished, who failed to articulate their position to such an extent that they probably LOST votes as opposed to gaining new voters and also who came over as articulate, had reasoned arguments,seemed sincere,who actually answered the questions and did this to such an extent that they have KEPT the voters they already have and I am sure will also have GAINED a few more….eh Nicola…gaun yirsel Hen.

Never saw Corbyn’s moment last night so cannot comment on his performance…but heard he is now NEUTRAL in his position on Brexit….sorry but that has always been the public position he has used…called fence sitting….in private it is said he is pro Brexit….which is believable because no one who was a remainer would announce they were neutral on the most significant event currently dominating UK(Not)OK politics… based on that I think he is on a sticky wicket politically…so nothing changed then Lol


As usual the BBC state broadcaster is up to their old trick in aid of the Tories.
This guys is never off QT and he campaigns for the Tories in marginal seats.

link to

link to


The usual anti-Scottish government rhetoric from LBC’s Maajid Nawaz, who vehemently opposes everything that Nicola Sturgeon propses on Scottish independence. Again he mentions Putin and an independent Scotland in the same sentence.

Yet in reality it’s the Conservative party that has taken money from Russian donors and of late suppressed a Security Council dossier showing that very thing.

Also the new LBC news channel repeated Boris Johnsons recent debate, and Jo Swinsons and Jeremy Corbyns, but cut to Prince Andrew news, completely ignoring Nicola Sturgeon in the process.

Its times like this (amidst a GE) that the unionist mask really slips and the ugly face of the union is laid bare for all to see.

Vote SNP to be done with this union once and for all.

Dr Jim

Scottish Unionists are again *pure ragin* that Nicola Sturgeon FM of Scotland is to appear on Sophy Ridge tomorrow

Everything is none of her business apparently, when what they mean to say is, shut her up too many folk are finding out she’s not the *baddie* she’s the goody

Who would have thought five years ago England would be applauding FM Nicola Sturgeon, you couldn’t have imagined such a thing


Unionist politicians and activists, whatever their party, whether they’re EU remainers or leavers, whether they’re conscious of it or not, whether they exhibit some measure of progressive thinking or not, are all in their different ways clinging on to the past as a political panacea.

In the US Malcolm X chose the X as his surname for the very reason that he wanted to make the break, not just the symbolic break with the slave owner imposed surname but also a symbolic break with a largely unrecoverable African past. To orient the cause of black people in the U.S. firmly towards the future.

British unionists, in a noticeable case of classic projection, assume that Scottish and Welsh independence supporters are preoccupied with harking back to Bruce, Wallace and Glendower. The contrary is the reality. We wish our countries to be forward looking and fully internationalist.

A vote for a unionist party in this election is a vote to retreat from reality. A vote for the SNP is a vote to go forward.


@Giving Goose 13:41

As some one who grew up in Inverness, I would suggest you go back to the market. Obviously, give the bell ringer a right dirty look as you enter. Go to every business there and tell them that you will no longer buy anything from any business there, because of the actions of this bell ringer. Be polite, but determined in tone. Sow doubt in the minds of the shop owners over whether people will spend money with them. If there’s one thing Unionists love more than the Union, then it’s money. Threaten that money and they may back off in publically supporting the Union, or indeed being openly anti-Scots. Confront, politely, Unionists at every opportunity, no matter the insignificance of the siuation. Give them no quarter.

Robert Galloway

First off I enjoy reading the comments,some tongue in cheek others witty and amusing.I am a little frightened of Hammers,they can be dangerous but not as dangerous as Trident,or E.D.F. full of cracks being reopened,for the benefit of the owners and their English customers. Having watched last night,s,I missed or did I? Corbyn,Nicola took the conversation to a new level,leaving Branch Amigos stranded in no mans land. Swinson dodging the bullets!! with flimsy defence.Boris Johnson completely lost looking for a mirage to save him,not one question answered.Asked about Russian Oligarchs donating and interference!,Cleared for distribution,but to be buried until after the Election.What buffoon would vote for another buffoon!??


Mr. Demotivator aka Colin Alexander is back. Must have been on furlough for a few days.


Dr Jim@2.35
Just had an email from a “choom” down in the deepest south-shire, after last nights fiasco, says pretty much Nicola is the best politician in the country, and is pd off that he cant vote for her, and he is a tory!!
The good/sad thing is she is shoulders above any of them, yet the “Ah hate that Sturgin wummin” is still rife with the gullible parts of Scottish society.(when asked why the hatred, they can never tell you why, probably because the BBC tell them so). If the UK was the equal, fair society it claims to be, the SNP would be running Westminster with Nicola as PM, but they would never allow that.(just as well, she’s oors)
I am expecting the “establishment machine” to go after her, more so than ever. I fear its going to get ugly.
But hey ho bring it on.
SNP= Independence.


Christopher Hope from Daily Torygraph tweeted the following:

” Why is Nicola Sturgeon in the BBC QuestionTime election debate when the vast majority of the viewers cannot vote for her party? #GE2019 @bbcquestiontime

11:46 AM – 22 Nov 2019″

So Scotland vote majority Remain in EU Ref…UK wide vote so apparently not relevant.

So Scotland has SNP candidates standing in UK wide GE…BUT..according to Christopher…apparently not relevant.

Is there ANYTHING via democracy that is relevant for Scotland…other than giving an advantage to Unionist parties..which, like the EU Ref, disadvantages Scotland…always.

Am I missing something in Christopher’s reasoning here ,or as I suspect, he is missing what is obvious in his own reasoning of what is fair and democratic….in UK WIDE GE….I think we all know what Christopher is trying to do….Lol…desperation in a middle aged hack is a sight to behold…to do it so publicly though….oooft



Nawaz on LBC is always on about these Scottish Nationalists breaking up ‘his country’. Last week he more or less said ‘they’re not naz’is BUT…’ He was so abusive to us I was pretty stunned. From someone who has been abused for his religion and colour, he had no clue that his ranting might encourage abuse of us. Especially those like me that live in England.

I think I’m right in saying he has also said he has never been to Scotland and he had no clue about where or even how to pronounce North Lanarkshire last week. But Scotland is his country, he owns it. So there.

Alasdair Angus Macdonald

Does ‘Gordon from Kirkcaldy’ give a monkey’s about Scotland being a ‘valued member of our precious union’? As long as he and his Labour cronies can stay on the Westminster gravy train then that is what being a member of the ‘ptecious union’ entails.


I had to switch LBC off when he was on, I posted reason earlier.
LBC claims to be “Leading Britain’s Conversation” but in reality its still the “London Broadcasting Corporation. I normally have the station on in the background from 7am through till 7pm, yes even Faridge each day, to try and get a broad spectrum of the state of the union or is it an onion? (keep peeling, it will make you cry).
Since the GE was called I think Nick Trabant had someone from the SNP on once, but I can honestly say its always the Unionist parties who are mentioned daily, never the SNP, for example I have never heard James O’Brien play Ian Blackford speaking live from WM at PMQs, and the embarrassing “Proud Scot But” Eddie Mair has never mentioned the SNP, always the other parties, ( I could be wrong? but as I get pissed off with the blatant bias, I switch off more than normal,) as for Trajic, he is just a clueless diddy with a biased agenda.

LBC is just the BBC but with shi*ey adverts, and some really sh*te presenters. Which is sad, because it could be like Channel 4 when it started,(the punk of the industry, if you know what I mean?)
Unfortunately, tired same old, same old.
Silence IS golden.


See that Sir Timothy Sainsbury, former Tory minister in the governments of Thatcher and Major and member of the supermarket family that has an estimated fortune of £1.3 billion, has joined the Liberal Democrats.

He must feel comfortable with Swinson as a leader.


galamcennalath says:
23 November, 2019 at 1:20 pm

…NS says something exactly “it’s never been legally challenged”.

…. that snippet shouldn’t be overlooked.

I don’t think a Section 30 is the pivotal issue which has to be challenged. It’s merely the stalking horse… that’s if it even features at all.

It’s like my argument about revoking Article 50 unilaterally… It isn’t the issue itself that matters, but the Constitutional ramifications of the adjudication. It’s just a small snowball, but there is only one way it can roll.

The legal and constitutional judgement which might “test” whether a Section 30 is required, will be much more onerous and testing than merely establishing consent to hold a referendum. If judged that consent is not required, it will most likely be because Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty is in the process of being recognised.

The apparently innocuous test of whether a Section 30 is required, is actually the winner take all, binary test case of principle, to establish who exercises Constitutional Sovereignty over Scotland. Are we a sovereign Nation, or are we not?

The SNP won’t risk leading Scotland to a Constitutional Independence Test Case until the judgement, (which we will win), cannot be compromised, complicated or undone by a democratic majority of Scots who want to stay part of the Union.

I understand that strategy, but I have two obdurate reservations about it.

1. Sovereignty is a binary absolute condition. It exists, or it doesn’t by the explicit letter of the law, hopefully Scots Law. It is not conditional upon ANY democratic mandate or condition, and I believe it is strategically dangerous to cite democracy as a benchmark or necessary prerequisite. Can you imagine the French or the Germans requiring a democratic majority to establish themselves as French or German?
I would change our “lame” IndyRef2 question “Should Scotland be an Independent Nation”, to. “Should Scotland repeal the Act of Union?” Y/N.
It is already implicit in the question that Scotland IS a sovereign Nation, merely seeking a proper constitutional mandate to terminate a political treaty.

2. I am very anxious about the softly, softly, back-burner political strategy about fully embracing Scotland’s ancient Constitutional DNA. Scotland’s Unionist community will not take kindly to a Constitutional route to Independence being suddenly thrust upon them in the eleventh hour like a rabbit pulled from a hat, especially if a democratic mandate is looking tight or anywhere short of emphatic.

I think a much wiser strategy is to make Scotland’s Constitutional strength THE central mainstream issue in the Scottish Independence Campaign; give the Unionists time to vent their frothing outrage, get over it, but then go away and do their reading, and then dwell on the issue of Scotland’s right and lawful sovereign Constitution, until they get used to the idea.

Scotland IS a sovereign Nation. It is the Union that is false and living on borrowed time, not the Independence Campaign. Time and truth on our side, not theirs. We are not servile prisoners trapped inside the Union, we are the Union’s Nemesis.


Breeks says:

I don’t think a Section 30 is the pivotal issue which has to be challenged.

I took Nicola’s brief comment about legal challenge to refer to WM’s right to block, rather than simply about handing over S30, or not.

The exchange was about blocking … “not morally or decrocatically”, then “legally” was suggested so Nicola responded to that. Sounds to me like any legal challenge would be on the fundamental sovereignty. Who has the right to make decisions for Scotland. Morally, democratically, legally are big sweeping words.

Scot Finlayson


Jaguar and Land Rover cars are owned by Indian company Tata Group.


Someone tell me why someone who does not always agree with Nationalists is instantly called in derogatory terms a Unionist who came up with that name .
Why the constant condemnation of England enemies etc .
And why did Nicola when asked who came up with once in a generation last night said don’t know .
And the legal route to Indy why wait for the PM to say no why not go to the Scottish courts now.


I see QT have been caught out again, having the same guy in audiences at least four times.

The statistical chances of they being a random outcome must be zilz. Even if someone applied to every QT, getting on that often must mean he’s been positively discriminated for.


Gary45% @3.31pm.

I have to agree with that, I don’t know about others in here but I feel completely homeless when it comes to a radio station that can be called fair and unbias when it comes to the SNP and Scottish independence.

I hope things improve greatly in a independent Scotland.

Robert J. Sutherland

Breeks @ 15:42,

Actually, you touch on the weakness of your approach (and the SNP’s ultimate end game), namely that since the people of Scotland are constitutionally paramount, there’s no point in taking the issue to a legal-constitutional showdown (one that we would win) as long as a majority of the people, exercising that very sovereignty, prefer to remain in the UK. The victory would be hollow, since it would lead nowhere useful.

There’s absolutely no escaping public acquiescence, however you demonstrate it. (One might wish for a Czech-Slovak-style velvet divorce, but it’s not too likely, alas.)

The only qualification I would put on the above is the unknown effect on opinion of such a public challenge. It might be dismissed as an empty theoretical exercise of no practical interest, or it could activate people as they began to realise just how much our fundamental rights have been trodden-over all these years. Either outcome is possible.

As to being feart, I believe it’s actually the UKGov who really doesn’t want this to go to court, because currently it can operate relatively freely in a constitutional grey area that allows it great latitude, whereas a likely loss would constrain it very significantly, not just the current one either, but all its successors of whatever political stripe. I reckon it would prefer to take its chances with a referendum instead.

So in an S.30 standoff, I’m very confident that it will be the UKGov that will blink first. And I reckon that Nicola & Co. know it.

Josef Ó Luain

It’ll be very interesting to see what happens to the Lib Dem vote in Scotland after Swinson’s stumbling, amateurish but highly revealing performance. She’d sell her feckin Granny for a couple of votes, that one. She’s a Bearsden Tory at heart, and there’s not much else to her, it seems.

Robert J. Sutherland

Josef Ó Luain @ 16:41,

Hubris is classically followed by Nemesis, so one may hope.

But I feel very sorry for English Remainers – who else than the FibDems can they (in most places) turn to, when magic grandpa has now publicly committed his party to continued impotence?


Derogatory, I take it you mean Yoon, no sure who first came up with it, but hey Jock, sweaty sock, sponger, junkie, tight/mean, benefit scrounger, you’ve heard them all before, and you get upset at Yoon? come on.
“Once in a Generation” has less legal binding than the VOW or Sniveler Johnsons “Die in a Ditch”.

I think it was as an off the cuff remark by maybe Mr Salmond, not sure? and maybe mentioned in the white paper?? but was in no way a manifesto promise, or in the legally binding Edinburgh Agreement, the comment has been thrown back countless times at Scotland in desperation by Yoons, who have nothing constructive to offer.
When the empire start treating the Scots with the respect they deserve, maybe the term Yoon my gently drift off into the ether. Over to you.

Equal Family of Nations. How did that go?

Colin Alexander


“Sounds to me like any legal challenge would be on the fundamental sovereignty”.

Not necessarily.

Even if there is no dispute about Scotland has the right of self-determination.

Can the Scot Govt prove that that right to self-determination is not only a legal right but, that that legal right ALSO extends to holding an indyref via the devolution Scottish Parliament?

Then again, if it’s SELF-DETERMINATION, why should the UK state have a say in how Scotland decides it’s future?


@ David.
The Conservative and unionist Party, the derogatory term is yoon although that’s now mostly defunct, British nationalist now used. Remember your use of the word Nationalist, was first coined by British nationalists as derogatory term for those of us supporting Scottish Independence.
England and the English are rarely referred to as enemies, and on this site as with most of the main independence sites would be dealt with strenuously. Westminster is the enemy, yours as well as ours even if you haven’t yet recognised that reality.
Nicola wasn’t asked who first stated ‘ once in a ‘ she was asked who promised it was ‘ once in a ‘, it certainly didn’t come from us, in fact the first person I heard using it was Johnson when he addressed parliament.


Gary @457pm
Thank you for your comment .
No its the term unionist 3 weeks ago I saw SNP members calling people that with their MP looking on I don’t live in the area they were in and an Indy supporter took me to task on another site for buying the National something to do with the parent company .
Once in a generation I think was Alec so why did Nicola not say that .
Calling people names when you want their vote not a good idea.


Every foray into Scotland by the BBC is into a Tory seat, despite them being a rare commodity. Labour voices given prominence over the majority too and maybe an SNP quote via sat-link as an afterthought but ALWAYS with sound problems.

It’s almost like it’s designed that way. It’s be one thing if this was the case JUST in this election but it was the same in the last one, the one before that and also IndyRef.

We need a REAL impartial broadcaster, how can you know what they AREN’T telling you if they aren’t telling it to you??


Thank you for your comment at 502 Golfnut
I think you will find Foreign country etc has whoever says it it needs to end


Fourth paragraph of 2013 White Paper “Scotland’s Future”.

“If we vote No, Scotland stands still. A once in a generation opportunity to follow a different path , and choose a new and better direction for our nation,is lost. Decisions about Scotland would remain in the hands of others”

Both NS and AS and others in the SNP used the generational opportunity encouragement to vote in the run up to September 18 2014 but NO ONE other than Unionists said it was a PROMISE.


@ David.
As I said David, Nicola wasn’t asked who first said ‘ once in a’, she was asked who promised. I’m assuming your referring to the question on QT. One other point, Johnston when making his statement was stating that it was the Tory party that had promised it was ‘ once in a ‘ referendum.
However in the Smith Commission agreement, it clearly and emphatically states that the agreement does not in anyway prevent the people of Scotland having another referendum. This agreement was signed by all parties including the Tories.

Sadly David, from this side of the border, it appears that England has diverged so far from the social and political objectives and aspirations of so many of the people Scotland, that England has indeed become a foreign country.


Not sure what you mean on the Unionist term, sorry you got grief regarding the National, I personally stopped reading it a while back after the “French Gate” saga, where I found the paper a bit spineless in defending Nicola, but hey that’s my personal choice, it is still the only Indy paper, although very Indy “light”, but would never give anyone grief for buying it.
I can’t speak for Nicola, but questions getting fired from a very biased broadcaster, make your own choice on that, remember if she farted on the stage the BBC and all media would accuse her of a chemical gas attack.

mr thms

According to the BBC Scotland, Glasgow’s NHS board is part of NHS England…

link to

“Glasgow’s NHS board will now be subject to “special measures” following the deaths of two children.

Glasgow’s NHS board will now be subject to “special measures” following the deaths of two children.

Jeane Freeman said NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde would be escalated to stage four of the NHS Board Performance Escalation Framework.

But how does the process work?

What are special measures?

Special measures is the term used in England when the existing management of an NHS Trust cannot fix problems without intervention from the government.”

Later in the same article!

“NHS health boards are not put in special measures, but are instead subject to the NHS Board Performance Escalation Framework.

This scale – from one to five, with five being the worst – determines the performance of a health board and its response.

Health boards can move up and down the scale, and different levels of government support apply to each stage.”


I think Nicola said ‘I don’t know’ in answer to the once in a generation question because she did not want to say Alex Salmond.


Robert J. Sutherland says:
23 November, 2019 at 4:33 pm
Breeks @ 15:42,

Actually, you touch on the weakness of your approach (and the SNP’s ultimate end game), namely that since the people of Scotland are constitutionally paramount, there’s no point in taking the issue to a legal-constitutional showdown….

Disagree. Important distinction Robert… It’s not a judgement “creating” a Sovereignty I seek, because yes, that already exists so why reinvent it, but a Constitutional Judgement IS required if the object is to clarify Sovereignty and to secure International Recognition.

The Declaration of Arbroath lay idle without reply for eight years until after the peace accord between Scotland and England, the 1328 Edinburgh/Northampton Agreement and recognition by the Pope.

It’s not a reborn Constitution we need, but a revision of it’s international recognition. If we win that in a Constitutional Courtroom, then it becomes unlawful ‘not’ to recognise us.


Reading all he above posts it seems that Nicola Sturgeon is the party leader of the third biggest party in Westminster, and so had every right to be on the programme. This fact seems to be overlooked.

Dr Jim

Yoon short for Unionist as in the sound
Natz or Nats short for people who support Scottish Independence

The origins of who began the derogatory nicknames for other groups in order to demean them is common in todays political discourse but however has been in use in the English language as far back as records began and used as a propaganda tool against enemies of the state both foreign and domestic

In more recent times commonly used politically to belittle opposition to the government and no doubt engineered by advisers to governments from the success of wartime propaganda strategies: see Jerries Fritz Krauts for Germans, Ities Italians, Frogs French people and so on

Domestic insults: Paddies Micks for Irish, Jocks or Scotch for Scottish people Taffies for the Welsh which was an English language nursery rhyme

England has a long and replete history of the use of insulting language for those it does not favour

The moral of my wee potted history is *We didnae start it*
but GRFUY we kin dae it anaw


The United Kingdom inhabits a world of feigned diversity, inclusivity and cheap ‘gay’ emotionalism. The retreat from the intellectual, the rational and the cultural must end, for Scotland, with independence. We can and must do much better than this tacky ‘fin de siècle’ Ukania.

Dr Jim

Just had an email from my local branch and it looks like Swinsons car crash on the Telly has sent her bus into reverse according to todays door knockers

Let’s hope the dark and the cold keep the pensioners who voted for her last time….in the hoose

ronnie anderson

Scot Finlayson says at 4:12 pm


Jaguar and Land Rover cars are owned by Indian company Tata Group.

Exactamondo! Hence why I put the British in inverted commas.

Same shit as when they plastered the new Mini with Union Jackassery, even though it was BMW…
Mind you, the original Mini was designed by the chap with that very British sounding name, what was it again…eh, John Smith, no not him, Alexandros Arnoldos Konstantinos Isigonis, that’s him.

ronnie anderson
Robert J. Sutherland

Golfnut @ 17:48,

Obliged for the reminder, and worth repeating (with gusto):

in the Smith Commission agreement, it clearly and emphatically states that the agreement does not in anyway prevent the people of Scotland having another referendum. This agreement was signed by all parties including the Tories.

Reluctant Nationalist

‘Guffie’ is the correct term for the Glish. Or ‘Hemorr’. Or ‘Wanker’. Follow my lead.


Dr Jim, Cannae argue with your posts,always on the money and I enjoy reading them.


IZZIE 7.03pm. Which was why I thought,she was asked that question , to try and put her on the spot.

Colin Alexander

People seem to forget: UK political parties, UK Govts can promise the Earth, Moon and stars.

But under the Great British traditions which pretend to be a GB constitution: UK Parliament cannot bind future parliaments, even though UK Parliament is regarded as sovereign via the sovereignty of the Crown ( of the British Empire / England) in Parliament.

So, if UK Parliament isn’t bound by UK Parliament, the Smith Commission certainly cannot bind UK Parliament.


Dr Jim
You mention the various rude nicknames appended to political or national groups.
The most apt is actually Tory, which comes from Irish Gaelic and means thief, bandit, or robber.
It has been current for about 300 years and was never more appropriate than today.


In England the Monarch in Parliament is sovereign. (ref Dicey).

In Scotland the people are sovereign.

How is that will determined? An obvious way would be that recognised by Mrs Thatcher being a majority of Scottish MPs with presumably a majority of Scottish votes for a party wishing to assert that authority. Another mode would be a majority in a referendum.etc etc

It may require an action of declarator to the Scottish Supreme Court (ref Treaty of Union) or simply UK Government coming to its senses and accepting the political reality.


This GE is a knife fight.

The SNP need to be taking a knife to it and start by going full Trump on the Fake News lying bastard media.


How far, how far has the BBC betrayed its founding aspirations!

_ “This Temple of the Arts and Muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors of Broadcasting in the year 1931, Sir John Reith being Director General. It is their prayer that good seed sown may bring forth a good harvest, that all things hostile to peace or purity may be banished from this house, and that the people, inclining their ear to whatsoever things are beautiful and honest and of good report, may tread the path of wisdom and uprightness.”

(Translation of Latin inscription in the foyer of Broadcasting House)



It’s BBC make it up as you go along news at its very worst.
This is BBC electioneering on behalf of the British nationalist parties through misinformation and lies.

Dr Jim

Jo Swinsons lead in East Dunbartonshire has dropped to 4 points over the SNP, that’s a whisker away from the Lib Dem leader losing her seat and boy will I do a dance if she does

Maybe the pensioners in my area have seen the light or at least won’t go out and vote for her in the dark


Turns out Stewart Hosie was brilliant on Newsnight.

link to


Dr Jim, let’s hope they stay in and watching the telly. The future of Scotland is with their grandchildren. The future ain’t orange it’s Scottish!!


Just picked up on Facebook. Johnson appeared to be wearing an earpiece during question time. I’ll try and get some more info later. Bedtime. Night all.


Ahundredthidiot, I’ts not even a knife fight! It’s a gun fight and you don’t take a knife to a gun fight…….unless you want to loose!!
Our foot is on their neck. The good guys in the films always give the bad guy a last chance and they always pay for that. Break their neck and put a couple of dull ones in them for good measure, that’s what Dirty Harry would do and their would only be one winner.
The empire never plays fair, they always have to be brought kicking and screaming to the table!!
I need to stop having cheese on toast before I go to bed!!!


I will never ever again look in the same way at a Sally Army band and its tambourines without thinking of Janey Godley.



Dr Jim

French journalist on the BBC says “you should never believe polls, expecially polls in the UK”

Says it all when foreign correspondents see and speak out about the corruption in the UK


Seems there’s a few polls suggesting Con lead over Labour in the low to mid teens.

Absolute dearth of info relating to Scotland.

No pollsters caring or do they have info but scared of the stampede if its released?



New Scottish Westminster poll, Panelbase 20-22 Nov (changes vs 9-11 Oct);
link to

link to

link to


Sunday Times hides its Scotland Panelbase poll which puts SNP on 40% 0r 41 seats

Daily Mail / Sunday Herald /BBC diging up other isolated health issues to create a non existent scandal


Gordon Brewer is interviewing Jeanne Freeman about the QEUH on his politics show. Is this day 9 or 10 of the hospital hysteria? Apparently some people have died in hospital. Perhaps they were ill and that’s the reason they were in hospital.

He’s going to refer to the escalation process as “special measures” although he knows that’s the English procedure and so not appropriate. He probably doesn’t want to refer to “support” as it’s called in Scotland, home of Radio Scotland.

Just read for John Robertson’s growing number of articles on this grim obsession that’s gripped RScotland – uniquely in the UK.


@Nana: 8.41

Thanks for that, going to have to work for every vote. 40% not high enough. Street vibe suggests its higher but taking nothing for granted. Those silent Unionist are hard to crack.



Aye Gordon Brewer says

“Were not talking politics for most of the programme today Isobel”.

“We’re interviewing Jean Freeman the Health Minister and the news that a third child was ill in the same hospital in September”

Aye right! Good old auntie wie a kilt! 🙁


Nana Great Panelbase for Scottish Tories putting them back up to 28%, just 1% below their 2019 score. The small 1% swing from Tories to SNP would see the SNP only take a single seat, Stirling, from the Tories while the Tories hold 12 of their 13 seats


Sorry just 1% below their 2017 score


Lot going on in Scotland these days – BBC Scotland website still dominated by an unfortunate car crash in Lewis.

Terry callachan

HYUFD…9.19am…..But there is a very good chance tories could lose twelve of their 13 seats


Its just another drip, drip, drip to the gullible, any negative story “Shortbeard” wireless or TV can feed out, they will do so. Constant negatives keep the public down/low in wellbeing. Forget the real issues that are blighting the UK, just keep the gullible thick. And yes I mean thick, a while back I had a conversation with a lass in my home town, Labour supporter, loved Ruth the mooth, “because she’s funny” !!?? go figure, hated Nicola Sturgeon, when asked why, I think the reply was “she’s not funny and she’s too serious”. If only they knew what situation Scotland would be in without Nicola Sturgeon at the helm. This is one of the many reasons I gave up the TV licence.
The empire propaganda machine are losing, they know it, and us that are clued up ( I am no expert) know it.
I think we all know the game the establishment are playing, any good,decent politician in the SNP Scottish Government, shows up the inadequacy’s of the so called “mother of all parliaments,”!? and they will do their best by any means to try and smear and get rid of the politician in question.(to basically weaken the government,) its been tried and tested for generations by the Empire. After all Scotland can’t be shown to be better than the HQ of the Empire, can it?
A confident,positive population/country are harder to control, when that control is being applied from another country.



Terry Callachan If this new Scotland only Panelbase poll is correct and the Tories are on 28% in Scotland there is no chance the Tories will lose 12 seats, in fact on that poll they would lose no more than 1 Scottish Tory seat


HYUFD says:

Scottish Tory

I would opine that there is no such thing, only Tories in Scotland.


Sinky says:
24 November, 2019 at 8:43 am
Sunday Times hides its Scotland Panelbase poll which puts SNP on 40% 0r 41 seats

Daily Mail / Sunday Herald /BBC diging up other isolated health issues to create a non existent scandal…

Same old Unionists. Same old propaganda unburdened by truth, scrutiny, or right of reply.

Be warned… the BritNat media will do with a Section 30 refusal, (making a referendum ‘illegal’), exactly what they did with Scotland’s currency policy in 2014. Ignore the detail and cost checked practicality, and scream hysterically from dust til dawn about their version of their pedalled narrative.

Despite us having a cohesive and practicable Currency strategy, it wasn’t punchy or glossy, and the question of Currency was not adequately dealt with in 2014. Now, in 2019 the need, or otherwise, of a Section 30 Agreement is not being adequately dealt with either. History is repeating itself. This is where we lose ground, waiting patiently for the SNP to answer these questions by howitzer, only the SNP big guns remain silent.

Please note too, the in-built weakness in both issues is an identical intrinsic component, – that Scotland’s strategy requires the UK government to cooperate, and thus when Westminster says no, it is a veto, and Scotland’s strategy is undone.

Why are we giving them a UK backstop position to truncate Scotland’s options, when it really ought to be Scotland settling in behind Scottish Constitutional Backstop restricting Westminster’s options???

Answers written on a howitzer shell please…

Terry callachan

Do not believe the polls
It’s a trick
You do not know who the people are that are polled, no names given no idea what their circumstances are or what their background is or how they were chosen did they volunteer without being contacted or did they put themselves forward in some other way or were they chosen from an existing database ,no way are they chosen randomly.
All very secretive in the name of privacy of course.
The pollsters keep a database of people they have used in the past and therefore they know what those peoples previous choices were, from that they can predict to a closer and closer degree what the answers to questions will be as the profile of those people is honed into a predictable history of their political views.
Their database they can be split into what they call segments which they use to target groups in new polls asking them questions where they know what the responses are likely to be.
This affords the pollsters to exclude groups of people that they know will give answers that the pollsters do not want.
That’s why the polls are always from small numbers of people a few hundred or a thousand or two, easier to control ,the risk of their predicted answers from their chosen segments being a bit different to what the pollsters expect increases when they increase the numbers polled.

It’s just another weapon in the armoury of Westminster politics.
People a decade ago would never have thought that the BBC lied on purpose to the people on a regular basis but the BBC have made mistakes and have been found out, people do not trust them anymore because they now know the BBC is just a propaganda media for Westminster .

The Polls are the same, the people involved interchange between BBC ITV Sky the newspapers and pollsters.
A well run machine to keep you misinformed which can sow the seeds of doubt in your mind so readily because you never ever want to believe that your government and all the media outlets and agencies you have readily have trusted throughout your whole life are actually working against you fooling you keeping you under control so that the masses do the work for less than they should be getting paid for the job just so that the rest of what you should be getting can be taken as profit by the rich who do not actually work.

Terry callachan

HYUFD…9.49am….that’s a big IF….you know yourself the tories will lose seats , it’s just a matter of how many, could be just six or seven, could twelve won’t be less.


Brewer the fake former Trotskyite doing his utmost best in behalf
His Tory pay masted you make the infection control issues at our new
Non PPI funded super hospital appear on the same footing of the Holocaust.

Now actively interrupting any points made positive for SNP or independence.

It’s what he is paid for an money always comes before the well being of Scotland


Why is the BBC assisting in the sweeping under the carpet of the Fifty + deaths of Mothers and Babies in Shrewsbury, and Morecambe before it, who has been challenge over these scandals which Minister has been asked to resign and why not. Please inform us BBC . . why not ?

Colin Alexander

I’ve no doubt negative stories about the Scottish NHS are primarily for anti-SNP, anti-independence propaganda purposes. However, the Scot Govt also bring that on themselves, by their ongoing failure to make Health Boards more accountable to the public.

And also because of the Scot Govt’s unwillingness to get involved until the situation has escalated in the media.

But, let’s never forget, the personal tragedies for the families involved where members of their families have died is very real and their complaints are very real too.

Sadly, even when the Scot Govt is eventually shamed enough to take political intervention, I expect the families won’t get the answers they were looking for. How no?

The Health Boards and Scot Govt know that in Scots Law, medical negligence law suits are perhaps the hardest civil litigation cases to win. So, it pays for the Health Board and Scot Govt to NOT give information that can later be used as evidence in court against the Health Boards to prove negligence.

The Scottish NHS has a huge office block in Edinburgh stuffed full of lawyers and advocates advising their clients (health boards and health board staff) to say nothing, admit nothing. Don’t give any facts that would be evidence of negligence. Deny. Deny. Deny. Deny the truth. Cover-up.

So it will be made as hard as possible for the patients’ families to obtain and prove the facts in court that would prove medical negligence contributed to their loved ones dying.

In Scots Law there is no rule of disclosure of evidence. In Scots Law Defenders are allowed to conceal evidence unless a recovery of documents order is applied for but, you can’t make an order for documents you don’t know about. You aren’t allowed to “fish” for evidence. In contrast, in the USA and England and Wales, the Defenders have a legal duty to give the Pursuers / Plaintiffs the evidence they have (whether they do is another matter).

Not referring to any case in particular: Health Boards know by concealing the truth, if there IS negligence involved, most people will eventually give up; the strain too much to cope with and their chances of winning a medical negligence case too remote due to the burden of proving their case when facts are deliberately concealed. So those guilty of negligence, more often than not, get away with it.

link to

Colin Alexander

However, the criticisms of Health Boards has nothing to do with the UK General Election and electing MPs to Westminster.

We need to vote SNP.

The Empire propaganda tries to make the public think that not voting SNP will somehow be a good thing for the Scottish NHS and the families who have lost loved ones. It won’t.

For all it’s faults the Scottish NHS would be much worse under direct rule of British Govts or sold off to private companies under a Boris Johnson / Trump trade deal.

In my opinion under British Empire rule eventually there wouldn’t be a Scottish NHS; it would be private health care for those that can afford it and so many more people would suffer and die earlier from lack of health care.


I do wish the snp had not made trident a red line
It is an extremely high worth negotiating point
I wish they would stop talking about supporting Labour when they don’t know the election outcome. It makes them sound childish


Shug says:

I do wish the snp had not made trident a red line
It is an extremely high worth negotiating point

I see both sides. Want them gone asap, but accept it is one of the two HUGE negotiating levers Scotland has (along with England’s need to be seen as the continuing state).

There’s an unavoidable aspect which seems to get overlooked. Internationally it will be unsustainable for one country to house its entire nuclear arsenal on another country’s territory in the long term. Basically it’s a ridiculous idea, even after morality and legality have been considered.

The SNP and SG should have a policy in line with reality – the WMDs need to be removed as soon as is practical and there should be no interim upgrading. How long? Guess, single figure years.

Post YES win, England’s two big concerns, IMO, will be their WMDs in the short term and their continuing state status. Negotiations could be simple and smooth, unlike the EU Withdrawal negotiations!

Fergus Green

Absolutely agree with making Trident removal a ‘red line’.

Call Corbyn’s bluff. Call him out for the hypocrite he is on nuclear weapons.

Also, give a clear message to the people of Scotland the the removal of WMDs from Scottish soil, before or after indy, is not a bargaining chip.

Swami Backverandah

Meanwhile, over on twitter

“In the light of the latest polling, I wish Nicola would talk less about her demands for supporting a Labour government (which frankly isn’t going to happen) and more about what the SNP will do if the Tories gain an absolute majority (which is, alas, likely).”

They would follow legal advice, and tut.


SNP, by supporting Labour and making the removal of Trident a red line is just sooooo antagonising all folks of a right wing aspirational bent.
Utter madness!!


Its funny how many people think you can win a country back AND be nice and shiney and smelling of roses at the same time. I mean im not sure any country has ever won its sovereignty without at least the threat of violence underpinning its negotiations/efforts. So we are +1 already on that. What a bunch of dumb,naive, inexperienced arrogant idealists so many of you are. Its shameful.

Colin Alexander

So, in the unlikely event Labour is a minority govt and it tries to pass legislation that the SNP is in favour of,

Are the SNP gonnae abstain / vote NO to block that legislation if Corbyn won’t give a s30? I don’t think so. They would be accused of backing the Tories, cutting their noses off to spite their faces etc.

So, if Labour forms the next UK Govt and rejects / delays a s30, the SNP should leave WM at least for the duration of that Parliament. Leave British Labour with their British Empire allies at WM (the Torie/ LibDems etc).

Likewise, if the Tories won, the SNP should leave UK Parliament.

The SNP should concentrate on Scotland and delivering their promised referendum on independence.


And meanwhile the loyal subjects of her majesty wake up to this morning’s news that Jeffrey Einstein’s madam was in recent months a visitor to Buckingham Palace to discus the Prince Andrew scandal.

Clearly old Queenie is every bit as much a Madam as Einstein’s pimp.

And we as Royal Subjects are paying huge sums to support this freeloading scum.

Brothel-ham Palace headed by the biggest Madam of them all – ER2, defender of the Union, anti Scottish Independence, and God Mother of child prostitution at the big house.

But we knew that already.

Bob Mack


Never ,ever ,saw Ghandi with a gun.


Ukraine seems to be engaging with Russia in a hot war without having nuclear capability. No?

Colin Alexander

Scottish freedom by democratic, peaceful, non-violent means.

Violence is the way of the British Empire.

Bob Mack

@Colin Alexander,

Hospitals are brimming with peolle who have illness AND infections. Add to this the number of visitors to any hospital on any given day, you have a recipe for tragedy.

Especially if thefe are people with already compromised body defence systems induced by serious conditions.

Deaths will occur sadly In the instances highlighted tbere happened to be problems with a fault in hospital utilities at the same time.

Very difficult to defend.


So the most dishonest of all trolls drops ideas here and there waiting for some eedjit to run with them.

Do not feed the trolls. They are called concern trolls because they kid on that they support you but that kid on goes on till they suck in a sucker to run more extremely with the ideas they planted.

They get a salary and a pension and a gong. You get shafted.

Colin Alexander

Bob Mack @1.22pm

That’s very true. Even with perfect healthcare humans can catch infections and die, especially those with compromised immune systems. We do know there are faults with hospitals. Whether that contributed to recent patient deaths, I cannot say. I do not have the expertise or specific knowledge to comment on that.

The NHS is a huge organisation. Of course sometimes mistakes happen. Of course sometimes there is negligence. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. SNP govts can’t change people and should not be blamed for others’ negligence.

But when negligence happens, Health Boards and govts (Scottish and UK) deal with errors / negligence by covering it up to protect reputations and prevent patients’ and patients’ families from obtaining redress politically or in court. That’s something that should have changed but hasn’t.

Dr Jim

Every day literally hundreds of folk from England troll Scotlands FM on twitter complaining about what she should be doing to help them either get rid of Labour or get rid of the Tories or complain about Scotlands FM breaking up their country

All these folk from England never give one thought to the fact that they’re responsible for the politics in their own country, they’re the people who keep voting in the politicians they say they don’t like and then when Scotland agrees with them and says we’re off and don’t want any part of your choices the English get shitty about it and turn it into Scotlands fault that England broke its own political system and Scotland should somehow do something about it then shut up and be told what to do all over again

The idea of slavery in England is still alive and thriving in that country when the people who live there piss all over their own bathroom floor but demand that Scots clean it up for them, and if we don’t there’ll be retribution brought upon us

They begin with attempted persuation, then cajolery, then angry blackmail, and the finale is always threats, and all the while maintaining their position of arrogant supremecy as the chosen people and holders of all the titles and honours they feel are rightly owed to them as the most important place on the planet

When you keep voting for ideologists instead of democrats you can’t then complain about believing the shit they sold you and turn to others and blame them
Scotland and its people aren’t the whipping boys of Englands lack of democracy

Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn aren’t Scotlands fault, we told you over and over again by our voting habits and you rubbished us, we tried to co-operate and you rubbished us

The SNP is the best thing that’s ever happened to Scotland because we broke the system and England can do the same, but you can’t blame Nicola Sturgeon for doing her job of protecting Scotland then on the other hand demand she do the same for England and if she doesn’t you hate her

Would England hire a plumber from Edinburgh to fix their pipes if their own local plumbers were rubbish and would they blame him if he said no get yourself a better English plumber than you have at the moment my job is in Scotland, well they wouldn’t would they but they seem to think they are entitled to demand Scotlands politicians should help fix their country then impolitely tell them to bugger off straight back to Scotland

Sorry England but peoples acceptance of poor behaviour by others has its limits and Scotlands limits have been reached


@ Bob Mack

Yeah…so why dont you get out there with your wee white robe and inspire the people then?

The backdrop of Ghandi was an India that had literally massacred every single British person they could get their hands on in the 19th Century until order (colonial control) had been restored. The precedent had been set. Ghandi was admirable but behind him was big potential trouble.

Of course, your feel-good, fancy fact omitting BS doesnt take such into consideration. Because its not comfortable for your wee progressive mind to handle.

I repeat – many of you people are an ignorant embarrassment to regular Scottish people (pro indy or not).


And to change the subject a tad has anyone noticed the piece about SSE and National Grid having transferred ownership of their utility businesses to companies in Switzerland.

Yeh, that’s it, hard infrastructure llocsted in zScotland, delivering power in Scotland, built by public subscription before being sold off – and now, like so much else, owned by corporate raiders in an off shore tax country.

Makes you realise what a servile populace the folks in Scotland really are.

And meanwhile, if I’m not being to rude, I wonder who is being entertained at Brothel-Ham palace today.. The ghost of Sir Jimmy Saville, Ghislaine Maxwell, a few fourteen year old girls and their pimp. Ah we are such a tolerant group of subjects. Child abuse, a royal pastime?

Keep warm this winter though. Keep the corporate profits up. Tip, tip!


Dr Jim

I think you need to get out more and access a bigger variety of information sources…


@ Willie

Please. Stop talking about global Elite Pedophile rings. You will get the tax cattle nervous. ThanQ

Jock McDonnell

Adam Price was on Marr today. I remember him from before – I think he left the HoC to go to Harvard.
Anyway – with him in charge, PC are finally getting their shoulders to the wheel.


Willie @2.18pm.

The unionist media took great delight in reporting that Iran raised its fuel cost for its population, even after the hike in prices Iran’s fuel cost are still much cheaper than ours and we have gas, oil, coal and wind power.

Scots are and have been for decades robbed blind on fuel costs, and will continue to be until a government in a independent Scotland does something about it.


Willie @ 2.18pm.

I forgot to adc than we also have hydro-electric power as well which only adds to shame.

Robert J. Sutherland

Shug @ 11:49,

I agree on both points. There’s no doubting Nicola’s sincerity and longstanding ambition to remove the obscenity of nukes from Scottish soil, but we equally have no right to impose that view on the English, who collectively may take a different view (and are entitled to it, if they can manage it). To me this posturing smacks of “mitigation-in-reverse”, ie. a fundamentally Unionist view with far too much attention being paid to matters that we should instead be aiming to junk.

The SNP campaign should be about “getting independence done” (to borrow a slogan). Independence will take care of the nuclear weapon issue, one way or another. Bringing it up now may be a ploy for getting attention, but it looks to me far too much like virtue-signalling that could rebound, especially among potential converts. There is a time for everything, and this issue is way too premature.

As to your other point, I have also been thinking that the SNP looks far too much like hanging on Labour’s coat-tails. A shoogly peg at best, but in effect it also projects precisely the wrong message, namely that Labour are the big guys and the SNP are the also-rans. Its far too defensive – almost cringy even – and looks like the SNP are in danger of not learning the lesson of 2017.

Maybe it’s all intended as an attempt to further undermine Labour’s position in Scotland, which seems to me a waste of effort since Labour are getting on fine doing that for themselves. It’s the Tories that the SNP should be tackling head-on, IMO.

Above all, the SNP needs to have the clear ambition to get independence done, not just footer around trying to put a few more sticking plasters on UKOK.


Maajid Nawaz extolling the virtues of Boris Johnson on LBC now. The more I listen to Narwaz (and its hard listening I might add) the more I think Narwaz is a state actor.


RJS 11.49

Exactly so.

Bob Mack


I know the history of India very well thanks. I also know their Independence was not achieved by being violent. They had tried that already during the Great Mutiny, which of course failed.

Just the same way your approach would fail.

Ghandi====small man with big mind
Joe______just a smal! man with a smaller mind.


Radio news claiming that if Boris Johnson wins the GE the UK will be out of the EU come the 31st of January.

Craig Murray

Republic of Scotland

Naawaz certainly is a state actor. He has had hundreds of thousands of pounds of Home Office funding and both US and UK security service funding through his Quilliam Foundation

Robert J. Sutherland

Shug @ 11:49,
me @ 14:56,

Besides which, the messaging is strangely dissonant. On the one hand Nicola is saying “we’re willing do a deal with Labour”, on the other she is saying “but we have a red line that even Corbyn can’t possibly accept”.

It doesn’t cohere. Is she possibly back-pedalling? Or does she think somehow that she can give Corbyn cover for abolishing a nuclear deterrent that he would do if given half a chance? But there’s a big pro-nuke Labour union lobby, so fat chance of that.

It’s all too “student politics” from Nicola at the moment, I fear.

Jack Murphy

Off Topic.From one year ago.

“Scotland is a great place to do business”

————-Scottish Development International————-

Hilton is proud about the progress of Scotland as a business and leisure tourist destination, believing Scotland is a world-class UK destination outside of London.

An under two minutes YouTube video
link to


To Joe and Bob Mack
Writing this from Delhi and I can tell you that, although Ghandi is greatly revered, his faults are also very much acknowledged.
He probably was too much Hindu centred and it was Nehru who brought the country into the modern world.
Interestingly, for all the bad things carried out by the British and the East India Company, we are highly regarded as having created many worthy parts of modern Indian society for which the Indians are grateful.
The country, although expanding rapidly albeit at a slower rate than previously, is in a shocking state by western standards with collapsing infrastructure, hopeless road networks and appalling housing for the bulk of the population with corruption at all levels of government.

Malcolm Pate

Just been watching the Boris manifesto launch and couldn’t beleive the rant at the end of the questions He said he doesnt do twitter and broke into some intellectual rant. I am sure he is unstable and not fit to hold office. Sky News Adam Boulton was clearly dumfounded. The next couple of weeks are going to be interesting.


n 1704, the Scottish Parliament brought to its knees by England proposed a “treaty” on trade supported in perpetuity with the introduction of new laws securing the liberty, religion, and independency of Scotland.”

England’s response, in 1706 was a “Treaty of Union” offering free trade but only in return for a full union of the kingdoms and parliaments.

link to


I think most people in Scotland and the rest of the UK would agree that the SNP have a right to demand a Section 30 as a price for co-operation at Westminster – that is after all, about Scotland. 100% of the people of Scotland at least exercising self-determination on behalf of Scotland. It’s a “red line” people would nod their heads at.

I think most people in Scotland and the rest of the UK would disagree that the SNP have the right to enforce nuclear disarmament on the UK as a whole. That would be 40% currently of the people of Scotland enforcing their will over the whole UK – something like 3.3% of the UK making decisions for the whole. It’s a “red line” that tries to enforce the will of a very small minority over the majority.

Look at BBC Scotland page about Sturgeon’s “red lines” and what do you see?

Sturgeon: Scrapping Trident is SNP red line

NOTHING about the S30, or any other of these “red lines”.

link to

The BBC Scotland isn’t daft – it will do anything to reduce the vote for the SNP, and like editing out the laughter at Johnson in QT, the BBC as a whole will do anything to reduce Labour’s chance and increase that of the Tories.

The red line over Trident is totally MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction of the Labour party’s chances of government, AND the SNP’s chance of having any leverage at Westminster.

Sturgeon is playing into the hands of the state organ the BBC, with her Trident red line which, if you listen to or read what she actually says, is just one of the red lines with keeping the Tories out of Westminster the first, and the S30 the second. Which in any case should be the other way around.

The SNP should have just one red line for co-operation at Westminster – the demand for the S30 to hold Indy Ref 2. Following a YES vote we care less what Westminster wants to do with itself; it could abolish itself for all we diorectly care though we’d not really want to live next to an autocracy or right-wing dictatorship.


@RJS / @Shug
Beat me to it.

The SNP should be way more than 40% at this stage, even with panelbase. The Trident issue will piss a lot of people off who see far more important things to worry about – like even Brexit. A 2016 Survation poll in Scotland showed only 41% against Trident renewal, with 31% in support. But putting issues in order in that same poll put Trident well down the list of priorioties for everyone apart from a low single figure percentage.

Sturgeon iswas CND – the BBC play her on that like a one string fiddle, perhaps her main weakness. Then they ignore everything else she says and they get the headline they want, rather than the one we want.

Bob Mack


India had one of the worlds top economies for over two thousand years. It only faltered around 2017 for various reasons both internal and international.

It has a young population and will grow again, and of that there is no doubt. No wonder it was considered the Jewel in the British crown.

Interesting how they overcame sectarian tensions to achieve Indy, even though they parted after.


The Tory Manifesto. Also known as,
Sniveler Johnsons Bumper Pamphlet of Spaffing and F*ckwittery 2019.
Tried to send an attached picture, but that technology is way above my pay grade. Maybe some “winger” can do it.

Jack Murphy

TODAY Boris Johnson presents the Tory Manifesto to the Tory Faithful in 2 minutes.

Brilliant speech from Boris Johnson [Alan B’stard],—-“WE DEMAND OUR COUNTRY BACK”.

link to


Opening statement from Boris Johnsons 59 page manifesto.

If there is a majority of Conservative MPs on December 13th, I
guarantee I will get our new deal through Parliament.

We will get Brexit
done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.

I guarantee:

• Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million
more GP surgery appointments a year.

• 20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.

• An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.

• Millions more invested every week in science, schools,
apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.

• Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions
and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.

• We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.

If Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour and Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP team up and take
control on December 13th, we will have two referendums on Brexit and
Scotland in 2020.

Please support a majority Conservative Government so our country
can move on instead of going backwards.


Re my above comment notice how Johnsohn says they’ll be a second indyref in 2020 if Corbyn wins. Could be apart from using that to demean Corbyn at the voting booth, maybe Johnson deep inside knows a second indyref is on the cards no matter who wins the GE.

H Scott

Epic trolling from the Tory manifesto released today:

‘Conservatives have a proud history of upholding
and strengthening the devolution settlements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.’


I would tend to agree that the Trident issue is a mis-call at this stage of the election. A bit disappointing as I think it has been a pretty sound effort so far.

The SNP position is clear but damn near 500 MPs voted to build the replacement submarines. There isn’t much chance our tail is going to wag that dog and making it a red line is pointless. In the end it won’t/can’t be. The S30 should be the only red line. The rest of the Labour manifesto is so close to what the SNP have already delivered that supporting it is effortless.

If we secure independence then we can be shot of Trident. If we don’t secure independence then Trident will remain, not least because Jo has stuff she wants to blow up.

North chiel

With today’s coordinated “ Scottish” newspaper front page attack on our SNHS , the evidence is that this has been a carefully planned by MSM specifically led by Propaganda Quay to “ take out” the Health Secretary Jean Freeman ahead of the GE . There has been a “ drip feed” of negative headline stories for weeks” apparently “ and suspiciously of a more serious nature as the weeks pass. If this “ pattern” continues then possibly there is more to come ( which has been “ held back” ) from “ propaganda Quay “ and if my “ suspicions “ prove to be accurate , look out for “ further revelations” and some “ bombshell revelation” let’s say 7 days or thereabouts our from Dec 12th. Hopefully most Scots who have first hand experience of our Health service recognise and are grateful for the treatment and services received and well know that that the highly skilled & dedicated staff endeavour on a daily basis to provide the very best service & treatment they can for each individual patient . I am sure there is “ heartache” not only for families tragically losing loved ones , but also for the dedicated staff who try to save them , each and every working day of their lives .

Col.Blimp IV

Breeks says:

“Despite us having a cohesive and practicable Currency strategy, it wasn’t punchy or glossy, and the question of Currency was not adequately dealt with in 2014.”

I think posterity records an emphatic win to the Unionists in that round of the IndyRef bout.

But that is not how it should have been :

Brown and Darlings assertions backed up by “Treasury Spokespersons” – that the English would refuse to let us use their precious pounds – was patently ludicrous and for all intents and purposes a barefaced lie.

We were being asked to believe that the brand new English Government would gleefully sabotage their own currency, by reducing by 10% the number of people/organizations using it and divorce it from assets like oil and spirit revenues at a time when stability would be particularly important.

For no other reason than to permit the two unionjakasses who were in charge of the economy the last time it crashed – To say “WE TOLD YOU SO!” to the F’ing Jocks?

Does anyone really think that one would play to the English electorate the way the Doomsters said it would?

And what about the Scottish electorate?

The Darling/Brown doctrine was/is … Dear Scotland – The English despise us with a passion – Therefore we must permit them to control every aspect of our lives for ever and ever amen.

I don’t know how many of the 55% bought into that guff, but I’m sure less of them would have, if only we had exposed it for what it was.


“I am Jean Freeman”

She is way above her trash critics who use the grief of poor parents as a political weapon.

Shame on them. Shame on them.SHame on the BBC.

Robert J. Sutherland

dadsarmy @ 16:12,

At times like this I’m reminded of a saying attributed (among many, rightly or otherwise) to Henry Ford, who as a boy worked on a farm in Michigan, which goes (I paraphrase) that you handle a pile of potatoes best by picking the ones nearest you at the bottom; the ones much harder to reach at the top make their way to you eventually.

Independence doesn’t on its own solve any other problems, but it does set things up in such a way that makes resolving them (have to) happen.

First things first.

Socrates MacSporran


I see from his twitter feed, the Aberdeen-supporting Rev is not happy with referee Kevin Clancy’s performance in today’s match.

Listen Rev, just be thankful you are not into rugby and have to put-up with Kevin’s distant Irish cousin George Clancy.

Colin Alexander

I have no problem with the SNP having red lines.

Red lines or no red lines, the SNP will still be ignored or treated with utter contempt by the Empire’s politicians, as they represent Scotland’s sovereign people.


This isn’t the easiest survey to pick the bones out of, but looking at it, for respondents’ first priorities the NHS and social care comes 1st at 31.3%, which is no surprise, and the economy 2nd at 20.2%. Trident comes 10th out of 13 at 1.8%.

link to

Yes, many issues are mostly or partly devolved but Brexit has a potential effect on all of them. It’s what the SNP refer to in April 2019 as “The latest Survation poll”, from 2016:

link to

So basically speaking the SNP with their Trident red line which WILL be reported as the major item by all the media, are playing to an already converted gallery of just 1.8% of Scotland, and risking the annoyance of the other 98.2%.

Pretty [redacted] stupit. And inwardly obsessive.

Yes, Independence automatically brings about bye-bye Trident from Scotland within 10 years, for obvious reasons.

Dr Jim

This politicised blaming of Health Ministers by the opposition is as tiresome and sickening as it gets, no medical professional gets up in the morning not intending to do the best they can for the patients in front of them, nobody want’s anyone to get sick, but they do and sometimes the worst happens but that worst is not normally the fault of anyone not doing their job, it’s just life going wrong leading to a disaster for some poor folk who have to bear it, then the job is to find the problem and fix it if you can so the risk in future is less likely, but no problem can ever be eliminated because nothing is perfect

Politicians who use this as a tool for votes when it’s clearly an unwanted tradegy that health professionals immediately attempt to find remedies for are beneath contempt especially when they themselves belong to parties whose record on resolving these difficulties is almost non existent, particularly when those same politicians opposed the building of new hospitals in the first place or the saving and refurbishment of others then squeal holier than thou about the efforts of others to do the right thing

The media’s exploitation of the families in these tradegies is also in line for contempt when they use it to promote their own favoured political party or indeed attempt to destroy another in the process for what? News? They sicken me

Bereaved families cry out for support because they don’t want to be bereaved in the first place, nobody does, they want their loved one back again and nobody can do that for them, to have your family tradegy splattered all over the teatime news for the sake of politics I just can’t imagine how that must feel for families, it’s horrible

Tam the Bam.

Socrates MacSporran @ 5-36pm

Having witnessed some of Clancy’s inexplicable decisions,I can well understand him being a tad underwhelmed.
Personally..I cant quite get my head round why any sane person would willingly become a referee.Having said that..I’m glad wee Doogie Ross MP gives up his Sat afternoons to ‘run the lines.
I always single him out for extra attention (mainly vocal!) when we have to suffer his appearances @ Cappielow (Greenock Morton FC).

Tam the Bam.

Dr Jim @ 6-12pm

Well said…my thoughts exactly.


How will the BBC manage to edit the bumbling buffoon at his own manifesto launch, with this cracker of how to not answer a question?

link to


Wee O/T
Any film/screen writers on wings.
Forest Trump.


The ramblings of a F*CKING IDIOT. I noticed the slight delay in his ramblings, could be the ear piece giving him answers was thrown by the question.
I am proud to say that I despise everything about Thatcher, but even she will be spinning in her purgatory, at the sorry excuse of a PM.

Terry callachan

TRIDENT , or , let’s call them WMD , weapons of mass destruction , you know , those things that Westminster said IRAQ had , Westminster proceeded to totally destroy IRAQ but then after doing so they said “ OH”
“ IRAQ doesn’t have WMD after all “

Sure Scotland should have a red line
We want that damn stuff removed from our country and if t takes more than a single day we will be charging you millions and millions of £ England for each and every day thereafter that it takes you to remove them.
There will be zero tolerance
Scotland will not negotiate any deals you will just remove them and pay the cost of doing so in advance

For those advocating that SNP should not have red lines on this so that more right wing people can possibly be persuaded to support Scottish independence , take a hike, getting rid of trident has been on the SNP menu for many years right wing people are selfish self centred and will not be persuaded to support Scottish independence if they are against Scottish independence by avoiding mention of this long-standing policy and believe me right wing anti Scottish independence people already know about our plan to get rid of trident and nuclear weapons.

Camouflaging you’re red lines won’t work
Be and show what and who you are

H Scott

The Trident red line could be being set up to be traded away in any SNP/Labour agreement. Also a distraction from indyref2 issue between SNP & Labour.

Dr Jim

@Terry callachan 7:13pm

Absolutely right tell people straight and honest what you’re about and you’ll know where you are with them because they’ll know what you’re position is and you’ll never need to lie to cover anything up

Perhaps the FMs just reminding the vast amount of students and Greens who support the ridding Scotland of Nuclear weapons and the SNP stance on it so they’re sure of who they want to vote for, a vote winner I would have thought

In this current climate honesty’s a joy


getting rid of trident has been on the SNP menu for many years

With a whole, massive, enormous 1.8% of people in Scotland having it as their number one priority – and that was BEFORE the EU Referendum caused Brexit to be a major issue.

Yeah, let’s fuck up Independence for the sake of that 1.8%.

Anyone for another 312 years of the fucking Union?


BBC Scotland channel news at 7 piled on pressure. “Freeman refuses to resign” then has three unionists adding their bile and allowed Cole Hamilton to pose in front of political No Brexit and No indy banner.

Robert Louis

Jock McDonnell, at 233pm,

Indeed, Adam Price, is a very clever man, with genuine credibility. No wonder plaid are on the up.


link to

Table 34 and as well as that just 1.8% who make it their No 1 priority, look at the minisule few who even make it number 2, 3, 4 …

As a policy no problem, as a “red line” there can be only one – Indy Ref 2.

There can be only one “red line” – Indy Ref 2 in 2020.

I’ll repeat that:

There can be only one “red line” – Indy Ref 2 in 2020.

Where, with a YES vote and Independence, Trident is gone in a maximum of 10 years anyway.


Miles of trudging but that’s another half dozen supporters identified and registered to vote over weekend.
Highlighting the ongoing threats to our Scottish National Health Service from an ever crazier Conservative party is all I’ve needed to mention.
Have always thought the loss of our free at point of need healthcare would wake folk from their political slumbers.

Ian Brotherhood

@Dr Jim (6.12) –

Hear hear sah!



@sassenach at 6:52 pm

Crikey, that’s incredible. Think I’ll just save that clip onto my phone and play it to folk when they answer the door.
It should save me a load of effort trying to explain complex shizzle.
I’ll simply say “You really think this guy is really suitable to hold the position of PM?”.

Trident is missile… But he is most definitely a fuckin rocket!

Dr Jim

There was a mad Yoon type guy trolling away about the Trident nuclear missile being a deterrent and all the shit we’ve all heard them do about how nobody ever invades anybody with Nukes and all that guff

A guy had the most brilliant comeback I’ve heard yet, he said
“I’ve got a big special rock in my garden to deter Tigers and no Tiger has ever invaded my garden”

Jockanese Wind Talker

Aye and Trident was really effective at deterring the Argentinians from invading the Falkland Islands in 1982 as well @Dr Jim.


@ Bob Mack

Ok. So no threat of violence in India. Gotcha.

I know while we are just making shit up – lets just identify as ‘independent’ as a collective sexuality and leave it at that.


Quite frankly a lot of Scots couldn’t give two hoots about Trident.

It’s not important or if it is we’re the boys to do the nuking. Think dippy shit Swinson, finger on the button ready to rock and you get the picture.

She’d roast your child alive the piece of shit she is
She would recover gold from teeth that one.

But back to the issue. Many Scots don’t care….
It’s always someone else who’ll get roasted.

Robert Kerr

Is Trident the new Self Gendering trope?

Dr Jim

Both Michael Fallon and Jeremy Hunt slipped up when they said that having a Nuclear detterent made a country a target, they were talking about North Korea of course, but the Michael Fallon gaff was on STV and he was talking to Bernard Ponsonby who immediately wouldn’t let him off the hook and Fallons aide had to intervene and declare the interview over with Bernard still throwing the question at him “So Scotland’s a target then Mr Fallon”

Mr Fallon ran away dead quick, rapido, scarpered, did one, legged it

The most dangerous people in the world right now are Trump and Johnson, both these men are big babies playing at *countries* they don’t understand or care that people are actual people who inhabit the planet, they’ll only notice they’re missing when they can’t get a waiter


Been out all day and catching up now, haven’t seem this posted previously btl.

link to

Dr Jim

@Dan 9:09pm

Cut out the law and impose dictatorship, we saw this in the 30s with another guy in Germany


In a thousand years time who’ll know the difference, and we’ll still be posting to the same thread. Which will probably be 1,100 postings long by then.

Robert J. Sutherland

Dan @ 21:09,
Dr Jim @ 21:14,

“It couldn’t happen here, we have our problems but this is a civilised country.” As we know only too well, that was said by many unsuspecting innocents before, so no reassurance available for us there.

I’ve been warning about this already, these “Henry VIII” powers and all, we can’t afford to delude ourselves by thinking we have forever-and-a-day to work things out, we have to get out of this damned UK ASAP. Or even sooner.


Nicola Sturgeon is absolutely right to reaffirm the SNP’s total opposition to Trident and all nuclear weapons. That is a moral stance totally worthy of our support, and a long-standing SNP policy commitment. She would be a fool to renege on it.

It serves as further evidence that she is a politician with real principles. She should be commended for them. I do not agree with every single one of her principled commitments, but this one is massive – a very important principle indeed. Not just for her, but for far more people than some people here seem to think.

Nicola Sturgeon was a member of CND Scotland before she was ever a member of the SNP. And I suspect that the SNP has had this policy commitment all the time that she has been in it. Read what she says about this in the Observer / Guardian.

Do you really think our chances of independence would increase if she came across as just one more opportunistic and unprincipled chancer. Just like all the other chancers who have risen to the top of their respective dungheaps in all the other Parties?

She is calling CND activist Corbyn’s bluff when he pretends to be pro-renewal of Trident, which can’t be his real position. In the process, she is effectively giving a signal to anti-nuclear voters in England not to despair on this point: they can still vote Labour. If Labour gets sufficient seats to keep the Tories out they will almost certainly need the SNP to hold power, and the SNP will do all they can to make sure the folly of Trident renewal is abandoned once and for always.

And NS is also telling English voters not to make the mistake of switching from Labour to the LibDema, under trigger-happy Jo. Nicola points out how utterly appalling and morally bankrupt Swinson’s statements on using nuclear weapons are.

NS also has a duty to protect the city of Glasgow and the whole of Scotland from weapons of mass destruction. Keeping these wasteful-and-destructive weapons in our backyard offers us no protection at all, and even makes us a target.

She also points out that in terms of conventional defence we have been left enormously short of the basic capacities that a maritime nation like Scotland needs. Instead of wasting money on nonsense like Trident, which no one in their right mind could ever use anyway, we need to build up that maritime capacity. Something which will also provide far more jobs – and better, more purposeful jobs – than Trident ever could or will.

I don’t have a link for Nicola Sturgeon’s Observer article, but all you have to do is go to the Guardian website. It’s on there free. And when I looked at it, insofar as I am able to decipher these things, it seemed to me to be trending very heavily.

As an addendum, which may or may not be of interest (to some it I suppose might be, to others I suppose it definitely won’t) it seems Pope Francis is travelling in Japan, and he was in Nagasaki today. I think he already visited Hiroshima. The only two places in the world where atomic bombs were dropped on civilian populations. Glasgow could be next. He too spoke out against all nuclear weapons, calling them an affront to humanity, and insisting that they ought to be dismantled and permanently disabled.

It doesn’t matter what your religion is, or whether you have one or not, I would have thought that most reasonable and sensible people would agree with that. For sure, he and Nicola are on the same wave-length on this one. Both agree that the enormous sum of money wasted on them is stolen from the poor. As she said it is shameful to spend billions and billions on renewing the deadly and inhumane Trident while so many people live in poverty in its shadow.

Robert J. Sutherland

dadsarmy @ 21:40,

Hmmm, know what you mean, though if this goes on I doubt that anyone will be adding anything (or even visiting) on a far shorter timescale. Like weeks even.

At the very cusp of events too, just when arguably we need it the most.


Imagine for a second if some dipshit, inbred redneck is the President of America, and decides to invade the UK because someone called him a moronic wukfit, he takes the huff, attacks us, then the UK decides to defend itself against said aggressor.
How will the nukes work out in that scenario? cause we rent the nukes from America!! aye they will give us the codes right enough!!
England wants Trident, England can store them, that should be in the SNP manifesto.
Per head of population have a wee look at the number of Israel’s nukes, Americas inbred, Zionist fu*kwit in arms.

Robert J. Sutherland

wull @ 22:11,

Nobody’s asking or expecting her to “renege” on anything, and certainly not her well-known and sincere opinion on nukes, so you are completely missing the point. Which in fact you succeed in proving by launching your lengthy excursion.

The SNP could choose to make this election about all sorts of wonderful reserved matters over which they have absolutely no control, thereby only succeeding in proving how impotent and irrelevant they actually are! We give the media another handful of sticks with which to beat us to replace the old “no indyref” one and we’re back in 2017 territory with all that signifies.

We don’t want England to interfere with our choices, so we should be respectful not to be seeming to force ours on them, especially not by empty posturing, however well-intentioned. (Unless, that is, you think that this signals the start of a novel and unlikely “high interference” policy that aims to get them so aggravated they just kick us out?)

This election should be full-frontal about reinforcing the (nth-degree =sigh=) mandate for indyref2, to move us forward, not be trying however earnestly to “improve” the UKOK in utterly implausible ways.

Ian Brotherhood

Have just posted a bit of a rant here, if anyone fancies commenting or adding to it.


link to


@ Ian Brotherhood: I can see your greenhouse and spiders in my minds eye – very well written.

As for the manipulation of the non-political anoraks – I just have to hope that this year will be a repeat of the 2015 election. The non-anoraks got the point then after all and made their feelings clear. I think we can have faith they won’t be fooled.

Colin Alexander

Ian Brotherhood

Don’t you worry, brother.

Nicola will deliver indyref2 in 2020, cos she said she will.

The Tories or Labour will crumble and give the s30.

I know, cos Nicola says so.

Does it matter that the UK state will again rig any referendum process from start to finish?

BBC and ITV will pump out anti-Scottish independence propaganda 24/7.

The internet will be targetted more thoroughly by the British Empire next time too, as that was the one area YES won last time. Cyber warfare.

But, the SNP won’t mess it up. They have Nicola and experts.

Nicola says indyref1 was the gold standard to be repeated. So, it must be true.

Nicola has a secret plan. She’s read Sun Tzu: The Art of War. So, it’s sorted, in the bag.

Nae worries.

Free by “23.

Ian Brotherhood

@Sarah –


I hope you’re right.



@ Ian Brotherhood: well, Dan and others are daily reporting success stories of converts and public signs of support so there is some evidence here btl to support my optimism.

Plus the small matter of a march 1.6 miles long from Holyrood to the Meadows only 6 weeks ago. An aerial photo showed the head of the march was at the Meadows while the tail was still at Holyrood. So a crowd 1.6 miles long must be around 200,000 folk, all activists.

Goodness, I’m getting really cheerful now!


@ Ian Brotherhood – good spider analogy though I’m not a fan of spiders I do appreciate a well made web, preferably outside on the bushes, shimmering in the dew.

And think of the lucky fly! I see our efforts as the struggle to free ourselves from the sticky deadly webs that bind us. But their webs are all over the place atm, fragmenting and trapping the spinners.


Can’t login to indyref2 site atm.)

Ian Brotherhood

@Sarah –

